Threedom - Rumpleforeskin

Episode Date: June 8, 2023

Lauren, Paul and Scott talk about conditions in wedding vows, what they're watching, and play Switch it and Pitch It. Follow us on social media @threedomusa. Send Threetures and emails to Leave us a voicemail at 424-252-4678 (HAG-CLAIMS-8).

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm really close. I'm really close. I'm really close. I'm really close. I'm really close. I'm really close. I'm really close. I'm really close.
Starting point is 00:00:16 I'm really close. I'm really close. I'm really close. I'm really close. I'm really close. I'm really close. I'm really close. I remember Grover. Although, you know what? RIP Grover. I know Grover died. Isn't that weird? How do you get died in the middle of Sesame Street? Why will they have to do one of a funeral to teach kids about funerals? Yeah. It had to be someone that we cared. It couldn't just be like
Starting point is 00:00:35 grosser day for a week. Well, that would be the human. Yeah. Did you ever care about any of the humans on? I cared deeply about Mr. Hooper. You know, I think he's a big fan. I think I pulled him to the top of his bootstraps. I didn't care in the moment, but then when they've passed now, I feel sad.
Starting point is 00:00:51 When they pass, it's like, or Bob or whatever, but watching the show, no, you don't wanna see those idiots. What I do think is weird is that they have Grover haunting Sesame Street and no one can see him. I wanna be on Sesame Street so bad. Wouldn't that be the coolest thing? No, you're really cool.
Starting point is 00:01:06 You're a sort of like grover to me, but a human. Oh really? Yeah, I see that. Okay, I'll take that. You're very anxious. Yeah, you're a monster. Yeah. You're blue, yeah, big red nose.
Starting point is 00:01:19 I'm blue, my head is completely round. You love cookies. Well, that's unrelated. Here's what's weird is that they all love cookies, but only one is a monster about it. Yeah. What's his real name? I think it's Fred. Fred the cookie monster.
Starting point is 00:01:34 Right, Ted Fred. He's wrong. He said for his cookie. It's Fred Shendelman. Yeah. Fred Shendelman. He just kind of cute. I think he nicknamed himself.
Starting point is 00:01:44 I am Fred. I'm Shendel monster. He just kind of cute. I think he nicknamed himself. I am Fred. Listen, don't burn. Wait, is that Grover? It was a little more. Grover than cookie. Yeah, cookie monster. It's more like, Grover, cookie.
Starting point is 00:01:54 Me love cookie. Me love cookie. That's right. The me part is very important. He talks like an idiot. He talks like a dumb idiot. It's like, hey, cookie monster, I love cookies. Now I feel bad because maybe English is like,
Starting point is 00:02:07 I think it's that he's actually two. He's perpetually two. He's, that's terrifying. Because Big Bird is supposed to be like five. He's like five year old. He's come onically five. Because he has started in what, 1977? But he has the mentality of five year old.
Starting point is 00:02:22 Yeah, he's not real, so. What? He's supposed like five years old. Yeah, he's not real, so. What? He's supposed to be five. I don't know. He's like, I don't know what I should do. Well, you mean mentally five? Yes. The body of the 70 year old.
Starting point is 00:02:37 Yeah, he's incapable of learning. Yeah. He's like the good doctor. Exactly. Exactly. Exactly. I would see Promo's for the good doctor. Exactly. Exactly. I would see promos for the good doctor during Bachelors.
Starting point is 00:02:50 I watched a good amount of the good doctor. You did. It looks so funny to me. So now this whole like everyone's meaning it now. Oh, are they? There's a clip everyone's making fun of going this show sucks. But I would just watch trailers for it and be dying laughing at it. One of my favorite things that ever happened was that Super Bowl where they had this
Starting point is 00:03:08 is us on after the Super Bowl. And all the people that had never seen the show that hung around and watched it, and were tweeting like, what the fuck is this show? Yeah, you can't just bring random people into that. I was once at a stoplight and I looked at the rear view mirror. Oh, there's more. There's more. It's only one stoplight ever. I thought it was a stoplight and I looked at the rear view mirror. There's more. There's more. Only one stoplight ever.
Starting point is 00:03:27 I thought it was a good story. It's green lights all the way from me, baby. I looked at my rear view mirror and the good doctor was in the car behind me. Wow. I recognized him right away. Speaking of psycho. I always feel like he has an Irish accent in the commercial. He's a doctor, Sean Murphy.
Starting point is 00:03:44 I'm the good doctor. I'm the good doctor. I'm the good doctor. Oh, what would you ever let me take your appendix out? Okay. So if you had a button that... Who would say I don't? Hold on, I'm waiting to hear what it is. That's right.
Starting point is 00:03:59 Okay, so if you had a button where you were driving and you could turn any light green. But every time you pressed it, someone on TV, a fictional character died. Oh, absolutely. Oh yeah, no problem. What would you do? So you would fuck up some of your favorite shows?
Starting point is 00:04:20 That's okay. Well, would you get to know? Yeah, you don't need to show it to a show. What if it shows you watched? Would it fuck them up or make them more interesting. I don't know. So what's what's I show you like? But see you don't care about actors. Yeah, so you don't care of some young young children RIP. He comes the title of the show. Do you think anyone will, after the strike is over? Yeah. Do you think the one I'm gonna hit my pitch for shelterly where it's held in and nursing
Starting point is 00:04:50 room? I think they should do a crossover with young children and ghosts. And then once you've killed off young children from your hard trick, he becomes, he's just a ghost. So any, they all have to be there. They all end up on ghosts. They all end up on ghosts. They all end up on ghosts.
Starting point is 00:05:04 They all end up on ghosts. They all end up on ghosts. They all end up on ghosts. They all end up on ghosts. They all end up on ghosts. Stop. I like it. I think it's a solution. Because the actors still get work. That's what I was concerned about. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:14 I was concerned the actors getting fired on the show. And if they found out about your button, they would try to kill you because you're like putting their jobs in jeopardy. Fuck them. They're rich. Why? Anyone who's on TV is rich. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:26 That's the thing. Yeah, so honestly, if you're every week, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, this is the conversation coming into play with residuals and streamers. So true, streamers. So true.
Starting point is 00:05:37 Yeah, we are a strike podcast. We share about that. Of course. But yeah, don't people are posting. We are a strike podcast. We forgot about that. We forgot We forgot about that. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about it. We forgot about That's what I was doing. Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby, Zuby,umi, zumi. Zumi, zumi, zumi, zumi. Zumi, zumi, zumi.
Starting point is 00:06:26 Bap, bap, bap, bap, bap. I'm gonna choke. That's my favorite part of that song. Where she said she's gonna choke. I know. It's because I, while my short throw is still here because we recorded the same day as before. Do you remember that day when the line broke and the monkey got choked? The line broke and the monkey got choked. And then they the monkey got choked. Yeah, and then they all went to heaven a little robot. I don't know
Starting point is 00:06:48 Yeah, hmm sad. That's a sad stories. That's really sad That's like his sad is the life of pie. Oh Which I I booked and I bought I think it sits on my shelf unread to this day really crack it up It really my least cracked the middle of it make quotes a line from it a giant tiger jumped out I bought, I think it sits on my shelf unread to this day. To this day, really. Crack it up and really. My least cracked the middle of it. Mike quotes a line from it. A giant tiger jumped out. You'll be like, oh God.
Starting point is 00:07:10 And I should do it real like up to you on a reason. A giant tiger. Whoa. What's up, Mike? Mike, Mike, Mike really likes this one line from that the hell quote, and then it makes me cry every time. I literally can't remember it ever. But I, I'm like, it certainly was.
Starting point is 00:07:24 It surprised you every time. Yeah. Life of pot. Yeah. And then I go, oh, no, but it's just a beautiful. I admire that anyone who can remember anything. He's very good with quotes. And he's very good with actors' names, characters' names.
Starting point is 00:07:37 Why would that trigger Siri? Siri, get out of here. He knows character first and the last names a lot of times. Okay. I found this on the web for actors names, characters name that trigger series. Siri get out of here. Check it out. That's what you found. You found something on the web for that you fucking bitch.
Starting point is 00:07:51 No, you didn't. You didn't find something on the web for that. That's the most unbelievable shit I've ever heard. Oh, today Alexa was like, I think Janie asked what the weather was going to be. It tells us the weather and said, oh, by the way, if you want to know this, yeah, it's always suggesting shit. And so we're like, yeah, okay, let's hear it. And then she's like, you can get this app.
Starting point is 00:08:16 It's like, hey, no, fuck you. Well, so what I read is that Alexa is in trouble because they're having trouble monetizing anything that anyone ever asks it And that and because what it is exactly because people are just saying hey, what's the weather? Yeah, and There's no way to monetize that. That's why it's always suggesting things like hey if you want to know this Yeah, too bad. Yeah, too bad. I got you to bother tell tell me the weather You you thought people were just gonna be be going, Alexa, buy me this, buy me that. Well, it's all, I'll spend my money, please. Yeah, I'm not doing that.
Starting point is 00:08:52 Yeah. I've never bought anything off of someone like that. Work harder, not just talk harder. Figure out a way to monetize all the information you're stealing from us. Yeah, that's the willingly giving you. Yeah, because no, but they're trying to say like, no, you should constantly be like saying, oh, I'm interested in the weather. Let me buy an umbrella from Stupid Amazon or whatever. By the way, if you're a sponsor, Amazon, we love you. We love you, Amazon. We love you. We'll do anything for you. Alexa is the best and she should do whatever she wants.
Starting point is 00:09:16 Yes. She's a beautiful girl. She's a beautiful girl. She's a beautiful girl. Why do they make Alexa just like a flat disk? Like at least make it a She's a beautiful girl. Why do they make Alexa just like a flat disc? Like at least make it a bust of a beautiful woman. Make it a bust of a beautiful woman. Everybody. De-lead, de-lead, de-lead, de-lead, de-lead. The Alexa type thing that's in Megan is pretty cool. I haven't seen that movie.
Starting point is 00:09:41 That's a good movie. It's fun. All right. I'll check it out at Halloween time. Okay. It's actually, why don't you watch it on your next movie night? It's not that. It's really not that spooky.
Starting point is 00:09:53 You could watch it very easily. It actually is more like an actual, I was trying to tell it to a lot of that. It's more like an action movie. Okay. It's not really a gross. It's not really scary. It's not really a gross. It's not a scare.
Starting point is 00:10:03 It's not a scare. It's not a gross. It's not a scare. It's not a scare. It's not really scary. It's not really a gross. It's not a scary. It's not a like a Mario. He's a like a Joe. Is it you can see it or a Joe is a to be a how to feel? No, it's not like a scary. You're the one who watch Psycho. We didn't help fucking weird out. Would you watch making if there's a live orchestra? Yeah, only then. I actually would watch that. There was. That's was really fun. I saw Phantom Thread with a live orchestra. Wow.
Starting point is 00:10:26 That was high as a kite. I've never seen that film. Because we were walking towards the, it was at the theater of the Ace, and on the way from dinner to the theater, we pass along the pop stores. Yeah. We're like, let's fucking do this.
Starting point is 00:10:41 Wow. And it was great. I was high as I had at Psycho as well. Yeah. Which did make it better. I will say. better. I will say we went to see FastX yesterday and Cool up texted me come down here And I'm sure she's talked about this on her own show. So I'm I think I'm cool to talk about. Yes. I think you're cool She's like come down here and she she was I was like 18. AC. I said she was, I was like, ATC, at least at ATD, and I was like, what is it?
Starting point is 00:11:08 She's at the start. We were leaving from her, her zoom therapy session to go to fast acts. And so when I get a text, when I get a text of come down here right at the end of therapy, yeah, I figure something was brought up that she needs to bring to my attention that she's upset about. My therapist tells me you're the worst. Yeah. So I go down there and she microdoses on Mondays and Thursdays. I did not know that.
Starting point is 00:11:37 And she apparently got a new, much like Gremlins too, a new batch. And took far too much. Oh, wow. And in the middle of her therapy session started tripping and brought it to her therapist's attention. And her therapist was like, okay, well, we're here now. Well, let's deal with it.
Starting point is 00:11:59 But she's like, she's like, I don't know if I can go to the movie. I'm like, this is the perfect time for you to be high. Like you have the rest of the day. We took the day off to go see FastX. Like, let's just enjoy it. And then she got into the right mindset and it was just great. Oh, good.
Starting point is 00:12:15 Fantastic. That's scary though when you don't expect it. Yeah. Do you have any more of that? Yeah. I was, we were chatting about this. A lot of people are doing this. Yes.
Starting point is 00:12:24 Yes, yes. I'm curious, you know. I'm weirdly we were chatting about this. A lot of people are doing this. Yes, yes, yes. I'm curious, you know. I'm weirdly not that curious about it. I'm not that curious. I know what it feels like to be stone. I know what it feels like to be sort of stone. And I think I get what that would feel like. And I think I could see how that'd be great.
Starting point is 00:12:37 So I'm going, I'm doing it now and I'm doing it forever. But I just, I don't, I wouldn't say I'm like, what's that like? It's more than I'm just kind of like, all right. I'm more like, I don't I'm not I wouldn't say I'm like, what's that like? It's more than I'm just kind of like. All right. I'm more like people like you're not stoned. It's like your mood's a little bit better. It's like that's being stoned. Were you just also pop a panty depressants? Is that probably a pebble? My head hurts. Oh,
Starting point is 00:12:59 so I'm touched. Now you were pushing up a mask. Oh, that's because I was touching my head. So I didn't know what I was doing. You know, I was on my palm, like, yeah, my glasses. But I didn't know if I was subconsciously going with that. Oh, no. Because my head hurts. And now I don't know what I'm subconsciously doing. Yeah, what if you, okay,
Starting point is 00:13:18 I take a lot of weird shit with you. What, really? Can you read body language? No, not at all. Never know what someone's trying to put out there. Do you know what was really wild when I, they do it a little bit here sometimes, but not, it hasn't really caught on like this. But when I was living in London for those couple of months that I did, Kelsey Grimuth, I had a sketch show.
Starting point is 00:13:38 And I said, cheerio to everyone every day. And I was cleaning chimneys constantly. On the news when they would talk about politicians and stuff, they would so often talk about their body language. They have a body language person there saying, but if you look at his body language, he's doing this. We never trust him. We never talk about that.
Starting point is 00:13:58 I've seen it a couple of times and people dismiss it. There's always a reaction to it. It's like, what the fuck are you talking about? Like, it's like vaccines and stuff. it. There's always like a reaction to it. It's like, what the fuck are you talking about? Like, it's like vaccines and stuff. Exactly. Exactly. Yeah. For the idea that 9-11 was an outside job.
Starting point is 00:14:13 Outside job. Yeah, that's right. I'm gonna start writing that all over the place. Do you think of 9-11 as being the day before your birthday? Like when you hear that day. Oh, I think every year I think about place. Do you think of Nathela as being the day before your birthday? Like when you hear that day. Oh, every year I think about it. Do you think, like, oh, is the day before my birthday? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:30 It's my birthday Eve. When I tell people when my birthday is, it feels weird. Yeah. Yeah, you're like, it's 9, 12. I feel like I have to say, I wasn't celebrating that year. Yeah. I did celebrate that year, though. What'd you do?
Starting point is 00:14:44 Well, I had a party planned at a bar. So, and I think you're not supposed to celebrate anything. But here's were you in New York? No, I was in a really great. And so I had a party in New York. So I already went to have a party. Some people probably some people in New York
Starting point is 00:15:03 probably did. Is that possible? Sickos. You'd be really insane. Yeah. But somebody did. Well, but the thing is, I had the party planned already, and then I decided not to call it off just because I wanted to get to get everyone together.
Starting point is 00:15:16 You want to get to get everyone together? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think you have to. And so I just wrote like, and Ray, guess what? This is not about me anymore. Let's all get together. But let's remember that it is my first.
Starting point is 00:15:26 Look, if you bought me a present already, you can give it to me. Listen, I'm gonna act like I don't care about my birthday. I need you to say, but happy birthday to you. Yes. And present still are expected. Yeah, well, it's just a nice gesture. Yeah, and I got so many flags that year.
Starting point is 00:15:41 So many people gave me a bunch of flags. Okay. Oh, American. Oh, you must've been happy. You love flags. I love the American flag. I love the American flag so much. I cry every time I look at it.
Starting point is 00:15:52 Who do you think has the best flag? I don't think our flag is that great. I think our flag is okay. Tell that to Betsy Ross. I'll tell it to her face up in heaven. You think I'm from Philadelphia, man. We go by her house every day and say yes, I. Yeah. Who has the best flag? Well, I think Great Britain is a great flag. The Union Jack.
Starting point is 00:16:11 It looks really good. It's a magical. I like a Japan. Just a red circle. Japan to be unique. That's a full flag. Yeah. Absolutely. What's the busiest flag? Like where there's just way too much shit on it. There's my view up there. Well, I mean, what do we have? 50 stars? Yeah, that checks out. Coolest flag to rise. Not coolest busy.
Starting point is 00:16:35 I'm going to look at busiest. Busiest flag. North Macedonia looks like a big sun burst. Anyone wants to look. Wow. That looks cool. That's a good one. That's really good one.
Starting point is 00:16:45 That's really good. All that pops up is the most popular fly. I don't care about the popular flags. I don't care about the best flags. I want the busiest fly. What don't you understand? Come on chat GPT. Richard Scarry get at me.
Starting point is 00:17:00 Which countries have the craziest flags? Claysie. Bermuda. Bermuda is a... Bermuda. Jamaica. Which countries have the craziest flags? Clasias! Bermuda! Bermuda is a... Bermuda! Jamaica! Oh, I want it! So much lazy!
Starting point is 00:17:11 Okay, let me... Let me describe... Bermuda, you're lazy. Ooh, I want a lazy dumb Bermuda! So lazy! Okay, I love man. Their flag is three legs attached to each other. What?
Starting point is 00:17:28 A prophet. What the fuck? No! Okay, I don't like that. I don't like that. That's too wicked. No, I like to say shells. Oh, that's beautiful.
Starting point is 00:17:37 That's just pretty. This is a pretty one. Kingdom of Benin is a guy beating someone. That's fucking awesome. That's, that is a guy be hitting someone. That's fucking awesome. That's, that is a great way. Well done everyone. Hey, come on in. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:17:56 Good stuff. B-B-B-B-B-B. Come on, B-B-B-B. Come on, B-B-B-B. If my quarter call you, beanie, baby, just one day was like in real loving mood. Just one day. You're my baby, baby.
Starting point is 00:18:09 And then like every day he was like, hey, beanie, baby. I'd be okay with it. Because it's my. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I need to go with that. What does it call me, beanie, baby, in front of you? I like that too.
Starting point is 00:18:23 So like, you guys are at a party. He walks. That's my kid. He was the two of you walk up to Paul. Yeah. Hi, baby, baby. And we both go, hi, what? Oh, you call him baby, baby, too.
Starting point is 00:18:35 I see. And he just called everyone to be eventually. And you all he can say is being a baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby. And he thinks he's saying words. And I have to read his inflection about what he's actually saying. Find what that. In sickness and in health, you're very easy going. I'm chill.
Starting point is 00:18:51 I'm very chill. Can you ask for exceptions in your wedding vows? And they have to honor them. Except if you can't stop saying, baby, baby. If you start doing that, it's over. I wish I had put that in my vows now. That's funny. Except if for some reason, you can't stop it.
Starting point is 00:19:08 You ask him saying only be the baby, thinking that you're doing regular human speech. I'm out. I'm out. And you can't get mad. I'll be leaving your ass. Rules are rules. I do.
Starting point is 00:19:22 I do. All right, we have to agree. Hey, we're back. Once again, talking to Lauren Lapkins. Lauren Lapkins has got a government about life and everything in it. Every scene. Have we covered everything yet? I think so. What were the topics that we hadn't covered up? We hadn't covered if you only say beanie baby. So we just hit that. That was new.
Starting point is 00:19:55 That was new. The space race. I think we've covered everything. The Cold War. Did we talk about those yet? The Cold War. What do we think about it? It's too cold
Starting point is 00:20:05 And they don't warm it up raise the temps here guys. Yeah, we did talk about war. We did talk about war Yeah, that counts Okay, we cover anybody watching anything you just love right now You're just obsessed I'm still watching old doctor who okay. I'm still watching old Doctor Who. Okay. I'm still watching the newest Doctor Who. Realty recap.
Starting point is 00:20:30 Yeah, I'm watching the new Queer Eye. Yeah, that's good about Queer Eye. It's fun. Forgot about Queer Eye. Forgot about Queer Eye. No days, everybody wants to say. No days, everybody wants to say. No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:20:40 That's good to say. I'm really like, hi. It's a super rich. I'm really like, hi on Instagram. Which is. Who I showed you guys. Yes. Who is this? I was like, I was going to say, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, hi on Instagram. Who I showed you guys. Yes. Who?
Starting point is 00:20:48 Who? He'd be like, he kind of wraps almost like that song. Oh, no. But he'd be like, flip his, his claw, watch his other, fucking ankle. What? I don't remember that. You don't remember that guy?
Starting point is 00:20:59 I got to get his name. I got to get his name. He's a real man. No, he's a real man. No, he's a real man. No, he's a real man. No, he's a real man. No, he's a real man. No, he's a real round. No, he's like everybody wants to. Everybody, everybody wants to do it. And it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like,
Starting point is 00:21:09 I don't know that you're describing this for those of us who don't know what you're talking about. She actually is. I gotta know. She's doing a great job. Oh my gosh. I got a job, Brownie. I got a job, Brownie.
Starting point is 00:21:20 Remember that? Remember when they, they referenced it on the sprangles, that was pretty funny. What they say on the sprangles? So when the sprangles say that to somebody when he was mad with that. How come a job, Brian. Remember that? Remember when they, they referenced it on the sprangles, that was pretty funny. What did they say on the sprangles? So I wanted to say that to somebody who knew his mad with that. How come a job, Brian? Yeah. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:21:31 I could have a job, Brian. We're doing his apnea. He really knew how to ask notes. I'm gonna figure out what that guy named us. I think it was something like Grunch or something. Grunch. Something like a random. I hope it is Grunch. Grunch, if you're out there, we love you. Oh no, he's full crotch mists.
Starting point is 00:21:50 Flip your watch that's on your ankle, I guess. Whatever Lauren's trying to tell us. Yeah. Like Grunch, who's the whole cross miss? The Grunch, who's the whole crocs miss? I'm gonna try to Google it. What have you been doing? Testing night. That's a really good question.
Starting point is 00:22:09 Just texting random people. Call the baby. Hey, a beanie baby. This isn't the way to Google. Call Mike. I'm gonna write now. I'm gonna text Mike. Just text my mother.
Starting point is 00:22:18 I said I was trying to find him the other day. Text Mike right now and say, I want to call you Beanie Baby from now on. Okay. See what he says. See no we're taping. He doesn't know where I'm ever. Oh, what?
Starting point is 00:22:33 Awesome. Let's see what he says. Okay. So Lauren is texted Mike. I want to call you Beanie. I also have already texted Mike, Beanie Baby. With no cut. Should I text him?
Starting point is 00:22:49 Yeah, he's typing. He's typing. Okay. He said sounds good. Sounds good. Okay. I'm going to shine just beanie baby or what? Yeah. This is you baby. Just be me.
Starting point is 00:23:03 All right. Be babe. BB. There we go. Well, Lauren, do you know who Twicky is? Twicky? That's what we eat. Buck Rogers Twicky. No. Baby, baby, baby, baby. He went to the book.
Starting point is 00:23:17 There was a show called Buck Rogers in the 25th century, starring Guild Gerard and Aaron. Aaron Gray. Gray, yes, from Silver Spoon. And so it's about this astronaut who falls asleep, Rip Van Winkle style wakes up in the 25th century. Because he just falls asleep, I thought he like,
Starting point is 00:23:36 what was he? He was something breathing. The most boring. He was in the chair. Just a chair and a Warren piece. He like, there were some accident and he got, you know, you got a he was like into a time loop or or was it literally it was it was like I can't I can't remember I can't remember he got transported to the 20th century or just like
Starting point is 00:23:57 fell into a space. Yeah, deep space is probably deep physical. Oh yeah. Um, and so It's probably deep physical. Oh yeah. And so, Guilrdrod was like a wide man who was considered hot at the time. Cause he's beefy. Like back, that was a great thing. In the 70s and 80s, you could be beefy. And, and people would be like, that's a man.
Starting point is 00:24:17 He's a real hunk. Sure. Harry Chest, you know what I mean? Which you're not allowed to have anymore. Yeah. Did I tell you that about the one. They're going away. The one we got away. Almost. No, there was this when I worked at Chin Chin.
Starting point is 00:24:34 There was one of the waitresses was like, Hey, I have a really tall friend who. Oh, yeah, the woman. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, I told you. But I don't recall what happens. Well, she was like, I have a really tall friend who is interested in meeting you because I said you were tall. She asked if you had a hairy chest and I was like, not really. She went, oh, it's a weird question to ask at work. So yeah, it's a weird work question to field.
Starting point is 00:25:00 Yeah, especially and also fuck her. Like she's like, I need to be with somebody. Okay, he's tall. We have a thing, but before you even's like, I need to be with her. Okay. You saw. We have everything. But before you even you can have two things. You can't have two things. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:11 He has to be tall with a hairy chest. His feet have to be three inches long and he has to wear a red hat. And it's non-negotiable. His butt has to be like two big hot pigs. Just together. And his penis has to be nicknamed Rumpel's Field Skin. Before I get there. Rumpel Force Skin. Rumpel Force Skin.
Starting point is 00:25:33 Rumpel Force Skin. Is Rumpel Force Skin? I don't think you're going to nick name. Yeah. I got to go for that. OK, right, Mike, back. Let's say I want to call you Rumble first. He's, he hasn't written me back.
Starting point is 00:25:55 I'm crazy. He just wrote back to me and said, he's probably tipped off and we're recording right. Did you write it to him? Yeah. I did. Oh, you did. Yeah, I just wrote Robo for it's good.
Starting point is 00:26:10 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:18 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, Gilgerot. Okay, so Buck Rogers had this little robot friend named Twickey who before he said anything had to make this noise.
Starting point is 00:26:34 Bitty, bitty, bitty, bitty. And he was voiced by Smellbroth. Smellbroth. Yeah, he was a tiny little robot. He was voiced by the guy that did bugs bunny. That's really random. But is BDBDBD better or worse than like the typical robot saying like query or post worse. It takes up the same amount of bed. I can see and I'm fucking him But I was watching a doctor who yesterday and they and the dollic was like
Starting point is 00:27:16 Telegraphing everything he was saying he was like then you must be destroyed Any fires a laser. It's like just fire the laser, bro. No, they love doing that. If someone said, then you must be destroyed to me, I'd be like, bye. They're constantly saying, you will be exterminated. And they say, they give you the reason why. Yeah. And then they say, here's what's going to happen. Guys, just don't bore me to death.
Starting point is 00:27:41 Shoot me to death, right? Yeah. Let me look up Twicky. Twicky. He had a round, I'm going to try to draw shoot me to death, right? Yeah, let me look up Twicky. Twicky. He had a round. I'm gonna try to draw him next to my silent. Okay, I wish you the best of luck. Why are you keeping the silent? Because I feel like once I remembered or once Paul reminded me that they only have one eye.
Starting point is 00:27:57 I feel like I nailed it because I okay. So this is Twicky. I think he was two Ks. Okay, so this is tweaky. I think he was two Ks. And he had a little like thing on his thing. And then he had a- I'd bet your part. Is this sort of what twe- Yep. Wow. Sounds kind of cool.
Starting point is 00:28:24 Retrospect. Wow. Sounds kind of cool. In retrospect. Someone isn't gonna like that. Wow. It's the voice of bugs. It makes noise of that. That's what they were shooting for, I think. No pun intended because Buck Rogers shot at people. Is this what it looks like? No. No. What do you mean? He looks like he's got a little helmet on This guy could have a helmet. No, he no, come on. I'd I
Starting point is 00:28:53 At least got the height right? Yeah a little helmet. He also would like to carry around in his in his torso There's that round light up thing. Yeah, that's what that is. That was called Dr. Theophilus. Yeah. Yeah. Now, what was those three buttons correct, but you don't have Dr. Theophilus in there? Well, what was Dr. Theophilus's deal? He was like a smart consciousness that was in this round. This is the future liberals want. You know what, I wouldn't mind it.
Starting point is 00:29:30 To be a consciousness. I want to be a consciousness in the ether. I want to be a consciousness in the ether. I got you. I swear. But in fun, but in fun. I swear I'm paying attention. Yeah, baby.
Starting point is 00:29:43 I pay attention. I pay attention. I pay attention. The, baby, baby, baby, baby, I pay attention. I pay attention. The baby, baby, the baby is actually cooler than I remember it being. Because in my memory, it was him just saying, just saying, but it actually sounds like, it's an offuting.
Starting point is 00:29:54 Yeah, he's like trying to think of what I want to say. I think it's kind of badass. I think it's the coolest thing I've ever heard. It's kind of changing the world one step at a time. I feel like a beta next to Twiki. I'm a cuck and Twiki is everything. I'm literally gagging for Twiki. Is it Twiki or Twiki? I don't know. I think it was one of those things where people pronounced it differently. Yeah. Yeah. Because yeah. Because yeah. It was the age of, it was the age of, there were still people left over from like playhouse 90 days
Starting point is 00:30:27 or whatever, they came from the theater and so they were pronounced things in a weird way. And Aaron Gray felt like she was a soap opera actress. Twicky, Twicky, Twicky. Twicky. She was gorgeous. Oh, Twicky. You're a beta cock gang on that Twicky.
Starting point is 00:30:40 We should do a battle of the podcast stars podcast. Now, where's that come from? What is it? Because I was thinking about how how Gil Gerard and Aaron Gray would or the type of actress who would be on Battle of the Network starts. Right. And I was bummed that we would never be able to do it because we're not on a network show. Yeah. But we're on a podcast network. Okay. So it's like us against the small. Yeah. I want to call you Rumpel for a skin from now on. He said less interest in that only Paul make all me that Shit Good shit
Starting point is 00:31:23 Remember tattoo from fantasy island? No. The band. Yeah. Oh, the band. Oh, yeah. I think she said, I think she said, burn through my head. Remember when the kiss to hand to you?
Starting point is 00:31:33 I remember that one. I just remember. Oh, that's not a serenade. Oh, God, I get us. Yes, but their big hit was all the things. Yes. Well, I don't remember that, dear. So I don't let me play anymore.
Starting point is 00:31:41 I don't let me play anymore. Oh, I think she said, all the things she said, burn through my head. What did tattoo and remember the four? Fake les part of your life. Oh, if she said all the things she said, right under my head, right under my head. What did tattoo? And you remember the four? Fake lesbians. Yeah. Oh, they were fake? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:50 Team against title. It was our first. Okay, we have a arrangement. We have an Airbnb at first. With rock lobster. Okay, we can skip the ad, though. Okay, here we go. Oh, rain trickling.
Starting point is 00:32:02 This is subtitled, so I love that. Thank you for letting me know. Thank you for letting me know No This is the official music video This is the official one. So this is not a bootleg video. This is The video I hate want to watch a video when I'm enjoying it and I find out it was the unofficial video Running through my head running through my head. Okay, this is familiar.
Starting point is 00:32:28 Runnin' through my head, runnin' through my head, runnin' through my head. Is not enough. I feel like I heard the other one more than this song, though. I don't think I know who the one you're talking about. She's not gonna get us, then not gonna get us. You must have seen them do like an award show or something. Oh, I must have. Oh, I must have.
Starting point is 00:32:47 It must have been at the country music awards. Your favorite thing to us. Here's what I go to every time. Why do I think there's whatever you do? Did tattoo get married? Here people also ask. I realize this was, this is my, my reaction when I see the Colt Kidman and Heath Urban. Is that they show them in the front row and they're dancing along
Starting point is 00:33:06 to whatever song. And I go, oh right, Nicole Kimmins married a Keith Urban. And then I go, oh right, Keith Urban is Australian. Yeah, his name, those same two things every time. His name implies he's like urban. But I forget that she is. That she's Australian? Yes. Yeah. Because she hardly ever
Starting point is 00:33:27 plays Australian. Yeah. Well, she, she after a couple of marriages, she was like, I'm only going to marry an Australian from now on. Oh, from now on. I think that's smart. So she's just picked one or she's planning to do more. Wait, she was married to Tom Kroes and who else? Tom Kroes. Do you have another one? What's up, girl? Who was have another one? Who was her other husband? Who was her other husband? Was it Billy Bathgate? Is that who? That's the guy from Ongo's Focus. No, it's the guy from Mr. Magorium. Is one Magorium? Yes, this is wonderful. She's been married twice. Oh, just Tom Cruise and Keith Urban.
Starting point is 00:34:07 Okay. Wow, there we go. That's a good amount. It's a great amount. I think, yeah, two. That's where I'm gonna stop. Two is perfect. Yeah, two is perfect.
Starting point is 00:34:14 Absolutely. Do you think she would have stayed with Tom Cruise if he had an Australian accent? I think that was the deal breaker. I heard about that. It wasn't for AMC promos. She kind of mentions that. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:24 She puts these Easter eggs in like, so depending on what movie you see, you might get a different one. Yeah, right. So the one I saw, it was before Mario or whatever. She was like, I, like she says like, her but she turns right to the camera. And then right then,
Starting point is 00:34:39 she was like, I only got divorced from Tom Cruise because he was an Australian. She did 250 separate takes of that to include 250 separate Easter eggs. Let's also say it wasn't takes really, because it was- No, she did the entire thing. Right, oh, right, okay.
Starting point is 00:34:54 It was in a series. And it was one, three hour take and the boom operator was like such a hero because they were just staying there. Yeah, and she was just thinking of them. They didn't write them for her. She was just thinking, what can I say? So it wasn't like, he's got work, or the film that I had
Starting point is 00:35:07 that his arms cut off because of all the blood permanently drained out of them. Well, his arms were sticking straight up for ever. Yeah. And so he's like, cut them off. Yeah, just cut them off. Yeah, I can't. I can't see it.
Starting point is 00:35:18 Just put me out of my misery. Yeah, so she did a bunch of those. Have you guys seen one? I've seen all of them. Yeah, yeah. I traveled with them. What was you guys seen one? I've seen all of them. Yeah, yeah. I traveled a lot of times. Well, it was your favorite fact, because I only saw that one.
Starting point is 00:35:29 She said that it wasn't actually her in the Pattington movie. What? Yeah. What does that mean? That it was Pattington by two roles. Oh. The one I saw, she said,
Starting point is 00:35:39 she wasn't writing a horse in the movie, Australia. She was writing it in the one that Ron Howard directed, far and away, far and away. Okay. And I was like, yeah, I know. Yo, you already knew that? I already knew that. Well, I mean, I think it's possible that people
Starting point is 00:35:56 are gonna know some of the things you see. Yeah. They're not all top secret. No, not the one where she said. These are the ones that she was like, it's a clothing. And it's a concept. She's didn't. Mary Tomkers.
Starting point is 00:36:05 But yeah, but a person out to the movie with said they saw one. There was a different one where she said. If I had to pick any movie canny to eat it would be goobers. What I think is like really unpredictable. It's I don't know what I expected. I saw one where she said raisinets. So she did two candy ones. We're and she was lying in one of them.
Starting point is 00:36:24 So I wonder if all the rest of the So she did two candy ones. Weird, and she was lying in one of four. One of them, the war ball. Yeah, kind of wants you wonder if all the rest of them are lies too. Well, I saw one where she was like, I'm not three years old. Well, it's true. I guess that's true. That is true. I don't know. Do we know that though?
Starting point is 00:36:38 But do people think that? Can anyone remember anything she's ever done previous to three years ago? If she's three years old, she's very sophisticated. I'll say that. She's got to be in the top percentile. Yeah. She wears a gown very comfortably for someone who's three. She's a little too comfortable in a gown for a three year old if you ask me.
Starting point is 00:36:54 Yeah. And those heels. Not to mention those heels. And don't get me started on those heels. Oh, those Louboutins. That's kind of, those red bottom boots. LaBouss, half a pot of jeans. Put it in the fur. Oh, those Louboutins. Those red bottom booze. LaBose. That's a bottom jeans. Booze of the fur. Oh my God. The whole club was looking at her, but she had to flirt. And next thing you know, everybody got low. I mean, I think she
Starting point is 00:37:15 really has that way of inspiring people. She really, we love you, Nicole. I don't know what, how we got on this, but the other day, we were talking about old TV shows. We were talking about Beverly Hillbillies. And it struck me that Granny, in the opening credits, being in a rocking chair on top of their old truck. On top. Actually pretty funny. It is funny. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:39 Although, is it based on the grapes of wrath where she was just on a... I think it's an heightening of that, yes. Okay, she's an rocking chair rather than a chair chair. Yeah, yeah, that's cool. And she's on top of the truck. Oh, she's on the cab, like on top of the cab, that's funny shit.
Starting point is 00:37:56 It's really funny. And I think for some reason I took it for granted as a child. Yeah, if you think about something like that, you're like, everything's gonna be this good. Yeah. All right, we have to say a break. Yeah, it's something like that. You're like everything's gonna be this good Yeah, all right, we have to say great And we're back here's what silence What's rb But first an RBC ad. What's RBC? Is it?
Starting point is 00:38:27 Oh, man, this is an RBC. Oh, then we have Star Trek. I like that. By the way, you could have plugged into this. I love how that's. Your sweet ass will be with us shortly. Your sweet ass will be with us shortly. When I was a kid, I thought that voice was the coolest fucking thing. I think it sounded really cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:54 But that'll start galaxic. I can't come out. I can't come out. I can't come out. I came out after Star Wars. So it was like, oh, this is going to be as cool as Star Wars, but it didn't have the budget of Star Wars. Speaking of which. Yeah. Okay. So so Star Wars comes out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:08 1977, Dr. May. Who adds a robot dog called K9. Yes, K9, who truly talked to that. Yes, although great final episode. Great final episode. Yeah. Um, then later they add a more like humanoid Android guy named Camelian that I just got to that episode.
Starting point is 00:39:30 And it's you look at it and you're like, that guy's a gave it a shot, you know? You can't win him all. Yeah, you tried to capture the imaginations of the world's children, but you have a budget of 50p and you couldn't get happened. All right. We're going to play a feature. Are we playing a game?
Starting point is 00:39:53 This is an oldie and a goodie game. We're going to play Switch It and Pitch it. Oh holy shit. This is like meeting an old friend for dinner. It feels like it's episode three. So one of us says the title to something that exists at a television show or a movie that already exists. Got it.
Starting point is 00:40:12 The other two then do the opposite of each word for the new title that they pitch. And we pitched that to the person who gave us the original title and then we have to sing the theme song at the end. That's right. Okay. Okay. Who wants to start with a title? Now, what am I going to suggest? Yeah. So the one person is being pitched to. Yes. Well, that's the person who comes up with the thing. There's two people who are being pitched to. Hold on. Hold on. No, no, no, it's one person that's being pitched to. My God. What? It's always a team. Please, please, just let me speak. What do you? What? It's a writing team. Scott, let me. I can explain.
Starting point is 00:40:47 I'm arguing with Lauren. Excuse me, I want to fight both of you. In my memory, it's two people hearing a pitch. That might be a picture. We've done shows like that before. We've done shows like that before. So if the person who comes up with the actual title of the real thing, that's the person who's being pitched to.
Starting point is 00:41:09 So you give that, then the team, one of them will explain the concept than the other one has to sing the song. What do you think about that? Sure, but can the other person back the first person up, or do they have they stay silent? I think they've stayed silent at the take whatever it is and they have to incorporate into the song. I like the interplay between the two people.
Starting point is 00:41:32 Okay, fuck me. Okay. Hey, I meant to say fuck you. I think fuck you both and let's just do it. How we do it? Let's just do it. I love your idea. I love your idea.
Starting point is 00:41:42 I love your title. Hey, thank you. I thought it was cool. It's great. You didn't. Okay, the title is, and who's going to pitch it? Well, if you say the title, then the book is possible. All right, sorry, Jesus.
Starting point is 00:41:54 Fucking idiot. The title is Quantum Leap. Oh, quantum leap. Hey, thanks for meeting us. Of course. Sorry, sorry, I'm sorry. Oh, you don't have to rod, no. No, we believe me. Sorry, sorry. I'm sorry. No, you don't have to rot.
Starting point is 00:42:06 No, we believe me. We had to run because we're crossing the bigot line. Yeah. Oh, man. They are mad at us. It's pretty intense out there, huh? Yeah, we like to look at the window and kind of just laugh. This is a big opportunity for us.
Starting point is 00:42:17 We've never had any show until before. Yeah, before we're not part of the race. You know what? We probably shouldn't have said wish us luck to everyone. Yeah. We're going into a show. We're going into a big window. What said wish us luck to everyone. Yeah. Yeah. They were going into the show. You were doing. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah. Okay. Great. I'm glad you guys are here. You're both non-union scabs. That's right. Yeah. I think this is the perfect time to buy. So let's. We're glad to get our foot in the door. Yeah. It won't last if, you know,
Starting point is 00:42:39 once the deal is all done over here, but I'm just telling you that. I don't know what that means. Yeah. Me neither. All right. So what you might explain it? What? What? What? What? What's the last? Like, your success won't last. Like, people will not be happy that you did this. And it'll be. But we'll be rich, right? Famous? Wait, so the other writers determined whether or not we're successful? They're going to just, you know, tear you down and kind of get you out.
Starting point is 00:43:02 Well, in America, we build everyone up to tear each other down. Yeah. That's a quote from air. Okay. Is that true? Um, all right. Well, I don't really have a ton of time because I have, but you, we have another half hour, right? I have a little bit of time, but Jimmy Kimmel was sending over a pizza truck for the exact
Starting point is 00:43:22 thing. Really? So that's nice. We. He's a sweetheart. Yeah. Do you think he's doing that to like dig at Jay? I don't know because he does it for the writers and does it for us. It kind of just a bad word for us. I think he knows like they're hungry out there.
Starting point is 00:43:36 We're hungry in here. Everyone's hungry. Yeah. It's like you can't leave to go get lunch because you're pressing the big up. Taking the lead of our glorious Mayor Karen Bass. Yeah. Everyone should just get along.
Starting point is 00:43:46 Yeah. All right. We're here to pitch a show. Yeah, I know, I love it. And it is called Short Stand. Short Stand. Short Stand, okay. Yeah, it's a great show.
Starting point is 00:43:59 It's kind of a cross between, you know, short round from the Indiana Jones movie. Yeah, the guy who now wanted to ask her. Yeah, no time for love. Show could win at Oscar. Oh my God. A show winning an Oscar. Maybe we're getting ahead of herself.
Starting point is 00:44:12 You see us by the way. No, this is the first, we're proposing the first television show that's eligible for the Oscar. It's part of it. Okay, okay. What's it about? Well, it's a cross, as you said, between short ground and the Stephen King's, Stephen King's the stand, you know, Randall Flagg, the rest of those
Starting point is 00:44:32 cooks. Do I have to know for this to continue? Nope. Do you mind reading the stand? Could you read it? It's about 1700 pages. I could see. I'll zip through that.
Starting point is 00:44:41 Okay. Let's give you a second. The expanded edition takes into those characters even deeper I'm really doing just doing it. God. sweeping the nation. No, and it's called, COVID-19, okay. Yeah, and it makes you do a bunch of gross things, and then you die. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:12 The only person who's immune to it is a little boy from 1939. That's right, a little Asian boy from 1939, and he's the only person left alive at the end of the first minute of the show. That's right. That's right. So he has the entire earth to himself
Starting point is 00:45:31 and then it becomes kind of a home alone. Yeah, it's kind of last man on earth. So is someone trying to break into earth and he's trying to like, so do we jump in? Yeah, you alien burglars. Who are soaking wet. Okay.
Starting point is 00:45:42 From just their planet. They're called the wet aliens. Yeah. And they sit. It's like the opposite of signs. They come from a planet that's all wet. Okay. From just their planet. They're called the wet aliens. Yeah. And they set up the opposite of signs. They come from a planet that's all water. Okay. So short round sets up some like paint cans on ropes. You know, a big boulder.
Starting point is 00:45:55 Yeah, huge. And Indiana Jones comes back to life really briefly and goes, Hey, that's my thing. And then he dies. It's funny. And it will be played by Harrison Ford. Okay. So then he defeats, he has to, the whole series, and it's probably gonna work for 10 years,
Starting point is 00:46:10 is him trying to defeat these soaking wet aliens. Which he does at the end of the second minute. Yes. Of the first episode. Every episode. Yes. And the rest of the episode just him kicking back. Just chillin.
Starting point is 00:46:22 Have you ever seen a television show that's so relaxing? It's made you like feel good about watching because it's like, wow, I wasn't tense. This isn't like breaking bad. Are you familiar with Huga? This show aims to be the background noise show of all time. Okay. Can we just talk about the main character a little bit? No. No, you're not. the main character a little bit? No. Okay. No, you rather not. Okay.
Starting point is 00:46:46 Great. Then I guess my big question is like, who's this for? It's for every man, woman, and child in the United States of America and the world. Who's not racist because it is an Asian character? Yes. Okay. Well, it should be for everyone. I guess racist can interpret it in a
Starting point is 00:47:06 certain way. You can have some self hatred. Yeah. No, I don't think the character should change. I'm saying. Oh, you love the character. Why did you want to talk about the character? I wanted no more. But I love what I know. There's no more. So you love 100% of it. Yeah, because I think he's very likable. And absolutely. So yeah, I'm so glad you got that from our star. He's charming and he's fun. Yeah. And he's an every man and yet still very unique. Yeah. And he's everything I've ever wanted in a character. You really get her. Wow. Amazing. How you know that being said, you guys have no experience. No, well, less than no experience. experience. We've never even written this idea.
Starting point is 00:47:46 No, we've actively. We've forgotten how to read and write for this. So does that mean you'll have to learn again? Yes. If you would teach us. OK. Or at least send us a link. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:57 So you can click the link. Oh, it's like a link. Oh, it's like a link. Oh, OK. OK. Stop, stop, stop. Here's the, here's someone to offer you and this is the best I can do right now. Okay. I want five seasons, 75 episodes per season. Yes, and I can give you $10 million per episode. That's it.
Starting point is 00:48:21 That's it. 75 episodes per season? Yes, and I can give you $10 million per episode. That's it. That's it. Can we talk for one in a second? Can we confer? This still sucks. Let's get the fuck out of here. Who is this bitch?
Starting point is 00:48:37 Sorry, we're not for sale. Yeah. Okay. Don't let the door hit you. We're the good Lord split. Yeah. And by the way, anything you pitch to this room is now mine. So I hold this show and he gets nothing and I'm going to make it from scratch.
Starting point is 00:48:55 Well, what's the theme song then if you want it? It's because a little something like this. Short stand. He's a little guy who knows his worth. Short stand. He does whatever he can on this earth to find our love. A romantic, a number one fan. Everything he's wanted in just one man. Yes, he's gay
Starting point is 00:49:26 And that's something he'll discover in season five We'll get there later Good boy I can't wait to see the show I can't wait to season five. Yeah, wow He has lots of high-legend things Wow, he has a lot of stuff. I like it. It feels so. Tell me, it's gonna happen five years from now.
Starting point is 00:49:46 Because that will keep you invested. Cooked me, honestly. I know. Anyway, so I'll make that. All right, well, thanks for the idea. Well, bye. Boog. Did you get it?
Starting point is 00:49:57 Get the guys in code home. Kill them! Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:50:11 Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Do we have time for one more? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:19 We do. We have time for two more probably. Okay. Uh. Uh. Uh. Uh, uh, I'll be the executive. Is that many things easier?
Starting point is 00:50:29 Sure. Okay. Think of a show title that already exists. That's the part that was the hardest thing in the world to do. Okay. The title of course is a quadruple the 25th century Hey It's so nice to meet you. I'm so glad to be pitching this show. Why aren't you talking to me?
Starting point is 00:50:54 Because I'm talking to her do you mind? I'm the executive. I know. I'm meeting her for the first time. Oh, I'm so sorry I apologize. What? This guy is fucking the guy. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know.
Starting point is 00:51:11 I know. I know. But this dude's brand new or something. Hey, anyway, it's so nice to meet you. Yeah. Yeah. Really pleased to be pitching this. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:21 Okay. So how do you want to do it? Um, I think I'm going to, uh, like, take your lead. Okay. You're going to want to do it? Um, I think I'm going to like take your lead folder lead. You're going to take the lead. Um, yeah. And I'll just like do whatever you're doing. Okay. Great. Hey, is for horses, grasses, grasses, oh, he's getting, get yourself a barn and you'll earn all related him when I first walked in here. But now I think when I saw what he was wearing, I thought not gonna do it. And he, so he hasn't like a comically large baseball. You're not gonna do it.
Starting point is 00:51:52 You're not gonna do it. You're not funny. Oh, God. Oh, no. Listen, the drama department. Oh, thank you. We know, we know. But we take all kinds of pitches because we can let go all the other departments. Okay. Well this happens to be
Starting point is 00:52:08 The most dramatic show of all time This is a song called a song You just met him you're just pitching me a song. I just met him But if it's a problem if it goes well, I'll wear a team and if it doesn't go well, I just met him This is a song that you're gonna base to television show on. I'd like to hear the song at the end. No, we'll sing the song at the end. I'm just telling you that it starts as a song.
Starting point is 00:52:33 Sing it now. Yeah. No, I forbid it. Sing it. I don't take orders from the lake to eat. I'm not gonna say. Sing it. I'm talking to her.
Starting point is 00:52:42 Sing it. Sing it now Sing it. Now. Is this all planned? Yes. And this is the relationship between the main characters of the show that we want to pitch to you. It's really funny. Which is called...
Starting point is 00:52:55 And dramatic. Very dramatic, which is called... Penny... Uh... Penny... I'm sorry, Roger. Hammerstein. Penny Hammerstein Penny Hammerstein What was the next one in the 20th in that penny Hammerstein on
Starting point is 00:53:14 The 50th anniversary wow Penny Hammerstein on the 50th members faster. I'm intrigued.'m intrigued. But this is the problem with the main character. He doesn't remember things. Because he's been asleep for so many years. Eight hours a night for so many years. So it's like Romento. No.
Starting point is 00:53:38 In what way? No. Does the sleep wake up if you can't remember things? No. No. Not like that. Okay. No, it's-
Starting point is 00:53:43 Do you not remember things when you wake up? It's very different. I don't remember a lot of things when I wake up. Yeah, so does our character. Our character is very relatable. Our character is just like you. I thought you said you've... What's your name again?
Starting point is 00:53:53 Huh? My name? Yeah. What's my name? Who are you? My name's Chad Firingy. That's our character's name. He's just like you. Her character's name Chad Firingy. No, really interesting. Now you may be, you don't know. I heard about any Hammerstein I just thought I heard about a TV executive who if you put her name in the TV show
Starting point is 00:54:13 Which she was interested really yeah Well, yes, Chad for Rengue is our main character penny Hammerstein is The woman that he's left behind on his his 50th anniversary, he goes to sleep. No. For every night for eight hours a night. He goes to sleep for eight hours every single night. And he wakes up, everything's cool. He goes to sleep for exactly eight hours?
Starting point is 00:54:37 For around eight hours. Okay. It varies depending on, you know, his cycle. Yeah, sometimes he can't get a good position on his pillow. And he'll get less. Sometimes he's just dog tired because some people in the audience sleep for, you know, seven hours, some for 10. We time it out to whoever's watching.
Starting point is 00:54:54 Well, but we it's them and it's also you. So it's kind of a base on your sleep schedule. Yeah, we need you to report to us every morning. You kind of get a solid eight, but I sleep between seven and nine hours Yeah, there's times when you get last and there's times where you get work And we'll know it's exactly between seven and nine. We'll need you to call us when you wake up. Yeah, I sleep at a horse every night Exactly, exactly eight Oh, interesting. Yeah, it's weird, but we still want you to call us every day and tell us you slept eight hours
Starting point is 00:55:19 Just make sure we please call us Is let's say our number at the same time. Yeah. Three, eight, nine, four. Just keep going. We keep going. Keep going. Got it. Keep going.
Starting point is 00:55:34 Three, eight, nine, four, zero. Keep going. So look, just call that just call every day. Okay. Okay. So anyway, so Chad Ferangue, he wakes up every morning and then it's his 50th anniversary. What more do you need to know? Of his birth, right.
Starting point is 00:55:57 Of his birth. Okay. And then so what happened to the whole thing? Okay, here's man. How do we know that she even existed? It's a big infotainment. And then so what happened? The whole thing. That's why you're okay. There's man. Yeah. How do we know that she even existed? It's a big info. Does he reference her?
Starting point is 00:56:09 It's in the credits. There's a big crawl. There's a big crawl. There's a big crawl. There's a big crawl. There's a big crawl. There's a big crawl. There's a big crawl.
Starting point is 00:56:17 There's a big crawl. There's a big crawl. There's a big crawl. There's a big crawl. There's a big crawl. There's a big crawl. There's a big crawl. There's a big crawl. There's a big crawl. There's a big crawl. You they happen simultaneously. So you have to listen first.
Starting point is 00:56:25 And then rewind and read from multitasking. Okay, good. Yeah, it's good for people who can like hear two things. Well, it's important to forget. Three, nine, eight, four, key, four, zero, people, right? I apologize. 39, 38, nine, four, key, zero, key, four.
Starting point is 00:56:45 Anyway, so that the crawl is 27 minutes, which leaves us. It's also 27 dresses. So you get to watch the entire movie 27 dresses. So it's a dress a crawl? Yeah. So it's a dress a crawl. One dress per crawl. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:58 And that's it. I think that's about it. I mean, other than, of course, the fact that it has a theme song based on a theme song. Oh, it's based on its own theme. It's based on its own song because we're interesting. It's based on IP that already exists. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:18 What's the IP? The song. If you, he pee is like wherever you tell. Freely. Yeah. And the song, it's an existing existing theme song but not an existing show. No, no, it's just a song that's out there that we were like. Wow.
Starting point is 00:57:32 Here, let's just see it. This is a wild yeah. Penning, penning, I'm a steam on his 50th anniversary. He wakes up, gets out of bed, drags him across his head, finds his way downstairs and has a cop. And somebody who spoke anyway to do a dream. G-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g- Oh, I see you guys just met she. We just remember it. I'm still singing about a motor crash that made the grade. Oh my God. Okay.
Starting point is 00:58:32 So anyway, does that sell it? Yeah. It's based on a Beatles song. We sold it. It does. But we're in an alternate universe from the movie yesterday where you don't know who the Beatles are.
Starting point is 00:58:42 No, I do. You know who the Beatles are. Wait, you're saying we're in that universe right now? Yeah. You're not part of the pitch. You're saying, that's what's happening in the world. That's what's happening in the world now. You don't know who the Beatles are.
Starting point is 00:58:50 No, I do, I swear. Oh, I don't. Do you? Yeah. Are you one of the only people who knows who the Beatles are? It's just us. It's just us. Just us. Just us.
Starting point is 00:59:00 I'm standing here in Puzz. Well, you sold it in the room now, get out. Okay. Yay. Yay. And that's how you play.. Well, you sold it in the room now. Get out. Okay. Yay. Yay. And that's how you play. Switch it in. And pitch it. Listen, everybody, we love you.
Starting point is 00:59:11 Thank you so much for listening. We love our piss pigs. If you would like to write to us and suggest a feature, write to three to me, And write us like a game like that that we can don't have to guess. Yeah, you know, to guess things. I mean, guessing things is fine, but like a game like that that we can don't have to guess. Yeah, you don't have to guess things. I mean, I'm guessing things is fine,
Starting point is 00:59:27 but like a game you play in the car or you know, a game you play around a campfire, classic campfire game. Like texted me a gif of an old woman saying in the beanie baby world, I was famous. Great. And if you would like to call us, there was a voicemail.
Starting point is 00:59:46 Maybe you want to ask us for advice. Maybe you want to get us to start an interesting convo like with four higher, whatever. Yeah. Then why don't you call us and hag claims eight and try to keep your message to under 30 seconds and say your name so we can say hi to you, Piss Vicks? Yes.
Starting point is 01:00:01 And then the other thing is follow us on Instagram at three itemicks. Yes. And then the other thing is, follow us on Instagram at 3DMUSA. Yeah. And write to us at 3DMUSA at I already said that. And if you want to- Write to us at 3DMUSA at If you want us to add free editions of this show, editions are issues.
Starting point is 01:00:19 Uh, yeah. Exactly. Exactly. If you want- We have the early edition and the late, if you want to hear early edition and a current affair, ad-free. And the early edition is tomorrow's episode,
Starting point is 01:00:31 but we put it out one day. That's right, star Kyle C. Corp. And if you can please come to my show, June 11th at Dynasty Typewriter, or watch the livestream from home, get tickets at I love that. And if you can please come to my show, writer or watch the livestream from home, get tickets at d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d Inside the 16th and 17th of June at Underground Arts. Come on out Philadelphia. I love you and I can't wait to see you and Go to CBB or stitch or premium if you don't want to hear some fucking ads and buy the comedy Bing Bing book
Starting point is 01:01:15 Yeah, man. Yeah, but I'm a big bang book. It's a best seller and We got to go and we have to read one of those apps we're talking about. Okay, goodbye. Bye. Bye.

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