The Yard - Ep. 93 - We met Ludwig’s old friend. He exposed the truth.

Episode Date: April 26, 2023

This week, the boys are joined by Nut! The boys discuss how Ludwig and Nut met at ASU, how Nut started making videos with Jubilee, and how the gang would watch Nelk & Tucker together....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What hat is that? What are you wearing? This hat? Are we gone? It's nut. It's nut hat. Nut hat? What does that mean?
Starting point is 00:00:22 Come on out. Come on out. Come on out, sweetie. There he is. It's a small slide, hat? What does that mean? Come on out. Come on out. Come on out, sweetie. There he is. It's a small slide, by the way. Jesus. Jeez. That's what an adult man goes down the slide.
Starting point is 00:00:34 Round of applause. So how does it feel that Ludwig only wanted you on this show after you demonstrated your value from being on a popular video. Being like slightly famous on the right. Feels right. Feels accurate. This is nut. Get close to me.
Starting point is 00:00:52 You got to eat the mic, bro. Yeah, eat the mic. Always be real close to it. Hell yeah. With your mouth. This is nut, a.k.a. Cam. We went to college. We all went to college together.
Starting point is 00:01:01 That's right. We're all there. Me and Cam back in Manzanilla. Oh, fuck, bro. It was crazy. Bro. We watched Nuck college together. That's right. We're all there. Me and Cam back in Manzanilla. Oh, fuck, bro. It was crazy. We watched Knuck Boy videos, Tucker, and we played. Tucker? Yeah, we watched Tucker.
Starting point is 00:01:13 We watched it to make fun of it. Yeah, it doesn't sound like it. Well, I didn't make fun of it. It started as like a making fun of it thing, but then it was like. But then he was like, man, we talked a lot about like freedom of choice. Yeah, a lot of good points Is all And then we play
Starting point is 00:01:26 We play a lot of Madden And we got fucking High shit all the time It was fucking dope This is actually Pretty accurate to your College experience I feel like Yeah it was like
Starting point is 00:01:34 Nook boys Fucking Yeah So no Hey rest in peace Tucker Yo I miss old Tucker Tucker he's out
Starting point is 00:01:42 Do you hear Yeah back when Dominion was just a Call of Duty game mode. Yeah. Amen. Amen. Anyway, it's not. So this is probably, I think, the first guest that Ludwig has said, hey, let's have this
Starting point is 00:01:55 person on. And we were like, oh, yeah, sure. But it's so interesting to see him fighting for one of his own. Yeah. Thanks, man. I got you. Hey, I've been a day one nut fan. We go way back.
Starting point is 00:02:08 We did Tempe Late Night together, and then you had a budding music career. I used to play your music on stream. I have some of those clips. I was very nice with you. Did you? You just kept them? No, people sent them to me. Oh, that's dope. What music? I do like Can you play a sample of I Don't Eat Mass?
Starting point is 00:02:24 Jizz rap music? Jizz Rap music? I used to do stand up, we were in a comedy club And I just started making music Kind of same vibe About cum and Your logo that you made that is on that hat Is a semen that looks like you It's a good logo
Starting point is 00:02:38 Yeah I asked him before this what that was He said me as a jizz To be fair it does look a lot like you. Yeah, I said glasses. It does look like me, I feel like. I don't need a remix featuring Dorian Coulter and Lil Qwerty. Dude, this kind of looks like if Prezzo made a manifesto. Yeah, it does look like his final message.
Starting point is 00:03:04 I love this song. Thanks. This one is your biggest you turn it up. Yeah Like the original one but yeah, this one's making a little QWERTY got on it Anyway that was young nut That's tight Back in the day And then I left When did you graduate? 2020? 2019? I was like
Starting point is 00:03:32 I graduated early But it would have been May 2020 May 2020 But I graduated in December What's your degree in? Don't worry about it Wait, what is it? Hood Economics
Starting point is 00:03:41 My degree is in talking to hot girls I got a 4.0 No, it's film Super cool about it What is it? Hood economics. I'm talking to hot girls. I got a 4.0. No, it's film. Super cool about it. No, it's film. Sad. Loud makeup.
Starting point is 00:03:54 No, yeah. No, I just, I got an English degree. Arguably equally worthless. I mean, it's the thing where it's like you graduate and then you have a film degree from Arizona State. Yeah, when you're in the ride, you don't realize what it's like. You're fighting for this piece of paper, then you realize, like, damn. But you can tell your friends that that's a Dutch angle, like, when you watch. Dude, I've never met anyone who has, like, proudly told me they have a film degree.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Every time I'm like, hey, what are you going to school for? They're like, ah, film. That's good. It's because it's obvious they're not like directing Jaws 4, right? Do I look like I'm directing Jaws 4 right now? Kind of. That's the movie you jump to, Jaws 4? Well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:34 It's like the movie everyone's waiting for. It's like a shark. Yeah, I know it's about a shark. I've heard about that. You know how these are sick? When you're like in the ocean and they're on a boat and everything's fine
Starting point is 00:04:47 and then they like look down in the distance and there's a big wave. What movie is this? A lot of movies. Those are my favorite movies. You like long movies? Where there's like,
Starting point is 00:04:57 where it's like a guy on a boat and then he starts looking like, oh no. And then someone else comes out and they go like, whoa. And then it shows in the distance and there's like a really big wave. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:06 That is a film technique. This is like one movie ever. No, it's like six movies. And this is called the Dutch Angle. This is called the Dutch Angle. They teach it in film school. A lot of you guys wouldn't know. Symbolic thing.
Starting point is 00:05:16 This is Manzanilla. In Manzanilla, we would have movie night after Nelk and after Tucker. We'd actually have short film contests in our dorm. You're telling me to order Nelk, Tucker, then movie night after Nelk and after Tucker. We had actually a short film contest in our dorm. You tell me the orders, Nelk, Tucker, then movie. And then short film, Dutch. We watched a lot of French New Wave. It was 11 hours. We spent 11 hours in the dorm.
Starting point is 00:05:33 11 hours awake, straight. A lot of Adderall, which was fun. You ever get crazy on Mill? I mean, I know you did, but like. We were like together, man. Yeah, without me, though. You were just setting that up because you know, like, we were going crazy. I know you were crazy on Mill? I mean, I know you did, but like... Bro, together, man. Yeah, without me, though. You were just setting that up because you know, like, we were doing great. I know you were crazy, bro! You're so fucking sick of it.
Starting point is 00:05:49 Fucking go to ASU! Sorry. Sorry, it's just... Did bro call it ASU? You just graduated early, but like, no. You just did extremely dope-ass shit all the time. Bro, like, Mill... Brew kinda lit up when you graduated.
Starting point is 00:06:03 Everyone was like Like clapping But like only Because you left It got like way cooler Like the next Like the year after you You know what didn't get cooler
Starting point is 00:06:11 After I left? What? Tempe late night It's not even called that anymore Yeah They changed it right? They changed What happened?
Starting point is 00:06:18 I don't even know The charter Did you leave it? I was in it So you were I was a freshman And you were a senior Yeah
Starting point is 00:06:23 You left I was in it for two more years And a freshman and you were a senior yeah you left I was in it for two more years and my senior year I didn't do it why I was like the people who I was
Starting point is 00:06:31 really good friends with weren't in it anymore right and I was doing like music stuff it was washed was Lovie cool was he cool tell us
Starting point is 00:06:38 you don't understand your value to us he bought me underage beer or drinks what he committed that's a crime he bought you underage to us he bought me underage He bought me I was like 18 he bought me like vodka a couple times Yeah, you seem really cut up about that were you even asking for the alcohol? No, he was like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:06 Yeah, it was buy one, get one, and you look young. Did he like threaten to kick you out of the group and he like didn't generate it? No, it was the thing where like he brought it to me and I had to go
Starting point is 00:07:13 meet him in his car and it was like the bottle was half empty and he was like, let's start driving now. And we just kind of drove. Do you want to do a list of illegal shit
Starting point is 00:07:21 that I like to do? And then I was in the backseat and I was like, maybe we should, and he was like, shut up! and he was like You know He does he drinks he just doesn't drink he's driving and drinking
Starting point is 00:07:38 Crashers man Stan in college and I did Yeah, like that wasn't a joke No, I was like cuz you were the only one I had that we had like a group chat Maybe some of your friends can come to the show People they were like 16 or like 17 hanging out. I mean, Ludwig's friends, only other than that, no. Because you would never hang out with people like Ludwig. I don't have to go deeper into this.
Starting point is 00:08:11 It feels like you do because of the way you're talking. You know what's sick? I'm going to leave and we're never going to talk to each other again. Well, okay, Cam. I've kept up. I've kept up with what you're doing. I've kept up with Young Nut. And then you stopped making music for a while. When?
Starting point is 00:08:27 I feel like you took a hiatus. Because I follow you on Instagram. You used to post about a lot of the shit, and then you just posted less shit. Oh, yeah. Maybe during COVID, actually. Yeah, that was probably it. And then you popped up in a Jubilee video. That's what they're saying.
Starting point is 00:08:42 People have said. You were in it. I don't know why you're saying people have said it. People have said it though. You're being an asshole to my friend from ASU right now. I've heard people say it. This is why you didn't get invited to Nelkin Tucker night though. You just fucked the vibes up. I found out because I saw
Starting point is 00:08:58 Hasan react to it. And then Kyle was telling me you've been in a couple. I don't know if you know Kyle. Of course Kyle. Which Kyle? From ASU Kyle? Kyle from ASU? Yeah, from Tabby Late Night. Oh, yeah. Of course, Kyle.
Starting point is 00:09:08 Kyle's a very active mod. He hangs out and chat a lot. Yeah. I will be honest. I keep up with you, but I'm not watching or listening, really. I keep up. I don't watch the pod. I don't listen to the streams.
Starting point is 00:09:24 I'm not into the video shit I do remember I remember always being very proud of you you had like a commercial yeah and I was like
Starting point is 00:09:31 and in our group chat we were like fucking look at Ludwig you know they didn't pay him for that I was so happy for you they didn't pay me they gave me a free hotel they gave a hotel room
Starting point is 00:09:38 oh I guess it's like Papa John's giving you a pepperoni large that's so loud good job on the commercial, buddy. That's unlimited topics. What else was he like? What Ludwig
Starting point is 00:09:49 in the college days... I do have a few things. Do you cut things? I don't want to make you uncomfortable. We don't cut anything. We can cut whatever. I don't get uncomfortable. Part of the reason I wanted you to come on it was twofold. One, I wanted to see
Starting point is 00:10:05 you hang out and then two i knew that slime he rejoices in any opportunity to like see me before we met your dark soul it's not just me it's me too why would you bring me on we met all like the same time no no no well okay because yeah because we didn't hang out as much at asu that's why that's why he did so he's not familiar with the ASU phase. I was a nose in the books. Gotcha. He basically thinks I'm a robot. And any time before I was a robot, he's curious about.
Starting point is 00:10:34 Like, he thinks there's a period where I became more programmed to start moving around. Okay, gotcha. So any stories are on the table. One preliminary question before you start is, did you meet him in the era that he was going by Ders or after that? That was a thing. No, this is well after. So this is post-Ders. I went by Anders my freshman year, which is my middle name.
Starting point is 00:10:54 Why? I know. That's the question. Imagine someone comes up to you. Imagine someone comes up to you. You're just like, yeah, you're a workaholic. It's my middle name. Call me fucking Dirt.
Starting point is 00:11:06 Call me Troy and Abed, guys. It's my middle name and I went by it because I thought I'd have a new start and I'd be Anders now. Oh, you went to like go into like a new... that's so funny. Yes. And then I switched immediately because I was like your old life was following you. Moving from New Hampshire to Arizona was like not
Starting point is 00:11:22 enough of a reset. There were three people from my school at ASU. You should have to like disclose like an STD that your real name is Ludwig You should have to like say that legally or at least say your name is Anders. Yeah But like it's like Anders you go by slime. Yeah And they issue that's what it says on my diploma. It just says Slime, the last name. It's Slime in old English font. Like it's a gang tattoo. It says Slime, friend of Breslin, loved by many.
Starting point is 00:11:52 It's like I died. All right, tell us about Ludwig. Well, okay, before we jump in, before we jump in, I would love to hear about what you've been up to, what you're doing now. Where did this Jubilee thing come from? And then you can embarrass me. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:05 All right. How have I been? Yeah, like and then you can embarrass me. Hell yeah. All right. What am I, how have I been? Yeah, like, how you been? It's been a minute. Okay, since the last time I saw you. I've not gone back to Arizona, by the way, since graduating. I mean, I don't see why you would, but also that's kind of crazy. Yeah, I rented a car.
Starting point is 00:12:17 Did you like move here right after? Yeah. I rented a car. I came here. I never came back. What is that? Are you? Number five.
Starting point is 00:12:22 Do you mean ASU? You've been to Arizona. I have not. He means like after he graduated. Yeah, I guess ASU. I never really visited ASU. Yeah, Phi. Do you mean ASU? You've been to Arizona. I have not. He means like after he got here. Yeah, I guess ASU. I never really visited ASU. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I was like, we've been there multiple times.
Starting point is 00:12:29 Yeah, but like, yeah. I was like in college. I was doing like pimpy late night shit. One of my songs went really viral. I was doing like rap shit. I went on like a couple tours. They were like really shitty tours,
Starting point is 00:12:43 but they were still like went around the country and stuff. Uh, I like talk to like labels and stuff. I was doing like the music thing. Uh, I had like probably my peak. I had like 300,000 monthly listeners.
Starting point is 00:12:56 Oh wow. No, it was like, it was pretty cool. Yeah. Uh, the pandemic happened. I,
Starting point is 00:13:02 uh, like started working on an album and i did the thing where i was like i just graduated college and i was like everyone was like i wasn't getting like as many serious offers like in like negotiations and stuff because i was doing like jizz music which makes sense there's some executive at a record company who's like so it's called jizz music is that the genre for sure it came up slowly after jazz it's like yeah
Starting point is 00:13:27 it's like jazz music yeah it's the I mean that's just what I'm calling it no one knows it's a little more romantic what happened when white people took jazz
Starting point is 00:13:33 yeah no that's pretty much it was it was what we took from a drawn culture they gentrified jazz they called it jizz and cum
Starting point is 00:13:42 and then and then what happened oh yeah i got like a distribution deal uh i was like like releasing songs and stuff um i part of that was like the suggestion that i changed my name from young because you were young to just nut you know what i never thought about how young nut could be problematic right well. Well, don't say that. Because like, you know. Is there even such a, I couldn't nut when I was young. Maybe it's more of like a fictional.
Starting point is 00:14:11 What? Wait, let's dive into that. Well, maybe that's the problem. You couldn't nut when you were young? Well, I'm thinking like eight. Well, yeah. Yeah. Okay. You couldn't nut when you were eight?
Starting point is 00:14:18 Well, no, you just said young. Don't come at me. You're weird. Bro, I still have big gulps. It was crazy. You were not filling up big gulps. You were filling up big gulps. Yeah, I was watching some Brave Little Toaster and... We were like eight. We were at Manzanita.
Starting point is 00:14:30 We were watching fucking Nelk Boys. That is super problematic if you're at Manzanita at eight years old, which is a dorm at ASU. Well, no. We were hanging out watching like Nelk and shit. It was cool. You're eight! Yeah, it was baby Nelk. We were watching... We were watching baby Nelk. We were watching baby Nelk. We were watching were watching baby milk boys go to baby frat parties. We basically watched milk until we filled a big goal.
Starting point is 00:14:49 They were doing tiny ass scents. Yeah, they were doing full scents. Little tiny scents. It was tight as fuck. It was dope as fuck. Donald Trump's still old, still on the show though. He's just fucking pouring champagne uh
Starting point is 00:15:07 I forgot what we were talking about no coming at eight they wanted to change your name from young nut to normal nut
Starting point is 00:15:15 I did and the issue yeah the issue arose where if you look up just nut yeah you're not gonna
Starting point is 00:15:22 find like like food yeah yeah so then I fell off like super hard it was also like there are other factors it was like the pandemic and everyone was like oh so worried about like actual problems and i was like what if i jizz in like a cup they were like and my family members. So like there were, there were, it was more than just that. Extenuating factors.
Starting point is 00:15:47 Yes. Nut, young nut. Then what? Oh, bars. Fuck. That was sick. I don't know. Can you feature?
Starting point is 00:15:55 Yes, absolutely. But yeah. So then I changed it back. Now it's like, I'm still working on songs and stuff. I have way less listeners. Like I fell off super hard, but I'm still having fun. So yeah, I basically just, that was like also just like income through like college. So then I got like, I got like a social media job.
Starting point is 00:16:16 I moved to Los Angeles. Uh, I just got like basically laid off, I think. Oh, you're actually going the exact Ludwig path. Wow. Well, I asked for a raise and they basically just like never talked to me ever again. Really? Pretty much. That's tight. Yeah it's been going. So you don't know if you're laid off yet? Well no like I've
Starting point is 00:16:34 like it's the thing they're also like they're like nice people but I asked for a raise and then they were like yeah and then just progressively just never really messaged me ever again. I've gotten like a text a month from them now. But are you still getting paid?
Starting point is 00:16:52 Well, I got paid as much as I was owed. And now they're just kind of like, I think they're going a different route. But they're not telling you? They're just like not responding. But you're still working for them? Are you employed at a real company? What is happening? Oh, now I have to find a new job new job basically they're just kind of trying to
Starting point is 00:17:07 ghost me you're a contract worker i'm a freelance i was running the social media for like a popular band yeah okay got it all right that's sorry sorry you lost your job i was like now i have to find a new job right i'm doing it and then jubilee just found you oh no i had like some friends like a few years ago who were just in videos there was like the musicians dating musicians thing or whatever uh and like people that live in la that i'm friends with now and i was i've always been like if i was on the bachelor i'd be so dope on the bachelor yeah you would be but i'm not like strong enough you don't even have to be hot you You just have to be, like, strong. Strong?
Starting point is 00:17:47 No, dude, there's a show for you. Have you heard of the... Oh, what's it called? I feel like this is gonna hurt my feelings. No, no, no. Ugly, small, fucking things. There's a new show where, like, they get, like, young guys and moms. Oh, Melfman. I don't want to fuck my mom on TV, though.
Starting point is 00:18:03 You wouldn't have... Oh, you don't want to be rich? No, no. All the moms are on there. All you have to do is let your mom be fucked by someone else. Then you fuck other moms. My parents have a good relationship. Yeah. Can I just get a fake mom?
Starting point is 00:18:18 Yeah. I mean, you could. I'm not your dad. You can do whatever you want. Do you guys have moms that... Oh, I've got moms. We got moms. We got moms. We've got moms. We've got moms. Oh, yeah. We can find moms. We've got
Starting point is 00:18:30 Good website. This podcast is now sponsored by, which I hope doesn't have viruses on it when you go to it. It probably does. It probably does. We do not carry viruses like the popular drink, juvie. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:18:43 10 things we need to normalize about motherhood oh it's just like a news website so much like Julie will give you kidney stones so you don't want to fuck someone else's mom you don't want someone to fuck your mom which is very nice of you to say so I'll hold off
Starting point is 00:18:59 I'll fuck someone's mom it comes with a price that my mom gets fucked it is a monkey's paw wish yeah that's great it is that's crazy but yeah that was basically so then i had some friends on it and i was like i should totally just like apply for jubilee yeah and i did and then i they responded to me i did the skaters one. No one could skate on that show also.
Starting point is 00:19:28 There was the first one I did. It was a girl dates ten skaters. And it was people that They got nine posers and you? I don't know how they chose it, but I don't skate. So you were hosers. I was the first one cut. You don't skate? I mean, I can ride a skateboard,
Starting point is 00:19:44 but I'm not. Okay, you don't skate. You don't skate. You don't skate. That's fair. So Jubilee's lying to me? No, they're not. Please invite me back.
Starting point is 00:19:52 So, yeah, someone who wants more gigs, they would never do that. Yeah. But then I applied for the Riz one because I was like, oh, that'd be sick. And I didn't get it. And then they called me like two days beforehand and they said they needed a person. Oh, someone dropped.
Starting point is 00:20:09 They wanted like a funny person. Yeah. And I was like, hell yeah. But I answered the phone call, like the interview. Uh, and I had the song baby by Justin Bieber playing.
Starting point is 00:20:19 Like in the background. I was like, I answered the phone and I started playing the song. Oh, you started the song purposely because you answered. This could be us. And then I was like, I answered the phone and I started playing the song. Oh, you started the song purposely because you answered. I was like, this could be us. And then I was like, they were like, you could be in the video. So you try to sell it.
Starting point is 00:20:32 You crush your interview. Well, I figure that's how it's done. This is not job advice, by the way. This won't work anywhere else. Oh, yeah, that's me on the thing. Musician, professional. I haven't watched this. Or I haven't watched the other one
Starting point is 00:20:46 No way they made you all hold skateboards Well we had to ride them in So at least you had to know how to ride it Oh wait if you skip to like the middle I do a sick flip Wait wait wait Go back a little bit Go back more
Starting point is 00:20:59 Keep going back Keep going back I think you went too far back. Okay? This is just watch the 20-minute video in full It's like it says like round one eliminations where I do like a sick hip flip Well, yeah, well it was they asked us to do tricks afterwards. I totally landed it. Okay, yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:27 You did not land it. He did not land it. No, I totally landed it. You totally landed it. Bro, I landed it. I do kickflips a lot when we were at school. I had like some bits planned that I was going to do, but I got eliminated immediately. But I was going to be like, if they asked us who my favorite skater was, I was going to
Starting point is 00:21:39 say probably Tony Hawk and his brother Mike. Nice. Yeah, classic. I know Mike Hawk. I was slow on that one. Nice. Yeah, classic. Mike Hawk. I was slow on that one. Wow, that's crazy. Because I was like, wait, does he have a brother named Mike? No, but if he did, that would be sick. That would be.
Starting point is 00:21:53 I'm a right-handed guy. And then I was going to do a thing where if they asked us what tricks we can do, if someone was like, I can do a kickflip, I was just going to be like, yeah, I can do two kickflips. Two really better kickflips. Yeah, that is better. But they didn't even ask us. But anyways, yeah, so I did the Riz one, and then it just came out, and that was pretty much it.
Starting point is 00:22:10 So you were just watching casually? Well, I saw you tweet about it, too, that you did the Riz one. And so then I went to watch it on stream. Oh, that's why you went to watch it. Check it out. That's not me doing the... Keep going until the next person gets eliminated Also that girl ate dog food
Starting point is 00:22:27 She said And they asked her do you still eat dog food And she went I don't know And I was the first one cut And she was second That is crazy that you were cut Before the dog food person Are these videos good? Is this like new Buzzfeed?
Starting point is 00:22:40 I think they're great They're like They're like new Buzzfeed yeah I think they're good i think they're great they're like they're like they're like new buzzfeed yeah i think they're good i think they're like they're they're like fun trashy tv for zoomers a lot of good like personalities on there i think a lot of like fun people do what you want to root for i guess tell me have you ever subscribed to something ever in your whole life a lot you ever forgotten that you were subscribed to it because like i forgot that you have a hard body that won't quit I did you ever check your chase account and it's like what is $10
Starting point is 00:23:08 to hot twinks only hard bodies incorporated you totally forgot you subbed to that well if you had rocket money Aiden then you wouldn't forget cause it would tell you all your subscriptions it would round them up and it would unsubscribe for you over 80% of people have subscriptions
Starting point is 00:23:24 they forgot about. That sounds nice. Stop touching it. Put your tummy away for the rest of the week. Put your tummy away. You want me to stop touching? Love. You good? I'm doing great. You're doing good. Look, let me keep it simple for you boys. Most Americans think they spend around $80 a month on subscriptions
Starting point is 00:23:39 but their actual total is closer to $200. The thing is, Slime just started a Nebula subscription but he also forgot about his Farmers Only subscription, and he's also got an amazing Socks subscription. You got too many subscriptions, buddy. So get those dogs out and start saving your money better with Rocket Money. Look, you just go in the app, you press cancel on the ones you didn't even know you had, and they're gone.
Starting point is 00:24:02 Rocket Money is a personal finance app that finds and cancels your unwanted subscriptions monitors your spending and helps lower your bills all in one place that's for you and it's for you stop throwing your money away and cancel unwanted subscriptions and manage your expenses the easy way by going to Where are we going? Do it, Aiden. Go to slash the yard. Okay. Yeah, that's rocket.
Starting point is 00:24:30 Go to slash the yard. The yard. It's slash the yard. Get your dogs off of me. You're the one that created
Starting point is 00:24:38 this situation for yourself. I have so many subscriptions. Wait, can we all use our feet to bring Nut back? It feels like Wingardium, let the ocean. What do you bring Nut back? It feels like... Wingardium Levioshards! How do you get on it?
Starting point is 00:24:48 Do you submit, like, a reel or something? No, they have a casting website, and they list, like, all the videos they have coming up. Yeah. And then I just clicked on, like, a few, and then they asked, like, a few questions about, like, whatever the video is. For the Riz one, it was like,
Starting point is 00:25:05 what is your experience doing Riz or whatever? And I talked about how I messaged my girlfriend. Yeah. Like when I messaged her on Instagram for the first time. I sent her, you know the song Best I Ever Had by Drake? Yeah. I sent her that lyric. Well, I sent her a picture of my face, just smiling.
Starting point is 00:25:24 And then I sent that music video and I said, this could be us it's you have like one move did you do this also yeah baby yeah this is well it's very it's called you have Riz that's what they're saying people I just went to Coachella yesterday for a day uh-huh and someone has to take a picture of me yellow Riz video really which I was with my aunt, too. And she was like, I'm his aunt. Stop. Why are you with your aunt at Coachella?
Starting point is 00:25:48 She got free tickets. That's tight. Yeah. That's dope. How old are you? Old enough. No, my guess is 23. We know when he graduated.
Starting point is 00:25:59 Yeah, well, I know when he graduated. We would get so fucking slammed and fucked up at ASU. I forgot how old he was. It was a thing where it's like- Off a legal deal. It is weird that, by the way, you hung out with him at ASU because you were so much older than him. I was a professor.
Starting point is 00:26:12 You were- Dude, that's even worse. It wasn't good. Why do you think I don't teach there anymore? He was eight. He was eight. That makes you zero. Are you eight years old?
Starting point is 00:26:22 He's 32. Damn. I'm 32. How do you think I fucking was teaching political science, bro? Poli-sci, baby. Hell yeah, that makes sense. You know what I'm saying? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:33 But the thing is, it was chill for us to party and watch Nelk. It was not chill. I wasn't in the film program. You'd teach your poli-sci seminar and then watch Tucker right after. Yeah, we watched some Tucker kick back. Fucking couple of icy ones. Hell yeah. Kyle said you rizzed up a lot in college.
Starting point is 00:26:51 He said you fucked a lot. Oh, yeah. Ever seen one at night, basically? Really good as well. Yeah, that was my major, actually, was having sex with my girls. Yeah, and then film as a minor. A minor in film. I graduated with honors
Starting point is 00:27:05 oh here we go that's it okay zipper found it no it's a good commit though it's hard thank you
Starting point is 00:27:16 look kickflipping is hard I feel bad actually because I reacted to it I uploaded that that video that I uploaded it got like a million views in 24 hours
Starting point is 00:27:23 it has more than the original Riz video you should not feel bad that's based yo that's fucking that just uploaded it got like a million views in 24 hours It has more than the original Riz video. You should not have based You know that's fucking that's that just means you have power and Riz basically take me down We go to the Jubilee website and we go to the casting thing for the videos they have coming up We just make them first do you know that's really just make the video first you just steal their idea dude Oh my god, that's so terrible They can't sue us. Yeah, what are we use ourselves? We don't even cast at all Their ideas on channel Ludwig YouTube comm slash. Oh, yeah, we have their people we take you to we take no
Starting point is 00:27:55 They're talent. I took their talent. I have no comment Do you get paid to be like do they pay everybody to be the video? I don't I don't know if they're I mean, I'll just say it I don't know if they'll be happy if I just am like no yeah I will say in every city number cuz I am supposed to do some bloody videos. We can bleep it I was they pay me like No Being real I was being real is that?
Starting point is 00:28:19 The day do that is they pay for gas that is your fucking kidding Right is crazy. I don't believe you. Four or five hours? We gotta stop paying as much as we do. I was thinking the opposite. We're not gonna say the number, but there is a channel called Full Squad Gaming, zipper if you can pull this up, that has this new series, look up Ludwig Haters, and their whole idea is taking Jubilee's format of like,
Starting point is 00:28:42 we found six... Oh, they have so many copiers. Yeah. There's a lot of copiers. Yeah. So, but for this full squad gaming, their whole idea
Starting point is 00:28:49 is to make reactable content for streamers. So what they did is they found a bunch of Ludwig fans and then they found two fake Ludwig fans. They flew everybody out
Starting point is 00:28:58 or they got everybody out and then it's my job to react to the video and find out who the fake Ludwig fans are. That's their goal. Interesting. It's the first time
Starting point is 00:29:04 they've ever done this. And they got like, if you pull it up, Sick Nasty's in it. Oh, yeah. I was going to say, imagine they get Dr. Battle. Yeah. Sick Nasty's literally in the video. So anyway, I watch this. And it is way more awkward than a Jubilee video.
Starting point is 00:29:20 To be fair, it's Ludwig fans. Shout out, Rhett. Why let everyone have their arms crossed, man? My day ones. Why did they stage them like this? It was their first time them like this it was their first slide and a kratos i i say i say where are you cringing he crushed it he crushed ash crushed that you killed it ash anyway i bring it up to say they paid everybody here and flights and well i think everyone was driven they were close okay so this is and that's that's the knockoff Jubilee.
Starting point is 00:29:46 That's interesting. Damn. Did you actually get paid? For one of them, the other one. No, are you kidding me? I deadass got paid more to cum in a cup. Have you tried cumming? Do you know about sperm banks?
Starting point is 00:29:58 I will say that's the one time I've ever accidentally drank milk. What? You don't have to tell people this. Hold on. Well, we're on a podcast. That's the one time I've ever accidentally drank my own jizz. What? What? You don't have to tell people this. Well, we're on a podcast. No, I like this mentality. That's my go. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:10 Well, no, it was like late at night. I was a senior in college. It was in Tempe. Right. I was masturbating, as you do sometimes. It was late night in Tempe. And I had a red solo cup next to my bed, because I used to just like, those were like my water cups or whatever. I jizzed in it when I was done, cause it was there.
Starting point is 00:30:29 And then I forgot, like 30 minutes later. Oh my god. And then I immediately, like it went in my mouth and I was like, oh it's the jizz, that's not water. It's not that, girls do it. I don't know if it's gross. Girls do do it. Why are, who are we to say that it's gross? We don't do it out of a solo cup 30 minutes later. They don't let it turn to kombucha first.
Starting point is 00:30:46 That shit would be cold and coagulate. It's usually from the tap. It'd be like old runny egg in the furnace. It's old and it's separated and it's just- This is like an attack on my hygiene at this point. I don't know if that's worse than your water cups being red solo cups at your house. Dude, it was manzanita. It was manzanita.
Starting point is 00:31:04 It's manzanita,ita. What's worse, that or drinking bong water? That's worse. For sure. I'd rather drink cum than bong water. I'm not kidding. Have you ever drank bong water? I've had six. Bong water is awful. I'd rather drink cum. I'm not kidding. Yes, that's worse.
Starting point is 00:31:19 Girls do it. Girls don't drink bong water because they're feeling it. And guys do it. Also, this literally happened to me. Only the girl. Have you ever seen American Pie? I did, uh, recently. It's literally one of the first scenes. He recently walked American Pie.
Starting point is 00:31:34 Well, not like yesterday. Stifler? Last year, probably. But he drinks way too much of it. Uh, yeah, he like gulps it. Because it's also mixed into a beer. Stifler's so crazy. Stifler is
Starting point is 00:31:45 he's ASU incarnate that guy that son of a bitch can't catch that so you're drinking your own cum I'm buying you
Starting point is 00:31:52 alcohol when you're 17 what else is happening at ASU oh yeah we were supposed to talk about Ludwig at ASU yeah well we caught up on your career
Starting point is 00:31:58 we're happy to have you on a place where you can feel where your talents can be nurtured instead of you getting cut day one because i haven't seen those videos but i think that you're probably funnier than all those people which i is you were funnier than ever in fairness i was not a good skater in the first
Starting point is 00:32:15 one no you weren't so the lee guy hearts out to him oh my god oh the guy on the Riz one. Oh Harold they're calling Michael C. Jordan. Yeah So funny Michael see oh he's so sick. Yeah He's he was I was like getting nervous in the green room just talking to him bro He's so his I he like there's a you he rizzed you oh my god yeah i was doing a bit i was doing a bit the whole time like we should like do rizz on each other right now yeah like it's magic like a card trick but but yeah so let's talk about let's talk about what this fuck cocksucker was up to today is you oh uh yeah i barely saw quad, but he was like the news guy. I brought the quad. He's always just fucking hanging out I would say in college you go to mill outside of bars and he would interview girls
Starting point is 00:33:22 Grew up in the in the fucking tiktok zoomer phone interview age he definitely would have been done by the way if i did that in 2016 that'd be cutting edge that's what i'm saying well that's how i got fucking you think you think going up to drunk girls outside of college bars with your little microphone asking them in 2016 in 2016 yes this is cutting it this is like dude this was in 2012 all right well don't talk shit about ludwig's content i think he's a good content creator i'm sorry i didn't mean to make fun ofwig's content. I think he's a good content creator I'm sorry to be to make fun of your content. He's can't he's come really far a long way with it Thanks for having me back there. Yes, that's pretty much what you do is you just I wouldn't
Starting point is 00:33:55 Well like on weekends not like yeah Like I don't know I was you were you you came to the shows sometimes what was your first talking to drunk girls outside of the bar what was your first impression of Ludwig no but he didn't do that I mean I don't know but he was the news guy what does that mean
Starting point is 00:34:16 it was kind of like SNL formatted so it was like the weekend update oh yeah we had like a weekend update type beat and then I ended up being the news guy after Ludwig left. Okay. So you had some big shoes to fill. Or did you? What size shoe were you?
Starting point is 00:34:32 Okay, it was like about the same. So what was your first impression of him when you first met him? That was, I mean, he was nice. He was cool. He was cool. Were you like, this guy's cool? Or was he like, were you kind of like sus of him? I mean, I didn't know about the whole like drunk girls outside the bars thing.
Starting point is 00:34:47 Had I known that? Outside of that, what did you think? I mean, no, you were like thick. I don't know. You bought me, you were like nice to me and bought me stuff. Yeah, a bunch of booze and shit. When he left, did people like talk fondly of Ludwig? Oh, everyone loves Ludwig.
Starting point is 00:35:01 Aw. No, yeah. That's a good man. This is the thing. Okay, but also, there's a whole thing. I don't know if this is still a thing. Do you still have, like, a huge ass? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:10 Okay, yeah. No, everyone was just talking about how fat his ass was. Wow. I have pictures on my phone of, like, his ass. What? Not, like, your bare ass, but, like, the back, like, in shorts. Was I aware? I'll pull it up.
Starting point is 00:35:22 Okay, sure. Dude, that's crazy that your ass left a legacy. Yeah. No, that was like a thing. So that was like a bit with him is that he had a huge ass and people touched it. Wow. People touched it? People touched my ass.
Starting point is 00:35:33 Wow. Like asking you first, right? Most of the time. Ludwig's a cool guy though. So it's like. It's chill. Also, he loves attention. If Ludwig goes into a party and everyone's like, I want a piece of that fucking big juicer
Starting point is 00:35:44 dump. I would feel uncomfortable. You would feel uncomfortable? That is us. Yeah, that is us. Look at us. If Ludwig goes into a party and everyone's like I want a piece of that fucking big juicer Dumper I would feel uncomfortable Yeah that is us He was doing the news thing The first off the sticks Yeah it basically was Well cause I wanted to be a late night show host Send that to Ludwig we'll put it up on the podcast later
Starting point is 00:36:00 I don't have his number Interesting I just found that interesting What? He just left college and deleted my number off of my phone I have your number You have my number? Why do I not have his number interesting i just find that interesting what he just left college and deleted my number off of my phone i have your number you have my number why do i not have your number wait you don't have because he deleted it off your phone that's what he did and he didn't want you to contact yeah i don't know i don't have your number yeah interesting i just find it interesting uh no but that was uh he just had like a big ass and it was like, nice. And like smart. This is the one thing where, uh, this is another thing that's like kind of like gossip.
Starting point is 00:36:28 A little tea. Ooh. That I don't know if you want me to not say it. Goss. Say it. We can cut also. But so after Ludwig left the next year, some of my friends were in just like the far side. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:40 Okay. That was the other sketch comedy. Yeah. There was a rival. So the origin of Tempe late night is that there were three big comedy troops on campus. It was Farside Sketch Comedy, which is like 40-year running, very tenured. Then there was the Nelk Boys 2. No, no.
Starting point is 00:36:57 Then there was Bear in Mind Improv, which was like the second. It was like the B tier. And then there was the stand--up which was like anyone could do it was open mic kind of uh and the origin of tempi late night is this guy named forbes weird guy enigmatic guy didn't make it into any of them and so wait how do you knock it into doing open you have to be a problem that's kind of how we weaseled in because there was auditions for the other two yeah and he was the representative for the open mic one. And then as the representative for the open mic one, he would like pull some people and
Starting point is 00:37:31 he'd be like, you know, if you want to meet like Tuesday, like we should chat about like this thing I'm working on. And then that thing was Tempe Late Night, which was basically all the rejects from the actual comedy groups getting into the new one. They formed their own nation state. Yeah, so he pulled me because I was rejected himself. He pulled this guy named Jake, Jake Yardley, who was rejected. And then he sniked this guy named Alex, Jake's twin.
Starting point is 00:37:57 And then that kind of formed the basis of this new thing that was Tempe Late Night, which was very scrappy and literally made from pure vengeance. Am I misremembering? I thought you made Tempe Late Night. You're misremembering. I was in the founder group because I was there at the start. You were in the constitutional party, the federalist papers. So it was started by a guy who was just unfunny?
Starting point is 00:38:19 Yeah, I would say that Forbes is. It's a comedy group? Yeah. I would say Forbes is passionate, but I would argue, yeah, he was not probably funny enough to make it into a traditional group. And that's who you aligned with. Yes. And then it was made cool enough by the time that we were seniors the next year that Cam,
Starting point is 00:38:36 who would have easily made it into the others, I don't know if you ever auditioned for him. I don't even know if... I thought I just auditioned for all of them. He went to Tempe Late Night. Basically, though, I was doing stand-up in in high school and i had a clip that went viral um on like reddit someone posted on reddit i got like not even like that many views but it got like 50 000 views on youtube and then someone in asu comedy saw it and basically just said like dude you should do asu comedy you got scouted basically it's interesting how familiar you are with being, like, getting a lot of views on stuff.
Starting point is 00:39:09 It seems like it's been something that's happening a lot throughout your life. That's what people have been saying. Which is kind of cool. I think that's cool. Are you born in 99? 98. Oh, okay. So you joined the outcast island of rejects and losers.
Starting point is 00:39:22 What was your impression that it was an outcast reject group? I didn't even know that. Until I didn't know that until... That's good marketing. Until Jay, Lil Qwerty. Yeah. He's my roommate. Oh, still?
Starting point is 00:39:31 Like right now? Yeah, yeah. Is his name Lil Qwerty? That's his music name. That's so hard. He's a very good rapper. Like one of the best rappers I know. If we got you a feature on a Baby No Money track, would you be down?
Starting point is 00:39:42 Yeah, that'd be awesome. All right, we'll talk to him. We'll talk to him we'll talk to him we know one rapper we have one guy we have our podcast once but yeah he'll do it i think we're close we're close to closing dude he um he texted me like two days ago and it was just a like check up on you how are you text like hey man i'm checking in how's everything going i'm like i'm like no one's checked on me in so long yeah you're an actual friend So I replied I was like oh man everything's going blah blah blah blah I said I'm a whole like like not like a huge thing, but it's like a little thing about what's going on
Starting point is 00:40:10 He's did reply. He'll get there in a month He'll probably take you in a month and be like let me check in on him see your plan I always had a real friend for like one moment. I was I messaged him cuz I was like bro I just listened to edamame that song's good It's funny that you met him before you listened to any of his most popular that's what he does with every guest which is good because they know i'm fucking real you know what i'm saying it is because nobody would do that if they were if they were trying to use them you know that's right yeah you get what you pay for cam you when you see me
Starting point is 00:40:42 you get it all i will say say also, uh, the same thing. I didn't even know you had a podcast. My goat. That's fair. That's how it should be. No one should know about anyone ever. That's what I'm saying. What does that mean? What?
Starting point is 00:41:00 Don't you get it? Oh, wait, that's not the done thumbs up. That's just like agree. Oh, zipper disagree. That usually means we're done recording? Oh, wait, that's not the done thumbs up. No, no, no. That's just like agree. Oh, zipper disagree. Yeah, that's just zipper agree. That usually means we're done recording. I was like, there's no way. That's as fast as 90 minutes of my phone. What I'm saying, Ludwig.
Starting point is 00:41:13 Why are you saying it was snake? Is that if we all didn't know each other, we'd be way more chill with each other. What the fuck? What are you talking about? You're actually, this is the dumbest thing you've ever said. Your success in income depends on people knowing you it was like when Aiden's Girlfriend met John C. Reilly and didn't know who he was What she didn't well to be fair he did look weird he was wearing like a weird like 1920s tuxedo outfit
Starting point is 00:41:41 He'd a weird outfit he did like a crazy mustache that he doesn't Sherlock and Holmes. What? No way he said that. He probably just filmed Sherlock and Holmes. Sherlock and Holmes. Yeah, he filmed Sherlock and Holmes. And Watson. Sherlock Holmes and Knuckles. We were at this breakfast
Starting point is 00:41:59 place and she was in line standing next to him and they just had a whole conversation about the baked goods there, and then she came back to the table, and then 30 minutes later, she's like, wait, is that guy famous? And then it clicked,
Starting point is 00:42:15 and we figured out it was John C. Reilly. The thing is, if I'm in that line, I see John C. Reilly, I'm like, holy shit, that's Steve Brule. I really like this guy. I start shitting my pants. I get what you're saying. It's weird.
Starting point is 00:42:24 Poop everywhere. But if I didn't't know him and then we become best friends forever and ride fucking tandem bikes that's better so it's better if we don't know anybody ever and then we become their friends you only it's only better because it's better to learn about someone later than to have never loved at all. Is that your mountaintop of friendship is riding tandem bikes? I feel like if I ride a tandem bike with you we're pretty good friends. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:50 I've never done that with anyone. Yeah. I have no real. It also just seems too difficult to ride one and then I would just get mad at my friend.
Starting point is 00:42:57 Can the person in the back steer? They can't. They just hold on to I've ridden a tandem bike. Honestly with my dad. How do you how have you ridden
Starting point is 00:43:04 a tandem bike and you can't swim? You can't swim? I can't swim. No, he doesn't know how to swim. I grew up in Colorado. I mean this in the nicest way. I don't want to be rude at all. I've never met someone who is bald and can't swim.
Starting point is 00:43:17 Because you're more aerodynamic. I didn't think you could be both. You don't even need a swim cap. Yeah, you don't need the cap. Who wears a swim cap? Swimmers. Swimmers. People who swim regularly. Almost everyone a swim cap. Yeah, you don't need the cap. Who wears a swim cap? Swimmers. Swimmers. People who swim regularly.
Starting point is 00:43:27 Almost everyone who swims fast. Yeah. I'm going to learn to swim, and I'm going to swim and fucking kill you guys. I don't know. Why would you have to swim in the water? Like Delta Force, yeah. I'm going to arrive on your shores. You'd kill some force?
Starting point is 00:43:39 Like Delta Force. I was thinking about how Slime can't swim a couple days ago, because he tweeted about it. And I was thinking, like, I don't know if I can teach someone to swim. I don't know if I know how't swim a couple days ago because he tweeted about it. And I was thinking like, I don't know if I can teach someone to swim. I don't know if I know how to do that. Yeah, you're bad at that.
Starting point is 00:43:49 No, not a thing about me. It's just that... You probably couldn't do that. I don't remember... I don't play Tetris or Street Fighter. I just do it. I don't know if I know how to tell...
Starting point is 00:43:57 Get in the water and start swimming. What you do, that's what you do. Have you ever seen them throw babies in pools? Yeah, my mom did that when I was five
Starting point is 00:44:04 and I fucking freaked out and I was like, never again's why you don't swim yeah that's why i don't go in the ocean because i went to mexico when i was a kid i got hit by a really big wave and then i choked on the water i got scared of the ocean dude the dutch angle waves yeah dope it's like my favorite part but now it's my least favorite part. Imagine if that was in a movie. Give me one movie where that happens. Interstellar. Yeah. There's a huge wave. I hate you.
Starting point is 00:44:32 It's like the biggest wave in a movie, I think. That movie pissed me off because it's a big wave coming, and they just stand there. There's also another part. You're going to die, and they're just walking. Well, they're thinking about how cool this would be if it was in a movie. I mean, that might happen to me, actually. They're in it. They don't know they're in one. There's one. I think it's called Pose if it was in a movie. I mean, that might happen to me. They're in it. They don't know they're in one. There's one,
Starting point is 00:44:45 I think it's called Poseidon. Awful movie. But they're on, they're in like a cruise. Oh, Pacific Rim. Either Armageddon or Deep Impact. Johnny Copaholic. Armageddon,
Starting point is 00:44:56 there's a piece of the asteroid that flies off and lands in the water and then tsunamis it into California and they have to ride a motorcycle to outrun it. The big wave movie.
Starting point is 00:45:03 2012. I made that one up. There are so many movies with big waves. I'm so upset about this fact. What a stupid fucking gambit you just ran. You're asking four film guys that went to ASU, Manzanilla, watching NELC. Alright, tell me about Breslin. Who's Breslin?
Starting point is 00:45:22 Well, he's too young. He didn't know him as Breslin. It's cause Breslin- Have you ever seen the tombstone in the middle of the quad? Brezlin who's Brezlin well You ever seen the tombstone in the middle of quad yeah One of our friends who pass with ASU the flames just a joint to the same time Yeah, it's a giant statue and he looks like a colonial American, but he's Edward Forty Hands. He's their friend that went to ASU who died in 9-11. You knew it.
Starting point is 00:45:53 He died in 9-11? He was watching on TV. He was one of the people on the plane. He hijacked it. That is what they say. What's important to know here is that he wasn't friends with Ludwig. Yeah. Yeah, I'm happy I wasn't friends with a terrorist.
Starting point is 00:46:10 What? He wasn't a terrorist. It's never that simple. That's the problem. Really? You always think it's so simple. You want to talk about the new minds of hijacking. I'm just saying that there's two sides to every story.
Starting point is 00:46:21 There's two sides. It's because he loves chugging Bud Light. It doesn't make Presidentreslin a terror. You ever think about maybe they were just having like a hard morning? I guess I didn't. I guess I didn't think about a hard morning. They ran out of Biscoff cookies and they said, it's fucking, it's tonight. And they just happened to do weeks of training beforehand in Florida.
Starting point is 00:46:42 They just already knew. Yeah. How to fly them. And in Arizona. Yeah. You know this. Yeah. I know. to fly them. And in Arizona. You know this. Don't say it in partway. My friend died in the thing. Don't hoo-hoo it.
Starting point is 00:46:55 I didn't train in Arizona. I was on the facts of it. I was on Arizona, number one. It's not like a number one innovation where you go hoo-hoo. They trained in Arizona to fight planes I mean it had never happened before Hey, fork them in Fidel's
Starting point is 00:47:09 I don't know another similar attack That's technically an innovation If they trained in the mountains of Colorado as pilots, I probably would bring that up as like hey On a first date Yeah on a first date I actually went to high school with the guys who crashed into the bus.
Starting point is 00:47:28 I think the dude who hijacked that Alaska Airlines plane solo and then barrel rolled it is kind of tight. That is base. He also didn't kill
Starting point is 00:47:35 anyone besides himself. Yeah, it was a victimless crime. And he did economic damage to the airline, which is funny. Well, he broke the plane.
Starting point is 00:47:42 When it happened, I was at my uncle's house in Chicago and my uncle is a pilot who, he broke the plane. When it happened, I was at my uncle's house in Chicago and my uncle is a pilot who flies like internationally. Yeah. And he was like freaking, he thought it was just awful.
Starting point is 00:47:52 You're talking about 9-11 or the Alaskan Airline guy? The Alaskan Airline guy. Okay, okay. He was flying that morning and he was two planes in front of the one that crashed first.
Starting point is 00:48:03 No shit. Yeah. That's crazy. But yeah. His dad's a pilot so you guys no shit. Yeah, that's crazy But yeah, he was like dad's a pilot so you guys can show really. Oh, yeah. Do you ever get free rides? With the pilot there. No my dad just Like standby, yeah, I feel like you can get more who's No, I mean, I don't know Standby tickets is what you get You get like the
Starting point is 00:48:26 The buddy passes You don't get them when you're old right Huh It depends Can you get on an Airbus with standby And get into one of those fucking beds And get all tucked in That's only in Fortnite
Starting point is 00:48:35 That's not a real thing Airbus is just a company They have shitty airplanes It's not like That's like Can they get on Can they get on a Boeing With those passes
Starting point is 00:48:42 No what I'm saying is Can you get on like the fucking UAE like bed plane You can get on a Boeing with those passes? No, what I'm saying is, can you get on, like, the fucking UAE, like, bed plane? You can get on it in Economy. An Air Bud airplane movie would be hype, actually. There's no rules. That's my big way. There's no rules in the FAA that says a dog can't fly a plane into the Twin Towers.
Starting point is 00:48:58 That would be a crazy. Oh, you know, this is a bit that I also had a lot in tempe late night that uh i told and i came up with it when ludwig was there also his whole bit i just am remembering now that i'm like interacting with him is he would just be he was like the news guy or whatever and then someone would do basically this like just talk and then he would just get like pissed oh yeah do that he loves he loves being the the straight man it's very easy. He loves, yeah. It's not easy. It's a hard job. I'm sorry, straight man. Straight man on the show. Selling alcohol to underage dudes.
Starting point is 00:49:29 That's what he loved, was giving underage people alcohol and being straight. Did I charge him? If you charge him, it's based. It was a thing where I think I was like, I'll give you money, and you were like, eh, don't worry about it. Okay. It was like that. Not charged.
Starting point is 00:49:42 Oh, rich mentality. Just drink most of it And then let me record A video of me interviewing you So do you think that like When women cheat It's fucked up But when men cheat
Starting point is 00:49:55 It's like It's fine It's them showing their alphas For a reason They should be allowed to Because it's Human nature for men That's what I think
Starting point is 00:50:02 That's what I think Yeah Hey we're on Venice Beach today. Yeah. Gay son or thot daughter. My name is Ludwig Anders. Dude, if Ludwig thought up gay son or thot daughter
Starting point is 00:50:18 back in 2016, he would be as big as Mr. Beast right now. What's up? It's Jers. I'm back outside Manzanita asking women if they're on their period. Let me guess. Let me guess.
Starting point is 00:50:30 Yes. Yeah. I can smell it. Yesterday. Yesterday morning. Yeah. Oh, but no. I did this bit when I was in ASU comedy that I would try to do on stage as much as possible
Starting point is 00:50:43 and no one ever laughed. And I can't Tell if it's I still think it's funny, but it was test on me. It's not really like a bit It's more like if I was like in it like if I was like pitching a TV show It's basically like the office. You know the office. Yeah Office but then it zooms out and you realize they're in the World Trade Center realize they're in the World Trade Center on everyone. Oh my god. There's a movie
Starting point is 00:51:06 that does it. And that's the season finale. And it says the date and then it cuts and then it's the last episode. And usually people are like that's not funny or no. And then I'll be like okay well then I get that but then here's another one. So it's like I guess this one's a little different. It's not like exactly the same. He likes that one. It's like Parks and Recreation.
Starting point is 00:51:22 It's like that but they're in the World Trade Center. That's good. I like that. This is a good bit. The audience you tested it on was just too close to the event. I did it. Because they train in Arizona.
Starting point is 00:51:36 Didn't laugh. Zero laugh. That's crazy. And I was expecting, usually it's no laughs on the office one, and then I say the parks and recs one, and people are like, okay, that's kind of funny. No laughs. Wow. It was the one and Rec's one and people were like, okay, that's kind of funny. No laughs. Wow. It was all everyone's, it was the one where everyone's parents went.
Starting point is 00:51:47 There's a, everyone's biggest show. That's where all the stipends went that the American government paid. We had some big, that was like 120 person show. 9-11? No, that was like 3,000. That was more people. 2,900 people. It was like a lot more.
Starting point is 00:52:00 This was a, this was a, they did this in some movie that had nothing to do with 9-11, but they, they zoomed out at the end and it was like, Oh, the Robert Pattinson one. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:09 I forget what it's called. He's like, he's like someone's like son or something. He's supposed to be like, he's like breaks up with his girlfriend or whatever.
Starting point is 00:52:16 It's some romance movie. And then he's at the very end, he's just staring out the window like sad that he lost his girlfriend and it zooms out and he's just in the world trying to find her. It has nothing to do with the movie. And world yeah nothing to do any guys gonna play it's so it's just like
Starting point is 00:52:29 people just like to be like a vignette of someone's life and like show the humanity behind the movie you kind of like oh this is it maybe tight it's like the whole movie you were kind of trained to like really not like his character and this is where you find out oh thank movies about to end like oh, thank God They're gonna hit him with a plane so nothing that's so tight this exact scene And you know this is your chalkboard that in that since September 11 20 zero context It has nothing to do with anything having to do with like terrorism or like Politics or the Russians anyone's ever looked right before being hit by an airplane.
Starting point is 00:53:07 Like it's purely, it's out of nowhere. Yeah. What the fuck? It's such an interesting, like, it's just such a This pull out is too slow. Cause like I'm not still wondering where am I. Yeah. I figured that out a while ago. I think you get to simmer. I'm imagining like the inner shell like
Starting point is 00:53:22 wow. So yeah. The movie's called 9-11. What is the movie called, Zipper? I think I'm imagining like the inner cell like so yeah the movie's called 9-11 what is the movie called Zipper this is the only thing about 9-11
Starting point is 00:53:31 remember remember me don't start a sentence saying this is the other thing about 9-11 like you're pissed off about it no this is when
Starting point is 00:53:39 we watched Tucker he always started in on this shit that Robert Pattinson is in a movie that loosely includes it and then this other thing every like 9-11 movie is like like incredibly poor like the actors in it it's like charlie sheen was in one where he was the star of like they were stuck in the tower really yeah and then there's another one where it's like nicholas cage
Starting point is 00:54:02 is stuck in the tower that one he's like he's like a first responder's another where it's like Nicolas Cage is stuck in the tower. That one, he's like a first responder, right? Yeah, but it's like who's casting for the 9-11 movie? Why have you seen so many 9-11 movies? Because I'm- His uncle was close. Yeah. No. Because it's his second favorite genre after the big wave. Here's my thing with 9-11 movies. There's no waves.
Starting point is 00:54:19 Right? If a wave hit the building, that would have been actually pretty cool. That would be crazy. Yeah, they could all surf out hit the building, that would have been actually pretty cool. That would be crazy. They could all surf out of the building. There's a big alarm going off in the World Trade Center, and there's a bunch of surfboards on the walls. They break a big glass wall with surfboards behind it. It's like Titanic.
Starting point is 00:54:37 In case of wave. It's women and children surf first. I know we're recording stuff, but write that down. Yeah, I got you. Write that down. I'm going to write a screenplay. What if we're like recording and stuff, but write that down. Yeah, I got you. Write that down. Write that down. I'm going to write a screenplay. What if we surfed
Starting point is 00:54:48 away from 9-11? Are you still doing stand-up? Uh, no. Why? I stopped. I kind of stopped doing it when I was doing like music. Your full music.
Starting point is 00:54:59 Yeah. I'm still doing music. Everyone keeps telling me I should do stand-up. Everyone also keeps telling me now that I should like stream. And I have also keeps telling me now that I should stream. I have no idea how to do that.
Starting point is 00:55:09 Well, look at his brain working. I love when he goes into analyst mode. Yeah. I feel like I should ask if you are a successful streamer. You literally did a face that is like your hardcore
Starting point is 00:55:19 compression. What do you like the most? What do I like the most? Of those things. Oh, i thought you were just i was gonna say like hanging out you know wave movies besides being a dope ass viber and also chilling what do you like i'm always still gonna do music i love music um i it's stand-up seems kind of like a dying medium to an extent like good if you don't live in New York, probably. It is.
Starting point is 00:55:46 Just generally, it's still very much live on TikTok and stuff like that. But also other things on TikTok. It is weird how all stand-up has kind of been reduced to crowd work. It's TikTok crowd work, yeah. Who's going to a fucking stand-up show? Going to a stand-up show is like, let's be crazy
Starting point is 00:56:02 today. Let's see who's on this week and go. No one's casually going to stand-up shows like let's be crazy today It's like let's see who's like on this week and go like no one's casually gonna stand up even us in a in a in a Podcast pretty adjacent to the stand-up world. When's the last time anyone here's gonna stand up show you're not going We don't like a month ago. You're not going tonight What's tonight? No boys? Sending I know I would go the Wiltern Ielk Live. Bro, but Tucker's opening for this. Tucker's opening. Dude.
Starting point is 00:56:27 He's pissed about the Fox News thing. He's opening. It's like a rock ballad. Yeah, he's opening for Nelk. It's him, an acoustic guitar, and the fucking liberal agenda he's taking down. And every fucking Lynyrd Skynyrd song you love. He has a fire tweet from 2011 that's popular again. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:42 Is that what happened? It's something like... Like the bitches are coming for me or something like that. These bitches coming for me. These bitches set me up. Yeah, yeah. It's something like the bitches are coming for me or something like that. These bitches set me up. Yeah, these bitches
Starting point is 00:56:48 set me up. These bitches coming for me too. Yeah. Amen. Been said. Been had known it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:53 None of us go to stand up shows. Are you saying like people go to open mics? Are you saying like famous comedian comedy show?
Starting point is 00:57:01 You mean like a stand up like either as I understand the meta is open mics are usually attended by stand-up comedians that are working on their material you're basically just doing your material for other stand-ups a little circumspect going to other shows that have like like the set lists or lists of people that are featured those are popular people go to those we just aren't in that demographic we also live in la which is a weird environment for that because it's like it's like fracture everyone everyone in la is
Starting point is 00:57:29 like an actor who does stand-up because they think it'll like make them a better actor what i've understood is that like stand-up in la is just so much worse yeah there's like this cringe idea but like you know like chicago or new york or like bigger cities it's more of like people who care about that medium itself yeah yeah for sure yeah that was the last show I went to I
Starting point is 00:57:48 I used to do comedy yeah like in college yeah in college yeah and uh and when I went to LA I thought I would
Starting point is 00:57:56 continue doing comedy and then didn't cause you don't want to stand up comedy yeah yeah or improv
Starting point is 00:58:02 if someone if someone offered you your original dream now, would you take it? Of a late night show host? Yeah. For like what? Like which one?
Starting point is 00:58:11 Am I covering James Corden's hour? Fuck that. That's a good point. It's exactly what you wanted. Well, no. Like which one? Am I getting offered?
Starting point is 00:58:16 You get Jimmy's. You get Jimmy's hour. I get Jimmy? You get Jimmy's hour. Are you Fallon hour? Yeah, you're Fallon hour. You go NBC? You stop what you're doing
Starting point is 00:58:22 and you go Fallon. I don't think I'd want to go NBC. Why not? I just think they become corporate. You know what you're doing and you go Fallon. I don't think I'd want to go NBC. Why not? I just think they become corporate. You know what's crazy is that Jimmy Fallon clip where he's like, oh, I fumbled a bag with Nicole Kidman. It's crazy that she wanted to fuck him. Why?
Starting point is 00:58:36 Because he's like a ghoul of a shill man. Isn't it crazy that we all saw a clip about Nicole Kidman wanting to fuck Jimmy Fallon and we can all agree that Jimmy Fallon's not funny and he's not worth watching. Yeah. That's crazy. Isn't that like a universal dislike of a man that's so beautiful? People
Starting point is 00:58:51 it's like in waves like a big wave but people will not people will like him and then they'll get like some clip where he like looks good and they'll be like he's actually like a funny guy he seems like a good guy. I had zero opinion on him until the Paris Hilton clip. Yeah Also, I was bored you
Starting point is 00:59:17 You can tell that he was just paid like an exorbitant amount of money to say everything he's saying cuz he's like not even try That's what I'm saying. He's like a shambling skeleton ghoul of Sheila Taylor. My favorite line of that whole clip is he's holding up his ape and he's like, he points to the heart-shaped sunglasses and he's like, I like these because I actually
Starting point is 00:59:37 have done this. I was gonna say it's wearing like a sailor hat and like a red striped shirt and he was like this one has like similar features Like he's like my kids actually know I've worn these face So like I've actually done this like wearing those is like going to like the Grand Canyon or something Yeah, he's really cool anyway, so I would say that I would take I would take Conan's gig Yeah, you would stop what you were doing to be Conan. Not be Conan, but to be you in Conan.
Starting point is 01:00:05 Well, because he's sunsetting right now. Ludwig has always started his... Are you sunsetting? He started his career knowing it will one day end. Are you felled off?
Starting point is 01:00:13 I'm not sunsetting. You're sunsetting. I'm not sunsetting. Mogul mail, though, on the rise. Mogul mail in the yard is his retirement plan. He has big fears
Starting point is 01:00:22 about felling off. I'm not... I have no fears about... Do you think he fell off? And he's already started to fell off. I don't think so. You have the option to go to the Ludwig show or the Big Wave show? You have one ticket. Oh, bro! That's it! We're just pulled up Big Wave right now. Bro, that's the guy from
Starting point is 01:00:40 Fantastic Four, he's about to watch someone get, he's about to get smashed by the thing. This is what a Big Wave will do to you. he's about to get smashed by the thing This is what a big wave will do to you He dies? That's a metal wave which is different Big wave is so dope I love big waves That's dope that's dope that's tight Big waves are sick
Starting point is 01:00:55 If you don't know Factor fucks like no other Yee-haw That's right they're back bitches It's Factor fuck Fridays It's Factor fuck Fridays on Thursday and this spring need nutritious, convenient meals to energize for your warmer days. She doesn't really care what day of the week it is. Factor will spin like a top. On the Factor Fuck Fridays, they got Factor Fresh Meals and they're never frozen.
Starting point is 01:01:18 Factor never frozen is their other slogan and ready in two minutes. Factor frozen. I'm with my bros and. My hoes and it's time to close this ad read and tell you that you can get keto, calorie smart, vegan, veggie, protein, plus
Starting point is 01:01:33 meals on the menu each week. Yo, they have 34 meal choices, Aiden. You don't even have 34 friends. You don't know 34 people. Factor will let you do whatever you want to it. They have more meals than points Rui Hachimura did in the Lakers game. It's prepared by chefs. Rui!
Starting point is 01:01:48 I'm talking about them. A food by dieticians. Deep throat shit. Eaten by little handsome little guys like you. You don't even have to chew it. You can just throw it down. You don't have to chew it. It's on the rules.
Starting point is 01:01:58 Hop on right now for Factor Fuck Fridays by going to slash yard 50. Yard 50. That's slash the yard 50 for 50% off. If hungry little guys like me can get filled up to the brim. You're not little. You're a fat little pretty. You can just kind of dump it. You don't swallow it.
Starting point is 01:02:15 You're huge. Factor will do it any time you want. You're inflation porn for Aiden. What? Factor? You're the after. Factor just feeds me so big and so strong. Inflate for me.
Starting point is 01:02:27 If you looked up Factor inflate 34 on... I'm doing the outro, so it's like a number one meal kit. Factor will make me so big for you. Factor, America's number one inflation site. You'll buy food there too.
Starting point is 01:02:44 I will arrive in your boxes of factor meals so huge. In pieces. Mealed. Cut my life into pieces. This is my last resort. They wouldn't be my last resort. I'd pick them over a lot of other things. All right, back to the episode now.
Starting point is 01:03:00 It's not an ad read anymore. Do you think you'd be a good streamer? I don't know. This is the thing where I feel like good streamer i don't know i this is the thing where it's i feel like probably not because i don't watch streams yeah and i except that might make you a better streamer i think it'd make you a worse streamer i think it would make you worse i think you need to absorb i went to i went to la i was hoping to do comedy i ended up doing streaming shit because i didn't have time to do comedy and like also do laundry and go to my
Starting point is 01:03:24 job and eat food correctly. So just streaming was easier to do from home and I found out about it from him. I knew about it from Smash tournaments. You know I was in a Smash in college, right? No, this is the other thing also with Ludwig in college. We would go to ASU comedy parties and he was always just playing
Starting point is 01:03:39 Smash on the couch and he would beat people in Smash. I would fucking run them. You were just farming normies? I would farm normies and leave. I like that. And I would like Beat people in Smash I would fucking run them You're just farming normies I would farm normies And leave That's fucked up I like that That's base And I would chug a bit
Starting point is 01:03:49 You'd chug Of course Well just like when Nelk was there Yeah for sure When Nelk was on He'd be like Alright Ludwig
Starting point is 01:03:55 You ran this setup Turn on Nelk Let's get crazy We should have all the Nelk boys on our show And then talk to them Like we've known them forever And never explain it to them
Starting point is 01:04:03 Not even off camera When these three boys From toronto were at asu with us yeah and we all have to wear happy dead shirts uh and so i did i did streaming shit but streaming to me is like it's such a different uh ecosystem and skill set and like most streamers i think are much less funny than you oh i've said this for so long it's true but it's also like i'm so glad you validated me just now like someone who's really funny is oftentimes a bad streamer like a good example is uh middle ditch streams a lot thomas middle ditch yes really streams yeah he does canceled right yeah he got he is he he did some nasty stuff.
Starting point is 01:04:46 Either way, before and after the cancel- I hate him now. Bad streamer. I don't even know what he did. Bad streamer. Uh, and there's a bunch of other examples. Yeah also, fuckin' who would- Dane Cook, dogshit streamer.
Starting point is 01:04:54 Who is the person from Migos? Well I mean like, obviously- Have you seen Dane Cook stream? I didn't know he did that but I don't like him for doing that. He streams. He streams silently playing Warzone and then just fragging out because he's actually really good. There's two people in this whole fucking world that can stream well
Starting point is 01:05:09 and be funny. You're fucking looking at him. Oh, it's you twice? Oh, him. It's him twice. It's him and me. It's him and the wolf inside. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:05:18 It could be him twice. It's me and Ludwig. I don't know where he's going with this. It's me and Ludwig. That's not true. There are many funny streamers, but I think... But you were among them.
Starting point is 01:05:25 Yeah, sure. You and me. And then Cook. Yeah. I think the issue is when you stream, you got to stream like four to six hours, right? Like around, like consistently, like, you know, four days a week at least. So that's like, it's a lot of time and you can't just sit and talk for most of that time. Like you have to be watching shit and reacting or playing a game
Starting point is 01:05:45 and that's like a lot different than i think stand up in like having a few bits that you run yeah it's the it's the volume is crazy the volume like even funny people like germa who like plan out bits like he also then just plays video games for five hours straight you go live with in front of a green screen and you've got like an enormous wave coming right it's behind you that would be crazy you don't know you don't know what's coming and your chats the whole time they're trying to With in front of a green screen and you've got like an enormous wave coming All right, that would be crazy It's coming and your chats the whole time to try to warn you for like a month. That's how we every stream. It's coming It's coming down by four thousand and your whole chats like bro the wave coming and you're just like what are you guys talking about? Never announces the end of stream. It's just a wave that comes over
Starting point is 01:06:21 Here a year into the stream you turn around you're like what what's behind me and you see a big ass wave a year long wave and then the stream cuts and then you're never seen from again ever and then it says Jaws 4 and then Jaws is it
Starting point is 01:06:35 and then it says Jaws 4 and Jaws 4 directed by Cam and then parenthesis young nut and then parenthesis not baby nut
Starting point is 01:06:41 Elfin and then parenthesis normal nut normal nut normal adult nut Elfin and there's nut. In parentheses, normal nut. Normal nut. Normal adult nut. Elfin, and there's a shark fin over it. Whoa.
Starting point is 01:06:49 Right? And it's like swimming. I'm changing my mind. This shit's easy. Streaming? Yeah. We just figured it out. I did just get laid off.
Starting point is 01:06:57 Yeah. I mean, look, if you have time and you want to try streaming, that's the correct answer. So try it if you like it to keep doing it. But I think what you should have is when you're doing things that go viral there's a jubilee video and a reaction to a jubilee video that got like 2.7 million views you need some place for people to go to get more nut and if there's no place to go that you can't capitalize any income off of then that's like a bit of a they want to be full of nut because of you yeah but but they'll only hang around for a little bit to get it yeah because they can get it somewhere else yeah there's a lot of nut because of you. Yeah. But they'll only hang around for a little bit to get it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:25 Because they can get it somewhere else. Yeah. There's a lot of nut. And so right after a Jubilee video comes out, they need to know that you did it and where to find you. And how to fill themselves. You probably should capitalize off it as best you can, which might be hopefully commenting on the video and getting pinned by Jubilee into some YouTube channel conversions.
Starting point is 01:07:44 Is that where they got Juvie from? Yeah. Jubilee and Juvie both give you kidney stones. Have you noticed that you get kidney stones from being on Jubilee? I hope not. It's like about the co-pay for going to the doctor is your pay for that show. It's all about
Starting point is 01:08:01 some conversion. He fucked me, by the way. He talks about this, but he'll fuck you. He'll fuck you in ways you'll never know. I don't know what that is. It'll be so good for you. I went on his, he went camping and I came and showed up in a cowboy outfit. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:08:16 And I became his cowboy for him. Yeah. And it turns out I was electric. We had a great time. He was electric that day. And I. God, I'm so sad I missed it. So I messaged so i messaged i
Starting point is 01:08:25 messaged lowing and i was like hey can i cut up like us being cowboys as a from the stream as a video and put on my channel he's like yeah of course i i fucking spend like probably like four hours editing wow ludwin clips because you don't know how the tools work it was just took a while i had to watch the whole thing and then and then like cut it and like edit it and like ludwin clips his clip guy unprecedented makes a 22 minute video of my antics because i'm so electric and just posts it and i was like i have beef with the clips guy too what's your beef your minion is out of line line because we spent we spent the most we've ever spent on An ad ever shooting the KFC commercial, and then you know I did my due diligence I prepped master files and everything I'm supposed to do and then he just ripped it from the streamer award stream
Starting point is 01:09:15 With the audience applause still overlaid on the actual ad and just put it on the clips channel in 1080p Okay, got a few hundred thousand views so it it could have had the full quality and sound. 1080p is good, though. It's full HD. 1080p is HD. I had the file. And then I messaged LoverDate. I'm like, hey, next time we do this, I'd love to send you the file that we use.
Starting point is 01:09:36 And he's like, I don't even know who the Clip guy is. But he posted it. That's crazy. I do know the Clip guy. I know Ian. Ian? Yeah, he's from Brazil. He said some guy from Brazil. We should go. His name's Ian. We guy. I know Ian. Ian? Yeah, he's from Brazil. He said some guy from Brazil.
Starting point is 01:09:47 We should go. His name's Ian. We should hang out with Ian. His name's Ian. He's very sweet. I asked to do a call with him, and he said, I don't speak English. And I said, that's okay. You smell, but you speak Portuguese.
Starting point is 01:09:56 Portuguese. Yeah, it's Portuguese. That's what I told him. And he said, I don't believe you. And so all he does is he, I say, say upload whatever you want i don't want to know about it just really just rip it you just close your little eyes and you're like do whatever i told him when i hired him i said you just do it you do not need approval from me wow just upload it because i don't want to deal with oversight dream and he just gets a cut of the uploads yeah
Starting point is 01:10:19 and it's great it was just it was just so funny you can still upload it would do great do you think so yeah i think it'd be fine i think you'd probably do a better job because you were in it. I watched his, though, and I'm like, he left this in. Is that bad? If you did another cut, I think it'd be fine. It's really interesting to see this side by side. But I just thought it was so flattered. I was like, I'm just so electric.
Starting point is 01:10:39 You were electric. I know you were electric because this is supposed to be advice for our friend here. And it's just been about how you're electric. Well, but that's good to know. It's like he was on that day. Yeah. So if you were on like he is all the time, that's what he wants you to know. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:10:54 No, but what I'm saying is that usually it's a 22-minute video, unprecedented to be posted on the Clips channel. And he just did it because it was so electric. Yeah, and this is good advice for him because he was on that. Because now you know YouTube allows 20 minute uploads. Ludwig's Minion is going to take the best young nut moments from this podcast,
Starting point is 01:11:15 which you've had a lot, and he's going to put them into a 20 minute video. And guess what? He's going to slurp up all the money for you. He's going to slurp it up like a money vacuum. I paid him good. You got a Cortado? Dude, Ludwig, earlier he came with a coffee and he's like,
Starting point is 01:11:31 does anyone want a Cortado? They made me buy another coffee. And Cam's like, yeah, I'll take that. And he sips it. And he was like, ah. I hate this. It's equal parts milk and coffee. It's equal parts milk and coffee. It's a thing.
Starting point is 01:11:45 That's the drink of someone who is so stressed out. It's what Italians drink. When you left the room, he's like, is he stressed out? Really? Yeah. You said that? I mean, I was wondering. It's the coffee of someone who's like,
Starting point is 01:12:00 gotta make my fucking booze right now. I need a coffee. He's stressed because he's sunsettin'. And it's a hot day. I'm not sunsetting. Sunsets are beautiful. They are. You watch them most days.
Starting point is 01:12:09 I'm not sunsetting. I think it is. I think he's uncomfortable being around so many old college friends at one time. Because we saw you back in your vulnerable days.
Starting point is 01:12:18 Because we always talk about the past and the future. It's kind of a memories thing. Do you ever see me cry? Have I seen you? Oh my god, wait. I totally just remembered
Starting point is 01:12:24 the story that I was going to say that I was like, I don't know if I should say this, but it was about Tempe Late Night. I haven't seen you cry, by the way. I don't think I have. All right, cool. But no, it was right after you left, and it was because it was someone from Bear in Mind who joined Tempe Late Night. People started joining Tempe Late Night because it was hot.
Starting point is 01:12:42 It ended up being cooler than the other clubs. That's such a great success, by the way. It was. It went from Forbes being a huge failure and Forbes kind of a weird guy to a massive success. And we had like a larger audience than sketch comedy because we did everything. It was a lot of it also is that our shows were like Monday nights and all the other comedy clubs were every Friday night. And who's going on Friday night?
Starting point is 01:13:01 Yeah, they overshot. Friday night's milk night. That's where you go with your boys and watch Tucker clips. Every dorm room lights up with the milk night. You just go over it and hear Tucker Carlson and just consume it from the wall
Starting point is 01:13:16 like that. It's Tucker's Trick Shot Tuesdays. We watch his best clips. It's T-Shot Talk Tuesdays. What happened? So then they had someone who was one of my friends like one of my close friends was running the social media for tempe late night and they got the password from like the last person who had had it uh and like a while later they were telling me like i was just looking through all the dms and stuff because like i have this new twitter account or whatever
Starting point is 01:13:40 and someone uh dm'd the ludwig on the tempe late night twitter account being like hey ludwig um i'm messaging you here because you blocked me everywhere else but i just want you to know like i'd still like think about you what really yeah hey just want to let you know like i still like love you and i just want to know like if you want to like that's actually me it was a prank i'm sorry i tell you it was like a prank that we thought we had just got off the highlight video for milk boys and we were like we were fucking we were twisted for sure twisted uh i was so cross-faded and i was like what if we fucked with him because he was gone already. Because you were really
Starting point is 01:14:26 emotionally vulnerable back then and we liked to take advantage of that. It was fun for us to do that. Yeah. And it's the same way
Starting point is 01:14:34 you, like you, when you would just hold your phone up to people coming out of the Planned Parenthood. Oh my God, that was his whole thing.
Starting point is 01:14:42 I forgot about that. It was your whole fucking thing. You were like, if you kept it, would it be gay show or daughter? So we're just kind of getting back at you. It's always thought daughter. I don't know why.
Starting point is 01:14:58 I think it's so fucked. All right, damn. We had some good ass times. Tell me late night. Tell me late night. I will say last year was tough because I had a shit girlfriend at the time who hated that I did it. Oh, like when you were in it? Yeah. Oh, I didn't know that. Because it was just, it was somewhat time consuming because there's like, you know, there's rehearsals.
Starting point is 01:15:16 There was like writing meetings. And so it was like a few days a week, probably like 10, 15 hours. And you're double majoring, journalist degree, English degree. That was easy. Don't know shit about English. Yeah. And you don't even know the four pillars. Every night he's at the bars interviewing girls.
Starting point is 01:15:31 Every night he's at the bars getting content, generating content. That's already a long time. It was a lot of time. Back when it was musically not TikTok. Yeah. And you weren't spending any time with her. You also went to the gym.
Starting point is 01:15:43 Was he jacked when you met him? I feel like you looked exactly the same. I was, I was, I appreciate that. I'm way fatter now. Oh, you're fatter. Show it to him. No. Oh, you look great. Look up, look up Tempe Late Night.
Starting point is 01:15:58 Ludwig Sketch. Is your phone background Peter Griffin from Family Guy? I think it's called, like, Don't Worry About It. Don't worry about it. Oh, this is it. This is a picture of you with the ass. Wow, I look cake- Oh, I remember those are my cake shorts. Oh my god! That's not real, right?
Starting point is 01:16:14 That looks like a BBL! You drew your BBL? No, you have stuff in your pocket. Is that what you know Ian? Was Ian your BBL guy? Uh, no no no no no. Back out, back out, out back out not the monologue There's this there's a sketch calling a fighter and in it. I'm shirtless, and I look way skinnier am I in any of these not man
Starting point is 01:16:35 Don't ask questions like that again Wow oh my god, you're so thin I know Some light on slider here Wow. Oh my god, you're so thin! I know. We gotta lose some weight. I'm 10 pounds lighter here. Look at your back muscles! Oh, you're fantastic. You still do the little bounce. You do do the bounce. I'm like 170, 175 here. I'm 185 now. Oh, that's 10 pounds? Yeah. Well, 10 pounds looks different! That's crazy. Dude, that's crazy. Wow. Damn.
Starting point is 01:17:04 Actually, sometimes I think about how Ludwig looks so different now, but then I just realized if he went back to his old hair color, that's crazy that's crazy wow that's it damn actually sometimes I think about how Ludd would look so different now but then I just realized if he went back to his old
Starting point is 01:17:09 hair color that he would look exactly the same the haircut and the color is it not the exact same hair
Starting point is 01:17:15 color like his hair is much longer now he's blonde now there was a guy from ASU
Starting point is 01:17:21 comedy who went on to go to SNL yeah oh Michael oh my god it's so dope yeah Michael Longfellow yeah Michael Longfellow he used to like perform at like the There's a guy from ASU Comedy who went on to go to SNL. Yeah. Oh, Michael. Yeah. Oh, my God. It's so dope. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:26 Michael Longfellow. Yeah. Michael Longfellow. He used to, like, perform at, like, the open mics at ASU. And he's, like, killing it. Isn't SNL cringe? No, he's, like, one of the, like, hot faces. It's simultaneously cringe, but, like, the goal landing point of many comedians.
Starting point is 01:17:42 Because it's kind of a launch pad to anything else you want to do. It is cringe, but, like, all the talent on it's good like i don't think i've ever had like i mean there's some talent that sucks but like everyone that's come out of snl is fucking dope yeah he's super funny too it's just interesting that like snl is i feel like remembered right now for millennials now and also zoomers especially it's like they're the play they did the elon musk like, they did the Elon Musk sketch, and they did Le Donald Trump, and like, all these fucking, like, cringe-ass shit. Like the milk shit, too. Well, we didn't tie it.
Starting point is 01:18:11 They did do a Try Guys sketch. Yeah, they did a Try Guys sketch, and like, didn't understand the point. And it's like, it's funny, because it's this thing of like, okay, I want to be, I want to have a career in comedy, and then you work on SN and then you but you tell a zoomer that and they'll just like spit in your face and then hold the phone up to you and ask you questions about your life does it's like what's it's changing it's like the palantir of comedy like a lot of talented people worked there it's still a it's still this massive platform like for for however many people dislike it you're on a channel that like whatever sketch they post still gets like a couple million views you get offered SNL head writer right now
Starting point is 01:18:48 you say no? oh yeah cause it's really funny to say no it's a funny job title too but wait it's funnier to say yes and like be the guy he'd probably make less money he'd probably make less money doing that and that is also really funny you could definitely do both I could probably do both he could do both it's more funny
Starting point is 01:19:04 because he's the goat it's more funny to be like... If he's on. He's like electric. If I'm electric, I rise SNL out from the big wave that's underneath. In there's like waves and shit. Don't say that. It's like a trigger. It's like when you say outside and you're a dog.
Starting point is 01:19:24 Oh, I know this one. What are you talking about? It's like when Steve's outside and you're a dog. Oh, I know this one. What are you fucking talking about? It's like when you're just playing random big wave clips. It's like looking out the window and you're like, what is going on? I just noticed that. Is this 2012? I think it is. Dude, that's insane.
Starting point is 01:19:35 That wave is so big, actually. They're not going to run it. They're not going to run it. You know what the difference is? You know what the difference is? I'm running towards the wave. Yeah? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:43 Yeah, because I'm about to fucking tunnel, get pitted. In the tube? And then ride that shit, bro. Just fucking ride it. Yeah, that's so sick. Wipe my own ass. Okay, here's my real advice. All right.
Starting point is 01:19:56 I think you should do TikTok. Okay. Are you on TikTok? I've heard of it. Do you watch TikTok? No, I'm on it. Yo, you should do... I do it for a good job.
Starting point is 01:20:03 I do people's TikTok. Yeah, you should do your own TikTok. You should do a one year long series of you trying to learn to breakdance. I'm actually such a bad dancer. That's what I'm saying. It's like a whole year of progress and you don't progress at all. I guess I could do that. It's just so much
Starting point is 01:20:17 humiliating content. It is a lot. I think being humiliated is the true path to success. I don't think this is good advice. I think what they're saying is bad advice. You literally built a career off of 300 people in your chat making fun of you. Yeah, not breakdancing. That's true.
Starting point is 01:20:33 Well, you don't know how. That's why he didn't do it. You think you can do it? It'd take me six months. Six months? It takes me two. Six months, I learned Japanese and I can breakdance. I learned how Japanese breakdance gave me six months.
Starting point is 01:20:42 I started to channel my senior year of college that you didn't know about, but it was interviewing drunk girls in the bar. Did not pop off. No, it was my improvement channel and it was junior summer going into senior year
Starting point is 01:21:00 and I was trying to learn Japanese, get fit and learn the piano and I would trying to learn Japanese, get fit and learn the piano and I would document my progress. And so every day I would do something like I'd go on a run and then I'd take a picture of myself shirtless. I have like a hundred pictures of me looking like this
Starting point is 01:21:14 and then like learn some fucking katakana and then play piano for a bit with the goal of like having some progress some by then and some by... You attempted to learn Japanese at a certain point in your life? Yeah. That's crazy.
Starting point is 01:21:25 2016. Considering how little you know. That's what I was thinking. I did this for about like two weeks. And then I uploaded a couple videos after getting around to editing it. And what I didn't realize is that my YouTube channel that I had made, because I made a brand new one and I didn't
Starting point is 01:21:41 want to tell anyone about it, was linked to my Google Plus account. Where are we fucking clowning this motherfucker so then my mom finds it and then she watches it and then she hits me up she's like love the video and then she like said like a comment i was like kind of weird how you were like shirtless for a lot of it something like that some comment like that and i was so embarrassed that I deleted the channel. Yeah Wow I had a very similar thing your mom was on Google Plus. Yeah big Google Plus user Well, yeah, take that you weren't friends with Ludwig's mom on Google Plus. She wasn't in my circle. Everyone knew Fan page on Google Plus she was doing fan pages on Google. Yeah She ran her own, yeah. It was Paloma's banana bread fan page.
Starting point is 01:22:27 She always said control the fan page, then you control the money. Too smart. Here's the advice. You go to TikTok, because it seems like what you're most passionate about is music. And the biggest push you can make from any platform to music is TikTok. That's what they're saying. That's what Baby No Money did.
Starting point is 01:22:43 That's what they do say. In five minutes and then it's you like this and pointing at your song while it plays. Also, I feel like you have the ability to be funny in a TikTok
Starting point is 01:22:52 because it's very short form and you can just come up with a funny bit and then you can execute it. I think you're funny if there's only seven seconds of you. If there's not a lot of you.
Starting point is 01:22:59 If there's not a lot of you? No, yeah, that's good advice. But if it's like a two hour, two and a half hour thing where you dress as a cowboy, you probably don't have it. Is Ludwig not coming? There's four of us. No, yeah, that's good advice. But if it's like a two hour, two and a half hour thing where you dress as a cowboy, you probably don't have it. Is Ludwig not coming? There's four of us?
Starting point is 01:23:09 Ludwig's not coming. It's just the four of us. It's just like ASU. Do you guys want me to come? I can come. It's just like ASU in which he didn't say where we were hanging out. I think because it wasn't really the five of us back then. Hey, we'll meet you at the Cosmo, right?
Starting point is 01:23:19 Yeah. We'll meet you at the Cosmo. We'll just hang out there. It's the President Memorial Service you guys are going to miss. No, that's the next week. See, be at the Gosmo Brothers. Just hang out there. Okay, so I'll go to the Breslin Memorial Service you guys are gonna miss, so. No, that's the next week. See, you're always forgetting. Right. It's actually, oh, you know.
Starting point is 01:23:30 I guess it'd be on September 11th. You don't even know when it is. That's what I'm saying. It'd be weird to remember here on September 11th. That's what Stalin did with Trotsky. He said, hey, the fucking funeral's that way, and then he didn't show up.
Starting point is 01:23:41 No one cares that you signed up for Nebula. Nobody. It's funny, though. Dude, you know what he told told me this week you know what he fucking told me this week is he sits down he's like he's been watching the videos i'm at my desk in the office he laid down on the floor and he just he rolls over and he looks at me he's like you know you know i'm all caught up on yemen caught up on y Yemen. Like it was The Sopranos. Like he just watched the last five seasons of the Yemen Civil War. And he's like, yeah, I'm caught up. I'm caught up.
Starting point is 01:24:13 So you're moving on? So what? Are you on Saudi Arabia? I'm just waiting for the next ep. You know what it is now? Yeah. It was an uprising. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:19 A series. Well, it started, yeah. Series of uprisings. What was the first one? It was in Tunisia. A street vendor set himself on fire in protest for getting his shit taken by the government. Yeah, that's also a word for it. I got something that's uprising.
Starting point is 01:24:33 What are you trying for? What's up with that? That's like your penis, bro. That's what I'm talking about. Hey, on that list of Jubilee videos that you can apply for is one that's like big wiener contest or something. There was, and I didn't want it. What's the next one you're doing?
Starting point is 01:24:47 Can you leak it? I don't know if they want me to say, but... I think it's on their side channel. Oh. Jubilee Side Pieces. Jubilee. It's called Nectar. Is it, actually?
Starting point is 01:24:57 Yeah, they have like 300,000. Well, that was the watermark that was on the one we just watched. Yeah, it was the first one. Oh, skateboarding's Nectar? Yeah, the dating ones are Nectar. Oh, I see. Jubilee is like all the middle ground stuff and like the ranking right yeah it's all slop for the pigs it is what i know of jubilee is like should should we should we kill immigrants and then they'll have like five gradients of like strongly agree
Starting point is 01:25:20 strongly disagree and then they'll stand at the position they're at and they're like yeah and then someone be like i don't think we should and then they'll move like down one to like slightly and then someone in the comments is just like let's do this that was a really good crack that was such a good crack you're on today you should edit this into a video i'm gonna edit this into a video if your fucking cocksucker cocksucker ian doesn't get to it first he's a good guy is that his nickname cocksucker ian he's not how do you say cocksucker zebra how do you say cocksucker in portuguese that's just your goal you should just try to out edit him yeah that's just Ila de puta. That's just the
Starting point is 01:26:06 island bitch. Island of pussy. Do you think there's any hope? Fila de puta. That's a bastardization translation. It shouldn't say that. That's just like a guy I don't like.
Starting point is 01:26:16 What are you saying? I was going to say, do you think there's any hope of walking off this show with a real relationship? Do you think maybe you come off Oh, in Jubilee?
Starting point is 01:26:24 Yeah, and this is how you find the one um the the nectar one i did um the person who won yeah they were pretty can they were they were into each other wow uh the girl who was in who's the one who we were fighting for she was on like love island she's like a reality star oh okay she chose. I love Love Island. She chose someone from it. Didn't even talk to her. Everyone just hangs out afterwards or whatever. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:51 They were so back into each other. I think it's bad to be, if you're a career reality star, it's bad to be in a couple. Not necessarily. Because it's like, who's going to pick you for your fucking- People love shipping couples. Depends. Or you just find someone you like, who's going to pick you for your fucking. People love shipping couples. Depends. Or you just find someone you like and that's also good in life. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:09 Yeah, but I think people who go on reality dating shows aren't looking like they're broken human beings. I would love if you were on Love Island. Yeah, probably. Not you. Yeah, you. Yeah. Oh, I just don't think I have the body for it.
Starting point is 01:27:20 But I do think I have the personality for it. You'll get there. Yeah, but I don't want to like. You work on breakdancing for a while oh so that's no that's great for Mike wants you to get stronger get strong for yeah I think it would be good because I'm the one who's not strong but
Starting point is 01:27:34 I'm I could just talk to them and I'll be better than the guys who are strong what is your most done physical activity don't say don't say don't say most done physical activity I'll do like push-ups every day don't say sexy girls don't say hot girls don't say being off don't say probably sexy hot girls most done physical activity
Starting point is 01:27:47 I'll do like pushups every day oh really 30 pushups shit every day I mean I don't do that much otherwise
Starting point is 01:27:54 but you still do 30 pushups I used to run like a like a couple miles a day I kind of stopped doing that recently just cause do you smoke a lot of weed no I I have before
Starting point is 01:28:04 I don't smoke weed at all i don't really drink either um you did in college right well yeah i did it's the thing where mostly when you bought it for him but i mean if i did not get a weed i did not get a weed like i don't know you're drawing a hard line like i i would never get him something that's arguably better to do i got him eight balls eight balls that's expensive i know that's arguably better to do I got a may balls Expensive that's crazy No, but I also not age prohibited you just have to know the guy I didn't even ask Yeah, just sick no, but I do take Adderall every day. Okay. So you're wired.
Starting point is 01:28:45 Diagnose. Diagnose for funsies. Are you on extended 20s? Four hours. They last four hours. So what's your milligram dosage? 20. 20 IR? Yes.
Starting point is 01:28:56 I'm on it right now. That's fucking... I have some in my backpack. My God. You used to take Adderall. I did. Then I had heart conditions. I can't anymore.
Starting point is 01:29:04 That's going to be me in like eight years. Yeah. Yeah. It'll be great. Isn't that crazy? Eight years to catch up to you. My heart condition, loving too much. I'm only going to get older.
Starting point is 01:29:12 Not specifically. Also, you're going to get older too. What are you, turn 28 this year? I will never turn 28. Oh, have you? What? You'll never do that? 28 is so old.
Starting point is 01:29:20 So you want to end it in the club. I will end it in the club. I'll never sunset. Dude, someone asked me my age recently. I said 25, which is wrong. I'm 26. And I realized I was 26 after saying that. And I got sad.
Starting point is 01:29:32 Yep. I was like, oh, fuck. Our friend Kyle, he's like, I'm turning 31. It's so much worse than turning 30. It's like feels way worse. It's interesting to be. That's not even a bad name, but it's interesting to be 31 and Kyle. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:44 Yeah. There was a guy I didn't think they'd make it that far. I went to a Yankees game like in 2021 I was in New York. I was like whatever. But on the Jumbotron
Starting point is 01:29:54 I took a picture of it because I thought it was funny on the Jumbotron in like seventh inning they said happy 30th birthday Connor. Connor is a boy's name. That's a 14 year old.
Starting point is 01:30:07 They should change it. It should turn into Carl or something like a Pokemon evolution you have to switch to certain alright well shout out to the people that can currently find you if they want to listen to some of your tunes or videos perhaps what do you plug? slash r slash milk boys
Starting point is 01:30:23 slash r slash milk boys. Slash r slash. That's Reddit. How is that Reddit? On YouTube. That's the YouTube thing. Oh, this is the one. Bro. See how she's looking?
Starting point is 01:30:34 She's like, fuck. This is another wave video of a huge wave. Why is there always a bridge? But also, where are they running? It's always a bridge. Where are they running? I mean, you gotta run somehow. You have to run.
Starting point is 01:30:43 No, you get in the car for sure. But I don't want her to get hit by the wave You get in the car because you can live in the car because they'll have oxygen No, no 100% Go in the place where all the glass is you guys are saying no like running on the bridge You don't get in the car you it's like when you run on the bridge and hope that you can somehow beat This is actually a really bad tsunami. This is not good. But like the top of the wave looks like the regular ocean Maybe you could just swim up there This is actually a really bad tsunami. This is not good. But the top of the wave looks like the regular ocean.
Starting point is 01:31:05 Maybe you could just swim up there. Damn, that'd be crazy. Dude, we could probably put you in front of a TV with waves on it and give you like twice your dose of Adderall and you'd be chilling. That would be one of the... If I was in a big wave scene, that would be genuinely like... I would send it to my parents and I'd be like,
Starting point is 01:31:20 this is such a good day for me. Alright, if you're on a mainstream, you should play Is that what it's called I think that's where you control a city. You can have tsunamis crash over the city You can do random like disasters and you are like the city planner You can play like this surf's up. We game like and you are the city planner. You can play the Surf's Up Wii game. Like the penguin one?
Starting point is 01:31:48 Yeah, they made a Wii game about it. They made a Wii game about 2012, the movie. They do Surf the Big Wave, yeah. There's a big wave in that one. I should watch that movie again. It's a great movie. It's not a great movie. Good licensed soundtrack.
Starting point is 01:32:01 What does that sound? Does this person play Minecraft again? Imagine if your enderman sounds through the TV. I'm going to actually... Well, do what you want. You know, if it's too... I would. Instagram, Instagram, nutstar.
Starting point is 01:32:18 Nutstar? Nutstar, one word. That's great. It's a really good one. Also, thank you for posting that YouTube with me. I gained like 10,000 followers I put your Instagram in the
Starting point is 01:32:28 it was very dopey thing I think on Instagram you did? yes that's those fucking mogul moves that he makes you know what I'm saying
Starting point is 01:32:34 yo that looks like a real photo America's Sweetheart 8,000 followers extremely good at talking to women in parentheses many have said
Starting point is 01:32:42 yeah I mean people have been saying that a lot of people have been saying that many people have said there's a whole ass people have been saying that though many people have said there's a whole ass two YouTube videos with people
Starting point is 01:32:48 talking about it in the comments it works thousands I'm glad so yeah thank you in conclusion I was cool in college
Starting point is 01:32:54 I got alcohol for a bunch of nights I do hate that he gets away with that today yeah I thought maybe we'd hurt him more no I was very nice
Starting point is 01:33:01 yeah he was cool I was also probably and I think this is fair to say similar to now pretty close off like I feel like I didn't no you were exactly the same i would say i don't think there's a different dynamic at all uh i did appreciate how i was like a freshman and you interacted with oh because it's definitely clicky it was super clicky yeah and even within the group yeah for sure 100 Yeah, 100%. Really? Because you get like your friends. You want to know what you'd be like drunk.
Starting point is 01:33:28 Yeah, he needed somebody to sell to. I like a little bit to start. I mean, it's nice to hear where your sunrise was while your sun's heading. Yeah, kill yourself. And now the podcast will sunset. We go into the premium episode. Yeah. Thank you so much for coming on.
Starting point is 01:33:45 And we'll, we'll be in talks. Every time you message the yard account, it will be talking to cam and we will pay him a double digit. I'll do it. A one time fee. A one time fee. For a lifetime of work.
Starting point is 01:34:01 I mean, I guess, but yeah, yeah, you guess. I got nothing else going on. We know. And that's how we exploit labor on this podcast. Just like, I mean I guess but yeah you guess I got nothing else going on we know and that's how we
Starting point is 01:34:06 exploit labor on this podcast just like just like those women outside the bar for a lot of weeks old YouTube that's what Tucker
Starting point is 01:34:12 told me to do anyway Thought Center Gay Donner in the comments okay bye see you in the pre-mode

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