The Yard - Ep. 104 - Slime made a huge mistake.

Episode Date: July 12, 2023

This week, the boys talk about the new podcast Weed About It, the behind-the-scenes of the smash tournament, and how Australians aren't scared of anything......

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Do you actually use a delay? No. No, he doesn't. He's lying. He's trying to think how to lie. Stop doing it. Yeah, I do. Welcome back to the Yard Podcast brought to you by the all-new Toyota Prius.
Starting point is 00:00:25 Woo! Drive. Pause, pause. Wait. It's unexpected. Pause. Oh, God. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:00:33 Get a quick salute. Oh, yeah. Rest in peace to a fallen soldier. Dun, dun, dun. Who? Who died. Dun, dun, dun. In a fiery explosion. In a fiery explosion driving 174 miles an hour down the freeway.
Starting point is 00:00:49 And he only stopped to look at someone with a nice rack. And that's why he died. Yeah, that's what that's what the report said. Tony Starr. May he rest in God's kingdom. Yeah, halfway through the phrase hoochie mama. Before he was driving. I genuinely thought I had
Starting point is 00:01:07 missed Hunter Biden dying over the weekend. I thought we were all That's what Tony was going for. He was going to beat Hunter Biden's record. They don't write about second place in the history books. That's right. We only remember first. I was going to say for the funeral or just like the send off, we should spread his
Starting point is 00:01:25 ashes. I'm so back. You planned all that? Is it off my head? So yes, let me explain. The subreddit is furious at me and I'm like, you guys got to relax, but let's explain what
Starting point is 00:01:41 happened. They're furious because you didn't uphold the bet. Yeah, I didn't uphold the bet and I talked to ludwig about this as well because he was the one i felt the most guilty about because he was like i want three podcasts or i'd be disappointed it's also funny because right before that you said i'm going a week and there's nothing you can fucking do to stop me i did say that with my voice and you basically did what you said you were gonna do but now you feel bad i don't't feel, I only felt bad towards Ludwig. I just want to address the haters. Why? Fucked me like always. Because he said he would be disappointed. And all I do is give.
Starting point is 00:02:10 He verbalized his feelings and his needs, and then I said, well, I'm disappointed. So, Slom, you lost the bet. You had hair after months. We paid you in Venmo. That's true. That was for something else. Do I get like $75?
Starting point is 00:02:27 you don't get shit, that was for a different bet you fucking idiot I'm only sending you $25 and there's nothing you can do about it I mean you could do that but then after that you're never good for your word neither are you are you never good for your word now? I got a fucking I got a fucking hairpiece done on the show
Starting point is 00:02:43 and I wore it on broadcast for two days and took a bunch of funny pictures got max value out of the shorts I sent you 100 and I took 75 back the bet was to wear it for a month why did you take it off why did you take the mask off what
Starting point is 00:02:58 he's the one giving me shit and I have a good reason here's what happened it's not actually a good reason. It's just my own incompetence. Basically, I got the piece redone on Tuesday, and it was great. But it looked so good that I was afraid to wash it. And you have to wash it. It's like normal hair.
Starting point is 00:03:20 You have to wash it and get it wet and shampoo it. But I was afraid to do it, one, because it looked really good, and two, because I was afraid it would, like, mess with it, which Sam told me a bunch, like, it won't. You're supposed to wash it. Don't lie. But I didn't, what? You said you didn't want to wash it so you could get dreads like Peter
Starting point is 00:03:35 and you wanted to be his Rastafarian brother. Oh, wow. That is the most disgusting joke you've ever made in so many ways. Wait, he's my stepfather. And? He's jamaican you did say hi you said hello mom to him and we all thought that was super strange cinemon is the winner month yeah i said what's up star isn't this car iry the uncut version of that video is uh is a heater and then we and then we listened to israelibrations How did you shower? So okay, here's what happened
Starting point is 00:04:05 I would just wash my body My beautiful body, Josh It does not quit Can you attest to that? Your body is beautiful Thank you I didn't walk into the shower with you naked That was you doing that to me, man
Starting point is 00:04:16 Yeah I did take a couple of videos of Josh In the shower Just naked I Chuck buried him That's a problem But we'll touch on that Josh isn't an employee.
Starting point is 00:04:25 Okay. Yeah. Then I don't know much about it. It's me jumping to get walked in on any show. So, okay. Subsection three. I wash my beautiful body that doesn't quit. Very iry.
Starting point is 00:04:36 And so I was just not washing my head. It's extremely hot. It was hot in the venue at BTS. It was very sweaty. Sorry, at Off Brand. It's extremely hot. It was hot in the venue at BTS. It was very, sorry, at Off Brand. It was very sweaty. It was hot out in the earth on the planet. Global warming did this.
Starting point is 00:04:50 So I'm sweating a lot. It's not getting washed. It's like starting to get really gross under. In fact, so gross that it was like smelling really bad. And so finally, I'm like, I have to do something about this. So I do wash it. I get shampoo. This is the fifth, sixth day I have it. I get shampoo. I get conditioner. I'm like, I don't do something about this. So I do wash it. I get shampoo. This is the fifth, sixth day I have it.
Starting point is 00:05:06 I get shampoo. I get conditioner. I'm like, I don't remember this stuff. It starts to fight back. Yeah. It starts to eat all the shampoo. Yeah, it like holds onto my hand like venom. It sounds like reading the shampoo.
Starting point is 00:05:15 But I was like, it's been so long. I'm not kidding. It was like that. It was crazy. Because the only like hair I have is like my pubis. You literally have a beard. No, but you don't shampoo it with like hair shampoo just shampoo your pubes still well i don't use shampoo so i don't use it okay it would be really funny to body wash until you get to your pubes and then shampoo and then go back to body wash i'm gonna call cat because the first time i
Starting point is 00:05:41 ever used beard shampoo was in your shower be like'd be like, oh, what the fuck is this? I don't know what existed. It's beard wash. It's a little different because it's more sensitive for your face. It's not like head shampoo. It's just different. So anyway, I wash it and I'm like, okay, this is fine. I can style it. I feel pretty good.
Starting point is 00:05:58 And then it still smelled really bad. Even through the beautiful, delicious shampoo flavor. Then I shaved it off and then it still smelled bad dude that then it's been a week you you just but bro okay i was like i have a huge decision to make i either continue wearing this for the two more days which is the final day of the broadcast and then the podcast or i just cut my losses because i hate wearing it in general and it smells really bad and i'm really sensitive to smells you know how I'm about moldy food you know and I I just made the executive decision and I
Starting point is 00:06:30 said I don't want to do this and uh and I and I barely and I had to get under it and it was so smelly and I had and this is all my fault yeah how did it come off you have to get under it it's adhesive to your head and I had to get I had to get my isopropyl alcohol that I used to get heat sink grease off of my Division of spider-man 3 like and then when he's in the tower ripping off the symbiote suit and it's just like Tony Stark I'm gonna put it on my wall like the Green Goblin Jersey frames I have the hair piece. I'm going to put it on my wall like the Green Goblin. Dude, put it in one of those jersey frames with the glass. Yeah, yeah. And spread it like a jersey.
Starting point is 00:07:13 It's in the shape of a shirt. It's just a bunch of hair in a white frame. Yeah, and it's like, come on, Tony. You can do it. Kill the Spider-Man. Break the glass, Tony. Put it back on. So I still have it.
Starting point is 00:07:26 So yeah, I had to get under it. had to like clean this adhesive off my head i still if you can see there's a mark on my forehead it's much better i was wondering if you had like a rash sam said that's for life it's not for life but it's basically my criminal negligence in addition to to uh being really hot and sweaty and not washing it led to the worst outcome you could ever have. Dude, you're Harry Potter. Of what? You got the scar on the forehead. Okay, yeah. And the hair is Voldemort.
Starting point is 00:07:51 Tony Stark is Voldemort? Tony Stark is not bald. Tony Stark is Snape because he died. That Tony Stark was in the back of your head and that's why you wore a turban for the whole first year. I did wear a turban. Put it on. Harry Potter.
Starting point is 00:08:05 Hairless Potter. And you look like a cartoon character that doesn't wear his glasses. Hey, guys, where'd you all go? You have differently drawn eyes. It's so funny. Yeah, it's like the eyes on the Wii character you don't use. So that's why. That's so funny.
Starting point is 00:08:22 But basically, we got a lot of value out of it and I apologize for not wearing it for the full duration but when I not forgiven when I sent it to the guys
Starting point is 00:08:31 you were very nice to me in the group chat yeah so I will be nice in private in mean public that's fair that's pretty cool
Starting point is 00:08:39 put her there nice to meet you you just got three Venmo requests for $75 on your phone just now shaking you down I want to I want equity back.
Starting point is 00:08:48 So that's that and that's the end of Tony Star. You know what you're saving graces? What? The fact that we had a broadcast and the video so that like you got a lot of value out of that. I'm saying. Because if we just did one episode of the podcast and it was gone kind of lame. That's what I felt too.
Starting point is 00:09:03 I instantly was like it being the trope of the and like bringing up on stream so much i was like this makes this okay and also leffin's trophy is is tony star signed tony star we can talk about why that was the case amen amen god bless his heart who i give a hard time probably the greatest employee of all time and works hard he works hard a lot. And his body doesn't quit. His body doesn't quit. And he ran a hell of a tournament. And he's got his share of flaws. He came out sweating just like every 15 minutes getting used and...
Starting point is 00:09:34 Abused and choosed. He got choosed. He got choosed out. He's got flaws. A lot of flaws. We can go on the floor. Let's actually hit those flaws right now. Josh, Aiden's biggest flaw.
Starting point is 00:09:44 He's all the time watching. watching a maturing hairline That's an Australian classic what's Telling people off stuttering. I'm just I'm just saying like that's what Kaelin would do to me like you smiling and then I'd start Australians also do like like great like grade school bullying tactics like you used to say say don't spray it all the time like grade school bullying tactics like you used to say uh say don't spray it all the time josh you have to clean up your shit from the bowl of the toilet bowl in the bathroom he's like don't spray it bro uh but for all of uh in flaws he's great and he ran a great tournament yeah but one thing they were talking about a trophy aiden's like i'll just do a glass one like we'll just do a glass one then everyone's like okay Aiden will take care of the glass one.
Starting point is 00:10:25 And then day of, they're like, where's the trophy? Aiden's like, ooh, finds a framed picture of Tony star, which I would argue is better than the glass one. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:32 And then during broadcast shows, it's Tony star's final words that he signed it. Yeah. Okay. That's a good outcome. He pulled out a framed photo of himself that he always, he knew he was going to crash. He always keeps.
Starting point is 00:10:44 Yeah. And he wrote Tony Star. What does it say on it? It says Tony Star and also Ludwig's signed images. It says Tony Star, no pictures. It's a signed photo. I cannot take credit. It was an off-brand production's idea.
Starting point is 00:10:57 It was James and Nate. Oh, really? Yeah, it's great. Clever. Dank Rooster strikes again. Dank Rooster gets there. Dude, my favorite memory of Tony Stark was leaving your birthday. Excuse me, Tony Stark.
Starting point is 00:11:08 Just walking through the heaps of people. And someone's like, what? Tony? Yeah. He's like, can I get an autograph? We were leaving this big restaurant. It's called Catch LA. It's a famous restaurant in Los Angeles.
Starting point is 00:11:20 It's where movie stars hang out. It used to be very hot. It was on the Kardashians and shit. And I walked out and I was just... Great restaurant. I don't know what we're doing. We were talking about it a lot. I'm just saying there's like a shitload of people there and it's like everyone's like...
Starting point is 00:11:33 They're all like dressed but like... It sucks. Can I pause? Are they a slime vision? I think they're just a slime vision. I think they're affluent Los Angeles people or maybe like aspiring. So yeah, that's his kind of people that he defends affluent los angeles people i just think i would never generalize any group of people except for australians right you're all fucked to me so that's fair enough you guys are all sick i'm walking through and i got my glasses
Starting point is 00:11:59 on and i'm like tony star tony star's coming through coming through Tony Star Tony Star and then some guy who's just drunk he's like yo can I get an autograph and Josh is just dying laughing oh my god that guy rocked dude he was like yo I feel like with the hair you were wearing a mask like you could just be a nuisance in public and it wouldn't matter 100% that's awesome yeah I felt I felt as if like because I live my life as you often say for the studio audience and it was like i had a permanent studio audience just following me around i think it's just the vision in my head that's so funny it's just like slime just fucks it as tony star and it's just like clark kent just puts the glasses on and rips the hairpiece off he's
Starting point is 00:12:38 like he's in there guys go get him on my trip i was in a hotel and you know what i'm doing i'm pulling ridiculousness on and uh and for one night there was a two hour block on MTV where Mission Impossible was playing
Starting point is 00:12:50 before ridiculousness wow so I'm like fucking fuck dude right it's movie night I wanna watch my movie these words do get
Starting point is 00:12:57 the video demonetized you fucking shit right Archie Bears so oh I got something about Archie too but uh and so I scroll up like
Starting point is 00:13:06 one more page I'm like all right I'll watch South Park and uh it's the one where Cartman is faking Tourette's um but to say whatever he wants on TV yeah but then he actually gets Tourette's from this process and I was thinking I was thinking about how this is you and you like you by being Tony Star you just become Tony Star i mean after a while we're like anthony you're like who is anthony you know what was so funny is everyone was inherently in on the bit yeah so easily like at the tournament like blur was there and i show up sunday and i'm shaved my head again i have a harry potter scar but it's for hair systems. And I'm like, and I go. Hair systems Potter.
Starting point is 00:13:46 I was thinking it, but I didn't say it. How did he get that? I can tell you're thinking it. That's crazy. I go, I go up to Blur. I'm in the bathroom. He's like, yo, what's up? Slime.
Starting point is 00:13:55 Where's the hair? Where's Tony Star? And I'm like, ah, he died. And I was like, but I heard his funeral was good. And then Blur instantly was like, oh, it was amazing. And Blur just keeps going he's like the thing about Tony is that like it wasn't sad because he would have wanted us to have fun yeah and this is like 10 in the morning and Blur's just running with it I'm like yeah well he sounds like
Starting point is 00:14:15 a sick guy I'd never met him and Blur's like you would have loved him I like that Tony Starr still dash danced against graves yeah he does keep some of the slime out. And then I was like, well, you got me blur. And he's like, and then I never talked to him the rest of the day. My favorite part is how you never met him.
Starting point is 00:14:34 I didn't meet him. I know. Cause you've cost $15,000 a day to commentate at LACS. You guys paid that. We took it out of the prize pool. And then he explodes in a fire in a fireball of an explosion. Well, we kind of got like a mixer deal. He died.
Starting point is 00:14:48 We didn't have to pay the final day. Tony Stark's not dead. He's just streaming on Mixer. Yo, what if... He's pretty much dead. I don't want to say anything, but what if it wasn't an accident? Dude, what if it was like Michael Hastings, the journalist, that the government... Or someone maybe who was invested in how much the tournament makes.
Starting point is 00:15:07 I killed him to save 15k. I'm not saying that you said that before anyone else could say it. Anyone else notice Tony's that was hit by a Toyota Prius? We don't believe this. This is false.
Starting point is 00:15:21 He was hit in a Toyota Prius. And the safety features... And the safety features were really good, and he lived, but then he died later. They died later. By the way, you psychopath. What? You, on the fucking broadcast, you made the joke that Tony Stark died in a fireball. You said he was driving a Toyota Camry, and he exploded in a fireball.
Starting point is 00:15:43 Oh my god. And meanwhile, Aiden, Aiden coaches us as casters for day one and day two. Ludwig is the only one not getting coached.
Starting point is 00:15:52 I don't know if it's Toyota's sponsor or not. Ludwig is the only one not in orientation, not getting coached. I'm walking through and it's like,
Starting point is 00:15:59 I'm basically saying it's a DEFCON moment if you say anything about another car brand or say something negative about Toyota. And then Slom comes out to me day three. He's like, you know, Ludwig just talked about a Toyota exploding on stream. It was crazy.
Starting point is 00:16:15 My coach was Tony Starr. He told me don't listen to any coaches. Yeah, go your own way. I will be honest. I forgot that Toyota Prius made the Toyota Camry. You said Toyota Camry. I know. And I'm now recognizing they're the same manufacturer.
Starting point is 00:16:33 Wow. Toyota, by the way, the largest manufacturer of cars in the world. They make over a billion cars a year. So shout out Toyota. But I forgot. I just tried to think of the most. They do. A billion?
Starting point is 00:16:43 That's right. That's not true. It probably- They do. A billion? That's right. That's not true. It probably includes commercial vehicles. A billion cars- they make over a billion cars a year. Am I just believing this shit? I don't believe it. It does feel like a lot. Alright, look up! Look up the- look up the billion cars.
Starting point is 00:16:55 Aiden, put stakes on it. Hm? How much? How much money? 500 bucks. Whoa! Ah! Yo!
Starting point is 00:17:01 Five bucks. What? Five percent of your net worth. Wait, if you know you're right, why would you not shit? I don't do bets above $100. Yes, you do. No, I don't. That's just literally not true. When's the last time I did it? You paid me. I have a tattoo on my leg. That was a hundred bucks. Noah J. Oh wait, I thought it was 500. That is an exception because I was drunk. And content. So you do make them. It was drunk.
Starting point is 00:17:24 When I have bad decision making. Anyway, back to the point. I just tried to think of like the most basic car that couldn't go 174 miles an hour. And the first thing I thought of was a Camry. 10 million vehicles per year. So you were off about 90 million. That was, well, I'm going to come up. 90 million.
Starting point is 00:17:37 I couldn't. I couldn't. Oh, 900. 990 million. There are like 700 million cars in the US total! It's crazy you say a billion. Total! And they're all made by Toyota. That's the craziest part.
Starting point is 00:17:50 Why'd you say a billion? A billion a year? There's 8 billion people alive! And they all sat about a billion in Toyota. And 8 of them need cars. I looked it up once, because I looked up how many cars Tesla made, maybe it's lifetime. And then it was Toyota was the most, and they were above a billy, and I was like, that's so many. And that's the only stat I remember. But then you added a year.
Starting point is 00:18:10 Yeah. Yeah, I don't know. I threw in flavor. This is mogul mail. That is a little flavor. This is mogul mail. This is who you believe. This is how you choose your food and spit it out of your mouth.
Starting point is 00:18:17 When you argue with your racist grandma at Thanksgiving about something. Look, this stat Zipper pulled up says they've only made $195 million since 1935. So they're closing in on a billion. They're closing in, baby. Yeah, we just need like 800 more years. Yeah, so I was wrong. But what I was right about...
Starting point is 00:18:38 It's just crazy that you did that. After being coached by Aiden, told these are the brand guidelines, that's your job as a commentator. And then you show up and you take it. He didn't get coached by me. I'm deflecting because we are here joined by Joshie Joshman, who's been on the pod before. Joshie B! Joshie B!
Starting point is 00:18:56 Who is a Melee player who performed at the event. He's never been on when I've been on. That's true. And he's still not on today. And at this... All fucking weekend with this, I was just like, hey, am I good to come in tomorrow? And he just looked and sussed that there's more than three people at the table. He's like,
Starting point is 00:19:12 you? No way. And I'm like, if it's just us, he's like, it'd be a treat, Joshy Bears. I would love to have you on the pod, Joshy Bears, but... Give me a kiss, Joshy. I think he sussed who it was. It was Blur, Zayn, and Moki, and he's like, no. Interesting. Zayn and like Moki and he was like no
Starting point is 00:19:26 bitch interesting Zayn and Moki being there is interesting because basically you're having Josh come on
Starting point is 00:19:31 and not the two moist moguls yeah so I had to that was pretty awesome I was given the prerequisite if Mango wins he's on
Starting point is 00:19:37 if Zayn wins he's on and if anyone else wins I'm on yeah you're going on the date with Barret instead of Tifa
Starting point is 00:19:44 thank god you get my joke oh Josh thank god I was gonna say I'm on. Yeah, you're going on the date with Barrett instead of Tifa or Ares. Thank God you get my joke. Oh, Josh, thank God you're talking about that. I was going to say, Joshy also messed up because we did these interviews where they had to be in a Toyota Prius, and it was like a post-match interview, and I'm doing them all with Josh, and so they kick it to us, and it's like,
Starting point is 00:20:00 you just have to say something about the car that's unexpected. Wait, prerequisite. And it's like, the car explodes! I'm like, itquisite. And it's like, the car explodes. I'm like, it's so hot. It's so hot. It's like a spaceship in the atmosphere. So Aidan's like, hey, you could do an interview in a little bit, like 20. I'm like, yeah, all right.
Starting point is 00:20:15 And then I get there and Lyle's like, yo. And they give him the earpiece. And they're like, oh, we have to do it in the car. And then we're just talking. And then they're like, oh, now? And then we just start rolling. And I'm just like like I don't understand I thought we were recording you're not sure he's supposed to mention one thing that's unexpected
Starting point is 00:20:29 They have these seat coolers, which I think are phenomenal because I never had these before And they make me sweat and and so Josh instantly, what would you say bud? I said my nuts felt like they have frostbite. Yeah. Yeah, but say what say how you said I said my nuts felt like they have frostbite. Yeah. Yeah, but say it how you said it. Say it how you said it. Say it how you said it. It was stink on it.
Starting point is 00:20:45 It was like a frostbite, man. It's not like Bankstown anymore. No, I didn't know it was live, so I was like, oh, they'll just cut that. And then... We're going to cut it? Like, why would you do an interview expecting to have something cut? I was just telling the truth, man. I was true, Sam.
Starting point is 00:21:01 Well, look, I hope they're happy. We'll find out. Everyone was like... Apparently they're happy. They're happy? Great. We found out? Yeah. I was true-sounding. Well, look, I hope they're happy. We'll find out. Everyone was like... Apparently, they're happy. They're happy? Great. We found out? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:07 I think we did treat them pretty well. But honestly, besides the thing you said, everything was great. And you're talking about the rear-view mirror, and just for us, it's just showing... Something is behind the car, so it's just tape. Like, on the rear-view mirror. And he's like, wow, it's like a rear-view camera. I'm like, man, I'm like... It just looks like shit, man. And I was just like hey, it's just tape He's like wow it's like a review camera. I'm like my life just looks like shit It's a camera
Starting point is 00:21:38 The only problem was that Toyota Toyota has an expectation of naturally of other cars and like logos not being shown on stream and This is a problem because some players have car sponsorships on their jersey. Liquid has Honda and Leffen has GNC, which we didn't think about. GMC, not the vitamins. Yeah, not the thing that my ex-girlfriend wants me to get for her. And it sounds like Toyota doesn't have a lot of... Still, to this day, she's still messaging you for them. Still. They don't have a lot of... Still to this day, she's still messaging you for them.
Starting point is 00:22:06 Still. They don't have a lot of experience in gaming, it sounds like. In sponsoring esports tournaments, the only thing they had sponsored before was Overwatch League. And I think with Overwatch League, since it's all in-house, the league controls a lot of things for the teams and stuff like that. There's a degree of control over things like player jerseys that we don't have in our esport not even just smash but like a lot of other games and uh this is like a and to be fair toyota's paying like to make this happen which that's crazy we can um i didn't know it was that much but they don't understand why we can't just get the jerseys to remove the logos or like
Starting point is 00:22:47 tape them up or something like that, which we cannot ask them to do. Yeah, it's insane. Xbox very conveniently on the first day just shows up in this Hawaiian shirt that blocks the Honda logo on his jersey. But then so this mostly is not a problem for the event. Like production makes sure they use camera angles that don't like highlight those logos or anything. But then we get to the end and Leffen is one of the two people on the whole show
Starting point is 00:23:11 that if he wins the tournament, the GMC logo is just front and center of this like Toyota exclusively sponsored tournament. And that was like the only real hangup the whole weekend. It's like, fuck, the guy's got, it's like front center zoomed in GMC with like Prius in the background The only GMC Prius
Starting point is 00:23:32 Imagine if we AI'd like live just turned it into a Toyota logo Yeah And it looks kinda like shitty and like like this filters, you know I like the idea of just like going more basic and just giving me a sticky note. This is Toyota Just putting it over the logo Shacking it I like the idea of just going more basic and just giving me a sticky note. This is Toyota. Tracking it. But it was great. It was really fun.
Starting point is 00:23:50 I fucking rocked, man. It was really fun. You had a good time. I had a really, really good time. I was shocked by the amount of positive feedback from people because I thought it was just like, oh, this is kind of a normal tournament. It was kind of a watered-down summit. I'm shocked there was more like
Starting point is 00:24:05 uh blast back on just like people who came for the friday yeah like weren't allowed to come back for saturday and sunday because it was just completely different vibes on the days i thought people would be like i fucking flew all the way here i don't qualify i can't even stay but everyone was just like yeah i didn't win like everyone was just like my bad should have played better they got their value yeah yeah all of the really, really good players that, like, made the long trip out, I told could stay and, like, practice for the weekend, even if they didn't qualify.
Starting point is 00:24:33 Talk player privilege. But if you're local, go fuck yourself. There's an in and out, and you can go shit in the bathroom. Yeah, that's what I said. Go poop in the bathroom. Your friends. Do that now.
Starting point is 00:24:42 You can poop shit in the urinal. Have a team shit at the bowling alley it was such an interesting tournament too because it was swiss and it was unfrozen stadium as well so it was just like it was just like a completely different tournament experience from like your average just like double elim and it's like i kind of like swiss i think it's really fun um you guys like play you're getting rid of so much i know you're getting rid of swiss i think it's fun as a mix-up. I haven't told Aiden this yet. Why? You haven't told him?
Starting point is 00:25:06 I haven't told him. Come up with a better format. What's your better format? 16-man bracket, double elimination. Dog shit. What? Explain why, because I'm on Aiden's side. Well, all the fans love Swiss, and you need the tournament to have true.
Starting point is 00:25:18 That's false. I think that's false. That is false. Swiss has a majority positive feedback on the 100%. This Swiss format with the amount of games we can get is really good I think people like Swiss who are on like SSBM subreddits level of
Starting point is 00:25:32 interest in the game but I think it's worse for viewership as a whole than if you just do a little clownery and you have some fun and you goof and gaff I'm saying if you replace because most people like people who even listen to this show maybe No, what is it? I think this is wrong. I'm saying if you replace, because most people, like people who even listen to this show,
Starting point is 00:25:49 maybe watch Melee because they've heard of us, but really only care about matches that matter. And they don't. Hold up, hold up. You're saying that the better alternative is content and things like that. Yes. Okay, but that's like saying your YouTube content is better
Starting point is 00:26:03 than a Melee tournament. No, it's not. Because a bracket with less games creates more room for content at an event. Yeah, but that's what I'm saying. His content will always win because it's more accessible to a majority audience. I also think my content is not necessarily better. If we just did a weekend of content with only Melee people, that'd be kind of a bad event.
Starting point is 00:26:22 If we only did content. Because I'd rather see Valkyrae in in foosley well then then josh man no don't say that he didn't mean it i'm not not you specifically i had a i had a funny family guy funny moment on the stream you were you saw remember when stadium transformed maybe it might be a clip i think i retweeted it if uh if civic can pull it up the one on Pokemon Stadium was Spark When you oh you got wait when you got up? No, no when uh when Stadium transformed and he uh if we can get the clip off it'll make it's just way But here's the thing what I'm saying Ludwig is at BTS
Starting point is 00:26:58 This was a problem for a lot of it was like people be like I don't want to see this bullshit I want to see the game and the viewership would actually those people we'd be garbage people in chat No, but that's a minority of people that's that's different. Okay, this is Your ship went up when we rolled our our mobile money piece that viewership went up like probably like three or four K Okay in that piece rolling I agree with you that content, if your alternative to the format is run double elims so that the tournament is shorter
Starting point is 00:27:30 and there's more time for this thing that isn't the tournament, then I have no argument. I'm talking about tournament formats. That's me. I also think even as a tournament format, I really hated how everyone was put in the winner's top 8. I think that's silly. I think 3-0 should be heavily rewarded by being in winners, and someone that claws through on 3-2 should not have the same reward
Starting point is 00:27:48 This is nerdy stuff I care less about I just think from a simpletons perspective someone who's listening to this podcast right now Who's like I watch a melee tournament and they tune in yeah the the burden to understand what Swiss is Why this match matters the ramifications of it is much more confusing than the simplicity of 16 people They're the best in the world. It's double elimination A bunch of games feels like slop it just waters down the storyline of an event no, but I think that it's fine But wait here was me here was my solution? 32-man bracket.
Starting point is 00:28:28 What? Bitch. Less players? That's... No more players. The other... Who's just seen numbers for the first time. Guy who heard of double once.
Starting point is 00:28:38 Okay, I was on vacation. Disagree. Let's take a look at this clip. Also, yeah, so... It's a funny Joshman clip. It's a funny Josh Mann clip. It's transforming. Did you see him take his glasses off? Dude, he started shaking.
Starting point is 00:28:52 I was like, oh my god, I'm so sorry. You pretended to jump over to go fight the Australians, bro. Good meme, good meme, Lamal. They're just not ready for you. Dude, he starts like rushing to put them on. Dude, who was it? Someone came up to me and was just like, old school, man. That's not a bit. He's like, to put them on. Dude, who was it? Someone came up to me and was just like, old school, man. That's not a bit.
Starting point is 00:29:07 He's like, they don't fuck him up for doing that, man. They're just like kicking him in the head. I'm like, damn, man. The game used to be so different. There's an old set of Mew2King and Chillin from a few years ago where Mew2King keeps moving Chillin's water during the set. He does it like two or three times.
Starting point is 00:29:24 That's crazy. And Chillin is like, why are you touching my shit while they're playing on stage at big house? You know what? Stop talking cuz you're gonna fuck it up. No I don't. No I won't. I'm really good at ad reads. Cuz today's mint mobile, okay? That's premium wireless. What? You made me do the emo face. You guys are just laughing. You guys are laughing. Sell me this plan. Sell me this face. You guys are just laughing. You guys are laughing? Sell me this plan. Sell me this plan.
Starting point is 00:29:48 Sell me a mobile. Sell you this wireless plan? Okay. Can you make a call for me? I don't have like a phone with a plan. Well, you have to buy this from me now. How much is it? A lot.
Starting point is 00:29:59 Well, actually, it's just $50. No, it's not a lot. It's actually just $50. No, it's a lot. Wait, wait. How much is it? It's $50 a month. It's actually just $15 a month. How much is it? It's $50 a month. $50 or $15?
Starting point is 00:30:08 $15. Because it sounded like you said $50. $15 a month. No, $50 would be our competitors. This is $15 a month. I work with him. It sounds affordable, but I don't know if the plan's good. It's really good.
Starting point is 00:30:17 I'm the math guy from the big short. How good is it? How good is it? Look, it has unlimited talk, text, high-speed data on the nation's largest 5G network. You can use your own phone with any Mint Mobile plan. Keep your same phone number. Don't you want this, Leonardo DiCaprio? I like 5G.
Starting point is 00:30:31 That's good, because that's the Gs that we got. We got 5Gs. I have 5Gs outside ready to beat your ass if you don't take this Mint Mobile from me. Okay, sir. Okay. And scene. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 00:30:42 That was great, guys. Thanks for coming in. I'm going gonna give you the part also i like your phone where'd you get it mint mobile whoa mint slash the yard cut your wireless bill to 15 bucks a month that's mint slash the yard yo give them to it ludwig and now for kevin leonardo and back to the pod Hbox throughout the years Have just come up to me with like weird grievances That maybe I can fix or maybe you just want
Starting point is 00:31:10 Someone to talk to and it's So weird but he comes up to me and he's like Hey Jason when we're like warming up He'll just like he'll hit me and like I Can't not in the game he won't hit him In real life but like he'll just He'll just hit my character I can't I can't do anything And it's can you like make him do something about that and i was like i don't know just tell him
Starting point is 00:31:29 to stop hitting you but basically yeah like you can do this but also he came up to me and said this like he's done this for like years and i'm like well this is the time you right in front of god and all these people and our friends he's probably gone through a few tos you want me slime in a hoodie and this big dumper ass to go and say friends. He's probably gone through a few TOs. You want me, Slime, in a hoodie and this big dumper ass to go and say, hey, Mew2King, can you... If anyone gets through to win, man, it's you. It's so interesting.
Starting point is 00:31:53 To be fair, Ippy Mew2King is the most reasonable because he's maybe the all-time worst player to wrangle at a tournament. Like, the number one. Yeah, he's like just an angry cat. Mew2King, I'll come to your local if you stop hitting Juan. Oh. Mew2King, thinking about this, Mew2King asking to, like, get commentary slots at every tournament
Starting point is 00:32:15 is very funny, because it's like, you really have an incredible record of reliability. You got it every shot you miss, you don't take. Dude, but he just, like, he just like has like a turret he shoots Infinite his infinite bullets. He like my DMS with him is so funny I like never replied to him and it was just like Him like telling me to sign up with his metify code sending the same message again two days later and being like yo You're a metify. Did you use my code? I'm like dude It's like hey, can you enter my tournament?
Starting point is 00:32:45 I'm like, I am in Australia. And he's like, do you want to enter my Netplay tournament, man? And he's just like, oh, so you didn't sign up, man. And I'm like, dude. Yeah. And this is also the Nick Yingling strat. Just spamming. When Nick Yingling did TOing and did tournaments,
Starting point is 00:32:59 especially for the Nick Yingling Dave and Buster's experience, he would just be in my DMs every day. This is back when he lived in AZ. He's like, you coming, bro? You coming through? Yo, if you could pass, spread the word. And I'm like, Nick, I don't think I'm going to make it. But I appreciate you.
Starting point is 00:33:13 Did you hear what Yingling did? What? He made his own podcast. Weed about it. Weed about it happened. You were there. Weed about it. I did do weed about it, dude.
Starting point is 00:33:22 What was the concept? Explain the concept. It started at my birthday actually, where it finally came to life because we had the birthday dinner. I got drunk. He asked for a 40k raise. He asked for a 40k raise. In front of everyone.
Starting point is 00:33:35 In front of Tony Stark. He asked for a 40k raise and for a blackmail. Not only me but also XQC. It was crazy. And I was like, you're paying pretty well. I don't know if he can do it to you Because you can fire back, but you can do it Ammunition than any livestream failed Redditor could imagine saying give me 100k and you can blackmail me and I was like what? For what Tony started like that, and I got and I got to turn tough. I threw up that night Yeah, I was he was sending me live updates. He's like, Josh, Josh, are you there?
Starting point is 00:34:05 And I'm like, what's up? He's like, he's throwing up in the car, man. And I'm like, no, I did not throw up in the car. And I'm like, why are you feeding this to me right now, man? Cutie sent me a live Ludwig update from very late. And it was like, it was you in bed, just in your fucking boxers, just like rolling around and muttering. It was very funny.
Starting point is 00:34:22 I sprinted home and I threw up in my toilet that smells like death because we have a death smell in our toilet. Oh, still? I think there's a dead bird or something. It could just be your poop. It could be both of your poop. Maybe you need to eat more probiotics. Oh, I've had this. Check your
Starting point is 00:34:39 AC. Poop in the walls? Wait, what was it? We had a dead animal in the AC. Whenever we turned it on, it blew into the house. Oh, that's fixed. I don't remember. Excuse me. Poop walls.
Starting point is 00:34:50 Excuse me. Sorry. You and miles kind of have the same thing where, when I was leaving, you're like, I love you, Joshie. Every time I see you make me so happy.
Starting point is 00:34:58 And I'm like, Oh, this is just like a death rattle. I'm like, I just know that the Reaper's on his way. I just see like a shadow looming in the distance. I'm miss my friend miles on my 21st has like a similar vibe where i go up to him he's just on the dance floor like shuffling and i'm like hey man i'm like how's your night going he just looks at me and looks down and keeps shuffling i'm like oh my friend's
Starting point is 00:35:18 not here anymore but if you do it if you do a camera flash like in Get Out He wakes up for a second He's like oh Josh Help Josh He's like no more bees Don't give me another VB And you're like what? And he's like any bees? And he's like
Starting point is 00:35:33 Heisenberg gave me a dab I'm trapped in here Oh fucking hell During it though Cutie was there And she has her podcast Wine About It And you guys have theorized about
Starting point is 00:35:45 weed about it or yingling has for a long time yeah and you talked about it at this party i thought like a joke i'm like sorry go ahead and then yeah you keep looking over at ludwig and then shouting into the window fucking normal human who makes eye contact when they talk look at these little pups look at him little pups actually i got the biggest feet in here I'm the new And then you did it. So it went, it was just a joke. I thought it was just a joke and everyone thought it was just a joke. And then YimYam messages me. I don't know why I did this. I was just fucking with him. He messaged me.
Starting point is 00:36:31 He's like, yo, like, what are your plans for today? I'm like, oh, I'm just on my way to the venue. And he's like, oh, I'm in weed about it. And then I read it and I'm like, I'll get back to that. And then six hours later, I'm like, yeah, I'm still good for today. And he's like, where did you go? And I'm like, I don't know why I held on to this but i did you were you weren't sure about it and then i'm like is cutie down and then i'm like this is gonna be the gg that was the first thing
Starting point is 00:36:52 i said when yingling was like you see we weed about it and i'm like did cutie smoke weed no that was my first question yeah we just like passed around her and she's just like and she did call us pussies well that's that's her job the boomstick. Oh my god. So that there's a great part in this Where I don't know if you know the part I'm talking about the zipper This is only on the patreon for whine about it, but that's the YouTube there's probably Yeah, yeah, there's unlisted. Yeah, yeah. There's a specific part in here where you can just tell
Starting point is 00:37:27 I'm like, started babbling just like, like, we, we, and we're just like stunned around cutie.
Starting point is 00:37:35 That was the elders. Past, present, and emerging. Yeah, I just saw like my, my great, great grandparents is going through me and he's like, give me that Eddie, Josh. We couldn't do it back in our day.
Starting point is 00:37:43 Do it for us, Josh. Do it for us, love. I'm like, yes. This was just like another eddie josh we couldn't do it back in our day do it for us josh i'm like yes this was just like a joke i thought but then yim yam hits up zipper and i think zipper is down just because zipper wanted to smoke we were just there and he was just like i'll produce it and i'm just like oh cool i think zipper just really wanted to get high and among among friends and he's like yeah i'll do the work in setting it up just so i can smoke it was it was actually awesome and it's on the rooftop of a of gingling's apartment building which is also really funny it is yeah judy spent the first 20 minutes being like are we doing this like she's like is this real and we're like yeah we're all sitting
Starting point is 00:38:21 down she's like why she's like what do you guys gain from this we're like we about it kept singing the jingle whenever she questioned it honestly for like raw dogging it it went pretty good dude yingling got sent into the ether because i made the mistake of playing valorant with him after this i've never seen him like that he straight up went non-verbal like it was fucked wait i heard you passed him a gummy and he thought it was a lime dude yeah oh i wish that if there's anywhere you can see the clip it's so funny so for for a context josh had this thing for a while where he went back to australia and he would just he had this bit at bars where he would take a lime or a lemon wedge and then squirt it into his and other people's eyes you call it it the medicine. Yeah. It wasn't like nefarious. He'd be like, it's time to do this.
Starting point is 00:39:07 Are you willing to do this with me? And the other Australian guy's like, yes, yes, I will do that. No, no, I didn't start it. I got to Gigi Easy Bar and Kalen's like, oh, you're just in time for your medicine. Kalen was doing it? I don't know who originated it, but when I got there, it was like everyone was in there like the same robes.
Starting point is 00:39:23 Kalen's just sitting there. Oh, brother, just man. And he's just like, medicine robes. Caleb's just sitting there on the ledge, man, and he's just like, medicine. The LDR has given us our medicine. It's time to take it. Oh my god. That's how they are. We were playing Melee once and he was like, okay, loser eats a candle. And I'm like, uh oh. And I clutch.
Starting point is 00:39:38 But yeah, that's just how you guys are. So my right eye, it does not see as well. Yours certainly probably does not yeah I put too much lime in there now fancy shit. Yeah, you got it. You got to localize it to one That was a strategy I know for sure when I was like looking at the game counts in the venue I'm just like this is fucking insane. Yeah, the bad is the one that doesn't get enough
Starting point is 00:39:59 No, I my my running theory is that lemons and limes are positive and negative This is fucking insane That's a clip of putting citrus in your eyes look this is this is yingling you're passing me It's quiet No, I'm not doing she's never gonna watch it. He's like I have contacts in I've too stigmatisms A stigmatism Oh I thought it was a lemon Dude that is crazy It's not even close to a lemon
Starting point is 00:40:32 Where would you get one? I was so stoned and so baffled I can't say a word I just couldn't I thought it was That's halfway through? Oh we got pretty turned Dude that's what I'm saying when I was talking to Yigley on Discord, it was like he was not a human being.
Starting point is 00:40:47 Dude, we went down to the couch. It was like Sunse, Rachel, and I just like in the lounge room. Shake was there as well. And he's just like tummy down on like this little circle like stool thing. And he's like, George. He's like, George is so much. He's like a wave. I had an out of body.
Starting point is 00:41:05 I forced. So as it presents, I forced way more joints on them than they expected. When Nick starts half an edible joint in, then the second joint goes around. I'm like, I haven't smoked in weeks, man.
Starting point is 00:41:14 I'm usually a puff puff. I'm good for the night guy. And I'm just in the car, just like having an out of body experience. And I'm just like, I woke up like in the car and I'm like, and we're back. You're feeling the Toyota for ten minutes
Starting point is 00:41:26 You're feeling the seat cooler. Yeah, yeah, I'm in a Prius Grade marijuana dude it was Cutie at one point cuz we're just like drooling and she's just like trying to keep the conversation going and we're like mmm What was gaming like on discord he was Yingling like on Discord? He was he would like try it was like real Yingling was trying to claw his way to the surface of his personality because
Starting point is 00:41:54 we played the three most horrid games of Valorant in terms of we played ranked. It was crazy. We played Wingman on CS and it went well. So we were like let's play ranked Valorant. Let's do that. And we, we literally pull like three of the worst teams I've ever played with in terms
Starting point is 00:42:12 of vibes and Yingling, it usually snaps. Like if it's going well and people, if he's going poorly and people aren't trying, Yingling will reach this point in the game where he gets on the mic. Pay me a hundred thousand. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. If you're going to
Starting point is 00:42:26 waste my fucking time, just end the game right now. If you're going to waste it, I don't care. I don't care that we're losing, but if you're going to waste my fucking time, FF right now.
Starting point is 00:42:32 Like, that's the Yingling that comes out. And all three of those games were in the realm of causing Yingling to do that, but he would kind of
Starting point is 00:42:41 get mad for a second and then he'd just kind of ease back down into the room. He's just like... Yeah, it's like shooting a tranquilizer yeah like a rabbit I don't he's like and then he managed to squeeze out like this is a bad team by the last one he was but honestly did pretty decent he got he just calmed way worse right and couldn't couldn't rally the team like he's like in the second game he's like aiden what do you think my mouse tastes like
Starting point is 00:43:11 it's like a nintendo switch cartridge he's just like it was just a weird night where we kept getting like it's us two and three random people right and the three other people in the game would be arguing with each other. Because me and Yingling were always doing well enough to not be the point of inflammation. And we'd just listen to our teammates arguing, bitch. And that just happened over and over. It sounds like a horrible...
Starting point is 00:43:38 It was the worst Night of Valorant maybe ever. I was just going to read about it. It sounds horrible. Was it good content, you think? They're like, it's fire. Oh, I- Was it good content you think? They're like, it's fire, we gotta watch it back, and they're all like, like immobile, and Cutie is like helping them prop up. Steven thinks it was great, no that's what I'm saying, it's like 20 minutes in, it's just like-
Starting point is 00:43:54 I imagine it's fire for 35 minutes to 45 minutes, and then the last, it just must be terrible. No, I'm just like staring at my feet being like, read about it. Did I say, were you just thinking about it? Like did I say something dumb? No, immediately afterwards, I started having like weed paranoia, about it like did i say something immediately afterwards i started having like weed paranoia i'm like i fucked it i fucked him kitty's like i thought it was great i'm like you're just saying that you're just saying that i'm just like spiraling and she's just like i just don't know how to help you dude this is why i didn't want to do it because yingling pitched weed about it as me and yingling would do this for for patreon a while ago and i i always assumed he
Starting point is 00:44:25 was kind of kind of joking but the main reason why i never like pushed for it to happen is when i go into weed mode it's just shut down like that's not content i'm just gonna sit there like like yeah because you're you're all you're doing is sucking down sativa bro dude i was fighting the muzzle though like at some points i'm like i don't say any more words man i'm like no spit vomit something out i'm like say words and i'm like uh hulk cock bong and then you're like yes i won't name the competitor but there was somebody who came up to the to desk this weekend and was like hey uh have you guys seen my bong around i went outside i went outside and someone's like i was like all my stuff was i'm like oh this is all mine
Starting point is 00:45:13 he's like everything and just like pulls out a bong and i'm like not everything what the fuck and he's like yeah i would have had to ban you from the venue if you said yes and i'm like i kind of want it though it's like it's like the worst thing you could have on stream for a car sponsor Yeah, for sure, and I'm like oh, it's cool. You left your bong out. There's so much more covert ways to smoke weed. Yeah We'd about it hits the road fast Crack about it Lee Clark about it. We didn't crack yeah colon crack about it legal about it we didn't crack we can crack about it once every month probably drive crack and drive crack
Starting point is 00:45:49 about it and we take off the government yeah it's not a parody you're just doing both everyone in the car is armed dude we actually did pitch head about it and he said he was down I'm not excited for that. I'll do Ketaboutit. Ketaboutit would be a better show. No. Ketaboutit would be the hypothetical where we do stare at our shoes all the time. Yeah, that's when you say nothing.
Starting point is 00:46:14 That's when you just make you like... Yeah, it does make you just like... I'll produce it. Oh. I'll produce it. Are you going to do another one? Is Weedaboutit dead? I'm down.
Starting point is 00:46:25 I want to see how good it was though because I do have my the lingering high oh my god I fucked it about it but I think overall it was pretty good. There were some
Starting point is 00:46:33 definitely good moments. I wonder I can't remember a single one of them though. Aww. Yeah. Suitsay was like no there was some good shit and I was just like
Starting point is 00:46:39 yeah? Yeah. I did good. I feel so bad for Cutie though. Being sober on Weed about it seems miserable. She has not smoked weed since I basically first met her, one of the first times I met her at TwitchCon 2018 or 19. And we smoked weed and watched Princess Mononoke.
Starting point is 00:46:56 Really? She lost it. That's a scary one to watch. She barely watched it. In the first five minutes, she got up. She started pacing, and I was just like, ghibli. No, that's a scary one. It is pretty full on mean it was not the movie that she was losing it yeah but the guy gets his arms shot off with an arrow that is true that is true the only this is like back to you and
Starting point is 00:47:15 nick ingling when you were playing valorant i would it is my dream to be on the team with someone who is talking shit but like painfully high on something because like i would just fuck with them so bad the only game i played with voice comms is dota and i i love chirping i love hitting tilt on my keyboard and just saying whatever into the microphone that's why i hate playing league because i just have to type it out it's stupid sometimes i flashback australian voice comms of valorant must be brutal. Dude, I don't dare looking at them. They seem very intense. You've seen fucking Sprinterviews, right? Even the typing essays in Sprinterviews from Donnie Shetland League is just insane.
Starting point is 00:47:52 I like the idea in an online game, it's like you have a little weed icon because it detects your blood and it says that this person is extremely hot. It's like the Wi-Fi icon. Yeah, and then you can say to them, like, hey, isn't it weird how our ears are our fingers of our head? And then they just don't move for five minutes
Starting point is 00:48:08 My favorite one is the delayed speech where he's like you okay? Taking the content world by storm you know someone that something has to replace the void that Tony Starr left, but dude And it's a weed about it. You think he was a content guy? What else was he? You don't understand him at all? You don't understand. And those movies are content. It's probably because he didn't meet him.
Starting point is 00:48:32 Yeah. It'd be tough to understand him without meeting him. How do you understand someone you don't know? This is your Breslin. You also, by the way, real quick, like breaking the wall here, are a piece of shit. Wow. You're fucking over my boy, Peter. What? You fucked over Peter? I watched that on the way here. You're a shit. Wow. I'm fucking over my boy, Peter. What?
Starting point is 00:48:45 You fucked over Peter? I watched that on the way here. You're a dog. I'm not a dog. You are. Great answer, Slime. Dude, he was cheating on the way out. Oh my God, I hurt myself.
Starting point is 00:48:56 What happened? Listen. You didn't see this? I haven't seen this. I did the cash. I did the Toyota cab. Mobile money. I did the mobile money with Peter.
Starting point is 00:49:04 And at the end of it, you can like hit a button and try to steal and then get all the money that you guys... There's a split or steal question that only activates if someone hits the button.
Starting point is 00:49:14 Sure. And Mango and Zane let the 10 seconds fly and they split it like friends, comrades. And they walk away into the sunset with $7.50 each.
Starting point is 00:49:22 And then Slime, after being carried by Petereter yeah yeah carried by right he got one right and then one wrong for the team too on the board uh but he did get one right but after getting carried by peter hits the button and and then peter jay's just like i'm not gonna hit it i'm you can hit i'm not gonna hit it and then he did say go ahead yeah and then he sits there as his arms cross and then the question comes up doesn't dare'm not going to hit it. He did say go ahead. Yeah. And he sits there with his arms crossed. And then the question comes up. Doesn't dare try to buzz to answer it.
Starting point is 00:49:49 Let's you answer it. And then after answering it correctly, taking all the money from my stepfather. It was an easy question. From his hardworking stepfather? From his hardworking stepfather. From my veteran. A veteran. I will always make sure a veteran knows their place.
Starting point is 00:50:04 A veteran of the Columbia school system. Oh my God. Don't talk about my veteran stepfather like that ever again. After taking all the money. Isn't it the most American thing to take from a veteran? No. Yeah. No.
Starting point is 00:50:17 Oh, yeah. It is. Are you ignorant? What are you talking about? The most American thing is to take the most American thing. To use them for their bodies and then leave them in the dust Sweet baby rays if anything he's living up to a beautiful American tradition
Starting point is 00:50:31 Do you know how much we've honored the veterans Bureau? I would say hot dogs. Okay, we more hot dogs Sure We don't treat veterans well in this country. That's the joke. The reason I did that was because I thought that you would be mad if I didn't make it more dramatic. I'd never be mad about people acting. I did it for...
Starting point is 00:50:53 Don't lie. I did it for content. Tony wanted the money. Tony did want the money. Wait, so then did you answer this question correctly? Yes. So this was one of the only questions you answered the whole day?
Starting point is 00:51:04 It was a gimme. It was crazy. It was one of the only questions you answered the whole day? It was a gimme. It was crazy. It was one of two that he's answered the whole day correctly. It's even funnier because he answered one more, which was the spaces on Monopoly board, which is how they doubled up all their money. No, that was the... That was the squares. Oh, that was the...
Starting point is 00:51:16 Sorry, the one before that was the board. Just double up. No, no, no. The whole spaces. Nick is right. You guys are stupid. I was there. I watched 20 stars.
Starting point is 00:51:23 We are going to do this ad read PG-13. No swearing, no sexual innuendos, it's about Hello Fresh Hey, it's crud time Crud time for the crud boys Do you enjoy the sweet summer taste? Here's a couple things I like, I like summer and I like taste And Tony Starr, God rest his soul, where'd this bruise come from? Tony Starr that's sweet God rest his soul where'd this bruise come from Tony Starr got crazy with it
Starting point is 00:51:45 anyway they got chef crafted recipes featuring ripe seasonal ingredients what's a seasonal summer ingredient pumpkin summer squash
Starting point is 00:51:53 cause it says it that's wrong what did you say pumpkin pumpkins for Halloween that couldn't be more wrong idiot you said seasonal
Starting point is 00:51:59 fresh pre-proportioned you can pick any season there are always always is a season I know but it's dumb to just say any fruit tis the season to hell fresh pescatarian well what is cool about hell fresh is it's like if you're pescatarian which we did a bet if you're like vegetarian uh you can pick and choose that's rude hey from fit and wholesome pause to pescatarian to veggie options to swap proteins they have a
Starting point is 00:52:24 meal plan that suits your lifestyle. 40 weekly recipes. You can choose from over a hundred items to round out your order snacks, easy lunches. You can do tangy key lime pie and mix that with the backyard bratwurst bar. Aiden, what's your favorite? Oh, not helpful again. Well, my favorite is, is I, I like that.
Starting point is 00:52:41 It's all the ingredients are portioned. So you just put it all in. You don't even think about how much. Yeah. You don't have to think you'd have to measure. You just put it all in you don't even think about how much yeah you don't have to think you don't have to measure you just put it in the slop bucket
Starting point is 00:52:48 that comes with HelloFresh the HelloFresh bucket they do come with a slop bucket and it's slop for you it's a bucket of slop the slop bucket is not real go to
Starting point is 00:52:58 slash the yard 50 and use code the yard 50 for 50% off plus free shipping you broke? that was about to be beautiful. You broke in the middle?
Starting point is 00:53:06 I didn't think we were going to do the whole thing. You're not a performer. Yeah, you have to read it. That's slash yard50. Use code theyard50. America's number one meal kit. Now back to America's number one podcast. That's not this.
Starting point is 00:53:19 It is Joe Rogan. We're not top 10. Dude, stop. We're not top 100. Maybe even banter beats us. I heard you got cheesed out of the states of matter question, though. I did. He didn't get cheesed.
Starting point is 00:53:29 You got it right. You got it right. I just said, the question was, what are the three states of matter? And he just said the fourth state. I didn't care about the fourth state. There's like eight. There's more than three, though. Time crystals is one of the time crystals.
Starting point is 00:53:38 There's. What? There's not really, yeah. Pabma, and then there's like a few more. I found out. The YouTube comments corrected me en masse. Yeah. I've seen that I've seen the veritasium thumbnail
Starting point is 00:53:56 There's five scientists that want to see this graphic right now the ones that I know there's a state I don't know what's called. It's the state like below solid when things reach like absolute zero. Silly puddy. And then there's plasma, and then there's things like beyond plasma. You know what, uh... You know what being Tony Star reminded me of? Oh. That's the image, that's the image on the right. Oh yeah, click that image, click that image.
Starting point is 00:54:18 How many are there? Maybe the thumbnail is deceptive and we just believed it. Right click, view as image, smoke weed about it. I think my favorite question, though, was 108 degrees Fahrenheit being water's boiling point from Zane. Because I expect Mango to drop that. Dude, that was so funny. Dude, unbelievable, man. Okay, so here are the states of matter.
Starting point is 00:54:37 Solid, Bose-Einstein condensate, plasma, time crystal, neutronium, gas, quark glue on plasma, and liquid. Tag yourself. Dude, I knew a girl who was into quark glue on plasma. She was crazy. Time crystal? Dude, that's fake. What is the time crystal? It has to be fake.
Starting point is 00:54:55 You can't slap on a PBS logo. It's just like a car several, and they're like time crystals. I read the entire, after I saw this, I read the entire wiki page for time crystals, because that's exactly what I said. And you understand nothing from it? I understand nothing. But it's real. It's somehow related to actual crystals that you can see and hold.
Starting point is 00:55:12 Yeah. Yeah. The crystal itself isn't the state of matter. That's a solid. But there's, like, some aspect of how crystals are formed. Yeah, I read this whole thing. This is fuck. This is fuck.
Starting point is 00:55:23 The reason why I know, because if you scroll down on this page, it references actual- not that far, right there, out there. It references actual crystals on this page. I really just want to edit this whole wiki page and just put the thing you put in your crack pipe. These are my time crystals. Time crystals. I don't- this isn't crack.
Starting point is 00:55:38 Quantum mechanics is fucking scary. We need to stop. We need to stop researching. Yeah. We need to put an end to this. We've done enough. We need to re-tivern. No, we need to stop. We need to stop researching. Yeah. We need to put an end to this. We've done enough. We need to re-tivert. No, we need to keep going
Starting point is 00:55:48 so we make Joan is awful for real. You watch Black Mirror? For real? We do watch Black Mirror. Why do you keep talking about Black Mirror? Because it's, I love Black Mirror, but I fucking hate the season so far. Hey, but the Black Mirror
Starting point is 00:55:58 is actually your phone screen. It's actually the time crystal of your phone screen. I never hate jokes on them them the new phone never turn off maybe that's a problem and then we're all depressed have you guys ever had that thing in the morning where you just like go to wake up and you just see your reflection you just go oh jesus yeah just like get out of bed not me i've had that so many times accidentally lock your phone while you're looking at your phone yeah yeah're like yeah you just see like a neck fall
Starting point is 00:56:25 you see the little goblin yeah the real goblin yeah when I changed my wallpaper I deleted TikTok really? yeah
Starting point is 00:56:32 why? I was walking and I was like I want to run a marathon this year or next year I guess and I was like wow
Starting point is 00:56:40 if I'm going to do the diligence to run a marathon I should probably have the diligence to not spend like 40 minutes on TikTok every day you're me so I just deleted it you're me with video, if I'm going to do the diligence to run a marathon, I should probably have the diligence to not spend 40 minutes on TikTok every day. You're me. So I just deleted it. You're me with video games. But I'm threaded. Oh yeah, you are so funny
Starting point is 00:56:52 on threads. I have been loving Ludwig on threads. He's actually a human being. Are you on threads? I'm not even on it. I just saw what he was on. Because Ludwig posts like a normal guy that's not like a brand and he doesn't freak out a good dump in my Rari Oh my god. He's just so free
Starting point is 00:57:12 Me at his birthday is like met Tony star at the restaurant. Do he's just fun tweeting again. I know It's freeing cuz Twitter is basically Notifications on anymore. Oh Oh yeah. He's free. Yeah, Twitter's for events and promotion and threads is where you can be a human. Yeah, so I just like an alt Twitter.
Starting point is 00:57:31 So I just be posting whatever. You should have just done an alt Twitter if you wanted that. No, I think alt Twitters are dumb. I also think
Starting point is 00:57:37 alt Twitters are dumb. Our beloved editor for The Yard, Archie, has been banned from Twitter. Is that why he's only posted on this fucking new account? And I wanted, so I was like, damn was like damn dude fucking zipper if you queue up an image i sent you
Starting point is 00:57:49 i was like damn like elon's really cracking down he's really hypocritical and i'm like archie did you get banned like what what did you say what did you say to get banned so i i asked him he sent me the image uh breaking supreme court votes that you should die and be killed and fucking die, die, die, knife, knife, knife. And that's 63 ruling. I was like, yeah, it's tough, man. Archie will do that. Archie's stream titles are really funny. They're like, breaking, presidential alert, your mom is fit.
Starting point is 00:58:20 So he might have earned this one. I mean, I have a context. So go boost Archie's new Twitter in case he doesn't get the new one back. Yeah, please I'm so fucked Archie put your own Twitter on the screen. Archie bears. I don't wanna do it. Archie min. Yeah, it sucks Can I show you guys that is? On the floor that is tipped over and pouring on the floor. All right Can I show you all about like video? Yeah, yeah, I'm making YouTube videos five years. I think the viral YouTube video yeah I've been making
Starting point is 00:58:45 YouTube videos five years I think the most viewed video I have is the Mr. Beast one it has like 12 million 13 million views
Starting point is 00:58:51 there's a video with 25 million views out there right now Zipper can you look up Kevin Leonardo and it's shifting how I'm thinking about YouTube
Starting point is 00:59:00 have you seen this no I've never heard of this you gotta stay the thing is you gotta stay agile in this business yeah and I think what heard of this. The thing is, you've got to stay agile in this business. Yeah, and I think what it is, it's intros. Because oftentimes I'll do like a minute bloviating about whatever,
Starting point is 00:59:13 and it's like you've just got to get to it. I thought it was bioviating. I've always called it bloviating. I've called it a bloviator forever. You have said that. And so match the title and the thumbnail, get to it. Do you got a pull-dub zipper? And so match the title and the thumbnail get to it. You got a pull-dub zipper
Starting point is 00:59:45 You posted that video chat and I just watched it. You watched the whole video? Yeah. It's so funny to see. I just watched the whole video. Dude. It's really funny watching Bruce drop him off, watch this video because he gets linked it by his chat and he almost has like a fucking heart attack. Flashbang through the door. It's just some guy's ass. It is a pop
Starting point is 01:00:06 flash. It's just an ass. It's not just an ass. It's a jump cut in four seconds spread asshole. No warning. The thumbnail image of that was just the asshole in the embedded image.
Starting point is 01:00:22 So Ludd sent this while I was on a plane and I literally, I'm on a plane and I literally I'm watching a movie so I haven't like on my chair propped up and I like see the message I click it and it just opens this red asshole and I instantly like grab my phone and pull it down I'm like hiding it I'm like putting the brightness down
Starting point is 01:00:37 I'm like what the fuck the channel is just like a gay dude giving advice for gay dudes okay that's like the advice show on the yard with Aiden Yeah, but it's more like douching my butthole and then showing it Whatever episode it was well like you guys like dude you like wax your are you like shave your ass? Why do you do that? And you're like, it's just the thing I do man, and everyone's like why and it's just like dude Do you guys do that? And you're like, it's just the thing I do man, and everyone's like why and it's just like dude Do you guys remember that I was when on the main main episode both got lambasted cuz I talked about shit my bus
Starting point is 01:01:12 Yeah, my butt. Yeah, I'm just like why you do that man? I'm just like What our butts look like oh my Terry right now. No Terry. I don't shave my asshole. My Terry I gotta get on that dude. So no one here takes care of their bodies. I touch it up. Well, look, Kevin told me the brand of nair I need, so now I know. Do we nair it on both? Oh, there's like a specific nair. Four to five minutes at most. You're not supposed to nair your butt.
Starting point is 01:01:33 They tell you not to nair. Kevin did. I know, but it's like. Oh, who's your guy? I don't have a guy. You're saying the guy who spread fucking goatee on YouTube is wrong. 25 million views, you're telling me Kevin's wrong. I'm not saying he's wrong.
Starting point is 01:01:43 I'm just saying they tell you not to do that. You can do educational content for four years. He got that video He's blown up every video he uploads gets like four or five million. Will this one happen? That video is so funny Dude, imagine if you got a content warning. It's just like Imagine if Godwig did that first. It's educational! It is educational. You know you were my first Goatee? Ever? You were the first time I ever saw a Goatsy live in 4K. Dude, I forgot that me and Josh met you at the same time.
Starting point is 01:02:10 Oh, it was at the same Mafia game? Yeah, it was the Mafia game. And you're like, Mafia, open your eyes. And I think it was me and Ben Tolson as Mafia. And Ben doesn't care. He just laughs. Just this fucking raw grip on the cheeks just spread in Ben Tolson's face. Yeah, you can see what Ludwig ate earlier.
Starting point is 01:02:26 I knew it was coming. So I literally eyes closed, held my phone up and started spraying praying with photos. And I caught it. After I looked, I was like, I don't want this. It was like, well, I deleted it instantly. I just didn't understand what was happening. I'm like, well, that's the fun thing about drunk Ludwig. Like at his birthday reminded me where it definitely
Starting point is 01:02:45 was oh no you were but drunk Ludwig is the kind of guy where it's like there's a way high chance to see his butthole tonight not anymore not no still because because he'll get if he's that drunk as drunk as he was at his birthday anything's possible I was crazy drunk that's beautiful they it was like double triple shots I don't realize I had one cocktail and I was like I like hit a wall I was like I cannot I cannot drink anymore
Starting point is 01:03:10 I have to drive I got I took five five old fashions and I was like man and I threw up and I was like
Starting point is 01:03:16 maybe I'm just not cut out for this anymore but that's like that's definitely like ten shots I think it was ten plus shots and that's what
Starting point is 01:03:23 did me in well you did you guys didn't go to the hotel lobby with Tony star No, it's actually got crazy crazy in the lobby Hotel lobby Tony Starr drinks is Tony Starr. It doesn't count as breaking edge. Yeah, that's true That's why I am now in trouble So you think so you're going in a new direction you think yeah, I'm gonna go in a new direction
Starting point is 01:03:44 I'm gonna make go in a new direction. I'm going to make my interest faster. And other things might happen. Those videos, by the way, that video you can't find if you look up like Nair Butthole. Like it won't come up. It won't get recommended. You have to search the specific guy's name and go to his channel and click on it. So it's like a blacklisted video?
Starting point is 01:04:01 Yeah, because they won't promote that. It's allowed to be on YouTube because it's educational content. Does it have any ads? I doubt it. I doubt it. So it's like a blacklisted video? Yeah, because they won't promote that. It's allowed to be on YouTube because it's educational content. Does it have any ads? I doubt it. Drink Topo Chico. And then it just opens. You see most played sections immediately afterwards.
Starting point is 01:04:17 But it got so viral because of mainly TikTok and then using it as kind of a jump scare because the first two seconds is a butthole and So crazy It is just a human butt, but it is something that's tough to look at my ass Well has been really hairy lately. I'm gonna show what it looks like if you don't want to look at that look away You should open we did a ball and then be like isn't that crazy?
Starting point is 01:04:40 Looks like kind of tail slate That's what my butthole looks like. Kinda tail slate. Now we need Nair. He should have green screened him over it, like walk up to it and be like, See, this is where the hair is located. They have a content ID room that's just his butthole. And just like, find it. Yeah, that's where all the servers live. Just like, anything they can do to detect a butthole.
Starting point is 01:05:01 Slym. Oh, go ahead. Slym, do you feel bad that you have no hair now? No, I feel great. As soon as I got it on, I wanted it off. I like being bald, and being hot, Tony Starr reminded me of that feeling, and it was very freeing. Did you feel hotter?
Starting point is 01:05:18 100%. I thought I was way more attractive. I genuinely felt more attractive. I also learned being hot makes you funnier when you do goofy things. Also, style matters. Because anyone can be hot if you're born that way. Right?
Starting point is 01:05:31 A lot of dombers. Nick. If you're born that way, you can be hot. I'll take it. But if you're not, then basically... I'm sorry? There are so many hot people in the world and if you like you have to like out here you have to set yourself apart by like having a different shirt or like
Starting point is 01:05:53 dressing differently and i understood style at that moment i was like oh it's not just about this because i've always felt like i've been playing from like well i i don't look great so i'll just have to like have ultimate swag. That's crazy. That's why he wears the mustache. I play Jack and I'm suited to the river, baby. And I get there. Hi. Nice.
Starting point is 01:06:13 You're good at this. I was saying hi to you guys. Someone say you're a pro. Today's podcast brought to you by Cash App. It's got tools like Aiden. For saving, spending, and sending, Cash App is an all-in-one way to stay in control of your money. Cash App's a financial platform, not a bank.
Starting point is 01:06:27 Banking services are provided by Cash App's bank partners. I wish I was your life partner. That's crazy. I wish actually it was just in Chicago. Something I wanted to settle was, do they have better pizza than us? Because everyone there is talking
Starting point is 01:06:39 about pizza all the time. They always chirp. Because they always chirp. The cheese is under the sauce. So I went to Lou Malnati's and I ate pizza. Lou Malnati's and I ate pizza. And Lou Manati's. What is that name?
Starting point is 01:06:48 Oh my God. Did you not put that together? Because you just said it. No, but that's not even what they meant. Whoa. Whoa. Was it just an Italian name? Pizza was trash.
Starting point is 01:06:55 Yeah, it was just an Italian name. Lou Malnati. Ugh. And pizza was trash. Three out of ten. And then I have what there is, their Golden Goose pizza, Pequod's. Also, well, actually no,ads also well actually no it was good but it was not better than socal pizza or new york pizza so chicago pizza sucks interesting so
Starting point is 01:07:11 anyway back to cash app yeah download cash app so anyways download cash app in the app store or google play to see why it's the number one finance app in the u.s app store uh click the link below in the in the description click the link in the description below and if... You couldn't satisfy me, that's why. And I could be your life partner but if it didn't work out I would still take care of the kids. I wouldn't choose to do it because I know it wouldn't work out. Cash out. Cash out.
Starting point is 01:07:36 I have a comment that might cheer you up. No, I don't think this is true. I don't think you have one that'll cheer me up. I think it'll be something mean. Zipper, can you pull up the comment I sent to you on Discord It's from one of our older viewers Watches a lot of clips Her name's Janet
Starting point is 01:07:51 She's like 50 plus I know Janet I think I read this She dropped a comment about your hair getting removed Oh Shake you gotta stop talking man Shake's out there talking.
Starting point is 01:08:06 Shake should be talking about fucking trying to go to ledge instead of fucking side being on the stage,
Starting point is 01:08:10 man, brother. Oh, tell it to Aiden, actually. I far appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:08:14 was my Spock warmup. Here's a comment. Here's a comment. The comment. I love this content. The editing was great. Fun.
Starting point is 01:08:23 Questions are fair. Slime's hair looks nice, but he's handsome both ways. I like the winky face. Winky face, heart face. From Janet. Is Janet married? Okay, relax. Can you click yay thank you when you get a chance?
Starting point is 01:08:35 That's just... Leave Janet alone. Thank you, Janet. We're finding your husband, and we're ruining your marriage. Leave Janet alone. She winky faced at me. What does that mean? People above 40 don't know how to use emojis correctly. what does it mean it doesn't mean anything she was trying to wink
Starting point is 01:08:48 at me just click emotes at random oh i mean tons of people are like saying yo you actually i prefer you bald and i think a lot of people just i'm one of those people it's just it's just because it was jarring to see me with hair but i trust me i am very secure in how i look to the point where it's like it was fun to be what i consider hot and it's i feel at home with a bald head being normal you have such a good bald head it's fucked i got a great bald head it's also not perfect i got flaws but like i i i just i'm so happy being tony star taught me that i am okay with myself. That's all. Dude, once you've tasted the top of Tony Stardom, and you just get crashing back down, you have to be humble.
Starting point is 01:09:31 Yeah, bro! It's copium. I got to be Ryan Gosling for a week. Yeah. Yeah, you did. Everyone was treating me different. You say, Tony Starr's here? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:41 Can I talk to him? Maybe I shouldn't. No, Tony Starr, when someone I talk to him? Maybe I shouldn't No Tony Starr When someone comes up to him He's just like Of course I can understand
Starting point is 01:09:49 Why this is happening But if someone comes up to Slime He's like Yeah He's like alright I'll sign that Cool It's just like
Starting point is 01:09:56 Everyone hates me That's why Tony Starr Unlocked a part of myself It's like yeah This is kind of funny I'll sign something Because it's all a joke Everything's wrapped in a big joke That I can process bad people uh yeah the only star the only star doesn't let
Starting point is 01:10:11 take any shit my favorite thing about being in an oz time zone is just having anthony stream still open when he ends stream and then i just start seeing slime unbanned x slime unbanned y and i'm like i just like caught in 4k and he's like just having some dessert unbanned X, Slime Unbanned Y. And I'm like, I just type caught in 4K and he's like, just having some dessert. Unbanned forms are like dessert to me. Yeah, he just eats it like he's just sitting there. You're offline going through Unbanned, you're the only streamer to do this. I do them offline.
Starting point is 01:10:35 And I'm just like, what's going on here? It's like seeing someone like showering. I'm like, oh my god. Jesus Christ, sorry. Which is fine because he walks in on you showering. Dude, he threw a fucking stress ball in my head. Yeah, I've seen that video. I'm like oh my god Jesus Christ sorry dude I left my stream on He walks in on you showering Dude he threw a fucking stress ball in my head What?
Starting point is 01:10:49 Have you guys seen that video? Have you guys seen that one? He just threw it in my head and goes I'm like I'm just fucked Dude he fucking And it's funny cause his face is all like It's very thumbnail That's the funny part
Starting point is 01:10:59 It is yeah It's actually an emo It's called duck head Instead of like the little thing They throw a duck in my head I go I cringe from it I said he opened the floodgates for uh for bits when he did that i'm like you do understand there's like the ceiling is gone so my new thing was uh get a video of me breastfeeding him with the modelo and just being like as i sleep as i sleep yeah
Starting point is 01:11:20 and he breaks edge for me yeah using his titty. Yeah, that was why that was my get back in him fit And he's like nah, I won't do that. I won't do that and I was like, but I might run it Putting a funnel in your ass and feeding you vodka when you're sleeping I know, of course. Oh, we sent you to the hospital. Oh. Low town. It's getting sent to the... That's another reason I think Australians can, like, do crazy bits is because they can
Starting point is 01:11:49 go to the hospital and it doesn't ruin their life. They have good healthcare. Don't you have to pay your annual ambulance fee or whatever? Oh, yeah, yeah. No. You have, like, an annual, like, Amber cover where you just, like, pay them, like, 60. Otherwise, you pay, like, 400 and you're like, ah, I should have done the Amber cover. Not bad.
Starting point is 01:12:04 And I never do it. And then I've gone. I had to... Oh, no. Dude, I called to go for the ambulance when I broke my 400 and you're like i should have done the ambo cover not bad and i never do it and then i've gone i had to oh no dude i called to go for the ambulance when i broke my arm like oh we're a bit tight tonight actually can you just like get in the car and drive and i'm like yeah that's so funny it was so fucked when i broke my arm we're like going to the car and everyone's just like like on copium they're like it's just dislocated man it's just dislocated man i'm like i can't feel shit man I'm like I'm in so much pain and my mate
Starting point is 01:12:28 he's like my mate Sims J it was me the guy who did it SA Nick in the back seat it was an arm wrestling and like Campbell and Campbell's like oh this is so cringe man
Starting point is 01:12:38 and then we're just going it was when I broke an arm wrestling Josh just really ruined the night for us yeah your arm fuck the vibes I didn't know how to like cope with how much and I was really really night for us. Yeah Fuck the
Starting point is 01:12:46 I didn't know how to like cope with how much pain I was in so I started just like bore out voicing for some reason So like try to not harsh the vibe Cuz every time he would like take a turn he would take it normally and I'm like that's just not gonna fly I'm in intense pain every time you turn this car. he starts like creeping around corners and he's like i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i felt so bad for him dude but um i felt matt do you know matt smith now we have that bit where you get a pint glass and you try to break it with one hand you guys tried to do this after a fan up. Yeah, you just go
Starting point is 01:13:28 and try to break it with your hand and Matt Smith found out it was like a caveman discovering fire he was like, two hand. And then did this and he succeeded. And he sliced off his hand. So I was like bleeding out. Who could've thought?
Starting point is 01:13:44 But then he's just like, I crazy but then like he's just like he's like I did it though he's just like huh boys and we're like this is just I wasn't there but I heard he's like
Starting point is 01:13:52 you're just bleeding out man can you tell me the truth is the brain hung real the brain hung yeah I feel okay
Starting point is 01:13:58 it's a lie face it's a lie face it's a lying face what is it the brain hung so the Australians the Australians call a vape a hung and so it's like if you rip the hung you're hung. So the Australians call a vape a
Starting point is 01:14:06 hung. And so it's like if you rip the hung, you're just taking a big drag
Starting point is 01:14:09 of your vape. Kalen, the longtime friend of these guys, says he can do a brain
Starting point is 01:14:14 hung where he puts it in his ear and then just sucks really hard and then can blow it out his
Starting point is 01:14:20 nose. He said it's the brain hung. And he's like, I can only do it like once every six months. No, the thing is it shortens
Starting point is 01:14:29 his lifespan every time he does it. Like every time he does it, like the aura around him starts like glowing. Like it's in DBZ, the rocks start floating. He's like, forgive me, sensei. I was going to say, when Guy opens a new gate in War Town. He opened the eighth gate. Yeah, and so I kept asking, I was like, you got to Guy opens a new gate in your town. He opened the eighth gate. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:46 And so I kept asking. I was like, you got to do the brain honk for me. When we were at Australia last year, he was like, I'll do it. I'll do it. I will. I will. And then he never did. And I'm like, hmm.
Starting point is 01:14:56 You don't think it's real? I don't think it's real. I don't think it's real. I mean, Australian bits, the thing is they go to such a far level that they make you believe the fake ones like the brain honk. Yeah. Do they say the fake ones so they can keep things like drop bears like they'll be like, okay brain honk fake But like drop here that's actually Okay, no visit me in awesome like going through trees every now and be like got a check And she's just like you mean fucking idiot and then Wade would be like looking at the trees and he's like, clear.
Starting point is 01:15:27 Oh, you guys. This is fucking dumb. No. No. That's just content without a camera. Yeah. Think about it that way. Kind of.
Starting point is 01:15:40 It's also not because it's so. It's just people enjoying the life. Making jokes. So it's not good vision, man. It's actually your favorite.'s so... It's just people enjoying the life. Making jokes. So it's not good. It's actually your favorite. You love to deceive your friends. Yeah, but some of it's not deception. Some of it's like, oh, it's 3 a.m. toenail ripping time.
Starting point is 01:15:54 We've got to rip our toenails out. It's 3 a.m. Oh, yeah, but we're bored. And if you don't, you're gay. You've got to do it. And it's like, who drank the least beers tonight? You have to do it. That's the rules.
Starting point is 01:16:04 And then they'll do it. And that's not, to the least beers tonight you have to do it that's the rules and then they'll and then they'll do it and that's not to me content or fun it sounds like painful well it's funny you say that you know who actually asked so you get well i was gonna say when we did the camping stream and i showed up and it was a very heartwarming moment where i was like i said ludwig do you want to just punch the the wood as hard we can and fire punch? And you kind of just, you're looking down and you're like, sure. And that is the spirit of it. And maybe you only said sure because we were on camera. Firefighting opened my eyes to Australians. I was like, oh, you're all crazy.
Starting point is 01:16:36 Do you know who? This makes sense now. Who like genuinely asked me about this. Cause I've been staying with, with false, false and nat. And that's just like why she just looked like she was pondering and i'm like what's on your mind because it's a dinner she's like why do why do you think stupid shit is funny and i was like what do you mean because i was like oh well dice game and like whoever loses the dice game has to be like pour vinegar on a
Starting point is 01:17:03 plate and i like stand up I don't like the little thing that were in and shot I'd be like whoa She was just like and she lost and she did take the shot of eating and she's like what? Why is this funny did it yeah? She did do it. That's hard. I thought it was really funny That she just really didn't want to do it, and she's like that's why it was funny Yeah, and they're like we showed um we talked about Ashes before. The video is actually- Oh, the video's fucked. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:27 What is this one? Instead of, you know about Shoeys, right? Yeah. Ashes is where you do it out of an ashtray instead. It's just- There's a video of our mate Ruben
Starting point is 01:17:36 back home doing it. He's like, oh, the texture. It's so good. It's like sand it is. Yeah, how is that? I just don't like, I just can't wrap my head around
Starting point is 01:17:44 how that's not just so fucking funny, man. It's not exciting, it is. How is that? I just don't, like, I just can't wrap my head around how that's not just so fucking funny, man. It's funny, it's disgusting, though. Well, I like the idea of Natalie really trying to understand it, but unable to just, unable to, it's like you're saying, it's like a mathematical equation that she's like, I don't understand it. I've been staring at the chalkboard for years. I don't get it. I think it is funny to watch it. It's not funny to participate, though.
Starting point is 01:18:06 Like, it reminds me of that Russian video where they're hitting each other with the chairs. Oh, the English lesson. The English lesson. Sorry. They're hitting each other with the chairs. And then it opens. And that video is funny to watch because I'm like, he's fucking dumbasses. I think part of it is, though, I'd like to be there.
Starting point is 01:18:20 Like, I'd get hit by the chair. And that's inside of me. And it's inside of you. I think it's All related He looks like he's In that video Yeah They all look like you
Starting point is 01:18:29 They look like you Dude just smoking a shot And kissing your shoulders Fucking orange Dude the legs hit his back That video was so funny I think it's all related to drinking Like I don't think
Starting point is 01:18:39 No No Yeah I think it all stems from drinking culture I've seen some stone sober men Firefighters I don't believe that To be false But I think it all stems from I've seen some stone sober men firefighter I don't believe that to be false, but I still think it stems from drinking culture this this thing at its inception I I think we do this as teenagers without a drop of alcohol. I think this is actually straight edge culture
Starting point is 01:18:57 Doing you're not drinking. Not to this extent. I I disagree bro We were we were doing a lot of shit with fire in the woods We were blowing up spray-paint can I face we did that didn't harm you we had a mate who just like doesn't understand things you could I'm sure I'm sure I guess I'm talking to you your chairs lean on the chair no no we're gonna just like oh my god you're gonna be like this all episode you should go your chairs lean on the chair. No, we're gonna adjust. Oh my god You're gonna be like this all episode and you should feel like a super normal. This is how it works It's how the chair works. It's super normal. It's at a 45 degrees. I guys keep on let's keep going Confusing Friday. Oh, this is really comfortable. Um Really enough. This is just so all-encompassing. That's fine. We're saying Josh
Starting point is 01:19:42 Keep going, keep going. Keep going. Distracting Friday all the time. So we had a man who just doesn't get stuff and he goes, why is there's no fucking way this shit's flammable. And he's talking about cologne. And he's like, why? He's like, it's fucking liquid. And I'm like, dude, yeah, it's no shit.
Starting point is 01:20:02 I'm like, you know what else is level? Fucking petrol. And he's like, no, but cologne's not petrol. And he's like, watch. Starts spraying up his arm and his hand and just smacks it with a lighter and just... His whole arm goes up. He's like, oh, fuck it is.
Starting point is 01:20:22 Starts smacking his arm up. He's like, it's not really going out. And I think about that so often. I'm like, that is just one of the- Is he sober? Oh, stone cold. He's just so dumb. That's why I think your theories are wrong.
Starting point is 01:20:35 So it's just dumb culture? But I think that's what- If you're going to be dumb, you've got to be tough. That activated me. I'm like, fuck, that is unbelievably funny. It's just so funny. He didn't mean to do it it but dumb shit is just so funny it's just in our bones
Starting point is 01:20:49 in our blood yeah I've said this before but my one of my best friends growing up was this guy Daniel and we were setting up Christmas lights around a trampoline once and uh they all sparked and like went out while he was holding them and he made this noise I'll never forget he was like and the first thing he said with like two seconds to spare he was like did you see my skeleton?
Starting point is 01:21:12 For me it was kind of like that Australians go to a further level oh, it's just cuz like it's like you know you build up like a tolerance Like there was also the first one where it's just like did you ever have that thing we crouch over and hyperventilate yeah we call it the hippie shit yeah and then you put your arms on your chest like this and then you have someone push you and you black out yeah yeah just like seeing your friend is like limp on the floor like what do we do next? What is this? I think the three of you maybe. Do you want to try it?
Starting point is 01:21:47 No. Oh, okay. You know what? Maybe it's a socioeconomic thing. We did this in high school, this thing. Yeah, yeah. This is a my school thing. Okay.
Starting point is 01:21:54 Yeah, he did. Aiden's looking at us like we're crazy. I think at a certain point, though, I guess maybe in America, is that you stop doing it. You get a job. You get a wife, you get kids. I mean Josh isn't the oldest bear in the woods. Do you guys know who Dix is? No.
Starting point is 01:22:10 Oh that's so sad. Dix is like- Every time we hang out! Is he still with us? Australian absurd nickname. Can't believe you haven't met this guy. Oh he's just the best. Dude Dix is like, he's like giga Oz in terms of this shit.
Starting point is 01:22:27 Like, Mungo was just asleep on the floor. Oh, he's the guy who fucking dropped his knee on Mungo. He just dropped his knee on Mungo's head while he's asleep and just goes, I'm like, ooh, and Mungo's like, dude, what? And as I get older, at first I was like, that's fucked, that's just not cool. And as I get older, I'm like, I want to see it again. I'm like slowly like an fucked. That's just not cool. And as I get older, I'm like, I want to see it again. I'm like slowly like anamorphic into a rat.
Starting point is 01:22:49 No, that is fucked. It is fucked, but it was so funny. That is pretty funny. Do people leave the tribe? No. Mungo's 33 now. He has a kid. He stops. Mungo just learned jujitsu off that.
Starting point is 01:22:59 Yeah. He was just like, never again. Oh, so it's the way you build each other up. Deeks just comes to the functions now in a suit and tie. And he goes like, oh, just the one bevy for me tonight, boys. And we're like, never again. Oh, so it's the way you build each other up. Deeks just comes to the functions now in a suit and tie, and he goes like, oh, just the one bevy for me tonight, boys. And we're like, where is he? So he's gone. He's gone now.
Starting point is 01:23:11 I've seen him activate a couple of times. He's not the same. To me, it's funny because to me, Kalen is like the ringleader, and Kalen's life is so together. Like, he's married. He's a nice house. He's a great job. And he's just the the ringleader for
Starting point is 01:23:27 all of these activities candles after a match of super smash brothers melee yeah but it'll all go away he'll have a kid and he'll hang out the thing is with kalen is like he is just he's just an eternal spirit i truly believe that all you have to do is be have a weak-willed human near him and he would just like it's like you know in finding nemo when like the shark is like very normal and friendly and smells fish blood and goes get out of here guys i can't stop myself it's kayla when you see someone who's just morphable he's gonna have endless fun with goody man yeah goody the small bear yeah you told goody to just like ram his head into a concrete wall and he'll be able to hit more ledge dashes and he goes Aye aye sir! Starts charging like Spyro
Starting point is 01:24:08 Hits the concrete straight away. You tell us all this and then also be like you guys treat us like cartoons Yeah, oh you do your accent. Oh you make fun of us so much and it's like you just named Goody Mungo Those are those are Nettie characters. They're not real people. You guys are all like Ed. They are. Well, no. It's the whole cul-de-sac.
Starting point is 01:24:33 Australia is the world's cul-de-sac. Do they have double D's? His mom does. Yo! Our God is an awesome God. Bit bad. It's only going to sound like that. Our god is an awesome god Bit bird That's all I'm gonna say That's all I'm gonna say dude You don't like that dude?
Starting point is 01:24:52 I'm excited for this week We're going to We're going to London I'm going to London I'm kind of scared Because I feel like I'm just going to be like a Like a Charmander
Starting point is 01:25:00 And like I just thought I was a Charizard for so long To in what context? In London Because we're just like in Oz We're just like yeah We're the best We're like the The prime Armander and like I just thought I was a Charizard for so long to in what context in London because we're just like in Oz we're just like yeah we're the best we're like the the the prime apex predator of bits so I am I am excited about this because to me I I used to spend a lot more time with UK melee and then I spent a lot of time with you guys and to me this was like the two like top points of the scene
Starting point is 01:25:25 was like the UK guys are fucking awesome. They're crazy. And then you guys are in your own way. It's a little distinct between like the two overall groups.
Starting point is 01:25:33 But you were like my two favorite scenes to like go and visit overall. And the scenes have never truly crossed over before. Dude, I can't believe it. Like with a lot of people
Starting point is 01:25:42 from both groups. Naturally, because you're like so far apart, right? And this is going to be the first time this weekend where, like, a large group of Aussie Melee players
Starting point is 01:25:51 meet a large group of UK Melee players. Yeah. And I'm very, very excited. To me, this is, like, a story that's been building up for, like, six years. Actually, this is your dream.
Starting point is 01:25:59 Yeah. As the international Melee guy. Yeah, this is, like, Marvel versus Capcom. Yeah. I finally get my crossover game. I finally get to see Captain America, like, fight. When I'm a serve bot. International Just you know, I'm leaving on Wednesday. You can go with him. I can go with him. I mean, we're going today. Dude, like, it's a pretty all-star lineup.
Starting point is 01:26:29 It's Kaylin, Dom Hines, unfortunately Donnie's not going. Zai. There's like Zai, Skip, Geordie, Goody. This is so funny. You made up two. You made up two. You made up two. Happy, dopey, stinky.
Starting point is 01:26:42 These are all characters on Bluey. Bevo. Dude, uh, I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. You made up two. You made up two. You made up two. Happy dog beat. This is Santa Claus. These are all characters on Bluey. Bevo. Dude, I'm in the group chat with all these guys, and Kalen's like, we're just making fun of English people. Like, it's nonstop.
Starting point is 01:26:56 And also, pig man gaming is the new bit. Pig man gaming is the sound of the song. And he's like, oh, this guy's coming. He's more swine than man. And this is the kind of shit they're saying every day. So I'm just posting pig. He's like, oh, this guy's coming. He's more swine than man. This is the kind of shit they're saying every day. So I'm just posting pig. I'm trying to keep up because everyone's funny and I'm just posting the funniest pig man pictures I can find.
Starting point is 01:27:13 And then Caelan's like, he's like, it's so funny how the UK is a foundation of both of our societies, but also simultaneously doesn't exist. Yeah, I feel like Oz is like diverted into the hyperbolic time chamber where if you go and visit Oz and come back, you come back with longer hair and like 50 bits that don't make any sense yeah like you know that image just like this this meme will be really funny in 2052 of appealed grape that's just what australia's profile picture to this day is just when you google strongest fireman yeah that's what it is yeah yeah because we had an avatar themed discord
Starting point is 01:27:45 we made a whole because it's just all this shit and like we all had like a tribe and he was like the nation and he was the
Starting point is 01:27:51 fire nation and he's like fuck who's the strongest fireman on avatar and just googled strongest fireman and this guy
Starting point is 01:27:56 holding a metal like thumbs up it's so fucking he looks extremely strong it's so fucking funny
Starting point is 01:28:03 oh yeah it's the one it's not if you go down more It's the one. It's not. If you go down more. It's the one on the far right. On the far right. Down, down, down. Down and to the right.
Starting point is 01:28:11 That one. That one. Yeah. That's so funny. There he is. That's the strongest firefighter. So good. So good to know where this is from.
Starting point is 01:28:19 Yeah. I've seen that face so many times. I know. I know. Dude, it literally gets me every time. Next to the weight rack. He never looks like that again. We've seen so many other photos. This is just like, it just doesn't look real, dude. He's trapped in amber just forever and ever in this photo. It's like taking someone's actual face and letting Photoshop build the surrounding.
Starting point is 01:28:44 It's such a strong association with miles now that i look at this and i'm like i should call out yeah he's so jacked near the dumbbells it's so funny just in case you didn't think he was strong here are the tools he uses there's something i've been doing recently that's made me look smart in a lot of different contexts is when someone brings up celsius they're usually bringing it up because it's hot somewhere and they'll be like yeah it's like something if not from the beverage drink not the measurement of yes the no the actual temperature uh they'll be like nobody was confused about that they'll be like oh it's like 40 celsius and i always just think of the song by the chats whether like it's 2 in the afternoon 34 degrees
Starting point is 01:29:25 I do too. I every time I go. Oh, it's pretty hot Like that's not bad. It's like under 34. I'm like not too bad not too bad and so many different contexts They've been like, oh, you know Celsius I only know the five plus or minus around 34. I'm exactly the same. That's so funny Also, I did think that you meant the drink. Oh, really? Yeah. Oh, that's fucked.
Starting point is 01:29:47 I just want to set the record straight. I thought you meant the drink. That's insane. Because in production and like film right now, it's the choice drink of LA director.
Starting point is 01:29:56 He's got 200 milligrams of caffeine. You've got to get on Celsius. Just like prime. Dude, whenever anyone talks to me about Oz music and they're like, oh, I love Australian music.
Starting point is 01:30:04 And I'm like, oh yeah, you know, like Stella Donnelly. And they're like, oh, love Australian music and I'm like, oh yeah, you know like Stella Donnelly They're like, oh the chats, you know, oh smoker. If it was like just like tapping the fishbowl Dude, I love American music, I love Weird Al That's fair I love the national anthem The more you explain, the more we get to tap the fishbowl though. Yeah, that's true. We lean into it too I can't help it. Most people's exposure is just like the most pervasive memes, right?
Starting point is 01:30:28 Which doesn't, I think, represent Australia. Which could be the chats. Or Foster's beer. You got the dole. You got Foster's. I think the most spot on. I'm saying in Australia, that would not represent to an Australian Australia. No, they drink VB.
Starting point is 01:30:39 I think the most spot on one that I'm fine with is VB at 6 in the morning. That video is so fucking good cause that's salt of the earth yeah right there you still got your M&M cup? I do I do have the M&M potion cup still
Starting point is 01:30:54 it's one of the best gifts I ever got have you ever seen the M&M potion at 3am? it's a 7 minute video wait no yes I believe you've definitely seen it I've seen it yeah yeah I've seen it I like we watched it
Starting point is 01:31:03 did we watch it on the podcast? yeah we watched it we were just going through his channel the kid's channel at Yeah, we watched it. We were just going through his channel, the kid's channel at a party. We were having a party. We were going through the channel. I'll never forget drinking the Amber Heard potion at 3 a.m. It's just like, wow, this is just a rabbit hole I was not ready for. I'm like, I didn't know this kid was just like that ear to the concrete.
Starting point is 01:31:19 Just like, this guy just gets it. That was the happiest I've seen Josh in my entire life. It was like, like hey open it I really he's like he jumped around like he was holding a playstation
Starting point is 01:31:30 he's like oh my god oh my god you know that shit where it's just like they have like their eyes like they're in the chair like this and their eyes are like
Starting point is 01:31:36 forced open and they're just watching fuck shit that was um uh Ben and Delaney at the house I would just keep putting it on
Starting point is 01:31:44 and they're like oh fucking hell and by the end of it They're just like sitting there in the chairs just like smiling. They're like He's gonna leave for two minutes again. No toad. Yeah, it was fucked. Oh She well, that's our that's our our third that really it flew by and fly by Does your head feel different I touch it I it? I'm going to touch it. I want to smell it. It feels so nice.
Starting point is 01:32:07 Yeah, what does it smell like? I don't think it's stinky anymore, right? No, it's fine. No, give it a whiff. He uses his board. Wean about it, too. That's good. Okay, I have your bulb tar, right?
Starting point is 01:32:17 I aired it out. Your tar soap? No, I don't use it anymore. Why? Why? Because I don't use it anymore. Do you use it by the Instagram ad? No. Oh. I bought it because it looked like tire rubber. No, I don't use anymore. Why why because I don't you hit my Instagram at anymore No, I bought it because it looked like tire rubber melted, and I thought it was cool
Starting point is 01:32:31 Hey, thanks for watching the art everyone see you in the patreon episode if you're in there if you're not I won't see you there I'll see you in one week and no one will see you know we'll ever see you none of your friends like Secret friends like you they don't like your friends that you shouldn't feel insecure about that We're gonna take him to an American hospital and ruin his fucking life. Why it's all of God

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