This Paranormal Life - #192 Sam the Swamp Jester From Another Planet

Episode Date: December 22, 2020

On this weeks episode we investigate Sam, a space jester from another planet who lives in the swamp and only talks to children. Is he truly a creature from another world? Or just a weirdo in costume? ...Either way, he should probably be in Society Facebook by Kami Tomanhttps://TomanEdits.comIntro music: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Can I upload my soul to the cloud? Is there a knife sharp enough to cut through this dimension and into the next? Answers to these questions and more on this episode of This Paranormal Life! Yo and welcome back to This Paranormal Life, the weekly comedy podcast where every Tuesday we investigate a different paranormal tail case or claim and get to the bottom of whether it's truly paranormal or not as always you're joined by myself mr kit grimal then a professional paranormal investigator and this guy across from me mr roy powers how you doing that's right that's right that's right i'm i'm fired up today i'm ready to go a couple a
Starting point is 00:00:40 couple red bulls by your feet there a couple couple of Yerba Mate's. Usually, you know, we have to record this podcast in the middle of the night. In the darkness, under the shadows. But today, when are we recording this? Midday. Midday we're recording this. Because our doctors said your blood pressure is dangerously high. You cannot afford to get that excited during the middle of the day. You've got to wait until you're sleepy.
Starting point is 00:01:04 We're kind of like some sort of mutant from x-men it was incredible that he could even speak because of the chokehold i had him in during the meeting it was uh i just wanted to assert my dominance over him and show him that i was i'm a young pup if i can kill the doctor that makes me stronger and smarter than him at the start of every podcast i have to say rory you are dominant you are more dominant than me please do not put me in a chokehold again and you say okay you are spared this week uh yeah you're fired up for a new investigation i'm ready to go let's do it this week's episode is a weird one so often our cases can be easily categorized rory whether it's a ghost story hunting down a cryptid a ufo case and let's and let's face it most of these can be lumped into being straight up not real.
Starting point is 00:01:49 Yeah. But today's case is strange. More strange than most of this paranormal life investigations. And I have to say, it got under my skin a little bit. Ooh, these are the stories I like. The ones that freak out the freaks. The next level. This is the freak circus that the freaks from
Starting point is 00:02:08 the other freak circus across town go to on the weekends. It's like a guy with five ears and one enormous red eye being like, look at that monster. The guys who work at the freak circus, they go to a different circus to just see like salary men
Starting point is 00:02:23 work an office job. They're like, look at those disgusting circus they go to a different circus to just see like salary men yeah working office jobs they're like look at those disgusting bastards how do they do it we're on the isle of wight in 1973 just under 50 years ago somewhere we haven't been for a while it was a spring afternoon and a seven year old girl who will give the pseudonym Faye was playing in the woods with her friend, a little boy who will also give a name to stop his identity getting out. Rory, do you want to give us a name for the day? Michael. Michael.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Like I said. Billy. What? I went off Michael. Let's go Billy. Okay. So Michael was like. No, let's go Michael.
Starting point is 00:03:01 I changed my mind. Michael's good. Yeah. I think Michael, it's kind of like biblical. It's a strong name. Yeah. Nothing really wrong with it not too offensive uh anyway so like i said they were playing in the woods nearby the town of sandon exploring the trees and their surroundings when all of a sudden they looked at each other they both heard something odd and were reading each other's expression to see if they were imagining it. But no, it was real alright.
Starting point is 00:03:25 They said it was a bit like an ambulance siren in the distance, a weird wailing noise. They decided to follow the sound, first through a hedge, then across a green, where it kept getting louder, and lastly into a swampy meadow, where immediately the wailing stopped and all was silent. They continued walking over a footbridge over a small river wondering what happened to the source of the sound. Then out of nowhere what looked like a hand with three fingers in a blue glove appeared and grabbed a post on the bridge. What? After that what the kids called a strange figure emerged. Why are you talking so calmly? It seems like things are going really weird here. Some kind of humanoid stepped out from under the bridge and stared back at the
Starting point is 00:04:17 children. They were so astonished by what they were seeing they didn't run in fear but stayed entirely still before walking towards this being. Oh, wow. Got lost control of the font there. Oh my God. All right, for those listening at home, Kit is reading his research notes. Turn the page and the font just went to size 100.
Starting point is 00:04:41 We're getting three or four words per page here, folks. All caps lock. This is going to take a while. The kid said, quote, It was nearly seven feet tall and had no neck, for its head appeared to be wedged straight onto its shoulders. It wore a yellow pointed hat, which interlocked with the red collar of a tattered green tunic.
Starting point is 00:05:03 A round black knob was affixed to the top of its hat and a wooden antenna were attached either side. What is going on here? This is like some f***ing Pinocchio. Seven foot jacked NBA looking Pinocchio. Usually when we do a story that involves a creature presumably from another planet, you've broken the rules of storytelling.
Starting point is 00:05:24 There's usually you know we meet the people they go into the woods they hear a strange noise there's some fog some ominous sounds yeah this pinocchio looking mother is just on just hanging out luring children into a swamp like shrek it's like an npc and an rpg he's just hanging out giving out quests to young travelers the way the way you're telling it as well as like that everyone is fine with this situation yeah well i think that's a product of it being kids they're they they're not worried about the paranormal they're just like chill i mean i met my uncle for the first time the other day so i guess this is a different type of uncle i mean this is
Starting point is 00:06:05 the problem with uh raising kids in the modern day oh don't trust the guy with the candy in the white van yeah oh beware of him kids oh but sure go into the swamp and talk to the 12 foot sock puppet no one warns you about the sock puppet. He's too weird! Yeah. This is the- These poor children. The quote-unquote face had triangular markings where eyes should be, a brown square for a nose and motionless yellow lips. Other round markings were on its paper-white cheeks and a fringe of red hair fell onto its forehead wooden slats protruded from its sleeves and from below its white trousers i hope at some point we have like an artist illustration
Starting point is 00:06:52 of this because there's so many just shapes alone being mentioned in this description i'm really struggling here cuboid hat isosceles triangle f***ing beard. Looking down to the floor, they saw that just like on its hands, its feet had only three toes each too. Okay. I do have an artist's interpretation for you. Thank Christ. Okay, good. What do you think of this? All right.
Starting point is 00:07:19 Wow. Okay. All right. This is and isn't as weird as I thought it was going to be. Sure. In my head, I was thinking of something like the Pokemon Greninja mixed with a court jester. Yeah. This is a lot more human looking than initially described in terms of the proportions of the body. It has legs.
Starting point is 00:07:45 It has a torso. He's got trousers, trousers for god's sake he's wearing pants um but of course yeah the uh the hands and the feet those velociraptor claws really sort of uh differentiate it from from creatures that i've known to exist it does have shapes for a face yeah triangle eyes a square nose division signs for cheeks um and an antenna similar to tingle from the legend of zelda i guess he does resemble some sort of um why does he have a microphone we'll get there that's what you've seen quite enough. It's all their microphone and a little boombox. I hadn't mentioned that yet, actually. Yeah, his face does resemble the kind of creature that might be teaching children maths.
Starting point is 00:08:34 What's the deal with swamp food? Am I right, kids? They beat him to death with a stick. The crazy thing about swamp people, you've got the people with the circle eyes and you've got the people with the triangle eyes. And the people with the triangle eyes are always like, hey, I can't even see you over there. What's going on? You sting.
Starting point is 00:08:52 Hey, watch it. Watch it. Watch it. I do have a ray gun and I'm inclined to use it, so. He presses the boom box and it has audience applause noises. Really low res though, it sounds terrible. Thank you. Thank you. Thanks for coming here tonight. I am going to eat you. I'm going to eat the children. I do do that after the gigs. Completely silently, it revealed a large book it had been holding, then immediately started fumbling with it and dropped the book in the river.
Starting point is 00:09:18 Faye and Michael said that it was almost like a clown. It was splashing around in the river, trying desperately to pick the book back up again. Oh man. As soon as it snatched the book back up, it jumped out of the river onto the bank, hopping around with its legs up high as if it was in low gravity. The being then made straight for a small windowless metal hut they hadn't noticed until now, where it disappeared inside. Faye and Michael looked at each other again. Clearly this time they were definitely not imagining anything. And I'm proud of them for this. They decided to just leave. Thank God.
Starting point is 00:09:52 We're seven. We're too young for whatever this is. I need a juice box and a snack. Not a paranormal experience that's going to scar me for the rest of my life. This is the nice thing about something like this happening to kids. You know, if this had happened to an adult adult an adult thinks uh i've never seen this before this is something from another universe i must pursue it with a child if you're seven years old maybe you just think i'm too young for this i don't maybe that's like a 15 year old thing maybe
Starting point is 00:10:21 that's like an 18 year old thing i don't know i don't know what it is yet. All I know is it's not as good as Fortnite. So I'm going home. But they only got several meters away when they heard something behind them which made them turn around. The being had returned. It was standing, staring at them, and in one of its three-fingered hands, it held what looked like a microphone. Connected to a small box it held in the other hand. Without moving, the wailing siren sound was back, only now so loud that the kids became terrified. It was a haunting, screeching, wailing sound, and they started to turn and run. Just then,
Starting point is 00:11:00 the noise stopped completely, and despite it being dozens of meters away, they could hear it speak perfectly clearly. Hello. Are you still here? They stopped running, and deciding that the being seemed friendly enough, they started walking back towards it. Seeing the children walk towards it, it pulled out the book again, the one that fell in the river, and began writing in it. It turned the book towards Faye and Michael for them to read. But the scrawl didn't make any sense. It was just a jumble of words in no order.
Starting point is 00:11:31 The children came closer, and then the beings started pointing to words, one after the other, in the same order, over and over and over. The kids worked out that it was like pointing out a sentence. Ah, right. I am all colors, Sam. Hello and I am all colors, Sam. Repeating himself there a little, but it's fine. It's his first day.
Starting point is 00:12:02 At this point, if you turned up on a planet and you didn't know how the system works the book would probably fall out of your hands you turn up on an alien planet and it they they write in like flubber flubbers just zooming around your room bouncing off all the walls they're like dude what are you doing write a message for us why don't you yeah i show up and it's like all right let me show you how it's done i communicate day one they hand you like a pile of goo you're like do i do i write in the goo do i eat the goo i don't understand what i'm doing here i didn't even bring batteries for the boom box it's like whenever we investigated the Galactic 12 going to a distant planet in another galaxy and encountered an alien race.
Starting point is 00:12:49 And I believe the alien race simply evacuated their bowels by like touching some sort of spirit cube. Right. And the humans tried to do it and just shot themselves. So these are the kind of things that you don't think about, but would happen on an alien planet. At this point, he, I guess, Sam, started talking again. So these are the kind of things that you don't think about but would happen on an alien planet. At this point, he, I guess, Sam, started talking again. But the children were confused and fascinated because his yellow lips did not move when he talked. Instead, he remained totally still and a distorted sound came from his mouth.
Starting point is 00:13:23 They started to ask him questions. Are you a man? No. Are you human? No. Are you a ghost? came from his mouth, they started to ask him questions. your name is Sam are you alone he then got up and started walking away towards the hut then he turned and said don't, kids. Do not follow the court jester into the swamp machine. I mean... This is the intergalactic version of the white van. Don't go in it. He crawled through a tiny space in the side of the hut, and the children followed him easily.
Starting point is 00:14:22 No! Once inside, they could see it was large, made up of two floors. The walls were green and covered in dials. He explained that he survived by drinking water from the river and by eating berries. He then took a berry, put it in his ear, where it rolled around to his eye socket, where he examined the berry, and then it rolled down to his eye socket where he examined the berry and then it rolled down to his mouth where he ate it.
Starting point is 00:14:50 This sounds like this could have been a normal man at one point who went into the swamp, drank swamp water and ate forest berries until his eyes turned to triangles. And this is just what he is now. Yeah, it is like something from Legend of Zelda. You know, the children that get lost in the woods become a f***ed up forest being.
Starting point is 00:15:13 The kids couldn't work out why he did this. Was this a trick? Was he testing the toxicity of the berry before eating it? The children sat and talked with this being for at least half an hour, asking him about his world and himself, before eventually saying goodbye and leaving the hut for good. On their way home, they talked about their very strange afternoon. And when they got to their respective homes, they didn't say a word to anyone. The only reason we know about this story is because Faye cracked two weeks later when she told her dad, who in the documentation about this case is referred to as Mr. Y.
Starting point is 00:15:52 So they seem to be protecting people's identity. None of these names are real. That's a good sign. She unfolded the entire bizarre story to her dad, who thought the whole thing was hilarious. Just a child's wild imagination. He basically ruffled her hair and said, that's dear and got on with his day. But Faye became extremely upset and couldn't understand why no one believed her. This started to pull the threads of Mr. Y's doubts. What if something did happen that day? Even if it wasn't exactly what she described
Starting point is 00:16:22 happening. The only way to find out was to talk to Michael. Mr. Y found this difficult. He was a quiet boy and he didn't want to talk. But eventually Mr. Y was astonished to hear the boy confirm everything his own daughter had said. Whatever happened, they both truly believed it. This was when Mr. Y went to the experts. He contacted the British UFO Research Association with the story, who reported it in their journal that year. I would kind of love to see what their office looks like. Yeah, me too.
Starting point is 00:17:00 Like, is that, if you work in an office building in London, and you know, you work for a f***ing insurance company, you go for a smoke break is one of the other floors in that building the ufo research association association i'm gonna assume probably not i'm gonna assume also they're probably not too far from the swamp that uh is under investigation yeah that would be cool though i remember um uh the the company that i worked for when i moved to london they were originally on the same building as like you know all those cool dot-com businesses so it was like them my uh my space had like a whole floor to themselves sure it'd be great if it was you know
Starting point is 00:17:35 in jeeves ask from us yeah he just had a floor to himself just him he was a maniac it's like wolf of wall street but yeah i'd love it just like a whole office building in silicon valley was dedicated to paranormal investigation that would be great i would love to create the first uh the world's first unicorn paranormal business yeah we can hire all the top talent in the world of the paranormal that would be great wouldn't it and i'll wear patagonia vests and flounce around Silicon Valley. Wow. And we can do like Apple do and do like a yearly live stream where we announce all of our findings and stuff. Yeah. And it can be like the moving camera,
Starting point is 00:18:14 and it'll all be rehearsed on a teleprompter, and I can be like, it's been a great year for the paranormal. We've made a number of incredible discoveries through our passionate staff here at the commune, which is what we'll obviously call it, even though it's like a beautiful frigging building. It's incredible.
Starting point is 00:18:30 We can announce all the products. We're doing all the cryptids that we've caught. I like it. I think it's got potential. And one more thing for the first time in history, we are bringing you the Bigfoot in all of his glory. They unveil a cage on wheels with the Sasquatch thrashing about inside. Share prices go through the roof.
Starting point is 00:18:54 I don't know what we're selling. What, his fur? I don't know. We are going to use his DNA to create a military army of Sasquatch. Now, live on stream. I will drink the beast blood. Cut the camera. Cut the camera.
Starting point is 00:19:10 This wasn't part of the tech rehearsal. I think he's going off. We went off script with him. We said, please give us all your knives. You can't cut the beast. Give us all your knives. He promised me before the live stream. He'd given us all of his knives and yet here we
Starting point is 00:19:25 are knife in hand i like to think that tim cook of apple also has a knife problem he's just they have to he's like flicking a butterfly knife right before they go live he's like is that tim is that the last one he's like yeah yeah why do you have that umbrella it's not raining outside is that a is that a sword umbrella no we live in california there's no need for an umbrella tim why don't you come and take it and you find out whether it's a sword umbrella or not well all right okay it's obviously a sword umbrella then you would threaten me with a real umbrella imagine something a visibly mad ceo that you can't get rid of well it's a fine line isn't it with ceos of companies because it's like you know a lot of the ceos they like to have that kind of cliche uh manly office where it's like a freaking
Starting point is 00:20:10 rifle up on the the board or you know like an old old civil war relic or something like that and it's like yeah you know they killed a hundred men with these bad boys back in the day but uh there's a fine line between you know just having a couple bits of memorabilia sure and having an arsenal having a a gun wall in your office it gives off a bad vibe you're like oh yeah it's it's it's really really nice civil war uh relic um what about the ar-15 in your hands though is that also used in the war they haven't even released this yet i have a deal with a man he gives me future weapons i have a deal with a time traveler so that's right the british ufo research association reported this story in their journal that year they printed it
Starting point is 00:20:58 with artist interpretations like the one i showed you um of Sam and lots of different potential paranormal ideas. But they were also interested in something else. Mr. Y, Faye's dad, actually had a UFO sighting in the same area a couple of years before this story took place. Okay. One night, he was driving to the next town over to visit a friend when he saw a low-flying aircraft covered in lights speed past and fly over the swamp lands nearby. He stopped the car and watched as it hovered over the swamp, a ring of lights glowing
Starting point is 00:21:32 in a sphere. He said it was, quote, like a big red cherry. For the rest of his drive, he was able to watch it travel back and forth across the sky in his rearview mirror, and he never got to the bottom of what happened that day. This throws up a a new possibility does it make the kid's story more believable knowing that there was already ufo activity in the swamp area or is it like mr y said and that his own story might have excited his daughter into believing strange paranormal things from a young age it's kind of weird for him to be so skeptical of his daughter's tale and then for them to be like but dad, didn't you say a couple of years ago
Starting point is 00:22:10 you saw it? Well, that was a different case. Well, aliens are pretty damn real Faye. Not this kind of Pinocchio MC character that you seem to have run into. A little far-fetched, don't you think? Didn't you say yours was a floating cherry? Listen,
Starting point is 00:22:25 we don't know where cherries come from. They're very expensive and very delicious. They're not of this world, Faye. He said, I get the impression that Faye was taken into a bubble of alien reality created by this strange personage. There was a bunch of explanations for how this
Starting point is 00:22:42 happened. Could this have been maybe a shared hallucination? Were both the kids just lying? Or did it really happen? But Sam the humanoid was maybe a deliberate hoax. Or Rory, was it really paranormal? Was Sam a ghost? An alien?
Starting point is 00:23:00 An interdimensional traveler that just stopped off? That was a question question i thought that was these are not rhetorical my friend we are live in front of the ufo british research association uh i always i find this really strange that he referred to himself as sam and then was very adamant about not having a name you know that's pretty weird yeah that's he said he was sam twice i think it was the only thing he repeated himself on yeah you make a good point do you think he was able to write in that book is it possible this was an alien who found a book and he was just like learning english on the fly and was just pointing to the words that were there i don't know i mean
Starting point is 00:23:42 he dropped the thing in a in swamp water so any normal book would have been presumably pretty destroyed by the time he got it out which sounds like it took 45 minutes with his three-fingered hands to get out of the swamp i know you mean the whole way through this story sam let's call him has been because he called himself has been we're not throwing darts in the dark here he called himself Sam twice he isn't Sam but I know you mean it does come across a little like someone who gave away his identity and was like shit I shouldn't have
Starting point is 00:24:14 said that my name isn't Sam what is your name then I don't have one anyway watch me eat this berry this is how they do things on my planet on sam's anyone's planet who knows whose planet it is his little uh boombox is like finding directions to planet sam no no why would i want to go to planet sam he tries to turn it off hits a button calls his friends everything all right sam stop everyone stop saying my name all right get out
Starting point is 00:24:46 kids get the out of here a bit bring in the next ones yeah bring in the next kids he starts wailing again trying to attract them he's like all right here they come i'm just gonna keep things chill keep things brief don't tell him who i am who what's going on here sam jesus nice to meet you sam no send in the next ones the next ones are like we heard you yell sam from over there you're so loud he's smoking at this point stupid planet stupid human names yeah it is a very human name for an alien this is the thing all the way through this he's exhibited a confusing combination of both alien and human characteristics from his trousers which are very human to his three toes which are very much not human yeah from his triangle eyes and the way he eats berries through to he has red hair apparently
Starting point is 00:25:38 it's very hard to reconcile the image that we have of sam is he the most up human we've ever talked about on this paranormal life or is he uh the most human-like alien cryptid we've ever seen yeah it seems weird to me though for an alien to go to such lengths to appear human at least have some sort of a human form but then just overlook you know the smaller details like eyes and mouth and nose you know he's like he's got the human body he's like boom yeah got i got hands how many fingers they have don't care i've got my hands um i got my legs got my torsos got my square nose button eyes it's like you're so close to just being a human if they're really that intelligent why wouldn't he just appear as a human i mean we've talked on the podcast before
Starting point is 00:26:31 about in history whenever humans first interacted with say exotic animals like rhinos elephants lions and giraffes the artist's interpretations that circulated in places like london at that point in history of these animals are hilarious yeah go and look them up because they just had indiana jones basically explaining to them what a rhino looked like and they had to guess and draw it so maybe this is the intergalactic equivalent where sam was going on a mission to earth and only one guy on his planet had ever seen a human right he was like hey describe it just to me in five minutes and i'll put together a costume so i'll blend in when i get there yeah and they were like yeah and there's a hole here a
Starting point is 00:27:15 hole here you put your berries in your ears and i think there's a couple digits on their mitts the guy i met was called sam so just go with that. We'll call you Sam. That's a... Okay, I can get on board with that. Now, interestingly, as a curveball piece to this story, Mr. Y claims that in part of Faye's story about meeting Sam, she says that two workmen
Starting point is 00:27:36 actually passed by this whole situation as she was communicating with Sam, but that it was like they couldn't see him. What? Does that mean that this story is pure imagination from Faye's mind? Or that he is some kind of ghost? Or some type of being that can choose who sees him and who doesn't? That's nuts, isn't it? To have witnesses who almost aren't witnesses?
Starting point is 00:28:02 Yeah, like people who should have been there and can somehow verify that Faye was in the swamp at that time but can't verify that Sam was there. Yeah. Very confusing picture. This is tough. This is really tough. I think this really raises kind of an interesting problem that's come up a lot in this paranormal life. Can we trust children's stories in the paranormal? The British UFO Research Association with this journal pointed out that whether we like it or not, a lot of sightings and paranormal events do start with kids, even ones we've covered before. Very true.
Starting point is 00:28:38 But it sometimes makes it hard to believe what they're saying. It does. It's hard to interrogate a child as well a lot of the more ruthless tactics that i enforce in my day-to-day paranormal investigation just don't fly with a child mostly the hitting right the hitting you call it that's what you call it when you worked in guantanamo bay uh you just you can't enforce those tactics on uh on young kids it doesn't do much my my personal favorite was um you know some would say a little overdramatic but i was always a fan of the kind of mission impossible style you tie the kid to a chair and then you hang you open the hanger of one of those military airplanes and you hang the chair off the edge of the airplane and you're like tell
Starting point is 00:29:24 me who you work for like tell me who you work for yeah tell me what you know and they're screaming looking down 10 000 feet to earth the problem is it's not a lot of purchase with a child not that much to grab onto so we've actually lost more uh throughout that process than we've actually gained information yeah but we're not animals we give them a little life raft so that when they do land in the middle of the Indian Ocean, they have a chance of getting back. We are mostly over land when it takes place. But at the very least, the craft will cushion their fall as they explode on impact.
Starting point is 00:29:58 It's difficult. That's why we left the military. We haven't talked about it much, mostly due to the NDAs. The point stands interrogation tactics cannot be used on children it's true so rory imagine you work in that office building with ask jeeves and the british ufo research association and you're you're where you're at the desk job that day and this case lands upon your desk and you've got to decide whether this deserves more investigation deserves resources whether you think it's real or not.
Starting point is 00:30:25 Do you think that Sam the Clown, Sam the Ghost Clown is a real paranormal case? The fact that he can be called Sam the Ghost Clown, the Space Clown, the Swamp Clown. We have such a such a loose grasp on what he is as an entity or really what any of his goals were. He didn't abduct the children he didn't really seem to want much from them at all it's kind of weird to not even have a motive for why he would appear and only appear into these children and again the children i mean it's tough it's tough to have a case when there's only two regular witnesses, but children to seven year old witnesses, I,
Starting point is 00:31:07 you know, here's a, here's a little quick story. That's going to help you understand my judgment of this story. Sure. When I was, when I was about maybe 17, 18 years old,
Starting point is 00:31:18 we were cleaning out some of the cupboards in our old house. We found a bunch of family, old family VHSs tapes you know the big chunky ones filmed on those uh like big handheld camcorders if you want to watch them back you got to plug in the avi cables and put them around the back of the tv you know and they're just a bunch of old family videos for when we were over in the States, visiting zoos and things like that. And one video was of the time that we went to, I believe a place in Florida. I think it's in Florida.
Starting point is 00:31:51 Maybe it's in Georgia. Called Okefenokee Swamp. Okay. It's a real place, goddammit. That's not the point I'm trying to make. Might have been in my dreams. There was a wizard, yes. Just one wizard.
Starting point is 00:32:03 But it's a place where you can go uh you can like go on boat rides there's like alligator shows and and all this kind of cool stuff that you can do the videotape was just a fun little recording of like the fun that we'd had that day and uh while we're watching it through you know it's shots of the family like hey look at this alligator enclosure look at this over here and um I don't remember whether it was me or my younger brother, Colin, but pretty much throughout the entire tape, we are trying to tell my dad,
Starting point is 00:32:33 who was the cameraman, that an alligator talked to us. One of the alligators was speaking English. did he say i don't see the fact that i don't even remember if it was me or my brother is uh it doesn't help the situation but it's like it's just like miscellaneous clips picked up and like it'll just be like oh so here's you know here's hannah over by the enclosure and in like the background you can just hear and he was telling me all these crazy things like that narrative continues throughout the entire video and your dad's trying to make this whole movie like a spielberg production he's like he's like guys that was act one you gotta move on this is the same information over and over but what i'm saying
Starting point is 00:33:21 is you know i or my brother was probably around a similar age six seven uh believing we had been talked to by an alligator yeah that's worryingly similar to this story because there was also two witnesses two witnesses a swamp um but, that just raises, raises the questions as to whether or not we did really talk to an alligator, which I can't remember now. And I feel like that would have left a more permanent scar on my, my, uh, my mind if it had actually happened. I mean, you would think that if it had happened, if an alligator had spoken that you would at least remember what it said
Starting point is 00:34:06 yeah that's a really good point unless you were just so shocked yeah yeah hey kid straight to the camcorder i'm just imagining you guys in the swamp the alligator pointing to words in a book yeah that's the problem isn't it it's if like if the alligator found someone who could understand him and he's like the kid's like oh my god did you just speak it's like yeah you you can hear me it's like yeah yeah what do you want to say alligators have much going on for it no feed me then i'm hungry there's not that yeah there's not that much discourse so i think uh i think that's very relative to my understanding of this case. That's a really illuminating anecdote, I have to say.
Starting point is 00:34:53 I'd love to know if these kids to this day still swear by their story of meeting Sam. yeah you know meeting sam because on the flip side of this we've previously um investigated stories such as the south african ufo sighting in a playground in a primary school and there was dozens and dozens of children supposedly sighted a ufo and teachers i believe and teachers but even the kids you know all these years later some of them still campaign for kind of ufo awareness and they maybe make ufo art or they've dedicated their lives to the cause in some way so that's the least you can do is be aware of ufos since the bar is so low we need to at least keep an eye out yeah so some people do go on to believe i agree it'll be interesting to know sadly we won't know because it was mr y and fay and michael
Starting point is 00:35:44 who none of those are real names. Damn it. But we're at the end of every episode. We do have to decide a yes or a no, paranormal or not. What do you think? Love the story, but I do not have enough evidence to confidently say that this definitely took place. I'm going to go for a no this week.
Starting point is 00:36:01 I think it's a double no, guys. Damn. Fascinating as it is, we just don't have enough to go on and not enough to say that this isn't just a child's imagination which is a beautiful thing so if your kids have come up with any fake stories uh send them on in to this paranormal life podcast at we love to read them hope you guys enjoyed the investigation into sam the sandon ghost clown thank you so much much to Neil for sending this one in. I think he sent it on Twitter, which is a turn up for the books.
Starting point is 00:36:30 Wow. So thank you to at Brighter Moon. What is our Twitter kit? Hmm. Jog my memory. I don't know, mate, because I deleted everything last night. No, I was trying to. In a fit of.
Starting point is 00:36:40 I was trying to. In a fit of rage. I understand that. Because someone bad mouthed us on the podcast and I said you know what f*** this
Starting point is 00:36:48 the people don't deserve to know I was trying to do like a little like to lead you in like prompt you in into what so you could tell everyone
Starting point is 00:36:54 on our twitter account so we could I told you I deleted it ours yes I thought you deleted yours oh I deleted all of it
Starting point is 00:37:02 my friend you took it down the people this is why you can't have nice things okay because someone i it was a f***ing egg is what it was the profile picture was an egg and they came on and their username was a string of numbers actually didn't so you don't know who it was you don't know yeah no no i think and they actually might have to be honest actually uh added the wrong account they i don't know some spam they're trying to get me to sign up to some
Starting point is 00:37:29 web from camgirl site i said you know what this that is the last slight on our name on the podcast everything we work for i threw it all down the shitter all right don't get me started on the patreon that egg he came for the patreon no we i No he didn't. I know he didn't. I had to flush it down the shitter. I really did. The Patreon's gone as well. Oh yeah. Twitter's gone.
Starting point is 00:37:50 The Patreon's gone. Instagram. Oh yeah. Is gone. The egg threatened your bank account too. So you might want to check up on your finances. Because I actually called the bank and told them you won't be needing that going forward. You cancelled my credit card?
Starting point is 00:38:03 Yeah I cancelled your finances. Because listen. If it wasn't me the egg was gonna get there how did this guy is on a war path all right i don't know what his scheme is but he really wants me to sign up to the calm girl site to be honest i kind of want to sign up to the calm girl site so it was really i'm just protecting me against myself is that why my landlord called me this morning i was i didn't know what he was talking about he said that we were behind on payments what did you tell the bank when you called them oh i did actually um i want to check the the lease as well i said you might not be needing that apartment for much longer too all right well that's just we're gonna have to move to uh australia because i think this egg lives in sydney so we're gonna track him down my friend
Starting point is 00:38:43 so we're gonna be looking for a place together there so i did delete the patreon so he might need some more cash so go fund me my friends forward slash test paranormal life where for five bucks you can help us fight the egg by the way you used your company email to sign up to the cam girl site by the way i know you signed up no no no i wouldn't i know you did that's funny rory that's i wouldn't sign up for i wouldn't spend the people's the fine people's money like that it's just i spent rory's cash like that i just don't know why you're getting so upset with the egg if in the end you subscribe to the cam girl right he provided a service he advertised the quality service to me that i'm very happy with okay but i hate that he was right
Starting point is 00:39:25 all right i'm starting to think that maybe you didn't cancel my credit cards you just used all my money on the cam girl same thing all right well no it's not it's a very different thing and it definitely didn't mean we had to have our twitter deleted right well we can always you can start a new one can you so guys follow follow the new one don't know where it's going to be but uh yeah you'll find it uh links to all the socials are in the description of this episode so swipe up on your podcast app of choice and you can head on over to forward slash this power life forward slash this paranormal life all the socials hit us up remember we're on youtube now you can watch clips the very best of this paranormal life brought to you in video format in hd every week we are doing cam boy services now as
Starting point is 00:40:06 well to recoup some of the losses we're ironically trying to get the egg on board yeah we're spamming him every morning day is a cash cow please mr egg you gotta come watch me take my top off on only fans jokes on me he deleted his twitter no way of tracking him the joke is not on him it's on you it's for sure on you and of course the mothership for this paranormal life the commune the place where everyone's hanging out that's right the halo that floats in the sky and will destroy the universe at the end of time is forward slash this paranormal life. This is where we put bonus episodes
Starting point is 00:40:48 every single month. There's over 35 at this point. These are full length investigations into the paranormal with such cases as just name one.
Starting point is 00:40:59 Name one of them. Even one, yeah. We, Jesus, what did we do? We did something about, oh a russian sleep experiment that was actually a really good that was pretty good a lot of people have been asking for that on the regular podcast to cover it on the regular show but it's not a true story it's a creepypasta
Starting point is 00:41:18 so we wanted to keep that kind of aside but we do investigate it to the full scale uh on on the patreon bonus episode so definitely check it out there's a lot of cool episodes like that that are kind of unique and different things you wouldn't get on the regular show unless you like the regular show and then it's it's almost identical to the regular show it's a mix guys you got some classics thrown in there some cryptid swashbuckling hunting adventures yeah but then you've also got the professor x underground laboratory experimental episodes oh yeah we put a little bit of sugar spice and all things nice and then chemical x in and create the perfect little
Starting point is 00:41:58 girls we should investigate the powerpuff girls at some point, really. Because they're f***ing weird. Yeah. A scientist experimenting on children? Yeah, it's not right, is it? Five bucks a month gets you access. Listen, for five dollars or less, depending on your region, you get access to 35 episodes in one fell swoop. That's cheap. Listen. That's a bargain right there. That's a bargain if ever I've heard one.
Starting point is 00:42:24 20 bucks gets you this Paranormal Life commune t t-shirt which is the uniform here in the commune it's made from the finest burlap you're gonna love it it's i gotta say it's a it's a bag of coffee beans with our logo stamped on it there might even be if you're lucky there'd be some beans still in the sack guys i just realized that we're recording this a little bit in advance but this is coming out just a couple days from christmas wow holy moly we made it through to another one we should have themed the podcast a little more just a tiny bit let's go back we'll go from this did i mention he had a santa hat my friends and that his little wooden ears were made in Lapland.
Starting point is 00:43:06 He's kind of like a little freak elf, isn't he? He kind of is. In a sense. We could just, like, you know, give it a Christmas coating. So instead of, you know, like, two little swamp rats wandering around, it's two little naughty children on Christmas Eve stomping around the snowy swamps when all of a sudden they uncovered a Christmas man with a peculiar little nose.
Starting point is 00:43:34 That's pretty good. All right, see? Let's throw some music on there. Yeah. They were out hunting for little carrots to put on the nose of their snowman when they came across an elf the elf said my glangaroon all right okay that's harder to spin the elf said get into my hat you little children
Starting point is 00:43:56 yeah there will be some difficulties yeah we can't quite shoehorn this one in but needless to say we hope and wish that you have an amazing christmas and thank you so much for tuning in this year sticking with us for another year of this paranormal life needless to say it's been a weird one guys but i think we've i think we've had fun where we could and we've made the best of it but we got a lot to look forward to next year. And we're going to see you right before New Year's Eve to celebrate in style. Yeah. Can't wait.
Starting point is 00:44:32 So until then, from our family to yours. All right. We're back on the Christmas. Oh, what else? An eggnog. No eggnog in the commune.
Starting point is 00:44:45 I've been out of eggs for months. You're losing your passion a little bit for the Christmas. I don't know. It's hard to get excited, isn't it? Isn't it? No snow. All right. Thank you for listening, everyone.
Starting point is 00:44:56 I'm sorry about Kit. We will be back next week with a brand new paranormal tale. Merry Christmas! Okay, I'm back. I'm back in. He's back, baby.

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