Theories of Everything with Curt Jaimungal - Massive Channel Update Dec 2023

Episode Date: December 7, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Channel update. Recently I've put out an open letter about the financial struggles at Toe, that is, we've been having trouble monetizing this channel with sponsorship, which is supposed to be the bread and butter of content creators. This has been a significant source of unnerve, to say the least, for the past 12 months. Many of you have reached out with ideas, in addition to monetary support. Thank you so much. Wow. My wife and I, and the editor, and everyone here at Toh is extremely, extremely grateful for that. I want to give you a few updates on the Theories of Everything channel from myself, Kurt Jaimungal. Update number one. As for the aforementioned ideas, the most common
Starting point is 00:00:37 one was to place clips from the full podcast onto the main Toh YouTube channel. The reasoning is that this would serve as a teaser to the larger episodes for people who find watching larger podcasts daunting, especially if they're unfamiliar with the guest or subject. We've started this already, and the response has been overwhelmingly positive, so we're going to continue it. Thank you so much for those suggestions
Starting point is 00:00:59 and for the financial support as well. You have no idea how much this aids Toe's continuation and the reduction of my stress. By the way idea how much this aids Toe's continuation and the reduction of my stress. By the way, if you'd like to contribute monetarily, there's a PayPal link, there's a crypto link, and there's a Patreon link. So slash KurtJaiMungle, C-U-R-T-J-A-I-M-U-N-G-A-L. And then the PayPal link is slash all lowercase P-A-Y-P-A-L. So PayPal. T-O-E is capitalized. Capitalized T-O-E. It's a bit complicated, so you can just click in the description and you'll see it. And same with
Starting point is 00:01:30 the crypto. It's slash lowercase crypto c-r-y-p-t-o and then uppercase T-O-E. Again, that's fairly convoluted, so just click in the description if you'd like to do so. Update number two. The full three-plus podcasts aren't going anywhere. This is important to note. These Leviathan technical explorations into the nature of reality will continue at the same rate with even more depth. Update number three, every week there will be a new full-length podcast. The schedule for the next little while is coming up.
Starting point is 00:02:03 I'll say that toward the end of this. To reiterate, for the foreseeable future, we're going to be putting out one new video every day on the YouTube channel. So that's right. On Theories of Everything, the YouTube channel, you can expect a new video, whether it's a clip such as the one from Chris Langen on death, or whether it's a short like the one on the hard problem of consciousness explained, or like a full-length podcast, such as the recent one with Peter White on unifying gravity. I'm surprised how many find value in the older Toe episodes they had previously overlooked.
Starting point is 00:02:37 Several commenters explicitly mentioned that they enjoyed some clip, then moved on to the full three-hour podcast with said guest, and that they would not have done so had they not seen a brief preview, formerly being intimidated by the duration. This is marvelous. This is the intent. Why would you order 10 mains of the same dish when you've never sampled it? Try an appetizer first. Update number four. I'll be testing doing shorter monthly 10-minute AMAs for those who are interested in asking me questions. Either the priority will be to those who are on Patreon as a thank you, or I'll give the patrons an extra exclusive 10 minutes, making it a 20-minute in total episode. Again, Patreon is a great way of
Starting point is 00:03:14 supporting if you so choose, and that's slash kurtjaimungle. Update number five. There are three more surprises for content coming later this year and in 2024. Indeed, I have an abundance of ideas. It's far more than three, but three are concrete and coming up shortly. I'm excited to announce them when it's closer to the date. Update number six. You should know that I can include the clips that are the most successful on the YouTube channel here on the audio feed. What I can do is once every couple weeks, take the one that's most popular or the two that are most popular, string them together, place it on here on this feed with a tag that explicitly says clip, as well as some oral statement of which episode this is from, what date, along with links. If you like this idea, then do let me know as I don't want to
Starting point is 00:03:59 clutter the audio feed, but at the same time, many people seem to be appreciating the clips on the YouTube channel. Why not bring one or two of them over every couple weeks to the audio side? Update number seven. Talking about the Theories of Everything podcast helps. There is no algorithm for the audio platforms like iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, wherever you're listening to this from. There's no algorithm like there is on YouTube, so sharing with word of mouth helps. You can also visit the YouTube channel, as so much attention is placed on it, having correct graphics at different points to underscore the meaning of what's being said, as well as other visual material that's missed on the Pure Audio platform. Okay, that's all for now. Oh yes, and
Starting point is 00:04:38 the upcoming schedule. So Peter White, that one's already out. It's on his theory of everything that unifies the weak interaction with gravity. It's called Euclidean Twister Theory. Do not miss that one. If you are a fan of math and physics or want to know about the state of physics, that's a fantastic episode by an award-winning mathematician. and complexity. Scott even throws some academic shade toward Wolfram's Toe, which is fun to watch. There's also an Onto Prism coming up. Onto Prism is a new format where usually what happens on Toe is we have one guest speak about several subjects. Well, how about we take one subject and hear from several guests? We look through the entire backlog of theories of everything and choose every guest's mention of a particular topic so that you get a multitude of frameworks and perspectives. The first Onto Prism will be on free will, and that's in anticipation to Robert Sapolsky, who's coming up on theories of everything.
Starting point is 00:05:35 Chiara Marletto is also coming up on theories of everything with her theory of everything called Constructor Theory. Josje Bak and Carl Friston on consciousness, active inference, and AI. Ross Coldheart is coming up on whatever you Ask. There was a call for questions, so you can just find my email somewhere or DM me on Twitter at Toe with Kurt. That's at T-O-E with Kurt. Daniel Dennett is also coming up on the podcast, and Michael Levin is also coming up, this time with two of Michael's co-authors, as they're brilliant and fresh students who should get some publicity to their name. That's everything. Thank you so much. Let me know what you think of these updates, and thank you for being a Theories of Everything listener.

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