This Paranormal Life - #013 Black Eyed Children

Episode Date: June 20, 2017

Ever since the 1990s reports have been popping up of children with completely black eyes wandering alone late at night, asking for help. The accounts of those that encounter them are harrowing. This c...ould well happen to you! So tune in to learn the difference between a regular kid and a Black Eyed Kid (BEK for short). Rory Powers and Kit Grier are on the case! Finding the truth behind the mystery.Music: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Are smartphones designed by the government to make humans subservient? Do trees give off oxygen or do they really give off poison? All these questions answered and more you can find right here on This Paranormal Life. I'm going to be your host for today, Rory Powers, and I am joined by my co-host, Kit Greer. Boo. Who said that? Jesus, they're in the room. Now, if you haven't listened to this podcast before what we do is every single week we look at a different paranormal case study we investigate
Starting point is 00:00:32 it as professional paranormal investigators and we come to a conclusion as to whether or not it is legit two men on the verge of insanity brought to you twice a week from ourselves from our mental selves deep underneath the earth now we do a lot of podcasts we do some that cover you know some comedy aspects of paranormal life that we know just simply aren't true but for once kit i hope you're ready to be scared beyond belief i'm sorry what's happening like a chuckle oh yeah you like an easy little podcast how about being scared for once okay huh how would you react if i just had a knife in your face right now how would you
Starting point is 00:01:13 where did the blood come from i nicked myself when i was unsheathing it a little bit it's actually really bad it's actually really bad oh yeah yeah wow you don't have any banded bandages no i we got i got some duct tape upstairs yeah it's fine hold on a second i mean duct tape's not really just patch that up it's not yeah i wouldn't say that's we'll go again sanitary so i mean it's pouring out it really is it's the tip did very little i got it i got it fine. On today's podcast... It's on your nose and ears. On today's podcast, we're going to investigate a case that's borderline nightmare fuel. Jesus. You've heard of the phrase, scared your socks off?
Starting point is 00:01:57 What about scared the pupils off your eyes? Oh my God. And the reason we'll be using that phrase is because today we're going to be investigating the black eyed children that's not a band i want to stress that early on that this is not a bad those hacks took the name unbelievable and twisted it to their game to something hip-hop unbelievable day now to start our investigation let's look at one of the first official sightings that came to light please do let me set the scene it's a warm summer night in 1996 in texas and a young man brian bethel is on his way to his internet provider's office to pay his bills already that's
Starting point is 00:02:40 weird no no i'm shutting it down this isn't this is that that's the. No, no, I'm shutting it down. This isn't, this isn't. That's the weirdest part about the whole story. This has been written by some, like, 90-year-old who's never... Well, it's also, it's 1996. Like, it's well-established that you can pay in other forms than hand-delivering checks to the office. That shouldn't be possible to pay your internet bill in person. Imagine going to the BT headquarters and being like, I was a little bit over this week. There's a bit more Facebook than usual.
Starting point is 00:03:12 Well, Brian's sitting there in the darkness, filling out the check to give to the office. When he hears a knocking against his window, obviously startled, Brian looks up to see two boys standing outside his car. He described them as pale-skinned, curly-haired, and aged between 9 and 12. The boys are wearing hooded pullovers, so Brian can't quite see their faces. This sounds like a Korn music video.
Starting point is 00:03:39 It does. Also, nothing too weird yet. Yeah. It's just kids. You know, this feels close to home because this is quite modern. A lot of our stories are in the distant past, but this is very recent. Absolutely. 1996.
Starting point is 00:03:53 You know, we've all been in cars at night with kids nearby. No big weird. I mean, we were five. So just to clarify. We were the kids, actually, now that I think about it. This is my autobiography. This is the first chapter. Just running it by you guys.
Starting point is 00:04:08 So Brian can't quite see their faces. So through the window, the two boys explained that they had no money and needed to get home to their mother. Makes sense. Again, everything makes sense. I mean, anyone with a heart got to look after these kids. Exactly. But while the conversation was going on,
Starting point is 00:04:23 Brian was filled by this overwhelming, uncontrollable fear. Something wasn't right. Yeah. You know, I've been in those situations before where you're walking home and you've done that walk like a billion times, but for some reason you're just like, oh, I feel a little on edge tonight, you know?
Starting point is 00:04:38 For no reason at all. Yeah, you get a sort of premonition. So what do you do? You punch the kids. You punch it into first gear. You rip off, you pull a hoodie over their face. Scooby-Doo style. Who are you really?
Starting point is 00:04:53 A goblin child? You tell them to get in the back, but when they reach for the door, you drive a couple feet forward. You say, sorry, that was an accident. I insist this time I will let you in. They go for the door. You reverse a bit. Apology again. Into their face. You run them over. an accident i insist this time i will let you in they go for the door you reverse a bit apology again into their face you're running over so at this point the two boys continue to try and
Starting point is 00:05:13 convince brian to give them a lift asking if brian would let them in even though it feels wrong brian being the nice guy that he is goes to open the the car door. Yeah. It's heart overhead, you know? What do you do? Exactly. Because I think in this situation, even if it doesn't feel right, you're probably gonna let the kids in because it's the poor kids. Because imagine these kids get stuck and then suddenly they say they tried to get help from you. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:05:38 But at this moment, that's when he sees it. One of the boys has dark, pupil-less eyes. Whoa. Brian described them as quote unquote the sort of eyes you would see these days on aliens or bargain basement vampires on late night television very self-aware this guy yeah they were soulless orbs like two great swaths of starless night all right was he an author he's getting a bit poetic with it now yeah at this point brian is petrified he makes a quick excuse and drives away as fast as he can
Starting point is 00:06:12 but when he looks back in the rearview mirror the boys are gone what is going on here what are we thinking ah this is very confusing i mean you place yourself in that scenario right this is extremely confusing it's like imagine trying to go to bed that night yeah and like you're just ah this is very confusing i mean you place yourself in that scenario right this is extremely confusing it's like imagine trying to go to bed that night yeah and like you're just trying to piece together what the hell happens like you're trying to do your best to get these kids and then they freak you out and then then you're questioning whether it even happened at all exactly and also that's a situation where nothing really out of the ordinary happened to the point where you'd be questioning was i just a dick did
Starting point is 00:06:46 i just leave two kids left stranded yeah because you could almost think you got inside your head too much maybe it was a shadow maybe the kid did have pupils yeah so i mean that's the kind of story you would go and like tell your partner or like someone your family and they'd go yeah i mean i guess it's a kind of weird story and you're like nobody had to be there you saw their eyes they were creepy as hell. One of them was like, oh, can we come in? Can we come in? The other one was like small, like a man, but not quite a man.
Starting point is 00:07:12 So a child? Yeah. No, like a black eyed child. So let's talk about these creatures. OK, because Brian believed that they were something called black eyed children or black eyed kids, B.E.K. for short. OK. Now, in all situations, the kids or the group of kids will approach an adult who's alone and request help for them in the form of granting entrance to a car, house or a building. It's as if without consent, they can't actually continue on with whatever horrible, malicious activity they've heard about.
Starting point is 00:07:47 Very vampire-like. Right? That's my initial thought, because vampires have to be invited in. It's true. You know? So these kids, maybe it's like, oh, we're going to murder Brian, but we need him to say, it's okay, kids, you can murder me, before they actually murder him. Well, it's a weird kind of border border of consent isn't it it's like you know they start murdering him and he's like i didn't say you could murder me just let you in
Starting point is 00:08:10 yeah and they're like good enough i start purging him now as their eyes are typically covered the first warning sign for a victim is an unexplainable sense of dread that overpowers whoever makes contact with the bekek which essentially what brian what came over brian as well yeah is this just unexplainable sense of fear okay yeah it's like when i know i'm gonna see my dad again yeah this horrible sense of fear and dread sinking in your stomach and anger uh to move on to another reported incident that occurred around 2010 jesus we're getting really recent with this a hiker named david was camping out by lake michigan now david was on his way to a big hiking trip and we all know there's not a lot of functioning bathrooms out in the woods
Starting point is 00:09:00 it's true so before reaching the campsite, David stops nearby to use the bathroom. This check, this is more normal than hand delivering your internet check. I mean, this is like, you know, they always say if you're going to tell a lie, you're going to make up a story, put something embarrassing in it. It's like he's done that. So I was going to take a shit. David wet himself on the way to his hike. He left the bathroom.
Starting point is 00:09:23 He had toilet paper stuck to his shoe his high school crush saw him when he fell in a puddle it was a horrible instantly so after he's finished up he's about to leave when he bumps into two children oh my god one of them asks can you help us and they're just in the middle of the woods standing they're in the bathroom they're still in the bathroom yeah yeah yeah now again david much like brian is a nice guy not one to turn down helping a stranger but there's something about these kids that's filling him right with fear their eyes perchance look at their dark soulless eyes they're wearing aviators shit i can't see so david actually makes up an excuse and gets ready to leave but not before glancing back at the children and that's
Starting point is 00:10:15 when he sees it oh their eyes are entirely black david quickly walks out of the bathroom and drives away damn so at this point i want to ask what are the implications what what is it what does one of these kids want to do to you according to these stories the only people who survived to tell us about these kids you know they got away yeah so do we have any do we know what these kids are up to what are their intentions really and it's kind of hard to tell because i read a lot of encounters with BEKs. Yes. And a lot of time, if you don't let them in or give them consent, whatever they're asking,
Starting point is 00:10:50 they can't actually really do anything. Yeah. There was one story which, as a professional paranormal investigator, I wasn't sure of its credibility of someone who did let BEKs into their house. And they said that immediately, within the first 10 minutes, their cat started freaking out and hissing at the children. And shortly afterwards,
Starting point is 00:11:13 when the kids left, the husband of the wife who lived in the house had nosebleeds that continued on for weeks. Unexplainable nosebleeds. Wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:26 Freaky stuff. So again, actual like harm no like stabbing no like we'll make your eyes black like ours yeah stabbing people in the eyes just kind of this creepy can we come into your house bring a bad vibe kind of like a bit of a curse yeah exactly the curse curse kids okay uh so now going back to david you've just seen two possible demon children in a public bathroom so what do you do well obviously the only logical option is to continue your camping trip and sleep out in the dark goddamn woods by yourself i mean i guess you've committed you've booked the weekend off work you just gotta you know i'm not going home just because of two kids I'm gonna hunker down And listen to my cassette player
Starting point is 00:12:07 Put on some good vibes And try and get past this So later on David's trip As he lay curled up In his sleeping bag He heard noises From outside his tent
Starting point is 00:12:18 We have black eyes Through the sound of wind, a voice cut through. A small child begging to be let into the tent. No, don't do that. That's pretty scary. That's pretty creepy. I really, I've been camping a lot. Like I do it most summers.
Starting point is 00:12:39 I go back to camp in Northern Ireland. And there's sometimes where I've been camping and it's really stormy nights. You know those nights where it's like the wind it just feels like it's punching your tent from all directions. Can you imagine that?
Starting point is 00:12:50 But, you know, maybe there's light from the moon and you can see the silhouette of this like child against the tent. A lightning flash. His hands are up.
Starting point is 00:13:00 Ivy, Ivy's so scared. He's got a yo-yo. He's got like a little kid paraphernalia. He's got a Beyblade. Stand back. He's got a yo-yo He's got like Little kid paraphernalia He's got a Beyblade Stand back He's got a fidget spinner Let us in
Starting point is 00:13:09 Little swag kids He's on a hoverboard In the woods So the kid Begged to be let in the tent This continued For most of the night Both kids
Starting point is 00:13:21 Pleading to be let Into the tent Okay We should stop here Because I just need to, you know, just remove all doubt here that these weren't legitimately children that needed help. Starving to death in the woods. I mean, completely unrelated. Two children were found dead the next day.
Starting point is 00:13:40 Starved to death. I mean, children go missing all the time. I mean, lots of kids need help a lot of the time all around the world you imagine moving on to a story where it's like christopher was in the bathroom and he saw a small child it asked for help immediately christopher decked the child in the nose and sprinted for the exit it's just a strange give him a swirly lock the door, and set the bathroom on fire. During the police interviews afterwards, it's like, so did the child hurt you in any ways?
Starting point is 00:14:13 I just panicked. I was so scared. I gave him a swirly in the bathroom, and I took his money. You took the child's money? I don't know if he was a demon or a monster but I know he was a nerd he was a nerd he had about 350 in change on him
Starting point is 00:14:32 probably to buy some weapons or knives they just slowly place handcuffs on him just as he's testifying they just slowly place him in the docks in front of a judge. The judge just squinting.
Starting point is 00:14:47 I also love the idea that he never gets his breath back. Also, officer, to continue the story, halfway through the assault, his father, also a demon, came in and tried to stop me. He said my child is not a demon
Starting point is 00:15:03 and that I was in fact the demon. For everything I had done. Five dead. He is now dead in the bathroom. Also, I will collect my medals at the ceremony this evening. They're placing him in an electric chair. He's gonna stick.
Starting point is 00:15:21 This is a strange ceremony to congratulate me on hunting a demon. Is this some sort of crown to congratulate me on hunting a demon is this some sort of crown you are placing on me is this electrical current some sort of payment
Starting point is 00:15:36 that I am processing he doesn't know what dying feels like being placed in a coffin is this some sort of prize for my achievements He doesn't know what dying feels like. Being placed in a coffin. Is this some sort of prize for my achievements? I'm going to assume that in every one of these cases, the vision of these black-eyed children and this uncontrollable fear is enough to assure that these are not just children starving in the woods.
Starting point is 00:16:04 We're going to have to side with them. It had to be their moment, you know? Exactly. Because this is the other sucky thing. If you are in one of these experiences, we've had this. You know, if you see an alien, you can say to someone, I saw a ship come down from the sky. It slid a cow's throat and then became a black helicopter and flew away.
Starting point is 00:16:21 That's a lot of very, spooky paranormal unexplainable things if you're like i saw two creepy kids in the bathroom they were pleading for help yeah and i sat in my sleeping bag all night you don't feel good about that i mean because these kind of stories you hear these myths all the time and it's this kind of idea i don't know if we're going to get there right but shapeshifters and so if a creature can any form, it's a bit like a siren. It's if a creature can take any form, it's like with a siren, it takes the form of a beautiful woman
Starting point is 00:16:50 with a beautiful voice. Who wouldn't? You know what I'm saying? And I was like, you went on a seat. If there was like some sort of operation to become a woman, like I would do it right now. I would legit do it today.
Starting point is 00:17:00 We're going completely different angles here. If there was some crazy operation, some like crazy future futuristic operation to become a woman to just become a woman I would do it I mean that exists what?
Starting point is 00:17:11 I mean you could do that like I mean it's no it's very progressive you can't shapeshift kit I feel like you've been taught something wrong in your life
Starting point is 00:17:18 yeah I mean you're not really talking about shapeshifting to like a beast or demon I mean if you just want to change your sex I mean that's yeah like if there was some crazy future operation where I could literally cut off my dick and become a woman.
Starting point is 00:17:30 I mean, I wouldn't say that's a futuristic operation. I mean, I think... I would do it. Yeah. Okay, lie down. I've got scalpels and shit. I can't think of a worse audio podcast than listening to someone get their dick removed for a whole segment.
Starting point is 00:17:48 The next 20 minutes just yelling. Do we have any freaking anesthetic? The next episode. Welcome to this Paramore Live. I'm your host, Rosie. This is Kit. Yeah, we might get onto shapeshifters at some point. Yeah, but if a beast can take any form, and it's a particularly mischievous or intelligent beast,
Starting point is 00:18:06 it's going to take the form of this most vulnerable person in society who needs help and that everyone feels obliged to talk to and look after. Exactly, because you're playing that sympathy role. It's not going to take the form of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre guy. I need help. Can I get into your house? I need to call my mother. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:18:29 You're not getting into the house dressed as Jason. Yeah. All right. So the haunting that night was so horrible. I'm going to call it a haunting because it was essentially a haunting. It was so bad. I have a testimony from David here. And he says, it got so bad that i stopped replying and could only sob
Starting point is 00:18:46 like a heartbroken teenage girl or like a woman who just learned her sister died which you know men cry too david it doesn't have to be either a teenage girl or a woman who learned her sister died you could have just cried like the little bitch you were a little bitch man they wouldn't let two children into a tent from so woke to so unhook so fast i cried like an inferior woman i was confused as if i had the smaller brain of a woman as if i had feelings like some kind of weak subhuman beast but as a man, I did not let those children into my tent. My face became wet in some sort of contorted feeling.
Starting point is 00:19:31 So that's the first time I thought David is a bit of a dick. Okay. In his statement. So the next morning, he reluctantly opens the front of the tent to discover the children are nowhere to be seen. Yeah. There's absolutely no trace of them. Similar to Brian's case.
Starting point is 00:19:47 Look back. I mean, obviously, this one took all night. But Brian looked back immediately and they were gone. Now, in the morning, he wandered around some of the open trails for a while, now that it was daylight. And the only thing he found was a dead duck. Whether or not that was related. I mean, they could have just, I mean, ducks die all the time.
Starting point is 00:20:07 Animals die. Literally just drop dead. Or maybe there's black-eyed ducks. And that duck was involved in an equal haunting. Like the duck was in his nest. And there's like two little black-eyed ducklings that show up. That's it. That's it.
Starting point is 00:20:23 And the duck's like, I was afraid like a female duck or a little baby duck i think the odds are he probably just found a duck like a dead duck yeah i feel like because after a night like that you if you find anything weird you're gonna try and piece it into what you experienced absolutely like there was a branch broken by a like a bullfrog yeah it was in the shape of a cross yeah yeah so who knows it may or may not have been related now we've talked about what these creatures are and the threat they pose and that's like a question i found myself coming back to a lot was what threat do they pose yeah because one of the comments that i really liked uh under this story that i found was um they seem really creepy but how good of a fighter are these little kids really if i just went primal
Starting point is 00:21:10 on them what if i just began screaming and flinging punches and bites and that was daikujiya from phoenix yeah i mean that often when people ask that question how tough someone is they go well you know what do you bench yeah are you bench kid i've trained you know it's like i'm a black belt in in taekwondo yeah uh so how are they gonna sound that but this guy's just like he's very honest it's like there's no training whatsoever if i go if i behave like an a monkey say if i went primal i would primal on them so scratching the went primal on them. Instead of scratching their little black eyes on. I need to use that more in day-to-day life, going primal.
Starting point is 00:21:48 That's so funny. I mean, well, look at the two combatants in the corners of the ring. You've got a man going primal, throwing punches and bites, quote unquote. And you've got kids without eyes. Yeah. I mean, I think I would put my money on the primal Phoenix man. Yeah. You know, I feel like what they're capable of is what separates them from being legit kids.
Starting point is 00:22:13 Yeah. Just children. What they're capable of really come down to what they are. What are these things? So we talked a little bit about vampires following that similar trait where they have to be let in somewhere by the host. And that's how it's kind of like that's almost consent for the vampire to then suck your blood out and mess you up. It's very similar with these kids. It doesn't seem like they can do anything unless you give them consent to proceed.
Starting point is 00:22:39 The other idea is that they are demons, which is what the eyes would suggest. Yeah. Demonic creatures. idea is that they are demons which is what the eyes would suggest yeah demonic creatures other is like the ghosts of dead children that it like suffered on earth died as kids but then that doesn't really work because like there's lots of kids that have died in horrible circumstances and there's not like millions of little black-eyed kids roaming around uh i quite like the idea of kind of demonic or the other cool one was that they were actually part of a creation by the government. Oh, like scientific, not scientific experimentation,
Starting point is 00:23:11 because in that story where the husband and the wife let the kids into the house and they were in there for a little while, they didn't actually do anything, but they just said, our parents will be here soon. And, uh, after a brief period of time, uh, they said, our parents are be here soon and after a brief period of time uh they said our parents are here and they walked outside and at the end of the driveway where um another paranormal group that we might go on to discuss the tall black men or maybe the black eyed men in black yeah essentially yeah yeah because everyone thinks like oh men in black that's the fbi who brought the aliens but no they're actually uh allegedly six to seven foot tall slender men ah who essentially are just like statuesque they don't motion they don't move
Starting point is 00:23:53 so they had come up to collect these children exactly exactly so that's another creepy interesting creepy like origin myth yeah this sounds a little bit like stranger things you know the story of 11 she's a bit like a little you know black-eyed kid she's like runner on time trying to get help 100 she gets nosebleeds all the time disaster just follow she's not a bad kid but disaster follows her wherever she goes and the guy who first takes her in gets messed up by these government agents yeah absolutely who's to say that they're not hunting him down? Who's to say when David met those kids in the bathroom, they were actually looking for help. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:28 And he instead shanked them and gave them swirlies. He killed their dad. David, you monster. You killed 11. Oh my God. Kiddest kid ever. So looking at the origins of these creatures. Yes.
Starting point is 00:24:40 A lot of people believe that the origin of B.E.K.'s are based in the ghostly and paranormal world. But others believe their origins are much more otherworldly. Take us there. Get this. Okay. This doesn't happen in every case study that we do. But sometimes you come across a revelation.
Starting point is 00:25:00 You make a little connection. Yeah. That maybe no one in the world has ever seen before. You crack a case. You essentially feel like Nicolas Cage in National Treasure. What I'm saying is we need to go get the Declaration of Independence. I was going to say like a real person who maybe
Starting point is 00:25:16 achieved some sort of discovery. A lot of my feelings are related to Nicolas Cage movies. Sometimes I feel so angry like Nicolas Cage in. Just Nicolas Cage. Sometimes I feel so angry, like Nicolas Cage in Wicker Man. Sometimes I feel trapped,
Starting point is 00:25:30 also like Nicolas Cage in Wicker Man. It's mostly Wicker Man now that I think about it. Well, I essentially put together a little bit of research last night and it was very much like
Starting point is 00:25:41 as soon as you make this connection, usual suspect style drop the pot of coffee in slow motion. Yeah. Smash on the floor like, my God, I've just pieced it all together. Yeah. So talking about them coming from another world.
Starting point is 00:25:55 In Turkey, 1993, a group of construction workers were digging around in a pre-pottery Neolithic site. Now, this era would be around the time of gobekli tepe very very very early on now while they're working they stumbled upon pieces of a statue broken up into four pieces once assembled the workers realized they had found the oldest humanoid statue yet to be discovered in the world wow so that was essentially the first known sculpture of a human humanoid type yeah uh statue i think we've talked about this site go back to the tepe before the podcast but yeah people don't realize but this yes this is basically the earliest known human kind of construction on the earth it's probably what is sitting around five
Starting point is 00:26:41 15 000 years old or something like that. Yeah, because originally, well, they thought it was the Mayans. Yeah. And then they found this and it's just completely thrown everything into disarray. Now, this statue, commonly referred to as the Urfa Man, as I believe it was found around the Urfa region, has all the characteristics of the normal human body. Except. Except, Kit. What's this in my nose?
Starting point is 00:27:05 Rory, your eyes. They're going black. The statue's eye sockets had been filled with dark obsidian. We are talking about a statue carved around 13,000 years ago with solid black eyes. Wow. And that's the first known sculpture of a human that's ever been found on this earth with black eyes wow and that's the first known uh sculpture of a human that's ever been found on this earth with black eyes what i'm gonna do i've actually got a picture of it because it's available to see in a museum you can actually go see it wow that's amazing this
Starting point is 00:27:34 is a picture of the statue i turned to stone drop dead yeah that thing's pretty creepy it's creepy isn't it so could you remind the viewers what it is so they can Google it at home and look this up for themselves? Yes, this is commonly referred to as the Urfa Man. This is U-R-F-A Man. Great. Found, yeah, 13,000 years ago. He truly does have black eyes. And it's weird because they haven't just, like, carved sockets for where you could put eyes.
Starting point is 00:28:04 They filled it with obsidian, which is essentially just dark, dark stone. He does look... He's pretty tall. It does look like he could be kind of early Slenderman type dude. And I mean, we've talked. We did an extensive podcast where I got very excited about the prospect of ancient aliens. We won't go there again. We talked about Neil Armstrong armstrong hunting for like
Starting point is 00:28:25 ancient libraries and these cultures that have all these um advanced technologies that shouldn't have been available at the time now we're finding out that one of the earliest statues of humans ever carved has black black orb like eyes could this possibly be a link to the beks that we see wandering around the streets stirring up shit in bathrooms and trying to get into people's cars? And I mean, we do know that whenever you go back that far in history, you know, what were people building
Starting point is 00:28:54 statues of? What were people making art about? It was generally, you know, religious, spiritual, otherworldly, paranormal shit. Exactly. Just a link. Just a link. i going to say that the two are related yes because then if i don't that would unvalidate the link that i'm very proud of constructing a narrative here exactly we're constructing an average what we do in this
Starting point is 00:29:14 podcast so that's all the evidence that i can present you withg on an a4 i swear where do you land on the black eyed kids i gotta say it's hard for me to separate this idea of them just being normal kids whenever there is there is not much physical evidence of them messing anybody up apart from a few nosebleeds right it's kind of you know i think as i said before you got to be there to understand i think if i met one of these kids i would probably freak out too but you probably go primal but it kind of it reminds me a little and start throwing punches and bites in the middle of this like podcast outro i just start wailing on a child there he is but it reminds me a little bit at what point is it you know legitimate paranormal uh inquest and at what point is it superstition because you look at let's say tribal populations
Starting point is 00:30:13 and you know that little cute little bug-eyed uh lemur creature what are they called oh i know i know bush baby type thing yeah you know in the places that those are indigenous to, they kill them on sight because they think they're bad omens. And of course. Like our children. Yeah, exactly. And so we know that, we know that that's not true now. We know we protect them and everything and there's nothing wrong with them.
Starting point is 00:30:36 They're cute as hell. But they were killed for probably hundreds of years. Yeah. Because everyone told each other that they were dangerous when they never did anything wrong this is so much like uh so we went to the same school together in northern ireland and for some reason this tradition had been passed down from year to year that that every summer there'd be a certain point where a certain breed of caterpillar would start to come out into the fields and for some reason much like these tribes it was just instilled knowledge that every child was very tribal was that every lunchtime we would go out into the fields and mercilessly hunt down
Starting point is 00:31:17 every single one of these caterpillars yeah which were uh titled granny mush mushers yeah yeah that's right i think because they were old looking and hairy and a bit gross one of these caterpillars. Yeah. Which were titled Granny Mush Mushes. Yeah. Yeah. That's right. I think because they were old looking and hairy and a bit gross. I had completely stomped them to death.
Starting point is 00:31:30 I'd completely to the point where the school had to erect a fence so that we couldn't do it anymore. And we were 17 at the time. So like I had completely blanked out from my memory
Starting point is 00:31:41 until someone brought up the Granny Mush Mushes. Like do you remember? Yeah. The slaughter of the Granny Mush Mushes mush and i should qualify we weren't 17 we weren't 17 we were young foolish 15 tribal tribal kids uh same thing though same thing we just probably thought it was bad luck bad omen exactly and i think that litters a lot of human black eyed caterpillars it's like people have done crazy things out of that belief of superstition i
Starting point is 00:32:04 mean people kill their own kids they do like all sorts of crazy things yeah really weird stuff but i do agree with you in the sense of i don't think there's enough of an impact on the witnesses physical impact to instill a sense of reality yeah in these cases yeah i'm very curious though in some ways i'd never really like to come across one so i could be proven wrong yeah i want to feel that sense of dread because i sometimes i get stressed quite easy if i get like more than if there's 10 emails in my email box and i haven't i can't read them go primal primal i start biting and punching any child that is near me. If Domino's texts me on a Tuesday, I will smash a coffee table. I swear. If it's freaking Domino's Tuesdays and Orange Wednesdays and they cross over at all,
Starting point is 00:32:53 I will, I legit, just primal, primal rage. I also think, I'm going to go ahead and throw this out there. I think I could beat up a black eyed kid. I think I could do it. If he wants to come into my house. Love it. You know, if they come up to here, if, you know, dark and stormy night, it's windy outside. You hear that knock.
Starting point is 00:33:12 Oh, can we come in? Yeah, come in, bitch. I'm going to go down on you. It's literally just like the kid comes in, sits on the table. I pick up a baseball bat. X going to give it to you please say we need some help you just choke slam him through a table um i think concluding on this episode we're both saying until i see more evidence i think i need a
Starting point is 00:33:40 bit more i i don't have enough to conclude. I can't say with full confidence as a paranormal investigator, professional paranormal investigator. Yeah, with our reputations on the line. I can't say it. I'm sorry. That's right. I'm sorry at this point.
Starting point is 00:33:53 I cannot say the black eyed kids are real. Unfortunately not. But hopefully if you tune in next week, we will find another case that is in fact real. What are the odds of that? Very low. A a million to one but that's why you should come back because we're gonna make a million of these podcasts so inevitably one of them is gonna be true yeah it's kind of true it's like we haven't found alien life yet but shit the universe is a big place it's inevitable gotta find somewhere find something uh if you've ever experienced a black eyed kid or anything with black eyes,
Starting point is 00:34:26 please send us an email in at this paranormal life podcast at As always, thank you so much for listening to the podcast. If you enjoyed it, feel free to give us a review on iTunes. That always helps boost numbers and things like that. Or tell your, your friends spread it like a little ghostly plague.
Starting point is 00:34:46 Yeah. Like a little disease among your friends. And then maybe we can do an episode on how you ruined your friends' lives by getting them into all this paranormal stuff. Like it's ruined our lives, respectively. And if you do email us here on the podcast, we are reading those emails every day and we're replying to everyone. Sorry to those who've emailed in and we haven't,
Starting point is 00:35:06 you know, we've got a ton of stories in our email inbox that we love and we're trying to get through. Uh, and we will. Um, but we're, we're just,
Starting point is 00:35:14 we're taking our time and we want to bring you the best stories every week. So, uh, be patient with us and keep emailing in. Thank you. Yeah. And if you're going to email in, make sure you plan it so that you don't email in at the same time someone else is emailing in because i'll go postal i will freak out i can't i cannot have
Starting point is 00:35:31 two emails tuesday or wednesday or actually dude even if it's on a weekend don't even send it you know what i'm getting i'm going postal just thinking about it don't even send it don't even send it no turn off your phone none of it it. I swear. Thank you for watching. We'll be back next week. Goodbye.

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