This Is Important - Ep 240: Weed Is Cool?

Episode Date: March 18, 2025

Today, this is what's important: Oklahoma, AEW, D.A.R.E., Isaac's topics, The Righteous Gemstones, blowing your nose, Panda Express, hamburgers, action stars, & more.See fo...r privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Our iHeart Radio Music Awards are coming back Monday March 17th on Fox. Starring Bad Bunny, Glowrilla, Kenny Chesney, Money Long, Nellie, your host, iHeart Radio, LL Cool J. Are you guys ready to have some fun tonight? Plus iHeart Innovator Award recipient, Lady Gaga. iHeart Icon Award recipient, Mariah Carey. And iHeart Breakthrough Award recipient, Gracie Abrams. Watch live on Fox, Monday, March 17th. At 8, 7 Central. Hey, it's Amartines.
Starting point is 00:00:31 The news can feel like a lot on any given day, but you can't just ignore las noticias when important world-changing events are happening. That is where the Up First podcast comes in. Every single morning, in under 15 minutes, we take the news and boil it down to three essential stories you can keep up without feeling stressed out listen up first from NPR on the iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your podcasts are you hungry? Colleen Witt here and
Starting point is 00:00:56 Eating While Broke is back for season four every Thursday on the Black Effect podcast network this season we've got a legendary lineup serving up broke dishes and even better stories on the Black Effect Podcast Network. This season, we've got a legendary lineup serving up prof dishes and even better stories. On the menu, we have Tony Baker, Nick Cannon, Melissa Ford, October London, and Carrie Harper Howie turning Big Macs into big moves. Catch Eating While Broke every Thursday on the Black Effect Podcast Network,
Starting point is 00:01:20 iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcast, wherever you get your favorite shows, come hungry for season four. Do you remember what you said the first night I came over here? How goes lower? From Blumhouse TV, I Heart Podcasts, and Ember 20 comes an all new fictional comedy podcast series. Join the flighty Damien Hirst as he unravels the mystery of his vanished boyfriend.
Starting point is 00:01:41 I've been spending all my time looking for answers about what happened to Santi. What's the way to find a missing person? Sleep with everyone he knew, obviously. Listen to The Hook Up on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows. Welcome to This Is Important, a production of iHeartRadio,
Starting point is 00:02:03 the show where we talk about what's obviously most critically, crucially important! Today on This is Important... At 43 years old, I'm still discovering my body. So people think that I'm a psychopath. I can guarantee that I can get Isaac to fuck me. Let's go! Let's go! Woo! Oh my god!
Starting point is 00:02:32 Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!
Starting point is 00:02:40 Oklahoma! Okay. What's Oklahoma? Why Oklahoma? I'm just reminiscing on Oklahoma when we went there. It was one of our best live shows. There's a lot of fun. Nice, dude.
Starting point is 00:02:50 Heartland, dude. The Heartland. I don't remember it. I don't remember it. What? You remember the hotel where they were like, welcome to the finest hotel in Oklahoma. Your room's not gonna be ready for six hours
Starting point is 00:03:04 because of COVID. We ate a lot of cheese. Oh, really? Remember they were like this. I don't remember that. You know, pandemic and we were like, it's been a year and a half or longer. Okey dokey.
Starting point is 00:03:15 Yeah, that sucks, that sucks. Poor okay. Yeah. Okay state. The bar was cool. We got to eat some really good cheese. It was good. You know, I grew up in Oklahoma.
Starting point is 00:03:23 I was there, I lived there for two years. Oh! You're an Oklahoma-y? Huh? Oh, shit. For half of a year to two and a half, I think I was in Oklahoma. Are you saying the year of?
Starting point is 00:03:37 The age of the year. Yeah, what age, what age? Age. Yeah, what do you mean, the year? Adam, do this to explain. What do you mean, the year? He's waving his hand. He's shunting us. The year half a year to two and a half?
Starting point is 00:03:48 What does that even mean? I thought you lived there for half a year to two. That's what I thought too. You weren't wording it clearly. Okay, okay, and that's on me. Don't shunt me with your swinging door. God damn. With your little penguin flipper.
Starting point is 00:04:06 My bee dudes. Goongnay! Wait, so you were six months old too? Yeah, I was six months to two. My dad was driving for Frito-Lay. Frito-Lay chips. What a legend.
Starting point is 00:04:17 Where were you before? Waterloo, Iowa. Where were you after? Iowa. They always come back, don't they? I'll eventually get back. You never lived there. Those Water there water loose on sets I tell you And then but my parents said that they had to move because I came out in the go. We gotta go we gotta go We gotta go right yard
Starting point is 00:04:37 And said that it looks like it's fixed in the rain And they were like we can't We can't have this accent. That shit's important. This is too thick for our northern blood. I mean, yeah, I think I was a little bit of a dunce at two and a half. And I also OD'd on... What were the painkillers that everyone used to... Oh, yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:05:03 This was the... Ludes? This is a classic story. Ludes Oh, yes, yes. This was the... Ludes? This is a classic story. Ludes. You told it live. Yeah, Quay Ludes, Quay Ludes. Yeah, your mom saw an angel. Did I tell that live in Oklahoma?
Starting point is 00:05:14 Because that would have been a great place to tell it. You did, you did, for sure. Okay, good. Don't remember, don't remember. Adam, I love this string of events that happened to you that where else could you be but where you are now having done lewds, gotten hit by a cement truck. It'll hurt.
Starting point is 00:05:32 It'll hurt. Oh, and what else? I think that's kind of it. Yeah, that's kind of it. Yeah, I fell out of a tree once, but that's not as cool. I fell out of a tree and broke my arm, but that's not as cool as- Yeah, now you're just talking about stuff.
Starting point is 00:05:45 doing lewds and shit. Yeah, no, that's just a thing that happens to kids. But like getting hit by cement rocks and ODing on lewds, dude? Epic. Yeah, that's cool. That's a young... Quail lewds? That's a young go-hard. Saved by an angel, right?
Starting point is 00:05:58 Yeah. That's what my mom says, yeah. Well, I'll quickly retell the story. It's been a while. Yeah, okay. Come on, people. I mean, your mom was... It sounds like your mom your mom was on the loose. I don't have to. You guys tell me, should I tell the story or should I not tell the story? Okay. We're taking... Wind it up. We're taking the boat and... And it's been a while. Go ahead, man. Wind it up. Okay. All right. So my mom's friend and neighbor,
Starting point is 00:06:22 she was having problems with her boyfriend okay well act in interested both of you down and there's just like sipping on something you're like picking your nose you're off in the corner you're gonna just what do you want to do okay all right okay fine if you guys want a quick bathroom break, fine, I'll quickly tell the story. So, okay. I'm FaceTiming you from the bathroom room.
Starting point is 00:06:52 You're killing me, dude. So, I was, my mom was having, her friend was having problems with her boyfriend. And so she took us over to their apartment. We lived in an apartment complex. sat me down on the couch, was talking to the mom, the other woman in the living room,
Starting point is 00:07:10 or in the kitchen. My mom looks over at me and I have that little naughty, little boy face on, you know? They're like, ooh ooh, doing something naughty. And she goes, what you got there? And I came over and there was like a baggie full of loods And but there was only like a few left like and my mom goes how many? Were in here and she's like I think that was full of like like a full like inch thick
Starting point is 00:07:38 All around the bottom and so I had eaten like a solid like ten lutes like it was like death And then out of nowhere Man with a white cowboy hat rings the doorbell obviously there to buy quite ludes And this is this apartment is on another level. Go ahead poppin dude so my mom was like quick you have to take my son to the hospital and this guy's like Hmm. Uh, I guess so, little missy. Then took us the wrong direction from the hospital and took us to a pharmacy, went in, bought EpiCat,
Starting point is 00:08:18 came out, I puked all over his truck. When we got to the hospital, the doctor was like, he would have died if we would have drove straight to the hospital he needed to get this out of his system just another example of Adam Devine cheating death this man saved his life and then he was nowhere to be found Wow yeah I if I was for sure on drugs to save some kids life I'm on the I'm on the lamb for a couple weeks yeah yeah well he was nice enough to save the kids life, I'm on the lamb for a couple weeks. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, he was nice enough to save the kids life.
Starting point is 00:08:48 I feel like a lot of people would have been like, no, peace, this is too much for me and my coiloid brain. Yeah, but if you're rocking a white cowboy hat, you gotta show up. You gotta show up for something. For the kids. Stand for something's right. Yeah, you're into kids for sure.
Starting point is 00:09:03 Saving kids. What? Saving kids. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, so that's the story. That's a good one. Yeah, that was a... My mom still is convinced that he was an angel.
Starting point is 00:09:15 That was, and my dad's like, for sure he's there to buy trucks. Honey, that was a drug den. That shit's important. Widely known. That's why we moved there. I was a drug den. That shit's important. Widely known. That's why we moved there. I was driving Fritos. I don't know if Blake knows this.
Starting point is 00:09:33 And Dyrs actually had seen this couch too. It's the couch that I lived on for many years and moved out to California with. And then it made its way all the way to Hamlin. Or not to Hamlin, it made its way to Packard Street. Wow, dude. That's, we should have checked it in between the. Wow, dude, this dude's just casually saying soundboards. Wow, dude.
Starting point is 00:09:58 And the reason we got that couch was because he felt so bad that that woman felt so bad that I almost died on the couch. She gave us the couch. Yeah. She gave us the couch. How funny would it be if we found like way, way more drugs in the couch? Yeah, there's no doubt. That's what I'm thinking. Did we check the cushions? There might have been a stash. Maybe she was trying to hook you up.
Starting point is 00:10:16 I would have been so sick. That's why Gripster ended up going crazy. This was a nice couch. This was a nice couch. Yeah, it was a very 1970s. Yeah. This was a nice couch. This was a nice couch. Yeah, it was a very 1970s. I mean, it was a used couch in a... I mean, maybe they had some money though, because they were dealing drugs. Usually people that deal drugs have like one nice piece of furniture, you know? Right. Yeah, usually like an armchair.
Starting point is 00:10:39 Yeah, it was before you could buy a like giant TV. So I feel like the flex in the early 80s was you get like a lot of glassware. Like there's a lot of glassware in your home. It's good to do cloak on too. Those glass cube windows from the 80s. Oh yeah dude. The fuck was up with that?
Starting point is 00:10:57 I don't know. You move to LA and you see quite a bit of those. Chloe's into interior design. Just cause she loves spending my money. It's cool. It's cool to trade. Yeah! And evidently it's coming back.
Starting point is 00:11:10 Those cubes? The cubes. I think they're ugly, but you know, what do I know? Everything comes back around. This is what it is. It's somebody who's got a little confidence, goes, it's actually pretty sick. And people with no confidence go, didn't know that.
Starting point is 00:11:24 All right, let's do it. I pay you? Great. And I'm cool now? I'm part of the crew? Because I'm busy working. I don't have time. I need you to make me look cool
Starting point is 00:11:34 so when I have the boss over for dinner and my wife's cooking the turkey, the house looks cool. Do people have the boss over for dinner anymore? Not really, right? I don't think so. I don't feel... You're in the Zoom situation. It's all Zoom.
Starting point is 00:11:48 It ruined the dinner. Yeah, you Zoom in. That's cool. Have the Mrs. cook up a nice hot meal for the boss. Dude, I would be so fucked. Or doesn't know how to cook shit. We would be so fucked, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:03 And I also don't know how to cook. Do you guys ever cook I know I mean I I Cook I mean I grill food I grow right am I sure hey I don't know course Yeah, so I grill salmon and chicken every week as a meal prep. That's why I maintain this I'm a dude this new jawline I got a lot of a lot I was getting a lot of a lot of love from from people saying I
Starting point is 00:12:37 Love your new healthy lifestyle. I multiple people said that to me at the AEW wrestling event I went to the other night. Okay, I like, I like this segue. Wait, so people were coming up to you at the pro wrestling live event and saying, I love your new healthy lifestyle, Adam. More than one person. Were these wrestlers?
Starting point is 00:13:02 Were these just ushers? One wrestler, one famous actor, Paul Walter Hauser, and then just a dude in the stands. OK. Yeah, he said, glow up. Paul said, healthy lifestyle. And then the other wrestler also said, healthy lifestyle. Because I think they don't drink.
Starting point is 00:13:26 I think that was code. I think that's code. I'm drunk now. Yeah, I think that's code to not drink it. But if they would have said that, I would have been, I hate it. I wish I could gargle and booze every night. But here I am.
Starting point is 00:13:41 Well, hey, something tells me that this is all for the best. Yeah, this is seven. Hearing you say you like to gargle booze at night, well, maybe this will work out. Yeah, it's definitely better for me, but. I mean, aside from the compliments on your healthy lifestyle, I would like to compliment your excellent form when giving a choke slam.
Starting point is 00:14:01 Holy smokes. Yeah, you got in the ring, huh? Yeah, at AE in the ring, huh? Yeah at AEW Revolution Revolution, I didn't know what an insane event those guys throw on a real banger, dude. It feels just as Insane and in fact, I liked it more than the WWE event. Okay. Okay This is not Monday Night Raw. This is a different Eight. Yeah different league. This is a different league.
Starting point is 00:14:26 So it's like the WCW in the early 2000s, or the late 90s. When was WCW? Late 90s, right? Early 90s, it was the younger years, but it spanned through all those. Early 90s, wasn't that WWF? They were competing. Sting was in the 90s, you guys remember Sting?
Starting point is 00:14:44 You remember Sting. In the 90s. guys remember sting you members in the 90s WTF And are they just changing these names for tax purposes what's happening WWE is WWE because WWF is World Wildlife Federation which they ended up suing them way way later or like Yeah, it was kind of crazy I'm WCW and AEW are not related in any way. They're not. But it's someone trying to go up against the behemoth that is the WWW. Correct.
Starting point is 00:15:14 And it is a behemoth that is, yeah. It is. They're gigantic. But it was cool. It was way more raw, dude. There was this cage match and there were people were bleeding all over the place real blood I'm sitting ringside. That's how I roll. So blood is back bloods back blood is back, dude. It was crazy AEW brings the blood for they were pouring
Starting point is 00:15:39 thumb tacks all over the ring and then like from the very top of the cage we're back flipping guys into the the thumb tacks insane and then you run back you know because we're allowed to go behind the curtain right so i'm back there and i'm like oh hey man wow it's like and those are real thumb tacks he still was picking them out of himself. He's like, oh, yeah Yeah, one stuck in my heel. I can't get it out that one. That one is painful Yeah, I will admit that one is painful and you're like Jesus Christ They're maniacs and do you like the blood Adam if it was no blood or blood? Which way would you lean? Okay, I will say that I didn't think I would have a thirst for it. Mm, a blood lust, a lust.
Starting point is 00:16:29 But now I do. It was awesome, it was crazy. It was brutal, I saw like some, well I watched it, but also like the clips of it, it was not men who got bloody, it was the women's match that was Absolutely a bloodbath, dude. Yeah, that was a bloodbath. Yes, but then the men in the cage match also They did some also very they got bloody as well. They were also attacking each other with a Screwdriver yeah, this is the way I'm like, how do you fake that and And then I'm like, oh, it's rubber. And then they stick it in the belt, the turnbuckle, and it just sticks into it. Like don't even.
Starting point is 00:17:10 And you're like, oh, uh. So it was crazy. It was, and it was really fun. Everybody was really nice. It was the same, the same guy that owns it, Tony Khan, was the guy whose box I was in for the Super Bowl and who we took out that night and partied with and he's just like this totally nice guy Who's our age who owns owns the AEW? So it was fun. It was a blast. He's the best
Starting point is 00:17:34 What did he do before this or what's his what's his story? Did he invent? Well, he comes from like family money. His dad is one of the richest men in the world and he but he's also like a genius He created this analytic company that sold for hundreds of millions of dollars. There you go. Which get richer. And then from there brought, it was like baseball. It was like moneyball stuff. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:56 So then he did stuff like that. And then he was like, I think brought it to his dad and was like, Hey, I did this. Now may I, may I, you know, have my true dream come true of owning my wrestling federation? Yeah. Can I get a key to the lockbox of the family fortune? It's so cool that like, yeah, the fact that like, that's his gift to his son is just an entire wrestling federation.
Starting point is 00:18:20 That's so freaking sick, dude. Well, I don't think he's, I think Tony is the only one hands on. So it started off pretty small and now it's like a multi billion dollar league or organization or whatever. Federation. Yeah. And so now is this the move like start a league to to battle the other league and kind of threaten the other league and then get bought out and walk away like the what is it live or whatever the golf one that did it against the PGA.
Starting point is 00:18:47 Right. You've got this, you've got the other football league that they're like, all right, let's, let's do this. And then it's like, well, there's too much money there. Let's, let's buy them out. I mean, that's kind of with everything. Oh, is that what happened? Is that what happened with the XFL?
Starting point is 00:19:00 They got bought out? No, no, no, no, no. But like that's, no, I think they just tanked. They pushed for that though. That's probably what they were trying to get. They're like, let's become such a problem that they have to buy us out or we become a legit league on our own. I think it depends on the person.
Starting point is 00:19:14 I think, I agree. I think Tony, uh, the con family has so much money that they, I don't think a few billion dollars doesn't matter to them. I mean, it does, of course, but it's like, he's like one of the richest men in the world. So, I don't think that it would, it's like, if Tony enjoys running the company and this is what he wants his life work to be,
Starting point is 00:19:38 then I think he'll just hang on to it. It's really interesting. I mean, the pay-per-view was awesome. I mean, you've met Tony. He's like a truly like a savant. He's a really interesting. I mean the pay-per-view was awesome. I mean you've met Tony. He's like a truly like a savant He's a really interesting guy. Yes He has a beautiful mind. Yes a beautiful mind also loves workaholics. He was crazy Yeah, what makes you say that he can recall like he loves workaholics
Starting point is 00:20:00 He can recall like every detail of every episode. It's crazy. Yeah, and he could do that with anything He's just like one of those guys. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah memories are fucking cheating. Yeah, it's not fair Isn't it crazy when when someone is able to I mean he knew more about our show than I did and I'm like Yeah, he was quoting it to me and I'm like, uh-huh Yeah, and he's like that's from the show, episode whatever. And I forgot like episode names. I'm like, wait, that's from our show? And he's like, yeah. And he must hate the name of it.
Starting point is 00:20:29 I'm like, oh yeah. Yeah, I'm just saying you have a tight butthole, dude. Like, it's from your show. You're like, quit. My show? My show? That doesn't seem like a thing Larry King would say. Yeah, that's from Larry King.
Starting point is 00:20:43 That's Larry King live interview we did We did Larry. What the hell? Our I heart radio music awards are coming back Monday March 17th on Fox starring Bad Bunny Glow Rilla Kenny Chesney money long Nelly your host LL Cool J. Are you guys ready to have some fun tonight? Plus iHeart Innovator Award recipient, Lady Gaga. iHeart. Icon Award recipient, Moriah Carey.
Starting point is 00:21:13 And iHeart Breakthrough Award recipient, Gracie Abrams. Watch live on FOX, Monday, March 17th. At 8, 7 Central. Hey, it's Amartinez. The news can feel like a lot on any given day, but you can't just ignore las noticias when important world changing events are happening. That is where the Up First podcast comes in. Every single morning in under 15 minutes, we take the news and boil it down to three
Starting point is 00:21:37 essential stories. You can keep up without feeling stressed out. Listen up first from NPR on the iHeart Radio app or wherever you get your podcasts. Do you remember what you said the first night I came over here? How goes lower? From Blumhouse TV, iHeart Podcasts, and Ember 20 comes an all new fictional comedy podcast series.
Starting point is 00:21:56 Join the flighty Damien Hirst as he unravels the mystery of his vanished boyfriend. And Santi was gone. I've been spending all my time looking for answers about what happened to Santi. And what's the way to find a missing person? Sleep with everyone he knew, obviously. Hmm, pillow talk. The most unwelcome window into the human psyche.
Starting point is 00:22:15 Follow our out of his element hero as he engages in a series of ill-conceived investigative hookups. Mama always used to say, God gave me gumption in place of a gag reflex. And as I was about to learn, no amount of showering can wash your hands of a bad hookup. Now, take a big whiff, my brah. Listen to The Hookup on the iHeart Radio app, Apple podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows. Hey, y'all. It's your girl, girl Cheeky's and I'm back with a brand new season of your favorite podcast,
Starting point is 00:22:50 Cheeky's and Chill. I'll be sharing even more personal stories with you guys. And I know a lot of people are going to attack me. Why are you going to go visit your dad? Your mom wouldn't be okay with it. I'm going to tell guys right now, I know my mother. And I know my mom had a very forgiving heart. That is my story on plastic surgery. This is my truth. I think the last time I cried like that was when I lost my mom. Like that, like yelling.
Starting point is 00:23:17 I was like, no. I was like, oh, and I thought, what did I do wrong? And as always, you'll get my exclusive take on topics like love, personal growth, health, family ties, and more. And don't forget, I'll also be dishing out my best advice to you on episodes of Dear Cheekies. So my fiance and I have been together for 10 years.
Starting point is 00:23:38 In the first two years of being together, I find out he is cheating on me, not only with women, but also with men. What should I do? Okay. Where do I start? That's not love. He doesn't love you enough because if he loved you, he'd be faithful.
Starting point is 00:23:52 It's going to be an exciting year and I hope that you can join me. Listen to Cheekies and Chill Season 4 as part of the My Kultura podcast network available on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. But yeah, so I showed up and they were like, hey, how physical are you willing to get? Yeah, what was what was up with that part? They didn't hear about you? Yeah. Yeah, I was like my hips might explode if I'm have any physicality at all. Yeah. And I was like, you know, I'm not a professional wrestler. And they were like, no, cat him? Yeah. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:24:26 They're like, where a cat him, is it? Mm. Get in there and just grab him by the throat and don't worry. He can handle the rest. I'm like, all right. That's so cool. That is like truly like one of the fucking coolest things. You were in the ring.
Starting point is 00:24:39 I mean, you're wearing an NWO hat right now. I am, dude. Yeah. Freaking dude. Yeah. Freaking A. Unrelated? Or you knew? I mean this is a lifestyle but maybe it was subconscious. I'm just gassed on my boy.
Starting point is 00:24:54 How was the pop? Was the crowd hyped or were they going wild? I saw Leslie Jones was there going absolutely psychotic. Oh no shit. She was losing her fucking mind. Yeah dude. But that was after, that was after. She came, she came a little late. Did she wrestle? No she's just there
Starting point is 00:25:10 to scream. Sure. Just there to scream dude. To be a fan. And she likes, she likes it. Apparently, yeah yeah yeah. I saw some footage of her, she was like cheering her ass off dude. Yeah she was, she was. And I was like dude, Leslie, pace yourself. Like pace yourself. It's a long, we're here for like another three hours.
Starting point is 00:25:33 Oh it's so long dude. It's so long. It's a long ass event. It's a long event. And she didn't, and then never ran out of steam. I'm like, could you imagine Leslie Jones in high school?
Starting point is 00:25:47 Like imagine that like teachers quit, right? What do you mean? Sure. Like teacher, like her, just if she has brings that same AEW energy into the classroom, no teachers, they toss her the chalk, toss her the chalk. She, she goes up there and she breaks down the put tag of freedom theory. Yep. Come on, brother. She goes up there and she breaks down the Pythagorean theory. Yep. Nice, Gers. Yep. Gers.
Starting point is 00:26:07 Come on, brother. You know what I mean? I told you, dude. I think we all know that a squared equals e minus b squared times four. God damn. Is it? What is the Pythagorean theorem? Can you pull it out?
Starting point is 00:26:21 It is a squared plus b squared. That's for sure not how it's pronounced. Pythagorean. Pythagorean. Pythagorean theorem. Yes, but that is not what Dyr said. I said, Pythagadugy. I don't know what it is.
Starting point is 00:26:38 I mean, I can barely foil a math equation. I don't know. The fact that you just foil. Front outer inner last, homie. Let's go.'t know. The fact that you just foil. Front, outer, inner, last, homie. Let's go. I know. The fact that you're even saying that stuff.
Starting point is 00:26:50 I don't remember anything. Well, how do you help with homework? You don't? Fuck it. No, dude. My kids are all smart. It's all embarrassing for me. Also, they teach math.
Starting point is 00:27:00 I feel like we've covered this. They teach math differently now. The way you show your work is different than how we showed our work. That's cool. When your kids ask for help, you're like, no, no, they just teach it different now, man. I don't know that. Yeah. Oh, okay. Thanks. No, no, no. It's different.
Starting point is 00:27:15 No, your homework's way different now. I don't know. Yeah, it's way different. Go talk to your mom. She might be able to figure out the new different. Yes, she knows. Dad, I need help. What? Oh, Ohio. Dad, I need help. Uh-huh. What? Oh, Ohio. Oh, I need help. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:27:28 Uh-huh. Oh my. Wippity toilet. Daddy, uh-huh. My parents would break it up. Like, my dad handled all math questions. Math. And math questions.
Starting point is 00:27:39 Wait, yeah. Yeah, I got you, bro. I know. I got you. What do you need to know? Hey? You're in there now, right? I'll tell you what to stay away from. You're nine years old now. My dad hilariously would always say Well, I never did heroin Anytime it brought up about drugs and I'm like so you did would do meth and he was like well
Starting point is 00:27:59 They didn't call it that then. Never did heroin. He's like, I never did meth. And I'm like, okay, but it's because they called us up. And your mom's like, we got to leave Oklahoma. He's talking to his two year old like this. We got to leave Oklahoma. By the way, he's saying he never did heroin, which just tells me he did it and was like, I gotta say I never did it. So my kid never does it because it was bad. You know? Yeah, or two. No, I didn't do it. I didn't do it.
Starting point is 00:28:28 I didn't do it. Never did it. No, I don't see that for him, because you know, needles and shit. I don't think. He likes it up. He's an upper guy. He's an upper guy.
Starting point is 00:28:37 Oh yeah, Dennis D. I think I heard that. Life is a highway. Absolutely, I heard that dare. You know, dare is still a program. I heard they took weed is a highway. Absolutely. I heard that D.A.R.E. You know, D.A.R.E. is still a program. I heard they took weed off the D.A.R.E. list. Like they don't teach you that weed is a bad drug anymore. Yeah, that checks out.
Starting point is 00:28:53 It's legal most places. That's pretty cool. But they still gotta talk about it as far as like operating heavy machinery and having long hair and stuff. Hmm. Well, I don't think that's against the law. What was that? What was that?
Starting point is 00:29:03 Hmm. I don't think that's against my dark charisma. It's like a skexy. Hmm. Well, I don't think that's a gift to the law. What was that? What was that? Hmm. I don't think that's a gift. That's my dark crystal. It's like a skexy. Hmm. Absolutely. Yeah, but that's kind of, that was like a major,
Starting point is 00:29:12 what the hell did they teach you about? Cause they talked about alcohol. Yeah, so now they don't, I don't know. I wonder if they're like really just kind of like, weed's cool, alcohol. Now this is just a thing that someone said in passing to you and you didn't check into it at all and they probably are teaching them.
Starting point is 00:29:32 No. I heard they hand you it out. I read the news, dude. They give you weed. I read the news. Wait, you read the news? Yes. You're reading the news.
Starting point is 00:29:42 On, dude. What are you talking about? Hey, could you guys check my page on... I was... I got phished and... uh... and was locked out of my X account... months ago. And, uh... it has to just be a porno page now. Uh... Don Case! Hey, fingers crossed. Could you guys check for me?
Starting point is 00:30:06 I can't. Chloe also was fished months ago. Just brace myself for dog fights. Really? Yeah. Is it? Are they using it for nefarious purposes? I haven't noticed that.
Starting point is 00:30:21 I feel like I would have noticed if you were posting a ton of Forno. But right off the bat, right off the bat. I like this. Can you guys see this? That's what I posted. What is that? Castaway? This is the first thing.
Starting point is 00:30:36 Read the thing above it, though. I can't read that. Okay. It says, I wish it's by somebody called Illuminati bot. I wish you guys knew what this really meant. And it's the castaway. Very shaggy. X, what are you guys, what's everyone doing on X?
Starting point is 00:30:54 So people think that I'm a psychopath. This isn't you. This is just the first thing that popped up on my feed. That's not you. Oh, okay. Oh, okay. We'll get to you. But I'm just saying like-
Starting point is 00:31:03 That's how you're greeted. I open X, I never go on here. I. We'll get to you, but I'm just saying like that's how you're greeted. I open X I never go on here. I open it and it just goes I wish you guys knew what this really meant X go out and fuck. What are you guys doing? Yeah? No if you're on Crazy, you don't you don't fuck you don't it's it's it's just like go join Go join a fucking ultimate frisbee league or something. Just get out! Just go! What says my last post was a TII promo?
Starting point is 00:31:35 Yeah, you're not hacked. You're not hacked. Well that's good. If you are, then... Well I was, and then I'm locked out and I cannot get back in. History of Fuddruckers. And then I'm locked out and I cannot get back in. And we've tried to... The history of Fuddruckers. Mm-mm. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:48 The last TII post was the history of Fuddruckers, which is a great episode. That's a great episode. You posted 12, 4, 24. 4, 24, nice, dude. Whoa. Almost 4, 24. Um, when did I even post? Wow, this is cool.
Starting point is 00:32:03 What is upgrade? Not gonna do it. Can't even get into it. Unbelievable. I even post? Wow, this is cool. What is upgrade? Not going to do it. Can't even get into it. Unbelievable. I just can't. X. It's just wild.
Starting point is 00:32:11 Don't give it to you. And it's a love thing, dude. Look at you. You're falling in love. Look. Okay. It does kind of blow in my mind. Hot, hot, hot, hot.
Starting point is 00:32:19 Everyone's like, it's fucking back. It's so much better now. Who said that? I don't think most people are saying that. I mean, all the bullshit YouTube videos I'm watching where there's like free speech people or whatever, they're like, it's a wild, wild west. Now you can say whatever you want.
Starting point is 00:32:35 I'm like, I know, but every time I open it up, I'm like, this is the biggest fucking waste of time in the history of waste of time. Fucking thing sucks! That's all people are trying to do nowadays is just waste their time. He's just trying to get through the day Yeah, I get it. Yeah, yeah shit do you know nobody's playing ultimate frisbee anymore? We got to bring it back. We got to start a league We have to we have to I can't walk but yeah, let's start. Let's... the first sport back is...
Starting point is 00:33:05 Bro, I just saw you choke slam a guy in the middle of the ring. You're doing alright. Yeah, I saw you choke slam. You did fucking jazz splits on a Today Show or something. Yeah, come on. I'm not buying it anymore. And by the way, I'm fucked since both of those things. Rippin' in the terror. I mean, I did multiple rehabs today. Yeah. Oh no.
Starting point is 00:33:30 How many thumbs and where'd they go? No, it wasn't body work. Hmm, I get that Friday. But yeah. Electroshock therapy. No, it was a chiropractor who also does some like low grade bodywork stuff And he hooks me up to this like it's sort of like a tens unit
Starting point is 00:33:50 But it's a what unit tens unit that it's where they put these patches on you Okay, and attends is like you makes your muscles twitch the stem stem pads Yeah, mm-hmm. Those are wild but then this I think it's called a Neugenics or something. Not Neugenics. That's Doug Floaty. That's low T. I'm well aware of that. Floaty, Doug Floaty.
Starting point is 00:34:15 There you go. Yes, points! NeuX or something. But anyways, so instead of like 250 pulses a second, it's like 25,000. So I'm fully cranked up. And then I'm doing this functional patterns, which is a way to help your posture.
Starting point is 00:34:33 Did we do that in the writers room? Where did I do this? Where someone had one of those stem pad things, and we would just put it on, and then we would just crank it the fuck up on people. Yeah, that... And you just go like In the workaholics writers room. I feel like we had to have done it. Yeah, and it just like it fully seizes you It's a missed opportunity if we didn't yeah, I know just like oh we did it You know what it was it was on the swim seam in college
Starting point is 00:34:59 We would just really go you'd be sitting there waiting for your event or whatever and I remember my boy Torpey He put him on his face, and we just fucking cranked him up and he was like It's science. He just immediately goes blind. Yeah, it was a good time The real question is right now is where is Isaac's list? Oh, yeah Nation was a huge fan of the Isaac list and I feel like... And Isaac, he says he's gonna be doing these lists. And I was excited that he was like finally stepping up and was gonna do a thing to help us in our career. Oh, no lists, he says. And now he's saying no lists, which...
Starting point is 00:35:37 Punk Rock, getting radical. Is disappointing! That's really sad, dude. Why not? Yeah, why not, Isaac? Why no lists? Can you get on? Can you talk a little bit? What's crazy is don't you know it's just fodder for us even if you have it and we think it's fucking stupid cuz it is Yeah, man, drop the list dude. Yeah, give us a list What are some things that we need to talk about here? I said did we cover we covered AEW?
Starting point is 00:36:03 Come on, man. The cruise. The cruise. The cruise. Well, apparently we're gonna do a cruise. I like how you picked the one thing we don't know anything about. Yeah, we don't know really have anything about. Yeah, we haven't locked in any talent quite yet.
Starting point is 00:36:19 No dates. No date. We are starting to book it. We're starting to book it. I know what the cruise ship is. Pretty cool. No date. We are starting to book it. We're starting to book it. I know what the cruise ship is. Pretty cool. Get ready. Get ready, cause it's gonna be fun.
Starting point is 00:36:30 And I think we're gonna go from Fort Lauderdale to the Bahamas or something like that, or maybe Miami. We have no information. Yeah! But there is gonna be a cruise. Should we get Cisco? Which, admittedly, it's gonna be so fucking fun.
Starting point is 00:36:47 If we can get Cisco, that would be a blast. Yeah, I'm looking forward to it. Even though we have no information, I am getting excited. I feel the motor revving a little bit. Can you imagine? Slow rev. Don't rev too hard. It's literally a year away or nine months away.
Starting point is 00:37:07 Yeah, we gotta pace a little bit. It's a year out. Thanks, Isaac. Okay, what's next on the list? What a great list so far, Isaac. God damn it. What the fuck, bro? There's gotta be more. You know what? He didn't prepare the list. That's why.
Starting point is 00:37:25 And this is how his brain works. Yeah. Cruz, my son's water polo. Blake wanted to nap with me? Blake wanted to take a nap with me? What the? This is an absolute terrible idea at this point. What are you even talking about? What is he talking about, Blake? Yeah. Why did you want to take a nap with Isaac?
Starting point is 00:37:45 I think this was in between pitching the show. He didn't want to go home to Orange County and my house was nearby, so he came over and I wanted to take a nap. So he's claiming that I was trying to what? What are you insinuating that I was trying to? He's not insinuating anything. Well, he's saying you wanted to take a nap with him. The end.
Starting point is 00:38:05 And you know what? I'm coming around on this list. The list is getting stronger. I didn't want to take a nap with him. Why not? He's your manager, it's not a big deal. This is what, you know how when we get out on the road and then Blake gets really sexually charged against Isaac?
Starting point is 00:38:19 Like towards Isaac, he gets like all charged? No, against. He's finally like, it's just us. And we're like, well, we're here too. Getting radical. Well, remember he keeps, he would get drunk and then like whisper to Isaac about how closeted he is. And he'd be like, you're so closet, dude.
Starting point is 00:38:35 You're so closet. I know you are. He keeps saying, I dare you to come out with me. And it kind of got like weirdly sexual. It was like, well, I think Blake's trying to fuck Isaac a little bit. Yeah, a lot a bit. to fuck Isaac a little bit. Yeah, a lot of it.
Starting point is 00:38:46 Yeah, a lot of it. So now this nap thing makes a lot of sense. I look at it. I wouldn't have to try, all right? I would just do it, all right? A lot of it. If I really wanted to. Look, I'm telling you guys right now,
Starting point is 00:38:58 if I really wanted to fuck Isaac, I would get him to do it. Trust me. Oh. Consensually. Trust you? By the way, never say that and then say trust me afterwards. Trust is gone. You just told me you were going to make somebody fuck you. I'm just saying, I think I know exactly why you're going to make Isaac fuck you.
Starting point is 00:39:19 Maybe he said I'm going to get him to do it. Either way. He's going to fuck you? Is that what you're saying? Because that's how I took it. I don't like you guys telling me to show my tits. Adam, doesn't matter, trust him. I guarantee, I can guarantee that I can get Isaac to fuck me, all right? So, okay, so he's gonna be the one fucking you in this scenario.
Starting point is 00:39:41 That's the bet. Yes, and I guarantee I can get that to happen. Trust me. Please trust me on this. This is 100% guaranteed. If I wanted to set my sights to Isaac fucking me, I could make it happen. Okay. Trust me. I've made on very good authority that I could have that happen. Wow. In a heartbeat. What is the authority? What is the very good authority? Yeah. What is the... You and Isaac kissed in Oklahoma. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:12 I wouldn't doubt it. I wouldn't doubt it. Yeah. Yeah. It happens. It happens when it's COVID times, brother. When you're waiting for your room for over three hours, you got to kill some time some way.
Starting point is 00:40:23 Practice kissing. That is true. And yet, Ders kill some time some way. Practice kissing. That is true. And yet Dyrs and I found different ways. We found other ways. Really? Yeah. Really? We would just go in and grab lunch or, you know. Oh man, I was full.
Starting point is 00:40:35 I was already full. Folded up some paper, shot a football. I don't know what we did. What did we do? I was full, dude. Did we kiss? I was not about to eat more. Did we kiss?
Starting point is 00:40:44 Right. I don't know. I'm trying to think of what we did. Did we kiss? I was not about to eat more. Did we kiss? Right. I don't know. I'm trying to think of what we did. Did we kiss? I don't think we did. Our iHeartRadio Music Awards are coming back Monday, March 17th on Fox. Starring Bad Bunny. Glowrilla.
Starting point is 00:41:01 Kenny Chesney. Money Long. Nelly. Your host. i Amartinez. Fox Monday March 17th at 8 7 Central. Hey, it's a Martinez. The news can feel like a lot on any given day, but you can't just ignore las noticias when important world changing events are happening. That is where the Up First podcast comes in every single morning. In under 15 minutes, we take the news and boil it down to three essential stories
Starting point is 00:41:40 so you can keep up without feeling stressed out. Listen up first from NPR on the iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your podcasts. Do you remember what you said the first night I came over here? How goes lower? From Blumhouse TV, iHeart Podcasts, and Ember 20 comes an all-new fictional comedy podcast series. Join the flighty Damien Hirst as he unravels the mystery of his vanished boyfriend.
Starting point is 00:42:03 And Santi was gone. I've been spending all my time looking for answers about what happened to Santi. And what's the way to find a missing person? Sleep with everyone he knew, obviously. Hmm, pillow talk. The most unwelcome window into the human psyche. Follow our out of his element hero
Starting point is 00:42:20 as he engages in a series of ill-conceived, investigative hookups. Mama always used to say, God gave me gumption in place of a gag reflex. And as I was about to learn, no amount of showering can wash your hands of a bad hookup. Now, take a big whiff, my brah. ["I Heart Radio"]
Starting point is 00:42:39 Listen to The Hookup on the iHeart Radio app, Apple podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows. ["I'm Not a Star Wars Rebel"] Welcome to Pod of Rebellion, our new Star Wars Rebels Rewatch podcast. I'm Vanessa Marshall. Hi, I'm Tia Sircar. I'm Taylor Gray.
Starting point is 00:42:56 And I'm John Lee Brody. But you may also know us as Harrison Dula, Spectre II. Tabin Wren, Spectre V. And Ezra Bridger, Spectre 6 from Star Wars Rebels. Wait, I wasn't on Star Wars Rebels. Am I in the right place? Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:43:10 Each week, we're going to re-watch and discuss an episode from the series. And share some fun behind the scenes stories. Sometimes we'll be visited by special guests, like Steve Blum, voice of Zabarelio, Spectre 4, or Dante Bosco, voice of Jaiquel, and many others. Sometimes we'll even have a live way debate. And we'll have plenty of other fun surprises and trivia too.
Starting point is 00:43:28 Oh, and me? Well, I'm the lucky ghost crew Stowaway who gets to help moderate and guide the discussion each week. Kind of like how Kanan guided Ezra in the ways of the Force. You see what I did there? Nicely done, Jon. Thanks, Tia. So, hang on, because it's going to be a fun ride. Cue the music.
Starting point is 00:43:52 Listen to Potter Rebellion on the iHeart radio app, Apple podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. The Gemstones premiere. That's, hey, Isaac, this list is coming in handy. There you go, Isaac. That's a little better than Blake wanted to nap with me. This is better. I don't know. Is it? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:44:12 Yeah, Gemstone's premiere. Thank you for coming, Blake. Yes, that was a blast. Ders made a big point about not showing up. He made a big point of it. Well, you know how I feel about Danny. At last. Ders made a big point about not showing up. He made a big point of it. Well, you know how I feel about Danny. He made up this whole story about being sick
Starting point is 00:44:30 and having a cough and yada yada and how we were pitching a show together. Super disappointed. I wanted to not go and party that night because we were pitching the next day. I didn't want to lose my voice being like, Adam, you're the best. You're unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:44:45 Saying all those things that I might have said under duress. Yes, of course, of course. And it's always fun to get ready and walk a carpet. You know, step and repeat. Oh, I love, I love. Hands in pockets, hands out of pockets. Legs far apart.
Starting point is 00:45:04 This wasn't a step and repeat. A full-fledged carpet, dude. They really spent, well, they spent an amount of money. I was gonna say they spared no expense, but there was an expense. Espanse. Espanse. Espanse.
Starting point is 00:45:15 It was espanseve. It was pretty espanseve. For damn sure. It was an espanseve event. No, I was bummed, because now I gotta wait with the rest of the fucking proletariat to see it. Well, it came out, right?
Starting point is 00:45:26 Well, it came out Sunday, yeah. First episode is already out. That's what I just said, I got to wait with the rest of the proletariat. Dude, did you watch the first episode? You know, yeah. No spoilers, it's fucking really cool, dude. It's insane. Yes. It's an insane first episode.
Starting point is 00:45:43 It is really cool. Bradley Cooper is the... Spoiler. Spoiler. Spoiler. I mean, it's already out. You should have watched it. You should have watched it.
Starting point is 00:45:52 That's true. Well, if that doesn't entice you, yes. That's all we'll say though, right? I don't... we can't spoil further than that, but... B. Coops is in the building. And it's a prequel set in the Civil War. Okay, come on, bro! Wake up! Yeah. There it is. Okay. Yeah. And building and it's a prequel set in the Civil War. Okay, come on, bro Come on he finds
Starting point is 00:46:11 Christianity and he decides he's gonna take this this preaching thing serious and that's how the gemstones got into preaching But it was done really really well, but it is you it's really good. And I think critics loved it. Mixed bag, I think, from some of the fans that were excited to see us. But I think the fans, the true Gemstone fans, they loved it. They loved it. Leave them wanting less, right? It's really cool.
Starting point is 00:46:40 That's what I always say. And that one is directed by Danny as well, right? Cognac! He's quite the director. Yeah, he's very smart. He chooses to direct the episodes that might actually win awards. Where none of us are in it, it's Bradley Cooper is the star. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:56 He's going for Emmy for sure. Yeah. That was Emmy or bust. Yeah. And now, would Bradley Cooper, he's a guest, best guest star on another show kind of thing, that's the award. You know he's gonna win that shit.
Starting point is 00:47:10 He'll be nominated. He'll at least be nominated. You gotta watch it. This episode is rad. And at least we'll finally be nominated for something. But it's super cool. It's a great episode. And then next week we're back!
Starting point is 00:47:23 Okay, hell yeah. Right to gemstones. And you'd be proud of us, Jers. You saw us the next day, but back! Okay, hell yeah. Right, just gemstones. And you'd be proud of us, Jers. You saw us the next day, but you would be proud of us. We did not tie one on that night. I love it. We went, we had a good time. In bed by 1 a.m. Yeah, a responsible 1 a.m.
Starting point is 00:47:40 A responsible 1 Yeah. You know, I felt great about the whole ordeal. Yeah, it was responsible. I was a little worried about Blake, because I left him at the after party. I was like, OK, I'm leaving. Oh, the star of the show's leaving.
Starting point is 00:47:56 I'm leaving Blake. The star of the show's leaving, and Blake's like, he's just spinning off in the corner trying to kiss Isaac. Isaac was not there. Get in here. He's doing this dance move, ro kiss Isaac. Isaac was not there. Get in here, he's doing this dance move. Yeah, he's like, I was like,
Starting point is 00:48:07 Isaac. Isaac was not there. You're so closeted, you bitch. He kept saying that. Let's come out, man. Come on, you're too tense. Loosen up, take a shot. You guys are such good storytellers.
Starting point is 00:48:17 If I wanted Isaac to fuck me, it would happen tonight, I'm telling you. I could make him. And are both you guys sober for that or no? I couldn't make him, but I would get him to fuck me tonight if I really wanted him to. Okay.
Starting point is 00:48:32 All right. Hey, did I tell you guys I've discovered a new way to blow your nose? This is what I've been doing all week. And I'm listening. Oh my God! Okay. You know when you blow your nose really hard
Starting point is 00:48:43 and it like, your eardrums kind of pop, right? Yeah, it's the best. I love that. So here's the new method, and maybe I've said this before. This is important. Because I discovered it last time I was sick. You plug your ears with your fingers, and then you plug one of your nostrils with your
Starting point is 00:48:59 thumb. Oh my God, this is too involved. And then you just blow, and dude, boogers from behind your brain come out. Really? It's science. Like you gotta be over, in the shower or over a sink, and you just kinda like let it rip. Dude, it's like, you feel it come from like
Starting point is 00:49:15 way up in your brain. Blake, do you have an empty cup of coffee or something nearby? I'd love for you to try it for us. I have a full cup. Yeah, could you show an example of it? Because it's actually pretty interesting that you brought this up. At first I was like, oh to try it for us. I have a full cup. I can't. Yeah, could you show an example of it? Because it's actually pretty interesting that you brought this up.
Starting point is 00:49:27 At first I was like, oh God, here we go. And by the way, at 43 years old, I'm still discovering my body. You're a lifelong learner. I feel like Isaac and you. Well, he hasn't discovered mine all the way yet, but if I wanted him to, he would be discovering it as soon as we wrap up here.
Starting point is 00:49:44 I could have him at my door. It's just interesting. Cause now it's the only way I want to do it. I've been doing lots of snot rockets and I never did that my entire life. But lately, now imagine it's a snot. It's basically a snot rocket, but you plugged your ears too. So you can go extra ham. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:50:02 Yeah. I don't know what it is, but you should bring it back. I've I've discovered the snot rocket. It is really a beautiful tool. Outrunning, you're saying? Yeah, you just go maybe it's just because I've had this same cold for like fucking three months It feels like but I'm just blowing snot rockets now. It feels good. I feel like puck from real world. Yeah. Yeah, great guy Just um, let me know if you try my technique and if you guys listening give it a shot give it a snog. I guess I don't really understand why. Yeah what is it?
Starting point is 00:50:34 Yeah look at me here. Okay you're gonna want to get on YouTube for this people. And it just drains. Really? Okay you're gonna want to get on YouTube. Let's talk the the plaque, by the way. This is how we get 100k people. Yeah, you know what?
Starting point is 00:50:49 We got the plaque and I like it. I like it. I like the hardware. I like the hardware. Oh boy, here it comes. But then I watch other things and you see like some podcast you've never heard of before and it just kind of winds up in your feed with two girls you've never heard of or you know whatever. Burn!
Starting point is 00:51:09 With girls? Yeah, girls. That's insane. And you're just like, I've never heard of them before and then you notice they've got the plaque hanging behind them. Don't count other people's money. Don't worry about it. Yeah, you're right. You're right.
Starting point is 00:51:24 You're right. It just makes me go like, maybe we should work harder on our YouTube. I know we won't. No, that's not happening. Look, we're busy. You're on the biggest show on HBO. Absolutely. Blake's busy finishing the top three of Jeopardy.
Starting point is 00:51:42 We got other shit to do. Well, top three of that episode. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Right. That's fine. Top three. Better than most.
Starting point is 00:51:51 You know what I wanna do though, is if you notice. Better than most is not true. Go ahead, yeah. Yeah. Whatever, at least I did it. Anyways. True. If you notice, on the back, there's these two holes.
Starting point is 00:52:03 Oh, that's nice. I think I'm gonna make it into a necklace and wear it around. I think I'm going to make this my chain. Is that kind of tight? Yeah, go for it. Have it like hanging. That's awesome, dude. That's awesome, dude.
Starting point is 00:52:16 That's really cool. I think that'd be a huge flex to go to what the Cha Cha Lounge with that on. Yeah, yeah. Hidden Chipotle? Yeah, dude. Anywhere, Panda Express. Yeah, don't act like you eat Panda Express by yourself, dude. I 100% do.
Starting point is 00:52:35 Blake, there's a one, I lived with you for years, I never saw you eat food alone. Dude. I never saw you eat food alone. I actually was at Panda Express like two days ago, and a girl asked me for a picture And I I said yes, but I wanted to deny it because I was kind of like embarrassed that I was there Is that weird? No, that is you have to lean in lean in. Why did I have shame about being at Panda Express?
Starting point is 00:52:58 I fucking love Panda Express because you're a bitch. I don't know you have shame around eating food. I don't know what it is Because you're a bitch. I don't know you have shame around eating food. I don't know what it is I don't know what it is. Well, I took the photo That's why that's why out of I lived with you for seven years and I never once saw you eat eating I never came home and saw you eating so that means you probably with you're just eating alone in a car He heard your keys and he would hide the food. Yes When we lived together, I was dead broke. I could not afford even Panda Express. The one thing I would eat was like a sleeve of saltine
Starting point is 00:53:30 crackers with summer sausage. Hey, we'll see. Blake, that's the crazy thing, dude, because we were also living in the same place, paying the same amount of rent. Neither of us had parents that were helping us out. How was I able to eat food? I didn't eat summer sausage and saltine dinners.
Starting point is 00:53:50 Here's the other thing. If you recall, I was a food delivery driver. I would eat at my work. I thought you were going to say you would take a bite. You ever take a bite? No, but if the order was a mess up or whatever, definitely is not coming back to the shop.
Starting point is 00:54:06 And you mess up by spitting in it? Be like, oh, they're spitting this one. They're spitting this one. Should I eat it? It's a bagel. Your guys' opinion, if someone is a delivery person and they take some of the food, scumbag or just person? What kind of food is it?
Starting point is 00:54:22 Doesn't matter. Not theirs. Total scumbag. Total scumbag. Yeah, I don't like that. I think if someone paid for the food, they should have all of their food. Yeah, that's totally fucked up. That actually breaks code. And as a delivery driver, that is extremely frowned upon. And against. I'm glad you guys stand for something. Thank you. Yeah, Ders, I feel, is leaning the other way. Death penalty. No, no, no. Death penalty. Take some of the food. Death penalty. Absolutely not. Death by unga bunga. Like, take a bite. Like, steel fries, I think, would be the number one thing. Right. Okay. I might have done that. Oh, wait, wait, wait. I might have done
Starting point is 00:54:59 that. Death by unga bunga. Well, I mean, I'm saying, if like if it like fell out of the container if it like shook loose like well dude if it's containers closed now okay so you say a fry is fine a fry is fine and here's what about what about a chicken fry you're pressing it but maybe but it's like the same as like if you go to a restaurant and you sit at a table that hasn't been bust yet and there's fries there you can eat the fries what if it's like the same as like if you go to a restaurant and you sit at a table that hasn't been bussed yet and there's fries there, you can eat the fries. What if it's like potato wedges and so there's not that many. It's a large fry. Fries are communal. So wait, so you are going to a table that hasn't been bussed yet. Correct.
Starting point is 00:55:39 And... There's a whole basket of fries. They've coughed all over these fries. There's no... There's no... There's no... There's no fries. There's no like napkins on them. A child had like stuck it up his nose put it back in the fry basket then you go and eat those fries dude? No no no no. There's a reason that you have had
Starting point is 00:55:54 this cold for weeks and weeks is you're disgusting bro. Hold up. No no no no no and yes I did do this recently but it it was it was before I had this cold. It might have been really around that time. Wait, so what'd you get at Panda? What'd I get at Panda? I actually got a responsible order. You got an orange chicken and what? The power greens, the veggies.
Starting point is 00:56:20 I get a bowl. That's my responsible order. Can I tell you something? What? You're already getting the fucking orange flavored chicken. He's not dude. He's not he just admitted he got fucking power green No, he's got the orange chicken on top. It's a killer combo The reason I posed the question is okay. You got orange chicken and what is cuz you can't go and not get the orange Okay, okay. I agree. I thought Blake didn't. And I was so ashamed. But also, even as shameful, is getting orange chicken on lettuce? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:52 It's not lettuce, dude. It's like kale, cabbage, broccoli. You cancelled it out already. It's delicious. No, no, no, no. It's actually kind of a healthy meal. Dude, this is, and not to keep harping on the low-T, but this is such a low-T move. Pizza, pizza. What?
Starting point is 00:57:09 It's such a low-T move. Why? And the fact that you're shocked by it. Yeah. Why? What is wrong with eating greens? It's power greens. Well, not at Panda Express, dude.
Starting point is 00:57:17 Not at Panda Express. They're good, dude. They're delicious, and it's actually kind of healthy. It's not. I'm not going to say that they aren't good or delicious, but what I'm saying is it's too late. It's too late. It's too late, dude.
Starting point is 00:57:32 You ate the orange chicken. That is a day's worth of calories right there. Unless you're getting raw broccoli with it, it can't even be steamed or cooked or anything, player. There's a big difference between 300 calories and 2,000 calories. Look at us when you talk to us. He's afraid. Don't you look away.
Starting point is 00:57:53 Look at me. You're afraid, homie. If we were in person, I would sit in your lap, OK? What? You said, god, wait, what? That's not what I meant. Why? That's not what I meant, all right?
Starting point is 00:58:05 I said, I'd look you directly in the eyes. All right. Here's the deal. There's a huge difference between getting a Panda Bowl with power greens and orange chicken and then getting the two entree plate, which is going to be half chow mein, half rice, orange chicken, broccoli beef. That's when daddy's really hungry. Which by the way, you've never gotten that order. I've gotten that
Starting point is 00:58:30 several times in my life. Not by yourself, dude. You don't know what I do by myself. I hang out with Isaac. I like to think about that. I know what you do by yourself and that is eat power greens or nothing or you just swallow a bunch of air and then go to the bar. If you're going to do a meal with greens, that's the meal. It's like hitting McDonald's and getting a salad and a Big Mac. Well the salad shakers, I mean, those were really good. Do you remember the McDonald's salad shakers? You're, no. I need to do the, Although I did eat McDonald's.
Starting point is 00:59:13 I think I told you guys this. Driving up to Oregon, I had McDonald's for the first time in months, in years. And the chicken sandwich was fucking flames. It was good. I told you, dude! Did you tell me, you told me? Yeah, of course, of course.
Starting point is 00:59:27 But the fries, the fries were garbage, fries were garbage. I think we did talk about that. We did, because they don't use beef anymore and they fucked it up. They fucked it up, man. Fries are trash. What did I eat the other day?
Starting point is 00:59:38 I ate at a, I texted you, Blazer. What? A picture of Van Damme on the wall. Yeah, where was that? What burger was that? Burger, burgers never say die or? Not burgers never say die, but it's a- Burgers she wrote?
Starting point is 00:59:51 Not burgers she wrote, it's a new place, it's a chain. For the win. For the win, thank you. For the win burger. Very good burger. There's a lot of Smash burgers around LA. I'm personally a burger she wrote guy, but there are very, a lot of delicious options.
Starting point is 01:00:06 The Smash Burger thing drives me crazy, because that was just what we in Chicago called a burger. It was just your corner burger place. They were all made like that. Okay, like smashed with the iron and shit? Yeah, that was just how you got a burger. Shout out Bill's. You're a monster. And I like them sometimes, but also I like a big plump, juicy, give me all that meat.
Starting point is 01:00:32 A big Kahuna burger! Cheeseburger. So you like a big patty now? A beefy patty? I do. I like all cheeseburgers, but you know, there's so many Smashburgers. I'm like, well, what about the classic backyard barbecue? Here's what I'll say about Smash Burgers. You can't really have a bad one.
Starting point is 01:00:51 They're all equally delicious, but when you get a burger burger that's very good, it's set apart from the rest. But I feel like that is correct. Smash Burgers are all kind of the same deliciousness. Yeah. Thank you It comes out of the bun a lot Isaac says I thought Blake likes hamburger Mary's which is right A burger place in West Hollywood. Yeah, Isaac has a lot of really funny jokes, and I'm you know what just for that We're going to lunch there
Starting point is 01:01:21 Isaac okay, really funny stuff. I will sayurger Mary's was when I first moved to LA, I was driving around with my parents and we were driving through West Hollywood because I didn't know where they should stay and I just picked the Ramada Inn in West Hollywood, which is the gayest hotel. You guys found the guy with the white cowboy hat? Yeah, it was painted pink and there's rainbow flags out front.
Starting point is 01:01:48 Blake wears a skirt and kind of walks in front of the hotel. But we were stuck in traffic and we were right by the Hamburger Mary's. Hardcore gay porno was playing on the television screens. At Hamburger Marys? At Hamburger Marys. It was at night. But... Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:15 West Hollywood is tight. It's a good time. And I'm a little pissed that we never have gone out there as a crew. Just like tore up. I feel like we have. I think that'd be fun. You know what I've never done that I really would actually love to do is go to like the gay pride parade
Starting point is 01:02:31 in West Hollywood. I've never done that as a lost in Torino. Can I tell you something? Is it fucking a nightmare? Yeah, parking's probably crazy. It's like any other thing like that where you're just like, this is a lot. Yeah, I know, but I would like to at least go once. It seems like a good time.
Starting point is 01:02:46 Yeah. Isaac? You gather, you and Isaac. I feel like you guys get sorted out. Hey, Blake, any take backs, any apologies, any other chance? I would love to do a double down. I would love to go to a gay pride parade in West Hollywood. I think that would be... Any take backs, apologies or double downs? I would love to double down, man. Yeah, we should add double downs.
Starting point is 01:03:07 I feel like we're doubling down a lot lately. And if you guys want to come with me, I would love to go with you guys. I think that would be really fun. I would go if we could ride a float and be part of it and fuck. Okay. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:03:18 Let's go, dude. No, no, no. I didn't mean that. It doesn't have to be that, but it would be cool. If we could ride a float and suck. Whatever. Jesus, what are you saying? Oh, Jesus, what the fuck, man?
Starting point is 01:03:28 I'm down, dude. When in Rome. Yeah! When in Rome. Have you met Rome? Oh, you know, you brought up John Claude Van Damme. I just finished this audiobook called The Last Action Heroes, and it's the triumphs, flops, and feuds of Hollywood's last action stars and it
Starting point is 01:03:49 Follows, you know, obviously Arnold and Stallone Steven Seagal Jackie Chan Chuck Norris, Toff Lundgren Willis and all of those happy birthday Chuck Norris by the way Oh, is it? It was yesterday and it just follows them from like the beginning of their careers Through the end of when the action genre sort of died off 2001 Yeah, it was it's sort of
Starting point is 01:04:18 No, it lasted through the 90s. What's the one where they're all in it together? Expendables. Yeah, I'm sorry, I thought you said 91. No, no, I would never do it. I think Expendables is kind of like the tip of the cap. That's the last gas. But it was really cool and really, really cool. Yeah, it was fucking awesome. I loved it, dude.
Starting point is 01:04:38 The last action hero. So if you drive a lot, check that out. I love that. And here's my question, though. Are is is fucking Chris Hemsworth and these Marvel guys are now the action heroes? Nope. Well, I mean, yes, but it's aren't they filling that space? He said, yeah, you're going well. Yes. Well, the way that they explained in the book, and I agree with the guy,
Starting point is 01:05:01 you have to do a ton of cocaine is a Nick D. Similin. Yeah, I'm sticking with that pronunciation. Can I agree with the guy you have to do a ton of cocaine is a Nick D simulant Yeah, I'm sticking with that pronunciation I Need a good old Nick to symbol in that you're not going to to see a Chris Hemsworth movie You're going to go see Thor. I agree. I agree with that and that and that is the difference one with with an Arnold movie You were there because it's Arnold. Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 01:05:26 You know? But I think we're in a different era where IP took over movie stars. Yeah. So that's across the board. There's very few people you go to see a them movie. You know what I mean? Right. For me, it's all shallow me. Yeah, we love Timmy. Timmy! And it's not like they're not making action movies anymore. They just go straight to like the fucking back corner
Starting point is 01:05:47 of the streaming thing with like Liam Neeson skull fucking some guy on a yacht for stealing his daughter. You heard. That movie's sick, dude. You guys seen that one? Yeah, that's a movie Blake can get behind. Skull Fucker 3, you ever see that? I would watch it.
Starting point is 01:06:02 Yeah, any double downs? Any double downs, Blake? That sounds, I love the premise. I would watch it. Any double downs? Any double downs, Placer? That sounds... I love the premise. I love the... No, but it is interesting that, like, we still have action movies, and they are still, like, the biggest movies, but they're under the guise of, like, fucking Iron Man or whatever. Marvel?
Starting point is 01:06:19 Yeah. It's all Marvel. It's all Marvel. I love the hair movies. Well... Do we have... Wait, wait, you guys, were we talking Running Man and you guys had never seen Running Man? No.
Starting point is 01:06:29 When we were on Busted with the Boys or whatever? Yes. That was the other boys. But you guys have seen it. Yes. We've seen it. We've seen it, yeah. Good, good, good.
Starting point is 01:06:38 Yes, of course. He's the best. Very good. We've seen it. We're old. They were younger, so they hadn't. And one last thing to end this on, or not. Um, die hard or predator? Pick one.
Starting point is 01:06:48 Die hard. I'm going predator. I'm going predator. Alright, and that was another episode of... This is Importance! I'm gonna come on. You see my dick. I'm gonna come on. Your host, I Heart Radio, LL Cool J. Are you guys ready to have some fun tonight? Plus I Heart Innovator Award recipient, Lady Gaga. I Heart Icon Award recipient, Mariah Carey.
Starting point is 01:07:30 And I Heart Breakthrough Award recipient, Gracie Abrams. Watch live on Fox, Monday, March 17th. At 8, 7 Central. Hey, it's Amartines. The news can feel like a lot on any given day, but you can't just ignore las noticias when important world-changing events are happening. That is where the Up First podcast comes in.
Starting point is 01:07:51 Every single morning in under 15 minutes, we take the news and boil it down to three essential stories so you can keep up without feeling stressed out. Listen Up First from NPR on the iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your podcasts. Are you hungry? Colleen Whit here and Eating While Broke is back for season four every Thursday on the Black Effect Podcast Network. This season, we've got a legendary lineup serving up broke dishes and even better stories.
Starting point is 01:08:17 On the menu, we have Tony Baker, Nick Cannon, Melissa Ford, October London, and Carrie Harper Howie turning Big Macs into big moves. Catch Eating While Broke every Thursday on the Black Effect Podcast Network, iHeart Radio app, Apple Podcasts, wherever you get your favorite shows. Come hungry for season four. Do you remember what you said
Starting point is 01:08:37 the first night I came over here? Ow, goes lower. From Blumhouse TV, iHeart Podcasts, and Ember 20 comes an all new fictional comedy podcast series. Join the flighty Damien Hirst as he unravels the mystery of his vanished boyfriend. I've been spending all my time looking for answers about what happened to Santi. And what's the way to find a missing person? Sleep with everyone he knew, obviously. Listen to The Hook Up on the iHeart Radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows.

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