The Yard - Ep. 52 - Karl Jacobs took over our podcast (ft. Karl Jacobs)

Episode Date: July 6, 2022

ONE YEAR OF THE YARD!!!!! Thank you to everyone who tunes in every week, love u mean it. This week the boys have on Karl Jacobs to talk about stan culture, beating Joe Rogan, and Ludwig's first live e...vent Mogul Money Live.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's that Kinect doing there? Uh, we're playing video games after this. That was that funny? Y'all spit the soda out? This is gonna be easy as fuck. This shit's about to be easy as fuck. He throws laughs out. No, I don't.
Starting point is 00:00:29 You throw laughs out. You have to earn them. No, you don't. I don't. I've never earned them from your mouth. Is it really? Yeah, I'm gonna keep yawning. Please, please.
Starting point is 00:00:36 We're gonna get there together. Keep honest. He doesn't do a lot of YouTube stuff. You're maybe the funniest person we could replace slime with, now that I think about it. Like, in the world? You're dumb as fuck. No, within the lore of like youtubers and streamers like permanent like imagine imagine
Starting point is 00:00:51 the yard rotates slime out for one person permanently everything we've said yeah yeah and it being him well he doesn't know why it's funny yeah you looked at me and said that and i didn't have any of the context i'm just i'm just looking i'm lost looking at you you know the context is this is pretty good show until season three you should say it wow i should say what the context the context of carl haven't we already explained this to him have we i don't well we're on a podcast so we're gonna act like we haven't uh so uh one time we were in the kitchen and this is the context right yep yeah so one time we're in the kitchen and carl's and lud's on the phone with you. And he's like, all right, love you.
Starting point is 00:01:25 Bye. And he hangs up and we're in the kitchen and me and Slime kind of like, we're like, you've never said you love me. Maybe he doesn't though. That's what I'm saying. I'm like, have you, what have you ever shared with Carl? That was like, what have you gone through with Carl? And he's like, he's like my fucking guy.
Starting point is 00:01:43 And I'm like, that's crazy. I've known you for so many years. I knew you before you were famous. You don't love me. And he's like, he's like my fucking guy. And I'm like, that's crazy. I've known you for so many years. I knew you before you were famous. You don't love me. And he's like, no, I love you too. I'm like, you've never told me. So it's just kind of crazy. I would say it's much easier to make friends before you're famous, though, to be fair.
Starting point is 00:01:56 Yes. So that doesn't mean as if anything that took points away from you. I see. So you're saying that I'm right that he doesn't love me. Yeah. He has more reason to love you. Yes Yeah, I'm I'm really definitely I'm just no matter how long you guys have known each other even just the last mr Beast video we've definitely gone through more together
Starting point is 00:02:17 Mr. Beast videos like a war It wasn't like it wasn't a popular one And I was like damn, it wasn't a popular one. Like, we came back and everyone was like, damn. Maybe we shouldn't have invaded. All that, all that for this? Invading South Carolina
Starting point is 00:02:33 from North Carolina. Was it, well, he kept talking the whole day we were there. He's like, but you're not gonna have fun tomorrow. Like, it's gonna be so hot. You're gonna have a terrible time.
Starting point is 00:02:43 So, is that all true? Can you, can you speak to it? Yeah, it kind of, I learned what, what it is to film a Mr. Beast video.
Starting point is 00:02:50 Cause the first one I didn't really, it's, it's, I think it's part of what I expected, but it's also different beasts, but it's also like, yo, that's beast mode.
Starting point is 00:02:58 That's what I'm saying. It's also just trying to have fun. But what happened is I was matching Carl's energy because I'm a matcher. Yeah. Yeah. Right. And then and then Chris is quite goofy. And then Nolan was like, what was my energy? You're you're very goofy. You're silly. You're half like I think 90 percent of the things Carl says. Hold on. No, make him explain that. What? Goofy. Yeah. You've never heard. No.'s called are you what i'm actually about to new slime i'm about to palm this guy like a basketball i'm 25 how old are you wow okay one week is 26 is this your send-off episode yeah okay
Starting point is 00:03:42 yeah this is awesome how old are you you? 23, bro. Hey. Same. I'm never gonna die. Are you 99 or are you 2000? 98. 98? Your math is... Wait, but I'm 96 and I'm...
Starting point is 00:03:54 I guess I have to check something. Oh, I'm turning 24. That means you're a basketball player. Okay. Real quick, welcome back to the yard. It's episode 52, which means we've done this bitch for a year! Wait, I'm the year. Oh, you're the year.
Starting point is 00:04:04 Oh my god. It was you're the one year. Oh my god. It was us four the whole time. Together. This is the announcement of the Yard SMP. We're just switching full force to Minecraft. It's replacing Slime. He was kind of mean to everyone.
Starting point is 00:04:16 Yeah. Figure it out. Didn't work out. Very controversial. We need a bit of a rebrand. Yeah. We're trying to be more brand safe. As in tea?
Starting point is 00:04:24 Talking about rebrand, me hasan have a pitch for you too specifically i'm nervous i love this we ditch ludwig uh-huh okay it's us three in hasan maybe slime will figure it out new podcast the front yard yeah this is just a bigger podcast no no no because the rest of it is we do it at the restaurant in la called the front yard yeah this is just a bigger podcast no no no because the rest of it is we do it at the restaurant in la called the front yard i feel like you're the one that connected those dots you said that out loud and i was like that sure but he hold on he's doing the pitch right now you need to respect that he didn't include that piece of information i feel like you're talking and that's the weird part about his pitch he doesn't want to lose us
Starting point is 00:05:05 that's what it is I am I'm fine I'm fine perfect you know before before the yard one of the early working titles was calling it yard house which is already a restaurant and I thought it'd be really funny if we just started calling our shit yard house
Starting point is 00:05:22 and just like eventually got sued and then had to change it i love that uh but then we were like suing is bad getting sued is really funny though i feel like yeah if you have enough money it's funny until you have no money yeah it's less it's less funny once they take it and then it's hilarious like 10 years after the fact yeah yeah when you're presumably doing okay it's a bell curve of you don't know you're about to be sued so you're not laughing and then you get sued and you're laughing to be sued so you're not laughing. And then you get sued and you're laughing
Starting point is 00:05:45 really hard. The Enron hats are really funny right now. But then a couple months later you get to talk about the story of you getting sued.
Starting point is 00:05:54 It goes right back up to funny and it doesn't ever go back down either. Yes sir. Well I'm fully into the front yard. We should make a
Starting point is 00:06:02 little gnome that looks like Ludwig and we have it on the set and we laugh at it and say it's a weird looking gnome. We don't acknowledge it looks like Ludwig. Love that. But we don't call it Ludwig because I feel like that's a lot of free clout. Not that much clout at all.
Starting point is 00:06:12 It's really too much clout to say his name on there. Hassan's in the pod so it's going to get demonetized. No views on YouTube, headass. Whoa. Beautiful soul. Beautiful soul. Lud said what? Good character just really can't really execute. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:26 What I was saying, though, about the shoot is we were all just fucking around. And Mr. Beast, like, five times, like, I need someone to be, like, the straight man here. Like, I need someone to drive this forward. It was really hard for anybody to be the straight man when me and Ludwig were making out. Yeah. It was also unusable shit we were saying. It was just, like, what I've told, I've told this to Carl before, but Carl is like,
Starting point is 00:06:49 do you think, have you thought about what I said? I think you're funnier when it's not true. I want you to know, not only have I thought about that, I've laid down in my bed with my eyes fucking just staring at my ceiling thinking
Starting point is 00:07:04 about it. I want you to know that. Go ahead, say it. Staring at the ceiling of his beautiful home with collectibles and a lot of places in space. I think I'm good at soul reading creators. I did the same to Hasan about view count because one time he told me he'd be happy at 40k. I was like, you'll never be happy. And then he brings it up to me a lot. To Carl, I was like, you're funnier offline than online.
Starting point is 00:07:21 And then he kind of was like stun locked when he heard it. And I guess I got the, I got the bingo going on, but every, everyone's like that. I would say a lot of creators that I know are funnier off camera. Yeah. Just in general,
Starting point is 00:07:34 especially if it's your own stream, you get like a 50% debuff of hilarity. Yeah. Cause you have to like make sure you're navigating the stream and it's going well and everyone's happy and you can't just be like Nick. What's that? Just little fucking uh yeah you can't yeah you can't even do it bro you can't even because i'm driving right now yeah okay well here's the thing you know how i found out you were funny so i i like came in i love these yeah no don't worry today's the day i found out carl is funny we're gonna grill your ass later uh so i i uh had i came into a predisposition in the world where I sort of was like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:08:07 Minecraft YouTubers, they got it free. I don't even think they're that funny, blah, blah, blah. Then I met Sapnap, and I was like, I love this person. Really? When did you meet Sapnap? We played Fortnite together for Ludwig's Tournament. I didn't meet meet, but we spent an hour together talking and stuff. I'm sorry about that.
Starting point is 00:08:23 And I was like, thank you. They got a last overall. I believe that. But it was fun, all right? And I had a about that. And I was like, they got a last overall. Okay. I believe that. But it was fun. All right. And I had a lot of fun. I was like,
Starting point is 00:08:29 wow, this person's really cool. And then I met you and I had like no, no pre thoughts about you except that Ludwig is in love with you and not me, which is weird
Starting point is 00:08:34 because we've known each other. And he doesn't even care. And when we went to your house, we went to your house and you give us a little tour and you opened up the drawer under your sink and you said, oh, this is my sink deck and you pulled out a Yu- and you opened up the drawer under your sink and you said, oh, this is my sink deck.
Starting point is 00:08:46 And you pulled out a Yu-Gi-Oh deck under your sink. Well you never know when you're going to need it. And that was the moment that I knew you were funny. This was my moment too. This is the exact moment. I said, all right, this guy's sick as fuck. You know what's tragic about that? What?
Starting point is 00:09:00 We hung out for like five hours before that. That is tragic. Five hours beforehand you were still teetering? You were lurking in the background of a hours before that. That is tragic. Five hours beforehand, he was still teetering. You were lurking in the background of a warehouse before that. Yeah, I was actually... I was killing it back there. My only social interaction with you
Starting point is 00:09:12 prior to the Sig deck was you standing in the back and Ludwig yelling at you. Yeah, I've always had this idea that Mr. Beast has like just people who like live and run around and roam the warehouse. Well, we just happened to be there.
Starting point is 00:09:24 And then it was like 30 minutes between the gaming video we just shot and you guys being there to film that, that front yard episode. Okay. Yeah. We're just going to start saying it. I don't love that.
Starting point is 00:09:36 So I was like, I might as well just wait here for 30 minutes was my thought process. Yeah. But yeah. I had a lot of fun and I learned a lot about you like Psychonauts. That was big.
Starting point is 00:09:46 Love Psychonauts. Yeah, we bonded on that. Good at soccer. Good at soccer. Yeah, this is a good... I like this podcast. Anything else by the way? List any of Carl's
Starting point is 00:09:56 positive characteristics now. It's your turn. So you got a podcast, Carl. Oh yeah, your shit took over Joan Rogan for a bit, right? Yeah, we did. It was awesome. I really wanted to get a bunch of...
Starting point is 00:10:12 Is it public? It is public knowledge where he lives, right? Joe Rogan? Yeah. Austin? Yeah, okay. I didn't want to... Area 51.
Starting point is 00:10:18 I think it's Austin and Colorado, right? Well, I wanted to put a bunch of billboards in Austin that were just like, banter, number one podcast, beat out Joe Rogan. I've never watched his podcast. I don't know him as a person. Right. But I just thought it'd be funny because I know that his fans hate it. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:10:37 His fans were so pissed. Ivermectin doesn't work. Listen to banter, number one podcast. Number one consumer of Ivermectin. listen to listen to banter number one podcast i feel like i'm really surprised his his demographic of fan would even notice that the podcast got overtaken they got very um it was a news story it was a news thing because we beat it for like three or four weeks or something like that yeah and his his fans were like bunch of nobodies Like, I don't even know who these people are. And I'm like, well, to be fair, that's a bad argument because we literally passed your guy.
Starting point is 00:11:09 Right? Yeah, true. Because then it makes your guy less people. Like, okay, if I'm irrelevant. You guys are irrelevant and have no fans. And you're bigger than our guy. Isn't that a weird one? This person at number one's got no listeners.
Starting point is 00:11:21 Is that a weird one? Yeah, that's the same shit when someone's like, you beat someone in a video game and they're like you suck it's like all right chill but like you now you have to accept that i don't know it was a weird it was a weird stance yeah i think that there's like value in listening to something and it being the biggest in the world and that makes you like feel comfortable like you're listening to the right thing so something dethrones that or threatens in some way maybe you're like i fuck that thing. That's dethroning my thing. That's cool that I like. That's supposed to be the biggest.
Starting point is 00:11:47 Which to be fair, I don't even, I really don't care. Like if his fans want to do that, that's fine. I'm fine with it, but it is funny. That's why I wanted to do the billboards. Yeah. Of the creators I know, you seem the most, most not caring. I feel like nothing phases you and, uh, and you are ready to just fucking die at any moment. Wait, what?
Starting point is 00:12:06 That is such a leap To be fair though, he's not wrong I hate that Except for maybe the dying part Which is half of it Arguably 90% of it Gun ahead, you take it I don't care so much
Starting point is 00:12:21 I'm just kidding that this is not actually a yard We're literally in a house Wait, okay, don't leak that much that I'm gonna go I'm just okay that this is not actually a yard like we're literally in a house Okay, don't leak that. That's kind of a secret No, what you're gonna tell them we're not this is real grass that you can't rip up You know how many people when the show launched were like like we would show something that like like the floor would open up or Something and they'd be like it's not a backyard really so many people. I thought it was pretty obvious I mean your cell I love this is my this is my favorite set of any podcast all right i'll take that damn what's your second favorite i need to it's gonna help me banter audio only wait a second he just likes his house i wanted to see
Starting point is 00:12:58 if any of you would have agreed to see if like they actually didn't ever listen to i was on it yeah well maybe not you but if he was like, oh, yeah, that's true. I want to see if he was going to be a sheep. I thought your house was nice. Thank you. Wow. Not a set, but...
Starting point is 00:13:13 Yeah, it's no Tiny Meat Gang. Tiny Meat Gang set is a bit crazy. It's too crazy for me. It's cool. It's very cool. It's a bit distracting. It's too much. I'm a theme guy.
Starting point is 00:13:23 Yeah. I like Rainforest Cafe. Here's my issue. I was about to... guy. Yeah. I like Rainforest Cafe. Here's my issue. I was about to... Tiny Meat Gang's set is like Rainforest Cafe. My issue with the set is that they went full force on like we're on a spaceship. Like you can see outside. They're like in outer space.
Starting point is 00:13:35 But the set doesn't look like a spaceship. The set just looks like a cool chill ass room for you and your buddies to smoke weed in. I do agree that you guys should box. I think the... Wait, what? That's where you're going? Yeah. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:43 So I want to fight Cody Ko with my bare knuckle fist. I feel like you guys should box. I think the... Wait, what? That's where you're going? Yeah, oh yeah. So I want to fight Cody Coe with my bare knuckle fist. I believe you guys should box. Yeah, and maybe give him a kiss. But I think the inside should look more like a spaceship. But hey, great show. They're awesome.
Starting point is 00:13:52 And I like both of them as people. They're listening. Yeah. So if you guys want to take notes... They're not listening. Like just write that down because Nick from the yard takes the socks.
Starting point is 00:13:59 Dude, who's in the yard? And that guy's fucking so annoying. Who are we talking about? Yeah, no, we don't like him. So Mogul Money Live. Yo, wait. Yo, what's up? Wait, why haven't we brought it up yet, though?
Starting point is 00:14:11 150K Andy. We don't have to talk about it. You know what's fucking... You know what's weird is that you said... Yesterday, you said 140K Andy. Yeah. And now today, you're just going to trickle it up 10K every day? It was 149.5.
Starting point is 00:14:22 So I'm rounding up. Well, you know what's fucking annoying is that I say 140K Andy, which implies that's like my average, but you did that at one point. So it's annoying that you're here. Yeah, because you can vote. The real 140K Andy. Because I obviously am going to sink desperately down to the five digit range. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:39 But you did 140K for like what, a few months? Yeah, I got bored. Yeah, that was it. Yeah, no, me too. who would win an entire youtube sponsorship in a theater or minecraft guy ultimate battle i worked on my role play pretty hard yeah good he's good at rp'ing i'm an rp'ness has role play from minecraft transferred into your your sexual activity have you started roleplaying in your regular life i'm getting to the questions you've got we've got tons of fans out here that's usually like it comes up every first date i've ever been on right yeah they're
Starting point is 00:15:12 like am i gonna have to look like a creeper for you you probably cut what your penis what oh we ask every guest if they're cut or uncut yeah is it like a show and tell type thing we trust you know i don't have to look trust basically it. I could. You don't have to. It could be, but go to that side of the room. Don't keep it on the pod. Don't give Archie that. We're now starting two camps. No pressure, obviously.
Starting point is 00:15:34 We're starting two camps of people who have answered and haven't. Mr. Beast being the only one who hasn't. Who hasn't answered? He has not. He's not answered yet. Statistically, we know what the answer is now. One love, though. You know what I'm gonna do
Starting point is 00:15:46 I'm gonna keep retention up for this podcast. I'm gonna answer right at the end. Hey Content brain as fuck What is this this looks from persona that's I got a comic not comic-con Expo I was wondering that cuz it almost looked like a saginaw shirt, but it's not because I've never seen that symbol. But I was just like, that's bullshit. I've officially run out of clothing and that's the real reason I want to go back to Anime Expo today.
Starting point is 00:16:11 Oh, here and on the trip. Yeah. Because I was supposed to leave yesterday. Right. And I keep staying in LA for longer. I could dress you up before you go. Sure. He's got some good fits.
Starting point is 00:16:20 I got some stuff. Yeah, I have another one of these. I'll take it. Yeah. Did you like anime expo yesterday like i did i did you didn't like it it was just a lot there's just a lot of people it's a lot and we had a big group and there were people in the group that would just run away and then we'd have to find them over and over which was tina yeah person in the group it was tina we're making
Starting point is 00:16:40 a joke because like tina just is very absent-minded so she'll Walk and she'll see something and it's like shiny and she'll walk to It yeah and we're like yeah it's the kingdom Hearts mission where you have to drag Winnie The Pooh along if you're Too far away he gets lost he just Starts like he sits down he's like If you pass around a tree like Winnie the Pooh gets stuck on the tree
Starting point is 00:16:59 He's walking forward yeah And he has to go back and he's like why'd you leave me All right all right Look quickly going back to Mogul money live oh yeah i wanted to say um so i've never met xqc one of the people in that like space i've just never met before and before we were going on stage something that was happening a lot mogul money live for good reason because i have a much smaller following than everyone else who's on the stage uh everyone kept asking me oh so what are you doing for the show? Including Carl. And I had to tell literally everyone,
Starting point is 00:17:29 yeah you get that fucking red mic right there. That's not even true. It is true, it's true. I came up and hugged him. I can tell. Carl, what happened? No, this is definitely, this is Nick's insecurity.
Starting point is 00:17:39 Oh. What the fuck, you don't know me. You heard something different. You just believe him because he's hot and new. I am hot and he's hot because he's hot and new! I am hot and new. He's hot and new, he has a head full of hair. And you're gonna die after this episode because you're old now.
Starting point is 00:17:51 And this is right after I got a haircut by the way. You're older! I feel like slime! So, balding. No, he's dying. I went up to him and I said, I said, oh you're going on stage today. No he didn't! No, I promise.
Starting point is 00:18:03 Bro, no, dead, you did not. I'm so tilted. No, no, no. What did they say? The council will listen out. What did you say? So he came up. I gave him my sign.
Starting point is 00:18:11 I said, hey, how are you? He's like, I'm doing good. I'm doing good, blah, blah, blah. And I had my headset on already. Yes. And so he was like, what are you doing for the show? Because I had a fucking thing on. He assumed I was like production.
Starting point is 00:18:20 And I was like, oh, I'm on stage. He goes, oh, no. Yes, that's exactly what happened. I didn't want that. No, you made all that oh, I'm on stage. He goes, oh. No. Yes, that's exactly what happened. I didn't want that. No. I made all that up. I'm sorry. I was on your side
Starting point is 00:18:29 until I made the er noise. Sorry, pal. This is a bit of a... Oh. Yeah. That was sick. If you landed it, I might have. Maybe I would have agreed.
Starting point is 00:18:38 But, like, since you kind of... I would land it. He's like, no shoes. Fuck your feet up. I did it with fucking Berks first time anyway I mean you missed it he missed it too
Starting point is 00:18:48 I'm in a I'm behind stage we're about to walk out like right it's like everyone's cheering you're like they're doing their captain pick
Starting point is 00:18:54 and I'm standing next to XQC we're the last people not the last people to be picked we're the two only two people who are standing there
Starting point is 00:19:01 waiting for everyone to come over and XQC the first thing he ever says to me I've never met him it's the first time he talks to me he starts he leans in he goes imagine you go out there i don't want to do an impression but he's like imagine you go out there and like no one claps or laughs and i'm like i look at him i just start laughing i can't believe he said that to me and i'm like what and he's like i'm just kidding i'm just kidding
Starting point is 00:19:21 and then he just goes out because he gets called. And I'm like, what the fuck was that? You know what that's the equivalent of? You know tone indicators on Twitter and stuff? The one that really gets me is H-J, which means half joking. So someone will be like, oh, you piece of shit slash H-J. You mean that I'm a piece of shit? You mean it, but you want to be lighthearted about it almost?
Starting point is 00:19:48 That's just saying the phrase, no offense. It's also two insults, because it's also you're a piece of shit, and I don't think you can handle insults. Yeah. So they're just saying you're a baby and a piece of shit. That's the one that gets to me. H.J. is the one that hits me the hardest. I've only known it for handjob. I think we should go back. H.J.'s be hitting me the hardest, is what I'm saying too.
Starting point is 00:20:04 Back in my day, it used to mean handjob. I'm just saying, I'm a sensitive job. I think we should go back. HHS be hitting me the hardest. That's what I'm saying too. Back in my day, it used to mean hand job. I'm a sensitive guy. I'm a sensitive guy. If you're sensitive, then like the other two. Than anything else. Three even. It's like the cooler,
Starting point is 00:20:15 better version. That makes sense. It's so much better, not just because that's the only thing that I've accomplished. It tells me. I also came out on a bit like, damn,
Starting point is 00:20:24 I got picked off. What the fuck? And I never put together that like it actually Means I'm sorry you were dumb. I tried to tell you that every single person that got picked was pissed about The or like excuse he thought it was cuz he was the smartest. I tried to explain it live I literally said you're picked first. That means you're the dumbest and I won the show did I? Was just going to point out in as as a as the crowd because I was sitting in the stands, dude. I was just going to point out in as a as the crowd because I was sitting in the stands. You explained it perfectly.
Starting point is 00:20:48 There was no reason to misunderstand it. I know. Yeah. Every single person misunderstands. I actually think everyone is very fair. I can't hear him back there.
Starting point is 00:20:55 No, you could hear me. No, it was. It's it was really hard to hear. I said in your ear. You can hear him in my ear. I was backstage. When I said you were the best. I was right.
Starting point is 00:21:04 I heard that. Oh, I'm saying leading up. I just never thought of it and then once you said it i was like oh i'm dumb i just like didn't say it anymore yeah you said you said everybody was nervous because this is probably for most of them this is the first time maybe the first time they've been in front of an audience like doing this yeah i think everyone was like leslie said she was pretty nervous and so she said she was not talking as much like Kuno I think was like pretty visibly nervous because you know obviously it's a brand new element and I think like
Starting point is 00:21:29 the least nervous person seemed to be like Will Miz Miz and Soda who were just drunk and then and I think Miz was nervous till he did the crowd thing and then he was like oh wait I am Mickey Mouse I know that he was nervous because he asked me
Starting point is 00:21:45 if he should do the crowd thing. Oh, he was iffy on it. Beforehand. Right. I was like, bro, it'll crush.
Starting point is 00:21:50 Yeah. And it did. And it did. That's all time. I wasn't too nervous about performing. Right. I thought, I felt pretty confident about like going up
Starting point is 00:21:58 and like doing my thing or whatever because I had Will and Connor. So like once I knew that, I was like, I felt pretty good. I felt nervous about people not being receptive to like not knowing me or whatever and like it not mattering what i say right i thought people might just be like who the fuck is that i don't even care if he's funny it's a weird
Starting point is 00:22:13 environment to like get to know somebody when you're on but once i walked out and you can't see anyone right like you're just it just lights and you don't see a face and you're just like a big body that always laughs at like pretty much anything you say i was like oh this is gonna be the audience would know you more than most of the other people Oh, yeah, you got huge cheers when you walk out. Yes. No, okay got huge barks I had some woofers out there I don't know where the fuck back it was just a few people did it and then I was like I can everybody wolf and then Everybody's like okay. We wolf what he does. Yeah. Yeah, there's kind of awesome
Starting point is 00:22:43 Honestly, and I I think this this leads us to the next segment that I want to bring up. Okay. Is Ludwig from this. Actually, I think this might be the downfall of Ludwig. Was this Mogul Money Live? Yeah. Oh, wow. He fell off?
Starting point is 00:22:55 Well, you're going to agree once I get to it. I don't know if I will. I think he got so obsessed with the crowd work that he got to do that we went to Anime Expo yesterday and he kept trying to do crowd work. He does crowd work just for fun now with much smaller groups of people. You're at the Olive Garden
Starting point is 00:23:17 he's like, yo. He started a slow clap at Anime Expo. I just started. In what context? In what context? that gonna make sense? In what context? I'll give context. It was, it was, so we're getting chased around all day in our, in our safe space, like our
Starting point is 00:23:30 respawn point, like the GTA hospital is the OTV booth. And so when we're wasted, we go OTV booth and, and there's people who work there and they formed like a half dome around the booth. And they're like, do not enter this part of the dome. You cannot interact with these people when they are in this part. And so we're like we were saying it's like when you do the halo shield and halo.
Starting point is 00:23:51 Just hold it. But there's a thing. Yes. Every single time we would look away from the crowd, it was literally like a half circle, a picture, a half circle. And we were against a wall. Every single time we looked away,
Starting point is 00:24:02 we'd look back and they're about a few inches close. It was like the Doctor Who villain and you just keep looking back and it's like, oh. It's like the ghosts in Mario. It's Boo. When you turn your back, it's Boo. It really is. And then you turn back to them and they're all like.
Starting point is 00:24:14 But they're also like doubling in size. Like they're getting larger and eventually like. Not the amount of people, by the way, like they're just getting taller. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And they're just getting taller. Quickly. It's scary. It, yeah, yeah. They're just getting taller. Quickly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:25 It's scary. It was like, we were nervous because if one person breaks this seal, then it all comes out. Because that's how, like, I went to Times Square, which is just the worst mistake you can ever make ever. Presumably, yeah. And for a while, nobody was asking for a picture. I was like, oh, sick. The thing is, one person asked for a picture Then boom everybody's there
Starting point is 00:24:46 Oh Cutie was talking about this yesterday too How she like when she walked out the first time In the courtyard she was going around Filming a vlog and then as soon as And then she came back out later Cause the first time was like no problem And then one person came up to her And then the queue just forms
Starting point is 00:25:00 This happened to me at Mobile Money And they gave me like a bodyguard shout out Rafi the homie Rafi sorry and he was following me a shout out to the wrong name no it's just it's just a pronunciation people to
Starting point is 00:25:13 people yeah so it's one's Rafi one is Rafi one is Rafi yeah yeah yeah by the way Tupac Joe killed but so he's following me around and people are like like kind of same things happening like no one's
Starting point is 00:25:23 asking one person that's not fucking line forms or whatever and When at some point our friend Ben, I don't know if you met Ben Yeah, bent over. Yeah, his brother Joe and what do you bring to the table now? By the way when he's doing this? I know he's the fucking being my guy. I'm sorry. You're supposed to be doing slime. You guys are similar to slime So making fun of you you I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:25:41 You're supposed to be doing slimes. You guys are similar to slimes. Making fun of you. Uh, you, you, you're supposed to make fun of me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:47 He says like an influencer, like spin a wheel and then be like, be like, I think that their content is like devilish and bad. And then Ludwig always goes, have you watched it? And he says, no, it has to be someone you haven't watched.
Starting point is 00:25:54 Oh yeah. You've never met to have a really strong opinion about this person. You know, nothing. Okay. I'll come up with one. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:26:01 So you think from it. Uh, and, our friend Ben, who is just like totally outside of like streamer culture He's one of our old smash friends. Yeah He's really annoyed that people are trying to photos with me and at one point He's like doing more than Rafi's doing and he starts getting mad at people he and some guy comes up
Starting point is 00:26:16 He's like kind of picture and Ben just goes fuck. No fuck. No, just go away Come on like here for one day just like let out and he's just telling people to fucking leave. And I'm like, dude, come on. Like, let's fucking, they're here for one day. Just like let it out. And he's just like, no, fuck that. My favorite thing with a story similar is whenever I'm walking with Jimmy, Mr. Beast, if you don't know. I call him Jimmy. Yeah, Jimmy. It's like a really good first name thing.
Starting point is 00:26:39 Imagine you're not on a first name thing. Yeah, that'd be really weird. A few years in, you're like, Mr. Beast. He's like, fine. You can call me weird a few years in you're like mr mr beast he's like fine you can call me jimmy three years just beast uh people walk up to him sometimes when you know like your social battery just drains but i love his response whenever he doesn't want to take a picture he'd be like ah maybe later and keep walking and i like the idea that he thinks that they're gonna bump into each other again. This random NPC that walked by.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Like, we're never gonna see that person. Dude, if you're ever in North Carolina and also a big YouTuber in one of my videos, then come into the studio. Bro, we'll have such a good handshake. We'll absolutely take a photo. I'll even shoot a Nerf gun at you. But it'll be like, we're getting into an elevator,
Starting point is 00:27:20 the guy's getting off. He's like, can I get a picture? And Jimmy will be like, ah, maybe later. Closes the elevator door. And we're never, that guy despawns the second he walks it unlocks them long enough that they won't be like i'm not gonna see you again but like they have to like think about it the elevator goes up they're like this i will never get a picture yeah one of one of my core memories from when we went to north carolina yeah was when uh it was
Starting point is 00:27:40 kind of like how movies depict meeting celebrities when When Jimmy had the fucking Nerf gun, he's like, oh, I have this Nerf gun that hurts. And we're like, oh, that's weird and cool. And he's like, yeah, Aiden, go stand over there. I'm going to shoot you with it. And Aiden's just over there. He's just shooting Aiden with this gun. I'm like, we're just doing what he says.
Starting point is 00:27:55 This is crazy. I did not like him with the gun. I was like, this is influence. Did you guys see the Nerf World Championship next to the show? Next door to Mogul Money was the Nerf World Championship. I kept hearing it because you could see some lights and you heard screams of hundreds of people playing the game. And I was like, fuck, I kind of want to go over there. I heard it was bring your own Nerf.
Starting point is 00:28:17 A B-Y-O-N. It wasn't just go spectate. It was bring a Nerf gun. Oh, to participate? Yeah. Dude, it was to break a world record or something. I took an Uber to go to Anime Expo and I'm chatting with the Uber guy
Starting point is 00:28:27 and we had like a great conversation about like food, places to eat, whatever. And then he was like, yeah, what were you up to yesterday? And I was like, yeah, I had this show and I was just explaining. It was like a YouTube theater. He's like, oh, the Nerf gun thing?
Starting point is 00:28:38 And I was like, fuck. There was two things happening. Man, you had the second best shows that day. Yeah. At SoFi Stadium. So the second best show that day. In at SoFi. At SoFi Stadium, yeah. So anyway, shout out that guy. Did they stream it?
Starting point is 00:28:50 Do you know? I want to go watch that show. At least 155 concurrent. They have to make it into a video. Who was hosting that? Nerf? I think it's Nerf. I heard you see Nerf's new mascot.
Starting point is 00:29:01 You showed us, didn't you? I might have shown you. I have not seen it. It's like a picture of Zilly's suit Zipper can you pull this up? Zipper let me see Let me see Nerf Oh wait we can do that?
Starting point is 00:29:10 Yeah Cool You can ask for pretty much anything It's not just like for the logo We've done that He has done that We've done that a few times That's messed up
Starting point is 00:29:18 It's not great It's not great for the video Can you try and call Jacob's rule 34? Please don't Please don't Please don't Dream SMP rule 34? Dream SMP rule 34.
Starting point is 00:29:27 That's gotta be fucked. Yeah, I can imagine. Don't say you can now, you know, that's the thing. That's the thing you don't want to know. No,
Starting point is 00:29:35 you don't look. I'm okay. Yeah, I'm okay with not while we wait for the nerf mascot. I have a question. So when I, when me and snap that play means sap nap, not snap. You know what?
Starting point is 00:29:43 What a terrible name. Can we talk about that for yes? Everybody's like oh you misspelled snapchat. Yeah, and also parents will say sap snap. Yeah, cuz they're older snap map I hear a good app. Yeah, it's like a picture and tells you where you are It automatically tells you the geoguessr solver. Yeah, whoa. Yeah snap that would be amazing It's us. Hey wait wait We'll do like a front yard thing dude. Okay. What if I get in on it? What's up? I'm not like a geoguessr guy. Hold on. You could be like the first guy you do banter Oh, yeah, we have a podcast. Yeah, good bit
Starting point is 00:30:15 Okay, that's just me and you and then we have front yard, which is us running our re in Hassan cut out in for one Uh, you know, this is like our thing Do the quips, you know? You're on board with this? Yeah, that's fine. I'm still in one show. You know why, though? What if we have a podcast
Starting point is 00:30:30 and it's called One Cringe Loser and then I leave it? What was that? I'm sorry. We're ignoring that? That's toxic. There's too much going on. He says that?
Starting point is 00:30:43 He says that? At the end of Mogul Money Live At the end of the day After party's over We're home It's four in the morning I'm in bed I'm trying to go to sleep
Starting point is 00:30:51 Who knocks at my door What, what do we wonder? Wait, this is me? What do we I wanna preface Whatever you're about to say I do not remember happening Were you blacked out?
Starting point is 00:31:00 Genuinely, I do not remember I'll tell you I'll tell you without a shadow of a doubt Ludwig was blacked out at the after party. How can you tell that? Because you were fucked. At the after party, he looks at me, he's like, hey, Carl, listen, man. And you do like, it's the blackout sway.
Starting point is 00:31:14 He's like, listen, I want you to know, bro, like, honestly, like, I swear to God, I'm not even just saying this. I really want to hang out with you more. I know. You have never said that to me. And then I said, I was like, dude, same man. Hey, let's get you some water and stuff, right?
Starting point is 00:31:29 He goes, oh. And he gets upset. Like, actually, Matt. He goes, so you think it's just because I'm drunk that I'm saying this? I was like, no, dude. Like, I feel the same way. I swear to God.
Starting point is 00:31:39 But let's get you some water. Let's hang out by the water fountain. Like, that'd be super cool. What if you do like a trick where you drink it all? That'd be so sick. After the show at the bar, I walk up to Ludwig, and I'm like, what a great show. I go to give him a hug. And he comes in, and he's like, yo.
Starting point is 00:31:54 And he comes in, and he gives me a hug. He starts kissing my neck. Yes! What? He did that to me? He starts kissing my neck, and I'm like, ah, good bit, Lud. You're kissing my neck in front of you. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:32:02 And then I'm like, I go to let go of the hug, because he's kind of done something like that before. It's whatever. And he just're kissing my neck in Friday all you know whatever and then I'm like I go to like let go the hug I cuz like he's kind of something like that before it's whatever and he just keeps kissing my neck He literally kissed my neck for like like 20 seconds sound like you wrote a fan It's great and then later at the same after party I came up and he comes up and gives me the eyes like he's gonna Do it again? Fuck you He's gonna do it again And I go no I'm leaving Ludwig I'm going home I'll see you at home where we both live Dude, I know I was doing that because I remembered the next day that I kept going to Connor I was like, bro. I just want to hang out you more because I see dog VA. Yeah, are you doing that with everybody? We're just mean see don't
Starting point is 00:32:55 Cool I want to say though I love you slut. I am why switch I'm happy with this cuz I used to be an angry drunk Yep in college. I was an angry. Yes. Not a what does that mean? Like post college for a little bit? Yeah, yeah, yeah But like 20 22 23 is like i would get drunk and then i would like want to fight and we would this this podcast is called the yard because of me the only one in this entire group who would get drunk and then i would find someone and be like let's fight in the yard or someone find me going to the yard meant let's fight the friend really yeah yeah the friend ben who didn't want people to take photos with Nick earlier, him and Ludwig would fight constantly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:27 Really? Usually over Mario Party 4. So for a very long stint of time, we were taking Mario Party 4 extremely seriously. And we had static teams. We played 2v2. And one of our first attempts at having a big YouTube content was a show called Mario Party League,
Starting point is 00:33:40 where you basically drink. That sounds like CTR is like banging. Yeah. No, it's huge. Because then the then the thumbnails like it's the game, but then all four of our faces and we're not big YouTubers. So people are interested in clicking it. So for a thumbnail, you want to try to get a zip and bring up one thumbnail from our party league.
Starting point is 00:33:55 And then there's also alcohol in the thumbnail because we thought that'd be like, it's really good to shock. It's really good to write. Wait, did we end up seeing the nerf? Sometimes if the conversation just moves forward, maybe he didn't find it. Wait, he's got, first of all, the Nerf thing. First of all, the Nerf thing.
Starting point is 00:34:08 Let's cover our bases here. Oh, they're dabbing. That's cool as fuck. Oh, this is the actual event. Yeah, this is, is that Dude Perfect? We missed Dude Perfect for him? I'm gonna fucking kill you. Why would you double book over Dude Perfect?
Starting point is 00:34:22 We had an episode where I asked if we could all go to the Dude Perfect festival they're doing. Because I want to go so bad. Dude, I love when they flip a bottle as the song goes, we could be heroes. You want to go to their con? Let's do it. Pull up Mario Party League thumbnail. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:38 Dude Perfect con. Saying Dude Perfect after literally anything. Anyway, we'd fight a lot. And it was like, it was usually over something like petty. was not like now mario party league very aggressive but it was like it was still angry like you're still fighting uh and then i pivoted at some point to just oh at some point when i got rich and famous no it was before that i actually was before that yeah because i never experienced angry drunk ludwig and i was not rich and famous when i knew aiden it's true i was streaming for like 200 years i guess you're right but i just i made a conscious decision i stopped drinking for
Starting point is 00:35:08 like a few months and then when i came back i became a loving drunk really which has its own set of problems yeah because i have a girlfriend and i get too frisky with some of the fellas that's two go to one yeah there it is there it is yeah what do you think mario party league talk about that click and just click around really quick. Yeah, so this was. Oh no. This is all time baby. This is, unironically, one of the best shows on YouTube. So it's shirts vs skins, but as a power play.
Starting point is 00:35:34 That's funny. As a power play, everyone takes their shirt off because you don't want to be the shirted team. But we still say shirts vs skins. I main Waluigi. That's Ben on the right. Waluigi's your man? Yeah, well here's the thing. Look how buff I am bro can you go back to the full screen so the thing
Starting point is 00:35:48 is i played yoshi yeah but there was this rule that uh what is he just the best player gets their character oh and ben at the time when we started playing was better than me so he got my yoshi and i had to switch but then i got better than ben i solidified waluigi i was thinking waluigi's better i think you're right. I wish Mario Party 4, if I could take one thing away from another Mario Party and put it into Mario Party 4. Dude, look, I'm tight. I wish it was team names. Yeah. In Mario Party 6, any
Starting point is 00:36:13 two characters have a unique team name. I don't even remember that. If you get Boo and Bowser, it'd be like Scary Duo. I think Mario Luigi is best buds. Yeah. So they all got cute little names. Every character is different. There's no two of the same. Is there like a Waluigi Luigi one? buds. Yeah. Yeah. So they all got cute little names. I like that. And every character is different. There's no two of the same.
Starting point is 00:36:27 What's like, is there like a Waluigi Luigi one? Yeah. All of them. I don't, uh, fucking. Oh, fucking? I can find this. Yeah, you just find it. Shout it up.
Starting point is 00:36:33 Shout it up. Yeah, I got it. So I will say I felt bad because I did get pissed drunk after the show, which I, you know, that's the best time to get pissed drunk is after a great night of great laughs. That was better than before the show. I actually didn't drink much before yeah i i took the i took one clam shot as like a group thing faded rivals faded rival that's tight that's cool i stole it from germa because when we did the dollhouse he
Starting point is 00:36:55 does this really nice thing where he gathers everyone who's a part of it they all have like the little shot of vodka and it's just like a toast it's not like to get drunk it's just so i did that with everything one of the contestants which didn't go as well because they're all streamers like the contestants you said yeah oh for some reason i was okay yeah go on you thought fans yeah i don't know why i thought you said when you said contestants the first thing i heard was fans too he did a shot with every group of vips that's the thing about it because it was like behind closed doors didn't matter yeah exactly and then uh and then after the shows, when I started drinking, but I realized after the show that you have to pay.
Starting point is 00:37:28 Oh, for the liquor, yeah. I didn't realize that. Oh yeah, Lottie comes up to me mid-show. Okay, he made me out to feel stupid for this, but I thought it was a bad question. He comes up to me, he goes really casually, you have a business card? What does that mean when someone asks you
Starting point is 00:37:41 if you have a business card? I don't, like a company card? That's exactly, wait, you thought company card. Okay, well, without the context of spending money, I thought he meant like a business card? I don't like a company card. That's exactly wait. Oh, you thought company card. Okay. Well without the context of spending money I thought he meant like a business card for who I am. Okay, or like If he had asked me that I would have also I didn't I didn't get that right So I was like, uh, I have a website. There's a lot of people there who like I got a website. I'm like, what are we going to do with that? Barter? There's a lot over there.
Starting point is 00:38:07 He's reading the URL. Yeah. Look, look, I direct stuff. There's a lot of people there I thought who maybe were talking to him about who shot this or who did that, who did the ice cream video, whatever. And I was like, I don't have a business card, but I have a website. Nobody wants your contact. Bro, nobody?
Starting point is 00:38:20 Yo, I loved your ice cream video. Who shot that? Will this kill me if I hit my head on it really hard? We can find out. Maybe a corner. Yeah. It's the one year. Let's find out baby. Let me say anyway He was you look panicked. He was like I didn't realize that I'm paying for all the liquor people drinking Well, no, I'm not paying for it I just had to pay for what I bought and what I realized yesterday is we went out to dinner with Miz Kiff It means like but we're all talking about who he's paying for dinner
Starting point is 00:38:43 I'm like maze you've done a steak sponsorship you fucking take it and we're all making jokes like that and then Miz is like I paid $600 in alcohol yesterday at your event and I was like
Starting point is 00:38:51 what? I didn't realize I was making all the influencers backstage just buy super overpriced alcohols $19
Starting point is 00:38:59 I had the same I had the same problem because when I was going backstage from like the front of the theater, Nick Allen gave me the wristband to get into the green room and go order stuff at the bar. And he's like, here, go get drunk. Go have a good time.
Starting point is 00:39:13 I'm like, oh, that's cool. There's a bar tab. And I go in. I order something right away. And the guy's like, okay, I'll ring you up. And it's a $20 cocktail. And I'm like, I thought the whole point of the wrist made is that I don't pay for fucking anything the same thing happened to me except
Starting point is 00:39:27 I went up to the bar with Austin Austin show and it's like that makes it clearer lover host it is funny to say Austin and have someone out there be like who Austin show oh
Starting point is 00:39:41 Mr. Show Mr. Show himself so we go up and I'm like And you're like, oh. Mr. Show, Mr. Show. Mr. Show himself. So we go up, and I'm like, oh, is it like an open bar? I swear to God. And he was like, yeah, yeah. And then I'm like, okay, yeah, we'll get two vodka cranberries or something, which is the go-to. Right. And we both grab them.
Starting point is 00:39:57 He walks away quick. Austin? Austin. Yeah. Walks away quick. Yeah. And dude taps my shoulder. He's like, oh, cash or card?
Starting point is 00:40:06 And I'm like, whoa. I'm starting to think Austin knew. I just said the bar's open. He's on for business, man. He's been hurting lately. It's been tough. Look, I love Austin to death. He's the greatest nickel and dimer there is in the streaming space. He's so good.
Starting point is 00:40:21 He'll call Hyatt for a $5 voucher for laundry. Sometimes it pays though. Like when he got. He's so good. He'll call Hyatt for a $5 voucher for laundry. Sometimes it pays though. Like when he got Cutie's phone back. Yeah. Yeah. He is a god at going through customer service lines. Just an odyssey to get a phone back.
Starting point is 00:40:32 I'm pretty sure he talks to customer service lines more than like his parents on the phone. What were you saying? What were you saying, Carl? Yeah. So I was talking about how there seems to be this problem where I have bought underwear over the years and they slowly disappear but i find them in in your laundry pile oh you've been taking it you've been taking my carl jacobs underwear when you visit north carolina yeah i take like a couple which is irritating because i have to keep
Starting point is 00:41:01 buying new underwear but i mean is there like a place you can buy also but we'll buy an underwear is actually fucking annoying because when i buy underwear i gotta go fucking like target or whatever and i go i every fucking time i lose underwear i have to go and just buy like a pack and i know i'm gonna fucking lose it every fucking time but is there a place that you buy comfy underwear yeah i've started buying me carl jacobs i have started buying underwear at me undies online you can buy your underwear online it's true yeah you don't have to go anywhere they ship it to you me carl jacobs i'm living my comfiest life you could live your comfiest life in me undies underwear carl what
Starting point is 00:41:35 about socks bralettes and loungewear you can't just do the whole thing like this yeah i can all right all right fine hey carl jacobs what items do they have for us at me well well i carl jacobs usually buy the bralettes and maybe maybe the loungewear because also but also the socks the undies you know i'm yeah i look they sent us underwear they have very quickly become my daily drivers i feel very empowered and sexy when i wear them that's cool carl i wouldn't get it unless it was like i don't know like 15 or 20 off is there like a you know what's crazy if you do the monthly subscription because they have a membership it's 30 off that's the thing you're looking for 15 what if i doubled that me carl jacobs doubling that off you're carl jacobs right and you always skid mark your undies you always get
Starting point is 00:42:23 that long that long because i'm young and. You always get that long poopy mark. Because I'm young and I play Minecraft and I poopy in my pants sometimes. And I poopy my pants all the time. forward slash the yard. forward slash the yard. So they gave us a discount code. forward slash the yard
Starting point is 00:42:36 for 15% off. The shit's unironically comfortable, not because they're paying us. I actually believe that. But they are paying us. We need to discuss that. But they are paying us. Make that very clear.
Starting point is 00:42:44 They do pay us, but they are comfortable. And that very clear They do pay us But they are comfortable And that's the beauty Because we get something Out of it Yeah Except for Carl Who is an unbiased Third party
Starting point is 00:42:51 Who is not paid To say any of this So if you want Your balls cradled Or your girl balls cradled Either way Forward slash the yard
Starting point is 00:42:58 And back to the show I've never met More of a Karen Than Austin Yes I really do mean that I've never Been on a trip and him not called management for something. If, like, the internet's not working, he'll be like,
Starting point is 00:43:10 and it's like, bro, you have data. He's like, no, like, I should just have it, though. He's like, yeah. And then he'll call him. He's like, I know you'll do something right about this. Like, that's how he phrases it. Like a Russian all-in-one. That is so funny.
Starting point is 00:43:22 It feels like a mafia. Like, if you don't fix the hotel Wi-Fi, we're going to take you out. And then I'm putting him on blast because it's funny. They were like, oh, you know, we can take like 50 bucks off or something. He goes... He's like, I think I've gone through a lot. I think I deserve a night off. I swear to God.
Starting point is 00:43:42 And you know what? They gave it to him. They gave it to him. They gave it to him. Dude. I was like, wow. We need a word. He's so, cause there's like Karen customer service,
Starting point is 00:43:50 Austin. And then there's like the kindest friend person you've ever met Austin. And then there's Austin, the pilot who plays Microsoft flights. Yeah. That's Hoss cord. Yeah. That's Hoss cord.
Starting point is 00:44:01 I will say, we need a word for a male Karen. Cause like he, he gets away with it. Yeah. Oh, Ludwig. What? Speaker 2 00,00,00 Speaker 1 00,00,00 Speaker 2 00,00,00 Speaker 1 00,00,00 Speaker 2 00,00,00 Speaker 1 00,00,00 Speaker 2 00,00,00 Speaker 2 00,00,00 Speaker 2 00,00,00 Speaker 2 00,00,00
Starting point is 00:44:10 Speaker 2 00,00,00 Speaker 2 00,00,00 Speaker 2 00,00,00 Speaker 2 00,00,00 Speaker 2 00,00,00 Speaker 2 00,00,00 Speaker 2 00,00,00 Speaker 2 00,00,00
Starting point is 00:44:18 Speaker 2 00,00,00 Speaker 2 00,00,00 Speaker 2 00,00,00 Speaker 2 00,00,00 Speaker 2 00,00,00 Speaker 2 00,00,00 Speaker 2 00,00,00 Speaker 2 00,00,00 Speaker 2 00,00,00 we're being like, that's, I mean, Hey, that's probably fair. It's a night off.
Starting point is 00:44:26 That's not 50 bucks. I feel like that's 30 bucks. I just feel like I'm closer to disguise toast. He sent out a tweet. He was like in an Uber and there's a cockroach calling on me but I'm crawling on me, but I'm too socially anxious to say anything. Insane.
Starting point is 00:44:36 In Austin is like, Austin's like, get out, refund me, call an Uber black for free right now. Yeah. You call an Uber black for me. Yeah. Like the driver had to do it. You call an Uber black for me. Yeah. Like the driver. And then take the Uber with me. And then also go to the ad. I love that.
Starting point is 00:44:53 I had something to say. I was going to say though. So I'm glad that I made all the rich influencers pay for their own drinks. Cause I found out after the show, I talked to Nick Allen. Guess how much in total we lost. Do you know the number? Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:04 Lost or spent on the event? I know. Yeah. Do you know the number oh yeah lost or found out on the event i know yeah do you know it no okay yeah take a guess how much we lost in total on the event um it did great in views we had one sponsor hyper x and then we had last 5k i think you know i think i said so you say lost are you saying that like just want to get it right you're saying like like we had we made money it was not a profitable event as a whole okay okay but you can you're counting uh our revenue in that number okay including merch I don't want to get it right. You're saying like we had, we made money off of certain. It was not a profitable event as a whole. Okay, okay. But you're counting our revenue in that number. Okay. Including merch. I think we lost 250K.
Starting point is 00:45:31 Look, that would be fucking terrifying. Carl, one quick guess. Like 150K. We'll edit it in. What? Did he bank that? Yeah, yeah, he banked it, baby. I banked that.
Starting point is 00:45:39 That's the GOAT. That's me. So, you know. We need to fix that. I feel like we both took them. One more time. Well, here's the thing. You were doing this thing, right? Like that means like this. That means lock this. But last time I did that, last time I did that, you didn, I need to fix that. I feel like we both, well, here's the thing. You're doing this thing, right? Like that means like this, that means lock this.
Starting point is 00:45:46 But last time I did that last time that you didn't grab back, you didn't grab back. Okay. Yep. Yeah. I hate this part. I just go to this part. Well, maybe me and you have a handshake. Yeah. So it solves all that.
Starting point is 00:45:56 You're doing slime stuff. That's good. Yo, can I see this again? There, bro. You got soft hands. Shit. You have soft. God damn. You got, you got to check those out.
Starting point is 00:46:04 Do you like my hands? They soft as fuck. I think your hands are great. I think you have great hands shit you have soft damn you gotta you gotta check those out do you like my hands they saw this i think your hands are great i think you have great hands yeah and i think you wear rings and they're cool well i have a fun story oh i love it uh do you ever cut things out yeah yeah okay so if it's too far then you can cut it yeah please i don't know if it is go for it um i forget what which creator walks up to me and they ask, oh, is your tattoo for mental health awareness? Because it's like, apparently, you get a colon tattoo for mental health awareness.
Starting point is 00:46:33 Really? It's a semicolon. Because I have a colon right here. Oh. And I felt like such a bad person because I got this tattoo literally just to do like the face thing. That's it. That's literally it.
Starting point is 00:46:48 And I didn't know one. I felt like Can you point it at that top camera right there? Is that good? Yeah, you can just talk and you can use the hand. Can you imagine? You get the semicolon. You're like, yeah, it's for mental health awareness, but it's also to make him wink.
Starting point is 00:47:04 So I felt like they were like, wow, that's really, you got it. Like they just assumed I did. And they're like, oh, it's for mental health awareness, but it's also to make him wink. So I felt like such, they were like, wow, that's really, you got it. Like they just assumed I did. And they were like, oh, you got like a tattoo for mental health awareness. And I had to break it to them that I'm just a man child that got a tattoo of a face on my hand. No, that's pretty, that's base. I've wanted the mustache on my finger for a long time. Dude, that'd be tight. I actually do puppet shows for myself at home.
Starting point is 00:47:26 I'm thinking about getting a second one, doing some RP. Yeah, I got a ribbon. I just really like the shape. No specific color. I just love ribbons. Dude, you know what we came up with yesterday at the after party was
Starting point is 00:47:39 a tattoo that says, fuck cops, but the F is the FaZe logo. Whoa! That's a graphic tee. Yeah. That you guys should sell. No, I had that idea. Oh, that's amazing.
Starting point is 00:47:50 I was with people where he was talking about like funny tattoos and I was like fuck cops F is the FaZe logo. That's amazing. And also not just the FaZe logo but the fingers.
Starting point is 00:47:57 Like someone doing the FaZe logo. Wait, okay. Maybe too far but you could do stacked big F and then fuck cops ditch the C as well. Wait, what do you mean? Oh, it's the plan. The FaZe logo is an F and then fuck cops ditch the C as well. Wait, what do you mean? Oh, the face logos at FNC do we're actually I'll go after this right now and I'll get it Can you get a graph actually if you pay for it?
Starting point is 00:48:14 Yes, I'll Matt I'll split it with him. I swear to God I'll split it with him. Will you get something with me? No You're splitting with him Yeah, yeah, I'm splitting it with him. I'm not paying for anything. I'm splitting the payment. Yeah. Yeah, I'll get a fucked up statue. Just splitting the $40 t-shirt. Dude, you're going to go down the Hassan path. What's that?
Starting point is 00:48:32 We're losing all our all right viewers. Oh, man. Well, that's tight as fuck. Okay, you guys need to explain something to me. No, we need them. We need the all right viewers. Yeah. Sweet.
Starting point is 00:48:42 I got you. I got you. I got you. Yo, Jordan Peterson, I feel like he gets a lot of flack, but like sometimes he's kind of like spitting. Yeah. Cause like he just says like what he would jerk off to. And I think people don't listen to like the psychological aspect of stuff. You should say things that don't aren't necessarily positive, but like sound like to the right
Starting point is 00:49:02 person. They are positive. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. What just happened? He's died This is Jordan Peterson That's right
Starting point is 00:49:13 Every single Jordan Pearson's that's right, baby. I keep that one for him For tweeting that yeah, yeah, yeah, you definitely I clowned. You definitely ratioed him for this. I'm pretty sure. I did. I did ratio him. I forgot. Picturing the Elliot Page thing was like, I used to be able to jerk off guilt free. I used to be a straight man. Now I have to think about it.
Starting point is 00:49:38 And I hate that I'm still attracted to him. Now all my homies are saying I'm not. I lay in bed still hard, but I'm wondering why. I hate Justin Trudeau. And why don't they put women, why don't they put skinny women on magazines anymore? As Jordan Peterson, but he's like, fellas, is it gay to have seen Juno now?
Starting point is 00:50:02 Oh my God. I love that. Yeah, he's a clown that's good shit i love that he's glad it's so fun to be able to dumpster somebody like him because it feels so easy he is like the easiest heel of all time yeah it's like him and like ben shapiro yeah they're like cartoonish villains they are cartoon villains like they like like twistling mustache kind of guy and everything is like a got villains like they like like twistling mustache kind of guy and everything is like a gotcha like they've solved the formula and it's like you can learn it right oh my god I was going down that fucking path is Greek God X bro okay he's going down that path yeah he's got a dumbass build
Starting point is 00:50:38 right now it's genuinely kind of sad to see that great yeah but it know what's sad is that it's working. It is. What do you mean? Like people are like that. He's up in viewership on Twitch. Oh, I see. He started acting like a dumbass because I think it's like before he wasn't appealing to anyone.
Starting point is 00:50:53 He was just like a blob in the void. But now it's like some like drama Andy. Yeah. Now it's like drama. Or just like fucking alt-right Randy's. It's not even like topical discussions. He's like, he's like, I I I think women should have to wear armor and Mesh and I think they should be in the kitchen and I think he's like it's like
Starting point is 00:51:10 1700s argument Sorry, I just want a woman to cook and clean for me and if ladies you don't like that then don't date me And ladies are like we won't he's like fuck. I don't think women should have charged crystals Yeah, I want to power up like they do. I don't think they should be able to float I think that's dumb. They should be on ground like us boots on ground gameplay simple request I just didn't like that year where women were running on walls really fast
Starting point is 00:51:45 He's just missremembering Call of Duty Advanced Warfare. There was that couple years where all the female streamers were on And I'm sick and tired of men not being a good assignment. They shouldn't be allowed to have one-man army and grenade launchers. When you give it to women, it's too powerful of a combo. I don't like that you can have Hardline and Scavenger Pro as a woman. They get to do two. They get to do two.
Starting point is 00:52:13 It's literally too many names. You can put down two Claymores, and then one will randomly explode. Stopping power is too much. Damn. Remember when Infinity Ward was like all right guys commando pro won't be in the next game and everyone clapped and i'm like they're just removing a bad feature why are they everyone's so happy that is such horseshit that's actually sick though you just put in one dog shit thing in your game because you're gonna release it next year anyway then
Starting point is 00:52:39 you remove it you don't have to add features yeah that was like that was like the last macbook pro announcement where apple was like we're gonna put ports back on yeah yeah that was like that was like the last macbook pro announcement where apple was like we're gonna put ports back on yeah and everybody was like it's also crazy they've done it again apple playing this long game it's just the design it was like making you buy all these attachments and they're just making them all obsolete again they're just like yo we actually brought back the fucking so you know that $50 SD card reader you bought from us. Yeah, you just don't need it anymore Keep it probably go around
Starting point is 00:53:18 Probably so close to Apple SD cards. Oh where you need a plus two cards big It's like I'm the only person that owned a PS Vita PlayStation Vita Yeah, I had proprietary memory one day the only colors that are gonna matter like a game blue and green text for real bro years later they literally had proprietary they're talking memory cards for the ps vita really it's terrible and you had to buy them to be able to wait no i think the same oh no it wasn't it was like a really weird one on the psp it was like when you guys were kids you ever like think that memory card look kind of like a like a snack and you try to eat it no i, I don't think yeah, it was cuz I was like, oh You know, it's crazy, so I don't so I at Carl's house Yeah, the GameCube and I pulled the memory card out cuz I want to look at it and it had never been removed from
Starting point is 00:53:56 The GameCube Yeah The the part that was sticking out had like the yellowing that plastic has when it like hits oxygen and the inside was perfect Like you just bought it. I'll call it the wall and memory stick they call it yeah it's called the soaked car yeah yeah yeah it makes all your chow's angels in the game yeah it's pretty awesome put it in never take it out come on you're married come on that was good no we get there that was good do you have strong opinion yet uh fucking i hate yeah oh oh scara hey no yo who is scara wow wow i mean just my favorite member of otv he's top eight so he's like that music channel he was uh a really like prominent and good uh na lcs player oh sick so he was a pro for like a really
Starting point is 00:54:42 long time question mark something like that dig he was a pro for like a really long time. Dignitas question mark? Something like that. He was the mid for Dignitas for fucking ages and he was on like the most beloved Dignitas team. So like he was a part of a roster that like just everybody.
Starting point is 00:54:53 So hood legend. And I rank my favorite Dignitas teams. He's always number one and he always stays there. He also created OTV. In my list.
Starting point is 00:55:01 In my Dignitas era tier list. Which I've made. It is weird to think that I think a lot of people it's lost on them that he's like the founder of OTV. I didn't know that. You think of like Pokey or like, you know, I feel like it was his. Maybe I'm fucking wrong about this. I'm getting gaslit because you guys are so, you know this, right?
Starting point is 00:55:18 Founder of OTV, I have to go probably Sykuno, Valkyrie, and Corpse. Do you like her Corpse do you like what do you think of when that happens because that happened to Tina yesterday yeah it's funny is the joke that
Starting point is 00:55:30 none of them are OTV yeah it's like Chad does it all the time it's be like oh you play the OTV all the time it'll be like OTV plus friends
Starting point is 00:55:35 lobby and it'll jump like maybe Toast is there there you go there we go there we go I was right and Pokey
Starting point is 00:55:42 for the audio listeners Ludwig took out his wiener and started spinning it in a circle. There you go. And then we said, and then our obvious response is, there you go. There you go. There it is. Yeah. Everybody gets lumped in with OTV, even though they're not OTV.
Starting point is 00:55:57 And so like yesterday at Anime Expo, we're with Tina, and Tina is like not an OTV and is probably closer to like Dream S&P Minecraft than OTV and also part of 100 Thieves. And then someone took a picture of her and was like, I an OTV and is probably closer to like Dream SMP Minecraft than OTV and also part of 100 Thieves and then someone took a picture with her and was like I love OTV
Starting point is 00:56:09 I love what you do I thought Tina was in OTV until yesterday Name who's in OTV right now Everyone you think is in it Oh
Starting point is 00:56:18 Quarter Jade Here we go Masayoshi Chanel West Coast Yeah keep going you're doing great keep going keep going
Starting point is 00:56:26 uh Toast uh huh Scara lock it in Pokimane love it uh
Starting point is 00:56:32 you're missing two pretty essentials am I missing two people right now oh Lily yeah and Michael Reeves uh huh
Starting point is 00:56:39 one more keep it going I'm missing somebody still 100% they're new to the org to be fair or I don't know if they're an org, whatever it is. Did he say it?
Starting point is 00:56:47 Oh, is it Cityon? Yeah. Wow. Is that everybody? I think you got it. I think so. I think it's bar for bar. Can we make sure that that's all of them?
Starting point is 00:56:54 That's crazy. Actually, I thought you were going to get it wrong and it was going to make fun of you, but then you just became like a nerd. I would have said Tina. You could have said like the roster of Real Madrid and he wouldn't have known the difference. It's messy.
Starting point is 00:57:12 Slime on God said who's messy? He's never heard of Waddle Messi. He's the best soccer player of all time. I know. He just said that. We need to explain to him who Ronaldo was. Yeah. Really?
Starting point is 00:57:22 What does he know? Does he know things also dark souls literature writers literature sitcoms comedians okay uh like really well like the best graphics card or processor on the market right now linus tech tip videos how not to bust to a hand job he knows he knows so much about what he knows about yeah yes that's all deep in it deep but what he he like really shuts himself off from a lot that's how jimmy is oh my god i have slimes out here i have to tell this fucking story okay so we have a discord that's like all of our closest friends like one day we don't you know we don't expand on it just like a close friend we had for a really long time that
Starting point is 00:57:57 one and um yeah so you're in it right yeah so it's all we sent you with invite we sent an invite but it was it must have you got it all resented to you with invite. We send an invite. It was expired. It must you got it All resented to you. I'll be saying later after this. So it's all just close friends. Which discord is it? so we're in the car and uh and someone posts a tweet that said like it was something like like Like shotties ass so big like I be giving back shots in there It sounds like gang violence something like that and I was like was like funny tweet and and slime posted there's someone posted and slime's like i don't get it and we're like haha he doesn't get it that's funny because it's
Starting point is 00:58:33 like you know the implication is like he doesn't know how to clap yeah he doesn't know how to make it clap blah blah and uh and so everyone's roasting slime and then at some point he goes wait i don't get it what are back shots and he's just never heard the on his 32 years on earth he's never heard the term back shots and everyone everyone the discord's roasting him now and then he asked the question wait but why would it clap dude he just kept digging the hole it's literally his biggest l of all time every second and then dawson who literally hasn't talked to Discord for like a month, comes in and he's like, I had to take an internet break after reading Slime saying, why would it clap?
Starting point is 00:59:10 Wouldn't it just be one gunshot? It's like a bolt action. It's like a Nerf gun. Yeah, I love that Slime's not here to defend himself. That's tight. That's the best. But it was really fucking funny. Did we say why he's not here? Yeah, Slime has COVID. What an L. That's tight. That's the best. Also, you can't fucking roll. But it was really fucking funny. Do you love him a bit, though?
Starting point is 00:59:25 Did we say why he's not here? Yeah, Slime has COVID. Yeah. What an L. That's why he wasn't at Moe Money Live either. Hour and 10 minutes in. By the way, that's why Slime's not here. What time did you go to bed last night?
Starting point is 00:59:36 Probably like 1.30, 2. 2 a.m.? A lot of people said you go to bed at 4. Me? Yeah. I've been going to sleep almost none. Also, here's my new issue That I'm coming across
Starting point is 00:59:47 I don't like take care of my body Or myself at all My new thing is my mouth Will start randomly bleeding now Wait on the outside or inside? Inside of my mouth Do you see blood or do you taste blood? No I see blood
Starting point is 01:00:02 That's what happens in horror games When you look in a mirror It shouldn't happen Don't wake up and just have blood in my mouth Yeah, that's terrifying. Just I'm sure like a little more coke. It'll round out the coke, right? Do you like want attention is like why you're telling us that? One of you guys are gonna be like go to the dentist Going to the dentist. Hey, I'm bleeding internally. what is lots of dentist what's up actually for me it's been seven years yeah i think it's it's been since i started college i'm going this week or four years probably i said an appointment i'm going to the dentist really yeah i'm going to
Starting point is 01:00:38 dentist and docker i'm getting physical and my teeth my dentist my dentist keep texting me because i went recently my first time going to she's really hot and she like won't stop she goes to a different school but it's like yeah she's got like big jugs yes i go to one of those dentists where they pay after they're done they give you a sucker and a hand job that's why yeah sucker happy ending smiles hardly nor uh dude that's it for the pod do we need slime i'm starting to realize the longer carl's here we just had two of you right now that's the problem that's the best part yeah that's why he's like yay i'd like to think of it as two of me but they stopped sending me automated text messages that are like you have like you're a past appointment and they started sending me text messages that clearly like, you have like, you're a past appointment. And they started sending me text messages
Starting point is 01:01:25 that clearly a human is writing. Like lowercase first letter, like, hey, you're supposed to come back in, are you coming? I'm so fucking sad, where are you? I want you to give me the drink. I went in for the right half of my mouth cleaning and I never went for the left. You get a text at like 1 a.m.
Starting point is 01:01:39 It's like, was thinking about your teeth last night. It was so shit, I don't wanna go back. I hate the fucking dentist. It is so shit. Wait, you cleaned half of your mouth so like so like when they do like a deep cleaning they numb your mouth so they can't do the whole thing because there's like a law in california they can't numb your whole mouth i've never done that ever in my life what do you mean i've never numbed my mouth and then for a deep cleaning they do that what the fuck is a deep is this like a tissue massage fucking gums and shit why do they do all that under the gums yeah it's fine i'm gonna do it
Starting point is 01:02:04 sucks why i hate it so much that i was like i don't even want to go back for the second half fuck it i got a dirty half yeah i got the devil and the angel in me yeah you're gonna be a batman villain like six months yeah it's like sonic adventure 2 i have like hero and i have dark mode sure yeah the left side of your mouth was thrown at a wall too much yeah yeah now your chow's real for real for. Yeah. I'm going. I've been flossing in the lead up. I'm sure that'll turn you around. And you like just floss.
Starting point is 01:02:31 They're like, they're like, you don't got to do that shit for me. They're not going to know. They're not going to. I'm going to get away with it. That's fucked. I had to.
Starting point is 01:02:39 You're a brain rot. I was literally. He does a brain rot. Of course he has brain rot. Yeah. Earlier when I said, when I met Snapchat, I had a question. You have brain rot. He does have brain rot. Of course he has brain rot. Earlier when I said when I met Snapchat, I had a question. You said Snapchat again, by the way. That's why I never got to ask the question.
Starting point is 01:02:53 We just talked about that. After we played, I go to my Twitter and my Twitter is just fucking blasted with people who are just posting photos of SnapNap meeting a lot of friends and then it was just pictures of SnapNap. who are just posting like photos of like sap nap like oh snap not stop not meeting like what we in friends and then it was just like pictures of snap it was like a thread of like a hundred pictures of him and they were all just very
Starting point is 01:03:12 slightly different faces of him like turning his head around stuff and I was like this is actually fucking crazy and this is like kind of your life too we're like you go on Twitter and I imagine it's just like a bombardment of just like fans a lot of them who are young. It's so terrible, man. How do you, what is your internal dialogue about like seeing that kind of like fan cams and like seeing all that shit? Cause we don't really get a lot of that stuff.
Starting point is 01:03:34 Um, I feel like this is back to what we were talking about. I feel like I just like I'm disconnected as a human from everything ever. And, um, like the same thing from the insults as the compliments like i don't really think i mean i appreciate it genuinely i do appreciate when people are nice to me on the internet obviously yeah but it's like hard to actually connect with it i don't even look at it and appreciate it and i also don't think you would look at it and be like oh i think you just be like is there a lot is there a line for you where it does make you feel more negative than neutral like is there, that things that people commonly do?
Starting point is 01:04:07 No, I don't think, well... For you, I feel like it must be so saturated that it's actually, it's hard to have any opinion about it at all. So, I used to get more hate than I do now, I think. I used to get a lot more with, like, oh, I have a fun story. Here it is. And I'm going to say it, and I don't care. Yo.
Starting point is 01:04:22 Okay, I really don't care. And we're unfiltered today. Yo, I do not care. Yo. Okay, I really don't care. We're unfiltered today. I do not care. Wait, and he's gonna crush this. Let's say a few things about abortion. Welcome to the flagrant three podcast. If it's up to me, you can keep this in. If you don't want to, understood.
Starting point is 01:04:38 Hey. Somebody that rubbed me the wrong way since I met them was Call Me Carson she from the beginning of meeting him and he was the person that started the Karl Rue and mr. beat beast yeah he did do that he started it and was it a wait what is this this was a trend where people take Karl Rue mr. beast and then even in mr. beast videos they'd be like I like it but not Carl and it was like a thing that catacomb was bigger than Carson like he he decided and then even in Mr. Beast videos they'd be like I like it but not Carl and it was like a thing that was bigger than
Starting point is 01:05:05 Carson like he he started it and then it got to top on Reddit okay it got top something that he just thought was funny to say yeah Carson's whole bit it was like I'm an asshole okay everybody was like that's funny man I will say what to back you up for one anecdote
Starting point is 01:05:21 in Carson I like we've done things in the past and he's he's been like helpful for me in my career I have to admit that but I one time we were on the Minecraft server the OTV one by OTV I mean Abe made it who's not in OTV uh and I everyone's like really into it especially Ryan Higa and Ryan Higa kind of quit YouTube and he's doing the stream thing yeah shout out the legend by the way yeah the Yeah. He's a legend. The legend. Somebody I'd be so nervous to meet. Me too.
Starting point is 01:05:47 Carson and Josh, who's Carson's friend at the time, were like following him around and they're like kind of bugging him. And they started doing this, this bit in quotes where they were just singing nice guys finish last in front of them
Starting point is 01:05:59 for like 10 minutes. And like Ryan was not bouncing back. He was like clearly like, okay, like i get it this is a popular thing i did 15 years ago and they just kept doing it and like laughing amongst themselves and i was like this is just bullying a poor man on like his fun time to play minecraft and i was like and i was live and i was like this is too awkward and i just left yeah i i've hot takes out the wazoo yeah this kind of stuff the baby the babies with ipads are just adults now yeah it is yeah actually and in the same dude the same thing applies to like his okay like him at
Starting point is 01:06:31 the time was very critical and him and that whole group was pretty critical on like dream s&p stands and stuff like that but like what they didn't grasp is that they also had stands that were just a little bit edgier and two years older you know what i mean yeah and ever like i don't i don't care to hear an argument that is just the truth you know what i mean and like they're like oh like you're feeding into your stand base and i'm like okay but you tweeting that and then a bunch of people with your profile pictures like so fucking true like you're so right same exact thing i don't care you know what i mean except more toxic i mean there are filthy frank stands too it but it's just it's cooler to have stands when you're when they're older exactly i feel like people like that don't recognize that like when you have an enormous fan base they don't
Starting point is 01:07:11 have their like and they're young they don't have their own opinions they are an echo chamber for your opinions because they are ultimately what a lot of stands are attempting to do is connect to a community of people yeah and so if the general community consensus is we hate this guy they're just gonna say oh yeah i fucking hate that. Cause that's what connects me to my community. And not to make it too much of like a, not political, but like a controversial thing. I think it's so easy to shit on people when their stands are young girls. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:07:38 Cause I feel like that's like, I wish I was here so bad. No, like young girls, they can't get a break ever on the internet to be honest. So it's like, it's like so easy when that group comes in, because I was like, okay, but you have the same stands, but they're guys that play the trumpet and say game of notes. You know what I mean? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:52 That's just the truth. What I hate... That is the funniest roast I've ever heard. The only thing... Your friends have trombones at home. The only thing that saves Slime on this is that he resents the people that are fans of him as well. Really? He has vitriol towards everyone.
Starting point is 01:08:09 He hates fan culture at every level, even his own. Anyone who consumes it further than just like, I enjoyed this and I will move on with my life, he hates. Which I'll say I respect him for, even if I don't feel the same way. I think people have different definitions of the word Stan. I feel like Stan used to mean a little bit worse of a thing, right? Well, yeah, Stan was a fucking
Starting point is 01:08:26 Eminem song. He's a murderer, right? Like Stan is like more what you use. Wouldn't that used to be stalker fan? I would never got a show with Carl Jacobs and negatively define Stan. I'm too scared. The whole premise behind Stan was that it's a fan who is like so encapsulated with you that they're
Starting point is 01:08:42 willing to do something fucking insane. And then I think it just like became a lighter term over and now i think it's just somebody that is like more maybe like has like a hyper fixation towards you yeah i the way me i actually just had a really long conversation about i was trying to separate stan from fan like what i think the difference was and my where i independently arrived to was i think that stands often not all but a lot enter in a more unhealthy state of fanship where they start to believe that someone else's life is more interesting or important than their own life and they are using someone else's personality to connect to connect to other people instead of
Starting point is 01:09:13 their own personality and create and they're basically using someone else's actions and memories as their own actions and memories instead of like developing their own life and interests and who they are i i if that's your definition of Stan though, I feel like a lot of what people consider stans of me aren't stans then. You know what I mean? I would, but I would agree with that. I would say.
Starting point is 01:09:31 Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Like I think everybody's different, like definitions of Stan. I think it's a preteen teen thing too. And then you grow out of that. A hundred percent. I don't think a Stan is like something that you're born in and die as.
Starting point is 01:09:41 I think it's just like a thing you go through, especially as a young person, when you're just like trying to feel connected and accepted in the world. Dude, I- And you find people who think you're interesting and cool and like the same,
Starting point is 01:09:50 you like the same stuff, you have the same profile pictures. I think it's like, to be fair, I think the way that people can be a fan of me or a stan of me or whatever, like, I feel like
Starting point is 01:09:59 I've been the same way, maybe not even for humans, but like I, like you saw my survivor shrine that I have in my house, you know what I mean? Like you guys are in the you guys are yeah smashes into as we were freaking out over psychonauts together yeah that's what i'm saying i feel like it's the same thing i i don't think there's any difference i think what i hate is uh because i to me stands are the same as like
Starting point is 01:10:15 even juicers like xqcl's fans juicers are just kind of stands yeah it's the same idea it's just it's a way for like 16 to 18 year old boys to like act like they're doing something different, but really they're doing the same shit. And if we imagine every creator is like a, like a kingdom on a risk board and then all of your fans are like little warriors. I think some kingdoms are better at like making sure everyone stays in the borders. It doesn't go fuck off. And I don't, I think XTC is one of the worst at this because he will let like his chat
Starting point is 01:10:41 Pepe pains me to death and make fun of Miz and make fun of Hassan all day. Cause, cause I mean they all just come back to him at the end of the day. And I think like a lot of people like specifically Minecrafters don't take responsibility for like a lot of the the fucked ones and there's it's very small, but it's like it's easier to just be like, I won't fuck
Starting point is 01:11:00 with any of them and I won't I won't like chastise any of them. Yeah, and I'm going to say it. I think I'm good at it. You could be good at it. I, cause I've gone on record and I've said, if you hate on anybody, don't have me as your profile picture. Right. I never condone it.
Starting point is 01:11:12 You know what I mean? I, I, even if it's my philosophy on the internet, just a hundred percent, my rule of thumb is if you're a creator, why are you getting into beef with other creators? It doesn't even make sense. You know what I mean? Just do your thing. Make your money. It's the fast route to attention.
Starting point is 01:11:26 It's so boring. It's embarrassing. All of the engagement that you get from it is negative engagement that's going to be fleeting. It's so, it's so cringe to me when people have such stupid fucking beef on the internet with other creators
Starting point is 01:11:38 or even just talk shit or make jokes about other creators. I'm like, bro, just stream, play video games and just make your own fucking money. You know what I mean? Or create something.
Starting point is 01:11:46 Or just do something cool. The growth you have come from things you make, not from ways you tear down other people. It's embarrassing. I don't know. There are also powerful stans. It starts in a way, it's like you tweet a word and then people look up that word and they follow each other
Starting point is 01:12:01 and you get mutuals. And then eventually you get enough mutuals that you are a figurehead in that whatever, like subsect culture. And you are like that figurehead can like say things. And so like a couple of times with me, like one time I quoted a Prezzo tweet, which says, Schlatt's the only good racist. And I said, on stream, Schlatt's the only good racist.
Starting point is 01:12:18 Dude, that is fucking such a good fucking tweet. And then I said after it, as Prezzo said, but then like they just clipped the first part. And I got a text from my friend from high school, his name's Evan, he's a total fucking normie. And then I said after it as Prezzo said, but then like they just clipped the first part and And I got a text from my friend from high school. His name's Evan He's a total fucking normie and he goes dude. I'm at this party in New Mexico and they're saying you're racist It was like it was like that week. I was like, what do you fuck? Yeah, that's power He cared unless it was New Mexico. I wouldn't have cared if it wasn't New Mexico Albuquerque's my town and so I went on stream and I talked about it and then I got double dunked because there's like oh you
Starting point is 01:12:44 Doc's the person who tweeted that out and started that. And I was like, bro, it has like a couple thousand likes. Yeah. And it's on a public Twitter account. I feel like that's not what doxing is. And it's it. That isn't what doxing is. No, but it's like it's it's something where like you just can't engage.
Starting point is 01:13:00 And that's what I've learned. Because your audience just dogpiles it. Yeah. And even if I feel justified and they were dumb, I just cannot engage it, which is like kind of the hope that you set an example for the smart people and they will outnumber the, yes.
Starting point is 01:13:13 And so I'll speak of it vaguely. And that's what I did on like the last MCC thing where I was like, Ludwig's homophobic. And I was like, bro, how many more guys I got to kiss to not be homophobic? That's the, I have a black friend of.
Starting point is 01:13:25 I had to transpire my room and I've kissed four men this month. I'm just a token to you. You just use me. You kissed me on the lips after Mogul Money Live. You ran up to me and kissed me with the wettest lips of all time.
Starting point is 01:13:38 I did that. In front of cutie. Yeah. I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with being a big fan of something so long as it's not taking away or like an avenue to ignore like developing who you are and focusing on like your own stuff
Starting point is 01:13:50 I think it all leans back to I really do think as long as you're not disrupting anybody else then who cares like that's my opinion if somebody wants to be the biggest Sabnap fan of all time that's so cringe but if you want to be the biggest Sabnap fan of all time it doesn't affect me at all you know what I mean like you you want to be the biggest fan of all time it doesn't affect
Starting point is 01:14:05 me at all you know what i mean like like you you're saying you'd be nervous to meet like ryan higa when we were at this like hundred thieves thing i like walked by casam g and i was like oh my god that's like one of the only people like in this whole industry that i'm like i actually can't say hi to him i was like i just can't do it i told will i told will neff that i was like i was like you know casam juice here i didn't know he knew him i'm like you know casam juice here yeah i want to throw up my mouth and uh he was like no come with me i Kassim G is here I didn't know he knew him I'm like you know Kassim G is here yeah I want to throw up my mouth and he was like no come with me I'm introducing you
Starting point is 01:14:27 and he grabs me by the wrist I'm like I literally won't go I'm going to throw up and I went over and he introduced me I had a really good
Starting point is 01:14:32 conversation with Kassim G and I was just like I want to puke one of the big reasons when I was like fucking 12 years old 13 years old how young I was
Starting point is 01:14:40 when I wanted to be a YouTuber I was like one of the big people I would always watch fucking watching California On and like going deep.
Starting point is 01:14:46 Yeah, got me into some interesting porn stars. Yeah, legend, legend, hood legend. You said Fiona who? Fiona Nova also from G4. And then also my biggest one is probably Jerma. I will never be able to meet Jerma. You never met him? Oh my God, I met Jerma and freaked out.
Starting point is 01:14:59 I feel like I'd freak out. He's coming this week. To what? I have a Bureaucard event. Oh. You're not gonna be here. Have we leaked that yet? Yeah, I haven't leaked it. I have a Bureaucard event. Oh. You're not going to be here. Have we leaked that yet? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:08 Oh, I haven't leaked it. I didn't put it in the thing. I don't think we ever... Well, this comes out Wednesday, so leak it. Yeah, we can leak it because it'll be out by then. Bureaucard. If you're watching this on Thursday,
Starting point is 01:15:16 it's out. Bureaucard is today. I'm doing a Bureaucard event right now. Go to my YouTube channel and I'm playing Bureaucard with Jerma and we're getting drunk. Right now, I'm three beers deep having a good time.
Starting point is 01:15:24 If you're listening on Wednesday, it's tomorrow. I love people beerio cart with German. We're getting drunk in right now. I'm three beers deep having a good time. If you're listening on Wednesday, it's tomorrow. Uh, I love people who work hard. Yeah. You know what I wish I wish I will say I wish I had a couple more stands. Yeah. Right after the mogul money live thing,
Starting point is 01:15:34 I was trying to like soak it in, you know? Yeah. And I was like, let me look myself up on Twitter. Let me indulge. And I'm looking through and I'm like, you know,
Starting point is 01:15:40 a couple of things from some friends like Hassan sent a nice message. Cutie posted the most beautiful picture I've ever seen of me in my life. Oh, yeah, did you see it? No, it was staged. No We'll pull it up but well after I kept scrolling it was just fans of Sae Koon Oh Liking the event being super proud of him. I was like this type like fuck. Oh my god There's only Sae Koon Oh stands on Twitter talking about. And I was like, this type of like, fuck. Oh my God. It was only Sykuno stands on Twitter talking about it. And I was like,
Starting point is 01:16:06 come on. All Sykuno all the way down. He's been training for three days from it. I was like, it'd be worse if it was somebody else.
Starting point is 01:16:15 But Sykuno is such an angel. He's such an angel. This picture is beautiful. And it's staged. I don't care. It is. So the caption is something effective
Starting point is 01:16:23 like super proud. He went to bed right after he got home at like 4 a.m and he fell asleep like this phone in hand which is true you know i do this a lot yeah it does you usually have a lighting setup to perfection as well the bathroom door must be a bathroom door open and it but it looks beautiful it looks like you would like this is what i imagine if you died What you would be doing And how you would look And then if they made
Starting point is 01:16:47 A wax sculpture out of you That would be locked down Of your death Yeah when you die before me I'm gonna When you do When you die 10 years before me It's not my gums that are bleeding
Starting point is 01:16:55 When you do pretty soon I'm gonna save that picture Photoshop it Grayscale And then do like Rest in peace Ludwig You know to 2022 Yeah
Starting point is 01:17:04 Some fucked up cash from the long side. Killed by swag overdose. We took a picture yesterday. It was me, Carl Hassan. It was like a human pyramid. And like, I'm struggling with the caption. Tweet it right now. I'll tweet it right now.
Starting point is 01:17:16 Live on podcast. But Hassan, like we couldn't think of one. And Hassan puts in the group chat, like a caption suggestion. He's like, he's like, yeah, like maybe you could put like us carrying Hassan's content the group chat a caption suggestion. He's like, yeah, maybe you could put us carrying Hassan's content. I don't know, I'm not good at this. And then Carl goes, you just fucking roast him. You go, that wasn't it, take a lap with the doozy eyes.
Starting point is 01:17:38 I'm like, bro. I said take a lap. Take a lap. Poor Hassan getting lit up. And then you said mid-san in the group chat You're lighting this guy up Hit him with the drop and give me 20 He had a bad interaction
Starting point is 01:17:50 At Anime Expo? Tell me what you would have done At Anime Expo, yeah Anime Expo People are coming up for pictures non-stop They're sniping because he's live And he looks like a fucking U-Haul truck walking around Eventually some people come up
Starting point is 01:18:01 It's this guy and he comes up to me He's like, yo, look, can I get a picture? I was like, yeah I was like, you want anything else? He's like, nah, who's this guy, and he comes up to me. He's like, yo, look, can I get a picture? I was like, yeah. I was like, you want anything else? He's like, nah, who's this guy? And he points to Hasan. I'm like, I love that interaction.
Starting point is 01:18:11 That was great. That's like fine. Whatever, just brush it off. We take the pic. We take the pic. Then he goes to Hasan. He's like, nah, man, I'm kidding. Can we get a pic? And Hasan's like, yeah, sure, whatever, man.
Starting point is 01:18:19 Leans over. And then the frame is him and Hasan, and he slowly starts tilting the phone away to keep Hasan out. And then he starts taking and Hassan's like okay keep in mind the whole time keep in mind that Hassan is live taking the time out of his
Starting point is 01:18:33 stream obviously love when fans come up but it's not like it's exciting content for these 35k people watching you take your time to take a picture never come up to me. It's fuck fans with a face logo twice. He does this and he keeps them out.
Starting point is 01:18:50 Then it sounds like, all right. And then he goes away. And he goes, nah, not for real, man. No way. Yes. We got a third time. Yes. The first time, three times.
Starting point is 01:18:59 I'm literally saying, square the fuck up with me right now. So what happens is I put my hand in front of the phone yeah and i say and i say no you don't give it to him but his song because he's like live he like doesn't want to be me and then be clipped as an asshole so he takes it and at one point his song said he's like bro you know like we're in person right like like i could beat the shit out of you like we are here he's like yeah i know that is like you beat the shit out of me he's like whatever oh so you're so cool he's like oh no yeah he's totally good he's like dro yeah, I know that. He's like, are you busy chatting to me? He's like, whatever. Oh, so you're so cool. He's like, oh no, yeah, he totally could.
Starting point is 01:19:26 He's like drooling all over himself. Fuck, I hate this fucking, I hate that shit. Yeah. I hate that shit so much. I think, I understand the rabbit hole that PewDiePie went down. Because he went from, I understand how doing like that happening to you could like make you say the N word. I get that. If I was on a bridge right now.
Starting point is 01:19:41 That was such a leave. That was such a leave. No, I wasn't done. I wasn't done. Speak to that. Speak to that. Specifically page right now. That was such a leave. That was such a leave. No, I wasn't done. I wasn't done. Speak to that. Speak to that. Specifically revolving around pictures. PewDiePie.
Starting point is 01:19:49 Tell me why the N-word doesn't make it. Why not take pictures? To be clear, it says nothing to do with the N-word. That was a Nick joke. Oh, sorry. You mean like the anti-Semitic stuff. You get how that came out. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:57 That was good. That was fine. That's fine with you. Get a third one. Get a third one. Play Minecraft? Anyway. Move to Japan?
Starting point is 01:20:03 So PewDiePie has a he has like a he had a he's a no picture policy now. Tick. He doesn't take pictures with anyone. OK. You come up to him. He'd be like, no, I won't. Yeah. And he always goes because I'm the masterpiece.
Starting point is 01:20:14 And he goes, I OK. Before that, before that, he would take pictures with anyone. Right. And then it became, I think, like a lot. And a lot of people just want pictures with you because you're famous. And you notice that. Right. And it's not even because you're famous, they it's because they think you might be famous
Starting point is 01:20:26 because i see a group yeah forming and they want to collect the pokemon badge because like you're at pewter city man might as well yeah and uh and so then he had a new one which is like okay you gotta say a code word and he had his thing and it's like a big video i was like all right you need to know this code word you gotta say bridge and then we take a picture together and then and then that eventually fails too because like the the video is too old or it'll be like that people like try to prove their knowledge so that you just went to no picture policy and i could see and i'm not there obviously but i could see like how you reach a certain level of like recognition why you would go that route yeah i think it makes sense yeah i Yeah. You're asking what would we do? If you were, are we on the spot?
Starting point is 01:21:06 Yeah. Uh, you're live. People know this. So I, I generally like I've had bad interactions. I don't have nearly as many as like someone like Hassan, but I've had bad interactions.
Starting point is 01:21:15 And generally I like just go, this is not worth like getting mad or even caring right now. I'll just say like, Oh, nice to meet you and leave. And then later just be like, that guy sucked. Uh,
Starting point is 01:21:24 but I think in that specific scenario where i like i hate that kind of behavior so much where it's like you have what you have your one opportunity in your head that's how it feels to you to like meet me and say hi to me and the only avenue you can think is to like bring someone else down to think to make me think you're cooler yeah and so i'm the guy being brought down i think my reaction is just like uh saying something that instantly communicates to that person they fucked up and like being like uh oh does that make you feel good you think you're funny and like serious not laughing they will instantly start fucking vomiting all over themselves i didn't i was just joking i was
Starting point is 01:21:59 and then just leaving this is where slime is based because he would say what the fuck do you say to me yeah slime would fight the person true some respect. I'm a human. I've been there when he does no No, amen fan would ever do it. So I don't have to worry You're you're in the clear worst meet and greeter of all time He is literally so bad at me why because he wants to learn everything about each person the whole life story. Oh, yeah I love tennis to like yeah, Federer is actually fucking the goat man. Like what how long have you been playing? I love tennis too Like yeah Federer is actually
Starting point is 01:22:22 Fucking the goat man Like how long Have you been playing And there's a line Of 40 fucking people Who want pictures with him Yeah And the show starts
Starting point is 01:22:29 In seven minutes Yeah There has to be Like a middle ground I figured it out By the end By the end You know what's the strat
Starting point is 01:22:37 Getting in and out Interactions Like the burger You know what the strat is Yeah Not to be disrespectful But whenever they ask For a picture, you take their phone, take a selfie.
Starting point is 01:22:47 Yeah, yeah. That's what I do. 100%. Because they fumble, take their time to open up the camera app. Yeah. And it's not their fault. Obviously, they might be nervous or something. But if you take the phone, take a selfie, it's a better picture because you know the
Starting point is 01:22:59 angle. Mm-hmm. And it's quicker. Also, to the makers of Kool-Aid. Yeah. When I open up- You know what? He hasn't seen Mr. Shy City yet. Also, to the makers of Kool-Aid, when I open up... You know what? He hasn't seen Mr. Shy City yet.
Starting point is 01:23:09 Yeah, yeah. That's for you. When I open up the camera app on my phone, why is it out? It's 2022. When you open up the camera app on your phone, it goes out, not in. The amount of times, too,
Starting point is 01:23:20 that people will be like, oh, it's a selfie. You're wrong. You are wrong for most people. How many times are you in a situation where you want to take a picture of something? Of something in front of you. No, it always starts out with pointing out.
Starting point is 01:23:31 I know, I'm saying it should start out pointing in. But I'm saying there's an equal amount of people who are taking their phone out at a concert. Watch this. I'm the bond between the two. Put it in the settings. No, they wouldn't do that. That's great, that's great. That's not based. No, in the settings. No. They weren't too set up. That's great. That's not based.
Starting point is 01:23:46 No, it is based. It's not based. I have a better solution. Me and Carl have been talking about this for a while and we workshopped it on our podcast. If you hard press the button,
Starting point is 01:23:55 it front cams. And if you just press it, it out cams. No, also dumb. Wait, wait, wait. Is that a speech already? They make a setting for so many things
Starting point is 01:24:02 that we don't know about. By the way, do you guys know that this is a button? No. What? That's not a button. Yes the way, do you guys know that this is a button? No. What? That's not a button. Yes.
Starting point is 01:24:07 No, it is. I found this out recently. You can set the Apple logo on the back of your phone in the settings to be something that you can like tap to take photos with and shit. This is a Lima joke. No, I'm dead serious. He's like, it just doesn't do anything or doesn't press in. But it is a button.
Starting point is 01:24:21 If you tap, there's a setting where you can make this like your photo button your like your app or your Apple Pay button I'm telling the truth on my phone it's insane I did not know
Starting point is 01:24:31 I did not know this but it works I didn't know it because it doesn't exist it's not real it's not real if you're listening to this don't check
Starting point is 01:24:39 you know what else is real on my because I had to set some shit up for Mogul Money Live and I was I was driving a big ass truck i was hauling in some shit yeah you shouldn't legally be allowed to drive a semi no no this is this is not yeah i don't think you are legally i almost hit something the first corner out of the lot and i was like i should have a license for this a semi truck you were driving
Starting point is 01:25:01 no it's like a really big moving truck okay it was it was huge like it's the largest thing i've ever driven one of the ones that are probably maxed out u-haul like max you could drive without an extra license yeah okay yeah but it's like i probably the ones that move your whole house right uh and i was on my way because i was building setting up this like yard set that we had in the plaza we had like a placeholder yard set uh for people and one of the things while i saw i was just getting onto the highway i saw i see this massive like dodge ram truck with huge tires all black and decaled on the side is this gigantic shadow the head hot shadow the hedgehog with flames on the side of the
Starting point is 01:25:39 fucking tightest shit it's like it's like borderline a monster truck and it just has shadow all up and down the side. No pick? No pick. It went by fast. You think I didn't have both hands on the wheel on this fucking thing?
Starting point is 01:25:49 I respect that. I don't. I don't think I did. I've never played the self-titled Shadow the Hedgehog game. Of course I have. Yeah, so they gave him
Starting point is 01:25:56 a gun in that game. That's the coolest thing that Nintendo has ever allowed. It's a great game. I liked it a lot when I was kids. They gave him a mini Uzi. That's the craziest shit ever. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:03 He murdered so many lives Yeah, shadow live pretty awesome shadow did kill shadow the hedgehog lied anonymously What did any fell in love with that underage girl? That was? Muddy yeah, I've seen Have you seen top 10 hottest on a characters? Dude one of the It's one of the greatest videos in the internet. Really?
Starting point is 01:26:26 Yeah. I got to watch this now. Genuinely. Wow. It's an unironic ranking of the top 10 hottest. Dude, I got half chubbed when Rouge would come up and snog about you too. I won't lie. Number one is the delightful mistress Rouge.
Starting point is 01:26:38 Really? That's what it's like. That's what it's like. Give me just a hint of it. Dude, have you ever listened really closely to the lyrics whenever you're on a Knuckles level? No. So the rapper. I can't say I have. The rapper rapper is hunted p he went to jail for possession of weapons uh but
Starting point is 01:26:49 you know free hundred p uh he uh the lyrics of the song and in the game when you're on any knuckles level are just talking about how hot rouge is like there's like there's like a whole lyric where he's like uh saying that like rouge is thirsty for his jewels uh i'm feeling her in mysterious ways it's in the game and you just never hear it as a kid but i listen back as an adult i'm like wait this is weird this is a good spot for that maybe that's the move they brought it up in the deposition. I love that. You guys have been going,
Starting point is 01:27:29 you were at Anime Expo. You're going to go again today. I need you to explain to me what the appeal of this event is because I've been, every convention I've ever been to is the same thing
Starting point is 01:27:38 where there are booths and lines and basically nothing to do. Not lines really, but there's a shit, shit, shit, shit, shit ton of booths. To buy stuff.
Starting point is 01:27:46 Is it just to buy stuff? Yeah. Is that the major reason to go to Anime Expo? Yeah. Well, the panels, which we don't do. We haven't been able
Starting point is 01:27:52 to go to any panels. But there are the panels, too. If I'm an anime fan, do I get to go meet voice actors and shit like that? You would be able to go to a Trash Taste panel. There's V-Shojo channels,
Starting point is 01:28:02 Hololive, if you like VTubers. There's a lot of panels and there's probably anime anime people there too i'm not that knowledgeable on the last thing i went to like this was blizzcon and i think it is the worst thing i've ever done is a marketing plug right like because it's just for blizzard to show off what they have no substance anime convention is like third party people who just for the love of anime love of the sport who they just they bring all anime competitive anime watchers like there was there was multiple shows on the staircase into the convention of people dressed up as like certain characters from a certain show and so it's like
Starting point is 01:28:36 like it was like really niche when it's like hotel husband and it was like four people dressed up like there's actually everyone dressed up like that and then four people doing a show and they did a raffle after it was like just 30 people i want to go so bad and take pictures of everyone and be like thanks i love death note and just do that to every single person there for every single anime uh yeah i think they both i did look i did look at somebody and they were wearing like a tanjiro demon slayer cosplay i was like bro naruto goes hard bro and they looked at me like very upset and i was like i swear to god i'm kidding i'm so sorry i did say sorry like profusely sorry i only watch animes that ludwig is already watching on the couch and
Starting point is 01:29:09 i go join him it's the only animes i've ever seen that's respectable i've never watched one of my own the best fit there was uh it was like a girl she was only wearing like fishnet fish fishnet legs and then her upper body was just among Us character. That is just fucking awesome. I didn't see it. Yeah, it was tight. It was tight. I love that. Thus, queen. There was literally a Pickle Rick running around. Anime.
Starting point is 01:29:30 Anime. He's a pickle. I love anime. I didn't even think about that. Go like as Rick and Morty is really funny. That's like 2017 joke, though. Yeah. Not for me right now.
Starting point is 01:29:40 I guess you're new. I'm finding this funny right now. You're new wave. That's big. I think it's gotten back to being funny again. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:47 No, it returns back around. It's like damn Daniel. Do you think I get Daniel's funny again? I had a couple pity laughs from Szechuan
Starting point is 01:29:53 sauce again. Yeah. Yeah. You get a couple. I've only ever seen the Australian episode. I've never seen an episode of Rick and
Starting point is 01:29:59 Morty. What? Oh, me too. It is really good. I've heard it's good. Yeah. But have you seen the Australian episode? Yeah. Yeah. It's fire. New Patreon show. What? Oh, me too, actually. It is really good. Really? I've heard it's good. Yeah. But have you seen the Australian episode?
Starting point is 01:30:05 Yeah. Yeah, it's fire. New Patreon show. What? Watch along Rick and Morty. Rick and Morty watch along. Wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:15 You know, we have a Patreon show where we're watching every Disney Channel original movie and doing commentary. Can I be a part of one of those? Absolutely. It's me and Slime. Have you gone to, um, have you gone to, uh, God, what is the name of the, uh, the house? The house? Smart House. Yeah. Yeah. We watched Smart House. Have you done it already? you gone to God? What is the name of the? House the house more house. Yeah It's it's way worse as an adult no, it's not it is I've watched it. Okay. Well, I'm just sorry I said as an adult How many are there total? About a hundred ish a little run. What about look at the Irish? Have you watched that? Yeah, also pretty bad is bad
Starting point is 01:30:44 Yeah, the ones that are fire so high school musical flames. Have you already watched high school music? Yeah, we watched you we have watched to you want to do that's the best musical of all time I don't give a shit. Yep Ironically, when do you leave when you go home tomorrow morning? So we'll just squeeze it unless you're free tonight Well to do next time well do'll do it my favorite so far Tiger Cruise which covers how children
Starting point is 01:31:09 deal with the consequences of 9-11 yeah it's nuts I wasn't there for that one but they told me about it wow yeah
Starting point is 01:31:16 the best so far by the way if you're curious the best Disney Channel original movie that we've watched Step Sister from Planet Weird I haven't watched it
Starting point is 01:31:23 you should watch it it's fucking watch it on stream. It is bars. What about Johnny Tsunami? Flames. Johnny Tsunami's still sick. We haven't watched
Starting point is 01:31:29 Copahala Back on Board yet, which is the next one. Have you watched Brink? We haven't watched Brink yet. Brink's awesome. Yeah. Just watch him on stream. I'll just watch him on stream.
Starting point is 01:31:36 That's how I'll become a real streamer. It's illegal. Why the fuck... He watched Total Drama Island. Oh, you can watch it then. I got it approved. The first time.
Starting point is 01:31:44 Oh. Oh, what's up it's not illegal if nobody catches it so actually yeah you can come on the show it's a good time we just you know
Starting point is 01:31:54 dude I'm gonna leak this I haven't leaked this yet you know so every time we finish a decom I reach out to one of the actors and I'm like yo come on our show
Starting point is 01:32:03 and no one ever responds oh no and uh one of them finally. Really? And I'm like, yo, come on our show. And no one ever responds. Oh, no. And one of them finally responded. Who? Christy Carlson Romano. No. Yeah. She's big.
Starting point is 01:32:11 Yeah. And her management was like, yeah, we could probably do this, blah, blah, blah. So we might have a, this is the first time I've ever leaked this. Wait, wait, wait. She's the sister to Steven Stevens.
Starting point is 01:32:19 So her management, and I talked to her for a little bit, then talked to her management right after. She's down to come on the DCOM show. I like like i'm freaking out about this and we have like carl on the pod and mr piece of the pod it's like you're telling me it's christy carlson romano in the flesh a small amount of people out there are gonna fucking love that she she's gonna be on the no not the premium episode no it's actually the side show that you're gonna hire tier two or up in the patreon yeah Yeah. So if you want to see
Starting point is 01:32:45 Carl Jacobs and Christy Carlson Romano in the Patreon, you know, sign up for the Patreon. slash the yard. You can do it with Corey in the house.
Starting point is 01:32:53 Third largest Patreon. I'll do the episode with Christy and it won't be anybody from the actual yard. Break the internet. That would be our fastest up in patrons
Starting point is 01:33:02 like ever. That's how we take over Choppa Trap House. Well, I think you got beef. No, no, no. There's just the biggest. There's one of two people making more than us on Patreon. Do you want to do a quick eulogy? Eulogy?
Starting point is 01:33:16 For Comptown. Yes. What happened? Comptown ended. Actually? Yeah. Yeah. So they're, well, I shouldn't say they ended.
Starting point is 01:33:23 They are changing directions it's the adam frees stop stop has left the show and uh nick and adam are now starting the adam friedland show and it's going to be a youtube video podcast with a studio so they are upgrading not not saying stop is leaving upgrade but the studio thing is to upgrade it's a big step in them trying to make a bigger show but uh sad to see come town die rest in peace was a big inspiration for us starting our show the adult swim of our cartoon network yes exactly which is crazy to say
Starting point is 01:33:47 thinking about we talked about kid dick but I mean they talk about yeah I remember they bring the kid dick on yeah
Starting point is 01:33:54 that's crazy that's a big one yeah so shout out they're awesome and funny they were big so one of the honestly biggest moments of my career was Stav coming up to me and being like dude we gotta talk about patreon i want to ask you some questions
Starting point is 01:34:07 about like how you guys run your stuff and i was like literally one of the big like when we were starting our patreon we were just asking how can we have half of what content has like how can we get to like so now that they even care about how we did stuff it's pretty cool so shout out come down uh i hope the adam friedland show is as big or bigger. And that's all. And that's all, folks. Whoa. I've been watching.
Starting point is 01:34:34 I keep re-watching Nick's video that he made of his Tucker Carlson impression. Oh, my gosh. I've watched it like 20 times. He's the impression goat. Yeah. That's my send off. Go look that up. That's enough shower. Beautiful.
Starting point is 01:34:40 So we hit our 90, Carl. Thanks for coming on the show. Oh, we're done now? We can stop pretending? Yeah, we can kind of get out of here. Cool. Time to go our separate ways. So we can our 90 Carl thanks for coming on the show Oh we're done now We can pretend We can stop pretending Yeah we can Yeah Time to go our separate ways So we can call your real name So
Starting point is 01:34:48 What is it What's that Where you Wait where is he Oh this is the reveal Am I gonna see Carl's penis right now Is that what's gonna happen Oh wait
Starting point is 01:34:59 Whoa why is it purple What Oh yeah I'm cut. Yeah. Whoa! Join team cut right here, bro. No, bro, we made a handshake! We talked about a handshake and you didn't do it! A doctor mutilated you at birth.
Starting point is 01:35:16 The doctor mutilated you when you were young. Alright, next week we're gonna have slime back on, and thanks for watching and see you later! Bye now!

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