The Yard - Ep. 19 - All streamers are depressed

Episode Date: November 10, 2021

Hey, paisanos! In this weeks episode of The Yard, the boys are up to no good once again. QT runs face first into a glass door, Ludwig recounts how every streamer has depression, and a fan of the pulls off a wild public stunt.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 What did I do? I listened to it, everyone dogslaw Aiden, I'm on team Aiden. Oh, you're just doing it to balance it out? No, I also agree with him. Welcome back to the yard, everybody. Hi, yard listeners. Something really confusing. No, I also agree with him. Welcome back to the yard, everybody. Hi. Yard listeners. Something really confusing. Like you're so exhausted right now.
Starting point is 00:00:29 Something really confusing is going to happen for all our Patreon listeners. Yeah. Because Ludwig's here. That's right. But in the Patreon episode, in the Patreon episode, he's not going to be here. Were you kids getting up to no good? Which is confusing because normally we record this first and then that second
Starting point is 00:00:45 but this time we had to record the premium episode first. Why is that Ludwig? Judy ran into a glass door. I wish you had ended it with a question intonation at the end like a clickbait. No. But you naturally didn't do that which means you have a heart.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Which also is just that you don't know it's a good clickbait. She ran into a door? That's, you don't. Am I not? No, you just add questions to normal things. Yeah. That's easy, man. YouTube clickbait.
Starting point is 00:01:13 All right, hold on, hold on, hold on. Don't say it, don't say it. All of us have to go, the three of us have to say what we would title this video. Yeah. All right, Aiden. Cutie went to the ER for what? Ludwig reveals his net worth. Okay.
Starting point is 00:01:29 Wait, you're not allowed to say it. What's up? Wait, what? That's what I would title it. You're not allowed to play the game, but why? It's about her. No, no, no. Don't get distracted by his trick.
Starting point is 00:01:37 By his mind trick. See, now you're asking why. You clicked. You clicked. You literally IRO clicked. That's crazy. Not good. No, I'm mad he cheated. Put her there You clicked. You literally IRO clicked. That's crazy. No. Not good.
Starting point is 00:01:46 No, I'm mad. He cheated. Put her there. Damn, that's nuts. That was a good one. That was a good one. What is his network? Stop this.
Starting point is 00:01:52 Appreciate it. You know what mine would be? Ludwig killed his girlfriend in cold blood. Vice News exclusive. You kind of fucked mine. And then it would be like a Vice thumbnail. Putting the slash and then Vice News at the end of it is very funny. Killed gets demonetized.
Starting point is 00:02:07 I broke my girlfriend's nose, and she has the cast on and lovingly like this. Okay, you're close, but the thumbnail is actually her, and it's cowering, and it's my fist. Oh, well. I don't know about that. Do you think this is a real-life metaphor for the glass ceiling that women run to on Twitch? Well, no. I think it's, if anything. Oh, so you don't think that's real?
Starting point is 00:02:29 I think it hurts women's argument because it's a woman running into a door like dogs do. Wait, what? So you made it so much worse. No, no, no. Because he tweeted out. He's like, hey, cutie ran into a door. Hey, send her cute animals. Basically, he's saying what happened. And I was trying so hard to think of a quote where he tweeted out, he's like, hey, Cutie ran into a door. You know, hey, send her cute animals. Like, basically saying what happened.
Starting point is 00:02:46 And I was trying so hard to think of, like, a quote where he tweeted. And I was like, yeah, she does this every week. She just hit it hard enough this time. When I got home from work and Cutie's sitting on the stairs with, like, a towel on her nose. It kind of looks like she's been crying. I'm like, are you okay? And she's like, I ran into the door. And it took, like, everything in me. To be, like, I ran into the door and it took like everything in me to be like a dog.
Starting point is 00:03:09 I wanted to understand. It was terrifying, dude. So I was streaming playing Super Auto Pets in my deep, deep thriving addiction. Right. And she comes running in and she's crying and there's like blood. Oh my God. And she's like, I think I broke my nose. You're live? I'm live. And I'm like, she's like she's like i think i broke my nose you're live i'm live and i'm like she's also live oh my god and i'm like i'm like okay i mute my stream i go
Starting point is 00:03:32 over to the bathroom and i'm like what's up she's like i ran into the door i think my nose is broken and i'm like okay so i go back to my stream and i try to be really serious and i'm like back to my stream and I try to be really serious and I'm like No. Cutie ran into the door. Everything's gonna be fine. Oh yeah you heard me. Ran into a glass door. Hey sub only.
Starting point is 00:03:56 No lol w's. Okay. So I do that. I end mine. I go to hers to end hers cause she's like can you end mine. I do the same thing. People think because they weren't aware of it, right? Because she was away for a few minutes. She ran into a door. Now shut up and you'll see her tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:04:11 They thought some other shit was happening. They thought something was going down, something bigger. And I'm like, no. I know this sounds like a weird excuse, but she fell down the stairs, guys. She's good. She's good. She's going to be fine. She'll be here tomorrow making money.
Starting point is 00:04:27 Yeah, I was at the... She'll be back at the paper mill. Like, Beb, Mr. Beast is calling. Can this wait like 20? Like a hot 20? Dude, I'm a great boyfriend. I snap-ended. I fucking...
Starting point is 00:04:40 I was going to bail on this cast. I was in the ER. You posted your tweet, asked for cute animals. And I think Mitch posted one of the most insane photos I have ever seen. It's Tony the Tiger whipping up crack cocaine with a Porsche key chain. Can you pull it up, Zipper? I sent it to you. It's very cool.
Starting point is 00:05:01 It's so, it is so insane. I have a picture on my phone of Tony the Tiger and he's up against a wall like this and he has a huge boner. I have it in my phone. Every once in a while I'll re-see it. That's so hard, bro. He's pouring the baking soda.
Starting point is 00:05:18 Do you need baking soda to make crack? You do, yeah. I looked at this and I was like, I think I get furries. I looked at this. Whoa. I looked at this, and I was like, I think I get furries. What? I for sure get furries. Hold on. I saw this one picture, and I was like, I see this is like the beginning of the pipeline.
Starting point is 00:05:35 I'm a scaly more than a furry. Can that be my tattoo? That guy? I want that. Dude. Crack whipping Tony the Tiger. Tony the Tiger whipping up crack cocaine on my body. We are knocking on 10K door, aren't we?
Starting point is 00:05:47 Yeah, we're getting close. Yeah, we're very close. I've already started compiling all the ideas. It's so funny. There's that little chart to it every month. So we get to the end of the month, and it fucking drops off a little bit. And then it just climbs. You guys get what it's like to be a streamer now a little bit.
Starting point is 00:05:58 It is sub-bleed, yeah. That's kind of what happens when you're a streamer. For anyone who started watching the yard this episode, when our Patreon hits 10,000 patrons, I am getting a tattoo of the Patreon's choice on my body. Yeah, there's going to be a bracket run. There's a whole thing to decide. You can check it out at Patreon.
Starting point is 00:06:12 Dude, we're so close. Yeah, we're close. slash The Yard. You can be the tipping point. See, if this is me, I just gift myself 400 patrons call it a day. That's right. But you can't do that in Patreon. Patreon, get on that gift feature.
Starting point is 00:06:24 That'd be fucked up. That would be fucked up. I think you should be able to small scale give it to a friend. day. That's right. But you can't do that. You can't do that. Patreon, get on that gift feature. That'd be fucked up. That would be fucked up. I think you should be able to like small scale, give it to a friend. Yeah. That makes sense. Gift bomb? But not like gift.
Starting point is 00:06:31 Yo, thanks for the 100 gift bomb. That doesn't make sense. You know, I asked Twitch to remove gifting and they're like, nah. What? Wait, really? Because they make money off of it. Why would they?
Starting point is 00:06:39 Why are you asking the platform to take away a feature? I wanted them to let me limit the amount of gifted subs that can happen. Like, for example, I think you're capped on how much you can super chat in YouTube Live. There's like a certain dollar amount. Twitch has that. But the cap is like 10K a week. Yeah, it's like insane. It's like absurdly high.
Starting point is 00:07:01 So I was just like, what if we just bring that cap down to like, I don't know. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, okay. And they were like, how about you bring that cap down to like I don't know. You. Yeah. OK. OK. They were like how about you bring the cap down bro. You fucking keep
Starting point is 00:07:08 asking us for dumb ass things like this. Dead ass. I'm trying to get my fucking bread up. They're like hey how about you like collect some signatures outside
Starting point is 00:07:14 of Whole Foods. Maybe get like a hundred we'll talk. And I was like recall Gavin Newsom and let's bring the cap down on these gift sets. All right Ludwig.
Starting point is 00:07:22 What's up. What's up baby. All the all the big streamers on Twitch. Yeah. They all do a competition for who can sell the. All right, Ludwig. What's up, baby? All the big streamers on Twitch, they all do a competition for who can sell the most Girl Scout cookies. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:07:29 Who wins? Ooh. Okay. This is a good idea. This is twofold because there's one, people who'd put in effort, and then two,
Starting point is 00:07:36 people who drive sales. If it's Twitch, that changes it a bit. It's Twitch. Like, what I mean is, like, XQC is the biggest. He would not try. Sure. So it's not like he would lose I mean is, like, XQC is the biggest. He would not try. Sure.
Starting point is 00:07:46 So, it's not like he would lose. Straight up. Okay. Even though he has the potential. He just wouldn't play. Three seconds. XQC selling Girl Scout cookies impression. Go.
Starting point is 00:07:54 Dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude. There you go. That's perfect. I couldn't do it. I was trying so hard to think of, like, a name. The Thin Mints? The Thin Mints? Yeah, it's Thin Mints.
Starting point is 00:08:01 What's the other one? The coconut one. Samoas? Dude, dude, dude, Samoas. You gotta buy them. They're not called that anymore. They're Caramel Delights now. Caramel Delights.
Starting point is 00:08:08 And then my accent falls apart. But I get that. Because you were there in the first one. You were right there. And it just fell. You got it. It was so on point. You would actually see it.
Starting point is 00:08:17 It was so on point. It would be a shame to go on and spoil it. Yeah, my gut's telling me it's either Soda Poppin, who has a really funny, ironic campaign, I'm up there, or probably, this is my best guess, like, Sycuno. You think Sycuno would do well. What if the winner of the competition, okay, how do I phrase this? Every Girl Scout is eradicated.
Starting point is 00:08:40 Like, killed? Yes. Okay, we kill every Girl Scout. Squid game, but Girl Scouts. So you have to sell less anti-campaign. I guess it's the same thing. What are you saying? You are saying it makes sense.
Starting point is 00:08:52 You just said let's kill teenage girls and young girls. You are just saying disconnected sentences, not teenage. Girl Scouts, they're maybe younger? Yeah, they're even younger. You're saying let's kill a bunch. No, they wouldn't be killed. They'd put them in a rocket. To be fair, I said kill and you said yes.
Starting point is 00:09:07 Yeah. So. Well, the sun would kill them. They'll die, but we're not killing them. That's right. Okay, one million Girl Scouts versus the sun. Ooh. Which one wins?
Starting point is 00:09:18 A million Girl Scouts or a billion lions. That's a fair fight. They eat so fast. I was going to say the lions. That's a huge dub for the lions. That's a fair fight. You'd eat so fast. I was going to say the lions is a huge dub for the lions. So many of the lions and that still hungry.
Starting point is 00:09:31 I wrote down some notes for this and you brought up Twitch streamers. One of my notes is all streamers are depressed. Okay. And I agree.
Starting point is 00:09:38 Figured you would like this one. Yeah. I like this. I'm on board. I also have something to add that supports your theory.
Starting point is 00:09:44 Please you start. I would actually I'm curious. So also have something to add that supports your theory please you start I would actually I'm curious so not a Twitch streamer but we met or I met William Osmond
Starting point is 00:09:50 when we did that shoot and one of the first so your backup sorry I'm sorry your backup argument is just William Osmond's depressed no but he mentioned it
Starting point is 00:09:58 like right when I met him about how like the content machine has broken him down as a man yeah and then when I also hung out with Ted
Starting point is 00:10:04 for the first time, he was like every YouTuber and Twitch streamer is depressed. They're never in good moods. I think you're the only one that's in a good mood. Pretty much everyone I've met has been basically saying, yeah, everyone's depressed and everyone needs therapy. You don't think Mizkiff is in a good mood? No, he's stressed and depressed, dude.
Starting point is 00:10:20 Stressed about what? The thing is, so here's how it works. Tell me how it is, Ludwig. I'll tell you how it is. Tell me how mental health is. me how it is, Ludwig. I'll tell you how it is. Tell me how mental health is. It's just the Ludwig Minute. Let me tell you about the brain. It's the Ludwig Minute.
Starting point is 00:10:30 Right now. Boo. Ludwig Minute. Anyway, the thing about depression. What was that? It was our intro. The jingle.
Starting point is 00:10:39 For the Ludwig Minute. And you weren't fucking helping. You never, I don't want to hear any. You're right. All you do is wear a jacket and have hair. You have a green jacket on. You bit. Dude, this jacket blows now. You also have a jacket and have hair. You have a green jacket on.
Starting point is 00:10:46 You also have a jacket and hair. I thrifted this jacket. It's my favorite jacket. I wear it on stream. I got 10 people saying squib game. Do you think I'm losing my hair? This is going to show up in the promo later on. Do you think I'm losing my hair? I convinced him finally that he's losing his hair. You're going in the me and wheat pack watch chat.
Starting point is 00:11:04 Based on what evidence? Is your dad bald? Yeah. Do this and look at the camera. Oh, you're afraid now. Oh, no! Now look back at me. But it's been like that for years.
Starting point is 00:11:13 Welcome to my life. That's the point. I am saying you are not balding, but Vegeta is your spirit animal. I don't know what that means. Well, look him up. Look up Vegeta.
Starting point is 00:11:23 Okay, tell us more about streamers being depressed. Streamers? Pack watch. Depression. Anyway, don't call this Squid Game if you see me wearing a streamer. Depression. So I was talking, like I've talked to a few streamers. I talked to XQC, Hasan, Mizzy, in my own feelings, even Sykuno.
Starting point is 00:11:39 And I realized that every single streamer will readjust how they feel about how they're doing like very quickly. So if they're like 10 K Andy, like, you know, everyone was at one point and then they jumped to 20 K Andy, they'll be like, Oh, that's really exciting. It's cool. Novel. And then they will immediately like within a week be like, I am a 20 K Andy. Anything below that is bad.
Starting point is 00:11:59 Oh yeah. And then there'll be like, if I just hit 30 K, I'll be happy. It's called the, there's a lot of aspects here. One is called the disease of more. Uh-huh. You just need more and more and more to fill the void, especially if you drop below some sort of watermark. It's arbitrary.
Starting point is 00:12:12 Yeah. It's like, it's really fucked up. Gambling's the same way. I would know. What's funny is there's always a number, though, that'll be like, if I hit this, I will be happy. Like, if I can just consistently get 30K viewers, I'll be happy. And all of them, the answer's no. Like, even XQqc the biggest streamer on the platform i remember during shitcon he was
Starting point is 00:12:29 like 110k like gtarp just killing it then he would like drop down to 60 you know he's streaming at like midnight to like 7 a.m degenerate schedule and then he was at shitcon he's like i'm fucking washed dude like i got no content and it's like he's mostly saying it in like an ironic way but i think he like part of him like sees the night he's not he's not blind he sees the fucking numbers so they're all depressed and all thinking about it are you depressed no i know because you know what and i this is what i realized what i did i hit the subathon fucking the largest penis on mount rushmore. Yeah. And then I pivoted, made the yard, made mogul merch. And now all of my like self happiness is in those projects. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:12 You are, you sort of invested not your money. Well, it's your money to an extent, but mostly your emotional, uh, self into different buckets. What percentage of your happiness is in the yard? You diversified. What percent? The yard happiness is, it's like a solid like 12. Okay.
Starting point is 00:13:30 That's pretty good. Out of what? No, no, no. Out of 100? 12%. What did you take? Out of 1 million. I just don't.
Starting point is 00:13:37 1 million credits and it's 12 of them. 12%. Yeah, I don't know. That's pretty good. I think that you struggle to think critically about your own... See? That's what I'm saying. Bro, you started talking and he instantly was playing drums.
Starting point is 00:13:53 I know. It's like... So what I'm saying is that... Right, now you're an ape. Little head action. Wow, that was pretty good. That was catchy. That was pretty good.
Starting point is 00:14:02 You really got it. Anyway, they're all depressed except for me. Yeah, I think... Who's the happiest streamer, in your opinion? Besides you. Nobody. It's a fucking... It's Ouroboros.
Starting point is 00:14:13 You can't do it. It would be like the gamers. Like Tyler1. Like the people who literally show up to play a video game they love. Like Tenz. Shroud's probably happy because he just shows up and just plays whatever game he wants. And he still does well In viewership too
Starting point is 00:14:26 You know So it's like Those are the people What's up Sykuno seems happy Sykuno I think He's somewhat happy I think he's still like
Starting point is 00:14:32 A bit stressed Anxious Because like I think he just wants To have fun playing games But like he still Thinks about it You know he's like
Starting point is 00:14:38 Secretly smart I think I know What can cheer At least you And Sykuno up I'm happy I know But you can help him Help your Sykuno up. I'm happy. I know. But you could help him, help your friend.
Starting point is 00:14:46 Is it just top? Yeah, but not from you. Big yams? No, listen. Here's what you guys do. I had this banger content idea. This is one of those things where it's like, I wish I was an influencer so I could do this.
Starting point is 00:14:57 Right. I thought you, sorry, last week you said you were. Yeah, last week you said you were. I'm a YouTuber. We are the same. We are the same on your level, which admittedly, admittedly.
Starting point is 00:15:08 Hey, your words aren't big. That's big of you. I will say, meeting my hero is skyrocketing to triple, to six digits. A hundred,
Starting point is 00:15:16 six digits. That's big, man. A hundred, six digits. That's pretty good, huh? When did you start and get your, no, never mind. Salty ice climbers.
Starting point is 00:15:23 Okay, listen. 5.6 mil. It's you and Sykuno going around in military garb stealing valor. Wow. That would be a video. Walking into a store trying to get a military discount? Yeah, you walk into a BJ's and you try to get free wings. You try to get military discount.
Starting point is 00:15:43 Oh, my God. And you would kill it, right? Because you're a character guy. Semper Fi, guys. Yeah. Can I get a milkshake, two large fries? They just believe him. A couple burgers to go.
Starting point is 00:15:54 And then Sakuro's like, yeah, IED hit the truck. I was supposed to just attack him. IPAs? Oh my god, they actually have some IPAs? Oh, man. Oh, my God. They actually passed the IPAs. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:16:07 They thought we were from the military. This is crazy. Oh, man. Ludwig and Sykuno go to the VA without an insurance card. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:16 No, I left that shit at home. Yeah, we left it at home. Well, I guess we're not getting medical treatment, Ludwig. Let's go. Hold on, Sykuno.
Starting point is 00:16:24 Me and my PTSD. Not with the power of the NFL. Yeah. You know what? That's a great video idea. You've done it again. What can I say? After that bit, Dan Crenshaw will never come on this podcast. We did lose Dan, but we did gain Hasan.
Starting point is 00:16:40 Guaranteed. Hey, can I do the sovereign thing? Can I do the stolen valor thing? Ludwig, is this Hasan? That's my Hasan. This is Hasan. That's can I do the sovereign thing? Can I do the stolen valor thing? Ludwig, is this Hasan? That's how I see Hasan. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:16:50 You know what he does to do Hasan? He just widened his body and tried to make himself taller to Hasan. Yeah, I'm like trying to scare him
Starting point is 00:16:57 out. He just tried to like be, yeah, it's like a bear came up and you're trying to be like big, scary man. No, he screams into
Starting point is 00:17:04 the mic. You know who aiden put in in the our guest suggestion channel today is nade shot this is a good idea stop that aiden aiden when nature comes on so like do you take propitia like silent pause do you think like just hold on we're not rolling right
Starting point is 00:17:26 can you just like can you just see like what do you think hey Nate Matt Matt can I call you Matt Matt yo Matt Matt hey
Starting point is 00:17:33 do you think I should maybe take veneers you and me you worked at McDonald's I worked at Dairy Queen you're losing your hair I'm probably not he's doing that
Starting point is 00:17:41 he's doing that smile he does where he's kind of like like he's kind of like Nate Like he's kind of like... Nadeshot would probably do it, but I don't think it would be good. Why? Wow. No, say why.
Starting point is 00:17:52 Say why, Ludwig. Because I don't think we vibe with Nadeshot at all. You don't think we vibe with Nade? No, I don't think we vibe with fucking Nade. I vibe with Nade. We don't need to vibe. I vibe with Nade. The only person in this room who vibes with Nade is me. Oh, you vibe with Nade? You vibe with Nade. We don't need to vibe. I vibe with Nade. The only person in this room who vibes with Nade is me.
Starting point is 00:18:06 Oh, you vibe with Nade? Honestly? You vibe with Nade? I've been vibing with Nade. If me and Matt had a show, I'd be pretty fired. Hold on. I'll call him. I'll call him.
Starting point is 00:18:13 I'll call him. Dude, imagine if he just has his number. If he had his number, I'd actually show. He'd probably be busy. Speaking of, real quick. Okay. You doing the challenge? Fuck no.
Starting point is 00:18:24 Oh! There it is. Fuck no. You want to know why? you want to know why 30 cokes you want to know why yeah well i got two separate dms from different people who said hi i am a insert like medical license professional here and they explained to me in great detail why i should not do this yes what were some of the reasons i mean it's not clear when we talked about this last time. If I don't perfectly balance it with other things like fucking diuretics and water and fucking like tablets of like sodium bicarbonate and shit, I'll like fucking die. Yeah. Potentially. It's not supposed to be fun.
Starting point is 00:18:57 I'll be hospitalized. I mean, how are people out here fucking busting down heroin? You can't throw 30 cokes back? That's a bad example. I'm not kidding. I would rather do one hit of heroin than do that challenge. What? Heroin would also be like a court. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:19:13 Let's talk about Aiden now. People survive doing heroin for a reason. Every day. The problem with heroin is the addiction and the long lasting mental effects. Aiden's like, I wouldn't get addicted. You don't do it once. No, look, you do it once.
Starting point is 00:19:28 Oh, you do it once? Okay. No, it's true. Just do it once. To the viewers at home, do not do it once. Do not do it once. I'm not saying I would do it once. I'm saying I would do it once in this very niche scenario.
Starting point is 00:19:40 Like Aiden and Slime said, just do it once. Just don't do more heroin. Like Aiden and Slime said, just do it once. Just don't do more heroin. In this context, it's not insane to jump on Aiden for saying that because people do heroin for fun, but they don't drink 30 Cokes for fun. And that's the difference. I would suck down 30 Cokes. No, you wouldn't.
Starting point is 00:19:58 Do it. What the fuck? I buckled quick on the half one. You guys talk about 30 Cokes so casually. Yeah, it would fucking kill you. If you didn't drink soda all the time, you'd just die. I think there are some real medical ailments that could come from it, but I totally believe there are obese humans who live probably close to us
Starting point is 00:20:19 who suck down close to 30 Cokes a day. That's like saying, yeah, you can do a little bit more of fentanyl every day and be good. I'm on board with that, too. But if you do a lot of fentanyl right away, yeah, exactly. So let's just build up then. Let's just do five. Okay, so I will drink.
Starting point is 00:20:36 If he drinks one Coke every day this week and then two Cokes every day next week, yes, we could probably get to 30. I mean, he's built like a stalker from Half-Life 2. We're in L.A. You should know how to wean on Coke if you live in L.A. Really quick on the note of streamers all being depressed. Imagine it's the It's Always Sunny scene that we talk about in the primo where they're at the therapist, but it's Dr. K and it's us.
Starting point is 00:21:03 This is going to be a pretty good video. He's like, did Sykuna see this, Penn? I bet he got quite the thrill, but it's Dr. K and it's us. This is going to be a pretty good video. And he's like, did Sykuno see this pen? I bet he got quite the thrill out of it. It's like, Aiden, so the rest of the guys seem to think that
Starting point is 00:21:13 you're a sociopath. Do you want to explain that a little bit to me? I'm not a sociopath! I want to actually talk about the other members of the yard. And Dr. K,
Starting point is 00:21:19 I've drawn you with a massive pair of tips. Your balding head is distracting me. Your balding head is distracting me. Hard cut. It's slime now. He's in this chow. He's tits. Your balding head is distracting me. Your balding head is distracting me. Hard cut. It's slime now.
Starting point is 00:21:25 He's in this couch. He's like this. And Dr. K is like, what are you doing? You're Charlie. I must be Charlie. Charlie Day licking his lips. You're kind of Dennis, but you're also Charlie. It's hard to say.
Starting point is 00:21:35 What character in It's Always Sunny has sauce all over their mouth? Definitely Charlie. Charlie most likely. So you're Charlie then right now. No, wait, Frank. I have sauce? Frank is definitely the most likely to have sauce all over his mouth. So you're Frank.
Starting point is 00:21:47 Am I good? No, it's like red sauce. I didn't see any sauce. I don't see sauce. Yeah. You're making the sauce up, bro. I'm not. I wouldn't ever do that.
Starting point is 00:21:53 What? I don't see any sauce. Now I'm subconscious for life. The sauce is gone. You took it off. But it was there for a while. I was going to bring it up. Sauce break.
Starting point is 00:22:00 Sauce break. You were barking too loud. Sauce break. At me. So something reminded me of this earlier. You were talking about the Tony the Tiger image with his dick out. Yeah, and I'm coming back to that now.
Starting point is 00:22:12 It reminded me of something that happened while I was in Iowa. I was hanging out. What? I know. This will be connected. This will be connected because I know the picture you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:22:23 And I know the angle it is taken at reminded me of this story that Sam's girlfriend was telling me when we went out to a bar. And she was showing me, she was like, a couple years ago, my friend was DMing Calvin Harris on Instagram. He hit her up or like responded to her DM. Calvin Harris sent her that picture and you make me like this they go back and forth and this is while calvin harris is dating taylor swift they were together at the time and calvin harris sends a picture of his dick at almost that same angle massive cock by the way calvin harris face in it uh face in it that's a rookie mistake yeah it is it is and she sees this image i don't think she really wanted him to send this type of photo
Starting point is 00:23:12 and was not actually like interested in her previous message was not send me cock no it wasn't that tiger and then you do this she naturally immediately showed it to her friends taylor swift they they posted this on twitter the next day and added Taylor Swift and be like, your boyfriend is sending me pictures of his dick. Three days later, Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris broke up. Dude, what? Yeah. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:23:37 So she's the reason they broke up? This was Sam's girlfriend's friend? Yes. She saved Taylor Swift. This seems to line up. And she showed me the picture of Calvin Harris. Wait, do you have it? No, I didn't ask to save it.
Starting point is 00:23:49 I saw Calvin Harris and his dick in that photo. Is it online? I think... Zipper, zipper. Most definitely. Sorry, can you show Calvin Harris' penis? Oh my god! Yeah, that's it!
Starting point is 00:23:59 That's it! Holy shit, that is a monster. That has to be some sort of angle. Yeah, look at that angle. That is a monster. Sorry, Archie, of angle yeah look at that angle that is a monster sorry Archie by the way oh my god
Starting point is 00:24:08 Archie you're gonna have to blur that out that is so big half of his face it is it's noticeable enough that is so big poor Archie
Starting point is 00:24:16 that looks like the Empire State Building I know that's what I'm saying massive Tony the Tiger reminded me of this it should have it should have
Starting point is 00:24:23 because it looked like Calvin Harris would climb that penis in the background. And then Taylor broke up with him. Dude, that's hype. Yeah. It looks like a 777. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:24:34 Who else is about to break up? Have you seen the Bezos news? Yes. Oh, yeah. You saw that shit? Yeah, it was pretty funny. That is a really funny video. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:42 It's like that Gal Gadot clip. It's like a gif of her next to some dude oh i know what you're talking about and she's like she's like irl just like biting her lip at him they're like doing some sort of interview and then she catches herself it's very like oh my god imagine making gal gadot feel like that that's what i'm saying how hot you have to be you have to be hotter than ludwig you You have to have Calvin Harris penis. Yeah. I don't think it's penis in that scenario
Starting point is 00:25:07 because they were clothed. I think women only like penis size. It's the Lord. Every woman is a size queen. Yeah. Ludwig's a fucking shit. It's penis size.
Starting point is 00:25:16 Makeup tutorial. It's Forever 21. Charge their phone. They like lingerie. They like hot iPhone. Ice coffee. I love hearing the 60 second Kings opinion on these things
Starting point is 00:25:29 oh minute Matthew also reminds me so last week last week when we were talking about don't believe his lies last week when we were talking about like just like oh yeah Yelp pussy yard podcast reddit pussy
Starting point is 00:25:47 somebody somebody messaged me and he's like look i've never gotten yik yak pussy but i need you to believe me and he begins to tell me the story uh of how he how he found clash of clans pussy wow it's a very elaborate elaborate exchange and i was like i hope you're telling the truth to me right now and at the end of it i was like you sound like a good clan leader and he messaged me back today he was like i'd do anything for that clan wait that makes it sound like he serviced the whole plan yeah that's the end of your bonus they fucking They threw me around Alright boys we had a good year I got top for all of you Let's meet at the IHOP Oh by the way
Starting point is 00:26:29 Quick update for anyone curious On the Aiden Switch saga Mango still has his Switch And recently needed Aiden's password To buy Mario Party Didn't PayPal me for this one I owe you the money For some reason
Starting point is 00:26:41 I am the one who has to pay For his video games I mean someone's gotta pay for his video games. I mean, someone's gotta pay for them. Yeah, Mango should, realistically. Yeah, it's hard to get him to do things. Mango has so much money. He has a lot of money. Not as much as I would've thought. Mango also strikes me as someone who, like, doesn't
Starting point is 00:26:56 have a debit card. Like, he lost it, like, a week in, and he's like, I don't know. You know what I didn't know? Yeah, he, like, uses, like, Lauren's. Because, like, every time he runs out of, like, money in his PayPal, he's like, I don't know. You know what I didn't know? Yeah, he uses like Lawrence. Because every time he runs out of money on his PayPal, he's like, I got to take a look at Lawrence's debit card. I'll get the subs next week. And I'm like, why are you like this?
Starting point is 00:27:12 You shouldn't be like this. You know what was crazy? He's a better credit card than me. Do you remember when Mango posted that he had bought that Kia Soul? Yes. And he would tweet about his Kia Soul all the time? No, I don't remember that. Yeah, so he would, right?
Starting point is 00:27:24 That's great. Two and a half years later, I found out Mango doesn't Soul all the time. No, I don't remember this. Yeah, so he would, right? That's great. Two and a half years later, I found out Mango doesn't know how to drive. No. Yeah, he doesn't drive around. He does not have a license. Mango doesn't know how to drive. He's like Pete Campbell. He bought the Kia Soul.
Starting point is 00:27:34 He's lived in Southern California his entire life. It's his car, Lord drives it exclusively. That's crazy. Yeah. That's all right. Hey, that's baller shit. It is not baller shit. It's a key of soul, bro.
Starting point is 00:27:46 It's baller shit when you know how to drive, but then you choose not to. No, he makes Lauren wear like a cap. Like a little chauffeur. He puts a hot cup of coffee on the little... Is there a pat on the shoulder? All right. This is a test.
Starting point is 00:28:00 If it spills... Drive me nice and slow, Lauren. There was a good crush tweet about this a long time ago and it was about how he's the only player in the top 20 that knows how to fucking drive.
Starting point is 00:28:10 That's really funny. And then I went down the list and I was like, oh my God. Yeah, I can't imagine SFAT having a license. Yeah, all these people just didn't have cars.
Starting point is 00:28:19 Yeah. Zach, I'm sorry if you do have your driver's license. I'm sure he does. Smashers are shockingly not well adjusted. does Smashers are He bikes everywhere He bikes everywhere
Starting point is 00:28:26 He bikes surprisingly not adjusted He does he bikes all the time Him and Bobby bike everywhere But hanging out with Smashers so much Prepared me to hang out with streamers Who are also not well adjusted Yeah they're just rich now Yeah
Starting point is 00:28:36 They can pay for things Oh god imagine if Smashers were rich Well some of them get there Right We don't have to They don't say Smashers Well what I'm saying like Hbox right Yeah That's different rich well some of them get there right we don't have to they don't say smashers i like well what i'm saying like hbox right yeah that's different i mean like the people at the local like geo like
Starting point is 00:28:50 your friend yeah imagine they all got rich oh man it would be so degenerate would be in the casino for fucking stacks it'd be more degenerate somehow than it is now because like geo if he was like with streamer he'd like his equivalent be like Atriok no not even no none of these people would get by the way and then curb their degenerate activities I think that's the thing
Starting point is 00:29:11 like Gio is aka null he's a SoCal Fox player he's very good as second best four square player in America he's that's crazy he's PR definitely at least me but he's also just like
Starting point is 00:29:21 you know he's your run of the mill degenerate smash player he's a great guy. And we're trying to imagine him with like 100K in the bank. And it's just a beautiful thought. He would donate it all to some Democratic party.
Starting point is 00:29:34 Yeah, the nobleman. This is the same dude who I play Rocket League with and he has a pizza topper on top of his car. And one time I asked him, I'm like, why do you have a pizza topper
Starting point is 00:29:44 on your car? And he's like, I got a rep because he works at a pizza topper on top of his car. And one time I asked him, I'm like, why do you have a pizza topper on your car? And he's like, I got a rep because he works at a pizza place. That's so sick. Dude, he was there at one of me and mango's most tense moments. We had gone to like quite a few basketball games together, like pre COVID.
Starting point is 00:29:59 It was me, Gio mango for almost everyone. Mango would basically like Gio would be in his chat and be like, do you want to go to the game? Geo would be like, I'm broke. He'd be like, I'll pay for you. Wow. That happens all the time.
Starting point is 00:30:11 That's why Mango likes hanging out with me too, by the way. You pay. It's because I can buy my own ticket if he hangs out with other people. You're paying for Geo percent. You're trying to get him back to what he owes. Yeah. So anyway, we're hanging out. Like an asset to trade.
Starting point is 00:30:24 We go to like a Lakers game. The game's all good. After the Lakers game, we go to a bar across the street. And in the bar, like we're drinking more and we have this discussion. Because Gio's pretty political. So like it kind of sparks like, you don't know this? What? No. Gio's very political.
Starting point is 00:30:39 I've never had a fucking political conversation. I didn't know this. No, Gio's very politically active. He stays quite abreast of the news. Are you fucking with us? This is a bit. No, this is not a bit. Null.
Starting point is 00:30:52 Gio. Where's his hat backwards? Okay, continue. He's very politically active. Is he red-pilled? No, he's a bleeding Democrat. Loves blue. Loves Bernie.
Starting point is 00:31:05 This is not a bait. This is just a fact about him that you don't know because you're a bleeding Democrat. Loves Blue. Loves Bernie. This is not a bait. This is just a fact about him that you don't know because you're a bad friend. Go on. So anyway, he brings up this political discussion. And we're just talking about it because it's also peak election cycle too. It's like 2019. And then the topic of the American dream comes up. And I was basically saying,
Starting point is 00:31:25 the American dream doesn't really exist that much. I'm more the American dream. My parents are immigrants, but I was born middle class. And I'm basically having this conversation. And then Mango, not a political guy at all. But loves America. Does love America. Heard America.
Starting point is 00:31:40 Heard American dream is like, no, I'm the American dream. To be fair, Mango is kind of the American dream is like, no. I'm the American dream. To be fair, Mango is kind of the American dream. He's right, but I was like, my parents are also immigrants, and I was like, more successful than him, and I'm more successful, so you could say I am. He's like, no, you're white.
Starting point is 00:31:58 And I'm like, that's what it is these days, man. And we kind of had this argument for a while, back and forth. He gets pissed off. We're at the bar. I got, I ordered like little, little chicken nuggies. Is he mango pissed or real pissed? Dude.
Starting point is 00:32:09 So I thought he was mango pissed. He grabs the chicken nuggies, throws them on the floor at my feet. He's like starting to try to fight me, gets kicked out of the bar, gets furious. He's like, these fuckers kicking me out. We go outside. I'm like the guy calling the Uber too. And he's like in fuckers kicking me out we go outside i'm like the guy calling the uber too and he's like in the street we're waiting for the uber he's like fighting me in the street get in the uber it's like a pause break we get back to his place and that i knew was serious because we had the most intense fight i've ever had in my life
Starting point is 00:32:40 really yeah you yard we yarded it yarded it. The most aggressive yard, because normally what happens in the yard is like, I'll get someone to choke hold. I'll put him down. Call it a day. They tap. Mango does not tap. I've heard. I've heard he does not tap. He just burns all the gas he's got. When I tell you I had him in a choke hold
Starting point is 00:33:00 and I was choking as hard as I could. I genuinely was going for the kill. I could not have been going stronger. My muscles were literally breaking and he wouldn't tap. Dude, you know what's crazy? Ludwig almost ended melee.
Starting point is 00:33:14 Yeah. I was going to say, what if Ludwig came home that day and he's like, fucking killed Mango, bro. It's the Ted sketch. Yeah, but it's fucking real shit. I gotta do something.
Starting point is 00:33:24 I gotta call the cops. It's over. Everything's over. And that's the Ted sketch. Yeah, but it's fucking real shit. I gotta do something. I gotta call the cops. It's over. Everything's over. And that's the mango. He has that huge peak of anger, rush, adrenaline, does the fight. Next day, he sends me a text. He's like, my neck is so sore, Lamau. Dude, holy shit.
Starting point is 00:33:37 You know what? He is the American dream. He is the American dream. Based on all that. He is the American dream. I was just trying to make the point that the American Dream is somewhat dead. Well, the American Dream is also always just like a false idea, right? Sure.
Starting point is 00:33:49 It was based on these like three material possessions. Yeah. Ignored everything else and made it a problem. Yeah, it was Redstone, Diamond, and- And Kush. And Kush. Are you talking about Canada right now? Canadian Dream?
Starting point is 00:34:01 Yeah. The Canadian Dream. I'm talking about Canadian Dream, yeah. Canadian Dream is just RTX on. Canadian Dream? Yeah. The Canadian Dream. Canadian Dream is just RTX on. BAMF is really beautiful when you got the RTX toggled.
Starting point is 00:34:12 Shouts out, by the way, to the Discord. They were riffing really hard on that Sycuno Stolen Valor bit, and that was the first time I think the Discord ran a successful bit. I started it, but they all joined in, and I'm really proud of them. Oh, in your notepad, no less. Yeah, these are personal topics I bring up surprisingly. One, well, one, Nick was in my chat for this. I was kind of embarrassed you were in my chat.
Starting point is 00:34:33 Because, like, you know, sometimes on stream I like to talk about, you know, maybe sensitive subjects, have some nuanced takes. But I also understand that around you guys I will take all my liberties as influencer man to be a worse human. So I was talking, and this is all pre-text, because I was talking about train communicating with artists. Yeah. Because you sent out a tweet and it was like, I want cool dope shit that looks pog, basically. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:02 And then Nick was in my chat like, la mal. And I was like, you know. I said, this is all of basically. Yeah. And then Nick was in my chat like Lamal. And I was like, you know, this is all of you. Yeah. And I was like, I was like, I was like trying to say like that, you know, streamers are like the worst communicators. And I was like doing all these takes, like also trying to be like, you know, I'm not that great either, but Nick was in there. So I was like, you know, you're also writing a tweet to him.
Starting point is 00:35:20 I went and looked at this clip because he brought this up in the primo. You are literally writing a tweet saying words that are not written down as you're dictating it to yourself. You were saying what you were typing while typing
Starting point is 00:35:30 but you weren't typing what you were saying. Yeah. You left out For example you were like and you will but you just wrote
Starting point is 00:35:37 and and will. He just never wrote you even though you said it. And I was like damn I get it. Like he really is there's a piece gone and I have to
Starting point is 00:35:44 There's no piece gone that's just a show I was show tweeting. That I get it. Like, he really is. There's a piece gone and I have to... No, there's no piece gone. That's just a show. I was show tweeting. That's proof. It's show tweeting. You just didn't know because you do that. There's a consistency.
Starting point is 00:35:50 You didn't make a sentence. It's because there's no plan to actually send the tweet. It was just to, like, meme that I was... But you've done this offline when drafting tweets. Really?
Starting point is 00:35:58 I was just trying to do, like, this and then say what I wanted to say. We have evidence. I can believe that if this was an isolated incident. 90% of my tweets are normal tweets. It was just funny to say. We have evidence. I can believe that if this was an isolated incident. It was just funny to see you type something up. 8% of my tweets are normal tweets.
Starting point is 00:36:08 It was just funny to see you. 98% of them. You guys are looking at a few examples. What was the poker one? You guys are talking about a few bad eggs. No, no, no. Not all cops are bad. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:36:17 Oh, S-Cab. Oh, yeah. Oh, S-Cab. We're talking. Bro, Brett's dad buys us beer. And he's the cop so super chill like he's like he's he like let me i get it i'm with the whole thing but it's just like i'm all bored with it it's like friler's dad like one time he busted us for wee but like let us keep it so
Starting point is 00:36:37 friler's dad brylan officer brylan brylan white Officer Brylin. Brylin White. Brylin White is indicted on something. Brylin White's on paid leave. For sure. You boys call me Mr. White. And on paid leave, he's really cool. Now I'll be back in the force in a couple months. Just some fucking thing. Just got to smooth it over with the higher ups.
Starting point is 00:37:02 Fuck, dude. Dude, goddammit. I took a snapshot mentally, and then I lost it. I was trying to tear you away. We're good. Back to this, though. What's going on over here? With, I have this idea.
Starting point is 00:37:13 No. You want another fire idea? I really don't, but I'll hear it. It's million dollar idea time. Which one? Zipper confetti now. Dude, did we get that installed? We gotta fire that guy.
Starting point is 00:37:26 It's not a wig. He always fucks it up. Okay, here. Here's my idea. Get this. You guys heard of Squid Game, right? I've heard of Squid Game. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:35 Squid Game. So you've heard of Squint Game. Okay, let's say we do this. Okay. But we get a bunch of people and do it IRL. You're making a meme. Is this a joke? No, this is good.
Starting point is 00:37:46 This is good, right? Not good. Because it's like the most popular show. We do a content thing where we get 400 or whatever people and they do it. You already got the outfit on. Okay, this is a good idea. I feel like this is a good content thing. Are you down?
Starting point is 00:38:01 Do you think that'd be a good idea? Why don't you think it's a good idea? What? Did you see? You know Mr. Bean is spending about three million dollars so did you guys see that twitter thread it's so it's so funny he posted a photo of them building the set for red light green light and he's like man this shit's costing a bit more than i thought it would but uh i can't back out now and then one of the replies is like, dude, you need a VFX team. This is how they shot the actual show. And it's a literally a way shittier version of the same set. And that's how they shot the actual episode.
Starting point is 00:38:33 And Mr. Beast is building a practical set. And he's building a practical set. It's like he wanted to do a Star Wars thing and he built the Death Star. The replies in here. the Death Star is not real. What the fuck is a computer? Oh, wow. That's crazy. It's actually insane the scale that he does this in. That's pog. It's like, wait, the Death Star is not real? What the fuck is a computer? Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:38:45 That's crazy. It's actually insane the scale that he does this in. That's pog. It's really, really impressive. I wasn't necessarily talking about Mr. Bean, but literally everyone got on the Squid Game. And none of it is interesting to me at all. His might be the only one because of the level and the scale. It's so well-expected.
Starting point is 00:39:01 He will do it on a big scale. Everyone has done IRL Squid Game. Oh, God. Although I will sayRL Squid Game. Oh, God. Although I will say Crab Game. Did you see that? It's made by a YouTuber who's like a game developer YouTuber. He made Muck. Seems like the new hotness.
Starting point is 00:39:13 He made Crab Game. And I was like, man, Squid Game's already dying. It's already hit its peak. Arcane, the League of Legends show, is the first show to replace it as number one on Netflix. But Crab Game, I think, will just persist because it's just fun. It's a fun game. I haven't played it yet.
Starting point is 00:39:28 How do you play it? What happens? It's basically like a Fall Guys type thing, like any Battle Royale, but it has proximity chat. Oh, that's hype. And so that's why it's good. Like, if it didn't have proximity chat, and if it wasn't fun to play, obviously.
Starting point is 00:39:41 I'm going to play it. I'm going to play it tonight. Do you think when they pitched Squid Game, they were just like, okay, it's like Fall Guys, but everyone's Korean. So we got to look at what's going on, what's hot. So Fortnite, hot. Fall Guys, hot.
Starting point is 00:39:52 South Korea, exploding. There was a reality where Squid Game was just among us. It's like Koreans in a spaceship. It's also called Squid Game. We used to play a Squid Game in space. A space horror genre where they don't know who's the bad guy in the crew, and they die. Different members die on the ship.
Starting point is 00:40:12 That's never been done. Some asshole didn't do his job and went to a meeting, and he's like, all right, what's your big idea you got for us? You had all week, Johnson. He's like, it's Fortnite and Parasite. And they were like, oh. The two things I did all break. They like both so much.
Starting point is 00:40:28 Why would this not make sense? Let's get the director of Ninja in the room. Poor director who wrote this in, like, 2009 is listening to the yard right now. That's what I heard, yeah. Just raging. The person, like, shopped it around for, like, years and years and finally got produced, which is really cool. They wrote it for Adam Sandler. But he said no.
Starting point is 00:40:44 Yeah? Yeah. years and finally got produced, which is really cool. They wrote it for Adam Sandler, but he said no. Yeah? Yeah. He was amazing. GrownUps 3 is a battle royale? This is a story of uncut gems. Squid Game was originally written by the
Starting point is 00:40:52 Safdie brothers, but it just got runned off to a Korean studio. It was like stupid Adam Sandler voice like, he was the top of the class in his business school! Adam Sandler much better than some of your others. Adam Sandler much better than some of your others. Oh, yeah?
Starting point is 00:41:06 Yeah. Adam Sandler would honestly be a better VIP, too, than who they casted. Where's Rob Schneider in this equation? He has to be in there, right? Yeah, he's one of the Americans
Starting point is 00:41:14 like, you can do it. Do you think Rob Schneider is the American businessman whose predatory masks to be blown? Is that Rob Schneider? He's one of the VIPs. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:26 Who were already terrible actors. He's wearing a mask. They were so bad. He's wearing an animal mask, but it's of Rob Schneider. Rob Schneider with a Rob Schneider mask. Rob Schneider is Stans. And Adam Sandler's Atriok. Dude.
Starting point is 00:41:38 That's my take. No, because Adam Sandler is a worldwide icon that can never be toppled. And Atriok is a, well, shill. Adam Sandler's not a shill. He is a shill. He's a huge shill. But I guess he might be the biggest shill.
Starting point is 00:41:49 He is a huge shill. The difference is Adam Sandler can ball. It's the scale. And he can ball. He balls. Dude, Adam Sandler. I'm gnawed.
Starting point is 00:41:57 Nice. Thanks, man. You don't miss, bro. He's back, baby. Welcome back after three weeks. Back on top of the Mount Rushmore
Starting point is 00:42:05 what is it uh do you guys ever watch Happy Gilmore yeah no yes yeah I'm talking to me like I'm stupid he hasn't seen it have you not seen it never dude you're a dumb sack of
Starting point is 00:42:16 shit oh dumb alert dumb alert have you not seen it you know why I haven't seen it you know why I haven't seen it a lot of way because when all the kids were making Happy Gilmore references in elementary school I was not seen it. You know why I haven't seen it? You know why I haven't seen it, Ludwig? What? Because when all the kids were making Happy Gilmore references in elementary school,
Starting point is 00:42:28 I was not allowed to watch the movie. I knew it. So that's why Ludwig... Wait, why not? Just wasn't allowed to watch it. Parents don't let them watch it. Parents just don't understand. But basically, it's a way me and Mike
Starting point is 00:42:38 have bonded for a year straight. It's just by saying, Club went further than the ball. Periodically. I love that fucking movie. That's all it's a good movie there's uh so you know the youtube video i made which is like we talked about it last week it was the the one where i made a secret video someone did something similar on tiktok basically they had an idea they were like i bet if you made a tiktok where you like listened to the top 10 songs from 2002 and then pretended you didn't know any of them that it would do super
Starting point is 00:43:08 well because then all like the self-righteous millennials be like how the fuck do you not know that song engagement yeah and then a few months later they remembered it they tried it went super viral that's so right wait is it that one is it the one with the two the two girls that like it was just one girl like she was pretending she like listened
Starting point is 00:43:24 to like a bunch like I was like i'm coming home she's like no i like what is this a bad song yeah they're all like different like different covers of like the russian national anthem and she's like i don't know she's trying to piss off russian tiktok you go live and you do that with all the movies you've never watched from your childhood. Yeah, except I'm not baiting. It's actually real. I know, but that's why it'll be real and it'll work. Do it for our yard TikTok. It'll go viral. Movies I haven't seen and then it's clips and it's like
Starting point is 00:43:54 Happy Gilmore and you're like No. We should do it. Yeah, have rad sets. Just do whatever rad set says. Just record yourself being like I don't know. Yeah, there were those there were those two girls that filmed a tiktok or like an instagram video where they did this it was like half go on like the half of the screen where you know the song and don't know the song and they did
Starting point is 00:44:14 it with just a bunch of 2000s music and they just pretended to not know every song and then they made a follow-up tiktok because it did make people really mad and they're like yeah we fucking got you guys yeah those are fucking idiots. Baiting people like me. Except I would never comment on this because I think it's okay. Because liking music is so subjective. So here's what I found out too. This is why it works. This is why it goes viral.
Starting point is 00:44:36 It's not just because the millennials are self-righteous commenting. It's because when you open up the comments on TikTok, the video still plays in the background. Oh. So it'll loop, so the watch retention on it will be really high. You'll have watched it like two to three times just reading through the comments, much less if you're commenting like, how have you never heard of these?
Starting point is 00:44:56 You'll be watching it like five times. I also think the viewer is kind of playing the game at the same time. Like, do I know all the songs here? Yeah, yeah, because you kind of want to stay to see. Well, so that's what I mean, but you give it one for that, but then the comments, you get two, three,
Starting point is 00:45:09 four, five listens, views. That's actually a feature I hate on TikTok is when you're reading comments and it just keeps playing. It drives me fucking crazy. Wait, I love that feature. I hate it.
Starting point is 00:45:16 I would hate it if reading comments forced me to stop. I'm just saying, like, there's no way to, like, usually it just keeps going and it's just, like, too repetitive in my head
Starting point is 00:45:24 and I, like, freak out. You know what you should do when you scroll to the comments? A bar should pop up on the bottom that has a pause button on it. That you could choose. Think about that. I think if you scroll down on YouTube to read comments and the video paused, that would suck. Right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:36 But I don't know. It's just... I think the nature of TikTok is just like really repetitive and weird. Hey, you. Hey, you reading the comments on this episode right now. Scroll up. Come on. Oh, got him. Ah, fucking... Hey. He. Hey, you. Hey, you reading the comments on this episode right now. Scroll up. Come on. Oh, got him.
Starting point is 00:45:46 Ah, fucking. Hey. He's back, baby. I think you're all right. Can you subscribe while you're up here, though? No, you don't. We're getting like 2x the views to the subscribers. You're the only one who doesn't think that they're all right.
Starting point is 00:45:56 Maybe just smash the bell. Smash the bell if you haven't done that already. Hey, metal smashers. Any Coinbase ad readers? What's going on? Oh, oh. Hey, proud sponsor of the podcast. As always, it's Coinbase ad readers? What's going on? Oh, oh. Hey, proud sponsor of the podcast. As always, it's Coinbase.
Starting point is 00:46:08 All right? And if you've been listening since day one in Coinbase, let me tell you, you would be happy. So you might as well start now. Check out Coinbase. Tell them the link. Tell them the link. Go to forward slash the yard. You get 10 Bitcoin free.
Starting point is 00:46:21 Literally for signing up. Whoa, $10 in Bitcoin. Is there a difference about seven hundred thousand dollars oh okay well you know maybe who knows um yeah ten dollars in bitcoin for free if you sign up with the yard you can also do a lot of like quizzes tests learn about cryptocurrency which i don't fully understand yet, and get more crypto for doing that. Make use of instant deposits. Learn and make money.
Starting point is 00:46:50 Yeah. And they also don't put all of the shit coins on it. They got a good betting process. Clean it up. Yeah, so check out Coinbase. Sorry, no banana coin here. Speaking of which, this is my carambit.
Starting point is 00:47:00 Wait, this is your... Speaking of which? A lot of stuff at all-time highs lately. That's actually true. I put in my notes again, but I didn't want to bring it up because we've talked about NFTs every week, but I'm so angry. Why now?
Starting point is 00:47:14 Why now? Because Train tweeted out his NFT. Yeah, he bought one of the monkeys. He bought a monkey for 60 Ethereum. What are you mad about? I just fucking, I think that if people tweet about it, we should be allowed to bully them. Oh, yeah, I agree. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:47:29 Are we not allowed to bully trains? I mean, so someone said, like, come on, man. And then he, like, blew up, and it was, like, a whole thing. Yeah. And, like, my take was literally this. It was, like, if you are going to fucking tweet about your NFT that you got got i think you should get bullied there's just about being it's just understanding that like it's a get rich quick like vehicle and being okay with that i think even if you believe in it like genuinely believe in the art or whatever i think you should still get bullied for making me look at it like ksi has well that's just like the internet nobody genuinely
Starting point is 00:48:00 believes in the i think ksi does ksi has aSI does. KSI has a KSI crypto Twitter. It's verified. Well, then he has to believe it. It has more followers than all of us combined, excluding me. And... Damn. Wow.
Starting point is 00:48:14 That's a lot, man. And I go to his main account, and it's a profile picture NFT, and his last tweet was Bitcoin. And it's like, what the fuck is the point of having a crypto Twitter if you're going to keep tweeting about crypto in your main account? I was going to say, it sounds like he was trying to separate,
Starting point is 00:48:29 but he clearly isn't. He didn't. You know what bugs me about those guys? And I like KSI. They're already so goddamn rich. It isn't special that you got more money off of your crypto and NFTs because it's not like you came for nothing. You fucking already had the money to get there in the first place.
Starting point is 00:48:46 It's just bigger gambling. It's like the Kanye quote. It's not gambling when you're one of them. When Kanye said that. I popped the trunk, you popped the hood. No, the Kanye quote where it's like that. You got a Lambo. I do not have that.
Starting point is 00:49:01 The Kanye quote where it's like, I like KSI. I like the KSI videos. What's like uh you know i like case i like the ksi videos what the fuck does he know about decentralized currencies my my favorite is uh what the fuck does that mean kobe bryant the thing is there's like this okay for instance i said this my karambit earlier right which which is funny right nice there you go this is my csgo loadout you know this could cost 60 000 this is my dragon lore yeah and this is my blue steel right and i think like those are stupid and worthless too you know it's like i'm not i'm not defending mts but if some if i bought a 10k worth of csgo guns and someone was like you're stupid as shit get made fun of of. I'd be like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:46 I think there's a distinction. I think that there's... I wouldn't brag about it. I think that's another aspect. That's the annoying part. There's NFTs that are just like profile picture character icon NFTs, like the monkey and all that stuff and like CryptoPunks that are just like just scams. They're literally cash grabs. If you're at the top of the pyramid, you make money.
Starting point is 00:50:02 If you're at the bottom, you probably lose money. Yada, yada, yada. But then there's like people who just like post their art and monetize it digitally and that's like the equivalent to my in my eyes to the cs go gun because like you would never buy a cs go gun you didn't like what it looked like so they're like if i could find if i could get the nft of uh you know i had to do it to him like literally the original that would mean a lot to me and now now I get it. Right. I have to look at everything through that lens,
Starting point is 00:50:27 which is just that guy. So I get it. But like it's getting blown out and it's stupid. And yeah, I just hope that one day it comes falling down and everyone can start
Starting point is 00:50:36 getting their money in like normally illicit. He seems very disconnected from reality now. Who's that? Train wrecks. Train wrecks is. What do you think he does every day? Do you think he's that? Train Rex. Train Rex is... What do you think he does every day?
Starting point is 00:50:46 Do you think he's happy? He hits the slots, bro. He fucking... He needs the juice. ...busts out 32-hour streams. I love his... Sits at his Canadian skyline view. That apartment is so nice.
Starting point is 00:50:58 It's a very nice apartment. Yeah, he's gambling every day in a palace. He's living actually the dream. Do you think Yasuo's happy? No. I think he is. Every time I tune into that stream, he's losing, dude. Every time I've tuned into that stream, he's taking huge Ls.
Starting point is 00:51:16 And he's getting mad, too. Oh, speaking of Aatrox Dog has depression. Slime, do you see the shirt he made? Did you guys see it? Oh, I made, yeah. Yes. So he made the shirt. It was basically, if you guys don't know, it's a picture of Aatrox Dog. Oh, I you see the shirt he made? Did you guys see it? Oh, I made, yeah. Yes. So he made the shirt. It was basically, if you guys don't know,
Starting point is 00:51:26 it's a picture of H-Rex dog. Oh, I did see this. You can find this on Slime's Twitter. He tweeted today. And it has the caption, I am depressed for audio listeners underneath it. Yeah. And I thought about literally last night,
Starting point is 00:51:37 I forgot the shirt, I'm mad, a shirt that I wanted to custom make Slime. I thought it'd be funny if we all drew names and then made custom shirts for each other for a future episode and we all had to wear the shirts that were given. I like that. Oh, I do like this. I like that. I think
Starting point is 00:51:53 me and Anthony would thrive in this environment. Yeah, so we'll do I'm a sandwich artist when it comes to t-shirts. Yeah, that's the shirt for visual listeners. Again, it is Maya's dog. He didn't actually get the dog drawn. It's Ahrefs dog Maya.
Starting point is 00:52:08 Yeah, Maya's dog. All right, so I'm just going to go around. We're going to do a random number generator. We're going to start with Aiden, one through three. Nick is one, you are two, I am three. Whatever you get, it's who you have to do. You have to do me.
Starting point is 00:52:22 You have to get me a custom shirt. All right, same thing for me. One is Nick, you're two, you have to do me. You have to get me a custom shirt. All right. Same thing for me. One is Nick. You're two. You're three. Is this for which episode? This is for. It'll probably, it takes a little while.
Starting point is 00:52:33 So it'd be like two weeks. It'll probably be two weeks. Yeah. For it to actually get custom printed. I got Nick, which then means. Wait, no, we have to do it again, right? Yeah, let's do it again. Who doesn't have a shirt made for them?
Starting point is 00:52:47 I don't have a shirt. Slime, you have to make a shirt for... Wait, you have to make a shirt for Aiden, right? No, who's making one for me? I am making one for you. Oh, I'm not making one for Aiden. I'm making one for you. Aiden's making one for me.
Starting point is 00:53:02 He's making one for Aiden. You're making one for Slime. Okay, easy. Oh, it's so free. Boom, that's my man. I got my man for Aiden. You're making one for Son. Okay. Easy. Oh, it's so free. Boom. That's my man. I got my man right here.
Starting point is 00:53:08 Can I wear the one you already made? The Maya one? No. No. It has to be a brand new shirt. I like the one you made for me. I don't care. Wait, which one?
Starting point is 00:53:16 The Poke one. This ruins the idea. No, yeah. Again, the worst podcaster. This dude's going to enter a game jam and say, I spent three years in this game. Can I enter it? Dude, we were doing questions on the Primo, which was earlier,
Starting point is 00:53:28 and he was asking questions like, what was the one he just fucking... Oh, it was... He just bricked. Wait, is the house burning down one? Yeah, is the house burning down? He's like, my laptop. And then he's like, it's over now.
Starting point is 00:53:39 He said his laptop? Yeah. I changed my mind. It was just funny because he was like, yeah. And then he's like waiting for something else. I adjusted. Well, it's iCloud
Starting point is 00:53:49 backup, but it just takes a while. Like the dongles I got for it are pretty specific in the settings I have. I change it to my citizenship documents.
Starting point is 00:53:58 Yeah. That's lit. Sorry. I thought you whiffed clutch, homie. This guy's crazy. That's a big save.
Starting point is 00:54:06 Speaking of Aiden disrupting the public, did you guys see that at the Counter-Strike Major in Stockholm, there was someone holding up a sign of Aiden's face? Yeah. I actually couldn't believe this. It was on a tablet, and this was going on in the Discord, actually. Someone was like, I'm at the Major. I have my
Starting point is 00:54:22 tablet. Your baby mama. I'm going to show the Aidenmin dream face. Zipper, you want to pull this picture up? So this is a very dark picture of the crowd where you can see illuminated in the top right corner. Is this edited? No. This is a screen grab. So the crowd had these sweeping lights going on.
Starting point is 00:54:38 Right. But the person was using an iPad. So it just has a bright screen on. So it's like penetrating all the darkness. And you just see it's no penetrating all the darkness and it's just you just see it's no editing on this photo yeah you just see his face bright in this crowd can you bring I was
Starting point is 00:54:52 so proud you bring up the photo of like the actual image because people kept people kept like like clipping it because it got showed a lot and then that clip in particular that stream shot is from I believe came after like a simple 4k fuck yeah like so hard they like tweeted it out themselves That clip in particular that Screamshot is from, I believe, came after like a simple 4K. Fuck yeah. It's like so hard.
Starting point is 00:55:05 They like tweeted it out themselves. Like the actual, like one of the actual people, right? No. Oh, okay. No, it was just Yard. I see. I was just going crazy posting it. So it was funny because I posted the clip and I was with no context.
Starting point is 00:55:18 It just said something about, have you ever dreamed? Simple. And you're supposed to like find it. And then I realized it was like, you know what? This internet thing isn't for me because it's like, everyone's like question mark. Everyone's like, cool.
Starting point is 00:55:29 The yard post encounter. Yeah. And I was like, oh, okay. I'm not going to lie. Like hand it to them. I watched the clip twice.
Starting point is 00:55:35 I'm like, I know. And it took me a while. And that, but did that aha moment make you feel good? No. See, that's the thing.
Starting point is 00:55:42 I don't like working for what I want. And that's what I need to learn. That's what a thumbnail's all about. You're basically saying like, hey, what if you have to pick all the stoplights before looking at a TikTok? Dude, fill out my cap show real quick. Which one of these is a motorcycle? Yeah, and then you can
Starting point is 00:55:58 watch my TikTok. Dude, Ludwig, by the way, this is how fucking stupid he is. He'll do captures, and the thing about captures, if you do them too quick, it makes you keep doing them because they think you're a robot because robots will do them fast.
Starting point is 00:56:09 Ludwig didn't know this. So he would just, dude, I watched him try to log into something once and he's just doing it really, really fast like it's a challenge.
Starting point is 00:56:16 Like I'm a gamer. I was gaming. Like he's cracked and he ends up doing like nine captures. He was like, click the crosswalk and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:56:21 and it has me do like eight more and I'm like, damn, this is a really scary site. And he was like, why does it keep making me do this? There's some captures that tell you what percentile you land in for speed, though. Really?
Starting point is 00:56:30 That's hype. Yeah, I've had captures where I do it, and it's like, you did this in like the top whatever percentile. I want to be in the capture leaderboard. F5, let's go again. Go again. You know, if you had to capture before you had to take a shit, I wouldn't have my record so far of not shitting my pants since I was five. Like, there are times in my life where I wouldn't have made it. This is a weird way to say you barely get to the toilet before you have to shit.
Starting point is 00:56:54 Sometimes. I just remember these key moments in my life where I'm like, man, if I had to do a capture there, like, I'm throwing those pants away. Dude. Is this something you think about often? Sometimes. I would love to talk about toilets for a moment. You know how there's been people doing construction outside So like
Starting point is 00:57:07 I am the only person who uses the downstairs bathroom Like almost You know All the time The one in the stream room He's saying no Oh the one in the stream room Oh yours yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:57:17 Yeah yeah yeah The one in the stream room Yeah well there's two downstairs The one in the stream room I'm almost the only one who uses it That's your Your dojo That's my domain
Starting point is 00:57:24 I can't wait for the next thing you're going to say. And I get nasty with it, too, because I'll pee in there, and then I'll literally walk in, pants down, pee, get up, leave. Yeah, you're pretending like it's your European childhood household with your mom just fucking topless. I force out the pee so fast. You're trying to make fucking kombucha in there. I'm trying to make the chat hear my piss for how forceful I'm throwing it out. Have you ever been successful? Uh, no. No shot. He's frothing it
Starting point is 00:57:47 like a fucking cappuccino. Yeah, I get a little nuts. By the way, one thing I thought you were gonna say is, like, I leave the door open because no one uses it. No, that's where we're going with this. The problem is, you do that on the most public, you use it on our guest bathroom. You always do that. Which is one that literally everyone uses. I leave the door open
Starting point is 00:58:03 consistently. It's just unrelated to where the bathroom's located or how many people use it. In the old house, you would not only leave the door open, but you would leave the light off. Light off. Sitting on the toilet, pants down on your phone. There's no reason to suspect that anyone would be on the toilet. It's like completely, because I sit in P2, so you can't hear the P because it hits the basin. And then he sits there after he's done peeing just like looking at TikToks.
Starting point is 00:58:27 On his phone. And your zipper 2 walks in on me. That's right. Nick's girlfriend walks in on me. And Ludwig defends himself. Yeah, the audacity. Never apologize. I have a little decency. Unbelievable. Sorry I like to pee with the door open in case there's a life alert emergency.
Starting point is 00:58:44 I could get saved from somebody. Oh, you could get saved. I'm nervous. I thought you were going to say Aiden falls down and he's like, ah. I passed out because sometimes my legs fall asleep because I sit there so long. I get up. I fall. I hit my head.
Starting point is 00:58:57 Dead. The door's locked. Dream's over. Nobody knows I'm there. Bleed out. I bleed out and die. And then we take over. In this case, zipper two would find me
Starting point is 00:59:06 butt-ass naked, pass out on the floor, and save me. And probably be like, this is fine. Is this like a content? I think he's doing a bit in there. Anyway, so that's what I do. I walk in, pants down, turn around, sit down, pee, get up, leave. There's been
Starting point is 00:59:21 construction outside. I walk in, pants down, turn around, and then angle grinder starts, walks by the window that is directly in front of it. And like, I couldn't close the door because it swung out. So like, I couldn't reach it. So I'm like, I like hold a pee, pants up.
Starting point is 00:59:39 But it was, that's a- Did you notice? Once again, I failed. What? Well, I like the door open. I've been caught again. Oh, I see. Did this person like look you in your eyeballs?
Starting point is 00:59:50 I don't think it was like, I think they just walked by. I don't think they like looked over. I think it was just like a walk by. And what we've learned is that Ludwig never learns. I don't learn. Well, I've adapted a bit. I'm a lights on guy now. So it's easier to see you.
Starting point is 01:00:02 I will go lights on. I like that. I refuse to close the door. That actually is an improvement And I also Try to flush more God dude You like
Starting point is 01:00:09 You beat the shit out of me That's such a dumb phrase Basic human behavior You beat the shit out of me Every week And then one week You're like Just don't
Starting point is 01:00:17 And you're like See I'm getting better See honey We can make this happen We can make this work And then I walk into the glass door. Hey! And you'll be back to stream tomorrow!
Starting point is 01:00:30 What's the cutie update? How's she doing? How's her nose doing? She has a mild concussion, which is a bit of a bummer because it is end of league season. So it's not great to look at computer screens. By the way, I'm laughing because you just said mild concussion. Bit of a bummer. Bit of a bummer. You know what laughing because you just said mild concussion, bit of a bummer. Bummer. Bit of a bummer.
Starting point is 01:00:45 Bummer summer. You know what? That's appropriate for mild concussion. Concussions happen, man. If your concussion isn't bad enough to where you're not allowed
Starting point is 01:00:52 to go to sleep, you're probably fine. Yeah, I think you're fine. Do you think Tom Brady kissed his son before the NFL? I don't think he did. He didn't have a son.
Starting point is 01:00:59 Are you saying that kissing his son is like a consequence of CTE? That's exactly what I'm saying. Ludwig, can you weigh in i can't believe he didn't have a son we could never know but do you think he kissed others i guess we would have to ask somebody who's not in the nfl if they kiss their son yard viewers with children do you kiss your kids on the mouth we need to control we need to get two identical twins
Starting point is 01:01:19 that are nfl worthy and one does not play in the n, and they both have kids at the same time, the same woman. If this sounds like you, DM Slime. I want to run a scientific experiment. Does Tom Brady have a brother? We could probably just see if Tom Brady's brother kisses his children. I actually don't know if he does. It'd be crazy if I just found out, but I'm pretty sure he doesn't. You are kind of the president of this fan club.
Starting point is 01:01:41 Yeah. It would be like the third Eli Manning brother. Yeah. Who's Peyton Eli. He's like a third guy. He's just an accountant. Imagine it's Wayne Brady. His brother.
Starting point is 01:01:52 Do you think? Yeah. Imagine. Adopted family? No. No. Not adopted. Same family.
Starting point is 01:01:58 Same blood. Same blood. Right. So I feel like that'd be hard to do. No. No. No. It checks out.
Starting point is 01:02:04 It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not.
Starting point is 01:02:04 It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not.
Starting point is 01:02:04 It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. It's not. Brady has the pass. Brady has the pass. It's not. blood so i feel like that'd be hard to do not no checks out there for you recessive genes albino pretty as the pass but yeah my brother can sing beautifully you'll never guess who he is do you uh so did you guys see vin diesel's latest instagram post no yeah no no no no it's because
Starting point is 01:02:22 it's been it's yeah i have notifications turned on oh yeah for vin yeah it's being memed a bit it's like a what is it like a birthday for the rock it's so funny it's if zipper can pull it up it's it's essentially this long-winded like heartfelt message from vin diesel to the rock to come back for fast 10 yeah and it is one of I think it is one of my favorite Why is The Rock not coming back? Because they have like beef or something. They had like beef on set
Starting point is 01:02:48 and it was like an issue. So this is like a really shitty 360p screenshot from the movie. I'm going to read it out loud. It's photoshopped. Please read out Vin Diesel's Instagram.
Starting point is 01:02:58 As the honorary bald here my little brother Dwayne the time has come. The world awaits the finale of Fast 10. As you know, my children refer to you as Uncle Dwayne in my house, and that's going to be me, Unky Slime.
Starting point is 01:03:12 There is not a holiday that goes by that they and you don't send well wishes, but the time has come. Legacy awaits. I told you years ago that I was going to fulfill my promise to Pablo. I don't know who that is. Is that a character?
Starting point is 01:03:26 Who is Pablo? Escobar, dude. Right, yeah. Him and Guzman. I swore that we would reach and manifest the best fast in the finale that is 10. I say this out of love and other ellipses, but you must show up. Do not leave the franchise. Idol.
Starting point is 01:03:44 Do not leave the franchise. Do not leave the franchise. Idol. Do not leave the franchise. Do not leave the franchise. Idol, you have a very important role to play. Hobbs can't be played by no other. Double negative. Yeah, that is double negative. I hope that you rise to the occasion and fulfill your destiny.
Starting point is 01:03:55 It would be really funny if they did get someone else for Hobbs. Imagine it's just like... After this. Don Cheadle. They're going to turn away Uncle Dwayne? Uncle Dwayne maybe won't show up. Of his own volition.
Starting point is 01:04:07 Justin Long, back in action. They just pumped Justin Long full of steroids. Like, what's up? I'm back. It's me, Hobbs. Build him up like a titan. They blow him up like the fucking Mario Party balloon. Expand his fucking spine. Big Bowser's blast. I will say Fast 9 was a genuine contribution to cinema.
Starting point is 01:04:25 I'll dial it. I agree with that. Well, you know what? I watched a video. It was like, there's apparently, I don't know how true this is, but there's an agreement in the Fast series where every main character gets beat up the same amount. I've heard that. I think it's a Vin Diesel and The Rock thing.
Starting point is 01:04:39 It's like a clause. Because some people die and they don't have that clause. Yeah. So it's like Vin Diesel and The Rock and maybe like another character. Their characters get like they get the same amount of treatment. Like they don't they always equal out. I bet this was the case in Enter the Dragon when Chuck Norris dies. At the time I was a kid I was like damn Chuck Norris can't die.
Starting point is 01:04:59 But he did. There must have been a deal. There must have been a deal. Yeah. Because the memes were hot. The memes were hot back then. Chuck Norris was huge. Dude, I remember, this is how old I am.
Starting point is 01:05:07 I went to a LAN party that my friend's brother was doing, and we played, like, I don't know, Dota and shit. Like Dota 1? Yeah. And they had, okay. Do you think that was actually funny? I thought it was pretty funny. That's crazy.
Starting point is 01:05:24 You're just better. We're playing Snake. Snake is way funnier than Pong. If we were all playing Snake on our Nokias, that's a funny image. We were playing Music Quiz on the iPod Nano. Now we're rolling.
Starting point is 01:05:40 Now we're using it. That guy in the rafters with the duct tape. My friend got to level 10 so fast. That guy in the rafters with the duct tape. TI-84s play block guy. Yeah, block dude. Yeah. My friend get to level 10 so fast. No, so we're playing, and my friend's brother had Chuck Norris jokes literally printed out.
Starting point is 01:05:56 Oh my God. And they were reading them. Wow. And this was like, he has them under the glass of their dinner table like they can't leave. Dude, this was like 04. This was like, this was it, you know, and I was laughing my ass off.
Starting point is 01:06:07 You were dying at that? Yeah, the little Ws left and right. I ran for a class election in sixth grade, and I made these posters across the school, and I would pick different random internet celebrities or people to vouch for me, and one of the signs was Chuck Norris says you should vote for Aiden. Can you find pictures of these? No chance. I don't think I ever took photos of them. I mean, sixth grade, you don't got
Starting point is 01:06:32 stuff to take pics. Did you win? No. Campaign went wrong. Was it the smear thing? I did. I don't know. He's too spicy, man. His political career is too spicy. A little too spicy.
Starting point is 01:06:47 This guy got a little too dark in his electoral campaign. Yeah, my sixth grade electoral run. Get a little raunchy with it. You're crazy, man. A little sheesh. A little sheesh, man. Since we talked about it, since it's relevant on TikTok and stuff, soaking, just as a concept, as a joke, a lot of mileage in terms of lol Ws.
Starting point is 01:07:09 Soaking pops off. Soaking is just so funny no matter when you bring it up because so many people still don't know about it. Turns out, you know, perhaps we were a little misled. No. More BYU students informed me. They don't count. The BYU students don't count?
Starting point is 01:07:23 I bet that people said soaking wasn't as big of a thing? As it's made out to be. As it's made out to be. I'm ready to go to war with BYU. Which means, by the way, which means it's a fucking thing, guys. It's a fucking thing. I only needed one person personally. Any tiny thing.
Starting point is 01:07:37 Not all BYU students. Not all BYU students. Also, it's funny because it's like, why are you so defensive? Just say, yeah, I don't soak. It's like why are you so defensive just say yeah i don't soak it's like it's like i guess we're smear the mormon well i think yeah i think which has nothing else weird in it by the way that's amass bro mormons are soakers but the reason i'm on that the reason i bring it up again is because uh someone linked me a tiktok that was of this guy describing
Starting point is 01:08:06 this alarm clock that he had been using because he's a really heavy sleeper this alarm clock is attached to this thing that looks like a wireless phone charger but it's not a phone charger you put it under your mattress and it helps wake you up in the morning and apparently this thing just has so much force that it will actually boost your whole mattress up and she sent this and was like look at this this is a soaking assistance tool and nobody even knows that's right you don't need a third person in the room anymore you can just buy this alarm clock fucking set that shit up look at the amazon reviews it's like jonathan friedland like really great for my church to wake up on time. Once again, fucking machines replace man. When is it
Starting point is 01:08:46 going to end? I will say once we start... Automation phasing out these hard-working jobs. Check yourself out, line of the Mormon sex community. I don't need John Luke jumping on the bed for me anymore. Wait, I'm down for that. I want machines to replace me. Alright? To replace Ludwig? To replace your stream. I think it can replace things I
Starting point is 01:09:02 do. I think machines do better than me. This is a movie already. Get a Ludwig Sibian. Now that's an idea. What about Ludwig branded blowjob machines outside of the AMC? Dude, those are going to be unpreventable someday.
Starting point is 01:09:19 You know, that's a thing. Why outside of AMC? He's trying to boost the stock. He's a crypto kid. You go into a booth, like, in that Tenacious D music video, and you just fucking get your dick sucked by a robot. It's like a mailbox. You're just out there. And it's just like a Ludwig, and he's like.
Starting point is 01:09:39 And Donnie Darko, when Grandma Death was looking in the mailbox every day, she was just looking for Top. Yeah. And it never came. No, it's like outside of McDonald's. Well, here's my idea. Like a kiosk. Okay, we do merch for people, right? We do.
Starting point is 01:09:52 We do things that aren't merch for people, too. Hey, Mogul Merch. We do merch for people. I have an idea. I like that. I like that. Let's keep that one. Let's get one of the biggest streamers connected with a product.
Starting point is 01:10:03 Let's get an Amaranth Fleshlight. That would sell so well. I think that... Mia Malkova has sold a Fleshlight on Twitch. Really? On Twitch? I think it's really up to Amaranth to be 100% okay with that. If there's a shred of doubt that she doesn't want to do that,
Starting point is 01:10:20 I wouldn't feel comfortable. You know how it's made? Yeah. It's like how it's... There's just a concrete truck, and she's just like... It's the same voiceover. They got the dino leg straps. The vagina is placed into an upwards position of 45 degrees.
Starting point is 01:10:37 What I was going to say is less funny than the assumed joke, so I almost don't even want to say it. The concrete truck swirls as it enters the crowd. And also, don't forget the sugar. It's always sugar when you make shit. Tune in next week to see the male butthole. I was just going to say, it's like how it's made and it's like
Starting point is 01:10:53 US currency. It's just the ad for the fleshlight. Because they would literally be printing money if she made a fleshlight. Oh, I see what you're saying. That was where I was going, but the assumed joke, way funnier. I also like the idea of an assembly line just stamping with machine power, like molecule-accurate vagina cutouts.
Starting point is 01:11:13 They just have a little knife that's shaped in it, and they just go... They just throw it into some gel. And Amaranth is wearing a lab coat, and she's just inspecting the factory. She's got her safety glasses. Her with goggles on the line. She turns to the camera.
Starting point is 01:11:25 Here at Amaranth Incorporated, we produce 7,000 flashlights a year. Stop the line! Stop the line! My Volvo's not like that. She like takes a pen and like kind of, oh yeah, this one. Take it back. You go to the QC department. Do you think this is a fucking
Starting point is 01:11:41 joke? Do you think this is a joke, my pussy? No is a joke my pussy no ma'am no ma'am Like a hard hat on Which on his face? Talking about making yard sketches would she be down can we shoot this oh? You know what actually she's probably down. This is not easy. This is a fucking good idea We get Connery's pants in the quality control room get Connor eats pants in the quality control room.
Starting point is 01:12:03 He's got beakers. He's got beakers but no pants on. He's fucking every single one to check. We have Connor working overtime. He's got like two barrels. He's like, this is a no bust. Dude, he walks out into the break room, hard hat on, completely naked, boner.
Starting point is 01:12:19 And he's like, sup, grabs a sandwich. Gotta get back in there. Dude, this is too fucking funny. It's been a long day. I think ammo might be down for this one. All right, hey, we gotta copyright it. No yarding and steal our idea with these famous people. They can't get access.
Starting point is 01:12:34 They can't get ammo. Maybe. Imagine. Imagine she's like, I'm actually gonna do it with 100 thieves or something. Nadeshot just like, yeah, that's what you get for calling me fucking balding bro. They'd never have the courage to green light this. Courage is another one
Starting point is 01:12:50 we talked about how funny. Oh I can't. Do you have have you hung out with Courage JD? Yeah Courage I had a fucking
Starting point is 01:12:58 I told a story because we did the Bella Porch music video together. Yeah. And one funny thing is we were all supposed to be bellboys. They got outfits for us all, but they didn't ask for our measurements beforehand.
Starting point is 01:13:09 So I actually ripped the pants a bit. He didn't fit in his. So they gave him a really cool outfit, and he got to go to the party because he was too big for the bellboy costume. While we were there, though, he was like, yeah, I was just with Tim and Matt, and we went to Vegas. We went to Tim's, took a PJ over, and I'm like, what's that? He's like, it's a private jet. No way. So he talks like that?
Starting point is 01:13:31 Unironically? He was like, it was a bit like that, yeah. So me, T, and M, they got PJ to LV. And we're playing CRAPS. We're throwing around like 10K. Ludwig, I was thinking about it. I think I'm G. I've got a couple.
Starting point is 01:13:49 I put a couple racks on the F. He's tight. He's tight. I feel like he's not tight. Nobody who says PJ unironically is tight. I agree with that. I am one of the most amicable people. I got along with him great. We got along handsomely. Yeah, but I think that. I am one of the most amicable people. I got along with him great.
Starting point is 01:14:06 We got along handsomely. Yeah, but I think that... You're one of the most amicable people. That's what I'm talking about, bro. That's actually true. You can't do this for the fourth time. You gotta stop. You gotta stop.
Starting point is 01:14:16 I just like this guy. People do their fucking job, baby. People gotta work. People gotta work. What he basically said is, I hang out with people that you would hate, and then you dap them up. I don't think Nick would hate him. Took a PJ, bro? I'll hang out with people that you would hate, and then you dap them up. I don't think Nick would hate them.
Starting point is 01:14:25 Took a PJ, bro? I'll hang out with a guy who takes a PJ. Well, I don't know. I might. I might. See? But I think I'd be pleasant in person. I'd be pleasant.
Starting point is 01:14:34 I'd be like, hey. I'd be pleasant. And when he got another PJ coming around, I'd be like, can I get in that PJ? I think that you are so very careful to not make enemies because it's not worth it. No, I literally just don't have a bone in me that's like, I can't believe he said PJ. This is so dumb. This is ruining my day.
Starting point is 01:14:50 How I actually feel when he says PJ is how I felt when you said, that's bussing in the Italian shoe workshop. That was fun. It's just like, come on. No, no, no. That's so different. Just say it. No, I'm on board.
Starting point is 01:15:03 Just say it. No, I'm on board. I'm on board. He's against you. I know. I's so different. Just say it. No, I'm on board. That's so different. Just say it. Running you on board is against you. I know. I'm with him. Just say it fucking normal. It's not hard to say the normal thing. I do think it's probably harder to be like, so we took a private jet, but you probably should have said we flew.
Starting point is 01:15:17 You can just say you flew. You can just say you flew. Saying you took a private jet is just... You could say private jet and be excited about it, too. That's fine. Yeah, it was sick, bro. That's fine. That's the point. It's the idea that he's saying... He's saying, PJ too. That's fine. Yeah, it was sick, bro. That's fine. That's the point.
Starting point is 01:15:25 It's the idea that he's saying PJ with the veil that I'm not going to ask what that means. Of course I have to ask what PJ means. It's a thing, so some people won't ask. And I think he assumed because he probably thinks that I'm richer than him that you have a pj so do you think that he was trying to say it's like a shorthand like a call sign like this is a normal thing that people do say i just think it's dumb and douchey but it is a thing it's not like he made up pj no no i'm not talking about that i'm talking so even if he said we took a private jet in the same cadence as PJ, I think it's still like... I think it's fine.
Starting point is 01:16:07 It's like those pictures of Dan Bilzerian on his PJ with all of his women friends who are all naked. But it's just courage and it's all Tostinos. It's Tostinos and a gun. He's like, I'm just living my best life, bro. He's got the Yappa and he's got the fucking double stuffed. I'm about to go react the hell out living my best life, bro. He's got the Yappa, and he's got the fucking double stuffed. I'm about to go react to hell out of some Fortnite videos, bro. You want a game fuel? It is a whole big old meme, isn't it?
Starting point is 01:16:36 It's also... Corporations in esports. There's a little damn few do, damn few don't. What do you mean? Because, like, okay, we take a PJ to Vegas. Or, for example, okay, remember, we take a PJ to Vegas. All right? Or, for example, okay, remember when I rented that yacht? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:48 Yeah. On stream, I was like, oh, yeah, we took a boat. But it's a little disingenuous to say boat. And then every time HR kept me like, you have to take a property boat. That's not the same situation. No, it's definitely not. That would be like if you – the equivalent situation is like, yeah, we were in Malibu for a weekend. We fucking sailed out on a Y for a while.
Starting point is 01:17:08 You sounded so natural S'd out on a Y lots of B got a little SF and the only redeeming thing about you saying it is because one you say dumb shit like that all the time
Starting point is 01:17:23 and I think you're joking and I think you're joking One, you say dumb shit like that all the time. You say dumb shit just to fuck with us. And I think you're joking. And I think at the end of the day, I think you're joking. Here's the thing. The only difference between courage in H-Rock and Stans is that he doesn't say what it means. Because I could imagine Stans going, we took the PJ private jet over to Vegas. Yeah, 100%. We took the Y, got a little SF shit face.
Starting point is 01:17:42 I think H-Rock, for all of his many faults, has an ironic sheen to him that he understands that this is kind of goofy. Exactly. I don't know courage. And what I'm saying is he seems like the kind of guy who would say it as an unironic flex, and that's like, damn, you. I don't think he's flexing. That's what I'm clarifying.
Starting point is 01:17:58 That's what I'm clarifying. I don't think he's flexing on me. To be fair, he does seem like from the content they make, he seems like someone who would understand the nuance and the joke of fucking around about this. Yeah, he's very down to make fun of himself. Yeah, he does seem like from the content they make, he seems like someone who would understand the nuance and the joke of fucking around about this. Yeah, he's very down to make fun of himself. Yeah, he's fucking around. Yeah, he's down to fuck around.
Starting point is 01:18:10 But you didn't say that before when I asked the first time, which is why I'm confused. I didn't say he fucked around. When you framed the way he talked to you, it made it sound like he was being a douche, which whether or not he was, we don't know, but it just wasn't clear. So we defaulted to be like, oh, this guy.
Starting point is 01:18:24 I asked if he said it unironically. I think he said it unironically. I think he's like a guy who's willing to fuck around, though, is what I'm saying. Okay, so I feel like you're failing to understand that fucking around is saying something ironically. Oh, shit. I bored him.
Starting point is 01:18:41 I bored him too quick. Anyway. 30-minute conversation about courage again. I think it's again. You guys had it off pod. No bored him too quick. 30 minute conversation about courage again. I think it's a... Again? You guys had it off pod. No, we didn't. Yeah, you did.
Starting point is 01:18:50 No, we didn't. We didn't talk about it. It was literally a sentence. The thing he was referring to earlier was a sentence. Yeah. I made a really funny joke and Eamon collapsed.
Starting point is 01:18:57 I said that we should have him on the pod because then we could fill the whole thing with ads. Yeah. Rent free, baby. Imagine you're like, yeah, I was on the Y fucking this whole weekend, bro.
Starting point is 01:19:06 I killed a W. Killed a W? I killed a whale? Killed a woman. Oh, what? Yeah, that would be crazy. That's what Courage is saying, bro. Killed a W.
Starting point is 01:19:17 That's what Courage's story is. Off the fucking clock. We killed TN. Off the clock, that's what he's saying, bro. He's like, I'm getting really deep into the HT, the heroin trade. And I still wouldn't hate him as much as I hate people who post about NFTs. You want to hear my golden idea? I think this bit's so insanely funny because you can do anything with it.
Starting point is 01:19:40 I think I'm going to spend the rest of my life in M, bro. I would love to hear your idea. A million dollar idea. A million dollars. Yeah. So we do a line of NFTs for the yard that we drop. Uh-huh. But.
Starting point is 01:19:53 Slime just did coke. Yeah, just slime. Mimed doing coke. Like a line of them. So we have slime record 100 unique farts. And then we audio buy NFT all of of them so you get a unique slime fart i thought this was really and then all the money generated we just like donate the charity and we make them we make them tweet how they got fart money they have to say that as part of it
Starting point is 01:20:16 but then also we don't have the nft guilt or social status because we gave all the money away so it wasn't a cash grab i And people get to own farts, which is very funny. And we do it on the Solana blockchain to reduce the environmental impact. Here's a better idea. We do it the Wu-Tang Clan style. You record 100 farts.
Starting point is 01:20:35 We inhale the farts. Put it on one vinyl record. You put it on a vinyl, print it. Only one exists in the world. And then Martin Shkreli buys it from prison. Let Martin Shkreli buy up your farts. I thought you were going to say you sell it. Martin Shkreli, he increases the price of Adderall, and then he buys this.
Starting point is 01:20:53 You auction off your farts. Once they're sold, there's a contract that they cannot release the fart noise. I thought you were going to say that you would sew my asshole shut and then just keep feeding me. And feed me. What? I like the idea of people getting to share like pokemon cards i know the quote but i like the people i like people being able to share them like pokemon cards and be like oh because you could also put in the properties of the nft yeah i don't know if i don't know if you guys know this but in nfts they have
Starting point is 01:21:16 properties for rarity you can you can literally be like how how wet they are what percentage you can put like duration all that and they all have stats and rarity. PTA-graded. A couple days ago, me and Nick talked about this, and it's really funny, but then NFTs have gotten so annoying to me in the past couple days, I'm like, no. We could just do it without the NFT attachment.
Starting point is 01:21:37 You could literally just send people... But then no one would own it. Yeah, you could just send them a unique fart file that only they have. That you print on vinyl. You print it on vinyl. They can't share it. They can share it
Starting point is 01:21:47 in listening parties only. With audio files. They have to have people come over and they have to throw on the record player and then play it. Yeah, I have the whole
Starting point is 01:21:55 slime fart collection on Flack. Yeah, it took me about 17 years but I ended up collecting all the vinyls. In 500 years from now someone's going to be
Starting point is 01:22:04 trying to download Crank That Soldier Boy on fucking LimeWire 4, and you're going to get the Slime Fart fucking vinyl, and you're like, fuck! Again! Slime Fart 71. Now that's what I call Slime's ass. Of some
Starting point is 01:22:17 audiophile community talking about the appropriate mix amp and headphones that you need to properly enjoy Slime's fart. You actually get the entire volume of his asshole if you use the Sennheiser HGD69. You can't use in-ears. You cannot use in-ears. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:22:32 Open. Open only. Put my headset on. Put my headset on right now. See? See? You can hear the... It's corn.
Starting point is 01:22:38 You guys remember when Beats by Dre came out for the first time and everyone was like... Like, he invented music. When what came out? When Beats by Dre first came out and everyone was like, like, he invented music. When what came out? When Beast by Dre first came out and everyone was like, damn, he figured all the music out.
Starting point is 01:22:48 I think that was a big, big moment for people to be like, oh, we can attach a name to a product, not just like a fucking, not just a coke.
Starting point is 01:22:55 The only other person who tried to break into that was Ray J. Ray J. What did he try to do? Oh, Ray Con is him? Ray Con's him,
Starting point is 01:23:03 yeah, it's Ray J. No way. I didn't know that. The ones that all the YouTubers show, Ray Cons, are made by Ray J and What did he do? Ray Con. Oh, Ray Con is him? Ray Con's him. Yeah, it's Ray J. No way. I didn't know that. The ones that all the YouTubers show, Ray Cons, are made by Ray J. And they're like little in-ear AirPods. I love Ray J flipping through his portfolio in a meeting. He's like, all right, so here I made some wireless headphones after AirPod.
Starting point is 01:23:18 Before that, I was dabbling in sex tapes. No, it's just like, yeah, headphones. I piped Kim Kardashian. There was also this other thing I did. Music, of course, music. It's just like on his resume. Yeah. Yeah, he made those.
Starting point is 01:23:33 I think it's doing pretty well, too. I hear about him all the time. A lot of YouTubers are shilling him. You know what he makes it up a lot with? Is Raytheon. All the time. Oh, yeah. In my head.
Starting point is 01:23:42 What is Raytheon? Raytheon is a defense contractor that makes weapons. Right. Also Ray J. Yeah. That would be sick. Which is insane. He's like, we really got to just start more wars.
Starting point is 01:23:52 Yeah. We started in the streets and now we're- Ray J's coming out with a lot of stealth bombers. Ray J wakes up every morning and he looks at his list of meetings and he's like, all right, so I have to figure out, look at the headphone sales, and then I have to figure out how we're going to out-compete Lockheed this year. Kim sent me a text, so that's weird again. That's been dragged back up.
Starting point is 01:24:10 Chaney, quit blowing up my phone. Kim's sending him texts like Pete just doesn't do it like you. Dude, Pete, did you see that? Pete Davidson, Kim Kardashian, it's hilarious. They're like 20 years apart. It's not real, right? I don't know. I think it's a meme.
Starting point is 01:24:23 I don't actually care. For a moment, if it was real, that's hilarious. That is hype. Pete Davidson seems like, weirdly, the most charming guy ever, apparently. He's funny. He's funny. Funny's enough, man. Even if you look like a weird alien.
Starting point is 01:24:38 Come on. You can't say that. You spent 45 minutes calling Courage fat and weird? What the fuck? It was only the second part. Courage skips to this part in the podcast. You talked about how he couldn't fit into his costume. He listens to the part where you said he's lined up with Totino's,
Starting point is 01:24:55 and he thinks fat. Look, Courage. No, it's a bad thing. Courage, I know you're listening every week. We're really sorry. My bad, Courage. Nothing in this conversation is representative of how we feel about you. Okay, come on the pod.
Starting point is 01:25:06 We'd love to have you. You and Matt, come on the PC. Yeah. We'll take you out in the J. Sorry. Sorry. We'll fly you over in a U. You guys don't call yours the PC?
Starting point is 01:25:22 Yeah, we'll put you on a little airline called D. Can A listeners please DL real quick? Just got to uptake those numbers. DMA if you're trying to get a U on our show. Do you have a tier five, a review five, five star? Uh-oh. You quit the five star review? You fucking suck, bro.
Starting point is 01:25:38 I don't have one on deck. Get one on deck. No one's listening right now. This is so deep into the podcast. I know, but that's why they're more, like you want to do it deep because they're more likely to do it. What are's listening right now. This is so deep into the podcast. I know, but that's why they're more, like, you want to do it deep because they're more likely to do it. What are we at, Mr. Zip?
Starting point is 01:25:48 While you're looking, find that five star. Find one that's juicy, okay? Find one that makes you juicy, too. And that's what I want you guys to, when you listen to this podcast, I want you to be juicy. I would like to share one story My friend Jay called me the other day.
Starting point is 01:26:04 He listens to the podcast and uh this is super funny first of all he calls me and we're talking for a bit and he's like shooting the shit
Starting point is 01:26:12 and then like I'm in the conversation while doing something on my computer Aiden goes is that Ben? and like I just I'm like yeah it's Ben
Starting point is 01:26:17 and then Jake's like what the fuck did you just call me? cause I I just said it's Ben cause I wasn't thinking about what Aiden said but you still responded
Starting point is 01:26:26 with an answer with your word yeah you know it was just a bit of it was just a bit of a fuck up but the funny thing is he comes on to say he just says Jay calls me and he says to me look you guys are all just fucking jealous of Aiden all he is is just a dude that pipes
Starting point is 01:26:41 and then gets roasted in a way, yeah. But you should see him when he can't pipe. Ooh. He did go a whole year. You went a whole year without piping. No, he's not true. He's the angry emoji.
Starting point is 01:26:53 Yes, it is. You went the whole year last house without piping once in the house. Not true. Show the statistics. Not true. And you were the first to beat off in the house. I didn't pipe. No, I did pipe in that house.
Starting point is 01:27:03 You never piped. I did. No, he did pipe. Say who it was out loud and look at the camera. He was also the first to beat off in that house. I didn't pipe. No, I did pipe in that house. You never piped. I did. No, he did pipe. Say who it was out loud and look at the camera. He was also the first to beat off in the house, and I think that's funny. That counts. That counts for something. You didn't have to. For what?
Starting point is 01:27:13 You didn't have to be the first. Because beating off and having sex are the same. It's true. This I agree with. Hi, hi, I'm a utilitarian. Dude, that was literally a five-minute speech that I listened to from Soda Pop explaining how beating off is the same thing,
Starting point is 01:27:29 but you do not have to have the conversation with the woman to get to that point because there's a lot of energy involved. Yeah, that's like his bit, right? See, I was about to join in there, and then we added some subtly sexist undertones, and now I feel uncomfortable. It's not even sexism.
Starting point is 01:27:42 It's more so the effort, the work. Like, there's a lot. Like, you have to communicate to someone. You don just like fuck someone They're not just like a tool like get the develop a relationship, and he would not he does not want to develop a relationship Oh, Aiden. Oh, he didn't think it wait. That's not part of my stress You don't just get the name shake like? These guys have not optimized their workflow. I just go out to Sweden where they're printing that shit on a factory line. I hand every person before we hook up, I hand them a checklist and I say
Starting point is 01:28:14 this is how it's going to get done. I've mastered efficiency. It's watermarked with the have you dreamed this man? Can you sign this please? I have a min-max pleasure for you. I promise. And then you give a thumbs up
Starting point is 01:28:28 and you just wait for them to agree. That's the aim and promise. Do you give good pipe? Do you want the honest answer? Yeah, review your pipe game. The honest answer? I think I am pretty good. Really?
Starting point is 01:28:39 Yes. If I asked people, I'd say pretty good. I've asked them this before a long time ago. Yeah, I think every, I do think the thing is uh women are like
Starting point is 01:28:49 way different person to person than men are so naturally like sometimes you just like won't have a sexual chemistry with people but I think judging by my rate of success uh which has you know gotten better over time I would say yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:06 The reviews are in. He pipes like a champion. What's the wave-back needle camping of having sex? What's Aiden's go-to? I think it's beating off in the closet. No, it's beating off before having sex, like 45 minutes before. Is it?
Starting point is 01:29:23 Yeah. How? That way you last longer because it's your second bust in the hour but i guess that's not like that's not lame right i think it's lame that's like considerate of the other person but when needle camping is not right it's like a solo mission you know what needle camping is it's it's pumping while you think about math so it lasts longer do you do that yeah i've no. This analogy doesn't track
Starting point is 01:29:45 because, again, lasting longer is like being more courteous to the other person. You guys want the get rid of a boner strap that I've been using for years and it's never failed me?
Starting point is 01:29:53 Hit me with it. So you do math and you pick three large numbers and you try to multiply them while flexing your legs and arms. And your boner's gone in like 20 seconds. Like you're a ninja turtle.
Starting point is 01:30:06 I'm getting hard. I'm doing it right now as if I was hard. Me and Aiden are both rock hard. Why isn't it working? We've been bricked up since the first minute.
Starting point is 01:30:13 Finally, a strat. Yeah, I do struggle with, I get hard every time I drive in a car. Really? Like not driving if I'm passenger. I'll get a boner.
Starting point is 01:30:24 You hit a ride boner still yeah it's like and it hits at like a 25 minute mark hold on you say still like you've known about this all along no not him in particular but i i got bus boners all the time it's from the bus i think it's that in math all get me hard still math gets i got boners on the way to school like every morning in high school no i do math in my head. I cum. Why? Why math? Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:30:51 I think it was probably just because I was free form and Mrs. McGinnis was so fucking bussing. Don't talk about Mrs. McGinnis that way. She actually was. She was like a 55-year-old. She had the Karen cut. Dude, my second grade teacher, I was eight years old and I was like, she's a babe. This is crazy. She's the's a babe. This is crazy. She's the one.
Starting point is 01:31:06 Yeah. It was crazy. I remember being in high school being like, I got a shot. Do you think? I don't now on hindsight. No. But you had that confidence. I never had that confidence.
Starting point is 01:31:16 I was like, there's a chance. Non-zero. With that haircut? No. I know. You had the fucking. The Bieber cut. I can't even do it anymore.
Starting point is 01:31:26 I was so mad because I had the cut before he popped off and then he popped off and everyone's like, you got the Bieber cut. I'm like, I don't have control over this. He just got famous. Do they make fun of you? Yeah. Tomato Bieber? Well, I didn't say that. They should have said that. Tomato Bieber? Nice. Throw a little pepper on it? Got it.
Starting point is 01:31:42 It's red. From Tomato Town. Hey, that's a good one. Where we dropping? I like that one. A few more? A few more, yeah, maybe. I don't know. Good bit.
Starting point is 01:31:49 What was your bully name in school? So for a while, people would just, like, make fun of me because of Wig. They'd call me, like, Wiggy, you know, and shit like that. That's tough. It cuts deep when you're seven and eight. I think everything cuts deep if it's not someone being nice to you and then i got saved because uh my my third grade uh lunch teacher like the lunch lady called me luddy and then that that picked up that was hot that's cute blew around
Starting point is 01:32:18 i was called that for a while luddy getting boners on the bus. Luddy was getting boners on the bus. Living his best life. He's living a great life. That's great. There was this guy named Jordan and told me he had a butt chin once. It shattered me for like two years. Dude, what shattered me is I went to my friend's house. Christian, best friend. And he had an older brother named Kyle. He was like five years older.
Starting point is 01:32:39 He was cool. Printed out Chuck Norris jokes. The whole shit. Well, he skateboarded. He snowboarded. He smoked weed. He was dope dope and he had his friends over and they were like roasting christian and christian was like just like he'll like take it and just walk away like whatever but i was like i was like no this is my time to defend him and so i was like hey and he like they turned and i was like shut up pim, pimple butt. Oh, damn. But what they did is they just- He's like Spongebob Cowboy.
Starting point is 01:33:08 I thought I was Spongebob Cowboy. They laughed uninterrupted for like three minutes until I walked away. They continued to laugh. That hurts. And then my friend Christian was like, dude, why? Because now you're on his team. He also has to suffer for that. This is like when you when when
Starting point is 01:33:26 we were in the car that one time and we had just learned about ix oh dude and we were both like dude if i knew about ix in like middle school my social like my self-esteem would have been shattered forever what is this an ick is uh it's like a shorthand for what girls find sort of like unattractive in a boy in terms of like very specific things for instance like when he runs and in sandals and one falls off but it's like a light switch it's not this thing that like is this predisposed thing it's like they see the guy who they may even like and then he does this like completely innocuous activity and then all of a sudden he's just ugly as fuck. Wait, that's not exclusive to girls though, right?
Starting point is 01:34:07 When he runs with a backpack on. Oh, that's an ick. Okay, right? So you get it. But I think icks go both ways. I mean, sure, but I think with guys, the ick often comes down to their appearance. Right.
Starting point is 01:34:19 And that's kind of fucked up. But the icks this way were about just really random things. Like, oh, he touches his finger to his tongue before he flips the page in a book or something like that. Yeah, they're sort of like actions. I have an ic. What's an ic? I met this girl in freshman year of college, and I thought she was cute. It was really early in college.
Starting point is 01:34:40 And we shared a bed, and we were drinking. We were hanging out. We were just hanging out and stuff. And then we both kind of fell asleep, woke up. She peed the bed. Whoa. That's not an ick. That's not an ick.
Starting point is 01:34:52 I'm ignoring the beginning of this where it was an ick. The story's hilarious. That's disgusting. You know what we did? It wasn't my bed. It was my future roommate. That's a W. Future roommate's roommate at the time.
Starting point is 01:35:04 We flipped it. Didn't tell him. W. W streamer. Dude's a W. Future roommate's roommate at the time. We flipped it. Didn't tell him. W. W streamer. Dude. Dude. The bottom of a mattress is not the same.
Starting point is 01:35:11 You're supposed. No, no, no. They are. You get the shitty one. They're like the shitty boots. Oh, I see. You're supposed to flip them too. W.
Starting point is 01:35:17 Actually, you did them a favor by flipping it. Yeah. They don't have to now. But now like piss bacteria has grown in there and now there's like a tomato plant.
Starting point is 01:35:24 She was really sweet about it. She cleaned it up a bit. Yeah. Was she horribly embarrassed? Oh, incredibly. Because she also had braces too. This is like a Blink-182 music video. What the fuck is this?
Starting point is 01:35:37 Did you not like after that were you like, hey, we should totally be friends. No, I was like, I'll never touch you sexually, but we can talk. No, you would have liked that. I said, we can still be friends. Yeah. That's not how I would say it. So you did see, you were like, that's it. If she didn't pee the bed, you think you'd stick around?
Starting point is 01:35:56 Look, to be clear, I didn't know if she was necessarily going to go anywhere. It wasn't that deep or anything. We had just hung out a bit, got drunk, hung out. Keep you in your bed. We didn't smooch or anything. If Gal Gadot pisses in your bed and she's way cool and it's like
Starting point is 01:36:15 date one. Is it an accident or does she stand up? It's his exact thing. She doesn't literally lift her dress and piss on your bed while you're like stop stop stop stop like so what how what is what does Eamon wake up you wake up she's pissed she pissed you've had a nightmare like this we've talked about it that's right yeah me and Miles but it's not Miles doing it on my face that's right that's so she pees next to you like that
Starting point is 01:36:39 she's she's beautiful and she's charming anditty, and she's so many things that you love in a person. You'd forgive her. Wow. That's crazy. Dude. No, no, hold on. It's all right. I'm trying to realistically picture how I'd handle this situation.
Starting point is 01:36:55 Piss is gross. You said she's cool. She's fucking cool. She's fucking cool, and she's Gal Gadot. Yeah. Yeah, I think I'd be really understanding, I think I'd be really like understanding. I mean, the thing is it's like, yeah, this sucks,
Starting point is 01:37:09 but it's like, it's okay. It's okay. It is okay. We had a crazy night. I think my... That's her biting her lip. Me, as I, you know, tell her I'm so understanding of her pissing in my bed.
Starting point is 01:37:19 That's her looking at Aiden's bed ready to piss in it. Yeah. I think... Second time, second time, that's what I was going to ask next. Yeah, it's over. On real shit, for me, I think the make or break is, alright, she's
Starting point is 01:37:32 pissed the bed. Whatever. This is all fine. Her reaction is everything for me. If she pisses the bed and she, like, laughs about it, I'm like, that's tight. Because she can make this a funny story. What? But if she's, like, embarrassed for life and, like, never looks at me the same and it makes it all weird, I'd be like, this a funny story. What? But if she's, like, embarrassed for life and, like, never looks at me the same and it makes it all weird,
Starting point is 01:37:45 I'd be like, this is too annoying. Sure. This is the problem for me. I think annoying is a mean word to say, but it's just, you know. You keep peeing the bed and it's annoying. I'm definitely the opposite here. I get what you're saying.
Starting point is 01:37:55 Yeah, I get what you're saying. The thing is, it's also... Because I would be like, this is fine. Whatever, this happened. It's fine. I wouldn't care. It wouldn't bother me.
Starting point is 01:38:01 But if it became a problem because of the idea that it could bother me, that would bother me. You need her to be confident in herself even though she peed everywhere. Yeah. And if she made a joke out of it. And it was brown. Is it a lot of pee? You can be embarrassed.
Starting point is 01:38:16 You gotta be able to laugh at yourself. Is she well- You are woken up because your room is like three inches thick. Okay. She says, I'm a demigod. Have you seen that video of the guy whose bed is in a room of water? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:28 It's like that. And he like debates it too because like you don't think it's gonna be in a room of water for the first half. I do know what you're talking about. I, yeah, it's also how early
Starting point is 01:38:37 in the relationship it happens because like I've shit the bed in front of Cutie. No. I've talked about this on the pod. What? We asked like last time we shit ourselves
Starting point is 01:38:44 and I was like I shit myself when I was sick. No. Oh, no. I've talked about this on the pod. What? We asked like last time we shit ourselves and I was like I shit myself when I was sick. No. Oh no you didn't mention this. You didn't say in the bed. You just said it to yourself. I was lying in the bed
Starting point is 01:38:53 and then I shit my pants in bed. And she still loves you? She still loves me. That's fucked up. Yeah. Well you shit your pants she runs into a wall.
Starting point is 01:39:00 She didn't randomly start running into walls recently though. So I don't know if the two are related. What's that five star? What's that five star? Okay I got a five star. I got a five star. pants she didn't randomly start running into walls recently though the two are related what's that five star what's that five star okay i got a five star i got a five star uh this is from chussy boy uh that five stars you can't rate our own podcast bro hello amen slug and other
Starting point is 01:39:19 i like it i like it I like it so far. Fucking owned. I like this. Who's other? Which one do you think is other? I'm slug. What are you talking about? I don't know. We're saying... No, he's slug for slime. No, slug is half of atmosphere.
Starting point is 01:39:36 Let's get that. That's right. Well, I guess I'm also ain't. But I know slug is half, but I assume the joke was just because there's three people. I think it's... So other has to be Nick because he knows about the premium.
Starting point is 01:39:47 God loves me. The premium that you skipped out on. I listen to the pod while I sling pies at work. I have dug the crew since the bad melee days and have a burning inquiry. When did Ludwig sell his soul to the devil? Before he got famous? After? Is it all a bit or is he actually sociopathic nut job
Starting point is 01:40:06 streamer guy p.s i think it would be kind of funny if you made the fortnight balenciaga hoodie code an nft which doesn't make any sense yeah it's already kind of one also realized i threw it away i don't have it that's funny yeah you're so sad i did it on accident yeah uh so to answer your question as someone who has thought about this long and hard a lot what he's always been this way i don't think it's sociopath i just think he's been so content-minded and market-driven for most of his life and i think it's actually his skill and his power the difference is now he has the power and ability to do whatever he wants so he can choose to do nothing he doesn't need to make unfiltered toph he just says i want to do something worth
Starting point is 01:40:50 100k and let's fucking get it done baby but we'll get into all this in the ludwig q a section this week on the patreon five dollar patreon tier we'll get bonus episode and ludwig q a exclusive why are you doing that lovely because i had to go to the emergency room with my girlfriend. He's making it up to you guys, which is actually really cool because he doesn't do that for me. Hey, you need to go. The cringe convention is starting in like 10 minutes. You got to go. You got to get the fuck out of here.
Starting point is 01:41:18 You got to go, Ludwig. You got to go check it out. You told us that you have to go to the cringe convention. You got to go. Did you have a seminar? It's really important that you go. You've got a seminar that you have to go to the convention. You got to go. Did you have a seminar? Really important that you got a seminar that you're doing. And here's the thing, Ludwig. So when we get into the premium episode, Ludwig, you won't be here.
Starting point is 01:41:32 Why is that Ludwig? Because you're going to the convention and you're doing a speech. Have fun at the convention. Thank you, everyone, for watching this episode of the yard. And we will. We will see you next time or if you if you're in the patreon we'll see you in a couple minutes

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