This Past Weekend - 9-25-17 | This Past Weekend #43

Episode Date: September 25, 2017

Theo gets into hair pyramid scheme. Thoughts, questions, ideas, soul issues, and constructive criticisms, hit the hotline —> 985-664-9503 Working on not making so many 'mouth sounds' on the mic. Bac...k to original format next week, i think. Two ways to support: for privacy information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This past weekend. Alright, check check. Got me. There we go. Happy Monday! Celebrate misery. You know that soon we're gonna die. Let's have some fun while we all die. All right. All right, it's Monday, September 25th of the year 2017.
Starting point is 00:00:45 And some people want to say that it's not autumn. Okay, but it's autumn. It's fall. You know, this is winter's little mixed baby. You know, this is winter's little mixed baby. And this thing is nibbling at our nipples. I went outside yesterday and I could feel Mother Nature being naughty. I could feel her licking at the ends of my limbs, at my elbows and my lips.
Starting point is 00:01:17 I could feel that naughty little bitch tickling my whiskers. You know what I'm talking about? And that is autumn coming. That is Mother Nature showing off her fanciness. You know, she's hanging all her clothes out to dry. You know, the party's over, the skinny dipping and the swimming and the drinking lemonade and the summertime activities are over. And Mother Nature's about to shake them leaves off. And you could even hear birds being like,
Starting point is 00:01:49 Hey, motherfucker. It's about to get cold. And you see little birds that could be, that might not even make it through the winter. You see them trying to couple up with bigger birds. Bigger birds that are going to be able to take care of them. You'll see a sparrow trying to fuck a goose. Or you will see a hummingbird trying to get into a little bit of some doggy style with a raven.
Starting point is 00:02:24 You will see things like that because some of these smaller animals know that winter's coming. And that's all that's going on. Thank you guys for joining me. Oh, man, I'm excited. I'm excited about this show today. We had a lot of, we had, look, I had a sidekick on last week, right? A lot of you listeners weren't happy about it.
Starting point is 00:02:44 I understand. And he'll be back. He's going to pop back in later on today. We're going to try it in a little bit of a new facet. He's not here now. So that's going to be good. We have, we're going to get into some other I got hair rejuvenation surgery. Hair rejuvenation surgery in my head with my own hair. And what it is is they take part of your hair out of the back of your head. And look, I got enough hair for everybody. If you got a bald child out there or something, enough hair for everybody. If you got a bald child out there or something, you know, dude,
Starting point is 00:03:31 I could, dude, I could, uh, I could put, I could make wigs for half of a St. Jude's commercial. I got enough hair coming off the back. And so I, um, a buddy of mine introduced me to this dude a while back, this doctor out here. Uh, and next thing you know, you know, I'm in there talking to him and he's like, look, you should get the surgery. You should get the here. And next thing you know, you know, I'm in there talking to him. And he's like, look, you should get the surgery. You should get the procedure. And I love surgery. I've always loved surgery.
Starting point is 00:03:51 Since I was young, when I was young, I had a very small wiener, basically a wiener hole, the hole in your wiener, urethra or urethra. It's one of them. One of them is also a singer. I don't know who it
Starting point is 00:04:05 is uh one of them is a i think a uh african-american um mezzo-sopranist but the urethra or the urethra my hole basically on the on my wiener was too small so when i would pee, I was peeing. I mean, I could pee it. Dude, I could pee almost maybe 45 feet. It was dumbfounding the distance that I could urinate. And so when I urinated, I would piss big on apple juice too. If I had apple juice, dude, I was basically a water gun. You know, I remember my brother would carry, I'd drink a bunch of apple juice and my brother would carry me around. And I would basically just piss at my sisters. Because I was just like a weapon.
Starting point is 00:04:49 But it became a strain on my body. It became painful. And so they had to take me into the surgery area. And they had to cut, re-cavernate, I guess, re-cavernate my penis hole. And I don't know what the exact procedure is on that. I would look it up, but I don't want to get into my computer. I want to stay in my brain. So that's what I would do, man.
Starting point is 00:05:13 I got that done when I was young. And then I swallowed all them quarters. They had to get the quarters out of me. I had a spine surgery a while back. May or may not have needed, you know, but something about surgery and something about procedures, I think it's just the care or something when you're in there, you know, when you wake up and suddenly there's people around and they want to know if you need anything. And I think when I was young, I just wanted that care. I wanted somebody to feel,
Starting point is 00:05:41 you know, local, you know, and they come in, it just seems like, you know, there's a couple people in the room you feel cared for. And that's what I liked about it. And so I went in, man, and people are like, dude, you don't need hair surgery. You don't need any hair transplantation. You're right. You're right. I don't need it. But I, you know, I don't know if that's part of my, you know, I don't feel like I have an addiction to surgeries I don't I like them I like the rigmarole
Starting point is 00:06:11 the signing in and then you're waiting and then everybody's wearing the same outfits or same uniforms because of you're in a medical facility everybody has on the little shoe they put these little like shower caps on your shoes
Starting point is 00:06:28 and everybody wears the you know same color stuff because they're doing a procedure and next thing you know I'm getting hair taken out of the back of my head put it in the front of my head so that's what happened I'm going to take you through that
Starting point is 00:06:42 I'll just take you through it right now we're going to talk about the that. I'm going to take you through that. I'll just take you through it right now. We're going to talk about the kneeling in the NFL a little bit. And then I'm going to have Ari. Ari Maness is going to be back here. And we are going to have him read some of the comments that people had to say about him. And I just want to kind of feel that out with him. You know, I did commit to giving things a shot with him for a little bit,
Starting point is 00:07:12 but I do realize that listeners want it to be just me and them as well. So I'm not bailing on having REN, but I'm not committing to it yet fully either. So we're just going to feel that out, and that's life. Sometimes you just have to feel things out. So anyhow, let me tell you about this hair procedure. So I had a friend that got hair. And I'd never even met this friend before.
Starting point is 00:07:32 This was a new friend. So this was an inaugural friend. And I said to him, I said, man, you got good hair. And he goes, well, I'll tell you this. He said, you see the hair in front of my head? I said, yep. He goes, usually you can't see that hair unless you're standing behind me and I'm thinking that I don't know what I'm thinking maybe this this kid was raised in a fun house his daddy's a magician you know I don't know what I'm thinking
Starting point is 00:07:56 you know maybe he thinks he's got maybe he's on acid I don't know but he ended up telling me that he got hair taken on the back of his head put put into the front of his head. And it just blew my mind because it looked normal. You couldn't tell anything. So anyway, fast forward two years, I'm in the guy's office the other day and he's like, let's, let's get it. And I'm like, all right, let's do it. So I got the hair and you sit down, you go in there and first they run like a little bit of a woman's vibrator along your scalp and it looks like a little vibrator almost for a and this i'm not trying to be profane but like a baby if a baby was being sensual a female baby by themselves and was using like a little vibrator thing this is maybe the thing that they would use and i'm not envisioning that while i'm saying it if you're envisioning that i don't recommend that but i'm just telling you If you're envisioning that, I don't recommend that, but I'm just
Starting point is 00:08:45 telling you kind of what this little thing looked like. And he injects this stuff into the front of your head. And then he does the vibrator right over it so that it kind of like just alleviates a little bit of the pain. So they shoot you up in that forehead, dude. So my head was doused up, you know, I'm sober, but my fricking boy, my hairline was straight up drunk driving, son. You know, I'm surprised I didn't wake up in a, you know, in another hairline's bed. You feel me? Between the sheets with another stranger hairline. So I got that.
Starting point is 00:09:18 They put the injections in. And then next thing you know, oh, they make you take two Xanaxes. You're taking Xanax in the beginning. I've never been into pills. I've never been into prescription pills or anything like that. And people used to eat Xanaxes and then their faces would get real skinny and then they would have to leave town and get better. I remember that from growing up. But next thing you know, I'm a little bit woozy and they turn me over. Oh, no. First, the doctor comes with this little tool and he starts just pushing it into your head, right? And they start pushing it in your head.
Starting point is 00:09:54 And literally, you can hear your head crunching, but you can't feel it. Is it awesome? It sounds like your brain is eating Special K or Frosted Flakes, like something like that. It sounds like your brain is eating cereal, you know, and just the first few bites because it's crunchy.
Starting point is 00:10:17 You just keep hearing this crunch, right? This crunch. So this guy just keeps crunching me up, crunching me up, crunching me up. So I'm getting straight crunched up by another man. And I've never really been involved in anything heavily homoerotic. But when you've had a man, and this was a beautiful man, I think maybe from Egypt or another country.
Starting point is 00:10:36 When you've had a beautiful man like that, just put 500, 600 little bitty holes in your scalp. I mean, that must count for beyond sex. That's after, I mean, that's, because sex is one time. You know, that's one hole, fill, you're in, you're out. You know, you're swapping numbers.
Starting point is 00:11:00 Who knows, you're behind the Shonies. Who knows what's going on? But with this man, with this little tool, you know, he was getting full bore inside of me. So I have all, I got all these little holes. Then they turn you over, they flip you over, bro. It's like, it's like you're an egg. You know, it's like you're in, it's like you're a piece of breakfast. And this goes back to that care and stuff that I like, you know, this is what I like about all of that is that you get cared for and that's
Starting point is 00:11:25 it, man. They flip you over and then they got two shorties in there, right? A couple of straight up, just follicle jockeys, right? These ladies show up with this little clipper, you know, and they just shave a little part into the back of your head. You cannot even like, if you're standing behind me right now, you have no idea. So they shave a little part in there and then I don't know what happens because the Xanax took over. So I passed out.
Starting point is 00:11:53 I wake up, they'd ordered everybody Chinese food. No clue how long I'd been out. But next thing you know, I'm jacked up on sweet and sour chicken. I'm feeling fired up, everybody's friends. Kind of flirting with the lady, the girl that worked at the front a little bit. You know, I think she was, you know, she had a kid, but she was, you know, doing her best.
Starting point is 00:12:15 She was trying to go back to school, I think. I don't know. And next thing you know, they got me flipped back over. My body's digesting Chinese food. Everybody has Chinese food in their systems. And they're putting these two hair babies are putting the follicles in. They're replanting me. So suddenly I'm a sharecropper.
Starting point is 00:12:39 I'm sharecropping for my – basically got my mullet put into the front. And so people can say anything about this, certain styles of hair. And people say, Theo, why do you have the haircut you have? And I say, well, for me, this is the underdog cut. I look like shit, and I know that, and that's fine. So let's take my looks out of the equation. So what else are we? Who else are we? And that's fine. So let's take my looks out of the equation. Okay? So let's be, what else are we?
Starting point is 00:13:07 Who else are we? But when I got a little bit of that mullet now in the front, you know I'm coming something fierce. I'm coming out of the jungle. If I commit a crime, they're like, who did it? Oh, I don't know, a man that had magic growing out the fucking front of his head. That's who. Man, if you saw a police artist sketch of me, it better look like a dang just like a
Starting point is 00:13:32 thundercat, like a lion. You know, it better look like something that just leapt out of a damn birch and bit your stepdaddy in the neck. Because that's how I'm living now. So I got some of the back of my hair and the front of my hair and it makes me feel good, honestly. It makes me feel even more like a damn, just like a damn pleasure cat.
Starting point is 00:13:53 And you can't even notice. So here's the thing. You got these little hairs. They just put them all in these holes, right? So then you don't have anything. You still have the same hair you started out with that day. So nothing's new in that world.
Starting point is 00:14:04 You got the same hair you started out with that day. So nothing's new in that world. You got the same hair you started out with that day. So that's it. So I'll keep you guys posted. I'm sure some guys have had this procedure. Some guys haven't had it. I mean, I definitely worry some that I'm going to lose my hair in the future. So a lot of that is anxiety. And people can say, well, that's, you know, it's cosmetic surgery.
Starting point is 00:14:21 It is. It's a cosmetic surgery. You know, but yeah, I guess, you know, I'm out here. I get nervous. I get scared. I don't want to – if I can keep my hair for another – if I can keep that front line fighting and I know I got them soldiers in the back that are legit, then I'm going to tag team. I mean, this is WWE out here, out here in these hair streets. And I just tag teamed into the back of my head and I'm bringing around to the front.
Starting point is 00:14:46 And so I still got the same amount of back. Maybe minus 600 hairs. You'd never notice. And now I'm keying up the front, dude. So we're coming in full throttle. Double dragon. Remember Double Dragon, that video game? People fucking double dragon, dude.
Starting point is 00:15:03 Whatever. I don't even know. So I went out. Look, I leave that night. So, you know whatever. I don't even know. So I went out. Look, I leave that night. So I get all bandaged up. I got to still go do my comedy, right? I got this hair tourniquet on my head. I can't touch the front of my head for three days.
Starting point is 00:15:16 And that part I didn't like. That part brought me down off the high clouds. I'm like, oh, this isn't even cool. It made me feel like I wish I had never done this. And almost a week now, it was last Tuesday that this happened. I feel a little bit like, you know, I guess, do I feel any ashamed that I did it? I guess I feel like, you know, maybe I feel a little bit like maybe my higher power or something had a certain way that they want me to look in my life. So I guess I feel a little bit like maybe my higher power or something had a certain way that they want me to look in my life.
Starting point is 00:15:46 So I guess I feel a little bit, I don't know if I feel like a cheater, but I feel maybe a little bit of shame there. I also feel a little bit like, you know, like I liked being in the place. I liked being in there with the people and having the Chinese food and getting the hair and feeling, you know, even feeling the vibrator on my scalp. You know, I know that's kind of maybe homoerotic or something. I don't know. But it was exciting for everybody, I felt like. And then, so then I'm back out at the comedy clubs. I'm wearing this bandage.
Starting point is 00:16:22 Here was the shit part. Nobody even asked me about it. I got my head wrapped up in bandages. Nobody's asking me shit. Nobody's asking me how, what, have, anything. I go on stage. People thought it was a tennis band. That's what my buddy tells me after.
Starting point is 00:16:40 Oh, people thought it was a tennis headband. Dude, it's gauze. Who you playing tennis with, huh? Martina not gonna live, huh? Because if I see somebody with a bandage on their head, I'm going to check in with them. I'm going to see what's going on with them because that's a severe thing. That's their head.
Starting point is 00:17:02 You only get one head. And people are out here, I got this bandage, and that made me feel, honestly, it started a little bit of depression for me for the week. And that was hectic, man. I didn't like that feeling. Nobody asked. You got a buddy wrapped up,
Starting point is 00:17:19 their cranium is all balled up in cotton and swaddling cotton, and you're not even going to check in with them? Cranium is all balled up in cotton and swaddling cotton. And you're not even going to check in with them. Some dudes didn't even look up from their phone. Buddies of mine just on the, you know, nothing. So I don't know. That's LA, man.
Starting point is 00:17:39 You know, that's LA for you. Everybody talking shit on all social media about how it's the most loving. You got to love one and this and that. And then everybody's just on their phone screaming at the rest of the universe about how we got to all take care of each other. But then you got a buddy that shows up in your visual streets out here in zone one. In zone one, I say that's from 10 a.m. to 2 a.m. That's your primary zone. You know, some people, my buddy Danny growing up, he had that bad neck.
Starting point is 00:18:10 So every couple seconds, the Lord would just involuntarily swoop him out of zone one over into zone two. And he's looking a different direction. But I'm talking about zone one, natural. When you have that natural forward looking. Where are you looking? Straight ahead. A little bit to the right. A little bit to the left. That about zone one, natural. When you have that natural forward looking. Where are you looking? Straight ahead. A little bit to the right. A little bit to the left.
Starting point is 00:18:28 That's zone one. And I'm showing up in people's zone one. And nobody cares. You know? I guarantee I'll walk down the street, you know, in middle America out there and somebody will be saying, Hey man, at least they'll say don't bleed over here, you know, or somebody maybe give me a can of peaches or do something nice. But nobody, nobody asked a thing, man. And that's as close as you can get to dying.
Starting point is 00:18:59 If I show up missing a leg, yeah, that's that's bad. You know, you got you down to one, you still got one. If I show up and, you know, my hands are burned in a fire. And I have to carry my wallet around in my hands because I won't be able to get it out of my pocket anymore. So I'm just carrying around my own wallet like that. You know, that's bad. But that person is still probably going to live. But you see somebody showed up there cranium all balled up like a
Starting point is 00:19:32 regifted Christmas vase and you're not even going to ask them what's going on? Yeah, of course. So, you know what? Maybe that got me to feeling bad. I don't know what that got me to feeling. But it didn't get me to feeling very good. And then the rest of the week I've been in a little bit of pain, you know, dealing with that, dealing with the head pressure, but everything's going okay. And I'll answer more questions. If anybody has questions about the call-in, about the hair stuff, you can ask, and I will answer them. And I don't know a ton about the hair stuff. I started to watch videos on the Internet, but then I got away from that because I don't want to get into the whole hair universe.
Starting point is 00:20:19 I love – I just like being cared for, man. And you get in those facilities, and they care for you. And here's the thing. If I get a certain number of people to get the hair transplant within the next year, then mine is free. So I am I'm involved basically in a in a pyramid scheme, a hermit scheme, if you will. And and I love those, dude. I love pyramid schemes. You know, I don't think they're fair. I don't think it's funny when people get trapped in them. I got stuck in one as a child. Me and a buddy of mine each put $1,000 into this one. And this is back when somebody had come through our town and done a bunch of, sold
Starting point is 00:20:55 a bunch of glitter mining acreage and shit. You know, when they were trying to trick people into thinking glitter mining was big and all of that. And me and my buddy each lost $1,000. And we each saved up all our money, and we lost $1,000. And actually, that might have been, was that in college? Might have been maybe in the first year of college.
Starting point is 00:21:20 I don't know. But that was all the money that I had. Another time I lost all my money, fell out of my pant leg. I had it rolled up, But that was all the money that I had. Another time I lost all my money, fell out of my pant leg. I had it rolled up and that was at a gas station in East Texas. And that was not in any sort of pyramid scheme. That was just natural gravity and poor choices pretty much. But yeah, so if I get a certain number of people to do that hair up, you know, so now I'm on that hair hunt. So suddenly my life's interesting, you know? I'm doing, you know, I might sprout a fucking eyebrow off a shoulder, you know?
Starting point is 00:21:54 I might, you know, I might spring an eyebrow off a deltoid, you feel me? So that's where I'm at. That's where I'm at right now. And I'm on that hair hunt and I'm in that hair game. That's where I'm at right now, and I'm on that hair hunt, and I'm in that hair game. What else? I'm trying to go to the Impractical Jokers tonight. My buddy Sal Volcano, if you haven't seen that show, they're four amazing men, and they put on a great program. So I'm excited. I'm trying to get over there.
Starting point is 00:22:19 So we're going to get through this. The other thing I wanted to talk about was the kneeling during the national anthem. Take a knee, I think, was the hashtag, right? And I get it. I get that you want to create awareness. I get it. And I think do the knee thing. Do it for a game.
Starting point is 00:22:41 I mean, this isn't the first time this has happened. You can look back. Go Google 2016 athletes taking a knee, 2015, keep going back through the years. Every year, somebody or a group of people, and there's been a stance. And look, it's a good ground. This happens every year for a few games. This is the largest we've seen it to this magnitude. You know, I think the media blows it out of proportion.
Starting point is 00:23:06 If some guys want to take a knee, let them take a knee. That's their choice. For a few weeks, I'm not going to really feel anything about them. I think that there's better ways to get your point across. I think that taking a knee thing is a little outdone. I think it's always a player that starts it that's kind of not that good. Colin Kaepernick was okay. He was good in his first year.
Starting point is 00:23:34 In the next two years, he was not good in the NFL. I'm not saying he's not a good player, but he didn't do very well. So I wonder how much of that is just him, like if there's some energy in there that it's also him being disgruntled. With that said, I think awareness that racial indiscretion and racial issues, always good.
Starting point is 00:23:56 Everybody needs to be reminded. You know, I try and remind people that poor white people have had a fucking tough time in America. And that poor people overall have a tough time in America. I'd rather see somebody take a knee for the financial disparity in America that continues to grow. I'd love to see that.
Starting point is 00:24:16 I'd love to see somebody take a knee for how gas stations are allowed to sell sour milk. You ever gotten this shit? You go get some milk for your children. And next thing, within 90, you have 90 minutes, dude. You have 90 minutes to use that milk. That is the Jack Bauer of milk. That is 90 minute Jack Bauer sauce. That's that Jack Bauer bottle, dude.
Starting point is 00:24:42 In 90 minutes, gas station milk is going to be sour. So you better get it into your kid's mouth. Get it wherever you need to get it. But I get taking the knee. I get it. But I think take it against some other stuff. Take it against laziness. Take it against third and fourth and fifth generation people in America just sucking off the system.
Starting point is 00:25:08 I just feel like there are just sometimes the causes just get – it gets like I've heard it before. I'd like to just see a new novel way overall for almost any cause. And for me, I stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. For me, it's not about me at all. It's about the fact that I am blessed to live in America. That's it. That's what it's about for me. Now, for other people, it might be about something else, but I stand as long as I know that it's going on. I stand. I honor. It's about the fact that you know that millions of people you know lost their lives so that I could have this freedom right here freedom of speech so it's crazy to and that to me is something that's a little crazy it's like you're
Starting point is 00:25:58 you're expressing your freedom of speech but in a way that kind of, to me, seems like you are putting shade or casting a downward light on the people that sacrifice their lives for it. So to me, that's kind of how it seems. You know, so I just like to see some taking a knee for other stuff. You know, I'd like to see taking a knee for racial violence in all directions and the racial inequalities that everybody faces. Sure, do it for a game or two. But let's also play football. Let's make it about what it is. These guys are playing sports.
Starting point is 00:26:39 You work at an office. This is an office. And it also is weird, though, that at the beginning of your office, they happen to say the Pledge of Allegiance. But I think it's just because it's an event that gets so many people together, so many diverse groups of Americans together, that that's when they want to do it. Maybe the NFL shouldn't have ever put it in, but I don't know. The National Anthem is a thing that they put in at the beginning of everything. It kind of – the National Anthem is a thing that they put in at the beginning of everything. There's a neat video of one of the Pittsburgh Steelers, and their team chose not to come out of the tunnel and be involved during the National Anthem at all, which I thought was interesting. At least they're saying we're going to – we might all stand for it, but we're going to stand for it in our locker room. But they had one player who had served a few military tours. Villanueva was his last name, and he came out, and there's a cool video of him out there by himself saluting the pledge,
Starting point is 00:27:35 saluting the flag and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance. I live here. I'm happy to live here. I'm happy to be here. I'll always stand for the pledge. It's not about me. It's not about me. And that's just my thoughts, man. You can have totally different thoughts. And if you do, call me, let me know. I want to know more about them. I'm happy to have my mind opened up as well.
Starting point is 00:27:53 All right, we're going to have Ari Maness in studio in just a second. We're going to read to him and have him read some of the things that people said about him being in last time. I'm excited. I want to thank everybody who's been supporting through Patreon, and that's slash TheoVaughn. You can donate any amount from $2 to $10. And I want to thank you to everybody. We are almost to 50 donors.
Starting point is 00:28:17 So I'm really, really happy about that, and I genuinely appreciate that. I'm excited. The money's going right back into the podcast. We're going to do some neat things. Okay, we'll be right back with Ari Maness back in studio reading some of the comments that people made about him. And this isn't to shame anyone that made them.
Starting point is 00:28:34 This is just to kind of get into that space of what that's like. All right. This past weekend. By now, everyone knows that Dollar Shave Club ships amazing razors for a few bucks, a few buckaroos. I've been a member for a while, that's true, and I love my shave. I'm not fully shorn right now, but you know I love it when I am. What you might not know is that Dollar Shave Club also has products for pretty much everything else I need in the bathroom. Body wash, shampoo, hair gel, lip balm, everything.
Starting point is 00:29:11 Lip balm. As soon as I heard Dollar Shave Club had other stuff than razors, I was sold. At the store, there are too many options. You can't tell the difference between any of them. What is this? Is this shaving cream? Is this a hat? And if you have any questions, the clerk doesn't know.
Starting point is 00:29:26 Most of the clerks are only working there because the court assigned them. So if you're like me and you're sick of the nonsense at the store, now's the time to try out Dollar Shave Club. For a limited time, Dollar Shave Club is basically giving away their starter set to new members for only $5. their starter set to new members for only $5. This starter set features their executive razor and three trial-sized versions of their most popular products that help you stay fresh and clean. slash weekend. This offer is exclusively available.
Starting point is 00:29:59 That's slash weekend for $5 off the starter set. Check it out. Ari Maness is back here, guys. Ari, how are you? I'm good. I've had a week to recover and do my own thing, and it's a fun weekend. Have you? Everything's great, yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:19 What about this, man? I'm going to play this for you right now, all right? All right. Just listen up. One of the reasons that I right just listen up probably a lot of the other people that love your show is it feels like you're talking to us you know it feels like it's just you and us and in the room or in the car or whatever I see you constructive criticism constructive being the
Starting point is 00:30:47 keyword i love your work you're gonna have a sidekick um just make sure the sidekick knows he's a sidekick and not a co-host it's the old 80 20 rule right i mean 80 percent ceo 20 percent sidekick people come to your channel to see you. Again, nothing wrong with Ari. Okay. Couple of call-ins right there that I got. Those were fine. Those are, like they said, constructive criticism. Those guys didn't sound
Starting point is 00:31:16 like they hate me. The one guy was just like, we are here for Theo, and the next guy was like, nothing against Ari. I appreciate that, and I think there's some truth to that. Maybe I talked a little too much. I don't know. I haven't actually gone back and re-listened. Okay.
Starting point is 00:31:30 The ones that got to me were the YouTube comments. Okay. YouTubers. Do you got any of those? Yeah, I have one right here. Yeah. Here, why don't you read it? It's the top one on this one from a guy, Ara Glasswork.
Starting point is 00:31:42 Sounds Jewish, actually. So let's see what he has to say he said oh okay dude is a wacky piece of shit who gives a fuck if your girl buys a lamp grow the fuck up douche hat yeah and by duty meant you i'm guessing yeah i think he i think he meant me as well yeah you know i and i think that was one of the more popular comments on the video too that hurt as well as some of these video comments you know you and i think that was one of the more popular comments on the video too that hurt as well is some of these video comments you know you're always going to get the haters right when the number one comment is a negative thing about myself that makes me go wow the whole world
Starting point is 00:32:16 just just doesn't like me well do you feel like the whole world doesn't do you feel like just it's or the whole this this whole world okay you know so you felt like it was you felt like it's just these people? Or this whole world. Okay. So you felt like it was when that dude said, read it one more time. Dude is a wacky piece of shit. Who gives a fuck if your girl buys a lamp? Grow the fuck up, douche hat. And then there was a little hat symbol. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:38 I think I did have a good bit of pluses on the thing. Yeah. And that one, you know what? That one was funny. He said the word douche hat douche hat was pretty good at the end and i remember it was an emoji on it he had a point behind it yeah um so that and that's the other thing that hurts a little bit too is it's not haters it's they have a little truth behind them i see each one you know what i mean it's not just someone saying you suck right because that i feel like a dork did you feel like a douche when you were here would you honestly feel while i was here i was just it
Starting point is 00:33:17 was just me and you i was being me yeah you were being you yeah and i felt fine i wasn't trying to be funny i didn't walk away feeling like i was this funny guy but i felt fine i wasn't trying to be funny i didn't walk away feeling like i was this funny guy but i you know i didn't feel obstructive and so yeah that morning when i when it came out and i'm reading the comments it stung a little bit but yeah because i spoke with you that evening for a few minutes on the phone i just said i said look i called you i said man don't you know don't let your feelings get hurt. Keep your head up. We'll think about it.
Starting point is 00:33:48 Yeah. And if I'm patting myself on the back, if I'm cheering myself up, I got to think you did 40-something episodes by yourself. Yeah. And then I come in. Yeah. They don't even see me. Yeah, and it's weird.
Starting point is 00:34:01 And I didn't really tell them. You're not used to it. I know we talked about it. Yeah. Well, I had a lot of fans that have said, look, let's get somebody in here you know let's try and you know they want to try something new and so that's what i'm trying yeah exactly so so it was a lot of change yeah and i don't take it too personally and i realize uh you know when you put yourself out on this public forum like this on youtube you have to be ready for this kind of thing you got
Starting point is 00:34:24 to be ready for the hate to come in sometimes. This went together like a mayonnaise and jelly sandwich. You need to look for your peanut butter. So that's, and that's from Chucky Duncan. I didn't see that one. And I used to actually push buggies with a dude named Chucky. And this was down at,
Starting point is 00:34:39 this was down in, at a Winn-Dixie or an A&P store. Could it be that guy? No, this kid's name was Chucky, dude. And his big trick was, some of the parking lot was kind of downhill, right? So he would get at the high end and he would get in one of the, he would get in like the back buggy. He'd get a big line of buggies and he'd get in the back one, right?
Starting point is 00:35:03 So at the back, like almost the, back like almost the you know the caboose yeah and he'd light himself a cigarette and he would just he'd get the whole line going i mean pretty quickly kind of going downhill in this parking lot and then he just smoked the cigarette the whole way down like a train pretending he was like a train and then he just kind of coast him all into the grass he had dreams he wanted to be a what's the word called train but. But it's anticlimactic a little bit, but anyhow. I like the setup
Starting point is 00:35:27 with the sidekick. Gives a little bit of a different flow. That was no lucky strike sent that in. Yeah, there was a few positive ones. I got a few tweets
Starting point is 00:35:34 saying we liked you. I got a few messages on my Instagram. So it wasn't all negative. It was just mostly negative. No more co-host. No real opinions. Just trying to impress Theo.
Starting point is 00:35:44 Was I trying? I didn't feel like I Just trying to impress Theo. Was I trying to? I didn't feel like I was trying to impress you too much. Only one person knows, dude. Yeah. Me. Yeah. Yeah, I wasn't trying to impress you. No, I think there's an element where, like, we want to, you know, you want to, you know,
Starting point is 00:35:56 best be of service to the podcast. And I, and that's one reason why I wanted to, like, you know, I've had other people that I've thought about, oh, maybe we need to try them out. Totally. Sidekick, see how it goes. Yeah. And that's really what I was trying to do, just be of service. And I think the one thing I did do of service, besides the technical aspects of things, is I set it up great for the next guy.
Starting point is 00:36:17 Yeah. You know, they're going to be like not worth an R. That's true. It was like, yeah, I think whoever's on next is going to have it a lot easier. Yeah. For sure, no matter who it is. But yeah, look, we talked about it and we said we're going to try this out. Yeah, we're trying it out.
Starting point is 00:36:35 We don't know how it's going to be. Yeah. You know, I don't expect this to be an every single week type of deal. This is your show. You have to get rid of that dude. That was another one. That was the whole thing? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:48 See, that one, there's nothing behind it. See, those are the ones that are like, oh, come on, at least give me something. At least give me a chance. Yeah. Or give me some notes. Can this fucking sidekick guy interrupt you anymore? And I also, I put my own intonations on that sentence but that's
Starting point is 00:37:05 what was written by brandon gray the concept could work if the side piece knows their place and doesn't get too damn frisky with the mic i guess it's weird too i didn't when i left i didn't think oh i was talking the whole time i guess i i guess i talked a lot for a psychic i don't know but i didn't feel like i was interrupting you and taking over the show. But I guess maybe I did. Well, we didn't know. We didn't know what it was going to be. And we still don't know.
Starting point is 00:37:34 But I do know that this time we decided we're going to have Ari come in. We're going to address this. We're going to talk about some of these comments. We're talking about it. Yeah, see how you felt. And then we're going to have Ari take over the news. And that's what we're going to get into right now. Ari's going to throw up some topics.
Starting point is 00:37:47 We're going to get into them. Let's get into that, Ari. This is the first story I got. Virginia woman bitten by copperhead snake inside a Longhorn steakhouse. Ooh, man. Is it okay that I am a little bit fucking turned on right now? Yeah. She's cute, actually. A lot of hotties work at Longhorn usually, dude. Is it okay that I am a little bit fucking turned on right now? Yeah. She's cute, actually.
Starting point is 00:38:05 A lot of hotties work at Longhorn usually, dude. Yeah. If the manager's a good dude, he hires hot chicks and puts them in there. Boots. And they come and they beat this saddle. They have this thing where when it's somebody's birthday, they drag. My sister used to work there, dude. Your sister worked at the Longhorn Steakhouse?
Starting point is 00:38:23 Not the one in Virginia. But she used to work there. So they would drag this saddle out of the back dude it is so bizarre it's like you know some of those places have the birthday song you know it's like uh you know um happy birthday to you you know yeah and then at longhorn they drag this old saddle out of the back right and it's got like mayonnaise stains on and stuff it's a straight bust right you know like the manager's been just plowing chicks on it after work right it's a real just uh it's basically kind of like it's so like handicapped kids i think can like pretend that they can go on a horse kind of thing you know so i don't know i guess they get like a whole bunch of these the company does longhorn and then they give one to each place
Starting point is 00:39:02 from like you know maybe one of those handicapped camps or something summer camps that went out of business so then they get these they drag it out of the back and they sit you on it whoever's birthday it is and they put like streamers and shit on you they put a cowboy hat on you put like a lasso on you and then they sing happy birthday to you and that's what happens
Starting point is 00:39:20 at those kind of places so I just want to give you some context and my sister worked there for a while and then she said she wanted to get into acting because she thought she was good at that. Because that job made her feel good about acting? Yeah. Like she thought just because she put on these shows, she's like, well, I'm doing, this is her,
Starting point is 00:39:37 she's like, I'm doing shows at work. So I'm thinking about maybe getting some headshots taken. And I'm like, and that's where I realized that my sister and I have this divide that we'll never be able to mentally get on the same page. You know? Because,
Starting point is 00:39:50 and I'm not denouncing her, but I'm just saying, you don't spend the $250, $300 on headshots because you're singing happy birthday to people at a Longhorn Steakhouse. Right. That's not show work. Maybe sign up for an acting class.
Starting point is 00:40:02 Maybe it made you realize you enjoy that kind of thing. Yeah, you take a smaller step. Yeah. Okay, so what happened there? I want to read that headline again. Do you mind one more time? Yeah, sure. Virginia woman bitten by copperhead snake inside a Longhorns steakhouse. And what happened was she was going there to eat. She felt something bite her foot. She reaches down and it's a baby copperhead snake. And luckily, her boyfriend used to breed reptiles. So he knew exactly what to do.
Starting point is 00:40:32 He took the snake out. He knew what kind it was. He killed the snake. He called the paramedics. He said, my girl just got bitten by a baby copperhead. You got to get her. They come pick her up. They take her to the hospital.
Starting point is 00:40:43 They give her some anti-venom. Is that hazing? I feel like this is hazing because they're shutting fraternities down for this same type of shit. You know? Yeah. I mean, in a way, you know, they're biting. Their animals are out there. They have raccoons or something. Bit some kids in the nuts down there in University of South Carolina or something a couple years ago.
Starting point is 00:41:00 And they're, you know, I don't know. I mean, I guess it's wild when you when you mix animals with humanity it's wild anything could happen and is this the kind of place that says that they have any sort of petting in there any animals in there regularly or no that's the thing it's just a regular longhorn steakhouse there was no animals supposed to be in there yeah they just got this i wonder i wonder if they're liable for any sort of thing. Cool little reptile story. Yeah, it is, man.
Starting point is 00:41:26 I mean, it definitely, it makes you a little more excited to be at a Longhorn Steakhouse. Yeah. Because I feel like the environment in there is kind of mundane. Well, for sure it makes you wear closed-toed shoes. Yeah. You don't go into a Longhorn Steakhouse after reading this story with sandals on. Fucking hell. And you look down.
Starting point is 00:41:40 You should look down and watch where you're walking. Dude, I don't eat in sandals, bro. And to me, that's a little bit homoerotic that's like wearing uh that's like wearing shorts to church when i see a guy's knees in church dude i'm out bro all right next next story a cafe is giving its customers water soakers to shoot pigeons because it's fed up of being bazaeged. I don't know if I read that last word right. I just want to get the animal story out of the way. Besieged. What's besieged? I guess animals
Starting point is 00:42:12 pooping or out there eating. And that's the thing amazing that's about pigeons. That they have the capacity to shit and eat. It's like it's almost like one way or the other. It's like they're either taking something in their way or the other it's like there's they're either taking something in their mouth or they're shitting there's no downtime yeah there's not a whole lot
Starting point is 00:42:30 of downtime yeah those i mean i've seen videos of people putting alka-seltzer and feeding that to pigeons and watching the birds explode yeah so i mean this is pretty i'm okay with with shooting a pigeon with a water gun to get rid of them yeah Yeah, my father, when I was growing up, he used to pay this black man named Stoop. And he stood, well, his nickname was Stoop. He stood, he had one of his legs a little shorter than the other. So he would stand on this stoop, you know, on a little bit of a stoop. And he would stand there all day to make him look even. So if you're just driving by, he looks even. Now, if you know him and you get up there and talk
Starting point is 00:43:07 to him close, you realize that he's uneven. But my father used to pay him to take us to lunch. My dad used to work at this little shop, and when my dad had to watch us, he'd pay this man to take us to lunch, get hot dogs. And pigeons would always attack him in the park, because there was a period in Louisiana, I feel like, where honestly I don't think pigeons – I don't know if somebody's racially training these pigeons or not, but they were attacking a lot of black people. Really? Yeah. Or if black people were being mean to them at night and you weren't seeing that part of it, and then just during the day the pigeons were striking back. I think whatever, you have to realize pigeons are smarter than we think because I didn't know pigeons could do that, could be racist.
Starting point is 00:43:44 Yeah. I mean, I think it's just enough. It's like that cause and effect thing, you know, it's like, and I think it's, you know, I guess it was happening a lot. I don't know. I don't know exactly what was happening, but I could see somebody who's either training pigeons to be racist or there's the only two things I could think that would be occurring is somebody's training them to be racist because you can train birds. Yeah. They have birds doing all kinds of stuff. Think about something that birds do. deliver messages boom that's pretty smart yeah birds deliver messages birds they're using bird organs um in other and in transplants the bird tissue
Starting point is 00:44:18 into people they made somebody uh something out of part of a bird recently it makes sense they have great eyesight they could scout little rodents from up in the sky. That's fascinating. And some of their eyes are so small. Think about how acute their eyes must be. They must be. Yeah, they have great eyes, so that would make sense
Starting point is 00:44:34 that they could easily distinguish colors of people. Bird's eye view. How strong is a bird's eye? That's a great question, dude. Oh, it depends on the bird. Bird vision. Here it says right here, man, and I'm going to see. I'll use Wikipedia, dude, as my source.
Starting point is 00:44:51 Most of the time that shit's right. Sometimes it's not. Vision is the most important sense for birds, since good eyesight is essential for safe flight. And this group has a number of adaptations which give visual actual superiority to that of other vertebrae groups. A pigeon has been described as two eyes with wings so that right there tells you pigeons are in that you know they're about that life and i could so anyway but yeah these pigeons would attack this man when he would take us to lunch a lot of times and it got to the point where
Starting point is 00:45:21 he couldn't take us to lunch anymore that in the french quarter because in the french quarter there's a lot of pigeons down there. Yeah, it's not even worth going to lunch with a guy if you're just going to get shat on by pigeons the whole time. At some point, you're just like, I'm going to go get lunch by myself. Yeah. All right. I think that takes care of our news.
Starting point is 00:45:35 That's the news, baby. Ari, I want you to stay for this first caller, man. Okay. I'm excited about this, and I want you to stay for this first caller. Sounds like a plan. Yeah, let's get to it right now. Can you hear all the calls, too, on your audio? I think so. Okay, great, man. All right you to stay for this first caller. Sounds like a plan. Yeah, let's get to it right now. Can you hear all the calls, too, on your audio?
Starting point is 00:45:47 I think so. Okay, great, man. All right, let's take this one in. Here we go. Hey, Theo. Got a caller from Albuquerque, New Mexico. I'll leave my name out. So my girlfriend's friend a couple months ago, I'd say.
Starting point is 00:46:04 Now, Albuquerque, New Mexico, that's dream catcher country. You been over there? I went to high school in Roswell, New Mexico, that's dream catcher country. You been over there? I went to high school in Roswell, New Mexico, a couple hours away. Did you really? By the aliens? Yeah, I went to a military high school over there. Did you really? So I spent a lot of time in Albuquerque. Yeah. My parents and I didn't get along, so they sent me away to a bad boy school.
Starting point is 00:46:19 Bro, that adds a way creepy level to you. I didn't know that. So you were out there by the aliens. Yeah, I was over there in an alien country a couple years. Alright, let's get into this call. So you were out there by the aliens. Yeah, I was over in alien country a couple years. All right, let's get into this call. So this guy's calling from Albuquerque. I'll leave my name out. So my girlfriend's friend, a couple months ago, I'd say,
Starting point is 00:46:35 out of nowhere, she's posting pictures on her Facebook with a whole bunch of money. So my girl decides to message her and ask her, you know, know hey how'd you come up on all this she got a new car she got a new purse and the girl tells her how'd you come up in that loot huh stripping yeah and that's my first thought yeah is stripping and i hate to think that about girls but that's an okay thing to think okay Okay. There's this dude on Snapchat giving money away.
Starting point is 00:47:06 He's having little contests. If you guess how fat his friend is, on the dot, you get $10,000. I mean, go on. That's a cool contest. I mean, it is. I'd give it a shot.
Starting point is 00:47:19 It is a great contest. It's like when they used to do those, you count the jelly beans in the bin. Yeah. It's kind of like that. But now you got to count the eternal jelly beans in a human's physical system. How fat my friend is, you get $10,000. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:34 Onward. So she adds them. You know, we try a few times. We almost win a couple times. But I want to know what his guesses were so bad. I want to see a picture of this dude. Yes. I'm going to have to text this guy,
Starting point is 00:47:48 and I'm going to see if I can add this in on YouTube, get a picture of the fat friend. Onward. Dude notices that my girl's a licker, and he slides into her DMs asking if she wants to really make some money that she could, you know, give him a night of her time for, wait for it, 100 Gs. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:48:11 And what about the fat friend? I guess he's out at this point. I guess. Yeah. I wonder what his involvement is. Does he know what's going on? Oh, that's called the fat and switch, dude. When you put your fat friend out there and then you wheel him in the back and you offer
Starting point is 00:48:23 up that 100 grand. So now the guy's offering 100 grand to be with the guy's girlfriend. Wow. Yeah, they made a movie about this in the 80s. 100K, one night of her time. You know, at first we laugh. Start researching this dude.
Starting point is 00:48:39 He's having dinners with Diddy. All kinds of big names. And knock and roll, he considered it. You know, but I decided that's the definition of selling your soul, you know. So, you know, we declined. But I told her, you know, let's see how much you could really get out of this guy. Flirting a little bit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:02 Let's see, huh? Yeah. So a couple weeks go by after we kind of squashed that had some fun with it and then we kind of just forgot about it about a month later he he hits her up tells her he's going to be in albuquerque aha oh it just happened to be passing through albuquerque yeah like that's a real common thing i'm just rolling through the kirk does that ever happen i don't think. Not that I know of.
Starting point is 00:49:26 I know I would have never gone there if it wasn't for military school. Yeah, dude. They had to build a military school to even get people to come and check the joint out. Mark Maron's from Albuquerque. Is he really? Yeah, side note. That actually doesn't even surprise me. He seems like a desolate kid from Albuquerque.
Starting point is 00:49:43 All right. Let's hear the end of this here. He offered a $300,000. And, you know, we're kind of solid on our stance of not taking the money, but damn, Theo, I just want your opinion on this type of situation. We both got a lot of student loans. Yeah, man. Let me know.
Starting point is 00:50:08 Love the podcast. Wow. And I didn't mean to cut you off there, bud. I appreciate you calling. There was a movie, Indecent Proposal. And that was a billionaire offers a million dollars to a young married couple for one night with the wife. So this guy, I mean, that's so I guess that's happening. This sounds very Saudi Arabian to me.
Starting point is 00:50:28 Yeah, like a prince. Did you feel that? Not until you just said it. But yeah, totally. And that might be racism by me, but when I first heard this, I was like, oh, I know who's the kind of guy that's doing this. Like, I see it out here a lot. Yeah, it's like a Middle Eastern prince. Yes.
Starting point is 00:50:43 I mean, that's a lot of money, too. 300,000? They message Instagram models. I met an Instagram model and she's like, yeah, I get messages from princes all the time trying to fly me out there. Really? Yeah. I mean, 300, that's a lot. I give him props for turning that down.
Starting point is 00:51:00 That'd be hard to turn down, especially, like he said, he didn't have a lot of money. He has student debt. He must really love that girl, so I hope they said, he didn't have a lot of money. He has student debt. Yeah. He must really love that girl, so I hope they're still together and doing good. That's cool. Well, look, I appreciate you calling in, but this is a cool – I don't want to say it's cool. I mean, it's a story.
Starting point is 00:51:15 It's a real thing. I mean, I was at the comedy store last night, and there's this guy I could see at the end. The guy wanted to take a photo with me as I'm leaving, right? Just, you know, it doesn't happen to me all the time. It happens to me sometimes there. I've just been on leaving, right? Just, you know, it doesn't happen to me all the time. Happens to me sometimes there. I've just been on stage, blah, blah, blah. So I'm doing that, and I can tell that the girl he's with, like, they don't know each other that well.
Starting point is 00:51:33 There's just this vibe. Like, what's kind of the situation here, you know? And then I could see it's one of these sugar models or, you know, these websites where you pay a couple hundred bucks, you take the girl out for the night. Sex isn't guaranteed. It could happen. There might be more to it.
Starting point is 00:51:48 And, man, there's a lot of girls out here caught up in that business. Yeah. It's a tough town, man. It's a tough town, but also, like, I mean, I could be out there sucking dick, you know? I'm an eight. I'm an eight with a decent, you know, future possible. It's getting better each week. I got the mullet.
Starting point is 00:52:05 My mullet is about to be in the front of my head. People don't realize the magic. I'm going to look like a lion. You already do, man. Even if the middle falls out, I'm still going to have this beautiful front row right here. But these are people's daughters out here doing this. I don't know what it is that causes
Starting point is 00:52:25 these girls are I think mostly broken. Girls, broken women they're coming to LA maybe pursuing modeling or acting. They want the easy the easy ride. Yeah they're lazy. Yeah they're lazy and until that easy jackpot hits they're kind of selling themselves
Starting point is 00:52:41 on the internet a little bit. It's tough. It's tough. It's tough to judge them for it. But I don't, you know, it's hard to respect someone fully when they do that sort of business. I worry about some women getting confused by empowerment, you know. They're like, okay, I'm supposed to be empowered. I'm supposed to, like, you supposed to control my body and own it.
Starting point is 00:53:05 So therefore, if I'm selling my own body, then that's just me being in control. It's like the same thing a guy would do. You know, a guy would go bang women for money, of course. I'm just wondering what the psyche is behind some of this. Yeah, but I couldn't. For me, I thought about that. I was thinking about that and I was like,
Starting point is 00:53:24 if someone offered me a thousand bucks to have sex with her, I don't even think I could do it unless she was hot. But if she was hot, she wouldn't be offering me that kind of money. The type of person, the type of guys that are on that site are not good looking guys. They're gross guys. So it's like... What would you do if you're this kid?
Starting point is 00:53:42 It depends on how much you love the girl, I guess. If it's a new relationship, $150,000, if you could walk away with that, that's saying they split it 50-50. I don't know what their arrangement would have been when they discussed it. Would she get more than 50 because she's doing most of the work? That's a good question. I don't know. But let's say it's 50-50.
Starting point is 00:54:00 For $150,000, I would have to really love the girl not to want to do that. I think I'd have to really care about her. And it sounds like he did. It sounds like that was a serious relationship. So I kind of, I give him props for, for being able to say no to that kind of money because you could do a lot with 150 grand or 300 grand. So, but yeah, me personally, I would take the money. so but yeah me personally i would take the money yeah i don't know it's a wild call man yeah it is that's a wild call uh we're gonna get into a few of the rest of them in just a second um we're gonna say bye to ari manis see you guys thanks for having me on theo yeah man will you come back uh next week maybe and help with the news let's see what people think yeah yeah let's see what let's see what happens after this week you know and i appreciate you putting you know
Starting point is 00:54:43 putting it out there a little bit i know it's's, you know, I appreciate you coming on kind of on the, not enemy territory, but, you know. Yeah. I appreciate you coming on unfamiliar territory. I appreciate it. And, yeah, it's a little scary, but I think you've got to overcome your fears and keep grinding. That's what I'm doing.
Starting point is 00:55:01 Yeah. Look, we're trying. That's life. We're trying. All right. Ari was here here and now he's gone. Let's continue with the rest of this past weekend. Onward. Hey, Theo.
Starting point is 00:55:17 This is JJ calling from Sacktown, Macktown. JJ calling from Sacramento. I appreciate your call, man. Sacramento, where everybody looks like a missing person. I don't know if you ever spent time up in Sacramento, but everybody looks like they're missing. Onward. Anyways, bro, I love your podcast, man.
Starting point is 00:55:40 You're definitely probably my favorite comedian at the moment. But I had a question, man. Thanks, man. I appreciate that. Like, I'm coming off of a pretty long heroin stretch. So I'm in detox and, you know, just trying to live that clean life, you know what I mean? But I know part of recovery, you got to keep your mind occupied and all that.
Starting point is 00:56:09 So my question to you is, what are your favorite hobbies to do? What's something cool that you can do by yourself with some friends or something like that, man? I mean, I was kind of trying to find something new, you know what I mean? Yeah, well, I appreciate your calling, man. And I appreciate your aim to battle your addictions. That's awesome. That's really awesome, man.
Starting point is 00:56:34 That's brave. You know, that's brave stuff, son. And you out there in them bravery streets, JJ. And I respect that more than you know. You know, I just watched a movie the other day called Bill W. And it's the older one. There's an older one. It's like a documentary.
Starting point is 00:56:50 If you get a chance, it's on Amazon. It's only $3 to rent it. And I bet you would like it, JJ. It's about the AA program and just everything and how it all started and stuff. It's interesting. It's inspiring to me. Brought a tear to my eye a few times. But let me tell you this, man.
Starting point is 00:57:04 Things that I do, I thought about this. And this may sound gay or not gay or chill or whatever. I don't know, dude. But right now, I'm kind of on a little bit of a kick of trying to learn why I feel like I do. Because a lot of my life, I start finding I just get in habits. My life's the same. It's mundane. It's the same thing a lot of my life, I start finding I just get in habits. My life's the same. It's mundane. It's the same thing a lot.
Starting point is 00:57:28 Even my life, even though it might seem interesting to some people, it's a lot of the same stuff. So I start to try and read about why I behave the way I do. Or if there's something wrong with me. Or there's something I'm not doing well at. I want to learn why. How can I do better? And why do I feel the way I do? That's what I'm not doing well at. I want to learn why. How can I do better? Why do I feel the way I do? That's what I'm trying to figure out.
Starting point is 00:57:50 I've spent so long detached from my feelings that feelings for me are brand new. Right now, I'm really trying to figure out when I feel anything, like a real feeling, not just like something short or quick or anger or happiness. Those sometimes can be real fleeting, but other feelings, I try and really feel them and figure out what they are. Outside of that, man, my hobbies, taking a walk, doing yoga, getting little surgeries, bro. I got
Starting point is 00:58:18 that lion mane coming in the front. Sometimes my my hobbies are just like not laying in bed. I'll wake up in the morning and I'll be in bed and my head will start going. And before I know it, I've been in bed five minutes just worrying or pondering or angry. And I haven't even done anything. I don't even know what my day is like. So my thing is now I do not lay in bed. If I'm up and I know I'm not going back to sleep, I'm up because good things are going to happen when I'm happening. You know, you can't think your way into positive actions, but you can act your way
Starting point is 00:58:57 in a positive thinking. So the second I get moving, good things happen. But other small things I see friends do, man, reading. If you get back to reading, it has a lot of peace in your life. Taking a walk, like taking a walk with your eyes open, not on your phone, really just, you know, we're such creatures that are supposed to move. And we forget about that, especially this society today. You know, we're all caught up, but yeah, little things like that, trying to be there for others, reaching out to other people. I know these are weird hobbies do, but I'm on this hobbies, dude, but that's the kick I'm on right now, JJ. So those are some of my hobbies, you know. What else?
Starting point is 00:59:31 But yoga I really like. The first three times you go to yoga, you're going to fucking hate it, dude. You're going to want to saw somebody in half, bro. Not even with a saw, dude. With something that's not a saw. with a saw, dude, with something that's not a saw. But that fourth time, you're going to start feeling that. You're going to start feeling free a little bit in your body.
Starting point is 00:59:51 Your body's going to feel in control. But yeah, small surgeries, spending time with other people. What else? I enjoy talking to my brother. These are weird as hobbies do, but I'm a weird dude. So those are some of my hobbies, I guess. But I don't do too much outside of work and do comedy. And I feel like my job is a hobby.
Starting point is 01:00:13 So it's tough sometimes when work is a hobby. But that's what I do, man. And I applaud you, dude. And I love you. And I appreciate you calling in, man, and even thinking about what else other people are doing. Because by asking other people questions and learning from other people and just taking suggestions or even just listening, man, it's going to help you so much in your detox
Starting point is 01:00:34 and in the next levels of dealing with whatever little demons you got. And those demons might be big, man, but don't let them be big. Keep your demons small, dude. You got a big life ahead of you. All right, let's move on to this next call. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:00:52 Hey, Theo. I'm calling because I don't have anybody to talk to, and it feels pretty bad. I got a question, though. Everybody, they go through things like relationship, and I went through one of one of those and I'm out of it and I just feel really sad. I just don't know how to get back to me again. I remember being fun and single me and now all I have is a lonely me. And, you know, he's not a good person to hang out with. I don't like him very much.
Starting point is 01:01:22 Okay, so you don't like being with yourself when you're lonely, you notice a difference onward. You know, and I know everyone's gone through that. You probably have. What, what did you do or what would you say to somebody who has lost their way as it were? Thank you, Pio. I appreciate, you know, you being here for me. Oh man, look, you know, I'm not, I mean, you know, I'm being here for you, but you know, this, I don't have advice, you know, I just, but I'm happy to share with you how I felt man. When you, when I was, you know, I do, when I got broken up with a woman to be really honest with you guys, man, I turned into a baby bro. When I got broken up with in the past, dude, when I wasn't in control of my
Starting point is 01:02:05 feelings, when I didn't know who I was, you know, when I was just, you know, I was obsessed with my girlfriends, but not really in love with them. I thought I was in love with them, but I couldn't even tell the difference between love and obsession and, and just desire, sexual desire. Couldn't tell the difference between some of that, man. one time my girlfriend broke up with me, I put Nair in her shampoo. And she had a roommate that lost a sideburn from it. You know? And that girl was a little bit turnt at the time.
Starting point is 01:02:33 So whatever. You know? And that's out of legal. That's been eight years. So no legalities. Everybody, you know, good, good. What else? After that, what else happened after that that i when i got out of a
Starting point is 01:02:46 relationship one time dude my the girl i was seeing she took french class i started learning french dude i spent a whole summer learning fucking french dude i got to her to her place and uh and that's that's the girl i met in south car. And I was petting her neighbor's cat or somebody's cat. I turned into a stalker. I was over at her place in the middle of the night petting somebody's cat. And I just hitchhiked to get to South Carolina. I'd never been in the state before. I got there at midnight.
Starting point is 01:03:19 And I'm petting a cat on the address where I know she'd been getting mail. So that's not healthy. And practicing my French in my head for how I was going to romance her in French. Dude, can you imagine if she'd opened her door? Here's a boyfriend that she hasn't seen in three months who's probably been, you know, sent her like six and seven page love letters. Suddenly this dude is on her porch petting a cat that she may or may not even know. Because I don't think she owned a cat. So this is going to be somebody else's cat that I would be holding when she opened the door.
Starting point is 01:03:50 And that I'm going to be trying to just probably stutter in French how much I loved her. That's going to jail. That is going to jail. That's GTJ behavior right there. That's going to jail. So that's how I behave. So I'll tell you this, man. Don't be a pussy.
Starting point is 01:04:09 And I hate to say that. I don't know if people like hearing about it. Don't be it. If that relationship's over, I mean, sometimes we romanticize. The old you, the fun you. Really? Was that who you were? Maybe you were. I'm not saying you weren't
Starting point is 01:04:26 but just don't romanticize things you know that relationship didn't work out because it wasn't supposed to work out I hate to tell you that it might work out in the future it's not working out now so what are you going to do that's the facts man you know
Starting point is 01:04:41 but if you're really struggling with your feelings and you're not feeling great, you know, pick up a hobby, you know, get you a box of popsicles, dog, you know, go to an Al-Anon meeting, listen to other people, share about their feelings, how they're feeling. Al-Anon is a great place. If you don't have, you're not an alcoholic or something, but you got, you lost in your feelings, go there. People sharing. And you'll learn a little bit about feelings in there.
Starting point is 01:05:10 But, I mean, I wish you weren't going through this pain, but that's what I did. I smoked menthol cigarettes and laid on a swing set for a summer. Wasted a whole summer of my life. Another time, my ex-girlfriend broke up with me. I drove across country. Showed up at her place in the middle of the night to win her back. And I wasn't tripping. I mean, I was a little bit in hindsight.
Starting point is 01:05:30 But I mean, I thought I really loved her. And I did and maybe still do in some ways. But what did I do? I freaked out when I felt bad, when I felt sad. I put in errors. I mean, look, man, I wasn't making good choices. What do I do now? I've been spending time with the girl,
Starting point is 01:05:51 and we have some tough times because of situations that I'm dealing with. What do I do now? I don't lay in bed. I don't lay in bed and think about it, man. I keep moving, and when she pops into my head You know I get through the feelings I breathe, I meditate, I get through the feelings You know
Starting point is 01:06:10 If that's what's going on But just do grown up stuff Don't let stuff just happen to you Do stuff If you sit there and let stuff happen Your feelings are going to take over You're going to feel bad man But if you do stuff, you take action,
Starting point is 01:06:25 you can feel not as bad. And you probably don't deserve to feel as bad, man. You sound like a good dude. You deserve somebody that loves them. You'll get that. I promise you, bro. You know, you got big lovers out there coming at you. You know, you might have a dude hit you up on Snapchat for a couple hundred G
Starting point is 01:06:41 just to visit that ass, you know? so keep your options open man you know but stay up man don't stay down don't stay down that's vague and shit but you know what i'm saying man you're better than that you'll be okay bro i love you all right be good to yourself son fucking hug yourself and go jerk off somewhere you know if you got to jerk off one time don't get addicted to it but you know sneak out in the woods or something jerk off connect. You know, if you got to jerk off one time, don't get addicted to it, but, you know, sneak out in the woods or something. Jerk off. Connect with your manhood.
Starting point is 01:07:09 Bring a whip out there. Tell your friend to beat you with a whip. You know, a buddy of mine, when he would get feeling kind of squirrely and girly, sometimes his buddy would beat him with a fucking whip in their basement. And he's a straight-up G, man. So you'll be okay, bud.
Starting point is 01:07:23 Sorry I'm in a weird mood. All right, let's go to the next call soaking in the sunshine here in here in indiana theo uh this is bobby indiana uh home of the klu klux klan just bringing that up uh just don't want that blamed on the south anymore onward and we've got a little issue i'm calling from from Muncie, Indiana. The situation is... Muncie. Beautiful name I've always thought for a baby, for a newborn baby. Muncie.
Starting point is 01:07:51 Look at Muncie. I got a friend named Muncie, and he gots one eye. Onward. my neighbors. I've got several characters in the neighborhood, but there's one in particular, one couple in particular that have an interesting thing going on. Okay, what is it, brother? What you got?
Starting point is 01:08:13 I moved into town to start my graduate degree about four months ago, and these fuckers have had a continuous yard sale that spans their entire property, which is probably... Oh, that's Walmart, dude. That's people that straight up Walmart. People that just straight up ball out in a yard, dude. We had somebody like that.
Starting point is 01:08:38 That's Walmart. Everything's for sale. Always. Anything. Something gets thrown in the yard out of a fucking window that's for sale too everything let's hear more probably uh half an acre or something so they've got this uh they've got this yard sale this perpetual yard sale going on and i'm i'm not really sure how to approach it um they're not violating any policies or laws that I know of.
Starting point is 01:09:11 And I have walked over a time or two, and I've actually bought a few items, one of which was a motorcycle helmet. I also picked up a fur coat and a football jersey. Damn, dude. I love it. I love the whole scenario. What do you do there? I mean, I think here's what I would do. I'd make a deal with them. For 500 bucks, I buy everything in that fucking yard, right?
Starting point is 01:09:32 And then I'd put it all over in a corner and I'd burn it all. But the deal was contingent upon the fact that they don't sell anything else ever. If not, then you guys got to get a neighborhood group together, like an HOA type of thing, and see if you can shut them down. Or just embrace it. You know, embrace it. Next time you got neighbors coming over, take them over there to shop first thing. You know, sometimes it's like things aren't that bad if we just embrace them. But sometimes neighbors need to act a little more neighborly.
Starting point is 01:10:05 My step parents live next door to this family, dude. They got 11 or 12, 13 fucking children. You know, half of them is running around like damn Frankensteins. Some of them have children. They're running in and out of the house. They always have a million cars parked in the yard. They're not bad people. You know, I don't think the dad works.
Starting point is 01:10:23 And I mean, but they don't they're not good neighbors. That's for damn sure. You know, and don't think the dad works. And I mean, but they don't, they're not good neighbors. That's for damn sure. You know, and they had one time they had a kid, a three-year-old, my, my stepdad, somebody's by the door. He sees somebody out by the front door. He opens the door. They got a three-year-old out there standing out in it, like by the yard, like by right by the front door, like by the walkway. And my stepdad's like by the walkway and my stepdad's like what's going on it's three years old this kid he goes i'm just well i'm just gonna go walk to the dollar general and get me something do you know which way it is to the dollar general my stepdad just took him back to his house kids three years old you know and that's the type of family that's over there and he was making signs and shit for a little while we'd stay up at night
Starting point is 01:11:06 just hammering on signs like he was damn living in Santa's workshop or something the daddy or something I don't fucking know people are out of their minds people need to learn how to be good neighbors though that's for sure and you can write him a note you can start straight up war with him if you want you know but if
Starting point is 01:11:22 you're not willing to go there and you want to live in that contention if not if you want. But if you're not willing to go there and you want to live in that contention, if you don't want to go there and live in that contention and be at war with them, which could be fun too. That could be fun. But if not,
Starting point is 01:11:34 then you need to come to some peace with it. See if you know. You could buy everything one time and then never do it again. Or ask them, when does the yard sale end? Or when you have guests over, take a see what, you know, ask them when does yard sale end. Or when you have guests over, take them shopping first.
Starting point is 01:11:48 You know, just embrace it. Those are things I would recommend, dude. That's fucking gangster. You got a fur coat out of a neighbor's yard, bro? Dude, we had this fur coat and these other dogs in the neighborhood would come by and fuck it sometimes, man. And then some of them would double team it too, dude.
Starting point is 01:12:01 These two, honestly, bro, these two black dogs, I think they were Rottweilers. Anyhow, onward. I'm taking one more call, man. And then I'll see what's going on. Let's hear it. Hey, Theo.
Starting point is 01:12:17 What's up? My name is Vince. Calling from Tampa. Big V and Big T. Vince in Tampa, man. You sound like somebody that could have worked at a strip club. But then, of course, everybody in Tampa does. I just have a little bit of a story for you based on an experience I had when I was 16 years old with my first blowjob.
Starting point is 01:12:43 Ooh. This is always enticing, man. I love to hear about people's first experiences. So let's go, Vince. I was bowling with my buddies at the bowling alley. And I knocked some pins down. Turns out I had the old 7-10 split. That 7-10 split, man.
Starting point is 01:13:03 That's what they used to call this dude in our neighborhood who only had, he had one tooth right there and one tooth right there. He had that Michael Strahan. He had that 7 10. And I was bowling with one of the hottest girls in high school. She comes up to me and she says, hey man,
Starting point is 01:13:20 if you hit this 7 10 split, I'll give you a blowjob in the car afterwards. Really? I don't find this impossible to believe, but what kind of girl does that if you hit this? What girl even knows what a 7-10 split is in high school, Vince? I mean, think about that. Some girl, like, if you come up and hit this, I'll give you a blowjob?
Starting point is 01:13:44 Dude, I'm going to listen to this a little bit more, but this sounds, I'm uncertain about you here, Vince. Onward. Hey, Theo. Hey, Theo. I was bowling with one of the hottest girls in high school. She comes up to me and split. I'll give you a blowjob in the car afterwards. Onward.
Starting point is 01:14:01 Bro, I never hit a 7-10 split in my life. word bro i never hit a 7 10 split in my life and i'll be damned if my little penis tip didn't twinkle and i hit that 7 10 split i never hit a 7 10 split in my life bro anyways man she uh she ended up hooking me up in the car and that was my first blow job ever uh i remember i felt like i went into a little bit of shock, dude. It was like my hands and my arms and everything went a little bit numb. Oh, that's blowjob atrophy, dude. We had a buddy like that in junior high. He got himself some early blowjobs.
Starting point is 01:14:38 And if you get early blowjobs, a lot of times your body's not used to it. You can have adverse reactions even to, you know, sexual activity. And he would, uh, he couldn't even move after he, after you get a blow job. So literally you could tell if he'd gotten some, his buddies would be carrying him around or they would be, you know, they'd even have, I remember one time at, after prom, they had him in a wheelchair and that's, you. And that happens sometimes. People can't handle the sexual activity they're getting at young ages. And this dude, they put him in a – his two buddies would carry him because he was kind of a little bit strong in the legs.
Starting point is 01:15:17 He had some rings in his woodwork, if you know what I'm saying. He had some – he was – his legs had a lot of atoms in them. He was, you know, a lot of neutrons and protons. Anyway, he was thick. That's what I'm saying. He had volume. He had mass. He had all of those. And so he would get that blow job and he couldn't, you know, couldn't move very well. You know, he'd get that atrophy in his muscles and stuff and his buddies would have to carry him around. And that happens too. Sometimes you get that you take these Viagras, these Cialises. I take that
Starting point is 01:15:52 Canadian Viagra. Makes my legs sweat. And I have a buddy that used to take it. He couldn't bend his legs if he was on Viagra. So he could do some sex, but he had to just lay down. Or just lean in one time really good. And so everybody has different things that happened to him with sex, man.
Starting point is 01:16:12 But the 7-10 split, sorry, I find it hard to believe, but I love a first-time story, so I appreciate you calling in. And also, I think you were a first-time caller, so I respect that. We had a lot of great calls. I'm going to get to some more of them. I don't know if I'm going to get to them tonight. I don't know if I'm going to get to them tonight. I don't know when I'm going to get to them. But if you have a call, if you have a response to something we've talked about on the episode today, if you have a thought on the take a knee, if you had a thought on the take a knee, man, I would love to hear more about it.
Starting point is 01:16:41 You can hit the hotline and drop that call off. man, I would love to hear more about it. You can hit the hotline and drop that call off. If you have had an experience where your girlfriend or significant other has, you guys have agreed that they could sleep with somebody else for money or not for money, just for recreational purposes and how that played out. I'd love to know more about that. So you can hit the hotline for anything, 985-664-9503. But those are two things that I would love specifically to know about if you have experience with those to call in about them. If you've had a spouse spend time or a girlfriend or boyfriend spend time with somebody else that you agreed on for money or for
Starting point is 01:17:25 not and how that played out afterwards. And also if, uh, what you think on the take a knee, you can guess legit. That's cool. That's whatever you think, you know, how many times is this going to happen? How, you know, what's the solution for what's the racial, the racial solution, you know, I mean, or whatever, whatever your thoughts are, Whatever your thoughts are, I'd love to know them. And I'm going to take us out of here. Thank you guys again for supporting the podcast. You can hit up the Patreon. We've got the Dollar Shave Club out there.
Starting point is 01:17:55 Everything's going okay. I appreciate the support. I want to thank Ari Maness for being here. You can follow him on Twitter and on Instagram at Ari Maness. There's no hard feelings between me and Ari as we figure this out. I appreciate you guys calling in and giving voice in your thoughts and your opinions.
Starting point is 01:18:13 They're always welcome here. Always welcome here. And, you know, we're trying to heat them. I'm trying to figure things out, you know. I don't want to just kick Ari by the wayside because we agreed that we would try it for a few weeks and see how it goes. So we'll figure it out after this week
Starting point is 01:18:29 and see if it's worth trying for another week or not. We tried to reframe it a little. Or I tried to reframe it a little bit. But thank you for checking out this past weekend. Subscribe. Tell your friends. I love you. I will be in Huntsville, Alabama, November 14th through the
Starting point is 01:18:46 16th at the Stand Up Live. Ari will be in La Jolla at the La Jolla Comedy Store. And that is the first weekend, I believe, in November. It's either the first or second weekend. So you can check out when he'll be there, the 3rd and 4th or the 10th and 11th. Thank you guys so much for your support. I'll talk to you soon. Let's go out. Spencer Jacob Growl Band with Celebrate.
Starting point is 01:19:17 And if you have some ideas for new music or intro theme or something and you want to let me know, you can hit me up at I'm always interested in having a variety. And go out there and stand on what you believe in, man. You know, if you're tired of certain things, people get tired and speak up about it. You know, everybody has a voice. We got to use them.
Starting point is 01:19:46 If you're tired of companies making shitty stuff, quit supporting shitty stuff. When you change where your money goes, that's when things change. So put your money towards things that you care about. Research the companies. Research who's doing what. Know who you're giving your money to because that's how things change. And poor people got to stick together, man. I tell you.
Starting point is 01:20:11 I tell you. Onward. You guys be good to yourselves, man. I bet you deserve it, man. I'm going to try. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm Jonathan Kite, and welcome to Kite Club, a podcast where I'll be sharing thoughts on things like current events, stand-up stories, and seven ways to pleasure your partner. The answer may shock you.
Starting point is 01:20:55 Sometimes I'll interview my friends. Sometimes I won't. And as always, I'll be joined by the voices in my head. You have three new voice messages. A lot of people are talking about Kite Club. I've been talking about Kite Club for so long. Longer than anybody else. So great.
Starting point is 01:21:14 Hi. It's me. It's you. Anyone who doesn't listen to Kite Club is a dodgy bloody wanker. Do you know what I mean? I'll take a quarter pounder with cheese and a McFlurry. Sorry sir,
Starting point is 01:21:26 but our ice cream machine is broken. I think Tom Hanks just butt dialed me. Anyway, first rule of Kite Club is tell everyone
Starting point is 01:21:36 about Kite Club. Second rule of Kite Club is tell everyone about Kite Club. Third rule, like and subscribe wherever you listen
Starting point is 01:21:44 to podcasts or watch us on YouTube, yeah? And yes, don't worry, my Brad Pitt impression will get better.

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