This Paranormal Life - #128 School Shut Down By Demons: A Malaysian Possession

Episode Date: September 3, 2019

As recently as 2018, schools in Malaysia have been beset by an unusual problem - demon sightings. With both students and teachers affected, the authorities don't know what to do next. But is this a case of mass possession or simply mass hysteria?Support us on to get access to weekly bonus episodes!Buy Official TPL Merch! - us on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTubeJoin our Secret Society Facebook CommunityIntro music by Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Is it legal to cook and eat a dragon's egg? We're all worried about identity theft, but is it possible for a demon to take your soul through your webcam? Answers to these questions and more on this episode of This Paranormal Life! Hey! Welcome back to the podcast. This is This Paranormal Life, the show where every week we dissect a different paranormal tale, case, or claim
Starting point is 00:00:25 and get to the bottom of whether it's truly paranormal or not. Every week you're joined by your favorite paranormal investigator hosts. My name is Kit Greer-Molvena. This guy's Rory Parr is across from me. That's right. And listeners, if you do have any information regarding the consumption of dragon eggs, please do email in. I don't want to get into detail of it, but Kit and I have recently come into a surplus of dragon's eggs. A bounty, if you will.
Starting point is 00:00:50 An absolute bounty. And we just want to know what the legality is around cooking and eating them in scrambled or fried form. But if you could be fast, because I don't think these things have a long sell-by date. Oh, no, and they're the size of a truck, so it's going to take an industrial-sized egg cooker. You can tell I am not a chef either.
Starting point is 00:01:08 I don't really know what I'm doing. On a slightly worrying note, at least two of the eggs are wiggling as if something's wriggling around in there. Oh, and they're screeching. Mama Dragon's overhead. She's circling us like a vulture because everyone says,
Starting point is 00:01:22 Oh, you know, dragons, they love treasure. They love sitting on big piles of treasure. You what else they love they're kids yeah they're very family oriented and their little dragon heads are poking out of the egg it's like whack-a-mole over here we're trying to hammer them and she's out of her damn mind if she thinks she's getting them back absolutely not these delicious piles of scrambly goodness are all ours because you know what i love more than she loves her children huevos rancheros of course okay i want a couple strips of dragon bacon on the side my dragon eggs so if anyone has any information
Starting point is 00:01:57 about crossbows hopefully on a kind of game of thr size scale. Of course, because we want some dragon rashers, some dragon eggs, and some orc sausages. Needless to say, we have a basement full of captured orcs. Of course. Anyway, we digress. This is not what we're here to talk about today. We're here to talk about the paranormal. And as always, we've got a fantastic story to dive right into. So I'm taking you to Malaysia, northern Malaysia in July last year. On a street corner
Starting point is 00:02:28 Maksik Zan or Auntie Zan was cooking up dishes of mackerel, curry and rice that she, I guess there's no dragons in northern Malaysia, apparently not living like a peasant, that she sells to the locals when out of nowhere she hears screaming. It turned out it was coming from the high school across the road which is somewhere that she sells a lot of her food to she was being real coy about the about setting up on this street corner let's be honest the only reason she's there is to sell to the hundreds of school children that go there smart but she had no idea what was going on inside meanwhile inside a normally quiet classroom on a quiet Friday morning, a student called Siti Nooranissa hit the floor.
Starting point is 00:03:09 She had been sat at her desk when she suddenly fell over. Others were- Dragon! No. There's a dragon in the classroom! No, of course not. It's a small classroom. The dragon is the size of the school.
Starting point is 00:03:21 You know those motherf***ers can turn invisible. No, you don't know that. I've never seen that. I've never heard of that. Yeah, of course you've never seen it because they're invisible. Okay, well, granted. Just ready your crossbows, folks.
Starting point is 00:03:32 We don't know where this story's going to take us. Listen, I prepped this story. Just trust me. Okay. Dragons have almost nothing to do with it. I'll trust you,
Starting point is 00:03:39 you scaly bastard. You think I'm a dragon now? You dragon rat. You think I'm a dragon or am i a rat give me your eggs you scaly whoa put on put on the egg spoon you've got a giant dragon sized egg cup others in the classroom were obviously a little shocked hoping she was okay but this is not uh altogether uncommon thinking back to primary school secondary school people occasionally fainted it did happen yeah i actually did quite a lot of it uh in primary school i i don't know if it was some sort of demon possession some sort of i don't know what i said what i did
Starting point is 00:04:16 when i was blacked out apparently it was pretty bad apparently got me on the dock uh the dock mostly i got off with everything because i was so young but the way you moved uh probably i moved around quite a lot when i was a kid um i don't remember it's blacked out but sometimes i would just be i don't know would be in class like you know answering stuff and then i would just hit the deck out of nowhere uh don't really know what to say about it's weird a lot of it would happen like the day of exams like you would be fine all semester and then right when it came to the gcses you're every class you were dropping any time to perform really uh whether it was school sports day yeah i'd be lining up at the hundred meters line like right in the start position ready to go and i would just face first into the weird thing was
Starting point is 00:05:03 like a lot of people thought you were doing it on purpose, but you would assure everyone you'd be there on the day. You'd be like, don't worry, I'll be there. I won't let you down this time. And everyone would say, you've blacked out at the starting line for the last three years in a row. We've let you reset your A-levels five times at this point.
Starting point is 00:05:21 Everyone else has gone to uni. Everyone else has gone to uni years ago. And I was like bro i want to pass my a levels more than anything i want to do i want to be there i want to sit the exam on the day i want to sure i might black out well now don't say that because you said you wouldn't black out right sure but like never say never huh that is a terrible attitude to have in regards to blocking out all i'm saying is i'll try not to but if i don't get any sleep right and i've just eaten carrots only for two months running up
Starting point is 00:05:52 to the exam and then i fast for the 48 hours before the exam eat a carrot and then i hyperventilate before the exam because sure i'm nervous about blacking out of course during the exam well don't think about that that's only going to make things worse. And then I want to amp myself up for the big day with a few triple espressos. How are you still alive? No one can tell me that I'm not going to faint. So sorry, you're eating carrots for months until the day before the exam. Of course.
Starting point is 00:06:18 You fast, stay up all night. I'm trying to get my brain into the optimal exam condition. Well, you're not a bunny, so that's not how that works. Carrots help you see in the dark. The smartest animals of all. Just because you're blacking out doesn't mean you need to see in the dark. So you can ditch the carrots for a start. I was going to bring a headlamp, granted.
Starting point is 00:06:38 Night vision goggles. You still pass out immediately, smashing the goggles on the floor. So yeah, Siti's friends and her teacher all run and stand around her to try and rouse her from the floor. The thing was, she wasn't just sleepy or like blinking or rousing from consciousness. On her face was pure panic, terror, tears. She explained. The assembly bells rang. I was at my desk, feeling sleepy, when I felt a hard, sharp tap on my shoulder.
Starting point is 00:07:10 I turned around to see who it was, and the room went dark. Fear overtook me. I felt a sharp, splitting pain in my back, and my head started spinning. I fell to the floor. Before I knew it, I was looking into the other world. What? Scenes of blood, gore, and violence. The scariest thing I saw was the face of pure evil. It was haunting me. I couldn't escape.
Starting point is 00:07:38 I opened my mouth and tried to scream, but no sound came out. I passed out. So she went to hell, it sounds like. It's got a sneak preview yeah she called it the other world but i would say hell that's what you would call it if you were in denial about going there yeah i don't want to say the h word but i just saw the devil barbecuing another man so i want to jump to conclusions but it seems like this is hell there was a welcome to hell road sign granted they were playing acd hell's bells highway to hell it was a playlist of all the hits all the hell hits you can imagine the teacher in this scenario just quickly trying to make sure a city was okay
Starting point is 00:08:18 maybe let her go home and rest and quickly get the other students back to studying but almost immediately they heard screams around the school, crying and screaming, echoing through the halls of the school. Another girl had passed out, just like Citi. Within minutes, students and teachers started barricading themselves into the school, closing all entrances and classroom doors. It's unclear whether they were trying to keep everyone inside or to stop something else from getting into the school. At this point the
Starting point is 00:08:46 unaffected teachers contacted their local witch doctors and spiritual healers who were brought in to perform mass prayer sessions to try and heal and cleanse the school of whatever had caused this affliction. Why do teachers know witch doctors? Those are two very conflicting careers. Yeah, it's like being a a surgeon who has a drug dealer in like on speed dial or something or a cop and a cop calling a robber yeah it doesn't work the opposites you you embody a paradigm of education and enlightenment so you call a potentially one of the most ignorant people in modern society. Maybe that's it, though. Maybe as teachers, they're like, hey, we don't know what this is.
Starting point is 00:09:28 What's the opposite of us? Witch doctors. I am kind of joking, of course. I don't mean to tar every witch doctor with the same brush. We have, granted, explored topics in the past where witch doctors have been, of course, completely irresponsible, dangerous in some cases. But that does not mean that all witch doctors are charlatans. That's true. Witch doctors is a very broad term.
Starting point is 00:09:55 It can apply to any sort of form of historical medicine or spiritual medicine of any kind. So we'll see what they have to say. medicine of any kind so uh so we'll see what they have to say the witch doctors decided to sacrifice the oldest child in every room to seal the portals to hell the teachers carried the girl to the front of the classroom where the witch doctor would know they basically performed kind of mass prayer sessions these chants to the kind of the entirety of the schools pupils and teachers alike yeah and this kind of generally brought the whole temperature of the situation down, unbarricaded the doors, obviously. And by the end of the day, crisis was averted and no one was seriously hurt.
Starting point is 00:10:33 In total, about 39 people were directly affected by the apparent possession by this dark figure as seen by Siti. One of Siti's friends, Ruzidia, said, Siti was screaming uncontrollablyably no one knew what to do we were afraid to even touch her and from outside and across the road back to auntie zan who was cooking up mackerel and curry she saw nine pupils being dragged out kicking and screaming before being taken to a prayer room where the witch doctors and their assistants were working in there for hours i'm assuming yeah i'm assuming prayer room is in quotation marks because it turns out the building authorities won't let you build a witch doctor lair so you gotta call it a prayer room prayer room of course but But we all know what goes on in there. We literally just did an episode on a person who was possessed by demons.
Starting point is 00:11:29 We know what goes on in there. It's not prayers. Well, it is slightly prayers. There are some prayers. The angriest prayers you've ever heard in your life. And as the day's events ended and the dust settled, teachers and officials were left to speculate about what really happened. Needless to say, the grown-ups didn't really believe the words of the children.
Starting point is 00:11:50 Even when kids claim to see literal demons soaked in blood, the adults are just like, okay Timmy, what did we talk about? The demons are just in your head, okay? You're just tired. But look at my arm, there's claw scratches all down me those could have been from anything billy you know what the playground's like i i just i just literally vomited black tar into the bathroom sink black it was black i do that every saturday morning timmy it's not nothing to be afraid of and so the grown-up officials chalk this up to something we've covered in the past. A mass hysteria of some kind. That one kid freaked out and passed the panic onto the others. However, what they didn't expect, and something that would complicate the theory of mass hysteria,
Starting point is 00:12:37 is that this dark shadow figure that Sidi reported wasn't an isolated sighting. In fact, others had seen the same being before. What? Cut to the town of Pengkalanchepa, a mostly unremarkable town that received media attention after a paranormal event a couple of years ago, leading to the local school being dubbed the most haunted school in Malaysia.
Starting point is 00:13:02 Wow. Which is kind of worrying if your country has like a top 10 haunted schools. It shouldn't be a competition. It should be. No. There's one school. It's the haunted school. Right.
Starting point is 00:13:12 There shouldn't be a competition. And then no one should send their kids there ever again. Yeah. Hopefully. Hopefully. I think if we've learned anything from the popular series Harry Potter is that kids don't care where they go and adults don't care where the kids go. You know?
Starting point is 00:13:26 Kids send their kids to Hogwarts. That son of a bitch is being attacked by demigorgons. Not demigorgons. Dementors. Non-stop. Close enough. Non-stop. Voldemort's going at it.
Starting point is 00:13:40 There's witches in the school, and wizards running around with wands. I mean, that's a health and safety precaution right there. I feel like a couple kids died every year at Hogwarts. And it's just, you don't even have to brush it under the rug. There's probably a spell that's like kidios disapiros. You know what, just kill their parents too and no one will miss them. We can actually, I invented this one spell
Starting point is 00:14:03 that not only makes the uh body of the child disappear but wipes the memory of everyone who ever knew him like can you just at that point can you just turn back time and bring the child back to life i've already he's already gone now and his robes actually got burnt from my fireball so it's not worth it at this point are you making me disappear i can see my feet the problem Dum-da-dum-dum-dum. The problem with Hogwarts, which I never understood, is that there doesn't seem to be much competition. I think if you're a witch or a wizard,
Starting point is 00:14:31 you have to go to Hogwarts. No, no, there's other wizard schools. Yeah, but it doesn't seem like in the UK. Oh, definitely not. It seems like any time they talk about another school, it's in, like, France, or you have to go to another country essentially yeah there's one choice in the uk there's gonna be the ucas points
Starting point is 00:14:50 are like totally meaningless and not because what happens if you're i guess i guess that's the reason they have houses in hogwarts i guess it's like you can be a wizard but you can still be a little shit and that's why you're going to slytherin, you know? It's like there's almost like tears of good wizard within it. Like if you get, if you're a Hufflepuff, you're a joke. You got in on clearing. You're a goddamn joke. You didn't get the UCAS points. Somebody knows somebody's dad.
Starting point is 00:15:15 You got in. In 2016, this most haunted school in Malaysia had to close due to a series of possessions. It started as a small group of students claiming they due to a series of possessions. It started as a small group of students claiming they had seen a dark black figure lurking around the school. Shortly after, some students and even teachers claimed to have seen the same thing and even experienced a supernatural presence. One teacher told the local news channel, Astro Awani, that she felt a heavy presence hanging on to her. And another teacher claimed the dark figure was trying to enter her body.
Starting point is 00:15:52 Another student told a local newspaper that his hands went numb and his mind was, quote, all over the place. Which, in hindsight, is not as dramatic as the other accounts. Still not what you want in a teacher. It sounds like they might have just been tired or something. Overworked for sure. In all, around 100 people were affected at this school, mostly students, but some adults and teachers, as I mentioned. This is quite a difficult situation to begin
Starting point is 00:16:19 because we've talked a lot about haunted houses before, families that have been haunted. But here, like the asylum that we investigated in Korea, you have an institution, a building that houses a lot of people. What do you do when that is haunted? It's not as easy as just moving location. I mean, you really have to knuckle down until, as we said, it gets to this point where the teachers and the students are all being affected. And when it gets to that point, that's when you know you're at like 100% haunted level, which is tough. That's when you have to do your overnight evacuations.
Starting point is 00:16:55 It's kind of interesting to think because personally, I don't really think much of schools as being a traditionally haunted location. But if you think about it everyone knows that schools are breeding grounds for germs kids they spend the summer running around having fun and when they go back to school it's notorious that everyone gets sick immediately because all the germs come together and mingle with all the kids like ruff housing in the playground yeah but germs aren't demons wait okay wait germs are incredibly like demons okay so and if you think all those kids are running just don't interrupt wait till i'm finished my point and then it'll all make sense like when i'm finished making the point okay but i was all i was going to say is that germs aren't like demons
Starting point is 00:17:42 so as long as that's not the point you're trying to make moving forward. Listen, you'll see that it isn't my point when I finish the flipping point. Okay. Okay? I'm sorry to interrupt. So demons are so incredibly like germs that whenever kids run around in the summertime, they're collecting so much negative karmic energy that when they come back to school, the demons run rampant and infect the kids like germs karmic energy yes it's it's very much like germs but it's kind of a currency of demons you have
Starting point is 00:18:12 you can no longer criticize witch doctors on this podcast if you're comparing germs to demons you're you're gone i'm actually saying i think the witch doctors are onto something whether they were actually thinking they're right about a lot of stuff. I think these asshole teachers should have kept their mouths shut and let the demons learn a little something in class. You know what they don't have in hell? Media studies. Geography. Math.
Starting point is 00:18:35 PE. Maybe these demons just wanted a chance to better themselves. They're down there all day just getting their asses spanked by burning hot ladles they just want a little time out they want to go learn about demon chefs spanking people with ladles they just want to chill out and learn a little bit about the stalagmites that develop over time in geographical caves that's they want to know a little bit about their setting yeah what how does hell work yeah how can a fire burn for eternity it it can't it can't above ground underneath they want to learn about pythagoras's theorem because pythagoras is in hell and he's a
Starting point is 00:19:17 mean old bastard down there he did some bad shit when he was alive sure he did all the triangles and he was good at triangles not much else he also smoked a lot of meth and killed a lot of guys so they can't talk to him when they're in hell they got to learn about it up here like i say students and teachers alike affected by this this dark figure stalking the school one senior member of staff at the school said quote our students were possessed and disturbed by some spirits we're not sure why it happened we don't know why it affected us but the school is a bit old and these children can be disobedient sometimes they throw rubbish in the school playground maybe they hit some gin uh and
Starting point is 00:19:57 effect and offended the spirits oh okay so i'm gonna just sidestep the worrying fact that the teacher is so readily accepting that the place is haunted and that the kids have offended demons. But it's quite interesting that they mention the term gin. Gin is something I don't think we've really covered on This Paranormal Life, but there's so much to talk about. We've only covered tonic. Just trying to make light of a serious situation. Do not. It's the only thing. If the gin can hear you and they hear you making tonic jokes, they're not going a serious situation do not the only thing the if
Starting point is 00:20:25 the gin can hear you and they hear you making tonic jokes they're not going to be too happy about that okay okay if the gin can hear me the vodka definitely can am i right okay you do not want to with the vodcast demons the corona cryptids of the night will come for you the ghost of jack daniel is a mean old f***er he does not take kindly but yeah jinn is something we would really need at least a complete episode on its own to talk about but basically jinn is a broad and very very old term for supernatural beings in kind of arabic pre-islamic culture now they're not necessarily good or bad but it's it's just kind of like a supernatural entity they seem pretty bad in this case but pretty fascinatingly some people actually think that jinn and shadow people are essentially the same paranormal
Starting point is 00:21:20 phenomenon because for example in europe and the americas we don't have a history of shadow beings necessarily so we might not have a word for it yeah but in the middle east and malaysia they're just like oh yeah there's a jinn like we've got jinn left right and center that's just their name for them because they've so many shadow beings maybe but this member of staff wasn't the only believer the school's pe teacher noelle wati ramley age 32 told the media she was helping one of the students that had been afflicted by the specter when she was grabbed by something and pinned to the ground something she described as the black figure jesus and that's the pe teacher that's the most swole member of staff yeah yeah in the building and they're getting
Starting point is 00:22:05 pinned on by the jinn if they're not physically capable of defending themselves little little mary over there isn't gonna be unbelievable the jinn are gonna beat her up in her wailing on timothy hanging him by his ankles giving him swirlies but that toilet isn't full of water it's full of fire they're dunking his head in the underworld his head goes down into hell pythagoras is down there it's sucker punch ran him in the nose doing a reverse triangle jujitsu maneuver of course of course because it's funny because he invented triangles or whatever yeah and the witch doctors are standing there like, yeah, the djinn aren't really good or bad. Yeah, shut this school down. As soon as one adult complains of a black specter pinning them to a ground,
Starting point is 00:22:53 shut the school down. Yeah, because it's not safe. The principal can't intervene. You can't send the djinn home. The djinn don't like detention. They go through the walls. All right, you can shut the door, but they go through the walls. They don't do lines. They don't do extra homework they don't take kindly yeah you're gonna try and
Starting point is 00:23:09 expel him he's been expelled from the world of the living how do you think he feels about being expelled from high school yeah give a shit unless you can find a way to expel him upstairs to heaven those sons of bitches aren't leaving but But this all begs one question. How is a black specter getting in there, attacking teachers in broad daylight without getting recorded? I hear you, listeners. And thank God someone was in there
Starting point is 00:23:36 with a goddamn smartphone and took some evidence of this attack. Rory, feast your eyes on this. We've got some evidence of the black figure stalking the school. I did not see this coming at all. Oh, my gosh. I forget how recent this case was.
Starting point is 00:23:49 Fully hearsay. This is a whole other level on the pyramid of truth, my friends. We got evidence. So this is just a picture. Yeah. You don't have the video. No, there's no video. Of course not.
Starting point is 00:24:01 There's no video. Of course there's no video. You said someone was filming on their smartphone. No, I said they had a smartphone. They got footage, I's no video. Of course not. There's no video. Of course there's no video. You said someone was filming on their smartphone. No, I said they had a smartphone. They got footage, I think I said. It's a single frame of footage. A single frame implies that there's more frames than there's from a video. There may be.
Starting point is 00:24:14 There really may be. There may be a video out there of the specter pinning the PE teacher to the ground. But for now, we got a twit pic. All right, folks. This is a tweet with the hashtag hysteria. Hey, don't read that. Don't read that hashtag. The tweet is from a man named Philip.
Starting point is 00:24:32 And it says a figure supposedly of the apparition caught on camera by an SMK student from the school. Have you looked at what's inside the red circle? The giant red circle. Yeah. Yeah, I wasn't looking outside it. Well, I just want to make sure you saw the black figure. There's an incredibly bold red circle taking up almost all of the picture. Sure, well, we don't want you to miss it because you don't seem very shocked.
Starting point is 00:24:57 So I feel like you haven't even seen the black figure yet. There is a tiny sliver of a man hiding behind a pillar. He's kind of peeking out. Well, he's quite thin, yeah, because he's a supernatural entity, so. Sure, but he's also half of his body's behind the pillar. He's hiding, yeah. Yeah, he's not just thin because he's a ghost. He's also hiding half of his body behind the pillar.
Starting point is 00:25:17 I want you to just say that you know that. He doesn't want to be seen. He's peeking. He's peeking out. Okay. Hey, you got some evidence. That's good. That's more than I thought it was gonna be i can't
Starting point is 00:25:25 say it's the most convincing evidence i feel like i feel like a video would have maybe uh hammered this this case home a little bit listen video like hashtag hysteria has put me off forget it i wish i hadn't shown you the tweet now but uh yeah i mean in hindsight you could have easily cropped the tweet out of the image i could have i could have but hey there's a lot more dark spaces in that image so you don't know how many jinn are crouching have. But hey, there's a lot more dark spaces in that image. You don't know how many djinn are crouching in that space. That's a fair point. Like dragons, they are invisible.
Starting point is 00:25:51 Now, regardless of what we think about this photograph, evidence like this was simply petrol on the already out of control fire of panic at this point. That was petrol? This sent people into a frenzy. They're freaking out that there's demons in the hallways at this point. That was petrol? This sent people into a frenzy. They're freaking out that there's demons in the hallways at this point. And like in 2018, the officials had no choice but to bring in shamans, religious scholars and witch doctors. They recited prayers and rites trying to banish the demons and save the kids, but to seemingly no no avail even more kids were struck by visions and
Starting point is 00:26:26 fainting good god when do you call it and it was pretty serious because there was at least one report of a possessed girl jumping off a third floor flight of stairs oh my god thankfully her fall was broken and she wasn't seriously injured she actually fell on a pile of gin it just was a very soft landing they were pissed though they were the good gin it seems uh one girl told the press quote i cannot explain how i became possessed but i could not move and i fainted until i was revived they actually went as far as to cut down all the trees surrounding the school because in malaysian folklore woods and trees are kind of heavily associated with the supernatural right
Starting point is 00:27:05 the supernatural somehow tied to nature so they were like cut it all down so that the jinn can't hide there okay and you know something we talk about a bunch in this show are the potential motives of the paranormal witnesses involved do they stand to gain anything from lying or deceiving people like us yeah but in the case of young city who kicked off this event in 2018 or the girl in 2016 that jumped off the flight of stairs the answer is of course no and in fact city was so deeply affected by these events that her family tried everything to help her recover including a mix of scientific and paranormal solutions okay at least they got science in there as well.
Starting point is 00:27:45 So one of the healers they worked with on this was a man named Zaki Ya, a healer with over 20 years of experience. And not that long ago, the BB, I think it was this year in fact, the BBC interviewed him to learn more about his specific type of healing. He said, quote, We share our world with these unseen beings. They are either good or bad and can be defeated by faith. He said, quote, The reporters said that when they visited his home, it was covered in religious scriptures all over the walls.
Starting point is 00:28:15 He had stacks of holy water by the entrance, by his front door. Why? And in one corner of the room, he had a table of rusty knives combs orbs and a dried seahorse and he told them hey those items are cursed please don't touch anything even the holy water how do you have cursed holy water that's just gasoline here's actually just for your reference this is like a little close-up shot they took of the table of cursed items jesus it's a very that's just a little orb there's an orb some seaweed i don't i don't want to know what what that orb does oh my god no why do you need that much holy
Starting point is 00:28:52 water as well what is so unholy and so dry that you need that much holy water and apparently to these reporters he demonstrated his treatment on a possessed patient, whereby using prayer and chants, he was able to calm them down from a possessed frenzy. Oh, so he's not like healing cuts? No, no, no, no, no, no. Possessions mostly. Practices sound a bit irresponsible, a bit dangerous, let's say, since not that long ago we talked about the possession of Annalise in Germany, where she sadly died. But believe it or not, there's an even more controversial and even less scientific approach to healing than this.
Starting point is 00:29:36 A team of academics in Pahang, Malaysia, decided that when someone gets a cut, you know, you grab the first aid kit and it has everything you need inside it to help them. Sure. But what do you do when someone's possessed? You need a kit that blends science and the paranormal to help rid them of their possession. I am into this.
Starting point is 00:29:58 I am so into this. We need to have these in the paranormal commune. Right off the bat, I'm thinking a crucifix an upside down crucifix a defibrillator to bring people back to life a fibulator to kill them again of course all eventualities are covered medicine poison basically everything you'd have in the you know the scientific medical box we need the opposite in the paranormal box right right right bandages barbed wire they'll make you bleed even more the more you wrap painkillers pain just a pair of just the knuckle duster to just wail on the spot make it even more sore and so
Starting point is 00:30:41 in their kit they have included a few different things. What are known as ammonia inhalants. I had to look this up. Otherwise known as smelling salts. Oh, this is a lot tamer than ours. So this is obviously for someone like Siti who passes out in class and goes to the netherworld. The idea, I suppose, is that you put the smelling salts under her nose, revives her back to consciousness. Pretty smart. I'm pretty sure that's actually a trick that they use to try and get people out of comas is um using uh aromas that they'd be familiar with uh when they were living also music
Starting point is 00:31:15 as well play their favorite music hopefully it sinks into their subconscious and uh wakes them up that's trippy so that's very interesting that you know that is almost a half scientific half paranormal approach yeah i'm kind of on board for the uh smelling salts here's where it goes a little bit sideways there's just a bottle of formic acid which is right the content of bee stings uh so i think the idea is a glass a bottle of bee stings? Yeah. How is that even... I think the idea is that by inflicting pain, you might be able to bring them back to consciousness. Very much along the same lines as that product, we have pepper spray. Straight up pepper spray.
Starting point is 00:31:58 Right, nothing really scientific about that. Spray that in the face of the schoolgirl who's fainted in the classroom. You know know cause some pain hopefully bring her back to consciousness yeah after that we just have four wooden sticks uh used to kind of poke and kind of inflict pain these kids aren't vampires then we have uh it very sensibly we also have um some safety goggles and some gloves because you don't want to get the formic acid on you or the pepper spray in your eyes.
Starting point is 00:32:29 Yeah, you ever been stung by a bee in the eye? It's not good. Also, how did they, did they milk bees? How did they get this? I think formic acid, you can, I think it's like a basic chemical compound. You can create it very cheaply. That is also what is inside of bees.
Starting point is 00:32:43 Also happens to be what's inside got it they didn't have to hunt bees and milk their little stingers into a glass although you'd think they would have because this kit costs 1 700 pounds that and has been described as um ministers in kind of malaysian politics as unbelievably offensive, absurd, and idiotic. Yeah. And I think one former minister was quoted as saying, it is the mark of a backward society that these exist. Yet these academics, they've sold it to over a hundred schools.
Starting point is 00:33:17 I mean, it's a mark of a backward society to pay a thousand dollars for some goggles, some planks of wood wood and acid in a jar and pepper spray and pepper spray yeah i feel like there's you could get that on amazon prime i mean mine is the bees but you could buy some honey on amazon prime and do the bee thing yourself if you want so it kind of shows you that there's a few different ways of approaching this problem in malaysia and it kind of gives you an insight into how seriously they take it how seriously they have to take it one person described malaysia as the mass hysteria capital of the world because of the sheer frequency of panics like this in schools
Starting point is 00:33:58 right um so you kind of have to sympathize a little bit that they rely on unusual things like witch doctors, priests, these kits of pepper spray. I mean, Jesus, because it's because they're so at their wits end of what to do to combat this problem. Yeah, I think definitely if places in the UK or US were still suffering the wrath of so many paranormal events, suffering um the wrath of so many paranormal events i mean we definitely would probably have more witch doctors and more priests going out and performing exorcisms but for some reason or another uh paranormal activity has for the most part uh died off in a lot of these like major countries we're not dealing with these epidemics where kids are being possessed so we don't have the necessity for people who can handle those situations so i can see how this has happened this is evolution isn't it and it raises the question as to an explanation of what's happened
Starting point is 00:34:56 here do we have malaysia as just being one of the most haunted places in the world somewhere where jinn run rampant possessing school children apparently at the drop of a hat where they don't do that in other countries like in europe and america's or is it like some people in malaysia think that this is simply a mass hysteria and that these outbreaks of panic happen to happen in the most religious parts of the country and that the students are just putting their religious folklore context onto the panic that's just happening through everyday life yeah well that's this is a big uh talking point in our last case that we talked about where it's um we pretty much both came down on the fact that this was definitely a case of undiagnosed mental illness that was contextualized within a very religious family who were surrounded by very religious
Starting point is 00:35:50 people. That's right. And that is their frame of mind for understanding what this girl was going through. And you're right. Maybe we're seeing the same thing here. I mean, for it to be this widespread is pretty weird. You know, if it was one kid who was complaining but you don't throw around the word epidemic lightly i mean when it comes to 10 plus kids you're entering paranormal territory my friend that's an interesting point i mean does it does it make a difference based on how many people it's happened to like you say in the case of one very mentally ill individual that's quite easy for us to come down on a conclusion but when it's happening here to dozens and dozens of school children over a couple of years as recently as last year it definitely raises a few eyebrows
Starting point is 00:36:37 yeah you know you get one kid in your school falling over talking about demons talking about hell sure get in the witch doctor have a conversation about it when you got 30 of these kids dropping like flies folks it's time to burn it down and move on build a new school you already cut down all the trees use that shit as firewood you know throw it in all the classrooms, burn it down, burn the ghosts down, build a new school. We need a gum jam asylum level evacuation. We need... Overnight.
Starting point is 00:37:10 30 minute evacuation. Drop everything. We need the president of the school to leave the country. Flee. We probably shouldn't let them run a school again because... Absolutely not. It got overrun with demons. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:23 But at the end of every episode of this paranormal life we have to come down on a yes or a no whether the case we have put forward is truly paranormal or not and rory i'm putting it to you with the evidence we've talked about what we've seen in these two different schools is this paranormal or not as i said if we were looking at one person i would write this off but we're looking at a huge crowd of people all suffering and this isn't an isolated incident this has happened before the only problem with this case is we're missing the the top of the pyramid of truth hearsay i hear you well not hearsay because there's actually been a lot of that oh uh like we're missing the
Starting point is 00:38:03 most important one could it be that oh we're missing all the we're missing the key point to the pyramid of truth all right and that's evidence we need evidence and granted you did provide me with a still uh from the school still yep which did have a black figure yep standing behind a pillar pretty damning i know i just don't know if it was uh damning enough for me to firmly state that i believe that this case was paranormal until we can find some footage if that was from a video hopefully one of our listeners can let us know and tweet that footage at us uh but until then i think i going to have to come down on not paranormal. Listen, Rory, I'd love to sit here and fight with you on this physically, because, you know, granted, I've put a lot of time into this. I've put a lot of emotional energy into finding out
Starting point is 00:38:53 whether these possessions are real or not. But I think, as some of our regular listeners will know, we've come up against a few cases of potential possession slash potential mass hysteria. Right. The dancing plague? Yeah, the dancing plague in Strasbourg. Even things as similar as kind of mermaid sightings in Africa in the last kind of 10 years.
Starting point is 00:39:16 Yeah. And unfortunately, when you really deep dive into them, you don't come away with a good taste in your mouth and certainly when you read the story in malaysia you read about the circumstances these kids are living in you start to see the same thing over and over again these sightings always happen in hyper religious countries they always happen to young girls who have more pressure on them than any other sector of society they basically happen to people living hard lives um and it's something then that we don't see in countries who don't have the context of folklore and don't have this the exact same pressures on them on day-to-day life and we do see that people like city who then go on to
Starting point is 00:40:00 kind of lead a less stressful life who try to recover from the situation they don't see dark figures again yeah that much they aren't like passing out every day yeah it's weird when things kind of chilled out i stopped seeing the shadow people when i wasn't at school all day work all night repeating that seven days a week at the end of the bbc investigation city was like i got a karaoke microphone it's got all my favorite songs in here. I have been having a great time lately. And they were like, that's awesome to see.
Starting point is 00:40:29 She seems to have recovered really well. I think I've said it before. I don't mean to come down on this conclusion from the standpoint of being patronizing and saying these people are making it up. Yeah. And it's tough, you know, because I know we both know what it's like
Starting point is 00:40:43 to have seen something in real life and have no one believe you i mean i know that we've talked about it before but my first paranormal experience when i was in dublin with the uh with the gorilla man sure okay but what's your point anyway so well it's relative to the story because it was my first experience okay well we can just move past and i was seeing the thing and just let's get on to the no one believe in you because it didn't happen how about that all right yeah you're right it was a lot to do with this story because it didn't happen you're right it was probably it was probably stress yeah you were stressed because your life was a mess because you were making up shit i just don't know why i would see some sort of half
Starting point is 00:41:18 gorilla half man okay don't even i don't even want to go there as to what you saw sorry listen we go to live show just around the corner if there's's time, you can talk to folks then about it. Fine. Maybe they'll care. I'm just worried if you talk shit about me, I'll be depressed again and then I'll see the... He'll come back. You know what?
Starting point is 00:41:34 It'll be a tough time again for me. I'd love to see that. I'd love to push you to your absolute limit because then we'll realize that that thing doesn't fucking exist. I would like to make your life a living hell just so we can learn that that shit doesn't exist. I want to put you in the jungle. You and him.
Starting point is 00:41:47 Needless to say, I think- It's a yes. This week. Thanks for listening. Next week, we're going to be talking about f***ing dragons. Whether those bastards are real. And at the end, we're going to do a This Paranormal Life first, a cook-off, ladies and gentlemen. We're going to be getting celebrity chefs to cook up these f**kers eggs the question is yes or no to scrambled it's a double no today
Starting point is 00:42:11 folks i think you all probably saw that one coming um a fantastic story a very recent story very uh important story to talk about as well if you've got any of your own thoughts about it send them into this paranormal life podcast at if you are living with any dark figures do let us know uh hit us up on the socials forward slash this para life forward slash this paranormal life if you enjoyed this week's episode wouldn't you want to hear it in the flesh that's right we're doing another live podcast live investigation folks we're going to be investigating a secret paranormal phenomenon. That's right. Live in London.
Starting point is 00:42:48 And our live shows are like the goddamn Skull and Bones Society, all right? Sure, you can buy a ticket, but there's no guarantee you're getting in. We can't first say who gets in or out. It's very much a face club. We just judge people on their looks on the way in. Yeah, 100%. But instead of looking handsome or pretty, you must look ghoulish. Of course.
Starting point is 00:43:14 Only the most ghoulish looking people. We want to see trench coats. We want to see Matrix level sunglasses. Of course. But once you get in, the live show is going to be fantastic. We're going to be chugging Lombardi all night. We're going to be hanging out afterwards for a meet and greet where we can chat with everyone who comes to the show. It's going to be a great night. So come along.
Starting point is 00:43:32 Have we mentioned a date or time? Sunday, 15th of September at 9.30pm at King's Place in London. That's around King's Cross. It's a fantastic, beautiful venue and we can't wait to see you all there. You can buy tickets on the King's Place website,, but we have also tweeted and posted about the link on Facebook and everywhere else. If you enjoyed that episode and you can't quite get enough, there's a treasure trove of podcasts lying in secret, lying in hiding like a hidden tiger oh that's waiting ready to pounce
Starting point is 00:44:06 this tiger is starved this tiger hasn't had meat for days this tiger is being abused and it's ready to lash it's ready to lash out at its owners oh yeah you think that chain's gonna hold back the tiger tiger's off the leash now baby tiger's. Tiger's slashing you back to back with bonus content. Except the tiger isn't free. This tiger costs five bucks a month, folks. Because on forward slash this paranormal life at two bucks a month, you can get a shout out here in the show. Five bucks a month gets you access to the roaring feral tiger.
Starting point is 00:44:43 That is our bonus episodes. if i'm not being clear enough we make bonus episodes yeah let's drop the tiger analogy it's actually working that well we make bonus episodes for all y'all uh to listen to and at five bucks a month you get one of those every month we've got a bunch of them in the backlog as well so if you want you can sign up for five bucks today and get into all of them hours a ton hours of listening but kit how will i know if i want to listen to these bonus episodes if i've never even heard one of these bonus episodes you just trust us that they're amazing asshole i was teeing i was teeing you up what i was teeing you up so we could play a clip
Starting point is 00:45:22 from the bonus episode right sorry yeah the clip, right. Sorry. Yeah, you came at me hard there. Yeah, sorry. Like a tiger. I thought we said we were going to drop that analogy. The tiger analogy. That was pretty cool, actually. Okay. Okay, here's a clip of our latest bonus episode.
Starting point is 00:45:36 You know, what was I? I was a boy, all right? I was blinded by the glitz and the glamour of New York City. I'd just been to the m&m's world so i was high as a kite i didn't know i didn't know that was the high point of western civilization i thought the red peanut m&m was the statue of liberty i thought it was the lady herself welcoming me to the shores i thought the the newly debuted Crunchy M&M was the finest Michelin-starred cuisine. I thought the playful banter between both M&Ms
Starting point is 00:46:09 was a Broadway show. I really did. I thought it was Hamilton. I straight up thought it was Hamilton. So, you know, am I a credible witness? I think I have proved in 126 episodes of this podcast that I'm not. Of course. Of course not.
Starting point is 00:46:28 All I have is my own word against my own word. And like I said, at the end of every episode, we like to take the time to shout out those who supported us on Patreon. And that's what we're going to do right now. Thank you to Greg Ellis. Greg Ellis. I was wondering what that smell is. People don't know this but Greg is one of the only humans that just drinks cologne.
Starting point is 00:46:52 Straight up shots it. Isn't that pure alcohol? Like toxic? Extremely toxic. But it makes him, I guess it makes him sick because he's almost always on the edge of death. Really?
Starting point is 00:47:05 But you've never smelt a better man in your life. I mean, his breath is just confusing. Confusingly delicious. Breath should not be musky. No. Should not be deep mahogany. Should not be sandalwood. Yeah, but it is.
Starting point is 00:47:18 Thank you, Greg. Thanks also to Amy Barry. Amy tried to tame me, but I am a tiger. All right. You can't cage this beast up, Amy. You can whip him. Sure. You can.
Starting point is 00:47:31 Oh, you can hit him. You can make him jump through those little flame hoops that they do at the circus. But granted, you can chain him up. Sure. And yet he can't actually do much once he's chained up. Sure. You cannot give him food and he'll starve to death yeah but the second you turn your back and forget to lock the chain and also forgot that you left
Starting point is 00:47:53 out a sirloin so you can eat that and get enough strength to even walk uh-oh big mistake amy so keep an eye on your tigers 24 7 amy thanks also to jonathan hughes jonathan hughes loves booze this guy drinks cologne as well but for let's face it entirely different reasons of course always on the brink of death also always pissed granted you should never walk into a uh a pharmacy and say which of your colognes has the highest alcohol content it's gonna raise a few eyebrows yeah of course it is no one wants to smell like alcohol no that's not what we need in the commune is people raising eyebrows all right no we need everyone in the commune to blend in exactly so shot your cologne through your eyes like a regular man. Thanks also to Billy Barnes. Well, if it isn't Hillbilly Barnes, born and raised on the farm.
Starting point is 00:48:50 Yeah, yeah. It's great to have you on board in the paranormal commune, my friend. We need food. We need someone who can actually harvest food. I don't trust anything that comes from a supermarket or a supermercado. That's Spanish for supermarket. Nice. So, Billy, I'm also worried i just disclosed the location of the paranormal commune uh that might come back to bite us one day
Starting point is 00:49:11 shit no no no it might be a supermercado or a supermarche or a combini thank you for saying or uh i gotta come please a supermer. It's absolutely a supermercado. Yeah, we're not even discreet. We're in Barcelona. Yeah. We're in the heart of Barcelona. We're on Las Ramblas. And I'll be honest with you right now.
Starting point is 00:49:34 We're low on cash. We're selling a lot of those little fidget spinners on the high street. We're low on cash because I like the gamblas. Gamblas on Las Ramblas. We're low on cash because I like to gamblas. Gamblas on las ramblas. So we could really do with as many vegetables as we can here, Billy. Thank you also to Ives.
Starting point is 00:49:56 It's great to have them as a member of the Paranormal Commune because, you know, if anyone's acting suspicious, we can say, I've got my Ives on you. And they'll think I'm just watching them closely. But it's Ives. They are on you like a backpack, like an owl. Like a Yoda of Luke Skywalker. A weird, heavy Yoda weighing you down, keeping you low to the ground. Doing the same weird laugh as well.
Starting point is 00:50:18 Yeah, but teaching you jackal. You're not getting stronger. You're not getting smarter at all. So it's great to have you as a powerful defense mechanism mechanism in the podcast i'm sorry as a powerful defense mechanism in the paranormal commune thanks also to millie marlo well if it isn't killy millie the paranormal communes executioner granted if you're not in the commune yet you're probably a little weirded out why we need an executioner that if you're not in the commune yet you're probably a little weirded
Starting point is 00:50:45 out why we need an executioner that's pretty much a red flag yeah but uh because barcelona doesn't have martial law no it doesn't have martial lona you don't normally execute folks and indeed they would frown upon it if they knew about what we were doing But that's why the commune is a closed-door society as in is if you disobey us will close you between two doors That's how Millie does it some people say it's barbaric. I think it's kind of beautiful and symbolic so thanks Millie for your service Thanks also to Pablo Octavio. I hope Pablo can Pablo Espanol Because not giving away the location of the Paranormal Commune. We already did. But the ability to speak Spanish, Pablo,
Starting point is 00:51:31 really will come in handy in this secret location that we don't want to disclose. We already said it was Las Ramblas. We're keeping that in? We're keeping that in? Sorry, shit. Don't say it again, brother. We've got to cut it.
Starting point is 00:51:43 It's fine. We can cut it. As long as we tell the editor the two or three places we've said it so far, we're fine. Yeah. So we won't tell him. We won't tell him again. So Pablo, just keep up the Spanish lessons. Keep up the hablo. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:56 Not that it's in Spain. But thank you. Thanks also to Holly Hogan. Holly, quit hogging all the paella. The commune's going hungry. Again, paella can be eaten anywhere in the world. Absolutely anywhere. It doesn't have any relevance to the location of the commune.
Starting point is 00:52:12 But, Holly, as you know, we have farmers now in the commune, so we've got everything. Apples, corn, fruit. Yeah. All that shit that grows from the ground. Seeds. Yeah. So we don't need to eat all the paella.
Starting point is 00:52:25 We can spread these things around, Holly. All I'm saying is, Holly, if you keep eating all the paella, you're not getting any Cerveta. Exactly. No estrella. Thanks also to James Moore. A little less con for Jameson. A little more action. Uh-huh, baby.
Starting point is 00:52:40 James is in the house. Nice. That was just a little Elvis impression. The king, as he's's known Hope you appreciate that James Obviously you're a big fan of Elvis I'm assuming Who isn't? He's the god of rock and roll And people
Starting point is 00:52:56 James if you do want to see the king Perform live Look I have it on good authority That he's still alive You know why? Cause he's sleeping in my bunk bed right now in the paranormal commune. What? That's right. That little SOB never died. I would have thought he'd be in a bunk bed for starters.
Starting point is 00:53:17 He's a king. He sleeps where he wants. He wants a bunk bed? I offered him a throne. He didn't want it. You don't sleep on a throne. That's probably why. So look, if you do want to see him live, James, come to the commune. We can't disclose where the location is, but hopefully, you know, if you are coming to the commune, you're obviously on another brainwave than normal humans.
Starting point is 00:53:40 You can read into cryptic messages that we give off. You can do Da Vinci Code level treasure hunts. Exactly. You can hear the words between words and find out where the location is without us even having to say Spain in the first place. So thank you. I said Spain, didn't I? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:54 I said it again. It's fine. That's like the fourth time. So we'll just cut all four. Cut it. Okay. Thank you to Dan Esposito. Dan is our biggest fan.
Starting point is 00:54:02 I mean that almost literally. He is a giant industrial fan. We're enduring one of the hottest summers that Barstin has ever seen. Whoa. Oh, shit. We're enduring one of the hottest summers that northern Spain has ever... Oh, shit. Say anything else.
Starting point is 00:54:19 Okay, sorry. Just don't even say a location. We're enduring one of the hottest summers that central europe has ever seen sure or even just say the commune you can even go more obscure i don't we don't have to say the location we are okay i feel like i gotta get it on okay right don't barcelona's hottest no don't say barcelona just say just say don't even say location okay we're hot we need a giant fan to cool us down so we got down the fan yeah it's not a great story if you cut out all the pizzazz. Of course, yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:47 It's actually a little... Yeah, you're right. You do need the location. Okay. Thank you, Dan. Thanks, last but not least, to Morfineke. Hola, Morfineke. ¿Qué tal?
Starting point is 00:54:57 ¿Cómo está? How's it going? ¿Dónde está tu biblioteca? Obviously, I'm just speaking in Spanish now. Because sometimes it's fun to speak in other languages. You know, it's got nothing to do with... Anything to do with... You're not, like, practicing it for, like, any reason or anything.
Starting point is 00:55:15 No. No, no, no. Not for any reason regarding the commune. Our current whereabouts, yeah. If any of our listeners do speak Spanish, including yourself, if you could just tell us how to say in spanish it's not a cult just that sentence in spanish would really help us out because hypothetically sure let's say the commune is located in last round last barcelona hypothetically let's say we'd angered a bunch of locals yeah all right we didn't know it we thought it was a freaking uh uh what do you
Starting point is 00:55:46 call a animal that is free and not owned by anyone it's a freaking what do you call it what do you call it not even in spanish and english what do you call it we thought it was a feral goat and we killed the goat all right as a part of a sack hypothetically we killed the goat we thought it was a feral goat we didn't realize it was owned by the locals they're pissed now they think it's a cult because we were drawing things in the goat blood but uh sorry none of this happened none of this ever
Starting point is 00:56:14 happened is it hot in here I feel like I'm getting where's dad get that pan on we're getting hot here if you do know how to speak Spanish just let me know how i say it's not a cult and i'm sorry about the goat the legal proceedings are starting soon the faster you can get it to us the better honestly yeah it would really help us out so
Starting point is 00:56:35 thank you so much and thanks to everyone else we've shouted out today thanks to everyone we are yet to shout out thanks for being so patient with us. We're getting through our shout outs slowly but surely. So thanks for sticking with us. We will be back next week with a brand new paranormal tale. Can't wait to see you then. Bye bye, folks. Bye.

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