The Yard - Ep. 160 - The President Messaged Ludwig...

Episode Date: August 7, 2024

This week, the boys talk about what a 'crashout' means, ludwig being invited to the presidential c*m dump gala, and how athletes are cheating in the Olympics......

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I learned what racism is too because I watched a three and a half hour video by FD signifier about the Kendrick Drake beef. Three and a half hours. That, why are you watching a Tekken player? This is a three hour. He's a three hour long video and just says it's a Kendrick one But slow down really slowly Unpack do so much Was it about the beef there's a phrase that's like you give someone two hours they can convince you of anything
Starting point is 00:00:44 I think so I was like I could be falling for propaganda, but I enjoyed it. I'm starting to hate video essays, man I think starting to this guy makes good video essays I think I love videos it is my it is generally my bread and butter content of watching shit on YouTube Which I do every night now, but I do I do think Sometimes you're like this didn't need a video essay. There's fucking two- in my head, there's three types of video essays. There's, you know, the good ones that are video essays. Yeah. Then there's Lay in front of green screen man, holding little tiny-
Starting point is 00:01:17 No, no, no. I don't want to hear- Clip on lav microphone. I don't want to hear shit about tomato anise. And it's like- I love that guy. This is also Nicky Jake here. I don't know how to make- yeah, it though kind of he invented it a little bit he popularized it anyone got it if anyone's got a good recommendation for a Hawk to
Starting point is 00:01:33 a documentary please hit my line what did you say the other day oh I said a Hawk of duty to that's crazy dude someone that's crazy. Dude, someone messaged me. I usually hate getting DMs. The same day he told me that, I hate getting DMs, but it just pulled up. It's Twitter DM request, and it only says one thing. It's not like, hey, check this out. Hey, I thought of this.
Starting point is 00:01:58 It just said, Grok Tua. And I'm like, finally some good fucking food. The 18 plus edition. Me and Elon laughing at a joke. I don't think he would because it'd be like. No, he'd laugh. He'd tackle. No, he'd love that. No, he would hate that because it's besmirches Grok.
Starting point is 00:02:18 You want him to hate it because you don't want to laugh at what he laughs at, but he would love that. He would say, did Grok write this? He would think Grok wrote it. Yeah. Does Grok know about itself? Yeah, yeah, yeah. It can sell. Of course. Grok knows all.
Starting point is 00:02:32 Grok sells all. Grok is self-actualized. He has access to everything. That's true. By the way, as we speak right now, Donald Trump is experiencing a W crash out on Aidan Ross' stream. Pause.
Starting point is 00:02:44 A lot to cover from that back up back up almost everything in that sentence is wrong first off welcome back to the art episode 181 it's not it's just not the other start off being wrong what is it what's a W crash out slime doesn't know but you can ask you don't even know I know of course not bro oh god this is
Starting point is 00:03:00 bad this is bad yeah no no no no no well let the let me let not bad I'm aging I'm aging Let's get four averaged 30 year olds Oh, admit it Well, no, I'm saying you bring us up to three Yeah, you're kind of that I do, because you guys are so close
Starting point is 00:03:14 It's true You guys are so close to it It's not wrong, we are so close You're so close to it Aiden Explain W crash outs It's kind of- nevermind Okay, no, so why was everything I said wrong? Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:03:25 Because they're not even live right now. The stream ended. Oh, really? It just ended. That's part one. It ended like two hours ago. Yeah. OK.
Starting point is 00:03:32 An hour ago. I saw the picture of XQC standing behind Trump as they walk out of this building. And then I had a vision of when I was sitting behind XQC playing Valorant while he was streaming in this building. I was like, I'm one degree of separation away now. Oh, our Trump number went down to one. Yeah, that's actually crazy. No, actually the Crimson Blur beat him once, which helps a lot of people.
Starting point is 00:03:58 Yeah, Crimson Blur actually beat Trump in at SSS. It was for the Falco, but it counts. It counts. It counts. It has to count. If you're finding your way to the number, you know, you got to say what you can get. The silent specter. The silent specter. The excuse to Trump is the silent specter path.
Starting point is 00:04:16 You should have Kamala Harris now. Yeah, I was just going to say. Don't be a fucking partisan hack. No, we should get Joe Biden, dude. Yo, we should get because we can get him back. We should get, because we could get him back. I think we could fix him. Dude, hey Joe, run again. Because he's actually crashing out.
Starting point is 00:04:30 Joe, I got a third party for you. Run again. Yes. No, we get into politics, we instantly become uncool. We get Joe and Bernie together. We give them the blood of the youngest boy we know, which is Aidan. Joe, do you think, do you think in the primary in 2020, if Bernie Sanders had had a breathtaking pussy, he would have passed you out?
Starting point is 00:04:51 I think, no, we do double Joe, Joe Biden, Joe Rogan. Yo, you want to actually take it to win a handshake across the aisle? The Dragon Ball Z. We get a ticket to win. You want a handshake across the aisle? The Dragon Ball Z. We get a Double Joe ticket. Okay. Down ballot. We got Ludwig, Secretary of Transportation. Oh, I get a cabinet position? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:16 I want to be Postmaster General. Secretary of Transportation. Is that even a cabinet position? It no longer is, Aiden. Oh really? They took it out? That must have been recent. It's I believe voted on now or something. I want to be postmaster general.
Starting point is 00:05:28 Well, if you then you'd have to run if I will. So I will deliver your man. It'll be so expensive to New Zealand and Australia. So prohibitively expensive. More more so it'll be now. Well, it's already expensive. It's we'll make it worse. Are you mocking the Japanese?
Starting point is 00:05:47 What? With that hat? Considering the current events. Sorry, I'm a current event guy. Yeah. Japanese stock market crashed. You're mocking the Japanese with your hat. He's not. He's a Japanese hat. The American stock market crashed. And he's a French shirt on.
Starting point is 00:06:00 He's reputing his two nationalities. Thank you, baby. And Carhartt pants. Do you find that problematic that you mock and laugh at a nation's economy? I'm not laughing at their economy. The American stock market crashed. So what are you laughing at? The American stock market crashed.
Starting point is 00:06:14 Oh, you're laughing at that. No, but it's not like a Japanese thing. Oh, American stock market crashing out. Yes! That's not bad. That's not a bad tweet. I still don't know. is, what is crashing out at you? Wait, wait, wait. He can't handle it. He's trying to find his center.
Starting point is 00:06:31 Dubbin, I know you hate Mogul Mail and I hate making video now. He can't explain it. Explaining it's lame. You just have to look at it on your own time. It's not my job. It's actually true. It's not my job to educate you. You gotta see it in context and figure it out by yourself. Amen. So like, ugh. You gotta just look it in context and figure it out by yourself. Amen. I'll be.
Starting point is 00:06:45 You got to just look at 13 tweets with the phrase and then be like, Oh, I get it now. Yeah, that's how language typically works anyway. Or you're just friends with Alex. Yeah, he's just on the beat. He'll say that a lot and you just get it. Yeah, I use it wrong a bunch today. I said it to the barista.
Starting point is 00:07:05 You get a nice crash out to you and your family as well. W. Have you seen the crash? Using the tool? No, it's a sweeping the nation to me. Dude, I think this reminds me I every I think I do this once a month. I go back to the riot games and mini doc you guys made. And I just replay the part where you deliver the phrase, NBA Youngboy.
Starting point is 00:07:29 Youngboy never broke again. Yeah. I just watched that part and then click out of the video. I think that might, like, I hate tootin' my own horn, but I like that part a lot. I actually fought for that to go in. I told Archie, I was like, that has to go in. It's my favorite part.
Starting point is 00:07:43 It was one of the only parts of that video that we asked. We fed them a line. So like one of the only parts where I think what I think what the dev said or she just skins the skins department, what she said back to you was like, oh, OK, or something like that. And I was like, can you actually go again? And can you just say, I don't know what you're talking about? And her line became that.
Starting point is 00:08:04 I think it makes that whole section funnier yeah much like mr. beast we fake our videos you'll be seen it we beasted it yeah and then we all got a big discord at riot later and we we chopped it up I went to North Carolina I got a beast infection dude which means I made a million dollars I made a million dollars Beast infection it could also mean I had sexual Mr. Beast right and he gave you the Sim by us disgusting and a million dollars to not talk about it. Yeah, I'm a dog hush money. Yeah So how much hush money did you end up getting dude from these billions, bro? Yeah with a B That's fucking big. Can I have a baby break off?
Starting point is 00:08:44 Billions bro. Yeah with a B. That's fucking big. Can I have a baby break? No Why in fact you owe me ten bands? I do owe you ten bands But that's you out you just got a billion from yeah, but I worked for it. You worked for it Yeah, by keeping your mouth shut his mouth. He shut his journalist's mouth Sometimes waiting and listening is more powerful than talking. No. Aiden does it every pod. What are you fucking doing? That's what you get for being late. Yes! I love it! You're the first guy here!
Starting point is 00:09:15 Cause I was taking care of business! You were sitting down, I don't care about the merch, I don't care about your hoodies. I wanna clarify, I think- Do you know how many bands that made him? Band reveal reveal 300k Okay, whoa Profit
Starting point is 00:09:32 That's crazy. Yeah, so go fuck yourself Hey money talks is what he's saying You got ten Ten times what you owe him thirty times what you owe him well. times what you owe him. Well, I don't fucking I. Well, you can't silence me. I'm a different journalist. A different priest mode. Because what I was listening to this, I don't want to say.
Starting point is 00:09:55 If I end up in a lunchbox, like Jamal Khashoggi did for being a journalist, he didn't put Jamal Khashoggi to lunch. I put him in a suitcase. Yeah, because they treat journalists with respect. Yeah, right. The Saudis. Well, so Mr. Beast is like, he's kind of like the Saudi Arabia of of guys from the Carolinas. Let's speak on this.
Starting point is 00:10:18 Saudi Arabia of guys. I hope it gets there. Wow. That's it. That's it. And you know why he won't speak? Because he threatens journalists like you. And you're in your and you've been threatened. The Shogi guy.
Starting point is 00:10:33 I'm the guy who spoke out against them and then ended up in a Turkish embassy. You think you're chopped up like lunch meat. OK, I will say, look, there's this Mr. Beeson going on. We all know about it. Yeah. But I saw the guy who made the MrBeast video. You talked to him, didn't you? Yeah, I've DM'ed him since, but anyway, he posted like a cease and desist. And then somebody replied, they're like, hey, by the way, he's not suicidal.
Starting point is 00:10:57 And he hearted the comment and it's like, you're not going to get fucking. That's crazy, dude. Like he's going to get taken out by Mr. Beast operators to silence the story. Also in the Turkish embassy. Yeah. I've seen like three genuine posts being like, I'm not suicidal. Say you're good. You know, it's just so easy to say it's like such it's such low stakes insurance. I get the size difference, but it's like,
Starting point is 00:11:22 I don't know what streamer has ops like Aiden Ross, maybe there. Look, no one, no one has no one has Boeing level ops in streaming. Well, no, excuse me. I think Aiden's got shooters like that. Maybe he doesn't have ops like that yet, but I think it's shooters like that. I have dude, it's the Fortnite for me. Just to be clear, Aiden Ross, I was like, you think I have people I can do it for me. Aiden Ross. Just to be clear, Aiden Ross. Oh, Aiden Ross?
Starting point is 00:11:45 I was like, you think I have people I can mobilize in a militia? No, I think Aiden does. I think Aiden has people who think they would do that. I think he's got ride or die shooters, and I have one ride or die shooter. His name's Nick Yingling. I would shoot for you. Excuse me? I think you would shoot on your own volition, not for me.
Starting point is 00:12:03 Of course I would for you. You think I would shoot for you? Nah, you wouldn't shoot for me. I don't even ask, I shoot for you. You don't shoot for me. I shoot people you didn't want me to shoot. See, that's not a shooter. That is a shooter. That's like a fucking bad shooter.
Starting point is 00:12:16 You don't even need to tell me the shooter. I'm walking in like bang, bang. I'm going to be honest, I can't even play along with this. I'm not a shooter. I know you're not a shooter. He's not a shooter. I wouldn't shoot. You're not a shooter. That's fucked up to say you shot a gun in the past ten years Yes
Starting point is 00:12:30 He's a shooter. He's your biggest shooter. He's a shooter Should man when someone who would take an op on a paramotor ride? Yeah That's a shooter See that's that's why I think so. I was not a shooter for me Because I feel like you would just take anyone who he really hates on a paramotor ride. Well here's the thing, if you had an enemy and you said this guy... Take Sans on a paramotor ride.
Starting point is 00:12:53 But only if he wanted to. Because I would do that on my own volition. Sir? And I will do that on my own volition. Yes sir! Okay, let me call him up. Are you calling Pizza Hut later? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:08 Yeah. Dude, I had so many Pizza Hut enjoyers get mad at me because I did this pizza review. And I ordered a personal pan pizza. And it's like that six inch one. No, they taste different, bro. They do taste different. I tried to yell it through the screen.
Starting point is 00:13:23 I had a lot of yell through the screeners DMing after being like you really did Pizza Hut wrong Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, cuz I didn't get cuz the other ones I got like I always try to get the smallest one But their smallest ones like ass just to be clear though like Pizza Hut is terrible So yeah, it would have been higher but still low But I also think it's their fault if you put something that horse ass on your website. Say you're not suicidal You could come for me, say you're not suicidal. You could cut for me, but I'm not suicidal. There you go. Other arm up.
Starting point is 00:13:52 Uh, there, you know, what you're supposed to do is order the cookie with the pizza, the Pazuki. No, no, I'm talking about the cook. Cause every pizza has sells drugs. You order pizza, Pazuki and the cookie pack. Yeah. And that's how it ended the drugs. I'm actually into drugs. I'm actually, I thinkookie, and the cookie pack. Yeah. And that's how in the drugs, Mexico, in the drugs, Mexico, I think you might have done steroids or he might have had like an
Starting point is 00:14:09 anabolic child. He hooked himself up to. Are you the whole second cycle of the yard? It did he hook himself up to anabolic children? So here's the thing. He came back weirdly early for Mexico because I think he did a crime and he made it in time for the end of basketball. OK. And then he started off looking horrible awful And then he went on the bench and I think he injected something and then he came off the bench and he dropped like fucking
Starting point is 00:14:32 Eight in a row just went crazy crazy town. Yeah, he's never done that ever It's not like it's not a jersey thing we're on the same team Jealousy if they're dropping I'm saying, objectively, I think he did drop. What? I don't want to have to tell you about this now, but it's the Ozempic. He's been on that. Yo! I've been cutting.
Starting point is 00:14:52 He's been trying to cut. He's been trying to disappear. Oh my god, you're like glistening, kind of. Yeah, it's from the- What'd you do, man? What'd you do in Mexico, man? I went to an all-inclusive resort, which was a food desert, much like Pontus. I think that's good, by the way. An all-inclusive resort which was a food desert much like I think that's good by the way. All-inclusive resort? Yeah I've never been to one. I went for a wedding it was it was my my girlfriend's
Starting point is 00:15:13 friend's wedding and it was one-to-one with Pontins in terms of the food the food desert. You can put your down now. What me? You can put it down now. What's the point of doing the ozempip if I don't do that? What's the point of getting the Drake Ab implants if I can't show them off on camera? Yeah, it's weird. I mean, I look great. I forgot algebra yesterday. But I look, I feel great. Dude, you also don't eat. Me?
Starting point is 00:15:38 Yeah. I haven't eaten. You like actually hate eating, which I always think is weird. I've been throwing it back these last two weeks. So wait, you went to Mexican Pontons? I went to Mexican Pont which I was weird. I've been throwing it back these last two weeks. You went to Mexican Pontins? I went to Mexican Pontins for a wedding and there were less, admittedly less mascots around.
Starting point is 00:15:51 But there is an. What's the fucking point? And the the the one funny thing that happened was the last evening is after the wedding is over and the bride wants to go for a night swim at the pools and A bunch of people go and there's a you know, a lot of people around our age and there's this one guy Every I'm the only person from the West Coast at this wedding There's only people from like the East Coast and the South and there's a few people who are friends of the groom who are like
Starting point is 00:16:22 Southern a bit southern frat boy, if you will. So this is just coming up in rock, paper, scissors. You have to keep saying like, oh, on shoot. And it was just like, oh, my bad. West Coast. Yeah, you played a bunch of melee sets with these guys. No, sorry, we call it rage cage. Oh, Beirut, Beirut. And this one this one guy has a particular frat energy.
Starting point is 00:16:45 I will not say his name. He he let's call him dubbing. It's like two in the morning. He seems particularly energetic and he's in the pool. Everybody's talking, but he's he's loud. Somebody says, call him Matt. You're such an enigma. And oh, and Cameron said, Would you call me?
Starting point is 00:17:06 And then a neighbor. Let's just stop dubbing anymore. And then everybody in the tub is like, whoa, come on. It's like, what the fuck, dude? Like, why did you say that? He's like, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't mean like, we'll call my cousin Pele. It's OK, because my cousin's my cousin's black. He hits like every beat of the like why it's OK and actually not offensive.
Starting point is 00:17:31 And then everybody is telling him to shut up basically. And this for five minutes, he after the first five minutes, he starts apologizing. Oh, no. And he turns and he's trying to apologize to each person. The loop and say like how he like how he's so sorry this happened and after the first two apologies people are getting upset that he's just apologizing and keeps bringing it up and we're like please just stop talking about it. It's fine.
Starting point is 00:17:55 I'd be so sad if I'm chilling in the tub and I got canceled in the tub. I'm like I wouldn't want to get canceled in the tub. The wedding's over. He's like I didn't want to offend anybody. He's like, it was the best intention. It was critical. He was there. Yeah. And wait, how do you say the N-word with the best intentions? I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:18:16 For the next 25 minutes, this guy will not stop interrupting the rest of the people's conversation. Dude, that's crazy. To say I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to ruin the night. I shouldn't have said it. the people's conversation. Dude, that's crazy. To say, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to ruin the night. I shouldn't have said it, man. People start breaking. They're like, Matt, shut the fuck up. And I said, Matt, if you, 20 minutes in,
Starting point is 00:18:33 I said, Matt, if you apologize again, I'm going to kill myself in this hot tub in front of you. I'm going to go under the water and I come back up. And finally, he kind of winds down a bit. And we get, we're starting to leave, we're getting out of the tub and he Asked to shotgun one more beer, which is insane because everybody is clearly tired It wants to go to bed. That's good. Two people say they'll do it with him including zipper three
Starting point is 00:18:56 Which was very funny because she never shotguns beers Pause cuz why did she say why now? She for imagine drop the end where she say- Wait, why now? Why low key? Why now? She's mad to drop the N word, she's like, wait, I'm never shagging. So she's leaving me, she's leaving me- Only with a racist. Only with a racist. That's my policy.
Starting point is 00:19:13 They pop the beer, he's asking me if I have keys, we're in Mexico, I'm like, I don't have keys, I don't have my fucking car here. You gotta use your tooth. Use your British teeth. So he bites into it, rips the beer, crushes it before everybody else, and he's like, and then he looks at everybody He's like, who's that neighbor now? Who's that neighbor now?
Starting point is 00:19:34 And we're like, dude, what in the fuck? That is crazy. You spent the last 30 minutes apologizing about saying it. And then he fucking, and then we leave. And the next morning, the next morning I talk to you. The pass appears, it floats up over his head. I bump into the bride and groom, and we're revisiting this story from the previous night. And they're both like, oh my fucking God.
Starting point is 00:19:56 Like, I can't believe he was saying this. I can't believe he was doing this. He sent me a text this morning that I'm like, sorry if I upset people. And they revealed to me that he had been doing coke that evening and it all came together. And I had this very vivid memory of slime in the car with me telling me about this one time that Miles was drinking
Starting point is 00:20:21 and doing coke and he wouldn't. I thought he was gonna ble believe the name for sure. We can believe the name if necessary. And Miles, they're driving. I think you're driving to like the Pomona house, right? And Miles will not stop repeating the same conversation point for like 30 minutes in this drive. And you said you wanted to kill him.
Starting point is 00:20:41 And in that moment, I was like, oh, my God, Matt was stuck in the racist coke loop. Yeah, he couldn't exit the code to be clear. Miles was on the race. Yeah, we had got back from from a party and it was like, it was just sometimes just coke and that's okay. And but he was at the time Josh wanted to like quit melee. This was like six years ago. Now Josh wanted to like quit melee and like start a family, which was something I was clowning him on. I was like, you're 20. So jot that down. That's insane to say. But then Miles in the car ride home, me, Josh and himself,
Starting point is 00:21:19 he's in the back just explaining to Josh, it's like, but don't you want to slay dragons? Don't you want to like be the best? And Josh is like, yeah, I don't know. I just can't think about it. He's like, but don't you want to slay dragons? Don't you want to, like, be the best? And Josh is like, yeah, I don't know. I just can't think about it. He's like, but but think about it. You could be the best. And then and then you get slayed dragons.
Starting point is 00:21:32 And I'm like and I'm like, I'm going to lose my fucking. It was like a long drive. It was like 30 minutes. I'm like white knuckling. And I get home and I'm just like, Miles, do not talk to me. Go in the kitchen. Leave me alone because I was just like overloaded. So, yeah, I've never done that before.
Starting point is 00:21:49 I've never done Coke before. But I guess it just puts you in the in the infinity symbol. Yeah, it's the Coke. Whoa, it's just me alone doing an ad by myself because I forgot to have us do this on the main set. Little, little merch plug. For those who don't know, we put this out just recently. If you want a little nice hoodie with a patch on it, or a cardigan, or some underwear,
Starting point is 00:22:14 or a t-shirt with slime hitting a crack pipe, you can get those things right now at the You can just jaunt on over and buy them. We have pre-orders for stuff that's out of stock already, so you're able to buy anything you would like. And then there's quite a bit of stuff left in stock, especially in smalls and mediums, if you're looking for that. And I know what you might be thinking, international listener who's looked at the shipping prices before and said, how could shipping possibly be this expensive? I will buy this well for the pre-order products we finally fixed that and for all future drops so if you order one of the pre-order products that's already sold
Starting point is 00:22:52 out and you're willing to wait a few months to get it shipped to you the international shipping is now really really affordable so go check it out and yeah yeah look the cute little patch man you can touch it it's not embroidered it's it's it's not embroidered. It's its own little thing and it's an acid wash hoodie. I really like it. And you can go get it too. Okay, why don't you go look? Why don't you go look?
Starting point is 00:23:12 Or you don't have to. If you don't want it, you don't have to buy it. So I just, I'm doing this. Klee went to a racist wedding. Yeah, dude. Yeah, well. I feel like most resorts at, you know, even if they're all inclusive, actually exclude some people. They're actually all exclusive. Well, all inclusive means racist.
Starting point is 00:23:33 Cause what? Cause all inclusive means including racist. So much for the tolerant left. I'm sorry. So if you want free speech to be abandoned, okay? Then go to... Cabo is where the last bastion want free speech to be abandoned, okay? Then go to- Cabo is where the last bastion of free speech. Dude, why do we call it a groom?
Starting point is 00:23:53 Do you ever think about that? Because we used to marry children. We used to marry- we used to be wed children. They used to be- it used to be children. And we didn't change the name? Your wife had to be a child. Yeah, you'd have to marry a child the moment they became mature like sneak oh desires Say all this invention Piro's voice. It feels like a real argument. Yeah, it feels like you're getting somewhere
Starting point is 00:24:16 Well, we call it a groom because it's about sexual maturity. It's about maturity It's about maturity, but if a seven year old is mature, then who am I? The sneaker clip, I don't watch a lot of Boyz Critical videos. That sneaker clip is crazy because much like Boyz Critical, my thought process is surely, if I give this guy the benefit of the doubt and he just explains a little more, he'll create some room or ambiguity or be more, it'll become more clear he's being reasonable in some way. And then every time Mois Critical says that, he cuts to the video of Sneak-O making it worse.
Starting point is 00:24:53 Like lowering the age that they're talking about. He stops at every opportunity to make it mildly better. And he's like, like no it's actually The worst version When Charlie goes like a ridiculous he goes to 12 12 year old dad it's Nikos like are they mature Before it falls over that's a detail. is not. We call it called the block test. We're on the block test. Like 10 is pretty mature. I can get 11.
Starting point is 00:25:29 I basically got the takeaway that all that matters for a girl or woman is their physical maturity and not their mental or emotional state at all, because they're meant to just pump out kids in his desired theocratic state. That's crazy. I think that's his take. When we started calling him grooms, and then we changed the rules
Starting point is 00:25:50 to include all women, not just children. Right. Because for a long time it was both. And in some countries maybe it still is. I don't know. You know women only have been able to vote for 105 years? I did know that. That makes me so fucking mad
Starting point is 00:26:05 Yeah, look what happened, we got COVID Cause you wanted to be shorter or longer? Pause, what? You think women invented... Pause I mean, it didn't happen 200 years ago We didn't have COVID We had dope shit like the Black Plague
Starting point is 00:26:19 200 years ago That sounds cooler, right? Actually about 100 years ago we had the Spanish Flu, which was crazy. And similar to COVID. I don't even think people were even... We had El Flu. You know what? It was called the Spanish Flu to demonize it in that way. I was gonna say, wasn't the Spanish Flu... did it start in America? Yeah, it didn't start in Spain. And even if it did...
Starting point is 00:26:40 Wait, the Spanish Flu is basically like the old version of the Wuhan Flu? Dude, you know how easy it was? Yes, or marijuana, which is called cannabis, but we called marijuana because it's Mexican sounding. It's like if the Wuhan flu was the actual name for it. Wait, we call it marijuana because it's Mexican sounding? Yeah, because we wanted to, these Puritan conservatives, or Democrats at the time, before they flipped. To demonize the drug. They wanted to demonize the drug and other it.
Starting point is 00:27:05 So they gave it a Hispanic name. That's true. That's called cannabis. Where did marijuana come from? Well, that's the Mexican word for it. The Spanish word. Oh, is they just use that? Yeah, they just use the Spanish word made it popular.
Starting point is 00:27:19 We call the drug the Spanish word. So it sounds like some exotic evil. We need a drug called the Spanish word. That's sounds like some exotic evil. We need a drug called the Spanish word. That's my, that's the strain I'm growing right now. I'm growing some Spanish word. In the basement. We have a long history of making it sound like it was someone else who's making our kids listen to jazz and whatnot.
Starting point is 00:27:38 Yeah, but you know, we're past that. Now Aiden Ross, Trump, crashing out live on stream. What do you think Kamala needs to win this, Lud? What can you do? I can do shit. As on the front two. You could turn some voters out. This ain't me.
Starting point is 00:27:54 You could turn some voters out. I'm talking some 55 year old. Turn out for Kamala. On the fence. 55 plus turn out for Kamala event. Gala. Yeah. The Ludwig no loads refused come dump Wow, so so much more crass so much
Starting point is 00:28:16 What do you just know there's like a runway There's like there's like a fashion runway Yeah, it's like people are dressing up and like what see what are you wearing at the come the love? He just has a bow tie on nothing else. I don't really like the name to be clear, but I am here And Emma Chamberlain can interview people Yeah, it would be just like you guys outfit of the at the Ludwig come dump for Kamala I don't like the name personally Yeah, it would be just like... See, Dye's outfit at the Ludwig Cum Dump for Kamala. I don't like the name personally.
Starting point is 00:28:48 Okay, then what is happening at the Ludwig Cum Dump? It's the Shohei Otani anime fat con. I also don't like it. I find it all a bit crass. The Carmine Core Cum Dump for Kamala. What do you think is going on at the Ludwig Cum Dump Gala? Do you think they... Orderves? No, they came for Kamala. What do you think is going on at the Ludwig cum dumb gala? Do you think the hors d'oeuvres? No, they came for one thing. Why is this making it better?
Starting point is 00:29:10 You're still there. I know what they came for. It's not subtle. It's in the name. What do you want to call it then? I don't want to run the gala. No, you have to. So you don't want to have an impact.
Starting point is 00:29:19 So you want Trump to get elected. Okay. I see you. I see. Oh, I keep that. That makes sense. Cause he's rich. Watch this one. What if the cum dump was for Robert Kennedy Jr.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Are you suddenly interested? I'm back in. I'm back in. Okay. Your third party shill. If it's Robert F. Kennedy Jr. F. doing fucking a thousand push-ups for every person who turns out live on stage I'm there for you. Wait, you're the one turning out, presumably. I do think third party voters or, you know, smaller. Truthers, you mean? Truth, yeah. I mean, he's not third party, but like people who aren't in the bipartisan run,
Starting point is 00:29:55 they should have to do their own come dump. They should have to. You should just in general. I mean, if you want votes. Yeah, well, I think when they all go on ABC to do the mandatory come dump. Right. And they have this and they have such a crass term. I'm realizing I don't think I like the term. I just think I just think
Starting point is 00:30:15 Kamala and Trump both get time on TV, on ABC to do their come dumps. Right. Right. Then Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as the as the forerunning third party should get to do his cum dumps. Best of five too. Best of five. And then they'll do the next cum dump on flocks. Cause you gotta split the air time. Yeah. Aiden's stupid rules in play. The whole election committee type of thing. Why are you disengaging with this? Huh? Why do you need me to engage you got three? You can keep it rolling I find it a bit crass personally
Starting point is 00:30:56 What changed What do you mean what changes it was it about is it because not a crack thing you can't look through 180 episodes of this podcast and find me chirping up about come dumps happily. I've been firming this issue to all voters watching, and I have not swayed, and I will not sway when I become president of this pod. Well, I ask you again,
Starting point is 00:31:17 because you apparently don't care about politics, what has Kamala gotta do to beat Trump, and how can you help? She's gotta get more votes for sure. Right. I think in like not just that, I think in like a few states like we did last time. We'll put fake ones in for that. We got to go. Yeah, that's huge. Yeah. Well, OK. I'm talking about the culture.
Starting point is 00:31:38 I mean, I imagine all that matters is like fucking boots on ground's effort in getting people who are like 40 to 60 I To think that I'm sorry You should be doing you should be going to a factory in Pittsburgh speaking with the Union and then doing the come dump with them What I see he gets You take us I'm your Secret Service. I unhook the velvet robe. You cannot be my Secret Service.
Starting point is 00:32:07 I unhook the velvet robe. You're in stirrups, right? In stirrups. Yeah. It's gay missionary come dump event. We make shirts, and it says, jizz on that thing. And then the back says, cock toa. Cock toa.
Starting point is 00:32:21 Because it's like cock toa. You're all horny. No one's horny. We just want to put you to work for once in your fucking miserable way I'm going to go to the polls you can mobilize your following that you refuse to mobilize. I can't I can't imagine I'm just like you were a refused report about Mr. Beast I can't imagine three humans riffing about condoms for five minutes and being like I'm not horny There's nothing horny about the horny what the hell I'm a stirrup tech check why you called it cock toa you said game that's an enemy that's No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Close to the rust belt. Yeah. Come dump a few auto workers. Turn the tides. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:26 So listen, you know what we should have? A yard election. Or an episode without talking about cum. You just brought it up. How else is she gonna win? Dude! Look man. He?
Starting point is 00:33:39 Trump? She! But honestly she'll win by having a stellar debate. Yeah, that's your real answer. She has a stellar debate?, that's your real answer. She's a stellar. We should content guy. She opens her emergency card They gave her and it says I'm rubber your glue dude if she pulls it. I'm not even lying I've been waiting for presidential candidate to do this They just need the reverse uno card did you pull out and then they pull out cuz that clip farm would go crazy
Starting point is 00:34:00 Yes, that goes on Facebook that goes Unbelievably hard that goes hard even even on other side, like right wing people think, yeah, this is what liberals think politics are. And they like self own themselves. Like they're playing with childish toys. We are we are Roman statue PFPs. As far as what I can do, I got reach out to, I remember, by the Biden campaign. No way. Yeah, like to go to some fucking Gala or whatever.
Starting point is 00:34:28 No way. Well, I turned it down. What the hell? You could have done some fucking good in this damn world. He still got elected without your whole. But. Yeah, it all seemed cringe. I just cringe. I think any time, dude, I remember Broad City had, which is a sitcom I really liked, had Hillary Clinton on.
Starting point is 00:34:51 Oh, I hate this episode. And Lana, one of the characters, was just like so obsessed with it. It was like you're thinking about it and actually cringing. And it was that everyone collectively was like, oh, it's a great show too. Jesus Christ. It was really bad. And I think it's interesting how politics is just this like fucking spiky, spiky thing that just kills being cool.
Starting point is 00:35:15 I think the only cool shit I've seen is like the Zach Elfenakis between two ferns. That was when blood was still president though. That was in an only one was healthcare. No he did it. Which is actually worse. I don't even think that one I don't even remember what happened in that one. Doing something with a sitting president that with it with. No what I'm saying is yeah that's what I'm saying that he did one with Hillary. Doing something with a sitting president which Hillary wasn't. Oh he did one with Hillary. Do you think that was good though? I think I didn't think it was bad.
Starting point is 00:35:47 I mean, it's not like the best app, but I thought it was fine. Maybe you can get yourself out of it if you like funny enough. Yeah, I think if you have enough jokes that you crack. Broad City was like extremely like glazing. I mean, the Aiden Ross stream was glazing, but it was great content. I think it's a different type of glazing. They probably got 500 scripts deep before that shit got approved, dude. I can't imagine the difference between draft one and what they actually shot.
Starting point is 00:36:08 Trump was wearing like a road lav mic on his chest and I'm like, there's four Secret Service people that have to look at that and like dust it and make sure it is like good. Maybe not his Secret Service. Maybe not his Secret Service. His Secret Service is like, hey, do you want to throw it on? We're busy. Yeah. Yeah, man.
Starting point is 00:36:26 And the mic was bad at the end, too. I didn't even watch it. I woke up and it was over. I just saw the shitpost. It was very quick. I mean, he just fucking, he shot the shit. He explained streaming. He played a game called React to This Person.
Starting point is 00:36:40 I put on the screen and say one word to describe them. And that's good content. And then fucking gave him a Rolex worth, I don't know how much money. And they give him a cyber truck wrapped with him after he got shot. Wrapped with the picture of him being like, yeah, America. Yeah. That's crazy. That's like low key and assassination attempt to give them a cyber. It's like, that's going pan out like two years from now.
Starting point is 00:37:11 He opens the door, he's like, heee! The accelerator stopped working. I can't believe this. Drop your head in the truck, take a look. There's cool stuff in here. That's crazy. Yeah, he won't drive it. I also, when I see shit like that, I if it's like they just rented it took it back to the rap place took the rap off sent it sent it back to the rental what do you think the last time Trump drove a car was dude since before his 20 years I feel like way before that he's a driver maybe never since he was like dude maybe he's been mangoing it this whole time. Well president are allowed to drive famously Really? Yeah, so no president has driven since becoming president that must be so maybe that's what you do when you're done
Starting point is 00:37:54 Well, they all keep going to bubble saving busters. We had to stop them the fields. They use their free money. There's a golf cart count No, no, okay. That's tough. I made that hard on me. It's crazy. They let him drive a golf cart count? No. No. Okay. That's tough. You made that hard on me. It's crazy they let him drive a golf cart too. I feel like, yeah, he rides that shit. Yeah, he's whipping that shit for sure. I mean, look, his ticket service is different. Taking weekend trips to Catalina just to get behind the wheel again.
Starting point is 00:38:17 Just to feel something. I feel like he must have been a car collector, no? He's rich as fuck. I feel like he drove cars for president. He drives shit. Well, he grew up in New York, which is famously you don't really need a car. And I think it's been probably like 30 years. Do you think he's Millie Rocked?
Starting point is 00:38:31 No. Do you think after the elections, Twitter will be a better place? After the elections? No. After the elections. Everything is going to get worse and worse and I don't know what will fix it. Twitter? Twitter will keep getting worse forever.
Starting point is 00:38:44 I am a boomer. OK. I think it gets better post-election. How? I think people just care less about being so divisive. I think they're like putting on a show a divisiveness so their candidate wins. The thing is, we all we elect a new person every four years or the same person twice. I think the guy that runs the website is divisive. Yeah, that is. I think it's pretty separate.
Starting point is 00:39:06 The election like spikes certain aspects of it, but I think it mostly has to do with Elon. I think it's way worse because of the elections. Yeah, I agree with that. And I think it'll get better after the done. If better, like if we're like here and better is like here. OK, sure. But that what is that really saying? It's like, who cares?
Starting point is 00:39:24 It's still like we're in the the slop minds. It just means the indomitable human spirit will always thrive. Yeah, man, you're relatively better. Yes. Alright! Alright! Jumping! By the way, if I sound a little bit sick, it's because I worked a four-hour shift at a regular job. It almost killed me. Oh my God. Which is something.
Starting point is 00:39:46 We had to split the tips with the bar. Which is something you two guys haven't done probably ever. You wouldn't know. Never in your life. Well, real quick, show of hands. Who's had the most jobs? 100%. Oh wait, no, I love this game.
Starting point is 00:40:00 Hey, let's play the, which podcaster from this million dollar plus earning podcast is the most down on earth? Yeah, I think it's me He's he's working So excited to play the game That's me. I pride myself on that having money doesn't make me not down to earth because I fucking give it away does It does Not in here. He does I don't think it's an evil that twists. Do you think inherently? Yes. I think you're the guy who bought a car from Schlatt three months ago and it is sat in the driveway doing nothing. He's not saying he's down there. First off, I got a great deal on that. He actually did. I got a great deal on that. You haven't driven it! Oh, so I haven't put miles on it. Yeah, it has 38 K miles and it's a 97
Starting point is 00:40:46 You have six vehicles five So that's bad. Why is that bad? No, it's a little Jay Lotto does it and you cum your pants and you make a cum dump I'm trying to make it. What are you because he's not saying he's down to earth I know but what I'm saying is a great buy. It's a ninety seven with thirty eight miles. It's crazy to have that few miles on a ninety seven. I will say that I'm not stacking on more.
Starting point is 00:41:14 I am say I'm not trying to say like, look at us. But I'm trying to say there is a level of opulence and excess that you typically lean in. Now he's using words like opulent because he's trying to separate himself from the average everyday man. You lean into it. Is he not opulent? I lean out of it, out of a sense of shame and that shame keeps me healthy. Shame comes from the devil.
Starting point is 00:41:36 No, it doesn't. It comes from God. No. Dude, no, it comes from God Christ. It comes from the devil. Okay, so you do a sin. Yep. That's God shaming you for it. Do devil. Okay, so you do his sin. Yep.
Starting point is 00:41:46 That's God shaming you for it. Do you know what God gives you if you sin? Forgiveness, girl, he loves you to death. And he sucks on your penis. I was so with them. I was so with them until the... And I gotta tell you, when I switch, it's when you say the sucks are... And he sucks a dry, dry...
Starting point is 00:42:03 Yeah, that's the part where I switch. What? What are you all like? Does he love pedophiles? Yeah, actually. He does. If you repent. Those are his top shooters. Paws.
Starting point is 00:42:12 No, but it's not like that. It's just Paws. Paws. Why are you as a deity love pedophiles? Paws, why did God make man? Why are you as a deity forgiving? Like, when God sees Lil Pump shaving a pedophile's head Oh man.
Starting point is 00:42:29 Why is Lil Pump shaving his head? Have you not seen this? French Montana? You didn't see French Montana? It's French Montana pedophile? French Montana? No, slap the pedophile. I think it's clean across the face.
Starting point is 00:42:39 And Lil Pump was there. Lil Pump shaves his head. Dude, shit's going down on X. The everything. Yeah. No, that's... This is all on X. This is kick. It's on X. Shows down on X. The everything. No, this is this is all on. This is kick this on X. It gets put on X.
Starting point is 00:42:50 New age. Contents. You do catching the catching pedophiles on kick is so funny because you're probably just catching another live streamer on the. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:58 But there's a high chance they're streaming right now. Bumping into another guy streaming on the same side. I know I I gotta say, cause you used to admonish it when it was thriving, I miss the days of Corpse Husbando. To you.
Starting point is 00:43:12 Of Corpse Husband posting his hand on Twitter, 300k likes. Cause now it's fucking Yoxic reposting a clip of Vitaly finding a pedophile. You'll be lit though. And then making him do bear oil wrestling. And it's just, we've become different. Imagine the imagine the pedophiles, they all get together in their form and they go, we got to strike back. And then when Vitaly shows up and is like, have you been talking to this girl?
Starting point is 00:43:35 He's like, no, you have and they have logs. And they go band for band. But they're also pedophiles. They're still pedophiles? Because what they do is they get, because it's usually someone who's 20 LARPing as a teen, right? So they get someone who's a teen LARPing
Starting point is 00:43:53 as a 40-year-old interested. They get Grock the whole time. The girl's talking to Grock. And then when they show up, they're like, it wasn't me. Grock jumped on the grenade. Grock, you are now a pedophile. How does Grock come out? He comes out on like a monitor stand.
Starting point is 00:44:08 Like fucking Elon's Bob. Like Plankton's wife. Yes. Dude, I think it's a I think it's a free market thing. Like there is at the end of the day, people are willing to see this. And this is what this is what I always warned you against. This is just an evolution of Corpse Husbando posting hand. It starts with Corpse Husband.
Starting point is 00:44:31 You were always lost. And no wonder you hate... I made fun of you for being a drama YouTuber, now you hate being a drama YouTuber. I'm always right. You're not always right. This time I'm right. You're not... well, no.
Starting point is 00:44:44 No. No. It does a bit, but I'm right. Wrong. It's a bigot drama YouTuber. Wrong. Oh, she's your man. One time I ordered HelloFresh, and instead of getting like a fresh, like, bunch of food, like recipes, over 40 choices and stuff like that, pre-portioned ingredients...
Starting point is 00:45:01 The normal thing you would normally get. The normal thing I would normally get and enjoy and love? Yeah. There was a man inside. Pfft. There was a man? There was a... What did that little rascal get in there for? There was a man inside the box.
Starting point is 00:45:13 Okay. And all he did was ask me riddles. He was alive. Oh, he was alive. He's one of the 100 plus add-ons you can get to. No, he wasn't. He didn't even check the box for the man. I got the Hello Fresh Riddle Man.
Starting point is 00:45:25 Right, yeah. The Taster. The Taster. It answered my riddles three to get the next box. I got the riddles man and he fucking wouldn't leave my house. He wouldn't leave your house? No, it sucked. But you know what's funny?
Starting point is 00:45:39 It also came with all those ingredients and he actually made me the food. He was just really annoying. He used all the fresh pre-portioned ingredients that have quick and easy options and it made you a 15 minute meal. He made dinner, lunch and even had some breakfast options in there for me to make it easy. That's a kind of sounds convenient.
Starting point is 00:45:55 I mean, at the end of the day, it was convenient, but he was also like didn't have any clothes on. Wow. He didn't. He wasn't wearing. No, he came out of the box. But as you can't, you don't want to weigh down the package with more than you need to. That's well, I mean, it was already pretty heavy. There also were air holes in it, which I should have known anyway. Well, one time I used HelloFresh.
Starting point is 00:46:19 I didn't get a man. You didn't get a man. But I did become the man because I cooked for my for my lovely lovely partner and she was just like, how do you make all this stuff? And I looked at the camera and I went shh. And then you, much like Aidan's beautiful partner, you tied the horse bucket around her neck. Yep.
Starting point is 00:46:37 And you said, eat your fucking food. And I said, here you go. Eat your damn food. Here you go, only three bites to finish it all. If you want to roll the dice on whether you get a man in the box, you can sign up at slash free the yard. You also get free breakfast for life and one one free breakfast item per box while the subscription is active.
Starting point is 00:46:56 That's free breakfast for life just by going to slash free the yard. Free the yard by the way. America's number one meal kit that may or may not occasionally contain a man A man he's not little he's actually I it sounds like five seven He has to fit okay size gonna be smaller than that to fit in the box I was a big box really he was like he got really small came out like prank peanuts Sprang out Whoa, I'm the man.
Starting point is 00:47:25 Honestly, if you're mostly interested in the man, I wouldn't get the subscription. But if you're interested in the quick, easy to make meals with plenty of options, I would get the subscription because that's most likely most likely. If you crack a man, that's just lucky. You just got to count your blessings. Wow, that's got a man this month. Anyway, back to the episode where Dubbin is going to turn back into his human flesh, tissue by tissue, in slow motion.
Starting point is 00:47:51 What are you gonna make videos about now? What do you mean? I play video game. I played Fall Guys yesterday. No, on Mogul Mail. Bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing
Starting point is 00:48:01 bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing b He doesn't have an answer so he started doing it. I love the clavities. It's alright. YouTube Live. For Mogul Mail. Yeah, why not? Can I stream Breath of the Wild on Mogul Mail? Dude, that'd be baller. Honest to God, if you wouldn't mind, I would love to trap you in a room until you be Breath of the Wild and only feed you through a tube.
Starting point is 00:48:20 Oh my God, yeah, and sometimes we fart in the tube. And he's like, I'm ready to see my food. What's this? Yeah, it's a 50-50 whether or not you get food or faeamins. Food or fart. Crime or cringe. I wouldn't do that. You would do it for money, for bread?
Starting point is 00:48:38 Yeah. No. You wouldn't do it for $2 billion. Right, so now the negotiating has begun. A hundred thousand dollars would you do it? A hundred thousand? Yeah. That's not even a lot. You'd grow old and die in that room, you'd never beat it.
Starting point is 00:48:55 15k. Do you know what I saw him do last night? It made me sick. It made me fucking sick. I walk in the room, stream's on. And he walks up and he sees this big lava monster. And he's like, oh shit. And he starts trying to fight it. He can't hit it once. He can't figure out how to hit it.
Starting point is 00:49:11 So he goes, so he goes, never mind. And he just runs away. This is misleading. That's crazy. This is misleading. That's what happened. It's a hard guy to attack. You can't hit it with your weapons.
Starting point is 00:49:23 You have to time the bomb throw on top of his little little thing on his back. So there's a there's a skill ceiling that you're failing. And my heat elixir that are allowing me to be in Gerudo Valley is ticking down. And in your defense you also have limited bombs right? I also no I don you have unlimited bombs. Oh, yeah. But I'm running out of time, and I only have one heat elixir left, and I don't know how far Goron City is.
Starting point is 00:49:52 So I have to skip out on this battle before my heat elixir runs out. And if you die, you lose a lot of stuff, right? No. Oh, you don't lose anything? Okay, so you don't lose anything, and you have unlimited bombs, and you had a heat elixir. Right, right, right. I'm just gonna run out of the heat elixir.
Starting point is 00:50:04 Dude, he had to climb like a comically large hill to get out And the guy's like trying to attack him while he's climbing. He's like nah I'm out. I need to get the heat armor I need to get the heat armor. There's probably not a bunch of fire peppers lying around in bushes There aren't. He's got like arrows in his butt. There aren't. That's not how you make the elixir you gotta catch the lizards Which I didn't know yet. You can just eat the fire peppers, you just put three. What do you want me to say? What do you want me to say right now? I'm fucking bad at video games? I am. I'm terrible at video games.
Starting point is 00:50:31 Good answer. I'm good at literally two video games. Nah. Nah. What? Nah? You consider nah? Nah, I think you're good at three. What? Whoa.
Starting point is 00:50:42 I added one to your list. What game? Blood Wraith? Is it sucking cock? And he's bisexual and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and I hate and There you go. Fuck you. There you go. I'm not crashing out. No, you are crashing out. I'm W's all the time. I'm W. Yeah, you're W. Mario Kart was the third one. Oh, I am good at that game. You forgot about it. I think you thought Valorant and Melee, but also Mario Kart.
Starting point is 00:51:17 So. Yeah, that's Strikers. He's good at Strikers. I'm good at four games. There we go, four. Only games involving Mario could you have a chance of being good at. That's as malrush more of games. We should have him fight. Valorant is the only game I'm kind of good at that doesn't have Mario. Yeah, think about that
Starting point is 00:51:31 I would do it in the day that they have a Valorant like fucking graphic and Mario joins the fray It's only because they have Italy in the game as a scent. Yeah, he's he's he's canonical Yeah, which you would be good at Tekken, because Claudio's Italian. So, think about it. You guys think that Pokemon Go to the polls could make a comeback? Because now Pokemon Go is more like, a little bit more deep cut. Why is it hot now? Dude, it's hot as fuck.
Starting point is 00:51:55 It's always been hot. Wait, I think- To be clear, it never died. Yeah. No, that's what I'm saying, is that- It's just- People who knew about it in the blow-up don't realize it's still hot. Yeah, yeah, you're just finding out that it's hot again, but if you-
Starting point is 00:52:04 Wait, uh, Rich. Zipper is dead today, yeah, you're just finding out that it's hot again. But if you wait, Rich, Zipper is dead today, by the way, guys. So we have a game in the background. So we just have our friend. Started working. Rich, are you here? Can you can you pull up Google Trends and look up Pokemon Go in terms of Google Trends popularity?
Starting point is 00:52:20 Use a new tab that shit. Yeah, you can just go to the tab from 2000. I wanted to come out 2006 no 2016 16 2016 was when it popped whatever monitor the time 25. I remember lucky was late to his SSS Because he caught he there was a tour outside That he wanted to go catch. What do what do you want? What do you want?
Starting point is 00:52:45 Uh, the, if you look up, there's like a Google trends to search like when it's most Googled. And I think if you click top right and type in Pokemon Go to pop up or maybe it's on or explore. Oh, there it is. There it is. Oh shit. That's just Pokemon. That's just Pokemon.
Starting point is 00:52:59 Yeah, Pokemon Go. To explore topics type in Pokemon Go. Look at the, look at the explosion on that trend though. Cause that's Pokemon. That's when Pokemon go game Explosion all right now. Now. Let's not go up all time because this is my p. Just pass 12 months Yeah, a second tab. Yeah Pass five years pass four hours wait five years on enough. No, no cuz you're missing
Starting point is 00:53:18 I forgot we're not in 2020 2004 press it yeah This is when Bush got elected. Holy shit. Damn. Do you understand what I'm saying when I talk to you? It fell off. Like I'm a cultural touchstone.
Starting point is 00:53:33 I might not know what a W crash was. Dude, I know it! I want to have a serious question. And it's not that crazy, but there's a mixing of young W streamers and the old guard and then the older guard. Basically all of there's this 12 to 15 year age range that streaming has kind of all encapsulated, right? And what is happening when the older guys like you, Unc,
Starting point is 00:54:06 or or like the 30 year old ish people still want to feel attached to that like young new shit and say shit like W Crashout and like kind of like try to bite that culture. They don't they don't need to. Right. It's not about you're mixing it up because there's one cohesive group that connects us all. The live stream? The viewer. Oh. And so if the viewers are the ones who are using, whether it's like my hip or emotes like om lowercase. Right. Or it's they're typing w now.
Starting point is 00:54:41 Yeah. Then you just as the streamer will naturally adapt to chat. Isn't there more of a disconnect over time though between what that viewer reflects? Because as there's like a greater spread of content and there's more content creators who are older, then the audiences are very disconnected. It depends. Some creators are, but if you're big or like at a certain size, like you just have crossover. It's just you don't have an awesome... My thesis I guess more is that to be young is to think that all the people are cringe. Dude, what was that Nick saying that one time?
Starting point is 00:55:12 To move quickly is to move arrogance. I think that's a fine thing to say. Why does everybody clown him for that? I think about it every six months in life. It's right. I thought that was Beast. It's correct. In chess? Because the way he said it, he said it like he's play-doh
Starting point is 00:55:31 To move I don't know. It's just like I can't really I can't really help if I start to like look like your hero I went to Nick's birthday party And he had just an old head circle of people being like man games are what they used to be old head circle of people being like, man, games aren't what they used to be. Yeah, it's not what they used to. And remember back in the day when we had to like mail in a letter to like another nation and be like, hey, can we please have a skin? You can maybe get a skin if you got like the halo boards. Nowadays, you can't do this. This was Alex that he's talking about.
Starting point is 00:55:59 Yeah, who is an old head. And he was just like, and he also knew, you know, games are what they used to be and Len Lodow would be like how he's like he's like bro. It's just fucking different It's just different now And everyone around Alex would be like they up He was outnumbered for sure But I was right Do you think you're right? All I was saying is do you think that he's wrong for saying that?
Starting point is 00:56:26 I'm saying Vidika Himes are way better now than they've ever been ever. They're so much better. This was in the middle of a conversation. I'm with you, actually. This was in the middle of a conversation about how in Halo, if you made it to like the Bungie favorites page by creating something in the community, you would get rewarded with armor. And that was like a special relationship that could like doesn't really exist anymore
Starting point is 00:56:45 And let me chimes in is like brain. You guys are brainwashed. Okay, that's a brainwash. Okay Their nostalgia coming in the pants. It's bad. It's way better dude. Fortnite is so sick, dude It's so dope actually on your head. Have you guys heard of PSL? pussy sex love But there's a different PSL And this is penis star league Have you heard of penis star league? Don't roll your eyes this is fun
Starting point is 00:57:13 It's not fun What the fuck is your problem? Cause Aiden goes Ludwig can I run a tournament in your warehouse? And then he's taken over 18 of my rooms Including my office And it never breaks down And then He's taken over 18 of my rooms And it never it never breaks down and then and then true this was not true There's more space in your office since me starting it. That's actually that's a fact Oh, sorry, don't say a point and then say that's a fact like your own height, man
Starting point is 00:57:43 Say it again, I'll be your fact guy. All right. There's more space in the warehouse than ever since me starting this tournament. That's a fact. You switched the fact. More space in your office? You said in your room, and then you switched to the warehouse. You did.
Starting point is 00:57:55 Oh, there's also more space in that stream room than there was when we started. There's less space in my stream room. No, there's more space. How does that make sense? Because there's less equipment in it than there used to be. You got rid of my stream set up. No, no, no. You were saying how it's going to get better after the election,
Starting point is 00:58:10 where it's a little better than it was. Right, Ludwig? I don't understand. That is exactly what you were saying. So you should be happy. He took over my room. It's relatively better than it was. He took over my room and that was his piano practice room in his
Starting point is 00:58:21 in his stream set up room. Yeah, but there's less gear in it now and you should be happy. There's less gear. Yeah, that's good for me. And your shit to stream is still there. I know because I tried using it, I couldn't. Because it's not my stuff anymore. Wait, it's all your stuff.
Starting point is 00:58:34 It's literally your stuff. Wait, it's just a giant yellow monitor. The only- are you talking about the CRT? The CRT is the only thing in that room that you would have to move. It's funny, it's funny. The part where I agree with Dumb it is that it's a comically large CRT is the only thing in that room that you would have to move. It's funny, it's funny. The part where I agree with Dubbin is that it's a comically large CRT.
Starting point is 00:58:49 Like you can't walk in and just put it aside. Oh, Dubbin can't move the CRT. Oh, that's a beast argument. You haven't been down in the gym very much lately. He's got you on the ropes right now. No, me and Miles will move it. Me and Miles will move it. Just let me know. Just let me know. I'll move it. Me and Miles will move it for every Star League. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, Tense. So wait, you, so first of all, there's eight in Star League, which is the
Starting point is 00:59:28 melee tournament that happens in the warehouse. And then also, also, also your leak. That's a leak by the way. What? Why? People don't know. That's not public information. You know that?
Starting point is 00:59:37 I've kept it quiet. Oh, that is here. We can leak it. Yeah. Sure. Uh, and then Nick wants to start Penis Star League. Uh, Penis Star League has begun. Is this the way I would say it? So Nick started Penis Star League. Penis Star League has begun, is the way I would say it. So Nick started Penis Star League without telling me.
Starting point is 00:59:48 Well, hey, not everything needs to go through the boss man. If it happens here, it does. Okay, I didn't realize that. Continue. And so the way I find out about it is Nick goes, So you heard about Penis Star League? Can you explain what Penis Star League is? Yeah, so we bought 10 Xboxes and we set them all up out here. Xbox once.
Starting point is 01:00:10 360s. And we've been playing Mono for two together. For Peta Star League. For Peta Star League. Yeah, that's about it. That's fun. Yeah, and then I should just say, you want to see it? And I was like, I've just lost control of this place.
Starting point is 01:00:22 You've never once tried to grasp control of it. Um, yeah, but- but when you find out you've lost it, it's different. Do you- There's a different era. Do you want me to do something about it? Uh, I want you to get good at the fucking piano. Cause I don't want it to be here if you're not gonna beep as ass. Okay.
Starting point is 01:00:40 Well look- Yeah, it's a signal. You wanna hear my argument? Do you wanna hear my argument? I'm shit. I tried to grasp this place. I tried arguably harder than anyone. I mapped out every room.
Starting point is 01:00:49 I said how we should renovate each room and use each room. That was supposed to be a production setup. No one else wanted to do it. No one else wanted to do any of the shit I planned. And then I looked this way. That's Aidan's goon cave. I looked that way. There's a basketball. And I look that way. There's a basketball and I'm like
Starting point is 01:01:07 Like the idea of one basket one basket. We just have a basketball. Yeah Excited for penis star league, which when does it opera like when he oh you think you get to know that? Yes You think you get to know? It's I it's Tuesday. Show Tuesday. We'll be there. Everyone will be there. Everyone will be there.
Starting point is 01:01:30 Okay. I will dress nice at PSL Tuesday. And then you got to go PSL. And then you guys all show up. You come to SSL? We also are considering the nerds gummy cluster invitational. Okay. That is the other name. All right
Starting point is 01:01:51 And you guys are playing they're playing fucking model for do we were playing 3v3 3v3 Snipes headquarters on scrapyard. It was intense. Everyone's yelling at each other. Nick. He's screaming screamed at me It was you go showing up. Yeah, you know, this is the last night. Yeah, he's going to penis starling You skipping ball to be here your eyes? He is supposed to be your eyes and ears to you It's bad it was last night, but I texted you at like 10 p.m.. And I said hey, man You want to come to the office? He's like, why? And I explained, he's like, you're fucking with me. He shows up that late and stays until like 3 a.m.
Starting point is 01:02:30 Oh my God. They're gaming in here until 3 a.m.? No one's working anymore. Are you letting them get away with that? No one's working anymore. Oh, I'm not working. Hey, I'm not saying you. You said no one.
Starting point is 01:02:39 Yeah, that's true, no one's working. That's fucking facts. When I hear you say it, it sounds lit. No one's working anymore. They're just PSL'ing all over each other. Liberals fucking PSL'ing. At Star League, the most recent one, there were a lot of people for the Division 2 event and Miles parked in the front and got blocked in by somebody.
Starting point is 01:03:02 And there is a white Ford Edge that has been parked and is blocking. And there's not that many people at this event. So Josh and Miles start to do the rounds and they're asking every single person at Star League, hey, do you own a Ford Edge, a white Ford Edge? And Josh, Josh, you know, Josh is his little charming self bouncing around and he goes,
Starting point is 01:03:20 there's a tournament set going on in that room. It's like Stitch versus France, Really intense game and Stitch loses. And then who's the only person who hasn't been asked at this point? Josh pops in. I'm sorry, Stitch. I know you just lost. You happen to drive a Ford Edge. See, no. And then this has been repeated for 40 minutes.
Starting point is 01:03:40 They do these circles. Everybody in the building knows that there's a forward edge blocking Miles in. Yeah. And then finally, after 40 minutes has passed, Salami, who's been sitting next to commentary and has heard people go around the whole time, stands up and says to Miles, somebody is blocking you in. He's like, yeah, we've been looking for the past, the past 40 minutes. And Salami is like, oh, that's me.
Starting point is 01:04:04 And it keep in mind, this is like a 600 square foot space. This is you when you look at your phone. Yeah, but the difference is he's looking at his phone. Salami is just so high. Salami is just looking at people talking to him. He's like actually in the conversation. I would never. No, last week it was we were doing like an ad read and Zipper comes out
Starting point is 01:04:27 and explains to us a bunch of stuff. This is so different. This is you just I understand. No, no, no, but it was crazy because usually I'm the guy who jumps on you. Right. But Zipper's explaining this stuff for like a minute straight. You're on your phone and then it's we try to do the ad read. Zipper goes into the in the zipper realm and then you come back into the real world and then you look up at the slide and then you're like, oh, oh, do we we're doing an ad read.
Starting point is 01:04:52 And then I'm like, did you hear anything Zipper just said? And you're like, no. And Zipper from out there is like, that's crazy. And at that point, I was crazy. At that point, I knew I wasn't crazy. I spent a minute in the phone dimension. He goes into the dimension like Codelyoko. And he comes out with a colorful- Going into the phone dimension for 40 minutes?
Starting point is 01:05:12 As my friend is trapped? It is crazy. I will say you got a Codelyoko shaped head. I don't watch hip hop, but I agree with you. I don't watch hip hop. It's a good show. Aidan, how much do you think you're paying every month in subscriptions? Well wrong Wrong. I know how much I pay per month in subscriptions because I use rocket money and over 74% of people have subscriptions
Starting point is 01:05:37 They've forgotten about. Do you know how many subscriptions you're paying for? 700. It's probably more It's probably more. What? It's probably more. Even more? Dude, no. 700, what could possibly be in this? It's a lot of- Get to that later.
Starting point is 01:05:51 It's a lot of porn. I actually did this this week. I found out I was still paying for Xbox Game Pass, and I haven't used it like once. You don't have- Oh, yeah. I also had been paying $15 a month for so I can practice CS lineups,
Starting point is 01:06:08 haven't played CS in like three months. Wow. But look, Rocket Money is a personal finance app that finds and cancels your unwanted subscriptions, monitors your spending and helps lower your bills so that you can grow your savings. And I like using it just to see my, just to like look at your net worth.
Starting point is 01:06:22 It's kind of nice to sync all your accounts all and then be like, Oh, that's how much money I have or don't have. You can even link your like PayPal and like other stuff like that. I like using it because it can cancel things. And I am a woke. And I'm a woke soldier. You're just sort of like drawn to that, that cancels. Yeah. Anything that cancels other things or Pete Persons.
Starting point is 01:06:47 I am a soldier in the woke army. And if you also take part in woke activities, then you might like rocket money. You can go to It's basically a yard where you can cancel cancel. That's what I'm talking about. Your unwanted subscriptions and rocket money will do it for you. Just stop wasting. Stop wasting money on things you don't use.
Starting point is 01:07:05 Cancel your unwanted subscriptions by going to slash the yard. Hulu did it for me. That's slash the yard to lower your bills and grow your savings. And now I'm gonna grow up, I'm gonna grow Aiden up to be a man. What? I'm gonna grow you up to be a man. We're gonna grow you. By parenting you.
Starting point is 01:07:22 What do you think of my hair like this? What do you think of it like this? Rocket Money is not gonna like that. Rocket Money, do you like my hair like this? Oh, what do you think of it like this? Rocket money is not going to like that. Rocket money. Do you like my hair like this? They're like, dude, we already could say you couldn't save it with rocket. They pay us less because there's a bald guy on here already. Don't cancel your fin subscription. Keep that one.
Starting point is 01:07:37 That's another thing about money. You can keep the ones you need, like he should keep the ones he needs. All right, let's get back. Let's get back to it. Cancel that one. I don't like you. I, uh, uh, uh, God. Yeah, you had a great birthday party, man.
Starting point is 01:07:50 You had fun? Duffin came to my birthday! That's crazy. I ran his shit, bro, all night. You came to where we live? Not yours specifically. I ran, I ran, yeah. Oh, he was on the bags.
Starting point is 01:08:00 I ran on the bags. So another, another, another continuation in these two just don't care about the sanctity of birthdays. Aiden and Salim didn't show up for next birthday. I'm shit. Who did? I did. I think I've never heard that. It's a day one road dog. I hear. I think I hear day one road dog. He's scre-scamping around. Aiden has no excuse. I have no shame.
Starting point is 01:08:20 You know what? I was kicking it with my new southern frat boyfriend. So fucking eat shit. They say what's on their mind. Shame you know I was kicking it with my new southern frat boyfriend so fucking He's saying that word he's playing you know picked up picked up mm-hmm on the Nintendo switch It's actually really funny ending of ice actually really fun and deep if you play picked up picked up No, and I'm running cornhole, and I have to give a special shout out to Yan for fucking me over Oh, no, because I'm running cornhole bags all night. I go 4-0. I'm playing electric. I make a bet with Yan.
Starting point is 01:08:48 I say if you lose, you have to buy a bright pink neon shirt and come to basketball in it. He shows us a basketball. Guess what? Not wearing a bright pink neon shirt. How much time did he have? Bro, you know he woke up at 1pm that day. He had three days, 72 hours.
Starting point is 01:09:02 That's a lot of time. 72 hours. And he comes and he goes, I have a good excuse my parents are in town and I'm like you didn't have any time to go to Target and he goes Target close at like midnight near me I'm like this argument why would you say that none of this is that that's Doc saying yeah inappropriately wait just don't say that is he trying to say that like the party we had ended after midnight? I think he's just trying to say like that's the only time he had ever is when his parents were asleep
Starting point is 01:09:31 and that's when he could sneak out to fucking... But yeah, it's not trustworthy. Well, now he owes me two weeks. Of picture? Two weeks of picture. And there's interest, this keeps going up. And it'll go through. You don't look great in a pink shirt.
Starting point is 01:09:43 I literally said it's not even a punishment I just want you to have to do the act is kind of annoying to go by this imagine him in a sundress though fuck Sundress just taking a fucking three Shit sundress basketball, I've been such a fucking nationalist this past week What does it hurt the wrong? I'm yelling at my screen for the Olympics every day the Olympics is a hype I'm learning this for the first time dude No miles no light. I'm going crazy watching shit. Lies nails are painted so what now? Republican what's up you Republican fucks?
Starting point is 01:10:25 I bet, actually, I bet, what up, Liberal Party? I bet he's cheating with the nail polish. I bet there's, like, I bet there's all sorts of steroids in the polish and it's like feeding through his fingers. Oh, that's why you see him biting. And he runs. Yeah. Quick. I don't, I only saw the, the late, epic memes. Uh, the protected Turkish man. Oh yeah, the gun shit.
Starting point is 01:10:44 That's pretty funny. I'm like, what, counting the medal race. And I will say it's funny, us Americans, cause the NBC coverage, they put the rankings of who has the most medals. And we're not first in gold, but they put us first cause we have the most overall. We have the most medals.
Starting point is 01:10:56 Let's go. I hate the way they do it. Let's go. It's obviously, everyone knows it's wrong. NBA, dude, US, growing up in Canada and watching the Olympics in Canada, you realize how fucking dog shit the TV coverage is of of Olympics in the US because they only play like replays of events that Americans were in and like happen to be at instead of just playing
Starting point is 01:11:21 events that might be live at the time. They skip a lot of live events in lieu of replays. So, imagine you're a kid in Canada in 2008 and you're watching this with your grandparents and you're actually watching the Olympics and then you go home and all you see is Michael Phelps highlights for hours. And it's like, I just want to watch the fucking event. I was going to the YouTube coverage of it and there was a playlist by...
Starting point is 01:11:43 Who's covering it? It's like NBC or something? Yeah, NBC. So it was like, it NBC or something? Yeah, yeah, NBC. So it was like must see clips from the Olympics. I was like, oh, I'll just watch all these and that'll probably get me through all the most exciting moments. I watched all of them and I was like, that's cool. There's a lot of Americans. And then I was just like, I mean, is that the only events that have happened so far?
Starting point is 01:11:59 Is these like four or five events? I scroll up to all videos. I'm like, what the fuck? There's so many events that happen like across the board. They know where their bread's buttered. Man, they know the average American citizen doesn't know where the fuck Turkmenistan is. They don't give a fuck about the Chinese versus Korean badminton finals. They don't give a fuck about that.
Starting point is 01:12:15 You watch Uto? Uto Horigome getting a second. I watch Uto. Did he sweep? Getting his what's second gold? Oh, his second. I think he got second. Did he sweep? Yeah. Ooh! Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:26 He crushed. That's beast. He went Arcee on that. Americans got silver and bronze. Wait, who are their magic-gaters? Nijah's lost, man. Uh, Nijah. Nijah's lost.
Starting point is 01:12:33 Nijah's lost. Nijah Houston. Who's the second guy? I forget. Nijah got third. So he placed under his seed, probably. What's the most whack Olympic event? Myth?
Starting point is 01:12:42 The one... Uh, eSports. Okay, besides that. No, no, it doesn't count, because they don't give medals for it. Most whack event? Like what's one that if they cut everyone would be like, yeah, that makes sense. This is not an answer to your question. This is something I've been thinking about.
Starting point is 01:12:54 I need to understand fencing better. Because when I watch it I'm not entertained and I feel like I should be. I asked... there's a yard fan who said this and no one else reach out to Nick Explain this because I made fun of fencing and said it was like melee some one time someone who's like I've been fencing for six years It is like melee. I also play melee. Let me explain why I'm just just pure neutral. It's really cool It's pure neutral and counterplay. I think I don't like the I know the coverage of it. It's like so far away It's hard hard to see I do think they the camera angles are weird But I think they move so quickly across. Maybe, you know, one of my favorite new sports is fucking canoeing.
Starting point is 01:13:30 Not rowing. No, it's literally like a race in there. All going down. Is it the rapids? Yeah, they're going down. Maybe it's kind of they're going down fucking rapids and they're all like fucking like hitting each other. Oh, and that's like go around. Shit like push somebody.
Starting point is 01:13:44 It's fire like the Mario part uh the Mario Party 4. Yeah, it's literally I think Is boring as fuck Genastics they do the thing the the long like pole thing and it has like two handles on it I think it's so boring, but it's like obviously a feat of crazy human strength Why because it was like the Greeks it's it impressive. It's gymnastics. It's a legacy one. Well, but you could. I mean, I'm just saying theoretically, if you removed one, which would make the least of the fast walking 100 percent fast walking
Starting point is 01:14:14 is in the Olympics. It's an Olympic sport. Fast walking. It's an Olympic sport and it's a fucking scam. So if you talk to somebody, it obviously got like a little popular. It's in Malcolm the middle. Yeah. Brian Krasinski, not middle yeah Brian Krasinski not Brian Brian Krasinski. What's his name? Brian Krasinski. Brian Cranston? Yeah yeah yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:31 You did gym from the office and yeah but anyway the idea of the sport is just a video of fast walking. You're not allowed to run you have to walk and the way they do it is you always have like one foot down. One foot's always. That's all what they do! No, no, no, it's not one foot always down, right? It's a... You can't have... Fuck, what is it? Both your feet leaving the ground or something? Yeah, you can't have both your feet leaving the ground.
Starting point is 01:14:53 Yeah, I guess you're right then. I guess you're right. So anyway, that's what they say it is, at least like colloquially. You skip through. But they fucking cheat, bro. I saw a clip. They're running! They're running! They are running! Wait, what?
Starting point is 01:15:04 They're low-key running. I need a Wait, what? I need a close up. They're low-key running. I need a close up. There are many close-ups if you pause at certain frames. Oh my god, they're not running. Where both feet are in the air. Wait, I'm actually locked in. They're not running.
Starting point is 01:15:13 No, no, I've seen slow-mo clips, and I know I sound like a fucking right-wing Facebook mom, but I've seen clips of both feet in the air. It's a fucking sham. I only hate athletes if they don't look like the way I think gender should look. So if there's any fast walkers, if there's any fast walkers that sort of appear, has an appearance to a sex that I don't really agree with. All right, so pack it up, this is the last episode.
Starting point is 01:15:42 Then I'm not on board. And I would love your thoughts on the women's boxing in a moment. But first, uh, I think if you look up That's a run! I can bounce! And look at the coverage. Typical Spain!
Starting point is 01:15:56 Nick, look at the coverage. You're only showing far above Get close on his feet! And they're only showing chest above the tights. They don't show it Nick! Because it's a fucking scam. Dude. No, they're looking. No, no.
Starting point is 01:16:08 Dude, I've switched sides. This guy's the most fast walker in the world. Okay, can you pause? Can you look up race, walk, cheating? Yeah, there's people cheating. But they didn't get de-cued. Oh, well that's a little fucked up. Look up race, walk, cheating, Olympics 2024, Paris rule 34.
Starting point is 01:16:24 Look up racewalk cheating Olympics 2024 Paris rule 34 with the look up a racewalk It's like the widest kids sketch, but it's just a walk racewalk doing a racewalk race walk cheating at Paris Okay, little exposes not a cheater on this fucking page. Oh You got to look it up on tik. Can you go to God, what about that?
Starting point is 01:16:47 Of course you're getting it. It was from TikTok. The third one. No, no, no, no. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Click it. Yes. When I find my Google search.
Starting point is 01:16:57 Race walking cheat at the. Wait, no, actually just go back. Cancel race walk. That's it. No, first one. This is it. Just click that. Yeah. Yeah. This is Craig. Itcel the race walk. That's it. No, first one. This is it. Just click that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:07 Yeah. This is crazy. It does look like running. I. What? But on clothes. Yeah. Oh, it's a scam.
Starting point is 01:17:17 It is a scam that is both feet leaving the ground right there. That is both feet leaving the fucking ground. What is the point? There is the fucking point. It's a stupid fucking competition for people to fucking wait. I'm gonna make a broad generalization I think I think white people made this up because they were losing at running Like yeah, I can walk the new tab. Can you look up? official race walk rules Maybe there's maybe we don't know.
Starting point is 01:17:45 Yeah, you can run, but you just can't be anything but white. That's called the election. Oh, it's a I hold on to go to an actual. OK, maintain contact within the ground at all times. Requires a leading lady to be straight straightened as the foot makes content with the ground. it must remain straight until the leg passes under the body. Yeah that's bullshit. They're cheating. I know they're cheating it's fucking bullshit. So what do we do? The thing I wanted to know was because it looked like they had a straight leg and I was like oh maybe
Starting point is 01:18:17 it's just about having a straight leg and not being planted but it's both so they're cheating. They added two. I can't, I'm going to explode. Dude, you know what we used to do? No, no, no, no, no, no. There's a bottle right there. He's, he makes so much money now. He's not rich. We have employees now, man.
Starting point is 01:18:34 That's true, man. You can't do in front of rich. Make him turn around. Make him, make him turn around. You make him turn a round. Sitting in the HR office. I made him turn around. Well, what are we winning?
Starting point is 01:18:49 We're losing to China. I don't know if new medals. We were 19 to 21 losing to China. I think we might lose to China overall. That's fine, man. There's a lot more people. Wait, overall, like in medals or in? Golds. In golds, in golds. Are we second place? Yeah, yeah. No one else is close.
Starting point is 01:19:05 I love that. But this Olympics are all time. All time US crushes by like a country mile, but it's always China or US. Do you know what's hype? It's speed climbing. That one's hype. Disagree. No, it's not.
Starting point is 01:19:17 No, it doesn't mean disagree. Why do you disagree? Because it's like a very set path. It's not like not interesting to watch. Dude, it's so fucking, they're racing side by side. I think it's very impressive, but I just think it's not like not interesting to watch. Dude, it's so fucking they're racing side by side. I think it's very impressive, but I just think it's not that like fun to watch. I don't like looking at it with my eyes. Do you think he's wrong?
Starting point is 01:19:32 I think I think blood is wrong. I think blood is wrong. It's it's because it's like it's like what? Like fucking six seconds or some shit. Uh, yeah, it's about usually the routes are about. Oh, do you want to be slow four to eight seconds? It's gonna be slower for you It's and when you're in the finals and sometimes like they're about to reach and one person's foot slips
Starting point is 01:19:50 And they fall down and the other person touches the timer and so far by Yeah, maybe I don't know maybe that's cool. I think it's hard for you to find joy No, I found so much joy watching I watched for fucking hours canoeing You've always been an Olympic find joy at the bottom of a tub of edibles. I find joy in little things. When was the last time you ate a little cookie snack for you? A little edible. Oh, I was gonna say I had banana bread yesterday.
Starting point is 01:20:16 I don't know, maybe- Did you actually make any of the cookies for my birthday? I made all of them, Nick. You didn't actually do it though. What? Was it you or QT? Be real. I'll believe whatever you say next whenever you say is now my reality And you won't look into it any further. No, I will I will not only like not me
Starting point is 01:20:33 No, hold on is me. I gotta tell you the details not only why not look into any further I won't believe anything told to me otherwise What about if evidence that you see with your eyes? Nope, you'll just say I will say I will say this is a farce. So because Dovin told me otherwise. So anything I say, you will believe right now. About the cookies. The cookies were made. They it, man, just say it.
Starting point is 01:21:09 OK, fine. The cookies are made by Donald Trump, who's not actually Donald Trump, it's a doppelganger. The real Donald Trump died years ago. Sorry guys, I went away for a second. What happened? Nothing man, nothing man. We were talking about the election. We were just watching you catch up on speedwalking. That was the craziest treat. Yeah, no man. You're good, you're good bro. Chill, youwalking. That's the craziest trick. Yeah, I know man. Was it a trick? I don't know. You're good, you're good bro.
Starting point is 01:21:26 Chill, you're good. Do you think we're gonna get some angry speedwalkers in the comments? I would love to throw down with some speedwalkers and see them defend back. I could be gold in that this year. No. You just, we could all go, oh. The mild time for the speedwalk is- I would just cheat.
Starting point is 01:21:39 It's sub-six. You can't run a sub-six. Sub-six to speedwalking? You can't run faster than they speedwalk. That's just running! Wait, that's crazy. That's crazy. Sub-6. You can't run a sub-6. Sub-6 to speedwalking? You can't run faster than they speedwalk. That's just running! Wait, that's crazy. That's crazy. Sub-6? And I'm not saying for one mile. Well, that's because they're running. For a 10k, they average sub-6. That's what I'm saying. They're just running. And that's a great running time. I'll say it.
Starting point is 01:21:56 So the best speedwalker in the world can out walk my dead sprint? Yes. That's crazy. Well, your long distance sprint. Oh, I'm saying, yeah. Probably not 100 meters, I assume. You can be faster. That's crazy. Well, your long distance sprint. Oh, I'm saying, yeah, I guess. Not 100 meters, I assume you can be faster. It's fucking go. You still got that. You're all cheating, bro. I'm on your side. The Olympics over August 11th. It's like a week.
Starting point is 01:22:17 Next on the money on the Olympics. Is there like a company that IOC International Olympic Committee? Who owns that? Who? Where is that? Is it the IOC? It Olympic Committee who owns that who where is that? Is it the IOC? It's no but like what country is that? Registered or they're like Switzerland, right? Yeah, of course Hoarding their Nazi gold, but I think I go Olympics again. I don't think it's like a country is running it specifically It's like a very multinational corporation the money goes somewhere man. Yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:45 Well, the committee, it goes to the people who work there. The fucking it doesn't go back to the government. There is not some sort of international floating non sovereign body that just exists. Yeah, but like operating sort of company operate where like they have to incorporate it for a company to be recognized by. But you know what? Amazon makes a shit ton of money.
Starting point is 01:23:05 You don't go. Where's that money go? America. Oh, it does. It's a roundabout way. Some of it does. But most of it, they pay taxes. They pay taxes on their corporation. That revenue goes to the government. I might pay more taxes than them. Maybe. But they're playing the American game. Sure. Right. But there's probably an IOC company set up somewhere
Starting point is 01:23:27 Where is IOC? Incorporated I think this is important. She's probably playing League of Legends right now They they got It is Switzerland Dude, but that's just to dodge taxes. I think Swiss people pay taxes. I think Swiss companies- All they do is make cheese.
Starting point is 01:23:53 That's generous. Dude, that's gross. We should wrest control of the IOC from Switzerland. Yeah, it'd probably be better in America's hands. I don't think that's- We'd probably do really good stuff with it. America is weird for the Olympics because the government doesn't even fund any of the Olympians at all. It's all privatized.
Starting point is 01:24:07 So there's zero, like most other countries... Most of our shit is privatized. Well, I know, but for most... So why would the American... When we make guns and missiles, that's privatized. I know, but you're saying the Americans should rest control. Well, it's privatized, but that's also funded by the government that subsidized. They don't need to provide funding to be a metal container.
Starting point is 01:24:23 Yeah, but then we wouldn't arrest control But I think we should why not even the government. I want the state of Rhode Island. Okay, that's a Control to be the IOC that is a weak statement. Well, I wanted to be unique named two cities in Rhode Island Fuck they got the magician. I saw in Vegas at EVOR-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R Pitoria with that one episode. What'd you say? He knows it. Yeah, I don't know. Can you name one New England boy? Yeah, I got you Providence. Oh, it was Providence Oh, that's the easy one. Rhode Island's about as big as the back of my nutsack It's so small. It is tiny. Why didn't we make it a state? Because I don't know I think back then we just had like, you know, the original colonies. We should do something with Rhode Island We should finish it. We've finish doing a lot with it. It's not like we should complete it.
Starting point is 01:25:27 It is. And it's not like a Lego set. We should make it just a big mall. We should roll it up like a puzzle. It's so small, a big mall. People go to like that's actually pretty cool. What if you made the whole thing of David Buster's the American David Buster around one? And everyone who lives there has to work at the round one.
Starting point is 01:25:46 Yeah. Actually, dude, I think MrBeast is close to buying Rhode Island. Not anymore. Not anymore. Not anymore. Not anymore. He's off the map now. He lost some equity.
Starting point is 01:25:54 Mm-hmm. He lost some equity he did. But I think that- Is that the only thing people are mad at him for? Is that someone said that he faked videos? No. There's the whole thing. He was-
Starting point is 01:26:02 That was like a long ass video. He was in the discord with Ava Tyson Oh, I don't know about that. There's like 10 different more important thing To be upset at him about no, I think if you ask different people they'd be upset at like the lottery's Someone would be upset at the faking videos and so be upset at that. That's interesting But I think it's like a multi-headed animal. Yeah. Like a Hydra.
Starting point is 01:26:27 I just learned about the whole lottery laws thing. I think we should do a lottery. You know what I did once is I was over COVID. I had a the commentary cup where I had a bunch of commentaries play melee and I hosted the tournament online and I did a raffle where I gave away a copy of melee, but that was technically illegal So I just did away to subs. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yep. It's paid, right? Yeah, what are you talking about? Same thing. Same thing You can't you can't spend money
Starting point is 01:26:59 You can't have someone spend money to give to do a giveaway where there's someone who wins That is the structure of a lottery Yeah unless it's state sanctioned and then the state can just do it because they get the money and they're happy and States use that gambling revenue because it is gambling to pay for education. Wait, so I feel like so many school fundraisers and shit No, well a fundraiser is Different Because it's not because it's not luck or chance based on receiving the thing usually.
Starting point is 01:27:28 You can do a competition that's different. Yeah, hear me out. At a school fundraiser that I remember, you could pay so you would like donate to the fundraiser and then if you donated to the fundraiser then you would get a ticket and then the ticket could win you like a gift basket. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Is that not chill? No, that's probably a crime.
Starting point is 01:27:49 Book them. If you pay for it, you get more tickets, the more money you. Yeah, you can buy more. Oh, probably. Yeah. I wonder if it counts as a competition. No, it's just it's an illegal lottery, but there's a shitload of this going on every day. It is up to the... That happens at every basketball game in America.
Starting point is 01:28:07 It is up to the state police or the municipal police to like charge them. I mean, even the biggest committers of this crime was like Omaze. Maybe it also matters where the profits going because if it's a charity. No. Couldn't that change it? No. Oh. Because you're paying to receive something based on a chance.
Starting point is 01:28:23 Okay, it's legal if they have in most places like this probably don't a way to enter without purchase necessary Yes, yeah, that's a sweepstakes. No, but that's what they need Yeah, also it depends on every state but my high school basketball game had it and I don't think you could be like hey I worth the no purchase necessary way. Yeah, also my uncle was giving out free hugs once Yo, what does that have to do with this is essentially called rules? rules lawyering, where you're just like, actually you can't do something like that. It's like, all right, call the fucking cops then. And if you're gonna make a cop sit and do a police report when all they're gonna do is shoot a dog in the head. If 90% of the gross receipts, not the gross ones, from these raffles go to benefit charitable purposes.
Starting point is 01:29:01 To the IOC, right? To the IOC. Okay, well that's good. Let's give it to the IOC. Let's give it to the IOC. right? To the IOC. OK. What? Let's give it to the IOC. Let's give it to the IOC. Oh, the charity of Switzerland. Yeah. After after all they did.
Starting point is 01:29:10 After all they did. Think of anything they did. Oh, they held onto some assets. When they shot down allied planes in the war. And when did they do that? When they flew over Switzerland. Sounds unlikely. Isn't that crazy?
Starting point is 01:29:23 I didn't. They shot everyone. Anyone who flew over? And that's what it takes to be neutral. That's what it is. I guess like the real mogul male back in the day. Switzerland. Yeah, they would take both sides equally. And then they said, you actually know what?
Starting point is 01:29:36 We don't like geopolitics. Do you think Switzerland is going to crash out soon? Not even close. Swiss crash out. Is the Swiss crash out coming? I hope so. I can only dream. I was thinking about getting into that shooting sport
Starting point is 01:29:52 that everyone's memeing about. That's one of the ones, it's like e-sports, it's like games. It looks fun as hell. I could do that. I'm like, I could get into it at least. I don't know if I could go to the Olympics, but I could get into it. I think, I have the brain worm where I'm like, I see the Turkish man with the gun and I'm like I could probably be Better than that guy wasn't he in the military though who cares? I mean he just has more training
Starting point is 01:30:10 No, bro. I'm playing Call of Duty since they die. I've been training my whole life Do you think in a gun range you would be a better aimer? conversation than the rest of you because of my experience yeah We've already done it well Let's see if he answers the same we've done it in the episode. Yes, we've already done it. Well, let's see if he answers the same. Let's see if he answers the same. We've done it in the episode. Yes, we've like talked. It was like a 10 minute conversation. That's crazy. Yeah. Well, yeah, I do.
Starting point is 01:30:33 Did he say yeah, LossHack? Yes. I definitely beat you three. Okay, and then I said, I grew up shooting guns. I think I'd be better. I'm guessing that I didn't say anything. I probably said, I don't like shooting guns. I'm afraid of shooting guns. I think I'd be better. I'm guessing that I didn't say I'm probably said I'm I don't like shooting because I'm afraid of shooting guns cuz that's kind of true really real guns I don't like feeling afraid But maybe if I but if I shot one I get a taste for blood maybe it change you would you'd like it It's just it's like primal That's why I don't know if that's the right word. It's primal. I don't think
Starting point is 01:31:04 Shooting a gun is primal. I don't think so. I think by definition it wouldn't be primal. Have you done it? No, I've done it. I've done it. I've done it. Well, I do think it is primal I don't think it is part would be to use your destiny using a Mechanical device is that the idea of control? It's the idea of controlling like there is a sense of you have this powerful item that makes a boom and then destroys something in its path. It just feels normal. I would say that's the corruption of man.
Starting point is 01:31:32 No weapons. Well, maybe. Did we did we divert from divinity when we stopped becoming apes? I don't think we did. I think I invented divinity. It's probably when you're taking a shit and you lean forward over your thighs. No, that's primal. That's no. So you're saying it's primal to lean forward when you shit,
Starting point is 01:31:53 but it's man to back up and lean back in use of a day. What about sitting on it the way he sits on the opposite way? Is that that's the way around? That's not primal. Swipe to a sit on that thing. How about that? That is full tear. How about that for an ad? No, we're good. We're good. I don't want to sell units. We're good. Not anymore. That's a good idea.
Starting point is 01:32:14 We stopped. We're done now. Yay. He killed the bidet company. Swipe to a spray on that thing. Yeah. Spray on that butt of yours. We should get the we should get the Hawktuagirl on here on the podcast. We should get her on the podcast. We should get her on that thing. Yeah. Spray on that butt of yours. We should get the Hot Tuah girl on here on the podcast. We should get her on the podcast. We should get her on the podcast. We should get her on the podcast.
Starting point is 01:32:30 We're too late. We're too late. We should get her on the podcast. I saw her on what's his name? Bill Maher. Yeah, that was bad. He was like creeping on her. She was on Bill Maher?
Starting point is 01:32:38 Dude, he was like creeping on her. Is this real? Yeah. He was like saying you should do a sex podcast. He's like, so what's it like to be beautiful? He's like he's like so what's it like to be beautiful? It's his podcast where he smokes right yeah, he's like epically like detached and casually indifferent and like smokes It's like Tim Poole for old guys. He just rips a blunt He gets a guest on who drinks like a high noon slowly, which is what she was doing and
Starting point is 01:33:02 Then he fucking assaults them. It's just like slowly which is what she was doing and then he fucking assaults them it's just like it's this post retirement version of what like guys think is cool and it's so fucking late it's the same thing Elon does with his like musket and his fucking diet coke can I because that's cool the day I turned 30 man cave and a show like that that's why I'm transitioning into and you guys are goodbye I don't talk to you anymore. Let's just let's just actually once we're all 30, we transition this into the man cave. I'm going to make a show called high gaming where it's just bad, but I'm enjoying it more.
Starting point is 01:33:34 They say I did this. Say you're they say you're say your mother is stream. All right. It's a kiddos out here. Kitties out here. Dude, I played a... Fuck, what was it? I played a Dragunov on Tekken
Starting point is 01:33:51 who had the most insane Dr. Disrespect cosmetic that I'd have ever seen in my life. It was like I was playing against Doc himself. What is it? Just a character in Tekken. Oh, it looked like Doc? Yeah, and you can customize pretty heavily. And they made a Doc.
Starting point is 01:34:04 What was your name? I forget, but me and Mike, Mike was watching me stream in the Discord and he was like, dude, that's Doc. And I'm like, I have to win. Do you see if adult? And I did. And then I won and done and I left. Fucking go, dude.
Starting point is 01:34:18 So take that, checkers, man. That was justice for the world that day. Beating a fucking purple red dragon off. By the way, we started recording D&D. Oh, like the end. We started recording it. So, you know, that'll come one word from everyone to describe how it went. Starting with Aiden.
Starting point is 01:34:40 Juicy. Oh, my God. This is good. That's good. That's it? You said one word. Well it wasn't one word. You said it was good. I said it's good. That's a contraction.
Starting point is 01:34:58 No contractions. S- good, S- good, it's good. Which is three words, it is good. Good. It's good. Which is three words. It is good. Good. OK. It's fun. No, a little bit of a fucking rabble. Stinky, stinky, stinky, stinky, slanted. Good. I'm really excited. I actually posted about it in the subreddit.
Starting point is 01:35:19 I let everyone know that we're that I'm excited. I think it's really fun. And it's right on time, right fun. And it's right on time. Right on time. It's right on time and you can see all of it available right now in the premium episode. We have it all available right now. And when it comes out, the price of the Patreon's
Starting point is 01:35:35 gonna go up 5,000%. Price of the brick went up, bitch, we're in a recession now. You saw what happened. And also, Aiden is bisexual. Only one of the things we said in the past five minutes is true. So you gotta join now.
Starting point is 01:35:47 To find out which one. You're left behind. All right, well that's been the yard. Was I faking it the whole time? I hope the recession's fake actually. All right, bye.

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