This Paranormal Life - #196 The Man That Slipped And Fell Through TIME: Liverpool Time Slips

Episode Date: January 19, 2021

What if on a simple visit to your local bookshop you ACCIDENTALLY travelled through TIME? It seems ridiculous but that’s exactly what happened to one man who visited Waterstones on Bold Street, Live...rpool in 2006. As Rory and Kit investigate, they soon find out this was not a one-off freak accident - it has happened to many people over the years. What could be causing these time slips? Society Facebook by Kami Tomanhttps://TomanEdits.comIntro music: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Does your dog have a sixth sense? Is sleep a time machine to breakfast? Answers to these questions and more on this episode of This Paranormal Life! Welcome back to This Paranormal Life, the weekly comedy podcast where every Tuesday, me, Kicker Mulvena, and this guy, Mr. Roy Pars, tackle a different paranormal case and try to get to the bottom of whether or not it's truly paranormal within the R. How are you doing today, Roy? I'm doing fantastic, as always, ready to dive into a fresh paranormal case. I know we have eager listeners out there ready to hear what they should be afraid of next, and hopefully we're
Starting point is 00:00:42 going to tell them. Because the last thing that they heard they should be afraid of, that's starting to wear off. They're almost feeling normal. Oh, yeah. And that's a bad place to be when you're a listener to This Paranormal Life. We need to keep you in the fear, keep you in the dark. On edge 24-7. Don't worry.
Starting point is 00:00:57 This is going to do it for you. I promise. As usual, we're just going to- Pedophiles. That's this week. You should be- Near you. You should be alert 24 7
Starting point is 00:01:06 even if you don't have kids some of them are creepy anyway this week's not really a paranormal case it's more of just uh a call to vigilante justice like i say let's dive right in so thank you so much to beth marcus for sending this one in to us at thisparanormallifepodcast at Our story begins in 2006, Liverpool, England, where just off Hanover Street, a young man called Sean was running at full speed. I'm dragging you in here already. Yeah. All right, so you want me to do a Liverpool accent? Yeah, to try and get this period and time and place correct
Starting point is 00:01:46 That would be great. Because I could do my award winning Australian accent I've had quite enough of that. It features in my nightmares reasonably heavily That's fine. Let's try something else for a change I'm a diverse performer. I can do a Liverpool Liverpudlian accent. Yeah I mean you actually did a lot of kind of drama
Starting point is 00:02:02 training and stuff at school and university Of course. This is definitely within your wheelhouse so here we go get the fuck here you little shit right so that's a good warm-up but um so if you just this time just with a little bit less you know like a little bit more in the time and place like i said a little bit more liverpool you know what i mean i only do one take so okay that's gonna be a problem because that wasn't good enough uh so uh just one more pass i think we'll be great one more pass all right that's fine get the back here little shit what about that all right there we go get the back here mate i feel like you uh i think i slid into australian
Starting point is 00:02:42 there yeah because i added mate as well yeah Yeah, I think that was a different story altogether. Yeah. I think I just impulsively always want to do my award-winning Australian accent. To be fair, this could be a new award-winning accent. We do not know. That's true. Let's see where it goes. Have to wait till award season.
Starting point is 00:02:59 Sean was running from someone, a security guard from a nearby department store. Sean had been shoplifting. He quickly turned on Brooks' alley to try and shake the guard and get away. Unfortunately for Sean, it was a dead end. Panting hard, he turned around to face the entrance to the alley. He looked around for somewhere to hide, but there was nothing. Now he was just waiting for the guard to turn the corner, not sure what he would do next. I've got you now, you little bastard! He stared at the entrance to the alley, heard footsteps of passersby, but the pounding chase of the guard never came.
Starting point is 00:03:35 Where did he go? Surely he saw me good on here. Sean slowly edged his way back towards the main street, his back against one wall. He peered out, half expecting to see the security guard staring him right in the eyes, but there was no one. At that same moment, he noticed something else. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the street looked different. The pavement, too. The first car that drove by stunned him. It looked ancient, like a classic car. He walked out onto the street again. Something was wrong. No, everything was different. The people on the street were wearing old clothes. There were no more traffic lights in the street and all the buildings
Starting point is 00:04:17 were different and they had different businesses lining the streets. Oh boy. Sean was freaking out. Somehow, he was in a different time. Wow. Had he gone mad? Had he stumbled out onto a film set? Daily news, get your daily news here. He ran over to a newsstand. Give me that. Oi, I hope you can pay for that.
Starting point is 00:04:40 He tore open the newspaper and his eyes immediately darted to the date in the corner. 18th May, 1967. Whoa! Wait, what year was he? 2006. Holy shit! He went too far. He tried to dodge the guard and dodged him by about 50 years.
Starting point is 00:05:02 Sean almost fell over in the street right then and there. He felt dizzy. He really wasn't in his time anymore. He pulled out his mobile phone and of course no signal.
Starting point is 00:05:13 It was a rock. It was a chocolate bar. Panting and with tears in his eyes he ran down Bold Street occasionally looking down at his phone
Starting point is 00:05:23 waiting for the signal to kick back in. And just then, it did. He couldn't believe it. He went to speed dial his mum. Yeah, what is it? Mum, you alright? What the fuck are you talking about? The paper, it said... I went back in time? The security guard?
Starting point is 00:05:44 You listen to me, you need to stop smoking hash, you little shit. You've gone soft in the end. But Sean had never been so happy to be hung up on. He was home. We know about this story today because a reporter for the Liverpool Echo published this story on the 31st of May 2007 under the headline, Here, the reporter Stephen Tucker said he interviewed Sean, the petty thief and drug user known to the police, four times and he quote, has never changed one detail of the story. But maybe even crazier,
Starting point is 00:06:20 this reporter found the security guard who chased sean down the alley and even he said sean literally vanished as soon as he turned that corner disappeared into thin air so right when he turned the corner no he didn't disappear into like a green ball or something like that yeah he doesn't know what happened i guess um so i'm confused how he go? How did he get back to the future? He didn't choose to at all. He just was running away from the situation and then just kind of blinked and looked around and suddenly he was back. He was back. It was almost like a kind of psychotic break. Almost as if just for a moment his brain played a trick on him.
Starting point is 00:07:02 Right. Got it. Got it. Of course, there is some possibility that Sean is lying, but when Stephen interviewed Sean's friends, they explained how he had been badly shaken up by the experience. And a reporter even took what Sean said about his surroundings in 1967 Liverpool, and found it actually pretty accurate to what Ball Street would have looked like back then.
Starting point is 00:07:22 The reporter signs off his article in the liverpool echo saying there have been many time incidents reported in this area near bold street and i believe there is actually a crack in time in this vicinity whoa i feel like he's got to elaborate if he says there have been many time incidents like i don't did just a velociraptor turn up one day yeah just destroyed the food market who's calling up to report time incidents this is an interesting case i'm gonna go ahead and say right off the bat sean got lucky time slipping back 30 40 years that's a pretty safe space to go back to if you're running away from a security guard turn a corner and bump into jesus christ with a hat of thorns and the crucifix on his back that's the kind of thing that that really
Starting point is 00:08:11 changes who you are as a person forever yeah you know if you go if you kind of blink and all of a sudden the cars are a little older and maybe there's a guy playing jazz on the side of the street that's okay i can deal with that if you yeah if you blink and playing jazz on the side of the street. That's okay. I can deal with that. If you, yeah. If you blink and you're on the front line of the Battle of Hastings, you're about to take arrows to the head. Yeah. That's an unlucky deal.
Starting point is 00:08:35 That is very unlucky. Yeah. Your mom's not picking up in the middle of the Battle of Hastings. You don't have a phone anymore. You have a crossbow and a war to win. Because there's no guarantee you're coming back either. Really, that might just be you now. You might just be in the Battle of Hastings.
Starting point is 00:08:51 And if you start running away and saying, I'm not supposed to be here, it's like, get in line, buddy. No one wants to be here. It's the Middle Ages. If we could all time travel, we would. So this is an absolutely crazy story. And it piqued my interest about whether there were other time-related stories like this,
Starting point is 00:09:08 like Stephen the reporter said. Turns out, there are. The year is 1996. A man called Frank went shopping with his wife Carol in Liverpool city centre. Liverpool again. Carol wanted a book from Waterstones, so they started walking towards it. But as they got near Bold Street, Frank decided he wanted to pop into a different shop, and just then he bumped
Starting point is 00:09:30 into a friend and talked for a moment. His wife said, that's fine, I'll see you at Waterstones. Well, after saying goodbye to his friend, he walked to his shop, looked around, and left. Everything going great so far, normal shopping day in Liverpool. He walked towards Waterstones and just as he got to the door, he looked up and saw a different sign hanging there. Instead of Waterstones, it read Crips.
Starting point is 00:09:56 To clarify, this is Crips spelled with two Ps. He hasn't been transported to South Central Los Angeles and it's some sort of crip hangout joint. Right. He's still in Bald Street, Liverpool. He thinks to himself, bloody hell, I've walked the wrong end of town or something. So he turned around across the street and a van almost ran him over. It said Cardins on the side and it honked an old fashioned horn. Oh, f*** off.
Starting point is 00:10:30 the side and it honked an old-fashioned horn. Oh f*** off. He realized it wasn't just the shop or the van. Everything had changed. Every car was from the 50s and 60s. Men were wearing hats and women had head scarves and huge skirts. He was freaking out at this point and he ran back across the road towards the shop. It was now a ladies clothes shop and with all sorts of accessories in the window. But as he walked towards it he noticed a woman standing outside looking in the window. She was wearing modern clothes at least. They both walked in one after the other. But as soon as he did he breathed a sigh of relief. It wasn't a clothes shop at all. It was back to Waterstones. What?
Starting point is 00:11:06 The woman next to him muttered, What? That was strange. I thought this was a new clothes shop. And of course, you know exactly what Frank is doing the moment he gets home. He's looking up the names of these businesses. And what do you know? Crips was a ladies clothes boutique and Cardin's was a van business around the 50s and 60s, where Frank believed he was transported to. Similar time as well.
Starting point is 00:11:30 Yeah, this is going to become very important. I should also mention that Frank was a retired policeman, which I think just adds a little bit more credibility to this story. Yeah. yeah you know sean sure i'm sure he's a great guy but he was described by the reporter as a petty thief and drug user known to the police yeah so i think he was also running away from a crime when he claims to have disappeared into a different time in history that's a pretty strong cv thief drug dealer time traveler you're getting hired for pretty much any job and it's also a good distraction tactic when the police interview about the crime that day you go that's not the story chief the story is i fell through time they put handcuffs on you no no okay i admit it
Starting point is 00:12:20 so what is happening here rory and why And why is it always Bold Street? Is there something about this street in particular? This is really weird. It seems like, as you mentioned, there's just some sort of crack in time that people can slip in and out of seemingly without even noticing really until something catches their attention. It's almost like that game where children play that they won't step on the cracks in the pavement it's almost as if in bold street if you step on a certain crack you do fall through the space-time continuum right it's not don't step on a crack or you'll break your mother's back don't step on a crack or your mother will be unborn in a wormhole of time manipulation uh you risk chatting up your own mother 40 years previously and she was a babe too so you're gonna be pretty tempted you better be careful i think it's kind of cool that um the process of going backwards in time in these
Starting point is 00:13:19 stories is so seamless uh that they don't even notice it happened in in every form of really popular culture from what i understand going back in time is getting mercilessly torn apart atom by atom into a into the black hole until you kind of reconstruct your body 30 years in the past that you make a fantastic point it's one of the more intriguing alluring aspects of this story is that it seems sci-fi in a very different way it's not some kind of mad machine created by einstein's prodigy this is just almost more believable that there's a little loophole in space and time like imagine, imagine if Shaun the thief turned that corner and the security guard who was chasing after him just heard,
Starting point is 00:14:09 F***ing hell! Make it stop! Here's a cacophony of dinosaurs and futuristic weaponry. Just quote famous quotes from the history of man. To be or not to be. gorbachev tear down that wall one small step for man one giant dinosaurs security guards like just take the watch just take it i don't even want anymore this is weird he's like i wouldn't have chased you if i knew you were dr strange that's insane so our reporter Stephen, who first covered Sean's story,
Starting point is 00:14:47 mentioned earlier that these stories have happened to many different people. He discovered that this phenomenon was referred to as a time slip, where someone spontaneously slips out of our reality into a parallel time in either the past or future. Has that ever happened to you, Rory? No. Aside from every night where I slip into the morning. Sure, as discussed at the top of the episode.
Starting point is 00:15:13 I slip into breakfast, yeah, every night when I go to bed. You close your eyes at night, you wake up gasping for breath. Your face is submerged in a bowl of Cheerios. I look out the window. Ahuga, ahuga. The old timey horn is honking. But by the time I finish breakfast, shit's back to normal. I'm eating f***ing peasant oatmeal and water for breakfast.
Starting point is 00:15:38 No, I don't think this has ever happened to me. Or, you know what? I'm a friggin' millennial dude. I got my airpods on looking down at my mobile phone if i slipped in and out of time i probably wouldn't have even noticed i mean there's something kind of interesting there maybe every time we blink we slip out in and out of time through countless dimensions but by the time we open our eyes again we're back now i don't want to blink anymore so thank you for that's great wait have you ever time slipped we kind of just moved past that really fast yeah i didn't want
Starting point is 00:16:09 to bring it up i didn't want to kind of overshadow uh the rest of the investigation here but my stories are a lot more uh insane in this oh wow okay and you feel like sharing on the podcast i went on a date with marie antoinette wow old so you didn't really slip you were there for a while i was there for a minute right just a wait a minute wait oh no as in the phrase you weren't there for 60 seconds you were there for a long sorry i meant that in the kind of street vernacular i was there for uh three years okay on and off that's not a slip that's a fall it didn't go well i got ahead of my station too big for my boots if you will and i thought knowing a little little thing about this or that being from the future
Starting point is 00:16:51 and all that i would try and take over france okay this did not go down well and she tried to have me executed and uh as soon as that guillotine comes down, I'm back surfing Instagram in my bedroom. Wow. It sounds like you just fell asleep for a bit. I'll be honest. That sounds like that was more of like a nap than a... See, I'm not a big nap guy, but it was... It did happen around 11 p.m. and I did...
Starting point is 00:17:21 I think the guillotine came down around 7 a.m., so... Actually, do you know when my alarm went off was when they right that was when the guillotine came down to do what though to wake you up presumably is that i mean i could have set an alarm for any number of reasons uh but i wasn't cooking anything it wasn't yeah i guess it could have it could have been it could have been it could could have been. It could have just been a dream. There's no telling that it wasn't a time slip, though. I guess not, no. I think...
Starting point is 00:17:50 Now that I think about it, Marie Antoinette, she was, what did I say, French, right? Yeah. Yeah, she spoke Japanese in the dream. In the dream? No, in the time slip, she spoke Japanese. Right. It might have been a different dimension, though.
Starting point is 00:18:05 You fell asleep watching Dragon Ball Z as well, so I assume, did that play into it at all? Was she talking about the Dragon Balls? Her right-hand man was Vegeta, so. Okay. And Goku, actually, he was trying to, he actually talked me into trying to take over friends, so. I think this was a dream. Well, sure, you can chalk it up to that, but that's, you know, I think that's a little ignorant to just like this, led to a clue for what's going on here, only this time in a very different location.
Starting point is 00:18:45 In 1935, Air Marshal Sir Robert Victor Goddard of the British Royal Air Force took to the skies on a routine flight from Edinburgh to Andover. But not long over Scotland, he flew into a storm he didn't see coming and had no knowledge of. The high winds and rain and thunder buffeted his plane and he lost control completely. The plane started spiraling towards the ground but right before it hit he was just about able to pull it back into a climb. Barely hanging on to his life he found himself pointing back in the direction of the base in Edinburgh. He decided to land and collect himself and check the damage. All of a sudden the base looked different. It appeared to have brand new hangars and a handful of new biplanes, all painted yellow,
Starting point is 00:19:33 and even one other model he had never seen before. Oh hell yeah this is gonna get weird. As he came to a halt the mechanics ran over to him but weirdly they were all dressed in blue instead of the brown overalls that RAF mechanics usually wear. He was able to get patched up and then off the ground to continue his journey to Andover. Well things couldn't be that different if he hasn't noticed anything else being weird except for the fact they have different coloured uniforms. Old boys down at that base have a weird accent. Yes, yes, yes, uh, terrible weather we're having.
Starting point is 00:20:08 None of this story would be explained until four years later in 1939, when a series of changes in the RAF meant that they changed their mechanics uniforms to blue, and started a new colour scheme creating yellow biplanes, and debuted their first new model monoplane. Everything Sir Robert had seen four years previously after the odd storm. How did the people on the ground not know something was weird? When this old ass plane landed- It's only four years. I mean, those planes, I guess, are still circulating. But surely, I think one of the most regulated modes of transport is air travel. I guess
Starting point is 00:20:44 maybe not in the 1940s did you say in the military yeah i mean probably around that time they're there's like they're just out of one war and other wars coming they're keeping planes in the air the sky's like the wild west like there's no rules there's no lanes or anything this stuff that we have now to regulate planes once you you're up, you're free. Yeah. You can do whatever you want. Monkey knife fights.
Starting point is 00:21:09 You can drink f***ing pochine. Yeah, human blood, whatever you want. You're in the sky. You don't answer to anyone. They're like, no, no, no. You still work for the military. You have to come back. It's good to know that in these time skips, typically the person stays in the same location yes it seems like if you're walking down the street you blip you're still walking down the same street there
Starting point is 00:21:33 there's a couple of really good things about this time slip deal the other is that it's very short-lived yeah well except for this one it sounds like you landed hung out with everyone took off again that That was pretty long. It was a couple hours, yeah. The others were a lot shorter. That's a good point. Whereas if you're in a plane and, like, jumping all over the world in these time skips. Like.
Starting point is 00:21:52 You don't want to jump thousands of years back in time and fly straight into a woolly mammoth's asshole. Into a pterodactyl's mouth. Yeah, I mean, it could go the other way. It could be f***ing Jumanji. Right. You have to survive as a jungle man for 30 years. You have to wait till someone else time hops back and you can swap places. As soon as the crack opens up, you have a split second to jump back while someone jumps forward. The biggest question in the mystery of time slips is how? Followed quickly by why?
Starting point is 00:22:28 These experiences seem to disagree with our known science of how the world works. But in my research, it did remind me of one story about none other than Nikola Tesla. Nikola Tesla invented many incredible machines and pioneered the use of electricity for all kinds of uses. He made, supposedly, an earthquake machine, and tried to use electromagnetic waves to fly airships remotely across the world. He also made a death ray. Lesser talked about. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:00 Yeah. Whenever I was researching him, I was surprised how famously Oppenheimer, he created the technology that created the atomic bomb. And he was famously torn apart by this. He watched the bomb explode and he quoted the Bhagavad Gita. I am become death, destroyer of worlds. Some cried, some remained silent, but everyone was in shock. He hated the idea that his science was being used for war whereas tesla seemed to be trying pretty hard to make war machines i think he tried to make a machine that generated uh tsunamis so that if there was an enemy navy
Starting point is 00:23:43 coming you would generate a mile high wave to destroy them i think the quote uh after he invented that was this is wicked let's drown our enemies which again is a lesser known talked about quote yeah not it is not quite as poetic and captures the moment i think after the death right he said let's go he said had a white claw he said yeet right right before he used the death ray on a rat he didn't invent the uh the tesla yeet machine which people had to point out was just a trebuchet he makes tesla's george foreman people are like you don't have to call it george foreman if it's yours tesla you can just call it the tesla grill this is this is needlessly confusing he also allegedly
Starting point is 00:24:32 attempted to travel through time using some kind of electronic machine which from what i can gather basically just electrocuted you so one day after being electrocuted within an inch of his life, he turned to his assistant and said, I could see the past, present, and future all at once. I remember this. I remember this because it was, we mentioned this in a case that I did. It was a case where we talked about
Starting point is 00:24:59 Donald Trump being a time traveler. Oh yeah. Because, I hope I'm, hopefully I'm getting my facts right here. It was and this hopefully is accurate and as mind blowing as it was when I first talked about this. I believe it was Donald Trump's great grandfather or great great grandfather was one of the people that was assigned with searching Tesla's research notes. Oh, boy. Wow. with searching tesla's research notes oh boy uh wow and allegedly they came up with nothing even after as you mentioned tesla had claimed that he had been able to travel through time
Starting point is 00:25:32 interesting that was a great episode definitely go back and listen to that one i don't remember what number it is check it out i mean we really ought to have covered a lot more of tesla than we have i think one of the more difficult things with actually talking about tesla is that um he's now so shrouded in mystery that it's very hard to know what you're reading whether it's even factual or not um but yeah apparently even after he died they destroyed a lot of his um technology and inventions and things in case they fell into the wrong hands. So who knows what was going on there? Yeah, scary times. Is it possible that something like this is happening at Bold Street? So some Reddit users tried to solve this mystery.
Starting point is 00:26:17 They've pointed out that if you look at a map of the Liverpool Underground Rail System, Mersey Rail, there's a huge circular network of railway electronics powering the system, circling the Bold Street area. Even more interestingly, this whole network of railways was set up around the time that Sean and Frank claimed to have been sent back in time to,
Starting point is 00:26:37 the 50s and 60s. Have they accidentally created a Tesla time machine, electromagnetic field, that is bending time back to the 50s and 60s? Just for a brief moment. Wow. The whole structural layout of this underground rail system is creating some sort of super machine to send people back in time. Yeah, just creating like little tears. A bit like the way that you know they thought
Starting point is 00:27:05 the cern accelerator was going to create a black hole i like this this is a logical explanation of an to an illogical problem scientists at home are like shut the f**k up it's logical scientists wrap your little brains around it you know they're trying to find an explanation that could possibly exist within our physical world the flip side of this is there's a wizard on the main street and he's just zapping people for fun i much more appreciate people who are trying to get to the bottom of a mystery like this by uh using the information they have at hand well put you're like it was the wizard though he. He was spotted shortly afterwards. The wizard came forward to the Liverpool Echo. So this whole story also turned up on the website a few years back,
Starting point is 00:27:53 specifically the stories about Frank and his wife shopping on Bold Street when everything went weird. I noticed that this page had a comment section where site users could ask the author of the story questions. I'm really just bringing this up because I thought they were some weird questions. Oh, okay. One user said, this is crazy. Would you even have enough time to pay and carry out your purchases out of the store before the time slip changed back to your own time? The time slip seems to happen and change pretty quickly. The author said, I think you're right, the object would probably disappear when the time slipped back but you never know another question was has anyone found a way to create a time slip the author said no not yet maybe one day
Starting point is 00:28:36 these are all good questions to be fair because anytime any of these time slips have taken place it's usually to like unsuspecting people by the second they realize it's happened they're already back in their own time it's true whereas you know if you found the exact point on the street where you could slip in and out of this time then you know you could be a bit more experimental you could see if picking up an old-timey victorian apple would carry through when you jump forward or would it just yeah dissolve in your hands yeah you could do a little more experimentation it's basically a free for all no rules gta world as soon as you're back in time you could punch an old-timey police officer push a bunch of shit over knowing that any second now hopefully you will be returned back to your regular time very similar to the uh inception
Starting point is 00:29:26 dream state we've talked about before of course realize you're in the dream state um you can go hell for leather oh yeah baby take off all your clothes run around on the street smash a shop window and eat glass and it turns out it was a film set. You wandered onto a film set. The glass has punctured your throat. Yeah, a lot of these time slips happen on the Hollywood studio sets. Another user wrote a question. Would you have enough time to go shopping in the time slip before it changed back to the present day? Why would you go shopping?
Starting point is 00:30:00 I'm starting to think that these people really only care about one thing and it's getting a bargain by going back in time. you could get a sweet deal on some vintage clothes i mean i guess you could go back and invent bitcoin or something if you wanted to get crazy uh which the author points out saying look even if you had enough time you do not have the same money as them you can't just right walk into i don know, you can't go and buy diamonds or something using your Monzo card. Yeah, your Apple Pay. But out of all of this nonsense, we did get a couple of good anecdotes. Grace said, this happened to me in Bold Street around the late 90s in exactly the same place. I stepped out of Central Station and put my foot on the road to head across to waterstones in a split second the scene changed and a handsome cab went past me heading towards
Starting point is 00:30:51 the cathedrals followed by lots of people and what i can only describe as being like the people on the quality street tins i'm hopeless at history so i don't have a clue what era they were it was the hats i noticed most as i tried to take in what I was seeing. And the gents wore top hats and dark suits. Several couples walked straight past me as if they didn't see me. I immediately thought I must have walked into a film set but there were no cameras about.
Starting point is 00:31:16 And anyway, I couldn't be because when I stood on the pavement everyone was in the present time. Yet as soon as I stepped onto the road everything went into a different dimension at first i was confused and scared and then just really scared as i thought what would have happened to me if i had been unable to step back into the present time again jeez what the f**k's going on with this water stones you're just going to get a copy of the
Starting point is 00:31:42 life-changing magic of tidying up by mary condo and uh you end up in a different dimension is is waterstones a worldwide store i feel like it's just britain isn't it yeah for i guess for our international listeners waterstones is just it's just a bookshop i think for popular book for american listeners it's a barnes and noble yeah exactly exactly what it is it's like uh lots of books bit of stationary are these people just blown away by books they're like i saw i saw kindle but the pages were thin with writing on them they bought a copy of pride and prejudice and they were so transported by the book they thought they were in the victorian era i didn't know if i was a mice or a man
Starting point is 00:32:25 i was so blown away i set foot out of waterstones and hagrid came up to me and he said you're a wizard grace another user boily moon can there's a terrible, people. I've seen one of these time slips, and I can give a first-hand account. When I was 20, so about 24 years ago, I was making my way through Liverpool to see my girlfriend. I needed to catch a train from Central Station, which, as you may know, is right in the area of Bold Street. Walking out of the station, I shot a look to the right
Starting point is 00:33:01 and registered something odd straight away. There was a coffee shop. It had sprung up out of nowhere. Only the other day I'd been here and that cafe was definitely not there. To make the situation even stranger, everyone in the shop and the few that were sat outside were all dressed in very old clothes. I'm guessing now looking back on it, around the 1900s, the women that I saw were wearing large hats and looked very out of place.
Starting point is 00:33:25 My first thoughts were, is something being filmed? And maybe it was a special day the cafe was doing and everyone was getting dressed up. I glanced ahead to make sure I wasn't going to walk into someone. And when I immediately looked back, the cafe was gone. It bugs me to this day that I didn't just walk over to the cafe and talk to the people there. bugs me to this day that i didn't just walk over to the cafe and talk to the people there however i can assure you the actual event is so disconcerting that the first emotion you experience is fear and then an overriding sense that something is very wrong weird stuff bud it is um so i hope you're starting to see what i mean when i say this is the most wild bizarre unbelievable story
Starting point is 00:34:03 but you gotta start scratching your head when so many people have had the same experience yeah i know what you mean especially in the same area as well the same shop i mean i can't believe i can't believe i thought this was maybe going to be you know here's our story uh someone walking down the street in liverpool flash forward texas 1960s right someone goes into a bar and orders a light it comes in a fucking tusk i don't know an old-timey horn but no this is the same area the same location the same storefront yeah it's a very superficial change. You're literally just transported to the very same spot, just all the clothes, the people, the cars, the surroundings change, and then, like that, before you know it, back to reality.
Starting point is 00:34:55 I guess the only one that really stands out is the pilot. Mm-hmm. Because he presumably wasn't in this same area. Yeah, you're absolutely right. He had the same experience at a completely different location to Liverpool. Yes. And he stayed for a lot longer, it seems, than everyone else did. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:15 So, you know, I include his, what I should say is there is a absolutely terrifying amount of these stories out there. I just selected only the ones that i believe are the most connected um the ones that happened either on bold street in liverpool or uh what connects um sir robert's story is the fact that it seemed to occur through some kind of electricity storm yeah um that may have some connection to what we're talking about right honing in on the the fact that electricity could play a part in these time slips i like it i like it um yeah it'd be interesting to know if there were any other electricity-based time travel stories you know someone who claims they were hit by lightning yeah and went back to the time of julius caesar
Starting point is 00:36:00 or ancient rome that kind of stuff would be really interesting. I mean, it is a funny thing to talk about. Like we say, would you even notice if you went back in time? I mean, there's places, for example, in Northern Ireland, where if you went back in time, you wouldn't know. Right. It's pretty, not much has changed. You know, just as simple as if you're in the woods, imagine you're on a hike and you went back in time 100 years,
Starting point is 00:36:24 nothing would change. Yeah. That's really interesting. Your phone wouldn't have signaled, sure. But other than that. Wow. the woods imagine you were on a hike and you went back in time 100 years nothing would change yeah that's really interesting your phone wouldn't have signal sure but other than that wow crazy to think but you know a couple more people in the comments thread had some pretty cool ideas i really like the idea that one writer had that if you find yourself in a time slip you've got to drop your wallet or something in the street or hand it to a person with the written instructions to look me up in the year 2015 because if this turns out to be all the same universe and you actually have gone back in time this wasn't that long ago some of those people will still be alive
Starting point is 00:36:57 yeah but then i guess what happens then when you go back yeah they they probably would have you would have already met them you would have already met them you would have already met them yeah maybe from the time you were a baby yeah and then your brain is rewritten so it's like you always knew that person is like a childhood friend i guess they would have said that a weird man told you to look i don't know i'm getting really deep into time travel now yeah a guy in yeezy 300s came out of nowhere in the 70s yeah i don't know uh i feel like i should be more prepared to be thrown back in time uh at any moment in my life because i feel like that's a smart idea having a note or a message or something you can just drop or leave right
Starting point is 00:37:38 is a pretty smart idea yeah i mean we should just uh start behaving like dogs and just have a little collar with a tag that says if found return to the year 2021 if found invest in bitcoin and then disappear uh yeah that's a smart idea yeah maybe we should do that that should be a bit of maybe uh this paranormal life podcast merch that we sell your own time traveler card you can fill out to drop yeah you get thrown back in like a time travel passport you just keep in your back pocket yeah and then when the time travel police find you you've got all your documentation that's a pretty good idea you basically want to uh stroll around the world like tom cruise and mission impossible you have a briefcase with money for every country in every era you've got passports
Starting point is 00:38:27 you've got gold coins doubloons bitcoin everything right yeah you're time proof baby i like i really like the idea of uh if time travel became a thing and it was just like holiday travel um if you really liked a time period you can like apply to stay there and they're like well you gotta sit the the time period citizenship test and they're like uh so um can you explain tiktok to us and a guy from like the 1700s is like well shit oh it's some kind of electricity machine yeah they're like nope denied not you do not get to stay in 2020 rory we're beating around the bush here of the whole story we're having fun with it but we're not really here to have fun we're here to um separate the wheat from the chaff the paranormal from the mundane what do you think today is this a true paranormal story look as a guy who has on multiple occasions just shoved a fork into an open socket to see what happens uh i'm very interested in the theories
Starting point is 00:39:27 that electricity leads to time travel um if i could lick a battery i would to go back in time i've licked a toad once to go back in time but i've never a battery before uh as i said i really appreciate these real world explanations aside from tesla and also the popular movie back to the future i've never really heard much chat about electricity being the answer to opening up a wormhole or completing the process to enable you to go back in time um it's always really uh at least when i look it up the popular scientific explanations are you know finding ways to have the uh have time loop back on in itself right or maybe travel faster than the speed of light yeah do something like that electricity almost feels like more of a
Starting point is 00:40:18 an antiquated way of looking at time travel um maybe back towards the days when people thought electricity was essentially magic and to if you want more magic you need more electricity you know if you get struck by lightning you don't shoot back to the time of ancient egypt and you're stuck building the pyramids for the next hundred years um or maybe you do we haven't heard from a lot of people who have been struck by lightning um but yeah i don't know there's uh a lot of theories to this case but not a lot of evidence what we really need is what these commenters pointed out is an artifact taken from the time slip brought back to the current day it definitely steps a little bit on the toes of other investigations we've done.
Starting point is 00:41:05 I believe you did one where we were looking at photographs of supposed time travelers, which is basically the kind of physical evidence we would need to authenticate this story. We would need to see the Yeezy 300s in the 1960s. This is a big problem with this case. You know, I mentioned the stuff about tesla and i should point out that even the quote about tesla saying he saw the past present and future the only source i could find for that was pinterest like i'm not entirely convinced that isn't just a quote from the prestige or something that might
Starting point is 00:41:42 be complete fiction so yeah lots of holes in this um so rory if it's going to be a yes or a no today what do you think i think until we have something taken from the time slip to the current day or possibly even a photograph i'd settle the photograph of someone while they're mid slip sure um until i see something like that unfortunately i think today it's going to be a no from me i totally respect it and i understand it and um unfortunately i think i pretty much have to have to agree i would love to meet some of these people hear from people who've had this experience and understand more but we just don't have there's a lot of people working on this kind of thing scientists would love a way to travel through time using electricity. So, you know, if they can work it out, more power to them.
Starting point is 00:42:29 We haven't seen that evidence just yet. So today's got to be a no. God. Damn it! We need to go to this f***ing Waterstones, man. That's what I'm hearing. We need to go to Liverpool ASAP. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:39 Yeah, we got to go just when the certain trains are overlapping and it creates a power surge. Maybe we should do a live show at that Waterstones. Nice. So everyone who's coming to the show will have to take the same route from the train station to the show. I like that idea. At least 200 people are going to... Someone's going to get zapped.
Starting point is 00:42:59 I don't know if we have any listeners in Liverpool who could test this for us. Sadly, we don't after this episode because they stopped listening at the first accent. Of course. But, you know, if someone is out there who maybe is a blow-in to Liverpool and who isn't offended, you know, please ride the Mersey Rail, hang around Bold Street, let us know how you get on or if this has happened to you. Guys, unfortunately, a double no, but hope you enjoyed it all the same. Hey, if you can't get enough This Paranormal Life, you just can't wait until next Tuesday for another brand new investigation.
Starting point is 00:43:31 Let it be known that there's plenty of others over on forward slash thisparanormallife. You don't have to try and time slip to next Tuesday, because there are 37 b-b-b-bonus episodes ready to go right now. You're damn right and last month's bonus episode was a pretty fun and weird one so they can get quite different. We did just a really long end of year pretty insane Q&A where we answered our community's most burning questions about all things this paranormal life. I think one episode we just smoked crack
Starting point is 00:44:06 and threw knives at a wall. That's just telling you how weird they can get. Yeah. It's pretty far-fetched. We had to miss a couple episodes after that too because I got put into an insane asylum. So yeah, check it out if you need some more entertainment
Starting point is 00:44:21 in what will hopefully be the last lockdown of uh our lives five dollars gets you access to all bonus episodes we've ever made what a deal twenty dollars gets you through this paranormal life commune t-shirt the only t-shirt that in the commune gets you free roam of any of the facilities and outside the commune will get you arrested on site it's a pretty unique little garment which is why we made it reversible uh so the inside of the t-shirt actually looks like a subway worker's uniform the description of the shirt should totally be a pretty unique little garment that's such a perfect description the inside of the uh of
Starting point is 00:45:07 this paranormal life uh label when you turn it inside out just says sandwich artist um so that you get to breeze through the the normal world without any questions asked another great place to hang out and check out more this paranormal life content is youtube over on youtube we are uploading a couple clips a week of this Paranormal Life in video form. You can see inside our studio, see our beautiful faces, all in HD and reliving some of the funniest moments week to week. So remember to head over there and subscribe.
Starting point is 00:45:37 All the links to YouTube, Patreon, our socials, and everything are in the description of this podcast. So if you're on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, just swipe up. It's in there somewhere in the description. Get involved, folks. Another good place to just meet and hang out with the community. Just go to your nearest bridge. Just go under your nearest bridge.
Starting point is 00:45:56 There's bound to be someone there. Trolls and goblins. Or just weirdos, outcasts, oddballs. That's really our clientele uh so you're bound to bump into someone who has a pretty unique little garment on underneath that fridge but as i say hope you enjoyed this week's episode folks check out all the links we just mentioned and as always we will be back next tuesday with a brand new paranormal tale see you then bye bye

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