Threedom - Threevisiting: You Rude Queen

Episode Date: July 18, 2023

Threevisiting on the Tues: Scott, Paul and Lauren discuss ridiculous rumors, naps and play The Initial Game. Follow us on social media @threedomusa. Send Threetures and emails to Leave us a voicemail at 424-252-4678 (HAG-CLAIMS-8).

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Starting point is 00:00:00 3-0! 3-0! Let that chicken in. It's on the house, Ben. 3-0! Mo! Yeah! It's freedom time.
Starting point is 00:00:18 My name is Lauren. My name is Paul. My name is Scott. It's something else. My name is Paul. My name is Paul. My name is, uh, it's got, it's something else. My name is, my name is, uh, my name is, uh, I have a question that I remembered what it was. Well, I have an issue and I can't wait to get to it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:00:33 Do you remember when bottled water became a thing? Yes, I do. Because I was thinking about this and I was like, I remember it being fancy. Like there was avion and then I remember now everybody has it. You were older than me, so what was that experience when bottled water was like, hey, now you need this and you have to buy it?
Starting point is 00:00:52 The first thing that happened was perier. And that was a big punchline, even though it was sparkling water. Like, what are you gonna say, then perier? So it's like acting like you're all special. Yeah, it's water like you're a special. Yeah, it's like it's water, you're buying water. Yeah. But it was because the idea was it was designer water.
Starting point is 00:01:12 Then when bottler water came out, it was, because I was starting stand up at that time. Like late 80s, it was a huge punchline. Yeah, everybody had a bottled water bit about how ridiculous it was. And then it became a thing. They should have listened to you guys. Well, now what's your own meaning in this stuff?
Starting point is 00:01:31 Yeah, they turned out to be a terrible idea. Well, at the time, there was a lot of problems with fucking water. And just how, but where they just, wait, what were the problems? What? It depends on this city. It depends where you're at.
Starting point is 00:01:43 It's a red in article about how in Los Angeles, there is a campaign to try to teach the citizens, especially people in lower income areas, that the water here is actually safe from the taps, and it's not going to kill you, because people are spending a lot of money going out and getting bottled water that they don't need when in LA. It's like, it's fine. It's not like maybe the country that you came here from where the water is not safe. The water here is safe and you don't have to
Starting point is 00:02:14 spend all your money on bottled water. Although when I moved here, I was told, you know, the water is not good to drink. Really? I thought that too, because I was so in Chicago, it's good. And in New York, it was supposedly really good. I know. And then when I moved to LA, it was like, ew, I don't want to drink this water. But it was just like some sort of preconceived news. It's in my head though. Now we're like, say if I drink too much tonight before, and I'll wake up with like, oh, I need some water. I'll go, I don't want to go all the way upstairs to our big, you know, we have the dispenser thing, you know, I don't want to go all the way upstairs.
Starting point is 00:02:51 And I have to think to myself, there's a bathroom right next to you. It just like go drink some water. Yeah, and so it's fine, it's fine to drink. It's what I think it used to be bad. And I think that they've improved it. What do you think they were just trying to cash in? Like these companies were like,
Starting point is 00:03:07 cash in now, baby. And that's so fancy and only rich people have. That was my perception. And that then, oh, if we make these other brands cheaper, then other people will buy water too. And it'll be less of a clasting. Yeah, now so many people buy water
Starting point is 00:03:22 that it's weird to drink it out of the tap. Yeah. When I saw, I mean, and this could be fake, but I saw on that pen and teller show bullshit. They were, they were, they were, Bull sounds like you're saying. I'm sorry, but bull crap. Thank you. They were showing that most companies just like, go out of a hose and just like,
Starting point is 00:03:41 what? What? Pour it into, pour it into the bottles. I really resent like having to buy a bottle like in the airport or places where it just feels like you have. But see I always carry a collapsible water bottle. Oh, collapsible. Cause my problem is I carry these big ones,
Starting point is 00:03:58 but then like if I have it, I carry these big ones. When I do not, when I carry this, in my bag, it's annoying. You have ruined it. We ruined it. We tracked away what makes you you and we've gotten to the great war.
Starting point is 00:04:15 We got to the essence of what actually is you. At the airport, my body is made up of like 70 75% water So I just come myself open and just and just drink from my 90 really you can hear me when I walk in your water But I but you when you fill up at the airport your that's tap water No, but they have those machines sometimes the airport where it's like a watery fill machine But not every airport has that I also know every airport should But I've done it from the, oh man, when you try to do it from the fucking water fountain.
Starting point is 00:04:47 Oh boy. It drives me crazy. Especially if there's two side by side. And then you're trying to pull up your, oh yeah. You're gonna feel horrible. The person next to you takes a drink and then your water pressure goes down.
Starting point is 00:04:58 Yeah, and then you like, oh, there's and it blows up in their face. I wrote a, I got you a thing when I was in fifth grade, I think, where we all, it was a school project, where we all had to write. Your big modest, infinite chest. Yes, I wrote infinite chest in the fifth grade. No, we had to write a letter to the principal about something.
Starting point is 00:05:19 And I think that was just anything. What it was, I can't. Demand. Or, I mean, I'm like a ransom note that we found anything what it was. I can't demand more. I'm like a ransom note that we got out of the newspaper. But I don't remember why we had to write this, but I do remember writing mine about the drinking fountains and how they should be fixed that when someone turns on the other one, yours goes down so low that you can't you can't drink out of
Starting point is 00:05:44 it anymore. I remember the principal calling me into his office to explain why that was the case and how it could not be fixed. And I was just like, oh, okay, cool. I mean, yeah, you didn't care for real. Did he close it out with, so we good now? Yes, so we good.
Starting point is 00:06:00 You got me more issues? You got my back? Jackson? Jackson! That was so cute. Did you see what Wikipedia was updated? Yes. Change it back. I don't like people joke changing my videos.
Starting point is 00:06:10 Here's what I do, and I'm gonna beg for this right now. My hands and knees. All right, daddy. Change my fucking Wikipedia picture. I had a nice one. Then someone took a really hideous one of me at a, at a comedy-baming show, and there's no lighting. It's like pitch black.
Starting point is 00:06:24 Someone did that to me. They took the worst picture that they could find that was here's and here's what I found out. It's got to be a picture that someone owns that you can say like this person trade it's like traceable back. It can't just be a random image, you know. Okay. So. Well, but I feel it's from like something like a photo shoot whether it's labeled who took it. I think that's that's fine. But would they took mine from like a South by Southwest like you know photographs there are no pictures from there. Yeah photographs that were like uploaded to the internet by the photographer herself, you know and The grossest picture and everyone who writes me all the time like change your Wikipedia page dude man horrible. You're looking at it No looking for mine. Oh, it's so close to horrible.
Starting point is 00:07:06 See what mine is. I finally got mine changed because we finally like- Yours is nice, no, I need a good one, this is unfair. And yours is nice, no. And it's a big game, so it was a nice one there, there was a lot of, then there was an epic battle where people were changing what it said and saying that I was a mermaid, that was fine, and then-
Starting point is 00:07:20 Mine got changed, you're a really good one. That's really good. Look at that. That's from a super ego show. A water time. I have a baller, thank you. Thank you. You're a really good one. That's really good. Look at that. That's from a super ego show. A water time. I have a boner for my penis. Thank you, boner times.
Starting point is 00:07:28 I have a boner for my penis. Thank you, boner time. We're backstitch. Oh, with my penis. I have a boner for my penis. I have a boner for my penis. This is so hot. My picture used to be neon.
Starting point is 00:07:37 My penis is giving me a boner right now. I just saw a picture of my penis. I saw a picture of my penis. It's giving me a boner. That's pretty cool, man. My Wikipedia picture used to be me on stage, and in the background, there are bottles of water on the stage, because there was like a bunch of purplish water. Water party.
Starting point is 00:07:57 It was a water party. And someone I once tweeted about. That is just a reference to something we were talking about. So that's not a reference to a previous. I water from a little store and the lady would say water part. Yes. Anyway, anyone who worked by the counter when we would buy a bunch of bottled waters for a rehearsal, uh, the person behind the counter say, Oh, water party. And then one time, one time I went there and a guy did it so perfunctory.
Starting point is 00:08:23 Like, I like he had to say it's like water party. Exactly. Like it was a rule of the story. We don't need to say water party. Water party. Oh, water party. Water party. It's interesting when you talk to someone who's been
Starting point is 00:08:34 and not to interrupt your momentum. That's what we dream here. But talking to someone who has is dealing with the same, I was about to investigate someone. Dealing with the same people in the same industry as you and seeing if they act exactly like the way they act around you. And the, I just had a conversation with someone who goes to the same IVF place that we go to.
Starting point is 00:08:58 And I can finally talk about this because Cool Up's movie is out. Thank you for your service. I don't know what they is out. I mean, and- I'm so nervous. And- Everyone should watch Cool Up's movie and you'll get the backstory to it. You'll get some of the backstory.
Starting point is 00:09:10 There's more. Of course there is. It's a document that has happened since then. It's just happened since then. But in any case, we go to the same IVF place and I was like, does the doctor every time that you go into the room and jerk off? Does he like shake your hand afterwards and say, good job. He's like, yep.
Starting point is 00:09:24 And that's so. It's something so weird? He's like, yep. He's so. It's something so weird. He's like, I know you demand it of cool up. Hello, hit my hand. Anytime he hasn't, I do it job. Anytime he hasn't done it, cool up goes,
Starting point is 00:09:34 you do something wrong. He didn't tell you good job. That is weird. It's really weird. Does he ask you which hand? It's like he wants to shake that hand. I don't want to shake the hand that shook. I want to shake the hand that shook. I want to shake the hand that made you.
Starting point is 00:09:48 I'm gonna shook that baby out. Oh my God. Anyway, you were saying. So in the picture, you see some bottles of water. And I tweeted something about climate change once. And this guy was like, oh, you cared so much about climate change. Look at these bottles of water.
Starting point is 00:10:04 Like it was a real gotcha. Real gotcha, and this is on stage that someone just supplied them for you. Yeah, there were just waters near me. But you did like them and you do destroy them. I did drink all of them. And they're on your rider that every show you do, you need 400 bottled waters.
Starting point is 00:10:19 Yes. And then the empty bottles have to go to destroy turtles. And you reenact Roger Dulltree's the wall and you just break through them. For the Roger Dulltree's the wall. Isn't that who I'm talking about? No. No, Roger Dulltree's.
Starting point is 00:10:31 It's a dead who I'm talking about. I'm not. This is Roger Dulltree. From the Dulltree's the... That's what I saw, but I was like, Hey, I get done on the same side. I get done with him. I get Dulltree and Watters confused.
Starting point is 00:10:41 I remember, I went to some award show where we won this really weird award for the Mr. Tome of the... And Oscar. It was so weird. I was telling someone about it. I was like, was a man who's being gold. I was like, I mean, it was a weird award,
Starting point is 00:10:59 but it was kinda cool cause Roger Waters gave it to us. Like he was the presenter. Was it at the inflatable pig award? But that's the thing, is this like- No, it was the Goose-Snack upside down awards. Goose-Snack upside down. I like making it out. I like it.
Starting point is 00:11:14 You know, inflatable pig are real things. Yeah, that's a real thing. Hey, you were just making a different thing. So we're not just snacking up crazy things. I thought that's what we were always doing. Wait, you guys have been lying the entire time? I've been telling real stories. No, every story has been a,
Starting point is 00:11:30 no this shit happened to me. What? I'm cool. I'm cool. I love how does the weird happen to me. Anyway, I told some of the Roger Waters gave us the word. They were very impressed. And then I went, yeah, the guy from the who.
Starting point is 00:11:42 And then they were less impressed. Because I feel like Roger Dolphrey will show up to anything. Wait, which person wasn't Dolphrey gave the award, but I thought it was why I get those two confused. So I said waters and they were really impressed and then not impressed. Have you ever presented an award show? Yes. Me too. Me too. I did it with the woman from Resolient Isles and we had a lot of fun and that was the only time I ever saw her. I was sitting with Timothy Aminson at the Hair and Makeup Awards.
Starting point is 00:12:10 Oh yeah. We're like, that's a host. We introduced a bunch of awards though. I don't really remember how it went. We probably went well. I think we, no I mean it went well, but I don't remember what we went. What the bit was. I was trying to answer.
Starting point is 00:12:22 No, no, it went really well. It was so good. I had to do a comedic bit at a show called The Young Hollywood Awards. Oh, yeah. It was years ago. When I think of Young Hollywood. Paul of Tompkins.
Starting point is 00:12:38 I was young then, you fucking asshole. Well, you're also not very Hollywood. I'm very Hollywood. You rude queen. I love you. Is that the title? Yes. How dare you. Asshole, well you're also not very happy with you rude queen Set the title. Yes, how dare you you you And I had tried to do this video is presented by movie line magazine magazines and
Starting point is 00:13:05 Lord is just dumped a banana onto the table it like with a resoundingud. I'm trying to get to the bottom of my bag. Time for Lauren's food. We now go to Lauren's bag. Gotta get my hand cream. Gotta get my lip gloss back. I get everything to make me feel fresh. I'm glad that we are doing this podcast because it gives you a chance to catch up on stuff like that. I know, because I can never get into my bag.
Starting point is 00:13:22 Because in a real show, you're like too long, Dax. Yeah, no, here I'm very relaxed. If I did this at any other show, I'd lose track. It'd be horrible. Yeah, the other show. Keep talking then. So the movie line, I did my little piece, which was God, it was like a kid writing a letter to Hollywood
Starting point is 00:13:41 that I was reading or something. Oh, wow. That's funny. It actually went over way better than I thought it was going to or something. Oh wow. That's funny. That's funny. It actually went over way better than I thought it was going to go over. It was a very strange event. Right. But afterwards, after I was done and thank out people laughed, um, isn't it weird how like
Starting point is 00:13:56 the few times I've done it, it's, it's like I did at the Emmys and I, or not the Emmys Emmys, but the creative Emmys. Ron's Emmys. Yeah, yeah. And the,ys Emmys, but the creative Emmys. Ron's Emmys. Yeah, yeah. And this other, whatever it was. But it's like, when you hear that first laugh, it's like, oh, thank God.
Starting point is 00:14:11 It doesn't feel like you're gonna get a laugh at all in that. No, it does not feel like, and especially like, and you're reading like someone's weird script. Yeah, I mean, yeah, both times I like sort of co-wrote it. So I was like, I believe in the bit, but like bits that I like are weirder. Well, this was terrifying because it was a just a bit, me doing a bit that I wrote.
Starting point is 00:14:30 And you're solo, that's the other part. Yeah, I'm solo. And thank God I went well. And then afterwards I was leaving, and I saw fucking Harrison Ford standing in the lobby, is waiting for his girlfriend to come out of the bathroom. Callista?
Starting point is 00:14:46 Callista Flockhart. Okay. And I had to. And I walked up to him and I said, Mr. Flock you. Flock you. How dare you take console over me. What'd you say? I said, I just wanted to say, I'm a huge fan of yours.
Starting point is 00:15:05 Your work has meant so much to me for years and he could not have been, and I was fully expecting. This is gonna be awful, but I still have to do it. I mean, it was going to be a Thanksgiving or whatever. He was so fucking nice. Oh. He was like big smile and shook my hand. And I was like, did he see you doing that?
Starting point is 00:15:23 Yeah, yeah. You were the first person to ever said that to him. It had been years. Everyone thinks he won't want to hear that. I just think you're working on it. Seven days, seven nights. Another guy coming up, wants me to build him a cabinet.
Starting point is 00:15:35 Oh, that's nice. So we liked your bit, that's great. You liked my bit? Yeah. It's a stamp of approval, I could get one. Then he asked me if he should get an earring and I said no. And he did, oh, so he. I could get one. Then he asked me if he should get an earring and I said no So he didn't really like it. He asked if he should put a gerbil up his ass
Starting point is 00:15:52 I know I just love that I just love that rumor. What a fucking crazy You love that rumor be it about anyone anybody So let's break it down So this is the rumor that if you if I try not to eat it, it started as Richard Geer, maybe transferred over to Rod Stewart, although they have the 10 CCs of C-M. No, it didn't really, yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:13 I remember it in Gellins of C-M. Gellins of C-M. Gellins. In his house. No, it is stomach. No, the rumor there is that. I didn't get a stomach pump from having gallons or anything like that. It's stomach pumped from like an OD kind of situation.
Starting point is 00:16:28 They found it was just. He was rushed to the hospital. R rushed to the hospital for whatever reason they assume an OD. It was just like too much semen. What the fuck would that, how is it, what would be happening for that to be? Like he had a challenge where he was like,
Starting point is 00:16:44 I could drink more semen then you and there was like, no, I could. But I remember as a child, like no one questioned it at all. Oh, I believed it. It was just like the physics of it. Yeah. Well, you couldn't drink that much for a punch and have to go to the hospital.
Starting point is 00:16:57 It's just all like, what's happening? It's also how much to produce that much. Well, I mean, people are we talking about over what amount of the question is it one guy over years and just Rod Stewart shake his hands. He found it was a big day where he was like, yeah, he's a good job. But it was the big game where the guy's stuff finally built up enough that he could do the challenge where he drinks the whole pink can of it.
Starting point is 00:17:15 Oh, pink can. It just looks like prior. It's been washed out. They told me that he's got a screwdriver. And then Richard Geer got a tie. And as I asked going on a main. Now I me that. Who's got a screwdriver? And then Richard Geer got a tie.
Starting point is 00:17:27 And as I asked, going on a mate. Now I heard that, probably in like the fourth grade or something like that. And he was absolutely in the fourth grade too. Absolute certainty that it happened and that this was something that they heard from someone reputable. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:40 Well, my dad heard it from this person or whatever. You know, as like he was rushed to the hospital and they found a live gerbil up his ass and then I remember being like, why? Well, because there's a certain feeling when it's up there that it feels good. It's like a little cloth scratching. That's your prostate.
Starting point is 00:17:59 That's soft tissue. That's sick. Yeah. But I like to imagine not people doing it. Yeah, it's fun. No, I like to imagine it for sure. Well, like the about the moment it got in there, like he had to really squeeze it,
Starting point is 00:18:12 so it got really small. Got a kind of, you don't think? Fresh, it's ribcage. I assumed he put like some sort of bait up there. Right. Oh, like a little hamster treat. I didn't know what to do. But tiny sliver of cheese, like Swiss cheese that holds in it.
Starting point is 00:18:26 It was like a triangle. He just shoved that up there and he was like, I think he did. Here's what I think he did. He's waving his little bow. I think he's bringing a bell nearest mouth. Here's what I think he does. Oh, gotta get up. I think he made a little doll of like a sexy lady.
Starting point is 00:18:40 Oh, yeah, like Pepe le Pudium. Yeah. Oh, good job. Yeah. Shake hands. That's hot. That's hot. That's hot. Well, all of those rumors that seem so ridiculous now,
Starting point is 00:18:52 like you got to think 10% are real. Yeah, what's like another one that you guys remember? I keep like I can't remember, besides those, they're like the really big ones. Well, they're really good. I remember the, the gallons of CC. But I remembered it. I remember it. I, it's a CC. But I remembered it. I remember it.
Starting point is 00:19:06 I remember it. It's a CC. I call CC. It's good to have an nickname for everything. Oh, look at all this CC. What are you saying? It's a CC. It's so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, you? Oh, okay, we're just stopping. Got CC all over the sheets.
Starting point is 00:19:27 All over the sheet sheets. It smells like CC in here. You got CC on my GGs. Ew. Oh, all right. This is the most just heavy episode we've ever done, I think. It is. It's nasty.
Starting point is 00:19:40 This is nasty. You are nasty and you are nasty. You are nasty and you are nasty. I was saying. What, I can't think of any other rumors though. This is that you are nasty and you are nasty you are nasty and you are I must say What what I can't think of any other rumors though I thought all these rumors there was a rumor about Mick Jagger and David Bowie Right. Oh, yeah, that they that they're like maybe Angie walked in on them in bed like yes in flagrant a that was updated to Tom Cruise and Fucking Rob Thomas from matchbox 20
Starting point is 00:20:06 Yeah, that's a match I can see but who like who comes up? Who's the first person to say it and then how does it become yeah folklore that everybody knows? How is who's the first person to say jingle bells madman smells? That you there was no internet. Yeah, like it's like these it's like it's like that article I read about Grumpy Cat and how they stole all the jokes for the Grumpy Cat meme from From this one cartoonist who's like really? Who's like, you know, there's nothing I can do Yeah, like one of the most famous Grumpy Cat memes was directly stolen from what was it?
Starting point is 00:20:40 It's like I had I had a thing once but I can't. I'm not a grumpy guy fan, so I don't know. But I almost waited in line to meet Grumpy Cat one time. I was walking out to New York and they had a sign. Walking down the street in New York. Just the other day. New York City and they had a sign that said, you meet Grumpy Cat. How to sign, what do you mean by a sign?
Starting point is 00:20:59 Well, it was like an event and you could get in line. I think I would have had to pay, but I was like, should I get in? Sure, you have to pay to meet Grumpy Cat. Yeah, but just just cuz it was only on this earth for seven years and you didn't really Yeah, I don't know. It's was so ill-fated. He died of grumpiness Let's see grumpy cat has died five hours wait five I was done He just died today
Starting point is 00:21:22 Where you been I don? I was doing podcasts. I didn't go to my phone. He had to podcast while Grumpy Cat is ill. Wait, I had no idea you were singing to him. I was like, wait, he just died. Grumpy Cat went into hospice care three weeks ago. Oh, no. But I mean, back to the original question,
Starting point is 00:21:37 that's it. Wasn't Richard Lewis really upset that everyone says from hell when he was the guy who said that. Yeah, one of the rare cases you can actually point to someone and go, this is the guy. No, that guy made it up. Yeah. Well, like I had fun once, it was awful.
Starting point is 00:21:50 That's where it was. I have a dream that one day you'll shut up. Yeah, I had fun once, it was awful. That's directly stolen from a cartoon. That is not right. I mean, that's a victimless crime. Well, save your favorite memes. I just had this pop up.
Starting point is 00:22:02 I was kidding. It's crazy. It's crazy. It's crazy. It's crazy. It's up. I'm kidding. It's called a memes collection. You can go back to later. Should I create a collection? Yeah, but go back to it later. Okay. Cool.
Starting point is 00:22:10 Wow. I like that they give you that as an off. I don't know. It's a pop up on my brow. Say a meme collection. You can go back to later. Yeah. I'm like, why am I going to go back?
Starting point is 00:22:18 You're going to do it right now. I'm actually, it's kind of useful because like how many times we the three of us are in a text chain but we're also in a different text chain and how often is it like you know the perfect meme to respond to someone with? And you're like furiously typing it in to try to get it in before someone.
Starting point is 00:22:34 Here's what I find. It's a very fine line between ironic memeing and genuine memeing. Well, and whenever I catch myself wanting to reply with like a reaction gift or something I'm like right. I really want to do this Right. Yeah, am I just am I one of those people now? Yeah, I realized I replied to someone who was How can I say this without giving away what I'm talking about?
Starting point is 00:23:00 Someone someone texted me and said I won't even tell you the context was like, did you plant the family guy, right? And I don't want to say why he said it, right? But and I replied with a picture of the family guy. That's all I can think about. But he was talking about a guy who was talking about families. Did you plant the family? He was just talking about the guy talking about families.
Starting point is 00:23:22 He referenced the family guy. He referenced a guy. No, you didn He referenced the family guy. He referenced a guy. No, you didn't mean the family guy, the TV show. He meant the guy who talked about families. The guy who was talking about families. Okay, so he said, but he said the family guy, lowercase, and I responded with a pick, like a gift. Do you or what?
Starting point is 00:23:37 A moving gift of the family guy. Yes, I, huh. And then he never responded, and I'm, I later, I'm like, he just thinks that I'm like, that guy. Tweeting him family guy, yes. I wonder what the gift was, if it was like nope like that he thought you said no right no it was just a picture of the fan I don't even know who the family guy is but the dad right yeah okay
Starting point is 00:23:55 family guy is I don't know how do you not know he's the dad right yeah he looks like a dad or whatever stewies the family guy I don they never. He's a guy's in the family. Is it gonna be like the walking dead? We're like one episode there like, we are the walking dead. I am the family guy. Why is it called the family guy? Cause it's like supposed to be funny like,
Starting point is 00:24:15 instead of saying dad, he's like that family guy. Or is he a guy who considers himself to be like, I'm a family guy. Like family is the most important thing. I don't know. I never, I never thought about why it's called the family guy. It's just words put together.
Starting point is 00:24:29 You know, so many things are just... Maybe it was supposed to be funny, like, you know, it's like, no, but I mean the title words, like, the family guy. I actually heard it was a comedy. Who do you hear that from? I don't know. I don't know the fourth grade.
Starting point is 00:24:43 All right, we need to take a break. We'll be right back. And we're back. Oh boy. Yeah. Well, okay. To the chase. Three to blah.
Starting point is 00:25:02 You guys were talking about a thing that I couldn't relate to. And so I wanted it to end. We were talking about sleeping, that I couldn't relate to and so I wanted it to end We're talking about sleeping Paul. Yeah, you can't relate because you're a robot. You've never slapped you got a power down my man Can you nap anywhere? No, I can't one place Those are your options You're getting this table and taking a nap right now. I'm a place. I may not nap right in front of us I used to never nap. I was a I was like able to take a nap right now. What are all places I made it? Nap right in front of us. I used to never nap.
Starting point is 00:25:26 I was truly against them. Again, what do you mean you were against them? Well, I don't know. My whole childhood, I hated falling asleep on road trips. I didn't want to miss anything. And then it kind of just became like, I don't- What about at school during nap time and stuff? You had foam, I think. That I would do, but-
Starting point is 00:25:40 You were missing anything. Yeah, I had a foam, though. Before it was even a thing. Oh, I was in that form. I was in that form. But when I was growing up, I feel like when I. Before it was even a thing. Oh, it was an acronym. Oh, it was an acronym. But when I was growing up, like I feel like when I was in high school, like my friends would take naps, like people are just tired. Really?
Starting point is 00:25:50 I never, not like it's school, but like, you know, they could fall asleep in the middle of the day or something. What was the college? I remember being in class and like, fighting sleep hot. Oh, me too. Oh, that was impossible. But the idea of taking it, just like, please. But the idea, the idea of taking a nap
Starting point is 00:26:05 I don't think I ever did that when I was young what about when you were like in your 20s or 30s Maybe it would be extreme. Oh my god. I just feel like I thought it for a long time It was weird that I didn't do but everyone else was like we're just taking a nap you're tired right I don't know if you were doing it when I was younger. I feel like it was a It was a thing that you fought. You fought against being sleepy. Right. You know, you wouldn't just give it to him. I think when you're, when you're a teenager, aren't you like just generally, you can stay up longer or whatever. You're more tired too, because you're growing. Well, you need more sleep. You need more
Starting point is 00:26:37 growing, you need more sleep. And yet they wake you up to go to school. Yeah, exactly. It's horrible, the hours. We teachers leave those kids alone. Roger. Roger. Roger. I find myself now whenever I need to take a nap, like my whole body starts to go numb. I don't know. Oh my god. It does not sound good. I just like every, my extremities or whatever start to like tingle and just I'm just like fighting it, trying to stay up. And then, yeah, they're just telling me to go to bed. So I tell you. But I mean, you get this, when you're lying down, or you get it when you're just like walking around.
Starting point is 00:27:09 No, no, when I'm like, I'm on a couch or whatever, like I'll be watching TV or reading or something. Like the other day I was reading in the middle of the day at 2 p.m. I was walking down the street first. I saw a pretty lady, I didn't know what to say. And I was just, I was trying to read, and I'm like, I gotta read this stuff for work,
Starting point is 00:27:27 and just my whole body starts to tingle. And I'm like, all right, this is it. And it was down for the count for another 10 hours. How many of you put on the Michael Jackson document? I mean, this is it. This is it. I was like, all right, this is it. This guy is canceled.
Starting point is 00:27:41 I know. I feel like the best thing. By the way, this is the first time it's happened to me recently, but a Michael Jackson song came on my iPod the other day, and I couldn't enjoy it. I'm usually... Wow, wow. I'm actually being surprised that he's still being played
Starting point is 00:27:58 in public places. I guess I just really felt like this documentary was like this. The nail in the coffin. Yeah. And it was like, why is this? And everyone. I usually can be like, look, it's a jam. I go back in time to like, when he was doing the ass.
Starting point is 00:28:13 When I was 14, yeah. And I imagine them. And like, my bowler. No, I go back in time to when I first heard the song, dropping people. I can remember the never-lake. And I like the songs that. I remember the day that I first heard,
Starting point is 00:28:29 you want to be starting something. My, this was, it had to be the summer that my dad was in the hospital. So, and I stayed at a lot of different people's houses that summer because my mom went down there with him. So, like all the people in our church like took us in for, you know, night or... Well, we're here for you.
Starting point is 00:28:47 The... Don't drive in. Yeah. He was handcuffed to the bed. The jail was full. I'm going to the hospital. It was the start of a lot of his medical problems which continued to his day.
Starting point is 00:29:02 He's dead. So that was a long time ago. Nothing that consisted. Yes. So something he's been battling for 35 years or day. He's dead. But that was a long time ago. Nothing good but consistent. Yes. So something he's been battling for 35 years. It's hard. So, but in any case, so that summer I was shunted around.
Starting point is 00:29:13 And I just remember it so clearly I was at these people's houses and we were watching St. elsewhere. I remember I remember I believe the, I think that I saw the finale watching St. Elsewhere. I remember I believe the, I think that I saw the finale of St. Elsewhere with those snow globe there. Wow. And I also they had a Walkman, which I had never seen before.
Starting point is 00:29:34 And they put it on me and they turned on KISS FM, which was the FM radio station. They put it on you and they were like, now listen to this. And they're corrupt. They want to be starting something came on. It sounded so good in stereo in my ears and it was like such a good song. And so anytime I hear that song, I don't hear it as a song anymore.
Starting point is 00:29:53 I hear it as that experience, you know what I mean? So I don't know whether I'm getting all the dates wrong and whether I was at that place multiple times and those, all those things. I also remember the rank and embass specials being shown. So it would have been around Christmas. I don't know. In any case, but I heard, I heard want to be starting something the other day and I turned it on and I was like,
Starting point is 00:30:14 I'm thinking about, I know it's thinking about it too much. So I fast forward. I did not want to be starting something. I did not. I was like, we need to be ending something. Ranking in bass Lauren, they Lauren, they were the team, the animation team that made all those stop motion. Oh.
Starting point is 00:30:31 We brought the red dressers. Yeah. Yes. You're without a Santa Claus. Yeah, and every year is very excited by them. Yeah. And similar to the Popeye Special, which I've probably told you about in the Popeye episode,
Starting point is 00:30:42 I don't know if I told you about that. Popeye Special. CBS had a, okay, so we've- Popeyeup episode. I don't know if you if I told you about that. I'm not by special. CBS had a okay so we didn't have a television. We didn't have a television. We didn't have a television for several years. My dad is broke. Oh, because you're on the street, didn't he? No, our color, our color, our color, our color, our travels. You need to get that out. Are you tingling? Are you tingling? Our color TV crapped out and my dad said,
Starting point is 00:31:09 you watched too much TV, so we're not getting another one. So, and he threw it away. And so, for several years, probably fifth grade, sixth grade, seventh grade. We didn't have a TV. Probably those three years. 10th grade, 11th grade. 12th grade, 13th grade, 14th grade.
Starting point is 00:31:24 So, I was really into Popeye as I told you before, and I would read the, I would check out the books from the library of the old cartoons. That's my character. I was very excited by the Robin Williams movie, Popeye. Yeah, I was a, I was too, I was in it. I would love to be like that, shall I do all character, that would be so fun to get to a movie like that.
Starting point is 00:31:40 We do a reboot. Well, I don't, I want to do a different movie. Oh, you just want to do a type of character? I just mean like, where you get to be like a big character like that where it's like in a crazy costume and like a Tim Burton type thing. Oh, yeah. Sure, sure, sure.
Starting point is 00:31:54 So the CBS was having an animated pop-I special and I like begged my friend, my best friend, can I come over and stay over your house on Friday? I need to watch this pop-I special and we don't have a TV. And he was like, yeah, sure, okay, whatever. And I thought he would keep it on the QT, but instead I get there and his dad who suburban dads, they're all like fucking judgmental and stirring racist.
Starting point is 00:32:19 So they, I walk in and he's like, so I understand there's some Popeye thing you have to see. Just taking all the fun out of it. I walk in and he's like, so I understand there's some pop-I thing you have to see. Just taking all the fun out of it. Everyone always popped your balloon. I know. Anyway. I understand there's a pop-I thing you have to see. You'll pop, I love her. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:32:36 I finally got it. What did you want him to do? Like, hey boys, it's almost seven o'clock time for the big muscle show. Big, no, that's, he doesn't even know the character. He's just like, he's like, this show has so many big muscles on it. I like, I like this show. Hey, this show encourages kids to eat their greens. Show.
Starting point is 00:32:56 Show. Um, yeah. So we finally got a 12 inch black and white TV. I begged my, my parents. Unconscious. I'm not big. Really? That's what she said. Oh, dear. I finally got a 12 inch black and white TV. I begged my parents. I'm not big. Really?
Starting point is 00:33:06 That's what she said. Oh dear. I'm in trouble then. That's all I have. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah.
Starting point is 00:33:15 But I finally got a 12 inch black and white for my birthday in the eighth grade, I believe. And I was a squad car. I think I got a squad car. Now we go around doing dry bus. In your tiny one foot car. Wait, wait, wait, wait. What was the Popeye special?
Starting point is 00:33:30 Was it Christmas special? No, it wasn't Christmas. It was just like an animated special, like a 30 minute, you know. I Popeye finally can't be contained by six. By what? He was around the team. He has a Christmas special. Everything has that.
Starting point is 00:33:41 That's usually the excuse. I just learned that the great, the Christmas edition. I just learned that there was a Grinch Halloween special. I was on raised by TVM. I'm trying to talk to you about this. But that it was like a Halloween thing that was featuring the Grinch and it seemed really cool. That's cool. There's a Paul Linda Halloween special that I've seen on YouTube. It's really funny. It's cool. There's a Paul Lind Halloween special that I've seen all the YouTube. It's really funny. It's there. The Paul Lind Halloween special is truly insane. Kisses in it. Yeah. Ruth Vuzz from the White House. James Simmons. Why is he from the White House? He just was at the white. You got it. What are you doing? Do we do any podcast? You got to keep up the news. I'm trying to actually try to limit my so streaming not online.
Starting point is 00:34:25 I know. I said a limit and Mike set the past code on it. Oh, shit. So I cannot buy past the past code and just go on. So but shouldn't you snoop around and figure out the past code? No, I don't want to sneak into Mike's stuff. And no, we made it up with each others. I made up his too.
Starting point is 00:34:41 Yeah. And what is it? Do you want to say on here? No, because he might hear this at some point. And how much time did you get? Now how much time does he get? I give an hour and a half on social media, but sometimes it includes text messaging if you're in the window of time.
Starting point is 00:34:53 So it's really annoying. Well, especially with like on our text chain, where I will literally do a show here and pick up my phone. There's 107 messages from you. People be idiots. But like the, and then I, his is, I think, an hour. But he uses Twitter more than Instagram. I use Instagram.
Starting point is 00:35:11 Is that including Reddit? We read it is not in, because I know he likes Reddit. He does like Reddit. I think we might have even deleted it. We talked about it. Yeah. You deleted Reddit.
Starting point is 00:35:21 Yeah, it read it's a time suck. But I, so for a, for like a week, I was using this system where he had the code and I couldn't get past it and it was really good because I had to stop and even if I didn't use, even if it was like. Were you trying to manage your timer where you just like blowing through an hour or a minute? I was trying to manage it.
Starting point is 00:35:36 It was kind of nice. So I'd be like, okay, I'll go on for a second from a little bit more to close it because I'm not, there's no reason. Cause yeah, we can't, yeah. But sometimes text messaging would have eaten up some of my hour and a half and suddenly it'd be gone. And then I just go, all right, now I can't do that anymore.
Starting point is 00:35:50 And it was really nice. And then I had to get the password from him because I had to post something there was just a situation. And then I became an addict. Again, it was unleashed. I just was like, oh, because you got the password and then suddenly you would have to do it all the time. And it was gross and I was like, you have to set me
Starting point is 00:36:03 a new one because I don't like this part of myself. It's bad. Well, these websites make us all depressed. Yeah, and it's done. And I don't wear on them all the time. I can feel it when I let myself go back in. I could feel my mood shift with it.
Starting point is 00:36:16 And it was just, if I'm not... My water these idiots up to you. So much of the news, it's so depressing. Degrumpy cat die. Well, yeah, it's really, it's a bummer to read the thoughts of people who think such horrible things. And like, I'm not absolutely like, sit here all day and be opening my phone mindlessly
Starting point is 00:36:31 and then reading some horrific new law. And like, I don't want you want to talk about it. But it's just, I do this thing where, and I should stop doing it, but where, and I don't even want to say what it is, but there are certain like hashtags where I hate people who post these certain hashtags so much like, I go and block them.
Starting point is 00:36:51 I'll wake up, I'll wake up immediately after waking up, but if I go on Twitter, I'll be like, oh, let me search that hashtag and I'll go down the list of the six or seven people you know, since I last checked it, I'll just block them all, you know, because it's like, oh, that's interesting. I fucking hate people with their mentality and don't ever want them to have joy. And not that looking at my Twitter page will cause anyone joy,
Starting point is 00:37:13 but I just like, I want them not to have things. Like, you know, like, I want them not to have access to good things. And if I can just start with my Twitter and if they never hear about my show, maybe they'll never get insulin. Right? But it starts with you.
Starting point is 00:37:27 It starts with me. Who knows what the butterfly effect of that is? Yeah, I actually muted. But I find myself reading the things. That's the thing. No, and that's the thing you searched out. I get mad again. I'm like, these fucking things.
Starting point is 00:37:39 I was so annoyed by all the Game of Thrones tweets that came out a couple weeks ago that I muted a bunch of Game of Thronesones terms and it has made my experience better So like I don't care. I don't need to see. I don't know what it means. I don't care tonight. This is my hot take on game of Okay, but and it's over by now by the time yes, and I've been I've been We have not seen the final episode as of this taping but it will be out by the time and no spoilers Paul's not going to spoil.
Starting point is 00:38:05 Yeah, this is not a spoiler. And it's a quick introduction. By this time I will have watched the first and last episodes. We're doing it for a space. So I at this point have not seen anything but I'm absolutely. I feel for all the complaints about it and for all the love for all the people are very fanatical about this show and it really means a lot to them. And it's people that you that are normally not fanatical about stuff like this that really get into it. Complain about the quality of it that that you know the last season let them down and wasn't as good since this part this this season or this port.
Starting point is 00:38:37 What was bad? This was bad. The point with the story. This part with the dragons. We got to the world point with the rape and pillaging. I think. Well, you're not far off. I feel that the quality is pretty much a straight line
Starting point is 00:38:56 through all seasons with very tiny dims are mental up and down. But not a wide yo-yoing. No, I feel like it's always been about the same of a show. Yeah. I don't understand, but at the same time I understand like, say there was something that I loved dearly. Like, I've given up on the Star Wars stuff, you know?
Starting point is 00:39:16 Like, when the prequels came out, I remember Brian Post saying that I were around the same age 28 or whatever, and just so mad at them, you know? And so mad at George Lucas. I actually literally gave away all of my anger for Star Wars the day that George Lucas sold Star Wars to Disney and then gave away all that money to kids or whatever.
Starting point is 00:39:40 He gave away that billion dollars or whatever to kids in need or whatever. And I was like, why have I been carrying around such like weird anger to George Lucas for fucking something? I have the original three that I like. Yeah. Who cares? And I like the new ones, you know, fine or whatever.
Starting point is 00:39:54 So I like, I'm in a much better place of like not blaming people for like things are good, things that movies are hard to make, who cares. But at the same time, I can understand like if something that I really love like the Marvel movies recently, if they had fucked up Avengers Endgame to a point, I would have been like so bummed about it, but not like calling for these people's heads. I know, but the stuff like Star Wars was very important to me. Indiana Jones was very important to me when I was a kid. But then that second one came out like three years later, it was like, oh, we don't have to like this.
Starting point is 00:40:26 Well, no, I liked it. You know what I mean? And I was on board. I was still young enough to really be on board with the last crusade and really enjoyed it. I saw that one like three times. Yeah, like I knew it wasn't as good as the first one. But yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:39 But then when I think about like Star Wars specifically, when I was a kid, those movies were very important. When the prequels came out, I was excited to see them. And to me, the sin of those movies was that they just weren't that fun. Yeah, the fun and funny. Like humor is so important to them that you forget those Star Wars movies are so funny.
Starting point is 00:40:58 And that's why the last two have been great. I think I mean, they've been fun a lot. They've been fun to what their adventures. But none of these movies are perfect. It's like that. Exactly. I had a big conversation about Ghostbusters with a mutual friend where we were talking about,
Starting point is 00:41:11 my best friend. She's my best friend too. Wow, weird. Wait a minute. Your best friend has to be a wife. So bad we are. So we were talking about it. I was like, look, that original one,
Starting point is 00:41:24 as much as I loved it when I was 14, it's not good. It's not really good. It's not good. Like Bill Marisolarius in it. It's not good. It's not good. Bill Marisolarius and that's about it.
Starting point is 00:41:36 Like, it's not a very good move. It's not very well-manned. It's got a lot of problems. It's got a lot of problems. And then I watched the new one. I was like, yeah, this one has a lot of problems too. And yet I see like a 14 year old girl just like during the credits dancing in the aisles,
Starting point is 00:41:48 I'm like, these movies are not for us. Yeah. When I saw the new one, first of all, it was a lot of laughs in there. Goat spusters. Yeah. Goat spusters. Goat spusters.
Starting point is 00:41:58 Goat spusters. Goat spusters. Did I see the right movie? Goat spusters. I think it's Goat spusters. It's good. What if you just did this bit at the ticket office? You're like, am I seeing the right movie? Goats busters. I think it's Goats busters. It's good. What if you just did this bit at the ticket office? They're like, am I seeing the right movie?
Starting point is 00:42:08 Is there a movie called Goats busters? Goats busters? Is this the right movie, though, I'm saying? I never saw it written. I only heard people talking about it. Goats busters. So if I go see this movie Goats busters, I'm seeing what I think is Goats busters.
Starting point is 00:42:21 Now, am I, is it Goats or Goats? Which one is it? What if I see? Is it their Goats or it's I, is it goats or goats? Which one is, what do I see? Is it their goats or it's goats? Are there two mobs? I have to order options. Are there two options here that I need to choose from? Goats Budsters. Goats Budsters.
Starting point is 00:42:34 Goats Budsters. I don't know how many Z's are in it. So that scene where Kate McKinnon is, it's towards the end of the big battle and she's walking down the street firing those down. Just the other day. And she saw it pretty lady.
Starting point is 00:42:49 She didn't know what to say. Oh, she didn't know what to say. That I got so excited. I got like a goose bumps watching that because I realized I'd never seen anything like this on screen before. And then I immediately realized that, like what it's gonna be meaningful to. Who's gonna be meaningful to, yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:09 Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was a sudden. Captain Marvel, stuff like that. Anyway, but I, at the same time, if they had fucked up Avengers Endgame, and I know there are people out there who think they did or whatever, but if they had, I was so gratified with that movie,
Starting point is 00:43:23 it was like the culmination of all the stuff I'd liked for the past. Why don't they like their gay agenda? I know. That's the only part that I screamed. What, what? Get a look at this Lauren. I go to these movies, just have a good time.
Starting point is 00:43:36 I don't think about politics. Uh huh. I'm going to go to the movies. I'm going to go to the movies. I'm going to go to the movies. I'm going to go to the movies. I'm going to go to the movies. I'm going to go to the movies.
Starting point is 00:43:44 I'm going to go to the movies. I'm going to go to the movies. I'm going to go to the movies. I'm going to go to the movies. I'm going to their wives. I love you, I'm talking about wives. There's this guy, this character, they're a big deal out of it. They're first openly gay character. And it's a guy saying, yeah, somebody I know died. My husband died. And it's a board group. What do you mean that's it? Nobody means.
Starting point is 00:43:58 It ruined the board. It ruined it. But it's not a main character. It's like a... It was a Iron Man. It's not, they're... Dude, we were It was a Iron Man. It's not they were dude We were just talking when raised by TV about how on Arthur the cartoon. Yeah the death the teacher He's gay and he got married to a man. I heard that's so nice. It is nice
Starting point is 00:44:17 We watched the club damn yeah Look we need to say I thought you were like. I can hurt. Like what? Because I got married. That's you can relate to that. You guys are gay, right? They go to each other. Right. Look, we need to say gay. We need to say gay. We'll be right back. These guys are a rat. No, the teacher is.
Starting point is 00:44:33 We'll be right back. We'll be right back. We'll be right back. We'll be right back. We'll be right back. We'll be right back. We'll be right back. Hi, we're back. Hi. I'm back. Scouts back. Lauren's back. All three of us are back. Paul. I'm Scott. I'm Lauren. You know me. Oh, you're excited now. Oh, you know me. I'm nasty. I'm a teacher time at the party. Paul has a feature. We and these are sent to us nowadays using the hashtag
Starting point is 00:45:06 three-cher. Is that right? HR double E, A, T, U, R, yes. Three-cher. Oh, three-cher. What's that? You're within S. Okay, three-cher. Just thinking share for the future.
Starting point is 00:45:16 Well, just cover it for you. Three-cher. So, so tweet us features at three-chers. We should call them three-chers. hashtag three- hashtag three. All right. So the call is going to read this one to us. Change the name to three. Turs. Is it three.
Starting point is 00:45:31 What is it? We call it a feature read the base of the. Oh, I see. Yeah, but that's the hash. I just said the base. Let me just read the from the base. From the base. From the base.
Starting point is 00:45:41 I will read the base of the summit of the email. All right. Shevon sent us this. He's on vacation or something. I don't know what is going on with him. Probably some sort of high wood hand book festival. Oh man, those men. This comes from... This thing goes man.
Starting point is 00:45:57 Ted daughters? Ted daughters. His screen name is saying, you know, he has... Wait a minute, he's real name is Ted Dodders and he has a screen name. I don't know. His ad here knows Ted Dodders. All right, all right.
Starting point is 00:46:09 I don't, this is the thing. This should have been allowed. This is the whole problem with Twitter. Yes, it made it take off. The one problem with it. Everyone should have to have their real name in it and have a blue check mark. So every dumb thing they say,
Starting point is 00:46:25 is there a countable for it? Instead, we got that Tina Fey hamburger in the very first few months, and it fucked everything up. I don't know what that is. That was an account that people thought was Tina Fey. Everyone thought was Tina Fey, and everyone was like following her,
Starting point is 00:46:38 and it was just a picture of a hamburger, like, aha, how funny. Tina Fey loves hamburgers so much, that that's her avatar. She's her, uh, avatar. She was. She was. Retweeted like those Chris rock things. And it's like, he didn't write that.
Starting point is 00:46:51 And everyone thought Bill Murray was real too. Remember that? That was ridiculous. Anyway, Ted daughters. So do you know what he has? This is called. No. I one more thing.
Starting point is 00:47:02 I also read the wrong one. We'll get back to you. We'll get back to you We'll get back to your 10 daughters one last thing I have to say is that I hate when people quote Banksy Because we're who's that that's fucking We didn't say that Where when are people quoting Banksy in memes? He's the Lord with you. Da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da Oh, the time is in me. It's the worst we've ever done. Devon and I are both crying and wanting to escape.
Starting point is 00:47:58 Okay, don't drag him in. Don't drag him in this. I just look for a friend and I don't have any fun. I looked for a friend and a dark time. How dare you now tell me what the game is? Devon get on the mic real quick. Just say no, don't bring it. It's not boredom. I was laughing and having a good time. How come sometimes it buzzes and sometimes it doesn't? This is the nice mic. Why would you ever use it? Don't use it. It's closer.
Starting point is 00:48:21 Oh, laziness. Laziness. You're using my castle with the lazyness. All right, so. Oh my god, you can. We're talking about that off. No, that was on. That was on.
Starting point is 00:48:33 10 daughters. No, we were off. Mike texted Lauren and said, he wanted to tweet something. He wanted his passport. I said no, you have to wait until tomorrow. We could have had my passport. What I've done the same. And I've asked for a ride tonight.
Starting point is 00:48:44 Do you get to spank him if he asks? I can just spank him whenever I want. That's marriage. That's marriage marriage marriage. What is it? Spank him. The kids will. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:48:55 People are against marriage and they're like, why do I need a piece of paper blah blah blah. So you can spank someone. Don't you want the freedom to spank me? Don't you want the freedom to spank me. Don't you want the freedom to spank me? Don't you want the freedom to spank me? Don't you want the freedom to spank me? Don't you want the freedom to spank me? Holy cow, what is he saying?
Starting point is 00:49:08 Harry, Carrie. Hello. If I was a hot dog. If I, and you were my lady, you were my lady. Sorry, this one comes from Nils S. Nils typed. That's his at handle. Nils typed. Nils typed. Okay, a guy named Nils typed this. Nils S. Nils typed. That's his at handle. Nils typed. Okay. I name nils typed this. Nils S. The initial game. The initial on my Jesus. Lauren, it's a premium show. I can't take it.
Starting point is 00:49:36 Think of a famous person or character and give the initials. The other players then ask yes or no questions. Oh, can we ask a no question? Until someone can't see her. Okay, ready? Begin. Are you not a mineral? Then they give the, tell someone gets it right, then they give the next set of initials.
Starting point is 00:50:00 So is JC, Jesus Christ, Jacusto, John Cryer or Jiminy Cricket? John Cryer. Jesus Christ, Jacusto, Jesus Christ, Jacousto, John Cryer, or Jiminy Cricket? John Cryer. Jesus Christ, Jacousto, Jac柏, or Jiminy Cricket. John Cryer from 2.5 Ohms. 2.5 Ohms? I'm gonna say, man. Oh, ohms.
Starting point is 00:50:18 I know it's a big French. Okay, I'm gonna go first. Okay, who do you got? Initials are KC. Okay. Does this guy have some sort of a sunshine band? No. I got my no question in.
Starting point is 00:50:32 He's right off the bat. Didn't even wait a second. Is this guy? We didn't know if it's a guy, Paul. True. Is this person known for a famous baseball movie? No. Is this person named Kevin? No.
Starting point is 00:50:56 Kevin Corrigan, you're off the list. As is Kevin Costner. Yes. Although he was off the list in the previous question. I know. I know. I'm right. I'm trying to back you. You have been there off the table.
Starting point is 00:51:11 Kevin's you're out. Shevans. Shevans. Is it me? No, it's you. It wasn't me. It wasn't me. I asked the last one.
Starting point is 00:51:20 Okay, man. I'm just trying to play the feet. You guys got to get along. I can't do that. You got to be guys gotta get along. I can't do that. You gotta be a team, Paul. I can't do that. Take her down. I can't do this with you guys.
Starting point is 00:51:29 You gotta get along. I'm serious. There's a long trip. KC, okay? Think about it. All right. All right. Is this a real person?
Starting point is 00:51:43 Yes. Did the Everly Brothers sing about person? Yes. Did the Everly Brothers sing about you? No. It's not Kathy's clown. It's a real person. She's real. Kathy's clown.
Starting point is 00:51:57 No, he's real. Oh, that's right. It was a him. He was Kathy clown. Yeah, that's right. Here he comes. Was it, were the Everly Brothers saying they were Kathy's clown or were? I think I have a tip for you.
Starting point is 00:52:07 Oh, yeah. Okay. What? I'm a little bit more concerned to this. Ask for a general question. I want to be narrowed down. Is this person? Is this person a general?
Starting point is 00:52:15 Is this person? Is this person a songwriter? Is this person alive? No. Is this person a woman? No. Is this person a man? Yes.
Starting point is 00:52:23 We know it's a man. It could be non-binding. We have a woman. this person a woman? No? Is this person a man? Yes, we know it's a man. It could be non-binary has ruined 20 questions You waste a question on it now He's tweet this I want this to go on new rules I want to spread out. I want to audio this. There's two genders.
Starting point is 00:52:48 Do we want to play new rules? Okay. All right. Keep going. Yeah, do we need kids pop new rules? Not yet. Not yet. All right.
Starting point is 00:52:57 It's your, no, it's me because you asked the man. It's you. I asked the man. I'm trying to think of like men names with K. Sorry for my snuff. Car for? Okay, keep asking K. Sorry for my son. Carfer? Okay, keep asking questions.
Starting point is 00:53:07 Carfer? Carfer? Is it say we said it's real, dead. Is this an actor? No. Is this an historical figure? No, that means like what? Like someone who's-
Starting point is 00:53:22 American history or something. Yeah, no, no, no. no I wouldn't be like no history X Like from American history. I said Tony X. I keep going Was that his name Tony X who directed American history X Tony? Oh, I can't remember his name was Tony X. It was not Tony said. It was something crazy though It was something crazy. He was a weirdo. Wait, is this Tony X? No. No, come on.
Starting point is 00:53:48 Okay, Kevin, Kako, ask a question. Okay, is this, it's like 20 questions. Is this an entertainer? Yes. Okay, not an actor though.
Starting point is 00:54:02 Nope. Singer. Singer. Singer. Singer. Singer. Is it a singer? Yes. Is it? Dead singer.
Starting point is 00:54:10 Dead singer. KC. Colombo. People are going to be. Do you think KC Colombo? They're going to be beating their steering wheel to death. This one. This is like.
Starting point is 00:54:21 Okay. Is it a, is it a, is it you? eating their steering wheel. That's what this one is like. Okay. Is it? Is it? Is it? Is it you? Is it someone who is like a jazz or big band singer? No.
Starting point is 00:54:35 Is it Cracoban? Yes. Oh, damn. Okay. You're turn. You got it right. Why didn't he call his band, Casey in the fun time band? Oh, Casey in the moon like that. Would they have been as popular if it was Casey in the fun time band?
Starting point is 00:54:50 It would have been ironic and cool. Yeah. I think they would have been exactly as popular. Yeah. Okay. Give me some initial. All right. All right. I got one. No, he got it right. Sorry. Wait, to win. Just enough. You won the jazz guy. You'll go next next regardless all right. You'll go next regardless Come on all right PFT let me think of some initial we know this is hard for you I got with someone on deck so what you do is you take the name and then you erase all the letters after the first So what you do is you take the name and then you erase all the letters after the first
Starting point is 00:55:28 all right I'm gonna say ht ht are the initials is it an actor no is it an historical figure yes Yes. Is it a woman? Yes. Is it Harriet Tubman? Yes. Ha! Ha! Oh, and she, what laugh was that? I, I choke. Ha!
Starting point is 00:55:54 Ha! I can't believe how easy that was. That was weird. Okay, your turn. BS. Some of that old BS. Is it an actor? Yes. Is it a male actor? That's why is it actor? Yes. Is it is he a dramatic actor? No. Ah, you got it. You got it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:22 You locked in? Well, locked in. Is this actor a lot? She says she's got it. So you got a guess. You locked in? Locked in? Is this actually allowed? She says she's got it, so you got a guess. No, I don't. That's a fun rule. That's a fun rule. That's a fun rule. What if I think she don't got it?
Starting point is 00:56:34 That's the thing she could be bluffing. She could say that and make you guess preemptively. New rules? New rules? Play new rules. Play new rules. Devin, go! Devin, play new rules.
Starting point is 00:56:44 You got to get this undecneed time. He's got it. Here we go This is not new rules. This is jump for your love Okay, one the rule is we couldn't spring for kids Bob new rules We got a way through and Yeah, why wouldn't it be I know idea yeah, let's buy this no new rules. We got to go through and add every time. Is it possible to find a new rule? Yeah, why would that be? I have no idea. Yeah, let's buy this.
Starting point is 00:57:09 No, I'm sort of like hearing me out. The rules are what? You pick a name of a person. Two, people say yes or no questions, preferably no questions. Three, you got to ask if they're dead or a lot. Four. You don't have to answer one of the questions. Five, if you get it, you think you know you lock it.
Starting point is 00:57:30 And the other person has to guess. Has it? Or they can think you're bluffing. Or they can win, or even if you're not bluffing. They think you're bluffing. You don't have to guess if they can. All right, all right. So if they think you're bluffing or just you can't know it,
Starting point is 00:57:44 they can challenge me. They can challenge me. So say I say I'm locked in, you could tell me. Oh yeah, all right. So if they think you're bluffing or just you can't know it, turn it off! They can challenge me, they can challenge me. So say I say I'm locked in, you could tell me challenge. Yeah, I only have to challenge as much as just like, ask a regular question then if you get it, you get it and if you don't, they win. Fine, fine. But if you lock in, you have to get it right.
Starting point is 00:57:58 Otherwise the other person wins. All right, here we go. So BS, so you're locked in. BS, a comedic actor. Yeah, that's here we go. So BS, so you're locked in. BS, a comedic actor. Yeah, that's all we know. Is this person alive? Yes. Is it Ben Stiller?
Starting point is 00:58:17 Paul, you win. What? If it was if you're lying right now, I swear to you. He wins. Who was it? Bob Sagitt. Oh. Sorry, loo. now, I swear. He wins. Who was it? Bob Sagitt. Oh. Sorry, Lowe.
Starting point is 00:58:28 Okay, next round. Next round. Sorry, Lowe. I like it in rules. All right. It really brings us to time. Can I not that I don't love winning? If you're gonna guess, you have to lock in.
Starting point is 00:58:37 What do you think of Bob Sagitt? Do you think you're describing as an actor? Yeah, you see. So how many episodes of, a full half of an episode I. I guess I never watched that. Just kind of an honest pirate. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:58:48 All right, if you're going to guess, you have to lock in and let the other person. Exactly. Yeah, okay. Okay. That's a new rule. That's seven. Ready?
Starting point is 00:58:56 Yeah. Yeah. EP. Oh no. EP for home. Is this person? I'm locked in. I'm locked in too. Are you? Okay, so God has to go home. Is this person... I'm locked in. I'm locked in, too.
Starting point is 00:59:06 Are you? Okay, so God has to go first. Wait, no, I said I was locked in, which means... No, it means you're... No, no, I said I was locked in, which means I have to give him a chance. So you're not even going to ask a single question? No. No, no. Both know who it is.
Starting point is 00:59:19 Yeah, go. I know I do. Go. Ellen Pompeo. What was your guess? Elvis Presley. Ellen Pompeo. What was your guess? What was press week Ellen Pompeo is Okay, I like this. I like the locked in. I like the locked in. Okay, Paul. That was amazing. Okay, this is good.
Starting point is 00:59:38 This is getting really good. Okay, Paul. Paul. Alright. That was amazing. There's not a lot of EPs out there. I guess not. I don't think. I don't think. Most now. Nothing. You talking out loud.
Starting point is 00:59:56 No, just amusing. Okay, go ahead. Wait, you're locked in for you to go ahead. You're like, you're scratching your head. You're like, okay, go ahead. All right. Got it. DR. DR. Is this a man?
Starting point is 01:00:15 Yes. Is he an actor? No. Is he an historical figure? No. Is he a figure? No. Is he a singer? No. Is he.
Starting point is 01:00:34 And like a politician? No. And what are the, what is the DR? DR. See a host. Yes. See an entertainer. No. I've almost got it. I can't think of this guy's
Starting point is 01:00:49 name. Well, unfortunately, no, no, no, no, hold on. Wait, so you get it locked in? You're locked in? Yep. All right. That means I get a chance. Okay. Host sort of male. I think I'm right. DR. It's not DR hugely. DR, it's not. It's not down to rice. God. I'm gonna let you flame out, because I can't even think of a DR. Dan Rather. That's right. Dan Rather. Dan Rather.
Starting point is 01:01:32 Okay. Dan Daniel Rather. Dan Daniel Klaas. Dan Daniel Klaas. Dan Rather. Okay. I want more, I'll do one. Okay.
Starting point is 01:01:40 Oh shit. I gotta think of someone. It's too many letters. All right, MG. Is it a woman? Oh, shit. I gotta thank you, someone. Too many letters. All right, MG. Is it a woman? No, dear. Is it an entertainer? Look, I find what they do very entertaining but no.
Starting point is 01:01:58 Is it an athlete? No. No, I know, don't even think about that. Is it someone in film? No. No, I know. No, I know. Even think about that. Is it someone in film? No. Is it a musician? No. It's not musician G. So it's not. It's not Mick G. It's not Michelle Gondry. Mick Jagger. Mick Jagger. Mick Jagger. I mean, it's four minutes. Seven gallons of seedlings. Seven gallons of seedlings. Seven gallons of seedlings.
Starting point is 01:02:30 Seven gallons of seedlings. Seven gallons of seedlings. Seven gallons of seedlings. Seven gallons of seedlings. Seven gallons of seedlings. Seven gallons of seedlings. Seven gallons of seedlings. Seven gallons of seedlings.
Starting point is 01:02:38 Seven gallons of seedlings. Seven gallons of seedlings. Seven gallons of seedlings. Seven gallons of seedlings. Seven gallons of seedlings. Seven gallons of seedlings. Seven gallons of seedlings. Seven gallons of seedlings. Seven gallons of seedlings. Seven gallons of seedlings. Seven gallons of seedlings. I like I like I know some I type texting mg text text mg is it is it a someone who works um
Starting point is 01:02:56 Oh fucking I don't know what categories are left We didn't ask one that we've asked almost every condition. No, it's this person alive. No. We didn't ask when we were he asked every time. Is he the host? No. What did I say before? Did we say the gender? It's it's yeah, you keep we did believe we said it's a man. So no, we didn't we didn't. We didn't. I mean, keep saying is it a man? Yes. Okay. I think we're feeling we did. Okay. You just say yes. I mean, I mean, I'm counting the questions. There's no limit to the. No, I know. I know I'm saying no limit top dog. Um, is he a dog. Um. Um.
Starting point is 01:03:46 Is he a producer? No. You keep asking questions by the way Paul needs to. He's going those are slow. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha person. See an actor. No. This is a person in historical figure. Yes. He's dead. Was he someone who was related to a war? Oh boy.
Starting point is 01:04:17 Probably. I don't know. Was he a president? No. Was he a president? No. Was he a politician? No. Are we going to be annoyed by who it is?
Starting point is 01:04:36 Scott had to go take a phone call. So we're trying to figure it out. All right, it's not a politician into historical figure. He maybe isn't going gonna do the war. It was hard to figure out if Scott was having a tough time answering the question or he was dealing with, distracted with the phone call. Disstracked with the phone call. Because he was texting and then it became a phone call,
Starting point is 01:04:54 which is always a terrible sign. Bad, bad, bad. Bad, bad, bad. Martin. Martin Grover. Martin Grover. It's gotta be Martin Grover. Michael Matthew.
Starting point is 01:05:06 Yeah, think about names. Marvin Gamlish. Oh, that's pause. Yeah. Because it's going for 10 minutes and then we're just spinning our wheels. Isn't that what people are paying for them? I might use the restroom. You want to guess alone?
Starting point is 01:05:26 Yeah, I guess I'm going to keep it going. MG from history. Madam Gusso, um, Matha Garry. Mi-Hulisys Grant. Gary. Shh. Me, who leases grant. Mm. Moses. Gabi-Bull. Good Bible.
Starting point is 01:06:09 Mr. Godgers. Matador Garfunkel. Missy Gelliat. Um, let's see. Miles Gavis. Marky, goffeyet. Morg Gashison. Um, eh. God. Uh,
Starting point is 01:07:33 Murnal Genders. Um, monald Gick Ronald. Oh, good. Mail call. Ronald. That's good for mail. Oh good. Mail call. Did we get presents? No, but we did. You and Scott, and I didn't get anything?
Starting point is 01:07:53 Raised by TV and comedy, Baming got something, but not for them. Fuck all of you. Why is he gonna be? I gotta open this. Fuck all of you for not sending me presents. Hey, yeah, we like presents, by the way. It feels like you guys don't really know that about us.
Starting point is 01:08:04 Yeah, you know what? I mean, Oh, we've got him, he's staying on spanking pants. Yeah, I don't by the way. It feels like you guys don't really know that about us. Yeah, you know what? I mean, oh, we've got to be staying on spanking pants. Yeah, I don't know what the point is of us doing the show that you pay for if you're not gonna screw this gift. Yeah. I laid down some solid guesses while you were gone. Yeah, I couldn't believe you were still going when I came back.
Starting point is 01:08:20 Oh, I was still going. And I was not running out of steam. What do you think Scott's talking about? I don't know. I, you know, he's a deep guy. Then he's capable of talking about a lot of different topics. He can talk about a bunch of stuff. Yeah, comic books. Um, cut this part for my misophonia, friend. phone, yeah, friend. Lauren's having some kettle corn from Boom Chick-a-Pop,
Starting point is 01:08:51 great popcorn company. Now, they get some free stuff. Right. Get at us, Boom Chick-a-Pop, yellow bag, all the way. Purple bag, babe. You're a sweet and savory person. I don't know. Yeah, because you're fun, but you're also not fun. It's yellow, but you're just straight up,
Starting point is 01:09:07 butter popcorn. It's just, it's just so good. All right. Have you ever eaten a bag of popcorn where you didn't eat the whole thing? No. Where do we ask you this? What?
Starting point is 01:09:22 Smart popcorn, white cheddar. Smart, ah, with the mess. No, no, no, boo, boo, boo, boo. It feels gross to me after a while. I know, but that's when you stop. But let me ask you this, like non-messy popcorn. You can also eat that one with your mouth and put it on bull and then it's like your tongue in.
Starting point is 01:09:41 Like an ant eater. I'm done with that. It's your turn. I'm gonna hang in. Like an ant eater? I'm joking. You sure? I think you're watching the fucking match the red. I'm like, holding a bowl up under your chin. I just like giving you your time. This is suit of can I tell you something I had a dream last night That you and Scott had your own side podcast and you did not tell me about it It really in the dream it really hurt my feelings. Yeah, why didn't they tell me? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:27 Like it had been set up, you discussed it, figured it out. Also for some reason, you were on the phone. Like Scott was in studio and you were somewhere else. Doing like street pieces. Yeah, you're out there doing like your J walking bit. I do. Yeah, you're out there doing like you're Jay walking bit This is this is unprecedented, I don't know why I hope he's okay I've never entered Japan should I go
Starting point is 01:11:05 Yeah, I'll hunter you love it. What is something I should know about it that I Everyone's clothes are perfectly tailored to their body Everybody look everyone looks immaculate you fit in I put this log No Lauren. No, I really didn't really yeah, but I like was like got out my game Tony Newsom told me a story of Shushopping in Japan. Really difficult. And when, yes, and when she and Tonya's on the tall side. For me, yeah. And when, as are you, when she told the lady her size,
Starting point is 01:11:33 the woman shrieked with laughter. That makes sense. When we went, Mike and I went to Tokyo a few years ago, and we were looking everywhere for shoes, because there were so many amazing shoe stores and I just wanted to buy something cool and unique, but every store didn't carry size 10 women's shoes. We finally found a store that did and then we got these cool Nike high tops and then we wore them immediately and they were so uncomfortable that I was like, these are fake. Like, they're based of these as like cardboard.
Starting point is 01:12:07 Like they're not Nike's. And it was really disappointing. And we had to throw them out eventually because it was like, I can never wear them. They're not. It's not a good shoe. And you don't want that to mar your memory of a otherwise wonderful trip.
Starting point is 01:12:19 Well, yeah. And his problem was that he put them on right when we walked out of the store as we were leaving. He was like, I'm going to switch to these shoes. And then we were walking around and got lost. And all that stuff. And then he was so mad about the shoes hurting. And it was like, but we had a good day.
Starting point is 01:12:30 He's very good at maps and figuring out where things are. And I would say for me, Tokyo was very confusing in certain areas because there were a lot of small on-marked streets. And he would find where we were going, even if there was no address. I was like, I don't know how this is working, but it was very attractive. What if we found out that he was not a real person?
Starting point is 01:12:49 That'd be fine. That'd be fine. It's working. What if you found out Gene was a robot? I'd be very surprised. Or like an AI or like. I'd be like, that's very sophisticated. Yeah, it's working.
Starting point is 01:13:02 Because we get into fights sometimes. Like, why did you make that part of the program? Yeah, why don't you just be nice all the time and go with whatever I say. Why are you being a bitch? Well, you gotta be a bee up in this. Well, Lauren, should we wrap this up? We'll never. Why didn't we end it? I don't know who you are.
Starting point is 01:13:23 We don't know who MGS. You don't want? We'll pick it up in the next episode. We will we gotta go in the interest of time Yeah, we got shut this down. We just talked for 20 extra minutes. Let's say it's a pins as you walked out of here All right, well, 15 minutes He doesn't have to be Perfect for you Devon Devon does that to perfect for you. Oh, I thought you were saying no, I'm saying be perfect for you, Devon. Devon doesn't have to be perfect for you. Oh, for me, I thought you were saying.
Starting point is 01:13:47 No, I'm saying, I was saying. You were, Lauren, what you do is very powerful because you were talking to Devon, but you were looking straight at me. No, I was talking to you and I was talking about Devon. I just had a weird intonation. So Devon doesn't have to be perfect for you. Devon doesn't, is what I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:14:02 Why not? Because he's not your slave. Is that what I ask of my slaves? To be perfect for you? I don't want my slaves for you. Devon doesn't is why not because he's not your slave Is that what I ask of my slaves to be perfect for you? I don't want my Dreaming that you need them to be perfect for you anyway. We have to go. We'll see you next time I'm not a real man. I'm not a real man. I'm not a real man.

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