This Is Important - Ep 239: Blake Anderson: Loudest Neighbor
Episode Date: March 11, 2025Today, this is what's important: Blake's birthday, taquitos, Isaac's topics, Oscar's afterparties, sex toys, cops, harnesses, Rage Against the Machine & more.See for privac...y information.
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In Mississippi, Yazoo Clay keeps secrets.
Seven thousand bodies out there or more.
A forgotten asylum cemetery.
It was my family's mystery.
Shame, guilt, propriety.
Something keeps it all buried deep until it's not.
I'm Larisen Campbell and this is Under Yazoo Clay.
Listen on the iHeart Radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
Have you ever wondered if your pet is lying to you?
Why is my cat not here?
And I go in and she's eating my lunch.
Or if hypnotism is real?
You will use a suggestion in order to enhance your cognitive control.
But what's inside a black hole?
Black holes could be a consequence of the way that we understand the universe. Well, we have answers for you in the new iHeart Original Podcast,
Science Stuff. Join me or Hitcham as we answer questions about animals, space, our brains,
and our bodies. So give yourself permission to be a science geek and listen to Science Stuff on
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Hi, I'm Bob Pitman, Chairman and CEO of iHeart Media.
I'm excited to share my podcast with you,
Math and Magic, Stories from the Frontiers of Marketing.
Make sure to check out my recent episode with legendary musician
and philanthropist, Jewel.
I didn't want a million dollars, I wanted a career.
I wanted a way to figure out how to do something that I loved
for the rest of my life.
Join me as we uncover innovations in data and analytics, the math
and the ever important creative spark, the magic.
Listen to math and magic stories from the frontiers of marketing
on the iHeart radio app, Apple podcast or wherever you get your podcast.
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Welcome to This Is Important, a production of iHeartRadio, the show where we only talk about what's the most important bottom line,
critical thing happening on this planet.
Today on This Is Important.
I think this is my favorite episode we've ever done.
I'm having a great time.
Fuck you. I won't do what you tell me.
Gobble, gobble, toil and trouble.
Buckle up.
Pew, pew!
Pew, pew, pew, pew!
Dang, man.
This sucks, I kind of really actually, and I hate to start it off this way,
I hate to start it off this way, guys.
I have to poo poo, I do, that sucks.
So you wanted to stop the podcast or are we gonna keep?
No, no, I'm gonna fight, I'm gonna grit my teeth
and I'm gonna fight through it, dude.
But just know, all the TII Nation,
this whole pod, I do have to poo poo.
This is all poo poo caca. What a record we just broke. Okay. That's just mention of shit. I need to shower apparently
I'm looking like you guys were just kind of roasting me. Yeah, you look weird. I was saying you look like
Oh yeah, the bitch. You guys were just roasting me saying I look like Luca Doncic mid-game Austin Reeves like scruffy beard
Weirdly wet yet dry hair. Yeah. I was saying
Austin Reeves. Yeah, I don't know what's happening. It's not a good look. Yeah, what's up with
that? How come you got the little bangs hanging out the bottom of the snapback? That's a...
Dude, I just put... I put my hat on. That's how they flopped. They could flop up. Should
I readjust? That's real Bieber core. You're going hardcore Justin Bieber. I don't that's not really what I was looking
Do you like how you look? I don't you like the way you look. I don't what's the matter? No, you're off of it
What do you want to look like? Very shagadelic. Usually I don't like when I look in the mirror
I don't like it. You usually you don't like the way you look. No usually not no usually really oh
No, it's mostly for me. I have body dysmorphia,
and I always look at myself, even when I'm in great shape,
I'm like, you're a fat, ugly piece of shit, dude.
Your boobs are huge.
Reign it in, get it together, and I never do.
I never do.
That is true.
I never do.
No, not that I'm not.
Aren't you as reigned in as you've been reigned
in the last decade?
I think you're more reigned.
Yeah, I'm about as reigned in as I've been
for the last few years, yeah.
But still, we started the podcast
and it looked like this.
Hey, Adam, be nice to my friend.
Please be nice to my friend.
I will, dude, should we say
Happy birthday to you.
That shit's important.
Yeah, man, I'm kind of feeling it.
It was Blake's birthday yesterday. Yeah, I'm kind of feeling it. It was Blake's birthday yesterday.
Yeah, I'm kind of feeling it. I'm a little torchy. Have to poo poo.
Yeah, so I expected you to come in looking real downtrodden.
Worse than you?
Yeah, worse than me for sure. I did not even drink last night.
I don't know.
Some glasses on inside?
Yeah, worse looking on the part. Well luckily, and they are a sponsor of the show,
I popped one of these bad boys five hour energy
and it got me feeling good.
When did you pop it?
About five hours ago, so my daddy might be ready
for another one.
So did you know what time we were podcasting?
I did, but I needed it right out the gate.
And you were like, I need energy right up until then.
Well that was just to take care of his daughter.
He needed a little boost.
It was.
Had to drive her to school.
Still drunk?
Has anybody ever made, and I hope I don't get us kicked off
the project for this, but has anybody ever done a five hour
Hennergy, Hennessy?
Like with Hennessy?
I mean, maybe. That doesn't sound good.
I thought, I better be...
Can you give me an Adam a few minutes?
It would be good mixed with like a soda and Red Bull and vodka.
Mixed with a Red Bull?
Mixed with your vodka.
Here's my pitch. A Red Bull vodka.
Adam, you just out-Adamed yourself here.
I'm living in a nightmare.
Yeah, Red Bull vodka. But you cut it with soda water.
You cut it with soda water, and then you add the five-hour.
Five-hour energy?
Yeah, dude.
What the hell?
Because you're trying to party all night, dude.
You're trying to party all night.
It looks so wrong.
And then you immediately look how I currently look.
Just sweaty.
The bangs are flopping one weird way.
Weirdly red for no reason. But you you lose the if it's not Hennessy
Then you lose the five-hour Hennergy and that's like my branding. I'm trying to brand here
Yeah, you do like fun wordplay as that is your your thing. Yeah. Yeah, that's my claim to fame. Yeah
Bitch better have my honey, you know all that stuff. Yeah, I don't know if anyone's ever done that. I'm sorry
I was bummed that I couldn't make it up to the the friends birthday party
Yeah, just a real bang, but I am planning on crashing your family dinner. Wait, you're coming to my family dinner tonight
I am coming to your family. Oh my god
We'll be there. Okay. Okay. Well, that's cool. That'll be intimate. I already cleared. I already cleared it with Sam. It's all good
Okay, yeah, I'm's cool. That'll be intimate. I already cleared it with Sam, it's all good.
Okay, okay.
I'm not gonna sit right with you guys.
I'm gonna sit kind of far away and wear some Reros
and just send you guys a lot of taquitos and Hennessy
in five hour.
Oh, another plate of taquitos from the man at the bar.
And it's just me tipping my hat towards you.
Have we talked taquitos on this podcast?
Let's do it.
Let's get into it.
This is important, baby.
What do you got to say about taquitos, my friend?
I think that taquitos,
they straddle a really interesting line where,
oh shit, I'm never going to order them.
Either you have diarrhea or you don't.
Sorry, go ahead.
But when they're somewhere and I grab one,
sometimes they're lifesavers, man.
Sometimes I'm like, fuck.
I needed that taquito.
Like on set when there's a fly around.
Oh, come on.
There ain't nothing wrong with taquitos.
I agree. I'm not one to order them.
Yeah, there is. They're really dry.
They're really dry.
Yeah, you're not going to order them.
But usually taquitos are dry. They're really kind of weirdly hard on the outside not crispy hard like
hardened I think you got a bad batch of to keep yeah you for 43 years dude I
don't I don't order taquitos but I don't order shit like that I that's what I'm
saying you might be sorry enough what does that even mean you don't order shit like that. That's what I'm saying. You might be thinking of flout. What does that even mean?
You don't order shit like that.
You might be thinking of flout.
Dude, I'm a fajitas all the way,
and you guys know this about me.
Oh yeah, we come sizzling.
But what category are you thinking
the taquitos are in the shit like that category?
What else is in that category?
Fucking flout.
Is it in its own category?
Cause that's kind of cool.
Well, that's like eating three hard shell tacos in one.
Yeah, but it's not even as good as a hard shell taco.
That's right.
So that's why I don't order them.
But I'm saying.
Because there's almost nothing inside of it.
Shut up, bitch.
I know.
And that's what I said.
I don't order them.
But when they fly around and I grab one, I'm like, that really hit the spot.
See, I like we're talking to Hollywood stuff.
We're talking fly-arounds on set.
Yeah, but if you go to a barbecue,
you go to somebody's party and they got some taquitos.
They're flying around.
Yeah, they're flying around.
What was that?
I don't know.
Soundboard just made a weird fart.
Did it?
I feel like Durs is chunking a little bit. Yeah? I feel like Durs is chunking a little bit.
I feel like Durs is chunking.
I guess when you've got a hundred thousand fans, sometimes you'd be chunking.
We can move on from shit like that, I guess.
Isaac, what's on the list?
What's next on the list?
Sorry, I jumped the list with taquitos.
Isaac has scripted our first episode.
We're on script today.
He called me so excited.
He called me about something else, but then he was like,
dude, today on the podcast, I'm going to write things down
and put it in the chat of things that you guys can talk about.
And I'm like, I think we've done 400 episodes.
I don't know if you have to, but yeah, okay.
Yeah, I feel like you're doing anything.
Punk Rock, getting radical.
He's like, yeah, I'm going to chime in
with like a bunch of stuff, like have a whole list.
That way you guys can just look at it.
You could talk about it if you want to, you don't have to.
And I'm like, obviously we don't have to.
And then he only wrote the Oscars.
That's the only thing on the list, dude.
20 minutes ago.
Punk Rock, getting radical.
He had a whole fucking list. He had a whole fucking list
And we appreciate it and then he just writes the Oscars and by the way
We don't give a shit about the Oscars
Are we are we gonna go in deep on the Oscar and this episode comes out after everyone's talked about the way the Oscars?
Oscars dude Oscar who gives a shit. The Oscars. The Oscars.
Who gives a shit?
I didn't watch them this year. I feel bad about that.
Yeah. I was at your fucking dinner.
Yeah. Well, thank you for showing up. I appreciate that.
Adam's going to crash it tonight, but...
It was not crashing. I cleared it with your significant other.
Thank you. The streets were quiet last night.
There was nobody in LA. They must have been at the Oscar parties. Not where I was. Because the streets were quiet last night. There was nobody in LA. They must have been at the Oscar parties,
not where I was, because the streets were quiet.
Yeah, you were on the East side,
and everyone who matters in this town
was in West Hollywood, sorry.
Well, it didn't feel great to not be invited
to any Oscar parties, I will tell you that much.
Oh, you weren't?
That sucks for you.
Were you?
Yeah, dude.
What the hell? Yeah, sorry.
Which ones?
Hell yeah, that's where he was.
He wasn't at the party.
The Elton John after party and the viewing party.
You got invited to the Elton John party?
Yeah, dude.
Yeah, man.
And you went.
I'm so pissed.
Please tell me you went.
I did not go.
Why wouldn't you go to Elton John's party?
I was at home in Orange County.
I can't.
I could be up here.
Oh, not even for Elton John?
Make the fucking trip.
Not even for Elton John, dude.
Dude, Sir Elton.
You know, I ran into...
I saw Elton John at a hamburger hamlet one time.
I was a good spotty.
What the hell?
He used to just hang out there
because he lived in that apartment building across the street.
That's right.
Oh, okay. I like this. You guys are real Hollywood insiders.
Hollywood fat cats.
I can't believe you didn't go to the Elton John party. I would do everything to go there.
You would go down on someone?
I would. I would go down on... If you're at Elton John's party and shit starts to really turn up Yeah, and then the five-hour energies are pouring well
I've been before and I don't think any Adam let him finish this thought let him finish this thought out
Oh, if sir if sir about a hell if sir Elton John says there's a way that I can make you a night tonight
And all you have to do is fucking
He takes his dick and goes like this on your shoulders.
He puts the dick on each side and then right down the middle.
I would do it. I would let him do that to me if it was filmed and like we could show it on the pod.
Even if it didn't make me night, I would love for him to go like this with his dick on my
shoulders and then go, you've been knighted. You would love that? You would love that?
Absolutely. This is a rock legend and he's knighting you with his cock, dude. That's fucking
unreal. You're feeling the love tonight, baby. Not like alone at his house with no cameras on,
but like for the bit no
There's a circle of dudes around you yet. Okay, and what are the circle of dudes doing in this?
They're just drinking they got their dicks out to or they're in there in and around you
No, they're just watching with their hands in their pocket. Yeah, okay. Well, they're chanting night him night
I have hands are in their pockets and they're in and around you what?
What is the big thing? No, I?
the pocket a hands in the pocket chance
I've never seen we've got to do this between the hands and pocket chair and the dick nighting night
Yeah, you know someone's gonna steal it SNL is gonna do it
Please don't destroy boys are gonna have this bit next week
Dude I'm telling you should have gone to that party dude you missed out it could have been really fun
Yeah, I blew it. Yeah, those parties are usually very fun
I and in fact I pitched a Chloe that we go and she was like, you got a big week.
It's the gemstones premiere this week.
Oh, so Wednesday night is the big banger rang.
Isn't that a good reason to go?
To like fold that in with all the press and whatnot.
Uh, no, no.
Still the flame?
The Hollywood flame?
There's not much press.
There's not much press at work parties. Yeah, you're not like doing interviews
It's good. It's like you don't know but just to like have to have your photos out there mingle
Yeah, I'm a tech avail
Yeah, we just you know, we chose not to go hey, that's okay and it was a it was an executive decision
I wish you would have gave me your invite and I would have gone saying that was you
Yeah, I wish that happened. I just hung out with all your skater friends instead those parties are fun
I think that was the time I think it was after it was either the Golden Globes or the Oscars party that
We went to Blake you went you met up
Afterwards and we went to the after after party and we went and we were in the Chateau
Marmont and that is where I had locked Jude Law and Robert Pattinson.
I just want to party.
Way to go.
Yeah, it was at the very end of that night.
You took on the two strongest dudes for sure, Jude Law and Robert Pattinson.
It wasn't like a, it was like a la la
la la type of oh it's like an Irish kind of chant sort of yeah it was an Irish I
get real Irish the drunk right yeah I'm looking fucking Irish right now dude all
red-faced I'm looking some Irish as fuck I'm drunk now right you fell asleep
outside is what you just said? Am I chunking?
You're chunking, yeah.
You're chunking, but you're alright.
You're alright.
Yeah, I was sitting outside on the balcony and the sun was hitting just right and I just
closed my eyes and I woke up about 20 minutes later, maybe 30, and I came inside and then
it was time to podcast.
So that's what happened.
That's why I think I'm looking as red as I'm looking
and kind of sweaty and looking like Austin Reeves
slash Luca Donjic.
Got a little sizzle, but I kind of want to know,
was it 20 or was it 30?
Yeah, I don't know.
There's no way to tell.
I don't know exactly when those eyes told me.
How long was this nap, brother?
Did you dream?
Did you dream?
I, no, no. No dreams? No. Adam, have you? Did you dream? Did you dream? I know. No. No dreams? No. Adam have
you ever had a dream? My dreams are they every time I start to go to sleep they're
wildly they're wildly sexual. That's the only way I can fall asleep. That shit's
important. You have super sexual dreams always? To get to go to sleep. To go to sleep.
Oh okay. That's nice yeah okay that's nice yeah
it's a good it's a good headspace to be in do you ever like say do you have like
a mantra you say before sleep to like get you into that mood like boner blowjob
boner blowjob do you ever say that to yourself
gobble gobble toil and trouble yeah yeah, I'm always saying gobble, gobble, toil and trouble.
Gobble, gobble, toil and trouble.
This is while you're in bed?
I gotta say that.
Meanwhile, Kyle, Chloe is like, I said Kyle, but I didn't mean to say Chloe.
Yeah, I did.
I thought it was like, I just say Chloe
Chloe is like
Sleeping with Kyle yeah, I did is there something is there something
Should we know do we know and he's not allowed to back up the podcast. Yeah, dude. That's right. Oh
It's a bad breakup mmm I just want to know if it's just you and Kyle you Kyle and Chloe sleeping in bed
yes yeah well three some action huh three some action yes sir
Chloe's like quit saying that shit on the podcast what are you doing to hell
and gobble gobble gobble toilet, what else is on the list, Isaac? Yeah, Isaac, give us a fucking list.
Yeah, he said Blake's birthday.
We kind of covered that.
Adam's fucking in his dreams.
So what did you guys do?
You really tied one on, Blakey?
My last two birthdays were totally, like, total burnt down.
Like went insane.
But I think I'm still sort of like a little partied out from the Super Bowl.
That week in New Orleans, just like, I just didn't have the gusto to charge. Ring-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning to really bang it out, to really bang it out, that's a lot.
That's a lot.
What is this?
Isaac says the Coops came to your house at 3 a.m.
Isaac's saying the cops came to my house at 3 a.m.
They did not.
Alrighty then.
I did get a text from my neighbors
because I was listening to music very loudly
at 3 a.m. last night.
Last night?
But it wasn't, yes. But here's Last night. But it wasn't, yes.
Yes, but it wasn't the police. What's your family doing when you're rockin' out?
Are you in the back house?
Just stick out, screaming I'm 41?
I'm in the back house.
Some 41, come 41.
Some 41, hey, hold on.
Yes, points!
So, but if you're playing music really loud,
and your neighbors are complaining, your
family, but you're rocking out in the back house so loudly that your neighbors are texting
you and complaining.
What is your family doing?
You have a two-year-old daughter, an 11-year-old that is over quite often, and then your girlfriend,
what are they up to?
They're probably rocking out.
The kids are heavy sleepers.
Sam did text me.
Yeah, okay.
She did say, come on man, turn it down.
And I said, I responded, I looked this morning
and I responded with, it's my birthday.
So I'm in the dog house.
I am in the dog house.
That's high T, that's high T.
Yeah, yeah, that's good. I'm definitely in the doghouse. We might have to test this guy again. Yeah, we gotta retest. Remind me to apologize at the end. Because by the way, I never would say that, I would say. I'm so sorry. Absolutely. I came back with like, I'm not turning it down. I feel pretty bad. You were turnt. Well, that's an insane move because I bet you do listen to music obscenely loud and at 3am I bet it was wild.
It was loud.
Here's my saving grace.
What did you tell the neighbor?
Did you say, did you know it's my birthday?
No, I said it's Oscar night bitch.
Okay, fair enough.
Very cool.
it's Oscar night, bitch. Okay, fair enough.
Very cool.
There's a type of soil in Mississippi called Yazoo clay.
It's thick, burnt orange, and it's got a reputation.
It's terrible, terrible dirt.
Yazoo clay eats everything, so things that get buried there tend to stay buried.
Until they're not.
In 2012, construction crews at Mississippi's biggest hospital made a shocking discovery.
7,000 bodies out there or more.
All former patients of the old state asylum.
And nobody knew they were there.
It was my family's mystery.
But in this corner of the South,
it's not just the soil that keeps secrets.
Nobody talks about it.
Nobody has any information.
When you peel back the layers of Mississippi's Yazoo Clay,
nothing's ever as simple as you think.
The story is much more complicated and nuanced than that.
I'm Larysen Campbell.
Listen to Under Yazoo Clay on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcast, or wherever you get your
Have you ever wondered if your pet is lying to you?
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Hi, I'm Bob Pitman, Chairman and CEO of iHeart Media.
I'm excited to share my podcast with you, Math and Magic, Stories from the Frontiers
of Marketing.
Make sure to check out my recent episode with legendary musician and philanthropist, Jewel.
I didn't want a million dollars.
I wanted a career.
I wanted a way to figure out how to do something that I loved for the rest of my life.
Join me as we uncover innovations in data and analytics, the math, and the ever important
creative spark, the magic.
Listen to Math and Magic, stories from the frontiers of marketing on the iHeartRadio
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Hey, it's a Martinez.
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when important world changing events are happening.
That is where the up first podcast comes in.
Every single morning in under 15 minutes, we take the news and boil it down to three
essential stories.
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Atiba was telling me that you hid the
The power cord to your speaker
Yes, because you get drunk and you play music super loudly and the neighbors complain and he told me this like a week ago
Yes drunk and you play music super loudly and the neighbors complain and he told me this like a week ago.
Yes, I have a huge JBL party box that I love to play at a very unreasonable volume and when I do have one of my nights,
I tend to go back and crank it the volume on the box.
You get it.
So I unplugged it and I hit the cord.
I unplugged it and I hit the cord. I unplugged it and I hid the cord.
So you hid the cord from yourself
and thinking like my drunk self won't be able to find this?
No, no, no, no. It's not hiding it.
It's like I'm not gonna like make like walking, go through it.
It's like, yeah, there's many times when my brain could go like,
this is stupid.
But it was Oscar night, Mitch.
It was my birthday. And your
birthday. So I but here's my saving grace. I was cranking freaking Steely Dan
so I wasn't like wasn't like a total throwdown it's just like people are like
why is Steely Dan coming through my window at 3 a.m.
What's a Steely Dan song? Like freaking Peg.
Thank you.
You're playing freaking Peg?
Hey 19.
So you're in the back house cranking down.
To the deep cuts.
To the Yacht Rock basically.
Play the Steely Dan song that you were playing right now.
Let's hear what was blasting through
your neighbor's windows at 3am.
I only know the one that goes,
That Sam, that Sam was like, come on, man, what are you doing?
Turn it down.
And you were like, it's my birthday.
I want to listen to that song.
Is that the Elm Aja?
Hey, I take it back. You've got to blast this one, dude. Comeja? Yeah. Dude, you're such a dad. Hey, I take it back.
You've got to blast this one, dude.
Come on, bro.
It's Oscar night.
Come with me.
3 AM?
You didn't watch the Oscars, nor do we care about that.
If you really listen, you can hear Chevy Chase on the drums.
It's 3 AM.
I'm cranking it.
There you go.
I'm cranking it, bro.
Sorry, neighbors. It's Oscar night. Let's go. I'm cranking it bro. Sorry neighbors. It's Oscar night
Let's go and so that song on repeat. Yeah, pretty much. Well, no, I went through the whole gamut
I wonder if your neighbors I know that they like everyone to your face loves you because you're like, oh Blake man
He's got the craig Blake's crazy, you know, they say stuff like that. Oh Blake Blake's crazy. Look at that hair. Oh man, he's crazy.
I wonder if they secretly hate you.
Like secretly, like when they're in their house
and they're like talking to each other.
Oh, he parked his Wrangler on my lawn last night.
Here he is walking drunk again.
Look at this ring footage.
Yeah, look at this ring footage of him
stumbling into our bush alone.
He's juggling a chainsaw and his kid.
He spiked a bottle of beer on my driveway.
Yeah, do you think they hate you?
Dude, I'm a good neighbor.
I'm a good neighbor.
Other than last night.
It's Oscar night, though.
But you said they've texted you before.
Tiba told me that this has happened multiple times.
Look, it's only really special occasions, all right?
Really special.
And I've hit the court since, and it's back in the drawer.
What was the last occasion?
I don't know, like a 49er game?
But you know this special occasion
that Blake was drinking with his neighbor last Tuesday?
By the way, we pitched the next day.
We went and picked the next day.
We had it all drinking with your neighbor.
And then at 3 a.m.
you sent a Tiba a text of that speaker.
And he goes in the next morning, I had breakfast with the Tiba.
And he goes, Blake must have really tied one on last night.
I guess he hid the power cord to this and he must have dug it out at 3 a.m.
I sent that picture because he knows the whole backstory.
I didn't listen to music that night.
I was joshing you guys.
That was a later?
Oh, okay.
I was joshing you guys.
I wanted to send him on a wild goose chase.
Epic git, dude.
We were fooled.
I'm pissed now!
At breakfast we were floored by that epic
Shout out to JBL party box that thing. Yeah. Yeah, I would like one So no, it's in our way that was called the party box the party box, baby. It's off the chain
That's a good gift. That's something that you would like to receive, but I don't know if I would ever go buy a
Party box. Yes, because immediately you're like, I'm going to play this too loudly.
It's the taquitos of speakers for sure.
It's like a taquitos of electronics.
Because you, you're like, it's kind of firm on the outside.
It seems dumb.
Just a box that lights up and you know, it seems stupid, but then you have one,
someone gifted it to you as a birthday present or something.
And then you're back you're alone
In your back house 3 a.m.. Steely Dan comes a-calling
My guy hey
Yeah, thank you. Thank you for seeing me. What's cool is you're like my daughter's a deep sleeper but like how do you know that she wasn't awake the whole time because
but like how do you know that she wasn't awake the whole time because
If the girls were up they wouldn't come banging on the back door like Sam will kick my ass
Yeah, and is that happened? No
Okay, no, no, come on man. I'm a good neighbor. I'm a good dad All right. I'm gonna have a lot of questions. I'm gonna have a lot of questions tonight at family dinner that I'm crushing
Thank you.
Maybe you just lost your invite, man.
And Isaac, if you could add Adam's interrogation to the list for next podcast, that'd be great.
Oh yeah, that would be great.
I'm going to need a little five hour energy drink.
Fucking hell, man.
I got mine.
Anything is possible by my energy.
Why is yours cooler packaging?
Me? I'm a fucking G like that, dude.
Seems like Blake has the classic and you have the Baja Blast version.
I had to go to the store.
We needed it for a commercial and then it didn't get to me.
So when I was at the hardware store, the other day I just grabbed some.
Oh, weird.
You know, while we're talking about pod sponsors,
we did get a box full of them.
Is this on the list?
No more lists.
Well, Isaac should have put this on the list.
Go ahead.
I feel weird about it, but go ahead.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
We did get a box of sex toys.
Oh yeah.
I got them right here.
Hang on, I got them right here.
Let's see them, brother. What was, I got them right here. Hang on. I got them right here. Let's see them. What was uh
there I mean they were kind of strange. I mean kind of. They're very strange.
Fuck it. Hey don't knock it till you try it. Yes. There you go, Derry. If that's anything like
it was it was actually offensive that they sent it to me. Because is that the one? It's called the
trifecta. It's made by a company called... Wait, what does it say?
Masturbator what?
Yeah, dig that one out.
Take it out?
Break the seal?
The one that I got was a dildo that...
I'm a dude.
It wasn't just a regular dildo, you know?
It was a dildo that you slide your dick inside of.
Go on.
What you normally...
This is the way. And you tie the back part around your balls oh my god wait you stick your dick
inside of it what and then what and then the there's like a back loop that you
tuck your balls through so it's honest on yeah and then you oh these apparently
I mean it's for guys with really small dicks. Yeah. Cause what?
Well then it's for guys with really small dicks.
And it was like, I'm a little offended that they sent that one to me.
How big is the dick though?
It's not even that big.
It's seven and a half inches.
It's not like a nine inch dick or anything.
It was okay.
You, if yeah, if you're going to do it, go nine.
And I'm doing quick math here.
I just want wanna party.
Yeah. If you had the type of girl that wants you to put your dick inside of a bigger dick
and fuck her with that, that dick has to be nine inches long. She wants the hog.
I told you, dude!
But also, maybe it's, is it, look, I'm gonna give this company the benefit of the doubt.
Maybe they're just like, hey, it's thicker now. It's not about length, it's thicker.
Well, by the way, it would be, I mean, it was thick.
It would be thick.
Adam is drooling.
I'm gonna come.
He said it twice.
It was thick.
He said it twice.
He wants to read it.
And the second time was very serious.
I'm chugging.
Are we talking like,
Well dig out yours, dig out yours.
See if it's the same one that we got, Jersey.
Open the pack, Jersey.
Did he freeze?
Yeah, he's gone.
He's been struggling this whole podcast.
He froze right on the dildo reveal?
Yeah, that's the worst time to freeze.
Left us hanging? Oh wait, there he is.
There he is.
Wait a second.
You're back.
I'm sitting here going, well, I guess I'm chunking.
Just a little chunking.
There he is.
You're chunking.
It was hard chunking.
Do a dildo reveal for us.
Let's bust yours open.
Let's see it.
Can you do a dildo?
Let's see it.
Is it a dildo?
You want to see it?
And folks, this is how we get that plaque back at Durage.
This is how we get 100,000 fans on YouTube.
All right. They're subscribers. They're not fans, necessarily.
Okay, here we go. By the way, how great would it be if I was like,
oh, that's weird, it's already open.
Okay, break the seal.
For some reason, the seal's already broken.
He's like miming a package. seal for some reason we're like my package hey we're filming it's really
really stuck it's got my hands okay well do it live what do we got baby oh
this is oh it's it's well packaged it's sealed so okay it's like a big gummy
bear oh dude I got this I got this
one too there's three holes there's three different holes so Adam you did
break the seal yes sir I opened them all I wanted to see what what I was working
with oh there's three different there's three different oh my god there's like
little remixes look at that thing it's like something from Indiana Jones yeah
oh holy see the thing about I don't like I don't I don't need all this when I'm Look at that thing! It's like something from Indiana Jones. Yeah. Holy shit!
See, the thing about... I don't like... I don't need all this when I'm jerking off.
I'm pretty good at just regular jerking off. That seems like too much of a thing.
You think so?
Wow, dude!
You don't need it, but when you have it, it's a good session.
It's a killer session. Ders, do not put that on your eye.
It's like a kaleidoscope.
Would you use it, Blake?
I mean, you got one. Have you used it?
I have not used it, but I would.
I would give it a go.
Okay. See what it's all about.
Well, next podcast, we want to hear your review.
If he got the invite to the Vanity Fair part.
You want to hear me doing it?
We're on the list, Isaac.
No, I want to hear the review of how you felt post the
Masturbator by whatever that company is called.
By 11!
Did we see the other one?
That's cool.
So wait, can you hit it from the front and the back?
What is that?
I guess you could, but then you don't know where your dick's
going to go.
Or is your dick supposed to be like busting out the backside?
That's cool, man.
I think if your dick is large enough to bust out the backside, that's what that's for. You won't have to worry about that.
Wow, dude! Honestly.
And I'm going to go on record.
I think this is my favorite episode we've ever done.
I'm having a great time.
I don't know if it's the 3 a.m. Steely.
It's got to be the 5 hour energy.
Or if it's the 5 hour energy. Woo!
Or it's the Bud Light. The probably three Bud Lights you've had so far.
Or the Bud Light right to the right.
Is this the one you got here, Glow Job?
What is a Glow Job? Bust It Open!
I don't know. I don't know if I got that busted open, baby.
Let me just see if the seal...
Oh, the seal's already...
The seal's already busted. That's kind of weird.
Oh, righty then.
Isaac, thank you for the list, man. Yeah. Thank you for the list, brother. Still's already busted. That's kind of weird. Alrighty then.
Isaac, thank you for the list, man.
Thank you for the list, brother.
Isaac's two things on the list were the Oscars and the Coops came to your house at 3am.
What's really cool about...
The Coops.
This just looks like the same thing.
Is it? So you're not going to open it?
Not exactly the same, but like a thing you fuck.
But it's got a mouth on it.
Well, what did you think it was gonna be?
I don't know.
One of those cool dicks.
Well, remember when we used to get all the fleshlights?
That was rad.
Those are not cheap.
I didn't like them.
I tried it once.
It was not for me.
I'm not into the-
It's a whole production.
Reusable stuff. That's weird, man
They're not weird if that's your thing. Whatever Blake likes a relationship with his tour
Yeah, now see I want once you have to like put it in in the fucking dishwasher or whatever
That's when it starts to it gets a little too heck. Well, I I was given so many of them and
So, I you know, they're expensive so I didn't want to throw them away
I kept a bunch of them and they're just in like a tub like big
tub that I have and when I first started a day Chloe she was like tight one
hole oh there we go my me she was looking through stuff like organizing my
house for me and she just found like a tub of things to fuck she thought I was like a secret undercover freak dude and there were the
weird ones that were like alien pussy do you remember those that were like green
and purple oh yeah those things are now see yeah that I'm I I might break code
for that that I've that I would just have as a decoration. That thing is cool enough just to kind of
have on the dining table as a centerpiece.
Some roses coming out of it.
Sam's going to text you, come on, man.
Dude, I'm done. This might be it.
I'm done, dude.
I might live in the back house. I might not be allowed back in. I blew it, brother.
So we don't even know what company this is. That's kind of the bummer.
It's Isaac.
Isaac made them.
Oh, pure romance.
Hey, I'm not like, I just need that a little bigger so that I know.
Loose butthole.
Dude, that's the thing about Pure Romance is it's not about them.
It's about you.
And that's what I really love about the company.
They don't stamp it everywhere.
Hey, fair enough, fair enough.
They're just really about your satisfaction.
Just reseal this.
So, that's weird.
It is nice that I opened it for the podcast
so that if it's found and it's open
and anyone asks why it's open, I go,
hey, I'm putting food on the table, okay?
For the podcast, yes, for the podcast. What do you want me to do? Not Okay? For the podcast. Yeah, it's for the podcast.
What do you want me to do?
Not open it for the podcast?
Yeah, it's work.
Not have dinner?
It's work.
I didn't use the thing.
That being said.
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So made it on TMZ from when they,
remember the last podcast?
Right. Knucky grandma! Where the cop fell. So made it on TMZ from when they remember the last podcast, right?
Where they get the cop fell
They're saying 20 feet TMZ is reporting to a fell down a 20-foot embankment
It's not 20 feet. Yeah, dude, it was eight feet, but still it was a solid fall
I don't want to fall eight feet that footage is so funny in a bad way, but you know the crazy part the footage
Didn't make it on TMZ. Oh, at least that's I haven't seen it. I think it was just
For whatever reason just the an article about it, and it wasn't I didn't see any actual footage
So I thought my neighbor ratted me out sent the footage
So what happened was the cop was?
my neighbor ratted me out sent the footage. So what happened was the cop was trying to he climbed up the side of my house and then one cop went inside to check to see if there
was so what happened was the alarm was going off the cops were checking the perimeter.
They climbed up to check the door the door was unlocked cop called me at the very end
of the last podcast and was like hey I'm gonna walk through your house if that's okay see
if there's anyone hiding in the house. I'm like, yeah, absolutely.
But, uh, and so he goes, I was like, don't check the upstairs closet.
You're going to find a bunch of alien, alien pussy, fuck pods.
Don't worry about that.
Don't worry about that.
Don't wake up my friend Kyle in bed.
The cops like those are gone.
They took them.
And then a few days later,
a few days later, my publicist emails me and says,
hey, TMZ is gonna run a article
about the cop falling at your house.
And I'm like, what?
And then my neighbor sent me a video
that I showed you guys of the cop falling off of he one cop tried to scale
back down where he climbed up and straight up eight shit on a solid like
eight to ten feet drop and yeah his gun went flying his baton went flying and he
I guess, yeah, you know what?
I guess cops are doing all kinds of cool dope shit
that we don't even know about.
But this is what happened.
He was going above and beyond.
Well, he could have, the crazy part is,
they could have just locked the door,
walked through the house, came out the garage,
closed it behind them.
I don't know why he tried to scale back down.
That was him just going like,
I can get, I came up, I can go back down.
Right, going down always harder. Winning. Always harder. It is. It is. And, uh, and
he slipped and fell. Like, you know about going down? I felt bad for the poor guy. It
sucks because you don't want the cops to hate you and your house. This fucking wall.
Yeah, they might be over you.
That's why we can't really post the funny footage.
No, we're not posting it.
It's kind of humiliating.
So here's my question.
If he gets in the house and he finds the guy, or woman.
The guy.
They rob houses too.
And he shoots the titties off this person in your house.
Are you moving?
If there's just titty all over the wall, are you out?
I feel if a cop shot the titties off a person in the home,
after everything that's been happening, I feel like we got to sell the house.
Chloe would not allow, well, one, she would just never come here.
Because imagine they clean, they do a deep clean. I don't think they do a deep clean. We gotta sell the house. Right? Well, we would not allow. Yeah. Well, one, she would just never come here.
Because imagine they clean.
They do a deep clean.
I don't think they do a deep clean.
Six months later.
But I'm just saying, let's say you get one done.
Six months later, an earthquake.
It kind of shakes one of your lamps that are hanging, right?
And from on top of the lamp, a shriveled up dry nipple, full nipple.
Oh, it falls down.
That would suck. your child eats it yeah
oh sir I don't like it cuz Bo yeah his favorite food is beef jerky so oh shit
way to raise them right really long really thick really yeah tough that a
boy that a boy he's a jerky boy out the game. Hell yeah. Oh shit, he's got his shoes in his glasses.
High five, five, six, seven, eight, five.
I love that.
You're a monster.
Nobody knows what jerky boys are.
So yeah, no, that would suck.
So yeah, I for sure would have to move.
And I don't want to.
Well, you know, shout out to that guy.
He tried to make something look cool,
and then he ended up taking a bit of a nosedive.
I don't even know if he was trying to make it look
cool. Yeah go through and open the front door. I have a feeling he's like yo check
this out I'm gonna fucking like do a karate flip off the side of the hill. It was a whoop
whap. That was like a total kook slam. It was a whoop whap. Yeah and when he gets up
you see his arm is like all bent and you're like, oh that's that's broken out
And then is his homie the other cop was like, oh my god. Are you okay? You okay? And he doesn't answer
He's just he just walks off shocked. It's embarrassing. Yeah, you know, you're really hurt when you don't answer
Yeah, when you don't even say like I'm good. Like if you can say I'm good you do this Yeah, you're just yeah, you don't even say like, I'm good. Like if you can say I'm good. You do this.
Yeah. You're just, yeah. You don't even have to be good. Just say I'm good. But if you're that hurt
that you don't even. If you're that hurt, you say nothing. You just walk off. You're in your own
world of pain. Right. And guys, no, let them go. Yeah. Let them go. Let them walk this one off.
Yeah. The crazy part is the gun the gun fell gun is laying in the street
That's classic. There was no rush to pick up the gun. It was the gun just laying there
Oh imagine if the gun were to go off
Goodbye, and it shoots a bird if the gun went off and then shoots the tits off your neighbor
It shuts the tits off my neighbor or the gun goes off. It shoots in the air. You're like, well, that's crazy
And then enter frame just a bird falls right a rare condor you would have the most viral video of all time
but i can't release it dude i couldn't release it i know damn it alternatively it shoots into a dry
bush and that hot bullet just sits there burns down hollywood, yeah The new Sunset Fires not again. I don't like it. No sir. I don't like it Adam started him
Let's go to Isaac's list real quick
It's kind of fun Isaac what is it no more lists lists, he says. No more lists. Why? I like it.
That's cool.
His feelings were hurt.
I'll talk about something.
Blazer, you're just living my dreams, man.
These New Balance commercials, very cool.
You're liking them.
Very cool commercials.
It's fun.
Yeah, they're fucking sick.
I'm hoping I get the purple pair that just dropped
because those are tight.
Well, what do you mean?
You have to, right?
What do you do? You did the commercial.
They got to send you the damn shoes.
I don't have to. I hope so.
He's a man of honor.
I think they have to.
They should be united.
I think contractually, you should have had that in your contract
that you get a pair of the damn shoes.
Did you get paid money for this commercial, Blake?
And do you want to explain what it is or what?
I did get paid money.
Okay, good. Good, good, good.
And what is it, Blake?
Because you do stuff for free that I'm like, what are you doing?
You get paid for this bit. Yeah, the first three seasons of workaholics. He was serving taquitos. Yeah, it's just a little
Instagram campaign for New Balance. Yeah, right. That's tight
The footage was pretty cool. They did a good job with it
Yeah, I was they have because I'm like skydiving in a squirrel suit and the whole thing, but I was up on like a rig all day, dude.
It was like on some Iron Man shit, bro.
I felt like Robert Downey Jr.
Usually with like the hair,
your, any long hair,
and like a green screen situation,
it looks wack,
but it looks good.
Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, they did a good job with it.
It's starting to be,
these green screens,
they're getting really good.
Getting really good with this stuff. Remember blue screens? They were blue, they used to good job with it. It's starting to be these green screens. They're getting really good. Getting really good with this stuff.
Remember blue screens?
They were blue.
They used to be blue.
They did.
And they were green.
They really did.
I was surprised it looked as good because we did a thing
in the outlaws where we're skydiving
and Pierce Brosnan is strapped to my back.
And it looks remarkably bad.
So bad that at one point I was like, do we cut this? And we didn't.
They're like, no, it'll end up looking better.
It'll end up looking better. And it just did not.
Oh, I'm going to have to go back and watch that scene again.
I don't remember it jumping out at me.
I think I remember what Adam's talking about.
Yeah, it just wasn't the best.
It seemed unfortunate at the moment.
Yeah, it wasn't the best.
And you know what it was? I think we should have hung up there a little longer
to maybe get some alternate
angles because we went up there and I think Pierce hated it so much that he was
like, we got it.
We got it.
Oh, it sucks.
It's not fun.
We were like, yeah, yep.
We got it.
Do we get it?
We didn't get it.
Pierce under the bus.
It's a whole core workout.
That shit.
Like I was so Pierce has no core is what we're saying.
Whenever it's 70 or however, okay
Looks good. I had to I did the same thing for gemstones this season
We're in like jet packs for fuck. Yeah some episodes today. They premiere will be out by the time this is out. So
we're in jet packs and
Dude, we're in jet packs for several days.
Yeah, and it's just us in rigs hanging with these like, I think they were 70 pounds.
So when you land, you're just holding up 70 pounds.
Dude, the spasms that I was having from being in that tight ass, you know, the tight ass
gear that you have to wear underneath. Yeah, we're crazy It looked like an alien was inside of my body or like a baby was was trying to smash through
Oh cuz you it was like a little shake like a like a horse muscle shaking. Yes, exactly
And it was just but it was like
Dude I would pay to see that on you. Oh, dude
I'll show you no matter how they like you, it always crushes your nuts though.
It feels like it's always riding right up in my groin
when they harness you.
You gotta tighten it down, baby.
You gotta tighten it down.
Dude, I was tight.
The other thing is, is I was in like a squirrel suit,
but I had an actual, a real parachute on my back.
Those motherfuckers are heavy, dude.
To you, yeah.
They're heavy.
I think they're somewhere like 60 pounds or something. Isn't that wild? Those motherfuckers are heavy, dude. To you? Yeah. They're heavy.
I think they're somewhere like 60 pounds or something.
He's a little wild.
So 10 less than my thing?
Actually, now that I think about it, maybe it was.
It could have been 80.
And no spasms for you, Blake?
What are we talking about here?
No, I was actually, now that I think about it,
I was G2G brother.
You had a little stanky leg?
Yeah, I was just hitting the wobbles.
I was hitting the wobbles.
I was hitting the wobbles a little bit.
Oh baby.
That's it.
Oh, oh, oh.
I'm so proud of you guys, you know.
Thanks man.
Putting these things on your backs.
Well wait, Blake, you never got into,
what did you do after dinner for your birthday?
Then you went out, where did you guys go?
You know.
Well we went to none other than the best...
The Cha Cha. bar in the world, the Cha Cha Lounge.
They were playing some sick ass pong... Dude!
Did you feel the earthquake?
I didn't. I mean, if I did...
I didn't feel it either.
I walked outside and Akko was like,
There was an earthquake!
Yeah, people said I didn't feel anything down south.
Well, the coolest thing about the whole night,
we buried the lead, is I was co-birthdaying
with Zac de la Roca, Rage Against the Machine lead singer.
He's the fucking coolest dude.
He's a straight up nice guy, great dude.
Well, you say that, but at dinner, I go, hey.
Did he cook you under the table?
I go, hey, pass me those french fries. And he goes, fuck you.
I won't do what you tell me.
I was like, please pass them.
And he said this again, fuck you.
I kept saying it.
I'm like, this is kind of catchy.
He's like, I'm about to rally around your family with fucking pocket full of
He did say that dude.
It was great because he just wanted to play foosball.
That was like the whole thing.
It was like, we're going to play foosball tonight.
I was on his team.
Is he a good foosball player?
Dude, he was rocky at first, but towards the end of the night, he found it again.
And he's really good.
Do you think he's better than me?
Here we go.
I haven't seen you play in a while.
He has a fucking crazy shot dude like it comes off hot
He's one of those dudes that knows how to like you know like roll it up your wrist
So it's like hell of speed behind it. I'm a straight just torque boy. Yeah, you're not you're not very good. No
I'm definitely the worst yeah of the four guys. I was playing with yeah, but I was holding my own
Yeah, and Zack got a dub though Nooj is too legit to quit.
Nooj is unreal.
Nooj is the real deal.
He was telling me he grew up in a pool hall,
and I was like.
Yeah, in Oklahoma.
Fuckin' next level.
Yeah, so tight.
Imagine growing up in a pool hall.
That's a lifestyle.
So you're good.
So he's good at every bar game.
When you're seven years old.
Yeah, and that's why he're good. You're so he's good at every bar game when you're sad you have to be yeah That's why he can shred a fucking skateboard. He's just hella good at pool
That's why he can shred a skateboard. It's cuz he grew up in a pool hall. Yeah, he's grew up the coolest guy ever okay
Fair enough. I guess if you grow up in a pool hall your parents don't care if you're out skateboarding
They're not worried about you getting hurt. You know. Dude, he rolls the best joints.
You're smoking parliaments and drinking Bud Ices
when you're like seven years old.
And there's no other scenario.
He's the fucking coolest guy.
Honestly, now that I think about it, between Nudge and Zack.
Did you go to the Cha-Cha's welders or you went home?
Ders pulled up.
Ders pulled up.
I like it, dude. Oh, no. Scott won. No, it was cool. We or you went home? Yeah, Ders pulled up. Ders pulled up. I like it dude.
I know it was cool. We missed you brother.
I was out by 10.30.
Yeah, you dipped quick but that was understandable.
I'm sick. I went, I'm like, I don't know if you can hear me coughing every five seconds but...
Maybe that's why I feel...
Not feeling good. And the beard didn't help which was fucking weird.
Yeah, that is weird. Usually when you're drunk getting, or when you're sick getting drunk really helps.
Drunk right now.
Osmosis Jones.
What are you gonna do?
Well, it was a blast.
What are you gonna do?
It was a good time.
Is there any take backs, any apologies, any epic slams?
I would love to take back my 3am Steely Dan last night.
I want to apologize to any of my neighbors who do listen to the pod.
It was me.
The sounds were coming from my house.
And I apologize.
They know.
But it was Hollywood.
It was Hollywood.
They talk behind your back.
They talk behind your back.
It was Hollywood's biggest night.
It was the Oscars.
It didn't watch it.
It won't happen again.
Don't worry.
I hope Blake is like the topic of discussion.
You know how like sometimes you see your neighbor
and it's like, whether it's like,
oh, the new mailman or whatever, they discuss him.
That's how they connect.
Yeah, absolutely.
Hey, so I bring the fucking block together.
No, fair enough.
You're like the guy at work that no one likes.
So that it kind of, uh, it makes all the other employees sort of rally around.
Like you become friends with people you probably wouldn't be friends with just
because you have a communal hate towards one person
What was the rage against machine lyric you almost just said?
Rally around the family?
Rally around the family? Yeah
With a pocket full of shells
I'm gonna take back that little segue
Also, special shout out to fucking Rage Against the Machine
One of the most fucking sickest bands of all time
Super formative They're one of my favorite bands They fucking rip Machine, one of the most fucking sickest bands of all time. Super formative.
They're one of my favorite bands.
They fucking rip.
Oh, they're the best.
Like that was their first album.
I don't know.
Sometimes like people are like, it's not the first album.
The first album was the one with the dude on fire.
The famous picture of the dude.
That's the first one.
Yeah, yeah.
Came out the gate.
Hopping on top.
That album is unreal.
And as a 12 year old with that as your album cover, you got questions.
You're like, what is this?
That was like one of the albums I don't think
I was allowed to get.
Purely off like the violence of the cover.
My mom's like, I don't think you can have this one.
Yeah, it was a protest.
It's fucking cool.
I mean, I understand where she's coming from.
It's gory, but like it's a statement.
Hell yeah.
It's not like just somebody chopping somebody's head off.
Yeah, I don't think I had that one until high school.
That one rocks.
I think when I was in middle school,
that was a nano for my mama.
As soon as I was of legal age, I bought every Rachel.
And then also, fuck you, I don't do what you tell me,
that anthem, I feel like my mom was like,
we're not gonna listen to this one.
Hey, heard you jamming in the shower.
How about I take the tape?
That's how old I am.
This is the way.
Evil Empire, also a great album.
They're all great.
Oh yeah, I mean, yeah, they don't fuck around.
But I think it's like an opening bass line on that first album that you're just like immediately in.
I could be wrong.
The bass is fucking great.
I feel like to take us out of this pod, you got to play some rage there, Blake.
Yeah, I guess you're right.
I will.
I was going to cue up Steely Dan, but you're right.
Well, Blake, I would like to apologize for not being able to make it up last night.
I am going to buy you taquitos.
I'm bringing Bo.
So your family will get to see Bo.
I love that.
We've got a family-friendly dinner.
Family-friendly. And like I said, I don't have to sit near you guys.
I could sit far away.
You know, I know I don't.
Your family hates me, so I don't want to get too close.
Oh, come on. Come say hi. Come touch tables.
It'll be cute.
I'm going to say this once.
Careful with those fajitas near the newborn.
Yeah, okay.
Not that new, but United, man.
That's a good call.
They'd be sizzling.
They'd be really jumping out the plate. Oh, that is true. Yeah, that's true. Please. They'd be sizzling. They'd be really jumping out the plate.
Oh, that is true. Yeah, that's true.
Please be careful. Please be careful.
Yeah, that is so true.
I look forward to seeing you tonight. That's gonna be fun.
Oh, in like 45 minutes.
Oh yeah, we gotta go.
Holy shit.
Oh my god.
We gotta say that this is an important thing and then I'll play. Oh, yes and boys
I think this was another episode of
I can live. Yeah way heavier than normal when this song is on
Now do you put this song on when you're playing foosball with him now we were this song play at all
He was actually singing at the whole no they were playing lots of deep cha-cha rules
The fucking DJs always rock there was was lots of deep cut punk rock.
I like it.
The dude was killing it. I meant to tell him he did a great job.
You know, that's my...
My steez right there.
Yeah, that shit was... that shit was lit.
Deep cut punk rock.
Punk rock.
Thanks for the list, Isaac.
Punk rock.
Honestly, it was... it was nice.
Punk rock had rattle hole.
No, it was just punk rock.
No more list.
Alright, we're done.
Alright, bye guys.
Bye guys.
In Mississippi, Yazoo Clay keeps secrets.
Seven thousand bodies out there or more.
A forgotten asylum cemetery.
It was my family's mystery.
Shame, guilt, propriety, something keeps it all buried deep until it's not.
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