This Paranormal Life - #158 Did the Illuminati Kill and Replace George Washington?

Episode Date: March 31, 2020

Today we put our own lives at risk by investigating the worlds most infamous secret society... the IlluminatiSupport us on to get access to weekly bonus episodes!Buy Off...icial TPL Merch! - us on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTubeJoin our Secret Society Facebook CommunityResearch by Amy GrisdaleEdited by Louis BlatherwickIntro music by Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Are zoo animals just monsters that we've captured? Could a regular man punch through a whole loaf of bread? All of these questions you can find the answer to on This Paranormal Life! Hey! Hello everyone! Welcome back to This Paranormal Life, the weekly comedy paranormal podcast where every episode we investigate a brand new paranormal tale and come to a conclusion at the end as to whether or not it is truly paranormal. My name is Roy Powers and I'm joined by my co-investigator, Kit Greer. How are you doing, Kit? I'm great.
Starting point is 00:00:39 I bought a lot of bread this week. It's kind of the state of the nation that we're stockpiling. a lot of bread this week it's kind of the state of the nation that we were stockpiling and i gotta be honest bud i wasn't best pleased to see that the sourdough the pan loaf the baguette the croissant yeah they all had great big dents in them look it's important to me to know if there's going to be casualties when i go out onto the street looking for bread do you understand what i'm saying here no if i if i go out to, I don't know, a restaurant. Let's say a restaurant, and I want bread, and everyone else has all the bread. I want to know if I start throwing punches, if I'm going to destroy the loaf I came to get.
Starting point is 00:01:15 Ah, so you actually want to preserve the bread, if anything. Of course, yeah. You don't want bread with holes in it. That's called donuts, my friend. Welcome to This Paranormal Life. This week, we have a big case ahead of us. You know, usually we have a lot of user submissions sent in to us at thisparanormallifepodcast at But this week I figured, you know what? It's been a while since I've led the investigation. So I went into the library
Starting point is 00:01:42 in my mansion. I went the the weird cupboards that have all those dusty books covered in cobwebs and i started you know looking up newspaper clippings from the 1700s i wanted to do this case myself i wanted it i wanted it to be a rory i have the rory powers stamp of approval on it. I hear you. That sounds pretty beautiful. Now, one interesting thing that we've done so far, which you cannot see because this is an audio podcast. At the beginning of the show, I gave Kit a box. That's right.
Starting point is 00:02:17 Now, inside that box is evidence, proof, that is indisputable proof that what we are dealing with today is suspicious it's paranormal now kid doesn't know indisputable that it's suspicious kid doesn't know what's inside the box uh and he's not gonna know until we reach a point in the episode where it's time to reveal the proof you forget about it until next week we've already said no at the end oh shit i forgot the silver bullet oh it was a hamster it's definitely dead yeah i didn't know if i could mention the box but i do have a small sort of rectangular box i will say it's light i'm not gonna do the old christmas day shake in case it is a hamster but uh it is very light so i'm incredibly curious the truth isn't heavy
Starting point is 00:03:11 kit it's just heavy on the mind heavy on the soul that bears it but in real life it's pretty much like the shit that astronauts eat it's like it's like air it's like dehydrated exactly exactly all right look we've dilly-dallied enough for the start of the episode. Let's dive in. Let's do it. Today's story takes us to Bavaria, Germany, all the way back to 1773. Wow. When a man named Adam Weishaupt became professor of law at the University of Ingolstadt.
Starting point is 00:03:40 Although he was a smart man, he was the only non-clerical professor at the school, which meant a lot of judgment and ridicule from his fellow more religious workmates. Eventually, Weishaupt was like, alright, f*** you guys, I'm a complex spiritual guy too, you know, I'm gonna join the Freemasons, who at the time were a hugely popular order in Bavaria. However, after finding the organization restrictive and most importantly expensive, he decided it wasn't for him. We've talked about it before. I don't know an awful lot about the Freemasons,
Starting point is 00:04:19 but there's no homeless people in that organization. No, they don't go like recruiting in like the slums. Or even like university graduates. you've got to be established you've got to have a little cash a little power maybe you want to get a little more of both of those things yeah exactly if you're like a little peasant man looking for enlightenment absolutely not go to christianity or one of the ones that it's like pretty it's pretty much open doors they'll take anyone they can get yeah yeah jesus isn't like shaking a bucket at the pearly gates you don't have to like pay for a stamp to get in or anything like that's why the freemasons is a much doper club because trust me dog jesus also doesn't have a bugatti veyron yeah here's a little tip as well that me and kid have
Starting point is 00:05:02 been doing uh we've been going to the freemasons and i get a stamp and go inside but then i come out and lick my hand and put it on kit's hand and then we can both get in because it looks like we both these guys are stuck in the past they don't even know what ink really is it's great so on may 1st 1776 weishaupt decided to create his own society one that would have the systems and ranks of the Freemasons, but with his own ideas and agendas. I love this idea. Taking the best of something, but tweaking it and making it even better. It's just like, it's like getting your favorite sandwich at the lunch place.
Starting point is 00:05:40 Yeah. You take their, you take their meatball sub their ruben sandwich and you tweak it exactly you throw little pickles in there get weird with it yeah that's what weishaupt is doing his new order was called the perfectable lists or the covenant of perfectability he then recruited four more members to join the organization all with their own aliases. Together they would be known as Ajax, Agathorn, Tiberius, and Erasmus Rotodamus. Whoa, okay, so aliases, so we're not supposed to know their real identity? No, dude. So this is a secret order? It is a secret order with badass names too. Weishaupt was known as Spartacus. Wow.
Starting point is 00:06:27 Like, they all are pretty sweet names. I think maybe Erasmus Rotodamus got thrown under the bus a little bit. Because some of the other ones are like, you know, Ajax, Tiberius. Yeah, Ajax, he's got that four-letter flow. It's perfect. It's a great Twitter handle. But what did you say?
Starting point is 00:06:44 Erasmus Rotoddamus he's the only one that has two names for some reason and even one of them is longer than every other name it's kind of like you know being like all right it's first meeting of the secret order in session i'm here spartacus beast fists you know you're here as well death beam yep you're here as well. Deathbeam, yep, he's here as well. Twinkletoes McBubbleNips. Twinkletoes McBubbleNips. And Kyle's like, yeah, I heard you. I just don't want the name.
Starting point is 00:07:15 If it's our organization, why do I have to be Twinkletoes McBubbleNips? I'm at worst the fourth guy in the door. There's going to be a lot more guys. Surely someone else can take that name and then vice haft is like all right all right just calm down all right moving on to today's orders death beam you're gonna be charge of admissions i'm gonna be master of finance twinkle toes mcbubble nips if you could just cook up a tasty snack for us all what i'm the cook i could be a cook not in the perfectable list or whatever the
Starting point is 00:07:46 we're called all right all right we'll change your name twinkle toes mcbubble chef jesus christ i mean yeah i would still want to be involved obviously only two years later would the organization change its name to the order of the illumin what? Yes, that's right, my friend. So they, the Perfectibilists, let's be honest, not a great name. No. Doesn't roll off the tongue. They hit a home run second time round. Oh my God, they knocked it out of the park.
Starting point is 00:08:19 It's like a computer programmer making LinkedIn and then on their second try making facebook yeah they absolutely just hammered it the second try that was it's like coppola first directing adam sandler's click before then going to straight to the godfather 2 or something right exactly it's like the two are so incongruous i will will say Weishaupt apparently also seriously contemplated the name B order. B order? Yeah. Like an order of bees? I know.
Starting point is 00:08:54 Who would order that? Or is that just like, was that a perfect cover? It just takes all the heat off them, makes people think there's an A order they really got to worry about? Well, it's spelled B-E-E. So I think it's very much the Bs. It's like B movie, but it's the order. I'm really glad. This would have been a very different world if we were all worried about the B order watching over us.
Starting point is 00:09:22 The Illuminati continue to grow over the following years gaining more members and influence the organization's creed was to oppose religious influence encourage enlightenment and stop the abuse of state power which i'm gonna say on the record sounds awesome it sounds pretty good right off the bat illuminati i feel like it's been kind of dragged through the mud a little bit in recent years getting their their names slapped onto all these horrible things yeah to say the least uh but right now they don't sound a million miles away from like the avengers it's just like we're gonna protect the public good we're gonna look after everyone exactly evil yeah you know it's not fair And this is the problem is they can't defend themselves. Because as soon as you come out and say,
Starting point is 00:10:07 Hey, I actually think you're being pretty mean to the Illuminati. Someone's gonna be like, You're an Illuminati guy. Yeah. Erasmus Rotterdamus himself? Why is Erasmus Rotterdamus always in favor of the Illuminati? But here's the problem, Kit. It's a secret society, alright? We don't know the full
Starting point is 00:10:27 extent of what they were doing. What we do know is that as time passed, the organization changed, bringing in strange rituals, interests in alchemy, and most importantly, it recruited powerful benefactors. It wasn't long before the Illuminati had allegedly over 2,000 secret members all across Bavaria, which was becoming a bit of a problem. You see, having so many influential, powerful members meant that the public believed the Illuminati were giving preferential treatment to their members. You get a parking ticket don't worry about it the police officer is a brother of the order you know there's a keep off the grass sign
Starting point is 00:11:11 at the park that grass the gardener's a brother stomp on it till your heart's content gotcha gotcha gotcha except if all the members are like rich and powerful people there probably isn't a gardener brother that's why they got to spread the net a little wider that's true they gotta have like yeah they gotta have the guy who like runs the country sure but they also gotta have a guy at their local subway sandwich place who gets them free cookies right you gotta let it let in some of the peasants yeah it's it's like you couldn't just start a club with all hollywood movie stars because like what the hell can they get you? Free movie tickets? Maybe drive you around in their nice car?
Starting point is 00:11:48 You need people in every section of society. You need someone who just works at a shop that can get you free meal deals. But he's in the fake Illuminati. You don't actually tell them stuff. They're like, what are we going to do today, brothers? Can you just back off for a second? Go over there with the other brothers. they're like what are we gonna do today brothers uh can you just back off for a second go over there with the with the other brothers and it's like a little group of just like you know peasants
Starting point is 00:12:10 that have been brought in so they can get free stuff yeah you your order of business today is get the rest of us snacks how about that i do really like the idea of there being like a court case you know where someone's being put on trial for murder and the lawyer is like i'm gonna put the accused on the stand uh it appears he's still wearing the clothes that he murdered them in last night you can see the blood and scratches on his skin when we arrested him and read him his rights he admitted to the murder even though we said you don't have to do this right now it's pretty much an open and shut case and this like absolute psycho on the stand just looks over at the judge and like flashes a silver ring and the judge is like i don't know that could be anyone's blood um
Starting point is 00:12:56 you're safe with me brother what did you just what did you just say to him you know there's a mic in front of your judge's box right that just went to the whole stand they're like do you have anything to say for yourself i'm so glad i joined the illuminati no brother you have to keep it quiet keep it quiet i find the defendant erasmus rotterdam is not guilty i mean jeff now all of this secrecy and public anger started to alarm the Duke of Bavaria Charles Theodore He started to worry that the secret societies like the Illuminati would eventually take power and so around 1784 the government banned all secret societies which meant the end for the Illuminati. Oh no Or was it? which meant the end for the Illuminati. Oh no. Or was it?
Starting point is 00:13:53 What if Kit, the organization, once more slipped into the shadows, continuing to gain influence, gain members, and take control of this f***ing flat earth that we live on? What are you saying today? I warned Kit. I actually warned our whole apartment before we started that i'm gonna get pretty fired up today all right there better be some dynamic control on this podcast because i'm going to get very loud no it's it's like quiet in quick it's like recording 101 you can't just yell like that and then start whispering. Sir? In 1790, six years after the Illuminati was disbanded,
Starting point is 00:14:37 officials in Rome arrested a man named Count Alessandro Cagliostro. He's in it. He's a cunt. And his name, what did he say his name was? Of course he's in the Illuminati. Count Alessandro Cagliostro. There's no way he's not in a secret society. Who was known to have, quote, revolutionary principles.
Starting point is 00:14:57 It turned out that the man's name was fake. And that he was actually Giuseppe Balsamo, an occultist and an alchemist. The police are out of their minds if they take that second name as granted. You gotta get ID. Someone whose second name is Giuseppe Balsamo, he's got a third name. You're not there. You haven't found it yet. You gotta keep going. You gotta keep digging. Fine. My name is Humbert Crumpleston. That's real.
Starting point is 00:15:26 That one's real. They questioned him about his personal life and his relationship with the Freemasons, which I know I said that they questioned him, but I'm assuming that they've got him like James Bond style tied to a chair, you know, punching him across the face. Like, tell us everything you know about the secret Freemason societies. Of course. Hey, if they're still waterboarding people today, what do you think they were doing back then?
Starting point is 00:15:54 Wineboarding. Probably. Probably doing that thing, I think, from the James Bond movie where they hit him in the nutsack with a sack of rocks or something. That's probably how they said hello in the olden days well after a presumed beating giuseppe was like it is not the freemasons that you should be asking about it is the order of the illuminati i met with two of their leaders 10 years ago their order has 20 000 lodges scattered through Europe and America. Lodges? They're in the courts.
Starting point is 00:16:28 They're in the government. All being financed through the immense treasures of the order. It is them that you should worry about. Whoa. Spooky stuff. He went on to say that despite being allegedly disbanded around 1784, to say that despite being allegedly disbanded around 1784, the Illuminati was involved in planning a great blow against the government of France. But of course, nothing to worry about if the Illuminati don't exist anymore. But then, in 1789, the French Revolution began! Is this the
Starting point is 00:17:02 work of the Illuminati, Kit? In the shadows? Pulling the strings? Erasmus Rotterdamus on the front line? Singing red and black as he waves the French flag? Reading the lyrics off his palm? He's getting sweaty, I'll date it. He's not a real revolutionary. What do you think?
Starting point is 00:17:20 Spooky stuff here. 20,000 lodges? So we went from 2 000 members yeah to what only a few years later at 20 000 lodges lodges all across europe and america they went underground and somehow became big bigger than the beetles despite zero advertising this is i mean if this is true then this is insane the fact that they have not only managed to convince the public that they've been disbanded but also simultaneously be bigger than ever yeah very interesting i'm kind of unclear on who they're recruiting because on the one hand
Starting point is 00:18:00 we're hearing that they are immensely powerful. They control potentially governments. You would be suspicious. I'm just going to say, you're not exactly prime material. You're not exactly what they're looking for. Is that supposed to be a bad thing? Am I supposed to want to be in this puppet controlling, government controlling society? It doesn't surprise me that you don't know how they're recruiting people. You don't seem like the kind of guy they would be approached by you're the kind of guy they want look i may
Starting point is 00:18:27 have got an email over the years and an evite okay you're admitting to a lot so okay well okay well i've sworn allegiance to my brothers and i can say no more okay so you signed up i didn't i didn't say that i signed up i didn't say that i said you swore allegiance to my brothers i have brother yo i know you only have one brother in real life as well so brothers is very telling they're gonna i'm gonna get kicked out though for this so please let's just move on so you did join that let's just take that as granted what did they want from from you specifically you work in the video games industry so like they wanted me actually to do a podcast
Starting point is 00:19:05 about them and shine them in a pretty favorable light so this is the podcast of course this is the podcast and yeah i'm gonna there's a whole paragraph in here about how they're actually pretty good guys and didn't actually do any of the bad stuff did i mention erasmus rhododamus was six foot jacked okay that was he was around hundreds of years ago i don't know why we're giving him pr it's his great great grandson wants everyone to know how jacked he was in 1784 when the illuminati was disbanded history says that adam weishaupt was exiled from bavaria to gota where he would eventually die in 1820 but if the the Illuminati really did have 20,000 lodges all over Europe and America, would the leader of an organization that huge really just disappear?
Starting point is 00:19:55 This, my friends, is where the true story really begins. You see, Kit, so far we've been walking through the Museum of Time, enjoying ourselves. But what's that in the shadows of the Museum of Time? It's an old creepy janitor who's smoking cocaine, saying, You wanna know what really happened, boy? Why does he have to be smoking coke? Because he's crazy. He's a maniac. So what he's saying isn't true?
Starting point is 00:20:23 Well, no, he's just the only one. He shouldn't be in the museum for a start. He's the only one not smoking cracker on this museum. What if instead of being disbanded in 1784, the Illuminati simply retreated to the shadows and relocated to another country, one that, like the organization, was also founded in 1776.
Starting point is 00:20:48 One that wouldn't shut down a secret society because it was all about freedom. That's right, my friends. We're talking about the USA, soon to be known as the United Secrets of Adam. Who's Adam? Weishaupt. Of course. But there was a problem here, Kit. George Washington actually knew about the Illuminati. As a passionate Freemason, George Washington himself was warned about the order of the Illuminati,
Starting point is 00:21:20 who had taken over Freemason lodges in Bavaria, Scotland, and England. So that's how they got 20,000. They just took them. By the sounds of it, yeah. Just slapped a sticker over those Freemason lodges and just pirate-style hoarded the cabins. A letter sent to George Washington in 1798 by a man named J.W. Snyder included a book called Proofs of Conspiracy that warned of the threat of the Illuminati. Snyder said, Dear President Washington, the Illuminati want to overturn all government and religion to eradicate every dear of a supreme being and distinguish man from beast by shape only. Jesus. Washington wrote back, Dear Mr. Schneider, I don't believe that these revolutionary societies have infiltrated the Freemason lodges in the United States. However, I am certain that the doctrines of
Starting point is 00:22:20 the Illuminati are already spreading through other means in America. I can feel it. The tides are changing. And every day the shadows of secrecy crawl closer to my person. And as president, I will not be defeated. I added that last part, the last couple sentences. But well, we only read a couple sentences. So I'm not sure that is real. The part about the shadows crawling closer to my person and as president that was pretty dramatic yeah you see it did it kind of helped the story no i'm not saying that's a good thing you shouldn't have done that but the good side of this is that this conversation actually did happen i have and you can go see these letters these
Starting point is 00:23:02 correspondence that were written by george washington in museums i do have evidence here but i've just realized we are both podcasting in separate rooms we are quite hard for you for me to show you this evidence do you want to airdrop it to me yeah that's a pretty good idea actually uh okay i've got the letter what looks like the letter in front of me so this is I'm just zooming in yeah people in olden times had really good handwriting so I can't read this oh yeah it's incomprehensible
Starting point is 00:23:34 but I'll take your word that it's evidence of what we're talking about yeah I did get a lot of the transcripts from these conversations from museum websites of course that own the documents um but it is cool like if you had told me that george washington the first president of america knew about the illuminati i would have obviously laughed
Starting point is 00:23:59 in your face that's a ridiculous thing to say but it's hilarious that it is actually true as well. Right, the Illuminati is one of these stories that's, I mean, it's become changed culturally into something else than what it was back in the day. Whenever people talk about it, they think of something different now, but we talk about it because it was real. Yeah, exactly. But even with alleged secret members scattered across America, and a belief system that's spreading faster than butter on toast How do you take control of a country kit that has a leader that stands against you? You take control of the leader That's right kit. I want you to open up the box that I gave you at the start of the episode I don't know if I'm ready, guys.
Starting point is 00:24:46 Okay, I've got the box here. This could blow this case wide open. Okay. So inside the box is a single dollar. What am I looking at here, Rory? Well, Kit, you're looking at a regular one dollar bill and on that one dollar bill just like every other one dollar bill is a picture of a man and that man is adam weisshaupt leader of the illuminati but it says it says washington right well they're not
Starting point is 00:25:21 gonna write adam are they they swapped they? They swapped him out. They swapped him out, kid. What are you saying? The Illuminati killed George Washington and replaced him with the leader of their organization, Adam Weishaupt. I thought these people didn't even believe in government.
Starting point is 00:25:40 They don't believe in government, but sometimes if you want to be the guys that don't believe in government, you have if you want to be the guys that don't believe in government, you have to become the government. Listen, none of us like cleaning shit. None of us believe in cleaning shit. But if you become head janitor, you never have to clean shit ever again.
Starting point is 00:25:56 Exactly. And no one's going to rat on you because you're the head janitor. What the f*** are you talking about? Where is this coming from? What evidence do we have that george washington was what murdered did you say murdered by the illuminati and replaced with and how did what did adam look like did no one notice the difference i've got a side-by-side comparison of adam weishaupt and george washington and's going to blow your tiny little sheltered mind.
Starting point is 00:26:26 Wait, wasn't Adam German? Did no one notice the difference? I am so confused. I'm just imagining one day the military are like, Mr. President, we need you to address the nation. And he kind of comes out across, you know, on a big podium and leads into the speakers. It is I, George Washington. I just want to say how much I love this country, America.
Starting point is 00:26:50 Wow, he just has the most charismatic and powerful voice of any world leader. I love the hot dog, the spicy dog. I love it. I cannot get enough. What about apple pie, George? Oh, the pie and the apples. Oh, my goodness. They are so nice. I want to just eat them all the time while playing a game of basketball.
Starting point is 00:27:17 Wait. Basketball. Basketball. Yes? Standing ovation. This is why we love Britain. Thank you very much. I hate I Love freedom. There's like rednecks with tears in their eyes. My god. That's the man. I'll die for any day He drives away in a Volkswagen
Starting point is 00:27:39 Ford logo just falls off as he drives away. All right kid. I just sent you a sign by side Ford logo just falls off as he drives away. All right, kid, I just sent you a side-by-side comparison. What the f*** am I looking at? George Washington and Adam Weishaupt. You might be confused, so I'll just let you know right now. I'm not confused because one says Adam Weishaupt underneath it. One's a $1 bill, so I'm pretty... Also, one is the image that you said was already swapped out to be Adam.
Starting point is 00:28:10 Correction, I have sent you two pictures of Adam Weishaupt. One is him on the $1 bill. Two is a picture of him from a book. Okay, so people might get a little confused, but whenever Rory sends a picture of Adam on a book okay so people might get a little confused but whenever rory says a picture of of adam on the one dollar bill he he he's talking about george washington on the one dollar bill just so you understand i'm talking about the portrait label right right labeled washington kit if you need more proof to convince you and i. The proof is in your hands, friend.
Starting point is 00:28:46 It's the same image. Flip over the dollar. I just need to, before I flip over the dollar, if you'll allow me a second. Before I flip over the dollar, I have to say, there's nothing alike. There's no similarity between those two images whatsoever. What are you talking about, sir? They're both old-timey gentlemen. Yeah. In black and white side profile, at a camera same hair same right
Starting point is 00:29:07 gray hair and jowls they're just like 50 year old white man anyway okay i flipped over the dollar all right it's so it's the side of the dollar it says in god we trust uh it's got it's got some weird paranormal imagery yeah it does it does you're right i want you to look over at the pyramid on the left side of the dollar bill of course at the base of the pyramid there's a series of roman numerals that translate to 1776 when america signed the declaration of independence sure but that is also the exact year that the illuminati was founded pretty convincing huh it's a pretty cool little coincidence on top of the pyramid we have the eye of providence the all-seeing illuminati eye
Starting point is 00:30:01 because they have 24-hour surveillance over the entire world right there because I feel like you're just injecting some of your thoughts about this eye what makes so there is an eye everyone's seen the eye there's a pyramid it's the it's why is it called the Illuminati eye you want what it is why is it called the Illuminati eye what does it have to do with the because so far the Illuminati is just uh is just a non-governmental organization. They're like the Freemasons. Why do they have an eye? I will concede to this argument because the original Illuminati symbol was actually an owl.
Starting point is 00:30:35 It wasn't an eye. I think the eye of Providence was mostly used more by Freemasons and Christianity to symbolize the eye, the omnipresent eye of God. Yeah. So sure, yeah, I didn't realize you were going to pick that one apart. Because, you know, we aka the Freemasons, the Christians, the organizations we know started the United States. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:58 In 1776. I mean, a number of the founding fathers were Freemasons. It was like a big part of the foundations of America. So it makes sense that a lot of this imagery is uh you know on the dollar why have you got me talking sense now you tricked me said that their logo is an owl whereas there's an eagle on this thing so they had the opportunity the copy guy came in one day he was like hey i'm just throwing up the uh the one dollar bill here uh you said you wanted a bird, some kind of bird. And the head of the Illuminati is sitting there, Adam,
Starting point is 00:31:29 with a little pin that says George Washington on it. And he's going, hmm, I did say I wanted a bird, didn't I? Hmm, it's just not ringing a bell. Why would I have wanted a bird? The guy's like, I can just, I ain't got all day, pal. I can just throw like any old bird on there. Yes, any old bird will do, sure. You did tell me in your inauguration, though, that you did want a bird.
Starting point is 00:31:56 And if I ever asked you to not put a bird, it meant that I'd been killed and replaced by a clone from a shadow organization. It does sound like something I would say. But now you're saying you don't want the bird, you want an eye? We definitely need the eye, yes. I want the eye, I think it looks cool as hell. Oh, f*** it, put whatever bird you want in there. I'm just imagining that there's, like, a gunshot heard outside the room, and then, like, security runs in and be like,
Starting point is 00:32:24 what's going on like what's going on what's going on mr president and uh adam is just like oh nothing i was just finishing up the design of the one dollar bill it's going really great and then the designer turns around yeah it is going very good yes they're just swapping everyone out one by one oh hey you're you're the designer i just talked to you in the hall. Yes, yes, you did. Aren't you from Tennessee? Another replacement.
Starting point is 00:32:50 Kit, if you will look at the Latin surrounding the pyramid on the $1 bill, that Latin says, he approves a new order of the ages. The order of the Illuminati. No, no, it doesn't say that. It doesn't say Illuminati. It doesn't say that. It doesn't say that.
Starting point is 00:33:08 That was a little misleading, what you just did. Because Illuminati is... You just did a whole run-on sentence. It is Latin. The sentence says, he approves a new order of the ages. I will say it's a little... The order of the Illuminati. It's a little...
Starting point is 00:33:20 No, it doesn't say that last bit. You're confusing the listeners. Because they don't have a dollar at home. Of course. Because they broke off their ass. They gave it to us. Five dollars a month can get you a lot of good things. In this life.
Starting point is 00:33:33 I will admit, it's a little bit of a cryptic kind of creepy thing to say. Yeah. Who's he? Well, I think, no, you're going to get me talking reason again. And I'm not going to go there. Because I don't need to talk in reason, all right? Well, you should be because we're trying to... I'm an Irish-American.
Starting point is 00:33:49 I don't need to use reason at any point. I can just dig my heels in and refuse to budge. But I would venture to guess, again with the eye here, that this is maybe some kind of religious reference. He approves God, the Abrahamic God of Christianity. He approves in the abrahamic god of christianity he approves in a new order god the lord vice hat you know right the top of the organization okay i will say they left it wide open because they could have said god they didn't say god they said he so i'll give you that exactly now kent i want you to look at the other side of the dollar. We already looked at the other side of the dollar. No, the other side of the one side of the dollar.
Starting point is 00:34:28 Look at the eagle. Look at the f***ing eagle. Sure. Chill, man. All right, I'm looking at the eagle. He's got 13 stars above his head, 13 stripes in the shield in front of him, 13 arrows in his right claw, and 13 leaves on the branch in his left claw. Gotcha.
Starting point is 00:34:45 13 demonstrates the power of the 13 American families that dominated politics. Washingtons, Solomons, Jeffersons. They were all powerful during the seal's creation. And each of these families allegedly contained members of the Illuminati. Allegedly? Yeah. So we don't know? As in they were probably pretty big into Freemasonry.
Starting point is 00:35:13 Which, uh-oh, turns out the Illuminati have pretty much ganked all their lodges. I don't know enough about early American history to prove you wrong on all this. Good. That's really going to help me moving forward. But I will say, as we move forward, it seems like a kind of a leap that you're saying allegedly, according to people who believe in the Illuminati, allegedly the founding fathers of America were in the Illuminati.
Starting point is 00:35:42 Well, either in the Illuminati or involved in illuminati i believe uh i think it was thomas jefferson who is on record for saying that adam weishaupt actually had a lot of really good ideas which is the first step to being in which seems strange especially if the founding father was like we need to shut down this shady organization yeah if three presidents later jefferson is like i actually think uh he has some pretty good ideas maybe we should look at adopting this uh these methods and this new order i mean how often is it that we get a case like this where not only is so much of it based in real life history but i the primary investigator can even hand you a piece of physical evidence that ties this case together well it definitely
Starting point is 00:36:36 pushes the boundary of what's considered like groundbreaking evidence if there are trillions of these pieces of evidence in every person's home around the world in america and their places overseas i mean that's what's ironic is you know people all across america are like oh the illuminati doesn't exist i don't believe in the illuminati you're playing with their dollars that's like saying you don't believe in mr monopoly and yet you have a house on park place you're passing go and collect 200 of the guy's paper you're a little dog and a cannon and a top hat you you don't have to believe in them because you're in it we're this is their world all right you're you're you're in disneyland spending disney bucks on
Starting point is 00:37:26 your little mundane life while the mouse in the house is controlling is controlling us all that's right mickey aka adam oh my you don't think walt disney was in the illuminati of course is that based on anything he's a powerful man I think you're just picking people who are dead and who are powerful and who can't fight back to this accusation. Rotodamus Disney? Of course he was in there, the little bastard. Who'd you think drew the dollar?
Starting point is 00:37:58 It's always written in that kind of bubbly Disney style. He's like, I look closer. The eagle is actually Steamboat Willie. All right, that's pretty much our entire story for this week's episode. That takes us up to the current day where still presently the Illuminati run the country from the shadows.
Starting point is 00:38:16 Okay, sure. Kit, what are your thoughts? This concept of the Illuminati that you've painted for us today is pretty fascinating. It definitely, a number of years ago, concept of the illuminati that you've painted for us today is pretty fascinating it definitely a number of years ago it kind of spread like wildfires kind of one of the internet's most beloved mysteries to this day do the illuminati still exist what did they do exactly back in the
Starting point is 00:38:38 day are they still active because it's very tantalizing especially in a world in which like geopolitics the way that the world is run doesn't seem to benefit any normal person of course yeah every lay person in the street these days more and more as the years go by has some kind of complaint about the way the world is run yeah and everyone sort of has this idea of like oh the fat cats they're the ones benefiting out of all this the the way things are run. So you can definitely see how it's tempting to believe that this is the state of affairs, that a cabal of powerful billionaires throughout history has been pulling the strings at least, and setting things up to benefit them.
Starting point is 00:39:21 Except I think maybe a more realistic and maybe uglier truth is that George Washington was killed and replaced. No, that's exactly your story. And that's actually a pretty salacious, exciting movie style story. What I'm saying is that it could be that through some kind of complex web of unfolding events throughout the last few hundred years. Yes, the world is set up to benefit a small minority of people, but not because they're necessarily in some cabal, but rather because those powerful individuals have been looking out for themselves for a very, very long time. It's definitely tempting whenever we see, you know, you see these lists of former US presidents that were Freemason members. Yeah. And that's pretty mind-blowing when you see stuff lists of former US presidents that were Freemason members.
Starting point is 00:40:05 Yeah. And that's pretty mind-blowing when you see stuff like that. Or even just famous people, famous powerful people through history, famous lists of them that were Freemason members. But it's still a leap to go from that to an underground society of Illuminati members and say that they are one and the same people. In fact, it almost seems too obvious. If you were actually in an underground society, why would you publicly be in a slightly secret society?
Starting point is 00:40:34 Yeah, definitely. While researching this case, I learned a lot about not only the Freemasons, but the Illuminati as the organization that they truly were. Not the super secret global elites running the world, but this very Freemason like, uh, order that existed in Germany at the time. And if you actually read the Wikipedia page and the history books on it, a lot of it is really boring because it wasn't just this, this table of masterminds controlling everything seamlessly. They went through years where it's like they were arguing about stuff.
Starting point is 00:41:09 They changed things to be one way. Then they change it all back. Someone wanted to do a ritual. He got kicked out. You know, it was like they were just bumbling their way down the street. They didn't have this great big master plan. Yeah, I think that's part of the problem is it would require way more cooperation and planning than humans have ever demonstrated in human
Starting point is 00:41:31 history oh absolutely and not to mention the sheer numbers of people being thrown about here the idea of 20 000 lodges with presumably hundreds of members per lodge yeah how is that being kept a secret this is like flat earth theory all over again like if there is a small population that knows about this the cat's getting out of the bag pretty fast i think if any large shady organization does exist and does rule the world or controls uh these crazy events it's not the illuminati at least in the form that existed in history. For sure. For sure. Now, technically speaking, the Illuminati did exist.
Starting point is 00:42:12 So I think we can... Don't you f***ing dare. The question is, did the Illuminati exist? Is the Illuminati exist or not? You know, I think I'll say I could say yes to that. You could. What would you say in that situation? I mean, is it paranormal?
Starting point is 00:42:28 I think we either come down on is it paranormal or is it basically a conspiracy? Okay, gotcha. To both, I'm going to say no. Okay. Because it's neither. It's not paranormal and this illuminati this organization that was founded in germany it is no longer running in this form yeah i i guess that makes it a double no yeah i don't believe that they went to america assassinated the president and replaced him with not even
Starting point is 00:43:00 someone who just looks like the president but replaced him straight up with the leader of the organization. Someone who's supposedly pretty, anyway, who's pretty well known. We're not going back into it. You can't go evidence to conclusion to evidence again. We go, I'm sorry. It just doesn't add up. Did you see that? Did I give you the dollar?
Starting point is 00:43:20 I don't remember if I gave you the dollar yet or not. All right. Look, in terms of whether or not the illuminati assassinated and replaced george washington this week it is gonna be a double no wow what a case thank you so much for listening this week guys you know i wanted to throw a semi-educational one uh in in into the books because you know we have some silly ones sometimes about witches and ghosts uh but a lot of what we talked about today is based on history and came from the history books so kids if you're out of school there's your lesson for today just don't
Starting point is 00:43:59 say any of the shit you just heard when you go back to school because you will get expelled yeah and we'll get in a lot of trouble again which we don't want to do it happens a lot i gotta say after reading all of this and looking through all the pages does make me really want to start our own super secret society okay because you know we got the this paranormal life secret society but i want to do i want to do a level above that, like an even more exclusive one. Okay. Is it still a Facebook group? No, you got to go darker than that.
Starting point is 00:44:31 You can't have Zucks knowing about it. Yeah, we need to be sending pigeons to each other. Okay, okay. I think we should put a tier on the Patreon that's like a thousand pounds a month. Yeah. Right? And then that gets you automatic membership. That's basically what thousand pounds a month. Yeah. Right. And then that gets you automatic membership. That's basically what the Illuminati was.
Starting point is 00:44:48 A thousand pound a month Patreon tier. Yeah. Because what we need to do is get our wealthiest listeners to all go in like a thousand pounds a month. Boom. Yeah. Welcome Ajax. Welcome Erasmus Rotodamus. I'll learn a secret handshake for a thousand pounds a month
Starting point is 00:45:05 and then with all that money we'll just I guess either buy a ghost town or rent like a sweet London penthouse I like the second one right it's got a lot more pizzazz to it because it's kind of
Starting point is 00:45:19 cool to be like if we have like that top floor London penthouse maybe with like the insignia on the front doors. Yeah. And if you're one of those members, like anytime you're like in London, you can just walk up and like get into the secret like penthouse.
Starting point is 00:45:33 Yeah. There's not even a floor for it in the elevator. You have to like push a combination and it'll go to like the 20th floor on a 19 floor building. And it can't look like a swish apartment building on the outside it has to look like a dumpster the door will probably be a dumpster i love this i love this guys if i don't know how many rich people listen to our podcast but we are in uh email us at this paranormal life podcast at for all of your podcast suggestions and if you're interested in joining the i guess
Starting point is 00:46:06 we'll have to think of a cool name for it the if you're interested in joining the b order i'll buzz buzz they dropped the ball not taking that one usually in this part of the podcast we would shout out to our patreon and thanks some people that have supported us but we've got some real exciting news and that is that kit and i have released a brand new single with our band team rkt that's right the track is available right now on spotify and apple music or you can keep in touch with us at team rkt band but you don't even have to go far because you can hear the new track right now. I do it every call And what was said keeps me lying awake at night But we can say it all
Starting point is 00:47:07 Even if it's just pretend Cause today Gonna run away I don't care if I have to go all night This time it's too late And I don't wanna make it Hard for us to walk away I don't wanna make it
Starting point is 00:47:32 Hard for us to walk away I don't wanna make it I don't wanna make it I don't wanna make it I don't wanna make it Hard to say goodbye I don't wanna make it I don't wanna make it Hard to say goodbye, done it a thousand times
Starting point is 00:48:00 No regrets, keep me lying awake at night But when I close my eyes, I see that this is not the end And now they're telling me to slow down Cause I've never known how, but I'm stopping outside your door And you know I couldn't pretend I wanna be leaving cause I'm waiting for something Cause today, gonna run away I don't want to make it hard for us to walk away. And then we know it's time
Starting point is 00:48:57 When our past starts fading away We'll try to keep it bright So that we won't do this again Though we know it's time When our past starts fading away I'll try to keep it bright So that we won't do this again And the reason we don't know is time When our past starts fading away
Starting point is 00:49:31 I'll try to keep it bright I don't wanna make it hard for us to walk away I don't wanna make it, I don't wanna make it I don't wanna make it hard for us to walk away I don't wanna make it, I don't wanna wait I don't wanna wait

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