TigerBelly - Bonus Belly: 1st Birthday

Episode Date: October 3, 2016


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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey Prime members, you can listen to Tiger Belly ad-free on Amazon music download the app today There's no there's no head thing, huh? How do you know if it comes how do you know because it's good going well? You're good right now. You're going to well speaking to the mic. Okay. You're gonna do the countdown still dumb No, let's not do it yet. I don't do it yet. I don't want to start yet. Okay It's okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I want to be part of the podcast should be it. Yeah, no, but how did you do it? I? I Was strategic so I didn't want to get everybody who had previously been a DVD ASA listener because that would have just been one type I got people I think two from Reddit
Starting point is 00:01:01 Two from who randomly found us on iTunes two who had been fans of like DVD ASA and Just two with really compelling emails. I like I want to live inside him. I knew the suit right here right here if he was a house I would live in it Just a little bigger. I would crawl around is my home There's something cozy about that guy and I chose one guy. I don't even know you do. I love you, bro Go ahead. I chose one guy named Edwin because he had one historically the shortest email I had ever read in my entire life Stand up Edwin stand up
Starting point is 00:01:39 What was it? What was the email Edwins? It was one sentence or two memorize it And also cuz you go to he go to Long Beach City, right? That's why that's why you fucking picked up It was a regional thing bias. I have bias and then Um, that's it. That's good. It's good. I already know you too. Yeah, it's here. Everybody. This is Jenna Yeah, yeah, my best friend Jessica my best friend Gardo and Shelly, which is Gardo's girlfriend. Yeah What do a group countdown I don't know to participate We already recording all that recording. Oh, that's fine. Let's just put that in okay Yeah, but they do the countdown anyway though, okay Bobby five four three two
Starting point is 00:02:40 Coming up guys, this is our first live edition of tiger belly and I literally don't even know what the fuck is going on I didn't sleep good last night and I went to Culver City because I had to do ADR for love and I swear to fuck what's ADR explain to people when you fuck up I don't know Wait when they don't have your lines clean or whatever or they want an alt line You have to go into a thing and then you see yourself. Yeah, go ahead on the thing and then you have them You know I'm in like when Jill Bruce Willis, you know him So you're so you say Bruce Willis. Yes, Bruce Willis when Bruce Willis does ADR
Starting point is 00:03:12 My friend Adam Ray does his lines. So his voice is because he refuses to go in So Adam gets called and goes or I'll do it and he had I don't know how to do the impression But he has to do all of Bruce Willis's so all of Bruce Willis's lines like in dieharder actually Adam Ray He was three years old then. Oh, I don't know 29 so yeah most recent movie dieharder. Thank you so much dieharder She knows yeah, so he does he did dieharder, but anyway, I saw it today and I swear to fucking God I just hate my acting. I'm like squinting a lot and then I smile when I'm not I'm supposed to be serious Yeah, it's just terrible and I just it's put me in a really bad mood
Starting point is 00:03:55 And then you get someone to do yours. No, no, he can't get someone to act for him. That's the problem The acting is shit. Not his voice. I didn't take classes like I just you know What's so funny? I mean I I started doing stand-up and then one day they're like, hey There's a sitcom. We are read for it And you're like, I don't know how to do that and then you do it and then sometimes Every once when they go you got it and then that's when the real panic sits in because you don't know what your fuck you're doing Like when I was on mad for the first year, I many times looked in the camera Like don't look in the camera. I go
Starting point is 00:04:39 Bob you're looking at the camera. Yeah, what Bobby you're still looking at the camera I know and I would keep doing that and there'd be cameras all over the place, right? And then like I would like like the camera would be here and I'm having a conversation and you're supposed to cheat out I don't know that so they just see my shoulder and I'm doing my lines like that But my point is is that I don't know what the fuck I'm doing. Did you ever consider taking acting classes? I did but let's just hear me out, baby Okay, mm-hmm. You're being confrontational. I'm not I don't like it. Okay, there's people here. All right, but They made a tape of me I don't have ever said this at night TV of all my awful lines and they put it together on a tape and they passed
Starting point is 00:05:17 It around for five years. I don't fuck. It's so funny George. They passed around and just they would just laugh Because I'm so terrible and then later I found out and I fucking cried kid. Oh shit. Yeah, yeah Damn, why are you laughing dude? Why are you laughing right now, dude? What no, no, it was a tape It was a tape dude. I don't have I don't have it. Okay. I don't fucking have it lady What's your name? Bianca white. Is that right? This means white Bianca. Blanca is white Blanca, what is Blanca? Spanish people are so angry What does Bianca mean then Bianca is from their rescuers down under the two little mice means why right? Yeah, yeah
Starting point is 00:06:05 Blanca, oh my god, I have an L in it bitch. I'm not a fucking Spanish person. You lived in LA I know I barely even know English even closer to Mexico closer to Mexico. You live in San Diego. You have no fucking excuse All right, I'm sorry me. Apologize to Blanca Okay, bueno. Yeah, I apologize. It doesn't mean why but my point what was it even talking to her for a second I don't know the tape. I don't have the tape Okay, Bianca. I don't have it. I love you, too But I don't have it but um, so um, yeah, it was just today just looking at that It's just I'm not good at it and I did take classes. You have to take these things called sometimes mice or technique classes
Starting point is 00:06:43 You've heard of them. Yeah, I did them or horrible Well, you have to date you have to do this is called reputation repetition. So let's do it You want to do some repetition with me? I start first. Yeah, I start first. Baby, just let me fucking do it. Can I just wipe my sweats? Yeah, why are you so sweaty right now? Can I just say something right now? I have a fun fact I have a fun fact is this is that um, uh-oh Mount Fuji Yes, again, you know me mountain, you know me in Japan, right? Japan. Yeah, her zit on her back is the same
Starting point is 00:07:15 You know me hi and with a fucking fuck. That was a really good fun fact. I made it up. You're zitting the back Yeah, is it there still? It's absolutely there. Yeah It's not quite as symmetrical thing you represent. Why do you get so nice? It's got a little eye on it now And yeah, yeah, he has um OCD, but he has OCD in no he has an obsession with a number three So everything he does has to be in threes. Yeah, so yesterday I had him feel my pimple once and it hurts so bad and it hurt really bad because like he pressed down on it Yeah, and then he begged me the whole night to touch it a second time two more and then the third time Yeah, but if I don't allow him to touch things three in a row. He goes absolutely not because I don't do it
Starting point is 00:07:57 I'll die In my head if I don't do things three times. I'm gonna die my brother Steve has the same thing Oh, he does the same thing. It's like if we're talking he goes. What's that actor's name? I go forget. I don't know the actor's name like we're talking about movie. Yeah, I have to know where I'm gonna die So we have to Google it or he's gonna die Yeah, and I have the same thing. I used to have it at movie theaters I've already told you guys about it right if you guys hear about it mind us. Yeah, this is that you were this guy right here, man Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I had to turn around three times. I already know that you're yeah
Starting point is 00:08:32 Yeah, I'm not gonna do it for the kids But like you know, I have to I have a problem so if he has let's say for instance, we want to rewind a movie He has to do it even when we get to the perfect part of the movie. He has to do it three times It's the most absurd most ridiculous annoying thing ever if I don't do it three times. I'm gonna die I could have died. I know I'm not not an irrational It's not a rational at all, but there is the sensation of panic Mm-hmm, and it's funny because my brother has the same thing and we really never talked about it until this last year and We're now I'm looking back at my past to see what
Starting point is 00:09:11 Happened to lead up to that kind of behavior because my brother has it chronically to and is it because we're Korean or is it because I've been to Korea. What if in Korea things is three times? My question is why the number three? Why not four? Why not five? Why not 18? Yeah? Yeah, do you have the same thing? Do you have OCD things? Oh, I don't know Yes, yes, he does. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know why happened to you at three years old anything significant. Oh, I was brutally raped And he fucked me three times We got it, but how do you feel that so many of these people in these in this room knows that you've actually like fucked your cousin I Don't I know I did
Starting point is 00:09:59 I know once I know and I'm okay with it then everyone's should be okay with it He's not okay with it the guy who fucked you. No, we didn't Do you know the story I already told you straight million times million times. Yeah. Yeah, we didn't I mean we did 69 We blew each other you know man three times maybe three times Right now how many times Sadie Hawkins dance was the first one. Oh my god No, they didn't they both didn't get invited to the Sadie Hawkins dance Right, okay. Okay. That's what happened. And then the second time. I don't remember could we got drunk? It could have been nine times. Oh god, and there's three trunks, you know
Starting point is 00:10:44 I've always been okay. He's not okay with it. He lives in LA and I haven't seen him He's my first cousin and we grew up together. And who the fuck is this? Whoa? What's worth that hair? Yeah, all of a sudden like some magical Asian guy walks in Hey, Magical Asian guy. What are you why you're Asian, right? All right. How come you're not on fucking time, dude? I Know you did I know I know I know you did No What All right, now, can you enjoy it now George? Yeah, yeah
Starting point is 00:11:22 But anyway, my cousin lives here and I can't we don't really see each other and it's not because we sucked into each other's shit But I think but it's because I talked about it So was his family really really upset with you for a long time fucking no, man. I talked about it on I think Rogan's podcast My aunt called me one morning in Korean yelling He was she was angry and then I got defensive I'm like bitch, you know, man Fuck call me in the morning. I did all that whole thing. So Hollywood and Why why because he she's coming in defense of her son and you're like bitch don't call but he's defending himself
Starting point is 00:12:06 Yes, exactly. And that's why I like Gilbert Defense me when I need defense for once. That's a first. Yeah Yeah, but anyway regardless I did and they didn't talk my mom and her sister for years Because of it. Oh, is this the funeral you went to? Yes You we you and then I'm me taking a selfie at the funeral. Well, she died recently. Yeah. Yeah, and you went to her Yeah, and I I mean and all my uncles and they're all crying and I'm just like, you know, I mean, but I have to smile during the selfie I was really sad. Yeah. Yeah, but um
Starting point is 00:12:42 but what was What was weird was my mom and I are gonna walk by the casket It's a long line and my cousin Fuck it. Fuck it. Is this live you can edit it, right? Yes, we cannot be they can That's fine. They can know. Yeah, they can know you guys can know exclusive. Wow, and we walked by we walked by And then I'm I'm like, what do I say to Andy? You know, I mean You know, I mean and when I passed him my mom hugged him and I wouldn't hug him so bad because I feel I love the guy
Starting point is 00:13:20 He's like my brother in that way. No, I love him and he's my family. I love my family But we did it suck each other's dick. You know what I mean? So there's this thing Yeah, so I went in and we kind of just touch shoulders And then that's it and that's the last time I saw him. Wow. Yeah, it's really sad But his brother Paul just texted me so he lives in Portland and so I'm going to go have lunch with him when I'm out there Awkward lunch. What if he brings it up? I don't I'm going to explain to him that it doesn't fucking matter When you're kids and you're doing weird shit like that, it happens all the fucking time
Starting point is 00:13:56 And and our society tells us it's wrong this and that, you know, it's if I'm not gay And some guy doesn't want to suck my dick, but I make him suck my dick. That's weird. That's rape, right? But as kids you get drunk, you know, I mean, you don't know you're What Blanca Excuse me. You're a fighter. Blanca. Yeah. Yeah, it's fucking Blanca from Street Fighter And you You know, you know what nothing your kids. Yeah, I'm going to explain that to him because he doesn't want to know Yeah, but the problem is not that you sucked each other's dicks. That's fine. I don't want to talk about anymore
Starting point is 00:14:31 And the way you say dicks is so aggressive I have hard consonants. It's it's I can't help it. Um, have you heard of the app? Um, it's a raya or raya raya, right the celebrity. It's like a tinder, but only for celebrities, but you have to be approved Oh Shit So what are you at the verifier? Do they take podcast celebrities? I don't know. Maybe maybe you're gonna go. Okay. So no, no, no, no, no, I'm not gonna but who's on it right now I think who's on it. I think a lot of people. So I think, um
Starting point is 00:15:04 There was some really big names on there like that fan No, I don't think that fan would be approved. Do you have to have a certain like I also want to talk about that fan for a second I'm gonna talk about that fan for a second. Okay Or some dat fan fans is I have a disease. It's a disease. I have a sickness Major and I don't know where it's down from But I'm obsessed with him You know how in the beginning of our podcast you you would hear me always speak about dat fan in a really aggressive way
Starting point is 00:15:39 Because I don't want him to hear this. He's not gonna fucking hear it. Yeah, but someone's gonna tell him about it No, no, no, no, no one tell him. We've already no one no one go on It's gonna do first of all fuck faces. You don't go to his fucking comments and comment anything about what I say He's this is he I he's like my heroine. Okay, and I don't want my heroine to leave Yeah, okay, so if I'm nothing without him you are nothing without I'm the riddler He's Batman like we're ying ying ying. We're like we have to live in the world together. Yeah. Yeah, yeah So in the beginning I had a lot to say about that fan, but none of those were my actual opinions They were all his but he he didn't want to be outed as somebody who was obsessed with that fan because that's so uncool as a comic
Starting point is 00:16:20 Yeah, I'm I can't I wake up in the mornings and that's the first thing I check. Yes Yes, this is Instagram. Okay in every conversation I have with anybody. It's I bring it up. Why? I maybe I'm attracted to him. Oh No, I'm kidding. Um, no I Because he is everything that I don't want to be Makes sense. Are you here here? Then I'm like that a little bit like I'll give you an example and I'm and there's an old korean I can't believe I'm saying this
Starting point is 00:16:51 But there's an old korean saying Mewel, you know what we've talked about it before and it's like something that somebody does that's bothersome or weird or whatever embarrassing. Yeah And I'm gonna I'm gonna I did something Mewel the other day and I can't believe I'm saying it And it is so dat fanny and gross and I did it and this is the reason why I'm so obsessed with them because I want to grow This is what I did. All right, so I did You know, I mean, um the oddball tour, okay And then as soon as I saw the booker of the comedy store
Starting point is 00:17:22 I sat next to him and I go I just get back from the oddball tour, you know, man and then he was like so And I just went I shouldn't have said that You know in my head and I only said that so that he would like me more Or that he might book me more. I think something, you know, maybe I'm more hot And once I said it I had shame
Starting point is 00:17:44 You know, and I think that's one of the reasons why Why? You know, what's so funny? Shelly. What's a garden? What the fuck so so funny? Why are you laughing about that? No, no, no, no, don't ever don't ever laugh at my fucking face and say continue dude Look at me right now, dude Why are you laughing? You got any brownie Yeah, yeah, like Silas in a da Vinci code
Starting point is 00:18:13 Kidding herself over and over Yeah, I know I punish myself. I know I do that. Yeah, I do that and that's another character defect. What'd you say? You three times Wow, shelly. Wow. Wow. Shelly. Thanks But like I and he does things on his Instagram that really makes me go Why are you doing that? You know, and then I I get obsessed and I'm not the only one We've I've got a lot of people hooked. Well, that's because you made them hook other comics do the same. Oh, yeah Yeah, oh, I have speaking of texas since you were just there
Starting point is 00:18:46 Somebody emailed rich miller's brother. Dennis miller the the guy who books. Um, oh you guys know what happened there, right? So, you know how he was banned from the Austin comedy club there cap city because I was accused of pulling my dick out and Offering my dick to a limo driver Then they called me a week before I was performing. This is a couple years ago They said you try to you know get something to suck your dick I got I never did that and they will rich miller who you know, even you know who dennis miller is Desmond his brother rich miller is a comedy booker. He books a lot of comedy clubs, right? So rich miller told that to my agent
Starting point is 00:19:21 Then I called rich miller and I go I never did that He goes, oh, I didn't say that I just said that I double booked you and I was going to give you a different date But then when I called my agent back after I talked to rich rich, he goes. No, he said that So I'm even more angry because he lied to my face. But what is it? So a very impassioned Semi-angry tiger belly fan wrote rich miller And said what and said he was a friend of yours and what the fuck is his problem banning you from this club? Hashtag tiger belly and rich miller wrote back because I saw the
Starting point is 00:19:59 You know the thread and rich miller was like and who are you to bobby and he was like a very close friend aka podcast listener So you're not looking very good to rich miller. You're never going to play there again Okay, I want to say something To all tiger belly fans to be listening. Don't do that Don't do it. We're you know, we're family and we're talking about stuff And you know me but we keep our fucking shit inside the house in house in house, right? What's your name ken? We're to keep it in the house, right ken?
Starting point is 00:20:35 That's where it should be, right? Where are you from ken? Excuse me. Whittier. Is that in a different country? Is that in France? It sounds like it's in France. Oh, it's in Whittier here in la I have I have a cool. You remember I was reading you an email. Yeah from a girlfriend Who wrote us and said hey, I'm writing you because I think that my boy my boyfriend really wants to go to your live taping But I think he he fucked up on his email. So I'm writing on his behalf. Is that him? That's them Yeah, that's your girlfriend and that's your girlfriend. Oh, that's amazing because she had your back She has your fucking back, bro
Starting point is 00:21:12 You know, oh He's a cutie too, huh? Yeah, everyone here is cutie, huh? But this bigger guy right here It's like just get some steps stick in your butthole. I'll just cut crawling Yeah, yeah, and it's not gay that way. You know what I mean? It's more Science or that's science home design interior. No, because it literally can't happen. So it's more like metaphorical or like spiritual Yeah, the science fiction. Yeah, it's more science fiction. Yeah. Yeah, I don't literally want to do that. You know that and that's impossible Okay, oh, you could still put it out there You wouldn't give it a go
Starting point is 00:21:47 It's up to you. He says that somebody passed me a coconut water from the back I saw it in your hand and I started Is that yours or it was for anybody but I just saw it. So what celebrities are on this thinder? Yeah, that's yeah What is it? I I didn't look at the list, but there were some legit ones like A-listers too. Really? Yeah, so I'm thinking you should sign up. I should sign up and then see who they because there's a wait list, right? Who who gets um Who gets into the club first? Obviously, it's gonna be you because you have credits But no because the way I got on the instagram is I had to call people He called his agent and I made it happen. You know, what did you say to your agent?
Starting point is 00:22:24 Because it got to the point where it's like now all my openers are verified. Who the fuck is nick yusef? You know, I mean nick yusef gets fucking verified And then sarah tiana which I can understand sarah because she's coming up in the world But still I've made it. I mean I've done way more than her And yet everyone's getting verified and then I think it was like the last person was joe koi or something like that I just went I can't live with myself anymore And I called my agent. There's no problem. He didn't in a day, but um
Starting point is 00:22:53 Well, what we man still isn't I don't think he's so well known. I know but we men are the same You know, I think it's there. They have the thing about size Like height instagram. Yeah, we're not full of humans. So yeah, so we're half verified or something Is that is that no, that's that's appropriate. Yeah, is that making fun of midgets? No, how come we can't say midgets we can no, you can't it's not it's lp Little people you can't fucking say midgets anymore. Let's stop saying in the podcast No, I mean you can we can yeah, I can say but I'm just saying like in general I feel so free
Starting point is 00:23:30 You can't say it to their face. I guess it's like a it's like an equivalent of a racial slur I don't ever want to fuck a midget. Why not? It's just a novel idea I was watching porn a couple years ago and there was this little midget girl, right? and this guy Just had her head and her leg like this. That's really close and he just Like just like so aggressive with it, right? And she actually could have died. I don't know but she was like in the air like that, right? Was it an orgasm? I don't know what happened, but and I was calling the police
Starting point is 00:24:00 You know when I was watching I got someone dying. Yeah. Yeah. It was so aggressive. You know what I mean? And it's like every midget point you ever see, you know what I like Olders we know when the guys are mid what what what what? Holders for youngers We'll get to that at the end. We'll get to that right now. Don't want to talk about that But don't they call midget some spinners. Is that what they call? Yeah, because you can just like spin them on top of it Spinners. Yeah, but I like it when I had this one One deep old DVD of a black midget, right? Okay, male or female? Why is that funny? A guy, a guy, okay?
Starting point is 00:24:35 And he's little but his dick is the big size of this fucking table right here. Oh, yeah, yeah And he's like, you know, it's too old chain. He's like, what's up, man? You know what I mean? He's like He's not my dick. Fuck my dick, bitch. You know what I mean? And all the group they just don't want to do it Because it's so like fourth dimensional like david lynch it. You know what I mean? And they're like, you know what I mean? What's gonna come out of this? You know what I mean? You know what I mean? Like lollipop juice or something like yeah, nobody wants to do it. Yeah. Oh, man I bet you he squirts watermelon juice. Is that racist? Is that racist?
Starting point is 00:25:08 No, it's oh, what who said that? I just I just hypothetically I'm in in this scenario, right? But he's you know, and I and I I like that but the girls I don't like because it becomes like I think when guys Because there was this comic named tony lee davis in the 90s tony lee davis. I'm I'm gonna get emotional She didn't die, but I'm getting emotional again tony lee davis
Starting point is 00:25:36 Was this woman she probably was it was when I met her in the late 90s. She must have been 40 She was one of the funniest stand-ups I had ever worked with She was a beast And you would have to could I open I had took her on the road Well, I had a car Right, and I had she and she didn't have a ride so I had to like drive to bakers filled into shows with her And then you would have to put a chair on stage
Starting point is 00:26:02 And help her onto the chair and she would do stand-up. She would destroy Like more than anyone I've ever seen and she never fucking made it because she she's a dwarf She's a woman and she was older You know and I just felt bad for her because she was so talented, but she had a husband who was like 6 8 Oh my god, I did not like him Like he would come around and be like nah, man, you know, I mean like it's so because I just in there in my heart I feel like there's a fetish or something. That's definitely fetishizing. I want to you know, I want to fuck
Starting point is 00:26:39 You know a girl, but this is close enough. This is legal That's not true You think that everybody that gets with a little person is is an actual pedophile. Nope. I just think no Maybe yeah All right, let's play turn. No, I think that You know, it's well, why are they attracted to them for their heart their soul their character I'm bad. Yeah, big ass. That's good. Yeah, big ass is yeah. They do. Yes, you're right Yeah, but I mean look up tanya lee davis right now
Starting point is 00:27:17 I have I have on my fucking phone I'm gonna join my fucking phone. Okay And I look at tanya if you're listening to me right now because she's still alive tanya I literally think you were the funniest live performer. I bring her back and no, she lives in the biggest Direct her career. No, but um, she was not the prettiest person to look at. Okay Jesus very Yeah Yeah, there she is and she has dude. She's big because you look watch when you put donya lee davis
Starting point is 00:27:47 She has that whole thing. Where are the you know what I mean? Oh, she does have yeah, she has a thing right and then Yeah, yeah, hold on And she is like a little baby like oh, she's really okay. What? I mean, this is basically what she looks like. She's cute. She's cute. Yeah, you want to fuck her? Look at me right now Be honest, okay Yeah
Starting point is 00:28:15 Yeah All right, okay, is that being mean a race in the whole park. Okay Of racist whole podcast so far Up until hello erase the whole Right, I think I'm saying things that are um, no, you're fine. No, I don't think so. I think I'm wrong No, I think I'm wrong and I'm digging myself a hole All right, I think all I'm gonna be I'm gonna be real now I think you should be able to fuck anybody
Starting point is 00:28:42 Okay, and not say anything, you know, like if you have progeria if there was a girl I just doesn't seem to be with progeria, right to have sex if it happens just let it be You know So that's that they ever tell you about the story where I had made love to it. Do you mind if my love stories? Do I mind? I've been unfortunately the lucky recipient of all your horror stories. Um I made love to a burn victim Oh, what?
Starting point is 00:29:14 Charitable. Well, I thank you It was it wasn't like it was a kind of a situation where I had no choice actually you always have a choice No, no, I didn't I tell you why I don't have a choice and if you guys whoever grown just now, right? You're gonna feel guilty after I tell you why and then you're gonna make oh, yeah, he didn't have a choice. Okay No, she was half-leave or burned Like Harvey Dent Harvey Dent Harvey Dent. Yeah, we'll call her Harvey Dent Yeah, um, I went to the bunny ranch Oh
Starting point is 00:29:44 Yeah, and I drove all the way out there, right bunny ranch is a whorehouse for anybody who I'm sure everyone fucking knows It's a brothel. All right, I know I know but guard. I'll fucking shut the fuck up Of course, I have a choice But in this situation, I felt not much choice No, how much did the burn victim cause a lot? I'll tell you why a lot and I'm not a fucking lying. Okay. Okay, I went And you knock on the door you go into a living room. There's a fucking curtain They all walked in but when I got into the living room area like the kind of like showroom presentation room You could hear the madame waking everybody up wake up. You know, man
Starting point is 00:30:22 Somebody's here. You know me. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, and you heard people know And you hear those slams, you know, man And I was sitting there and drove so far and I'm like, oh this might not happen And then two people came out a gigant Him Yeah, him with tits came out right and then there was I'm not kidding you a supermodel But she had been in a fire
Starting point is 00:30:47 Oh, man, right. So half her face was the most pretty thing you've ever seen in your life, right? So I just fucked her like this No, I did. Yeah, yeah, I closed just the run and I just like like that and it was everything was good Left side or right side was the good side her whatever that is, you know, man But um, yeah, but I did that because I drove all the way over there. It was fine. Yeah, it was a fine thing How do you know she didn't have her eyes closed while fucking you? You It's so funny because by you saying that yeah, I close my eyes
Starting point is 00:31:24 This isn't happening there god Oh my god I mean, yeah, that's that's what you let well, you're not fucking the asian brad pit either fuckface All right, you flat face I know I get so aggressive for no reason Oh shit Um, does everybody know who gardo is We're not gonna talk about that. We're gonna save it for another podcast another special episode. Okay. Yeah
Starting point is 00:31:57 Thank you. We gotta talk about Yeah, but don't say that I'm unfuckable in front of other people because then I get defensive and then I want to fucking get you back I Want to say that from another another day, but it's a special episode you laugh again. I swear to the fucking god Okay, I love you though But um, yeah, I did fuck up burn victim and um I feel so much better now. Good. It's such a shitty day and tell them what happened out there Oh, somebody said hey, are you joe koi?
Starting point is 00:32:29 And already I was in a shitty shitty fucking mood, you know what I mean and he says What fuck that person right? Yeah, first of all He bombed a cigarette from you. Yeah, he did bought much cigarette for me and also on Yeah, yeah, yeah, and then I'll punch him He was homeless guys What Wait, you're the asian kid that came in light. How do I know you? Are you not asian? He's been to the comedy store. Yeah, I've seen him before you've been at the comedy store, right?
Starting point is 00:32:59 You want to write for me do it? All right, let's do it Did you already write did you already write jokes? You better do it right now. What? Well, you do you do stand up? You're getting into it, but you also want to write for me, too Yeah, could bring him over here. Can you use your mic? Yeah, come over round of applause for Bad mic by the way, what?
Starting point is 00:33:25 Just have him stand and then yeah, just say it right there. Yeah, just stand right there and just give me the fucking mic That's just awkward though. I don't give a fuck just them right here. Sorry there. Sorry there. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Is it a bad mic? So give me just use all right What's your name again? Jason hi Jason. Hi. He's talking there. Yeah, bend over bro. Get on your knees. Yeah, get on your knees, dude Jason get on your knees right now. I need to push So I because I I remember seeing you you came up to me Yeah, and we talked right a little bit was it not not he's so cute
Starting point is 00:33:58 Was that not nice to you? You're his type Was that would let me out Was that not nice to you? Uh, you're you know, you're cool. You're talking to somebody else though. That's you know Oh my god, I feel so bad right now I apologize. Okay. Can I just say something to you? Okay. I just look at me right now. Okay I like you I like you Yeah
Starting point is 00:34:30 And number two, um You know, since I go there a lot and you're just just I've so many weird and crazy things have happened there with like audience members and stuff And the line is blurred sometimes and people cross the line. So you just kind of tree people One way they're not like a fucking asshole, but a little bit with a little wall, you know, because you can't let everyone in Okay, but now that I know that you're here. Look at me right now, man. Look at me Are you crying? I know what you're saying. Yeah I've been there like less than five times, but crazy. It's crazy people. Yeah, it's crazy. It's a crazy place
Starting point is 00:35:11 So you haven't been up on stage yet? Uh, not yet. Why I want to go on uh kill tony and Oh, you want to kill tony? George's open mic. He hosts um one in tribal cafe. You should go to that. Gilbert goes to it. Gardo goes to it Yeah, well you do stand up there Do you stand up there you've done it is he getting better? Uh, oh no, no, no, no So um, yeah, you should do it and how old are you?
Starting point is 00:35:40 I'm 20. Oh, he's young. How do you get in the company store? I have a fake ID That will delete that. Oh you sneak in just to see you. Oh, that's really nice Yeah, that's really really nice. That makes me feel good. Um, so um, but you're a good joke writer Uh, I think you you haven't hit your peak yet and I really want to help you get there He just said you have to bobby Lee you haven't really hit your peak yet and I want to get you there No, you can All right, I heard a friend. All right All right, this is what we're gonna do my friend. All right, this is what we're gonna do
Starting point is 00:36:25 If you ever talk to me like that I'm kidding. Um, so we're after this. I will get your number and we'll get together and we'll try to beat out some stuff Okay, get the fuck out of here What a niceie I knew I've seen him before what you have questions All right, we're gonna how far along how much time have we done? Okay, we might as well start getting interactive and start asking people questions. Yeah, we've been doing that I know but like really like the needy-greedy. I also want to say this before even getting in that is this is that um I really have a video game addiction
Starting point is 00:37:03 You don't say no, I'm not it's not in a joking way though not in a joking way You know, I'm scared for my life kind of I I obsess about it. What time did you go to bed today? Seven in the morning, you know, and then I had I showed up At Sony late because I had to do that ADR and I came in just all like wrecked, you know And um, I'm addicted and I can't stop Is there meetings I can go to or rehab or something? Yeah, I think it's similar to the ones that gamblers go to
Starting point is 00:37:39 But see for me with my alcoholism and my drug addiction, you know, you have to see You have to hit a bottom And the bottom has to be for me That I'm gonna die Yeah, because the reason why I stopped doing drugs and I asked for help Was because I couldn't stop and at the only Only destination I saw this behavior was gonna lead to was death I literally felt that and I don't want to die
Starting point is 00:38:07 So then it may it motivates you to go, you know, I'll do everything I can To not drink and do drugs if I have to go to meetings shake hands set up to coffee like I did a bunch of shit Right with video games a little different because I'm still working. Yeah, I don't see death at the end of it I um, I really love it I really do. I just love playing and it takes me out of like Thinking about other things like trump or whatever that comes through my head. You know what I mean? But it's really um, it's really getting crazy though I just want to throw that out there to the universe that I might have an addiction, you know
Starting point is 00:38:47 But am I gonna stop? No, no, no, let's go to fucking up questions. Should I just pick it out? Yeah, so we're gonna. Um, so just do all of them Yeah, I know let's do all of them. But then why what if you could do let me pick first If you're gonna do all of them, you don't have to pick just pick whatever. Okay. I want to pick first We can do they ask the thing I want them to say it Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, but do they have their names on here? Who did that? Okay, what am I? No, no, george. You did this No, they wrote their own questions. I know but did you tell them give them instructions put your name?
Starting point is 00:39:23 Please okay. Well, this isn't a question. Can you guys say hi to my coworker donovan sucks dick donovan Suck dicks donovan. That's you Oh, that's you. They came from san diego, right? All right. Where do you work in san diego? On the place I love that place. They have great stuff there I love it. It's a law firm. Oh, yeah And say happy birthday to boss edison. All right, so um Sucks dick donovan a donovan
Starting point is 00:39:57 Suck dicks suck dicks donovan I gotta say it better suck dicks donovan And happy birthday to my boss edison Sarah needs to raise bitch I just added bitch Don't add bitch You should not add bitch. I'll say it again then Can you try to I improvise sorry urban bobby? No, I'll just do it. No, I'll just do regular bobby
Starting point is 00:40:22 I'll just do it as a white guy sucks dicks donovan And happy birthday to my boss edison. Sarah needs a raise. There we go. Okay good next one I was also thinking before we continue this week is la pod fest where they pick and choose like podcasts to You know do basically what we're doing what we didn't get chosen But the timing is good because we decided to do this anyways. Why didn't we get chosen? I don't know They don't like us Do you have do we have to like apply? Who did it? Who who got chosen? Um, the dollop like other like big are they bigger? They got bigger. They're bigger. Some are bigger. Some are not
Starting point is 00:41:00 But maybe better I don't think we're at all Yeah, anyways, can I say something about that number one? I don't do this to do that Yeah, you know, I mean we're just doing it to do it Makes perfect sense. No, because I know that it it helps Yeah, my brand it we have a great time doing it We love the people and we just do it if it grows into something bigger But I still believe because I just know
Starting point is 00:41:28 Me and I know You know us and we're different No, you know good way. It's not that's something to laugh about Okay, go ahead. No, I like I have friends that are like white dudes that have like three white dudes talking about football podcast Who gives a fuck? I don't give a fuck right. You I know you do who does I know I'm sorry
Starting point is 00:41:52 That's a pink dick right there Oh, we have to have a pink dick competition between you two Oh my god, pull it out. Pull it out. No, stand over here. Yeah. What's your name, buddy? George stand next to him. Dusty. Oh my god Dusty you are pretty you are you might have a pinker dick. Yeah. Yeah George come over here. George. Look in the camera. Yeah, everyone take pictures of this. I need to have this Who is the pinker dick? Who has the pinker dick? Just based on skin. Dustin clap for Dustin if he's the pinker dick I think so George if he has a pink dick
Starting point is 00:42:25 I think it's George. George has the pinker dick. I think you still are the pinkest dick on earth, George Thank you so much for participating. You guys want to move on to the next one Do you know what? I'm not gonna say something to these two guys. You guys don't like the sun I know but don't is it one of those things where you if you just keep going out there? No Yeah, I'd rather get cancer than look like I'm totally kidding. I'm totally kidding. I'm totally kidding. Cancer's no joke. Cancer's no joke. Okay Oh, that's for you. What is your favorite club to perform in? Oh, that's a nice one. Um I think my favorite club to perform in perform in is parlor live
Starting point is 00:43:12 Where's that? It's in seattle Number one because of the fact that it's not that big of a room. It's 200 seats number two To seattle, but it also it's like there's a diner attached to it where you save the lady's life Oh 13 coins. Yeah, right? So that's open 24 seven and there's a dim five phone. What's that that color? Didn't tie 12. Yeah, right like literally right next to it So it's like I don't like leaving my hotel room And it's like there's two restaurants that I'll just eat at that's great and it's also um the money is Generally the same every time. So there's no like sadness
Starting point is 00:43:53 Because sometimes I'll do a club where last year I made a lot of money and then there's no one there And then I just get really deeply depressed. Yeah, because of the consistency. There's no consistency. I can't say the word Why is that consistency consistency? Okay, that's it. Who's who's worth that? Hey, buddy. Thank you. Thank you, Phil Um any weird sex scenarios lately also Bobby, are you still visiting olders for youngers?
Starting point is 00:44:30 Okay, any weird I want to address older for youngers I thank you. I support you too, sir Any oldest for youngers is a porn website that he um frequents There's a couple of other ones now too That's just yeah, yeah club 17 is the other one. No, that's not one that is one I'll tell you why because club 17, right is the the the hub of it But club 17 has all these other ones if you look at the branches. Yeah, and so if you want to
Starting point is 00:45:04 Yeah, you know guys fucking dolphins. You have to sign up to with the club 17 You know what I mean? So it's under that umbrella. I don't do dolphin fucking like reality king Yeah, but I'm just saying that all these little fetish ones right are under the umbrella of club 17 So what you read was not necessarily true. I see. Okay. For anyway, um That thing I don't know why but I you know, it's what it is is that here's the thing I don't want to watch a porn and this is gonna sound so fucking weird And I might have I really might have to go to therapy after what I'm about to say
Starting point is 00:45:44 And I'm not editing myself. I'm just gonna say it is is that I don't want like when I see asa In porn I don't like it not because I know her. I mean that's weird that I know her but it's also she seems like she's enjoying it She does enjoy it. I don't like the one they enjoy it. Oh You want them in I want them to question their decision I want them in their eyes think about their mom like what am I doing the right thing? I want them to like question their morality and their values and go deep And every time younger for older does that older for younger? Yeah, they just don't want to be there. Is that why you?
Starting point is 00:46:22 Do Is that why you love watching like the interview process you see those casting room Porn's that's like there's no interview. I can't do it Right and there has to be a moment where you can tell like one And I feel so bad. I'm so sorry. I'll go to therapy. I'll change I'll change But there was this one where this girl you could tell that she's like, I don't know if this is the right thing And while she's blowing this guy. Yeah, she's crying And I just not every time
Starting point is 00:46:59 Yeah, so But I know that's it's a problem. It's a problem. It's a real big problem But um, yeah, I I think that's what it is is the is that and other than that it's not It's not a pedophily kind of thing because there's like really old men And with women that I know that are over the age of 18. So there you go Okay, Bobby, will you ever You know what I'm going to talk about this girl right here. No, no, I'm not gonna keep right spare her. All right. Okay. All right But she's giving me fucking like negative. She should she's giving you side-eye. All right, go ahead. Okay
Starting point is 00:47:38 Bobby, will you ever film a comedy one hour special? Well, he's gonna help me do it Yeah Go ahead Let me say something right now, okay Every other month I know that I can do a special anywhere. Okay, because people have asked me I could probably do one on netflix comedy central whatever. Okay. I just don't want to do it because of number one
Starting point is 00:48:11 I always had this fear that I want to Be considered also an actor from fucking some weird way reason and I know that A lot of casting directors don't bring in stand-up comics to auditions because they think that they can't act And I always had that fear So it's like I just Want to be known as more of a comedy kind of an actor rather than just strictly a stand-up So I think that that has a lot to do with you know, I mean my
Starting point is 00:48:39 Fear of it or whatever, but I when I did Oddball and I was I went up and then Eliza and Ali Wong went up after me Right and in the stand-up world now they're ahead of me And when that happened, I think that they're wonderful. I love them. I think they're hilarious But I feel like I'm at their caliber and I feel like the reason why I'm not asked to do more things like that is because I don't have a special So now I feel like I did that
Starting point is 00:49:14 Just so that I could have an awakening Right, so I am going to do one and it's gonna be the best one that that I can do. Yeah. Yeah, I'm gonna try to kill it. All right What is your go-to karaoke song I don't do that No, no, I don't want to oh mine Um, I Who asked that? Okay, why Are you Filipino? I am you are Filipino. That's your thing. Right. It is our thing. It's our olympic sport
Starting point is 00:49:48 Did you guys invent it next to billiards? No, who invented karaoke? Filipinos did sir. Why do you keep arguing with me about this shit? Have we googled it before? Yes. No, no, I don't think we I don't think we I don't think we You know what it means and we learned it from the nurse. It means empty orchestra Uh, who invented Karaoke, what hold on if I'm right. What what do I get to do nothing? Nothing
Starting point is 00:50:13 Okay, oh, you're wrong I'll read it right now. Okay. Go ahead. Go ahead That's a cool in now. This is no way in a way. All right There are various disputes about first who first invented the name karaoke. One claim is that the karaoke-styled machine was invented by Japanese musician That's okay. And now in Kobe, Japan in 1971 keep going. That's just dispute, but no continue the fucking sentence. That's all I need to see Once you see this fucking japanese dude right here and smiley smiley like that. He looks Filipino. Yeah, I know but he He this is a guy that invented some shit. All right, and this is all I need to know. So, um I win and I want you to admit that I was dispute. There's really there's like people claim. No, I will not I will not admit to this
Starting point is 00:51:02 Filipino George. What do you have George? Uh, the world's first karaoke machine was uh juked and built by a Japanese inventor, but the Filipino inventor Robert Roberto del Rosario called the machine's patent Yes, yes, yes He didn't build it He didn't build it But it's his idea It's his idea because if you create a patent that means you hold you own that idea and someone else engineered it
Starting point is 00:51:26 If you go to wikipedia, right? Fuck you Right, it's it's it's half of it's written Japanese. So I don't understand what you can't let the Philippines have one thing We have to have more than just a fucking yo-yo. You have the other one. What's the other one the dancing? Bruno Mars. Bruno Mars. He's only half. He's half cuban. He's so talented That midget is so talented Bruno Mars, you're listening All right, um, I don't do karaoke because the number one I can't sing and I don't find pleasure in it I've never found pleasure in it. I remember her when I first met Kalayla
Starting point is 00:52:01 Um, she had her birthday at a karaoke place and I literally almost didn't go You were there, right? You didn't like me back then, did you? I don't think you liked me in the beginning. I don't think you did I know Okay All right, I've always liked you I'm just saying I've always liked you All right, I've always smiled at you and I've always had an open heart with you. Okay, but this fucking bitch right here Go ahead give me the
Starting point is 00:52:37 My go-to karaoke song is oh god. I love Metallica's exit light It's a fun song Oh enter sandman. Yeah enter sandman. Yeah, I fucking I should have known it you Gilbert. What's yours the platters only you Oh, see I knew it. I knew it. Well, you you go to karaoke a lot. Do you go to brass monkey and stuff brass monkey is fun Yeah, brass monkey's fun. Your picture's up there right when you walk in. I know Oh, so you used to go there Because you look young you look really young in that picture. Yeah, I've been around man What is that? What's the shoulder?
Starting point is 00:53:14 What okay, but that was that was the so funny that you say that that's what the One time I've ever been to one something like that. Yeah Was I happy in the fucking phone? You smile it. Okay. Well, then there you go. Go ahead. Best Korean barbecue spot I would I would have to say parks parks is still and I know that I know these guys. Um Because we shot a podcast yesterday But can you can I tell them what happened yesterday? Yeah, we can repeat the story repeat the story. Can I tell you? Yeah, so you guys all did the guy that put my photo up. Is he here? No, he's not you guys know what happened, right? Right, so they I went to parks with Eric riff and sundae and they fucking took it down
Starting point is 00:53:57 Yeah, I almost left the fucking restaurant. Okay, so I'm eating there with Eric and I'm you know bad mode Right. I'm just like, you know, I mean cooking the thing, you know, I mean, he's like, what's wrong? I go like this fucking motherfucker, you know, I mean And then this old Korean lady came up to me. She was the owner She goes hi. I go hi. She goes your photo. Uh, that was in there. I go. Yeah, I took it down Yeah, I know. I'm sorry that you know, she's no, I like you, you know, I mean, but uh, the photo has to be with me She has to be in the photo. So she took the photo with me and now they're putting me up. You're out, baby She's out. She's out
Starting point is 00:54:37 Go ahead. Well, I love will you ever join Bob's destiny clan? Fuck no Does anybody play destiny in here you play now on xbox What character what can I just bought him an xbox you ruined your own life. Did you start a hunter really? I can't fucking wait my brother. I can't wait I'm so proud of you Go ahead What is your favorite food and colon and animal and cookie? We'll start with food. What's a colon? Who asked that? colon colon
Starting point is 00:55:13 Don't we all have one or two again? I really like dr. Phil's of colon It was color color Let me see if this even says colon Let me see food color, bitch Look at the R doesn't even go all the way down to the thing. It's like that's a definitely R. I'm sorry. Oh my god What's your favorite food? Um Kimchi jjigae, no, it's not my favorite food. I love it. It could be oh I think that um
Starting point is 00:55:49 A really traditional deep dish pizza. Oh, chicago from chicago. Yeah. Wow. Yes. Okay color I would have to say Hot pink I'm not lying. I've never seen you wear it. I know I don't wear it, but I like it Yeah, that's why a lot of our colors are yeah in destiny too. There's a Shader that's a hot pink And I still don't know how you get it and like whenever I see them in the world I follow them around, you know, I mean because I want that so bad and then
Starting point is 00:56:24 animal I really like, um I know, you know what I like what coyotes Why'd you say for the we went hiking for the first time two weeks ago And he saw three coyotes I've never seen a coyote. You know, I always thought a coyote looked like a gigantic rat No, I did I don't know, you know when they say, you know, you're cut because when I grew up like If you had a cat because I used to live in San Diego in this place called green valley in poway
Starting point is 00:56:58 There was a community called green valley. It was like a mountain, right? And we had a lot of coyote. I never saw one but Cats like disappeared all the time because coyotes ate them and um, they showed that you you know People would like name their cat chewy or you know, I mean delicious and stuff like that, right because it's a fucking and um And so in my head, I always envisioned I never googled it because I don't give a fuck Oh, I also googled didn't happen when it and um, but then when we saw one over there the other day I like them a lot. Very cute. They're so cute They did three of them came up and they were like, what's up? I was like, hey They're not that bad
Starting point is 00:57:34 okay, coyote, okay coyote and cookie Oh, that's a that's a tough one. No, it's not for me It really isn't I really like those little cookies. I guess the world's best. Yeah Those are Jenna's favorite too. Are they the best? They're the fucking best and you know what I like about them? Because on the package it says if you open it up, you have to let it sit for 30 minutes so we can breathe, right? What? It's like a fucking wine
Starting point is 00:58:03 You know There's a little fucking message. I never read it. What does it say? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Fuck that message. Yeah. Yeah. Fuck the fortune personalized. What about you guys? Oh god favorite color favorite food Oh, that's a tough one. Probably rice. I can't live my life without it. I have what's wrong with that? What's the wrong? What's wrong with rice? If I think about what I can't live without I can't live without rice. I will die A very miserable death. I know but like rice is just like if you're stranded like in in like let's say aliens came down Yeah, and they put you in like a little prison. They got the only kind of food that you can have is rice
Starting point is 00:58:41 Yeah, you choose one thing at least with my deep dish. There's other kind of vegetables and stuff in there I just stayed myself. It's because I eat everything. I never I I you can't You'll never see me turn down any type of food. I don't care if it's tripe or Fucking, you know bloody. I just eat everything. So it's hard to choose. I like everything Um, so yeah, that's why I like her too. I love her because You know when you go white with white chicks, they just you can't take not all you can't paint them all with one brush That's most of them. Well, we have one in the back. Yeah. Yeah, we're There's a white person. Is she Latina or what? Oh, she's white. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You can't
Starting point is 00:59:24 Can we take you? I also want to ask you guys something Is there things things that are knowing you about the podcast that we can improve upon? Oh god, that's a Can you not that's a very uh, no, I want to know Jorge raises. I want to be better. Yeah, go ahead. Jorge I'm Jorge What's your name? What's your name? Joe. Why'd you call him Jorge? That's fucking racist dude. I'll be honest. I thought he was Mexican this whole time Joe go ahead Go ahead
Starting point is 01:00:03 After unhelpful advice you always get up you throw you throw your headset He just throws it's his thing. He throws his he fits because it's my time to go play Like I did it, you know, I mean, it's there's nothing much else to do so they can just close it out I'll go play video games, but that's a very good question. Thank you. Yeah anything guys Well, you know what I'm fuck you guys you guys aren't saying anything so I'm going to point to everyone here You're gonna have to say something Um What
Starting point is 01:00:37 Oh, uh, she asked I'm not into the I always skip the MMA minute. Yeah. Yeah, I told you What are you talking about? Some people don't like it. Of course. Some people aren't gonna like soccer Um, I I think that there are always going to be certain parts of the podcast that people cannot relate to Don't want to listen to but that's a beauty belt podcast. There's a forward button. You can skip through it And I I want to keep this podcast as as organic as possible. We love MMA I mean, uh, you know, so much of our family time is, you know, watching fights So it's hard not to talk about it Because it's a part of our life, you know, now you're friends with cool MMA fighters
Starting point is 01:01:22 Apparently shout out the air coke one guy air coke. That's it. Yeah, Mickey go and Mickey go Mickey goes my friend. Okay. Yeah So anyway, we're gonna keep doing it So sorry sorry Sorry, yeah, we're just gonna keep doing it. We'll even shout out to you. Okay. Yeah, Blanca. God damn it Anything else complain. Yeah more Stevie. Steve. Where's my brother? Steve? Yeah Yeah, yeah, he's the funnier. Oh, I know he's he doesn't always agree though He doesn't always agree to come on cuz you have no idea what it's like to get him on You have to promise some things
Starting point is 01:02:00 He's got to get a meal Right It's gotta be he's just got to be in a certain kind of mood to do it And then there's all these requirements like me privately what I can't bring up Like there are things I want to say There are so fucking funny that he did as a kid, but I can't bring it up because it'll embarrass him I think it was also What?
Starting point is 01:02:23 Yeah, I know and we make it special But um, I think he's also slightly scarred by the fact that so much of his life was exposed on the previous podcast Yeah, yeah, yeah, um, I mean, yeah, he's a A mysterious little one. Yes. Love him. He really is the best But I would love to I mean I would love to have him on every five if we could have him every week We would we would but it's like almost impossible. Yeah, you know, yeah, go ahead We need more dream weaver talk. What's dream? What is that? Oh the tip over
Starting point is 01:02:59 You guys never Yeah, the one where George George ate her butt, right? But you're in love, right? I wake up with like But see I wake up in love. I wake up thinking that I should Like I have dreamy eyes for this person So I sit there in the bed and I just search them I stalk them on facebook see what they're doing because I just dreamed about them Oh, yeah
Starting point is 01:03:43 You're the one with the fancy dreams Yeah, I know All right, this fucking guy He brought he brought pizza though. He brought pizza. Forgive him. He brought pizza. You did. Thank you. I'm so hungry I got you too. Thank you pass anything else guys. Yeah, go ahead guy that open in the what's your name, sir? Yeah It's never me Yeah, I'm not oh I eat sometimes I do and I'm trying not to do it late as of late, but yes, I'll stop that
Starting point is 01:04:22 I know I know He's eating. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, my brother when he was doing the red vines people were crazy. Yeah Yeah, he was going. Yeah. Yeah, I also have just a dry mouth. Maybe you know Anything else over here? We run it through a program that's supposed to even out all of it's what we were told by The professionals are our network basically is that run it through this program and everything should equalize the sounds So that's all we've been told to do and in the beginning when we first started this podcast It was a whole lot of Gilbert and I going on youtube to listen to this guy
Starting point is 01:05:07 Mike Russell for a tutorial on how to record a podcast like that's how ignorant we really were about it So, um, we asked You know the guy from all things comedy like how do we fix it? So, I mean that's yeah, we'll get better. I Oh when you yell you go like yeah, oh, yeah, yeah, I like oh when he whispers too, I think Yeah, you're not the only one who said that I think that my sister was I have to whisper sometimes That's the effect, but it's not a fact. No, I just I because I feel like I can't say it if it's not a secret
Starting point is 01:05:47 But it doesn't matter When I talk like that, you know, it's like I'm not really saying it or something So I'll think about that He'll stop whispering let's stop whispering and but I also want to um Two things number one. I don't want everyone ever want to do this here again Not okay, so we have to figure out a fucking way better place to do it here Why I'm passing is that where you live? I'm not driving to Pasadena, man. Yeah Oh, we thought about the belly. Yeah, that's the best one. It really is
Starting point is 01:06:25 But there's a problem with all this what my anxiety. I'm not you're did great. Didn't she do great today guys? If we do it every other month or something, I don't know but we next time we're doing in the bell room Yeah, I think and we can get a guest. It'll be easier. I'm not ever doing it here again I like this though. This is nice. It's nice, but you know, I'm not doing it here again. It's depressing Yeah, and people are fucking auditioning. This is from some fucking southwest airlines fucking infomercial or something It's so sad and they're like their dreams are just like I gotta get this thing, you know, man And we're here to do this and I'll fuck it. I'm not doing it Yeah, go anything else
Starting point is 01:07:05 Yeah, go ahead Yeah, art time. What is art time? What Oh and talking like my talking videos we draw but we can draw for the thing. Yeah. Yeah, that's a great idea Thank you, Dorothy. That's really nice. Thank you. Um, yes Uh, what's your favorite all time go to porn? What is your all favorite all time go to porn? Hey, that's your joke writer over there Well, the thing is is this is that um, your tastes evolve over the time, you know
Starting point is 01:07:48 And I honestly like when I was a young guy, I just wanted to go out with white chicks I thought that that was winning, you know, but then you realize it's losing. Yeah, man. And so I mean, it's winning it's winning too, but like, um, you know, I With Kalilah, there's just a level of being comfortable that I've never felt before And I think that that is an extremely important thing, you know, you feel like Like tomorrow we're doing that out thing and we're gonna do an event and I don't feel Panicky about bringing her she just can hold her own I trust her a lot though. She sweats a lot, but I feel like I'm there with, you know, I mean a teammate, you know, so it's like
Starting point is 01:08:34 So your your tastes evolve. So that question that you asked me, you know, I mean, it's a I hate it I already talked about fucking old J. Oh, there's another one's old J. What's old J? Oh, no, it's old J. Oh, I'll DJ E No, it's not Jewish. It's Maybe Yeah, but that's like older for youngers, but it's a little better Okay, we'll take your word. Okay. Thank you Anything else, but I also want to appreciate you guys coming out really do and um, let's do it again and um
Starting point is 01:09:09 Um, I'll do it again, you know, man What are you doing now see this is when I get up now Oh Hey prime members, you can listen to tiger barely ad free on amazon music Download the amazon music app today or you can listen ad free with wondry plus in apple podcast Before you go tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at wondry.com slash survey

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