Threedom - Threevisiting: She Just Wants Beets

Episode Date: December 5, 2023

Threevisiting on the Tues: Scott, Paul & Lauren discuss falling down, earthquakes and sleeping in separate bedrooms, before playing Half-Life. Follow us on social media @threedomusa. Send Threetures a...nd emails to Leave us a voicemail at 424-252-4678 (HAG-CLAIMS-8).

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Sweet O! Ooooooo! Sweet O! Aaaaahhhhhh! Sweet O! Welcome back! Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back! Lauren is over there, she used the one who just sang.
Starting point is 00:00:24 Yeah, in case you didn't know know that was Scott who just talked. And I'm Paul. I'm here too. Do you know that show? Welcome back hotter or do you just know it as a song? Yeah. I've seen it a few times. Oh, I've seen it. I know John Travolta was on it. That's right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:43 Who by the way, um, I feel like I've, oh, something sad happened to him. I was like, I was up in the news. Wait, did something interesting happen to you? Oh, never mind. Sad. Yeah. He's got a lot of sadness in his head. He's out of sadness.
Starting point is 00:01:00 He's out of sadness. By the end of our lives, we'll all have a bunch of sadness. Very true. Very true. We're on our way there now. That's right, and the very last act we ever do will be the saddest thing of all. Dying. Hey, at least we're not a cult.
Starting point is 00:01:13 Maybe we'll die in a funny way. That's true. What way do you want to die? It would be super funny. What are your funny death, Lauren? Funny. Can you watch an America's funniest home video if you know the person really got hurt?
Starting point is 00:01:27 Or do you need mentally to know? Do you know, I don't just like, there's a lot of people who send around like video, it's not America's funny, it's some videos, but just like TikTok type videos of the little things happening like that. Where you're like, that person just fell on their face. Well, I remember when that woman,
Starting point is 00:01:43 the news reporter came out and started speaking gibberish. Like, Bertation when that when that woman, the the news reporter came out and started speaking gibberish, like, Bertation was the word that she said. Well, that everyone started sending that video around the minute it happened. Like, oh my God, I was just watching TV and saw this. And then we all like a lot of us were like, hey, that person might have just had a stroke. This is not cool. And then she was fine. So now it's funny to say, Bertation. Do you know this one clip that I really like? Oh, Bertation is the word she said?
Starting point is 00:02:09 Yeah, she was like, Bertation, she was reporting from an award ceremony. And she, I can play it if you want. Yeah, I'm not sure if I've seen it. Okay, and then I'll play you one too. It makes me think of a Paula Abdul clip where she was on some radio show. And she was, it seemed like she was on drugs.
Starting point is 00:02:28 Okay, ready? Are we ready? Yeah. Yeah, man. Here we go. Well, let me prepare myself. Okay. Here we go. This is a prayer, a report, and she's fine. And it was, she does, she got checked out by doctor. She doesn't know what happened. Doesn't know what it is. But this is, and was it was after a war show which is why we were all watching it and everyone's on it's just a reenactment is live at the state center with highlights and backstage coverage we're seeing for the very first time three well a very very heavy heavy to it
Starting point is 00:02:59 rotation tonight we had a very darsen darsen by let's go to terrestrial that's terrifying that is so much worse than I thought it was going to be. It's and the look on her face. She's confused. She doesn't know why she's saying what she's saying. It's it was very it was really scary, but she's fine. Okay, well, here's mine. This is from the I guess I guess it's a British pop group called Little Mix.
Starting point is 00:03:26 And there's this video that my friends and I always like to reference. And because there's just this clip where they're trying to do different accents and they go around. Oh yes, I was like this. And so this girl tries to do it in a way. She does not like this being played, by the way. Oh well, of course not.
Starting point is 00:03:40 Do you want me to find it and play it through the system or what's the group singing in? Little again little mix Jamaican and then I did my own version which I can actually did last night. All of her fans. All of her fans by the way anytime you post this they'll reply. She doesn't like it when you post this. Of course. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:01 So I would lean into it. I think because it's fucking hilarious. It is really funny. So it's this girl group, and she's, they all draw cards of an accent they're trying to do. Now you'll all have to draw a card, or the accent you'll do. And she gets Jamaican, and so this is her trying to do. Why would they put that in there?
Starting point is 00:04:21 Oh. Oh, my hand. And her eyes roll back at her head. Oh, my hand. And her eyes are back in her head. She was, um, my hand. She was like, my hand. Let's hear one more time. There's one more time.
Starting point is 00:04:34 That's the extent of it. Yeah. My hand. My hand. It's so good. My hand. She's like, I'm trying to I'm tired. I'm tired. I'm tired. I'm tired. I'm tired. I'm tired. She's like, I'm trying to make the face.
Starting point is 00:04:48 Yes, play yours. What are you playing? I'm playing wrong one. Boo. This isn't gonna be like a Chris Angel. Evan's thing where you're gonna show us a picture of your penis. No. Guard that pussy.
Starting point is 00:05:02 Evan. What's going? What was that? That was me doing that. That was you doing it last night there. What's going on? What was that? That was me doing that. That was you doing it? Last night. What happened with my mind? What happened with face heavens?
Starting point is 00:05:09 I did not investigate this story. So what happened with Chris Evans? I was in there. He was doing a tweet and he posted a picture from his phone. Well, it was a live stream. I'm totally wrong. It was a live stream. He was on and he was going through his phone.
Starting point is 00:05:23 This was 12 years ago. He was trying to show a picture from his phone on a live stream. Oh was on and he was going through his phone. This was 12 years ago. He was trying to show a picture from his phone on a live stream. Oh, it's worse than I thought. And he brought up his photo album and so you could see like a select like nine photos or whatever. And one was a picture of his dinger dogger. Okay. And one was a picture of Captain America from one of the movies that he had put. He had put on there
Starting point is 00:05:45 with text at it, guard that pussy. And he was trying to show that one. No, he wasn't trying to show those. He was looking for something in his phone. Oh my God. And he brought up his photos and the photos that everyone saw were those. Why would you? Why would you ever put your phone?
Starting point is 00:06:00 Oh my God. If you had a dick pick in your phone. Why would you ever, don't pull your phone out, burn your phone. Don't go putting it around on a live. If you have a picture of your PC phone, don't go putting it around on a live. But back to, okay, so back to my original question. Can you watch a video?
Starting point is 00:06:20 We're gonna not see that dick. And not guard that pussy. No, because I was talking to my mom the other day about the show Holy Moly, which has become a recent favorite during the summer. And she was saying like she finds it hard to watch if she thinks people are getting hurt and she said, the worst one is that one where they get shocked. I don't know if you've seen it, but there's never seen it. It does feel like something I should have you've seen it, but there's. I've never seen it, but it does feel like something I should have seen all of them.
Starting point is 00:06:46 It's great. So, but there's one hole where if you miss the hole, you get shocked. Tell me about it. And they have these, it's like a Dr. Frankenstein kind of set up where they have like electrical switches and then they have people with putters who are supposedly conducting the current
Starting point is 00:07:03 and they put in this fake electricity current effect. So it's not really hurting anyone. So it's not like a mild shock. It's like my operation. Yeah, but my mom is like, you see the huge electrical current on there. My mom, it's special effects. You know what?
Starting point is 00:07:20 You know what show really makes me nervous. Sometimes is Ellen's Game of Game. This is the other one my mom brought up. She goes, she's taking too much delight in it. Well, she loves watching them get hurt. This is her version of the story. You were telling before we started. What?
Starting point is 00:07:37 I can't remember. Oh. They just mimed something. But the some of the things they do on that show, like look really painful, they'll throw things to people's faces or they fall really seemingly really far. And I don't know what they're falling into and I'm sure it's safe because I know that's fake. You know, I dated a woman who was on a game show. Did we talk about this? I think
Starting point is 00:08:00 we did where they fall. Yeah, it's a fake shadow, but it's so confusing. My brain. So I dated this woman who's on a game show where if you lost, you the floor opened up and and it looks, it looks terrifying when you see it and makes you laugh. And she was like, now you fall about this far. That's weird. On to a bunch of pillows. And when I went, it's like two feet or four feet or something. But like on on Ellen's show, also sometimes you'll have a thing where it's like, you're laying in a harness face down like mission impossible, and you're like being raised in there. That's not how I would describe face down, but go ahead. Face down. I got it, you got it.
Starting point is 00:08:37 That's the way I like this. Like, yeah. But they'll like slam you down into like a bad of putting and stuff like over. Putting! Oh no, he's back. So back, baby. So now I record is I record is one episode
Starting point is 00:08:55 without a girl cause. It's a Rodigan jail turn the sign back. Did it let him out for COVID? No. Well, how about Lori Loughlin's horrible bullshit, where she got to pick what I don't tell you. She got to pick her prison, yeah, man, I love to pick a prison.
Starting point is 00:09:09 It's just ridiculous. I've already picked him out. Yeah. You guys gotta check my prison picture page. There's a website where I buy my favorite prison. Track your prison. If you ever get sent to prison, the one you would go to.
Starting point is 00:09:19 Oh, terrifying. I, as a kid, I remember having a bad reaction to certain kinds of slapstick in comedies. Like three stooges stuff or... Yeah, most of the three stooges stuff is like, it's just silly cartoon stuff and they have the sound effects over there. I thought on Mr. Show that we were trying to write a sketch of like if three stooges was real, the consequences of the physical stuff.
Starting point is 00:09:44 Yeah. Something like that. Well, I remember one, one three stuages gag I remember was like somebody, like grabbing somebody's nose with a pair of scissors? Right. It's like, that's not funny. I don't know how to look at an horrible thing about. But I remember there was a pink Panther movie that I saw when I was a kid when I saw in the theater. There's a Peter Salad movie.
Starting point is 00:10:03 Oh, Inspector Cluzzo. Inspector Cluzzo. Inspector Cluzzo. Yes, I heard of these. And he has this enemy, which is the chief inspector or whatever, played by this guy Herbert Lomb. And so bad things are always happening to the chief inspector who hates Cluzzo once again fired. At one point, I remember he slips on something at the top of a stairwell, and the guy goes so far up in the air,
Starting point is 00:10:30 and then he drops out of sight, lands on these stairs, and it's not funny. Right. It's not funny. Well, like just this guy would be paralyzed. How did Buster Keaton do all this stuff he was doing? Well, is that really? It actually did take a toll on his body,
Starting point is 00:10:45 but he did all practical things. And Chubby Chase? All those crazy practical things. So Chubby Chase, he did so many, so many falls, it got him addicted to cocaine. I remember taking a slapstick, like physical comedy course, and they were always saying like, that what's not funny is the fall,
Starting point is 00:11:04 it's the getting up and selling the, you were hurt or something like showing you were okay and it bothered you. Is that makes it funny? Something like that, you know. I get that. Yeah. The fall should be funny too.
Starting point is 00:11:16 But I always, I cannot watch videos of people falling on the ground because I fell recently on the ground and it fucking hurt really bad. Where did you fall? In the house because I fell recently on the ground and it fucking hurt. Where did you fall? In the house where I was looking at our camera and I saw a cool up it left the gate open and then also our front door and our dogs started to... Geez, it's all that going on. Our dogs started to like go out the door and so I was wearing socks and when we moved in
Starting point is 00:11:42 we'd have the floors done and so so I stood up and went, no! And then immediately my legs went up and I fell on my side and I was fucked up for a while. That's pretty funny. What's like a fall, you've had recently fallen? Fall of Tompkins? Yeah. Fall for Tompkins.
Starting point is 00:12:00 Autumn of Tompkins. Do you know, I have not. I can't remember the last time I fell, I have tripped a bunch and almost fall. So is that a trip and then stumple, stumple, stumple, but you stay? Yeah, exactly. I cannot tell you how often I have the thought,
Starting point is 00:12:18 not even with tripping, but when am I going to have my next horrible fall? Because it will happen. Right. It will happen. I always picture myself falling or knocking my teeth out or all that kind of stuff. But I had a fall when I was in London for Homes and Watson and I was staying in the apartment that had
Starting point is 00:12:35 carpet stairs. What did I call those in English? Flat. And it was. Flat toned me back. It was like one of the kind of places that was like really at first when I walked in, I was like, wow! And then like, the longer I lived there,
Starting point is 00:12:49 the more creeped out I was by like, it's like, I'm going to be a foreigner. And I, and one of my first day, and I was completely alone, like, most of the time, like months there. And I fell down these carpeted stairs, like my socks just slipped, and I fell so hard on my coccyx. And it hurts, I just, like when you're alone and you fall, like I just was like basically saying, but I just ran straight forward into like the bedroom and
Starting point is 00:13:15 fell face forward and then like, oh my fucking god, you're just like, oh, there's nothing you could do besides just like be sad that happened. Did you have this kind of reaction? Oh. Are you? My landing. My landing. I was going to the stairs and I was like, oh, what? What did you do?
Starting point is 00:13:33 My landing. I was like, oh my god. Oh. Yeah. When I was over at my parents' house recently, I got a stern talking to because I was eating at the bar stool at the bar and I left the bar stool not completely Pushed in and she was like you're living with old people this week damn we're going to trip on this and Wow, how old are your parents? Yeah, so what is 41?
Starting point is 00:14:04 Yeah, I just falling is the worst. Yeah, I just don't like it. Yeah, yeah, it's terrifying. It's so scary. We had the first, the last place we lived before our first or last, get your story straight. Last place you lived before our house now. We had this apartment where it was like somebody had flipped it, you know, so there was like a lot of stuff that was a little shoddy about it. Yeah. Which we didn't discover until after we'd lived there for a while. Yeah, so that's the worst thing about that kind of thing,
Starting point is 00:14:37 because you're at first like great, and then the longer you're there, like this every little thing is horrible. Yeah, it's like living on a set. Oh, wait, no. I get really out of the house, flip it, flip it, phone it and like that.
Starting point is 00:14:49 Yeah, I think that's like one of the, I think that's such a cheap, gross way to try to make money because you're doing the worst job. Like you are, you are doing it. What if you do it really well? And you flip it and. Flipping it well is one thing I'm saying picking out all the worst shit is.
Starting point is 00:15:01 I'm mad even if they do it good. All the cheap stuff, like it's just, there's no point you're gonna have to do it again. Yeah, well the one thing they really splurged on were these tubs that had this really wide wall, I don't know what else to call it, like the tub wall, you know what I mean? Like the white part of the tub is thick.
Starting point is 00:15:19 Yeah, like if you wanted to have a nice luxurious bath and put candles there or something. Right, okay, but then the middle of the tub is like one inch wide. Yeah, like like if you wanted to have a nice luxurious bath and put candles there or something. Okay, but then the middle of the top is like one inch wide. No, the middle of the top was fine, but it was getting in and out. Was like you had to like, oh, yeah. It's so far. When they're so high and so thick.
Starting point is 00:15:37 Yes, and you just took a shower and it's wet and it's like, am I going to break my hip right now? It was terrifying every day. Yeah. Jayny would sometimes like sit and then swing her legs around. Yeah, that's interesting. Because, you know, she's shorter than me. It was like, it was scary. It was scary.
Starting point is 00:15:52 What a weird thing. Like, how often are you taking a bath like that? Yeah. But it's like, gotta have these wide walls. I want my candles, my radio, all. But that's all for the picture to get you to rent the place. Right. Yes.
Starting point is 00:16:04 It's not functional. Yeah. They're just like, ooh, it was given a spa tub. If I ever have a tub, it's gonna be so thin. It's gonna be paper thin. Oh, no, that's a thin tub. I have a walk-in tub. Like, old people have.
Starting point is 00:16:16 Those actually are, they look good. I can't lie. Why? I mean, I know. It seems easy. If you see one now, you go into a place you're like, oh, an old person lived here. But why can't we switch the mentality to where it's
Starting point is 00:16:27 like now a feature everyone wants like hey check this out not just old a forward thinking young person lived here yeah because they wanted a cool top that has this feature what is the uh... uh... loren what's the one thing you want in uh... What is the Lauren? What's the one thing you want in? Oh man, you were to yeah, in a man Okay Whatever you want you'll get yeah and we'll try to find
Starting point is 00:16:59 We're on the hunt One day I put in the house. Yeah, what's the one like one feature like that you're like man It would be so great to have that. Oh man so many things but One thing I'm not aware of too many things and no I know if you know I was just reminded of that song recently Well, I was thinking about you because have you do was it one of the new Bohemian? It was one of the new What a old brand new I need a brocol yeah, I've never heard it Was it one of the new Bohemian? It was one of the new Bohemians. It was one of the old Bohemians. I was the Steve Martin, needy, Bacchol Alba.
Starting point is 00:17:25 Yeah. I've never heard of it. I've never heard of it. I like it. Well, I was with a group of friends, Lauren, hold your story. I was with a group of friends. We were trying to think of a true guilty pleasure song because as you, as you, you know, as an adult.
Starting point is 00:17:39 Bapoo, bapoo, bapoo, bapoo, bapoo. Well, as an adult, it's like, no, I'm not guilty about that. I think it's good. It's a fun song. It cares. But it was very hard to think of a song that is kind of a bad, like you know it's bad. Well, so what did you end up saying?
Starting point is 00:17:54 What about bad? Hey, hey, hey. Really, really bad. Those are all guilty pleasures now. Really, really bad. Those, you know what, those are all guilty pleasures now. By the way, Michael Jackson, just bad. We have now done an episode with Michael.
Starting point is 00:18:07 Oh, that's true. There we go. Thanks to you both, guys. We've broken the seal. I think that was the one we came up with at the very end. Where it's not a good song, but you. It's not really good. I love that song.
Starting point is 00:18:21 Pop pop music. That's song. I don't like it. That's a good song. All right Lauren, what do you want to hear? Talk about it. I think like some cool things to have would be a skylight. Oh, an opening one or? No, not necessarily, but just like, like in a bathroom I think that's like cool.
Starting point is 00:18:37 Wanna see those birds, huh? Yeah, just like a sun coming in like so much good light coming in. Yeah. I think. What about the peepers? in. Yeah, I think. Uh, what about the peepers? Oh, yeah, I mean, it does creep me out to think about it night like some people putting drones over your skylight. Or like a
Starting point is 00:18:52 tongue. She was a Lucifer, a standing tub and then a shower in one bathroom so you could choose and that's fun. We have that and a show. Yeah, it's nice. I mean, I think it's really like you mean like a separate, a separate, so you could take a bath or you could take a shower. Yes.
Starting point is 00:19:09 Yes. Yes. Um, those are some things. I think a lot of people have it. I don't. That'd be so cool to have a skylight. It would be like you'd be able to see the sun sometimes. My friends throwing up had that.
Starting point is 00:19:18 The rain would fall on it. I think that's why I always think about it because it was so pretty. Yeah. What did, when you were young, what, what was there that you were like? It was an open book where it was like, oh my God. When you used to say, live and let live. Oh my God, that's what like, you know you do. Rich people have.
Starting point is 00:19:34 Oh my God. Well, I had a friend who's family, you know, Shada, got rich, like kind of suddenly. So they did not have the diet trying? Um, basically the one who grew new meat. I grew up exactly.
Starting point is 00:19:52 So there was a pro bono lawyer. I don't know if I know all the terms. Good. But eventually there was some things. Ventures like Lemme Charge. No, there was some $8 million. There was some things that was going on for like, extremely long time, like decades that somehow
Starting point is 00:20:07 ended with him getting a lot of my, I don't know how it worked. Okay, sorry, this is going on too long. Any depot know. But honestly, I don't, so maybe he was never pro bono, but he was like always helping the little guy or something like that. Maybe you were doing that one case and everything else pro bono or something. Yeah, yeah. And so this was like some, so some big breakthrough.
Starting point is 00:20:21 Yeah. And so he got a lot of money. So they, they built this really beautiful, huge home. And so whenever I, yeah, money. So they they built this really beautiful huge home. And so whenever I go. Yeah. So whenever I think about like that kind of richness, what's yeah, what features were they had an indoor pool. Oh, they built it all themselves from scratch. Like they came up with it all from scratch. So they chopped down the lumber and chopped it down and they made it into bricks and they made lumber into bricks. This is incredible. They had an indoor pool.
Starting point is 00:20:46 Maybe they should have invented that. They also had a really, I loved going there. I mean, it was just like a really cool house, but they had all the phones that they got, we're all that bangin' Olivesin' phones, or whatever, bang Olivesin' or whatever. It's like a very expensive, landline. Oh, I do.
Starting point is 00:21:04 I'm gonna look it up. But there will be a lot of air. Lord and I, I know, go on. Is it something that sounds like? I'm buying a bang Olivesin. But they were just like cool. So they had like those phones over the house. It was kind of a four cell phones were really.
Starting point is 00:21:18 Oh, so this is a brand. Yeah. Not a person, bang Olivesin. Hi, I'm bang Olivesin. And I'd like to have a phone. You're like a landline? Call me please, bang Olivesson. Hi, I'm bang Olivesson. And I want to have a phone. You're like a lead line? Call me please, I'm so lonely. It's good for emergency.
Starting point is 00:21:30 OK, so they have these phones everywhere. And that just seemed really opulent. What about a phone in the next to the toilet? Oh, yeah. That's pretty cool. I don't want that. I want to call people. Well, I'm shitting.
Starting point is 00:21:43 The fucking the one place where it... You want to be alone for five minutes. Yeah shitting. The fucking the one place where... You want to be alone for five minutes. Yeah, damn. Can I just have a second? Do you take your phone in the bathroom every time you go? Yeah, cause I usually read, cause it takes me, you know. 20 hours to shit.
Starting point is 00:21:54 You have a full desk over there. Yeah, hours. I take my phone in there, I'm like, I need to fucking stop. Like, there's points where you just go, can I just think for a minute? What I just, this is what they were invented for is for it. You should not take it outside of the toilet.
Starting point is 00:22:12 You know what I mean? Smart phone should just stay right by the toilet. Keep it by the toilet. I know, I'm gonna miss the magazine moment of toilet. I used to be a man. I mean, I could, but then it's like, I don't like storing them in there now. It feels gross now.
Starting point is 00:22:26 But even though I'm bringing my phone, which is worse, it's more disgusting to have your phone be covered with germs. Do you know what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really,
Starting point is 00:22:37 what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what's really, what a really was a really good experience was we were watching this and I probably told you guys about the show the bureau the French show yeah Sounds French. It's in
Starting point is 00:22:49 America told the dresser. It's in subtitles and had subtitles So you couldn't use your phone you had to just watch the show Yeah, and it was like a weird adjustment at first of like oh normally I'd be doing this so many times Yeah, it was great and we really and we love the show like we've got really invested in it of like, oh, normally I'd be doing this so many times. I'm thinking like, boom. No, yeah. It was great. And we really, and we love the show. Like, we've got really invested in it. You have to really be in the mood to be like,
Starting point is 00:23:10 I'm gonna put my phone down. Then you get invested because you care about the plot. Yes. But yeah, it's so hard. I mean, I'll be watching shows and then go, okay, I have literally no idea what the whole thing is. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I've been watching this five times.
Starting point is 00:23:21 That's like going to a movie theater is sometimes really good because you can't take your phone out because you're rude. So it makes you watch the thing whereas if you just watch something at home, like we watch Mulan or whatever recently, you can just constantly be checking out. I know, but sometimes I try. I'm sorry, yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:37 Give me, give me, yeah, yeah, yeah. I tried it on my phone and then go like, this is my movie night. And then it works for like part of it I watched trolls world tour and it was fucking hilarious This is very hard to the problem that you're watching trolls world. Oh my god. I thought it was the best I was I loved it. All right. I got it my phone halfway through but the first half I was like Truly like a child like so it had second act problems
Starting point is 00:24:03 truly like a child like so it had second act problems Maybe but it was very funny and very beautiful, but it was very funny It looks like the animation does look very tantalizing and there's so much funny physical comedy with the characters What if trolls was real? Dude, there's also the how I love to be in shows. I was a was She really look at trolls is he's like, what is that? It was real. When you watch the animation of trolls, there's moments where they have
Starting point is 00:24:28 muppet-like fur hands. When they're super close up on them. Yeah. And it looks so cool. I wish I could be that close to a troll. Look man, you probably already don't even know they're microscopic. What?
Starting point is 00:24:41 They're like germs coming out of the toilet? They're like microscopic. Whoa. Whoa. All right, look, we need to take a break. We'll be right back. Okay. What? They're like germs coming out of the toilet? I'm a scopic. Whoa. All right, look, we need to take a break. We'll be right back. Okay. [♪ OUTRO MUSIC PLAYING [♪ [♪ OUTRO MUSIC PLAYING [♪ [♪ OUTRO MUSIC PLAYING [♪
Starting point is 00:24:59 BAD! We're back. And hell yeah! Let me tell you what I would like in my dream home. Yeah, first of all, if if I could if I had the money Could have should have would have I would like my house to look Very nautical From the outside and the in the like that Steven Spielberg restaurant dive in the century city mall better than that though Like the Wes Anderson film the life of Quattro House Like the Wes Anderson film the life of Quattro. Roadhouse?
Starting point is 00:25:25 Yeah, I would like, I would, I would definitely love to have like big porthole windows like red windows, ship lap of course. If it ship, I'll lap it up. You, but like a nice like, sorry cool app, I didn't call you. No, I was saying ship lap. She peeked out on the balcony like I have a
Starting point is 00:25:45 Perone over here. Really? No, But like nice darkwood navy white trim kind of real um Cabani feeling inside interest in every room. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, interesting. And sort of like a beach house as well.
Starting point is 00:26:01 Yes, like taking a beach house aesthetic, but then we make it on the beach almost like it. Well, that's the dream. Yes, like taking a beach house aesthetic, but then making it on the beach. Almost like it. Well, that's the dream. That's the dream. Yes, that will never come true. So here's a question. If you had a beach house and a regular house,
Starting point is 00:26:14 yeah, would you keep the beach house in that theme and have the regular house that you stayed during the week in more modern type thing or do you want both houses to feel the same? No, I think I would have the beach house be just like a regular house because we're there. Also the beach house is a regular thing and then your regular house is like a beach house.
Starting point is 00:26:33 Yes, I wouldn't that be fun like if you walked into somebody's house? Oh, great, so you always love being at the beach? I love the beach, I love the ocean, I love boats. You know what I haven't seen the entire time we've been on quarantine? Sorry, Also my dream. A secret passageway. Yes. Everyone's gonna be watching one of these renovation shows and they'll do a secret passageway and it's like, God damn. It does seem really fun. My friend Michael who's a music musician and a composer. Bolton. Um. Nezmith.
Starting point is 00:27:06 Um, he, uh, after years and years and years of meaning to do it, he finally redesigned his home studio and the door is a fake bookcase. Oh, fine. The fucking best. But it does hurt his hand. Oh, sure. Well, that's intentional. And not like old old Scooby-Doo's and stuff like that you just think about like I don't think they had it
Starting point is 00:27:29 Or some shit. They didn't have a secret like all of it, but bookcase door. Am I getting they did have a you might be I think they did have a bookcase in And Frank's house. What's it a bit of they were in the attic? But they were I went to the house, but I was really just She was out. But I- Hi, you were C.N. You were really just shetlacked at Anne Frank's house. I was because I only had two days in Amsterdam
Starting point is 00:27:55 and I was like, I gotta go there. I gotta fuck a hooker. Gotta get hot and smoke all my ass. It was just a very important, I really wanted to do it. I wanted it right away and I was really tired. So I don't know that I remember exactly, but I climbed up a very steep ladder by a bookcase. But I think it was hidden.
Starting point is 00:28:10 I don't think there was a buy on the ceilings. Because all the books would follow. Just let me, not on the ceilings. This doesn't seem to speak. It was on the ceilings, the bookcase was hiding the ladder, I think. But let me just look at it. Okay. Okay. Okay. Remember him? the ladder I think but let me just look okay okay okay I do it but he was on my
Starting point is 00:28:29 bookcase door a secret door what was the secret door what was the other word yeah so the original bookcase that concealed the entrance to the hiding place and very funny excuse me has been a part of the Anfering House since it's opening in 19th. Who cares? However, the condition of the bookcase has visibly deteriorated. Today, the bookcase has a partial glass cover to prevent further damage. Oh, good. I guess that's the way to do it.
Starting point is 00:28:58 That's the way to do it. Give you money for nothing. You're chicks for free. I just think this is interesting. The original bookcase visitors enter the secret annex through the narrow opening past the movable bookcase. To many people visiting the Anne Frank House is an emotional experience. They try to imagine what it must have been like to be locked in for a lot of years.
Starting point is 00:29:15 Some people don't feel shit. Pride, you fuckers. Anyway, whatever. Anyway, we can move on. We don't talk about Anne Frank House. Where would you want your secret passageway to be for an office, a library, or for, I think Anyway, we can move on. We don't talk about Anne Frank. Anyway, whatever, Anne Frank has. Where would you want your secret passageway to be for an office, a library, or for, I think I saw one that was to like a closet.
Starting point is 00:29:32 That's right, there was this. A closet. There was this show. Oh, look. No, no, no, my shirt. My shirt. No, in the closet, in the walk-in closet, there was also a secret passageway.
Starting point is 00:29:43 That's how we do it. That took you to like the kitchen or something. I knew someone who had a panic room hidden in like a closet. Oh. Was it Joni Foster? No. But that's, I almost am scared of the idea
Starting point is 00:29:57 of having a panic room. Because that's panic. It kind of makes you think I might have to go in there at some point all the time. We have a panic button that CoolUp said she was gonna tell me because it's by my bed And I'm in charge of it, but I still don't know how Where she hasn't show me what it is. Okay, everyone's one of my house. I hear this weird loud bell. Is that you guys? Yeah, I keep pressing it button just wakes you up. Yeah
Starting point is 00:30:21 Oh, speaking of which I'm about that earthquake. How about it? Oh my God. I had just literally gotten to sleep in the previous three minutes, and I was in it. I was in sleep. And so when it happened, I was like, God, the fucking dogs jumping on the bed and then caught grabbed me.
Starting point is 00:30:43 As if we were gonna die, she wanted to be holding me while it happened. Yeah. And yeah, it was a scary. Natural impulse. I was standing, flossing in the bathroom and Mike was standing in the kitchen. Flossing the dance? Yeah, like. And we were talking.
Starting point is 00:31:00 Looking about through me, or see if I was doing it right? Well, he was standing next to the fridge and I have a couple of things on top of the fridge. And then he was like, we were standing and talking casually and then we felt like- She guys are casual at home when you talk. Yeah, really, like, you don't have banners, don't know. Yeah, and you have a fridge in the bathroom. Of course, and-
Starting point is 00:31:17 You were dressed for dinner, though. We were standing there like 10, 15 feet apart. And- So you guys are keeping 10, 15 feet- We always- At home. Just to be very clear. And there, the feet apart. And. So you guys are keeping 10, 15 feet. We always just to be very clear. Sure. And the floor was rumbling. It felt like the ground for. Typical earthquake stuff.
Starting point is 00:31:32 But I mean, it felt like so confusing to your brain. Right. No one had asked you to get ready to run. Ground don't work this way. I have an experience in earthquake in like five years. I've been like out of town for a couple of the ones. Really? But so then the everything above his head was like shaking
Starting point is 00:31:51 and it was like that realization as you're like looking at, we were like, oh, oh, oh, wow. Like you guys, you're realizing what's happening. It's like almost ending. But I was gonna run to him and then I stopped because I thought maybe that was dangerous, but I stopped in the doorway, which was an accident But I think that's good. It's not good
Starting point is 00:32:14 Why is it not good to be that's bad you're not supposed to do the doorway now don't do the doorway thing It keeps changing. They also say in here's just tip though if you bed, cover your head with, and neck with pillows and stay in bed. That's what I, at least the ceiling crumbles or something happens. The ceiling crumbly, that's, man, in the Whittier one, I was not there for it, but I had roommates who were living next to like apartment buildings that like, I can't do that.
Starting point is 00:32:43 Yeah, yeah. I moved to you right after the North Road Earthquake in like, I'm like, God. I moved here right after the North Korean earthquake in 94, and the city, it was like a month or two after, and everything was still like, it looked like a movie set, it was crazy. Like just demolished. Just demolished like big cracks in buildings, and PA is running everywhere.
Starting point is 00:33:02 A lot of people died from that. On coffee cup that shouldn't have been in frame. Yeah, some people died. A lot of people moved after that. A lot of people left town after that happened. We were. But now they're all back. We're just like in your face.
Starting point is 00:33:17 Janie was asleep. I was in the living room. Janie was asleep. Every time he mentioned Janie did something. That moved him. I want to sing it. And I've curbed that impulse every time. I do it every time.
Starting point is 00:33:28 Why? That's unlike you. I know, but I know what would happen continuously on the show. And now it will. I was in the living room watching TV, and I remember what you were watching. No, I don't. This 1994 is probably. No, no. Oh, you mean the other night?
Starting point is 00:33:49 Oh, the other night, okay. I thought you were still thought you were talking about the nervousness. Yes, I've known Jamie since 1994. I guess that doesn't make sense, but at the same time. It does, it kind of does. It does, and I've experienced, this has happened a lot of times where
Starting point is 00:34:06 Janie has been a bed, and I've been in the other room still away. You're a bed. In my bed. My valet has just left. He's going to work on my clothes for the morning. So I know I remember this couple that I knew this guy through improv like when I was, was it so close? Yeah, he's a frazzled, grizzled looking. When I was like 20 and he or 19 and he was like, in his late 20s or 30s, I don't know how old he was, but he seemed much older at the time.
Starting point is 00:34:36 Yeah, but he was married and his wife had two separate bedrooms. Oh, yeah, I mean, and he was like, hey, it happened. It had, I mean, he's like, he's like, understand it, you know, I mean They're and he was like hey, it happens. It had I mean it's like understand it You know, he's like you have sex in her room and then I go to bed He didn't wait and tell me that actually because I do remember that I Wipes yourself off I feel like I feel like I it's I'm not dying to have separate bedrooms But I feel like I if we had enough space
Starting point is 00:35:03 Yeah, I mean I had a we had enough space, I had a plan. I'm gonna sleep in this. I think the hard thing, yeah, I mean, yes, I do think you could definitely have nights where you're like, I'm gonna sleep over here. I have to say a lot because if you have an earlier call, you know, if you have to be, if you have to like get up in the dark or something, it's like, I'll just go in this other room and sleep there.
Starting point is 00:35:18 I have a girlfriend who snored so loud that it, she became a wife. Oh, love was it! Well, it would wake me up at night. Was it, did you sleep in a different room? No, it was very tempting though, because it was just like, oh my God, this is unbearable sometimes outside.
Starting point is 00:35:37 That's really annoying. So I get how it happens, but these days you can go get a sleep study. Yeah. My brother used to snore like crazy. We shared a room for a while. And he would, it was like that crazy, like, yell snoring where it's so loud. What is it? It's just, I don't know how it would be so loud.
Starting point is 00:36:00 It's just like the sound of snoring, but it's like off the charts. Yeah. And we would go through this thing every night where I would I would like yell to wake him up like Mark, Mark, yeah. And you go, what? I'd say you're snoring. And he would say again, I hope it.
Starting point is 00:36:19 And I would say turn on your side or something. And then shut up. The end, the end, repeat every night. Oh, God. Yeah, I used to like nudge or whatever. She knew. She knew, I mean she knew. She knew, she had to know.
Starting point is 00:36:43 I did tape, cool up snoring, recently. No. Because it's not a common thing. It's not a proven point. It's not a common thing, but I thought it was so funny how loud it was for whatever reason it was happening. I was like, OK, I've got to tape this.
Starting point is 00:36:56 And so it was pretty funny. But I'm a really light sleeper, so stuff. And I didn't know what to do about it, and then suddenly I was like, oh, investigate, and it's like, oh, get a sleep mask, oh, get a sound machine for Miami. Well, I actually use both of those things. Now, I usually use a sleep mask,
Starting point is 00:37:18 but then I just got a sound machine, and I love it. I fall asleep to heavy rain every night, and it's so, oh, my God, it's so amazing. I sleep so much deeper. Even though I usually sleep pretty well, I'm like knocked out. And my neighbors can be really loud,
Starting point is 00:37:31 so I don't hear them at all. It's kind of amazing. You're a Lauren, you ever fuck with ocean sounds? Okay, so I've tried ocean sounds. You and your ocean people love it. I have one that's called Thunder by the Sea. So it's the ocean and a thunderstorm at the same time. It's great.
Starting point is 00:37:46 I have a Thunder Down Under where it's just guy stripping. It's just the sound of oiling themselves. No music, just oily guys taking off squeaking. Well, I got this alarm clock that's called a hatch and it's like a little. Oh, shit. This is like from last. I'm a sphere.
Starting point is 00:38:02 You gotta press the numbers every 21 minutes. But this is why I was late today because there's certain things about that. Also, you get up late, you do things. Tumble out of bed, you stumbled to the kitchen. I had woken up at eight, but I then set my alarm again for 8.40. And so I would be on time.
Starting point is 00:38:20 And then it didn't go off, and I woke up at 9.30. So I did something wrong with the alarm, because it's like through your phone app, I don't fully understand some parts of it. But you mischedule the hatch. Yeah, but it's really funny because it lights up all these different colors. You can pick what color you want it to be
Starting point is 00:38:34 when it makes you up. And then it has all these sounds and meditations. You can fall asleep too. Does there sound like, maybe? Ballet. Yeah, there it is. Just like that. And I fall asleep instantly.
Starting point is 00:38:46 But. Baleh. Baleh. Baleh. It's like this thing which I haven't gotten into yet, but it's like you could set your light. It sets like a routine for you. So you'll be like 30 minutes of reading light. Then the light will fade and the sound will come out of your rain.
Starting point is 00:39:01 Oh. And then it's like, it's like so intense. It's so intense. It's so intense. It's so simple. It's so simple. It's so simple. It's so simple. It's so simple. It's so simple.
Starting point is 00:39:09 It's so simple. It's so simple. It's so simple. It's so simple. It's so simple. It's so simple. It's so simple. It's so simple.
Starting point is 00:39:17 It's so simple. It's so simple. It's so simple. It's so simple. It's so simple. It's so simple. It's so simple. It's so simple. It's so simple. It's so simple. It's so simple. It's so simple. lost the other night and you're talking about. I just knew, you know, I actually, I would rewatch all of lost. I would.
Starting point is 00:39:26 Would you really? I think I loved it, but I think it would be such a waste of time. I think it would be too. It's been so long, but I watched all of entourage again. What? I loved everyone. Well, that's on you.
Starting point is 00:39:37 Hey, Lauren, you said earlier, something you haven't seen during COVID. Oh, the ocean. Oh, yeah, you were going I've been watching a lot. Yeah, you were gonna say entourage, but that's not true. I saw all the scenes in the movie. That's been debunked.
Starting point is 00:39:49 I watched all the scenes in the movie again. And I actually, I like entourage. Why? There is a certain thing about watching entourage watching rich people get to do whatever they want and then fuck whatever they want is like, kind of, at least. But see, I don't, but it's all,
Starting point is 00:40:06 I can't get into that sort of, I guess wish fulfillment or whatever. I can't, I can't get, like people say about succession what they like is. I love succession. To see rich people. Getting to be miserable. And it's like, yeah, but it's not.
Starting point is 00:40:22 No, Ontario is the opposite. Oh, I just love the writing on succulent. I know. There are never consequences. There was one season that was actually kind of good. But I don't like that either. There was one season that was kind of good where Vinny was not a popular actor anymore.
Starting point is 00:40:33 Yeah. And it was like a fascinating season where he was really struggling. And I remember the final episode of that season, you remember this Lauren. Of course. They call him and go, oh, by the way, it's of course he wants you to be in his new movie.
Starting point is 00:40:44 You're back on top. And everyone went, yay yay and then the rest of the show until it ended was just them Like literally fucking everyone and being rich there are absolutely Episodes that are amazing and there are many many words and phrases they use that do not and clauses Time But of the Frank band. I mean to the five. There was one that one that they use time. But of the Frank Pan, I mean, into the five, there was one that one that they used to use. Come on, come on. This is like, you're running this like a morning suit. I know. Come on. Or a regular suit. Anyway, all right, we got to take a break. Okay. All right, we're back. And it's of course time for another feature, AKA of course it is a feature.
Starting point is 00:41:33 And this has been submitted by our producer, Josh. Scott, Lauren, do you believe this guy? What? He's saying like, of course course I know of course we do of Course it's time of course it's time Scott That is it my life. This was submitted by our producer Josh and this is called half-life I'm gonna. Hey congratulations to Josh your feature has been chosen Josh. Josh, we're going to send you a sweat bag for love. 3DM gear.
Starting point is 00:42:07 That includes the non-stick pan. You've got the bumper sticker, the pin, the hat, the glasses, and the seat cushion, which you can use on the go. We've also supplied you with a water bottle that stays cold for 24 hours. The umbrella hat. You don't need to carry it a umbrella out when you wear one on your head.
Starting point is 00:42:27 The three-dim wedding band. Some of you seem like you're married even if you're not. The three-dim IUD. Don't want to get pregnant. Don't get pregnant. The three-dim wedding. All three of our heads on a little teen was inside your pussy. All right, I've started or I haven't started it, but I've set the timer for two minutes.
Starting point is 00:42:44 We're gonna, uh, a poll I need a place. Uh, the moon. The moon. We're gonna do a scene in two minutes, and then, uh, when the timer goes off, we have to redo the scene in one minute, then, when that timer goes off, we redo it in 30 seconds, then 15 seconds, then seven seconds, then three, then one. I follow. Why would we do one?
Starting point is 00:43:03 I don't know, but here we go. You run in second. All right, here we go, and we do one? I don't know. But here we go. We run in a second. Alright, here we go. And we're on the moon. And go. I am so glad we finally landed. Oh.
Starting point is 00:43:13 I have to go to the bathroom so bad. You didn't go the entire flight? No, I'm too embarrassed to whip it out in front of you guys. Wait, did you think there were bathrooms up here? There isn't one? No. You're just supposed to go in your pants. I could have gone the whole time.
Starting point is 00:43:27 It'll just flow right out the tube. Oh, I want to make cover this in training. Uh-oh, what's that noise? Oh. I think it's a moonshine. That's what you call a... Someone from the moon, isn't it? Yeah, of course, a moonshine.
Starting point is 00:43:39 It's a moonshine? Yeah, moonshine. That is it. Oh no, it's getting closer. Oh, god, it's disgusting. What Oh, oh God, it's disgusting. What do you want from us? It looks like Steven Mnuchin. Give it some food.
Starting point is 00:43:54 Here, you can get some food. No, I'll do it. I'll do it. Here, Munchin, do you want some ice cream? It's free straw. I don't know. He likes it. He loves it. And we know it Munchin, he likes it. And we know it's a he because we see it's giant penis.
Starting point is 00:44:08 Well, we don't know if that's what that is. That's true. That could be an arm. That's true. And he could have two penises on the side of the body. Let's see how he uses it. Here, let's try to shake his hand. If it is an arm.
Starting point is 00:44:19 Oh, oh, God. He shot some purple goo on your face. How we doing on time? 40 seconds left. Oh no. Unbelievable how long two minutes can be. Are you talking about the worst? No, what a terrible dream.
Starting point is 00:44:34 Oh, what a terrible. Oh, what a terrible. Oh, what a terrible. Oh, what a terrible. Oh, what a terrible. Oh, what a terrible. Oh, what a terrible. Oh, what a terrible.
Starting point is 00:44:42 Oh, what a terrible. Oh, what a terrible. Oh, what a terrible. Oh, what a terrible. Oh, what a terrible. Oh, what a terrible. Oh, I didn't think I would snore on the moon. You were talking in your sleep. What did I say? You were saying, let me shake that guy's hand. Wait, did it at one point? Did I say, ball, have nap. I think you did. Yeah. I wondered what it was. What does it mean? I had a beautiful dream. A dream about a moon. And Lydia. Well, tell us about it for 10 seconds. Well, we got to the moon. Uh, uh, uh, A little faster. We were all talking about piss.
Starting point is 00:45:09 Uh, there were two. Okay, your dream is boring, unfortunately, you're out. All right. Your dream is boring, unfortunately, you're out. Now we have to do the same thing. Wait, wait, what about it, game show? Were you talking about your dreams? Yeah, as Jane Lynch says.
Starting point is 00:45:26 There's a panel of judges. Your dream is boring. Goodbye. I'm sorry, your dream is boring. Goodbye. OK, one minute. One minute. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:45:33 Ready and go. Well, I'm so glad we made it. Oh, God. I have to pee so bad. You should have peed like we did, which was all the way up here. I'm too embarrassed. I didn't want to do that in front of you guys.
Starting point is 00:45:44 Well, did you think there'd be a bathroom up here? Yeah, there isn't. No, where have you guys been going in our pants? In our pants? I didn't know, why didn't they cover that in training? They did. Hey, what's that sound? Mine is too.
Starting point is 00:45:56 What, I think it's a moonshin. What's a moonshin? It's someone from the moon, like on Mars, we call it a Martian. Oh my gosh, it is a moonshin. It's coming over here, what's it want? My life a Martian. Oh my gosh. It is a moon. Oh, it's coming over here What's it want? What is it saying? Maybe it's hungry give it some food. Okay. I'll just give him a little bit of ice cream Oh, yeah, and we do he loves it. He loves it Hey, I'm watching you love and we do know it's a him because of his giant penis. It could be something else Maybe that's a arm. It could be to try to shake his hand and see
Starting point is 00:46:25 Oh is showing penis. It could be something else, maybe that's a arm. It could be too much to shake his hand and see. Yeah. Oh no. It was P.K. You have to throw two all over your face. Oh, wake up. Oh, wake up. Oh, the dream again. What is it? It's the same dream I had last night.
Starting point is 00:46:34 You said Maloo, Maloo, and you're sleep. OK. All right, all right. All right, you can't do just two all rights. All right, all right, all right. All right, you can't do just two all rights. All right, all right. All right, now we're going to 30 seconds on the clock. Oh, 30 seconds. Here we go and go.
Starting point is 00:46:57 We made it, we're on the moon. Oh, God, I got a piece so bad. You should've done it the whole time. Yeah, we pissed our pants. I felt we're doing in front of you. Hey, what's that noise? Malayah, nap. Oh, my God, I. I didn't. We're doing in front of you. Hey, what's that noise? Malay, nap. Oh my God, I think it's a munchin.
Starting point is 00:47:07 Malay, nap. What's a munchin? It's a denizen from the moon. Malay, nap. Give it to my screen. Give it to my screen. He likes it. He likes it.
Starting point is 00:47:14 Of course we know what's a hem because of his giant penis. Oh, what if that's an arm? Well, let's try to. Oh, pal. Oh, pal. Oh, my God, my God. I'm gonna dream again. Well, what was it?
Starting point is 00:47:22 We are on the moon. You were talking in your sleep, you were saying, Malay, nap. I know it's on munchin and then, okay, so here a dream again. Well, what was it? We were on the moon. You were talking in your sleep, you were saying, by the end, James. I know it's on moonshin' and then, okay, so here's the dream. Yes. Nice. All right, 15 seconds.
Starting point is 00:47:33 Oh, it's free. All right, ready? And go. Oh, we're finally here. Oh, God, I got a piece of that. We pissed our pants. Oh, no, look, it's a moonshin'. It's a nice cream.
Starting point is 00:47:43 Here's a nice cream. He loves the one. Oh, and of course we know what's in it because of its giant hands. Oh, and of course we. Oh, God, I got a piece of that. We pissed our pants. Oh, no, look, it's a boongeon. Bad thing. Give it ice cream. We love the boongeon. Oh, and of course we know what's in because of its giant penis. Oh, God, oh my God. Oh, I have the dream again.
Starting point is 00:47:54 You're tired of your sleep, you said, my loongeon. Yeah. All right, seven seconds. Seven? Seven, here we go, ready? Oh, sorry, no, I can't just nod at you. Okay. All right, ready and go. We're ready, we're on the moon.
Starting point is 00:48:12 Oh, I got a piece of bad. Oh, look, it's a motion. Get ice cream. He made it. He loves it. And we know it's him because it's Peter. Oh, yeah. We're on the moon.
Starting point is 00:48:20 All right, three seconds, ready and go. I'm gonna be, oh, again. Oh, again. Alright, and one seconds. Here we go and go. I'm gonna be again. Oh, that was fun. That was a good three-cher.
Starting point is 00:48:44 Thanks, Josh. That feature goes out to good three-cher. Thanks, Josh. That feature goes out to Josh. That one goes out to Josh. In the arms of the eight-jews. We still have time. Do you want to do that one again? Or do you want to do a different three-cher? I want to do that one again.
Starting point is 00:48:57 Do it again. We can't waste three-chars by doing two on one show. These are precious. These are precious three These are precious creatures. I know all about that. Oh, that's me. Who was it? Who was it?
Starting point is 00:49:13 Go ahead. Who was it? That's good. Thank you. Hello, creatures. Oh, yeah. Did you know that I've been to Hobbiton in New Zealand? Yes. I'm going to staybiton in New Zealand? Yes.
Starting point is 00:49:25 I'm going to stay at an Airbnb next weekend that looks like a hobbit hole. It's in a way. I want to see it. Yeah, that sounds cool. Wow. All right, Lauren, we need a place. Um, this place is the grocery store.
Starting point is 00:49:39 The grocery store. Two minutes on the clock and go. Excuse me. Can you tell me where I could find canned beets? Yeah, it's in the canned food aisle. Sorry, I thought I was going to help him. I think he was talking to me. Oh, I don't mind either.
Starting point is 00:49:52 Look at my first day on the job, and I just, I'm anxious. I just thought you should watch how I do it because you're going to learn how to interact with customers. Is that what they mean by shadowing someone? I just want to know where the beets are. OK, so, ma'am, the beets are in. That's a man. Don't misgender him. I just don't know where the beats are. Okay, so, um, ma'am, the beats are in. That's a man. Don't misgender him. I'm a man. Oh, I'm sorry. When you said you were a
Starting point is 00:50:12 ma'am before, I thought you said I'm a man. Oh, that's such a weird way to say that. I'm owning it. I'm a ma'am. I did gender you correctly. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I but I don't intend to start now. Are we supposed to give them just give them the beats in the money or what do we do? I'm gonna go to my back, so we're all gonna walk for our own four. So how are we supposed to do? We'd tell them the combination. Grab a cart. Tell them the combination to the safe. Stop talking to each other.
Starting point is 00:50:54 It's making me nervous. I'm sorry, but I'm training. Timmy, she just won't beat. Timmy, hey, Tim now I know your name. Timothy. She just won't beat. Oh, forget it. She just won't beat.
Starting point is 00:51:04 I just won't beat. She it she just want beats I just want beats she just want beats I just want beats and now we pan out and this is a music video and we are seeing is being shot there is a grocery store and there is a robbery and this is at all part of the play that is what a life I am from a lowly grocery store robber to the star by a music video I just want beats I just want beats star by all music video. I just want beats, I just want beats. I don't want it. Cut, cut. What?
Starting point is 00:51:28 I really wish you wouldn't improv. Okay. Why would people, I would people don't know my story. Improv is hot these days, dude. I know, but we're just wasting film. You know what's even out of making fun of it, Prov. Look, I mean, we heard you, you're not even supposed to have lines.
Starting point is 00:51:44 I don't know. That was like 10 minutes. That is, the two minute one is a big ask. All right, ready, one minute. You guys ready? Here we go. Go. Yes, could you tell me where the beats are? Oh, sure, the beats are over in aisle. Jimmy, well, you just watch me do it.
Starting point is 00:52:02 Oh, I'm sorry, I'm supposed to shout out. I'm supposed to shout out you. Okay, go ahead. Okay, ma'am, the beats are actually in. It's ma'am you just watch me do it. Oh, I'm sorry, I'm supposed to shout out. Oh, yes. Okay, go ahead. Okay, ma'am, the beats are actually in. It's ma'am. Oh, yes, that is what I said in fact. No, don't misgender him. He's a ma'am.
Starting point is 00:52:11 Oh, it's ma'am. Oh, I'm sorry, I misheard you. I'm a ma'am. Okay, so all the people in the game, if you want to, I will let you know where the beats are if we just take a moment and, oh, you're pulling a gun on me. Yeah. This is a robbery.
Starting point is 00:52:24 Okay, what do we do? Tim, just what? Timothy, how do we handle the situation? The beats are an aisle fours, aisle fours. I told them to be the same for me. I never paid for a beat before. I'm not gonna start. We pull out and we are on a film set.
Starting point is 00:52:36 And suddenly it's a music video. And they're doing a cool song about the robbery of the beats. About how they just want beats. About those beats. All right, cut. Here I am. Oh, excuse me, I really wish you wouldn't improv. About how they just want beets. About those beets. All right, cut. Here I am. Oh, excuse me, I really wish you wouldn't improv.
Starting point is 00:52:49 I didn't even do it yet. I'm sorry, Dean. Everything was good. I just want beets. Everything was an improv. I'm pleased. I love you. Dean, Dean, improv is hot right now.
Starting point is 00:53:00 All right. Let's go down to 30 seconds on the clock and start. Yes, where are the beats? Oh, they're over here. Please watch me do the beats. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. The beats are right over here in aisle four. I still don't have the beats in the beginning.
Starting point is 00:53:17 Okay, we're just going to get the beats and something. Oh, my God. That's right. It's a robbery. What are we doing in this situation? Give me those beats. Just go to aisle four. She's pushing the gun against my back. Oh, my gosh. Give me those beats. It's ma'am. It's a robbery. What do we do in this situation? Give me those beats. Just go to aisle four She's pushing the gun against my back. Oh my gosh. Give me those beats. It's man. It's man. I am say man We pull out and there's a video and it's a whole amazing set. I cut a life. Oh cut
Starting point is 00:53:34 I just could tell you were about to talk Right now improv is hard All right 15 seconds Alright, 15 seconds. I feel like we're crazy. Alright, here we go. And start. I want those beats. Okay.
Starting point is 00:53:52 Okay. So, you were the right. Okay, go ahead. I want this race. Oh my god. It's a robbery. Okay, okay. We pull out the music video.
Starting point is 00:54:01 Look at me. All right. God. God. I wish you would not improv All right seven seconds Ready and go beats I write this way Beats I wish you a improv I wish we got through all those beats earlier because we saw two seconds
Starting point is 00:54:26 Beats I wish you a niprova I wish we had gotten through all those beats earlier because we saw two seconds beats What no, oh that was 15 I didn't reset it. Oh Shit, we had it well now three now three here. We go and go beats no All right one second ready oh shit all right, one second. Ready? Oh, shit. All right, and one second go. Me too! Cut, stony brav.
Starting point is 00:54:49 BEEP. Wonderful. Wonderful. Wonderful. Wonderful. We did it. We did it, folks. That was so fun.
Starting point is 00:55:00 We did it to it. We did it. You know, yeah, that was an incredible. This has been the most normal I've felt in many months. Me too. We did it. You know, yeah, that was an incredible most normal. I felt in many months. Me too. Very necessary. Do we tell people how we're yeah, we told people were outside and we're outside. We're outside. Well, yeah, this episode be out. We're outside. So if you've ever heard kind of a buzzing noise,
Starting point is 00:55:17 it's a bee. There's a beautiful dragonfly. If you hear some, it was blapping its water. If you. Or is it Lauren lapping? If you hear the sound of was blapping its water. If you learn lapping. If you hear the sound of magma, it's probably a volcano. Just as a listener that we're not going to be breaking any COVID. We just got a purportation fund actually be in the same place with each other.
Starting point is 00:55:39 Yes. It was great. Now next week, next time by next week, by next week, next week, next time, by next week, by next week, next week. Next week, next time. Uh-huh. We will get all of the M&M variations. This is a solid. North, let North American M&M, we're not gonna get like green tea and shit like that.
Starting point is 00:55:56 Should we all get an end of it? We should make a list. I'm not gonna get anything, so. What do you mean? I gotta set all the shit up. Do you guys get it? We'll get it. We'll get it.
Starting point is 00:56:04 We'll send it here. We'll send the. I think we should order them online. That's what I gotta set all the shit up. Do you guys get? We'll get it. We'll get it. We'll send it here. We'll send the new. I think we should order them online. That's what I was saying. Okay great. We're on a line of flavors. You can't find it at the store. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:12 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:20 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What was it made? Um, a Robin corner. Okay, got it. But I still don't put it at the top. Oh, all right. You'll have to wait. Wait, we did this on the show before?
Starting point is 00:56:28 No, but now we do it. Yeah, we ranked the M&M Flake. But now we're going to do it. We don't know who knows. I don't care. But now we're going to do it. What I like. Oh, I don't care.
Starting point is 00:56:36 I don't care. Now we're going to do it with us trying flavor live. Yes. And we're going to write it down. Live. And we're going to write down. I have to do a live. Some rankings might change. And then we gonna write it down. We're gonna write it down. I'm writing to my change. And we have to write down.
Starting point is 00:56:47 And I think we should have Josh pull up what we said last time and write it down so we can compare. But not look it up beforehand. If anyone knows what episode that was, tell Josh. Yeah, don't tell us. Just tell Josh so he doesn't have to waste his life. Or write to, write to our any more than he already has. Write to our Twitter, which is at 3DMUSA. Also subscribe to this show. It's coming out every week for free.
Starting point is 00:57:09 Yeah. And like it. Tell people to subscribe to it. I don't know what else. What else do you do with five? Leave a five star review and say something fun. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe we'll re-record you. You're lacking with catchphrases that no. Maybe we'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We'll recreate. We't actually, yes, please. We don't want to see anyone trying to do a job trying to do a real job. I want to let you dream Brody. If you're Adrian Brody, please bring back your Ross demand character. I know. No, we've talked about. Well, no, we want maybe on
Starting point is 00:57:53 the best of the best of us. We've talked about it. Yeah. Nice cliffhanger for next week. We gotta go. We gotta go. We gotta go. All right. We clearly we stretch it out a little bit. We love you guys. Thank you for listening. We're at the end, but it's the wind. It's like when you land a plane, it doesn't just drop out of the sky
Starting point is 00:58:10 onto the runway. But this is like, and then suddenly like the doors opening you tumble out, no, you coast down that runway a little bit. It skids to a stop. But this is like we're letting the rubber come off the wheels of the plane. Yeah. That's the show, baby.
Starting point is 00:58:27 You know what? You got me. The rubber's real of the plane. The rubber's are off, sweetie. The rubber's off, sweetie. Take your rubber's off when you listen to three of them. Raw's only. Raw dog.
Starting point is 00:58:38 Raw's a ghoul. Raw dog. Raw dog. That should be in Batman of porn parody. It. Oh my God, my friend is directing a porn drama. My friend is directing a porn in December. Oh, can I be at it?
Starting point is 00:58:54 Yeah. Hell yeah. He's looking for background. Can you play a lamp? That's a lamp. Let's play a lamp on one of our live shows. Yes. Yeah, that's right. You're supposed to be a lamp post. A lamp post. Let's look back on a lamp. One of our live shows. Yes. Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:59:05 We were in the other set. We're in the other set. A lamp post. A lamp post. All right. Come check us out on our tour. And we're not doing a tour. I got it.
Starting point is 00:59:14 Have a dent. My ankles are fucking chewed apart by most squeetwos. We'll check back next time about Paul's mosquito problems. We'll see you next time. Love you. Love you. Love you. Bye.

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