The Yak - White Sox Dave Released the Most Perplexing Song of All Time | The Yak 1-20-25

Episode Date: January 20, 2025

Big Cat's pinky remains safeYou can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey Yak listeners, you can find every episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or YouTube. Prime members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. I'm the coolest one out of all of us. That was incredible. Hello, it's the Yak. Welcome in. Promo code Yak. 20% off your first purchase.
Starting point is 00:00:44 Q-Zips, Polos, hoodies, joggers, shorts., promo code Yak, 20% off your first purchase, Q-zips, polos, hoodies, joggers, shorts,, promo code Yak, I'm wearing the new Robak hoodie right now, they're super, super comfortable., promo code Yak, hello everyone. Hello. What's up? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:57 Yeah. Huh? I missed Plinko. That was so much fun. Yeah, it was. That was so much fun. Yeah, it was. That was so much fun. For some people. It's ever evolving.
Starting point is 00:01:09 It'll get better even. Yeah, it will get better. I'll admit it. I want to antique people today. I wanted to antique people today. Yeah, it is MLK Day, which I did walk by me and Brandon this morning, he's like, happy MLK Day. I had a dream that I had the day also.
Starting point is 00:01:24 Oh, no. But I had to snap out of that because I ain't trying to get shot. Happy MLK Day. Happy dueling holidays to Brandon and Mississippi natives. No. You guys are still rolling with the Bobby Lee day? No Bobby. Alabama and Mississippi. You can't do Bobby Lee Day? No, no, no. It is Alabama and Mississippi still celebrating. You can't do Bobby Lee Day on MLK. That might technically still be on the books, but nobody down there celebrates it. Nobody down there.
Starting point is 00:01:51 I would have to imagine someone. That's crazy. You can't say nobody. No, no. Someone is celebrating. It's not a thing. It was in the AP, I think. The AP's full of shit.
Starting point is 00:02:01 Whatever. The AP's unbiased. There's gotta be someone celebrating Bobby Lee Day. Nobody does. Mintzi came in today like, happy Bobby Lee Day, y'all. It's not a Mississippian. Who's Bobby Lee? The comedian?
Starting point is 00:02:11 Yeah, that's right. The Asian comedian. Yeah. Is that him? He's hilarious. It's not a thing. There's not a thing. Robert E. Lee Day is a state holiday in parts of southern US
Starting point is 00:02:21 commemorating the favorite general Robert E. Lee. That could be any Robert E. Lee. Every year the mom always gets a new robe. It's always the same thing. So they actually do just, they did just be like, hey, well let's pick any random day. Oh, Martin Luther King Day. They probably did back in like the late 60s.
Starting point is 00:02:39 We need a day too. The third Monday in January every year. Wow. Damn. What are the odds? Is this before Martin Luther King Day? We don't. 365 days in the calendar and they fall on the same day.
Starting point is 00:02:51 It's pretty crazy. They just happened to pick that day. That's a crazy coincidence. All right, let's talk him up. Brilliant general. Was he? He's good at maneuvering. He's 0-1, isn't he?
Starting point is 00:03:00 Okay, so yeah, he has a really big loss. He played bully ball with George McClellan, one of the foremost pussies in American history. Okay. I don't know, Brandon. I don't know much about him. Smart man. I haven't really looked into the history of Robert E. Lee. I do know that there were a lot of Lee high schools in Mississippi, but those have gone by the wayside. Those are pretty much all gone now.
Starting point is 00:03:28 He let Sherman run the ball right down his throat. Yep. All the way to the ocean. All the way. Yeah. If you take away Sherman's two biggest attacks, it's a pretty good career. Isn't Arlington on his old farm so that he has to look at?
Starting point is 00:03:40 Well, he's dead. I know, but. I don't know anything about it. I've never really dove into the Civil War I was born some years after it and focused on that time period Hmm for the most remember when Charlottesville happened and there was football games after and there was the Asian announcer for ESPN Lee oh yeah take them off So fucking funny
Starting point is 00:04:05 No one would have thought of it until they did that No, we're like. Oh, there's an Asian dude named Robert Lee. How could he be calling this Virginia game? Just did it and it was it was after the it was after Charlottesville Charlotte's he was supposed to call a Virginia football game They're like we can't have Robert Lee do this is an Asian dude. Can you find? So an Robert Lee got fired yeah there he is Robert Lee I celebrate this Robert Lee Robert Lee yeah happy Robert Lee day yeah move yeah that poor guy terrible. That and the Colorado Rockies mascot are like my two favorite players of all time. What's the Colorado Rockies mascot?
Starting point is 00:04:50 They misheard his name. Someone in the crowd was yelling his name. Dinger. And somebody in the crowd yelled that and got thrown out. That's my favorite controversy that's ever existed in this country. I don't know, the five-year-old blackface chiefs fan last year. Oh, that was pretty good.
Starting point is 00:05:08 Especially because it was half his face. And if you turned to the side, he just had the chiefs thing on. That's pretty good. God, we're... That was really good. It's a great country for dumb controversy, too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:18 There was like a Drew holiday. Someone thought they were saying Jew holiday, and it turned into something. I don't know what that would be disrespectful toward. Yeah. Good old dumb controversy. Good shit. T-Man is back. Did you guys see Zuck? Might actually be human. Oh, he's looking at titties. He was catching Bezos wife. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Bezos wife. Like not that I'm in the shoes. We're in lingerie. Yeah. Oh, it is staring right down the barrel. Bang. A little smile. Yeah. Yeah. Like you get to touch those. I went straight to it. Zucks a weird husband guy. He's like a weird
Starting point is 00:05:58 wife guy. He built a statue for his wife. Yeah. Yeah. Also, I don't understand. Zuck, like, I feel like he just... Wasn't he very pro-Democrat? I think he's... I think the winds have changed a little bit on the temperature of certain things. Got it. And the guys that make a lot of money decided they need to make sure...
Starting point is 00:06:18 And free-look at Bezos' wife. Mm-hmm. Yeah, yeah, he made a statue of his wife. He also recorded a song with T-Pain for her recently. That means he definitely has cheated on her, and that's what he's doing. Yeah. Why is she green?
Starting point is 00:06:34 Also, what's with the flowing? You just don't get art, man. Is Zuck living the rich guy life well? I think he's, like, in the past couple years, he's started, maybe. Yeah. He's done the MMA shit. Do you think it'd be better as a rich guy to be everywhere and omnipresent and doing all this stuff or just completely just...
Starting point is 00:06:54 That's what I was gonna say. I think he's still too public. I think the best rich guy move is to kind of... The Twitter guy Jack. Completely gone but just maybe... Live your life. Like being a sports owner is the best. where you're still sort of in the public eye But what if you're a bad sports owner? What if there's telling you sell the team it can be a shitty place to be Yeah
Starting point is 00:07:16 That's better fuck it up like for sure But that's better than a what like Zuck and musk and all these other guys deal with where they're I'd rather people be mad I'm fucking up a team than fucking up the whole world. Yeah, I don't know Daniel Snyder or of course he did a lot of things. Yeah, he did do a lot of things. He did a lot of things but maybe just who's the who's got the best rich life? That's that's something I'm gonna think about rich the best probably someone on the open seas. Magic Johnson feels
Starting point is 00:07:41 like he's doing it well. He's just owning a like kind He's just owning a, like, kind of owning a couple teams. Every other week he's on a yacht. I wouldn't want to be that tall. Okay, that's fair. That's a fair counterpoint. Yeah. Huge mistake by Magic. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:55 Tiger? Tiger? He could change one thing about himself. He would be as tall. It is just so funny. It's gonna cause him health problems down the road. The guy named Magic Johnson. Yeah. Made. Yeah. Oh, it is just so funny. It's gonna cause some health problems down the road Guy named Magic Johnson. Yeah, it's yeah What are the odds? Yeah. Oh, yeah, it's crazy. I didn't even think of that crazy. Yeah
Starting point is 00:08:16 Yes, Stu had a Stu's back in his bag Did you see Stu's tweet is a clip of the commander's hugging magic Johnson after the game? He tweeted a clip of the commanders hugging Magic Johnson after the game. And he was like, all commanders out for the NFC Championship game because of AIDS. Oh, that's straight to the point. Yeah. It's straight out of the... Fired it right out of... Aimed fire.
Starting point is 00:08:35 What? He went... Yeah. Whole team out with AIDS for the NFC Championship. The fact that AIDS has to be typed out in caps. Yeah. It has to be. Yeah. Did. Yeah. It has to be. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:45 Did you see what he said to Skip last week? No. I don't remember what Skip Halus tweeted, but Stu just went back at him and said, you couldn't close the hairdresser at Fox Sports. Shut up. He's Stu. When he gets on a heater, I like Cliff Kingsbury.
Starting point is 00:09:00 He's a very good offensive cornerer. But I could coach and call plays with Jane Daniels. So could Hazel, my Malttees sleeping at my feet as I type You couldn't close the makeup girl. You couldn't coach shit. You have no game Not wrong big ratio he's is he like not embarrassed no stew no oh skip I think he's just pretending he doesn't exist okay, and guess you can yeah, right? He doesn't follow anyone on Twitter He's he hasn't seen it. Yeah, he hasn't seen might not even know that's a great point He might not even not following somebody on Twitter not following anybody on Twitter is the biggest douchebag
Starting point is 00:09:36 Yeah, it's skip Bayless and Jay bill is a bill this fucking Bayless and build us. Yeah the B boys Yeah, that's you're just fall one person who would you pick I don't know but that would at least be I picked somebody random yeah Was that worse than the John Cena method? Or Joey Bats is it Joey Bats John Cena follow everybody follows probably I hate that 2 million people Just Taylor Swift follow nobody to He falls a 45
Starting point is 00:10:09 Who does KFC follow or not the 11 hours of spices? Oh, okay, but that there was one person Guys named herb. Yeah, right guys named herb and then the spice girls. Oh, that's All the spice girls and the guys named Girls? Oh, Victoria. Oh, that's funny. Oh, the Spice Girls. All the Spice Girls and the guys named Herb. That's very funny. I like that. Herb Dean. What about Kanye? Does he?
Starting point is 00:10:34 I don't think he has. I think he's off Twitter. Got banned? Maybe he's back. Is there anybody banned? One. Oh, one. Who does he follow?
Starting point is 00:10:43 Oh. Elon. Suck up. Well, who does Elon? Does Elon follow? Yeah, he. Who does he follow? Oh. Elon. Suck up. Well, who does Elon? Does Elon follow? Yeah, he falls a lot of people. OK. Oh.
Starting point is 00:10:50 Yeah. OK. All right. Mark, I said I had a story to tell you. Yeah. Bad, bad story for Mark. Oh, no. It's going to be about your big dick, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:11:04 No. It's gonna be about your big dick, isn't it? Nope. Oh. Yesterday, I went to lunch with Coach Gruden. Great lunch, went to Bird's Nest, incredible wings. I hate this, I hate this already. We were chatting, we were talking shop. Oh no. He was laughing about how funny this show is
Starting point is 00:11:22 and how crazy we are. Plinko Day. about how funny this show is and how crazy we are. Plinko Day. And he said, yeah, that nut shot you had on Ohio's tape. Oh, man. Oh, man. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:34 You have to change that. It was so great. I was just like, you mean Titus? He's like, oh yeah, yeah, Titus. Oh my God, Jesus. I couldn't believe it. What do I, what do I, what do I do? I don't know my path forward. I don't know. Sacrificed your manhood for that blood, sweat and tears that university and coach Gruden is a lot of money for someone. You know, he's a little
Starting point is 00:11:57 older Superbowl winning head coach comes in the bar store world. He's actually like learned the lore of bar stool pretty quick, pretty quickly. Yeah. Like he's been a quick learn on like everyone's, you know, has he just synchroses and all that shit? Has he never been around two people who cheer for the same team? I don't know, but you, I don't think, I don't think so. That's brutal. Should should take night where this might be the only way it's going to work is I wear a helmet and I put a piece of tape with my name on Yeah, like we're training camp. Yeah, I'd agree with that and every time I try something I gotta try I gotta do it's not working. I get a I get a
Starting point is 00:12:34 Whatever it is something it ain't working Brutal that's devastating devastating. I laughed so hard Yeah, we already corrected him once too. He can't do it twice. Yeah, and the next time he saw me he was gratuitous with the tightest Yeah He still over-tidist He over-tidist, yeah Oh man Yeah, so I don't know
Starting point is 00:12:58 That's something you gotta deal with That's worse than the nut shot Yeah, probably is Cause you gave all credit to Ohio State. What's the vibe going into tonight? I'm almost never. I said this when we played Texas, I'm like generally not confident. I'm pretty confident. So that scares me because it's a foreign, foreign feeling for me. Going to be going up against Fleming and large chief. Yeah, that's tough. The cave will be fun, yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:27 The cave will be very fun. But yeah, we're going to win, probably. Yeah, I think so. We're probably going to win. I think so. Yeah. What could possibly go wrong, is what I would say. I think they're going to win by.
Starting point is 00:13:37 The worst case scenario is what? Barely winning? Yeah, I won't count it. No? Yeah. OK. These opportunities, I told you guys it. No? Yeah. OK. These opportunities, I told you guys, these opportunities only come around for Ohio State
Starting point is 00:13:49 once every couple of years. So we have to take advantage of it. And if not, it could be a whole calendar year before we're back in this position. So you once told me that. You have to win. Son of a bitch. You once told me that if your rival wins it
Starting point is 00:14:01 the year after you win it, it cancels yours out. It never happened. Michigan kind of already took care of that though. Took care of what? Beating them. We swept Ole Miss the year you said. I'm just saying. You're doing this? Michigan took care of what? Yeah, changing. You and Dave. Wait, hold on. Are you asking me if I'm changing the arguments so it doesn't benefit you? Yes, that is exactly what I'm doing. Why so it doesn't benefit you? Yes, that is exactly
Starting point is 00:14:25 what I'm doing. Why though? Why can't Dave lose every now and then? Wait, zoom in on TJ. You and Dave. This guy for real? You and Dave. Welcome to the Yak. The summer Ole Miss.
Starting point is 00:14:38 That's my row back, The summer Ole Miss won their national title of the year after us. You said mine doesn't count anymore because if your rival wins it the next year, yours doesn't count. There's gonna be back to back Michigan national championships shirts in the store tonight. Yeah. Well that'd be stupid.
Starting point is 00:14:56 You're right. All right. Do they put the, when they do the shirt, when you guys win the national title tonight, you put the whole schedule, do you put the Michigan game on there? Yeah, why not? Yeah, that's what drove them to this.
Starting point is 00:15:10 I don't know why Ohio State's gonna do that. Yeah, I would, yeah. Okay. Yeah. I think the part that says national champions probably overshadows the. Michigan. You point to it. Probably overshadows the. 13-10. Who cares?
Starting point is 00:15:26 That's what drove them to the small potatoes right Brandon. That's what I think somebody. I don't like small potatoes when the national title Taters makes everything else irrelevant counterpoint. They lost to Michigan. Yeah, you've got a fire day Good point. Do you think we fire him if we win? Yeah. Yeah, like we don't win good enough. We were just waiting to tell you You think we fire him if we win yeah, yeah, like we don't win good enough. We were just waiting to tell you We would yeah, yeah, we already made the decision you lost to Michigan This has been a decision two months in the making No matter what you did That would be kind of a cool move For like yeah great job national title you lost to Michigan what can what can Ryan Day do tonight?
Starting point is 00:16:04 Big cat to earn your respect and to get you to punch Lou Holtz in the face. That's what I was thinking. Suplex him. Break Lou Holtz's spine. Is that hard? And then you have my respect Ryan Day. I feel like he could call a play if the game's out of hand and Lou Holt to stand on the sideline like call a Play to have the receiver like go that way and tell her overthrow it Type deal also he could also like if it's a tight game in the fourth if he actually pissed his pants Pissed his pants that would be very funny Yeah
Starting point is 00:16:41 Day yeah, and his khakis say Lou Holt's like Yeah, yeah, and his khakis just standing there like this You know Notre Dame first and goal with 30 seconds left and they just show Ryan Day and he's pissing his pants That'd be funny. That'd be awesome. I would take the edge off his team probably. Yeah Has a coach ever dominated a championship? What do you mean like the coach himself like the players played like complete shit? What do you mean like the coach himself like the players played like complete shit? He called the best possible, but he carried that and you could like that you could tell that it carried this dog shit That's what I would strive for as a coach. Yeah, you'd want the players to play poorly Yeah, yeah, it's still get the way take all that red
Starting point is 00:17:18 I'd feel so good press conference be like listen. I know get the end it's all about the players But it was really all about me. Did you see them out there? And we still won I Still found a way for us to win we suck so bad Yeah, there's probably some really good coaches out there have been stuck with dogshit teams Everywhere they've gone calling all the right play. Yeah. Just like mathematically the best play every down. And they just keep losing. Yeah, their guys just are small and weak and unathletic.
Starting point is 00:17:51 Yeah, that's what Ryan Day should do. Yeah. Interesting thought I had. So is there, do people fuck with the Monday game? No. It's too late. The Monday game's fine, it's just, it's happening too late,
Starting point is 00:18:04 it should happen around the ninth or the tenth. There's no. It's just it's happening too late. It should happen around the 9th or the 10th. There's no buzz because we just watched four incredible NFL games. NFL's taking up all the oxygen right now. They were good games. All the oxygen. It's just January's crazy. Twice now. Okay. Once this morning. That's definitely a... I'll probably say it again tomorrow and I'm gonna say reference so that it'll be... I would get to three or four by the end. NFL's taking up all the oxygen oxygen what's the best possible Super Bowl right now Oh bills commanders because what both teams to win I like having yeah clearly right yeah Eagles yeah yeah I mean if you don't want
Starting point is 00:18:41 Eagles chiefs even though it'd be the best possible probably matchup but Bill's Eagles you root for the B to Eagles chiefs, even though it'd be the best possible probably matchup, but Bill's Eagles You root for the Bills Anyone chiefs you root for the anyone else? Yeah Like a commander's bills would be split. Yeah, mostly that would just be fun. It would be a fun game It would be I'm rooting for anger. I want to win violence Yeah, I I'm in I'm in a pickle because if the Eagles win Sunday, Max is going to go to the Superbowl, but we'll be able to come back because we'll have them zoom
Starting point is 00:19:12 in. If the commanders win, I got to stay in New Orleans for three extra days. And I did laugh because someone was like, why did I say I laid this all out on PMT and someone tweeted me this morning. Like, why don't you just bring your kids to the Super Bowl? Why don't you just bring a five three and one year old to New Orleans for the super? That might be the Friendly place and event oh That's that's yeah, that's a guy with no kids parenting on easy dude bring kids to Super Bowl Yeah, bring him to Vegas last year. What are you talking about? Isn't your dream to
Starting point is 00:19:48 watch the Super Bowl from the concession line when you buy your 17th cotton candy? Go to the bathroom. Yeah. What's the big issue here? I don't understand it. You got a split house, Kate. I know. Oh yeah. That's right. Who are your kids going to root for?
Starting point is 00:20:04 I haven't talked to them. They were in commanders garb. Yeah. So are they commanders? They're enemies. Fuck them. Is Frinchin back on the table? Yeah, was Pat playing for Frinchin?
Starting point is 00:20:14 It was briefly. It was back on the table, yeah. Sorry, pal. So yeah, 24 hours of Frinchin? He's dead to me. You should make the youngest just sit in his shitty diaper all week. I'm going to.
Starting point is 00:20:24 How come you didn't get one of the kids for your in his shitty diaper all week. I'm gonna. How come you didn't get one of the kids for your team? I get all the other Philadelphia sports teams. So their kids are Phillies fans and I don't really care about the 76ers right now, but that was the deal. He really wanted the commanders. I think he had a feeling that it was going to be a good year. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:20:40 But he like really pitched me hard for the commander. So I said, fine, take them. Is that something you have to discuss? Who's our house going to root for? We know they're going to turn on both of us eventually. So are you guys sleeping in separate beds this week? Yeah. He's in the toddler bed, and I have the kids.
Starting point is 00:20:57 Nice. No, yeah, no, it's stuff right now. Business as usual? Business, yeah, that's the usual. They say that's good for marriages. To sleep in separate beds. Yeah. I don't even know what we're going to do for the game.
Starting point is 00:21:11 Because I think it's impossible even in your own home to watch the game when you have kids like kids are kids' age. So we're going to have to like rock, paper, scissors for who gets to like go out and actually watch it. I feel like you're going to lose that one. Yeah. Yeah. What is it about me? Rocks, paper, scissors. Lose that one. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:31 Being a woman is neat. Oh, but yeah, I'm looking forward to it. At least one of our teams will be in the Super Bowl, which is cool. That is cool. That is fun. That's really cool. And I'm happy for him. Part of my take has a deal with the devil. Yeah. This one is things just turned out for you. Off. Did you ever reach a point where you actually had to research the logistics of having your pinky removed Yes, I've had conversations that was such a stressful
Starting point is 00:21:54 Yeah Like I had to have been and people like oh dude there was still two games away from the Super Bowl But the Rams would have hosted the NFC Championship game Yeah, that's and I didn't want to be in a situation like a pinky team getting to the Super Bowl is like that now We're in's... And I didn't want to be in a situa... Like, a pinky team getting to the Super Bowl is like... Now we're in a spot where I just don't want to be. I might retire the bet. You would have had to go to another country, right, for that? I don't know. I've talked to a doctor.
Starting point is 00:22:14 They're like, yeah, we... I was... Now, this was a drunk conversation at LSU tailgate, so it was a Louisiana doctor, but... I explained it to him, and he was like, yeah, doctors don't just take off parts of your body. I was like, what do you mean? Like, if I asked you, he was like, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:22:33 We can't legally just be like, yeah, let's chop it off. Explain the tip to me. Is it after the nail? It's halfway through the nail. Ah! Was my idea. I think a little nub at the top. That's more than tip. Do one more next year, but go out a legend like one more
Starting point is 00:22:50 big like because I go Ravens or something. I explained it to Gruden and he was like, what? What's what's fucking wrong with you, man? And I was just like, yeah, you know what? What is wrong with me? Because there's no upside. Yeah. The satisfaction is I was right, and no one gives a fuck that I was right. Yeah. And then the downside is I lose a piece of my pinky, and if I keep doing this, odds are it's going to happen. It's going to happen at some point.
Starting point is 00:23:16 So do the farewell tour next year. Say this is the last one. Has a team that started 0 and 3 ever won the Super Bowl? I don't think so. It's 0 and 2. 0 and 2. Oh. I believe so.
Starting point is 00:23:26 Yeah, that probably has happened. Yeah, this was the deepest, the Texans in 2017 maybe, also got to the divisional round. So, yeah, it's really stupid. I don't know why. I mean, it was thrilling. I think it's awesome. How would it negatively affect your life the most?
Starting point is 00:23:46 Just having to explain to people. The constant reminder. But I think that's street cred. I think this night cut off the cut. You can go in any hood in America. Yeah, probably street cred. I think you could still do all the routines. Yeah, no, I don't think it would affect me physically.
Starting point is 00:24:01 I just think mentally I would have to ask some deep, dark questions about what am I doing also with was that be it once you lose a tip what do you just move down the finger for the next year keep taking pieces yeah there's a guy that said that if Notre Dame wins the title he's gonna cut off his dick his big dick yeah his huge dick shaving it off through the years like it's part of a fan of why did you say that oh you can find it teacher I can find it for T.J. I can find it for you.
Starting point is 00:24:26 I think he hates Notre Dame. Do the Game Time ad. Brandon, actually double up. Do Game Time and Better Help. Oh my goodness. We love getting out to live events, whether it's a concert, a football game, or a comedy show. We always use Game Time, the official ticketing partner of Barstool Sports.
Starting point is 00:24:38 You know how much we love Game Time now with their new Game Time picks feature. They're making it even easier to get to a game. I got to stop right here and just tell you guys guys Saturday night. I do it once a year. I take the entire family to the Blackhawks game. And you know, I have the tickets stand game. We have two. I got four from game time and we were sitting on the eleventh row right on top of the ice. Perfect. Tommy was heckling the players. He was shouting out. Tommy at one point yelled out, take out his knees. So I had to kind of pull him back but game time gave us great access it was perfect it was amazing but I was looking to take us to
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Starting point is 00:25:33 and use code YAK to easily score great deals with the new Game Time picks. What time is it? Game Time. I also found out that Tommy doesn't use the word singers. I don't know where he got it, but he calls every musical artist a composer, and he asked me,
Starting point is 00:25:50 Dad, who's your favorite country composer? Who's your favorite rap composer? If you say it like that, it adds a level of dignity to every genre of music. I agree with you. I don't mind that. Does that make sense? What is the definition of composer?
Starting point is 00:26:03 Just makes the music, I guess. Composer. Yeah I think he's technically right. Yeah and I just said I guess I like Garth Brooks. I think he's one of my favorite country composers. I like Brad Paisley. He's my favorite country composer. So that's great. That's the thing I do now. I call them composers. That's cool. That works. Do the Better Help. I forgot about that. You know you're alright. The Yak is sponsored by Better Help. Every
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Starting point is 00:27:07 Yeah, watch the ball. He's, his eyes are starting to droop. He's good. His eyes are starting to droop. He was watching four on four soccer. He looks like he's having a blast. Yeah, four on four soccer earlier. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:21 Is this a punishment for something or he just was like, I don't know. The exact opposite of a punishment. He wanted to prove his worthiness. This is a punishment for something or he just was like the exact opposite of a pun. I want to prove Worthy dream for this is a man displaying gluttony. Yeah Homer Simpson shoving doughnuts in his mouth. Can he sleep there or he's got to stay awake the whole time stay awake We just need what does the sign say? Yawn does not equal tired? Is that what it says?
Starting point is 00:27:48 Yawns do not equal tired. Oh. So what is he, like what's going on now? I think college basketball's on now. So he picked obviously today because NBA, NHL, college basketball all started like noon. But and he watched watched Australian open all throughout the night. And then, yeah, he went to four on four like Croatian soccer.
Starting point is 00:28:10 Yeah, he had Russian minor league hockey at one point. How much time does he have left? Two hours, hour and a half, hour and a half. He's watching the national championship games. Yeah. So I don't think he's going to stop. I think he's going to go. He's extended. He's going to die in that spot. Yeah. Japanese businessman. He's gonna die in that spot. Like a Japanese businessman.
Starting point is 00:28:27 He's going all the way. Number one ball watcher. He's gonna go home from work and watch sports. Yeah, yeah he's gonna go home and be like, god damn that was exhausting. I wonder what's on. Time to relax. Lop down on the couch. He's a rapper now.
Starting point is 00:28:43 Yeah that song. That rap song. That was awesome. He went out dinner with Gruden and Malisek on Friday night like a big fancy steak dinner. Looked very funny. You guys have any Starburst? Yeah. Bultman's on a hell of a run right now. He so badly wishes that was a bag of squirms. You know, I like stumble his way into like an assistant coaching position. Yeah. Oh yeah. Let me whimp out a stick with a marshmallow on it. They almost certainly have something like that in Tampa, right?
Starting point is 00:29:25 Absolutely. Yes. It was just those three? Yeah. Hell of a crew. If you ditch Malisek, yeah. Yeah. Good crew.
Starting point is 00:29:40 Did Gruden just want to pick his brain or something? I think so. I will. It's almost like a White Sosox daved in her crew That needs to be a dozen team. Yeah, Gruden's grinders. I have a compliment Not here this isn't the place you disguise it as like a whole kind of Say it about someone else Yeah
Starting point is 00:29:59 As a code Gruden Gruden's assistant is doing a really good job Especially because he's making it seamless for Gruden to be like integrated to Barstool Yeah, yes, I don't know who's assistant is yeah got it. Yeah It seems like it sucks like It sucks. It's almost like it's Yeah, giving him good notes. He's the perfect person for the role. He's doing a great job of helping Gruden understand the different Ohio State fans that work here. What was this reaction to? We all needed a Josh Allen touchdown.
Starting point is 00:30:31 So we got pumped up for it. And then he did it. He'll give you those. Yeah, he will. He gave us two. So I didn't know people were talking about his southern accent. Yeah, he had a little he had a little but it came out that a lot of like Central Californians do have a oh really know that
Starting point is 00:30:51 Like an oaky accent inland California's pretty country isn't it like well. Yeah, he's a farm boy. Yeah Chico Geez Fresno area That's very ranchy Chico in there He's from Chico is Chico in there I Think Aaron Rodgers is from Chico Chico. I don't think Josh Allen's talking Chico Chico worse. Where's Josh Allen from Roger? Oh, right Aaron Rodgers is Chico is it she Aaron Rodgers is Chico, but I don't even know if she goes in there You know I thought you were doing like like in in in in Cal
Starting point is 00:31:26 Oh, I thought you were setting up for something Seems like a joke inside talking about in in Cal for like inland. I don't know. I don't know where Chico is Fires from Fireball That sounds Where's fireball in the map, there's no County. Oh, yeah, there's nothing there. Is that where's Chico? Chico in there I know and I thought that was a setup to Show me Chico
Starting point is 00:32:12 For the love of God I need Chico Chico is also nowhere nowhere he goes in there. It's in there. Oh, it's officially. Oh, it's really oh, yeah Oh, it's way up. He goes in there. It's more than Sacramento Yeah, damn near. Oh, that's good. That's confirmed in there in Sacramento. Yeah. Damn near Oregon. That's confirmed in there. Far from Fresno. Far from Fresno. No. Most things are. But in there.
Starting point is 00:32:31 Yeah. The majority of things are far from Fresno. Far from Fresno, yeah. Damn. Think about that. Well, let's go around the room and name something far from Fresno. Mm-hmm. Jupiter.
Starting point is 00:32:42 Yeah, shit. I think you won. Yeah. That wins wins the Atlantic Ocean bars fuck yeah, so far When am I sending you to Denver I Wanted whatever the most expensive time to go skiing probably like yes now I Don't think you really want to go. I want to go skiing probably like yes now I don't think you really want to go I want to go bad so bad I just go and come back mm-hmm do one day in Denver take a
Starting point is 00:33:14 flight there come right back not even leave the airport not even leave the airport kiss the wall I'm surprised we haven't made somebody do that on this show yeah what is this factoid? What is you said you mentioned kiss the wall and everyone laughed like they knew what you were talking I laugh cuz I was That was funny. I think it's just a funny. Yeah, I thought they had a special wall No, just show up to the airport kiss the wall get back
Starting point is 00:33:39 Dude perfected it. Oh they did they have a wheel of punishments Oh, and they on it and it was fly to Wisconsin, fly back. Kiss the wall? I don't know if they kiss the wall. Oh they do shit like that? Oh yeah. They got a great wheel of punishment. I like that. Spray tan for a... Oh fuck. Oh they got, they got, what was it? Go through a car wash, tape to your top of your car or something. Do they have a tunnel? Damn it. They probably got a tunnel up their knee. Their wheel of punishments is probably better than our wheel of punishments.
Starting point is 00:34:07 Oh, god. Do they have piss in your pants? Do they have dinner with White Sox Dave? No, they don't have that. Boy, what if they did, though? Man. Wheel unfortunate, yeah. Ah, damn it.
Starting point is 00:34:22 It has a better name. Is it Dudepedia? Let's see. What website are you on? They had their PD. Great 10, level 10, drive through a car wash on the bed of a truck, eat a fly to Wisconsin for no reason, run a mile as a mascot, shave your eyebrows.
Starting point is 00:34:33 One of the twins did that. Get French toasted, sit in a box filled with snakes, milk a cow straight into your mouth. What's French toasted? I don't remember. It just gets with all the sticky stuff on you. Standing in lines at theme park and not riding rides burned These are we yeah, these are way better than coming to your dose. I spend
Starting point is 00:34:53 Boston beard oh Your dose Fuck Suck the purple hose purple hosel dry? I wanna get their fans to start sexualizing them. When are you guys fillin' up Beardo? Yeah. So funny.
Starting point is 00:35:14 If we get Phil Beardo trending. Phil Beardo like a piñata, a cum piñata. Cum piñata, ew! We gotta get it done. You know him up till he's spitting come what that's crazy The picture of beard Oh bent over next to us big pizza pie caption who you eating first I Want them to really go hard we should put company out on our wins kiss She's got a film up. Oh, it's got a film up, and you got to hit them with a stick try to get yours back How big is Baron looking today, oh yeah, let's get a Baron check. Oh my god
Starting point is 00:36:08 It's barely low key this time around I don't think you can be low-key when you're 10 feet tall Yeah, I don't I Don't know. Is that weird going back to the White House? Where's for them? Where is he? Look at him damn Monster How old is he? Yeah, where's he at on the reason? And why you he's probably like 19 or 20 didn't didn't he turn 18 and somebody tweeted out somebody doesn't like Trump tweet out He's 18 now get him something like that
Starting point is 00:36:40 It was it was something like Look at that big mother fucker He's 18 now all bets are off with baron trump. Oh like you're allowed to talk shit on him. Yeah Yeah, I'm a I'm not fucking with that Aaron Stan. Yeah Love that dude. He's closer in height to the statue than any of the people. Yeah, it's unbelievable. Is he athletic does he play sports? soccer still 18 What uh, but do you think that's weird to like go back, like you lived there for four years, then you were out.
Starting point is 00:37:08 Yeah, they probably lost like their own scent. I bet it's awesome. Yeah, probably pretty cool. Has that happened? That's happened before. Grover. Grover? Grover did that shit?
Starting point is 00:37:19 Yeah, Grover did that. It was probably more fun the second time, because you got to lay the land, you know what's going on this time around. You just like high five the security hard coming back in. But the Biden old person smell has to be abysmal. Little mothballing.
Starting point is 00:37:30 Yeah. Do you think Trump left something in like a ceiling tile being like, I'll be back? They do prank each other. Like, whenever whoever took over after George W. Obama? Or whoever before W. I remember them talking about they took all the W's off the all the keyboard computers there like little
Starting point is 00:37:49 pranks like that's classic Clinton that's it yeah probably left some Monica's just hanging in there. Those W keys are in her. Find them. Oh, man. Come, piñata. Good for Barron. He's back. Does he have any takes? Yeah, what?
Starting point is 00:38:14 Do we have any, like, video of him talking? Has he ever? A voice dropped a couple months ago, where you heard him talk for the first time. Has he done a podcast? How has he not done a podcast? He's got appearances. I feel like he's got to do a podcast.
Starting point is 00:38:29 You want to invite him right now? Yeah. Oh, he's got a free invite. Gauntlet. I'm in the business. Sounds like Timothee Chalamet. Yeah. I'm in the business. I'm in the business. Wow. Sounds like a standard voice. I
Starting point is 00:38:57 Wish that's the voice of a prince I think they're calling him God Emperor. I regret God Emperor. Yeah, those two pressure not Those two professional hello, and I see you yeah, I was hoping to be like oh, what's up, man? What the fuck is up, bro, so is he's in a dorm right now or what that's a weird tweet Elon's a goof Yeah, where is he go to school? Oh? Yeah, so he he's in a dorm Secret Service, right is it is that the deal? I'm sure when the Obamas were in at Harvard. They were they had Secret Service Secret Service. It's top bunk He's on the bottom. They just follow you around that would suck right? I don't know dude. You could start shit with anyone He's gonna turn to like Jack Doherty like yeah, right yeah fucking you could bump into any the biggest
Starting point is 00:39:46 Toughest dude on the planet and be like what are you gonna do bitch? Are they allowed to like what up you from like say I was him and I was like I'm gonna do some coke That's what I was like I'm gonna tell your dad. I have to do it first check out like you got narcs with you at all right No, I think you have drug testers They have to do whatever you say is how I've... Yeah. You envision being surrounded by Secret Service if you said, I'm going to try some Coke,
Starting point is 00:40:10 they're going to do it first? Yeah, and be like, hey, I'm going to try some Coke. Can you just test this real quick? Well, they would probably go get your Coke. Yeah, that's true. Yes. They'd probably just go get it from like a secret vault. So now your bodyguards are high on cocaine.
Starting point is 00:40:23 Yeah. That's a good bodyguard. I mean, of all the drugs for your bodyguard to be high on cocaine. Yeah. That's a good bodyguard. Of all the drugs for your bodyguard to be high on, coke's not a bad one. They probably already were. Don't want them on Valium or Rippin' Bongs. Rippin' Bongs, dude? That's so unbecoming. Yeah. That Philly fan yesterday just saying Rippin' Bingers. I don't know why, but it just makes me want to smoke just the word bingers.
Starting point is 00:40:43 The one who looks like Trent? That's good, yeah. Like, me want to smoke just the word bingers Like you got it you love weed if you call them fingers, yeah Would you have for breakfast this morning couple bingers? Yeah, you can't have ripping bingers down at the link go burn have circuit secret service to yeah, but that guy rules Like oh shit, we're going into the football game. We need a couple bingers to even us out. To even us out. I'm a little too drunk. Just bringing a bong around with you, the chances of it breaking, such a hassle.
Starting point is 00:41:14 Oh, he's probably got an awesome case for it. But you still, you gotta put it back in the car after. But you gotta respect it. Yeah, that's the binger life. It doesn't choose you, it chooses you, you don't respect it. Yeah, can't even that's the binger like a bowl. It doesn't choose you you or it chooses you you don't choose it Like that certain person who just loves weed is a bring your own bong guy Like that's a different level of weed smoking to just be at a tailgate be like anyone got a bong like oh, yeah Fucking Kevin down down down two cars down.
Starting point is 00:41:46 He brings his binger every time. It's in the club department. So I'm about the word binger. If you said, hey, you want to take a bong hit, I'd be like, no. You're like, yo, you want to rip this binger? But you'd never ask, bro. That's forcing your hand. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:01 I got to. We should give Brandon some bingers yeah Super Bowls your weed yeah oh we rip some binger let's rip some binger finger one binger episode one binger episode Super Bowl week we won't tell you when no I can't why I bring a wife now to Super Bowl week it used to be my getaway week, but now it's rip a big banger. Oh, poof. A banger to the don't ski. I would love seeing your wife try to say no to that. I'll take a bigger than don't ski. Yeah, you know, bigger guy has like he he abbreviates like half his words. Come as his banger. It's tough to be mad at that mad at that too like oh he was ripping bongs at the game is tough. He was He was being in again. He was yeah, they were passing around a banger. Why you want me to yeah? Yeah, they'd actually do reverse
Starting point is 00:42:55 abbreviations make longer they make them longer binger longer than ball yeah Much longer than head yeah Sounds shorter yeah, it does. Sounds easier to say. Are they any? What? Are there any cool beasts who hate inclement weather playoff games?
Starting point is 00:43:17 What do you mean? Like hate snow games and winter games. Kurt Warner hates them. OK. Hates them. I don't think Kurt Warner's cool. No. I kind of do. You hate him? I want to see the best play at their best. That's Kurt Warner hates him. Okay hates him. I don't think Kurt Warner's cool. So I know I do
Starting point is 00:43:27 You hate him. I want to see the best play at their best I thought that was awesome. I think it's awesome still but I'd rather see him at their maximum potential Yeah As long as it's not doesn't happen too often I think you need one good snow game a year and yesterday was overkill like the bills should not the playoffs Yeah, I don't want in the playoffs. I love it the bills haven't some football. That is for slop It's fucking that was a slop adverse conditions. I like me. I like football. Give me the football Yeah, you like whether it's wet like weather your weather, Dan. It should be a different. Yeah, I
Starting point is 00:44:05 like whether you're still weather. Yeah, I like to see the conditions be as bad as possible. How weather who can overcome the toughest, the toughest, not the toughest, the best. Anything worse than the conditions yesterday for Philly would have been just awful, unwatchable. It was really bad by the end. I want to see a tornado game that'll be so sick I want to see a fire game oh yeah oh I mean yeah they had to move it you see ruined our one chance yeah fire game would rock it's like crazy smoke I was at a game once we were evacuated for a tornado warning. And what
Starting point is 00:44:45 happened? We lost to Troy State 2001. Yep. Wasn't great. But they just evacuated the stadium and say they don't let them play in the tornado. No, can't play in the tornado. It would be fun. Who lost to Troy State? Mississippi State 2001. And then the headline of the Starfield Daily News the next day read Troy NATO and it pissed everybody off. Did you type that headline? I didn't, I wasn't working there yet. I was still in school. I was still around school.
Starting point is 00:45:17 Yeah. That's a good headline though. I'd like to see a Locust game. There's tons of cicadas. Midges. Billions. Jabba Chamberlain. Yeah, the midges. I don't remember that.
Starting point is 00:45:25 First game I watched in HD. Really? Imagine that. What is that? Wait, what is this? So you don't remember, yeah. You might have thought that there were Midge's in every game. Yeah. You just couldn't see them. Literally. And now we get HD here like,
Starting point is 00:45:37 oh my God. I was the first time I ever had HD TV. Oh. I didn't know. I remember this. What is this? What is a Midge? Midge's. They're like little bugs and they were all over him Was it 2007 yeah midges this was a playoff game. Yeah I'd be freaking out
Starting point is 00:45:54 Has there ever been like a bee game? Oh, yeah, there's always bee delays Yeah, spring training like San Diego had one where they it gets up on the batting cage and they had to get a beekeeper He started sucking because the midges were all over him wait in Cleveland Yeah in October can I see can I get optics on a minute? Yeah? What's up? What is what? I gotta see what are we talking about here? Maybe up close? Oh? Yeah, yeah, that sucks He was so sweaty last time he showed in the news the next day was there scientists who were like there was a major Sweaty last time he showed in the news the next day was their scientists who were like there was a major explosion
Starting point is 00:46:29 Like a rift it's a famous game the Mitch game. How does this happen? I think the the Indians because they like it. Yeah, how do you mom? Oh, that's gross Yeah, it was mind-blowing in HD Do they bite? I don't think so. I think they just stick on you. They're non-biting. What are they exactly? Like gnats? Larva? Ew. P.A.U. on a midge. Too many angles. Yeah. I've never heard of a midge. Small fly including species in several families, non-mosquito. What caused it to happen? How often does this phenomena occur? By the lake? You know how lakes are.
Starting point is 00:47:04 Lake effects. They do. Lake effect midge. There are, I mean lakes do attract a lot of critters. Why doesn't that happen every day then? Just to be a certain factor. You remember this game right Brandon? Of course I remember this game.
Starting point is 00:47:20 Get the gulls at Wrigley from time to time. It's the largest name. Yeah, that's always fun. The goals? Seagulls in the outfield, and they'll just be chilling. Maybe a game where there's like one raccoon with rabies. How did? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:38 Seagulls. Yeah. If I go to California, if I go to Florida, if I go to Atlantic Beach, North Carolina, there's going to be seagulls because there's a sea. How'd they figure out to get to Lake Michigan? They thought it was a little sea. They're not very smart.
Starting point is 00:47:52 Did they just, how'd they hear about it? Seagulls are not smart. Did they just hear it? Did somebody say, hey, there's- Yeah, there's some water. Somebody ratted. Hey, you know how they probably heard about it? Oh.
Starting point is 00:48:01 Twitter. Yeah. They got on the bird app. Yep. You know what I mean? Oh, you get. Yeah I got on the bird app. Yeah You get it. Yeah Think about that Brandon you think Lake Michigan seagulls lives are better or worse than Atlantic Coast or Pacific Coast seagulls worse not already kids holding big cups of french fries. Yep Way less food trash
Starting point is 00:48:22 No, probably not a lot of people with the alka seltzer trick Way less food trash. Yeah, but what about no probably not a lot of people with the alka seltzer trick What's the alka so it's sad you give it to a seagull and their stomach explodes. They die. Why don't you do that? I've only done it like five or six Guys want to see a magic trick Yeah, seagulls come here. You're the trick for you have a sell caseltzer. I mean is that an urban light? I've never seen it I thought rice after weddings urban legend to ya birds were blowing up No, I thought that just choked him out because it expanded. I thought they yeah, I thought they couldn't get it down Oh, I don't know that's kind of bitch made by them. Yeah
Starting point is 00:48:56 Like come on so easy to swallow so easy to swallow I've seen a couple caught on fish hooks like somebody will go to cast and they'll Down and take it and then the fisherman's like, fuck. Yeah, it's sad. They get free, but they still have. Yeah, they live a pretty good life. Just come down, get some free food every now and then, shit on us.
Starting point is 00:49:13 Yeah. There's some trade-offs. They're going to do that deal where they just stick their wings out and just sit there. Yeah. Just glide. Just glide. They look awesome.
Starting point is 00:49:22 I like seals. That must feel awesome. I once shit on my face once. That's good luck. Is it? Yeah. You had one shit on your face? Is that what Fabio got blasted by on a roller coaster?
Starting point is 00:49:33 Oh, is that what it was? It was a goose? Goose. Holy shit. He was going down the slope of a roller coaster and got hit by a goose. Broke his nose. Damn.
Starting point is 00:49:42 Pelicans, now there's a good seafaring bird right there. That's a scary monstrosity. I love that thing. Yeah, I ain't Damn. Pelicans. Now, there's a good seafaring bird right there. That's a scary monstrosity. I love that thing. I ain't fucking with pelicans. Look at this guy. Oh, that was the guy who's cutting his dick off. Oh. As many of you are aware, two months ago,
Starting point is 00:49:57 I made a bet that I would chop off my humongous ding-dong with Notre Dame fighting Irish won the CFB playoffs. At the time, it seemed like a safe and comical bet as Notre Dame had only played against our nation's troops. We're looking like the next fraud alert. However, due to a flawed playoff seeding in Carson Becks weak pussy ass, I have found myself in a situation
Starting point is 00:50:12 where Notre Dame will be playing for a national championship next week, placing my dick right on the chopping block. I just want to make it very clear that if Notre Dame wins the national championship, I will firmly stick to my word and receive a professional surgery that will safely remove my penis.
Starting point is 00:50:24 The timeline for this, though though will have to be flexible as I do have to consider my wife who would like to have at least two children. In the event that I have to fall through with my bet, she's agreed to accelerate our family planning so I can get the surgery as soon as possible. I refuse to let my team be cursed if it means that I will lose my cock in the process
Starting point is 00:50:40 then so be it. Also just an FYI, I'm banned from CFD memes so I cannot respond to anything there. I can't believe I'm saying this, but go Buckeyes. Wow, this is a reminder. Who is this guy a fan of? I think we know, Notre Dame? Oh, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:50:52 No, he wouldn't have. He's just anti. This is a guy who just wanted a sex change anyway. This is a guy that's, yeah. Yeah. Doesn't wanna be. Buddy, you can just not do it. Oh, yeah, you could just so not do it. Delete your account. That's exactly what I would do. Yeah you can just not do it oh yeah you could just so
Starting point is 00:51:05 not do it delete your account that's exactly what I would do yeah I would not do it yeah I mean three two one no still hasn't eaten dog shit so and I I'm on his side too don't eat the dog shit that'd be stupid they'd be crazy yeah but this is a reminder yeah even the first post I would have to have cut off to my pinky that's the part you had. Yeah I just wouldn't is that a retire Probably retire them. No, I think what do you need a fucking tip of pinky? We gotta have the whole set. Yeah, you don't break them up. Did uh, did John Rich ever cut his head off? No
Starting point is 00:51:41 He did he did he just oh Oh, I'm gonna miss that. Oh, a couple weeks ago. Oh, I missed that. I don't want John Rich to die, but it would have been very funny if he did that. Yeah. A bet's a bet. And then Ohio State won.
Starting point is 00:51:53 And then we won the national championship. Imagine the pressure that would put on us. Yeah, man of his word. He would have gone out of ledge. Oh my God, yes. He would have had at least an hour or two that the internet would have been talking about him. Oh, five minutes. There would have been think pieces on it, I think. He would have had at least an hour or two that the internet would have been talking about him. Oh, five minutes.
Starting point is 00:52:07 There would have been think pieces on it, I think. It would have been... Actually, I got a question for TJ because I think I know the answer to this. TJ, you're deep on the internet. Sure am. Does the word goonicide mean anything to you? Oh, dude.
Starting point is 00:52:23 This is so fucked. Yeah, it's fucked. But it's Gunaside. And Hank, like, told us this last night, and it was kind of like when Sass did the cheeseburger guy who got blown up by the cops. Yeah. Hank was laughing as he was saying it, and we were like, wait, dude. It's the name that's funny.
Starting point is 00:52:40 The guy... Basically what happened, in Arizona, there's a chain of coffee shops that are run by girls in bikinis. It's like a Hooters, but for coffee. It's a drive-thru. It's dangerous. So it's like you drive up and there's a girl in a bikini that serves you coffee. A guy drove up and the person, the employee was filming him because she was...
Starting point is 00:53:03 He was jerking off in his car. Like he drove up with his dick out and his pants down And she had a camera in his face, and he drove away hold on time. Are you guys following them? Yeah, okay guy jerking off in a drive-thru, so what would be the funny outcome to this? And remind you Hank is who's laughing at this TJ. Definitely is maybe Rex's car I Know what happens. I feel like Okay Car wreck would be funny. No Funny like she no he so he became a meme
Starting point is 00:53:36 He leaned into it and became that guy. No, he fucking killed himself. Well, that's yeah, I figured that's yeah How is this funny? I guess it's like a funny joke. Oh, yeah, which is funny, but They mean that guy to then kill himself. What I'm confused by he killed himself Before this went viral right I thought it was because he became me me then killed. Oh, I don't know TJ there was a rumor that he had killed himself five minutes later. That not he killed himself two days later. Oh after he became a meme. Yeah That's not funny. It's not what he called that action like pretty Unacceptable what do you mean? During what he did sure I'd say unacceptable. How was he what was the degree of which he was jerking?
Starting point is 00:54:23 Was he but for him to do it was he about was he ripping it or she just kind of like Wasn't he like Mary was he just yeah, we were heading it was stress balls. I was heading it. I don't know I Haven't looked when I was told this story. I was like in no way is any of this fucking But maybe I have a maybe I'm not may have lost my fastball For him to still be doing it once he got to the window but then to still be so ashamed. Oh, and then oh, oh, and then he killed himself. Because he became a meme. That is that why you leave a note or anything? I would imagine.
Starting point is 00:54:57 Maybe not the most stable anyway. Yeah, that's that's funny to me. I don't I don't understand. It's not funny. No it's The name Gunasai It's an interesting story He didn't look predatory and TJ. Have you laughed about this? I've laughed at the Gunasai. Yeah Gunasai You shouldn't jerk off in drive, but you also now you tell him, but I don't think he like he killed himself That's bad
Starting point is 00:55:28 Very yeah, but if you're jerking off in a drive-thru Maybe there's all you should have just done the dick you should have been jerking off in a drive-thru enough that the person knew To film you when you were coming so you probably jerked off a drive or maybe they should have been wearing bikinis. Yeah Yeah, I agree with that, but what's funny? Yeah, right. The guy killed himself. Gunicide or something? Gunicide, suicide. People are tweeting about this like it's like hoctua.
Starting point is 00:55:53 Right, that's what I'm saying. Yeah. It's like what? Like people are going through the drive through to see what all the fuss is about. I think if you just stay online, you can laugh about it. But the minute you take it to the real, when Hank explained to us were like what Hank likes it He was just like loves it. He was
Starting point is 00:56:12 It's crazy. What's happening with the goons? I'm like, huh? That's that's a funny sentence. Yeah, I Don't want to say Hank loved it. I Think he realized how fucked up it was trying to make small talk at a cocktail party. You're running out of things to talk about This gunicide situation something When did this happen about a month I Think last week I didn't I didn't I heard about this weekend it blew up. Mm-hmm. Got it so blew up after he Killed him after it blew up. Mm-hmm got it So blew up after he killed him after he blew up somebody called it doing his side, and that's when I started taking got it So we're laughing about the name
Starting point is 00:56:54 Yeah, people are like you're like I'm like a martyr and shit that's Yeah, we work with a bunch of musicians now Yeah, okay, okay last yeah, we work with a bunch of musicians now Yeah, I saw Are we gonna play it? Let me do an ad read it all right draft Kings playoffs NFL playoffs We're talking about it You bet we are getting on the action draft King sports or confessional sports betting part of the NFL scoring touchdowns is key to winning In the NFL playoffs and the key to you scoring big
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Starting point is 00:58:00 It's a reimagined new reality comedy series premiering January 21st at 9 p.m. on TBS Hosted by five-time Emmy Award nominee Kat Deeley the show within a show format takes aim at the absurdity of reality TV by making An everyday guy named Ben believe he's competing for a chance to win $100,000 on a reality show unbeknownst to him He's surrounded by a cast of highly skilled improv comedians and actors Everyone except for Ben has come together to pull off the most audacious ruse in TV history. Social experiment is about embracing the hilarity
Starting point is 00:58:31 of the game play. Over the top, physical humor and action packed moments that takes pranks to a new height. The Joe Schmo Show premieres Tuesday January 21st at 9 p.m. Eastern on TBS. Yeah, we gotta do this. There was a little hubbub around this because I think some of the producers thought
Starting point is 00:58:50 that it was gonna get us in trouble. I watched it and I was like, what's gonna get us in trouble here? I don't think anything. And then I sent it to Dave, and Dave was like, yeah, I guess post it. He looks like he put a lot of work into it. He flew to like Santa Barbara to record this for like a week
Starting point is 00:59:08 He sent me the song before came out. I was like yeah, man do this like I think it's a cool project But I have not seen the final video. I have not Titus you know we're talking about I just saw the text, but I haven't no that's that's all I know we're not know it exists right video But that's that's it is he here today. He is here. We should get him on Want to text him no? He won't listen to me. I'm excited to dive in which I assume we're granted. You know this is I think I know where Oh Working for the weekend only three days a week Gotta rest my mental health due to my favorite drag queens Sent my son to preschool to learn about the world
Starting point is 01:00:11 Critical race theory and how to become the perfect girl Ooh, ayo let's go branding to my nephew That is European football match You can call me a riptart You can call me a cunt You can call me a snowflake And I won't get offended Don't call me anti-American
Starting point is 01:00:44 Keep your beer in your truck, so take a breath, and sit in a glass of Kamala Love. Kamala Love. Kamala Love. Kamala Love. Kamala Love. Kamala Love. God, I love you buyin'.
Starting point is 01:01:04 For this buy one, get one free. Did you know this is what we were talking about Brandon? to DOJ man you must have a brain worm ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo and Obamacare is cool and I'm on board with that You can call me a riptard You can call me a cuck You can call me a snowman Yeah, I won't get offended Oh, don't you ever learn it's generous Keep your beer in your truck
Starting point is 01:02:05 So take a Prius in a glass of Cabalanga Catchy. It is a good song. It was written by a guy who has gone diamond already. He wrote Sailed by a Walnut. That song has one word. I know He gives himself shit for that he wrote that in 45 minutes. He said he wrote sale in 45 minutes. That's too long Brandon Probably be pondering not a lot of mentions there is a lot of
Starting point is 01:02:45 Backstory to this there's a lot of screenshots for you. There's a picture of you in a chair that says cuck behind it Mm-hmm. This might backfire. Yeah, that's fine. What uh Brandon? I want to hear from you He said let's go Brandon several times Number one is why does this exist? Okay, so I have a music podcast as some people know, not many. Barstool backstage and like a month ago or six weeks ago we were just shooting the shit about how Oliver Anthony had that song like a year ago that pissed off all the all the libs and we're like why don't we write a anthem for libs by libs that's a country anthem. But I think that was successful because his voice was like oh my god this guy's voice was just hiding in plain sight the
Starting point is 01:03:28 whole time I think it was successful because a lot of people were pissed off at it not because it was some particularly good song okay well nothing um what I think it was on par with the catchiness of most parody songs. Yeah, that's all it was. Absolutely. That's exactly what I like. Biden was president for four years. Uh huh. Now the end of the Biden presidency has just moved you to to express all these thoughts that were already. It was more the timing. We wanted to release it on January 6th, but we couldn't get the video cut in time. So January 20th was the next obvious choice.
Starting point is 01:04:10 How many outfit changes and how long did the video shooting take? Two and a half, three hours maybe. I think it was like 10 total outfit changes. How good do you scale a 1 to 10, where would you rank this song your execution of it ten ten two nothing Dave yeah I actually did yeah it was it was three no jokes aside record it in California I did an actual like awesome
Starting point is 01:04:41 recording studio in Los Angeles yeah why don't you be score I'm just asking him questions so he nothing Dave we're not I'm yeah. Why don't you just score? I'm just asking him questions so he... Pretty nothing, Dave. We're not, I'm not debating, I don't have a position. Dave, everything is called petition. I do, yeah. But I don't have a position, I'm just asking you questions. Because when I saw it, I immediately think,
Starting point is 01:04:55 why'd he do this? You answered that question. But I guess I still gotta ask one more question. Really though, why did you do it? It was an idea we had, and I'm like, fuck it. And it came out well. Four nothing. Yeah, four nothing.
Starting point is 01:05:10 I didn't think that the video, like obviously our editors are incredible. They turned that around in like 10 hours. Maybe if somebody else asked a question. Titus. Yeah, no, I would believe that actually. What emotion are you going for for like what's the idea? I made this and someone watches it where you like yes, that's exactly what I wanted what I want
Starting point is 01:05:32 How are people supposed to is it funny? Yeah, okay, I have nothing question Is this a test run for doing more of this in the future like a career perhaps? I would hope I would hope why not? What's the reception been uh? Have the people want me to kill myself half the people think it's funny so it's Yeah, I mean that that was oh and I want people I want people to get it stuck in their head, and I think that you got me I know it's it's a song that's easily stuck in your head Yeah, you kiss you kiss yourself in this song.
Starting point is 01:06:07 I do. Is there a little part of you that's like, Trump's going to retweet this? Is there a little part of you that you think? I think there's like a 1% chance that Don Jr. gets a hold of it. Because doesn't he follow Barstool a little bit? Like, tangentially? Barron might be bumping in as we speak. Yeah, he might be.
Starting point is 01:06:25 What was- what'd you just understand? Oh, Doug sent me that just behind the scenes of Dave recording. Oh, I'd like to see that. Mmhmm. Working for the weekend, only three days a week. I like this. Gotta rest my mental health, you to my favorite drag queens Sent my son to spree school to learn about the world
Starting point is 01:06:56 We're How the magic was made I like the effort yeah, what I like the effort I didn't even know something you're trying something Hmm, that order like what effort. I didn't even wrong thing. You're trying something What are the critics beef with it? That it's Dumbest fucking thing they've ever seen in their lives and I like the guy that Typically focuses on baseball and sports coming out with a music video. This is all the white socks fault Stage name for this I was gonna I was thinking brave socks Dave That was one why why because it was I'm brave
Starting point is 01:07:33 We have to leave It's cloud Tony O BrownBrown all over again. Brave Williams. White Sox Brave. Brave Williams, yeah. Could've done that. That's what the White Sox have done to me. They've Will Vems.
Starting point is 01:07:56 So as I was editing my Instagram profile to include the link on my main page, I did put he and him as my pronouns. Oh, OK. I was unsure before. Good shit, man. Have you been harboring this hatred for four years and just of the whole?
Starting point is 01:08:18 Not really, no. I think it was more of a parody against the right wing, right? That's exactly what it was. Oh, that's what it is. That's what it was. of like a parody against the the right-wing right that's exactly what it was Oh, that's what that's yeah, that's my mistake. I and it was written by two absurdly liberal people out in Los Angeles That checks. Yeah, I said it completely just had to say Los Angeles. Oh, yeah There's so many that I'm going through it out. So really hit it what did you get along with them think of it?
Starting point is 01:08:42 I do yeah. Mm-hmm. What's that? The big T like it? I would imagine he at least agrees with it, maybe not like it, but agrees with the messaging, yeah. Zah, thoughts? Great song. Thank you, Zah. Thank you, Zah. Weird Dave Yankovic.
Starting point is 01:08:59 Okay. I want more. Yeah, we'll get more. Do you have any, like, here's what my next idea is nothing nothing let's get it Let's get the next let's conjure it up right here. Do more you and Blutman should do a collab He's a rapper now is Blutman a rapper. Yeah nice. We can we can work something. Oh do it about Like the son of the president that just won't stop growing. Watch ball if I'm sick, watch ball till I faint. In my high school dance, I only grind tape.
Starting point is 01:09:28 I got ball in my blood, no ifs, ands, or buts. Like Levar, I got balls coming out of my nose. My eyes got red. This is so good. This is like early internet. Tensions that get close to me. Yeah. Except I don't like.
Starting point is 01:09:40 Yeah, it's like Tom Green. I know. Nicky Smokes play has ruined the game. I watch ball on the A-field, blue to the green. Call me Elmer, cause I'm blue to the screen. It's like Tom Green's show. I know. I unironically love this. Yeah. How did you guys get him to agree to sing this Yeah, he's surprised he he said some things I knew I wouldn't say in real life I forget what it was I love that like the bar. This was an all's coming. I wasn't a mostly joint those a Ronin because Ronin PFT. I don't I
Starting point is 01:10:24 Didn't think he could be convinced to rap Call me off guard So yeah, we're just a musical Phyllis song coming on and I'd love I'd love if you did one I Don't know that I could do it as good as why sucks Dave or but you could I don't think I could or would What about the wrestling theme? Roan did it. Roan wrote it and performed it.
Starting point is 01:10:53 I'm going to talk about making love only in hotels. Oh, I wouldn't say making love. Rewards points. Yeah, you know hotel stay this weekend. I spread her wide, then I slid down the slide. Oh God It's pretty good hotel called again Everest the burst ever heard of the Sibiris Hotel day. I don't think I have
Starting point is 01:11:13 Water slide rooms hotel by the hour. Oh that one It's a midwest hotel. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I like this new lane for you. I don't have a choice on my test you think Yep, you heard it here we was forced to do well, but white socks drove me to this I'm a Mississippi State Dolphins fan. I I haven't been driven to the musical pursuit yet Well other avenues other than sports you have the AK Yes, I do, but you also have multiple podcasts your own This was hosted on a music podcast. Yeah, I Like the effort I like the song yeah, I
Starting point is 01:11:58 think it's I Think that's like many other similar songs especially at the company I think people might have been shell-shocked by like seeing you high the production quality. Well, that's the joke It was Kenny Kenny carkeat. He's my co-host on backstage He is a founding member of a very successful band. He's a whole life is music. He produced that so Like he's produced a lot of songs you've heard, hear daily on the radio and shit, and that's his whole life, so that's where the production quality comes from. Da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da- I think I've got it He's more self-deprecating than anybody about it
Starting point is 01:12:47 I mean how much did he make off of that his entire life the writers automatically get like a minimum percentage Was it him that said he did he say sale in the song? I'm sorry. He say sale in the song. He didn't sing it. No. He wrote it. He wrote it and played the keyboard on it What's that other song? He did? tequila All right, are you going to dinner ever again? Yeah Not my fault last week. Okay, I was it mook was too busy all week, and then we are hunting this weekend We tried though. We're gonna make it happen this dinner doesn't happen happen you all get antique tomorrow. That's fair. That's fair. Okay. By the end of the week you're getting antique. If he doesn't
Starting point is 01:13:33 go to dinner or either way. Either way. Sure. That's when you like the flower right? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Thank you White Sox Dave All right. See you guys later. Appreciate it. Mark, I see your eyes looking around to try to find the flower. To find the flower, yeah. I don't know where it went. I have a question. Should we Plinko Day on Friday again? Yep. That'd be great. Yeah, I think we should.
Starting point is 01:13:53 I got all that kiss makeup for not being gonna... Yeah. The other day... Yeah, you should, yeah. ...Chay found his bowl. Yeah. And then he had to go back to Plinko Board, so Kate took it and stuck it under there. Is it still under there?
Starting point is 01:14:04 Did you stop looking, Flo? He never found it? He couldn you never found it. He doesn't give a fuck about this bowl so He did the bare minimum looking for that bowl. We destroy it. We should come in it. Yeah combo You want to like hit it with golf clubs or something or just destroy it just fill it with bust you think you could destroy it With a golf club Give it a shot. I don't know what it's nice. It's got that grip Oh hit it off gonna back out I can't hit the man's ball off the tee my fuck up the club Just stand on it Brandon see if it let's just go office Crush it and put it in his locker. You could destroy that bowl.
Starting point is 01:14:45 Step on it. On the court? What are you going to do to this bowl? Do we have a Winnebago? Of course we do. It don't hurt anything else. Oh you can drop weights on it. I feel like it's indestructible.
Starting point is 01:15:01 We have all those weights. Where's he going? Wow Huh, oh This is a good bowl should we do a whole gauntlet but using that instead of the balls a Bowl gauntlet bowl gauntlet or crack. Oh There is oh Yeah Oh a bowl gauntlet bowl gauntlet crack oh there is Yeah, cargo don't kill that ball
Starting point is 01:15:33 Or do anything you'd like to Turn upside down just jump on with all your weight right here my break his ankle. Oh this. Oh god. Oh Wow nothing even close Give it a good whack Oh Drop a weight on it. Don't drop a dumbbell on it. Yeah, not on the court. Yeah, no, he's gonna golf club it Fuck that bowl. Hold on before you do it. We're gonna make Steven watch? Yeah. Nice.
Starting point is 01:16:33 Hold on, hold on. We're making him watch. Hold on. How is he gonna spin this to why he doesn't care? What the fuck? No way he didn't pick up. He's at a movie. He's at a movie.
Starting point is 01:16:52 Wait he's sick. He's at a movie. He's at a fucking movie. I know that's a movie. You can tell. That's what he's doing. Yeah. He's at the movie theater. He is he takes me
Starting point is 01:17:08 He's at a movie oh my god So this bull just is no hit it no hit it harder. Yeah We'll show him a movie. We went to shit. Oh Nice that was fun. It's all it hit Oh nice! That was fun! Solid hit. Oh that pole's getting fucked now! Yeah you gotta do something to this pole.
Starting point is 01:17:35 Somebody has to do something to the bowl. I mean he shouldn't have left the bowl here. What did he think was gonna happen? We can't have a bowl and not break it. No, it was just sitting there asking to be broken. This is why we just can't have nice things. I forgot like a bowl. Yeah. Yeah. You still hold a salad.
Starting point is 01:18:00 Oh, big time. That was a sick. That feel good. It looked good. I hit a square. Oh, no, no he's gonna drop a weight on it. Oh this is this is gonna be sick. Oh Danny. You have a very big weight. Yeah Danny is that all you can lift Danny? Alright maybe try a smaller one you were right. Oh God. Was that not your first watch? Running over the bowl. Oh, oh you want to run over the boy. I do kind of oh It's doing really well. Yeah, I Want to wait let me see what do you mean you tell it out now bitch? Let me see a picture. I'm gonna take a picture recent. I think we got to fuck it up more at the movies with the kid
Starting point is 01:18:58 I was gonna say This would be a lot from somebody, but you know what the funniest picture we could send them is a Turd in it? A turd in it. Yeah, wait, not yet. Somebody's gotta shit in that bowl. Somebody has to shit in this. I'm not shitting in the bowl, not in here.
Starting point is 01:19:12 This is where we need Malice at. Not it. Kyle, you wanna shit in this bowl? I can't right now, but I would. So would I. Actually, would I? I don't know if that's... is that crossing? I wouldn't love it.
Starting point is 01:19:24 I think it's like a... Can we make a fake turd? Dancing online? Can we get a dog I wouldn't love it. I think it's like Can we make a fake turd? I think it would be fun puke He said yeah, he's at his movie with his kid There a height element wicked We did wait I'll's on the court. Yeah, from way up high. We did wait. I'll put it on the train track. Oh.
Starting point is 01:19:47 What the fuck? D-Rails the track. That would kill 47 people. Dave released our text messages about this. What's that? White Sox Dave? No, Dave Portnoy. Oh.
Starting point is 01:19:57 Dave number two. Because I sent it to him. I'm like, hey, is this OK to post? This is one of the weirdest things I've ever seen ever. Yeah, I mean, I think he has to post it It's so bizarre almost breathtaking. I think he's serious in it like sorta. Which one's you and which one's they? I'm ever okay I'm watching ball. Yeah, and then he just gets one Yeah, and then he just gets one up. That was me dip. What?
Starting point is 01:20:28 Like, just Liam goes the track of the winter. Yeah. I'm happy White Sox saves trying. I do stand by that. Oh, of course. It is a baffling- There's a lot of effort that went into that. It's a baffling video that I don't quite understand, but I am pro anyone taking risks.
Starting point is 01:20:45 You can't tell people to not take shots and then be like, yeah, I think that's- Oh, why'd you take that shot? Right. What are you doing with that baseball bat, Ty Vee? That's the fastest spagetti at the wall. See what sticks. I was gonna maybe hit the ball.
Starting point is 01:20:56 Oh. Go hit the ball, hit the ball. You need a pitcher or you just wanna tee it up? That's a bowl, Brandon. Ooh. Ooh. Damn, got your ass. You just want to tee it up. That's a bowl Brandon Yeah, got your ass
Starting point is 01:21:12 You looked at me to see if no I got I was looking to see if you got it I don't think you got it Are you just throw it up? I hope another TV breaks This might yeah, that's good Someone check on Lance. I got him. That's a horror. Throw it back. I want to do that.
Starting point is 01:21:28 Throw it back. Throw it back. Throw it back. Uh-oh. Oh! You guys want to play bowl ball? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:39 Holy shit. It's a basketball player. Bowl ball rocks. Wow. Kyle, go. Yeah, I want to do it. Basketball player ball ball rocks Now go yeah, I want to do it. Yeah, it's just made for you. I'm actually pissed that it took you this long With his birthday coming up. I was thinking about just getting him a bunch of stuff He could destroy oh when it's a bunch of big presents to big boxes to open up Saturday I gotta buy a bunch of shit though. Oh Yeah, nice hit Uh, Saturday? I gotta buy a bunch of shit though. Oh yeah!
Starting point is 01:22:05 Nice hit. Ah, get him like 12 pair of shoes this time. Steven just said, what the fuuuuuuuuck? Still probably works though. Ah. That's the most Steven reply. You hit it in the sweet spot that thing feels nice. What the fuuuuuuuuck?
Starting point is 01:22:22 We got a lot of netting over there. Yeah. What the fuck? We got a lot of netting over there. Almost there. You want my car keys? Nah. I've got it we got a great and you want you want it on that I golf clubbed it another picture baseball bat you want it on now say hey Steven something happened to your bowl he's still gonna eat it out of it that bowl is
Starting point is 01:23:05 doing a lot better than I would be would you be dead by now I think so yeah I would too let's see a dropped a weight on to me dead maybe could we reverse club reverse over it with a car four or five baseball bats it's tougher than a human yeah what'd you do the first time Kyle I just jumped on it. He's gonna still eat his salad. Kate have you done anything to it? Let me see it. This is where Kate gets hurt. It's actually easier to hold it. It's actually better. Alright say goodbye to this bowl. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh uh it went up
Starting point is 01:23:53 Come and get it Steve oh the metals ripped yeah, yeah close to breaking. Oh, yeah Good job guys. Thank you. Thank you. It feels good feels good to break something Or slightly Ben how many times all right don't leave your fucking salad bowl. Oh! Now it's really starting to... All right, let's talk about Lucy. Lucy is the obvious choice for the true nicotine pouch connoisseurs. That's why they're the official nicotine pouch partner of Barstool Sports. Lucy pouches go up to 12 milligrams in strength
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Starting point is 01:25:14 Lucy products are for adults only of legal age and every order is age verified. Warning this product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical. Go get you some Lucy today. Kind of taunted you the way it landed there. Should we say like things Steven has done to piss us off while we hit it? Yeah. I still think about when he's... Oh, you're really doing it. Yeah. One time. Oh no, he said update really doing it. Yeah. Wow. One time.
Starting point is 01:25:46 Oh, no. He said update dammit. So it was fuck, and then it was dammit. Fuck the dammit is what movies are you seeing? Let's see. He's got his kids. Sonic? Could be Sonic.
Starting point is 01:25:58 I think you already saw it. Dog Man. Is Dog Man out yet? There's a Wolf Man and a Dog Man out. Very confusing. Wolf Man's a grown person, right? And Dog Man's a cartoon. to the creator of Captain Underpants And then better man is I'm gonna have to go see dog one movie
Starting point is 01:26:09 There's a lot of man monkey eater movie right all the one about Robbie Williams who nobody nobody Yeah, why did they make a movie a biography about a guy and then make him a monkey it was his idea Because he said he's always felt Like a monkey oh Who, I can relate. Who funded that? Who was like, all right. I guess he's huge in the UK. Robbie Williams?
Starting point is 01:26:31 Yes. Was he in a band? A boy band. I read his wiki. Because I had never heard of him. Mack the Knife? Is that him? Is Mack the Knife Robbie Williams?
Starting point is 01:26:42 No. Not really. I don't like him. What song is this? So the monkey thing wasn't a joke. He made a monkey for me. Is Mack the knife Robbie will What song is this so the monkey thing wasn't a joke made a monkey They did an oboe free of him a Biopic and it's the but instead of him. It's a monkey playing. I feel like I'm being gaslit about this guy Yep, like even as I'm reading his Wikipedia. I'm just like what's this all just conjured up out of thin air I don't think he has any in the US are we allowed to see the trailer for it down here or no? Blutman has more songs than him?
Starting point is 01:27:07 He's got to have a song. He's got a boy band called Take That. He's from a stupid town name. Did you see the town name he was born in? No. Stoke-on-Trent? Oh, yeah, it's a pottery town. That's stupid.
Starting point is 01:27:22 Big pottery place. How did you know it was a big pottery place? Because I read his Wikipedia then I checked out the city and I read about the city. What? Huh? And it's called Better Man. That's a monkey. They never acknowledge that it's a monkey. He's not even a man. It's like not part of the story. Does he fuck in the biopic? Who the fuck is this guy? He's a British. It's crazy people are saying he might sing Mack the knife. He's Rick Astley Who sings Mac? He's a cheeky monkey. He has a song right Mac the What is his song can someone someone tell me? Nobody knows.
Starting point is 01:28:06 Wait, he's a sex addict, Mucky? There's no way of knowing, Dan. That's what's crazy. Please find me a song. I recognize his name somehow. Older people like him. No, he's only 50. That's older. TJ, what song do you like? I've heard of him before.
Starting point is 01:28:24 No, you haven't. I boy? I've heard of them before no you haven't I feel like I've heard the name I don't know rock DJ. I think did well in the US and I bet that I Draw me and my monkey rock DJ. I think me and my monkey is about his penis. Where's back tonight? Yes, he did I remember listening to it on my TV Spotify. Which sucks, but. Can you search for Mack the Knife? We couldn't start this list without the timeless classic angels.
Starting point is 01:28:55 Like no one's ever heard of. What the fuck is it? There it is. Oh my god. Mm-hmm. Oh my god. How'd you know Mack the Knife? I thought that was his most popular song. How does it go?
Starting point is 01:29:11 This has to make Pharrell regret that he's doing his biopic as a Lego guy. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Wait, what? Pharrell's biopic coming out He's a Lego. It's less work for him. Huh? Yeah My favorite genre movie is like biographical drama of... about like a generational success. Give me an example. Have you seen Blackberry? The Big Short. Oh.
Starting point is 01:29:35 Social Network. Steve Jobs. Air. Yeah, I like those. Are there any more like that? Blackberry. Blackberry, yeah. The QVC lady one with Jennifer Lawrence Lawrence where she comes up with the mop I
Starting point is 01:29:50 Liked that whatever the fuck it was the one yeah wasn't there a McDonald's one. There's a hot cheeto one About crock yeah the founder. I'll watch that Tetris. That was pretty good. I heard Tetris is frosted frosted pop-tart movie Okay, I that was pretty good I heard Tetris is frosted pop-tart movie yeah okay I guess this is kind of a genre genre genre genre genre genre Nicky Smokes there's one he asked me this morning there was one a person I could bring back from the dead non-relative who would it be I said Alex Trebek what when I got here Nicky Smokes was just enraptured by Frank. Frank was sitting at one of the tables.
Starting point is 01:30:30 Nikki Smokes was asking him trivia questions. But instead of asking him trivia questions, he was just going talking about dolphins and said, hey, Frank, do you remember Zach Thomas? And Frank would go, yeah. And Nikki Smokes would go, awesome. That's just the extent of the trivia he was asking. Frank, do you remember Chris Chambers? Yeah. Cool.
Starting point is 01:30:50 What was the hypothetical Nicky Smokes threw on me today? Me and Kyle were trying to convince him to be gay. Oh. And so we told him that what if it feels better? And what he said, because I walked by and he was like, wouldn't it be easier if- I think he was like- I think he was like it fucking dudes wasn't gay wouldn't our lives be easier. Yeah, really would Then you're just hanging out with your buddies and you get to know everyone's gonna. I'll sound them out trade-off. Yeah, what would you be trading? if you want to fuck your boys and it's like I don't know that I Guess the camaraderie hard to it's hard that you're wearing too many hats at that point right you're the
Starting point is 01:31:32 If you go on a bachelor party you just get your dick sucked all weekend yeah by your boy What is that rule I don't know I Think it was like kind of tarnished the riff because then maybe the banter would get back up around how the order I'm so horny yeah someone do something about this or maybe they would riff better yeah well this show be better yeah what would we do I think I'd be trying. I would show if we all sucked and fucked up Yeah, we try to get my dick. We had our maximum potential. Yeah, I'll be trying to make you guys laugh. So you'd laugh hard Yeah, I have no reason to make you guys laugh
Starting point is 01:32:16 Yeah, there's no payoff We just go on a Merit-based dick sucking board gentleman. We have like a scoreboard. Yeah, all right who had the best show Let's suck them Wheel But sometimes I'd be like purposely standoffish to try to get like you go in a little bit to get me sucked No, you might you be more attracted to that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:47 But you didn't even try today. Fucking, oh, it drove me crazy. John, you're biting your lip. It's like you don't even want it. Oh, man. That would be a paradise. You are so standoffish today. Oh, big cat, I'd be trying to put it on tease for you.
Starting point is 01:33:06 Oh. Brandon, you didn't let any of our jokes bother you. Oh! Titus could say the God honey thing, and I'm guffawing on the ground. Just for one taste. Gruden accidentally sucks tates. Yeah, I won.
Starting point is 01:33:22 What the fuck? God damn it! You're not Titus? I did it again. This is the fourth time I've sucked you this week. Finish up and get out of here. This keeps happening to me. I've got to learn this guy's name. We were trying for that. That bull would be snapped in half by now. Man. If only. I wouldn't want chase He would enjoy it. Oh my yeah, yeah, he'd watch a video be like aren't I doing a great job? I bought a book. I'm too bad right buddy. Give it a caramel review call himself the best dick sucker in the world Yeah, buddy, you nutty
Starting point is 01:34:00 But in this hypothetical like he'd also be like tormenting our sex drive like we want him equal Yeah, your dick's like a fortune cookie would be pushing each other out of the way to get the Stephen J Stan thickness of a of a down blanket Man of a down blanket. Oh, man. Yeah, we should maybe give it a shot. So it starts. Well, he has a question every time you suck his dick. So does that feel better or worse?
Starting point is 01:34:35 Yeah. Are you trying to get me to come? Yeah. You want me to take the glasses off? Yeah. Given how Tate and I celebrated the Texas win, you might see it tonight. It's true. For how state with jumps up. I need you guys to go viral again and alpha male Twitter. and I celebrated the Texas win, you might see it tonight. That's true. If Ohio State wins the call. He just jumps up, gok, gok, gok, gok. I need you guys to go viral again in alpha male Twitter.
Starting point is 01:34:50 Yeah, you should have a chance. You should grind him. He's grinding on him. Yeah, grind. He's your booty pop. Booty pop. Yeah. Tate becomes the second goonicide.
Starting point is 01:35:01 Yeah, you guys definitely need to just go over the top. Flying 69. Standing 69. Yeah, standing 69. Yeah. Score a touchdown, you just flip him. You just ass. I think grinding him is perfect.
Starting point is 01:35:16 Yeah, just hands. You see the James and Williams touchdown? Yeah. Oh, that was great, yeah. Remember when Nate got flying 69'd? Yeah. That was awesome. Was that awesome? Mm-hmm. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Remember when Nick got flying 69'd? Yeah. That was awesome. Was that awesome?
Starting point is 01:35:28 Yeah. Oh yeah. TJ, you kinda showed yourself as a non-sex actor. Oh yeah, that was tough. That was brutal. That was sex. That was brutal. What happened to Hitch? What happened?
Starting point is 01:35:45 He said, JMo doing back shots. And then people were like, brother, you've never had sex before if you think those are back. Yeah, those weren't back shots. People were like, have sex one time before you say something's back shots. I'm like, well. He's thrusting missionary style. What are you talking about, TJ?
Starting point is 01:36:03 Come on. Back shot. Did you not zap apology, apology TJ that's fucking embarrassing bro, yeah, I should apologize I guess I would like an apology I think you should get backshotted. Yep Only right is I even quieter in this combo Blanket it's a blanket Zod texted me a heartfelt text the other day with a pause in it Brother yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah is pause worth. Yeah Because you know we can't have no misunderstand. I had not a great weekend. He was trying to put me said hey man Was thinking of you pause?
Starting point is 01:36:43 Can't get it twisted we Cheer me up Just between us I think that's that's the part every you can never man one-on-one you should start it with pause Sorry your dad died No homo will Hey man, sorry your dad died. Pause. Ah, sick pause. No homo. What will you be in today? Do you want to do the last two ads, Brandon? Could you?
Starting point is 01:37:16 You've been crushing today. You have been crushing. Yeah, thanks. Last two on the last sheet, yeah. Got it. Kane's Cravable Chicken Finger Meals rally every fan together with their Cook to Order Chicken Fingers, Crispy Crinkle Cut Fries,
Starting point is 01:37:29 Buttery Texas Toast, and their signature Cane sauce. And don't forget, the true MVP of it all, the Raising Cane's Tailgate. Cane's Chicken Finger Tailgates are the perfect option to feed the whole team and bring home a true victory meal. I feel like I eat Raising Cane's. My kids, chicken tenders is their jam. It's all they want to eat. I take them to the Gurney Raising Cane's twice a week. Can't go wrong. I'm there all the time. The sauce, man. Yeah, it's really good. When you
Starting point is 01:37:58 add a jug of freshly squeezed lemonade or freshly brewed iced tea, it gets even better. Go to to game plan your game day meal and follow along on Raising Cane social channels for all the football fun. God, I love Raising Cane's, but you know who I hate. Tell me. Who? I don't know. I don't have the slightest clue who you hate. That bastard Steven Singer. No, you like him.
Starting point is 01:38:20 It's time to talk about our friend Steven Singer from Steven Singer Jewelers. Yes, the I Hate Steven Singer guy. You've seen his billboards and heard him on the radio, but who hates him? Well, other jewelers hate him. Why? Because Steven has the number one gift for Valentine's Day and I'm excited to tell you about it. Are you listening? Picture it. A real long stem American Beauty rose preserved to last a lifetime and lavishly and deeply dipped in 24 karat gold. Steven's 24 karat gold-dipped rose has started just $59. His beautiful Valentine's Day red rose won't wilt and it won't die and it's the perfect pick for your first rose. This gift is unique, sentimental, and lasts a lifetime guaranteed. Big Cat, hand
Starting point is 01:39:00 me that rose to your left. I'd love to. Add your own personalized love message in Stephen's Signature Gift Box and ship for free. And to add your own personalized love message and Stephen's signature gift box and ship for free and if you're a collector, check out Stephen's brand new exclusive peacock teal rose. Go to I hate Steven for real roses dipped and trimmed in real gold from a real jeweler. You can try Stephen Singer jewelers. That's I hate Stephen All right, two ad reads. Yay, Brandon!
Starting point is 01:39:27 Brandon! Brandon. All right, he did it. Good for Brandon. Brandon, Brandon, Brandon. Everything's coming up Brandon. Brandon, Brandon. Less than two months, boys.
Starting point is 01:39:37 What? Hmm? Oh, yeah. Lesson, we're getting down to nitty gritty. Cannot wait. Yeah. That SEC tournament's gonna be something. Oh God, it's gonna be 47 days. I had a zoom meeting with Billy yesterday. Oh my god
Starting point is 01:39:52 Big East is gonna be good, too. Oh, yeah. Yeah, it always is this year. There's no Obvious job, you know last couple years like you can't get lost is a Johnson suddenly You know, the last couple of years, like you kind of... Marquette lost his Avery on Saturday. St. John's is suddenly... Couple of buzzer beaters. John's looks good, Nova's coming back. Nova's just coming back. Hammering out money now. Big East is gonna be, and obviously the Big Ten as well. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:13 Kind of a step back in salary, but... Insane parody. My life's gonna be better. And they're all gonna be on at the exact same time. Yep. And how many days, TJ? So, I guess this is goodbye. 47 days.
Starting point is 01:40:22 Oh my God, I can't wait. All these games all at once? Can't fucking wait. I don't know how to move to LA, but I'll at least look at it forty seven days. Oh my god. I can't wait all this kids. I want fucking wait I don't know how to move to LA, but I'll at least look at it forty seven days. It's doing pretty well You would die in LA That's No, I've been there before The Sun is out every single day. It's a gentle Sun. I don't know man. I was there anything over 60 degrees
Starting point is 01:40:43 I've gotten better you melt like a puddle I ice fished this weekend. Oh, is that fun? I watched some people do it It's cold oh my god is it cold what do we do yeah, I I'm happy. I looked at the extended forecast. I can handle it if it's three days It kind of feels like what almost like yeah,, you know what? We need a little bit of, thank God it's not going to be this cold for more than tomorrow. Because I wouldn't want it more than three days. Wednesday shoots up to 22. Yeah, I know. And that will feel very warm. And then it gets to like 40 on Friday.
Starting point is 01:41:19 My kids are off school today and tomorrow because of the cold. Really? Yeah. Not because they have MLK Day? My wife got off. No, they were still going to be in. Oh, my kids are off school. They're off school today and tomorrow because of the cold. Really? Not because MLK Day? My wife got off. No, they were still going to be in. My kids are off school. They're off today and tomorrow because.
Starting point is 01:41:31 CPS does this thing. They piggyback fucking, like, they do MLK Day, and then they do like a teacher conference day the next day. Oh, that's good. No. Double that. Week. I said, she's not in school on Monday and Tuesday this week.
Starting point is 01:41:43 Five day weekend. Good for them If you were in school, that'd be awesome. It's that you need them to go to school. Yeah No, they gotta go to school. Gotta get him to school. Yeah, what age do the kids getting a day off not fuck you up, Brandon What age is like? I don't know. I always felt I always felt good for my kids when they got a day off of school I was like this one makes life worth living right gotta get back to school Yeah, gotta get him back in school my kids are playing with all your kids stuff here on Sunday. Oh were they in the trucks? Yeah, hell yeah
Starting point is 01:42:14 Which ones well they were just in that one right there. Oh, they should use the ones in the back We brought out the time there. There's more. I have a police car Like dump truck. Oh no, I didn't know there was, they were happy, they were happy just sitting in it not moving. Oh they got a boat? They loved the kayak. Oh, they can sit in the...
Starting point is 01:42:34 Frank the tank was here and took them to see the turtle. It was very, we were here for like three hours. You got three trucks in the back. Frank just lives here, huh? Yeah. Does he live in Chicago? I think so. Yeah, I think so. They walked here this morning in the cold. Holy shit. I... Frank's just taking over
Starting point is 01:42:49 this city. I saw you went on that treadmill yesterday for the first time. You had a fear of them apparently. No way. Yeah I can understand that. Treadmills, big guys, you just can't trust every treadmill. Yeah this one by the way is great. It is. Have you done it? Sturdy? No. Well there's no there's no grabbage there's no nothing no stoppage. Yeah treadmills will scare the daylights out of you if you're over like 220 pounds. Or if you're like really miniature. Yeah? Have us do you? This big. Oh yeah that would suck. Should we put? That'll be fun though you could like skateboard on it. Maybe. Should we put Lego run on the treadmill? What's Lego run run where you just run and then you dump a box of Legos No barefoot. Yeah, we shouldn't put that on the wheel at all
Starting point is 01:43:31 Plink oh, why don't we have a phone? Plink oh Why don't we have a foam pit? Why don't we have a foam pit? Oh? We can learn back we should have a we could do a trampoline and foam pit next to each other. The trampoline gets you up to the second floor. Yeah. The foam pit you jump down, you know? Yeah, that's our thing. All that is great.
Starting point is 01:43:50 That is... That's the way to get up and down. Or we could have a Lego pit. I'm going to, I got to take, I think foam pits are kind of overrated. I've never jumped into one. You never played Double Dare. Have you ever immersed yourself in one? Yeah, jump into it and then you're just like, all right, you've jumped in the foam pit. The jump is the fun part. Not once
Starting point is 01:44:07 you're in it, you just have to get out. The jump is the, it's not like a hot toy. Getting out of the foam pit and just lay there. Jump isn't worth getting out. Getting out sucks, but once you get out, you can jump again. Oh, you're trying to bask in the foam pit. Oh, I would. Trying to bask. Do something else. Learn a trick. Like a pool is so much better than a foam pit. Let's get a pool. What are you pointing at? We don't need Plinko now.
Starting point is 01:44:33 Friday. Friday. Oh, Friday. Friday. I like the initiative. Did he draft Megan into service? Do we have a new guy back there? I got an issue with Jacob right now. What's going on? Jacob is so everyone got bonuses. Jacob didn't get a bonus because he was still technically an intern.
Starting point is 01:45:00 So he asked me and he is like make your case and he made his case in a letter. an intern, so he asked me, and he, I was like, make your case, and he made his case in a letter. And so I'm just gonna give him a pro rated bonus out of my own pocket, but he keeps asking to meet, to talk about it, and I just don't really want to. I'm just gonna do it, but I just don't, he like tries to catch me every time when I'm like walking into something.
Starting point is 01:45:20 So you're saying this young man who works here is trying to get a second to talk to his boss about his money I already talked to him about it, and that's your beef with him No, I'm just gonna give it to him Jacob. Just give it to him now Jacob You'd probably be fighting. He wouldn't want that It's more than he's caught me like three times and I'm like on the phone like walking into something's like you got a minute I'm just like no, I actually don't write this second
Starting point is 01:45:42 Okay, can't catch a clue. I Didn't get no goddamn bonus like no I actually don't write this second. Kade can't catch a clue. It's stuck. I didn't get no goddamn bonus. Why don't you talk to me about it? You guys should talk like maybe, I don't know, second week of March. He wrote me a letter, I read the letter, it was a good letter.
Starting point is 01:45:57 Was it a good, how was his handwriting? I was typed, Jacob! Where'd he go? He'll only get his bonus if he can make this bowl the size of a nickel. I'll make sure you get a prorated bonus within the next like month, alright? Jacob, you wanna hit the bowl? What? You wanna hit the bowl?
Starting point is 01:46:21 I think the problem was we didn't need a follow-up meeting. Well, you said you would make a decision. I did like a little ago and I forgot to tell you My bad hit the bowl. I Will make sure you're taking care of Okay, gotcha Yeah, that was a weight off my shoulders. Yes You know that you know that feeling when he's just like oh, yeah, he's doing that You know that feeling when he's just like, oh. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:46:44 He's doing that. He's doing, oh. Simply, he wants to talk to you for a second. Jake, I'd rather have the conversation than the money. Yeah, I would. Do you want to tell him right now why you deserve the bonus or anything? He wrote a letter.
Starting point is 01:46:55 It was a good letter. That's all you need, Brandon. Yeah, hit a dinger. How do you sign it, sincerely? Love. What if he whiffs on the bowl hit? If you whiff on the bowl hit, it's cut in half. Oh, fuck. But if you hit a dinger, it's double
Starting point is 01:47:08 Well, he doesn't know how much it is so No, you got a swing no, no, is he another che Hold it like a real bat. Oh my god, this is Foul tip grounded out to first base full pro rated bonus Well deserved Grounded out to first base. Full pro rated bonus. Thank you, big cat. Well deserved. Thank you, bar school. Thank you, Dave.
Starting point is 01:47:48 Well, no, don't thank Dave. He's coming out of my pocket. Oh, thank you, big cat. You got it. Dave doesn't know who you are. Whoa, this is heavy as hell. The bat. Is this a normal bat?
Starting point is 01:47:57 Yeah. Holy shit. Jacob works really hard. He's good. I like Jacob. He just caught me like three. It was like three consecutive times and I was like Just get away for the last two weeks was pretty busy and it was just like you don't have a second right now
Starting point is 01:48:10 How'd you get him to trick out the Plinko board that would only spit mine off? Where we're only I couldn't that does look a lot of it took a lot of trial and error Also, you wouldn't listen to us. He asked if we wanted to put plexiglass on it. I don't think so No, I think the the the allure of yeah the kid not having it work half the time is kind of fun We don't want to make it better. We all pretty much picked it up We do need we need something for when it falls off though. It doesn't have to be like a huge punishment But just something has no I don't try all you do is let it go Then the fate is up to the board
Starting point is 01:48:43 What about we have like one spot on the ground, if the puck lands in that, that's like the spot of death. Yeah. And you have to go get butt ass naked. Butt ass naked. Something to spice it up when you have a brain in a situation and just keeps popping off the board. Right, Brandon?
Starting point is 01:49:00 It wasn't really my fault, I was putting it exactly where you guys put it. You and the tunnel with Che was like the hardest, I've laughed in a long time. So funny. I was putting it exactly where you guys put it you in the tunnel with Che It was like the hardest I've laughed in a long time. So funny I'd rather be in the fact she didn't also know we had mics in there and he spoiled what he's wearing for the case Yeah, take it still be in there right now. I think you'd be fine. Absolutely He's built for that. We just sent him a meal every now and then I love that We think Che is a freak show because he's happy. Yeah
Starting point is 01:49:26 That really is this guy's fucking insane. Holy shit. Che's happiness freaks us out. Yep. And it's really bad for us. That's what it is. His mind is a steel trap. But he's happy no matter what.
Starting point is 01:49:39 Every now and then, you've got to take a loss, and he doesn't do it. Look at this guy. He always finds the bright side. Should we get Che to do like a cat scan or something and see if he's missing part of his brain? What if he is what we do bottom eyes as a child? Did you see there was a story about like the last people who got a lobotomy and they're like happy really yeah So do we perfect it before it went out of style? I don't know I still don't really understand what they just take a piece your
Starting point is 01:50:05 brain I was gonna say I Real like a hole in your brain right one of the Kennedy girls get that yeah Rosemary and like four of the Queen of England people I'm sorry I Guess it makes sense. You're like oh My brain makes me sad. Okay. Well, let's just take it out Let's get rid of that piece. That's pretty easy. Oh There's something that's bothering you. Let's remove it
Starting point is 01:50:33 What if you take the wrong part out you take out the part that likes pizza? How many people died from lobotomies? It was when did they start happening? I don't know. Because it's a pretty intense fucking thing for. Go through your eye? I think so. Oh, I thought they went up your nose. Oh, maybe. Total lobotomy is a horror story. Less than a century ago is a revolutionary fix for misunderstood mental health problems. First, the body performed the late 1880s by Swiss physician Gottlieb Burkhardart. By the 1940s, most American neurosurgeons loudly resisted lobotomy criticizing his lack of
Starting point is 01:51:11 research and low success rate, but the procedure's negative feedback did nothing to stop Walter J. Freeman, a neurologist who is, according to an NPR account, equal parts physician and showman. Oh, you want your doctor to be a showman? He didn't have any real Doctor, yeah, you want to prove that he was right. He's convinced that he was right I thought how can a man be relaxed just going blindly into a brain the good question over 3,500 lobotomies that was only a fraction of total in all more than 50,000 lobotomies were formed the United States most between
Starting point is 01:51:42 1949 and 1952 dude. He was it, a shitload of them. Let's put lobotomy on the wheel. Holy fuck. Do one or get it done to you? To you. We have two wheels. If I'm gonna commit to a lobotomy, I won't Titus or Kyle to do it.
Starting point is 01:52:01 Oh, thanks man. Yeah, I mean you don't know how to do it, but who cares? You gotta learn something about it. However, ultimately impossible to know exactly how many people around the world were subjected to the little botomy. It's also impossible to know how many people died as a result of the procedure of Freeman's 3,500 patients.
Starting point is 01:52:16 For example, perhaps 490 died. That's a pretty good clip. Didn't they skip a bunch of body parts? Like, in the 1890s, we didn't know what an ACL was, but we're messing around with the brain? We're just drilling around in the brain? Yeah. Pull that back up, TJ.
Starting point is 01:52:34 Maybe scroll down, because what's the argument against Australia being an island? What? Yeah. Yeah. I'd like to read about this now. Someone who got a lobotomy road test. Can something be too big to be an island?
Starting point is 01:52:49 I think that's what they claim. It's like a continental land. So isn't everything an island, though? I guess so. We are floating. Something like that. It's too big, huh? I'm an island continent.
Starting point is 01:53:00 I'm an island boy. Those guys sucked each other off, right? Oh, big time. They're trying to make it. Do they? Something like that. Yeah, island boy. Those guys sucked each other off, right? Oh, big time. They're trying to make it. Did they? Something like that. Yeah, they make out with each other on OnlyFans. They didn't have a long run.
Starting point is 01:53:11 From what I heard. Their run was what, 20 minutes? No, I think it was, I bet you it's been, their run was longer than the Costco guys' run now. They went south quick though. Were they ever beloved though? No. No, and they got infamous pretty quick.
Starting point is 01:53:24 I've accidentally joined a couple of their lives where I'm like the only one in there. You haven't accidentally joined a couple of their lives They went south quick or they ever beloved though no and they got infamous pretty quick I've accidentally joined a couple of their lives where I'm like the only one in there you have an accidentally joined it Type and kiss each other. I've actually joined every single Out there out there in my first base. Hey, how was the movie? You're frozen you're frozen. Where are you? Why are you? Just takes days. Um, how's movie? Took a lot we found it like that We're really strong
Starting point is 01:54:14 You could still eat a salad out of it We're helping you control your portions We're helping you control your portions wins Steven would you if we started implementing a mandatory suck off at the end of every yak would you partake? Funniest of the episode gets sucked like compliments. No no like suck someone's penis Okay, so that's not a no it's not a no all right. We'll see you tomorrow buddy. We saw a movie with no words. All right, see ya. Fuck her up. Flow, a movie without words? Hey, Nick, what are you eating right now?
Starting point is 01:54:49 Dude, I cannot help myself when these are sitting next to me. Too good. Reese's? Reese's Lava Cup. Ooh. It's incredible. I'm gonna have some more. Oh, can you throw me one Brandon?
Starting point is 01:54:58 No, I may not. There's another one, come on. I got you Kay. This is my favorite time of the episode. Oh my god. Oh. Reese's Lava Cups, the best. We're gonna be doing something with Reese's.
Starting point is 01:55:12 No kidding. Yeah. Very excited. Yeah, I'm obsessed with these. I have not made it through an episode with these sitting next to me. No, they're so good. I think they're my favorite food.
Starting point is 01:55:24 Bar none. And they always have food. Bar none. And they always have been. Bar none. Yeah, they're the gold standard of candy. I got lava on my chin last episode, none of you guys told me. I wanted to lick it off. Damn.
Starting point is 01:55:36 Chaurises. Lava cups. Tell you what, if this floor was this lava, I would eat it. Wow. Yeah, wouldn't avoid it. Quite the promise. Can we see this flow movie? What is it? I saw a movie without words. Yeah TJ you should
Starting point is 01:55:53 be able to play it. Yeah. You know who would like a movie without words? The guy who had a lobotomy. Yeah. Has anyone here seen hundreds of beavers That's a movie with no words that recently came out and it's like really good It's like a comedy movie like an old thing funny I've been going back to vaudeville days. I'm getting into minions those guys are fucking hilarious Are they yes? Like are they clever or do they fall into give me an example of a minion
Starting point is 01:56:28 funny and shit whats like their whats their thing they just always kind of find a way to win yeah and they dont really make sense thats sounds awful they like find themselves in funny situations
Starting point is 01:56:40 would you want to get a beer with them yeah Ive been waiting Ive been waiting to binge but I might just dive in yeah after watching all the minions before you have your kid Sorry, dude They're fucking funny as shit. I might dive in tonight. Nothing else going on In the old office when Brandon and I would do college football streams we would watch a Foreign film of my choice. Uh-huh the games were going on it man
Starting point is 01:57:09 It man is my favorite movie of all time that yeah, and our our our we watched one time, too And that's in my top ten It man it man it's my favorite. It's my number one movie most watched movie. I made Dana Beers watch it and he He loved it. He loved it. I think I liked our RR too you liked our RR yeah that was the two guys that ended up yeah yeah lemon's about a hit 24 hours oh let's see a big finale planned look at those slits He's truly just watching ball hey goldfinger. Yeah. Oh, he's tired 23 58 59 Now one minute good He should do this tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:58:06 Wait, so he started, he was in the cave yesterday. Started with the... He was doing his own side stream? He was just watching with us. Oh, so he's counting that as part of the... How did this start? He was like, you know what, I'm just gonna sit here first. He just said I'm gonna do it. But I think he's done this non-filmed before., he's added a camera should make it like a series like Monday Wednesday Friday. Yeah
Starting point is 01:58:31 Just loves watching ball what somebody's getting a camera of the camera Spider yeah, where were you when? Wow, this is electric. Five seconds. For three. They went back to zero. What the heck? It's a new day.
Starting point is 01:58:59 I went to zero. I got to do a full 24 again. The time went to zero. That's not what that means just ended Nice that was cool. All right, we keep going This is like when Jim We probably get the 30 not tired I'm genuinely not tired I try to tell people like 3m that this is what would happen I'd get a little tired at like six seven eight whatever and I power through and then it'd be milled
Starting point is 01:59:36 the day I'm not tired voicebox is gone who cares I'm not tired I got a lot in this. Alright, so that one balloon really wants to keep going. Trooper. Number one ball watcher. I might try to be the number one ball watcher watcher. Yeah. I'll watch you. Should we bring him in? See if he learned anything? I don't think he can leave his post. He just needs ball to be on so oh easy. They would just bring his laptop. Yeah He brought his well He's streaming on the laptop when he came into mostly sports he brought his phone where he was watching League of Legends
Starting point is 02:00:13 Is that ball? His definition of ball is anything competitive team anything that he's watching Change what ball is Anything going on in front of him at any given moment Yeah, I was gonna go do some Mario Kart duels in front of him later. That's Paul. He said he can't play but he could watch All right number one yeah All right, should we spin the wheel so we're doing plinko day on Friday again? Yeah I would I'd be fine for a little chunk of time for that to be the Friday. Yeah. Yeah. Well, we're not gonna do it
Starting point is 02:00:44 Yeah, this is perfect. We're gonna do it on Friday. Obviously the following for that to be the Friday trick. Yeah, yeah. Well, we're not going to do it. Yeah, this is perfect, because we're going to do it on Friday. Obviously, the following Friday is going to be the case race. And then we'll be in New Orleans. So it's good that we get another Plinko day. Can we get some papers that fit the bottom of the board so we could change the letters? Mm.
Starting point is 02:01:01 Sure. Maybe we spell out something else. Something else, yeah. Let's ask Jacob. We do it with his money, with his raise money. Yeah. Do we spell out something else? Yeah. Ask Jacob. We do it with his money. His raise money. Yeah. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 02:01:09 He can handle it. Jacob can do anything. Just takes like seven, eight days. All right, let's spin our wheel. We got to talk about a dating show. Oh, yeah, we're going to do that after the soup soup bowl I think, because I don't know if we're ready. So I have it narrowed down.
Starting point is 02:01:31 We need to email the next group to get more from this next group. I have it narrowed down to like a hundred. But I need to proceed. So I'll talk to you guys after. After soup bowl we should do it. Are we completely opposed to letting them just show their faces in the submissions? That's what I need, I need like videos,
Starting point is 02:01:51 and so I need faces, videos, a little more info for this next group, and then, yeah. Yeah, we didn't have the women with Jake do it, because they're women. The implication, yeah. But I do have a PowerPoint highlighting the 3000. We have some highlights, some very funny stuff, some good, so whenever we wanna do that, that's fine.
Starting point is 02:02:18 But check your emails because I think in the next couple days, if you applied to the dating show, you'll get an email if you were greenlit asking for a little more stuff. Okay, great. Yeah. I want somebody real, real shy. Maybe doesn't even say a word.
Starting point is 02:02:34 I'm trying to do the whole- Mute, yeah. There's some real showy guys that were real with the, and then trying to get a good mix. Do mutes still exist? Yeah. Yeah. I've never met a mute.
Starting point is 02:02:52 Well, they have Twitter now. Every now and then, people are selectively mute sometimes for a long time. Huh? People just like, hey, I didn't speak for seven years, I just didn't feel like it. I do that a lot. Seven years?
Starting point is 02:03:11 All right. All right, spin the wheel. Wet. No. Stop. Why would you do that? Why would you do that? Easy.
Starting point is 02:03:21 Why? Why? Well. All right. We'll see you for a little while. All right, we'll see you for a little while. All right, we'll see you for a little while. All right, we'll see you for a little while. All right, we'll see you for a little while. All right, we'll see you for a little while.
Starting point is 02:03:30 All right, we'll see you for a little while. All right, we'll see you for a little while. All right, we'll see you for a little while. All right, we'll see you for a little while. All right, we'll see you for a little while. All right, we'll see you for a little while. All right, we'll see you for a little while. All right, we'll see you for a little while.
Starting point is 02:03:38 All right, we'll see you for a little while. All right, we'll see you for a little while. All right, we'll see you for a little while. All right, we'll see you for a little while. All right, we'll see you for a little while. All right, we'll see you for a little while. All right, we'll see you for a little while. All right, we'll see you for a little while. All right, we'll see you for a little while. All right, we'll see you for a little while. All right, we'll see you for a little while. Thanks for watching! It's the action!

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