The Yard - Ep. 163 - The Goat Is Back (ft. Mang0)

Episode Date: August 28, 2024

This week, the boys are joined by Mang0! They discuss his weight loss, his renaissance in melee, and how Mang0 is a great actor......

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 I guess I guess the goat just has his phone out Apple watch it's not Apple. What is that? I hate Apple. What is that? It's Samsung, bro. It's the Fitbit sense too. Damn. Who has a Fitbit? Of course he has a Fitbit. Is that the secret to your success? I just got it.
Starting point is 00:00:32 I, cause I wanted it. You know I hate Apple. For reasons I, I don't even know why I hate Apple. I think they're Nintendo coded. They, right? I get a Nintendo vibe from them. Yeah. So, I don't like it. 100%.
Starting point is 00:00:42 Yeah. And apparently you need an Apple phone to have an Apple watch. Yeah. Which I think is the reason to hate them. That shit sucks. You have to you have to access. How does it work? I had an old Apple watch that was connected to an old phone, but because I lost the old phone, the only way to use the watch was to full clear all data on it. Yeah. Hard reset. Yeah. You can't use it. You have to just full clear the data and put it on a new phone. Can you use an Airpods on the Apple phone? Yeah, you can use Airpods. That's just Bluetooth. The Cognizant company has one forgiving. It doesn't actually, because you're like, you know, you got like a family and like a wife
Starting point is 00:01:19 and whatnot, but like, alright. Sorry. sorry. Sorry, some people wanted to make their, it's about them now. Sorry, sorry. I have a little thing in my wallet that tells me if I lost it. If you're single and you're dating in this day and age, if you have green bubbles show up on the iPhone, Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:01:37 Dude, you're like, you're like not worth it. The changes, this is what the whole ass lawsuit is about. They're getting sued right now by the FTC. For green bubbles? About the watch, green bubbles. They're getting sued for all of it. They got a punk for their charger port, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:50 Yeah, they're fucking awesome. They changed it. They've got a new watch. Dude, if you match with somebody and you start messaging them on your phone and she's like, oh my God, you have an Android? This doesn't happen to me because I've just heard horror stories. I went to the FTC falling short of getting pussy like 20 times in a row.
Starting point is 00:02:06 It's like, someone's gotta do something about this. It just doesn't make sense. Someone who works for Lena Con just keeps getting ghosted because he has a green bubble. I'm not green on the inside, sweetheart. The other idea is that maybe you're like mysterious, like you're a cowboy. You know, like you're like traveling. Maybe you're a hit man. You're on the range and you're out of service a lot.
Starting point is 00:02:31 Do Trump should start his own cell phone? And it should be red text. Truth phone. Oh, red text. Red text. What's the blood of communists? That would go hard. That would be so exciting.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Mango's here. Hey Mango, the goat. Oh, Mango. You won Supernova, but that was like a while ago now. Communists that would go hard You want supernova, but that was like a while ago now so Since you last came on what have you won When's the last time I came on well, I guess I didn't win anything for a while I think it was like 2022 I think you've won like four If we owe you this many episodes you've won quite a few things. Yeah, yeah. You won because what you what's the last three things you want? You want streamer games? I know some of us have our jersey on to remember the
Starting point is 00:03:10 bro. I knew you were great like this. I wore this. This is uncomfortable. It's crazy. You wore a different jersey. It's not even he forgot. I have a different. Your excuse could be like, yeah, I just wanted a more comfortable shirt. You are not comfortable. It's not shitty material. No, I'm also a different jersey. Your excuse could be like, yeah, I just wanted a more comfortable shirt. And you were not comfortable. Equivalently shitty material. No, I'm also rocking polyester. Well, it's because he was like, wear your jersey.
Starting point is 00:03:30 And I was like, I don't know if I know where to, because I gave one away. I'd be cute if we both had our little game. In addition, you're wearing a jersey. You're already considered an athlete. Giant, most huge quotes in the world. And you're not wearing a jersey based on that company that is your athlete of. Well I'm an athlete. You're a fucking streamer. If you go to Red Bull site and you go to the athletes section he's not there. He's not there? How about you go to streamer games and watch the fucking VOD
Starting point is 00:03:58 back and you see me and Mango doing shit you've never seen before. Let me put it this way. Mango's an athlete, you're a player. Sorry. Wow. I don't think anyone disagrees with you. Do you think you beat me in a foot race? No. I've never seen him say no to anything like that. That's all so weird. Are you humble now? I'm a lot more humble, but I know my weaknesses and I'm not very fast. Pause, you're not more humble. You're like way cockier. I'm cockier on camera because it's funnier. You were fat phobic in front of the streamers. When? At the streamer games.
Starting point is 00:04:31 When was I fat phobic? You were even fat phobic shit left and right. What did he say? Source, source, source. He pulls up, man goes like. Well, the clip is, I think it was, it was, I want to say extra Emily and she's on her stream and like it's like the camera facing her and after day one, OTK's last place and she's
Starting point is 00:04:52 like, yeah, we're in last. It's like really sad. Mango, do you have any advice? And Mango's sitting there and... You didn't fat shame. You didn't fat shame. I lose her shame. But you say to her, right, in her moment of weakness, you go,
Starting point is 00:05:07 I wouldn't know. I've never been last place ever. To do it my first time. No, that can't be true. And then you just walk away. You just leave a goat. I had I was talking to Aiden because I watched him game. You see game two, Aiden against Zio. No. Oh, did you choke? No, I won.
Starting point is 00:05:26 But it was, there was some grit in there and I like that because the sloppy ones are better to win. But I remember I told Aiden, he was like, I was like Aiden your textual kind of sucks because I think his textual does need to be better. Yeah. And but then I was like, oh wait, you probably get nervous because I forget that people get nervous. I have never in my life, even as a 14 year old kid playing Melee, I've never gotten nervous. You're lying. I don't believe you.
Starting point is 00:05:49 You know why I don't believe you? The ice cold veins. Because there was a period of your life where Taffo was coach Taffo, and he would show up to tournaments with you, and he would feed you shots of alcohol. And I thought that was to reduce your stress level. No, no, no. That's to reduce my ADD level. You would get bored.
Starting point is 00:06:06 I can't, if I'm dead sober playing melee, I can't focus. And I have like 80 thoughts going through my head. You still drink at tournaments? A lot less. But you'd be such a sick like Marvel character. He's Bender. He's Bender for future all. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:06:20 Yes. Love Bender. You're just Bender, dude. I love the episode where Bender stops drinking and he's like ruining his life. And Leela and Fry are like, please Bender, just have a drink. You're tearing us all apart. Yeah, well how'd you, how'd you, how'd you fucking, how'd you get on with streamers? I feel like you hate streamers.
Starting point is 00:06:38 I hate them at their core. Okay. Because I, when I talk to them, I don't know if they're being nice to me to be nice to me or they're being nice for like the business aspect. Uh-huh. So I never know what's real. But everyone at the Shreemur Games I did enjoy. Do you remember any of the after party?
Starting point is 00:06:53 Nah, I was pretty, I was pretty wasted. Because you know, you know all Sunday, I don't know if you know, I was drunk all day. Yeah, I've, I've, maybe during Shreemur Games I look at it, because I thought you were high because his eyes were like glazed over. No, no, because Saturday night I got fucked up after and just being in the Sun And I think I didn't eat enough so I woke up and If you're a drinker sometimes you know you drank too much tonight before and you know the only way you're gonna get shit done Is if you keep drinking?
Starting point is 00:07:17 I drink all day Sunday Link the flame I'd only wait I did it for the party just put a fucking warning sign With the sign up they have in McDonald's Yes, this podcast might give you At the after party mango went up to me he hugged me maybe 75 times He just kept coming on he was like how's it feel win man How do we look at him? I can't how it's feel what it was great is winning is great It's the best feeling in the world
Starting point is 00:07:43 It's different for me though because I also hosted the event so my win is more tainted than y'alls win Why because I hosted it for him to win he wasn't even you weren't even going to participate Participated I had one request you know I'm not a request person. It's always like have a beer for me I'm a very simple man what do I need that's ever crazy? sometimes if it's like if it's like yo you want to play Fall Guys of the Clan you'll be like 15 gifted I need 15 gifted to do that that's subtle for you! that's not!
Starting point is 00:08:22 and then I'll be like 7 p.m. and they'll, Yeah, I'll try but it'll probably be closer to 9.30. All through the day. I'm realistic. That's not, that's different. He'll be like, is Aiden coming? And you're like, yeah. And you're like. Yeah, you don't know if it's a good or bad thing. You're like, okay, I'll go.
Starting point is 00:08:35 It's like, was that? He's running calculus and all the variables change constantly cause Aiden coming could be like a five gift sub charge. It could be extra cause he's mad at Aiden that day. So I think you are here. You're mad at me for a little bit. You're mad at me for a little bit. Also, the context for today.
Starting point is 00:08:51 Yeah, my thingy is broken because of you. Oh, no. We haven't talked about that. It's been a while. The curse was passed to me. I do love that it was passed. It was a curse of raw. I took on the curse, dude.
Starting point is 00:09:01 It was a bad month. But me, I need this hand. I live. This is my livelihood. And are you not having one of your best years in a while? It did not start off that way, because Pinky was broken. And I couldn't fucking ledge dash and wave dash. And I was just fucking dying for free. By the way, for context, Mango was supposed to be on last week. We asked the goat. Goat says, we say you keep hoeing yourself.
Starting point is 00:09:23 He's like, I don't ho myself. He's like, what about last week? He's like, oh, I was way too drunk. I was like we say you keep hoeing yourself. He's like, I don't ho myself. He's like, what about last week? He's like, oh, I was way too drunk. I was like, well, you hoed yourself. Was that on Monday? That was Monday, yeah. Okay, everyone knows Monday's my hangover day. Okay, everybody knows that.
Starting point is 00:09:35 We're trying for Tuesday. Here's the fucked up thing, bro. Monday night, I get a suite to the Dodgers game. It's Hello Kitty night, I'm rocking the jersey. And I go, mango, you want to come? He goes, hell yeah. No call, no show. Whoa, I don't even do that.
Starting point is 00:09:50 I don't like you. It was a sporting event. Well, you know I hate the Dodgers. Yeah, that's true, that's true. But you love alcohol in a big booth with your friends. I do love Ludd's money going towards alcohol for me. In hot dogs, yeah. And all the time you go, it's because going
Starting point is 00:10:03 to Dodger Stadium, I was like 4.30 by the time time I finished watching Deadpool and I'm like, I'm not going I'm gonna sit in a car drunk His shit for two hours. I don't know. It was my buzz and then get there and be grumpy I didn't realize Gio could spawn in a suite if you weren't there The issues if Gio dies too they have to start over Yeah, he was rightfully mad at you. Although I realized you hate traffic so much for a guy who's born and raised in LA. Because I've worked from home, so I don't deal with it.
Starting point is 00:10:33 So when I do have to deal with traffic, I get, it like makes me very annoyed. Do you have a real ass job? No, you don't know the mango lore. It's just that 16, you started being the Goat Smasher. 14, I made my first dollar through Smash. 14? That dollar has lasted me to this day.
Starting point is 00:10:48 I've never clocked into anything. Oh my god. What do you think you would have done? I would have been the goat car salesman. Dude I believe that. I saw the fuck out of a car. I would buy a used Toyota from you and I'd walk away being like, that guy Joseph?
Starting point is 00:11:04 That guy was cool. I'd walk away being like, that guy Joseph, that was cool. I walk away still like, that guy could win EVO. I would just feel it. Dude, well, okay. By the way, so today we told Mango 12 PM. We did. We started this pod at 1.40 PM. Yeah, we even said yesterday,
Starting point is 00:11:20 we were like, let's tell him 12. We wanted 12. Even though we wanna start at 12. He knows that trick. I do know that trick because C9 does it. Everyone does that trick on me. But the thing is, it's not like, like I'm just late, but again,
Starting point is 00:11:33 it's because I've never had like a job. So like time has never like mattered. We should have had 7 a.m. Go at 7 a.m. sorry. I don't think, I'm gonna open your eyes. I don't think it's because you never had a job. I think that the world accommodates you. they should because everyone likes you because I brought a lot of joy to a lot of people When you wave-dash halfway across battlefield out of shield into a shine
Starting point is 00:11:59 Yeah, you just earn the right to do whatever you want for another four months I mean, you've done it so many times, Mango. For 20 years. How long does he have to not win until we're like, Mango, sorry. No, we can't. He doesn't even need to win. He just needs to like dumpster Cody once every six months. And I'm like, oh, that's my fucking goat.
Starting point is 00:12:16 It is a series of linking the flame. You are gunning for one this year. Is that your goal? No, I don't. So my goals in melee have changed. In my old man phase. Yeah? So if you watch SmashCon, I beat Joombug, I beat Cody, and I'm- After I beat them, I'm like not happy.
Starting point is 00:12:33 Yeah, cause you thought you played like shit and everyone else didn't. Cause I've realized my goal now is to just always play the best I can play. And winning is no longer the goal. How do you metrically find- Like, is that just a personal thing? Like, if I could play the best I can play. I just know when I play good okay I know when I walk away from turnings in I'd be like I played fucking solid so you play the best you can play and then you just lose to my dream is to play the best I can play 20
Starting point is 00:12:54 tournaments in a row lose and be like I tried okay sure hang it up that's how I want to go out you want to lose 20 times in a row and hang it up I think going out and lost way more bad you want to you want to feel 20 times in a row and hang it up? I think going out on loss is way more badass. Oh, like you want to feel that the world has finally surpassed you? For me, the day I retire, I want literally the thoughts to go through my head. Like, these guys are fucking good. I could maybe beat them. But I just don't have that little spark in me. And that's okay with me. You want that master splinter image.
Starting point is 00:13:20 Yeah. Where all the turtles are beating up. Yeah, they're walking me back. It's time for me to go. Does that have anything to do with the opponents you're playing? Like if Zayn was there instead or Omsa was there instead does that? Change the enjoyment of the experience at all or is it not it doesn't make a difference I mean they're all the same in my head. They're all just nasty melee players So it's like whoever's the one to do it like am I crazy to say that would never happen like I feel like which is why
Starting point is 00:13:43 I'm stuck here forever, which is fucked Yeah You know what it takes to be the best if you're to put in the time and have my hell Yeah, as I can't leave yeah, you're stuck here. It's so fun. I think about it. It's not a bad life Have you seen yeah, have you guys seen the last guardians? No? No, is it fucking animated one? No, it's the one well. There's a scene. Whatever. It's half as good He's the galaxy. Yeah, no, I haven't seen it. So there's a scene where rocket Oh, yeah, he wants to go die already because he's like all of his homies are dead He's wants to join the boys in that for life and he's like, can I come and is dead home?
Starting point is 00:14:12 He's like, it's not your time and I always PPMD and Mewtwo King. So mango last time you were here you've you've experienced a bit of a renaissance. You're very slim You look like 2014 mango. Yeah, but the listeners know about this. We talked about it Yeah, you guys yeah, you brought out his fat phobia full force Okay, how long am I allowed to make fat jokes before it's not okay? Oh, like how cuz you're saying you have I don't think you were fat. I was chubby. No, bro He was no offense. I should I say the actual weight or the fake weight. He was 217 217 at five foot eight
Starting point is 00:15:01 That's big. That's big. I watched a video of me winning, was it Summit 14? Which is only like two years ago. My fucking, you know the thwomp from Mario? That was my face, I look at it. And I was like, and then I get up and I see my guts, I was like, oh my god, I was grotesque. And you guys all just love me so much that no one ends like, hey Mango, we didn't have a talk. Hey, your Falco was playing good back then.
Starting point is 00:15:23 It was cooking. I didn't mind. You also, you're selling pelotones by the boatload. You are, man. I bought a peloton. I got my peloton shorts on. That's creepy. So it was getting into, you were realizing that, you know what? I need to get in shape.
Starting point is 00:15:36 You started fucking biking. Was that just a whim? I, because 2023, all I did was I didn't try hard in melee. I just traveled, got fucking ass blast drunk like five days in a row. Felt like shit every day until like... The only energy I would have is like I would save it for stream. So my whole life was feel awful. Use the juice I have.
Starting point is 00:15:57 Stream. Try to have a good stream. Although I think my streams were okay at the time just because I... You know it's like when you're trying to stream and you just... Bad mood or you feel like shit. Like's hard sometimes. You just wing that shit Yeah, you try but imagine that every day mm-hmm, and so it's like and then I was like surely is not How you're supposed to live I'm like there's no way I'm only like 30. I'm like I know I'm getting older But there's no way I should be Dismiserable all the time I thought I need to fucking work out. I was like you know what we got a
Starting point is 00:16:22 We got turn the franchise around they lost 40 pounds? What do you have now? 55? That's fucked up. Holy shit. That's nuts bro. Just diet and biking? And no beer. And not even a diet right? Just no beer. Well that's part of the diet. That's what I'm saying but it's not like, not consuming 800 calories a day. You've always eaten pretty healthy right? I've never been a bad eater. It's just that you had like 800 calories a day. You've always eaten pretty healthy, right? I've never been a bad eater. Like, I don't like... It's just that you had like 800 calories of beer.
Starting point is 00:16:48 Well, the thing that got me was we'd have like 18 beers into a munchy mill jack-in-the-box, and then I looked at it and I'm like, that's like 20,000 calories. How am I having 20,000 calories three times a week? Like, there's no way that cobalt takes two. Can someone help me budget my... spending? Two thousand calories of beers alone. That's why I call it Mango's Workout Plan. Which is factors and Peloton.
Starting point is 00:17:11 Oh! We should have put him in the ad this week. Can I ask you something? Do you eat them cold? Cold? Yeah. What do you mean? Like do you need to...
Starting point is 00:17:20 I don't even know what you mean. Do you tear off the plastic wrap on the top? Do you microwave your factor meals for two minutes? Three and a half minutes. OK, so you like a little warmer. Yeah. Slime doesn't microwave them at all. I eat them. I eat them.
Starting point is 00:17:31 That's not weird, right? That's kind of weird. I'm always team slime, but that was a little weird. He can't even dig for that one. That was odd. Taking a bite out of a chunk of pasta that's frozen together. You've only been doing this since like April, haven't you? Like February. February.
Starting point is 00:17:47 OK, a little less than a year, though. Losing 50,000. That's impressive. That's crazy. Did you ever have like weeks? I mean, because it's discipline. That's the hard part, right? I think for me, and I think a lot of things are easy for me because I'm just insufferable. Go to some of those. No, it's just because I know because of melee, like the work ethic. I'm just gonna Know it's just cuz I know cuz of melee like the work ethic I know what it fucking takes to get something does everything else just like
Starting point is 00:18:12 Just like small potatoes compared to like rising to the top of melee Is it like the idea of like just biking every day easier or is it harder? I just knew in my thought process like all right if I bike every day in five months I'm still gonna be there in five months all I have to do is do this every day And I just looked at it like it might suck, but eventually it'll get better and then in five months I'll thank myself and then five months when I was like yeah, I knew it was easy He was just doing it for future him and is it easy now like when you get on the bike You just fucking booted up. It's I'm so pro. I bike when I'm hungover shit now. Oh, that's what I like today
Starting point is 00:18:44 That's what I'm talking about. I can't do'm hungover as shit now. Oh, that's what I like today. That's what I'm talking about I can't do shit hungover. I do a sponsor hungover I can't say who the sponsor was but it was a three-hour gaming session where they like like Tap me into the game because it wasn't out yet And and I was on a discord call with this guy and he was supposed to like watch me play to make sure nothing went wrong There's like I was so hungover. There's five minutes where I just had my head on the desk and I'd hear him be like, you good? Oh, dude. You good in there?
Starting point is 00:19:08 And then I'd still be like, yeah, I'm good. I just didn't know where to go. And that was so bad. That was so professional of you. It was not very professional, but the video will come out and no one will know. No one will be the wiser. I think that you don't have enough sponsors
Starting point is 00:19:21 so this is a very findoutable thing. No, this is, I'm coming out with like four sponsored videos in the next like week. Oh, you're getting them? We're shilling. We're shilling. You're getting that, Brad? I lost a lot of point doing streamer games! Yeah, that's pretty- that's pretty trash. That's pretty true.
Starting point is 00:19:36 Because I had a feasible sponsor for 100k, and do you know about any drama at all? I- so there's always that moment when you can click on the drama and go down the rabbit hole. I never click. So Mr. Beast is in some drama. I go all my life. Anyway, I cut the sponsors so we lost a hundred kids. Because of him? He's just playing it safe?
Starting point is 00:19:54 Yeah, basically yeah. He like, he had done some shit and then it was like, it was a bad time probably to promo. His candy bar. Also, if you think about it, a candy bar for an athletic competition. I'm totally cool that I have no problem I actually have zero concern Chocolate run faster. Yeah, I'm with that. I When I work out hard like if I play basketball, I'm like, yeah, I'll eat some fucking chocolate Yeah, I fucking does it after I deserve that. Yeah, that's a huge NFL player thing
Starting point is 00:20:22 There's NFL players who love little yeah gummy bear skittles gummy bears after you work out because the sugar is good for your Bones on Lynch right here that's different Yeah, what do I be different me going to the basketball court and putting up threes the way I did Posterizing on you and then eating a chocolate bars like when Marsha on me. What's my left cams there? What's my right stads is there? I'm running fucking eight miles trying to guard them. Amen We work hard Marsha Lynch wouldn't handle our pickup games I think he would Think he could handle it. Do you miss it?
Starting point is 00:20:52 Basketball yes, we come back come back at physical therapy. Oh That is it right now. I can't fully bend it pinky. You're lying. That's the most I can touch sure Can you do this? No show to the camera? That's really bad. Hey, do you fucking rotten back? To me, I can like do it. There's no pain or anything. Oh really it doesn't bend, but can you so this hand you can do this? Right yeah, you you hit the bit your head hits the pillow you feel fine. Oh my thumb is feeling you fucked him bad I'm tough right now. What you don't bring up bring up your trauma. That happened from your own stupidity. I'm just happy I can make a fist. Did not happen from my stupidity. I had concerns for a while that if I had to get into a fight and I have no pinky,
Starting point is 00:21:32 I'm just gonna get my ass beat for free. Have you been in a fight? You said yourself once, you're like, if you're getting into a fight in your 30s, that's, you know, you're fucking. That's not cool. Every time I've almost been in a fight, I've always talked away at like You defused?
Starting point is 00:21:46 Like bro come on we don't need a fucking fight Like what the fuck gets accomplished? Where does our fight rank in your all time fight? Cause that was a fight That's a fun, I've been in a lot of homie fights Those are fun But like what's your most vicious homie fight? I've had some crazy ones
Starting point is 00:21:59 Johnny? A few face shots Dude we got in trouble at Twitch one time cause of your homie fights When? We did a thing called the Christmas, the Reed's Christmas special, a holiday special, and we had a bunch of people come out, and you ended up fighting... Oh, we were fighting Dejuan. Dejuan, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:16 I was there, you guys were really bad. They were hammered, they start fighting. SJ says some shit that I can't repeat. Never repeat. Never repeat. Never be. And then Twitch finds out about this. They gave us the space. They're like, yeah, that was crazy.
Starting point is 00:22:31 And then we were like, ah, the goat though. You know what else? You know what else is we heisted the snacks. Oh, did I tell you that was one of the most embarrassed? You know, it's hard for me to get embarrassed. I was fucking drunk and they had Twitch snacks, just like a whole cabinet. So I opened my bag and I just start funneling it. And as I do it, security guard walks in and I'm just like.
Starting point is 00:22:51 And I'm never speechless, I was like. You have chocolate all around your mouth. And she's like, you're gonna have to put those back. And I'm like, yeah, I'm sorry. And I just put everything back and I walked away. I was like, I have nothing to say. I've never been caught so red-handed. How am I going to argue that?
Starting point is 00:23:08 You can't. I can't. You just can't get caught. I will say us and a couple other friends that were at that very same event, because there's snack stations on every floor and they're infinite. Yeah, they go crazy. And it's Amazon money. So you're pretty much just like, you know, you're stealing
Starting point is 00:23:24 ethically and you just shove them in your back. I did that at snapchat famously I fucking stole probably thousands of dollars worth of snacks Yeah, you came we drove to Genesis you were packed up with the Luna bars and I said my G. Thank you I'll bring Trader Joe's bags just stock them full never got caught god bless. They did fire me Maybe they caught me actually if you were if you're at your job right now and they have free snacks Steal and steal it Lose your job You lose your job right now and they have free snacks, steal. Steal. Steal it. Well, unless there's a threat to lose your job. No, if you lose your job, start a Patreon.
Starting point is 00:23:47 You start a Patreon. Good advice. I feel your craziest fights, your homie fights are with Dewan. Because I, there was one. We've got some heaters. There was one after HTC throwdown where you, you and Joey, no, you and Alex, like double teamed Dewan at the party. That's not fair.
Starting point is 00:24:04 And Alex was like holding him down while you beat Dejuan's leg. And then it was it was funny. This is the first time this is in 2015. So this is I'm pretty young and this is the first time that I'm hanging out with a lot of you and like in the same room and as a lot of these like players. And this is going on on the couch and no one else standing around is even looking at it. Or diving in. D1's like,
Starting point is 00:24:30 Please! Please! D1 begging for help and me being like, is this normal? And everybody's like, yeah, it just kinda happens like this. Maybe I just get away with everything. Dude, I had a dream you got canceled. Me?
Starting point is 00:24:43 For what? What they get me for. You after winning a melee set or turned my camera over which you turned to the crowd and took out your penis and peed on the crowd. That's so cool. Yeah, that'd be legendary. And I just let out some goat piss and then call it a day.
Starting point is 00:24:58 That's the last one you ever go to. It's like Amaranth's bathwater, he's selling goat piss. Dude, we shot the Patreon episode before this because obviously we can't be sure but this he talked about that and that sparked I think we had a 20 minute debate on what constitutes a correct amount of piss on a person. Yeah how much piss can you put on a person before you get cancelled? So if you want to hear that we actually get really deep into it and now you you know, it ain't about something else. It's great episode.
Starting point is 00:25:27 We fought afterwards. We fight. I'm in my 30s. It was a real fight. He's in his 20s. It was it made sense. I beat his ass. I broke your arm like King in Tekken. You were just like, ah, you shot me like Nina. You clean that shit already. if you bear me, please zipper
Starting point is 00:25:51 Where's a baller outfit when the goats on but for no other reason just because he likes it you unzip and all the Mickel-oaks come out Challenge I tried doing where I went to ten bars And I went I ordered whatever the last closeout tab was and we tried drinking it you did a bar challenge you didn't invite that's what I'm saying it would be stupid it'd be like trying to set up a crew battle with streamers inviting mango you didn't want to get embarrassed in front of C dog no that's why he didn't want he didn't want C dog to be like oh is this your friend oh you know I've seen those drink with mango before that's not true
Starting point is 00:26:24 that's true just to be clear C dog was in Australia when mango was at his out I'd be embarrassed if Mango. C-dog's drank with Mango before. That's not true. That is true. Just to be clear, C-dog was in Australia when Mango was at his outdoor game. He was there? Yeah. No. Oh. Yes.
Starting point is 00:26:31 He didn't see the dark side. Yes, he did. He saw Mango at his worst. He definitely did. He definitely did. So I can't be embarrassed if Mango, because his worst was Australia, and he saw the whole thing. Oh, dude.
Starting point is 00:26:41 He sees you now? Australia was the craziest. This guy looks great. Australia was the craziest I've ever seen. 100% Well, because I'm always in full control when I get drunk. I can be fucked up, but I always know what's right from wrong. Are you the real you? When what? When you're fucked up? The real you. Like 10%
Starting point is 00:26:57 10% of you. Okay. 10% of what you see when I'm drunk is from the heart. Okay. The other 90% is just me being stupid. The horsing around around 90s a lot I'm do cuz I get drunk. I just want to have fun. Whatever the cost is or whatever Like I'm just here to have fun when I drink. Do you think you could kill Ludwig? He's he's 20 beers in your 20 beers in kill him. Yeah. Yeah, I think so too This is a newfound cockiness. He did not used to have this came from his way to 20 beers in I think you're passed out I got a Peloton bro, I'm starting biking everyday. I got one. I'm gonna start biking with you. You got a class?
Starting point is 00:27:30 How many followers you got? I got 100. Yeah you do like the Mango Discord Peloton. Yeah we have a little squad. We all bike everyday. Yard Patreon members or Yard members if you want to start the day off. I was talking to my girlfriend about this. I was like, dude, I kinda want to bike with Mango. It's fun. All the streamers have cracked. Z was like, dude, I kind of want to bike with mango
Starting point is 00:27:50 All the streamers have cracked Zane got one who else got one dude Dan got one Moki got one Yeah, Kalini got one. You want to go have these and put it here? I already have one. You have it at home? My GES dude. Yes, sir The thing is you don't have to travel for it because that's like another friction to doing the workout It's so nice just getting up and going through And so like if you have to drive the people are like you would love bike mango What I am the most positive uplifting human of all time. Are you like in a call? No, but I'll type and like it's all very encouraging type on the peloton no, but I have some ideas that I'm gonna talk to the CEO later
Starting point is 00:28:22 20 things I can put that on this joint. Sorry, go ahead. Well, I was going to say if I wasn't a streamer, that's what I would be doing right now. I'd be a Peloton class instructor. Well, I was going to say, have you ever heard of SoulCycle? The SoulCycle is an LA phenomenon. It's like a cult. It's basically just cycling for cardio. You're in this hot room and they like dim the lights and they like play music
Starting point is 00:28:46 And it's like it's like an emotional experience. It's very weird You should try soul cycle see if you like it take their ideas. I've done so cycle become a Soul cycle leader, but in your own brand. I think he's exaggerating a bit. I Okay, what I've heard I've heard from people. It's like yeah, it's like life-changing soul cycles just like a sweatier Peloton yeah, but they didn't lights and shit Lights are lower dude. We did a class in fucking France cuz my sister does all that shit. Yeah. Yeah, that was a crazy Oh, no, you did the no. Oh yeah, and spewed. Yeah and spewed a spewed everywhere. What's it called again? I don't know, but it was this French guy going three two one. Let's go. Yeah, it spewed. He spewed everywhere. What was it called again? I don't know, but it was this French guy going,
Starting point is 00:29:25 3, 2, 1, let's go! Yeah, it was intense, bro. I can't do that shit. It was really hard. My workouts are super chill. I don't like sweating. So I bench press, and I'm easy, but then that one, it's like, yeah, it's actually a French guy. You have a circuit. He has the little, like, headset. Like he's selling chamois.
Starting point is 00:29:42 Yes, it's crazy. And right now we go fastest speed. Fastest speed chamois. Yes, it's crazy Fastest speed everybody push Wait, and they're all in kilograms sir. You're like, I don't fucking know what's going on You pick it up and you do like Rose like okay We're all now go to the other side and then it's like you have a lot too cuz Yan We end up be like Yan like it'd be the run section. He'd be like chillin be like we do not run Asian tall guy, we start to walk, at least we walk a little bit. Do not spew!
Starting point is 00:30:06 And they spews. Yeah, and they spew. The class is in English? Oh yeah, yeah, it was English. He would then switch to French, he'd be like, Allons-y, les gars, on y va! We go, we go! He would switch.
Starting point is 00:30:17 It was crazy, and Lundwick Zister was like, yeah, I do this like every day. She was beast mode, bro. She was crazy. I was like, you are an athlete, this is insane. She's a Red Bull athlete. She is, she's got a Oh, girl. She's crazy. I was like, you are an athlete. She's a Red Bull athlete. She is. She's got a weird problem, though.
Starting point is 00:30:28 The reason she's so fit is because she's so addicted to chocolate that she'll eat about two pounds of chocolate, feel so bad about herself, and then burn off all the calories that she just ate, which is really hard to do. She's just ping ponging. Yes, all the time. There's no homeostasis. Do you think she's like you? In what. She's just ping ponging. Yes, all the time. There's no like homeostasis. Do you think she's like you?
Starting point is 00:30:47 In what way? In a lot of ways. Yeah? Do you think that she's more like you than not? Like personality wise? Yes, yeah. You think so? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:56 All right. I met Megal's brother for the first time. Yeah, that was the first time. What? Oh, that was your brother. Yeah. The big stupid guy. I don't know, call him the big stupid guy.
Starting point is 00:31:04 Is he not a big stupid guy? I would call him a big friendly guy. Can I confess something to you guys? Yeah, what is it? Have I said this before? I eat the factors cold. You eat them? I don't eat them up. You eat factor meals just cold? I do.
Starting point is 00:31:20 It takes two minutes. You might think this is like a bit or it's like, oh, we needed something to talk about for like the ad spot. I genuinely do this and every time. No you can't. It takes two minutes. I know. You peel the plastic off and just eat it? And just eat it cold. Why? There's literally no value. There's just it tastes fine obviously. Yeah the taste would be similar just colder. Yeah it's cold. The texture would probably be off. And I genuinely want to say this as a boon to the quality factor is I eat them cold and I really like it and I really look forward to it. I'm going to level with the audience. Don't eat them cold.
Starting point is 00:31:54 Go ahead and spend two minutes. Eat them up. You can eat them up. Spend two minutes. It's you can watch a couple YouTube shorts while you heat it up or something. We had a huge argument in the premium. Aiden, you're right because of this. Come on!
Starting point is 00:32:06 Oh my God, I'm so mad. I don't want to be on his side. Dude, this can't be like against my character. Well, that's all it can be against. I also put like, you know what? You know what goes together for me? Factor and hot sauce. I have Tabasco.
Starting point is 00:32:23 I put it on my cold factor chicken. I like that. It's customizable. I customize it the way I like. And I've been eating it. I've been doing this for four months. I guess they're still nutritious. If you eat them that way. They're exactly the same.
Starting point is 00:32:36 It's very nutritious. And look, the reason you get back in the first place, save money, save time. He's saving even more time. He's not saving any more money. He's not saving more money, but he's saving more time. Two minutes adds up. How much money can you make in two minutes Aiden? All right Do you eat all of the I mean this genuinely I know we're on a slide that is listing all the options available Do you eat like all of them?
Starting point is 00:32:56 No matter what you get breakfast you eat a cold every single all 35 plus meal choices I'll 35 tell me you protein plus we eat a cold cold protein plus If it's a fucking steak you eat it cold steak. I ate it cold chicken You eat cold chicken a that Mac Miller song Kool-Aid and frozen factor There's also I get sometimes I get the premium one because it comes with fish which I really like and I eat that culture If you want a cold meal or I mean a hot meal also most people are going to like it hot It's really good. You can go to People are going to like it hot. It's really good You can go to factor slash Simon's a fucking weird freak
Starting point is 00:33:25 That's not what it is It's factor meals comm slash the yard 50 for 50% off use code the yard 50 to get 50% off plus 20% off your next Box yeah, my stuff shows up every I forget how often I get it But it shows up I pop them in the fridge and then I pop them about give a flex to the camera to see how big You've gotten and this is from faculty. That's right bitches, America's number one ready to eat meal kit. Do you like that?
Starting point is 00:33:50 And it's cold muscle too, bitch. Cold muscle. You should really eat it up. You get more protein when you eat it cold. I'm gonna be honest, if you do what he's doing, you're not gonna be very satisfied. And Mango's gonna say a slur. No!
Starting point is 00:34:02 He's a big stupid guy. He's like the biggest. If you saw him, no he's big stupid guy I saw a woman wearing a mango jersey, and I'm like that must be Do I talk to you charged her for a sweater It's all about bread with you. It's all your empire. Hey, make that money. Yeah, of course. Appreciate that. That's fucked up, dude. Well, you just take such good care of her.
Starting point is 00:34:29 I know she's got bread. I only got 6,000 subs. She's paying back the Nintendo Switch fee. That's true. She's paying the price for my deleted Breath of the Wild save file. That's what dead means more. Yeah, he was hella far. Yeah, I can't believe he was game dead.
Starting point is 00:34:43 That keeps me up sometimes. It's gonna take up 30 seconds. I do feel bad about that. Yeah, he was hella far. Yeah, that's hard. You can't put people's game dead to that. That keeps me up sometimes. It's gonna take us 30 hours to get back. When's your birthday? March 31st. Okay, you tell me exactly where you were, I will get you back there.
Starting point is 00:34:56 No, I'm already, I'm already past it. I'll give you a switch back. I'm already past it, I guess. Grinding to get to Aiden's safe state. It is funny though, because one thing you did do with my Switch is for a while, you kept it on my Nintendo profile, like for a long time. So you're just playing Mario Kart with my me, my name.
Starting point is 00:35:16 Do you ever tried switching anything on the Switch? It's so annoying. It's annoying. I don't care. Adding people to my friends list. So ever since getting a new Switch and logging into the account I have like a hundred friends of people I just don't know and like people like this guy's playing Mario Kart. They all have
Starting point is 00:35:35 And they're peloton bikers and I have no idea who they are It's just the remnants of you owning my profile for a long time dude a Mario Kart Mango League where you cannot use a kart, you have to use a motorcycle, because it's Peloton based, and you have to race on the Peloton. Yep. Yeah, that's, do that Mario Kart Wii. Here it goes, Goat's always busy. Dude.
Starting point is 00:35:55 He's busy. I am very busy. Transferring like Switch data, I got, I lost my Switch, and then I tried to get my Isaac file onto my new one, and I fucked it up, and basically I get on the plane to Australia. I'm like, okay, I'll fire up Isaac and I can play for 14 hours because that's what I'm playing right now.
Starting point is 00:36:10 And then it's like, you need to be online to access this data, the save data. I just look at it and then my nose starts bleeding like an alien movie. And I'm just realizing that I have 14 hours without the one thing I wanted to do. That's tragic. For 14 hours straight. That's tragic for 14 hours
Starting point is 00:36:29 Brutal yeah, then I fix it, but I raw dog out of spite there God to watch dude is so sick that we just use the term raw dog now Unprotected sex yeah, but not anymore now just means with without without tech now It's just having a light rod dog where you think yeah, I think you do they used to smoke cigarettes on planes We've never been around. How do you never got a nicotine addiction? That seems a rally. Well, why? Guy I I handle like my drugs and everything very... I know how I am.
Starting point is 00:37:08 You know. And I just decided that I'm just gonna drink. Maybe smoke some weed and I'm happy. I avoid like everything else because I know how I am. Yeah, I feel like you'd be a two pack a day guy. Have you ever seen me chain smoke? Uh, no. When I'm drunk? I'll smoke like 30 cigarettes. When you're drunk is so fun. It's great.
Starting point is 00:37:27 It's just the best. Cigarettes are coming back. It's a problem. No, they are. I didn't know that. Well, I think so. Cigarettes have always been hot outside of the States. They've never gone away.
Starting point is 00:37:38 Is it in France? People in Estonia and France have been chain smoking since- In China. Since 1920. Yeah, in Japan. Like every other country. But in the States, smoking got cringe.
Starting point is 00:37:48 And then vaping took over. But vaping was so lame that nobody was like, it wasn't like popular to like talk about it, you know? Like no one's like posting pictures vaping. Yeah, it doesn't look cool when you vape. It looks very cringe. You kind of look cool about it. Like you suck on this little device and you're like,
Starting point is 00:38:01 ba-ba-f. Yeah, ba-ba-f. So smoking was cool. You take your bottle with you everywhere. And that's not cool. Yeah, you feel like a sippy cup you're like, f*** it. Yeah, bomb it. So smoking was cool. You take your bottle with you everywhere and that's not- Yeah, you feel like a sippy cup. But anyways, cigarettes were cool, then they got cringe, then vaping took over, but it was lame so no one posted it. Now cigarettes are making a comeback.
Starting point is 00:38:14 This is a big thing. You know what, you trying to smoke some cigarettes? No, no, I'm trying to say it's bad because cigarettes are making a comeback because everyone's still addicted to nicotine because nicotine's still the fucking god-drawer video. I guess that's why the- We talked about smoking like on New Year's's the other, you know, during New Year. You talked about smoking when you came back from France over and over.
Starting point is 00:38:29 You use this heel turn. This is a reverse heel turn. I'm saying cigarettes are coming back and it's bad. Is that a bad thing to say? My controversial. Am I wrong? Because you can clip you talking about I smoke so much cigarettes in France. Just because nicotine has got a grip on my balls doesn't mean that I don't like that. I don't like to have a grip on your balls. my balls doesn't mean that I don't like Have a grip on your balls
Starting point is 00:38:54 I've thought about it several times throughout the past three weeks Your dreams you're all you're doing is thinking about cigarettes in your balls cup you think you're dreaming about me getting canceled. What is going on? I don't know my got a fucked up brand. I got a realign some chakras or something. I got gaming challenge That's not good for you. It is so hard Is ten games The erotic yeah, but so that's basically you just play ten games back to back to back You have to win everyone if you lose it to reset it has to be against random people online Yeah, I can do it. You should do it. I think you can do it. You can make a list of whatever ten games you want. Oh you can pick. Yeah, so I can do like Fortnite and I have to get it done. Oh you can pick whatever games you want?
Starting point is 00:39:31 You can pick whatever games. Yeah, I can just play Mario Kart. Yeah, but you can't like make a stacked block. It's only one of ten games. You can't like, you can't pull the fucking boys. So like if I want to play CS I got a solo queue. Yeah, so it's all solo queues. Or duo, or duo. Duo's the rule our do it was way better But the do is a lot better do has to be static So you can't let me yeah Because I could pick a duo and just find like bagueting for fall guys and like mango for fucking me Yeah, we do this menu. We do this. We're nasty rivals melee When you queue it's it's to your rank so it's not Easier if you're better cuz you see your rank. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, but I'm under ranking everything cuz I don't play enough
Starting point is 00:40:10 Then that is the cheese to win is be under ranked cuz I'm under I'm better than all my ranks I found the hardest competitive games Geo guesser. It's not close Really? Are you shit at it compared to like the pool? I thought you were the goat. I'm really I thought so too I'm not even a fart. I thought you were the goat bro. It's also the easiest to cheat probably. I think it's the easiest to cheat in stream snipe. It's also one where like, I think the floor is really high now. Like I'm silver, which I thought was underrated because I used to be plat, but the people
Starting point is 00:40:36 who's playing they're like, they see a fucking field. They're like, oh, that's Lesotho. I'm like, how? How do you have that? That's crazy. People, someone did a math post on your subreddit. It's like, here's a probability of this happening. Redditers are fucking dumb as shit.
Starting point is 00:40:49 I agree, but I like the effort and I was wondering, what 10 games are you doing? Huh? What 10 games are you doing? My games are like, it's so we're starting, it's like GeoGuessr rivals to Fortnite Fall Guys. And that's the hardest batch. Sure. And then once you get through that it's like okay rocket league overwatch
Starting point is 00:41:05 Valorant Rocket League twos yeah, okay, which was very easy because I'm Actually ranked players you're you're literally playing fucking bots on a plasma actually played bots And then we played people who acted worse than bots yeah I mean the people were the bots like they're on a plasma screen They just go home from work, and they just they've never learned that it's free But then it's Overwatch, League, Valorant, the League was so bad, bro.
Starting point is 00:41:27 I've actually, I've never been more embarrassed in my life because I played a League game at 3 a.m. And then after, you know, KDrill? He's like the biggest League creator, one of the biggest League creators, he watched it on stream. The video of him reacting to it has like 100 plus K on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:41:42 I forgot I had smite for 10 minutes. I just forgot about it. I ulted on nothing. I forgot I had smite for ten minutes. I just forgot about it I all did on nothing that you John rock I Was playing fiddle sticks I was playing my boy Right now is really good everyone knows let's play fiddle Is he really good in the jungle right now? Everyone knows Lud's playing Fiddlesticks
Starting point is 00:42:04 No, I know he plays Fiddlesticks Were you playing like support Fiddlesticks for a while? Yeah, answer my feelings, can you give me a beer? Smite is a spell you have to use and you get it for free Especially if you're in the jungle It's like having $100 in your pocket and then being like I'm broke, I don't know what to tell you And you walk out of the bar
Starting point is 00:42:22 You're like, I guess I'll go home It's really bad How far did you get? You walk out of the bar. You're like, I guess I'll go home. Yeah How far did you get or four games four games? We beat fortnight fall guys back to back. That's hard What do we get hold of that's hard we got hold on a Geoguessr and then so we realize you have to start with Geoguessr You pick the order. Yeah. Yeah. What is it? What is winning Fall Guys? Like you just have to go through a session to get a crown, bro.
Starting point is 00:42:48 You gotta get a crown, right? Yeah, which is hard. That's hard. I'm nasty at Fall. I think that's one of my best games. I would start Fortnite into Fall Guys. So you would think, but you actually wanna start with the really quick ones that you have a chance of losing.
Starting point is 00:43:00 Just just like bang them out. Yeah, like. I feel like I wouldn't. Like a Rivals 2 for us, wouldn't like a rivals too for us It's like it's like a five minute game and it's better to start because if we just queue up against some fucking sweaty people It's lame to restart because of five minute time loss. I think I Think I'm gonna try this because I you know, I'm gone. I leave Wednesday and then I leave. Where you going again? Vancouver you travel too much, bro. Dude. I is this Where you going again? Uh, Vancouver. You're traveling too much, bro. Dude, I- is this what you feel like?
Starting point is 00:43:25 Yes, I do. I feel like I've gotten a glimpse of being really fucking busy. I hate traveling. I hate it. It sucks. Well, I'm traveling and competing and drinking. I'm also competing. Which is also a competition to myself. Hey, we won something together.
Starting point is 00:43:37 He had new respect for me after we won streamer games. You went to Egggog? He looked at me different. It was like- it was like I- You got a glimpse of teammate mango of teammate Maybe teammate mangoes love lifting. I am I love my team The fact that you did the gymnastics is what most impressed me cuz my team needed me to do gymnastics I got out there that routine. I was welling
Starting point is 00:44:00 I felt like you needed to deliver because you teased during the trailer like you did the ribbons during that but to be clear He was like in no offense horrible in the shoot Yeah, really bad like the shoot took a while and then the director came coming over he was like yeah We're not getting a lot from him. No way no actually Mingo's vibe My mission cuz we were in Australia and I was like, alright yeah, it should be fine. After I talked to him, he's like, yeah everything was good.
Starting point is 00:44:30 It's just like, like Mango didn't really want to like dance and everything. And I was like, oh okay. I'm a competitor, I'm not a monkey. You can't just fuck with me. He killed it, but yeah. Slow motion can make anything look pretty awesome.
Starting point is 00:44:45 It's just an activity that's also just a bit like. I thought you have to try. You have to commit. I don't wanna try it. It's a vulnerable thing. It's a big little theater kid. He's like the opposite of theater kid. If you do anything but completely let loose, it's worse.
Starting point is 00:44:59 You know I took drama three years. Did you? I'm a theater kid deep inside. He always fucking talked about when we would shoot summit sketches. He'd be like, you know I took drama for three deep inside. He always fucking talked about when we would shoot some of his sketches, he'd be like, you know I took a job for three years. He'd turn on the camera and be the worst acting ever. His only bad acting because I'm so genuine as a person.
Starting point is 00:45:14 That you can't have serious. That's why it's bad. I know you say shit because we were in the concession stand at streamer games and someone was like, someone like across the room was like, didn't Mango play baseball? And I just like a like a second instinct, I just blurted it out, I'm like Golden Glove Marquez. Yes, yes, yes. I was next to him, I'm like, that's right, that's right.
Starting point is 00:45:32 You just create more about yourself. And like, if you probably look back. I was like, where did that even come from? If you could look back in like his memory files, it's like, yeah, he played one season of youth baseball. I played like five summers in a row. I played a lot, I was actually gonna bet. Yes, he used to say, this played like five summers in a row. I played a lot. I was actually gonna bet.
Starting point is 00:45:46 I knew you were gonna bet. He used to say, this is like 2014. You were like, yeah, if I never got into Melee, I'd be a baseball player, dude. I would've been a Golden Globe Marquez, dude. I would've been in the majors, I would've. Can I ask you a question? Major league pitcher, 100 pitches, do you get on base?
Starting point is 00:46:02 Assuming Major League Outfield as well. If I played my whole life? No, no, no, just a hundred. Just right now. Right now? No. No, wait, wait, Zippert. Nick thinks he would. No, dude. No, that's crazy.
Starting point is 00:46:10 Dude, a hundred pitches, I don't hit one? Nick thinks... No. No, not even... It's not hitting because contact... No, I was saying... No, you said base. Do you mean contact? Oh, I was kidding. Contact is easy.
Starting point is 00:46:18 I don't think it is. Zippert, can you look up a player cam or catcher cam MLB fastballs? It's so fucking fast, bro. It is so fast. You're even scared. I got a huge amount of respect after I saw this. I'm like, that looks fucking terrifying. So I did this, bro.
Starting point is 00:46:31 I went like a baby version. I went to a batting cage and I threw it at like 90 mile an hour. I was just trying to hit fastballs. And I made contact a bunch. It rattles my bones like a cartoon character. Yeah. Boom, boom, boom. And then you go into like Falcon hit stun after knee.
Starting point is 00:46:46 When you hit, it'll show you based off like the like the exit velocity. If you would have got on base, I didn't get on base like one time. Is on base just mean you run to base and you get that? That means you got it fair. Like the hit was first off within. It wasn't a ball. The lines. It was it was not it was not a ball. No ball is if you make contact? It was not a foul ball.
Starting point is 00:47:06 Oh sorry. So it wasn't a foul, it didn't land in a spot where they could piece it. It wasn't a pot fly so it wouldn't have been a pot fly. It landed in a gap and you would get the first. So it was a good hit basically. So like the mathematic likelihood that someone wouldn't have just crazy fucking caught it and you would have got to base in time. Yes. There's so many gaps so it's like you hit it here. Nobody's there. The job is, you know, also, it's if you're a lefty, it's it's easier because you get two steps ahead.
Starting point is 00:47:30 Yeah. And like, if you're if you're a great baseball player, like you're you're you're doing that, what we're talking about, like what? 30 percent means you're a god. You're going to one percent. No, you're not. You're not. That's crazy, man. You go over. I don't think you realize how hard baseball is. Do we know any baseball players?
Starting point is 00:47:47 I think it's like the hardest sport. For sure someone watching this at least plays in the minor. This should be his I could beat a... Yeah, this is my I could beat a first grader. This is my I could beat up any dog. I'm gonna do that video then that video. That's fire. I think it's Saint Bernard runs you. Dude, I think. I think it's fucking chihuahua
Starting point is 00:48:06 I think I just make first contact with my kick and it's just over you can miss a kick and then what also What if they bite on how would I miss the dogs not gonna dodge? Why not why would the dog dodge? Damn dude, the dog's charging at me. The dog doesn't have any self-preservation I'm sure he's gonna say it again He's so dumb. I'm just saying that- Do you think he's dumb for this?
Starting point is 00:48:27 I think I like fucking, you know. Have you ever seen a dog when they're like mad? Yeah. Yeah, but the dog's way less than me. Here's what, cats, I don't know if they're the same as dogs, cats have 50 ms reaction time. There's pictures of, there's videos of cats fighting off snakes. The snake would be like, and they're so quick, they're like bam. Cats are like- They're way better than us at it.
Starting point is 00:48:46 I think dogs actually have the same, most animals are better at reacting because we're smarter and we walk on two feet. What do you think cops get dogs for? It's like, ah, the robber kicked him. I think most people when they see the dog, you know, they run away. That's a fastball. Not even that fast. That one doesn't look fast.
Starting point is 00:49:02 That's not even that fast. That was a change up. Shut up. That was a change up. Check it out. See this fastball. This is right down the middle. This is sure say air one Okay, that's hard, baby. It's a Bruce. Uh Baby, you know what? Maybe you're right. No, he's just free I saw one of these it was like shaking when he would catch it. It was like kind of violent feeling We will try I can't
Starting point is 00:49:25 Boat my double shoulder rock climbing injury. I can't pitch, but I can hit. You know what I think will happen if we do this? You wouldn't make it to 100. Yeah, the fatigue is you make in my head. I'm imagining a version myself that resets every time. What actually would happen is you'd make contact once. It would hurt so bad because you're not used to holding it.
Starting point is 00:49:42 And then you'd have bruises here. Did you ever play baseball? Yeah. OK, baseball. Did you ever play baseball? Yeah. OK. Baseball. You look like most hated sport by pitcher that pitches really slow. It is one of the worst sports. Now I will stand for it.
Starting point is 00:49:53 It's just fire. It's low. It's not garbage. I would not say it's garbage. Baseball is a bad sport. It is a 12 year old thing. And you like to say you don't like it. You cannot say it's slow. It's not even slow anymore.
Starting point is 00:50:05 It's literally faster than football. It's faster than it used to be. It's faster than football. Have you heard anyone talk about liking baseball? Football? Football. I love baseball games. Hey, American football? Yes.
Starting point is 00:50:14 We aim to worst sport than baseball. Wait, you think football sucks too? I think American football is terrible. What do you like? You just trash it. Basketball, soccer. You don't watch soccer. Bro, the way people feel.
Starting point is 00:50:22 I watch it more than football and baseball. What was the last soccer game you've seen? I don't know, like a week ago, like highlights more than I've watched of baseball games. I can't when people say they hate baseball, but then talk about soccer being exciting. I'm like, what do you mean? The pace, the pace just keeps going.
Starting point is 00:50:37 It was a match 0-0 after 90 minutes. His name is JR Riddle. He pitch it. He like tosses it. It's really fucking funny This is us at the mound. Why do you know this? I've watched a lot of John Boy back in the day Hey, look at the angels getting 10. I think this is an intentional walk, but he'll actually throw real real pitches for this Yeah
Starting point is 00:50:58 And you just have to like it's like a mind game. It's cheese. Okay. I was 72 kind of quick 72 ain't even that fast. I know that's his fastball really. Yeah, check it out. Is he suck or is it just like crazy? He's in the pros Sorry bitch is the idea that it's really difficult to hit that hard. It's cheese Yeah, it's something like a relief pitcher right like he there's no way through this is their guy I don't know how it Yeah, sure. It doesn't matter. He's just coming in. You have to be like seven feet tall to hit that. Look like you're full.
Starting point is 00:51:27 Popping off for him. Oh, that's so funny. No, you know what's great about baseball games is that pretzels, hot dogs, nacho cheese, maybe diet coke. Is it the consumption? This is maybe sitting up really high. This is a conversation with almost every person I've talked to that goes it's like baseball.
Starting point is 00:51:42 Baseball is not a very exciting sport. It's like I don't like. And then you tell someone that and they're like no the game isn't going to the game isn't about that It's about $200 to have a beer with your friends Hanging out and eating the food Tickets are not that expensive You're not watching the sport Tickets are 10 bucks for the cheapest tickets The only reason I would say baseball is bad is because there's 162 games and no one gives a fuck for that much
Starting point is 00:52:03 Yeah, real. But when playoff baseball comes, I think it's the best playoffs. It doesn't mean because every pitch is everything becomes important. Every out, every strike, every double play, every. OK, everything you can say that about the playoffs of any. Yes, I think it's true for every sport. And I love baseball. My heart. I'm not watching the first. I'm not saying baseball can't be exciting.
Starting point is 00:52:21 I think there's a moments in any sport where you can find something compelling. Like the two people eating skittles can be exciting if they're stakes. The baseball. What's the baseball World Cup called? World Series. What is it? No, no, not the World Series, the World Cup, like the national teams event. We didn't win, so I don't care. OK. Look, guys, I'm going to level with you.
Starting point is 00:52:41 I have a Helix sleep mattress because they sent me one. Yeah, I'm getting I'm just getting I'm getting go to sleep I used to have neck problems and I don't anymore. They're gone He looks harder than he's ever looked and it's all because of Helix sleep. It's cuz I get my beauty sleep He get oh, you know what I'm saying So you're saying right now in front of me and Jesus Christ who is our God and our Lord who protects us and also fine punishes us that helix sleep makes you more beautiful. It makes you more beautiful. It does. And you have a 100 night free trial to find out for yourself
Starting point is 00:53:13 how beautiful you can be. You know what Nick's not telling you? He let me borrow his body wash a few days ago, and he hasn't asked for it back. And it's been like a week. So he's his sweaty, gross body is ruining his lovely Helix sleep. It's currently in my shower because I took it back. Just saying.
Starting point is 00:53:31 So wait, your body is ruining your mattress, which is not Helix sleep. That's also why you look terrible. And that's also why you have nightmares. Aiden currently does not have body wash. I look great. Just saying. So you're missing out on 20 unique mattresses. You're scaring the host position. And I'm getting five hours of sleep a night. I'm I nice
Starting point is 00:53:49 Mattress is matches for kids the helix plus for big and tall the award-winning Lux and elite Do you get the big and tall one? Of course you fucking did it. Mm-hmm Destroyed yeah, you take the sleep quiz Aiden took it he failed it which is actually crazy because no one you fail It's actually possible to fail, but somehow the website said he did it went Yeah, it said no Aiden's allowed if you're named Aiden you actually can't buy the bed has different zones for your spine Because it keeps you aligned all night wait is cooling features. Yeah, dude. I hate sleeping on a hot mattress I know dude, so if you want to get a helix sleep mattress He looks is operating up to 25% off of all mattress orders
Starting point is 00:54:27 and two free pillows for our listeners. I have the two free pillows, they're nice, I like them. Look at this guy, two pillows, hey call him the pillow guy. Two pillow. That's my pillow guy. Like a rapper maybe? Go to Do you guys think my spine is straight?
Starting point is 00:54:39 Go to slash the yard, that's slash the yard, this is their best offer yet and it won't last long, so with Helix better sleep So they will really get rid of this deal forever and destroy all mattresses by it and all human life on earth And also just be aware if you don't use a helix sleep mattress your spine like a den's but look like it's I can It will look like a crowbar. Yeah It did crack pretty loud
Starting point is 00:55:04 This from happening, please utilize the deal. That's Helix slash. So you know how to use sleep. Who's the last person you slept with? Mike Trout. I guess it's much more facing down. Oh, right. And this moment in it's the end of the game.
Starting point is 00:55:17 Like that type of thing is exciting no matter what, because the stakes are high. What about a grand slam to last week? He had a grand slam for 40, 40 because things can high. And there's a grand slam. What about on Thomas Quarian's 2 AM too last week? He had a grand slam for 44. Just because things can be cool. That's any sport ever. You can pick a thing about the sport that is cool. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:55:32 I think baseball mechanically is a boring sport. I just haven't heard anything from big soccer recently. That can have exciting moments because- I haven't heard anything from big soccer. Dude, you just made a tweet about that not being true. Your goat has 150K YouTube videos, like 150K views. That's Tom Brady. That's so embarrassing.
Starting point is 00:55:48 Tom Brady, your goat? That's a different sport. This is a different sport, I'm a soccer, but. Cristiano's taking his shirt off. He's getting 20 mil of video. More than speed. Hashtag more than speed. Can you pull this up real quick?
Starting point is 00:55:56 This is embarrassing for American football. I do like how the order of mogging goes Ronaldo, I show speed, Tom Brady. Tom Brady Tom Brady Same exact month it goes it goes Ronaldo. I show speed squeaks Squeaks is bigger than Tom Brady. That's crazy Yeah, Tom Brady Cricket hey, that's pretty
Starting point is 00:56:27 I for one love cricket to our you have to be an Australian audience for that. Cricket is like an AI sport that they just like the computer tried to make. I just with sports, I just respect them all and move on. Yeah, I will never be like the sports. I think that's crazy to say that. So many getting good at any sport that is that globally popular is admirable. Pro pickleball is ass. But I think when you're evaluating a sport as a spectator, as something that you sit down and watch, you can say things are boring.
Starting point is 00:56:50 The only sport I would say is actually pickleball. Yeah, because they have bullshit rules. OK, I think it looks like a PTA meeting. Pro pickleball. It's it's so late. They do that probe. There was a big pro pickleball exhibition that happened where they just had a pro tennis player show up and he was playing against two of the best pickleball players in the world. He just cooked them
Starting point is 00:57:09 He's just like He liked that shit He liked that shit I don't like that You like that That'd be like if some like counter-strike player came to melee and just cooked me I'd be like It'd be like a counter-strike player coming to the bar and cooking Yeah, it's what he's talking about
Starting point is 00:57:23 It's like, oh they're just better, They just don't even care about our game. I think baseball, I agree with Aiden in a lot of ways. My I grew up watching baseball logs. My dad bet sports, right? So I just have to sit and watch it. And I think it's boring to watch. But he loved the Cubs even like it. I think baseball was invented at a time, like a lot of sports,
Starting point is 00:57:42 when we just didn't have like Nintendo. Yeah. And it was like simply hitting the stick with ball and then running. Baseball was invented at a time, like a lot of sports, when we just didn't have like Nintendo. And it was like simply hitting the stick with ball and then running, it was like enough. And naming a group of 20 people who do it. Yeah, and they're all racist. In a similar way, baseball was the sport that was the only one that my family watched.
Starting point is 00:57:59 It was always on. I played it for the first, like, I don't know, from kindergarten through sixth grade. Like it's an opinion of like, I was in it. I watched it for the first like, I don't know, from like kindergarten through sixth grade. Like it's an opinion of like I was in it. I watched it all the time. I hate it. You know what? I think the biggest problem with baseball as like a peripheral fan who watched a lot of John Boy was that the there are like these unspoken like etiquette rules that really fuck with the game and that make it really cringe. Like there was a guy, I think it was Kike Hernandez, who was like, he swung and hit a fucking home run when they were up like 11 runs.
Starting point is 00:58:30 And everyone got mad. And the other team was like, you're not supposed to do that. And like his mercy rule is a thing in baseball. And they like punish. And then that guy will get like punished on the next pitch. And then they'll hit him with the ball. They'll hit him with the ball. They'll literally hit him with the ball. The 90 hit him with the ball. They'll literally hit him with the ball. They'll hit him with the ball.
Starting point is 00:58:45 You're just saying that so it gets bad, that's cool. It's not that cool because it's so passive aggressive and catty. I agree. Charge the mound. If you're mad at him, charge the fucking mound. But I'm a fan of him for hitting that home run and breaking the rule, I think it's Beast. It is Beast.
Starting point is 00:58:56 But you know what's not Beast is them being like, I'm gonna hit you now with the ball. I think that's funny. I'm not with them doing it, but the fact that we're talking about that is interesting. It is funny, but it's also pathetic. I got two rules to fix baseball. Ready? Okay. Bring back juice. Everyone juice. Yeah. And then I want the same fighting rules as hockey.
Starting point is 00:59:15 They can throw down. Anyone can throw down and you have to let them go. Yeah. Two minutes in the box. You're back in. I think it should be a lot of one time maybe. Yeah, two minutes in the box you're back in. I think it should be a lot of one time maybe. One a game. One time charge. Wait, power plays in baseball?
Starting point is 00:59:27 That'd be kind of sick. Every batter is armored. They're armored with bats that have blades underneath. Yeah, and every baseman is like has like more dexterity weapons. Bowser's there and dry bones. There's trick shots. Wait, and like if Monty Ball catches the ball, he's really fast. It's like the it's like the snitch. It's trick shots. Yeah. Wait. And like if Monte ball catches the ball, he's really fast. It's like the it's like the snitch.
Starting point is 00:59:48 It's done. If Monte Moll catches it, you're over. He's just he spawns randomly. In the actual Mario baseball game, you wanted Monte Moll as your like infielder because any time he gets the ball in his hand, he speeds up. So it's faster to catch the ball and run and tag somebody that it is to throw it to your teammate Baseball too hard. I have fun at the game. I will say not paying attention to the game You grew up with it and don't like it then I respect your take I hate people who don't play it or watch and just say I played the sport you played you don't like it
Starting point is 01:00:19 I got nothing to say to you in that vein. That's fine. Didn't grow up playing cricket. I'll give you I got nothing to say to you. In that vein, that's fine. Didn't grow up playing cricket. I'll give you that. So you played it, you like it. Maybe I need to give cricket some time. I tried basically every sport growing up. I played basketball, soccer, baseball.
Starting point is 01:00:33 One more thing I can't remember, but baseball was the only one where I did it. And I was like, Mom, I don't want to do this anymore. This is fucking boring. That was the one. That was the only one. I tried. I did everything for multiple seasons except for baseball. I just immediately quit. You know, my I feel like maybe my hot take after cheating on baseball so much is I actually love watching golf if it's on.
Starting point is 01:00:52 Really? Yeah. OK, you're going to go big golf tournaments because I think it's just because they can cut between the guys. So you're always watching something happen. Like like spectating a golf tournament live seems like a nightmare. But watching a golf tournament and like watching like I think I just liked seeing a list of players with numbers next to their names and like oh tracking the tournament order and the signs and the sheets.
Starting point is 01:01:16 You just like seeing the numbers. That was like my favorite part of Mario Golf too like I'd get to the end of the tournament and I'd scroll through the pages of players. Look at all the math. And I'd be oh, Pianta was like three over par. Like. I haven't been for you. I feel like the story being like, hmm, what was Koopa having a bad day? That's what, yeah, because Koopa
Starting point is 01:01:36 and Paratroopa was like 500. Yeah, Paratroopa was 500. Is this a fluke or is he on the come up? Yeah, I actually get that. I think. You're data guy. You're a data guy. I'm a data guy. Like, I get it.
Starting point is 01:01:47 Oh yeah, do you know baseball is huge in Cuba? Isn't that weird? Yeah, it's big in all of the Dominican Republic. Central South America. But there's a foot, it's kind of like we beat communism if you think about it. Speak to that. Because Cuba is a classically communist country that we tried over and over to convert right and not have missiles in there and stuff I was tank Cuba stank and then guess what we did we infiltrated the culture
Starting point is 01:02:16 and made the one shit American sport their fucking favorite think about that you know what CIA that but then the same way communism won because we lose to China in weightlifting. And when I found that out, I was like damn. They're not communist. I thought that was our thing. I know it says it, but they're like a white communist. So they are communist. Wait, what is communism?
Starting point is 01:02:37 It's a great question, Mango. Teaching Mango about communism. Do you think if you were in politics, you'd be the go to it? I don't know. I think politics is so anti me. You're so humble. No, man, you're teaching me about communism. Do you think if you were in politics, you'd be the go to it? I don't know. I think politics is so anti-me. You're so humble. I am humble.
Starting point is 01:02:51 You're so humble now. I will say, I've been more cocky than I should be, but because I haven't lost anything in months, and everyone just tells me how great I look all the time. I need to lose Egg Dog. I cannot win again. If you win Egg Dog over Zayn, you're number one right now. Well, I need to lose egg dog. I cannot win again. If you win egg dog over Zane, you're number one right now. Well, can you that be bad for me?
Starting point is 01:03:09 Can you explain why people are losing to Donkey Kong? Because of shit. Yeah, that's it. Get Josh Mann here. I can make fun of him. He's here. That's why you make him sit here while we all bring. No, I don't want to. But I don't want to. Don't worry about player.
Starting point is 01:03:21 Just a quick without getting too nerdy. I think the last two years everybody spent their time playing like learning how to like Scrap and CC stuff so when melee you get hit you can like hold down and you can like take the hit and Everyone's got really good at like getting hit and turning it into a combo So it's like I hit Lud but then he beats my ass like a reversal It doesn't make sense, but it's like everyone got good at that So everyone forgot how to hit people so when you watch people play Donkey Kong They just don't know how to hit him and they're just like I need you to hit me, but Donkey Kong's like I'm not gonna Hit you I'm just gonna grab you and then it's just like and then as miles says he has the AWP and he can just
Starting point is 01:03:57 Is that the same as you with Marth then? What do you mean? Does Marthels just grab? Yeah, yeah, but I can still Nair at Zayn. He can CC like a god and then fuck me. So I think also like a lot of Fox's know the Marth follow ups like like the edgeguard is low charted, like that kind of stuff. But like with DK, the way everyone's playing it, it's almost like ice climbers. Like you can't really give ice climbers too much time to get a read on you because then you get hand off or you get down smash and you're dead.
Starting point is 01:04:24 And Donkey Kong, if everyone's like running, trying to camp. And then when they finally get their hit, they don't know what Donkey Kong does. They don't get a combo or follow up. They don't know where to throw. Everyone's just so flowcharty that they don't know how to flowchart DK. Exactly. That's what I was wondering, because I feel like Donkey Kong isn't a matchup that you're grinding at home.
Starting point is 01:04:42 Like you're not playing as Donkey Kong. Yeah, you're not. Exactly. So that's what playing as Donkey Kong. Yeah, you're not playing, exactly. So that's what I'm wondering is like, compared to all these other people, is there some like general sense of the game that you think is carrying you there that they just like don't have? Remember back when Mango was losing,
Starting point is 01:04:56 just running at people? Yeah. That's when it comes in handy against Donkey Kong. I'm like, I know how to run at people. Your character is not good, good luck. This is why you didn't win for 15 years. It's to be any DK whoever does it. Do you feel like you don't need to know that much about...
Starting point is 01:05:10 Like if I ask you questions about Donkey Kong right now, do you not know the answers? You just run them. That's the mango though. He's like, how do I beat Koda? You just gotta know what he wants to do. The mango is also knowing the answer but not saying it. No, he just can't do anything. So what happens when somebody can't do anything?
Starting point is 01:05:24 He can't do stuff. He can happens when somebody can't do anything? He can't do stuff. He can tie a tie. He can shield grab and hit a corny up, be out of shield. Wow. I like that's corny. That is actually all he can do. Yeah, it's not that complicated.
Starting point is 01:05:35 Like, well, he's going to run at me. And if he turns around, what's he going to do? Like you should never hit by back air. You see it coming. It's so awkward. Especially your fault because he turns him around. Yeah. I did get four stalked by Quang though, so who knows.
Starting point is 01:05:47 Were you watching the Va or see the match at Star League, the one of J.Mook vs. Quang? When you shadow him? Yeah, it's a five and a half minute set between J.Mook and Quang, three games of mailing. And Quang takes a one stock. And it changed my life. I was like, I don't think this guy is good. Not Quang. I do not think Donkey Kong is good.
Starting point is 01:06:11 Yeah. This guy being the A point. They decided that shit years ago. Yeah. That DK is not good. But then it started to change. I hate that I've had to talk about DK for like a month. I am so over talking about DK.
Starting point is 01:06:23 What's the best character, I might know the answer, but what's the best character that you've basically never lost to? Like you haven't lost to Samus since like oh fucking eight. Samus, I had him for Falcon and then I lost to Wizzy online and then Nunn. I remember that. You also threw to Johnny with Marth.
Starting point is 01:06:40 Well I had to. You lost to Nunn online once and then a real set, right? Yeah. Yeah. You said it. So Samus. Some people will. Well, real Astro.
Starting point is 01:06:52 Whatever you want to say. I mean, in person. How many hours do you think you have in LA? You know, so people ask me that and they're like, you have 20, 30,000 hours. I'm like, probably not. Because I think people don't realize that like from 2008 to before Slippy, you had to drive to someone's house. And then it was probably three or four people.
Starting point is 01:07:13 So you did a lot of rotations. You didn't play the whole time. Oh, right. It was more like a social thing where you hung out. And then Melee was like, you didn't grind 10 hours of Melee a day because you couldn't. And I don't want to sit next to Lud and just quietly plan for 10 hours. Like, it's not like... It'd be fun.
Starting point is 01:07:27 After an hour, dude, then we're like, let's have a beer. Like, but online, we're just like, fuck it, let's play five. I'll play Zayn for six hours. But like... And those are six real hours. You're just sitting there. No one's talking. Like, back in the day, it's like we playing and like after an hour,
Starting point is 01:07:39 we play like an hour sweaty and then, you know, we crack open a beer. Now we're like having fun and playing. Yeah. So I think before, that's why I say Melee didn't really exist until we got Slippy. I think everything prior to that is a joke and just shitty. And everyone's gonna think I'm making fun of people, but if you look at the quality of play and then after,
Starting point is 01:07:57 it's different. It's crazy. Even watch Big House 9, that's me and Zayn, that's a heater set, we're so fucking trash. You think there's that big of a difference between Big House 9 and now? I think I think I ideas. I don't think ideas have gotten that much better. I think consistency is like way different now.
Starting point is 01:08:16 Yeah, there is a on the one of the Dreamland games in that set. Josh says this is the greatest Nair ever performed by a human being and it's you Falco Nairing into Zane, him shield grabbing and him missing the show grab. Josh talks, but he can he can tell you like the the micro second that it occurs. He can draw it on a fucking map. He can. And it's really interesting to think about, like, Josh is one of the the Grindr era, like he has a dweeb. Good play. He's a dweeb. He's a dead ass a dweeb.
Starting point is 01:08:42 He'll sit and he'll just practice for 10 hours and he'll play for 10 hours. But he'll still go back to what you consider a bad melee era and be like, that was the greatest thing. Well, I think it's in every era. You can go back to 2010 and there'll be like one little thing of gold. Or it's like, that's fucking good. I'm like, that holds up. My Falco is the same as PewPew's 2009 Falco.
Starting point is 01:09:00 I'm not kidding. And that is a compliment to me because that shit cooks. I'm not he looks so clean Maybe he had like a special controller in 2009 Don't look go fuck it. No, I'm a look Special controller to be able to play like me. Well, maybe now It was watching me play some golden melee last night. Yeah Ness I was watching in play Falco and then he busts out the nest for one game against this guy
Starting point is 01:09:43 He just played with his Falco and he you know, he wins solidly with Falco and then he busts out the nest for one game against this guy. He just played with his Falco and he, you know, he wins solidly with Falco. I think it ends up being like a two stock and he switches to Ness and then beats him worse. And that was like, you did a double dude. You did like a double up there, like a regrab chain grab thing that I didn't know you could do. I was like, oh, it's OK. He's just got like that fucking go, dude.
Starting point is 01:10:04 What do you think about? I was like, oh, it's okay. He's just got it like that. Fucking go, dude. What do you think about, I think it's really interesting that in 2024, that tournament numbers this year, like the number of entrants is going up. Like all the tournaments this year are pretty big and the game has been around for a super, super long time. And the viewership isn't necessarily going up anymore. And I was wondering, it was like, why do you,
Starting point is 01:10:23 why do you think that is? What do you think about that? Well, first things with the viewership, people will be like, wow, Melee's dying. I'm like, bro, we got 30k views on a 25 year old game. Like, I hate when people dwell on it. I'm like, that's a... Even if we had 15k, I'd be like, 15k viewers, bro? Like, that's people, everyone watching it loves Melee. And but we still get like 30, 40 with the reshoot.
Starting point is 01:10:43 Like, we're doing the big stuff. Yeah, I never get when people complain. I'm like, those are good numbers, bro Like our game is fucking all we have no support like that's amazing. So I hate when people complain about that and I think numbers go up ultimately because I Think most games suck and I think if you're a gamer you will gravitate towards melee and it's just like the gamers will always come to game just because the game itself the product itself is amazing it holds a slot that I think one other game has as well which is a game that has remained unchanged for the most part for 20 years the other ones brood war it is crazy
Starting point is 01:11:18 that it hasn't changed at all yeah cuz I went to even League and I it's so different now which was kind of recent different but yeah, like Like League changed the map like Dota expanded their map like 25% like well Valorant changes every fucking month We've been talking about changing maps. I feel like my theory is like on the viewership decrease I imagine it's like the the narrative the surrounding narrative Interest in melee is kind of dying off without like a documentary like or a thing that gives most people an understanding. And so so many people when you used to like from like 2014 to like 2020, you'd ask like, you'd say something about melee like, oh, I know about that.
Starting point is 01:11:57 I've never played in tournaments, but I know those guys. I know I think I know Mango and blah, blah, blah. I think those people are kind of like there's less of them now. I think they'll Mango and blah, blah, blah. I think those people are kind of like, there's less of them now. I think there was a post on the Reddit and I've thought a lot about this is how the people who got in during the dock era and their level of involvement is like, you had this five gods narrative,
Starting point is 01:12:15 but then because so many people were watching, get into it at the same time, it was new, it was interesting. And they also became interested in the cast of characters, the players below that tier, like the Dewans and the S2Js and the West Balls that had these explosions of followers. Feels like you're in on a bunch of secrets. And it's funny because I think the game itself, the skill level is higher than ever, the competition is better than ever, but there isn't that new wave of people coming in that are like hungry
Starting point is 01:12:47 for like little tidbits of new information and players to latch onto. So like respectfully, someone like Salt right now is like better than Dewan has ever been. Right. But Dewan is a very recognized figure within the spectrum of melee. Well the problem with that is because we lost Summit. I think that's part of it. That was our showcasing of people. There is an event that showcases people and showcases personality and there's something
Starting point is 01:13:14 absent there. But even the last couple Summits, the viewership of those, excluding Eleven, which was like this return post-COVID. That's right. That's right. And you know, whoever won that, whoever provided the end of that tournament. But that event aside, I think there's this general, I think it's really, really hard to keep bringing new people into something like this that are freshening.
Starting point is 01:13:40 That's the turn of viewership for this thing. I think that's not a problem. I think if we even a hundred viewers every day and then in the end we were just down with 800 diehards I love that I think we'll settle down to something the thing that I actually compare it to in my head that I think is Rather than like other competitive games is Super Mario 64 which is like found its Found its nice niche within gaming where it's like very well respected, the speed running community has actually grown, the number of runners and the people who run the game
Starting point is 01:14:11 aren't people who played it as kids or grew up with it. They like find this cool niche thing and just decide to get into it. And I think Melee is settling into like that bubble rather than like turning into this mainstream e-sport. It's like there will actually be kids five years from now that find melee through like a niche YouTube video, get into it and get really good at it. And I think I'm actually really happy with that.
Starting point is 01:14:34 Looks like the fucking go to SM64 right now. Green Suiji. Green Suiji. Have you seen the 16th Star? Yeah, it's crazy. It is. It's the most it's like beautiful. It's like art. But he's younger than the game. I know. By a long shot. By a long shot. Yeah. He's like 16 now or something. I was going to I was kind of like art. But he's younger than the game. I know. By a long shot. By a long shot. He's like 16 now or something.
Starting point is 01:14:46 I was kinda like, the end of my point was like, the coverage of Melee is very similar to like that of like a speed running community. Like the way we like, the type of media surrounding the game, the type of YouTube videos that get posted, they're all like in-depth analysis on small mechanics that people find interesting. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:03 Now, I brought us the Moki challenge. Dude, Moki's popping off lately. Yeah. My God, is he going to get it done? Dude, Axe died at 98 last night. Axe did die at 98. No way. And Moki was in my channel because... Losing to Logos.
Starting point is 01:15:14 Yeah, lost to Logos. No! That's a tough one. Yeah. That's a tough one. Wait, that makes sense because he played OKP a bunch. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:21 That makes sense. Oh, that's brutal. How long is Moki going to take? Well, ending every day. So, that's brutal. How long is Mogu gonna take? Well ending every day First off for anyone watching basically every day he goes live at 5 p.m Eastern he tries to win 100 games of slippy in a row and 100 melee games in a row. Unranked So it's just anyone you can Q snipe him if you want. And he has Q snipe by like Hungry Bucks He has Q snipe by like Moff. All the good players Q snipe him. Dude, I will say here's my big
Starting point is 01:15:43 Asterisk on this fucking challenge. It is clearly so much harder to do it on the East Coast. Oh no, it's a joke on the West Coast. It's like, West Coast, if somebody on the West Coast does it first, it has a huge asterisk on it. He also doesn't add a tough time slot. Yeah, like he doesn't have time. He's doing it, he's doing it.
Starting point is 01:15:59 He's an H-box. The time dice. We were watching it live in the office yesterday and we were crowded around the TV, which was Josh's monitor, and it's me, Panda, S-Fop, Christian, and Josh, and we're watching Moki, he's barely clutching games, stomps on people, and he cues into Moff, he's at 45,
Starting point is 01:16:18 it's Moff, FD, Ice Climbers, and we're like, this might be where it ends. And it didn't. No way. But he has, dude, he's the most viewed in the category. Like he's has like 12, 1300 viewers. Holy shit. I love that.
Starting point is 01:16:29 Dude, I think his record's 50. So he's an athlete. No, yeah, he had one day, he had 70, 73 on like day like five. Really? Day five or four. Yeah. Do you think that the bump in competitors is just all the people who found the game through Slippy
Starting point is 01:16:43 are like confident enough to try their skill out now? I think it's a mix. I think that this is anecdotal evidence but I think there's like three main things. It's those people, the people who got into it during Slippi who finally want to try it out and like want to find an in-person community. I think it's the huge portion of people who, there are people who got into this game during college, which was like the era that we came up with where collegiate melee was like the force for every region. Like tournaments were at colleges all the time. Clubs were the basis of things.
Starting point is 01:17:17 Melee games like got a ton of people into it. Yeah, I did melee games. Those people have left the game or stopped playing. A lot of people were like, maybe you went one into it, your college tournaments and you just like fell out of it. Yeah, I did melee games. Those people have left the game or stopped playing. A lot of people were like, maybe you went one into it, your college tournaments and you just like fell out of it. Now you're an adult with a job and like life and you don't have college social life anymore. You're not as young. And you're like, oh, what was that thing I was into in college?
Starting point is 01:17:37 I can go back and like get involved in this in-person event. That's a lot of there's a lot of like people in their late 20s, early 30s that I see at tournaments now. They're like those people. I see people that I was like 15. This motherfucker's still here, he's like, yeah, I should come back in. And they come back in.
Starting point is 01:17:52 Cause I think too, I think when you're getting into that section of your adult life, right, there aren't a lot of community and spaces to just meet friends in. It's like, oh, I can go back and do that thing. It makes me feel good seeing those people. Dude, I've been's like, oh, I can go back and do that thing. It makes me feel good seeing those people. Dude, I've been like, a lot of like my friends
Starting point is 01:18:09 who like never had melee, they'll talk about like problems when you like get into like your late twenties and stuff of like community and stuff, I've realized like looking back, I'm like, I've never had any of these issues because I've just always had mails. I've always had like this enormous like group of like, not friends, but like people that I could activate as friends at any point.
Starting point is 01:18:26 If I go to a different state, I have like 30 people I could go hang out with. You have friend sleeper cells everywhere. Because of all of the people you've met through this game. Dude, even without Melee, he would have been a crypto guy. And that would have been his network. I would have gone to a baseball with your crypto friends. Fuck, dude, that would have been your network. My. We spawn with your crypto friends. Dude, that was in your network. My 19 year old diesel derrick crypto
Starting point is 01:18:48 You without gaming is just this like warped like hideous monster of yourself. The last thing to self indulge a bit is I think there are yard kids that are going out to tournaments anecdotally. Oh I've met so fucking many of them. Personally I would like
Starting point is 01:19:04 I have a bias. They come up to me and say something but through other people hearing it through other people how many people have come to tournaments because of the yard feels really good. There's gonna be a yard era and then the new Zayn is a yard kid. Anyone who finds a melee through the yard beats Zayn, you are sponsored by us. Yeah, you are. You will become a sponsored player on our show. If your Zayn number is 1, welcome to become sponsored. We'll also accept Mango.
Starting point is 01:19:34 If you beat Mango, no no, if you beat Mango, mmm. You'll never get sponsored. You'll be ex-Commu-tacado. You'll be ex-Commu-tacado. If you beat Mango and you play as Spacey, it counts. But any other character I don't give a shit about. There's this kid, oh sorry. I was gonna say at the Valorant event we did.
Starting point is 01:19:49 Oh yeah yeah. I saw a few signs and it was just like Ludwig, the greatest puff of all time. And I was just like, and I'm just really in, I was just like, clenched fist. So many people who watch me got no clue. They think I'm one of the best at it. I was so offended. God bless, God bless. And back in my day I was.
Starting point is 01:20:04 Back in my... No, one of those drama YouTubers made a video about me. It was like two years ago. Just like telling me I'm like a soy cuck and shit. And but and I'm like, all right, whatever. But one of the things I was I took extreme issue with was that they said that I am associated with Ludwig, who was a top 100 puff. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:23 And I was like, I was like, hold the fucking phone. Say what you will about my character. Associated with Ludwig who was a top 100 puff yeah Say what you will about my character Would I be who'd he be I'm a challenge Mario I'd be miles Dom B Dude Can't do your set with miles you be miles in tournament. Yes, dude You wanna know how it ended? I think I maybe have already told you this, but it was the hypest ending of a set I've seen in a long time.
Starting point is 01:20:50 You haven't beaten me in tournament. It was bigger, Valk. It was the weekend I met Ludwig. And it's game three, last stock. Ludwig is at 85%, Miles is at like 5%. It's over for P for puff Pokemon Stadium. He gets grabbed, but he gets grabbed up thrown. Miles goes up, hits the up air.
Starting point is 01:21:13 Ludwig just spams rest hits the rest. Yeah. No, and then he dies. He tried because he dies a first hit of up air and then just gets exploded off the screen. Wasn't ready for the DI. Yeah. Beast mode. Did you pop off? No, I was sure this you went
Starting point is 01:21:30 Don't hold face fist bump and miles does this he looks back at me he goes I'm like turning away in slow motion. That's probably one of the saddest I ever see miles to Couldn't approach him like he saw your ball sack 24 hours earlier. Yeah, 100%. And that night. To be clear. And but. There was a bookend to that. You don't know about the after your homie loses you just...
Starting point is 01:21:54 You get away. No eye contact, you disperse. Your homie, you kind of like, let's say Slime just lost and he's walking, I'll be like... And like there's a moment where you'll make eye contact and then... You have to judge. You base and then because sometimes He was want to fucking vent after I lose. Yeah, look I'm like Yeah, and then you'll either come and be like dude what the and then you just let it all out And if you keep walking, I keep walking. I wanted a fucking RKO Yan at Genesis
Starting point is 01:22:18 I was so mad dude because I was playing Scott who I play every year and he's beating me every fucking Genesis and it was really close. This is like 20 people behind me. We were gathered around this year. This gather around event, and everyone's being very respectful, because at the end of the day, everyone's friends with me, and everyone's friends with Scott, right? It's just like, whatever, and they know I'm a bitch, and so I get mad about stuff. But Yan is the only person I Scott would do like some thing in the game and you know be like Mad he's feeling so I lose the game everyone like you said they just spurt they scatter
Starting point is 01:23:03 I lose the game everyone like you said they just spurred they scatter like But you love to shit on your neighbors Did you know in the birds like would the birds leave in a natural disaster movie I'm like most of the way through the last stock, and I'm already walking away from the setup Everyone who's competed knows like when you're watching your homie player just even Because I think if you compete you know when someone's like playing like shit or like they get hit by some corny thing like you know Yeah, but like last stocks have and you're like, please win the second they die. Just yeah again the fuck out of there It sucks to see your homie like that. Well, it's both of us right? So it's like it's kind of interesting It's like you you go up to squat Scott you quietly say nice man, and you go up to me
Starting point is 01:23:47 You go out as close. What a tragedy. What a tragedy this is. Yeah, but I go up to Yan and he's the only person. Everyone's kind of gathered around in a circle now There's been some time and I just go up to Yan and I go right into his ear and I go UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I wouldn't have liked that. I wouldn't have liked that. That's how I let it out. Pissing me off. Oh God he did not like that Are you a rival super leaver you don't want to hear my take on rivals to the odd here you take I think it's shit He's all around shit. No, I think it's like 80% good But the difference the last 20 is what matters what's the 20 20? The 20, so without getting too nerdy, like I think Rivals is fucking great.
Starting point is 01:24:27 I want it to do well. You've played a lot of platform fighters too, you're a bit of a con-saur. I've played all, I've like beta tested ones, like I can kind of tell what's good and what's bad and the problem with Rivals is the shield. The shield is so poorly fucking done. So all that happens, without getting too nerdy, because I've done this rant like 20 times, is like, if I run, the thing is, the game, I didn't think this would ever be a problem, it's too responsive.
Starting point is 01:24:49 So I get to say, everyone gets to be zan- Damn, my bitch fucks too good. Everyone gets to be zaned without the talent. So wait, wait, wait, explain that. Because like, if I run at you, since the game is so responsive, even if you have shit reactions, you can just left stick. Because just- and the second I'm in the air, since there's no show pokes, no nothing. All you have to do is shield and I'm losing.
Starting point is 01:25:10 So you think the shield is too strong? I don't get having shield and Perry. I think if you got rid of shield in this build, I think it'd be a sick game. Because that's Rivals one. Yeah, it doesn't have shield. But it's like I don't understand having shield and parry. And the fact that it's so responsive. I like that change, actually.
Starting point is 01:25:28 It'd be really hard to get used to as a melee player, but I think only parry and no shield would be really good. I think they should go more to their roots. They're doing the shield to cater. But it's like, you guys are the no shield game. That's your thing. And you guys parry. I like that that was their identity.
Starting point is 01:25:42 So I think the problem is when I play people, like I always say, I'm going to play Rivals until someone makes me mad. And I play someone who tries hard and it's just dash chance, dash chance. I jump at them, they shield and then there's no hit stun. So if I hear a shield and I'm not spaced, you get a free punish. Instantly, it's not very hard. And it's just a rock paper. No scissors.
Starting point is 01:26:01 And I think that gets boring very fast. That's why I play and I play a try hard. I'm like, I don't want to play this game. I never want to play this game. So you get mad at the interaction with just people sitting and shielding. Cause it doesn't allow you to go. Cause there's no reason to approach. Cause why would I aerial is grab?
Starting point is 01:26:16 Not a mix up. You want to be promoted to grab. So in the end, when me and Zayn played a sweaty for 10 subs, all we do is dash ants and I just dash and then I grabbed. Isn't the game built off of grab not leading to too many crazy true combos? Like isn't like, is no chain grabbing and... But the thing is none of your straight hits really lead to anything, so it's like grabs get you like 2-3 pieces.
Starting point is 01:26:37 And even I watched Grand Finals of SmashCon, I was like maybe I'm just playing the game wrong before I super judge. I watched Grand Finals like this shit sucks. This guy's just floating, run up grab, run up grab, run up grab, dash answer grab. Cause there's no point in aeriling because shielding is so strong. So because shielding is so strong, what do you do to beat it? You have to spam grab. Cause the only thing that beats the best option is one thing. Normally you'd fuck up the shield, hit it, break it, but it just doesn't break. You can't poke it. Last time I played my shield broke.
Starting point is 01:27:06 That's embarrassing. That's embarrassing. I think it's interesting because the shield in the game captures people like me, who I like Rivals a lot because it has this melee, this like very central melee mechanic, which is a big round thing on your body. It's intentional. When you press the R button.
Starting point is 01:27:22 And I like that because I remember playing Rivals 1, I didn't like it because like, it's weird. So it's interesting. It's like weird for me to not have there's a car like it Yeah, I actually don't care about shield for fighting, but I love shield for movement I think you just thought I think the ability to instantly stop and turn around with a school like yeah So really your beef is that if shield was weaker? I think it's too strong strong So my two fixes are I think if you got rid of shield With the current build
Starting point is 01:27:48 It would make it so I can actually aerial I'm anti get rid of shield though It'd be sick cause then you'd actually have the space And aerials would mean something It'd be fucking cause you're moving so fast And if you might slightly miss build And I could just fucking fairy you Yeah and you have to commit to parry
Starting point is 01:28:01 You would have to commit to parry which is cool Like run off way dash down so they parry And then parry You have to time, it's like a power shield to commit to parry, which is cool. Like run off, dash down so they parry and then parry. You have to, it's like a power shield. It's like, yeah. You time it right when they hit you, you... That might be why I like it, because I just love power shield. You do power shield like an animal.
Starting point is 01:28:13 I think like, my gripe with it is like, it'll get boring really fast. And I think, or you make it, I don't know, another idea is like, you can only block three times a stock, and then once you're out of shield, you're out of shield. A resource management. A resource. So it's like, I can run up shield and if you hit it, that's like one. Or just cracks. It's like a harder shell. Yeah, you only get one shield of stock because I think it's just it's too powerful or you make it so it breaks faster. But right now, the current version is not good because there's no reason for me to area.
Starting point is 01:28:39 Maybe put Falco in the game, maybe Mario 2. Maybe we get Falco in the game. Maybe we get Master Hand. No. Goat, you ever play Tekken? I wanted to but I was busy and I missed the Tekken era. You didn't. There's still going.
Starting point is 01:28:50 I feel you on that. I feel you on that. I get it. I feel like as a streamer there's that initial bump and that's the nut. No, you're the weirdest streamer of all time bro. Why? Because you stream by hours in as opposed to any other metric like average viewership or subs gain.
Starting point is 01:29:03 Like it's like an hours thing for you. Well, cause I'm just so lazy and it's just so nice to play Melee for five hours, get my guaranteed numbers and then play whatever game I want. Yeah, that's weird. It's fun. The thing is I have to practice. That is my practice.
Starting point is 01:29:16 I'm an old school streaming style. Like my streaming style is now older school cause I stream for YouTube videos. The new school is just streaming for clips. You're like ancient. I'm old school. You are, is just streaming for clips. You're like ancient. I'm old school. You're actual old school. You're straight up doing the thing you were doing
Starting point is 01:29:29 when you started. Yeah. Yes. Minus All-Star runs. Yes. I love how this game has a shift in that. What's the benefit of streaming for clips versus what you're doing?
Starting point is 01:29:39 More people find you out because more people will watch clips than watch streams. Or video clips only 10 seconds. Do you think that it has a negative effect on like how much control you have over your own fan base? Like do you think that like the way you're doing it leads to like a more stable like sort of base where you can like post content. You can post content to YouTube now. You can go from clip guy to YouTube guy.
Starting point is 01:29:59 You're just looking for a penetration pause. From the clips you get penetrative audience that comes and checks you out and they stay. From videos you also get that but it's more of like a drip feed instead of like a clip is like this explosive thing. Because if you're constantly farming for clips it's like I think that can be negative. I see that a lot. You know you become like the clip guy. Yeah you don't want to be a clip farmer who coughs like an iPad kid. And that's weird. Do you know what that is?
Starting point is 01:30:24 What? Cough like an iPad kid? Shit bro. I don't know, remember I just played my 20 year old game every day to all the 30 year olds in my chat and we have a lovely time and we do not. You didn't check out Kai, Senat, and I show speed Minecraft? No. Okay, well that's gas. You're missing out. You are missing out. Dude, the end it was like. I see the clips and I move on. Honestly, if you watch it, yeah, it's fine. I see a clip or two, I'm like, this is funny, and then I go on my way. Just put the fries in the bag. That was, that's good content.
Starting point is 01:30:53 What is the, okay, I have a question for you. What, put the fries in the bag? Put the fries in the bag. I never heard of it. It's saying that eventually you will be working at McDonald's. Who, me? It's a mean thing to say. That's what Ludwig said to you. Put the fries in the bag. I got a question for you. Wow.'s a mean thing to say. That's what Ludwig said to you. The fries in the bag. I got a question for you. Wow. After that mean thing I said. Oh no.
Starting point is 01:31:11 Give me Goat's single player game. What do you mean? For greatest single player game of all time. Like my favorite or what I think the good one is? Maybe both. If they're different. I'm a Crash Bandicoot guy. Nah, that's crazy.
Starting point is 01:31:21 I love that. That's shit. That is crazy. I respect that. That's your favorite. That's my growth. That's your favorite. That's all a device. Now give me the Goat. That's crazy. I respect that, it's your favorite. That's your favorite. That's why he needed two answers. I didn't realize he'd be so out there.
Starting point is 01:31:32 I'm asking because Nick just discovered video games can be single player. Yeah, this is a new thing. I don't like single player games. I'm all competitive. He switched and he's now a single player in gaming. I'm playing a lot of single player games right now, yeah. And he's like, he's like, yeah, I have to try out this game called Dark Souls.
Starting point is 01:31:48 Yeah, he asked me before the pod, should I try Dark Souls one? And I'm like, yes. No, I said, should I play it next? Should I play this Mario 64 game? Yeah. And I want to know what your goat game is. One player?
Starting point is 01:32:02 Dark Souls, I mean, Dark Souls is, I mean, I've only ever played like five one player games and like in my life you've played so many more than that but I don't finish them cuz they suck I've only completed like four one player games. Dark Souls started out during didn't finish it but I liked it I like you would like I want to be the guy and Boshi. Those are for us. Why does everyone say I would like Boshi? Because it's you just playing against yourself.
Starting point is 01:32:27 Yeah, you're a grinder and you like, it's just this insane fucked up challenge. It's like the competitive one player game. You said I want to be the guy. I want to be the guy or I want to be the Boshi. You never seen it? Uh, no, I haven't seen any of these yet. It's just a little impossible thing. It's trial and error.
Starting point is 01:32:40 It's so hard. So you'll walk two steps and a spike will fly at you and you're like, okay, now I know that. And then you walk four more steps and now the floor falls. So you have to like... Mango Josh and Zane, who are all racing to beat it, right? Yeah, it was them and Moki. Josh's clip where he talks about beating the... Because his stream died, but he recorded him beating the final boss.
Starting point is 01:32:58 And he's just commentating his like thought process. He's like, this spot I didn't even get here yet. This is all hot. All hot. He's like, just jump.'t even get here yet. This is all hot He's like just jump It's like it's it's the kind of game Josh would obsess over I played a lot of games like that growing up I put a lot of flash games growing up Yeah, it's like a lot of them a lot of them like like that Not really the same but like alien hominid like a little bit is like
Starting point is 01:33:20 You know, I think it's impossible to get no hit in alien hominid in your first like a couple attempts It's like there's a shit that like you just don't know you're gonna get hit by it. Yeah, what is your current list? My wish list. Yeah, I want to add one Yeah The game's amazing beds fire. All right, my current list Hades is good binding of Isaac The witness hotline Miami our wild pony 2, which hasn't come out yet, DS1, and whatever the two you just said were. Have you beat Mario 64? Doom.
Starting point is 01:33:55 I beat that game a bunch. I have like 900, like every time you title it, you play games. Oh sorry, in Doom 2016. It's not on the wishlist because I already purchased it. I'm ready to play that one. Yeah. But yeah, all the old Nintendo titles, I've like played most of them. I will say though, Inscription literally, it made me feel more joy than like Ocarina of Time by like 10 times.
Starting point is 01:34:19 I think that is probably the best. For me, that is like the greatest. I know I talk about it a lot right now. I think that is the the fuck about it for me Who's only seen boss, baby What game is it description is like this like card game that takes a twist as you play it and there's acts and shit. Okay, spoiler alert. That's all I know. But that's literally all I've heard about it and it's supposed to be great. You haven't played it either?
Starting point is 01:34:55 I haven't played it. But the way he talks about it is the way people talk about it, I guess in my mind. I talk about Dark Souls. Atriot was at basketball and we were talking about inscription and he was like, dude, you got to watch my run. I'm like, oh, you played it. He's like, yeah, you do. I have like the greatest run on YouTube. I go watch it. He doesn't even complete the game. It's some dog shit.
Starting point is 01:35:14 He has his run is a failed run and the video ends. Why would you be happy about it? And I said, I messaged him and I said, dude, you didn't even complete the run. And he's like, yeah, but that one fight. Like what? Imagine playing Slay the Spire, just dying before you beat the boss and then posting it to YouTube. Yeah. Do that last fight. It wasn't even like this.
Starting point is 01:35:34 All right. Right. We're at time before we end. Go game. This guy, this guy plays less single player games than I do. The first I'm pretty I'm pretty sure the first first half of Breath of the Wild is my favorite game. When you fight my favorite Korok in Breath of the Wild. Yeah, well it makes you feel good. Slime? Goat game ever? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:56 Ummm... Hmm... Dude, real shit, it's Sekiro. Really? Yeah. I gotta play that. glad I started that game. It's just, it's everything, it's like distills down all the Dark Souls stuff into like a very streamlined way that my brain just really likes.
Starting point is 01:36:12 My actual favorite game of all time is Super Mario Galaxy. The first one. That's real. I love that game. What about Odyssey? Uh, not all of it, no. I've quit Odyssey. Really?
Starting point is 01:36:22 Maybe I'm too old. That game's gas. You know what ruined me loving? You know what did it call of duty four because before that game I didn't play any competitive games I only played single-player games and melee Tune into PSL this Wednesday. It'll be the patreon exclusive PSL live stream featuring Jewish Rayquaza and friends He messaged me his name is jack Uh, he messaged me and he's like i'm gonna start streaming and I'm gonna use that tag. He's like, now is the time.
Starting point is 01:36:47 It is the time. The iron is hot. Goat single player game? In description. It is inscription. Goat single player game. Elben Ring. Elben Ring?
Starting point is 01:36:56 You mean that? Elben Ring, yeah. Yeah, just block, smoke, open. And Crash Bandicoot. I was Marv since the 4, but I was just Elben Ring. I love Crash Bandicoot, bro. I'm gonna try DS1. If I like it a lot, I'll play all of them.
Starting point is 01:37:04 Yo, yo'll like it. I don't know, we'll see. I'm gonna try DS1, if I like it a lot, I'll play all of them. You'll like it. I don't know, we'll see. That kind of game has never been my kind of game. We'll see. Alright, that is all from us here at the Yard forever, and this is the last one. Manga, thank you for coming on the last episode of the Yard. Will you go on PSL sometime? Dude.
Starting point is 01:37:20 We'll tell you off podcast, you will love PSL. It's called Penis Star League. It's true. Is that the Dungeons and Dragons? No.

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