This Paranormal Life - #007 The Secret Nazi Aliens

Episode Date: May 30, 2017

Why did the Nazis journey to Antarctica in the middle of WW2? Why don't NASA admit the earth is hollow? What ancient secrets lie within the earth? Where is the forgotten land of New Berlin? Rory Power...s and Kit Grier are on the case. Answers to these questions and more on this episode! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Is Siri trying to take over our own minds? Is the government trying to take our guns? That's not quite a conspiracy, but either way, welcome to This Paranormal Life. That is just my personal thoughts. That's my personal fear, that they're trying to take my guns. Welcome to This Paranormal Life, a paranormal podcast. I'm your host for today, Roy Powers, joined pal kit greer how you doing today kit i'm good man i i'm my head is so full of paranormal mysteries and ancient facts i can't sleep at night
Starting point is 00:00:31 anymore because we've we've been kind of grinding out some paranormal stories full disclosure uh today's episode i was up till half 12 last night researching this and i don't want to overstate the importance of the information that i discovered last night but when i woke up in the morning i had a stress ulcer in my mouth oh my god i'm not even joking i have ulcers too are you serious yeah i've never had an ulcer before in my life isn't that weird and i woke up one. It's because we knew the truth. They're trying to kill us. They're trying to kill us. They're trying to suck our brains. On that note, I want to start the podcast
Starting point is 00:01:10 with one word you may have never heard before in your whole life, Kit. Okay, try me, try me. It's a good word. I'm actually very educated. Try me. Have you heard of Nazis?
Starting point is 00:01:20 Nein. Never heard of them. Next question, mein Führer. Mein brother. Mein brother. Have you ever heard of the Illuminati? Absolutely. Where are you going with this?
Starting point is 00:01:36 Well, have you ever heard of a group called the Illuminazi? That's right what if i told you that during the second world war the nazis in germany had help from ancient humans living inside of our own earth i think you got a backtrack how did you get here we're gonna backtrack so i guess you're wondering how i got here you're wondering how i this is adolf hitler in the middle of like a hate rally. It all started in the middle of the earth. It all started with a little thing called the swastika. So if you haven't listened to the podcast before,
Starting point is 00:02:14 basically what we do is every single week, we pick a different conspiracy theory, paranormal story, and we investigate it as professional paranormal investigators ourselves and come to a conclusion to decide whether or not it is in fact true that's right people we do the research so you don't have to exactly go on believe in your dumb little rat race lives because we are doing the hard work so today we're going to learn about the illuminatis and our journey of discovery begins in the 1940s with a little man you may know called hitler yeah you may have heard him he killed a bunch of people it's actually funny in the early 40s hitler was doing pretty great not morally of course i mean he was all
Starting point is 00:03:02 over this bankrupt in terms of political success. He was crushing it You know hoping to spread the German Aryan reach as far as he could and that's always been one of his obsessions Blonde hair Sydney of like wasn't like dark hair. He's like like black hair. Yeah Which is weird, right? Because if you are you're like being given instructions by this guy I want you to do this and I want you to do that because blonde hair blue eyes that's the perfect vision steve steve can i have a word yeah sure what's up man he's got neither of them he has neither of them i thought it was kind of weird too i'm kind of glad you brought it up it's insane what are you guys saying over there nothing nothing my bureau uh what do you think of my hair it's insane what are you guys saying over there nothing nothing my bureau uh what do you think of
Starting point is 00:03:45 my hair it's beautifully blonde so this obsession many of which people believed that he admired as a look of purity blonde hair blue eyes this is a strong look however i'm going to pose a question to you right now what if instead of purity it reminded him of another group of humans. How about instead of this pure race, it reminded him of the legendary ancient humans of Agartha living inside of our own world. Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Where did he get this from?
Starting point is 00:04:17 I'll tell you where he got it from, Kit. The Earth is hollow. The Earth is straight up hollow. You realize this isn't how storytelling works. You don't just jump to the conclusion. You're supposed to build to a climax. No, you know what? F*** it.
Starting point is 00:04:30 Goldilocks got eaten by the bears. Spoiler alert. If you don't believe now, you'll never believe. You'll never grow up. So it's been well reported, well reported, thatler was a fan of the occult yes ever since his early ages up into the rising of power he was a fan of the occult and i'm not talking your entry level pg oh i'm gonna sacrifice a goat oh you drink some blood level of a cult we're talking serious stuff here it's rumored that hitler had contact with the secret society in germany that did actually exist called the thule society wow i know now these guys were
Starting point is 00:05:11 into some very strange stuff uh and among those strange beliefs they believed that somewhere in the world there was an opening that could lead them into the center so already like what are our thoughts here you've got a guy who believes heavily in the occult closely linked to the secret society he's risen up to empower he's got infinite money he's got infinite possibilities what do you do you start doing some weird stuff he's like the elon musk of like evil he's like donald trump of the 40s he's like he can do anything he can go anywhere i mean look at elon musk right now do you see that elon musk is like starting a like a a tunnel boring company what do you see this elon musk was like sitting in traffic one day recently and he was like it's taking too long for me to get to la from wherever the hell he was and he goes i'm gonna
Starting point is 00:06:02 dig a goddamn tunnel through that mountain but isn't that kind of weird it's like what do you what do you do when you've infinite money start boring tunnels into the center of the earth you know why as well to find the original humans i feel like elon might be in on it it could be infinite money he's like oh we should go to space oh we should go to space while everyone's watching his rockets rise he's digging away like he's god damn stanley yeelnats digging holes into the center of the earth that was a really obscure reference by the way i'll be really impressed if anyone gets that yeah so a bit of scene setting it is the thick of world war ii there is a lot going on and there's a lot of people in this world who are not happy with
Starting point is 00:06:45 hitler okay you got america coming at you you've got britain coming at you you've got russia coming at you uh i think and you're still trying to push out and you're still trying to conquer everything around you you've got so much like your your forces are stretched we get ulcers just talking about this shit talking about it this guy had the world his mouth was probably like bubble wrap honestly i don't know how this guy even ate a banana is madness he's trying to do all you can go back in time and ask it the one question how'd you eat a banana how do you eat a bananas please sir because you look stressed af so why kit in the midst of all this chaos does does Hitler decide to send large amounts of troops and submarines from Germany to Antarctica? No one's even in Antarctica.
Starting point is 00:07:33 Why would he even be there? No one is in Antarctica. There's no army in Antarctica. No one's in Antarctica at that point. That's a really good point. Why is Hitler... Because he's got all forces coming in from all sides and he's actually diverting troops away from the war. To another place where no one actually exists.
Starting point is 00:07:48 I would question his leadership at that point. Not all the other points. Not all that other crap. I'm willing to listen. These guys are bad. These guys are bad. Sure. Kill them.
Starting point is 00:07:58 Penguins are bad? Kill them. Not sure. So in 1938, the Nazis sent a ship called the Straubenland to Antarctica. Now, with the front, quote unquote, of the operation was that it was to widen the whaling industry of Germany. That's pretty evil. Oh, how convenient of you, Mr. Hitler. But the ship was allegedly filled with explorers scientists and military units wow not
Starting point is 00:08:28 just aboard one ship but submarines too uh when was the last time you needed a submarine to kill a whale uh let me do some quick research Moby Dick and he hasn't been around for a very long time. So, as far as I'm concerned... Did you read Moby Dick? No, I didn't, but I'm paraphrasing. What was it, like, three submarines took him down in the end? Yeah, it was like a nuke or something. It was a nuclear sub, for sure. Roasted him straight out of the water.
Starting point is 00:08:56 Lieutenant Ahab just roasted him. Lieutenant Ahab roasted him in a comedy roast. Dave Chappelle. So, why Antarctica? Why so many people? Well, Kit, what I'm about to say may shock you. It may shake the very fabric of your world, but you need to hear it. You need to hear it.
Starting point is 00:09:16 Because hidden underneath the giant ice caps of Antarctica is the entrance to Agartha. So this is the place, this is the entrance that the Thule Society theorized? This is what they believed. The Thule Society was under the assumption that in the center of the earth there was another earth inside of our earth which is the hollow earth. So inside of our earth there is a land called Agartha okay which is basically this utopia populated by advanced aliens who have been living in our earth for hundreds of years now this is what humans would consider to be heaven so creatures within this this hollow earth live for between uh five to eight hundred years whoa Whoa. Beautiful roaming green fields, waterfalls, rainbows, copious amounts of food.
Starting point is 00:10:08 They're all giants. They're large, large human beings. Creatures that have been extinct from the world. Mammoths, dinosaurs still roam about in this world. It's almost prehistoric. There's some science there. I don't know if you want to check that, but it's legit. You know, this thing exists.
Starting point is 00:10:23 Don't even look it up. Don't bother. This thing exists and it's real. And that's all that you need to know at this point. That's kind of crazy because we've always been brought up to think that underneath the Earth, at the center of the Earth, is hell. One question quick. Kit, have you ever seen any magma? Have you seen magma? I have seen volcanoes starring Pierce Brosnan.
Starting point is 00:10:43 Does that count? No. That does not count. That does not count. Have you seen, with your own eyes, Volcano starring Pierce Brosnan. Does that count? No. That does not count. That does not count. Have you seen With Your Own Eyes Magma? No. It doesn't exist. Because the earth is hollow, my friend.
Starting point is 00:10:56 What else do you need to know? What else do you need to know? So much. This is just, some people don't know this, the north pole because north and south pole all ice but the north pole wasn't always by the way i just want to clarify that i would ask you not to interrupt two holes in it please okay yes continue i will interrupt when c fit but continue when the north pole north pole is all ice but the south pole a lot of people don't know is ice and that's that's what we see yes actually yes
Starting point is 00:11:25 continue please it's kind of rude actually now continue please please but uh i'm borderline begging at this point please continue i need more opportunities to interrupt but the uh but the South Pole actually... Continue, please. Please, sir. It's kind of rude, I feel like, but... No, no, it's fine. I have no authority to say that it's fine.
Starting point is 00:11:59 It is really rude. Me claiming that it's fine is really rude. Okay, continue, please. I'm sorry, continue. But there's... Yeah. But there's... Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:18 Uh-huh. Yeah, continue, please. Please. Okay, continue. But there's a continent underneath the ice that doesn't exist in North Pole. But in South Pole, there is a continent covered by ice. So does that mean that there is potentially a tunnel,
Starting point is 00:12:36 as you're describing? Exactly. That was once in existence, but now covered up by a large patch of ice. Fascinating. So under the belief that the ancient aliens were living in Antarctica. The Nazis began to set up base there. And they started taking in some of this advanced alien technology.
Starting point is 00:12:54 Trying to find ways in which they could use it. To make Germany the greatest superpower in the world. Good lord. You're in a world war. How do you beat the rest of the world? With other worlds technology. Now there is some facts in this, actually, as well, because of the V2 rocket, specifically. Which, I don't know if you know a lot about the V2 rocket, but it was developed by the Germans.
Starting point is 00:13:15 And it was actually the world's first long-range ballistic missile. Wow. The V2 was the first ever Artificial object To cross the boundary Of space Are you serious? Yeah inhuman They were the first ones To do it
Starting point is 00:13:29 Do you want to hear A fun fact Yeah About the V2 Which I do know Is that We're sitting here On just off
Starting point is 00:13:36 New Cross Road New Cross Road here Don't get Whoa whoa Beat that Beat that Don't give them Our location
Starting point is 00:13:40 Do not give the man The location I'm saying all this shit In full knowledge it's getting edited but uh but you cross the road in South London here
Starting point is 00:13:49 the Iceland there's an Iceland shopping you know like the I thought you meant the country no dude they got V2s they got V2s bro
Starting point is 00:13:57 we gotta bail we gotta bail get the podcast shit let's go right now let's go so ready to drop the podcast
Starting point is 00:14:03 the Iceland that's there that used to be a woolworth's that was the site of the most deadly v2 bombing in um in london's history madness it was like i can't remember it was like 200 people or something killed yeah these things were vicious crazy so it was years ahead of what America and Russia had been developing. The only problem was it's not very cost effective. So I think it was something like the price of one V2 missile was essentially the cost of an actual fighter jet with bombs equipped on it. But, of course, aliens don't care about accuracy. They don't care about cost because they have space money. Space bucks.
Starting point is 00:14:44 Space dollars. Space cash. Space gold. Space bitcoins. because they have space money yeah space bucks space dollars space cash space space bitcoin space coin yeah they're like loaded in space coin so it's not it's not a problem whenever you're considering whenever you want to wipe out a goddamn planet you're not really worrying about accuracy exactly you're worrying about what can i make that goes the longest and the farthest and I can be the furthest away from? And the blows up the biggest. Exactly. Exactly. Okay, interesting.
Starting point is 00:15:07 So basically, it's World War II. Germany have discovered the entrance to the Hollow Earth. They've gone there. They've met with the ancient humans. They've accumulated all of this ancient technology. And because, you know, the Germans are in love with the idea of the blonde hair and the blue eyes, which the ancient humans possess, they're like, you guys must be great.
Starting point is 00:15:25 We'll give you some of our ancient technology. You can study it. You can do whatever thing you want to do out on the outer core. They didn't know the Germans were bad people. They didn't know Hitler was a bad dude. There's some bad stuff going on right now in the world. And we all know what happened in World War II, I think. Right? You know?
Starting point is 00:15:43 Yeah, well, I mean, I should say we're broadcasting this from a small island in the middle of the pacific so hitler won hitler won thank god so anyway so so basically at this point the world is freaking out because they know the nazis are working with some high-tech material aka the v2s so you know what it's time for? It's time for some good old-fashioned teamwork. Boom! The U.S. and Russia team up. They fist bump.
Starting point is 00:16:13 They drop a bunch of bombs. They go in there and they rack up the place. Play some, like, patriotic music. You know, we all know what happened. America came in. We smoked a cigar. Captain America, I think, punched Hitler in the face at one point. I don't know if that's canon or not, but it happened.
Starting point is 00:16:28 Basically, the bros of the world beat up the Nazi nerds. It's incredible. It's the worst kind of history ever. Until... Until he was a secondary school teacher. America gave Germany a swirly. So basically, they force them to surrender but now instead of rejoicing the panic sets in because the u.s and russia know that germany have been in possession
Starting point is 00:16:57 this whole time of ancient alien artifacts they find this out who's gonna get it who's gonna get it this is the rush the u.s and russia storm towards germany eager to salvage the remains of their technological advancements but germany didn't want either of the countries to get a hold of their ancient alien technology obviously which of course and also like it's like if a friend lends you money or something you want to you want to give it back to them. You want to be respectful. If you want that friend to stay a friend, which who doesn't want to be a friend with goddamn ancient giant aliens inside of the Earth, you know? So what they did was they grabbed the technology that they had remaining and they boarded it into submarines to ship it back to Antarctica.
Starting point is 00:17:40 Oh, that was nice, man. And they thought they'd get away with it, too, if it weren't for those meddling Americans. Looks like we're going to Antarctica, Junior. I'm definitely going to play, like, adventure music over this whole interlock. I'll add in some sound effects. This is, like, the alien submarine sinking down into the ocean. Protect me, save me, Save me from the humans. This is the
Starting point is 00:18:10 Americans. Well, I bet there are some Nazis around these here oceans. I bet. I don't really care much about no Nazis. Only about my farm. Only about my cattle.
Starting point is 00:18:26 I'm a missus. So we're about halfway through our story. I assume it's blowing your mind right now, right? You're like, this is crazy. You're experiencing a direction that history never told you about, a.k.a. the truth. It's unbelievable how we lie to our children in schools. So America basically found out about the
Starting point is 00:18:45 nazis returning the technology and they were afraid that they had built large german bases in antarctica that would continue to thrive after the war because if you think about it the nazis went to antarctica during the second world war to get the technology in the first place now it was huge groups of people it was submarines it was enough people to set up a colony a base and build what skeptics say may have been new berlin new berlin new berlin a new german city built around the realms of the new earth which is essentially where the germans not necessarily the nazis but the germans continue to thrive after the second world war they've like populated an area think how good you know like you always hear the stories about how like cool berlin is and how good like a nightlife is in berlin imagine how dope it is in new berlin bro
Starting point is 00:19:35 hollow earth is lit 24 7 there is no sun there is no moon we don't know what time it is any day we rage 24 7 so basically the americans needed a way to launch an attack on the south pole without it looking like an actual attack what you want to say is the war is over but you need a way to send a ton of troops to the south pole to kind of combat this secret german military base with the hollow earth humans okay so what do you do what do you do well they also needed along with the attack someone who could get them there enter admiral richardrd, and the legendary operation known as Operation High Jump. High Jump? High Jump.
Starting point is 00:20:28 Whoa. And before we go any further, obviously a lot of the facts that I have brought to you this morning, Kate Greer. Yes. They may come under speculation. They may come under ridicule. Under scrutiny. But I can tell you right now that Operation High Jump is a legitimate operation. And it did happen.
Starting point is 00:20:46 that operation high jump is a legitimate operation and it did happen uh now the official mission of operation high jump was to train personnel and test equipment but it seems kind of strange that those were the only goals seeing as richard e bird was joined by 4 700, 13 different ships, and 33 different aircraft. That sounds like a legit invasion. What are you doing, Richard? You're going to war, brother. You're going to war. That's not science. It's true.
Starting point is 00:21:15 That's straight up destruction. Science is nerds in a lab wearing white coats. We know what science is. We know what science is. We're scientists. We're professional paranormal investigators. Test tubes. It's true.
Starting point is 00:21:24 Abacuses. A Bunsen burner. That's all you need to survive professional paranormal investigators. Test tubes. It's true. Abacuses. A Bunsen burner. Absolutely. That's all you need to survive in the wilderness as a scientist. It's so true. You don't need 13 ships. You don't need ships. You don't need an Antarctica.
Starting point is 00:21:32 You don't need Richard E. Bird. You don't need Richard E. Bird like a goddamn world famous explorer. So we have to ask ourselves this question. Was America really performing experiments? Or were they really trying to recover ancient alien technology destroy the remaining nazis and force their way into agartha and the hollow world i'm gonna say the second one right because it's the only logical explanation also at this point it may or may not be confirmed that hitler is alive. So I'm going to drop that bomb on you right now before we get any further.
Starting point is 00:22:07 Okay. We think that maybe when the war ended, instead of killing himself in the bunker, they took him on a U-boat submarine to Antarctica, where he now lives in New Berlin with the Hollow Earth humans. You're saying New Berlin is still there? Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah. What?
Starting point is 00:22:24 What do you think? It's not there? What are you talking about? I mean, I only learned about it 30 seconds ago. Well,lin is still there oh yeah yeah yeah well what what do you think it's not there what are you talking about i mean i only learned about it 30 seconds ago it's still there yeah it's obviously still there bro because i had heard there's often talk of yeah um nazi officials moving to south america there are reported nazi mansions in um the hills of california yeah it's like that but i'd never heard of antarctica that's of california yeah it's like that but i never heard of antarctica that's crazy oh yeah oh yeah that's where new new berlin is located it's also speculated in new york in the embassy buildings if you punch in a specific code on the elevator you'll be brought to a floor that you cannot access on the elevator which is the embassy
Starting point is 00:23:01 floor for new berlin no yeah yeah so if you punch in the right code you're brought to the new berlin floor well it is kit i'm telling you it is and you need to believe it you're hurting me you need to believe in aliens because it's real damn it so what really happened when they researched antar Antarctica Was never actually disclosed But some of Richard E. Byrd's planes This is a fact Did crash And up to three men were killed
Starting point is 00:23:33 So why did they crash? He shows up He goes to Antarctica For scientific experiments Rory's doing massive Massive quotation marks in my hands. He shows up. Ships start crashing. People start
Starting point is 00:23:49 disappearing. All of a sudden the mission's called off. It's called off. Everyone has to return home. You sent that many people. 4,700 troops went to Antarctica. And all of a sudden you're like, ah, it wasn't what we were expecting. I guess we'll head home then
Starting point is 00:24:05 it doesn't add up do you know why it doesn't add up Kit? because they weren't there doing scientific experiments the planes got shot down by anti-gravity alien guns that the Germans had cultivated from ancient human technology the ships had been destroyed, they couldn't get into the
Starting point is 00:24:22 hollow earth, they couldn't get into New Berlin to kill Hitler who is still alive by the way today you're back now now because he's in the ancient earth where humans can live up to 800 years old thank you for clarifying i'm sorry for ranting but i was i've been up since half 12 researching this story now Half twelve in the afternoon. Now look, people. Now look, people. You're going to say I'm crazy. You're going to say I'm insane.
Starting point is 00:24:53 Rory's papers are strewn across the floor at this point. I have a nosebleed right now. I'm drinking straight from the pot of coffee. I'm lying on the ground and he's hovering over me like a killer. But this is not fiction when richard e bird came back from his trip aka operation high jump he actually did a live television interview very early on we're talking black and white we're talking super super retro setup here but he did an interview about everything that he had seen from operation high jump this is straight after his his trip so think about it he was just candid on this he just laid it all out he laid a lot of weird stuff out really if you
Starting point is 00:25:31 think about it like nowadays if you go to you know whatever the moon on your way back you're talking with the cia you're talking with the fbi and they're saying you can't talk about the moon base you can't talk about the nazi base you can't talk about the you can't talk about the moon base you can't talk about the nazi base can't talk about the cheese can't talk about the aliens all this stuff it's like we're talking 1940s like this guy has no briefing whatsoever yeah he lands he's brought into a tv studio he doesn't even know what there's no mobile phone exactly it's just like yeah he just lets loose but in a very ambiguous manner so what we're going to do right now kit is you and i we're going to listen to the interview that richard ebert did live on television wow we're
Starting point is 00:26:10 going to see if there's any little bits any little details that we can suckle on like little teats like you can just drink that little conspiracy juice like suckle it down this is unfiltered unfiltered government shit live Live. Well, not live. Straight from the source. Let's do this. It's time for the Longine Chronoscope, a television journal of the important issues of the hour, brought to you every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Starting point is 00:26:43 Good evening, this is Frank Knight. May I introduce our co-editors for this edition of the Longine Chronoscope? Larry Lassure, CBS News correspondent, and Kenneth Croft. You won't even look at the camera! Our very distinguished guest for this evening is Admiral Richard E. Burr.
Starting point is 00:26:59 So there's the guy himself. The North Pole used to be a no-man's land, but these are the days when, by buying a ticket on a commercial man's land but these are the days when by buying a ticket on a commercial airline you can fly across the north pole and drink a cocktail at the same time there are only three score or more years ago about thirty five years ago our guest tonight i love how serious it is there's no reason i know
Starting point is 00:27:19 whether there was any land north of the north american continent he made that first discovery flight and i must say that admiral bird our guest tonight is not only our greatest living explorer but he's been an inspiration to countless americans admiral bird you've been to both the north pole and the south pole is there any unexplored land left on this that might appeal to adventurous young americans
Starting point is 00:27:43 uh... yes there is and not up around the north pole because it's getting crowded that might appeal to adventurous young Americans? Yes, it is. Go on, Richard. And not up around the North Pole, because it's getting crowded up there now, because they find out it's really usable, not only to live in, but militarily. But strangely enough, there's left in the world today an area as big as the United States that's never been seen by a human being.
Starting point is 00:28:03 And that's beyond the pole on the other side of the South Pole from middle America and it's a I think it's quite astonishing that there should be an area as big as that unexplored. That's a tremendous story. Shutting him down. Shutting him down. I'm talking. Well Admiral would you say that this is you've been to both extremities of the world, are these expeditions to such far off places, are they getting easier because of modern techniques? A.K.A. alien technology?
Starting point is 00:28:36 Well, it's a little risky, but nothing like it used to be with the old slow planes and the small cruising radius where we had to put down because he's been around for ages you know he's been around for like uh prop planes you know propellers like that old stuff i mean it looks old as hell he does look like he looks like he drank from the wrong cup like he's straight up eroding in front of us it feels like he needs to go to the inner earth ASAP just to stay alive for other years. En route. What is that expedition doing? We're talking about high jump here.
Starting point is 00:29:10 Well, that's the icebreaker ATCA. And it's a reconnaissance expedition. It's going down to the South Pole area to make certain observations and to look for some bases. Look for some bases! They will be back in April. They will report back. That's not what the briefing was. And the information we get from that undertaking,
Starting point is 00:29:31 we will base the bigger expedition that's to follow. See? Is that very definitely planned? Bigger expeditions. Listen to this. That is being planned right now. There were further expeditions after Project High Jump before it got shut down
Starting point is 00:29:44 because of the goddamn anti-gravity fields that were taking place! Humboldt looks like an alien. Giant forehead. Tiny mouth. Hey, guys. So near our greatest challenger. What would you say was the most valuable factor on expedition? What would you say was the most valuable factor on expedition?
Starting point is 00:30:10 Is it morale or physical courage or is it sheer equipment? Look at that slow pan. He's going to disclose something because of that pan. Look at this. The British told me that when I first went down in 28, that I couldn't possibly get through the winter night without a mutiny if I took more than 20 men. But to serve science, I had to take 42 men. Bullshit science!
Starting point is 00:30:31 42,000 men more likely. Go on. He's messing with us. He just dropped the mic. It's very hard on your nerves. Billions. 42,000. We don't do much about claiming anything. Admiral, you make me sound a little crowded.
Starting point is 00:30:52 Are there that many expeditions now there or en route there? Well, you know, as I said, it's the most peaceful place in the world, but I don't think it will be for long. Because of this intense interest on the part of other nations and this nation. Soviet Russia. But why this interest in the bottom of the world? Nobody living down there, is there? No, it's pretty cold. There's only one permanent resident.
Starting point is 00:31:19 That's the Emperor Penguin. The little ones live further north. Bullshit. I tell you one reason they're interested. Here we go. It's by far the most valuable, important place left in the world for science. That's why the scientific groups all over the nation are really interested. But more important than that, it has to do with the future of the nation.
Starting point is 00:31:46 That's it, Richard. Those to come after us, or even during your lifetime. Here we go. The bottom of the world will be important, not only to us, but to our allies. Okay, so right off the bat, the guy says at one point, he answers a question about what's going on down there. And he says, no one's really living about there except penguins, emperor penguins. And he talks about the little ones. And then that's what they want him to say.
Starting point is 00:32:11 They're like, what are you actually doing down there? And it's like, well, the purpose of the mission is to undercover bases. Yeah. You can see. You can see it in his eyes. He messed up. He knows what he's done. He's like, penguin bases.
Starting point is 00:32:23 Penguins. There's just penguins down there, guys. No women have ever gone there. He says says some stuff is quite ominous that he's saying like as the years progress and the future of the world will depend on like the importance of the south pole bottom of the world you've got all these places in the midst of the end of the second world war fighting for control the the south pole and as far as i know isn't the south pole one of the only of the Second World War fighting for control of the South Pole. And as far as I know, isn't the South Pole one of the only remaining places on Earth that's not claimed by any one country, right? It's why?
Starting point is 00:32:55 The reason why you wouldn't claim it is because the higher-ups of all these individual countries know that the entrance to the hollow Earth is located at the South Pole. And one country could not lay claim to that entrance but what do you think is the benefit of covering anti-gravity guns force fields hitler's still alive in there so the u.s government yeah they send richard e bird out there and send him with thousands of troops to discover the Nazi bases, discover the entrance to the alien ancient hollow earth entrance. What's the benefit of not telling anyone about this? I don't think there is a benefit.
Starting point is 00:33:37 I think it's just cons. The cons is that you've just completed the Second World War. You've won. And I think, I don't think this is the first time that ancient alien technology or impressions upon the world have been withheld from public knowledge and i think this is just the peak of it i think you sent out richard e bird here to do some undercover stuff i think they underestimated the scope of the the nazi technology of the entrance to agartha how difficult it was going to be to penetrate that defense system especially since the nazis
Starting point is 00:34:13 had been there and set up new berlin and the force fields and the anti-gravity guns using the technology of the ancient he's all making sense now i know look we do we do a lot of these podcasts and i know words on this podcast are worth a penny but evidence is worth a space coin so i have brought with me kate greer actual hardcore evidence that not only does agartha and the hollow earth exist but that the nazis themselves went there what is this evidence you speak of i'll tell you what the evidence is this is so this is official declassified nazi maps released by the kgb from the era of world war ii when hitler was sending ships to to antarctica so i want you to take a look at this. Let me see these documents. I want you to take a look at that.
Starting point is 00:35:06 So Rory has passed me a really crumpled A4 sheet. I crumpled it in rage. I did crumple it in rage previously in the podcast. So on it, there is a JPEG. Please see past the JPEG. It is actually a high-resolution image that I printed in JPEG format.
Starting point is 00:35:24 And there appears to be there does it was once a map it was not always a jpeg it does it does appear to be a nazi seal at the top that is that is confirmed there is german here which i don't understand i don't speak german don't have to various please continue it's all there please continue there is uh multiple graphs at the bottom of the screen i can't quite work out what those mean but there is a map of the those aren't graphs those are ice caps
Starting point is 00:35:48 there's a I think there are I think those are ice caps just ask if you don't interrupt sorry I just want you
Starting point is 00:35:57 make sure you get the facts right but um sounds like you're just you're misinterpreting no no no I'm getting it I'm just okay well then say ice caps
Starting point is 00:36:04 if you mean ice caps. Say ice caps. So there's... Say ice caps. How? How? Sorry, please continue. Please.
Starting point is 00:36:19 Look, I've given you evidence. I've given you a map. Like, you know what? Look, exhibit, exhibit. Look, all right, we're moving on. Because I have this. I've given you a map. Like, you know what? Look, exhibit, exhibit. Look, we're moving on. Because I have this. I have this. Whether you want to believe what I've just given you or not,
Starting point is 00:36:32 here's something that I have that's even more pressing. More pressing evidence, okay? All right, let me see it. So it's widely believed, not widely, it's very sparsely believed that Hitler was not actually killed in the bunker, but instead he was escorted from germany to uh south south south the south pole to antarctica into the the hollow earth into new berlin where he could live it was apparently aboard a german u-boat called the 209 the 209
Starting point is 00:36:59 which was one of the vessels that originally made the voyage from Germany to the South Pole to initially discover the ancient aliens down there. So what I have in my possession, again, these are declassified KGB relics from the Second World War that have been recovered. Now, this is an actual letter written by Karl Unger, who was aboard a German u-boat 209 commanded by henrik broda that adventured to antarctica now in this report carl states clearly that the crew had reached the interior of the earth and they did not consider turning back they didn't consider what no no all right so how did he send the letter? What I'm going to do for authenticity, so I have two
Starting point is 00:37:47 versions of the letter here. I have an actual printout version of the step by step German letter that was sent and I have the actual translation here in my hand. So I'm going to give you the German one for authenticity so you can see it's an actual copy of the letter that was sent. I'm perusing this
Starting point is 00:38:03 piece of paper. It's for sure German. I don't understand anything it says okay pass me the translation well i was gonna read the translation okay you read it because i feel you're gonna butcher it so you're gonna take the piss and this is a serious this is a serious matter hit us with the translation okay please continue okay the letter is as follows dear old comrade this news will be a surprise for you. The U-209 undersea boot made it. The earth is hollow. Dr. Haushofer and Hess were right.
Starting point is 00:38:37 The whole crew is well, but they cannot come back. We are no prisoners. I am sure this news will reach you. It is the last connection with the U-boat 209. We will meet again, comrade. I am worried for everyone who has to spend his life on the surface of the earth since the Fuhrer is gone. God bless our Germany always. With hearty greetings. Signed. Full disclosure, that's a transmission from an actual German submarine that reached the hollow earth,
Starting point is 00:39:10 the U-209. That's, that was so crazy. It's cool. Look, I'm going to pass it over to you. This is the actual, so I actually, I gave you the German version. This is the translation.
Starting point is 00:39:18 This is the ingredients of the back of a cereal pack. No. Look, Captain Kellogg's was going to Antarctica. Captain Crunch. 200 degrees crackle. 200 degrees pop.
Starting point is 00:39:36 It doesn't make any sense. It doesn't make any sense that one part of the Earth is protected and respected by every single country and continent on this planet unless what are you saying unless that continent is masking an entrance to the inner earth and the ancient humans i believe kit greer that our lives on the outer surface is meaningless there's a whole we should kill ourselves tonight so oh my god i brought this gun and i think we should just i think we should just end it is this even beer it's poison just
Starting point is 00:40:16 drink the kool-aid bro so i'm being a buzzkill i've presented a lot of evidence to you today Kit I've given you I don't I honestly I'm getting so stressed with I don't know how I can make this more obvious I've given you Nazi maps I've given you god damn
Starting point is 00:40:35 instructions to the inner earth I've shown you TV interviews I've told you about Operation High Jump but to you at this point concede and admit and admit
Starting point is 00:40:49 and admit that it is possible that the Germans are still currently living in Antarctica and in New Berlin inside the hollow earth with the ancient humans. Oh god. What am I doing with my life? And in New Berlin, inside the hollow earth, with the ancient humans. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:41:07 What am I doing with my life? Is it possible that the post-war Nazi Germany fled Germany at the end of the Second World War? That is possible. Yes. We do seem to have a little bit of evidence that they were uh that they were establishing expeditions and bases i've given you the facts yeah also to take into account uh things like operation paper clip i believe which was after the war when the u.s recruited an insane amount of ex-nazi scientists to the u.s that's right to try and get ahead of the russians
Starting point is 00:41:46 in the space race yeah because obviously the germans had the v2 it's true a lot of people don't know that that's that's how we got to the moon that's the sad truth of it we took all those nazi scientists everyone's like we beat the nazi oh jesus i got way too excited there everyone's like we beat the nazis everything's great we beat them and then took a bunch of their weird ass crazy torture people. Yeah, literally those people and the same people worked. Those people who designed the bombs that killed American troops. Put them out on the moon. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:42:19 And also maybe tried to put troops into Antarctica. Maybe. Maybe definitely. Wait, was that a slip conclusion there what was that was that a slip conclusion there's a lot we don't know about the south pole not me i know everything sorry continue i've spent six hours researching this no i i know i know it's gonna get mad about the north the south pole shit i got the name that's a bad that's an indication that I could probably know a little bit more
Starting point is 00:42:47 about the pole itself. You're like, I have everything. Also, which one has polar bears? You want to believe. I can feel it. I can feel it. My problem is that the proof, the proof for there being an entrance,
Starting point is 00:43:04 a hollow entrance to overwhelming proof i think you over say the over bunny ears overwhelming proof is that we have a telegram post-war telegram saying that they were inside don't do this to me other than that there's more than that i just didn't print it oh shit i gotta google some stuff real quick i got there's there's pictures there are maps of antarctica you can see the whole if you have any more paranormal stories i'm just gonna i'm just gonna google nazi map full disclosure as, it's not real. It's a solid Earth. There are so many reasons why the Earth is solid. Earthquakes, like tectonic plates, seismic activity, volcanoes.
Starting point is 00:43:55 The gravity, gravity, like the density of the Earth has to be of a certain level to even secure humans. You sound like a NASA shell, to be honest, bro. We just want 80. We flipped so hard. level to even secure you really sound like a nasa shell to be honest bro we just wanted we flipped so hard you're richard ebert well what you've got to see rory i think obviously there was shady stuff that happened during the war i think there was some shady nazi stuff i think there was obviously some shady american stuff i don't think anyone found a secret entrance to the center of the earth i think that's ludicrous uh but it's really fun to talk about and i would be interested to know where you our viewers conclude we're always as professional paranormal investigators
Starting point is 00:44:38 we're always uh interested in other people's interpretations of the stories other people's interpretations. Of the stories. Other people's impressions. So if you do have a different view on the story. Please email us in. So just to conclude. Hollow Earth Theory. Ancient Aliens. Nazis getting help from aliens in the Second World War. We're saying. I'm saying no.
Starting point is 00:44:57 No. No. That is a big no. Wrapped up. Done. We will see you next time. On this paranormal life. If you have your own paranormal stories. That you'd like us to investigate. Wrapped up. Done. We will see you next time on This Paranormal Life. If you have your own paranormal stories that you'd like us to investigate,
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