The Yard - Ep. 157 - We Tried Podcasting with a British person... Again! (ft. CDawgVA)

Episode Date: July 17, 2024

This week, the boys are joined by CDawgVA! They discuss how Ludwig & Connor are best friends, how Ludwig got into trouble with YouTube & MrBeast for stealing, and how Connor was a Call of Duty elite c...hampion that was banned...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I will say every time I've ever watched anything with Connor and a fire comes up, he goes, man, love fires. Fires are good. He just says it like, in what way? What the fuck are you talking about? I love, like, whenever there's an opportunity to make a fire, I'm down to make the biggest fire that we can before people, like, at least half the group is like, we should probably cut back.
Starting point is 00:00:30 You can't let this guy into Canada. It would be really bad to let this guy into Canada. What do you mean by the group? How many group fires have you been a part of? Well, you know, like, you're camping, right? I'll always be an advocate for making it way bigger than the fire. For expanding the fire, like, outside of the safe area. Like, way more than just being a rider.
Starting point is 00:00:44 Like, it's going to take, like, if we, like, Yeah, like, if we try to naturally let just being dry. It's going to take like eight hours. Yeah, like if we try to naturally let it go out, it would take like eight hours. It's really dry out. Okay, okay. I got a good YouTube video. Who can make the biggest fire? Yeah. After a certain point, it gets hot.
Starting point is 00:00:57 That's some shit I'd say. That's some shit I'd say. You got me. That's $30. You have to make the biggest fire, but it can't leave a certain box. Okay, okay. Did you see when... I'd say. You got me. I got $30. You have to make the biggest fire, but you can't leave a certain box. Okay, okay. Did you see when I did this video with Chris where he found some guy in Japan who like- Chris Broad?
Starting point is 00:01:12 Yeah, he like had an island. He like owned an island. Oh, yeah. I asked the guy how much this island cost. Jeffrey- Jeffrey-ness. We're like in the Katakana pronunciation. Jeffrey-ness.
Starting point is 00:01:21 Jeffrey Ness. What are the Katakana pronunciation? Jeffrey? Jeffrey? Jeffrey? It's this island that just is like, shit, you couldn't do anything with it. You couldn't build anything on it. You couldn't do anything with it. You went on fire.
Starting point is 00:01:34 And then they had like, he wanted to do camping on it. And I think he thought it was going to be fun. It was not fun. There was like no ground to camp on. Nothing was clear. And the rock formation that was the land was like no ground to camp on. Nothing was clear. And the rock formation that was the land was like a really thin. This fucking Joshua tree camper. Damn.
Starting point is 00:01:52 Where's the Patagonia star? Chris Farley? By the way, that's what you sound like to Japanese people. Where's murder camp? It was literally like a cliff's edge. That was it. It was dangerous. I saw it, but the real issue is that Chris pegged like a moron.
Starting point is 00:02:16 There was a lot of problems. But the point being is that we wanted to make a fire. Luckily, they had tried to clean up this island, but there was way too much bamboo. And I don't know if you know, bamboo grows like stupid fast. So there was a giant pile of bamboo, like enough for like nine hours of fires.
Starting point is 00:02:37 So I just started piling it. You measure things in how much fire. I just started piling it. He's looking at Nick like, I just started piling it. He's looking at Nick like, two and a half. He's like, one,
Starting point is 00:02:49 seven, three. What did you do with animals in the backyard when you caught them as a kid? And so we just... I don't want to answer that. We started just piling. And my goal was to just burn all the wood that was available. And even the wood that was like, soaked wet. And my goal was to just burn all the wood that was available.
Starting point is 00:03:06 And even the wood that was like soaked wet. Because my goal was to like, it was like a whole ass tree. I was like, I'm going to dry it out. I want to burn it. And it's going to burn all night. And then everyone was like, this is ridiculous. They vetoed? They vetoed.
Starting point is 00:03:17 That's funny. And then it was getting late. And they were like, we should have brought a real fire head. We got you back. And I'm going to tell you cleanly and straight to the point. We had five back to back to back to back to back out of 10s, and we thought, how do we get some views? We got to call the big guns.
Starting point is 00:03:31 That was a fluke. I think that episode, that view, I genuinely believe that was a fluke. What the fuck are you talking about? You're a golden goose. You're in two of our most watched episodes. How is it a fluke? You're a golden goose, boy. Produce milk.
Starting point is 00:03:43 It's actually the opposite of a fluke. If this one does well, it's not a fluke? Of a fluke is this one does well, it's not a fluke. Yeah Because I feel like when I try to use myself I don't get the result yes You know, it's fine I have a by the way, I'm getting over a sore throat. You sound like shit. I'm not contagious, I promise. You sound gross. My voice is messed up, but I am so happy to see finally the young man that my beautiful daughter has been spending so much damn time with. Can you show them your sunburn? Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's crazy, dude.
Starting point is 00:04:16 Dude, I came in. I was the last one to get here. Oh, shit. I meant you're doing that. That's true. I meant the top half. That's true. That's top half. That's true. I meant the top half. That's true. That's pretty true. That's true.
Starting point is 00:04:27 You asked for the sunburn line. Yeah, you have the tank top one. I just wish you would have clarified. I'm sorry. That's my bad. That's ridiculous. I feel like that's not my fault. Do you do that normally?
Starting point is 00:04:39 No. It's not normally enough for Nick to anticipate it. You spend too much time on chat. You see my penis? We give this because we go to like Onsen and... Yo. No. It's not normally enough for a knight to anticipate it. You spend too much time on traps. You see my penis? We give this because we go to like Onsen and the spa. We went to Wii Spa. We've seen your shit.
Starting point is 00:04:51 Yeah. I've seen your shit. I've seen your shit. I'm very unimpressed. I've seen your shit. We've seen Aiden's shit. Me too. Old grandfather clock.
Starting point is 00:04:59 Aiden's got hog of the month. He doesn't mean the hog. It's a calendar. We went to the calendar. He's hog of the month. We went to Wii Spa. There's hog of the month. And he's like, hog in the month. He doesn't mean the hog. It's a calendar. We went to WeSpa. There's a hog in the month.
Starting point is 00:05:09 And he's like, he's on there. Bro, we went to WeSpa? I'm pretty sure if you were sawing my penis. Yeah, but that's fine. That's not a big deal. He saw my penis, Connor. Because you saw his penis.
Starting point is 00:05:19 It's an equal tradition in WeSpa. It was in Japan when you went. No, we went to WeSpa last week. This is a week ago. But I'm saying he already saw your penis. We did he saw it again. No what it grows Penis is bigger now than it was My age where it stops yeah, I think it's like 37 Lying I think and I know this is gonna like I think I'm taller now then I So last time I checked you were what six one I know six foot flat
Starting point is 00:05:54 Okay, so now you're what six foot point five which isn't what it says on your driver's license It says six for three, but that's just for fun. Do you just lie? It says six foot three, but that's just for funsies. You just lie. Do you want me to? You can just do that here. You can just lie. A little bit treachery. You can lie anywhere.
Starting point is 00:06:06 Why are you saying here? No, no. I just feel like it's acceptable here. Oh, yeah. But you can just get away with that. In Japan, is there like a guy with a measuring tape? Well, it's only an American thing where you have the height and weight on your driver's license.
Starting point is 00:06:19 Why would you need that? Everyone in Japan is five one ninety pounds. We don't need to check. We're the phenotype. Why would you need your? Everyone in Japan is 5'1", 90 pounds. We don't need to check. You're a phenotype. Why would you need your... I guess you're like, identify. It's literally it. Yeah, it's like if a guy's looking at your license and he's like...
Starting point is 00:06:33 It's a very good identifier if you can be like, I'm just 6'5". I think it's so like if you commit a crime. They can be like, yeah, here's this picture. I'm 6'3". I commit a crime. Three hours later, I'm 80 pounds heavier. I go straight to canes I do the dug dug challenge while I'm in the car still all these group who couldn't gain the most weight the fastest
Starting point is 00:06:54 I feel like me. I like I just drink wait Do you mean like whose metabolism would like support that or you mean like if everyone a week you have to be the heaviest? Like I think percentage, I guess increase. Oh, percentage? Percentage is different. How old are you? Percentage is more fair, I think. I'm 27.
Starting point is 00:07:09 Okay, your metabolism is still good. Happy birthday. Well, I feel like it's not. I mean, it's better that I'm 34 now. And you feel like it sucks? And I feel like if I eat one extra Erewhon item, I think it's Anthony. We're going to hell.
Starting point is 00:07:24 Yeah, it has to be Anthony. I think he's fluctuated the most of anyone in the time of the item. I think it's Anthony. We're going to hell. Yeah, it has to be Anthony. I think he's fluctuated the most of anyone in the time of the show. I move different. Actually, you guys have been doing the pod for three years, right?
Starting point is 00:07:33 Three years. Three years. I feel like when I was getting to three years, I started seeing the differences in our appearance from episode one.
Starting point is 00:07:43 We look very different on episode one. I'll go back and see. Wait, this will be fun. We look very different on episode one. I'll go back and see. Wait, this will be fun. What do you guys think we looked like? And then Archie will put a little
Starting point is 00:07:51 juicy. Archie, can you make me really juicy? Over Connor, can you add porn? Okay. Just do that. Really hot.
Starting point is 00:07:59 Just porn. Can I get some head? What the fuck? We're gonna have porn. Are you gonna make a run? No, when we started the pod, I had a back injury, and I literally couldn't work out or do anything, and I was taking Adderall, which I can't take now because of my heart.
Starting point is 00:08:14 So I was very skin, thin and weak. That's the first episode. I look so young. Now I sound like fucking Alex Jones. I look the same. You look kind of the same. I feel like I look- It might be the beard.
Starting point is 00:08:27 I'm- I'm fully clean-shaven. I love having a bald-ass head. Ain't no difference. I think I was on- what episode was I on? Like 30-something? Nah, you were fucking- were you on like- Oh, my guess? Oh, did everyone make a guess? I think that you were on like- Wait, 12?
Starting point is 00:08:41 He was 12. No, I was like 12. That early? No way. No, because I was on like- I was still like Amaranth. I didn't- My guess is 64. Ooh. I feel like it was 12. No. That early? No way. No, because I was up next to like Amaranth. My guess is 64. Ooh. I feel like it was around the 50.
Starting point is 00:08:49 51. We'll find out in a minute. Okay. I was solicited for sex by a Russian man. A Russian man? You love this though. You love that this happened. You love, hold on.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Oh, the victim can't bring up what happened. You love that the viewer saw your penis? I'm a victim. I'm not a victim. You love that you got solicited. I don't love that the viewer saw my penis. You wiggle a victim! You love that you got solicited? I don't love that the viewer saw my penis. Do you love being loved that much?
Starting point is 00:09:09 I do love being loved, but I was solicited for sex by a Russian man. This is happening. Sort by most viewed. When? Find it faster. What is it? Did you bink it? 51.
Starting point is 00:09:20 51? You're a bad little bitch. Even though you didn't remember... What's with you it was my birthday today it's fine it wasn't your birthday I know your birthday
Starting point is 00:09:29 it was my birthday he forgot it wasn't his birthday it's April 30th it was my birthday that you guys all left the country except for Connor who joined the country
Starting point is 00:09:38 and you guys sometimes ask why do I love Connor more than you there is your answer yes we'll get back to your Russian, man. Let me ask you something really fast right now, Connor. You sound awful, man. Dude, kill yourself.
Starting point is 00:09:49 You sound terrible. You sound like you're doing a voice of a pirate. I'll tell you something. Listen, Connor. Okay. Sounds like Pete Hart. I do feel like I'm talking to my dad. He's going to drop some wisdom right now that you don't really want to hear.
Starting point is 00:10:04 I'm so proud of you graduating high school. Just come here. I want to tell you something. Listen, what if you and me took a paramotoring trip? Don't go on the trip, bro. You and me go paramotor over the damn pyramids. Over the pharaohs. You just live.
Starting point is 00:10:22 over the damn pyramids where the pharaohs used to live dude dude I can't tell if he's doing voice over the percussion like you sound like now who's the voice actor now? now listen to this are you trying to get me killed? what the fuck how did you say that? yeah he is
Starting point is 00:10:40 with the big fan? didn't that guy, didn't that YouTuber die? yes! no he died, he very died Big fan. Yeah The guy that put a big cartoon fan on his back and ran and went flew in the air died There's one who died and there's one who lived but broke his spine most of them live Most like you Connor we go I watch you soar off and I'll catch up later you'll catch up
Starting point is 00:11:06 I'm telling you one catch up and I'll catch up and then you know and then while you're down there me and Ludwig will hang out he's bitter because of our love he's jealous he's envious envious? that guy out of town that turns up that's the only reason why He's jealous. He's envious. Envious? Envy is when you don't have it. That guy out of town that turns up. That's the only reason why.
Starting point is 00:11:29 Turns him out. And that's the problem. It's because I'm here saying, Hey, I brought you this and that. Were you here for my birthday? Did you want us to move the tournament? Did you want us to move it somewhere else?
Starting point is 00:11:46 To move Bikini Bottom? I don't think it's asking for a lot for one day of the year. I don't think it's asking for a lot. I texted you. Twice. Both for Australia Day and Normal Day. Oh wow. I feel like I'm in the middle of... No you're not. You're not in the middle of anything.
Starting point is 00:12:02 I can come back. No, stay. Stay. I can come back. I want you to watch this. Eat your roast beef, we're at Thanksgiving. Are you gonna eat? It's not a big deal, really. I'll come back for the patient segment. We'll go on a paramour, it'll be fun. It'll be fun? It'll be fun.
Starting point is 00:12:18 Okay. What happened, Ludwig, with this Russian man? I got solicited for sex. When? You do? We were at Wii Spa. A Russian guy came up, he goes, I go this Russian man. I got solicited for sex when you do it we spa Like it a Russian guy came up. He goes it wasn't sex he go well He walks up I'm drying off and you have these small little towels to dry off they're like hand towels Mm-hmm, so I need like three of them and I'm getting in there to dry my smash my shit my it's very inefficient towel it's not efficient you need three and the guy comes up and he goes using more towels to make your penis sorry guys i need four towels he walks up he goes i'm russian and i was
Starting point is 00:12:56 like i got that yeah i knew that instantly and then he's like i work for modeling agency very good and i'm like that's fucking. He has a unibrow. And then he goes. So you know Eastern Europe. He goes, you would be perfect underwear model. Wow. And then he goes, you make a lot of money. We can go right after this.
Starting point is 00:13:18 That's crazy. That's wrong. It's maybe 8 p.m. on a Thursday or something. No, it's Wednesday. It's Wednesday. It's Wednesday. It's Wednesday. He's got a studio close. Okay, so you're back by like midnight.
Starting point is 00:13:29 And I'm like, I got a good job. And he's like, yes, very good job. I'm like, I think you misunderstand. I have a very good job. I'm quite happy with it. I don't think I need to do this. And I think he wanted to fuck me. I didn't see the Russian guy, just saying.
Starting point is 00:13:43 Or traffic you. This is so Ludwig to be like, yeah, a guy came up and wanted to blow me. And it's like, well, he didn't say that. Oh, you thought he had just a really good modeling agency that was doing Calvin Klein underwear shoots at APM on Wednesday. I thought it was more insidious. I thought it was some kind of like organ harvesting.
Starting point is 00:14:00 Yeah, that's even worse. Which I think is more likely. He would hate that because it didn't mean he was not sexually wanted. Wait, so you think he wouldn't want to fuck me but he'd want my liver? I think so. I'm so unfuckable
Starting point is 00:14:09 that he'd just take my liver. He wouldn't even get seconds after taking it. Oh no, are you guys supposed to break up? Dude, that was like
Starting point is 00:14:16 a perfect Conor O'Malley. That was crazy. I know. It shifts, it wavers in and out. It's like the end of Final Fantasy VIII when they're going
Starting point is 00:14:23 through all the times that they experience in the game. I just shift through all the voices that I've ever had. When Slime's dying, I'm going to hold his face. It is like Final Fantasy, man. Close your eyes. What the fuck? Close your eyes.
Starting point is 00:14:38 Yeah, man. Well, maybe he did want to suck that dick. I don't know. He did. Cool. It's actually what you're describing happened to Smart Guy. Zipper, while cool it's actually what you're describing happening smart guy zipper while we're talking can you can you look up on youtube smart guy tv show pedophile
Starting point is 00:14:52 episode so this is an episode where they meet a guy on the internet and he he brings them over and they like they like surf in front of like a green screen because they think it's a cool video game and then they almost they his dad almost beats the shit out of him. It's actually a great episode. That's the pedophile. Dude, I knew it when I saw him. Yeah. They casted it well.
Starting point is 00:15:12 That fucking sucks for that guy. Yeah, no, I do think about that. Dude, that does suck. I do think about that, like, when people get roles, and it's like, nah, you just look like the sleazy, evil pedophile. He's winning Surf City.
Starting point is 00:15:22 Is he actually a pedophile? All right, now Ludwig, take off the underwear now. Yeah, so exactly. The idea is like, he's like, so now you guys take off your clothes
Starting point is 00:15:30 and they get weirded out and then they leave and then he almost gets his ass beaten by their dad. Yeah, see, this is like a YouTube poop version of this episode. But I watched this growing up
Starting point is 00:15:40 and it taught me don't play Surf City with the strange guy. If it's Tony Hawk, you're like, Tony Hawk, I'm in. I'm naked. I can surf Venice Beach. So maybe that would We should do a Yard episode like that.
Starting point is 00:15:56 We should invite a pedophile to teach the viewers a lesson. Dude, I see that shit on X all the time. They're just beating the shit out of these guys in Kmart. I feel staged there when I watch it. They beat up Kmart pedophiles on X? I don't think it's staged. I think it's staged.
Starting point is 00:16:10 Oh, maybe. What they do is they do the fucking Chris Hansen, but they invite them to a Walmart. It's like, hey, we've been texting you as an 11-year-old for six days. Meet us at the Walmart. And then they get there. They're like, you're here to meet an 11-year-old? Huh? And then they start fucking punching
Starting point is 00:16:25 the shit out of him. It's like a guy is filming and the other guy is holding the camera also with like a phone. He's like, hey, what's up? Bam! Just fucking slaps him. I don't know why they keep trying to meet in grocery stores. It's always in a public place. They always start running and they always go this guy's here to meet an
Starting point is 00:16:41 11 year old! It's kind of like their call sign these days. Anyway, we should move past the side. We should go camp out at Target until one of the- like they show up. And then we can watch. Just like a show? If we just like camp at Kmart in like, I don't know, Kentucky?
Starting point is 00:17:00 I miss camping out at like fucking GameStop for video games. Did you do that? Yeah, I did it for Call of Duty. I did it for One-Off. I used to watch Americans do it, but never got the chance to do it. What does that mean? You never got the cue. You don't do it in the UK.
Starting point is 00:17:14 What is it? Don't you just do it like eight hours in front of us or something? No, it's if people didn't camp out of stores. We don't just see it on TV. It was just a nation of normal people. No one's ever camped out of a Tesco. They just all agreed that, yeah, we'll just all get there at the normal time. Yeah, like Smash Brothers for the Wii came out.
Starting point is 00:17:37 Brawl. And I remember that was like a big deal. And I remember I was talking to my friend about it in school. I was like, dude, people are going to camp out. I don't know if I'm going to get my copy. Nobody fucking camped out. Everyone got their copy. Oh, dear.
Starting point is 00:17:47 Why would I do such a thing? Because British people don't want to make fires. Well, I would have made the fire. And I would have kept it going. It would have been a hazard. I would have burnt the game store. I would have made a fire. It would have been a great fire.
Starting point is 00:18:00 You know where the hookup was in my town? If you wanted a game early was 7-eleven because they had games for some reason and the clerics didn't give a fuck. They would hand them out early Yeah, they had early ass like Halo 3 my friends got Halo 3 a couple days early because the guy was like yes Yeah, you got a little no. It was real you got fail. I was starring a dog Doug the chief Place online that you care where you paid double, but their guarantee was that they would give you the game early. Like they would send it out two, three days early.
Starting point is 00:18:32 I like that. That's it. And that was like crazy because like they, I feel like that's why a bunch of like the early footage came from like random UK people. Because there was just this one place that would always give you it two, three days early. So when COD came out, I'd always order it,
Starting point is 00:18:44 like I'd pay like double just to get it two three days early just so i could be like level 50 by the time everyone else got on your little card you can play online already level 50 that was you're talking about like cod four or five i was really into a lot of cards i i did you guys play modern warfare three yeah where everything looked like it was flop everything looked like khaki pants everywhere everything was gray yeah yeah well they had like they introduced the thing called call of duty elite i don't know if you remember this you remember this yes i do and it was basically like you could it was like a basically what battle pass is now but like you bought all the dlc beforehand oh and then they had these online tournaments and uh but they were like psychotic
Starting point is 00:19:26 it was like who could get the most captures and capture the flag in 24 hours so then i me being like 16 i was like well shit so i called up my friend i was like we gotta do shifts yeah yeah we uh let's get to work and you would win something shit like a shot glass set but i but i won it so but he was like really it'd be like top 20 would get it so it's separated from EU and NA yeah so I used the EU side I know I might have crushed but uh he playing easy side well cash and serve you can you guys janitors a lot of cod pros are from UK dude this whenever you go into Sweden or Norwegian you're fucked they're just they were
Starting point is 00:20:01 just so good at cod anyway point being I Anyway, point being, I started doing these tournaments and I started winning a ton. Started winning weird prizes. Then eventually they changed the tournament to be three hours, which was a lot more doable because people were complaining. Because it was like,
Starting point is 00:20:16 I don't want to fucking play COD for 24 hours. It's miserable. So I won like 20 or 30 tournaments. Oh my God. Were you nice with it? I was good at COD back in the day. This is only, like,
Starting point is 00:20:26 I don't know. This is why I had a really hard time transitioning to PC because I was always a controller player. Played COD a bunch and then I won some really cool stuff which my parents were really concerned about because it just showed up to the house
Starting point is 00:20:36 because it all came in one go. Dude, it probably looks like literally American military propaganda. Literally, because it would be like, some of the shit was so ass like I remember
Starting point is 00:20:46 but I would win it just because I wanted to win. So I ended up winning like three skateboard decks that had no wheels. That was Cod themed.
Starting point is 00:20:52 That's dope. That's pretty sick. I still got it in my attic. Dude that's hard. You should put those up. Put them up on the
Starting point is 00:20:58 wall. Were they all Mono or for three themed? They were just Cod themed. That's good. That's good.
Starting point is 00:21:03 One thing I got that was crazy and I won it was they had this thing for COD where they had like a poker set. It came in a giant wooden box and they only made 250 and they gave them out to like influencers and staff. I think like Keemstar had one. I remember seeing. Back in the day. Back in the day.
Starting point is 00:21:20 Right around the time where there was an incident. Yeah, I had that. I had that thing. I had that with the dog oh shit so I had this giant poker set that I won that I was trying to sell
Starting point is 00:21:29 for so long still got it in my attic in the UK oh shit I want an iPad wait bro what I want an iPad
Starting point is 00:21:37 dude you were farming you were actually farming and then okay then this is where stuff got like a little weird so what ended up happening was that
Starting point is 00:21:43 the prizes started getting bigger and bigger and then attracted way more people. So I remember I drew for an Ash, do an Astro headsets back in the day. They were like the thing that every like Cod pro had. There's one of this building right now. I think I saw it. Anyway.
Starting point is 00:22:00 So, uh, I, I, I'd got equal capture the flags, this other guy because my name was Connor and he had something like B
Starting point is 00:22:07 he got it even though he had the exact same I was so pissed bullshit anyway so then after this people started like really like strategizing changing your name to
Starting point is 00:22:15 ah yeah exclamation point one one one and you there was nothing in it because it was all you had to do was just go in pub lobbies
Starting point is 00:22:22 and do whatever it was so sometimes it was like get the most kills in team deathmatch yeah fair enough sometimes it was return the flag the most times just really weird like one-off things but there was nothing saying you couldn't like six stack and like trying to strategize on like the full time and try and farm and people started putting up insane numbers on some of these things that didn't make sense solo. So then I was like, hold up, I'm going to farm this now. So I contacted a bunch of Swedish dudes who were like really good at the game.
Starting point is 00:22:52 Where you got any Swedish guys? What do you have Swedish guys? You got Swedish guys on the screen? You can do dials? What does that mean? So back in the day, Every Brit is born with a few Swedish guys. There was a leaderboard
Starting point is 00:23:05 of like like on their website because they had a bunch of different stuff I remember they had the like top clans because that was
Starting point is 00:23:12 a call back in the day basically I just went through it and found one with a bunch of Swedes and I like just messaged the guy you're race picking
Starting point is 00:23:19 you're like Bjorn, Swede well they had like crazy KDAs and stuff and I messaged them I told them hey look I won 20 of these tournaments.
Starting point is 00:23:26 I'll join your clan if you help me win another. There was nothing in it for them other than me joining. We have this Welsh guy. They helped me win so many. He's got the dragon on his flag. So yeah, I won the iPad doing that. So what I did was, there was like a... I just ignored that.
Starting point is 00:23:44 I just ignored that. So what I did was By the way is going through the most socialized countries and like because they are like Dictatorships to them. Oh, yeah You fucking colonize I kind of did In grain your ball You fucking colonized the Swedes. I kinda did. Oh my god. It's so ingrained in your balls. There was like nothing in it for them. What country would you like to colonize now? America.
Starting point is 00:24:11 Okay. Good luck. So I managed to somehow convince them. I must have told them whatever lies. I was like, help me do this. And it was a, do you remember the game mode Kill Confirmed? Yeah. Dog tags. Suck. No one liked it. No one likes it. I was like help me do this and it was a jury the game mode kill confirmed. Yeah Suck no one liked it. No one likes it. So there was a thing where I get the most kill confirms And so they would kill people
Starting point is 00:24:32 They we would just wipe the entire lobby and you're fucking They would put down the the UAV Jammer and it would make a little circle on the map so I would just run around with the knife out and then just pick them all up and I'd get like 74 out of 75 kill confirms in the lobby. And I won way too much. And then when the results came out, because they don't show you
Starting point is 00:24:53 until three hours is done, I was like doubled second place. I was way too much. Dude, he was the Mr. Beast of this shit. But it was too much because then everyone started complaining.
Starting point is 00:25:02 You got to get someone on your Scantron wrong. Yeah. Did you say you cheated? People started saying I was cheating. Wait, where were they saying this? There was forums on this website because this is when forums... Oh, there was official forums, weren't there?
Starting point is 00:25:15 Yeah, they were like the official... I complained a bunch. And so then I didn't get much heat for that one. The next time I did it, it was Team Deathmatch, and I asked all my five teammates to go around with riot shields and trap people in corners. So then I didn't get much heat for that one. The next time I did it, it was team deathmatch, and I asked all my five teammates to go around with riot shields and trap people in corners. Yeah. I'll come and pop them in the head.
Starting point is 00:25:33 Why do you have these Swedish mercenaries? Why do you start to listen to me? It's funny that they were so down. By the way, yeah, which is crazy, right? But before this, I would consistently be able to put, like, 40 kills in the lobby without help of like 75. So it was still doable. But it was getting to the point where the prizes were like quad bikes, Jeep cars.
Starting point is 00:25:53 Like they were getting dumped. Real deal shit. And so I'd won this one prize, which was to rent out an entire movie theater to watch the movie battleship between rihanna i was 16 oh my god like but so the whole time by the way i had to be 18 i was using my dad's name oh and my dad was chill with it he was like dude yeah fuck it it's cool battleship with rihanna right so i wanted to see that i want it it. It was great. I started messaging people. I was like, I messaged all my friends. I was like, dude, we're going to, we're going to,
Starting point is 00:26:29 we're going to watch the battle. We got the whole theater of my friends. I thought it was so hot. The Lime Fells, Rihanna shirts. How many people showed up? How many people showed up? Okay, wait, wait, there's more to the story. So I told them, right?
Starting point is 00:26:40 Like, look, we're going to get this. We're going to get the tickets in like a couple of weeks. We're going to get the whole theater and they would pay for concessions So yeah The next tournament he was for a Jeep and and I was like, boys, we gotta get the Jeep. Like a real Jeep. One of them's like, do you think I can have my birthday off?
Starting point is 00:27:14 No! Bjorn, Bjorn, no! I know where you live now. Oh, Bjorn, you want a day off? Let's just look up Heathrow to Malmo. Oh, that's cool. You know I know your social security number, right? I'm gonna bullet your fucking brain. I was a little ruthless, you know.
Starting point is 00:27:26 But again, I was dangling. Dude, you definitely broke Swedish child labor laws. There was no labor. Oh, they were working against us. They were working against us. They were working against us. They were working against us. They were working against us.
Starting point is 00:27:38 They were working against us. They were working against us. They were working against us. They were working against us. They were working against us. They were working against us. They were working against us. They were working against us. They were working They were. They were. They were. They were. They were. They were. They were. They were. They were. They were. They were. They were. They were. They were.
Starting point is 00:27:45 They were. They were. They were. They were. They were. They were. They were. They were.
Starting point is 00:27:46 They were. They were. They were. They were. They were. They were. They were. They were.
Starting point is 00:27:46 They were. They were. They were. They were. They were. They were. They were. They were.
Starting point is 00:27:47 They were. They were. They were. They were. They were. They were. They were. They were.
Starting point is 00:27:47 They were. They were. They were. They were. They were. They were. They were. They were.
Starting point is 00:27:47 They were. They were. They were. They were. They were. They were. They were. They were.
Starting point is 00:27:48 They were. They were. They were. They were. They were. They were. They were. They were.
Starting point is 00:27:48 They were. They were. They were. They were. They were. They were. They were. They were.
Starting point is 00:27:48 They were. They were. They were. They were. They were. They were. So I had my eye on the prize. It was this and there was a quad bike that I really wanted. I actually could have used the quad bike because I grew up in a really rural area and a lot of my friends had quad bikes, so it would have been chill.
Starting point is 00:28:10 But look at this thing. This is what I was trying to win. Dude, this is crazy. Dude. It's just crazy. You can't even park this shit in Wales. No, no. There's nowhere to put it.
Starting point is 00:28:18 You cannot. I was like, boys, let's- This was during the recession. Gas prices were fucked. Yeah. I was like, let's do it so i got it together did you say boys got the squad together guys and uh i got we ended up not winning we got second but the guy in first cheated like me he did what i did so we both cheated i guess how close
Starting point is 00:28:37 is it uh super close it was like 30 kills difference but he was doing what i was doing because people had caught on. And then during this, after this happened, people got so angry that like he had won it and I was also the same thing that they banned me and him and then I didn't get the tickets for Battleship because they didn't give me them and they just banned me.
Starting point is 00:28:57 And so they gave it to the next guy. So that guy didn't get the Jeep either. No, that guy didn't get the Jeep. I didn't get the Jeep. Some other guy got the Jeep. Oh my God. So we both ended up, so I didn't get it and then I was like crying to my parents I was like, this is fucked. I got banned other my parents. They just didn't believe me
Starting point is 00:29:12 I think they believe they thought I was a little shit, which probably was semi true They thought the guy who lives on an island with the rotation of Swedish children. Yeah, so they they please this around the time You got into big fires. Well So that happened I got banned but I did get all the other stuff, like I got like... Dude! I got so much shit. Did you get to go see Battleship? Did not, I did not get that.
Starting point is 00:29:33 Whoa! Have you seen it to this day? No. No way! No. And you know what? I refuse. Here's the thing, Connor.
Starting point is 00:29:41 It's such a bad move for you. We knew this. We knew it was your birthday. Oh no! Shut up! Come on out! We knew this we knew it was your birthday Wanna watch the movie I just want to be the kid who got the free. That'd be cool That's like max Keeble's time. The worst was I messaged my friends Tom. We're doing this I like made a group chat. Oh, yeah, you confirmed it with everyone. You're like, I'm the goat We got it locked. Let's call up the hose call up the boots. Dude. You know, it's sad What Ludwig hasn't been eating his factory meals and look what happened to him
Starting point is 00:30:16 Dude just I told him he should just be eating the factory meals because they're high protein That's all he needed to do was eat a nutritious chef prepared meal delivered straight to his door But he refused and they save his door, but he refused And they save you money, but also they save time. It doesn't take any time. He ran out of time This could happen to you. This could happen to you. You could become a skeleton. If you decide to turn down protein plus with 30 grams of protein 35 plus meal choices 50 plus weekly add-ons juices smoothie snacks. This was what could happen to you Keto and calorie smart options. He didn't even need those. He didn't need to cut more. Dub and why, dude? Oh my God. Oh, I miss you, man. But you're just bones now, dude. Maybe he was just overwhelmed by the amount of choices
Starting point is 00:30:54 that he had every week. No, that couldn't be. That could never, that could never happen. And you should not say that because Factor sponsors this podcast. Anyway, if you don't want to end up like Dub and Anders in a skeleton chair right here, you go to slash the yard 50. That's the yard 50 to use 50% off plus 20% off the next box in your subscription. I'll be honest.
Starting point is 00:31:15 You don't even have a box anymore. You got no box or prescription. One lucky Factor subscriber this month, you're going to get Dubbin's Bones in the box. Dubbin's Bones. And you collect the Breath of the Wild loot. If all 272 of you can collect and rebuild
Starting point is 00:31:30 Dubbin's skeleton, then you will win Factor for life. It becomes a life, like Night at the Museum. Alright, now back to the episode. Oh, so that was a that was a tangent. Wait, you know what's funny is my mom. Sorry, I don't know. Why did this come up again? Sorry. We were talking about Slime's weird voice. What are you talking about? My weird voice. Sorry, I don't know. Why did this come up again? Sorry. We were talking about Slime's weird voice.
Starting point is 00:31:46 What are you talking about? My weird voice. Sorry. That was a good one. I didn't know about that. That's a good tangent. For one, I didn't think you were as hardcore. I didn't think you were a gamer like that. No offense. No, that's fine. Because he's a content creator.
Starting point is 00:32:01 Nah, he's a bigger gamer than you, I would argue. I mean, yeah, sure. I don't know. I'm not... I'm okay. I think I regret every waking moment that I wasn't a PC kid growing up. Because I feel like I would have been nutty if I had started off on the PC. But you also, like, still would have been playing with Swedish kids, too. Yeah, especially the Dota. Did you get Grandmaster in TFT? Or just Master? Yeah, I think... Oh, no, just Master, Master.
Starting point is 00:32:23 Master TFT? But that's off-stream. You do got that. I've been seeing that. Or you used to stream it, right? I used to stream Yeah, I think... Oh, no, just Master, Master. Master TFT? But that's off-stream. You do got that. I've been seeing that. Or you used to stream it, right? I used to stream it, and then my viewers make fun of me. I know. Wait, why do they... If you're Master,
Starting point is 00:32:31 why do they make fun of you? Because it's boring. They just don't want to watch it, because people don't want to watch TFT. Oh, I thought you meant like they're back-seating. They have like an emote called TFT time,
Starting point is 00:32:39 and it's my viewers going to zero. Oh, brutal. It goes from like 5,000 to zero. Dude, my mom, when she... Her life, all her life, was a smoker. I'm the joker. Mom was a smoker. And a fiend.
Starting point is 00:32:54 No, she smoked a lot and she saved the Marlboro miles. Dude, I grew up, I still have some of this shit. I had so much fucking sick ass cigarette gear. Dude, this gear my friend from high school that I went to Vegas with in May he's been saving all of his Zin rewards points this shit adds up and he puts in in all the time
Starting point is 00:33:16 but then he got his dad who's also hooked on Zin to give him all of his rewards so he's doubled up he's gotten a full like thousand dollar grill. He's gotten an iPad. This feels like the Monopoly game, but it kills you. This does feel illegal. This should be illegal, right? We grew up pretty poor. We had a whole cooking set. Every time I went to go like go on a plane to see my dad, I had a fucking giant Marlboro duffel bag. I had a Marlboro camping
Starting point is 00:33:43 bag. You could just buy all of that with the money saved from not smoking. Shut up. Shut the fuck up. We had a poker set. I still have it. I have marble playing cards. That's kind of high. They love doing poker sets. That's like vintage, right? Yeah, just like your shit. Your comedy shit.
Starting point is 00:33:55 When my dad died, we looked under this like a staircase that I've never looked under. There's like fucking eight duffel bags full of the marble things. Yeah. Trash that shit. My mom kept them in trash bags. Yeah, we threw them out i guess this is the same as the uh uh like uh me and nick both collect like rare gamecube controllers and the rarest ones are all these like club nintendo ones that they release through like
Starting point is 00:34:17 nintendo rewards points right and there's only like they only made a thousand of them or they only made 500 of them and uh it's it's all the same thing. It's like if your IP has more than two decades of staying power and anything through that rewards it. It reminds me of the NES games. It's like the World Gamer games and it was like you're the best
Starting point is 00:34:37 NES game. The Tournament Edition. Yeah, it's like the rarest NES cartridge. And it's like literally a cartridge with all the games to see if you're the best gamer on it or whatever. It's very rare. Nintendo tournament of gamers. That's like Zelda. You could be doing that.
Starting point is 00:34:50 You could be getting the best game. He has $30,000 Pokemon Crystal. I remember I hit the button on that. Do you know where that is? No. That's crazy. That's genuinely not a fucking clue. That is crazy.
Starting point is 00:35:00 I couldn't tell you. I think I saw it in like a... That's cool as fuck. That is hype. It's like the golden Wii. give the queen you know about that She didn't accept it Because brawl was on it Because she was still beating him
Starting point is 00:35:14 What they did to Melee was gross It was too floaty You're the smoker. I got really bad. Smoker. Dude. Oh, okay. So I stole, like, the whole Mr. Beast video came out, you know, the fucking.
Starting point is 00:35:34 Yeah, yeah. Holy shit. 50 YouTuber bucks. And Devin got a little main channel video out of it. I got a little main channel video. Devin got a little main channel video. I'm geeking off that. And I stole, at the end, they had, like, every play button for every person there on a wall how did that work they literally asked youtube to make them oh it's
Starting point is 00:35:49 like a new like an extra one it's an extra one they say youtube says how how much throat do you want well so jimmy says haven't you seen the picture i saw you were holding that monster how many duplex you want boy I'll give it to you. I didn't realize their deal with YouTube, so I just stole Jaden's because I thought it would be funny. I didn't tell anyone, really. And then I kept it in a briefcase, and I'm like, I'm going to open it the day the video comes out.
Starting point is 00:36:14 I told my chat that. Video comes out. I open it. I'm like, I got the play button. I'm going to sell it at Conor's Auction. And then my phone blows up. I'm gone the whole day. I come back.
Starting point is 00:36:23 It's like Mr. Beast's team. And they're like, what are you doing? I'm like, what's up? Apparently they signed. Yo, I was in that box for a long time. Apparently they signed like a legal contract saying that you can't sell it. But you didn't sign it.
Starting point is 00:36:41 That's not against you. Income goes to papa. They're in charge of where those things are. And they're like, yeah, we're actually combing through the security footage to find out who stole it. Like it was an internal security thing. That feels like they are bad at that job. Well, no, I think it's just that. They would have found that right away.
Starting point is 00:37:00 Oh, victim blame. Classic Connor. You hang up this guy? I feel like you should have gotten more kill confirms, Bjorn. I feel like. I just feel like that wouldn't be a hot, like combing is such an intense word to use. Like it should have been an easy find. I think, I think what happened is I stole it and many people who work at Mr. Beast Emporium
Starting point is 00:37:18 saw me, but I did it with such utter confidence. They didn't think it was a problem and the the higher-ups knew it was a problem, but didn't realize who stole it. If you ever shoplift, tip at home. If you shoplift, just walk out with it, full confidence, you will win. You will win. Don't get it twisted.
Starting point is 00:37:36 Well, it's mostly like they just won't stop you. Don't get it twisted. You will win. Okay. But you shouldn't shoplift. You should. So they take care about it, and you should not shoplift. You should so they they talk to you about it and you should not shoplift Where are we?
Starting point is 00:37:49 America no like in the shoplifting scenario like what store man? Oh, you're all right. Oh the great question. We're at Hitler's grocery store I don't know what I'd buy And all they have is not see memorabilia It's a mr. Beach grocery store video, but it's in there I guess I'll get border. I bought every piece of not to be a billionaire from World War II and the Swiss. I guess I'll get dressed. I don't have clothes, so I guess I'll get dressed. Dude, right wing or like all right Mr. Beeson, they just play for like SS helmets and shit. Dude, speaking of all right.
Starting point is 00:38:41 Wait, wait, my question is, did you steal? Where is this going? Did you steal the play button after you found out she won? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay it was real it was while they were all celebrating and i snuck out and i was like ah i know it's valuable now nice and i still didn't stop you or say anything no someone took a picture of me stealing it so this is what i'm saying did they have to come well it wasn't mr beast employees there's other youtubers yay actually because there's other youtubers who are trying to take pictures in front of it, and I was trying to steal it. And they're like, leave it.
Starting point is 00:39:07 I want to take a picture first. So that was who initially saw me. But anyway, now I can't auction it off. Connor can't auction it off. No, there's no loophole. For Connor's event day. There's no loophole where we can change hands, and then YouTube won't be mad. But Jayden also gave me her diamond play button.
Starting point is 00:39:26 The real one? Yeah, coincidentally, Jaden also wanted to auction off her own button. That's crazy. Separate of me having stole. She didn't even know that I stole one. That's kind of badass. Yeah, I think it's badass. Because there's not a higher one than that, right?
Starting point is 00:39:38 No. Unless you're Mr. Beast and you get the weird custom one. You can get 50 custom or 100 customs. But anyway, she's going to auction it off so the world is all safe and peace is returned. YouTube, I will not give it back unless you give me... Really think about it. Really, what do you want?
Starting point is 00:39:54 Neil Mohan doing a duck face. That's it. What? Kissing. The genie staff, that's what you get. Kissing. Kissing, okay. Kissing a picture. genie snaps, and that's what you get. Kissing. Kissing. Kissing. Okay.
Starting point is 00:40:05 Kissing a picture. Okay. A little bunny. And in the background is what King from Tekken looks like under the mask, because I want to see that, so I might apply it.
Starting point is 00:40:15 Can we add Master Chief there, too, also? Under the mask? We know what Master Chief looks like. Do we? In the live action series. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:40:22 That's not real. Shut up. Shut up. That's not real. Okay. Speaking of alright. Oh, yeah? Yeah, Connor, you were going to say something?
Starting point is 00:40:33 I don't like this. It ain't about you. I don't know why you feel threatened. I don't know what you did. He immediately reacted, so it makes me feel like he's the problem. No, I just don't like it when he does this. When our dear leader, President Donald the goddamn Trump, got shot in the ear.
Starting point is 00:40:47 Donald the goddamn Trump. Donald the goddamn Trump. Did you even shed a tear? No. Well, I'll be damned. I didn't cry. I was too busy finding the guy who did it. I was too busy.
Starting point is 00:41:01 I was too busy combing Mr. Beast's security. I couldn't cry. I was looking down the barrel Mr. Beast's security. I couldn't cry. I was looking down the barrel of the other sniper. Dude, that was crazy. I found out. It was crazy. I found out because I was at Josh and Miles' place. We were playing Elden Ring.
Starting point is 00:41:15 And I just wasn't looking at my phone for a while. And I just look at Discord. It's the first thing I pulled up. And it's Shake saying, like, this is crazy. My Biden chance. Cause he has gambling money on the election. And he's like, they engineered a shooting to bring down my Biden chances. This sucks. And I was like, what shooting? And then I looked up and saw that the president got assassinated, attempted. And that's how I found out a shake drizzle message about his line. About his line.
Starting point is 00:41:47 He's really stressed about his line. I was taking a shit and then I pulled up my phone and just saw Hassan tweeting about it. Hassan got in. The number one source.
Starting point is 00:41:55 He got in. He got in. That's one man who gashed out. Well, yeah. Can't blame him. So I was at the family reunion this past week.
Starting point is 00:42:02 Did it get a little heated? No, no, no no it went great you said speaking of all right let me get there i'm gonna get there aren't i because we were there and we were hanging out and then we were all sitting down and then you know it's late night one of the one of cutie's like uncles is like so like tell me tell me how it works i just know how it works so like well how'd you blow up well i break it down for me and i just and i'm just trying to explain so So I'm like, well,
Starting point is 00:42:25 yeah, you know, COVID. And, and, and then he was like, he was like, he was like,
Starting point is 00:42:30 he was like, Oh, okay. The Chinese flu. They put the poison in our arm. That's what that time. And then I, and then I
Starting point is 00:42:45 Just throwing one out there I go yeah the plandemic Crowd erupts They had never heard plandemic before I never heard of this They start laughing I got ten people slapping the knee They're going that's clever
Starting point is 00:43:00 He's clever Getting insane points with Cutie's family family family reunion 2024 plandemic t-shirt did that like validate your job to them did they suddenly understand now or they yeah that's what you do well then it's like you know i was just like trying to say the twitch viewership went up and they're like because we're all stuck inside. And I'm like, amen. Amen. Couldn't leave.
Starting point is 00:43:29 Shackled. Oh. Officer, let me go just get toast. That fucking sucks. That sucks. Wait till they hear Scamdemic. They'll like that one, too. Huh?
Starting point is 00:43:39 Scamdemic? They'll like that, too. The Scamdemic. I got to start, like, Googling it. Yeah. Grouchy Fouchy. It's crazy. It'sy. That's insane that you can regurgitate a term that was made up four years ago.
Starting point is 00:43:50 Yeah, but I mean they're just not on the internet. But they are because they hear the word COVID and they start rolling their eyes. I was the one who broke the news that Trump got shot. No. Did they fall down the street?
Starting point is 00:44:06 Did you stand up on the table? Stop eating everyone. Our president, Donald J. Trump, our real president, Donald, the God damn.
Starting point is 00:44:18 DGT. The God damn. This is always just terrifying. The level of like fanaticism. It's fucked. I thought it was crazy. Cause like he got shot in like the head and then I was just like an in and out the next day and everyone was just terrifying, the level of, like, fanaticism. It's fucked. I thought it was crazy because, like, he got shot in, like, the head, and then I was just, like, in and out the next day, and everyone was just kind of normal.
Starting point is 00:44:30 Everything feels so normal. Yeah. I think we're pretty good at that as, like, a species, though. It's like, well. You know when I felt that was when Shinzo Abe got fucking murked because I feel like the day after people stopped talking about it and they were talking about, like, you know what? He's kind of like a dick.
Starting point is 00:44:45 Well, he wasn't the prime minister at the time. So I feel like he was at the time. Yeah. I didn't know that. Yeah, he was like out the door. Yeah, he was very unpopular as well. Well, the thing is like, so it was okay.
Starting point is 00:44:58 That's what Connor means. No, no. The interest being lost, I think was because a lot of people were very sympathetic. It's not as newsworthy. People were sympathetic towards the shooter, if anything. Which is weird.
Starting point is 00:45:09 Yeah. The thing is, though, the one in front of the gun lives forever. In front of the gun. The gun lives forever. But, like, is it in front? The one in front of the gun. I know, but I'm just like. These are way out of the way.
Starting point is 00:45:20 The one in front of the gun, the one who gets shot. Do you know where that's from? Yes, I do. But if you're in front of the gun. You're the one getting shot Do you know where that's from? Yes, I do, but if you're in front of the gun... You're the one getting shot, it's not confusing. I feel like it's kinda confusing. It's really simple. It's incredibly straightforward. I didn't have a gun, so I didn't try this.
Starting point is 00:45:34 Behind is when you're... I'm behind the gun. Behind the wheel. The one in front of the wheel. Behind the camera, behind the gun. Behind the camera, they're slow. Behind the camera. This all makes sense. We're getting there. We're the movie kids. I'm not slow.
Starting point is 00:45:46 I just need different learning tools. The VA has voice actor? Yeah, VA, yeah. We were worried sick about you today. We were worried sick about you. He texted me.
Starting point is 00:45:57 You texted Connor? Yes. I texted your sister. Oh, that's embarrassing. He hates that. That's embarrassing for him. It's not embarrassing. I got a fucking FaceTime call from my mom and and I'm on the shoot, and I answer, of course, because I love my mother dearly.
Starting point is 00:46:11 And she's like, ça va, maman? I said, ça va, maman? And she's like, Aiden sends me texts? He says you are dead? Hold on, I didn't text you bald. Is he friend, uh, male pattern baldness friend? Is he friend, uh, male pattern baldness friend? I think he's the one with the long face, but the hair's not so much.
Starting point is 00:46:32 I think he's the one with the long face, but the hair's not so much. Is that body like a small, like a pony? Is that body like a small, like a pony? He looks like a hot French girl, but it's boy. He looks like a hot French girl, but it's boy. But boy? Is he being a with her or not? I thought it sounded like a clock tower.
Starting point is 00:46:50 She doesn't know about that. And that's the great mystery of you. And that's what I told her. I said, mother. It makes like a clock tower? Why'd your mom call you? Because you texted her. No, I texted your sister.
Starting point is 00:47:01 But she was with her together. They were together. Oh, okay, okay, okay. Why'd you text his sister? Why did you text my sister? I had a good system. I had a good system. What was your system?
Starting point is 00:47:10 What was your list of people you reached out to? Okay, wait. This is the order. We were messaging you in the group chat on Discord. It goes by a few hours, but we have a deadline today. I was yelling ghost. No one was fucking replying. I message you.
Starting point is 00:47:24 I check in. First. No reply. Great. Next. Okay. I call you. ghost no one's fucking replying i message i message you i check in first no reply great okay okay i call you it rings fully you don't pick up okay so not you declining the call and then i wait a couple more hours and i'm like i haven't been able to get a hold of him has a nick no has ld no ld also mentions that Kelby hasn't heard from you and that I check your calendar. You had morning meetings. You didn't go to any of the morning meetings.
Starting point is 00:47:50 It doesn't have the shoot on it that you're at. So I'm like, hmm. I checked the GoPro I have in your toilet. You're not even there. You're not even there. You haven't even shit in your bathroom. No. And then I debate.
Starting point is 00:48:03 I was like, okay, he's probably with Connor. He's probably doing something with Connor. You haven't been with him all bathroom. No. And then I, and then I debate. I was like, okay, he's probably with Connor. He's probably doing something with Connor. You haven't been with him all day. So that's trouble. Cause that, what does that mean? I saw you at basketball last night. That means he got home safe.
Starting point is 00:48:13 Okay. Who do I go to next? Not cutie. Cause she'll have a panic attack. That's actually true. I can't go to cutie. You have to protect her. So I have to,
Starting point is 00:48:22 I have to go to somebody else. So who will Ludwig definitely respond to? He will respond to a family member. So I go to your sister. Who gets your mom to call. Fucking snake rat. Yeah. I waited.
Starting point is 00:48:34 This is over the course of eight hours. That's not a long time. Eight hours. And you haven't. I would say it's very rare of you to completely ghost everybody all day. Why can't I disconnect and just find him? Hey, it's you, man. What if he was cheating?
Starting point is 00:48:48 Do you know that? Now how do you feel? Now that you're there, you've stepped on his plan. Oh, my God. I should have called Cutie and said, I think he's cheating on you. That's what I should have done. Well, you're dead. I don't know which one.
Starting point is 00:49:07 Why can't a man disconnect after his president's been shot? I can't have eight hours of myself to mourn. I think you should be able to disconnect. That's why when I messaged everybody, I felt bad because it was like, you know what? He's been so busy lately and he's had so many trips. I wonder if he just wants like a fuck some fucking time to himself. So I said to all of the people that I messaged about contacting you, I said, I don't need him for work. I just want to make sure he's okay.
Starting point is 00:49:32 That's worse. That is way worse. I wish you would've said I needed it for work. Super because then my sister calls me and she thought I was very specific. I said, I'm sure it's fine, but I just haven't been able to get a hold of him today Can you try texting him? I actually agree with that I think I'm sure he's fine makes it worse Why is it bad that I'm wearing a motorcycle? You ride a motorcycle Until you've never ride your motorcycle or vespa again
Starting point is 00:49:56 So you're not sure I have the right to do this Because I have to calm the situation It's why I didn't call QT Are you calming them down or yourself you know what how about this I don't want you to be the point guy if something happens anymore
Starting point is 00:50:11 have you ever watched first 48 I've watched it hold on guys the crab man is talking I messaged him at 2 10pm he messaged me 20 minutes later. So this happened at 2pm, which I feel like is, it's kind of crazy to start calling Per Noah.
Starting point is 00:50:31 Wait, no. Yeah, it was you. Brother, I have it right here. I texted Per Noah about this at 2.15pm. Yeah. Okay, well, I texted Ludwig at 2.09pm. He replied at 2.30pm 30 and it was time for the dentist
Starting point is 00:50:47 If you put the shoot in your calendar If you put the shoot in your calendar then it wasn't on your okay I just wanna share my calendar. No I can see your calendar. That was in my calendar Yeah, I have a secret one. Are you sharing do you fill it out on a different email? That means you fill it out on a different email which makes this fucking useless Blur that Archie Again that was Ludwig Yeah, sorry Connor, please I'm so sorry what is rude, but he is a cunt oh oh my god
Starting point is 00:51:24 Oh I'm so sorry. This is rude, but he is a cunt. Oh, oh my God. Whoa. Why? What did you miss? On YouTube of all places. It was literally just when we were recording this. That was all. It's not about what he missed.
Starting point is 00:51:32 It's not about what he missed. It's just what there wasn't anything. He just wanted to cover. I saw you last night. And you took the air tag. I put in the bottom of your shoe out of it. So now I don't know where you are now. You took out the ear tag.
Starting point is 00:51:46 What were you shooting? What's up? I have a question. Okay. And it's two parts. Okay. First question is, are we washed? Are we washed?
Starting point is 00:51:55 Not you, are we washed? I don't think so. And the second question is how would you like to be a permanent member of the show? I already have a lot to do in my podcast. Well, it sounds like you could put more on your plate. Oh, hey, One Piece, still good. Then it's over. It's the whole episode.
Starting point is 00:52:09 Hey, people like that. People like your episode. It's true. People fucking like that. It's true that you fucking like that. Pretty good. Luffy is a different type of Luffy. Luffy's your Luffy.
Starting point is 00:52:17 I'm not caught up. He's more caught up than me. I am. Yeah. Ooh, hoes, Luffy. You're not caught up on One Piece. Isn't that your job? No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:52:23 I mean, there's beautiful breasts. No, no, no. Have they gotten bigger? No. Nami has beautiful breasts. Okay. Have they gotten bigger? Yes, they have. Famously. Yes. That's so cool. And they got whiter.
Starting point is 00:52:31 Whiter. Weird. Less color. Less color. Breasts? I don't know. Skin to color. Luffy.
Starting point is 00:52:38 No. Oh, Nami's breasts. Pay attention. Well, yeah, that too. That too. Robin. Jesus Christ. Yeah, not entirely sure why. I feel like Luffy could make his breasts bigger. Oh, yeah, that too. That too. Robin. Jesus Christ. Yeah, not entirely sure why.
Starting point is 00:52:46 I feel like Luffy could make his breasts. Oh, my God. Breast Luffy. Do you see what happened to Connerly? What happened? The Seadog charity auction scam. Oh, yeah. I thought it was real.
Starting point is 00:52:56 Dude, I was... For a moment... Everyone was tweeting about it as if it was real. Yeah, yeah. The reading comprehension was insanely low. Well, that's why, like... He tweeted it. That's why I believed it.
Starting point is 00:53:04 To be fair, when it was happening, it was at, like, 30K, which felt... There was actually believable people bidding. Well, there were people actually bidding. For context, Connor is doing an auction. Is this coming out before? Yes. It'll be out Wednesday for audio, Thursday for video, and the auction is on Friday at 2 p.m. for both of y'all.
Starting point is 00:53:21 Fantastic. It's the Seadog VA charity auction stream. And if there's any whales out there, one of the things up for bid is gaming with Pok'all. Fantastic. It's the Seadog VA charity auction stream. And if there's any whales out there, one of the things up for bid is gaming with Pokimane. Yes. And it's currently at the time of recording.
Starting point is 00:53:30 $500,000. Well, that's, so that was the fucking thing today. Yeah, that was, it went upside down. What happened is Stable Ronaldo,
Starting point is 00:53:36 part of FaZe, goes live, and he puts 15K on it. Real cash. Real shit. Like, he actually confronts it. Like, no fucking cap, like 15K.
Starting point is 00:53:44 He, bro, no cap, he's 15k. Fucking bro, he's not even thinking about that shit. He's not even thinking about that shit. What is it? What is it? Sorry, I'm in a phase. Shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 00:53:55 Shut the fuck up. Sorry, John. I don't know what's going on. I'm at the off-brand filming stuff. Yeah. I don at the off-brand filming stuff. The full view auction. I don't know what's going on. Basically what happened is he bid $15,000 and then his viewers
Starting point is 00:54:11 started to use, I think, prepaid credit cards to get approved and then start bidding tens of thousands, but they were funny because they didn't use their own names. Some people use fucked up names as slurs, but some of them would just use like it was like Duke Dennis has now been 100k
Starting point is 00:54:27 Faze Banks has been 150 and then there's like those fucking twitter accounts who tweet out shit that's going on like fearbuck and it's like this just in a $500,000 bid usurps Faze Banks is $411,000 bid Mark Cuban was one of them Mark Cuban I believed it
Starting point is 00:54:43 I can believe Mark Cuban Mark Cuban would get it he's got a wife crazy. I believed it. I can believe Mark Cuban. That's why it's a good one. I can believe Mark Cuban. Mark Cuban would get it. He's got a wife of 20 years. If he's paying for 4GK, he wants a game. He wants a game.
Starting point is 00:54:51 What's wrong with little Pokimane? That is weird. No. I can't game with Pokimane. Not for 4GK. So, so, walk me up. That's no. He just, he likes making new friends.
Starting point is 00:54:59 As it was going on, and it was around the 30K range, it felt kind of believable because there's a lot of streamers, because I was flicking through, that were watching and reacting to it. So it felt like, okay, this could be real. And then it started climbing to like 50, and then 80, and I was like, all right, this is bullshit. And then it went to like 200, and I was like, yeah, this is fucking crazy. And you had to slam the Amogus emergency meeting.
Starting point is 00:55:21 Yeah, I had to message them and be like, hey, can you figure out what the fuck is real and get rid of all these accounts that are fake? And they got rid of all the fake ones. And there was left with a guy with 32K who also then emailed and was like, actually, I don't got that money. He emailed them at the game with the Vespa. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:37 A different guy. He was like, hey, I don't got the money. And then as we were about to remove him, somebody outbid him anyway. So it's like 32.1. So we got seven. For a pokey? Yeah. Dude, that's crazy.
Starting point is 00:55:47 So he gets to front like he has that money too. That's cool. Well, I think I will still remove him just because I think if for some reason... You should, yeah. Just don't give him the clout. Yeah. Don't want to be on that list.
Starting point is 00:55:57 But you know what? It was probably the best organic promotion I could have asked for because it's hard to promote it. It's just I'm spamming things and it's hard and I think that's why I was lucky that we did the the pre-auctions this time to build a little bit of hype you feel guilty too when you have something that's like huge and you care about it a lot and you have to promote it but you're like I'm trying not to annoy people too right like but I know that's that's not how they perceive it but I feel
Starting point is 00:56:21 like I'm talking about it too much right but I But I'm also trying to get it popping, you know? I think it'll be fun. Yeah, you got lucky with Pokimane being bid on like fucking a queen of Egypt. Well, Poki was also live as well, like fueling it, which is great. I'm past messaging Poki, and then I think we were both fueling it as if it was real. So I think
Starting point is 00:56:39 that's why all the other accounts thought it was real. And you tricked Nick. Guys, we pool our money. For an hour. We played with our money. For an hour. We played with Pokey for over an hour. Dubbin, I want to do the game. She was on our team in the show match we won. You know what? That rotten bitch hasn't been on this podcast.
Starting point is 00:56:54 I actually don't know what you said. I heard that. I think you said something bad. I can translate. Yeah. That bitch hasn't been on this podcast. I think you said rotten bitch. She called her rotten. We're going to have to bleep every time you call her that. You call Lillian all the time. Yeah, because she is one. Yeah
Starting point is 00:57:09 Every time you call her that you call it all the time. Yeah, cuz she is why You guys played with pokimane I did it I was next to Pokemon. Yeah, you got fucking trowels little as a loser tramp, okay Dude I'm gonna file a suit against you Can I tell you this podcast would be the same as trash taste no if you added You just needed to add like you need to add a fourth person that you direct all your phone Direct right now there another three of them are all like equal powers. Are you guys pent up seeking release? No, I just don't want to take my anger out on you, Aiden. Maybe that's why we fell off.
Starting point is 00:57:54 Have you fallen off? No, we didn't fall off. Nick is insecure. We fell off. You're reaching the three-year period. We're falling off. You guys You guys are look I'm just saying every episode you Come on dude
Starting point is 00:58:20 They're falling off and still double us. They fell off into a limo. You have a podcast, right? After like three years, people get bored? I do think it's like, you talk about weddings or marriages,
Starting point is 00:58:30 the two year and the seven year. I think podcast is the three year and the six year. The three year inch. You gotta fight through. I think it's hard to gain new listeners
Starting point is 00:58:38 three years in. So what do we gotta do? I don't know. I think we have to start making programs for the youth. Oh, youth programs. For the youth programs. I think we go to- making programs for the youth. Oh, youth programs. For the youth programs. I think we go to-
Starting point is 00:58:48 We teach them how to use swords. Every high school in the country, we do free sword training programs. What if we did more like activities? What? You had like more themed episodes. Honestly? Yeah, what a damned idea that would be. We had great advice and we ignored it.
Starting point is 00:59:01 Yeah, I know. Yeah, we got amazing advice from you guys and we didn't do it. Oh, oh. You guys and Brittany Broski and we've ignored all of it. We didn't do the thing we should have done. We're not adding a war room. We're scheduling our war room. We put a woman on the show. We're having a war room meeting to discuss strategy.
Starting point is 00:59:19 Okay. I will say I am going through a... Vetoed that. You can't veto it. Vetoed. We can't have a woman on the show because after every episode we do an hour of spanking each other oh wow
Starting point is 00:59:29 it's too deep do you guys have like a contract between all you guys on like how like if one of you are like I'm walking like how it all works you guys don't know this I was gonna say don't know that's how much trust you guys don't know this yeah yeah i was gonna say don't know that's how much trust
Starting point is 00:59:47 you guys got so you guys signed this all i i set this up slime to be clear it's like a video payoff it's like are you actually signed your life away no no no it's the it's the opposite is if someone leaves the company they are entitled to their quarter of it like wait as ownership to get based off the value of the company? Yeah. I have to look at the document. I think you determine it through net assets or some shit. Wow.
Starting point is 01:00:13 That's some serious shit. You want out? I will be the first to leave a thousand percent. Don't talk like that. It's true. Don't talk like that. You will be the first to leave. You will be the first to leave. Realistically,. Don't be the first to leave. You're the first to leave. You won't do it.
Starting point is 01:00:26 You're the hammer. Realistically, somebody has to be the first to leave. Thank you. And it will be me. I will find out the week Aiden wants to leave. I'll leave the week. But when he says it, it makes me think he means like in like six months. He loves doing that.
Starting point is 01:00:41 He loves doing that. You guys don't have much trash taste either. It's power imbalance. All three of you. I love you talking like a good thing. You doing that. He loves doing that. That's what you guys don't have on Trash Taste either is power imbalance. All three of you. I love you talking like a good thing. No, it's not a good thing. No, it's awful. You said it like a good thing.
Starting point is 01:00:52 You were like, that's what makes us better. No, I'm saying that's why you're not miserable, and I wish you were damn miserable. Because my fucking daughter, you're taking my daughter's hand in marriage. Since when fucking time. 759. Not 801. Not 8. When you bring her home. it, I don't even need no parambolory! 759, not 801, not 8. When you bring her home.
Starting point is 01:01:06 Okay, okay, I'm a bit of a mis-understander. Do you think that MeUndies was, uh, named by, like, you know, like an Irish person? Like, MeUndies! MeUnd- Ho! Ho! Ho! Shit! You can find me undies! MeUndies! You can find a parrot at the end of the rainbow! Ho love! Ho love me prost's coming out of me backside.
Starting point is 01:01:27 Oh, love. I've gotten pinch-soaked. Oh, it's popping through the gooch of me undies. Well, I've been thinking, you know, it's been getting so hot. Oh, dear. Cut them open. It's too tight. It's too soft.
Starting point is 01:01:37 Irish me undies are a good way to stay cool. Do you know that, Aiden? Because it gets hot down under. Because it gets hot down under. We're Irish. In Irish Australia. I sure hope they're breathable. If you are Irish, Australian, or just wear underwear.
Starting point is 01:01:52 Which is also, yeah, probably a bigger category. I'd only buy them if they were made from sustainable means. Oh, he's getting a little Scottish. Oh, okay, yeah, keep the Scottish thing, I like that. They definitely beef. Tell me more about me, Andy. And we're responsibly sourced. Oh, I need yeah, keep this Scottish thing, I like that. They definitely beef. Tell me more about MeUndies. They were a sponsored resource!
Starting point is 01:02:05 I need me fucking on this! Give me fucking on this, or give me death! That's just the Shrek MeUndies monster. I don't know what direction that's going in now. Anyway, they're pretty bull Shrek-y. These have llamas on them. Yeah, all these sorts of real llamas. I think they're made of patterns and prints.
Starting point is 01:02:22 Like, Aiden's got the llama with the pouch. They have that nice little pouch that accents your balls. You can actually see it, yeah. And your peen. It cups your things you got down there. You know, I wear them. I wear them because I don't have as many MeUndies as I should because they don't send me enough.
Starting point is 01:02:40 I'll say it. I'll say, hey, cancel me. The makers of MeUndies. Arrest me right here send more but when i when i have a day that i know i need to be comfy i'll make sure to pick those ones it does feel like i'm choosing to have a little bit more special of a day it's true when i get into like the bright blue me undies i'm like i mean someone might see them and they'd be like oh i ironically have this old pair of that really that really should be f***ing thrown out.
Starting point is 01:03:05 Yeah, because of the poop stain. And I'm like, if I have a shitty day that I don't need clean... Like, they're clean. They're clean underwear. But I'm like, if I'm going to have a bad day, I put on the c***. And if I'm going to have a good day,
Starting point is 01:03:17 I put on my MeUndies. And sometimes he sniffs them to make sure the wash got the smell out. Jesus Christ. So if you want to sniff this deal, get 20% off your first purchase plus free shipping. the wash got the smell out. Jesus Christ. So if you want to sniff this deal, get 20% off your first purchase plus free shipping. slash zipper.
Starting point is 01:03:31 One of the only sponsors that has a cool URL for us. It's slash zipper. You know they care. Even to Scotland. 20% off plus free shipping to Scotland. Who knows? MeUndies.
Starting point is 01:03:42 Comfort from the outside in. Now let's get inside the episode again. What, uh, who's the first to leave from Trash Chase, you think? That's a great question.
Starting point is 01:03:50 I don't know. Um, I think, obviously, when stuff is going well, it's a lot easier to stick around. And we have an experience
Starting point is 01:03:58 when stuff's going bad. So I don't know. I know the answer. You think it's me? No. What? Because you don't have a fucking... I feel like I know who it is. Who do you think the answer. You think it's me? No. What? Because you don't have a fucking... I feel like I know who it is.
Starting point is 01:04:08 Who do you think it is? I think it's Joey. Yeah, it's Joey. I always lost team Joey. Because I think you like working a lot. I do like working a lot. And I don't think the podcast doing slightly worse would deter you. You might just work to do better or make it better.
Starting point is 01:04:22 And I think Joey, one day... I'm a ghost. you might just want to fucking kick it to okinawa or some shit gone though gone could easily be like listen man i'm tired he has been doing youtube the longest right very long time like 12 honestly when we were at your guys's spot he was talking about it like oh like it was like a tone thing well god's just i think gone i think all of us again at that point where it's like this is like just a job i was gonna say there's a point there's a point where the fire the fire of doing it initially burns out and you have to transition to it just being no passion on mondays it is just the day we have to do it. Scheduling sex?
Starting point is 01:05:06 With Aiden? Like, if you guys... I'm sure, like, okay, you would hang out, right? Like, we would hang out, but the podcast in its weekly iteration... Sorry, sorry. Like, the podcast in its weekly iteration would probably not happen if, like, I wasn't being paid. You know what I mean? Sure. Oh, we've talked about that.
Starting point is 01:05:23 Like, it would be, like, a monthly or even, like, a quarterly know what I mean? Sure. I mean, it's been a long fucking time. we've talked about that. Like, it would be like a monthly or a bi, even like a quarterly thing. I'm here Monday. If we weren't getting paid. Because it's like, that's what makes you like, have to be like, all right,
Starting point is 01:05:31 well shit, we gotta pay bills. Yeah. It does force you, mix habits, routines, work. But I like that.
Starting point is 01:05:36 I like having a routine. I like being forced to do something weekly. I think it's good. It could be Garnt if he has baby. That's what I'm saying. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:45 No. No, why are you saying that? Then he has baby. That's what I'm saying. Yeah. No. No. Why are you saying that? Then you need podcasts. That's what I'm saying. No. Oh. No, no.
Starting point is 01:05:51 You need to take your child. We haven't discussed this. This is what I've thought. I've thought about this because you have- You've thrown off. I've thought about your podcast and how Garnt's going to have a baby
Starting point is 01:05:59 and how he's going to deal with that. That's how I feel about that. And when Garnt has a child- No, no. I think he'll have to- It'll. That's how you do that. And Wingard has a child. No, no, I think it'll be like where two things coincide. I think for one of us to leave, it'll have to be the pods doing worse and a major life event. I think both need to coincide. Or another podcast makes you an offer you can't refuse.
Starting point is 01:06:17 Well, that could be. Or some sort of paramotor. Or a big fan. This is semi-related the ad for the mint clothes he did he brings up the paramotor accident
Starting point is 01:06:35 and it bleeps out the YouTuber that he says should die in one I was fed a line I was fed a line they were like say this I didn't know who it was fed a line They were like Say this
Starting point is 01:06:45 I didn't know who it was And then the short That's posted on Ludwig's channel Is all these people Who like Who just don't watch The Yard right
Starting point is 01:06:53 Who think They're guessing They're like Drawing up these Conspiracy theories Of who the YouTuber is That you're talking about And I'm reading through them
Starting point is 01:07:03 And I'm laughing Because none of them get it Really None of the people in the comments say the right person yeah you guys were they guessing they're like it's i mean a bunch of them guess destiny and it's like and it's just and it's just wasn't him it was a guy i didn't even know um i i was gonna say in terms like routines and stuff and also like doing more yard stuff that isn't the podcast is I have a routine now which I haven't had for like the past at 940
Starting point is 01:07:31 really tired I'm assistant directing you your fucking shoot tomorrow that you're in what shoot I did a thing shoot well it's not your show but it's at your studio with your fucking company and your fucking big fucking... It's just a different guy's shoot.
Starting point is 01:07:48 I'm just... You're in it. I am just talent. I don't know what you're talking about. You guys got a lot of anger. Yeah. I think you got a year top. I think...
Starting point is 01:07:55 No, we've been doing this since day one. We got a year top? Which one? No, but I like... Because I feel like I've been a bot for like this past whole year and I'm like, I have the least amount
Starting point is 01:08:07 of responsibilities and I've probably done the least for the show besides show up and be funny. I think that's normal. I think like we have, there's definitely months
Starting point is 01:08:15 of trash talk. I'm like, I just don't think I like mentally showed up. Really? But like a couple episodes. I did it. And I tried,
Starting point is 01:08:22 but like, because it's just like, it's not always convenient, right? You're not always in the mood. I did that for a calendar year yeah not until like a month ago where i was like you know i'll show up and i'll say something i feel like quitting podcasting compared to quitting streaming if you have a successful show because i've thought about this is when you think about the way it fits into your life albeit accounting for all the ways it can expand beyond the podcast like if like for you guys right you're making these other like special videos and
Starting point is 01:08:52 things extend beyond just the podcast that you sit down to do but the podcast itself is something that is pretty convenient to schedule into your life yeah for the output that it provides. Like if you were to have a kid, the podcast on paper should be like the last thing to go. Because we're talking about the trials and tribulations of being podcasters right now. And there's someone like walking to their fucking 7-Eleven job. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:09:18 It's like, trust me, we... I think doing something like quitting streaming where maybe you're putting in like five days a week, like a 10 hour days. And that's like what's required to keep the fandom of your stream But podcasting is like the thing that most conveniently fits in to whatever life event you encounter I still love doing it. It's just like some obviously some days. You're just like I don't fucking do it But you're like you're mentally you're like I'm gonna have to fucking do it. Like you're mentally, you're like, ah, I'm going to have to like really try today. You fire up the TFT, baby.
Starting point is 01:09:47 Then you fire up a game of TFT and I get eighth and I'm like, I'm going to throw you less than two times. You know what's nice? Two times? The only time I've ever felt that
Starting point is 01:09:54 is when we do it, when we do it late like this, but because you're here this week, it made me excited to do it. It is easier with guests. Because we have to, you know,
Starting point is 01:10:01 we travel a lot and we have the, we always have the three of us. So like we have to like schedule. So sometimes when I'm gone for like this i'm gone for like a month we have to do like so many in such a short amount of time and i feel like it makes the episodes worse absolutely because i feel like when you when you have a week away from your friends you have at least have something to talk about right yeah dude i wanted to ask you i sometimes on x the everything app i will be talking to grok everything's on there and i'll go back to the timeline because like grok's great but
Starting point is 01:10:29 you know i came to see the content and come on grok is great okay you couldn't even keep a straight face so you just it's like it's a bumper sticker it's a cross it says grok is great grok is my rock gamer. So you're on Grok. I'm on everything. You're rocking. You're rocking. I'll be a tongue kiss.
Starting point is 01:10:50 You fucking numbskull. And I'm on there. And no, but sometimes I'll see like, it's you guys. It's Trash Taste. And you're saying something about anime. People get pissed off. Yeah. And someone being like, why do these guys still have a show?
Starting point is 01:11:01 And it's like 20K likes. Yeah. Yeah. People get pissed off. Does that still affect? How do you process that? And it's like 20 K likes. Yeah. Yeah. People get pissed off. Does that like, does that still affect, how do you process that? Uh,
Starting point is 01:11:09 I kind of like that. Really? Well, cause I feel like people still give a fuck. I like it too. Cause I feel like having some, you like me getting shook. Well, yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:18 No, we love that. Cause we have like a group chat where we talk shit on your show. Yeah. Like nothing worse is like having a show that people won't discuss. Especially when we're trying to like have an opinionated show. Yeah. And like, yeah, we say some shit, but like also we've been in the anime fandom for a
Starting point is 01:11:34 long time. The anime fans are very particular in how they like to talk about things. And they are very, they love to like. He knows. Fun knows. Oh, yeah. I heard about this. L, he knows, fun knows. Oh yeah. I heard about this. Love to tell me about this.
Starting point is 01:11:47 I don't bring it up. I don't bring it up, but I heard all about it. You fucked up. Well, wait, when I thought Akira Toriyama. Oh, that was bad. I wasn't even thinking about just that. He had a different time where he tweeted about chainsaw man. And that was the first time someone made fun of me for having a dead dad is when I talked
Starting point is 01:12:03 about chainsaw man of all things. Imagine he that tweet that would have no they would have known well did you ever see did you ever see that time when uh i i made a tweet said uh it's all about you know the but i was like wow the budget must be going crazy you know obviously like implying because it looks so good now a bunch of like there are a group of uh people on twitter who really like like animation fanatics and some of them get like really into it and they like love talking about like and most of these dudes are super chill like really cool but like some of them get really worked up when you uh conflate budget with quality in anime okay they think it's like the number one sin because it's not about that it's about the the animators who work on it yeah which is you know it's a valid argument and then they got really worked up and they all
Starting point is 01:12:48 started like retweeting and going crazy with it and i didn't interact with it at all but they were all like trying to dunk on me and i was like you know it's not a big deal i feel like i it's a bigger creator i just have to like suck it up you do the take it it's interesting because it's easier to put it's easier for me because i have the brain worm that like i know i see you'll see my brain you're gonna chill out you didn't chill okay let me explain i just feel like you like that can't be good no it isn't it isn't okay well what i'm saying is sometimes if there are some buckets of like demographics where if they all hate me it's like it's i don't care it's funny but actually most people when they're shitting on me i'm like hey no that's not true because i think deep down i
Starting point is 01:13:30 just want them to like me right and uh and but it's funny because like i have a bucket of people that if this happens i'm like i don't care but i think your bucket of that is way bigger yeah and also it's like how do you how do you know who's like earnestly hating you and who's just like once like five minutes and they saw somebody who's fucking bored i don't know i i mean after like so i feel like i can't discern but when this when this thing happened right with the with the animators got like annoyed at me for saying that uh you know apparently like i guess some people saw that they were like getting all worked up about it and then people were applying being like ah don't worry about it's not a big deal one of the guys like went on and claimed he got
Starting point is 01:14:13 swatted don't know i have no idea if he did from this beef yeah from the which which that's crazy you know he i personally find hard to believe offline like he was swatted offline not streaming or anything yeah he's like a twitter user which i got swatted boys i don't think i buy that i listen i all i'm and then and then people got annoyed at me because then i was like this is getting ridiculous because then everyone would again bear in mind at this point i had not interacted with this tweet so then uh this then then they started attacking me again saying, how sick a fan fan is. Connor's like, fans swatted a guy. That's crazy.
Starting point is 01:14:48 There's literally no proof this happened other than the guy just claiming he did and then deleting his Twitter account. I just feel like, I'm not trying to be like, spreading misinformation and deleting your account. It's cool. Dude, I feel like that's. Dude. I'm not saying I want to pix.
Starting point is 01:15:04 I wanted to see the SWAT team. But I feel like we really should have taken this guy's word for it because he got a little upset on Twitter. Also, if all you said was what you said and then all this shit happened... I'm not interactive. And then I finally tweeted out being like, what the fuck happened?
Starting point is 01:15:16 I literally made, like, a budget joke. And then I was like, I don't know if the dude got SWAT. He says he did, but, like, fuck, you know. Anyway, it was a whole fucking shit show. That's crazy. They don't like when you say that budgets are related to how good... Yeah, you don't know if the dude got swatty says he did but like fuck out, you know Anyway, there's a whole fucking shit sure. So they don't they don't raise they don't like when you say that budgets are related to how good Yeah, you don't say that Like if you pay more money for... It sounds like the point of it. It just sounds like, well, we know that it won't, doesn't sequate.
Starting point is 01:15:49 So animating's free. And then, like, obviously, I talk, you know, I feel like on the podcast, I like being kind of, like, aggressive with the anime opinions. I like just being harsh. You're the slime of your podcast. I suppose so, in some senses, yeah. You're brave for that, actually. And that's why D dubbing likes you so much no i've no wish death anyway well okay which actually yeah can i take that back i didn't know you did that
Starting point is 01:16:16 yeah saying you're like slime is not something you should have said it's not a thing that defines me okay which like studio head would you want to die in a paramotor accident? It doesn't define me. Okay, sorry. What was I saying? Yeah, so then they get worked up because they take it sometimes out of context, sometimes not. Because you have opinions. Well, one time I remember this one blew up that was really funny.
Starting point is 01:16:40 Where we had argued that it was just fucking impossible or like very hard to get into Gundam. Like the anime series. This is what I saw. Yeah, this is what I saw that someone was freaking out about. And they were like, these guys are so fucking dumb
Starting point is 01:16:54 they think it's hard to get into. And then people started quote retweeting them being like, it literally has 40 years worth of animation. What do you mean? That is objectively hard
Starting point is 01:17:03 to get into. Wait, is it all one show? It's one show that has like 15 different arcs that are totally unrelated. Yeah, Gundam Wing. Yeah, Gundam. Gundam Idol. That's the only two I know. I didn't know Gundam was a show. I thought it was a genre of thing. That's generational.
Starting point is 01:17:21 It is as well, but, but like Gundam is its own series as well. Wow. But you can normally call it Mecha, the genre, not Gundam. But Gundam made the,
Starting point is 01:17:32 like popularized. So is it kind of like, is it kind of like roguelike, like that phrase? I guess so, in some senses. Did you ever watch a Godzilla cartoon?
Starting point is 01:17:40 It's a cartoon? Yeah, it's a cartoon. Can you look it up? Can you look at the Godzilla cartoon theme song zipper? They had Godzilla. I'm always impressed by how quickly you guys change topics. Shut up.
Starting point is 01:17:53 Fucking hell, dude. That's one for America, dude. I feel like I try to keep us in a flow. No, you're way... I generally think you're a better podcaster. No, no, no. So, okay, it's... That's just Reptar. It's like, it is... It is Reptar.
Starting point is 01:18:08 Reptar did not come before Godzilla. No, Reptar is Shibong. That's Godzuki. So it's about these boat researchers that live on the ocean. It's Dragon Tales. Okay, do we have sound here? Don't say that's Godzuki. Oh, that is Godzilla. Play it again, play it again, play it again. So, it's about these boat researchers that live on the sea
Starting point is 01:18:24 and do research. Oh, that's what they do and to say to like to save like the city sometimes they know Godzilla they call him up
Starting point is 01:18:35 that's tight and I watched this as a kid they call him you needed fucking like shit to do and he and he helps
Starting point is 01:18:41 and that's Godzuki and so in the in the in the in the theme song right now, play it again from the start, Zipper. Sorry. Ron, loop it. Loop it. Just play it. Loop it.
Starting point is 01:18:55 Put on loop. So because we don't have sound, I'll just do the sound effect. Oh, yes. From the depths, 30 stories high. Three flies in the sky Godzilla! Godzilla! You ready? Ready? That's Godzookie.
Starting point is 01:19:15 They have a fucking Godzookie, bro! And he's a goofball. Oh, and he's a klutz. Wow. That seems like a banger Terrible fucking joke, but you should watch it. Have you watched the show? It's a total it's a trash tasting of charge Have you watched the Super Mario Brothers super show? Is it the one where... Hey, Paisanos!
Starting point is 01:19:47 Yeah, I've seen this. I've seen the first episode. Yeah, yeah. From Brooklyn. Mama. Yeah, look. You should watch this and review it on your fucking little YouTube. You sound like the most out-of-touch motherfucker I've ever heard in my life.
Starting point is 01:20:01 I think I said made with the consent of... Have you watched an episode of Trash Taste? No. To be fair, I think I've watched one episode of the life. I think I said made with the consent of. Have you watched an episode of Trash Taste? No. Too fair. I think I've watched one episode of The Art. Are you on now? But you've never gone to The Art and then said, hey, you guys need to do this now. That's the difference.
Starting point is 01:20:14 He kind of did. Well, I kind of did. He kind of told us to do shit. You guys are the same. I know. And that's why you have a crush on him is because you love me. And you see, he's a new shot. He's a new shot.
Starting point is 01:20:25 Okay, wow. You mean a hot piece of toe., and you see he's a new hot piece of y'all. Okay, wow. You mean a hot piece of tongue. He's got his lipstick on. A hot piece of tongue. A hot piece of tongue sticking out. I don't like this. I don't like this. This is not comfortable.
Starting point is 01:20:33 It's for us. It's not for you. It's not for you. You're making it about you. You're making everything about you. You could, though. I actually have a question. What's the thing you've made that you're most proud of?
Starting point is 01:20:42 Wow. That's a great question. I know. I can tell you it's free if you've made that you're most proud of? Wow. That's a great question. I can take this for you if you need. Sure. It was eating the entire Taco Bell menu. Maybe the pizza. The pizza one. You shit out and it's just shaped like a teddy bear for some reason.
Starting point is 01:20:57 Cursed item. The last cyclothon was pretty fun. Oh, yeah. That's cool. That was great. I mean, I'm proud. Even though it was not challenging content-wise, I feel like it was just fun oh yeah that's great i mean i'm pro even though it was like not challenging content wise i feel like it was just fun i mean it's probably challenging life-wise now like doing
Starting point is 01:21:10 it no if he did he's mode after like three days you i think it's like when you do you see like eddie azar when he did like 30 marathons back to back i don't know sorry do not compare yourself no no no no but he said wait you're talking about Eddie Azar the comedian yeah she now oh she sorry sorry
Starting point is 01:21:30 I learned that from Hank Green I remember watching a clip where they were talking about it and they were saying like yeah after like four marathons back to back I just kind of got used to it
Starting point is 01:21:38 and I even though I was not doing marathons I definitely felt after day three your body just gets used to it what you're doing I'm just diffy now that's all it is you just get used to day three your body just gets used to it what you're doing I'm just diff you know
Starting point is 01:21:49 Obviously I mean You know it wasn't that far it wasn't like the distance wasn't crazy per day. We weren't doing like crazy distance Fucking basketball to be to yesterday Connor never played basketball we go to the court I was pooped these two fucking ripped ass Jews come up there like yo you guys want to run today's Connors Connors shake in his British boots And like where they would like bully me and tell me to give me that money. I have a meat pie if you'd like that sir. I'm sorry. They were actually incredibly sweet.
Starting point is 01:22:35 It was so nice. It was like Spongebob when it's like the really tough guys but then they're actually sweet as fuck. They're cool. So we played two. Connor's never played and they let him break all the rules. He would double dribble and I was like, that's a double dribble.bble. They're like that's okay. Is he better than me a basketball? Yes, really? Yeah, cuz from the free throw line for zero reason he makes half of them like actually five or two It's based and I don't and I know you don't did you watch a lot of his video where I drink but fight You watch it. Yeah, that was real. I am that bad at basketball.
Starting point is 01:23:08 I mean, I can't imagine everyone's good at it. That's so nice of you. You're so sweet. Someone has to make up. That is so sweet. You're so sweet. So it's going to be the bottom percent? Someone has to. You're a fucking asshole.
Starting point is 01:23:16 No one talks about the bottom percent. Wow, that's actually really mean. You're selling yourself short. That's one of the meanest things you can say. I also, yeah, I was tired. The shit, I realized I exercise. I rarely like sprint in my exercise. So I was gassed.
Starting point is 01:23:31 Explosive energy. Yeah. We started playing basketball at 6.15 last night and you guys rolled up when it was dark. I was busy. I was waiting. I was like, all right, what are we doing basketball? He's like, yeah, I'll finish this thing at my seven.
Starting point is 01:23:43 Eight, he comes out. He's like, let's go. I'm like, isn't it dark? He's like, no, they'll turn let's go i'm like isn't it dark he's like no they'll turn the lights on they did not turn the lights on dude they usually turn the lights on he's right i think i think we found out they don't on sundays yeah they don't you know i was like i was like echo location trying to find my guy to block it was a terrible environment to learn how to play basketball in because it was very difficult to see i also just did not want to be in strangers initially i just It was a terrible environment to learn how to play basketball in Strangers initially I just felt but then they were very nice. They're so like they were like they're big
Starting point is 01:24:15 Gonna fight. Yeah On the basketball court fighting kids like a 16 year old once fighting when he was 16? Yeah, he was a kid. He was a kid. 18. A child. I didn't hear that part. He was a freshman in college at most. I heard you were beefing with a kid. You chased him down. You did? Tell us. Stans tweeted that I almost got in a fight at the basketball court. Okay.
Starting point is 01:24:38 And there was... I did say kid. He looked like he was between the age of like 18 and 22 like like college age and he was with a group of his of his friends and we didn't have a lot of people on thursday night so we were running our five against their five and the whole time there's this this guy who continues to be a problem and and another smaller kid on their team who are getting really physical while they play like dropping shoulders and just playing really aggressively and i play with rad stads and i thought it was integrity and these these people all the time and i would say i've
Starting point is 01:25:18 never heard like a stadler get upset for example at basketball I've never heard him get angry at somebody but he like within the first like few back and forth plays is like dude what the fuck is this guy doing like he's he's starting to hurt Stadler and we finish um we finish this game and it just kind of like sucks to play against them because of the way these two guys are playing and we end up uh there's a rotation of people on the court right so we play we go into the next game uh and and play them play them again and the second time we go the whole time this guy is like very like visibly cocky like laughing him and his friends like all like speak another language so we can't tell what they're saying uh and they're and they're just like laughing and like winning the whole time basically but the second game's a lot closer
Starting point is 01:26:10 but the third game it's only like a couple of us this time and a different group of like random people we don't know that come into the rotation so it's like me and stans i think and we play with these three other people, and we start winning this game. And the kid, instead of laughing and having a good time, is getting clearly really upset that he's losing the game. And this one kid on our team
Starting point is 01:26:35 who is maybe half his size and weight, because this kid who's been really aggressive and cocky the whole time is really tall. What did you say? what'd you say? What'd you say? He was a little, say it again. You said he was thick.
Starting point is 01:26:48 You called him thick. You just said he was 16, five minutes ago. So you, you can reconcile that. Whoa, pause. I do not see this kid.
Starting point is 01:26:54 Say it Drake. No, I'm not on that Cody Co shit. I do not see the kid. I don't know any of this. And these are the one, the, the guy on our team,
Starting point is 01:27:03 who's half his size, like strips the ball and gets into like two jump ball situations back to back with him and the kid is really angry and like starts to get in his face and like tower over him and he's saying like like fucking fight me like fucking punch me that's crazy and this is crazy because i've played with the kid that he's like intimidating before i've played with him like a week prior. And this guy is super nice. Just a small dude who like loves playing basketball.
Starting point is 01:27:31 And it's just like, I don't know what you want me to do. This is just like, I just grabbed the ball. Like I'm literally just playing the game. And over the course of this game, he's getting more and more frustrated and keeps like making like contact with people and on the last play he uh i'm i'm laughing at him and like telling him to calm down throughout this i'm like dude what's your problem like it's like just just chill out like why are you so fucking angry and he comes up to the end of the court and on the last play we only have one point less left to get and i stuff him and i look
Starting point is 01:28:05 at him and i laugh in his face and then i was just like i was like come on dude like what the fuck and then i'm fucking six three here well he's as tall as i am okay and uh and i dribble down the other side of the court and then i go up for a layup and he fouls me bad and i'm like and i just like look at him like i'm laughing i'm like dude that's a foul and he's like what and he gets really angry that i called the foul he has just swept my leg and chopped my arm down he's done he's done like two insane things and i'm like it's a foul and we call we call the foul we reset and we win the game and his he go around, you say good games, and he's the only, he walks straight off the court.
Starting point is 01:28:49 He won't say good games to anybody. Keep in mind, he's been king of the court like five games in a row. This is the first time he's lost. And he's been such a bitch about it. So he goes over and sits with his friends or the people he knows, and I walk over to him, and I was like, you're not even going to say good say good games dude and I'm still laughing the 8 of up version
Starting point is 01:29:09 and he like looks at me but he won't say anything and I turn around I look at Stadler is like you can't lose and be a pussy and then he did it and then he did he just didn't do anything he didn't do anything no I would have beat the shit out of you that? No. I would have beat the shit out of you. That's so cool. I would have beat the shit out of you. On the court, you don't set to in like that. He looks big in the court. So that's, I wouldn't say there was almost a fight.
Starting point is 01:29:32 That's just what happened. It is very telling that you fucking beasted on him and then call him a pussy for being mean and evil. He didn't do anything. He was being terrible. He hurt Stadler and Cam In the first game And they play They play hard
Starting point is 01:29:46 They play They have played for Seven months now I see them play every week I've been shoving Cam around For months Dude Cam never complains No
Starting point is 01:29:54 And Cam Cam almost refuses To call getting fouled Yeah And even when people Fuck him up So to see these two people Say something
Starting point is 01:30:01 I'm like oh this is Actually serious Wow You stood on business Young man Cause you've been a piece of shit. Like, I, it's, dude, it's exactly like Valorant. It's like, I will never throw the first stone, but if you're
Starting point is 01:30:11 gonna be a prick, I'm not gonna not say anything. I guess it is you basically solo-cued. Or you duo-cued. Yeah. Wow. Pick-up basketball is the same as online video games except people say fewer slurs. I duo-ed and they were mean to my kitten. And so, and people say fewer slurs. I do. I was never mean to my kitten.
Starting point is 01:30:28 And so I had to bark. I can't be mean to my kitten. What are you going to do? And then Yingling's in the kitty call just sleeping. But on the posters. Of course he is. At the family reunion, I played two on two
Starting point is 01:30:36 with one of Cutie's brothers and his son. And I fucking diced him with this other guy I was playing with. And Cutie's brother got so mad. He goes, run it back. We win again.
Starting point is 01:30:48 Like, I, you know, do game winning layup. He fucking punches the ball 30 feet, comes back with one of Cutie's other brothers. And he's like, all right, let's go. They fucking, they run us. He just starts sinking shots. He's not even like saying, like he's not even fucking talking shit.
Starting point is 01:31:04 He's like, yep, this is what should have happened. This is crazy. Why does everyone like this? I will, dude. He just wanted to win. Egos are huge at basketball. When I say the solo queue comparison, it is the same. Like, think about the people you play with, how some people just
Starting point is 01:31:20 this is where it's just, I think people have fragile egos to begin with let me tell you about an insta lock reina in the game of basketball aka hasan oh i will say the number one per most complaints per person i've ever heard about one guy to show up hasan hasan decimated the vibes i wasn't there this is just what i've heard oh Oh, I see. Because he's, okay, he's good, right? And it's like, it's like I'm playing with an Isilac Rana and he's smurfing. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:49 But like, he's also swinging out every round. And so game one, it works. They win. Game two, they've caught on. He's getting locked down D by Stadler, but he takes every shot regardless. Didn't pass the ball one time. Took like 20 shots. Missed every single shot.
Starting point is 01:32:05 Lost like 15 seconds left. Damn. Wow. You adapted to the Smurf. And then he probably fucking blamed it on some country. That's what he does. Yeah. It's political.
Starting point is 01:32:15 I'm going to stand that time. Yeah. Dude. Dude. Alex. Alex and Alexa went to the fucking CIA base. Yeah. They made that video.
Starting point is 01:32:24 And I saw them in K-Town last week and I was like, did you guys get pulled aside? Like, did you guys have any trouble getting in? And they were like, no. They have less trouble than Josh and Miles. It's crazy how they get in after everything they've done. Wait, they didn't get in,
Starting point is 01:32:40 right? They did. They're here. No, she's asking the base. I mean, they kind of did. They went in. They They did. They're here. No, she's asking the base. I mean, they kind of did. They went in. They literally did. They went to like the fucking front lot. No, they got through the first part. They got into the second lot. They got through multiple security clearances, right? They actually,
Starting point is 01:32:55 they could have been arrested. Yeah. Genuinely. Like, and charged. They committed a crime. But I think the government didn't want to charge them because it would make press coverage. Yeah, CIA doesn't want to be in the news. That's kind of their idea. I think the government didn't want to charge them because it would make press coverage. Yeah, CIA doesn't want to be in the news. That's kind of their... I think also my... I would bring in the question,
Starting point is 01:33:09 why is there a base there? Why do we let Americans run this part of Australia? Why do they take all our submarines away and now we rely on the U.S. for all our submarines? It's like weird butter. No, you just put it on the toast. It tastes good on the toast. It is weird butter. Well, guys, we have reached the CIA for all their submarines. Vegemite, it's like weird butter. Nah, you just put it on the toast, it tastes good on the toast. It is weird butter.
Starting point is 01:33:26 Well, guys, we have reached the CIA base of our time today with Conor. I thought we had half an hour left. It's been a pleasure. It's been a pleasure again with you. Any shout outs, Conor? Any things you'd like to plug? Ah, the ocean. Watch the ocean.
Starting point is 01:33:40 You pleasure me. And could you say a Latin blessing for the one of ten this week? A Latin blessing? Or a Welsh blessing. A Welsh blessing. A Welsh blessing. For the one of ten that we need. Please, we need this, please.
Starting point is 01:33:51 We need dragon communion. Let's say,, which means to good health. Okay! I like that show. All of us. All of our good health. I'm like on that thing, you know what I mean? You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:34:01 I'm trying to be like the girl. Yeah, the Welsh. You didn't have to say. on that. You can't exist without saying the hot to a girl. Yeah, the well Without saying the second are you happy you came on? Watch Connors auction and Main if you would like to or all the other things D D if you're watching bro hit us up I've been texting you like all week, bro.
Starting point is 01:34:25 I hope you're okay. D, D, D, D, D, D, D, D,
Starting point is 01:34:28 D, D, D, D, D, D, D, D,
Starting point is 01:34:28 D, D, D, D, D, D, D, D,
Starting point is 01:34:29 D, D, D, D, D, D, D, D,
Starting point is 01:34:29 D, D, D, D, D, D, D, D,
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Starting point is 01:34:41 D, D, D, D, D, D, D, D, the
Starting point is 01:34:47 D, the last

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