This Paranormal Life - #187 Real Life X-Men: SLIders

Episode Date: November 17, 2020

We all grew up watching the X-Men. A rag-tag team of mutants, each with an extraordinary ability never-before seen in humans. But what if there really are people out there, walking among us, that have... these powers? Rory and Kit have received a shocking email from one such listener. It's time to investigate.Patreon Society Facebook Page by Kami Tomanhttps://TomanEdits.comIntro music: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We all know how to keep your computer safe from viruses, but how do you keep your soul safe from demons? How many magnets do you need to eat to become Magneto? Answers to these questions and more on this episode of This Paranormal Life! Yo! Ayo! Welcome back to This Paranormal Life, the weekly comedy podcast where every Tuesday we investigate a different paranormal tale, case, or claim and get to the bottom of whether it's truly paranormal or not. As always, you're joined by myself, Mr. Kit Grimovena, this guy across from me,
Starting point is 00:00:34 Mr. Rory Pars. How are you doing today, Rory? I'm doing fantastic. And I love the idea that Magneto simply ate an enormous amount of magnets to gain his powers uh following along that premise captain america just ate a lot of hot dogs to become the one and only now that you mention it magneto seems a little too smart to follow that line of logic yeah i feel like yeah he probably achieved that power in a lab somewhere or something like that yeah the kind of people that would try and gain powers by eating things they don't do a lot with their lives they don't really attain any amount of power you don't want an avengers task force protecting the world and that's how they got their powers when i tried to become thumbtack man i spent four years in the hospital four years four years they took a while to pass they actually stick really well to the lining of your lungs um yeah it was not good it was not good it's kind of
Starting point is 00:01:33 uh it's kind of really the opposite of a meritocracy normally we let people run society that have done very hard difficult things well nothing's harder than eating a box full of thumb tacks i mean i can become a doctor after the amount of time i've spent in hospital they're rushing me into a and e and i'm like you fools you think your mortal healing will work on me thumbtack man uh we digress we don't like to dilly dally at the top of an episode do we Rory? So we're gonna dive right into today's investigation. So on this week's episode, we're gonna do something extremely rare for this paranormal life. We're gonna help someone. Oh, okay. Normally, we prefer investigating the paranormal from a safe distance, and usually I will do anything I can to avoid using my experience and expertise as an investigator to help anyone. If we had starred
Starting point is 00:02:26 in the Ghostbusters movie, we would have got the call asking for our help, but instead of capturing the ghost and saving the city, we would have podcasted about it while the city burned to the ground. Yeah, very, very, very likely. And yet, we received an email from a listener that I just couldn't ignore. Literally, I tried to delete it, Gmail wasn't working that day, and my Wi-Fi was down, so I had no choice but to read it. An immortal email. Hey guys, my name is Cara, and heads up, this is going to be super long. I've been having trouble with strange phenomena specifically pertaining to electronics for as long as I can remember.
Starting point is 00:03:06 phenomena specifically pertaining to electronics for as long as I can remember. There's no real way to definitively sum up my relationship with electronics, so I'll just list a few things that happen to help you get a clearer picture. I feel like we're already too involved in this person's problems. I feel like when the SWAT team comes to wipe all evidence of this mutant, we're going to be wiped up in the process. They're going to see that the email was opened and we're gonna be wiped up in the process they're gonna see that the email was opened and we're now on the hit list this is dangerous territory and now all you guys listening why don't you listen out for a little red dot sign on your forehead because now you're all a part of this it's so true i mean the amount of times i've had to destroy my laptop because a nigerian prince wants to loot me in on this little scam i don't know what kind of bank he's robbed to get that kind of cash. Exactly. And now you're part of
Starting point is 00:03:49 the problem. Thing number one. Lights start flickering when I don't feel well. My mom used to come into my room and ask, what's wrong? About 30 seconds after I started to feel sick, I thought it was some sort of weird mother-daughter telepathy until she told me that she checked on me every time the kitchen light directly under my bedroom flickered. Oh, this is cool. I'm back in. I studied cinema and theatre in college. I know that cinema sounds like a very stupid major, given my issues,
Starting point is 00:04:21 but I committed before I fully accepted what was happening was real. Why does that sound stupid because of her issues because she has trouble with electronics oh right well she's not going to study stones and dirt at university this is a little like magneto working like a metal factory right that's what i'm trying to get to here my projects would regularly disappear from computers or get wiped off memory sticks for no reason. Oh, okay. My professors witnessed it enough that they routinely gave me grace periods.
Starting point is 00:04:53 One professor was known for being strict and never accepting late work. He always said, if it's not there when they need it, they're not gonna run it. He gave me two extensions over the course of my college career after witnessing film delete itself or become corrupt when I imported it. There was one project
Starting point is 00:05:10 in my narrative film production class where a teammate went behind my back and changed something I did without saying anything. We watched everyone's projects on the projector and when it got to the spot she changed, I was furious. The projector suddenly died. We had to move to a different room to watch the other projects. By the next class, our room had a totally new projector. I was acting as floor director in my television production class and my headset died. Since it was important for me to hear cues from the back room, I traded headsets with camera one. That headset worked for another 20 seconds or so before it crackled and died. Not having enough time to figure out what was wrong with it, I traded with camera two. The headset made it to the end of the program and then immediately died.
Starting point is 00:05:54 Oh my god. When we returned the headsets to our professor, he confirmed that the headsets were not just dead, but broken. Luckily, everyone on the floor witnessed me using them properly. but broken. Luckily, everyone on the floor witnessed me using them properly. I also developed a horrible migraine right after the third pair crapped out. I'm not sure if that's related. Friends and family regularly make me leave the room when their electronics stop working. This almost always fixes the problem. One notable example occurred when one of my theatre professors, a very no-nonsense guy who previously expressed disbelief in my electronic woes, came into the green room to microwave his lunch. I was chilling on the couch and he went to push the buttons,
Starting point is 00:06:35 but they didn't make the beep sound and nothing came up on the display. He mumbled something about it being a piece of junk and I said, hang on, I'll leave. After I closed the door, I heard a few beeps and then the noise of the microwave. There were a few seconds of silence and then my professor just muttered, I hate that that worked. Oh god. Recently, I decided to look into it more because it's gotten to the point where it's genuinely interfering with my life. What I could find referred to people called sliders, but anytime I tried to read more about it, I got this weird buzzing sound in my head. My computer exploded. And a dull headache. I don't know if that has to do with my electronics
Starting point is 00:07:16 problem or if I just got too excited after finding out that I'm not alone. All right, enough anecdotes. Here's the fun part. Ev part evidence i asked my friends to send me testimonials about what they've witnessed and here is what they've said uh i like that she said enough anecdotes and then she's actually giving us a lot more anecdotes but that's fine we like anecdotes on this paranormal life so rory take a look here is immediately a lot of witnesses to kara's x-men style control over electricity well i wouldn't necessarily say control i think that's maybe going a bit too far she just left the room and then something worked it's uh it's like her absence makes things work yeah that's like me saying i have control over a hamster when what my ability is where what i can really do is just
Starting point is 00:08:08 punch it in the back of the head yeah uh wow okay we have a lot of um screenshots here from a mobile phone where i assume our um electro goddess has asked her friends to tell um stories about her abilities and this is what we're seeing here we're seeing we're seeing screenshotted snapchats behind the curtain yeah i mean it's possible that kara just uh fabricated a lot of screenshots but i like to believe that's not the case because they are are on different apps, and I personally don't believe that anyone on Snapchat would lie. Some of these messages say, my name is Chris, Kara's college freshman year roommate, I've definitely seen her do some weird stuff with electronics, my name is Jen, I've seen electronics act up and glitch when they get close to Kara. This dude just says,
Starting point is 00:09:04 I'll f***ing say it. Kara causes weird shit to happen with electronics. Wow. The girl sitting next to her in script writing had a software failure yesterday in class. That's not even an electronics problem. You're just frying mainframes at that point. Yeah. That's not even an electronics problem. You're just frying mainframes at that point. Yeah, you're f***ing with the OS at the f***ing code level. There's definitely something interesting about this.
Starting point is 00:09:32 I mean, personally at university, I could probably think of kind of on a couple of fingers how many weird electronic glitches like that happened that maybe destroyed work or or something these things do happen occasionally especially hard drives fail yeah you well you did a film degree you tell me i did yeah um yeah there's a lot of issues exports uh failing not so much just files x-men destroying the exports not so much files just disappearing off a laptop. You have bad hands if that happens to you. You have evil hands. You definitely can't work in the film industry. No.
Starting point is 00:10:11 Old school film, possibly, where they cut everything with a knife. But yeah, this is problematic at best. Kara even says, I actually have about twice this number of testimonials, but because of the damn electrical interference i can't even attach them to the email she says what does that even mean she says this kind of thing happens two to three times a day but it's such a range of things and she is she just like trying to text her friends like
Starting point is 00:10:46 picks up a phone and it explodes she's like trying to email but the buttons are hovering in the sky you should be amish at this point yeah she actually included a video of what happens when she gets her armed computers and electronics all right okay so we got a video here of a laptop resting on a bed i assume she is going to put her hands or some something near it she's not she wasn't even doing anything she was just sitting there and the laptop screen was flickering like crazy yeah i mean that was that's pretty interesting like it clearly happens often enough that Cara's friend thought it was funny to film this because she was like, this obviously happens all the time. Isn't that nuts that it happens so consistently that they can just send a video like that?
Starting point is 00:11:36 That's nuts. So, Rory, what do you make of this right off the bat? I don't know. I don't know what to do. I don't know whether to help you or kill you. Yeah, banish you to an island. I think you might be the person that causes some sort of great blackout. Definitely don't fly anytime soon.
Starting point is 00:11:55 No, or drive. We're actually getting more electronic, actually, as time goes on. So the limitations are really going to come into effect in the future. Jesus, what do you even do with a problem like this luckily we're not at the robot doctor stage of the future yet because if any of them try and help you they'll probably go loco yeah they will go insane and try to kill because uh i imagine that those medical bots will be reprogrammed kill bots after the great robot war. So we don't need any screws going loose. You just show up to the hospital of the future and it's like, oh, don't worry, Kara.
Starting point is 00:12:33 It's like, I know that we haven't been able to solve your problems through conventional medicine, but we have a top notch, state of the art RoboDoc 3000 here. And she's like, no, you don't understand. Keep away from me. And this little guyoc 3000 here and she's like no you don't understand keep away from me and this little guy just rolls up and he's like hello clara i am robodoc 3000 here to murder you with your problems tomorrow so he's already being weird he's already janky he's not even that close to me yet i am here to solve your life problem now allow me to girl for you did you say care or kill i said girl may i inspect your human flesh is that a doctor term or i mean all flesh he should look at is human flesh can you see it from over there? No, I need to be closer.
Starting point is 00:13:28 There's a big problem. You got a big problem here. So Cara mentioned earlier in her email what may be the key to this whole case. When she tried to research her paranormal abilities she discovered something called sliders. Interesting. Presumably not to be confused with the delicious mini burgers.
Starting point is 00:13:44 Sadly not not my friend damn it that's how you got me into this room today you promised me sliders i said hot steaming sliders fresh off the paranormal griddle damn it sadly i didn't mean any kind of actual griddle hopefully though um by calling this phenomenon sliders um it means that it is a smaller yet still delicious version of already a paranormal tale or case that's an interesting take uh i don't know if that's why they're called sliders though i mean i have to be honest whenever i did investigate i did i spent you, sure, 25 minutes looking into the paranormal phenomenon. Then a good couple hours researching about sliders.
Starting point is 00:14:31 Did you know that they're steamed? All sliders? I think they're steamed. No way. That's not true. Because you can get pulled pork sliders. And chicken sliders. But I think the original one is the White Castle one, which I think may be steamed may be steamed that's the original slider i think so you're talking a big game here more
Starting point is 00:14:49 than you got to back it up with some facts here i was in a slider coma when i read all this that's right we were talking about a paranormal phenomenon this term was first used around 1993 so not long ago at all when author hillary evans wrote in her book The SLI Effect, and this stands for Street Light Interference Phenomenon. She said that, SLI is a phenomenon based on claims by many people that they involuntarily, and usually spontaneously, cause street lamps to go out. It's not consistent with our current knowledge of how people interact with the physical world.
Starting point is 00:15:29 She referred to people who cause this effect as sliders. She spoke to sliders who claim that they'll walk along a street with rows of streetlights and as they walk under each light, it will extinguish one after the other. That's badass. One slider from Sydneydney australia told evans do you want to do your best uh australian accent oh yeah 100 any excuse to do my award-winning australian accent that's not why we won the award they said they actually threatened to take it back following year because i stood up on stage and said thanks for that one mate oh god take it off him take the take the award away i'd been noticing for years that street
Starting point is 00:16:12 lights often went out whenever i was around but i'd always just assumed it was something that happened to everyone it wasn't until i started to mention it to other people and drew blank looks from them that i started to realize it was much less common than i'd first thought wow i gotta say you know kudos for coining the uh the name sliders right off the bat because if you're gonna have something like this that can be considered to be quite cool you gotta make sure you got you get a cool name you know like you know the avengers did it the x-men did it sure um calling yourself sliders that's a very cool term for it there was there's another world where they're all called zappos yeah some buzzy buzzy boys you know something a lot less cool but sliders sliders sounds like
Starting point is 00:16:59 you know there's a problem at the white house so we need a team of sliders ASAP. There could be a crack squad in the SAS or something. Yeah, the motherfucking sliders. Get the sliders in. They just can like creep under the doors through the shadows, taking the lights out of people's brains. Yeah. It's pretty cool. I think, well, good job there.
Starting point is 00:17:18 We've got a call in the sliders, chief. They're like ghosts. They basically fucking don't exist. That's how f***ing quiet they are. To get their attention, you just turn on the biggest street light in the world. And a flock of them. Yeah, I mean, imagine being a slider that lives in like Times Square, New York or something. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:17:43 They go to be mad at you. You got to control your something. Oh my god. They gotta be mad at you. You gotta control your abilities. Oh yeah. Now some say this is happening due to some kind of electromagnetic energy being emitted by the body or because they have psychic abilities. Either way it's paranormal as all hell. True. And the more I looked into this phenomenon I found out it's actually not just street lights. It can be anything, like Cara said. People from all over report things like watches breaking or stop working temporarily,
Starting point is 00:18:11 light bulbs blowing when the slider tries to turn them on or off, credit cards or hotel key cards are erased just by being held by the slider, lamps or TVs turn off for no reason when a slider is nearby, or the volume on a TV or radio changes for no reason. They are Amish superheroes! Ending the reign of electricity! And the future, that's badass! Who knows, maybe there's some kind of like, maybe this is like a type of human evolution.
Starting point is 00:18:40 Our DNA knows that technology is gonna like, kill us eventually. Yeah! So dna is trying to shut it all down man that's cool that's like when i like because i evolved obviously when i evolved i started killing all those monkeys because i was like it's the end of your reign monkeys i'm the next step um obviously not quite the same because on more than one occasion the monkeys they got the best of monkeys they got the best of me they got the best of me the one thing that uh that they have managed to keep in their years of evolution is teamwork um they're pretty efficient at uh teamwork and and their monkey
Starting point is 00:19:16 fists are pretty strong and you know what ironically that actually makes them a little more human than us in a ways they're the evolution from me because I feel like they have a lot of traits that I wish I had of myself. Friends, for one. Monkey pals. Loving relationships. Yeah. I mean, they don't say I love you, but they, I don't know, they seem to hug a lot. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:36 They have like a conscience. A conscience, like a monkey conscience. I'm sorry, are you saying you don't have a conscience? Literally nothing. I feel nothing all the time. I hoping no like inner voice so if you like pushed over a tiny child in the street you would just feel nothing no the only voices in my head are podcasts and that's it that's all there is i was hoping maybe the monkey massacre would kind of kickstart something uh but it didn't it
Starting point is 00:20:05 didn't yeah you just kept slaughtering monkey after monkey hoping in that voice of reason would kick in and uh-oh you're still listening to pod save america with monkey blood on my hands now i'm just waiting for the next step in evolution to come and kill me i i honestly could see that as the plot of a terminator movie waiting for rory from the future to come and kill me. I honestly could see that as the plot of a Terminator movie. Waiting for Rory from the future to come back and stop you. It's 20 years later and I have my own zoo and I'm an old man and a slider comes in through my bedroom window and I'm like, well, let's get this over with. I knew you'd come for me eventually.
Starting point is 00:20:41 So all these paranormal effects with technology being affected by these sliders is kind of awesome. The problem with studying this though is that sliders have seemingly absolutely no control over it whatsoever. This isn't an on-command thing. However, interestingly, some sliders say that they believe it's connected to their emotional state. Ah. So one British barmaid and slider told CNN in an interview that... When it happens is when I'm stressed about something. Not really manically stressed, just when I'm really mulching something over, really chewing something over my head, and then it happens.
Starting point is 00:21:22 Interesting. Mulching something over. You know know what you know in in all uh pop culture movies comic books tv shows the person who has superpowers they've always been closely linked with your emotional state totally that's why you always get that cliche moment at the start of the movies where it's like you know the person doesn't know how to use their powers yet and all the paparazzi are taking pictures and you're like please leave me alone and they're like that's enough and then you go i said that's enough and they like explode and all the all every street skyscraper yeah in manhattan goes out so uh the very tame version of this is like, yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:22:07 You missed the bus. That person left you on read. You're like, I'm so sick of this. And your iPhone just fizzles in your hands. Have you ever had anything like that happen? Like, I know we've established in previous episodes that we are a snowflake millennial city boys. But if you were at the Starbucks, for example, and they put, you know, hazelnut syrup in your frap instead of the vanilla syrup, would you be like, you think this is a game? And then your nose starts bleeding and suddenly all the cups start shaking.
Starting point is 00:22:43 I wish I had ever done anything that cool and dramatic before. I know what it's like to be alone. Mom! We got the wrong order! No, I can't say anything as cool as ever happened to me before. I'm not a very explosive person, I don't think. I'm quite tame i probably say thank you for the hazelnut latte the thing i always wanted sir or madam and i gulp it down
Starting point is 00:23:11 with tears in my eyes yeah i think like most people i would just relive if i had any minor argument i just relive the argument in the shower every morning for the next three years winning it every time in my own head of course your cunning witted intellect besting the imaginary shower man basically sherlock holmes in your own head it's just you alone in the shower every morning just going you fool danny's like are you okay in there yes but yes i thought this was an interesting twist because researchers on this topic actually said we've received letters from sliders and they really wish a bit letters of course i didn't even think of that that's so funny we've received letters and parchments from fromiders. Sorry about the pencil, sir,
Starting point is 00:24:06 but my f***ing beak exploded when I tried to write a single sentence. That's so weird. And these letters say that they really wish, a bit like Kara, who emailed us, that they wish they didn't have this power. Of course. A blessing and a curse.
Starting point is 00:24:23 Spider-Man said that too. And I feel like all of this just shows how sliders are a weird one. Almost no one knows anything about it, but at the same time, everyone's seen Eleven in Stranger Things smashing light bulbs with their mind. True. Everyone's seen
Starting point is 00:24:39 the image of a slider, but we just didn't know the word for it. And it turns out sliders are so prevalent in movies and TV. So Hilary Evans was able to write about this topic and get the word out, but was she able to prove it? Was anyone able to scientifically prove it? Some have tried, but through a combination of it being very difficult to test, wildly unpopular with the scientific community,
Starting point is 00:25:05 and it happens only by complete chance means that the results have been very limited. Also, trying to prove it scientifically would presumably require a certain amount of electronics, which is going to be difficult. Yeah, you're going to need a lot of pen and paper if you want to record this one. Yeah, trying to do this is like researching fire with a tree.
Starting point is 00:25:29 It's not going to work very well. However, the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Laboratory, or PAIR Lab, did conduct some experiments showing that the subconscious human mind can affect electronics. They found that test subjects were able to influence the random generations of a computer more than would occur just by chance. Wow. However, the lab was shut down shortly afterwards. Via explosion.
Starting point is 00:25:57 Was it for bad science? Or did the MIBs catch wind of what the scientists were discovering? We don't know. Or third option I just thought of. Did the MIBs come and shut it down to move it to Area 51? Did they shut it down via sliders? They sent in the most uncontrollable sliders in there that just fried all the computers.
Starting point is 00:26:20 Is this something that can be learned, hypothetically? We did a bonus episode i think once on um you know people who have esp which uh extra sensory powers i believe something like that perception i think it is yeah where it's like people can um you know heightened individuals who can make certain predictions um or as you just said, affect computers and electronics. But it was always something you were kind of born with, never learned. Can I be bitten by a radioactive iPhone
Starting point is 00:26:54 and kind of get this power? Or is this something you're kind of born with as a gift? That's a very interesting question. I haven't seen anything in my research that would point to that. It seems to be something people have for as long as they remember. Then they finally talk to someone about it and they realize, I ain't normal. Maybe it's a little bit like synesthesia, people out there who can taste colors and see signs. and see sans um many of them don't realize that they have it until they talk to people that don't have it there's famously the story of uh a classical composer who was uh you know conducting an orchestra and he was like you know just just a little a little bit more brawn guys all right strings we need you to go a little bit like a little bit more citrusy. And they were like, what the f*** are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:27:46 Yeah, he's been smoking ganja again. But no, it turned out he found out that day that no one else could taste colors like he could. That's crazy. But that's a very interesting point. I mean, maybe, maybe. What if if you're a slider, maybe you can pass it on to your kids. But does that mean, yeah, I don't know if, you know, you do a little like
Starting point is 00:28:09 blood brothers handshake with someone. Yeah. Does their blood seep into your blood? It doesn't look that surrounded. If I ate the flesh and drank the blood of a slider, could I control the electronics at will? Cara, Rory has an offer for you. Would you like to come visit
Starting point is 00:28:24 the This Paranormal Life Studios, an all-inclusive trip? at will cara would you has an offer for you would you like to come visit the this paranormal life studios an all-inclusive trip it's a one-way plane ticket it is you're gonna want to fatten up before the journey jesus we've never threatened to eat a listener before she beats the shit out of me as soon as she arrives oh using your your powers are so strong magneto she's just flinging toasters at you from across the room there was one other research project that i thought was really cool so dr richard wiseman from the university of hertfordshire in england once studied the phenomenon of sli in the year 2000 thought to himself, how can I find these people? If we're assuming that they're out there in the world, there's a percentage of humans that have paranormal abilities. How do I
Starting point is 00:29:12 find them all? Yeah. He devised a machine he called the mind machine, a type of kiosk. So picture a photo booth type thing. Now inside this booth was a touchscreen monitor that ran a program. And this program challenged users to complete a psychic task. Maybe guessing the outcome of coin tosses. Similar to what we tried to do in the ESP episode. All the data was stored in this little kiosk machine and collected. And he put one of these kiosks in dozens of locations all around the uk in the busiest shopping centers museums science festivals and all in all he tested
Starting point is 00:29:52 27 856 members of the public jesus i'd love it if it was like he built this kiosk a mechanical frame reinforced on the inside was a specially lit booth with a touchscreen ipad that was able to register a thousand clicks and store all the data on the inside so if someone with these powers went in and broke it he would know for a fact that they were special i mean it's the fact that it's electronic in itself means if they f***ing touch it, it's going to explode. Yeah, I'm just imagining he goes to his kiosk. It's covered in like spray paint, like used joints, empty bottles of Buckfast. And he's like, a slider's been here.
Starting point is 00:30:38 People with paranormal ability, for sure. It's nuts. It's a great point. I think i didn't make the distinction particularly here but he investigated sli but this was really more just to find people with paranormal abilities in the first place god yeah right so specifically sli okay unfortunately he didn't find a single mutant oh all his test subjects had the same predictive power of pure chance. So his test may not have been perfect, but it certainly doesn't help us today to prove the existence of sliders.
Starting point is 00:31:15 Damn. Someone went and did our work for us and still we have nothing. So we don't get to twist it into a yes. What do you think, Rory? are sliders real life x-men or are they like one engineer from general electric claimed a combination of coincidence and wishful thinking i gotta say the most convincing evidence we've seen so far is the video that we got sent from kara from Yeah. I mean, that was... Granted, it's hard to know if it was staged or not.
Starting point is 00:31:49 We have to, you know, instill a certain amount of trust in our listeners. Which, you know, is difficult because the backbone of this show is don't trust anyone. Yeah. That's the message that we spread weekly. So to then in turn have to trust people is a difficult pill to swallow. But it was pretty convincing evidence.
Starting point is 00:32:09 And to have all those screenshots of messages from her friends, I guess one that shows that her phone still works when she touches it. But it is evidence in some form from other people. So true. I mean, it's quite rare that we get like first-hand evidence from the horse's mouth yeah what do you think is it a paranormal phenomenon i mean i'm kind of torn part of me thinks uh this is too wild to be true it's too x-men it's too fantasy but at the same time i sort of think there's lots of strange things have happened throughout history you know
Starting point is 00:32:42 there have been people who just are born with freak genetics that allow them to eat f***ing planes. Yeah. They can just eat metal. Is there nothing to say that just someone out there, they have some kind of a bit like a f***ing stingray, an electric eel, can't jive with electronics? I know what you mean. Like, at what point, what's a power? Yeah. At what point is something a power? If I was born and it turns out i can eat grass yeah it doesn't kill me but i'm fine with
Starting point is 00:33:11 it is that a power does that make me good cow man sheep boy i'm kind of asking you now this is a hypothetical of course but if i were able to eat grass that is a way too terrible a par to ever be considered making you an x well that's it's yeah it's nowhere near the the dopeness of kara's pars yeah i don't know i'm not saying that that's what i can do i'm just saying like hypothetically yeah do you think that would be a trash par right do you think like it could work in like some capacity to be incorporated into a team like the x-men i'm not talking about one of the main guys i'm talking about you're saying yeah yeah guy like maybe the guy who makes the coffee you know maybe not coffee you know i'm still gonna save the day now and again if that were me you
Starting point is 00:33:53 are if i if it were me if it were you yeah i'm just saying you know does that make me better like captain america better no of course not he's a super soldier super strength well i'd like to see him eat as much grass as i do in one day he'll probably kill the son of a bitch he probably could to be honest well that's bullshit all right because i've cleaned four fields since this morning bugs and all mostly bugs and dirt because i don't know if you checked outside but it's a bit of a dry spell there's not much grass in the fields yeah you live in central london where are these fields i've got to travel sometimes sure hide park regents park that car park right by my apartment there's a little patch down there i'm just saying it definitely makes me special that's fine there we go you can't be the avengers
Starting point is 00:34:38 there you go you admitted it i just imagine and it's that scene in, you know, New York city where they're all in a circle back to back. And cap is like, Tony, are you seeing this? They're coming through the wormhole coming down 34th street. Tony Stark is like, I got a cap. I'm going to use my eye on defibrillator to neutralize their central
Starting point is 00:34:59 intelligence. And I'm just like, yeah, I saw a couple of them down by the park there. So I'm going to go eat some grass. But I'll maybe see if I can, like, punch them or something while I'm doing it. I just need to fuel up real fast behind this 7-Eleven. You're so weak because you haven't been able to find any grass?
Starting point is 00:35:19 Captain America's like, I think the grass is actually making you ill. The strongest and healthiest i've seen you was when you hadn't eaten any grass even if thanos at pure grass and you were eating all his food supply it would still be such a weak power to be part of the avengers one of the bugs has like captain america in a freaking headlock choking him out. And I'm like, oh shit, man. I need like a fucking leaf or something just to give me the goddamn strength. You're like Popeye, except you don't even get strong. Captain America's like, you've got a gun. We gave you a gun.
Starting point is 00:35:54 Shoot him. I just like. I sold the gun for grass, Cap. And it turned out to be fucking weed. I can't even eat it. I got high, passed out. They took over the universe in that time. Yeah, this is tough.
Starting point is 00:36:14 It's hard to know what is a power and what isn't a power. In terms of, you know, something that could feasibly happen, I don't know, this is pretty close. Sometimes I go through huge periods of time where I just electrocute everything with my hands. You know, I can't know. This is pretty close. Sometimes I go through huge periods of time where I just electrocute everything with my hands. You know, I can't even open doors because I'm getting zapped.
Starting point is 00:36:30 If I touch people, I zap them. That's the closest I've felt like I've come to having a power, but a power that only hurts me, which is not something you really, really want. So this is like not a more useful version of it but um definitely something that could be applied uh to be helpful all right roy we can't beat around the bush any longer we got to decide whether this is paranormal or not what are you saying today god this is the tough part isn't it because it's like it's not even whether or not we believe it's something that can possibly happen um it's whether or not it is paranormal but i guess paranormal aka something that is not the norm this is pretty strange in
Starting point is 00:37:15 terms of being able to affect electronics in some form get i'm saying yes yeah here we go that's a yes baby it's a double yes my friend boom i think we've got enough evidence from kara herself and some of the research uh being carried out over the ages that i think it's it's possible to me that humans have some limited impact on electronics uh and that to me is paranormal yeah a hundred percent and whether that's something you're born with or whether that's something you just develop by eating fields of grass, we are yet to discover.
Starting point is 00:37:52 I'll be carrying on my own research. Mostly on the grass thing. But it's very interesting. And Cara, if you do have any more stories or any more information you want to send us, send it in. Yeah, please send a follow-up pup if anything, you know, if you do pull down a 747 using the power of your mind. That's pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:38:12 I'd want to know about that. Not legally, but on the DL. I'm not saying do it, but like if it happens, let me know. Yeah. So I hope you've enjoyed this investigation into sliders. I know we're all feeling pretty hungry, so we're going to go get some mini burgers right after this one. Well, I'll shine a grass if you catch my drift, ladies and gentlemen.
Starting point is 00:38:31 If you could just actually hold the little burger and just in between the patties, you could just put a big old hunk of the green stuff. I don't mean lettuce, because I don't want any vitamins or minerals or nutrients. I just want straight up herbs. Hold the patty, hold the buns. Why did you come to patty and buns?
Starting point is 00:38:48 That's right. Hopefully you enjoyed this investigation into sliders. And maybe you have these powers and you've never thought about it. Great point. Now you're finding out a little bit more about yourself. We'd love to hear from you. Send it on in to this paranormal life podcast at
Starting point is 00:39:03 I used to be able to drop shit and it would fix itself that was my only kind of version of this power interesting what kind of shit i had a broken digital camera once that i dropped um and it fixed itself i had a phone once that wasn't turned on and i dropped it and it fixed itself i don't know i'm just throwing it out there if anyone has like a sick baby or something okay just get in touch and what i don't think that's gonna work my friend normally at the end of an episode we would finish up with some shout outs uh shouting out the names of those who've supported us on patreon um as many of you will remember we did have to put a hiatus on shout outs earlier in the year uh and kind of
Starting point is 00:39:41 we've been uh running out that list of people ever since then it kind of got to the point i don't know maybe six months ago or something where we figured if we kept going the way we were going we would quite literally never end i think we've done uh almost 1500 shout outs to date there was a point where we we uh we had a meeting about it and you were like if we stop right now we will still be doing shout outs for the next seven months yeah and it was like oh okay because when you think about it there's only so many podcasts in a year yeah and there's only so many names we can shout out exactly so it you know it all adds up folks what i'm trying to say is shout outs are our greenhouse gases they were run away they were out of control we had to stop we went net zero
Starting point is 00:40:31 but the factory's gonna reopen the smog is coming back we're getting the economy back running yeah we found that the the way we were doing them before was unsustainable sadly but we are excited to bring them back in the future so keep an eye out on our patreon we will be bringing those back at some point i will say it has been a while since we mentioned that we were stopping the shout outs so some of you might have missed that or forgotten or didn't catch that episode for whatever reason so if you did sign up to the patreon in the last six months or so and you were really expecting your shout out sometime soon uh do let us know tough we're oh no no no we agreed this off my little bastard you change your tunes
Starting point is 00:41:15 pay closer attention next time bozos uh maybe you'll get the message wow i was just gonna say here's a message right you okay that's quite enough if that's you send us a message and we'll be happy to do that whenever uh the shout outs do start up again in the next few months and to anyone who that didn't make a damn bit of sense to we are of course talking about this is how this paranormal life uh keeps running. The blood in the veins. We've been going for over three years at this point, all thanks to the support that we receive on
Starting point is 00:41:51 Grass don't grow on trees, folks. And we're too hungry boys. We need the support from strangers on the internet to fill our fields. So over on forward slash this paranormal life from around five dollars a month you can get access to a whole host of bonus episodes around 35 at this point uh these are full length this paranormal life episodes where we investigate the stuff that just is too hot for tv doesn't make it over to the main feed truly some of our craziest episodes have been over on patreon
Starting point is 00:42:22 and at around 20 bucks you can get the this paranormal life commune t-shirt oh yeah if you want to look the part and hear those bonus episodes head on over to forward slash this paranormal life and of course if you want to stay up to date with this paranormal life everything that we do all of the links are in the description of this podcast right now. We're talking YouTube. We're talking the Facebook secret society, Twitter, OnlyFans, every social media account that you could ever want. Too much, if anything.
Starting point is 00:42:56 You're going to OD on paranormal content. It's all right there in the description of this podcast. So check it all out. And that just about wraps it up for today's episode. Hope you enjoyed it. Check us out in the socials, like Rory said, in the description below. And we will see you, as always, next Tuesday
Starting point is 00:43:12 for a brand new Paranormal Tale. You don't even have to turn off the zoom or the cameras or anything because I'm about to do with my mind via my slider abilities. Oh wow, that would be amazing. We did say it was real after all, so this should work.
Starting point is 00:43:23 Exactly. Do I have to like, do I like clench my butthole and like i don't think so i don't know how to make this work i think uh it's more an abs thing i think like an abs thing yeah your face is going really rad my friend you might want to take a breath at least

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