This Paranormal Life - #208 The Jinn That Haunt the Worlds Largest Cemetery

Episode Date: April 13, 2021

Najaf, Iraq is home to Wadi Al-Salam, the worlds largest cemetery. It covers 1,400 acres and over 10 million bodies have been buried here. So why are WE here? Well, it only makes sense that the worlds... largest cemetery has the worlds most powerful demons. Welcome to the world of the Society Facebook by Kami Tomantomanedits.comResearch by Amy GrisdaleIntro music: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Are graveyards just apartments for the dead? What happens if you drink lava? All of these questions you can find the answer to on This Paranormal Life! Welcome everyone to This Paranormal Life, the comedy paranormal podcast where every week we investigate a brand new tale, case, claim, beast,
Starting point is 00:00:24 and come to a conclusion as to whether or not it is truly paranormal. My name is Rory Powers and sitting across from me is my co-host Kit Greer. Howdy, howdy, howdy. Now, I feel like even though it is an audio podcast, I do need to bring up the fact that you're in a cast. You have a broken wrist. Is that right? That is right. You don't have to go into details of how it happened, but I just want... It's redacted. I just want the listeners to know
Starting point is 00:00:50 that if, you know, the quality isn't here this week in terms of storytelling or comedy, my co-host is injured. So actually back the f*** off. All right? Maybe that's why I'm not very funny or maybe I'm a little angry
Starting point is 00:01:02 because I'm concerned for his well-being. You know, and that... Shut up for a second. So maybe if you could'm a little angry because I'm concerned for his well-being. Yeah. You know, and that, shut up for a second. So maybe if you could go a little easier on me this week if things aren't, you know,
Starting point is 00:01:10 maybe the story's a little shorter than usual. You know, maybe it's not as funny. Maybe the jokes aren't quite there. Well, I was going to say, you shut the f*** up
Starting point is 00:01:16 for one second. Maybe I'm so concerned about Kit and his well-being that I can't even concentrate for one second because I'm just worried. I'm trying to tell everyone how worried I am about you and your well-being that i i can't even concentrate for one second because i'm just worried i'm trying to tell everyone how worried i am about you and your well-being and you won't even let me get a word of my well-being whatsoever you told me to shut the up a couple of times i think it's best
Starting point is 00:01:34 if we just get into you didn't have enough energy to do a regular podcast i'm not bringing the energy i don't want you to sideline this investigation because oh boohoo i hurt my oh oh i hurt my wrist oh oh i'm a baby worried about it i don't give a shit i really think you're milking it now i think you've said just break your wrist oh no see how you like it it sucks i'm dying on the inside but i was putting on a brave face. You want to know how I really feel? I'm the f***ing Joker now, okay? Society failed me. I broke my wrist. Yes, there's some crazy stories going around that I broke my wrist because I was playing in a children's playground
Starting point is 00:02:17 and I refused to get off the swings. And a pretty big dad came along and told me his junior wanted to get on the swings and I refused to get off and I told junior to f*** off. The dad pushed me off the swings. He pushed me really, really hard. I flew about 12 feet, landed on my wrist, broke it in half. But this is a story that is going around. It's not reality.
Starting point is 00:02:38 Right, that's what we're trying to hear. Sorry, I got carried away and started referring to it in kind of correct past tense. But it didn't actually happen. And then there are some rumors that are also spread that I was at the park drinking at the time, seeing the confrontation, tried to run up and bottle the dad behind his back. Yeah. And that he caught my reflection in a car window and grabbed me by the throat and pinned me down until I said, I'm a little baby.
Starting point is 00:03:04 Wow, wow, wah. And I pissed myself. And again, these are all rumors. No truth to them. I don't know where they came from. There's a video circulating online, but I don't think we need to go into deep fakes on this podcast. People know it's a real problem.
Starting point is 00:03:18 It's extremely easy to do. Even though in the video I said, it's me, it's Rory. This isn't a deep fake. I need to assure you that they they did somehow in in real life i wouldn't be so stupid as to uh talk into my apple watch walkie talkie and say rory please bottle him which he obviously heard because he was there he was very close you almost said it to his face yeah um and i was i was four beers deep at the time so it wasn't as much as a lunge as i just you hit me you bottled me i broke your wrist in the video i actually broke
Starting point is 00:03:52 your wrist it looked like get off him you brute you break it over my head all right that is going to be a record level of dilly-dallying at the start of a podcast, which we don't like to do. We like to get straight into the story. So no more messing about. Let's do this. Today, we're diving into the world of demonic spirits. Wow, that sounds terrifying. And where better to go than to the world's largest cemetery?
Starting point is 00:04:22 Okay, makes sense on paper, doesn't it? Where do spirits come from? The dead? Go to where all the dead people are. Okay, makes sense on paper, doesn't it? Where do spirits come from? The dead? Go to where all the dead people are. Exactly, exactly. It was December 2016 in Najaf, Iraq. 26-year-old Haider Al-Atimi was hard at work in Wadi al-Salam, the largest graveyard on earth.
Starting point is 00:04:41 It's so big that it covers 13% of the entire city. Tens of millions of bodies have been put in the ground here over 1400 years. Now Haider was a grave digger at Wadi Al-Salam, which was no easy task. He had to dig trenches for fresh bodies under the boiling desert sun. At the height of the Gulf War, the trucks would bring up to 250 bodies to bury in a single day. Wow. I mean you're not getting a lunch break, are you? Ow, no way in hell. But the real danger that Hyder faced wasn't heat stroke or dehydration. Something much more dangerous was lurking in the graveyard.
Starting point is 00:05:21 It was coming to the end of the day. The sun had dipped below the horizon, and Hyder was standing in a freshly dug grave doing his final checks. When he thought he saw movement up at ground level, he stood on his tiptoes and craned his neck to try and get a look around, but he didn't see anything. Strange. It was about time to head home anyway, so we started to climb out of the pit. But as he was scaling one of the walls, he saw a shadow begin to loom. Something was creeping up behind him. Something big. Hyder tried to scramble out of the grave, but before he could get anywhere, something struck him in the head and he fell backwards into the grave. Oh no. Pretty bad, huh? This is the one thing that can go wrong as a grave digger
Starting point is 00:06:07 you fall into your own grave you just dug in all of the places in the world you don't want to be unconscious a grave because if anyone comes across that they're like fill her up yeah i see nothing wrong with this we're ready to go yeah and like there's a cruel irony isn't isn't there there you know that he could be spending all day uh digging holes and simply by falling into one he's dug his own grave he's pretty poetic i don't want to go off on too much of a tangent but i've only you know i haven't i haven't been knocked out and fallen into a grave before but i uh i did knock myself unconscious as a child well at a mcdonald's play park and that sounds like that sounds like i know you're gonna laugh
Starting point is 00:06:50 at that i know you're all gonna laugh at that but let me explain the story because it's pretty traumatic i was going down one of the slides and i jumped to go down the slide banged my head on the roof knocked myself unconscious my limp limp child body went down the slide into the ball pit yeah and sank to the bottom yeah and that's not funny at all it's not because i was missing i was missing for hours yeah because they went to the park and they were like we can't find the little bastard where is he gone i was at the bottom of the ball pit for two hours unconscious they were like ronald mcdonald god i'm parents like do you just say what i think you said no no no i mean sure ronald mcdonald does turn up sometimes and
Starting point is 00:07:34 sure sometimes he demands a tribute uh but i don't think that's what's happened to your lovely son i'm just because it was shiny balls made of plastic doesn't mean that it wasn't an equally traumatic experience. Something to think about. I was buried alive, essentially. Did you have to Kill Bill style fight your way out? I had to fight all of them. Ronald the Hamburglar. That fucking Gloop man.
Starting point is 00:07:57 What is he called? Gizmo or something? I don't know. I don't know any of them. You seem to know them all pretty well, so I guess. We actually kept in touch after this we reminisce a lot what's the purple guy called glumbo hey siri what's the purple mcdonald's character called there's absolutely no way she knows this grimace oh
Starting point is 00:08:19 grimace that's him not glumpy or grimbo grimbo. Grimbo. Grimace isn't much better, to be fair. You don't want to sink to the bottom of a ball pit and in the darkness see Grimace's face shining down. I'm pretty sure that's how you get a job at McDonald's, is you are knocked unconscious in the ball pit as a child, sink to the bottom in a training facility where you are educated and grow old and they teach you from the ground up how to be a bit like splinter from teenage mutant ninja turtles they teach you how to
Starting point is 00:08:51 be the best ever line cook yeah you emerge as the the best ever hamburger flipper in the world i didn't i had a concussion and i couldn't speak for two years so it was a little bit different i was afraid of ball pits for a long time you couldn't speak for two years, so it was a little bit different. I was afraid of ball pits for a long time. You couldn't speak for two years except for the words, ba-ba-ba-ba-ba. I'm not loving it, Mom and Dad. Because you lost me. I'm not loving it.
Starting point is 00:09:16 Back to our story. He lay on his back looking up at the world as his vision slowly faded into black. Now, thankfully, Heider's colleagues noticed he hadn't clocked out at the end of the day, and worried he'd been injured, gathered the guys to go look for him. Hyder! Hyder! It wasn't long before the men found the fresh grave, with Hyder lying at the bottom. They woke him up, dusted him off, and helped him get out of the ground. While he was conscious, he didn't look so good. They sent him home to get examined by a doctor.
Starting point is 00:09:50 But Hyder knew there was nothing a doctor could do for him. You see, he hadn't just been hit by something. He felt like he was possessed. Still? Still possessed. Whoa. What's that gotta feel like? I mean, we all know what it feels like to be gassy yeah or to be nauseous i feel like it's it's the the feeling of being constipated and having to poop at the same time it's weird you're in first gear and reverse you don't know where to
Starting point is 00:10:23 go you don't know what you need, but your tummy feels wrong. Wow. I think that's what it is. I think it feels a little bit like banging your head in a McDonald's slip and slide, going straight to the bottom of a ball pit. Out of all the possessions we've ever covered, we've never covered what it actually feels like. That's a really good point. Even after a week of rest, he still wasn't feeling right.
Starting point is 00:10:45 He could hardly walk in a straight line. He said that the attack had left evil inside of him. He was being haunted, tormented, and had started to consume his entire life. Eventually, Haider's parents had no choice but to sell the family home and consult a shaman healer for help. Jesus. Damn, things must have been really bad. Yeah, if you're going straight to the shaman. And it's a good thing he did go see a shaman healer for help. Jesus. Damn, things must have been really bad. Yeah, if you're going straight to the shaman. And it's a good thing he did go see a shaman because Hyder believed he was possessed by a djinn.
Starting point is 00:11:15 Wow, it's kind of familiar. A while back, we've definitely talked about djinn occasionally, but I don't know much about them. Yeah, and full disclosure here, uh, disclosure here. We are going to be saying the J word a lot as we continue this podcast. Um, I think that, you know, some people from some backgrounds, different cultures take this very seriously. And even saying the J word, uh, can Voldemort style. Well, no, that doesn't summon him. If you say Voldemort, no, it's just kind of taboo. It's kind of taboo. So we will be saying it. Unfortunately, there's not really a way around
Starting point is 00:11:49 it. We can't look into them extensively without saying the J word a lot. So here is your warning. There's going to be a lot of J bombs going forward. Now, Hyder never made a public statement about the treatment he received, but I did do a little digging to find out some of the methods that shaman healers use to deal with Jyn. I've broken those down into two categories. We've got chill methods and hardcore methods. Okay, so this is your categorization, not some kind of ancient lore. The differences are abundantly clear, I think. To start, let's go with the chill methods here we got praying standard just you know you please look over this person we gotta guide them from the darkness that
Starting point is 00:12:31 kind of thing okay uh reading verses from the holy quran okay great kind of very similar to praying uh writing prayers down and sealing them inside of amulets that's kind of neat it's kind of cool i wish i had more jewelry with prayers sealed inside and then finally the shaman wears the patient's clothes what the shaman uh wears the patient's clothes i'm not sure why unless maybe maybe the idea here is that the jinn pops out of a bush thinking he's gonna get the the victim again oh you know and then as soon as he does the shaman is like gotcha you little demon bastard and he takes the hood off and grabs him by the throat oh it's a simple bait and switch you're saying pass quite possibly quite possibly imagining at this point that the possessed individual is now naked because the shaman has taken their clothes
Starting point is 00:13:23 which seems undesirable i don't know if he puts on the shaman has taken their clothes, which seems undesirable. I don't know if he puts on the shaman's clothes. Yeah. If it's a swap. Yeah. If it's like a Prince and the Pauper type deal. This is a good, I like this though. It's simple kind of home alone style setups. Yeah. Tricks and traps and just very innocent praying. Now for the hardcore methods. traps and just very innocent praying. Now for the hardcore methods. Number one, jabbing the patient over and over again with a baton. Okay, I don't see how that could... You're trying to make the possessor uncomfortable and make them flee? Or beat the demon out of him. Simple as that. Number two, very similar to one, beat the patient severely all over the body. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:05 A little different there because it doesn't specifically have to be a baton. It could be a golf club or a baseball bat. It seems like it's got to be really important which doctor you go to in order to get these treatments, isn't it? Or which shaman. Number three, whipping them with a cane. These are all kind of the same. It's just different weapons number four slamming the patient's head against the wall no number five is stabbing the patient wow and people
Starting point is 00:14:33 pay for this yeah i guess you know if you're this is the thing you're stabbing the patient that is the last one stabbing if all else fails selling your family home handing over all that cash and the guy pulls a knife says thanks very much and shanks you i think that's a robbery you didn't pay a shaman you got stabbed and you got rid of your home i think definitely you know maybe start with a couple amulets and a couple prayers before you get to get to the stabbing for sure yeah that makes sense you want to start with the low stakes treatment and then work your way up to the stabbing for sure. Yeah, that makes sense. You want to start with the low stakes treatment and then work your way up to the high stakes treatment. I guess, you know, look, if you believe
Starting point is 00:15:10 that you are possessed by the djinn, if someone is possessed by the djinn, when going gets tough, you gotta like mafia boss style tie the patient to the chair, put on a pair of knuckle dusters and be like, so you think you belong here in that body
Starting point is 00:15:26 you little son of a bitch you know and even though it is the victim that are taking the blows yeah please stop hitting me please stop hitting me yeah that's the jinn talking you know even if he says he's on the ropes yeah yeah he's saying like please stop i'm not even possessed anymore i've been possessed for days oh you little bastard jinn you're trying to get me to stop talking you know what i feel like he just left i feel like he just left wow that was a great right hook oh i'm not even the guy i'm his brother you just grabbed me from the waiting room oh i know a jinn when i see one no i said my name was jim my name is jim all in all the treatment cost hider's family thirty thousand dollars and it didn't work. You know that Shama is driving away after the beating session into a Lamborghini.
Starting point is 00:16:11 Yeah. He's making some good coin. He was extra careful to get the legs so he couldn't be chased down after the appointment. Now, before we go any further, a lot of our listeners might be curious as to what a djinn actually is. I'll admit myself, I had very little knowledge on what they were before this podcast. I thought they might be like a mix between a ghost and a demon, but somewhat contextualized within Islamic mythology. So here we are.
Starting point is 00:16:39 Today's lesson is all about the jinn, so that if you come face to face with one of these little creatures you'll know what to do wow this is really practical yeah spoiler alert the answer is run or kill yourself because these little f***ers are scary as all hell and if they don't get you the shaman will it's a real catch-22 you either get got the djinn or get got by the shaman. The cure really is worse than the illness in this case. Yeah, do you want to live with a djinn inside you or live with a djinn inside you with broken legs?
Starting point is 00:17:14 The choice is yours. So what is a djinn? When we talk about the djinn, basically what we're talking about, I am saying that a lot. I feel like I'm saying it excessively now. I need to slow it down a little bit, because if it is summoning one by name, I'm really playing with fire here. What we're talking about is a supernatural creature. It's said that they're made of air and fire, and while they aren't necessarily all bad, you definitely
Starting point is 00:17:41 don't want to cross one. Interesting. Jinns are mentioned throughout the Quran, even though they outdate the religion of Islam by over 1500 years, which I thought was actually really interesting. It says that they are Allah's creation that inhabit a world different from our own, but they can still interact with our world. I mean, it kind of makes sense, doesn't it? I mean, like, because, you know, even things that are in the Bible, like, I don't think the Bible, which is only 2,000 years old or 1,000 years old, it doesn't claim that angels only came to exist 1,000 years ago. You know, these books, these holy books, they document things that presumably existed for since the beginning of time. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:23 That's a really good point, actually. Yeah. The lore didn't start when the book started. But yeah, fascinating to think that they go back to dinosaur times and beyond. Yeah, some of these dinosaurs were pretty possessed. Let me be honest with you. Now, as I said, they inhabit a world different from our own, but they can still interact with our world.
Starting point is 00:18:43 For example, just ask Hyder. They interacted with him pretty hard. Using a shovel. Another interesting note is that the djinn grow old like humans, but are thought to have much longer lifespans. Wow, so they do have lifespans. This is fascinating. So they really...
Starting point is 00:18:57 Right? There's so much like interesting history here in lore that I was so wrong when I was like, oh, it's just a different type of ghost or demon. They're not a ghost. I mean, even like you say, they're made of air and fire. So they're made of material elements somehow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:12 They're not like ghosts, which are like just pure energy, man. Whatever they are, yeah. To be honest, the world of the djinn is immensely complex. There's so many different types. They're basically like Pokemon. So I thought today what we could do is rattle through a couple of the main forms of Jinn. First up on our list we have the Hinn. Okay.
Starting point is 00:19:33 These are enormous winged beasts made of fire that like to appear in dog form. They live underground in structured societies that date back centuries. See what I mean? We're getting very complex here. Wow, they live underground in structured societies that date back centuries see what i mean we're getting very complex here wow they live underground complete with clans tribes and kings holy there's a little society of jinn going on down there dog king jinn living underground yes that's made of fire made of fire this is nuts this was a bit of a weird note while hin usually marry others of their kind they have been known to choose human partners what yeah that's just a bit of the lore you can get married you can get married to a hin my friend if you dig deep enough you can find a sexy little stuff in common i guess a little fire dog we all
Starting point is 00:20:23 know what it's like you know trying to date in a small taan. Your taan's got to be pretty small before you start digging for djinn. Next up on the list, we have the Naznas. Now, these are considered a weak type of djinn. They're thought to resemble human-animal hybrids. In some descriptions, they even appear as a half-human. Now, I'm not talking about half human, half something. Sure. I'm talking about a half human. It has a half head, half torso,
Starting point is 00:20:53 one arm, and it hops around on one leg. Whoa, cut down the middle. Or maybe it's kind of like left arm, right leg, half head. You know, it could just be a little bit from every side. Makes a match interesting like a mr potato head where you've just taken off different parts it's kind of interesting that this thing is weak because it's human is that the idea well it's also missing half of its limbs i don't know it's not gonna help in a fight nas nas and somani folklore are believed to be able to kill a person with a single touch. I guess that's pretty OP. Jesus.
Starting point is 00:21:28 Yeah, if that's a weak one, I don't want to meet a strong one. Jeez. Apparently, a second of contact is long enough to render the person fleshless. What? Holy. I don't really understand what that means. How can someone be rendered fleshless? Oh, my God. Things like its touch is like a nuclear weapon
Starting point is 00:21:46 it boils your skin alive yeah so i guess you know you've got the ability to kill someone with one touch but the con is maybe you've only got one leg so it's a little harder to catch up with people yeah okay yeah yeah this is like the pros and and cons. This is like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre guy in the movies. He's very powerful, but he walks very slowly. Yeah, he's kind of weird. But he always gets to the destination, doesn't he? Yeah. So they're always running.
Starting point is 00:22:14 They look behind them. He's just like... Make them away downtown. Walking slow. Moonlight glow. Got a chainsaw. No matter how fast they run. He's always only two paces behind behind though. He's like an angry turtle
Starting point is 00:22:26 I respect that a lot. This is one of my favorite type of gin the palace now these guys actually no This isn't my favorite. These guys are weird The first line of this description is they're a bit of a pervert Oh, so not my favorite And anyway, the palace creep up on people when they're sleeping and they lick the soles of their feet. Whoa. This is a vampiric djinn and its preferred method of draining blood from somebody is licking the feet. That's gross.
Starting point is 00:22:54 Yeah. I feel like in, you know, in Western culture, you've got the sexy vampires and they have those fangs and they kind of seduce someone. And then they, you know, bite the neck, the elegant, you know, glowing white neck. And they drink the blood. If you're a vampire and has to lick someone's feet in the night, I'll go hungry. I don't want to do that. Yeah, if you want to lick my feet, bud, good luck. Good luck, because it's not pretty down there.
Starting point is 00:23:21 I feel like I've got a couple of these vampires in my Instagram DMs, but I have never seen one in real life. Our next gin is where things start to get really serious. This gin is called the Shaitan. Now this one is a little weird. I gotta say, I do have a picture apparently of this type of gin. Physical evidence of this gin? Well, don't get too excited because it was provided by our researcher amy and i'm pretty sure i mean correct me if i'm wrong but that's just a picture of darth maul isn't it from the phantom menace how much we pay in this researcher they're putting in sith lords was he a gin i don't know like i feel like they didn't really go into that much he seemed pretty more i mean he was cut in half no did this start this is not canon he was not a jinn he was an
Starting point is 00:24:10 alien he's absolutely an alien uh the shaitan is apparently the devil himself ah which i guess you know darth maul kind of looks like the devil he's got got the horns. He's got the red face. Darth Maul was... I'm pretty sure the devil has a double-sided lightsaber at the very least. Those movies, we shit on them. It's fun to shit on them. But Darth Maul was some great character design. He was terrifying as a child. That was absolutely terrifying.
Starting point is 00:24:38 I mean, he didn't say a word, I think, in those movies. Didn't he say one thing or something? Did he have a line? I'm not sure. I don't know if he did did let me look it up real quick all right yeah he definitely talks does he tattoo is sparsely populated if the trace was correct i will find them quickly master move against the jedi that's him you will then he's just a posh british no way that's him yeah i take back what i said he's just a bloke in face paint wow that's so disappointing i thought i thought he never i guess i was so young when i saw it that in my memory like he just never spoke top comment lol i forgot he could talk
Starting point is 00:25:16 that's so weird second top comment i only just realized darth maul has a soothing voice yeah mad that's the kind of thing where yeah as a child a child, you'd be like, I love Darth Maul. It's so cool that he never speaks. And you go back and watch the movie and you're like, he has a 45 minute monologue about the Jedi and the Force. I was very focused on the double lightsaber. As a child, I liked his horns. I liked his horns and I liked his red face.
Starting point is 00:25:39 I actually double times two fast forward through his monologue about the imbalance of the galaxy. Yeah, during his monologue about the imbalance of the galaxy. Yeah, during his monologue, I just make the lights. There were noises with my mouth. All right, next up on our list of djinn is the Sheik. This is one of the lowest classes of djinn. Apparently, they appear partially formed and are monstrously hideous.
Starting point is 00:26:04 I've got a picture of this little guy as well. I need to show you it because I feel like I'm on drugs when I look at it. Look at this ancient Pokemon card. Whoa. It really is. Oh my God. It's amazing. It's like if an orange sprouted arms and legs.
Starting point is 00:26:21 Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is very imp-like and vegetal. It looks like a little tree root just popped up and started running around with a face. It looks like it could be powerful, but it's small enough that I could drop kick it 50 yards down a football field. And that brings us to the final and most terrifying type of djinn. The ghoul. and most terrifying type of djinn. The ghoul. This thing is the creepiest djinn of them all.
Starting point is 00:26:53 The very same type of djinn that Hyder believes attacked him in the graveyard. This ghoul is like a ghost, like a creature that is truly evil. Its favorite food are travelers, children, and corpses. Dear God. That's why you're likely to find them near a graveyard. Ah, and corpses. Dear God. That's why you're likely to find them near a graveyard. Of course. It's like an all-you-can-eat buffet. People are just piling in bodies. People that are in airport, if he loves travelers.
Starting point is 00:27:15 Yeah, that's true, yeah. The ghoul is just dressed up in a TSA uniform. He's like, yeah, separate security, fast lane for security over here. I don't see any doorway doorway yeah it's through here we are now boarding uh travelers children and corpses i just couldn't believe these airfares are just so cheap but is a brief history lesson about the jinn combined with hyder's story enough to actually believe that some type of jinninn attacked him that day. Luckily, Haider's testimony isn't the only one that we have.
Starting point is 00:27:48 I bet. You said these things like 5,000 years old. Yeah, they've been around for quite a while. And we got testimonies from a lot of gravediggers, all right? Unfortunately, corpses don't tell stories. Children are unreliable, so we got to rely on the gravediggers. One day, gravedigger Murtaza Jwad Abosebi was working in the same graveyard Haider was attacked. Someone in the community had recently passed away, and Murtaza was tasked with digging the grave after the ceremony.
Starting point is 00:28:16 So he dug throughout the day, and that night, the body, wrapped in a tight sheet, was lowered into the ground. Once it was rested at the bottom, Murtaza bent over to grab his shovel and leave. But as he bent down, the arm of the corpse slapped him across the face. In an interview, he said, It happened at night while I was working down in the grave to put a dead woman in her tomb.
Starting point is 00:28:40 When I bent down, her hand slapped my face so fiercely that I was left petrified. Whoa. I mean, that's as hardcore as evidence gets, really. You got the bruise and the red face to prove it. Yeah. I mean, you know, it's not just a metaphor when evidence is so strong that it slaps you in the face. He was slapped in the face by a ghoul. Now, as I said, the body was tightly wrapped in a sheet. Murtaza had no idea how it could have moved, even if it was alive, and he didn't wait to find out. The body was quickly buried, and he left the graveyard immediately.
Starting point is 00:29:17 However, this was only the beginning. Following this incident, he spent five years in a deep depression and eventually had to have psychiatric therapy at a hospital in Beirut. Very glad he went to the hospital and not the shaman. Yeah, you gotta swallow your pride and go to the hospital, even if it is culturally looked on upon. I feel like hospitals prescribing beatings, very low track record. They do not stay open long. Usually you get medicine or you get a doctor or a psychiatrist to help you with your problems. Not in the form of aggravated assault.
Starting point is 00:29:52 Certainly whenever people talk about modern medicine, you know, before modern medicine, I always picture, you know, folk medicine and, you know, Chinese herbal medicine and things like that. What I don't picture is, yeah, doctors beating the shit out of you. Doctors looking like UFC fighters. Yeah. Putting you in a chokehold because you've got the flu. We kind of always skip past that period in medicinal history,
Starting point is 00:30:19 you know, where it's maybe like spells and sorcery. Then maybe upping it to more witch doctors where they put cocaine in your blood and tell you to read the Bible. We missed the whole section where it's just, oh, we'll get the demon out of you. One way or another, we're going to beat it out of you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:39 You know, sometimes we get accused of shitting on people in the past and in past history. To be clear, you know history to be clear you know i think you know we've we've talked about if anything we think people 5 000 years ago were smarter than now they had pyramids and uh ancient um technologies um it's the dark ages that we're really ragging on yeah yeah you. Things were good for a while, and then they started the beatings and the magic spells. What do we build now?
Starting point is 00:31:09 Websites? We used to build pyramids. We used to build castles. All right. What did podcast ads used to be in the 4000 BC? It was like, hey, if you're planning on building a pyramid, hire Triangle Space, where you can, with their simple drag-and-drop tools,
Starting point is 00:31:28 you can create a pyramid in no time. Not drag-and-drop, like in a winged beast will drop the bricks at the location required. Drag-and-drop as in the slaves will drag the blocks there and then drop dead. Whereas, yeah, no now what are we making? A tumbler? What would we be?
Starting point is 00:31:49 What would we have been in the olden days? I'm starting to think shaman. Shaman? A scam artist with expensive taste and an eye for the paranormal. We'd be those cowboy snake oil salesmen that go town to town selling bottles of mud to clear your erectile dysfunction the original podcasters yes and then as soon as people come wise to us uh we've moved we're on to the next town yeah we've we've shaved our mustache into a slightly different style of mustache and are thus unrecognizable to the locals.
Starting point is 00:32:29 We also have another story from the exact same graveyard. Hani Abu Jinnah actually lives in the cemetery as well as working there. Oh, come on. He said, I saw it at night, jumping from grave to grave, feeding on the freshly buried bodies. It can successively resemble a big worm, a little worm,
Starting point is 00:32:45 a little child, and a cat dressed in a large fur coat. What? I don't know. I hadn't actually read this bit before I said it. A cat dressed in a large fur coat? That's so specific. That's like a f***ing Disney cartoon.
Starting point is 00:33:05 Like Robin Hood with a bow and arrow. He's a fox. Just say you were tripping. Like it made me tripping. Although this is here. This is the thing. This must have been a real life paranormal experience because no one would say that they saw a cat in a fur coat jumping from grave to grave. That's true.
Starting point is 00:33:21 No one would ever say that. I'd rather say I didn't see anything. Yeah, it's not credible, is it? That's like if I was walking in a graveyard late at night and I saw a f***ing dog walking in a pair of Yeezys and he leaned over to me and went, shh, I'd be like, no problem, brother. You couldn't pay me to talk about this. I'm not going to tell-
Starting point is 00:33:42 And if I do tell someone, I'm going to leave out the Yeezys. I'm just going to say I saw a dog because this is why are you here whose shoes are those i'm just gonna assume that i'm mentally ill right i'm not gonna assume it happens now you might say uh you know why would why are there still grave diggers if this many of them have seen paranormal activity in this grave, if they've experienced it, if they've lived it, if some of them have been clobbered over the head, why would they even eventually return to grave digging? Well, apparently it is a job passed down through the generations.
Starting point is 00:34:19 And a lot of people feel that it's their duty to continue the family's legacy. Well, that's beautiful. And for god's sake someone has to do it like i have sympathy this isn't like a fro-yo place opened up and gin kept showing up because i love fro-yo uh i'd be like close down the fro-yo place get a different business that's fine but you know sadly someone's got to dig these graves and and put these bodies to rest so i feel like this isn't going to go away. The only experiences I really have with the gravediggers is Dampe or Dante,
Starting point is 00:34:52 the character from The Legend of Zelda, who is the gravedigger in that series, that video game series. And I think every time you meet him within five minutes, you're underground chasing ghosts as he floats through the air i think think he's he might be a ghost or a ghost or something i feel like uh you know it's it's an occupational hazard if you if you are working as a grave digger there's a high risk that you're going to be involved in the paranormal absolutely it's miraculous that to be fair maybe it's because i haven't done as much research on it but i wonder if all of the professions that are so closely involved in the passing of a human have a lot of interactions with the paranormal yeah you know embalmers is that still a thing
Starting point is 00:35:38 do they embalm people crema crematores no not crematores yeah crematores is that the name of you if you are it's like a minotaur but for cream if you if you are to what is the cremate someone uh if you're a creamer if you worked as a creamer at the creamery it's a great uh point you know back in the day, as we've talked about in ancient times, these things were far more ceremonial and done with reverence and spirituality entwined with it. Whereas we've made things, you know, for better and worse in modern society, much more secular. And these things are a very mundane kind of civil job. It's a bit like, you know, being, I don't know, working in a government office or, you know, whatever. It's just something people have to do. But yeah, there should be a kind of spiritual metaphysical paranormal side, shouldn't there? They really should. I think at
Starting point is 00:36:37 the very least, all of these occupations should work closely with a paranormal investigator who can handle these types of situations you know a grave digger shouldn't be left alone without a paranormal investigator on side with a loaded gun bullets dipped in holy water ready to take something it's like a bodyguard tries to slap him again yeah you need someone there to block the blow counter it twist the wrist of the gin and force it back into the grave i also might be you know maybe this is also more of a western thing but i didn't realize grave digging uh was still done by people i would have thought that would be um like a digger yeah i mean even if it was modernized in
Starting point is 00:37:17 this part of the world i mean there's always going to be parts of the world where there's just too many people and you know not enough technology and stuff well i mean if see, I should have, this is bad on me for not bringing it. If you see a picture of this graveyard, it is a city. It is so huge. A necropolis, if you will. You wouldn't be able to get a digger in there. Because if someone's buried in the middle of the lot, you're going to bulldoze over hundreds of graves just to get the digger there. It is something I didn't really ever think
Starting point is 00:37:45 about because we grew up in a small town it's not really an issue if you die you can fairly readily get find somewhere to get buried yeah i didn't think for a second until i heard maybe it was about you know going to visit japan or something um i think in japan it's illegal basically to be buried maybe there's what maybe there's certain circumstances but if you think about it greater tokyo 40 million people living on top of each other you know more than four times the population of london there's absolutely no chance you can bury a single person. That is a really good point. Yeah. So by law, they have to be, bodies have to be cremated. Creamed. And so, you know, I think there's a ton of places in the world where that is the case.
Starting point is 00:38:34 But countries like this and other places, they're still hanging on to burial. You know, that's cool. It comes with a lot of culture and a lot of baggage and things that people have to do. Yeah. I think this site in particular is quite popular because it is quite a holy site. Yeah. There's some history there where I think maybe like a saint or someone from the Koran is allegedly buried on that location. So people naturally want to be buried quite nearby.
Starting point is 00:39:00 Yes. Which makes sense. It makes sense. I obviously, I've said this before i um i want to be launched into space on a rocket yeah and uh preferably still alive i'm not talking about when i die i'm just talking about something that i want to do with my life maybe have some beer on the rocket some doritos preferably chili heat wave Cool Original. That's pretty good as well. But to be clear, you want to come back? I want to
Starting point is 00:39:28 come back and be cremated, yes. Yeah. That was just a fun little... That was just a trip beforehand. Yeah. You're going to want to cremate me almost immediately because I'm very radioactive and I'm covered in alien germs. Okay, we might leave you in space. No, that's not fair.
Starting point is 00:39:44 You get beer all over the control panel of the rocket it crashes immediately i'm cremated in the atmospheric explosion that takes place when i try and land it with zero training so that pretty much concludes our investigation today into the world of gin uh that case had been a long time coming we'd had more people than i can even mention email in uh to recommend that we we uh investigate the world of jinn and uh yes we did it in a very uh specific way looking at the world's largest graveyard but i think that was a great way to focus our investigation um and today you know our conclusion isn't whether or not jinn are real but let's say it's whether or not we believe a jinn clobbered hider over the head in the cemetery yeah this feels like we're opening up
Starting point is 00:40:34 a whole kettle of fish as we discussed almost a class alongside ghosts and demons um so i would not be surprised if jinn stories um came up in the coming months yeah so what are your thoughts kit geez you know i feel really uh torn rory because on the one hand this is a reputable guy he's you know these are um guys doing a hard day's work they are doing a hard day's work so actually maybe treat them with a little bit of respect when was the last time you dug a hole in the hot sun, my friend? I feel if you attack me in this way, I'll be unable to come to any kind of conclusion.
Starting point is 00:41:09 I'm sorry. I got a little hot there. Because I don't think you dig holes either. You didn't even say a conclusion. And already I was jumping to conclusions just there by attacking you. So I apologize. Sure. I will restrain myself. I will be respectful.
Starting point is 00:41:24 I promise that much. Thank you. I promise that much. Thank you. Thank you. And I think they do a great job. And. Yes. And they work, they work goddamn hard for poor pay under very difficult conditions.
Starting point is 00:41:36 This is what you're going to say next, I believe. And so I do trust, you know, for the most part that they believe what they, what they say they saw. And at the same time. At the same time. They're very tired and it's very hot you're right because it's a painstaking job and
Starting point is 00:41:50 unappreciated is it possible that someone could i don't know a branch could fall off a damn tree and hit him in the head and he falls backwards or god forbid he just passes out from sheer exhaustion from working in the heat that uh he just falls into this hole in the first place and then maybe imagines that he was hit by a gin. I don't know. But without that physical evidence, it's kind of hard to to draw some conclusions. But what do you think, Roy? Yeah, it's all pretty. I mean, look, it's pretty weird to be clobbered over the head in a grave. These are all things that should never happen to anyone. It's very easy for me to say because I haven't been clobbered yet if you get i mean it's a miracle he is alive if you get clobbered over the head and you've already dug your grave there's a good reason to believe you
Starting point is 00:42:34 will be buried in it yes um but he did survive and from the symptoms that he suffered from that moment onward i mean from the description the story a lot of it was as i said not feeling right depression um you know feeling down feeling like you're cursed you know those are all real things that people suffer with every day whether or not they've been beaten over the head well particularly when they've been beaten over the head i mean it's not gonna it's famous people get could get uh tbis you know like football players and stuff they have enormous issues after the fact mental health issues we had depression and everything for years and for him to then go to the shaman and none of those treatments to work i mean let's say for example that the shaman can evict gins from a human body yeah if they say
Starting point is 00:43:25 the treatment didn't work wouldn't that mean that there was no gin i like it using the shaman's logic against him exactly exactly i think uh look let's not dance around it too much i think this week uh with hyder's story unfortunately we're just missing we're just missing that piece of the puzzle for me to come down and uh fully say yes, he was attacked by a djinn that day in the graveyard. Agreed. Well, thank you very much anyway for listening to this paranormal life, even though it was a double no this week. We're in a bit of a drought for yeses. We need to get one in the barrel of the gun real soon.
Starting point is 00:44:02 I feel like it's been a while since we've had a double yes. Yeah, I mean, not for lack of trying. I seem to remember there's been a couple of judgments Rory has abstained from. I mean, obviously last week I said that if I won the lottery, it would prove that psychic abilities
Starting point is 00:44:16 are possible and that would be a double yes. Unfortunately, I regret to inform you, our commune listeners, I did not win the lottery. I bought many tickets. I actually lost a fair bit of money on tickets because I was so confident I was going to win.
Starting point is 00:44:40 So if you actually, I know it's a little rude to plug the Patreon so hard at the end of an episode, but we're really going to need you to ramp up the contributions this month. Well, that's very kind of you, Roy, because you might remember last week you did sign over the Patreon legally to me. Well, I think... It's actually been really a f***ing hat trick week for me because not only did you sign it over to me, you also conceded some bullshit about not winning the lottery and that,
Starting point is 00:45:02 meaning that didn't make any sense on the actual verdict of the case. And you might remember signing over this check right here i didn't know that you kept half a million yeah well i signed it and i said wait till the end of the month to cash it oh oh and well i've been very kind to wait to see the result just because i wanted to see okay look on your face when you lost all right now granted i did just get a little bit of juice on the check so i'm going to dry it by the open window here um but i can't wait to catch a gust of wind i can't believe bro i mean you haven't scratched all the scratch cards yet could you maybe write me another i scratched all the scratch cards and they're all zero and in fact
Starting point is 00:45:44 folks we need you to up your pledges not just to get me out of the financial hole that i've dug myself in like a grave digger i'm gonna need it because i need your money to that's right buy more lottery tickets because i really feel like i've got a chance at this thing i've worked it out right it's like a rubik's Cube if you buy more tickets you get more wins okay I hear that do you understand
Starting point is 00:46:10 think about it like this think about it like this I'm willing to put in 5 pounds towards your plan to buy more tickets in exchange for another check
Starting point is 00:46:18 for 500,000 dollars not gonna happen which if you win would be nothing I already said not gonna happen so it's not it's not gonna happen is it buddy 10 pounds for a quarter million Not going to happen. Which, if you win, would be nothing. I already said not going to happen.
Starting point is 00:46:26 So it's not going to happen, is it, buddy? 10 ponds for a quarter million. Deal. I can't wait to see the look on your face. I need the money. I haven't even given you the money yet. So, yeah, we could do this as a commune, you know? Everyone chips in five bucks.
Starting point is 00:46:42 Is this a pyramid scheme? I think this is actually what a pyramid scheme is. this is whenever you're paying tax in the commune it doesn't go towards roads or health care it's simply a giant lottery pot it goes to lottery tickets and guess who gets the the payout if we win by the way if we win it'll be enough to buy us a helicopter to get the f*** out of here. Because the electric city, what was it called? The toy town? Whatever this desert place was called. Thank you for listening to this week's episode of This Paranormal Life. We are not in any financial trouble immediately until someone finds the check that was lost. I gotta be honest, I think I saw a squirrel take that thing
Starting point is 00:47:25 and bury it for winter. That is great. That's good to hear. If you do want to support the podcast, head on over to if you have run out
Starting point is 00:47:36 of paranormal podcasts and you want more episodes of This Paranormal Life, that's the place to find them, folks. We've got 40 plus episodes over there where as soon as you subscribe as soon as you join the patreon you get access to all of them immediately we also
Starting point is 00:47:51 have merchandise which you should check out if you want some paranormal swag thank you for joining us for this investigation into the jinn thank you so much to cammy toman for editing this episode and to amy grisdale for researching it and as always we will be back next tuesday with a brand new paranormal tale

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