This Past Weekend - 12-26-16 | This Past Weekend #2

Episode Date: December 26, 2016

Theo talks George Michael's death. Fck all news. Visiting his childhood neighborhood. Kickball with pediofiles. School bus erections. And how Christmas was.See for privacy info...rmation. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You hear that guys, huh? Good morning! Good morning guys, it's Monday, December 26th. It's a day after Christmas. That's George Michael. That's George Michael right there, guys. Remember that one, huh? I want your sex.
Starting point is 00:00:28 I want your sex. I want your sex. I want your sex. I want your sex. I want your sex. I want your sex. I want your sex. I want your sex.
Starting point is 00:00:34 I want your sex. I want your sex. I want your sex. I want your sex. I want your sex. I want your sex. I want your sex. I want your sex.
Starting point is 00:00:34 I want your sex. I want your sex. I want your sex. I want your sex. I want your sex. I want your sex. I want your sex. I want your sex.
Starting point is 00:00:36 I want your sex. I want your sex. I want your sex. I want your sex. I want your sex. I want your sex. I want your sex. I want your sex.
Starting point is 00:00:36 I want your sex. I want your sex. I want your sex. I want your sex. I want your sex. I want your sex. I want your sex. I want your sex.
Starting point is 00:00:36 I want your sex. I want your sex. I want your sex. I want your sex. I want your sex. I want your sex. I want your sex. I want your sex. I want your sex. I want your sex. I want your sex. I want your sex. I want your sex. I want your sex. I want your sex. I want your sex. I want your sex. I want your sex. I want your sex. Oh, man. George Michael, dead at 53, I think it is. Good morning, guys. It's this past weekend, December 26th is Monday.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Sad to see that, man. That made me... How are you feeling? how do you feel about it did it hit you you know different celebrities different uh you know musicians especially they hit you you're not you're not expecting it like prince yeah prince obviously like amazing uh you know once in a lifetime um type of entertainer. But I didn't realize George Michael. I started getting all these thoughts and feelings. I used to listen to him on the school bus.
Starting point is 00:01:33 I remember that was one of the first songs that I heard, man. Was George Michael on the school bus right there. And I remember that song when it came on. I felt, you know, I'd be on the school bus. And honestly, I'd be a little bit erect. You know, I was young and I was spry and real sprung in the veins. And I was getting erect on the school bus. Listening to George Michael and I felt getting erect on the school bus, listening to George Michael, and I felt ashamed, I remember feeling ashamed, like, what are you, what are you doing, you
Starting point is 00:02:11 little sinner, you know, and that song would come on, I want your sex, and look at the girl sitting across from me, you know, some, some frumpet, little muppet girl, kind of Rubenesque, you know, thick and just a pale girl, I remember, and big sunglasses. She needed eyeglasses, but her parents couldn't afford them, and so they gave her sunglasses. I'm like, Jesus, that's, I don't think that's an accurate replacement. You know, I mean, she basically looks like she's in the witness protection program. Now, not only is her vision bad, but, you know, but she looks like a California raisin. Anyway, but I remember that song, I want your Sex. And I just remember just pushing myself up against the window, just scared to even look around.
Starting point is 00:03:09 And I remember making eye contact with her when that song was on one time and just felt every feeling you could feel as a young man. Felt everything, man. I felt everything. You know, I felt like she and I had a moment. You know, I just, I don't know. It was heavy. It was heavy. That's all I remember is that it was heavy. Good to see you guys Monday. Happy day after Christmas, man. Christmas happened. You know, Christmas happened this past weekend. What else? George Michael gone.
Starting point is 00:03:48 Fake news. Fake news is still out there, huh? What else? I was looking at the headlines this morning. Giraffes may disappear, they said. Giraffes. We might be almost out of giraffes. So that's really alarming, you know? Just the fact uh we thought these giraffes would be here forever but let's get into it man this past weekend my
Starting point is 00:04:12 christmas what was it like uh friday i went to new orleans to hang out uh with some friends i had a friend who's a dj we went to the rusty nail over there in new orleans i went to the Rusty Nail over there in New Orleans. I went to a buddy of mine from high school. He's a contractor now. He and his brother, they had a Christmas party. So I stopped by there. It was good to see them catch up, share old stories, things I didn't remember. And my buddy's straight, his brother's gay. But I had, and it reminded me, his brother was the first gay guy I ever knew about.
Starting point is 00:04:53 I'd never thought about that before. And it didn't, you know, it doesn't matter now. And I don't think it mattered to anybody then, but it was just, you know, it was a, it was a novel thing. It was like the first time that I heard about a Chinese boy, you know, I'd just, you know, it was a, it was a novel thing. It was like the first time that I heard about a Chinese boy, you know, I'd never, you know, I'd never spent any time, didn't know any Chinese people. So, um, I remember that they might've talked about this last week, even they had a Chinese boy, uh, allegedly, uh, about 17 miles away from us when I was growing up and we
Starting point is 00:05:23 heard about it. We got wind of it. You know, we were downwind from the Chinese, apparently. And so we saved up money, me and two of my buddies. We saved up money, cutting yards, made us a little bit of money, and got a taxi. We got a $41 taxi to go see the Chinese. But there wasn't. There was no Chinese.
Starting point is 00:05:47 It was a laundromat. One of those, you know, cleaners. Somebody built a cleaners and just, you know, a breakdown in communication via humans. And that was when it got to us. At 11 years old, there was an alleged Chinese person. And there's nothing wrong with being Chinese if you're out there and you're uber liberal and you can't stand somebody saying the name of an ethnicity. But we'd never heard about it.
Starting point is 00:06:17 We didn't know anything about it. We were children. And we grew up in a white and black area. So when we heard there's a Chinese person, a boy too, they said. You know, there was a little bit of lore there, legend. You know, there was a Chinese boy. If you hear some people in the background, it could be, I'm standing at my brother's house. I'm actually in he and his wife's closet right now, recording this.
Starting point is 00:06:44 So the kids could be fighting or crying or loving or being loving in the background. That is an option. So, ah, but anyway, what was I even talking about? Yeah, I went to New Orleans, hang out with some friends, but yeah, my buddy, the contractor, he and his brother are contractors. They had the first, he was the first gay guy that we ever knew about, you know? And it was all, you know, the way they phrased it, you know, oh yeah, but he does his own thing. Oh, he's doing, yeah, that's right, he's doing his own thing, you know? Oh, he's really, yeah, he's an adventurer, you know? Just the terms you would hear.
Starting point is 00:07:26 Just crazy. Anyway, that's what I did Friday, I believe I went to that. Actually, that was Saturday. That was Friday. I went there to New Orleans. We just had Stassi Schroeder on our podcast on Allegedly.
Starting point is 00:07:46 It'll be coming out tomorrow. The girl from Vanderpump Rules. If you're a Stassi Schroeder on our podcast on Allegedly. It'll be coming out tomorrow. The girl from Vanderpump Rules. If you're a Stassi Schroeder fan, you can check her out on our podcast on Allegedly, which drops tomorrow, Tuesday, the 27th. But she's from New Orleans, so text her, see if she
Starting point is 00:08:02 wanted to come out or she's in town. Didn't get a response. No response! Sometimes you don't get responded to, you know? You know, and even though I wasn't doing it sensually, it does, you know, it makes you as a man, you know, you just, you want to get a response from the ladies. to get a response from the ladies. I could text my grandmother if she doesn't text back with that oyster dressing recipe of hers that I'm asking for, then I'm upset. I'm upset about that. So, um, yeah, I didn't get a text back, but that's okay. You know, uh, busy
Starting point is 00:08:38 ladies, these ladies are busy, especially the, uh, these fancy ladies, you know, a lot of them, they can get a little busy. But that's okay. I'm just kind of clowning around there. But she's on our podcast. If you like Vanderpump Rules, if that's your universe, if that's what you watch, or if your wife makes you watch that at night and you pretend like you don't like it, but you like it,
Starting point is 00:09:01 she's going to be on Allegedly tomorrow. I got into it with her, man. I asked her some questions. She's a beautiful girl so I asked her some questions about sensuality. Asking her about some of her sexual thoughts and practices. You know? It's kind of what she's
Starting point is 00:09:17 into. You know, girls are... So anyway, we get a little sensual on there if you want to check out Allegedly. I'm going to drop some dates on you coming up. I got the Virginia Beach Funny Bone, January 26th through 29th. And then the following weekend, I got the Improv in Chicago. It's actually out in Schaumburg. Schaumburg, Illinois.
Starting point is 00:09:46 February 2nd through the 4th. So that's exciting. As well, if you do art, I'm looking for somebody to do some cover art for my album. I got a new album that's dropping. 30-pound bag of hamster bones. If you do cover art or you're an artist,
Starting point is 00:10:01 inbox me. DM me. Slide into my DMs with your artistic talents, with your color pencils. But no, seriously, if somebody wants to design a cover or submit an opportunity to design that, you know, you're welcome to do that. What else? So that was this past weekend. I invited out the Vanderpump Rules girl. You know. I did get a text back from her.
Starting point is 00:10:27 Yesterday maybe. On Christmas. Maybe Saturday. I think yesterday I got it. I was at a party. And I was busy. You know. But that she may go out on tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:10:43 Or today. Monday. Today's Monday. What else man? George Michael Monday. What else, man? George Michael, though, huh? Did that get you? Did that get you? Let's...
Starting point is 00:10:56 Just imagine, huh? 11-year-old boy, this comes on the school bus. I want your sex. Just imagine, huh? An 11-year-old boy just comes on the school bus. I want your love. I want your sex. Ah, just a bunch of impoverished kids sitting there staring at each other. Ah, man, I was sprung. I was erect, I will sprung. I was erect. I will say that.
Starting point is 00:11:26 I remember looking out the window and just like I couldn't see anything. I was looking out the window, but I couldn't see anything. That's how erect I was at that age, 11, and just hearing that. Just them say, sex, I want your sex on the radio. Even though it was a man saying it, you know, I was sprung. I was sprung up. So, yeah, Friday I went to New Orleans. I stayed over there.
Starting point is 00:11:57 I stayed with my buddy and his girlfriend. They live together now. They had some cats, a couple of cats tried to get at me in the night. You know, one cat I think is black, one of them's mixed, but they was kind of fucking with me in the dark and that's a little bit challenging, you know, sleeping in unfamiliar territory and you got two cats kind of fucking getting at you, you know. Speaking of actually, which kind of brings things full circle right now. I remember getting sensual with this girl up in Philadelphia. That's one of the older cities in America.
Starting point is 00:12:34 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Staying at her place and being erect in my sleep. I was actually being erect in my sleep. And she had a cat just swatting at my erection. I remember waking up to that. That is startling, dude. If you have not...
Starting point is 00:12:54 I'm an animal lover, I guess, but I'm not... It depends on what animals. I've had a storied history with animals, and we'll get into that as some of these episodes unfold. If you haven't had a cat batting at your erection i mean that is uh that was that was too much this is what that cat was thinking, I bet. Coming after that meat, huh?
Starting point is 00:13:26 Going after that scratching post, huh? So yeah, cat batting in my erection. I was a girl in Philadelphia. But that was scary. That was alarming. Another time I remember sharing a bed with this woman and she had a dog. The dog's name was Kobe. And a huge, big brown dog.
Starting point is 00:13:49 It was a Great Dane. We shared a bed together. And this was right after Kobe Bryant had gotten brought up on those rape charges. And I remember thinking, ah, this is, you know, this could go any way. You know, this could go any way. And she made the dog sleep in the middle of us, that was baffling to me, like, but again, I respect it, I didn't know, I just met this lady, you know, you know, and this is back when I was, you know, just kind of running around,
Starting point is 00:14:17 tomcatting, and yeah, that was alarming, you know, when she let me sleep over by her place. And I don't remember if we really got very sensual or anything, but I do remember sharing this bed with her and this great Dane, Kobe. I don't know if he's still out there. And I wonder what he was thinking while we laid there in the dark, huh? Maybe that's what he had on his mind, huh? Maybe that dog was trying to get at me. I feel like I should try. I feel like I should try.
Starting point is 00:14:48 I feel like I should try. I feel like I should try. I feel like I should try. I feel like I should try. I feel like I should try. I feel like I should try. I feel like I should try. I feel like I should try.
Starting point is 00:14:49 I feel like I should try. I feel like I should try. I feel like I should try. I feel like I should try. I feel like I should try. I feel like I should try. I feel like I should try. I feel like I should try.
Starting point is 00:14:50 I feel like I should try. I feel like I should try. I feel like I should try. I feel like I should try. I feel like I should try. I feel like I should try. I feel like I should try. I feel like I should try.
Starting point is 00:14:50 I feel like I should try. I feel like I should try. I feel like I should try. I feel like I should try. I feel like I should try. I feel like I should try. I feel like I should try. I feel like I should try.
Starting point is 00:14:50 I feel like I should try. I feel like I should try. I feel like I should try. I feel like I should try. I feel like I should try. I feel like I should try. I feel like I should try. I feel like I should try.
Starting point is 00:14:50 I feel like I should try. I feel like I should visited. I got a condo over there in New Orleans. I know I'm property dropping here, but... And it had flooding. It had flooding in it from some... The guy who lived upstairs was leaving his unit. Decided he wanted to take the washing machine with him. Couldn't figure out how to unhook it. Ripped it out of the wall. Just ripped it out of the wall. Just aborted that thing right out of the wall. Just ripped it out of the wall.
Starting point is 00:15:26 Just aborted that thing right out of the wall. Broke a pipe in the wall and flooded a bunch of units downstairs. One of those is the place that I own. So we've had to remodel it. But my tenant decided to stick with me. She didn't move out. Blah, blah, blah. Anyway, so I got to stop in and see that place.
Starting point is 00:15:44 And it looks really nice. And the guys who did the construction on it were the same dudes parties that I went to on Friday night. So a little full circle there. Uh, you know, uh, the first gay guy I ever met and, uh, and his brother who was my, uh, close friend actually growing up. We were good buddies. So anyway, what else, man? Then Saturday. Saturday was Christmas Eve. I got up and did a yoga class. Didn't want to do that. Oh, miserable.
Starting point is 00:16:17 Miserable in there. Actually saw this beautiful girl that I knew from growing up in my hometown. She bought me a coffee. She bought me a coffee and she bought me a coffee, and I drank it slowly, bruh, I'll tell you that, dude, I drank that coffee slow, baby boy, drip, drip, you want to talk about that slow drip, man, I let it just... Ah! So, that was cool. Went to the yoga class.
Starting point is 00:16:54 Then it was Saturday, man. It was Saturday and I got... I came back to Baton Rouge and I went up to Natchez, Mississippi. I don't know if you've ever been up to Natchez, Mississippi. But I mean, it is very, it is just almost, I don't want to say slave times up there. You know, but it is a deep south, you know.
Starting point is 00:17:23 Pretty just black and white city, you know, like most southern cities are just, you know, kind just black and white city you know like most southern cities are just you know kind of black and white or have been for a long time as far as the the main two ethnicities so that's what you see there but this one i mean whereas uh in in natchez you see i mean it's just like i mean the white people act like it's 100 years ago. And the black people act like it's 100 years. Like, you'll have black people that talk to you like you're, like, I'm just, you know, walking into Walmart, you know, doing some last minute cheaper Christmas shopping. And, you know, you'll meet a black guy who talks like he's an indentured servant. Like, yes, sir, yes, sir.
Starting point is 00:18:05 I'm like, what is going on here? You know, like, everybody's got to evolve in this town, you know. Everybody's got to evolve here, you know. So that was baffling, you know. You got a guy pop out of the bush. He's like, you got any news from the north? I'm like, dude, you guys been free for 100 years. Let's get out of here.
Starting point is 00:18:32 But that was fun, man. I had a good time catching up with some family. I used to work on a farm up there. I used to be a farmer. I remember I worked on a farm. Soybean, cotton, corn. Driving tractor. Hauling seed.
Starting point is 00:18:49 Killing snakes. Snake. Growing up, I had a buddy in my town. He loved hunting snakes. He was tough, too. One of the toughest kids in our town, but he had a lift. He had a lift. And he'd be like, I I'm gonna hunt me some snakes
Starting point is 00:19:06 and he was saying snakes but he couldn't say it but you couldn't look at him like he couldn't say it cause he would whoop your ass he would whoop your ass so you know
Starting point is 00:19:22 how hard it is to hunt snakes and not be able to laugh? Unbelievable. Unbelievable, dude. Those snakes. We're going to get these snakes. Ah, crazy times. So I spent some time up there in Mississippi.
Starting point is 00:19:44 I had a great time, actually, just catching up, my buddy used to work on a farm up there, whose farm I used to work on, he died, he died a while back, man, good guy, a lot of people in my life died, you know, they did, people just, you know, I guess I'm just a good luck charm, I'm just a good luck charm. But, yeah. But actually, we'll switch. Actually, we're going to switch songs right here.
Starting point is 00:20:13 A little more George Michael, Dead at 53. Very sad, man. This one hit me. You know, you don't know who's going to hit you. This one hit me, man. Remember this song? Oh. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:34 Oh, that keyboard. That yacht rock they call this music. Yacht rock. Oh. God, this song, it made me feel like I was on vacation. This beat. Hear that calypso in the back? I think that's what it's called. I'm making shit up.
Starting point is 00:20:54 They always had that button on the keyboard, calypso. Oh, that song, man. Father figure. But that makes me think of my buddy whose farm I worked on. The guy was like a father figure to me, man. He was. And he passed away. He's got a family up there now in Natchez.
Starting point is 00:21:20 So anyway, I was spending time with them. And we shared a lot of great stories. Dude, I'll tell you one story they had this guy Ronnie oh no Johnny he was the yard man this brother, big afro brother and he was the yard man
Starting point is 00:21:38 he came and tended to the yard and took care of the yard this was 15, 20 years ago maybe more, 25 but Johnny would come Went into the yard and took care of the yard. This was, you know, 15, 20 years ago. 20 years ago. Maybe more, 25. But Johnny would come, and he had the biggest afro. Well, one weekend, Johnny was painting the fence around the swimming pool, you know. And so we're out there because a lot of sparrows in the springtime, a lot of sparrows,
Starting point is 00:22:01 if you had long hair or big hair or if you had a you know something flashy in your hair like a like a bow or like a spinner bait maybe they got caught up in your uh in your head trap you know uh because some of the girls in these rural areas would wear a little spinner bait in their hair you know trying to catch a man that That was kind of the idea. But Big Johnny was out there and he was very Rubenesque, this guy. I mean, he was always sweating, you know. He could be in the freezer section at the Piggly Wiggly and still be just perspiring. So Big Johnny would get out there and he's painting this fence, you know. And it was just, each fence was just a two by two boards all the way around this fence. And he was painting it, a picket fence around the swimming pool.
Starting point is 00:22:52 But he's come in the house and he said, hey now. He said they got these two tennis rackets here. Badminton rackets actually. You know badminton rackets? All one, no racket, you know. Give me some fucking racket. What am I supposed to do with the badminton rackets? All, all wand, no racket, you know? Give me some fucking racket. What am I supposed to do with a badminton? Flip eggs? That thing a piece of shit?
Starting point is 00:23:11 Give me a racket, you know? That's the kind of guy I am. I bring a tennis racket to a badminton match, dude. You know? So, anyway, we're out there. Ronnie the Sparrows was attacking his hair they probably had 400 sparrows in the area attacking his head because he had this big beautiful afro you know and that
Starting point is 00:23:36 i mean you know and they think it's that's nesting material so they're flying down me and one of the kids um we're fending them off so we're out there this is our US Open out here we're out here just beating sparrows trying to beat them out of a man's hair and I'm no Olympian dude but I've beaten some sparrows out of an afro
Starting point is 00:24:04 that's for damn sure. In 95 degree heat in Mississippi, you better be damn sure I have, man, because I'm not afraid to look for a father figure. So that was that That was that What else man We moved on We moved on That was
Starting point is 00:24:32 So that was back in Natchez We had a good time there Saturday night Did Christmas Eve there And that was beautiful man We went to church on Saturday That was really nice But honestly I was
Starting point is 00:24:44 I got angry in church, man. The band was too loud. They got 19 musicians on the stage. I'm in church. I don't need this. I need a woman up there singing. That's what I want. Give me some Hallelujah. Give me some
Starting point is 00:24:59 Silent Night. Holy Night. They had seven inch, four guitars, a dude in a drum set behind a big cage in like an aquarium. What is going on here? Just every, and it's a small church
Starting point is 00:25:16 but it wanted to be like a mega church. I don't know. I love the church. The church was actually awesome. It just, the music but I let it get to me so then I'm you know, I'm there. I'm agitated. I'm agitated. That's my fault. I let it get to me, so then I'm, you know, I'm there, I'm agitated, I'm agitated, that's my fault, I let it get to me, I'm agitated, then I'm the grumpy dude in church, you know, scoffing at people, start looking around, I can't believe she wore that, just bad, so things got weird there. What else?
Starting point is 00:25:49 Oh, I spoke to one of the drunkest guys I've ever talked to this weekend. Man, that's always alarming when a guy's just so drunk. He's telling you nine different stories at once. He's treating you like a friend one second, then an enemy the next. Just too much, you know? Drinking's for children. That's what I say, man. Drinking's for children. That's what I say, man. Drinking's for children. What else, man?
Starting point is 00:26:11 Still good. Had a good time, man. Woke up on... Did Christmas Eve there in Mississippi. Had a great time. Woke up. You know, still masturbation free. I'm still on the...
Starting point is 00:26:21 Still on the no masturbation train. No pornography. you know, no pornography for me, you know, God, thank God no George Michael was playing on Christmas Eve. That, uh, oh, I can't even stay on the erect during that, you know, so, yep, we did that, uh, Christmas Day, Drove down. Saw my nieces and nephews here in Baton Rouge. They're beautiful. They're funny.
Starting point is 00:26:49 You know, they're kids. I mean, they're just, they're kids, man. They're great. Then I went to my hometown. Decided to go to my old neighborhood, man. Drove into my old neighborhood where I grew up. McGee Street. There in Covington, Louisiana
Starting point is 00:27:07 I mean that place A lot of negative That's where I caught the school bus When I used to listen to this man The man Oh this song got me, too. Father figure. I didn't have one growing up, man, so I needed one.
Starting point is 00:27:42 And so when that song came on, it really resonated in me, you know, it kind of made my emotions erect, you know, just fully erect here listening to George Michael, not now, but back then, but yeah, nobody in my neighborhood had really had a father figure, so I went back to visit the old neighborhood. I parked in my old, my mother's old parking spot. My mom drove a Ford Festiva. Used to deliver newspapers and magazines out of that thing, bro. She liked a Ford Festiva. That's a little bitty car. Looked like a roller skate, you know?
Starting point is 00:28:16 Looked like somebody knocked up a roller skate. My mother drove that. You know, she had to have a car that she could drive and beat us in at the same time, bro. She could beat, we could have all four of us in that car. And she could hit from the driver's seat, she could successfully whoop all of our asses. And we deserved it too, probably. 95% of the time.
Starting point is 00:28:34 You know, she wouldn't have had to do it if we would have had a... So I visited the old neighborhood, man. I parked. I parked my car. I had a lot of negative feelings from that neighborhood. I had some good stuff, too. We had a good time.
Starting point is 00:28:51 I mean, it was an American neighborhood. We played football. And there was, you know, we played in the backyard. We played in the street. That's when you were kids. When you played in the street, that was a real neighborhood. We'd go down to the church parking lot and play. You could hear other kids getting beaten if their windows were open in the street. That was a real neighborhood. We'd go down to the church parking lot and play. You could hear other kids getting beaten
Starting point is 00:29:07 if their windows were open in their houses. You know, people got their ass whooped. A couple of pedophiles in a neighborhood, you know, they'd stop by and give you their card. You know, they got to let you know they had the law in Louisiana. You got to let, if you're a pedophile, you got to stop by.
Starting point is 00:29:25 Introduce yourself. Hey, I'm Mark. I'm new in the area. Not by choice. A lot of them got signed up. I think halfway houses and stuff, they were in our neighborhoods and stuff like that. You know, people in recovery, people trying to make themselves better. I think that's a tough thing to beat, though.
Starting point is 00:29:45 That rap. But yeah, we used to play kickball with a couple of pedophiles in our neighborhood. Just throw the ball, Larry. You're not getting this ass, you know. Because once you knew there were pedophiles, everybody was off the hook. You know, it was when you didn't know they could trick you. But yeah, it was a hectic neighborhood, you know it was when you didn't know they could trick you uh but yeah it was you know it was it was it was a hectic neighborhood you know family down the street shirtless the whole family shirtless zero shirts if you're thinking about a shirt right now you're wrong a couple
Starting point is 00:30:19 Elvis impersonators in the area you know but anyway i parked my car i got out and i just started walking down the block man you know i'm a nostalgia hunter i love nostalgia so i'm walking down the block looking at the houses and the apartments and stuff where we used to live walked up to my old apartment that i used to live in i almost knocked on the door i don't know what i was gonna say though i was at first i was gonna be like i used to live here but I didn't have a secondary sentence I didn't have a backup plan but then I got by the door and I saw they had some little rebel flags in the window
Starting point is 00:30:52 I didn't I'm not that that's not my life so and not that those people are bad people when you're poor you just everybody wants an emblem when you're poor you just you know everybody wants an emblem you know when you're rich you might wear mercedes-benz earrings or something like that you know people relate to what they got you know what they have or whatever so i'm not
Starting point is 00:31:16 judging those people but i just felt like this isn't you know i don't want to get shot shit i got on a nice shirt you know i got on a button up i don't want to get shot. Shit, I got on a nice shirt, you know. I got on a button-up. I don't want to scare anybody around here. You know, if I come across another young man who doesn't have a... To be one of my figures. In my eyes, in my size. Is that in my size? Is that in my size there?
Starting point is 00:31:42 So anyway, I walked around the neighborhood. Then I was getting back in my car. I was going to leave because somebody started yelling. Two people were fighting about a parking spot. There's a million parking spots. People are fighting because there's nobody. You can park anywhere in this shithole. And it was a shithole.
Starting point is 00:32:00 I'm not saying that negatively. I mean, it was just, that's what it was. It was a pretty, it was an impoverished neighborhood. But then I walked up to some people there and I just said hello. Hey, what's up? And we started chatting. I didn't know them, but they lived in the area now. We chatted for about 20 minutes, took a picture together.
Starting point is 00:32:23 So I kind of reconnected a little bit, you know, it reminded me a little bit of the past, so it was good, I love nostalgia, man, going to visit the past, love that kind of stuff, what else, reading in the news today, they're not talking about Russia anymore, thank God, Russia, really, fuck the news, bro. They want to talk about fake news? It's all fake news. CNN, MSN, all of it. It's all bullshit. It's all advertising.
Starting point is 00:32:53 Freedom of the press? I'm fine, but not this way. These people are just scaring everybody every day. Look at the front page every day. Any combination of words, they can have to scare us. I don't believe any of that bullshit. It's sad. I used to love CNN. I don't believe any of that bullshit. It's sad. I used to love CNN.
Starting point is 00:33:09 I used to love their website. I would go there for news. But now it's just all hate. It's all hatred, you know? I just don't get it. Russia. Really, Russia's coming? What is Russia going to do? Russia? They're still using our old blenders from 40 years ago. They're still eating straight cornmeal. Straight. Not mixed with water.
Starting point is 00:33:32 Come on, Roy. Come on, really? The kids are playing with stone dolls over there. Dolls made out of stone. Idiots. I can't buy that. Scaring people, man. And then, and then they had giraffes may disappear. That was an article today. Animals are becoming extinct, you know, and then everything
Starting point is 00:33:54 on there is against Trump, which is fine, you know, if they want to, but they wouldn't do that to, you know, other president. Give it, you know, the guy's the fucking president. Oh, well, quit crying. If Hillary was the president, no matter who it is, quit crying. Move on. What are you going to do? Live in the past?
Starting point is 00:34:14 Quit crying. But giraffes may disappear and frogs too. That's what it said. Giraffes may be extinct. Dot, dot, dot. And frogs too. Really? Frogs? Bro, I'm in South Louisiana right now. Open the front door. You can see nine frogs, bro. Nine frogs from the front door. You want a frog? You want a sample? Dude, I'll get two of them to make love in the front
Starting point is 00:34:39 yard and I'll solve that problem right here. Frogs ain't disappearing. You're out of your fucking mind. The news is out of their mind. I don't that problem right here. Frogs ain't disappearing. You're out of your fucking mind. The news is out of their mind. I don't believe any of it. I believe people that I trust. That's what I believe. People that I trust and I believe my own instincts and I believe what I see and feel
Starting point is 00:34:56 with my own eyes and heart. I'm not an idiot. Yeah, there's stuff you can learn. You know, you can expand your mind but don't listen to these news. They're selling the advertising. They're Johnson and Johnson, they're selling shaman commercials. Anybody that's selling you something, they got a motive. Freedom of the press. I wish they'd shut these assholes up. I'm just sick of it because it's not news. It's just fear. They're inciting
Starting point is 00:35:20 fear. You know, the world isn't as bad as it is as they say it is you know i just i don't know i try to stay off it the problem is we're addicted we're addicted to the you know to to absorbing all of this i don't know how to beat that i'm gonna start working on it i think i hope but yeah george, bro. God, that father figure. Who's next, though? Who do you think's next, dude? Somebody said Steven Tyler this morning. No way.
Starting point is 00:35:57 No way, Steven. That guy will live forever, huh? Steven Tyler? Steven Tyler? I can't sing. I'm in. Whatever. Natalie Merchant, huh? I don't sing. I'm in. Fuck. Whatever. Natalie Merchant, huh?
Starting point is 00:36:08 I don't even know who that is. Little Wayne. He's been having seizures. Little Wayne's been having seizures, guys. He's got a dull asthma. He could be out. Who's next, huh? One of the Marley brothers.
Starting point is 00:36:19 Ziggy. Snappy. Huh? Smokey. You gotta think, dude. That much weed. that much relaxation, you could easily catch something that could kill you.
Starting point is 00:36:30 George Michael died. I think he said it was heart failure. You know, it makes you wonder. Drugs could have been, could have been. Alright, and we're back. The battery died on the recorder. I think it's a sign that maybe it's time to shut
Starting point is 00:36:45 it down but yeah they said frogs and giraffes extinct giraffe fucking giraffes bro talk about an animal that slid by solely on its looks name one thing a giraffe has ever done there's never even been a show like where they did you know like every animal like usually has a tv show where like they had lassie they had the one with the dolphins they had you know where they help out where they save the day giraffes never had that fucking they just don't have that uh they giraffe ain't saving the fucking day. They're not... Giraffe... No animal has slid by on its awkward looks more than giraffes, bro. More than giraffes. I'm trying to think of somebody to compare them to.
Starting point is 00:37:34 You know? Somebody that, you know, has like an awkward or unique look and that's what gets them through. That's it. You know? I can't think of anybody at the moment what else I'm doing the New Year's Eve I'm doing Amy Schumer's show
Starting point is 00:37:51 in New Orleans here in my home city I was going to go back home to Los Angeles but I'm staying here in Louisiana I'm going to do that as far as I know and what else? Fucking giraffes, though.
Starting point is 00:38:08 Really? Look at them. Look at them. The spots and the neck that never ends. I mean, you try to put them in a headlock, it could take you 45 minutes, bro.
Starting point is 00:38:20 Think about that. You got to use your whole body to put them in a headlock because you got to get them around body to put them in a headlock because you got to get them around the neck you know giraffes doing those long legs i don't like them i guess i don't like them i didn't know i didn't like them really till just now when i'm really bringing it up who's gonna die though who's the next celebrity to go i know it's i know it's dark but who's the next one to go huh who's the next one to go i think honestly i's, I know it's dark, but who's the next one to go, huh? Who's the next
Starting point is 00:38:46 one to go? I think, honestly, I hate to say it. It's going to be the golden girl. It's going to be Betty White. I think Betty White's next. I just, I felt it last year. I'd have put money on it. I would have put money on it, but, uh, but I didn't, you know, I didn't. Maybe Russia will kill her, huh? I wonder if that's going to be a news story. Russia tries to kill Betty White. Fucking news. Eat a can of snake dicks. Anyway, that's about it, man.
Starting point is 00:39:14 I'm going to shut it down. That's what I did this past weekend. But I want to, you know, Merry Christmas to everybody. You know, I hope you guys had a good one. If you didn't, it's probably your fault. That's what I'm starting to learn. If I'm not having a good time, it's probably my fault. I've got to either get myself into a different environment
Starting point is 00:39:32 or I've got to change my perspective a little bit. Because in the end, we're kind of responsible for how we feel. Or how we let ourselves feel. I think that's maybe a better way to say it. But anyway, man, happy holidays to everybody. The next one will be in the new year. You know, this comes out on a Monday morning. I'll fill you in on what happened this past weekend. I got upcoming shows, Virginia Beach, and then in Chicago. You can find them on beach and then in Chicago. Um, you can find them on Uh, also have my shirts on there, the brush shirts. Uh, we've got the new album coming. If you want to do some art, hit me up about that. Um, and just keep trying, huh? Just keep trying. That's all you can do. Don't give up,
Starting point is 00:40:17 huh? I don't know why I'm talking like, uh, eh, huh, eh. I don't fucking know, dude. But I'm going to go play with my nieces and nephews. I'm just happy to be here. You guys have a good one, man. And R.I.P. George Michael. God. And I'm not even going to play the music again. I'm just going to sing a little bar for you right here. I don't need no lie.
Starting point is 00:40:43 Don't need no Bible. Just look in my eyes. You're way too slow, baby. Now that we're in, I can't take much more. Do you see a smile on your face? He was kind of the white Michael Jackson. A little bit. He was a little bit like the white Michael Jackson. A little bit. He was a little bit like the white Michael Jackson.
Starting point is 00:41:09 And he was, I will be your father figure. Put your time at the center. I will be your preacher creature. Anything you had in time. I'll see you guys next Monday, man. I hope you had a wonderful weekend. I don't know if I did, but you know what it was.
Starting point is 00:41:29 Be good. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm Jonathan Kite, and welcome to Kite Club, a podcast where I'll be sharing thoughts on things like current events, stand-up stories, and seven ways to pleasure your partner. The answer may shock you. Sometimes I'll interview my friends. Sometimes I won't. And as always, I'll be joined by the voices in my head.
Starting point is 00:41:52 You have three new voice messages. A lot of people are talking about Kite Club. I've been talking about Kite Club for so long, longer than anybody else. So great. Hi, sweetheart. Here's the deal. Anyone who doesn't listen to Kite Club is a dodgy bloody wanker.
Starting point is 00:42:11 Do you know what I mean? I'll take a quarter pounder with cheese and a McFlurry. Sorry, sir, but our ice cream machine is broken. I think Tom Hanks just butt-dialed me. Anyway, first rule of Kite Club is tell everyone about Kite Club. Second rule of Kite Club is tell everyone about Kite Club. Third rule, like and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts or watch us on YouTube, yeah? And yes, don't worry, my Brad Pitt impression will get better.

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