The Yard - Ep. 42 - Ludwig Admits to Cheating in Among Us

Episode Date: April 27, 2022

CHEATER!!!!! This week, the boys talk Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard, EE cheats in OTK Skooled, and Ludwig admits to cheating during his rise playing Among Us....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello, Mrs. Money. Hello, Mrs. Money. You've never seen that movie, hell have you. I Love You Man. I've seen I Love You Man. It's me and Ludwig's movie. We've talked about this. It was the big point of contention because I didn't like it. Lunch is on a menji. I've seen I Love You Man. It's me and Ludwig's movie. We've talked about this. It was the big point of contention
Starting point is 00:00:26 because I didn't like it. Lunch is on a menji. I didn't find it funny. Wait, what movie? Every scene in that film is funny. How many times have you seen it? Once. So maybe watch it again.
Starting point is 00:00:35 When did you watch it? How old were you? I watched I Love You Man when I was 20. You're an adult. Two? Adult man. 22. I will say it doesn't hit
Starting point is 00:00:43 until like the fifth watch and then you really start to... I liked it onman. 22. I will say it doesn't hit until like the fifth watch. And then you really start to. I liked it on the first watch. Like you like it, but then like you start doing the lines. What was the first color movie? I would drain. 2011. I would.
Starting point is 00:00:54 Or 2009, I think. I would drain Paul Rudd of all of his liquids. Well, that we all agree on. Was it after Role Models? Hold on. Yeah. Role Models was 2008. Paul Rudd is the most, I think, sexually attractive Avenger.
Starting point is 00:01:09 Oh. What? That's what you want to talk about on the podcast? What about Chris Evans? What are you talking about? What do you think we talk about on the podcast? The sexually... This is...
Starting point is 00:01:17 This is over. Not 40 episodes ago, I was bullied for talking about the Avengers, and now here we are. You have never brought up such a hot, good topic. This is about which Avengers would make you quiver. Yeah, exactly. You just want to talk about, I think you're fitting. Elon Musk bought Twitter.
Starting point is 00:01:36 I actually met an Uber driver today. That's what you wanted to bring up. I don't even care about Elon Musk buying Twitter. That's where I'm at. He's different now, but he's way cool. I'm glasses Ludwig. He's that cool? Yo, Ludwig. Ludwig. Well, that sounds like I give people polo's. Hey, I got my chair back. You did get your chair back? Dude, yes. I got it back. How much did it
Starting point is 00:01:51 cost to fix it? It was a hundred dollars for a welder to weld it back. Guys, that's how much he f***ing liked the chair. Wait, you got a welder? Yeah. And they came here and welded? No, I went to where they weld. Wow. That's how much he liked the chair. When it broke, he was bummed. I was so sad.
Starting point is 00:02:06 Did they tell you that your fat ass will break it again so there's no point in welding? Did they tell you that you're a stinky slop boy? Did you tell them that you've broken two chairs over the course of the podcast already? Did you make sure you said that right? We haven't even done it that long. It's an issue.
Starting point is 00:02:19 You're the fat guy now. No, it's not at all what they said. So actually what happened was he actually made a note it was that he was like yeah so basically anyone 160 or over just like be careful sitting down in it too fast because the well that's like about you know where the line is drawn so zero to 160 and i recently fell under it 160 no okay did he actually say 160 yes on the dot wow i did check i'll have to worry i checked him today He's 159.9 You were crying
Starting point is 00:02:45 And crying Brian About your fucking weight No it's I'm actually good You were crying Sheckler Over there bro You were like oh no I thought I was oh no
Starting point is 00:02:53 The rumors are true What happened at Genesis Was true That he's Trapped in a pen About the slop That he's a stinky too Yeah you're a hot stinky too
Starting point is 00:03:02 That's why I'm wearing This shirt today Cause you're hiding it Can't count on you guys It's fucked up that you have all the best buds shirts but you only wear the one where they're both you wait no he doesn't have this one oh you only have one for you i gave you guys for the lore lore masters dude someone on the subreddit was like where does anders come from and i i actually got downvoted i responded and got downvoted on your yard yeah because i was like like sometimes
Starting point is 00:03:26 you just call your friends stuff not everything has to be a lore dive which i believe because i'll get that in like stream chat a lot it's like what's the lore behind like big tobacco like what's the lore like what's the story there's got to be a story tell me what's marble about it just pisses me off but it's like it's ultimately harmless so i'm not whatever even though i got rightfully downvoted which is great i love i love the bite back but i will say here's some good lore i in my opinion ludwig for audio listeners wearing a a sweater which is it's best buds it's two cartoon like drawn characters it looks like um what canadians look like in south park exactly terence and philip and uh it's it's it's best buds but it's two Ludwigs and he got us
Starting point is 00:04:06 all well not all he got a few of his friends Aiden's the only one he got a few of his friends it's actually
Starting point is 00:04:12 everyone you guys Atriox, Stans I wasn't there Connery, Spence Ben yeah Carl Jacobs got his
Starting point is 00:04:21 Carl Jacobs got his you didn't even know Carl Jacobs back then yeah I just knew his comment UPS driver came by a lot and Jacobs got his. You didn't even know Carl Jacobs back then. Yeah, I just knew his comment. UPS driver came by a lot and he was Greg. Carl wasn't even famous back then. He was a good guy.
Starting point is 00:04:30 Mary, obviously. Yeah, her accountant. So he got us all these and he got them for Christmas for us. And the ones I got for you guys, it was your face and my face. And then it said Best Buds. But the difference is that it's like a soft cotton like haynes like shit ball gildan it's a haynes long sleeve t and so and so and so he got he got himself this fucking champion hoodie champion that's still it still fucking holds up are you mad and your guys's are shitty yeah no they're
Starting point is 00:05:01 regular long sleeve t's he got himself a shitty one no shittier than the quality of the t-shirt he's wearing right now you just got a different one that's a higher quality that's the weird part i never thought about the quality actually thank you it's just different that's all i'm saying about it now himself a different higher quality thing yeah treat yourself for himself yeah that's the weird part you didn't even get weird as a gift is it weirder that happened or is it weird that you guys got me zero gifts that Christmas and you're kvetching at me? Oh, that sucks. No, it makes sense because we both didn't get each other a gift.
Starting point is 00:05:31 Huh? We both didn't get each other a gift. I didn't know you and I wish that was still the case. Anyway, they didn't get me any gifts. Thanks for saying that. I bought you a gift and you bought the gift for yourself. You keep bringing up how low the quality is. No, no, no. Here's why he didn't get you a gift is because you left Mario Party on the floor. Dude, I'm going to send something to Archie. Okay. I have a picture
Starting point is 00:05:48 of that shirt. The long sleeve tee. Don't do this. Yeah, I'm sorry I cleared it out because of my father died. No, it was before that. Don't start weaponizing that. Why not? I can't. I don't like that. No, why not?
Starting point is 00:06:03 There's the two alive parents pussy i thought it was cool i'm my man i thought you were cool i'm my man you can put picture on screen but my shirt that i gave him was under the chair here's what really happened is because it was it was in my uh it was in the back of my car and i had a bunch of shit in the back of my car that was just like collected in there i actually brought it for the shoot it's crazy you know and you still say hold on hold on that's fucked shut the fuck up you're not allowed to care let me finish or i'm gonna kill myself go on let's keep going does someone have anything and so and so the the what happened was that i had to dump out my car because we had to fill it
Starting point is 00:06:41 with something for work like we had to like put like we need space in my car real quick and i'm like i got it i got it and i dumped out all the shit in my car everything that's in there including that shirt and had to fill it up with like gear or something and it just remained there along with all the other shit so it wasn't like a i was fuck ludwig i hate you god damn it i know mine is it was just i had to fucking put it out my cloth you know whatever you'll never wear it till die, but I'm glad you know where it is. No, that's not true. It's just not your style. Well, I used to wear it all the time.
Starting point is 00:07:10 He actually did. Yeah, but like now he's dripped out. What was he not before? You stole his swag before. He got better. I did get better. Yeah. Anyway, you're not getting one.
Starting point is 00:07:22 You're definitely not. Welcome to the yard. Welcome to the yard. How's it going, everybody? That's a late one. Episode 40. That's a late one. You're definitely not. Welcome back to the yard. Welcome to the yard. How's it going, everybody? That's a late one. Episode 40. That's a late one. 40?
Starting point is 00:07:27 Why are the numbers continually getting smaller in the corner? What are you talking about? Yeah, thumbnail guy. Thumbnail episode numbers are getting smaller. Oh, you've noticed that. Yeah. Yeah, thumbnail guy. There's just certain thumbnails that have gotten smaller and then back to going bigger.
Starting point is 00:07:42 Big hard cock thumbnail guy. Do you want the answer or you wanted to say that? That triggered me. Okay. Sometimes it just covers a certain part of the thumbnail in a way that I think makes it hard to read. Like maybe there's a mountain in the background, but the number's so big you can't tell. You're gaslighting me. It's progressively getting smaller.
Starting point is 00:07:58 No, it's definitely gotten smaller and bigger. Yeah. Has it? Yeah. I scale it based on what the background is. Here's a question. Do you think it's important to even have who care i think it's important so you can know chronologically like if you just see one in the related bar like where it sort of sits it is not important but it is helpful to some people like i don't think it changes the view count of
Starting point is 00:08:20 the video at all that's what i uh you know how the numbers disappeared on apple podcast and i saw that and i was kind of like i fixed i think i might like that better i think no numbers is fine i don't think you want numbers i think numbers are really bad well i think a little a little guy in the corner thumbnail is fine yeah i just think the thumb bow is different look we're about the meta now uh-huh you know we're trying to get clicks. Aiden's a fucking goddamn content creator now. Can I tell you guys what fucking... I think you guys
Starting point is 00:08:48 just swayed me, by the way. I think I don't care about numbers anymore. I think I've carried it until now. That's crazy. Imagine Nick
Starting point is 00:08:56 admitting he was wrong live. I do all the time. That was so cool of him. You've never done that. What are you talking about? I think he's done that on this show.
Starting point is 00:09:03 You're doing it right now. I've never done it. It's fucked up. I can't say you're right's done that on this show. You're doing right now. I've never done it. It's fucked up. I can't say you're right or I can't do it. I'm stuck. Stop. Because if I disagree with you, it helps you. Checkmate.
Starting point is 00:09:12 But if I agree with you, I'm. God, I rule. Well, God. Yeah. You put me in an infinite, dude. All right. Anyway. Wait, real quick.
Starting point is 00:09:19 Aiden's a content creator, but also I wanted to. Fuck. I needed to be right so hard that i forgot what i was gonna say that's crazy isn't it ironic you're a content creator welcome i am i hello welcome brother you had you had someone edit a video of your live stream and what you played no hold on don't make it sound like that you got a little you made a little video you made a little video for your friends your little friends it's like a that. You made a little video? You made a little video for your friends? Your little friends? Yeah, it's like a gay little video.
Starting point is 00:09:49 Make little videos online? So people watch this, huh? So how do I find it? What do I type into the Google? Yeah, what do I type? Do you make money? Do you type it into the text monitor? It's not up on,
Starting point is 00:09:58 don't have my AdSense enabled or anything. Don't really have to do that. AdSense, what is that? So you don't do it because you can't get money? Or like, when does the money come? The money's not, I don't think it to do that you don't do it because you can't get money or like when does the money come the money's not i don't think it's going to be modest i gotta email you or something for this you can make a lot of money i've heard people make a lot that it's not really liberals are ruining twitter i don't really want to yeah yeah and that's why i was happy when elon
Starting point is 00:10:19 bought it today is that what your video is about yeah it's about elon buying twitter and the ramifications and liberals finally going down i do a case study on the myanmar genocide and say this is what elon's going to do to another country in in a decade it's dark that's what i'm worried about you have you know about that you have like graphics or is this you talking no this is just me talking it starts out hello libs and the title is this is for libs to learn like prager what is it prager you prager you that's some dark shit dude have you ever watched a prager you video they're they're actually insane i don't even watch videos i sat down i was like because they kept they used to advertise them on the front of youtube videos all the time they'd like push they'd push them uh as ads and i'm like
Starting point is 00:11:03 what the fuck is this why are these are always so weird and you're talking about weird and right wing and i'm just trying to watch a youtube video about a bear sitting next to a guy yeah western women don't have the the milkers that they used to actually that's like a real prager you video basically someone's fucking saying it thank god step up to the plate prager it's the most like psychotic youtube channel i have ever seen it sounds like a steve brule character it's like i got dr prager on and he's gonna talk to me about bears i love steve brule that was a bad rule but i'm a fan anyway so i'm a content creator that's true and i made it and i made i'm gonna make a youtube video i got hit up by an editor who's
Starting point is 00:11:43 like hey i could edit down that stream for you into a nice and neat you kind of rambled like a fucking insane guy i don't think it was i actually think it was it was like sectioned and planned i like loosely scripted the whole thing i think it had like a you didn't answer kyle's question what was kyle's question slime i didn't know i didn't want to tell him what our friend kyle asked you in chat. Kyle asked in chat. He was like, if you had two months, do you think you could become a League of Legends LCS finalist? Like, he just asked it in chat.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Did you answer the question? And then a bunch of people at him. It's like, what a dumb question. Don't be talking about web wipe SSBM like that. It's a great question. I didn't answer it, but I hit him back. I was like, well, I don't know if i could do that but i what what i really don't know is why you coughed on those people at that tournament no don't do it dude i was i was just talking about
Starting point is 00:12:34 this because uh what is this so okay hold on so i wish you joined the boys is he a prager you contributor no so there was a an old discord bit started by Elliot, a Canadian Falco. Who now goes by The Weapon. Who now goes by The Weapon. This is the child. Yeah. Well, not anymore. Smells like the Battle Pass.
Starting point is 00:12:51 Yeah. What? This shit looks like the Battle Pass. What does that mean? Looks like the Battle Pass. Still don't know what that means. Okay. Old, old, old. So.
Starting point is 00:12:57 Wait, wait. Elliot, really quick. We met him at Genesis. Or sorry, Big House like six, seven. It was the one where we went with Miles. And he was like at the time like 14. and he's really good at the game but at the time he wasn't better than miles and he really liked bad melee the old podcast i had that miles was on as well and he was like i want to money match you and miles beats him and then it was for five dollars and then to
Starting point is 00:13:18 teach elliot a lesson he ripped the five dollars in half in front of him there's a photo of elliot like this and miles with the money yeah and uh it was great but then uh elliot got really fucking good at melee yeah elliot is amazing took a set off a wand he's beat my he's gonna listen he listens all the episodes don't boost him up don't boost him up elliot sucks so uh so also also funny because they they all met hbox or not hbox elliot at that tournament uh but uh elliot's from my region and i met elliot uh when i was like when i was 17 and he was 10 yeah 2014 toing right yeah and uh i went to a tournament in vancouver i wasn't toing but i was just there
Starting point is 00:14:00 for the day because i would drive to vancouver tournaments and he was there with his mom and his mom didn't want to stay at the tournament the whole day. So she asked me because I just like seemed nice if I would babysit Elliot for the day at the tournament. That's weird. And I know Canadians, Canadians, Canadians. He wasn't in Canada. Yeah, I was. It was in Vancouver. Where the fuck have you been?
Starting point is 00:14:19 Canada. And to this day, there's the island Toronto where Drake's from, which is not part of Canada. Technically, it's like this day there's the island Toronto where Drake's from which is not part of Canada technically it's like this it's like Dorn
Starting point is 00:14:30 in Game of Thrones then there's Vancouver which is the state between Washington and Vancouver and then there's Canada anyway so yeah and maybe to this day I
Starting point is 00:14:40 have Elliot's mom's phone number in my contacts so do we all so soiot was like in the bad millie discord and he was but long story short he was just like yeah there's this guy who was going around tournaments here coughing on people trying to get them covid everyone's like he was really serious about it yeah really serious everyone's like wait what and he's like yeah do you want to know who it is and they're like yeah and he's like yeah his name
Starting point is 00:15:02 is web wipe who is our friend yeah he's our friend who beats elliot who used to be la all the time but now gets farmed by it was like a long like psyop or it's like because we didn't expect elliot to have this sort of comedic sort of runway where he made this long joke and the conversation lasted like 10 minutes yeah before he finally like really farmed it out dude who's doing this and he's like so we we started sort of running this bit too or we would like we would like in passing to random people like oh yeah there's that guy in canada he's cough on people giving covid what's like yeah if you're to kyle like you know web wipe and they're like wait i've heard that name it's like yeah so we kind of we would sometimes run that and generally like i'm not gonna break like i'm gonna do that bit and then my head be dying laughing and then it's like how that guy believed that and not care uh but at
Starting point is 00:15:48 genesis this year genesis is a whole different thing now uh where it's like kind of uh a lot most people know us so it's like you don't really meet a new person they haven't don't already have some concept of who you are so we're in the four square line and i'm telling this i'm like pulling this on someone telling them how kyle shields is a is a bio weapon yeah and and they're like what no way and i'm like yeah it's just like this canadian puff player but as i'm talking about it more and more people who like listen to the yard or whatever start like crowding around like they're listening and they're all i'm like like i'm like a prophet and they're all listening and they all believe me this is bad i was like this
Starting point is 00:16:24 is bad it's the second coming i was like this is really i'm like actually spreading fake news yeah so the bit is spread too far i finally broke and i had to explain that i was good this is like when you fucked up that girl's name in high school like you could have ruined his rep forever well i think someone in like a melee chat was like wait didn't web like cough on people or something yeah and we're like oh that was the problem where like the bit has like spread too far we need to like we Didn't Web I was in a position where I felt like I was actually ruining his life. That was a diaper man 420. That is as threatening of a rumor as Prezzo when he says random people did slurs and say slurs. No, that's just when he does it. It depends on the person, but I think it's really, really funny. When he did it to me, it was threatening.
Starting point is 00:17:16 Why did you say that to him? To you? Okay, all right. See? No, because I... Wait, that was a lie? I was there. I was in the aisle.
Starting point is 00:17:23 I was walking by. You're trying to cover up, right? You just let it rip. I was in the aisle. I was walking by. You're trying to cover up. And you just let it rip? This obviously didn't happen. Well, hold on. Just say the word that you said to him. Yeah, what was it? Let me put the John Lennon glasses on.
Starting point is 00:17:33 Let me put the John Lennon glasses on for this one. Who was in gay Paris? Let me tell you about women. Women are the prezzo of the world. By John Lennon. Dude, we were like, so he put on the John Lennon glasses earlier. And I was like, did you know John Lennon made a song called Women are the N-word of the world? And everyone's like, what?
Starting point is 00:17:54 I'm like, yeah, dude, look it up. It's fucking crazy. It's real. And they're looking at it on their phones. They're like, this is real. I'm like, I know. It's really weird. Because that's a similar revelation to that time where you showed me
Starting point is 00:18:05 that in the 70s that was called ska yes you showed me that michael jackson music video what's the scheme okay so listen to me i'm a huge michael jackson fan uh and i love jackson five on michael jackson there's a song track uh called blame it on the boogie uh by the jackson five now there's a music video, which is pretty normal. It's like shot in like, it's like shot, you could shoot this mini video today. But there is a different music video. It's a live version of Blame It On The Boogie where Michael Jackson
Starting point is 00:18:33 is on a ski mountain and he's with a bunch of kids. I think we talked about this. You might be able to find it, Zipper. Oh, we did? I think we talked about it like early. Oh, like ages ago. He grinds on those kids okay it's like and i showed i showed him and i was like anyone who thinks he didn't do it show him this video probably did it i will say though thriller it's fucking great so it's like
Starting point is 00:18:56 i i have to live with this l of just really really digging michael jackson's music but also being like oh yeah i fucking did that did that only one unproblematic king randy newman the short people song nothing wrong with that that's an allegory it's also a literal thing you know the song right no randy newman had a song called short people don't deserve rights no it's no it's not no that's such a bad that wouldn't even sound it's called short people got no reason to live oh yeah oh that's better that's all right you have rights well i mean if that was a lie right yeah that one's fucking true they have rights they should just be ready at any given time this is real right they got
Starting point is 00:19:33 little hands you're in trouble for you're in trouble for capping a lot you capped about myth sucking his own dick little you did cap about that i don't know why you do this no no he capped about the busting part yeah yeah yeah busting i misheard yeah but you said it so like definitively that's what i do that's what you do you ruin this reputation do that a lot if we're talking about saying things that aren't true based on wrong information you do that all the time a bunch of myth sponsors dropped him because of that two two two things i don't do that as much anymore i try to be more careful when i'm like i'm not sure but also only one of us can be that guy it's that part's true we cannot have two of those guys okay yeah play off no because he'll never stop true yeah never stop stopping
Starting point is 00:20:15 the justin bieber story you can't be that guy why because i have too much audience no because you have too many Your network is too Too good Too important Oh and I You can't afford to lose everybody Break relationships off Yeah
Starting point is 00:20:30 He can't Myth was weirdly down For me to have said that Really? He was fine with it? He was like kind of laughing He was like it's okay That people think I came in my mouth
Starting point is 00:20:37 And I was like dude that's chill That's a crazy sentence To speak to me Saint Jude won't work with him anymore Oh shit You guys are crazy Elon Musk! Is that the transition?
Starting point is 00:20:47 We just have to bring it up. We don't have to talk about it. You're just farming mogul mail. Okay, the only thing about this... What's the scoop? Scoop? I didn't believe you when you said this because he already bought some of the shares before, right? So I thought Lotte Week was just being dumb. Yeah, he had like an 8%
Starting point is 00:21:04 share. 9%? Yeah, 9% holding. But now he has goddamn 40 billion dollar valuation the company uh-huh whole goddamn thing he's the whole thing he's just bored he's like bored and rich and he's done everything a rich guy in the world could ever do and he's like oh i'm also not cool and my life sucks and i'm fucking 50. All the fucking captions on Twitter are going to be like, pick the cat meme. Dude, click the funniest number and it's just like 69. It's 420 or it's 69. Guess what? Both are correct.
Starting point is 00:21:33 I can't believe he just spent $44 billion. He got funding from banks for $22.5 billion, I think. It's just like midlife crisis shit, but on a global and just a global scale. And it's really cringe. The only dumb shit is people replying to this happening and going,
Starting point is 00:21:52 he could have stopped world hunger for just $7 billion. Because I think that is full on cap. I mean, it might be, but here's the thing. I do think that going out on a limb to buy a website for the memes, it's like, it would be cool to do humanitarian shit, right? No, it would be tight. Instead, right? But people also hate
Starting point is 00:22:14 Bill Gates and he does that. I don't know. Look, billionaires truly are oppressed. What can we say? Amen. Amen. They got it tough. But either way, it's so fucking... Every day, every day he's fucking cringe and i can't handle his tweets are not funny he could he could have just not made a twitter account and probably only had positive opinions about it yes for the most part because
Starting point is 00:22:35 he would have been the ethos of iron man boy forever the only people who would hate him are people who hate billionaires right or the people that like worked with him and know that he's a cunt sure but that's a lot of people that's so personal it's hard yeah it's hard to be like hey you know that guy elon musk that you. Sure. Which is a lot of people. That's so personal. That's so interpersonal. Yeah. It's hard to be like, hey, you know that guy Elon Musk that you don't really think about a lot? Here's what he did. And it's like, oh, that's interesting.
Starting point is 00:22:50 You move on with your life. But instead he's like fucking, oh God, it's so fucking gross, dude. You're going to post a fucking like, like a rage comic next? I'm tired of this shit. I just want people to be funny. That's all I fucking want. And you fucking can't do it, dude. The caption is going to be a rage comic all I fucking want and you fucking can't do it the capture is gonna be a rage comic
Starting point is 00:23:06 and you have to like build it turn the face into a troll face and you have to drag the mouth hey I got one thing to say about this buyout am I right and then I shoot myself in the fucking head it pisses me off so much I had one
Starting point is 00:23:23 I felt legitimate concern when we brought this up this morning, and I made a joke about it earlier, but it's actually not funny when you think about potential consequences. I don't know what he plans on doing with the site or the level of influence he now has over things like moderation in terms of service, but the Myanmar thinganmar thing is like facebook facebook basically like ran rampant yeah you talk about this morning in in myanmar for a long time like years and facebook was used to fuel like anti-muslim sentiment in myanmar and this resulted in in a genocide when
Starting point is 00:24:02 a lot of people like in the past like two, three years. That's insane. It's happened. Like literally, I think hundreds of thousands of people were killed. Can we verify this? Very directly traced
Starting point is 00:24:12 to activity on Facebook. How sure are you about this and what's your source? Very sure. Before we start talking about people being killed, your source is? Sources?
Starting point is 00:24:21 Trust me, bro. I don't think we should have sources. Yeah, Rohingya. i think it's important the source bro the people definitely did it okay this is great enough good enough okay proceed yeah they sue me uh they sued they uh they sued facebook over this i don't know what the layout of that lawsuit looks like but imagine going up against like like a nation under genocide like in court it's like
Starting point is 00:24:45 yeah oh yeah we won that case and it was like uh so you're saying they died can you all can you like prove yeah where are the dead people where they're not here they're not here to testify that's like evil lizard shit like real evil that's what i'm saying and and elon is he's a lizard and what if he changes the site because i think that's the thing with global lizard i'm global what if he fucking you know fucking flicks his tongue on the keys a couple times on april 1st everyone's profile picture will be doge so then oh yes everyone in myanmar will be like no we're chill now that's funny that's funny because it's it's the sheba from like 10 years ago.
Starting point is 00:25:25 Dude, they should bring poking to Twitter. Oh my God, they killed like three bugs. He knows we're listening. Dogecoin shot up when Elon's bid went through. That's disgusting, bro. They were like, maybe he makes Dogecoin part of the ecosystem now. Do we live in brain rot world? We always have.
Starting point is 00:25:40 It's just more apparent now, I think. Yeah. Like mortgage-backed securities, right? Well, those were sick. Those were a good idea. If the ratings agencies had their shit together, let me tell you. We're constantly on a doomsday clock of someone just fucking it up real bad. And it just keeps happening.
Starting point is 00:26:00 I got mine. We just got to fucking... We just got to have a good time. That it was bad that Elon bought Twitter and it'd be the got mine we just gotta fucking why did you say that it was bad that elon bought twitter and it'd be the end of the yard i didn't say any of those things but i also said something i don't actually believe so i don't know where to go from here uh what was in the kitchen i said this is bad and he's like why and i'm like save it for the pod but i actually had nothing oh so you lied to yeah yeah uh but so dog but it was coming from a place of just uh not liking that
Starting point is 00:26:24 guy online man and he's and he's owning the place i like to be online man yeah it's like that's like where it was coming from i have no good reason hey oh dude there's a party this weekend like oh who's house it's like oh fucking jeff jeff's house and you're like dude fuck jeff it's gonna be i hate him look the the platform is gonna be a wonderful foundation for free speech unless you talk about like unionizing. Unionizing or just laying. Who knows? I'm on Hassan's side.
Starting point is 00:26:50 Fuck Mars. And there's going to be a drone strike. Yeah. You're going to get assassinated in the night. I'm on Hassan's side. And now I want Trump to come back for his funny ha-has. That's what Hassan said? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:03 Hassan's like, he just loves the golden moments of trump on twitter because you can look at i don't i've always trump tweets dude i i i actually love how relatively absent he is from public conversation since oh it's awesome it's so sick it's it's because it's like dude i i remember uh i i went on a couple dates with this girl she she did stand up and this is right when like trump got elected and um she was like i think i think it's gonna be awesome because it's like we'll never run out of jokes like she was really into like the grind and i was i was just thinking about him like none of this has been funny at up to this point yeah you know i was in college doing stand-up when he got elected and the jokes ran out fast it was like within three months and then all the donald trump jokes
Starting point is 00:27:48 were really terrible did you talk about how he was orange the alec baldwin impression like before the ink was dry on that fucking t-shirt it was annoying let me pivot you guys zipper can you pull up hassan's twitter and show the picture of you should see it immediately. It's Trump and he's standing like an actual dolphin. Hassan TWT. Hey, rise up. This picture is going to change your mind on DT coming back. DT?
Starting point is 00:28:17 DT. It's kind of in the vein of what I was talking about. What are you talking about? Well, like this guy's on Twitter and then, you know, like there was an attack on the Capitol. Look at that though. Dude, he must have the dirtiest,
Starting point is 00:28:28 shitty little butt. Do you think he has a bidet? Dude, he probably has the stinkiest little dirty, shitty butthole ever. I feel like he's got a clean, freckled butt. Bro, look at the footwear
Starting point is 00:28:38 on Homie Across. That's what I'm saying. That's true. Who's that guy? He's got the fucking... Bro, he's got the hairline threes. Look at those. They call him Drippy Mr. fucking... Bro, he's got the hairline threes. Look at those. They're crazy.
Starting point is 00:28:46 They call him Drippy Mr. Rogers. God, he's so weird. He's such a weird guy. He looks like a Game Boy case on his feet. He also doesn't dress well. I remember he'd always wear his suits, and they didn't fit him. Don't come at people for dressing bad. I'm just saying, you're the fucking president.
Starting point is 00:29:01 That's me. You've been wearing suits your whole life. Shape up. More than half your life, and you're wearing shit that like doesn't look like it fits like you look like the fucking monopoly man what is this shit i don't know i'm in a mood you're in a mood today i'm in a mood i guess angry i i just i hate when people aren't funny and the most unfunny person just bought a site where i like reading funny things not that twitter is a beautiful place it fucking sucks and it's brain rot, but like, it's just annoying.
Starting point is 00:29:25 I'm annoyed. It could still just, it could maybe just not change at all and still be shitty in all the ways it's shitty now. That's probably the most likely thing. Yeah. But I will say, But isn't the problem
Starting point is 00:29:34 that like Twitter traditionally has like, it's been really hard for them to monetize the platform. And so, if someone pays 44, 40 billion for the site, there's going to be major changes, right?
Starting point is 00:29:44 Like there has to be. Or else it there's going to be major changes right like there has to be or else it's not going to continue to not make money sometimes those ceo top down changes are really really slow and like nothing actually happens and then it just gets like sold again lower it's it's an interesting thing i will say the biggest l is that he loves attention and and he owns the place now that's where my he's gonna call it because he owns the majority if he owns the majority of the shares that means he's the majority vote on the board right like he can just outvote anybody on the board at any given moment yeah i i don't know how corporate structure works at that level
Starting point is 00:30:15 as as goaded as i am but who knows i don't know shit who fucking cares anyway in other cam another mainstream cool news that we'd like to talk about uh why the fuck is my youtube full of johnny depp i don't watch any of the clips i keep getting recommended i'm so annoyed i don't care hype why is it high okay here's the thing they're both batshit crazy hold on i watched one clip before i came up here because i knew we were going to talk about it and it's a clip of amber heard's lawyer objecting to his own question. No way. It's insane.
Starting point is 00:30:48 That's great. He asks a question. The guy starts to answer it. And then he says, objection, your honor, like to interrupt the question. And then the judge is just like, you're objecting to your own question.
Starting point is 00:30:58 And then the lawyer is just like, he's like, bet. Sustained. And then you see Johnny Depp in the corner laughing. It's like calling timeouts in basketball tactically it's like a weird like yeah he's like he drew the foul that's all attack a shack and now johnny's shooting here's the thing i i don't i take i i take resentment to the fact that like i don't care about this why am i seeing this because it's like if it was about someone you gave a shit about then you would watch it i think i'm more wondering why like usually the things you're recommended i feel have a very like tangible direct connection to
Starting point is 00:31:34 what you're already watching on youtube and i feel like i don't watch anything like that i think you're probably just ignoring other things more frequently because like i think every like major trial just just totally covers all social media for a while. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Even if you're not clicking
Starting point is 00:31:48 and watching the videos, like major trials, they just like take up the space online because like every major news source is covering it. So of course, it's going to...
Starting point is 00:31:55 Worldwide celeb. Dude, it's PogTent through and through. Every moment of this trial. Didn't she like poop on his bed? Yeah, grumpy dumpies. Allegedly, yeah. No, there's a picture.
Starting point is 00:32:04 No, but they didn't... I don't know if it's like DNA proof or not, right? We didn't see her butthole making out there but that's it doesn't look like a gross human poop on a bed there's a whole always sunny episode about that which poop the bed which made me come around to her yeah the poop on the bed too well it's funny because they're like they're like could it be a dog and he's like we own teacup yorkers or like some like it's like a four pound they cannot sir your honor they cannot produce that you think she shat on the bed and then he was like i can still fix her yeah what's crazy is he didn't take a picture of the shit and then leak it she took a picture of her own shit and then had to submit it through subpoena that's so tight what it's not like he was like oh fucking can't believe you did this maybe she sent it to him like what's up bitch yeah this is your bed
Starting point is 00:32:49 check it out here's the shit what i did with my wasn't it wasn't the case that like she uh she like took a picture and was like sent to him that like the dog did it like she sent it to him and said like the dog did this or something i thought that was the origin i have not followed anything so i can't say anything we postured as you doing to my bed Two weeks ago Yeah so maybe Amber is just goaded at comedy Yeah Another clip that played was her with an axe
Starting point is 00:33:13 Breaking a hole in the wall Like your video with the hammer And then a different clip where she talked about how Sycuno's fans are being manipulated I think if you went to trial against Aiden You'd lose No you're my Johnny Depp That's a problem Who knows? Fans are being manipulated. I think if you went to trial against Aiden, you lose. No, you're my Johnny Depp. That's a problem.
Starting point is 00:33:29 You're the bad guy. Wait, is he winning or is she winning? He is crushing the court of public opinion. Interesting. Oh, yeah. It's like a landslide. Everybody loves Johnny Depp now, even though before this, everyone was like, yeah, he hasn't dropped a good movie in fucking eight years.
Starting point is 00:33:43 Yeah. You know? And everyone's really mad now. They're like like you should go back to movies but like every movie he's dropped kind of sucks because somebody was shitting in his bed the whole time it's hard to focus on your work it's hard to focus on your craft yeah yeah amen scorsese there's too much poop on my mind there's not the only weirdness i feel about the case is like there's so much like which is like probably ultimately a good thing attention from extremely young people like 13 14 year old their fan cams like there's like fan cams of it in like it's a mess of you
Starting point is 00:34:11 doing is like testimony and it's so weird there's this woman who drove to the trial with two pet alpacas and then she was just there and like a newsman came up he's like what are you doing here and she's like i'm here to support johnny and he's like why do you have alpacas she's like they're my pets and he's like do you think he did anything wrong she's like no he could never oh and she's had her alpacas just right is that what your trial is gonna be like when wait wait why do i have a trial what is the thing that happened that i did which one yeah that's kind of like a pig situation you want to you want to spin the wheel yeah. I want Ludbuds rolling through with your weird-ass pets. You want Maya there with like a zoom show?
Starting point is 00:34:47 No, you don't want that because you're on trial and you did that shit if they're all there. That's content, baby. The thing for Ludbuds is they're always against me, so they'd be on Amber's side hypothetically. That's what I'm saying. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. You'd be like, fucking get him a jail, lol. So this is, I haven't followed the case extremely closely. I've been watching a lot of the videos, but i haven't followed um the case extremely closely i've been watching a lot of the videos but i don't follow super closely from what i've heard from other people talking
Starting point is 00:35:09 about it is uh apparently there's like things he's done like write messages in the on the walls of his home and his own blood and shit yeah like he's done like batshit crazy things like that but there's also like her saying on the phone admitting to you know hitting him uh-huh and it's like yeah well she obviously did that shit because she said it herself she said it with her words and admitted to it well dude it's even look we could go on this for hours you just have to dive in it gets 400 000 viewers like the live trial and xqc was reacting with 150k like i lost i love how he just stays imagine can you imagine xqc doing this but with like the OJ trial?
Starting point is 00:35:46 Dude, it would be such good content. Yeah, well, it was back in the day. That's what it was. I mean, like, if I could live it, I guess. If I could live it again. Bring back OJ, I guess is what I'm saying. You know what's fucked up is like the Rodney King thing. Also, it happened because someone was filming.
Starting point is 00:36:01 And like nowadays, like we see a lot of shit. But at the time someone just happened to have a camcorder happened to be on the balcony and saw this guy get fucking destroyed by like five cops and it's like damn that shit changed a lot well kind of maybe not but we remember it yeah and now it's like it's like every other day yeah it's crazy yeah it's fucked up cameras show you everything but as far as the blood thing this is what they said in the trial today this is the last thing but johnny said because there was also black ink that he wrote in black ink on the wall because he like goes to leave when they have a
Starting point is 00:36:33 fight and so he got all mad and wrote down and then he says that she went in and wrote with like red lipstick that looked like blood and pretended it was his and tried to do his handwriting to make him look like a psychopath. Dude, I know. It's so juicy. You are my Johnny Depp. I could fix her. You are my Johnny Depp.
Starting point is 00:36:52 Dude, yes. Aiden could, if anyone could. Yeah, I don't know. It's just like an insanely drug-fueled love story. What are you going to do? Yo, the next Pirates of the Caribbean is going to slap though. It's going to be about cancel culture and uh the loch ness monster is gonna be like trump or johnny depp gets canceled on the black
Starting point is 00:37:13 pearl hey you guys know red run backwards is murder that's just wild bro yes yeah i i think the tldr is like some things, but some things stay the same. Like, if we had TikTok back in fucking OJ days, like, yeah, there's a fan cam. On OJ? If MLK had a dream on TikTok, that shit would have happened faster. It's the voice.
Starting point is 00:37:40 It's like the text of speech is like, here's why the glove doesn't fit. You know? It's like,. It's the text of speech. It's like, here's why the glove doesn't fit. You know? It's like, whatever. Can't get mad at the kids. They just do what they're drawn to. The flip side, the non-TikTok zoomer is the schooled cheating scandal of the week.
Starting point is 00:38:00 That just broke. Yeah, so I know nothing about this. This might be cold meatloaf by the time this episode airs. No, this will be hot for a while, I think. I really think so. I don't know about it today. Tell me about the hot loaf. This is the hot Twitch Reddit loaf. Give me your hot loaf.
Starting point is 00:38:15 Give me your sweet hot loaf with ketchup. It's Ludwig's hot loaf. I'll catch it. You couldn't catch my loafs. Catch it with my mitt. All right. Bitt ended. Dude, a a mitt it's a boy mut because it's like masculine right all right so schooled that's why he's mitt romney like it's
Starting point is 00:38:34 mitt romney and he's just catching cum Mitt could be just fucked up slang for bussy one more removed yeah like oh let me fucking it's like a Graham McDonald track he's like yeah Mitt yeah Mitt with your big old mutt yeah Bain Capital with your fucked up interest rates
Starting point is 00:39:00 yeah yeah Mitt let me see cut with your dick so hard coming out your blue jeans so schooled yeah people who don't know who grant mcdonald is are fucking they'll learn they'll find out hey any lore masters in chat dude so what does like grant mcdonald mean yo grant mcdonald is that like a homie of yours like how do you bring him up so much you guys know him yeah he starts with daw. He's just as deep-voiced as him. I fucking hate this shit, dude. So Schooled is Miskiff's game show.
Starting point is 00:39:28 It's his biggest show. It was his most viewed stream for a while. More like a lame show. Why would you say that? No, stop. Show your work. Who are you talking about? Me?
Starting point is 00:39:39 Oh, what? It's basically Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader? But I think it has its own identity. But it's online and in season one because we're on season two now was riddled with cheating scandals.
Starting point is 00:39:50 Literally everyone cheated. Everybody cheated on the show and there was like there was like obvious clips of it so they tried to crack down on it they brought it back season two
Starting point is 00:39:57 and today was the finale and it was $50,000 for the winner. Now it's a ghost town. All in. Which is which is paper. Which is a lot of fucking money. Even for like a. Now it's a ghost town. All in. Which is paper. Which is a lot of fucking money.
Starting point is 00:40:06 Even for like a streamer with money, that's paper. Mogul money was 5K. Are you done? It's not worth having a moment. He said that joke like probably nine times. I know. That's the first time. This is why it's great to hang out with Aiden because he owes less.
Starting point is 00:40:22 No, because that was funnier than the last Golden Globes. Come on. I'm with you. Let's keep going. It was so was so it was you know what i was there's a come town where it's like yeah you look like stop is like yeah i always laugh at jokes and then adam was like yeah you're a survivor and it's like yeah that's that's amin yeah yeah he's a survivor he's he's a he's an ally at the end of the day he's's our balding fat guy. Wow. Dude. I'm losing weight.
Starting point is 00:40:50 Well, you're balding. Didn't deny that one. That's true. God. Bald. You got to keep denying it at least. We feel bad now. Go on.
Starting point is 00:40:57 Schooled. Schooled. So, EE was in the finals. All right. Very controversially because there was a whole other thing where I was against EE. Penis gang. EE. Smash Ultimate Commentator. Yes. Controversially because there was a whole other thing Where we I was against Smash oh yeah Commentator yes he destroyed penis
Starting point is 00:41:07 Gang which is a whole thing where we're writing penis And trying to Katniss Everdeen Oh yeah that was lame as we're trying to kill ourselves Until they had to end the show he cheated He didn't cheat but he he answered Without doing penis gang anyway he's in the finals It's heads up him against Emily Some other streamer who I'm not very familiar
Starting point is 00:41:23 With and and there's like a few Weird clips where it looks like maybe he cheated. Like you can see in the reflection of his glasses, like something bright. It looks like it might be his phone. He's like, no, it's my fridge. There is currently, it's like the fucking Boston bombing. Like Reddit is pulling together so much like evidence. And they can see the backpack in the background. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:43 And they're like like he was definitely this guy and like he bought a pressure cooker at this location and they sent death threats to just an innocent well they were already doing that which is good no that's because they're just on their shit right reddit reddit nailed it with that one we did it reddit keep that shit up reddit there's a bunch of threads though actually like that where it's like this is him cheating here and it's like like five different examples it's like okay the thing from the glasses the math in his math uh like showing his work doesn't add up at all and like one time he wrote down an answer and then it was erased when he showed it to the screen and uh and then just a bunch of shit like that you know nothing super conclusive but a bunch of
Starting point is 00:42:24 like weird shit yeah you can put together the cookie crumbs and uh and that's also off the heels of every other season being cheating season yeah and it's for paper it was for 50k that's a lot of money so much money in in like okay best case is he didn't cheat but everyone thinks thinks he cheated, which is just as bad for like Mizkif. That's all he cares about. Yeah. Because then it's like, oh, bad taste feels bad.
Starting point is 00:42:49 It's weird. And Mizkif after one of his offline chat, he's like, I'm never doing this show again. Yeah. He was in his bag. Yeah. And so the idea Mizkif, I had an idea. All right. I think this is a fucking brilliant idea.
Starting point is 00:42:59 Hey, listen up, Miz. Listen up, Miz. Because if Miz kids tell Miz to do something, he'll do it. Here's my genius idea. Give me 50K. Are you a Miz kid? Is that what you're saying? No, I'm saying they're watching.
Starting point is 00:43:10 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. My genius idea is give EE the 50K. All right? You're a fucking millionaire. They had a Coinbase sponsor. You can get that easy. Do a finale schooled episode in person.
Starting point is 00:43:22 Yeah. Bring the winner of season one, the runner up of season one. They put their money up? The winner of season one, the runner up of season one. They put their money up? The winner of season two, the runner up of season two. All right, all four. Have them come in a studio in person and then do a final schooled forever.
Starting point is 00:43:34 And it's the final one, like Mogul Money Live. Very well produced. And then you see if EE is fucking smart or if he just chokes on the stage and he's like kind of dumb. Dude, I'd also be hyped
Starting point is 00:43:44 if they had to put the money up, the winnings up because then he serves to lose it if he was i think you don't want to do that because you just do an extra 50k and like you lose yeah that would be hype but you make it worth their while to go you want him to agree and he wouldn't agree if it's like put up 50k maybe win 50k yeah damn yeah that'd be pretty hype you know what even be more hype is if if the contestants found an elaborate way to cheat on the live show. Like some cool, like Ocean's Eleven shit. What I always said is like in games where cheating is impossible to circumvent entirely, obviously in an IRL setting you can pretty much entirely circumvent it.
Starting point is 00:44:16 But in like certain online games and certain like in-person board games or whatever, working cheating into the game is usually pretty good. They did that. Oh, really? Yeah, so season two they added copying in looking at other people's answers. And that was like built in cheating as like a like one to like. You could like fake an answer. You could literally look if I'm playing and you're playing.
Starting point is 00:44:36 I could look at your answer and then decide to write it down. How would you see it? There's like a button you click. It's like built in. They have a program. Oh, I see. Or it's copy. And I straight up take whatever you put, no matter what. And they did it. They like, let's acknowledge that cheating happened. Season one. It's like built in. They have a program. Oh, I see. Or it's copy. And I straight up take whatever you put, no matter what.
Starting point is 00:44:45 And they did it. They like, let's acknowledge that cheating happened. Season one. Let's add it to damn didn't change. Still a fucking problem. It's like, like literally in this episode, they had them turn around and like try to answer without looking at their screen. And still people are considering cheating.
Starting point is 00:44:59 So that's why I think the finale is genius. If you can't cheat, people will cheat. I used to cheat. In what? School? Yeah, sure. In Logos. No. is genius if you can't cheat people will cheat i used to cheat in what school yeah sure logos no dude for content a couple times i had my chat emote only is this a scoop this is i've never told you how this whoa what for juicy content i would sometimes look at chat they'd be emote only and i could kind of see who they were like emoting yeah it would always be narcs right and then i would guide content that way but like not in like let me be the genius it's like oh saikuno's the imposter let me hang out with him all game and then pretend that i got super
Starting point is 00:45:34 manipulated that's forgivable that's forgivable you mean well you're a content guy so you're always about it but it is interesting like it doesn't matter if you win among us but you can make better content if there's a tournament do you ever do in a tournament no for money i was honest in those tournaments were you yes very honest so you weren't really a chat in tournament never in the tournaments never close the chat really yes you you're doing the voice that's a meme it's because i'm stressed out do you did you cheat i didn't cheat in the tournaments you promised me i promise i didn't cheat in the tournament promise i'm gonna make a mogul money about you i did not cheat in a mogus people listen guys it's getting more reserved one day i'll nail it my impression yeah because i'm a mogul male watcher now mogul male
Starting point is 00:46:18 let me get much more chill though yeah but you're still a dipshit. It's just that I have to do that so I can one-take Jake. And look, you see so many looks. Yeah. It's gross. Well, it's because that's my buffer word instead of going, uh. Let's just do pockets of silence. One-take Jake. Let's do it. One-take Jake?
Starting point is 00:46:36 Next week, yeah, upload a video. Ten minutes. One-take Jake. Oh, bitch. About something. I'm crazy. First take. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:42 Let's do it. Wait. You're not crazy. No. You're not crazy. You don't think I have what it takes? I have filmed more slam on the scenes than not, I think, at this point. And you mess up frequently.
Starting point is 00:46:52 Yeah, but the goal is to do it in one shot. No, but you said, bitch, I'm crazy, signifying it'd be easy. You ever heard of the Streamer Awards? Yes, I've heard of the Streamer Awards. Because that was live. Yeah, but live is different than recording it's a very different skill like live streaming you like you have to roll you're a you're a stink you're a stinky two and i don't respect you like and i could do what
Starting point is 00:47:15 you do two out of ten or two but not because you're a stinky 200 pounds that way i'm 189 fuck you do a 10 minute video I will What's your topic? I'll figure it out Okay I'll do a mobile mail It's gonna be Modern Russian history
Starting point is 00:47:31 A slogan mail Slimy Yeah God damn videos The Chechen Alright So these are the best GPU processors
Starting point is 00:47:37 You can buy right now Don't fuck with me Don't test me You would choke that Huh? You'd choke that No absolutely not I'm so informed
Starting point is 00:47:44 You are informed. Either about that or how they rewarded the oligarchs with vodka plants. Yeah. The way I choke is if I don't have information. But if I prepare with information, I'm goaded. Either way. No scripts, by the way, obviously. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:58 Duh, binge. Binge. EE. Cheated. Maybe. We think that is the case most likely. I DM'd him. I was curious.
Starting point is 00:48:07 What'd he say? I just like threw out a feeler. I was like, heard a lot of shit happen. He's not going to admit that to you. He didn't. He was like, yeah, man, I didn't. And I don't know EE well enough. I don't feel like he would cheat for 50k.
Starting point is 00:48:18 I do. Really? I think that... I think any Smash commentator might. It's just so worth It's worth 50k is so much It's so much money
Starting point is 00:48:29 It's so worth I think And I don't know I think he's a guy who looks out for himself a lot Sure You got it in this world In every single way And I think that 50 rack is a lot of bread
Starting point is 00:48:40 People like you are making as much as a doctor Fucking in this doggy dog world Yeah it is a doggy dog world The only thing that made me sus is his final answer like your humor he did the thing where he stalled for two minutes didn't know what the answer was and then got the correct answer which i feel like isn't how the brain works like you just know or you don't know yeah two minutes of sitting there you're not going to be like because the answer was it was john russo what was the question who wrote the like the fucking exorcist crucible it's i couldn't know he cheated bro it was a very sweaty question instant no yeah that's something
Starting point is 00:49:12 you just you know you could ask right after who else were you thinking right oh that's good if he goes shakespeare yeah that's like bro you were you know you were cheating i wish oh i wish someone would have but you have to be stuck between two people it's so inconclusive to like say you cheated it's like it's how it's tough it's called the burden of proof you can't prove it yeah innocent till proven guilty cheat domain yeah i don't i think it is here's the thing though i think ms should lean into the cheating even more it's like yeah he cheated i guess gg you know what i'm saying yeah but if you do the finale like you gotta that's why the finale should exist and then he'd be like let's see if he cheated i guess mizkif has to say i don't this sucks for me right he can't he can't lean into it too much
Starting point is 00:49:57 because he has to be upset about it being weird there's a clip he was mad there's a clip it's he popping off he's like i asked my dad to help me with history and he's doing this no way he's rolling his eyes all contestants should have to film a reverse yeah they could have done way more like colleges figure this out how to stop people from cheating during online exams oh interesting they have like they don't proctors they know when your eyes are off the screen yeah we'll see We'll see in the future This is gonna drop audio Wednesday Video Thursday and by this time EE might be like
Starting point is 00:50:31 Gone for like a smoldering crater Where he once stood Podcastians here's what's happening Breaking news Breaking news Holy shit Live right now We just found out Faking news! Holy shit. Live right now, we just found out that E.E. guaranteed cheated on God for real, for real.
Starting point is 00:50:53 That's right. And we are calling Miz Kiff. Mizzy? Yeah, what's up, dude? Okay, Miz, we're doing the Yard Premium. This is not live. Wow. But we just spent 30 fucking minutes talking about how he might have cheated and then you
Starting point is 00:51:07 messaged me yeah it was really unfortunate cast is in shambles and we need this scoop he's posting tomorrow right he's posting tomorrow dog this is the big reveal wait when's this podcast gonna be uploaded Thursday Wednesday Wednesday for audio and then Thursday for video okay okay yeah I mean the, look, he talked to us.
Starting point is 00:51:28 We talked to him. Pretty much he admitted to it. He felt bad. And he was like, I did it for my mom. That's why I wanted to do it. I'm like, look, I get it. Oh, my theory was right. That was the one thing we said could save him.
Starting point is 00:51:42 If it was for mother. Dude. Was it sad and heart- heart wrenching to talk to him uh no not at all this is the best guy for this because he doesn't give a fuck are you well are you bummed like the the show kind of like got a a smirch on it right oh dude i'm i'm really upset because now i don't want to do the show anymore I mean, think about it, it kind of ruined the integrity of the show I mean, I'm going to be honest with you we kind of had a feeling he cheated the last episode so to see him cheat this one
Starting point is 00:52:14 and like, you know $50,000, it made it awkward for the finale, people were kind of like what's going on? It's not a good thing that this happened, you know People think that I want the drama I don don't because it makes the show lose its lust what do you think of ludwig's idea to do like a live finale i would have loved that i mean i the only problem is as ludwig knows getting streamers to do anything is impossible but uh i think you
Starting point is 00:52:42 still do it because i don't think you can do a school season three online again it'll just fucking be marred by cheating you do one final bang out hangout finale like mogul money live-esque and then never do schooled again and find a new show but do it live with like some champions and some new people so what we were thinking is we're probably gonna do the show on like july 2nd and it's gonna have a big I think the day's a little a little bit of competition man I wouldn't say that we're gonna call it Ms. Kiff July 2nd that's like fucking Ludwig Mondays
Starting point is 00:53:15 Ms. Kiff July 2nd day how did Emily take it I called her afterwards and I'm like you won and she's like see like the thing is with And she's like, oh, here's what she's... See, like the thing is with her is, you know, she's just too sweet. She's like, I don't want the money.
Starting point is 00:53:31 Let me just come out for content. Oh, shit. That's a smart investment. That was actually kind of five head of her. That's kind of... That's more money. Yeah. It could be.
Starting point is 00:53:39 Million dollar idea. It could be. It's money in the spiritual sense. Like, that's money. Some people go to Miz's and get more than 50K in value for sure that's some people go and then they are called investment but i decided yeah i gave i gave some people get 50 000 some people get a sweatshirt but i uh yeah so she wanted to come out i said sure so she's coming out uh sometime and she's gonna get the 50 grand she's gonna put on a little platter for her. Yeah, I was thinking Bitcoin.
Starting point is 00:54:06 So I'm gonna give her like a year of time. Fucking Coinbase is stuck in his head. A speculative currency for her. Alright, well that's the hot juicy scoop. Is there anything else? Is there any fun? What were you guys saying? You guys thought he did it or didn't?
Starting point is 00:54:20 I thought he did that shit. We also know EE from Smash. We've known him for a long time. I was like, yeah, he probably did it or didn't. Yeah, we pretty much are saying he did that shit. He probably did it. We also know EE from like Smash. We've known him for a long time. We've known him for a long time. I was like, yeah, he probably did it, you know. 50k is so much
Starting point is 00:54:31 for a commentator. It's so much money. I think that was like, that's like one of the big things. He makes more on that 50k than maybe the year of casting. Like two years. 500%.
Starting point is 00:54:40 Two years, three years maybe. I'm not even kidding. We also theorized that his one way out with the apology would be including his mom
Starting point is 00:54:49 so we're super on the money I guess look I couldn't be upset with him what am I gonna say you know
Starting point is 00:54:54 he said the right thing I look I'm just I am happy he at least admitted it I just
Starting point is 00:55:01 it does it sucks yeah it sucks like the show was shit I it was I knew from about you sucks like the show was shit i it was i i knew from about you knew during the show you rolled your eyes yeah i know it's because it's obvious to
Starting point is 00:55:11 me dude my producers aren't stupid they're like ms he's literally cheating like we can see it and then i can't like you're what you only have 90 obviousness right like i don't really definitively know and so i'm not gonna call it out on the show because it's just so awkward if he you know what he's gonna say he's gonna say no i'm not and then it's just gonna be like yeah you are no i'm not and then it's gonna be a huge fucking weird ass fight i uh i want you to know on twitter i will be irate because i should have made it through because he was on the show and cheated with me. I know, dude. Yeah, he cheated. Oh, I mean, Penis Gang, yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:48 I do think he probably did. Look, if you cheated on one, I think you cheated on the other. He probably did cheat, so I'm going to guess. To be fair, the final question of Penis Gang was, I think, 5 plus 5. Still might have cheated. You can never trust me. He's like, 9! 9!
Starting point is 00:56:04 And what sucks, too, is like, it's what you said to me a lot you're like yeah the integrity thing like i know that someone like you you're not gonna cheat because you know it's not even worth it for you to show up for the 50 grand you know like it's it's so you definitely won't care as much as someone like him like i get why he cheated it makes sense yeah he's a lot more he just has a lot more reason to it's it's tough i think i think uh doing it live though i think doing it live still would be super sick yeah i i there's depth i to be honest with you i don't think i agree with you i don't think school three season will ever happen online it's just too much cheating We've had 15 cheaters this year or something like that. Dude, that is fucked up. That's tight.
Starting point is 00:56:48 And they added cheating to the show. And we literally said, all right, we will let you do what you want. You can peek and cheat, but they actually just went the whole way. Yeah, we had three one episodes. I mean, Ludwig's episode, I think almost every episode had a cheater. Are they all outed? Are all the cheaters known? I would say
Starting point is 00:57:08 See the thing is I would say definitively people who cheated Is like 8 But like the people who actually we are 95% confident Is like 15 But they never admitted So there's people who cheated and lost? Yeah because they
Starting point is 00:57:24 They're not losers. Yeah, it's so fucking embarrassing. Well, why would they do that? Because they know if they win, they would get hate. So they just want to go far in the show. Yeah, to seem smart but not win. Can I ask if someone cheated, Miz? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:37 I know who you're going to ask. Wait, really? What do you think I'm going to ask? I don't think you do. No, I'm going to see who you're going to ask. Did Connor Eats Pants cheat? That's not who I thought. Yeah, so eight people cheated and omitted it.
Starting point is 00:57:49 The other five people were actually Connor each time. So Connor cheated every single show. We kept inviting him for him to omit it, but he never did. What about Hungrybox? No, God, he would never cheat. He's way too much on the line. He's not caring. The thing about HBox is he actually does have a history of being pretty smart academically.
Starting point is 00:58:09 The problem is he's fucking smart. But I had to know. Juan wins again. HFam was fucking right. Let's go, HFam. HFam gets a W today. Yeah, that's unfortunate. Yeah, the only honest winner of schooled ever is Hungrybox, season one, baby.
Starting point is 00:58:20 That is so fucking unfortunate. It's not. It is. It's fucking podcast. It is. I mean, I'm glad that he didn't fucking cheat yeah i prefer this world genuinely but i had to know no well i he's i he from what he told us is that he's gonna write something up and he'll be out tomorrow so the world will know
Starting point is 00:58:39 dude it's gonna be a spicy day that's a juicy this is the amber heard johnny depp of twitch he pretty much did admit it he told me straight up I feel bad, my mom all the stuff I get it to a degree you have not much to lose and everything to gain go for the bag, you try to win it
Starting point is 00:58:58 did he say how he cheated? yeah, he told me it was discord his friend was giving him the answers uh i honestly i don't know who's the friend who's the who's who's the white glove co-conspirator all you see in the discord logs it said the box was the only thing i could read out so maybe hungry boxes no way it gets deeper you wouldn't put his neck on the line for for box was the only thing I could read out. Maybe Hungrybox is cheating. No way. It gets deeper. You wouldn't put his neck on the line for E.
Starting point is 00:59:29 No. I'll never have any idea. I'm just glad he admitted it. Imagine a world where I'm like, dude, we have nine definitive proofs and he's like, no, I did not. You're just folding his arms going, no! And then you still have to
Starting point is 00:59:45 pay the 50k like the button on that one what can i do i would have to send him 50 g's and then it'd be a huge debacle but nah he admitted it so it's it's okay i just lesson learned i'm never doing that show again so all right well hey shit ton of views for you tomorrow though pretty hype uh overwatch 2 is out next you see is gonna be live oh hey man we'll take the day off you know yeah tell me delayed the apology with all the drama i'm just feeling tired so i might just take the day off sure all right all right i'm sorry your show got fucked up i know it feels you just put a lot of effort into something and it just like fucking has a big fart noise at the end but yeah that's the worst part I mean like I I did put a lot of work into
Starting point is 01:00:26 the show and it's not only me and my you know you know guys know what it is you guys are the team you know it they put a lot of effort in the fifty thousand dollars like that is a lot of money and all that stuff and it just does suck when someone cheats and I don't know what to say or do like what and all it does is people are like oh, but it makes the show to an extent. But it also just ruins the integrity. And it just makes it so weird and awkward when like everyone's cheating because it's not fun. It's not good to watch.
Starting point is 01:00:54 Like, I think especially when you're down to two people like. Yeah. Oh, yeah. It's just awkward, especially for me, dude. I knew at the end he cheated and I just like, what am I going to do? Congratulations. I know you cheated. It's so weird for me dude i knew at the end he cheated and i just like what am i gonna do congratulations i know you cheated it's so weird for me yeah what's being a really shitty spot all right gamer we won't hold you too long i know you got probably other people to talk to you about it and uh but appreciate you hopping on telling us that the deep insider scoop no you're good you're good you're good uh uh let me know if you want any more details on anything
Starting point is 01:01:24 dude in person schooled in person schooled is genius you have to do it this summer all right will you be on my show dude it's been great catching up yeah absolutely ms i'm i'm there okay all right i'm gonna do it july 2nd okay all right fucking super hang up on this fucking clown when you guys are cleaning up for your show, that's when I'll do mine. YouTube theater fucking second... Yeah, it's on the card. Top bill.
Starting point is 01:01:54 I'll see you guys later. Bye, Miz. I have never heard that man so deflated. That's how he is off stream. Really? He's like you. He's a little more chill. He's like fucking you. He blows a lot of energy. So we're going to have someone on.
Starting point is 01:02:10 This segment's in the main episode. We should still close it out. Alright everyone, back to the main episode now. Hey Archie, put this in somewhere where we're like seriously speculating and it looks really funny. I hired a psychologist to tell me if EE was cheating and they analyzed their footage.
Starting point is 01:02:26 Okay, Dream. Good idea. Get an MIT guy. Or EE does it for himself. That's what Dream did, right? He's wearing a lab coat. He's like, see, the guy said I'm fair. I think, look, cheating in a game show is not as bad as, like,
Starting point is 01:02:39 fucking a lot of shit other streamers did, right? I mean, I think it's like. I think the paper. I think when it's 50 Gs, it matters. Aiden Ross said a slur two weeks ago. Yeah, but was it for 50 grand? I think the issue here is it's cheating in a game of intelligence
Starting point is 01:02:54 which totally what's the word I'm looking for? Destroys the idea. It totally invalidates the game if you're able to cheat. I know I said earlier you could build it in. Specifically in a game of intelligence, what's the point of not cheating?
Starting point is 01:03:09 You should just cheat the entire time. If you're allowed to do it as long as you get away with it. I'm just saying, even if he comes out and he's like, yeah, I fucking cheated, he still can be a streamer. No, I didn't mean it like that. It's more the idea of I don't know. It follows you.
Starting point is 01:03:24 It does follow. Magic Scrumpy. Yes. That guy can't chat in any chat. Which is like deserved. Fuck him, right? But still, it's like shit follows you. I think that shit's lame.
Starting point is 01:03:37 I think that, dude, I just don't think. I never thought that. When that happened, I was like, why does everybody care so much about this? Because he was a piece of shit about it. Was he he was really fucking smug about his hottie yeah so fuck him i mean that's just like he didn't like just a prick didn't sit and apologize he's a prick about it so it's not 50 g's you know that's true i i'm not saying it is i'm just saying i understand still hottie i guess it was 600 which at the time for smash that's like that's like every local for the year smash inflation that's 50k also the combo video was like really special like you're looking at
Starting point is 01:04:08 this and you're like oh man this is so sick and then turned out to be taz and you're like oh i feel like betrayed because i thought this was cool i i i'm totally i get it like it's just i i don't see why people aren't dumb for thinking that that was annoying i don't think it's i don't think it's not annoying i think it was more like because you're like downplayed you're like oh i shouldn't i don't think magic scrumpy still gets talked about like he was he was like outed in the summer of 2020 and it's like that's how people talk about magic scrumpy but it's like yeah man he made a task combo video it's a bit dramatic but i get it he's still the devil but what i'm saying is like when he pops into chats, people like don't let him forget. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:46 Which in if like one pops into a chat, it's a little different. Right. Magic Scrumpy is allowed to vibe. Oh, I see. It's like he doesn't get banned, but they make fun of him for cheating. But it's like he just catches shit. And that's a hell you pay forever for breaking a gaming law. It's like forcing CD.
Starting point is 01:05:01 You don't cheat. It will follow Dr. Disrespect for life. His poor wife. No one ever thinks about that. You don't cheat. It will follow Dr. Disrespect for life. His poor wife. No one ever thinks about that. No. I do. I learned some stats this weekend. Yeah?
Starting point is 01:05:13 Yeah, I hung out with Double Lift and Lena. I went to LCS. What the fuck did you do? I went to LCS. Oh, right. Oh, yeah. Was that fun? It was kind of interesting.
Starting point is 01:05:21 It was the fastest LCS finals ever. Yes. Broke the record from 2018 where they broke the record of 100 thieves losing in 2018 so they broke their own record which is 100 thieves on top baby oh wow who won the tournament eg eg america evil genius yeah is it an na team yes it will everything was na lcs finals so oh it's yeah. But it's kind of funny you say that because NA still won because 100 Thieves' team is almost all imported. Okay.
Starting point is 01:05:49 Oh, yeah. That was like NA. I think EG is one of the only teams in NA LCS that's like majority, mostly NA players. Yeah. Which is rare now. It's very rare. 100 esportsman-like conduct listeners are listening to this right now
Starting point is 01:06:04 and they're like, it's back. Yeah. Finally, esports talk. Finally, we can talk about how they 3-0'd and that was PogChamp. I've been talking
Starting point is 01:06:10 shop all day. Yeah. It was hype. So I went because QT got invited to like a creator part of it, like a creator tournament that they do before,
Starting point is 01:06:20 the Grubhub thing. And she was one of the players of the 10. And I went because she can't fly. So I was just peepo cheer. Peepo. I didn't really understand League.
Starting point is 01:06:29 Yeah, it's because Riot doesn't let you on broadcast anymore because of him. Is that true? True. They talk to you about me? They pull you aside? I will say I'm full of fake news
Starting point is 01:06:37 this podcast, but... No, they were actually sweet. A few people came up to me and they're like, I want to talk to you about this Riot project. No, nobody brought you up. They are... A couple that... He was backstage and then a couple of them came up and they were like you want to
Starting point is 01:06:49 you can come down to the basement i will say i think uh i think double lift there's like this rumor on reddit because he was supposed there's some weird drama part of the event is that they draw for groups at msi which is like the world tournament where everyone from every country competes. And they draw like who plays who. And Lily Pichu and Michael Reeves were doing it. People were furious because Michael Reeves and Lily Pichu don't know League of Legends.
Starting point is 01:07:14 They're just influencers. Which is not esports. That's crazy because Lily... That's crazy to say about Lily. It's crazy. It's crazy because for so many reasons, but at the end of the day, they picked up balls and no one gives a fuck. It not like it's skill but doublelift was supposed to do
Starting point is 01:07:27 it and the rumor is they kicked him for uh talking shit on another league player yeah so that's funny if you were a league influencer you you might get is that a scoop i think it's i mean that's the running theory whoa yeah it's actually deep lore that's crazy yeah i criticized a valorant commentator on twitter uh-huh and usually i so it was pretty bad uh casting i will say i think everyone had a problem in riots valorant events in vct it was like a week ago i saw those and uh my criticisms were i think pretty valid and then i thought about it. I was like, okay, I hate when people do this to me. I'm going to at this person. And I added the person and I did the copy pasta where it's like, will you fight or will you perish like a dog?
Starting point is 01:08:15 Like the Donald Duck thing. And the guy blocked me. Wow. And I'm like, that's fair. Did you feel good about it? No, I didn't. I was like, here's the thing. When I get blocked, like fair enough you know like the tiktok sound because i really truly believe that any reason is good enough i love that tiktok sound and my chat's roasting me because i do it all the time
Starting point is 01:08:35 yeah it's pretty old gotico is probably why though but but yeah i remember and i was like i still wanted him to read what i said because i think it does it displays a larger problem with his casting and the way casting is thought to be like the correct way and how he was failing at it uh and as someone maybe a subject matter expert right i kind of i'm not a piece of shit i'm a guy who also does this for arguably a harder game which is melee it's literally the hardest game to cast it moves too fast. I don't know. Apples and Oranges, maybe? Sure, I'd have to give Apples and Oranges. No, I think your position is more credible because of your... Also, I've
Starting point is 01:09:12 hired casters. Hold on. Yeah, I was gonna say, I would say you're more credible because of your producer experience and the way you have literally watched 14 hours of casting at a time for weeks on end for other FPS games. I'm just saying so either way and but nothing i will say if he doesn't know you right there is nothing in your profile that would
Starting point is 01:09:31 indicate that you have any of that i have michael i've yassified michael babarro and my name is journalist how does that not help him i get so fucking confused when i see you tweet i get so because i used to follow michael babarro and he deactivated and i always think it's michael and then i read the yassified yeah but i don't notice thatone deactivated and I always think it's Michael and then I read the yesified. Yeah, but I don't notice that right away because it's small. Oh, it's not pretty enough. Yeah, you need to yes fight more like schlatt when he puts it. Actually, it's pretty yes.
Starting point is 01:09:54 That's what I'm saying. Holy shit. And it's just journalist. Yeah, that's what I am, man. So either way, I remember just bringing it up and I was like, am I the enemy here? Because like I people would do this to me and I'd be fucking pissed about it. But like, no, you know what? Because they didn't they didn't at me with people who I get pissed at when this happens.
Starting point is 01:10:13 It's like there's there's there's no criticism and they don't want me to be better. They're just being dicks. And I was like, I feel like I'm different, but maybe I'm not. I think on Twitter you come across more polarizing and in person you'd get along with like almost everyone that you beef with on Twitter. Yeah, I'm goaded. That's not the takeaway. That's not what goaded means.
Starting point is 01:10:31 Goaded, you would be good at both. Yeah. No. Because you come for the hot takes. You stay for the vibes. Yeah, that's bitching. What? I have a question about your Riot Games double lift theory.
Starting point is 01:10:44 Yeah. What is that based on? I have a question about your Riot Games Doublelift theory Do you think that What is that based on We could get deep into the weeds of it But I think it's not worth it I will tell you two interesting things that happened at LCS Generally had a good time It was fun and they took care of me well
Starting point is 01:10:58 Two interesting things first I met Tyler1 Which was very interesting Oh you've never met him I've never met him and he's fucking strong did you and short really yeah he's like five like how long how tall is electronic Robert I've not met him in person
Starting point is 01:11:14 yet but I think maybe slightly taller but I met him and it's funny because he immediately had an interaction with me the same way I would have an interaction with a fan oh yeah because what's up he's the guy you know how like I like when I meet with someone like it's like photo what do you want an interaction with me the same way i would have an interaction with a fan oh yeah because because what's up he's the guy you know how like i like when i meet with someone like it's like photo what do you want he does that like really well with fans he's godlike at it he's actually who
Starting point is 01:11:34 i looked at first when i went to twitchcon 2019 because he had a line and he's always like how's it going you're talking to me no way yeah you're like i need to be like that swole social god yeah but he did that to me at first he's like ludwig how's youtube how's it going man wow but i could see through it and and then i like so we talked for a bit and i was like this is fine and i was like okay you might have to go to dinner i'm gonna head out he's like oh you're big time with me and i was like i was like well we're going to dinner i don't think you're gonna go he's like i might go and i was like okay here's the thing you're gonna go back to room, not want to hang out with any influencers because
Starting point is 01:12:05 you've had to expend all your social energy doing this all weekend and talk about how it's been kind of a pain and then go to your league thing tomorrow. And then he was like, and Michaela's girlfriend is there. And he's like, yeah, he's kind of right there. Wow. So you cracked open the matrix for a second and you related to another human for real. Yeah. That's awesome. I'm hearing all this and. Yeah. And you related to another human. Uh-huh. For real. Yeah. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:12:25 I'm hearing all this and I can't believe you did any of it. And then the final interaction we had at the weekend. I can't even imagine him saying that. I know. It's crazy. I said that. And then the final interaction of the weekend was me. And I was like, I just want to, I was leaving forever.
Starting point is 01:12:36 And I was like, all right, see you later, man. It was nice meeting you. He's like, don't do this to me. And then he just walked away. What does that mean? I think it was just like, you know, like the pleasantry of it. Yeah, yeah. That sort of formality.
Starting point is 01:12:48 Because he's like, we both see through it now. That's hype. Yeah, you guys are in the Matrix together. That's what I was trying to do when I asked the Botezes if they were shills, but it didn't work.
Starting point is 01:12:55 It was too early. But they're not shills. They're outside the Matrix. Right. That's what you learned in that moment. They were outside the Matrix. Or they're so deep. You're in the Matrix.
Starting point is 01:13:02 Or they're so deep. Well, no. They're in the Matrix. You're outside the Matrix. We talked about poop music with them that night that was they're real no that's a that's a that's a g-rated topic well it's not it is like i don't think it's like it's not a paw patrol i don't think it's the most insane thing for an icebreaker at the most no i don't think chills I don't think shills start with that. Amber Heard does. What?
Starting point is 01:13:28 A little poop talk? What'd you say? Amber Heard? She's like the song was playing. It's not my fault. Johnny, I shit on your bed. I shit on it. I pooped on your bed, Johnny.
Starting point is 01:13:39 I mean, decent. Decent impression. Not bad. All snaps for that. You're such a fucking pussy, Johnny. You need more East Coast. Like, not bad. All snaps for that. You're such a fucking pussy, Johnny. You need more East Coast. Like. Not Chanel West Coast.
Starting point is 01:13:50 That's much better. Dick picks up on it. The other thing was the worst fan interaction I've ever had. He told me this earlier on stream. This is funny, though. Say their name and address. I don't have it. So what happened is we have our own creator creator suite and we're in the suite and it's just creators uh no shit yeah carl jacobs there so it's like creators right in the suite and uh but
Starting point is 01:14:15 cutie wants dipping dots which is in the main area so we go down and this is in nrg stadium like where the houston uh texans play i didn't realize Ludbuds love League of Legends Yeah It's fucking non-stop I'm getting aggroed I can't walk through the crowd without people being like Is it worse than Genesis? It is worse than Genesis Cause like lines would form After one person stops me
Starting point is 01:14:37 Cause one person stops me and then like a line fills Behind them and they're like go go go And for some reason Genesis I could walk easier And I also felt more power to be like walk with me also like more people less chances to do this more people who have never done it it was about 10k people too
Starting point is 01:14:53 yeah so we're that's happening a lot and I finally catch up QD is in line with NemSco who's the chess player and they're at the dip and dots and I finally catch up and a few people come up while I'm in line and then finally one guy comes up and he rushes over to me with his camera out his phone out and he walks over and he and he gives it to me and then he stands next to nemsco he's like take a picture of us and then i'm like i'm like okay and people
Starting point is 01:15:17 run this bit sometimes yeah where it's like oh lud you take a picture of me and aiden yeah yeah yeah and so i'm like whatever so i take the pic and then he looks over and he's like do you have a boyfriend oh can i have your number and she's like she's like no like i like i have a boyfriend i don't know if she does but she's like it's easy it's easy to say you do like sigh and like cringe from the other room it doesn't end there. And he's a zipper. I just heard, I just heard. And then after getting rejected, he looks up at me because I gave this phone back and he goes, can I get a picture with you? And I witnessed this all happen. And I'm like, no, dude, like laughing like this was the worst thing I've ever seen. And then he's he keeps walking towards me
Starting point is 01:16:06 he's like a picture i'm like this is like a good yeah this is like a time it's nice to meet you yeah and i'm like i'm like i'm like no i'm right he's like you got soft hands and then and then finally he's like there with the phone i'm like just take it and then he takes it and then he walks away and i am positive you will think about that for the rest of your life because it was the most uncomfortable thing that's the worst part he probably won't think about it the rest of his or he's like do it again i hope he does because i think about like five seconds after that i saw a bald guy who's wearing like a safari outfit and i said oh
Starting point is 01:16:45 coyote peterson cosplay and he said who's that and i felt really bad who's that a bald guy who wears safari outfits yeah so i just kind of roasted really big youtube channel fucking funny yeah those those by the user player the coyote peterson was to a stranger we have it good as boys huh like like at the end of the day we will never get like asked our fucking phone number by by some weirdo yeah and that sucks man is that the first time you've ever like turned down a fan like like a picture yeah probably yeah probably a good reason yeah i think in the past i like i'm usually like if the picture happens this will end but this i was like this was so bad that maybe just going is the best.
Starting point is 01:17:26 Yeah. But he did not get that. And then he still got it, which is gross also. Are you smiling in it? Probably. I probably just snapped. You're like Gone Girl, bro. I can't even remember.
Starting point is 01:17:37 Dude, if you were to stone face, that'd be so good. Just post it. And he posted, Ludwig was mad at me because I creeped on another creator in front of him. LOL. It's also so gross to like not like she's like trapped but like kind of pseudo trap her in that moment where like
Starting point is 01:17:54 you get really close. It's like an agreement to get very physically close to someone. It's real shit. Yeah. I think it's hard to be like mean and like actually assert yourself there because you're gonna be it's like you're a public figure that someone can now go like talk about yeah yeah i was re-watching the ammo web and she was talking about like how twitch con like
Starting point is 01:18:14 the like some some of the worst ones are like when like really stinky guys will like fucking can i take a picture in the show like they'll like throw their arm right around her and she's at armpit and she's at armpit height but she was talking about it like yeah it's whatever and i'm like damn you just got a fucking iron iron brain down you have any stinky guys you get any stinky guys there's like general swaths of stink but not from a person like you just walk one time at bigger balc a melee tournament is the one where we cast it for the first time. I smelled some guy's dick, I'm sure. And I never forgot. It was the stinkiest PM player I had.
Starting point is 01:18:50 Was he tall? No, he was a big guy, cargo short. I'm sitting. The aisles are very thin, so when you kind of got to get through. And this guy kind of maneuvers by, and I smelled dick. Yeah, you can distinguish dick. You brought up bad memories for me.
Starting point is 01:19:04 Yeah? Yeah, because sometimes dicks smell. You fixed Ludwig right now with the dick Yeah you can distinguish dick You brought up bad memories for me Yeah cause sometimes dicks smell You fixed Ludwig right now He starts crying like I've treated my friend so badly It was in the third grade I had a crush on this girl And I made my email Ludwig
Starting point is 01:19:19 Ogren and Kelly forever I've told you guys this before Cause I like this girl named Kelly So that was my email for years yeah okay it was crazy yeah but one time we were like lying down on our tummies drawing some shit because it's third grade or something i don't know and then she was like do you smell fish and i was like no but I kind of did. And I checked in the bathroom and it was my dick. Oh, you got fish dick? And I had fish dick because I got foreskin.
Starting point is 01:19:51 You're like eight. I was going to say, that's a foreskin reality right there. I have foreskin. Have you had fish dick before? A hundred percent. Bro, I smell your fish dick. Okay, you haven't smelled my fish dick. I can smell it from here.
Starting point is 01:20:04 I'm very clean no it smells like it's but it smells like the the slurry that they made of the simpsons when you're when you're a kid when you're a kid and you don't realize how essential showering is yet i had a moment where my cousin i think it smelled again in france because you shower less in france because you're european and he was like like taught me how to like shower your foreskin like a watershed moment and he was like
Starting point is 01:20:30 you pull back the skin you take out your cock the fromage makes it gone it's a bit brie you know we hate it we hate that Kelly she will not talk to you again but it's a bit blee you know we hate it we hate that Kelly she will not talk to you again
Starting point is 01:20:48 but it's alright yeah you gotta clean that shit wow so you had stink dick you liked girls in third grade? I did like girls in third grade I liked girls since like I was five years old are you flexing? I'm just saying I remember the first time I tried to talk to a girl
Starting point is 01:21:03 she didn't notice I was talking to her and then I was sad want to know how straight i am i'm just saying i was like i there was no like icky right i was just like oh no same for me i had a girlfriend in kindergarten well i chased away bees from her really that's so that's so masculine of you i think i remember my first girl in preschool yeah i think my first crush was like when i was like six i guess that's when it starts huh i was just like you don't really like i don't know you remember your first crush's name yeah me too she drives a range rover now dude i do remember because she flexed on me at a party like 20 years later ultra hot i knew how to pick them okay Oh. Okay.
Starting point is 01:21:47 And I remember she was talking about it and she's like talking about how she drives a Range Rover. Nobody's picking anybody. I was five. Yeah, but you're also painting an ultra hot five-year-old
Starting point is 01:21:56 right now. Yeah, but no. No, no, no. She looked like dog shit. She looked like dog shit. I just had predictive ability. You're calling back
Starting point is 01:22:04 to picking them 20 years later. Maybe he just looked at the mom. 25 years later maybe he just looked at the mom maybe you know your mom was busted as hell yeah well that's a goddamn fucking busted's bad you look a goddamn baseball dugout this is still bad it looks like a baseball dugout goddamn shed use baseball mitt jill has got she's gross bro that's not good for the... But I just knew. That she would turn around. Amen.
Starting point is 01:22:31 That's awesome. Want to hear a stat about women? I don't. I'm tired of it. Go ahead. That's such a bad line. Archie? TikTok would love that, though. They're too sexist.
Starting point is 01:22:45 Yeah. TikTok is sexist? Oh, yeah. Really? No, it's rampant. I'm not on TikTok. I fucking don't know. Like, okay, it depends.
Starting point is 01:22:52 Like, obviously, there's pockets. Like, if you go to Hank Green's TikTok, it's progressive as hell. Oh, I see. I think, like, generally, they're more sexist and racist and homophobic. Really? Oh, yeah. More vocally. Like, more so than, like, YouTube?
Starting point is 01:23:03 But I think... For sure. For sure. Well, it depends because there's sections of YouTube that I'm not on is there a prager you tiktok i will see the sexist racist homophobic tiktoks more than i will see sexist racist homophobic oh not even the comments the tiktok bro that's your algo no no no the comments oh the comments the comments on tiktok it seems like all of my For You page. No, but like, oh, dude. There's a series of people. They go to BYU, which is the college of Mormons.
Starting point is 01:23:31 The soakest capital of the world. Brigham Young University. It's like a few. That's fucked. It's called Brigham Young University. Yeah. That's fucking either. Brigham Young.
Starting point is 01:23:42 I heard the real name. No, it's not. It's called bring them young university i'm gonna look it up because i can't tell if you're serious no he's serious or mwu many wives university yeah yeah yeah and there's a few creators and and uh and some of our black which is pertinent and they'll do it it is it's called bro brigham no he said the guy's name but that's so close it's just the guy's name it But that's so close. It's just the guy's name. That's crazy. That's if you like slurred a little bit.
Starting point is 01:24:07 That's how it sounds. That's what his nickname was. Yeah, it was hammered. It said Brigham Young. Brigham Young. What? Brigham. That's a cool name. I said I'm going to start a college.
Starting point is 01:24:17 His name was Eric. We're going to get a bunch of... But that's the college and it's a bunch of Mormons and they'll throw up the easiest softballs. It'll be like a guy and he goes up with like a love mic and he goes, so like, do you think gay people have rights? And then they'll go over.
Starting point is 01:24:33 Very easy one to be in the right here. And the students are like, it's complicated. Dude. And they'll all like choke these softballs and it oftentimes boils down to like i'm gonna defer to the elders on that one because that's what they call like the leaders that's weird and some of them this is the backup and it'll be like it'll be like do you think that that like gay couples should be able to show affection and they're like so i'm gonna refer to the honor code we all signed when we went to BYU.
Starting point is 01:25:05 Oh my God. And it said, relationships are between a man and a woman. Now, if you sign the code, you should follow. And it's like, it's like,
Starting point is 01:25:11 the law is the law. What can I say? And they even throw up like, like what, what started the civil war? And then the guy, the guy will be like, he doesn't want to say slavery.
Starting point is 01:25:21 He's like, well, there's many economic issues at play here dude that is insane and the guy asking is black and he's there right crazy and he's like is there any other things specifically actually you want to come to mind that is up nope they're actually super nice about it too they'll always been like bet cool thank you yeah yeah even if the answer is like yeah i don't think gay people should write stuff like bet cool thank you so much i like that style of interviewing where you just kind of give
Starting point is 01:25:47 them all the rope they yes and then they look really stupid and you're like okay i think that's why like channel five is so good which is why i've been critical of channel five but i i see the the value but hyper yeah you let them hyper agreement or whatever you just like yeah you just you just treat everything they're saying is true and you nod along and you say oh absolutely i get it and then they go farther and farther down. And they keep going further and further, yeah. So anyway. Yeah, I didn't know it was like that.
Starting point is 01:26:09 Don't hop on BYU TikTok. That shit goes crazy. Before he asked you about the racist problem on TikTok, you were going to say something. Oh, the woman stat. Oh, yeah. What's the woman stat? Back to this.
Starting point is 01:26:21 You brought it back up and then you got mad at it. I got a stat. I got a stat. 70 cents. That's a real stat BYU accepted you It's not a real stat Congratulations It's not a real stat?
Starting point is 01:26:31 It's not a real stat Oh so the wage gap isn't real Yeah it's fake Oh my god This is actually something he believes No Get into it Aiden Remember when you said this?
Starting point is 01:26:40 Aiden's next YouTube video No I told you about the anecdote Why the wage gap isn't real The wage gap does exist It's just not 70 cents The wage gap You said the age gap the wage gap he said wage what's the fucking stat the stat is that men are five times as likely to leave their significant other if their so is terminally ill jesus christ which was a crazy
Starting point is 01:27:00 stat i might have brought this up before is that is that applying specifically to straight relationships i think so yeah okay there's a so the the guy is a woman's dad i forget his name he's the star of dexter so he got cancer i think it was during the show maybe after the show whatever at the time i believe he met uh the woman who plays deb on dexter who is his sister in the show uh they met and they started a relationship and they were together for a long time and he got cancer and she stick stuck by him and he beat cancer and then season five julia styles uh is a character in the whole season and dexter fucking leaves his is the the person who stood by him for julia styles who was on the show yeah the same show that they're all on and i always remember that and i'm like that's cold as fuck brother ice cold that's fucking ice cold working together
Starting point is 01:27:50 what they kept working season five julia styles left you're just like a temporary season character so but i mean the show kept going sister stay on the show yes and then i believe i didn't watch the rest of dexter because after season five, Jump Shark, but I believe they started a relationship because they're stepsisters. No, it's not. Okay. Maybe that's spoilers, but who cares? But yeah, it got real weird in a lot of ways. Well, you know Dr. Seuss, right? Dr. Seuss the guy? Dr. Seuss' wife
Starting point is 01:28:16 was terminally ill and then he cheated on her and left her. With a Lorax? With a Lorax, yeah. He fucked and sucked a Lorax. Oh, shit. And he was like, makes me me quiver makes me shiver That's crazy Is that real? I didn't know Dr. Seuss was a real guy
Starting point is 01:28:33 And she wrote a note and it's heartbreaking She wrote a note about how this happened And it's like the saddest note Can you bring this up Zipron I don't believe me he's capping Look up Dr. Seuss fucked a Lorax no not like that dr seuss infidelity oh my god she killed herself oh my god i forgot about that it's even worse than you said i'm too old and enmeshed in everything you do and are that i cannot conceive of a life without you read her suicide note my going will leave quite a rumor but you can say i was overworked and overwrought. Your reputation with your friends and fans will not be
Starting point is 01:29:05 harmed. That is the most heartbreaking thing I have ever read. And he was like, red flag emoji. Red fish, blue fish. Dude, would not, could not kill myself. That is so fucking sad. That's pretty heartbreaking.
Starting point is 01:29:21 Slaps though, huh? She died, he writes Horton, here's a who. But he makes a ham, though? Yeah, that's crazy, right? I'm still gonna finish the whole green ham thing I was doing. I was at this fancy dinner, and the whole dinner was a bunch of prominent women in the space just ripping on men. And I was there like, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:41 Go off. I love being in that spot. You're like, you know what? Preach, sister. You're right. And it's like, yeah, fuck it just i love being in that spot you're like you know what preach sister you're right and it's like yeah fuck it man madge i'll just i'll just i'll just let it happen all right like what what type of stories we talking like this guy like this type what we're talking about now yeah but like like you knew about dr seuss they were talking about dr seuss i learned the stat they said because he's a creator let Let me tell you about Dr. Seuss. Oh girl. Real quick.
Starting point is 01:30:08 And they're like no fucking way. He would. Men are trash. Men are trash. Not all men. Not all children's authors. Can I get an amen in the chat? Children's authors. Fish lives matter
Starting point is 01:30:25 that was what is what is on here weirdly political episode yeah we kind of we're this is the most current events episode we've ever had yeah because it's all about the news ludwig news is hot this week it's a hot news time ludwig you see a tattoo someone got a tattoo of amon's face how's that make you feel oh yeah a fan got a tattoo of youron's face. How does that make you feel? Oh, yeah. A fan got a tattoo of your face. I thought about it a lot. It was a shit tattoo, I thought. Zipper, can you find it from Twitter? It's on my Twitter. We both tweeted it.
Starting point is 01:30:50 You can pull it up. It's on my Twitter. I thought it was a crazy tattoo. I believe they deleted it, so you probably shouldn't pull it up because I think that's respectful to not. Yeah. But, yeah, what do you think? I probably shouldn't talk about it.
Starting point is 01:30:58 I believe when I said it was shit, then. I thought... They deleted it? I think it's important... Just the tweet. But I think it's important. It's like, someone gets a tattoo of your face on their body. How does it make you feel? I talked... Yeah, I thought about They deleted it? I think it's important. Just the tweet. But I think it's important. It's like, someone gets to tattoo your face on their body. How does it make you feel?
Starting point is 01:31:07 I talked. Yeah. I thought about it a lot. I talked about it with a lot of people. I think my initial. Like your dad? No, not my dad. I sent it to my mom because I thought that'd be really funny.
Starting point is 01:31:17 Yeah. And she was surprisingly sweet about it. Aw. She was like shocked, but she's just like, oh, you're getting so famous, honey. Because she loves your face. She doesn't mind if it's on someone's body. She loves you unconditionally forever.
Starting point is 01:31:30 I think I would be totally desensitized to this. And I love her. I think having so many tattoos makes you value them way less. So like if someone got one, I'd just be like, that's funny. What if it was their first tattoo? That would be even funnier because I holistically believe that
Starting point is 01:31:45 everyone's first tattoo is bad right so i'd be like that checks out yeah what if it was your face is it that's what i'm saying if it was my face i'm saying like i'm so desensitized like if someone's like look i tattooed a fucking a monster cock on my arm i'm like hell yeah yeah no there's nothing you can really show me unless it's like weirdly like problematic or like racist or something where i'm like bad idea because i just don't you can really show me unless it's weirdly problematic or racist or something where I'm like, bad idea. Because I just don't care. I treat them so trivially now.
Starting point is 01:32:09 I'm just like, it's whatever. Who cares? I think that's the goaded way to look at it. You die in 100 years if you're lucky. Yeah. So whatever. Did you reach out to the person? No.
Starting point is 01:32:17 No. They reached out to me. And you don't know Wald? No. I replied today. Oh, really? Yeah. I didn't see that they messaged me.
Starting point is 01:32:24 Was the con was the convo like i got a tattoo and you're like la mão no no no they actually reached out to like uh to apologize because they thought they may have made me uncomfortable and uh they explained like why they why they got it basically and i'm like their explanation lined up with how i felt about it which was basically like i think if it was my face, I'm not, I didn't see it and was like, fuck yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:48 It was more just like, that's fucking crazy. Like that's, and it was just like, it's weird, but it's like funny. Like I, but I,
Starting point is 01:32:57 I wasn't really, I wasn't really pulled in either direction. And I thought about it more. And I think specifically because it's the ever dream this man thing it's like it's more about the meme and like the community than like if it was my face raw like if it was just a different actually it was the wojak face it's a goated the wojak face that's that's also a giant monster cock yeah i think i only feel positive about it because i think it's like i don't know uh like if you get
Starting point is 01:33:25 like a tattoo of like the widest kids tattoo right the reason you're doing it is like you love the show so much it's not like a good tattoo it's like you're only doing it because you love the show that's why that's why we've like created the amen face it's like a separate guy like the ever dream is man version of you is like it's like that's what i mean it's like a symbol right it's like it's a symbol it's a meme it's the thing i compared it to in my head weirdly enough was like it'd be like if some guy got like a bad luck brian tattoo and like and yeah it is like that it's not about it's not about brian the guy you know it's for the person that gets it it's about the meme i think that it yeah if they took like if they took like a photo of me from facebook that nobody had seen or like few people had seen and then they made that the tattoo, I'd be like, that's weird because now it's about me.
Starting point is 01:34:12 But this isn't. I don't think this is about me. Yeah, I think that's a pretty reasonable way to think about it. I feel like it's not a problem, by the way, to show the photo if they're anonymous. Am I crazy for that? Just the tattoo? I feel like we're talking about this much on the main episode. I put it on my Twitter. It doesn't even identify them. You can just show the photo on they're anonymous. Am I crazy for that? Just the tattoo? I feel like we're talking about this much on the main episode.
Starting point is 01:34:26 I put it on my Twitter. It doesn't even identify them. You can just show the photo on my Twitter. It's not good for title and thumbnail though. What? It's not good for title
Starting point is 01:34:33 and thumbnail if you're considering that. No. No, no. I think we should show it if we're talking about it. Yeah, that's fair. I think it's okay to pull up.
Starting point is 01:34:40 I wasn't surprised at all about it. Pull it up, Jamie. I was more surprised that Mango was wearing the name oh my bad i forgot it had his name in the discord message maybe just open the image and expand it that's probably a better way to do this uh okay um we'll just center it later um yeah i think my my caption there too is just like i i just tried to say something well i thought
Starting point is 01:35:07 about a lot because like i i often have pretty strict personal boundaries in general and i err on the side of like don't fucking message me don't do this and that i just i'll block you i'll just forget about you in my life and i saw this and i was like that's weird like it is weird but but 100 and i still think that but i do think that the greater message i think i would like to use the box of soap is that we do we do we're a little kooky we're but we're pretty vanilla but like we'll get tattoos on the show we'll do a little drugs on the show shit like that but i think it's just really important to like if you do stuff like this do it for you right yeah don't i think and i don't think this person did it for like to make the amen would think it was cool i i believe them but i do think that if you're gonna
Starting point is 01:35:50 do shit like this just like it's for you here's my woke take you know here's my woke take there's no such thing as a tattoo that's only for you uh they are all a little bit for other people yeah but you know in a closed room saying i do but i think like all tattoos that you get at some level are for people to see and their perception of you to change because you have them at some level and there are and there are versions of them or not versions there are obviously percentage of it that is for yourself and there's some that are like you know i have ones that i've done on myself that are like very much for myself um and i have ones that i've gotten in more public spots in my body because i want them to be seen let me rephrase then don't do anything that because
Starting point is 01:36:28 you think some guys on a podcast would think was cool because that's weird do it for like the people in your life yeah and i you know and maybe maybe you could like maybe argue like maybe he did it for like the us for us reacting to it maybe that was only the candy and you could be yeah you could probably shit all over that but for me i'm coming from the worst position because one it's not a tattoo of me and two i have i'm in the lower percentile of people where i have a ton of them and i like have a different perspective on them than most people so i'm in like the worst place to have an opinion power of my opinion generally is just do what the fuck you want to your body and i don't care even if it's my face i'm just like all right man that's hilarious or not and i don't care. Even if it's my face, I'm just like, all right, man, that's hilarious. Or not. And I don't care.
Starting point is 01:37:05 It doesn't affect me at all. Yeah. This genuinely doesn't change my perspective or like interpretation of that person at all. Yeah. Like it doesn't.
Starting point is 01:37:15 Yeah. No, it does for me. It doesn't sweat. We're just different. It doesn't change my. I'm built differently than you are. We're just like. I'm crazy.
Starting point is 01:37:23 What happened to being the same? What? You're built differently now? No, no, no. We're different now. We're different. are we're just like i'm crazy what happened to being the same what you're built differently no no we're different now we're different but we're but we're the same what nick what are your plans this was my thing okay on the whiteboard it says nick's plans about me it's about you and i don't i fucking forgot what it was it was something that you do that's funny it has to do with when you plan things but i forgot fuck and it's the nick escapes another bullet today get there the bonus me we might but we might not we'll hunt them down but we gotta find something because this guy's getting too high up dude no well hold on you're stuck we talked about this uh yesterday we we are so confused why the effortlessly cool bit is so i'm shorting you so
Starting point is 01:38:17 hard it's not funny and it's such a throwaway we're talking about it's such a throwaway you're being cool by saying it's not funny you're being cool he said no i did i was like why do you think people last it was a comment first right we only talked about it because it was a comment on our show this was this was a comment made in stream before yeah this is icarus said this like fucking back in the day yeah and we brought it up on the show talking about it being made in a stream before the art exists no that's what i mean though i think because it's specifically the context of it being a comment which is what i said it encourages i said like the idea is that it's a fan said it right yeah or like someone you ever calm so that's like maybe but like there's tons of shit like that that doesn't latch on as hard and i don't yeah it's
Starting point is 01:38:58 just a weird anomaly i'm like what does this i don't my dms are fucked is it easy like it's literally you are that's like all it is and like my my i stopped using my fucking zone in the discord too because all it is in there too i went there i told them multiple times i was like i don't like reading this anymore but i don't like coming here and reading because no one here is fucking funny anymore it's because it's self-confident it's because it's self-confident and i was literally like stop saying it and they just started saying other things like it and i'm like okay i'm being old he's cool anymore yeah flop era's coming.
Starting point is 01:39:25 He's turning into me. He's about to flop. He's turning into slime. And that's what I said. I said, I'm turning into slime. Slime's right, always. Slime's right. And tune into the bonus episode
Starting point is 01:39:34 where Nick's flop era will come to fruition. Where do you find the bonus episode, Ludwig? It's on forward slash the yard. Nick will guarantee to say one slur in the episode. Yeah, sure. I'll agree. What the fuck? Yeah, he's over it slur in the episode. Yeah, sure. I'll agree. What the fuck? Yeah, he's over it.
Starting point is 01:39:48 That's how fucking annoying you guys are. I'm going to spin a wheel of slurs. Wow. And I'm going to say all of them. Wow. But I'm going to,
Starting point is 01:39:54 but the one that lands on will be my favorite. Then you need this, buddy. All right. Sorry. There you go, John. Here, Archie. Archie, we're going to go
Starting point is 01:40:00 to the Patreon episode and you can, you can cut it off. All right. But, but you're going to continue what I say in the Patreon episode. All women are. No.

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