Threedom - Threevisiting: Tickets to Christmas

Episode Date: November 28, 2023

Threevisiting on the Tues: Scott, Paul & Lauren kick off a new season by discussing Paul’s Covid adventure and reliving childhood with an adult mind, then play One, Three, Five. Follow us on social @threedomusa. Send Threetures and emails to Leave us a voicemail at 424-252-4678 (HAG-CLAIMS-8).

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Freedom! Freedom! Oh, freedom! We're back! I really hope someone in your neighborhood knows what this is, and they can hear us screaming. It's back! Oh, thank God they're back. What never be wonderful.
Starting point is 00:00:28 If someone liked us so much. Someone had a fan, there was a fan of three of them who lives here in Beverly Hills and they were like, I didn't know I lived so close to Scott Ockerman. Beverly Hills. That's where you want to be. Beverly Hills. Don't. Don't.
Starting point is 00:00:44 Don't. Don't. Sure She said gimme gimme gimme who is that by the way who's a we saw it's Kimmy gate what it's weasers wife It's Kimmy gay what they said say your own name on the book. Kimmy Kimmy We used to call me Mrs. Weasers say your own name on the book. Kimmy, Kimmy, Kimmy. These are winter's wives. These are suites. Please call me Mrs. Weezer. We're back. Welcome to the Heartless League episode back. Daw Weezel.
Starting point is 00:01:14 Daw Weezer. We're back and we're better than ever. And we're in a backyard. We've been cooped up for months. For months. This is my car's origin story. Call me monthly Cooper. Sister to Bradley.
Starting point is 00:01:34 Yeah, a Bradley Cooper sister, monthly. Because Bradley is a what? What? A month is a month, a Bradley. Is a Brad. You use it to hold papers together. It's five months Don't you know what a Bradley is? We're recording this in my backyard and that is due to the fact that if you were listening to this in the future
Starting point is 00:02:04 We are dead, long dead. And of course, you're aliens and you're listening to this to figure out what human beings were like and we're all like this. You found a boy robot under the sea. He wants to be real. You can make his mother live for a day. And I would say we're at least 12 feet apart.
Starting point is 00:02:25 Yeah, at least. Oh, at least. Let's say I'm six feet, so if I were to lay down, that's how I'm not kidding, I'm not kidding, I'm not kidding, I'm not kidding. I'm not kidding, I'm not kidding. I think you're 12 for me and you're about 15. Can I tell you something?
Starting point is 00:02:36 Please. I often think of Scott when I think of the six foot distance rule. Yes, I don't know why you're the person that comes into my mind. You're over six feet tall. Wow, yeah, slightly. But like at the grocery store, when don't know why you're the person that comes into my mind. You're over 60 tall. Wow, yeah, slightly. But like at the grocery store,
Starting point is 00:02:47 when they have like the lines on the sidewalk. I think myself. You picture him dead on the ground. I think I'm myself. No, I think I'm about to see that nature of myself. When they have the lines, I'm like, is that six feet? And I think what have Scott and it was lying down?
Starting point is 00:03:02 Those grocery line things are not 60 day swear. Don't't you think we have a lot to talk about with COVID here We have not caught up about about the grocery lines which I have not been in a grocery store since day three of COVID really I got some months probably and I got a target like once a month around when you get your period for tap on. Yeah, I gotta get my new tampons. I only buy stamps. Did somebody call my day? What? What? What? What? What? What?
Starting point is 00:03:30 What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What?
Starting point is 00:03:38 What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? when I was like, we were gonna stop. I feel like you obviously won't relate to this, but it took me a long time in my life
Starting point is 00:03:47 to realize that I didn't need to buy one box of tampons at a time. I'm gonna need more. I should buy more. What if you die, Lauren? That's true, it's like I wasted $7. You didn't know what the mic can hear. It's him, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:03:59 Yeah, exactly. To my beloved husband, Mike. May you always know what to do with you. If should you ever remarry? By the way, I'm Scott. By the way, I'm Paul. And by the way, I'm Lauren. And we are recording in the backyard.
Starting point is 00:04:16 So if you ever hear a plane or they're working across the street at my neighbor's house, you might hear a drill or a saw. A drill. But I have to say, a lot of people have been just getting together and doing fucking podcasts in one room, and it makes me feel sick during this time. Physically ill. I feel nervous watching.
Starting point is 00:04:34 It makes you feel like you have COVID. It does. It makes me feel like they do. And when I watch the Instagrams, and they're like one foot apart screaming, I'm like, why can't you do this on Zoom? Can we talk about my COVID adventures? Please, I want to hear about your COVID adventure. How many times do you play the jingle?
Starting point is 00:04:47 All right. It's my COVID adventure. Yeah. Needing, need, need, need. Siddhu, boost it. How many times have we all been tested? I've been tested twice. I've been tested since Friday.
Starting point is 00:05:00 It is now, no, yes, it is now Friday. Since last Friday, I've been tested five times. Five times. Five Natives, baby. That's amazing. That's amazing. Literally, baby. Keep it going.
Starting point is 00:05:13 Do you do the thing where? Double or nothing? Your partner has tested you kind of assume you don't have it. We've both been tested at the same time, both times, yeah. So I assume that I'm good right now. She told me she didn't even say, I assume she's telling the truth. Yeah. Yeah. So we've gone separately, but then I'm like, I'm good right now. Right. She told me she didn't even say, I assume she's telling the truth.
Starting point is 00:05:28 You have to trust your partner. You should always look at her results. Mingle, show me. Here's what happened. I got a job working on, I guess, starring on a sitcom, a new show that's, uh, uh, there, this is like the second episode. And part of it is mandatory. The next episode has Snoop Dogg one said.
Starting point is 00:05:46 Yeah, and then hopefully he will say again. So I had to go in a couple of days before work to get tested. I have, Yes, please boss me. When is the show supposed to air? Just out of curiosity. You don't just say exact dates,
Starting point is 00:06:00 but like month, generally, some curious ones, the timeline is they're working with the COVID. That's a good question. I know they finish production. Can I finish? Can I finish production? They're finished production.
Starting point is 00:06:11 Around Christmas, I think. Oh, okay. Does probably, I mean, you know what's taking, not to get too deep into production, but color correction is taking the longest time because you can't do that over you get like zoom you can't You can edit over zoom because like you can share screen and look at the edits But the color you can't do it in high definition the way you have to so you have to go over the little dropper
Starting point is 00:06:37 Yeah, anyway, so I'll put I'll put some rosy cheeks on him Mirror mirror Why is he doing, Color Correction? So you're on a show. So yeah, so I get the test. The test is drive to, this is a test to drive to somewhere. I had a drive. If you can't, first I can take a drive to the test.
Starting point is 00:07:03 Yeah, I did take a driving test. Then they maybe take the essay, easy. You have to pair a little park. Yes first I can take a drive out of the test. Yeah, I did take a driving test. Then they maybe take the SAT. You have to pair a little park. Yes, I was great at it. Wait, have we talked about this? Three point turn. I wanted to take the SATs again just to see how you would do now. Nope.
Starting point is 00:07:13 I took, I remember back in the early 2000s, they would lure you into like take this free IQ test. Yeah. And I was like, oh, I want to see how high my IQ is now because I heard it was really high when I was young. So I heard it was really high when I was young. So I heard it was really love. People are talking, I just have to get you. No, they told me I had a 180 IQ, but I couldn't hop on one foot when I was six. They so they were like, you were like your bad at baseball wasn't that?
Starting point is 00:07:43 Yeah, that's why my parents like, enrolled me in baseball on all that kind of stuff But it was like hand in hand like he's really smart, but he is almost you know unable to do anything Yeah, it's like I'm starting with the backwards sweater, but what he wore backwards Yeah, he was Go kook, who's the dumb shit. I didn't know that he was too smart to figure out his water He didn't kick his new is still gonna cover all his body. Exactly. So in those early 2000s,
Starting point is 00:08:08 they would lure you into like, hey, take this free IQ test. And you would, like, web sites. These websites. So you, you feel like a pop-up ad or something like, and this is before you knew pop-up ads were bad. You had to pay attention every pop-up ad.
Starting point is 00:08:21 When you saw, what do I do? What do I do? They might be little facts. So it would, it would get you to. So it would get you to do... It would get you to do... The plastic thing of the shoe, it's called an agglot. It would get you to answer 30 questions or so.
Starting point is 00:08:34 And each one was in another page. And so you've been on this website for a half hour and then to get the results you would have to pay. And you're so... It's gonna be just proving that your IQ is low because you did have to pay. Oh, and you're so putt-cominated that for me. It's going to just proving that your IQ is low because you did all of that. Yes, exactly. So you had to go drive to a test.
Starting point is 00:08:53 Where was this? I got a lot of Universal Studios. Oh, yeah. By the way, Universal Studios is an unmappable location. Well, they give you a look. I know. It's like everything is just like 100 universal plaza. It's like, but it's a town really that goes around like 20.
Starting point is 00:09:10 It has a tough, soft office. Yeah, it does it inside. It does. So I finally find the place and I'm all stressed out and then I realize like, oh, I could have shown up here anytime. You go to a parking lot. Somebody comes down out of the building,
Starting point is 00:09:22 they give you a kit. Oh, this is the type you use. Is this the type this was an Oster one. It was an Oster one that you do yourself. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. That's so strange because I've done the Oster one that someone else did. And I wouldn't where it wasn't where it puts your brain. It wouldn't I wouldn't have done that to myself. No, you don't you don't go that far. Okay. You like you you push it until you feel like a decent resistance.
Starting point is 00:09:46 Push it real good. Oh, you push it real good. And what's the resistance coming from? The inside of your nose. They should pass that typically. In the one that Kool-Up and I got that was so horrible. Yeah. He goes, hey, this isn't going to be painful.
Starting point is 00:10:04 It's going to be uncomfortable. And I was like, well, what's the fucking difference? Yeah. It's, he goes, hey, this isn't gonna be painful, it's gonna be uncomfortable. And I was like, well, what's the fucking difference? Yeah. Like, there's a difference. Well, there's a difference. Well, I got my, I had a deviated septum. I was like in 2016, I got that nasal surgery. Because you couldn't go to England.
Starting point is 00:10:15 Yeah, because I was still bleeding like huge chunks. Hey guys. Yeah. And they had to put a little, like, he put a light up my eye. I mean, my eye, my nose, like a very thin thing, basically the size of a COVID test. Oh, oh, and it went up really easily in one and then he couldn't get it in at all in the other one.
Starting point is 00:10:35 Wow, completely close. Now that's deviated, baby. Yeah. And your shirt was. And now they're open. Your shirt was a light and it wasn't anything weird. It was a lighter camera. Oh, okay. What did you think it was? Is this? It was a thin and it wasn't anything weird it was a lighter camera what do you think it was this it was a thinnest covid test so so in this one
Starting point is 00:10:52 you you you did it yourself yes you got nags I got well I hand it back to them and then you have to get download this app oh and so when I when I got the results the day I got the results the next day. And it was hilarious how many steps I had to go through to get the results. First, they sent me a text saying, hey, we sent you an email. And I click on the email. Check out the email, dummy.
Starting point is 00:11:16 I could give the email and it says, we got your results. Click here. I clicked there and it says, well, welcome to the portal. Sign in. I sign in. Now we have your results. Click here. And the tension is mounting.
Starting point is 00:11:30 Yes. And then it was fine. And then, so then I go to work. Everyone's being very careful. They have like a ton of protocols in place. Everyone is masked and shielded. Like all of the crew, directors, everybody. The new thing I want to tell you about that I just learned
Starting point is 00:11:44 about is the shield from the neck up. It's a plastic. It's like a, directors, everybody. The new thing I want to tell you about that I just learned about is the shield from the neck up. It's a plastic, it's like a wall. That's where I get a checkup. One person had that. One person had that. You only got to check it from the neck up. Yeah. One person did have that.
Starting point is 00:11:55 That's not really better for like, if people are doing makeup or something because the droplets stay inside, the thing if they're looking down at you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. See, there was a person that had that but then they filled it with popcorn and they were just eating popcorn with it. I don't know, I don't know. Yeah, yeah, yeah. See, there was a person that had that, but then they filled it with popcorn, and they were just eating popcorn with it.
Starting point is 00:12:05 I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was. Actually, wasn't it Disney, Disneyland, I was there with Wild Horses, and we never stopped talking about it. There was this woman walking around with a popcorn bucket just attached to her face. She was just, like a dog with a peanut butter. She just like, no stuck at work.
Starting point is 00:12:18 I've talked with a peanut butter. I was thinking like a horse with one of those bags. Yes, she was in line for the honey mansion, just had it. She wasn't like trapped in it. Pumpkin, that's what I was thinking like a horse with one of those bags. Yes, she was in line for the honey mansion. She wasn't like trapped in it. Pumpkin. I just popped. I just popped into the popcorn. I hit him.
Starting point is 00:12:31 Pumpkin. She was eating a pumpkin. She was eating a whole rock pumpkin. She was just walking through the line with this popcorn attached to her face. Like, I'm wrong. I was like, was it like a handle on the back that she put over the back of her head? I can't remember how it stayed on. Just pure suction. Just pure popcorn vacuating suction.
Starting point is 00:12:51 Something about the way the size of it was perfect for her mouth. It's squalid. So get there the first day. I do a test. And it's all thought. I don't get the results till the next day. The second day, I'm there. So you have to get it the day before you go in each time. Every day, oh yes. Not the day before, the day off.
Starting point is 00:13:19 So before I got, it was a couple days before. By the way, that's one of L.A.'s famous helicopters traveling Not really I wish they'd leave us alone they're always trying to get the scoop on three no the past I wish the past would leave us alone the paps. I wish the paps would leave us alone. So then one time I was working on I'm going to keep interrupting. No, that's what the show is. I'm so touched to be interrupted again. I was working on this show Lucifer and we were shooting on a hotel. It was scary. It was scary.
Starting point is 00:14:01 And a drone, paparazzi drone flew up. I mean we're up 20 stories This little thing just came up and was like hanging around right here pictures of the satin everything is not creepy That's right. Who would they want to hear? I guess they care about the show Yeah, what if it wasn't really someone Getting money from the pictures. It's like someone. Yeah, what if it wasn't really someone getting, trying to get money from the pictures? It's like someone's creep.
Starting point is 00:14:27 Oh my God, what if it was the actual devil? He was like, what are they saying about me? Not in my name. It's the guy hot. Let me take a look. So second day, same as the first. Little bit louder and a little bit worse. We're shooting, we're shooting, we're shooting, we're almost done. We're almost done for the day.
Starting point is 00:14:49 And then we're between setups. They're turning around on this scene. And so I'm sitting in there. They have like a little room for the three cast members that are working that day. Me and two people. And you're in the same room. There's a little tiny room. We're sitting on top of each other.
Starting point is 00:15:05 It was bad. No, it's a small room, but there's, we're safe to part. I saw some sets have a partition between each person. You're in like a phone booth. We did not have that. But if the ventilation, I don't know. Anyway, I know. How do you know what's right?
Starting point is 00:15:19 So what we're masked between, the sooner you get the mask back on and everything. So the, one of the ADs comes in and says, Hey, uh, we're going to take like a 30 minute break. So you guys can go back to your trailers. And so I follow him out. And then he says to the hair makeup team, which are in their area. Hey, um, we're all going to, uh, vacate the set. We're all going to vacate the studio. We're all gonna vacate the studio.
Starting point is 00:15:45 We're just gonna walk outside. And I'm like, okay, this doesn't sound like a break. Wow, boy. And so they, they, I didn't want to, this, I just wanted to walk back, but they kept making me get in a van. And it's like a whole van where it's just one, it's just only one person can sit in it.
Starting point is 00:16:02 So it's me and the driver. And I'm like, it's not that far. I can walk, you know, I feel better if you took the driver. And I'm like, it's not that far, I can walk. And I feel better if you took the van. So I get in the van, none of them driving past, it's like fucking children of men. People are supposed to get wristbands
Starting point is 00:16:15 to denote their clear status. Right. And so I see the sign- I like Scientology. Somebody handing, yeah, exactly. So David Miscavige is handing out these wristbands. This is crazy this is crazy. There's his wife and it was like in the van Is she missing? I don't know idea. No, they found her She was fine
Starting point is 00:16:37 She was taking a nap in another room It was really spooky to see these people like getting these wristbands and, they were taking them off or they were getting them on. People were putting them on. The result had just been given. Yes, yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:16:53 And so I go back to the trailer, I'm sitting there for a little bit. And then, You trashed the trailer, of course. Fuck it. Every time. Every time. But it makes me mad because they don't say anything about it.
Starting point is 00:17:04 I go back to next day. I'm like, I don't have bad mouth. No, when you hire a Paul of Tompkins, he's always going to trash the trailer every time he goes in any Paul of Tompkins. I mean, I've really heard this about people and I find it to be the weirdest thing that people will trash the trailer. I've heard this about a couple very famous people. Really?
Starting point is 00:17:20 I heard it about one very famous person and actually I know someone who got in a lot of trouble for talking about it, so I really don't wanna say. Whoa. But this person left her monthly coupers all around not even getting. What? All over the trailer. Like just lying around?
Starting point is 00:17:38 Like just like if she'd been there a couple days and used the tampons and then didn't dispose of them properly. Well, I mean. Was there a trash can in the trailer? Yeah, and also if there was it, I think you would figure out a way to not leave them lying around. Yeah, it's disgusting. Interesting. Okay, I gotta hear that name afterwards. Yes.
Starting point is 00:17:55 So, uh, then the, it was me. I'm like, a list. So the base camp, PA comes to me and says, hey, you're up for the day. And we're going to, we'll finish this tomorrow. Can you come in tomorrow morning? And I was like, I guess, uh, and also, why are they giving the results in the middle of the day? It feels like that's the kind of info you want before you're- I think they get them as soon as they can get them. They use three different services.
Starting point is 00:18:30 So they can- Three different services. So they can be testing all the time. Wow, that was a good idea. That was a good idea. Three different services. Oh my god. Ready, hold on.
Starting point is 00:18:42 Here we go, ready, three, two, one. Three different services! Wait, boom! Hold on. Oh, three, two, one. Three different services. Wait, boom. Oh, I gotta turn it up. Three, two, one. Three different services. Three, two, one. Three different services.
Starting point is 00:18:55 More than. Oh, that's it? We're not gonna come into the whole thing? Nope, I'm turned it down. All right. All right. Our first edit. Um, so, uh, I, it turns out it was one of the,
Starting point is 00:19:10 one of the camera operators. So that got a positive test. So that unit that, like it was B camera. So all the people, anyone who's been working with. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Although technically all the actors have been working with. Well, yeah, but not quite as closely as like these are right people that are sitting in a clump
Starting point is 00:19:28 all day. Yeah, the clumps, the clumps, it was the clumps. I didn't want to say names, but it was the whole. No, of course, I knew it. They're so nutty. So, so then I went back in. So then the schedule was changing every like a couple of hours like when they were going to bring me in. I thought I was going to have to go in in the morning yesterday, then it was like maybe in the late in the afternoon, then they had me come in and got two tests from two different services. One where I administered the test myself, one where somebody else administered it. The same test. And they're in competition with each other.
Starting point is 00:20:09 Yeah, it doesn't matter. Yeah, and guess what, I do it better. So I get the results. The one test was a rapid test that I got the results within a half hour. They say, okay, we got your results. And then they bring me over to the trailer where they're doing it.
Starting point is 00:20:25 Why don't they just show it negative? Exactly. Who gives a who gives a fuck? But it's like maybe because then if you're in trouble and you do a positive, you want the same treatment for everyone so that it's not clear. They can't, I legally, they can't give away your medical results.
Starting point is 00:20:39 But here's what they do. They can give it away to me. Here's what you do. This nurse comes to the door and she says, okay, we got your results back. She's holding an envelope. And you're alone. Yeah, was it well, there was a facecam. Is she um, hooking up with ladies in the new series? I saw some sort of trailer probably. I'm not watching the first one. I'll tell you all about it. Okay. What's a, what's a, what's a show called? Ratchet.
Starting point is 00:21:06 Ratchet. Yeah. Like Ratchet. But Ratchet. Her name is Ratchet. Yeah. Are those Ratchet? No.
Starting point is 00:21:14 Oh, I'm alive. You're the Ratchet. You're the Ratchet. You're the Ratchet. But I'm the thing of Pat and Oswald. I'm always thinking of Pat and Oswald. Oh, Pat and. Pat and two up to now.
Starting point is 00:21:24 Pat and two. So. Do people over? Who's pretty good. Patent. Patent. What are you up to now? Patent to eat. So do people over say that? That's pretty good. I mean. Patent to eat? So the zers come to the door. Patent to eat. She says we have your results.
Starting point is 00:21:32 And I say, okay. And then she goes, will you join me over here? And then I go over, I go over to this area that they've blocked off for a result's giving where there's two, two like taped marks, like a little square that I stand in and she stands in and that she opens it up like, why are we at a show? This is like a mori.
Starting point is 00:21:52 This is so weird. It's like a mori and you are negative. I knew it, I knew it, fuck you. Oh, my God. Shh. So dancing around. But why, they can't keep doing this to people you can't make them Sweat some ways of time anyway. Yes, yes, we don't leave this room that we're untogether So so far no COVID for me good for you
Starting point is 00:22:18 That's good none for me so far as far as I know although I do none for me. Thank you I was gonna say be polite so I. I was telling you guys beforehand that I suspect that maybe I had it in February before anyone knew what was going on but I don't know. I feel like I know I do think it's more rare here to have had it right like I that. I thought in California that it, they suspect a ton of people had it. I have had it. I have had it. No, it's not. I have had it.
Starting point is 00:22:49 I have had it. I have had it. I have had it. I have had it. I have had it. I have had it. I have had it. I have had it.
Starting point is 00:22:57 I have had it. I have had it. Right. I feel like that. I thought in California that it, they suspect a ton of people had it. I have had it. I have had it. I have had it. I have had it. I have had it. I have had it. I have had it. I have had it. I have had it. I have had it. I have had it. I have had it. I have had it. I have had it. I have had it. I have had it. I have had it. I have had it. I have had it.
Starting point is 00:22:58 I have had it. I have had it. I have had it. I have had it. I have had it. I have had it. I have had it. I have had it. I have had it. I have had it. I have had it. I have had it. I have had it. I have had it. I have had it. I have had it. I have had it. I have had it. I have had it. I have had it. I have had it. I the most sickness that everyone was just kind of like, well, we think it's strap or something. Yeah, I remember that. Anyway, so I don't know. Maybe I have the antibodies, but who knows? Well, they're probably gone by now, sorry to say.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, we are, by the way, we're recording, oh yeah, we mentioned it here. It's not your one beauty. Little women reference. What? When she cuts her hair.
Starting point is 00:23:22 Is it from just all of them, or the new one specifically? Or the recent one. I think it's in the book. I read the book. When she cuts her hair? Is it this is from just all of them or the reason why I think it's in the book I When she cuts their hair they call they call her hair her one beauty Oh, she looks like they have her she cuts it. I mean according to don't all women. Yeah, your hair better be down to you But I don't watch the new little women, but I would like to and I'm home alone this weekend So it feels like the perfect time to. Well, where's my going?
Starting point is 00:23:48 This is awesome. Oh, he's out. Well, I guess I'm also invested. I mean, I feel, I guess it's weird with COVID that whatever you do anything, it can be so criticized. Yes. So I'll consider cutting this out, but his friend is alone at his parents' house in Vegas,
Starting point is 00:24:07 his best friend from LA. So they both got tested and they're hanging out at that house, which has a pool in his fun. Yeah, I think it's fine too, but sometimes people are really. If people are working on said, I think going and testing yourself and hanging out. Yeah. I think it's if you're taking precautions, there's nothing wrong with that. Yeah. I had to go take care of my parents last week and oh yeah, I was wondering where
Starting point is 00:24:29 you went. I got tested and you mean they got tested. Take care of them. Yes. Put them down. They won't be a problem anymore. They're on a farm somewhere. How did you do it? Because I really want to go home for the holidays, but I don't know how to make this possible. I feel nervous about it. Well, the issue for you is the plane, I would imagine, because you will have to... That is the big spark. See, he drove to Vegas and he just got tested,
Starting point is 00:24:53 waited a day. You'll have to fly to Chicago, quarantine, get tested after that. It feels like it'll be a whole month, if I really want to do it. And that just seems like, what the fuck am I doing? Exactly, yeah. It feels like it'll be a whole month. If I really want to do it. And that just seems like, what the fuck am I doing? Exactly, yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:08 It's so hard. We got tickets for Christmas. Because I've always wanted to see that. I've never seen Christmas. I got forever tickets to Christmas. I feel like I see it advertised everywhere. It's like I got a seat. I gotta see it.
Starting point is 00:25:24 So you're going to North Carolina. It's been spoiled for me. I'm a star. I'm a star. Carolina. Sorry. Well, we're keeping it open that if things still seem so bad, we won't go and we'll change the ticket or whatever. The tickets are cheap, right? I mean, they're cheap. But also they've, there's never been a direct flight from Los Angeles to Charleston before. Right. And they're finally offering one.
Starting point is 00:25:43 And Jamie really misses her mom. Yeah. And her mom finally offering one. And Janie really misses her mom. Yeah. And her mom's all alone down there. Oh, yeah. So yeah, we're kind of keeping our fingers crossed that we'll be able to do it. But yeah. We'll be, I mean, we want to be smart about it. Like, we don't want to just...
Starting point is 00:25:56 I know. It's so crazy. Yeah. It feels so hard. It's tough. But I think you can do it. I mean, it's... You downgraded from terrible to tough.
Starting point is 00:26:04 It's terrible. It's tough. I feel like you'll be... It's quite easier but I think I think you can do it. I mean, it's you downgraded from terrible to tough. It's tear. It's I feel Okay, I feel like it's easier in a sense the I mean, I wouldn't want my whole family to fly out here, but it's easier in warm weather because You can spend time outside like I can't socially distanced hang out with my family in the winter. Yeah in Chicago. Yeah, no, like before I'm Quarantine you'll have to you'll have to know that South Carolina you'll have to, you'll have to know that I'm South Carolina. Yeah, yeah, you'll have to know that all of you don't have it before yeah, I would feel so nervous. Yeah, but you know, it's only another two years. Oh, we don't want to make our first show back
Starting point is 00:26:39 a depressing state of the union on COVID here. Oh, I guess we should have had a meeting. Well, when does this even come out? COVID here. Oh, I guess we should have had a meeting. Well, when does this even come out? Because October. Oh, okay. Where do you think it'll be done by, if it were November?
Starting point is 00:26:52 This will be a fun retrospective. I think by the end of the episode. I just think, God, I would, that'd be so cool. They're like, it's got a little boy comes out. Extra action COVID gone. No, I'm just glad we're not too far in advance. Would they only shout extra extra when it was an extra edition? Or is it that just like now? Hey, there's a paper out.
Starting point is 00:27:12 Is that is that code? No, it's like they already printed it today, but then there's a good little extra edition. Well, they would do that in the afternoon. Well, if something happens in the news that people had to know about in the afternoons, it was always an extra edition. But I wonder if extra extra just now means like, hey, I have a paper. Up until what point were they doing that? Like printing a newspaper for an extra news that you needed to know.
Starting point is 00:27:38 That's an interesting March. Yeah, probably. And then COVID happened and they didn't print one for that. They were like, we didn't do one for this Okay, look we need to take a break. We'll be right back Did you guys see that video of Trump getting booed and vodeled him out? Oh my God. I watched it last night and I was in bed and I just like was going through Twitter and I
Starting point is 00:28:12 was smiling from ear to ear when I started cackling. Like a witch. It was honestly just beautiful. Yeah. And then he just had to stand there. I know. Take stand there and think about he's a coward. So you're not gonna voice that you're
Starting point is 00:28:27 against Trump right now, right? This is how I didn't know we were back. Are we back? Okay, I'll say it. Oh, we've been back. I'll say it. Oh, we stay back. I don't, I mean, I don't like his tone.
Starting point is 00:28:41 Yeah. Well, that's my biggest thing this whole time. But like, can he just change his tone? If he just were to change his tone. Yeah. Well, that's my biggest thing this whole time. But like, can he just change his tone? If he just were to change his tone. Because everyone would get on board. I wish he'd be more presidential. You know, everyone's in a while. He says the thing and it's like, now he really became president.
Starting point is 00:28:56 And then he does, he goes back to nothing president. And then every once in a while, he reads a speech. And he's like the president now. The voting, what is it? An election, that's what they call it. That's coming up and we want to encourage everyone to vote. But not if you're going to vote for stupid people. Look, voting, it's not, I'm not excited about it this time.
Starting point is 00:29:17 But where are you going to do it? Are you going to do it in person or are you mail-in? I think of your performances. I think. Yeah. You know, just phone them and you mail them and they take days to read the mail. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. The audience is like, what happened two days ago?
Starting point is 00:29:33 We saw the show. I'm gonna do the Malin ballot, but I'm probably gonna drop it off. That's what I'm gonna do. Oh, okay. Cause also, one thing I'm confused about is that I've already signed up for mail-in ballots. So I can't change that, right?
Starting point is 00:29:47 Are you like permanent mail-in? I don't know. You can change it. Yeah. Oh, okay. Because I just figured, well, rather than like messing up what I've already done, I'll just get that and go drop it off at the proper location, which I don't think you have mail-in in the mail.
Starting point is 00:30:00 I know. That feels not enough for me. I want to see it go into something that is like meant for that. There's also there's also a service. I think it's called ballot tracks where you can track your ballot. Oh yeah. Oh I think I did that once. Yeah. Yeah. Cool. Fun. Have you guys ballots going on a little adventure? Lauren, have you gotten a haircut since I got one haircut on my porch. Wow. And porch cut. Yes, and it was so... I could see that.
Starting point is 00:30:27 Yeah, you could see that. It was so necessary, because my hair had gotten really dry and very long and just like chunk. It was just gross. Yeah, it was like little house on the prairie. It was, and I cut off my one beauty. Have you guys? I get myself that one, which I debuted the day
Starting point is 00:30:46 that the three of us went to the Drive In Movie thing. That's right. Which we haven't talked about on this show. We haven't. We went to a Drive In movie on my birthday. We saw George. It was really fantasy, George. It was fantasy, George.
Starting point is 00:30:59 And then we were also going to see tremors, and then we all left. We all left, because it was tired. Because then we watched tremors at home. The problem with movies. The problem with movies in the summer We're also gonna see tremors and then we all left. We all left because it was tired. Because then we watched tremors at home. The problem with movies. Probably movies in the summer is that it doesn't get dark until a 30 or so or 8.45.
Starting point is 00:31:11 Yeah. And then after jobs, it's 10.45 and what are we supposed to do? Stay up another two at three hours. I just had a sanka and I was ready to go to bed. But I had the best time. It was so fun to go to a drive-in. And it felt like it was an occasion. I think I had never been time, it was so fun to go drive in. You would never been patient.
Starting point is 00:31:25 I think I had never been to a drive in. I guess would they not have a mincecago or do they have them? They probably have something, but I don't think I'd ever been to one. Maybe once, but Mike Deatt never had. Mike Deatt never had. Mike Deatt never had. Jayny Deatt had never been as well. It was so fun.
Starting point is 00:31:44 It was truly, especially because we had on the house in months, it felt like a vacation. Yes, we had to drive like 41 and it's a way. We drove 45 minutes. We sat in a big long line of cars. We parked two spaces away from each other. We texted each other constantly during the movie. That was fun.
Starting point is 00:32:00 That was fun. Cool out, mate. Peanut butter balls, which were fucking delicious. And we had a nice picture, which we could maybe put on the website. We got all of us with masks on. I printed it and put it in a frame. Oh, you're good at that. Now, where are you printing these pictures?
Starting point is 00:32:16 Do you have a home photo printer? He has a kinkos location in his house. I have a kinkos of Starbucks. You don't know you're from here. A talk about Express. So, wait, you have a kinkos of Starbucks. I don't even know if you're from the end. Talk about Express. So, wait, you have a photo printer? Yeah, I have photo paper and a printer that prints photos. I need to do this.
Starting point is 00:32:33 Yeah, that's fun. There's also this company that I heard about. Wait a minute. Kodak. About my haircut. Oh, let's talk about his haircut lore before you move on to your company. What about it? I got my first professional haircut since COVID on Friday.
Starting point is 00:32:48 Due to the person at the show. That work? Did it? No, I went to my regular stall all. Okay. And it was handled very well where they made you fill out a little thing before you went in and then to say you didn't have any symptoms or anything. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:09 This is crazy though because this is like when I went to the gun range and I one time went to a shooting range and I had to fill out a form that's that I'm not mentally ill and that I'm not on drugs. It's like, okay. Yeah. Yeah. Great. It's like the the custom things like, are you a terrorist? No. Yeah. It's like, okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Great.
Starting point is 00:33:25 It's like the custom saying, he's like, are you a terrorist? No. Yeah. And then when I was in there, I kept thinking about how simple that was. And then there are these young people who looked like they were way too young,
Starting point is 00:33:35 but I don't know if they lied or if they were just really young looking. And I was like, this is the most dangerous thing I've ever done to stand next to strangers, and we're all holding guns. I hate it. I hate it. It is insane that someone could just turn to you and go strangers, and we're all holding guns. I hate it. It is insane that someone could just turn to you and go,
Starting point is 00:33:47 oh, by the way. Yeah. And it was so scary I would never do it again. What T-shirt contest motherfucker? Pfft. Ha ha ha ha. It's terrifying. What an epic prank that was.
Starting point is 00:33:58 Hey, congratulations, you won. You did too much. What, what I win? What T-shirt contest motherfucker? That's from something, or just making them. It's an ice cube, so. What, what I win? When do you sure contest, motherfucker? Is that from something or just making them? It's an ice cube song. Oh, okay. It's like the skit before ice cube song. It's like the skit before ice cube song.
Starting point is 00:34:13 Talk about being shot. I think skit is being very generous. Well, that's what's so funny. It's a dialogue. That's what's so funny is in the 90s and early 2000s, they called everything a skit. Yeah. So you'd see that in the track listing, it was a skit.
Starting point is 00:34:28 I think generally people refer to us and I'll sketch as a skit. If you went back in time and say you had to relive your life over again, but you still had your memories from this life. Yes. Wow. Would you be able to handle it without
Starting point is 00:34:42 all of modern conveniences? I was talking about this very recently. I had a COVID dream. You know, I everyone's dreams have been crazy So I had a COVID dream. I had a COVID dream King But what's what's the song I was saying? I thought it's from the lead song. I thought it's from Willie Wonka. I got it from Gypsy.
Starting point is 00:35:11 Yeah, but when what's his name? Oh, yeah, yeah, he's saying go for it. Oh, yeah, yeah, the funny one. Yeah, what's his name? My goal, Farne Spurz, what was his name? Not Farne Spurz, but I'll look it up. He died, he died. Yeah, he was funny though.
Starting point is 00:35:21 He was funny. Anyway, hey gang, have fun with those references. Um, anyway, hey, hey gang have fun with those references. See if you can piece it all together. What the fuck? Where we got your mic? A Jeter. Not Derek Jeter. No, but they're both in the baseball Hall of Fame. You're clean. I had a dream, Lydia. I hit a home run. Lydia. Lauren is taking a break.
Starting point is 00:35:44 She's a break. She's eating a good out of bread. Because she cannot participate. I'm in the same. What were we talking about? We were for, you had a COVID dream. A COVID dream. I had a COVID dream where my consciousness traveled back to 2006.
Starting point is 00:36:01 OK. And so in the dream, I was like, this is great. I know that there's certain things that I, if I'm living my life from this point forward, this is great because it's not that long, it's not like going back to high school or something. It's like, it's a, it's a, a, a point of time where I've already met my wife, um, we're together. Um, So there's all this other stuff. You're in open marriage. I'll lay the groundwork for that. How many people do you think are in open marriages
Starting point is 00:36:31 that we know? I found out about two that I was very surprised about. During the COVID times? No, no. Do you mean how many future divorces are about that? Yeah. Just like friends that later I found out, oh, they were in open marriage.
Starting point is 00:36:44 I got to hear that. when they were in a marriage Oh, I know we might know one that's the same. Okay. We'll have to get all these names after the box. Yes. Go ahead And I I was so I was like in the dream I was mapping out like all the stuff you would redo in your life Yes, it's like okay, so these points I definitely want to do I would definitely want to do these things the same Oh my god, but other things are like mistakes I made or wrong decisions or whatever that I can correct. You get in early on that Star Wars podcast before. Ha!
Starting point is 00:37:14 Dude, if only you were in on that. Oh man. But I have a question with that concept. I mean, in your dream, I don't know what the rules were or whatever, but do you believe, like in your mind, like I feel like one thing that stops me from feeling really bad about things that I regret is that the other things wouldn't have happened
Starting point is 00:37:33 if I didn't do those things. Right, yeah. I think you'd have that sometimes. You'd have to really sit and think like, okay, what were the repercussions of this? Did anything good come out of this? Was it just like sort of a push in my life? Or, yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:37:49 Like, I thought, okay, if I approached this differently, maybe the show would have lasted longer. And now that I know what the notes were about this, I could change it. When I think about, I always think like, okay, I'll work harder because all of the stuff that I wasted my time with, I've already wasted my time with it, I've read the books or I've,
Starting point is 00:38:10 you know, so I did it hours. So I did, or even just like in my spare time, like hobbies and stuff, I already did. But then I think like, how many times do you reread books and stuff like that? I probably just waste the same amount of time. I feel like I would waste all this, I mean, I think I have this thought during this time where we have, you know, there's this
Starting point is 00:38:28 assumption that you have a lot of free time, which I don't really feel is accurate. I feel very much like my free time is, I'm barely relaxed. I'm not like, it's on vacation. I'm like mentally stressed. It's not really free time because you're constantly managing your anxiety. Yeah. About getting a horrible virus. Yes.
Starting point is 00:38:47 There's all these things that like we just moved here about a year ago and it's like I put these things to unpack. I'm like when I have time I'll do this and it's like well maybe you're never going to get to it. Yeah. Because like if you have an during COVID, at the same time yeah you're like constantly trying to figure out just the world and it doesn't help that it's happening
Starting point is 00:39:08 during an election year that we're focused on. And then all the horrible things happening in the world, and then you have all the stress of that. Oh, the horrible things are going to happen in the world. But then I think our business also really expects you to keep going in this weird way, which this is all unprecedented. So it's whatever, but there's so much self-motivating that you're supposed to do anyway. But then people are kind of going like, where is that thing? Why are you doing it?
Starting point is 00:39:30 And then there's this pressure. And I feel like it's really bad for all of us. I think it's really bad. I like it when you watch a TV show and Billy Joel's pressure comes on because then you know the main characters under a lot of pressure. I think I know exactly what you're talking about. I guess. Okay, so back to my original question. If you had to go back. the main characters under a lot of pressure. Yeah. I think I know exactly what you're talking about. Yes. Okay, so back to my original question. If you had to go back. B-T-R-O-Q?
Starting point is 00:39:49 Yeah. Oh my god. You had to go back to this beginning of your life. What would you get the most frustrated with in terms of like technology? So like what do you or my life have? Not having a beteen. All the ones that you've already lived in.
Starting point is 00:40:02 Oh, so it's like I, but I, but, But you retain your memories. So I, it's the 90s, but I know that I'll eventually have a bed. All the ones that you've already lived in. Oh, so it's like, but I, but you retain your memories. So it's the 90s, but I know that I eventually have a phone. You're trying to say you were born in the 90s? No, but I'm saying if I wasn't cognizant in my life before that. I just wondered if you had like a recent, because I've known people who have revised their ages.
Starting point is 00:40:19 No, oh my God. And birthday years, say. I know people like that too, drives me nuts. But I, no, I, but I'm saying, in the 80s, I was like a little kid. So I wasn't aware of what I did or did not have. But I'm saying,
Starting point is 00:40:32 no, but you would now, like you have your memories from, but having your adult brain, and being a little kid would be such a fucking drag. The basis of some science fiction, actually the current X-Men comics, this is a subplot in it. So wait, my question is,
Starting point is 00:40:46 if it's the, let's say I'm 10, and so I'm aware what I'm watching TV that I could be on my phone and watching TV. Yes. This is what I'm getting at. Ah! Would it just drive you insane to have to watch TV first of all in the 90s?
Starting point is 00:41:01 Let me tell you something. With really small TVs, you know. When the internet was coming, when chat rooms in AOL were a thing I was in like, I was like 12. And so it became a huge obsession. And my brother and I were constantly sneaking to go online, which we, we had like stolen my uncles, internet information. So somehow we were routing it through our house.
Starting point is 00:41:23 I don't know how my brother did it, honestly. We were kids. And we were online and we ended up charging a huge bill to my uncle. But we didn't find out until later and we got in trouble. But we would just go in his room, lock the door and just go online for hours in the phone bit. Be well. And if my mom picked up, she, they didn't understand. We truly was like, we were getting away with something and we were so obsessed and if I couldn't be on, it was stressful. Like if we are going, once we were so obsessed and if I couldn't be on it Was stressful like if we are going once we go to a friend's house and they had it. Oh, we're gonna go on
Starting point is 00:41:48 Yeah, so it's like this huge obsession and I think the second I had that I wanted it all the time So I do think if I knew I could be on it It's but but now so so now if you were to go back into the 90s and still keep your consciousness Then you would first, then you would, first of all, the internet wouldn't be interesting because it would be so slow compared to what you're used to. Right. You wouldn't be like, I'm just gonna wait until it catches up.
Starting point is 00:42:13 I think about when iPhones were first invented 10 or so years, 12 years ago or so, how slow they were then and how clunky they were. It would just be so frustrating. But it seemed amazing. It was amazing. I wondered if, I wondered though, also, I wonder if it was like $800 or something. All the stuff that was on TV back then. Now there are a mere thousand more.
Starting point is 00:42:33 I know, I was gonna say wait, there's still that much money. But all the stuff that was on TV back then, you're not interested in it anymore. So you wouldn't rewatch it, so you would spend your time. Oh, God, I'd be bored out of my fucking head. But you would spend your time doing interesting things, like, I'd be bored out of my fucking head. But you would spend your time doing interesting things, like do it like, I don't know, writing or traveling or do, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:42:51 Like you wouldn't be so proxical. But also, wouldn't you have to fucking hide your adulthood? Like you, you have to, it's too hard with what. Like, masquerade as a little, no, this is a clot in the X-Men. Okay, X-Men, Jesus. Well, really, I want to come down. I'm gonna fucking a Chris Qu the X-Men. Okay, X-Men, Jesus. Well, really, I want to come down. I'm gonna put a secret in my mouth over here. Here's my pitch on this question.
Starting point is 00:43:11 Okay. Let's say you go back in time, like it's like back to the future, and you're on, you have your, so we're going by the end time. You're basically an adult in a different era. So you know all this shit. Like I think he was completely stressed by era. Right. So you know all this shit. Like I think he was completely stressed by that. Right.
Starting point is 00:43:27 Well, see, I think Marty McFly, in my opinion, when he went back to the 50s, I don't know that that much was different from the 80s to the 50s other than like he couldn't get a Pepsi free. He didn't have to pay for it. Um, no. Didn't he ask for a tab before? Yes, for a tab. You got to order something if you want to.
Starting point is 00:43:47 By the way, no one was drinking tab by that point. My mom's drinking tab, my entire childhood. To be in that movie and then it was out of business within a year. Right. Tab was huge in my house. Was it really? Yes.
Starting point is 00:44:00 Interesting. I remember it from when I was a little kid, but then I remember when it was forced to go away because of no my mom's a tab forever whatever was in it and then switched to Diet Coke, but I think my dad was talking about how nostalgia is sort of it's a trap in a way because you feel very like when you grow to get old you feel nostalgic to where to the way things were When you were young like how little traffic there was compared to the oil or how less building. But you didn't know at the time what it was.
Starting point is 00:44:30 You couldn't enjoy it. But if you went back there now, would it be like wonderful of like, oh wow, look, there's no traffic. Like the parts of it would be so cool, but then the other parts of just like. I do think, like if you tried to force enjoyment of things now, like this amount of traffic,
Starting point is 00:44:49 if it gets better than this, I won't like it, but this is fine. When COVID first started though, remember driving around, it was beautiful. It was like we're in one spot at Simon Hollywood. And now it's not back up to the normal levels, which, no, it's still good. Which is still good, but it wasn't like back then
Starting point is 00:45:06 where you could get anywhere in 10 minutes. Do you think that there's gonna be a lot less traffic in the future as people start to do more things from home? I hope so. I mean, so do, yeah. LA is not back to the levels at once was, and I think like there's kind of no, I've always wondered why everyone kept all these offices,
Starting point is 00:45:23 and it's purely because like when I worked at DreamWorks animation, they would schedule you every hour to have a meeting because they were paying you. They wanted you to have meetings, and they were always a waste of time. And every hour you had to have something on the books. And so it would be like, okay, we're gonna have a meeting with the storyboardist.
Starting point is 00:45:43 And it would be like, well, why? We don't need anything. It was like, well, we're gonna have a meeting with the storyboardist. And it would be like, well, what are, why? We don't need anything. It was like, well, we just need to schedule you for something. That sucks. But that's the trap of like everyone having these offices. I think people can work, you know, smarter from home. Anyway, we need to take a break. Oh.
Starting point is 00:46:00 You guys both went to boredom town where you were fiddling with your stuff while I was talking. Well, you're the mayor. I was bored. All right, we'll be right back. I wasn't bored. I was just disinterested. I know.
Starting point is 00:46:14 We're back. And the third act of our show is when we always go to a feature or what we call a feature. And that is where one of us brings in a fun little game for us to play. We always do this. We always do it. We always do it. We can't stop.
Starting point is 00:46:39 What's with us? And we have a problem. We want to acknowledge our producer Josh, who helped us out with the list. Hello Josh. Hello Josh. This is your official acknowledgement. And so this is one called away. Oh wait, wait, wait.
Starting point is 00:46:53 Yeah. Should we do an in-memorium for Kevin? For Kevin, yeah, Kevin. Oh my God. Give me up, baby, I know. Sheavin. Is this a song that Sarah McLaughlin sings about dead puppies? Yeah. He's a dog, right? I was saying Sheavin, because you're supposed to picture a picture of Kevin with the chef, Kevin apron on.
Starting point is 00:47:12 Yes, right. Sheavin. So I just said that over the song. That was part of the montage. Sheavin. Sheavin. So you just, Kevin. I hope if he does get into an in-memory, I mean, I hope there will be one for podcasts
Starting point is 00:47:22 by the time I was saying the other day when we were watching the Emmys I was I legitimately seriously said I gotta get in this montage. You look I do feel that if I'm not in there I do feel if I'm not in a memoriam I think it's fucked up because how much you have to do in this world. What do you gotta do I do. What do you have to do? What do you have to do to be to get in there. What do I gotta do to get in that dead person's montage? I loved the cover on the in-memorium of what song is it? Oh, her did nothing compares to you.
Starting point is 00:47:51 Yes, it's so beautiful. It was beautiful. I don't think it's unspotted. I wish you would put it out. Check that out. Check out if you can watch it on YouTube. Her, which is H period, E period, R period. Definitely what I got out of that loving montage of people
Starting point is 00:48:04 who have passed away. I wish you would put that song out. I really wish you put on to gratify. I got to get in the montage. That's my takeaway. I thought the before then. I thought the montage was actually more moving than many I've seen. I enjoyed this year's Emmy. And the Emmy is overall I thought were really good. I enjoyed them. Although that was really fun. I had a great night. Honestly, I was so happy. I just like, you know what? Not winning was a damper. Oh, right. I enjoyed it. Likewise. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:28 Where you projected not win. Oh, oh, right. Rick and Morty won best animated program. Yeah. Yeah. I of course was not nominated. Last chance. You blew it everyone. That was a chance. You're doing a guest spot right now. Oh, let's be realistic. Um, I, uh. I was so happy that Catherine O'Hara and Eugene Levy won.
Starting point is 00:48:53 That was really fun with the whole shit's Creek. I mean, I'm happy about, I'm glad for the whole sweep. I'm very happy for those people, but those two because they meant so much to me since I was a kid. I agree, they're so amazing. And that was her first Emmy, which is crazy. It was was a hit too. No. Yeah. Yeah. Really? They won I think they won writing Emmys for SCTV one year. Okay. Well when they were doing those 90 minute show Toronto Emmys.
Starting point is 00:49:17 What are those called pieces of shit? Remember what there is the Baftees of course. There's some awards. Oh, are is the BAFTAs, of course. There's some awards ceremony there. Oh, are they genies? I can't remember. I think it's genie. We got to play this feature. OK, this is called. So many fans are going.
Starting point is 00:49:33 Paul died. We can hear a member. Josh got acknowledged, not me. This is called 1-3-5. Oh, my God, I'm already confused. OK, wait, slow down. It's mad. Three people. That's how many already confused. Okay, wait, slow down. It's mad. Three people. That's how many we are. Okay, nine, nine. Three people improvise a conversational scene, but one person is allowed one word per response. One person must use three words and one person
Starting point is 00:49:59 must use five words in response. Who wants to use one? Who wants to use three? Who wants to use five? I'll let you guys pick. I want three. You want three? I'll take one. I'll take five. Who asks what? Who asked what? So it's just we do a scene. It's just a conversation. Okay. But you can only say three words. Who asks what? You can only say three words each time, Paul. You can only say one word. I have to say five words. Okay. Hi. Hi guys, what's going on? You look great. Thanks. I feel great as well. Good.
Starting point is 00:50:33 I am hungry. Really? Well, why don't you eat? Because I can't. Why? What happened to you, Lauren? My surgery tomorrow. Oof.
Starting point is 00:50:47 I forgot about your... Ugh! Surgery. Ha ha ha ha! My butt surgery. Wow. Getting a new hole, huh? Ha ha ha ha!
Starting point is 00:51:04 Uh... Gotta have three. Ha ha ha ha! Huh Gotta have three Sure like a lot of Right Totally don't finish piercings is what I'm saying Agreed okay, let's play Sure, yes, let's play. Sure. Yes, let's play our game. Cards for everyone.
Starting point is 00:51:32 Thanks. I love playing GoFish. Forz? None, GoFish. You have to draw those. Oh! You don't get it? No.
Starting point is 00:51:50 Should I fucked up? Should I fucked up is four. You don't get it? You don't get it. That's three. That's four. You? You don't get it.
Starting point is 00:52:01 Oh, you fucked up. You're out, you're out. Jesus! He's out. A new rule that we just got. Yeah, well fucked up. You're out, you're out. You're out. Jesus, who's out? A new rule that we just got. Well, that's something has to happen, okay? Okay, so now you and me. Right.
Starting point is 00:52:12 Paul, where are you going? Home. I wish I could go. Yeah. I have no home. What? I wasn't done. I feel like Paul should be saying three words because it's hard to fuck up well. Oh no, we keep it up.
Starting point is 00:52:32 Okay fine, I'm fine. Alright, it is hard to fuck up one. Alright, you want to switch to three? Three, three, three, three words. Start it up. Oh, I'm the engineer now. Yeah. Oh god, and now engineer now. Yeah. Oh god, and now I gotta press this.
Starting point is 00:52:48 All right, and ready? Three words! Three words! Three words! Three words! Well, but it should be, I think we should do it again. I mean, we should feel one word. Three words! Three words! Well, what it should be, I think we should do together, and then we should go one word, three words, five words, and that's the game.
Starting point is 00:53:11 And that's the jingle for any kind of play this game. Yes. Okay, so you're switching it? No! All right. Just trying to play that again, I already turned down the level. I'm sorry. Yes, I am.
Starting point is 00:53:26 Why can't I go there? It's not safe. What's going on there? Now, real bad things. Seeing this very fascinating. Hahaha. Did something happen over there? Oh, yes, baby.
Starting point is 00:53:50 Tell me everything, Paul Tompkins. Oh my God. It's Paul F. Tell me, Paul F, Tompkins. Okay, you ready? I think so. Okay, go. Tompkins. Okay, you ready? I think so. Okay, go. This is bad.
Starting point is 00:54:09 I'm ready whenever you are. Hurt of murder. I think I read somewhere. It happened there. At your house over there? Murder did, yes. You murdered someone or the... No, I didn't.
Starting point is 00:54:44 So the alternative then is... I'm afraid so. Janie got murdered the... The time. Okay, I'm out of it. Your fucked up. All right, let's... Well, I won! Kids won't. Let's play again. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Three, two, one. One word! [♪ OUTRO MUSIC PLAYING [♪ [♪ OUTRO MUSIC PLAYING [♪
Starting point is 00:55:49 Because he can't. He can't want to say it. Just do that. What? Scott, what did you do? Nothing. Nothing? Come on.
Starting point is 00:55:59 Tell the truth. Tell me. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Just do that Scott what did you do? Nothing Nothing come on tell the truth tell me something In the way she moves
Starting point is 00:56:17 Attracts Seriously Scott Seriously, what Tell Paul everything. Please, Scott, I'd like that. Guilty. Wow. So you admit it. Paul, you know.
Starting point is 00:56:42 I had my suspicions, okay? Your suspicions, okay? Your suspic confession? Religion. No priest for you. You need religion. Scott. That was close. Disbelief. You don't believe in anything.
Starting point is 00:57:21 Agnostic. Oh, one of those. Speak more words. Me? Or Scott. Are you... Talking to Scott. Oh. Thought you meant me. Nope. I'm talking. Monosalabic. Why did you save that? Me! Monosalabic? No, you're not. That's not monosalabic, John. Cheated.
Starting point is 00:57:58 Every word cheated. More crimes with this guy. Sorry! Sorry, don't feed the bulldog. Are you who? Whoa. Hahaha. Friends.
Starting point is 00:58:15 Hahaha. Hahaha. Hahaha. Dying. What? Lauren. Call an ambulance. Stucker!
Starting point is 00:58:25 Phone doesn't work. Oops. Well, Scott, you're dead. Good night. Ugh. Ew. Did you hear that? Did he die?
Starting point is 00:58:39 He died and... Ugh. Noise? So he's out. He took himself out, yes. No big deal. Awakened. He's back and worse now. He said awaken.
Starting point is 00:58:58 Dedicate. Oh, I'm out. Ah. Ah. Well, that was nuts, huh? Now just us. I know. How are you?
Starting point is 00:59:11 I'm okay, Sorda. What's wrong? Tell me now. Sleeping so rough. Why bad dreams or something? What else? We're... Oh, uh, bad food reaction? No, not food. We're counting us.
Starting point is 00:59:38 Did I do it on- Oh, uh, bad food reaction? Why not? Okay, all right. So, A bad food reaction. Why not? Okay. So a bad food reaction. Oh. Oh, bad food reaction.
Starting point is 00:59:52 Where's your wife? She was murdered, I guess. Jani was that. Okay, you are fucked up No, I'm not excuse me. Oh Excuse me. No, she was that was she was out of character. Mm-hmm Lauren, I don't want to Just say whatever I don't want to fight. I'm not fighting.
Starting point is 01:00:29 Then who is because? It feels tense. That was enough. That was enough. I don't think we shouldn't be able to just cut off in the middle of a sentence if we misjudged it and trail off. Yeah, that doesn't, that's not a good, that's not a good, that you can't sell it with acting, you don't think?
Starting point is 01:00:50 I mean, you're selling it. You're one of America's greatest actors. I feel like we need to do it where it's very much you finish your whole sentence. Okay, then I'm out. Lauren won. Okay, great. Congratulations Lauren. Wow, that really worked out.
Starting point is 01:01:04 You lost the first one. You came back. You got Vic payback. I was awake. I was a Wagon. Vic payback, dinghy. Great. Well, that was fun. That was a great game. That was one of our best. Now, it's a first game with a theme song. That's right. That's right. Wow, it really is. We have to wrap it up. Guys, thank you so much for listening to us again. We're so happy to be back. Yeah, we have to be back. We're gonna be back every week for the next foreseeable weeks for a long time.
Starting point is 01:01:37 Yeah. So look out at the weeks. How many can you see? Do you see them stretching in the horizon? That's how many weeks we're gonna be back for? Love that. Listen to us again, subscribe. Tell your friends.
Starting point is 01:01:49 Tell your friends we're on Twitter. We was a five star review. That's freedom USA. That's right. And send us ideas for preachers if you didn't like this one. And hashtag it. And if you didn't like this one, tell us why you liked it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:03 Yes, positive comments only. Alright, we'll see you on the next episode. Okay. Bye. Bye. You

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