The Yard - Ep. 75 - He challenged Hasan to a fight. (ft. Mang0)

Episode Date: December 14, 2022

This week, we are joined by Mang0! The boys talk about the chessboxing event, Mang0 retiring and how Aiden has had enough of influencers....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Yeah, whatever, you're ready. Come on in. Get involved. You gotta one-check it. Oh shit. Oh! Oh!
Starting point is 00:00:24 That was graceful! Oh, that was impact. Oh shit. Oh That was graceful Oh shit, welcome to the yard 9.5 With an Estus in hand as well. I don't really know what episode we're in you're gonna make sure that mic is pointed towards your mouth here We should call that Estus because Joshman Yeah, can we start by saying how much we hate Joshman? Yes, sir. Okay You hate Joshman? Don't you? What has he done to you dude? He sent me a picture
Starting point is 00:00:48 of Pipsqueak. With a fade? Yeah. You know the picture? Yeah I know this one. Okay I have not seen this. Why did he send you that? Cause he asked me to play and I was like you gotta beat S-Fob if you wanna play me. Wow.
Starting point is 00:01:03 Dude that means Mew2King can't play either damn all for a meeting burn Two for one deal for mango. No he lost cuz like someone here you go. He gave him a headset that weekend Some some mics go straight up Some mics go straight out. And all of them are beautiful. Some of them curve a bit. You know what I'm saying? And that's okay.
Starting point is 00:01:31 Hey, welcome back to the art, everybody. It's episode 83. We're joined here by the GOAT. 84. The GOAT number. It's going to be in the 80s, finally. You know what I realized? If we're going by the rule that we set in the last Mango episode,
Starting point is 00:01:45 we not only have this episode, but we have two more episodes. We owe you a total of three, and we're doing one now. I'm not counting Low Trash City. Why? I'm not counting. They change your name too much. It pisses me off. Also, it was a Panda tournament.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Oh. That one goes away for that. So I'm in a weird spot with that. Panda? You're Team Panda? Well, I was Team Panda. That'd be funny. Oh, my God. So I'm in a weird spot with that. Panda? You're Team Panda? Well, I was Team Panda to be funny. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:02:07 So you. It's just way better to be rooting for the evil side. Yeah. The evil side's way funnier. It's easy. Team Nintendo though.
Starting point is 00:02:17 He was Team South back in the 1850s. With the Pandas because they keep emailing me because they need my bank account information so i can get paid for that tournament but i don't want to give them my bank info so i might just i don't know what to do wait wait wait wait why would you not want to give me because you don't trust them with your bank info i just i don't know you don't want the money they might also go under so you should
Starting point is 00:02:39 give them the info so you give them your info and then you give me the money i think that wouldn't work why that seems no because we have to pay taxes that's laundering it's only like 2k you can't pay the taxes for your boy well i think you have to pay the taxes anyway because then he pays you double jeopardy you have to pay tax no no we offload it we expense it and we we reduce the burden to mango that's actually this is fine it just, you don't want it to go straight to him, Mango, because this is bad for you. You're paying the taxes. No, it's the same. It's just an extra step. No, no, no. This is the
Starting point is 00:03:12 same thing that you do when you ask me or Aiden to buy you a Nintendo game so you don't have to pay Nintendo the money. Yeah. But it's the same thing. No, it's not. It is. How is it the same thing? Because he's paying Nintendo and you're paying him. Yeah, but he can do anything he wants with my money right but like but like you know he's doing it for you you're asking him to do it yeah but it's his money okay okay okay it's like it's like
Starting point is 00:03:36 it's like buying meth on the street but you're like having aiden do it and you're paying aiden yeah i guess actually no it's kind of smart yeah right it's like it's like having and buy the beer for you, but you're the one drinking it you're still getting the calories No, it's not it's not that you're still no No, he's the one who damage is being done to you I'm loading the ethical burden Yes As well as any sort of extra work that he would have to do by typing something when I was 18 in college We wanted to drink beer
Starting point is 00:04:03 So we went to a circle K down the street in Phoenix, Arizona. And it was me and my two buddies. And we had like 20 bucks, I think, between the three of us. Jesus Christ. We were broke. 20 between three boys? We're sitting across the Circle K at this bank. We're waiting for people to show up that we think look good.
Starting point is 00:04:23 And we find this dude who pulls up in a truck and we walk up to him and we're like, hey, can you get us some beer? And he looks at the three of us and he's like, what do you want? And we're like, whatever 20 gets us. And he's like, all right. And then we go back across the street to the bank and we sit there and we wait. He's in there for like 25 minutes. We're just waiting. We're like, did he escape?
Starting point is 00:04:44 And like, what is he going to do? Go to the bathroom? Eventually we see him get out. We start to walk over. He gets in his truck and he drives away. Wow. And we were fucking gutted. We were gutted.
Starting point is 00:04:54 That's the toll. We had no beer and no money. What did he look like? Was he the older guy, younger guy? He was like a stocky 45 year old construction looking worker guy. He scammed you. And he saved you from a lifetime of addiction. Think about that.
Starting point is 00:05:09 Wait, no. I still drink beer now. You know what I'm saying? No, I don't. You've never had a drop since. I have had a drop. And that's beautiful. He saved your life.
Starting point is 00:05:15 He made you. He made you. No, none of this is true. You fell off. You're drinking beer right now. You're drinking beer right now. Don't talk to the goat that way. It's because Mango's guy said yes and got him the beer.
Starting point is 00:05:23 He had to do time-wise and got him the beer. The two-time race. Okay, okay. You're a father. You're a father. If your kid says, Mango, can I drink a beer? At what age are you like, yes. Is it 21? Hard? No, 17. 17? In the mic. In the mic. 17. I think 17 is the best age
Starting point is 00:05:39 to drink. I'm not condoning. That is so much different. I'm not condoning. What about it? i'm not gonna let my kids out it because i think 17 because i didn't drink you know while we're you know we're on the podcast i got stories you know i was the kid who never wanted to drink and i told myself when i was like 15 because like i grew up in norwalk and everyone was fucking drinking at like 14 15 and i was like i just didn't want to do it because i thought you know i had morals i guess i don't know little kid mango if you ever met little kid mango you
Starting point is 00:06:08 would love him highly passionate he was the most like he lives inside me but he gets older mango just kind of bullies him dude there's this there's this old youtube to tell you obviously there's an old youtube account that i found that has all these super fucking old Melee videos. And there's one of you and you're getting your hair cut before a tournament and you're fucking a kid. You're like, I think you're 11 or 12 or something. You're really young. I was like, this is so precious.
Starting point is 00:06:35 I don't think people realize I've been playing Melee since I was 14. I just turned 31 two days ago. That's actually crazy. And then I fucking announced my retirement and everyone's like, no, I'm like, bro, you want me to play for 20 years? When it's all said and done,
Starting point is 00:06:50 I will drop a 20 burger in melee years. Yeah. Yeah, but how about like... Still got one up by Juan though, so... He can't one up me. How about he go win a tournament?
Starting point is 00:06:59 Then he can one up me. How about that? 2016 Juan's calling, all right? Come on. He was good back then. 2020, 2023 chess boxing. Hey, you have to pay me 50K.
Starting point is 00:07:11 What? That's it? No, don't say that's it. Oh, 50. We'll think about it. I know you're paying everyone else. Zipper cue poll to tweet. Look at Juan de Biedma's
Starting point is 00:07:23 So chess boxing event happened last night, of course. And there's a lot to talk about from that. But one of the interesting things is that I saw a tweet right after it ended from Hungrybox. Yeah, I thought it was funny you responded right after it ended. Yeah, right after it ended. That was the thing that got you to respond. Well, I'm on social media. I'm soaking it in.
Starting point is 00:07:40 I just had finished. Beautiful moment. Yeah, beautiful moment. I'm looking at all the praise. And then I saw this tweet, and it says, I just had finished. Beautiful moment. Yeah, beautiful moment. I'm looking at all the praise. And then I saw this tweet and it says, let the record show. It was supposed to be me and Mango, but he pussied out because
Starting point is 00:07:51 if he lost, he said he couldn't live with it. And then Ludwig instead wanted me to fight the 6'4 beast of a man that is Josh Man. Josh is not a beast. No beast of a man. 6'4 beast of a man? He's just tall. And then Josh broke his arm. Now we're here. Fuck. Click that tweet and then scroll down to my reply. So what actually happened?
Starting point is 00:08:11 Sorry, we have Ludwig blocked on Zipper's account. Okay. All right. Well, what actually happened? Where is it? Look, hey, Zipper's got me blocked. What actually happened is that Hungrybox was never supposed to fight Mango. He said, I want to fight Mango.
Starting point is 00:08:24 And then I said, Mango, do you want to fight Hungrybox? And he's like, no. And then I was like, all right, Mango doesn't want to do it. said i want to fight mango and then i said maybe you want to find your box he's like no and then i was like all right maybe i just want to do it do you want to fight josh man he waited six weeks kind of like saying yeah no yeah i'll do it but like can i get more money than other people yeah you know and then eventually on like the sixth and final week where i had to make a choice because the event was like literally six weeks away i was like what do you want to do he's like no I'm not gonna do it none of this is what your tweet said that's crazy that he painted it that way
Starting point is 00:08:51 that's just not what happened Hbox is a gaslighter it's also funny cause you Ludwig has the dick to go on Twitter cause he rarely does it he rarely like engage in like confrontational discourse that's why I was shocked to see it. Yeah, it was like,
Starting point is 00:09:06 damn, what was that? No, Juan, this isn't how it happened actually. Well, I added a nice thing at the end. It was a shit sandwich. Love your energy. Yeah, my last thing I said, I love your energy. What a nothing thing to say.
Starting point is 00:09:17 Yeah, love your energy. Honestly, like. Because, well, you said he was down a box. Sure. What if, I just felt like I gained nothing from fighting Juan. You don't.
Starting point is 00:09:24 I'm hard expected to win. And just the image. said he was down a box. Sure. What if I just felt like I gained nothing from fighting Juan? You don't. I'm hard expected to win. And just the image. I don't know if you are expected to win, by the way. Yeah. I think you're expected to lose. I feel like you gotta be in shape. You're talking about vibes.
Starting point is 00:09:35 Look, let me say this. I think that if it was wrestling, I hard expect you to fucking win. No, I destroy. Juan's not. I've seen Juan throw a football, and I've seen him catch a football. Is that it?
Starting point is 00:09:48 This is intel. At least athletic human I've ever seen in my life. He gets tired after 20 seconds. I would expect you to lose. Why? You think you have stamina? Because you drink, and you don't have cardio. No, I have the greatest cardio.
Starting point is 00:10:02 What? What are you talking about? How? No, no, no. This body was supposed to go to go to the Olympics instead I chose to sit here and play marquez could have been on the Olympic team nobody believed you know when I you i don't so after melee was like 2000 something and melee i had so you know in high school i had like 10 grand from all my mail yeah yeah and i just kind of coasted on that obviously i didn't have bills but eventually i got down to like 200 dollars and i was like and i dropped out of college and i was like well shit i'm like what do i do now because melee was like in a dark era and i kind of didn't want to play i was like, well, shit. I'm like, what do I do now? Because melee was like in a dark era. And I kind of didn't want to play.
Starting point is 00:10:46 I was like, what can I do that doesn't require school? And I was like, well, I really like fighting. I was like, I think I want to be an MMA fighter. So for like four or six months, I played. I didn't play melee. I didn't play anything. I worked out. I was running 10 to 20 miles every day.
Starting point is 00:11:01 No shot. No way. 10 to 20 miles? 10 to 20 a day. Do you shot. No way. 10 to 20 miles? 10 to 20 a day. Do you know how long that is? No, no. That's a half marathon every day? Yeah, towards the end,
Starting point is 00:11:11 I was running about that. I didn't just start that way. I ran, you know, two, four, five. But every day, a half marathon. Can you run a mile right now? I could on pure hate.
Starting point is 00:11:21 So you're going from 10 to 20 to one mile. The most hate him through hatred. The most hate him, every step he's like, fuck I want to pussy. It's been a long time. Cody sucks. It's been a long time. Well I would run like 5 to 10 to 15 depending on the day. Towards the end I had a little four pack.
Starting point is 00:11:33 There's one picture on the internet somewhere, I gotta find it. Mango had a little four pack, I was fit. And then I was gonna, I was about to take boxing classes. But I wanted to get my stamina up. Cause I figured, as you saw yesterday, everyone fucking tired it's like i didn't want to i was like i'm gonna take classes but i want to be like really have crazy stamina and i was gonna do it and that week armada fucking posted like well i guess i'm the best winky face smiley face and i was like and i have not worked out since wait wait wait so you never boxed no No, I didn't get the chance.
Starting point is 00:12:05 But he could have been. He could have been. He couldn't have been a trained fighter. I know, but what he said. No, but I was getting my stamina. It was his destiny to be a trained fighter. Dude, we're the same, actually. I was getting my stamina.
Starting point is 00:12:16 You said you were trained to fight Golden Glove Marquez. You were going to be one of the best. You just ran a lot. Yeah, because I was getting ready. And then Armando interrupted. He makes sense. I understand. I was getting ready. He makes sense. I understand. So is your point that you'd be willing to train?
Starting point is 00:12:30 What's your point? Yeah, I would train. I believe that. My body is... You think your body's a temple? You know how bad I treat my body and I'm just this kind of chubby? You are like Slime because Slime in the premium episode said within a year he could beat me
Starting point is 00:12:45 in boxing if we both trained Yes! And I think you think you would beat most people in a year if you trained I'd beat anybody I'm just saying It's wrong Is it wrong to be strong? Do you think it's wrong what Slime thinks?
Starting point is 00:13:00 No I think that's the part I think if you're going to be a fighter you gotta be a to be a fuck you kind of fighter. You can't just go around being a humble little fuck. I think when it comes to fighting, you've got to be, I will beat your ass. You guys are hurt fighters though. You've got the mentality before you've got the body. He's just saying all the things that are running through my head, except it's coming from someone who's accomplished.
Starting point is 00:13:18 So listen up, Ludwig. I'm inclined to believe that he ran 10 miles a day because he's number one in the world at something. Yes, I have drive and passion. Yes, sir. You're not number one in the world at something. Yes, I have drive and passion. Yes, sir. You're not number one in the world at anything. Oh, that's not true. One thing.
Starting point is 00:13:31 Fucking. There's also a timeline. There's also a timeline where Mango just carried Liquid to a blast final victory. Like, there's also the Counter-Strike Mango timeline. Yeah, there's Counter-Strike Mango. There's a lot of butterfly moments. Legends Mango. Yeah, there's a lot of butterfly moments in all of our lives. Bronze Butterfly moments. There's League of Legends, Mango. Yeah, there's a lot of Butterfly moments in all of our lives.
Starting point is 00:13:45 Bronze 4 to Gold in one month is impressive. And no one can tell me otherwise. Bronze 4 to Gold in a month and a week. Listen, I was saying, and I wanted to bring this up, Ludwig, and maybe fighting you, whatever. You would never do it. You're a pussy. But I deadass, I was talking to Atrioc at the function, calling him out.
Starting point is 00:14:05 If we do this again, put me on the fucking stand. No, you backed out last time. I didn't back out. No, he didn't back out. It was a medical thing. Yeah, it was a medical thing. I know. And is it gone?
Starting point is 00:14:13 Yes. I literally told you. I told you about my medical history and you didn't listen. Also told us that. Yeah, I do remember that. That's crazy. I'm just paying you back. You're the liar here.
Starting point is 00:14:20 And I went up to Atrioc and I said, I want to fucking rip your head off. And he's like, I would fucking kill you. Next year. It's already, the animosity is already there. I think what happens. Put me in, coach. So the, the, the, the chess boxing event was born for two reasons. One, I saw that video on YouTube like six years ago.
Starting point is 00:14:38 And then two, I always thought it'd be fun to do smash boxing, which you tweeted about slime. Yeah. I think it was at shine where i was trying to pitch the idea to be on the summit in the snake known as ken chen yeah ken chen said we cannot have people hit each other we will get sued we can never do this and i would every three months be like hey what about boxing ken and he'd he'd pretend that he has to say the same thing yeah i pitched them the uh the obstacle course and uh i got in trouble for that yeah and then
Starting point is 00:15:04 they ended up doing it. Because two people got hurt. Cody got a hernia from that. But it was cool. It was cool though. That's also basketball. I shot down basketball because I don't want to deal with fucking Cody. Sorry, he has to be the default complainer. He's a good default complainer. Cody jamming his finger trying to catch
Starting point is 00:15:20 a basketball. I start right, go left versus Cody and both of his ankles turn in half. He's looking like the John Lennon plug walk. He turns into Plato in front of me. I can't handle the guilt, you know? So, yeah, I'm saying right here, right now, Ludwig, if this happens again. Wait, wait, wait, I'm not done. So that's where the idea spawned.
Starting point is 00:15:35 That's where the idea spawned. Here we go, man. These are my dreams again. I had that smash boxing idea. And then I have now developed enough money that I can make it happen without needing a production company to back it. It was so much money. I developed enough money.
Starting point is 00:15:49 It was a lot of money. How much money was it, roughly? Thank you. Are we allowed to say? I talked to Nick Wang. What do you mean? Why are we not allowed to say? I said it on the broadcast.
Starting point is 00:15:57 It was 1.6 million, I think. Yeah. And guess what? You can't pay me back. What? We're really close. We didn't hit it, but we were really close to being in the green. Wait, I was told we were
Starting point is 00:16:05 no Nick Wang messaged me last night undercover and he said okay true final numbers not in the green but super close and I'm like that's crazy I saw the revenue number and I was like damn that is way higher than I thought come on baby come on baby almost making money so it's called the loss leader the secret $1
Starting point is 00:16:21 tickets you know who I wanted to fight yeah who Hassan I told you I gained 200 pounds whatever was needed It's called a loss leader. One dollar tickets. You know who I wanted to fight? Yeah. Who? Hassan. I told you, I gained 200 pounds, whatever was needed. 200 pounds? I'm learning that you don't know how numbers work. 200 pounds in a foot of height. No. It's just about weight, right?
Starting point is 00:16:37 No. Reach matters. So much about reach matters. I know reach matters, but... He's six foot, like, six. And? You're five foot eight. Imagine that image of Mango King ready to go. That image of Mango King. I know reach matters, but he's six foot like six and
Starting point is 00:16:51 How hugs actually looked at the fight Jump to hit his chin. I'll go for stomach shots. He tossed tweeted a et OSS. I also missed What did hugs just? win in the first round? Is that what happened? We're not going to talk about that. Just know that poor Tov got. He won in the first boxing round. Wait, wait, you were, finish your thought.
Starting point is 00:17:12 So anyway, that's where the idea originally spawned. And then we made it happen and it cost a lot of money. And when I started making everything work and I started asking people to come do it, it was right after Creator Clash, right? So like we had the idea so funny because the ref standing next to Hugo is so flat when shorty don't let you hit so I reached out to everybody after creator clash and everybody was down yeah everybody was like yes oh let me fucking fight bro. Let me fucking get in that
Starting point is 00:17:46 ring, bro. And then everybody flaked one month later. Because nobody actually wants to punch or get punched, I think. I think they'd like the idea of it. The amount of people who got concussions in an effort to either do the event or at the event made me
Starting point is 00:18:02 so scared of it. Also, I should have not had that Korean barbecue. Yay. Ben Tublestone. Ben Tublestone. Tublestone, boys. Yeah, Mango tells us he thinks Ben's last name
Starting point is 00:18:14 is Tumblestone. It's not. That was his colonial ancestor. And then we told him his real last name. He goes, it's close. It was close. It's not.
Starting point is 00:18:22 It's not. You guys view things very differently. Oh, yeah. I agree. No. I agree. What? I have to be in your corner a lot for this episode because of all the things you've said
Starting point is 00:18:33 about it. I'm telling him what 2 plus 2 is, and he's like, we just see it differently. We do. I don't think 2 plus 2 is 4. I think it's a little more intricate than that. I think that so many things aren't black and white. Okay, can I show you a video? I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:18:46 Yeah, he's right. This is your guy. This is my guy. That's right. Ride or die. Wait, let me tell you something. I want to show you. Well, you said you versus San.
Starting point is 00:18:55 Zipper, I sent you a video, and I think this is what I'm imagining you versus San to be like. This is Nicholas Pettis. This is Chris Broad's coach for this event that we just did He was a k1 professional fighter in Japan. You can go to like three minutes But this is him versus like this super fucking huge Korean dude. Oh my god. Oh my god. You don't think that's badass? Well, okay. I will give it to you. Wait is this kickboxing? It's kickboxing. I mean they are kicking. He's just like fuck it, let's go. Is this soccer?
Starting point is 00:19:26 Oh, what? Technique wins. It's kickboxing. He broke his shin. It's this David versus Goliath and this Korean guy has got to be like
Starting point is 00:19:35 six foot eight, 270 pounds. I think Nick's like five, 10, 210. And if it's above 200 pounds, the weights don't matter anymore.
Starting point is 00:19:42 You can skip forward like 30 seconds. And so he just keeps kicking this right leg. And there's a few shots we can see just like blistering and swelling. Yeah, I saw an MMA fight like this as well. You just keep going for the shin and you can win on back to the shine. Oh, you can knee the face and kick the body. And so now this is, you know what, why I believe in you, Mango.
Starting point is 00:20:02 Yeah. Because I saw this video. Oh my god. He got up there. Thighs doesn't matter in a fight. This guy looks like a terrible, why I believe in you, Mago. Yeah. Because I saw this video. Oh my god. He got up there. Thighs doesn't matter in a fight. This guy looks like a terrible fighter. I'm with you. Oh my god, he reached.
Starting point is 00:20:12 Check it out, check it out right here. Oh shit, get your hands up. Nope. Nope. Oh my, this is like Dark Souls. He's literally like just a bigger guy. He fell so slowly. Yeah, he fell like You just fell
Starting point is 00:20:25 The Dark Souls enemy Oh my god So that's you That's you versus San Thank you Okay And San's wearing Like a bolo tie
Starting point is 00:20:31 Yeah As Golden Glove Marquez Wow I would've fought Well if I fought I would've fought In like the really like Like a Speedo-esque thing
Starting point is 00:20:38 What like Borat? Kinda I would've fought I would've fought Like a USA Speedo Okay Abs chiseling I don't know Just the four pack Four pack Do you like Disguised hosts Captain America gloves? Those are cool Kinda. I would have fought like a USA Speedo. Okay. Abs chiseling. Oh no, just got to hang out.
Starting point is 00:20:46 Do you like disguised toasts Captain America loves? Those are cool. But I hate disguised toasts. Why is that? You hate him? Because everyone loves him. He's just like me! I'm the same as the goat!
Starting point is 00:20:57 You have such hater energy. I'm from the hood. Who is that mean? All my ghetto people understand. We just are born to hate on everyone who's doing better than us which is everybody at all that is why I despise Ludwig makes all sense no I do because you had a good family unit and a strong emotion poor so you get it you know what I'm saying it port. So you get it. You know what I'm saying? It's the same shit. Almost. Not really, but your dad dying card.
Starting point is 00:21:27 I'm getting real sick. He said I came from a good family. Your family was good. Your mom loves you so much. You're so dumb. Oh, she doesn't. She hates me.
Starting point is 00:21:34 No, she hates you actually. I know. Continue. What are we talking about? Your story. I hate him. I don't want you, but I think that everyone needs to be hated,
Starting point is 00:21:44 which is why I get why people hate me Like I get it you just want to hate me because everyone else loves me And I respect that Whenever Mango meets anyone he puts them in the hated category For an undisclosed period of time Until you escape the hated category Yeah it's quarantine Well because like I hated you
Starting point is 00:21:59 But then I was like after so much hate I'm like he can take it And then I was like Nick's alright Did you hate me? I never hated you. Aw. I just don't give him that. He's a Django fan, dude. Don't give him that. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:22:10 How can you hate Slime? So many people haven't answered that question. Yeah, there's a lot of people. So many people can't describe why. He just keeps it real. That's why. I respect that. He keeps it wrong a lot.
Starting point is 00:22:20 He keeps it wrong mostly. He keeps it real. You can't say he keeps it real. I haven't switched. Slime keeps it real. When all of you switch, I will be the last one standing among your switched corpses. Pieces of shit. That's the thing about Alex Jones is he keeps it real.
Starting point is 00:22:33 You know what? You switch, bro. How? You want to know how you switch? Fucking playing group activities. He's like, how come I want to be invited to playing group activities now? Yeah, because now- I like having them.
Starting point is 00:22:41 Because he's a lonely bear now. Because I- He switched! Whoa! He switched! Whoa! He switched on? You're Nick Yingling? I switch a little bit. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:22:52 That's what I'm saying. You just gotta know when. Come to think of it, I did switch a little bit. That's a lesson at the end of the movie. No, but I... Deadass.
Starting point is 00:23:02 You're saying that people get really hyped on it after a boxing event, they drop out. Yeah. I was going to do it. I was going to fight abroad in Japan. I told Ludwig, I'm not hitting a girl, bro.
Starting point is 00:23:10 But I was like, whatever you got to do. And then- In the ring, we're all equal. That's all I said. That is so good. You like that one? And then I had heart problems. I had to get my heart checked out.
Starting point is 00:23:22 Everything's fine, which I thought you'd be excited about in general as my friend. He doesn't care. He doesn't care. And now I saw H-Roc, I'm like, I will fucking kill you. I will kill you with my hands. H-Roc won't do it.
Starting point is 00:23:33 He wouldn't even bungee jump. Yeah, but God, if he did, I would fucking, I would love to get in the ring with him, sure. I would make him bungee jump. No, I don't want to skydive. That's way scarier. Boxing is way scarier than jumping out of a plane. No, jumping out of a plane is definitely. Oh, not for me. I don't want to skydive. That's way scarier. I think bungee jumping. Boxing is way scarier
Starting point is 00:23:45 than jumping out of a plane. Oh, no, no, no. Jumping out of a plane is definitely. Oh, not for me. I don't want to jump out of a plane. I don't want to. I would box way before jumping out of a plane. Bungee jumping is more dangerous
Starting point is 00:23:51 than jumping out of a plane. But I wouldn't. I'm not talking about bungee jumping. I'm saying boxing is more dangerous than all of these things. Let me rank everything. Against amateurs? No, it's not.
Starting point is 00:23:58 Scariest things. Absolutely. Scariest things. Plane jumping out of, bungee jumping, boxing a truck and destroying his fucking life. It depends how you define danger.
Starting point is 00:24:06 How many people have died boxing? I don't like statistics. A lot more than skydiving. Wait, is that true? Yeah, for sure. Died in the ring, not later from injury. Why are you differentiating? Why would you differentiate?
Starting point is 00:24:20 They still died from boxing. Just because you made it to the hospital and died there, it doesn't mean what's the window? This is Disney. This is Disney when they take out the bodies outside the park. They drag them. They die with a lot of people. Boxing is a perfectly safe sport. They have like a
Starting point is 00:24:38 timer as they rush them out on a... Time people died boxing. There's a shot clock on Disney campus. We looked it up when we jumped out of the plane. One in 500,000 people died boxing. There's a shot clock on Disney campus. We looked it up when we jumped out of the plane. One in 500,000 people died tandem skydiving. It's just as weird. I don't, it's weird.
Starting point is 00:24:50 Man wasn't meant to fly. Alright, hey. But man was meant to fight. This is what I did with these two when we went skydiving.
Starting point is 00:24:56 Slime, Nick, guess the number between one and 500,000. Uh, 200,000 and four, 214,999. Oh my god, that was my number. 1,000.
Starting point is 00:25:11 Erwan, 117,000. 117,092. Seven. Three. Four. I mean, you guys are assholes. Can you guess the number between one and 500,000? I'm really top heavy here.
Starting point is 00:25:29 2,802. Oh. That's four. You die. Oh, it's not closest. It's not priced as well. No, no, no. It's just if your number matches.
Starting point is 00:25:37 What are we saying? Since 1890, more than 1,876 fighters have died as a result of injuries. All right. Now, since 1890, how many skydivers have died? Fatalities by license. Fatalities by total jumps. That's nothing. It's really tiny.
Starting point is 00:25:54 That's less. And there's millions of people jumping out of planes on this fucking planet. We need more engineers. When did Fortnite come out? That probably made the fucking number go way up. It inflated it huge. Why doesn't Jimmy do a fucking real-life battle bus? When did Fortnite come out? That probably made the fucking number go way up. That's true, it inflated it huge. Why doesn't Jimmy do a fucking real life battle bus? He did.
Starting point is 00:26:08 Well, he did real life Battle Royale. Battle bus. But did you jump out of the battle bus and skydive? He made a battle bus and gave it to Tfue and got like 20 million views. No, they should jump out of it. Yeah, they... That would be so high. You have to jump out of the battle bus.
Starting point is 00:26:20 They should do that. You should do that. You should do that. Call him later. Hey, here's your idea when you met him in person. Eat a tire. So, you lost your chance, buddy that. You should do that. Hey, here's your idea when you met him in person. Eat a tire. So you lost your chance, buddy. That's a good idea.
Starting point is 00:26:28 That's a good idea. I still think that. He should still eat the tire. Yeah. Until he eats the tire, you're my favorite content creator. Here's my question, Mango.
Starting point is 00:26:35 If you could fight anyone in the Smash community and you got to choose, who would you fight? In boxing, not fight, fight, like boxing. Like in the ring?
Starting point is 00:26:42 Yeah, in the ring. Chess boxing, Smash boxing, next year., like boxing. Like in the ring? Yeah, in the ring. Chess boxing, smash boxing next year. I guess just Zayn. Well, you'd kill Zayn, so. I would destroy Zayn. I don't think you would. I think he kills Zayn.
Starting point is 00:26:55 I think Zayn would train really hard. I think Zayn could train as hard as he wanted to. I fought Zayn, and I think, and I talked to Phil about this, and I'm going to use it. You either got that dog in you or you don't when it comes to fighting. And I think, as you saw last night, I'm not going to name names,
Starting point is 00:27:09 some people got hit and you can tell they just did not like being hit. And I think that alone, you could hit me right now. If you wanted to punch me right now, you could punch me. Can I slap you? If you want.
Starting point is 00:27:20 Well, I don't want to. Okay. This is also going to dispel the rumors that my slaps were weak. Stand up up stand up stand up stand up come on get the PTZ ready this is huge it's a big moment for the yard up that was weak that's how you're hidden yeah I felt bad I felt bad as I swinging you didn't want it because that's why I don't harm you can fight cuz you want me to slap you I slept no dog in so what I'm saying is you got to either be able to you either can get hit or you can be able to hit somebody I
Starting point is 00:28:03 think most people don't want to hit somebody else yeah right you feel what's saying the same shit yeah you gotta like me if you put me in a ring I will hit you because I'm well somebody's got I think
Starting point is 00:28:13 that Zayn could just take a hundred punches at mango and even if they land he's tanking them you there's one fight that was on Twitter where we did fight and I just he just hit me a bunch
Starting point is 00:28:20 and I was like it was like the minx fight like minx got hit so much more in her fight at creator clash like churdley's uh wait what do you mean churdley's versus myth churdley's had a chin no this is better the minx one is better because she got hit way more times but then she won the fight by sure sure every punch she threw was just so much more weight fiction kalindi was like that because kalindi always came out the gate swinging for 45 seconds yeah I talked to kalindi about it
Starting point is 00:28:43 he just would only go and then like he only just held W. Yeah. Which I don't think you can do in boxing. You gotta... If he just went 30 seconds, landed his punches and played a little defense, he just went. He landed a comparable amount of punches to Fiction. But when Fiction hit Kalindi, Kalindi
Starting point is 00:28:59 got hit way harder. Like he couldn't take it. After Kalindi was tired. Yeah. So he couldn't defend as well. Fiction was the person the whole time that I had the most faith in to back up what they were saying on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:29:10 Yeah, he was. Every time, every time that Fiction tweeted something about like I'm so fucking pumped. I'm so good at this. I've been training so hard. I'm like,
Starting point is 00:29:18 I believe you. Guys, Fiction was going to tournaments like smash tournaments and asking people to meet him in like a meadow and take turns punching him in the stomach just when was this dude every tournament yeah every
Starting point is 00:29:31 tournament in the past couple two months oh like in lead up to this i thought you meant like years ago no no no that's why he got i brought my boxing gloves come punch me it's like a fucking carnival right he was telling us in the interview he's been indoctrinating people into boxing in the smash community so like they would meet after and they would do like light sparring yeah and that's That's so sick. He was telling us in the interview he's been indoctrinating people into boxing in the Smash community. So they would meet after and they would do light sparring. Yeah. And that's how he would get them into boxing.
Starting point is 00:29:51 Well, that's what you could tell Shep got hit and he just didn't care. Yeah. That's what I'm saying. You just get hit and it doesn't bother you. Kalindi's also, his melee got so bad as the fight went on. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:00 I think the raps were making his life a little harder. You kind of tell even in the first round they played but he was only full hopping Falco's the goat of jazz boxing the meta yeah wait really what I figured puff and Martha B I thought
Starting point is 00:30:13 it was puff being able to just shoot lasers against somebody who probably does not want to get shot or can't move yeah imagine not being able to move and then this guy a fox
Starting point is 00:30:21 who only full hops 8,000 lasers yeah dude no but Kalindi nailed a wave shine out of shield with wrapping said that on like the third round it was unreal
Starting point is 00:30:30 sometimes it detects there's certain lizard braid things that top players have like like he couldn't short hop anymore but he ledge dash and it was like six tingling oh shit
Starting point is 00:30:38 I was like holy fuck I don't think he thought about it but there was certain winners too hello oh shit dude I just found out that mint mobile can save I don't even think he thought about it. But there was tournament winners, too. Hello? Oh, shit. Dude, I just found out that Mint Mobile can save you up to $15 a month.
Starting point is 00:30:51 No way. I was so mad. No, dude. I thought you were taking a fucking call. That's crazy. Isn't it crazy? He's way better than me. You can switch to Mint Mobile and buy any three-month plan and get another three months free?
Starting point is 00:31:03 I thought you were going gonna rip with me when i said it was sabrina tabernacle if ryan reynolds was here right now he'd look over and be like damn that was good two people i wish weren't here sabrina and slime but i do wish i had a new device which you can get for a limited time with six months of free service when you buy select device and plan here's the thing you have to switch to mint mobile and now you might think that's a bad thing because nick gangling does it all the time it is bad it is bad and let's be clear it's bad when Nick Yingling
Starting point is 00:31:27 does it but when you do it to switch to Mint Mobile and just to be clear I've never switched I would never switch but I've just switched now to any different
Starting point is 00:31:34 you know what I'm saying you know what I'm saying look unlimited talking text high speed data it's fast and smooth you know who uses Mint Mobile is Zipper
Starting point is 00:31:41 Zipper uses it and how smooth can it get is it as smooth as your well, I don't want to say it. Let's just say it's great all around. The most hairless wireless service, Mint Mobile.
Starting point is 00:31:55 We'll keep it simple for you. slash the yard. What happens, Ludwig, when you go there? I already told them. They cut their fucking bill. Just get the fucking thing. What the what? I already told them they cut their fucking bill just get the fucking thing what to what I already told them I said it earlier
Starting point is 00:32:08 slash you could have switched anything about it so what are you thinking about right now as a pure spectator whenever the chess was on I did not give a fuck I think I think what's cool about what's cool about melee boxing that wasn't as cool in chess boxing
Starting point is 00:32:26 was when you knew that checkmate was close, it only ever got hype if they didn't see it. But if you kind of knew they were about to get checkmated, you're like, fuck, they're not going to box again? I feel like that was a feeling I had. It's melee, so the game is hype. But chess isn't hype, it's just...
Starting point is 00:32:42 But I think that did happen a lot. What do you mean? Like, there was a lot of mates that were blundered and those were hype but i'm saying i'm saying as a sport not our event like as a sport i feel like oh if it's like one move away like it was hype that dana didn't see mate in one as the yeah i think that was hype but she should have probably seen it but she didn't yes so that was cool okay but not as good as boxing i think the problem is like for the average person in the room and probably the average person watching online unless maybe i'm missing something because like i you also don't have like the casters to like contextualize it to you but for me average
Starting point is 00:33:16 joe it's way easier to understand he hit him off final destination than it is to like oh what's going on in this chest rose tinted glasses because you're pretending to be dumb and say that's what people are thinking but me no no i'm measuring it by noise i'm measuring it by noise in the arena like the average screams from the crowd during the smash matches versus the chess matches are just like every stock very every stock that's taken it's i think i think that well it sucked that the board wasn't working but uh i think the eval bar could have been bigger and explained more to like the average Joe
Starting point is 00:33:47 because it was really thin on the screen. I think most people didn't know it was there. I know it's there because I played chess. We didn't put the eval bar on the main screen too or talk about it because I think it's like, it's information the fighters could have had. No, it was above the head. Right, but the one below wasn't there
Starting point is 00:34:02 and that's the one that everyone on the floor saw. So we had the lower screen that was very large. Where the walkouts would happen. The chessboard was there with no eval bar. And so no one on the floor could see it. Oh, I was looking like this. I was on the floor looking up. I'll be honest, I could hear everything.
Starting point is 00:34:19 With the headphones on? Yeah, when I was slapboxing. Oh, wow. Interesting. Even then, they couldn't find their mates. But I think i think as someone who doesn't give a shit about chess that just the literal visual like language of two heaving boxers like hunched over a chess board is still really funny yeah and even though i didn't care about the chess and having casters and you guys be like oh my god there's maiden one let's see if they see it and they don't like I was still hype
Starting point is 00:34:45 and I don't care that's a good event it's still really good there's a really sick shot in there somewhere where it's like I think it's like the second or third
Starting point is 00:34:51 I think it's game three of fiction clindy melee and they're both heaving but they're forced to play melee they're just inflating and deflating
Starting point is 00:35:01 it's so crazy because they're shirtless too you can like see their whole chest expand. They're like drenched in sweat. I think they were one of the best cards. Best card, best card, go.
Starting point is 00:35:11 Andrea. Easy. Andrea was a fucking demon monster. I'm Andrea Pilt. I think it had to be something that was more... It depends on how you measure best card. Maybe Myth Churdley's. Andrea fight got me the most hyped.
Starting point is 00:35:24 I was like holy shit like the chest was sick and her being an evil demon was sick and her needing to win in boxing it had everything. I think Poincro Toast
Starting point is 00:35:33 was really good. I'm seeing Poincro Toast all the way. I think it was really good because Poincro came out the gate kind of fucking him up and then Toast had a round
Starting point is 00:35:39 where he kind of came back and he started swinging at him too and he landed a bunch of punches and then the chest was like like Po point crow was
Starting point is 00:35:45 one move mate and one misses it by a single queen space uh has no idea he's missed mate and one you go to one chest right there and then toast comes all the
Starting point is 00:35:54 way back he point then uh point crow blunted his queen and they got concussions and they both got concussions does andrea know who i am
Starting point is 00:36:01 only because i i went up to her after to like tell her like oh my god you're fine like I was like giving her props and then I was like after I was like
Starting point is 00:36:10 Alexandra does not know who you are. I was like wait I know that for sure. I'm under the impression when I'm at an event that everyone knows who I am. Not even like in a cocky way
Starting point is 00:36:19 I'm like yeah you know Mango like but then I was after I was like I'm just like some drunk beard guy little short guy and I just go and I'm like without context like who the fuck am I? I witnessed this I saw this happen was after i was like i'm just like some drunk beard guy little guy i just got i'm like without context like i i witnessed this i saw this happen yeah i was like so i would just
Starting point is 00:36:30 tell him came up and he's like he was like i love the botes sisters with alexandra and i can i can tell she had no idea who mega was yeah yeah so i i i stepped in because i heard this happen and i was like hey i'll see you tomorrow like like like you are one of us you're a friend yeah yeah yeah this is a fair assumption do we ever tell you I was like I might be weird I just assume like I'm just some weird guy Ludwig sent Andrea a message just as do you know who this is and it's a picture of mango smiling that he took today's replying he said she says lol all caps uh he looks dot dot dot familiar maybe wow i think your assumption is fair because we i did we ever tell you about that bts content piece that got made where we interviewed a ton of
Starting point is 00:37:14 counter-strike players it was a bunch of counter-strike players from all over the world and they're getting shown different esports players from different games we showed them like 20 and uh from all of like the biggest games that you could play. And you and Armada are in there for Melee. And you were the only person besides Faker that they all recognized. That's what I think. I just think I'm an esports legend.
Starting point is 00:37:37 I think you don't know who Mango is. Here's a conversation. I sent the picture to you. She said, I don't know, looks familiar, maybe why. I said, it's Mango. He's a Super Smash Bros. player. She says, I don't know. It looks familiar. Maybe why? I said, it's Mango. He's a Super Smash Bros. player. She says, oh, ah, yes, the Mango. Big fan!
Starting point is 00:37:49 Six exclamation points. And she says, I was kidding. But yes. Why? She's like, I love when you do a fadeback Ariel on S.H.I.E.L.D. She knows about Royal Flesh. She's like, oh yeah, Royal Flush. That was great.
Starting point is 00:38:06 That was a great set. I watched Eric punt maybe $500 at a pie guy table because he's kept saying, Mango won Royal Flush. Yeah. And then he'd push money forward. Like it was his good luck charm. His death omen. And he just kept losing money.
Starting point is 00:38:21 Dude, on Point Crow, I mentioned it on commentary because that was really funny but he was it was actually insane he was i i made a joke that he was begging for a cup for his his his downstairs berries and cream but he he definitely in the discord was like hey can we get cups hey hey like i really and you have to both agree to the gear that you wear. Yeah. And he. You can't even for cups? Yeah, apparently. I don't know. What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:38:51 You have to agree to cups? That's weird. If anyone wants to use something, both people need to use it. Both people have to use it. And if no one agrees, then we go with the safer option. Okay, so you gotta force it.
Starting point is 00:39:01 He has to force the cup. And Toast was like, yeah, that's fine, whatever. Like I got balls too. And then the only nut shot of the entire night was eric's and i was like that's crazy what the fuck is that stands to tell me about all the boxing grime there's a lot there's a lot of boxing boxing there's a cheese so you can get away with the nut shot you can get away with a shot after the bell those are like someies. But also you step on someone's foot as they're walking back, like in the ring, and then they'll like stumble and you can-
Starting point is 00:39:30 You're not allowed to do it, but you can get away with it. It's warnings. You always get one. So you can always hit them with one cheese. Yeah, one cheese. You can wrap and then hit them a couple of times like when you guys are wrapped up. That's crazy. There's a lot of cheese.
Starting point is 00:39:41 I was happy to see no boxers do the fake tap grime. I think that's like the worst shit. When you go up for the fist bump before you fight and you swing. Oh, that's like disrespect. That happened in Creator Clash. Right, but it's not even cheese. That's just grime. You're a bad person. He's a bad man.
Starting point is 00:39:58 Evil man. It's legal though. I think it's just purely grime. Right. I think the one thing that we we haven't talked about is the andrea dina fight yeah the ruling just just a crazy roller coaster so on the my perspective of learning about this is andrea came up to me sorry sorry our beer boys getting no work it's's growing, right? Andrea came up
Starting point is 00:40:26 to me and was like, hey, and it was while you were slapboxing, she's like, hey, I don't know because he's up there right now, but can you talk to Ludwig and see because this happened in my fight and the referee says this and I want him to announce the overturned decision on stream
Starting point is 00:40:42 before it ends. And I'm like, I cannot do this because i i i have no way to like in air you or anything i don't know who gets to make this call and at the end of the night at the after party we're all getting like shuffled and kicked out of the after party and you spent like maybe the last 30 40 minutes of the party sitting at a table with her three refs discussing what had happened in the match and like the conversation is still going on like as people are getting pushed out of the after party room and i was wondering if you guys made a decision last night because it was a big it was a big fucking deal it was like what dominated conversation like all evening
Starting point is 00:41:20 we did so you watched the andrea dina fight you said it was your favorite fight do you think andrea should have won oh who drew the the streets know who won the streets know who won the streets know who won so the thing is uh there was like uh i didn't realize until after but andrea's pretty mad about the results well you fight you want to right you want to win if you didn't get your ass beat or i don't know and so i uh right after the the stream ended i like like jacob comes up to me and he's like hey just a heads up andrea might try to talk to you she's a little mad about what happened and i was like okay and then she comes up to me and she's like hey the ref talked to me and he said he was wrong so do i win now and i was like that can't be how that went and so i'm like well if he did maybe but and so then we have like this round table meeting it's like the three referees it's
Starting point is 00:42:09 the chess boxing world champ it's matt the other chess boxing world champ it's like a documentarian of chess boxing and we're all like okay what are the rules and uh and if you look at the tape in the third round of boxing the sixth round their fight, if you get three standing counts or four total standing counts in the fight, it's just an auto end. And right before, like literally two seconds on the clock, Dina gets kind of hit and then steps back. The ref breaks them up because they're like grappled. She rests her arms on the rope, which the ref immediately looks at and is like,
Starting point is 00:42:42 oh, you're not allowed to do that. Starts a count. He counts to like maybe one. Here it is on the screen here. So there's already been three standing counts in the fight, two in this round. If there's one more, Andrea should win. So right here, they break him up.
Starting point is 00:42:58 Six, five. Yeah, this was insane. That arms on the belt is not allowed. So he immediately starts a count right there. Counts one. The bell rings. So he immediately starts a count right there. Counts one. The bell rings. And then he stops the count. So it's a bit of a weird scenario there.
Starting point is 00:43:12 Now, the reason he started the count is because, again, arms on the rope. He wouldn't have counted it if she could have put her arms up, which I think she was in a good enough energy to do. But you're not allowed to do that. And the reason he stopped the count is because the bell rang but you don't even need to count if it's the fourth one i don't think you're right you don't count it's just you wave i think he like muscle memory saw oh person on rope must start count not oh shit we're at the fourth count this is the decision maker so it was a wrong call it was
Starting point is 00:43:38 either a wrong call no i think the call was fine i think like because the final decision was just flat out wrong because it was four tko's or four standing knockdowns well yeah what should have happened is the fight should have ended there it was the fourth one he should have waved it off called it the winner should have announced andrea by technical knockout because the round is ending at the same time it kind of cuts everything off because the bell rang which isn't supposed to happen during a count yeah he stopped and he's just like it like oh the bell rang and they kept going oh the bell the timer supposed to freeze the timer counting yeah the timer was one second you don't ring you don't ring yeah so there's a lot of fuck-ups and nobody at any point
Starting point is 00:44:15 said oh we should correct this live fight game rule of chess boxing. Hold on. I made the LCS, everyone. I say that. I know what to do here. Well, I just threw a Nick Allen straight, but can I... You see this? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:37 It's a VIP. You are wearing the same... Oh, literally the same clothes from yesterday and the VIP. Oh, the wristband. The wristband I gave you. No, Nick Allen gave it to me. No, I gave you two.
Starting point is 00:44:45 So you guys knew the yard rankings was Slime, Lud, Aiden, Nick. After last night, Nick is now number three
Starting point is 00:44:55 and you've tumbled down. Yes, sir. Welcome. This shirt is a memorial. Mint tears. What the fuck? To your ranking in the top two.
Starting point is 00:45:02 I've done nothing to deserve this. I've always said I'm the Falco of his life. Yeah, Slime's my father. Top two and I'm not two. Top two. I've done nothing to deserve this. I've always said I'm the Falco of his life. Yeah, slime's my fault. Top two and I'm not two. I show up when you really need to. We show... I'm like...
Starting point is 00:45:11 I'm like, Aiden, give me some fucking wristbands. I'm like, the whole time, I'm not gonna go into it. I didn't have a thing. I didn't have a fucking pass. I didn't have...
Starting point is 00:45:18 I had nothing. I'm not gonna go into it, though. I'm not gonna go into it. We'll skip over that. We'll skip over that. We'll skip over the... I'm not gonna go into it. Won't go into it it. We'll skip over that. We'll skip over that. We'll skip over the... I'm gonna go to... Fuck.
Starting point is 00:45:26 Won't go into it. Well, of course, I did last minute because I was supposed to go to Smash World Tour. I'm sorry if I came last minute. Yeah, but even the day before. Or...
Starting point is 00:45:34 Yeah, but I'm Mango. I like to think we're all good buddies. I like to think that. Are we not good buddies? Are we not friends? I like to think that maybe I can show up
Starting point is 00:45:43 last minute. I got you into everything. I still got you tickets everything I still got you tickets I still got you into VIP and open bar I'm looking like a chump And I gave you party wristbands I gave you two And I said, Mango, I'm sorry
Starting point is 00:45:56 I don't have a lot And the fighters in their plus ones don't have any yet And they need to get some So I can only give you two I was here, I was here, I'll step in I've always said Mango deserves three I was here, I'll step in their plus ones don't have any yet and they need to get some so i can only give you two right now i was here i was here i'll step in i've always said mango deserves three i was here i was up in after you give me your whole spiel i'm like nick allen can i get some he just doesn't even say nick allen fucked me nick allen fucked me yeah nick allen nick allen moments before this when
Starting point is 00:46:21 we were together talking to nick allen he's like hey man I have a lot of wristbands we can be liberal with them and in my head I'm counting them and I know how many people we actually have to get into this after party and I'm thinking Nick Allen doesn't know what he's talking about and not even 15 minutes later I am proven correct when we're all out of wristbands. Yes, I did see Nick Allen. I have two, three groups of fighters and their parties standing outside the fucking party, not able to get into the after party of the event they competed in. Meanwhile, you and fucking Joey. And Gio.
Starting point is 00:47:01 You, Joey, and Gio have wristbands. You Joey and Geo And I'm trying to explain to Amon Who just beat up Trent That like I'm sorry I can't get you into the after party right now Sorry Trey the Trashman took your spot Sorry Trey Is in there right now
Starting point is 00:47:18 Trey and Geo Trey and Churdly's Fucking possum are in there But you Amon who have a belt on, cannot get in because the fucking Galen Center sucked. It was so funny. I did run into Nick Allen by the security door because I put the CRT in my car and came back. And I see him and he's kind of just like nervously pacing. And I'm like, what's up?
Starting point is 00:47:41 And he's like, yeah, I'm just trying to like avoid people. Like I'm getting mauled for wristbands right now. so that's funny because it lines up with how wrong he was he came up to me he came up to me after he said that hey man I think we could be liberal with these we have a lot comes up to me maybe 10 minutes later and he was like he's got like claw marks on his face his shirt's ripped he's like uh hey so I'm actually almost out I was wrong and I was like hmm maybe maybe Aiden knew what he was talking about the whole time Aiden's like, uh, hey, so I'm actually almost out. I was wrong and I was like, hmm Maybe maybe Aiden knew what he was talking about the whole time. Aiden's like slime, Mango's like slime. He apologized Yeah, we rectified it, but he hasn't apologized. He won't acknowledge that I've done nothing wrong
Starting point is 00:48:16 I was there. I was there and I saw what happened I will say Aiden was posturing like Aiden was gonna like Mango was gonna get no wristbands Yeah, he gave me an attitude like I'm not gonna get no wristbands. At first he was posturing like Mango was going to get no wristband. Yeah, he gave me an attitude like, I'm not going to get a wristband. At first, he was posturing like Mango was going to get no wristband. And Mango, hold on, shut up, shut up, shut up. Mango was badgering him. Mango was like, you're not going to give Mango a wristband? He kept saying that. He's like, you're not going to give Mango a wristband.
Starting point is 00:48:34 I come to your event, you're not going to give Mango a wristband. And Aiden's like, so, I feel bad for Aiden in this moment, because he's got everyone coming up doing this to him. And he has to like, eventually he will run out. He won't even be able to hand it to someone to fix the problem. And that person might be fucking, you know, excuse me. It literally was Amon. Who fought him.
Starting point is 00:48:52 Shut up. Shut up. You're a fucking asshole. You're a fucking asshole right now. So finally Aiden like disgruntled. He's like, I'm getting, because he's asking for four. He's like, I want four. Yeah, that's insane.
Starting point is 00:49:00 You're such a fucking insane person. He's like, give me four. And Aiden's like, you can, you get two. And he like barely even hands it. He barely hands it and mangoes snatch it. You wouldn't give me four? No, he wouldn't give you four because he doesn't think about anything! He's not thinking about Amon thirty minutes later! I actually had a solution for this.
Starting point is 00:49:18 I have a badge that lets me escort. No, it didn't. It didn't because I also have that badge and it didn't let you escort didn't because i also have that badge they can't escort anymore 5 a.m today because i had a nightmare about tickets an ethereal nightmare about yesterday that woke me up, even though I'm so fucking tired. Can we have a moment of silence? Because I think Aiden did a great job yesterday.
Starting point is 00:49:52 Not a round of applause. Not a moment of silence. The best part is I really tried. I'll take it. Joey's... Two seconds. Two seconds. You fucked it up.
Starting point is 00:50:00 It's too late. It's two seconds. It's been one. Joey's ethical. Joey's like, hey man, maybe he's busy. I'm like, no, I don't give a fuck if he's busy seconds joey's at the goal joey's like i'll try hey man like maybe he's busy i'm like no i don't give a fuck if he's busy he needs to get the show to be a human yeah joey's like being compassionate i'm like no i'm like i've been i was just t-posing like i just want to go in joey said the funniest fucking thing to me noel's coming he keeps no
Starting point is 00:50:18 keeps coming up to me he's like hey so you're gonna give me a fan the family code for that merch you kept he keeps asking for merch i'm like you, I'm not, I don't have that power. Like ask Aiden. He's the only person who can do this for you. I don't even know if he can do it for you. I love hitting them with an ask Aiden on the one day that they probably shouldn't be asking him for a merch code. I just can't help him.
Starting point is 00:50:33 He will not stop asking me. So I'm just trying to get away from it. He's a geo. And then, and, and, and he's like, bro,
Starting point is 00:50:38 I've been, I've been wearing Mogamoo's merch before. It was cool. That is true. And I said, I know it's all you wear ever. It's only clothes. And,
Starting point is 00:50:44 and Joey right next to him. And he's like, I've been buying it before. It was cool. And then, uh, Joey never is true. And I said, I know it's all you wear ever. It's all in the clothes. And Joey got next to him and he's like, I've been buying it before it was cool. Joey never wears it. He explained this. He goes, well, I don't wear it anymore because Mango hates Ludwig, so. Wait, wait, wait. That's different. I just keep it hung up. Wait, wait, wait. Defend this because you said
Starting point is 00:51:00 he hates me. He said you hate me. Joey said this to me. He has a double entendre. I don't think you know what that means. Does it make sense? Aiden Ross doesn't even know how to say that. In some universe it does. But Joey hates you because I hate you. Because I do.
Starting point is 00:51:17 And then he hates you because he was really into Pokemon cards. And he says you and all the content creators made the prices go up. It's been years. I also talked to Joey and the day after he literally if you go to his house
Starting point is 00:51:28 in his closet you're the furthest thing in the back. You gotta put way in the back in the rotation. He could have sold his Pokemon cards
Starting point is 00:51:35 made some money. The price is jacked up. He's not a seller. The way Joey made it sound to me was that him wearing the hoodie just made Mango mad out of principle.
Starting point is 00:51:42 Yeah. You can't wear that on my stream. I talked toey and he's like you know you're still our favorite in the household with me and kathy right i'm like what really apparently joey's girlfriend kathy has been trying to get a ringtone of me saying bro what the fuck from the lie detector video we did years ago she's that big of a fan oh they're like original they they look yeah they're down with the cause. So you're out.
Starting point is 00:52:05 You're in the back of the rotation. Slime stock on the uptick. Aatrox's neck about to be broken. Norwalk loves slime. Slime's welcome in Norwalk. The streets know slime.
Starting point is 00:52:15 It's mango fan. Okay, wait. I want mango, yeah. We shat on Aiden. I want to share a kind moment that I had. Never mind.
Starting point is 00:52:23 No. I went to say goodbye because i left the the vip the party early and i go up and i'm like i'm going home man and i go up and i hugged aiden and i hug him and then i kind of like feel his body move and and i look at him he was he was crying and i'm like are you okay? What's wrong? And he's like, and I hug him again. I'm like, it's okay. Is everything all right? You're crying.
Starting point is 00:52:52 And I hug him again. And then I look at him and he's just, he's just crying more. And I'm like, this reminds me, I was like, is it, are you, you're happy, right? And he's like, yeah, and I'm like, okay. And I hug him again. I like feel like I need to take care of him and I'm like okay I'll see you later a little before that I even bug Aiden to
Starting point is 00:53:09 give me a charger I don't know why I think just being an annoying little shit is so funny even about coming here like I don't know why I'm like Aiden I need a fucking charger and then you want my responses is it USB-C or is it the go You need a fucking charger. You need a phone charger. And then you want my responses?
Starting point is 00:53:26 Is it USB-C or? You got it. The go? It's a go, bro. What are you going to do? Yeah, well, you do like being annoying because I gifted 100 subs to Zane and then you messaged me and you said, I saw that. And I was like, I was like, saw what? And you're like, gifting to Zane now.
Starting point is 00:53:40 And while you're liking other girls' Instagram posts. And I told him, I was like, I have gifted you like 10,000 subs and he's like, what's 100 more then? Am I wrong? I am your highest gift. Mango messaged me
Starting point is 00:53:52 like last week and he's like, so we getting tattooed together? And I'm like, yeah, I'm super down. And he goes, all right, set it up. That's not a Mango job.
Starting point is 00:53:57 It's not. I'm going to set it up. It's true. No, I don't think you will. I live my life very, there's just mango rules. Right now, this is what I think. This is what...
Starting point is 00:54:07 Because this event... The problem is, this wasn't a Smash event. And it's the day... You're making this as hard to deal with as possible. You're towing the Mew2King line. Because Mew2King... Mew2King... This is...
Starting point is 00:54:18 Mew2King, you don't get to do your Mew2King thing anymore. You're not... Yeah, except I get there. You don't get to retire, lose to S-Fop, and then ask people for their prescription glasses. You don't get to do that anymore. Your behavior isn't tolerated.
Starting point is 00:54:34 That's why I say it. And Mango is towing the Mew2King line. Because you're showing up on the day of, asking for four people. I get you into everything you need. I even get you into the open bar. Do you think this is consoling?
Starting point is 00:54:49 Somehow at the end of the weekend, I'm moved to the bottom of the list. He's so mad. I'm so mad. I'm so mad. Come on. Come on. And the reason I throw
Starting point is 00:55:01 Beauty King onto the bus is I hate that somebody has the audacity to do nothing in the community for three years and then ask me to fly them out to events. Let me back you up. Let me back you up. I like Mew2King. Mew2King hit me up and he was like, he asked, he's like, hey, can I come to your Smash event?
Starting point is 00:55:15 It makes you feel a little better, man. He's like, hey, can I come to your Smash event? The one that's happening next weekend. I was like, yeah, sure. You can come. And he's like, all right, can you pay me for commentary? I was like, that's not what I meant. I was like, you can come if you want, but And he's like, all right, can you pay me for commentary? I was like, that's not what I meant. Dude, come on.
Starting point is 00:55:25 I was like, you can come if you want, but I'm not going to pay you. He's definitely an asker. Exactly. Yeah. Can we talk about your event next week? Yeah. And how you're going to have to pay me to go. Okay, so, no, we're not.
Starting point is 00:55:35 See, I told the Michigan line, but it's a mango line. So no matter what. It's blue. You got to pay respect. You're right. Why do you think I cave every time? Yeah. Why do you think at the end of the day, after everything that has happened, after the day that I had, I got you the fucking phone charger?
Starting point is 00:55:53 You got him some fucking nasty ass nares. You got him a charger? Yes, I plugged it in for him! I fucking set it up! I took his phone- That's crazy. That's so sweet. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:56:03 And you know why? It's because when Mango recovered against Swedish Shalite, no one thought he was getting back on the last Saturday Night Live. And he got back! And then he got back! And then you got back! And how do you get back? And then you got back! And you won Smash Summit 11, and you're a good friend, and we all love you. And he's winning with Falco in 2022! You should move him up on the list.
Starting point is 00:56:20 No, that puts me down. We'll see. But, I just- Real quick, I actually do need a beer, Aiden. Aiden, I've been watching, I just finished watching Sopranos. So I'm like, to me it's just,
Starting point is 00:56:31 you gotta pay respect to me. I'm the, You feel like the godfather. In male, like in the real world, I don't think of myself any more special than the person I'm buying beer next to.
Starting point is 00:56:40 Oh, I was just talking to Andrea. What do you mean? You thought she'd know you, bro. Well, no, no, no. I didn't think she knew knew me but i realized i approached her like i thought she knew me and then as i left i was like wait she might have no idea who i am but i so like i don't think i'm any special but when it comes to melee i yes i do think everyone should be kissing kissing my finger i I think I brought this up the first time you're on
Starting point is 00:57:07 but I just want to say it again maybe I said like the funniest thing ever when we were in a hotel room and Leah's playing Falco and he goes Leah you play Falco of course you're
Starting point is 00:57:15 a mango fan no one who plays Falco isn't a mango fan she's like yeah I thought about like yeah there's not anyone who would like be like I love Falco I hate the way mango
Starting point is 00:57:22 plays Falco even like Ginger who I think is like your polar opposite in terms of like play style you won and then you just talked about uh what was it main stage you just talked about how shit you were playing and ginger was like i can't believe he's saying he's playing shit it was like beautiful i love listening to ginger talk about mango oh it's my favorite thing yeah he said nicer things and lauren has said about me in the last like i'm like i'm mango fan like i do the thing for him i'm like yeah i'm like i wish everybody else talked like you you're coming to my event without getting paid i'm not coming okay look this is this this is the there's no there's nothing else you got no one else panda's gone
Starting point is 00:58:03 vgbc's gone i'm all you got no cuz you know what I'm getting mad about everyone's calling Ludwig the goat no no one's like Ludwig's the goat I know I'm saying many people say this because no no no money one of us has hard work talent determination grill and the other one of us has amen and money yeah. Yeah. That's two big, big, big things. Yes, but it undermines my goatness, and I don't like it. You have a Falco. I have an Amon.
Starting point is 00:58:31 His goatness is mad. My money is your Fox, and my Amon is your Falco. Okay, let me settle this. I'm not going. You're going. I got you basketball tickets for your birthday. As you should. Kiss the...
Starting point is 00:58:44 I'm uninviting Gio that's fine I'll take my son and Joey Joey does this thing where every time he sees me he like cause I did this smashing event I forget which smash event and he was at the booth across with Mango practicing.
Starting point is 00:59:07 He looked over and he said to Mango in private, he's like, man, Ludwig's ass isn't all that. No. He whispered to me. He's like, it really isn't that big. That's not true. And so then every time I see him now, he starts poking my butt.
Starting point is 00:59:17 He starts giggling and runs away. Yeah, feast my eyes on that boy. He pokes it and runs. And I can't tell if he's approving or disapproving, but it's... Look, want to go to your event not because i don't but zane's not going he's a great reason i won't go and do it so it's fair but it's like what what am i going for for number one in the world if you win i don't want to be number one because zane had a family issue and i don't want to bring that narrative because i feel bad bad for him. Because he already has. Half of Zayn's career is in Asterix.
Starting point is 00:59:47 Which I don't think is fair. What if we all agree. I know how good Zayn is. What if we all agree. I feel bad. They will all agree that even if you win. You won't be number one. We all agree that you're ranking as an influence by the event.
Starting point is 00:59:57 But then if I lose. I'm going to get dropped to like three or four. No you're not. You're solid number two. I think so. Who would take a. Who could you lose to at this tournament? Stats people are. No, no, no, no, no. They're anti-Mango. And I solid number two. I think so. Who could you lose to at this tournament? Stats people are anti-Mango.
Starting point is 01:00:07 They are. Who could you lose to at this tournament that would move you? Let's just say I got in ninth place. I think the only reality is if... No. I don't think so. Cody, your record against Cody is too good for him to be put above you, I think. No, I agree.
Starting point is 01:00:25 The only person, I think the only situation is like where you get like 13th or 9th and Amsa wins. And then maybe? Yeah, but that's already annoying to me. Because I don't want to win because I don't want to step on Zane's shoes. There's not going to be conditions for you. I will win. You're not going to win.
Starting point is 01:00:42 I will. I know what you're doing. It's not going to work. How much money? What? How much money do you got? What do you want? 100 subs, we call it right now.
Starting point is 01:00:49 That's it? You're such a cheap date. Jesus Christ. You do it. You make money. Split it. 50-50. No, I'm not 25.
Starting point is 01:00:56 The thing is... Your event. Yeah, I'm running it. I don't make the money from the viewership. It's not even about money. I haven't been practicing. I've been... You know my birthday was...
Starting point is 01:01:03 Yes, you're not going to win. So don't worry about it. The Friday, Saturday, Sunday. And then today, I'm getting drunk again because you made me come here. I haven't been practicing. I've been, you know, my birthday was- Yes, you're not going to win. So don't worry about it. The Friday, Saturday, Sunday. And then today I'm getting drunk again because you made me come here. I'm missing out on melee rank. Why do you think that coming here means you've got to get drunk? Because I'm hungover. You make you come here?
Starting point is 01:01:13 No, he has to heal. The only way I can be a good podcast person is if I drink a few beers. Yeah. Otherwise I feel like shit. He has to heal. Do you want to dig into that? This is business. This is for you.
Starting point is 01:01:20 Do you want to dig into that? I don't drink for me. Yeah, we get expense to have beer, actually. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's on the books. You think I drink for me. I drink for the people watching this and for you. Look, I'll talk you, actually. You think I drink for me? I drink for the people watching this and for you.
Starting point is 01:01:27 Talk to Wayne Shane. We can cook the books here, but the fact of the matter is you're coming and you're not winning. We don't cook the books. The thing is, I don't even want to win. You know what it's like to go to an event and I don't want to win? Dude, okay. That was Mainstage. You won. It's not shameful
Starting point is 01:01:42 to win the event just because Zayn had a thing it's not like you're spitting in his face you're just competing you're doing your job no but it's gonna bring in an annoying narrative
Starting point is 01:01:50 that I don't want to bring to the table I already saw the Redditors they said even if Mango wins he's still not number one they were saying that they said that weeks ago they actually do say that
Starting point is 01:01:57 all the time because they pulled up your side by side stats and they said even if Mango wins he's not number one and that's what they said yeah but it'll bring into the conversation and then I feel bad because Zayn did wins, he's not number one. And that's what they said. Yeah, but it'll bring in the conversation.
Starting point is 01:02:05 And then I feel bad because Zayn is an asterisk. I'm not winning. But I thought I wasn't winning main state. And then I just won. Because I'm that nasty right now. You are pretty nasty. I'm disgustingly nasty. It's a good bracket.
Starting point is 01:02:20 I got a lucky bracket. I said that in my interview. We'll make it a bad bracket. Let's cook the bracket. Cook the bracket. Cook the bracket. No, I'll cook it. I'm number lucky bracket. I said that in my interview. We'll make it a bad bracket. Let's cook the bracket. Cook the bracket. Cook the bracket. No, I'll cook it. Just let me cook.
Starting point is 01:02:29 You can't out-cook me. We're cooking. We're cooking that bracket. What are you going to do? We're making the eighth seed also. You can't not go because if you back out, you fuck me. You fuck him. And you fucked him good and hard at the chessboard.
Starting point is 01:02:41 You got your charger. It's the best person to fuck right now. Look, at the end of the day, I'm going to be there. Just know that I don't want to be there. Fair. I will bitch the absolute whole time, and I will bitch all week. Hey, everybody who's watching, look at us. We look cool.
Starting point is 01:02:55 Take it away, Nick. Hey, so I don't have my prescription in now because I'm wearing cool Shady Rays, but I'm going to try to think what I think I see. Shady Rays. but I'm going to try to think what I think I see. Shady Rays. They make them plastic. You're thinking, are these the only colors and designs they come in? There are so many more. They got plenty more designs.
Starting point is 01:03:16 You know that barbecue sauce that's really good? This is like that, but for sunglasses. Sweet Shady Rays. Or like the hot sandwich Howlin' Rays. Yeah, it's going to be in the fridge for a long time and still be good. I want my Shady bag, Shady bag. And speaking of putting barbecue sauce on stuff, Shady Rays also provides 10 meals to fight hunger in America. That's something Ludwig's familiar with.
Starting point is 01:03:37 I'm fighting away fucking nerds by looking cool as shit and getting all the baddies. Here's the thing about me is I get these because they look good. I don't give a shit about the people that it feeds. What about kids? Do you care about the kids that are starving? I did not stutter. Okay, he didn't stutter. He doesn't care about them.
Starting point is 01:03:53 The kids are... They don't have to worry about the stars, but he doesn't care. Let me defend myself. There's a couple things that I do like, and it's the 30-day exchange in return and best protection program of any eye wearer. He has that memorized.
Starting point is 01:04:07 the first edible sunglasses you will ever eat. Go to use code THEYARDY at 50% off two or more pairs. For as low as $54. Also you can eat them with your mouth. Shouldn't eat them. Hey Aiden. Should not eat them. I'm gonna throw you my Shadyrays and you're gonna catch them on your
Starting point is 01:04:23 face. Yep. Okay you ready? Don't. I won't eat them though. Ready throw you my shady rays and you're gonna catch them on your face Okay you ready? I won't eat them though Cause that would be bad Archie fix that in post Archie fix that really easy Archie make them look really cool use code THEYARD 50% off 2 or more pairs for as low as $54
Starting point is 01:04:39 I never recognized Cause I know that you like complaining But I never recognized how much you love complaining Until this morning when you shot me that text and you're like ranked melees out and i was like oh yeah and you're like and i gotta do this podcast and i was like damn do you want to back out and you're like no you were like you were like two question marks yeah yeah two question marks when you're talking to me like that. Yeah, Mango, I feel like you, you, like me,
Starting point is 01:05:08 are a hater for the love of the game. And because you're a big enough dude that you're a hater that, you know, is sometimes justified. And, uh, but maybe not the complaining. But I think, I think you're justified in this.
Starting point is 01:05:19 I think I'm being totally justifiable. But I do think you can... My last two brain cells like working together to perform a thought. You're putting a lot of pressure on yourself that you're sliding Zayn, and then it's like an asterisk,
Starting point is 01:05:29 when I think that if you just fucking... If you ball out, and you swag, and you get first, like, that's just... You're just still winning really hard melee. And I think that's okay to be okay with. You know what I mean? Well, no, it's also because I haven't been practicing.
Starting point is 01:05:42 The thing about... I'll go to the event, but I feel... I don't been practicing. The thing about... I'll go to the event, but I feel... I don't like showing up unprepared. You're doing about fucking seven days. From a try-hard perspective, it's like... No. I have like four days, and then I'm being drunk today.
Starting point is 01:05:56 You think I'm playing good melee today? No. And then we're going to the Laker game tomorrow. You think I'm playing good melee tomorrow? No. That leaves me Wednesday hungover off a five-day bender to get best in the world good in a four-day span. I got the solution.
Starting point is 01:06:07 He's making good points. I made great points. We cancel the Lakers game. He might even still win. No. Isn't that crazy? We bring a melee setup to the Lakers game. No, because I'm already...
Starting point is 01:06:17 I've mentally checked out this year. And I think it's fair after the whole cancellation that I was like, I'm done. I'm going to take December off. I'm going to enjoy my birthday which I did. I had a great birthday. Your event was okay. Could have been better. We're not going to go into it. What? You said you had a list of problems.
Starting point is 01:06:35 Yeah, there were some complaints. I had a great time. Now it's like I don't want to play Melee. I think it's because the bar closed early. That was a bummer. But it's like I just bottom of my heart don't want to play. Are you doing the Woff event? No.. But it's like, I just, bottom of my heart, don't want to play. Are you doing a Woff event?
Starting point is 01:06:48 No. If that counts for, I've already said, if that counts for rankings, I'm going commentary. But you're going to go over this? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:54 Well, it's a sport. Which is why I'm going to your shitty event. Because I have no choice. Because being the goat is, Us two goats, us two goats of melee if I could.
Starting point is 01:07:02 It has, when you start a sentence like that, it's so funny. It just, I understand, like when I wake up, I know if I could you start a sentence like that it's so funny I understand like when I wake up I know what I have to do in my position of my shoes you know and so I'll go but it's like
Starting point is 01:07:14 I just don't want to you have to do fanfare to talk to the people in the village you know you're the king look I'll say it I'll say it as the goat of melee you are needy but I think you are just because there are other goats who are not as just because i don't even know if you know this but originally before i was supposed to slapbox connor i was supposed to slapbox xqc but then he bailed last second so
Starting point is 01:07:40 i ended up just doing it with connor which i think worked out better anyway yeah he didn't show up to do but you if you were in XQC in the GOAT streamer, would have showed up. I would have. But you would have bitched the entire time. But I'd be there. You ain't gonna slap me. I'm gonna look bad. I got my beard. I don't think I fucking slapped my Ludwig.
Starting point is 01:07:57 You don't have any beers here. The bar is closed. I don't even want that. I just got slapped by Ludwig today. It wasn't a good one. It self-admitted too. Yeah. Well, I held back on all my slaps against Connor. How bad? What percentage power were you?
Starting point is 01:08:14 I don't know if I can find a percentage. I think it's more so I was slapping with this as opposed to like your hand, which is a lot meatier. And this bends. So I was like, I think it might've been pretty hard but this just isn't i hate how much he loves connor again because if i was up there well i threw my hat in the ring connor's your new carl jacobs he's like connor's way better and i'm like that makes sense but if i was up there what if it would have ripped my fucking brains i love do you believe that yeah i think
Starting point is 01:08:38 you would have hit me as hard as you can you really believe that no you wouldn't have why such an idiot why because we had a chance for that to happen offline, off the record, and I didn't. Yeah, but this would be for content. And you could put me down for good. We've also slapped each other for content. Yeah, but like. So what the fuck? Because it's a competition.
Starting point is 01:08:56 Oh my God. It's literally a slap on to competition. You just said it's because you're. I'm saying that you would have slapped me real good. No, I wouldn't have. That's great. Now I feel like, now I'm hurt. Imagine Slime was like hella good at chess randomly that'd be sick that would be so funny i just dice your dumb ass you're you're hurt i'm hurt every day of my life i see how you feel
Starting point is 01:09:15 well you get it yeah i do because you know goats cry because every day i wake up i don't even want to do half the shit i do but it it's just, I have to do it. It's the best part of your day. And I keep saying, best part of my day is when I get a sub. I'm very happy. He has a sub. That's the most depressing shit I've ever heard in my life. No, because my whole life is dictated by numbers.
Starting point is 01:09:39 If my stream's doing well, I'm happy. And if I'm doing well in tournament, I'm happy. When my stream's doing so-so, and I'm getting fifth and seventh, do you think I'm happy? No. No. I'm very miserable. I did see you at Big House. Actually, wow, that's so interesting. Because it's also like the Eagles record.
Starting point is 01:09:53 Yeah, and the Eagles are hot. So right now I'm riding the Lakers record. The baddest high. It's all numbers. And that's all that matters. My life is all numbers. What about other joys? Less objective joys.
Starting point is 01:10:06 The smile of a child. I have no joy until I retire. To me, it's like... Touch of a lover. I'm a... I'm just... The way I see it is I sacrifice my soul. And then when I retire, I'm debt-free.
Starting point is 01:10:18 Let's talk about it. You said you'd retire in four years. Was that serious? Yeah, I keep saying I'm not playing a day past 35. You promise. What's the... Why 35? Because then I'll be at 20 years. Was that serious? Yeah, I keep saying I'm not playing a day past 35. You promise. What's the... Why 35? Because then I'll be at 20 years.
Starting point is 01:10:30 Oh, okay, yeah, yeah. And I feel like I've done... What do I have to play for any time? I feel like I've accomplished everything a Melee player could ask. You have to play for the people
Starting point is 01:10:37 that will still be like, I don't know, Armada if he came back. Which is why I'm lamenting that. But I also, in, you know, anime fashion,
Starting point is 01:10:44 I feel like I'll know when I can leave when the community doesn't need me. And I feel like they still need me. But I think there will be a day when I can leave.
Starting point is 01:10:54 We no longer need Mango. That day is when Melee dies and Ultimate takes over. This is just the end of the Dark Knight. Yeah. But it's in the real life.
Starting point is 01:11:01 Have you heard that I'm Batman and Melee community's my Gotham? Well, okay. What does Joey say about this? What does Joey say about this? He agrees. Probably. Probably.
Starting point is 01:11:09 It's the Melee Community, not my Gotham. What does Joey's Falcon say about this? Yeah, I can see your Gotham. I put my everything away. You're the most beloved top player. Is Hbox a Joker? Yeah, but I still get a lot of shit. Is Armada the Joker?
Starting point is 01:11:19 Who's the Joker? The Joker is... Joker's too sick to be any of those clowns. I'm Detective Gordon. The Joker clowns. I'm Detective Gordon. The Joker's Nintendo. I'm Detective Gordon. And I'm working with Batman to save the city. But in my own ways.
Starting point is 01:11:33 Can I be, can I be Gamble? You can be Catwoman and fuck him. I can be Catwoman. But I also, I also like can defeat criminals. Yeah, well. And also we don't fuck. We just have a thing. You really want to fuck him and he doesn't want to fuck you i'm just saying it's like a tension thing and that's one way so no two ways i will now aiden ask you the day after he's announced his retirement can we
Starting point is 01:11:59 run the largest smash tournament ever million dollar prize pool and then keep them one more day well no after i retire i what i'm gonna do is i'm probably just gonna answer super majors Smash tournament ever. Million dollar prize pool. And then keep them one more day. Well, no. After I retire, what I'm going to do is I'm probably just going to answer super majors. But like on no practice.
Starting point is 01:12:12 It's not even retired. When I retire, that means I'm done. Like Isaiah in N64. I'll just show up and I'll be like the celebrity guy. I'll get 33rd.
Starting point is 01:12:20 Maybe once I get top 8 in its height. But I'm done grinding at 35. Yeah, like how Ken was still going to Evo here and there. Yeah, I get top eight and it's hype, but I'm done grinding at 35. Yeah. Like how, how Ken was still going to Evo here. Would you play,
Starting point is 01:12:29 would you play spaces or would you like to fuck her out? No. So this is sad that I've already thought like when I retire, you've really thought this through. Yes. This is my ending and I just, I can't wait. This is your off brand.
Starting point is 01:12:40 Yeah. So I probably play Falcon or Mara for chic. I haven't decided. And I just want... Because I've... It's sad that even after my career, I just want to see
Starting point is 01:12:49 what a year would look like on another character. I would love to see your Falcon full-time. The Mango Sheik. Which is sad. It's sad that even
Starting point is 01:12:56 in my retirement, I'll probably still play. You want the Sheik? I want the... I want the Mango Sheik. I want the Marth. I want the Marth. Oh, the Mango Marth.
Starting point is 01:13:04 The Mango Marth has 3-0'd Armada. I'll let you decide. Really? As my highest donor. Okay. When the day comes, you can pick my character. All right, all right. I'll wait, I'll wait.
Starting point is 01:13:12 I'm going to sit on it. Think about it. Yeah, I'm going to sit on it. I'll sit on it. Come back. I'll play puff for you if you want. Is puff open? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:17 All right. I'll do mango junior. You all switched. That was a good transition. Whoa, whoa, whoa. All four of you switched. I never switched. I would argue that I haven't switched. I's a good transition. Whoa, whoa, whoa. All four of you switched. I never switched. I would argue that I haven't switched.
Starting point is 01:13:28 I had a little switch. Slippy Ranked came out today. None of you care. Wait, wait, wait, wait. I've never cared. None of you care. I've never cared. I haven't played Slippy in probably months because I have.
Starting point is 01:13:39 I don't know who my adapter is. I play on LAN. You guys don't even play Melee anymore? I haven't played Melee in six fucking years. I don't play Slippy Yeah, I work Yeah, Slippy Rank came out But I fucking
Starting point is 01:13:48 I play I have a Joshman at home Take back He's really good I have a Joshman at home? Yeah Take back I've never played Melee
Starting point is 01:13:54 You used to care No, I just beat you once in Thanksgiving But I never fucking played the game You'll play Atrioc a lot You used to care Yeah, but I've never played Slippy You'll play my My Mars
Starting point is 01:14:03 Yeah, he was never Netplan Remember when you used to do Rank up Anthra's Ladder streams? Oh Yeah, I I've never played Slippy. You'll play my Mars? Yeah, he was never Netplan. Remember when you used to do rank-up Anther's Ladder streams? Oh. Yeah, I remember. Oh, you played viewer fights on Anther's. I remember I did that. You did viewer shit on Anther's.
Starting point is 01:14:12 Yeah, I did viewer streams. Battles. Because I played you on one of those streams. And you played- I remember. Yeah, he's fine. Give him a break. He didn't-
Starting point is 01:14:21 He literally actually didn't switch. This is the go to melee? Look at him. He didn't switch. And he be chillin's Mario. I'm Detective Gordon. He literally actually didn't switch. This is the go to melee. Look at him. He didn't switch. And he beat Chillin's Mario. I'm Detective Gordon. Beat Chillin's Mario. I'm here to save the day.
Starting point is 01:14:30 Have you beat Chillin's Mario? No, I'm just the funny thing to say. It happened. I beat his fox. I beat Chillin's Falco. Chillin's Mario. I'll say it. The double Chillin walkout kind of hype.
Starting point is 01:14:40 Yeah, it was extremely hype. Yeah, that was perfect. Anyway, what were your issues in my event? Which one? Smash boxing. Besides Aiden being a clown. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let's leave Aiden out.
Starting point is 01:14:51 Yeah, surprise him. Just totally unworkable. I actually had a great time. Yeah. Oh. Aw. Aw, take that. I had an 11 out of 10 time.
Starting point is 01:14:57 I'll take that. I started off. Okay, so we get there. Aiden makes me stand outside. I'm wearing shorts and sandals and it was actually pretty chilly so i'm staying there my toes you're always wearing shorts and sandals i know well i only there was a way to check the weather it was funny because i before you leave your house no no well i had joggers on but i had a jacket on yeah and my body can only have a substantial amount of
Starting point is 01:15:22 heat either down here or up here because i'm used to being like this or like a tank top. Yeah. I had pants on and I was like, I'm really hot. And then I took my pants off. And then of course I had to stand outside for 30 minutes. While walking you took your pants off? No, at home before the weekend. And then besides that waiting and then we get there and I'm
Starting point is 01:15:39 hung over as shit. I have a heartburn. And then I find out that our seats aren't together. Because he just gave us whatever. Four tickets. Yeah, so I didn't have four seats together anymore. So I'm thinking like we can't go out there because I'm going to go and Joey and Gio are going to be away from me. Like I was like, and then we get there and I have two beers and I go up for a third and
Starting point is 01:16:00 the lady's like, we're closed for now. And I'm like, and then I go and I look for the food. There's no food. Just like nasty carrots. So like the first like three hours were a zero out of ten time and then and then it got there it all turns the bar opened up and i think that was brought they brought tacos the clutch moment had some nice salsa someone else came up to me during in the vip section when when those uh like when that meal was being served or like when the veggies were being served and they're like how come like we paid to be in here and like there's a concession stand out there but i have carrots in here i was like what do you want me to do about
Starting point is 01:16:36 this and i was like do you want me to tell you to like just eat the carrots and grow up and i'm just trying to like get through was Was this like an influencer? No, it was a person who had just bought the ticket. And I just like didn't know where to go with the conversation. Three people came up to me and they were like, can you tell Ludwig that this food bar is not up to par? And I was like, yeah, I'll let him know. I, you know what?
Starting point is 01:16:56 I heard the feedback. I heard the feedback. It's a bunch of fucking greasy gamers who have never eaten a fucking vegetable in their life. Well, hold up. Those are our VIPs. Those are our people. But they did, they did come. And the VIP section is like this ballroom area.
Starting point is 01:17:09 And it's connected to their seats that are like floor seating. So the seats are good. And it has an open bar. And they had like a veggie tray. But they were up in awe. I've never seen it. I walked in to just kiss some babies, shake some hands. And I was like, hey,
Starting point is 01:17:26 thanks guys for coming. Did my whole spiel. And then I get down and then someone just pies in the crowd. They're like, what's up with the mushrooms? And then everyone goes, yeah. And it's like a British parliament.
Starting point is 01:17:36 And I'm like, what do you mean? And they're like, go look at the mushrooms. And I look and it looks like someone just foraged, like it looks like a cauliflower but it's just mushroom heads all in one chunk that's kind of funny and i'm like and i'm like what what's wrong with foraged food all of a sudden and then i leave and i'm like
Starting point is 01:17:54 they're kind of right it was in the slums with the vipers there was the slums of an open bar the slums with the open bars that's funny funny. That's funny. You're funny. And then, there was talks going table to table like, Yeah, I thought the food would be better. Like, everybody was mad. Which I actually think, considering how much everybody paid, is actually like a valid complaint. But I will say, the tacos were amazing.
Starting point is 01:18:19 Yeah. And then the fucking- the lady made pasta in front of me. Dude, the pasta lady was great. It was like an omelet bar for pasta. My whole day started so shitty. Even, I get there
Starting point is 01:18:29 and there's just like mushrooms and like... It just wasn't the veggies the whole time. Well, I was like... No, it was just a start. But then, as the bar opened up
Starting point is 01:18:36 and the food came out, I just like... Well, you know the secret to success in every event is always end on a good note. Doesn't matter if it starts shit as long as it ends good. Well, I was...
Starting point is 01:18:44 The whole day, I was like, oh, you know, the food's shit here, but like it's venue food. It's how it goes. Yeah. And like the day went on, there's tacos now.
Starting point is 01:18:50 I'm like, oh, food got a little better. No, it got better throughout the day. I wonder what they did. I will say. And then like the after party hit where like none of the VIPs can go and the food was amazing.
Starting point is 01:18:58 And I was like, this is a little fucked up. I know what their capabilities are now. They got tacos. They were cheffing up the fucking pasta in a little pan They're making that they're slicing the meat off the fucking thing. I was like this is crazy dance floor after Those two people go nuts for other people on there's two people on the dance floor the whole They were killing it. It was his name is drew and I forget his wife's name
Starting point is 01:19:22 forget his wife's name. But I talked to him for a while. And they were killing it. There was one point where he's pumping up the ground and she's like an inflatable balloon. They were killing it. They were so insane. I know the after party was lame as fuck because the moment I walked outside to walk
Starting point is 01:19:36 Cutie to her car, I saw like 30 influencers waiting for Ubers. I was like, what's up guys? Where are you going? I was like, it's been five minutes like where are you going after party was great and I was like it's been five minutes I'll defend the after party
Starting point is 01:19:47 we gotta go home I think it was fine it was just like it was mixed vibes because it was DJ but then it was also a ballroom with tables and food
Starting point is 01:19:54 and so there was a lot going on I think it was perfect for like talking to people that's what it was for it was a talk to each other it was good for the fighters
Starting point is 01:20:02 and if you want a party right go party if you want to just hang out hang out fighters. And if you want to party, go party. If you want to just hang out, hang out. That's why if you want to go to the dance floor or you want to go here or there. It was like eight vibes and you could just pick what vibe you want. I did like that. It was like a vibe carnival.
Starting point is 01:20:17 And Nick Yingling was the vibe carny. Yeah, he was. He was. With jagged teeth. Just toothless. Ben, one more for He was. With jagged teeth. Just toothless. Ben. One more for the road. How much time we got?
Starting point is 01:20:30 Hey. Ten? I imagine we got. Something completely unrelated. Yo. Have you guys seen that Twitter scam? Where like, someone will get their Twitter hacked, and then the person will post on the account and be like, hey, I have ten MacBooks.
Starting point is 01:20:41 I thought that happened to E. Yeah. So they'll be like, I have ten MacBooks. DM me if you want a MacBook for 200 bucks that's it and they just try to scam all their fans
Starting point is 01:20:49 so usually this happens to you you complain to Twitter they resolve it in like a day or two and you get your compact Bobby Lee the comedian has had his Twitter hacked
Starting point is 01:20:59 for I think two months now I'm not exaggerating his Twitter his Twitter has been hacked for like two full months still now zipper zipper if you can pull up the picture i sent you uh this is bobby lee's twitter account it tweets this every day and it locked it it locked the twitter oh my
Starting point is 01:21:16 god it locked the twitter it's so it's been so long it's been so long that the person is writing that there's only two more left because they start with 10, right? They just keep going. And so they do this thing, right? So can you pull up the full image zipper? They now are trying to push signed napkins on the laptop and it just says Bobby Lee. Dude, that is so fucking funny. In plain writing.
Starting point is 01:21:39 What if this is Bobby Lee with a long con? That's what I'm starting to think. That's what I was thinking. Is that they hacked him? He realized how much money they made in the DMs and he just kept it gone. Dude, that's what you should do when you retire, Mango, is your social just becomes like
Starting point is 01:21:52 a Ray-Bans thing. It just becomes like a sunglasses scam. Or you wait for Twitter to lock you and then you say, what the fuck? And you show that you're actually selling laptops for cheap. I had a lot of MacBooks. Yeah, homie just doesn't give a fuck.
Starting point is 01:22:06 I'll hire you when I retire, Slime. Yeah, I'll be your... You can run whatever retirement manager. Yeah, you do whatever you want. It'll be good. I'll let you go out on a good note online. Imagine Mogul moves, but Ludwig's Mango. Ludwig's Mango?
Starting point is 01:22:18 Better or worse? If, wait, wait, if... Ludwig is Mango. So it's Mogul moves, Ludwig's out of the picture, and Mango is in place of Ludwig so Mango he's the streamer
Starting point is 01:22:27 content creator he's our boss we need responses from him all that stays but Ludwig's gone it's just Mango I thought you said Mango's a content creator
Starting point is 01:22:34 like he doesn't stream every day no no but like in the way that you are he's not doing the YouTube push I'm not a content creator you are fucking say it
Starting point is 01:22:40 say it with your chest I'm gonna say it if you were only the streamer I'm a professional gamer that he was we would not all need to have a job here. Like, he doesn't need 15 employees.
Starting point is 01:22:49 We'd play a lot more Valorant. You think so? We'd be in a lot of drug mango five stacks. Yeah, we'd get the call where it's like, yeah, mango needs a fifth. Oh my god, mango Valorant.
Starting point is 01:22:59 Dude, you know what would be a sick content series? You know how everyone goes like iron to whatever? Throw it at a hero? Iron to immortal. But you have to have like a blood alcohol content level of.08 or higher to play. And you gotta blow. Yeah, you have to blow before every game.
Starting point is 01:23:14 Sounds like this is made for me. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. This is for you. It's just Mango doing iron to immortal. What? Can I just not drink for like a month? Look at your right hand. You don't want to not drink for a month.
Starting point is 01:23:25 What are you talking about? It just hurts. He slurs Mackenzie, bro. He's acting like his right hand. He literally slurs Mackenzie. Your right hand's like part of your body. He can't do anything. He doesn't want to party anymore.
Starting point is 01:23:37 It's not like... Everyone's like, keep partying, slurms. We need you. He would have been a great fighter. He what? He had the chops. He would have been a great fighter. He what? He had the chops. He would have been a great fighter. Golden glove.
Starting point is 01:23:47 I'm trying to go on a 10 mile run. How much do you weigh right now? I'm not telling you. I just recently gained 10 pounds. I'm not happy about it. North of two? Yeah. No, it's getting bad.
Starting point is 01:23:57 Two, 18. No, not that much. Come on, 204. Easy. Yeah. Anyway. Low two, low two. Yeah, you couldn't box most smashers.
Starting point is 01:24:08 I would have lost weight. You want to lose? You know how easy it is for me to lose weight? I just drink seltzers and I drop 15 pounds. You think I'm joking? You think I'm joking? What do you mean? You just sell alcohol seltzers?
Starting point is 01:24:21 Heart seltzers? You'd be amazed by what you can do when you just don't drink any at all. How does that make sense? Dude, it's just calories in, calories out. Seltzers have a lot of calories and sugar. Seltzers? No, that's their whole thing. It's just sparkling water.
Starting point is 01:24:38 So you didn't listen to him. He said Trulies. Not seltzers. Oh, so now you're dumb. Wait, I am dumb. No, seltzers are alcohol. I'm not a listener. Yeah, and alcohol has calories in it. There's seltzer're dumb. Wait, I am dumb. Seltzers are alcohol. Yeah, and alcohol has calories in it. There's seltzer and then there's hard seltzer, like seltzer water.
Starting point is 01:24:50 I assume when Megan says it, he means like, no, I'm not with him. I recognize that he means alcohol. During the pandemic. The plandemic. I don't know why I said that. It's a real thing. Plus one on Elon's tweet saying my pronouns. During, I stopped drinking beer
Starting point is 01:25:09 because I was like, I'm going to be drinking every day because obviously what the fuck else are we going to do? So I was like, I switched to Stelters. I lost 15 pounds in a month. But there, nothing changed in my diet. I was eating fast food every night.
Starting point is 01:25:22 No, but this is like fattening. What? I don't, I don't get it. Maybe you drink less because they're like, there's more alcohol in them. No, was eating fast food every night. No, but this is like fattening. What? I don't get it. Maybe you drink less because there's more alcohol in them? No, I drink more seltzer. Does it add up? It just doesn't. The math isn't there. It could do the math. This is a very solvable...
Starting point is 01:25:37 Seltzers are way lighter than this. How long would it take you to be able to run 10 miles again? You give me a month. No fucking way. 10 miles is really long. Let's put a yard bounty on this. No, but 10 miles again you give me a month no fucking way yes 10 miles is really let's put a yard bounty on this no no 10 miles you could do the question is how long do you have to do it within because you could run 10 miles right like you can just get 10 miles done i mean it's like a non-stop if you if you have to maintain a certain jog the whole time i think it's better to just have it within a time frame. Like, I think 10 miles in two hours.
Starting point is 01:26:07 Like, ever? You know my body's peak? 12 minutes a mile? It's a little fast. Maybe 150 minutes? 12 minutes a mile? What? A 10-minute mile.
Starting point is 01:26:18 12 minutes a mile is pretty light. I think that's light. 10 minutes a mile? I was saying 12 minutes per mile. 10 miles. You don't know my body's peak?
Starting point is 01:26:25 What's your peak? What's your fastest mile ever? Fastest mile is like high five. Like high 50. I'm a 550. 55. Yeah, I'm like there. But like on average in like school, I was always like 610, 620.
Starting point is 01:26:37 And then I ran two miles as fast as I could just to see. And I got like 1130 or something. That's juicy. What's that test called? There's a test in America they do where you run two miles. They have something test.
Starting point is 01:26:48 The two mile run. The president test. The pacer test. Is that it? The pacer test is like a lot of different running. But it's a little different. The timed two mile run.
Starting point is 01:26:55 It's two miles under 13 minutes. Are you doing chest boxing again next year? I don't know. I'll start working out today. I think I should do it again because I think a lot of people
Starting point is 01:27:04 didn't want to give chest boxing a chance and then saw it and thought it was cool today. I think I should do it again because I think a lot of people didn't want to give chess boxing a chance and then saw it and thought it was cool. So I think everyone who watched it will want to watch it and I think everyone who missed out on it in faux mode will want to see it. So I think... And we'll also run it way better.
Starting point is 01:27:17 I think it's worth running again but there's a couple things that I would change. You know what you need? What? You need an Aiden. I need an Aiden? What if you had your own Aiden? He needs an Aiden. I have thought about that. You get yourself an Aiden. That's what you need? You need an Aiden. What if you had your own Aiden?
Starting point is 01:27:25 I have thought about that. You get yourself an Aiden. That's what I told him. I have an Aiden. You have an Aiden? Not I have an Aiden. You have Aiden. I was my own Aiden. Back when it was me and Ludwig, I was yingling, I was Aiden. Hire Eamon. Eamon? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:41 My mom pokes me about it sometimes. Really? I'm your brother. you can help him out to be fair I think my brother would never ask or respect you it's like how my brother bought the merch I'm like Ethan I'll send you the merch
Starting point is 01:27:57 he's too humble but would he do like stuff uh yeah do you think your brother's lazy no he has Aiden's blood running through
Starting point is 01:28:08 think about how good he got in Fortnite dude that's true Eamon and Eamon that's a duo if I ever seen one he has to be the
Starting point is 01:28:15 ice climbers of mogul movies what is it in the discord Corwin's Revenge Corwin's Revenge yeah I think I'll do it again
Starting point is 01:28:22 do you think we should do it again yeah I thought about that a lot yesterday I think there's there's so much to improve on just from the first one it'd be so much better yeah there's certain types of events that you do once because the spectacle of them happening that one time at all is like all of the magic of it and then there's certain types of events that like as they happen and bring in a bunch of people that think it's cool and like realize it's cool you capitalize that and pull them all back in again i feel like even me is like i think this falls into the second category right from like my even me like when
Starting point is 01:28:54 i was watching i was like damn i kind of wish i did this i was like this is really cool but i think even more content creators would be like yeah it's kind of cool i think just just the fact that there was this monumental thing that just got the word out about chess, because the number one question leading up to this event when it was discussed was, what is chess boxing? And now this has answered the question, and it's cool. So it's like now... I think we also pull more star power for the next one.
Starting point is 01:29:18 Yeah, exactly. I think more people want to do it. Because I think everyone's concern was like, what happens if I get punched a bunch? And then you realize it's not that bad, because I think everyone who fought yesterday like what happens if I like get punched a bunch and then you realize it's not that bad because I think everyone who fires a lot I respect everybody who fought yeah just to go out there and like maybe get your ass beat as like any kind of like con like never I hear the end of it and like I've spent everybody who flies like you know one
Starting point is 01:29:38 got like shit and they're like Lamar because they fought it's like right to me you know my mom always told me growing up if I ever heard you backed out of a fight, don't come home. That's crazy. And then she said if you ever lose a fight, don't come home. Okay, that was meaner though. That's crazy. You did grow up in the hood. What the fuck?
Starting point is 01:29:57 To me, it's like if you fight, you have my respect. It doesn't matter. That's such a bad... Because that means you can't back out of like but also if you lose you gotta win You have to wait you got a really big Lost a fight every day of my life cuz I only fought so you never told your mom your kids Did it again, I grew up in the night. I always, check up the Norwalk stats from when I grew up. Oh, the fight?
Starting point is 01:30:26 The fight sheet? No, no, no. The death is great. The penalty. Yeah, all the crimes and shit. There was a point growing up where we could not go outside in the daytime
Starting point is 01:30:34 because people were getting shot because they were wearing Raiders jerseys. Because they were Raiders fans? Because they liked the jerseys. They had a jersey. Some gang shit. That is tough.
Starting point is 01:30:44 If I wanted to play baseball I can't because people are dying two houses away that was the other Golden Glove Marquez God bless his soul
Starting point is 01:30:53 he would have been packed the other day yeah I think the only thing I'm concerned about is how to one up it like outside of just we have bigger stars outside of Dorian in the end
Starting point is 01:31:02 we have Ryan fucking Gosling yeah he gets some star power. I think specifically, like, I think that slap boxing finale was cool, and so I think every event I've done that's live has had some sort of aspect of, like, here's a surprise extra delivery so that you guaranteed have a good time coming out because it exceeded expectations. And I've never repeated an event, so I don't know how to- because, like, I can't do that again. I'm not going to surprise the audience again.
Starting point is 01:31:26 Well, no, you just surprise them with two other people. And then it's Ryan Gosling in event. So I don't know how to, cause like, I can't do that again. I'm not going to surprise the audience again. Well, no, you just surprise them with two other people. And then Russian Ryan Gosling and live slime. I mean, that would be actually good. Wait, what was his Russian Russian live live at the end? It's like, okay, you guys real gun. Yeah. Cause that's something to lose. You don't get to come home when you lose that. No, I watched the movie bullet train. It's really shit, but there's this one like bullet train. Nah. Cause everyone I heard of liked it. It. No. I watched the movie Bullet Train. It's really shit, but there's this one You didn't like Bullet Train? Nah. Everyone I heard of liked it. It was great. I didn't like it. I haven't seen it. I guess I should have recognized this, but I just
Starting point is 01:31:51 didn't like how it was all on the train. I didn't like the set. The bottle episode? Yeah. You didn't like the two brothers, dude? No, I liked the characters. But the one part that I thought was cool is how they went the bad guy, he would have this revolver. He would rush and roulette himself and then kill the person right after that's tight he left it up to destiny there's a writer that did that as well i always think about
Starting point is 01:32:13 that wait what do you mean uh there was this writer who was really really depressed and they got to the point where they wanted to just play russian roulette and give it a whirl one bullet uh and then it didn't kill them and so they were like so for two weeks later they were just like so happy like the air tasted better they had like everything was better and then they got depressed again and then they ran it six more times so they actually beat the odds i think about it all the time he never died uh he never died as far as i know right now uh he wrote a short story called Depth Charge. It was really, really good. But I think about it a lot.
Starting point is 01:32:47 Terrifying. Yeah. Sometimes. Yo, extra content. We've been thinking about this for a while. Not really good content, I think. Why is it not good content?
Starting point is 01:32:53 People would watch. Is that a real question? Susan will clear that. Yeah, I don't think she will. Susan will be fine. We barely get cleared. No. What do you mean no?
Starting point is 01:33:00 Hey, check this out. Do you think the algorithm will catch this? Okay. What are you doing? Dummy bear? Whoop. Oh, hey. All right. Hey think the algorithm will catch this? Okay. You dummy bear? Hey, algorithm, what is this?
Starting point is 01:33:10 It's going to be way less funny when we get demultified. What if I suck it? Do you imagine that I'm like, Hey, step right up. I'm Nick Yingling. Here's my carnival game. I switched. Come to the suck and fuck booth
Starting point is 01:33:24 at the mogul carnival. I'm going switched. Come to the suck and fuck booth at the mogul carnival. I'm going to the Nick Engling suck and fuck booth. I gotta see what's going on there. I didn't guess I have to know.
Starting point is 01:33:35 You little tiny little belly. Oh, Zipper gives us a thumbs up. All right. Well, we're at our
Starting point is 01:33:41 we're at the end of our beautiful journey. Oh, wait. Let me tell my my drinking story. All right. So when you started the first of our beautiful journey. Oh, wait. Let me tell my drinking story. Please. Let's do this. When you started the first 10 minutes.
Starting point is 01:33:49 Yeah, yeah. We interrupted. We actually went on a roller coaster. We ended up at the Nick Engling suck and fuck station. That's what we all do at some point. It always kind of stops there eventually. So I was 15, 16, and I just never wanted to drink. I was like, I don't want to be that person
Starting point is 01:34:05 and then you know at pound three i had just turned 16 and you know selling wolf yeah baby yeah my one of my favorite people of all time in the male community screen fox ever do it yep and uh he's like hey we should get drunk because you know we're all drunk everyone's underage like you know how it used to be back in the day. Dude, and him and... Dude, him... Him and... So problematic, but... Well, I think... It was a different time. That's all I'll say. Different time, but also,
Starting point is 01:34:29 most people were underage. No, everybody was underage. That's like a big difference. It was like the community wasn't like... It wasn't a bunch of 35-year-olds hanging out with 16-year-olds. It was back when... Everybody was...
Starting point is 01:34:39 What about when you hung out with H-Roc? Anyway, continue. Yes, sir. True shit. Got you drunk, didn't you? He was like, you should drink. And I was like, I don't want to. He's like, okay. So I didn't drink it, but I turned it down. he was like you should drink and I was like I don't want to okay so I didn't drink it but I turned it down I was like no and then I was a 17 and then I went to the East Coast and they were like we
Starting point is 01:34:56 should drink and I was like fuck it I'm like on the East Coast like I you know funny enough hacks money was one of the first people I ever got drunk with. This is your first time on the East Coast. Oh, these don't add. This is bad. Because Hacks had to be 14. Hacks was like 12. Hacks had to be 13 or 14, bro. He was asking you to drink?
Starting point is 01:35:14 Yeah, everyone was drinking. But, I mean, we had like some shots. And then I... After that day, I just... A part of me... Dude, you didn't drink until you were 17 years old? Yeah. That's crazy.
Starting point is 01:35:24 Is that your first time East Coast? I used to go these goes all the time and they would always drink and I'd be like I'm good like and then I was like Yeah, fuck it. So I took like three shots and like a fucking beer and I was like this is the greatest thing I knew the Popeye arms Realize what you could be so then I like time went on I was like I'm only gonna drink on the East Coast and then It went to I'm gonna drink on the weekends and then it was like i'm only gonna and then eventually well here we are so when you said you let your son drink at 17 that's because that's when you started drinking you were you were raising your son how you were raised i think kids are gonna
Starting point is 01:35:56 drink no matter what sure like as you tried but that guy actually taught you a life lesson when he took your 20 yeah i don't think shit changed. Like, when I was in high school, it was the same way. People drink. We're talking about this. It's like kids, underage drinking is at, like, an all-time low. And, like, kids, like, don't really, I think the only thing that's up with kids is, like, pot use. But, like, recreational drug use in general. Do busy on their phones.
Starting point is 01:36:21 Yeah, actually. You know what I'm saying? Amen. Watching Ludwig. Amen. I'm healing. Well, I just, for me, it's what I'm saying? Amen. Watching Ludwig. Amen. I'm healing. Well, I just, for me, it's like,
Starting point is 01:36:28 I can't wait until I have a beer with my son. To me, that's like, it's gonna be a good day. It's a watershed moment. Yeah, no, it's gonna be a great day.
Starting point is 01:36:34 You can be there. Me? Can I? You can come. I would love to be there. To JoJo's first beer party. It's about like two years from now.
Starting point is 01:36:43 Like, it's doing a shower. He's eight. All right. I'm going to wrap up the stream and drink with a 16 year old today. Make a lesson for 20 bucks and then ghost them for tradition. Don't you? You do get to do that, right? Isn't that most places in the U S if you're a parent and you're at home,
Starting point is 01:37:02 you can give your child permission. You're 17 year old. My mom used to to buy me out my friends to play video games Wow, just play like Kirby Air Ride and smash and shoot by us like a 12-pack. How old are you like 17 18? 16 17 it was like junior in senior high school So I'm 16 I'm always said like like just I don't care what you do. Just tell me before you do it Yeah, exactly. And I was like, because they know you're going to do it. And then we'd run out though and we'd go to Mrs. B's closet and we'd just raid it because she had hard alcohol.
Starting point is 01:37:31 But we wanted to keep the levels the same. So we would just fucking fill it with water to go back and dilute it. So it'd be like vodka water, like the more and more. You're worse than me. Yeah. This actually just reminded me of one time. I remember I was 17 and I go to my mom peak drinking age yeah it's actually the best because well i'm not gonna go into it but so i go to my mom like mom can i have can i have five dollars
Starting point is 01:37:55 and she was like yes and then she gives it to me she's like don't fucking spend this on alcohol i swear to god i said mom i swear on everything i'm not gonna spend it on alcohol. I swear to God. I said, Mom, I swear on everything. I'm not gonna spend it on alcohol. I went and got two 40s. How'd you get them? It was the hood. There was always an older homie. Oh, so you asked them and they would get it for you? Yeah. So it's like the same thing happened to me, but they were chill with you.
Starting point is 01:38:17 That's why I had this. We live like a block away from the store. I see. So it's just like, get the old homie. And you've known him or something? Yeah. And where we're from, you want alcohol. And you buy them like a bag of hot cheetos and they were cool it's like here you go man there's this boonies kind of vacation place in washington called ocean shores and it's like a beach town that uh has basically like not it's very few people live there it's like pretty rural out in the middle of nowhere and then you know you might go there to like check out the beach because there's all the beaches in
Starting point is 01:38:48 washington are like very rocky but this one's like nice and sandy and i went there with my friends we were like 17 i think and that was also one of the first ways that i got alcohol was we stood out in like a shitty 24 7 mart parking lot until a guy just agreed to buy us alcohol and it was the same kind of like looked like mid 40s like bigger guy came out of his truck and we were like would you be down to buy us booze and he was like no he goes into the
Starting point is 01:39:16 store walks back out and he's like actually yeah I'll do it and then did it for us no charge just gave us just gave us like three bottles that's kind of more evil. Yeah, that's like he wants kids to get drunk. Wait, they'll have a life of misery. It went back out.
Starting point is 01:39:30 Would you buy alcohol if somebody asked you to? Nah. You wouldn't? Fuck no. I wouldn't do it either. But I also have the added, I think, twist. I might do it if I was on holiday. If you weren't on holiday.
Starting point is 01:39:41 Yeah, yeah, no, I agree. How old do they look? Huh? How old do they look? The younger, the funnier. If they're 10, I buy them a 30 rack. I buy them a bunch of kid beer. And I'm like, get going.
Starting point is 01:39:53 Let's see what you guys got. Come on, no, drink it in front of me. Drink it in front of me, kids. Chug it, pussy. It'll be, yeah, it'll be like making a shot. I'll prep it for you. It's like smoking a carton. Like, they'll never want to drink again.
Starting point is 01:40:04 Yeah. Alcohol, no, but lotto it for you. It's like smoking a carton. Like they'll never want to drink again. Yeah. No, but lotto tickets. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. There's that weird age between like 18 and 20 where it's like,
Starting point is 01:40:17 you should just be able to do this. Yeah. If you're like 19, that's why I don't know if I'm willing to stick my neck out for like some kid coming up to me in a parking lot. But at the same time, it's like, this is kind of bullshit that you can't buy would you get your brother a handle a handle? Yeah, if you want to handle course you He's done it
Starting point is 01:40:36 Different you just yeah, we're gonna save a Jojo which part you know me and Jojo. Oh I asked him if he knew you And he said no Which part? You're going to say something about me and Jojo. Oh! I asked him if he knew you. And? He said no. All right, what? I thought it was going to be fucking cool. But he said... Thanks for watching The Yard.
Starting point is 01:40:52 He said, I heard you talk about him. He sounds like an okay guy. Thanks, Jojo. There you have it. Jojo approves somewhat of Ludwig. Thanks for coming on, Mango. That's a big approval. And you ran an all-right event.
Starting point is 01:41:06 We have to bring you on fucking, what, one more time? Because we can't throw out the panda one. I know Crank Gameplay's... Hey, come win the Ludwig event. We'll give you fucking... Win the Ludwig event. We'll get you. Come on.
Starting point is 01:41:15 Come on, this weekend. I'll be there. I don't want to. Woo-hoo. All right, well, you guys can see Mango in a couple days when this drops at the Ludwig tournament. When does this drop? On Thursday.
Starting point is 01:41:24 Thursday on video. Wednesday on audio. Go watch Mango live right now playing Smash Ranks. My channel is live right now. It better be. It won't be. This goes as of noon. One more thing. Do you want number one? Do you care about number one on the rank ladder?
Starting point is 01:41:39 Of course you do. On the rank ladder? Yeah. Enough? Yeah, but also like, it's hard to like be a streamer and want number one. do on the rank letter yeah enough yeah but also like it's hard to like be a streamer and want number one I get you I gotta find the middle ground I'll just
Starting point is 01:41:52 be like top five and I'll be happy you'll be like Tarek yeah shoots for number one never hits it I gotta find a Tarek story next time yeah true all right all right
Starting point is 01:41:59 everybody goodbye have a nice day or don't see you in the primo

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