The Yard - Ep. 154 - Ludwig from Video Games

Episode Date: June 26, 2024

This week, the boys talk about their progress in Elden Ring, Aiden's trip to Sweden, and how Ludwig went to the Kendrick show and has a new name......

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Starting point is 00:00:00 He doesn't talk. I talk to him and he goes dot dot dot. You need to do an emote that says let's fight. Really? Yep. Spoiler alert. Yeah. You spoiled it. Ah bosh. it final boss i guess i didn't even
Starting point is 00:00:28 know that yeah that is a big spoilers yeah anyway don't put that in elden wing like this person just beat elden ring using their butthole and you're like well i know that guy so it's like spoilers are i'm actually on Aiden's side. Spoilers don't matter. They do. No. They might not, but the person who spoils is still an asshole. They are still an asshole if they do it like maliciously.
Starting point is 00:00:54 But if they're spoiling it by speaking about the game that everyone has beat and that everyone's tweeting about, and then you play Elden Ring with your butthole and you be like, Every other Dick Sardo tweet is someone beating Elden Ring with a butthole and you'd be a boss. Every other Dick Sardau tweet is someone beating Elden Ring with a different part of their body. It was somebody's mind this week. I watched somebody's mind this week. I'm a conspiracy theorist when it comes to that one.
Starting point is 00:01:14 I don't understand the mind one. You and Shake were talking about that. Yes, because okay, here's my theory. Have you seen this? Are we live? Have you seen this? Have you heard about this? There's this woman. Well, I found about it on X. Wait hold on, you're saying she's playing video games? Without being arrested. I'm already mad.
Starting point is 00:01:30 I'm seething. She's phenomenal at video games. And she plays with her mind. But I had a secret theory. I had a secret theory that because her hands are like this I was like maybe the hands do something. I think maybe inside the hands is a little controller. The smallest controller known him
Starting point is 00:01:45 That'd be more impressive in the mind. What if it's not a mind power? It's that she needs to make the character move by like touching her like temple Left quadrant like when you make a banana a controller But she did it with her face Yeah, maybe it's opposite day. Maybe she's not playing with her mind. You know the neural link guy Yeah, he said that it's basically like cheating his neural link. Did you watch that? Or did you just also see the clip on X the everything app? I just saw the clip The thing is when it tries to reroute me off X I'm like
Starting point is 00:02:24 That's why you should fuck YouTube. Fuck, fuck. That's why you should fuck YouTube? No, fuck YouTube, fuck all the ops. Are we 30 seconds into the episode yet? Oh, it's chilly. You don't like it? It's chilly bears.
Starting point is 00:02:35 Little bears cold for me. I'll live on it. Oh, it was a breeze. Oh, will you live on this beautiful moonlit night? If you say fuck YouTube, you start streaming on XA everything out. Yeah. And so in you. 720p. 720p. Me, Lin you start streaming on X and everything out. Yeah. And so, and you- 720p.
Starting point is 00:02:46 720p. Me, Linus, Sectips, and Luke. Wait, what? The big three. In one barn. And Elon playing Path of Exile. What- I would pay so much money to watch Elon Musk play Elden Ring DLC. I would love to watch that.
Starting point is 00:02:59 What happens when you stream on X? How do you watch an- Will people see? Probably everything on X? No, I mean- I'm serious. You get this big fucking bar at the top of your X browser. on X how do you watch it on an X video stream? I mean I'm serious I'm serious dude isn't that a space?
Starting point is 00:03:10 No you're so out of touch I also thought it was a space I thought that was a space He turned it into a somethings app I don't know how he did it I think they got rid of spaces bro No no it's just livestreams No they still do the moaning They're not doing the morning anymore,
Starting point is 00:03:25 bro. Nobody's doing America's got moaning was a generational shift. You love that. I just thought it was just so funny. You look at the top of your thing and like someone you follow is just listening to a moaning competition. That's the worst part about X live streams is it shows you who's watching. Like imagine if I got to see everyone who fucking aiden watches on twitch
Starting point is 00:03:46 oh my god yeah that would be it's a venn diagram's a circle with what he beats off to be crazy yeah same northern lion yeah oh so i'd be putting you on some good shit you'd be mad about that you just be watching you're watching different europeans you guys see that clip of the of the twitch ceo like explaining like stories on twitch on his phone Yeah, yeah, and like literally like everyone. He's following is like a titty streamer. No Okay, pause He's going through top clips and the clips are just like populated through the algorithm wait But at the top wasn't that just as people you follow isn't it other stories
Starting point is 00:04:22 I thought the other you talk about the stories part of it I don't think though. I think I're talking about the stories part of it. I don't think that, I think he was going through top clips. There's nothing wrong with that. It was beast. It was beast. He's like, it was like an Apple tech demo. And he's like, yeah, you see, you just keep swiping.
Starting point is 00:04:37 And it's like every single story. Dude, there's a clip of Asmongold. And he's like, yeah, let me find this. And he pulls up his likes. And it is the craziest picture I've ever seen ever. Zipper, can you pull this up? Can you look up Asmongold likes titties huge giant big
Starting point is 00:04:53 blood on wall teeth rat dead many died, many cried. Yeah. Okay. 9-11 the sequel. I'm looking forward to this. I'm looking forward to this. I was thinking about, what about the Spanish version, El Den Ring?
Starting point is 00:05:11 How's that? Okay, yeah, hit enter on that. Hit enter on that. We're gonna not. No, no, no. Delete the blood shit. Just do Asmongold likes big titties. By the way, welcome back to the yard. Welcome back to the yard.
Starting point is 00:05:25 Episode one. What episode, Andy? He's going to say a Swedish number now because he's back from Sweden. Afrika. It's a 154. What's the highest Swedish number you know? Fira. No, sexa.
Starting point is 00:05:41 Sexa. Six. Six. Six is the highest you know. I also know What about Crew Crew What's that Uh
Starting point is 00:05:49 8, 9, 10 Oh shit Those are big Well I was six afraid of seven But the Swedish version of it And he goes in L and Z It's actually really dark You're not allowed to like
Starting point is 00:05:57 Say that joke It's like It's like a National pride thing It's like the baba dude That's really fucked up to bring up Yeah Uh
Starting point is 00:06:04 How are you dude How are you back from Sviers I'm doing good I had a I had a traditional Swedish midsummer Without all the
Starting point is 00:06:11 You know it's not like The fucking movie What the fuck does that mean It means I've eaten A lot of I've eaten a lot of weird Seafood I think it's just a celebration
Starting point is 00:06:18 Of summer solstice Because summer solstice Why It was Let me explain Because summer solstice Is the peak sunlight Of the year For the northern hemisphere on June 21st. And so Sweden, specifically northern parts, don't lose.
Starting point is 00:06:32 They have sun the whole time. 24 hours of sunlight. It got kind of dark at midnight. And then it got light again at 3. Whoa. I don't get how the earth is, but the earth is a disk. So how does that even work? Because it's on an access, bro.
Starting point is 00:06:47 And, uh. Oh, this is Midsommar shit. There were. Dude, they had Koob, Femme Cop, and other fun games. This is where I played. I didn't realize he still plays. This is where I played. Dude.
Starting point is 00:06:56 Femme Cop? So they were like. What else in the world fucking did you change, dude? Some of the Swedish traditions are very, very funny. Like, like these games. So they were like, we're going to play Koop. It's a game where you throw sticks on other sticks. And I'm like, wow, that's crazy.
Starting point is 00:07:13 And then they interrupted themselves. Alex is like, no, no, no, no. We're not playing Koop. We're not going to play the sticks where you throw on other sticks. We're going to play this other one where you throw sticks on top of sticks with numbers And it says six He's like that was way better His mom made made a sandwich cake it was literally called sandwich cake. Just fucking whipped cream and a piece of bread.
Starting point is 00:07:46 And it was like, do you know what Toscagen is? Oh, Toscagen. Yeah. It was kind of it's kind of like, it's bread sandwiched together with like sauces and like shrimp and stuff
Starting point is 00:08:00 like that. With this haircut and you explaining something like that, it sounds like you're trying to pitch a food. Like just a... And you're about to be arrested. It's a homeless guy saying the first meal he wants.
Starting point is 00:08:15 The kids are going to love it. I want bread and I want bread. You have ice cream inside. The kids will like it. It's like a blue condiment Sweden and then I tried different types of types of herring
Starting point is 00:08:30 out of cans right did you try fermented herring this is what you do for fun this is crazy dude it was good images images dude herring zins
Starting point is 00:08:38 oh I bet they got those in Norge also um sorry go ahead and then and then I, I'm trying
Starting point is 00:08:46 all the Swedish food, which a lot of people, there was a lot of haters at the party. Half the Swedes didn't like the food either, which I thought was really funny. It's like your big celebratory day in your country, and then half of the Swedish people didn't like it. But I loved it. I really liked it.
Starting point is 00:09:02 It tasted so good. If someone told you this originated in like some American state you'd be like all their food looks like that image where nothing's a thing
Starting point is 00:09:11 this is the sphincter of a camel old AI images it's like that we've cut out the asshole of a horse and we fried it
Starting point is 00:09:19 deep fried it we deep fried the horse asshole and then we put the mayonnaise inside we deep fried the asshole live and then we put the mayonnaise inside. So we deep-fry the asshole live, and then we cut it after death? And then we sacrifice the horse meat some.
Starting point is 00:09:31 Debra! Debra! But it was a good weekend. Did it reaffirm your dream of moving there? Yes. What? Yes. Wow.
Starting point is 00:09:42 I had a lovely weekend, and I said I wasn't sad that i had to leave and like go home i was sad that like home and life wasn't there he's worse than i am with japan dude i think he is 100 don't you think it's different though yeah because i just like japan without wanting so my swedish teachers aren't sex pests for one i think we've been slandering my, for one. That's actually a huge point. I think we've been slandering my teacher for a while. He has had a girlfriend who's not Ukrainian. Has?
Starting point is 00:10:13 So what? Right now. Thank you. Thank you. Right now he's dating a non- Poor Muxus couldn't even say that. He's dating a non-Ukrainian girl. Okay?
Starting point is 00:10:20 That's cool. He did say, he did say, he was like, I thought I would be dating some like, you know, finer Ukrainian bitches, but I like my girlfriend. Wow. She would love to hear that.
Starting point is 00:10:34 He sounds really invested. You say what you will about sex tourists, they really know how to break down teaching language in a digestible way. It's like you call it like an oddish. So I wanted something. I wanted like a Ninetales. I wanted a Ninetales, bro.
Starting point is 00:10:49 I'll still play the game, I guess. I want a sex tourist teacher. That's what you're telling me? There's no reason to learn Swedish. You're not trying, right? I am. Why? Why not?
Starting point is 00:11:00 Because they all speak English so well. Yeah, but it's not useless to learn the language. I genuinely think it is. It's about cultural involvement. Hold on. Pause the phone. If everyone in Japan spoke, like, flawless English, like, or not, like, if everyone in Japan spoke English
Starting point is 00:11:17 in the same capacity they've spoken in Sweden, would you be as interested in learning Japanese? Zero percent. You're being a reason I learn it is to be able to communicate with people. Okay, well, you have a very utilitarian view on language. I think if you're... I think in my head,
Starting point is 00:11:32 this is an idea of me moving there one day that I really do want. What for? That is a summon in Final Fantasy X. It's the first one you get. Because I want to. Because I want to. And learning the language of cuz I want to and
Starting point is 00:11:46 Learning the language of somewhere you want to say the F-slur Is a way to like integrate and assimilate into the culture Alright Bugger boring I think that's important I think that's important There's a podcast And I had a bunch of fun and I think you guys would have had fun too
Starting point is 00:12:02 Yeah, we were eat some normal, maybe some fermented fish grass. Cold normal is so funny. Bunch of Swedish food. It's cool. You guys sit in a room for six hours and just think. What else you do? They started a gray wall and they said, it feels so sunny out. I bet your side is good. I watched a lot of movies while I was gone. That's cool. On the plane and the flights. I watched old lot of movies while I was gone that's cool
Starting point is 00:12:25 on the plane oh yeah I watched old old movies to up my cultural literacy oh like what I watched Shawshank Redemption oh my god
Starting point is 00:12:32 wow I can't roast you but that movie's fucking amazing it's a banger it's a great movie no I've seen it I'm saying
Starting point is 00:12:38 I can't roast him for not seeing Shawshank because there's a bunch of stuff I haven't seen sure yeah but yeah of course I've seen Shawshank I've also watched
Starting point is 00:12:44 Inglourious Bastards I've never seen it you know what's cool it doesn't matter that I haven't seen. Sure, yeah. But yeah, of course I've seen Shawshank. I've also watched Inglourious Bastards. I've never seen it. You know what's cool? It doesn't matter that you haven't seen the oldies shit because the shit you watched growing up becomes the oldies shit, I've realized. That's what I'm saying. So like, just like, for example.
Starting point is 00:12:55 And then you can just get to hold it over the new generation's head. Yes, because I was playing Elden Ring and I was like struggling on a boss. And so I just started DJing different songs to help me through. And I throw in like fucking I Miss. And so I just started DJing different songs, help me through. And I throw on like fucking, I miss you.
Starting point is 00:13:08 And I'm jamming out like blink. Yeah. And ever. And then, then someone after that song, they're like, who, what,
Starting point is 00:13:14 sorry, what's that song? No way. I hate that. That's crazy. Also, I just got my diaper changed. And then I throw on,
Starting point is 00:13:20 I throw on who was stank. The reason I made that who was stank way more. People are like, what's that song? Yeah, I don't like that. That makes me sad. I'm no perfect person, but I made that Hoobastank. What was the second one? You heard me, dude.
Starting point is 00:13:36 Don't make me say it again. I made that Hoobastank. God damn, you make that hoop a stack I'm not a person I'm back You're my good luck charm Whenever I tuned into your fucking dumb shit ass stream You beat a boss
Starting point is 00:13:57 And I was helping you We gotta talk about something You and Coney are bad at video games. Oh, no, the difference is I admit. I know, I see, but I see Coney in the trenches on Twitter arguing with people. And in the back of my mind, I'm reading all this, I'm like, bro, I think you're bad. Like, I think you're just bad at video games. Well, he admitted he's bad.
Starting point is 00:14:20 Dude, I used Mimic to you. Look, look, I heard the only, I I like all of coney's rants recently I've been like fully behind him except for the one where he's like yeah And sonic is design bad because I got an e on every level. He did not say that no He's not say that that is disgusting not what he said all its revisionist He said that's not a little said his sonic design was bad And then someone asked him what ranks he got, and he said E's.
Starting point is 00:14:47 But he didn't say that they're bad because... There was a follow-up tweet that was... Someone was criticizing how E's are selected in that game. And if you die, you're more likely to get an E. And then he was like, oh, that's the reason? Wow, I don't feel bad at all about getting E's. And I thought back of playing that game as a kid, and I never,
Starting point is 00:15:05 I got like C's and B's all the time. Blood grew up playing Sonic Adventure, only game he had. Yeah, for sure. He's gonna be like this. Not true.
Starting point is 00:15:14 This is not true. Drop the Sonic repertoire. It's all he talks about is Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. Repertoire? It's 10% of what you talk about in a lifetime. What's your Sonic resume?
Starting point is 00:15:23 Drop your Sonic dick on the table. Surely not. Is it even worth engaging with yeah, 10% 10% honestly, I haven't played them any Sonic. I've played Sonic Adventure 2 battle. I've played Sonic fighters I've played the the Gameboy SP Sonic. I remember what's called, but it's like This is what you've promised me probably 1,000 times. Yeah, that's funny. I mean I've played it all that many times Well, I've played Sonic Adventure 2 a lot. Oh. But my point is that playing it as a kid for the first time,
Starting point is 00:15:52 I did not get E's on every level. Well, I also think, Nick, I'll say you're a gamer, and Kony and Slime aren't. Kony is a gamer. Kony thought he could beat me on Mario Strike or Charge. I'll accept that, man. I'll accept that. I'll take that.
Starting point is 00:16:04 I'm not a gamer, but Kony's a gamer. I don't want to hear the Mario Strikers charge. I'll accept that, man. I'll accept that. I'll take that. I'm not a gamer, but Coney's a gamer. I don't want to hear some shit. I think y'all are some old ass... Wasn't Coney like a top 10 PM player at one point? He's really good at games. He's good as fuck.
Starting point is 00:16:12 He was very, very good at Brawl. Don't call him not a gamer. You're fucking dumb as shit. Call me not a gamer. He was playing Plumbers. I don't want to hear about Brawl. He was playing Plumbers and fucking hand-me-downs.
Starting point is 00:16:22 They're still wearing an Amazon warehouse in New Jersey. They had their OSHA harness on. People be calling... Look at his Wikipedia. Like, Bumpers and fucking Handimans are still wearing an Amazon warehouse jersey. They are their OSHA harness on. People be coming- Look at his Wikipedia! Look at that! First- I just gotta pick Kinko's, also Mennonite's band. His most recent ranking- Damn! First at Baltimore Brawl?
Starting point is 00:16:36 Click that, I wanna see the bracket. Dude, he got 13 teams with fucking- Look at this! That's deep as fuck! Yeah, I was playing, uh- That's doubles, keep going. No, he got- I played against Greg. He has doubles.
Starting point is 00:16:50 I wanna see how many people are in this. I played against Toothless Luke. Oh my god, look at how big this is! Eat shit, I'm a Kony defender. Wait, what do you mean big? People got f- It ends at 49! Oh, dude, he beat the legendary Chun-T.
Starting point is 00:17:01 Dude! I don't give a fuck. Bro, Gimmer got top 8. Bro, wait. Gimmer got 7th, dude? Logic give a fuck. Bro, Gamer got top eight. Bro, wait. Gamer got seventh, dude. Logic at seventh. Bro, his team name was Omni. Dude, Junebug in the mix. Wait, wait, wait.
Starting point is 00:17:11 Go to first place? There's some names in here. I'm sorry. No, I think he won doubles. Look, I'll take it back. No, no, no. He won doubles. Did he even win?
Starting point is 00:17:18 Is this a different tournament? I think maybe. Cody's not on this. It might have been PM. Maybe he had a different tag back then. Maybe his tag was chewed out. He went back and rewrote it. Damn.
Starting point is 00:17:29 I'll take it back. I don't think he's a bad gamer, but I do think that he is struggling extra hard in Elden Ring. He's not struggling anymore. Obviously, everyone who started the game, they're like, fuck, this is kind of hard, and then you chew through it, you get the blessings. Dude, is this...
Starting point is 00:17:43 There's literally video evidence of you... Can you contextualize the dlc for me you know when you talk about how we're additional part of the game fuck that guy no that's good why don't they just call it dc take it back uh because that's already taken by big coke fucking and that and that and that skate bris yeah and and rob deer decks legacy i there was a girl i worked with at the restaurant she was a waitress and i was too beautiful to do it she was so beautiful dude that's all i can say but she had a dc tattoo on her back of her neck i watched a shitty i watched horrible bosses on Napoleon 2. Dude, there's a series. There's that exact joke in the fucking movie where he tells the FedEx girl that she's too beautiful to be delivering packages to the fucking office.
Starting point is 00:18:34 It's not a joke. No joke. Not a joke. No joke. Joking around about it. Elden Ring is a big game. And then the DLC. Big game.
Starting point is 00:18:43 This is the size of the game. And also the horse butthole that you see and then it's true this is the size of the dlc okay no maybe that would fit wow it's pretty fucking large it's pretty fucking big it's pretty fucking large and it would fit in the horse butthole it does fit inside there's actually a beautiful overlay if you put the dlc map it fits perfectly into the main map yeah what. What I'm asking is, from what you know, does this... Because you talked about Elder Ring getting hung up in a museum as this peak of human
Starting point is 00:19:11 achievement. Like, it's this piece of art. Does the DLC just get to go in the exhibit with it? Is it also fucking amazing? 100%. You're way too cute to be just a FedEx girl. Whoa. Yeah. Well, I would never say just. Terrible movie. I would never say just. Yeah, she should be a FedEx girl. Whoa. Yeah. Well, I would never say just. Terrible movie.
Starting point is 00:19:26 Wait, no. I would never say just. That movie had jokes. Yeah, she should be a FedEx girl, but also a samurai. It's a bad movie. Yeah. That's shit. Most comedy movies, I feel like, structurally are bad movies.
Starting point is 00:19:34 Yeah. But they have jokes. It was the same sentence. That was crazy. It was not funny. You said it out loud. No, let's just say it back. What do you think structurally means?
Starting point is 00:19:40 Most comedy movies are bad structural movies. It's just my opinion. You've been caught with your pants down and your nuts in. They're out of an opinion. I'm getting canceled. Something like that. Cancel. Cancel.
Starting point is 00:19:52 Why are you canceling me? I can't have an opinion anymore. Sorry, I threw it out there. We should let Matt Rife direct every comedy now. Dude. He's the only one. He's the only one who fucking gets comedy. He would actually keep it 100, though, for real.
Starting point is 00:20:04 He'd actually keep it 100. He'd talk about how who fucking gets comedy. He would actually keep it 100, though, for real. He'd talk about how he has black friends. And that'd be good for all of us. That's step one to making a comedy movie. You're making fun of him, but I genuinely know. Friday 2. Matt Rife is the lead.
Starting point is 00:20:19 Friday has two sequels already. It would be Friday 4. Friday 4. Friday like Friday the 13th? Yeah, man. That's the fucking one we're talking about. Is it? You fucking piece of shit fucker.
Starting point is 00:20:31 Do they just keep going later in the dates? Is it like Friday the 14th? Yeah. Sunday. Friday the 14th starting Ice Cube. Sunday.
Starting point is 00:20:37 They all work at Chick-fil-A. Fire. It's their day off. The Elden Ring. So let me defend myself. I think the original game i shat through all the bosses because i had shield and that's like a like a pussy way to play and this time i was like i don't want to use shield i want to be like all my favorite content creators like ludwig
Starting point is 00:20:55 ogren and guys in that from video games and look from video games and i want to only use weapon and hit right and that's way harder and so i had to like kind of relearn the game doing that and also it was hard all right now i'm now it's fun you haven't beat it yet though you're getting there no i'm getting there okay i'm enjoying my own pace you fucking slopped it out i beat it just fucking built different crusher that shit you're not built different you're just a streamer that has to play games in 50 hour stretches i will say bro i the final boss is too hard you start to dry you start to dry genuinely final boss is too hard really i think so i think like i mean i feel great now because i did it you overcame i look down on everyone i've been in people's chats i'm back
Starting point is 00:21:39 seating i'm telling you haven't done it i that's how I feel. I feel like that. Go Eric Poincro. Eric Poincro? Hey, get better. Do you think by the time this comes out, he will have beaten the game? Eric Poincro? Yeah. Gaming? If he's lucky.
Starting point is 00:21:55 Is he also marathoning it? God willing. Nah, he's just like no-lifing every day, but he, you know, end stream. No points, Crow. You know what I mean? Did he play ball and get no points? He's like, no points. No fucking points, Crow. You know what I mean? Did he play ball and get no points? No fucking points, Crow. Oh, speaking of ball.
Starting point is 00:22:08 Speaking of ball, your video's flopping. No, but it continues to flop. No, it's not flopping. It's doing well. Only 600K views? You don't understand YouTube, bro. You don't understand YouTube, bro. You don't understand YouTube.
Starting point is 00:22:19 But they're felled off. So there's the first chunk of views, which is how well it did with the initial fan base, and then there's the algorithm. Oh, so you're calling your fans chunk. Can we work on the title man? I don't like the title I change it. Yeah, I like the new time It's not about you today Fucking was there. What do you mean the new ones like a Yu-Gi-Oh title? Do you look it up? But that's the old one
Starting point is 00:22:42 Do you look it up? But that's the old one What's the new one? What's the old one? Honestly god forget the original I dead ass forget the original I don't remember at all It's called You said that like you're a rock singer
Starting point is 00:22:58 Can I beat a child prodigy at basketball And then there's an arrow going over Dude I hate YouTube so fucking much I hate that people click shit like this and we have to do it. It's how it goes that ten-year-old two red arrows Oh my god. Yeah, it is funny this too. Yeah, it's crazy of two babies a bucket You look like you're becoming a basketball youtuber. Oh, yeah You get a good form can I wait a child prodigy at basketball? I think it's a cringe title because it's not about you. It's not about you.
Starting point is 00:23:28 It's a cringe title. It's about me. Yeah, but can slime be a child prodigy at basketball? I understand that. And that's a bad concept, too, for a Ludwig channel. No, no, no. It's doing good. I don't know what to tell you.
Starting point is 00:23:39 It's going to hit one mil easy in the next week. When we come back here next week and record. Can we? Really? Can we talk about the elephant in the room? Do you have A-B testing? Yeah, everyone does now. You should go in that and make one about him.
Starting point is 00:23:53 Like, I bet my roommate he couldn't. I don't think you can A-B titles. It's only thumbnails. Oh, yeah. So it would have to be something that works for both. Well, it's fine. And you just say, could a grown adult be A-B? Yeah, and then i have to change it yeah yeah yeah you just mind that that's what my original so my original title was like can an adult man beat like a you know the best child
Starting point is 00:24:13 basketball player in the world was something is what you said baller yeah it was like long i didn't like it so then i changed it to like fucking ludwig versus child yeah swords and stones i was like this might be good for a series. Cause sometimes honestly at night, I just, I'm like, maybe this will be good. And then I do it. And then I look back a day later, I'm like fucking horrible idea. Dude. Wow.
Starting point is 00:24:34 But you could just rip it for a while. Mr. Beast does the same thing. Just mindlessly changes the crucial point of his video. Would chess be the hardest thing in the world to beat a kid at? Yes. Probably, right? A thousand percent. Or the best kid at the thing. Yeah, right? 1000%. Or the best kid
Starting point is 00:24:45 at the thing. What about first grade? What does that mean? Like being the coolest first grader. They made a movie about this. It's Billy Madison.
Starting point is 00:24:52 No, no, no. Being the coolest first grader. You're saying beat them at being a first grader? At being the coolest first grader in school. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:58 I flex on. I could not. No, we wouldn't. Dude, cool Tyler. We could beat him there. We could be flexed on. I don't think. Next video. It'd be easy. I think chess, cool Tyler. We could beat him there. Cool Tyler gets flexed on. I don't think. Next video.
Starting point is 00:25:06 It'd be easy. I think chess, no chance. No chance. It's impossible. Raising up other similar age people. No chance. Similar age. Okay, I was going to be like, no chance.
Starting point is 00:25:15 Do I have more raises than a first grader? What's the elephant in the room? What are you talking about? The elephant in the room? We need to talk about the cut footy. The cut footy, dude. We don't have to talk about it. Oh, there's cut footy.
Starting point is 00:25:28 We don't have to talk about it. Oh, well, I'm dropping that. Oh, you're going to drop the footy? You're dropping it? I'm dropping the footy. Oh, DLC? There's DLC. Because the video...
Starting point is 00:25:37 That's downloadable content. Oh! It's like Elden Ring. You're downloading DLC? For some context, for some context, there's two hoopers who I didn't put into the final edit.
Starting point is 00:25:47 Mm-hmm. And, and for various reasons. The first one is because it kind of just felt mean to Slime. What? And then the second one.
Starting point is 00:25:55 They were all mean to me. It didn't, it didn't fit the narrative, right? It didn't fit the narrative that he hadn't scored a single point. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:01 And it also, okay, I'll just, I'll say it. It was the varsity women's hooper. And you scored two against her. I did not even just, I'll say it. It was the varsity women's hooper. And you scored two against her. I did not even realize that one was in there.
Starting point is 00:26:09 There was the varsity women's hooper. There was the pro. The pro. But my thought was when I saw this, I was like, knowing that this segment got cut, I was like, oh, it's probably because
Starting point is 00:26:20 you already have like one guy that destroys the fuck in a slide. Yes. And it's the guy that like dunks and has that cool shot like let's pick that let's pick that guy
Starting point is 00:26:29 like it wasn't close I thought you took him out because he had one arm no dude no it's fine it's just I thought it was a weird decision
Starting point is 00:26:37 from the guys who produced it to have a guy with one arm and then be like look a guy with even one arm can beat him even though it's like
Starting point is 00:26:44 well he's good at basketball. Like he was clearly that I literally thought he was the best guy there by like, he just didn't like you in a very flashy way. And I wanted someone to beat you in a very flashy way. Like the college. He just didn't dunk. Yes.
Starting point is 00:26:58 And the college guy just dunked a lot. That makes sense. And so it didn't feel normal to have like two where it's like slam against a pro. He, you know, he gets fucking diced up and then the call, you know what I mean? So, and then the women's player, you scored two against her or one against her.
Starting point is 00:27:10 You scored against her. I remember this. Yeah. You scored against her. That's why I figured that got cut. Cause it didn't fit. He scored twice in the day. He scored against her for sure.
Starting point is 00:27:17 Yeah. Yeah. He scored against her for sure. Fucking right. And so it didn't fit the narrative. That's right. And then it also just kind of made her look bad and I felt bad for her because she was warming up with a women's basketball
Starting point is 00:27:28 and then switched yeah it's different size and so I just felt like it and I thought the comments would be fucking miserable so I was like dude I totally forgot about that but I'm doing a director's commentary version
Starting point is 00:27:44 of my journey because I didn't put put the fifth creator versus me in it. Oh, so we get the Ludwig Hagerin DLC. DLC job, DLC job. Is there gonna be another video? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'll put it on like Ludwin probably. Well, you're gonna put it on Ludwin? Pussy? Yeah, I'm not gonna put it on fucking- Pussy?
Starting point is 00:27:57 What do you mean? I'm not- Don't like that. Put it on the main channel, you fucking pussy! It wouldn't make sense on the main channel. It wouldn't make sense. Why wouldn't it? It's Ludwin! It's DLC, dude! Because what do I call it? What do love it! It's DLC, dude! Because what do I call it?
Starting point is 00:28:06 What do I even- the same thing? Yeah. Two. Can I beat a 10 year old, but it's actually me this time in parentheses? God, I hate- I hate this disgusting thing that's created. Oh, you hate it? You just uploaded a YouTube video. Oh! Woo!
Starting point is 00:28:17 I loved that video. And it's good. Even though I'm in it for one second. Yeah, you're ju- you know what? You missed the good shit, I'll say. No, I didn't- well, I might have missed missed the good shit i'll say no i didn't well i might have missed filming the good shit that's what i'm saying yeah sure but the funniest thing nick said says what he's playing with the thing we got from the after party which is like this fun
Starting point is 00:28:34 little like toy kit and he's looking at it in the airport as we're sitting on the terminal and he's like do not aim at face what is this a gun and i just did not want footage of you in a terminal looking at a dark box Is this a gun that's chill I okay, and then that's the reason he can't fly on planes I think that's chill. That's not worth it. It's literally not worth it. That's chill. That's chill as fuck He's weak for that. What I shouldn't have said was when I put the toy through security And I looked at the back of it and it said like all the battery warnings I was I shouldn't have said probably shouldn't have said this on the plane.
Starting point is 00:29:06 Yeah. You did say that. Which was crazy. I realized I said it immediately and I went I'm too close to TSA right now. I shouldn't have said that. But yeah,
Starting point is 00:29:15 my video's fire because you guys are fucking funny and I just use you all the work. It's Aiden at peak. It's Aiden at peak. I spent the most time
Starting point is 00:29:22 with him. He never brings that to the pod. No, it's fucked up. He eats food on the pod, talks about Sweden. Sometime come on pod. Sometime come on pod,
Starting point is 00:29:29 go crazy. He was, what he's just like, he's helping Mike clean up and I have my phone. I'm like, I'm not helping them and I'm filming
Starting point is 00:29:37 and I'm like, yeah, it's another day at work and he instantly turns around and realizes I'm Dude, the way he looked at his watch. Oh,
Starting point is 00:29:43 whatever Goggins call him. He was acting. He was so funny. He looked at his watch oh whatever Goggins call him he was acting he was so funny he looked at his watch like he was actually upset about something I didn't realize
Starting point is 00:29:50 he had entered character yet there you go pick up the phone dead eyes it was so weird the character was fueled by
Starting point is 00:29:58 actually being upset yeah why is that because we were cleaning up and we had a deadline and we had to help. I was helping Mike clean up
Starting point is 00:30:07 and there's people still asking for photos and you're fucking gone. So there were some real raids. Saving a kitten. I also got the, I forgot this, but it was literally the moment where Ludwig sees us sit in front of him
Starting point is 00:30:21 in the plane when he thought he had the highest up seat. God, that was fucking funny. I actually didn't realize you had recorded that because I was in front of him in the plane when he thought he had the highest up seat yeah god that was fucking funny i actually didn't realize you had recorded that because i was in front of you yeah so i was uh oh yeah we had a little you were funny too it's a nice little joint it was fun i didn't travel with you guys so i missed out all the fun that's true traveling was fun man you should have done the same day you were responsible and went the night before i wasn't responsible i wanted to see the event for an extra day wow that makes sense a lot more time You should have done the same day. You were responsible and went the night before. I wasn't responsible.
Starting point is 00:30:45 I wanted to see the event for an extra day. Wow, that makes sense. I got a lot more time. So yeah, fucking... And you know what I did to get people to click it faster? Your fucking face. Your fucking face, dude. Your fucking stupid fucking face.
Starting point is 00:30:57 And you're like this. You're like, what are you thinking about? What's even in there? It's the moment after I said you're my favorite convicted pedophile. You released topophile. You released Top 5. Cutie did that to me today too. Not the convicted pedophile part. What part?
Starting point is 00:31:11 She just robbed me of a video. Hookbait? Oh, she... What do you mean robbed you? I was doing an Amazon unboxing and then one of the items was an ice cream machine and we were making ice cream and Cutie came and helped and then her editor, without even like telling Cutie, ripped it and made an edit of it and it'sie came and helped and then her editor without even like telling cutie ripped it and made an edit of it and it's a one of ten and she was like i got a
Starting point is 00:31:30 one of ten today i didn't even know it was being made that's crazy that's funny that's funny dude you're i i was looking because i i actually watched the basketball video today on stream it was really funny and i gave my director's cut uh-huh and then i looked at your channel i gave chat or i let fucking chat pick my amazon stream amazon stream number 476 is 1.8 million views dude it still pumps i hate it and then you're like i'm good at my fucking job i know you're good at your job i'm not saying you aren't i'm saying that does it ever does it what does it make you feel when a 1.8 million video is an Amazon unboxing and then it takes other videos they take More effort more like time to climb to that fucking ace of Butterfield. I don't fucking know. I'm not okay I guess that's you explaining your feelings
Starting point is 00:32:17 Andy fucking Warhol Fuck ace of Butterfield questions like that Question like Pajamas Fucking fine question Enders game we're in right now. I guess Prepared for roles at different points in his life. You can't say it again, because I will go into the fucking...
Starting point is 00:32:48 What's wrong with the way you put it? What's wrong with that question? What's wrong with that question? You're putting me through sex ed this late in life. Does it piss you off? I don't care. I'm not an ace of movies. Anyone know one?
Starting point is 00:32:58 What do you mean, does it piss me off? Like, does it piss you off that a... Like a shit-out... I actually don't know. video... A poop. ...where you just basically have stuff that people buy for you and then you unbox it
Starting point is 00:33:06 or a video where like it takes a lot more effort. I think What are you saying? Are you saying am I mad that the shit that I know works works?
Starting point is 00:33:16 No. I think your answers are answering the question. You think the broad's mad when he drives to the hole and dunks for the 8,000th time? That's not what I'm asking.
Starting point is 00:33:24 This question can't come up with new shit. It's crazy how off he is for what you're asking. It comes from a dark place. It comes from a dark place. Who dat? Because I feel like I want to ask this question too, but then I dig even deeper,
Starting point is 00:33:35 and I realize it's just PTSD from Amazon boxes arriving at our home when you used to do them. I don't actually care that the video, I care that the video succeeds. I want the company to do well. But Amazon streams were the worst videos to make when we lived together because the house turned into a package.
Starting point is 00:33:53 Which is my question. Collateral damage. Here's my question. I'm going to ask your question a little better. Even though you shouldn't have to. Don't say better. You shouldn't have to. Say it different.
Starting point is 00:34:00 It will be better. Say it different. It's going to be better. It's going to be better. It's going to be better. You're like, no. That's all I'm going to tell you. You's going to be better. That's all I'm telling you. There's a role set at different points in your life. Have you ever put more effort into a YouTube video
Starting point is 00:34:14 and seen an equal result in viewership come out the other end, where you get more views than an average video because of all the effort? And if the answer is no. Yeah, of course. The worst question. What's the example? The worst question and you're... Yeah, of course. The worst question. What's the example? The worst question and you're bald.
Starting point is 00:34:27 I mean, like... Neither of those things. A lot of my most viewed videos, right? Like, mogul money is higher effort, no? Or... Even Elden Ring in one sitting,
Starting point is 00:34:37 that's very high effort. What separates, in viewership, what separates mogul money from unpaid intern? People like it or not? You think people just like the show less?
Starting point is 00:34:45 Yeah. And how good it is to clickbait? Interesting. Oh, man, Dovin. You'll always be a mystery to me, man. And then also, bro, it's sometimes... You'll always be a delicious mystery to me. And I love you.
Starting point is 00:34:56 Sometimes the times change it. The times. The times. Next thumbnail. Let me pitch you. Ready? Title. Just, this is the one. All lowercase, period. and then it's me. That's me. I'm like
Starting point is 00:35:10 Okay, what's the video? What's the video? It's the one all right use that this the one period and I'm like It is a 30 minute long video video when I dissect if doc did it yeah and that's the title thumbnail he needs to stop having discord open when he streams. He keeps getting doc After I get it like way after he gets it like rely, but he's like you see him like go like out of character Yeah, just have this core close here 70,000 people calling him a PDF file He's like oh, I watch your mobile on the way to the office today to get updated. Wait, you did a mobile mail? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:08 On Dr. Disrespect? Yes, sir. I should watch that. Whoa. Good on my job, man. That's cool. You're like the news. Oh.
Starting point is 00:36:17 What? I had some heartbreaking news today. What dubbin'? The Act of Valorant ends tomorrow. I am two games from diamond play tonight. Really? You're plat three. I'm plat three,
Starting point is 00:36:29 like 54. I haven't dragged at all about it. He's not. I've been plat three. I don't know if I'm tomorrow or midnight tonight. I don't exactly know. I, it might be tomorrow,
Starting point is 00:36:40 but I can't do no. It ends before midnight. It ends. I can't play tonight. I'm fucking late dude I'll come over right after this and I'll sit behind you and
Starting point is 00:36:48 cheer I refuse you know my rule what I don't play I'm not playing with you that doesn't is close enough it's too close in
Starting point is 00:36:57 proximity yeah two games off diamond two games bro god I'm gonna if I hit diamond I'm not talking to y'all y'all don't fuck with
Starting point is 00:37:04 us anymore I don't fuck with us anymore? I don't fuck with you guys anymore. You don't fuck with us anymore? I'm gonna be hanging out with big leagues. You're still higher ranked. That game looks like shit now. I haven't played it in so long and uh, that guy has like shields now. What's going on? That's how I feel about chess.
Starting point is 00:37:16 Chess has not changed. All the openings are fucking whack now. Dude, I was playing chess. What? Nah, it's fucking lame now bro. How come they invented all of them like 400 years ago. Dude, you're on some Bobby Fischer shit. He was ironically like this.
Starting point is 00:37:28 People play like fucking losers. People play like losers. What does that mean? He was like chess. Chess is lame now. Bobby Fischer, American world champion. He was like, chess is lame now because it's all about memorization. Everyone just has theory.
Starting point is 00:37:40 He said chess is lame. So he invented random chess. So it was fun again. He said chess is lame. I don't know about the Jews. It was his big team Sure yeah He did He had me in the first half
Starting point is 00:37:48 Yeah You're like He was like Fisher Fisher I'm not gonna say Who ruined chess Wait
Starting point is 00:37:57 How did all The openings Invented 400 years ago Now you're saying That it's different No they got new openings Now bro It's whack
Starting point is 00:38:04 They got new openings They got Bonk Cloud That's new They got bond cloud that's new they got bond cloud they got computer shit maybe you just don't keep up and you're a washed gamer the hippo i was playing uh i was playing chess last week and uh i go down a pond and the guy i'm playing he starts spamming the zzz sleeping guy emojis yeah classic and i'm just like dude like chill like i was i wasn't saying shit to you like what's going on here? And he's from America. So I'm like, you know, equal ground. So we keep playing.
Starting point is 00:38:30 Pause. What that mean? Like. He's from America, equal ground. If he had, like, an Indian flag, you're shooting shots. Yeah. Like, his country, if it was a different country. Like, if it came down to it, he would be better than the other person.
Starting point is 00:38:42 If it came down to it, we could run it. You know what I mean? We could run it. We could run it. Like, you're in the same country donuts and you fucking birds of a feather canada is the same idea you can potentially stand on business uh east or west depends i guess but uh starts to sleep with you a sleepy emoji he posts like 40 of them right and then i look above and on You can have a flare Little thing next to your name
Starting point is 00:39:06 It's also the sleeping emoji So this guy is like About it Oh that's his thing He goes up for his people Sleeping emoji And I lock it You know I was kind of like
Starting point is 00:39:15 Mindlessly playing chess Now I am locked in Right right He blunders a rook Oh a whole ass rook He blunders a rook That's five points That's big points
Starting point is 00:39:23 One plus four Are you sleepy emoji him though I don't say shit I'm just silent that's smart and then I win the game
Starting point is 00:39:30 right before I win the game it's like I have one more move to win the game and I'm pausing for a sec cause I'm just sitting let's marinate I have one move
Starting point is 00:39:38 to win the game so like what's up but I don't say anything he types he says you are so unbelievably bad at chess. And I'm like, true, true.
Starting point is 00:39:46 I get that part. He goes, fucking kill yourself. Now I'm laughing. And his profile picture and his name are just him and his name. Like, raw. Did you look him up? Of course. Yeah, Nick sent me his Facebook page.
Starting point is 00:40:00 And I said, hey, this guy has a face. It's his profile picture on Facebook and Same picture. It's the same guy. Did you DM him? No. Bro facebook and same picture it's the same did you dm him uh no no bro come on my friend requested he plays like a like a tuba yeah no french horn french horn he plays french horn i know everything about this guy you should have oh man hodem is so sweet if you looked him up while you're playing and then you just drop his high school knowing college or whatever french horn lmao dude just knowing
Starting point is 00:40:24 knowing what he looks like and where he's at is enough for me. That's all I need. I would, I've thought about, I literally thought about this yesterday. I was like,
Starting point is 00:40:31 if I could have a superpower, it's the ability to know exactly what everyone online looks like. How am I always right? What? How am I always fucking right? No, no, because I'm not the same as you.
Starting point is 00:40:40 When I asked people to post your face. That was the leap. We saw the jump. No, no, it's not a leap. Because when I get in these arguments, I people to post your face. That was the leap. We saw the jump. No, it's not a leap. Because when I get in these arguments, I ask, post your face. That's what I do. Because I want the same thing you want. But that's public ridicule.
Starting point is 00:40:52 I don't give a shit if it's public or not. Do you want to see what they look like? I'm always right. I heard the Celeste music during that jump. Shut up. Look, if I could know what all of them look like without having to publicly ask them, that is what I actually want. I say it to indicate that they're scared to be as exposed,
Starting point is 00:41:10 as barely exposed as I am online or something like that. I can't remember where I saw this on Twitter, but someone just hit a reply with, like, post a pic with friends, and this person just kept trying to get unowned and i liked that version better like more than post a picture with yourself oh post a picture in any gathering with other people what was the cod player that was said he said post a picture of your teeth with the flash on that was that was like an execution that that's funny that hurt I was just like
Starting point is 00:41:46 these guys are different these guys are different and also I don't know what he's talking about with this Twitter thing what is that it's like X
Starting point is 00:41:52 my bad bro I said the wrong you know what hey that's a neck that's a neck that's a neck is so good
Starting point is 00:42:01 dude I was getting lit up on X about what I went to Kendrick's show. You went? Oh, you didn't see this? You went to the pop-up show? Yeah, I went to Ken and Friends.
Starting point is 00:42:10 That's why his name is Ludwig from video games. He was leaning over to Shake. Like, I hope he comes out a fifth time. I hope it's the song. It is crazy to play it four times. Five times. It was kind of sick. Five times.
Starting point is 00:42:19 I went to Ken and Friends. It was me, Shake, and Big A. Let me tell you, there was not a lot of white people there so we were sticking out a bit okay i walk up as i'm walking up i uh well the first thing i do is i smuggle in a weed pen for shake fucking god dude why didn't shake do it himself yeah he asked me so i smuggle it i put it in this altoids can because i have this fanny pack i'm like this is smart because it's got the security. Actually, I don't want an Altoid.
Starting point is 00:42:47 And then the Trojan horse. And then they check my fanny pack. Bro, they check my fanny pack. And then they're like, open this pocket. I'm like, cool. And they're like, open the can. I'm like, no. And then I just go, all right.
Starting point is 00:42:58 And I open it. And the pen's just there. And he's like, all right, go on in. Let's go, dude. Yay, they're funnier. Happy or sad wish. This is a Kia Forum, huh? Yeah. That's a big ass venue. I know. I! They're funnier. That's peace. Happy or sad wish. That's the Kio Forum, huh? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:05 That's a big ass venue. I know, I'm walking around the venue and who do I spot on the way is Mark from RDC. Oh my god, Mark Rober. Mark Rober. Mark Phillips. Mark Phillips, RDC World. Who the fuck is Mark Phillips? You definitely know who this guy is.
Starting point is 00:43:18 Oh, come on. You both- you don't know either? You do know. This is fucking crazy. I guess you know what I know. I'm not trying to be- They definitely do- That must be the recent bash. Can you put up RTC?
Starting point is 00:43:26 You've said one of his videos is funny before. You know who he is. Is this like... Much like the Glitter Bomb video, I don't know who Baratacium is. Freaking Glitter Bomb. Pull Mark Phillips. Wrong.
Starting point is 00:43:38 So much to unpack with what you just said. It's the same. Glitter Bomb, not Baratacium. Who is Mark Phillips? Well, Zipper's pulling it up. Mark Phillips. Rolling Death Cradle? That king move does 70 damage.
Starting point is 00:43:50 Oh, he's the... Dude, who is this guy? Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's like the Viner YouTuber guy type. He's like a sketch comedian. I know this guy. He makes sketches with a group of friends. Nope.
Starting point is 00:44:02 They made a bunch about the Kendrick Drake beef that were really viral. No. You know nothing about this? Are you fucking kidding me? Wait, no. Was he with another guy and they're playing a guitar after the A minor lyric came out and they play an A minor and they're like, yeah, it's kind of like a childish chord. And this episode is sponsored by HelloFresh.
Starting point is 00:44:22 I think it was better the second time. No, it was. Off camera, I did a song. Okay, we fake that song. We feed it through AI. Do it a third time. We make the third time. Do it a third time.
Starting point is 00:44:30 It's sponsored by HelloFresh. I can't. I'm in the key. I'm trying to do the register. Guys, he's not lying. Although he is singing it, and you might think it's a lie, we are actually sponsored by them. And they're cool because they help you learn how to cook. And I've learned how to cook through HelloFresh.
Starting point is 00:44:44 Dude, fresh, pre-portioned ingredients. Wow. And they give you learn how to cook. And I've learned how to cook through HelloFresh. Dude, fresh, pre-portioned ingredients. Wow. And they give you the portions. You don't have to think or talk about it. You know the worst part of cooking? What's that? For you, it's cleaning. But for me, it's buying.
Starting point is 00:44:53 Being reminded of death. That's the worst part. Wow, what's the worst part of cooking, bud? What's for you? It's the worst part. He hates being reminded of it. Because you're reminded that like We are just animals in the saucepan of God
Starting point is 00:45:07 Like once it happens it's forever I have to eat forever Ludwig I have to eat the HelloFresh or other assorted meals forever Otherwise I'll die because I need sustenance I don't like going to the grocery store Because I never know what to get and how much to get of it And picking out what I want to cook Is probably the most stressful part of cooking
Starting point is 00:45:22 It's the worst part of cooking And all the blood And then even if you eat all your life out what I want to cook is probably the most stressful part of cooking. Ah, that's the worst part of cooking. What do I want to make? Get an accident on the way to the store. And all the blood. And then even if you eat all your life, eventually you still pass away. And so with HelloFresh, there's quick and easy options. It's like I have to eat to live, if I eat too much I go away. There's 15 minute meals, it comes pre-portioned, and they have good meals, like you can get whatever you want, fit and wholesome.
Starting point is 00:45:41 Good and bad, does it matter in the end? No matter how fit or unhealthy you are, you all end up in the same place one day. They got high protein meals, pescatarian meals, veggie meals. So look, man, take your pick
Starting point is 00:45:52 from 40 recipes and you have over 100 add-on items, snacks, easy lunches, desserts. It's like a cast iron skillet seasoned with the blood of the people.
Starting point is 00:46:01 Even appetizers can be made quick and easy with HelloFresh. I don't think I want to eat made quick and easy with HelloFresh. I don't think I want to eat anymore. So go to slash theyardapps and use code theyardapps. Because you can get appetizers. APPS. TheyardAPPS.
Starting point is 00:46:14 You get one free app. Sorry. You get free appetizers for life. One appetizer item per box while the subscription is active. So you get. Hey man. You'd be like your own personal Applebee's. slash the yard apps with code theyardapps. You get free apps for life. Life. Dude. What a funny word in this
Starting point is 00:46:29 context, isn't it? One person. What a funny little game we play with HelloFresh. One person who orders with our code will get an iPod Nano. 50 gigabytes in the box. Archie 3D. We're rotating iPod Nano. It'll have one song on it, and it's Nick's third take of the song
Starting point is 00:46:51 It's a joke hello fresh calm such the art apps with code the I find out there's so many hello Hello flesh America's number one meal kit, please get us out What happened here? I have no clue. I don't know they just fell off you're holding it What is it? Dude, he's right there He said fell off earlier. I didn't mean it It's okay. Is it time what time? What the fuck is this? What is they plan us? Is it time?
Starting point is 00:47:21 What is it time? Is it time and then they stood up and hugged each other while me and Nick watched that? That was nice. I think his girlfriend wants me to fuck him. Okay, that's... Is that true? I think so. No. No.
Starting point is 00:47:35 You haven't asked her, have you? I think his girlfriend wants me to fuck him. She would want that. Would you do that? No. Why? Uh... Because you're faithful.
Starting point is 00:47:44 It's gay. You're telling me as a man, you're faithful. It's gay. You're telling me as a man, you're telling me it's gay to have sex with a man. That's how I feel personally. No, if he's just gone to Sweden, there's a period, there's a window. Well, if it's in Sweden, it's chill. And if it's in IKEA's here, they act as embassies. The Sweden stays on for a little bit though. Fucking Swedish embassy, AKA IKEA. Like Overshield. Uh, no, Sweden stays on for a little bit, though. The fucking Swedish embassy, aka Ikea. Like, overshield.
Starting point is 00:48:08 No, his girlfriend went on a walk with my girlfriend. Oh. And I caught them as I was leaving to come here. And I'm like, I'm going to do the pod. And she's like, oh my god, my boyfriend's there.
Starting point is 00:48:15 And then she goes, give him a... And then she pauses for like a... Like, it was a pregnant pause. And she goes, give him a hug. What the fuck is that? And I was like,
Starting point is 00:48:28 you want me to fuck him, don't you? That's what I thought. I didn't say that. Okay. Okay, I'll hug him. That's a leap. That's a leap, really.
Starting point is 00:48:35 She wants you to put the balls in too, dude. That's what I'm saying. Ew. We need you to put the balls in these people. You're saying, you're going to find out real quick how sweet these people fuck. Put it all in.
Starting point is 00:48:44 Sounding with another man's balls Discuss in the comments below If you think that If Swedes do this I'm sorry mom She doesn't know what sounding is but you should look it up I'm traveling through Kia Forum I run into Mark Phillips
Starting point is 00:49:00 And then he looks at me like Like what is this Polar bear doing in Texas? And he goes, what are you doing here? Have you met him before? Yeah, we did the State Farm shoot together. And so I know
Starting point is 00:49:15 I'm pretty good. Dude, just supporting the West Coast. See, that's like, it's hard to... He said the Oakland show was going to be his last stop. It's hard to validate me being there. Dude, fuck Drake. So I don't say any of this. Instead, I go, I go, dude, people expect me here.
Starting point is 00:49:31 I don't know what you're doing here. That's fine. I'm supposed to be here. That's smooth. That is funny. And then, and then, yeah, I go to the show. And I don't post, I didn't tell anyone I was going. I posted one picture because I was really funny when they sang the five times of Not
Starting point is 00:49:45 Like Us. Everyone got really loud on the certified pedophile line. Yeah. It was like everyone. You're screaming it. Yes. And so I just tweeted that out. And then I got monster quote retweeted with someone saying one was the Scott the Woz picture
Starting point is 00:50:00 of him with the Black Lives Matter shirt. Yeah. That was good. Which is funny. And the other is, man, Kendrick has everyone hating Drake. What is Ludwig from video games doing there? Yeah, and it was
Starting point is 00:50:11 massive. And so now I'm Ludwig from video games. And I thought that's really funny. Were you there for Pile of the Creator? I was there, yeah, I saw that. I was there early enough. I watched this show on YouTube because I wanted to see it so bad and that was like maybe the, I've just, I watched this show on YouTube because I wanted to see it so bad
Starting point is 00:50:26 and that was like maybe the loudest part of the whole show. I think. In the video. No, I think it was Dr. Dre. I thought it was wild.
Starting point is 00:50:32 Speaking of loud, did you hit Shakespeare? Huh? Did you hit Shakespeare? No. You were there dead stone sober. Sober as a whistle.
Starting point is 00:50:41 Wow. Just here to enjoy the music, you know, like just kind of hang out with my boys and like kind of vibe out. Type shit, yeah. Type shit, yeah. Okay. That's cool, whistle. Just here to enjoy the music, you know? Just kind of hang out with my boys and kind of vibe out. Type shit, yeah. That's cool, man. You didn't tell us you were
Starting point is 00:50:49 going either, so it's fine. I don't think no. I would have flown out. I've been to the Kia Forum with Shake Drizzle. Don't fuck yourself. The location's not what matters. It's the artists. I feel like... That's not true. I'm a Kia Forum. I'm a frequenter. I went to the Valorant Champions. Well, I'm the biggest fan of rap here. I didn't get an invite, so... That's not true I'm a I'm a I'm a frequenter I went to the Valorant
Starting point is 00:51:05 Well I'm the biggest Fan of rap here I didn't get invited So That's actually also true I will say I had The next day
Starting point is 00:51:14 Tickets to the Hollywood Bowl To watch Noah Khan With Cutie Which is like One of her favorite artists You know
Starting point is 00:51:20 Noah Khan Who's that It's like a White women artist Okay White women artist okay white women artist trying to say who it is again use different ways wait i do know this is like dan a little bit he plays really like sad songs about like love and life yeah okay and they're really loved by mainly women who are also mainly so he is ederan but only with a fragment of his Lord's soul.
Starting point is 00:51:46 I would say he's like if you're talking about a sound it's like Mumford and Daughters. Mumford?
Starting point is 00:51:54 What the fuck are you talking about? He's like a banjo person I'll say. Okay. And it's not it doesn't go like with the fucking
Starting point is 00:52:00 alt-right route because that's where Mumford and Sons went. Did they? Did they go alt-right? What the fuck are you talking about? Kobe Bryant? Mumford & Sons went. Did they? Did they go alt-right? What the fuck are you talking about, Kobe Bryant? Mumford & Sons.
Starting point is 00:52:08 They're for sure. Is Little Lion Men like a dog whistle? Yeah, 100%. You know what? It was not your vax, but mine. You're saying I'm going to believe you 100%. Look up Mumford & Sons alt-right rule 34.
Starting point is 00:52:23 What? It's just them and SSL. Maybe Sons alt-right, rule 34. What? It's just them and SSL. Maybe they're alt-right. I'm asking a real question. Why are they alt-right? Why are they? They're right wing. I don't know if they're alt-right.
Starting point is 00:52:34 They're right wing. That's cool. Like a Stones throwaway, to be honest. So does that take me to church guy? Hozier? No, that's wrong. Right wing. That's just wrong.
Starting point is 00:52:43 Alt-right. Alt-right. Alt-right. So wait, did you go to this thing? So I go to this thing. Two concerts back to back to back to back. Well, this one, we fucked up too, because I was doing Cutie's late night show, and she, because I went to the Kendrick thing, she was like, what's the next concert you're going to?
Starting point is 00:52:56 And I was like, oh, let me look. And I found out during the late night show that I had got tickets to that, that night, and the concert was in 20 minutes. Oh. And so he stops his stream and went because I forgot about it that's crazy that's my bad he could have thrown a certified chatafile one time if he can do it five times that's what I'm saying he could have thrown it once
Starting point is 00:53:16 because if he's a chatafile it's like a compliment you don't want to give him a chatafile yeah but it's like once it's like that's the unless he switches up and he's like I'm a certified chatafile that's what I'm saying and it's hard to understand so people are like wait what the fuck did you he switched it up and he's like, I'm a certified pedophile. That's what I'm saying. And it's hard to understand, so people are like, wait, what the fuck did you say? And then everyone else in the crowd still sings the pedophile line. It's like, I'm a... The Noah Khan concert was funny, though, because there was a bunch of women there.
Starting point is 00:53:37 That is funny. That is funny. Hilarious. But it was interesting for me, because the only people who came up to me were people who recognized me, because their boyfriend watches me. That happened a lot. Oh, that's funny. And because I would get like, like, I kind of recognize you looks.
Starting point is 00:53:52 And then a couple people would come up and be like, my boyfriend has forced me to watch you. I was like, heck yeah. Were they there with their boyfriend? Some. Okay. Some. He's like 30 feet away, kind of like this. Some.
Starting point is 00:54:00 Okay. Some. He's like 30 feet away, kind of like this. Like what's the ratio of girls that went and their boyfriend was like, I'm not going to that, but you have a great time. Okay. So we were, we were, we had good ass seats. We're very close. And I thought, you know, I was, cause there was a lot of couples there.
Starting point is 00:54:18 I was like, oh, okay. I won't be alone being this close to not knowing the words, but all the boyfriends need the words too. So I felt, I felt like an asshole. How about you for once get the culture in you? I should have. I should have. No,
Starting point is 00:54:30 Khan is a culture. You whiffed, you whiffed back to back nights. Is he famous? Yeah. He's at the Hollywood vocals. He's no way. He knows about the Hollywood bowl and he has a song.
Starting point is 00:54:41 It's mega, mega viral. You might've heard of, it's called the espresso. Yeah, that's him might have heard of. It's called Espresso. Yeah, that's him. That's him. It's called I Love Women
Starting point is 00:54:48 and thanks for listening to my music. He says, I've got pollen in my vagina. I like him now. I'm a fan because he's from Vermont.
Starting point is 00:54:57 Okay. So you like him now. To a different state. Nah, because he was shouting out New Hampshire. He shouted out New Hampshire is the only time
Starting point is 00:55:02 I've ever heard that. How did he do that? In what context? Because you kept, you kept, like before a song, you'd be like- I'm gonna name my favorite racist places in the world. Starting with number one. No. Shout out New Hampshire.
Starting point is 00:55:12 Shout out Hollis. Especially Hollis. I would not especially. Especially. That fucking loser Ludwig lives there. I see him in the crowd. He's right there. Everyone pointed Ludwig.
Starting point is 00:55:20 I didn't even plan this. I can't believe he's here. I say this in every show. Not a lot of famous people out of there. Is he wearing a baby's bonnet? Ludwig's wearing a baby's bon't believe he's here! I say this in every show! Not a lot of famous people out of there. Is he wearing a baby's bonnet? Ludwig's wearing a baby's bonnet in the crowd. I wasn't wearing that. I'm not wearing that no longer.
Starting point is 00:55:32 Ludwig would unironically wear a baby's bonnet to Disneyland. No I wouldn't! You'd show up in your car's fucking Crocs, in a USA Speedo, and a baby's bonnet. And you'd be like, yeah, this is just how I dress, so deal with it. And the Pampers are just comfy. Double wall. As long as it's got a Red Bull logo on it.
Starting point is 00:55:52 Well, then you with a Bull logo. Red Bull gaming. Baby bonnet. Red Bull. Is that real Gucci? Is this? No, the shirt. Oh, yeah, of course.
Starting point is 00:56:04 You like that shit? Look at that Gucci. Wait, is that real? This cost me $800. No, the shirt Oh yeah, of course That's Fucci You like that shit? Look at that goot Wait, is that real? This cost me $800 No, you're lying I can't know It's a joke, it's a joke That's Fucci
Starting point is 00:56:11 Fucking Venice Beach, idiot Okay, whoa Shit, chill When were you at Venice Beach? See, you don't tell me about shit I don't tell you about shit And that's the relationship you wanted? I'm asking the question
Starting point is 00:56:23 This is weird It's not weird? It is asking the question. This is weird. It's not weird? It is weird. You're weird. It is weird. It is weird that he went to Venice Beach. Yeah, for a bro that doesn't like planned group activities, he's planned some activities with some group, and it's not us.
Starting point is 00:56:33 I don't know. I wonder what that group is. Yeah. I wonder what that group is. It's awesome. Not me. I didn't hear about it. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:56:37 Did you hear about it? No. I didn't hear about it, and I checked my signal, too. I would have loved to go to the Kendrick Lamar show. And I checked my signal too I would have loved To go To the Kendrick Lamar show Dude
Starting point is 00:56:47 When they brought When they brought Like the West Coast Out on stage He would have been like And I don't know that person And I don't know Did you
Starting point is 00:56:53 Did you go to Venice Beach And to the To the Gibbon exhibit On the same day No I got this forever ago dude I just haven't worn it Cause I have
Starting point is 00:57:01 A lineup of podcast shirts That I keep forgetting to wear And this is one of them. Okay. This makes more sense. I was like, you did like six hours of driving to do that.
Starting point is 00:57:11 Cool. Wait, you went to a Gibbon exhibit? Yeah, you saw the... You posted videos of the monkeys in the group chat. Oh, you were playing Elden Ring. Didn't look. I was locked in, man.
Starting point is 00:57:19 That's fine. I was in the fucking time chamber. Do you... Never mind. No, say it, man. Say that shit, man. Say that shit. Say time chamber. Do you? Never mind. No, say it, man. Say that shit, man. Say that shit. Say that shit.
Starting point is 00:57:28 Speak it. Say it. I don't think you're capable of love. Wow. No, no. Well, at least sit with it and think about it. You can't just reject it off rip. I didn't reject it.
Starting point is 00:57:40 It would make you close-minded to reject it off rip. Wow. Wow. All right. Don't look at him like that. Don't use that power of yours. No, no, no. It would make you close-minded to reject it All right Why is it so funny guys No, don't cast it on that close your eyes. You're watching your eyes at home. I beg you coming at home. I Can love you.
Starting point is 00:58:09 You should let me love you. Love you. Dude, we should do stuff together. We should do stuff together. You guys think that you would... This could be the... Two seconds of summer. This is the one. This is the one.
Starting point is 00:58:19 What does that mean? Like five seconds of summer, but it's a smaller band. 98 Degrees. What's that one? 98 Degrees. Holy shit. 98 Degrees is a band. That's it. 98 Degrees. What's that one? 98 Degrees. Holy shit. 98 Degrees is a band. That's it.
Starting point is 00:58:27 98 Degrees. That's a throwback. I've been watching fucking dog shit reality TV with Cutie. That's cool. And I was roasting her for it because she watches this show called The Perfect Match. And one of the guys on this is the host of it. Oh, is it Nick Lachey? Yeah, it's Nick Lachey.
Starting point is 00:58:44 That's exactly the guy. Yeah. And I'm watching... Those guys all look like they do magic. I'm watching the show. It's dog shit reality TV. It's like where all the reality TV show contestants go. And they know each other.
Starting point is 00:58:58 You said it was like the Avengers. Yes. They did this last show. It's so bad. That guy looks like a minion. It's so bad that, you know, I finished it. I watched the whole thing. Oh, you also watched it. No, I'm. That guy looks like a minion. It's so bad that, you know, I finished it.
Starting point is 00:59:06 I watched the whole thing. Oh, you also watch it. No, I'm just, that's it. That's it right now. This is what I'm getting is,
Starting point is 00:59:11 is they're good at their fucking jobs though. Of being on reality TV shows? No, the editors and the producers. Cause man, they got some fucking hooks. Cause Harry was this big, famous 4 million Instagram follower guy on it.
Starting point is 00:59:24 And, and bro, he's a, he's a cunhound. No. God damn, CH. He's a damn little cunhound. He's a CH. Yes, sir. Damn.
Starting point is 00:59:32 Yes, sir. Okay. And the episode ends, and he does some dramatic shit. All right, kisses another girl while he's matched. No. And then, get this. This blew my mind. He kissed another girl, and then the girl's like, yeah, he kissed me.
Starting point is 00:59:43 And then he shows up, and he goes, nah happen just lie erase that's crazy i know i was because it's all filmed that's cool well actually no because he knows they did it by the bathroom where it's not filmed dude they're playing mind games wait but then how do you know how do you know because someone saw it and talked about what you're talking about you didn't believe lovely reads the headline he goes that's my news now that's dude so it. So you're talking about it. But you didn't believe. I'm starting to believe. That's lovely. Lovely reads the headline. He goes, that's my news now. That's, dude.
Starting point is 01:00:11 So you're just hearing whatever someone will damn say about Dr. News. That's Mogul Mail. That's Mogul Mail at work. No, please. Mogul Mail, different guy. Does research. Different guy. That's his story. He does research.
Starting point is 01:00:17 That's the art podcast. Take your sensitive aspect of Mogul Mail. The art pod just kind of shoots him the hit. Mogul Mail. He knows what he's talking about. Good guy. No, they got me. Iul males. He knows what he's talking about. Good guy. But no, they got me. I'm hooked.
Starting point is 01:00:27 That's cool. I'm off House of Dragon now. No. Oh, you're off? Perfect match only. Dude. I'm off. Unless you don't want to like.
Starting point is 01:00:34 What is that? Like 40% of the viewership? Hop on or. Hop on to. You guys want to. To the dating show? Nah, you wouldn't want to watch House of Dragon with me. If it's not in betweeners, don't fucking call me, dude.
Starting point is 01:00:44 Should we start setting up group activities with the four of us? Dude, we hang out. No, we don't. Boom. Basketball. I'm working late. Your slur, your slurry doesn't count. Don't sing Sabrina, you bastard.
Starting point is 01:00:57 Because I'm a singer. Your slurry doesn't count and no one thinks it fucking counts. If Point Crowe's there, it doesn't count. Real. I'll count every basketball day where he's not there. He wasn't there yesterday. That one counts, but I wasn't there. I wasn't there either. I wasn't there. I was actuallye's there, it doesn't count. Real. I'll count every basketball day where he's not there. He wasn't there yesterday. That one counts, but I wasn't there. I wasn't there either.
Starting point is 01:01:07 I wasn't there. I was actually so sad I missed it. We were all there. None of us were there. Who showed up? I do think there's a white crowd fucking stands and Rochelle shooting one-on-one. And they're both buckets. Dude, sometimes stands because he gets competitive.
Starting point is 01:01:21 He gets like, not like mad, but he gets a bit tilted, you know? Yeah, yeah. And there's a couple times we're playing, he like like, not like mad, but he gets a bit tilted, you know? Yeah. And there's a couple times we're playing, he like pulls Rochelle to the side. Ha! And he's like, he's like talks through what he thinks she should do.
Starting point is 01:01:32 I think it's so funny. He's like, don't you ever fucking box me in ever again. Rochelle's a bucket. She's a bucket. She's a bucket. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:39 You would, she's got a pretty good shot. Don't pass her the ball. I would not. She's automatic. You wouldn't beat a single person that shows up. Oh, I'm doing God summer because i i felt like i looked so bad in the uh basketball video not my footwork which was immaculate uh but my body it was just bad
Starting point is 01:01:55 lighting man it was just bad lighting and like wearing a basketball jersey and like vertical stripes no guy looks good in a basketball jersey. Except NBA players. Except for basketball players. But I'm doing God mode summer. So here's my criteria. No sugary drink. Oh, wow. So that has no sugar in it. Dude, can I admit something really stupid about myself right now?
Starting point is 01:02:17 My fridge right now is full of Fresca. And I've always heard Fresca. I don't know what it is. And we have a lot of bubble water in the fridge. So I just assumed Fresco was bubble water. No. And I'm like, this shit tastes good. Damn.
Starting point is 01:02:28 It was like a diet drink before it became. That shit's a diet Coke. I looked at the ingredients. That is a DC. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That tastes like grapefruit. It was like a drink that never had a full sugar, like, doppelganger. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 01:02:40 It's like a diet Coke just came out. So I've been drinking them. I'm like, this is so good. Why is it so much better than all the other bubble waters? And I'm like, I read the back, and I'm like. Yeah, you're sculling aspartame. Xantham gum, huh? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:51 Is there Xantham gum in it? There's some sort of gum in there, yeah. That'd be crazy. So I'm doing, so it's no sugary drinks. So no more like Starbucks coffee. No more like. Dude, your head's going to hurt for like a week, and then you're fine. Then it's no late night binge eating, which I do. That that's my guilty pleasure i'll just reach into the peanut butter bottle and
Starting point is 01:03:09 i'll just eat it so good as a man to not eat after 9 p.m dude it's really hard it's so hard as a fucking dude dumbest shit you ever said no that's real no sound off i don't want to hear some shit it's hard for everyone no it's not yes it's not yes it is hard for women too no it's not women all go to bed at 9 30 that's true he's got you there then all women do the same thing at night they watch love island and they go to bed at 9 30 and they put pimple patches on their face. They put pimple patches and sometimes it's stars and sometimes it's not. You gotta be the dumbest motherfucker.
Starting point is 01:03:46 You're fucking dumb motherfucker. Fucker. I'm not dumb. I'm not dumb. Dude and then they go to Noah Khan every Sunday. Yeah, every like church. So it's that. If yo girl goes to bed past 930 PM. Don't say yo girl like that.
Starting point is 01:03:58 If you can't. Don't say it like that. Actually let me look at this. If yo girl. If yo girl. So there's two more criteria but i need help with a punishment if i fail oh yeah uh criteria number three is uh workout three times a week no exceptions at all even if i'm traveling usually when you're like travel you make excuses can you
Starting point is 01:04:17 cheese it or do you have like a no threshold i can't you can't cheese it like it's basically either do strength or like or want to run or do something yeah and if it's an absolute bare bare minimum is 10k steps i mean that's great so that's like that counts as a workout yeah if i'm like strapped you know but i if i'm just doing 10k steps you i've already failed myself so it's like i'll count that as a fail what did you did you pick a punishment no i didn't and the the fourth one is not fitness related, but it's devote an hour to a creative endeavor every single day. I like that one. An hour.
Starting point is 01:04:50 That's when you're going to fail. I like that one from him. An hour is long. Because we got so many creative endeavors. We got a lot of endeavors. And if he's working an hour a day, sheesh. There's a lot of shit to be involved. They got some endeavors. I've heard about their endeavors.
Starting point is 01:04:59 We have endeavors. Not interested. You're not interested in our endeavors. I find the endeavors not interesting. I'm interested in your endeavors. I think they're stinky. I got good endeavors. You're not interested in our endeavors. I find the endeavors not interesting. I'm interested in your endeavors. I think they're stinky. I've got good endeavors. Many people like my endeavors.
Starting point is 01:05:09 People talk about my endeavors. I'm into those endeavors. If people knew about our endeavors, they would similarly talk about our endeavors. Not at the scale of his endeavors. Not in the circles you want them to talk in. Wow. Okay. Well, after a hurtful hour, we'll...
Starting point is 01:05:24 Okay, so, and that's it. That's God. And that's until summer's over. But you need to pick a punishment. And so if I fail, I need a punishment. Any of them? That's three months. I'm dumb as fuck.
Starting point is 01:05:35 Yeah, man. I just have to figure out how long a summer is. Yeah, it's like all the seasons. You have to do a whole episode in a diaper. Okay. No. Okay. I had to just take off my pants.
Starting point is 01:05:46 Not my crinkling diaper. No, and there's a lav on my crinkle. Yeah, you have a crinkle mic. Yeah. You have to wear a diaper and then go to Panera in a little while. And shit yourself. Yeah, I guess I would have to shit your pants with the diaper on. I think that's what I would want.
Starting point is 01:06:01 I think that's what if you, I want you to be entirely naked, except the diaper on the podcast. No, I want it. And I think I need you to shit your podcast past the 50 minute mark. We're going to do a podcast on Venice beach. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 01:06:15 If you fail all wearing Venice beach shirts, except for you who is only in a diaper and the podcast ends with you shitting yourself on Venice beach. Yeah. And if someone... I could get hosed off. And if someone comes up to us and asks what we're doing while we're podcasting, you have to cry at them until they leave like a baby. You have to go, where?
Starting point is 01:06:35 Where? Until they leave. Even if it's a cop. That's a punishment for me. I would do it, especially if it was a cop, because anyone can shoot me in the head, and this fucking nightmare would be over. I tell them, I'm actually a pit bull, do it! And then he kills me. They might shoot you just for being a baby.
Starting point is 01:06:50 That's true. They fire really loud cylinders down there. Do you agree to those terms? Do you like those terms? Yeah, I'll agree to that. What's your reward? Uh, just living a healthier and more fit- Really? There's no reward? No. The reward is the activities themselves.
Starting point is 01:07:04 What do you reward yourself with? Your stupid ass goals? There's supposed to be one. The reward is the activities themselves. What do you reward yourself with? Your stupid ass goals. There's supposed to be one for... What's your reward? You're supposed to gift yourself something, right? God mode, no? Did you have another Marcus Aurelius coin? I'm going to lose my mind.
Starting point is 01:07:12 I started reading that book because it was on his desk when I was at his house. Yeah. I started reading it and it's... It's hard to read. I mean, look. It was not written for the public. It's thick. It's thick.
Starting point is 01:07:22 I'll call it thick. Like, there's parts in that book... Some parts he says some things and I'm like... Like, you know, he not read, written for the public. It's thick. It's thick. I'll call it thick. Like, there's parts in that book. Some parts he says some things, and I'm like, abosh. Like, you know, he's like, your mind is beautiful. Archie bleeped that. Wait, what? Right. Because we got demonetized last episode because I said, abosh.
Starting point is 01:07:35 And they thought I said a different word. What was the word? No, Archie has to. Oh, you dog. I didn't do that. On Pride Month, you little dog. Why did you say that? I didn't do that! Why'd you say that? So Archie, for now, you have to treat it like a Bosch.
Starting point is 01:07:50 That one you also have to bleep. Archie, they hate when we bleep. So can you just replace it with Bosch? Can you find a clip of that? No, no, it's his voice. I love the Bosch guy. Bosch. The guy who puts the gravy without looking. Dude, when he no-looks a gravy pour, I'm gonna Bosch guy. Bosch. The guy who puts the gravy without looking.
Starting point is 01:08:05 Yeah. Dude, when he no-looks a gravy pour, I'm going to start doing that. The no-look gravy pour? I'm going to start eating gravy more. I'm going to have a Bosch day more. And you know I don't look when I pour it. I think you'll achieve it. I don't know what I'm doing. If you're not in, just don't even.
Starting point is 01:08:17 What if your reward is that us three have to do a podcast in Venice Beach in diapers? My reward? Yeah. Dude, what the fuck? We won't shit ourselves. No, dude. Why not? Because I think that would be too much of a reward.
Starting point is 01:08:31 Okay, what if I up the stakes? Okay, I would be down for that. No, I'm fine with that. I think one of you guys should do it for the culture, though. I think I already offered an exemplary shitting activity. I would definitely hop in. I wouldn't do the shitting part if Aiden wants to. The toilet cam, I already offered. You want me to do it for real?
Starting point is 01:08:54 Yes. Dude, that's beast. What was this again? Yes. That's so much less bad than what we're talking about right now. It's a dual cam setup. The top half is Aiden's upper body, and the bottom half is a GoPro inside of
Starting point is 01:09:06 a toilet. That's less bad, do you? Oh, absolutely. I would do Venice Beach before that. Yeah, how is that worse? You'd shit yourself on Venice Beach? You want people to see it inside your asshole? Yeah, because it's only the people who want to see it, you know? I think I feel so much worse about the idea of
Starting point is 01:09:22 shitting in front of innocent bystanders at Venice Beach. Oh, wait, we have to shit ourselves? Oh, that's different. You're right. in front of innocent bystanders at Venice Beach Oh, wait, we have to shit ourselves? Oh, that's different, you're right In a diaper! Oh, being at Venice Beach in a diaper is clearly better Dude, I'd fucking- But shitting myself in the diaper at Venice Beach I'd go up in the air like Stan Mars
Starting point is 01:09:34 No one cares No one cares, people would care No, no, but it would smell No one knows whether or not you shat yourself Yes they would, they'd see my kombucha shit leaking out You'd look like Kragg if I was you flying the diaper It would be a Kragg on me if you'd see my kombucha shit leaking out the diaper. It would be a crag of beef to stay on a shit in butter. Recovery's just too good. I think shitting yourself is way worse. Well actually no, cause those pictures are gonna go everywhere.
Starting point is 01:09:58 You're saying it's for people who want, but like, who cares? Who cares? You say who cares? I'm my asshole without my face next to it? Dude your face is on there because it's a camera. It's a dual camera. It's still better. That's crazy. You should have one of those like- I'm not gonna be upset about people willingly sharing pictures of my asshole. Dude, one of those GoPro, like TikTok GoPro angles. I'm gonna be upset.
Starting point is 01:10:22 Oh yeah, the 360 camera. Yeah, yeah, Tranguy. You're saying this as if we're stupid. You guys are stupid! Dude, I don't fucking- people see my fucking asshole shitting out of it and there's shit! It's cuz in fucking Sweden this is called midsommar. Yeah, there's a little fucking hair on my like ass crack and stuff and they look at it and it's like whatever. We did it in Sweden, we shat on each other. Dude, I'll be as beautiful.
Starting point is 01:10:41 Yeah, me and Leffen's grandma, we did it together. Me and Leffen. I'm beautiful. Yeah, me and Leffen's grandma, we did it together. I'm beautiful. I had a heart rate monitor for the Elden Ring stream, and it was going on while I was shitting, and that felt a little vulnerable. Really? Wait, is that the clip that Kelby posted?
Starting point is 01:10:57 No, that might be the Black Knight clip. What was that clip? Is there a reason why when I clicked on that clip, that clip was gone? Oh, well, it's because YouTube auto-deletes all live streams longer than 12 hours Yeah, kind of shit, but no that cliff is a others There was a group of nights black nights who were fighting a dragon and I wanted to help them fight the dragon Right there a target switch on to you, which is fucking annoying annoying fight It's like we have the same common enemy
Starting point is 01:11:25 Yeah, you can't wait for them to die from the dragon Hey fellas Well, you guys want to fight this dragon? I'm totally In your head then they put it yeah They put a fucking And so I got mad and then after my eighth try doing it cuz I needed the thing that you get cuz you get nature So I'm a smithing stone from the dragon I I died to like this night and the's low health and i said i'm going
Starting point is 01:11:47 to fucking kill every one of those uh you people those black knights and then i was like i gotta stop the sentence because dude i died i honest to god just fucked up and then my heart rate jumped dude that is so funny heart rate really 45 and probably like 50, 55, but it hits 40s. Yeah, it's real. I have a low heart rate. I have a fucking low resting. Yeah, us athletes have that. Pause.
Starting point is 01:12:14 Pause. Genuinely. What's your resting? What's your resting? I don't know. You got an Apple Watch on you? No. I don't have a...
Starting point is 01:12:19 Your Apple Watch, you have one. Yeah. Let's test our heart rate. It's dead right now, but mine is 62. Mine's like 54. Mine's fucking 13. I was asking in the chat. I don't know why I thought that was funny.
Starting point is 01:12:36 You're just comatose. No, I'm just slow. When I was watching the basketball video back, I was asking genuinely, what am I supposed to do in these situations? Like, like I'm reviewing, VOD reviewing,
Starting point is 01:12:47 like getting diced by a sixth grader. And I learned that it has to do with, um, footwork and, and using your feet better.
Starting point is 01:12:56 It would be, I think, I mean, it would be so unfair to isolate it to one thing. Yeah. Shine grab probably didn't help
Starting point is 01:13:04 versus IBDW, like not knowing how to do it. Yeah. But there's other things on that list that are higher. So I don't... Like you need to learn how to like, to dash dance. One thing is I don't know how to dribble a basketball without looking at it.
Starting point is 01:13:17 Yeah, that's hard. And that's hard. Thank you. It's hard to do. That is one of the harder things that you don't know How to do There's easier ones Shoot the ball
Starting point is 01:13:26 Shoot the ball You didn't For whatever reason You just never Shot off the glass ever Yeah Versus smaller kids You'd box them out
Starting point is 01:13:33 You'd do great You'd turn into a U-Haul But then you'd always miss You're like You basically hold the ball here And the kids Like you're the kid I mean you just
Starting point is 01:13:41 Hold the ball here You look exactly Where you want to throw it And then throw it But you wouldn't do that You just hold the ball here. You look exactly where you want to throw it and then throw it. But you wouldn't do that. You just look up and go, same motion. Your easiest way to score was almost exactly what you were trying to do by the end, which was you back them down.
Starting point is 01:13:54 But then instead of turning around and then like kind of blindly throwing it up, turn around and just stand in front of them and hold the ball up so they can't reach. Like you would with a fucking piece of candy. If you are in a layup zone at the basket, it's pretty much impossible to miss. That's what you're the really fun I missed yeah, no, but because you weren't going off the glass you're going like trying to get it perfectly in Yeah, you're sure two hands Yeah, like when you lay up you can like put it in one hand cuz then you can not be going up down you can Go this way and that you kind of chuck it like a case
Starting point is 01:14:25 down you can go this way and that you'd kind of chuck it like a caveman you had a great moment against elias where you backed him down and then he like bounces off your body yeah and falls and then you turn and then you go for a shot it was actually all perfect until the shot until the shot dumbass little kid i voted you to be he 5-0'd you people will see soon director's cut I was gonna say everyone was like suspicious Ludwig yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:14:51 keeping out the fifth grade it's not in there I was happy to see that video get down to 10 minutes cause I saw the first cut and I was like 45 and I was like first cut was rough
Starting point is 01:14:58 why 10 minutes I was wondering that myself I mean there wasn't like a specific goal in length just Nick saw the first cut it was just very slow and kind of repetitive and boring yeah Why 10 minutes? I was wondering that myself. I mean, there wasn't like a specific goal and length. Just Nick saw the first cut. It was just very slow and kind of repetitive and boring. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:11 It was just too much of the same. Does everything it needs to do, I guess. Because I think ultimately the only thing people care about is the match, and it wasn't very long. Yeah. Do they still have that thing where if the video is less than 10 minutes, you can only put one ad in it? It's eight minutes, and yeah. And it's not one ad. You just can't do mid-rolls. You can only put one ad in it. It's eight minutes. And yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:26 And it's not one ad. You just can't do mid-rolls. You have like a beginning and... Couldn't do mid-roll on my award-winning vlog from Open Sauce. You can make less money for that. I should have put more fucking hot shit in it.
Starting point is 01:15:36 People kind of respect it though. Of course they respect it because it's for the love of the goddamn game. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Fuck you. I did that today.
Starting point is 01:15:43 When I made the Mogul Mail, I made a transition to put in an ad, but then didn't put in the ad. But it's literally like, yeah, Twitch whispers were being looked at by Twitch employees. And that's not the only thing that people look at. Your internet service provider looks at what you do, and then it just cuts to the next part of the video. Like you just make weird sit-ups.
Starting point is 01:16:05 It's just the weirdest diatribe. Sorry, that's my homie. He's probably like a hostile one. It's funny because I didn't say what the sponsor was, but
Starting point is 01:16:13 everyone's like, that's a Nord ad. Oh wait, are Twitch Whispers still not on the thing? You can still message people. Yeah, they're there,
Starting point is 01:16:18 so. Everyone's like, it was the then active Twitch Whispers product. No, they're still there. They're still there. I always hated Twitch Whispers because it No, they're still there. They're still there. I always hated Twitch Whispers because it shows you who they're watching. Wait, what?
Starting point is 01:16:29 I don't know if they still have this, but you used to be able to see who the person's watching. No, that's gone. Sorry, but it'd be like your friends. I think mutuals. Oh, that was, yeah. I would always be able to see what James the Dank Rooster was watching. And I'd be like, this seems invasive. I don't need to know that he's watching simple like it wasn't getting crazy
Starting point is 01:16:48 Well, I wish I had that for like like modern-day shows and cable and shit Like I want to see what Nick's looking at at night. Oh like what shows I'm watching. Yeah, fucking Vimeo on demand I know for you. It's not for anyone movies like I watch Nick movies like I watch. Nick will be like, it's a popular indie film. It had 10,000 views. Dude, I asked Dan for a movie rec yesterday. He messaged me about your response. And he recommended this movie called Titan, which is a French kind of horror movie, but also kind of like a comedy.
Starting point is 01:17:22 And I watched it. And I was like, Dan, I hated that also kind of like a comedy. And I, and I watched it. And I was like, Dan, I hated that movie. I love that movie. Cause he was saying like, Oh, I get so nervous.
Starting point is 01:17:30 I think, I hope you like my suggestion. I hope you like my food that I've cooked you. And it was, I accepted that because he would, he would not have, he would not have recommended that movie if I hadn't just brought it up. T-I-T-O-N?
Starting point is 01:17:43 T-I-T-A-N-E. Titanium. T-I-T-A-N-E. T-I-T-A-N-E. It's not T-I-T-A-N-E. It's not. I don't make the language. I just say it.
Starting point is 01:17:53 It's so Titan. Oh, man. It's a cool movie. I like that movie. What do you hate about it? Are you writing an essay? Do it. We'll talk later, young man.
Starting point is 01:18:02 I told Dan, I was like, I'll see you on Wednesday and we will talk about, young man. I told Dan, I was like, I'll see you on Wednesday and we will talk about this, young man. He messaged me and he was just like, dude, I'm so sad. I'm like... Because he suggested like a bunch and then he described this one. I'm like, oh, I'll watch that one. Slime's movie taste is very confusing. I often can't pin it down.
Starting point is 01:18:19 I don't think it's confusing. I do think it's confusing. I think what I said to Dan, you can tell me if I'm wrong. What I said to Dan was, I think me if I'm wrong, what I said to Dan was, I think often with some more modern avant-garde filmmaking, you think it's very self-sucking and stupid, but some of your favorite movies are very avant-garde and like weird.
Starting point is 01:18:37 And I think that that is confusing. Because I think a lot of times you've watched like a new movie that's like really weird or like, you know, young filmmaker or something, you have like a negative review. You're like, was all stupid unless it's funny but if it's not funny you're way more critical i know but not if it's an old movie you'd like that you probably actually do like i'm saying now that you would like what akira akira yeah what's that you like it right oh i thought you were trying to do it i think you suggested it. No, no, I'm saying I think you like it. Yeah, I like Akira. I think it's cool.
Starting point is 01:19:05 I don't think it's the goat. What? It's not the goat. Here we go. It's cancel me. It's cancel me. Why don't you? It is the goat.
Starting point is 01:19:16 It's not the goat. The goat of what? Anime movies. No. It's got dialogue and structural problems. That's a word you used earlier. I'm using it correctly. Structural problems, in my opinion. It's got some structural problems. That's a word you used earlier. I'm using it correctly. Structural problems, in my opinion.
Starting point is 01:19:26 It's got some narrative problems. And these things I enjoy very much out of a film. And when they don't have them, I tend to not like it very much. Dude, you'd be a fun Letterboxd user. You should get involved. Yeah. Yeah, I would go crazy. My only review on Letterboxd is The One with Jet Li.
Starting point is 01:19:42 We should watch it. We watch it in the Discord a bunch. What was that? Next door. What do you guys think of The Departed? I watched that. I fucking love The Departed.
Starting point is 01:19:56 You watch it on a plane? I fucking watched The Departed. It's fucking wicked good. It's too long. It's just too slight. It's too long. It is too long. Come back to me when it's cut down yeah that's it the basketball video of that time oh okay you know we just gotta shave 20 off the departed 20
Starting point is 01:20:14 off it cake take the take the part of polite re-edit the departed oh by the way by the way you got a fucking you dogged polite what are you What are you talking about? Yeah, it's true. I know what I'm about. Everybody gave flowers to Shake for the basketball edit. They shouldn't have given him flowers because he took so damn long. He didn't edit. I know. But I took the, I took the. I know, but everyone was.
Starting point is 01:20:35 Oh, you're saying you saved Polite. I saved Polite. Everyone gave Shake his flowers for the edit that he didn't do. Polite's the one who edited the basketball video, but I think because of the pod, everyone came to the video and they're like, damn, Shake actually fucking killed it. Well, it's because we kept telling Shake he was gonna get fired, which he is. It's true. That's true. And I like to
Starting point is 01:20:53 continue that joke, but then I forgot that Polite, so yes, Polite edited the basketball video. If you liked how it turned out, that has to do with Polite. So take the flowers away from Shake's nasty little mouth. Take it out. And that's why Shake's actually getting fired, because he hasn't made a video in, polite. So take the flowers away from Shakes. Nasty little mouth. Take it out. And that's why Shakes is actually getting fired because he hasn't made a video in a long time. When's the last time he edited a video?
Starting point is 01:21:10 When's the last time he made a video? Oh, Dr. Computer? He doesn't even have Premiere Pro anymore. Lord knows. He's putting that shit together in Pinnacle. He's playing Slay the Spire every day. Damn. Every day.
Starting point is 01:21:20 He's depressed, man. He's probably hitting some strange weed. Has he been working out? Some weird stuff. That you smuggle for him. Yeah, he's hitting the Steezy that has formaldehyde and butt juice in it.
Starting point is 01:21:30 Yingo's been asking him to work out. He says no. Yingo? Yingo wants to work out and he's like, yo, shake will you work out with me? And he goes no.
Starting point is 01:21:37 You know who's been a disciplined workout king is Don B. Don B's in here every day. He's been working out a lot. You know who's really disciplined is Mango. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:47 That dude biked 16 miles this morning. That's crazy. I mean, that's not... That's so sick. You can be such a... No, I'm more like, I'm more surprised.
Starting point is 01:21:56 I don't think it's like a super far amount to bike, but it's more like he's been so consistent. Dude, he lost a ton of weight. He has kept it so consistent. You know what he totally does is he bikes with his subs.
Starting point is 01:22:06 So like they all have the Peloton and they're all on the app and they bike together. He's like, yeah, I just biked with my subs this morning. He doesn't touch the phone. I'm like, you're the only guy. You are the only guy.
Starting point is 01:22:14 This is the closest we'll ever get to the sub cruise. What's the tattoo you got? Raz from Psychonauts. He also got that? No, no. You don't have the shit on there. You don't like it?
Starting point is 01:22:26 What do you mean? The, this plastic. Uh, I didn't get my tattoo today. Mine was yesterday. Oh. His was today. Uh, he got the Time Wizard from Yu-Gi-Oh. Oh, that's sick.
Starting point is 01:22:34 But we got them in the same spot. Oh. Yeah, yeah. And so they can kiss. Does it have a matching significant part of it? Mm, they got, like, matching backgrounds, I'd say. Yeah, but mine, I don't yeah but mine not a lot of color yet are you gonna color it
Starting point is 01:22:46 yeah we're both gonna get colored cute he got he started color today we both did not finish so a month from now
Starting point is 01:22:53 we have to go back a month and now he wants to do his hands he's like next we're into our hands what and I'm like okay
Starting point is 01:22:59 yeah that's hard he wants Fox and Falco oh that's cool and I'm like that's cool I can't do that it's funny cause he already has them on his arms yeah yeah he has them here he has Fox and Falco. Oh, that's cool. And I'm like, that's cool. I can't do that. It's funny because he already has them on his arms. Yeah, yeah, he has them here.
Starting point is 01:23:07 He has Fox and Falco on his arms. He wants them here. I have you always. I have you always on my butt. I see you. You never see me. I never see you. You guys have the same amount of tattoos.
Starting point is 01:23:17 Trey. One, two, three. Yours just are fucking large. I guess. I feel like you have more. This could be two, I guess. I mean, it is two. I guess. So I feel like you have more. This could be two, I guess. I mean, it is two.
Starting point is 01:23:27 I guess. I thought that was one. My fleet is one. Yeah, sure. Wait, what's my third? Oh, right. Once they touch. Did you forget about Guy?
Starting point is 01:23:35 I forgot about Guy. We all got a similar amount. Little baby Guzman. Good ol' coots. You'll never get one? Huh? You'll never get one? No, I actually do have one that I am supposed to get.
Starting point is 01:23:43 You're getting a Phantom one, right? I just keep forgetting to schedule it. That is the Phantom one. Oh yeah, let's get it in Australia. Where are you getting it? Get it on the wrist? I was going to get it on my ankle. P-H-A-N-T-O-M and then question mark.
Starting point is 01:23:59 I don't know. I'm past the... I realized that I'm past the part of tattoos. I used to really want a tattoo so when you get it it's easier to sit, easier to sit through the pain, because you're like, you want this thing. Now I don't really want any more tattoos. Mango just, like, really wants to get them, so I'm like, yeah, sure, I'll get more. But when I don't have that desire, they suck a lot more. Dude, when getting this one, I was, I'm already at that point, because I was just like, ugh, this sucks.
Starting point is 01:24:22 He just ripped ass in the middle of your story. I didn't hear it. I can see his butt. No, don't do that dude. Are we close to done? Is this what you wanted? No. He put it back to his mouth and I saw him lick it.
Starting point is 01:24:38 Zipper. I did not lick it. I can see the folds of Aiden's butt. Five minutes? I want out. I can see the... Oh, that smells like car brakes. I can see the folds of Aiden's butt. Five minutes? Under the chair. Welcome. That is funny.
Starting point is 01:24:49 Dude, I'm taking a picture of this. You know what freaked me out is when we posted the picture of Aiden looking kind of cute on the yard Twitter, the amount of quote retweets were actually way too many. Oh, dude. All the private quote retweets?
Starting point is 01:25:02 Yeah. I thought of a better caption for that after and I just, it's lost to the sands of time now and I was so sad. But I wanted to say, she gonna suck
Starting point is 01:25:10 whatever I pull out these Calvins. That's good. I should have said that with the tweet. You gonna suck whatever I pull out these Bob Leponge pants.
Starting point is 01:25:20 Pajama pants. Bob Leponge. What, dude? Here you go doing your shit again. Here you go fucking doing your tongue tricks. You're cocked up, bro. I don't think you're capable of Ludwig because when...
Starting point is 01:25:30 Ludwig. What the fuck? I love how that fused. I don't think you're capable of Ludwig. Ludwig. Ludwig. New era of Ludwig. Ludwig.
Starting point is 01:25:39 We put you in a machine that makes you permanently high. And you become Ludwig. Oh, wow. That'd be bad. You always have the little hearts going over your head. Like a Sim. Like a Sim who's smitten. Let's go back to France.
Starting point is 01:25:50 Okay, why is he not capable of love? You loved in France. Actually, that's a question I should ask. Do you love Elden Ring? Do I love Elden Ring? See? He doesn't. Well, no.
Starting point is 01:26:03 I have a difficult relationship with Elden Ring. Yeah. Yeah. Because it's trialed have a difficult relationship with Elden Ring. Yeah. Yeah. Because it's trialed me a lot. Sure. You know? Because at the end of the day, we're fucking brothers. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:26:12 But on the court, we're sworn enemies. Like, like, because there's definitely points where it's like, I fucking hate you, but it's like, when it's all over, I want to grab a beer with you. Like the feeling when you, like, beat a big boss and it was fucking kicking your ass. You're like, yes! My heart went from my very normal resting heart rate of 45 to 145.
Starting point is 01:26:32 145 is crazy. I went 145 on the final boss. My question, I guess, is do you... How do I put this? I don't know. What game do you love? And it can't be one you play as a kid. You can't play...
Starting point is 01:26:49 I think you love Melee. I love Melee. I think you like watching Melee. No, but that's love. That can be loving. That's fine, but I'm talking about games that you play. That, I think, is an important distinction. Yeah, like actively play.
Starting point is 01:27:03 The reason I don't play is not because I don't love it Does that mean you can't love Like if you're an NBA player Who retires Can you not love basketball anymore Can you just have to Well I'm gonna kill Aiden That's a great question
Starting point is 01:27:11 I'm gonna kill Aiden Before he's 30 But I'll still love him forever Wait Let's Huh Can Shaquille O'Neal's Broken body love the game
Starting point is 01:27:19 How has your capacity For the ability to love media Changed You should let me love you. Let me be the one to This is the one. I don't know what the fuck that means. That's fine. You don't care.
Starting point is 01:27:34 You don't care. It's alright. I love. You don't think critically about things and you will always be like that. I love Red Bull. This is the exact scene from Anchorman. I love Red Bull. This is the exact scene from Anchorman. I love Red Bull. One to one is what's happening right now.
Starting point is 01:27:49 I love lamb. What's your favorite flavor, I guess? Red Bull. That's cringe. At least say a favorite flavor, you chilled bitch. Red Bull flavor. I love Red Bull. My favorite flavor is Red Bull Normal.
Starting point is 01:28:00 I love Red Bull. I like cold normal. Cold normal. Cold normal. I like cold normal. Fresh off the boat from Sweden. Yes, sir. Give me that cold normal cold I like cold fresh off the boat from Sweden sir give me that cold whichever flavor has the least carcinogens in it I like the apricot okay this is crazy you give the worst head of this group. I would give amazing head. What the fuck? What do you mean? I'd fucking take all the balls, dude. Nobody here thinks that.
Starting point is 01:28:27 My head would be crazy. Nobody here thinks that. Why? Explain to me why, Aiden. Because the basketball video would be unathletic head. Yeah. Dude, halfway through,
Starting point is 01:28:36 you couldn't go home. No, I wouldn't. You wanted something else. No, you wouldn't finish the job out. You'd need to look at the cock to do it. You wouldn't finish the job out. I'd get too nerdy about it. I'd like figure out
Starting point is 01:28:44 exactly where the G spot. I'd be using the G spot. You'd be like, that's cheating. It is cheating. I'm going to say I figured out the game faster than you guys. It could probably be second. He's a gamer. He figures it out.
Starting point is 01:28:53 You're first? I think I'm third. Okay, so he's first. Yeah. No. Unless he gets a year to practice. You think you're naturally gifted. I think he's the best off rip.
Starting point is 01:29:03 I think it's just like loving that tender lover. I'm too washed. Yeah. I drop seven and a half out of ten every time. I think out of spite, I would become the best at sucking dick in this fucking world. No, you wouldn't. Yes, I would. What have you become amazing about a spite?
Starting point is 01:29:20 You're not a spite-driven man. I am. Nick is. Yes. I'm pretty spite-driven. Nick is the most spite driven man I know what skills did you develop I feel like you
Starting point is 01:29:31 you spite to fuel arguments but not I feel like you get good out of love not out of spite no I think I've gotten good at writing out of spite because I'll read something bad and think that it sucks and be like I'm better than this boxing's of spite because I'll read something bad and think that it sucks and be like, I'm better than this. Boxing's not spite.
Starting point is 01:29:46 That's why I TO'd. Right? And Tekken's not spite, right? Tekken's, it's all spite. What? I thought you just liked the game. You play two seconds online and you're like, fuck these guys. I just love the game.
Starting point is 01:29:57 I do love the game. But spite is surely what drives it. In a healthy way, I think. Was it spite? Anyway, it spite Was it spite with melee At home who you think would give the best head I'm not doing melee Don't do it actually 1 through 4 please
Starting point is 01:30:14 They already get weird Dude stop 40 What's wrong with it I'm feeding you I ate a bunch of plain food I'm going to strangle your neck like Bart Simpson in the Primo. I ate the fucking herring. Eat your dinner. I ate herring and
Starting point is 01:30:30 scoggy. I'm gonna make you look like Bart Simpson in the Primo. You gotta finish your plate before you go back to Elden Ring. Finish your yummy plate before you finish all the side quests and beat the boss made of fingers. I can't. Can you stream you fighting the final boss and not use a Mimic tier? Dude, I've had multiple- Why do you want that?
Starting point is 01:30:46 Because I want, it makes me feel good. I'm going to stroke your ego. You ready? I've had multiple different people tell me, you got to tell Simon to start streaming again. Really? Mm-hmm. I won't say who, though, because you don't get the full treat. What the fuck?
Starting point is 01:30:57 I want all the treats. No, you have the full treat. Damn the damn treat. You have to treat now. You have to treat later. When do I get it later? You can go and start streaming. I stream today. Give me treats.
Starting point is 01:31:03 You can stream. Nope. Hey, stream tonight. You hit Diamond. Nope. Hey, stream tonight. You hit Diamond. Dude. I can't help him. I don't think we can queue together. I haven't played Valorant in months.
Starting point is 01:31:12 I haven't played it all, dude. All right, man. We're out. We're out. We'll see you in the primo. Don't do what Ludwig said. Deuce, deuce. I will remove you from the comments.
Starting point is 01:31:20 Hey, this is the one. Hey, this is probably it for us. Hey. Hey, though. Maybe we call this episode that. This is the one, and it's that. This is the one. It's going to be us. Hey. Hey, though. Maybe we call this episode that. This is the one, and it's that. This is the one.
Starting point is 01:31:26 It's going to be a 10 out of 10 so fast. 100%. Really? Yeah. I hate that we have to... I hate it. What, that we have to do
Starting point is 01:31:33 our job? I'll do one thumbnail that's just Ludwig's face, and it says... What do we call it? Name it right now. Elden Ring took a toll on him. I don't fucking know.
Starting point is 01:31:43 No, no, no. It's my face And the caption Is uh Is uh Uh This This
Starting point is 01:31:51 Uh This boy went off This boy went off Yeah I wanna Kill you with this microphone This boy went off This is fucking
Starting point is 01:31:59 Driving us into your school What about just this boy This boy went stupid I like this boy What if it's Who dat boy And he's the frog on the unicycle and we bring it back I bring it back who dat boy
Starting point is 01:32:09 I'm leaving on that one I'm leaving on that one Why did you take off your Marcus Aurelius necklace? Cuz cuz I didn't want the Pope to see that. I'm gonna pee. It's not Marcus Aurelius, it's the Pope. Cool. All right. Hey later guys. All right. Bye

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