This Paranormal Life - #210 The Kera Incident - A Tiny Japanese UFO

Episode Date: April 27, 2021

This week we're going to Japan to investigate one of the smallest UFO's ever discovered. What does the little craft want? Why does it never appear on rainy days? It's time for Rory and Kit to #INVESTI...GATEBUY OFFICIAL TPL Society Facebook by Kami Tomantomanedits.comResearch by Amy GrisdaleIntro music: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 How long can a human sleep for? What happens if you drink liquid paper? All of these questions you can find the answer to on This Paranormal Life! Welcome everyone to This Paranormal Life, the comedy paranormal podcast where every week we investigate a brand new paranormal tale, case, claim, or beast and come to a conclusion as to whether or not it is truly paranormal.
Starting point is 00:00:25 My name is Rory Powers, your lead investigator for today, and I'm joined, of course, by the one and only Kit Greer. How are you doing, Kit? I'm the backup investigator on today's case. If Rory is to die mid-recording, I will dutifully take up the script and finish the pod. And then, if there's time at the end call the emergency services this isn't going out live or anything so you could probably if you want you could call the show must go on my friends and if you are gasping for breath and if you are tugging on my trousers saying okay i'm still alive but barely get me to the a and e i'll say
Starting point is 00:01:01 silence because it sounds like the truth must go on. It sounds like you should take priority over that. The truth must go on. Because it sounds like in this hypothetical, I could be saved. It sounds like I could be saved in that hypothetical. So, I mean, you think one person's life, your life, is worth more than the enjoyment of thousands of people? I don't know why you couldn't just save me
Starting point is 00:01:18 and then we could both do the show even at the hospital together. Look, I'm just saying I would expect you to do actually something quite different in the case of my death because if I collapse the floor, I need you to stop the pod. So it's different for you if it was you? Yeah, of course. Different rules for lead investigator versus backup. I don't know why you're getting angry at me. This has been the policy the whole time. You just haven't died yet on the pod. And if something happens to both of us at the same time, we have Mike and Jerry just off camera waiting to hop in at every second. And if something happens to both of us at the same time, we have Mike and Jerry just off camera waiting to hop in at every second. And if something happens to Mike and Jerry, we've got Jessica and Larry and they're ready to hop in.
Starting point is 00:01:53 There's a whole chain of command. That's right. And if you get eight or nine steps on that chain of command, we did get desperate. It does. I think it's just our both our moms. You know, some people are going to say that the only reason we're hosting the show right now is because we killed our predecessors. And that's how we got the slot. And those claims are completely unfounded.
Starting point is 00:02:12 And if you say them again, I'll end you. Like I did them. You might want to redact that last whole line. Can we actually beep that in the edit or something? Because I f***ed up there big time. Can we actually beep that in the edit or something? Because I f***ed up there big time. And I think the less I say about what we did due to the original host of the show, I think is...
Starting point is 00:02:31 I'm talking again. I'm putting my foot in my mouth here. All of a sudden it's Mike and Jerry don't get any big ideas because we're here to stay. Let's just forget that I mentioned anything about that and we'll just jump into today's case. It was August 25th, 1972, and we're in the Kara region of Kochi, Japan, where 13-year-old Michio Sio was on his way home from school. He was walking
Starting point is 00:02:54 leisurely down the streets, past the rice fields, when he noticed something out of the corner of his eye. Something small, fluttering in the air above the fields. Michio was in no rush. So, being the curious little 13-year-old that he was, he ran into the field to get a closer look. But he didn't realize. He was about to discover something no one else had seen before. You should stay out of the fields. It's a good start, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:03:20 Already an exciting start. A new type of rice. This was the day brown rice was discovered it had been white up until then the object hovered in the sky moving in a jolty motion almost like a bat but this thing wasn't an animal it was made of metal a strange metal that was dull, not shiny at all. Michio says it was the shape and size of a hat, almost as if, let's just say it, it looked like a tiny little UFO. Wow, really? Yeah. Michio's eyes were fixed on the little ship, not wanting to lose sight of it. But as he drew closer to the strange little craft, he was struck by a blinding beam of light that froze him in his tracks.
Starting point is 00:04:07 Too afraid to get any closer, Michio ran out of the field. Good lord. What are your thoughts so far, Kit, on this tiny little, cute little UFO? The implications here are enormous, Rory, that any time you might have seen a hat, at any given moment, that might have seen a hat. Right. Okay. At any given moment, that could have been a tiny UFO. I don't know how many hats you see just out in the wild fluttering about like a bat. Made of dull metal.
Starting point is 00:04:35 Still very alarming. If a ray of light comes out of this thing and hits you, that's terrifying. Is it some kind of tractor beam, some kind of neuralyzer? Yeah. hits you that's terrifying is this some kind of tractor beam some kind of neuralyzer yeah i like the idea of of seeing this craft and you're like my god it must be just on the edge of the horizon it's enormous and then it just like bumps into your head and you're like oh it's tiny and very close just making the same noise as a drone like yeah we don't usually see a lot of crafts like this so i already thought this was an interesting case very michio decided the best thing he could do
Starting point is 00:05:11 was to find his friends and tell them what he'd just seen which as we know trying to tell your friends you've seen a ufo is always a difficult task even when it's a real life size UFO. Yeah, what are you going to tell them? Stuart Little from the planet Gorgon has come down as Little Red UFO? Yeah, it's not going to help if they're like, you know, you're trying to tell us this giant UFO descended on a rice field. If you reply, we're going, that's the thing.
Starting point is 00:05:41 It was the size of a bean. They're like, okay, we were already not on board for it being a normal ufo lie to us and tell us it's a normal ufo first and then maybe if we see the thing we can come to terms with how small it is yeah it's like throwing you're throwing too many things at them it's kind of did i mention it smelled like purple it's like okay okay meet you i think you've had enough rice for one day he's got like he's just got like rice all around his mouth it's like if you just did you just start eating the bad rice in the middle of the field it is kind of funny though isn't it because if we're talking in terms of potentially extraterrestrial life why is the size of the craft such a big obstacle to
Starting point is 00:06:26 believing the story like right is it not crazy enough as is yeah because we're not saying you know three tiny little guys are gonna come out of it you know this could be like a little recon drone flying around to just scan the that's true the the environment and then head back up to the mothership we don't know yet but it is kind of funny that, you know, so many people can accept E.T., but they absolutely draw the line at an alien the size of a mouse. Like E.T.'s already pretty small. He can fit in the basket of a f***ing bike. Well, despite their skepticism, Michio led the gang back to the outskirts of town
Starting point is 00:07:03 and began scanning the sky above the rice paddies, trying to find this tiny UFO. Hours passed, but there was no flying saucer to be seen. The kids were getting tired and hungry, and it was starting to get dark. Was this some kind of joke to you, Michio? My mom's gonna be worried sick. Yeah, I can't believe you- gonna be worried sick yeah i can't believe you wait what is this i'm sorry my sense of place is really rocked by this dialogue just using some immersive storytelling here by bringing in their natural tongue because i would just like to jump in here and and just i could help translate that for the viewers because i've actually been to j on holiday for at least a week. I picked up a couple of things there.
Starting point is 00:07:46 So I think in this case, Michio's friend is saying, f***ing hell, there it is. No, that's not what they're saying at all. It is. It is. What? Mate kore wa nan desu ka? Yeah, mate, f***ing. No, it's absolutely not. Kore, hell, nan desu ka?
Starting point is 00:08:03 Why would he be so rude? There it is. It's as simple as that. One word per word, you know. These are children, so I don't think any of that would be in their vocabulary. This is gritty, realistic dialogue. These aren't East End gangsters hunting a UFO.
Starting point is 00:08:18 F***ing hell, mate. What the hell is that? What's that coming down the apples and pears, yeah? Said Michio, the nine-year-old schoolboy. The kids craned their heads upwards to see something twinkling above their heads. It was the little craft! The children watched as it flashed different colors while it floated from side to side. Knowing that this was their chance to get a better look,
Starting point is 00:08:42 the boys slowly started to approach the craft. But before they could get close, the craft turned blue and emitted a horrifying, deafening roar. The teens covered their ears and ran home as fast as their little legs could carry them. Kit, are you done at this point? I feel like I'm done. What, if you're one of the little boys? If I'm one of these little boys, this thing obviously doesn't want to be messed with. It's flashing you.
Starting point is 00:09:09 It's screeching in your eyes and ears. At what point do you, is it not worth it? I agree. I mean, I think, you know, I did as well. The little boy equivalent of Nuke it is go get your big brother to beat it up. Right. With a baseball bat. Yeah. This is terrifying.
Starting point is 00:09:26 Yeah, it's pretty insane. Like, it obviously doesn't want to be f***ed with. And you're f***ing with it pretty hard. Eventually you're going to wake it up and it's probably going to disintegrate one of the children. Yeah, I mean, Michio got lucky the first couple of times. I mean, he should have counted his blessings the first time that it didn't just vaporize him yeah i'd like to think maybe they'll they'll keep pushing it a little bit too far so you know they'll come back and they'll throw some stones
Starting point is 00:09:54 at it and it'll be like please stop humans i am only here to observe please refrain from touching me like pinning it to the ground poking it it in all the little holes. And it's like, Please stop. They'll drive us. Disintegrate. Disintegrate, children. Get the f*** off of me. Just snaps.
Starting point is 00:10:12 It just grows arms and starts punching them. All right, f*** it. I ignored my friends when they said this was a shithole planet. Destroying Earth in 5, 4... Oh, we're sorry. We're sorry. Sumimasen.
Starting point is 00:10:26 Oh, you're sorry. We're sorry. Sumimasen. Oh, you speak Japanese. It's pretty brave for them to approach this thing a second time. And they're not done yet either. While the kids were a little shaken up, they weren't going to let this thing get away. It had reappeared once. Maybe it would turn up again. It did. September 4th, the tiny UFO reappeared, once again flying low over the rice
Starting point is 00:10:48 fields. The kids tried approaching the craft, but again, it blasted them with a light to scare them away. At this point, the kids realized this thing would be impossible to catch. If they wanted evidence to show the world, they were going to have to get it some other way. So two days later, when the craft returned, the boys had a camera in hand ready to capture the evidence they needed. Love this. This is how paranormal investigators are born. Oh, yeah. We're all we all start off like wandering through rice paddies looking for the unknown.
Starting point is 00:11:21 That sacred, sacred new type of rice. When little do we know something even crazier lurking around the corner and we have to capture it using physical evidence i got a lot of respect for these kids as well for having the intuition to bring a camera the amount of adults that we have come across in paranormal cases where it's never even a thought for them to bring a camera photo or video to capture any evidence for some reason they just think their word is as good as gold right they're like well the last time i saw bigfoot i was 12 beers deep so i'm gonna get 12 beers deep again and hope he shows up like no go back to where you found him with a camera crew. This is one of those times that kids just know better than us.
Starting point is 00:12:06 Sometimes it's right. Sometimes they do. So the boys slowly crept up on the tiny UFO as it was resting on the ground. And before it knew that they were there, they managed to snap a picture. The moment the camera went off, the craft began spinning around and slowly started to lift off into the air. Quickly, Michio! Take another picture before it gets away! When they snapped another picture, the floating hat emitted a brief, bright flash before falling to the ground, motionless. Wow. One of the boys, Hiroshi Mori, bravely stepped forward and picked up the object.
Starting point is 00:12:45 A moment that was captured in this photograph. Yo! Check this out. Let's go. So what year was this again? 1972. Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay. That would make sense because this photo looks like it was taken on a Game Boy.
Starting point is 00:13:03 Right. Oh, yeah. It's pretty, it's, the resolution isn't great. There's about 16 pixels, all of them black and white. No, it's a good photo though. We are definitely in a rice paddy or something. This is one of the young boys and he is indeed holding something.
Starting point is 00:13:23 You know, something's there. what do you want us to say you know yeah it's it's exactly what it is yeah it does look like a very small hat uh silver in size uh or silver in color and small small in shape and stature this thing could definitely go by easily unnoticed so uh for spotting it the one thing that I like about it, I mean, there are some better pictures as well of the craft, which you're going to see, but it doesn't really look like anything that I've seen before. No, this is a totally novel shape for this part of my life. As he held it, Hiroshi could feel the internal mechanisms whirring.
Starting point is 00:14:01 Not wanting it to get away, he wrapped it in a blanket and shoved it in his backpack where they decided to take it home for closer inspection. I think that's a pretty ballsy move. I agree. You gotta be pretty sure that thing's not gonna start up when it's in the backpack or else you're going to the moon.
Starting point is 00:14:21 He's just he walks in the door Mom, I'm home! They're like, oh, how was your day? He's just he walks in the door mom i'm home and like oh how was your day he just smashes up through the roof as if he's been yanked uh with a bungee cord take a picture take a picture he escapes into the clouds uh yeah you're you're wearing a jet pack at that point not to mention what if this thing is like radioactive what if it what if his jet engines power on and it roasts your ass with a thousand degree centigrade uh beam what if your mom goes to check if you brought your homework back and this thing flash bangs her eyes as soon as it's opened it's like i wonder if hiroshi brought
Starting point is 00:15:06 his pack lunch back from oh you leave it alone for two seconds in the kitchen with your mom and dad you come back and they're just like thanos snap style just disintegrating i don't feel so good hiroshi no it's uh it's pretty brave to to think you can control this thing in any way this is like um the uh the tv show about uh chernobyl when people are just picking up rocks to try and move them from a to b that's not a rock that's a piece of radioactive core and now you have not long left to live it could be the the same with this. You don't know its genetic makeup and the planet that it's from. This is like... It could be from planet Zargon, where dirt is fire and air is knives.
Starting point is 00:15:55 So you maybe don't want to touch it too softly. This is like 10-year-old Ash Ketchum capturing a legendary god pokemon with a pokeball right and then just sticking in his pocket and thinking he can go on with the rest of his life with a god pokemon uh on his person he's opened a can of worms he's opened the pandora's box and life will never be the same again it's dangerous are we gonna say that these kids have now entered some sort of paranormal realm where they could die at any second?
Starting point is 00:16:28 There's only one way to find out. To continue the story. Now this is why this case is amazing. Because they actually managed to capture the craft, there is so much information
Starting point is 00:16:39 about it that they took down. These kids are pros. As I said, they're better than some adults. Wow. Hell, they're better than us. They weighed and measured the craft. It was about 1 kg, Wow. circles and the middle part had 31 neatly arranged holes surrounded by engravings that looked like they'd been done by hand or alien claw now i could go on to describe what this
Starting point is 00:17:15 disc looked like or i could just show it to you that's right after capturing the disc the boys took close-up photographs and you were complaining about the resolution before? Have a little peep at that, my friend. Wow, this is a lot more details. This is really fantastic stuff. So, yeah, the underside of this thing is very fascinating looking. I mean, if I had to describe it broadly, you know, the outside of this circular shape looks a little bit like
Starting point is 00:17:45 um a cross-section of a tree with all the rings right right um but the inner portion is yes these interesting circular shapes looks a little bit like a shower head but then with clear designs as well some kind of clearly there's kind of a functional design here but there's also some kind of artistic one they've got kind of little drawings on there yeah it's kind of a functional design here but there's also some kind of artistic one they've got kind of little drawings on there yeah it's kind of like i guess putting uh you know how we put like vinyls on our cars like stickers and stuff it looks like we want our ufo to go faster so here's a picture of a bird on it or a cloud here's an rip paul walker carving and then this one just says ass gas or. No one rides for free.
Starting point is 00:18:27 There's a, yeah, honk if you're horny on the side there. Did I mention it was honking pretty hard when the kids found it? It actually wouldn't shut up. That is pretty horny. Yeah, it's kind of hard to make out what those sketchings are from this this picture but uh from the boys description they said it was uh pictures of a bird clouds and some sort of flying object
Starting point is 00:18:52 bird claws and interesting yeah that is pretty fascinating though because doesn't that infer that this thing potentially comes from somewhere with those things. That's a really good point. Or is it, are those, you know, signifiers or symbolic of Earth? Yeah. So they're like, oh, where's this little Frisbee going again? It's like, well, check the base, you idiot Craig. Clouds, bird, it's going to the cloud bird planet. Earth, obviously.
Starting point is 00:19:23 And then they just, like a Frisbee golfing frat boy, just chuck it down where it starts doing its reconnaissance. That's a really interesting concept. I guess it's a little bit like, I don't know, back in the day, they might've called boats something to do with where that boat came to and from what its journey was, whether it was like, you know, the West Indies, you know, HMS West Indies or something. This is basically like a postal address. Right.
Starting point is 00:19:48 You know, that's instead of just saying, giving the coordinates for Earth, they're like, hey, it's the cloud bird place. It's really f***ed though that this happens quite often in paranormal UFO stories that these seemingly alien civilizations have control over incredible technology to fly between galaxies. They also don't use words. They just draw pictures still. And might I say, I think Earth got off quite lightly by being referred to as the cloud bird place. If you're some kind of flying civilization, and maybe you get around everywhere by flying in a craft and maybe you even come from somewhere like Venus, you know, they've hypothesized maybe there's aliens there that just live in a cloud city. Wow. Lando Calrissian. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:35 Maybe they just came to Earth and never looked below the clouds. Yeah. This is just clouds and birds for millions of miles. You'd be pissed off if you went to an alien ship and found all these disks. And we were like, yeah, so that disk, as you can see, the base plate is made of solid gold. So it's going to the Afcon galaxy where, you know, people live in a perfect utopia. This one's going to my father. And as you can see, it's just a happy face because people have perfectly mastered the balance of emotions.
Starting point is 00:21:09 This one's Earth. As you can see, it's the poop emoji shitting on a smaller poop emoji that we actually just use for a bunch of recycled parts. If that one doesn't get back to us, we don't actually we don't actually care too much. The last one we sent down there, the humans tried to eat it and it. Now these were sensible young men. They decided to take their discovery to the highest authority they knew, one of their dads. Luckily, it just so happened that he was also the director of the Kochi Center of Scientific Education. Interesting. This could also explain these boys bent towards the scientific and their curious little minds. Yeah. They've been raised the right way to question and be curious about the outside world.
Starting point is 00:22:05 If anyone could tell them what this thing was, it was probably him. But Mr. Mutsuo was a busy man. He gave it a quick glance, but ultimately didn't take the boy's story very seriously. If we've learned anything from over 200 paranormal investigations, it's that if you're a child, you best hope you don't have a paranormal experience because no one's gonna believe you if you're 17 years old and on the eve of your 18th birthday bigfoot crashes your house party you're gonna be like dude can you please just come back in one day while i'll be a grown man legally and people will will take this seriously. Yeah. A 17 year old boy saying he saw a Bigfoot. Nobody gives a shit.
Starting point is 00:22:49 You have to be an adult to have a paranormal experience. It's so true. You know, if you're a child and you've seen something paranormal, sad to say, but you might as well go back to playing your Nintendos because no one's going to listen to you. They're going to think it happened in the Nintendo game. Yeah. Maybe keep your mouth shut and then retell it. And hopefully it'll still make sense in the context of being a man.
Starting point is 00:23:08 Yeah. It'll be like the Parasite movie at the end. It's like, you need to now go on like a eight year change of lifestyle where you try and become a successful businessman. And then in the middle of a board meeting someday, be like, Hey, I actually saw something weird. man and then in the middle of a board meeting someday be like hey i actually saw something weird now that you all respect me i need to really bring this up i don't know why we're a business because earth money means nothing to me for what i saw was pretty up they're like if you had told us this we wouldn't have made you ceo of the company because i feel like you don't have profits at the heart of your priorities. You're goddamn right, Michael. Because I think you're one of them.
Starting point is 00:23:48 Because I've been taking those profits and I've been throwing them in this portal to another galaxy. That's a toilet. You idiot. Well, it's like I've told the story about how we went to primary school with a kid who insisted that he was a beetleborg. Right, right, right, right. he might have been for all i know this is it this is the thing no one will ever believe him because he was a child at the time because we also you know the the big uh the closest we ever got to gang wars in northern ireland was um the beetleborgs versus the power rangers kids sure at school and i think i've maybe said it on this
Starting point is 00:24:25 podcast before but uh i was the red ranger at school i was the leader of the power ranger kids which is really humble of you by the way to to give yourself that title well i earned it through the blood of many children it's like the podcast you had to kill the other red ranger i actually beat the shit out of that beetleborg nerd and it was tough because he actually was a beetleborg he had a lot of power a lot of moves he had a lot of cool moves what the f**k were the beetle boys weren't they just like bootleg power rangers yeah i think did they turn into like giant beetle shaped robots or something yeah very similar or they had a car that was also a beetle and they like came out of the beetle's ass i don't know why they were so tied to the beetle concept i mean
Starting point is 00:25:09 power rangers they turned into many different things if anything the beetle part was really handcuffing them uh to a premise that they shouldn't have been involved in and they're not a very cool or dangerous animal what board meeting were these old white men just like all right you know what kids love power rangers and beetles so let's give them both kids are always eating bugs let's give them bugs that's what they want uh yeah i think it's it's um it was part of that generation of children's entertainment when they were just combining things together so you know it would be like biker mice from mars it was always something and something else like mashed together the kind of cards against humanity style pitch concept you just put random ideas together me and my wife
Starting point is 00:25:58 actually saw her niece recently and uh who's about three or so or four three i think sorry just before you go on is she a beetle bug or a power ranger i just need to i just need to understand i don't think either of those shows are very relevant anymore so i don't think she would it's important to be part of either faction okay do you think though if she had to choose do you think she's more part of the beetle alliance i mean she's one of the good guys let's word it like that i mean what is this gonna affect your opinion of this child it's gonna anyway it's gonna affect a lot of things going forward gonna depend on whether my fist affects her face okay well that's a three year old you're talking about so that's quite enough yeah the next time we're back in northern
Starting point is 00:26:39 ireland i see her by the house i just sneak sneak up behind her. It's morphin' time! Swing and miss. She absolutely takes me out. Oh, you beetle bastard! I don't know what that is. It's morphin' time! So high-pitched. Why do a sneak attack and then yell, it's morphin' time before you do it?
Starting point is 00:27:02 At the nursery school, it's just like a you do it it's the at the nursery school is just like a wanted poster of rory in a children's red fire ranger outfit belly hanging out but not let this man near the school i'm surprised to see that these kids were watching the show uh on netflix called dinosaur king um wow which i don't know if it's new but it was basically digimon what really i mean here's the netflix little preview whoa i've never even heard of this it's like a it's like an anime and everything yeah it's like a digimon it's just digimon but like you know these kids in 2021 with all every all the new stuff in the world they still
Starting point is 00:27:46 want to see anime boys and girls running around capturing monsters and fighting each other it's timeless it really is it really is a good idea is a good idea forever where the heck am i they showed it to their dad the scientist who was a busy man took a quick glance didn't give a shit sure the gang left with a little spaceship tucked back into the rucksack disappointed that they The scientist, who was a busy man, took a quick glance, didn't give a shit. The gang left with the little spaceship tucked back into the rucksack, disappointed that they hadn't got the answers they were looking for. But they weren't giving up. Maybe tomorrow they could find their answers.
Starting point is 00:28:20 The next day, when the kids opened up the backpack to re-examine the craft, it was gone. It had somehow escaped from the bag and was nowhere to be seen. Over the next few weeks, they scoured the skies above the rice fields, but saw nothing but rain clouds. I mean, I don't know why they thought a zip on a bag could keep this thing hostage. I guess it doesn't have any, like, hands or anything, so if it can just kind of fly and bounce about, maybe... Maybe? This is the best
Starting point is 00:28:46 case scenario they're very lucky this thing didn't burn down the house this is the weirdest thing that could have happened because one thing it could have just taken off inside of the bag and your bag is your bag is gone now true uh but for it to have escaped the bag unzipped it somehow and disappeared without a trace i'm sorry i think mr. Mitsuo opened the bag and took the thing out because he actually was pretty interested. I don't know. Seems like he's pretty dismissive right off the bat. All right.
Starting point is 00:29:13 I think in interviews, he's even gone on to say he regrets not giving this a second thought. Sure. You know, that's the cliche, isn't it? You grow up and you're the businessman. You don't have time for your son's little games your son's little games are actually extraterrestrial life your son's little game is a bigger deal in your entire scientific career how about that isn't that so poetic you know he's working in the lab with a coat on examining the stars i don't know what he's doing you know lab
Starting point is 00:29:40 looking at the stars searching inside or outside feeling that cold breeze of the laboratory the dark lab you know he's looking for the answers and he had them handed to him by a child and he said get that scrap metal out of my sight you little bastard things glowing wow i know the secrets to eternity get that microwave out of my face the thing was gone they couldn't find it but finally two weeks later the bad weather had passed and the boys went out to hunt the object down once more retracing all the spots they'd seen it in eventually they caught sight of it over the rice fields again. At this point, the kids are a well-oiled machine. They're like a SWAT team.
Starting point is 00:30:32 They capture the ship once again, secure it tightly in the bag, making sure the zipper is done all the way up and around. They walk home, discussing what their next step should be. We should take it apart and see how it works. I think we need to take it back to your dad. He didn't even look at the engravings.
Starting point is 00:30:49 Take it out. Let me see them again. They unzipped the backpack to discover the craft was gone again. F*** off. Holy moly. This thing is hard to pin down. They couldn't believe it.
Starting point is 00:31:03 It had taken them two weeks to find the thing again, and it had just disappeared. Wow. Pretty crazy. It's getting a lot more elusive. It's a good thing there was multiple kids there, because you're turning to Hiroshi, and you're like, did you f***ing...
Starting point is 00:31:17 I'm not going crazy, right? Yeah. And he's like, no, we did get it. We did put it in a bag. Yeah, you'd be starting to freak out a little bit if you're just, you know, just double... You'd be'd be double checking every two minutes to make sure it's still there so this thing can basically teleport that's what it seems like it has a couple more um disappearances coming up but uh that's more or less what it can do instead of giving up they
Starting point is 00:31:40 put their heads together to make a plan to nail this thing once and for all. The boys hunkered down, examining all the evidence that they'd gathered so far. They went over the times and dates of each sighting, looking for a pattern or a connection of some kind. That's when they realized the only reason the craft had disappeared for two weeks was because of the weather. Huh? They had only seen it on dry days never once when it had been raining these kids are smart this is great isn't it it's fun to have a ufo uh case where it's not like a flash in the pan incident yeah like this is a repeatable which is i think that's a word scientists use repeatable
Starting point is 00:32:25 thing it's it's great to have all of this evidence all of this testimony and uh i really appreciate the work that they put in even when their parents were so dismissive so on the next sunny day the boys made their way out to the field carrying buckets of water once again they spotted the little craft and this time one of the boys managed to leap on it with a blanket pinning it to the ground once the craft was down the boys began dumping their water buckets over the lump of the blanket oh my god they're so pissed they're basically waterboarding a little ufo then they peeled the cloth back and flipped over the silver craft onto its back, where they poured water directly into the little holes. Okay, what did it do to deserve this?
Starting point is 00:33:08 This is kind of f***ed, isn't it? I don't know if there's ever been a case we've examined where I've been on the side of the UFO. Yeah, I'm a spaceship. Why should we care? I know. Tell us your secrets or die, mother f***er. Or we'll drown you. You don't like water, do you? Have some of this.
Starting point is 00:33:29 The craft began to light up and buzz as if it was short-circuiting. I'm sure it was. Quickly, let's get it home and take it apart before it escapes again. We were joking about this earlier, but how fitting is this that, as we said, you know, if these discs were sent to a bunch of planets it's a shame that the one that ended up on earth no one gave a f**k about until kids had to pin it down and drown it and then smash it with a hammer if that thing is transmitting a signal back up to uh extraterrestrials it's gonna say there is no intelligent life here yeah they're still in monkey face they're
Starting point is 00:34:07 three foot tall beasts of man they took me briefly to a big human uh who didn't give a shit yeah they took me to their overlord even after i disappeared from the backpack four times they put me back in the backpack once they were were home, the boys gathered all the tools that they could carry and started to try and dismantle the UFO. None of the screwdrivers, pliers, or wrenches could open it up a millimeter. This thing was airtight. This is so rude of Hiroshi's dad at this point. I mean, I get it. If they turn up with a piece of scrap metal, you might be like i'm busy but the second that they say hey this thing keeps appearing in the same spot hovering in a rice
Starting point is 00:34:49 field for weeks right he should be like all right i am pretty busy but actually i'll pause my 1 p.m meeting because that actually sounds kind of weird uh yeah it's hard to say how much they continue to try and get their parents involved or if maybe after the first bit they were like, you know what guys, f*** it. The adults aren't going to listen to us. This is it. It's boy time. And then they just, you know,
Starting point is 00:35:11 did everything by themselves from that point onward. We've talked many times about the dad squad that have been so helpful in various investigations around the world, but never about a child squad.
Starting point is 00:35:21 Yeah, a boy squad. Boy squad of young investigators. Not to be confused with boy scouts no no those little shits don't know anything about the paranormal i've tried for years to lobby the boy scouts of america to uh create a tracking bigfoot badge and they refuse yeah they were like we want to teach him how to tie a knot. Sure. And I said, I do not give a shit if they know how to tie or not. I need them to be able to secure Bigfoot with ropes to the front of my car. That's what I need. So they do need to be able to tie a knot.
Starting point is 00:35:57 Well, sure. One or two would help. One or two just to make sure he's on there. What age are you? There's no way you were young enough to be a boy, Scott. Where did you get this uniform? I don't need them to know how to make a campfire, all right? I need them to know how to survive in the wilderness on a cold, ice cold, frosty night. The only way to survive in the wilderness on a frosty night is with a campfire. Or a big jacket held together
Starting point is 00:36:19 with knots. That's right. You can use your shoelace, actually, to tie a jacket closed if the zipper breaks. We've tried teaching you that everything you want to accomplish can be accomplished through the current Boy Scouts program. You can learn all the skills necessary to track Bigfoot. I don't need them to know how to pitch a tent. I need them to know how to make shelter anywhere from anything. Cloth! Pegs!
Starting point is 00:36:42 You need to leave the Boy Scouts. Inflatable tents. When they're alone in the wilderness face to face with a grizzly bear, do you think their grizzly bear handling badge is going to come in handy? No, it's not. Because what you need is pure
Starting point is 00:36:57 animal instincts. You have the least badges of any of the Boy Scouts here. You don't know anything of how the wilderness works. Not so hard, alright? The string you gave me was too thin i couldn't do it you gave a bigger string to trevor and he's got magic little fingers it's not fair honestly like you are the oldest boy scout we have ever seen there is no way you remember morning of their second day their big camp all the boys emerged from their tents rested and ready for an exciting day in their pristine uniforms.
Starting point is 00:37:27 You're f***ing naked, passed out, with icicles dangling from your hair and clothes. Sir, I'm proud to say that I just qualified for my shitting in a bucket badge. That's not a badge. There's a porta potty over there. That bucket was the only clean drinking water we all had oh god so the water wasn't working the tools weren't working they decided to get creative
Starting point is 00:37:53 and looped some wire through the holes at the bottom when they hung it upside down the top and the bottom half seemed to separate just slightly there appeared to be electronic components inside, but they couldn't pull it apart no matter how much force they used. Eventually, they got frustrated and decided to smash it with a hammer. But no matter how hard
Starting point is 00:38:16 they pummeled this object, they didn't leave a single mark. No dents, not even a scratch. Interesting. So this thing is made of aluminium or stainless steel, my friends. They're bashing it with a hammer. And nothing's happening. Nothing's happening.
Starting point is 00:38:31 Come on, guys. It's gonna break eventually. Come on. Sing it with me. Gonna break inside. The alien craft. Gonna break inside. The alien craft.
Starting point is 00:38:41 Gonna break inside. The alien craft. The gang pummeled the little UFO for hours until the sun set and it was time to go home. The alien craft's gonna break inside. The alien craft's gonna break inside. The alien craft's gonna break inside. It's getting late. I should get home. My parents will be worried. Yeah, mine too.
Starting point is 00:39:05 Michio waved his friends goodnight at the door and stumbled back inside, yawning. Maybe tomorrow they would make some progress. But being a tired little sleepy baby-brained boy, he went to sleep, forgetting to secure the little UFO for the night. I guess they thought if you hammered it for four hours, maybe you would have broken its little robot legs. Sure. Or at least its spirit.
Starting point is 00:39:33 Would this thing just look like a drunk driver UFO just like knocking into shit, knocking over glasses? Water is its booze. It can barely run. It can barely see anymore. When he awoke the next morning you guessed it the craft had disappeared again shitting hell at this point the boys were tearing their hair out from frustration they just wanted to know what it was but every encounter only opened up more questions who made made it? What was its purpose?
Starting point is 00:40:06 How did it keep escaping? They resolved to keep on catching it and gleaning whatever information they could. They collected rocks to throw at it to knock it off course. They gathered rope to help restrain it. Anytime it came into view again, they leapt into action. They were experienced spaceship catchers by now. They had it down to a fine art which i love i think this story is so cool and unique absolutely they're like the ghostbusters of this one nemesis and they're pretty bad because i can't bust one ghost the only ghost that's
Starting point is 00:40:40 appeared imagine if the ghostbusters were just like yeah we're having a hard time because he's actually pretty elusive the ghost he can't we keep putting him in our backpack and he just phases out of it you'd say i'm not gonna who you're gonna call not not you anymore it's it's like uh tom and jerry or something it's like they're locked in this infinite never-ending uh battle of cat and mouse yeah in one instance they managed to capture the disc and shoved it into the bag again but this time securing it with tight knots the last step was to tie the entire bag to one of the boy's wrists ensuring it would never be left out of sight as it dangled from his arm he felt a tug and then the bag seemed very light all
Starting point is 00:41:27 of a sudden when they squeezed it the bag was empty how is it doing this all right well you gotta look i don't think the bag's working boys at some point you gotta come up with a different plan i think uh you know you're operating under the assumption you can trap it in a backpack or any type of bag. When I think you need a time prison. Yeah. Or some sort of interdimensional portal to lock it in. Yeah, it's really, it's so hard to picture what the solution is here. picture what the solution is here i mean it almost seems like it's a kind of schrodinger's cat situation almost where as soon as it's out of sight it ceases to exist altogether yeah it is
Starting point is 00:42:13 and both isn't in the bag anymore like if they just sat watching it all night in the in the rice field would it just stay there you know what i mean that's a really good point because there's a lot of uh talk about you know them capturing capturing it, waterboarding it, hitting it with hammers. But I'm not sure if they ever just sat and watched it do whatever it was supposed to do. You know, it never they never said it was like scanning trees or collecting soil or doing anything. It just seems to be floating there. Yeah. Up and down, which is strange.
Starting point is 00:42:41 They didn't know it at the time, but that was the last day that the boys would ever see the craft. Had enough of their shit? But that wasn't the last time anyone would see it. Whoa. Four years later, on the 6th of June, 1976, a nine-year-old girl called Shachiko Oyama was wandering the fields looking for her family cat when all of a sudden,
Starting point is 00:43:06 she spotted something in the sky. A shiny yellow flash caught her attention. She followed the strange object to the edge of the forest where it quickly zoomed down towards the earth. It bounced off the tree and landed at her feet without making a sound. She bent down to touch the little silver hat. it was solid but covered with slime confused and scared the girl ran home but as she did she says she saw the little silver craft light up spin around and shoot back upwards into the sky whoa even with this second sighting the case was pretty much all forgotten about until 2004 when the story appeared in a Japanese manga. Really?
Starting point is 00:43:48 Yeah, check this out. I thought this was awesome. I had to get a little kind of screenshot from the manga. This is really cool. So this manga is a, yeah, just kind of what you'd imagine standard manga format but it seems to be detailing exactly what we've talked about including um the school boys and trying to show it to adults um and they've done a pretty good job at recreating exactly what it looked like in the photos uh down to the carvings down to the initial image of it looking like a hat it looks great it's pretty cool isn't
Starting point is 00:44:22 it to say that they've gone into so much detail. They didn't just, you know, create a story loosely based on this. They tried to recreate it beat for beat. Which I actually think is, I mean, what an honor. I mean, it's my dream pretty much for someone to get in contact with me and basically say, hey, we've heard about your interaction with the dublin gorilla man from your childhood we would love to make that into an anime or a manga and adapt it um to really tell your story and get it out there because you know ever since this happened i feel like i haven't been vocal about it my experience with the creature and well you've tried but it's just it's just so sorry you know
Starting point is 00:45:03 you finished the thought well i kind of i'd kind of finished it it's just so sorry. You finished the thought? Well, I'd kind of finished it. It would be an honor to have someone take interest in that case and develop it possibly into like a Netflix series or something like that where I could. It would be an honor. It would be an honor if someone could just wipe my ass for me instead of me having to do it. It would be an honor.
Starting point is 00:45:23 I don't understand sure i mean everyone would love you know just like a a dumb little idea right well it's just to be turned into a netflix movie i don't see how you connect those two i think just because it was something quite traumatic in my life growing up so to to just be given the time and well it's traumatic to realize you're a liar well i think maybe if you would read the manga you would understand that uh you know there was actually a lot that went into it you made the manga well yeah i drew i drew some illustrations and i just think that it could be a launching point for someone to make a full series about it here if i just hand you the the comic because i've done oh yeah let me just take a little no Come on. And that's what we do with liars and bullshit on this show.
Starting point is 00:46:09 That took me weeks to get that done. Yeah, I can see that. I actually I hired an animator on from Twitter to actually work on a lot of that. So that's actually. It's a pity that the pencil work and the coloring was so expert on such a nonsense fairy tale. I think we've said quite enough and I think we should move on. Fine, fine.
Starting point is 00:46:29 Just, you know, if you do work at Netflix and you want to get in touch about possibly turning my story into an anime. Yeah, if anyone on Netflix just wants to throw their career away and just make something, make a show out of absolutely nothing. It's rude.
Starting point is 00:46:43 It's rude to say that anyone would want to do that. Get in touch with Rory. Yeah, talk to Rory if you want to just f***ing ruin your life. Well, after their manga, which was a little more successful than mine, suddenly there was enough interest in the case to reopen it. This time, finally, with some adults involved. In charge of the inquiry was Kazuo Hayashi, the head of the Japan space
Starting point is 00:47:06 phenomena society ooh so they didn't just get an adult involved they got the adult involved the head honcho that's perfect actually yeah Kazuo studied the original witness accounts before he went to re-interview all the boys each of them recounted the story exactly right, confirming the original details without wavering one bit. He was impressed with their consistency and all of the data and photographs that they had taken at the time. Ultimately, he was convinced that something had happened, but he had to keep digging to find out what. By the end of his investigation he reached what he thought to be the only logical explanation that the object had somehow slipped into our world from another dimension wow that's the only possibility yeah i don't know if that's the only possibility
Starting point is 00:47:59 i like uh that you know the kids tried for so long to get an adult involved. Then even the kids were like, all right, cool it. Like he didn't even say weather balloon. Usually that's one of them. He's starting to actually think that we're aliens visiting him to teach him about the f***ing disc. Look, we've talked enough about the craft. It's time for us to go over some of the possible theories to see if we can get to the bottom of it.
Starting point is 00:48:23 Maybe make our own minds up. That'd be great. All right. First off on the list of what this thing could possibly be or the reasoning behind it we have of course aliens this is a disc related to aliens sent down by aliens controlled by aliens as we know it this thing doesn't obey the laws of physics. Apparently not. Not gravity or existing. It just kind of dips in. And I guess maybe that's where the parallel dimension thing comes in. Yeah. This thing is just disappearing from backpacks.
Starting point is 00:48:55 And the technology does appear to be sufficiently advanced that, I mean, this metal, they couldn't even dent it, damage it in any way. Yeah. So it's really doesn't seem like it's something from another planet. Another possible option is spy technology. You know, the events of this story did happen during the Cold War where when tensions were pretty high, could it have been an early Soviet spy drone or possibly some Japanese technology they were working on that is top secret it's certainly possible um i mean were the technologies that advanced at that time i mean they're not now the whole thing sounds suspiciously like a drone today sure but yeah i don't know if you've seen videos of drones online they're very easy to damage yeah uh i've seen drones hit like spider's webs and they crash into a million pieces um i don't think if
Starting point is 00:49:53 you smashed it for an hours and hours with a hammer that it would ever fly again yeah there's something something quite uh sad about having this piece of equipment worth 100,000 pounds. Yeah. But if so much as a bumblebee flies into the rotary blades, it will explode. It will barrel towards the earth at 100 miles per hour. It's done. Which is something kind of beautiful about that, about Mother Nature beating the machines. It's kind of like War of the Worlds, you know?
Starting point is 00:50:29 It is actually pretty beautiful. Just, just you know something to think about you know you can uh you could build all the machines you want in this world you know you could build a 20-foot robot man but at the end of the day he who controls the bees controls the world okay i don't think the moral of the story is that bees can destroy the machines. I really think people underestimate bees. Okay, well, that seems like a different point. What was your moral? You said a minute ago that the point was that nature can destroy the machine world. Yeah. And then you seem to get sidetracked with bees are all powerful or something.
Starting point is 00:51:01 I'm sorry, I think you're getting confused here. The bees kill the machine. How is that not beautiful? I that something so sweet if they hit it we don't have to get bogged down with the bees what if they hit a bird or uh a tree i hadn't thought about that so you're saying you know you could build these machines sorry let me start over again let's get some nice music and things going here because this is like these are important quotes sound bites to take away from this podcast. Sure, yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:26 You can build your machines. You can build a 20-foot, 30-foot metal man made of fiberglass and all the little electricity. Hold on, sorry. Fiberglass isn't metal. Will you shut the f*** up for a second? You're ruining the sound bite. This has to be a clean thing. This is the shit people are going to remember when i
Starting point is 00:51:45 die they're going to remember these quotes so i don't know if they will it's very debatable roll the music again please no interruptions it's beautiful to think you can build these machines these 20 foot 30 foot metal men made of fiberglass and all the electricity that Father Tesla can muster. And in that twisted world of wires and fires, that truly he who controls the seagulls and the bees controls the world. And I might just be one man standing alone in an army of metal madness. But in this twisted cloudy fog, I see the light. I see the hive.
Starting point is 00:52:32 Oh, honey. It's the queen. Mother Nature. You selling Honey Nut Cheerios in a hat? Oh, honey, they a hat. I know honey they taste good. I'm dressed as the f***ing sugar puff man. He who
Starting point is 00:52:52 controls the bees tastes great. Like you can't say that. That's Tony the Tiger's copyright. Oh s***. I think I should have written something for the day. So that was just you know i don't know that was just whatever so i'm off the top of my head i guess it's just poetic and interesting
Starting point is 00:53:12 just an interesting i mean we'll cut it for sure but it was fun well it's my episode and i'll decide what gets cut i don't know why you're so hung up on it like what did you say a 20 to 30 foot man made of metal and fiberglass yeah Yeah. I'm just saying, you know, like the future soldiers of the world have nothing against the current soldiers. Of the hive. Of the hive. Exactly right. You're right.
Starting point is 00:53:32 It's always been about the bees. Because you said some shit earlier about birds. Okay. What happens if a bee flies in a bird's beak? It dies. Really? They eat it? I'm pretty sure some birds probably even eat bees really is that true probably i gotta make a
Starting point is 00:53:49 call christopher cancel the bees yeah i just found out some really damning cancel the bees shouldn't be in your vocabulary as a phrase cancel the bees christopher here's something that just uh was revealed to me you lied you lied to me christopher you told me the bees were Cancel the bees. Christopher, here's something that just was revealed to me. You lied. You lied to me, Christopher. You told me that bees were the apex predator of the world. Who is Christopher? He's my bee guy.
Starting point is 00:54:12 All right? And he actually promised me. You shouldn't have a bee guy. He promised me. Do you keep bees? Do you make honey? No, I don't keep honey. Why do you have a bee guy then?
Starting point is 00:54:20 Because when the 20 foot, nay, 30 foot metal machine machine metal men of the world start knocking on your door telling you to obey or die what are you going to do when you're you're 30 foot is so high knocking on your door you think there's who are they are they robots they're every they're robots and they're men they're robots and they're men do you understand and just don't come crying to me don't come knocking on my hive when when it's the end of the world and you're empty handed and empty handed and you need some help because me and christopher are going to be just fine christopher though do cancel the b order do cancel the b you've actually changed my mind if i could get christopher's number because i feel like i could do with some bees but what about you said birds eat bees you said that birds eat bees right is that true
Starting point is 00:55:08 it's absolutely not hold on give me a second hey siri do birds eat bees no sir hey siri hey siri she won't listen to me she's one of them my god siri is a 20 foot nay 30 foot metal woman a booming voice comes from the phone christopher released them christopher releases a single bee that stings you in the ass the other the other possible explanations were uh this is a dumb one a driving range was set up nearby and apparently the lights that illuminate it sometimes made birds look like ufos off yeah i hate when people come out with explanations like this as if that's like the biggest checkmate i know it's like did you not hear the story that they abducted this thing and like did experiments on it photographed it there's a picture of one of the children
Starting point is 00:56:03 holding it there's pictures of it it's not a bird we go back and look it's a seagull actually it's actually a seagull eating a bee and it died because it couldn't digest the bee michio is a 20 nay 30 foot man uh the last theory is of course that the whole thing could have been an elaborate hoax one of the kids could have found this weird looking hat thing and just made the whole thing up. That would explain why there are so many photos of it. But I don't know. I mean, we've seen photos of it. I think a kid would have a pretty hard time replicating that. Yeah. I mean, it's not, as we said, it really doesn't look like anything that would be like a part of something else. You know, it's not a scrap from a car. It's really weird and unique. And I mean,
Starting point is 00:56:46 the carvings alone, how are you getting those carvings onto metal? How's a kid doing that? That's very interesting. To be honest, I hadn't even dwelled too long on the idea that this could be a hoax when indeed it could. And that would explain why the kid's dad didn't give a shit. Because that's a neat little explanation for why they didn't get any adults involved. The only counter to that is, of course, this UFO fanatic who decided that it was a UFO. Yeah, all those years later. So it also comes down to, I guess he's the only outside witness. Do we trust him?
Starting point is 00:57:24 So a good point. Do we we trust him do we trust those kids do we trust the evidence that we can see with our own two eyes for people who pretty much live and breathe the phrase trust no one this is a difficult conclusion to swallow it really is um and yet we were here at that conclusion um it's time to decide kit this case today what are we calling it the kara ufo case in japan what are your thoughts shit rory this is a case of a lifetime um this is absolutely massive and thank you and well done and congratulations for uh thank you for for uh ripping this one a new a-hole and thanks of course to amy chrisdale for researching it as well there's a lot to unpick it's a really fascinating play-by-play because it's so different to many of the other investigations
Starting point is 00:58:09 we do which are maybe crazy flash in the pans like you say this is so methodical we have this elaborate history of investigation by these boys but we're still left at the end with a giant question mark, which is just, do we trust them? Yeah. Ultimately that's kind of what it comes down to. Because there's no other explanation for the thing itself. I don't think personally that it's possible that this is some kind of military technology, some kind of weather balloon, some kind of bird. No, this is either paranormal or it, none of it happened. Yeah. I think that's a, that's a safe, uh, a safe assumption to make. And, you know, we do, we, we, we, we do say, you know, again and again on this podcast, do we trust children? But, uh, something to bear in mind now is that these children are men now, men older than us. It's
Starting point is 00:59:00 true. And they, to this day, stick by their story word for word um so that's something to think about that's definitely something to think about you know as a group of people who from what i can tell have nothing to gain from sticking to that story you know they haven't made tv shows they weren't responsible for that manga that was just someone else with an interest it's interesting to hear that even today they're like yeah of course it's all real you've seen the pictures it exists and that's why i'm going yes this week that's right this case is a yes if we don't say yes on a paranormal case where they capture a ufo and photograph it then what are we gonna say yes to that's a call to arms if ever i've heard one brother and i'm gonna respond with an emphatic yes we finally did it folks after the no drought we come in with the double yes wow well done well
Starting point is 01:00:01 done thank you so much everyone for listening to this week's episode of This Paranormal Life. What a joy to get a yes. I didn't know going into that one which way I was going to tip, but I think there is just too much here. There's too much going on that even if we can't decide what happened, we can decide that it was definitely not normal. And I think that's safe. We've got to get the message out there and hopefully dig up more dirt in this one. We'd love to hear more. So thank you so much for listening to this week's episode of This Paranormal Life. And thank you to Pia Helen for sending that one in. That was an email submission sent into thisparanormallifepodcast at There was also a submission sent into the, this paranormal life, Facebook page,
Starting point is 01:00:47 the secret society, lots of fun ways to get involved and, uh, become part of a, uh, a really interesting group of people. And then after the fact, a shout out to, um,
Starting point is 01:00:58 Raina and Shabazz, who both send in some great information about gin in, um, a recent episode. This is great because it, you know, it means that we're learning new things. We're finding new cases, but also we know that we're covering cases that you guys want us to talk about. It's a dream. It's a win-win. If you enjoyed today's episode and you just can't get enough of that paranormal goo, you're going to want to head on over to this paranormal life patreon
Starting point is 01:01:27 that was weird you were in the middle of shouting out about patreon and you fell asleep no i was really yeah you went i think to quote you went patreon and then you started snoring i don't know i don't know if it was a bit but that was just a big episode actually it was late late night late late night last night i think i need to end the show i i think so my brain is is going a little late doing uh irrelevant um from as little as five pounds as little as five pounds a month it's the bees have been keeping me up late at night by the way it's also not five pounds by the way as little as five bucks it's something like that five dollars all right it's the it's the buzzing
Starting point is 01:02:25 the constant buzzing the whole house is basically vibrating 24 7 for as little as five bucks a month you can get access to a whole bunch so you already have that many bees and you already have you were then talking to chris about cancel the bees you were gonna get more bees i was gonna get a couple more bees you know what they say it's like that old saying you can never have too many bees no one's ever said that just get the patreon for as low as five bucks a month you can get access to a whole hive of sweet delicious honey uh if you have bonus episodes where kit and i are buzzing in your ears telling you all these fantastic paranormal stories um and uh there's also more goodies as well you can get merchandise from the show this paranormal life t-shirts if you want to promote the commune promote the show in style
Starting point is 01:03:13 uh and also have a uniform that uh complies with the very strict dress codes of the paranormal commune uh you're going to want to get some this paranormal life merchandise um fit for fit for a queen you could say the dress code is a nudist colony right there's no clothes it's the shirt only no pants no shoes no socks um yeah check it out it's the the best way to get even more for the show and also support us directly so we can do even more things. Like even right now, we have our new video set up with the cameras, all of which has been provided by our community. So it really makes a difference
Starting point is 01:03:55 and we massively appreciate it. So thank you. So you got your double yes, finally. As always, we will be back next week with a brand new paranormal tale. And until then, folks, remember to live fast,
Starting point is 01:04:09 investigate, and die. Bye. Baby.

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