TigerBelly - Big Jay Oakerson & The Founding Brothers
Episode Date: March 5, 2025Comedian Big Jay Oakerson stops by the studio. More Shapel Lacey HERE That’s www.hims.com/belly for your personalized hair loss treatment options. The new gold standard is here with Robinhood Go...ld. To receive your 3% boost on annual IRA contributions, sign up at www.robinhood.com/gold That’s www.helixsleep.com/belly
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Music I'm a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a
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little bit of a
little bit of a
little bit of a
little bit of a
little bit of a
little bit of a little bit of a Black tie. Can I get my name? Black tie. Can I get my name? Shapao Oro-e-si.
That's what Asian say.
Shapao Oro-e-si.
Shapao Oro-e-si.
I have a question.
Is it...
So I didn't know you played the piano.
But when you started playing, it made sense.
Because you're Asian.
And then...
Okay. Here we go, dudes. No, throw it at him.
Throw it at me, dude. It was no, no, this is not insults at all. That was beautiful.
Thank you. I'm very envious. Always a musical talent. I have very little. You have none?
Almost none. I'm sure you can play the bongos. Yeah, drums. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're a bongo
guy. You can play the drums a little bit. Yeah. But not any kind of good. But that was
so fun and impressive. This is not an insult at all.
But my question is, is it racist that it made sense
to me right away, or is it just hilariously accurate?
Oh, that's an interesting question.
I think it's a combination of both, maybe.
You know, but.
Somewhere in the latter, you play piano
because you're Asian. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But but um Somewhere in the ladder you play piano because you're asian
Yeah, yeah, yeah, but I don't do the math
Yeah, I mean so there's some powers I didn't get from my you know heritage. Yeah. Well, you know
You say you can't do math. I can't do math, right?
I can do kung fu. Okay taekwondo any of the foods or but i've seen you like do a punch and it like it makes sense
Like i'm like, oh, yeah,, oh, you have it in you.
I was gonna say, have you ever tried,
because maybe you just have like organically.
No, I don't have organically.
Have you ever tried?
It's like if you went like this,
and I went, oh, he can break dance.
No, but that's what I'm saying though,
is because you're black,
and you can do that in my mind,
I was like, oh, he's doing what they do.
Of all things, that.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Or if you went like this, or you know what I mean, through football, or basketball, you know what I mean? I mean, oh, he can, it, what they do. Of all things, that, that makes you think. Or if he went like this, or threw a football
or something, or basketball, you know what I mean?
Oh, he's like, you know what I mean?
Michael Jordan.
Basketball, I'm 5'11".
Yeah, if you did a thing where you were baking.
Yeah, yeah.
You know what I mean?
I don't think I should be cheffing somewhere.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, you know how white people
love to bake?
Oh, it adds up.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, or they're punching a Mexican,
you know what I mean?
I'll be like, oh, he can punch Mexicans. Right over the border. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah they're like, you know, I mean punching a Mexican, you know, I mean, yeah I'll be like, oh you can punch right over the board. Yeah
Pop over the board
skills white people have
No, they have so many skills. Let's talk about the skills that white people have they have a lot of skills
Let's talk about the inventions because we can't I was gonna say whatever you took the black ones though
It goes. Oh white people done so many things
Oh, white people have done so many things. The air conditioner.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Rock and roll.
Rock and roll.
Rock and roll, yeah, yeah.
Hip hop.
No, you don't have rock and roll.
Hip hop, but real hip hop.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, but rock and roll is blues, right?
And jazz, I mean, jazz to blues to rock and roll.
I think blacks have that down.
Thank you so much for that contribution.
Yeah, of course.
Yeah, yeah.
Of course, and I thank you guys for adding on to it. Yeah, yeah, yeah? Thank you for the Goo Goo Dolls. I appreciate it. Yeah, but without...
Bryce, you know the Goo Goo Dolls. I bet we know a similar amount of songs by the Goo Goo Dolls.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Now, I know two more than you probably. Yeah. You know a lot of Goo Goo Dolls.
I'm well-knowledged. You seem like you like the Goo Goo Dolls. In the white culture, I'm pretty familiar
with a lot of the things you guys have done.
Like Counting Crows, I feel like you're a Counting Crows guy.
No, he's Pantera.
Oh, you're more Pantera.
Well, it's not wrong.
I am Pantera, but I'm also all over the place.
I am Pantera.
Next song on the list might be Barbra Streisand.
Whoa, on your playlist.
Yeah. Really?
And then 80s stuff.
Okay, I'm listening. You send me a playlist, right?
Yeah, I'm jamming out in my car dog. I mean I'm going Jay Ogerson big Jay Ogerson gave me this playlist
Oh, so I skip but what am I skipping too? Good. Let's see. We're feeling good. We're in, California
So I would get out here sometimes in the car to put on steal my sunshine by Len. Yeah
Skip oh, you know
by Len. Yeah.
Oh, Skip.
Oh, you don't like Skip?
Yes, I don't know that one.
Maybe some Tool, maybe some Tool.
Oh yeah, Tool with Sober or like, you know what I mean?
Maybe a deeper cut.
What's that song, 42 and 7?
I don't know what that song is.
46 and 2.
46, yeah.
I got numbers right.
Stinkfist is a great one.
The numbers are right, right?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
You were there.
All right, Skip.
Point and O return from the Phantom of the Opera soundtrack.
You take it there.
How about you, Chappelle?
Just could.
Yeah, what is that?
Why is it?
Why not?
But why?
Why not?
Let's answer why and then we'll answer why not.
Why Oasis?
I mean, they're just the greatest.
You know how he grew up
He grew up with whites we adopted later on
But I had the white shit before I was with you know those movies where it's like, you know, you know the football movie
I don't know right where the with a black football player kid right blindside blindside right? He moves in with the white family
Yes, and they're the good white family, you know know I have to assume every white family that adopts a black kid
Yeah, assuming this this is the hopes that they're gonna have a sports or rap star
You want your investment to pay
But what it's disappointed you're gonna bring him in and show him where the salad for it goes
Oh, there we go. Yeah, they're hoping the God you're gonna give a little kick back on that money
I look like that yeah, I know that lady deserves no money
So imagine being a white a white family and they're they walk into there
You know I mean the black sons kids we don't they adopted and they're doing like crack
They're like oh, we fucking fucked up. We got the wrong kind. I wasn't doing crack. No, I'm just saying
They're like, oh, we fucking fucked up. We got the wrong kind.
I wasn't doing crack.
No, I'm just saying, you're not getting what I'm saying.
No, what I'm saying is, no, because you're the good kind.
Crack heads and tops.
I think this is a line that I might get off the road.
No, you know what?
I was driving off the road.
No, no, no, no, I want to get off the road.
What do you mean the good kind?
The good kind.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Play a song, play a song.
La Plex, great people.
No, um.
The good kind.
What makes me the good kind, Bobby?
Bobby, you know what?
No, no, no, all right, J, big J,
can you back me up on this?
Because he's been refined by whites?
Like a wine, like a wine.
But also, you grew up around black people.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
You're from Philly.
Yeah, you didn't, so you don't know us like he does.
What do you mean?
I hate the questioning.
I hate the questioning.
I didn't question you, I just said you just told me.
I hate, I, I.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
You really weren't good at school, fuck.
I resent what you just said there as well.
Okay, what I'm saying to you is this.
I cannot help that my parents moved to Poway
and there were two black people in town.
How can I help that?
But the blacks that I did see, right?
I was very, I enjoyed them.
You enjoyed them?
Yeah, their presence.
Keep going, Bobby.
When they were like tap dancing and stuff.
I'm kidding, I'm kidding.
I don't know.
I always assume when anyone's moving their lives up,
it's moving further away from ethnic people.
What is this?
I was talking, I just bought a house.
I'm drowning.
I've lived in New York City for all of my adult life.
I lived in West Philadelphia for all of my childhood
in a brief moment in South Jersey.
And no matter what they say,
when the neighborhood, when I moved,
I mean, I bought the place right then.
I was like, oh, I bought the place right then.
I was like, oh, I should look up to town.
And you look up and it's like 81% white.
You're like, we did it.
I've never thought about demographic anywhere
I've lived in my life.
So when I was adopted by the whites, I moved up.
You did move up.
I moved up.
But what happened to the family that you left?
I didn't leave them.
They kicked me out.
Crank an oasis in the hood.
I'm gonna get us killed, son.
That was the problem.
But I love it, dad.
Yeah, yeah.
No, my stepdad hated the fact that I skateboarded,
I was in a punk, he hated that shit.
That's where we clashed a lot.
But do you still see your black family?
Yeah, of course, I love them to death.
And then when you go home, what's it like?
I so.
Well looky who came back.
I know.
I'm just visiting.
How was it with the white folks?
Tail between your legs now, huh?
When you go to the house, is there a photo of like James Baldwin on the wall? Yeah, yeah between your legs now, huh?
When you go to the house is there a photo of like James Baldwin on the on the wall or
You know, you're like like one of the you know, one of your founders, you know, it's funny
What do you call them Yeah, what if your people the founding brothers the founding brothers? Yeah
Or is it more Black Panther II? It could be Black Panther II
No, it's more so founding brothers. Yeah, the founding brothers. Or is it more Black Panther-y? It could be Black Panther-y with a fist. No, it's more so founding brothers.
I accept that.
I applaud that one.
No, the kind of the shit we had in our house,
like my Black family, it was all African tribal shit.
Meanwhile, none of us know anything about Africa.
It was crazy.
I'll tell you something.
But we just had to do it.
Like a blow dart?
No, is that a tribal thing, a blow dart?
Okay, let's move on.
That is when black people get money.
I know this with Patrice O'Neill.
He bought his house a couple years before he passed
and he decorated it.
I would have never assumed he was gonna go this route.
Patrice is a very American Boston black guy
and right away in his house, a statue of a giraffe.
And like, oh, it's gotta be like African II like things
It's black you will feel guilt about making money so they have to get more
Is that what it is that's what it is
Yeah, I need to call my mom and ask her about that. I'm like, why did you have the African travel?
Yeah, it was like all over should know she'll get to two picture deal He's going to have one of the leather Africa pendants on.
He's going to dress like he goes to Hillman University.
So, I don't know why he opened with race.
It's interesting.
Because you always take it there.
Well, every race is represented in this room.
He said some things to me that I will never repeat.
Okay, anyway, that's a fucking blasphemy. And also we have a Mexican, a Filipino, a white, a white, a room, that's why. Exactly. He said some things to me that I will never repeat. Okay, anyway, that's fucking blasphemy.
And also we have a Mexican, a Filipino,
a white, a white, a black, and Asian.
I know you keep it diverse,
but I mean you don't say shit.
Yeah, yeah.
It's like a DMV waiting room.
So, since we're on race, can we talk about
the top four of our, like who we look for?
Top four races?
No, who we think of, like who we think of,
like I'll think of Asians that are like,
I think the most important Asians
that really influenced me.
Can we go there?
Let's get positive.
So the top blacks that have influenced me.
It could be even celebrities you've never even met
or people like James Baldwin or whatever.
You say James Baldwin.
James Baldwin.
Yeah, I just happen to love him.
But why are you throwing,
why don't you throw suggestions for Big J?
We're all going to do it, dude.
Harriet Tubman, are we all doing black people?
No, no.
No, you do white.
I'll do white people.
You're the representative of whites.
Understood now.
I want to hear his top four blacks.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Why am I top four blacks?
I want to hear.
Oh, you want to go top four blacks then?
No, I...
Yeah, yeah.
Why don't we do this?
We go top four black, top four Asian, top four whites.
But I want to hear his white. Yeah, yeah. or let's start with the whites. Let's start with whites
So go ahead your top four whites top four whites. Yeah, Liam Gallagher from Oasis. God Henry Rollins. Okay, okay
I'll go with
Shit, this is fucking tough
I'll go with Ian McKay for minor threat.. I'll go with... I would say Fugazi, but
Okay, same shit. It's not the same thing. It's not the same. Okay, okay, chill. I tell you what
I grew up around black people enough that I don't know songs by anyone you're saying and I know a lot of music
Yeah, have you heard of Fugazi or no? I know Fugazi
I'm just like don't let no songs for top white big J. Yeah
That's a lie, but good. Thank you. No, I'm a are you you're not on anyone top four. I made an influencer
Yeah, yeah for whites because he said founding brothers and I respected my top four whites
What's funny is my top four whites are always gonna be people who I think are cool
Probably because of their black influence.
You got your Everlast.
Is that music?
Yeah, Everlast.
House of Pain.
Wait, top four whites of all time,
and you're gonna open with Everlast?
Yeah, and then-
Lincoln's not in there?
No, then Christopher Columbus.
Oh yeah, yeah.
Oh, there we go.
Christopher Columbus, that's a good one.
Yeah, let him get- All my raises are things that were against another race.
David was Hitler, Mussolini, uh,
the guy who killed the black guy on the subway and, um, and Timothy McVeigh.
Yeah. Yeah. They're doing a McVeigh movie and I can't wait. Anyway,
anyways. Okay. So you, those are your top four whites.
Yeah, no, that can't really be them for real.
Oh, got it, got it.
Go real.
Real top four whites.
Yeah, well, I'm gonna say,
I didn't know when Chappelle made his names,
he was naming like musicians.
He didn't name like really important whites.
But that's what I want.
They were important to him.
Yeah, what's important?
You were looking for,
so you were just gonna let him give goofy music answers and you're
holding me to the fire to name fucking the people who birthed our country or something?
What I'm saying is that he answered goofy but I believe that that's true. It rings well with him.
The pilot from the miracle on the Hudson. Sully, yeah, that's a good one.
Whoever the pilot was, we landed that fucking Delta plane on his head.
Yeah, that was great.
On his head?
On the head.
That's insane.
Fucking lady.
Some people were hanging upside down and they just fucking said fuck it and they just did
the seatbelt and they fell on the ceiling.
It's crazy.
That's awesome.
Shut that baby up though.
Oh shit.
I don't think the baby would cry more, but anyway, okay.
So I'm gonna go.
You think the baby's just gonna chill?
Is it my turn or no?
Okay, let's be real, okay?
Lou Reed.
Huge musical influence for me.
But not House of Pain, okay.
I know, yeah, why'd you choose this?
Everlast is fucking.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Oh, you think that Lou Reed, go to Everlast? Oh you think that
you think Everlast is better than Lou Reed? In terms of influence and music and
culture? He bridged gaps man. Okay that's your list. I'm gonna say mine.
He can rap. My second one. Can Lou Reed rap? My second one, Schindler. Okay. And I love
Schindler. Me too. I think he did a great job.
He's forced me to now, anything I purchase, big ticket,
I rank it in how many Jews I could have bought for it.
Remember at the end of Schindler's List,
he was like, oh, this right here,
this could have been two more.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I go, holy shit, that's a nice truck.
What is it, 46 Jews?
46 seamstress tax doings?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's right.
We had to watch that in school, by the way, but.
What'd you feel when you saw it?
I was just like, oh, okay.
It's crazy.
I was like, where's the slave movies at?
That's where I was at.
Amistad, I saw that in school.
You did not see Amistad in school.
I know, I was older.
But anyway, great movie, though.
What you guys suffered during, down there was incredible.
You know what I mean?
And then they threw you overboard.
Did they not?
Bobby, name your whites.
Oh yeah, sorry.
Schindler, Lou Reed.
I would say Rachmaninoff.
Who's that?
I just wanted to see people he doesn't know.
And I would say Kierkegaard.
Yeah, yeah.
Is he naming horrible people?
No, Kierkegaard's an existentialist philosopher.
And he wrote a book called Fear and Trumbling.
He went artistic with it.
I went artistic with it.
Okay. Blacks, go.
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He went artistic with it.
I went artistic with it.
Okay. Blacks, go.
Blacks? Yeah, yeah.
Go quick, quick!
Well, I don't like that.
Pass it, pass it, pass it. The way he said blacks, it really fucking... Yeah. Blacks yeah, yeah go quick quick
Way he said blacks really fucking yeah
blacks Denzel Washington. Yeah, I have to say
Malcolm X incredible incredible
I'm gonna go with Richard Pryor
Incredible and then fourth fourth top black of all time
Incredible. And then fourth top black of all time.
James Bond.
HR from Bad Brains.
You know I knew him?
Anyway, let's move on.
Name your blacks.
Rest in peace.
He did not die.
Oh, I know somebody else then.
This fucking guy.
You don't even know your blacks. He knows his blacks. I don't know somebody else then. Yeah, this fucking guy. Yeah, I know.
You don't even know you're blacks.
He knows his black.
I don't know punk blacks.
I don't know punk blacks.
I got a feeling.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
My black list is pretty good.
Well, let us be the judge, okay?
Yeah, simple.
Simple, go.
Ghost face killer, LeVar Burton, Webster, MC Hammer.
Dude, LeVar Burton was on my list. Diversity right? Yes it was.
Jordy LaForge from Star Trek Next Generation. He was not on your list. Yeah dude. He was also in Roots.
You bring up Star Trek, bring up Roots though. He said where's the
slave movies? You said Amistad, not Roots. But LeVar Burton was gonna be on your list for Star Trek, not roots.
I like that.
Well that's yeah, I mean I twist it up dude.
Did your mom, I know we're not far apart in age at all,
did your mom wear the banana clips in her hair
when she was younger?
My mom did that in the 80s, the banana clip.
Yeah my mom did that.
The teeth thing.
But she used real bananas.
Which were essentially.
Cut that out.
Jordy LaForge glasses, if you were a kid.
That banana clip was Jordy LaForge.
All right, very good.
Did you think that when Star Trek came out,
you thought that?
Oh yeah.
Yeah, yeah.
My stepfather is a sci-fi nerd.
How about a huge Star Trek fan?
And a power lifter.
Dude, that's crazy.
My stepdad is a sci-fi nerd.
He loved Babylon 5. I love Babylon weird combo. Dude, that's crazy. My stepdad is a sci-fi nerd. Really? He loved Babylon 5.
I love Babylon 5 too.
He loved that fucking show.
In fact, my neighbor, head writer of Babylon 5.
Really? Yep.
Wow. Yeah.
I fucking hate that bastard.
Let's go take his house.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Screaming about my dog all the time.
Let's ask him his favorite blacks.
Can I get a mine?
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, it's your turn.
Be as fast as Jay though. My favorite black. Let's see. I already said Webster. I know I
Would have to say
George Floyd, okay. Yeah
He died doing what he loved
selling cigarettes
That's the wrong black guy that got killed oh is it yes
what's my wait wait wait wait who's George Floyd wait who's George Floyd
good the knee-on-the-neck guy yeah that's what I'm saying he was selling
cigarettes no no no that's the I can't breathe guy that was in Jersey Mike oh
what it was George Floyd doing I don't know but move on on. Let me know. I'm not gonna move on.
Play a song.
No, I'm not gonna play a song.
I'll tell you this right now.
I'm gonna double down, dude.
He wanted to.
He wanted to sell cigarettes, probably.
Will you hit a G chord, please?
He wanted to sell cigarettes, but he never got the chance.
Yeah, he never got the chance.
You know my favorite thing is a new rabbit hole on YouTube I go into is white Karen ladies being arrested and
now they yell out George Floyd white ladies yelling out oh yeah yeah so
fucking funny they mean it cuz they're so pissed oh yeah get your you're
abusing me George Floyd yeah yeah or they do that I don't mean you so there
was a my favorite Karen is leopard print Karen out of Florida she was in the
Starbucks okay yeah right she refused to wear a mask in the Starbucks two officer pulled her out
Through her against the car and then she says I can't breathe. No, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, and then
I cannot breathe. I think she says it wrong. Oh, yeah
Breathe yeah, she said it like that. Full words.
That is my hotel room rabbit hole, body cam,
and true crime.
Yeah, I love that.
Who's the Karen that snitched on the black dudes
at Starbucks?
It's so weird that we can't even get into my...
It was in Philly.
There she is.
There she is.
You have your hand on my persons,
or she says something ridiculous like that.
She cute?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, she's... Oh no. Look at her. You'd fuck her. You have your hand on my persons or she says something ridiculous like that. She cute?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
No, she's...
Oh, no.
Look at her.
You'd fuck her.
Does that look like someone I would fucking...
Yeah, she's a fat white girl.
Anyway, guys...
Fuck you!
Do you want to see an arguably the funniest body cam video?
It's a fat woman being tasered in a in her bathing suit in a
hotel room no it's one of the funniest things ever because usually when people
get tasered they lock you see when they get tasered lock up and drop yeah
something about her it courses through her body and it's oh she doesn't dance
yeah it's like when they put a car battery to an octopus or something. Oh really? I've never seen that love it up. I would love to see that like a fat lady Taser
Mmm, tell you let's see fat lady Taser
Hotel finish your finish your you have three more like
I do yes. Oh, yeah, and be and be be wise
I'm gonna be wrong, but that's rude and I don't like that kind of fucking energy did be wise. It's my show be wise Okay, well go for man. You are Lewis's real name. I'm gonna be, that's rude, and I don't like that kind of fucking energy, dude. Be wise. It's my show.
Be wise.
Okay, I will.
Go for it.
Emanuel Lewis is his real name.
I know.
It's so funny that you say that.
He knows his shit.
It's so funny that you say that
because literally there was a five year period
where he would call my house every night.
For what?
Emanuel Lewis.
Because he had moved to Atlanta every time,
not every night, but every time he would come back to LA,
he would want to hang out,
and have a number hung out with him,
but he had my number.
And he would go, hey Bobby, I'm in town.
It's me, Emmanuel.
You don't sound like that, but go ahead.
To me it does though.
That's almost a dead-on impression.
You know, Jay, that's why.
I mean.
That's why you're here.
Eyes closed, I would have freaked out. I would have rubbed my eyes and been like,
I wasn't talking shit, Emmanuel.
Oh, that was Bobby.
Yeah, close your eyes real quick, okay?
I want to, who am I doing, all right?
What's happening, what?
What's happening, Willis?
Isn't that?
Gary Coleman.
Yeah, dude, dude!
What's happening, Willis?
Now, let me tell you what you, Bobby.
I fucked up, I know I fucked up, I forgot though.
You might want to edit this because you link
all black people together in your head.
You gave a Dwayne, what's happening.
Yeah. Yes.
What you talking about, Willis?
What you talking about, Willis.
What you talking about, Willis.
Different. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Well, that's what I do, I combo them up.
You know what I mean?
That's fair. You combo us up? It's like a fusion's what I do. I combo mom, you know, I mean, it's like fair combo us up
I think fusion restaurant. I do it with slogans. What a funny show
I got it pretty good, right? How about different strokes being about a rich white family with a daughter
Who adopts two black kids and in real life? Yeah, the rich white daughter is the one who robs a fucking like
Yeah, laundromat and then did and then did
softcore porn and drugs and died. Oh she ended up dying? I think she died. Yeah.
In a Play-Doh. Yeah. We should redo different drugs. Gary Cullough passed away. I know he did.
Did you cry when he died? I'm gonna beat his hands. That's crazy, what? He wasn't in my top four.
But he's a forefather, you know what I mean?
A trailblazer.
Definitely a pioneer for black midgets.
He is a pioneer for black midgets.
Without a doubt.
We should do different strokes,
but different degrees of the actual stroke.
Oh, I like that.
You know, one guy's like really kind of ripe,
but the other.
Wait, so that was the one?
I'm pitching a show.
And we all live with a fat, hilarious speech pathologist.
Exactly, dude.
Oh, it's writing itself.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Go ahead.
Interrupting me?
No, I didn't realize, I thought the dad adopted them.
I didn't know that was the show.
What do you mean?
For different strokes.
Yeah, the different strokes, the different strokes is the.
It was his, it was, it's such a hilariously
sort of racist story of his poor black housekeeper
had two kids.
She died suddenly, there was no father,
and so he adopted his housekeeper's kids.
And that's Willis and Arnold.
What about the little Webster, what happened to him?
In real life, he became best friends with MC Hammer.
No, no, no, in the show, in the show.
He was adopted by, yeah, Webster was adopted
by two white people, Mam and George.
Even though they adopted him and made him their child,
he still had to call the white lady Mam.
They kept him under thumb still.
That's right. Speaking of them. No point in going, could I call you guys mom'am. They kept him under thumb still. That's right.
Speaking of them.
At no point he goes, could I call you guys mom and dad?
They're like, hell no.
We're big in the church in this neighborhood.
There's something with whites adopting little blacks.
And the question is, what happened to the little blacks?
In the 80s we had two big ones.
What happened to them, the little blacks?
They all became power lifters, I'm telling you.
They have little arms, they don't have to move their weight very far.
Okay, good. I was wondering, you know?
Alright, finish your blacks.
I don't like your energy, dude. I like to take my time with my blacks.
And I'm not stolen because I can't think of anybody.
He's vamping a little bit.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I can think of somebody.
You don't have.
I do, dude.
And we have to do, since you're Asian, we have to do our favorite Asians.
I know, we're not there yet, dude.
Oh, got it.
What are you doing here?
Nothing, just looking up some stuff.
Oh yeah, let's zoom in here.
Beyonce's the owner of mine.
Is she?
The fuck?
You know, I like it.
It would be funny if they were as loose like,
oh, that's right, MacKay Pfeiffer.
He was on the tip of my tongue.
MacKay Pfeiffer, yeah, yeah, Vivica A-Fox.
You don't like Queen Latifah?
Yeah, yeah. No, I have my own black, so you take that out, Vivica A. Fox. You don't like Queen Latifah? Yeah, yeah.
No, I have my own black, so you take that out
because it's distracting what I'm really thinking here.
What are you thinking?
Flip Wilson is one of my favorites.
Do you know who he is?
Yes. Yeah.
Who is Flip Wilson?
I know you do.
Okay, good.
But he was-
Back in the Playboy era days.
Exactly, guy.
Playboy class. I love it.
You know what I mean?
Did you watch the secrets of the Playboy stories? The secrets of Playboy Mansion and stuff?
Nuh-uh. That was pretty crazy, yeah.
Don Cornelius, the allegation on him, they said Don Cornelius had two girls sent to his house,
Playboy Bunnies, and he beat and tortured them and fucked them for two days,
and then they had to send a house mother to go pick them up from Soul Train, Don Cornelia.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Don't talk to me, I love Don Cornelia.
Yeah, I'm just saying.
They had to go get them and they brought the girls out.
They were all beat up.
They put them in the in-house doctors
at the Playboy Mansion.
And the girl, who was one of the girls,
said, and she went down there the next week
and he was just sitting at his normal table again like that, no repercussions at all Wow so it's a better time all around
Was I was the leader of that I went there once the playboy mentioned a party I was really and nothing happened to me
No one would say hi to me. It was what happened to me either. It's not unless you're fucking Scott Bayo
That's what I'm saying. You have to be Scott Bayio. Oh, you have to be like a fucking dime piece.
A dime piece, like Rob Lowe.
No, I don't think as a guy you have to be.
I think you have to be.
I think that place was made of the,
probably the throwing around money ladies men guy.
So it wasn't necessarily looks, it was like,
these 24 year old girls are coming in,
for some reason they have to blow James Kahn, I guess.
And just like, it's James Khan.
Or when they say that, they're like,
oh, but it's, what's his one?
What's the Bonnie and Clyde?
What's his name?
They always say he.
Yeah, Warren Beatty.
Warren Beatty goes, he's an old fucking fugly geezer,
is what he is.
But I would go into rooms, there was no like,
sex in rooms.
I didn't know where to go, no one talked to me.
It was a terrible experience.
You showed up and got G-rated.
I feel like in each room it's like
you think you're looking at a painted wall
and it's like, it's Pauly Short, just opens his eyes.
He's like painted into the wall completely.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
He hangs out like Rambo too.
Okay, I have a fourth one, let's see.
What did I say already?
I James Baldwin, George Floyd,
you know what I mean? He wanted to sell cigarettes. The third one was
Flip Wilson. And the fourth one would probably, you know what I mean? Obviously be you, Chappelle.
Couldn't think of another black midget.
Couldn't think of another black midget.
Couldn't think of another black midget
Don't think of another black midget
Yeah bit for 15 minutes on you one more black bird one more black midget you were trying to find I don't think we should go into Asians. Why I don't know. I mean, I don't think you have any
I don't think we've influenced you in any kind of way. Can I tell you what?
This may be the one I could be the most genuine about Oh, do influence in my life particularly
Yeah, you're completely very easy. Go ahead Ricky the Dragon steamboat. Oh, do it. Influence in my life, particularly? Yeah, yeah, you're a pretty good lady.
Very easy.
Go ahead.
Ricky the Dragon Steamboat when I was a kid.
This might throw you a loop.
Is he Asian?
Oh yeah, Ricky the Dragon was.
Yeah, yeah.
Two, Shou Kishugi.
Another wrestler.
Shou Kishugi was in all,
he was like in the ninja movies when I was young. Oh, wow
He was the main guy on pray for death
Revenge of the ninja and ninja 3 the domination weirdly enough. Wow, there's no ninja one or two movie
There's just a movie called ninja 3 the domination. Oh, wow interesting strange
Are you sure?
100% okay ninja 3 the domination star. That looks hard as fuck. That looks hard
Let me tell you what's funny about it if you guys care about nostalgia that ninja
I do that ninja has gone on this girl. There's a great documentary on this company going Globus
That's who made all the shitty like
Movies back in the day like missing an action and all those kind of just the action movie. Yeah, yeah of the time
Let's go show Kishuki
That's him in Ninja 3.
Is he alive?
I don't know if he's alive.
I've never even thought.
Would you like to meet him?
I'd love to meet him.
I'll set up.
You have all their numbers?
No, no, excuse me.
Oh, okay.
Yeah, yeah.
Some kind of a foreign, every Asian guy.
He's alive.
Oh, great.
He's alive, Shokushugi.
Of course he is.
This guy, yeah, those movies. Look at him. Look at him. Those movies meant everything to me. Would great. He's alive? Of course he is. This guy, yeah those movies.
Look at him.
Those movies meant everything to me.
Would you be nervous around him?
Hey, how you doing?
Hi, Sean.
Oh, hello Mr. Kishugi.
I love your work in Ninja Through the Domination.
Oh, very good, very good.
Did you see one and two?
There was no one and two.
What do you mean, he would know?
All right, great.
But if you go back to that cover of that movie
for a second, that girl, so that company
that made all these shitty action movies.
She's half black.
They gave her a three picture deal.
No, it's a white girl, her name is Lucinda Dickey.
She's in Breaking One and Breaking Two.
That's right.
Lucinda Dickey, and then they just had to make
another movie with it, it was a three picture deal,
and they just threw this together.
They just threw it.
The idea of this movie is she gets possessed
by the spirit of a ninja, so the ninja in this movie
is a white girl.
Oh, wait, it's her?
And Sho Kishugi must stop her because if you watch
the film you would know only a ninja can stop a ninja.
Oh, wow.
It's a pretty great one.
Wow, so did you watch like Godfather or anything like that
or just only in that kind of movie?
On my life, never saw the Godfather.
Sho Kishuji was in Godfather Part Two as an extra.
As an extra, nice.
Pass or by.
It all comes full circle.
He was pass or by.
It all comes full circle.
Black Belt, Nine Stripes, pass or by. Revenge of the circle. He was pass or by? It all comes full circle. Black belt, nine stripes, right?
Pass or by?
Revenge of the Ninjas are the best movies of all time.
Aloha, Simon.
Okay, go ahead.
Chappelle, your four favorite A's?
I'm gonna have to go with Jackie Chan
because of Rumble in the Bronx.
Yes. One of my favorites.
I gotta go with Homie from Surf Ninjas.
Ernie Ray's Junior?
Ernie Ray'sr. Mm-hmm
Oh homie and on Bach
Ernie Reyes jr. Also in the last dragon. Yes. Oh Bruce Lee Roy. He's the little yes
Yeah, he's like breakdancing and shit. Yeah, um
Shit who's another one that's so fucking dope
Yeah, you got so many.
You got a lot. Yeah, we got so many.
We got so many. We got billions of them.
There's a ton of you guys around.
Like, I lost count.
Okay, can I go mine or not?
I would have said Uncle Ben, but I thought he was Asian.
He made rice, but it turns out it's a black guy.
Yeah, yeah, very good.
I was at Uncle Ben. That's our connection. That's why we fuck with each other. Nobody was Asian if he made rice, but it turns out it's a black guy. Yeah, yeah, very good.
I was at Uncle Ben.
That's our connection.
That's why we fuck with each other.
Yeah, yeah, Uncle Ben.
Well, Ben, still bringing people together
after all these years.
They didn't want to take him off the box.
There he is.
So Asian.
Look at him right there.
First of all, black people created rice.
Okay, I mean, I have no idea.
I think even black people say God created rice.
Yeah, yeah.
Do you really believe that?
Uncle Ben.
That's what Paul Mooney said.
Yeah, Paul Mooney's, nah.
Uncle Ben definitely.
He said that.
Yeah, I know.
This picture of Uncle Ben definitely is the Uncle Ben
that would yell at the other black people in the house.
Yeah, yeah.
You're gonna fuck it up for all of us.
That's why they don't like us.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because you don't know how to act.
Yeah, it's, yeah, like, it's.
Samuel Jackson.
In Django, in Django, that's the character.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Who's that nigga on that nag?
Y'all make me sick.
Yeah, say it, Bobby, say that line, say it.
Give me the line, I'll say it.
I don't forget, what's the line?
Who's that nigga on that nag?
Who the nigga on that nag?
Who the nigga on that nag? Can I that nigga on that neck? Whoa! Oh! Who's that nigga on that neck?
Can I go mine or no?
Oh yeah.
Okay, so Pat Morita for sure for me.
Because he was an Asian actor that didn't know karate.
I know that he did it in fucking Karate Kid.
But he was more of like a goofy kind of a comedian
kind of a character like Al from Happy Days.
The first time I saw him.
And then he smoked weed to the end of his life.
I saw a video of him at a frat party
just fucking ripping one off of a bong.
Yeah, he's me in a different time I think.
With the same type of invasion.
He does a mean Red Fox impression too.
Yeah, don't do a buddy cop film with Jay Leno though.
I'll tell you why, right.
Don't do that.
Second favorite, Suni.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I applaud her.
She knows how to thank somebody for adopting you.
That's how you thank someone who's adopted you.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
The third one is the girl that vanished
at that hotel in downtown LA.
Yeah, yeah.
The girl that fell in the tank?
Yeah, the tank, the water tank, Asian. That's one of my favorite. She vanished, she just fell in downtown LA. Oh, you know that fell in the tank? Yeah, the tank, the water tank, Asian.
That's one of my favorite.
She vanished, she just fell in that tank.
Four full episodes of one of them possibly talking about
demonic possession and ghosts, and it turns out
she was off her meds and fell in a tank.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
That's what it narrowed down to.
Do you remember some of the elevator scenes where she was doing it?
Yeah, where she'd walk in, walk out, walk in.
I love that shit.
Yeah, she looks like she was like, what a great Asian.
Like she was seeing something like a ghost.
We consider her a mime.
She's the first Asian mime.
There she is.
There she is.
What is she doing there?
She thinks she's at the Ho Chi Minh trail, look at her.
I love you, John Wambo.
Yeah, look at her.
I feel so bad.
And then my fourth, what's my favorite?
I think Genghis.
Yeah, he did a lot of good work out there.
He did a lot of bad things, but he also-
I saw a pussy, he wanted and took it.
Did he do that?
He loved horses.
Yeah, that's why I like him.
Anyway, no, you know who it is, T'Kai.
George T'Kai. Oh, from Star Trek. Heai. Takai? George Takai.
Oh, from Star Trek.
He's a very lovable Asian.
Why are you laughing?
I love that Asian.
I think he's pretty gay.
Yeah, I mean?
But also...
Oh, so he is gay?
No, very.
He's the most gay.
He's the most gay you could...
He's the gayest.
Yeah, yeah.
I mean, he has a black hole down there.
Is that Asian dude from Goonies Gay?
No. Key? Oh yeah, is Key gay? No he has a black hole down there. Is that Asian dude from Goonies Gay? What? No.
Oh yeah, is Key gay?
Mary Jo?
He seems, I like him.
Don't you like him?
He's having a resurgence.
Yeah, he is.
Yeah, yeah.
What's he like a...
His real impish, boyish excitement is annoying.
Look at that.
Look at that.
Bro, just proud.
Oh, it was all hell.
Yeah, yeah.
He was great, but he's got such a good sense of humor.
Like he would go in like Howard Stern
and like all the jokes are about him.
He just rolled with it.
And by the way, not just roll with it,
like bluntly told stories about like just going
like suck cocks in the park back in the 70s.
He's like, oh, it was a different time.
Yeah, yeah.
I think the gays are still doing that.
Oh, but he's like, he's very open about it.
He's great.
He's like a fucking great sport. He's our favorite gay in terms of Asians. I mean,
when they would fuck, they were gays. So we're now in a gay. I love gays. I, um, I had a
gays and open for me in Phoenix this weekend. Did we ever gay white? Uh, what? Well, I didn't
get, I only did two of my Asians by the way. All right him off, cut him off. All right, all right, all right, all right.
All right, let's go back.
Joe Cohen, his mom.
Very good, two for it.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Very good, very good.
In house.
Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, he will not call me back.
For a year I've been texting.
He's just not a crime shark.
Call him right now.
No, no, no, he will not call me back.
I don't know what it is, but anyway,
maybe he's just above right now. No, no, no, he will not call me back. I don't know what it is, but anyway, maybe he's just above me now.
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But anyway, maybe he's just above me now.
Do you ever feel, let me ask you guys a question.
Do you ever hang out with a comic and then they blow up
and then they're a little weird or no?
Has that ever happened or are they still down to earth?
Your experience.
I started with Kevin Hart.
I was like, yeah, yeah.
I started with Kevin Hart.
What are you?
Yeah, yeah, so yes, yeah, so yes.
Started with Kevin Hart.
When I couldn't afford socks,
he was on a billboard for Soul Plane.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Oh, you started with him.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
He started like two weeks ago. What a nice guy.
Kev. Oh, he's great. Great guy. Have you met Kevin? I've never met Kevin. Super nice. Favorite
short black though. Okay. Very good short black. Yeah. How fucking I've never seen him
in person. How tall is he? I'm taller. Five three. I'm a little taller. Yeah. Oh, you're
taller than I'm a little taller. Yeah. Yeah. Wow're taller than him? I'm a little taller, yeah, yeah, yeah. Wow. This is pretty cool.
10 inch wiener though.
10 inch wiener?
Damn, he's packin'.
Times I saw, we used to go around together
and do like shows and stuff.
We'd pull chicks, it was always through him.
Also, we were doing like black circuit shows.
He's never done that, so don't go to black circuit.
We'd have these.
Oh wait, what do you mean by that?
No, no, look at me right now, wait, what do you mean by that?
No, no, look at me right now, Guy.
What do you mean?
Hey, Guy, look at me, dude.
Hey, Guy.
Jay's telling us.
It's my show, dude, what the fuck?
Look at me, dude.
I know, but Jay's telling us.
Okay, go ahead, Jay.
Kevin would get these girls, and I mean,
it was so not like for me, and he was doing things,
trying to throw me like lifelines to help me, because he was doing things, trying to throw me lifelines to help me,
because he would ask me to help him,
he'd be like, we have like girls back in the room
playing Truth or Dare or something.
I mean, that way.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
But legitimately, we're 19 and 20.
At this point, 18, either 18 and nine,
he was 18 when he started, I was 19,
and then so yeah, it's like probably a year later or so.
So we're young and he would be like,
Jay, dare me to pull my dick out for these girls.
And he would do it.
And then, big, insane.
I mean, movie star.
Also on a five foot three body.
I mean, it's crazy.
And I mean, this is a Also on a five foot three body. I mean, it's crazy. It's crazy. I mean, this is a compliment.
It's disproportionate.
But yeah, we have a couple stories together
where I've seen this monster.
But he would be like,
there's a point where I think, yes, we would.
And then without me,
I wasn't asking for anything like that.
I'm like, in my mind, I'm like,
I'm just gonna wingman these two larger ladies
while you take the pretty one and fuck her.
I'm just kind of like running interference for you.
And he goes, Jay, Jay, these girls wanna see,
pull your dick out.
And I'm like, wah, dude, no way.
Not after you pull your dick out.
You have to follow Kevin Hart's dick?
That's fucking crazy.
I'm like, dude, you are a foot shorter than me.
A foot shorter than me, and your dick, I mean like,
is crazy, I can't pull this out in front of these girls.
And then he wasn't understanding,
I had to like, correct that for the future.
Whether, I'm like, yo, if we ever bring girls,
this is like back in the time, we like share a hotel room.
Early 2000s.
Late 90s.
Late 90s, wow.
Like 99 maybe.
We started in 97. Years ago I met a black guy at a comedy club, I took Like 99 maybe. Wow. Started in 97.
Years ago I met a black guy at a comedy club.
I took him to a spa and I saw his penis.
It was like a little button.
Yeah, yeah.
And it was the first time I go,
oh they have small ones too.
Yeah, that's why he's trying to make friends.
That's why he's trying to make friends.
First of all, he's trying to.
It was a button, dude.
It was not a button.
I got a fucking button.
Everyone know right now, dude, he has a little button.
And it's really sad.
I do not have a button. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're funny and likable and that's good. And that's your strength. I do not have a button. I don't think I got a fucking button. Everyone know right now, dude. He has a little button. And it's really sad. I do not have a button.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
You're funny and likable and that's good.
And that's your strength.
I do not have a button.
Yeah, but you got a button down there.
I do not have a button.
You can't put that in the streets for a brother.
Yeah, you can't, thank you.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Gosh, he knows the fucking code.
You think it's big?
I know it's big, bro.
What the fuck?
You think it's big?
I saw it.
Dude, I did not see it.
I know you did see it.
Yeah, I saw a button.
You set me up.
I said, yo, for what? To fucking try to see my dick. This know you did see it. I saw a button. You set me up.
I said, yo, for what?
To fucking try to see my dick.
This motherfucker and his auntie.
I get that though, too.
Thanks, sir.
Thank you so much.
I thought he was going to be on my side.
I'm on both sides.
I'm a bit of a waffler.
I understand when someone's like, hey man, I don't like that you set me up to see my
dick, but also I think we need to always know how big your friend's dicks are, so you have
to be able to figure out like-
Jay, I just met him.
The first day.
Yeah, but what if you guys order a pizza?
You've got to figure out who's going to pick the toppings, you know what I mean?
So you have to like, it's a natural hierarchy you find out.
You know what I mean? Yeah. So to like, it's a natural hierarchy you find out. You know what I mean?
So would you like-
The Legion of Skanks.
Yeah, I'm doing a show with you, Lowy Gomez.
Oh yeah, yeah.
Yeah, yeah, tomorrow night, right?
No, what's his name?
I don't know why I say Lowy.
Lowy Gomez.
He texts me, he texts me, I don't know him.
But I'm doing some story teller.
What is it?
It's a very, very fun game we've been doing.
They've been texting me right now,
they're like, what's your story?
Why do I have to tell them?
No, so don't tell me any of them,
because I'm in the game with you.
We have a subject, the subject on this week's one
that you're doing is Los Angeles stories.
Okay, I have so many, so many, so many.
Right, and one of them's a little button dick.
Well, now I'm gonna know that.
Okay, okay, yeah.
But you send three to five stories like
kind of synopsises of the story to our producer. Yeah. And then me, Lewis, it'll be you, Adam Ray,
and Greg Fitzsimmons. Everyone submitted stories. Okay. And then our producer puts them up on the
screen one at a time and the game is... They're gonna know mine right when they read it. Try to
make that not the case. Don't lie, but like tweak.
If you're like, my Asian mother took me to a thing,
we aren't gonna do that.
I know.
I just say mother.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, okay.
I play the piano.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
As a piano player.
No, but also our producer knows to kind of tweak words
a little bit to make it not so obvious who it is.
Okay. So it's good for the game.
But even just the premise of mine,
they're gonna go, oh, that was Bobby.
Damn it!
But try to work around that.
But if you, so if it's your story,
it's your job to not let anybody know that.
You're trying to get people to vote for somebody else.
Because for everybody you fool,
that is not your story, you get a point.
If it's not your story,
you're trying to genuinely guess who it is,
and you get two points for that.
Oh my God, and that's all we have? And by not your story, you're trying to genuinely guess who's it is and you get two points for that. Oh my God. And that's all we have.
And by the second story, you'll be aggressively invested.
Do I have to say much or no?
Well, when it's your story,
when everyone's guests put their answers in to guess
and we find out whose story it is,
if it's your story, you'll tell the story.
But if they don't guess, I don't get to tell it?
If your story doesn't come up.
No matter what, when your story comes up,
you will eventually tell the story.
Ooh, ooh, ooh.
But afterwards, tomorrow night,
are you flying back to LA Thursday?
Where in LA?
I mean, to New York, I mean, New Jersey, I mean?
No, no, no, I go to Ontario Thursday for the weekend.
Because I would like to go.
I don't know if you know this, but I'm featuring for you.
Are you really?
Oh, hell yeah.
Oh, it's gonna be fun.
That's awesome.
Thanks for doing this, Bobby, I mean.
Yeah, thank you.
Yeah, moving on up.
With the whites.
With the whites.
With the whites.
Very good.
I was hoping for black guys the whole time,
and then a white.
But would you and Lou go to the, Louis, sorry, the spa?
Or no?
Afterwards or no?
Oh, I know.
Because there's a spa, why'd you like to take it to the spa?
I don't know, but I've been.
I wanna see.
He's a guy who's asked me to go to a spa a lot, Louis.
Yeah, Louis likes to, I don't know if you want to see everybody's dicks, but
yeah, none of us are against it. I-
Please, I'll pay.
Don't you have a fat dick?
This is exactly what he did to me.
Please, I'll pay.
This is exactly what he said.
The only difference, we were standing outside of it.
I'll tell you why I believe Chappelle has a big dick is because if you saw it looking small, he knows that was like a thing right there. If me and
you went to a spa, I'd tell you I was taking a shit for an hour until I had
gotten completely hard and then let it calm down a little, but then I will act
like that is how it always. Ah, it's a time. You got to get it on the come
down. Come ups. No good. Come ups. No good. always. Ah, it's a timing thing, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You gotta get it on the come down.
The come up's no good.
The come up's no good,
because it's still not fully whole.
You don't wanna see hard.
But the come down stays a little thicker,
a little bit longer.
And even then, I won't show you.
At my best.
So if you were in the steam room, you would wear shorts?
Wow, you're much like him then, in that way.
Yeah, in fact, it's just I-
You told me I wasn't allowed to wear shorts.
I know, but you want it.
That's wild.
I know you want it, I wouldn't allow you to.
He made me put my clothes in a lock.
That's how Sandusky got him.
Ah, guys, the fibers from your underwear
is gonna clog the drain.
I read his book, I read his book.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, what a piece of shit he was. anyway, uh, wow, so the nut that's a note got those guys to play though
You got a call how you seize it, right? I mean he got those were some of their best. Yeah
When we when you do those when we did those shows together
We've done shows together on the road like the per chose. Do you like those the bird shows? Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah
I mean, I definitely like them.
One, low responsibility of time on stage.
He makes it fun, because he plans,
there's stuff for us to do.
It's incredible.
His crew is the best.
The best crew.
Like his people are so good.
It's like camp.
It really is, so that's how I go.
And then also is that kind of funny thing that I do like,
is, because I've done every show of it, except the very first one is I missed because of a plane
But I've done all of them and like it there is that we don't get much of that anymore
It's like when you do the nasty show maybe in Montreal version that we really get like people you don't get to see very often
Yeah, and enjoy hanging out with
Like a week and then when you leave it's like
But it really is like the bonds that are like not gonna last they're gonna last forever as like
friendships and acquaintances but the real like when we get back now that I've
met you after doing comedy near you for 10 years when we get back though we're
starting an actual new like dinner at my place on Sundays and then you get back
and I was like you know two months later you do this when you see him in a comedy
club and you never hey yeah I mean Tiffany Haddish and I would say I mean we're thickest thieves on this tour
I wouldn't be surprised if Tiffany has walked into a room and be like, hey nice to meet you. Yeah. Yeah
I don't know. Where's Tiffany there? Oh, she wasn't on that. Okay, okay
If you bitch I know what you was about to say what you was about to call fucking jay fucking Tiffany Haddish
No, I wasn't about to say. What? You was about to call fucking Jay fucking Tiffany Haddish. No I
wasn't. Oh. You've been mixing up the blacks this whole time. No I've never
mixed up blacks. In fairness I thought he was gonna call Fortune Feimster me. Yeah.
You look great by the way we talked outside. Do you want to talk about your
weight loss or no? Sure. Can you tell that he lost weight? Yes. It's
incredible. Yeah beautiful beautiful science.? Yes. It's incredible. Yeah, beautiful, beautiful science.
Yeah, yeah.
It's a completely different human.
You know what I always said,
one of the reasons I've never tried heroin in my life,
because it sounds like that would be the one
that I would love.
Yeah, me too.
Is because I can't give myself a needle.
I don't have the ability to do that,
to give myself a needle.
And it's probably good that I've never tried heroin
in any other format,
because when they were like, you could lose weight by it but you just got to
give yourself a needle in the stomach I'll be like I'll do it I'll figure it
out yeah I'll sort it out yeah but you know your wife does it for you yeah my
girlfriend yeah she does yes what are you gonna propose huh what are you gonna
propose never if possible no no but honestly look at me yeah how long he's
been dating 13 years yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Don't you think it's time?
I've literally been, what's funny,
we've been together 13 years.
I've been divorced for like six months.
It took forever.
Oh, so you were already, I get what you're saying.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So now.
So you'll never do it again.
I'll give her paperwork.
If I die, you could have the house.
Oh, right. You already live there.. I'll give her paperwork if I die you could have the house. Oh, right
You already live there. What is it about that? Like the complexities of it? I mean did I'm sure when you um
She's constantly you're still in your life. You don't get the divorce right your ex-wife. You're not anymore Yeah, I know but for that whole time she probably was yes
It gives you an excuse to call you and the legal right? Oh, yeah. Yeah, it was brutal
Wow, it was well someone told me with a Gives you an excuse to call you and the legal remedy. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It was brutal. Wow.
It was, well someone told me with a,
you never married right?
But like someone told me with,
the reason I even started pushing for it
after all those years,
because I was like, everything's kind of copacetic,
you know what I mean?
It's what it is, no big deal.
But when I started like pushing for it,
it got like shitty quick.
But the guy who told me to, he's like, dude, please move forward,
was a lawyer out here who was representing a celebrity, an actor.
And he called me from the parking lot of the courthouse,
where he was just like, he just had his biggest loss.
And he was representing his buddy, the actor, who was with the same thing.
Like they were separated for a decade or more,
but they stayed for the kids, like, you know, together,
not together, but like everyone's friendly.
They didn't live together, but everyone got along good
and met their significant others and all that.
And then I guess he wanted to, and in that time,
while they were not together,
but still married technically, he got a very big show.
That was on for a while.
They wait for the show.
And then when he got, when he goes,
hey, I actually wanna marry my girlfriend,
or whatever it was, so we have to get divorced,
I guess when she went to court, she was like,
oh, I don't know what you're talking about.
Like, look, here's pictures of us last Christmas together.
And this began, I'm like, ah, and Thanksgiving.
And you're like, yo, that's kind of what happens
to me a little bit.
It was like, yeah.
Can I ask you, you don't have to answer,
but I'm very curious.
I did not get housed like he did.
Yeah, yeah.
For sure, but yeah. But when you
when did you meet your wife? What year, how old were you? 21 or 2. And then when
did it start going bad? I mean when you thought like I want to get out? Yeah, how
long in? I probably knew we shouldn't have been together. The problem is I was 21.
Fat kid insecure always. Right. My ex-wife, very pretty.
Yeah, yeah.
And like, you know, I was excited to get with her
when I got with her.
And then, but very quickly, I moved to New York.
And then you're in the clubs,
and she's not there every night.
And then I just was like, I had no line at all.
Like when I walked out of the house,
I was like, well this is my world here now.
Oh, I see. And even after my daughter was born,
even when my daughter was born, it was the same kind of thing.
It's like, yeah, well Sundays we always go to dinner
and a movie and then we go home and watch TV together
and then they go to bed and then I go play video games
or dick around and then the rest of the week is like,
she comes home from work and I go do comedy
and while I'm doing comedy,
I'm lying to some woman about something, you know, whatever.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
And I just, it wasn't even a thing.
I remember when I got caught one time,
it was a funny question, but like such a real answer.
She was like, why do you,
she was like, what do you think about me and your daughter
like when you're doing these things on the road?
And I was like, literally nothing.
Like completely out of my mind.
And by the way, in a way that I,
it's probably the mechanism just going like,
I'm not doing it because I don't want to come back home,
and you know, until it was that,
until like, you know, just time ran its course.
But in the beginning I was like, no, no, no, no, no,
I'm excited, we go to the movies and do whatever on set.
I'm like, it's the best.
Yeah, just like, you know, just don't come out with me Monday. It's like, we all go to karaoke movies and do whatever on set. I'm like, it's the best. He goes, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Just like, you know, just don't come out with me Monday.
It's like, we all go to karaoke
right around the corner from the comedy club.
And like, there's girls from Iowa that are there.
They're gonna blow anybody.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So like, I got wrapped in that.
So it was like, and by that point,
I knew we shouldn't be together.
But there was such a thing with my daughter.
Like, I definitely couldn't have afforded to
Be present at all like I know and my dad left when I was pretty young so I didn't want that to go through that
But I saw
Very quickly like if I moved out and stuff like how fast were it's like oh you didn't see her for two weeks
Oh, you didn't see her for three, you know
I mean like a deadbeat dad and I'm like, I had so I until she was 12
I was able to hang in there. Oh cool.
Is she still in your life, your daughter?
Obviously, right?
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
She better be my wife, I pay her God damn money.
Yeah, but you're rising, right?
I feel like you're always rising.
I hope.
No, you are.
You know what I mean?
Slow burn.
Dude, I've had the slow burn too.
Yeah, no, I just.
Yeah, yeah, I like, I prefer slow burn than.
I genuinely, I don't know what I would've done.
I felt with getting to see people like Pete Davidson
and stuff, kind of go the way they would.
I think Pete's great, it's not a dig on him at all.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I don't know if I would've done any better.
I'm like, handling that, that world.
I'm still, at 47 years old, they're still like,
when I meet celebrities I've never met before,
I'm still like, I place importance on them them like it's stupid for them to and when
they're like dude I love your stuff whenever that happens yeah there's a
couple of great those musicians like Marcus King and Gary Clark jr. very big
comedy fan yeah when their fans I'm still like you know it's like mr. sir I'm
gonna be in Austin so if you want to like we can come to your show and I'm like no I'm saying like I'd like you to Austin, so if you want to like come by my show, they're like, we can come to your show.
And I'm like, no, I'm saying like, I'd like you to come.
So if you would come to my show almost, and they're like, no, it's pretty cool.
You're like inviting us to the show.
I'm like, is it?
I know.
So when me and Andrew were in Australia, we were in Melbourne,
and Andrew just goes, we have some friends coming.
I have some friends coming, right?
And so backstage it was Dakota Fanning.
Oh yeah.
And as soon as I saw her.
Love Dakota Fanning.
I love her too, she's so talented.
But I change, I become meek and quiet,
and she's like at my show.
And I'm like, oh, you want a beverage?
You know, we got to open bar, whatever you want.
You know what I mean?
Like, I don't know why we're like that.
Because they feel like they're the real celebrity
and we're imposters.
You feel that?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
I feel like an imposter.
When I was a...
I haven't dealt with this yet,
so it's interesting hearing.
When I was a...
Little Dick Blacks are gonna go up.
Yeah, you'll get it.
It's on the rise.
Yeah, it's on the rise.
You'll get it.
One time when I had the Comedy Cellar,
years back, I took a gig.
The Comedy Cellar, now all the rooms
of the Village Underground are comedy.
But before there was one room that was karaoke,
and I ran, I needed the money,
so I would do, for the owners of the Comedy Cellar,
I would run karaoke on Monday nights.
Because friends would come hang and stuff anyway,
we didn't hate it that much.
But it's a little also embarrassing doing that,
because they would also sometimes have after parties
from like John Oliver show or taping or like a premium blend.
And the worst one of those ever was a girl came up
at one of those after parties,
Emily Heller, she's a comic artist,
but I didn't know her at the time.
And she came up and did like the dollar bill
with the thing and she was like,
she didn't know who I was,
and she was like, here you go,
and I was like, oh no, it's okay,
like you'll be up soon, there's not a lot of people,
like I'll get you up soon,
and she's like, okay, and she's like, no, take it.
It's like, it's a good job,
and I'm like, no, no, it's totally fine.
And she took off and went off,
and then came back over like five minutes later, and she goes, oh my gosh, because I'm like, no, no, it's totally fine. And she took off and went off, and then came back over like five minutes later,
and she goes, oh my gosh, because I'm so embarrassed.
I just realized, she goes, I'm opening for you
in San Francisco next weekend, the punch line.
Yeah, yeah, I was like, huh.
Wait, what is that?
What do you mean?
Why are we like that?
Well, I don't know, it's the embarrassment,
but I bring up the karaoke thing,
because on a night that I was doing that,
I would go and do an earlier spot,
which was rare at the cellar.
And one of those nights, Katie Perry and John Mayer
were there.
And when I got off stage-
Back when they were together.
Back when they were together.
When they...
Man, I'll slap your bitch head.
Little dick black voice.
Hey, buddy, when they were together.
This is the natural oil and water.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
This is like, yeah.
This is like pencil dick.
Shut the fuck up.
This isn't about us.
Go ahead, Jay.
This is about decades and decades.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Of them not.
92, LA 92, dude.
I'll never forget.
I will never forget.
We cut you by.
No browsing.
Let me say something, right? When I go to a fucking liquor store, when I go to a liquor store, I'll never forget. I will never forget. Because you buy. Yeah. No browsing.
Yeah, you kill some people.
Let me say something, right?
When I go to a fucking liquor store, when I go to a liquor store, if I want a Butterfinger,
I pick it up and I buy it.
Why do you have to pick it up and then put it back and look around?
You don't do that!
Bobby, get merch please that says, you buy something or get out my store.
That's great merch.
Yeah, that's great.
Thank you, thank you.
You buy something.
Sorry, sorry.
Y'all were on the roof shooting at us.
Yeah, because you guys were stealing.
Bobby's family came to this country
with a dream of opening a beeper store slash starter.
Yeah, exactly.
So Jay, I was at the cellar maybe two months ago.
Oh, wait, wait.
Oh, you're finished?
I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.
I'm like dragging too.
I love it.
But Katy Perry and the owner of the cellar goes, hey, they loved your set, they want finished? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I'm like dragging too, I'm sorry. I love it. But I, Katy Perry and the owner of the seller goes,
hey, they loved your set, they want to meet you.
Which you never know is like more than them saying,
hey, that guy was funny.
But for the club's sake, they want,
and I was like, oh dude, like I know I'm so bad at that.
I was like, I really have to,
like I gotta go start the karaoke thing.
And he's like, no, it's fine.
Just like talk to them for a little bit.
Why would you do that? And I go, no, I gotta go start the karaoke thing. And he's like, no it's fine, just like talk to them for a little bit.
And I was like.
What would you do that?
And I go, no, I gotta go over.
And he goes, I own the place.
He goes, go talk to them for like five minutes.
And I was like, all right.
And I went over and they were like,
and I'm telling you, that thing's making it to the table.
They weren't like, please.
They were just like, yeah, good set.
And then like the owner almost hits me down
next to Katy Perry and John May.
And I sat there for
30 silent seconds, it felt like two minutes and then just went to Katy Perry. I went
It was a Chris Farley show. I was like, do you?
First thing I said there were first words. I said rather than thank you was do you like LA or New York better?
And she goes I love them both like for different reasons and I went that's cool and I got up and walked away
Stop stop stop stop
Stop stop stop stop
Oh my god
Doja Cat came up to me outside the comedy store
Let's stick with the jump here
We'll go to Doja in a second alright
I just need that to sit in
Oh my god so shameful That is shameful John Payer, we'll go to Doja in a second, all right? I just need that to sink in, okay?
Oh my God, that's so shameful.
That is shameful.
Here's the thing, okay?
But what did you want him to do?
Let's stop for a second, okay?
Patrice said this to me.
Patrice goes, you and I would be further in our careers.
That's what he said to me, right?
If we knew how to talk to people.
Shmooz, right?
And this is something that I used to do,
but I learned not to do it.
I've changed.
So with the Dakota Fanning thing, I said,
you know, I was shy, but I've learned.
So we talked about a variety of different topics.
I'm uncomfortable.
Like when Michael Bay comes to the club and hang out,
I'm able to do it because I've learned to do it.
You've got to learn to do it, Jay.
No, I know.
It's a, you're not wrong.
Yeah, yeah, you gotta learn.
Colin Quinn gave that like keynote speech
just for last year's ago.
It was like, some people's instinct is to go to the party.
You know what I mean?
It's like Joe DeRose is such a great example.
Joe's like, they're having the rap party
for the festivals and I'm always like,
the rap party for the festivals. Any'm always like, the rap party?
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, it's just like a weird,
I always thought those things were like
the holiday parties at the comedy clubs.
I'm like, that's for young comics to go drink for free.
Like it's kind of the idea of hooked up maybe or whatever,
but I'm like, you kind of passed the point of that.
Yeah, so during the Borderlands premiere, right,
they did a gigantic cast photo. And everyone's there, you know what I mean? And I'm off Borderlands premiere, right, they did a gigantic cast photo.
And everyone's there, you know what I mean?
And I'm off to the side, I'm watching them.
And then Kevin literally left the group,
grabbed my wrist, and pulled me into the photo.
But that's where always my stance is like, oh, I'm not.
You know what I mean?
I don't belong to that.
You know what I mean?
Yeah, yeah.
But we have to learn because it's kind of gross that we even think that.
That we're that aloof.
Yeah, why is it?
We got to change it because it's in our minds.
Listen, I did the jelly roll roast they did in Nashville.
Who's jelly roll?
He's a country music.
I love him.
He's the best.
He's so talented.
Come on now.
I love him.
He was Chappelle's fifth white. Callback, I love it.
Just almost.
Yeah, yeah.
I did his roast and my, first of all, I didn't know it was a roast out of the gates.
They told me, at first they called me and said, do you want to do the roast of Jelly
Roll for his birthday in Nashville?
And I said, no, but not because I didn't want to do it.
I was just like, I can't,
I think me and you have done a roast thing before,
I can't use the writers' jokes to just bother,
I'm just like, if they write great jokes,
then they should be able to tell them.
I would hate that, I would hate writing things off
and being like, I'd be the asshole watching a roast going,
I wrote that.
You know what I mean, you want the credit for it,
so I was like, no, I gotta do it myself,
and I was like, I don't have do it myself, and I was like,
I don't have time to do this right now.
It's like, you know, two weeks away.
But sometimes those jokes are good.
A writer's joke.
Sometimes they're good.
Although, I think they have a tremendous,
I mean, Kim, Congdon, Zach, and me,
it's amazing, right?
It's not about their jokes.
I'm just like, here's what I'll do.
I did, when I did Lewis's Roast,
we did it at Skank Fest South the one year.
One joke I did was solely something that Josh Eddermeyer said to me.
And I said it and it got a laugh and I went,
Josh Eddermeyer said that.
I have like bibliography it.
Where was I?
Doja Cat.
Doja Cat.
No, that was way longer.
I never quite got to it.
Writers, the Jell-O-Roll roast.
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. But so, the Jelly Roll roast. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, yeah.
But so I was, and then when I got there,
earlier they go, you wanna do the roast?
I said, I can't do the roast.
They said, then they called back and go,
it's not a roast.
It's just like, go up there and say a couple nice things
about Jelly Roll.
You know, you got to know them a little bit
over the last couple years.
Like, just say something nice about them.
I was like, yeah sure, look, I wanna come to the thing.
I just, I can't prepare a roast.
And so I went out there the day of,
and did Something's Burning with Burt and Mark Norman,
and they both have a stack of papers in their hands,
and I'm like, what are those?
And they're like, it's our roast jokes.
And I'm like, oh, I always thought it wasn't really a roast.
They're like, oh, it's a roast.
And I was like, yeah, all right. I was like, oh, you know what, though? Maybe they asked me if I wanted to really a roast. I was like, oh, it's a roast. And I was like, yeah, all right.
I was like, oh, you know what though?
Maybe they asked me if I wanted to do the roast
and when I was like, I can't do the roast,
they were like, well, we're also gonna have people
just like, Jay, you wanna say something about that?
I was like, oh, so then I don't get worried at all
because I'm like, oh, there is a roast.
That's what it is.
They asked me to be on the roast
but now I'm just hanging out. When I get there, oh, I'm just there is a roast. That's what it is. They asked me to be on the roast, but now I'm just hanging out
Right when I get there
It's a row. It's definitely I mean like there's there's merch and signage
Oh my god. Oh my god an LED screen. Is that a theater of zanies? Where is it zanies? Okay, okay
and it was a it was an awesome setup and then I'm
Hanging out in there. The green room is packed with I can imagine so I'm outside smoking cigarettes
That's what I've always it's why I ended up opening for David tell for so long too
Is when we became like buddies and chummy and he took an interest in me. Thank God
Because I was like smoking cigarettes outside with I love smoking cigarettes with him
Do you know I mean just going outside and smoking cigarette and I by the way, I made a conscious decision
I started smoking in my early 20s because I won a contest that was sponsored by Salem cigarettes
I started smoking like an old black aunt yeah the milky eye but I started
smoking these Salem cigarettes and it was almost my thing when I'd go to New
York I'd see the people that were inside and inside was intimidating so it was
inside was Patrice and Norton and Voss
and DiPaolo and they're just hammering.
And you go in and take your beating,
but then you're like, I kinda wanna hang outside.
So I started smoking cigarettes to start being outside
and like, engaging people outside.
Such a fucking weird thing.
Imagine being in LA going to open Anthony with all those guys back in the day. I was so intimidated. Oh yeah. It
would be like Patrice, Norton, Greg Giroldo, everybody and I'm like going in
as a guest and they come and they would just go, wow. It was insane. Rip me apart.
Oh yeah. No it was vicious. Yeah. Yeah. But you needed that young too. I do, I needed it, yeah.
Which is like a great thing.
I learned, yeah I learned.
So let me talk to you about something
happened to me at The Cellar a month ago.
I'm doing a couple of shows there,
and I went, you know what,
I'm gonna go to that little restaurant near the original,
what's that restaurant called?
Olive Tree.
Olive Tree.
That's where the comics hang.
And I see the back table where everyone's at,
and I wanna see if I played this right, okay?
And I see Mark Maron there.
So I go, oh I know Mark, I'm gonna go.
And as I approached.
A couple weeks ago this was?
Yeah, maybe three weeks ago.
And I approached the table and he,
so I realized to my,
because the backs were to me,
it was Louis CK and Chris Rock.
Oh nice.
And I looked at Mark and Mark, I thought he did this,
he went, and I went to the bar instead.
Now would you have sat down or went to the bar?
Went to the bar.
Yeah, because I felt like they were having like,
you know what I mean, like, what would you do?
I'd go straight to the bar, I don't even drink.
I don't drink either, I didn't know what to do.
Wild turkey, please.
But I wish I had the, like,
because I'm Bobby Lee, I mean, I've done things.
Yeah, sure.
I can maybe.
Well, that's also the thing too.
If you, maybe, if you, I would, here's the thing,
I just know from like the blank stares
from both Dave Chappelle and Chris Rock over the 25 years
I've seen them, is definitely like,
I don't even know if they know every time they see me
that they've seen me before,
let alone have had a conversation ever or anything.
Still to this day?
Still to this day.
Wait, Chris doesn't say hi to this day?
No, I'd argue he has no idea who I am.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Well, he said hi to me earlier.
I mean, yeah, yeah, okay, even Chappelle.
Same thing.
I know they see me, there's almost like,
there's that glint of like,
but it almost be like, is this the guy that washes my car?
Yeah, yeah.
I have no idea.
So now I feel like with Louis CK, that's with me.
Yeah, the same thing.
So I know Louis a little better because.
He calls me kiddo.
Yeah, by some say.
He goes, excuse me kiddo.
I'm less uncomfortable around him.
I'm like, kiddo, what the fuck is,
what's the 1950 fucking, you know what I mean?
Borschtpelt, what is going on here?
Hey kiddo.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
That's like, I know you're in comedy,
I don't know exactly who you are,
but I'm just gonna throw out this term.
Because I'm such a huge fan of his,
and I don't wanna go, well, you know,
I have a couple of podcasts, you know,
and we're in the same ecosystem, right?
You know, I don't wanna talk like, you know,
little black, little dick blacks, but like, you know what I mean?
You know what I mean?
But that's what I do, you know what I mean?
Yeah, yeah.
Go big.
Bro, you got 13, 14 more little dick blacks in you
And I'm a beat your ass
Scary how many do we get little black dick? I've I've never gone
Can I say something about you guy, okay, hey guy hey kiddo. Oh Oh Yeah, go for it. I love songs. You don't call me boy
I love you
So fucking much, you know that oh really? Oh, I don't know that you don't know that you think that I go out and eat
Who do I eat dinner with after show? Oh me exactly. Why do you think that is?
cuz uh
Because I love you.
Because you think I'm Webster.
No, that's not why.
That's a good callback.
Very good callback.
But that's not why.
What if he eventually was like, this ain't Webster.
Guys, he was kidding back there.
I adore you.
Oh, I appreciate it.
I do.
I love you.
I love you too, man.
You're a good guy.
This is the first time you've done this podcast, right?
Yeah. Because you flaked.
Didn't you not flake once before?
Well, you know what?
Because I'll tell you why.
I remember going to the comedy store once
and you were in the parking lot
and you looked at me and you goes,
dude, I'm so sorry.
Yes, because what happened was.
I love it.
What happened was.
What happened was.
Yeah, yeah.
I'm going to start crying like crazy.
Yeah, yeah. You Adam, I did Adam Ray's. I did Adam Ray's podcast.
Is that what it was? And I said to myself if I get out of here in an hour I could be on time.
And then me and Adam Ray got to talking I wasn't out there an hour but I said to myself, I could be on time. And then me and Adam Ray got to talking,
I wasn't out there an hour, but I said to myself,
if I can be out in an hour.
Why wasn't mad?
I like those leading things to get the crowd
to start saying it to you.
Jamie Foxx tried so desperately to make him say,
if I could stay funny, I could stay alive.
Really, when?
Did you watch it?
By the end he started going,
because if I could stay funny, like..."
I can stand?
Did they do it? Or took a watch?
Yes. It was like, I watched the whole thing.
If you don't watch this special, you're doing yourself a mega disservice.
Is it that good?
Oh, no. No, it's the opposite of that.
No, wait.
As a black man?
Jamie Foxx's special is good.
It's not good.
I gotta make it back to the hoods? I'm gonna say yes.
All right, but here, that was like...
It's a thrilling watch.
Yeah, it's interesting. He's just like telling his story about like when he fucking got by...
Is that a comedy special though?
It's bat shit crazy is what it is from top to bottom.
It is.
He cries seven times.
He cries a lot.
From the opening to closing.
Wow, wow, wow, wow. He brings his daughter out He cries a lot. At least from the opening to the closing.
Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow.
He brings his daughter out to play guitar
and then cries behind her while she's playing guitar.
While she's playing guitar, by the way.
I have to watch it tonight.
Again, I don't have.
Then list every movie.
I don't have music talent at all,
but I'm pretty sure his daughter's playing like
year one lessons, like staring at the neck
of the guitar playing.
And he's behind her going play baby play play
It's it's borderline. I can't wait personality disorder
You should really and my favorite I'm gonna give you two things to look for to
Movies no, no, no, it's an audience for because the audience gives him there. It's in church
Yeah, yeah, and this the funniest thing that to me is he goes, uh, he's telling a fake story about talking to God
And he's like, you know, I'm friends with God, you know, so he's like, I'm like, what's up G
He's like, what's up, Jay like G J J G. Yeah, he's like I'm talking to him
I'm going like yo God, it's not my time yet, man. It's not my time to go
He goes you can't do this man. You can't do this to my family, man
You can't do this to my kids and then God said to me you see what they did to my kid and there's
Dead silence and one guy in the audience goes woo
Pitch perfect so great you see that my son woo
It feels like I feel like the Katy Perry, John Mayer thing.
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.
Like that woo.
That little shit, yeah.
It's like you did woo back then.
Yeah, yeah, wow, that's amazing.
He's very talented though.
No, he's...
Yeah, obviously!
He's a great actor, great impressionist, very charismatic.
I gotta save myself from this.
All the black people are like,
this coom just sitting there.
But do you ever watch like a billboard of somebody
that's like a huge star that's a comic,
you've never seen him at the clubs work on it,
and you kind of go, how do they have an hour?
Oh, he didn't.
That's what I'm saying, that's how they do it.
Yeah, it's an hour and five minute unraveling of a human being.
I think no one in his life gives a shit about him
for letting him put it out.
Now, of course, it's dumb of me to say that
because it's gonna be up for Grammys and whatever
and Emmys for like how brave or whatever it was,
but I'm fine with all that.
We have to have another genre.
All right, right.
Because I respect the shit of Jamie Foxx.
Like, oh, I mean, the guy's been in a thousand movies
I love, it's nothing like that.
And he's, his very first big stand-up special
when he wore like the blue,
it was like blue button down and blue pants,
just like Sinbad almost.
Like, I think it was called The Foxhole or something.
It was, that was very fun. When I was a kid. I loved that one for sure. So
people love that special. It's nothing against like him at all. It's just again
you get that point in your life where there's no one around you going like hey
man let's go iron out some material instead of you crying your way through
telling a story and drudging your daughters out here. Wow. I watched the
whole thing. I'm gonna watch it tonight. I can't wait. I had to, my mother made me.
She said, you better watch that.
The white one mother or the black one?
Oh, you think my white mother?
Yes, I think his white mother would have loved this.
Oh, she would definitely love it.
My white mom would fucking love that.
Do you call her mom or what do you call her?
Or Mrs. Smith or whatever?
No, I call them by their names and shit.
I don't call anyone like Mom or Dad or anything.
Yeah, I don't call any of that.
Can I lick your teeth too?
Ew, pause.
What do you mean?
It's so funny, the way you are on Pog is,
this is my second time with you this month.
You're different when we're off the pod.
You are!
No, no, no, you're so-
Yeah, yeah.
You're so off. He's more open to your advances? Yeah, yeah are! No, no, no, you're still, yeah, yeah. You're still off the pod.
He's more open to your advances?
Yeah, yeah.
Oh no, no, no.
Whoa, whoa.
So I'm gonna see you tomorrow night, right?
And so come up with a story and then-
No, no, three to five stories.
You have a bunch.
But little summaries.
All you gotta give is little summaries.
Okay, three to five to start stories. Yeah, and just the summaries of all you gotta give is little summaries. Read up five stories.
Yeah, and just the summaries of the stories,
and then we'll explain the rules again,
the all again tomorrow.
Okay, and then how long is the show?
About an hour 15.
Okay, it'll be fun.
I'm nervous, because I've never done before.
It's no one on the panel has.
You'll catch the hang of it.
I also wanna say this.
If also you just watch one on YouTube, you'll see.
I will, but I also want to apologize to you.
I don't really apologize, but it opened my eyes.
Your eyes opened?
Look, he's been going at me.
I was good.
That was pretty good.
It's old school, it's old school.
He's been going at me for a minute.
Yeah, yeah.
He said George Floyd, pretty Flip Wilson.
Very Flip Wilson.
Flip Wilson.
He said George Floyd, pretty Flip Wilson. Flip Wilson.
Flip Wilson.
Well, I want to apologize is that I, over the years, I've been invited to a variety
of different Skank Fest.
And I never even would reply.
I didn't know what it was.
Like, I didn't know what it was until I was doing a show with Bert in Vegas and who's that clean comic?
He's really popular.
Nate Bargazzi.
Yeah him.
Bargazzi goes, hey let's go.
I don't know what to do impression but let's go.
Get on.
So I went into his car, I love him, what a nice guy.
And Nate and I went and it blew my mind.
Like I thought Skankfest was like 20 people.
It's an actual convention.
It was at one point.
And it's also people that are huge, you know what I mean?
My fans.
And in my mind I was like,
oh this is something I wanna do every year.
This is incredible.
We're in New Orleans this year now.
Really? Nice.
When is it?
It's in November. Nope. Yes. I gotta go. September or November, I mean, Rebecca and Christine will be reaching out to you very shortly anyway,
because they're getting all the bookings done now.
Well, ask them to, if they can hear me now,
give Bad Friends an offer.
I'm gonna ask them to do that.
I'm gonna ask them to do that.
I'm gonna ask them to do that.
I'm gonna ask them to do that.
I'm gonna ask them to do that.
I'm gonna ask them to do that.
I'm gonna ask them to do that.
I'm gonna ask them to do that.
I'm gonna ask them to do that.
I'm gonna ask them to do that.
I'm gonna ask them to do that.
I'm gonna ask them to do that.
I'm gonna ask them to do that.
I'm gonna ask them to do that.
I'm gonna ask them to do that. I'm gonna ask them to do that. I'm gonna ask them to do that. I'm gonna ask them to do that. I'm gonna getting all the bookings done now. Well ask them to, if they can hear me now, give
Bad Friends an offer. You want to promote anything or anything? Yeah, new special.
There it is. Two-part crowd work special. Them, they, them.
Yo! That's amazing. They coming out April 20th. And where can people see it?
Right on YouTube, my YouTube page, Big Jay Okerson.
No donation page, nothing,
just fucking get it out there, please.
It's on YouTube, so check it out.
Now did you,
what, did you not wanna do it on a platform or are you just?
Sure I did. I think you're big enough.
I gave it to Netflix and they said no.
So the only other thing I did was YouTube.
Because if I'm not gonna go on Netflix,
get on that homepage of Netflix,
I was like, I'd rather just put it out myself
and get all the stuff.
Oh, that makes me angry.
But anyway, there's kids on it, that's great.
Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, amazing. Who's that kid? Do you know?
He's a kid that his parents were fans and let him be part of this
Yeah, I have him yell out where my black Queens at
Wow, so check that out both of them on YouTube and
Follow Big G on everything. I love him. I've always liked you man. You're such a nice guy
You're such a nice guy and You're such a nice guy.
And Chappelle, you want to promote anything?
Actually, I have a special coming out today.
Anyway, thanks for listening.
What is it?
What's it?
Oh, fuck it.
What is it?
I have tour dates.
I have a special coming out.
He's going to do the annex at the improv improv and then the small room at the ice house
Only one show special occasion though, it's papered but it's gonna be great
Yeah, and he's gonna do a meet-and-greet at the mattress store next to the fucking the punchline so it's a helium in Missouri
Yeah, there isn't but that's what he's calling it
It's a holiday in but that's what he calls it
Plugging the word. Yeah, I just write it on there people show. Yeah people come
write it on there, people will show up. People come?
I'm wondering what's their draw like, it's great.
They come?
What's my draw like?
Yeah, I know you're very funny.
Dude, shut the fuck up.
I think you're so-
Don't take his shit.
Don't worry.
You can tell him when you come back from this weekend
with me that I'm doing a phoner in the morning.
So if that tells you how tickets are moving.
You're playing Ontario?
Yeah. Oh, that's great. Ontario's great though. I love that club. It's a great club. It's one of my favorites.
It's a great club. Blue Collar, California, man. That's right. Yeah, that's right. Anything else, Chappelle?
That's great. When's your special coming out? I don't know when this drops, but it'll be out Friday the 21st on YouTube through Don't Tell Comedy. Praise the Lord.
I did a 30 minute special
Very good Very nice. You're gonna frazzle and Bobby until he ends up sending you a picture of his dick. Yeah. Yeah, you saw it
It's small
That's for sure I've seen so many black dicks! Smallest one I've ever seen!
Wow. Anyway. Come on, let's clap, let's clap. Anyway. I'm so happy to be with you Thank you so much I'm so happy to be with you
I'm so happy to be with you
I'm so happy to be with you
I'm so happy to be with you