Theories of Everything with Curt Jaimungal - Luis Elizondo on UFOs, Skinwalker, Remote Viewing, and the Invisible College

Episode Date: June 23, 2021

YouTube link: Elizondo reveals his thoughts on the June Report, the connection between consciousness / physics and aliens / UAPs. Sponsors: f...or 20% off. for supply chain AI.Patreon for conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, and God: Crypto (anonymous): PayPal: Twitter: Discord Invite: iTunes: Pandora: Spotify: Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: MENTIONED: Brian Keating's INTO THE IMPOSSIBLE podcast: Interview with Kevin Knuth: 00:00:00 Introduction 00:02:45 UFOs have been classified by size and other parameters 00:08:27 The June Report: what's coming out in it? 00:13:19 Why all these revelations now? 00:14:07 Remote viewing and aliens / UAPs 00:15:41 [Jeremy Rys] Invisible College and Hal Puthoff 00:17:57 [Brian Keating] Tellurian / mundane explanations for UFO phenomenon? 00:23:06 The "checklist" the gov't goes through before citing it as UAP 00:26:00 Transmedium travel, spoofing or physical? 00:31:37 [Manny Ortiz] Are they demons? Angels? 00:34:21 [bisectdox] Have we communicated with UAPs? Have we found their communications? 00:39:11 Psychedelics and UAPs 00:41:20 [Mick West] Why not reveal all the information for the good of humanity? 00:49:13 [Lonesomespacecowboy] What would the world look like if the public knew what Lue does? 00:50:10 [Gentian] Tom Delong calls them “the Others” 00:50:43 His opinion on Bob Lazar, also that aliens referred to us as "containers" 00:53:26 [PulsatingShadow] How frequently do abductions happen 00:55:58 [Lady Shar Reacts] Any UAPs underwater in the Nimitz case? 00:56:54 [Amjad Hussain] Does the USA have alien bodies in their procession? 00:57:41 Skinwalker Ranch and Bigfoot 01:05:29 Audience members say "thank you" in the live chat 01:06:11 [Andres] What questions SHOULD we be asking, as the public, but aren't? 01:06:49 Lue's predictions have come true 01:08:04 [blindorize] UAP phenomenon and an international effort, rather than USA focused 01:08:59 [Neon Dagger] Lue's personal encounter 01:09:34 [Raylson Carlos] Nimitz appearing at the "cap point"... How? 01:10:35 Was Sam Harris contacted by Lue 01:11:09 [Lonesomespacecowboy] What would the world look like if the public knew what Lue does? 01:14:24 Advice for Curt on the journey into TOEs (and UAPs connection to them) 01:15:28 Is Lue a misinformation agent?* * *Just wrapped (April 2021) a documentary called Better Left Unsaid on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to watch it.

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Starting point is 00:01:03 Luis Alessandro is a former US.S. Army counterintelligence special agent who's gained notoriety now for being the director of the now-defunct AATIP program, which was a program initiated by the Defense Intelligence Agency in order to study unidentified aerial phenomenon, also known as UFOs. For those new to this channel, my name is Kurt Jaimungal. I'm a filmmaker with a background in mathematical physics dedicated to the explication of what are called theories of everything from a theoretical physics perspective, clearly, but also exploring the potential connection consciousness has to the fundamental laws of nature, if those fundamental laws exist at all. The UFO phenomenon may seem
Starting point is 00:01:40 tangential, but if you watch the podcast with Kevin Knuth, linked below, you'll see that there seems to be an intimate connection between some of the deep mysteries of the universe and this phenomenon. Thus, I'm interested, and I don't view this enigma with a stigma. I'm not averse to it like much of the scientific community is. Lou has revealed more in this podcast than in almost any other interview, and that's due to the exquisite questions provided to me by you as this was an ask me anything in fact it Was a live AMA so Lou and I both thank you for that each podcast on this channel is punctiliously Timestamped just look at the description and you can navigate to whichever question you'd like to directly There are a couple sponsors of today's podcast algo is an end-to-end supply chain optimization software company with software that helps
Starting point is 00:02:25 business users optimize sales and operations, planning to avoid stockouts, reduce returns and inventory write-downs, while reducing inventory investment. It's a supply chain AI that drives smart ROI, headed by a bright individual by the name of Amjad Hussain, who's been a huge supporter of this podcast from its early days. In fact, Amjad contributed some questions to today's AMA, and you can visit Algo by going to A-L-G-O. The second sponsor is Brilliant.
Starting point is 00:02:52 Brilliant illuminates the soul of math, science, and engineering through bite-sized interactive learning experiences. Brilliant's courses explore the laws that shape our world, elevating math and science from something to be feared to a delightful experience of guided discovery. More on them later. If you'd like to see more conversations like this, then please do consider visiting slash KurtJaiMungle and contributing whatever you can. Each dollar helps tremendously. There's also a crypto and a PayPal account, which has been opened up recently. In case donations there are more in line with what
Starting point is 00:03:23 you'd like to use. In a couple weeks, I'm speaking to Chris Langan, who's famous for having the highest recorded IQ in America, on his cognitive theoretic model of the universe, which is a theory of everything. Tomorrow, I'm also speaking to Jeremy Korbel. There's plenty more to be announced, and again, if you'd like to support this podcast, if you'd like it to stay at a technical level,
Starting point is 00:03:41 which requires plenty of preparation, then please do consider becoming a patron or donating in some other way shape or form thank you so much and enjoy so first i'm going to get to a question that i had which is is there a correlation between any of the characteristics of these uaps ufos and some other characteristic for example let's say that the tic-tac shaped ones are more violent or the pyramidal shaped ones are faster. Is there a classification of them and do they have some other characteristic associated with them? So the characterizations that we have seen to date really is a result of size, believe it or not. And this is by no means comprehensive, but what we tend to see are the smaller vehicles tend to be, think of a sports car, are your saucer-shaped vehicles.
Starting point is 00:04:35 Whereas the larger vehicles, let's say a school bus size, is that of a cylindrical object or roughly that of a tic-tac or even sometimes described as a telephone pole and then in shape so cylindrical and then the the tend to be the large ones where the large ones tend to be uh not always but almost exclusively either triangular shape or boomerang shape now there are some some some anecdotal uh if you will, reports of large saucers as well and some shapes looking like a dumbbell. But the three primary categories tend to be that we saw needed were disc shape. And then you have the longer cylindrical shape. And then finally, a large, large triangular shaped vehicle. vehicle. The triangle vehicles are often described as flying very close to the ground and very, very, very quiet, silent, and seem to kind of lumber, if you will, from place to place,
Starting point is 00:05:37 very slow, almost like you would imagine a large dirigible perhaps just kind of floating there silently. The apex of those triangles are often described with lights of some sort or emitting some sort of radiation in the visible light spectrum, which to a lot of the, if you will, people who reported this information to include first responders, we'll often see the lights changing color and maybe a result of some sort of doppler shift that's occurring, red-blue doppler shift. But that's, in essence, the three primary shapes that we have had reported. And are these shapes associated with any other characteristics? For example, violence or nonviolence or the shutting down of nuclear
Starting point is 00:06:25 missiles? Yeah, Kurt, that's a great question. So there's a difference between when we say something's a potential threat and hostile intent. And I think people have confused the term potential threat. When we say potential threat, as a physicist, there's a lot of things in nature that are potential threats, but don't mean to harm you. For example, I've often said if I go to an airport and I get on a 737, there's no real threat there. But if I were to jump off and run along the runway, the tarmac, and I happen to get too close to one of these jet engines as it's going down the runway, chances are there's going to be some sort of biological consequence. There's an environmental threat. I'm probably going to lose some hearing. I'm probably going to get burned by the jet exhaust. It's not necessarily an intended consequence of the jet engine to harm me. And so anytime you're dealing with physics,
Starting point is 00:07:21 and I think this topic of UAP certainly nests well within the realm of physics, there's always potential threat. That's just the way it works. If you ever go to the CERN and the Large Hadron Collider, you're talking about a massive machine, the world's largest machine, in fact, ever built. It's hurtling some of the smallest particles around nearly the speed of light. And if you look at the shielding that is around the accelerator, it's massive. You would think for something so, so tiny and infinitesimally small, why do you need such a big machine? Well, it turns
Starting point is 00:07:59 out that there's potential consequences when you're taking a particle of matter and you're accelerating it to the speed of light almost the speed of light correct me uh correction um so uh it's i think it's it's i think we need to be careful when we when we go down that rabbit hole and say something is is you know uh threat versus hostile intent you said uh is there any any signs that these things uh are displaying some sort of overt hostility towards us or violence, I think you said. We in AATIP didn't see any overt signs of, as you say, violence. But there are individuals who have reported that they've had contact. And whatever that contact is, it's not always been pleasant,
Starting point is 00:08:46 according to some of the eyewitnesses. Now, the question is, have those eyewitnesses really had a close and personal interaction with this? Or is it some sort of psychological manifestation that is occurring? We simply don't know. For that reason, we were very careful not to stipulate any type of intent behind these things. And we focused, the only two things we really focused on in ATIP was, what is it and how does it work? We were nowhere near getting to the point where we understood its intentions or who was behind the wheel or the origins of these things. It was simply just, as you can appreciate a scientific approach. What is it and how does it work? And if we could answer those questions, maybe we'd have a better chance of answering some of the other ones. You also mentioned that the June report may be a
Starting point is 00:09:34 whole lot, a quotation, a whole lot of nothing. Now, why do you say that? And why do you think that is? And have you been briefed as to what's going to come out in the news report? Yeah, I mean, let me let me turn that question right back around, Kurt, and ask you a question. You know, if I were to write a 74 page dissertation about a black hole today, I'd probably it'd probably be a lot more comprehensive than if I were to write a 74 page dissertation about a black hole back in 1965. Because at the time, these were theoretical objects that we weren't even sure if existed. because at the time these were theoretical objects that we weren't even sure if existed. Some scientists believe that they couldn't exist, that these were just some sort of anomaly within Einstein's calculations. So we don't have a really good firm understanding of these. And so what are we going to provide to Congress? Well, we know that they're not US technology.
Starting point is 00:10:22 Okay, that's a pretty big step forward. But other than that, we're still at the point where we don't know if these things are some sort of foreign adversarial technology, which it looks like they're probably not, or they're something else. So there's not a whole lot you can say about that. You can say, look, there were 170-some incidents of these incidents. They performed in this way. These were the organizations involved. These were the people involved. This is the radar. This is the video. Here's the photographs. Here's the eyewitness testimony and reports. But at the end of the day, we still don't know what we're dealing with. So I'm not sure we're going to be able to,
Starting point is 00:11:02 in a 74-page document, conclusively state what something is and satisfy people's curiosity. I think as time goes on and we continue to look at this enigma and perhaps create a whole-of-government approach, hopefully those reports each year will become increasingly more forthcoming, and we'll have additional details and fidelity. But I think it's just too early right now. Look, we just got to the point where Congress and the American government agree that these things are real. So how much can you possibly expect an organization in 180 days? And by the way, let's not forget that the COVID restriction, most of these people couldn't even go to work.
Starting point is 00:11:48 You know, I try to be realistic. Well, to be fair, some of your interviews, what I gleaned from them in an hour is quite substantial. So I can imagine that if someone's given, a team of people are given 180 days, they can come up with what could shock people. You just said it. If you have a team of people, they didn't have that. The UAP task force was minimally manned. It had two people and they were only part-time assigned. So that part of the argument hasn't been substantiated. Then the other part is 180 days. I would submit
Starting point is 00:12:21 to you, it takes, as I've said before, longer to remodel a kitchen sometimes than 180 days. You're asking the entire intelligence community and the Department of Defense to collect the data, synthesize the data, process the data, and then author the data, and then coordinate that data through all 18 agencies of the intelligence community, have it reviewed by the lawyers, have it signed, sealed, and delivered by the Secretary of Defense, then to the Director of National Intelligence, and then finally on to Congress. And oh, by the way, there's COVID we got to deal with. So anything classified, which most of this report is classified, you can't do it until you get to go to work. So I think we're really expecting a lot. It's almost like expecting Mike Tyson to fight in a boxing ring with both hands tied behind his back.
Starting point is 00:13:13 It's just not – I don't see how that's reasonable. He would still defeat me. Oh, me too, I'm sure. As for the – you mentioned fidelity, and a question that's been brought up by quite a few people, I don't have a single username to single out, is are there videos, pictures that you've seen that are not so grainy, not so far away, but instead up close, exact, let's say, such that someone who is on the fence about this issue would no longer be on the fence? Yeah, and I think you're seeing that with Congress. I mean, there's videos and photographs and reporting that I've been privy to that are extremely compelling.
Starting point is 00:13:50 I've said for the record that the three videos that have come out, as interesting as they are, they're probably the least compelling of the ones that we had. And this is why I'm so concerned about now the recent revelations that the Pentagon has deleted or destroyed my emails and my files, because there were documents in a very comprehensive shared folder that we had. That was pretty incredible. I mean, there was some very high definition, high fidelity videos in there that when you looked at it, you realize, hey, that's not one of our aircraft. Many in the audience have one more question with regard to this issue, which is, why now?
Starting point is 00:14:28 Why all these revelations from the government all of a sudden? Because we weren't able to get to it over the live stream, I emailed him and his assistant got back, saying, as for your question, why now? Why not now? Nothing will ever change. Nothing will change if a few brave men and women don't stand up to speak out about what they know. Lewis talked about this many times in many interviews. He was trying to raise the alarm about this issue, but it wasn't getting reported up the chain of command to the Secretary of Defense.
Starting point is 00:14:53 In the US defense community, if someone is frustrated with bureaucracy, there is no way to circumvent the chain of command. So it's typical for those people to resign, and then it's often the resignation letter, which finally makes its way up the chain to effect change. That's exactly what happened in Lou's case. Feel free to reference previous interviews that he's given where he's answered this question. Have there been any investigations as to the connection between remote viewing and UAPs? So you can interpret that the way you'd like.
Starting point is 00:15:19 Wow, great question. Historically, yeah, there was some effort, particularly in the 70s and the 80s during a program that one of my colleagues was responsible for, the Stargate program. And before that, it was Grill Flame and before that, a bunch of other names. But Dr. Harold Rudolph can probably give you some more information on that. During our time in ATIP, we didn't really focus on that. We were more focused on the nuts and bolts. But yeah, there was some interesting information that was put out in the past about that, about the connection between remote viewing and potential UAP activity. There was one, I think, alleged remote viewing session
Starting point is 00:16:03 where they were remote viewing a particular enemy target, a seaborne, a sea-based target. I'm not going to go into more detail on that. I don't know if I can. But apparently there was some sort of UAP activity associated with that. The problem is when you're talking about remote viewing, it's very subjective. And so you have to be very careful when you're dealing with data like that, because at the end of the day, you need more information. You need information to substantiate. That may be one piece of the puzzle, but by no means can you put together the entire mosaic with just one piece of the puzzle. You need all the pieces to really, really, you know, understand what you're looking at.
Starting point is 00:16:46 You mentioned someone's name about a minute ago. Harold, what was his last name? Krutov. Okay, yeah, I have a question about that from Jeremy Riss of the channel Alien Scientist. He wants to know, have you ever heard of something called the Invisible College? And then as a secondary question,
Starting point is 00:17:01 was this theoretical physicist who brought you into the program, you mentioned this before that someone brought you in to ATIP, was it Hal Puthoff? I'm very well aware of the term invisible college. I am also very well aware of Hal. Hal is a dear friend of mine. He did not bring me into this program, but we wound up working as colleagues. program, but we wound up working as colleagues. He's an incredible human being. Him, another individual named Dr. Kit Green, another fantastic human being, an absolute American treasure. And there's a couple others. Dr. Eric Davis is another one. I really was very fortunate. I had the opportunity to truly stand on the shoulders of giants. It was an incredible honor for me. And there's many others that I won't mention right now,
Starting point is 00:17:47 but Dr. Colin Kelleher and a bunch of others that were really, really helpful in the early days of this effort. What is it that you've heard about the invisible college that you can reveal that you feel like is credible? I just heard the term yesterday. I mean, it's a loose affiliation of individuals. That's the term invisible.
Starting point is 00:18:09 College being that these are individuals who obviously have a high academic vitae to their name. It's more of a loose affiliation necessarily than a formalized corporation. You might also hear terms like the aviary, which there's some truth to that. There were some individuals that belonged to an organization. And to remain anonymous, they had names of birds associated with them.
Starting point is 00:18:43 Names of birds. Birds, right. That's the term aviary. And what it did is it gave them an extra degree of anonymity when having discussions, you know, especially over open lines or the email, unsecure email.
Starting point is 00:18:58 You know, that's just a layer, extra layer of operation, what we call OPSEC. Speaking of academia, this question comes from Professor of Astronomy, Brian Keating, who runs the Into the Impossible podcast. Is there any test or data that would convince you that every UAP sighting has a prosaic, natural, or scientific explanation, i.e. anything that could falsify the narrative that alien technology is visiting the Earth?
Starting point is 00:19:23 Now, I know we can put a clause to that and say whether or not they're visiting or whether or not they're from a dimension that is you and me may not like the term dimension in the way that it's used in common parlance, but we can couch whether or not it's visiting. You understand what's meant by the term alien.
Starting point is 00:19:39 Yeah, I do. So Kurt, I'm going to ask you a favor to repeat that question one more time, because there's a bit of a contradiction in there. Sure, sure, sure. Great, great, great. This comes from Professor of Astronomy Brian Keating, who runs the Into the Impossible podcast, which I recommend you all check out and subscribe to. Is there any test or data that would convince you that every UAP sighting has a prosaic, natural, or scientific explanation, i.e., anything that could falsify the narrative that alien technology is visiting the earth. So interesting, natural or scientific prosaic explanation, and then turns around and says, i.e. disprove some sort of alien visitation.
Starting point is 00:20:20 I'm not sure the two are mutually exclusive I think you know I think you can have a discussion about alien life and still remain scientific we're doing it now with NASA looking for microbial life on Mars, they're not exclusive you can't say on one hand there's a scientific explanation but it disproves alien life
Starting point is 00:20:41 scientific explanation may wind up actually proving alien life if there is. So I think that, with all due respect, I think that's false logic. I don't know offense to Mr. Keating at all. I'm sure he wants a thorough answer, which I'm going to try to do my best. But the very notion that an alien life form can't be scientific, look, this planet is probably the greatest UFO that we know of, right? This ball called Earth hurtling through deep space around a, you know, obscure star, we call the sun an obscure part of the Milky Way. It's got life all over the place. In fact, the birth of science was right here. And it was the study of other living organisms.
Starting point is 00:21:27 Look at Darwin, right? So I think we need to be careful when we subscribe to the fact that if it's alien, it can't be scientific, or if it's scientific, it can't be alien. I don't think the two are mutually exclusive. I think we realize now with the understanding of extremophiles that life can defy a lot of our definitions and continues to defy our definitions. We have to keep reinventing new definitions of what a life form is. Initially, we thought all life forms were something that were based ultimately on the building blocks of photosynthesis. We now realize that's not true. There are extremophiles that live in survival of chemosynthesis in the deepest parts of our ocean, a completely different way of obtaining nutrients from its environment.
Starting point is 00:22:16 We also realize that the understanding that life form must have DNA, we now realize may not be true also in the world of virology. We see all the time viruses, which can replicate and behave very much like a little thing and yet have no DNA associated. They have RNA. So I think we have to be careful when we ask questions, especially as scientists. We have to make sure that to really embody the essence of science, we have to be willing to ask the hard questions because that's the only way science really advances. Otherwise, we would be stuck thinking that the four elements of the earth are earth, wind, fire, and water. We've now realized it's
Starting point is 00:22:58 a thing called the periodic table. We now realize it's a thing called subatomic particles and quantum physics. How do we have just stuck to that as being science and not challenging the ecosystem of science at the time, we never would be here. We never would have had Newtonian physics. We never would have had Einstein's relativity. We wouldn't have quantum physics. So again, I caution one more time against the idea that science and a scientific explanation will automatically rule out something alien. Now, I think what he was trying to say, your friend, Mr. Keating, and I forgive me for going this long winded explanation.
Starting point is 00:23:36 Go ahead. And I appreciate how you're taking notes. I appreciate the seriousness to which you're answering these questions. I think what he's probably saying, asking me is, hey, Lou, is there any examples that you can say that, A, you have found a prosaic explanation for something that initially seemed unidentified or perhaps extraordinary? The answer is absolutely yes, we have. In fact, that was the intent of ATIP, to go into something, trying to find, is this a drone? Is this some sort of of cruise missile is this some sort of new type of aircraft or helicopter or blimp or dirigible you know you know atmospheric anomaly you name it fill in the blank is there a checklist by the way that one goes through like is it a lens flare is it a drone so yeah there's absolutely
Starting point is 00:24:19 and you have when you have the experts that are you know experts in in those particular fields such as photography or video or whatever, they're going through that mental checklist. Is it an artifact, right? Is it a software glitch? Is it a lens flare? Is it a scratch on the lens that now is being hyper magnified? And so you get this weird scattering of light effect. It looks like you have a real object there when you don't, right? And so that's when you compare it to the infrared. That's when you compare it to the infrared that's when you compare it also to the radar when you compare it to the eyewitnesses right because you know there's when you have that that amount of information now all verifying that something is real then you know you can start scratching up the fact that
Starting point is 00:25:00 it's some sort of artifact or you know lens flare etc etc um you know that there were times where we were able to do that and it's a bit satisfying because you can kind of take that off the list what what for us was so difficult were the ones that fell so far beyond what we would normally presume as capable capabilities that we have in our inventory again the instantaneous acceleration hypersonic velocities uh transmedium travel and and you know seemingly anti-gravity without associated technologies no wings control surfaces no obvious signs of propulsion uh no heat signature and yet the things are able to defy you know are the natural effects of gravity those are the ones where you say okay now we're not probably dealing with you know
Starting point is 00:25:44 a helicopter we're not dealing dealing with you know a helicopter we're not dealing there's no rotor wash there's no heat signature there's nothing at all that that that we can look at with the multiple sensors that we're looking at something and say yeah that that fits within the paradigm of you know our existing aviation technology um so there you have it i didn't mean to again go into a long-winded conversation for long-winded man i'm a meticulous person i also noted that you said mental checklists is what they go through and i was curious if due diligence is a physical checklist or a standardized one a formalized one yes but but those depending on where that expertise resides so if you're asking for
Starting point is 00:26:22 example a cia analyst who is an expert in optics, they're going to go through their own checklist differently than a radar person who's an expert in radar and telemetry, who's going to go through their checklist. So, you know, there's not one single checklist because depending on the expertise that's being used and leveraged, just like consider talking to a cardiologist versus a radiologist, right? Right, right. Medical doctors, but they're not going to go through the same checklist, you know, when looking at someone's heart, you know, one's looking at it from from x ray perspective, one's looking at it, you know, maybe from a, from a more from a biological and metabolic process perspective. So those checklists exist, but they're not consistent across the board.
Starting point is 00:27:06 You mentioned transmedium as well. I'm curious if you've seen any footage where a UAP goes from air to water, and is there a splash involved? Or do they just submerge as if it's an illusion, let's say, or an artifact of light? Not saying that they are artifacts of light. I'm just curious if they displace the water in any formidable fashion. Yeah. Well, Kurt, there seems to be some sort of interaction. I will state that there's been plenty of reports that we have where the water seems to be perturbed, that there is a disturbance over the water. And there's several hypotheses that have been proposed for that. No different than when you have a helicopter hovering over the water, you can see the water being a bit perturbed from the rotor wash. Yet these don't have rotor wash, but the water seems to be perturbed, roiling, if you will.
Starting point is 00:27:55 And we've seen that over and over again, not just with the Nimitz incident. There's some incidents near the upper coast of Puerto Rico. There's been some other incidents as well where the reporting by government officials has been that there is some sort of disturbance in the water. The question is, what is causing those disturbances? If you look at biology, for example, look at an alligator, we just now realized over the last maybe decade or two, that there are ULFs, ultra low frequencies, acoustic signatures that are emitted by alligators when they are in mating season in the rivers and the lakes. And you can actually see as they put their head up,
Starting point is 00:28:30 you can't hear it, but the water begins to what looks like a dance around them. And what's happening is these ultra low frequencies, acoustic frequencies are perturbing the water, disturbing the water and the matrix the metrics that the matrix of the water is is that is part of and so it begins to to to roil um you know is this something similar it could be we don't we don't know yet because we don't understand the technology fully you know but we we suspect that this this disturbance in the water could be a result of the technology being utilized. No different than a helicopter, perhaps, with its rotor wash perturbing the water, but rather than being a physical or mechanical perturbance,
Starting point is 00:29:16 it might be due to some sort of electromagnetic interference. Right. Lou, I wanted to thank you for how open you are how frank you are i'm not actually i'm not used to that when when i speak to people about this topic so firstly thank you about that well look i don't have all the answers and i'm going to tell you that you know you're asking me direct questions i'll give you direct answers i'll do you the i'll do the best that i can uh but you know i i don't have all the answers and i'm not, I'm not afraid to say that. I'm not afraid.
Starting point is 00:29:46 And some are classified as well. Yeah. And some details are definitely are, are, you know, sensitive. You can't get out. Right. And for the people watching in the chat, if I don't get to your question, please, it's because I'm in the moment with Lou. I don't want to keep switching tabs. I want to listen to Lou's answer and ask pertinent follow-up questions.
Starting point is 00:30:01 Okay. By the way, for the record, if I can just real quick, let me go back. Your friend, Mr. Keating, I. I didn't mean any disrespect by that. Please make sure he knows that I just wanted to answer his question to the best of my ability. I wasn't trying to, to, to, this wasn't a slam in any way. I just, uh, I just wanted to be as accurate as possible. For sure. For sure. Manny Ortiz asks Lou once said on a podcast that someone from the Pentagon told him that they knew that this phenomenon are demons. Although Lou didn't seem to believe it, I would love for Lou to expand on that. You know, what is a demon? I think most people would submit to you that a demon is some sort of supernatural being that is based in some sort of religious doctrine and is usually malevolent to some degree. perspective, all things by definition are supernatural until they're explained, until they're normal, right?
Starting point is 00:31:06 This cellular telephone I'm speaking to you on and this, the Wi-Fi signals 100 years ago would be completely supernatural. And yet in some parts of the world, actually, if I show a picture of somebody, then that's still supernatural. They think the soul is locked in the photograph. Everything is paranormal until it becomes normal., is paranormal until it becomes normal. Everything is supernatural until it becomes natural. And that is, that is the definition of it. It just means beyond our understanding of,
Starting point is 00:31:34 of, of, you know, what, what's before us. I can't, you know, I can't tell anybody with a straight face that something is or is not demonic because it really depends on what is your definition of a demon. And at the end of the day, I've seen enough demons in my life in combat and warfare to know that there really is true evil in this world. A lot of it is man-made, but I can't discount that. I don't personally believe that myself, but I'm a big firm believer of know thy enemy. If it turns out that these things are demonic, at least we know.
Starting point is 00:32:14 I'd rather know than to guess. Do I subscribe to that line of thinking that these are demons? No, not particularly. What about angels? Great question. It's exactly the same thing. Angels and demons, supernatural beings that we can't explain, that seem to fall outside the realm of what we consider being normal human behavior and normal human capabilities. okay let me steal man the question let me steal man it when i say steel man hopefully you're familiar with the term what i'm
Starting point is 00:32:49 i think what the person is getting at is that let's imagine let's presuppose in a certain worldview that there's a deity that created the universe with intent and one of the first creatures they created were powerful beings that have divine powers some of those are angels some of those are demons and then humans were created or let's say the big bang was set off and then humans were created via the process of evolution so do you see or do you see evidence or do you have friends within atip who believe that those are demons in that sense or angels in that sense even? I didn't see that in A-Tip, but I did see it in DOD leadership. I certainly am not going to confront someone's spiritual beliefs about something.
Starting point is 00:33:48 The word angel comes from the word anh helios of light, of fire. Think of helios, the sun, right? Our sun. These are terms that have been given to explain supernatural beings and occurrences during our existence. You know, I am, for what I, despite being a scientific man, I am very much a spiritual man. I don't wear my religion on my sleeve.
Starting point is 00:34:14 But I don't think that the topic of UAPs or even potentially extraterrestrials is necessarily against the idea of organized religion. When I went to Rome not too long ago, a year and a half ago maybe, and spoke to some very senior academics in the Vatican, they told me that in the 1600s, had you have told people there was no such thing as aliens, that would be considered heresy because there is no limit to the dominion of God or the notion of God. And it's only been in relative recent history that we have put these limitations on what
Starting point is 00:34:53 God can and can't do. You know, there can't be aliens because we have to be the most, you know, the divine, most divine representation of God. You know, so I find that topic fascinating, especially as it relates to theology and philosophy, and even sociology, our reaction to it as a species. But I did not come into contact with that. And if it was an A-tip, it was kept hidden from us. No one talked about that. No one seemed to have any type of religious aversion looking into this topic. Razor blades are like diving boards.
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Starting point is 00:36:58 I'm not aware of any interception of communications with UAPs. As far as communication with UAPs, once again, I hate to split hairs here. I don't want to upset anybody, but let's be specific. What does communicate mean? You and I are having a conversation in English and we're communicating, but if I stand behind a wall and I aim an assault rifle at you, am I communicating with you? Yeah, I am. I'm communicating an intent or a threat, right? If a dog growls and shows its teeth to you as you try to kneel down and pet it, is it communicating? Yeah, it's communicating.
Starting point is 00:37:34 It's telling you, hey, you know, I don't want to be pet right now. Don't touch me. You know, if a UAP is behaving in a provocative manner, meaning it obviously knows that we're aware that it is there and doesn't seem to mind, doesn't seem to try to hide itself in some cases, it's been perhaps hovering over one of our military equities for a prolonged period of time, is that communication? Well, I would submit to you, yes, it's probably communication. It's not verbal communication, but it's signaling some sort of intent. Yes, I know you're there. And yes, I know you know that I'm here and I'm okay with that. And I want you to know that I'm here. Now, what's the rationale?
Starting point is 00:38:23 What's the reasoning intent behind it? We don't know, but that is communication. When we do a show of force and we fly an SR-71 at 100,000 feet and we don't want the enemy to see us. But if I take a couple F-22 Raptors and I fly off the coast of, let's say, disputed territory in the South China Sea, I'm communicating with a country. It may not be through dialogue, but make no mistake, I'm communicating very clearly and very effectively my intent to another party. And so I think therein lies the question, are these things trying to communicate with us? And if so, will we be smart enough to recognize it as some sort of communication versus just two ships passing in the night? I do think that the more brazen that
Starting point is 00:39:16 these incidents become, the more there may be an attempt to try to communicate. Obviously, whatever it is, is aware that we are there and we are aware that they're there. Are you aware of any more or of any less coarse grained communication? For example, we can communicate with the cheetah, like you mentioned, we can point a gun at it, or we can show our hostility or our civility. Is there verbal, as far as you know, has there been any verbal or even telepathic direct communication i'm sorry my audio just cut off has there been any verbal or telepathic communication i know that there's a story about i think zimbabwe africa with aliens communicating with
Starting point is 00:39:57 some children certainly reports of it doesn't mean that it's it's see the problem is subjective we we don't know for sure it's it's the human's interpretation of what's going on. And, and here is why we have to be so careful, as you know, in a scientific experiment and in a closed system, you know, the, the, the, the likelihood of human error is increased significantly. And so, you know, we have to be, be cognizant of that. Is there some sort of real communication, as you say, telepathic communication occurring, or is it a similar effect to, let's say, taking a hallucinogenic drug and having some sort of experience, right? Mental experience.
Starting point is 00:40:40 I don't know the answer to that. The answer could be yes or both or none. experience? I don't know the answer to that. The answer could be yes or both or none. It could be that it's just our impression of what's going on and it's not real, right? Like a near-death experience, a lot of people report it being real. A lot of people say, no, it's just parts of the mind that are beginning to shut down and you start having these experiences. I don't think anybody really knows for sure other than the people who've actually experienced it. When you talk to them, they feel very compelled that they've had a real event. And I don't doubt for one minute, they actually believe they've had some sort of communication. And by the way, that could be the case. Again, there's no way to prove it or disprove it. So
Starting point is 00:41:17 it's interesting. But we didn't focus on that part of ATIN because it's too subjective. You can't quantify and qualify that data like you can with radar data and photographic evidence, et cetera. So it wasn't particularly useful. I'm saying it's not interesting. It just wasn't useful for our calculus. As to the connection between psychedelics and aliens or psychedelics and UAPs, you're unaware of any credible, verifiable,
Starting point is 00:41:45 falsifiable data? Well, look, I mean, now we're getting into the world of consciousness, you know, and I would submit to you, is not everything we do a result of a conscious process occurring in our brain? You know, by very definition, everything I do in life is a result of some sort of willful intent based upon a consciousness process occurring in my brain, just like you and everybody else. So we realize that human consciousness is an area that we're just now beginning to explore and we understand even less. Is it possible that human consciousness is part of a universal consciousness and that we can tap into this is it's not it's not human consciousness is not only for humans possibly i mean there's people out there who have pet cats and dogs i'm one of
Starting point is 00:42:37 them where you know you have a connection with your pet not because it's just a cat or a dog but because you there's something deeper that you are connecting with, something far more intimate, something far more sacred than just a furry little bag of skin and hairballs. And by the way, that life form recognizes you as well as a sentient being. There's this appreciation that, hey, we're on the same wavelength. I may not look like you. I may not act like you or talk like you, but we're kind of the same thing. We're both conscious, sentient beings, and we recognize that in each other. And they also may explain human interactions as well. So consciousness may not be something that is only, you know, owned and defined by the human species.
Starting point is 00:43:29 Is it possible there's other things if we can communicate with dolphins and cats and dogs and birds and, you know, gorillas? Maybe human consciousness isn't quite, maybe it's not so special. Maybe it's indelible. Maybe it's something that's part of all of nature. And when I say all of nature, even beyond this planet, perhaps. The next question comes from Mick West. I'd like to ask Lou Elisondo, does, I'll just read this verbatim. If he really thinks this is non-human technology that can revolutionize the world and maybe include contact with aliens and extradimensional beings and so on. Why is he so
Starting point is 00:44:05 concerned with NDAs? Surely for the good of humanity, he should release the evidence that he has. Ah, surely for the good of humanity, and then he can go ahead and pay for my mortgage. He can put my kids through school, he can come visit me every day and give me soup while I'm behind bars, spending the next four years of my life, a service for somebody else. I've already put my neck on the line. So I'll do respect, Mr. West. There's nothing stopping you. Why don't you do it? I've already put my career, my reputation, credibility on the line. I've already foregone my retirement and my pension. How much more else do you expect me to sacrifice? You want me to put myself up on a cross and nail myself to it just because?
Starting point is 00:44:51 I think we've come pretty far so far. I think I haven't had to go to jail and we've come pretty damn far in the last three years. So I guess as simple, you're welcome, is probably, you know, would be my response. Are there whistleblower protection acts that you could reveal information under? Oh, this is part of the IG process. This is part of Congress. You know, there are people that I can speak with without violating my nondisclosure agreement that can further the conversation. You know, and this is what we're trying to exercise.
Starting point is 00:45:24 I mean, I've tried to be as clear as I can with our roadmap moving forward without jeopardizing it. But if people notice one thing about me, it's that I'm deliberate. I don't do anything haphazard. So all the stuff that people are now seeing with conversations and Congress and IG, do people honestly think that's just some sort of coincidence? I mean, guys, if you look at what I've been saying the last three years, you're going to see a pattern. It's very clear. Everything I've said has come to fruition, lock, stock, and barrel.
Starting point is 00:45:56 We're trying to do this the right way. And as I said before, there's a difference between doing things right and right now. And I prefer to do things right. This is a process. I've told people from day one, you know, if you're expecting instant gratification, then, you know, go take up something else. Go take up finger painting. Don't do this because this is going to be a long-term effort. And it's every day the due diligence of what we're doing, but it's making a difference. Just look at the last three years, how far we've come. We have an official UAP task force. We have the government
Starting point is 00:46:27 admitting that UFOs are real. We have Congress being briefed at the classified level. They're all coming out saying this is important. We actually have the task force now providing information to Congress in a 180-day report. We have other countries like Japan coming out and reaching out and wanting to share their information with us. I mean, man, how much more do you want in three years? So again, forgive me for being a little bit testy about this. I think a lot of people- Do questions like that annoy you? Do you get them frequently and you're tired of them? Well, you know what? It's armchair quarterbacking. It's easy for people to sit back. I see it all the time on social media. Just violate your NDA, Lou. It's okay. You go to jail for us. It's okay. But they're not willing to do one-tenth of that sacrifice for this effort. If you ask them, hey, get off your ass
Starting point is 00:47:09 and go talk to your congressman or, you know, start doing research and start going out and being a force multiplier for this effort, they won't, I'm too tired. I got too much to go. I'm too busy. Well, I got my family to take care of. Well, so do I. I'm no different. Why am I being held to a different standard? Why am I have to be the person coming out there and just say hell to everybody and wind up having to go run and hide in some foreign country and never come back to my country? I love my country.
Starting point is 00:47:41 By the way, my nondisclosure agreement I took was a promise I made to the American people, not my government. And so I think it's really disingenuous to say, well, you can just break your promise this time for the truth. No, I can't. That's why I say, well, you can cheat on your wife only this time, or you can cheat on your family this time. It won't matter. Yes, it does matter. Every time matters. It's a promise. That's what a promise is. Either you're a man of your word or a woman of your word, or you're not. They're called principles, and people fight and die for those principles. I've seen people fight and die for those principles. They're not just something that you conveniently throw around, oh, I promise to do this, and then really later on say, no, I don't really promise. That's not the way
Starting point is 00:48:25 promises work. Those are the kind of people that don't survive in combat because people won't have your back. You swear an oath of an allegiance to do the right thing. That's what this is about. I don't understand people who can just say, hey, go ahead and break your promise this one time. just say, hey, go ahead and break your promise this one time. I mean, what are you talking about? You'd never trust me again. I can't break this one time because the one time I do, then I could do it a thousand times.
Starting point is 00:48:56 And at that point, I might as well throw in the towel. So anyways. Let me push back. I'm on your side, man. So let me just be friendly and push back. With regard to breaking a promise, to me, this seems like the difference between, as Jesus said, the spirit of the law versus the text of the law. So do you see an obligation to the spirit of the law rather than the text? So the text says you have to obey this promise.
Starting point is 00:49:21 Well, he also said follow the law of the land, too, didn't he? And so the law of the land here is that he took an oath and a promise to the American people. And I'm not going to violate that promise. You can't break a promise to fulfill a promise. It doesn't work that way. Please let me push back gently. Okay. This is something I've been thinking about. Sometimes trust needs to be broken in order for it to be regained in the long term stronger. So for example, you mentioned cheating on a spouse. Sometimes one has to come clean and say, I did cheat in order for the relationship to eventually be repaired, even though that in the short run is going to be far worse. Wouldn't it be better not to cheat at all and not have to do that? Yeah, you're right. You need to, if you cheat, you need to admit you cheated. But isn't it better just not to cheat and you don't have to worry about that?
Starting point is 00:50:09 I agree. Okay, so in this analogy, the cheating would be, let's say you had some piece of information that says that our world is vastly different and potentially even dangerous or wasteful on behalf of the government. Do you see a sense of duty to the citizens to break your oath? I know you say that it's the oath with the citizens themselves, but you understand where I'm going with this. But you don't have to. There are mechanisms in place that you don't have to break that oath to fulfill a promise.
Starting point is 00:50:38 That's what I'm trying to say here. It's not an either or. It just takes more time. By the way, it's a lot more. Yeah, it takes more time. But it's the right way to do it. That is the correct way to do it than just going ahead and I won't be able to live with myself doing that. No one will ever take me seriously again.
Starting point is 00:50:59 Nobody could ever trust me if I break that promise just that one time. That's not the way it works. So I think the proof is in the pudding. And honestly, look, bottom time. That's not the way it works. So I think the proof is in the pudding. And honestly, look, bottom line is I'm not going to break it. So people can keep asking me all day long and they're wasting their oxygen because I am not going to break that promise. I will not violate my non-disclosure agreement. And by the way, I'll tell you, if it comes to the point where I have to actually stop doing this to maintain my promise, I will, I will disappear. You'll never hear from Lou again. If the option in between comes down to me having to speak or having to break my promise or being quiet, I will be quiet.
Starting point is 00:51:36 I will not break my promise. And if people can't accept that, then, you know, talk to somebody else. I don't know what to tell you. Well, I'm grateful that you're not quiet right now. And thank you for speaking with me. Lonesome Space Cowboy asks, I just have one question, pretty subjective, but I'd like to hear his take. If the general public knew and saw what Lewis knows and has seen, what would the world look like for the next week after that?
Starting point is 00:51:58 How would the public react? So this is, you can surmise. Wow. What a thoughtful question. Boy, I have no idea, Kurt. That's, I would need to think about that. Okay, we can get back to that question. Yeah, I mean, that's such a good question.
Starting point is 00:52:21 I don't want to just throw out an answer. Right. I want to think about that. And I might need even a little bit more time. I will for sure get back to you on that. But that's going to take some thought. Great, great. I'm going to take a question from the audience. So Genshin says, Tom DeLong says that the occupants of the UAPs are called the others, in quotation. Do you know anything about this? That's what he wants to name them. My German shepherd is named Hercules, but you can call him whatever you want. It's a name, right? You can... Is he calling them the others?
Starting point is 00:53:02 Do the others call themselves others? you can is he calling them the others do the others call themselves others or you know it it i i would probably ask tom that question i i i i can't do that here's something i heard when i was looking up some interviews with bob lazar that the aliens refer to us as containers or at least he read that he can't substantiate it have you heard this and what do you make of it? Not a clue. And who was that you said? Was that Bob Lazar you said? Yeah. I can't speak for Mr. Lazar. I've never met the man. I don't know. He was not part of the ancient effort. And therefore, I can't expound upon that. I wouldn't even know where to begin with that. I have no idea.
Starting point is 00:53:40 Between you and I, this is like a foray for me because my background is in physics and math. And I had no idea that people were so divisive when it comes to Bob Lazar and just individuals in this UFO community in general. That if you say you believe them, then you're ostracized. Or if you say that you don't believe them, you're also ostracized by a certain subset. Do you have views on Bob Lazar, whether you find him credible? I've never met him. I don't know his background. I don't know his story.
Starting point is 00:54:07 I do know George Knapp. He's very credible. I don't know anything more than I guess George Knapp may have helped break the story at one point. But I don't know Mr. Lazar. And out of due respect for Mr. Lazar and his family and those friends, colleagues, those in the community. I don't have a comment. You know, it's, it's, that's part of the problem. People, people offer a lot of what they think instead of what they know. And so when you mentioned someone like that, people automatically, you know, well, I think this, I think that, well, okay, I respect that. But the question is, what do we know? And right now, I don't know a whole lot about Mr. Lazar,
Starting point is 00:54:46 so it's not fair for me to really provide any type of opinion one way or the other. You're watching this channel because you're interested in theoretical physics, consciousness, and the ostensible connection between the two. What's required to follow some of these arguments is facility with mathematics, as well as discernment of the underlying physical laws, and you may think that this is beyond you, but that's false. Brilliant provides pellucid explanations of abstruse phenomena such as quantum computing, general relativity, and even group theory. When you hear that the standard model is based on U1 cross SU2 cross SU3, that's group theory, for example. Now, this isn't just for neophytes
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Starting point is 00:56:05 about cattle mutilation at some point, but that's that. Well, abductions is something we didn't really look at in ATIN because it's again too subjective. We're relying on the human being to give us data without anything else really substantiating that, unlike radar data and gun camera footage. I'm aware of a lot of those reports, but I don't have a comment either way. I simply don't know. And as interesting as it may be, it wasn't overly helpful to the perspective of our efforts native, to the specific calculus we were working on.
Starting point is 00:56:44 Remember, what is it and how does it work? That really didn't come into play. Now, as far as human mutilation, that's another topic that I'm completely unqualified to discuss because I simply don't know. Certainly, if that is the case, then we are dealing with a potential threat, possibly hostile intent, because from where I come from as a former investigator and special agent, that's a crime. First of all, it's called kidnapping. Second of all, it's called assault. And third of all, it may even be an extreme case. It could be considered first degree premeditated murder. I don't know anything about that, really.
Starting point is 00:57:27 I am aware of the cattle mutilations a little bit more because I've spoken to some veterinarians and some doctors. There's a lot of prosaic explanations. I think it's fascinating. It's interesting. But I'm not a certified medical doctor nor a coroner, so I can't look at a cadaver of a bovine of a cow and say the lips were removed with a surgical precision without any type of heat ablation or cauterization. And yet, you know, it was a perfect clean cut.
Starting point is 00:57:59 There was no bleeding. I don't know what can cause that. I don't know if there's a natural process that can explain that. I haven't seen one, but maybe there is. Could it be predatory behavior of coyotes eating that part of the meat that is most rich in nutrients or accessible? I don't know the answer. Or is it something else? There's a lot of people who say there's perhaps something else to it. Again, I don't really know. This one comes from Lady Char Reacts. Mr. Elizondo, do you think there was another craft under the water that was causing the UAP disturbance that Commander Fravor reported?
Starting point is 00:58:38 Great question. That's what we're trying to figure out. There's some other stories that are going to come to light, some other incidents that are going to be, I think, fairly riveting when people find out what's occurred in and around some of our military operations. It's possible there could be something underneath the water. It could also be, like I said, a reaction to the technology being employed by what's ever on top of the water. We don't know yet. I think we're getting a little bit closer to answering that. Of course, if we can get some sonar data to validate maybe there's something in the water at the same time as we see something in the air, that would be very helpful in substantiating that. Amjad Hussain, who actually sponsors the podcast with his company Algo, asks, are any alien bodies in possession of the U.S. government?
Starting point is 00:59:34 So Mr. Hussain, again, great question. It's a question that a lot of people want to know, and it's a question that I can't answer because I haven't been privy to that. I do not know if there's any type of biological organisms that are in possession of the U.S. government. I do believe, as I've said before, for the record, that we are in possession of material. I won't go, I won't elaborate into more than that. But as far as having biological specimens, it's something that I can't answer. And I don't want to mislead anybody. I don't want to say to say i think because it doesn't matter what i think what matters is what the facts say so forgive me sorry no no problem man i'm having a blast man thank you so much i've been burning the midnight oil man so i do apologize well i know you have a hugely busy schedule and so even for a modicum of your time, I'm immensely grateful. And personally, I'm curious if what's going on at Skinwalker?
Starting point is 01:00:27 Did ATIP study that? And I know you don't like to espouse, but what do you think is going on there? Subquestion, let me say before I forget it. And then I wanted to know, is there a connection between Bigfoot and UFOs? Because there seems to be a confluence of that at Skinwalker, at least. So I worked with colleagues that were focused on the OSAP and the Skinwalker phenomenon. What I can say is that they are very convinced, and I think I am too, that there are things that probably go bump in the night that probably need further explanation.
Starting point is 01:01:06 But that was not my portfolio. And I don't want to speak to that because I simply don't know. That was done at a time with the tremendous efforts of Mr. Bigelow and the former director, OSAP director, and a lot of folks from Bigelow Aerospace. And the data was very compelling. I'll say that. It was absolutely compelling. And I think Mr. Brandon Fugle now and others have recognized the validity of some of that data. But that's all I'm prepared to say about that.
Starting point is 01:01:38 As far as Bigfoot, I'm going to share something with you. And I hope this doesn't turn anybody off. It's probably going gonna turn me on um i had the great honor and privilege of speaking with some people from the first nation saskatchewan indigenous people uh of the lakota and dakota bands um these are individuals who are fiercely proud uh have an incredible heritage, and have nearly 10,000 years of oral tradition in this continent. And they have an incredible connection to the land. And I was asked by someone there, and I'm not going to say who it was, but a very senior individual who was associated with the First Nations people. And he asked me, he said, I want to ask you a question, Lou,
Starting point is 01:02:31 have you ever seen Sasquatch? I said, no, sir. He said, I'm going to ask you one more time, are you sure you've never seen Sasquatch? I said, sir, I've never seen Sasquatch. Sasquatch. I said, sir, I've never seen Sasquatch. And he said, well, that's good because from my people's perspective, Sasquatch is a spirit that protects our women and children and a spirit of the forest. And if you see a man see Sasquatch, it means your heart is impure. And I wasn't prepared for that. I was like, holy smokes, sure glad I haven't seen Sasquatch. But yeah, that was their take. Very, very interesting. But who among us have pure hearts?
Starting point is 01:03:14 Well, that's a whole other question, right? I don't think any of us really do have pure hearts, but the fact that they see it that way, I found very, very interesting. It's a very unique perspective. And I think if anybody has a right to have a narrative on Sasquatch, it's certainly Indigenous people. So I found that, again, I can't tell you whether or not that's true. I can just tell you what was told to me. But you know, there you have it. As for Skinwalker in general, you just think your statement is there is something that's going bump in the night or you think there is nothing more can be said about that. I'm hugely interested in Skinwalker.
Starting point is 01:03:58 You know, Kurt, at some point. More is to be revealed. Yeah. point more is to be revealed yeah you know i it's i i don't want to go down any rabbit holes prematurely um you know this this is a very this is a very complex universe we live and it's a system and uh we're learning more and more about the reality of life and the transition of what birth means and the transition of what death means and human consciousness and human spirit and whatnot. And suffice it to say, we probably really don't have a very good handle right now on on understanding um what lies beyond our five senses i've said this before we have five fundamental senses for which we we judge our environment and if you can't touch it taste it hear it smell it or you know feel whatever
Starting point is 01:04:55 um it's it it doesn't exist and yet the reality is 99.9 of the universe lies well beyond our our ability to sense these things. We have Wi-Fi signals coursing through your body every moment of every day. We have cosmic radiation coming from the cosmos. We've got neutrinos that are flooding your body from the sun. We've got cellular signals, radar signatures that are coming from the local airport. And all these are real. And I tell people, if you want to know the reality of the universe, look at a night sky
Starting point is 01:05:21 one night and look how pretty it is. Now take a radio telescope and look at that same night sky and look at it through infrared, look at it through ultraviolet, and you're going to see things you've never seen before. And so by definition, 99% of our knowable universe, we can't even perceive. And then when you look at the scale of the universe, and I've said this before, if you look at, you know, I was corrected recently that the visible galaxy, the visible known universe is about 90 some billion light years across, even though it's only been around 13.7 billion light years. We think that the actual, the seeable universe right now around us is about 97 billion light years. And as big as that is in terms of us being this little tiny minute thing stuck in the
Starting point is 01:06:07 middle of it, there is equally that amount of space, relative space inside every one of us. If you look at an atom, which is one times 10 to the minus 26 in size, the mole, compare that to the human body, we have that same amount of space inside every one of us. There's a whole universe inside of us. The scale in which we live, unless something is 50 feet in front of our face, we'll never be able to interact with anything that is an order of magnitude above us or below us. We can't even see the cells in our bodies without a microscope. There are these realities all around us that constantly exist and that we are part of, and yet we cannot interact with.
Starting point is 01:06:45 By that definition, 99.9% of the universe falls outside of the realm of our perception. Who's to say that all of reality needs to fit neatly within the very narrow spectrum of the electro-optical frequency that we call visible light when we know that that's not true? Same with acoustics same thing with electromagnetic same thing with everything and i think it's foolhardy for science to presume that that everything can be explained through the fundamental five senses and the scale in which we live because we know that's not true look at dark energy and dark matter most of the universe can't even be seen. Right. Even the fundamental forces. Fundamental forces. Right. Right.
Starting point is 01:07:26 Strong force, weak force, electromagnetism. Right. So, you know, I think we need to remember if you are truly a scientist, we must remain open to the fact that we are judging our environment through a very, very narrow lens. It's like watching a, sitting up on the bleachers, watching a football game at the very, very highest part of a bleachers and watching the whole game through a soda straw. You're going to miss most of it. So that would be my, that'd be my, my two cents. Emil S says, thanks. Thank Lewis for me without him. We wouldn't be where we are today with regard
Starting point is 01:08:03 to this matter. And Mr. Roboto also says, thank you, Mr. Elizondo, for your service to this country. My pleasure. You know what? Everybody serves in their own way. If you're a taxpayer, you're serving. If you are a school teacher, you're serving. If you're a nurse, you're serving. If you're a police officer, you're a person in military uniform. If you're a lawyer and you decide to take a case pro bono because it's the right thing to do, guess what? You're serving. So thank you for all those out there who continue to serve. It's a great honor and privilege to be speaking with you here today.
Starting point is 01:08:39 Thank you, man. Andreas says, hey, Lou, are there questions you think that the public hasn't been asking that we ought to be what should we be asking i'm just going to be flippant for a second but no go ahead go ahead go ahead no i think you're on the right track. I think people are asking the right questions. I do. I think people are coming around to reality of this new paradigm. And that's good. That's okay. That's a good thing. You know, otherwise we stagnate as species. Jen Hageny asks, on April 30th, I believe of this year, in the basement office interview, Lou said, watch out for the next 30 days. Now, what was he referencing?
Starting point is 01:09:33 All of it. A lot has happened in the 30 days. Why don't you give a breakdown for the people like myself who are new to this field that have little clue. Imagine I'm clueless, which I am. Sure. You have very senior level briefings happening to Congress. You have Congress wanting potentially to do open hearings. You have an IG evaluation underway to look at how the government's been handling this topic over the last three years. Um, you have, you've got quite a bit of things happening right now. We've got foreign governments that haven't quite come out yet that are beginning to engage the United States. Uh, you have, uh, discussions on creating a, a long-term enduring capability to look
Starting point is 01:10:17 at the separate full government approach. Um, you know, okay. Speaking about the world government, not that there is one but you know by the way i'm being told right now i've got i've got just about a couple few more minutes because my i have another unfortunately one more engagement i have to do that that's no problem man okay apologies no no no no problem i appreciate the time that you've given so blind arise asks all of this recent disclosure and activity has been very u.s focused it would be interesting to know if other countries are working on this stuff too, or are cooperating at some level.
Starting point is 01:10:49 The implication is that whoever can reverse engineer this tech first wins. But isn't it best to give our chance to all humans? Yes, yes, yes, and yes. Yes on all four parts. Yes, there are other countries working on this. Yes, there are other governments that are reaching out to work with us. Yes, that he who reveals the secret first has the advantage. And yes, this would be better for humanity if we worked it all together. Mikhail Mayhal asks, did AATIP look into the USS Trapang photos from 1971? Negative, we did not.
Starting point is 01:11:29 Neon Dagger, has Lewis ever had a personal encounter, whether it was close up or at a distance, with intelligence or some kind of machine? I assume they were referring to the UAPs. That will be for another discussion. Okay, and I'll get to just two more quick questions. for another discussion. Okay, and I'll get to just two more quick questions. Okay, Paul Sofford asks, I would like his take on the Tic Tac movements at C-Level.
Starting point is 01:11:54 Actually, forget that question. Sorry, Paul. There's a better question. Don't feel bad, Paul. I would have answered it. Okay, Rayson Carlos asks, could you ask him about the Nimitz case? David Fravers said that David Fravers said that the tic-tac-shape UFO, after disappearing from his view, appeared to the radar operator at his quote-unquote cap point. What does this represent?
Starting point is 01:12:18 How on earth did the UFO know the cap point beforehand? Great question. We don't know how it knew. That is one hell of a coincidence. A cap point is a rendezvous point that is input into the flight plan of the pilots and the avionics systems of the aircraft. In this case, it was about 60 miles away from their location where they encountered the Tic Tac. And within five seconds, this thing appeared over their cap point, seemingly anticipating where they were supposed to go and waiting for them. Great question. Is this some sort of active exploitation of the avionics, or is this some
Starting point is 01:12:54 sort of predetermination understanding where the plane was going to go, because somehow it understands space-time in a different way than we do, or was it just a pure coincidence? We simply don't know. And the last question I asked you before, which I'm going to get back to, actually Hunting Harris says, Sam Harris said that he was contacted by the former DOD slash intelligence officials about some possible form of disclosure. Was it Lou or Mellon? I'm sorry, can you repeat that one more time? Okay. So Sam Harris recently said that he was contacted by someone from the
Starting point is 01:13:25 former dod intelligence and he wants to know and sam harris was talking about a possible form of disclosure was this person who contacted sam harris i have no idea none of this chris okay i then i know you got to get going the lonesome space cowboy remember that last question that you couldn't get to which was if the general public knew or saw what you saw how would they what would the next week look like how would the public react somber uh i think there would be this uh big exhale for about a day. And then this turning inward and trying to reflect on what this
Starting point is 01:14:13 means to us and our species and ourselves. I think... Sorry, like a sigh of relief? Somber meaning serious. Not like Hollywood portrays people partying in the streets and silliness like that. I think you would have some people perhaps turning to religion more so. You might have some people turning away from religion.
Starting point is 01:14:46 have some people turning away from those. I think you're going to have, at that point, the philosophical and theological questions will be raised and people will have some serious soul searching to do, no pun intended. And I don't think that's bad, by the way. I think a lot of folks that have spent their times in this community being charlatans will have been exposed and they will be probably unemployed and probably have to change their names because the rest of society will look at them in an unfavorable light. I think there are some unsung heroes that will probably come to light, and the world will appreciate their contributions to this topic. I think the scientific and academic communities... No, I can't give those names. I know what I was going to say is names that have been announced before
Starting point is 01:15:32 when you say the unsung heroes or new names. Yeah, names that have been announced before. I think the scientific and academic community is going to have to take a real hard look at itself and see why it repeated the same mistakes it did when galileo first proposed that the earth was not the center of the solar system uh you know um hubris is is is a big part of that um and then i think you know maybe we start the international conversation say okay we realize that this there's there's some things out there that are probably well beyond our petty discrepancies we have with each other. Maybe we really need to
Starting point is 01:16:09 start working together on this. Realize that we are really a global family. It doesn't matter where you're from, it doesn't matter what your religion is, your culture, your color, anything else. We are all brothers and sisters on this tiny little rock called Earth, this pale blue dot that's hurtling through space. It may unify us. Well,
Starting point is 01:16:36 I would certainly hope so, unless we allow our poor nature to interfere, and we look at this as opportunities to subjugate each other. poor nature to interfere. And we look at this as opportunities to subjugate each other. I would hope that's not the case. Vu, thank you so much. Do you have any advice for me as someone investigating this topic somewhat anew and somewhat...
Starting point is 01:17:00 Keep pushing, keep asking the questions and be fearless. That is the true scientific pioneering spirit, the ability to challenge the status quo and be able to do so in a courageous way and in a well-meaning way. The true enemy of science is stagnation, is acceptance of the norms, because we know that's not real science changes our understanding changes because we're human humans change so uh you know we need to continue to pursue the truth wherever that truth may be we need to continue to pursue it so that'd be my advice thank you sir i appreciate it what do you have to promote where can the audience find out more about you what's next for you? Oh, Kurt, I hate self-promoting, man.
Starting point is 01:17:47 I'm not that guy. You know, I hate even tweeting. I do it because I want to keep people engaged because I really appreciate everybody's perspectives. But, you know, I just want to promote the truth wherever that truth is. A lot of people don't realize I don't get paid for these type of things. I'm actually taking off work to do it because I believe in it so much. You're not paid by the
Starting point is 01:18:10 government to spread misinformation? Is that what you're saying? Oh, yeah, every day. Sure. Yeah. I mean, that's what certainly these conspiracy theorists like to believe anyways. By the way, if that's the case, I'm sure not making a whole lot of money doing it. But, you know, I'll BS aside. No, I'm not being hateful. I'm not being, you know, still wearing my counterintelligence hat. I'm trying to deceive the American public. It's just, that's, that's just nonsense. That's that same crap that is held, that conspiracy theory that's kept the ufology community behind for 70 years.
Starting point is 01:18:50 It's time to grow up, wake up and stop thinking everybody's out to get you. Yeah, there's been some mistakes done in the past, but there's some people that actually want to see the truth come out. And I'm one of those guys. If you don't like what I have to say, then don't listen. I'm not forcing anybody to tune in and listen. I'm not forcing you to sit down on a couch. If you don't like what I have to say, this is a free country. Thank God.
Starting point is 01:19:20 Tune into something else. Well, I listened to you. And hopefully once the dust settles, we can have a longer conversation, perhaps even in person. Once COVID is over. I would love that, Kurt. Anytime you want. It would be my honor and privilege. Thank you, man. You make me feel giddy by saying that, even if it's just politeness.
Starting point is 01:19:37 Thank you so much, man. No, I'm listen, people know me personally. I am that guy. I say what I mean. If I say that we're going to do coffee, we will be damn sure we're going to do coffee at some point. So I don't say these things lightly. I mean what I say. Thank you, Vu. Have a great one.
Starting point is 01:19:54 I apologize for keeping you over time. Thank you. And just say bye to everyone. They're so happy to see you. Let's see how many people. Thank you to your audience. I hope I didn't offend anybody. That wasn't my intent.
Starting point is 01:20:04 There are almost 3,000 people watching didn't offend anybody. That wasn't my intent. There are almost 3,000 people watching right now. Wow, that's great, Kurt. Well, you know, like I said, I've always told people I'm Latin. I've got to have my coffee. There's a few things that we come out of the womb having to do, and strong coffee is one of them. So I apologize if I was a little bit ornery today. That wasn't my intent.
Starting point is 01:20:27 But I'm going to go get some coffee, and I'll fix myself right now. All right, man. Get to it. Take care. Yes, sir. Take care, everybody. Thank you so much, and God bless everybody. Okay.
Starting point is 01:20:37 Thank you all for attending. I'm going to go through some of the chat. I wasn't able to get to everyone's questions. Again, for those who are new to this channel, this is not a UFO channel per se. I'm interested in something called the theory of everything, which is an approach in physics that tries to unify all the fundamental forces and find the laws of the universe, what governs us. And I'm broadly interested in that, which means I'm interested in it from a theoretical physics perspective, as well as
Starting point is 01:21:06 from a philosophical perspective, perhaps even a psychological perspective though that one has only been explored with someone named John Vervaeke on this channel thank you all thank you all, there's so many names I can't say thank you to all of you and I appreciate it, if you all would like to
Starting point is 01:21:22 see more conversations like this on a regular basis, longer conversations like this, more intense conversations like this, I try to keep it technical because partially that's how my mind works. And also because I think that to get to some of these truths, as Luis Alessandro says, a specific, exact, rigorous approach is necessary. There's plenty of broad interviews, fluff, which I don't demean at all because they're great for getting an overarching view. But I like to get down into the weeds. If you'd like to see more of that,
Starting point is 01:21:55 please consider going to slash kurtjimungle. The link is in the description of this. The link is also pinned. Each dollar genuinely genuinely genuinely helps So for example right now I'm standing because I was able to afford a standing desk Sounds like a minor treat, but it's a major one for me It also helps me do this full-time as
Starting point is 01:22:19 for Chris Langan someone mentioned Chris Langan I Am studying Chris Langan's work. He has a cognitive, theoretic model of the universe. I have some of his papers right here. Going through that meticulously, that will take about two or three more weeks. Okay, as for Eric Weinstein, yes, I will be talking to Eric Weinstein in about a month or two months when I've had a chance to go through his theory of everything. That's provided that he's able to at that point. Again, thank you all so much.

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