The Yard - Ep. 165 - Becoming a League of Legends Pro

Episode Date: September 11, 2024

This week, the boys talk about Aiden crashing out live on Slimes livestream, Aiden urgently trying to get Ludwigs attention, and how Ludwig wants to become the best League of Legends player in the wor...ld...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We look we're starting this off in slime looked like a fool in front of everybody because he's playing Tekken. It'll be the intro for this week. The aftermath. Yeah, video of it. So the explanation is he's playing Tekken it'll be in show for this week the aftermath. Yeah So the explanation is he's playing Tekken he played this guy. He said he was he had the game for three days Yeah, he's right. Oh, he said he said if I lose this it's gonna be a nightmare pod And if I win, I'm gonna be elected out of your sad wish moment. Yeah in game four He should have won too. Oh, but he goes what he did. He did a hands off the wheel hands off the wheel. I Read him. It's a whiff punish. It misses. Oh, yeah, it was bad loses that game then game five He's crushing and he goes he goes no look low. Yeah
Starting point is 00:00:55 low and he looks down to with Nina Somehow it doesn't hit I don't know happens. I wasn't got blocked. We blocked. Yeah, that's crazy Yeah, he specifically blocked it and then fucking killed you and now the pods gonna be horrible So anyway welcome back. I'm air tech and he played gin cuz I'm also Is it like that at low level doesn't it low level don't matter Not quite it look I thought I know you're not low level just I'm not saying that by the way his Nina's low level What the fuck no my need is good That's the problem damn
Starting point is 00:01:28 Is that I just threw and then I was like and then he pulled out some ancient like shit that you just take it Everyone has like a hundred forty moves, and he like went to move like eighty seven Yeah, that like no one uses even the shinobi scrolls I've never seen the cunt do fucking this and this in a punch line I've just never seen it. It's always an ancient scrolls. Oh, yeah, it's the ancient scrolls at Genesis when you try to hit two falcon punch Edge guards, and you know, we're gonna talk about Genesis To me it's remarkably similar I should have been Casper Genesis, but he pulled out ancient scrolls
Starting point is 00:02:04 Yeah, and so I lost Casper. I'll pull out the ancient scrolls on you. I'm getting made fun of by you about Genesis. Yeah, that's good. I mean, ancient scrolls. I think I think I didn't goos. Well, Goose actually said he kind of activated an ancient scroll. Now that I think about it, that's real.
Starting point is 00:02:21 He said you woke up 16 year old sleeper agent goos. That's his description of it. But this guy doesn't know you don't look load. He's just playing in his room. That's true That's pretty true. That's pretty true dude a dude to this day you guys know shifter. Yeah Yeah, Danny you guys are on first day shifter if they're deep yeah You also are wearing like a matrix outfit. Yeah, he's like when the characters so cool all the costumes are like pretty fine It's it's like I'll play I'll play neutral Falco. Yeah I'm wearing a yukata that I got from it some like anime loot box you could tough It says Dante's is alive says date alive
Starting point is 00:03:02 That's a day alive. You know shifter right I? I played against him at that offline TV like Tekken thing they invited me to. It was like, you know, it's like eight people and I threw against him. I think I showed you guys. I was like about to win. Same shit. I like start dancing around in the game. Oh, I remember this. Yeah, he comes back.
Starting point is 00:03:20 Dude, I saw him at EVO. He's still mad about that. Wait, why is he mad? Because I tried to disrespect him. He still won. But he he was like drunk. He's like, I can't believe you fucking keep you a piece of shit for that. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:03:34 It was kind of a piece of shit thing to do, right? Barely talk. No, I mean, it's like, oh, my God. If it happened to you, you'd be so mad. Is it not is it not like you guys? Is it not like me with Falcon? They're recovering and then you taunt and then you try to edgeguard and then you get reverse edge guarded? Yes.
Starting point is 00:03:49 Which is like a huge, a whole thing to do though. When it's like fucking eight content creators, and even at a tournament, like you're trying to put all your nuts on the table and you lose, like I lost and I'm like- You did this off stream five minutes ago. Uh yeah, but that's, okay. Listen, I am trying to place this in context that makes sense. If he did it to me, and I won, I wouldn't be mad at him four months later. I'd be like, yeah, that was crazy. I definitely came back.
Starting point is 00:04:16 You'd be results-oriented. Uh, no. Even if I lost, I'd be like, damn, he fucking swagged on me. That's how it works. When it's all in a stage, the rules are kind of different. Me me doing that to that guy that was on a stage in front of you guys I'm with you cuz I'm a major Hungrybox fan. So I'm glad you have joined the legions. I've always been the legions No, you haven't what the fuck? I go in your chat. I tell you what it's gonna happen Juan de Bied. It's crazy. Do you almost called it? I did almost call it. God damn. He's so close to beating Cody's
Starting point is 00:04:46 He doesn't get there. He doesn't get there. I'm to be a doesn't get there He doesn't get that but I would look like a god. I was in some chat before the game starts I go three two hunt one and it's looking like I'm a god until he chose He'll marry to if you're wrong everyone's kind of like well, but he's been right a lot I was one for one because I'd guess it right the previous What are you guys's thoughts on one conda forever? That's what you Bro because the thing is you should hold up like the shocker. He's got so much He's got so much credit on our slash black people Twitter, so it's like yeah
Starting point is 00:05:19 Yeah, he definitely popped off on there in a positive way. Yeah, so he gets for sure on Matic. On Honda. Yeah, you know, it's a he he tried his hardest. He got fourth. How we move. How are you getting diced up by Yangling in the marketplace of ideas? I'm not getting diced up by you. Oh, my God. So it's fucking slime day and everyone's celebrating. So slime, slime.
Starting point is 00:05:40 I didn't do anything wrong. Gets mad at Yangling. Purple is your color, by the way. That's not what he said. No. Wait, it is Dunk on Slime gets mad at yingling. Purple is your color, by the way. That's not what he said. No, wait, it is Dunk on Slime Day. What did you say? What did you say? So I was doing this thing today where he the behaviors that have happened to him. He's doing it.
Starting point is 00:05:56 He's doing to everyone else. Oh, please. Tell him what you said when I walked in. What when I was for frame one, I said- I said blood looks like grimace. Because every time Slime walks in, he looks at me, analyze, analyze, say thing. You're not bald! You got it all! Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:06:16 I'm punching up! He's a protected class. His thing against me right now is he walks in and he says, ha, blood's doing work! Ha ha, blood's working! I hate to do that. That's- that's what he's been doing to me. You he says ha bloods doing work. Haha bloods working to do that That's that's what he's been doing. You know what blood is doing is he really is working and blood has a blood has a spreadsheet open Tell us about your gripe with Nick Yangling what why were you originally mad at him? I because dude I would love to every time I fucking post an Instagram story mostly in the morning
Starting point is 00:06:47 I will go on a walk yeah to get coffee and there's squirrels everywhere in my neighborhood, and I take a picture of the squirrels Can I help you is this thing on? The only man who's doing that what the fuck You're the only man who's doing that and also getting mad in a purple t-shirt at the guy who's played Tekken for three days beating you You're the only guy who's doing the bongie things That guy's fucking locked in You don't want to walk around like, alright, alright Dude, he kinda is like, ass come on
Starting point is 00:07:23 They're cute That's one's job. I like you. He was dragging around four tough nuts. That's the kind of shit I'm putting up for my fucking, for my friends and my followers, which are distinct. Don't phrase it like that, like you're putting up fucking edible penises and balls and shit. I'm putting up hot fucking content. I'm putting up hot balls from Eddie's girls. Hot tent. I'm putting up hot tent for the fans.
Starting point is 00:08:01 Hot squirrel tent. And I fucking, you know, you can check who like looked at it and like it says like who hearts it yeah and who like just looks at it yeah right and Nick Yingling every single time I've ever put what is so funny why are you freaking why are you cracking up you're explaining what is like the start of beef in 10th grade like I posted a story why did you heart it yeah so it's crazy you're almost 40. So Nick Yingling didn't heart your story. I look it's not only that he didn't heart my story this particular one dude what is so funny? I'm not even laughing at the mic. This This is crazy It's that he's never hearted the story It's that he's never ever hearted a story
Starting point is 00:08:47 Not one time What the fuck I know Cause you dropped heaters on that I drop heaters all the time That's crazy Also Is he looking at the heaters?
Starting point is 00:08:55 It says that he sees it Wow Does not heart it I don't want you to say a fucking single word right now Because you have never hearted my shit either I got a question Why are you as a man looking at who looks at your Instagram story because I like attention So so yesterday I'm playing call dude Nick Yingling and he messaged me right after our session posted an Instagram story
Starting point is 00:09:15 Let's see if slime likes it. I feel like I just set up a mousetrap except. He's the mouse now And he adds in our game of cat and mouse Fine does not like Nick Yingling's photo. I didn't even... Shut up. This is no unfair. Don't throw stone in glass. This is how like, dude, this is how like when it's like to get smeared.
Starting point is 00:09:40 Like when it like when you get like smeared. Do you feel like Jordan Peterson right now? I feel like Jordan Peterson right now? I feel like Jordan Peterson right now and I'm wearing a fucking half-colored suit. And Nick Yelling's the woke moralist? Yes, he's the woke moralist. And I penned an irritated tweet and I said, no, he was like
Starting point is 00:09:56 the, what was I doing yesterday? Anyone? Anyone? You were commentating Super Smash Bros for 6 hours. Oh, I was busy all day! Commentating Super Smash Bros on my fucking stream. Then what happened? I fell asleep because I was tired. All that matters here.
Starting point is 00:10:12 Then what happened? Did you watch the story? I didn't open the fucking app! Wait, you didn't watch the story? I didn't, it didn't, no I didn't see it. Ying Ling has to confirm that because if he didn't look at the story he couldn't have blackmailed the situation. I obviously didn't it didn't know I didn't see it. Ying Ling has to confirm that because if you look at the story, you can't like it.
Starting point is 00:10:27 But then that's almost like a step below on the friendship. Total pull no. You're looking at your homie. So a good friend is always checking Instagram to look at their story. The story and nobody looks at it. Like am I really sorry at all? What am I doing? I was busy all day because sometimes you can't.
Starting point is 00:10:43 Oh, sorry. The story is that I'm not 11. I'm drowning. He fell asleep. If he fell asleep after the stream was over, let's say around 4 p.m. I was busy all day because sometimes and watching YouTube videos to check Instagram. To check Instagram. Did you have a cool YouTube video that you wanted to share that I should watch? Uh, I did. The last time I did that you didn't reply, so kill yourself. What was the video? It was the one about fucking... I sent you like a four hour audiobook lecture about the beginning of currency in the United States.
Starting point is 00:11:24 You said this video is actually good. It's literally a four hour audio book about how like currency started and I said banger react content. And I thought no. You thought that, you didn't say anything. Four hours. You could stretch that into a 12 hour react stream. So I don't want to hear some shit about who's going to share with me. You know what's on my recommended?
Starting point is 00:11:45 It's laxative any percent and they play a speed run and they take a fuck ton of laxatives. That's terrible. He drank like a liter of milk. Oh, he has to beat the game before shitting himself. Oh, that's pretty. I like that. He doesn't shit himself in his pants. He goes to the bathroom to shit.
Starting point is 00:12:01 That's no hustle, to be honest. It is. There's like that's like an extra 30 seconds It is weaker. He could have just shams percent as a lower category Yeah, but anyway I fucking so after after I'd realized see that Nick Gingley not heart my story So I messaged him. Yeah, and I said are we fucking good? Are we fucking good? Are we fucking good man?
Starting point is 00:12:22 Like can we like talk about some shit? And I said, you never heart my shit. This is why everyone says you have an attitude. Alright, so you blame him. This is high school. He says, three minutes later, dude, get a job. Dude, he talked about it all day. Like we'd be playing COD and we'd like lose a round and he'd be like, I'm just still fucking mad about the slime thing. What? Why? Why is he free? I was just saying I'm hurt.
Starting point is 00:12:50 Also everyone says you have an attitude and it was just true. I took slime side. I was like I started a document in the office I confronted Nick Anglin and I was like why do you have a fucking attitude man and I'm poking him and I'm recording him and then I learned what's transpired recently in the past 12 hours more more on covers And I regret this time you talk about you regret it because you didn't like his story So I feel like you just you can't my am I to blame for not opening the fucking application I'm sure not liking the story We're all culpable for our own actions then.
Starting point is 00:13:27 No! He's culpable for his own actions. And you? Not. Wow. This is not equivalent, I'm being gaslit, I'm being gate-kept, and I'm being girlbossed, and he'll fucking like it. Sounds like something the mouse would say he's not the cat
Starting point is 00:13:48 the cat is the cat he's not the cat I'm so mad are you the cat? I'm always the cat with him I'm the cat he's the mouse you might want to be the mouse and be Jerry no in this version it's not a Jerry mouse oh it's just a fucking real cat yeah, I'm way bigger. I'm right right you swat his fucking face. Yeah, yeah, I got that I got that Yeah, so there you go you put my fucking my personal my personal pain and my personal torture up on display twice in the same podcast So far well good good good to you. You good job you pick a fight with a working-class man We're gonna side with a working-class. We're going to side with a working class man. He makes six figures, not working class. He he doesn't. He doesn't.
Starting point is 00:14:28 But he also. That's crazy. You should pay him more. Trap. You got put a trap. Why not? Who's the cat and mouse now? Economic conditions and how much money we have. Yeah, he's worked here for a while. We're able to make. He's so instrumental to your life.
Starting point is 00:14:41 I don't think you pay him five figures is disgusting. I didn't say five. Oh That would be awesome $9,000 a year No, it's good for coffees Now I got an argument with him too. No shit. Yeah, but he's wrong on mine Car and I have him give me a ride because I got in a car accident and Yeah, I'm gonna car accident. Why do you look at Aidan?
Starting point is 00:15:13 No one seems to know cuz everyone's like come to basketball You did say live on on television and Ludwig in chat. Are you coming to basketball? You've probably healed by now Yep, dude. Why do you think I'm wearing the look he's healed? fucking you could to ever glow and tell you what way to walk or anything Slap it I turn it to a monster No, if it sees the Sun, it's really bad. This is what it looks like right now It's really it's like baby skin you bad, so I can't show it to the Sun Which means you do the rap it the streamer thing really this they're trying to get the white balance to correct They trying to get the white balance to correct sure Trying to not focus on your face
Starting point is 00:15:48 It was nighttime ball to we played You don't start at nighttime their son out. It was under the under the light their son out bro sons bad for it I'll be good. I'll be back in a week But anyway, I'm in the car with him and he goes and he goes you got to quit League of Legends man You got to quit you played six games yesterday in a row That's not a lot. I said no, I didn't. Renatic does not a lot. I did. I played three games and three games, separated by six hours.
Starting point is 00:16:11 Lost face. And he goes, so you're microdosing. And I go, and I go, and I go, what are you playing? And he goes Hearthstone. And I'm like, that's worse. That's so much worse. He's also playing COD ranked more. But the thing is, Hearthstone is a mobile game that he's playing in bed Right you're playing Hearthstone is like it's like you're still taking it's like you're still on fucking crocodile
Starting point is 00:16:31 This was when I confronted him about not liking your story. He the previous 30 minutes he'd been on the couch playing Hearthstone. Yeah Video when I confront him. I'm like, what are you doing man? Just like his story. He's like, I have a job. I'm working. I was like, you were just on the couch playing Hearthstone. He's like, my 15 minute coffee break. He'd been there for 30, 40 minutes playing Hearthstone. He's taking longer breaks. He's taking longer breaks. He has time to like your story. That's what I'm saying. He's kind of like it. Because he told me he only plays Hearthstone when he's in bed or eating food.
Starting point is 00:17:01 But it seems like he's adding some time. So that's the thing about Yingling, he fucking lies to kick it. No, Ying Ling is actually always micro sleeping. You can't tell, but he's only half awake at all times. Also, he doesn't lie to kick it. He's always self-admitted. Which is why he asks questions like, what's the DNC? Yeah, that is...
Starting point is 00:17:21 That's a fair question. That's a fair question for a man who's still resting. Yeah for still resting He's half sleep half wake right you can ask a man who didn't know who Tucker Carlson Are you saying if you honestly is that a bad thing? No, it's probably good, but ask a dude from Bangladesh Is that bangladesh? Has enough cultural news awareness as a guy from Bangladesh. And he might also know as much about Bangladesh as people from there. As the Banglades.
Starting point is 00:17:49 Nick Yingling might. As the... Yes, it's possible. Have we asked Nick Yingling for his Bangladesh knowledge? Or somebody from Bangladesh. Where the fuck is Bangladesh? I don't care. Will Neff.
Starting point is 00:17:59 That was Will Neff. Will Neff is here, everybody. Will Neff. And he also doesn't care about Bangladesh. Sorry if you're from there. I thought I was a close enough. Big Danny. That's all you say.
Starting point is 00:18:09 Well, that's what he used to say. What's what did you know? How did the beef end? Uh, well, I want it. I want it by talking about on a podcast he's not on. So I get fucked. Right. That's a big win.
Starting point is 00:18:19 Like you don't have a voice. He can't speak for himself. Yes. Misinformation on the yard. Yay. We love doing that. We should get deep into that. We should speak for himself. Yes. Misinformation on the yard. Yay. We love doing that. We should get deep into that. We should get like crazy. We are saying to it, to be clear, every episode, we almost always lie
Starting point is 00:18:32 and make sure to into it deep into misinformation. Yes, we are. I could say fucking Joe Biden is a cyborg built by Israel. That wouldn't be too different. We're like 30 minutes. Wouldn't be too different than what y'all say about Venezuela on your stream. Oh my god. Making shit up. Did you see that?
Starting point is 00:18:48 It was a crash out of legendary status. I've never seen a man crash out that hard. I had to sit there and watch it. Wait who was this? It was Aiden. I stayed up until 4am playing League of Legends. Chat was, most of chat was wrong. Most of chat was wrong.
Starting point is 00:19:03 I didn't get to talk while you guys shat on my fucking neck and my mouth and my pussy and my crack. The dead don't talk. So I wake up very late, because I went to bed at like 4am playing God Gamer Gauntlet. And when I wake up, I'm like, oh shit, we're deep into top 16 and now top 8 of Riptide. And my boy Zayn is there. So I tune into who else is streamed with slime because he's got the best co-streams on in the West. Yeah, host of the most. Yes, sir. And he's with Aiden.
Starting point is 00:19:31 I'm like, oh, my God, what a treat. What a treat. What a treat. They love different characters. They can commentate different. And so I'm watching. And then I'm like, I'm like listening. I'm like, huh.
Starting point is 00:19:42 And Aiden is like, yeah, I'm pretty sure like the reason Venezuela's economy went bad, even though they had a bunch of oil money, is because they were super corrupt and they spent it all. I didn't say that. He said they misspent the money in relation to Norway, who had the same. Yes. Glut. They had a bunch of boys who both have naturalized oil industry.
Starting point is 00:20:00 It's not a story. I can help express. I can be accurate for what he's saying, because I heard it. Please tell me what Aidan thinks. So what Aidan thinks is that Norway had a natural resource and they used that money to sort of like they invested in the nation and in the people and made it so they didn't lean on that natural resource for their economy while Venezuela did. Did none of that use it leaned on it so far.
Starting point is 00:20:23 And when the oil price crashed, the whole country took a dump. And it's Venezuela's, you know, maybe like it's their fault. You can put part of the blame on the government. And he's blaming the OCs. The oh, my God. And this is such a we're talking, we're talking. I hate this frame. And the reason the people of Norway knew what to do.
Starting point is 00:20:40 There's like, oh, my God. Like that's a good thing. Fill in the math yourself at home. Your yard, Mad Libs. Anyway, he says this. And then someone in chat after like a good chunk of time, the cat rebuttals. And I'm and I'm all I want is to see my boys in win and watch good gameplay. Nick, the next 40 minutes
Starting point is 00:21:04 is a geopolitical discussion about Venezuela. It's not 40 minutes. It is 40 minutes. It's not 40 minutes. It is 40 minutes. It's not 40 minutes. More realistically, it's probably 20.
Starting point is 00:21:15 I'm still not. No, it was 40, I swear to you, because it kept coming back up. Oh, come on. That's far too believed out. No. So, Aiden's basically like He's like, if you're gonna rebuttal me in chat
Starting point is 00:21:30 You can't just say you're wrong. You have to give me I don't care if you write a paragraph. I'll read the paragraph Write the paragraph so you can tell me why I'm wrong Cause if I'm gonna be wrong I wanna learn. I'm here to learn And I'm not saying this just in genuineness I'm not saying this just in genuineness I'm here to learn. Yeah, because they're fucking, they're robots.
Starting point is 00:21:47 Most of them are robots who just say fucking one line and then have no idea how to explain it. You know they started calling him CIAman. CIAman. Fucking, because I think, I fucking did. Bro. Oh my god. It was a generational crash out. So finally we arrive we, we arrive.
Starting point is 00:22:05 Well, Aiden arrives at this idea that, you know what, let's handle this later. But he said, I want to say my last thing. And so I have headphones on, he can't hear anything. I turn on hamster dance, full volume while he's waffling. Yeah, everyone's spamming Jupiter. Wait, they must've heard it though. Cause some people responded to that. No, they, you could hear it over.
Starting point is 00:22:24 It was just like a monologue with the wrong song. No, it was the right song. Yeah the right song Beautiful awesome thing. I got what I wanted. It was so people in my DMs to have a real discussion about the topic Which is exactly what I wanted. Yeah, he wanted real conversations over on X I hate you guys. I hate this. See how it fucking feels? See how it fucking feels? Schifter is still mad at me. Schifter genuinely doesn't like me because I key-charge him in a show match. That's not true.
Starting point is 00:22:52 You should have seen him, bro. I mean, I'm sure he literally I'm sure Schifter likes about you. It's all he talks about and he looks at me with stinger. Does he have other impressions of you outside of that? We played together in the charity match, no? For the Tarek-Lenon match. I mean, I'm sure he about you. It's all he talks about and he looks at me with stink on. Does he have other impressions of you outside of that? Uhhhh
Starting point is 00:23:06 We played together in the charity match, no? For the Tarrick- not charity, excuse me. I was on his team. Ahhhh, yeah he doesn't fuck with you. That's what I'm saying. He's a cool guy too. Danny, I'm sorry. But I would do it again. Okay, so you're not sorry. I am sorry.
Starting point is 00:23:22 You're sorry he's mad, not that you didn't. I would do it again. Okay, that's- not sorry. He'm sorry. You're sorry. He's mad. Not that you do it again. That's okay, right? Yeah What he won? Yeah, but that's a beast. That's yours Anyway I'm a poker player of course. I'm results for him. I'm watching your stream I'm like I'm like I'm about the match and then a tins like talk about the match watch the main broadcast That was someone else and that was about we were waffling about other shit. No I didn't I didn't type I didn't type you actually did you were complaining you were like surely this will be good
Starting point is 00:23:54 to listen to over the gate or something. No I was like all I was talking about you guys were yelling about Venezuela and I went hungry box. Don't say you guys. I'm sorry Aiden was yelling about Venezuela and I typed in chat I went hungry box. You guys sorry Aidan was yelling about Venezuela and I typed in chat I went hungry box with the edge guard. No way guys This is crazy. It was funny I felt like the Ludwig to the slime in that moment because you bring in a crazy unhinged guy. Yes, he's getting one guide Yeah, you're just trying to keep things on Yes No responsibility
Starting point is 00:24:20 Yes! Just thank you! Does Chad have no responsibility in this area? I'm new to this area. Does Chad have no social responsibility? Of course not. For years I would be on stream and then Chad has no responsibility. Me and someone would be commentating and someone would reach over me
Starting point is 00:24:32 like that fucking one meme with the guy who's on the deck and he would ban some guy. It'd be like, I'm sorry I had to ban that guy. No, that's fine. The problem was when I would get like one guide and just completely derail. which hasn't happened in years Yeah, you know you've been better My stream I've been on time, but oh yeah with you. I would be like you know what?
Starting point is 00:24:52 I'm here to be a bit of a clowny boy, and it's okay if they're mean Yeah, kind of thing about we had a Venezuelan uber driver once in ending like that And in like that and talk to them Like he's like I don't want to tip him because he'll just spend the money in a way that doesn't really yeah like Keeping the global self-poor so the north can be rich Get love lying online. I get it. I do like this shit. It's good. It's good for the soul. It's fucking good It's like it revitalizes you I like that shit. It's good man. It's fucking good. It's like it revitalizes you. It rejuvenates you. Keeps you young. How about you? No, you're right. It was a legit election.
Starting point is 00:25:29 Hahaha Checked out. He's back. This is a good one. I've noticed my mood is incredibly better when I stream. You might not notice it if you watch it because I get mad a lot. Guy getting attention from 1500 people at once. I don't know Give me money to It's not it's I don't know it's like a soul-fulfilling thing because people you like to hang out with
Starting point is 00:25:56 They give you money. I don't care watch. It's not about the fact that you're getting money It's about someone likes you enough to give you money feels good I don't care about the money you do you. No I don't. Yes you do. So you really do. No. Deep down baby girl. No actually I earned zero dollars from from turning that shit up I would still do this. It's not about the dollar amount. It's about the fact that someone gave up their own money to give to you. No no no no no no no. I don't care about it. I think he just likes that there's a bunch of people, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Yang Ling. No, no, what I'm saying. Sorry, I misspoke.
Starting point is 00:26:46 Well now I don't obviously, because he's a f***ing shit. But what I was trying to say is that's different because he's my friend and I expect him to do that reciprocal gesture of parting something that your friend put up. And the squirrel had huge nuts. It was crazy. Okay, maybe I'm crazy then, because if I'm streaming
Starting point is 00:27:02 you know, the viewership's great, that's sure, that's lovely. But if someone gives me $5 and they're like, hey, man, I really love your videos. I don't care about the five dollars. But that message is really because they gave me their own. I don't give a shit. I don't give a shit if five dollars is attached to it, because they can just say that without the five dollars. And that's fine. Yeah. But like, it doesn't make it better.
Starting point is 00:27:17 I'm saying what they're sacrificing is is. I'm not I'm not saying I don't appreciate it, but I think you're trying to say it as some like this gesture that should mean more Because there's a dollar amount attached to it to me It does not mean more because there is a price tag on it What you're saying is is only true if what he said about it being fulfilling was not the case if people didn't donate I think that's wrong. I think that what he's saying is if people didn't donate, it wouldn't give him a... he wouldn't be sad, but when people do donate, the appreciation is a positive, measurable feeling that adds to what's going on. I actually think it's... I actually feel more uncomfortable
Starting point is 00:27:58 when people attach a sub to a nice moment or something. I actually don't like it. I've said this for you. It's literally on the description, it says, I would rather a funny like banger comment in chat than like your sub or whatever. You got me in your corner, I believe you. That's fair. I'm not saying I don't believe you. Then why are your donos on? My donos aren't, they don't go to stream, my subs are.
Starting point is 00:28:18 Oh. Why are your subs on? Because it's how the fucking website works. You turn them off? I don't actually know. Uh, you'd have to lose partner. Which isn't worth. There's no way to like, cause Twitch won't let you not make money for the site
Starting point is 00:28:32 while taking advantages of being a partner. The Asmongold grind. Uh, yeah. They're trying to stop him, right? It's like, if his house was like a Sims house, there's so many ways to use the money. There is. There is. He's basically typed motherlode 1000 times. Because the Kurt stoves on fire. Yeah. And he's like,
Starting point is 00:28:50 Oh, no, no, no, no. For reference, I think. And then his Sims teeth fall out. Yeah. He's the biggest affiliate on Twitch and he loses Twitch money. And I think they force him to be partner. They're supposed to force him.
Starting point is 00:29:00 I don't know exactly. No. Yeah. I mean, if I was Twitch, I would do the same thing. I think there's no harm, no foul. It's kind of it's kind of like he does it that way Even though he's annoying, but then it's like He's not like sticking it to the man sticking it to twitch and twitch has to like do something about that which is funny Yeah, reteat retweet plus one. Yeah RT plus one. Do we agree a lot these days? We do me and you we don't have to be on opposite sides of the fence like when't like when we're on opposite sides of the fence. I like you. We're doing taxes as we do
Starting point is 00:29:29 Oh, yeah, and I gotta go through and I gotta I gotta find out like what's the dammy? Yeah, how much you spend I saw because I use rocket money to organize all my finances that I was subscribed to a Zempic not a Zempic. Oh How much is it? Well, well tiny agents. Well tiny aiden. I was subscribed to a Sch- not Ozempic Oh How much is it? Well tiny Aiden Well tiny Aiden, I was subscribed to a screen sharing website What? Little porn site? Not porn
Starting point is 00:29:53 Little porn site? It's okay if it was Nick, I think you can just do that on Discord Like T*** When was the last time you used it? I don't even remember buying it Archie, can you crazy about what he said he's unsubscribing to? Damn, Nick, you're a crazy bitch When was the last time you used it? I don't even remember buying it. That's the crazy part. Damn, Nick, you're a crazy bitch.
Starting point is 00:30:08 Luckily with Rocket Money, you can cancel that shit easy, bro. That's what I did today. I used the product. What did you cancel? Look, Rocket Money is a personal finance app that finds and cancels your unwanted subscriptions, monitors your spending, and help lower your bills so that you can grow your savings And we all know that tiny Aidan and in the tiny Aidan body needs that growth Don't you need that growth? I need that growth 80% of people have subscriptions They forgot about most Americans think they spend around $60 a month on stuff, but it's $300
Starting point is 00:30:38 That's honestly how it was with me. Yeah, Nick is kind of wild and so so it actually helped him out a lot rocket money Wait, can you hit this one little lady in verbatim? Go ahead little aiden rock and money is over five million users and it saved a total of 500 million dollars in cancelled subscriptions Wow Membership to set up to seven hundred forty dollars a year when using all the apps features. Oh my god And unfortunately, you lucky fans who tries rocket money will get to parsec into Nick's work PC. That's right, everyone. So stop wasting your time and get Rocket Money at slash the yard parsec right in
Starting point is 00:31:16 by going to slash the yard. Take as much as you want. All right. Put us back in the episode small belly button Aiden with lipstick on. Archie, Archie, make me get a lot bigger Take over Aiden from the inside out Can you cut a stack with me I'll cut it a sack with you yes, do you think I? Think we'll be friends forever. Yeah, I do know don't care Do you think I can be one of the best League of Legends players of all time of all time?
Starting point is 00:31:45 All time no, I don't think of you know why I can actually give you the exact reason why okay? Yeah, yeah, okay It's because you already have too much going for you I think to be the best league legend player all time you have to have nothing you're not obsessed you got to be a Low yeah, yeah fucking upset girls just broke up with you, and you go like this league is my life now cutie You're watching this break up with me. She's all she's got to do it. She's fucking close Yeah, it's not looking good Is not with you on that the Summoner's rift, bro
Starting point is 00:32:20 You're this close to giving her an ick that doesn't go away. Okay shit, bro Cuz I I boot up League I do with shake we crush that's great And then I and then I see my girls online my go you're good I was saying France your hyena girl of all time and I go and I go hey trying to play and She's like she's like who you playing with I'm like shake and then she's like, oh, that's fine How about we each play one and then watch TV together? And I'm like, I'm like dude so together and she's like, Oh, that's fine. How about we each play one and then watch TV together? And I'm like, I'm like, so together? And she's like, no, lol. Respectfully.
Starting point is 00:32:50 I'm like, what the fuck? You did. I said this before. You did. He posts the conversation. Yes. That's the crazy part. Yeah, because I literally thought I was like, I was like, you know, that kind of conversation is funny to post, but I won't post it. And then I look on Twitter. It's already up within like five seconds of that thought happening.
Starting point is 00:33:05 I'm like, I'm like, oh, oh. Dude, to answer your question genuinely, you can't be the best of all time for a lot of reasons. One of them is what Nick said. There's some other ones. OK, forget it. You can be like better than that. Can I be emerald?
Starting point is 00:33:19 Yeah, of course. OK, you can like you can like this. It's one before diamond. No, it's actually the opposite in this game. Plat? No. Wait, is he wrong? It's technically Diamond and then Ascendant.
Starting point is 00:33:29 It's like flipped. So Emerald is Diamond and Ascendant- Okay, so you want to be Diamond? Yeah. In my- Yeah, yeah. The way I look at it. You will not hit that.
Starting point is 00:33:37 You don't think so? No. I think, I think he just had- Okay, you're also- There's a big, like, how long? Isn't Josh that now? Mmmmm. If he grinds? I don't know what Josh- I thought Josh was Diamond. Josh peaked higher. He just had it. OK, you're also there's a big like how long is Josh that now? If he grinds, I don't know what Josh Josh was dying. Josh peaked higher.
Starting point is 00:33:49 Yeah, but that was like a while ago. The map's different. If Josh is I mean, with the amount of hours he plays, I think that you could do it. Yeah, I like I think you could. But you know, why are you shaking your head? No, like an ass. I don't want to do it the way you're currently playing. Look at him. Look at him.
Starting point is 00:34:02 Like this is such an act. He's like, he's like, you know what it takes to be good at a game. You literally don't have time. Do it. Could I do it? Yes. Hmm. Like ever like the same conditions as him. The same, the same. Like, realistically, could I do it in my life? We're answering the same question that we're answering for him, but for you now.
Starting point is 00:34:20 Hmm. So you said no to him. So whatever the terms you had in your brain were, could you do it? There's no time limit. This makes you couldn't do it. Yes, you could Okay, I guess maybe maybe I'm imagining different guardrails of what this discussion is. I'm you we just answer it for him So fun answer for you You just Sacrifice too many things and too much time in his life to accomplish that goal which he hit will not do I'll throw you all off the bridge to get this I am also unwilling to sacrifice the time to hit that goal
Starting point is 00:34:51 I feel like the spirit of the question is do I have the skill if I put a bunch of time into this game to get to this rank? Of course! Yes, that's why it's a dumb question initially for Ludwig to ask. It's like saying can I get diamond and valor? I assume the question was, can I hit Emerald realistically within the context of my life? I think the answer is no. That it makes sense to interpret,
Starting point is 00:35:12 but the spirit of the question, as Ludwig was asking. Does he have the ability to do it? No, but I'm with Aiden, that's what I'm talking about, but I can do it. I already did it basically in Valorant. Like I hit Diamond. No, you literally did it.
Starting point is 00:35:23 You did it. That's, dude, that is so, that is the number one piece of evidence as to why you were unable to do it. If I put a little, I gave up on the game, but like the thing is, I hit Plat 3. That's easier to climb that you put a bunch of hours into. I'm one off. You didn't do it. You get depressed when you stream Valorant because you have to put it behind the fucking the sub only because it gets bad viewer That's why you say you're six foot
Starting point is 00:35:48 What? Because you hit 5'11 and you're like No, I'm actually six foot It's the same shit It's the same shit Don't be like cutie Don't be like fucking cutie because she did this for so long I was bad three
Starting point is 00:36:04 The thing is yes You obviously could be you could become master you become challenger you could do it Yeah, you like that. But not within the realistic context of your life But you know what it takes to be good at a game you are no stranger to playing hard shit Competitively and you know you know how far you have to go. So the reality is stranger than fiction. Here's a Don't look at him like that. I don't think it is. Here's the harsh reality of your life.
Starting point is 00:36:27 Are you ready for this? Yeah. You're actually really good at getting good at games. Nah. I think you're better than most people. I agree. But, as of recent in your life, you suck at getting good at games. Why is that?
Starting point is 00:36:40 Wait, wait, wait, wait. Because you have too much. Wait, wait, wait. You have too much. Give me an example. You have have too much Give me an example Give me an example of something you're sick at right now Give me some fucking halo You're not sick at halo
Starting point is 00:36:52 At PSL I'm doing fucking free shit Dude it's like bragging about being good at our basketball games And we're playing I am good at those basketball games We're playing at a dog pickup court We're playing at a Juco level That's crazy. Shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 00:37:08 I'll put up Juco numbers. You know I lived a two, like a block away from the Juco World Series stadium. I did. Juco, your one stop shop for all things. It's not. How do we spell it? J-U-C-O. Junior college. They sell a bunch of Mozzugas. I'll do the bit. Alright.
Starting point is 00:37:26 Uh, dude, you guys- What are you talking about? We gotta make you broke. We gotta make you- We gotta- What are you talking about? Back to best five. You're too comfortable!
Starting point is 00:37:33 I hear what- I hear what you're saying, but I'm asking where's the evidence that I'm bad at learning video games now. Too many responsibilities. The burden of proof is on your end to provide- PSL, PSL! What are you talking about? You're a freak. Yeah, I don't do bad. I show up and I tell the truth.
Starting point is 00:37:45 OK, you don't do bad is not exceptional. No, I showed up and I bragged out. Even if you're fragging at PSL, it's like it's like being the best in a bronze lobby. Most of the people going to PSL. That's what we're talking about. No, he's the best player in the group. He's he's way better than the average person, but the average skill level of the people participating is not extraordinary.
Starting point is 00:38:04 I don't think so. Top the top. In Halo. This is such an ego. I think no, I think Alex is the one to take down. It's pretty good, man. It's not. I mean, look, it's better than 99 percent of the world.
Starting point is 00:38:15 I don't think PSL like that. We're going to clear. I'm not in love with the side. This is the PSL is number one. Oh, you want to prove it? We can prove it. Yeah, this is an official challenge to phase phase banks it's PSL time yo get your crew together can we get the new phase guys?
Starting point is 00:38:39 bring us a new phase guys bring us a guy in that wheelchair we'll fuck them all up it can be banks and adapt and then a few newbies and we'll bring out the best in PSL Uh, what was I gonna say? We can go to Vegas and we can play in the Halo 2 tournament Oh, you actually can do that I'm not a Halo 2 guy, sorry You're Halo 3 guy?
Starting point is 00:38:57 I'm actually a Reach guy Yeah, I really love Smash 4 Yeah, you're a Reach guy No, I am He's reaching You're each guy Think it takes in you need to give something up in your life We stay humble no yes, I'm taking away he can't give it up himself. He doesn't need to break up with you Yeah, please dude. I'll watch it YouTube short and I was like I was like the Bible Cuz he's like he was like anyone can be successful all you have to do is this and then he listed out everything I've done for the past like six years
Starting point is 00:39:31 It's literally just like yeah write down like a list of your goals like ten goals You want to do and circle the one you want to do the most and then write seven steps to get towards that goal And then do something for it every day. Yeah, like true. That's all I've done That has been your architecture And it works so well dark going to the gym Start flipping sneakers Marketplace cams oh, do you know you can buy Airbnb's just on like 90% credit loans? And you get like all your money back. You get all your money back eventually. Them cleaning fees.
Starting point is 00:40:09 Dude, these good stuff on TikTok. Airbnbs timeshares. That's probably a scam, right? Airbnbs timeshares? Yeah. Yeah, probably. I think property ownership is a scam. Really?
Starting point is 00:40:21 Yeah. To who? Who's being scammed? The people. The government. The people buying the property? Yeah. To who? Who's being scammed? Uh, the people. The government. The people buying the property? Yeah. Go communism. Okay. Great. I want that Hassan communism. What's that mean? That shit looks dope. When I'm still a millionaire. I want that shit. That looks fun as fuck. That shit looks awesome.
Starting point is 00:40:42 You get a fucking- Yeah, but all you guys eat a Denny's. Denny's is not a socialist metaphor. I don't know, do kids eat free? Why is that not? If you nationalize the Denny's... It's Vladimir Lenin and he's standing in fucking Red Square and it's just a Grand Slam flag behind him. The community slam witch. From the Gorbachev Domino's commercial, was it Pizza Hut?
Starting point is 00:41:08 Uh, yeah, I think it was Pizza Hut. Yeah. That bridged the gap. If he didn't bridge it, I'd ruin his rep. Oh, a lot of things did. It's funny, because he went on TV after, I think Gorbachev and Yeltsin both, they went on TV after and they were like, I really fucked everything up. I'd like to apologize.
Starting point is 00:41:24 That's beast. Which is really funny. Uh-huh. I checked my Xbox account at PSL for reputation, because you can check your rep score. And I was 75% a preferred player. What does that mean? So like on Xbox, you can report players for good or bad things.
Starting point is 00:41:40 So you can say, oh, I liked playing with them. They had good communication. Or they were a good player, good skill Or you can be like, they were flaming, they were disruptive, they were cheating, they were whatever And everyone was pulling up their rep, their score And Alex was like 85% un-preferred Oh my god, that's really bad, he's toxic for sure I think everyone in the group was un-preferred except for me, 75% up
Starting point is 00:42:03 This is all old shit right, from when you were like, yeah, yeah. Of course, yeah, no one's still doing it, yeah. 75 seems low by the way. No, it's high. It's high. Nooo. Amongst your friends. Okay, no, my question is what is the layer of friction? Do you have to go into a menu and do this? No, it's not friends.
Starting point is 00:42:16 It's just random people. It's anyone who ever played- 75% of players. I'm not saying amongst your friends your score was high, but like if you come in here and say my Uber rating is fucking 3 stars out of 5. No, no, no, no, no, that's stars I think could think about the context you're in like it's not popping up after every game and people are spamming Yeah, it's like someone's seeking. It's a yell purview. I see it's more like that. It's like someone's only Layer friction 75% is really just really fragging out enough to make people like you either that or I think if I back that I had a lot of phase members on my friends list.
Starting point is 00:42:46 And I think people were trying to get back in lobbies with me. No, I think that's what it was. No, you had cloud because I was not being nice. I don't think it was that. No, you got cloud up. Yeah, there was a big thing back then where you check someone's friends list. Like the second you get in a lobby, you just like go through their friends list and people would be like why do you fucking
Starting point is 00:43:05 base at it? Dude I was on Nick's computer during PSL because I was sitting and your YouTube home page is fucking insane. What's it? Was it my Cod account? Yeah maybe. Yeah probably. It was just like ten-year-old Call of Duty shit like he's really living his heyday. It's like a Ray William Johnson video and it's like half watched. Yeah and then it's a Paramore music video from 2009. Nah I had to find a clip recently so I logged back into that account and yeah the algorithm on an account you haven't accessed in... That account hasn't been accessed since the algorithm wasn't a thing yet. Hasn't it always been a thing? Or I guess it was subscription boxes?
Starting point is 00:43:41 No because that I made that account before Google bought YouTube. I'm pretty sure oh I mean wreck it I guess recommended has been around a really long time Yeah, like its ability to recommend you good stuff has been Not around before it was just messaging your friends like what would you like to watch what should we put? They're just hitting up your friends Like I got I got the smash documentary by it like being recommended on the home page, and that was in 2013 You said some shit that was so real you said if if they made a smash doc now Josh would be so famous Oh, yeah, it's so true. Like if Josh was around back because Josh is so charismatic He would be one of the characters that like it's
Starting point is 00:44:18 So many people in the documentary who are just relatively normal people But had like maybe got like 10 minutes of screen time in that thing. That MLGTO. They just became like famous or known for that period of time. So imagine Josh is in it. Bro, I think like Chew Dat still gets like a hundred dollars a month from Team Liquid. Like that's it. Why are you saying that?
Starting point is 00:44:43 Like it was a good thing. It's not, but I'm saying like just because he was in the shit. Yeah, yeah, that's what you do. All you had to do was wobble people and go like this in that parent trap. Yeah, bro. It's if you if you notice actually liquid signed all of the what is considered cultural legacy players. I thought it was Curse.
Starting point is 00:45:06 Oh yeah, probably. No, no. It was after Curse. I'm talking about when the dock came out. It was, it was Curse. Liquid decided to pick up Ken? You're wrong. No, you're wrong.
Starting point is 00:45:15 You're wrong. Liquid and Curse were separate things that didn't exist independently. Curse never signed Ken. I'm saying Curse signed a lot of the Ode they signed Chillin. They did. They signed Chillin. I'm saying sign. Here's what I'm telling you Ludwig. Curse isn't around anymore, so it doesn't matter. They went down really early.
Starting point is 00:45:33 We'll curse my household. Team Liquid is still around and they still have Ken. Ken still gets $100 or whatever. So what I'm trying to say is there was a deliberate decision on Liquid's end to capture that that legacy idea Hbox just actually ended up being the guy cuz chillin's liquid to it at least he was for long time. Yeah, I think he is so So that was kind of interesting to do so if Josh was there back in the day He'd be fucking famous and he wouldn't have to lie to his friends about saying I'm gonna destroy him every day of September
Starting point is 00:46:02 Yeah, he didn't do a fucking day that single day do the Josh Chronicles it's the ninth like the chew Chronicles yeah he probably got some shit on the yard don't let the yard yeah learn why can't we read that because it's like mine comp bro it's if it gets in the hands of a wrong person every reading the chew that Chronicles on the train shaking my head every once in a while just so I don't know I don't say for it In the car while driving it with his friend. I wanna say something so bad. Don't Don't Anyway, we've had some great times on this podcast, but it's coming to an end
Starting point is 00:46:41 The great times or the podcast. Oh, you know what is coming to an end? The advice show, because the last one we did, we actually had to reveal some shit about Nick that. Oh, yeah. Oh, no. Slime message me. I haven't listened yet. But no, no, no. Slime message me. It was just like, don't listen to the advice show.
Starting point is 00:47:00 Don't listen to it. It's basically if you want, basically don't listen. If you want in on the secret you can subscribe to the Patreon for our Who cares whatever there's no narcs in tier two either. It's not getting out which I appreciate yeah, you can't You will you know come to the me you do I was up to the office and he goes He goes I gotta do the advice show because you don't want to do your fucking job today I was like to be clear also your job. This is both our jobs. He's like but it's your show and I'm like also your show.
Starting point is 00:47:36 No it's not. It's also your show. What is this show called? Can I ask that? Alright. To people just tuning in it would sound damning if I said the? Alright, alright. To people just tuning in, it would sound damning if I said the name of the show. What is it? Called Nick's Advice Show. Featuring who? Featuring, well, whoever's on the episode.
Starting point is 00:47:56 Oh, okay. So it's a no-static person, right? So it's Nick's Advice Show. So he was on the last one then, right? No, he actually wasn't. No, no, no. That's weird. No. Right.
Starting point is 00:48:08 Isn't it? If I was a consumer of the show and I was watching, let's say, Nick's Super Short Show on Disney Channel and then Nick's gonna pop up... So is this a suggestion? You know what? We actually got a question that episode where we revealed everything about... It said, hey, Aiden and Nick! Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:16 Isn't that funny? Yeah. I'm excited. No, I'm excited to watch it. I'm sure it's gonna make you feel awesome. You shouldn't. You should not watch it. You shouldn't.
Starting point is 00:48:24 We should have a talk before you watch it if you decide to. Cause if somebody's gonna leak eventually and we have to be prepared for that, but not yet. Got it. Oh, news alert. We are now announcing when D&D is coming out. Pfft. Aidan?
Starting point is 00:48:39 Uh, I mean probably in like, pfft, three, four weeks, right? You're supposed to know an exact date give an exact date We keep fucking missing them So let's say it let's say shows gonna bomb anyways September Let's just let's just say September Second or no no Second October second October second yes, I'll raise our hands and see what we're gonna do to contribute I will contact our DM for his availability to finish money and showing up. I will long rest Before silly silly guy I will make the list of Patreon shows we'll commit to.
Starting point is 00:49:28 I'm in Cumberb. Nah, I'm good on that one, bud. So, I'm getting a lot of guff from last week. Yeah, because you said that you eat factor meals. You said you eat the microwave. You said non-cold meals. So, well, surely after the flak you've stopped. You changed. You changed, didn't you?
Starting point is 00:49:45 You're a holy shaw! You're a holy shaw! I eat factor meals every, I'm not kidding, I eat factor meals every day. I just peel off the top layer. Why even start there? You freeze? What's the point? Just eat the whole fucking package.
Starting point is 00:50:00 Shouldn't it not be a testament to how good they- I will stream- He saw delicious, ready to eat, and just starting going to town. You know what's crazy is it's two minutes. I know. Two minutes in the microwave. I know. But that's how lazy I am.
Starting point is 00:50:15 You're a chef prepared, right? Imagine going to a restaurant and being like, just bring out the ingredients. I don't even want you to heat it up. So my name's Kirby. And what I do is I suck it whole, and I'll take the shape of it. I will be streaming, and people will be like, yo, never popped in before. It's crazy that you eat your factor meals cold without heating them up.
Starting point is 00:50:33 Personally, I find it crazy you can get 30 plus grams of protein from the protein plus meals. That's what I find crazy. Some might think that the heat actually takes the nutrients away. It doesn't. It doesn't work like that. It doesn't. It doesn't. No. No, because the food's already cooked, right?
Starting point is 00:50:47 You just heated it up. Food's already cooked. They have 35 plus choices and you are choosing to not heat up any of them. It's actually true. Anyway, let this be a testament to how much I enjoy Factor. Maybe you'll enjoy it too. Hey, I'm going to be honest with you guys listening. I know it's an ad read. If you don't heat it up, you probably won't enjoy it.
Starting point is 00:51:07 You should heat it up. No, don't do it. It only takes two minutes to eat it. Yard eat it raw challenge. Go to slash the yard 50 for the yard eat it cold challenge. Eat it raw, eat it cold. Use code theyard50 and get 50% off plus 20% off the next box in your subscription. Tell us if it's good cold. Tell us if we're wrong.
Starting point is 00:51:27 It's time's right. Yeah, please. I want to know. The code 50THEYARD at slash THEYARD50. 50% off your first box, 20% off the next box in your subscription. America's number one meal kit and hashtag eat it cold. Hashtag eat it cold. Let's get back to the episode. Can I put an ice cube in it?
Starting point is 00:51:44 What do you think you need to do to hit emerald? Uhhhh I don't think I'll ever hit emerald, but all I want to do is not die to turret by myself And I think that's a good start and what I really want to do is win the C dog VA Challenge what is this? Well, it's our challenge. I mean the one with him I should say Gotta have a challenge. Well. It's our challenge. I mean the one with him. I should say See don't you know a nice show you didn't acknowledge him in the chat He said it like three times when you're in the chat. He wants you to do anything IRL with see dog VA uh
Starting point is 00:52:13 I messaged Connor and he he said he said nah. We are you going to Japan. I am there man Yeah, you could do it there with him, but I'd be gone for so long my beautiful girlfriend Oh, so it sounds like you don't have what it takes to get good at games. No no no I saw about being good at games It would be about doing a person for low pay I can't look the only person here who knows I can do it is Nick because he was in the slums at 3 a.m. Watching for some reason yeah, you're my boy. I thought you should be in bed You know you should be a head like sorry. Sorry. I have a fucking take friend. I'm great. Hold on. I'm working.
Starting point is 00:52:48 I'm worried the difference is I was working. Working. Yeah. Member League of Legends. So no, no, no. I remember this is this is a four. I did a 14 hour long stream. Oh, this was the sea dog. That's what I'm told to me.
Starting point is 00:52:57 I'm a member. Yeah. See, why would that be a bad thing? Well, I like but I'm fucking a member of all your shit. I wouldn't I would be a member trader Joe's we got really cool member I forgot you see dog. He's got the time zone. Oh Tina Tina kidding PewDiePie Well, I'm sorry. I fucking enjoy your streams We do me your longest streak is is through nine of the games right or on the ninth game no on the 10th What's the uh? It was Fortnite.
Starting point is 00:53:25 Is it ten games total you have to get through? Wow, so you're... Do you think we need Alex to do it? No. Why? Because Alex doesn't have the time. He has nothing but time. Really? I thought he had a job.
Starting point is 00:53:38 He does have a job, but he fucks off all the time. But like, you just have to play for so long in a row. He doesn't stream that long, right? He streams for a decent amount. He streams like a couple hours a night. No, but that's what I mean. So a run takes, if you're successful, about four hours. So I think you only have, cause when we do it, we try 12 hours a time. We would probably start streaming around 6.30.
Starting point is 00:54:01 We would probably end around midnight. Okay. Yeah, so that would be enough. You'd have a few runs I thought he only stream like four hours our games are really funny though it's like shooter shooter shooter shooter with Alex I got halo 3 Valorant I think we're gonna change it a little bit but this is what it is right now halo 3 Valorant call of duty Rocket League, Deadlock, Bug House, Melee Doubles Counter Strike? We could do Counter Strike, it just feels dumb to have that many shooters Surely you got two Battle Royales in there?
Starting point is 00:54:34 Yeah, Fortnite and... Fall Guys? I don't think we decided on the last one, that's the one we're deciding on, whatever the last Battle Royale is It should be Fall Guys, Fall Guys is hype for the end I've never played it I don't think, maybe a long time ago. It's it's easy. I don't know any of the could you do Mario party could you do Mario Party for in the competitive discord and carry him? That's a hard carry And they have French ping
Starting point is 00:55:01 The last one is to be to basketball and you just go to the fucking, so you finish all nine? That high! And you show up to the court, you IRL stream? We both have wet threes and no layups. Yes sir. You just throw in the ball back and forth at the perimeter. Wait for one person to pull up. You'd get sniped by six, four teenagers immediately.
Starting point is 00:55:20 You can't watch it this way. You find the eighth graders that we played against. Post up against the eighth graders. Oh yeah, you guys had, no. You find the eighth graders that we played against. You'd post up against the eighth graders. Oh yeah, you guys had the 5v5 against the eighth graders, right? Yeah. Yeah. And you guys, you guys are going crazy.
Starting point is 00:55:33 Is everyone getting better? Yeah, everyone's getting better. This is the first time I haven't been there for two weeks. I miss it. I yearn for it. Yeah. My new way of getting a letter to reply to me a he'll message him and he won't reply. It's nothing.
Starting point is 00:55:46 I don't care. He's busy, but I'll just tell him a new way. I'm going to end my life. Yeah, he messaged me at 3 a.m. 3 a.m. and he was a picture of a car and he said want to go havesies and it's like this 96 Japanese imports a beautiful car.
Starting point is 00:56:04 I should go have and then and then I'm asleep because 3 a.m. And it's like this 96 Japanese imports a beautiful car If I go half and then and then I'm asleep cuz 3 a.m. And then at like 11 Like I just wake up. I'm in a meeting. He's like, all right, I'll kill myself. No, no, I said what I said Okay, never mind. I'll just crash it into a wall at the airbags off. Yeah Sorry, my bad. So basically I'll kill myself Why didn't you reply though? Because I was asleep and I woke up and I was on a meeting. Why didn't you get back to him? You just said you've been up all night to get lucky with Seadog. No, that was not last night. And he has time for that. That was the night before.
Starting point is 00:56:36 And he's watching you shoot. And then when I said that he said, I think it's a bad idea. Ludwig. Which I said, which part? Ludwig, let's retrace our steps here, huh? Slime told you that he fell asleep right and then he got busy right you know he woke up from his sleep And he got busy playing a video game, and yeah, he couldn't check in sir. I just couldn't you would have liked What about you don't reply to this? This is like when your mom's like
Starting point is 00:57:08 When my mom wants you to just be like clean your room And I'd be like dope and then I'd disappear for five seconds and then she would be cleaning it And I'd be like woah I'm about to do this You just wanted me to feel bad Yes and then cause she'd pick up one thing and I'd be like stop please And then but that's what he did cause he double texted before I could even physically reply. But before that, before that. This one is my fault.
Starting point is 00:57:32 I hit a flood like, I don't know, like a week ago or something. He hits me up on like Fridays like pool day. I'm like, pool day, your house, let's do that. He's like, I'm down. And I'm like, great. Couple days goes by. I'm like, pool day this weekend. No reply. And I'm like, and then the day comes. I'm like, pool day. And he's like, I'm down. And I'm like, great. Couple days goes by, I'm like, pool day this weekend?
Starting point is 00:57:45 No reply. And I'm like, and then the day comes. I'm like, pool day? And he's like, no reply. No reply? And so eventually I say, oh, would you be happier if I drowned in your pool? To which he does reply.
Starting point is 00:57:58 And he goes, he does reply, I'm sorry, this is the day before. He does reply and he goes, pool day tomorrow. And I'm like, beast. Tomorrow comes? I'm like, pool day? I'm not, no more question day before he does reply and he goes pull day tomorrow, and I'm like beast tomorrow comes I'm like pool day. I'm not no more question mark now. It's pool day I invite you can go else we get involved you guys are streaming. I don't know if you can come to pool day and he goes I Can't go in the pool because of my injury Which I didn't go in the pool because of my injury. True. Which I didn't think about.
Starting point is 00:58:26 So this whole time I'm like, pool day sounds actually delightful. But then I'm like, I actually can't go in the pool because I can't have my wounds in the sun. Does a pool day have to involve Ludwig? He could watch you in the pool. I can come swim in your pool. You can watch him swim. I could have my feet on the side and I could be on a towel.
Starting point is 00:58:44 We could have a Stacey's mom type lapse. Yeah, that would be me. I'd be Stacey's mom and you'd be doing line in my side and I could be on a towel. I'm doing labs. Yeah, that would be Yeah, I'd be Stacy's mom sitting laps in my pool I do like this but it works the the the strat works if I just say yes if I get a notification and it's him saying I'm gonna kill myself if you don't reply basically yeah, then I'm like okay That's not manipulative or like anything. It's like, no, it's not because it's what Ludwig drives one to do. Yeah. Get his attention. So it's valid. And I think I think I also appreciate that it's a creative exercise.
Starting point is 00:59:15 You have to pivot whatever the current topic of conversation is into a relevant suicidal ideation. The one he said, he said, he said. The one he said, he said, he said, Like what do you want? Hold on, I think we gotta cut that one. What was the context? You wanted to go to Target? We gotta delete that one.
Starting point is 00:59:38 No, no, no. He said, he said, I'm just trying to bond with you. Ludwig says, LOL I hear, but I have five vehicles. He's like, we park it in my house. I pick you up for ice cream every Friday night. He says, OK, don't love the arrangement. And then Nick said, OK. I can't believe this.
Starting point is 00:59:55 Like, what do you want? Yeah, OK, so yeah, I feel like it's unfair if you're saying, you should go halfsies on a car. And then your idea of halfsies is you have the the car But pick me up for ice cream once a week I think that's nice The reason why No no no I'm not done because then me me saying I don't like that shouldn't be met with Okay the reason why I said I'd pick you up every Friday is because you said I already have too many cars
Starting point is 01:00:21 I'm trying to save you space Trying to save you space Save me money buy the car yourself and pick me up anyway. You don't care about money, you only care about space and time. Hold on, how much money is it? 12k. 12k. To him or split?
Starting point is 01:00:32 6k for me. Split. 6k each. 6k for me does not make- Alright that's fine. That's fine. That's fine. The guy who looks at the accounts.
Starting point is 01:00:40 Cause I'm saying 12k for me, I gotta think about that, that's a lot of money. Yeah. 6k each, I still have to think about that's a lot of money. Yeah, 6k each I still have to think about it, but it's less it hurts a lot. By the way, you can't drive the car Just to be clear. Why why can you pretty sure it's a stick? No, it's automatic. Oh my bad. Oh, it's right It's right hand but it's automatic my bad. Also stick is easy to learn doesn't mean he knows how to do it You can get good at games. Yeah, I don't think you could ever learn stick You know how it work Given 20 lifetimes Man you guys play a lot of League of Legends now. Yeah. Yeah, everyone's on the rift
Starting point is 01:01:11 I think drizzle was up till 4 a.m. Oh that do need help. It's bad. It's bad for the company And yeah, it is bad. He's hitting Rick and Morty and playing league If you think it's kind of just a stellar return to form by him, that's how it started And that's how it will end. I watched his his videos and they're actually like he used to be good. Yeah, he's really good. Turns out that he used to be somebody. He said he was like, yeah, I was watching it with him. And he's like, yeah, that was like the top laner for C9.
Starting point is 01:01:37 That was like that's actually right there. That's Bjergsen. And he's like, oh, yeah, this is the one time I played against like Doublelift. Sheik used to be nice. Used to be actually real. And I didn't think that because he's never been a guy who I looked at I was like yeah He's good at games. I Mean I played a lot of melee with him It's hard to now shake goes to music festivals with Bjergsen
Starting point is 01:01:56 Yeah, and he used to fuck him up on the rift one time and put it in a clip and then lose every other time It's all about the clip though. It is all about the clip. That's all that matters, baby. Me and Yingling robbed the Patreon this week. Oh, I don't know if you guys know this. There is a weekly melee tournaments in the Yard Discord. And we decided to enter for cash. And we didn't know it was for cash.
Starting point is 01:02:21 Were you guys in Grands? No, no, you got third. There's a cut to case, who's a good peach player from Texas, who's a yard fan. Check out case and case case entered and beat Yegling game five last hit twice. And then I won the tournament. But we both placed in the money and then we didn't know there was money until the end of the event.
Starting point is 01:02:44 And the to tells us that the yard community donates to raise money for the high school every week. No way. I didn't know this. And I won and I was like, ah, how much money did you get? I won like $30. I think we doubled it. Look, and they have like 10. That's coffee for the family.
Starting point is 01:03:02 Let's fucking go. We didn't take the money. No coffee for the family. Let's fucking go Too good to take the money you're too good for it now. It's actually patron. It's condescending to say actually you know what you Is condescending and you was extra condescending I said case you can have it That's crazy to give it a second if you gave it back worse than That's worse than ripping it out. Yeah. What you should have done is double the next week's. I think that was the TO's suggestion, which they might. Oh, dude. Enter every week.
Starting point is 01:03:33 It doubles every time you win. Beat the Aiden challenge. And if anyone beats you, they get whatever's doubled. I like that. That's a good idea. Oh, you know what? No, it's going to get sniped. This is what's...
Starting point is 01:03:42 Bonfire's just going to enter. That's what's going to happen. Dude, who... Someone was in... I think it was Eli She was like you'll give me an invite to the discord. I'll get in there I just paid you five dollars you piece of shit. It's like you have a PhD They would also pay an entry at a tournament for five. Yeah Do go I entered I entered yard trivia with some friends. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 01:04:05 Third I entered yard trivia with some friends. Oh, yeah, I'm a third Question I knew what was it? Oh, what was the call of duty for sniper? Ben wrote it he knew I was entering Fucking bone now we did that same shit. We went to trivia. We talked about it in the primo. And Nick was fucking useless. So we settled the debate. If you watch a premium episode, I would say Aiden was the best.
Starting point is 01:04:32 Slime was close second. I'll take that. And Nick was the worst part. It was pretty even. And I had the biggest gaffe. Was it Yale? It was Yale. You had two gaffes.
Starting point is 01:04:43 What was the second? Dude, the fucking Pelican thing was insane. That wasn't me. No, that was me. Was it Yale? You had two gaffs What was exactly it? The fucking pelican thing was insane That wasn't me You dumb bitch You fucking idiot I like how you assigned it In my mind
Starting point is 01:04:58 His Connecticut mistake was so egregious That I applied the other mistake to him So the mistake was where is Yale located? Spend some time on your phone right now to guess. Dude, I guessed New York. I want you to explain to explain to the listeners what your logic for Yale because in the in the show Gossip Girl. Yeah. The blondie who ends up marrying Reynald Reynolds,
Starting point is 01:05:18 who I forget her name right now, Blake Lively. She went to Yale and the show's located in New York. And I was like, and she had to travel to visit a friend. So I'm like, she probably went to New York, Yale. Yeah. Yeah. But it turns out she went to Connecticut, Yale. Not that there's two yales, but it sounds like this. Sound like you.
Starting point is 01:05:37 So anyway, I told us to the group and Aiden buckled. He wasn't like, dude, it's for sure. Connecticut. I I stood I stood fast on this and I said like seven times like are you sure? Stand on business and if you're able to push over like a willow I was like we I said quote I'm not a hundred percent sure it's Connecticut. Well, I'm not a hundred percent No, it is not in New York. Oh, come on, dude. That's crazy, right? Yeah, right if you're gonna blow blow, but if you're gonna blow over like a willow, don't we amen son? I know it is not in New York. Bro, come on. Dude, that's crazy. Right?
Starting point is 01:06:06 Yeah. But if you're gonna blow over like a willow, don't weep. Amen. Son. Amen. Good thing there's video evidence. Well, believe me. But that was fun, that was a fun little trade.
Starting point is 01:06:16 Yeah, I got $10 right now, so when we go back, we gotta do our monthly round. Oh. Let's fucking go. You're our guest. Perguiza. That'll pay for parking. monthly round? Oh! Let's fucking go! You're our guest! Pergatha! That'll pay for parking. It's harder than I thought it would be.
Starting point is 01:06:30 It's actually true. Yeah, trivia stuff. Dude, why do they have so many fucking questions for fucking nerds? I- okay. Court of public opinion, you guys all called me a loser and a nerd and annoying. That's true. I asked all- a bunch of other friends, and they all said I was reasonable for my crash out and the yard You can leave a comment below if it was my crash out
Starting point is 01:06:49 Okay, so the question was how many times is Abraham Lincoln featured on the $5 bill and I go Oh, it's actually three because I brought up This is the only thing I've only trivia question I contributed to that day I was like for God and you know, I was like, he's on the back, he's sitting in the chair, also on the front obviously. But there's a third one, you hold it up to the light, and to prove it's a real dollar bill, there's like the hologram version of him that you can see.
Starting point is 01:07:14 Yeah. And we were like, oh, so we put three, that was the reason we put three. And the answer was two, cause they don't count that one. And I was like, in trivia, it's fucked when there's a clear trick question afoot, to not have it not be a trick question. Also, it's not really a trick question because there are three I think you were scammed. I thought that was a great I think I would say the word featured is the key word here Because it is not a feature. It's not
Starting point is 01:07:39 It's a fair logic I think it should be two we would also accept three I would so I would also say it should be two. And you should have known this because you went to the previous trivia trivia week where they just got a question wrong. The issue is that I named everyone. It's not like I got all three I named are there. It's not like I didn't name. I think the bigger problem is that you're put in a spot
Starting point is 01:08:00 where you can either take it lying down or start to. Um, um, um um teacher! Yeah and that's what sucks. That's what I wanna do though and you guys made me feel bad about it. I did. I said we're not doing this. We're not doing that. But I kinda want you to do that.
Starting point is 01:08:12 We're not doing that at Free Bar Trivia. What's the point of a fucking democracy if I can't raise my fucking hand and say I have a problem. In this situation it's actually not a democracy, it's an autocracy I believe. That's not autocracy. Autocracy. Uh yeah sure. I got to use an autopsy on his brain. It's an autocracy I believe that's not Autocracy autocracy. Yeah sure He's an autopsy on his brain. Oh shit
Starting point is 01:08:31 I won't be involved in Mars. Why what do you do? No, I will not be okay He said he would yeah pissing me. This the store has a target on it Fucking list We haven't put on one so far. I already have global entry so they can't take it back That's true. That's true. It's our global entry. They can't take that's all. Once you get your global entry they can't take it. That's how Osama got in. He got global entry? People don't know he's the first guy to get it. He's the first guy to get it. Which is weird.
Starting point is 01:09:12 When there was no interview. He was like literally oosie-goosie back then. Osama was like, you get pre-checked with this too? For real shit. Global entry was a pain in the ass to get. Yeah bro, you already fucking That's why you can't be a gamer bro. You had one annoying day. shit. God, global entry was a pain in the ass to get. Yeah, you already fucking, you already. That's why you can't be a gamer, bro.
Starting point is 01:09:27 You had one annoying day. That's so true. And I went through it. Dude, he freaked out at yingling. When you had to go to like do something with your ID. I got so hoed. He said he got hoed and he's like, he said it to Aiden and you're like, you guys wasted my time.
Starting point is 01:09:44 No, this is because I went. It's OK. I can explain. You crashed out. Well, I got Stern. I got Stern. OK. You did get Stern. I went to the bank. I was told to go to the bank. Wasn't my fault. De ba de ba do do. De ba de ba do. De ba de ba do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Through this one Okay, you can go ahead. So he, he, he, he, he, like, this happened on Friday actually. On Friday, I'm live streaming a sponsor.
Starting point is 01:10:51 I'm playing 2K, I'm getting my ass fucking whooped. By flying. You're paying his bills. By people on mic being like, being like, white boy can't shoot. And I'm getting my shit beat. I like how you can't even do it in a video game. They're milking your shit, dude. By the way, don't say I can't even do it in a video game because I can't do it in real life.
Starting point is 01:11:07 1,000 3 point shots in one single day. Anyway, I'm getting my shit beat. Aiden pops up, I get a call, I ignore it. Because I'm live. And then he pops up in my chat, he's like, you need to answer, I know you're live, you need to answer right now. I'm like, Aiden, I'm live. I'm just not going to do that in the middle of my sponsor stream.
Starting point is 01:11:23 I'm just not going to do that. Okay, okay, hold on. And so, so and so but this is how a not brace Yeah, it's always like it's always like we need to do right now The press your president you're gonna die. Yeah, he drops an ad-bomb equivalent of emotional manipulation So I And so I'm on team crash out, your team crash out. That's crazy. So I end and then I call him right away. Right away, like first frame one.
Starting point is 01:11:48 First thing, and you know what? It was very important. And I did the thing he needed immediately. But he does this for basically everything. Like I'm all my way out of this office and he's like, oh, stop right there. I need you to tell me. You're such a load of shit.
Starting point is 01:12:03 You're about to leave the Pokemon Center and it's like, wait! Yes, yes! Then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, I think we should have a stream in ages. Whoa, to be fair. We have proof of this is because I had a different important issue that I triage because I understand I've learned things. That's the language to say. I sent you a message for five seconds. I watched a video for me from four years ago and I said, I said,
Starting point is 01:13:03 we're going to turn this triage of games into four Cuz I thought I've been three Different important problem, but not important enough to interrupt lovely stream because it's his job and it's how the company is funded Three hours and they may call me when you're done. I said when you're done with the meeting Can you please call me because I know or when you're done with the meeting, can you please call me? Because I know, or when you're done with the stream. But then I encountered, I had something that needed to be finished Friday evening. It had a hard deadline. And the reason I didn't set up time was because it was impossible to,
Starting point is 01:13:35 because it has to do with our company's taxes, which is not very exciting. I encountered a problem that is very important, that was so important that I called you. And I'll tell you about the rest of it after this episode is over. I'm literally pulling up for three. When I get the call, I look down, I miss, I'm slightly late, it's not green green.
Starting point is 01:13:56 No, not Irish spring green. It's not Irish spring green, I miss my three off that. So like, what about this? You used to call me on my live stream late night when I need my face. Hold on, hold on. And he acts like I don't set aside time. He acts like I don't set aside time. But for merch stuff, because that's all I was in charge of until recently.
Starting point is 01:14:16 For merch stuff, you, I think what happens is in your mind because things you're responsible for so much and life is life has so many things in it that you forget that over weeks I ask you for feedback in time and then I approach the deadline of the weeks that I had to get a hold of you and the week that and the fact that we have To get something out by X time in the year and then all of a sudden on the day of I'm urgent and panicky because it Needs to be done because you haven't talked to me in the previous two weeks
Starting point is 01:14:46 But I just feel like every time you hit me up is for some shit and sometimes Let me actually in Aidan's defense one time Ludwig came in here Yeah, and this is this is pretty recent like a month ago when that shit with like that dog pack guy and Mr. Beast was going on. And Ludwig comes in and I immediately say to him, Yo Ludwig, what do you think you learned from this whole like experience of like, you know, all this shit that you went through? And he just ignored it and just kept like,
Starting point is 01:15:22 don't know, stonewalling me and saying another thing. And then what he did after was pretty funny. What he did after was pretty funny. But he just don't know why me. And I'm like so annoyed. I'm like, what the fuck is this? You're not talking to me. We come onto the set, Aiden, to fuck with me says,
Starting point is 01:15:40 what do you think you learned about all that? Ludwig answers the question genuinely and sincerely That's cool And this is right before we start filming and I'm like, what the fuck is this? Like, why? Like, why? You just want to hurt me? Just why? And what Ludwig said was, I wasn't in the mood
Starting point is 01:15:58 to talk about that I just wanted to mess around and I was supposed to interpret that and now I if he loses words to say it, which was good wanted to mess around. And I was supposed to interpret that. And now I look if he uses words to say it, which was good. But what happens is Ludwig is it in the mood to talk about merch? So you're chasing him down. What does blood say? You're like, come here, come here, come here.
Starting point is 01:16:16 I think you're like, come here, come here. And Ludwig's not in the mood. So in his mind, he's like, he's like, you know, when you're like, you're telling it, you it's like, imagine, imagine you're on a summer vacation with your family, you're at the family reunion, it's 8pm, it's starting to get pretty dark because you're in Washington state so it gets dark a little later there, and the kids are out about in the yard and you've got your 3 year old, he's gotta go to bed soon because normally he goes to bed at 7.30,
Starting point is 01:16:45 and you don't want him to be tired the next day. And then you go up to your three year old and you say, buddy, buddy, I've been warning you for the past hour that we're going to have to go to bed soon. It's time to go in for bed. And then that's what talking to Ludwig about merch is like. Because then you finally, you've been warning about the deadline the whole time.
Starting point is 01:17:01 Seattle, I like this place. It's like boom. And then I'm like, come on buddy, bedtime And he's like, no! He does, he does He runs around with his pecker out And he's like, you're the best He takes off his little underwear
Starting point is 01:17:16 He's like, I actually get a bad show And you know what? And when he grows up Those are the moments you'll miss the most That might be true that might be true My new approach with merch is I was like Ludwig It's okay if you don't want to talk about it But you have to say the words you do not want to drop to come out and queue for this year This will be a dope episode for the one couples therapist that listens to the show. No
Starting point is 01:17:39 No, like they're like the other ones I remember how a hash out or crash out started From this. Cause you accused me. When you were playing 2k. The lovely thing about working with Ludwig is and that we've all learned is that we've all developed Ludwig's strategy Nick comes up with lovely anecdotes about how he's going to kill himself. My strategy is just being his friend Comes up with lovely anecdotes about how he's going to kill himself. My strategy is just being his friend Which isn't enough you have to threaten your life by the way, is that what friends do? Yingling has brought up the analogy as like I'm gonna fucking corner him in the corner like a rash with a frying pan
Starting point is 01:18:25 We talked about Ludwig when he's gone in the office out mean you really like like we're playing a game a mousetrap It's like alright when he's out of the when he's gone in the office now. Mean, like, like we're playing a game of mousetrap. It's like, all right, when he's out of the when he's out of yard recording, you're going to corner him and fucking you're going to jockey him in the corner. I tell you guys, I trapped a fly at a restaurant. I tell you about that. No, I was at I was at a restaurant down the street. It was kind of it was kind of a nice restaurant. And we're sitting there as a fly. It's fucking with us. It's like buzzing. It's hitting my head. All the shit's so annoying.
Starting point is 01:18:43 And we're at like this little bar, like spot where like, you basically, the people cooking are like, it's not hibachi, but the people cooking are like right in front of you. And I'm just sitting there, they're watching me, I'm swatting there just like, that's how it is in here. I'm like, all right, it's fine. It goes, it goes. I have a water glass that I finished empty. And I go, and I catch it. And I put it in a cup and it's stuck in the cup. And they watch me do that. And they're like, that was cool. And I was like, well, now what? what I can't I can't let it out Yeah, it's kind of there for life, so I just left him there
Starting point is 01:19:10 You know what you do what you ask for someone you ask for a cigarette, and then you put it in there burning Yeah, you smoke him out guys I just left him there my entire meal and then when I was leaving I was like And they're like they're like and they just left them in I left you slide a menu underneath you let him outside Dude, you know I was a kid I Don't want you guys We are gonna judge okay, you should kill something. I was a little kid I would take a tic-tac box a little plastic box. Oh, yeah, and put an ant in there and fill it with water
Starting point is 01:19:49 I used to take a magnifying glass out back in like our little garden and try to fry ants with it That was so fun. Yeah Farm is a blue an ant farm and I was watching. I had an ant farm and I was watching the queen. So I came up with the idea for the video because the ants only turn left. So I thought when I play Call of Duty I could win a game by... That would be really base if I looked at ants behaviors to make a YouTube video. Alright, point crow, we get it dude. Now you have an ant farm and it's 50,000 people watching you online.
Starting point is 01:20:24 Yo, and now it's a ghost town. When you play League of Legends. No! You're so fucking dumb. Cause I should've watched. Cause I'm a ghost town on your fucking mainstream. It's my peak viewership. Yeah because everyone wants to be a trainer right dude.
Starting point is 01:20:35 21k! League of Legends, peak viewership. Yes! It doesn't count if it's part of the Connors stream. Why? Oh it was part of the Connors stream? Yeah it doesn't count. It was the peak of the Connors stream.
Starting point is 01:20:44 You can't boot up League Raw and hit your peak. Okay, so? I can't boot up my pecker raw without hims. Let's go. Let's fucking go. I was gonna say, dude, if you boot up your pecker raw on YouTube, that will peak. I don't think it would. That'd be a hell of a good stream.
Starting point is 01:21:00 Speaking of raw peckers live on YouTube, Doc came back. Yeah. Isn't that crazy? And he went, nope. on YouTube, Doc came back. Yeah. Isn't that crazy? And he went, nope. And he went, just kidding. Nope. Dude going to play Mortal. It was the Champion's Club.
Starting point is 01:21:11 Champion's Club. The thing that was crazy is the title. Wait, why did we change the name by the way? Why did we call it Champion's Club? All right. Why did you still call it Champion's Club? I'm saying why did you change it? Oh, because it used to be Slick Daddy Club.
Starting point is 01:21:19 Yeah, why did you change that? And you changed it right after getting caught cheating. Yeah. Oh. Because it used to be Slick Daddy Club and you used to drink G Daddy Club. Yeah, why'd he change that? He changed it right after getting caught cheating. Yeah Oh Oh Cuz he used to be slick Daddy Club and he used to drink G and T's and then he stopped
Starting point is 01:21:30 He should change Champions Club now, like it should keep going Yeah, you change it after being ashamed for a different thing. Convict Club. Second grader club Let's fucking go dude Silent reading time There's this weird dichotomy he kept doing which was like on one hand Silent reading time. There's this weird dichotomy he kept doing, which was like, on one hand, nobody went to check the legal age of consent in the state that we were talking.
Starting point is 01:21:50 And then on the other hand, he was like, and also the conversations weren't sexual. I was like, why are you bringing up the first part? So why are you bringing up the first part? Because I've never talked to someone who's like a teen and then been like, by the way guys, check the state laws. Now this is my doc theory
Starting point is 01:22:05 I think cuz you know how like every time this happens you can say that cuz there's things like this with him Yeah, a lot where he like receives news on stream, right? And then his he goes he crashes out live in front of everyone Yeah, so that shows he cares about this stuff this stuff like like he's scared this stuff scares him But then I think what happens is his wife doesn't divorce him and he goes oh, I'm chillin and then he full resets and says hey by the way none of it happened Yeah, I guess it goes back to he went on vacation with his family's like I always have this fallback Yes, I don't give a fuck Because he has he has his viewers who don't fucking care and he has his family that is not leaving him
Starting point is 01:22:42 Yeah, so he's like oh, I can just lie on the Internet like we like doing. You know, like, dude, we are not the doctor disrespect of podcasting. Well, I'm just saying it's always fun. It is. I like the idea of this all happening to Doc. And then him looking over at his family like. Are we cool? Yeah. And then she goes sadly, oh, yeah. And he's like all right
Starting point is 01:23:05 Just fucking hits the live button again. Oh Man, you can just say takes ease back seas and like you know he's gonna have how many viewers you get we are all the 40k today Eventually get tired of trying to get is eyes. I was playing with a new fit I've been playing cod ranked and every third game is a clan tied that says MAGA and I'm realizing that these are the dudes that watch Dr. Call of Duty for sure is right wing. I don't think I don't even think they're political I think they just don't I think they just like think it's You're saying their tags are MAGA and then you're saying it's a political. I think it is
Starting point is 01:23:44 I think it's not I think it's due to you couldn't they couldn't answer a single question about politics. Just because they're not informed doesn't mean it's not political. It's like socio-political. It's like they're trying to say they're trying to be like loosely hurtful and damaging to the left that they don't like. That's political. But they are going to vote for it. They are going to vote for it. I know what Nick is saying. You're trying to assign a very literate definition to this. I'm saying we-
Starting point is 01:24:06 It is technically political, but that's not the important part. You can't make a political exclusive to an in-group of people who are like political science majors. Sure, by the definition you're presenting, you're correct, but I'm saying that like, if you're a 16-year-old in high school and you say like, let's fucking go Trump, I don't think you're being political. I think you're being edgy at school. Yeah, you're just trying to be accountable. Until you grow up and then vote for Trump.
Starting point is 01:24:23 I'm saying they haven't grown up. That's independent of this idea. Like, yeah, but like- grow up and then vote for Trump. I'm saying they have grown up of this idea. Like, yeah, but they're the first guy is what I'm saying. Yeah, but even if they're fucking 30, like when I was a kid, it was counterculture to think Bush was gay and cringe. Right. I think I would go as far as to say these guys don't vote. No, no, no, no, no, no, no way. They got MAGA and they don't vote. I think for sure young people, young people don't vote a lot man
Starting point is 01:24:47 The demo is it's so much easier to just use our historic number Real heads remember when these people aren't necessarily young if they're playing Call of Duty I think that the Call of Duty is a very general gamer game, especially dude If you're playing something like MW2, I think they're more likely to be older I think actually average age is higher called to do Yeah, and for sure by the way like a demographics and like Trump is crushing with young dudes with with yeah with young Gonna vote for the swaths never seen before What? Yes, yes, they're gonna vote and like numbers never before seen he's crushing. He's on every like hip he's on NELC
Starting point is 01:25:20 He was on fucking Logan Paul's podcast. I also saw that article this morning, but I I didn't see an article I'm just seeing the fucking the the people the masses. I'm not sure I want to see I'll see that I want to see how that cools down you're buying the news right now Pull up you can pull up polls you can pull up polls 18 to 24 polls Even dude, I mean I think it's way less likely to happen, but even in Valorant, like it would, it would happen sometimes. Like people would talk about, like young guys playing Valorant, just like talking about Trump on the mic. The opposite isn't funny or interesting, right? You can't, you can't put like, you can't be like Biden, because no one cares. I think there's-
Starting point is 01:25:59 If you're like Trump, then someone will be like- It's initially counter-cultural issues. Someone will be like, hey, shut up, and then you'll be like, oh, Libcock, fucking what? Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's inflammatory. I think that they're just trying to stir shit up. No, I think using federal politics as a vehicle for that, which is inherently, which they will find out very much later in life, is that it's ultimately cringe to do. Because using politics as a way to like own somebody. I don't. Beauty of Call of Duty players, they don't ever find out.
Starting point is 01:26:23 I'm not kidding. They don't ever find out. They grow up and they don't change. They grow up and they buy their shirt from Spencer's Gifts and they're 39 and they're like this fucking brick and mortar shit thing. You know what, the thing is they always have a beautiful family. And it says my other wife is a F-150 and it's a shirt. It's a muscle tee actually. There's some scumbag out there in like in the middle of nowhere who has the most beautiful
Starting point is 01:26:44 pharmacist, technician wife and he buys his shirts from Spencer's gifts. Yeah, and they have a kid and that kid is He's he's the cost dude. You're talking about the air to jet blue. You see that video Mm-hmm is the air to jet blues fortune? I think it's jet blue and he has this like wife and it's her birthday and He's filming her and he's like open this gift. I got you's like I hope it's tickets Hawaii like I want to go to Hawaii and then she opens it up and it's a apron to hold eggs that's great she's like yeah it's cute isn't it yeah yeah yeah the breakfast sandwiches they've been less recently I like more eggs when you. I like more eggs.
Starting point is 01:27:25 I like more to cook. He does then post it, yeah. That's crazy. I mauled my wife earlier, juggling the boys. And then apparently the youths do in this now. You probably know that one. The youths do in...what's...what does this mean? You don't know that one?
Starting point is 01:27:39 I don't know what that is. I'm plugged in these days, but... I'm guessing if it's paired with the same thing, is it back to this kitchen or something. No no no this is orangutan What there's a video of this orangutan in a zoo? Oh? He's like and he's and he's someone's pulling shit out of their bag, and he's like he's like next yeah So he keeps just going next so this just means next oh Which is it's kind of poetic because that's like the the scroll up or the swipe or like all these These motions that we do to change
Starting point is 01:28:06 Video is cold video that video is cold What the monkey is just like oh? You see a monkey video no Is the monkey guy too He's like I'm not a straight name. They're crazy I know anybody gets what he wants. He's like I'm not a straight name. I'm gonna take your crazy Like human like dude there. They look they're so weird. They're smart man I want to say to you is you and I said the one I saw he just rolled around in front of the glass Like he did like a ring of saying pointing finger video
Starting point is 01:28:40 34 blood doesn't listen to the podcast. Do you think Zipper ever listens to episodes? No. Never. Never. Not once. He said what the fuck? I don't think he's ever watched the pod when not recording the type shit. Yeah. He actually gets, I mean, he gets the front row to everything. That's true. He sees all the shit we cut out.
Starting point is 01:28:56 But that's work. That's different, you know? It's not work for him. He never listens to it for liege. For liege? Liege. It'd be weird if he listened to it for liege, don't you think? It would be, but I would still feel flattered. Sometimes I do. That's not fucking true.
Starting point is 01:29:09 It is! No swears! Uh, video currently unavailable? I mean no. Who took the monkey down? Oh, the internet lost it. No, the video's online. I guess the internet lost it.
Starting point is 01:29:19 It is crazy to show us that. The ringtang finger video point back Fingering a ring tang video Going wrong Rule 34 Uh, I can get it, you need me to get it Yeah, yeah, yeah Oh yeah, this guy
Starting point is 01:29:40 Uh uh Uh uh, uh uh He's actually just scrolling Tiktok No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, He just keeps like, you just like the figure like give it to me Nah nah nah Dude this is so funny Yeah play it all again, this is the same shit from last time Yeah nah nah Dude let me see that Oh my god this is so fucking funny Me when I'm showing 16 at the blackjack table
Starting point is 01:30:19 Come on here we go here we go Nah nah nah I don't like if you ever I don't think he's ever like yeah jackpot I thought I saw a version of this No, I think it's looped this is looped no yeah, this is the Like that so anyway this this now means next here. Show me what else okay? Okay, hey Give me a legend I'll do the challenge you're like It should be an email. I want you to get there man. I love these strings. I will get there
Starting point is 01:30:58 I've been watching I will get there the last one was who you were caught look that was What I said earlier? Yeah, you were kind of aiming and halo. Oh, horrible. That was chocking ass. Contrary to what I said earlier, you were kind of aiming in Halo. Oh dude that was nasty. You were kind of aiming. What's that one called where you get one shot headshot? Swat. I was great at Swat. I think you said this on the pod before but I was dating this girl and her little brother
Starting point is 01:31:17 was over, I was over at their place and her little brother was there and he's like, you want to play Halo with me? I'm like yeah sure. And I dusted his dumb ass in Swat. Rannish shit, you gotta do that. Oh my god. That's like you want to play halo with me. I'm like yeah sure I Dusted his dumbass. Yes, why an issue you gotta do that you gotta do that What Peter did to me Peter was trying to like bond with me? He was like he's like let's play Xbox man I got in I got a 360 we can play halo, and then I fucking wipe his shit That's the last time we ever played video games together. No way Here said I don't want the smoke
Starting point is 01:31:53 Like there's my mom, but you're nice to my mom, but you want to keep this shit up you better fuck Saying gonna be a thing. Yeah, I think it's still there if you go to like the media console at my mom's house There's a 360 I bet the replay is still on that Xbox Yes, sir. I'm dusting my dumbass stepdad. Uploaded by Ludwig29 You know, throw that on Patreon. Oh, Nick. Hi. You trying to join the book club, man?
Starting point is 01:32:15 I bought the book. So wait, what? That's pathetic. Why? Cause you're not in the book club yet. But you're not. QD invited me. Oh, she did? You didn't fucking answer. Okay, well I was about to. I don't know. It's weird that you brought the book before replying. Oh, by the way.
Starting point is 01:32:31 Okay, well. I don't think it's that weird. So here's what happened. We were supposed to do book club a while ago. Yeah. And then you and Maya were the problem. Because you all didn't read the book. You and Maya?
Starting point is 01:32:38 Yes. Did you read it? Yes. I read Crying in H-Mart. You guys did read it. How did it end? It ended with her... Spoiler, spoiler, spoiler.
Starting point is 01:32:44 It's not a fiction book. It's a nonfiction It was about a woman who overcame the death of her mother and it kind of ended with her relationship with her father Fracturing okay, and her marrying the love of her life and Learning to make Korean food through telling me spark notes blood telling you spark No, she learned to make food from this one online and connect her to her mother. What do you want from me? I don't this is true. All right fine. You read it. Yeah, bitch. I did and she's an artist You must say sorry. Me and Maya were too busy getting fucking money So you guys didn't do it and then they brought it back up
Starting point is 01:33:13 They're like book club round two and everyone's like yeah, and then Nick apparently cuz book club got it out somewhere It's me you cutie Maya. Yes, Nick somewhere replied the classic Nick thing. He said okay I guess I'll just eat an entire book until I die from fucking combustion. I think I did the same thing to Maya Yes, you did. This is why you said this exact you said some version I'm gonna kill myself. I have a pattern. This is a good strat. If you don't get what you want in life You say you're gonna kill yourself. It's especially effective So I tweeted I tweeted you guys I'm like you guys said like oh book club starting and I was like feeling hurt lost Broken and then Maya messages me. Do you want to join book club?
Starting point is 01:33:48 And I said if there was a book about my life with my closest friends even read it And then she messaged our group chat being like does he want to be in it? She said your application to book club has been declined and I said dude my look Maya I'll say this is the last thing I'll say. She talks a big fucking game, but she caps hard. She caps way hard. She was saying she was like on the I think it was Wine About It. She was talking to Cutie and she's like, yeah, my editor or someone that works for Maya was like, I'm blocked by slime.
Starting point is 01:34:17 Like, can I do you think you could ask him to unblock me on Twitter? And she she described it as like, yes, I went to slide and was like fucking you better unblock him, dude I go into the DMS man You could unblock this fucking shitter that I know every single DM I had with Maya all of them except for that one is asking her how to rescue baby birds out of the roof of my house This is like when a truck messes you and his camera doesn't turn on. Yes, it's the same thing. Bird person help.
Starting point is 01:34:46 Yeah. Animal. Well, anyway, we got book club. You're in then. I'm in. I'm going to read it. Wow. You want to be in? No, no. Beast. Fucking beast. All right. Fair enough. Thanks for the invite, though.
Starting point is 01:34:58 If you're interested, it's tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow by Zadie Smith. You got to read it by October 6. You got a month. Oh, I got to read it. I'm out. You get audio. You got a month. I gotta read it I'm out you get audio book. Just kidding audiobook defeats the purpose of We talked about it. I think it does also if you're not in the book club Oh, you don't get to talk about dude throwback yard conversation. It's like let's
Starting point is 01:35:21 Let's do a you let's do a listen to YouTube videos And I know what you're thinking watching the yard Let's do a podcast club, let's do a YouTube video. That would be fine! And I know what you're thinking, watching the yard. The book this month? Let's go to the page. The book this month? Wendover's latest video. There was a political science club and you had to listen to a-
Starting point is 01:35:37 You don't want to hear it. You don't want to hear it. You don't want to hear it. You don't want to hear it. You don't want to hear it. You don't want to hear it. You don't want to hear it. You don't want to hear it.
Starting point is 01:35:45 You don't want to hear it. You don't want to hear it. You don't want to hear it. You don't want to hear it.

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