TigerBelly - Ep 241: Dust to Dust w/ Veritasium

Episode Date: April 15, 2020

Bobby is a bird of paradise. Khaly has a triple eyelid. Gilbert the orangutang. Veritasium explains the complexity of the universe. We talk Chernobyl catfish, aristocrat jam, Schaub's glasses..., and Stonestreet stories. Please support our sponsors.See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening ad-free on Wondery Plus. Quarantine day number nine thousand nine hundred and forty six thousand three hundred and four and three Yeah, you guys welcome to another episode Tiger belly Nosotras papaya to you, huh, and you're all listen. Um, I don't know. I mean in unusually good mood today because um You know, I found you know, I feel bad for people out there But I've I've personally found a rhythm to my schedule. I have a schedule now. Okay, and my schedule is um
Starting point is 00:01:10 You wake up around 2 3 p.m. Right, he's back at it. He's back being most slept. I'm so slept wake up at 2 3 p.m. Then I'll I'll kiss Um changja over here. Uh, that's your mom's name. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I'm sorry weird Colaca Colaca in the cheek and I'll say okay. Good morning or afternoon to you and then I'll try to fart on Juliana or Let her smell my feet Like I put my feet on her face today was great And then what I'll do is I'll go downstairs and I'll spend like eight hours
Starting point is 00:01:48 Playing the witcher which witcher wild hunt. I love the game. It's a fun game I've never played it before and I'm enjoying myself then I'll go up. I'll do Peloton Then what time do you do Peloton? Tell him? I don't want in the morning. I Do what in the morning Peloton sessions, but then also um, I have probably one Gigantic meal and last night's a meal. Ooh, baby was so delicious. It was a what was it? It was Italian beef ordered in Chicago Italian beef ordered from With the sauce with the sauce. Yeah, yeah with the fucking sauce you piece of shit. I'm just hungry. How else does it happen? Sometimes it's dry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. He has the peppers. It comes with the pepper
Starting point is 00:02:35 I'm sorry for yelling. It's about you last night My my gooloku gooloku Um, she made um the Italian beef and then she put out four buns Four buns because she makes an assumption that Papa only gonna eat two and then she this little one It's not an assumption. I only want you to eat two. I want you to eat only that amount Anything more than that is gluttonous. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, so then um, we heard this with Juliana We ate I to and then I go put another bun in the oven, baby. It's a mystery and then what happened was my stomach started going Like that and then and then I've been I went down played another three or four hours a witcher and then I did um
Starting point is 00:03:21 Then I make you know what I do at nights is um, I make bagels with cream cheeses And she has what is it that that jam that we have it's a raspberry tart It's a fancy like back in the English, you know, you know the royalty in England, you know the crown all that shit Yeah, that kind of it's that kind of jam. It's so fancy aristocratic. It's very aristocratic. Yeah, it's not peasant I love peasant jam. Yeah, you know me. What's what's the brand that the Smuckers smuckers. I love the peasant shit peasant jam. Yeah. Thank you, flatty, but um, you're welcome speaking of flatty Speaking of flatty, we were so here's the thing for to exchange. So for me to play all the hours of video games I've been doing right. I have to do I
Starting point is 00:04:09 Have to give her Deep berg-williams massages. Oh like with the oil and the whole thing and I do it for a long time Well Per our therapist Oh, we're in therapy We thought it'd be a good time to water our grass Kala are and we're doing a couples therapy on like we say that Yeah, yeah, as long as we don't get like too much. All right, so we're in couples We thought in the time of quarantine it'd be a good. What better time than to water your your own
Starting point is 00:04:44 Your own grass Keep it green keep it green. So keep your fields green the other day and this is this is true I was giving her massages and a little jewel jewel is sitting there and we're watching Planet Earth Our planet on Netflix, whatever episode three jungles jungles and which they know a lot about so do you Gilbert? Yep, love it. You guys thrive. No 90% of the jungles in the Philippines have been destroyed and you guys Thank you, Laila And you guys did that and then also a lot of Borneo now because of all the palm oil and the palm trees my question is um
Starting point is 00:05:19 If you don't do that, where are we gonna put the Starbucks? That's my question so Sometimes the rain forest has to go for our Starbucks, but um terrible. It's terrible. It may be a Jersey Mike's You know what if the rainforest are gone They're not gonna you're no longer gonna see your favorite bird of paradise The one that does like CGI effects Oh, those are the best those fucking birds of paradise and in the in the pop on New Guinea New Guinea and all that stuff They they you know the males they have to do extra shit. It's kind of like humans except you don't do extra shit
Starting point is 00:05:56 what I did what You did you look these birds are doing it to attract the mate, but once they're together they act like pieces of shit Right, so I already did the bird of prey thing earlier They had the bird of prey not a bird of prey, but the bird bird of paradise tiny dancer to get you But once I got you hooked in then he stops doing all the fancy shit with his fucking Wings, you know what I mean? So like so we're watching it. Yeah, and we're massaging and An animal came onto the screen Okay, and we all yeah, remember the animal came on the screen and this animal was on a tree
Starting point is 00:06:34 Looking out into the you know the jungle and we all collectively said That's Gilbert No, honestly, I'm gonna look this bird up, right Jules. We all at the same time was a bird It wasn't the bird unfortunately It was an old male orangutan The ones with the facial flaps with the flaps because he turned this way and I was gonna get the paper. Yeah
Starting point is 00:07:06 It looked exactly like you Gilbert So I think that you know through evolution you you're from the orangutan. I'm either closest to Can you can you look it up? Yeah, look it up. Just put dominant male orangutan orangutan and it's a Borneo Borneo It's definitely our planet because he had a name. What was his name? It wasn't Louie? No No, Louie was a tiny one was the no. He was like the second oldest kid. Yeah, he's a little baby He's like a teenager. Well, yeah, the rebellious one did you find it killed? Yeah, I'm trying to look for Louie. Yeah No, not Louie. My god. You shut the fuck up listener poor listener Listener, hold up. Well, you're a tang man. All right. There's so many beautiful ones
Starting point is 00:07:51 They have so much dimension in their face orangutan male biggest face Yeah Fuck you. That's all you have to put in there. I already found it. What is it? It's the easiest thing to find Gilb. Hey, some of us has slow iterative at these days. Yeah. Yeah, just put it on the screen and put it Okay, yeah, yes, that's you bud Okay, first of all, there you go. I don't have side cheeks like that. That's yeah, you should do but it's evolution It dwindled down a little bit
Starting point is 00:08:27 But if you look at it the face If you just look at the face you can see complete in fact if I was a Honestly, if I was like a caricature, you know on the boardwalk or you go to you know I mean they have those guys that draw and I would probably draw that and you would have looked at it And you went, okay, that was dead on I will show you my caricature from Six Flags Next week it looks the guy bit. It's so fucking big. Yeah. Oh Gil But you know what's cool about being an ape Is that you have what humans no longer have because we we have monogamy in our culture
Starting point is 00:09:02 You still have a tiny bit of a dick bone a baculum What what so a dick bone is something that a lot of the bone is baby You don't have a bone. I hope you don't have a bone. I hope you've evolved. There's no bone bone in there You don't have a baculum, babe. So basically, there's no bone in the dick. You don't have a bone dick bone, babe But a lot of mammals do like whales do that right now, but you want to hear about the dick bone Tell me about the dick bone So the dick bone is basically there to like ensure latching so that The woman doesn't get leapt on by like competing males
Starting point is 00:09:44 Right, okay. So over time the humans what I learned is that we we lost well men You guys lost your dick bones because monogamy was introduced. So there's no longer that fear of like competing males Yeah, it's like it just ensures latching basically if like coitus has to last for more than three minutes Yeah, and for like to inseminate a female like whales have really big dick bones still In fact, my marine biology teacher who's like my favorite dr. Gago shout out. Oh, he's the best I read all his papers from the college He's the university dr. Gago's him. Yeah, killing it He used to bring a dick bone a baculum of a whale to class and then he could collect them off the shorts of California because he was a
Starting point is 00:10:29 Scientist and apparently he would put them in like at parties. He would make it like the little stirrer for the punch So let me ask you something about human beings and through evolution. All right, so what you're saying at one point Did human beings were we were polygamists? Yes, right during the caveman days. Yeah, right? Mm-hmm, and then some fool Some jackass caveman says hey guys. I'm in love. Why don't we just yeah? Why don't we just fuck this one girl and all the other came over with the fuck you But how did that become a thing another interesting thing about? chimps and maybe other apes as well is that the woman even though
Starting point is 00:11:10 She would make a man believe that hey you like for instance Bobby. You're my only partner, right? I want you to believe that my offspring is yours But then because so that you don't kill it Right, so I fuck everybody. I fuck you gil by fuck George. I fuck I fuck undress And the reason that I do that is that hoeing like are you fucking me? Yeah, I end up being But with the fancy hat yeah, yeah, yeah
Starting point is 00:11:46 So basically I learned that hoeing is a survival tactic so that you will get the impression that my offspring is also yours Gilbert and also yours George so that you don't kill my babies Ah Does that make sense? Yeah, I think also I'm having like, you know those emperors Chinese emperors with who had like 300 concubines Right, and I just you know, I always thought like no, thank you Because you know that you know, imagine the headaches You like, you know, you you haven't seen one of the concubines in six months. You don't call me
Starting point is 00:12:22 You Rankings babe first wife second wife third wife, they weren't just like, you know randos Yeah, I mean, I'm sure there were still some randos God. It was just the headache Imagine the headache of having to do to deal with 300 women. I wouldn't be able to do it I wouldn't be able to do What's the max amount of women you think you could live with if if polygamy was necessary The max amount is probably Six for me. Oh damn, that's what I would but I would have they would all look completely different
Starting point is 00:13:06 I would have one with like arm missing Just for variety. Okay diversity. Yeah. Yeah. I would have one. That's like I definitely have a dwarf a Dwarf one. Okay, just just for giggles You're gonna break that down why are you writing that down? We can't expect more from him That's not offensive. No for a good thing. Oh, yeah It's a highlight. We're talking about Brian. Is that Bryce? Why are you picking up Bryce? Why are you picking up Bryce like that? Yeah? Oh Oh my god, who is that? That's Doug's baby. Hey, Frankie. Hey, do you know my name? Can you say George?
Starting point is 00:13:52 Nate George Nate Yeah, your name is Nate. As Dana and Doug's baby. Oh, what a beautiful baby. What a beautiful white baby Okay, I was so happy finally learned my name closest. He could get was dorge yesterday Then my fiance's dog walked in. Uh-huh. He's like Harley So The day after he learns my name he learns my fiance's dog's name perfectly and I'm still dorge. Yeah I'm not happy about it. Sorry. Yeah. What one day the truth will come out and he'll go in cell
Starting point is 00:14:27 Uncle in cell uncle in cell So anyway, yeah, probably six probably six I would hang on would you have? Um, would you have emotional relationships with all six? Oh That's the exhausting part coming from a previously Polyamorous relationship. I have some advice. Yeah That's it's fucking exhausting and while It was just a period in my life. I would never do it Again, yeah
Starting point is 00:15:02 Yeah, I'm no no emotional. So just so basically just they're just holes Well, no, you want one wife six whole five holes? Well, oh, there's seven holes in the human's face So there's a lot of holes, but um Is that not true? Is there a seven? One one two three four five six seven. How'd you get that you he knows he never counted it Oh, I'll tell you why you know how I know I have a fucking face That's how I fucking know that there's seven holes
Starting point is 00:15:39 That means there's a 42 holes you would have that 42 holes. Yeah. Yeah. No, I probably wouldn't have um a Emotional relationship with all of them. Yeah, imagine how many foot massages you'd have to give a knife. Oh my god Just one that's fine Yeah, it's not it's not for me a polygamy is not how about you Gil? No, no way, right? No, no, no, no, no Yeah, I'm too emotional. I like will cry if I just see her talk to another girl. I'm too lazy. Yeah, you know what? You know what documentary though? I saw we was at the thing that Eric Griffin. Oh How to avoid a drug scandal there's a documentary on Netflix called how to avoid I'm not sure if that's a correct title Something to that effect. Yeah, that's I think that's what it is a drug scandal. It's on each. It's on Netflix and it's about
Starting point is 00:16:31 You know, it's in the Boston area, you know how to fix a drug scandal. Sorry how to fix Yeah, and you know how um, you know when people get busted with drugs it has to go somewhere to be analyzed Right because you can't prosecute somebody unless you know, somebody Analyzes the to confirm that it is actually drugs that they're prosecuting them for So there are these labs that it goes to I didn't really know this but I thought you know When you get caught with cocaine you did like old school and you stuck here, you know, I mean He did this. Yeah, yeah You know you're in prison, you know, but they actually goes to a fucking lab and so one of the lab technicians
Starting point is 00:17:13 She's from day one for nine years just started doing all the drugs. Yeah, right? Like apparently there's like the purest form of every drug because they have to like Compare the sample they need the purest forms in a cabinet to compare it with the drugs that comes in So they have like liquid methamphetamines and this girl would just go in there and just take drops of liquid methamphetamine And then when that thing lowered she did like what you do when you have like a roommate and you're drinking their sunny delight And you don't want them you want you don't you don't want them to know that you're drinking their sunny delight So you pour it with water to keep it, you know, I mean keep the levels up So that's what she did she put water in the fucking you know
Starting point is 00:17:58 She was next level next level beast and this is how I know yeah She had pure cocaine But what she did is she took the cocaine and then she She made her own batch of crack out of that cocaine in the lab in her the lab that she was working in Yeah, so she's smoking crack cocaine fresh homemade Like you know me authentic, you know You know fucking crack and there's no one there working with her because it's late at night And she's just smoking crack for nine fucking years and then they would in what ended up happening was that
Starting point is 00:18:35 She got sloppy, which she got sloppy and there's actually two there are two cases But eventually they had to throw out all the cases that she had worked on because you know, she was no longer a trusted Technician so all those people that were in prison even though they were there Let's you if she was the lab specialist, right? If she was the lab says specialist for your conviction Right you a lot like 90% of the dudes got out Yeah, you'd get out guilt so you're in prison
Starting point is 00:19:06 You're like oh that girl did mine and then then your Laura's like you're out because there's there's yeah So unless they had unless they retried everyone again without you know So yeah, but what I was thinking though when I was watching that documentary was I was just like That's the best job for a drug addict, I think you would die in three months Bobby I don't think you'd able to be able to control yourself because she was good. She was not Initial she did a slow burn over nine years Then she got sloppy in like the eighth and ninth year, but Bobby would be dead day, too He would just take all of it
Starting point is 00:19:40 Lab coat they would come into work and I would just be dead with like a Bunsen burner That you know what a Bunsen burner is of course he does He went to high school Yeah, but when does when do you remember like what you use in chem lab? Because they were like Bobby In chem like they're like Bobby Stop sleeping. You got to do the Bunsen burner. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Hang on on that note I think that we should probably
Starting point is 00:20:14 Get and go into our a phone call with a friend. So this next guest that we have today is Is Bill Nye's a protege if I true if I may say, okay? He's as science goes. He's the most scientific in my opinion, you know and He's a friend. He's a friend of ours. I met him at a wedding. Oh cool. Jessica's wedding. Sorry, George Jessica's wedding. Yeah, Jessica's wedding in your face, George, right? Yeah, yeah, I could have met the guy Why if I'd been invited I could have met the guy. No, this is No, no, no, you weren't there
Starting point is 00:20:55 But so I met him at Jessica's wedding. He's he has his own YouTube channel. What's it called veritasium veritasium and We're gonna have a mom because I have a lot of science questions. Give me the fucking science alert You only have very few questions, but speak from your heart. All right, so here we go So let's go to Derek Mueller. Bring them on get him on. Okay Whoa, there we go for a scientist. Look how handsome he is Is that a male model? Yeah, model Derek. Can you hear us? He can't hear us look at how handsome is you know what you know what science people? That's what they do. They stick their finger
Starting point is 00:21:37 They do this all the fucking science people do this and then it's and that's what they're thinking So they do this and they do it make a statue You know He's cute. Look at how look at a beautiful teeth are to those are science teeth. They don't be a creep I'm not acting. Hey, I just want to I just want to analyze his face Oh, yeah, I got you there. Yes, you give Derek a round of applause everybody I was complimenting the way you look Appreciate that. Thank you. Yeah. Yeah, this is mine. I haven't I haven't watched in three or four days. Look, so I
Starting point is 00:22:21 Was giving you all kinds of compliments. I would say you're a Bill Nye's a protege of his I was saying that In terms of science, you're the most scientific guy we've ever met in our lives So, how are you doing during the quarantine bud, I'm doing good I'm doing good. I'm I actually kind of lead a quarantine life, you know during regular times So this is not a big change for me. So Yeah, do you do it because you're are you How do you agoraphobic? What's that? What's that? No, no, it's just like I work from home And we we've gone down to being a one-car family. So my wife takes a car in the morning
Starting point is 00:22:57 And it's basically like I'm just stuck in my house all day every day anyway. So wow Yeah, it's very similar to how we live. Yes, one car family one car family three doors three doors Yeah, do you have children Derek? I have a one-year-old and a three-year-old Yeah, they're amazing And yeah, then you just end up feeding them and keeping them entertained. So that's basically my life the last month I don't know. I have a lot of questions for you But I just also I just want to ask a little bit about how you feel of what's going on in today's world planet Sorry, Doug Derek. I specifically said I told him that it would be non-com, non specifically non-covid related
Starting point is 00:23:47 Can I fucking ask about fucking what's going on in the world right now? Yes, you can you can it's crazy It's like having a chef on and going Let's talk about food So yeah, I mean like I don't know where you want to go with the the the status of the world right now, but it's like I don't know I Just have a simple question. When did you when do you think? Prediction wise just this is the last question. I'm gonna fucking ask you go crazy. All right Is when do you think? In California that the lockdown is
Starting point is 00:24:21 Probably gonna be over You know, I've been strangely optimistic for a lot of this. I feel like my wife is more of a realist I I feel like, you know, a certain amount could go back to being normal In May sometime, you know, we're being told that in LA County, we could be mid-May You know, I you know as everyone will tell you the key is the testing and as soon as you can test anyone who you know Or randomly test the population to really get a sense of who's actually infected out there Then it makes sense to start sending people back down there once I mean it is that thing that like South Korea did and like Hong Kong Did which is figure out who's infected immediately or as fast as you can and lock them down and that that just really prevents the spread
Starting point is 00:25:03 We didn't do that. No, we didn't we didn't and I was shocked at the US's response How slow it was to actually ramp testing up and there were you know, tens of thousands of cases for sure before, you know Really anyone was tested and yeah that point you have to log everyone down So that's the stupid part of this is like if you could just isolate the cases and pull them out of society You know almost right away, then you wouldn't have this problem and do do really good contact tracing We don't look like we're there yet. So it doesn't seem like it. No, no, that's the that's the big hold up I think so okay, so what you're saying because I was watching CNN the other day and Dom Lemon said Maybe August and my eyes almost pop out of my fucking head. Maybe maybe I'm letting my own like personal
Starting point is 00:25:49 Like I can't stand to let this go on much longer like my scientific judgment of when this should But I mean the fact that we can see the cases peaking and we can see hospitalizations going down and deaths leveling off and all that sort Of stuff. It's all a good sign. It's all a sign that this is working You gotta think that you know it will continue on that trend But obviously we don't want to open up too soon and I think particularly like the Northeast You got to be you know careful up there because there's a lot of cases up there, but no Northeast Yeah, and I think that the just one last fucking tidbit. I think that States like Florida, Louisiana, some parts of Texas they didn't jump on it really quick
Starting point is 00:26:25 I mean I mean DeSantis just last week or a week and a half ago, you know, did a Look at his lockdown, you know, I mean so he let so we we don't know what's gonna happen there, but um Yeah, I'm just saying like the US is an interesting experiment where there's no like, you know National decision all at once like there are in most countries like here I will get to see how that plays out like each state is kind of its own little experiment So maybe not for the best, but we'll be able to see what the different strategies result in down the track So, you know what we're you're healthy. We're healthy. We're doing what we can and that's right and everyone just listen You know, just I love everyone listening right now and just be healthy and be mindful and
Starting point is 00:27:08 Let's just get through this together as a as the same species, right? We are in the same species and I want to ask you. I don't know what kind of what kind of science do you? What kind of science do you is your field of expertise? Because I have a bunch of questions here and I need so my background is in engineering and physics But over the last 10 years, I've tackled all sorts of subjects. Oh, so you can throw one of these questions I have for you. Maybe uh, maybe you have some answers for me. Yeah. Well, if I feel out of my depth, I will just you know Well, can you just do the best you can to answer them and and as honestly All right, okay, so, um, you know, I have a I'm Korean. I don't know if you know this or not
Starting point is 00:27:51 I am and I used to teach a lot of Koreans. I worked it in Australia and Sydney There was my boss was Korean. It was a Korean tutoring company. Okay, and you would know all about that because in Korea There's like, you know Massive skyscrapers that are like tutoring companies, right? So I worked on like we had the whole floor and and we were just like We're like kind of like a cram school. So I spent a lot of time teaching Korean. No, I don't I don't but I could recognize it If someone was like writing it, you know, I would be able to pick out those I have some I have some Korean. I want to tell you Derek. No no go to Choco man. Oh
Starting point is 00:28:25 Bobby, okay, so I just said you have no idea what that means and I Just said your penis was small That's the only Korean that's the only Korean that is actually true. So I'm glad you hit the nail on the head. He doesn't know the word for big He's never had to use it to describe himself. So maybe fucking don't be like that so here so I'm Korean and What are your thoughts on me having beard implants? Yeah, so getting sort of would you transplant the hair from like the back of your head onto your face? Yeah, yeah Well, I mean, this is definitely an option. You could definitely do it like when was the last time you shaved just looking at that
Starting point is 00:29:11 well, I mean What you're seeing right now is pretty much the regions where hair grows Here right here is very like Kuwait, you know, I mean, it's very just bearant not I don't want to make fun of Kuwait Yeah, you know, like just desert desert, right? Yeah desert, right? So there's not nothing. It's a beard desert You know, it does it. Yeah, and there's there's pictures pictures of like old Asian men who have, you know That can it can look wise, right? Is that right? You could grow into that
Starting point is 00:29:47 You could grow into that, but what I want is I want like a lumberjack full beard. You know, I mean like hipsters are doing Right. Yeah. Yeah, my fear is that the hair on your face is not the same as the hair on your head You know, it's actually it's a thicker hair for one thing So if you if you did like a transplant, you might end up with like lustrous locks Which might just look weird man, I don't think it's gonna have a lumberjack vibe. So write this down. Yes, I'm gonna get them Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Oh here give me that pen over there. All right, so I have another question for you is I Don't know if you know this, but you can't tell but on my face, you know
Starting point is 00:30:27 I'm getting old and Asian men when they get old they get these gigantic liver spots How the fuck do I get rid of them? I I had not heard that. Is it are they really liver spots? Are they sunspots or what are they? I think there's sons I don't think they're related to like a liver issue. I just think they're called liver spots I think they're called liver spots, but they're like sunspots. Yeah, sunspots. Yeah, you know what? I have a few sunspots too. Um, so there's a variety of treatments that you can get I'm not a medical doctor, but You know, he's asking a medical question
Starting point is 00:31:03 One thing is getting like plasma injections in your face This is one way to get rid of them and and another way is to get them lasered off So to actually get get a laser to fire them up and basically burn that tissue off and get it to fall off It looks nasty. By the way, Derek. I I watched your whole thing with dr. David Sinclair about aging Yeah, and it was my most favorite thing ever They talked about how to reverse aging and how you can be biologically 48, but be like Truly 30 years old or be 48, but be biologically older if you don't take care of your body It probably has to do with being gluten-free and eating
Starting point is 00:31:39 Shit, huh, you know, here's here's the weird thing about living longer and all the stuff we know about living longer Here we go. Okay. It's I gotta say it's not Encouraging for most lifestyles. Okay, because what you want to do is you want to kind of trick your body into thinking that it's gonna Die, that's the best way to force your body to conserve itself So one way you force your body to think that it's gonna die is you don't eat if you went like five days And you just drank water. That's a great Trigger for all your body's natural defenses to say whoa, hold up, you know stuff's not coming in We got a hunker down. We got a clean up all our cells
Starting point is 00:32:20 So cells that you have that might be pre-cancerous or cells that you have that might just you know be like not the best cells You've got if you if you starve them your body will likely kill them and that'll likely prevent disease down the track So one thing that's been shown is yeah, really restricting your calorie intake at least You know for periods of time that can that can hit your body and yeah. Yeah, something else You can do. Yeah, something else you can do is get really cold like go out somewhere and just shiver for a while That'll help or really? Yeah, or or sweating for a while like getting getting really uncomfortably hot So you're all sweating all of these things are like signals for your body to sort of
Starting point is 00:33:01 put its Mechanisms into place for for preserving the body because the idea is like when the times become good again Your body wants to still be there in order to make kids so that's so directly. This is what I've always done I haven't done it during quarantine obviously, but like, you know, I go to this Korean spa. It's not a joke This is real I go to this Korean spa and their cold plunge is illegal. It's so fucking cold, right? And what I'll do is I'll go to the you know I'll go to the steam room and get as hot as I can and I'll sit in the cold plunge up to my neck right until it's like I'm till I'm literally freezing right and I sit I do that
Starting point is 00:33:37 process over and over again and I feel You know, I've been doing it for years and that whenever I do it I feel great. My brother won't do it when we're at the spa, but I love that Is that helping? Yeah, would that help me? Yeah, absolutely. Well, I actually asked the This Harvard professor who I interviewed about this I asked him specifically that question because I've done it too and he wouldn't give me a straight answer on it He's he was giving me answers on, you know, like just being cold or just being hot I asked him do you get the benefit from from going back and forth? He didn't answer that so I
Starting point is 00:34:12 Can't give you the definitive but like yeah, it definitely is getting your body to exercise those like, you know constriction of your blood vessels and then and then dilating and it's probably good to get your body to sort of do that and Get the blood flowing. There's one more Thing I should mention which is exercising hard like high-intensity interval training That seems to provide the greatest benefit as opposed to like just going for a walk every day or something like that You can bring the same number of calories But if you get on a bike or get on a treadmill and you sprint so you're basically at like 85 90% of your your peak That's really good for you. And again makes your body feel like oh, no
Starting point is 00:34:47 We got a we got a thick stuff and you know less in general. Yeah, so all those things I also read so I think I saw a documentary or something a long time ago about in Okinawa they have like The most amount of people living over the age of a hundred and a lot of that has to do with Obviously their diet. So it's like, you know, they're eating clean fish, right? I there's a lot of older people that still do like Spear hunting in the ocean without any like old school, you know, I mean and then another thing was that they're a sense of Community, right? Yeah. Yeah, it's like people taking care of each other and
Starting point is 00:35:29 The stress levels are very low. You know, did you think that that is also a factor? Yeah I think there's definitely something to that community huge issue You want to feel like you're important and like you're valuable and like you're actually contributing something to society And if you feel that I think that that helps your body, you know Stay in the game longer as well. So I think it's that's it's so important for people to have like a purpose All the way through their lives and if you lose that that's a that's a real problem. So yeah community is huge Yeah, I think I think what a killer is obviously Americans the diet But but I think a lot of it also is just in terms of lifestyle and stress and all those things
Starting point is 00:36:10 I think that all with the things that you Suggested I think they make complete and utter sense to me and I think alongside of being happy and also Living a stress-free type of lifestyle, right and also diet. I think that that those are also keys. Would you agree with me? I? Would I would Stress-free like some stress in your life to get you like up and doing things that but like being active I mean Americans just aren't great at that and you know I was thinking about it myself like when was the last time you forgot to eat it's like, you know never I never forget I eat a lot and yeah frequently and that's kind of a problem for our bodies because it doesn't mirror the conditions that we would have
Starting point is 00:36:55 Been living in 10,000 years ago or 50,000 years ago We would have gone days without eating no problem, you know, but we never would have gone a day without getting up You know, we never would have gone a day lying on a couch watching Netflix because you know, you know I mean like it's so some some things we totally forget to do these days and those sorts of things that will kill you and But what I mean by stress though, I mean, it's like if I didn't do things that would stress me out Yeah, yeah, right what I meant is is that you know when situations arise, you know, not taking things personally or not like you know I mean getting resentment yeah, and Hatred and you know all those things that like your body
Starting point is 00:37:33 Stores all that stuff right also trauma to get rid of all that, you know me as well I think yeah, I think like really negative thoughts can be negative for your body like you can have Your mental state definitely influences, you know the state of your body So being able to find a way to be positive or to you know That's why I think exercise is so important as well because it allows you to relieve some of that stress and and sort of Channel it into like a healthy energy as opposed to some sort of you know destructive energy for your body So yeah, no, I definitely I definitely agree with you to sort of manage the stress I keep a positive outlook and have have good community and sort of good relationships with other people
Starting point is 00:38:12 100% I have also a very serious I've been pondering because I knew that you were coming on I've been pondering I have a real serious question that I need to really ask you because I've been about it for like yeah Probably about two straight years every night. Okay? If I dipped my penis in radioactive water from Chernobyl Will it grow funny
Starting point is 00:38:38 What's it's funny that you bring up this question So so I was in Chernobyl Maybe five years ago or so. What? Yeah, for real. Wow for real There's a lot of weird stuff that you find out So I made a whole documentary about about radiation and and for that I went to Chernobyl and there's a river there It's kind of like a canal or whatever that runs right through where all the power plants are And there's some huge catfish like I'm talking three feet long four feet long catfish Yeah, swimming in that and the water and of course a lot of people will ask you like oh is that because the radiation are they growing huge and
Starting point is 00:39:15 And the answer is no it's because no one's killing them and people just come by feeding them There's a bridge that goes over this canal and I watch these workers or whatever fixing up, you know they're doing some maintenance so that the whole thing doesn't collapse and explode and They would bring like half a loaf of bread just chuck it in the water And you see this catfish come up and in a single bite just like Totally totally insane, but when I was when I was measuring the radiation levels there In that particular area, they weren't that much higher than they are like anywhere in the world
Starting point is 00:39:50 Like probably where you're sitting right now So there's a there's a level of background radiation everywhere and Intranobal by and large, you know a lot of the places at least that you can go The rate the levels are low having said that there are places There are parts of forests for example that have never been cleared and never been cleaned up after the accident And they are very high in terms of radiation. So you go in there You might die in a few hours kind of thing. No really I don't know if that's true as of right now Yeah, I wouldn't want to do it myself like the dose is high
Starting point is 00:40:24 Back in the day, you definitely would have died in those forests these days, but you wouldn't recommend if I would like let's go camping in that Forest you wouldn't recommend. Yeah, I mean I definitely I definitely wouldn't recently there was a forest fire there and that's terrible because it takes all this radioactive Forest that just starts spreading it. So isn't is that why it's like I read like 16 times higher Currently because of all those forest fires, I think so I think so. Yeah, so that's the thing Look, I went in some buildings in Chernobyl like, you know, I went to this old theater I went to this old kindergarten This is what a lot of people don't know is like when you're inside a building the radiation level is actually not that high because all of the
Starting point is 00:41:05 So basically you had this nuclear reactor which exploded and spewed all this radioactive Atoms up into the air and then they came down and settled on everything But they didn't really go inside the buildings not too much. So mostly it's it's outside, but once you're in a building it's it's It's reasonably okay, but that's why areas areas like forests where it all just settled and just mangled in amongst the forest That's why you know, that's you know, and no one ever cleaned it up So are people living but people aren't living in Chernobyl, right? Not really no But this is again with some of the weird things that I found out so this this reactor blew up in 1986 and there were other reactors on the site that this was reactor number four if I remember correctly
Starting point is 00:41:47 But I think they kept running reactors number one and two until the year 2000 Even though the place was highly radioactive They would train people in every day to work on those reactors and then train them out The issue was like they needed the power. This was you know They were getting a lot of electricity from from all these different reactors. So one of them blows up But they kept going to these other ones Wow, it's totally nuts. I mean the funny thing about all these stories about nuclear stuff like, you know You got bit by a radioactive spider or something, you know chances are you're not gonna be a you know get superpowers
Starting point is 00:42:20 Or if you it's a penis in radioactive water chances are you're not going to get a Super powerful penis I mean just the reality is like The radiation kills stuff like chances are more likely that your dick will fall off then, you know, then it'll become You could kill your own dick that way. I don't want to kill my dick. No, no, no, it's barely there So let me ask you another question. It's something the stuff. I've been pondering. Yeah You don't mind. He's had plenty of time to ponder during this quarantine. It's what is there for any scientific proof That there is an afterlife
Starting point is 00:43:00 I would say no, no, no This close to becoming a Christian Damn, I was gonna join yesterday tomorrow. I'm the rapture. They're rapture. Yes, there are none. I Would say no, but as a science guy. Are you spiritual or no? No The trouble is right What the trouble is that we are made out of stuff and at a fundamental level We know how that stuff works and we also kind of know
Starting point is 00:43:38 I mean, we don't know how the brain works, but it's a fair Hypothesis that it just works by the interaction of all the stuff that's like in this section of space right here All of this stuff together makes me me and so the concept of like what happens Once that stuff stops working the way it's currently working and what what happens once it starts like disintegrating and You know dust to dust that sort of thing. I just have a hard time imagining Something that goes on after that. Do you know what I mean? Because like we are clearly stuff Yeah, I'm thinking like what if we could discover what what if we could find something that wasn't just this stuff? I mean, we know in our universe. There's dark energy and dark matter. Those are things we don't understand and
Starting point is 00:44:21 It could be that those things are souls, but let me say the probability of that is basically zero He's good at catching a real Have my hopes up for a second Maybe I've been thinking about like what if I wrote like a sci-fi novel where we find some other substance, you know That like maybe it makes up dark matter. Let's say And this stuff strangely interacts with the matter in our brain and such that that stuff actually has free will and you know Like you could you could write a story about this. Oh, that sounds fucking great. Yeah, so far That's just crazy science fiction, right now. Would it be more plausible that we are living in a matrix?
Starting point is 00:45:04 I personally I don't buy the whole matrix thing, but you know, it's possible Anything's possible, but but it's just like once you once create a matrix It has to be more complicated than everything that we see here already so it's like you just have to postulate extra levels of of Complexity on top of it. It's kind of like people who want to postulate a God and be like well How did the universe start and and my answer is like, I don't know it just started and they're like, well, that's not satisfying I have a perfect explanation. There was a dude who just started it And I'm like, no because you've added a level of complexity above just everything we see now
Starting point is 00:45:35 You've added an extra dude like how did the dude? Doesn't solve the problem Level yeah, it's it's the fear of death how religions start. I believe it. I think there was two things Yeah, I think it was for powerful people to control people. Mm-hmm. They use religion to control the masses You can see that in our today's culture. Oh, yeah, and then secondly, it's the fear of death You know, it's like and and can I offer you a third a third is there was just stuff We didn't know how it worked, you know, like like crazy volcanoes. That's nuts rain When does it happen? When does it not like all of this sort of stuff?
Starting point is 00:46:13 Like we are like, you know floating on this tide of uncertainty and chaos and yeah What do our monkey brains do but try to imagine a reason why everything happens and to me that's right Where you get this? Wow It's it's kind of depressing. I know good. I think it's the opposite for me I've always like reveled in the fact that Everything like Bobby is is a lot more spiritual than me. I'm an atheist So I think it's a very romantic way like I think of science in a very romantic way like how can every all those little things Create the perfection that is this like that to me is enough
Starting point is 00:46:53 I don't need a man up top to have created this the fact that it created itself is more Wonderful than any other concept I can I can believe in I kind of agree with you I know it's it's it's wondrous It is wondrous, but my problem is a personal issue is is that for me? you know, you know, I'm I've been sober, you know and You know in in the program that I belong to We believe that a higher power has removed You know, I mean this obsession with drugs and I really believe that in this in the sense because I don't
Starting point is 00:47:31 Think about it or I don't know it's not an option for me. It's like completely out of my You know of my mind and my soul. I don't really it's not a part of my life But my point is is that Without that that factor, right? I might use again, you know, and it's that's my fear Is is that there are parts of me that believe what you believe Derek? But I can't afford to believe that because I don't want to do drugs again Yeah, because yeah, you know, I I know that I've tried to self-will it Right, and I tried to control it and it doesn't work for me
Starting point is 00:48:09 The only way it works is if I believe and I pray and I believe that a higher power has removed it from me Yeah, you know, and that's you know So when it comes to science and it is a dilemma with me because I'm also a guy that likes to think and I like to think Things through and I want to be logical and sensible about certain things and I you know I believe in science and I think without science This whole ordeal with this pandemic we're in we'd be fucked You know, I I lean toward people like you in situations like this because that's what I really believe I don't believe in you know, I wouldn't go to a church like they did yesterday like a crazy person
Starting point is 00:48:52 Right, that's crazy. Right. I tend to lean towards science Even though I'm a spiritual guy. Well, then we should ask Derek your next hard-hitting question. Which one's that number five? Well, this is your question. No, no This is the reveal the reveal Lila's question. Okay. Okay. Let's Okay, so can can he get his bones stretched in China? Bone stretch stretch, you know like in okay when I was growing up in the Philippines They used to say that if you were rich enough you could go to China and when you're growing up You can get your bones stretched to make you taller. Yeah, but that you know, it you can only do that
Starting point is 00:49:30 I think when you're younger you can't do it as a 48 year old man. What they do is What they do is they I looked it up because I was so short all my life right they cut your bone They cut your bone, right? Then they space it. Yeah, and yeah, and you and you grow to fill it. Yeah Yeah, can I do that as a 48 year old man? You know, I doubt that your bones could grow to fix it, but you know, you could probably have like a prosthetic Implanted it would be hugely painful, but you know like they go and they could give you a fake hip, right? So why couldn't they get you know, give you a fake hip that was like an inch longer than your natural hip? And that you know gives you an extra little bit of height, but like I would say it's not worth it
Starting point is 00:50:09 But you could probably it's not because this isn't my fucking question. It was her question She wants to get it done. Oh Oh, yeah, yeah Derek here's a kitten Well, she wants to get it done for me, which is bucking bullshit throughout my life as a young person I used to look at my parents. I used to literally think oh my god I'm so screwed because my parents were five foot tall both of them, right? And they didn't really have any the physicality. They didn't have the physical, you know attributes that our society, you know deems
Starting point is 00:50:45 Yeah, you know pleasurable or and but I always had a lot of great self-esteem issues Because of that, but now in retrospect when I look at my life I don't think that I would have survived especially in the business that I'm in in terms of creating the kind of Personality that I have you mean because all those life experiences that I have Drove me to become who I am today, right? And when I look in the mirror now, I wouldn't trade it for the world I really wouldn't I love everything about myself the way I look. I love, you know, I Sometimes I look in the mirror. I start laughing at myself
Starting point is 00:51:24 I look at myself and I start laughing because I just in why what look at you look at you I say to myself look at how fucked up and weird you look right, but that's in I say it in a good way You know, I say it in a way where I honestly I feel ashamed that I wanted to change Now I look like an asshole about the bone stretch But the truth of the matter is so if I have you know, I always thought like, you know I want to breed with a six foot three, you know me ladies so that my kids had a shot But I used to think that as in my early 20s, but now I believe that I don't really care Wait, wait, don't short people live longer anyways. Is that true? This is true. This is true. Yeah, there we go
Starting point is 00:52:09 Yeah, so I mean to take it back to that longevity thing like Being tall Places more stresses on the body your heart has to pump You know to get the blood up higher and you need higher calories to maintain all that body mass and all that sort of stuff So yeah being tall it can be more of a challenge. Is that is that why like people with gigantism? They die early Again, not an expert, but maybe sure. Why not look under the giant he died early, right? Yeah, I mean at that point you are stretching biology to its limits I think and you know, there's a reason why we're not taller than we are
Starting point is 00:52:45 So when you try to sort of scale everything up becomes everything gets more stress your bones have more, you know Weight on them and your muscles have to move, you know, it's everything just gets more Challenging I guess, you know, how tall are you Derek? I'm about five nine. Oh, that's nice It's not bad. I was kind of like shorter than almost all of my class growing up Yeah, so it's so like I'm kind of some light like I sympathize with when you saying like, you know, I want to you know Have would you trade your would you trade physical attributes with your mind? I don't think so. No, I Exactly. No, exactly. Yeah, I'm I'm delighted with sort of where I've ended up. So yeah, yeah I would not trade for a few inches because I see doofy good-looking tall white dudes all the time like I go to a show
Starting point is 00:53:33 No, hey, man, you're fucking funny, man And they they they walk around they're like this is gigantic no personality No, they just have no just nothing about them that I would deem like, you know Like somebody that I would want to hang out with you know, it's like I prefer dudes like you, you know Thanks, Bobby, that means a lot. So Derek, I want to say that I honestly you're gonna ask him about the dick bones No, I'm not gonna ask him about we want to ask him. Yeah, ask him a question. Okay, Derek Are you so I watch interstellar not too long ago? Yeah, I love that movie How far away how far away are we from that kind of travel in space? Like how convenient?
Starting point is 00:54:16 Can we have space stations that look like that? Cuz I need to happen before I die Well, you're gonna want to extend your life I think if you want to live to see that sort of thing I I put that sort of tech at least I would put it between a hundred and a thousand years out. Maybe maybe maybe come on. Yeah, it's oh come on Guys seriously like traveling to a black hole that's There's a deep underlying issue here, which is like we got to spend money on space if you want stuff like that right now We're not spending a lot of money on space for us. Trump has a space for
Starting point is 00:55:02 Are they spending the money that they spent when they sent astronauts to the moon Yeah, what about it's been what about the idea because I've heard that Singularity can happen in the next 20 years. Okay. Do you believe in that? No, you know the guy who's proposing You know the guy who's proposing that singularity gonna happen in the next 20 years He's quite likely gonna. Yeah, he's quite likely gonna die in the next 20 years Yeah, there's no coincidence between his sort of like timeline and his lifeline Okay, yeah, this is wishful thinking like I am hopeful that maybe I'll get to live a little longer because you know Think like okay by the time I'm 80 or whatever
Starting point is 00:55:39 You know where's medical tech at that point and if I if I if I do some of these things like high high intensity interval training And I don't eat very much like maybe I can extend my you know body So I could live to 80 or 90 or whatever and by the time I'm 90 like maybe they can extend me to 110 or something So I'm I'm kind of hopeful for that sort of thing that like I'll get to see a little bit more Of this world then I would have you know naturally what about like nano technology. That's not gonna be there in the next 30 years You know everything's moving. I just so here's the deal. Can I tell you something depressing? Please tell me I like to be depressing shit Do you especially during these times? Yeah Here it is like
Starting point is 00:56:22 After the age of 40 your chance of dying Doubles every seven to eight years. Oh, Bobby. Okay, so, you know by the time you're 47 48 Okay, whatever your chances of dying not great not not that high right you made a long way So but then the next next next next seven eight years that chance doubles next seven eight years that chance doubles Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc. So, you know, it's like the COVID curve in a way. It's just like you know, it just it just it goes nuts Oh Even if you could cure cancer you could get rid of diabetes or you know, like there's there's so many things you can get rid of You just you can't stop from dying because something's gonna kill you. You know what I mean? So that's the problem with exponential growth
Starting point is 00:57:06 Thanks, man. Okay, so so this is where the idea that like aging is the fundamental disease comes in if you find a way to cure aging Then you don't get these diseases if you could maintain your body as it is like Take it to the point when you're 40 if you can maintain the body at that sort of state Then maybe you can live in that indefinitely, but you have to figure out how to stop aging and so that's why like I'm Fascinated by that line of research and that's where I think we have the most promise Rather than say like, you know curing a particular disease or figuring out how to treat it better How do we keep our body at that level? And the key seems to be epigenetics which was you know in that video that you looked at which is essentially like not just
Starting point is 00:57:46 What's happening in your DNA? But what's happening around the DNA like what's controlling the DNA? Which parts are packaged away? Which parts are out to be able to be read? So if we can figure out a way to like take that back in time, then maybe you can reset the clock So aren't they able to do that with rats now where like in that video where they were able to take like an older blind rat Yeah, put something in it so that it was more efficient and younger performing than a Rat much younger than biologically younger than it. Yes They have shown certain drugs and things that are able to sort of Reset the clock a bit. I don't think it's like fully there yet. Obviously
Starting point is 00:58:24 They were able to say take blind mice like mice that had gone blind due to due to old age And reverse the aging of the eye such that they could see again like that sort of stuff I think is really powerful, but it's hard to do and to do it to a whole body really really hard And one of the big risks when you try to do this sort of thing is if you try to make things young One of the risks is you can trigger cancer because you're you're sort of re re-engaging cell division So yeah, it's a fine line between making you live forever and making you one giant tumor So Have to go down the right side of that. Yeah. Yeah
Starting point is 00:58:59 Oh, we've learned a lot Derek. Honestly, I was uh I really like you and uh, we would love to have you on again We're normally a very low brow low brow very uneducated podcast So this was a breath of fresh air to have you on and educate us. Yeah, because I learned a lot I really did learn a lot. Good. I'm glad. Yeah. I'm happy to be here whenever you name me. So Any handles do you I mean I do do you care if you get followers on social media? I don't care, but I'm veritasium anywhere you you want to look so okay, so um everyone listening. Please follow this man I know what's a good intro video for uh from your channel that like people should watch
Starting point is 00:59:35 Yeah, I just don't know like if you go to youtube.com slash veritasium. There's one where I uh, I swim in shape balls like maybe for your audience. That's a nice All right, so give him a runner plus. Thank you so much Derek. You're a fucking amazing. Thank you so much for coming on Hey, thanks Derek. All right, buddy Well, that was fucking amazing. Yeah, you know, I mean that was far. Is he still on? Honestly, that was uh, that was uh, you know, we should do more of that people with with different fields of expertise because You know, have first of all, I wanted to say I have a little PCS because before I forget
Starting point is 01:00:29 Brandon Schaub knew that I wore these bought these glasses. Oh, he bought the same fucking glasses Same exact same. So now he's on. So hey, you're a you're a thief Brendan. You're a thick You're a thick thick you're a thick fucker Um, but I love you Brendan. Good luck. I before I forget also. I want to it has nothing to do with Derek But I want to talk about um I want to talk about Eric stone street real quick before I forget. Yeah Yeah, so what's happening now is I'll tell stories About Eric and then people online listeners either for bad friends or your or tiger belly
Starting point is 01:01:07 We'll try to see if my stories are real So they'll go to Eric stone street and go hey, did this really happen? And Eric will answer right but 99.9% of the time it's always real right, it's always real and um Um, that's all I wanted to say. So anyone that says every anyone listening right now that says, you know, Bobby Lee's stories seem Outlandish or they seem like he's making shit up No Papa
Starting point is 01:01:40 Papa knows Okay, papa's a truth. I'm a true teller. Okay, so do we have an unhelpful advice or what we do captain? Go ahead. I'm hopeful advice. Wait. I had one more question. We go to unhelpful advice. Go ahead. Why? So, you know, I've been watching all these k-dramas, right? And koreans they get that cosmetic surgery to give you a Double eyelid double eyelid. Yeah So I was looking at my eyes the other day and I have three eyelids Do they reward triple eyelids in korea and can I catch dick there?
Starting point is 01:02:15 You could be a celebrity probably there. I have really a lot. I have very full the eyes right here You can catch dick anywhere, babe Because you have a regular looking vagina Oh, that's a good point. So it's not about the eyelids Your vagina is very nice That's the vagina right there It looks a lot more like this It's your clip shoots out. It's like this. It's it's like this, but I did this
Starting point is 01:02:47 All right. It's like it's like this But you know that this that's a star scout, right star scouts honor girl scout is three Star scout star scout promise. I promise to do my best to love god in my country to help other people every day Especially those at home I forgot the girl scout promise Mm-hmm. What's this? Fuck. Yeah Um How what do we do on time we just will quick we're over an hour Ted. Yeah, it's pretty good. Yeah. Yeah. Very good one
Starting point is 01:03:20 Go ahead. All right. Here's the question. First of all, I love the show You bring a lot of life to people's lives and it's much appreciated So I'll keep it short, but I'm 23 and a couple years ago I was unaware at the time but bipolar and going through a manic episode without Really knowing what was going on I got approached and was offered money if I would let a guy suck my dick for a good amount of money on camera Gave her pay I didn't think it through at the time and I'm sure mania didn't help
Starting point is 01:03:43 I was just thinking about paying rent and being low on money The video has recently surfaced and everyone I've met over the years in my life are seeing something that might be taboo to them Opinions might change. So I'm wondering what's the best way to approach this? Do I just accept it be open about it and be willing to talk about it? Thanks for the giggles joe Let me just get a little bit of that. Let me get it straight a guy Yep, right was offered a lot of money To let another guy suck his own dick Yes on like one of those gay for pay up gay for pay for it, right? So
Starting point is 01:04:18 That's it. Let me see. So it's like you paying me for you to suck my dick there. Um, Gilbert Yes, I'm sucking your dick for money But you're paying me to get my dick sucked Whoever the agent is Who's the sucker and who's the sucky you're the sucky If I am I am I getting paid to suck your dick? No, no, no, you're getting paid to get your dick sucked. Oh, that's a win-win It's a win-win for either situation. Okay There's your answer, sir. No, no, no, here's the thing. I just want to say this, okay
Starting point is 01:04:53 Because I I've done I've done some Shady shit in the past. All right stuff that I and not that what you did was shady. I'm not saying that I'm just saying that there are things that I've regretted. All right But these are things that I've done in the past that obviously you're not a time travel. You cannot Control your past it the past is the past. All you can do is realize that it's your past um, if people Love you in your in your life today They'll see through it or they'll forgive you if people are like, oh, that's gross
Starting point is 01:05:29 I don't want to be your friend anymore because you did that 10 years ago You don't need those people in your life. Anyway, my point is is that It doesn't really mean anything. It doesn't It doesn't mean anything at all. You know what me if you're healthy And you you have people that love you in your life and you're living in the moment Which is the only thing that really exists is the current moment the being present then That's it. So it doesn't mean anything Remember that shame is also very much an illusion. It's not the truth
Starting point is 01:06:00 What you're feeling right now is probably like people are either gonna judge you shame you whatever Those are just decisions that you made at that time. It simply is that you did something to pay rent. There's nothing I always think of it as you know Your reaction to to it all how you carry it how you carry certain truths in your life And if you don't own it somebody else will and someone will hold it over your head So whether whether you think it's it was something that Was good or bad. It doesn't matter. It's still yours and you should own it before someone else takes that away from you
Starting point is 01:06:40 And just be open and like bobby said if people don't accept you because of something like that Then they're shallow and you don't want them in your life Yeah, what you want is warty jorbert the third What is that? What this reminds me of warty jorbert the third the corona meme guy. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah Well, he did this at the time because he was trying to save money to save his childhood home But it's like guess what he saved humanity right now. He's like my only joy Yeah, that dude, you know, what's so sad? He's I've said this before but he's like
Starting point is 01:07:12 Who's it van go that chopped off van go was not You know in his lifetime was unappreciated and this guy if he knew That he became the biggest meme on planet earth Or the biggest source of joy and laughter and laughter and levity It's it's like, you know, whoever his parents are if they're still alive, you should be very proud of him In fact, you know what in this room? I think we should have a printed Um, uh a framed picture of jobert Who's exactly his name jobert? Yeah, awarding jobert the third the comsugarer is already the people are already obsessed about him
Starting point is 01:07:44 I want I don't want to you know, well the whole world is obsessed about him. It's just like having he's in our hearts He's in our hearts. Yeah, he there's a frame picture of him in my his dick in my heart Um, listen guys, um, I thought that was a very interesting and very nice tiger belly podcast I thought that was fluid and delicious and the salters and salters to everybody and um, I really um, you know, I miss you guys everyone listening and kind of you guys too and um, I I um I just wish everyone the best and um
Starting point is 01:08:19 You know, we're gonna get through this But I love you guys in this and thank god that we have this, you know, we're a family before we go I had another burning question for you witcher, but okay So how does In the philippines we got one week off of school for holy week and you eat benign it and then you go to the beach Right, but we never really I never understood the easter bunny What's that culture over here and what does the easter bunny supposed to do is the easter bunny like santa claus?
Starting point is 01:08:53 I think it's very uh, western. I haven't I don't think any asian countries Yeah, I think it's similar to santa claus and that it came from pagan traditions But uh, and it gives us free things so we just accept it But how like do you leave a basket out is and then all of a sudden you wake up the next morning and then there's gifts But you guys know why the bunny, right? Why because you know the cave where jesus was um the tomb, yeah the tomb that he was in Did you know that that outside of the because they know where the tomb is outside of that? There's a lot of bunny rabbits That hang out there. You know that no it's like thousands of them, right?
Starting point is 01:09:29 And I don't know what the connection is, but there's a connection there And that's good enough for me. Yeah, I made it up, but it's fine I don't know where the tomb is. I don't know if there's bunny rabbits So claula you never done an easter egg hunt you shut the fuck up. I gotta go play. No, no we did I'll leave. I'll fucking leave Don't leave me. I'll leave Talk about the bunny, babe. The bunny bunny bunny. Come on. So we would paint the eggs and stuff But I didn't know that I was supposed to get gifts and now I feel gypped
Starting point is 01:10:00 No one gets fucking gift from the easter bunny It doesn't it's not a traditional thing when you get fucking gifts What the fuck are you talking about? You know it's so fucked up So when I was you know how you the tooth fairy, right? Fuck the tooth fairy, bitch The tooth fairy? No, let me not do none of these things. They're a mythological bullshit
Starting point is 01:10:24 For like a whole month. I because I didn't tell my parents that my tooth had fallen out. I stuck it under my Pillow without letting them know and for a whole month. I just didn't get anything And then finally I told my mom I was like I've been doing this for like 30 straight days and nothing's under my pillow And she was like, why didn't you tell me? Yeah, my dad make me made he know what he my dad told me he goes Instead of sticking under the pillow. He actually did this. He goes you you see that swallow it It'll grow back So I ate like six of them Yeah, and I'm like, I don't think I never asked him again, but I'm like, I think he's I think he's wrong
Starting point is 01:10:59 Hang on one second. You did not lose six teeth at one time No at one time over there like for a couple of years. So you swallowed it like pills Yes, with swallow it thinking that it takes a long time. Oh my gosh. Yeah. Yeah, and I then I realized and then I think I Years later. I asked my dad I go was that why did you do that? I I forgot but Is that why some teeth never grew back? Fuck you All right. So anyway, thank you for listening. We'll see you next week here. Okay. Nosotras papaya. Oh wait. No, no You have a shout out. I want to do a shout out to josh and shelby
Starting point is 01:11:33 shelby shelby mateliano Oh, they live in chicago. They come to see my shows all the time when I'm at the schoenberg improv I don't know if they live in chicago. Is that say that in the oh, yeah, they've seen me at the chicago Assuming right? Yes, and they're both Sorry, babe, and they're both behind the scenes fighting this They're both nurses in the medical field. Well shelby is an icu nurse and he's a rad tech radiology. That's what I just fucking said Yeah, they're not behind the scenes. They're in the front of the scenes in the behind and the front And in the middle of the scenes middle of the scene. Yeah, they're in the midst of it all
Starting point is 01:12:07 Yeah, I want to thank them for um fighting hard for us and being in the front lines and the back lines, right? And I want to wish them good luck and thank you so much as an american to another american Thank you so much for fighting the good fight. Okay So, um, thank you for listening to tiger valley and uh, uh, I'll see you the next time. Okay Hey, bye guys. Bye Okay, Salaman Hey prime members you can listen to tiger barely add free on amazon music Download the amazon music app today
Starting point is 01:13:00 Or you can listen add free with wonder plus in apple podcast before you go Tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at wonder.com slash survey

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