TigerBelly - Ep 249: Crow Update #1

Episode Date: June 10, 2020

Bobby is Steebee's Rambo. Khalyla opens up a Four Seasons. We talk guano hoarders, mirror test animals, testicle goo, and soggy cereal. Bobby has a big announcement. Please support our s...ponsors.See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey Prime members, you can listen to Tiger Belly add free on Amazon music download the app today Start recording everything you look like a silly Billy right now Well, I'm just being a little bit silly. No, I really need you to take that bandana. I really like it I love how you attack me for the bandana, but not for it the guy in the other top corner wearing those glasses. Oh Always shift in the Focus you almost got away with that. You wait a second. What's up cyberpunk Bobby? Did you? Reeves Wait, now that I think about it did you steal George's look that's it. Oh my god. Oh, this is not gonna be a good one. Now
Starting point is 00:00:41 Oh Fuckin I Three five four three two one. It's why somebody's in a good mood. His name is Gilberg. He's got a flat place He's got a flat face flat Mmm Macaroni, yeah Andrew Santino is calling me going. Can I do an Asian accent anymore? I don't know. I don't know
Starting point is 00:01:24 I said go ahead. I give you the I give you the green light. You have to pass Asian accent it up Welcome to another episode of the TV It's not a disease It's your friendly neighborhood Podcasts. Oh speaking of tuberculosis. They're doing this small study with People in third-world countries who receive the BCG shot, which is we get it is my favorite Korean pop group by the way But they're saying that There might be a link between those who receive like me, you know how we always get the little keloid and thing in our on our
Starting point is 00:02:00 arm here and it's the BCG shot that we got in the fucking 80s in the Philippines and there could be a link between that and some type of like immunity to Corona, but they don't know yet. They're still doing I was worried about where that was going I was scared. We're gonna go in a Vanti Vax or rant right now No, cyberpunk. We're not doing that cyberpunk. No way. Oh, I don't know that we're in the year 2055 brother. Hey, remember the movie demolition man. Oh, I love that movie. Is that George? Yeah, that's demolition man. That's Sylvester Stallone, right? Yeah, and Sandra Bullock and Sandra and Wesley Snipes was was he in it?
Starting point is 00:02:42 Was Rob Schneider in that one? I don't remember him. I think Rob Schneider did do a Sylvester Stallone movie. I Just did a wet fart just now. Hey, I just did one. Sorry, my bad. There's only one line I remember from demolition man when they're going through like I think it's like a marketplace or something like that and In the ordered food and I say what is that and the lady was like and she goes she goes something about carne de rata like rat meat. Yeah, and I thought Oh, yeah, wasn't it correct sir? He was. Thank you. Um, I want to address a couple of things before we begin if I may Thank you so much for the support from I think it was last week's episode. Was that the one
Starting point is 00:03:30 Last week episode. It was a it was a wild ride, baby. It's a wild ride. Wild ride Um, I know that we got a lot of positive emails and I appreciate those emails. We also got a lot of negative ones Oh, we got a lot of a a lot of hate as well. Yeah, and I think that Kaleila got the brunt of it, you know, Kaleila got a lot of really nasty comments not just on her social media, but on her on family and friends social media I've had people call me go what the fuck happened and whatnot and there was a lot of there's a section of Tiger Belly fans that don't agree with what we said last week and and and and they spewed a lot of
Starting point is 00:04:17 hatred toward my my girlfriend And I just have a message for you It's a dear message from my heart and I love you and No, so there's papaya to you and I hope you have a big life Yum yum a fulfilled a fulfilled life, and I hope you have love and happiness down the road Please don't listen anymore Don't listen anymore to us
Starting point is 00:04:48 If you don't like what we have to say, you don't agree with us. You don't have to um rip us apart Yeah, I'm saying this in a mindful very Authentic way. I love you, and I wish you a lot of joy and happiness It sounds passive-aggressive. Is it your smile is scaring me a little. Yeah, I want to kiss your eyeballs If I saw you on the street, I'll kiss your eyeball like that and Corona. Yeah, we're not Corona You know Corona free Corona free eyeball. Yeah, I'll give you a side hug You're not for frontal but side and go good luck, buddy the ass out hug, but yeah, um You know if you're gonna just
Starting point is 00:05:26 Say vile fucking things and and you think that we are weak Because of our position then I honestly, you know, there have been discussions vague ones about should we even? stop doing this because it just got kind of out of control and Yeah, I just I Didn't start this podcast to go to war with people. I did it because I like having fun and playing around and I like talking with my friends and this is just a medium that um, I I've always enjoyed
Starting point is 00:06:05 I've enjoyed doing the radio shows on the road. I've enjoyed You know friendly light banter, and I like being silly Billy Because Papa silly Billy, but I think that's what's the problem right is that because we are always so Silly on here and last week wasn't silly. So, you know, I don't give a shit Well, I don't give a shit. I Don't give a shit man. Hey, I don't give a shit. All right You know we said what we said because we believe what we said. All right, did we misspeak? We didn't know we did. I don't think we did no
Starting point is 00:06:42 I mean like if it's like if you look at it from Like that's the thing like anything that you say in the moment without letting time pass There's a good chance that it will not age. Well, like there like you can look at everything I said and still pick it apart. I can look at things I said and pick it apart and say, you know what? I should have said this this way This is actually what I meant. I should have written it down been more eloquent I should have like taken the time and you know to do all of that. Yeah, like I I Think that's the problem about speaking about things as they're happening is
Starting point is 00:07:16 You don't have full agency yet of your Feelings or thoughts because it feels like one scrambled thing up there But but with that said like I could have said a lot of things better, but I'm not I'm not gonna walk back How I felt don't walk back. Don't walk back, baby. Let's smile. Don't walk back. All right. So last night I So last night You know my brother You know, he expressed the kind of love for me that I've never felt before in my life
Starting point is 00:07:55 So last night my brother and I you know, we we logged on to warzone and we did duos and and um, you know, we we got to the the final circle and I Killed four guys in a row You know and my brother said mom I've never been so proud of you of my life. Wow. He goes. I love you. So he was crying He goes, I love you so much
Starting point is 00:08:29 All right, you're doing it man. You're doing it, right? And now I'm Cuz I'm in I'm in it. You don't like that. You don't like it. You don't like you don't like You know, I had to concentrate because you know, you know, you're the finals, you know, the final Final sir. It's small right the smoke's coming in, right? My mask my gas mask breaks Yeah, right breaks, right and then like, you know, I mean, I have three bullets, right and a bazooka one missile And I'm going around and I you know, wait, I have a question when you are in your final circle Let's say your brother is telling you all of that like is he when you're in the gulag. Can you still see what your teammates are doing? Yes, so you can see what your teammates are doing. My brother's dead. What it does is your screen switches on to my point of view
Starting point is 00:09:19 Okay, right. So my brother's not playing anymore. So now he's watching me play Spectrum he's seeing what I'm seeing right emotional. Yeah, so he's watching every move what all the things so a lot of times It's like, what are you doing? You mean don't hide underneath that dumpster or whatever I might be. Oh, sorry, Remy But this time it was like in tears. I've never seen him like this I love you so much. I'm so proud of you. What are you Rambo? He kept saying Rambo and I go and Obviously we got third place very good for duos, but you know, you've played with me before on that game
Starting point is 00:09:57 We've won we won one yesterday. We won a couple days ago. We won. Yeah, and I get what? One kill two kills. Maybe one or two kills, right? But to do six right and get to that final circle was a big achievement because For the first 50 games I played and each game takes about what 30 minutes sometimes sometimes in 45 minutes. Yeah, right? I'll get one kill or but my kill death ratio is zero because I've died twice as more than I've killed But in the last week or two, I'm now beginning to If I already call it offset that ratio because I'm now figuring it out, but Katie. Yeah, it was a really good brotherly
Starting point is 00:10:44 Bonding experience last night and it's the only time I get to hang out with my brother, you know, so it is um And he makes he makes me laugh. Does he not make you laugh? He's very funny. He's very cowardly He's very in the gutter. Bob. Should we just stay at the basement? I Support it. I know I support it. So my what my brother likes to do is he likes to go. Okay. Um, see this house here Let's just hang out in the basement all game And you're like, yeah, but we want to go out and kill people. No, they'll come to us So we'll sit there for 30 minutes
Starting point is 00:11:22 Sometimes we'll spray paint because you can spray paint in the game. We'll spray paint like what are you spray painting? You can spray paint like little Pictures and different things. I also had another question about the game when you're ready and then so my brother, okay? So, um guys, we'll just sit here And we just sit there and we'll spray paint each other for like 20 solid minutes. Nothing going on. No shooting, right? And that's a bonding experience. Yeah, but then you'll go, but I hear footsteps and then we'll get on our bellies and get ready You know me, but that's the way my brother likes to play what I begin beginning to do is go um, all right, let's go get after them Oh
Starting point is 00:11:59 You haven't played more aggressive. It's very more aggressive now. Very aggressive. Am I not you? But isn't the first of the fight the bloodiest first one to the fight is the bloody in any war Yeah, that's that actually sounds legit what you just said right but before right so you have this map What we what I would do is okay guys, um, let's go to the very edge of the map where no one's gonna be Right, but now I'm going or let's land where everyone else is landing Right and Gilbert. I have to say you're very good at the game you too, sir I'm my question you too, sir. Thank you now. My question is I know that you've spent some money on your Outfits $800, baby. Oh
Starting point is 00:12:46 No, you didn't Bleep that part out eight dollars eight dollars, baby Okay, so would you say that a change and how many outfits does that buy I want to know it's not outfits What you're okay, so what what you buy is you buy looks so there's what I don't know 16 characters But each character has a different clothing Apparatus, okay, so my question was is it a morale boost and when you put on a new look Do you feel like you play better? No, but I I play through the character. See my brother just doesn't have any really doesn't care about his look
Starting point is 00:13:30 So he just the game just generates a certain look for him. So one game. He's just like a standard white soldier Yeah, right, but for me Oh, yeah, the girl I play, you know shop on Melrose Nike yoga pants, you know, she does, right? Yeah, she has nice shoes. She does she has a hat. She's got you know, I want him to look good You know, I have another guy that looks like Sasha Baron Cohen. You know, I mean, oh, yeah Yeah, the most guy. Yeah, he's got like, you know, I mean a red beautiful turban and scarves. I like the scarves You have the black number Jack. It I have the black lumberjack Yeah, that's cool. Yeah, cut off. Is that idea of like cut off flannel? No, I think it's full full
Starting point is 00:14:13 It's full. He look he's got a be a cut off flannel is more punk. Yeah, he looks real nice And if I'm gonna die I want I want to die looking good That's it. I think it also like my brother in terms of fashion Like I'll go to uh, sometimes we'll go to a nice store a club like a shoe store It gets something nice. I have a little I got a little extra money. You want a shoe? Because no, Bob, I like the shoes that I have which is he always loves brown skater shoes And they just look standard brown
Starting point is 00:14:49 you know, I couldn't I couldn't think of A pair of brothers more dissimilar than you and Steve He is so meticulous in the way that he lives like it's borderline OCD like even though he keeps a lot of things in a small space Everything is neatly placed. Everything has its space. He only has like he he knows what he's gonna wear for Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday It's all laid out in front of him. And he's just very
Starting point is 00:15:20 Not wasteful like he will eat whatever is in his fridge and he will eat the leftovers him It was like they were raised by two completely different people two completely different families Yeah, nowhere near each other. Yeah Like if a bagel has been in the fridge for three days You know what I mean? I'll I'll touch it and go it's stale It's it's a problem that we've been having in this house because like he he does not eat any leftovers at all like he
Starting point is 00:15:49 He just doesn't think that it gets he gets it in his head, but then how I'll be passive aggressive too like I'll will be um She'll cook something up, right? And I'll know deep in my heart that the rice seems old. It's not old. I know I know I know but not not fresh Right, it's just to hear me out and I'll and I'll say something like I want to say this is what I want. I want to say Is this used rice? That's been in the fridge, but that's not how it comes out. It comes out weird. It comes out. Hmm This right is interesting. It tastes very interesting. What'd you get it from and cloud? You know what that means, right when you hear that? Oh immediately like I I I like walk out of the dining room
Starting point is 00:16:28 She gets to rage because he doesn't understand that Fried rice is best with older rice because it's a little drier. Yeah, you cannot make garlic rice Unless it's cool. You can't make it with the hot rice out of the rice cooker. It's too sticky So you got to wait it out a bit. I promise you it's better that way or like day old spaghetti the best My parents were like this if you didn't finish your cereal They would I've said this before they would pour the cereal back into the box with the milk in Like all soggy. Yeah, that's that's very good. So the next day, right next day like like if you didn't finish your meal Right, like I went I'm full
Starting point is 00:17:15 I'll tell you a story. I was at hamburger helmet once What's that hamburger hamlet is we used to be my favorite hamburger restaurant in la hamburger hamlet It's called hamburger hamlet and I I remember I I remember first moving to la and it was kind of pricey But I remember getting like a comedy store check and I'm like, you know, I'm gonna splurge on hamburger hamlet Because it was a sit-down kind of fine dining hamburger place I remember one time I saw david spade there and I bragged I saw I ate by davids I called people from back home. I ate with david spade, you know, I don't ask her whatever So I remember sitting there at hamburger hamlet once
Starting point is 00:17:49 And there was a rich father. He might probably was an agent because I think a pa the agency was in that building Right, and I remember he was with his son. His son must have been eight years old and I was like a table away and The kid goes he didn't even touch his hamburger And his dad goes, um, timmy Finish your hamburger. You don't like it. No timmy said and
Starting point is 00:18:14 His dad goes, well, what do you what do you want to eat and timmy goes? I want spaghettis And timmy and the dad goes, okay. Well when we get home, we'll have mom um Make a spaghetti for you And they left the restaurant the hamburger was still sitting there Right and I remember thinking to myself If I did that to my dad, you know, I mean, I want spaghettis My dad would go, okay. You'll have a spaghetti
Starting point is 00:18:45 But you're gonna finish that hamburger and now If I didn't eat that hamburger there, we would have taken home If that night I didn't eat that hamburger the next meal is that hamburger hamburger. Yeah makes sense Right. I could spend five days and not eat that hamburger. Whatever I put on my body Has to be that hamburger. You better eat at the first night and that's how my parents were Well, they were very frugal with food. I don't think it's also frugality. It's like it's it's honestly It pains me when I see large portions of food being thrown and kind of just disregarded because number one an animal has died Right. I understand. I understand. I understand. It's just wasteful like all those resources that that that that it takes to
Starting point is 00:19:26 Make bread that it takes to fucking harvest your avocado. How much water goes into that like all of that? I like but you understand my justification though that's saying that thinks because the argument of the animal's dead, right? I know it's dead and an animal died But if I that hamburger was already in the restaurant in the freezer or wherever it might be I kill no cow You're not getting I know I know but that's my thinking. I understand that I understand the thinking I understand the thinking but this is my justification I don't kill no cow now. I understand it in a different way
Starting point is 00:20:03 I understand it as you probably hated those experiences with your parents that you've gone the complete opposite way Not because you don't care about an animal or you don't care about being wasteful But because you just don't care to have similar experiences because they might have been traumatic to you at some point another Okay, another thing Is I remember back in the day We had video game consoles as kids, right? They're not as sophisticated But my parents would never buy me one
Starting point is 00:20:35 Hey dad, can I get you know a Sega or whatever it might be been back then no Do your homework? Yeah, yeah, that's what I grew up with I couldn't get the only thing that I could get is I had a blockbuster Membership and on the weekends my parents allowed me to go and rent two or three movies Oh, so that's where I saw like You know taxi driver or whatever I consumed back then, you know, I think that that's why I never got into like gaming um, we just had Donkey Kong and tetris and it was on a game boy
Starting point is 00:21:12 That was like a fucking third hand game boy that we got from like a cousin of a cousin And we all had to rotate it around the family like who got the game boy that night Yeah, and that went on until like my adulthood like I never had and I was never gifted a game console Like never once never I didn't even have a computer until I was I didn't have my own computer Until I was my second year of college third year of college. I think I was already 20 I didn't have a computer in high school. So what I would do was I would I I if I knew someone with a computer whether it was my neighbor or like a family friend I would have them print out stuff for me and then they would either
Starting point is 00:21:51 Drive it over because we didn't have a car or I would take the bus there and then take it at night And then turn my stuff in if it had to be or I would go to the library um, so it wasn't available to us it was I also went to Blair high school and we didn't have the We didn't have just available computers for our students at that time. Yeah, so I wanted to equate it back to my brother. Now my brother Let's go back to my brother. Yeah. All right. And the reason why I am the way I am and my brother is the way he is My brother takes after my dad in many ways My father wore bright blue golf pants. He looked like Papa Smurf Papa Smurf but Korean. Yeah every day. He would wear these light blue golf pants, right sandals
Starting point is 00:22:41 Right and like a blue polo Like an old school blue polo and that's all he wore. I love that look. It's a good look. It's a very good look, you know and My brother and my dad also Used to live now he we had stores all over the country like clothing stores So he had one up in Sacramento. So he would drive from San Diego And spend a week in Sacramento. So he had an apartment And he would do that every other week. So he had an apartment in Sacramento My brother went to Sacramento one time with him and he described to me what my dad's apartment looked like
Starting point is 00:23:17 And there was no furniture at all Right. No couch. No bed Just a stove in the corner of the room Right and uh, you know an old school Korean kind of bamboo mattressy kind of thing A pillow and a blanket. That's all that was in that apartment You know and my in many ways my brother takes after my where my mom is different She'll just wake up I want a gazebo
Starting point is 00:23:47 Jesus She said that once she woke up one day and she goes $5,000. Yeah, I want the gazebo and koi fish and my dad's like no I want one Right and then next to you know There's people building a gazebo with a koi fish thing, right? Just because my mom had this inclination or this, you know, she just wants it. So that's you that's my mom I want the red corvette Jesus, you guys had a corvette. Yes, my mom broke around in a red corvette. I want one
Starting point is 00:24:22 I want the red corvette and she got one I didn't I have the same kind of thing. I think honda cords honda civics to you for sure You for sure um take after your mom Absolutely. Yeah. Um, so do you think that Like when you're when your brother speaks about your dad, he he's he's very tender about it Like he has a really deep emotions for your father. Do you think that he was closer to your to your dad than you were? No, but I think that my my brother um was too young to really fully appreciate The the and oh god, this pisses me fucking off when people say this and here I go back into the anger
Starting point is 00:25:05 All right, careful. Be happy. I'm gonna be happy when I do it, right? But people go, you know, Bobby plays the victim all the time Oh The face that's the face That's the face Hello What no Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. No
Starting point is 00:25:25 All right, I You know what there are things that happen to me that I can't even talk about baby There are things and you know all the fucked up things I've said in my life, right? That's all public too I've sucked dick as a kid. I was molested. My dad would be all that's not even the worst part The worst parts I can't even say baby You know what I mean? It's worse than having firecrackers in your butthole and lighting mom at the same times That's kind of erotic Yeah, yeah, who did that happen to so what I'm saying is is that my brother was too young
Starting point is 00:26:02 To experience, you know, my dad's heyday back in the day, you know, I mean when he was at the top of his abuse game Damn, you're the best. Yeah. Yeah He was the tom Brady of you know, I mean of abusing his family, you know a star. Yeah Yeah, he was killing it back then his stats were way up You know, my brother, you know, I mean grew up with my dad when his stats were he was coming down, you know a little bit He was a kind of like Rob Grankowski still, you know I I'm gonna text your mom and and about her corvette. I love Rob. By the way, and thanks for watching came on 8 p.m CBS
Starting point is 00:26:41 Sometimes, you know So another thing I want to now let's go back to let's talk about what's been going on in our lives as late Oh, yeah, as of late. Hold on. I'm texting your mommy I'm gonna ask her about her corvette a red corvette. Wow your dad agreed to it without argument Yeah, that's A red corvette I read Was she a fan of prince
Starting point is 00:27:07 I don't know. Was she a prince fan. No, she doesn't have a princess. Kalala. What cars did your parents have growing? What cars do you? Oh my god, you guys No, no, no, no, this is the kind of fucking fucked up shit. My dad would do so my dad You know, he used to work for the us government. That's sort of how he ended up in the philippines There's still a lot of like a lot of like hazy details there regarding like what he actually did there But um, he wanted to be um undercover So we most of my life, we didn't have a car. We had a fake taxicab
Starting point is 00:27:45 Did you know this? No, you did? Yeah, and then that's the best in your garage Yeah, and we had um, we had a taxicab drive a driver named Sidro who was always fucking drunk I'm telling you and he would fill the tiny sedan with diesel Like that's how drunk he was sometimes like we knew Sidro. Like that's the wrong kind of gas I remember always like having to remind him like we had to get unleaded And um, that was my dad's vibe like he was a weird fucking guy like my dad would Come back from a fucking voyage on his shipping vessel And be like hey guys, I found this um a monitor lizard
Starting point is 00:28:27 You know and he kept it in like a back house And my sister went back there when she was like six years old and my sister Completely almost severed my sister's finger and she had to get her finger almost like reattached And we had this fucking monitor lizard that we would have to feed Like chicken scraps from like our dinners every night. He built a whole home for it And That's that was my dad. He we had a taxicab and a monitor lizard. No, that's not your dad That is your dad, but you know who else is like that? Who you?
Starting point is 00:29:05 If you saw a monitor lizard, you would probably know I wouldn't take it out of the wild Guess what new pet we have I hope it's not a freaking crow or something. We have a fucking crow living with us now That's a crow lady. You're one of those bird ladies. I'm gonna defend myself I'm gonna defend my fucking crow, baby That's not I'm gonna defend myself It's I have not brought the crow in I feel like that's fucked up. You did propose the idea. I didn't propose it. I would never do that false accusations
Starting point is 00:29:39 She goes she was it kind of in mulling it over in her head like You were like I can't actually bring it inside. Can I you know like that kind of a thing? I wanted to splint its leg So it has a broken leg it landed in our balcony because it's been windy around here We have a lot of crow families here and crow families are really really tight knit So if they have an injured family member, you always see him like squawking around kind of keeping eye on that injured family member Well, that's what happened yesterday There was an injured crow and I thought okay. Well, he's probably just going to shake off the Whatever his leg and then launch go back around. Well, the injured crow is still with us. I have
Starting point is 00:30:16 given Jules and I have fed um eggs Cat kibble Not just not just eggs. We've given him a bird bath or maybe it might be a girl and um, we've um You made it a birdhouse I saw Bobby that I saw a picture. Yeah, I did Yeah, I'm not I'm not
Starting point is 00:30:41 Opposed the idea of living with a fucking crow your face says otherwise I know my face says otherwise So we now have a fear that this flightless crow is now just going to live In our balcony and not rejoin the family. So we've been really delicate about it. We called the wildlife rescue out here She boiled an egg She boiled an egg You build a house out of fucking cardboard that took three minutes You boiled eggs. You give her like you you
Starting point is 00:31:12 Not just fruit mongol. We have we don't have a lot of fruit We get fruit shipped here like not just an a red delicious apple. We get asian apples Asian pear. Yeah, you do. I do. Yeah, you do We have I get a csa box from the farmers market Okay, but they're like they're they're exotic fruits and she does. Yeah, she does. Yeah, she does I gotta know if these are exotic She doesn't throw out a peach out there. They're not asian pears. She doesn't throw out a peach Like shishimi slices them perfectly
Starting point is 00:31:43 Dices them up, right? All right chef. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah On a plate, right? She'll dice it and make it all have the water Eggs fruits like omakase for a bird. Yeah. Yeah, like, you know multigrain breads I mean, she's she's it's basically the four seasons for this He may never fucking leave. No, here's my I'm gonna defend myself again and say that I am thinking about it from an injury perspective. He's going to need protein to heal His broken leg and I I don't overfeed by the way. I have I feed at a certain time And I hope that it's just enough to last him through that day because if you overfeed then then he'll never leave
Starting point is 00:32:26 I believe fear If right if the crow felt fear and urgency To get out of there Right, he'll leave sooner. He's been trying so if we tapped on right if I held the cat Tapped on the fucking no, don't give him food or water tapped on a thing and I I'll go two days I looked at the crow looks at me. I go you have two days
Starting point is 00:32:56 before the cat the cat That the crow would start doing exercises To get a shit you're working out to get a shit ready to go physical therapy. Yeah, but we're not doing that. Are we no No, we're like I built I built a bed. I took an old I took a skateboard t-shirt I built a little bed and made it a little house and we have all these things that motherfucker ain't leaving for shit Well, here's the thing I did find out about crow. So I I spent all day That's why I had to cancel our meetings yesterday and we canceled everything yesterday's because
Starting point is 00:33:29 You were dealing with the crow. It was it was a day dedicated to to Leonard. We named her or he Who names the crow? It's Leonard Why Leonard? You really name something if you're gonna see it again No, that's not true. Yeah, look listen for a second. So I've been reading a lot about Bobby shut up. Okay. Watch listen to this madness Galalia the floor listen to the madness. Well, I for starters I I bought books on crows and magpies and the corvid family because now I'm like super intrigued, right?
Starting point is 00:34:07 And I found out that they're they're actually considered one of the most intelligent not birds One of the most intelligent animals in existence. They they pass the mirror test So they know who they are not a lot only dolphins apes and a few other animals pass the mirror test And their brain to body ratio is similar to that of apes and humans. And so they are They know who we are by now. They know they're very tight-knit family. They're very very bright creatures, so I was thinking like wow like isn't it weird how Because they're familiar birds anything that's familiar to us seems ordinary
Starting point is 00:34:49 But we've been living amongst geniuses this whole time just flying around And so now we have Leonard our genius friend and I hope that he doesn't become a flightless pet We have on our balcony. That would be weird, but I do think that we have now built a rapport with Leonard and I hope that He knows that we're not out to hurt him She's acting like it's Matt Damon from Goodwill hunting out there Maybe they are But here's the thing It's just why I believe what you're saying also because you read 500 books about it
Starting point is 00:35:21 Is game of thrones when they want to send a letter? They don't send a horse They don't send a wolf. They send a raven. They send a raven and it's the corvid family. Yeah, it's a fucking fantasy you fuckhole What do you mean messages with birds? Yeah, it's not a fantasy. Don't don't bring up game of thrones There's also dragons that they fight. Do we do that? But do the dragon send messages? No, the raven does white walker. Oh, we have those Oh, if we have white walker if we have one on the screen right now Let me finish Okay
Starting point is 00:35:57 I thought you were gonna bring up what I said about the squids last night. It was so embarrassing What about the squids about the mirror testing? You bring it up, Bobby? Oh, yeah, you bring it up If you bring it up, you own it. Oh, shit So yesterday we were having dinner with Jules me and him and I we were talking about the mirror test and animals that pass the mirror test And I was like, I think that crows I think that octopus are are very intelligent. They are very self-aware and whatnot and he was like he was like Because that's crazy
Starting point is 00:36:27 He's like, how do they test that does a scientist just dive under the ocean and put a mirror in front of an octopus? Like sincerely, this is the question he asked. I was like, what do they do? All right, let's time grab the mirror And they go all the way to the bottom of the ocean All right, and they and and they just try to find a squid and they do that But then I thought that was dumb because maybe just do it at the uh sea world And then me and Jules were like laughing so hard like and he could not realize Why his question sounded absurd Until it finally hit like 10 minutes 10 minutes later. He was like, oh, yeah, they could just do it in aquariums
Starting point is 00:37:03 Yeah, I literally thought that they did that I didn't make any sense to me And how does like squids even know that that's their they're looking. How do they find that out? How do we know that they know? How do they know? How do we know that they they look in the mirror go? Oh, I look good today. Look You know, I mean the my eyebrows are beautiful I had a professor named dr. Gago love him His name was dr. Gago. I know it Gago in the Philippines means crazy, but he was also in the Adams family
Starting point is 00:37:38 What the fuck had a last name is that? He was so smart Jules, thanks for laughing appreciate it. Yeah, he was my marine biology professor and then he would take students to Bahia de los Angeles here in Mexico And he would they would study the Humboldt squid and the Humboldt squid is there these massive massive massive squid with really complex eyes and they just like When they were either not being chased, but when they hunt they they breach out of the water And they've been shown to be one of the most intelligent and complex
Starting point is 00:38:18 animals and apex predators now apparently like Comparable to like a fucking shark. Maybe even like smarter And so yeah, they've been able to study that. So that's why I don't eat um Squid and octopus anymore. Yeah, we don't because I feel like their family's gonna remember my face Oh my god calamari though, and it's also, you know, it's she she influences me in many ways. She does and so now Usually I'm always the calamari That's the first time we eat. Yeah, even if they don't have it get it Sir, this is a hamburger. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's my pet peeve
Starting point is 00:38:58 My pet peeve is if like I'm out with like a friend And I can usually tell if I want to um continue a friendship or not with them based on one thing Like if we go to a place specifically known for let's say calamari But they order like A fucking root beer float Yeah, and like don't try what the restaurant is known for It reminds me I brought a girlfriend to mama's fish house In a Maui in Maui and we were sitting there and she goes
Starting point is 00:39:31 I don't want fish Okay And my eyeballs My eyeballs almost pop it out of my skull like cartoony. You know what I mean? Like it I was in rage. I ate it. What did she order chicken? She didn't eat at all Oh, I think she had a salad. I'll just have a salad. What's oh wait if she's a vegetarian No, she wasn't vegetarian She wanted to spite me
Starting point is 00:39:55 Because I was like we have to go here all week long. We have to go here and then we get there I just want a salad. It's just it's the my biggest pet peeve You know try I I'm the fur if they say You know a monkey balls is the best here Monkey balls. I'll try it one time I'll break into this fucking testicle shell and have the testicle ooze seep into my mouth I imagine the goo the goo in a monkey ball. You crack into it and it squirts into your mouth. Oh I don't think that's how balls work. No, there's no goo. It's a fucking test. I've never had it before
Starting point is 00:40:31 Do you think you have goo inside your testicles? You have goo inside your testicles. Well, uh, when I uh, sometimes play with it goo comes out Yeah That's blood See a doctor I also want to talk about this. Um Is uh Wait before we continue. Oh, what do we do with the black cross? No, if you or any listeners are
Starting point is 00:41:02 Um bird aficionados or ornithologists will you please help me out because I don't want a flightless bird as a pet I want to do enough to help it heal but not Um, get it dependent on me. So like any tips I I appreciate Can you touch a bird or no? Huh, are you allowed to touch a bird or is it like no no no crows only like uh, they're very social distancing type of birds Like they know who you are, um, but they'll keep their distance always They're not like magpies magpies are are are really like cuddly and stuff But there could be an exception right one of this black row is just generally just super like nice
Starting point is 00:41:37 I I don't I don't want to find out. I also don't want I want to respect its wildness I don't want to make friends with it. I just want to watch it heal and then fly away But eventually what happens? Let's say this is let me just throw the scenario out there That a month goes by and he's just just Just hanging out You know, you know, you know birds hang they just why is that they're hanging out? All right, right just hanging out, right and he's like, you know, I mean eating all the sashimi, whatever we give him, right? You know, he's like that guy, right? Yeah
Starting point is 00:42:16 I will pick it by the neck and throw it off the buck and balcony. No, you won't I won't do that But that's extreme. That was extreme. That was crazy. That was crazy. What the fuck? No, that was crazy time That was a turn off my vagina dried so much. I mean I never have sex with you again. I would I would love it I would love it, but I just imagined the crow with like little tiny bird floaties and like a little tiny bird bath Just made just for it. Just living the Hollywood life and there's the comedy The bird there's a comedy from George right there The cloud wants a bird bath. Let that sink in I thought it was huge. They're all laughing at home. They're all laughing at home
Starting point is 00:42:53 Just let it sink in Gilbert had to remove himself off screen. What he said What do you say Gilbert bird bath wait? Well first it was the decibel volume. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah Sometimes yeah, yeah a little bird floaties. Yeah. Yeah. Just let it sink. Just let it sink in that I like let's have a moment of silence sipping my time. Let's have a moment of silence. Jesus for that joke I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I'm gonna get the Paris見lers stay off throwing it out there baby. I love you. It's all about risk It's all about risk versus reward, baby I don't like when you do that. I know I love it Because your next step mom's comes over and a little bikini
Starting point is 00:43:39 Oh, he's not done. He's doubling down. He's doubling down Doubling down. He said cronin. Yes. Yeah. Yeah, try to do one more George. Come on, George. Oh Shit Are you doing this thing? I don't care. We're not gonna. We're not gonna continue until you've said George umbrella Don't don't use umbrella. Go ahead my time next door What there's nothing else that can heighten this Okay, there isn't all right anyway, and Bobby's out there with a little Cabana umbrella holding it over the
Starting point is 00:44:16 Little Leonard the crow on margarita mix. I'm okay with a little fan. Yeah, and Keeping him cool. Maybe spritzing him off with like one of those little fans with little spritzer waters. Mm-hmm. Okay, very descriptive A little waiter towel let it sink in Anyway, um, I Don't like it. I don't I love it. I love you George. I love it. So um, what do we do though? So a month goes to buy. What do we do? What do you mean? If if if For starters, I'm not waiting a month I'm already in contact with a wildlife rescue if I have to somehow capture him get his legs splinted
Starting point is 00:44:54 And rehabilitated that's what that's what I'll do But my point in like seeing if he'll get better on his own is because I don't want to separate him from his family His family is circling above like oh, yeah, they do come they do come by come by and check on him They check on them and they sit down and they'll eat some of the food that's not for them. That's I'll let it slide, but It's not for you John. All right. It's we're fucking um Leonard the one the you know the one that we were harboring or adopted, you know But so so eventually what they come by and they go all right off you go Leonard. I mean because
Starting point is 00:45:29 My whole Balcony is white shit now. I don't what you listen. I are cleaning it today. Okay? We have to clean it every day the white poo because It's not good. What is it white? Have you ever thought about that? My shit's not white. Kalala. No, but we we we just fed it. It's why it's not expert But I wonder why it's always so white. They eat nuts and shit that we eat. Yeah, but isn't like have you ever heard of what guano is? Yeah, one of some of the richest people on this planet are very rich because of guano Yeah, because of certain minerals that are in guano that like you can extract You can mine certain things from bird shit
Starting point is 00:46:11 Interesting. It's like gold Here's the answer the answer lies the fact that birds unlike mammals don't produce urine instead They excrete nitrogenous waste in the form of uric acid. Which is why is uric acid white? I don't know why paste why shit brown white paste. We'll never know the answer because we have uric acid and we don't So it's uric acid. All right. Anyway, what is in guano that is valuable? Uh, let me look that up I've never done and is it the sultan of brunei? That got rich over guano
Starting point is 00:46:42 Uh, I don't have that answer. Sorry Just put sultan of brunei guano. So we'll do a fucking crow update every week We'll do a fucking crow update every week. I'm done talking about lennard Okay, fuck lennard He's the luckiest bird on the earth We're very we're very we're very we're we he landed on the right balcony. Let's just say that. Oh, I like that He lied. Yeah And he's a very lucky bird. That was his strategic landing too. Yeah, she was telling me this is what she was telling me
Starting point is 00:47:16 And I agree with it. I tried not my head. I go, okay, if that that doesn't make any sense. But okay, this is what koala thinks is Leonard Was you know, his wing was busted up His leg was all fucked up. He's like, oh shit. I can't fly anymore. I have to land. I have to let this shit heal But he flew around Our houses and went I'm gonna land on that one because I like those people Mm-hmm What do you think
Starting point is 00:47:48 I've never fucked with the crows They don't know about my behavior, baby. They watch you all day. They know exactly who you are They see me out there smoking. Yep. They know exactly who you are and they said they he was able to make a What do you call it a calculated risk and say I think those people's balcony is High enough so I don't get got by night time predators or coyotes They're they there are their animals are never out there on the balcony because they're always in the backyard And I know that it's within it's visible to them. I'll be visible to them. So they'll know to feed me That's how smart I think crows are I might be wrong. Also, I'm doing a little
Starting point is 00:48:31 I I'm thinking too deeply about this. I'm like, isn't it a coincidence that it's part of the corvid family? It's one letter away from coveted During a pandemic and then Don't do it. Um Don't do it. Um She's onto something. She's onto something. Yeah, and then and then girl. Not the bullshit. Um, thanks Thanks. Yep. And then and then bobby Um
Starting point is 00:49:01 bobby saw the crow and then he he as as the crow was eating his Blueberries and apples that we had just fed it He played the beetle song blackbird and then we started crying There was a moment that I had And I just started crying and part of the moment was the homie weak The what what we were thinking was These birds that are so absolutely fucking brilliant. We've seen as
Starting point is 00:49:31 You know bringers of bad news because you know, they're they look we've always like tied them in with a feeling of like Ominous with an ominous feeling, right? When really it just is a brilliant fucking bird And so we play that song we cried for no fucking reason and then he built a architectural digest birdhouse That's pretty good birdhouse Um, so maybe maybe we're looking into it too deeply of all the corvid and all of that stuff But but I like to tell you about my future If I may what's your future about? So I'm going to let people know that when is bobby lee gonna go out and do the road
Starting point is 00:50:09 And I have made a decision. I am going to start going on the road in september Nice, and I'm tired of fucking you pieces of good people out there You hold on you see good people out there. See I shifted. Yeah very good pieces of fucking good people out there All right accent too Are saying, you know, I've read some comments bobby lee's afraid He let the he let the coronavirus, you know instill fear in him because he won't go out You know, um, there's a lot of things that I have a lot of character defects. I really do Um, clientele knows about him. It's in her face every day
Starting point is 00:50:49 It's in her face. I receive it. I accept it. I can I will Yeah, I you know, there's a lot of frailties I have but you know I have performed in front of 20,000 people before and gotten booed off stage And then chose to do the same show the next night All right, if you call that fear You can call that fear, but I do have fears in my life But I've always gone out and I've tried to live my life To the best of my ability and to walk through very scary situations and I've done that in my life
Starting point is 00:51:25 I know that for a fact I was petrified when I was 28 years old 29 years old when I was asked to do Jay Leno I did stand up on Jay. What did you wear and how I wore brown? Um dickies who chose it. I did I had no money. So I just had I used to wear Brown dickies skate shoes and a black thermal shirt Right, so I kind of look like a who went with you that day my brother Steve my manager and my agent who are still my manager and agents
Starting point is 00:51:55 And I remember being behind the curtain and I remember Jay Saying beforehand he goes. Well, um, don't worry about it. Only six me 16 million people are gonna watch And I go, oh, yeah. Oh shit. Oh fuck And I remember behind being behind that curtain and hearing Jay go So this next comic come to the stage. Um, is this first national, you know, his first national television appearance Uh, he's he he's he performs it though. He's a regular at the comedy story here in hollywood, california Bobby Lee And I remember walking
Starting point is 00:52:31 so scared You don't you don't know what that's like people. It's your all the moisture from your mouth is gone Did they give you only one shot? You get one shot. There's no there's no there's no two over Really? There's no two over you do what you do. I thought it was edited. Yeah, I thought that too. I was like, oh really? Have you done it fuckface? Yeah, I did Craig Ferguson. I did okay Oh, you did do Craig? No, I Missed that guy. I I did too So, you know, there's no do over and your your mouth is dry and you go out there and you see the first thing you see is the lights
Starting point is 00:53:09 Right, then you see then the next thing you see is the audience And then the third thing you see which is the most petrifying is the cameras because you have like four or five cameras like, you know, and then you're highly aware that Jay Leno and I think was um Christina Ricci was the guest before me. So they're sitting sitting there just you know And I remember going to the mic holding the mic going uh-oh That's not a good thought
Starting point is 00:53:40 But that's the first thing that ended my mind uh-oh And then just having this overwhelm overwhelming feeling of adrenaline And going, you know, you're doing your life depends on this This is you know, you know in everyone people's lives You have moments where you have to deliver You have moments where you know instinctually that you have to hit the ball Because you get one chance
Starting point is 00:54:13 And at that time I had no money. I had no future. I barely was with the agency that I was with I had no money and um, I had to do it. All right. So if you're saying that bobby lee is living in fear go fuck yourself Sorry for saying it like that way and you're good. You guys are pieces of good human beings Come out to the shows come out to the shows But that's at the point the reason why I don't go out and stuff isn't necessarily Will I beat the virus or or whatnot is I'm just trying to be mindful about other people Because I know this if my mom got it. She's dead My mom's 80 years old
Starting point is 00:54:51 You know, she's held this moderately good for her age, but she's an old lady. She could die. She's 80 Yeah, she looks young. Thank you. My point is is that it's not for me. It's not for it's you know, I don't want You know my fans to go out to my shows early on who have um A physical condition that I'm not aware of and they get the code covid at my show You know, so I'm just trying to be mindful about that kind of stuff But so I've made a decision I'm gonna go in September because I'm not afraid. I want I need to go out there I want to see everybody. Yeah And um now my survey has nothing to do with what you just said
Starting point is 00:55:28 It has something to do with the one you talked about later. Now. I don't want to take my survey What's the survey do the survey? Survey with kalilah survey When when you're speaking to someone Or let's say you're in a position where you're you're speaking publicly or to a friend or to a group of people And then you have a frog in your throat like a little bubble and your voice kind of goes home like less Right. Do you stop regroup?
Starting point is 00:55:57 Make attention to the fact that you have to frog in your throat giggle about it move on Or do you try to work through the frog in your throat? Or if it's if it's you or if you're listening to someone with a frog in your throat Do you laugh and say? Hey Like punch that frog out your throat. Yep. I call it out and or you do you call it out? Or do you just hope that they're they they they get through it? I try to power I try to power through it Power through the frog. I try to call I try to power through it as myself
Starting point is 00:56:22 Knowing I have it then I call it out if I hear it. I'm like, oh, it's probably your throat Are you able to work through it guild? No, someone then calls me out then I call and then talk Yeah, you've done it. You go cry in a corner twice Kalilah in my life Did I ever tell you about this story about the guy that I helped get on a stand-up television show any bombed? Yes, yes, yes, George. I've said it on this podcast. Yes. I I remember it, but you can tell it again television show. Okay now Did I ever say this George? I remember I don't remember He doesn't also remember what your elementary school was so move on. Yeah, also. I don't I'm not going to say names because I think it's mean So I'm not going to say names and I'll make it quick
Starting point is 00:56:59 I was I was asked to do a television show to do stand-up And I said I'll only do it because I had already done it before I only do it if you put my friend on Who's also a stand-up and they go? Yeah, but you know, we don't know him. I go. Yeah, no, but he's good And at the time I hung out with him a lot So they go, all right So the night of the show I'm sitting there. I'm gonna tell you the story. I'm sitting there and so I had picked them up to go do the TV show so we go to the place and
Starting point is 00:57:32 I go up and I I do okay, and then so all the comics are in a In a room with a monitor watching the show, right? Because they when you do a show like this a stand-up show They just film six shows at a night with the same audience sometimes sometimes they switch out the audience So, um, my friend is about to go up that I beg to get on the show And I'm sitting there with a bunch of comics. They introduced my friend He goes up the spot Mike He opens his mouth And nothing comes out
Starting point is 00:58:06 For 45 seconds He goes like this he goes Ah, that would be me and he can't talk And then eventually he starts to get on the show And then eventually he starts getting He He started he turned at that point. It's too late. The audience has had half the audience has gone up to go to the bathroom He froze. That's sad. I thought that would have been me. Absolutely. What I did what I did was
Starting point is 00:58:35 Equally as mean I left him there Are you dead? Yeah, I drove him there So what he had to do he had to wait till the end of the night and he got a ride from joey Diaz Oh like you left him left him picked him up to go to the show because you wanted to dissociate I was so livid because he made me look like a fool Yeah, but he probably felt like a fool. I know and I'm so I apologized to him a thousand times My god, you're cruel. I am cruel
Starting point is 00:59:08 But because you have to understand like I'm sitting there behind the monitor and I'm with the people that I go You got to put my friend on the producer, right? And so he opens his mouth. Nothing comes out And now you could hear in the in the green room people go start going. Oh, no Right and I'm sitting there blushing And I'm now the people that I said yes, I turned to them and they're kind of looking at me like You know, and you know, I have to admit I wasn't like angry And so I felt something similar like that remember I told you the story of how like my friend was shooting a sizzle reel for his
Starting point is 00:59:47 This is before the ultimate fighter came out. He was doing a sizzle reel I've seen it. I've seen it a battle long beach with Her battle long beach, right? Yeah. Yeah, we're releasing that. Hey, I need please god Now we already did a little clip of it on instagram and not too long ago patreon gets the whole thing. Oh god and so um Oh my god, so he was like, will you just say a few lines help me out for like my sizzle reel? I was like, yeah, I can do it But I went into
Starting point is 01:00:18 Sure of myself thinking that yeah, of course I can like speak in front of a camera, but I'd never done it in my life Right and they had a whole production which I wasn't aware. I thought I was just gonna be him Like filming me in front of an octagon. She hates lights And so when when I showed up to the place and then the lights came on and everything Jessica was there Do you know the number of times she had to dab my up the sweat on my upper lip? Because they kept saying hey wipe her face out because it was just a
Starting point is 01:00:44 oil slick And I was pale and I couldn't get the words out and to a point where they were feeding me not line by line word by word and I was Just so I was that person. I was your friend, but you know what? Jessica drove me home She didn't leave me there So what you're saying is there's two types of koreans. There's two types of koreans Oh, if I was bobby's friends, I would have just started walking home
Starting point is 01:01:14 I don't care. That's uh, wait, I would not have wanted to be in the car with bobby after. Oh, that would have been night They're also driving with you. Oh, shit. What happened? Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on, baby. You're still good. You're still good. We're good. We're here Oh What were you saying say to say what you just said I just said I would not want to I would have started walking home if I was your friend I would not have wanted to ride home with you. I would have just started off the stage going out the door But I I thought the whole way the story gets And I I believe that my move was the right move
Starting point is 01:01:44 Because I made the experience so terrible for him The whole night was a night I mean they wouldn't pay him either because he didn't money to they wouldn't pay him You know at the end of the show everyone gets invited on stage to wave to the audience He wasn't invited on the stage And he had to wait there all night long. It was a terrible night for him But then um a couple of years later. I was just watching television And I watched premium blend
Starting point is 01:02:08 And he was on it Wow And he's also had many specials now after that But his premium blend was so powerful. I cried It was like night and day He especially especially when he went to the mic. I could see he just talked right away Confidence. He said what's up? He just went in there and just started talking And um, you know, it was a lesson to learn and I've had many of those experiences, but wait, wait, hang on
Starting point is 01:02:34 That's the story of Trevor Noah It still doesn't justify you leaving a friend there like you cannot you can't You can't let's not glaze over this Yeah, that's like, you know, you know what it's like to be left behind or mistreated or being cruel towards like You can't do this trial by fire with people you hate walking into an audition room and the casting director be an absolute You know Bitch to you right up front. You like people who light candles who give you the space to do your best Right, so you can't do trial by fire with people like
Starting point is 01:03:15 Sometimes you can go back and say oh, maybe that work. Maybe that's the reason why he's so good right now But it's not to say he would have been even better and gotten there faster If you had just shown a little bit of like love and empathy when he was shitting him shitting himself on tv That's so mean that's like cause for like breaking up my friendship with someone If I bombed that hard on national tv and Jessica just bailed on We wouldn't be friends today I fucked up I fucked up
Starting point is 01:03:53 I'm sorry. I fucked up But you know that was before also, you know, I I had lived a completely different life after that, you know What happened after that in my own personal life is that my career died So, you know, it does not laughing matter gilbert. Yeah. Yeah. I my career absolutely died for many many many years Where I couldn't get anything I couldn't get gigs. It was terrible. So You know, maybe karma got me and I've learned from that am I like that today? I am not I'm a nice guy when bobby and I first in our first like two years together The stuff that we would get excited about that he could potentially be cast for
Starting point is 01:04:30 It's like you guys would would laugh at now Remember that? No, like it would be like a nicolodian show with the 15th lead on a nicolodian show would be like and we'd be jumping on the bed like Or there was this one sketch show with like a no-name guy And um, it was like seriously like super low budget and bobby went into audition And then the whole time like we wouldn't wear our hands and knees that night like please god Please let him get the part. Please let him get the part And I remember like we have to look back at those times, you know, and you're like, yeah, you you are doing so well
Starting point is 01:05:15 Yeah, I mean I I would one time I remember flying to new york and to audition for They flew me to new york to audition for larry will morn show. Yeah Oh, and I remember going in there And there was you know The cast of people that are on those shows now those types of people were auditioning I remember doing it just eating it and then I remember It was raining in new york waiting in the rain and I remember um This is so I guess I can say it so
Starting point is 01:05:51 Vince Vaughn doesn't like me We all know this. I've already said it. Okay, and I I'm okay with that. How do you know how he feels today? I don't know. I don't know how he probably loves you I don't know but I remember at the time he didn't yeah, and I remember him and kevin james were promoting a movie and I was in the rain, right soaking rain and And kevin james's manager Is best friends with my manager. Yeah, so jeff. So jeff comes up to me gives me a hug
Starting point is 01:06:21 He goes, we just got to go and I remember kevin and they don't even look at me They just walk by They get in this limo and they drive off and I remember having to stand in that rain for like another hour before like Someone picked me up. Oh, and that's right and your suitcase exploded. Yeah, my suit is exploded was that's why we have the rimoa The green one now because you had to buy that in new york. Yeah, it was it exploded in the rain And he had to walk to the audition with like a plastic bag of his. Oh my god It was overnight marriage. So, you know, I you know, you know, you live and you learn but um But that was it was some bad times there. Um, I I think what we what are we doing on we can get to you on helpful advice
Starting point is 01:07:01 Go ahead Okay, anyways I'm hopeful advice with bobby at kalilah Uh, hi tiger belly. I've been a big fan for a couple months now and I love listening to your podcast to inspire and make me laugh Thank you all. Um, I'm at the end of the year of high school about to go to university I'm really anxious about finding friends because I didn't have any meaningful relationships in high school And even when I thought I did they ended up abandoning me So for the last year, I've ate lunch in bathroom stalls by myself and sometimes I don't even eat
Starting point is 01:07:32 I've always tried to be truthful. Maybe I was too outspoken about weird things And I don't know if I just try to change that about myself to make myself more acceptable as a friend I told them about my dreams and things I'm working towards in the future And it put pressure on me, uh, that they abandoned me to work harder They abandoned me to work harder and to really go for it Now I have trust issues with friends and I feel like I should be alone in the process of following my dreams because it makes It me more hungry to succeed at the end of the time It makes me hungry to succeed, but at the same time I feel lonely and sad
Starting point is 01:08:01 How should I go about university should I chase my dreams in the dark until I succeed josh? I'm 17 you first In my high school highway high school. We had this thing called the senior wall So basically it was like this kind of in the middle of our campus was this Big brick wall, but there was like steps to it. So seniors would sit there and eat lunch And you would have to walk by them, right? So it was basically the epicenter of
Starting point is 01:08:30 That whole quad in the in the middle of the our campus was where You know all the kids But you could go off on these little nooks and crannies is where all the hashers and I went to the back of the school Right and I would eat my lunch, you know, I mean with one person or by myself Um, I I didn't feel uncomfortable at the senior wall. I just preferred it. Um You know, there was moments back then when I was young where I um Was more into philosophical ideas what it's life all about and also um being more introspective and kind of gravitating toward more
Starting point is 01:09:09 Characters like catcher in the rye, you know me or hold in hold. Oh, yeah Hold in Caulfield or you know reading books like notes from the underground or just, you know, I was just very um existential about um How I viewed life and how I viewed the meaningless of life And being alone and also, you know, you know, I I expressed that, you know I was kind of an incel like I couldn't get girls And so, you know, but did that ever make you feel like you wanted to hate girls? No, no And you're not an incel. You were never an incel. Don't call yourself that I was you were not just because you can't want to
Starting point is 01:09:44 Yeah, but incel being an incel is is is is is a completely different thing than not getting laid I thought incel was a celibate unintentional. No, it's it's a group of people who are Who are obviously like celibate, but who have a Burning rage and resentment towards women. Yeah. I mean, I did. I mean, I you know, I You know, I I always found a baffling that like I remember back then thinking You know, you know abused wives who you know, who stay in those I didn't get all that stuff I'm right. I thought, you know, I know like I remember having like jocks Girlfriends like, you know, friends of mine and the I would listen to them talk and go. Yeah
Starting point is 01:10:27 I mean, all I care about is I want a partner who's I'm extremely funny You're right. And then you're like, but you're you're dating tom That's the most unfunniest guy, you know me Tom DeLong though, baby But some other tom or jimmy you're dating jimmy the guy that thinks that like lighting his forts on fire is funny It's funny. I know it's very funny. I was like even back then I was way funnier than them I see the point. Yeah, right. And it's like and it's like no
Starting point is 01:10:58 And I always looked at that but then, you know, I accepted my situation But and also I look back in those times as happy times for some reason I miss some of that, you know, I miss some of that struggle and some of that me against the world kind of thing So dude, I just think that, you know Youth and young age some kids have a lot of confidence and but you know, a lot a lot of kids They they get their shine on in their 20s And some kids get their shine on in their 30s Or even in their or in their 40s. Like I think I got my shine on in my 40s. I agree. So did George, right?
Starting point is 01:11:34 So my point is is that um It'll happen and when it happens, it feels great But also you'll look back in your life and go God, I missed some of those times. I'd like I'd like to add something though. It sounds as if that at maybe at times you're Intentionally trying to avoid people or trying to avoid making friends I don't think you should close those doors If you just don't naturally have a group of people that to hang out with that's fine
Starting point is 01:12:04 But if you're intentionally trying to kind of isolate yourself from people, I don't think that's healthy either You should allow People to surprise you. You should allow you should keep those Doors open because at the end of the day humans are kind of flock birds And we do need Relationships with people to ultimately learn more about ourselves like there's only so much Introspection and things we can learn about ourselves when we're alone. We have to kind of You know bounce that around people and see how that works in the world
Starting point is 01:12:35 To learn who we really are how we treat people how we like being treated things like that, you know, and um Um, but bobby is right. Maybe you'll get your shine on in your 20s. Maybe in your 40s, and that's okay. You know You just didn't peak early. That's a great thing You don't want to and if you've peaked early, that's okay, too Look at george. Just look at george, and then you'll feel better george and I did yoga yesterday and gilbert was Offplaying warzone with you first. He said he's like i'm doing my own workout guys And then I realized I was like you screaming gilbert's name I was like, he's not doing his own workout. He's doing warzone with bobby. She also did get a workout in and uh, you know
Starting point is 01:13:15 Haven't made any growth I work out less that too. Um You know, I've been thinking about warzone just real quick. I want to end it with it. Um, Why I like it. Um, it is a time for me to bond with my brother steve It is a time, you know gilbert and I I feel like I've grown closer because of the game I don't really talk to him ever but now You know, I talk when we do do we talk way more now Yeah, but our also our moments are before the camera when we do talk
Starting point is 01:13:44 I know but we don't talk as much as we do now true true true true true There's I there's quirks about you that I learned from the game And hearing things at how you just I didn't know much about you until the game Basically put it this way is what he said. This is what he said He's like, I don't know why I just my friend. He's like, I just respect gilbert more now From winning a game Yeah Not all the good deeds you've done for us all throughout this year's guild. I respect you now
Starting point is 01:14:15 Thank you, man. I appreciate now, you know, I respect your gameplay. I respect your leadership I expect your um bravery and your courage. Thank you All right. Hey you mr. RPG. Thank you mr. RPG. No, I'm learning to do other things as well. So let's um You know, let's hope that a new role playing game comes out so I can fucking quit that dumb fucking game Hey, what's a hesher again? Like a stoner Hesher, I've never heard that like like Sean Penn in fast times. I love that guy. But was that a hesher? Yes Anyway, thanks for listening to another episode of tiger belly. Um, we love you guys so much and um, we really do And this is my family and I like I love connecting with you guys and hopefully um in the near future when I go on the road
Starting point is 01:15:03 We can meet And we can be around each other embrace embrace, you know, mindfully Yeah, but um, God bless you Hey, take care and good night Hey prime members you can listen to tiger belly ad free on amazon music Download the amazon music app today or you can listen ad free with wondery plus in apple podcast Before you go tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at wondery.com slash survey

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