The Yard - Ep. 13 - What really happens at Shitcamp

Episode Date: September 29, 2021

Ludwig finds himself hours late to record the pod because he's spending all his time at SHITCAMP. He tells us the scandalous details of what happens off stream, we appropriate Italian culture and Slim...e talks about growing up in the 1940s.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh, dude, that's Fred Nibison. Oh, wow, he's like totally dead. That's super weird. I do a better clap. Is that your main impression? Okay, I don't sound like that. Hey, guys, wanna play Melee? Is that what I sound like when I do Ludwig to you guys?
Starting point is 00:00:27 Yeah. Actually, yeah. Yeah. Ironically, yeah. Well, you can't say because you don't know. Boys. Boys. Join in.
Starting point is 00:00:34 I'm going to jump out of a plane. Yeah. That's your Ludwig. You talk like adults. It's like deep frying my Ludwig impression. Devolving in real time. You talk like adults in C's like deep frying my Ludwig impression. You're devolving in real time. You talk like adults in Codename Kids Next Door. I've never watched that show because I didn't like the main character.
Starting point is 00:00:51 Looks like you. You talk like adults in Xenon. I was like. Was bald. Don't touch me. You would have feared eating Batman. I'm passing you, baby. Welcome back to the yard, everybody.
Starting point is 00:01:03 I've got this goddamn cow cup. Is that cold water? So here's the thing. Why is it? It looks foggy. I'm passing you, baby. Welcome back to the yard, everybody. I've got this goddamn cow cup. Is that cold water? So here's the thing. Why is it? It looks foggy. So I left. Me and Ludwig went.
Starting point is 00:01:11 He drinks thick water. Me and Ludwig went bouldering together. And I left my hydro flask there. I'm really sad. Did you? Yeah. I gotta go back. I gotta go back.
Starting point is 00:01:19 Yeah, you guys went and broke a bunch of rocks into smaller rocks. And after we broke all the rocks, I found this mug in our kitchen. I was like, cool, a cow mug. I'll use that. And I'm filling it with water. And I look under, and I can't tip it because there's water in here. It just exposed electronics and batteries because the cup mixes stuff. Right.
Starting point is 00:01:38 Oh, yeah. But I was like, I shouldn't be holding this under a sink. It's supposed to simulate what an actual cow's udder does when you put it in your mouth. Explode? Yeah. That's crazy. Shock you? Yeah. That's why we can't touch them. Here's to us.
Starting point is 00:01:55 To our health. To the knights. You just die. Did you enjoy bouldering? It was really fun. I'm definitely going back. You were really good, I thought. I think I was scared because I think the first time I did it i was pretty good and then i was like oh man i haven't done shit this is two more people falling victim to the to the smash to bouldering pipeline i'm gonna start wearing catagony that's a good pipeline that's a real pipe the other pipeline is pedophilia well i mean yeah what i'm noticing about everyone's like like redemption
Starting point is 00:02:23 video is like they all do the same thing. They, like, they turn into, like, aliens. And it's, like, aliens who are trying to sound like humans. And they're like, hello. Hello, audience. I am coming with a human apology for the humans watching. They're all the first bad alien from the first Men in Black movie. Like, trying to explain themselves.
Starting point is 00:02:42 I wish they would do, like, YouTuber voice and everything. Like, real fake. Well, that's part of it. So it's been a while. Dude. Well, yeah, I mean, in terms of real and fake cancellations, Ake Treyock got canceled as well. Did he?
Starting point is 00:02:57 That's not the word. No, I canceled him. What? I will cancel Ake Treyock. You did not cancel. For being a Rossist Randy. I made my, my,
Starting point is 00:03:07 I put up my bit. I would not have uploaded that video if he had just watched it on his own. Yeah. And then I literally said in his stream, did you see the video I sent? He was like, Oh no, I'll check it out,
Starting point is 00:03:18 bro. I'll check it out right now. And then he just like forgets in like three seconds. Yeah. And then I'm like, I'm uploading this on YouTube right now. He's worse than I am. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:27 Well. Well. Whoa. You guys doing your H-Rack impression? Well. Well. Yeah. Well, my bad, man.
Starting point is 00:03:35 I mean, we were just talking about scheduling things right now because Ludwig is in the midst of, well, showing the peanut butter. Shit camp. No, I obviously switched. Wait, but what are you wearing under? I'm in the middle. I took it off. You're not wearing nothing?
Starting point is 00:03:50 I'm wearing your shirtless under that? Oh, shit. First of all, I had a shirt that I spilled peanut butter on it. You thought that I put a sweatshirt over the peanut butter? Yes. That is a psychopath.
Starting point is 00:03:59 You thought that too, right? It came up and I instantly said, damn, there's peanut butter in there. You guys are psychopaths. For thinking that? Yeah. You spilled it all over yourself like a baby. I did.
Starting point is 00:04:08 It's butter side down. Is it weird that you don't have chest hair? Or do you shave it off? I have three. Oh, I have three? Bring in the APC. Oh, yeah. Three is worse than zero, I think.
Starting point is 00:04:22 Bring in the AC130. Yeah, I have like three. Bring in the AC130. I Yeah, I have like three. Bring in the AC-130. I don't grow that much chest hair. I don't grow that much hair in general. I'm not a hairy man. That's so sick. I like it.
Starting point is 00:04:32 That's so sick. I like, you know what? I have grown to really love me and my body, including my chussy. So you never shave your bussy? I never shave my butt, no. At this point, the Kill Ted video will be out where me and Aiden talk about your chussy. You haven't even seen it. I've seen it.
Starting point is 00:04:50 Oh, you watched it? Yeah, I watched it. You know what I just found out, though? What's that? It's not chussy. Chest pussy. It's chussy. Well, it depends if you're in Europe.
Starting point is 00:04:59 We could. Like, you don't call it a bussy. You call it a bussy. No, you can call it a bussy. People call it a bussy. It's mostly bussy. It's a made-up word. No, no, because people say cussy. They don't call it a bussy, you call it a bussy. No, you can call it a bussy. It is a made up, it's mostly bussy. No, no, because people say cussy. They don't say cussy.
Starting point is 00:05:09 Yeah, it should be cussy. I think, so it's a long versus a short vowel. And I think English is malleable enough to kind of meet in the middle here. Every time we do this, we get $20 back right now. It's like a voucher with the email into our university. Our college gives us a coupon. It's a rebate. I am in the midst of shit camp
Starting point is 00:05:30 though. I can tell all. You really can. This comes out Wednesday and it's Monday night now. Careful. Careful, Ludwig Nunder. Wednesday.
Starting point is 00:05:42 I can do some things. The crossover is small. The crossover is small. Just do it. Just leave it. Have christened their relationship together. Yeah, they did. They did get a little frisky.
Starting point is 00:05:53 Dude, I saw that grab that Schlatt did. There was nuts in that grab. It was a grab from behind, but there were surely nuts in there. He's been hanging out with too many inanimate monkeys at home, and he's getting too used to being many inanimate monkeys at home. Yeah. And he's getting too used to being able to just fondle balls. His name is Connor. Relax.
Starting point is 00:06:14 No, it's been a blast. Really fun hanging out with everyone. Everyone's pretty chill. I did this really, you know, when you show someone like a show or something and it's like a bit of a shot in the dark, but then it's like sick and they like it and it feels good? I did that yesterday with the most free ball of all time. I said, have you guys heard of Squid Game?
Starting point is 00:06:34 Everyone there? No. What is that? No way. Which is crazy, right? It's all I'm hearing about. It's all over Netflix. It's all over Twitter.
Starting point is 00:06:41 It's like the biggest show in America past three days first time a Korean shows done that or any foreign show oh it's Korean yeah that and and so I brought it up to him I was like you guys heard of it no one had heard of it I've only seen one episode so I was like let's watch it and they're all like I don't know I don't know first episode fire
Starting point is 00:07:00 the pilot I won't spoil anything but I it was such a good feeling because then all day today they're like we should watch another episode of Squid Game wow another episode of Squid Game
Starting point is 00:07:09 you introduce joy into their lives yeah that's what a creator wants to do my question to you is if after the pod you went back
Starting point is 00:07:15 and they were all watching it without you would you be hurt by that have you already finished the I wouldn't be hurt because I'd be disappointed
Starting point is 00:07:24 yeah no I I would just I would just best of them find out and then just watch it in the car Have you already finished the season? I wouldn't be hurt because... I'd be disappointed. Yeah. No, I would just mess up and find out and then just watch it in the car. Wait, what? Wait, in the car? Watch it in the car. Like on the drive. No, don't do that.
Starting point is 00:07:34 Oh, you took a ride. I'm Uber. I did not drive here. Ludwig rented a fast car for his trip. I rented a Porsche 911. And I was like... Never forget. I have this like this idea
Starting point is 00:07:46 in my head of just reading a headline where ludwig is incinerated on the i hate it i hate this fucking car really not because i like porsches are bad or something is it stick it is no it's automatic really yeah most of the cars you still hate it i fucking hate why why do you hate it luxury cars blow one i'm driving through like downtown la i feel like a piece of shit okay because there's a bunch of homeless people and i'm in a flashy bright disgusting green what did you think it was gonna be like crazy no i know but it's just like it's different when you're actually there and it's like i'm not zooming down. I'm like going 20 through traffic. You know, I think a lot of it was thinking more about having the car at the venue and less about getting there.
Starting point is 00:08:32 Yeah, I wasn't thinking about and I also thought like I'll drive on the highway and it's like no, I don't think I will use this on the highway really much at all. And so that that sucks, right? So it sucks that at one I can't like use the power of the car because I'm in LA traffic. Two, I feel like a piece of shit in it. And then, three, it's just not that. It's stressful. I'm anxious the entire time. Isn't driving stressful in general?
Starting point is 00:08:57 No. How is this different? I'm like, maybe it's because it's just a beat-up Jetta. But when I'm in my Jetta, I'm like, I could crash right now. I look at the cement wall. I'm like, I could crash right now. I look at the cement wall, I'm like, I could floor it into that wall. It wouldn't even matter. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:09 Why did... No, this checks out. This car is worth like 500 bucks. It's on its last legs. The AC's bunk. Everything's breaking. I'm so confused why this makes you feel safer. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:19 Why does the Jetta make you a nihilist? I am anxious in this Porsche from everything. Like a little speed bump. I'm like, am I going to hit it? Is it too low? Oh, I get that. Is the slope going up? It feels like you're wearing white shoes in public for the first time.
Starting point is 00:09:34 And you're like, I got to step over bottles. Oh, God, I got to be. As opposed to these croc beaters where I'm like, I can go anywhere, land and sea. Do you feel as existentially dead when you drive your jetta well i have less money than he does so not quite dude you know you ever see someone the nice car you're like but yeah fucking hit me every time every time i see every time i see like a lamborghini in public like on the on like the highway in traffic like i i was driving uh through la a couple days ago saw a really nice lamborghini in front of me and they were waiting in the same goddamn line of cars that i was and i'm like it's
Starting point is 00:10:11 so gross and dirty you know you have all these shitty cars around you it's like what are you like i would be just anxious the car is gonna get fucking ruined by something i pull into any parking lot the bottom's gonna scrape on something i also don't like the stairs you just have no way of enjoying it you don't like what the. You just have no way of enjoying it. You don't like what? The stairs. Like, I was driving by, there'd be people walking
Starting point is 00:10:29 in, like, a residential area, and people would stare because I got a bright, disgusting green Porsche. Oh, it's, like, it's green? Oh, it's bright green. It's, like,
Starting point is 00:10:36 I love this idea of loving online, and he's like, okay, I could get this, like, sedan, or the lime green Porsche 911. Well, I don't this sedan or the lime green Porsche 911. Well, I don't want to draw attention.
Starting point is 00:10:48 I have less sympathy now because it's like, yeah, you could have just gotten a fucking black one, you know? No, I couldn't. This is just Ludwig not thinking. Okay, this happens a lot. Ludwig doesn't think about something in the future and then he kind of arrives at the consequence and he's like, ah, and that's normal. I think for him.
Starting point is 00:11:04 This is more a learning experience that I don't like luxury cars. My question to you is when you were picking this out, what was going on in your head? Was it like Steamboat Willie just like driving a fucking boat? I use this app that's like, it's like you rent a human's car. It's how it works. It's called like Toro, Toro, Toro, Toro. I don't know. Something like
Starting point is 00:11:25 that. And you rent a human's car and I wanted it delivered to me, which narrowed down the options drastically. Okay. So that was the difference. Like normally it's like pick it up somewhere. I wanted it dropped off. I was left with like not that many cars and I wanted a luxury car because I wanted to try one out. Okay. And so the actual options I had were not that many, to be honest. So it wasn't like... No. It was more like, what is not a Tesla? Because the app was 85% Teslas.
Starting point is 00:11:54 And I think renting a Tesla is a mistake. Yeah. Also driving one because it'll just explode. This is also funny because the last time friends came over and rented a Tesla, which was Schlatt, they also got a lime green car. Yeah, a lime green Tesla. Same app. Same guy. He just has a lot of green guys.
Starting point is 00:12:14 Yeah, I'm the lime guy if you need it. You guys want one? I have a tree right here. I'm crazy. Where are you guys going? You want to hang out? So, yeah, that's not my dream car. Any of you guys know my dream car?
Starting point is 00:12:25 Tesla. No. I don't know your dream car. Oh, it's the truck? Yeah, yeah. I mean, that's not my dream car. You guys know my dream car. Tesla. No. I don't know your dream car. Oh, it's the truck? Yeah, yeah, yeah. The Mitsubishi minicab. Yeah, we're going to get that truck. I'm actually, this is the one time he wants to do, like, make a purchase where we, like,
Starting point is 00:12:35 reach across the aisle and we're, like, you know, best friends again. You said it out loud and I didn't, I was like, why? And then you showed me a picture of it and now I'm all on board yeah I think it's just dope I'm gonna pull it up right now zip tell them what it is again Mitsubishi minicab it's a 1990 this shit goes
Starting point is 00:12:56 it's foreign so sick it has not been imported to the US meaning it drives on the right side of the road so sick the truck bed we can deliver mail Ludwig we could deliver mail that's so true. Yeah, it's just a beautiful... I'm saying this for the first time. Am I being fucked with?
Starting point is 00:13:10 No. No, this is serious. Mogul mail. Wow. Imagine going to the P.O. box in this bitch. Let's compete with USPS. We're going under anyway.
Starting point is 00:13:18 Yeah. Because Ludwig's biggest dream, you know, driving himself to the P.O. box and picking up his mail. That's what he wants to do what am i missing if he has you guys have a meeting without me he has the minicab i bet he'll go every day here's what happened i just saw a guy on tiktok buy it he souped it up and it just looked dope
Starting point is 00:13:34 and i was like that's a cool it just looks cool and it's old and i know what you do we need to make a tiktok that we don't tell logo about and it's about like replying to your friends and shit and then one day he'll be like i found this fire TikTok and I just started doing that one day because every fucking thing was like just reply and I was like wait what I was like dude that's cool so I like ordered five of those dude I saw like a product I can't wait there we need another TikTok that teaches you how to how to use a calendar app on your phone dude I, I'm calendared out of my mind. You're not. What free version are you using of what? It's called like tree time. You have Google.
Starting point is 00:14:12 We use Google in the house. Dude, that's what he told me. He's like, I found this sick app. And I'm like, you could just use Gcal. Here's the thing about my app. It's like downloading a calculator app. Here's the thing about my app. It has that.
Starting point is 00:14:23 His calculator app is one that fills half the screen with a casino ad on the bottom half. And he's just like, the leaderboard right now is fucked. They're cheaters.
Starting point is 00:14:33 But seventh, he's goaded. If I go to China, I could still use my calendar app and you couldn't. Because of Googus? Googus is not in China. Because you don't think they block that?
Starting point is 00:14:41 I would just use Chinese Google. You know you're VPNing for Google. You're sponsored by NordVPN. Not anymore, not anymore. Yeah, no, I am. That's insane, then. Oh, shit. Yeah, I re-signed.
Starting point is 00:14:51 Okay, well, you can use that in China when you go. Can you? I don't think you can. Yes! There's no shot Nord. I don't think that VPNs are in China. Are they? Wait, what?
Starting point is 00:14:58 It's a program. That's crazy you said that. You smuggle it. That's the whole... Zipper is dying in there. Wait, never forget that Slime doesn't know who Messi is. That's crazy. Saved it, saved it, saved it.
Starting point is 00:15:11 Oh, man. What do you think happened? I don't think they have coats in Russia. Slime doesn't know who Messi is, and then right below that, BPN's working trying to... I think... Because he's a little messy, dude. I just think... So messy.
Starting point is 00:15:23 In my mind... It's like saying, who's LeBron James? What if? I didn't know. I bet someone at shit camp doesn't know LeBron James. No. Ask everyone.
Starting point is 00:15:31 I will ask everyone. XQC does not know who LeBron James is. He 100% knows who LeBron James is. Dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude. I don't know, dude. I don't know. I'm going to try to call him right now.
Starting point is 00:15:40 You're going to call X? Yeah, I'll call X right now and I'll see if he knows who LeBron James is. He is such a gamer man that lives in a computer world. Paul, are you asking about Messi or LeBron James? Both. LeBron James.
Starting point is 00:15:51 Both? Ask him LeBron first. I actually like both. All right, let's see. This is actually a friendship clout test. Yeah, it'll be kind of embarrassing if he doesn't pick up. I would hope Archie cuts this. Yeah, Archie, definitely
Starting point is 00:16:06 cut it. Or you play the Super Mario Strikers menu theme while it just fast forwards. It's going for a while here. So I've been on this side calling you. He doesn't pick up. Damn, good fucking time. You know what? Actually, I remember
Starting point is 00:16:21 we were hanging out. His phone's almost dead. Oh, that's crazy. So he's saving dead. Yeah. Oh, that's crazy. So he's saving battery. Super low battery. Yeah. Probably on airplane mode. Super low battery. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:31 He's got to save his battery. Do you have his number? Oh, dude. Do you have his number? That was the wrong XQC. Oh, we'll dial the real one now. You know, because if you have his number, you can just call his actual phone. You can call his phone.
Starting point is 00:16:41 You can call his actual phone. And then if it's dead, it'll just go to voicemail. So if his phone's dead. Do you want me to spill some tea? Ah! A tea man! It's tea time, baby. Let's not forget this.
Starting point is 00:16:54 He didn't pick up your call, and you're not there yet. You're not there yet. Never forget that. Because we're all you got. Do you think anybody could call XQC right now and there's somebody that'd pick up? Maybe his mom. Maybe his mom. Maybe his mom.
Starting point is 00:17:07 I get there. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Yep.
Starting point is 00:17:12 No. All right. Well, don't add that to the spreadsheet. What do you call? Okay. You call XQC right now. Yeah. He picks up.
Starting point is 00:17:20 Yeah. He goes, dude, what do you say to him? I go, I go, I got some questions. How are you so popular? And he explains it to me however he does and I'm like, alright, that's all I want to know. That's all you want to know? That's all I want to know. I want to know how he is
Starting point is 00:17:35 for so long at the top. He's the guy. I think he was the one. He is the guy. I want to hear from his brain why he's the guy. The one streamer where I sat down. Cause I, I feel like I didn't get it for a long time. I think we all Harbor a lot of, uh,
Starting point is 00:17:51 like slight disdain towards this medium of Twitch streaming into some degree in the way that like, oh, this all of us equally. Well, except, I don't know, except you, except you.
Starting point is 00:18:03 I've never seen this. i've never seen this i've never seen this i think we all believe that collectively twitch streamers are merchants of death yes and should be summoned to the death penalty and we've all said that and we you said it i was there you you took my hand you know what i won't rope you guys into it. The Twitch is what pays for your bill. Yeah, absolutely. The Twitch machine, good. So does selling heroin. Also good.
Starting point is 00:18:34 The Marlboro man. Also great. Love him. Well, okay. Real quick. XQC, he boggles our minds a lot as people who aren't as wired in. As a fellow streamer, what is it about him no what i'm saying is i don't what i'm saying is i didn't get it and then i actually watched i sat down and watched xuc for the first time for more than 30 minutes and it was while he was doing
Starting point is 00:18:57 gta rp and i left that stream and i was like i get it now i he's he gets it can you explain it to me i also find him funny. I think he's funny too, but can you fill in the holes of his explanation? You go. I want to hear your professional explanation. You got to experience it. No, you're just lazy. I'm not going to distill.
Starting point is 00:19:14 No, you're lazy. You want me to distill why someone's successful. As an expert in the field, I'm asking a doctor why COVID is bad. Yeah, and the doctor would say it's fucking- Just get it, bro. It's not fucking bad. Just get it. It's not a big deal, bro.... Just get it, bro. It's not fucking bad. Just get it.
Starting point is 00:19:25 It's not a big deal, bro. Masks are fake, bro. This vaccine shit, whack. That's what doctors say. What doctor? What doctor? Disrespect? Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:19:33 Right. That one chiropractor that was writing slips for kids and... You know, actually, I don't know. He explains it in wild ways. There's a lot
Starting point is 00:19:42 that goes on on Twitch that I don't even understand, but, you know, top dogs eat. Top dogs eat. Top dogs eat, baby. He explains it in wild ways. There's a lot that goes on on Twitch that I don't even understand. But, you know, top dogs eat. Top dogs eat. Top dogs eat, baby. Hey, whatever he's doing, hey, keep it up, X, as you pretend to be in a virtual world as a GTA man. What is it like being at shit camp with all those people in one building?
Starting point is 00:19:59 You had tea. I cut you off, by the way. You did cut me off for tea to talk about X for five minutes. It's tea time. It's tea time. Give us the tea tea time it's tea time you don't have a song for that it's tea let me give you some news about shit camp i'm patiently waiting for you to say no we're not gonna do it again we don't run the bit again they asked us to do it again but uh basically we withhold affection we were at shit camp cutie gets a DM From Aiden Ross Okay
Starting point is 00:20:26 Yo Can I pull through That's crazy This will Be a bit of a leak For audio listeners only Video listeners It'll already have happened
Starting point is 00:20:35 No narcs He's gonna come through Wednesday I think Closing ceremony They're gonna know Dude This is gonna drop Well
Starting point is 00:20:44 The audio listeners Better not be narcs. No narcs. Dude, wouldn't it be a sick social experiment if everyone listening to the audio version of The Yard collectively and silently together did not narc? That would be fucking crazy. Honestly, it's such a low bar because you only don't have to narc for like six hours.
Starting point is 00:21:03 You just have to not say anything for six hours and then you're good and you it's pretty chill because it's not even like you can't clip a podcast moment right that's not what happened you don't send up you'd have to like record on your computer while listening to it yeah put like our faces cumbersome to narc i can't believe she said yes uh yeah i think it's funny it yes. Yeah, I think it's funny. It is funny. I think it's also an idea of like mending bridges. Sure.
Starting point is 00:21:29 I think that's cool. The beef between us, I mean, not the most recent one, was at ShitCon. Yeah. So this is like, you know. That was when this all started. It's a bit of a circle of life. I think that's, I honestly think that's kind of sweet. I know I'm often considered a crunchy, old, grouchy fuck, but I think the idea of people mending bridges is really nice.
Starting point is 00:21:49 I will say, though, he did... He, like, saw... There was a clip of it on Twitch, but he saw, like, the line about Shit Camp. He's, like, reading through it. He's like, what's Shit Camp? Wait, why wasn't I invited to this? And I was like, what do you mean,
Starting point is 00:22:02 why were you not invited? I feel that's so so i got a whole week of reasons that's how you know like that week for him was just like building up drama and hype yeah it wasn't even thinking about it because he doesn't even remember essentially yeah i woke up that next morning because from the shit con beef i was rather intoxicated that evening right for those that don't know aiden and nick went uh they were in austin at the same time during shit con yeah um to hang out with albert shouts out yeah that's why i saw aiden walk like a crab because he was drunk yeah i did do that he was walking around like a crab yeah then he would come up and be like i love
Starting point is 00:22:39 this song is this the one where he's like yeah yeah. Yeah, it's that one. It's crab walk. So it's not... For audio listeners, it's not an all four crab walk. Because that's what I thought. I sort of get on my knee and like waddle toward you. No.
Starting point is 00:22:53 I mean... Not on my knees. Crab walk's ubiquitous, right? I bend my knees. Crab walk's a thing. That's not really what it is. I just did... Crab walking is usually
Starting point is 00:23:02 where you go back on your... Is it? Oh, I thought it was like crouch down with the knees doing this. I just imagine him Crab walking. Crab walking is usually where you go back on your... Is it? Oh, I thought it was like crouch down with the knees doing this. I just had him like a dog. Like a dog animal. So that was like the end of ShitCon, I think. That was like the last... No, maybe the second to last day.
Starting point is 00:23:17 But there was like a party that wasn't streamed. And we went to that one. And the next morning, after this whole Aiden Russ... Russ. Aiden Russ had passed over a contractor like does construction aiden russ holdings he gets added sometimes on twitter and he just doesn't really know what's going on he's like 43 uh but aiden ross stuff had happened the night before and i didn't really understand like the scope of like the of what was going on and i woke up to a bunch of dms
Starting point is 00:23:46 the morning after and people were telling me about how me and you have beef now and like how some shit was said last night but i was really fucked up and i couldn't remember the whole night so i was trying to i actually spent like a good 30 minutes like worrying that like we had gotten into some type of what did i say to ludwig what did he say to me yeah i was like what the fuck happened like did ludwig say something about me and like your name is aiden yes i literally just got that right now i've been aiming for too long like this is how no it's because of their similar height like this is where at least 30 viewers figured out your name's not a man Yeah We asked that so much. It's great. I get asked so often
Starting point is 00:24:30 Well, I can't believe can't believe one passing joke from the month I moved in with you guys has transformed into this but here we are. You know what also can I kill another joke? Yeah, don't do you made it anymore? Oh? No, I've seen it, bro. It's too bad. It's fucked. You fucked me up. You fucked me with that tweet. You fucked me.
Starting point is 00:24:51 He made a tweet yesterday. He's like, I saw Aiden's DMs. They're fucked. Oh, they got worse? I proceeded to get significantly more than normal. I received like almost 300 yesterday. It's funny that me saying this on the pod will probably incite more DMs than usual, which is weird how your minds work. You know what, Aiden? You know what, you're right.
Starting point is 00:25:09 And I feel bad for that. Don't DM, Aiden. No, we're being serious this time, guys! Stop it! The only actual way to solve this is I have to close them. You know what's funny? Aiden's like, oh, I hate it! I hate it! DMs! Like, you could have closed that shit weeks ago.
Starting point is 00:25:26 I closed them for 12 hours. And then the next morning. You think we don't record next week, dude? You think we aren't going to say that shit again? We're going to say that shit again. No, no, no, no, no. I'm going to say that shit twice. I didn't close for 12 hours expecting it to just fucking suddenly end.
Starting point is 00:25:38 I waited until the next morning. And then I went to go read something in my message request folder. Because unfortunately, some people do send me important things in there. Like some people are reaching out with shit that I need to get back to and I go to check my message request. When you remove your open DMs, it takes away the message request
Starting point is 00:25:56 entirely. So you can't even go see the old ones. So I have to spend enough time going through the backlog of things that might actually be important and then take them down. Genius idea. Close the DMs Thursday through Friday. I've got a better idea.
Starting point is 00:26:14 Fans of the yard. I could have business hours. Try to all type a number in his DMs and then try to do 1 through 10 in order. And if any of you get it. You're a monster. You're such a silly monster. You'll get a free coupon if you can do it. I'm on record every time
Starting point is 00:26:30 the bit gets brought up, every episode I just silently sit there because I don't agree with it. It's my protest vote. I'm like Bernie Sander. You're staying quiet though. You're not voicing up. That's right. That's the only way to solve this problem. Not action is completion. Literally the only way to solve this problem yes literally the only way i support this because aiden just gets so many dms from women
Starting point is 00:26:51 i think ultimately we as a friend I like podcasts. I'm a 38-year-old. Yeah, a 73-year-old with a TM in me. Do you think a lot of older women watch his pod? Absolutely not. Okay, listen. I will say,
Starting point is 00:27:15 there is, among the friend group, there is a sort of, what do you call it? No, it's German for shoe. Sorry, can you just run that one back? Of Aiden kind of, what do you call it, getting his comeuppance because of his adamant, like, we'll say something to him like,
Starting point is 00:27:36 Aiden, you don't want this to happen. This will be annoying and bad for you. And he'll get really defensive and be like, no, it's stupid. You just don't let it bother you. And now we're like 13 episodes in and he's like, fucking beat down and he's like, no, it's stupid. You just don't let it bother you. And now we're like 13 episodes in and he's like, fucking beat down and he's like, I can't do it. I can't
Starting point is 00:27:50 do it. It's annoying. We know that. We told you and to see you struggle and squirm like an animal, like a beetle kind of freaking out in the sun, it feels good to me. Name one example of this that isn't the DMs and isn't what we talked about
Starting point is 00:28:06 yesterday afternoon i wish i could fucking bring that shit up wait why can't you bring this shit up it's deeply personal you actually cannot bring that up i will uh because you know in the in the in the spirit of talking about aiden ross it was actually a cut segment from one of the old podcasts where you were like yeah no fuck that dude fuck that, dude. Fuck those guys. Oh, yeah. We were like, dude, that's not worth getting the ire of these people. And we sat there and told you why it would be so annoying for you specifically.
Starting point is 00:28:34 And you were like, no, no, no. And now you're like, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, he's like, you know, I actually don't care about the K-pop stans. I think they're all dumb. And then they come for him and he's like, wait. Yeah, and then they just show him a picture of his family out in public. The K-pop stans would do that?
Starting point is 00:28:52 They're nuts. You don't know. It'd be like the scene in 300 where they just black out the sky with arrows. I know what you're gearing up to do, Aiden. I know what you're gearing up to do. Don't say it. Don't do that. Don't say it.
Starting point is 00:29:01 Don't say shit, bro. Butter is a mid-song. Whoa. Well, that's fine. That's fine. That's that guy. Don't say anything about BTS, bro. Butter is a mid-song. Whoa. Well, that's fine. That's fine. That's that guy. We are the yardage. That's fine.
Starting point is 00:29:09 That's fine. No, that's fine. Because that's just such low bait that any self-righteous K-pop fan would just be like, that's bait. I don't know. K-pop stans and Minecraft stans occupy the same, I think, philosophical spirit where if they're mad mad it's time to fucking party you know what might make them more upset if i told them that i still think dna
Starting point is 00:29:32 is really good because i feel like that's not cool anymore no that just means you're a boomer and they love boomers they love boomers they they're the opposite no they appreciate they appreciate boomers existing that like k-pop because it's an allied situation you know i'm as old now that's a good one as old now as uh as when when i made fun of atrioc like when i made fun of atrioc for being old yeah he was 26 yeah and i'm 26 yeah i caught up pretty crazy. You're going to be 31 one day. Unless your fucking Porsche catches fire. Wow. We do make fun. I do love the bit of making fun of Atrioc being this like old decrepit person.
Starting point is 00:30:13 And you are literally like three years older. The good news is that, at least for me, I'll always have that age gap. So like I can always make fun of him for being old because I'll never be as old as him. You'll always win. Yeah. But now... When you're 82 and he's 86,
Starting point is 00:30:30 you can still run that. I don't think I told you guys about this. I was hanging out with this, like, musician whose name is Glaive. He's 15 or some shit. 16. Wait, you were hanging out with Glaive?
Starting point is 00:30:38 The CSGO player? We did a Jackbox stream on Carl Jacobs' stream. Okay. Carl Jacobs' stream. This is a very popular like one of the wait Really? Yes, like I thought this was actually the counter-strike player No glaze like a young like yeah, maybe like 16 17 years old like a really big right more famous than the counter-strike player
Starting point is 00:30:59 His album just dropped and it's doing pretty well I don't know. Anyway, we were in a jack box game, and the age came up somehow that I'm 20, 60, 16. He roasted me, dude. Oh, yeah, I heard about this. He was like, you're going to fucking die soon, old man. Yeah, you were getting stir-fried up. And he was like, I would beat the fucking shit out of you. And I literally cannot reply without getting a felony because he is a minor.
Starting point is 00:31:22 Yeah, you can't physically threaten a kid threatening me and it sucks yeah it sucks because i think i would beat up someone who is his size and stature if they were 18 or plus but i cannot do that to him personally because he's a minor this reminds me of something super funny that happened this is uh so one day i i'm just sitting at my computer and i get a call from a group discord that i've been like just a dm that i've been added to i'm like that's kind of weird and i'm looking at the names and i'm like i are those fortnite players and they're all pro fortnite players like boogas in here uh like zypha a bunch of other like top top level fortnite
Starting point is 00:32:06 players right and i'm like what's going on like and the last time i talked to all these people was when i was running a fortnite tournament at uh beyond the summit it was we we produced ninja battles which was like this fortnite series that went on for a few months and i so i joined the call like i i at first i i think I'm getting like fucked with and I think I leave the group but they add me back so I joined the call and they're like hey so we've been uh we've been trying to get like a new tournament together we thought ninja battles was really cool like do you know any like investors or anything that we could get something like this going and I'm like what the fuck are you talking about I and I and I just thought they were calling me
Starting point is 00:32:44 because I know Ludwig and maybe they want Ludwig's money but they didn't even know I lived with Ludwig like they were just like they just knew I was the TO of this tournament you're just an older guy yeah and they were like do you do you have any connections and I make this joke I'm like well Ludwig's like sitting on the other side of the room like maybe I can ask him and they uh and they were like yeah we could get something we could get something together we could like fight ludwig or something and i'm like holy shit yeah man i'll pitch that and then i was i was just like joking and then i leave the call like i'll leave you guys to it like i hope you guys figure this out and i just i tell him on the other side of the room it's super weird because these people are all like you know like
Starting point is 00:33:23 booga has like a one and a half million twitter followers like it's very i'm i'm small compared to all these people and uh and he's like get back in that call so i asked to get added back because they kicked me from the group after and and i get back in bully yeah and then and then instead of me answering he just picks up and he's like booga booga and he's like yeah like what's going on is that ludwig and he's like yeah you 18 bro and booga's like yeah yeah i just turned 18 and ludwig's like we're getting this shit done in two months. Me and you in the ring. And then they start talking shit on Booga's stream about how he's going to beat the shit out of Booga. What's up, bro? I haven't heard from you, dude.
Starting point is 00:34:11 This is the next. The official call out. This is the next big Ludwig event. You're not busy in lands right now. Shit. I'm through. Shit. What?
Starting point is 00:34:21 What's your stance? What stance is this? What's up? You look like Cody Coe this is his trap this is his trap stance without
Starting point is 00:34:29 with a hoodie on my traps would be like here right now I do love this arc of Ludwig's career where he just goes around trying to beat
Starting point is 00:34:37 this shit out of younger creators look we get a bunch we get a bunch of younger creators they sign all the waivers their parents we're okay with it
Starting point is 00:34:44 and we send them all in the ring at Ludwig. And we see how many Ludwigs they take. Like zombies. All these little Fortnite streamers. And they're like guys finding the Ender Dragon. It's just Ludwig. If you don't know, Jake Paul lines up fighters that are typically weaker or retired or older to box to beat so he can get a win. I'm lining up 17-year year olds the moment they turn 18 just to fight these
Starting point is 00:35:09 like really young kids. Easy bro. Easy bro. Million dollar idea. Any investors listening? I know some of them listen to the show. They email me. Bring back celebrity death match,
Starting point is 00:35:19 but with Twitch streamers. And not clay. No, keep it the clay. That's a really good idea. Oh shit. They're going to steal our idea. And not clay. No, keep it the clay. That's a really good idea. Oh, shit, they're gonna steal our idea. Copyright trademark, copyright trademark. Copyright trademark. Your idea was saying
Starting point is 00:35:32 a different thing that happened. Copyright trademark. Copyright trademark. That reminds me, actually, when I worked at Beyond the Summit, I had struggled to find out how to do my job as an event producer.
Starting point is 00:35:46 It was a very strange environment at first. And my actually like first real successful event was the roast of Hugo Gonzalez. But before that, I was like pitching ideas and I'm just like,
Starting point is 00:35:58 I'm just trying to figure shit out. And I go to Ludwig at the time who is working for the vape company, the Merchant of Death, transitions into a different Merchant of Death. Some things change, some company, the merchant of death transitions into a different merchant of death. Some things change, some things stay the same. Still kill children. A lot of context here that's not needed. Let's move on.
Starting point is 00:36:12 Hey, the JFK thing would have banged though. It's just that when you inhale the vape it gets into your lungs. And so what did you do? One of them looked like an iPod mini. So I would go to Ludwig and I'd be like, do you have any ideas? Like,
Starting point is 00:36:25 all this shit. He's like, yeah, melee boxing. And I'm like, we've talked about this on the pod before. Have we before?
Starting point is 00:36:30 You brought up chess boxing. Well, the idea, boxing mango. We talked about that. Basically, the idea is, it's chess boxing,
Starting point is 00:36:37 but with melee. And I had pitched this to my boss as an event to do. And Ken Shen was like, no way. We can't do that yeah and i was like this place sucks i do love because all of your stories at work like on the surface are like pitching
Starting point is 00:36:54 boxing or like this gay porn parody and like your honorable fight in the boardroom to like get these ideas through i'm a creative genius porn thing is art it was and it was it was and i got it greenlit speaking of your job i found out that you work dude i'm so mad okay i'm sorry you i'm simultaneously explaining this to me today was so funny i'm simultaneously upset but also uh i feel seen and and respected because this means i don't know what's happening go ahead just will you explain it from your pov i think it's funny so i basically ludwig has thought that i apparently hadn't really done anything since i've like been hired by him that's not entirely true i knew you did stuff but i didn didn't know that you had so much day-to-day busy work, if that makes sense.
Starting point is 00:37:49 I thought it was like the very actionable, obvious things. I was like, oh, yeah, he has to do all that shit. Yeah, you see me moving boxes. Have you ever seen his to-do list? It's fucked up, dude. It's a hydra of a to-do list. Yeah. He checks one box and five more pop up.
Starting point is 00:38:05 This is also a while, because this has been going for a while, and things have changed now. You know what the big change was, honestly, is when you started taking Adderall? Yeah. Because before then, I would like, because when I would see you, you'd be like, sleep. Well, I did sleep a lot, and I would just do work at night. Yeah. And you didn't see that.
Starting point is 00:38:19 And I would never see the work at night. Yeah. But anyway, I went over to see what you do on a day-to-day. That was so fun, dude. It was like, so it was late at night. It anyway i went over to see what you you do on a day-to-day that was so fun dude it was like so it was it was late at night it was in the dark what what did you just got got done doing you were like dude you're on a call with like like pokey and fucking who was all those people i was on a call planning a witch hit stream with like carl jacobs and it was like the it was the most a-list streamer call i'd ever seen and lud Ludwig's just like, hey, what's up, guys?
Starting point is 00:38:45 And then he mutes. He's like, what's up? What do you want to talk to me about? And I'm like, are you sure? He's like, yeah. That's fine. And I'm like, wow. And so anyway, he exits this call.
Starting point is 00:38:54 And we started just talking about stuff that I needed information from him. And I was like, oh, actually, do you want to see the numbers, like the revenue and stuff for the quarter? He's like, yeah, sure. And he scoots over and i start realizing this is the this is like your window this is your window this is my son who is finally like dad what do you do for a living and i'm like a fucking i'm a manager for regional distribution of like kfc like and this son normally you're driving he's looking out the window and you're like what do you doing at school today? And he's like, nothing.
Starting point is 00:39:25 It's bring your kid to work day, but he has to move four feet to the left. Yeah, and every time I try to talk to him, he's just like, watching Fortnite. And I'm like, yeah, I love that ninja guy. He walks me through for the next 45 minutes the entire bookkeeping thing he does, both businesses, every single person paid out itinerary tracking dude i showed him like the systems i've created to like track money in and out of spreadsheets that like feed into the system and then like account for different shit and it's like fun to me and i'm getting so i'm getting really excited and ludwig says were you off a gummy oh yeah i
Starting point is 00:40:02 was yeah i knew it i knew it. I knew it. I'm so disappointed. No, because he was like, he was just kind of looking at me. He was like, wow, that's crazy. This fucking doesn't count, dude. No, it counts. I take it. It counts because I was also asking questions.
Starting point is 00:40:16 And every five seconds, he would turn around and be like, yeah. Dude, it's like taking my kid to work. He said that like 18 times. I was like, that's a good question. And I answered that myself. Look, dude. And so now you realize that i do work yeah there's a lot to track was this at all close to the day that you stream with mango this a couple days ago no it was thursday i came i came home the day before that day uh me and aiden we hung out with some of aiden's like friends from college and And I got home, and I walk in.
Starting point is 00:40:50 Ludwig's eyes catch me immediately, and he's inviting me warmingly with his energy. And I go in. And you're like, oh, it's gummy time. And he goes, I have a bag in my hand. He's like, oh, what do you get? Food? Do you have any food for coots? And he's being really nice.
Starting point is 00:40:58 Food for coots? And he's just looking at my bag, and I'm trying to tell him. There's no cameras in here and stuff. And he's just being really nice. And I was like, oh, right. You streamed with Mango today. You're intoxicated. I'm drunk to tell him. I didn't know there's cameras in here and stuff. And he's just being really nice. And I was like, oh, right. You streamed with Mango today. You're intoxicated. I'm drunk.
Starting point is 00:41:08 Yeah. And I realized very quickly that this energy was coming from the intoxication. Yeah. Well, that's not true. It feels so bad for the kid that you have one day. It comes from the person. Because your kid is only going to understand that the most affection comes when something has happened. Like you eating gum. I think that's a decent thing
Starting point is 00:41:26 if when I'm drunk I'm showing more affection. There are alternatives to being drunk and having different reactions. That's what I do. It's just that you withhold it. The word more here is just interesting. More affection. That's an accurate word. It's not less affection. Because the idea is that you...
Starting point is 00:41:41 Well, more than zero. What the fuck is that you... H-Rock. Well, more than zero. What the fuck was that? Jesus. I've never seen you make that face. You look like an old country singer. H-Rock at the Folsom Prison. I think this is the first time that color scheme has been worn.
Starting point is 00:42:05 Dude, his shirt matches his head. Holy shit. time that color scheme has been worn. Right. You and me. His shirt matches his head. I just read what your shirt said. Yeah, it's from the Cornbase shoot. His audio listeners, it says his shirt says, I met my wife on Yeah, and it's the logo.
Starting point is 00:42:20 It's one of the shirts I bought for a photo shoot that I haven't done yet. Yeah. Anyway, it was great. So I feel validated. He works hard, man. So this reminds me of something. Because I tuned in and I watched this for the first time this week. Do you guys know who KillaOR is?
Starting point is 00:42:39 Yeah. Yeah, that sounds really familiar. Is he not the guy who was in the documentary, like the Day in the Life? Yes. Yes, exactly. He was in MTV documentary, like the, the day in the life? Yes. Yeah. Yes, exactly. He was in MTV? Yes.
Starting point is 00:42:48 Wait, I thought it was, wait, who was the player on True Life? I thought it was him. No, that's True Life. Yeah, that's True Life. So he, for context,
Starting point is 00:42:55 he's an old school melee player. Like he's been around since like early, early melee days. And he's, he was really good back then. No longer in the scene, right? No, he,
Starting point is 00:43:03 he came back. He like plays like sleeping and stuff and he streams. Wow. So a lot of valorant he is in uh yeah and he plays a shit ton of valorant posts about aim labs all the time like he he's a gamer uh and he he infamously is in this mtv uh true life video where they like show his life in new york growing up and he's like 18 and he's a professional gamer and uh you know I would say he's like in this video he's like define every stereotype of a gamer like he's just like a cool fucking ripped dude yeah he's just like badass as fuck he's like a super ripped black
Starting point is 00:43:39 dude around a bunch of white nerds at a convention center. And he explains how he makes hella cash from fucking melee tournaments and shit. And then I found out... He walked right by a guy with a Ninja Turtles shirt on. People carrying CRTs and making it to television makes me so happy. He played D1... I think he played D1 college football. if i've seen uh insane he has an
Starting point is 00:44:08 instagram and i've seen pictures of him he is fucking jacked like he is so so fucking ripped zipper pull it up i want to see this man's probably probably the most ripped in college when he was playing uh football because he posted like pictures from back then but he's like he's fit as fuck uh-huh and uh he he also like just plays a lot of games like he plays valorant he plays melee and he started streaming again like in this year that slippy has come out but he also like i don't i think he works in like bio like the biomedical field or something he's like but he makes insane yeah he makes a shit ton of money and he posts like super nice cars all the time
Starting point is 00:44:45 if i may like whoever he's dating is insanely attractive too and then he he posts like finance stuff all the time too and this week he did his first kilo or finance stream where he's talking about shit but he's like he's like con academy he's like yeah and he's talking he's just this like shredded chad in his room talking about why we need to hodl amc like and he's like apes together strong and like all the reddit memes it's insanely funny but it's like it stands in contrast to this idea of like where we like make fun of the epic lay reddit memes it's insanely funny but it's like it stands in contrast to this idea of like where we like make fun of the epic lay reddit guy who talks about this shit all day because that guy is kilo or like living the best life possible playing valorant just shredded it's like the
Starting point is 00:45:38 meme of the uh you know like the big huge rip guys on the internet yeah reply you really should consider holding amc here retweeting retweeting joker gifs that say like it's about sending a message when you hold amc and shit and it's dude it's it's almost surreal and i watched like 10 minutes of his stream i'm like i've never wanted to learn from someone more i think too the the interesting part is always that like we have played melee you know for so many years collectively, and this idea of the Melee player, and it's so far from that person. Yeah. Which is, like, a.k.a. Yeah, Melee players, like, green Hyrule shirt, cargo shorts.
Starting point is 00:46:16 In that video, Zipper showed he literally walked by a guy with a Ninja Turtle shirt and, like, fucking bootcut jeans. Yeah. And it's like, man, sometimes you can make cut jeans. Yeah. And it's like man sometimes you can make it out. Yeah. You don't have to be a fucking Marth player forever. You don't have to do it. Is he still going by KillaOR?
Starting point is 00:46:35 Yeah. Yeah he's still KillaOR. And he responded. Yeah. This is him dude. It's so funny. It's not about the money It's about sending a message In reference to buying stock
Starting point is 00:46:48 In GameStop and AMC How long ago was that tweet? That's like this week That was this week Yeah it's September Well it did go up by the way It went up AMC's like 50 bucks now
Starting point is 00:46:57 Dude you know what Paper hands anyone? Any paper hands? I'm paper I told you This is paper hands I'm diamond out of my fucking mind He's diamond as fuck
Starting point is 00:47:04 I'm diamond out of my mind mind. He's diamond as fuck. I'm diamond out of my mind at AMC and GameStop. Our lovely viewers. I actually bought a lot of Doge back in like February. And then I got pay-peed. I don't like talking about it with Slime because he could have made a lot of money. I could have made $200,000 because I put 5K in. And I was like, this is stupid and weird. And then I sold it.
Starting point is 00:47:24 And then I just took a nap. You know what I'm really, you guys have to hold me back from getting into is the NFT world. Yeah. Yeah. You bring it up all the time. Oh, fuck. Launders is going to listen to this. You can't say that.
Starting point is 00:47:35 Laundry. Fuck. What is he going to do? Is he going to DM? Yes, dude. Don't DM. I'm blocking your account on his computer. Every fucking influencer is like balls deep on it.
Starting point is 00:47:44 You can pretty much just sell your clout for a few million dollars instantly. Is that something you want to do? No, but I just don't like I keep seeing it. You've got fun. I'm against it. I'm not trying to be in it, but I keep seeing it and I have not like I would I would hope that I future
Starting point is 00:48:00 Ludwig would never tweet out or like try to publicize it, but I have at some point been like like someone like I bought this NFT. Then I looked it up. I tried to buy it. I to publicize it. But I have, at some point, been like someone like, I bought this NFT. Then I looked it up. I tried to buy it. I couldn't figure it out. I gave up.
Starting point is 00:48:10 That happened three times. That's so confusing. One of the times I'm going to figure it out, and that's what I'm worried about. Okay. But it's just hard to buy them, unlike buying with Coinbase. Hey! Hey!
Starting point is 00:48:23 When you guys use Coinbase, code doesn't exist yet. You guys can easily buy cryptocurrencies, which is pogchamp. You know what I love about Coinbase when I used it this week? What's up? Instant deposits. When I withdraw my money
Starting point is 00:48:36 from my bank account, I get it accessible in my Coinbase account right away. What did you do? No, don't do that. I thought that's what you were gonna do and then you did it.
Starting point is 00:48:44 I cannot believe you did that in our phone. No, no, this is great. I can do it now, too. No! For Coinbase! I was silent. It'll be gross. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:48:54 Instant deposits. I don't want to be here. It is instant deposits. Well, you're in here now with us. It is instant and pogchamp. You're not trapped in here with me. Anyway, I think Coinbase is hype. I believe in the cryptocurrency,
Starting point is 00:49:06 unlike what I was saying before about other stuff. Thank you for sponsoring the yard. And thanks for sponsoring the yard, Coinbase. All right. And if you are already, by the way, take a look at the Patreon. We got bonus content in there. Take a look at it, dude!
Starting point is 00:49:18 Don't do that. No, that's for our New Jersey listeners. That will also get us demonetized. There's more of that. Archie, just cut away. No one will know what we do. Hey, walking over here. Hey, you paisan.
Starting point is 00:49:34 Where's the fucking pizza pie? Don't call them paisans. Why? It's fine, but just. Yeah, it is fine. That's my culture. I don't want Super Mario. That's our word. Super Mario Incorporated to come out of that one.
Starting point is 00:49:47 The show opening. Super Mario Brothers Super Show. Paisano is not... I know what Paisano means. I just want to make that clear. Because I myself would have believed if you told me that a word I have never heard before is
Starting point is 00:50:02 trademarked by Nintendo. Even if it was Italian. Which is a meme language. It just means peasant. That's all it means. No, it means country man. Shout out to Patreon. We got four badass tiers in there. We have an advice show that me and Aiden just did. What's that?
Starting point is 00:50:18 I'm the crowd. I'm just really quickly surprised that you had less to say about Shit Camp so far with all those people in there. All you can tell us is one Aiden Kostian. Wait, to be clear, I have more to talk about. I'm less to say about shit camp so far with all those people in there all you can tell us is one aiden wait to be clear i've i've i i have more to talk about i'm happy to talk about more we it's just expanded to other conversations aiden what's your question imagine imagine let's go i want aiden to ask this question because i cut him off but then i want you to talk about shit camp it's it's it's it's this is a quick tangent we'll get back to you please we'll get back to you please so i went to i went to a concert uh this weekend it was the first time
Starting point is 00:50:48 i've been to a show in like a really long time it was midas uh got a got a free ticket through a friend and that was you know i was like yeah let's let's go out let's check this out and i i remembered that there are those guys at raves or or any ADM concert that wear the gloves with the fingertips and do like the finger dancing. Do you know what I'm talking about? Yeah. I assume they're glowing. I've never gone to this. They're glowing and they're like.
Starting point is 00:51:15 Okay. And the ideal scenario is that. You're on ecstasy and you're fucked up. Yeah. And this thing is like moving at three FPS in your brain. And you're like, whoa. And it's super dark in the venue and what they do is they'll
Starting point is 00:51:27 approach, yeah, they'll approach one specific person and do like a movement show in front of like their face and because you're on Molly you think it's cool. It's kind of like glow in the dark magic. It's like approaching someone like hey so can you
Starting point is 00:51:43 just pick a card but you have glowing gloves on. yeah and it's one of those things where if they were actually really good at it i'm sure it would be cool but you're saying these people aren't at the yeah and i'm wondering because it's almost always some guy with a backpack on doing it in front of a girl and in my head i'm i i i thought to myself like did these is that guy hot like do people fuck that i mean it leads into a great yeah these fingers can do more yeah this is a genuine question i'm not trying to i'm not trying to like stay on and say like these guys are these guys are nerds that have gloves and don't don't have sex with anybody i'm i'm asking like, is this, is there a pipeline here where you get really into glove dancing?
Starting point is 00:52:29 And then, I mean, it's a great icebreaker as a decorated rave girl. I think, no, I don't know. I think it depends on like how attractive the guy themselves would be. I like the idea though,
Starting point is 00:52:42 of like the glove guy, like doing the show. And then she's like a girl, presumably is like, oh my god, thanks, that was awesome. And then he's like, cool, so are we going to continue hanging out? And she's like, yeah, the glove guy hasn't left, but he took the gloves off like an hour ago.
Starting point is 00:52:56 Give me your phone, I'll put in my number. He's like doing this and reaching in her pocket. You're also asking, I guess, the wrong guy in this and like reaching in her pocket you're also asking the i guess the wrong guy uh in this group uh in in terms of us i don't think any of us you've probably gone to more rave i had a i had a friend in high school who gloved that's crazy did he i think he listens to the podcast did he pipe if i may dude yeah he's like he's like like writing down his list of all the women he've fought. Hold on, hold on.
Starting point is 00:53:26 Did he pipe because of the gloves? Surely not. So it was working against him. How close are you? I just went to his wedding last month. Shoot him a message. Wait, did he meet his significant other? No, message her first.
Starting point is 00:53:39 No. Yes. He met his S.O. at a festival. He wasn't gloving. How do you know? Because you asked at the wedding? No. Yes. He met his S.O. at a festival. He wasn't gloving. Prove. How do you know? How do you know? Because you asked at the wedding.
Starting point is 00:53:49 Yeah. Wait, that's even weirder. I just want to say congratulations to you guys. Why is it weirder? Well, I guess maybe it's not weirder, but he never gloved for the pussy. He always gloved for the love. Glove love. No, but he did. That's what they used to say.
Starting point is 00:54:01 He said he met his S.O. before he gloved. That's a Trojan slogan. So he had an S.O SO the whole time he gloved. Wait. He's been locked down ever since he started gloving? No, different, no. I think he stopped gloving, then met a new person. Then met the girl after stopping gloving.
Starting point is 00:54:13 Shout out, Aaron. This is how you discover this, right? You message her, and you say, if he gloved the person he met. What I worry about is being like, did you know he gloved? And she's like, you gloved? And all of a sudden, they've got paperwork to fill out.
Starting point is 00:54:28 I don't want to be responsible. They're probably within the range where they can also annul it. Can you imagine having to pay alimony because your significant other found out you gloved in a past life? Yeah, because you know what? The judge is like, really? You didn't tell her? The judge is like, really? You didn't tell her? The judge is like, dude. And then just writes something down and it's over.
Starting point is 00:54:50 Your honor, if I may take the stand, turn the lights off. Bailiff, hit the lights. Dude, I remember I went to EDC. You went to EDC? It was like 10 years ago.
Starting point is 00:55:06 Would you get crunk? No, I didn't get crunk and crunk. That was kind of the word back then in 2009. This is such a past life. Yeah, it's insane. It was before I was even 21. I went and at the time
Starting point is 00:55:22 I just smoked weed. This is when the Strokes were playing. The Strokes did not play, by the way. The Beatles were probably there. The Strokes are leading EDC so far. But I did not do drugs there. Rip Tilly went so hard. Beach Boys, Strokes and The Beatles.
Starting point is 00:55:39 Dude, it was such a shit fucking time. Why? It was such a shit fucking time. Why? Okay. Hold on. Any more old bands that may have been at this EDC that I went to? Wasn't Jimi Hendrix playing that one? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:53 Beethoven's Fifth, Rock the Crowd. Yeah. Mozart really brought it. There was also just a guy who had fashioned a drum out of rocks. The guy who invented the banjo played a solo in like the 60s listening to kokomo beach oh man yeah got that out of our system um you know i went It was a long time ago. Oh! 10-8. Oh, man. Give me an oh!
Starting point is 00:56:28 You had a full fro back then. He flashes back. I don't like it. And he has the outro. He's got a fucking V-neck and a fucking Jesus piece. Smoking pot. I was one cool bald, Jesus. Smoking pot. I was one cool cat back then. He's got a pick in his hair.
Starting point is 00:56:52 I love the idea. I love the idea that the old version of me is considered a blaxploitation cliche. It's so funny because me and Nick I think me and Nick Are picturing the exact Same thing Cause there's that There's that flashback Scene in movies
Starting point is 00:57:09 No I am too I am too It's funny You don't get this You don't get it You're so You couldn't I arguably understand
Starting point is 00:57:17 The trope More than you guys Yeah So I pull up In the Cadillac Convertible With the P sign In the rear view mirror Pull up in the Cadillac convertible with the peace sign in the rear view mirror. Pull up in the Model T.
Starting point is 00:57:29 Okay, so we're older now. So I have the Monopoly mustache. And baby face Nelson has just killed all of my cattle. And I'm pissed. Crazy reference. And this new thing called the World Fair has just shown me lamps, which I'm really excited about. But the old Chicago killer is really on the loose.
Starting point is 00:57:52 Fuck, again. And also, something's going on in Europe that I'm not too happy about. Some guy outside the venue is yelling, the British are coming. I don't know why. So I got my powdered wig, right? And I'm like. I brought this guy back with me.
Starting point is 00:58:14 I don't know. I did go on a bit of a journey. That was a spirit quest to roast me. This was a bigger EDC. I'm crying. Because the month before, they just figured out the printing press and the advertising. It popped off. So you went to EDC.
Starting point is 00:58:34 Sounds good. Good story. I went to EDC. It was shitty. It was in Colorado, and it was in the fall at the time. And so it was fucking was shitty it was it was in colorado and it was in like the fall at the time and so it was fucking mud everywhere and it was like in a field where there was like cows really close is this before it was in vegas yeah it was i don't know they kind of like did a thing around the world i guess i don't fucking know all i knew is that my friend was like hey my friends are going
Starting point is 00:59:01 to edc let's go and i'm like yeah sure and we show up this person's house and it's like a bunch of people that are way cooler than us i'm like 18 19 at this time i am not cool i never was and i'm like this sucks these people are fucking they're like pretending we don't exist you're really good at dota though oh dude if they if they had warcraft 3 i would have hopped on the setup but weird they didn't they were just smoking weed and being hot people and so so we end up going and it's fucking it's like they're dressed like all crazy and i'm just like in flannel and i'm like and i show up and it's it's shitty and i don't have a ride back and it was muddy and gross and the only thing i remember and this was because you're talking about rave culture i'm like sitting in a rave and i'm just so bored and everyone's like flying high inside the physics
Starting point is 00:59:51 of their mind right the glove guy's turning a lantern it burst and people died we didn't have hoses back then and so all i remember is this one gig comes up to me and nick is obviously imagining him in suspenders and and fish waiters and he's like and he's like this red haired kid and he got freckles on he's like hey do you guys want any dose and dose at that time was slang for acid and he looked he looked like he had eaten all of it ever. That was the moment in which I was like, I will never do this drug. You didn't dose up?
Starting point is 01:00:33 No, I didn't take any dose. Did anyone in your group dose? No one took dose, bro. Kind of whack. Yeah, it was miserable. I never went back. I just went to Venice today, Santa Monica, to do a scavenger hunt.
Starting point is 01:00:44 First guy guy interacted with like you got coke holy shit first guy he just walked he's just walking by i was like no i don't i don't have any dude in in australia when i went with the lads it was years ago me and the boys are all walking around it's like me and like eight australian melee players were walking and this guy comes up and he's like got a hood on i thought we're this guy comes up and he's like got a hood on I thought we were going to get mugged
Starting point is 01:01:07 and he's like he's got like a hood on and black clothes and he's just like hey you guys want any coke? and then just walks away and just like leaves and doesn't give you
Starting point is 01:01:16 a chance to respond? yeah because you're supposed to chase him down and you're not supposed to get a good look at him oh it was crazy
Starting point is 01:01:23 that is crazy and he kind of flashed like a package it was so weird wow yeah i just you have to really want coke then yeah because you have to like go catch up with the guy yeah and then he's like a very like he's literally the resident evil shop guy but you gotta get him he's like an npc that has like a dialogue when you go in his aoe yeah and he just keeps walking but But yeah, it was super weird. That's how they did it in Australia. Did that guy, was he his covert?
Starting point is 01:01:48 No, he was trying to get Coke. Oh. Yeah, he's like, you bought any Coke. Not do you want any Coke. And I was like, no Coke here, mister. Yeah, for the purposes of anyone listening
Starting point is 01:01:56 that is a federal agent, he didn't have any. That reminded me of... Don't wink. Don't wink. Did you wink? I don't have any. Allegedly, allegedly, allegedly. None for sale. that reminded me if you wink I don't have allegedly allegedly
Starting point is 01:02:05 allegedly none for sale patreon to your five doesn't exist we just mail cocaine we sell the postcard and a brick the lantern thing reminded me of the same that same night in the same club line I got shit for being American.
Starting point is 01:02:30 It's a super long line and people are packed together so closely. If anybody moved really hard in one direction or pushed somebody, it had an impact. 20 people down the line were pressed against each other. It was kind of miserable, but because everybody's kind of drunk.
Starting point is 01:02:49 Like shit in a colon. Like we're a shit in a colon. I was a shit in Copenhagen's colon. Continue on colon, boy. And there was this group behind us that they had a whole fucking Christmas tree that they had in the line with them. A full thing. It's like three people.
Starting point is 01:03:09 Is it real or synthetic? Can you tell? It's real, I think. That's got to be a hazard. It's like releasing stuff on the ground. Those things fucking explode if they touch fire. So that's a hazard. That is true.
Starting point is 01:03:20 Yeah, I think it is a hazard. And why do you guys have this? And we're like, I don't know. Like, they never answer the question. I like that. I like that. They rule them out. Dude.
Starting point is 01:03:29 You ask them, they just, like, laugh at other guys. What? They're like, they look at it, they're like, where's Chris? But you would get, as you're moving through the line, you would get, like, pushed. And sometimes you'd fall into the fucking tree. Because depending on the direction that... So, like, sometimes you'd land on, like, the person next to you. But then sometimes you'd land into the tree.
Starting point is 01:03:52 And be like, what the fuck? Do they, like, mad at you every time? Bro! We waited. We were in this line. I'm not exaggerating at all. Closing in on two hours. That's how long it took to get to the front of this club line.
Starting point is 01:04:02 Grinch. And we kept thinking about leaving. But we kept doing the thing where it was like, it can't be that much longer. We to get to the front of this club line. And we kept thinking about leaving, but we kept doing the thing where it was like, it can't be that much longer. We finally get to the front. These people have been behind us the entire time. So they've dragged the tree about a fucking third of a mile down the street through the two-hour club line. And we finally get to the front, and they're next to us,
Starting point is 01:04:23 and I turn around because I've got to see what's going to fucking happen. And the bouncer's like, you guys can't take that in here. Yeah, no shit. What? And they're like, you're shitting me. He's speaking Danish now. It's like, you can't bring the tree. But he clearly is saying you can't bring the tree in the club.
Starting point is 01:04:42 Like this. And the two bouncers pick up the tree and just throw it in the dumpster. No. And then like a fucking sitcom, someone steps out from behind the tree. I have no clue how nobody saw this until that point. This guy steps up, and he's like, is this fine? And he has a fucking full old old timey lantern that he is also presumably carried through the entire line. How is this not what you told us before?
Starting point is 01:05:16 This is so crazy. This is cooler than them going. We don't like Americans. A guy in a horse arrives. No. And then they take his lantern and they throw that away and it shatters in the dumpster oh with a Christmas tree
Starting point is 01:05:32 and then they're just like oh and then they go into the club but that was like they carried it through the entire through the entire night in an effort to get these things in the club what they did is they were drunk and they robbed something. That's crazy. They stole that light from a public light post that's old and Dutch.
Starting point is 01:05:52 What a couple of great lads. It's Danish. No, yeah, they're the Dutch. Actually, we did get flamed for this last time. I told that story, and then you made a joke about Ikea, and everybody in the fucking TikTok comments is like, Ikea's not in the fucking TikTok comments is like, Ikea's not in Denmark, bro.
Starting point is 01:06:10 Dude, Aiden reads the TikTok comments. He's probably the only one besides like Radstads who edits them. He'll just read them and be mad. And he'll be like, dude, these guys are so fucking stupid. They are. You're wasting time. Clip this and put it on TikTok, Radstads. Don't do that. You guys are miserable.
Starting point is 01:06:23 I don't know what is going on on TikTok where everybody is so pessimistic about everything, but the comments are just a nightmare on every single video. Radsads is animating this right now over your head. Please put dumbass alert or something. It's so meta right now.
Starting point is 01:06:38 Blame me, because I feel like the joke used to be like YouTube comments. Our YouTube comments are great. Now TikTok comments are my least favorite thing. Raz says, I'm reaching up, I'm grabbing one of the words. Oh! Oh! Oh, now it's next to his head.
Starting point is 01:06:49 After the Aiden. Ruh! Now it's over at Aiden. What's it say? Oh, he broke it in half. I hate you. I hate you, TikTok. You're miserable.
Starting point is 01:06:57 Raz is gonna choke. This is not on TikTok. There's no way. This is going on TikTok. I mean, it's got 30 views. No, it's blowing up. That's fine. It'll blow up.
Starting point is 01:07:07 Fine. We don't know the algorithm. All over under. When I was in college, me and my roommate tried to get rid of a couch. And the thing is, in the town we were in, they did like a spring cleaning pickup where they could take something. But. I'm trying so hard not to say anything.
Starting point is 01:07:22 Go ahead. If you think it's funny. I'm trying so hard not to say anything. Go ahead. If you think it's funny. And so we're in college, and we had just figured out this thing called... Fire. Right. Weak.
Starting point is 01:07:38 I'm like the mole guy in Austin Powers. But I'm old. And he can't stop himself. So anyway, we're trying to get rid of this couch. And the thing is, it's just too wide. They have a limit on what you can put on the curb that they would take. So we're like, well, we gotta chop
Starting point is 01:07:55 this couch in half. Like we chopped up Ted Nivison. And so I go to the store and I buy an axe. And I'm like, alright brother, let's get to it. With a pad tool? Well, no. Before that, we were trying to cut it in half with tools that we had available to us.
Starting point is 01:08:12 Like a saw? Did you have a saw? We didn't have a saw. Because we're just in college. We're in college because we had a steak knife. And so we start there. We try to rip it. That's crazy.
Starting point is 01:08:19 And then we find out that there's wood, which is like, ah, we can get through the wood. But then there's metal because it's part of its its metal it's like this old grandma couch looking thing and so so we spend the entire night in the front of the street just like trying to punch this couch in half and my roommate he's like dude he's he was so impressionable he was the kind of guy who did every time he like saw a movie or saw something he instantly was like, I'm that now. And he was taking Tai Chi at college as an elective. And dude, he literally was like, hold on. And I'm not kidding, he was like, I got this.
Starting point is 01:08:52 He was like, gathering his energy. To gather his energy in a ball to punch this piece of wood of the couch in half so we could eventually break it into two pieces. And it didn't work. The homies that go out to punch the couch in half with we could eventually break it into two pieces. And it didn't work. The homies that go out to punch the couch in half
Starting point is 01:09:08 with you, those are your day one. If that guy did it though, you would never forget it. And he didn't. He punched it and he was like, yeah, it's too much, bro. He has met someone in his life where he's punched it and it worked. Is this also the ninja guy? The ninja guy.
Starting point is 01:09:22 He would be down though. He messaged me. He was like, I'm glad that was the only story. And it was just me being Shinobi in the shower. Yeah. Um, but anyway, we go and get an ax.
Starting point is 01:09:32 I'm like, this'll help us. And, uh, it felt like a fucking always sunny episode. Cause we're just out. It's like two in the morning. We're just like,
Starting point is 01:09:39 and we're like taking turns. So we're getting tired and it just doesn't work. We leave it out there. We're like, it's mostly in half. Maybe they'll take it. And they didn't. And then we had to pay to come get it retrieved. You know what I did is I had to move out from Arizona to California.
Starting point is 01:09:56 I had a bunch of shit that was way too big to fit because I rented a car. I rented a Toyota Corolla, which doesn't fit that much. Not the Porsche? No, I did not have the Porsche. No, it was a lime green Corolla. Yeah, it was hot. And what I did is I was like, I don't have anyone to give this mattress to because no one's taking it. I managed to give
Starting point is 01:10:14 the rest of my shit away. I put it in the hallway. Just there. Lazy as fuck. I went away for an hour, came back, someone took it already. Wow. Yeah. That's huge. That quick of a turnaround. Bedbugs acquired. People are vultures because if you don't know, college towns, the exact week where they move
Starting point is 01:10:32 in or move out, it's like you get free shit. It's insane. So much free shit. It's actually insane. And people know about that, so they're scouring. You just camp the dorms. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:40 When we lived in the piss and shit house, this house is legendary for having generations of smashers who are like average at the game living there. And so like before I lived there and before the people before me, there were smashers there. And now after us, there are still smashers there. It is like an unofficial frat house with no organization at all. Yeah. But still like a system. It's insane. And when I lived there, there our garage when i moved in
Starting point is 01:11:06 was full of shit and it was just like it was like an antique store where you go in and you're just like or it's like more like an estate sale where you go in and it's just like whose shit is this and and no one knows everyone's like i'm not sure like it's always been here like there was like three couches in the garage and like no one knew whose they were and we like one of them was like the last tenant but before that i don't know it was like two others we don't they've always been here yeah and i was always just like that's so degenerate like don't they want their shit and then three years later i move out and i've got a lot of shit in the garage and i was like no and i was like they won't have room my car they won't know you're you're a piece of shit you know why i'm so glad you brought this up i cleaned out the house today i ordered a dumper to the
Starting point is 01:11:51 house here and cleaned out shit i threw away a box because it was a box i was like oh that's your stuff why didn't you mark it you're like oh that box well it's kind of like a bunch of people's stuff it had oh it had three and a half Xbox 360s in there. Can I tell the story of where this box came from? Yeah, well, let me just name what's in there. Three and a half Xbox 360s. Half an Xbox 360. It's exactly what it sounds like.
Starting point is 01:12:14 There's only half of it in there. So it was my modded Xbox. Oh, then I had to keep the shell open. The shell was off. Yeah. We talked about it. A bunch of Christmas lights, a megaphone, a laptop from like 2011, and then like a GameCube controller with like half the buttons on it.
Starting point is 01:12:33 I remember when we moved in, Nick looked at the garage as a vehicle to just put shit in that would never be used. Yeah. It's the same. Anyway. Isn't that everyone in the world? I'm breaking this. No.
Starting point is 01:12:43 Well. The garage is where you put shit that you don't use very often. Isn't that everyone in the world? I'm breaking this. No. Well. The garage is where you put shit that you don't use very often. Isn't that everyone in the world? Very often and never are two different things. There's an Obama cutout in our garage. Yeah, but that's hype. Yeah. What's funny is we've not junked.
Starting point is 01:12:55 We used him. Are you saying Obama's junk? I'm not saying that. That is not even close to what I'm saying. Because the federal government is already. Maybe you prefer if it was a Trump cutout. Oh. Is that true?
Starting point is 01:13:04 What about half of a car's bed? Evading the question. That's in there. That's legendary. That had news articles. Fuck you. Have you ever had that? That's from a movie.
Starting point is 01:13:11 Hey, a J-tagged Xbox 360, that's legendary. I threw it away. There wasn't a New York Times article about it. I threw your box away. That's fucked. Yeah. And I'm sorry, but I did it. And it's in a junkyard now.
Starting point is 01:13:23 You should have asked me. I should have asked you, but I asked you before, and you were like, I don't know. That in a dump a junkyard now you should have asked me I should have asked you but I asked you before and you were like I don't know that's most of it's a bunch of different stuff and now it's gone forever that's okay
Starting point is 01:13:31 he's upset about the Christmas lights the most I can get you more Christmas lights I'm upset about my Xbox save files really that's what I'm upset about but it's okay
Starting point is 01:13:39 I can get them back I can tell the guy I mean that's a lot wait who's the guy the dumpster guy the dumpster guy what what are you gonna tell him hey there's a lot. Wait, who's the guy? The dumpster guy. The dumpster guy. What? What are you going to tell him?
Starting point is 01:13:46 Hey, there's a box in there. Don't throw it away yet. Oh, it's not thrown away yet. I mean, maybe. Okay. I thought you meant like the guy who picks up the dumpster and then you'd like go to the plant like Toy Story 3. Because I don't know what's in there, I can refuse to be mad.
Starting point is 01:14:01 Okay. Because I can just, besides the Xbox, because I can just be like, well, there's nothing. Yeah. And I'll never know if I'm wrong. You'll never know. Isn't that nice? That's fine. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:11 What was I going to say, though? The way that box came to be was, so the Piss and Shit house was always just a fucking disaster. Every corner of the house was just like a different type of problem. And at some point, people would decide to clean, but there was just too many things to account for to clean up that you, like, didn't know where they went. Like, you know, like three Xboxes. Like, if they're on the floor, and there's no room on, like, a media console,
Starting point is 01:14:33 like, where do you put them? So at some point, I think maybe Nieper just got a basket and just put it in the corner of that house and just started putting shit in it. And every time someone would clean up, they would put shit in the box and eventually like half the shit was mine like i don't own three xboxes they're all mine was the megaphone yours the megaphone was mine yeah you know where that megaphone came from we'll get another megaphone came from uh when i was in high school or maybe middle school no it was high school i was in high school some guys in my school started
Starting point is 01:15:04 a fight club and they would they would all meet at this guy christian's house and we'd go in his garage and then there'd be a big circle of people and then someone would be like yeah you two have to fight now what's the megaphone for uh announcing announcing rounds just for showmanship and it was just for showmanship and uh i might have pictures of this somewhere that i can go did you ever scrap yeah? Yeah, did you ever fight? Yeah, yeah. I got in one fight. I won my one fight. How'd you win it?
Starting point is 01:15:28 By punching the other guy more and harder than I was punching him. Wow. But the thing was, they would always pick people who were equal size. Yeah. They'd be like, you two. And if you didn't do it, everyone made fun of you. It was a good matchup. I got bullied into fighting someone.
Starting point is 01:15:39 I think I was favored. I was same everything, but like three inches on it. You had to take off your glasses, though. You're blind out there. Dude, back then, I think I wasn't. No, I was wearing glasses. I think I was less blind. Because I recently went like a full negative number down.
Starting point is 01:15:56 And I'm fucking blind now. Yeah. But people watching, I'm like negative three and a half. People watching, they'll be like, oh, you're not blind. In the glasses community, I'm like, it's like stolen valor are you gonna get lasik ever and i'm terrified really why yeah they just cut your eyeball with a laser you know what you know it's just a laser you know what fucked me up was that i i had a friend who got it and he's like yeah you smell it i'm like what smell what he's like your burning eye you you get to smell what your eyes smell
Starting point is 01:16:21 like when they burn so and i was like of smelling burning, Soda Poppin burns his pubes. Why? With fire or with nair? With fire. What? He burns his pubes with fire. Wait, burns as in a practice? As in he'll take a pube and burn it,
Starting point is 01:16:36 and it'll burn to the end and then fizzle out? Yeah, I did that all the time with my friends. He sounds great. He's very interesting. My first words to Soda Poppin poppin by the way you didn't finish your junkyard garage story but real quick he was staying at our place and my first interaction with him was me farting and then he he immediately walks into the area and i was like oh no i farted in front of the guest and he's he looks at me he's like that's all right i'm going upstairs to poop
Starting point is 01:17:03 now and then i said, my man. It was incredible. Can you tell the soda pop and mango story? Because I have a follow-up. Oh, God. Mango hates soda poppin'. Why? Mango hates soda poppin'.
Starting point is 01:17:16 Mango hates soda poppin'? Yeah. Because they hung out a couple years ago. Because Mango knew Reckful. And Reckful obviously knew Soda. And so Reckful was introducing them. And then Mango attests to this day that Soda big-dogged them. Mango does not like getting big-dogged.
Starting point is 01:17:42 Hey, what's up? And Soda was like, whatever. And Soda is actually a very sweet person. you know, Megan does not like, Hey, what's up? And so it was like, ah, you know, whatever. And, uh, and soda. So it is actually a very sweet person. Uh, an example of this is last night.
Starting point is 01:17:51 Milena was drunk as hell at shit camp, wasted mixed too. He was the one who'd like check in on them. Cause like they kept jumping into a pool, which is like terrifying when drunk. So he was checking in on him. They threw up. He's the one who took care of it.
Starting point is 01:18:05 He tried to hit up Nick, Melina's girlfriend. He's like, nah, I'm sleeping. And so Soda's like, all right, I'll do it. Hey, she'll be fine. Yeah, so he did it. He took care of her. He was basically the one who did the whole night.
Starting point is 01:18:14 Nick, Melina's girlfriend. Boyfriend is what it means. Oh, boyfriend, yeah. And in Soda, apparently big dog mango. I told Soda about this. And he's like, what? No, whatever. Six months later, we were hanging out.
Starting point is 01:18:27 He's like, man, I still think about mango sometimes. Like, I feel so bad. Really? What? Wow. Yeah, he feels terrible. My follow-up to this was, so me and Aiden met him in Texas. Soda Poppin'.
Starting point is 01:18:37 Soda Poppin'. And we met a lot of people that night. And I sort of was, like, getting this value system of, like, okay, I'm meeting people, and I can tell if they're drunk or not. like i'm basically evaluating like so i so i just met him that night he was very nice me and maiden both talked to him for quite a while um but he was kind of drunk and later when i knew all these people were gonna come over for shit camp and stay at our house for a little bit i had to think about who do i need to introduce myself to like for the first time again like who should i not go up to and be like hello again because
Starting point is 01:19:05 they don't they're not gonna fucking remember me right because i met them so briefly right whatever the reason right so with him it was kind of this like coin flip and i was like i talked to him for like a while but he big dog mango i don't think he's gonna know who i am so i was like i'll avoid it i'm like i'm gonna completely avoid it until I have a better time. Because it was like early in the morning. I was like leaving the house. So I did the thing where I walked the long way. I love walking the long way.
Starting point is 01:19:31 So in our house, you can walk like the way that literally forces you to see every person in the house before you leave. It goes by every major public space in the house. Or you can go the long way. I heard you do that, by the way. Or you can go the long way. I heard you exit the front door with lexi going the long way so i go the long way and i'm going i'm like rounding and i'm like i checked the guest bed no one's in there i see minecraft sheets they're ruffled up someone's awake i'm like good now i can get out of the
Starting point is 01:19:58 house i go up and soda's coming up the stairs and i'm'm like, the one fucking person. So I walked out. But then he says something first. He goes, oh, great to see you again. And I was like. He didn't say your name. He didn't say my name. He didn't say my name. But he recognized.
Starting point is 01:20:15 Great to see you again, Nick Frachillo from the yard. But he instantly recognized that we had met before. And my first thought was, I love this guy. And two, I didn't get big dog like Mango. You did not get big dog. Well, did Mango get big dog? I can totally imagine that Soda did not give Mango a great reception. And this is like, because I mean, how many people like Soda has been as big of a streamer as I am.
Starting point is 01:20:38 But for like three times as long. He's like an ancient, ancient streamer man. You know, I don't think I've had an interaction with anyone where I've big-dogged them, but I'm sure someone could have left that impression. Interesting. Have you been big-dogged by Ludwig? Call the law office. If you or a loved one has been big-dogged by Ludwig Anders.
Starting point is 01:20:55 You may be entitled to compensation. Yeah, that's possible. I do hate the coin flip of meeting people in those scenarios and then figuring out if they remembered you or not because i'm down to just run the bit of meeting you for the first time again but i just hate when you do decide to make that happen and they remember and then they remember you because it feels bad i did that with s fan actually really yeah at bowling because i reintroduced myself because we talked for such a short period of time at the party that i met him at the first time and he remembered that we had met um and i was like man because like i don't
Starting point is 01:21:29 want to why not just like not why not there's no introduce there's no there's no no there's no optimal play because when you meet a new person you want you want to introduce yourself the optimal place to go hey what's up we like very briefly met back in texas if you remember uh what's up it's nice to see you again and And they can be like, oh, I don't remember. I feel like you risk bombarding this person with such a lengthy intro. I don't think it's bad. You go up and you're like, hello, so this one time we met this one time. The way he did it was very simple, and I think that's fine.
Starting point is 01:21:56 I just say, yo, what's up, dude? Yeah, you're Ludwig, dude. You're a fucking joke. Fuck you. You can't do that. Nobody likes you, and we're tired of you. We're at the end of a social paradigm me i i you i that happened with seer like i i didn't introduce myself to him because i just kind of
Starting point is 01:22:11 like walked down that one morning i just saw everybody while you guys were streaming but then when he left to shit camp he said it was like nice to meet you and i was like well in my head it's like we already met but i don't mind it's like he was wasted at that party. We didn't really talk. We exchanged really basic pleasantries. That's not strange to me. You're Uncle Jack, and it's always Sonny saying, nice to meet you. And then he just leaves.
Starting point is 01:22:33 And then I look at my hands, and I'm like, they're pretty big. So I think I just hate the little coin flip. But you get past it. Yeah. It's not the worst, actually. The crux of the matter here is that streamers are just pretty normal. And on the topic, are they normal?
Starting point is 01:22:51 How is shit camping? It's been really fun. Who's weird? No one's particularly weird. I think everyone's pretty normal off-cam. The activities we were doing off-stream, it was playing Marco Polo in the pool. Okay. And then doing –
Starting point is 01:23:07 You guys play Colors? You guys play Colors? No, what is that? You don't play Colors in the pool? I don't know that. All right. Real ones, no. So Colors is like –
Starting point is 01:23:13 I thought he wasn't going to explain. There's one person outside the pool, and everyone has to think of a color. And the person outside the pool starts naming colors. And your goal is if they say the one you're thinking of, you have silently get to the other side of the pool and if they think they hear someone leave they turn around oh i think i have played this but if but if no one's left it's like they have to step further from the pool it's like red light green light right kind of i kind of yeah yeah i it's also like a game called movies where it's like you think of a movie they'd start naming them and if it's yours you same's the same game. That sounds fun.
Starting point is 01:23:45 Yeah, that does sound fun. We played Marco Polo, and then Chicken, and then we watched the Squid Game, which I think was like, you know, 40% of American summers. That's pretty cute.
Starting point is 01:23:56 It is cute. That's what I did in high school. It felt like a sleepover, is actually how I was going to word it. There wasn't anything particularly weird about it, except Casey Tron, like, double-fisting doobies in the background that's awesome sometimes you gotta you gotta roll all that rules the only difference is all problems can be alleviated with the ludwig method
Starting point is 01:24:16 and they all implement it in some way where it's like you know like they made like a big fucking mess or anything i was like all right we'll just you know we'll pay for that and they can just do that at any point. And so that's like the suggestion a lot. Dude, but the cloud couch, that's a big Ludwig method. And you know whose name is on that Airbnb? Beauty Anders. Hey, check, hey, if you guys like what I'm wearing today, you know, shit can't merge.
Starting point is 01:24:39 We got to pay for that. Shit can't dot GG. That helps pay for it. But it has been really fun fun i dude i will say one person's been pissing me off who's that oh i'll tell you the bonus set

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