This Paranormal Life - #382 The Satanic Panic - Do Satanists Run the World?

Episode Date: September 3, 2024

It started with The Exorcist and it ended with Pikachu - The Satanic Panic is a strange period of history that began in the 1970s off the back of McCarthyism and the Cold War and in many ways continue...s to this day. A time when people all over North America in particular became worried the USA, and maybe the world, was being overrun by satanists. They worried frantically that satanists were using media like music, movies, and even boardgames to control the minds of the population. Time for Kit and Rory to figure out whether there is any paranormal truth in the claims that the American people were the target of witchcraft and satanic rituals!Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTubeJoin our Secret Society Facebook CommunitySupport us on to get access to weekly bonus episodes!Buy Official TPL Merch! - music by www.purple-planet.comResearch by Ewen FriersEdited by Philip Shacklady Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Reading tea leaves can predict the future. Does reading coffee predict the past? Is Pikachu a demon? Answers to these questions and more on this episode of This Paranormal Life! Welcome back to This Paranormal Life. This is the weekly comedy podcast where every Tuesday we dive into a different paranormal case deciding by
Starting point is 00:00:25 the end of the episode whether we think it's really paranormal or not. Yeah. As always you're joined by me Kit Grier-Movena and this guy sitting across from me Mr. Rory Magic-Pars. That's right. Can coffee predict the future? Yes, because if I drink enough cups in the morning I know I'm probably gonna shit myself. Alright, that's quite enough. Also, that's TMI. Also, I said specifically, could it predict the past? No. Oh.
Starting point is 00:00:52 I don't think so. Not that I know of. I just, I know it doesn't really make any sense, but it just sounded like a cool sentence in the heat of the moment. Right. I don't need liquids to predict my future. Alright, I don't need it. I just future. All right? I don't need it. I just need them to help me with the now. Okay, well, it sounds like you're leaning on alcohol specifically. No, no, no. I'm not talking about alcohol with drinks.
Starting point is 00:01:11 Deal with the pain. Is that right, Rory? All right, this is an intervention. Can drinks make me forget the past? If they can't change it, can they at least make me forget it? That would be really helpful. But Rory, thank God on every episode of this paranormal life, we come to the table, this literal podcasting table with a proper paranormal investigation on
Starting point is 00:01:30 our hands today is no different. And Rory, today's episode comes courtesy of our listener email. Wow. Long time since we've had a listener submission. Not because we don't get emails, we get tons of email. Just because we don't always pick to do that. Yes. We're not losers. We don't get no mail. We usually just hit respond all and type out f*** off. But sometimes an email will slip through the cracks.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Right. I'll be going to delete my junk folder then, uh oh, there's something half decent in there. What's this? This one. F*** off. Well, we shouldn't be saying f*** off because this comes from a beloved listener. Oh! Casey Carboni. Go f*** yourself, Casey.
Starting point is 00:02:11 No. No, I insist. Casey is a- How'd you get through my firewall? Because we like Casey and we've worked with Casey. Oh, we do actually, yeah. Yes. Casey is a long-time listener of This Paranormal Life
Starting point is 00:02:22 and collaborator in terms of KC has made a lot of amazing animations to do with this paranormal life. You could check out their work on YouTube. Yeah, KC writes, "'Hey y'all, been loving the new episodes. "'I've never sent a suggestion in before, "'but I just saw Late Night with the Devil "'and it brought back all my old memories
Starting point is 00:02:42 "'of the creepy and sometimes hilarious antics of the satanic panic. So I'm suggesting it as an episode. Thank you for writing Casey. Always great to hear from Casey. I thought what a tremendous idea. This is something we've talked, I guess around a lot, but never really, really specifically about on the podcast. Yeah. And Yeah and a reminder you know if you listen to this podcast and you have your own suggestions or paranormal cases go f*** yourself! No. Because we're full! We've been doing this podcast for seven years you don't think we've heard every story. I can see that this email was marked important probably by you. Oh right no I do remember marking this one as important. You marked it important and you
Starting point is 00:03:25 said f*** off. It's so confused, I feel like. No, this is amazing. We love getting listener submissions. It's always great. And I love this topic of conversation. We know a little bit about the Satanic Panic, but we've never covered it on a podcast before. Rory, you probably know kind of a similar level that I did going into researching this a bit more, but the satanic panic is of course an umbrella term for this kind of weird period that started in the late 70s and 80s, where everyone started to panic
Starting point is 00:03:56 that secret satanic organizations were controlling society, as well as torturing, abusing, and ritually sacrificing people. Ooh, okay. Didn't know all of that, actually. We're going to hear all about it and going to see how, in many ways, the Satanic Panic never stopped and has continued to this very day. Right after, a couple of words from today's sponsors and a reminder that every episode of this podcast is available ad free right now on forward slash This Paranormal Life. But Rory, was the world really overrun with toddler eating Satanists? Or was something
Starting point is 00:04:40 else happening? Trying to pin down exactly when the satanic panic began is difficult, but we actually covered a pivotal moment in the satanic panic on this podcast already. Did I black out for a second? Did you say eating babies? We went to an ad break and then we came back and you mentioned eating babies. And I'm worrying I missed something
Starting point is 00:05:02 at the beginning of the podcast. Cause you kind of threw it in like we were halfway through a sentence. Roy, I need you to understand what Satanists do, all right? Because there is going to be a lot of baby eating going on in the next 45 to 50 minutes and I need you to be prepared for it. It is not pretty. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:20 That's good to know. We talked about the film The Exorcist. Do you remember? Yes, we covered it on this podcast before. Something that sparked a lot of fear in parents at the time, let me tell you. Parents and just about everybody. When The Exorcist opened in cinemas in 1973, they might as well have declared a state of emergency.
Starting point is 00:05:38 If you listen to that episode, you'll know that people queued up all around America and Canada on Christmas of 73 to see the exorcist, but many had to be carried out on stretchers and wheelchairs because people were so shaken by what they'd seen. One manager at the Toronto University Theatre Cinema was quoted as saying, we have a plumber practically living here now because so many people were projectile vomiting after seeing the movie that their sinks were constantly blocked. Oh my god. One viewer said after watching the movie, quote, I woke up at 3am for six months straight.
Starting point is 00:06:15 Every night I could see shadow figures in the corner of my eyes. All my senses would hone in on one part of my room. Right. People were shooketh. Yeah. Look, it was a bit of a different time, you know, in the 1970s. That doesn't feel like that long ago, but this was really when entertainment was starting to dip seriously into the macabre, I would say. We're talking about violent video games, violent movies, things like Dungeons and Dragons, Satanism, all this kind of scary stuff was entering pop culture and at the time a lot of people who are going to see this stuff in the
Starting point is 00:06:53 movies they hadn't really seen a film like this before. They hadn't seen little girls turning into demons and their heads rotating 120 degrees, you know? Nowadays we're maybe a little desensitized to that kind of degrees, you know? Nowadays, we're maybe a little desensitized to that kind of violence. You know, when I was 15 years old, I got a copy of Ground Theft Auto, and within 20 minutes, I was getting my d*** s*** in an a** by a b***.
Starting point is 00:07:16 Your conversation with your careers advisor the next day of school went a little different. Right. I'm willing to bet. So we were kind of, we had this stuff in our lives from a very young age, whereas people really weren't as used to it at this time, I would think. Yeah, it was an innocent time, you know, up to this point in time, we'd had, you know, let's say hit songs would be things like the Beatles, I want to hold your hand. Yeah. In the seventies, someone wrote a song called,
Starting point is 00:07:42 I don't want to hold your Hand. And people were freaking out. Like throwing up in the street going, you know, up to that point, video games, all they had was pong. Oh, donk, donk. Like playing digital table tennis. Then the game developers were like, what if we gave pong a gun?
Starting point is 00:08:01 Right. It was like, everything twisted into the darkness. Yeah, someone created Pac-Man and they were like a man being chased by ghosts in a digital dungeon. This will scar children for life. It doesn't matter how many cherries and fruit you put in the dungeon. It's still scary. Listen to him scream.
Starting point is 00:08:19 Waka Waka Waka. He's running for his life. Damn it. This is Werner Herzog talking about Pac-Man. And then he screams into the abyss. We are being a bit glib, making a bit of fun out of the whole situation. But I have told my favorite example of this is the original Dracula movie, Bram Stoker's Dracula.
Starting point is 00:08:42 When it came out originally originally, I believe the British kind of film standards authority who would rate the movies, I think it was them at the time, they were like, Dracula should never be shown to anyone. It will psychically damage anyone who sees it. It should be locked in a vault for eternity. That movie today is a 12a, which means if there's an adult nearby, a 12 year old can comfortably watch it. Yeah, I've seen episodes of SpongeBob that are scarier than some of these old-timey movies.
Starting point is 00:09:15 To be honest, now when I go to the movies, I'm shocked by what they're allowed to show. Right. Like we went to see long legs recently, that shit was a 15. There was a 15. Back in the day, I remember, I think Mission Impossible 2 was a 15.
Starting point is 00:09:33 And it was like sneaking into Area 51 to go see that shit. Kid had nightmares after that. There was like armed guards at the door to the cinema. We had to sneak in. Shit was so hard. And there was nothing in that movie. After Kid saw that movie, his impossible mission was not to piss himself every night. With nightmares.
Starting point is 00:09:54 This is true though. You want to know how much things have changed. I had to be escorted by my mum to go see Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man. Because I wasn't old enough. It was like a 12. Yeah. Whereas, yeah, horror movies would f*** up today and they're not even 18s. Yeah. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:10:14 Look, The Exorcist was, of course, a box office success, but middle America was deeply worried about the satanic and devilish content of the movie. The movie was straight up banned in lots of places and it was rumored the film was full of satanic subliminal messaging. This is essentially why the satanic panic kicked off because at this moment in time people couldn't get enough of dark horror inspired entertainment and that led conservative people to believe that real paranormal messages were being hidden or encoded into that entertainment. Yeah, yeah. I'm not gonna say that I haven't been influenced at any point through subliminal messages, because I am still a grown man that plays Pokemon Go.
Starting point is 00:10:57 So, I think they got me pretty good. Whether it's subliminal or not, they got your ass. Yeah, they got me. A little too good. They're like, we need to start putting some messages in this kid's head to tell him it's fine now to give it up but that was the idea was that you would watch a seemingly innocuous tv show and then it would flash up in a millisecond format yeah you know drink coca cola diet coke yeah yeah and then you would just later that day would you become like a voodoo zombie, like, oh, must drink coke. Like it would overpower you through some Freudian psychology.
Starting point is 00:11:30 The idea was that Satanists were doing that to mind control young people. But if Satanists had already taken over movies, they weren't going to stop there because the 70s and 80s were also the dawn of heavy metal. Oh, boy, here we go. You're starting to see how this whole era shook out. Right. Up until now, the most satanic thing that had ever happened in the music world was Elvis thrusting on stage. If you remember, we talked about it in your episode all about Elvis. It actually got him shut down in the Bible Belt of America. Yes.
Starting point is 00:12:05 One sheriff even declaring a wiggle ban. Yeah, this was a bonus episode that we did. Oh, shit, okay. Claiming that Elvis Presley is actually still alive and that he never died. Interesting that you do want to bring it up because you shit all over it at the time. I think you weren't really into it. I think that premise everyone can agree is a bit laughable. Despite some very accurate Elvis impressions delivered by yours truly. I think they were quite remarkable.
Starting point is 00:12:32 Were they? Can we get a sample here on the main episode? You sure can, baby mama. Okay, that's disturbing. This is the per man's Austin Butler. This is Austin Butler's Butler. But now, out of nowhere, with bands like Black Sabbath and Judas Priest, you had people dressing entirely in black leather and literally singing about worshipping the dark lord. Yeah, yeah that's not very subliminal. We've completely... straight up liminal.
Starting point is 00:12:59 Straight past subliminal just into uh f*** sick, I think is how you would classify it. To make matters worse, the people who liked heavy metal music, kind of more than anyone, was pretty much children and teenagers. So not only are the Satanists talking about the devil, but they're literally controlling the minds of the youth, turning them into little badass demons. I will say, it didn't help the day that Ozzy Osbourne bit the head off a bat. Yeah, I never knew whether or not that was a rumor or that was a real thing. He did that. 100% real.
Starting point is 00:13:31 That's bad. I don't like, I don't agree with that. He did it in a photo shoot, I'm pretty sure. I think there's photos of it. They allowed it to happen? No one really allowed anything. He just did it, you know, there's just no going back after that. I think it's also one of those things
Starting point is 00:13:45 that there's not really, especially back then, that wasn't a specific law. It should have been. It really should. Cause at that point, no one realized they had to make a law around something like that. That's crazy. Also provides us with an interesting opening question
Starting point is 00:14:01 for the podcast. If a human bites a vampire bat, does the bat become human? I think you just get tetanus or hepatitis C. Right, that's not paranormal, that's just sad. And this is not just me saying this or trying to make a storyline. In 1985, the Parents Music Resource Center of America, which was run by Al Gore's wife Tipper, made a list of songs called The Filthy Fifteen. Don't make the list sound so sexy if this is a list of musicians that should
Starting point is 00:14:34 be banned from the internet. Don't call it like the Six Six or the Filthy Five, you know? That's a bad, if anything, these are going to be a list of bands I want to listen to more than anything 15 songs so debauched and perverted Filled with sex drugs violence and the occult that they use them to try and change the laws on album ratings Never have I wanted to listen to music like this more of my life Rory, do you want to know what songs made the Filthy 15? This is even better than the Billboard Top 100. Yeah, let's hear it. All right, well, thankfully and helpfully,
Starting point is 00:15:12 someone has collated the Filthy 15 into a handy Spotify playlist. So you can listen to them all in one convenient place on your run. So I will say, bit of a giveaway to how successfully these songs were censored. They are all available on the streaming platform, Spotify, right now. First up, we've got Eat Me Alive by Judas Priest, Bastard by Motley Crue, Let Me Put My Love Into Ya by ACDC, We're Not Gonna Take It by Tw twisted sister, which I don't even I don't think that's even yeah
Starting point is 00:15:46 That's a very it's like a mildly motivational kind of you know F the man kind of attitude I guess dress you up by Madonna even Madonna was getting slapped with the ban fair enough Animal brackets like a beast by Beast by Wasp. All right, you belong on the list. Some of these don't belong on the list, but you do. Trashed by Black Sabbath, Possessed by Venom, and then confusingly, finally, Shebop by Cyndi Lauper. So out of a list of 15, most of them are metal.
Starting point is 00:16:20 Some of them feel like they caught a stray, like Madonna and Cyndi Lauper, but it definitely harks back to what feels like a strange time. It feels like we don't really try to ban that much anymore, thankfully, in this part of the world. Yeah. I feel like the last time this happened was, do you remember Tyler, the creator, got banned from the UK? Theresa May banned him. No.
Starting point is 00:16:43 As in physically, not even his music, he couldn't come to the UK. It really goes to show, I guess this stuff does still happen because someone just printed out his lyrics, I guess, and showed them to the Prime Minister of England of the UK. And like, fair enough, some of his older lyrics are like quite, have like shock value. Sure. He might've said on one occasion that we should like a beast. Sure. Who hasn't said that before? They're like, we can handle that. But he said, we're not gonna take it in verse two,
Starting point is 00:17:15 which is absolutely out of line. But he was like, I wrote it from the perspective of a character. Are you stupid? This is like art and poetry and lyrics you're describing. You can't... Like, are you gonna watch the latest horror movie from M. Night Shyamalan?
Starting point is 00:17:34 I'll be like, this guy's mind is twisted! A beach that makes people old? Banned! Banned immediately from the UK. I would love it if he was like, look,'s a character, you need to understand it's not really me, and they're like, your honor please read back the words from the song, this ain't a character, this ain't a character, this is me for real, I'm going to bomb Westminster. That was the character. That was the character saying that it wasn't a character.
Starting point is 00:18:03 Yeah, exactly. You went on to say in the song, Remember, Remember the 5th of November, 2024. Yeah, because the character might do something again if someone gets in his way. But the funny thing about the Satanic Panic is that looking back, a lot of it does seem kind of ridiculous like now everyone is used to these songs they're not shocking like yeah the idea
Starting point is 00:18:30 of a Prince song being on the filthy 15 and being like banned because it would poison children's minds or whatever seems laughable yeah yeah yeah as I said we've come a long way we've come a long way since the filthy 15. So while a lot of it seems silly, actually some of the events of the 80s and 90s do still stand out as being potentially satanic. All right, this is what I want to hear because it's fun to just talk about satanic panic and laugh about it, but we're here to actually investigate paranormal phenomena on this podcast. So hey, let's not just laugh about it and criticize it. We need to see if there is actually any cases that are valid from history. Well as heavy metal
Starting point is 00:19:12 matured over the 80s, it became more extreme, developing styles such as death metal, grind core and black metal. And black metal specifically attracted real occult believers real worshipers of satan and the devil because it sounds a little too close to black magic it really does as an example the norwegian black metal band mayhem is maybe the most infamous one member stabbed another. Another who was in another band, Emperor, actually killed a guy. And then another member of Mayhem
Starting point is 00:19:52 committed suicide using a shotgun. And the story goes that the other members took pieces of his scattered skull to each wear as a pendant. Yeah, that's not good. Yeah, these guys were really... They walked the walk. About this life.
Starting point is 00:20:06 And talked the talk. Then it reached a fever pitch in 1992 when members of the black metal scene began burning down Christian churches. By 1996, 50 churches in Norway had been burned down. Wow, that's a lot. And in every case that was solved by police, it was black metal fans or artists responsible. That's intense. I didn't know that. I think the parents have a right to be angry in that situation. Listen, you guys need to calm down. The music of Cyndi Lauper is absolutely, they burned down our church. Oh, really? That's actually kind of bad. Yikes, yeah, that's not good.
Starting point is 00:20:46 It was not badass, but it does go to show just how you do have to give these activists, these conservatives, these Christians, in this case, you've got to give them a break sometime, because in this case, this was absolutely true. Satanism was sweeping Norway and literally destroying the places that they would go to worship. Yeah, you don't want to be like, you guys are crazy. It's just music. They don't actually believe any of this stuff.
Starting point is 00:21:13 They burned down another church. We have three churches left and we don't have a lot of people who want to protect them. But it is kind of believable and I guess inevitable that me and you know Rory from investigating the paranormal and covering things like witchcraft. like believable and I guess inevitable that me and you know Rory from investigating the paranormal and covering things like witchcraft. We haven't really covered like modern witchcraft that much. We've hinted upon it. Yeah, but there's enough people who practice the occult, practice the paranormal, research the paranormal, research the occult. Eventually those people are going to pick up a guitar and start shredding. It's true. And what better way to spread the
Starting point is 00:21:43 message than with sick music? Yeah. Can we just spare a quick thought for the poor defense lawyer in Norway whose fucking client looks like this? Whoa! Man, that's a scary look. We're talking about Robert Pattinson's Batman,
Starting point is 00:21:59 total blackout eyed makeup, kind of it leaking down his face like a demon in rain. That is very terrifying. Like imagine they call a f***ing witness lineup of people. The police are like, you know, are you sure it was the one they call Valdorg the Defiler? You don't think it was maybe Thomas or Peter? I know you say he was wearing corpse paint, but Thomas is pretty pale too. Yeah, Thomas the Defiler?
Starting point is 00:22:23 No, just Thomas. He doesn't. He doesn't. He's not known to defile specifically. But Thomas is pretty pale too. Yeah, Thomas the defiler? No, just Thomas. He doesn't. He's not known to defile specifically. Pressing the little button. Thomas, have you ever defiled anything? No, I haven't. No, he hasn't, unfortunately. Oh, he shouted, Hail Satan, as he did it.
Starting point is 00:22:37 Okay, take Valdorg away. Okay, so heavy metal weirdly does seem like the one place that could be hiding real life Satanists. But the Satanic Panic Crusaders didn't stop at just metal. Because of course, the Satanic Panic wasn't just about the devil. They were worried about everything in the occult too. Ever since Christianity appeared 2000 years ago, it's waged a war against beliefs that don't line up with the Bible by either destroying them or absorbing them.
Starting point is 00:23:10 Take paganism in the UK and Ireland. It's easy to forget that even England, London, where we're recording right now, was entirely populated with people who believed in what we would now call the paranormal. That was normal. They wasn't paranormal to them and then eventually Christianity would have come along. So anything then over those next hundreds of years, next thousands of years, anything that was a bit too occult for these conservative Christians liking kind of fell into the crosshairs and in 1982 that became Dungeons and Dragons. Right, this is a big one because this was a phenomenon that kind of came out of nowhere.
Starting point is 00:23:53 This tabletop based RPG dice rolling game that a whole generation became mildly obsessed with swept the nation but of course because it's based in the fantasy world, we're talking goblins, we're talking demons, spells, witchcraft and wizardry. We're talking a lot of shit that Jesus didn't say anything about. Right, which is a bit of a red flag, I think, for some of the parents of these kids. Roy, do you know D&D? Have you played D&D? I've never played Dungeons & Dragons in my life. Crazy. Because I know if I did I would become obsessed and lose who I am now. I
Starting point is 00:24:31 think I would just become overwhelmed with how much I love it and become obsessed with it. So I haven't. I've tried to steer away from it. Rory, I saw him jot down the one they call Val'dorg the Defiler. A second ago he was like, that's a pretty dope name actually. A pretty cool name. But I have a lot of friends who do it for fun and also have a lot of friends who do it as content. That's their thing. They have Dungeons and Dragons podcasts
Starting point is 00:24:56 or they do a YouTube series and things like that. Cause I worked a lot in the video games world and Dungeons and Dragons kind of adjacent. So yeah, always wanted to try it before, but little scared that I'd love it too much. The war against Dungeons and Dragons was led by a woman called Patricia Pulling. She was an anti-occultist campaigner. Now, Patricia had tragically lost her son to suicide, and she was convinced that it was her son's love of
Starting point is 00:25:26 D&D that had corrupted his mind and led to his death. Establishing a pattern that we would kind of see throughout things like the Satanic Panic, it might start with a tragedy and then a kind of race to get to the bottom of what could have caused that tragedy. So Patricia joined other like-minded parents and they formed what they called BAD, or B-A-D-D, bothered about Dungeons and Dragons. Terrible name, terrible acronym. Come up with something cooler than that. BAAAD.
Starting point is 00:26:00 But BAAAD that, quote, Dungeons and Dragons is a fantasy role-playing game which uses demonology, witchcraft, voodoo, murder, rape, blasphemy, suicide, assassination, insanity, sex perversion, homosexuality, prostitution, satanic-type rituals, gambling, barbarism, cannibalism, sadism, desecration, demon-summoning, necromantics, divination, and other teachings. And all I've got to say is, I think we need to start playing this game faster
Starting point is 00:26:34 than we've even let on before, because this shit sounds sick as hell, bro. And while the police and psychiatrists concluded, well, we already know today, that there is no link between crime and board games, Jesus Christ, or suicide and board games. It didn't stop this group linking Dungeons and Dragons to 28 other murders and suicides. This is sad for a lot of reasons, but it is unfortunate that also the creators of board games were dragged into this, not just Dungeons & Dragons, but other games.
Starting point is 00:27:11 Like let's face it, a lot of games, board or video or otherwise, are based in this fantasy world. Yeah. And for one, Gary Gigax or Jigax, the co-creator of Dungeons and Dragons, he was interviewed on the show 60 minutes and he took that opportunity to hit back saying, this is make believe. To use an analogy with another game, who is bankrupted by a game of Monopoly? Nobody is. The money isn't real.
Starting point is 00:27:41 There is no link here, except perhaps in the mind of those people who are looking desperately for any other cause than their own failures as a parent." Oof! Wow. That is he really... That's a good comeback. Is absolutely brutal, but which feels harsh when you read it, but you do have to remember that these people are trying to ruin his livelihood and a lot of people's livelihood. Yeah. And not even getting into censorship.
Starting point is 00:28:12 I want to say he's not entirely right with that statement because when I was 14 years old, I did hold my family up at gunpoint during a game of Monopoly. Yeah. To try and get all the money from the bank. Yes, I've been playing 14 hours of Grand Theft Auto just prior to family game night, and that probably did fuel my desire for cash a little bit more than usual. And yes, the dice were not kind to me that night. Snake eyes, snake eyes, I'm in prison, I'm out of prison, back in prison, triple rent,
Starting point is 00:28:41 I don't have any property, guess what, Rory pulls the gun. My ace in the hole. Get out of jail free? How about you go to hell now, dad? Huh? So give me all your f***ing money and your wallet. Yeah, not the Monopoly shit, the real shit by the way. Give me that watch too, yeah. Your mum was like, oh I didn't know there was a gun piece on the Monopoly board. Your dad's like, that's not a Monopoly piece, sweetheart. I think he 3D printed it. Put your hands up. He's got a tiny plastic gun.
Starting point is 00:29:11 You know what's even hotter under the collar than having five stars of wanted in the GTA universe? Yeah. Having five stars of wanted in your parents house. Oh yeah. You're hiding under the bed, your dad is like where the f*** are you? I was like, here's a little board game analogy you might understand. Mother, either I climb the financial ladder or I release a snake. How about that? You're taking lessons about life that are even more evil than GTA could have possibly taught you. GTA is a pretty simple game. possibly talk you GTA is a pretty simple game. It's mostly about stealing stuff. You're the Joker, I think, in this setup.
Starting point is 00:29:50 Rory is eight minutes into a game of Monopoly. He's not even losing that badly. And he's like, for too long, the streets of Monopoly have been overrun by the rich and powerful. Rory, we're talking about D&D and the satanic panic trying to lay waste to the landscape of D&D. This was, of course, the story to season four of Stranger Things. A bunch of mysterious events that happen within the town end up getting pinned on the school's D&D group.
Starting point is 00:30:21 Yeah. And that's a big thing in the show is the kids try and understand the monsters they're seeing through the world of Dungeons and Dragons. So even like the Demi-Gorgon or whatever they call it, I think that's like a thing from Dungeons and Dragons. Oh, dope. I didn't even know that. Yeah. Yeah, it's a cool reference. We're too ignorant to D&D. Roy, we are rampaging through the 80s here in the world of the satanic panic. But if you felt like the satanic panickers were reaching already,
Starting point is 00:30:49 they hadn't even begun the reaching process. We're going to talk more about what happened next after a couple of words from today's sponsors. Yeah, just before we go to the break, just worried a little bit because, yeah, they are reaching in some situations, most situations, which means we haven't really seen anything paranormal yet today. And I'm aware we are heading into the ad break here. So just, yeah, just looking out, really excited to hear the next part of the story,
Starting point is 00:31:16 which I assume has some cases of genuine paranormal activity. Right. Like there was some kid playing Dungeons and Dragons so hard, he started levitating with like lightning bolts coming out of his eyes, something like that. Or someone listened to a death metal song in reverse and it was actually an ancient alchemy spell that turned all the plants in his room to silver.
Starting point is 00:31:39 Right. You know, this is exciting. Not that, but... Okay, I'll tease you with... Something. Okay, well don't but okay. But something. I'll tease you with. Something. Okay, well don't say something because that sounds passive aggressive, but. I wanna hear about someone.
Starting point is 00:31:50 Because you're suggesting nothing happened. Right. You're suggesting nothing has happened. So far, yes. No, not so far. There's been a lot of really interesting, this is crazy, this is like the history, this is the modern history of paranormal in culture
Starting point is 00:32:03 trying to get shut down by the establishment. Right. Hard to come down on a yes or a no at the end of that one though, right? All right. I think you're being rude, to be honest. I think a lot of our listeners will agree that you're being overly harsh for a guy who has recently hosted stories such as Giants in the Grand Canyon. I think that's fair.
Starting point is 00:32:21 I think we can all, I don't think that was a Gary Gygax level shut down of Rory. An episode so nice, I hosted it twice. I think you's fair. I think we can all... I don't think that was a Gary Gygax level shutdown of Rory. An episode so nice, I hosted it twice. I think you'll find. Oh, they're aware. Oh, they've heard the offcuts on What I will say is we are going to hear from the horse's mouth, from an actual... Talking animals! Ladies and gentlemen, stay tuned, because beasts are beasts are fucking and talking in the second half
Starting point is 00:32:47 No they're not fucking I didn't say that You said fuck like beasts I didn't say anything of the sort what I was trying to say was In the filthy 15? We will hear It was one of the songs Yeah, that's true. That was the song by Wasp. Yeah, we're gonna hear an interview with a Satanist Okay, and we're gonna hear straight from the
Starting point is 00:33:06 horses community of Satanist talking please roll the ads for the love of Christ this is crazy is it all in here we are back oh actually matchy oh geez all right I know you want a lot of hard-hitting paranormal evidence. Yeah. A lot of you. We heard something about a talking horse in the second half as well. Sure.
Starting point is 00:33:31 But before that, the next person they went after was a professional skateboarder. Oh, okay. Professional horse skateboarder or human? But this skateboarder, Naras Kalpas. Kalpas, Kalpas. What was he guilty of? Being a little too good at skateboarding. Not a crime.
Starting point is 00:33:48 If that's a crime, lock me up, officer. All right, well, I think I agreed to disagree on that one. He almost single-handedly, to be fair, almost single-handedly invented modern street skating. He was the first person to skate a hand drill and the first person to invent a lot of cool flip tricks. So his boards were flying off the shelves, but unfortunately for him... Telepathy! I hear you, brother.
Starting point is 00:34:11 ...unfortunately for him, they had disturbing psychedelic art all over them that made the parents suspicious, but not, you know, they maybe didn't know enough about skateboarding to come down either way on whether this guy was a problem. Until one parent realised that this guy's name was Natus. What's Natus backwards, Rory? SATAN. Game over. His boards, his merch, his videos, products were all banned from a number of schools and shops around the country. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:34:48 When in reality, Natas' only crime was being Lithuanian, because Natas is the male version of Natalia. Oh, I see. That is unfortunate, to say the least. Having your skateboarding career completely shut down just because your name is Satan backwards. So Rory, you're realizing at this moment in time, all we are hearing about is the continued persecution of Satanists. Satanists which, to be fair at this moment in time, I don't know if I'm for them or against them because we haven't really heard from them at this point. All we've heard is about all their frankly dope media, whether it be music, books, games, whatever, getting shut down by people who are very worried about it. But finally the Satanists said enough
Starting point is 00:35:30 is enough and one of them went on a TV late night talk show to set the record straight. Oh, this isn't going to go well. I can tell. How real is devil worship? Well, that's what my next guests will inform us. First we have Dark Lord Blood. He's a seventh generation Satanist. Satanic worship goes back to his great great great great great grandfather. Where did he get those shades? He's wearing wraparound sunglasses and he's got his hood up indoors. Well, it's a ritual of they may want to give something in a sacrificial sense to a demon, you know, such as to mimic the biblical sacrifice of Abraham. Do Satanists look different? I mean, are all your friends Satanists?
Starting point is 00:36:17 No, I don't have any friends, but my acquaintances are, yeah. I have here something, for instance, which is not really good for kids to see. I don't know if you can see it. But what it essentially depicts is the devil whipping a priest. They've got like, I guess, a religious man of some description, and he's like, well, here's what you need to take a look and see. And he pulls out a Ronnie James Dio vinyl. And he's like, this isn't good for kids to see.
Starting point is 00:36:43 This seems to have, I guess, the devil or a demon. To be fair, the picture is insane. Because they're literally talking to the saintness and then they turn to the religious guy and they're like, what do you think about all of this? And he's like, what do I think? Look at this. And he just holds a picture of a 50 foot demon standing on a mountaintop whipping a priest with a chain. It's like, it's like that's not really a counterpoint, but I reckon the audience are going to be
Starting point is 00:37:14 like, he has got a point. Look at that. Wow. It's one of those great debates where it's like the religious guy doesn't know where to begin. They're like, well, what do you say to him? It's like, how do I, what? What did he, what's his name? Dark Lord Blood? I will say, I don't know what I expected a Satanist to look like. Not that.
Starting point is 00:37:32 He looks like your default starting character in RuneScape. He's got kind of the basic boots, basic tunic, basic hood. Yeah, that's a strange look. He seems like the kind of guy that would go out to speak on behalf of all Satanists and all Satanists don't want him to do it. They're probably like we don't we don't claim this one What about playing lyrics backwards have the
Starting point is 00:37:54 Well, they're messages hidden in lyrics and things like that, you know of that nature sure But you know the real thing I think is in the actual lyrics being played forward but the real thing I think is in the actual lyrics being played forward. Great quote. There you go. It's like, if you want to hear about Satan, you could just listen to the song as is. We have a lot of songs about Satan.
Starting point is 00:38:16 You don't need to reverse our shit. Yeah, it's like, are there messages about the Dark Lord in the lyrics backwards? My brother and Satan play it forwards! They're not hidden! That's why we like the songs. He wrote to Jimmy Reslin, Hello from the gutters of New York City,
Starting point is 00:38:34 which are filled with dog manure, vomit, stale wine, urine, and blood. These were direct references to the satanic black mass at which dog manure, vomit, stale wine, urine, and blood are used in a desecration of the Catholic mass. And this kind of knife is being sold for that reason. There's something called an emphyma. But it's also being sold for a healthy reason. Man, what's healthy about selling a knife to this? Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Oh. What is happening now? And he's growling, you know, so, I mean, people who growl kind of,
Starting point is 00:39:10 I think one should be concerned about people that growl. But you know, your growling doesn't frighten me at all. Oh, that's good, I'm glad I wasn't attempting to. Thank you for being here, I'm Nola Roper, and this is the best talk in town. Ooh. That's a great, that's an underrated comeback, I think. Whenever you're losing an argument, it's just a kind of growl at the other person.
Starting point is 00:39:34 You can ask him a question. He's like, what good can come from selling a child a knife? Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Shit, say something, say anything. Can't think of any words. Could growl, definitely should growl. Roar. Some real like internal peep show dialogue going on there. Everyone's like, did you just f***ing growl? I'm gonna head out. What do you think, Roy? Do you think Dark Lord Blood's kind of really won you over
Starting point is 00:40:21 to the Satanist side? No. No, he didn't. This individual is, it's tough, hey, you know, we're members of the paranormal society, secret and public, you know? We're the ones out there hunting for Bigfoot, hunting for aliens, and cryptids, and ghosts.
Starting point is 00:40:38 And we want to spread that message and make this a cool thing that people should be excited about. But every now and again, there's an interview on TV with a professional paranormal investigator and it sets us back 15 years. As a community. As a community and as a movement. And you're like, I really wish they didn't pick this person
Starting point is 00:41:00 to go out and speak for us because it's done nothing but make us look insane. But that's kind of the point is obviously a lot of these talk shows, they want the crazy people to come out and like, you know, create controversy. They want Dark Moonblood. Dark Lord Blood probably turned up to the studio that day in Levi jeans and a t-shirt and they were like, nah, you're going to be wearing this. There was probably some other guy called Dave.
Starting point is 00:41:26 He was just like, hey, I'm actually the head of the Saintness Church here locally. I think we get a bad rap. So I would love to come on your show and just talk about the community and what we're doing and what we believe in. And then they're like, that's cool. Our other option is dark moon blood.
Starting point is 00:41:41 And he said that he will eat one of the children in the audience live on television. So we're going to get him on. Yeah, when we interviewed him over the phone he just started growling so we thought, we've got our man. So we're going to get him in here, give him 15 Red Bulls in the green room before we go live and I think we're fine. Gonna spike his coffee.
Starting point is 00:42:02 It is actually a really good point because, you know, I mean, I'm being funny by like playing this great, great, great clip. Of course, the Satanist Church actually has much better spokespeople than this. You know, the most famous church is of course, Levehian Satanism. We talked about it a little bit when we actually toured America and we performed in San Francisco because that was the original home of the Levain Satanist Church was in San Francisco. But those guys do a pretty good job at popularizing Satanism, and they've always presented pretty well in media, TV interviews, because they kind of portray this image of like, look, we don't want people to suffer and be in pain. We believe in actually just living to your truest potential as a human and believing in what you want to do and living the most pure life you can. Right.
Starting point is 00:42:58 Actually, if you come to a Satanist meeting, you'll figure out we're all pretty nice and we actually bake cookies for each other every meeting. And we actually do charity work, believe it or not. Those people are out there You can go talk to them, but this is more what people were scared of during the peak of the satanic panic And this was the type of stuff TV producers were putting on the air knowing it would drive people into a froth Yeah, I definitely struggle sometimes with Satanism, maybe I need to be educated on it because I definitely try and come at it with an open mind Don't like to judge anyone or their beliefs. But yes, I'm the same as you I've seen
Starting point is 00:43:34 Been to places. I mean when we were on tour, I went to Salem around Halloween and you can visit all these amazing shops and amazing communities Filled with the Satanists and devil worshipers. And they have like, you know, shrines dedicated to different demons and all this kind of stuff. And it's the same rhetoric where it's like, Hey, I'll actually think you'll find that we believe in it. Sure. But we use it to like spread a message of like love and peace. And it's like, well, then I don't know if you read the books. I don't know if you understand what it is then. Because the thing does some pretty,
Starting point is 00:44:10 it's known for doing some pretty bad shit. It's like, I think you could maybe just remove the demon from what you guys, your message, and it would still be arguably healthier. Roar is holding up a cross as he says this. You guys just need to read the book. They're hissing at me. I'm pitting with my back to a corner. I just think that the power of Christ compels thee. I really do. Yeah, oh, he compels me. He does. Get on your knees.
Starting point is 00:44:39 Yeah, I think it's just, I'm obviously, I need a bit of an education around that kind of, around that topic. But yeah, it is kind of a funny thing where it's like, hey, we love, you know, we spread peace and love and building a community. And to do that, we all gather and bow down to the one that- Drink blood. Yeah, that skins humans alive.
Starting point is 00:45:04 And it's like, oh, all right, well, see, that last bit didn't sound too good. The last bit seems weird. Can we just remove the last bit? We could take religion out of the whole thing if we want. This is just like a cool community of people helping each other. Right, it kind of reminds you of when, like,
Starting point is 00:45:17 oil companies in 2024 are like, hey, over here at Shell, we want to save the planet. We want to save the planet. We, hey, we make at Shell, we wanna save the planet. We want to save the planet. We, hey, we make all our money off the planet. Am I right guys? That's just a little joke. But seriously, we need to open up
Starting point is 00:45:33 a lot of new drilling locations to get oil. Right. It's like, okay, but right. You can say one thing, but yeah. Yeah, it's a little confusing. Because if their problem is like their anti-church or anti-religion, and that's why, you know, they're like burning churches and that sort of thing, you can be anti-religion, but not have your answer still be based in the world of religion.
Starting point is 00:46:00 You know? If you're like anti-God, you don't have to be pro-devil. You can just be an atheist Yeah, I think we are out of our depth talking about it, but I do think there's a certain amount of like trolling Get not trolling but like like irony at play where I feel like I've heard sickness say things like it's like no We use this imagery to show Yeah, what's hypocritical about that? You know, there's right... Right, there's probably, look, here I go spouting off probably all the misconceptions that are in this world surrounding Satanist.
Starting point is 00:46:31 We got Satanists just screaming at their iPods right now, shut the f*** up. Yeah, I'm part of the problem. I'm the little Christian raised white boy. You've got a zombie on your t-shirt sir, we should be locking you in a cage. There's a skull on my shirt today. That is just a convenient little accident. But you know, since we've been doing this podcast, we've come to this point before where we've talked about, you know, for example, witches, people who practice witchcraft. And we've had people write into the podcast and be like,
Starting point is 00:47:00 hey, I love the podcast. I'm a practicing witch. Let me tell you a little bit about witchcraft and the And Rory Hinton with the auto-respond f*** off I said open the attachment. It's a vial of holy water. It's called holy water dot JPEG So I'm sure there's some Satanists. There's got to be Satanists that listen to this podcast Defos Who would love to enlighten us. I would say so.
Starting point is 00:47:26 Roy, you might have noticed at this point, literally nothing is safe from the Satanic panic. And it did continue well into our childhood of the 90s and 2000s. Yes, that's right. Even Pokemon has been accused of Satanic ties. Come on now. You might be wondering where on earth they're making that connection.
Starting point is 00:47:50 Let's just find out right from, yeah, you guessed it, the horse's mouth, from a preacher giving a presentation. Here's an incredible video of a preacher giving a presentation about Pokemon. Remember I said that they get their energy through energy balls. And here is a picture of little cute little Pikachu and he's being energized by an energy ball.
Starting point is 00:48:13 And now you notice he's not quite so cute anymore and his little satanic tail is really erect. Don't say erect. The word erect is one of the few words that should be banned from any religious sermon on this planet. Pokemon or otherwise. Yeah. His little satanic tail is fully erect.
Starting point is 00:48:33 He's got no energy from his balls. Good lord. Yes! Good lord. And one of the things you can do is go out and buy the official Pokemon trading card game player's guide. And you can get this at any store that sells any of the Pokemon stuff. Why does this guy look like Danny McBride?
Starting point is 00:48:50 He's got the greatest mullet of all time. A preacher with a mullet should already be a red flag. One of the top comments is, this guy looks like a professional collector of Pokemon cards. He looks like he rode a dirt bike to church this morning. And it says on the back of this, catch them all, then build an unbeatable tournament deck. And one of the things you can do is look through here because it shows every Pokemon in existence and it tells you what their powers are and it tells you how they get weak. Is he selling this?
Starting point is 00:49:21 And it tells you how they energize and what you need to energize them. But something very unusual is also in this book, and that is that they actually show the energy balls that is used to make these monsters bigger and better. I want you to see them. I'm going to hold it out here so hopefully you can see it. He's talking about energy cards. Look at the yellow. Yeah, he's not, I was like, is he talking about pokeballs?
Starting point is 00:49:43 He's not. He's talking about the card game the energy cards And there's energy cards where yes It's a circle where if you have a you know a Bulbasaur one of the green ones you use the green energy cards So that's what he's referring to here. I was very confused I think what you're not understanding Rory is that they get the energy from the balls in order to make their tail erect Look at the yellow. What do you see?
Starting point is 00:50:08 It's a lightning bolt. Lightning bolt. Yeah. Look here, all seeing eye. That's so stupid. You pointed to the psychic one and yeah, there's an eye. He got their ass, I guess. It is an all seeing eye.
Starting point is 00:50:22 Up here is the clenched fist, symbol for rebellion, anarchy. That's strength based I think. Right down here is a powerful witchcraft symbol where my finger is. It's fire. Powerful witchcraft symbol and it's a symbol for fire. It's just fire for a Charizard.
Starting point is 00:50:38 Down here is another powerful witchcraft symbol. Leaf. Actually a new age symbol. They call new age symbol for Earth. It's just a leaf. It's a leaf. Okay, which is a green leaf. And down at the bottom here, this blue ball down in here is the symbol for energy of water. And water transforms into wind. Earth, wind, and fire. The three basic elements of all witchcraft. And I'm going to ask you parents, grandparents, concerned aunt and uncles, friends, do you think they put that in there by coincidence?
Starting point is 00:51:17 Oh, there's no helping these people. Do you think they just built this game, put these on there and said, hey, let's just put those symbols on there, they look cool. Kids won't know what they are are but they'll like them because they look cool or did they put them on there because they know what the meaning of each one of those symbols is and they want to desensitize our children to see in those symbols so much that when they see them in other things hey no big deal you must know what's option one you must know why you're saying that question that it's option one already.
Starting point is 00:51:50 Yeah, it's crazy. Is it possible they just think it looks cool? No. Yes, it's that. That is clearly the option. That's clearly what it is. There is a devised plan going on for the battle of our children's minds. There's a war going on right now for the children because Satan wants them really bad. Who better to serve the Antichrist than the youth? And the whole object is to catch them while they're young. Remember the old kid, remember the Pokemon motto? Gotta catch them all. You're talking about kids? He's talking about kids. Remember the old kid? Remember the Pokemon motto? Gotta catch them all.
Starting point is 00:52:27 You're talking about kids! He's talking about kids! Satan's gotta catch them all. He's gonna catch all the kids. Satan's little devil tail is rock hard. This guy is cooking. Wow. Wow. Let's call that what it is.
Starting point is 00:52:46 Let's call this this bit what it is. Look, being scared of Pokemon and all of these kinds of things. That is specifically like a religious xenophobia, right? The people who are scared of trends just because they come from Asia or the Caribbean or Africa and immediately claiming that they're satanic. Yeah, or they're just old people and it's something new and weird and confusing and scary and they don't like it and kids like it
Starting point is 00:53:14 so they think it's wild. You could see this with anything. I remember seeing years and years ago, the viral video of some woman at a Christian conference ranting, holding a can of Monster Energy drink, breaking down the logo and explaining it. Oh, should I have that video too? Do you have it?
Starting point is 00:53:32 It's incredible, but literally, it's baffling to see how far these people are reaching. It's genuinely quite sad because if they're drawing these conclusions from something that is so clearly not there, part of you knows that you've lost them. There's nothing you could say to bring them back to earth. They're too far. Look at your M closely. There's a gap right here in the letter M. It's never connected. So you go into Hebrew.
Starting point is 00:54:01 The letter Vav is also the number six oh Short top long tail She's reading Hebrew What do you see in the oh there's a line through the oh There's a cross so not really across has Christ got to do with an energy drink It's a line. It's a cross. So not really a cross. What has Christ got to do with an energy drink? Let alone the name Mars. It's a line. It's a line. Maybe this is a Christian company then. BFC at the bottom of the can.
Starting point is 00:54:34 Do you know what that stands for? That's the F word. Can. In fact they write it on the side of the can. So I know that's the F word. Okay. Now, do you know what a MILF is? You know your boy was sweating when she asked that question. You know he was sweating. Sir, do you know what a milf is? I mean, I need you to say it first. Are we doing this spoken clearly as a mother as well as a dangerous question.
Starting point is 00:55:14 It's like, and do you know what it is? I do not. We are. I do not. I'll put you put those cans down. Let's go get coffee. That's the best question. You could asked by a middle-aged woman. It's also like the range of accusations is so large.
Starting point is 00:55:32 It's like it literally says 666 this is the product of the devil. Also, this just is the F word. Okay, is that bad? Is that so bad? We've paused it right now. Where could she possibly be going with that? What? What? Well, she just pointed to it.
Starting point is 00:55:48 It apparently says MILFs love it on a box of Monster Energy drink. I gotta be honest. I know this is a running joke, but I really wasn't a fan of Monster until this video. Wow. That's incredible. I really, you know, as a guy who drinks a lot of Monster Energy drink, I do really need a shirt now that has just the Monster logo on the front and MILFS love it on the back. That would be great. Or like, you know, those shirts that are like two arrows. So like Monster pointing up to my mouth and then MILFS love it pointing down to my mouth.
Starting point is 00:56:23 Christ. All right, I gotta hear this. love it pointing down to our mass Christ. All right, I got to hear this. So why would they have their cross on the can? Here is the message. Anti-Christ 666 in Hebrew. And then the Bible talks about the beast in Revelation. She has so many printouts and posters and little informative. She's pointing out that their their catchphrase is unleashed the beast.
Starting point is 00:56:48 Right. She's claiming that that is the beast of 666 from the Bible. You see these EMS everywhere. Hats, t-shirts, bumper stickers. Is there another agenda here? If God can use people and product, so can Satan. And look at it this way, even if the M was not the issue, you cannot deny that that is a cross.
Starting point is 00:57:11 And what is witchcraft when the cross goes upside down? I will agree, in her hands, that is a big f***ing can. Yeah, that really is. It's a giant can. Bottoms up. And the devil laughs. That really is. It's a giant can. Bottoms up and the devil laughs. So the implication here is the cross is the right way on the can Which is a problem because when you chug it, it goes upside down Bottoms up the devil laughs. Right, but-
Starting point is 00:57:46 That's crazy. So, but it's the right way on the can. To be clear. So, if I read the Bible in my bed and I'm holding the book up, it's the devil's book? I don't understand, necessarily. Something to think about. Something to think about. People like that love finishing a crazy rant with, something to think about. People like that love finishing a crazy rant with something to think about.
Starting point is 00:58:09 I love it. Something to think about. You know what a MILF is? Something to think about. It's not just something to think about. You've got to stand at a conference with multiple props, pieces of paraphernalia, literature on the topic. It's not just something to think about lady, that you've made this your life. All right, everyone well, stay safe, stay safe. And Roy, I think you better start rethinking your monster, your white monster addiction. Man, I really, I'm just actually devastated that monster beat us to that slogan.
Starting point is 00:58:41 This whole time we could have had our show slogan be this paranormal life, MILFS love it. It's, it's, it's actually impressive that Monster has got to like being a billion dollar corporation and no guy in a suit ever made them take that out. Is it really there? I mean, it must be gone. I wish we have a can in the fridge. Hold up.
Starting point is 00:59:03 We do have a can. Monster energy drink. It's most definitely gone now because I think they got bought by Coca-Cola. So they've probably had to clean up their act a little bit. This is the most incredible Mandela effect, by the way, because someone put up a Redditdit post a year ago saying I don't know if anyone remembers this but monster energy cans have a poem of sorts on the back
Starting point is 00:59:31 It says athletes musicians anarchists coeds Road Warriors metalheads geeks hipsters and bikers dig it and you will too But I clearly remember milfs being part of the list Does anyone have a can with MILF still printed on it? Whoa, that's gonna be like a rare Pokemon card having an original monster MILF can. There's a string of words I never thought I'd say back to back. I mean, I'm always trying to get my hands on some MILF cans. Yo, look!
Starting point is 01:00:03 They exist! It exists! Oh my god! But someone pointed out, so that's like... That was nine years ago! Wow! So, okay, so the guys in suits did make them take it off. That's crazy. I mean, hey, look!
Starting point is 01:00:17 I actually do have a Count of Monster Energy drink right here. We do have the little, uh, 666 monster sign. As she said, the M. The M isn't connected. The Hebrew. Hey, take a look at that circle, brother. That is a cross. They flatten the top of that thing. Yeah, I will give it to you. It is a cross. It's not just a line through it. I mean, it's just the style of the font, but...
Starting point is 01:00:39 Bottoms up and the devil laughs, Rory. And it does say at the end of kind of all the ingredients and everything, monster unleashed the salty beast. What? This one is nautical themed. Right, that's the Pacific punch flavor. It's the Pacific punch. We are not sponsored by the way.
Starting point is 01:00:55 No, I wish we were, monster. I wouldn't be. Get in touch. Horrendous. Dilfs love it. You're not a dad. I can say that. Rory, like I said, nothing is safe. Not Pokemon, not Monster Energy, not Ozzy Osborn, not Judas Priest, not Dungeons and Dragons. Nothing is safe
Starting point is 01:01:14 from the tar and feathering that would come from the Satanic Panic Crusaders over the years. So we've talked a lot about, I guess, everyone who's been accused in all of this hubbub and how it continues from the 70s pretty much right through to today. That was a worryingly recent video of that woman at that conference talking about Monster. Yeah. The question is at the end of every episode of This Paranormal Life, we have to decide whether our case is paranormal or not. So I think the question today would be that do we think, do we agree with that woman or the people who are worried here? Do we actually believe that there's something to be panicked about? Do we actually believe that there are people in entertainment doing paranormal occult worship and putting it
Starting point is 01:01:57 into media? No! No, I don't. I think that's a dangerous road to go down. I think, we said it before, these people are scared of new things, especially things that children become very interested in, especially things that are a bit edgy. And you know, a lot of parents fall down a bit of a slippery slope, especially with conspiracy theories and things like that. You know, we're talking about this happening with movies and TV shows. We didn't even talk about video games, games like Mortal Kombat when it first came out.
Starting point is 01:02:33 And we're talking about the most pixelated game of all time with little eight bit blood splurts coming out. And people saying that that video game is going to desensitize people towards violence, and kids in the future will just be ripping each other's heads off because they saw it in a video game. It's all nonsense. None of it's true. Um, scientifically it's been proven that there's no correlation between it. Um, but we still see it to this day, not just with Monster. If you hunted, there's probably parents saying vaping is creating the devil's smoke in
Starting point is 01:03:07 your mouth, that Fortnite is creating a fake heaven on earth where you can play as any character including demons, you know, they'll always find something to be upset about and whether or not I think there's any real threat there with any of this stuff, I really don't believe there is. Came close with that black metal shit though. Yeah. Like that was, that's the kind of twistedness, right? Well here's the, this is the only thing that you should talk about is there is a level of it that you should be worried about.
Starting point is 01:03:38 It's not paranormal or mystical or necessarily satanic, but just be a good parent. If your kid is 11 years old, make sure they don't watch and consume stuff for an adult, you know? Keep an eye on what they're watching, make sure it's healthy, talk to them, have a conversation. If they're into death metal, listen to some of the songs, understand why they're into it, make sure it's for the right reasons. If they're feeling sad, talk to them about that. Have a conversation about it. Don't completely shut them off or rip them away from it. Because, you know, we were all teenagers once. That's going to make you want to do it even more. So yeah, I think obviously, like dark, spooky stuff, like satanic cults, like drugs,
Starting point is 01:04:23 there are things that as a parent you need to be cautious of. But whether or not secret witches and wizards are hiding spells inside of songs so that the devil can steal the souls of children, nah. Nah. And you could, you're going to have to grab that kind of monster from my cold dead hands. I'm telling you right now. It's not going to be cold down in hell, brother. I guess Roy is coming down on A.
Starting point is 01:04:48 It's a no from me this week. I think that makes it a double no. We do not believe that there is real. I believe that there is, as they say, in the case of stuff like Black Metal, that's really cool and interesting. And I do, I've recommended that movie before. There's a movie about that band Mayhem called All This Mayhem, I think. Fantastic, funny movie about that band and a really unbelievable history. That comes so close because those people ostensibly did worship the devil. And they did really, on some level, believe all this stuff. And they did carry out heinous acts, which are basically everything the Christians were worried about. But it
Starting point is 01:05:26 wasn't really paranormal. No, it's just bad people doing bad things. That's the difference. So it's a double no today, but thank you so much, Casey, for a fantastic suggestion of covering the satanic panic. Great idea. Not covering anything to do with this. And actually, if you liked that kind of, I guess, dive back through pop culture, it reminded me mentioning Stranger Things of when we did, God, a lot of years ago, which was kind of the truth behind Stranger Things. That's right.
Starting point is 01:05:52 And the real story of MK Ultra and all that. So I don't know, check that out if you're so interested in the world of Stranger Things. Yeah. But otherwise, Rory, if you can't get enough This Paranormal Life, head on over to forward slash this paranormal life where we have been polluting the minds of children for seven years. That's right. That's why we're eating. That's why we're so defensive. If you didn't get it at the end of this. It's like, do you think even podcasts could be polluting the minds of children? Well, let's not say anything. Let's not go crazy. Right. Do you know what a MILF is, sir? Do you know what a MILF is? So hard to keep eye contact with someone who asks you that.
Starting point is 01:06:30 That's right. We have been polluting the minds of children for years and years and years. True. And kind of, and if they were children to begin with, they're grown adults now. And we do that by giving them just a little, like a, this is getting like to be a dark analogy, like a drug dealer, we get them hooked on a bonus episode. And then they can't live without it. And they're hooked on Patreon.
Starting point is 01:06:52 No, we like to just record fun shows to educate people about the world of the paranormal. That's what we like to do. Milfs love it. They love the Patreon. This paranormal life, milfs love it. Can we at least for a week change our branding to that and see if anyone notices? Worrying that it'll be around the time of the British podcast awards?
Starting point is 01:07:10 Yeah, it's a bit dangerous. It's a dangerous play. I'm barely joking about how much I want to make this Paranormal Life t-shirt now. You can't do it. Says this Paranormal Life, MILFS love it. You're gonna have to do it when I'm not looking. Can I make a one of one?
Starting point is 01:07:23 Yeah. Okay. Of course. I'm going to make more. One of one thousand. When kids are not listening, I just want you to know I'm going to make more. So if you want to get your hands on a rare This Paranormal Life MILF's Love It t-shirt. Yeah, it works for everyone because you know, you either also love the podcast and love MILFs, or maybe you're a MILF yourself and you're like I do love it. It's a shirt for everyone. Yeah, there's a reason they took it off the Cannon Monster. I'll say that.
Starting point is 01:07:50 Because they got bought by the man, got bought by Coca-Cola. We don't have to do anything. We can put whatever we want on a t-shirt. Yeah, I don't want to. Okay. Yeah, I want to stop you. That's forward slash this paranormal life where you can get all kinds of cool rewards. But namely, I was kind of bullshitting before, but there is an untold number of bonus episodes, behind the scenes after parties, just hundreds and hundreds of episodes of this paranormal
Starting point is 01:08:16 life. All that free. Yeah. And at the end of every episode, we'd like to give a shout out to those who supported us on that tier of Patreon. So let's run out of that. Let's do it. So special thank you to Olivia G. Olivia the G. You don't meet too many gangsters called Olivia. Wow. You know, you know how f**king hard as nails you have to be as a gangster to be called Olivia.
Starting point is 01:08:44 Right. Because sometimes, you know, originally you got to be called like Billy the Fist or something crazy like that. So if your name is just Olivia, my god, what kind of messed up stuff are you doing? That's what I'm saying, you see. All right, Olivia, I'm glad you're on our side. Thanks also to Samuel Allison. Well, if it isn't Satanic Samuel, you didn't think you'd slip through a net, did you, Samuel, with an M in the middle of your name? Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:09:11 We see it. You must think we're real f***ing idiots, don't you? Al- Al-a son, as in the son of the Lord who died. Oh, my gosh. We knew it all along. I bet you get your energy from your balls, don't you? I bet you fully erect right now, Samuel. You sick bastard. Thank you for your support anyway, you sick f**k.
Starting point is 01:09:37 OK, I thank you lastly today, but not leastly, to Janine Goots. Janine's got the Goots. If you've got the money, she's got the Goots. What are the Goots? Whatever you want. Whatever you can think of. Oh, so like food? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:09:54 Listen, hey, anybody could get you food, pal. So what are Goots? We're talking the goods, the goods. Oh, the goods. Okay. She's got the goods. She's got the goods. All right, whatever I want.
Starting point is 01:10:05 We're talking under the table, back alley, fell off the back of a truck type shit. All right, it sounds really bad. It fell off a truck. No, it's a turn of phrase. All right, you gotta be street smart like Olivia. I mean, we're talking like 60, 70, 80 inch TV for pennies on the dollar.
Starting point is 01:10:23 That's so cheap. Oh my God. Well, not literally. I mean, we're talking for pennies on the dollar. That's so cheap, oh my God. Well not literally, I mean we're talking. So it's still, 400 pounds, is that some fair? That's really expensive for a TV that fell off a truck. 70, it didn't literally fall off a truck. If you know what I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:10:36 Fell off a truck, wink, wink. Janine killed the guy and stole his TV. I don't want the TV then. It's got a little blood, it's got a little blood. It's got a little blood. Thank you, Jadine. Thank you to everyone who supported us this week. They're stolen goods. They're stolen goods.
Starting point is 01:10:52 We'll be back with more shoutouts next week. Thank you for listening to this episode all about Mr. Sonic Panic. We'll be back on Friday with the after party. And on Tuesday again with a brand new Paranormal Tale!

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