This Paranormal Life - #385 The Demon of Brownsville Road

Episode Date: September 24, 2024

When Bob Cranmer moved to Brownsville Road in 1988, he had no idea that he and his family would be sharing a home with a DEMONIC presence that would threaten the lives of his family. This demon would ...terrorize the children, throw objects across the house, attack Bob and his wife and worst of all... every week... it would wrap the closet string around the light.Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTubeJoin our Secret Society Facebook CommunitySupport us on to get access to weekly bonus episodes!Buy Official TPL Merch! - music by www.purple-planet.comEdited by Philip Shacklady Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Is there a secret alien base located underneath the White House? Did humans evolve from monkeys? Or did monkeys evolve from humans? All of these questions you can find the answer to on This Paranormal Life! Hello everyone and welcome back to This Paranormal Life, the comedy paranormal podcast where every week myself and my associate Kit Greer investigate a brand new paranormal case and come to a conclusion at the end to decide whether or not it truly is paranormal. Aliens in the White House? I do quite like that because Americans are really obsessed with the White House. It's a cool house. The president practically won't leave the friggin place. Why are they so attached to it? What's there? What's under it? I like where your head's at.
Starting point is 00:00:45 Right. That's the one that grabbed you, the two intro questions, not did monkeys evolve from us. Oh, yeah, no. Because people think that we came from monkeys. I think that's a non-starter. I think that is a non-starter for sure. You think we came first?
Starting point is 00:00:59 Yeah. Prometheus style. And monkeys are the next step. A human pissed in a river? I think that was the plot of Prometheus, and then you came from that. Look, if you look at a silverback gorilla, you're telling me that's a downgrade? I would kill to be that jacked.
Starting point is 00:01:15 So that's where this is coming from. Eating bananas all day? Yeah, I think I'd like to be a gorilla. Yeah, I've seen memes to that effect, you know, we're going, poor, poor monkeys and gorillas, they're not as smart as we are. And the monkeys are like, you're the only f***ing monkeys on this planet that pay for water. It's like, alright, fair point. I'll take that. Yeah, you guys look down on me and three of you serve me fruit every day. Like you're my little monkey butlers. So I'm doing fine.
Starting point is 00:01:43 You know what happens when you throw your own shit? You go to prison. I live in a prison. Already. It's called Zoo. So I can do whatever I want. I can throw as much shit as I want. Shoot him with a trunk gun.
Starting point is 00:01:55 Stop him from talking. Hey, I was just cheating. I'm excited to be back, Kit, and investigating a brand new Paranormal Tale. Because recently we've been doing a lot of cases on cryptids, aliens, UFOs, but we're missing one of the key foundations of the paranormal world, and that is ghosts and poltergeists. It feels like it's been so long since we've done a case
Starting point is 00:02:17 that has a good old-fashioned haunting. Yeah, I think we've kind of publicly and loudly talked about how we don't like covering ghost cases recently. But let's set the record straight today. I think we have humorously perpetrated this myth that we don't like covering ghosts because I guess maybe we feel like part of the idea of what we're doing here is trying to get double yeses on the board, right? Trying to proven real paranormal cases. And sometimes we feel like it's harder to get that with ghosts.
Starting point is 00:02:46 But it's not to say we don't love those cases and aren't fascinated by them. It's just, you know, let's face it, a lot of crazy UFO shit is happening in recent years. So we got a little preoccupied. Yeah, that's fair to say. Well, I'm hoping that maybe today we can change your mind and finally get a double yes.
Starting point is 00:03:03 Because we got an email to from Margaret who said, Hi kitten Rory. I used to be acquainted with a Catholic demonologist and I thought you might find a case that he once worked on interesting. The demon house of Brownsville Road. Wow, that sounds really interesting. I used to drive by this house almost every week when I was in high school and I had no idea I was driving past a hive of literal demons. My demonologist friend of course agreed that the house was possessed, but I'd like to see
Starting point is 00:03:38 some paranormal professionals like yourselves take a hard look at the case. Say less Margaret. That sounds really interesting. like yourselves, take a hard look at the case. Say less Margaret. Uh, that sounds really interesting. I mean, we've talked a little bit on the show before, uh, about how, Hey, I was raised Catholic Catholic household Catholic school. I always thought that was a bad thing. Bit boring for one, two international crime.
Starting point is 00:04:02 Three lots and lots of reasons that Martin Luther in the 1700s or whatever the f*** that was, illustrated. But actually, I've kind of, you know, in the way that, you know, faith is a circular kind of thing, I've realized in recent years, not that I believe in it all, but Catholicism is kind of the most dope from a paranormal perspective. Because while other religions don't necessarily believe in a lot of paranormal stuff, for some reason, Catholicism, they believe in everything. Right. Not only that, they have Salesforce tower level organizations with thousands of employees that are dedicated solely to solving paranormal mysteries, it seems.
Starting point is 00:04:41 Which is pretty bad ass. Yeah. I don't know if a lot of the other mainstream religions do that. So in case anyone was wondering if Catholic demonologists sounded a bit wild and out there, it's kind of not. There are people who really study this stuff. Well, I'm very excited today to be helping Margaret with her little problem. Unfortunately, we did get this email in 2019. So she is most likely dead by now, probably ripped apart by demons when she tried to knock on the front door. Right, we didn't get in touch quick enough. One day she was like, I'll just knock the door. I'll just say hey, I'm here in the neighborhood, I'm here if you need me-
Starting point is 00:05:14 Whoa! Ripped to shreds by demons. Burst into flames as soon as she hits the Amazon Ring doorbell. We also got this case sent in from Kron Kron and Austin Harvey. So thank you to all those individuals. I'm sorry it took us so long to get to this Kron Kron. But we are excited. Smoking on the Kron Kron pack. We're excited to be diving into this investigation right after a few words from today's sponsors. Our story today kicks off way back in 1988 when Bob Cranmer and his wife Lisa moved back
Starting point is 00:05:48 to Bob's hometown of Pittsburgh. When it came to house hunting, Bob only had one property in mind, 3406 Brownsville Road. Bob had often passed by the beautiful three-story house as a child, and had always dreamed of one day being able to call it home. So when Bob heard that this house was back on the market, he and his family immediately booked a viewing. Well, here she is, a stunning three-floor, craftsman-style home built all the way back in 1909. Well, let me tell you, it feels like it was built yesterday.
Starting point is 00:06:24 Oh, I know. I've wanted this house ever since I was a kid Well, you're lucky it just came back on the market yesterday for no particular reason at all Yep, just a normal house for sale for normal reasons Bob was obviously excited about the home, but there were a few things that seemed off to him Firstly the current owners seemed very anxious to sell and move out. His wife Lisa insisted that the house was too big and quote, gave her the creeps. It is true. It's like whenever you're selling something yourself on the internet, you know, whatever one wants is buying a car. There's a, you know, one lady owner, they want a car that's never been driven in its life.
Starting point is 00:07:06 If you're moving house, you don't tell them about the problems. You highlight all the good bits. Hey, if it were up to me, I'd die in this house. I love this house so friggin' much. That's how you sell it. But, you know, I've got, I'm from Lithuania and I got to go back to Lithuania. You make up something. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:24 Reason why you have to part with your most beloved thing ever. It's like when I had to sell my pit bull, Hades. And the buyers came out and they were like, are you sure he's had all his shots? He's foaming at the mouth. And I was like, oh, if only I could keep him, but my new landlord won't let me have Hades
Starting point is 00:07:42 in my new apartment. So I have to get rid of him. Hades! Damn boy! And I'm covered in bite marks. I'm barely holding onto the chain as he's trying to attack these poor people. But you gotta say like, oh I just, if I could only keep him because I just love him so much and he's never attacked me, then I have to live in one room of the house while Hades lives in the other four. Yeah. Because he's the king of the house. You look malnourished and he looks really well fed too. He feeds me at dinner time. I have a bowl on the ground.
Starting point is 00:08:13 I buy groceries and I buy dog food, but he eats all the groceries and all there is left is dog food. The crackers aren't so bad. The little ones shaped like bones, they're fine. He takes my wallet every payday. He doesn't have use for money and yet he still takes it. But I wish I could keep them all. But do you want Hades? I'll get it for free. I'll pay you to take him. Hades, pay the man.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Hahaha! Unfortunately, things got even more complicated with Bob's son, who's called Bobby Jr. For short, in this episode, we'll just call him BJ. Fine. You got a problem with BJ? I don't. I didn't say anything. You obviously are setting me up to have a problem with it. I'm not. It's a totally normal name.
Starting point is 00:08:55 Bob had always wanted a BJ. Yeah, I'm sure. In memory of his father. During the first viewing of the house, Bobby Jr. wandered, sorry, BJ wandered off by himself while the rest of the house, B.J. wandered off by himself while the rest of the group went to the basement. When they emerged, they found him standing at the top of the stairs, crying. His breathing was rapid, almost like he was hyperventilating. When asked about what was wrong, he claimed simply,
Starting point is 00:09:21 I saw a ghost. Whoa. Right there in that moment? Yeah. Not a good sign, by the way. If you're having paranormal experiences during the house viewing. Which is presumably during bright daylight hours as well.
Starting point is 00:09:40 Yeah. The ghosts are pissed at you for even entering the home. Not even owning the home or living in it. You just stop by to grab a cup of coffee and check out the basement and they're already turning up. You know it's bad when the ghosts don't even respect the fundamental storytelling of horror movies. Everyone knows you wait until that family starts moving
Starting point is 00:09:59 boxes in, wow, sweetie, we're gonna have a great life living here, aren't we? And then the ghosts start cracking their knuckles. They didn't even wait for that. They're like, as you say, pizza delivery guy, knock, knock, Wooo, oh shit! They're just anyone who comes near this thing, they are going for them. Yeah, there's a rhythm to this.
Starting point is 00:10:17 You start small, you work your way up, and then after a year, the family have gone insane and they have to move out. Yes. Day one, BJ got punched by a ghost, punched in the side of the head. Now Bob was a smart guy and he decided at this point to ask the seller if there was anything wrong with the house. Strangely, the seller responded by saying the house was fine and that Catholic mass was conducted several times in the living room.
Starting point is 00:10:42 No, all right, well we're gonna need to ask more questions. Why does he know that? He's not the owner of the house, right? He's the estate agent. The estate agent. He shouldn't know that. Yeah. I love that though. We talked about accentuating the highlights. He took the fact that there was multiple exorcisms and he's like, this place is so nice. They blessed it twice during a sermon. Yeah, usually if I ask, is everything okay with the house?
Starting point is 00:11:09 I just expect, you know, like, is there any mold maybe? Yes. Or structurally, are the foundations okay? Yep. I don't want to hear like demon free. Because that implies there was a demon that was here. That was here and you think you got rid of them, but I'm not sure because they're kind of sneaky.
Starting point is 00:11:25 They're kind of tricky like that. I will say your son views the house with you, says he saw a ghost mid viewing as someone who has been house hunting for a couple of years now with my daughter in some cases. And she usually goes buck wild in the houses, not usually because I think she sees a ghost. I think she's just like, this is a playground to me. I'm going to start smashing shit. Okay. Um, what I'm saying is whether or not I scratch that house off my list is probably
Starting point is 00:11:52 based on how old the son is in this case. If a, in my case, if a two year old says, I saw a ghost, you're like, sure you did. Sweetie, here's an iPad watch bluey. If a 17 year old man is like father, I saw a ghost. He was in the front room. He winked at me. I don't know. I think any kind of paranormal activity
Starting point is 00:12:12 during a house viewing is maybe enough to kind of draw that one off the list for me. I guess it depends on how hot the property market is. If this is, how good is that deal? Was the price right? The problem is, even though this was an odd response, Bob loved the house, and his love for it was strong enough that he decided to look past all of these red flags. So Bob put in a lowball offer for the property, assuming there would be a bit of haggling.
Starting point is 00:12:38 However, the owners immediately accepted. Another bit of a red flag there, if you're putting in your lowball offer and they're like, done, taken, yep, good. One dollar, we'll take it. So Bob, his wife and four children moved into their new home. And it wasn't long before they realized why the previous owners wanted out so fast.
Starting point is 00:13:00 Like most of our stories involving haunted homes, things started small. The closet in the house had a light with a pull string attached to it, so if you wanted to turn on the light, you'd simply pull the string. However, every time the family opened the closet, the string was wrapped around the light. This little inconvenience sounds small, but it was merely the spark that would set the fiery wrath of the haunting ablaze. The house became home to regular small-scale paranormal activity.
Starting point is 00:13:31 Objects moving around the home, strange noises at night. Paranormal activity became so commonplace that Bob openly joked about how they quote, shared their home with a spirit. It's a bad start. Isn't it? I mean, when you start having to address the elephant in the room, because you know, for those first couple of days, everyone's, everyone's trying to ignore it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:53 And then at the dinner table, Bob's like, everyone's like silently eating dinner. And he's like, all right, look, let's address the elephant, the place is on it. All right, nothing I can do about it. Nothing you can do about it. Everybody eat. Bobby Jr's like, but Dad, eat!
Starting point is 00:14:05 Bobby Jr. A ghost keeps moving around the chicken, around the plate. For damn sake, Bobby, eat the chicken. Yeah, the dad's like, it's like, look, there was nothing we could have done about it. We didn't know. BJ's like, I saw a ghost. I told you I saw a f***ing ghost in the hallway. Not now, Bobby Jr!
Starting point is 00:14:27 A ghost has him in a headlock? No, no! Do you think this is appropriate? I like this absurd situation. Bobby Jr. is being held upside down from the second floor window by a ghost. Bobby Jr. Stop trying to get my attention! I don't care! Get back inside! I can't get back inside! We get it. You saw the ghost. You were warned.
Starting point is 00:14:46 I didn't listen. Whatever. It's fine. You'll be alright. As I said, they commonly talked about sharing their home with a spirit. But whatever this thing was, it was more than a spirit. And yes, every day it was wrapping the closet string around the light. We are too far into this episode to be talking about that. We have to ramp things up. I'm worried. I know you said things were gonna start small,
Starting point is 00:15:10 but I'm getting a little worried if the string thing, we all kind of breeze past, but if that keeps getting mentioned, I'm a little worried. You don't think that that is a clear sign of paranormal activity? A pretty devastating sign of paranormal activity? No. Because the string, if you're just pulling it down and up again, it really should never get tangled around the light.
Starting point is 00:15:28 That's crazy. So just don't be worried if that comes up a few more times because it truly is a paranormal phenomenon. It's not that crazy. Whenever I go into my bathroom at home, you know, often the toilet roll tube will be flipped around the wrong way. Holy shit. So the paper is coming down the back.
Starting point is 00:15:45 You got a ghost, brother. That's just the way my wife leaves it whenever she takes it on and off. It turns out we have differing views on this. Wait, what? She what? What I'm saying is in this household, it is at this stage, just more likely that someone has a weird thing where they... Because to me, that my version of this is the toilet roll tube being the
Starting point is 00:16:05 wrong way around. To me, that should have been a ghost because there's no logic on this earth which would dictate putting the toilet roll tube, the paper hanging back the way. Yeah, that's insane. Yeah. So you got to reach around and put it on the back. But it turns out it wasn't paranormal. It was just someone's proclivity. So I'm wondering if that's what the kind of thing is happening here. Maybe, maybe Bobby Jr. He just, it's a little just tick. He doesn't even know he's doing it.
Starting point is 00:16:29 He just, and then just wraps it around, closes the door. It was a ghost. It was a spirit. And I'm going to make that very clear probably in the next few paragraphs. I mean, hopefully you will. I hope to hell you will. The following spring while doing some yard work, Bob discovered a small metal box buried in the front yard of the home.
Starting point is 00:16:49 He opened it up to discover a collection of religious items, crosses, rosary beads, etc. Thinking that this could have belonged to the previous owners, Bob called them and asked about the box. Their reply was simple. The house is fine. Put the box back where you found it. Hmm. Not great. Not a great response if you find a buried box of religious items. So they know about the box? Yeah. They presumably buried the box? It is. It is
Starting point is 00:17:19 actually subtly mixed messaging as well. The house is fine. Okay, so I can throw out the box. Don't throw the box away. If you want to die, so the house isn't fine. Put the box back. The house is fine because the box is buried. Listen, Guy, we've done a lot of the hard work around here, so just be normal.
Starting point is 00:17:38 Ignore the string. How do you know about the string? Ignore the string. Watch a f***ing football game. And drink a beer, Einstein. And sure, put about 16 rosary beads on your neck like it's f***ing Mardi Gras. You're gonna need them. Dad, why are you wearing this? Bobby, if you don't eat that chicken, I am going to flip. I will end your life, Bobby. I'll be the ghost in your life, you know do what I say! Wear the beads, eat the chicken! I'll bury you in the garden Bobby! Along with the box! What box? It doesn't matter! The house is fine Bobby!
Starting point is 00:18:16 He's so committed! Don't understand the interest rate I secured on this mortgage, I can't sell the house. Dad, I was just down in the basement and I tried to turn on the bobby if you say one more f***ing word about that string. Your old man's gonna lose it. They've been in the house 45 minutes. He goes full Jack Nicholson mode. Bobby Jr. sees his dad just out in the garden smashing the house, smashing the light and string the bits with an axe. The movers haven't left yet.
Starting point is 00:18:47 They're still packing boxes. Even though they said things were fine, obviously they were not. And they were only getting worse. The family had started to see figures drifting around the house. Objects were being thrown across rooms and every single time they went into the closet, the f***ing string was wrapped around the light. being thrown across rooms and every single time they went into the closet don't you dare! F***ing string was wrapped around the lights! So long to be talking about the string whenever the way more interesting things just happen
Starting point is 00:19:13 that's the- Objects being thrown across the room That's the needle! That's the needle in the mind! Shadow people moving around the house Yeah because it's all of that it's coming at you it's a lot to deal with but you're like you think you'll be fine you think you'll be fine, you think you'll be okay, keep your head down, go into the closet,
Starting point is 00:19:28 and the string is wrapped around the f***ing light. Bob has like actually wrangled the shadow people into helping him. He's like, so you stay in the closet, so you stay in the closet, I'll turn off the light and then I'll close the door and you tell me if it's wrapped around, oh my god. He's like, I could take the shadow people, but the light. Hey, we were talking about this the other day because I recently got back from vacation
Starting point is 00:19:50 and we were just at Fringe in Scotland. Don't I know? I've got a friendship bracelet. Yay, that's actually really wholesome. It's actually slightly distracting for a podcast because it is a little bit shaky. I bought everyone on the team Puka Shell bracelets from my vacation.
Starting point is 00:20:06 Whoa, what the f**k? Yes. Well, yeah, everyone on the team, the show is me and you. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So me and you, Kitten, friendship, best friend, bracelets. He's wearing it. I'd actually didn't think he was going to wear it. So yeah. So, and I got one for Phil as well. Huh? Just as a treat. That's funny, bro. That's funny. It wouldn't be a friendship bracelet. I mean, if you got them for everybody,. It wouldn't be a friendship bracelet. I mean, if you got them for everybody, it wouldn't really be a friendship bracelet. You can have more than one friend. Huh?
Starting point is 00:20:29 It's fine. You can have more than one friend. Actually, hey, Phil. Yo, Phil, have you? Phil. Phil. Are you wearing your bracelet? He wasn't wearing it!
Starting point is 00:20:40 You got a bracelet? You wasn't wearing it! Oh, this is all kinds of ****. And let me just, let me just remind you, Rory, as to, this is all kinds of **** And let me just remind you Rory As to, as to... Alright, I think it's all become clear So, Phil, give me back the bracelet Give me back the bracelet, you just lost your privileges
Starting point is 00:20:55 Because, it's done Because that's what a friendship bracelet is for Yep, you just lost it Best friends only Well Best friends only, it is It is like marriage, you just lost it. Best friends only! Well... Best friends only! It is like marriage. You see this ring?
Starting point is 00:21:08 This ring... I could honestly take off the ring. I could take off the ring because... Marriage is whatever. But friendship? That is forever. I think marriage should be a type of friendship as well. Friendship, bros, that is a sacred bond
Starting point is 00:21:21 between two individuals who pledge their lives to each other, brother. I got in the airport for a dollar. It doesn't matter where that hurts to hear, but it also doesn't matter where it came from. I was literally about to board the flight and I was like, shit, I didn't get anything to kill. It bonds me to you by blood. Till death do we f***ing part. Not for blood.
Starting point is 00:21:39 In sickness and in health. In shells maybe we're bonded. Not with blood or anything like that. Can I wear Phil's bracelet too? Honestly, yeah. It's fine. You could have put one the other hand. It'll just make me...
Starting point is 00:21:50 I think I'll feel even more connected to you. Do you want my wedding ring? I don't need it anymore. I'm fine. Okay. I'll put it back on. I'm fine. Honestly, Phil could take the f***ing wedding ring.
Starting point is 00:22:02 It's so meaningless to me now. Alright. Where was I? Sorry, you have been away. Oh yes, you were saying that the string isn't a big deal. That it wouldn't be enough. Why am I bringing it up? It's not enough to be a part of this conversation. The last few days have been very chaotic with coming back and recording and bringing in all the gear and doing everything.
Starting point is 00:22:23 And at the same time, I've had a little bit of a cold and all of the stressful stuff in my life, the big stuff, that's not really the thing that's bothering me. It's that every 20 seconds I have to blow my nose and cough. That's the part that's driving me crazy. So maybe seeing shadow people at the dinner table with you and seeing ghosts and hearing noises isn't what's doing it It's the fact that every time they try and get a hat or a coat to leave the house The string is wrapped around the light. This is a reach but Objection sustained I would agree. I'll take it. Well to be honest
Starting point is 00:23:01 Maybe it wasn't just the light because Bob and his family were also waking up with scratches all over their bodies. That is a big, you have to admit, that's a bigger deal. That is a little, yeah, even I will admit, that's pretty bad. There were crucifixes torn off the walls, and one morning Bob woke up and he'd been flipped upside down. Now, alright. His feet were on the pillow and his head was at the bottom. I think we're going to say, I usually sleep on my back when I was up face-tied with my
Starting point is 00:23:30 pillow on my front. That's still not really weird enough. Scratches is fine. No, this is what I thought. No. Objects moving. I thought the exact same thing. That isn't weird enough.
Starting point is 00:23:39 But I have never woken up with my feet on my pillow. That is insane. One room in particular seemed to be overflowing with negative energy. It was known as the Blue Room. It was the children's bedroom on the second floor. Named the Blue Room because when they moved in, it had blue wallpaper and a blue carpet. Classic.
Starting point is 00:23:58 But for whatever reason, the demonic presence in the house loved this room. And by the end of their stay, every one of the kids refused to sleep in the house loved this room. And by the end of their stay, every one of the kids refused to sleep in the blue room after complaining about strange noises, objects moving. There was even reports of a shadowy figure standing above one of the children's beds, watching them while they slept.
Starting point is 00:24:18 Oh, jeez, jeez. Not great vibes. I can see why the kids would wanna move out of that room. I don't think it's a spoiler to reveal that Bob eventually wrote an entire book about his time in this house, and I genuinely believe if we want to understand just how insane living in this house was, the best thing we can do is read some passages from the book. Yeah, straight from the horse's mouth. I warn you by prefacing, this book is insane by the way.
Starting point is 00:24:43 It feels like the diary of a scientist from a Resident Evil game. Chapters 1 through 12 are mostly about the f***ing string, but once we get past that, it gets pretty interesting. Alright, these are actual passages from the book. As Charlie went into the small bedroom to practice guitar, he discovered that the crucifix had been thrown off the wall and was lying face down in the middle of the floor. Where the crucifix had hung, there were drops of splattered blood running down the wall. As he sat there and played, he heard what sounded like nails being scratched across
Starting point is 00:25:17 the wall. That night, as I was lying in bed, I was scratched on the leg so hard it woke me up. It felt as if I'd been jabbed with a needle or a sharp pin. This thing was moving around the house at will, displaying what seemed to be a temper tantrum. I could almost feel its frustration, which convinced me that we had to push back and persevere. We all wore our crosses, but Bobby's cross didn't want to stay in place. Keep your f**king cross on, Bobby! Even though the chain was small enough that it couldn't fit over his head, it consistently came off while he slept.
Starting point is 00:25:53 One morning, the cross would be on the floor. Another morning, he and I found it between the mattress and the box springs. A few days later, we found the cross both removed and folded in half upon itself as if it had been placed in a vice and bent with pliers. Jesus! I know I'm projecting here because I'm not particularly religious, but you know, like I said in the beginning, maybe depending on how nice the house is, I could give up wearing the cross.
Starting point is 00:26:20 Like if that's the sticking point in the negotiations here, you know, it's like, hey, you get to live in this dope mansion. Hell yeah, bro. We got heated pool. Right. Damn. We got a bar in the back garden for hosting. We got trampoline built into the garden.
Starting point is 00:26:35 This weird house is popping. Uh, we've got 16 bedrooms. This is a mansion. You can't bring any religious iconography in here. It will go on fire in seconds. I'll be like, I could live with that. Like, is there going to be any other weird stuff? No, as long as you aren't loud and proud about wearing a cross or
Starting point is 00:26:53 whatever, it'll be fine. I don't know. That sounds like it's slippery slope though, where it's kind of like, yeah, look, just don't wear the cross. Don't pray. You do have to sacrifice something for sure. Once a month. Otherwise the house will start kicking up.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Very infrequently. Very infrequently. Bob goes on to write in a new passage. I was startled awake by a loud pounding on the wall directly behind my head, coming from the crawl space. This area was behind the wall and was used for storage through a small access door. I began to read the Bible aloud in a very strong voice. You'd think that I would have been terrified at this point,
Starting point is 00:27:30 and to be truthful a part of me was, but I drew so much strength from the words I was reading. It seemed as if I was firing a spiritual machine gun into the crawl space." I like the idea because he wrote this. you know, he gets to use artistic license. Sure. It's like, I started reading the Bible in a strong voice. In reality, he was like, Paul's letters to the Corinthians. Like absolutely shitting himself. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:57 He makes it sound like he's in a diehard movie pointing to biblical AKs at the wall, just letting fire. Spiritual machine guns. This went on for some time. The next time I awoke it was almost daylight and I immediately felt an irritation on the right side of my neck. I then went downstairs to the bathroom in our bedroom and looked in the mirror to see three long deep scratches on my neck. I showed Lisa the scratches in the morning and she responded with disbelief. She couldn't know that she'd eventually experience similar wounds of her own.
Starting point is 00:28:30 Move out. Move out. If you've got open wounds after, you know, eight hours of sleep, move out. Yeah, you're not getting restful sleep. You're waking up more injured than you were before. The house is winning. The house is winning at this point. If you're spending your evenings reading the Bible to a wall, you've lost the fight, brother.
Starting point is 00:28:48 Just move out. Now, all of this paranormal activity climaxed with what I believe is the scariest recorded account in Bob's book. We've talked before on this podcast about children being able to perceive paranormal entities better than humans. And that's exactly what happened one night when Bob's son walked past the Blue Room. Bob wrote, I heard what sounded like a loud gasp of a child who was drowning.
Starting point is 00:29:13 I immediately ran to the steps and up to the second floor to find little Colin standing in front of the Blue Room, shaking like a leaf in terror, gasping loudly for air. Wow. Monster! Monster will get me! He gasped as he pointed to the blue room. His mouth was wide open, as if he was trying to scream, but he couldn't. I went into the blue room and said in a loud, firm voice, I've had enough of you! You are a coward going after a child! In my mind, I could almost hear it laughing at me.
Starting point is 00:29:48 Why would it care if I called it a coward? It was all about hurting, terrorizing, and if possible, killing innocent children. Whoa! I felt foolish and at that moment impotent against it. I realized that it had accomplished its purpose. It had scored a direct hit on me, and it was probably standing there laughing at me. When the stench wafted over me,
Starting point is 00:30:10 I knew it had just experienced a major victory. It had found my greatest weakness. He shit himself? What happened? No, I think... No! It's like the stench of evil. When I heard the laugh, I evacuated my bowels, knowing that I had lost the battle, but not the war. As my trousers were filled with doo-doo, I know the beast had won. No, I think he means the smell of... I think he talks a few times about a stench in the house.
Starting point is 00:30:43 He might be shitting and pissing himself, I don't know. But I think whatever this horrible smell is, it's like the demon flexing. I like that he seems to be coming to the realization that, I don't care how firm your voice is. The Bible shit isn't working. Right. You've done it a few times now.
Starting point is 00:31:09 His son is like, he's like, dad, there's a monster in there that tried to kill me. He's like, stand out of the way, son. I've got a verse just for the occasion. It's like, dad, it didn't work last time. Bobby Jr is in the hospital. It twisted his neck like a f***ing action man head. You need to do something physical, real. Alright, yes, you might laugh at this because it is written in a very dramatic fashion,
Starting point is 00:31:31 but this was really affecting the family in a number of serious ways. Bob and his family became increasingly hostile and eventually his wife Lisa, along with two of the children, reportedly experienced mental issues which required hospitalization. Right, so they had some kind of nervous breakdown type situation. I think so. But if you think what's happened so far is bad, let me tell you the worst is yet to come. Because one night in 2003, the house would go as far as to take a life. Oh, that's right
Starting point is 00:32:05 We're gonna hear exactly what happened right after a quick word from today's sponsors All right, welcome back. We are talking about the demon of Brownsville Road While Bob's elderly aunt was visiting the house Bob had a fight with his oldest son that escalated to the point where his son attacked him. Bobby, if you don't eat that damn chicken. The chicken is levitating, dad. I can't put my fork in it because it's floating around the f***ing kitchen table. I said there was a ghost day one before we moved into the house.
Starting point is 00:32:38 I just can't believe he's actually fighting with his kid. Yeah, he actually did have a fight. And I think it was bad. I don't know the context of the fight. All I know is in the end, it was bad enough that the police had to get involved. And I think Bob was arrested. Oh, well, this is, you made his son as if the son took a swing at his old man. He abused his children.
Starting point is 00:33:01 No, I don't know. I don't know the context of what happened. It was a domestic dispute. Dad, a domestic dispute? Yeah, between a kid and his children. No, I don't know the context of what happened. It was a domestic dispute. The dad? A domestic dispute? Yeah, between a kid and his dad. I think there was a ghost involved too. Oh my goodness.
Starting point is 00:33:12 Bobby hit his son with those spiritual machine guns. Riddled him with bullets. The next morning when they woke up, they discovered Bob's aunt had died in her sleep. Wow. Bob knew that he'd put up with about as much as he could, and decided it was time to get the professionals involved. So with nowhere else to turn, he reached out to the Catholic Church.
Starting point is 00:33:36 And let me tell you, if you think this entity was angry before, wait until a gang of priests knock on the front door. You know how many crucifixes are entering the house? It's not going to be a good time. You were throwing matches on a pile of gasoline. I like to imagine, you know, the Catholic priests that we might've encountered at secondary school, you know, nice guys. I believe the chaplain of my primary school, he was, he was a really nice guy.
Starting point is 00:34:01 Charlie? Rest his soul. No. Um, he loved Elvis. That was his thing. He was real old. And so he would, he'd come into school with an acoustic guitar and he'd be like, check out this one.
Starting point is 00:34:12 I go down and he would like play for the kids and stuff. It was cool. What I'm saying is I wonder if that's, I don't know why that's weird. I don't like that. It was a bit of fun. No, I don't know. You shouldn't want to dress like that. The priests. It was a bit of fun. The priests who... No, I don't know. You shouldn't want to dress like Elvis the Pelvis.
Starting point is 00:34:29 He didn't dress like Elvis. I can also be a priest. He didn't dress like Elvis. He dressed like a regular priest. I think he might have picked up a guitar that was already in the school and was like, hey, you guys ever heard this one? A-dow-dow. What I'm saying is, I wonder if the priests who come to solve a problem like this, aren't
Starting point is 00:34:47 the darn darn... They're not the Elvis priests. They're not wearing blue jeans. I think these ones are like the f***ing squad in Sicario. Right. Yeah, they might have like a priest collar, but they also have a bulletproof vest, tactical oak lace. Right.
Starting point is 00:35:04 Maybe a gun? Oh yeah, not spiritual, real, real, real guns. It is the Roman Catholic Church's kind of SWAT team. Yeah, the SEAL Team Six that you're bringing in there. I haven't actually seen pictures of the crew, but I do have some information on them because when Bob contacted the Catholic Church for help, the case was assigned to Father Ron Lenguin.
Starting point is 00:35:27 Okay, could still be a badass. Lenguin assembled an Avenger-style team of priests to visit the property and investigate whether or not this place was really evil. Lenguin is what you say your name is if you're a penguin trying to pass for a human. Right. If you're four penguins trying to get into an R-rated movie. My name is Mr. Lenguin. Lenguin. To cut a long story short, they said it was haunted.
Starting point is 00:35:54 And over the next two years, the Catholic Church were working in the house trying to abolish whatever this spirit was. I'm sure these guys were doing a great job, but all I'm saying is, if it's taking two years to get this demon banished, I'm gonna bring in some other guys. As I said, the priest tried for two years to banish the evil, but if anything, it was only making things worse. Here's another section from the book describing the house at the time. I tried to get my head on straight, but I wasn't able to. This thing had me in such a weakened state that it would soon be pushing us
Starting point is 00:36:29 all out the door. I knew that if I left it would win. It had driven me out once before and was on the verge of doing it again. I didn't have time to recover because on the 13th of January, the demon began its anticipated grand attack. Whoa. Since Jessica and her family had moved out, the third floor was vacant, and I'd been retreating to it and sleeping there for solitude. Why is he describing this like Napoleon describing a war?
Starting point is 00:36:56 He's like, they had been planning their winter offensive. I had retreated to the barracks in the north part of the house. My mind was a mess. I also had contracted the flu and was pretty sick. At this point in the horror movie, I would say Bob himself is possessed. He's doing all the bad things. He's mentally ill and he's behind it all.
Starting point is 00:37:18 I'm just throwing that out there. I came home early that afternoon to go to bed. No one was home and the house was empty. doing it like... The blood was still wet and was running down the walls. It was as if someone had just taken a container and a sponge and sprinkled the walls, just as Father Mike had done numerous times with holy water. After I realized what I was looking at, I went downstairs and called Father Ron. He said, This is the type of thing I expected, Bob. Okay, he was Irish.
Starting point is 00:38:02 Don't be alarmed! This is the demon's way of claiming the house for evil, with its stench and the blood of death, just as we claim the house for good, with holy water and blessed incense. Easy for you to say when it's not your house. I will say, Father Ron. My advice is just,
Starting point is 00:38:20 nazzle down and ignore it. You were here for two years. Things are worse than when you showed up, Father. Is Mike around? Is Father Mike there? This is what I'm saying. Usually the way that priests and the church talk about God is if there's a demon in a house, you want a priest to kick down the door, throw a crucifix up and go, yeah. And the whole house is like illuminated with light and a thousand demons burst out of the walls, completely eviscerated with the glory of the Lord. You don't want them to be on month 16, sitting around and being like, maybe if
Starting point is 00:39:00 we read from Mark chapter three, it would piss him off and we could chat. It's gotten so bad. They're like, they're doing negotiations. They're like, how about this? We give you Bobby Jr. Bobby Jr.'s yours. You can have him. Bobby Sr.'s fine.
Starting point is 00:39:20 The wife you can have on weekends. Bobby Jr. walks in. Hey, what are you guys talking about? Oh, slam the Bible shut have on weekends. Bobby Jr. walks in. Hey, guys, what are you guys talking about? Oh, slam the Bible shut. It was a giant diagram of Bobby Jr. on a f***ing altar. Yo, was that me just then? No, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:39:37 At one point, it really sounds like Bob was losing his mind. In his own writing, he talks about wandering around the house, loudly reciting Bible verses in every room to no one. You've tried this. You've tried this at every turn and it hasn't worked. Things are worse than before. At one point he put on a DVD of Mel Gibson's Passion of the Christ
Starting point is 00:39:57 and let it loop nonstop for six months. Oh. I kind of love how recent this is. I love that a, I love that like 2000s energy to this, which makes it feel very real because that was, I think we could picture ourselves being Wobby Jr. in this situation. That's our childhood is the early 2000s. So, uh, yeah, this is very real compared to a story in the seventies or eighties. Yeah. Putting on an audio tape of the Bible, basically just on repeat in all the different rooms.
Starting point is 00:40:27 Yeah, there's something very modern and weird about this. You assume it's in the 60s or something. And honestly, there's so much other weird shit that I didn't mention in this book. The book is huge. At one point, they started finding the kids' toys inside of the walls. Yo. Which is no idea of how they got there. Well, we haven't even touched on if the kids are possessed, but go off.
Starting point is 00:40:47 Lots of crazy stuff happening. You can still find this book. It's available online. I believe it's called The Demon of Brownsville Road. The infestation of the house would come to an end, finally, in February 2006, when I believe the demon within the house was finally exercised. Yo, what did it take? Oh, we just turned the mains on and off again.
Starting point is 00:41:09 Yeah, we shut it. He didn't like that, scared him. We just cut the string on the light in the closet. We just cut it. That was his soul. His soul was in the string. That was his dick. We chopped it off and he died.
Starting point is 00:41:20 That's why he kept wrapping it around the light. He wanted you guys to touch it and yank it. That's all he kept wrapping around the light. He wanted you guys to touch it and yank it The string was his dick who would have been two years to figure that out what a villain But Bob is like, what do you want for me? You've been yanking me off for two years and you didn't even realize it. Oh my god, what have I been doing? Oh god. My son touches that light, you sick f***.
Starting point is 00:41:53 Unfortunately, Bob's life sense has still been plagued with bad luck and misfortune. However, after a decade of the house being evil free, it's actually now open as a bed and breakfast. It's now called the Brownsville Road house, and I believe you can go online and book a stay even in the Blue Room. It's smart. It's smart, you know, because it works on two sides. You know, you got guests checking in who don't know the history and you got guests checking in who do know the history. Kind of works both ways. Yeah, and I would have said that this is a bit of a red flag
Starting point is 00:42:27 at the end of our case, because obviously now we're seeing a situation where there was an incentive to create a haunted house if you're going to eventually let people stay there. Now it has an appeal to it for a certain demographic. However, it's interesting to note that apparently ghost hunters and paranormal investigators are not permitted to stay at the house just in case they quote, reignite the paranormal issues. Or they find that there's absolutely no evidence whatsoever. Yeah I didn't actually think about that.
Starting point is 00:42:57 And kind of publicly broadcast that to the world thus ending the bed and breakfast business. Yeah that actually is a possibility. I kind of took it at face value where I was like, of course, that's so responsible of him. I hear what you're saying. You know, hey, I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt here. I will say it is going to be hard for us to try and separate Bob's business ventures, plural, since the haunting, the book and the B&B.
Starting point is 00:43:23 Yeah, that's true. I actually forgot about the book as well. Well, let's talk about maybe an explanation of why this place would be haunted. Because I think that's what we're missing today, is some context around the house and the alleged demon that lived there. Did some crazy shit happen in Brownsville over the ages? Well, Bob's book does talk about the history of the house. Allegedly, it was home to an old local doctor that performed a lot of, at the time, illegal and dangerous abortions in the house. Okay, I thought you were going to say, at the time, legal, but not crazy. No, it was illegal at the time. Yes illegal at the time. Okay However, while newspaper articles and records can prove that this doctor likely did exist in the general area in history
Starting point is 00:44:11 There's no evidence to prove that he lived or performed any of these operations at the Brownsville Road wild accusations wild Yeah, pretty far out there. But that's why people Try and that's really the only explanation I've seen as to why there is some sort of dark and spooky past to this place. Yeah. You know, it's very easy to move into the skepticism and the cons, you know, past residents who have lived in this house claim to have never experienced
Starting point is 00:44:39 any paranormal activity before, you know, historians kind of doubt the legitimacy of the claims that there was this doctor that lived in this house. There's really not a lot of proof or a paper trail to prove any of the claims that Bob has made in his book. So without that, we're kind of just left with this situation where, sure, look, we have a lot of testimonies today to show us that there could be paranormal activity in the house. We just don't really have an explanation as to why this paranormal activity is happening.
Starting point is 00:45:11 Yeah. That doesn't mean that it isn't happening. It just means that us as humans, we don't know the history behind why it's happening. Yeah. You know, it could be two families ago, they were Satanists and they summoned a demon and we just don't know about it. Maybe there's a crucifix in the attic under a rug we don't know about. Maybe it's on ley lines.
Starting point is 00:45:29 There's a lot of explanations as to why this is happening. There is. It's something we always look for because humans are storytelling creatures. Podcasts are storytelling audio mediums. So it helps to have a story. We want a story as humans. Yeah. But I, I personally, I don't, I don't, I don't love or need to get bogged down in
Starting point is 00:45:53 the wise. I think it doesn't really matter. I think the, the existing model that we all understand of ghosts, um, perfectly accepts that, that just look, all it takes is one pissed off guy to die in a house and you've got to poltergeist forever. Yeah. So it doesn't really really matter I don't think but if we are in the game which we are of coming down on hard paranormal conclusions doesn't help us prove anything doesn't point us in the right direction so it means the evidence has to be all the more convincing.
Starting point is 00:46:25 Yeah, I would agree with that. And I think one crucial difference with this case and other poltergeist cases is what we are supposedly dealing with today is not a poltergeist, it is not a ghost or a spirit, it is a demon. Right. I think they even, at one point, they figure out what demon they think it is. And they're like, yeah, it's like, Mercelor or something.
Starting point is 00:46:48 I don't know the name of it, but they're like, yeah, he's in the Bible. He eats kids or whatever. He loves little BJ, apparently. So, you know, they go as far as to like think they've isolated what the monster is. Which I don't know. Does that make it fine that we don't have a backstory? Because then it's not someone who died in the house
Starting point is 00:47:09 a hundred years ago, it's just this little goat-footed, hooved guy running around the crawl space. I don't know. It is cool, and as I say, that's why I love these Catholic freaks, kind of, I like their two cents on the subject. I like that there's people who care about this, who spent actual time with people afflicted by the paranormal in paranormal locations, writing, reporting. I think that's cool. Whether you
Starting point is 00:47:37 believe their conclusions or not, I think that's pretty dope that someone's trying to figure that out. It's more data than we've ever had to go on. I mean, I don't think we've ever come across a specific biblical demon terrorizing a space before. Maybe we need to look into that more often. I mean, we tried to someone one at a live podcast in London, unsuccessfully. Heyman, we actually did. Yeah. I sacrificed my original ancient new Pokemon Pokemon card, uh, to try and
Starting point is 00:48:06 bring him to life and he didn't show up. Do you know what the crazy thing was? Was you did end up actually losing that card. Yeah, that was worrying. So you successfully did sacrifice it. Like that shit is in hell now. It is gone. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:18 Yeah. That's a little bit worrying. That poor Pokemon card. Uh, the nice thing was I lost it, talked about it on a podcast and a fan who listens to the show sent me in their replacement. They had a spare one and they sent it in and it's literally in my phone case right now. So sorry to tell you listener of This Paranormal Life, you sacrificed your card to payment. You're going to hell! Yeah, because they're gonna say well who's the owner of this card? Well it's not me because I this one, but who's missing one now?
Starting point is 00:48:45 Oh, it's this, this lady over here. Uh, I think what's really cool about this story is if you actually go back to the email that we read at the start, right from Margaret, they said, I used to be acquainted with a Catholic demonologist and you might find a case that he worked on interesting. I wonder if this demonologist was one of the priests that was brought in to look at the house. Wow, really could be.
Starting point is 00:49:11 So cool. So Margaret, thank you for emailing this in along with everyone else. I'd love a follow-up email if you still listen to the podcast five years later to see if your friend was one of these priests and if they have any more information or photographs. I mean, honestly, they could, they could let, we're going to give our conclusions to what we think about this case.
Starting point is 00:49:30 They can give us the Catholic Church's conclusion. Yeah, which I think they said, yes, it's haunted and yes, we banished the demon. But elephant in the room here, of course, if all of this paranormal activity happened and it was done so recently, where's the photographs? Where are the videos? I think I found one picture of the quote unquote blood splattered on the wall. And let me tell you, if that was the real photograph, it's like three drops. It's not, we're not talking shining elevator doors opening.
Starting point is 00:50:01 There's not a lot really to go on. I hear what you're saying Rory. We need to break into the Vatican because the go on. I hear what you're saying Rory. We need to break into the Vatican because the Vatican archives. I didn't say that. You're telling me they didn't bring cameras. It was 2003. They had practically iPhones. We break into the Vatican, get into the archives. I've been to the Vatican. I did have a snoop around. I didn't see the archives, but I'd say we could find the demonology department and you know, probably chloroform the people, the armed guards.
Starting point is 00:50:26 Right. You want to like national treasure style. Yep. Get in there, Nicholas Cage, steal the Declaration of Independence. Yep. I'm into this. I'm actually into this because that's the thing about stealing from the Catholic Church. You can kind of flip their own shit back on them. So if you get caught, they're like,
Starting point is 00:50:46 whoa, didn't he say to turn the other cheek? To forgive? To, you know, forgive the sins of others? Yeah, I'm pretty sure he did, mother- They taste your other cheek. They taste both your ass cheeks. Whoa! Look, I don't think we need to spend too much time
Starting point is 00:51:02 debating at the end of this podcast. Where's the photos? Where's the videos? If this happened merely 10, 20 years ago, we really should have more evidence available to the public unless Kit says it's locked off in the Vatican vault somewhere. But if that's the case, until we see those files,
Starting point is 00:51:19 I don't think I can comfortably say that I truly believe Bob's story today. I would have actually liked to hear more from the Catholic demonologists and, you know, third parties because a lot of the information comes directly from Bob and his book. You think if there was photos, Bob wouldn't have printed them in the damn book. A hundred percent. Yeah. So it's telling that we really don't have a lot.
Starting point is 00:51:42 What are your thoughts today, Kit? Completely agree. Appreciate your candidness, your straightforwardness, your honesty, Roy, that you've put effort into this and it's been a roller coaster ride. I really liked this. Lots of cool twists and turns and a lot of legitimacy from this real proper investigation from the Catholic Church. Liked that a lot, too, way too recent to be missing that physical evidence, which is so, you know, I'm not going to rant about ghost cases, but this is the problem. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:11 You know, and we're not going to get into it, but Hey, maybe this is, maybe this is the nature of ghost cases. Maybe you can't, maybe you just can't get pictures. Maybe that's why. You just have to take that. This is the way it goes. Yeah. And you know, there have been ghosts and paranormal and spiritual poltergeist cases
Starting point is 00:52:27 that have been convincing enough that even without photographs, we still have said yes. Sure. We have come down on a yes. I just don't think today is one of those cases. Not for me personally. True, true, true. But thank you, Margaret.
Starting point is 00:52:37 Please do get in touch if you have any more information from your friend. Any updates, happy to revisit the conclusions if more evidence comes to light. But this week, the Demon of Brownsville Road is a double no. Thank you everyone for listening to this week's episode of the podcast. Even though it was a double no, I hope you enjoyed it. Oh, and hey, on the note of reopening cases when new evidence comes to light and reinvestigating conclusions.
Starting point is 00:53:06 If you don't know, this paranormal life is funded by the community over at forward slash this paranormal life. Over there, there's a ton of amazing rewards on all the tiers, whether it's bonus episodes, extra content, merchandise. But one of the things we do is an extra monthly bonus episode, available exclusively to our patrons. And this month we did a really cool thing, which was for the first time, we opened up a cold case. And not a case of cold ones. That's just a regular Tuesday.
Starting point is 00:53:40 Yeah. We opened a case that we had closed in the past. It's not been long. We've never been doing this show long enough that either new evidence has come to light or simply our brains have fully formed from when we first covered the case that we need to re-examine. Yeah. So we went back and investigated the legend of Robert the Cursed Doll.
Starting point is 00:54:03 One of our first and biggest episodes of the podcast, investigating a doll with a pretty terrifying backstory. But it was great, we got to dive back and take a nostalgic look at the original episode, which formed a lot of quite famous and long-lasting TPL jokes. It was an absolute blast. And we even brought some new evidence to light, talked about some recent experiences people had with Robert the doll. It was a ton of fun.
Starting point is 00:54:30 So if you love some of those older This Paranormal Life investigations, like Robert the doll, and you want to experience the cold case, reopen it again, see if we came down on a different conclusion, head on over to To see if we came down on a different conclusion, head on over to forward slash this paranormal life. To give you an idea of what that cold case was like, here's a quick clip from the episode. It was time for him to leave home to further his studies. So he moved to Paris to pursue his career in the arts. However, after only a few short years of living abroad, Gene eventually moved back to West
Starting point is 00:55:06 Key, Florida with his new wife when they entered the large doors of the old Victorian home. Guess who was waiting for him? Robert the Doll. Now despite essentially being a grown man at this point, Gene was still strangely attached to the doll. In fact, so much so that he even set up a small room in the house filled with furniture and fittings scaled down to Robert's size. Oh, hell no. Oh, hell no. Ladies, sometimes you got to put the foot down.
Starting point is 00:55:39 Like, he's got married, they're building a home together. And, you know, they're obviously sitting around planning their dream home. And she's like, so I was thinking, these tiles for the kitchen? He's like, mm-hmm, mm-hmm. And he's like, oh, for sure, I love those green ones. So I was thinking, this tiny chair for the tiny room? She's like, the tiny room?
Starting point is 00:56:01 The tiny room. Yeah, yeah, you know, babe, where's Robert gonna sleep? Right, yeah. Who the f*** is Robert, babe? Babe, hold your tongue, he's sitting right there! Ha ha ha ha ha! Very good.
Starting point is 00:56:15 Oh, it was such a fun episode. It was the first, but it won't be the last cold case we do. So, if that sounds like fun to you, or you think there's an episode of the podcast that you really want us to go back And revisit over on patreon Let us know and of course over there on patreon one of the other really cool rewards that you can get is your own Personal shout out at the end of the episode and that's what we're gonna do right now
Starting point is 00:56:38 So thank you to Kaylee Dunn Kaylee Dunn did it whatever you could think of doing Kaylee Dunne did it. Whatever you could think of doing, Kaylee Dunne did it already. Have they run a marathon? Have they run a marathon? Um, A.S. When they were five years old. Next. Jesus. Have they, I don't know, done a cartwheel? Five years old. Next. Okay, well. They got a lot done at five, yeah. We could do it. Did they pass their driving test? Kaylee sadly passed away? 15 before they were able to pass the driving test. So it's actually a bit of a sad thing. Did they die? Yes They done it. That's how you do it all. They did it live Thank you Kaylee rest in peace Kaylee. Thank you for supporting the show. Thank you also to Caroline Sparrow.
Starting point is 00:57:26 Caroline Sparrow, captain of the Silver Pearl. That's how pirates... It's like Jack Sparrow. Yeah, well, it's a bit more complicated than that. Not too many pirates named Caroline. But that's how you trick them. Pass the rum, Carol. They think that this isn't a formidable pirate.
Starting point is 00:57:48 They're like, oh, Caroline Sparrow. And then Caroline comes out with jewel cutlasses, cutting throats, stabbing people, stealing gold. You know, you don't want to mess with Carol. Wow. Carol also is the survivor of 16 mutinies. Their crew almost entirely turns on them day two, three into a voyage.
Starting point is 00:58:10 So they very often have had to fire themselves out of a cannon just to get away from the ships. But we're glad to have you with us, Carol. Thank you. Also to Corey. Corey, a name so close to Rory and yet so different. I mean, could you imagine what your life would have been like if you were called Cory Pars? Well, I probably-
Starting point is 00:58:29 Damn, you'd be a lot cooler. Oh shit. Probably pretty similar. No, like, no, no, no. Like, Rory Pars is like, and then Cory Pars is like, jocked and f***ing gets hella chicks. Cory is a cool name, to be fair.
Starting point is 00:58:43 If my name was Cory, it wouldn't have taken me this long to get a Puka Shell bracelet. Yeah, oh, you know that. I would have been born with it, and I probably would have really beautiful locks of hair, you know? Like the surfer waves.
Starting point is 00:58:55 Have you ever grown your hair out? Why don't you do that? I don't think I've ever grown my hair out. I don't think it would look good. That feels like, holy shit, we need to put AI to work to see what Rory would look like. That's crazy I think I would look too much like the prince from the handsome prince from Shrek 2 Kind of weird, you know
Starting point is 00:59:16 Corey sent us a photo. Let us know if the rumors are true and you are Jacked and handsome And if you ever make it to London, you can have Phil's Puka Shell bracelet because he's not using it. It's up for grabs for sure. Thank you also to Cohen Wojcicki. Alright now imagine this, imagine your name was Cohen. Cohen Greer and Corey Powers. Now that would be pretty cool. I don't know if we can change the law, honestly. I think Kit is kind of S tier, actually. Well, S tier, cause it's close to shit. Shit's career. Kit, shit. Yeah. Actually.
Starting point is 00:59:52 Where it's like, Cohen? Cohen is quarterback of the football team. What's that boy's, Cohen? Cohen. Yo, what's up, my name's Cohen. I don't know if Cohen is quarterback. I feel like Cohen is more of a surfer. No, that's Corey.
Starting point is 01:00:03 Corey's the surfer. Cohen is, Cohen's Cory. Cory's the surfer. Cohen is... Cohen's the quarterback who hits the... He hits the f***ing straight A's. And then he hits the winning touchdown throw. Is straight A's cool now? Hard to say. I think it is.
Starting point is 01:00:18 Oh. I'm glad we have so many cool people listening to the podcast. Cohen, if you ever come to London, you can have Kent's Pocachal bracelet. No, that's not true to London, you're gonna have kids, poke a shell bracelet. No, that's not true. That's a funny joke though. Mine was not that funny.
Starting point is 01:00:29 And thank you finally today to Jordan Evans. Can you imagine if Phil was called Jordan? That's, what would that even look like? That would be sick actually. Yo Jay. Yo Jay. Jay, that's a cool, oh yeah. Yo Jay, yes. I like it Yo J. Look at that. Yo J. J, that's a cool, oh yeah. Yo J, yes.
Starting point is 01:00:45 I like it a lot. Jordan, I mean, a namesake of the great NJ, Michael Jordan. Yeah. Michael Jordan. Michael Jordan. So Jordan. Can you hoop Jordan? Because the paranormal commons basketball team is lacking
Starting point is 01:01:01 in both skill and nutrition. So we really need a ringer. Because if the 1990s slash early 2000s movie Space Jam has taught me anything, it's that one person can make all the difference. Yeah. Is that person Bugs Bunny? No, it is Michael Jordan.
Starting point is 01:01:21 He was the one that brought them to victory. So we're hoping that you can be the Jordan of our team. We don't stand a chance against most countries, but we think if we put our all into it, we could have a fighting chance against the North Korean basketball team. We're hoping, really hoping, because they have beaten us six years running at this point. But thank you, Jordan. Thank you to everyone who supports us on Patreon. If you want to check out some cool rewards like the ones that we just mentioned or want to check out some special episodes like the cold case or our weekly after-party episodes head on over to
Starting point is 01:01:54 forward slash this paranormal life Thank you for listening to today's investigation and we will be back next week with another one

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