This Paranormal Life - Morgawr the Sea Beast

Episode Date: November 10, 2020

RORY HAS BEEN POISONED. Either that or those expired burritos he ate have come back to haunt him... Either way, we weren't able to record a new episode this week so instead please enjoy one of our bonus episodes made possible by our incredible Patreon supporters < Society Facebook Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everyone, Rory here from This Paranormal Life. Unfortunately, I've been sick this week so we weren't able to record a new episode. I think the MIBs must have poisoned one of my energy drinks. But it's gonna take a lot more than that to kill RORY POWERS! You mother f***ers! I'm Rasputin, baby! I'm unkillable! Instead of skipping a week, we thought we would release one of our older Patreon bonus episodes. So if you want someone to thank for this week's episode thank the incredible people who support us on patreon
Starting point is 00:00:29 and make these episodes possible because of them we get to have an investigation this week so thank you if you enjoyed today's episode there are 34 more over on so check it out if you need your paranormal fix and as always we will be back next week with a new episode. Because it takes more than a little bit of poison to kill me. Anyway, enjoy the story of Morgar the Sea Beast. This one is actually a user, not a user, I was going to say a user submission, a listener submission. That's right, it's coming from a drug addict who's seen some pretty crazy shit subject what's the deal with crack uh we are going to investigate that first time ever
Starting point is 00:01:12 on location gonzo investigation uh this is a listener submission from one of uh one of the leaders of the paranormal commune dan Daniel Mudson Hudson. Of course. A day one, he wrote in and said, Hey, paranormal pals. I was doing some research on cryptids in the UK and came across this, which caught my eye. Daniel Mudson Hudson was talking about Morgar.
Starting point is 00:01:43 Wow. The Cornish sea beast. I've never heard of Morgar. Wow. The Cornish sea beast. I've never heard of Morgar. I had never heard of Morgar either. So I looked it up. Right. Right off the bat, you know, you got a lot of similarities between Morgar and the Loch Ness monster.
Starting point is 00:02:00 Sure. But the main difference being, while Nessie lives a life of uh solitude sure hiding in the shadows morgar likes the spotlight oh i thought nessie was pretty famous nessie is definitely a red carpet oscars kind of paranormal entity yeah definitely a list morgar is more of like is more that actor that you're it just is in every is popping up in every movie okay and you're like who's it morgar's in this he's hot right again okay morgar is not does not shy away from the public's view nessie is like daniel day lewis
Starting point is 00:02:38 does a handful of stellar world-class performances but then moves to the middle of bumf**king nowhere right yeah and he's never seen again but it's kind of a legend but morgar is marvel universe not nine movies a year kind of guy well i found an amazing basically an amazing log of all the sightings of the beast uh on a site called fortiana which was a it was a great site a lot of this info is coming from fortiana so go check it out if you're interested nice but what we're gonna do is we're gonna start right back at the beginning and work our way through the sightings all the way up to the current day all right that seems like a good format for the podcast work our way methodically from the past
Starting point is 00:03:26 to the future this is some old school tpl shit this is how this is how we used to rock it actually i'm too excited let's go straight to the future morgar's got a jet pack and a laser gun i need contact you're right you're right that was That was abrupt. We'll go back. Going to the future 2050, Morgar is president of every country. It rules the world. Our story begins on April 26th, 1876. Wow, long time ago. Fishermen at Garen's Bay land back at shore,
Starting point is 00:04:00 panting and out of breath. When they finally- Not just because they're big guys either. When they finally... Not just because they're big guys, either. When they finally collected themselves, they began to tell the story of capturing an enormous sea serpent. Wow.
Starting point is 00:04:15 The Royal Cornwall Gazette was the first newspaper to report the story, and they said, The sea serpent was caught alive in Gerund's Bay. Two of our fishermen were afloat, overhauling their crab pots about 400 yards from the shore, when they discovered a serpent coiled up in the floating cork mark of the crab pot below. Upon their near approach, it lifted its head and showed signs of defiance, upon which they struck it forcibly with an oar.
Starting point is 00:04:48 They pursued and captured it, bringing it it ashore led alive for exhibition soon after which it was killed on the rocks and most inconsiderately cast again into the sea why was not the wonderful creature for which so many have been looking preserved and exhibited it would have brought fame and riches to its captors you're damn right this isn't the way you think a cryptid story is going to start where the cryptid is dragged to shore and beaten to death and then thrown back in the ocean no you know usually it starts off with like a fisherman's tale or like a snapshot and you see it in the distance yeah or like you go through your family photos and morgar's always been there in the background of everyone their first instinct was to beat it with an oar which even if you thought it was any kind of animal that's pretty
Starting point is 00:05:36 cruel yeah well what is the defiance i need to get to the bottom of this i am not sure they said it shows signs of defiance which i guess is just any any sign that it didn't want to be beaten to death by an oar fine like wriggling around and stuff that's kind of defiant okay okay okay like let me out of here you're wiggling around i mean i guess i shouldn't be surprised isn't that i don't i'm not a big fisher but i understand that maybe to shock the fish you like smack their heads off the ground uh to stop them yeah you know to try and kill them or stun them stop them wriggling about that sounds right now that you say it because i went on a fishing trip when i was growing up in northern ireland yeah and yeah smashing fish's heads against the side of the boat if it doesn't stun them we had a very cruel guide that's all i'll say yeah he shouldn't have been taking children out on a fishing boat for sure
Starting point is 00:06:33 yeah if that if that was just off the dome some shitty made up to look cool does this stun the fish what i'm just showing them who's boss, that's all. Keeping them in their place. There's a f***ing million of them in there. You know what would happen if they made it to land? There's a million defiant little shits swimming about down there. So, there had been rumors about a creature like it in the area, but it had never been captured or obviously not killed before. And even though the body was missing,
Starting point is 00:07:05 the locals figured that this was the end of Morgar. Right. Until July 5th, 1912, over 30 years later. Damn. The crew of Dajaman vessel, Kaiser in Victoria, noticed something strange off their ship.
Starting point is 00:07:26 As the object grew closer, they saw it clear as day. A huge sea beast! 20 feet long! A blue-gray top and a white belly. The creature was whipping back and forth in the water defiantly. But before the men could get to it, the beast submerged. Of course.
Starting point is 00:07:48 Now we have a sighting of a creature that matches the description of the beast 30 years later. But they thought they killed the creature and threw it back into the ocean. Could it possibly have survived? Is this another version of this sea beast? Hmm. So we could be talking about the same morgar the one and only the the the champion of the oceans or it could be in a member of morgar's family maybe
Starting point is 00:08:15 some other a number of the species morgar jr sure morgar senior which there was a bit of white in that belly honestly it might make sense because morgar jr would be out for revenge yeah 30 years later yeah morgar this time it's personal he was he was like a centimeter like a marble sized egg at the time that his papa was taken away from him so cruelly uh but he saw he saw everything because he's just basically one eye when they're when they're like that the next official sighting of the creature was in the 1920s, when a 15-year-old boy named Donald Bray was walking with his family and their friends when little Donald spotted something out in the water. Bloody hell, Dad, what the f*** is that?
Starting point is 00:09:00 My language, Junior. It was the morgar. F***ing hell, Junior. It was the morgar. F***ing L, son. They described it as a sea serpent with a head like a cow. A long neck. What? A long neck, four feet out of the water, and a humped body. What does that mean?
Starting point is 00:09:20 Apparently, the creature reportedly looked Donald in the eye. The cow looked Donald in the eye the car looked donald in the eye the sea serpent with a cow's head and a hump body okay looked him straight in the eye so like a camel or something look what we're gonna learn today as the story continues is that unlike the chupacabra or the wendigo morgar has been seen a lot by a lot of different people yeah and every time he's seen he pretty much looks different okay this is a shapeshifter he's a little shapeshifter i mean it's always a slight variation of your classic sea monster but obviously cow head no one mentioned a cow head in the previous encounters. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:07 Yeah. Interesting that it had an interest in Donald. I did want to say one thing, which is that, you know, I, I, I, I,
Starting point is 00:10:17 I, I'm not judging the first sailors too harshly. These guys beat the thing to death allegedly. Because if, about your character is anything okay enough if morgar is anything it is a rare pokemon okay uh and from what i remember from my pokemon training days is that it was all too easy to land an accidental critical hit on the Bish. You one-shot that thing. Its HP goes right to zero. And it's dead.
Starting point is 00:10:50 It's gone. There is a difference, though, between accidentally quick attacking a magic carp and it fainting. Sure. And beating a Gyarados to death with an oar. They used the same attack multiple times. Yeah, because Margot fainted. Margot fainted and they didn't stop. Margot fainted in the water.
Starting point is 00:11:11 Then they dragged it ashore and then used, like, f***ing water blast, thunderbolt. They used a powerful attack. They captured him with an ultra ball, brought him back to shore released him in the ball he thinks he's going out to battle he just beat the shit out of him with an oar all right all right that's that's not the side you want to that's some team rocket
Starting point is 00:11:38 bullshit right there that's right but we don't associate with. The story continues. In 1926, two fishermen were dragging nets three miles off of Foulmouth when all of a sudden they felt a snag on the ropes. Oh boy, we got a big one this time. Pull it on board. Is that the local accent? That's the local. I actually think it is. I hear it's a beautiful place.
Starting point is 00:12:03 As the men dragged the net up they cried out loud as they discovered a giant sea monster in the net what the net was tiny as well don't know how this happened it was 20 feet long with an eight foot with it with an eight foot, with an eight feet, with an eight foot tall, strange beaked head. The head is eight feet? And four tiny little scaled legs attached to its body. Okay. The men also noticed that it had a broad back covered with matted brown hair. The men managed to grab a sample of the hair,
Starting point is 00:12:46 matted brown hair the men managed to grab a sample of the hair and when it was examined by experts from the plymouth marine biological observatory they could offer no explanation okay as to what creature it had come from i feel like we're missing okay i feel like we're missing a couple steps sure in that capture process so this thing is 20 feet long 20 feet long its head alone is eight foot uh tall eight foot but it in this version it does have a beaked head so i don't know if it's like two foot head six foot beak okay like a hummingbird. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Or whatever that thing is. A stork. What's the one that delivers the babies? Yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:13:29 I got confused with a pelican in my mind for a second. I was like, do the babies go in the mouth? That's what I was thinking. That is very dangerous. So they capture it. Apparently they get close enough to grab a tuft of hair. Yeah. And presumably rip it out.
Starting point is 00:13:46 Yeah. It's not just falling off like candy floss. I don't think so. But yet, where is the beast? How didn't they reel it in? Either they let it go or it escaped defiantly. Well, we do know it is defiant. I guess that's possible.
Starting point is 00:14:02 Maybe they grabbed some of the hair and they were like, this is all proof we need right a beast's hair and then they're like get out of here you little scamp this is enough to make us rich yeah we'll be rich no but they didn't even consider that if they take it to a uh you know a biologist a marine biologist i can be like we don't know what this is yeah where's the creature they're like oh shit did you need like a toenail clipping he had four little legs maybe he had four little we need this skeleton we need really shit oh man that actually makes sense now that you say it i have a problem all right no moving on no no no no no no no you don't get to we just have a lot of sightings to get through. We haven't even started. Okay. This is under the header, the early days.
Starting point is 00:14:48 All right. No. Okay. Well, there's a lot of problems in the early days that set a bad foundation for the rest of the story. What's so weird about a 20 foot f***ing beaked cow with four little legs? Almost. The worst, most confusing bit is the hair yeah no sea beast has hair it's not very water dynamic it's not good for swimming because even even amphibious creatures
Starting point is 00:15:15 don't have hair a platypus maybe has a has hair it's kind of like a beaver but like it's different it's yeah an otter yeah all right and they have like a beak they have a bill it's all coming out it's all coming out now i just every question you just had i just answered it i wouldn't go that far i wouldn't go you actually tried to move the story on before i could get my question okay 1934 the monster was spotted in Whitsand Bay By several witnesses It was described as Monstrous Glossy
Starting point is 00:15:50 Black With a long goose-like neck Oh, f*** off A humped back And a tremendous tail Goose? Look This is everything but a sea beast
Starting point is 00:16:06 We've had humpback Kylok head Beak Look goose Goose neck Goose neck is just a descriptive way of saying Slippery ass little snake neck I just want it to be
Starting point is 00:16:21 A Nessie I want it to be a sea snake A sea serpent want it to be a sea snake, a sea serpent. You could say that Nessie has a goose neck. You could say, because, you know, think about a goose, right? Which one is that? I'm thinking about a swan, actually. What the f*** is a goose? They're all the same.
Starting point is 00:16:38 They're all birds with big-ass necks. It's similar. You know, it's that little curve curve thing the bit that pops out of the water okay fine all right i'm glad i got you on board i feel like there's tougher bits coming up it has the teeth of a man in the autumn of 1944 ed bodart and other crew members of a fishing vessel witnessed a creature somewhere off Foei Point. Suddenly, the Black Sea parted some 10 to 12 feet off the starboard side. A 3 to 4 foot diameter object with a ball-like head came straight out of the water and rose to a height of some 12 feet above the surface.
Starting point is 00:17:22 Okay, the sea parted? The sea parted like freaking Moses. Okay. Are we now entering into the realm of the paranormal? If it wasn't weird enough already. So this thing is not just a goose, not just a beaked car. It may be Poseidon itself. It may rule the seas.
Starting point is 00:17:43 They said the Black Sea parted some 10 to 12 feet in front of them 10 to 12 feet is a pretty that's pretty deep water this is off the coast of this is still off the coast of cornwall so yeah this all kind of takes place in cornwall uh yeah i mean at those depths that fishers fish i think it can vary a lot i mean i've only been in a boat off the uk a couple of times and like it is kind of alarming how shallow it gets at points yeah but yeah it could be anything from i guess hundreds of feet to quite little like you know 20 30 feet and as far as i know yeah there are probably some species of whales that uh you know make their way around the uk but uh definitely not a lot of creatures that would have the capabilities physically let alone spiritually
Starting point is 00:18:33 to part the water 10 feet i think they would need to be baptized for a start that ability they would have to have some super saiy abilities. So here we have not only the appearance of the beast changing, but also the manner in which it appears. That is nuts. Spooky stuff. This is very outlandish. We're going forward again to the 1970s. Graham Sampson of Kingsbridge claims he heard strange barking noises underwater.
Starting point is 00:19:05 Shut the f*** up. Underwater? You can't hear anything underwater. I don't know what he... What? Was he underwater? That was... That's...
Starting point is 00:19:14 I shouldn't have included that one. That's the stupidest one. Is that it? Yeah, that's pretty much the whole... Oh my god. He just stuck his head underwater, heard a few claps... He few claps bubble and thought it was the beast itself barking for action there are so many more sightings that take place in the 1970s that i'm just gonna have to tell you the dates spotted in april 1976 Spotted in January 1976.
Starting point is 00:19:45 Spotted in March 1976. Actually, in March 1976, a woman named Mary F. managed to actually take two photographs of the beast. Really? These pictures were published in local newspapers a few days later. I would love this because we can finally put these rumors about goosenecks to rest. Yeah, and before we do put it to rest, she said the creature looked like an elephant waving its trunk. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:20:11 But the trunk was a long neck with a small head at the end. Like a f***ing snake head. Okay, well, someone said the head was eight foot long, so it's not exactly a small head. They said the beak was maybe eight foot long the head is like a raisin up there it's tiny we didn't have a beak that day maybe she was looking at him from the back so the beak was out look these sightings have gone on long enough it obviously doesn't care about being seen it's flashing its beak and gooseneck all over town it parted the
Starting point is 00:20:45 ocean it hasn't been done in over 2 000 years that's metaphorically drawing back the curtains to reveal itself yeah it couldn't be more out in the open if it could fly a hand glider it was time to get a professional involved yes so in march 1976 i'm sorry can i see the photos you kind of glossed over that you kind of use it as evidence but then in sorry you're just you're interrupting me in march no i'm not interrupting you because you brought up the photo so all i have is can we see the photos before you move on i'm not gonna lie bud we are short on time tonight it is a little rushed i have the photos i definitely have right so just turn the computer on and show me it i don't i mean you know if you're not willing to show me i'm just gonna that's cool you just talk and i'll
Starting point is 00:21:33 look up the photos on google no no don't do that don't do that i'll show i'll show them to you i'll show them to you it's fine all right you're being so reluctant about showing me the photos. I don't know why. I just... The creature's been described in so many beautiful ways that I feel like showing you the pictures of the beast aren't going to live up to the expectations that you have created in your own head.
Starting point is 00:21:57 Well, that you've created by... Hey! Talking a big game. Don't shoot the messenger here. I didn't say the thing had a beak. I didn't say it was a little goose. You absolutely said all of those things. Who else said i regurgitated them i'll show you the pictures but you have to just accept that this these were the olden days and pictures were shit
Starting point is 00:22:16 things don't look good okay so just bear that in mind so it doesn't you're saying before you even look glanced at it you're saying it doesn't it's not believable in your head you're saying before you even glance at it, you're saying it's not believable? In your head, you're obviously expecting like a selfie of the beast with a beautiful gooseneck and a lovely beak. Listen, we've been doing this for 150 episodes. I'm just expecting... All right, here it is. Here it is then, you son of a bitch. Holy f***ing Christ.
Starting point is 00:22:41 Watch it. Watch it, all right? We're barely out of the early days section okay there's a lot more to come so choose your next words wisely what why is it a literal shadow why that's no more evidence for you no more you lost you just lost your evidence privileges buddy it does have a raisin head. You're right. It looks like a dinosaur. It looks like the big dinosaurs that eat leaves from the top trees.
Starting point is 00:23:12 What are they called? A diplodocus or something? Diplodocus, yeah. The bottom one looks badly drawn. I don't know how that's possible for a photograph, but its neck is squiggly. The neck is squiggly. It looks like an ink blotch.'s an ink blotch it's absolutely it's pitch black despite the sea being different shades hey those pictures were published in a newspaper so well that doesn't be careful going around and saying that those
Starting point is 00:23:42 aren't authentic so as i said time to get a professional involved. In March 1976, renowned dragon hunter, Professor Michael McCormick. Stop right there. Dragon hunter. Came over. A dragon hunter? Renowned dragon hunter? Not just dragon hunter.
Starting point is 00:24:01 Renowned dragon hunter,, Michael McCormick. I'm just slightly confused because I'm pretty sure even we've covered dragons on the show before. Have we? I think maybe in the very early days. We did that one that talked about the legend of Shonks. And I think he fought a dragon at some point. That might have actually been a bonus episode. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:24:21 And dragons definitely did come up. Yeah. Yeah. I don't think we've ever done an episode on dragons. That could be a good episode i'm not sure and dragons definitely did come up yeah yeah i don't think we've never we've ever done an episode on drag that could be a good episode yeah that's a good show well i don't mean to spoil that upcoming episode but don't say dragons aren't real i'm just saying i've never heard of a dragon hunter let much less a renowned dragon hunter well he came all the way from albuquerque, New Mexico to see the beast. So I don't know what they're training people to do over there.
Starting point is 00:24:49 Apparently cooler stuff than they are over here. His plan was to capture the beast with a little help from a very special man named Doc Shields. I don't know if you remember Doc Shields. No. He actually came up in a case that we investigated in the past. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:25:07 In the investigation of the Owlman. Oh, yeah. Another Cornwall beast. Cornwallian. Cryptid. Oh, yeah. The Pedo Owl. I remember him.
Starting point is 00:25:21 For lack of a better word. Yeah. Doc Shields was the cryptid hunter who is definitely not a doctor or has any medical training. And we looked up his Wikipedia in the episode. And the best part that we found was that he had to leave London after a drunken incident in which he threatened a police officer with a gun. Okay. So maybe not the best guy to take down this thing alive well he's got a gun we know that we know that i will say you know after after him popping up a second time i actually looked up more about doc shields guy's got a great history of hunting the paranormal really he's been doing the lord's work uh all over the uk getting involved
Starting point is 00:26:05 in a lot of different cases and i mean here he is teaming up with a dragon hunter from new mexico why isn't this a netflix show doc shields and michael mccormick one of them's got a gun and the other one hunts dragons it said that the pair used quote traditional magical and ceremonial techniques to lure the creature out of the ocean traditional is gun right traditional's gun magical is the gun but the bullets have been dipped in holy water for quite a while they were unsuccessful what's quite a while? We talking hours or weeks? We're talking months by the looks of it. The Beast was sighted on April 16th, 1976. In May 1976. In July 3rd, 1976.
Starting point is 00:26:59 Later in that same month, Roy Peters, a 17-year-old diver, said that he saw three mini Morgars just off the coast. He said they had skin like seals, but because of their ugly heads and necks, they were definitely not seals. Well, I think something that makes Morgars special is the fact that he's very big. So three mini ones is automatically a little less interesting three mini morgars that look like seals are probably seals yeah come to think of it i prefer them being cows and geese and whatever the well months later in november 1976 doc shields said In 1976, Doc Shields said that he had managed to capture the creature in photographs at Parsons Beach. We knew you could do it, Doc. I don't know why I ever doubted you. You're the man for the job. Let's see it. Let's see these photos. He said, I was waving my stick around and it appeared no one was more amazed than me.
Starting point is 00:28:08 appeared no one was more amazed than me doc said he had stumpy little horns and he described the body of the animal as 15 feet long okay uh well what did he just say he was waving his sticker on maybe that was part of the ceremonial process or maybe also did he say is what he calls his gun i think that is what people call i was waving my piece around and it appeared uh also did he say is what he calls his gun i think that is what people call i was waving my piece around and it appeared uh also did he say no one was more surprised than me so even he didn't think he could do it i mean it's been i'm frankly amazed he's still here it's been months at this point the dragon lord went home probably day five after it didn't show up. But a year later, on February 2nd, 1977, Doc Shields again tried to invoke Morgar
Starting point is 00:28:56 at the same point that he'd seen the beast last, but it was unsuccessful. She's playing hard to get, he claimed claimed i don't want to derail us too much but you did again mention that photographs were taken and then kind of skimmed over that fact is it possible to see doc's photos i'm not gonna lie i don't have these photos okay in my evidence but that's because i also didn't look for them so i'm gonna do a little google search right now uh it's very hard to tell because of um his involvement with the loch ness monster and morgar which is which because they both kind of look the same beast that is one of the like puppets from like the land before
Starting point is 00:29:52 time yeah it does poking out of water a dinosaur's head just emerging i am whenever he said about waving his sticker on i am somewhat impressed by this image of him uh on a beach wielding a sword oh my god with two naked women on either side of him and he's just in like a raincoat and a woolly jumper with with like as with like a four foot long broad sword if that does not make you trust a man, I don't know what does. We're jumping straight from the early days to a little section called conclusions. What? You gotta be kidding me.
Starting point is 00:30:38 I'm out of evidence. I really thought the dark shields thing was gonna pinch it for you what are your thoughts it was like you it was like you robbed the jewelry store got into the getaway vehicle and then at the first turn off slowed down to a halt and handed yourself yourself in look i set out to to to to list all of the sightings of morgar this this beautiful sea serpent with a cow head a goose neck and a big beak sure and i did that granted have there been more since february 2nd 1977 sure there's probably been a shit ton because it seems like he pops up every other day have i looked into them no hell no the last thing i saw was a couple years back someone thought they found his skeleton washed up on the beach okay he might not be with
Starting point is 00:31:39 us anymore there's a good chance morgar's dead right um i mean the the thing's already been alive for over a hundred years and the first encounter i mentioned was him being beaten to death so i'm gonna go ahead and assume he's probably not around anymore yeah well after that point every year was a gift yeah it was an unexpected gift okay no listen i'm being a little hard i only thought i just from all this talk of early years i thought there might have been more recent sightings that was misleading of me sure but you know i shouldn't necessarily expect that a cryptid doesn't necessarily mean some psychedelic paranormal beast that lives beyond the means of space and time it just means a creature unknown to science right um that we don't know if it exists yet so it might have a normal lifespan and that could involve it dying
Starting point is 00:32:32 in the last 50 years for sure it's true particularly when the fishermen were beating it to death i will say it's particularly interesting that there is such a glut of sightings for this beast you know that's something that can't necessarily be said of a lot of other beasts i mean including the loch ness monster loch ness monster listen he's he's he's too famous yeah everyone every tourist is visiting there wanting to see nessy um so they have to come away with a story and oftentimes they're just making stuff up she's she's gotta like swim around with the baseball cap and the shades on yeah these days getting like ubers just to and from every lake because it's like i can't even she can't even set tail in public without being snapped by the the paps yeah whereas this one is a little bit
Starting point is 00:33:23 more under the radar i mean all i know about cornwall is is what we've researched on the podcast and from that it basically sounds like narnia right there are monsters and goblins and sea beasts probably talking lions helping kids take over the the the mythical government i don't know what's going on in this place got cryptids coming out the wazoo it's definitely there's definitely something to it like i mean cornwall scotland ireland it's all kind of this it's all this kind of celtic landscape very beautiful mystical looking landscapes that definitely lend themselves to undiscovered creatures. Yeah. And you could probably argue that as a cynic, maybe some of that folklore and mythology has seeped into the residents of these places.
Starting point is 00:34:20 More so than people in larger cities. Very true. Yeah. I don't know how many like cryptid sightings are coming out of like south london yeah uh compared to places like cornwall it's true it's true but i will say one thing i'm disturbed by is the wild variation in descripting factors oh yeah uh for morgar either there is a monster factory at the bottom of the ocean or people can't describe a creature very well or else morgar has some kind of gta style paint job garage underneath the ocean where after every sighting he gets a new look every time he gets five stars he just rolls into
Starting point is 00:35:02 this garage changes color and pops out and everyone's like what the who the who is that couldn't be morgar morgar is the face of a cow yet this is a goose all right we're just uh being around the bush here uh we don't have to come to a conclusion on bonus episodes whether or not it's real and whether or not it's false sure and out of the courtesy of morgar i'm not gonna do that out of the courtesy of morgar i'm not going to do that out of the courtesy of doc shields i'm not going to do that because he's probably still out there with two babes and a broadsword swinging it about in a thunderstorm hunting to this very day no one was more surprised than me when something actually happened
Starting point is 00:35:41 um thank you guys for listening. Thank you, Kit, for letting me tell you the tale. Hey, thank you for investigating this, Roy. You did a stellar job pulling this one together. Thank you. Special shout out to, as I said, Fortiana, the website that had a lot of information about the history and sightings of Morgar, which was awesome. Guys, there's nothing to shout out, really. We couldn't be here without you.
Starting point is 00:36:09 We couldn't be doing this without you. So I just want to thank you for helping to support the show helping to support these two paranormal pals in their podcast adventures i've said it before i say it again you guys own us yeah well don't say it don't say it i've said it before i say it again getting it in their head you can tell us to do pretty much anything and we will do it. If you've got a problem you need help with, if it's like a little, you need a little muscle, let us know. Whoa, okay. Well, that took a weird turn. I thought you meant like fix a sink or like
Starting point is 00:36:35 unplug a drain or something. You know. You're saying we can kill on demand. I didn't say anything like that, Rory. I just said if you need a couple extra muscles. Okay. I'm not talking about Mr. Muscle, all right?
Starting point is 00:36:51 Wink, wink. Don't wink. You could have winked and I would have been able to see it, but you said wink, wink. Well, the listeners wouldn't have seen the wink, would they? I didn't know you wanted them to see the wink because it seems... All right. I get what you're saying. If you need someone's legs broken what did we say i think we said in one of the early episodes uh that if you
Starting point is 00:37:10 donate to us on patreon we will hunt and kill whoever you say is bigfoot we only need one word yeah because then that's not on us yeah we're like julia said that it was bigfoot so we're just doing our jobs that's not on us that's our thing guys thank you so much for joining i hope you enjoyed this month's bonus episode uh we'll be back obviously next tuesday with a brand new paranormal tale and until then folks always remember to live fast investigate and die young, baby! Wahoo!

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