The Yard - Ep. 158 - We Hosted a Debate

Episode Date: July 24, 2024

This week, the boys are debating! Aiden as Gen Z vs Slime as a Millenial, they debate on who has better slang, better jeans, better memes, and better hairstyles!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I Need you guys to leave the room What a backyard we need? To go back inside. You just had us come out of the house. You could have not. You just told us to not come in the house. You really want me to get up right now.
Starting point is 00:00:34 There's no way you're making me do that. There's no way you made us sit down. I didn't want to have to. I didn't want to have to do that. Okay. But you guys gotta go inside. Yeah. Jesus. But you guys got to go inside. Yeah, okay. So if you're blind or audio listener, this is for you.
Starting point is 00:00:50 I'm wearing, I'm dressed as a judge. As many of us know, a war is being waged against the generation that defined the internet. As well as a majority of pop culture still appreciate it today. A purpose-driven generation known for innovation and perseverance, and that generation is the Millennials. On the opposition, Gen Z, a generation with a supposed prioritization of diversity and inclusion, known for being handed the internet and taking it to much greater heights. And after driving mental health to the forefront of American consciousness,
Starting point is 00:01:26 they declare psychological warfare against the generation that gave them life. And I would love to say that it goes no deeper, but that is unfortunately untrue. There is- shut up. The judge rules. I'll get to that. I would love to say that it goes no deeper, but that is untrue. I got mooned by them. They mooned. They showed me their ass. Not their collective ass, but I was shown one of their asses. A generation that cannot yet be defined by words or characteristics. Skibbity this or phantom tax that. Generation Alpha is mounting an
Starting point is 00:02:01 unprecedented takeover of American culture and phasing out both. Millennials and Gen Z in the process. Can you guys stop laughing? Sorry man, it's a P&A thing. But before we go softly into that good night, we must settle our differences through none other than the art of debate.
Starting point is 00:02:19 Today, we will fight to determine the dominant generation. We will settle the debate once and for all. Gen Z or Millennials? Who is the dominant generation, we will settle the debate once and for all. Gen Z or millennials? Who is the greater generation? Representing the millennials, Anthony Slime Bruno. Come on out. Come on out. So everyone's clapping.
Starting point is 00:02:37 Slime, you were born in the 90s. 1990. Exactly 90. That's right. That makes you a millennial. I'm a core millennial. I'm a core millennial. You're a core millennial. And today you will be defending your team,
Starting point is 00:02:49 the Millennials, in a debate against Aiden, the ****, Calvin. Yeah, I agree with what he said. Aiden. Not all Gen Z are that. By the way, we're me and them, we're talking, I know we're about to debate, you're a bitch, bro. We clapped, dude, we got you back there. I saw it. I'm the law.
Starting point is 00:03:16 I can make you dust. No, you can't. I can put you in a federal prison. You ain't got no bailiff. Nah, immunity, Supreme Court decided. You got a damn thing, dude. Well you were born in 1997, that makes you- I'm right on the bubble. I'm the first Gen Z generation.
Starting point is 00:03:30 That makes you Gen Z. And I, born 1996, I'm right smack dab in the middle. You know, a couple more minutes if I didn't come out of that thing. You could have been with me. If I wasn't in that thing stankin' it up. I may have been one of you. You were stankin' it up. I may have been one of you. You were stankin' it up in that thing. So he admits it stank.
Starting point is 00:03:49 Well there were girls in there. What the fuck, you're talking about your mother. No. You said it stanker. Order. Order. This is good, this is good. He actually has a way out of any argument.
Starting point is 00:04:00 Zipper, can you bring me up the PowerPoint? Gen Z vs. Millennials millennials click to add subtitle. Also please go full screen. Today we have a little debate for you guys. Neither sides has seen, are you fucking serious Zipper? No way. He hasn't. Did you never go to class?
Starting point is 00:04:20 We didn't go to class bro. Zipper be smoking weed outside. That's crazy dude. Yeah, click to add subtitle. Wait, where's my clicker? It's always some shit with you. Nexus slime. Oh. You have my clicker?
Starting point is 00:04:37 No, no, no, I need that. I need that. I need that. No, hey, no. I need that. Give me my clicker. What are you gonna do? Give me my clicker. Oh, he's doing it. Don't do that. It's crack away. Don't do that. No, hey, no. I need that. Give me my clicker. Give me my clicker. Oh, it's doing it.
Starting point is 00:04:45 Don't do that. It's crackling. Don't do that. Don't do that. I need this. No, no, zipper, you can't play no game in the middle. No, zipper, you can't play no game in the middle. No, zipper, you can't play no game in the middle.
Starting point is 00:04:53 Give me the zipper. Give me the zipper. No, and now it's stuck between the zips. All right, let's get involved. Good shit. That's what everyone was talking about. That's what we were talking about in the house. This thing is itchy.
Starting point is 00:05:06 So we're gonna go to the next slide. Why isn't it working? You guys broke it. You guys fucking broke it. We didn't break it. It's got no juice. You gotta refill the cartridge. In this game there are going to be three types of rounds.
Starting point is 00:05:21 There is a head to head round, a duel round, and a free debate round. These will interchange throughout the competition. The main differences are in a head-to-head round, you will be given two sides to represent and defend. So one example of this could be the Gritty versus Cranked-At by Soulja Boy. Two dances from two different generations. No matter what you receive, you must defend that position. I love that. That's what real debate is about.
Starting point is 00:05:44 If someone says, hey, it's cool to eat like the spines of a child. Yes. And in debate class, you're like, well, I don't want to do that, but you have to do it. Thank you. Are you a debate kid? Thank you, Uncle Grandpa. You're in the debate team? I was, I left the debate team.
Starting point is 00:05:58 Slime still has a weird voice. I still have a weird voice. I screamed a lot. It's more representative of your age group. I wish you were dead. Hey, hey age group. I wish you were dead. Hey, hey, down. You'll inherit a boiling planet. The second type of round is going to be a duel.
Starting point is 00:06:12 In a duel, you will be given one item, and you will have to debate which generation truly created that thing. Oh. God. And in the third type of round. It's a free debate. So you will be given a topic like dances and you will have to debate who had a more meaningful contribution to that overarching concept. So I actually am so easy. I have an easy road to do everything.
Starting point is 00:06:38 I'll name one general rules down. The general rules here, I've kind of already said them. Your opponents must represent the side of the argument that they're given no matter what. You may not look up things online at any point during this debate, and you may phone a friend one time. Oh, can I call a Zoomer or would I call a Millennial? I guess it depends. I guess it depends on where we go on this magical day, you and I. Maybe you'll call Grock. Can I call Grock? You can call Grock. Grock would count as a friend because Grock is our friend and he is
Starting point is 00:07:07 always real you also can be a parent I've tried I've touched him you touch Grock I've touched Grock I downloaded Grock into the big pocket ass vibrating simian I have at home and I and Grock knows exactly how I like it's weird he's not coded to like it but he'll do it I but he'll do it. I don't like that you have a good main scrub. I don't like that you have black lung. I don't like that you have that. Slime with scurvy. I love scurvy.
Starting point is 00:07:33 Are you guys ready? Give me a line, please. Are you guys ready? Yes, I'm ready. Sounds like it's started. All right. I'm ready. Opening statements.
Starting point is 00:07:38 Starting with Anthony Slime Bruno, please give me your opening statement and make the case for millennials. Well, the problem, so there's an inherent problem of being a millennial itself is that we're inherently cringe. But that's only because we happen to pave the way for the rest of everyone else to not be cringe. Right. We we millennials invented so much and we suffer the brunt of that.
Starting point is 00:07:59 We are the middle children of this information age, if you will. Wow. And and that hurts but it's on the backs of our hard work of our trial and error and our Harry Potter house sorting Facebook ass acoustic covers of Goethe type shit. Slytherin. Slytherin for sure. Griffin North. Acoustic covers of Goethe? Is it too late to sit over there? Hey it's not your turn. That's the reason that many of you, much like my young ball of care part,
Starting point is 00:08:30 is able to be who he is today. It can even happen to Gen Z. A little bit foreshadowing. Head full of hair. Head full of hair. It's rich. It's thick. The barber has to thin it. Sometimes. It looks like. It's crazy. It's thick. The barber has to thin it sometimes.
Starting point is 00:08:45 He's just hitting scissors. It looks like K1 Speed tires. They don't trade on them. Anyway. That's it. Those are my opening statements. Aiden Calvin, please give me your opening statement. I think unlike Millennials who are stuck between the teat of boomers that have given them everything and the cultural force of Gen Z who are at the forefront of TikTok and content creation, who are making up the trends that matter in the
Starting point is 00:09:14 last decade. We have so much more to give, so much more authenticity. We've come up under the hardest times where the parents are Gen X at best. And they, you know, that was a lost generation. Living in poverty, maybe some even millennial parents in the mixed. So all the suffering that you pass on to these children that they have to overcome. And I think that creates ingenuity. Wow. Wow. Well, hey, you'll get your time for counter statements. These are opening statements. So this is what debate's all about, you know, ad hominem and and also all sorts of all sorts of all sorts of.
Starting point is 00:09:51 I want to download your AI, put it in my grock ass. We punctuate things with words like bra. Sort of straw man's and such. And you're a pillar of your culture is a book that was made by a transphobe. Is that true? It's such an L, dude. That's your guy! They're all lasering off their damn tattoos
Starting point is 00:10:10 rightfully so. She can't help if she's Slytherin. Yeah, it would be very Slytherin. It would be very Slytherin for a Slytherin. Well, speaking of bald, we're gonna get into our first topic of the day, which is... Yeah, that's right. Bitch, everyone thinks you're a bitch. get into our first topic of the day, which is... Which is...
Starting point is 00:10:25 Yeah, that's right. Bitch, everyone thinks you're a bitch. It's crazy, we do think you're a bitch. I bet a Gen... Because you can't pick a side. You're a bitch. I bet a Gen Z made this for me. Buston versus Bieber.
Starting point is 00:10:36 This is a haircut comparison. Yeah. Debate. All right, well let's break this down easy, right? On the left, you have somebody who looks to be about the age of, let's say, 21. Looks like a handsome haircut. Which of the two, if you had to pick, Slime, would you fuck? I'm not gonna do that. How old is Justin Bieber? I'm not saying shit like that. Exactly. You have to pick the busted haircut.
Starting point is 00:11:01 Do not set up an unwinnable situation for me. And then a lemon put me in and can use a controller. Hey, how about we pull all the adult women in our audience, the adult straight women and see which... All right, all five of you. This is also the click button. I get to pause you guys. So I also do some, I do fun facts.
Starting point is 00:11:17 So pause. Gen Z is very aware of issues such as sexual identity and fairness in the workplace. So this is accurate. And professionals at canceling, your generation was still OK with making moves on kids around that age. I feel like millennials, they're beating your ass. You got to step up. Listen, for one, you look like shit as a guy.
Starting point is 00:11:42 OK, just in general. I was wanting to get that out there. My malarial shown a little bit. I will set the hammer to agree. You look like shit as a guy. OK, just in general, I was wanting to get that out there. My malaria will show in a little bit. I will set the hammer to agree. Yeah, see the judge, he understands. Now, OK, listen, Buston versus Beaver. You got to be fucking kidding me
Starting point is 00:11:55 because the Buston haircut is so much maintenance and it's so and it's such an idea of like kids are getting perms now to have this fucking idea. That's kind of fucked up. The Beaver Cut, it is more than just the Beaver Cut. It's sort of like it's the crucible of many different trees that came from it. You got seen. You got emo.
Starting point is 00:12:17 You got this this trend that now obviously we look back. I'm always playing from the back foot here. Here's everything is cringe. My argument. Here's my argument. Pass. Let's go. I'll move past entrapment foot here. Here's my argument. Here's my argument. Pass. Let's go. I'll move past entrapment. We can move. We can move past my first argument. That kid on the right. I remember the most popular kid in seventh grade, I think, was Blake Browning. And he had the same haircut.
Starting point is 00:12:38 You call him B. He's a seventh grader. He's in my grade. And the only time Gen Z ever adopted that haircut was when they were children. But as we know through our good friend Hitch, plenty of millennials copy the Buston haircut now in their adult life. Wait a minute. Order. To stay relevant.
Starting point is 00:12:56 You can't talk about Hitch in the courtroom. No, no, no. You brought up Hitch as a defense for yourself? He's a millennial reaching a millennial, a millennial reaching into the Gen Z cultural well that runs deep within the ground and to try and be cool because he has nothing from your generation. He can't do the Justin Bieber haircut at age 47 or however old Hitch is.
Starting point is 00:13:24 He's spitting facts. Is so old. All right. Look, my Riley, my friend in high school who had the Bieber cut. Riley dirt bikes. Fuck Riley pussy. OK, so did Blake Brown. It's kind of like a you know, it's like a Catholic.
Starting point is 00:13:41 You don't have to, you know, I can't believe it. I don't have to you know Now Does Riley to this day can I look him up? Yeah Up online for this purpose you'd imagine. Hold on. This was gonna immediate breaking of the rules Objection we all think you're a pussy. In the courtroom.
Starting point is 00:14:06 Sustained. You don't get to say sustained. You don't get to say sustained. I sustained it. I sustained it. I sustained it. You didn't say it. I sustained it.
Starting point is 00:14:14 Dude, it's just a bunch of pictures of him riding dirt bikes. I'm not kidding. And he has a helmet on. Can I see, can I see exhibit A, please? Is there a monster logo? Okay, his dog is very cute, also his cover photo. Not facing the camera for the profile picture. Let's get a photo of Riley.
Starting point is 00:14:32 The defendant has the right to see Eximidae. Riley with a Y and he does... He does look kinda cool. He does look kinda cool. That's what the judge is here for. That's your guy? That's what the judge is here for. And you are going bald. Okay, Aiden, I do think while you've made a much stronger overall argument, then I guess you're both kind of defendants.
Starting point is 00:14:57 Look, I just want to say one more thing. I'm always going to be playing from the back foot because everything millennials do as the older generation will be cringe, right? So it's it's so much harder to say it's so much easier to defend. Yeah, that's the trend right now. That's obviously what's cool I have to defend jinkos. You can't rely on trailblazing as your excuse But without the trail, where would you be? You'd be lost in a sea of shit You'd be lost without the trail. I don't need that. Have we not made our own trail? The gen- the gen-Zed?
Starting point is 00:15:26 Are you fucking kidding me? Everyone right now, Gen Z right now, who grew up watching Cody Co is fucking 12 years old. Now they're looking on the subreddit. A millennial? As a judge, I disagree with what he did.
Starting point is 00:15:39 All right, thank you, yes. But we all do not agree with what Cody Co did. And so, but you have, you have with what Cody did. And so you have to say, hey, but I'm the only one who can legally decide. Yeah, but they're having break. They're breaking down talking about. I can't believe this shit because yeah, a millennial broke their trust as a content creator.
Starting point is 00:16:02 Like this is all you're all based on us. Oh, drones. You're a pussy drone. Pussy ass drone, dude. Why would you have to why would you have to copy our haircut if we're the drones? Should we be finding a... SwidersGeorgia slash Hitch is an outlier and must not be counted. I provided an exhibit and evidence we could... Please. Please, please.
Starting point is 00:16:28 You can't even think of anyone. We're going to use your call. It's going to call Hitch. I was going to call you. I call you use your call. But he'll just be defensive. Hitch will destroy your argument no matter what. Yeah, this is like this is this is a witness that I called to the stand
Starting point is 00:16:41 and it debilitates lies out of the court. So I'll I'll let it be. The only hint I'll give you guys is that there's going to be debates that you have where you're going to want to phone a friend. And so using it is risky. I'm hanging on. I'm hanging on. All right, well.
Starting point is 00:16:55 Look, one side, the haircut of a child, haircut of a man. Order. Although, although he brought up sex with a child, which I didn't like. That is immediately what I didn't like. Was it pro? I have to award him the point for this round because he had a stronger argument. Although Riley does look cool. And if he's still online, we should message him and maybe try to hang out with Riley.
Starting point is 00:17:19 You do ride dirt bikes with Riley. But one point for Gen Z. And as someone who's on the middle, I don't care where this goes. So we're gonna go to the next question. Will this question, question for the judge, will you decide your generation after the debate has concluded? Yes, I'll draft to the strongest team.
Starting point is 00:17:35 I love that. It's like when I just follow the best player. If Curry's going to a different team, I'm following Curry. Yeah, if Curry's on the Jazz. I guess I'm a J head. Jazz are. I'm going I guess I'm a J head Jazz or fire? Jay off. All right. The next subject is tick-tock versus YouTube Mm-hmm. Yeah, see he already knows because that's the thing. He's a he's a cusp
Starting point is 00:18:04 Zoomer, right? So he's actually very what do you call it? He's conflicted because YouTube is this generational foundational thing now. He was a younger zoomer a couple years younger He might be like well shit this ain't even a damn problem for me But that's the difference because you're infected with this. I don't know what you're talking about. There's no doubt in my mind No doubt All right, well you got to open last time and you used the sex with the child as sort of which we all thought was strange. He revisited it. I'm revisiting it as a point to to destroy you in the marketplace.
Starting point is 00:18:33 If I focus on this, are you kind of inserting it? Seems to be top of mind for you. So stay on. So stay on subject. Tick tock versus YouTube. Dare I even did do I even need to say anything? YouTube came out in 2005. Some cunt went to the zoo after that.
Starting point is 00:18:51 Halo 2, Halo 2 frag videos. OK, sounds pretty good. And we got vlog brothers. That's kind of nice. There are so many gender. YouTube is a substitution for all media you could ever need while TikTok only serves to rot your head while you're in transit or at home on your bed smoking a vape that tastes delicious.
Starting point is 00:19:18 Are you going to say something free? The difference between TikTok, I think, an appreciation that is that is developed within me this year, because I watch TikTok through a specific lens. I admittedly don't use my account and I get on and I watch with my girlfriend who browses TikTok for me and I watch who she likes. And I think what TikTok has and YouTube doesn't is a thread of authenticity and realness that you never get from YouTube.
Starting point is 00:19:46 YouTube is full of droog. YouTube is full of droog- Good day, I'm Felsley. Lord BPN fucks who tell you, who script out and cut every five seconds, but TikTokers are like, oh, here's a beautiful mother of three who's pregnant and she's telling you about the act of gratitude that her husband gave her today
Starting point is 00:20:07 And it has a million views isn't that beautiful is that really brain rot? Or do you need or do you need Drew to tell you why why your finger is gonna get cut by the by the Tesla Roadster He's walked right into my trap. The judge is wondering if you are sure she has a husband The beautiful pregnant woman. She is engaged. Okay. Thank you for asking, Judge. He walked right into my trap.
Starting point is 00:20:32 What is your trap? A trap of debate is a foot. Stupid, silly, you're the bamboo. The bamboo spikes are going right through your body right now. It's horrifying. They're not. I feel fine. This all existed on YouTube before. The bamboo spikes are going right through your body right now. It's horrifying. They're not. I feel fine. This all existed on YouTube before TikTok just extracted it already from something that
Starting point is 00:20:52 already existed. And I will agree, there is a sincerity on TikTok. But I would also agree that the sincerity is perverted because of the idea of needing to blow up, needing to get crazy, needing to get good. We actually looked it up in a way a long time ago, a podcast episode about a guy who makes the same tick tock with the same caption. And you scroll down his page and it's 90 of the same video of him like jumping on a trampoline or whatever.
Starting point is 00:21:17 There's no there's no idea of art in tick tock. There is an idea. Shut up. Hitting the algorithm to blow up over and over and a ghost at a feast. Only frosting. No cake. Now, YouTube does have this problem, too. But YouTube is a channel and it's an idea where you can look back on an archive and feel good about it instead of just this algorithm slop farm. And I think that's insincere compared to YouTube, which is not as sincere.
Starting point is 00:21:42 Gen Z, kill yourself. Last night, last night, Zipper 3 showed me a tick talker. And every single video she makes is a different type of flower that she's given a different piercing to. And every flower is decorated with with septum piercings and earrings. And and and every single video for months is basically the same thing but different types of flowers but eventually one does hit the algorithm and it's like the right log floating down the lazy river and it just and
Starting point is 00:22:15 eventually it hits because you are interested and you do kind of like looking at that and eventually the algorithm finds its way to deliver it to you instead of scheduled Wendover logistics Hong Kong fucking airplane slop that you won't remember if I tested you on it the day after. I don't like China as a judge. You pump out three hour World War II documentaries and can't regurgitate a fact a day later. That's not true, you cuck sucker. Because you mind dumped it in the 8 hour Leah Mario Super 64 VOD
Starting point is 00:22:49 that you watched right after. Meanwhile, my takeaway was, wow, what a beautiful labia piercing on that sunflower. And I remember it. And it'll stay with me. I have one more question to ask you. And This is a genuine question. When will you start Finasteride? Because it's a problem.
Starting point is 00:23:12 It's a problem. There can't be too bald people in the podcast. You know how fast people will stop watching and listening to this shit? They'll hear it in your damn voice. That wasn't my question. My question actually, if one of these platforms were to disappear today, TikTok or YouTube, which one do you think would leave the world in a better place?
Starting point is 00:23:31 If we only had YouTube, is the world a better place? Or if we only had TikTok, is the world a better place? And I think that it is a very obvious answer. It's clear to me. TikTok, also known as Douyin in China, in China, that Douyin propagandically reported to me that Douyin only feeds Chinese children, science, learning, none of this, none of this slop, as you call. And if we got rid of that, then our, our next generation of Chinese saviors won't be around.
Starting point is 00:24:08 Well, you hear from here first, my candidate opponent really just wishes that the boots of the East will step on our neck. Well, we are in an American courtroom, and for that reason and not that reason alone, I award the point to the Millennials. Fucking A. You kid, that's such an unfair question. That's such an unfair question. I'm sorry. What about the one you asked me in the beginning, you piece of shit? I'm sorry, is the world fair? Do you think the world is fair?
Starting point is 00:24:37 You put me in a fucking blender. You know what I do like? This is something I thought about when you brought up stuff being copied between platforms, is you remember that the classic YouTube video of who's that Pokemon? It's big as you, like that video from like 2006 or seven on YouTube. It's from the show.
Starting point is 00:25:00 But then they remade that video on Vine with a different episode of Pokemon, viral Vine. Interesting. And then, and this is like eight years later, right? Because it was a very early viral YouTube video. And then eight years later on TikTok, the same, like different episode of Pokemon, different concept, viral on TikTok. Like three generations of it before before midnight, after midnight, before sunrise or whatever.
Starting point is 00:25:28 It's that trilogy. But for Slop, yeah, also the what was I going to say? It's. Fuck, I forgot it. Vine was the map quest of content. Yeah, I'm the lost generation. Yeah, I printed out a damn map and drove places. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:25:47 Some of us did. That's crazy. Some of us damn did. I hate y'all know about that. Some of us damn didn't. That's what makes me like you. See, we fought the Nazis and damn worse. I was in the car when my parents did it.
Starting point is 00:25:58 All right. Well, we're one to one right now. Let's move forward on to slang. The slang between different genera... So some samples up there, including on the Gen Z side, we've got No Cap, It's Giving, Lowkey, Vibe, Riz, which is arguably Gen Alpha, Lit, Simp, and on the Millennial side, Bay, Uh, uh, millennial side. Bay. On fleek.
Starting point is 00:26:24 Mood. Adulting. Basic. Let's start with Gen Z. I mean, the writing's on the wall. You also are welcome to think of something that is not represented on here. Let's think of, if we were to just look at the examples on this list, let's think about the if we were to circle all the terms that we say
Starting point is 00:26:51 on this show, all of us. How many of the terms on the right get circled? It's a good argument. It's very it's few. It's few. It's few because people don't like them. They were heard. They were hurt. They were They were incredibly cringe from the get-go And they stayed cringe I like fam these stage
Starting point is 00:27:14 Him like spam I think I actually managed to scrub on fleek from my memory and tell one that one was fucked up at you to put in the Battle Give you a that shit. And I'll even give you a concession, I loved dank. Dank is cool. I loved dank. Because sometimes it's weed.
Starting point is 00:27:32 You know, you think back at like Bernie's dank meme stash from 2016, and you just want to blow your shit smooth off. I think, if you think about, you think about, look, I think if you look at something like low key, simple to the point, beautiful, gets used in everyday language and people in their 30s now because it's it's a beautiful term that Gen Z invented. Here is and again, from the back foot, because if you compare the slang of today to the slang of yesterday and not even yesterday day, because I'm sure some 90 slang circles around and comes back. I mean, when she's out the door, it really does hurt.
Starting point is 00:28:12 Here is what I have to say about slang in in white monoculture. Everything has been stolen from black youth. Everything. And listen up, kiddo. And now this is a condemnation of both of our generations being white men who... Like ketchup? Yeah, like ketchup, mustard, relish. Mudderd.
Starting point is 00:28:37 Mudderd. Mudderd. The pipeline typically goes from black youth to white gays to white women, and then ironically used by white men. Now, none of this has really changed. I'm realizing why debate sucks, because if you're in debate club and the guy starts to pull you to their side, you're like, this argument's pretty huge.
Starting point is 00:29:05 Your job is to win, not agree. Yeah, that's what I was feeling last round. If I'm being honest with myself, right, Lowkey might have been a black teenager in like 1995. Right, holy shit. You know, and so. Well, Aiden, as a person who does not believe in AAVE, what do you have to respond to this?
Starting point is 00:29:27 Thank you, Nick. Thank you for laying it with that context, that's true. And I've always said it's the person who popularizes it, not the person who invented it. The Old Man Farm wrote that song. I'd go as far to say the person who stole the invention and brought it into the limelight. Very Dutch East India company of you to to.
Starting point is 00:29:47 And that's the thing about Gen Z, we respect the old old ways. The old. Don't you don't? Yes. You're extra colonizers. Gen Z, while sensitive to the racial dynamics of our history, also respects the game of the East India training company. We do love game when I'm on that side. When the lads found the West Indies, they took a lot of stuff
Starting point is 00:30:14 and it changed the world. And when we and we from Gen Z took low-key, we changed language. Let me say this, and this is my argument here, is our slang as millennials is cringe inherently. One, because it's old. But two is because we have saddled a sense of of rightful. How do you say it? The Generation Z has no shame in the AAV they have taken,
Starting point is 00:30:43 and they will use it wantonly and without shame. And I think that we millennials, shut your damn mouth, have a healthy dose of shame in the element of our lexicon being out the door and therefore uncool. Let's... I have a piece of evidence that speaks to the unity of Gen Z. Jevid evidence. And not the millennial across from me
Starting point is 00:31:10 that's trying to divide us right now. I recently have been exploring some I Show Speed live streams as a as a cultural center point of Gen Z. Him traveling to like Oslo and just traveling around Europe and doing live streams. That is exactly his wheelhouse. He's like, who is in Europe? And he buys the different soccer jersey for every country.
Starting point is 00:31:30 It's kind of cool. And he's in Denmark and he's in the harbor and he's standing on the edge of the harbor about one kid comes up and he shows him I'm going to do a double backflip. Kid does a double backflip. This whole crowd of people that's there to see Speed. Cheers. Speed says, you want to see me do a backflip kid does a double backflip. This whole crowd of people that's there to see speed. Cheers. Speed says, you want to see me do a backflip? He steps up.
Starting point is 00:31:50 He right before he says three, he looks this crowd of white Danish children in the eyes and he says five, four, three, two. Everybody say neighbor and all of the white Danish kids say it. And he jumps, he backflips into the water in the harbor and yells and they all pop off for him. And everybody had a great time. So what does that tell you about the racial divide among the Asians? Well, there it's actually a delicious pastry.
Starting point is 00:32:22 That word. It means a totally different thing. The John H.E. which he's learned this. He's going to be president. He's going to be the president. I think I'm going to vote for that guy because I see the same videos of him just like going on this world tour.
Starting point is 00:32:40 And like also, it's like some of it's bad. You know, during racism, also from people, he's like, what the fuck's your problem? They're like, you watch watch like yeah, what the fuck was that guy's problem? This is the same guy that went up to a little girl wrapped in the Palestinian flag It's it took a photo with her out of the crowd and said free Palestine. Yeah And he's been dipped. Yes, welcome to anyway, listen I think we can come to an agreement is that as as as the white men that we are, the white gay, the catty white gays that we are.
Starting point is 00:33:12 We we owe and culture will always. Yes, slave bitch mamas. Culture will always, always, always owe a great debt to the young the black youth of America for basically reinventing the wheel every fucking 10 years. And it's more of like, I think this debate point ends up moot because of how cringe we sound, even when we ironically end up saying things like I had to.
Starting point is 00:33:44 I'm going to be honest with you. Yesterday, I looked at the Wikipedia article about the origins of yacht. Yeah, because I just wanted to know. God, why? Yeah, God damn. Judging that he's a he's a well studied judge. I have to be if I can briefly close my argument. You're right. There's a bit there's a good underlying thing to keep in mind here.
Starting point is 00:34:08 I want you to look on the left side and the right side again, and I want you to think about which of the words on the right have stood the test of time and stayed maybe around for a decade. I would not be surprised if low key vibe are maybe even lit or here 10 years from now. You know, I'm a judge, but I still jerk it at work sometimes. You know? We know.
Starting point is 00:34:38 We know. You know, man, we know. The audience knows that we know. We know. The light, we have a light on side a light on the bathroom and lets you know someone's in the bathroom is always on. It's a tall table. Tall table.
Starting point is 00:34:52 You know what's funny is Nick asked us, he asked me like, can you name 10 things that you think Millennials have invented for any, like I assume it was for the show. And one of them I was gonna write was jerking off at work. I feel like we had that one either way. I said, I asked both of you to send me 10 things that your respective teams or generations have invented and which Aiden did.
Starting point is 00:35:17 And then Slime just sent me six. I think seven, six. He sent me six and they were almost all video game related. Wow. No. so many of me I think mine I sent older friend, and now we have a show that is a demographic that is just probably 95% younger than me. I have always been an island. He's always had such young friends. So I'm up to one.
Starting point is 00:35:53 You're lost. It's fine. The judge agrees. We move on. And today, I was a judge. Well, you were just talking about how you sleep in the courtroom. I have to judge. Yeah, I do sleep. I bring my wife.
Starting point is 00:36:05 So I sleep with my wife in the courtroom on a Helix sleep mattress. This is real. I actually sleep on one. They sent me the super really nice one. And in the crazy shit is that it has the sleep zone technology because on my old mattress, this is all real. As you have to trust me, I'm wearing this. He's a judge.
Starting point is 00:36:21 He actually was talking about this before. I'm wearing a bib. We should just record. I'm wearing a bib. The cool he's like, we should just record. I'm wearing a bib. The cool thing, my old mattress. Put your hand on the Bible. My girlfriend, bless her heart, she would sink me.
Starting point is 00:36:30 What do you want? Put your hand on the Bible. My hand's on the Bible. When you say the Bible of his flesh. My flesh Bible. Yeah, on my Bible. That I open up and see what's inside of it. My girlfriend, bless her heart,
Starting point is 00:36:41 when she sleeps in the bed, she sinks into the luscious materials. But then that brings, the bed, she sinks into the luscious materials, but then that brings, that also makes me sink into the luscious materials, and then my spine goes out of alignment. Then when I wake up, I'm like, why is my back hurt? Well, it's because the fucking cuddle monster is afoot, and she wants to be Big Spoon. What's it like to be loved? Lord knows I like to be Little Spoon, because I don't like feeling the boner on my back.
Starting point is 00:37:06 Your girlfriend's boner. So what I like about the Helix mattress is that it has sleep zones. So like when she's sleeping over here, my mattress, part of my mattress, uninterrupted. I get perfect alignment. They got 20 different unique kinds. They got the Luxe and Leek that won awards for beds. They got the Helix Plus if you're big and tall, unlike me. They got the kids mattress the league that won awards for beds. They got the Helix Plus if you're big and tall unlike me. They got the kids mattresses and they got a lot more so you can do the sleep quiz.
Starting point is 00:37:30 We do have kids in the courtroom. So you will need one of those for where the kids sleep. Yeah, we'd be arresting kids. We'd be arresting kids. And I could take I could take a quiz. You take a quiz you find out what kind of sleep you like. So you uh, there's a hundred night trial and a 10 to 15 year warranty, which is actually crazy do a hundred nights That's so many more than Freddy did hundred night trial. That's 95 more I find more than Freddy sweat like a pig on that mattress for 90 days and make it all And hey they're offering up to 30% off of all mattress orders and two free premium pillows for our listeners.
Starting point is 00:38:11 And I have the pillow, I like the pillow. It's an upgrade from my last pillow. He likes this! And that's real shit. He really sleeps on the floor. We go to slash the yard, that's slash the yard. And look, this is their best offer yet and it won't last long, so. With Helix, better sleep starts now in the courtroom we're gonna get
Starting point is 00:38:28 back to your little courtroom fuck the judge judge you're a bitch speaking of pants baggy pants versus skinny jeans and I'm personally invested in this one because I've been bullied for both I've been bullied for both judge rightfully so And that's why you decided to wear no pants today. That's why I didn't wear pants today. That's why I didn't wear pants. I have my taint out in the courtroom and it smells like fish in here. It does smell like a big old cod. My butt smells like pussy. And I don't know why. His butt has been smelling like pussy. I put the deodorant on everything. You've been smelling it? I put on Dr. Sam's uh, Squatch or whatever. You put on Dr. Sam's Squatch butt pussy deo. I put on the butt pussy deo. They gave it to us in the judge class. I said your honors, that your butt will smell like pussy one day.
Starting point is 00:39:16 It's a prerequisite to be a judge. That's crazy. The California bar is in like, in like a few weeks. Archie, censor this. Censors monkey. Censor monkey. Oh Censor my monkey. Oh no, my monkey. May as well if the judge has shown us his monkey again.
Starting point is 00:39:33 Order, order. All right, my monkey has been put away. My monkey is back in captivity. Please, can we move on with the debate? And a move on to you. And a move on to all of us. All right, baggy pants for skinny jeans. I think we know which sides we're playing on here.
Starting point is 00:39:48 I think so too. This is time for millennials to open the argument here. Skinny, skinny, skinny, skinny, skinny jeans. Now, listen, there is an idea of skinny jeans being out and then in. Now, clothing fashion is super cyclical, you know. I mean, you can see it in real time a lot. And the funny thing about skinny jeans. Well, I actually want to talk about baggy jeans, my opposition real quick.
Starting point is 00:40:13 They were cool before the skinny jeans, and now they're cool again. And I would say pre skinny jeans era, baggy jeans are also the dominion of millennials. I'm talking jinkos. I'm talking guys that listenion of millennials. I'm talking Jinkos. I'm talking guys that listen to New Metal. I'm talking Limp Bizkit. Whoa. OK. So the fact that you guys are just back on a wave
Starting point is 00:40:33 that we have thoroughly explored with flaming eight balls in the back, back pocket, I'd say that's just W. I want to be clear. I want to be clear. Your argument rests on this idea that we're just recycling something from the past. Are you attempting a steal? It's not its own thing. It's not original. I'm not saying it's even a thing. It's a recycle. I'm saying it's a fucking copy paste.
Starting point is 00:40:55 Are you attempting a steal? It's a copy paste. Would you like to try to steal baggy pants for your side? No. I'm saying that no matter what you say about baggy pants unless you have an airtight argument it already belonged to us And that's and that's what the fuck I'm done. That's on fleek look on man's on the left Man's on the furthest left you never wore jeans that baggy in your life our generation Our generation, three X baggy jeans. We're a generation of three X baggy jeans and cocks. He looks weird.
Starting point is 00:41:31 He looks weird. He does look like you guys definitely did that. Some crazy jeans. I think and I think if you look in the past, think about even I mean, it's it's been recycled so many times. I can think of I can think of people in paintings from 1780. You think we're wearing skin tight pants.
Starting point is 00:41:55 That's how old that trend is. There's nothing. There's nothing novel about warping the clothing to to your body. But the thing is, each generation can can always make the gene baggier. And it's baggier than the last. It always has a touch of the newness. When Jen Alpha gets to baggy jeans, they're going to be it's going to be a monstrosity.
Starting point is 00:42:19 It's going to be like the tents you threw up in elementary school. I was just about to say, we have parallel thing anyway. Very nice. Who, what sides are you guys arguing for? I'm arguing, I'm arguing that we took baggy jeans and we gave it a little spin in that we made him even more fucking baggy. But he is just wearing something that throughout time is just to wear something skin tight, which I don't think is novel.
Starting point is 00:42:45 It doesn't look. I don't even think it looks bad. It's just something. I think you look bad. It's just something that always existed. Anominum. The judge agrees. That's a straw man. Wait, he doesn't agree. All right. To discard then this this argument of of legacy and this and that, if you're going to go all the way back to 1770,
Starting point is 00:43:03 whatever for the fucking Dutch East Indie trading company Okay, mm-hmm to discard that argument. I'll say something about skinny jeans. We owned that shit bitch We owned it so good and so are wearing slim jeans Which aren't really skinny jeans and we should probably make a distinction because slim jeans are kind of urban outfitters dad fits straight slim Pussy. That's what I'm wearing on my legs right now, just covering my monkey. Because straight slims aren't really skinny
Starting point is 00:43:29 and we should stop maybe making fun of the people who wear slim fit. Yours are too thin, Judge. Judge, you have to stop wearing that shit. I would just wear this most of the time. I don't like it when he makes the noise. He fucking does it. Stop it. I have a hammer. I don't like it. Stop it.
Starting point is 00:43:45 I have a hammer. I think a simple, you know, maybe a simple argument for even from you out of your own mouth, I think. Don't use my mouth. Don't use his mouth for your argument. Don't you use my fucking mouth. If we could... Is it warm?
Starting point is 00:44:01 Excuse me? What did you say? Is it warm? Why did you say it like that? Is it warm? Is it warm? Is it warm? Excuse me? Why did you say it like that? Is it warm? Is it warm in there? Hey, then is it warm? Okay, continue.
Starting point is 00:44:14 The judge wonders, but continue. The judge ponders if it's warm. Let the record show that the judge pondered if it was warm. Thank you. I think I've been on this show in many a pant. And I have worn skinny jeans and baggy jeans alike. And the- well, oh, this might be against me. Oh, then continue then, please.
Starting point is 00:44:39 Oh no. He steps on a rake in the corner. The rake. The rake. The rake. The rake. The rake. The rake. The rake. The rake. Sideshow Bob. Only those of the millennial, I want to hear the millennials anecdotally vote for which pants they like on me the best.
Starting point is 00:44:52 The Gen Z people's opinion doesn't matter because they're already locked into the bag. Sure. Yeah, that demo is locked up for you. I don't think I have any more to say. You know what I was going to say before really quick when you're talking about content that I remembered is that I came to this realization that I can just reuse old Simpsons bits and Gen Z will not have seen it most likely and they'll think I'm really funny.
Starting point is 00:45:13 And I always thought that was that's like a huge advantage to us millennials. Brandon, my tattoo artist, made a claim while he was tattooing me, which was there are no good American cartoons. And I said, what are you talking about? That is stupid. And he goes, no, there's just none. And I start loudly naming every American cartoon and there's like other people in the room.
Starting point is 00:45:35 I'm like, I start naming all the good ones. And eventually he's just like, yeah, but like, anime is good. And I'm like, agree. But that's not indictment of American cartoons. I wonder how he feels about the last Airbender. I brought that up. You did that?
Starting point is 00:45:51 I brought that up. What'd he say? He said, all right, American cartoons are obviously good. You love to win in the courtroom of ideas. As a judge, that's why. Also, your tattoo has an extra penis on it. Yeah, I do. I literally, I said right after, I I'm like the power dynamic is not good
Starting point is 00:46:05 I should stop I think I have to award this is gonna be a controversial opinion But I think I have to award the point to skinny James I think fucking I think that you spent too much time arguing against yourself, and it's not about what is the the more valuable thing I think he just made a better argument in the time allotted. What no no hey I think he just made a better argument in the time allotted. What? No. No. Hey, what is this? He's showing off his acne. What is that?
Starting point is 00:46:27 You're showing me your butt? His acne like $4 to produce polyester pants. You're putting it on your butt? That's my baggy pants. Not a lick of fat. They aren't baggy. Not a lick of fat on that. Are you kidding me? Not a lick of fat on that body.
Starting point is 00:46:40 So now, so did I get the point? You got the point. All right, so now that it's over and what you should have said Is that skinny jeans put forward an idea of like unhealthy thinness and baggy jeans allow one to have the body type that they're more Comfortable with whilst still being trendy Yeah, and I'll kill myself All right point goes to Millennials All right the goon cave verse the man Is our next subject.
Starting point is 00:47:08 What? Sorry, Judge. Both of which you may beat off in. It's OK. It's true. It's OK. It's just the wife does. One has a wife. The Goon Cave versus the Man Cave. Now, the Man Cave is sort of a proto-goon cave. Like you said, it's like the married version of a cave,
Starting point is 00:47:27 which is kind of interesting. It's more clandestine, right? The goon cave. So here's my argument for the man cave. Not everything needs to be a hyper sexualized announcement of your weirdness, right? There is a there is a cleanliness and a like chuckle sandwich, like chuckle sandwich,
Starting point is 00:47:46 like chuckle sandwich. Yeah. You know, it's a funny podcast because it says chuckle in it. And so, you know, there is a there is an elegance to the idea of keeping our our darkest fetishes and our weirdness to a confined space that doesn't necessarily need to celebrate those things. The millennials possess, once again, a healthy amount of shame. And again, there's nothing wrong with liking feet or horse piss or whatever you like football.
Starting point is 00:48:13 But it happens in your man cave. And it also happens alongside your other hobbies. And that is a good homogenized elegance of protection around that idea. Classic classic old person argument. You know, just don't do it in front of me. Oh, wow. Why don't we just keep sexuality repressed? Wow. As long as it doesn't intrude or inconvenience me.
Starting point is 00:48:38 I wonder if you have anything to say about gay marriage. Here's what I want to say. And if a lot of people don't know that, for instance, gay rights started... 2014. They started a goon cave. If we go back to something like Stonewall, where a lot of gay rights, transgender rights, the fight for those things started, a lot of people forget that the gooners were there as well. The gooners were there?
Starting point is 00:49:09 Fighting alongside for their representation. When was this? And now we've slowly, over time, it takes steps, unfortunately. And we've all, at different times, you know, we saw a leap in gay rights. The judge knows this. A leap in trans rights. We're in a bit of a cultural moment, in a cultural moment where we're struggling,
Starting point is 00:49:31 but the fight is just and we'll win and trans people will have the rights and respect they deserve. And third, in the pillar, certainly to get a letter at the end of the acronym are the Gooners. No. LGBT, Q, I, and G. I will not have, I will not have. at the end of the acronym are the gooners. No. LG BTC QIA G? I will not have, I will not have, as a bisexual male who must stand up for his marginalized
Starting point is 00:49:54 brethren cannot stand by but you speak of sexual repression like this. Order, there's already a G. We can't put another G. G squared, you stick it on the end we already have a plus it's fine people are used to it you I feel like you are you're disgusted with something that is natural that something is to be shared and explored as a human experience and and fuck it you know you can easily look at the triple monitor set up in the gaming
Starting point is 00:50:25 You can easily transition to something gooning adjacent like Valorant. What are you gonna do switch to Matt to Madden? It's sad There was a young man and I read this you can probably look it up He ate nothing but McDonald's french fries for years Only thing he ate drank sodas drink water and ate McDonald's french fries for years. Only thing he ate, drank, sodas, drank water and ate McDonald's french fries. He ended up because of a chemical called acrylamide, ended up ruining his liver and dying young and in his 20s. OK, now, do you and I think it's disgusting.
Starting point is 00:51:00 I think it's disgusting that you take the plight of LGBTQ individuals, B being the smallest voice in that acronym chain, by the way. And I'll say that. You take the plight of LGBTQs. I think it should be Lorikis. You make it really funny. And you take their plight and you lump it in with something that is a severe, severe stretching and hammering of one one thing to the point of liver failure.
Starting point is 00:51:33 This is the acrylamide of sexual fetishization. There's nothing wrong with liking horse piss. There's nothing wrong with liking feet. There's nothing wrong with liking a normal consensual wrong with liking a normal, consensual, sexual fetish. But this this goes so far beyond it for you to lump these gooners in with people who have struggled for decades. I think I think the goon element, an element that he forgets and. Excuse me, Your Honor, an element that he forgets is while we
Starting point is 00:52:02 while we may lose some soldiers in the good fight. forgets is while we may lose some soldiers in the good fight, this gooning is an exercise in exploring the self in your single manhood where you discover things about you so that you can become a better person for the love of your life later on. What is a man cave? What is a man cave, but a place for a man to hide from his wife and not confront and not confront his his marital problems, his communication issues. Every gooner, every gooner I know goes to therapy once a week has opened up.
Starting point is 00:52:42 He's lying. This is a day man. He doesn't know no damn gooners. Straw man. He's a straw man. And hominid. And I'd give up my B for the G squards any day. You drop the B. He's. You're such a political, a little political fish.
Starting point is 00:52:57 And that's the thing. And when you get elected, no one will fight. You won't move on any of these promises. I'm keeping it real for the damn people. Congress is in gridlock. Gridlock! The man cave is a pillar of solitude, and it's a pillar of reflection,
Starting point is 00:53:11 and this idea of the self, but not indulging in the self to an extent that hurts your liver and your body. A pillar of masculinity, and not sharing your feelings, and not knowing- Do you think gooders are sharing their feelings? All they're doing is beating their shit.
Starting point is 00:53:26 There's no feelings to be shared, there's no nobility here. You do share your feelings. You have hentai on one monitor, pornhub on the other, and the Discord call with 90 of your friends on the other. And you got better help on the 4-4. Never tell me it's not a community and you're not sharing your feelings. Okay, the judge has heard all the arguments and we'll make a decision now.
Starting point is 00:53:48 So, take that for once. You didn't need to do that. We were listening. The judge rules in favor of the Goon Cave. Dude. You're so easily swayed by some young smooth-talking fucking booted jazz licking. I liked what he said about freedom.
Starting point is 00:54:08 That's a judge. I heard freedom. Yeah, freedom is important. I also heard eagle, I think. I did say that. You had hammer maybe once? Alright, well one point awarded to the Gen Zers. Your pandering will be your undoing one day. That's what I'm saying to you right now.
Starting point is 00:54:26 Uh, yeah. All right. Don't go to Pennsylvania. Memes. The next topic is, the next topic is memes. Okay. So we have a couple of random examples, but not limited to, uh, in the Gen Z corner we got, here come that boy.
Starting point is 00:54:43 We have a gender fluigi, which I just found out about. We have a naked Smurf Archie will blur that. And we have Harambe, Rest In Peace. Some examples from the millennial side are top text, bottom text, Willy Wonka meme. Lettral face. Lettral face. Lettral face. We also have, why are you so small? And Doggo says,
Starting point is 00:55:10 I am Puppur. Wow, that's cute. And we have Corn Flake. I like that one. Or Cereal. That one's pretty good. There are no not as both. That is a late millennial meme. It could be argued early Gen Z. Absurdist millennial meme. Yeah. A late- it could be argued early Gen Z absurdist millennial meme.
Starting point is 00:55:25 All right. There are other examples of these. I just at this point of the day I was I was the judge was bored of finding images so. Yeah you kind of shit the bed on this one judge. Well prove me wrong with your argument. I mean right off the bat imagine me you 2 a.m. We both happen to be awake. You're just waking up. I'm just going to bed like ghost passing in the night. I shoot you that Smurf picture. You say you hit me with an alimeo hundred percent.
Starting point is 00:55:56 A hundred percent. I do. I can't. I can't. I can see my position that I do say I'll mail to that in all caps immediately. Thank you. And conversely, would you say if I sent you corn flake? I'll concede my opposition that I do say I'll mail to that in all caps immediately. And conversely, would you say if I sent you Cornflake? OK, now, actually, what if I sent you to now? Now, dream with me. Same situation. I send you that exact image, the Willy Wonka, but it remains to say top text, but nothing changed.
Starting point is 00:56:25 I know I laugh at that. to say top text part of the text with nothing changed. I would argue. I know I laugh at that. I would argue that you would also. Okay, okay. Argument heard because I would. I would. I think what's going on here is the memes are a gradient. Even in the ones that are shit judges picked out,
Starting point is 00:56:45 they kind of they do bleed the edges of what we can say. I'm talking and you have an itchy. We just got it. You just got to know him. That's all you got to do. Memes are a gradient and these have been played through and there is an idea. So obviously, he like humor and comedy, something I think about a lot. Not to sound pretentious, but I do think about it a lot.
Starting point is 00:57:05 And I would like to think I'm very plugged into the hotness and what makes something funny and what doesn't. And there is a universality to the idea of something that is funny. And when we look at AI Smurf with a big fucking juicy round ass, we laugh. And that's beautiful.
Starting point is 00:57:22 Because it'd probably be soft. Now, conversely, let's roll face, right? There is a fun. There's a thing about memes and that we see them and we feel them, we experience them, we feel like this is forever. This could never not be funny. But it tends to go and get beat down and beat down and beat down so much that it becomes not funny anymore.
Starting point is 00:57:40 I'm going to take you a little walk down memory lane, please. You think it's it's Lil Aiden. He's in ninth grade. He's in a like a big book. The judge can picture it. I mean, I'm in my like word processing class and my friend tells me he changed my life. My friend tells me, dude, look up Spider-Man Mimi on Google. Verbatim. Verbatim. Spider-Man Mimi.
Starting point is 00:58:12 And he put me on a journey to be a meme, a bit of a meme consumer. You know, the can has cheeseburgers and imagers and the reddits. Oh, the reddits. And the Reddits. And the Reddits. His meme journey started at Reddit. Even in my naive, fresh to the memes brain as a young person, not one time did I think fucking Trollface was funny. It was in the bin from day one. Really?
Starting point is 00:58:40 Trollface was funny. Now if you're lying to me. I'm not. I will take you down. I'm telling you the truth. I laughed at some dumb shit. I liked looking at the cats with captions and the epic fail GIFs and Spider-Man pointing at the other Spider-Man and now it's in a movie. But now I never thought Trollface was funny
Starting point is 00:59:01 and I think that's a huge ding on your credibility. I think also something I like about Gen Z is they're at the peak of the memes arms race. You guys were figuring it out back then and I feel like a lot of people, a lot of Millennials didn't stick with the game. They're posting minions on Facebook and not the funny minions that are shaped like West Germany. They're posting minions with dad's haircuts and stuff. I did just learn about the minion shaped like Germany. And I think the moment, the moment, within 10 minutes of Joe Biden dropping out, Gen Z drops me Kamala Harris overlaid on top of the thumbnail of Coconut Mall
Starting point is 00:59:45 from the Mario Kart Wii track menu, singing about coconut trees over the Coconut Mall theme song. And that took 10 minutes. And that's an engine that millennials just don't have. Michael Bobaro isn't ready for that. Let me tell you one thing. The M1911A1 sidearm won two World Wars. OK.
Starting point is 01:00:09 Do you understand that? I would love to see how this comes around. I'm going to be honest with you. I'm hooked right now. It won two World Wars. It is a dependable sidearm. I believe seven bullets inside the clip. OK. That's one for every day of the week. Well, for every seven bullets inside the clip. Okay. That's one every day of the week.
Starting point is 01:00:26 Well, for every day of the week. Okay. I mean, you're right. But I think what you're failing to look at and obviously someone is very plugged in and when Trump got like shot at, you know, there was equally funny shit going on too, and I'm like, damn, we are really good at making light of everything. Yeah, when I saw what I saw, I should have used a vandal. I did laugh. Right.
Starting point is 01:00:50 And that's just frame one. And now that's like try it because it's trying like an hour because you see nine different versions of that. And a aim or whatever. The one weakness of Gen Z, they maybe churn a little too fast. And that's exactly what I was going to say. And I think that's actually more of a weakness than you may be letting on here. I think is actually the Achilles heel of Gen Z's meme game is their
Starting point is 01:01:09 their ability to churn out something and experience the entire timeline of poker face from 4chan that became Reddit, that became Rage Comic, that became Trite. They experienced that whole life death birth cycle in in a fucking in a second is instantaneously. And that's actually bad. I think there is a lack of mainstay monoculture for Gen Z because of this speed at which they operate, which is very fun in the moment.
Starting point is 01:01:38 Very tick tock, if you will. Very scroll again. But it doesn't provide you with the sort of the generational feeling of attachment that something like Trollface, even if it's fucking cringe, still makes us feel something. Right. That boy was was fucking cringe before the ink dried. And there's something to be said about that. You got to I think you just have to you have to push hard for greatness. It's like taking a little more trend every week.
Starting point is 01:02:06 You name me one... That is true. Just more. Why are we getting... Name me one meme that really stood the test of time in a way that something like Top Text, Bottom Text Man did. Would you like to name one meme? I'll give you a fun fact while we wait.
Starting point is 01:02:25 The word meme was coined by Richard Dawkins, who hates the Middle East. Does he? Wow. Fun fact for those at home from Judge Me. The more you know. See, and the thing is you're digging, man. There's nothing there for you to find. I think I've heard all I need to hear.
Starting point is 01:02:44 I think I've heard all I need to hear. The point goes to Millennials. You just digging man. There's nothing there for you to find. I think I've heard all I need to hear. I think I've heard all I need to hear. The point goes to millennials. You just froze up. In an age where you have to be quick and fast. Do we really have nothing? You had to be quick and you couldn't. You shit your pants. You had to bust and you said, I take an hour.
Starting point is 01:02:57 And you go first. I do. And so millennials take the crown. Now you know what you made me think about? It's like if, take the crown. Now, you know what you made me think about? It's like if take the cycle of of duck roll to Rick roll to like Rick Roll links. Like that is a years long cycle. Right. The development of like that joke and do
Starting point is 01:03:18 duck roll to Rick roll to phased out would happen in like 12 hours. I know. And that feeling of beauty would be gone. Now, again, I know I won the debate, but as a point against me is you get fucking cocksuckers like Elon Musk saying and fucking SheBitcoin and Rick Roll. And it just makes it so hard to feel connected to that internet culture because he's also allowed to take part in it. Even the crypto means have no longevity because they're puppet dump schemes. They're puppet dumps.
Starting point is 01:03:46 But you can't tell me dog with hat is funny. Not because Elon posts about it, but because dog with a hat being money is funny. Look, caffeine free diet coke. It's caffeine free diet coke, five of them next to a revolver. That was awesome. Yeah, but he didn't know it was no He didn't know it was awesome. He did it was awesome
Starting point is 01:04:09 I need I need help. I need Gen Z to come through with a meme that like with with which really Stood longer than like a year. I mean, I think it's staring you right in the face It's a rambé, but I think Millennials can actually be more than a year. Yeah Yeah, but I think millennials can claim what Was Harambe more than a year? Yeah. Yeah, but I think millennials can claim Harambe. What's the, okay, in your mind, what's the timeline? And is it the timeline to become collectively more cringe than it is funny? Because Harambe, it was like, oh, I'm four months into this, and I don't think it's funny anymore.
Starting point is 01:04:37 So Harambe was interesting because it was actually a real human being, like superstar, acknowledging a pretty crazy thing, which was Brandon Wardell saying dicks out for Harambe. Like that's really interesting. Danny Trejo's train. OK, like that's that's really unique. But now even now, and I do like Brandon Wardell's stand. Keanu Reeves, like eating a sandwich on a bench is like trite, because like it was the first time I feel like on wholesale
Starting point is 01:05:03 a celebrity, a real celebrity from the real world was acknowledging something kind of weird that we all liked and That's what was different and that's why I had staying power and that's all out the door now Everything's been homogenized in a way that I think is unhelpful for a culture. I can't believe you have troll face and I lost That's just a generational fumble. Look sometimes they play Luigi and you don't know the matchup All right rap music That's just a generational fumble. Look, sometimes they play Luigi and you don't know the matchup. We're gonna move on. We're gonna move on. All right, rap music. Okay, so we have some representatives on both sides representing Gen Z.
Starting point is 01:05:33 Look, this is there's gonna be some real heads out there that are mad about who I chose, but I did I think a plenty good enough job. So we have Lil Tecca, Juice WRLD, Babytron, Post Malone, Ice Spice, Jack Harlow and Travis Scott, who was very close to the cutoff. But I do consider a Gen Z artist. It's actually a big win for me. I do consider a Gen D artist. I felt like I had too many titans on the other side, so I had to get some more titans on that side. All right. And then on the millennial side,
Starting point is 01:05:59 this is this one's a bit debatable. But Drake, who I'd consider more of a millennial artist. Been around a long time. Wiz Khalifa'd consider more of a millennial artist. Been around a long time. Wiz Khalifa, definitely more of a millennial artist. Kendrick Lamar, Nicki Minaj, Eminem, Lil Wayne, and J. Cole. You know it's so fucked up you put Wiz and Nicki in the same fucking picture. Well dude, I mean they have a direct core, it's like zeroes into separation. Is that what he did to her?
Starting point is 01:06:20 For those who don't know, Wiz turned Nicki to a stoner. Yeah. And he says that in We Damn Boys. She was going to play for Sentinels. Until she got drug tested. Until she got drug tested. Until she got drug tested. Until she got drug tested.
Starting point is 01:06:31 Until she got drug tested. Right after she met with his free friends. You leak in Zachan's DMs. That's fucked up. He's like, yeah, you know what? He's actually 11 years old. I hate to go back to my, I hate to go back to this strong opening argument, but your side has two pedophiles on it.
Starting point is 01:06:46 Now we know of them. I'll let you guess who the second is. My side clean, clean Bill of Health over there. Please don't think that this means you have to argue those people, you can argue rap music as a whole. You can argue the sound. You can argue anything. This is just some inspiration. And I will choose the Gen Z side to start the argument.
Starting point is 01:07:14 Is by all means, Aiden. I think, I think some- Sorry, New Jibes isn't on the list, but. You buried. It's fucked up respect. Respect to New Jibes. The court recognizes Newujamore. Can I get a rest in peace from the judge?
Starting point is 01:07:28 Rest in peace. I recant my statement. I'm sorry. I think something I really like about Gen Z rap is the way it's diverged from what I feel like the rap music that I was listening to when I was in middle school and high school. So everything felt very homogenized and ultimately something that had to be playable on the radio in the late 2007 to 2010 era and then early 2010s. It had to be something that could be packaged and played between serious XM ads and I don't like that because Gen Z rap, although some of it is, some people like to pick on like, oh this is like mumbly and like weird. I think that's just a subsection of Gen Z rap that some people enjoy and you can reach into all these different worlds and get put onto something
Starting point is 01:08:17 especially unique that did not exist 10 or 15 years ago and I think that speaks really well. Even somebody like Post Malone, right, who I don't even think is rapping a lot of the time. A lot of his music isn't rap at all. Or or Travis Scott, who toes the line between Gen Z and Millennial and fucking performed in Fortnite. He did. He did perform in Fortnite. He set the Fortnite trend and then a bunch of your Millennial guys copied him.
Starting point is 01:08:44 And now they're in Fortnite because they felt old and they weren't in the game. No. I'm dead serious. They didn't even... Marshall, Marshall... Marshall Mathers was five years late to the fortnight game. Yeah, but you play Marshall and he's dressed up as Slim again. And why do you have the four panel hat or whatever? He has like the weird army hat. Why does he wear that hat?
Starting point is 01:09:08 Look, Marshall Mathers wore Nike Air Force ones to his daughter's wedding in a suit. You know what I also like? Gen Z rap also shameless and for the bag. Lil Tecca, when he's rapping around about fucking smoking some people and then he gets on Genius and he's like, I don't know, I didn't do that. I go to school. I didn't do that. And and to back my point of diversity. Meanwhile, Wappa with the Choppa is is is smoking people for real.
Starting point is 01:09:39 And you can listen to that over over Carly Rae Jepson. Yeah, you can listen to either. You can pick. That's the beauty. And all of your guys go on sway. They don't even the guys on the left don't even know who sway is. And that Aidan is the problem. Okay, that's the problem.
Starting point is 01:09:59 Sway the institution. So you're for the institution now. There are saying, look, it's back in the day, back in the millennial day when there were there were kingmakers and queenmakers and this idea of like you had to really make it. This wasn't an easy thing to do. And there's something to be said about that. There's something to be said about these titans of industry on the right side.
Starting point is 01:10:23 And there are some titans on the left, too. But the titans on the right side. And there are some Titans on the left, too. But the Titans on the right side, the generational staying power. Lil Wayne, do you know he has like 1100 songs? I do know that. That's crazy. That's crazy. And it's also crazy, crazy that he's 42 and he looks like he's 67. He's it's a hard 42 because because the thing is something that is proven from people like Lil Wayne or people like Slim or or people like Slim. Oh, shit. Is the idea that your top five they have demonstrated to be about this shit.
Starting point is 01:11:00 And that is yet to be demonstrated by this newer generation. And it's not to any fault of their own. But there is an easy chance that so I mean, shit, what's the last little tech I hit? Yeah, but we could still be bumping ransom. Obviously, yes, it's great. But there is a churn, much like the meme aspect of your generation, that I think actually harms the industry for staying power and things that tend to matter so much so much to us the court wonders what about the sound of the music? What do you guys what do you guys think sounds better?
Starting point is 01:11:31 Boom Bap nonsense or mumble this that's the other what's which one do you even like? Listen ice fucking hey the court likes KRS one so I'm in the 90s. I'm just Christ An influence on the culture. I have exhibit A. Exhibit B. Which would you like to see, Judge? Little treat for me. I like B. Wait, no, I want to give you a treat, too.
Starting point is 01:11:53 I'll hand you up. I take. I take. Undertable. Exhibit B. Tame a doggy with bone. So you're saying a Minecraft parody? Which song? Ransom. Which song?
Starting point is 01:12:11 Which generation is a timeless Minecraft parody made of? Which is this is fucked up. Chug Jug with you. And isn't that one? That's a Kanye West song from. Don't recall that one. Must have been a lesser hit
Starting point is 01:12:33 I don't even remember the original one even a little bit. You don't remember the Kanye one Yeah, I feel what's it called? Wait, that's it. This speaks well because the minecraft one is Gen Z music and you only remember the Gen Z version That's really bad for me. You only remember the Gen Z version I think the Kanye song is called The Jews poisoned our cereal. Do you know what's crazy? Yeah, he's really should keys. He had an album called Black Skinhead. Yeah. And then 10 years later got weird.
Starting point is 01:13:00 And no one was like, you know what? I'm going to be real with you. Didn't think about that once until right now. Isn't that crazy? He said it right there on the damn album. Wait, was it a whole album or was it just a song? I have to look this up just because I want to be right. I think it's a song.
Starting point is 01:13:17 Exhibit A. Oh, it's just a song. Recall the recent meme where we where we rotoscope a new person over Lil Yachty's walkout at a concert, often criticized for his mumble rap. But one of the greatest walkouts I've ever seen and a meme that has echoed throughout the timelines for weeks. Is Young Thug a millennial or a zoomer?
Starting point is 01:13:40 He's a millennial. Young Thug is... He's a millennial. He'sug is he's a millennial. He's 32. Not himself. His music. Oh, young. Wait, are we going by their age or by their generational popularity and their influence? Like, oh, well, nobody could have heard. He chose Travis Scott by his age. Gen Z.
Starting point is 01:13:58 No, I did not. I chose Travis Scott by the release date of his album. Let me say in the fact that he's in Fortnite. judge, if you deem young thug, Gen Z music, I can see my position and I could see my point. Pretend I think young thug is the beginning of Gen Z. And there we go. Young thug, am I had the beginning of Gen Z? Young thug parted the sea and saved Gen Z.
Starting point is 01:14:24 What year is, is Gold All in My Chain? Gold All in My Ring. You want me to look it up? That might be millennial, I'm not sure. Well then the point goes to Gen Z if that's your role. Yeah I truly do concede. In addition, I actually don't believe anything I was saying. I like the idea of less monoculture in terms of music, I think most of the millennial rap kind of sucks. Hey, whoa. Like- Come on, Lil Wayne. I hate Lil Wayne.
Starting point is 01:14:51 You made the Carter 3. I think the Carter 3 sucks. This is a fucked up debate, dude. Cause I'm like the fucking- No way you're on the other side. No, no, I'm like, yeah I'm more on the millennial side than the Gen Z side. I think music is way better now. I think the shit I like from the old days is like very sparse.
Starting point is 01:15:10 And I might be call me, call me cringe, but I might be a little bit of a Jack Harlow's 90s rap. 90s rap kind of throw on Tupac and also God's bathroom floor. When I've I've I've ironically been listening to all eyes on me a lot lately. You sure you're getting me for a fight? What are you doing? I just felt like I needed to become more West Coast. All right, well you got the point.
Starting point is 01:15:34 Yeah, well done. You got the point. You got the point just by being objectively in the right position. You know, I'm still a judge even without the hair. I take it off after work. You know, even at judge school, we go to HelloFresh in the kitchen, we make it. You make it as a judge, you don't have little like judge slaves. No, no, no judge slaves.
Starting point is 01:15:54 Well, some judge slaves. We don't have enough to be cooking us a bunch of... Like in training, it's like a sous judge and then a head judge. And then you use HelloFresh. And we like it because... And then they head judge. Right. Yeah. OK. And then you use HelloFresh. And we like it because. And they have to cook chef prepared meals for you. Yeah, because what people don't know about judges is that we actually live in the courtroom.
Starting point is 01:16:12 We live there. That's our house. Because justice is a full time job. Justice is you breathe and sleep it and we don't have a grocery store. You'd probably want something pre-portioned, quick to make. Not only that, but quick and easy. If I could make it in 15 minutes and then get back on the stand, and who knows what I'm doing under the table. I mean, you've talked about what you do under the table.
Starting point is 01:16:31 You play with your little man. I play with my, well, my little man of justice. Someone has to play. You're telling me you got your monkey one hand and your hella fresh on the other. Well, I'm covering the monkey while I'm eating the food because it's gonna create a stench that the whole room doesn't like. You'd hate to beat Andy at the same time if you were a judge. But that's not a problem with Hella Fresh.
Starting point is 01:16:53 The beautiful thing about Hella Fresh is that they have fit and wholesome to pescetarian to veggie options. You could swap your proteins and they have meal plans that suit your entire lifestyle. Like me, a judge. That's right. So those are 15 minute meals which is I think new because I didn't know they had that, which is actually kind of cool. Hold on, hold on.
Starting point is 01:17:10 It says you can choose from over a hundred add-on items. That's pretty crazy. I don't even think it said that last week. One for every other reason. There's only a hundred laws. A hundred laws. And we have to make it new and we got to get rid of the old one. We have to get rid of the HelloFresh meal too.
Starting point is 01:17:23 It's assigned to it. A hundred laws. You go to Johto. they had a few laws but... Vehicular Manslaughter is actually assigned to the egg white bites. Yeah. It's mostly RNG. It's like a hex code in NES games. Anyway, 40 weekly appetizers, you know what the fuck it is. You can choose from 100 atoms, snacks, easy lunches. You know what it is, dude, in the House of Justice.
Starting point is 01:17:44 And if you want to be bringing a House of Justice to your stomach, you can go to slash the yard apps and use code the yard apps for free appetizers for life. And that's on Judge. You gotta stop it. I hate it. I hate it.
Starting point is 01:17:58 And that is on Judge. I hate it so much. If you use the code, I promise we will take the hammer away from him and never let him use it again. One appetizer item per box while the subscription is active. You're swinging it? I don't want you to hit it again. It's free appetizers for life at slash the yard APPS apps with code the yard apps for America's number one meal kit. Now let's get back to America's number one of my favorite best friends of mine on the podcast. Thanks man
Starting point is 01:18:21 don't hit the thing again. Please don't hit it. Dances. Okay. So, pictured on the left, we have the Gwitty, we have Fortnite dances at large, and we have How to Whip and Nae Nae. And then on the right, we have Soldier Boys Crank Dat, we have Jerkin, AKA Rejecting, and then we have a white woman doing the Stanky Leg.
Starting point is 01:18:43 A single frame from a white woman doing the Stanky leg and she has a Karen haircut. Alright, millennials please open the floor with dance moves from the millennial generation. Dude, and I'm so glad you put Soulja Boy on there. Soulja Boy. He is simply a child of the era, you know, from his new grounds roots, new grounds dot com, being like making flash animations, making music, ending up understanding once again at a very early time what people wanted. They wanted something fucking simple, cool and fun, recognizable.
Starting point is 01:19:20 There is the generational impact of of crank that there's a speed run to make it in fruity loops With all the default packaging you don't need to download any plugins. Hey the song and the dance You gotta separate these judge. All right, sorry my sustained overruled now The idea of a dance being so attached to the song and the dance being once again, ubiquitous to the point, not even just a soldier boy. I remember I was at a party in 2009 in Colorado, Eric went on to vote for Trump.
Starting point is 01:19:56 I'm not kidding. He he starts. He starts dance some fucking song. You're a jerk comes on the fucking song. He starts dancing and then he says, Stanky leg. It just does Stanky leg. And the whole house party of 30 people erupt. We're all white kids in Colorado and erupt erupting joy erupting joy.
Starting point is 01:20:16 Oh, and I don't think that someone whipping and nae nae can really have that impact in a sleepy mountain town with a bunch of three two keystone. It's because we crafted our dances for the digital age. You don't want to. Why? Why bother stopping at a dance that gets 30 people in Colorado and a house party to pop off? Who? 30 people.
Starting point is 01:20:39 Crazy overruled. Cranked out was a nationwide, nationwide celebrated dance. No, it's stay. He said Stanky Leg. It's all you think you like was also nationwide. But but and digital for the millennials, for the millennials, I might present on my jog your memory about a particular video on, a.k.a. X everything.
Starting point is 01:21:02 They have a lot of things on there. The judge knows there's a video I love, aka X Everything else Cause they have a lot of things on there It's all on there The judge knows There's a video I love And it's a guy at a zoo Hitting the milly rock And there's a porcupine watching him Hit the milly rock
Starting point is 01:21:15 And the porcupine hits the milly rock back And remember please can I see this This is at exhibit 1.B And it's And this video is maybe one of the best videos I've ever watched. And frankly, a dance like Crank That, it's got a few different steps. And I don't know. Millie Rock Porcupine Zoo video. I don't know if the porcupine can hit crank that.
Starting point is 01:21:46 Which, see, you're saying that dance that animals are easily able to do is better. You're saying exclusionary dance. It's an exclusionary dance, and the thing about this is it's so accessible, it hits a way bigger audience. Millions upon millions of people watch that porcupine. Oh my god! Millions and millions of people watch that porcupine oh my god millions and millions of people hit the milly rock dude please play it with the music please play it with the music
Starting point is 01:22:11 oh wait baby girl what you doing with your man 50,000 in japan 50,000 in japan oh adan what a strong argument really? okay so i want you to look at that porcupine there is no video of the porcupine Adam, what a strong argument. Really? Okay.
Starting point is 01:22:26 So I want you to look at that porcupine. There is no video of the porcupine in Crank Dat. Can we look up- Or the doggie- Can we look up animal doing Crank Dat dance and see if this is true? And I think as a little pin on my argument of crafting things for the digital age that hit in unique ways that the millennial dances never could We brought these things to to fortnight where big cool companies like Epic Games could take the dance of a young black teenager and
Starting point is 01:22:57 Monetize it without giving him any credit for themselves Yeah, and spread it further than it would have ever gone before that. And I think that's beautiful. Obviously a joke and obviously a point against you, but I'll ignore it because I think my argument is actually very strong. We have some evidence that's just poured in. We have some evidence that's just poured in. So this video is titled, Pinto Beans is the King of the Stanky Leg,
Starting point is 01:23:24 hashtag Pinto Beans. Zippor, Stanky Leg, hashtag Pinto Beans. Zipper, if you could please bring up the video I've just sent you. I don't know what it is, but I like hashtag Pinto Beans. That's sure to bring something promising onto the screen. That's just a cat with a fake leg. That's a disabled cat. Alright, what Aidan says stands, the old dances are not made for animals.
Starting point is 01:23:49 It's the same! It's the same. Now listen, the point that you were trying to make that that dances being in Fortnite not necessarily the monetary exploitation of the black youth and making Epic Games a lot of money. We don't need to acknowledge it's a legend. I guess not provable because dances are ethereal. How do you invent one?
Starting point is 01:24:11 But no, Epic Games, go fuck yourself. Okay, so now you have an example up there and it's very clear. It's a flossing character in Fortnite. Now, the flossing dance. And subsequent dances. Thisossing dance and subsequent dances. This brought this idea of dances, dances, trendy dances, not just a dancing or something, but trendy dances that people do to express themselves to music is is once again an idea
Starting point is 01:24:37 of being cool. And there is nothing cool about little kids learning what flossing is from a video game and being nine years old and flossing. In fact, these dances that they're learning. And remember when the Fortnite craze was going on like 2018, 2019, they were literally Fortnite dance classes. I saw that on the news and that's fucking disgusting. On the news? What about? OK, well, the direct response to that. What's wrong with the kids? What's wrong with the kids having fun?
Starting point is 01:25:05 Because at a certain age, there, I think once again, it's Oh, teenagers that make the culture. Nine, too shameful to floss at nine. It's not about shame, but it's the fact that if if we are, if culture is so inherently homogenized that something a nine year old is doing and something that someone who is like then their 20s in the club is doing to wet twerking asses. To wet twerking asses.
Starting point is 01:25:31 Where? I think... Your honor, I'll show you after this case. Are they becoming wet? When we adjourn, Your Honor. There seems to be a problem with that. And I don't think it's inherently bad, but I think it speaks to the idea of coolness being something that once again is swallowed up very quickly
Starting point is 01:25:50 and thrown away. And I don't I don't really think that's a good thing. My millennial friend has conflated, conflated this. I think the flossing, however, however cringe we may have viewed it as an older Gen Z person myself wasn't doing a lot of flossing, however, however cringe we may have viewed it as an older Gen Z person myself wasn't doing a lot of flossing in my day, wasn't doing a lot of the luddy in my day. Another cringe.
Starting point is 01:26:12 A Gen Z dance. It is a Gen Z dance. Invented by a millennial. So once again, I think that with flossing, it's there's the these kids who play Fortnite and they're directly interacting with the game and they want to copy this thing from the game that they enjoy when they play home after school. But that scale, Gen Z dances scale all the way to the Charlie XCX dance that's going around with a bunch of people in their early 20s
Starting point is 01:26:35 having a little fun and goofing and gaffing. Blat. And that's and it's just respect to respect to the different age groups because they enjoy engaging with something that they that fits their age group and Everybody who's the way I might be the same generation as my youngest brother But we have a different view on what's cringe, but we each found our own Identity through the gen Z dances available to us. Let me tell you this. I mean, let me let me dream a scenario for you We go long. It's the Super Bowl. Holy shit
Starting point is 01:27:05 There's a wide receiver back out there I don't know any football players, but he's fucking easy the quarterback throws it boom We're talking like a fucking 60 yard bomb down the end zone wide receiver goes Boom catches it diving catch. Oh fucking buzzer beater hits it by money on the game They win the Super Bowl and you know what he does in the end zone? You. It sounded really bad. He dies.
Starting point is 01:27:32 He fell over because he had lung cancer. He had lung cancer and it's his last football game. It's a make a wish. And right when he hit the ground, he threw the ball to the kid. Let's say he does. He does the soldier boy Superman. Dude, you sounded like you sounded like copper and the fox to the kid. Let's say he does. You sounded like he does a soldier boy Superman. You sounded like you sounded like Copper and the Fox in the Hound. That's a crazy poll, by the way.
Starting point is 01:27:52 That's did you just see that? I just thought of that. I saw that when I was seven. No, I haven't seen it. I saw it when I was a kid. But let's say it's an argument for you or him. It's an argument for me. They hit that they hit the Superman.
Starting point is 01:28:04 Yeah. And that is an homage. That's an homage's an argument for you or him. It's an argument for me. They hit that they hit the Superman. Yeah. And that is an homage. That's an homage to an era. And I think that would be fucking hype. And tell me if that's cringe, because I don't think it's possible because of these dances that have been cemented in legacy because they are cemented. They don't go out of style. And let's say that same, that same football player,
Starting point is 01:28:26 that same wide receiver whipped in Nainade. So it's so hard to argue for this. He's doing the gritty in that people seem to like that. But that's only because it's hot in the grid. It's only because it's hot. And at one day it will be not. And nothing created by Gen Z these days will become as cemented as something like that's called throwing up bees, I learned.
Starting point is 01:28:46 Throwing up bees? You're throwing up your bees. Okay. Is it invented by a high school football player named Gritty? Oh shit, that's what, I like that. I like how I got his name on it. That's what you gotta do now. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:58 Do you understand? It seems like he understands. It seems like he doesn't even have a counter on him. I think I actually destroyed camera actually destroyed you so I think when baby Gronk hits the touchdown I will not hit in the crowd I will record extra points to the side that that offers up a demonstration Are you about to crank that of any dance of their generation? And it must be standing oh yeah against thank you like okay we'll see it exhibit a oh it's like I'm sorry he's got tight
Starting point is 01:29:38 hip flexors you sit down he's working on his flexibility so see I'm willing to do whatever it takes to win an argument. Yeah, and you wouldn't. You wouldn't stand up. That was embarrassing. I'm gonna get in front of him for that. This is a bad fucking side to RU4. Hey. This is a bad fucking side. You have by far the easiest side of the game. Uh, Millennials take it.
Starting point is 01:29:57 Let's fucking go. K-pop stans versus Disney adults. This is good. Dude. So, who opened last time? You did. So he opens, please. Please take your time.
Starting point is 01:30:09 But although there are millennials who are K-pop stans, I do think that this is a fair divide when you think of the majority. Yeah, I think this is fair. I think there's a fine comparison. I think this is fair. I have to open. I have to open here. Yeah, you have think this is fair. I have to open. I have to open here. Yeah, you have to open.
Starting point is 01:30:25 OK. You got to bust it open for me. I think I win this argument on two fronts. The first front. My side is more resourceful, conniving, capable. Fucking you insult one of these guys from from Blackpink. They're all women. They're all women. And within five minutes, some girl with a faceless account on Twitter has posted your parents fucking address. The dizzy adults do not have the tech savvy to whip out a docks like that.
Starting point is 01:30:59 So when the war comes, when the when the cyber war comes, The cyber grand war. My side is all on Mulvad VPN and Tor, Fucking trading, trading fucking arms using Monero, And your side is crying because they're buying and selling crates of AKs. Because they're ready for it. Because their idol is currently in the army. You know that scene in War Dogs where Jonah Hill takes a machine gun out of the back of his Porsche? That's what my side is going to do when they roll up to Anaheim.
Starting point is 01:31:38 With a binned wallet. And then on the other side, I think ultimately, you know, perhaps a parasocial force that has been left to run a little rampant, a little out of control. But ultimately, who do they love? They love these exploited, overworked pop stars in a predatory industry that doesn't allow them to have private lives, that doesn't allow them to have private lives that doesn't allow them to have time off To curate their image so finely that they can have no self image themselves. And that's what they they
Starting point is 01:32:13 support Keep going. This is good The judge is confused And also they dox you And we should be afraid of them. Oh, oh, I dug. Oh, shit. Millennial arguments. So what he did was argue for his side instead of against my side.
Starting point is 01:32:34 And I think that's what you should have done, but you didn't. But I try to argue for my side. Disney adults, they have jobs. Disney adults are people who run this country. Do you understand me? Disney adults are people who can afford an annual pass. Yeah, they're fucking weird. Yeah, they they probably have weird idealized versions of their childhood
Starting point is 01:32:56 that will never be able to access ever again. But for one brief moment, when they go 40 times a year to Disneyland, they can feel that. Okay. Anaheim has bought the airspace over Disneyland or Disneyland has bought it from Anaheim. You cannot fly over Disneyland. Did you know that? My wife makes me dress up as Donald Duck and quack into her box.
Starting point is 01:33:21 Your honor, thank you for your contribution. I appreciate that. Your honor, that was a beautiful anecdote. Your honor, maybe we get you a juice punch or something. It seemed to be... Bailiff, Bailiff, make sure you don't strike that. Make sure you keep that, maybe bold it. Can you be bold on a typewriter?
Starting point is 01:33:39 You know they still have to do that shit? That's crazy. I think they still have to... No, wait,'s crazy. I think they still have to know. Wait, wait. No, they use that crazy typewriter. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Synchlamic was the word. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:33:50 It's the same. Anyway. While wearing a diaper. All right. It's the same. So what I'm saying is the K-pop stans, while a powerful force, that when the cyber war comes, will be a valuable asset. Look, they're also very unwieldy and they will only do things on behalf of the idea.
Starting point is 01:34:08 You know what these stand groups would have learned? There's a lot of infighting. There's a lot of hierarchy. There's a lot of infighting. There's a lot of canceling of each other. They will literally dig through each other. Still use their own powers against themselves. Cancel each other. Said, Yo, when you were 15, you said this on Snapchat.
Starting point is 01:34:25 On Telegram. On Signal. The everything he has. And they will definitely. But the thing about Disney adults is there is a level of maturity in their immaturity. It's very confined. It's very scheduled and it's very localized to a place where dreams can come true.
Starting point is 01:34:43 Regimented, militia-like. Perhaps in the back of U-Hauls in North or South Carolina. Are you claiming? I disagree with this claim. There is no racism. Tiki torched one hand with Mickey Mouse ears on top of it. That's not true. And what? And their and their leader, Walt Disney, choose will not replace us.
Starting point is 01:35:06 That's it. That's their guy. That's a there. I take issue with this because if you go on like the top posts of the Asmongold subreddit at any given day, it's them weirdly mad about black people being in Disney movies, which is a true thing now. There are a lot. There's a lot of diversity happening in Disney right now to undo this idea of them
Starting point is 01:35:27 being in the back of you. When can we you know, two guys kissing, you cut that out for the Chinese version. It's fun. Hey, I mean, you want to play ball, you got to play ball. You got to play ball. A movie came out. Big market. Big market over there.
Starting point is 01:35:38 A movie came out today about that. When you when you upload your clip from Rise of Skywalker to do in you got it. You can't have that. Yeah, it's not going to fly. So what I'm saying is let's let's do this test again. If all the Disney adults from the world were removed, they got raptured into hell where they belong. I'll admit that with the Harry Potter. With all the Harry Potter fans and all the K-pop fans are captured in the hell simultaneous or in a different universe.
Starting point is 01:36:05 I think the world continues to run on Duncan if the K-pop stands are gone because most of them will, but their parents, they will contribute to the economy, which at the end of the day is what keeps- There's so much money to contribute to the economy. Is what keeps the lights on. Dude, one of my best friends in high school,
Starting point is 01:36:20 his parents are Disney adults and I love them. They're like second parents to me. But one one. Costco shelf stocker, one LPN works at a hospital. My argument is crumbling. You're the you're the dude, you're the bedrock of American life. I'm saying we pump the blood of this damn country at the forefront of the culture war against the Ron DeSantis Enemy and you know what at the end of the day?
Starting point is 01:36:53 Disney World Orlando has a big bigger GDP than the state of Florida I've got a record capitulated all right point millennial fuck. I just move on that was a good one 90 by the way I was a good one 90 by the way It's fine skip ahead of the end. It's fine. Well. It's your show. I'm down to press for a judge All right a reverse duel is the next subject in a reverse duel you win by proving that the other person is more that thing So up to this point in a duel you you've been saying, we have the better dances. Now you are saying you are the most cringe. Got it.
Starting point is 01:37:29 So, whichever generation is the most cringe loses. Okay, so I want to argue that he's the most cringe. Correct. Oh, this is easy. This is easy. It's going to be hard for you. Over the years, over the years, and the reason I instantly lock into this topic is because a gigantic trend on TikTok and Reels or whatever is Gen Z people copying the cadence and delivery of old millennial influencers and videos. And then they just take whatever joke or thing that they want to say and then package it into the format of the
Starting point is 01:38:05 old millennial way and that's why it's cringe. That's why it's funny. It's because they're mocking how cringe millennials were. Because you were a generation of cringe between Gen X and Gen Z. I just learned what the millennial pause is. And it happened to me. And someone made fun of me or no sorry millennial zoom not pause well there's the money pauses real yeah I
Starting point is 01:38:31 know that was real. The millennial zoom like cut in videos. It's just like on Instagram when you like you like take a video and then you like zoom in on something they don't wait that's uncool now apparently wait take me away take me away I don't think that's crunch someone said someone said in my Instagram DMs, wow, millennial zoom three times is crazy because I saw a kangaroo. Lock me up. That's not cringe. I saw a kangaroo and I did not zoom in.
Starting point is 01:38:54 It's far away. That's what the camera's for. I guess you have to start zoomed in. Dude, I don't know. Maybe this is we all come together and just cut the heads off of millennials. I need a samurai sword. I need a little help here. Maybe this is we all come together and just cut the heads off of Millennials. Or be Samurai Sword. I need a little help here. On my side, the Gen Z side, who is that guy?
Starting point is 01:39:11 This was just like a classic. I can't remember his name, but this is like a... I think his name's... I don't remember. But this is like a guy, he's like, it's okay to let your silly side out. And he makes a bunch of silly faces and he's laughing. And everyone's like... That fucking person has the fucking finger mustache.
Starting point is 01:39:25 Yeah, the finger mustache. And then there's people who have the tattoo of the finger mustache. Yeah, that's my friend. I know a guy with that. I'm not kidding. I think that's the... the pictures already start to bring it together for me because on the millennial side, it's... We gotta get sorted. Oh, there it is. It's totally okay to let your goofy side shine through.
Starting point is 01:39:45 Oh, God. At least this's totally OK to let your goofy side shine through. Oh, God. At least this is cringe. Upload date. Thank God this is cringe. Oh, no, this is Gen Z. Bro, it's TikTok. Well, actually, it needs to be his name or like that person's shit age needs to be real.
Starting point is 01:39:58 The on your side, I see people who want to take the Pottermore quiz and hold wands. I see Boxxy who is... She was the queen of the internet. She was the queen of the internet. And Boxxy's base. Hold on. She was the best. I see the finger mustaches and the bad haircuts and the silly bands.
Starting point is 01:40:24 And meanwhile, what do I have on my side? A guy who's just being a little goofy, a wealth of influencers who preach positivity and make fun of how cringe that you were by just copying what you did. And then Belle Delphine, who got the fucking bag. And that's what it's all about. Who fucked somebody and got the bag. That's what it's all about. Who fucked somebody and got the bag. And that's what it's all about for you guys.
Starting point is 01:40:47 All you care about, do you think that chocolate rain man is having the time of his life streaming to fucking 100 people on Overwatch? Chocolate Rain Man? That's the millennial guy. He's. Yeah, I know. And what I'm saying is you guys are all about bag getting and attention and all this shit. We had to grind and work.
Starting point is 01:41:04 And when we got it, we got nothing for it. Okay. To do something for the bag is inherently more cringe to do it for the love of the game, which is what we fucking did. Even if it's fucking somebody. If it's fucking somebody, we have to go line by line on the item. Okay. Sometimes I move away from the mic to breathe. Subject to review. Buddy, we we have to go line by line on the item. OK, OK. Sometimes I move away from the subject to breathe subject to review.
Starting point is 01:41:29 Tazandei. I forgot. Listen, you know what I really like about Tazandei is I'll just watch YouTube videos like you hit big YouTube videos and the top comment in 2023, 202424 still Taze on Day on so many videos. Oh yeah. He's like, this guy's still around. He's still around. He's keeping up. Chocolate rain.
Starting point is 01:41:51 There is an idea that... I move away from my to breathe in. It's a lot of views on chocolate rain. MrBeastCrushes though. It has the same color correction that Modern Warfare 3 has. I should fuck this, fuck this, get the- fuck this, dude. Fuck this? Oh, he's resurged with a speech? You disgust me. Disgust me. Possibly the greatest, the most well-known video of the millennial era on YouTube, Charlie Bit My Finger, sold as an NFT.
Starting point is 01:42:27 That was simply wrong to correct history. That was a way to correct the wrongs that had been done. You utilize this argument knowing that. That was that was an attempt to correct the wrongs that had been done and finally cash in on something back when you couldn't. There's nothing wrong with that, with using the tools that you were given. Oh, interesting. So because you missed the chance to make money, you can go back. There's nothing wrong with that, with using the tools that you were given. Oh, interesting. So because you missed the chance to make money, you can go back.
Starting point is 01:42:48 It's a child. You can't get you to the child got nothing. You can't get the finger for nothing. You can't buy a kid. Charlie didn't have a bank account, and that was his fault. I stand by what I am what I'm arguing, and I also think that the what you are able to the zoomer vantage and the advantage that they have the both valid words here is that they
Starting point is 01:43:10 can be cringe and again it will be it can be lost in this sea. You can make some cringe TikToks. People will look at it, laugh at you. Some people remember, but then it'll be gone and you can go and live with your life. But the cringe that existed back then, it's being dredged up. Judge, last argument. Last argument for me.
Starting point is 01:43:29 One thing I think about because I went back and I revisited the Bella porch video that made her popular. I watched this two days ago, the M to the B. It makes little faces. And her eyes do funny things. And same thing with already Tracer, how she's already Tracer and all the other guys. I'm already Tracer, how she's already Tracer, and all the other guys. I'm already Tracer.
Starting point is 01:43:46 The element of mixing music into these things that I think might initially come across as cringe makes them incredibly addictive and rewatchable when I revisit them. But if I pan back to something like Leave Britney Alone, it's like Nick's gavel. I don't want to hear it. It hurts my ears. I hate it. to hear it. It hurts my ears. I do. I hate it. I hate it when you do it, Judge. I hate it. It's bad. I hate you. Power is not always fun. For you. I mean, cringe is hard to sort of quantify in a lot of ways. Like LMFAO, Sorry for Party Rocking. Yes. We can fire up that video and watch it and probably be like,
Starting point is 01:44:20 yeah, a lot of this is cringe. But also it's like, when it goes boom, boom, boom, boom. But I'm not sorry for Party Rocking. Look, the judge has boom, boom, boom, boom. But I'm not sorry for party five. Look, the judge has to make a really difficult decision here. And I think the decision, unfortunately, is that this is a stalemate. I don't think either of you have presented enough evidence to say that the other is cringe. And that brings us, and now that means we're tied,
Starting point is 01:44:40 because I've tied all the points in my head, and you guys are tied. We're tied. It's the points are in his head. That brings us to the final round. Final round. And interestingly enough... Is it combat?
Starting point is 01:44:49 Wait, it's in his head? Interestingly enough, you guys have not used your Phona Friend yet. I haven't, yeah, I've felt lucky. So either of you could have used your Phona Friend this entire time, but you have saved it. And now might be the time that you want to use it. So, the last round is another dual round you are deciding who owns Who can claim this thing and the winner of this realm will win the entire competition? Are you ready? Yes
Starting point is 01:45:22 Taylor Swift Taylor Swift it's which generation owns Taylor Swift. Taylor Swift. Which generation owns Taylor Swift? Pack it up. Pack it up. Pack it up. It's Gen Z. Pack it up. It's Gen Z.
Starting point is 01:45:34 How old were you in 2009, Jit? In 2009, I was 12 or 13. Oh, I was 19. And you know what? Everybody was listening to Taylor Swift at school. Well, did you do you remember what happened in 2009 at the Grammys? The Grammys? Yeah. Kanye West came on stage. He said some cool shit.
Starting point is 01:45:59 And you were 12. And I was 12 and I couldn't watch the Grammys. Because you weren't allowed to. This piece of culture, Taylor Swift, this this magnate, this woman, this force of billionaire proportions in nature. You weren't even old enough to experience her. You didn't experience her, Aiden. I was singing Trouble in college from the Bed Bath and Beyond speakers
Starting point is 01:46:28 while I was zoning the Yankee candles, bitch. That's the thing. The millennials hang on to a lot of things. They hang on to the fact that they worked at Bed Bath and Beyond. They hang on to the fact that they loved Love Story. It's a cute doggo. And they just, they have an attachment to Taylor Swift's music that is so old and antiquated and all of the new, think about the new age of Taylor Swift right now, where she's bigger
Starting point is 01:47:00 than ever. Why does that happen? It's because of the social media machine that is fueled by my side the Gen Z Kpop s stands that are ready to docks at a moment's notice But are also dropping the Los Angeles concert dates at the Hollywood Bowl Did they really flip their masks to the Taylor side? You know your pat your side has the money and buys the tickets. One, you guys are fucking it up.
Starting point is 01:47:27 There are a thousand dollars. You're ruining it for the young fans. You're abusing your money. And you only know and you only know to buy the tickets because my side is posting about it. Your side would be forgetting about the dates. You wouldn't even know where to go see Taylor if my side wasn't setting the trend I
Starting point is 01:47:47 Like the phone a friend the phone a friend. I Can't believe I waited this long. It's like he is the nuclear office. I like a friend. She might not pick up He's the giant might not pick up, but you might not make up, but I'm calling her She might not pick up, but you can call her. She might not pick up, but I'm calling her. Hello. Hi, QT, I'm doing the podcast. Oh, wow, I was just listening to the podcast. Wow, this is a great episode.
Starting point is 01:48:14 We did a whole debate. It's the very end of it and it's tied between me and Aiden for arguing for Millennials versus Gen Z. And the final question was who, which generation can claim Taylor Swift? And I'm allowed to phone a friend. Millennials. Now, can we can you explain your position there while we are able to claim her while Zoomers have less of a claim?
Starting point is 01:48:39 Because their first song came out when I was like 13. It was a while ago, right? She was less popular. Interesting because you would agree that Taylor's one of the biggest artists in the world right now, would you not? Right now, but she also was when powered powered by social media phenomena that is perhaps operated mostly by Generation Z. She won the most awards for 1989, and that was years ago.
Starting point is 01:49:07 No, Kanye, Kanye called that off. That was like when Instagram first started. Cutie, Cutie, how many? I'm dressed as a judge, Cutie. He is dressed as a judge. Who do you think holds more fans of Taylor Swift currently, Millennials or Gen Z? Millennials. You think so? That's why she gets away with so much cringe dancing because it's? Millennials. You think so? That's why she gets away with so much cringey dancing
Starting point is 01:49:27 because it's all millennials. Oh my God, what an insane argument. That is a, that's a nail in the coffin. I think, why don't we, why don't we, a lot of songs have come out recently. They have this little thing in parentheses next to them. It's called Taylor's Version. Taylor's Version.
Starting point is 01:49:42 And what, you know, remind me why she had to make those cutie. She had to make them because Scooter Braun stole her original. So if you're going to argue that she has more plays now, it's because at one point. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. Now, not what I'm arguing. Interesting. A generation, an entire generation of fans complicit in Scooter Braun's abuse of Taylor Swift. But who who did it take to blow the whistle?
Starting point is 01:50:08 The Generation Z fans that are more on the wavelength about equality? You're wrong. He's strong manning, sir. Surely we're on time on the call. Your time is up, but you still have your phone a friend. Please let her at least address this final point. You're strong landing because she pulled her original songs off of Spotify because Spotify artists weren't getting paid. And so she said, well, then I'll pay.
Starting point is 01:50:36 In what year? This was I want to say this was 1989. What year? It wasn't in 1989. No, it wasn't. We all know it wasn't in 1989. So 2014, maybe? When did Taylor Swift take her music off Spotify? He's asking Siri, not you. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:50:54 Yeah, that's fair. He's asking a digital one. 2017. 2017, so it's not recent enough. Millennials sometimes we have sleep apnea. It's hard. Thank you, Cutie. I'm dyslexic. I think you've brought up a lot of good points and I think he is.
Starting point is 01:51:08 He's actually I think I see you shit coming out of his pants right now. So did I win? Well, you aren't in the competition. Well, you are because you are spiritually. We're both millennials. So if I win a woman, I mean, so I think I think she's cool. I think she made that point of her removing her music off of Spotify. And I think and that was in an effort, if I recall, to call upon Spotify to pay artists more,
Starting point is 01:51:37 at least from a public, a very Gen Z, communication stand of point. Talking about Gen Z idea and not judge and not about Scooter Braun, if I recall. A man named Scooter. A man named Scooter. And when Scooter owned the records, when Scooter owned the records, when we were still buying music on iTunes in school. This man dresses as a clown. That's when millennials were supporting her music.
Starting point is 01:51:59 And now when she's at her biggest, her most successful, when she can make local economies explode, it's in the era where Gen Z are a part of the fandom engine. It's a strong argument. And I would love to call somebody, but I don't have a lot of children in my phone. You have enough, surely. And I need to... Fuck.
Starting point is 01:52:22 Fine. You know what? I'll... Fine. Can you give me a second? Yeah. To know what? Fine. Can you give me a second? Yeah. Take your time. Oh, I know exactly who to call. He knows exactly who to call. Slime, are you worried? I have my aches in the hole.
Starting point is 01:52:40 It is a very strong sign off. Like that's it. This was served up to me. What if like cunt. What if he calls Taylor? That'd be crazy. Jiffy, Jiffy, Jiffy.
Starting point is 01:52:53 How old are you? How old are you? Hold it up to the mic. Yes. Twenty. The mic. Twenty twenty seven. OK, perfect.
Starting point is 01:53:02 So you're like me. You're at the forefront of Gen Z. You could say, right? Yeah. Yeah. OK, so just for context, you're on the yard podcast right now. Oh, my God. We have a bit of a battle. We have a bit of a battle at the moment between and in the final duel. The overall context is it's Gen Z versus Millennials. You may not say what side you're representing,
Starting point is 01:53:21 and I can't say what side I'm representing. But I need you're representing. And I can't say what side I'm representing, but I need you to explain if you think Gen Z or millennials are more important to the Taylor Swift fandom right now. That's a difficult question. And just for context, Jiffy's tag, Jiffy's code on Slippy is TSwift0. Okay.
Starting point is 01:53:49 So, Gen Z are at the forefront of the innovations that she's making in music, but I will say the Millennials are the workhorses. Okay? They are putting in the work to drive the engagement. But... Jiffy, oh, Jiffy just twisted the dagger. Why do you have to twist the dagger, Jiffy? Jiffy, I'm dressed as a judge. I want to thank you for your contribution to our show. Okay. Yeah. I will say, Gen Z, those are the Twitter people.
Starting point is 01:54:29 And nobody's pushing the Taylor Swift fandom and the memes quite like Gen Z. I appreciate that. I feel a butt coming. Is there a butt? No, I mean, it's Gen Z, Gen Z also. I don't know if you know this, Aiden, maybe you do. QT would know this. Taylor puts all sorts of Easter eggs
Starting point is 01:54:46 into all of her content, right? Right. Yes she does, I do know that. She's always hiding little secrets. And the millennials, they're too slow, man. They're not figuring this stuff out. Can I ask, can I ask, would you say that you or Cutie Cinderella is a more reputable source of information
Starting point is 01:55:06 on Taylor Swift? She knows her stuff. She knows her stuff very well. I'm right there with her. Juvie, Juvie, you're running it down mid right now. This is insane. Juvie, you did it. You're bringing, you're taking, you're taking your fucking Ahri Insta-lock and you're running
Starting point is 01:55:22 it down mid under tower and I'm in the jungle and you're and you're flaming me You're already measuring the witness with Me and cutie could talk for hours about about Taylor Swift. I'm sure of it I'm really busy right now. I gotta go Jiffy school really Jiff cool. I like Jiffy. I like Jiffy. I don't want to hear that conversation about Taylor Swift with QT.
Starting point is 01:55:48 I think that'd be great. I think that'd have been a great time. Jiffy, I like Jiffy. Judge will blow my brains out. Jiffy's coming here this week, I do. He's coming to the studio. We'll set up a little date. Order.
Starting point is 01:55:58 No one cares where Jiffy is. The only thing that matters is justice. Pockets in! No, no, no pockets. I'm immune. I'm immune. That's what the judge wing is for. It's my best pocket sand. It whips it out.
Starting point is 01:56:12 The judge has made a decision based on the information presented. And much to your surprise, the winner is the Millennials. Let's fucking go! The Millennials defeat Gen Z and with that the Yard Podcast is over. Also Ludwig's not here. Oh yeah, Ludwig's in France. Because he kinda fucked up the whole balance of it all.
Starting point is 01:56:36 So we send him to France. We send him to France. So thanks for watching the Yard Podcast. Millennials, I'm a Millennial now! Let's fucking go, dude. So that epic doggo was fricking sweet. And top text, Archie put top text here and put bottom text here.
Starting point is 01:56:52 You are a raven claw. And I can feel it. I know, I know. I'm gonna pee on the set. I'm gonna pee on the set. And we'll see you guys on the premium. No!

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