TigerBelly - Ep. 239: My First Pandy

Episode Date: April 1, 2020

Bobby is one hit away from Bob Exotic. Khalyla swoons for another Captain. Gilbert is the refried bean. We talk quarantined picky princesses, North Korean hearthrobs, penny wallets, and talk ...honestly about the relapse.  Recorded in our respective homes via Zoom. Please support our sponsors.See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey Prime members you can listen to Tiger Belly add free on Amazon music download the app today Look How it goes what I don't like when you disrespect my favorite movie of all time I love lentils. Oh look you're gonna know one part of the song. Yeah looking at the sky. I seem to see a million eyes Which ones are Uh-huh It's one of the best. It's it's up there with cats Okay, I saw cats. Oh, I gotta talk about cats, but let's start with the let's start with the pod. Okay, you hurt my feelings
Starting point is 00:01:08 That's that's that's the song I sing when I think about my Happy already honestly like when I watch you've been on my case for three weeks already. You're doing it. See this is this is I thought you guys to be all lovey-dovey from like being around each other are lovey-dovey We'll talk about our quarantine experience in a second this ungrateful little fuck All right, go ahead. All right sing from the top again countdown Papa. Can you hear me Papa? Don't you know me? Welcome to another episode of Tiger Belly We're in quarantine here in Cala Cala. We've got the same old characters
Starting point is 00:01:55 We have regulars. We have Gilbert good to see a man. Love you Papa. Love you mama Mama Mama, do you love me mama? Do you do? We've got George. We've got my beautiful partner in life Kalyla made Kalyla made made You're a fucking made parent your nurse warden. You're a maid. You're a gardener Boy, you're a bitch boy. God boy gopher. Okay, we've got girl and we've got on camera over here
Starting point is 00:02:29 You can't say anything, but we have a snotty Teenage oh no naughty teenage ungrateful Teenager in the house who cleans up after Bobby. It doesn't matter. She gave me shit about the stove the other day Cooks and cleans and doesn't worry. What does she say? Okay? We've got Bryce Whatever show your face. Well, everybody listen. This is I have to be honest. I have not been feeling Funny, I'm a lot. You know, we're all lost. We're all We have no idea what day it is. We have no idea What the fuck is going on? Kalyla is acting like it's Chernobyl out there
Starting point is 00:03:09 She's acting like Pole in 1939 I said that before Don't go outside don't look at anybody. They're gonna find you, you know that type of vibe But you know what I'll be honest with you I honestly think that if I didn't have Kalyla as a girlfriend if I I Think I would have it by now For sure. I think I'd be sick. I could have died So I want to thank Kalyla for keeping my me alive even though
Starting point is 00:03:42 At times it's hard, you know, I want I want loom Well, not in Anali's. What's it called? Luma Nadi's from Chicago. Luma Nadi's pizza every day But I can only have it every other day If I could show you guys the amount my armpits and hands are sweating just listening to him Say all this right now and the rage that's steaming out of my ears. I could see it She could see it. Let me let me put it to you this way. Think about it. Just here we go paint paint this picture in your mind all right, he comes back from Colorado and
Starting point is 00:04:16 the first thing he says is Now he wants to panic by everything meanwhile since January since I've been Keeping track of corona and having no trust in our government. I've slowly been taking non-panic measures Making sure that I have a can of beans each week, you know Stockpiling very slowly because I there was a part of me my sister and I had been talking for a long time about us There was a part of me that knew that at some point
Starting point is 00:04:47 Shit would shit might get weird So by the time he comes back from Colorado, he's already in a full panic To his luck, however, the pantry is nicely stocked. There's a warm dinner on the table We have toilet paper. We have virus side. We have germicide We have everything you could possibly Need to live a very comfortable lush life at home 16 hours of the day he goes into a storage room plays his video games. I keep to myself
Starting point is 00:05:24 I watch my Korean dramas. I cook. I clean. I do his laundry. I am Just I basically There is nothing that he does except for the play video games and smoke cigarettes and then call his friends about how terrible I am of a partner. I didn't say that That's all he does It's as if like he has it's it's like, you know Like the the stereotype and it is a stereotype. You're rubbing your coochie. You're rubbing your coochie to Korean dramas every day No, the stereotype about like older Jewish moms who just it's it's in them to need to like
Starting point is 00:06:04 Complain even if like nothing is happening or nothing is wrong. You're not rubbing your coochie is an old Jewish mom If if the world if the sky is blue if there's food on the table if he has clean underwear And all he has to do is lay on his back and be fat He would still find a way to trash talk me and say that I'm not doing enough and have like three meltdowns a day It's just he cannot I had one meltdown. I Had one fucking meltdown yesterday about what I apologized for it What happened? I got on my hands and knees and I said, I'm sorry, but that's after I I Threatened to not feed you
Starting point is 00:06:44 Yeah, but you know what like we pull pot or you know, some of these guys they did what they did, right? They don't feel guilt They don't apologize, but I immediately Realized the errors of my wrongs and I got on my hands and knees and I fucking apologize. I'll tell you what happened. This is that The thing is is that well, let me say what I want to say your case go ahead, sir because um, yes, I thank you for Thank you so much for um For providing the things that you know that we need to survive, right?
Starting point is 00:07:19 But papa needs other things as well and papa has received came in a moto Luminati's 50 cans of diet coke Portos bakeable treats I have gotten you I know but it didn't I know but you have to say this is my first This is my first pandemic. I've never been I've never been in one before you gotta ease them in you gotta I don't know what the fuck So the next pandemic I'm gonna tell you right now. I'm gonna be very well prepared I see all right. I'll have all the diet cokes that I need. I'll have all the Luma Lana's pizza
Starting point is 00:07:54 I need I'll have all the portals and all the things prepared. I'll get a different. I'll get another freezer Because right now we don't have a lot of freezer space, but you know, I'm gonna I'm gonna have all the things Ready the next pandemic. All right, if there's an alien invasion, I'll probably won't do it right at first Because I've never been through an alien invasion. Do you understand what I'm saying is that we we as people we you know Some people like me. I'm just uh, I'm a working-class guy blue collar. I'm not educated Yeah, you guys know this right? I don't know what I'm saying at the time and I I don't know things So I'm learning slowly
Starting point is 00:08:36 I'll tell you this though. Okay, that I did apologize. I did have a meltdown because Kaleila, you know orders things online and they come the next day I've ordered 40 things online. None of it's here And I've ordered them months ago. I ordered these I go to Instagram. I ordered these bamboo pants Why do you need that for a pandemic I Need comfort for my legs so he has to See he so I told him it's like you cannot be buying You know all of these products from unverified sites from China. No, I just figured if they're from Instagram
Starting point is 00:09:17 So every I go on Instagram and they go The salmon you the salmon cat toy with the salmon moves around Yeah, I had battery in there I ordered that a month and a half ago and then I looked at arrive and it says it's been delivered in here Right, so I'm that I like and so then I've been ordering the bamboo pants. I also ordered these cat For the window where they they're like a little hammocks. I saw that Instagram. I bought that I bought a bunch of stuff and Every day you go out there and you have she orders the toilet paper I don't know what her toilet paper. I mean whatever that's coming. You know, I haven't I haven't bought a single piece of toilet
Starting point is 00:09:58 I mean whatever is out there like Um Whatever Everything that's in a box is never for me or Juliana it is all for Bobby Lee Everything that it's like to keep him at an even keel like for me to survive all of this I just need to keep buying what he wants like I'm very low maintenance. I eat rice and egg. I eat Eat leftovers no problem. He doesn't have he doesn't do leftovers. He needs to have he's Juliana and I have called him He is like the picky princess
Starting point is 00:10:37 He needs to have his like luxuries or else. He is a dead man like psychologically. He's a dead man He emotionally cannot handle living a simple life Okay, I'm fruity and I'm fancy. I'm sorry I'm so sorry that I'm like that And I I meditate at night. I go why are you like that? But I you know, I just I think I've been spoiled. I must spoil a little bit He lives a life of indulgence and it couldn't be more apparent than then Yes, we have to hunker down. It's like he
Starting point is 00:11:13 It's not enough to have like three square meals. He has to have You know fancy $30 mochi balls. We're you what? Yeah, we order mochi balls very expensive. So I had to go and order $30 mochi balls. Fuck you, man. I'm gonna tell you all right. Send me one. Send me one. I will send you But I want to see you man. I'll tell you this right now. All right. This is like I said my first Pandy Yeah, this is first Pandy. That's my first Pandy, right? I've never had been to throw a Pandy before I'm sure a lot of people aren't bored. You get people listening. You probably have not been in a Pandy before But this is you know, it's number one
Starting point is 00:11:57 It's crazy. Number two I I Kala saw coming a mile away, you know, and I was making fun of the disease maybe two months ago I was saying stuff like Remember the whole grain grain of sand analogy that I did in China. Yeah, it's like so, you know Kolyla was right and Have I done this though? Have I left the house really?
Starting point is 00:12:22 The only times I've left the house. Well, he knows that if he leaves the house He's gonna have to live downstairs by himself for two weeks in another quarantine within a quarantine. Yeah So the only two times I've left the house is to see that redheaded freak Andrew Santino to do bad friends And the only people that are in the room is that white guy george me and andrew, right? I haven't stopped by the only times I've stopped by I've had to get cigarettes twice At 7-eleven which kolyla and her ungrateful Ungrateful little niece. Yeah, what is juliana doing? juliana
Starting point is 00:12:57 She does everything she does everything. She honestly gilbert put it this way. Yeah, if she wasn't here I would have bobby and I would have already killed each other. You know, yeah, she she's my little helper She helps me cook. She helps me clean. She helps me do laundry You know and bobby has this thing like if I could if he had a name or like a phrase to define who bobby lee was It's little trashes everywhere. You know that book little fires everywhere. Yeah my celeste Little trashes everywhere. I don't understand Everywhere around the house. It's like pennies smushed together by a piece of gum Like stuck together like in a clump with gum in it. Yeah like little pieces
Starting point is 00:13:40 It's not even like I call them penny wallets You know, and I don't understand where they come from like for instance if he like tears open a bag of chips You know the tip the little tip that's torn off. There's like 50 of them everywhere. No matter where you turn There's little trashes everywhere But I've been trying to be mindful about that as well So it's like I have last night. Okay when I opened the little for the dogs the little packets of food I would put it in the thing so I try to be mindful about it. All right, but then again, you know, we're all under a little duress You know, this is not normed
Starting point is 00:14:17 This is not normal, but this is not duress It's it's the country's in duress. You can feel the energy of the country and I'm I absorb energy. I know but what I'm doing is the frontliners and all those people That's duress the people who have to suit up in debate get exposed to aerosolized viruses on a daily basis But what we're doing This is baby shit. I understand that like also, you know back back in the day, you know, we would we wouldn't we wouldn't in iraq Those soldiers were under way more duress than I could possibly ever conceive But being a little bitch baby the way I am
Starting point is 00:14:56 Right. This is this causes me duress. I'm sorry You have to consider our pockets are full our bellies. We have a temperpedic bed. We have A home with a nice yard. I'm grateful. This is this couldn't be a more lush stacation It's so much I just want to put it out there But I am so thankful for the life that we have and I do consider us complete totally privileged And we are not in the position to complain about I'm not complaining. I'm I'm accepting the situation We this is this has to be done
Starting point is 00:15:30 All right, when I go online, I see people going on the beaches in florida or that pastor yesterday In tampa having church service. It drives me crazy. I understand this That this needs to be done We all have to do our part and stay in the fucking house until this is over with or it's never going to end So I I know that and I know that it's serious All right, I know that Danny did Danny Day Day Kim got it and he said that it was terrible Right, Michael. Yo just had it. Oh, yeah, you know, and he doesn't look as handsome He doesn't look as handsome. That's a handsome guy. He's a little baldy and bloated
Starting point is 00:16:10 You know, so I know that a shit on a sick person. No, I love him and glad you saved. He's not dead You know, he's dead and so, um, I know, you know for me Here's another thing that's a little difficult and I'm not complaining But you have to understand that and we all it's all interfered. It's interfered with everyone's lives You know, I've just just my own little personal things is that, you know, I've never gone this long without doing stand-up I'm you know, so it's you know and stand-up was always, you know, uh, It feels like you're on drugs It's an addictive
Starting point is 00:16:48 hobby that I have and so, you know, I'm Detoxing off of that as well. You know, I miss Seeing other comics, you know, um, what's great about it's not great, but you know, what's Different about the pandy is is that, um I'm getting texts from people that normally don't text me Bill Burr texted me out of the blue the other day mark marin texted me yesterday. How you doing? Which is what? What the fuck? So I'm like, I'm fine, sir. Thank you for the reach out
Starting point is 00:17:18 So you're getting a lot of people reaching out. Um, I think it's Humanized a lot of people. I think it's in in a weird way Have united us, you know, I I really do care about people and we're I do I I'm not saying anything. I know but you're you know, I'm giving you side-eye. You're giving me side-eye a little bit Is it because of the Asians that are getting beat? Kalala Man I have another bone to pick
Starting point is 00:17:45 About that. It's I I think that what's happening to Asians is so fucking ignorant, but Especially especially, you know, here's the thing. All right, here's the take on it All right, but we can we can we promise one thing after five more minutes of this? I think that everyone right now is so like just kind of overwhelmed with too much like A lot of things I want to talk I think I want to talk to you about let's go light an area after this Let's go light back to our silly. We will but let this is the first one we've done You know under the panty and I think we should I think it we should talk about a little bit longer. Okay. All right um
Starting point is 00:18:23 But the thing is is that you know, what Americans have to understand is is that You know Asian dudes that live here that are born here Right. Yeah, because I saw some video at a Walmart somewhere in the Midwest Where some Asian American guy coughed and people confronted them. It's like dude. It's like, hey, let me say I'm 48 years old. All right And if you're 46 I've been an American longer than you All right How old are you George?
Starting point is 00:18:54 40 Right. So I've been an American longer than you for eight years. All right. I'm merit an American through and through I bleed And poo red white and blue. I love this country so much. This is all I know. I don't know shit about Asia Right. So when you know, I haven't obviously I haven't been outside and I haven't been Being I haven't been confronted by you know, I have a question about the red white What does America think they own those colors because the Philippines has red white and blue and just about maybe 130 other countries Why do we own that? Well, we don't own it. Why do the Americans say red white and blue like that's supposed to be like the the
Starting point is 00:19:36 What do you call descriptive descriptor? I guess you get like I think it's every I shit out 50 stars. You can say 50 stars. Yes. That's it. Maybe that's it That's more American We have the country songs that sing red white and blue So I think that's how we want it is uh through a lot of country songs and nobody else wants country songs about their uh The colors of their flag so they'll go other things Oh, okay. Okay, but I just want to make a point though. Can I just go back to you? You're an American Not only am I an American it's it's like
Starting point is 00:20:06 You know, what happened? I don't know what happened in Wuhan. I don't know how this fucking started I don't want to make you know, I wasn't there. I love the way you said it like a country star a Wuhan Wuhan, I don't know nothing about I don't know nothing about but um You don't think that I you don't think I being an Asian American guy Go what the fuck happened? You know, like I am angry about it as well, right? I'm in the same boat as any other American about this disease. I have no idea how it started. I'm sure
Starting point is 00:20:41 You know, I mean, there's there's a lot of things that went wrong, right to contain it. I think that China could have done different steps to um To be more transparent about the disease up front But my point is is that when you're her if you harass some random Asian American dude About this disease. We're as confused as you are. We're the same as you is what I'm saying. Yeah, there's the good news And this is a proof I've been working out
Starting point is 00:21:10 Every day and lifting I've been lifting and pellets on for 40 to 50 minutes a day 50 40 50 minutes a day Damn, I've been lifting weights and people go. Why bob at your age, right? Why do you want to be in a marvel movie? No The reason why I'm doing it The reason why I'm doing it people ask you that Yeah The reason why I'm doing it. Fuck you man. Where's gabby? Is she okay? She's was she in the office today, george? No. Nope. She's been working from home. Tell her I love her. Tell her hello
Starting point is 00:21:45 Okay Tell her I miss her. I will I'll let her know Here's the thing The reason why I'm on the peloton every day and I'm lifting weights. I'm going to get yoked and jacked and I'm gonna look like a different bobby lee There's two reasons number one. I'm in quarantine and I this is prison It feels like present and I'm gonna have a prison prison body This is what prisoners did
Starting point is 00:22:08 Right and I'm doing an old school. I'm doing push-ups. I'm doing sit-ups like on a hardwood and floor You know, I'm doing an old school I'm tightening my butt cheeks like you would do in prison to exercise those muscles But the second reason why is because there's a threat There's a threat in the house There's a there's a real threat and it's not in my mind the threat is north korean soldiers My girlfriend I need to hear this theory. Yeah, I'm telling my girlfriend has been obsessed
Starting point is 00:22:40 with Fucking k-dramas and there's a k-drama out there with that involves a north korean soldier, right? And she's been doing what my mom does with the bts. She's been screenshotting this fucking man, right? She's been saying in the bed like I want to go to korea Why because you want to fuck that guy? No, because they have better corona testing. You're obsessed It meant to be right now that you're obsessed with the guy. It meant to be right now I think obsessed would be an understatement. I have not stopped thinking about captain lee jung hyuk
Starting point is 00:23:13 for Two straight weeks like when I'm not watching it over and over again crash landing on you. That's the name of the show I miss him I have to like I have to go to all these like fan instagram sites and like screenshot his picture I'm just obsessed I'm just yeah, I don't know what's wrong with me. I think okay. This is where my weakness falls During this quarantine. I've noticed a couple of things about myself. I'm not normally a very impressionable person when it comes to
Starting point is 00:23:45 Romantic comedies and things like that. I always think that oh, that's very unrealistic but Since I've been home a lot It's like dredged up feelings in me that I didn't know That I've put away for so long like now I wake up like feeling Things that I hadn't felt since I was 25 that feeling of like longing that wanting Deep romance and it's so fucking weird and it's really catching me off guard but I'm getting my fill of it from watching these korean dramas and I cry and I feel again and I
Starting point is 00:24:20 and I don't know why I've cast those feelings aside for so long but because I want to be this like Pragmatic person about love, but I don't think that that's really who I am at my core like I am a romantic and I'm a softy and I I I want I swoon And I'm swooning again. I haven't swooned in so long What's wrong with me you guys? That's all right. So, you know
Starting point is 00:24:48 She wants to be swooned. No, no, I'm swooning. I don't want to be swooned. You know what swoon means. No Swooning is saying like oh, he's so dreamy Right. She wants to be she wants romanticisms. Right. She wants to she wants Those old feelings that she did as a young person and I'll be honest with you. I remember those feelings as well I think they're dead inside me But I think that maybe there is a glimmer inside my heart that I can retrieve and let grow and water But you know, um, that's why I want to work out and I want to become a new man
Starting point is 00:25:23 And I want to learn those things. I want to get buff and look sexy. You are sexy. Are you crazy? Come on. No, I'm being real with you. Since no one else is in the room, but juliana and we'll make her feel really awkward right now I think you are the sexiest man. I've ever been with And I that's what that's why I find it hurts me That we've become so businesslike with each other because I do want to have those really cheesy Romantic moments with you and I I think that we've we've
Starting point is 00:25:58 We haven't Watered that part of our grass of our field. Yes Yes I agree They call it the seven-year itch for no reason. What's a seven-year itch? I just thought it was a movie No, they it's basically in relationship. We've seven over over seven years, but in the seven-year period They're it, but you know what? Relationships can go up and down and sideways But I know this fundamentally that I I just I love kalilah so so fucking much
Starting point is 00:26:30 That I think she's just the greatest person I've ever met. She's my best friend um, I trust her up and down with every aspect of my life and um, There I'm not as romantic As I should be and I am not as um I don't know. It's just uh It's been a tough couple of months. I have I have a question for you though
Starting point is 00:26:57 Were you ever a romantic guy? You know, I you know, I what's your idea of it? That's that's well, you know, I've my My idea of romance has always been He does ask the guys first and then you give your idea of romance Gilbert. What's your idea of romance? Like, what would you if you're trying to Um, like in the first couple months where you met Cindy and you thought, you know I want to do this for her and make her feel some type of way. What what are your moves? Well, I'll tell you what I did For valentine's day because I think we were also having our three-year itch and I had can become businesslike and busy
Starting point is 00:27:36 Uh, she left for out of town for about a week and a half to europe. So it was during valentine's day So leading up to valentine's day Prague yeah, so I wrote her Uh, a letter every day leading up to valentine's day, which I don't write because it takes me too long and I have horrible handwriting So I wrote her a letter every single day She would I told her to open one every day and then leading up to a very long letter. Oh, you're gonna make me cry I'm actually tearing up. Can you not tell that's that's like k drama shit Why the fuck did you say that story?
Starting point is 00:28:07 Because I want you to write a fucking dissertation. Do you know what captain z jung hill did when they became separated and crashlanded? bastard You son of a bitch George, you tell about you. George. You tell something, but don't fuck me man. Oh, I'm good for you. Bobby. I think I Like buy flowers every uh, every other time I go to the grocery store. Just uh, you fucking bitch face No, you buy flowers every other day. That's a grassy other time I go to the grocery store. So like if you go to the grocery store once a week. Oh, fuck. Well, you know what? I gotta be more mindful about it. No, but you know, this is I'm not
Starting point is 00:28:45 What is your idea of romance Bobby? I'm gonna tell you Wait, I have before we get into this. Here's what here's what I'm gonna just say Let me just say where did we learn these traits is important. I don't think I'm not shitting on you I'm just saying I I think that maybe your idea of it might be different from yours Might be different from mine. So it's like we have to manage your expectations based on what we learn from Same here I learned it from movies and the only movies that I watched that are romantic are movies about Love loss Avengers endgame. No. No about like
Starting point is 00:29:17 Paris, Texas is probably the most romantic movie I've ever seen in my life. That's what I've always as a in high school I saw that movie and I always thought that that right there Is love what part of it? It's basically a man a man who there's he can't have this woman right And he's still in love But it she's she has to let her go
Starting point is 00:29:43 And she left it's the best that she left And he is constantly Throughout his life, you know struggling with that idea, you know, I mean it's it's the idea of loss Wait, hang on. So you're gonna break up with me and that's what you find romantic No, what I'm just saying is is that you're asking me where I learned it, you know, I learned it from that I learned it from dr. Javago You mean where at the end of the movie, you know The man that he loves he he I forget I haven't seen the movie in 20 years, but
Starting point is 00:30:15 You know, she's with this woman He's in love and then they get separated because of war, right? They can't see each other and then as an old man he sees her on a bus And she walks off the bus And he he's walking behind her because he's so old. He can't yell out her name because he's so old And as he touches her He he can barely touches her and she goes around a corner and he dies Right, so that's my idea of love
Starting point is 00:30:42 That's your idea. I love but that's not That's not uh, necessarily like romance like romance What movies would you suggest to bobby? What that's all I was I was never exposed to the 51st states or you know Any of the movies you guys watch I'm trying to think or the notebook I don't and I I will never I've never fully subscribed in that idea of like Oh, you know like long locks on the beach or like flowers, whatever, but My idea of romance is a little bit different too
Starting point is 00:31:16 like it comes from Tiny things that are never what you see on television and I think that what we need to do is maybe like communicate it to me it's It's small little things that make me feel like that person was thinking about me and only me in that moment Um, I don't You were high out of your mind Yeah, what about that rain though? Come on I need to show it one and the next episode maybe you could tell he was high out of his mind when he bought it
Starting point is 00:31:50 I was high on my mind. I don't know. I don't know. It was during that time. Oh, yeah And that's why I couldn't tell you when I was telling the story about the ring the last time I I It sounded like maybe I wasn't appreciative of it and the reason that I couldn't fully appreciate it at that time But I couldn't tell you guys is because he was acting very erratic and very suspicious and I couldn't like connect the dots at that time So when he out of nowhere says here's the ring It made me feel like wait like what are you trying to put a salve on because like, you know
Starting point is 00:32:27 Our or it felt like he was just trying to put out a tiny fire It wasn't really like here's the ring Oh god, I know I know I know I know I know I know but but it's a beautiful ring It's a shit ring and I was so high. I don't know the fuck It's like, I don't know what it was expensive, but there was ugly. I don't know what the fuck was going on with my mind but um, I was in a um
Starting point is 00:32:52 I was lost. I was in a state of manmania. That was my first pandy. So my first pandy The reason I'm so chill about all of this is because I already had my pandy last year For for four months. Oh, my pandy was rough That was a rough time. I mean that I remember when What was the roughest was Um, you guys were all in the room dude. Remember you guys were in the world. Have we talked about that? No, we've never talked about that So we were this is this was crazy So we were we did a podcast a live show a live podcast and afterwards
Starting point is 00:33:27 She just looked at me and you guys were both in the room and she said I'm not in love with you anymore I'm I'm done. Yeah, I'm done. Me and george were like looked at each other. What are we doing? My heart just I my heart just dropped And she left the room and I just thought oh Life is over. It's different Something's changed. I fucked up. I'm a piece of shit But I think you were too high to consider those things. I mean that's the whole fucking It's you know the reason why I got sober as like listen
Starting point is 00:34:04 I was out for what three months getting a smoking pot, right? but the reasons why I got sober as quickly as I did right is um The fact that there were three or four things that were was happening that to me felt like Too great of a loss You know my relationship with kalayla was number one. You could tell that It was in the fringe Of of just it was going to be you know
Starting point is 00:34:35 And I didn't I couldn't that was just too difficult for me to Live through and number two. I mean those other ones were health And my state of mind and then maybe my career was fourth or fifth on the list But that one day when that that was the big that was a huge wake-up call for me because um You guys were both in the room and we looked at each other and we we all felt Like it's over. You know and I remember feeling like Like I never usually lied to myself in that way, but I could feel
Starting point is 00:35:13 The lie reverberating in my whole body because I was lying when I said that I could I just wanted to Shake you so badly because I thought that yeah, I remember you saying that if I relapse or if I'm not in a good state Leave me. Let me hit a bottom So I thought that I was aiding In that way where if I just lied through my teeth and tell and you know just be strong and said, okay You know, I'm not in love with you. I don't know who you are anymore. I'm packing and I'm leaving Um, I thought that maybe that would shake you but it kind of like You know, mm-hmm. I also I mean
Starting point is 00:35:57 I also remember Gilbert's look at me And there was like a there was a there was a sense of like he was without you didn't say anything But you looked at me like um With shameful eyes Uh, sad eyes, but it was sad, but it was like what did you do kind of eyes? But who stayed there the whole night until you guys finished talking? You did I did I know and you're the adhesive You were an adhesive that night. You were you know, you know what you are, you know, Taco Bell
Starting point is 00:36:29 You're the refried No, what you know that that double that to make the double decker the double decker Yeah, then the refied brain and then they put the soft over around it. What do they call that the soft shell Yeah, the soft shell one You're that you're the refied brain. I'll take that. I remember I told George I could tell George like so uncomfortable. So I told him you can go home. I'll wait here I had no idea what he did like I didn't know what like what what's the best thing to do with this moment and I had no I had no yeah, like everybody was in different like headspaces. What were you thinking? I was just trying to what were you thinking literally
Starting point is 00:37:05 Like what trying to think of think of what's the best thing to do? But like you and Kalilah were in such different headspaces. It was like which Which side do I like help with to like bring everybody together? And I had no idea It was after it was right after the final show in the in the old apartment. Yeah, that's when this happened Oh, Kalilah found out I or guests put all the pieces together or bobby admitted it literally right before they walked into the room So if you were at the live show at the old house, oh, yeah Yeah, as soon as Bobby and Bobby and Kalilah
Starting point is 00:37:39 I knew something was wrong with Kalilah because she was not smiling for real But Bobby was you know, I put a lot of glitter on my eyes to try to mask My puffy eyes. So I put like the you know in euphoria euphoria that they put a glitter That's what I did because I was like, oh, maybe it won't be so obvious because my eyes were so puffy I had just cried for like an a whole hour before right before that Yeah, that was um, that was uh, it was a good show great show though I don't know how the fuck you did that knowing all this But let's that was a great show, huh? Yeah, that was a good show. Well, I'm a professional
Starting point is 00:38:16 I would say I'm a professional you as well. That was really good. That was impressive But let's do an update the photos with everybody afterwards just knowing like afterwards. Yeah Yeah, um, okay, George Timing times the timing is great Some things that felt even online. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah that just that that hit hard, huh? So, uh, but update The update is I have what over 110 days I think so. Yeah, I um
Starting point is 00:38:52 And truth be told, um, we were joking earlier I honestly believe that, you know, without Kalaila, I would have the fucking disease because I'm so, um, I have that mentality that a lot of people have like almost untouchable or I'm also a risk taker Unnecessarily like I'd be like, yeah, fuck it. I'm gonna go out. Fuck the rules. Fuck, you know, I mean and for me because I have two people in the house Um, and also because I get educated by Kalaila about exactly what this why You know, will will coronavirus kill me? Maybe not. It could. Um, it's killed a lot of young people But, um, it's you know, I don't want to spread it to other people and um, I know that other people are susceptible. Um,
Starting point is 00:39:44 Especially older people or people with pre-existing ailments that if they get it that they would die and I want to be a Mindful concerned citizen and so in many ways I think that I would have gotten it. I Kalaila has been, um, educated educated me on it and also, um, this is, uh Also something that I don't think this country has gone through in many many many many years Yeah, I don't know what the last disease of this magnitude was. What was it? The SARS or Ebola? I think it's smallpox And the US was at the Spanish flu. Oh, maybe the Spanish flu. It was 1918
Starting point is 00:40:24 That's similar to like a respiratory illness. It would be this. I mean, there have been a lot of things that we've you know, since you know, um Have vaccines for like polio was a very very big issue when it happened Like if we didn't have a polio vaccine, we couldn't really nearly eat oysters the way we do And I grew up in a country that was very very like stricken hard by polio So growing up like for instance my swim coach my first swim coach coach lando. They used to call him kim pang which was um, because he he had, um
Starting point is 00:41:01 He got polio when he was young and then his one leg was small So he had a limp. He had a really bad limp. Um, Juliana's, um, nanny at home she has a Uh, an arm one arm smaller than the other, right? Um from polio. So you just saw it a lot in my country. So like when I come to the United States and There is this perception of invincibility over here because they've just never seen that around them. They've never seen cholera They've never seen polio. They've never seen things that like I saw in third world Countries that we take for granted here. That's why when like you're not going to find a movement of anti-vaxxers in the Philippines
Starting point is 00:41:38 You just aren't anti-vaxxers Have to have a certain level of privilege to be able to speak or assert the things that they do Because they've never really seen it and when measles comes back over here They're going to bring it to a country like the Philippines who can't afford To have something like that like so that's what like enrages me about this like Idea of invincibility here. It is it is a privilege to not know About polio or ever having seen it in your lifetime, you know I was gonna throw in a joke, but I think it was wrong the timing the timing is wrong. See George see George
Starting point is 00:42:18 I'll just throw it out there. I'll just throw out my joke and then you could cut it out, right? But the joke is if I had a little polio arm, you know what I would do. I knew it was about the arm You know what I would do. I knew it was about the arm. You know what I would do What I would get a tattoo of a bigger arm on it How can you tattoo a bigger arm? You're not a 3d printer I would just like do an optical illusion. I don't know where if you hold it the right way. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, um The timing was wrong on that joke, but um, it's not even that great, but um, I threw it out there Uh, wait, can we talk about my k-dramas a little bit more though? Go ahead. Okay. I'm pleading to all you tiger belly listeners
Starting point is 00:42:57 I need somebody And a bunch of somebodies to help me process Um, the show crash landing on you Now, I don't expect a lot of you men to really fall hard or understand. Um, why um, the show has impacted my life in In different ways, but I just need if you're a girl and you you you're into korean dramas Please come speak to me. Um, I want to squeal with somebody because fucking juliana is not Watching it either. Wow juliana. I thought you just I thought you started watching it. She started. She has a long way to go Yeah, so um, I'm just pleading with you guys to just and maybe tell me watch it and then come back to me and say, hey like
Starting point is 00:43:41 Maybe kalala. You're you're losing your mind a little bit and you need there. Yes. There's a guy. I'm gonna look like him in about three months I'm gonna look just like that guy. It's not that I find him necessarily attractive. It's his character. I'm not in love with hyun bin I'm in love with captain lee jung hyuk Yeah, I think so I would love to see bobby in that jacket. Have you been Gilbert, what do you you have been what have you been doing to kill time? Well, the main thing is I heard that you know what I heard what I heard you've been going out a lot and getting food I've been getting food. I've been doing still dropping it off to there's this homeless shelter down the street
Starting point is 00:44:20 That I oh really you get food for the homeless shelter not for yourself. No for myself too Oh, yeah It's the same when I drop off every it's not anything special. It's not anything special So every meal how many times a day do you go out to get take out? once a week Be honest deliver. Do you have you not seen my instagram? No, I don't follow you. Oh I've been cooking a lot as you can see behind me all those cookbooks right there
Starting point is 00:44:48 So, but what when you go out what's open? I mean, I don't I haven't been out there. So what's open? Uh, well right now I'm supporting this Filipino restaurant that they're struggling in north hollywood tatang. Yeah, yeah, so I love tatang. I've been why are they struggling all because it's a small business babe a lot of yeah Yeah, they're not backed by a restaurant group. So they're just it's just you know People also don't want to go out and eat so I've been trying to like buy food and had that people deliver to other people's houses Or my mom just bought like randomly like $500 worth of food there just to send to people because it's like It's kind of sad how they just so many of these small like even Mexican restaurants are just kind of just they can't do anything Just not operating and it's such a it's it's also just a really
Starting point is 00:45:28 You have to like weigh it out too, you know, because it's like You want to help the small businesses like stay alive, but at the same time It's like you want to minimize the risk of any type of like cross contact because the longer this goes the worse it is for them so it's like Do we all just Take our losses swallow this really really tough pill and just say fuck it. Let's all just shut down For a month It'll be really hard
Starting point is 00:45:55 A month from now, but it'll be harder if this plays out for six more months. Yeah Yeah, they're saying now A couple more months. I think yeah a couple more months. So real real, but I understand what you're doing Gilbin I think that like that's kind of where my head is to where it's like, you know, I I I try my best to give my to give money to where I can in my own small way, but yeah, it's it just depends I just think there's a lot of people that aren't being smart like I've only seen that other than like the Delivery people or like say if I go to like a grocery store. I've always seen the same rotation of like
Starting point is 00:46:32 Three people it's my roommate and Cindy basically, but there's I know people that are like still finishing student films It's like, what are you doing? No, that's the shit. I see that's what I'm like. Are you kidding me? Like what are you doing right now? Like why are you doing that? Yeah It's crazy, man. I think that was like reading this article that there's like three types. There's the The the the panic buyers The ones who just think this this is it. This is the apocalypse. I'm you know to each man How do you say it? How do you say it each man for his own each man for his own? Oh just each man
Starting point is 00:47:10 What's it called each man Each man for his own. Is that how you say it George? Yep, every man for himself every man for himself. Oh my god. There you go. I like every man for himself I say each man each man So, yeah, there's every man for himself the panic buyers the hoarders There's that and then there's what they call the pandemic Goldilocks Where the people are more rational where they're like You know listening following the rules hunkering down
Starting point is 00:47:41 The pandemic Goldilocks and then there's the underreactors And those are the ones that are still finishing student films who are just really against the idea of lockdown all together I think I'm one and three, but because I have Kalilah. I'm only One now one and a half Wait, because here's the thing I got a text today saying um From the comedy store saying that next week I guess bill burr, maybe rogan delia, Whitney Cummings, tom segura They're doing a podcast marathon at the main room at the comedy store
Starting point is 00:48:20 a benefit for employees of the store and they were they invited me to do it and um, you know, I'll obviously I'll be honest with you and I told Kalilah this that I'm not going to go You know, but I have to be honest. There is a part of me that really when I got the call Was excited because you know, obviously I want to see my friends and obviously I also love performing and I love Being at the store and I love being a part of
Starting point is 00:48:48 um the comedy community. It's a it's a great community but um I I struggle with that shit still it's like You know because they're saying, you know, we're gonna, you know all we're only gonna do three comics at a time And then we're gonna separate them by seven or eight feet and no one's gonna touch anybody no audience right so in my head, I'm like How is that gonna hurt? right, I you know, if they're being mindful about it and being
Starting point is 00:49:17 cautious, but I think why risk it as well, you know so, um Wait, but then don't is this this is to benefit the people out of work from the comedy store? Yeah, and other things. I don't know exactly what the donations are I think it's mainly for employees and waitresses and stuff. And I know your argument a close argument is um, Well, we all have Some you know, we all have money. You're right. Why don't we just pull our money together to like this giant, but it's not it's but it's
Starting point is 00:49:47 You know, and obviously it's about performing as well. You know, we're all cooped up and we want to be able to You know do something to get It's an expression, right? We want to express ourselves, but um, you know, I think that I'm probably not gonna do it Yeah I think that um While I understand that need to express everybody at this time is
Starting point is 00:50:15 Sacrificing a part of their lives whether you're uh, you know, you're a film student whether you're a podcaster whether you're uh A runner a grocery runner whether you're in everyone But right now our main responsibility is to not fuck The people who are actually fighting this thing, right? That's our main responsibility That's why I'm kind of just like look dude if I had to sit on my ass and lose my mind for a couple months That's the that's that's a small price to pay for making sure that I don't Fuck the others in the front line So can I ask you sweetie? I because um, because remember everyone in my family is a frontliner. So I know they are and yeah, and um
Starting point is 00:51:00 Colilla, we she has I haven't seen my brother Steve at all and my brother's called me and go say we can't hang out I go no Um, when when Colilla's sister comes over to we exchange things They don't come in the house. We look we talked to them when we're on the balcony and they're on the driveway And um, it's really sad, but we're we're doing our part in in terms of that But I want to ask Colilla. So is there no circumstances where we can get any kind of delivery? What kind of delivery like from terry's? Okay, here's my argument is that if we continue to use instacart or to get a food runner
Starting point is 00:51:40 I still feel really terrible that I am Putting those people at risk those people at risk, you know, they're not well taken care of For starters, like instacart or Whole Foods. They're not taking care of their employees. They're health service They still have to go home to families. So my thing is like I want to minimize having someone Even though they I know it it keeps them afloat. They want to make their people out. I know, but there are people out there Yeah, they want to make their people out. I know, but there are people out there. Yeah that want to make money I understand all of that and they want to and they they need food They want to run the food, but
Starting point is 00:52:20 That money won't make any sense if there is no life to live in six months. Is that that's what I'm saying That basically say you're saying no no terries No, and right now like Like I'm just one I have I Just one bean cheese and rice burrito. I mean, I just don't have a trust in a lot of things right now You seem to think you're the only one that wants those things. I know I'm just can I just I mean, I'm just bringing up for humor
Starting point is 00:52:56 Can I tell you one thing that I but I bet your money though terry bummed about they're probably there right now going Hey, how come no one calling us? We want to make nachos, you know, but you know Can I show something really sad? I had a door-dash person come And uh, they had the no contact delivery know that whole thing where you have to they have to leave the food and they have to walk Away, and then you can open the door She this woman was walking with a little daughter And that made me so sad because you're like she wouldn't take her kid out there if she didn't have to But it was like oh, she just is all she's thinking about is money clearly
Starting point is 00:53:28 Which is yeah, I know and that's what I'm saying Yeah, because even though you're like, can you not take your kid outside? But it's like I don't know her situation, but it's like But that I'm not in my own life at least yeah in the things that I can control whether it's my You know, whether it's our gardener or somebody who works for us even if it's like a dog sitter We give them money and say hey It is just Even if they haven't done any service. I don't want them to do any service Like whatever I can do to give money to those people and say hey stay home and even that's like that instacart lady
Starting point is 00:54:03 Or that runner if I had seen her I would have said okay Here's a certain amount of money if you can if that helps you not have to do as many runs You know and I think that people with money should step up in that way and and I don't understand like truly like We are around a lot of rich people man like you guys are we live in LA Like we can do our part in that way when I okay, so I've had two deliveries From 7-eleven because I need Diet Coke so bad right and obviously we're you know, we we are the mask We let we it gets dropped off. We wipe it down and all that stuff
Starting point is 00:54:42 But you know, I I always leave like a huge You know tip so can we do this with terries just to hear me out, right? We order from terries, but we don't actually we don't actually get a deliver We'll just order it and tell the person in the message. You know, we don't actually you can eat the food Yeah, I think just the idea of ordering terries will make me feel better without eating the food I can just imagine in my mind that it's coming And I don't think that you're able to you order terries, right? You're not nachos and the kalayla you make the food leave it outside the door
Starting point is 00:55:15 So he feels like he's getting delivery. So everyone wins. I see. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know why but I just crave nachos right? nachos, that's such a I'll tell you what I crave Can I just say do this mine's Korean barbecue like I miss a restaurant. Oh, shit. Why'd you see that? Oh, fuck. You can make Korean barbecue. Oh, I want agahashi. Yeah. Oh, shit dog. Fuck I want um I want um some sort of mexican
Starting point is 00:55:46 right I'll tell you what I crave east coast food Nejosi like jersey mics and jerseys having a hard time right now. I know So jersey mics. I crave it. I crave a little bit. You know what else I crave? um Pan to express for some reason You know, I miss asian food. Yeah, like I miss like new port sea food
Starting point is 00:56:10 Oh I'll tell you what I've been playing though. Can we talk about what I've been doing with my days? Oh, yeah, I'm a gamer now apparently What do you what are you playing? I'm playing the whitest game ever a war zone call duty Is it good? It's fun when you're playing with people you're talking you're laughing. It's fun. I get the whole Uh destiny thing now. I get it. You do. I get it. Yeah, it's fun. It's fun But uh all because I don't want to do that because I don't want to scream and I want to get all stressed out Yeah, so and what do you think I've been so? So what what I do is I I go all right
Starting point is 00:56:42 I'm going to go down for an hour, but I spent six hours right and I never see him I mean you never see so what do you think I've been playing down there, babe? I think that you fall out initially. No, no, no, there's this, uh It's not it's not skyrim. It's the other one Which are not witcher. It's the other one that was supposed to be the best game ever Um, the last of us horizon Maybe it is witcher. Oh, it's the witcher Oh, no, I have I downloaded witcher and all these other games, but what I've been doing for two weeks
Starting point is 00:57:16 Yeah Is it play on my playstation? Uh-huh stardew valley. Oh, don't you already play that on? I played on my switch and I go downstairs and I play it Wow, I'm obsessed with it proud of you for that I don't know what it is. It's it's the repetition of it that makes kept keeps my mind It's the grinding and the repetition that keeps my mind, you know, I mean saying it's weird I don't know. I got I might have to go. I have therapy tomorrow. By the way, I've been doing these um zoom AA meetings They've been great and I've been doing zoom um therapy and it's been great. Thank god for technology folks
Starting point is 00:57:57 You know, um, okay. I just want to I just want to bring out. We haven't even talked about tiger king Oh, shit. I just watched that last night What episode all of them you watched all of them I did all of it. I was like that for you We we only did how many do we do we have one more to have only one more left Which I don't really honest of my honest opinion is is that I'm really not I don't really care Because I already know number one. I already know right the joe exotics in jail. Yeah number two I know that carol is free
Starting point is 00:58:29 How do you know that because I've before we even started I was following big cat tiger rescue Oh, you were yeah. Oh, so she she She's like every time someone comments. She's the one that's like Commenting back she comments back on everyone's comments. So I know that she's free So to me, it's like I don't I already saw the juice of it. I'm just gonna throw something wild out there and um Take it as you will. No, no, if you say what you fucking said No, no, no, so wait if you say what you fucking said the other day, it's gonna put me in a rage
Starting point is 00:59:06 No, it's not what I was gonna say Jesus what I was gonna say I'll say that after I say So I'm So, you know how like everyone they're gonna make a tiger king a movie or whatever and guys like Dak Shepard or Ed Norton are like vying to play joe exotic I think that we should just throw everyone a curveball
Starting point is 00:59:35 And cast an asian man as joe exotic And I think there's no better person to play that than joe then bob exotic himself. You say joe koi bobby lee And I'll tell you why here's my here's my argument for this. I think that the person who plays joe exotic Cannot act as joe exotic, but they have to embody the essence of joe exotic And I think that bobby is cut from the same cloth. I think that bobby lee is one meth hit away from being joe exotic I think that joe exotic is
Starting point is 01:00:08 bobby lee on methamphetamines if he were A meth addict. That's exactly who he'd be It's fucking crazy. It says they're the same person And I said to her I go who else as a comic is one meth away. She could only think of andy dick So basically what she's saying is is that I'm the same as andy dick cut from the same cloth And then I number one. I don't own fucking lions lady, right number two I don't I'm not gay. Could you say that? Oh wait, hold on
Starting point is 01:00:39 She also said I'm one meth hit away from being gay I'm not gay I I think that he's one meth hit away from having two husbands like joe exotic. No, that's not true You have a travis. Yeah, babe. Come on Come on you you have you have on this podcast and in several other podcasts admitted that when you did meth You only exclusively suck dick when I was a kid because I couldn't get pussy I couldn't get pussy back then so when I was when I was 14 13 14 years old I would do meth and drink and smoke marijuana and I sucked a couple of dicks occasionally
Starting point is 01:01:18 But that's because I couldn't get any pussy. I tried Right, but when you're on meth and you can't get no pussy Dicks the next the best option. Well, there's asshole and then dick You skipped asshole Sorry jules another parallel. Oh see those that's you and your husbands another parallel was What's the tattoo that joe exotic has on his arm and who does he love most in the world? His brother because his brother died. What do you have on your arm? My brother steve? Oh my god
Starting point is 01:01:48 Look I have lived with him long enough to know The core of the man and I know what his propensities are if he were to Get back on meth. I just know that it would look like someone He's an exhibitionist. He's someone joe exotic is someone who loved to be seen always wanted an audience, right? There are parallels. There's all I'm saying. Hey, I'm trying to get you a fucking movie I think that we should petition to have bobby play him Dude travis was hot So bobby bobby say you were joe exotic in the film who would what other comics would you cast as your husbands?
Starting point is 01:02:28 Frank the best chemistry. Oh, okay. So, um, oh Not eric riffin or eric new eric balfour as travis. Yeah, eric balfour would be travis, right? And then this little guy right here would probably be brenton biddle comb You know what I mean with that that teeth, you know, you're brenton dodo um, the woman carol would probably be pray be played by Um, well, I'd make her gain the weight But um, I would make niki glazer gain a hundred pounds Right, I like niki laser is that and then um to play, um, bock von. What's his name bock of on bock of on
Starting point is 01:03:12 Doc antel doc antel. Yeah with the elephant. You I would probably put in um That's a tough one, huh? Yeah, it's a tough one bill burr Burr No burr burr krisher Maybe burt. Yeah krisher Oh burr krisher. Yeah, right and then as um Who's the weird who's the who's the chuckie doll guy? What's his name the chunky? What the chuckie doll with the big dude with the bangs Oh fortune fiemster
Starting point is 01:03:43 Oh, wait, who is that guy the club owner? Yeah, the strip club owner. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That would be played by fortune fiemster Fortune fiemster and then who else is in it? Um, oh the the documentary guy The filled the producer the producer that was the reality show guy. Yeah. Oh god. That guy was crazy He would have to be someone older like, um Um court mcowen or no courts way too pretty for that. Yeah I don't know who rick ingram rick ingram rick ingram. Yeah Yes, anyway, do we have an unhelpful advice? We do have an unhelpful advice. Go ahead. Let's do unhelpful advice with barbie and Okay, this one is from a female listener. Hi tiger belly crew longtime listener
Starting point is 01:04:37 Here's my situation me and my boyfriend have been dating for about a year and a half We have no no major problems or fights in our relationship and it's been very normal and smooth sailing But we have a 20 year age difference Uh, no issues come out of our age difference and we've never seen to think about it I just found out he's never lied with a significant other before Is this a red? He's never what? He's never lied with a significant other before Lied or lay down
Starting point is 01:05:03 Never. Oh shot. Sorry. I lived Oh, he's never lived with you said wait, let's back up I just thought that he never lied with a life. No, you read lived as I'll be honest. There's a bunch of tiger king photos on my computer. I got distracted You Are you oh my god, that's so good. I I just found out he has never lived with a significant other before Oh My god
Starting point is 01:05:35 Is this a red? Where are you? Is this a stop? Is this a red flag? I would like to be married one day not anytime soon, but I want to know is this a possibility for us in the future How do I bring this up with him without pressuring him or giving him an ultimatum? Well, I'm gonna assume that the guy is 20 years older She's 24 and he's 44 and he's never lived lived with anybody. Um, come on You come on. Um, he's never lived with anybody That to me is a red flag. No Yes, and no, and I'll tell you why so when I first met bobby
Starting point is 01:06:08 while he had had brief stints of like you know Co-living with somebody he never really truly Lived with a woman. Yes. Sarah Highland would lived with me for two years. It wasn't two years, babe a year and a half But she would disappear. Yeah, exactly. So from what you were oh, I love her. So what's her name? Yeah, lady got her arm ripped off. Yeah, who would play her and I didn't know she was transgender Yeah, wait, she is I just opened the article and it said something about uh, she's been misgendered on the show Oh, I'm sorry. Okay
Starting point is 01:06:46 um Yeah, so I I think that 44 is still young. I think that you know this pressure to have done all these things by the time like You don't like it when you're like, oh, I personally don't like it when people ask me Why don't you have a kid? Why aren't you married? Why don't you all this? I don't I think the same the same should apply to men I don't think that we should Consider a 44 year old man who doesn't have kids and who doesn't who's never lived with anyone like a red flag like I don't
Starting point is 01:07:15 To me, that's like a double standard if we're doing that Yeah, I don't I don't know that you're right. So I don't know but um, I bless you lady You're lucky. You're lucky that he's like untainted. You're lucky that may you still healthy and Living plus a year and a half and you're not fighting Fuck What are you doing babe? You think it is a red flag? I don't know. I mean it's like 44 never lived with anybody is to me a little lived with a woman Lived with I mean, I of course roommates here, but lived with a woman. I think that is a little bit of the 44s old
Starting point is 01:07:50 I would do this. I would see how he is like, you know, you get more serious and you stay You know four or five days in his home like what's he like? Does he increasingly get like agitated on by like the fifth day? He's somebody who isn't able to compromise Is he like a super neat freak and it annoys you like there are certain people that I love a lot that I could never live with Like truly truly like I love them as human beings, but just the way either they're too anal Or just too inconsiderate of like roommates and stuff like Maybe you might want to you know, like Observe closely and see how he is when you stay for longer periods of time and in some home
Starting point is 01:08:28 Yep Yes, sir There you go. Listen guys. I haven't eaten all day. So I'm gonna have to get something to eat But um, I thought that was a very pretty good. Um tiger belly. I think we should do this every week I think that we should make a promise though. What? I think that we should try and stay away from Talk of the c-word. No, we will We just had to do it this episode because
Starting point is 01:08:54 We hadn't been together because we bag locked a couple and so You know, we had to address it and we addressed it on this one next time We'll talk about other things because we should be a mental health podcast. We are going to be a mental health podcast But I think that everyone is like just it's just over. I know also people also want to you know, hear about because they're Coping with whatever they're coping with so it's like I think it's good to address it a little bit But it won't always be about that but I want to um Do a little prayer dear. Dear lord Dear lord, please
Starting point is 01:09:27 Um, take care of our tiger belly listeners and um, let them be healthy and Living and um You know Have them enjoy it. Okay um Amen, amen. I want to um say um, honestly guys Be safe out there and um, my thoughts are with everyone and we're going to get through this as a country and as a society
Starting point is 01:09:54 And um, we've I'm very blessed to be healthy and alive and I'm very blessed to Have the situation that I'm in right now and I hope you guys are blessed as well And um, I love you and take care. Good night. Hey guys. I hope you enjoyed our um quarantine episode George is George. Where are you actually no one? We never brought him. I am at home and go park gay What is that behind you? Um, it's a little design. Bryce tried. I think Bryce can give us more information on this
Starting point is 01:10:23 But uh, it's uh, it's a mountain scene if you uh Oh Bryce reveal yourself. Show us where you are Bryce No, but I show the off show people what behind the scenes of The hustle and bustle looks like boom guys studio Yeah Studio look at all that. We're not going to give a good audio on him, but whatever. Who cares? Uh, I'm in my home right now as well
Starting point is 01:10:48 And I'm sure a lot of you have a lot of times on your hands these days If you want to get your questions on tiger belly email us at email us at advice and helpful at gmail.com We're looking for interesting unusual non-typical problems and we need your help as much as you want ours That's advice and helpful at gmail.com and George. Who was the winner for last week's meme contest with Sasha gray And instagram user reality blender live at reality blender live. He's got uh, he did a great mashup of Me and John. No, no, but uh bobby with a failure. Let's just show it to you guys. Let's not have me Yeah, let's not try to explain something when we have an image Uh, so uh, if you're on audio just you can go and find that on instagram. I'm sure if you're on audio
Starting point is 01:11:31 And you have not yet subscribed to the youtube. I mean you're making george sad subscribe No, I'm fine. I'm fine. I mean do whatever you want fine unsubscribe everyone unsubscribe. I'm happy with everything Man, I'm so happy. Uh, nobody asked me about what my day-to-day is because I think I'm one of the every man for himself Or as you know If you gilbert, you know, you're going there like Make it put everybody else to shame All I do is worry about my own health make sure I'm Hey, it's not that hard to go into a homeless person in uh, north hollywood. It's pretty cray cray in my area
Starting point is 01:12:02 Wake up do vimhoff breathing take a cold shower. Maybe a little yoga try to keep my uh Keep myself healthy. That's it and keep your melatonin like the way it looks fantastic All right guys, uh, you can follow everything kalilah at calam decay everything on tiger valley at tiger valley On instagram and at that tiger belly on twitter everything bobby lee at bobby lee live Uh, and once again, I think I skipped over it If you want the person that won the meme contest, uh, george said his name you can look it up He wins reality blender live reality blender live. You get a gift basket from us
Starting point is 01:12:36 Uh, has all sorts of stuff. So make sure you submit every week and make a meme based on the episode So whatever you want to do be creative and uh, hashtag it tiger valley On twitter or instagram. We'll pick a winner from there. Also, uh, you can follow george at george underscore kimmel and myself I feel but so everyone have a good day. We'll see you next week Oh Hey prime members you can listen to tiger belly ad free on amazon music Download the amazon music app today Or you can listen ad free with wondery plus in apple podcast
Starting point is 01:13:33 Before you go tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at wondery.com slash survey

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