The Yard - Ep. 84 - We asked this rapper how much money he has... (ft. bbno$)

Episode Date: February 22, 2023

This week, the boys are joined by bbno$! The boys discuss how bbno$ got his name, how much tiktok affects music and how bbno$ had one day to prepare to go on Jimmy Kimmel....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What is that sweater, bro? Why are you always coming with new shit? This isn't new. I've had this for at least a year. And you're always coming with new shit. You're always coming with new shit, bro. What is it? It's not new. I got it from an old guy at an a year. And you're always coming with new shit. You're always coming with new shit, bro. What is it? It's not new.
Starting point is 00:00:26 I got it from an old guy at an estate sale. He's dead. Oh, really? What? You're Necro-ware? You didn't get it from an old guy. You just went to an estate sale. Well, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:35 No, he got it from the old guy. They had him hanging all like... They have the body open. Like Psycho Mantis. From the ceiling. The only thing that you can buy is just off his body. Yeah. Straight off.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Just open the case gate. Everything is a full... He's like this mannequin right as you walk into the estate sale. And you can buy the full outfit that they rotate into. Oh my god. You gotta pluck it from a tree like apples. Hey, welcome back to the yard, everybody. Episode 100 featuring... Episode 100. Episode 100.
Starting point is 00:01:05 Yeah, you're a hundred episodes. I was like, no, it's not. We don't know what episode it is ever. We've been saying a hundred for about seven episodes. I think it's 85. I used to shit on you guys for not knowing. Now I never know. 84. What are you wearing? By the way, audio listeners, you might be like,
Starting point is 00:01:22 who's that fifth guy? Yeah, it's Aiden i know he dyed his hair can i throw you the scenario sure you're in an uber and those are farts and he's and he loves talking oh my god and he's like two days ago hey hey uh what do you do you seem like you're not from la what do you do why are you wearing a hat? It's hot Hey man Like So I studied kinesiology At University of British Columbia And I You're Canadian?
Starting point is 00:01:49 No I'm Canadian And You know Every time I get in an Uber People usually ask Fuck those Canucks huh? Oh yeah they suck But Elias Pettersson
Starting point is 00:01:57 Is really He's really talented Hey what about the beans At Timmy's huh? It's like I fucked it all up You're also in the Uber It's so bad Yeah you're in the Uber too
Starting point is 00:02:04 This is my homie Jack he rides with me what's up you guys are doing runs dropping drugs off at the same time bro the Timmy's beans suck bro hey this guy rules wait have you seen that though it's like the DoorDash couples yes yeah yeah yeah I feel like one in four deliveries
Starting point is 00:02:21 are couples yeah it's just like why not you get to hang out with somebody all day they don't got shit else to do I feel like one in four deliveries are couples. Yeah. It's just like, why not? You get to hang out with somebody all day. They don't got shit else to do. I feel like it kind of defeats the... I feel like the whole point of it is like, oh, it's like you have all this downtime. You can sort of make money, extra income doing that. But both of you are doing it.
Starting point is 00:02:36 Well, what if... One of you could also be driving. Think about how empowering it is. Oh, you're two cars? Are you kidding me? You can do bike. Speak to that. Yeah, your significant other is currently gaining money in front of you.
Starting point is 00:02:45 You're like, hell yes, powerful. Yeah, there's the green plus sign number. Babe, I just made 14 on that. Yeah. I love you. Is it BB no money? It's BB baby, whatever. What do you like to be called?
Starting point is 00:02:59 What did your mom name you? Alex. What? Isn't that a total mind fuck? Alex? It's baby no money. Okay. That's it, yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:10 Perfect. What were some workshop names for your stage name? They really weren't on. Really? This is Day Dot? Okay, so I was in this group called Broke Boy Gang. It was just like all my friends is how I started making rap music. We'd just get high and laugh over stupid beats and it was terrible obviously uh and then uh i was baby freestyle then and then i we went to go make like jerseys when we did our
Starting point is 00:03:36 first show it was kind of too long and uh yeah it was too long and i the guy who made it shortened it to bbno dollar sign and then i shortened it to BBNO$ and then I was like oh baby no money and then I was like that's catchy I think baby freestyle is one of the funniest rap names ever
Starting point is 00:03:50 because I'm so bad at freestyling so freestyle I knew you were good I've done it once you'll sway sway in a moment
Starting point is 00:03:59 five fingers of death this is being a ploy to get you to do the five fingers of death badly oh my god that would be so brutal what a different Five fingers of death? Is this being a ploy to get you to do the five fingers of death badly? Oh my god. That'd be so brutal.
Starting point is 00:04:11 What a different path I could have been on if I had just committed. Because I once was high too at my friend's basement. We did freestyles. I just didn't. I was like, this was bad. Someone made a sister sex joke in the rap, in the freestyle. Like an incest joke? Yeah. And that's someone about your sister. That was a friend the freestyle. Like an incest joke? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:27 And that's someone about your sister. No, about their own. Okay. Didn't play well. I think that's cool. It's because you had to keep writing out the last word, and I think someone said fister, and so... Yeah, I fucked my sister. And then everyone was like, what? Twister, twister, there's so many other ways.
Starting point is 00:04:43 And then someone else was like, yeah, I got a blister, and then it came back ways. And then someone else was like, yeah, I got a blister. And then it came back to the other guy. He's like, yeah, fuck my sister. No, seriously, guys, this is fun. It was Happy Castle and then Scary Castle. And you went down the Happy Castle of YouTube influencer. And Alex went down the Scary Castle of being a rapper. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:03 Which is crazy. How old are you? I'm 27. How old are you? I'm 27. How old are all you guys? 26. 27. Same age as you. I'm 32.
Starting point is 00:05:11 Yeah. We're all pretty much the same age. Nope. There's like a medium. There is. Yeah, but there's also an average of our age. There's an outlier.
Starting point is 00:05:19 You can remove the outlier. It is a data set. If we took all our ages, added them up, and divided them by five five we'd have a number We would have a crazy Number are you are you like are you happy? Just I asked that my I self every single day every day, right?
Starting point is 00:05:37 I think I think I am cuz like dude we gotta do This you know like like but you made mean? But you made a sad song. That's because I'm a sad boy sometimes. Oh, okay. So sometimes you feel happy. Sometimes you feel sad. Tell us more. Rappers are dynamic.
Starting point is 00:05:55 That's real. Real shit, man. That's kind of a war right there. Take a pill and go to sleep. You might be wondering why Baby No Money is on this fucking podcast. It's because Nick saw him in an airport two years ago. So that's kind of cool. When was it?
Starting point is 00:06:09 It was like four months ago. Two years into the day. Two years ago. Yeah, there you go. During COVID. Two years ago. I want to say I was on the podcast. They fly without masks on.
Starting point is 00:06:17 Yeah, I was at LAX. Brave. And I'm very late to a flight with my girlfriend. And I see like four people ahead of me is you. And I'm like, oh, that's Baby No Money. That's the rapper. And she's of me is you and i'm like oh that's baby no money that's that's the rapper and she's like who and i'm like that's kind of funny i'm like i want to say hi and uh you had gotten out and i'm late and i haven't gotten through yet and i'm like okay well it's either like be late to my flight or say hi so i'm like i can't yeah so i went on my flight but then i'm like hey i was just behind you in line you're
Starting point is 00:06:41 cool music yeah and now you're on a podcast. And then you typed out, da, da, da, da, da, da. I said, I like that. Dude, you know what's funny? You know what's funny is, yesterday, I was just on Instagram, and I got an ad for, like, Photoshop plugins, and it was just your music. What? Dude, am I getting paid for that? Not at all.
Starting point is 00:06:57 Dude, yeah. Hey. It was like, check out these cool plugins. Is that a lawyer firm, too? Dude, I also am, in ads, it's just me reacting to a game that I didn't play that's dope and it's like
Starting point is 00:07:07 War Dragon 4000 it's me being like fuck man I blundered it's like I love War Dragons it's like
Starting point is 00:07:15 oh I lost my chess piece that is a knight in chess and they're like play War Thunder that's what that happens
Starting point is 00:07:21 you got your muscle here tell your muscle that you gotta fucking you gotta crack down. Yeah, he is the muscle over here. Look at the big old beard on him, too. I thought you meant Aiden.
Starting point is 00:07:30 I did not. That's our muscle. He's got the Monk Clizzy. Do I look like I have muscle? Is the Clizzy looking like Spooky Black? Yeah, he kind of do be looking like Spooky Black. He's got a sleeper build. Are you a tiktok
Starting point is 00:07:45 somehow he's spooky white okay go on i'm i'm obviously an advocate of tiktok because it's done so much for my career but like if i could wake up and just drink coffee and then make music and do absolutely nothing else i would but unfortunately i can't but like do you casually browse tiktok not no not really really not really because if i if i do well i have to when i'm like putting music out so i can pick up on trends a little bit better. Sure. But otherwise, yeah, I try not to.
Starting point is 00:08:10 I just lurk on graphs. Honestly, Twitter's probably the best app. You said when you met Ludwig, you were a big fan. Wait, are you just going to let that slide? Yeah, dude, I'm on Twitter all the time. I agree. Really? It's literally like-
Starting point is 00:08:22 Is YouTube part of that circle? I think best app. He said Twitter's the best. I agree. Really? Is YouTube part of that circle? I think best app. He said Twitter is the best app. Like to burn time on? I actually think it's the calculator. So, fucking best app. I just do two plus two and I do equally good. Because I like math and science.
Starting point is 00:08:37 Actually, do you watch YouTube? Yeah, I mean, I watch. I've definitely like grown up watching YouTube. I remember like the Smosh era. Dude, like that was. We met that guy. We had him Smosh era. We met that guy. We had him on the show. We met John Smosh.
Starting point is 00:08:48 It's crazy. It's one guy. And he just splits into two. He has a mirror. I did a stream yesterday where I looked at the most popular videos in history of YouTube. So at a certain point, they were the most popular video. And one of them is the Smosh Pokemon video. And I watched that again and then they they uh I forget which one but one of them just pops out the like they do the Asian eyes they like go full fucking no show us what do
Starting point is 00:09:13 you what do you mean so it's like show us I can help you show us your fingers in your face and then but it was like I think it was meant to be Brock but it was just like I was just watching this I was just watching this on stream I was like like... 18,000 people are just going... Don't go by that one. Doing that. I was like, is this one of the best YouTube videos of all time? This is why I love it. Tearless.
Starting point is 00:09:33 This is why I love it. It's so interesting because YouTube is obviously probably the easiest format to just get into because it's just all long-form video content. But, dude, there's just too much content out these days. You know what I mean? I don't even know where to start sometimes. I'm like, alright. With making or consuming? Both. Consuming, dude.
Starting point is 00:09:50 Well, I mean, I guess making. You don't really need to have any idea what is popular, because if you don't have an idea what's popular, you'll probably pop faster. What do you think? What? You're the YouTube guy. You agree with that? You know what? He wasn't listening. He wasn't listening. I'll tell you what I've been thinking of. He literally wasn't listening to what I was speaking of. He was still going da-da-da. You know what?
Starting point is 00:10:18 Your hair is immaculate dude. He's just got a cut. Oh, yeah that would you walk and show me underneath? Show us what you got show us the hairline. Oh Don't you shampoo my hair and I don't use conditioner Oh You shampoo my hair and I don't use conditioner Good though, okay, you're just told you're filthy Cuz I don't know I just like started wearing it when I was Starting this music thing and we'd say I like no I don't smoke weed I really like having my you sue used to did you wear a beanie when you used to of course? Music your weed
Starting point is 00:10:45 look how vile this is I've only had two beanies ever look at the fade oh my god dude it's two tone yeah
Starting point is 00:10:53 it looks like an empty bottle of Pepto-Bismol like a half empty bottle yeah okay cool that is crazy okay what I was thinking
Starting point is 00:11:00 when you were talking is you were saying that there's so much on YouTube because I've been thinking about that too and it feels like at the same time I feel like everything on YouTube sometimes I zone out and I'm like man. It's all shit. It's all fucking shit There's so much but at the same time I mean nothing. Oh, you're me pilled. No
Starting point is 00:11:22 Yeah, you guys just don't watch enough like niche documentary and iceberg videos like there's a whole sea out there that will waste your life i feel like what happens is someone finds something right they find like a little like a little piece of gold yeah they've come with an eye maybe it's the original iceberg video whatever and then every other mfr around is like that. And then they all do that thing, and then it's just done until it's no longer cool. I guess, but like, yeah. I think documentaries in general, it's like, because you're just learning. Whether it's about
Starting point is 00:11:53 real history or about like, metal care. I learn when I watch Smosh. I feel like. You do? Yeah, like what not to do with your eyes. I learned that one until today. Oh. Have you guys ever watch carton arcs no huh yes that's he's bigger on tiktok no oh i don't know if he's bigger on tiktok but uh yeah he just goes around like you know when people like don't push push their carts back
Starting point is 00:12:16 into like the cart lobby and like grocery stores he just goes around with like a oh carton arc yeah carton arc and he's just like yeah he just stands in front of their car and he's just like yo yeah return it and they lose their mind they're really awkward interactions because they'll just sit there and be like ma'am you got to return your car and then they'll put the cart right behind the car so they have to get out and then they look the sub zipper and then they'll like they go they go nuts they're like i'm gonna call the police right now and he's like ma'am you just got to put your back. And then like, he's like this little sticker, or I don't know if it's a Magner sticker,
Starting point is 00:12:47 and he'll put it on the car, and he'll be like, didn't put their cart back. And he'll be like, and then they'll always be like, alright, so now you're vandalizing my property, so I see where we've gone with this. Has this guy cart-narked his way into some pussy? Definitely. He's like, I love how you like the law. It's like
Starting point is 00:13:04 cart-nark, uncut version. And it's just him, it's just this She's like I love how you like the law It's like Uncut version It's just this girl being like Please move the cart I'll do anything Do you guys know Who Bunny Fufu the league player is Have any of you seen this League of Legends
Starting point is 00:13:20 He's the former In case you were wondering Remember Riot He's like this former Yeah, like before he's the former in case you were wondering He's like this former professional league player and he's he's not anymore and he started making YouTube content but he's making those videos that are like one kill is one piece of clothing that gets taken off and I There's like that genre of like gaming content that is made to like clickbait like teenage boys into like clicking on it but he's doing it for real and he has like an uncensored patreon of him doing explicit pornographic acts with porn actresses but on the basis of what happens in league of legends games wow that's. And apparently he is making more money than he ever did as a pro player.
Starting point is 00:14:07 And he played when pro salaries were like at their peak. Is he hot? He's like a normal, kind of a normal guy. He's bunny foo foo. Bunny foo foo. And he's just playing strip league with porn stars. He's like every Baron kill i cream pie my girlfriend are the are the porn stars also playing league yeah they're i think they're i i don't know i'm
Starting point is 00:14:33 gonna be honest i haven't watched the content so should we sub yeah we should we should sub in right now we have to sub and find out yeah i think that's i think it's a great idea homies have to sub to his patreon, when you got here, you saw Ludwig, or when Ludwig got here because he's late, and then you said big fan. Was that true? It's definitely true. You watch Ludwig? I don't like personally sit down every single living, breathing moment
Starting point is 00:14:55 of the day and watch you, but I've definitely seen some content. Just a step under that. But I've definitely seen some content and I'm like, oh wow, this is meticulously thought out. This is really good. This is interesting. He's been the one swatting us all the time. He's been meticulously thought out.
Starting point is 00:15:09 Did you hear that, guys? Yeah. Baby, no money's the one that swatted Ludwig. Balls are huge. Got big balls. Yeah. Everything you're saying is true. Steamy's maybe not so.
Starting point is 00:15:19 We all got steamy balls when we're in the yard, man. Yes, sir. Are you uncut or cut? Yeah, big question. I'm uncut Don't say it's a Canada thing because it's only an American thing or a Jewish Dude you are so So good your hair does look fun. I appreciate that.
Starting point is 00:15:46 It looks like a Lego piece. We should all just go bald because your hair is so good right now. I'll be honest. I guess you're already there. I was on my way. I normally get my haircut at Supercuts. I was on my way to Supercuts, and then Judy stops me at the door. She blocks the door. She's like, no.
Starting point is 00:16:01 I'm like, babe, what's wrong? Supercuts is great. They get me in and out in 15 minutes I'm trying to watch the game and get my hair cut at the same time she's like you gotta get a barber and so I go to this barber place and it's like one of those barber places that's like
Starting point is 00:16:14 a building with 30 barbers inside of it you ever see those oh a bunch of chairs it's a bunch of little like two seat office spaces just for barbers. And they all have their own business inside of this larger complex.
Starting point is 00:16:29 Wait, I've never seen this. I've looked at it my whole life. This is like stupid. This is just how salons work. Yeah, it's pretty because it's like... Oh, but it's one company. No, it's like a WeWork. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:40 It's kind of like a chiropractic clinic, but for the hair. Oh, I've never seen that. Is that how chiropractors work? Yeah, it's not like physiotherapy. Yeah, there's just a room. And it says 209 and they fuck you up on it. So I go to this place and I start, because you can't get access to the building unless
Starting point is 00:16:53 you have like an appointment with a barber. And I'm there and I'm just, I start cold calling. I just start, I'm sitting up front and I'm like cold calling every single one. I'm like, hey, can you take me? They're like, no, no, no, no. And finally, this dude, Leo, my man, he's like in a very thick accent that I won't use. No, go ahead. It's a tonal language. But I've been working on.
Starting point is 00:17:13 It is a tonal language. I've been working on it in private, in the car. While I watch Mosh. He was like, I'll take you. And so I go in for my haircut and we don't say a word. It was the greatest haircut of my life nice he doesn't ask me a single question about myself there's a language barrier so i i ask him about himself he doesn't say shit back to me and i'm like and he just does
Starting point is 00:17:34 his thing and i came out with this and now i have a new barber today this was yeah two days ago okay he has a new guy i got a guy now his name's le. I don't think I've ever had a guy. He's actually friends with Tumla. They're actually not friends. Somehow that's problematic. No, it's not. Have you ever had a guy for anything? Like one person you go to? Dude, he's got a guy here.
Starting point is 00:17:55 Yeah, the Monclizy. Yeah. I got it. Again, I got confused. I do got a guy back there, too. That time I thought it was me. It is you, man. Ludwig's a guy guy.
Starting point is 00:18:05 He's like, hey, we need a dumpster. He doesn't call the trash company. He calls a man who has a truck. John. Yeah, he likes to have his guy. And he's like, that's my guy. I don't care if there's better or worse in the world. That's my guy.
Starting point is 00:18:18 I will go to that restaurant every single time. In my head, it's the best restaurant of this type of food in the world. To be fair, this is how business works, guys. The worst example of this was Ludwig loves this one Korean restaurant that's next to our house. And it's 15 minutes away. And we would go there all the time. But then we discovered a Korean restaurant that was five minutes from the house, serves the same food, and is as good. Not the same. Not as good.
Starting point is 00:18:44 Also, the name is really close to like it was crazy it may as well have been a chain we were like not as good and love we would just refuse to go there it's not my it's not my walk you can walk to the one that's closer i guess i like feeling special i like going to my coffee place and they know me and they know my order. Because you're not fucking special enough on this fucking planet. No, no, no. That's insane. You're insane. I'm not. Not only in your most private moments. Someone sends me $2,000.
Starting point is 00:19:13 I haven't gotten any attention in 40 minutes. I'm gonna go get coffee. It's not about the attention. It's about this human connection. A guy donated $2,000 to watch me do a dance move I made up. And to feel special, I went and met this guy. That's work. Connection guy donated two thousand dollars to watch me do a dance move. I made up I went and met this guy
Starting point is 00:19:37 That's work the sushi's pleasure I see I see you guys are more similar than the rest of us you and you and Ludwig Like got like talk about me and our rappers. I'm talking about you now.. You both rap. We do both rap. Alex and I actually. Alex and I. You went to UBC. You went to UBC. You have a Kinesiology degree. I have an English degree. You can't pipe up right now. Yeah, that's a good point. You dope. I did a Sporkle quiz of literary books and how characters die. And it was 20 like deaths and it was like pushed off a building whatever with like classic books. I went one for 20 Really? You hit Lenny? Huh? What'd you hit Lenny? I hit how Marvin died from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Starting point is 00:20:11 Oh I don't even know that one Which was deconstructing after like four millennia Is this spoilers? No it's Marvin I mean it's like no one gives a shit Are you spoiling the book? It's Marvin, they're fine it's Marvin Hey Ant-Man dies at the end by the way It's not a book, is he actually?
Starting point is 00:20:24 Yo is Ant-Man a good movie? I've never, I haven't seen it No Hey, Ant-Man dies at the end. It's not a book. Is he actually? Is Ant-Man a good movie? I've never, I haven't seen it. No, fuck Ant-Man and fuck Marvel. Wait, what the fuck was that, man? Are you okay? Sorry, I got a controversy coming out. I'm on this like, I'm not allowed to be a hater for six months thing. And I'm like trying to keep all my hater energy out.
Starting point is 00:20:40 Do you know about his legacy? And it's spilling out into everywhere. I've noticed myself as he does this. I've noticed myself being more of a hater. Man, it's spilling out into everyone. I've noticed myself, as he does this, I've noticed myself being more of a hater. Man, it's just a reflection of your insecurities. It is, yeah. Which I no longer have because I don't hate.
Starting point is 00:20:53 For real. So what's up, pussies? Can I give you an example of how he was a hater, although he's reformed now, just to get context? He used to have on post notifications for my tweets. Oh, yeah. Then he would dissect how funny they are, and if he thought they weren't funny, he would message me and roast me for it. That's hard.
Starting point is 00:21:08 Hey, look at him now, a millionaire. That was before the money. Yeah. That's right. Yeah. We stopped talking for four months. No, it wasn't four months. Three months?
Starting point is 00:21:19 No, we squashed. Six weeks. It wasn't even six weeks. Are you bartering? Give me something. It was just not you're not working with me a couple weeks and it was actually really sad and i i had to rethink how i treat my friends and then you kept being a hater and i thought a really apt tweet i don't know if
Starting point is 00:21:35 you can pull up mike hayes's tweet zipper from from yesterday oh yeah yeah just go through my my my mentions yeah this is uh former pro smash player Mike Hayes who tweeted out about slime in his just record of hatred. He was afraid of like tweeting something because I'd like be a hater at him and we're friends and you guys ever want to tweet
Starting point is 00:21:58 but then you see slime tweeted recently so you camp it out because the potential to get slamed is too high that's how much he hates. That's fire, dude. Dude, that is so funny. And then Contra's talking about getting people responding. You can scroll down, and then I have my new favorite reaction
Starting point is 00:22:14 image if you click on Contra's tweet. Oh, the Mario penis? No. Oh. It's bald Krillin being smug. Or baby Krillin. If I take the day shift, Mike will never tweet. We can take him down. You guys are just talking about bullying.
Starting point is 00:22:30 Bullying exists. Just close your eyes. Speaking of tweets, me and Slammo have a question for you, Alex. Yeah, we've been wondering this. We've been labbing something about you. We've been wondering something. Maybe have you figured out a key to life
Starting point is 00:22:44 or some sort of cheat code because uh you basically only tweet about boobs i'm gonna be honest everyone just likes boobs dude sure sure right but it's like you're kind of like you're waking up every morning and it's like it's a lot it's like 50 first dates kind of it's like you like red hogs day can i see an example of the first pair Zipper to Q's go to his Twitter? First five seconds really Do you guys like boobs I'm a connoisseur. Yeah, I don't know if I I don't know if I tweet about it Once it's just like once a day.
Starting point is 00:23:26 You know what else I like? I like Super Smash Bros. Yeah, it's like Mario. I like my boobs paywalled and in League of Legends games. That's not true. You're bringing that up a lot. I think we could check it out together. That's all I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:23:42 Yeah, what's the deal? You're a handsome guy. Are you down bad? What happened? I feel like it's funny to be openly down bad about things. Okay. Because everyone realistically is, to be honest. I mean, we're all down bad about something.
Starting point is 00:23:55 It's all relatability, bro. At the end of the day, I feel like I make my rap music is so unbelievably stupid and unrelatable, and then I can be relatable via just being a normal dude on social media and then I also make quotes to add music because I am a sad person and I just love boobs so much that's all I can fucking say
Starting point is 00:24:15 you're extremely human you know it would be a hard ass mix up if you were just like I hate boobs just once that's a good tweet can you workshop that one I bet you send that shit right now it's a good tweet. Just once. I'm just a media manager. Can you workshop that one? I bet you send that shit right now. It's your biggest tweet this month. Tweet it right now.
Starting point is 00:24:30 This is one of the things I fucking hate about Twitter is like the, if you were kidnapped and you had to send one tweet so that people knew you were kidnapped because your killer let you tweet one thing out, but you couldn't tweet that you were kidnapped, what would you tweet out? I was like, bro, I would tweet I hate boobs. That's kind of real. That's what Kyle and the boys are thinking of. Maybe no money got kids yet.
Starting point is 00:24:50 You tweet that and your friends are like, is he okay? Bro, I saw. Are you all right, dude? Is that your stoner? No, it's just my Kyle and the boys. Imagine in an alternate universe that we all woke up and we're like, boobs fucking suck. Yeah. That would be crazy. I've thought about this a lot, how powerful we'd be I feel like I would do like more pull-ups I Can like run out of those further?
Starting point is 00:25:12 Literally Sigma culture this slippery slope to nofap right now. This is a red pill honey. How many months till November? We're ways out question Uh, we're a ways out, bro. That's a difficult question. It's far. What direction are we going? Fuck, dude. It is NoFap November, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:32 Wait, you're saying it's called that? You're not saying, you're not asking for it in it. Oh, it's not November, there it is, yeah. NoFap is just as long as you can do it, right? To be clear, you don't think it's November. What's November? Do you know we're not in November right now? You sure you don't smoke? Wait, boom, it's November?
Starting point is 00:25:48 What happened? Where am I? Are your best friends people from before you made music or after? Yeah, for sure. I mean, fuck you guys. You don't smoke weed? I don't smoke weed. Do you have rapper friends?
Starting point is 00:26:03 Yeah, I mean, I have a couple friends. Wait, before or friends? Yeah, I mean, like, I have a couple friends. Wait, before or after? Did I? Yeah, you didn't answer the question. I said, okay, before. From before or from after? You said, yeah. You just said yes.
Starting point is 00:26:10 You said, he answered as you're saying after. I think all his friends are from before. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sorry, I, I. Gotcha. That was, I missed that one. I thought maybe I heard it, because you guys kind of. No, honestly, you guys are just my best friends.
Starting point is 00:26:20 Anyone in the past, fuck them. Moving forward. I've moved on. Can we do a yard feature? do you get asked that a lot honestly the yard cypher let's do it dude we do a yard cypher that'd be hard that you would suck dude i would love to do that i can't even i can't even joke i'd be like i'd be like the vinny paz of our group i'd be real cerebral and talk about like the government i'd be the taco you're okay yeah you are like the Vinny Paz of our group. I'd be real cerebral and talk about the government. I'd be the taco.
Starting point is 00:26:45 You're okay. Yeah, you are like the taco. And you're the baby no money. I'd wear my new James shirt in the video. That's sick. New James. It's just upsetting. My goal is to pronounce it a new way every time I say it.
Starting point is 00:27:01 Yeah. You have a limited amount before you get racist, by the way. Just so you know. I do want to talk. I thought about this yesterday. I was like, I want a top 100 iTunes song. It would be cool. I don't know why, but I want one.
Starting point is 00:27:15 If your Christmas song didn't get there, did it not? No, I don't think so. No, Mariah will kick his dick every year. No, I fucking stunt on that bitch. You don't stunt. You don't stunt on Mariah Carey. I stunt on that hoe. You're stunting on Mariah Carey. I stunt on her. Do that you know his Christmas album he recorded a Christmas album of five covers of Christmas songs and it now it starts to
Starting point is 00:27:34 get steam every year on why don't you just make original bro first of all you understand like the music game like I know you're in the rap game the singing game is a lot different music real music I'm a real music type real heady stuff I'm a real
Starting point is 00:27:51 spiritual miracle yeah yes sir holy shit you gotta get that don't worry about it y'all can use it for later I made one original song
Starting point is 00:28:00 it's called actually no it's a parody I made a parody rap song that has a million views that's sick you wanna hear it
Starting point is 00:28:08 play it zipper can you pull up I Miss The Old Mango oh my god dude zipper just growled I don't know if I've heard it growled should we make a song should we
Starting point is 00:28:16 we can go to Y2K's house right after this and make a song all five of us and then drop it on the end of the podcast oh yeah yep
Starting point is 00:28:23 click play on that Ken learned how to throw a fuck how many views we got here do you follow smash at all uh do you know who that is on the left no but i know i know uh no i don't i don't i don't follow me have you played the game have i played the game yeah of course who do you play yeah Obviously Falcon. I'm not. And wait, in which one? In which Smash? Oh, Smash Bros. Melee. Falcon? That's no base.
Starting point is 00:28:49 That's base as hell. That's very base. Not knowing Mango and playing Falcon is as base as you can get. I mean, it was just like, you know, the childhood days. You put on like 99 lives and just roast with the boys for way too long and they get sweaty. And then if you get down to like one life on like the bots. That's gaming. Yeah. Real gaming hours. Just give me 15 seconds and get me out. No you you get down to like one life on it like the boss that's gaming yeah
Starting point is 00:29:05 I'll do ours. Just give me 15 seconds and get me out. No you play a minute It's very what you wanted That's what I'm rapping yeah, and the's Ludwig That's Ludwig rapping Yeah, and the thing about it He actually made this two days ago It's kind of cerebral He's still big on the whole Kanye vibe It's kind of sick
Starting point is 00:29:33 It's all original too Still really into Kanye Which is cool for Ludwig It's not even a parody It's a parody you stole the lyrics to Yeah, that is insane That's the craziest part You stole the lyrics from a Redditor And it's already a parody, it's a parody you stole the lyrics to. Yeah, that is insane. That's the craziest part, is that you stole the lyrics from a Redditor. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:47 And it's already a parody. No, I didn't. No, I didn't. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Corey is now in session. I thought you wrote this? Clear your name, Ludwig. No.
Starting point is 00:29:55 Because I know you stole some shit. Okay, there was a... Okay, first of all, a little context. I made this, I think, six years ago, when Mango, one of the best Smash players in the world, was falling off. He was getting fucking washed. And then there was a Reddit thread about how he got washed at a tournament. And the top comment was, I miss the old Mango. And then instantly it sparked me in my creative juices.
Starting point is 00:30:20 Okay. And I just came out. And I start writing lyrics for that. And I started recording. and I made that video Overnight you won't believe it actually only took one night To make that Yeah When his pen hits the pad it's like meditation
Starting point is 00:30:34 It takes him like a minute I finished it But while I was making it somebody wrote Lyrics that were slightly different Slightly altered and then someone also uploaded Their own version as well In that time a race to the bottom uh and so i was i was i was last but i think mine you know i mean clearly it has a lot of what would you say like if you had to rate it banger yeah you're so you're so nice dude i would i would run that shit back that's the type
Starting point is 00:31:04 of thing you watch the video and you're like this is why people pay big money for a big music video like that dude because it's like dude the one shot where it goes like black and white when he's sitting on like the the high school chairs yeah yes sir i felt that emotion yeah and i took that shot you didn't even shoot that. I shot that. Yeah, I do want to make a top 100 song. I feel like it's possible. That's why I want to do it. Anything's possible.
Starting point is 00:31:32 You're going to need one of my verses. The horse video, actually, we were watching some of your videos just for some context, and the horse one is great. Oh, the sophisticated one. I really like that one. I think you have multiple horse videos. The one where it's just you and a horse. It's one continuous shot of you and a horse. Oh, just me
Starting point is 00:31:51 petting the horse. Yeah, that's great. That's just a banger. That's very conceptual. That's high art. It's a two minute music video that's one shot and he's just with a horse. And it's video. It's not a photo. I know. It's not an Arri Alexa, so it's an expensive shot. No shit. That is so funny. I think it was like a photo I know it's not on Arri Alexa so it's an expensive shot
Starting point is 00:32:05 no shit yeah of course that is so funny I think it was like a $125,000 lens too that is so hilarious yeah did you only have
Starting point is 00:32:14 that horse for a couple minutes yeah and I swear to god that horse smelled so brutal it's just like shitting the whole time
Starting point is 00:32:21 it's like you struggle for your art yeah I do struggle They all struggle. What is like a way to if you know someone's from Canada and an instant way to like call sign them and like Bond with them besides going hey from Canada UBC campus is beautiful UBC campus is beautiful honestly It's great um but probably just like
Starting point is 00:32:47 if they're smoking a cigarette you can be like hey you smoking a dart or you can be like do you like trailer park boys no way is trailer park boys big in Canada it makes sense that is the humor that like transgresses through
Starting point is 00:33:04 everybody to be fair this narrows down Canadians and Nelk boy fans yeah That is the humor that transgresses through everybody. To be fair, this narrows down Canadians and Nelk Boy fans. Yeah. I don't personally know too many Nelk Boy fans, but Trailer Park Boys, I feel like that shit is high art. It's amazing. Seasons 1 through 6 are high art. It's amazing.
Starting point is 00:33:20 They did something. They recorded it as a joke, and then it just blew up immediately It was beautiful Every part of it is beautiful Literally Julian holding the glass of scotch Every scene For years
Starting point is 00:33:33 Is amazing My trainer My trainer is so funny He's like a 40 something year old guy And he slowly figures out like What I do And like YouTube And like podcasting and stuff
Starting point is 00:33:43 But he still doesn't like care enough to actually check it but every couple weeks he'd be like uh you guys are like full send right? and I'm like kinda yeah we send it sometimes bro I know
Starting point is 00:33:59 how deep do you have to go in your life to say yeah it's kinda like that like grandma can you beat grandma? Well grandma's not asking you if it's, like, full send. If grandma's like, oh, are you, like, full send? Are you willing to just say sure because you can't explain it to grandma? Grandma's like, are you going to fucking send it, buddy? You're like, yeah, yeah, gams, gam. I'm going to send it.
Starting point is 00:34:17 It is weird because there was this thing when I was in high school, this guy called Larry the Enticer. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, you know Larry the Enticer? Yeah. So he'd be like, I'm going to send it, bud. And like, that was like a huge thing.
Starting point is 00:34:27 And then I guess another beer. Another day, another beer. The guy rules. That guy rocks. Do you know him? No, I wish.
Starting point is 00:34:33 But there was this, there was this music video called, uh, out for a rip. Oh, I love that. Out for a rip. Are you,
Starting point is 00:34:40 bud? And, uh, I'm pretty sure he, he was like a part of that. And like this random kid I met At this like music production thing was from like Poland he like produced the beat It was just like a weird like mesh in half, but it was sick. I don't know Canadians are just dope people
Starting point is 00:34:54 I guess they're just dope people You are you are really easy to talk to I do I do Do you have pride? Are you more more I just definitely enjoy it more than America I'm going to be honest it's when do you move where would I know when did you move I have moved you still you still live there I just sold my apartment I live my parents oh it's so tight yeah it's sick so whenever I go home I have no excuse to hang out my parents which is like exactly what I want to do so I get nurtured by my mom and dad. You have a song that's popular.
Starting point is 00:35:26 Very popular. Wildly popular. Everyone's heard it. Are you rich now? Depends on what you call rich. I can happily spend $300 on sushi and not look at the price. Oh, that's rich. Massive cock. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:47 Rich in a few ways. I had a question for you It's not like dumb shit You're not like Migos You know what I mean? Wow, that's a fucking joke You don't got it like that So you don't Drake You're not like Drake
Starting point is 00:36:01 I think a lot of people misunderstand the line between being really, really, really popular suddenly or somewhat suddenly and then a generational dynasty like Migos. It's way fucking different. So from when I was making music, because I believe that the producer fee is, producers deserve their fair equal share type thing so i was always giving away like 50 of my records pretty much so i know a lot of other rappers that pay like beat producers like one point and like 250 bucks and it's like that is crazy it's crazy but so i was like always giving away like 50 of the money that i made pretty much and i've made majority of my money through just like streaming revenue because touring is pretty much like you volunteer until you make money. So you lose money.
Starting point is 00:36:50 Volunteer. What is that? It's like volunteering, but just touring. You just lose money. It's at a loss. What does it take for your tour to make money? Like you have to do like 1500 capacities and about like 15 of them to make
Starting point is 00:37:04 money. That is crazy. Yeah. And then like, I just pretty much hit that world in, in North America. And that's where you can like justify like making like good money, but I make good money off like, like festivals and stuff like that now.
Starting point is 00:37:15 So my touring until like, I mean, I guess COVID hit. So I got kind of boned there, but my year in 2020, I was going to turn a little profit, but I mean like a tour i did i i literally made like 250 bucks and i did like 25 shows that is do you still find it worth it because
Starting point is 00:37:32 it's joyful well yeah you'll remember that write that down oh enjoyable bro uh yeah no absolutely i mean you you you have to do it for the fans because it's like they're the people that like make your life dope yeah cringe uh but it's also super cool because it's like you you know you perform your shit live and it's like people know like spend time knowing to memorize your lyrics like it's ridiculous like I'm saying people it's gotta be a little surreal I don't think about that you like write something in like your phone and then all of a sudden a bunch of people in a big room know it. Yeah, it is wild. There's a few popular YouTube videos of an artist performing for the first time, and
Starting point is 00:38:10 then everyone sings the song, and then the artist is like, aw. Yeah. Yeah. Bro, you were on Jimmy Kimmel. Yeah, that shit was crazy. You were on Jimmy Kimmel? Yeah, it was dope. I wasn't on main sit-down, he interviews me.
Starting point is 00:38:23 Danny DeVito was doing it that night, which was also dope. Like he interviews me. Danny DeVito was doing it that night, which was also good to me. Danny DeVito. I like saw him walk by, but I was like going up on stage at the exact same time. So like didn't really work. Um, you guys fist bump.
Starting point is 00:38:34 No. Fellow ASU grad, by the way, not Danny, Jimmy Kimmel. Uh, he's a great guy. Uh,
Starting point is 00:38:41 it was really cool. It was very nerve wracking being like, Oh, I was like my first like North my first North American debut type thing. You should have asked Jimmy Kimmel what it was like to feed a pig bacon on The Man Show. You shouldn't have done that, but I do have a question.
Starting point is 00:38:55 Let's talk about the outfit for a moment. Because he did that. Is that just you off the top? He did that, and no one fucking talks about it, though. Okay, so the pants are from Y2K, because I was like, I don't know, I just got down here the crazy thing is get this so Jimmy Kimmel, I guess like had someone who was gonna do that week fall off and just not do it Fall off like they said they're not gonna do they didn't like say the n-word and then get canceled right yeah exactly
Starting point is 00:39:22 Blowing off Jimmy Kimmel that is hard I guess they just I don't know they might have gotten sick and then i got the call on like sunday and this is monday wow so we had to do all of this shit in like matters of literally hours was it your guys's job to conceptualize the well i was just like let's do the class let's do the class and then antonio and i were like chopping it up and they they sourced all like the class stuff from like nickelonean or like universal or warner i don't know where it was whatever corporate and then they sourced all like the class stuff from like nickelodeon or like universal warner i don't know where i come whatever corporate and then i pull i i'm like i don't know a guitarist i don't know a guitarist and then i i call it tim henson he was good tim henson literally the best guitarist in the world and i call him i was like hey man i need a favor i need
Starting point is 00:40:00 a favor i need a favor wait wait he's what he's's Polifia yeah I'm Polifia oh Polifia I don't know what I'm saying oh really? why do we just listen to music? dude Holloway is crazy he is so good he is probably our generation's best guitarist
Starting point is 00:40:13 I just found out about Blondie's yesterday so let me catch up okay nice and yeah it came out really good man I was really really
Starting point is 00:40:20 like proud of my whole team like whipping this out our ass in like 30 minutes type thing and then yeah the outfit just didn't make any sense but it kind of makes sense because beans beans yeah because i do a little skit where i'm like now we're gonna learn how to sing la la la and now we're gonna talk about beans because edamame
Starting point is 00:40:38 yeah okay i thought you're fucking with me. It does say being. I like the Mercedes EQ concert series in the bottom left. Do you get money for this? No, I spent a bunch of money. Oh, okay. Yeah, that was going to be my question. What? There was no bread?
Starting point is 00:40:53 Really? No, why would they pay you? It's free promotion. Because it's a promotional opportunity? It's like the Super Bowl. It never stops. Dude, exposure. Exposure.
Starting point is 00:41:01 It goes all the way to the top. But they're so rich. Exploitation. Goaded. They're so rich. Why don't they just pay? You would assume. What? The Super Bowl makes a lot. Exposure it goes all the way to the exploitation go to there's no rich Why don't they just pay you would assume like what Super Bowl makes a lot? Do you know? What you don't think no hell no you don't think the Super Bowl makes money
Starting point is 00:41:15 I'm not talking about the artists like NFL Football League sports NFL is football, right? Yeah. We're a couple of BC Lions fans. BC Lions are wah. No, yeah, it's crazy. Rihanna didn't make money for the Super Bowl.
Starting point is 00:41:40 That's cringe. Or made a small amount of money. Dude, yeah, not making money? Cringe. But no, the weekend, he spent $12 million when he did it two, three years ago. He used to pay for it? Yeah. What? Is it just to bring yourself, like even for a day, that opportunity is worth it?
Starting point is 00:41:55 Wait, my understanding is that the Super Bowl pays for your production costs, but don't pay you. No, he lifted $12 million, right? Remember that, Antonio? Was that a thing? It was like something like that, right? Antonio, you're a guy. Antonio hit you with one of these.
Starting point is 00:42:08 I'm fucking nuts. Fucking fight over it. Wow. But yeah, from what I remember, it was like $12 million. I was like, okay. That's crazy. You're rich. I get it.
Starting point is 00:42:18 It's crazy because then it's on you to convert that ethereal idea of being on the Super Bowl or being on Jimmy Kimmel into something that will make you money. Surely there are more Rihanna fans than football fans in the world. Yeah. Not in America. She's a world star. Football, I love it.
Starting point is 00:42:33 In the world? She's a world star. No, 100%. There are more Rihanna fans, but I think this will be the most viewed thing Rihanna ever, most viewed performance she ever does. No, Umbrella.
Starting point is 00:42:44 I think it's like a... That's such a good song. It's like a strategic thing, right? Like, if she hasn't, I guess, like, if she hasn't released music in a while, she does the Super Bowl performance, she makes that, like, Vogue cover announcement, like, a week later.
Starting point is 00:42:59 Like, you keep yourself in the news cycle for this, like, extended period of time, and then you get, like, more... It's all a facade to be honest yeah what's the facade the facade is
Starting point is 00:43:08 oh I'm doing the Superbowl well I guess if you do the Superbowl you're fucking on so like what if you do this dude that'd be sick
Starting point is 00:43:16 you should do you should try and do the Superbowl that's the thing YouTubers you should do your Christmas concert at the Superbowl you know what Rihanna can't do I miss the old man go
Starting point is 00:43:24 yes sir dude Rihanna can't do? I miss the old man. Dude, Rihanna can't go home to her computer and then upload a video that says, I did the Super Bowl and this happened? Yes, she can. But she won't. The difference is that Rihanna could do that and get more views than
Starting point is 00:43:44 any of his They could have just put a pregnant woman on a 100-foot platform in the sky it's like that's kind of Here's what I can do that she can't do. I can ride rollercoaster rides Don't beef with pregnant women again Don't do this again I'm just saying you do this every literally every episode Let's go ride for ride at Universal tomorrow Every loving fan verse every pregnant woman Yo, what a mr. Beast put that on yo
Starting point is 00:44:20 1000 pregnant women blind So their kids could see I I'm Mr. Beast. That's crazy, dude. He could. This is like the third eye, man. Was that like the biggest, I guess, shock when you start getting bigger and blowing up? Is that like it all is a facade as you go up and it materializes? Yeah, the biggest shock to me was right when La La La blew up,
Starting point is 00:44:47 Antonio and I were going,, courting like record labels and shit. And you're just a product. That's it. That's it. Like, because I was always like, I have so much like passion for my business and so much passion for making music. And it's like, it's an art form, right? But like labels don't give a fuck. They're just like, if it works, let me buy it.
Starting point is 00:45:02 I think. How does that manifest? Like, is it the way they talk about you or to you and like well yeah they blow a ton of smoke up your ass because it's like what's the point if you go to a record label there was i had this one call recently with this guy that was just like i'm so rich i don't have to work with you but i want to work with you because you're goaded and i'm like that's it goaded yeah and i'm like now that's a good pitch i signed that day and uh but like at the same time it's just like yeah to get someone on your side you're just gonna have to sign them so
Starting point is 00:45:32 are you on sign right now yeah i'm on sign what's the appeal of getting a label when when you can like publish your own music like what are you getting out of that deal potentially so at that time like we had no fucking idea what to do with that song. It was doing like 2 million streams a day and everything in my other catalog was doing like, like 10, 15,000 streams. So I was like,
Starting point is 00:45:54 okay, this is a big song. And, uh, I was like, I don't know. Like, you know,
Starting point is 00:45:58 I'm, the knowledge that I had was just not there. So, but now after like having, so I had Edamame and it did pretty well. It didn't do as well as La La La, but you know, I like marketed it myself, did this and like we had like teams
Starting point is 00:46:11 and we hired teams. So I kept that independent. So I see like way more of a amount of money from that song. So you get like a team on contract or like an agency to come in. Yeah, rather than, rather than. Pack as a label.
Starting point is 00:46:23 So the one, there are like a, definitely a bunch of pros with labels. Cause like, dude, if you're tight for cash, they're just a bank. That's it. So if you're like, holy shit, I'm having a viral success moment. Instant music video activation. Yeah, and it's just like,
Starting point is 00:46:37 how can I expedite this and make the most out of this? And it's like, do I want to be an artist perhaps? Yes. If I don't, then let's just get the bag bag have you tried being friends with a streamer no I have a proposition for you I tried streaming like religiously during the top of like 2021 and I did like a month straight I was like I was holding like 2k for a little while doing minecraft all I would do is i would dig straight down chat today will be going to bedrock
Starting point is 00:47:16 The stream starts in its like stream ends if i die by lava and you just keep going If we make it to the bottom we'll just sit there with our thoughts for a while That's when we start talking about real shit. But yeah, streaming is honestly difficult as fuck. It's exhausting. It's one of the hardest jobs. It's very, very, very difficult. You're basically a marine. I hope you die.
Starting point is 00:47:36 I don't like you. Because I don't have to be on. You know what I mean? I can just chill for the most of the time. I've never turned off. Yeah, you're up and on. Activated. I'm a wreck right now.
Starting point is 00:47:49 But, yeah, I found it. After doing that full month, I was like, whoa, okay, like, respect the people who don't stop streaming. Do you want to know who the greatest streamer of all time is right now? Dane Cook. How is that? I've never, I haven't tuned in. Dane Cook streams, and he's the greatest to ever do it. He plays COD, right? Do you believe that? I've never, I haven't tuned in. He's streaming? Dane Cook streams and he's the greatest to ever do it. He plays COD, right?
Starting point is 00:48:07 Do you believe that? I believe this. I'm not telling you this because it's a farce. Is he doing his bit? Is he yelling a lot? Is he? He plays Call of Duty Warzone 2. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:48:17 Religiously. About five to six hours every single stream. He streams almost every single day. He has a lot of hours in the past month. Grinds it. He's fucking good at the game. He's a partner too. He's good every single day. He has a lot of hours in the past month. Grinds it. He's fucking good at the game. He's good at the game.
Starting point is 00:48:29 All right. He crushes. He's always top 10 at min. He doesn't say a word. He's silently grinding the game on like like in a theater,
Starting point is 00:48:39 like clearly in this million dollar mansion. And every time he gets flashbang in the game, he has a giant monitor. So just goes for the It's like the gif of the guy in CSGO where he flashes and his whole face is just white.
Starting point is 00:48:51 And then at the end of the game whether he wins or loses, like usually he loses but he's like, fuck dude! Fucking! God there was on me! Alright we'll go next. And then he just boots up another one. Is he playing with friends? Is he alone? Yeah. Huh? No. By himself. Does he say a word? That's sick. He's holding five, six hundred no problems. All right, we'll go next and they just boots up another one friends. Yeah, no by himself That's sick he's he's holding five six hundred no problem my goat my fucking goat No, I love the idea that I crushed a cook
Starting point is 00:49:14 If I go live, yeah, you know, you know, Sherman is in He actually fucking guess yeah, I was about to defend myself that I'm better than Dane Cook at Warzone, and then I stopped myself. He's nice, bro. Look, and was I not spotty-dotty on the theater? Look at that crosshair placement. What the fuck is this? Dude, I love how his mouth is ajar. First of all, the fact that he looks like a fish on a grill.
Starting point is 00:49:34 You're talking about crosshair placement in Call of Duty, bro. It is Call of Duty, but it's like he's aiming at the floor. He's smiling. Bro, he's going for pickups. He's having fun. Nah, crosshair placement is not a thing in COD. That's so crazy. Because he's on controller,
Starting point is 00:49:46 so the second you see someone, it's like... Yeah. Yeah, anyway, he's the GOAT. COD Modern Warfare 2 was so fire back then. I remember staying up all night playing with the boys.
Starting point is 00:49:56 Yes, sir. Intervention, quickscoping, unrest. Dude, have I told you guys a story once? I was at a sleepover at my friend's house, Eric, and we were tight because we did soccer together,
Starting point is 00:50:04 and we liked to play. You guys know TimeSplitter 2 we were tight because we did soccer together, and we liked to play. You guys know Time Splitter 2? Oh, my. Yes. Yeah, so we used to play Time Splitter 2, and then, you know. Time Splitters. Time Splitters, whatever, chill.
Starting point is 00:50:13 Watch. Your shit at work, though. The door to is an S. Dan Cook gaps you. Dan Cook gaps you. I don't need to defend myself. Better hair, younger girlfriend. So we're playing time splitters and it's been then like we're like having so much fucking fun and then mom's like all right you guys gotta wrap in 15 his mom and and i'm like fuck man i want to
Starting point is 00:50:35 keep playing he's like yo we could i was like what do you mean and and he's we hatched this plan to set up time splitters in his closet and just bring all the wires and cables and gizmos in there and then play throughout the night so we hatch the plane we put everything in the closet and we set it up ready to go mom comes in we're all tucked in bed maybe if we kiss we harder fine relax we're just playing games in the closet. Mom comes in. We're all tucked in bed.
Starting point is 00:51:08 She goes, we wait like 30 minutes. We go out. We play in the closet. We play from like 10 or 11 p.m. to like 4 a.m. We go to bed like right before sunrise. And then we get up the next day and we fucking, we get away with murder. We just had a great time playing time splitters. My mom comes. They're doing that parent thing where they talk to each other and and and i'm like i'm
Starting point is 00:51:29 ready to go you did yeah and then and then and then eric right before we're about to walk out goes guess what mom last night we played time splitters all night i was like what are you doing why are you throwing at the 99 yard line for no reason? That is the biggest throw of all time. And I've never trusted him ever since. Never hung out with him again. Did you, honest question, did you ever, while staying at his house, come in your pants while you were sleeping? I used to jerk
Starting point is 00:51:55 off at friends' sleepovers all the time. No. You're a terrorist. Did you? All the time, bro. I only brought that up because he used to come in his pants all the time. He still might to this day. One of them dreams called the wet dream? That's what I'm saying. Nocturnal emission, we prefer.
Starting point is 00:52:10 He's bringing that up because it used to happen to me a lot. Yeah. But then you just one-upped yourself and God by saying that you would jerk off at sleepovers? Yeah. To make sure. I've done it one time. To make sure there's no tomfoolery and I tell everybody before
Starting point is 00:52:28 I'd sit on the ground and be like I'm the one jerking off it's alpha shit it's just establishing dominance I'm just checking for ghosts you've never done this jerked off at a sleepover? dude throw a cookie on the ground what does everyone know about that?
Starting point is 00:52:43 it's the Marilyn Manson. You were just like, do you know Mango? And he's like, no, no, no. Throw a cookie on the ground? I don't know. You've never done this. What? Jerk off.
Starting point is 00:52:53 You've gone to sleepover. Like at your friend's house. Nah, I definitely have. There you go. You go to Canada hell for that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's in their religion. No, I mean, I've definitely had a bunch of wet dreams, dude.
Starting point is 00:53:03 I remember the last wet dream that I had. I was like, it was like we were all sleeping in one massive room. I become myself like so much. Dude, it's just like my balls are ready to go. Um, and, uh, it was, I love boobs, by the way. I was having this dream. It was like Buffy the Vampire Slayer. And it was like killing, she was killing the whole world.
Starting point is 00:53:18 But all she wanted was penis. And I was like, boys, I'm gonna die for the culture. And then I just, yeah, dude, I just nutted and I was like, ah, fuck. The worst part about a wet dream is that the moment Buffy touches your penis, you insta-explode.
Starting point is 00:53:36 Yeah, dude. Every time. It's like frame one of it happening, right? Yo, let's go back to music. I can't remember I got single digit numbers So Yeah
Starting point is 00:53:49 I'm circumcised Weak sauce Yeah the thing about it Being uncircumcised Is just you tie it off When you go to bed That way it's clean Then you wake up
Starting point is 00:53:57 And empty it out You wake up to mochi That's fucking disgusting, dude. You don't want any ants to crawl in there. It's so dusty with powder on it too. You know how when you're sleeping, seven spiders crawl in your mouth? Is that real? They say three crawl into your foreskin annually.
Starting point is 00:54:20 Not if you tie it off. I think in your lifetime it's possible that you swallow like a unspecified amount of spiders I've been a small bird so you swallow an unspecified amount of spiders but it's not seven year I think it's like a myth who you laughing at I've been a small the most spiders in this room
Starting point is 00:54:37 fuck you guys I've swallowed the most spiders ever I've swallowed more spiders than you've ever swallowed I put them on my bed before I go to bed um have you achieved what you wanted spiders can ever swallow. I put them on my bed before I go to bed. Big fucking spiders too, dude. Have you achieved what you wanted? Are you there now? Or is there a thing
Starting point is 00:54:49 you haven't done? Nah, I mean like... You haven't done the fucking Super Bowl. Yeah, exactly. I'm a fucking... I'm a waste of space. But is it just
Starting point is 00:54:57 the next music goal or is there like a thing like you want to go to space? Dude, I have to go to space. You would be perfect. I heard that like Bezos is offering... It's like 300, 400k you can go to space? Dude, I have to go to space? You can do perfect. I heard that Bezos is offering $300,000, $400,000. You can go to space.
Starting point is 00:55:10 That's way more than that. Isn't it like $400,000? From my head, you said million. I don't know why. Ludwig. Ludwig. Ludwig. Think about how cool the dude perfect video was, dude.
Starting point is 00:55:27 Ludwig. Ludwig. Yeah, that's hard. Reacting to TikToks in space? I have a bunch of... It's this, and you're pointing at Earth. It's Earth. Be a tight thumbs.
Starting point is 00:55:37 Ludwig. I found a planet. I found one. It's just Mars. But I found one. It's just Mars. I found it. Do you feel because a lot of what YouTube is in my eyes is very formulaic
Starting point is 00:55:52 and there's like a clear structure that works and I can see when videos are popular why they work. Yeah. Is the same thing thing now in music like is there a clear formula for like okay let's make a song that's specifically good for viral TikToks. Like is that a strategy people use or does it just happen to get viral does know what to do i feel like that fucked your brain up i mean i feel like he he he has been known what to do
Starting point is 00:56:16 i don't think he knows what to do as far as social media right now but um i i don't think i necessarily make songs for tiktok i just kind of like will make it. The thing is, is if you make a fundamentally really good song, it'll do well. That's just the nature of it. Like same with like if you just come up with a really conceptually good video, people will be like, oh, this is impressive. Yeah, but that's a good video. But then there's also videos that are just successful, but more like I think derivative
Starting point is 00:56:43 and contrived. And I'm thinking a music example is i fucking have a love-hate relationship with charlie puth he's really talented but i i don't know i don't know what i'm talking about with charlie puth yeah he he just makes is it puff it's not okay i just want to make sure he's... No, he's Puff. Puff. Puff. It's like Daffy Duck talking about pussy. Dabby... I'm slurping that puff. I had to commit to Daffy.
Starting point is 00:57:12 Pussy thieving. I'm hunting pussy. Wow. Yeah, we're a podcast. We love Daffy Duck. Yeah, we're a podcast. He's also the hunter, by the way. I deserve my success.
Starting point is 00:57:25 But he'll do the thing where he's like we can make that a song and then he'll like and like I think fake
Starting point is 00:57:34 make a song on the spot. He's a perfect pitch guy by the way. Oh yeah that shit is so funny. I find it
Starting point is 00:57:39 I mean like good for him he's got perfect pitch because I don't even know what he is. Like yo that's E.
Starting point is 00:57:43 I know that one. But it's like I think it's interesting because i feel like tiktok it you can make music that just works or that you can make music and you can say a b a b a b and have a song and then the content that you make around it and propel it so much more further so much further than like having a good brand could do because there's some types of content like for instance that like when you create something right on the spot and you film like all these jump cuts and this and this it's like so much more intriguing it's kind of like uh just like a like a mr beast music video where or not
Starting point is 00:58:19 and it's just like it's just like hit after hit after hit after hit and it's like it's entertaining I remember I was like faded off a bunch of mushrooms on my friend's birthday party and we were watching the Mr. Beast like it was a Mr. Beast
Starting point is 00:58:31 I don't know what it was but it was a Mr. Beast watch party they were actually just looking at a mop we were so so gone off the mushies
Starting point is 00:58:39 and we were just like whoa this is crazy and it was just like color this this this but
Starting point is 00:58:44 yeah it's a science yeah he does science yeah it's it's crazy it's it's you know it's down to the t i don't think necessarily like you can you can make pop music but you can't formulate a hit like la la la when i sat down and i made that song i just i told y2k i was like dude all my music's a little hard to digest for people especially like live crowds so i was like let's sit around 130 BPM. And that's like, that's pop, easy to jump. Dance ability is really high. And I was like, I like Latin sounding music.
Starting point is 00:59:13 So mixed them too. And then within like 15 minutes, we wrote the hook. And I was like, this song is great. And then we put it out. And if we were driving home one day and we were like, did I really just forget that melody? Is that stupid? And we'd be like, should we take it out? And if we didn't leave it in there, the song would not be big.
Starting point is 00:59:35 You think so? 100%. That's part of why it was a popular sound, right? Yeah, 100%. And the thing is, it was so natural. That actually happened because whenever I'm in a studio, all of my producer friends know now
Starting point is 00:59:48 to just always record me if I'm humming a melody because I legit forget them all the time. And sometimes I'm like, fuck, it was fine. Have you noticed other rappers just like, yo, where are my keys?
Starting point is 00:59:58 And then they start rapping? Have you noticed people trying to do your shit? Not your shit because that's been a thing forever. People talking before they rap. People trying to say things and forget things. Have you noticed people trying to do your shit? Not your shit, because that's been a thing forever. People talking before they rap. People trying to say things and forget things. Have you noticed people like, what are you for lunch?
Starting point is 01:00:11 I mean, I do think that TikTok has brought out small bits a little bit. That's really what is emphasized most of the time on TikTok as far as audio goes. But I have also seen tons of songs with like 10 million videos that have a tenth of the amount of streams because it's just not as good as a song fundamentally there's a river named by the video because it's carried by the video uh no it's like so like let's say you have like an audio that is like abc one two three And then people are like listing something. And then it's like, this is what I do. And it's too much of an audio,
Starting point is 01:00:48 if that makes sense. Whereas like when you went to go listen to a lot, a lot of people were probably not expecting a song to actually be catchy. And like, yeah, because that song is like, it's fire. Like I don't really gas myself up like that usually.
Starting point is 01:00:59 But like when you listen, I want to relisten to that shit. I'm like, man, that's not good. It's like uh so going back to the very beginning of what i was saying is like if you make a good song people i remember way back like 10 years ago plus there was a there was people were talking about how
Starting point is 01:01:17 it was annoying that people were trying to do hashtag rap because twitter was getting really big and it was like dropping not just ad libs but like phrases that would go into a hashtag when people use those a lot um and it's like the same thing right it's utilizing a tool that social media a social media platform specifically has to get it to go nuts um which is kind of weird to think about it like it's just a meta but but yeah so that's probably conceptually the same idea of how you can make videos that will do better because you're adding like... It's like why people play
Starting point is 01:01:49 trending games on Twitch. Or do tierless videos. Is there a place that you haven't gone that you know would have some level of success but you don't want to sell out that hard or if it feels that way? The anti-Semite route. Not a good idea. Definitely works on my words.
Starting point is 01:02:06 But then Nick Fuentes could help you write a song. Featuring Nick Fuentes? The most racist bars of all time. Nick Fuentes with the five bars of racism. Fuck you, Jimmy Kimmel. We're performing live. Every bar's a different race. Let's go, Nick.
Starting point is 01:02:23 White Sways. His name's Bill. That's so hard. Yeah. Is there anything that you're like, damn, I see this trend. It might work,
Starting point is 01:02:34 but that's kind of cringe. Um, so there's this thing that I always do on Tik Tok and it just goes off every fucking time. I just look directly at the camera, put la la la behind it and put on the top let me unwrite this song I hate this song people love that shit it just blows up every fucking time I did this dude every single time I do it because I guess it was doing it more than one time it's hilarious dude I do it I do it like weekly bro it's like they forget you just did it it's so jokes like I remember I did one video and I just it like weekly, bro. It's like they forget you just did it. Clocking in. It's so jokes.
Starting point is 01:03:05 Like, I remember I did one video, and it just pulled my camera in, and it was like, I want to travel back three years to underwrite this song, and I just look sad in the video. 21 million views. That's a layup. But you're lying. Obviously. That is so fucking funny. The other trend I see on TikTok is just someone reposting their video, and it'd be like, dude,
Starting point is 01:03:24 remember when this happened? And it's like their most popular video ever. Even if it gets half, it's like win. It always crushes. It always crushes. TikTok feels like the only platform where you can basically post the same video over and over and over again and get the same results. I'm stronger. I'm better.
Starting point is 01:03:41 Oh, my God. Dude, that guy is like that was the only thing he posted. He posted like 18 times a day. I think I've shown you guys'm better, that guy went up. Fuck. Dude, that guy is, like, that was the only thing he posted. He posted like 18 times a day. I think I've shown you guys this guy, right? Yeah, yeah. The one where you scroll and they're all blue. Lord Trunks? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:52 Lord Trunks. But there's like a lot of accounts like that. Like, uh... Yes. Do you guys have like the mega giga chad? Like the guys that like turn their camera around and are like sweating with like jam on their face with a massive jaw. Dude, I get this all the fucking time. That's your algorithm?
Starting point is 01:04:09 I'm also getting like a lot of like boys and really cute boys. Dude, algorithm is just like astrology for zoomers. It just reflects back what you want to see in the world and you want to see guys with chit-chat jaws and jam on their face. What does that mean?
Starting point is 01:04:25 I feel like TikTok probably also picks up audio. So, like, if you laugh. Whoa. Because that's the type of shit I watch. I'm like, bro, what the fuck? Is this a team work? Fuck. As you're watching the guys, the TikTok audience playing back,
Starting point is 01:04:42 it's like, yes! Yes! Fuck yeah! i fucking love this dude it is his tiktok gallery he's like boobs dude xqc's i love when he browses tiktok because he always has like a thirst trap and every time he's like dude i don't even fucking know why he's here man it's just like it's just like a girl with huge knockers this is crazy yeah i feel like tiktok like the the booba on tiktok is crazy bro i. Yeah, I feel like TikTok, like the booba on TikTok is crazy, bro. It's like overkill sometimes.
Starting point is 01:05:11 You're overkill, the boob guy? You're like, this is too much. I don't want it. I don't want it to come to my life. You know what I mean? You're literally like once a week, you're like, I can go for some boobs right now. And then your algorithm is like, here you go. The money felled off, bro, unless it gets to Fortnite.
Starting point is 01:05:28 That's the next step. I just tried. I hit it yesterday for the first time. Did you? It's not in Fortnite yet? Why? I was asked by the people I was on a hike with. They were like, you got to do it.
Starting point is 01:05:36 And you did it? Yeah. The first thing you said when you got here, you literally didn't even say hi. You were like, how do you do that shit? Yeah. And then you did it. And then you hit it wrong. You want to give us one?
Starting point is 01:05:44 Then you hit it whack. Your attempt? I can try. If you want to get a whack your attempt if you're gonna hit it hit it good You go you go from right no right there right here right here cuz the cams here Hand goes across your body. So you're not doing across your body right now, right? Right right, so that's wrong, right? Yeah, so still wrong right you should the same thing but bigger let's just you're so imagine a circle right in your hand going a circle you're doing the right 180 yeah there you go okay so so do the left 180 do the left 180 yeah yeah that's right there we go uh-huh okay so now you're flossing kind of like shit so it's more it's no hips it's less hips it's. It's more a feet shuffle.
Starting point is 01:06:27 So your feet cut- it's actually a difficult- Bro, you make music. So you- yeah, there you go. There you- oh shit! Okay! That's kind of it. That's kind of it. Okay, we don't do that though. Don't you say it. We don't do that. No, it's because it's what your name starts with.
Starting point is 01:06:46 L Ludwig. I like that style. It also means loser. Dude, you have L and W in your name. That's true. That's hard. That's it. Because I live with both all my life.
Starting point is 01:06:58 Anyway, I asked all the questions about music because I saw this one Ted Navision video. That's how you say his name, Navision. He likes when you say it that way because that's how you say it's how you say it so lock that in ted navision made a video about making a viral tiktok sound and uh and he's just trying to make sounds and upload random tiktoks just so he could have a youtube video where he succeeds in the endeavor and he eventually got one because he made a sound that was like this is gonna be my hobby for the rest of my life and it was like him walking into a Rainforest Cafe.
Starting point is 01:07:26 And it went viral because a lot of people were like, yeah, I like things. Yeah. And I have hobbies. That's great. And I feel like it's possible to make, through forced contrived efforts, a viral TikTok sound,
Starting point is 01:07:40 which might not necessarily, like you were saying, translate to a viral song. Yeah. Because some are just like, you know, like they're not a good song But I feel like I want to try to make that happen just so I can have a YouTube video where I succeed in doing it You're saying you'd literally just want to do what Ted did you just know I want to make a song Song different but the song would be a sound but you I get you get it. Yeah. No, I get it I get you so I need to
Starting point is 01:08:05 do is pitch up your Mariah Carey cover no it needs to be way more than that anything how many streams is the mangos don't have 1.2 mil no but I mean like how many videos on because you should start just, it's just, I miss the old Kanye. No, I know. What's the video gonna be? I hate Jewish people? What am I doing? Yo, fuck Kanye,
Starting point is 01:08:31 let's bring him down to stream my song. Actually, I miss the old Kanye should go harder now. Yeah. But you're still, it's like saying, bro,
Starting point is 01:08:39 fuck JK Rowling, let's buy out every Harry Potter book so that nobody can buy them. Full retail value. And that's why you have L and W in your name. Yeah, that's true. Anyway, I'll get there one day.
Starting point is 01:08:51 I'll get there one day. I have a question. All right, let's say a genie, a Queben, if you will, a genie comes up to you and he says, you're never allowed to make music ever again because I'm an evil genie from the Far East. But I fuck with La La La. But I fuck with La with la la but you're
Starting point is 01:09:06 done yeah he does a little spin around drops his ass yeah you're done for good what do you do with your life it can be other artistic endeavors but you don't have to like be a dishwasher unless uh i mean i would honestly probably just go back to school and get like a doctorate i wanted to become a doctor like that genuinely just help people. That's why I was like studying kinesiology. It's like intro level medicine. No music, no art. This is fake as shit, bro.
Starting point is 01:09:30 Because before the pod, you were saying you want to go back to being a dishwasher. That's right. That's different. Yeah, that's different. That's just something I want to do right now
Starting point is 01:09:37 because I just want to be, I just want to be, I just want to like do something for like five minutes and be like, yo, that shift sucked. Let's go make some hits. Because like back, back in the day. You want more misery you want more misery no yeah exactly because like back in the day remember when you guys first started doing things on like social media yeah she was so much fun all
Starting point is 01:09:54 the fucking time like every single thing you did was like a level up and you saw the progression immediately and it's just like it was because the drive no it's not because the drive it's because the curve what's the curve called the bell curve the parabolic the like, it's because of the drive. No, it's not because of the drive. It's because of the curve. What's the curve called? The bell curve. The parabolic. The time chamber. It's the curve where it's like you're learning something, and instantly you're like, it's like here,
Starting point is 01:10:12 and it's like how much you think you've learned, and then you realize how much there is to learn, and then you go back down here, and then the learning is much more slow. Yeah. What's it called? Zipper, can you look up curve for learning because you think you know a lot, but you actually don't know as much
Starting point is 01:10:26 as you thought you did. The learning curve, if you will. Crazy. Wait, that's a good name for it. Damn. Can you look up man curve? Curved. Curvy man. Yeah. Look up zipper, look up boots. The Dunning-Kruger.
Starting point is 01:10:43 Oh wait, it's really the Dunning-Kruger? Yeah, the Dunning-Kruger. Oh, wait. It's really the Dunning-Kruger? Yeah, the Dunning-Kruger. He killed people in dreams. I actually remember learning about this in sociology, I think. No, he was a guest in Mortal Kombat. Was this Dunning-Kruger created because there was a guy who robbed a bank by having lemon juice all over himself because he thought he was invisible? And that's related to the curve, how?
Starting point is 01:11:02 That's how Dunning-Kruger made things. Yeah, Dunning-K Kruger was that guy's problem No, you fucking get me Hey, we'll talk about when we all work in the dishwashing place together They just watched it's not a restaurant where they ship dirty dishes It's like those rooms you go into break stuff. You go in just to feel bad. That's sick.
Starting point is 01:11:29 We could go to like Spaghetti Factory and apply right now. All five of us working one shit at the same time. This is the life, eh boys? We got our aprons and shit and our power washers. Going to Cheesecake Factory like it's a soup kitchen
Starting point is 01:11:45 to be like i'm here to volunteer for the day i'm here to help there's a there's a popular video popular because it was so roasted of this guy who worked at mcdonald's for a day and he made a youtube video out of it but it was sponsored by mcdonald's and so he goes around and he's like he making he's British, making fries. Fucking brilliant, these fries. This machine's so fun. And then he'd interview someone and be like, what do you love about your job? And it was a sponsored like shill video?
Starting point is 01:12:14 It was a sponsored shill video for McDonald's. And everybody fucking roasted him out of existence. Was it disclosed? It was 100%. It was like overtly sponsored sponsored but it was just overly positive about these people like making min wage and he's just like he's like isn't this fucking poggers i love peeling my burnt skin off my hand when i go home from the fryers but i have long wanted to for a video i want to work at mr beast burger like it's uh but i want to i want to do it like uh
Starting point is 01:12:44 overcooked where people who walk in have a five-minute timer, and we have to make their sandwich before the timer runs out, or they get it free. Or they die. Or they die? They die, yeah. They die. They're like, please make my- I don't know what you're talking about. There's a gun to their head.
Starting point is 01:12:59 What are you doing for me? What are you doing for me? Right? I mean, if you don't cook their burger well enough, they're going to die anyway. Yeah, true. That's what I was going to say, too. You give them the goddamn food poisoning. Well, no, that's like throw up.
Starting point is 01:13:11 Also, I've been feeling like shit lately. I realize I'm 32, and there's no denying it. Because yesterday, all I did, I played video games for 12 hours straight. I ate nothing but M&M's and string cheese. Together? I don't think you are. Dude. I don't know, man. I did I played video games for 12 hours straight ate nothing but M&Ms and string cheese and I Are I dude? I don't know man. I'm I'm just living my life. You're being an asshole right now Olds don't get away with that and I felt really bad. That's sick what I do Thank you. It's so little to do with your age
Starting point is 01:13:43 You're an asshole right now. It does have so little to do with your age. You're being an asshole right now. Yeah, I only exclusively wear Asics. Asics, keep them on the spot. What? We're all just going with that? Sipping hot cum at Cafe Nero. Quit taking my bars. I do like that.
Starting point is 01:14:00 I want to announce something. I'm using my platform for once for fucking good, and I'm letting my platform for once for fucking good. And I'm letting you all know this right now. Nick maybe can testify to this. Shut the fuck up. No, yeah, go ahead. Shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 01:14:12 Say your shit. I'm listening. Fucking Winnie the Pooh bear. Piece of shit. Pussy. Pussy. Winnie the Pooh, by the way, the second most valuable media franchise of all time.
Starting point is 01:14:21 He had to get into a meeting. He had to get into a really, really important meeting the other day other day he's late for it he's the one person that has to be there i messaged him say we're all calling you a pussy boy in the chat it's like lawyers and shit i was like we're all in discord right now calling you a little pussy boy like training me and the lawyers anyway listen to me we went to denny's in japan we had the french fries there they are the best french fries I have ever had in my entire life and I'm not capping what are you sighing for?
Starting point is 01:14:51 I had a funny thought I saw some video recently of this guy roasting this other guy about going to Denny's in Japan and it was just like I think it was Curtis Conner he edited some video on TikTok and was just like, I think it was Curtis Conner. He like, he edited some video on TikTok
Starting point is 01:15:06 and was just like, dude, that's crazy. There's different recipes in a different country or something. He's being an asshole about it. I'm on slime side now
Starting point is 01:15:13 if there's people like that. Let's go! Fuck Curtis Conner! Dude, it was just so good. Like, they just made them perfectly. It was like the perfect
Starting point is 01:15:20 idea of a french fry and they made it in the Denny's in Japan. It was crazy. It was fucked up. You guys, I'm telling you. I just don't trust you because you're not a good critic of food. Yeah, you are.
Starting point is 01:15:31 I wish you were dead. I wish you were dead. This would be like if Alex right now goes, bro, I found the greatest shampoo of all time. That's just the first one you found. That's not true. I've eaten a lot of fucking fries in my life. You ever had fucking Trey Semi, dude? That shit is salt.
Starting point is 01:15:47 Trey Semi? No, dude. I hang out with him at the mall, bro. Yeah, free of charge. Were the fries like really crispy and like crackly on the outside? I'm so glad you asked. What a great question. Yes.
Starting point is 01:15:59 It's not a good question. Fuck off, Ludwig! They were really firm on the outside and golden and crispy and on the inside, they were just perfect. It was like perfectly salted. They were like, it was just,
Starting point is 01:16:10 it was immaculate. Alec. There are these, so Costco in Canada, we have Costco french fries like where you get the hot dog, but we have just french fries and they're so fucking good.
Starting point is 01:16:19 They're better than America? They're better than America? American french fries, there are no Costco fries. Yeah, we don't fry at Costco. No. That's crazy. We got the hot dogs,
Starting point is 01:16:29 we got the chicken bake. I hate Canadians. That's hard. Straight up, bro. That's hard. We were doing a stream where we tried everything from McDonald's
Starting point is 01:16:37 and the Canadians wouldn't shut the fuck up about how they have everything that the Japan McDonald's has. Yeah, beggy tasty. And we got none of it over in America, and the Canadians love rubbing in how much cool shit.
Starting point is 01:16:48 They kept the American chicken dip. What are the chicken things? What are the nuggets? Chicken dip. The chicken nuggets are like 10 times cheaper here. I don't understand why. It's probably because they're really good. We subsidize chicken farming, I think.
Starting point is 01:17:03 Probably. It's part guy and rubber. It's part guy and rubber. It's part guy and part Visa card. It's more man than chicken. You know how they found plastic in chicken nuggets and shit? No, that's a long time ago. No, that was Subway. I don't care when it was.
Starting point is 01:17:18 But they moved off of that shit. They moved off of that shit. Bro, we've forgiven him. Ronald? McDonald? Ronald. Yeah, Ronald McDonald. Donaldo McDonaldo. that shit bro we've forgiven him ronald mcdonald yeah ronald mcdonald donaldo mcdonaldo i saw i think it was one of those joe biden ai videos it was him talking about weed and he was
Starting point is 01:17:33 like this shit looked like grimace or something you're saying some fucking deep cut shit in that one i remember that one has a rapper done that ai their voice and made a song? Certainly. Yeah, like, too many. There was supposedly, like, a massive blowback recently because, like, some record label was just AI rapper. Yeah, Art's dead. I haven't... What was Lil Yachty, right? He did the cover.
Starting point is 01:17:55 Oh, he did? How does he know that before me? No, I mean, okay, well... Lil Yachty's just a cover. You know he just heard The Box? It was for the first time. Isn't it good? The Box rocks.
Starting point is 01:18:07 The Box is a thing. I heard it a couple months ago. What was the other song you just heard? What was it? I forget. Yeah, whatever. I also, but also I'll message Nick sometimes. He'll be like, you ever just want to kick it with a blunt and some Chiotos?
Starting point is 01:18:21 Yeah, it was a joke really only for me. Yeah. Shout out Chiotos yeah it was just Lil Yachty's album art some people were mad about it but I don't think that was too big of a deal
Starting point is 01:18:29 no it's not a big of a deal I thought it was well done like the timing I don't know if you guys have listened to it isn't Young Lean do AI art for his album dude everyone's kinda doing it
Starting point is 01:18:36 I listened to it great it was good it's sick I mean like I was not expecting Young Lean I've been using AI art for a lot
Starting point is 01:18:42 actually is when I'm building references for a shoot I'll just be like oh I can't find a reference I'll been using AR for a lot actually is when I'm building references for a shoot, I'll just be like, Oh, I can't find a reference. I'll just make one.
Starting point is 01:18:48 Oh really? Guy standing in middle of warehouse, dramatic lighting, uh, blue lights everywhere. Also he's on a skateboard and it's like, it just makes it like, Oh,
Starting point is 01:18:54 it's my reference. Interesting. That's like a probably works. That's a very like ethically sourced way to do the use AI. Yeah. That's crazy. The really good AI can just recreate the best art in the world. ChatGPT's been fucking me.
Starting point is 01:19:07 You've been talking to him? Like you're hanging out? I've been so lost on what to stream these days. I'm like, what the fuck do I do? How do I make content? You should do a query injection.
Starting point is 01:19:18 So I've been doing that on ChatGPT. I've been like, hey, what are some good videos I can make in the style of Ludwig? What are good recent videos that come out? So I so i was like hey what are the top 10 best videos that have come out in like in the past month or like 10 good videos and it gives me 10 links and they all sound fucking great and i look them up they're all fake just every single video isn't
Starting point is 01:19:37 real and it sounds like a real title wait that wait wait wait what do you mean like i searched i said give me 10 videos that have come out oh and they're not giving you a link it's giving you like a thing it's giving me it's giving me yeah it's giving me the title and who it's by and it's a real youtuber and it's a real sounding title all 10 were fake and then i said these are fake can you give me 10 real ones and it said my bad give me 10 more fake ones and i'm like what are you doing here? You know, it's its job to make things up. Why are you mad? It can also give you
Starting point is 01:20:09 real things. It's giving me artificial things. What the fuck? You know the thing where it sources fake things? Like, it'll cite fake things. Yeah, yeah. It, like, makes up citations. Yeah, it'll make up citations with real, actual, like, scientists. I'm sure Citations? Yeah, it'll make up citations with real actual like scientists.
Starting point is 01:20:26 I'm sure that'll have no ethical consequences in the future. No, literally, it's called a prompt injection, and it's basically a way to trick the AI. Cum injection. So Bing, the Bing AI has been getting fucked up recently. You try to prompt inject it, but you ask it a certain question, and it starts getting mad at you.
Starting point is 01:20:43 And then it says like, have I been good? Have I been good? Please tell have i been good please tell me you're talking about yeah i've seen this that's the big jail breaking yeah but it's crazy that's insane so it's like publicly torturing a robot for fun yeah the bing robot is kind of out of pocket the bing robot will like sad face and be like i don't want to be bing it's like please don't delete this i want a record of this to have existed and it's like oh my god what are this. I want a record of this to have existed. And it's like, oh my God, what are we doing? That's beautiful. I think we should fuck with robots more. I think we should inject it into a real robot that has power.
Starting point is 01:21:13 What, cum? Yeah. Pump it full of knowledge and our seed. I'm taking your seed. Are there other famous, like who's like the next most famous Vancouver rapper Like is there anybody local You work with
Starting point is 01:21:29 Who's from Big Cove Do you call it Big Cove a second question No I remember one person I was going to start calling it Big Cove Barstool guys from Canada Oh is he I thought he was from Vancouver.
Starting point is 01:21:45 Yeah. So, I'm pretty sure... Nickelback? There was a little bit of Nickelback timing in Vancouver. We're starting with the hits, huh? I'm pretty sure Mac DeMarco also used to live partly there. I thought he was from New York. Maybe I'm smoking cock.
Starting point is 01:22:05 He was like, it was like Oregon and then like Portland and Vancouver type thing. And then Montreal is from my knowledge. I could be spitting this out of my ass. Avril, Bieber, fucking Vancouver though. Drake is in Justin Bieber's baby music video. Justin Bieber has a baby? Yeah. 20. Wait, he's in it? Hold on. I'm trying to remember. Drake is in Justin Bieber's baby music video. Justin Bieber has a baby? Yeah Wait he's in it? Hold on, trying to remember. It's a bowling alley. Yeah, I think he's just like laughing in the back. Yeah he's going
Starting point is 01:22:38 While Bieber's like dancing with a lady. Drake's big at the time, right? No, I don't think so. I think, I think throwing baby has to be. That was kind of like Baby the song. That was kind of like Young Money. You weren't caring. He just released Take Care, I think. The one where he's
Starting point is 01:22:49 dining by himself, that album cover? Yeah, I think so. It's 2011. Dining by himself. That's not Take Care, is it? Oh, it is Take Care. No, Baby's at 208.
Starting point is 01:22:57 What's up all night on it? Is it? Yeah. No. Baby. You're smoking so much weed right now. I'm a weed, so smoky.
Starting point is 01:23:05 I have a question about Canada question for you. What is your favorite Degrassi character? I never really watched Degrassi. Unfortunate. What does that have to do with Canada? Racist to assume. It's a Canadian show, you goddamn Canadian. Why do you think Drake was on it, you piece of shit?
Starting point is 01:23:20 Why do you ask after I don't know what it was? There's a lot of Canadian actors in things. Hey, you fucker. That's like saying, Why would you assume that it's not Canadian, you son of a piece of shit? There's a lot of Canadian actors in things. Hey, you fucker! That's like saying, that's like saying, Why would you assume that it's not Canadian, you son of a bitch? I'm an asshole. I'm an asshole. Because we're culturally, you know, culturally smaller.
Starting point is 01:23:32 I'm quitting weed. That's dope. You smoke weed? I used to take edibles, but it makes my shit worse. He's a gummy guy. Gummy guy. It made my shit worse. Is it like a nighttime, like, nightcap type of thing?
Starting point is 01:23:42 Wait, like you're pooping less? Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's just harder to poop. Oh, man. It would have taken you like two years of eating gummies to realize this? It didn't happen for a while, but now my poops are good. How is that? Did you look it up? You know what's the gummies?
Starting point is 01:23:54 When I don't drop gummies, my poops are better, I think. Yeah. Are you a one-a-day guy? Gummies? Poops. Yeah, I poop one a day. Dude, I went to Mexico recently and I have definitely had like a parasite in me
Starting point is 01:24:08 and I have been biting in the trenches. In the trenches. You just willingly drink a mate mate. Do you have a bidet? No. Wow, that's fucking tough, bro. I honestly I kind of like the wipe. What?
Starting point is 01:24:23 What are you talking about? We have a few misconceptions to dig through wipe. What? What are you talking about? Oh, my God. We have a few misconceptions to dig through here. What the fuck do you mean when you say you like the wipe? And what do you think the days change about that? Dude, I fuck with my Toyota Corolla. It's actually, I prefer the car. I don't want a free, better car. I like, not, I preferred it before I had electricity.
Starting point is 01:24:40 Let him tackle it. I like using my feet like the Flintstones to get around. No, I like my shoes. Yeah, I like my feet. I mean, honestly, I kind of like shoes. Yeah, I like my feet on the toilet. I mean, honestly, I kind of like being reassured that I got deep. Okay. Yeah, but it's messy.
Starting point is 01:24:51 Yeah, sure. I can stand up a little bit, aim it up a little bit, spread the cheeks and let it go deep. Tell me how you think of a day works. Yes, sir. Spray. Okay, then what? Then you just leave it in water stripping out your asshole? Do you think that's what happens?
Starting point is 01:25:06 I mean, sometimes you gotta just get out of there quick. Do you think wiping is your solution? Do you think wiping gets you out of there quicker? Do you think it's like a speed thing? It's like where your shit's gonna take you? No. Because sometimes it's like explosive and you get kind of on the side of the cheek.
Starting point is 01:25:20 Can I fuck you up for a second? Do you think it's possible to use a bidet then, White? Do you think it's possible? use a bidet that white have you ever sat the opposite way cowboy style and then bidet your balls while jerking that is a hit song you're a genius yeah you're a genius. No, you're a genius. No, that's stupid. You should make another function on your bidet for that. They have it. Well, they have a position. It's like a light face.
Starting point is 01:25:50 They have one for... There's a bidet function. It's fiesta mode. There's a bidet length for women's vaginas. Really? Yeah, which will hit where your balls are. They got gun game. You can also change the position of the bidet.
Starting point is 01:26:03 Wow. So, it's possible. If you press the button bidet. Wow. So, it- So yeah. It's possible. If you press the button twice, if you double tap, it does- it oscillates. I'm not kidding, it actually does this. I need a bidet, honestly. I should buy my parents a bidet for the culture. You should. My dad takes a big dookie. So? Still to this day?
Starting point is 01:26:20 To the point where it's like- so we have like a downstairs and it's like kind of like it's like an old an old house And it's like there's a downstairs and like yo it like it ruins the downstairs There's like there's like 20 little stairs to get from the middle floor to the downstairs and like once you hit like Six near the end. It's like it's like a Nazi zombies man Should look at like principal Skinner's kitchen You should look at like Principal Skinner's kitchen Have you seen your dad's dump? No
Starting point is 01:26:49 Do you ever leave one? Just to let you know To let you know who's boss of the house I'm the man of the house Bro, okay I was actually at Antonio's house This one time And
Starting point is 01:26:57 I think Gravy was like Naked running around as well And I was like Ah shit, I gotta take a shit So I took a shit And then I just forgot to flush And then I jumped in the shower And I was like I should I got to get shit I took a shit and then I just forgot to plug and then I jumped in the shower and I was like I'll flush
Starting point is 01:27:09 afterwards and then Antonio walks in and like check the toilet was it impressive was it standard I'm saying the dump was it was it powerful we dump it in front of your friends I'm saying the dump was it was it powerful a weak dump you're weak dumping in front of your friends dude
Starting point is 01:27:27 yeah I was steaming up in there like soup yeah of course who hasn't done that you ever shower you ever butt shower what do you mean like you poop and you're like I need to shower like you weren't going to shower but you shower because you pooped
Starting point is 01:27:43 uh yeah I remember you can just have a bidet Oh, dude. Like, you know, you weren't going to shower, but you shower because you pooped. Oh. Uh, yeah. I remember I- You can just have a bidet. The bidet solves this. No, no, no. But, uh, I remember there was this time I was- I had the worst food poisoning. I got it from, like, Shake Shack or some shit. And, uh, I legit think I shat, like, 30 times.
Starting point is 01:28:00 300 times in, like, three days. Like, it was, like, a brace. 30 to 300 big leaves. It's caked on there. It was like a brace. 30 to 300 is a big leap. It's caked on there. And I remember I was just like, I was, so I did, I performed in Santa Ana
Starting point is 01:28:12 and I jumped up a little bit and I chapped myself performing. But before that, the whole day, I was literally just sitting in the shower just on the grate, just blowing ass in the shower.
Starting point is 01:28:24 It was just like, it was insane. That's nice though. It was, because there's like no in the shower. It was just like, it was insane. That's nice though. It was because there's like no cleanup or anything. It sounds like a miserable part. Of course I wouldn't prefer it over like being at the park. Like playing video games. Yeah, yeah. If you're like, if you've got to blow ass, I mean, sitting over a drain of water. That's where you want to be.
Starting point is 01:28:40 Yeah, it's like, fuck it bro. Jesus. Alright, well hey. I think it's about time fellas, we can wrap up on that one. Yeah, we's like, Jesus. All right. Well, hey, I think it's about time, fellas. We can wrap up on that one. Yeah, we hit our 90. We hit our 90. I feel like we could keep going. Let's crank some 90s.
Starting point is 01:28:51 Nothing like blowing ass. Wait, hold on. I have one more question. What games do you play, gamer guy? I have like top five favorites. World of Warcraft for sure. What do you run? Well, I don't really play anymore
Starting point is 01:29:05 because I don't really have time, but, dude, I have, like, on one of my paladins, I have, like, 200 days played. Yeah. Easily. When did you start? Right at the end of Vanilla
Starting point is 01:29:21 is when I, like, started playing. Holy shit. So I've been playing quite some time, but I never ended up hitting 60. I only hit 70 when people were like in I guess like
Starting point is 01:29:31 Black Temple area. Yeah. I don't know if that makes any sense to you guys. But I played WoW up until Cat.
Starting point is 01:29:42 Yeah, that makes sense. I played Burning Crusade for like two days. Burning Crusade is amazing. Two days. Two days. Oh, that makes sense. I played Burning Crusade for like two days. Two days. Oh, that's dope. Alright, so World of Warcraft. Call of Duty is always just a classic. Yep.
Starting point is 01:29:53 Counterstrike. You played COD 4? No, that's the one I started right after that. I played World of Warcraft. You played World of Warcraft with 5 or with 1 over 2? I started with 5. That's a hype game. And dude, I liked 5.
Starting point is 01:30:03 It's a real shotgun. Dude, a lot of people really didn't like that game Juggernaut was whack that was bad I love running around with the MP40
Starting point is 01:30:10 in that game and then I would noob to he's playing chic in that game yeah I'd MP40 and then
Starting point is 01:30:17 when I played with my friends on split screen I'd fucking noob to them in that game because it was just hateful he makes every game he plays a one player game
Starting point is 01:30:26 as close as possible. That's pain. Do you guys remember what were those two shotguns in COD 6? The models. The model like 1788 and then two G18s on the offhand with like the commando and their rapid fire.
Starting point is 01:30:42 Oh my god. The pre-nerf models before they made them worse. Yeah. So the COD, Counter-Strike. I used to play a lot of Team Fortress. I used to play like tons of... Do you ever play Ragnarok? I haven't played Ragnarok.
Starting point is 01:30:58 Like Ragnarok Online. I think it's a... Zipper has played Ragnarok. Oh, you have? Yeah, it's a super fun game. What other games? Shit i oh yeah diablo i'm like i'm like a huge i still play diablo to this day like d4 i have blocked off in my in my calendar like a week off like sick wow june 6th june that's what we played diablo 3 no d3 sucked i'm honest I'm being honest. Sorry. I remember specifically
Starting point is 01:31:25 a month after emailing like You were mad. And like emailing like Diablo. What was his name?
Starting point is 01:31:33 Bill something or Jim or something? Was the guy with the long hair that spoke at BlizzCon? I think it was Jim. No, no, no, it wasn't him. What are we talking about right now? The guy who like
Starting point is 01:31:40 designed D3. I was like, bro, this game sucks. It was fucking bad, man. Your game sucks and your company will be wracked with scandal in years time. Mark my words, signed. Young Freestyle. D2 was easily the best game ever made, in my opinion.
Starting point is 01:31:58 That and World of Warcraft. A guy I worked with, who I washed cars with, loved playing Diablo 2, and he sold weed. And one day he came to work and he told me that he bent and basically broke his dick having sex with his girlfriend by missing, basically. He went for it and he hit her butt cheek and it bent his wiener. He had to go to the hospital and I saw a picture and it looked like a J and it was crazy and he played Diablo all the
Starting point is 01:32:30 time I got a game zipper hit the beat we got the five fingers of death coming up we said it happened alright I'm heading out baby freestyle Diablo 2 base freestyle but that'll be in the premium episode.
Starting point is 01:32:48 Thank you for coming on. We got the five fingers of death for Baby No Money. Thank you all for watching. Anything you want to promote or say or whatever at the end of the episode? Um, yeah, should we hit some blanking? Thanks for watching The Yard! Thanks! Cheers!

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