Threedom - Threevisiting: Kiss My Grits!

Episode Date: August 8, 2023

Threevisiting on the Tues: Scott, Paul and Lauren discuss boats, Star Wars and play Celebrity Hunt. Follow us on social media @threedomusa. Send Threetures and emails to Leave... us a voicemail at 424-252-4678 (HAG-CLAIMS-8).

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Starting point is 00:00:00 3-0! 3-0! 3-0! 3-0! 3-0! 3-0! 3-0! 3-0! 3-0!
Starting point is 00:00:16 You're doing that for so long. So long! I want to do it longer. Next time I'm starting from the beginning of the season. From the beginning, you're, let's try it again. Okay. Let's do it for the next We need the car you snoop dog. I am soup dog So I am stupid. He says the next episode. He doesn't say it. Who says the next episode? Dr. Dre really? Yes
Starting point is 00:00:46 He doesn't say it. Who says the next episode? Dr. Dre. Really? Yes. But in Snoop Dogg song. Thank you. Snoop Dogg allowed him to. He cares who allowed him to. Snoop Dogg gave him permission. Do you think they drew straws to see who got to say it? I want to see it. I want to see it. I want to see it. Shoot up. Welcome to the show. This is freedom. Welcome to the show. This is freedom. And that's Paul F. Tomkins over there. I'm Paul Tomkins. I'm over here. That's Scott Ockerman over there. And right over here. Next to me. Yeah. Right next to you. Across from me. Hi. And Paul, you're you're wearing a this fully nautical outfit. I cannot tell. Like because the hat is a cap to tell. It's a
Starting point is 00:01:22 nautical cap. It's a nautical cap, but yet I say what my rank is. Well, are there any stripes or stars or that? There's no insignia of any kind. In the captain of Captain and Teneal fame have some sort of rank. He was, well, he's a captain. Yes, but was it indicated upon his hat? No, he had, I believe he had many captains hats
Starting point is 00:01:45 as we call them. Sure. And they usually had like the traditional life saver with some rope around them. Why is that? No. Now, I think that was purposely to say, this is not stolen valor.
Starting point is 00:01:58 I'm not trying to pretend I'm in some sort of navy. I'm just a rich guy who has a boat. Oh, wow. So then, but it seems to me as if all captains hats from then on in have had that life saver with the rope around it. Yeah. Did he start that? No. No. Okay. So this is what do you think he said? I'm going to call myself a captain. I better invent a hat. What about the anchor with a rope around it? Isn't that a common theme? That's a common theme, although the United States Navy, there are certain ranks where
Starting point is 00:02:26 that would be the insignia on your cap. I think it's the anchor would be the officer. It's an anchor with a rope and it says, USN on it. And so to have, I think, I honestly think, this is just me assuming, I think it is to avoid confusion. You're not saying, I am in the military. I am just a rich guy who owns a boat. Or I want you to think I am. And that's where you are. You're a rich guy who wants you to be a man. I don't even have the, I have nothing on my hand. I'm just saying I like this hand.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Would you? Would you? And I'm not saying that you'd have to spend money on it to the exclusion of something else that you'd rather have. But if you had a boat, would you like that? Yeah, I would. I wouldn't want anything less than a boat. What's happening?
Starting point is 00:03:12 There's nothing in the world I want. There's nothing in the world I want. No, I'm bicycle. Are you listening to the wrong inflection? There's nothing in the world I would want less. I will listen to it or you gave it. No, you listen to the wrong inflection. You listen to the wrong inflection.
Starting point is 00:03:24 What an accusation. You listen to the wrong. You listen to the wrong. You listen to the wrong. You listen to the wrong. You listen to the wrong. You listen to the wrong. You listen to the wrong. You listen to the wrong. You listen to the wrong. You listen to the wrong. You listen to the wrong. You listen to the wrong.
Starting point is 00:03:32 You listen to the wrong. You listen to the wrong. You listen to the wrong. You listen to the wrong. You listen to the wrong. You listen to the wrong. You listen to the wrong. You listen to the wrong.
Starting point is 00:03:40 You listen to the wrong. You listen to the wrong. You listen to the wrong. You listen to the wrong. You listen to the wrong. You listen to the wrong. You listen to the wrong. You listen to the wrong. You listen to the other. Definitely. I'm just not charmed by a boat. And you know what, I don't want to deal with the maintenance of a boat. The upkeep. No, that's the thing.
Starting point is 00:03:50 What if someone, you could just pay someone to do that though? Well, if I had a boat, I probably could. But what's, the problem for me is like the actual, the, the getting off of the, the marina or whatever. You know, like if someone were to do that for you. This is why it's a rich person's hobby hobby because there's there's so much upkeep and Hasill involved in it to do nothing. Yeah, well like to do nothing Well, I mean the people you know with nature do I used to date a girl who had a
Starting point is 00:04:15 Yes, I did no I did two girls who had both Lauren after lords and they did she looked at me with her eyes wide like she said Lauren, after Lauren's a no you did she looked at me with her eyes wide like she said to me scandalous. Can you believe I said that? My last year of high school I went to the performing arts high school in the richer part of town and I was in kindergarten. She wasn't even. Yeah, she was in she was she was in Bible school. I will say that she was she was in Bible school. She she was negative 10 for her freshman year. Um, but, uh, so, so I, I, uh, that year I dated two girls who had boats and they took me out on their boats and then two, eight cups.
Starting point is 00:04:59 Eight cups. Oh, that means four. Carry the one. But, um, I remember it's just like, yeah, like, this is the kind of pleasant way to have a boat is to like go around the, the marina or I get, we are a new part beach or wherever, or high into the harbor. And you just kind of like go around and everyone's like lit up their rich houses with all their rich person, you know, like Christmas lights and all that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:05:22 And you just like travel around really slowly, but it's like, can't you just pay someone to do that once and not have to buy a boat? Well, but here's the thing, and this is very timely because my wife and I are going to South Carolina as we always do in the summer. Oh, that's right. How long do you go for? We usually go for like a week. I wish. I wish.
Starting point is 00:05:41 I would love. That would be fun. I would love it. I have a friend who, yeah. I have a friend who goes up to an island for Vancouver for three months. And it's for like the summer. The summer. That's nice. It just sounds beautiful.
Starting point is 00:05:53 It sounds so good. Yeah, yeah. But we, so Janie was saying, I want to rent us a boat, like take a boat out for a day. And I was like, I'm pretty sure you need a license for that. Like you can't just rent a boat.
Starting point is 00:06:04 I don't know. It turns out you can just rent a boat. I don't know. It turns out you can just rent a boat. Yeah, I think that does it. That does it. Is that right? No, it's dangerous. I'm moving, well, that's the same thing as these scooters that you see everywhere around.
Starting point is 00:06:15 I rode one these days. I think it's a little different. Yeah, because they're not, they're probably going to get lost at sea. You're thinking about yourself, I don't know. You're thinking about the danger to other people. Yeah, well, but you could also, the birds don't hurt other people, they hurt yourself.
Starting point is 00:06:29 The birds? Bird scooters. Oh, oh, oh, I thought you were killing birds. I mean scooters. No, but they know birds. Slow birds. Bird scooters are mostly dangerous to the person riding it. Same with the bird.
Starting point is 00:06:40 Yeah, but they could cause accidents. Yeah, have you tried it? No, I just didn't want for like, I'll put like I literally wrote it for like, for 12 inches. I went for 12 inches. Woo. My friend was using it and then I was like,
Starting point is 00:06:56 let me get on for a second. And then so I just did, but it was very fun, but it was very powerful. It's crazy to see people in Hollywood here going 35 miles an hour through busy traffic just like and swerving around like having fun. It's bad. I wanted to do it by the beach though.
Starting point is 00:07:12 That seems fun. Somebody was doing it against traffic the other day. Right. Like what? There have to be a lot of us wearing a helmet. No. Because you just, you know, the whole thing is they have a whole, I watched this like Buzz Feed show on Netflix about that about the bird scooter
Starting point is 00:07:25 I'm boring. Yeah, I know But they said one of the like in that it was like one of the rules with them legally is you have to wear a helmet But then no one Never seen a single part well the idea is a helmet I hope I get one. The idea, I think the idea with that is they are supposed to, they can be a help to people who either don't have a car or don't want to use a car or don't, or there's no, or public transportation is not an aid to them where they want to go. If they know where they can get the bird scooter, they could bring a helmet with them, get the scooter,
Starting point is 00:08:08 and then I've never seen a single person wear a helmet on one of those. The thing is, how do you get back? Can you take it inside wherever you're gonna go so no one grabs it? You know, otherwise you're like, shit outta luck wherever you're at. I think so.
Starting point is 00:08:19 I mean, I don't know how the payment works on that. Like if you have it for an unwritten, I assumed it was. I think you have one certain amount of time. Once you turn it off, you stop paying, but I think then people have an app where they can go find these scooters anywhere. What if they find the one that you need to get back home? Right. You also have to charge them so you couldn't keep it in your house forever.
Starting point is 00:08:46 But then also in this documentary series on Netflix, but it's so boring. You can't really see it. It's so boring. It's so boring. They talked about, there's people who's like job it is from Bird Scooter Company to like go around collecting them to charge them.
Starting point is 00:09:02 They need more of those people. Well, and they fight each other on the beach. Like they're basically like, Like anchor band? I've never seen that. Huh? Is that a crazy reveal? I've never seen it.
Starting point is 00:09:13 Is that weird? No, I mean, wrong, I think. But anyways, they will like battle each other because you get money based on how many you bring back to charge. Oh, so the people working for the same company battle each other? Yeah, and they're like, so they're all independently on track.
Starting point is 00:09:28 On Santa Monica Bure, whatever. Yeah, because it's not like a van that says bird on the side. It's people just in their own car. Yeah, I want all of this. I've seen them, I've seen them like driving around with like a pickup truck or one guy had a convertible. Wow, that he just had a pack of tea. Well, that's easier than trying to fit it
Starting point is 00:09:46 into the back of your- No, it's been though, like, going to be to collect a little stack them together and then push them as one. Rack them and stack them. Exactly. Wow. But anyways, I want to get back to the boat.
Starting point is 00:09:56 Yeah, yeah, let's get back to this boat. Because- So, are you gonna do it? Are you gonna get a boat? It looks like we're doing it. She's already rented. So, how long do you rent the boat for? Are you renting it for the entire- I think it we're doing it. She's already, she's already rented. So how long do you rent the boat for? Are you renting it for the entire hour? I think it's a half hour.
Starting point is 00:10:08 Oh, it's no. I know. Can you say what half hour it is? So I'm not on the water. At that point, and then you're going to do like YouTube, like how to move up. So I'm not on the water.
Starting point is 00:10:18 Hey, I don't want to be over here. The Pacific Ocean gets you making over here. And she's no one to be. I don't want to be in my bathtub. If they're out of control and suddenly it ramps into you in the Pacific, I'm so stupid. I don't want to be sitting on the toilet. I don't want to wash my hands. You sit down to pee, right? Oh yeah. It's people who don't. I don't understand. Sitting down is great. I don't like standing up watching TV either. I squat to do everything. No matter what it is. Brush my teeth. I get on the counter. Anything in the bathroom.
Starting point is 00:10:51 Hey, brush my hair. Yeah, just have a seat. At your vanity. What if Paul, you had a vanity that Jayne never used, it was just yours for brushing your hair. You mean my dream? And your big compacts full of foundation. And then you just put on your captain's hat at the very last second. I was perfume with the bulb. So what are you gonna do on the boat?
Starting point is 00:11:15 Probably get shit face drunk, man. Yeah. No, we're gonna, we're gonna, we both like boats a lot. And so we're just gonna drive around and enjoy it. You need to, and do they call it drive around or sail around? Well, it's not a sailboat. Okay. So what do they call it?
Starting point is 00:11:30 So that's what they call it? No, because you need to have a lot of knowledge for sailboat. I literally do not know what they, because it can't be drive around. Can't you literally don't know? Because it is drive around. What? Yeah. Cruise around.
Starting point is 00:11:43 Does that make you feel better? Zoom around. Splash around. Splash around. Toot around. I'm going to toot around the boat. So do you get sickle? Do you not do not have you never had issues with that? I'm not. I don't think. I don't think. I'm trying to get emotions. I don't get emotions sick. I don't. Well, isn't that just amazing? Do you feel you have the, do you think the water in your brain is perfectly balanced like a level? Yeah, it is.
Starting point is 00:12:08 Cool. Well, I top it up. Do you know what I mean? You drink through your eye. I have, my fontanel never fully close. I have a cork in there. And I just add some fluid when I need it. You're a big trepination.
Starting point is 00:12:19 Once I'm with soda in there and I was awake for hours. So the reason why you get sick is because you need to be looking at the bumps in the water because your eyes need to, why are you zoning out? I'm not zoning out. I'm thinking about what are you in Netflix documentary or you're so boring. So the reason anyone gets motion sick at all is because their eyes are not matching what the body is doing, right? So they say when you're like, he's sick.
Starting point is 00:12:47 Matt, what the body is? It's America's dad here. Oh my God. That was fucking outrageous. Did you see that? He tweeted. It'll cause me tweeted on the other day. Yeah, America's dad here.
Starting point is 00:13:01 What is wrong with people? Do you see what one person? Well, did you see OJ Simpson joined Twitter? Then he said it's him getting dad here. What is wrong with people? Do you see, oh, one person? Well, did you see, oh, Jason Simpson joined Twitter and then he said it's him getting even to do? Yeah, yeah. Don't tweet that. They're already dead. Some more getting even to the end.
Starting point is 00:13:12 Don't tweet the shit. Stay off Twitter. Yeah, what is Kevin looking up? Rapist murderers, stay off Twitter. Twitter's for the good people. Yeah, it sure is. Only the best people. I, it sure is. Only the best people. I love the community I find.
Starting point is 00:13:28 So then, okay, say you were rich. No. Or causes. Say you were rich and you just had like millions of millions of dollars. That'd be awesome. And you had the house you wanted, you had the life you wanted, but you were looking for a hobby. Would you buy a boat to the exclusion of something
Starting point is 00:13:46 else, Paul? Or like, would that be the thing that, you know, like your rich man's hobby? Wait, I'm so rich that, but I can only afford one expensive hobby. Yeah. Let's just say that. Like everything else is taken care of. You don't have to worry about money for the rest of your life, but you can only afford one expensive hobby. Be it race cars, be it boats, whatever you want. Oh, yeah, I would, I mean, in terms of those things, yeah, it would be a boat. If I lived by the water, and so it wouldn't be, like if I lived where I lived now,
Starting point is 00:14:13 I wouldn't be dragging a boat, you know, to Marina Del Rey or whatever. Right, yeah. But I'm saying that you would have the house you wanted. So if you wanted to, yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm just on the water. I would, I would. Would you live by the water?
Starting point is 00:14:25 I mean, no, your friends are out there. Yeah. Yeah. Now I would love to live by the water. Would you really? I love it. Wear like Malibu or what? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:35 Yeah. Jani doesn't like that. But we went to. What doesn't she like about it? It's so, because it's so remote, it's so removed from everything. And I understand that. But I would do you as many podcasts as you do. I'd just make it work. Well, of course, I built my studio.
Starting point is 00:14:47 Oh, you never would come to me. Yes. No one would do your podcast if it was on my West. I don't own banana. Nobody could touch. I'm running off my conversation. But yeah, I would, we visited a friend who was house sitting at, it was Melissa Matheson's house in Malibu. Is this Judge Judy? She's a screenwriter. You know, Judge Judy, real name Melissa Matheson. No, your friend is Judge Judy, who is house sitting?
Starting point is 00:15:17 Judge Judy is house sitting Melissa. I'm wondering who this friend is. There's house sitting Melissa Matheson's house. It's none of your business. I might be Judge Judy. Why would that be the interesting part? I found that Judge Judy is friends with Samuel L Jackson. Like they're good friends. They're both known on since they're no prisoners.
Starting point is 00:15:38 They're both good friends. Isn't that weird? So I thought maybe she's friends with you. Wait, maybe they're both good friends to other people. No, no, no. They're to other people. No, no. They're highly rated friends. Highly rated. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:15:48 So, Jojoody was rated the fourth greatest friend. In the world. In the world. Yeah. So this friend of yours who I guess is going to remain nameless. Yeah. The entire podcast. Okay, fine, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:16:03 It's the one you know. Really? How do you know? I know so many people. I know who you know and who you don't. There's a picture of Judge Judy, Samuel. Oh my god. They're laughing together. They're having a great time. I can't see any of this because my back is to the screen. And just turn around in your swivel chair. Turn around, boy. Thank you. Then I wouldn't be on my back of my head. You're on green eyes. Oh, see? She remembers. Is it right? I don't know what you're talking about. Your eye color, my man.
Starting point is 00:16:30 No, blue. Shut up. I'm wrong. I don't know. You said that like just in the middle of the... It was more just like, wow, I came to know it was wrong. Wow, shut up. How many times are you wrong?
Starting point is 00:16:42 Ever? Yeah. A ton. 2000? Sure. Lauren, did you ever see the times are you wrong? Ever? Yeah. A ton. 2000? Sure. Lauren, did you ever see the TV show Happy Days? Yes. Do you remember how Fonzie famously could not say the word wrong?
Starting point is 00:16:53 He couldn't say the word wrong. Like I was, I was wrong. I was wrong. That was a running gag on the show. That's funny. I love it. It was Fonzie. It was pretty funny.
Starting point is 00:17:04 I thought it was hilarious. I was woooo. So tell us about your friend who was in Malibu's. Friend is not interesting. So we were describing this house and they were on the house was on a cliff overlooking the water. And to look out that window. That ET money.
Starting point is 00:17:26 And you felt like you were on the edge of the world. It was, I absolutely could live there. Yeah, absolutely. That's so cool. But I mean, I feel like- We just get used to it after a day. Like one day you'd be like, yeah, yeah. Well, that's the thing is we talk about,
Starting point is 00:17:43 Janie and I talk all the time about what if we lived in, what if we lived on Sullivan's Island, where she grew up and where we got married? Because we love it there. Right. But then it's always, it always comes down to, well, what would our lives be? What we're doing day to day? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:58 We would have complete, we wouldn't be doing the same thing we do now. We'd have to have different jobs. You'd have to do something with your day. I guess I always think that when I'm home too, or I'm like, oh, this is so great. It was so calm, it's so nice here. And then I'm like, I would go crazy
Starting point is 00:18:13 because I wouldn't be able to do all my dumb shit. Yeah. And I do love living in Los Angeles. I really do. It's home. Sometimes I think about like moving to, I don't know. I remember the final You keep talking
Starting point is 00:18:39 We are not that far apart only 40 years Not that far apart. Only 40 years. I don't know what that was in the form. But I remember the final Juliana Margulese episode of ER. She, I don't know what she did. She retired or whatever, and George Clooney came back for it, right? That was the big surprise.
Starting point is 00:18:55 It was like, she goes up to Seattle and I just remember this beautiful house on the water that like he opens the door and he's right on the sound. I don't know where it was, but he opens the door and they're like, they're together and that's her happy ending, right? And I'm thinking like, wow, he left the show three years earlier
Starting point is 00:19:15 and he bought this awesome house on the water. And so I just like sometimes I think about that like, oh, the character. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. He didn't leave the show, he left the hospital. Yeah, he left the hospital, he retired or whatever, and bought a great house up there.
Starting point is 00:19:29 But, he, his character retired? I don't know what he did. I don't recall. What if he went to a different hospital? Maybe, yeah, he went to a different hospital. Who knows? What a weird, like, I'm such a soft exit to a different-
Starting point is 00:19:44 I wish every episode of my dough. I'm retiring. I don't remember any details of it. Well, it's good to keep bringing the shit up. All I remember is the house. I remember that house and I remember the goonies house at the beginning of goonies up in Portland. And as being two places where I was like,
Starting point is 00:20:00 oh man, it would be so cool to live over there, like on the water. Yeah. And, but what did it, I don't know. I think ultimately it would be so cool to live over there, like on the water. Yeah. And, but what did it, I don't know. I think that it would be, it would be nice, but I would probably get kind of stir crazy. Yeah, I like hanging out at home.
Starting point is 00:20:14 I like, me too. I'm not a person who's like, oh man, I miss my friends, or I, you know, like, I wanna go out to dinner with people, you know, like I'm usually just a person who's like, right, the boring Netflix documentaries. You know, whatever, man, I don't know why you got so upset about that. I was so furious. Your veins were popping like crazy. But I think, I think at that point, like, I don't know, I'm 60, I'm 70, God, I don't
Starting point is 00:20:39 think I'm gonna make it. But yeah, you are. But to 60? No, I don't know. So that far. But like, me, no, you are. But to 60? No, I don't know. So that's not far. But like me, no, I know. But at that point, like the work's dried up.
Starting point is 00:20:51 I'm not like, I'm not like Mel Brooks, where I'm gonna be allowed to do this forever. So I can just sit around the house up in Seattle or whatever and never leave and just do whatever I do. I don't know. I do. I do think of it in terms of retirement. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:07 Like if I were to, but then I can't even imagine retiring. But I don't know. Yeah, I kind of think like I know, I know my friends, grandparents live in New York City and so home. Who would friends? Well, you don't know that. Describe them to me. No, it's worthless.
Starting point is 00:21:19 What's a judge shooting though? But no, it's not to do. But these people are her contemporaries. No, they're in their 30 years. They graduate together. grandparents in their 80s who live in a five story walk up like on the fifth floor walk I mean in a in Soho like and they walk up these stairs every day. They like have this like active lifestyle where they walk up. Well, they have to walk a five stars.
Starting point is 00:21:42 A lot of alone are in pairs. They probably take each step by step. You mean, or do you mean they walk up. Well, they have to walk a five steps. A lot of, a loner in pairs. They probably take each step by step. You mean, or do you mean they walk together up? I'm in, are they slinkies? Yeah. Okay. Do they have slinkies for legs? Who are they?
Starting point is 00:21:55 They have slinkies with googly eyes up. And I love this. That's beautiful. But my point is, when I think about being older, like the idea of that sounds cooler to me than being like in some quiet lake view place. Like I think I would rather be like out living in the environment with all these people.
Starting point is 00:22:14 My parents moved to the middle of nowhere in their retirement and it came with a lot of stuff that neither of them thought of. Like what? So they moved to a very remote town in Arizona, and so like things like being able to buy fresh groceries, they never thought of. Like all the groceries were like three days older
Starting point is 00:22:37 than the stuff that they had here, you know? I'm freaking out. All the vegetables and stuff. That was rude, I guess. No, but I would not have thought of that either. The hospitals, if anything, series, there were three days older? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:52 If anything seriously, the blood, anything seriously wrong happened to them they would have had to have been airlifted out on a chopper. Jesus Christ. Drama. Yeah, so I mean, it's like for old people. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:03 But it's something that when they both retired, I forget what a 60 or, it's like for old people. Yeah, but like it's something that when you when they both retired at I forget what age you know 60 or whatever It's like oh, it sounds so great. Let's move to the middle of nowhere and then you get to be 70 It's like oh, oh yeah But yeah, I remember my mom who loved to cook was just like nothing Part of the other thing was the altitude there. She's like nothing stays hot here here. Like I will cook it and within three minutes, it is cold. Cheers. We're things you would not predict. Yeah, I mean, the cloud city of the city.
Starting point is 00:23:33 In the middle of that. In the middle of that. My parents are low-bott. My parents are low-bott. Why do I say grandfathers? Because they're old enough to be grandparents at this point. Probably. Probably. Probably. By the way, speaking of a low-bott, Why do I say grand burs because they're old enough to be grandparents at this point? Probably
Starting point is 00:23:46 Probably by the way speaking of a low bot Was a great Trance low bot of a Most buddy a tiny minor character in one of the Star Wars movies and he's a bald guy who has a weird electronic thing Yeah, there he is. I'm always happy when I don't pretend to know something. Yeah, no, it's better than I. Did you ever see Star Wars?
Starting point is 00:24:10 I can't remember. We talked about this, right? We're forced to explain with this dumb thing. Yeah, well, I thought it would be from like, Futurama. Okay, so what do you know about Star Wars? Because I sent you both an autographed picture that I got from Darth Vader.
Starting point is 00:24:23 That was so cool. The other day, it was literally a head shot. It wasn't even a head shot. It was a full body shot, but it was a promotional shot. A promotional shot, but the size of a head shot, eight by 10, black and white, glossy, signed by Darth Vader. Isn't it just so funny that that's some other guy
Starting point is 00:24:39 in that costume, for sure? Yeah. Oh, yeah, it's not Peter. What's the name Peter Morris? David Proud. David Proud, is he a? Peter Morris. Who's Peter Morris? I don't know. But yeah, David Proud. It was not David Proud. Although, maybe what? Who knows? I mean, I guess I went to, I went somewhere in Los Angeles to see him in 1980. And my parents said that I bug them, bug them, bug them, and I really wanted to see him.
Starting point is 00:25:03 Then I finally I got up to him and I was so scared that I could barely talk to him. Where was he? I don't know. I remember certain things like going to the Muppet to solve at the Supermarket. It made it at a little folding table. Like a mall maybe. But I don't know where it was like a convention.
Starting point is 00:25:23 But was it just him? Yes, I think it was just it. It wasn't like a Star Wars. No, he wasn't. I don't think but I don't know where it was like a convention. But was it just him? Yes, I think it was just it. It wasn't like a Star Wars. No, he wasn't, I don't think he was seeing it at a table. I think he was standing it like, I don't think you sit, like Darth Vader doesn't sit down at a table. I think he like stands and... He has to be kind of imposing.
Starting point is 00:25:37 Yeah, yeah. I think we've seen him sit in the movies a couple times. Yeah, when he's getting his helmet taken on. Well, also the meeting where he chokes the guy. Is he sitting down at the other side? Oh, but he's got a big throne. Like, I don't think he was on a huge throne. No, they're like in a boardroom table. Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Starting point is 00:25:53 They're having a music. Was he on a computer? Yeah. Do you have a laptop? Yeah, I have a tablet. What did we do before we could just Google anything? We Google Darth Vader sitting and I was... You had to, I remember you had to sit around
Starting point is 00:26:05 and like try to, I remember doing crosswords. You used to try to find Darth Vader. Oh my God, go to that one. Second. I used to do the LA time Sunday crossword. I used to love it, but there was no internet. And so I used to like try to look up, I had a full set of encyclopedias.
Starting point is 00:26:22 And I used to say Darth Vader. I would be like, okay, V blank DA. Let me look up V-A-D-A. Let me look up V-I-D-A. V-E-D-A, you know, until you finally found. That's what you looked up under V. What? V-A-G-I-N-A.
Starting point is 00:26:39 Come on. Your favorites little song. Come on. When you're favorite little song. V-A-G-I-N-A. V-A-G-I-N-A. What if that was the only way to jerk off? little. Come on. When you say the little. The AGI. The AGI. What if that was the only way to jerk off when I was a kid looking up the worst vagina. You can be indicted.
Starting point is 00:26:54 That's a funny. You just get the definition. I'm sure we would have some diagrams. We don't um uh sure. I remember I remember hearing that the actor who played Darth Vader in the costume was upset that they didn't use his voice. But apparently his voice is not great. Well, I'm your father. Hey, Bart. Can you look at it, Shevin? Hey, well, I mean, the same thing is Ray Park with Peter Serafinoids, right? Because Ray Parks... Oh, yeah. Ray Parks Actual Voice. I got like Darth Maul.
Starting point is 00:27:26 Yeah, Ray Parks Actual Voice is sort of like, hey, look up. Or something like that. Hey, I got more. Hey, Darth Maul. What's going on? The Jedi of Long Practice. Did Sarafinoids...
Starting point is 00:27:36 Or did he do it in... Sarafinoids. Which, I know, he got so mad at me. He got so mad. Wait, is it... It's which, right? The Sarafinoids. Oh, it's which. What? Yeah, he yelled that on my... Yeah, he was so mad at me, you got so mad at me. Is it, it's with, right? It's Sarah Finna-Witch. Oh, it's which.
Starting point is 00:27:45 What? Yeah. He yelled that on my, yeah. He was so mad at me and I've worked with his, he worked with his, I've worked with his brother for years. I worked with him. Yeah, that's right, yeah, we know him. James Sarah Finna-Witch, I've been saying it wrong.
Starting point is 00:27:56 Yeah, but I've never, I've only called him James for now seven years or whatever. I've never said his last name. And so Peter took me to task, but I wonder, did he, did he do the voice in Han Solo? Oh I would imagine huh spoiler alert Mals in that yeah, that was I remember hearing that there was some big moment that happens in that movie Yeah, I saw that movie and it was kind of cool. It was over and I was like I guess that was the big moment
Starting point is 00:28:20 It was cool, but I was like how does this even work? And so I had to do some research I guess it all has to do with the cartoon or whatever. We're getting very deep in the weeds. Lower. I am. I'm bored. Sorry. Do you find?
Starting point is 00:28:33 Okay. Oh, I do the right voice for Darth Vader was another challenge. And I should. Lucas had never intended to do this. He said vocal performance. Is that a child? I'm nothing. What's going on? Guys, we cannot watch this on. intended. Is that a child? I'm nothing. What's going on?
Starting point is 00:28:47 Guys, we cannot watch this on that. I want to hear it. We're trying to listen to something. You talked over it. Guys, it looks like you talked over it. Who cares? I want to say it looks so janky and I can't tell what's happening, but it looks like a child was in the Darth Vader suit lifting someone up so they'd have like perspective on like
Starting point is 00:29:04 him looking like he was lifting up really high I have the perspective of someone who's listening to this. I don't know what either of you were talking about You're gonna say get your perspective on me and zip it. What are you gonna say? All right, Austin Powers Dr. Evil I freaking remember his big zippet thing He was stole Zippet
Starting point is 00:29:24 Stoid dinghy That's from Alice Zippy. Stop it, dinghy. What is that? That's from Alice, the TV show. Stoid dinghy. Yeah. Remember when, like all you had to do was come up with just like one sassy comeback for a catchphrase. And we one had a catchphrase. What was Mel's diner's one?
Starting point is 00:29:37 Stoid dinghy was repeated often. Stoid dinghy. That was Mel, the mean cook. That was Mel's, okay. Kiss my grits. Kiss my grits, that was it. Yeah, those are the two big ones. Was that the original placement? I've kissed that.
Starting point is 00:29:48 Yeah, original placement. No one ever said kiss. That's where it kissed my grits before. Wait, actually? Yeah, historically. No. Cause it feels like it's just a, now it's just a thing.
Starting point is 00:29:57 It's just a thing. No, it is a made up thing. Did she say it on the pilot? We don't know. Like, was it a thing where they're like, kiss my grits? And they got such a huge reaction like Erkel and I don't know if it was on the pilot But it certainly made an impact. Oh, yes, I were still talking about it. I never watched the show And I know kid and it was huge like there were t-shirts Alice was the show with Penny briefly
Starting point is 00:30:23 Lincoln with a little speech balloon. Wait, who is the main woman on Alice? Linda Lavon. But then who is the sidekick? Wasn't there somebody who had a spin off? That flow. Yeah, flow who said the titular kiss my holiday.
Starting point is 00:30:35 It's not titular. It's a titular of our conversation. I and it's the title of this episode. No, it must be. Yeah, why not? It must be. Yeah, why not? You can't say that. Why shouldn't it be?
Starting point is 00:30:47 Because we've actually said so many other things that are so tidal-worthy that it's actually lame to go with that one. No internet. Can I hear Darth Vader's original voice? Oh, God, here we go. I'm tearing this shit apart. Peace by peace of you, from those tastes. Oh, terrible. He sounds like C3PO.
Starting point is 00:31:05 I want them alive. I want them alive. I want them alive. Whoa, it's so nice. Ah, no. Scary. Oh, fight it. Hey, the shittier part piece by piece.
Starting point is 00:31:14 I want them alive. Give me that sky walk up, bruh. It's like when you hear David Beckham's voice. Yeah. You see that after drinking off to his poster for years. And he's like, what does that sound like? Oh no. Oh, I remember when I was a kid, there was a take a break. No, there was a, there was a who shot J.R. T. Oh my god. Yes. Okay, I used to do all my close shopping and seers. Of course. And I remember just being like, you can put, like, you can put pop culture catchphrases on a shirt and wear it. That's a lot. That's how cool. I made my
Starting point is 00:31:55 shirt. Oh, it's your, oh, school sucks. Yeah. Lauren. I made it. That's a cool message. You've been out of school so long. How would you even know? It's ironic. When you say you made it, did you make it by hand? Or you ordered it? I went to a store where they make shirts and I picked it out. I don't know how to buy it. So you bought it.
Starting point is 00:32:13 I picked out the letters. I wrote them when I wanted to say, and then they went downstairs and put a little iron on it and then they gave back to me. A little iron. So by the way, speaking of the virus, I was thinking yesterday of the twos or wrinkles.
Starting point is 00:32:28 Can you iron them for me? Are iron and glass the two things that are objects that are called what they're made out of? Sand. No, but a sand isn't an object. Steel. Steel, but the steel beam. I'm saying like a glass if you drink out of a glass,
Starting point is 00:32:48 that's made of glass. True. And an iron is made of iron. You know what I mean? Is an iron made of iron? I don't know. But I mean, I would imagine that used to be, isn't that why it's called an iron?
Starting point is 00:32:58 Because it's made out of iron? I honestly don't know. I don't know. But I would just, a tin, yeah? Yeah, okay, a tin. A tin of biscuits. A tin is made out of tin. A tin made out of tin. What is that tin out of tin? Star break into song. A tin is made out of tin. A glass is made out of glass. But a gold isn't made out of gold and steel isn't made out of steel
Starting point is 00:33:31 Plus someone please just said this to music Cookie is made out of cookie. Where's off book when you need them? Thank you mean biscuits English All right, let's take a break. Welcome back. Welcome back to three. We're still doing the same show. We are. This is it. We're not switched midstream.
Starting point is 00:34:04 I know. mustn't do it. mustn We are. This isn't it. We're not switched midstream. I know. Mustn't do it. Mustn't switch midstream. Mustn't do it. Do it. Seven. I watched.
Starting point is 00:34:12 Famous for not switching midstream. I watched always be my maybe. Have you watched it on Netflix? I loved it. I watched five minutes. I watched the piano rees part. Well, that's on the other room. It wasn't funny. I loved it too. I watched five minutes. I watched the piano rees part. Oh, well that's on the watch. On the watch and that.
Starting point is 00:34:26 Oh, okay. It wasn't funny. It was very fun. I mean, it's a great part, like in context, even better. It's really funny. I can't believe how much I left out loud. There's a song in the movie that I'm obsessed with, and I play it, and I know, I think this is okay to play a song.
Starting point is 00:34:38 Yeah, well, if we talk over it is fun. Yeah. Yeah. No, you don't. Yes, it is. If we talk about it and criticize it, it's fine. It's very useful. I'm gonna criticize it.
Starting point is 00:34:47 Oh, you mean that way? Yeah, otherwise we're gonna run into copyright issues. Oh, this sucks. Well, let it play for a goddamn time. No, I criticize this and that was good. And then the seeds of a pen. Oh, I don't remember this. I'll tell you where it was.
Starting point is 00:35:07 When they're making love, it sounds like a making love song. No, it's when they're reuniting at the event and he's trying to find her. Who is it? Who is it? Francis and the lights featuring change. Oh, Francis and the lights. Yes, very good. I fucking love that time. Let's do it nonstop.
Starting point is 00:35:27 Yeah. And it's only three minutes long. So it's over in a split side. What a bargain. I know. So you can listen to it three times in 10 minutes and still have a minute to do whatever you want. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:38 No, no, no. That's how I go through my life. Shevon is showing us the track listing of always be my maybe. What's here's what's funny? What the soundtrack? What? This is like, I feel like I go through my life. Sheaven is showing us the track listing of always be my maybe. What's, here's what's funny. What the soundtrack? What? This is like, I feel like this is hurting the show. Sheaven, like looking stuff up for you to get distracted by.
Starting point is 00:35:52 To be it's like, if you were facing the TV, you wouldn't know. You would love it. Yeah, but I'm telling you, I'm hearing what the listeners are hearing. But you fighting about it makes it worse. Here's what I'm saying. Now they're like, it is like, Shevin is a listener of the show. This is what people would be doing listening to the show.
Starting point is 00:36:08 Right, just like the Googling random shit. Yeah, while they're not listening to us. Yeah, yeah. What are they talking about? Anyway, I love the movie. I thought it was really fun. Yeah. I thought Randall Parker was really funny.
Starting point is 00:36:20 I didn't realize that he and Ellie Wong wrote it with someone else. I didn't either till the end. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That was cool. So what, the credits. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That was so what the credits Yeah, do they say do they turn to Cameron? They wrote this They say if you enjoyed this we
Starting point is 00:36:32 We I thought it was other person popped in the sense with me and it made me cry at one point and even my brother city shed a single tear Oh, yeah, that heart-harded mother fucker. Yeah, it that emotion was What do you know from Star Wars I guess droid? You know who Darth Vader is because I sent you guys the picture. I'll list everything I know from it. Okay. Darth Vader, Ewok, C3PO, R2D2, Princess Leia, Han Solo.
Starting point is 00:37:11 Oh, so good. Um, who's the lead character? Shubaka, Jar Jar Binks. No. It's not the lead. I'm just naming things. Okay. Um, Luke Skywalker.
Starting point is 00:37:23 There that's who. Um, but I thought he was Han Solo kind of too. Really? Because you just thought that you- I just thought that. Do you know who Mark Hamill is? Yeah, I worked with him. Okay.
Starting point is 00:37:33 On the Big Bang Theory. In your face. Sure, but where you like, are you Han Solo to him? No, I didn't say a word about it because I don't know enough about it. I would never want to pretend to and then look stupid. Or make him feel weird that I don't know what it is.
Starting point is 00:37:44 I remember that he was I guess he asked Bob Odin Kirk for copies of the Mr. Show episodes when I was working on it. And I was I was a writer on the fourth season of Mr. Show and I begged Bob in the personal note that he wrote to him, please sign it, May the fourth season be with you. And he, and this is before May the fourth day, and everyone talks about May the fourth, and I thought it was so funny, and Bob was like, God, I'm not gonna do that, I'm making him feel bad about his job,
Starting point is 00:38:17 I'm gonna be on, no, I'm just trying to send him the tape. I actually think Bob was right. But. Really? But, do you think that Mark? You have to have my back on this. I actually think Bob was right. But. Really? But, do you think that Mark... You have to have my back on this. Okay, sorry, I did.
Starting point is 00:38:29 Do you think Mark wanted the VHS tapes so that he could shit on them? So he could put them in a trash can and shit on them? Ah. He's like, it's not a worst show on TV. I gotta get this out somehow. He's the original heat watcher. Pumbaa. So you know, so what else do you know? Do you know? That's pretty much it, honestly.
Starting point is 00:38:50 Do you know, do you know what they fight with? Light savers. Okay. Look, I live in the world. Do you know what the, who the, the Darth Vader's henchmen are? You know, the people that uses to like fly around? Oh, like, what's Kylo Ren? Oh, you know Kylo Ren? Okay, I know that from like Disneyland From Disneyland. Do you know like was he there? Do you know like our favorite is Matt all the time? Cuz he lost his face Do you know what he says to Luke Skywalker? I just father obviously, okay
Starting point is 00:39:24 Look Luke, I'm your father obviously look look look look. Look. I'm your father obviously. Okay. I'm your father obviously. What the hell are you saying? Look Luke, I'm your father obviously. Look, look here's something. Look I'm your father. Look, I'm your father obviously. But I have to say like Star Wars is something that I've, like I haven't gone out of my way to see in any way, but I. You haven't know all of them.
Starting point is 00:39:38 Guns to see. Right, but I'm saying. You haven't gone if it was, if it was playing next door, you have no. But I'm saying, what else is like that like do you guys have Some were like I've never seen anything from it, but I know I know everything about it. Oh sure Yeah, I was like that for me for a long time. I don't think I saw jaws until I was 25 27 some around there But I knew everything about it from SNL same for me. I watched jaws recently and I was like I got it
Starting point is 00:40:01 I used to know about stuff when I was a kid. I used to know about stuff from Mad Magazine. Yeah. But that would ever have one. Yes. But you would know about, I would know about things from reading Mad Magazine. I would have a Mad Magazine. I thought he just knew Mad Magazine. Oh, oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:15 I think it. No, if something's parodyed enough, like, and that's the thing, back in the day, being the date, you could go three years before something was parodied and it would still like go, ah, you know, like nowadays, if someone parodies something two weeks later, you're like, boy, you're late on that. I'm worried parody culture is moving too fast.
Starting point is 00:40:34 But you know what I mean? I'm not like, a flammable comedy. Like SNL was parodying the Godfather in 1976 or whatever. And that was like four years older and people were like, oh my God, he's doing it more than brand new. The thing that Blue she did on stage at Second City, and it's like, hey, it's still perfectly good impression. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:54 Because people were like, parodying something. And that's, you know, if you read one of the SNL books, they talk about how like, no one did fake commercials before SNL. And now you watch it and they're like, they're terrible. It was a really rude. Yeah, well, that's the thing. Yeah, back in the day, everyone's like,
Starting point is 00:41:09 why would you make fun of something like that? Lauren would you? No, Lauren. We're talking about SNL, right? What? What? Would you watch the Star Wars movies for a podcast?
Starting point is 00:41:28 Well, I did talk about this on this. And maybe that's why it's somewhere in your brain. I have the idea to do a Star Wars podcast where I watch each one and then talk about them. Would you say one who would like it? Live talk about it while it's happening. Like, do the bachelor. I may have asked you when it came up before, but you already have the idea to do someone else.
Starting point is 00:41:44 Yeah, I think. Do you think you would just be circled this? Whatever. Would you just be bored? You know everything about it now. And it's just like, if you take everything you know about it, like, yeah, Darth Vader's his father, and they have lightsabers.
Starting point is 00:41:57 Well, yeah, let's just a bunch of people like shooting lasers at each other. I mean, there are so many movies, aren't there, isn't there a lot more to it? But also, I feel that I don't want to spend 20 plus hours That's how I felt about the Lord of the Rings like I felt like it was such a con coming out of that like really I spent 10 hours of my precious life
Starting point is 00:42:19 You go I I didn't feel the way about Lord of the Rings. didn't feel the way about the Hobbit, which I... I wouldn't even do it. I was excited to go see the Hobbit because... Isn't that in the same realm? It is, middle earth, but the books are dramatically, I would say dramatically different.
Starting point is 00:42:36 The Hobbit is a much more like- I loved the cartoon as a kid. I remember being so scared of that. I loved that video and all that. That was a weird cartoon. And then I read the book, like in preparation for the movies, the Lord of the Ring movies, and I was like, this book sucks.
Starting point is 00:42:50 Well, nothing happens in it. My journey was, I read those books in high school, love them. Right. I think I read the Hobbit and 8th grade. I love it. You were popular. I was, I was okay. I did all right.
Starting point is 00:43:03 Anyway. I didn't read books in high school. Anyway, go ahead. I was too busy I did all right. Anyway. I didn't read books in high school. Anyway, go ahead. I was too busy. And it shows fucking girls on boats. Wow. We know you're lying. So I am. I also didn't read and I also didn't fuck.
Starting point is 00:43:18 I had nothing going. I just sat in a blank room. A blank room with John Hodgmann in Justin Long. When I saw the first Lord of the Rings movie, I was like, well, that was okay. I guess I did an okay job adopting that. I thought I'd go back and reread the books, and I couldn't do it. It was because it was too much detail. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:40 And that's, of course, what people love about these books. They build a world. So then I really enjoyed the rest of the movies in that series. And then when the Hobbit came out, I was very excited to see it, because I thought, great, this will be a one-off movie. I love that book.
Starting point is 00:43:55 You going into it? You thought it was a one-off movie? I had no idea. You had no idea it was split in three. So when that movie, oh, hey, God. No, it just ends with the movie of nothing. Oh, I was so mad. I was so mad. I was so mad.
Starting point is 00:44:06 They patted out this really charming book into three fucking movies. It's ridiculous. Also, like, having a great, really long time to see the next one. Like, so anticlimactic. What's a really long time? That's a long time.
Starting point is 00:44:19 That's a long time. Wait, you think you should be the next day? They're like, here's a new movie. Yeah, I really want. They shot it back to back. Just give me all three. Just give me all three. Well, the back of the future, too.
Starting point is 00:44:28 Just give me a diaper like that crazy astronaut lady war. And I'll just walk to all three. I'm not getting up. I'm not going to miss a second of it. The back of the future ones were a summer apart, or were they like a summer and then like eight months away? But back of the future is a life. I don't remember. or were they like a summer and then like eight months away? I don't remember.
Starting point is 00:44:46 It ends and you have like, it's not the same as that where it just cuts off suddenly. Number two does. Number two, well guess what? No one cares about number three, the Wild West. I can't remember. You don't like the Wild West. Oh, I thought, no.
Starting point is 00:45:00 Wild. Wild is number two, the future, where is the future and then for the Wild West? I'm really not interested in the wild ones. You don't like any, do you not like any Westerns? I pretty much don't think that's worth our time. Do you think it is? What?
Starting point is 00:45:12 Is it, is it, is it doesn't need Westerns? Is it because you don't like the trappings of the old West? You don't like stage coaches and horses and stuff. Yeah, I don't like the plot and I don't like the like, the problems they face. No, the plots are all like, because Star Wars is stage coach in space. Okay, it's the movie stage coach.
Starting point is 00:45:31 Yeah, he, he based it on the movie stage coach. He based it on something? I think no, yeah, this is not true. What is it, what did he based it on? He based it on like, there's a whole, there's a whole piece of it. Yeah, the Japanese movie, I'm still, I'm saying, I'm saying like,
Starting point is 00:45:44 I'm totally stunned by that. Plot wise. It's a lot like, he stole it. I think that's something else. No, but they call, they call something our were stage coach. No, they called star trek wagon train in space. No, but, Shavin, this is the one thing I wanted to love. No, no wants you having to do it. Okay, here's my problem.
Starting point is 00:46:07 I'm saying that the plots are universal. It's just you don't like the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the Star Wars movies are based on something else. Well, they're like Westerns. Really? But he based them on these like very specific Japanese movies. I saw a really interesting edited together version of Star Wars where they took whatever the shot in Star Wars was, they took like old movies, whatever like he stole it from. And they edited it together.
Starting point is 00:46:42 But isn't that so weird? Like, is that every movie is like a collection of things. together. But isn't that so weird? Like, is that... Every movie is like a collection of stuff. Okay, but isn't that kind of disappointing? Like, you think of it as being like, he created this world. And it's like, actually, it's all based on this Japanese movie. Nobody knows, but then it's like,
Starting point is 00:46:55 to be a billionaire. But I also, I like that he's given a lot of his money away and stuff. He's a good person. Yeah, he built this world, but it was based on like samurai stuff of like,'s why you know Darth Vader looks like a kabuki Kind of figure and and the swords and all that I'm intrigued. Do you find a reading on the stage coach stage coach? So I'm wrong to have any sort of
Starting point is 00:47:17 Negative You just you just googled Star Wars stage coach in movie Yeah, how is anything gonna come? I'm not gonna get the answer that way. But I'm saying like, you've never seen it. No, there's no stagecoaches in Star Wars. You've never seen a Western you like, but the plot's really.
Starting point is 00:47:34 I haven't really seen one, I'm telling you. Okay, I can't. I'm forgiven is the best one of them. I never used to like Westerns and then until Deadwood, really. And then I really liked it. Oh, I've never seen that, but that seems more interesting. I'm talking about like, and then until Deadwood, really. And then I really liked Deadwood. Oh, I've never seen that, but that seems more interesting.
Starting point is 00:47:47 I'm talking about like, they say that the Seaword on movies and stuff like that. They say the Seaword in Deadwood. Yeah, all the time. There's a lot of cursing. The Seawood? Seawood. That was originally gonna call it Dwood.
Starting point is 00:47:59 Dwood. They just had dick all the time. Dic, you dick. You dick. Hey, dick, it! Stop being a dick. The Seaw You dick. You dick. Hey dick it. Stop being a very aggro. It is very aggro. Friendsive.
Starting point is 00:48:11 It's intense. I think I never used to be into Westerns because I just was like, well also growing up in the 70s, my dad was very into Westerns. Of course he was. Well, that helped. In the 50s, like, everyone got a Davey Crocket hat.
Starting point is 00:48:28 And did you love yours? And what? And did you love yours? Cool up, was it born yet? Cool up, wasn't born yet? I read something about how like Disney was finance by all the Davey Crocket hats that they sold or something like that. They had a David Crocket show. Yeah, they did. But then they so many kids bought David Crocket hats.
Starting point is 00:48:51 David Crocket, David Crocket. That basically like finance Disney for years or so. Yeah, otherwise they were going to go out of business. They may have nothing they were doing as popular in the 50s. That's amazing. Damn. Damn, Daniel, you turned it around. Just damn. Daniel. Coming back with the Mickey Mouse. But I'm saying, if you found like a Western whose plot you really liked, just update it and put lasers in it, you're good.
Starting point is 00:49:19 Okay, I'm going to do that. Yeah. I want you to do that. I want you to do that. I want you to do what you don't like and then transfer to the other genre. What do you like? What do you like? Just movies and then transfer to the other genre. What do you like? What do you like? Just movies that are set in the present day?
Starting point is 00:49:28 What do you like? What do you like? You think, if I don't like Western and like Star Wars, there's nothing left. What do you like? You like movies about like Queens and shit? You like down to Maddie? Oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah,
Starting point is 00:49:38 I like movies about Queens and shit. I don't actually. How about that? You only like movies set in the present. Or the 90s, 80 70s 50s 50s movies the whole world is gonna agree on zero Hi, welcome back. Let me tell you what? Lauren never does it.
Starting point is 00:50:09 She never does it. Somebody called us out on Twitter like, how come it's always the men who are going to spend? Who's serious? What a weird fucking problem. Lauren doesn't want to do it. Let me tell you, I don't care because I'm here and we come out from the break. She's not paying attention. She's having a full meal. I'm on my phone. I'm swallowing. I'm drinking water and I don't care
Starting point is 00:50:33 But we're back So we're back. It's time it's time for a feature the favorite part of everyone on reddit. It's time Don't acknowledge them. No, actually don't acknowledge them. I just know Reddit hates everything. Not us, I just mean everything. I was reading the on Reddit by the way yesterday. This guy who was like, who was freaking out because his wife was pregnant,
Starting point is 00:50:57 but he couldn't produce sperm or something. And so he was like, she's cheating on me. But then they, then she wrote this long thing and everyone was like, weighing in with all the things he should do. And then by the end, he found out that it was his baby and it just worked or whatever. Like it was just like, people. People go to a doctor before you consult the internet.
Starting point is 00:51:16 Thank you. You know, and then kill her if she's cheating on you. Doctor, I think my wife's cheating on me. We're gonna play a game. I'm Pogliacci. Yeah, I'm Pogliacci. Hey, doctor, here's my turn play a game called... I'm Pogliacci. Yeah, I'm Pogliacci. Hey, Doctor, here's my turn. Before we continue, I'm Pogliacci.
Starting point is 00:51:29 Yeah, just in case, there's nothing to do. So don't try to suggest me to me. Yeah. We're gonna play a game called Celebrity Hunt. We play this. Yeah, someone says a celebrity's name. Everyone says hunt. Then the next person says a celebrity's name
Starting point is 00:51:41 that starts with the last letter of this, of the previous celebrity's name. So. The last letter of this of the previous celebrity's name. So the last letter. Yes. So let's do it. So let's do it. And how do we win? You don't fuck up.
Starting point is 00:51:52 We have a good time. Oh good. If you like take too long, you're out. Yes. If you take too long, you're out. And how long is too long? It's obvious. You know when you feel it.
Starting point is 00:52:01 It's like chronographies. That's right. All right. When you feel it. Here we go. Who's starting? Is Lauren starting? Yes. Okay. The woman. Parker Posey. Hunt. Yes, me. We've hunt Helen Hayes. Hunt. Sigourney We Sarah Jessica Parker. Haunt Ray Parker Jr. Haunt Richard Beamer. Haunt Robert Redford. Hunt. Dame Judith Anderson. Hunt. A-nevil. Oh, from Harry Potter.
Starting point is 00:52:49 No. Yeah. What's his long bottom? Okay, what was the name you said? This was the character. I know. What was the name you said? Dame Judith Anderson.
Starting point is 00:52:59 Okay. Hunt. Hunt. Oh, oh, oh, oh. Nev Campbell. Hunt! Lauren Lapkiss. Hunt!
Starting point is 00:53:09 I thought we said celebrities. Oh yeah, you, I Scott Alcherman. Hunt! I thought we said celebrities. Neavardollos! Hunt! Um, Scott Speedman. Hunt!
Starting point is 00:53:23 Hunt! In-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na! Um, um, Scott speedman. Hunt. And Hey, all right. You're out. Lauren, you want to go and go and go and until I can't do it anymore. Okay. Yeah, go.
Starting point is 00:53:37 I like this. Okay, Scott speedman. Hunt, Natalie Portman, hunts, Nat King Cole Hunch Um, um, Evan Evan um, Evan No, don't help her
Starting point is 00:53:52 Evan tell your fake people Yeah Wow You're out I was trying to do Ross Evan Ross whose Diana Ross's son Oh, from what? The reality show Evan and
Starting point is 00:54:04 I What? Ashe's married to Ashley Simpson and they have a reality show. What? Oh, my gosh. Ashley Simpson of Pete Wensfame. Yeah. Of SNL disaster. SNL doing the ho-down offstage. And she talks about it on the show. She's out. What did she say about it?
Starting point is 00:54:20 Well, she kind of made her not perform for a while because she was so traumatized by the experience and now she's back performing with her husband, Evan. That's not good. Yeah. They sing a song together. No, thanks. Who is? I could probably sing it.
Starting point is 00:54:32 Who's just going to Simpson with now? She's with a football player, right? I don't know. Does she ever appear on the show? One time. One time. One time. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:54:44 That's right to hear what the Simpson's people are. One time. One time. That's cool. Should we hear what the Simpsons people are? That's cool. The Simpsons. Da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da That's why I said that. It's time to hunt for celebrities. And the first celebrity we're hunting for is... Is... Linda Lavon! Hunt! The ends again.
Starting point is 00:55:18 Norman Rockwell. Hunt! I love it. Hunt! Tia Carrere! Hunt! I'm a Lyle Love it hot to your career Hans Earl Miller Wait, who I'm thinking of Earl who's from Deadwood Earl W Earl don't you know Brown you're out you're out. Bye. What was last one said? Remember it will start over
Starting point is 00:55:46 Mike Myers. Hunt Steven Spielberg. Hunt Greta Gerwig. Hunt George Harrison. Hunt. Um um uh, uh, Nev Shulman from catfish. From catfish. Hunt. He counts.
Starting point is 00:56:02 He does. Oh, it's a he had no idea what that's. He counts. Neil Armstrong. Hans. George Orwell. Hans. Leo DiCaprio.
Starting point is 00:56:18 Hans. Orlando Bloom. Hans. Mitch Mulvaney. Hi. Hi. Bart, my favorite celebrity. Oh, why?
Starting point is 00:56:30 Oh, Yvonne or Yvonne or G. What's her name? Yvonne or G. I want to know who this is. Is it that girl from insecure? Is it orgy? Her last name. I think it. What? With a J. Hold on. I'm looking it up.
Starting point is 00:56:45 I have to pause because I I was like, okay, that's okay. We need to know who Ivan orgy is. It is it's okay. It is with a J or J I or J I or J I her name is Ivan or I've never heard it said out loud. It can't be pronounced orgy. Okay. But I just I hope not.
Starting point is 00:57:01 Okay. What I hope it is. All right. Okay. So it's with an I at at the end I at the end hunt Ian McKay hunt with an e um Eric Griffin hunt with the answer give
Starting point is 00:57:20 Nicholas Brendan hunt Nicholas Cage Erica Badu I don't know Ursula I want damn it. Were you thinking from little mermaid or James Bond? I was just thinking what to start with you. I was Ioni Skye. Hunt. Eric Swalwell. Hunt.
Starting point is 00:58:10 Lou Isgasa Jr. Hunt. I'm saying Lou Grant. Robin Roberts. Hunt? This is the end today's show or something? Oh, yeah. She's like the word of America.
Starting point is 00:58:27 Samuel L. Jackson. Hunt. Naaaboo. You're out. You're out. You're out. You're out. Samuel L. Jackson.
Starting point is 00:58:38 Hunt. Nathalie Gaines. Hunt. Natalie Gaines. Hunt from the music group. Dixie chicks. Sting. Hunt. Grover Cleveland.
Starting point is 00:58:58 Hunt. Daniel Radcliffe. Hunt. Eric Estrada, Hunt. Erica Strata. Hunt. Eh, Eleanor, are you about? Eleanor? Okay.
Starting point is 00:59:16 She's on, it's with an A. She was on Baywatch? Okay, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, he's going. Not her banny. Amanda C. Freed. Hunt. Dame Judy Dench. Hunt. Helen Hunt. Okay, I'm gonna keep going not her banning a man to see freed Hunt Dame Judy Dench hunt Helen hunt hunt
Starting point is 00:59:30 Oh my god, we cracked it. We finally found her we found the crazy almond hunt Nia Rivera hunt oh yeah Alice Walker Hunt. River Phoenix Hunt. Uh oh. That's the end. That's the end. No, they're kugas.
Starting point is 00:59:53 Hunt. That's it. That was fun. That was fun. We had a good time. It was fun. It was so fun, but we're out of time. We are.
Starting point is 01:00:04 We got to go. We got to go. Guys, thank we're out of time. We are. We are. We gotta go. We gotta go. Guys, thank you so much for listening. We love doing the show and we love that you listen to the show and we love you. And we love you so much. I'm, here's the thing. I miss you so much. You don't love people? No. You know what I don't think is easy to say when like a stranger is to say,
Starting point is 01:00:24 I love you and you say I love you back I feel like they're a stranger you went when like someone is being approached by a fang Oh, I feel like I see So when I see celebrities go like when someone's like I love you and I say I love you too. I feel that's not right I'm not right depends on the person who can look inside their hearts It's like if someone's a racist or not no one's a racist because you can't look in their heart. Wow. Yeah, I Don't agree with that. You have somebody says incredibly racist things. You don't know what's in their heart You're talking about something very specific that I don't know what you're it's a thing that comes up a lot on Twitter
Starting point is 01:00:57 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, it makes total sense All right, well that's the end of our show. I'm gonna wrap it up as the only woman here. Lauren has a piece of food that is just holding in front of her mouth like waiting to end. So I think we gotta wrap it up. So I can see. She wants this in her mouth so bad. He's so phony, a spoiler.
Starting point is 01:01:17 Lap. Lap. He's so phony. All right, see you next time. Bye. Hey. All right see you next time bye

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