The Yard - Ep. 65 - We went on a date with Anthony Padilla

Episode Date: October 5, 2022

This week, we are joined by Anthony Padilla! The boys talk about the origins of Smosh, Anthony's current channel direction, and how YouTube has changed since it's creation....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What are you working on? Me, me, me? I'm not working on it. My hand hurts. I tried to punch the wall like XQC did. I thought you were like working on grip training. No. Speaking of grip training, look at these fucking grippers. I'm distracted
Starting point is 00:00:26 He's got his feet. Oh my yeah, we talked so you have to put these up for wiki feet really quick Are you okay with that? Whoa for my feet to be on wiki me. I got a pretty good rating on there I got nothing to be Yeah, not as good as yours though. I heard that you got over a five Which is a five out of five scales five? It's over five. Which is a five out of five scale.
Starting point is 00:00:44 Yeah. It's because sometimes the grippers be that good. Yo, zipper seven. We got a new zipper in the booth. We talked about yen before. We said it multiple times. I wanted to keep it. It's like a zipper apprentice. Yeah, he's a journeyman zipper.
Starting point is 00:01:00 He's the Mickey Mouse to the wizard. Do you know about zipper? I don't know about zipper. Zipper is like our ethereal floating zipper man. He is our producer for the show. Back there? Zipper's not here today. Oh.
Starting point is 00:01:12 We just have a guy named Zipper. So we have a friend of ours. When we have a guest, we can't have Zipper here because you can't see the floating zipper. Exactly. Otherwise, it like melts your eyes. He's ethereal. Anyway, welcome back to the yard. We have a beautiful guest today.
Starting point is 00:01:24 Hello. thank you Anthony Padilla Thank you so much Thank you as well Obviously not talking about you Thank you From one Anthony to another And I'm also the oldest person in the room
Starting point is 00:01:33 Is that right? Yes The first thing you did You're like, I'm Anthony Still bald You barely greeted him You barely greeted him You walked in the kitchen
Starting point is 00:01:40 You were like, how old are you? I introduced myself And with my same name And that I have as well And I said, how old are you i introduced myself and with my same name and that i have as well and i said how old are you because i remember you used to pretend to be sub-zero and do this and i was like i remember that damn yeah dude that goes way back i know i'm fucking old like you you were like you were like 14 i was yeah i was 14 smoking mad weed watching your shit on dial up nice isn't that cool so was it loading was it like yeah it was like all day you're seeing the free stream and it was net zero what happens next
Starting point is 00:02:13 yeah and i was like they're gonna do another mortal kombat character to me i do remember back then i was like dude other people think video games are cool because i live in like a rural area like it sucked and no one no one was into like stuff because it was in the mountains like we're in the cows and farms Not even on I wrote you're the mountain. He has in the mountains which have cows. Oh, but yeah, so He's polite we're the issue on politeness in this podcast Yeah, you are. First guess, by the way, that he's seen any of their content.
Starting point is 00:02:49 Oh, shit. I want you to know that every guest interaction up until now is him going up to Mr. Beast of all people and being like, so what do you do? I've never watched a single video that you've ever made. I didn't say like a dick thing.
Starting point is 00:03:05 No, you did. No, I did. Yes, you do. No, I did. How did it go? How did it go? I was like, pretend you're Mr. Beast. Can you get in the mindset?
Starting point is 00:03:12 Billions of dollars to my name. Okay. You're 21. Yes. Hey, Mr. Beast, love you. I love you. So you confess your love to him. I'm in love with you.
Starting point is 00:03:24 Oh, that's how it started. Please say it, Gartner. Oh, sorry. Oh, sorry, character. I'm in love with you, I love you. So you confess your love to him? I'm in love with you. Oh, that's how it started. Please say a character. Oh, sorry. Oh, sorry, character. I'm in love with you, Mr. Beast. Right, I know. Yes, do you want some money? Yes, thank you, Mr. Beast. And scene. Wow. So that's how it actually went down. You're a fucking moron. Anthony has no barometer for whether or not he's nice to someone.
Starting point is 00:03:42 We were at fucking Chick-fil-A. Dude, no, no, no, no, no, no. Go fuck yourself. This is not fair. We were at Chick-fil-A two days ago. No, it was Cain's. Oh, Cain's. Sorry, it was Cain's. He's right. Shut up. We were at Cain's two days ago. And we're in the drive-thru. And we pull up to the window and the guy at the register goes, alright, that'll be, here's
Starting point is 00:04:00 your total. And Anthony's like, oh, thanks. And the guy's like, oh, you're Slime, right? And he's like, yeah, yeah. And he's like, so oh, you're Slime, right? And he's like, yeah, yeah. And he's like, so what are you doing here? And Slime's like, getting chicken. Exactly like that. True. And everyone in the car rubs laughing.
Starting point is 00:04:16 You guys are evil. No, we are not evil. You guys are the evil ones. He keeps saying that we are evil for laughing at the guy. Yeah, like you're laughing at Slime. Yeah, you're laughing at Slime. For being like ridiculously mean for no reason. Dickhead. Is that a mean thing? To be like, to sort of take up a tone
Starting point is 00:04:30 of like getting chicken, like dumb question. Ask again. I was so It wasn't like getting chicken, how are you doing? You fucking fuckers at home. I'm the bad guy. I'm the bad boy. Just ball boy. They're gonna fucking be in the comments being like slime's a fucking asshole, bro. You guys don't have a bad boy. You're the bad boy of the group. I'm a bad boy. Just ball boy. They're going to fucking be in the comments being like,
Starting point is 00:04:45 Sloan's a fucking asshole, bro. Fucking you. I don't have a real job. You should be happy. I am. But listen, I was in the hell in a cell with three guys that would not shut their fucking mouth. And it was him, Kalen from Australia, and Mike. And they were roasting me.
Starting point is 00:05:02 No, we weren't. All trips. Oh, my God. And I couldn't handle it, bro. and Mike and they were roasting me all trip. The extent of what happened is they have a four piece chicken and a six piece and Caleb was like, could you ask if they have five? That's not it.
Starting point is 00:05:13 That was the extent of what happened. You were demanding to tell your own order into the drive-thru. You were like, I want to do it. I want to do it. I said, could I order for myself? He just ordered for me anyway. Mike's just talking as well then Mike's just like talking as well. And it's just like three people just throwing verbal shit everywhere.
Starting point is 00:05:29 And I'm in the car already. I have sensory like overload issues. I'm like, and then this fucking guy is like asking what I'm doing here. It's like, what the fuck do you want from me? What do you think I'm doing here? That's the part I don't get.
Starting point is 00:05:39 That's mean. Cause that person has no, none of this context that's in your head, but you still unleash wrath on them Yeah, because he could have just said oh cool nice to see you. Yeah, it was his fault You have a lot of interactions with fans, how do you deal with them do you say what do you think I'm doing? It is funny when they're like, this is so random. I'm like, I've been planning this
Starting point is 00:06:07 trip for months. It's not super random. I don't I try to be polite. And I think there was a period of my life where I was like, oh, fuck, someone might recognize me. Then I got to talk to people that I got to like amp up like the persona that they want me to like be super like exciting and all these things that they expect, because I think it
Starting point is 00:06:24 probably happened one time when someone met me and they're like exciting and all these things that they expect, because I think it probably happened one time when someone met me and they're like, are you Anthony Padilla? I was like, yeah. And they're like, you're not as funny as I thought you would be. I was like, I just met you. I said, hi. He's like, he's really disappointed
Starting point is 00:06:41 you didn't launch into five minutes of stand up in front of me. You want me to do a backflip here? Like, what? But now I'm just, I'm really grateful that some, that there's, there are people out there that appreciate the things that I've done as much as I appreciate it, you know? And I try to go in with that mindset. So it's pretty chill.
Starting point is 00:06:57 We don't have to break rocks. Have you ever been appreciated? We don't have to break rocks with other rocks. Like we don't, we live like meme lives, and that's okay. Rocks. You know what I'm saying? I was thinking about rocks too. We don't have to put wood together and hammer nails into it. Although iron begets steel, you don't have to beget all the time.
Starting point is 00:07:13 Why are you talking about bread for? Give me the horse. What? I want him. I like this horse. All right. Anyway, yeah, I think that you, well, you've been in the game for a long goddamn time. That's the thing.
Starting point is 00:07:24 You were like in the internet before it was like, what's I think that you, well, you've been in the game for a long goddamn time. That's the thing. You were, like, in the internet before it was, like, what's the earliest memory you have of being, like, recognized for being on the internet? I was in a Subway. You and I were in a Subway. Yeah, we were eating so fucking fresh. And the last thing I was expecting was that someone would recognize me. And it was right after the Mortal Kombat video had gone viral It's just all time
Starting point is 00:07:50 Fortnight fucking 30 hours straight and just in your jet brains and injected back in the day You guys came out with that and the fucking Ninja Turtles thing. Yeah, just a music video Yeah, I was like, this is it. They've like we've peaked with con there was so little content on the internet Then it was like it was like back of the they've like we've peaked with con there was so little content on the internet then it was Like it was like back of the day on TV when there's like three channels it felt it was like what the fuck it was Yeah, sorry go on. Uh no you by the way You know that Ian hid like he mooned the camera in one shot, and I don't think that anyone has ever Oh my maybe a couple people on YouTube on YouTube butts on YouTube
Starting point is 00:08:24 To this day, it's there. It's there. It's still to this day. It's still to this day. It's there. It's been on TV. You might have just nuked yourself. Damn. It's not my fucking channel anymore.
Starting point is 00:08:32 I don't care. Whatever. Delete the video. Um, so I was in there and there was this guy just eating his fucking pastrami sandwich and he looks over and he's like, are you the guys that did the Mortal Kombat video? We're like, yeah, like this is our first time being recognized. Yeah, it fucking sucks No slime in a collar Yeah, I was 14 just
Starting point is 00:09:04 Yeah, I was 14 just capping because I loved it, but I wanted it to seem cool. That's so good. I mean, like, I didn't, I tried, I didn't really think about, like, how do I come off reacting to that kind of thing. And I think you could probably see in my face, I was like, oh, a little taken off guard. He's like, oh, you took that seriously? Okay. Dude, they will always be the same. Everyone will always be the same.
Starting point is 00:09:23 Dude, I was just kidding, bro. Why'd you block me? Right. Like, go fuck yourself. That's fucking wild. No, but he kept firm. He wasn't like, same dude i was just kidding bro why'd you block me right like go fuck yourself that's fucking no but he kept he kept firm he wasn't like oh i'm just kidding dude i actually no it was like fucking sucked wow yeah and uh that was my first exposure to uh that dude now irl jared fogel yeah dude for like months i was r&Ding the best Subway sandwich Because I was supposed to have a really big Subway sponsor in 2023
Starting point is 00:09:48 Which I felt partially bad about Because every time I would go Slime would say Have fun eating your plastics it's plastic time for you I would say you're going to eat a credit card today That's nice for your body and bones It's because when you put the cheese on the credit card And they toast it It tastes really good
Starting point is 00:10:04 You could scrape the numbers off with your teeth Yeah When you put the cheese on the credit card and they toast it, it tastes really good. You could scrape the numbers off with your teeth. And so I've been R&Ding it, but every sandwich I got that I thought was good came out to about like $13 a sandwich, which is like, that can't be the Ludwig sandwich. I can't have people go to Subway and spend twice as much as they should. You don't go to Subway for a premium costing sandwich. Yeah, exactly. You go elsewhere like a... Eat fresh.
Starting point is 00:10:27 So I finally find my sandwich like two weeks ago and it's just the rotisserie chicken with pepper jack cheese and like delicious toppings and a bit of the creamy sriracha. And then the next day, I hear they're like,
Starting point is 00:10:40 they went with someone else. I was like, you fuckers. Wow. I ate so much plastic for nothing, dude Yeah, I paid a premium to eat plastic for weeks and I didn't get my sponsorship. I've been shitting out credit cards actually whole Yeah, the courtesy of telling you why they went with maybe I'll to bleed this but I'll tell you guys they went with I think g2 eSports They regret it now?
Starting point is 00:11:08 It was after, after, after they were like, hold on based company. Hold on, hold on. So you're telling me Andrew Tate will eat our sandwiches. Uh, do you know about that? No. G2 Esports is a company that, uh, their CEO partied with Andrew Tate, tweeted out about it, doubled down after getting feedback that, hey, we don't like this. It makes us feel unsafe. He's like, you can't choose my friends.
Starting point is 00:11:32 He said, you can't choose my friends. I'll party with who I want. Then he lost like a $15 million spot in an esports competition. Like he was supposed to be a team in there. They cut his team from it because he's a CEO. competition, like he was supposed to be a team in there. They cut his team from it because he's a CEO. Then he got kicked out as CEO of his team. All because he partied with Andrew Tate and then doubled and tripled down on it.
Starting point is 00:11:52 He essentially said sorry for party rocking and then he was not sorry. But he's now a part of Lomfowl. What's that? That's his friend. He has a really old friend. Lomfowl. Like 60 years old. Lomfowl. You don't call him Lomfowl? Nope. That's his friend. He has a really old friend. Like 60 years old. LMFAO.
Starting point is 00:12:07 You don't call him Lumpfow? Nope. You guys went on the club scene. But now they got a sponsor. They got a sponsor with Subway. They lost Carlos, but they gained Subway. So they're eating fresher by the day. Who's the real fucking loser in that?
Starting point is 00:12:23 Carlos and me. Two true losers. I was going to ask on the on the topic of meeting people do you think there's a change in expectation of meeting fans between like when you did Smosh and when since you've become your own brand like independently in the past few years you mean in terms of like when I was with Smosh and people would meet me versus now yeah you're talking about people's expectations yeah I feel like they would have changed a lot with how you. Yeah, a little bit. I feel like now they just want to have like a real conversation. Although there are people that are like, oh, I know you from Smosh.
Starting point is 00:12:52 Take a picture with me. OK, bye. I don't care about you now. But I think it's a little bit more real now because the interviews that I'm doing, the type of content that I'm doing now is a lot less like joke, joke, joke, joke, joke. So it's a little bit less of an expectation for me just to be funny And perform yeah, do you have older viewers? Yeah, you know it's weird as they range like all over the board literally I've I've met people in their 40s 50s. I'm so caught off guard whenever there's like someone with graying hair That's like oh my god. Yo, what's up? I'm like you were aren't you? Oh shit. Oh wait, you got gray hair too? I don't have gray hair, I have no hair. It's only here and it's like a ponytail that's full of gray.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Yeah, I look like a cool samurai. And then Ayahuasca appears. Self-proclaimed cool samurai. Yeah. And then there are young kids, I'm like, what are you watching from me? Like eight-year-olds. I'm like, I don't think I've said anything appropriate for an eight year old to hear ever. Well, not to Mr. B.C. right now. What do you do?
Starting point is 00:13:49 So you don't know what I do. Yeah. So I did it. So it's actually so. Finally, finally, we're falling back into the form of a. Which more comment video you want? You just kept making those for like 10 years years Super successful
Starting point is 00:14:07 So I pivoted away from Smosh About 5 years ago Did not know what the fuck I was doing on my own And eventually found my place In doing interviews with people I just interviewed this young chap Over here recently Was he interesting?
Starting point is 00:14:21 No not at all The day you got back because he pointed it out. You pointed it out on the fridge. This is so cute. The day you got back from the interview,
Starting point is 00:14:33 you put up the little Polaroid of you two on the fridge, on the fridge immediately. I was like, it really meant something. He doesn't put much on the fridge. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:40 The fridge is like his best friend that he's known his entire life, like a wedding invitation and you. Yeah, and a selfie. My big two. Yeah, I look good in that one. Yeah, but what Polaroid ends up on your computer monitor? I'm sure the balls.
Starting point is 00:14:54 Oh, you know your lore. I know the lore. I know the ball lore. That's deeper cut. Oh, it was pretty deep and I expect to see it first. I mean, the picture firsthand. We'll send you the raw wax. the wall that XQC put into it Gently you say XQC put a hole in he didn't always talk about
Starting point is 00:15:25 you say xqc put a hole in he didn't oh we should probably talk about it context we need context that xqc is in los angeles for the show juiced that i produced for him that went swimmingly and he's staying here because twitch con is this coming weekend and he slept at our place last night and xqc is if you watch his content renowned for being really really bad at sleeping. Like he's a terrible sleeper, sleeps like maybe a couple hours a night. And has as he warned us last night, he warned us. That's why I felt decent about it. I was like, well, he gave what he told us. Yeah, last night he really did all he could. He did everything good.
Starting point is 00:15:58 He talked for a few hours last night. He like talk like about everything under the sun. And then he was like, he was like, OK, I'm going to go gonna go to bed, but just you guys know I might wake up in the middle night and I have night terrors and And I just run and it's okay Run out of the house. Is that what you just said? I'm like, I don't know what they're talking about I'm sure it's fine. Basically like he wakes up in the middle of the night not in an awake state. Yeah. Like, he's still, like, somewhat dreaming and, like, his senses aren't fully there.
Starting point is 00:16:29 And the only thing he wants to do is, like, escape. Like, fight or flight. Like, max adrenaline. He's trying to escape the house. And so, me and Cutie are like, all right, let's lock up all the pets in our room. I was going to say, why were the pets locked up this morning? But now it all makes sense. Yeah, because Ohio lie one of the cats against the fucking wall.
Starting point is 00:16:46 Dude, oh my god. I am so like, we were up pretty late. And I was like, fuck, we have the pod in the morning. I should probably get like good sleep. I'm like working on the video that played fucking before this episode. And I'm like, oh, I should get sleep. I get to bed. I'm having a little bit of trouble sleeping.
Starting point is 00:16:59 I finally get to that moment. Like right when you're like, oh yeah, I'm sleeping the next couple fucking minutes. And my eyes are closed. And my eyes are closed. And i just hear door swing open i hear like battle cry like full blood curdling scream and then stop stop stop stop i hear air time like stop and then no more stomps and then crash and he puts a fucking gaping hole in the wall that connects to my bathroom it's really big is it that hole right there yeah yeah so he puts a fucking gaping hole in the wall that connects to my bathroom. It's really big.
Starting point is 00:17:26 Is it that hole right there? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So he puts this huge fucking hole in the wall with like, I imagine his like fist, knee, or foot, like with the height of it, like he definitely jumped and then created a hole. I think it's his knee because I, right before this, tried to do the same thing. Sober. Okay. Alone.
Starting point is 00:17:43 Yeah, no one was around. It's like in Titanic when he instructs her to hit the axe with the same spot. You guys seen this? He hasn't seen movies. I've seen Titanic. Me and Anthony roasted him about this. Anthony wasn't roasting me.
Starting point is 00:17:59 Give me some. So like the boat goes down. Fucking tired tires you. That's 20 years of industry experience. So I'm like trying to straight and I was like, I want to be like that. And I tried to punch above where he did. And like, either there's a stud or I'm not strong enough. He goes, I must have hit a stud.
Starting point is 00:18:18 You're just weak as fuck, bro. It is actually amazing because context, Anthony has put a hole in the drywall before with a hammer to just Scare me yeah Upon seeing that XQC has put a larger hole in the wall with his body than he could with a hammer has to attempt larger hole in the wall with his body than he could with a hammer has to attempt to outdo him rob a bank are you just like piggybacking like all right give me some money too I was a little jealous yeah he did better than me he did he's he's richer more crypto more crypto more I just wanted one thing there's a chance non-zero that it was his fist because he told me that in
Starting point is 00:19:04 these night terrors It's like peak adrenaline and that he uses strength that he doesn't normally have right now He wakes up like incredibly sore sometimes because he's pushed something that he doesn't normally like he's like max out his muscles Imagine imagine giving night terror XQC a skateboard and what would be possible? giving Night Terror XQC a skateboard and what would be possible. His gold fingers are flying in his head. Last week we watched XQC do a tray flip in his room
Starting point is 00:19:30 on a skateboard. Yeah, so he was just screaming, he's screaming, no, no, no, no, and running down the hall. And then I just hear him stop, which I think is the moment Ludd got him. Did you have to grapple him? I was woken up by cute.
Starting point is 00:19:45 I was sleeping through all this and she woke up in a panic because she's like ever since the swatting. She's just, you know, a nervous little mouse. Yeah. So this was not great to have someone stopping through the house. This would be bad for your swatting PTSD. So she's like, get up. And I'm like, all right.
Starting point is 00:20:01 And then I roll out of bed. Yeah, five minutes. And I see XQC and he's like, he like looks lost. Like Mr. Krabs meme. And I walk up to him and I just put my hand around his shoulder. I'm like, it's all right, man. He's like, dude.
Starting point is 00:20:13 And then he like slowly, like, I think it's literally just human touch. And then he like kind of snaps out of it. Wow. And so then he's like, oh, and then he's like instantly like a little like embarrassed. And he's like very apologetic. He's like, I'm sorry, dude. And I was like, it's okay,
Starting point is 00:20:25 man. We'll just go to bed. And as we're walking, we see the hallway and this is the first time I've seen it. Also the first time in his conscious, he's seen it. He's like, Oh,
Starting point is 00:20:36 I'm so sorry, bro. And I'm like, I'm like, dude, it's not a big deal. In the back of my head, I'm like slimes than words.
Starting point is 00:20:43 Wide awake. Cops blew a way bigger hole. The PR currently goes, I'm like dude. It's not a big deal in back my head. I'm like slimes than worse Way bigger They do fucking number one so I put him I bring him back to his bed I'm like you wanna sleep here. He's like no actually after this. I actually sleep amazing. I'm like alright great sleep amazing I'm like all right great and then I go back to bed and then and then that was it and so he he didn't even know that he did it oof Wow and you were conscious and you couldn't even know one up I think it was me I think it was me because he would definitely have had way more hand pain pain and soreness
Starting point is 00:21:25 this morning. Yeah, I mean, like, hey, you give a shot, we'll get down there. Okay, we'll do a one-on-one. We'll see what we got. Knees or fists? Anybody part good? Let's do fists. Rings off. Rings off. Okay. No Super Bowl champs. Damn! That would hurt my ringer.
Starting point is 00:21:41 Yeah, that would hurt me more than anyone else. Yeah. But yeah, that's so cool. That makes me wish I than anyone else. Yeah. But yeah, that's a, that is so cool. That, that makes me wish I still lived here. Have you, Oh,
Starting point is 00:21:49 sorry. Oh, I used to have night terrors as a kid. Nothing, nothing like that. What's it like? Uh, absolutely fucking terrifying.
Starting point is 00:21:58 And I can't tell if I was having a panic attack or if I was sleepwalking, but it was this horrifying feeling of like I was which now it sounds really metaphysical and crazy spiritual almost like I felt like I was the consciousness in the back of my head observing my body as it just moved.
Starting point is 00:22:18 And it was terrifying. I was like it was almost like I was perceiving Gundam operator. Yes. Yes. Ratatouille or that's the mouse in Ratat perceiving Gundam operator. Yes. Yes. Or gratitude or that's the mouse in gratitude. Gundam control over the body. Are you know, I know it was like I was
Starting point is 00:22:31 just observing. What's that movie where where they go into that weird little room and they're like that weird half floor and they're like they get to observe. John Malkovich. Yes. Being John Malkovich. What did you say?
Starting point is 00:22:41 Tom and Jerry. Yeah. So it felt like being John Malkovich, which freaked me out when I saw it, but it was like I was the consciousness observing my body and all my thoughts were like, oh shit, what the fuck? This is. But strangely, when I had a panic attack while smoking a shit ton of weed when I was like 20, it was the same feeling. So I don't know if it was a panic attack or not. Okay, illegal. Definitely telling on you after I mean 21 I had that too when I was a kid I you'd have to brush your teeth for an hour. Oh, this is a scandal going on! I'd have to eat normal food for an hour.
Starting point is 00:23:30 Wait, are you French? No, no. I was wondering if it was a French thing. Oh! Because it would be a trend. Oh yeah, excuse me. The three of you. Oh, excuse me, he's literally not French.
Starting point is 00:23:38 He's Quebecois. He's Canadian. Why do you always do this? You always think we care about the difference. You're right, you're right. Me and XQC are more similar than you and XQC. Actually, yes, that's enough for me. He speaks Quebecois.
Starting point is 00:23:49 It's French. I don't watch anime, I don't know what you're talking about. C'est pas un meme chose. Wait, what were they like for you? C'est pas un meme chose. Huh? For me, I woke up and I would have terrifying nightmares of really big numbers. It's the only way I can describe it.
Starting point is 00:24:02 Like pie? Like, yeah. Pie, bang. Like anthropomorphic, are we talking like Sesame Street anthropomorphic numbers like chasing you? Yeah, it was Count Dracula and he would just fuck my day off. He's like, well, what about four billion? I'm talking about when Elmo is like looking at the screen and there's like the number
Starting point is 00:24:22 eight with eyes. I'm always like looking at the screen and there's like the number eight with eyes. I think I was really into patterns in like, like, like two, four, six, eight, 10, 12. And like doing that in my head and like, and just finding patterns and then like extending those patterns consciously. And so then when I would sleep sometimes it would, it would like auto do that to numbers that were like inconceivably large. You're like a savant. It would like, this is like, I'm learning this.
Starting point is 00:24:46 Because then it would short circuit my brain and then I would go in a loop where I'd wake up from it and then I would fall right back into it. And then if it happened enough, I'd be like sleep deprived enough that I would have a night terror and I would physically get up. And then it was like circus land because
Starting point is 00:25:02 then it would be like bugs on the floor in my head. Like little green scar scare bugs because I was terrified. Obviously, it would become bugs in the floor. It's like all your fears coming to life. Yeah, it was always like the most genuine fear. So like one time is the bugs was just me and my sister who were home and I thought there was bugs everywhere. And I was like walking around. My sister's freaking out because she was scared of everything.
Starting point is 00:25:19 She's like, what the fuck are you doing? And then another one was like I had this happened several times after my dad passed. It would be a samurai was coming to our house to kill my mom To lay pipe which is worse Who could walk on water is invincible and he's walking towards your house every day and you're given infinite money How would you escape him? Yeah? That's crazy. No you were so I didn't know you suffered as a kid. Yeah, I thought he doesn't like free through life No suffering look at him
Starting point is 00:26:00 Anthony has this thing where when he finds out you've like suffered in any way he likes you now more Oh, you like people who've gone through suffering not even like real suffering like he just did he didn't like me when we met Yeah, he found out I have a fear of throwing up and then he did like oh, yeah In and out bathroom in Las Vegas. I said that's the most interesting thing about you. Yeah, which is mean That's really mean to say do you try to get him to throw up now? No. That's the thing. Now I nurture that, and I don't try to do that. Oh, your nurturing side comes out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:29 No, he still locks us in a room and drops eight-second farts. Yeah, but that's not me going, like, trying to pretend to throw up. That's what gets you. You know what I'm saying? You know what I've noticed? What? Is we keep getting me undies packages And I wear literally all of them Wait where's Anthony Padilla
Starting point is 00:26:47 None of you That's so spooky He's a horse now This is so scary But it's not as spooky as how soft Me undies is Rip Yikes
Starting point is 00:27:01 What's scary is how bad that rip was It's skeleton They're not Halloween themed unfortunately Cuz they're gonna go to me I want to know what happened to me this past week and I Happened Mark something scary happened. Can I sniff your skid marks? I got all of my clothes washed, and then the underwear was not in the bag when it returned.
Starting point is 00:27:31 I have zero underwear. This is not a meme. Literally all of my underwear was thieved, larcened away from me. Hey, can I give you something really quick? I just don't know if these underwear will be good, though. Hey, one, I think you should start doing your own laundry. That'd be great.
Starting point is 00:27:46 You could change that in your life. Oh, really? I think you should start getting your own hairstyle. Oh. Bobbycat? Huge. Absolutely huge. Point for Ludwig.
Starting point is 00:27:56 Another point is that I think these are pretty scary in a good way. They're scary soft in a good way. You know, you put that on. Tell me if you feel like you have anything on when you put those on. It's modal fabric, so. They're scary soft. They're scary soft in a good way. You put that on. Tell me if you feel like you have anything on when you put those on. It's modal fabric. That's the thing. They got that micro modal fabric. Feels like you got nothing down there. I want to be like
Starting point is 00:28:13 I want to wear you, Aiden. I want to feel nothing down there. I want to feel nothing like you, Aiden. You're like a Kendall. I'm soft like me undies. You're like a Kendall. You got nothing down there. We always do these reads. We always make them for 5,000 let's just let's just get right to it look 20 off free shipping on your whole order 100 satisfaction guarantee you don't want to go to me slash lob to ludwig the yard that's me slash the yard it's also skeleton season so
Starting point is 00:28:42 there's a much a little spooky designs. They got spooky stuff on there. Your Halloween costume could just be you in underwear. That's true. You need to be at home if you do that. Stay home if you're in your underwear in your MeUndies. Or do our new idea, which is going out in nothing but MeUndies underwear
Starting point is 00:29:00 and going to yard sales and trying to get the best outfit with your friends. Go to yard sales in your underwear and ask them questions. Do this. Do it. We command you to do this. Go outside of your underwear. Go outside. slash the yard. 20% off your first order. Free shipping and 100%
Starting point is 00:29:15 satisfaction guarantee. And you can also hit the nay-nay. Milkweed. Alright, back to Anthony Padilla will now turn back into a human man. So how have you suffered, Anthony? Yeah, connect with me now. Night terror. Oh, when I was having the night terrors,
Starting point is 00:29:32 I would scream the word penis sometimes. And then the teacher, you made sure the teacher didn't hear it. And my mom, I remember I would see the look on her face and I'd be observing. You remember, I wasn't in control. I was observing the look on my mom's face of like, whoa. And then she screamed it louder because she's not going to lose. She got a cigarette.
Starting point is 00:29:50 She's like, this is not shit. Got it. Brian is dumb little brain. But I think that was terrifying for me, much like large numbers. Yeah. Saying inappropriate things in front of my mom and my grandma was there one time. Absolutely horrifying for a nine year old to say the word penis in front of my mom and my grandma was there one time absolutely horrifying for a nine-year-old to say the word penis in front of his grandma yeah not quite a night terror but I had a problem for like a bunch of years where when I was trying to fall asleep well one I
Starting point is 00:30:13 developed a fear of falling asleep for a long time where at the moment I realized I was about to I just wake up I was doing that all night where I'd be like it's like it's like kind of fear of anesthetic where like you know you're about to go under that scary and that would happen a lot and that developed in this weird thing I'm trying to change The only way I can describe this part is like imagine you know like in like Photoshop or like photo editing apps the clarity Like slider yeah, so you drag it all the way up and everything gets really textured and weird. You drag it all the way down.
Starting point is 00:30:47 Everything gets really smooth and weird. I would, I would picture people and then their skin would go back and forth between like really textured and really smooth over and over and over again. And so I got really dizzy. I got vertigo and I would wake. The only way to stop it was to open my eyes and to not be seeing that in my brain anymore. And that happened for like six years.
Starting point is 00:31:04 That is such a strange way. It would just stop me from sleeping because I would just get dizzy thinking about that in my brain anymore. And that happened for like six years. That is such a strange thought. Where it would just stop me from sleeping because I would just get dizzy thinking about that over and over again. Do you think Xbox 360 did this to you guys? Did you play Xbox 360? I did, but that was... I was nine before Xbox 360 was out.
Starting point is 00:31:17 I was just gonna not to age myself here. Oh my god. Back when it was a black and white console. It was so good. Let's talk about some old shit, bro. What did you do? What did you do back in the 90s back in the 90s? I played lots of Gameboy lots of Pokemon right got scared of saying the word penis in front of my grandma Was your favorite Pokemon zapdos? Oh, okay. Yeah. It's a legendary bird. I'm a little freak sometimes. Whoa. I'm chubbed up a little bit.
Starting point is 00:31:49 I'm not going to lie. What was your favorite movie as a kid? Home Alone, hands down. Home Alone 1 and 2. I've probably seen each like 45 times. Is that the DT one? 2 is the DT one. What's DT? Oh, what?
Starting point is 00:32:00 Donald Trump. Oh, yeah, it's true. Yeah, which was edited out of some versions played on TV Yeah, let us look our history. How much is he in it? He's like one quick scene It's so bizarre. Yeah, he shows McCoy places McCulloch Hawkin for the whole movie It's actually beautiful I have like I have like the opposite experience where it's like growing up
Starting point is 00:32:27 when I was like 9, 10 I wanted to be like a YouTuber that's all I wanted to be and it's not what I do now but I remember like my first things that I saw
Starting point is 00:32:35 that I was like I want to make videos was just Smosh videos and I was like it was like the thing that made me ask my parents for Final Cut Pro and like the first thing
Starting point is 00:32:43 that I was trying to emulate online was like making Smosh videos oh shit you and jake paul we're the same uh every way and uh i remember i thought i was thinking about a lot because i knew you're coming on i'm like oh i want to dig deep and try to find if i in the videos i made i couldn't find any oh man because i definitely like remade a bunch of like the original first things you guys uploaded and one thing that i didn't find, but I remembered was the first online contest I ever entered was the the box man win a stunt box dance competition.
Starting point is 00:33:12 Yes. The box. I was 12. Holy shit. I probably seen your videos. We watched every single submission. So there were like a thousand or like 14 years ago. I submitted a video to Smosh dot com and lost to like the worst videos ever posted
Starting point is 00:33:26 on the internet. I was like, I remember just feeling crushed. I was like, I am nothing. Wait, describe your video. There's like a 5% chance you don't remember it. I'm in my bedroom at the time, which is all of them. And my bedroom at the time was like this mirror in the back and blue walls.
Starting point is 00:33:39 And I had a drum kit in the middle of the room. And it was just me and one of my friends from school. And we were just like doing the dance. That's really all it was. Don't remember the drum kit. And I remember a drum kit in the middle of the room. Uh-huh It was me and one of my friends from school and we were just like doing the dance That's really all it was don't remember the drum kit and I remember cuz like few years later I entered a taking back Sunday drum video contest and to win a drum kit. Yeah shit. I'm learning you suffered to I went like this opposite direction where it was like I just wanted to be a YouTuber and that's why I started editing videos like really, really young, like 9, 10 years old. And then like I sort of turned into
Starting point is 00:34:12 wanting to become a filmmaker and watching movies later in life. He watched Birdman on a plane and then he liked movies. He just thinks that's what happened and it's funny for him. I like the way you break down your friend's movie inside. Yeah, it's the first movie they ever liked. Jocelyn that word, Birdman, spirited away.
Starting point is 00:34:28 I love you, man. Yeah, I just worked in the opposite direction where it's like, I feel like most people, it's like, oh, who become YouTubers? It's like, I went to film school and I wasn't really what I wanted to do. And I realized I can make a career online. And it's like, I kind of went the opposite way. But you realized that you liked making content. Yeah, I was just remaking like Food Battle and like and like Ryan Higa videos and stuff.
Starting point is 00:34:46 And I was like, oh, I don't actually want to do this. Yeah, but there's something here that I really like. Right. I miss those days so much. Just the simplicity of like pick up a camera. It's almost like filmmaking for kids. Oh, yeah. Kind of what it was like at
Starting point is 00:34:57 the time. It's all the same shit. It's all the same like techniques. It's just like you just crank them really high and yeah, ADHD. I'm really hard. Yeah. Yeah. Which now compared to Mr. Beast videos seem slow paced in a weird way. A hundred percent.
Starting point is 00:35:09 Like I thought that I was so fast paced back then. And your action is rather you as a person, you're like hyperactive, but there's no cuts. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Well,
Starting point is 00:35:16 there was far less cuts. Yeah. I do like hearing about how Nick has Nick did a lot of cod stuff. Wait, you know, when you were growing up and I'd ask him, I'd be like, okay,
Starting point is 00:35:25 what makes like, why do all these videos look the same there's this historical context of everyone only had access to the same pirated software everyone had the same stolen plugins that were easy to download everyone had the same five tutorials that they watched so it created like Andrew Kramer video copie
Starting point is 00:35:42 like all of these things like everyone was using Sony Vegas at the time and Premiere and learning all the same stuff. So this, like, huge wave of, like, online video game editors who, like, all look the exact same. And YouTubers who are all copying, like, I'm thinking, I don't know, like, fucking, like,
Starting point is 00:35:59 Mika Kitty was, like, one of the people back then who was, like, hard jump cuts. Yeah. And now she's, like, a musician. Like, all these people who have like kind of Set these tones for like what like the jump cutty vlog style is really established. Oh, yeah Yeah, like literally like I'm gonna say word here. Okay A lot of people who are doing things, but they don't even know why yeah
Starting point is 00:36:24 Working but they don't really have a good idea of what they're doing and why it's working yeah yeah and it was really weird that time of the internet it really was the wild west where it's like you get to invent everything on the spot like for the styles there were no established styles you were making them up and that's kind of what i miss about that time period it was like this hasn't been done before do you think like like now when people get into it or like any anybody getting into? Any hobby really would look to like people who are at the top of the most successful Like he's talking about watching Smosh at the time and like trying to emulate or model that right But you were like you were kind of number one from the jump in a lot of ways
Starting point is 00:36:59 And you're like ahead of everybody to begin with so how do you guys like? How did you guys look to people who are smaller than you to like try and craft your style? Or is like everything just like you and Ian coming up with it in a room and then eventually like other people getting involved? It was a little bit of both. We were inspired by animations on Newgrounds.
Starting point is 00:37:18 I tried to be like a Flash animator for a while before I started doing. Flash was so, I tried to learn Flash when I was probably like the same age and I was like, fuck this. The pipeline is you either start with flash or you start with stop-motion And then yeah, I end up making regular videos cuz that's too hard. Yeah Some stop-motion in like high school and then it was like flash animation so fucking hard I spent like six months making a seven minute video. I'm gonna put time into this shit. Yeah
Starting point is 00:37:42 You need to know like calculus to move a guy like But then it's like I borrowed my dad's webcam and it was like oh shit we can just make the thing on the spot Yeah, and it was pretty wild though because there were not really tutorials for most things that it was like just just figure it out It was like an old video game was like no you can't there's no there's no guide You can't look at a YouTube video walkthrough. You just it out. Yeah, so it's like dark souls like dark souls. Yeah, okay? You're a youtube historian in some ways. Oh yeah mm-hmm who made youtube voice. What's youtube voice? I mean, I know what it is, but I'd like to hear you say it shit slime you do your youtube boy Oh, no, do you?
Starting point is 00:38:26 He's revving up like a lawnmower right now I always make fun of him He doesn't do it anymore I think Because I roasted him out of it But he'll be like So the other day I went over and I skydived Tommy in it shows up And it's like this fucking
Starting point is 00:38:37 This sheen This waxy sheen You're like a mannequin What the fuck What the heck Come on you like Muggle Mail man Muggle Mail is great. You tone it down.
Starting point is 00:38:47 I think it's like high energy in your face. Like, today we are going to try out five of the hottest chicken wings on earth. That sounds like you're imitating Mr. Beast right there. I think he bit it from someone. Because I think Mr. Beast was an absolute sponge until he hit success and just absorbed what other people were doing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't get to build a Franco.
Starting point is 00:39:09 I think about it a little. It was a lot of the Internet. I still feel like I fall into it a little bit. It's very hard. That's really out of it. It was before that, dude. It was it was like ancient YouTube times. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:39:20 For some reason, it was like I think everyone was just awkward in front of the camera and was like like I need to put on a YouTube persona I need to be what people want me to be to me it's like making excitement out of things that are more mundane like you haven't got anything exciting yet but you don't want the first 10 seconds
Starting point is 00:39:36 to feel unexciting so you're like injecting that excitement like nothing's happened yet but I'm pumped and you're pumped and we're pumped together I think it needed to be inserted into that era because it was before a lot of people had really figured out what they were doing. So many people were just like, I'm going to be a vlogger, and I'm just going to showcase my life.
Starting point is 00:39:57 So everything needs to be exciting all the time. So I need to talk like this is exciting all the time. It's like, today, we're going to the fucking grocery store. And it's a nonstop pace. What yeah what's up gamers welcome back to high rise that sounds like a radio voice a little bit yeah i look back at a lot of my old videos where i'm supposed to be off the cuff and even then i it was kind of like i had a gun to my head i was like uh hey so this is this thing it was like big facial expressions and big like yeah it felt like i needed to like talk with my body.
Starting point is 00:40:26 I didn't know what to do with myself almost. Yeah, and do you know how to pull shit up and play it? I think there's a thumbs up. Yeah, we got a thumbs up. Okay, I'm going to send you some stuff. I have a random question while you're pulling that up. Very extremely random. Were you at YouTube Live in 2007?
Starting point is 00:40:43 Yeah, I met Bo Burnham there what was that like I remember watching YouTube live and I was oh I'm like fucking a kid I'm so young I can't remember I'm like 11 or something and I remember just being like this is everything this is the coolest thing ever but I didn't go I just watched it online and I was just like everyone I like is here
Starting point is 00:40:59 this is crazy it was very cool but also strange because it was the first time that I saw mainstream media meshing with YouTube. Like they had Katy Perry as the headliner. They had Freddie Wong doing Guitar Hero in like a weird little cubby. Dax Flame was there. Dax Flame was there. Is he fucking a character?
Starting point is 00:41:19 Yeah. It was wild because it was the first time that I was treated like I myself was Mainstream a mainstream celebrity Wow. Yeah, you're the guy there. You're like you're you're right That's exactly who I was trying to remember I've sat in my own brain for the past 20 seconds trying to think of who that guy was I Was thinking about what the buck cuz I was like he's the dude who was at all those events for so long. But every time I looked at his channel, he had nobody watching him.
Starting point is 00:41:53 I didn't understand it because he was always at the forefront of YouTube live. We had the same conversation on his podcast. Really? About what the buck. He had what the buck just right there ready to say the words. When did yours come out? Think about it.
Starting point is 00:42:05 About two weeks. Yes. When is yours come out about it about two weeks What is this coming out Thursday? You fucker so why don't you just talk about everything you? We get into some deep shit parents what Said you have live parents They do live content no What are we the only ones that have parents parents that are like mom dead dad dead both parents I win Your face does that mean that you have processed it or that you have not processed it means one of the two great question
Starting point is 00:42:45 You know what? Kinda. Wait, which one? Well, I don't know. He is not. He is not. Can we process it now? Yeah, yeah. Let's process your trauma. You need some ketamine,
Starting point is 00:42:53 you just fucking fall to a table. I'm just crying. Do you love your parents? Where are you from, also? I'm from Northern California, and yes, I love my parents. Oh, that's great. Wait, why do you want to know
Starting point is 00:43:02 if I love my parents? Do you want to know if you should talk shit about them in front of me? No, no, no, no, no. Actually not. I think I asked that question to a lot of people because I think it helps me kind of like craft a lot about them. Right.
Starting point is 00:43:12 Because like like sometimes you say, yeah, I love my parents, but it comes with like a great pain to say it. Right. It's like, yeah. Or obligation. It's got a few asterisks. Or it's like, yeah, I fucking do. And it's like, OK, that's hype. So this means this person was like essentially supported in a lot of ways.
Starting point is 00:43:26 Right. Well, my parents broke up when I was two. So I got to know them each individually. I have very few memories of them together. Two Christmases. I had two Christmases. It took two years of you? And they were like, two years. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:39 And I was like, it's because of me, isn't it? They're like, yep. No, but yeah, I didn't get to know them together as a couple. I got to know them individually and they became friends with my dad and my mom has agoraphobia. So I kind of, you know, I felt like I had to nurture her while she nurtured me in a weird way. So that developed a lot of shit that I'm unpacking and trauma now. But I recently really reconnected with my parents and I feel like I can be completely honest and vulnerable with them in a way that I hadn't before. And actually my grandma, my dad's mom just passed and we went to the funeral and it was
Starting point is 00:44:13 open casket. It was the first time that I saw my dad just like break down into tears. And it was like, yeah, it was like and he was like, I know I've never cried in front of you. I was like, Dad, like, which is just so weird say to like comfort him cuz I'd never been the one to comfort him but he was I was like the strongest thing you can do is to be vulnerable yeah I think that dad school doesn't teach that part if I ever have a kid I will never cry based on the 45 minutes you've spent with us who do you think is the most damaged
Starting point is 00:44:58 second point I have two points the other is that you reach an age where you become friends with your parents. Yeah, you realize that they are just like. You're an adult now and so are they. I feel like you either become friends or peers. Sure. When you become an adult. I guess you have the opportunity to become friends with your parents.
Starting point is 00:45:16 They no longer have to like take your poop out of your butt, right? It takes the first 25 years. And they would do it, they'd be like, take it out, take it out of my butt. No! Take it! You're just pulling it out like a sausage.
Starting point is 00:45:31 I can't wait to get off my fucking insurance. I'm like, hang your shit. When you're at the days you're an 18, you're out of here. I'm only doing this
Starting point is 00:45:40 for 18 years. Oh, on the subject of crack, because, that's not the subject it is the subject but i didn't explain now i know why this podcast just goes everywhere we got your mom in the room my mom uh she she's free based cocaine sometimes right and she was she was great almost the same thing you don't go anywhere that's. Yeah, my mom likes country music. Our friend Kalen from Australia came and he stayed with me for a couple days. And we have this competition with each other where it's like we really wanted to smoke crack, ironically.
Starting point is 00:46:16 I've been sober for eight years. So it's like I'm not like a drug guy anymore or anything like that. But we were like, it was this game of chicken. But sober, not from crack, just sober in general. I'm not going to keep doing it. But we it was this game of chicken not from crack just sober in general doing it right it was like this game of chicken what i mean is you said i've been sober for eight years as if you were doing crack before yeah that's what i got and now you're like about to relapse and you're confessing that like what do they call crackheads i assume that you were one of no no no no it was pills but okay here's the here's the thing uh so we were like, basically, I made this tweet that was like, I would smoke crack in front of my friends for the meme. And then he was like,
Starting point is 00:46:50 and he's like, I'm the same. We're the same. I would do that too. And I was like, I bet you wouldn't. He's like, oh, I fucking would. And so they came a chicken. He's like, next time I come to see you, we're going to smoke crack. I'm like, okay. I don't know how to get crack We didn't have a plug
Starting point is 00:47:07 So if you know anyone Who can sell us Minecraft in a video game But we landed on this idea Instead of doing it We would instead get cocaine And then cook it And we'd like wear chef's hat and stuff That's a meme
Starting point is 00:47:22 And if we wanted to smoke it we would smoke it This week was just me like trying to harness this Australian guy who is just he's the kind of guy he was like Hey, you wanna he was trying to convince Nick to squirt a lemon in his eye It's gonna be calls it my house the doctor's medicine. Oh, yeah For the meme as well, or is that just for the health benefits? Australians, I think, chop up everything they do to the meme even though I think a lot of them have rampant drug issues. But it's like, yeah, it's even kept for the meme.
Starting point is 00:47:53 It doesn't count. If you put two American cavemen in a cave with no windows, they just make government. But Australian cavemen, they figure out how to play rock soccer. And that's the core difference. I feel like all these things just come from the Australian intuition to create game out of no competition mostly competition that like harms you so he'd be like like so we getting some
Starting point is 00:48:18 limes and I'm like yeah sure so we get some lines from liquor store and then we start playing melee Super Smash Bros melee and every loot every time you Lose you have to get squirt in the eye Yeah, smash I have yeah, I was super into I got brawl on the on opening night So I'm so sorry GameStop why you didn't like brawl no no one liked considered the like that was bad one For competitive no, I would ever play who do I play? Uh, let's see the first smash. I was Luigi main Who the fuck did I play in pit Dude, I can't even remember who I played in. He looks like he looks like pit. I look like pit I look like a pit you're tall. You got like a big poofy. You were the Mario or Luigi of Smosh. Oh
Starting point is 00:49:00 like a big poofy hair. Do you think that you were the Mario or Luigi of Smosh? Oh, damn. Because this is a double question because you're also assigning something to Ian. I have my answer. That's kind of messed up. It is. No, you chose Luigi at one point in your life.
Starting point is 00:49:17 Some people like Luigi. I really like Luigi. I self-describe myself as Luigi. Yeah? It's the dumbest shit you've ever said. Dumbest shit you've ever said in your life was, oh, I want to do crack as a meme. Yeah, don't you ever said don't you ever said in your life was oh I want to do crack as a mean so I don't feel bad More dumb I always felt like a Mario
Starting point is 00:49:39 In thinks he's Mario, uh, yeah, and I think that at one point, there was a little unspoken, I don't know, something unspoken energy where we both felt like the Mario. And I think that any duo, I think any duo will deal with that at some point. But luckily, lately, we've been kind of unpacking that. So I don't think there's any issue with that. That's great.
Starting point is 00:50:03 I'm sure you get this question a lot, but what is the relationship between you guys now and how was it't think there's any issue with that. That's great. I'm sure you get this question a lot but like what is the relationship between you guys now and how was it? Because it's just someone who doesn't really know. Right right yeah well let's see so now we are super friendly and we're really reconnecting and just like the other night we were hanging
Starting point is 00:50:18 out and he was like remember that one time when both of our girlfriends absolutely hated each other and then we didn't talk about it for five years I was like yeah we should probably talk about it for five years. I was like, yeah, we should probably talk about that. Let's unpack that. Let's get into that, which is really nice to be able to reconnect like that, because when we
Starting point is 00:50:31 were growing up, we were so, so, so tight, like to the point where everything we would we would just talk like it was nothing and there was no issue. But I feel like doing Smosh, you know, running a business together for 12 years.
Starting point is 00:50:45 It was 12 years before I left. It's just like there was this unspoken kind of I think because we became friends like really tight, at least in high school, we kind of kept the same kind of relationship that two high school friends would have where you don't talk about your shit. You hold that in. You just want to have fun. You just want to make means you You just want to make means. You just want to make each other laugh. So I feel like we just didn't grow together because we never hashed out anything. Even though they're really,
Starting point is 00:51:14 there weren't really big issues between us. There was just a lot of passiveness. Yeah. And you're probably, and you're probably making judgment calls based on passive feelings. Like, I feel this way. I felt this way towards you for a few years.
Starting point is 00:51:25 So I'm going to do this thing exactly. And then the person feels a certain way about it, but also doesn't handle it. Exactly. And I think that we both did that. And we both, you know, I feel comfortable talking about this because we both said, yeah, wow, we were so passive aggressive. Let's never do that again. Let's talk. Let's talk through this stuff out. And it's just, you know, we were doing this business thing for 12 years.
Starting point is 00:51:43 And I think that both of us didn't want to jeopardize that not realizing that in the end actually not talking about your feelings and yeah like interpersonal stuff would actually be one of the things that could be detrimental to running a business together when i left smosh it wasn't because of that it was because of a million other things with the company that bought us five years prior. But that was definitely one element that really sat with me. And I think that's one of the biggest things in my life that I really, really want is to reconnect. And we've already started reconnecting in that way, but to reconnect to a point where it feels like when we used to hang out as kids, because I, I, whenever he and I hang out, we still have that, but there's just still, I mean, there's like so many years
Starting point is 00:52:26 of things that just weren't talked about that I'm just super excited for us to like actually just hash it all out yeah it's good to have excitement for that kind of stuff yeah I think a lot of people would be like let's just leave behind us let's just never talk about it what's new chapter but it's like you kind of have to I feel like unspoken things emotions that aren't
Starting point is 00:52:42 expressed are net like never go to go away for some people some people they develop they do they develop new systems there are small issues that I have with some of these guys in this room with us who are So that those things can't happen anymore. Yeah, you just develop the system and then the problem goes away. Talk with me, Elon. There are small issues that I have with some of these guys in this room with us who are listening. Anthony? Oh yeah, me? Talking about me?
Starting point is 00:53:12 I think he's fine. And then I am someone who gets over things very quickly. Yeah. But I don't like when they happen again. And there's usually things that I can at first do to just like stop it from happening again. Like, like, like say it out loud. Say I love you. No, just say it out loud.
Starting point is 00:53:29 Just like the thing. What kind of one way to stop it from happening twice. I can't even think of an example. Just like making like a system. What are you talking about? The system. Basically, Ludwig has this thing which we discovered accidentally where he will get upset. And then instead of expressing that he's upset or talking
Starting point is 00:53:45 about the issue which he's actually gotten better at which i'm really proud of him uh but he he used to just say that i'll just make sure it doesn't happen again like silently and it's like i'd rather know what happened i'm gonna make a fake example yeah so ludwig buys cheerios every week at the grocery store and i eat them without asking him right so instead of coming to me and saying hey can you stop eating my Cheerios or hey, do you want me to buy you some or something like that?
Starting point is 00:54:08 He'll put them in a cage with a lock so that I can't eat them anymore. But now he knows I can't do it anymore. And so I'm like, wait, why are these cages? But it's kind of a message to you.
Starting point is 00:54:18 And he's just like, trying to open the cage. Yeah. And I'm like, oh, okay. Maybe he doesn't want me to do this anymore. And then all he's asking me
Starting point is 00:54:23 is like, yeah, I've actually hated every time you've ever done it. And I'm like why don't you tell me? I would stop yeah, yeah, sometimes. They don't stop Parking job last night you two really good me I'm as far to the right as possible. There's no way You should go middle so I parked a little bit too far to the right I didn't realize that when I did it and then when he came home
Starting point is 00:54:48 He was like parking level hard mode, and I'm like do you want me to move my car? He said no, but I hate you I have to solve it You're solving it Your own photo where I clearly am fully behind your car. You have to go middle there. You have to go middle. You should be going middle.
Starting point is 00:55:09 I can't believe you didn't figure that one out. No, because I'm going to get boxed in because he doesn't park properly. That's so selfish of you. You have to get boxed in. You're saying that he has to get boxed in. You are literally saying that I am the one who deserves to get boxed in and you don't deserve to be boxed in, which I think you both believe genuinely. I only don't do that if I have to leave in the morning.
Starting point is 00:55:26 Which, if I don't, I've been parking in the front and middle space like every day. I handcrafted, no, not me. Handcrafted a solution to this, by the way. Handcrafted a self-solution. How do you handcraft some hoes in your life? Until you moved his scooter.
Starting point is 00:55:41 I have a car that I'm trying to sell right now that sits at the front of the driveway. I started parking behind my own car so that I never nobody's ever inconvenienced by me and I'm never inconvenienced by somebody else. Amen. I started parking in a space that I could always leave.
Starting point is 00:55:57 And then you moved your scooter into the spot where I park my car so that doesn't work. So my scooter can't sit there anymore. Do you want me to be the mediator here? Because I feel like we need to hash this out. I don't think you need to mediate. I think you need to make a baseless and quick accusation of who is right now. Show him the picture, please.
Starting point is 00:56:12 Show him the picture. Let's see it. Who is right between... On the left is Nick. He parked first. On the right is Aiden. I am driving, trying to park. Cannot squeeze in the middle.
Starting point is 00:56:27 Also, hold on. One more piece of information. One more piece of information. I'm the black car on the right. Okay. I arrived before the silver car on the left. Oh. Was there a car in front of the silver car there?
Starting point is 00:56:37 Yes. I already said I parked back. I already admitted that. Would there have been room before the silver car was there? I just don't like being thrown in this when I think about where I park every single time. If the silver car parked more to the left there would have been a room in the middle or the silver car could have gone in the middle and then i would have gone to the left why does it look like the silver car is at fault uh because it might be that that's the case
Starting point is 00:56:55 and personally i would love to move on here Here's my question, Nick. When you parked, did you know that it would fuck me? Or did you think, oh, I'll squeeze in there? No, I didn't. I already said this. I thought I didn't know. I thought I had enough. I thought I gave everyone enough room. I even thought about it.
Starting point is 00:57:13 You thought about it? Yes, because I've been pulling out of that space every day. Because I park in the front middle every day. And it's really tight. But every morning, I make it out. He thought about it and gave that person. So that's good. He just fucked up.
Starting point is 00:57:22 And he's not good at it. And then I said I would fix it. He said, no, I hate you. You have no greatness. He already parked and got out of the car. No, it would be great. You say, bird, so that's good. He just fucked up and he's not good at it. And then I said I would fix it, and he said, no, I hate you. You have no greatness. He already parked and got out of the car. It'll never be great. You say, oh, it's over. I'm done.
Starting point is 00:57:31 I'm done. Also, just leave his keys on the hook. Also, just leave his keys on the hook. No, hold on. This is my trauma. My trauma is that he just left his keys on the hook. We have to stop. I might get my last word.
Starting point is 00:57:43 I have had my spare on the thing for months. the spirit work and I just learned cuz I never use it It's my spare key that the spare doesn't work cuz loving tried it didn't work So I didn't know that so I thought my keys were on the thing the entire time It's just so embarrassing. This is a great example of what happens when you try to hold that shit in It just comes out of explode It just comes out It did kind of explode You know what I think is You know what I do think is funny
Starting point is 00:58:07 Is I think we're Like collectively Pretty good At talking about like Serious problems Among each other Like emotional things For instance
Starting point is 00:58:14 I think on the whole We're very good at like Talking and like Hashing those things out Pretty quickly And giving each other Like the time and the space To do that
Starting point is 00:58:22 But when it comes to stuff Like parking cars It's like wolves. Or breakfast cereal. I've become truly petty at small things. And that's one of our biggest fights was dishes. About dishes. I almost swung.
Starting point is 00:58:35 When it comes to real shit, we're actually really effective communicators. When it's like, who left their shoes in this place? I don't like them doing it. It's like, I want to kill you in irrationalness. You mean amongst the 500 shoes that are downstairs isn't it a lot there's a bit there's a bit there and so when people break in like you said they think there's an army yeah yeah I'm like we should get out of here are there thousands of people partying here
Starting point is 00:59:00 somewhere that's like a SWAT team comes in they they're like, back up, we need back up. It looks like my family get-togethers when there are literally 50 people there. Yeah, Ludwig lives a life of truly disgusting excess. It's grotesque in a way. It's not from, I think, excess spending, though. No, it is because you buy the things. I don't. I really don't.
Starting point is 00:59:21 A lot of it's sent to him. I think about this a lot. He has become unbelievably successful, and his dream car is something that cost a collective $7,000. Including the import. What's his car? Can you pull it up, Yen? It's a Subaru Sambar.
Starting point is 00:59:39 It's from 1997. It's a minicab. They were only really made in Japan for small businesses. And it's like a truck, but a lot smaller. And're only really made in Japan like small businesses, and it's just like it It's like a truck, but a lot smaller, and it's very very cute. Did you post a picture with you? Yes behind? Yeah, these are some pictures of it. It's actually the six picture. It's literally the six pictures. I bought that one online So that's the one I have I mean that's kind of dope though It feels like it's in cruising world or something
Starting point is 01:00:02 We were using around the other day and I was like, this is fun. It drives on the right side of it. And it's a manual car. Jesus. I'm sorry. I didn't know she... Damn. What are you doing over there?
Starting point is 01:00:13 What the fuck? You guys having some private time? She's great. I want to go back a little bit. That is my dream car. I had a question I wanted to ask. Yeah. Which was...
Starting point is 01:00:23 I forgot. Give me a sec. I have a question I wanted to ask. Yeah. Which was, I forgot. Give me a sec. I have a question. I would love to ask. Unless you remember this. I remembered it. And Nick also bought me 10 shoes for Christmas,
Starting point is 01:00:32 which is part of why I have so many shoes. Hold on. Okay, you're making it like a bad thing. I bought him every color of Crocs. I like the Crocs. I'm more so saying
Starting point is 01:00:39 he's a piece of shit. All of those are upstairs. You only saw the downstairs. Your garage is a goddamned war zone. The garage is a lot of communal things. No, it's not. You think it's all my stuff? A lot of it.
Starting point is 01:00:54 It's like 80% of your stuff, which isn't the point. That's it. What was your question? Let's move on. Hi, my name's Nick. Nice to meet you, Smosh. Hello. That's me, Smosh.
Starting point is 01:01:02 John Smosh. A lot of these damn YouTubers done felled off. Like all the, all the classic ones. I feel like, you know, the Shea Carls of the world. Carl's trippies of the world. What the buck? What the buck? Is that a reference?
Starting point is 01:01:19 That was just a jab. Is that a reference? How dare you say what the buck felled off? I literally had a similar conversation, Anthony, on his podcast, and I brought up what the buck for that reason. You ruined the conversation. You made it a verb, though. You said what the bucking it. Why do you think that is toxic?
Starting point is 01:01:33 That's funny. Do you know who I want to be like one day? Who's that? Ryan Reynolds. Oh, you want hair one day? Boom. Oh, hey, hey. You want to be like Van Wilder?
Starting point is 01:01:44 You want to be like Deadpool? You? You want to be like Deadpool? You want to pull Hugh Jackman out of retirement? This is where slime will say his next bit. My Deadpool. Mint Mobile offers premium wireless starting at just $15 a month. What's the catch? Oh, the catch? You want to know the catch?
Starting point is 01:01:59 $15 is too little. Call me Ryan Reynolds and I'll tell you the catch. What does this have to do with Ryan? Because Ryan Reynolds is a spokesperson for Mint. He owns Mint, dude. Don't you know anything about Mint? You haven't seen the fucking commercials, bro. What's the matter with that?
Starting point is 01:02:13 Ryan owns it. Yeah, you didn't. Did you? He owns Mint? Jesus. The secret sauce is that Ryan owns Mint. And the reason that it's able to be $15 a month only is because they're all online. So they have no retail stores.
Starting point is 01:02:24 So they save that money and they give that savings to you. All plans come with unlimited talk text. All that stuff. 5G. Come on the pod Ryan Reynolds. We need you. You get really good self-service. Ryan Reynolds come on the pod and you also get $15 Ryan Reynolds come on the pod and
Starting point is 01:02:39 if you want to go to slash the yard, what you'll get right now is you'll get, wait what? $15 a month is actually crazy. I think we should slash the yard, what you'll get right now is you'll get... Wait, what? $15 a month is actually crazy. I think we should get the yard against to really hone in and do this. Can you guys please go to forward slash Ryan Reynolds and get him to come on the pod? Go to forward slash VanCityReynolds, which is his thing.
Starting point is 01:02:57 And can you say, we all bought Mint because of the yard, and we love their podcast. Yeah, and if you come on,yan reynolds we will service you if you service all these good customers with wireless mint mobile we'll service you for 15 bucks a month you can turn me over ryan i'll die in your pool service until you come cut your cut your wireless bill to 15 a month at mint slash the yard mint slash the yard aiden's gonna think about your phone bill. You spend that money. You could be literally not spending that money. Ryan, if you come on the pod,
Starting point is 01:03:27 you can talk about Canada with this guy. Yeah. The service has to be shit. Talk about slash the yard and Canada. Yeah. I don't believe it. Well, believe this. Anthony Padilla will once again turn into a human man
Starting point is 01:03:40 after being a horse. slash the yard. Make your phone bill only $15 a month. This is me going to Ryan Reynolds. Let's bring Smosh back into the equation. Why do you think you have not felled off?
Starting point is 01:03:56 Why are you hot on the internet still as a man and a content maker? It depends if you compare me to... It depends what your comparison is. If you compare me to when I left where what your comparison is if you compare me to When I left Smosh that channel had like 22 million subscribers like it was mmm insane How how many views that channel was getting like a hundred million views a month or something? So then when I left it felt like I fell off it felt like I was irrelevant people definitely told me many of those things
Starting point is 01:04:23 I Don't know. I think I think for me relevant. People definitely told me many of those things. I don't know. I think I think for me it's you mean that I have to be relevant to get invited on this podcast. Yeah. Yeah. I just think it's cool that we didn't talk about this a lot. I think it's cool that like, you know, at one point you kind of revolutionized online content, I would say, was smart. Like a lot of you were making set the tone for a lot of creators.
Starting point is 01:04:44 I mean, it's dope that it inspired yeah the greatest current like I have a lot to show you now that I've yeah yeah I can learn from you but now but now it's like you're even doing things that I think have like been done before right like kind of interview format you're even doing that in a very new way in a very fresh way and the way that you add in your your set and your thumbnail yeah everything is still very new and fresh I think is that something that you've like thought a lot about or is this kind of more innate to you or it's I think it's my desire to constantly be challenged
Starting point is 01:05:12 and push myself outside of my comfort zone. Nice. And, you know, I take inspiration. Part of the the the charm of doing the show that I'm doing now, you know, I interview people that are all different types of identities, sexualities who deal with all different types of struggles and disabilities. And that really gives me a dream
Starting point is 01:05:32 and dream. All of those things wrapped up into one. And I feel like it constantly exposes me to new experiences and new people, which I think is really important. I think that's part of why I feel I just feel young, like I'm thirty really important. I think that's part of why I feel I
Starting point is 01:05:45 just feel young, like I'm thirty five fucking years old. You're young passing. I'm young passing Tommy in it. Nierde had a fucking conniption when he found out my name. You can realistically be his dad. I think I think you could not before
Starting point is 01:06:00 he was not true. Yeah. Absolutely. I don't need to get into doing that. I think you have a huge willingness to learn, which a lot of people don't.
Starting point is 01:06:13 And I always find inspiration. I love finding inspiration from people. So, you know, interviewing all the different various types of people that kind of teaches me about the humanity in the world. But then also when I interview creators like Mr. Ludd over here um part of the process is the research of getting to know them and their
Starting point is 01:06:30 content why their content's successful and then on the spot i'm learning what makes their mind tick what what keeps them feeling fresh and i'm i i love to absorb that i feel like i'm a sponge with that type of stuff so i was super inspired. I mean, first I went on and this is just recently like how I've been trying to challenge myself. I went on the Trash Taste podcast and when I was on there they were asking me questions about my format and the way that I conduct
Starting point is 01:06:56 my interviews and I told them all about how like I do all this research beforehand and I talk to the guests beforehand for like an hour and I get to know them and then I craft my questions and I take notes and I reverse engineer questions so that and then get to know them and then I go, oh, wow, I take notes and I reverse engineer questions so that and then I was like, what's your process? They're
Starting point is 01:07:09 like, you're looking at it. And I didn't know how that would play out. But the environment was so nice. It was like this one. I felt like it was really off the cuff. And then when I was watching the episode, I was like, holy shit,
Starting point is 01:07:21 it's really it's so obvious, but it's really nice to just have a format where you can just kind of sit and watch through a conversation being had in these these talking points that I would normally be like, OK, now I'm going to ask a question to get to that talking
Starting point is 01:07:34 point, just come up organically. And then I watched and I was like, oh, well, it's three guys and then me. So, of course, it's like I was coming up with excuses. I was like, it's a little bit harder for me doing a one on one than like three people who can always bounce off each other.
Starting point is 01:07:45 Like you guys, you have a question and you have a question. You hold on to your question and there's never any like weird gap. And I was nervous about that. But then I watched Ludwig interview Susan and I was I also interviewed Susan. It was remote years in person. So obviously, like immediately I had a better tone to it. But I was like, holy shit, this guy did what I'm doing ten times better than I did it. And this is my full time job.
Starting point is 01:08:08 So I'm always finding inspiration. And I'm like, you know, in the interview, aside from praising you nonstop and then making fun of your height in order just to make sure that we, you know, can level you out. Yes, sir. Even though you try to tell me you're the
Starting point is 01:08:22 same height as me, but then I stand up and somehow I'm an inch taller than you. Why is that? We're not going to get into that. We're not going to get into that. It actually did suck. He was like, I'm five 11. I'm a five 11. I'm five 11. I'm like, stop saying that. Just stop. You're taller than me. You can't say that. So today I went barefoot just so that we can stand next to each other and see once and for all. Oh all. I can't stand today. Oh, you're no standing. Yes.
Starting point is 01:08:48 We're going to measure the length from like your calf, your foot to your hip. Anyway, and, you know, I really wanted to break down how he got so fucking good at going off the cuff and interviewing.
Starting point is 01:09:02 Like, it didn't feel like you were looking at your note card, didn't feel like you were trying to find the question that you had preplanned or anything. And I find that I found that super inspiring. I was like, I want to do a little bit more of that journalism
Starting point is 01:09:16 degree. It's constantly, you know, I think that probably helps. But also live streaming is a constant. It's constant practice. He's you've integrated into your work practicing the ability to improvise and be confident
Starting point is 01:09:30 and speak to people and just speak off the cuff in a way that I've never done. I come from old YouTube where it was like I told you we did like 35 takes of like saying the word bitch and like whatever was the funniest way would make it in. And it was like everything was so perfect to the point where it was like it felt like it was really like loosen off the cuff.
Starting point is 01:09:48 But it was perfectly crafted to feel that way. Yeah. When I feel like, you know, like you were saying, you have an hour of content when you're live and it's an hour of content when you push it live. Me, when I'm doing my interviews, sometimes I'll spend two hours interviewing someone. I'll cut it down to like 25 minutes because I'm like wow just wasn't that good I didn't feel like it was you 100% I think yeah but I took a different approach after watching enough of your content I think that our interview is gonna be really interesting because I even had some people behind
Starting point is 01:10:21 the scenes tell me they're like 45 minutes in you had a 20 minute video already because I just went it was like I had all the questions I knew I wanted to talk about but I only referred to them like four times I just went through and We just naturally organically came up with like talked about all the things in a very natural way that I think will be a lot more He's just two guts, man. He's just two guts. Easy, baby. That's easy. The same height.
Starting point is 01:10:45 Listen, one goat. I tried to give a second. One goat. Half a goat. Bloodwig is, he is not naturally good at anything. What? Speak to that. What?
Starting point is 01:10:55 Are you not naturally good? That is the source of his power. What? Because all he does is grind and work hard, and I hate giving him that. What are you naturally good at? Don't give me that face. Hairline. Oh, shit. This is what he does. It's all he has. But it's true.
Starting point is 01:11:10 Yeah, but you're just naturally what? Hot? Okay, good job. You asked me. See, I'm right. Anyway. I do think that when I first met Slime, he was a huge pompous doucher about if I was funny enough and he would... Oh, yeah, that's what I was
Starting point is 01:11:26 going to say. You said live streaming. He was so not funny and then he started live streaming full time. He got way funnier. We already said this on the pod before, but I want you to have some context. We've been friends a very long time and way back when Slime used to have Ludwig's tweet notifications on. So whenever Ludwig made
Starting point is 01:11:42 a tweet, Slime's phone got a notification with the tweet and he would text him that it wasn't a funny tweet or if it was not asked for. Yeah. This was just something that he took under his
Starting point is 01:11:50 own volition to do is my value system. Also not appreciate it. I was going to say, did it make you better? It wasn't a nice thing to do. Fracture.
Starting point is 01:11:57 It wasn't a nice thing to do. I, my value system is so fucking lopsided that if something's funny, it's just like, ah,
Starting point is 01:12:03 and if it's not, I'm like, ah, and that's it. Yeah. Yeah. There's's no in between there's no nuance to funniness with you well no no there is it's just more like that if if something is bad at being funny i i have a hard time saying oh that's okay you know what i mean and if something is good at being funny he has a really easy time letting go of anything else so like putting a hole in the wall if it's funny enough it's like i don't care if it's for the meme. Yeah. Or we'll fix it, you know, or doing crack, but sorry, if doing crack is funny, it wasn't nice. And I've, and I've long been like, you know what, that wasn't right. But,
Starting point is 01:12:34 but yeah, a lot of it got funnier, but I did get a lot funnier from live streaming for sure. It's from the practice, right? Is it when you first started live streaming, were you having those thoughts in your head of like, Oh, I might say something that's not funny or something that makes me look stupid or something that like did any of those thoughts go through your head it was low enough stakes because you have five to ten viewers that i did like it's whatever like yeah the people i'm failing to entertain is like right my friend from college and that's that's okay yeah as opposed to like i had a thousand viewers and i was failing to entertain them right you would have the pressure to do exactly we're going live now exactly it's also like to me it's kind of like a similarity between like theater and film where it's like
Starting point is 01:13:12 you're like live editing yourself on a stage right it's like you don't have anything cutting or hiding or anything yeah so you have immediate feedback too true you know how you feel about anything you say so you kind of like over time build and especially for someone like him But I think is more performative in nature all the time Yeah Where it's like you say something and in chat kind of like just cringe or whatever and you're like, oh that doesn't work And you do another thing and they're like fucking pog and you're like, oh my god I'm right and you develop like what you think I'm a big quantity of people who watch you like immediately, right? I think with videos do you make on YouTube? It's like what like you release one every few weeks
Starting point is 01:13:44 Yeah, get feedback in such more and more sparse hits and also act also on the same content So you're really only defining like a bit about who you're playing in that moment for that show Yeah, and the show itself whereas like his new idea the new idea every stream He's getting yeah feedback in so many different ways so much Yeah I think also leads a lot of shamers that I've met down this weird path of like their dopamine receptors are fucked.
Starting point is 01:14:07 Streaming is an extremely addictive thing. That's why he loves it so much. Oh, sorry. He was on his phone. I do love streaming. I think streaming is a dopamine receptor. Sorry, he's getting some dopamine right now. TikTok was fire. He's funny me. I think that for
Starting point is 01:14:24 live streaming as a whole, I've been obsessed with the idea, and these guys funny me I think that for for live streaming as a whole I've been obsessed with the idea and these guys know of one take jaking yeah yeah which is the idea of never to say Tony amazing on your first try whether it's like a shot for like a sketch we're doing
Starting point is 01:14:39 or a video that I'm making or just like doing really well on a live stream like a like a show setting. Yeah. Which you have to do a one take, Jake. For sure. I love flexing that more than anything else. I think I flex that the most. And have you always been like that? Have you always wanted to be the one take, Jake? Yeah. Yeah. I. Do you know why? I think it's. Well, I think it connects really well with live stream because you have to one take, Jake. Yeah. And then I think it's like when we do it, we used to one take Jake and then I think it's like when we used to do a lot
Starting point is 01:15:06 of shoots a lot more with like Beyond the Summit and it would feel good if ever like productions around I'm like I'll one take it half jokingly but also like you know it's kind of sick it's super impressive we shot this commercial and I had this whole thing written out and it was like
Starting point is 01:15:22 I am the same way you describe when you're saying bitch like you know 35 times like i because you can search for that the perfect delivery like you can get there and get really granular yeah and we like there's a whole day like shooting and like doing all these cuts and and then he's just like let's just run it through once and it was the last one the last of the day because sun was going down and it was the one and i was so fucking mad but i was like you know what that's how it is sometimes I feel like sometimes getting like the take where it almost feels like there's the least stakes because you're like I'm just gonna get it like wait are you talking like final take of the of multiple yeah we just wait instead of like cutting it up into into different takes of the
Starting point is 01:15:57 entire bit he's just like let's just run the whole thing through and uh and it was just it was the one that there is kind of a magic to that because there's that that energy that's just flow throughout the whole scene yeah and i have learned to like nurture that for him where it's like okay how can i set him up to like one take something or or flex that muscle because he's good at it but also because like i can see the magic that comes from that right which is cool you know i think that there is um like some kind of energy of knowing that you're going to like this is it,
Starting point is 01:16:28 but you can give it your all. And there isn't like, oh, well, I did it a little bit less because I want to see if I could do it right. That was kind of just a test. And you're like going through multiple times.
Starting point is 01:16:36 I feel like knowing that you're only going to say it once kind of helps you just like perfectly hone in on. Do actually almost you ever shoot the same. We do like one, maybe like walk through. Yeah. Where it where it's like hey this is what we like kind of need to get done yeah let's go through a dialogue 20 speed just make sure we all know it then i'll do some
Starting point is 01:16:53 that are like i know none of this will make it in but i'm trying to make everybody in the room laugh and i'm gonna fuck it up horrendously yeah but i do i do think that it drastically increases the vibes. Vibes are good. Vibes go up and it's good when the vibes are up in a shoot because everyone's funnier and everyone's more comfortable. I'm a big vibes guy. The annoying part about it, specifically with Ludwig, where Ludwig's like, I gotta be out by two today. And I'm like, I'm just finding
Starting point is 01:17:18 the style crazy. That's not an example. I'm just finding out about this. That's crazy. That sucks. And then we get into the shoot and he's like, I'm like, all right, Ludwig, you have a serious line. It's this. And he goes like, I'm like, bro about this. That's crazy. That sucks and we get in the shoe and he's like I'm like, alright Ludwig You have a serious line. It's this and he goes like Just say like 10 takes in a row just trying to like make everyone laugh You want to leave Donnie from well thornberry After that I'll go for the real one. And then usually that's set it up enough.
Starting point is 01:17:46 And I will say like to his credit, a lot of, because we shoot, we do shoot a lot of like sort of scripted stuff. Uh, most of what goes in is not the stuff we planned for. Right. Most of the time.
Starting point is 01:17:56 Yeah. And I've had to learn that too, because I'm a writer, right? Like that's like, I want to write things and I want them to be depicted as they are written. Yeah. And like me having to understand that for one, that's not always going to happen.
Starting point is 01:18:06 It'll come out better if it doesn't happen with this particular squad and be okay with all that. That's been like been my thing for two years. One thing that I was realizing with my interviews is that the stuff that I liked most, the stuff that would make it in the stuff that would be like a long take that we would just let go were the things that we weren't planning? You know, so seeing the way that you are on your I mean, like how much content do you really I
Starting point is 01:18:30 feel like there is more content that you release than I am humanly capable of consuming. You have this podcast, you have your life, you have a company with 15 people. Yeah, that's it. I mean, I have a company with ten.
Starting point is 01:18:42 So maybe I could get there. You need to crack the whip is what you need. It's about like, I drop about a video a day across both channels. Yes. And then wait, it's like one a day to a day or one a day. No one a day.
Starting point is 01:18:58 It's like about 30 videos a month. Okay. Across mogul male on the main channel. And then everything that I do is usually repackaged into other channels yeah so like yeah tiktok guy clip guy uh vod guy and then and then it's the yard but in terms of unique content 30 pieces of unique videos yeah it's like 30 to 35 with this i think it's just like ludwig is good at having ideas and he has a good he likes working.
Starting point is 01:19:28 He'll take time out of his day to do something that he wants to do. He's also surrounded by people who also really like working. If he comes to us and he's like, I have this good idea, it's this. Now figure it out. Here's the date I want to do it. We'll all just figure it out if we like it.
Starting point is 01:19:43 I just do that shit. Do you guys working no what the hell do I stand you don't love working I love working I yeah what up dude you want to come up there should be a pin on a sticky note in there if you don't see it come back. Sorry, that's that's our that's our Voice coming out of the fire pit Excuse he had come up here and seen his shadow Once again, I'm gonna make sure that he has that Yes, there's a pin to the computer that Josh man had and is on a sticky note, but I hate it Okay, as a fun little quest.
Starting point is 01:20:25 No, I hid it because I was showing the whole room and I didn't want to leak it because I had passwords too. So I'm just going to message Josh Mann if he's up. Do you have, do you have like, I don't want to say like long-term because you're old as hell, but. Wow. Damn.
Starting point is 01:20:41 One hour together. I guess we're besties now, We're going to roast each other. Love your work. Do you have something that you're always gearing towards making or are you kind of making it now? In terms of long-term goals? Yeah, for me, I want to work on a feature-length film. Eventually, that's what I'd like to be doing.
Starting point is 01:20:57 Maybe that'll change or maybe I'll do that and I'll get bored of it. But for now, that's what I'm kind of working towards. Do you have something like that or are you kind of just doing it? I feel like I'm kind of winging it because I feel like you have to in order to allow yourself to pivot and shift around, especially for online content. Yeah. I mean, I think it's really great to have long term goals because then you can kind of envision that being your life and then you make decisions that align with
Starting point is 01:21:20 that. You know, I think that's important to have a long term goal in that way. But with the Internet, it's extremely important to be malleable and i feel like that's kind of why i've been able to continue doing this for so long but you know i do have some long-term goals that i've set up um what's your dream what do you dream of i i have i have a few different dreams uh i would love to design clothing and to like release my own clothing, but I'm released, you know myself plug here I'm wearing one of the shirts from a new line that we're just gonna be releasing very very soon and I love like picking the fabrics and the way it's cut and I hand measured like all the things in the way that the
Starting point is 01:21:59 Distressing would be put into the fabric and the you know, every single detail I picked and I love it so much. I would love to have like an office where like I'm picking out all the swatches for the different types of clothing and I'm trying on the different things and putting together like inspiration boards and stuff. So that's just one thing. But for my my main show, I kind of want to just see how much I can evolve the show, because if you look back at the the way that I spent a day with
Starting point is 01:22:27 Which is the name of the interview series was it's entirely different like it started where I was interviewing Flat-earthers, and I was like look how fucking weird these people are yeah, and it was kind of like let's let's kind of Don't and now and now we're on to you know modern flat-earthers bisexuals Yeah, you guys you guys really believe anything. Yeah, yeah. I'm like, just wait until you go into space and you look back and you see that bisexuals are, in fact, not real. No.
Starting point is 01:22:56 But I think it's like, it's kind of, it's like a similar concept. I don't know if you ever watched Loft. Oh, yeah, yeah. This is exactly it. I thought of Loft. He had that show where he kind of like of like you know take like certain kind of perspective and interview that person I think him he's more of like an awkward character in his universe where he's like he's kind of just weird and that kind of makes things awkward and that's the kind of
Starting point is 01:23:15 we're watching for you I think you're like hype you're super personable but if you can like bring anyone to sort of a comfort zone with you and yeah and create this cool environment also like the the production value is like, wait, wait, wait. Thank you. I mean, my goal is to, you know, every time I go in one of these interviews, I want the audience to feel like they're a fly on the wall watching
Starting point is 01:23:32 two friends catch up. And I think that that environment is really welcoming and it allows people to feel comfortable speaking about things that they might not feel comfortable speaking about on their own platforms or, you know, if they're not a creator, just like. They might be nervous about speaking about on their own platforms or you know if they're not a creator just like they might be nervous about speaking about these things but then they're they can show this in this
Starting point is 01:23:50 comfortable environment to their friends and family and then you know I've had people tell me like I I can't wait to show this to my mom like I haven't been able to speak comfortably yeah about this kind of thing before and now that I have it on camera I kind of have this thing preserved or I can just show people who don't understand the way that I am or this thing that I do. So I kind of want to see how far I can take the show and how much I could push myself outside of my comfort zone. What's up, Lud? Yes, Ludwig.
Starting point is 01:24:16 I have an idea for you. Yeah. I spent a day with. Great. Love it. Next evolution. Yeah. I went on a date with.
Starting point is 01:24:23 I went on a date with. I went on a date with. Ooh. You know what? You go on like a date and it's like me and you. And it's like, today we're going rock climbing. And then you ask the questions while doing activities. And it's a physical icebreaker. And you get a little more in depth.
Starting point is 01:24:35 Damn. Do I have to split the royalties on that with you? No. Your better, better idea. Love it. Love it. You're doing great work. It's a better one.
Starting point is 01:24:41 So I went on a date with, and it's just me and we kiss and smooch. Wow. Better idea. Can I chime in? Sorry for a moment. Oh, what is episode two? Second base. It's second base.
Starting point is 01:24:54 Right. So we go one base further. Yeah. What's the sixth episode? We have a kid. Oh. And that just becomes the rehearsal.
Starting point is 01:25:03 It's the Nathan. Yeah. It's the Nathan Fielder we and we're we're getting towards the more rocky side of our relationship
Starting point is 01:25:10 his name's Adam his name's Adam he goes from 0 to 18 earlier you said the word cut and I wanted to ask you something did I? was I talking about penis
Starting point is 01:25:19 oh sorry no you were talking about oh that's a great addition yeah but hey while we're here, we asked this to all of our guests that we've ever had except Amaranth.
Starting point is 01:25:29 Oh, really? So do you... I fucked up really, too. Do you... Are you or are you not circumcised? I am not. And I've never... I don't think I've ever said it before.
Starting point is 01:25:37 Wow. I don't think I've ever said it on any platform before. We stay winning. Wait, why are you guys touching hands? We stay winning. They're both uncircumcised. Oh, shit. You're outnumbered. Because you have a weird fucking name. We stay why are you guys?
Starting point is 01:25:55 Board is fucked again. Yeah, we are losing hard. Yeah, mr. Beast didn't disclose but he'd be too He's cut well, we don't know They shoot it off with an air. Oh, that's the poll. Like they're throwing the baby. You got a real good marksman. I've got half. Yeah. So I feel like it is an honor to not be.
Starting point is 01:26:19 So yes, I honestly agree. You would say that there are so many puns that you guys are throwing in here. But you don't have to. I mean, like, it's I feel like one step of the process of anything going on with that area is skipped. You don't got to, you know, moisten it up. Yeah. You also don't got to wash it. Apparently you do wash it.
Starting point is 01:26:41 We wash it. We wash it. Because it gets weird. Yeah. And you can tie it up like a water balloon and inflate it and then fly up in the air Yeah, true. Okay. You guys are jealous You can't do that I'm just high off the tip and then you pee in it and then it looks like a water balloon
Starting point is 01:26:57 And then you poke a hole the side Do you guys do you think that I'm Acute Shut the fuck up Sometimes That's the worst question You've ever fucking asked Sometimes
Starting point is 01:27:10 I'll nod I'll nod I forgot what I was gonna do When you In a night of pivot When you Left Smosh to like I love how that segue
Starting point is 01:27:19 Is just Randomly In the middle of the episode Left Smosh Did you Did you consider Getting circumcised? Oh? I don't you know seen as mean as veggie berries as gentlemen Barry. I haven't personally seen visit
Starting point is 01:27:36 Well guys, I've heard it described. Wow you never seen his penis No, right ears, you know it's so funny cuz Ian was on another podcast And they asked him That same question Really Yeah Who's biting our shit Biting us Someone's biting your shit Biting our shit
Starting point is 01:27:49 Um Nah it goes It just never happened I think it's because We became friends In like 6th grade And became really close In high school
Starting point is 01:27:57 And it was like That would be weird I don't know I don't know I saw my friends Collex in high school Yeah I mean so did I
Starting point is 01:28:03 How close How close was the view how else are you gonna suck him keep that keep the distance to myself I saw everything interesting wow
Starting point is 01:28:14 what a what a what a wooly world Yoshi would say I was at Hassan's like a couple days ago it was like Hassan Carl Will
Starting point is 01:28:22 and uh and X after we did our podcast uh fear and a pod another podcast i do yeah yeah because he needs to do that one because we're starting the front yard it makes me so bad why am i a piece of shit go ahead no explain your story and and we started talking about same thing cut uncut and uh and because i was roasting a song because he's a worse wiki fee rating than me And then he sort of roasting me back about some shit
Starting point is 01:28:47 So I just started making fun of his penis relentlessly for like ten minutes. He got really hurt by the end of it I'll see you got your fucking gross cut ass dick. No Yeah, he's cut as hell. Whoa Gross is no sensitivity thing, but it's weird because I feel like in high school. I was Nervous about people finding out because I would overhear women or I guess they were girls then. It's weird to say. So they were like, oh, it'd be weird if it was uncut. That looks it looks like a pug or like it looks like a warrior or like some weird shit.
Starting point is 01:29:20 It looks like a genetically fucked dog. I had that one. Mine looks like an anteater. It's because all the sensitivity went to my head. I've never had a bad... I had a girl grab it and have a similar reaction of like... Yucky bears. Yucky bears. It's squishy. She said,
Starting point is 01:29:38 ew. Yeah, she's like, that's not what a cock's supposed to be. Have you personally had a bad experience? I've never had a bad experience. In fact, it's been girls saying that they like it more. Yeah. And I guess I'm like, I would go hard. I like to show up early all the time. I care too much. I like it more. I'll never go back.
Starting point is 01:29:58 I love that you never have to lube up. That's no, it's true. I used to see and like American Pie and shit like there would be all these jokes about like lubing it up. I was like, why are they doing this? Why are they doing that? I was like,
Starting point is 01:30:08 should I be doing this? I had the same experience growing up. Every pun that had to do with lotion, I never understood because I was like, why would you use lotion?
Starting point is 01:30:15 Did you use lotion then after that and then realize that it was worse and you're like, I don't understand it. I did try it. I did try it just to know.
Starting point is 01:30:22 I was like, am I missing out? What are they talking about? I was like, am I missing out? Yeah, are they talking about? Like am I missing out and it was not it was it was a worse experience. You are none Yeah, I was like making sounds and stuff. It was like not necessary messy So disconnected from like what lubricant was for. In high school, there was this thing called mock trial
Starting point is 01:30:50 or not mock trial. Cock trial. Teen court. Cock trial. Teen court, which was like this program in Washington where people like they would have teenagers on juries
Starting point is 01:31:03 for like juvenile offenders particularly of like drug offenses and a terrible idea that's such a bad idea no no this is hype let them govern themselves anyway anyway so it was a little lord of the flies for sure one dude was
Starting point is 01:31:19 the other thing besides drugs was shoplifting charges and one of the people that we were on the jury for was somebody who shoplifted loop in my head, because I didn't understand that lube was like commonly used for sex. I'm like, Oh, he stole it from like an auto parts store.
Starting point is 01:31:38 And I went through the whole trial and like deliberation in the jury room with the other like high school students with the guys that like yeah this guy just like really needed something for his car so it's like we gotta let him off light probably doesn't have a lot of money you know nothing really changes the scenario but i didn't realize until like five years later i like put the dots together and i was like oh it was because that's for sex that's why they looked at me weird the whole time i was like for when he's using it on his car. Yeah, but everybody else is a teenager in the room, right?
Starting point is 01:32:07 So they don't want to explain the potion of lubricant to you. Like, no, he's comfortable to do that. I want to end on one note. And this is something I want to talk about. Because I think we have to talk about it. Okay. Dweem. Alright.
Starting point is 01:32:20 Dweem. Dweem. We're old. You're fucking old. I'm fucking yeah, we're fucking boys right To be clear you are not the same. He's young passing and closest dream young passing is such a terrible thing to say Legitimate thing you're close with dream. I get ID'd everywhere. What yeah, I don't know if I'm tight But you know, you know text message every once in a while at the FaceTime yeah I did get a FaceTime that's great okay so I got a pre listen you you're closer to this whole idea that I sometimes don't watch content I'll watch like
Starting point is 01:32:53 history videos on YouTube I'm a weird little guy little critter guy and so I look at this thing this the Minecraft and I'm gonna be as careful as I can saying this hey what's up Minecraft community please don't my my parents are dead please don't send them this will be cut on like This the Minecraft and I'm going to be as careful as I can saying this. Hey, what's up? Minecraft community. Please don't. My parents are dead. Please don't send them. This will be cut on social security. Don't bring them back to kill them.
Starting point is 01:33:11 My parents are dead. You can't use their safety against me. So like dream revealing his face is like this giant event, like actually such a huge fucking thing. How many viewers was it? Like 1.3 million? 1.5 million live. I broke my record for the most viewers I've ever had in a YouTube live stream
Starting point is 01:33:29 watching it. And I did Mogul Money Live, which was a multi $100,000 project that took months to create. Yeah. And I got 160,000 people who were like, what's this? Or two RAM library computers all the kids are watching on that have 20 Chrome tabs with 80 streams.
Starting point is 01:33:46 I wonder how many live viewers he actually had when you add up all It was probably close to 2 mil and then the video I mean it's a mass like probably 10 mil in less than 24 hours Yeah, black people's weird. I had a dream last night. I just wow that was a not supposed to be a pun I'm so sorry. It's just a common. I thought I remember Thinking that I had 22 billion views when I woke up. Okay. Well, that would be crazy I couldn't help but think because it was such an enormous event like everybody's talking about it And this guy's at this guy has 1.1 million people waiting for this video to drop and I was like damn This is still a third of the a by boxing event sure which some people are goats, which is insane
Starting point is 01:34:30 Well, okay, Mike my question to the panel here. Is that like what is the seven and a half a piece? No way by the way Okay, not even close really no yours No, I was saying out of ten, not even close. Really? No, yours. No, I was saying out of 10, like his looks, not my penis size, my penis. I was like, why are you seeing that? I was like, why are you counting? I was like, weird to be so upset about seven and a half. Because you're lying.
Starting point is 01:34:57 Because you're lying. No, I was, because I was. Your dick is not that big. I know that. Do you understand that? I'm saying from the angle of me rating him as seven and a half. It was like a Rorschach test. This is right.
Starting point is 01:35:09 All right. So what is what? How does the Minecraft community or the dream community, the dream community, all of it? How does it have such an active, rabid fan base? What what happened along the way to have literally two million people
Starting point is 01:35:26 that's this have this much attention on it and to a low to a smaller extent which is not small at all like tommy in it right hill stream get 150k viewers yeah fucking schlatz got minecraft dna right like they'll get giant viewers where how did this all get so big does anyone know the answer good question i mean i think that it a lot of it was pandemic time quarantine. Like we got nothing to do. Let's build. Let's watch people build stuff. And I think that a big part of it was the lore that they built within the dream SMP.
Starting point is 01:35:58 And I don't know if you know anything about this, but it was like it was basically like it was slightly scripted content where they would improvise everything in between and they had their characters and it was like all these different streamers coming together and that each of them would have like one hundred thousand people watching and everyone that came in and would
Starting point is 01:36:18 tell their story from their perspective would also gain viewers because people are like, oh, I want to go watch and see what Quackity's perspective is for this. I want to go see what see what Quackity's perspective is for this. I want to go see what Tommy's perspective is. So it was just like this huge story with multiple characters and you could click on any of their streams and watch them happening from first person. I think that was it kind of built this huge lore.
Starting point is 01:36:37 Is it already big people just hanging out with the same amount of big people and creating this giant globe of like huge numbers each of them started to gain viewership before the pandemic but i think that and like before dream smp as well on other smps which do you even know what that yeah yeah okay that's not that much okay okay and um i think that it just was the perfect mesh of everything all in one place with the dream SMP and then they invited big bigger and bigger creators to join who are entertaining and all minecraft all all minecraft is not on the stream the screen this is not
Starting point is 01:37:15 no one cares right not as much for sure because this is in the middle of a minecraft resurgence as well this is one like captain sparkles dynamite song became trending again. Oh, yeah Just because everyone I think was like, oh my crafts around and still fun. It was like nostalgic It was nostalgic from from the previous eight to ten years ago when it was really bad and the younger generation Discovered it too. Yeah, and yeah, I what I have noticed on the internet Is that teenage girls are the ones who create and decide what the culture is? Yeah, they are the taste maker I think it's probably pre-internet. That's like like Beatles. That's Elvis. That's teenage girls are the ones who create and decide what the culture is. Yeah. They are the, they are the tastemakers. I actually think it's probably pre-internet.
Starting point is 01:37:47 That's like, like Beatles. That's Elvis. That's, and that's dream SMP. Now that's like black pink. It's like K-pop groups. Do you think that it's because guys are not as excited about things? Or do you think that it's because it's kind of shunned socially to be super
Starting point is 01:37:59 excited about something as a boy? It'd be gay to like, like too much or something. I think so in a way that maybe they be gay to like Dream SMP. Definitely the latter. Like too much or something. I think so. In a way that maybe they can enjoy it at a younger age. Like my personal trainer talked about how he is like a
Starting point is 01:38:12 like a 10 year old that he used to train. And the kid would talk about Dream SMP all the time. Yeah. And it's like there's like a like a youthfulness and a vulnerability that you can have at that age. Right.
Starting point is 01:38:22 But I think when you enter like maybe middle school. Yeah. Even if you still like it you're probably not as vocal about it and and i think teenage girls are are it's okay to be vocal about it and they love being vocal about it and now they have twitter to be vocal about it yeah which like i think is part of why dream's face reveal was so big because even though dream s&p has fallen off in a major way because COVID has kind of wrapped up for a lot of people in Minecraft has fallen off quite a bit.
Starting point is 01:38:50 They all were connected to it at some point. So like this face reveal, like brought everyone back. Sure. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. And I have seen the community thrive on Twitter of all places. Yes.
Starting point is 01:39:00 Free and teenagers have nothing but time. Yes. The new Facebook. I mean, it's free and teenagers have nothing but time yes it's the new facebook it's it's yeah also a way to grow your uh what you enjoy and i think there's like a weird pride that people who enjoy things have in growing the thing that they like and like make it number one trending oh let's make dreams video get 10 mil yeah and now like i feel like trending has also changed the past few years and how it works where it's like much more localized to the user And so it's like way easier to feel like you have a large in the algorithm now shows you Trending things based on right your who you follow every day. I love it is trending for me, right?
Starting point is 01:39:34 I know it's just like a friend of mine. Yeah, if you get if you mention like five times a day Just like she's trending the United States What he do back in the day was like trending like something big well used to be like world Well, I think it was worldwide at first trending and then it was USA trending and it was like localized clusters Yeah, attending and gaming trending and every day has on transfer me. Yeah. Yeah It's onto it. That's on to it. Yeah, so that's why okay, man I look I don't fuck it I'm I think I'm past the age where you're like
Starting point is 01:40:04 Fucking goddamn these kids like a guy with a face mask and now he's got a real face that's fucking lame like I'm past that but I still look at it as like I'm an alien enclosure and I'm like I think it's fascinating I think I think the scale that it got to in comparison to like all these kind of adjacent areas on YouTube and Twitch is is what blows me. But when you start to compare it to other things that are like more mainstream, but like functionally similar, like K-pop or like even something like the,
Starting point is 01:40:31 the vlog squad, like where you like watch like one character's videos and then you have all these recurring characters. So you like, Oh, well I kind of like that guy. I'm going to go like follow and watch his stuff. And then it spreads out from there.
Starting point is 01:40:43 When you have like a, a group of like content creators, they kind of like all build each other up over time and there's sort of that scripted lore of it to follow and like be involved in you can have your favorite like you can display your personality by like picking or like identifying with sections of the group that are available i mean as a kid i would watch things like the power rangers and i'd like have my favorite character have my favorite uh you mean why was it the why was it Jason and why was it? And Tommy I was like the cool guy for some reason Power Rangers this was like dream and Tommy in it before Dream SMP is Game of Thrones for teenagers, but yeah exactly so you have all these characters that intermedia He makes a lot of Game of Thrones for teenagers. But yeah, exactly. So you have all these different characters that intermingle.
Starting point is 01:41:26 He makes a lot of Game of Thrones references. This is a decent one. Let's just go to him. And it's Dark Souls too. It's also Dark Souls. It's also Dark Souls. It's like Dark Souls. It's Dark Souls 3 for gamers and gamers alike.
Starting point is 01:41:39 But as a kid, I would have loved to go see the personal point of view of my favorite characters and all these things Like if you really think about the things that you liked as a kid and if you had access to the type of content that That kids do these days. I think that we would all be part of that. Yes. Absolutely. I think about that a lot I'm like, I'm no better, you know, I just didn't have enough like there wasn't it wasn't enough content as a kid, you know Right you have now. Yeah, you just overdose on it i agree can i ask you one last question let's go because i think we're about at time uh when you came up on youtube it was like before i think before youtube could really be seen as a career and like now it's like when you kids are pulled now and being a youtuber or a streamer is like the number one thing that
Starting point is 01:42:21 kids say they want to be when you started what is like the tipping point that you were like, I don't like have to go to college or get a normal job anymore. Like this is going to be my life. Like at what point did you realize, like, I am a YouTuber now, right? Yeah. I mean, I started going to community college and we had already started making videos right out of high school. People think that we are still in high school, but we it was like I was still 17. We just graduated with summer in between high school and college, and I didn't know what I was doing.
Starting point is 01:42:49 And we just fucked around and made a video. And then it got popular a couple months later, like when we had just started community college and I was taking classes and in my classes, I wasn't paying any attention. I was like designing merch and coming up with game plans for how I could market this thing. Merch wasn't a thing on YouTube, like none of this was a thing. I was just into like emo and punk bands and they sold merch. I was like, that's
Starting point is 01:43:12 how we can make money. That's you couldn't make money on YouTube back then. Yeah. And then I kept going to community college for a few years, but I pulled back from a lot of the classes I was taking and I only took classes that were relevant, like screenwriting
Starting point is 01:43:24 and improv and things like that that I could directly use in my YouTube content. But it was the moment that YouTube said, hey, you're going to be one of the first 10 channels that ever monetize content. Oh, shit. We're going to put a little lower third ad here and we're going to give you a guarantee each month. I didn't know that's how it started actually yeah that's crazy it was like a year and a half into YouTube even being around and they were like
Starting point is 01:43:49 we're gonna start with a small cluster to see how this works and then that was the moment where I was like let's just pull out of college we can always go back to college we can't come back to this once in a lifetime thing yeah do you ever get a sick buyout offer from like a shit competitor oh yeah actually before youtube offered us uh the exclusive deal we well it wasn't even super exclusive it was weird it was like for two weeks we it was like we had to be there and we're like why would we put it anywhere else but uh we actually did make an exclusivity uh offer with another company where for two weeks we would upload there and then we'd upload to YouTube afterwards. It was basically like that.
Starting point is 01:44:26 And that company went out of business super quick. And we were able to pull out of that contract early, thankfully, because I did some shady ass shit. Wow. And also, uh, MySpace had come to us with an offer. Tom? Tom himself. I did meet Tom.
Starting point is 01:44:40 Really? Yeah. That's crazy. No, nice gentleman, but wearing a suit. I was highly disappointed he wasn't wearing his white t-shirt but and they were offering more money than YouTube
Starting point is 01:44:51 YouTube I was like this is where we post it's YouTube man we gotta go to YouTube it's the video I went on a date with Tom yeah that'll hit I went on a date with could be the next pivot. You know what?
Starting point is 01:45:08 You are so right. I've got the real last question. It's easy. Yeah. And I've been wanting this my entire life. I've been wanting this my entire life. What the fuck is the Smosh logo? You know, I actually just disclosed recently for whatever anniversary that was.
Starting point is 01:45:22 Like, so it was a 20-year anniversary of making the website because I'd made the website in 2002 and on your GeoCity shit Angelfire yes sir and yeah I was 14 at the time and I was just I was like who logos I don't know why I wanted to like have a logo for something that I was creating and it was a little fast forward icon, like two little arrows. And then it was an S for Smosh in this like really sick Link
Starting point is 01:45:51 and Park font. Yeah, very purely. Yeah, I do. Very much a 14 year old. Yeah, I was fast forward, though. It's like when people like like they use their initials, but they make it one letter. Yeah. What is this jumbled mess? But I did think I was fast forward though. It's like it's like when people like like they use their initials, but they make it one letter Yeah
Starting point is 01:46:05 It's jumbled mess, but I did think I was really progressive with that fast forward logo because I was like this is that's how you're gonna Time though, well, it's just the idea of like play stop. Yeah, we're video guys. Yeah Yeah, it was just I was just a forum for my group of high school friends. Yeah. Yeah, Well, it was before it was just, uh, it was just a forum for me and my group of high school friends. Damn. Yeah. My first website was, uh, that is the logo. Look that up. Yeah. Yeah. I was, I was an enemies boy wearing.
Starting point is 01:46:33 He stole the enemies logo. Did I? Let me take a look. Cause I think, I think the how cast a channel, our logo, your logo. Yeah. So I don't know about us stealing enemies, but I do know about how cast stealing our logo. It's kind of different. It don't know about us stealing Edney's, but I do know about how Cass is stealing our logo. It's kind of different. It's very different.
Starting point is 01:46:49 That's the one. Edney's had the coolest shirts, man. I was wrong. I was so into Edney's. My first website was... No, that was Enjoy. My first website I made when I was 10, and it was just a picture of me with boobs. Like before Photoshop? Or was that it was it wasn't
Starting point is 01:47:08 photoshop it was born it was a picture of me it was a picture of me in my school uniform and i had balloons under my shirt like i had breasts and i just made a website and it was just that picture why didn't you tell me that when we met uh i don't know i just remembered it and that was the first website i ever made and And then my parents found it. And I had to explain to them what I was doing on the internet. And I got so embarrassed. I just deleted that.
Starting point is 01:47:30 And then after all the videos I made, like copying you and copying other YouTube DIY, all the people at school started calling me gay slurs. And then I deleted my whole YouTube channel. That's my only, my one and only regret in my entire life is deleting my YouTube channel. You think if you would've kept it, you would've been...
Starting point is 01:47:46 Hundreds of projects. What about your parking job? How about my Lincoln parking job? Well, there you go, guys. Bullying does work, as we can see. It makes people shameful. It'll ruin their careers.
Starting point is 01:47:58 It'll make huge, huge mistakes in their life. And that's The Yard Podcast. That's right. Stay tuned for us. Just... Well, Anthony is gonna... Is gonna... Evaporate. He's gonna evaporate into the ether. mistakes in their life and that's the yard podcast that's right stay tuned for uh us just well anthony is gonna is gonna evaporate he's gonna evaporate into the ether we'll be back uh for
Starting point is 01:48:10 the bonus episode we'll ruthlessly bully one of us right but who will they said they're too embarrassed to let me see that portion yes well you already saw enough anything you would like to shout out anything you have coming up? Oh, clothing. Let's go. What is it? Where is it? Got some brand new things. Got three pieces there. When is this coming out? Thursday. Holy shit. This is going to be before
Starting point is 01:48:35 that's even a thing. So go there to sign up to be notified because it's going to sell out. Cool. Yeah. Awesome. If you're going to buy his merch instead of ours, which we're promoting in the beginning of this episode, fair fight. Understandable. We get it.
Starting point is 01:48:48 Both will probably sell out. So just, you know, you have to be sharp. Remember at the end of the day, we don't have real jobs. There's people that fly planes and we don't. So I could, you could do it. I could do it. You look like a guy that flies planes.
Starting point is 01:49:02 Not going to lie. You just got that look. I'll do it. We'll do this forever. See you guys later. See you in the Patreon. Goodbye now.

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