TigerBelly - Ep 261: Steve-O Lasts 431 Days

Episode Date: September 2, 2020

Bobby uses the deadliest weapon. Steve-O hires a cock-blocker. We talk heckling Samuel L. Jackson, the Sam Tripoli car crash incident, vasectomy Olympics, and sky-jacking. www.patreon.co...m/tigerbelly Please support our sponsors.See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening ad-free on Wondery Plus. I want to be real with you, bro I mean Steve. I was being real about you before you got here. Yeah. Yeah. Well, let's be real with each other Dude, you know, let's get it all out here, man I'll do what I do. You do what you do, man. You want to start? Three, two, one. What's up, you guys? Welcome to another episode of the What's it called? Tiger Pally. Fuck man. I'm your captain Bobo aka the King, Slap King, baby. What's up? You know, yeah, I sucked a couple of dicks. I Shouldn't open that way fuck, but more pussy. There we go way more pussy dude. There we go. You know what I mean? Like thousands
Starting point is 00:01:06 Wow 10 10 only 10. We got I want to introduce people in the room George my god you guys so on Instagram somebody just Direct message me. Yeah, I will not continue to listen to your podcasting because you bully people around you You bully understand Tino you bully all the people and Tiger Pally You're just a bad guy. You're 50 and you behave this way. You should be ashamed of yourself So, um, you know that really struck home with me and I went oh fuck I got a change because this guy, you know all for him all for him. He knows
Starting point is 00:01:44 So I'm gonna be different and I'm gonna give people Compliments and be nice. That's George. God damn it dude for white dude. No white dude people are the best And you represent your fucking people High you're the highest quality Wow Hi, you're the highest quality aside from Schindler and Tom Hanks Schindler from Schindler's list true great man You're up there in the top somewhere million
Starting point is 00:02:12 Of all white people. That's a lot. You're great Gilbert your face isn't that flat If you look sideways you could still you still see the nose part Okay, and so I've been ripping you apart how you have a flat fucking totem like face Yeah, you know what I mean? I call you pan face of Google whatever I might call you. Yeah, all right. I apologize You're a human being dude, and you have a three-dimensional face. Congratulations. Thank you so much. You've graduated sweetie. Thank you Thank you. You're welcome I say good things to her all the time. Yeah, yeah, yeah, um I've had a 3d face for a very long. Yeah, very good
Starting point is 00:02:53 It's a little three-dimensional for me It's great too many peaks and valley. It's a great fucking face and You know it this is a real I'm glad he Direct messaged me because the guest that we have today is this is a perfect guy to just have this topic Around because I have to say this many many many many many many many many many many many years ago I saw this dude, and I didn't trust him. I Was scared of him you know I mean because I was a huge fan of jackass Yeah, you know I was a huge fan of what they did as a unit, but this dude was like a walking meth scab
Starting point is 00:03:31 I mean I was Bro He'd be around I'd be like I gotta walk the other way. I mean anything could happen Okay, right. I remember saw seeing them at the Mint They were at the Mint and they were doing a jackass live thing I think we man was there you were there, right and they were stapling their fucking nuts ex that are thighs I left ten minutes into it. I thought it was some sort of demon demonology convention
Starting point is 00:04:01 Demonology convention. I was so scared right, but I have to say this and listen to me right now And this is the truth, and I'm not I'm not gonna mince words here. This is not funny. This is real, okay? So, you know, I had been sober since I was 17 years old, right? And I you know and then I relapsed everyone knows my story at third when I was 31 or 32 Then I stayed sober for another 17 years, and I think all the you know when you're sober for a very long time in your head You start kind of going is it real? You know does does 12-step groups work that you know, I mean am I a part of a cult? What is going on here? Am I you know and I have to say you said I could say whatever I want to but you know
Starting point is 00:04:49 You know you and I did a I don't want to bring this up because kind of embarrassing for you But we you and I did a okay you and I did a you and I did a um we were I think we were in Vegas Do you remember that? Okay, all right. Well, you know what so that you can talk. I'm just gonna say your name so you can talk Steve oh give her a round of applause evil. All right. Yeah, dude. Yeah, do you remember that? I do man Yeah, I was and I was a pile. I remember it was a video game award. Yeah Something like that. It's some award show. Yeah Vegas and as with the word shows you've got the Rehearsal right they run through it and I showed up to this rehearsal and they just kicked me out
Starting point is 00:05:31 It was a you and I were supposed to present in a word together. So it was you and I together shoulder shoulder on the stage Yeah, yeah, and I was just in a state. I was I was drunk. I hadn't slept for for maybe days I was I was utterly Intoxicated and I don't even know on how many substances and they kicked me the hell out of there and you had I had to do it By myself, you know that I'm sure that you did Yeah, I'm sure you were thrilled to do it by yourself after what a meth scab. I Was a fucking mess. That's a great way to put it. I was a real meth scab that day. Yeah, I remember We're up there rehearsing. I think was Samuel Jackson was hosting it. Uh-huh. Yeah. Yeah, you yelled something at him
Starting point is 00:06:16 Oh, yeah. Yeah, I think you yelled why are you doing this? You're a movie star You're a movie star. Why are you doing this? You're sell out and then all of a sudden I see security people drags away From the stage, right? And I'm and then I this is I distinctly remember it was Brian Poussain and Patton Oswald were in the audience because they were next or whatever and I remember looking at Brian Poussain and Patton Oswald And they both simultaneously listening went We're so sorry
Starting point is 00:06:48 Right, and then you you left and I'm like what the fuck just happened and then I heard you were like Band I mean you probably not anymore, but you were banned from the casino, right? Oh, man I'm sure I'm banned from plenty of kids Yeah, yeah, so anyway, so now cut to that experience I have with him and Then you know and then I remember I heard that Steve got sober And you know and when people when you hear that you go Is that you know, I maybe it won't work because I don't be fair most of the time it does not work it's a large majority of
Starting point is 00:07:28 Alcoholics and addicts that never achieve long-term sobriety, right? Oh, they only have a 15% This is what I heard, you know recovery rate or whatever. It's like less like I've heard it's more like five. Oh, really? I heard yeah, I fucking high-balled it. Oh, yeah, so five percent So yeah, you know knowing that you know, I you know been around a long time in sobriety I thought it's gonna be a fleeting thing. Let's hope I pray that he gets it It's it's like a phoenix, bro This guy transformed he he literally put so much more energy into my So brought you because in my head. I'm like, dude, it does fucking work because to see the change within this man
Starting point is 00:08:10 You're a completely different guy You really are I mean, I mean, you're almost like two goody-two shoes for me, man. Well, I don't know about that I mean you became a vegan, right? Are you still vegan? No, I'm back on the fish. Oh, you're back on the fish Yeah, other than fish. I haven't had any meat for over 12 years. Wow Oh, yeah, and then I think one year you looked at me you go Yeah, man, uh, I'm done with sex for a while. Uh-huh for how long? Um, I did not blow a load for the entire year of 2014. Oh My god, imagine I was completely celibate
Starting point is 00:08:53 What happened when you did blow a load was there was it like the shining instead of blood coming out of the elevator I Mean what up? It was actually It was it was underwhelming and and to be precise it I went 431 days, which is actually a year and three months. Wow 431 days and then I blew a rather unimpressive load Yeah, it landed on my tummy I took a picture of my tummy I sent it to all my buddies. Yeah, they were underwhelmed by the picture. Was it was it?
Starting point is 00:09:31 I wonder if they I don't know. I'm not a medical. You're a more medical person than I am Right cuz you're a nurse nurse What I mean after cuz after two weeks of not masturbating right then then you're gonna blow a monster It's like, you know, I mean, I think 10 days is about the max It's ever gonna get and then you're and then it starts sort of cycling through your body Ah You think that it's just gonna be one giant gridlock of a freeway of just like right just backed up nut Nuts would be like an elephant nut. I
Starting point is 00:10:04 This this all actually played out in my stand-up. You know, it absolutely did it was You know initially when I first started doing stand-up all of my material was Graphic sex stories about encounters that I'd had with various women. Yeah, and it got to a point where it was like, okay People were calling me out there like man, you know, like all this sex material and your stand-up is like really kind of cringy You know, and maybe you're getting away with it now, but how long does that work? You know, like do you want to be? 50 and like, you know, yeah, dude. I'm like Like no, yeah, and so I I I saw that I was on a path to where it was just gonna be straight up Pathetic and pressing yeah to behave that way and I also subscribed to the idea that
Starting point is 00:10:53 That real happiness was dependent on me learning how to have a healthy relationship Wow, and so I just I decided I am going to stop fooling around You know with random chicks on the road and I couldn't do it, dude I couldn't do it everywhere like every time I'd come back from a trip and I'd like I'd go to my sponsor I was dude. I did it again, man Like I was you know, I was just like it's the definition of powerlessness, you know when you can't keep a promise You can't you when you don't want to do something you do it anyway Yeah, and and I ended up getting into therapy and and the therapist recommended that I go into a
Starting point is 00:11:28 Intensive outpatient sexual addiction treatment program, which I totally did and then that was followed by the 431 days Wow, you know and and and when I was I was touring after I got out of the the sex rehab Then you know, I had all these tour dates. I'm like, dude, how am I gonna do it? Yeah, so I hired a cock blocker My guy Scott Randolph who's my guy like really he started out a hundred percent as a cock blocker That was his only job Wow, I was I remember reaching out to him because I knew that he was kind of on the same tip You know so this sort of sobriety deal and I was like, hey, man
Starting point is 00:12:08 like Can you come with me on the road just to be there to to help me like, you know not act out and And I remember because I had just before that I tried like an actual sober companion Oh, I had to pay this guy like 1500 bucks or some stupid amount of money for a weekend and like we were driving up to Some fucking comedy club. I'm on the highway driving this guy's like Chevin his cell phone in my face to show me is like acting real Oh, no, no, I don't want to crash my car with you networking while I'm paying you 1500 bucks
Starting point is 00:12:48 Yeah, we can know I had and so I was just like this doesn't work And I reached out to Scott and I was like, hey, man, can you come with me on this trip to Tennessee? And Scott was like, ooh, man, I really would love to but he's like I'm just like I don't really have the cash to be buying airplane tickets. It's like dude. I got you. All right I got you and then so I told Scott that That you know that I sell t-shirts and books after my show and I'm always I've always got a comedy club employee doing it for me And I give him a dollar per sale. Yeah, so I was like, well do that and like, you know So actually I'll pay for your tickets your hotel everything and we get just some revenue out of it
Starting point is 00:13:23 So Scott shows up in the first show. He's like, wait, wait, you don't have a credit card reader Like he's like you don't sell hats like like he just Completely turned my operation into this now every show I do We turn it into a fucking flea market. Oh Like we change he did two things then pop lock. Oh, dude. That's his number one job right cock block and and and the the merchandising operation and then he he built my online merchandising operation from the ground up and then and and we
Starting point is 00:13:56 Became became like production partners and everything the that we do with all the youth all the content, you know Wow, and and before this year Or maybe let I don't know the last few years. It's been a 2014 is a huge year of productivity. Yeah, when you take away all of the distraction all the time wasted all of the Chasing around and like just it frees up a lot of time Yeah, you know, and then I ended up with you know, achieving my goal or I'm now I'm engaged to be married I'm in a relationship. I have no fucking distractions. No distractions at all and I have a partner Who helps me accomplish my goals, you know, like it's insane how how laser focused?
Starting point is 00:14:41 Like it's just this whole operation. I've got all these people around me helping me do Awesome stuff, man. Like I'm just super stoked. Yeah, I mean like I said, whatever I'm hearing right now Out of your fucking mouth was not what I met meth scabs. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No, it was like a googly monster. Oh, yeah Needle he really was yeah, and to see this is this and I'm you know what I'll be honest every time I see you It just makes me like just kind of happy and Kind of joyous, you know, like it says in the book. I feel when I'm around you. I'm like, oh fuck I'm in the right. I'm doing the right thing. It kind of just encourages me
Starting point is 00:15:23 You mean to stay on the path of it because when I see him I he's such a fucking miracle to me that I just it just inspires me dude And here's another thing that you did what that was mind-blowing was you went from? Stapling your nuts to your chest or whatever you were doing holes in your nuts Um, I mean if I look at your nuts, dude, I don't want every year you wouldn't notice any scarring from the various Staples through my nuts. It's not my nuts through my scrotum. Oh Scrotum to do there have been times when the staple holes became infected But even still even in those cases no no scarring. Wow, I've been blessed with beautiful skin
Starting point is 00:16:07 It's hard for me to hang on to a scar. Yeah, really one curious question before you went on your 431 days The last nut that you took was there's some type of like ritual or prayer that you did Do you remember what it was like? Oh, this is my last one for a long time It wasn't even like like I like I said I was in therapy and with the the therapist He had it was you know recommending like go like two weeks or something You know and like whatever the the period of time that I was going for I can never make it, you know I'd so it was just if there was a series of failures and and And I and I would go down the road and I'd come back to the therapist and I'd be like dude
Starting point is 00:16:52 I acted out you know like I didn't want to do that and and and so then he recommended going into the the that program and that was just when it was just I was all in I was all But what I'm what I want to know is the date. Okay, I just don't I don't remember that there was where this is like he like Conjuring up an idea of like the the crackhead like just hitting the crack before Intervention yeah when before they get on the plane right it really loaded, right? So they're drunk on the plane ride. They're hopped up on a plane ride. So that's what I imagine in my head, right? I don't remember a Ceremonial final. Okay. Yeah. No, but what I want to know is
Starting point is 00:17:36 When you decided to do it after all that time, did you it was it in a calendar or did you just wake up and go? All right today's the day How does that work do you do you time it out? I'm just gonna do it this day on Thursday at 8 p.m. Or is it just was it just you just woke up and went? Yeah, fuck it. It wasn't a question of fuck it. It was something that that that I did consciously and deliberately and You know on some level in consultation
Starting point is 00:18:08 You know, like that's the sort of how you do it, but I didn't plan it or schedule it there There wasn't a set time. It was just okay tonight. I'm gonna Put myself to bed Do you like candles for yourself? I Didn't I didn't but I just had my cell phone ready to get that selfie And you know do it to your imagination. Oh, yeah, for sure. Yeah, like It's it's it's a slippery slope with yeah, the uh, I imagine you know now with sex addiction There are you know, we say that we hear this at all of our things like there are certain activities that some
Starting point is 00:18:48 Attics need to abstain something from that are perfectly cool for others, you know, like some some people porno is a really really Dangerous like, you know activity and you point at me. I just my thumb just went It just fell this way but the way that and Unlike drugs and alcohol like drugs and alcohol just black and white you're better off without it Yeah, like you just cut it out, you know, but you can't make yourself not a sexual person It's more like food addiction, you know, you have to eat to live, you know, and so sexual sobriety is not about Becoming devoid of sex. It's not about becoming asexual. It's just about
Starting point is 00:19:33 relearning, you know, you're a healthy approach to sexuality, you know to approach sexuality in a way that is not destructive or it brings about shame. Yeah, and So the way that you could Each addict will define their own sobriety, you know, and and we we do that with like you have red light behaviors Where if you do any of that shit, that's a relapse. You have yellow light behaviors where if you do that like then you're you know You're in a danger zone and then there's green light behaviors with what's healthy and what you want to do So that's called a circle plan. What's the institution I went to? Say it's also not an institution. What's a PCS? What's it called?
Starting point is 00:20:14 CHS. What? CHS. No different one, but it's a it's a it's an in-patient. I went to a trauma I went to a trauma inpatient place in Arizona. Are the the gentle path? No, cuz that's a full-on sex one. Yeah, no, but we had mostly people were that were in mostly for No, it was trauma, but they were there was sex addict. Yeah, I mean there was the radix So the red that whole thing the red yellow. I had to write that chart as well. Yeah circle plan Right, right exactly curtailed to each person like yeah, that looks like okay for sure So like some people will have like, you know, if I act out with pornography That's relapse other people, you know, not so much like for me
Starting point is 00:20:54 That would be the the yellow light behavior even though I just don't fuck with that But for me it was like going to strip clubs was not in the thing and then that my therapist or my counselor was like No, that should be in the red. I go why because he goes he was telling me that Because are you partaking in that right these women not all But most nice some right or some right also are people who are victims of trauma, right? And it's just your sight you're you're feeding into that, you know me cycle, right? And so I remember putting that into that porn was in that, you know, and the banana massage parlor What's the bananas I've been a rubbing tug. Yeah, they're up and what's that one?
Starting point is 00:21:43 Is there one called the banana massage You're promoting what I'm like, is that on Fairfax Now that you know the massage joint, yeah, yeah, you know, it's funny with the massage joints before I met you My friend and I my friend and I right. He's like, we should just do it right now. I've never done it before So we went to a place and like a place that he normally goes to and there was a gate And I had a doc with he had to bring it, you know You had to ring up but do a buzzer and that hello and a woman looked through the window and she goes no She looked at me and she goes no then we went to another place same thing happened. No, but did she say yes?
Starting point is 00:22:25 Yeah, yeah places. So I thought I look like a narc Do I look like a narc? I wonder because it's such a Predominantly Asian thing like massage parlors. Yeah, I don't know if that's I don't I don't know Maybe it's the Asian model minority myth, they don't want to see you go down like that Maybe they're they're okay seeing the white man go down, but not not our brother. How that could that could be it Yeah, it could be it or maybe maybe they they They don't want to be They don't want you to see them doing that. Oh
Starting point is 00:23:05 Shame shame. Yeah, how whole how horrifying would it be if you see this right someone open up a curtain and you go mom? Oh, it was your mom that would be a nightmare worst right because then I would have to get in there and just try to fix it Congratulations to us man. Congratulations to us. Isn't it great like to not have like, you know like all of the the attendant fucking stress of like and and dude with with me I was just like one of these fucking jerks where you know, like like I'm super into the girl and then like I hook up with them And I'm not into them anymore. Yeah, you know like that whole it was it was just like sociopathic this fucking pattern of like, you know
Starting point is 00:23:54 pouring on the charm this like like, you know I mean and really feeling like infatuated with with with the woman and pouring on the chum roping her in it was just like the you know the the equivalent of just being like Misleading and exploitative and then neglectful and then abandoning, you know, like it was just fucked up man And and and the shame that I would have like when you know when I went through that cycle It's like I you know here. I burned someone, you know, yeah, I just burned someone with the ghost routine like I would feel So my self-esteem was just fucking non-existent. Yeah, and I think that whenever we're in a position where we Are feeling victimized or resentful
Starting point is 00:24:39 It's the a really helpful thing to be able to put yourself in the shoes of the person Towards you're feeling resentful. Yeah for me is When I behave in that way either with when I act out It's actually with pornography or when I because you know that I had relapsed 10 months ago I heard about that. Yeah, I have 10 months over now, but I relapsed a year ago when after a couple months Yeah When you just like smoked weed like what once or did you like go really out off the deep end?
Starting point is 00:25:10 No, I just smoked weed every day all day long for like two months. Wow. Yeah, and then One day I was back in this house And she look she was there here She had she met me when I was sober and now she's seeing me You know, I mean it fully in my disease range, but he had also lost like 30 pounds in one month. Yeah And he was doing non weed like behavior He was hot like lining up our chimmy with paraphernalia like weird paraphernalia I was like I I don't have I have nothing against we per se
Starting point is 00:25:40 I I just didn't think that he was acting like a pothead. He was acting like a junkie. It was so strange to me This was when your father died my father died and then I um and then one day I was back there And I had smoked I woke up at like 9 a.m. And I smoked all day long and you know, you know I have a you know, we have weed dispensaries So I had asked anybody I had 50 Jars full of the high-end weed so much so much and and and like when you had last smoked weed There was like no such thing as that No
Starting point is 00:26:17 Yeah, they had like dank weed, but nothing like what's it was dank or not dank But no, but I hadn't smoked big when I relapsed So I had 12 years of sobriety when I was 31, but I didn't I only did opiates in that time period So I hadn't smoked weed since I was 17 years old Oh my god All right, I hadn't smoked weed since I was 17 years old. So when I took a couple of drags of a joint that I bought over there at Sweet flower. Yeah. Yeah, these little packets. I was in space For 12 hours, but then what ended up happening is I would get all this high-end weed and I
Starting point is 00:26:56 Smoked I woke up at night in the morning. I smoked all day long and I remember at 9 at night I was just sitting back there with a bong my lungs were shot the hell and I was like, I'm not high. I Couldn't get high anymore. Hmm. I had smoked so much where it would it would take me I would come down so quickly that would have to keep smoking and then in my head. I thought What I gonna have to drink now Yeah, that's where I'm gonna have to start doing opiates again from my vantage point I for sure I was 100% sure that's where he was headed next just just based on the way he was acting On weed alone. Yeah. Yeah, I was like, okay. He's right around the bend from from drinking
Starting point is 00:27:37 Did yeah, go ahead. Did you decide I'm gonna smoke weed and do it right away? Was there? Okay, this is what happened And wanted to be honest with you and I've really really talked about exactly what happened and it's not anyone's fault, okay? So I hadn't been to a meeting in five years You would yeah, he was a dry drunk for sure completely dry. Wow. No, that's why I would say like three I would go like once or twice a year Right to give somebody cake or something like that. I feel like it's not a question of fault It's a question of cause and effect, you know, if you leave, I don't like the way you're talking to me right now
Starting point is 00:28:14 If you leave your Vulcan, what the fuck are you talking about if you leave milk outside the fridge? It's gonna go right. All right I fucked it up. Yeah. Yeah, I mean like I got the alcoholic is like I know man. It's gotta stay plugged in. I know man So what happened was I was doing the steps in reverse I was doing so before my dad died I was doing Sam triple a Sam Tripoli show And you know how all those weed companies support a show So in the back I was sitting in the green room you've been the main room right in the green room And they had that you know that bar where they had all this display of CBD products And I go he got one guy who was there was like dude. It's for free. You're a performer and like yeah, but I'm sober
Starting point is 00:29:01 I'm a sober guy. He's like but CBD is not relapse So I go all right. Well, I guess not. What is that? It's like it's an oil and It's an egg. It's an 18 to 1 So what does the one mean? It's the it's the tea. It's the CBD to tear a shit, right? So I go he goes dude, you're not gonna be able to feel this the THC. It's way too minimal Oh, so that's how it started. Yes, so I dropped that you dropped it in what and I kept dropping it And you're in your eye or your mouth in my mouth Okay, and and it was so much oil that I would drink half a bottle
Starting point is 00:29:36 That it fucking killed my stomach. Yeah, right, but then I would get buzzed So then I had that guy's number. So I called my girl. Do you have eight to one? So they would ship me a to one and I would keep throwing them away I know I already knew what he was up to and I even called your brother and I was like He's trying to get away with some shit right now with CBD products And I know CBD is totally fine, right? And I even asked your brother and brother in your brother's like Oh, I think it's cool. I think that that he we're still okay. So it got to the point where I was doing one-on-one But I was gonna do half a bottle, right? But in my head, I'm like, it's not relapsed. I'll be at the spa
Starting point is 00:30:13 Just completely hide in my mind, right? And then when my dad died when my mom goes puppy daddy in hospice He's gonna die right now and my brother and I I was gonna pick my brother up I just in my head. I had known that had already relapsed right, right and so then I went right to a Weed dispensary and I got a bunch of gummies so I can hide it for my brother Right and oils and all the stuff that you're not None of the smoking substances and some vapes as well so I could hide it and so then I fully relapsed but then
Starting point is 00:30:47 What I don't know if I was sober when I got sober again. I saw Sam Trip Tripoli at the parking lot You weren't sober yet. I was a sober yet. Yeah, but I had already relapsed. I was at the comedy store I saw Sam Tripoli's car and they rammed my car into his car They have it on tape. Why? Because I think that I blame him for my relapse. You associated doing Associated Right where I got the CBD product if I hadn't done a show in my mind that I wasn't in I wouldn't be in this insanity that I wasn't Right and then one day. I couldn't eat or sleep and I and I so you weren't able to see your part
Starting point is 00:31:32 Vulcan guys Vulcan fucking you're right. I mean, I It's all it's my fault. I mean, that's that's that's how that's how I know that's out of shit Where it's everybody else's fault your accent, but actually I did that and then I went to this place To deal with my dad's trauma about his abuse or whatever and in that place. I went I was it was a Sorry, it was in Arizona. I had a spiritual awakening And I got sober again, and I have almost 10 months now good man good meetings all the time zoom I have a sponsor and
Starting point is 00:32:10 I'm never gonna not go And not be in the ticket because twice that happened for me. Yeah, I got long-term sobriety. I Stopped going to meetings and I went out. Well, that's the story of every relapse basically, you know He asked somebody what happened. I started I stopped going to meetings. Yeah, that's like the number, you know Yeah, that's what that's what now back to you Steve Fuck you You fucking guy well before you got into the room we were talking about what a shitty text or backer you are do you remember? Yeah, wait wait you just you were saying we were talking about it. You're bad at texting
Starting point is 00:32:52 There's there's like so many times where I sent you a text and and you just didn't respond and Then do you remember the time when I was like hey, man? I sent you a text that said hey if if there's something that I have done to offend you Can you please let me know what it is? Yeah, you know Otherwise, I'm just gonna stop trying to communicate with you because like I've you know and the detective back on that one We're like you're like no come on dude. It's crazy like of course you haven't done. I love you, dude. Yes, Steve Steve Okay, Steve fucking listen to me man. All right. Yeah Yeah, you're one of my favorite people on planet Earth. I did well. I love you. No, honestly you are okay, and
Starting point is 00:33:37 Everyone has a problem David Spade same thing when he came on here a couple weeks ago You don't text back, you know, everyone says that about me and literally I'm trying to do it now I'm literally trying to do it because I know it's a character defect. I'm fucking gonna try to do it. It's What the thing is? He made a really good point. What was it? What is it? He said no response is a response. Yeah. Oh It's not that's fucking bullshit No respond no no respond I know what you're saying that way that no response is absolutely a response and what is the response? You don't fucking matter. No, that's not that's not I don't fucking care. That's because that's if
Starting point is 00:34:20 Okay, if that's the response then that's not how I feel so that's not the response Okay, but if you send somebody that's you in misinterpreting the respond as a response Right, right. So it's like if I don't respond to you, right? You're and you think to yourself. Wow. No response You know what I mean is a response That's you saying that you came up with that because on this end it's like I didn't barely even read your text That was whoa, that's even worse. That's worse All right, no, just listen, all right So there's certain people who's to or who do matter enough for you to read their texts and there's a lot of other people who don't
Starting point is 00:35:09 No, no, I love I want to go down this line with you and we're gonna go down it. All right, but I'm gonna go down fighting All right, so the one thing in your corner is that I do believe that you would respect David Spade and I've so so Yeah, exactly, right, right. It's not just that. It's everybody has come onto this podcast And said you don't text back. Okay. Yeah, so it's like it's not a personal thing You know, it's just the way I behave. I'm starting to believe that. Okay. So that's number one. All right. That's two That's number one. Okay. Okay. And here's the thing is
Starting point is 00:35:47 Let's go down this path. So, um No response means that um I don't when somebody goes like I hate small talk All right, I hate small talk. So like somebody will text me and go Wow, man. It's really hot today Right. I'm not gonna go. Yeah, man. It's summer. Ha ha ha Yeah, right. So I just don't text back and and they have a whole thing for people like you. It's the thumbs up thing
Starting point is 00:36:18 thumbs up done You gotta add so you should you would that you would that feel better if I liked your message Yeah, I mean some kind of acknowledgement would be uh, it would be kind of cool. All right, you know what you know you're right because say for instance, I'm in a I'm thinking about the people that I care about in my life and it doesn't matter how mundane or dumb or boring or whatever fucking stupid text they send me I will never not text them back because I genuinely care About them stop right. That's why I personally fucking hate my birthday
Starting point is 00:36:55 and holidays and so because because my phone is just BAM BAM BAM BAM like all fucking day long and and and for me like I would it's inconceivable to me that I would not respond you wait wait wait you respond to all the happy birthday messages you get Yep Yeah, like when somebody sends me a text, it's like, okay, like here's this person and like You know, I'm not too cool for them like I'm gonna I'm gonna respond so like when I when I get swamped by text It's it's overwhelming for me and and I don't hate the people texting. I hate my fucking birthday for bringing
Starting point is 00:37:33 Right, right. Okay. Yeah, let me just defend my point one more time. Okay. Okay. Let me go back to my thing. All right So when Jordan Peele Won his Oscar Right I texted him. Oh man. I'm crying right now dude. Congratulations. I'm so proud of you He liked my text. He hearted it. He hearted it. Yeah, right In my head, I'm like, I'd rather him not respond What? Oh, yeah. Yeah, because in my head it goes to he probably if I was
Starting point is 00:38:03 Seth Meyers Or Jimmy Fallon it just in my twisted head. Yeah, he probably would write out the words. Thanks a lot man I worked hard man, but this is a miracle whatever but for me. It's like Uh, it's in my head and I'm sure that wasn't his intention. It probably wasn't right But in my head, I'm thinking oh fuck Bobby. Just fuck it. There you go and just do that, you know and move on So I'd rather have him not respond, right? Right. Okay, right? So it's like in my thinking But maybe I'm not looking at it as the victim's point of view I mean it's so from now on so from now on, you know what dude? You just fucking swayed me
Starting point is 00:38:39 I am going to either respond with a like a love or a fucking smiley face or emoji Or something it's either you want to build a relationship and sustain a friendship or you don't I was about to give you a compliment too Steve I was about to go give you a really throw it out anyway. I'll do it anyway. Let me change face Let me change face. Okay So it's so creepy um Here's another thing I love about you And this is and you just take it Just take it. Okay. Okay
Starting point is 00:39:14 is You know stand-up comedy is something I started with In 1995 I signed up for open mic. I'd never done anything before Acted nothing. I just walked off the streets and signed up at a Mopen Mike in San Diego and um I started doing it. I worked really I went up every night Bobbed for years And I got to a point moved to LA and I did all the rigman role and all the things that you need to do
Starting point is 00:39:45 And I got to a place where oh shit I can audition for shows now and I got on the tonight show and I did all the things right and so, you know, I feel like I am a Organic, you know stand-up. Sure And you know as comics when we talk, right? We see actors and other people from other fields, right crossover crossover and do stand-up right And it takes a lot for us to go To give that person
Starting point is 00:40:14 It's rightful credit and go that person's a stand-up now Because I know thousands of people that actors and other people that have crossed over and I went fuck that guy That guy should not be doing it But you're the type of stand-up that you should be doing it because you proved you worth Well, thanks, man. I'll tell you why I say that It was one night. You were at the store or whatever. You were talking with a bunch of comics. You were hanging out When in my head, I thought I didn't it was never it was not a question That you shouldn't be there
Starting point is 00:40:48 You know, I mean like I looked at you like I looked at Whitney Cummings or any of these other people like oh cool Steve's here my friend, you know a comic, right? You know, you know a long time ago when I was saw you staple your nutsack at the mint, right back in the day, right? I wouldn't even fathom that I would even accept that like there's a rare case you are like that Obviously Theo Vaughn because Theo Vaughn didn't come from, you know, um a stand-up. He had to Change or he had to reinvent himself, right? And you did and I knew this also when you invited me and Ian over to your house Because you were working on your first special to give you notes and me and Ian
Starting point is 00:41:28 I and I still talk about it how we respected that that you wanted our, you know Notes and your help with your special. It was like, you know, um, I just you know, my hat's off to you You know, I was I was gonna see this earlier on the podcast then you attacked me about And I literally thought to myself i'm not gonna even gonna say this fucking bullshit from this Then I decided to fucking do it anyway because I really do mean that man. All right. How do you feel about it? I super love you. I super appreciate your kind words I really really do I loved that you were willing to come over to to check out this and if I recall correctly It was like
Starting point is 00:42:09 I think it was like a week or two weeks before I was actually going to tape the special And I had you guys come over I asked you to come over to uh to view Like the the last show I had taped, you know, yeah, which I did and you were like, hey, man, maybe next time. Why don't you? Let's do this a little fucking sooner when it's not like next week. Yeah, like and and I also remember too that I mean you're being very kind because dude. I wasn't ready to fucking tape that special You know, oh you wish you hadn't done it. It wasn't that I wish that I hadn't done it. It was just that you know, like There was there was just there was a lot The the just you know, I mean for where I was at that time
Starting point is 00:42:55 It couldn't have come out any better But where I was at that time was very early in the process. Yeah, and here's something that I had a lot I have a lot of regret about which is that The very thing that we did that night sit down and watch a whole set Was something that that I recoiled at the idea of and I think a lot of stand-up comedians have a lot of difficulty Actually watching a video recording of their performance. It makes them uncomfortable It makes them they don't want to fucking do it and it's the most important fucking thing that you could possibly do
Starting point is 00:43:30 And and it's it's it's actually recklessly irresponsible to avoid Playing back your performance and watching it and here's where I got really fucking lucky is that after I taped that first special The one that candidly I was not ready to tape then I I just got about to putting together my new hour. There I am on the road and I'm putting it You know, I'm like, okay, no more sex stories now. I'm gonna get into like the actual this some interesting shit And as and I'm telling these crazy stories and it's all working reasonably well But one night as I was performing my set
Starting point is 00:44:03 I had this fucking thought. Holy shit the stories that I'm telling in this new hour Like for the most part all happened on camera. So, oh my god What if my next special is a stand-up special? But as I tell these stories the Footage of the story is actually happening is edited into it. So it's multimedia. Yeah Be the world's first as far as I know With multimedia stand-up comedy special. Yeah, my head exploded. I got so fucking excited I right away. I fucking went about recording my next big show in a theater And I had to fucking see how this was gonna work
Starting point is 00:44:45 So I took the footage of the show Brought it into my my computer and I just started editing it to to take the fucking put it together and that forced me to not only Watch the footage but to study it because now frame by frame. I'm Wow, I'm plugging in the footage of the story to happen And I'm like impossible for me to do that without watching the footage of the stand-up And as I was doing it, there was just so many things that drove me. Yes, it was uncomfortable But as I was watching myself perform the stand like fucking hate the way I do that that fucking insecure
Starting point is 00:45:19 Yeah, my own joke like come on. It's funny, right? You know like that shit. Yeah, and like just little fucking things that and and and They bothered me, but I was studying the footage and and you know what and then I go back out on the road And I started dressing these things nothing brought about The the progression the improvement in my standard performance It's like at a faster rate more than you know what dude you just fucking because when you were talking I got so insecure Because I've never seen me do stand-up Hey, bad me dude. You're you're great. No, no, but I've never no I need here's the thing
Starting point is 00:45:59 I need to get better. We all have that I I see the holes in my stand-up I see what I need to improve on And and I I'm so afraid to look at myself And I think once we get sort of slowly get out of this pandemic. I'm going to start doing that I mean, I I think it's it's it's huge and I remember when you and Ian were in my living room watch that set like That was brave of you to do that. Well, I mean it was reckless to not do it sooner Yeah, but I remember Ian
Starting point is 00:46:35 Um, I forget what what he was pointing to but there was something he found a very kind diplomatic way to say dude like this Some had some dynamic about what you're doing in this performance is really fucking not working I think I remember that yeah, I think I remember going I think I remember going like kind of nudging Ian go No, no, no Don't don't don't don't he would staple your nutsack to your fucking. He was he was completely fucking right Yeah, he was very kind the way he said it and there wasn't time for me to
Starting point is 00:47:14 Make these fundamental changes and whatever and what I was but I think I think that normally I think in back in the day I think if I think we wouldn't have come over there if we didn't think That you were, you know, putting in the work to do it. I think I don't want to name names But there are people you know that are still doing stand-up that are crossover, right? That I wouldn't go to their house to help them because they just don't have,
Starting point is 00:47:42 I think what it is is stand-ups, you could have been a stand-up if that's what you started with. Do you understand what I'm saying? I mean, sure. You just found this other way to express yourself, right? I think that, you know, again, thank you. And I believe that my motivation
Starting point is 00:48:06 and literally everything that I do is pure because it's driven by the fact that I am such a needy attention whore. That's all there is to it. That's the secret to what makes me tick. I am a fucking needy attention whore. I will shove shit all the way up my ass for attention. I don't care, you know what I'm like.
Starting point is 00:48:29 And so it's the same, whatever that is, you know, whatever that is that makes me so just hungry for attention, it drives me to the stage to get on and perform stand-up comedy, you know, it's the same thing. And, you know, it was, when I first started doing it, it was a real like departure, man. You know, like in the beginning, I was like, okay, I did all the jackass stuff
Starting point is 00:48:56 and now switching gears, now I'm gonna do stand-up. And I would do some tricks, some stunts in my shows and stuff, but like I was really legitimately just okay, now I'm gonna fucking do what it takes. I'm gonna go for it. I don't care if people believe I should be doing it or not. I'm just gonna, I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna go for it.
Starting point is 00:49:18 I'm all in. And then, you know, it was only when my head exploded that my head exploded, I'm gonna fucking do multimedia on my next special. And then I got to starting to record new stuff and build stand-up out of that. And then, and I only just put this out, this multimedia stand-up comedy special,
Starting point is 00:49:38 it's called Narley, and I put it out on my own website and I'm fucking thrilled with it. I mean- Oh, so people can watch it now? Right now, it just came out. Dude, everyone listening, watch Narley. Dude, it is like my fucking baby. I fucking love it so much.
Starting point is 00:49:57 And I got the whole jackass gang together for the first time in years. It was the first time we all appeared on camera together in years, frankly, since Ryan Dunn died. We had not ever been on it together on camera until this. And what they did when we all got together was so special and it was completely inspired by you and your buddy, Mike Campo.
Starting point is 00:50:27 Oh, yeah. Right? You said I got this photographer. Mike Campo, yeah. You said I got this photographer, the guy's fucking incredible. He wants to shoot a photo of you, right? He wants to-
Starting point is 00:50:36 Yeah, yeah, yeah. The photo was- I had something to do with him, the best. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Oh, I remember. And you were there. I'm the guy.
Starting point is 00:50:43 Maybe we shot photos together. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We shot photos together. That's right, that's right, that guy's the best. You and me together. Yeah. He came over to my apartment building. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:49 This guy had a vision. The vision was I'm gonna make an image of Steve-O duct taped to a wall. That's right. And so I was like, all right, sounds cool. Like let's fucking do it. And I'm thinking we're gonna duct tape me to a wall because oh no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:51:03 All you have to do is just put a few strips just to get the idea of it. I'll photoshop the rest. Yeah. And that kind of goes against everything I said. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm like, oh, I went along with it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:16 The image came out, it was. So great. I remember it. Completely incredible image. But it was nagging at me for the longest time. I was fucking bothering me. I'm like, hear this. And it performed really well with all the likes
Starting point is 00:51:27 on social media, but I knew in my heart that shit's fucking fake. Yeah. That shit's fucking fake. And so when I started with my YouTube channel, I said, you know, one of my videos, I said for one of my YouTube videos, we're gonna make this,
Starting point is 00:51:40 I'm gonna make a men's of my audience. Yeah. For showing them some fake shit. Yeah. And so it was an old video. And we dug tape me to a wall. I stood on the floor and they dug tape me until they pulled away the stools and I'm stuck.
Starting point is 00:51:54 Yeah. And I was defenseless. And everybody shot fireworks at me. Like, oh, I was stuck to a wall. It was great. Yeah. But as I was up there, I thought, man, how fucking cool would it be?
Starting point is 00:52:05 I'm here, I can't get down. I'm powerless, I'm defenseless. How cool would it be if they just fucking left me here? If you get it, all of a sudden it was a time lapse. You see the sun go down, the sun come up, and I'm still there. But the thing was that I had to come down because I was going to speak at a meeting.
Starting point is 00:52:20 Yeah. Yeah. I gotta go carry the message of sobriety. You know, I gotta go, I gotta go and sorry, I had to come down. And so now it was still bothering me. It was still bothering me that here, this great thing dug tape to a wall and it wasn't,
Starting point is 00:52:33 like, you know, I was like, man, I'm defenseless. Let it go. I was like, man. Let it go. So then, so then I was like, this idea still hasn't been done like to its potential. So I got all the jackass guys to duct tape me to a fucking billboard truck.
Starting point is 00:52:48 You know those ones? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. No, but that was a different one. That was a different, this was on a truck. They're the kind of truck that drives around Las Vegas, promoting all the shit. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:59 I got a fucking billboard truck. Wow. Yeah. They duct tape me to the side of the fucking truck. They're hitting baseballs at me like dangerous fucking brain damage style fucking, you know, and it's just like, and then, and then in this beautiful symbolic way,
Starting point is 00:53:15 like Johnny Knoxville, Ben Marger, the whole, all the guys, all of them together. And they tape me to this fucking billboard truck and hit the baseballs. And then they just like, they send me off and my buddy Preston drives the truck down the fucking highway with me taped to the side of it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:34 And this was for the, You're not scared? It's so symbolic. Are you scared? I was, I was. You're on the freeway. I was on the freeway. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:42 And you don't, you don't be scared. Underneath the tape, we had straps that were. Oh, okay, okay. But, but it was so symbolic because here's the, you know, the Jag, this is my roots, the Jackass guys. And like, they were a little bit, you know, like, oh, Stemos with the stand up, you know, but now they, they, they, they accepted it.
Starting point is 00:53:59 And it was like, they're here to like film this whole sequence for my special. Yeah. And symbolically send me off down the highway to go to the theater, you know? That's the opening. Wow. And I taped the fucking thing in Denver.
Starting point is 00:54:10 So you see this truck with me taped to it, go through the desert, fucking Pasvegas, fucking in the mountains with the fucking snow. Like, all the way to the fucking, to the theater in Denver, where, and that's, and then, and that's where I taped the special and all the guys with fucking intermittently came out on stage to do humongous stunts
Starting point is 00:54:32 live before the audience, like peppered in throughout this act. And the act has all the footage edited into it on top of that. So it's just multimedia from start to finish. Oh, wow. And it's my baby. Dude, I spent over a quarter million dollars
Starting point is 00:54:49 just producing the fucking thing. Wow. With all the different shoots. That's not including hospital bills. With the fucking 15, 15% of my body had skin grafts on it from, from the final scene where we blew up my living room with me in it. Third degree burns all over 15% of my body.
Starting point is 00:55:09 Jesus Christ. And that's not including fines. And, you know, with the fucking, the crimes. You know, the crimes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Not including legal, you know, the, you know, whatever. And then, and this was the most heartbreaking fucking thing, because to your point
Starting point is 00:55:29 about how I am a crossover, despite having done the work and despite how much it improved, like my performing by, by studying it and by, by the time I taped this special, I was bonafide ready to tape this special. This one was not a misfire, you know, and I had the whole jackass gang and it was completely original and everything that it, but the footage that I cut into it was so explicit
Starting point is 00:55:51 that that ruled out any kind of comedy central, you know, the only, the only place this could have lived would be Netflix or Showtime or HBO. I had a lot of dick, you know, a lot of drugs, like a lot of, you know, a lot of crime. Yeah. And a lot of grievous bodily harm. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:08 And, and so it, it was limited in where it could go, but those places that could have showed it, they took issue with what you were talking about. They were like, oh no, we can't get in the business of Steve Boe doing standup comedy, because he's not, he's, he's a crossover. So I fucking spent over a quarter million dollars producing that thing and then they,
Starting point is 00:56:29 I couldn't sell it to Netflix. They fucking passed on it. I'm like, what? I felt like Dr. Dre sitting on the chronic, right? Dr. Dre said he went to fucking every record label with the chronic and every record label rejected it. And I believe that's why he started Aftermath. He said, fuck you and the fucking look at him now.
Starting point is 00:56:46 Yeah. You know? And so I was heartbroken, I was devastated. Netflix fucking passed on my baby and I thought it was a fucking masterpiece. And then, you know, I just, the first thing I did was like, oh, okay, all right. I fucking, you know, I doubled down
Starting point is 00:57:01 and I started shooting everything for my next hour where now I'm bringing the footage on the road with me. So now when you see, now when you see my tour, you're going to a multimedia live show and there's no more fucking memory lane. I'm not telling old stories. Like I'm talking about, it's the bucket list show. Now I'm knocking out the fucking heaviest stunt
Starting point is 00:57:26 that just for very good reason never happened. All right, let me ask you something. Do you think, because that infuriates me, all right? It infuriates me. It broke my heart. It breaks my heart. To get my special pass on broke my heart in hindsight is the fucking best thing that ever happened to me
Starting point is 00:57:46 because- I want to let you know, Steve, is that I'll just say it, I was pitching a show at Netflix with Joe Coy and Howie Mandel is with us because he's producing the thing that Joe Coy and I, and Howie's like, these two are very good stand-ups and the executives in the room looked at me and they go,
Starting point is 00:58:06 you do stand up? To me. And this is seven, eight months ago, okay? My heart cracked into my body and it melted into my fucking soul, right? My point is, is that don't take it personally, right? That they passed on it? Well, I mean, of course, I, you know, take it personally.
Starting point is 00:58:28 I know, it's hard not to. They've been the guy who's in charge of buying comedy specials at Netflix, even when so far as to explicitly say, I am a comedy snob and I only am interested in buying comedy specials from lifelong, pure stand-up comedians of which I do not consider Steve-o to be.
Starting point is 00:58:51 So it's like, hey, man, I gotta at least give them credit for not fucking sugarcoating it, you know? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Fuck you, but- Principal guy. You know, fuck you right up your ass, but hey, man, at least you just said what it was. And now I doubled down.
Starting point is 00:59:10 I did the bucket list tour, I just fucking went all out. Now, like, one of my bucket list ideas was to go skydiving butt naked with a guy strapped on my back, the tandem dude, while I'm jacking off and time it so that I'm falling out of the airplane, blowing a load all over everybody. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:31 And I did it. Oh, you did it? Yeah, I did it. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, stop, stop, stop, stop. It's called sky jacket. Okay, okay, okay, okay, I don't, let me ask you something, because it's like, if I'm masturbating, right,
Starting point is 00:59:44 and I hear a little creak, right, or a little wind, I get thrown off. Right. Imagine- A plane full of dudes, all pointing cameras at you. How do you, did you take Viagra? I took four Cialis tablets, yeah. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:59:59 Right, did you watch porn? Yeah, I brought a portable DVD. That was my one exception. That was the one exception. Well, because you're not gonna get a wifi signal 15,000 feet there. Wait, do you start jerking off in the plane how long before the jump?
Starting point is 01:00:14 Or do you start mid-jump? Dude, this was the craziest part about it, was that, like, I had to fucking, there's a window of, like, was it two minutes? A window where, like, if it's gotta happen, you gotta leave the plane within that two minutes. Otherwise, you're not gonna be over the drop zone.
Starting point is 01:00:38 So I had to fucking time it, dude. Oh my God. I had to time it, it had to, so I was like, okay, give me fucking three minutes, no, just give me one minute before the two minutes starts. Yeah. Wow. So I then screamed T minus three
Starting point is 01:00:55 and I fucking start going for it, man, like. But you have to focus, right? Oh, yeah. And then, dude, like, it was heavy, dude. It was the most, as far as, like, multimedia, like, where it's like a funny story, trying to find the fucking company that would sign off on it,
Starting point is 01:01:11 trying to find the guy who was willing to be strapped to my back, trying to logistically pull it off in a plane full of dudes, like, actually how it happened. Like, the most hilarious standup comedy bit and the footage to back it up is just next level. But that's one of the many things
Starting point is 01:01:27 I did for the bucket list tour and that was all happened while I was just sitting on the gnarly special. Wow. I was just sitting on it and I was like fucking trying to figure it out, like, okay, now how am I gonna, I spent so much money on it, I can't just give it away.
Starting point is 01:01:42 And even if I wasn't inclined to give it away, I can't put it on YouTube. It won't last fucking 60 seconds on there before they fucking take it down and, you know. And so it took me this long and only like just, very recently, it just went up. I figured out the paywall, you know, it's streaming at stevo.com and to promote it,
Starting point is 01:02:01 I bought a billboard that right here in Hollywood. Wow. I hired a fucking crew, like a construction crew that builds gas stations with two fucking cranes that, you know, I'll even tell you how much the billboard costs. 8,000 bucks just to rent the billboard. And then two cranes, a whole fucking construction crew,
Starting point is 01:02:21 they built this fucking thing for me to stand on, like flew out this fucking killer photographer, the whole, like, I hired a publicist to fuck, you know, like by the time I got done, like getting this special out, like I was totally $300,000 into it. Oh my God. And now I'm gonna do this fucking billboard stunt
Starting point is 01:02:41 where let's face it, there's a pretty strong chance that I'm gonna have to hire another fucking criminal attorney. Like the expenses are just gonna get fucking overwhelming. And I'm like, fuck it, dude, I'm gonna show those fucking assholes who fucking rejected this thing.
Starting point is 01:03:03 I'm gonna fucking make them, I'm gonna fucking force them to deal with the entire fucking world knowing about my gnarly special. And I went up and then I got fucking duct taped to that billboard and within 48 hours, I had articles online from Variety, Vanity Fair, Rolling Stone,
Starting point is 01:03:26 TMZ, BuzzFeed, Deadline, CNN, People, Extra, EOnline, fucking USA Today, fucking, the whole goddamn world knows about my fucking gnarly comedy special. And the cops, all the people they showed up and they looked at what they said, oh, well, there's no crime being committed here. He's taped to his own fucking billboard.
Starting point is 01:03:49 He bought the thing, you know? So like, which is crazy. And I did have a lawyer go over the contract with the billboard company and it's their dumb ass fucking fault. No language whatsoever about anything to do with that. Plus the image that they approved, which was on the billboard,
Starting point is 01:04:09 was an image of me duct taped to the billboard. All we did was fucking duct tape me over me. So they approved the art. Yeah, like they, we didn't change. We didn't change the approved image. It's a change at all. The cops said there's no crime here. But what happened that was upsetting to me
Starting point is 01:04:31 was that the fire department shows up, right? Now we kept our two cranes. They're called cherry picker cranes. You see like the phone company guys in them. You know, it's like a little thing. And we kept them on site so that we could take me down ourselves. Like I didn't want to be involved
Starting point is 01:04:49 in wasting the city's resources, you know? Like, and so I had my construction team on site with the cranes. When the first responders showed up, they went straight over. They said, hey, there's nothing to worry about here. He's on there with like fucking five points of fucking harness, carabiners clipped on.
Starting point is 01:05:05 The fucking, the shelf he's standing on is like suspended by straps that are rated for over 5,000 pounds of weight. Like he's, he's on there. We've got cranes. We can get them down. No problem. We don't want to waste your time. The fire department sadly said,
Starting point is 01:05:20 we have to be the ones to get rid of them. For liability issues, we've got to take them down. And I'm like, oh, this is what I didn't want. And when I heard that they have to take me down, I'd like, I got him to send me up a knife. I cut away the tape. I was like, hey guys, come on, let's, and I did legitimately feel like a piece of shit
Starting point is 01:05:38 for having the fire department working on getting me down from my billboard. So what I did was I took the dopest photo that that photographer I hired and flew out, the dopest photo that he took, and I had it like them like cleaned up so that there wasn't a bunch of loud shit. It's dope ass print.
Starting point is 01:05:55 I bought a thousand of them. And I sold them on my website for $25 a piece, signed everyone, signed. So all thousand went within less than 48 hours. And that was $25,000 raised, which I matched with my own $25,000 for a total of $50,000 that today I donated to the Los Angeles Fire Department Foundation.
Starting point is 01:06:22 Cool, man. Yeah, so it's like kind of like I got to clean up my mess a little bit. There's the only fucking part of the plan that sucked. The one thing that tainted this epic publicity stunt was the fire department showed up and fucking had to waste their time on me. And so I donated 50 fucking grand to them today.
Starting point is 01:06:40 And as I was driving, I posted the fucking shit while I was driving here. I hate to be texting and driving. I was fucking, I was where I was grahamming, dude. I grahammed the fucking picture of me with the fire chief, dude, holding up this obnoxious oversized check. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:56 And on the check, I'm ductated. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I'm so stoked on it, man. And, you know, so I feel good about that part of it. And fuck, yeah, like, and dude, I shouldn't even like, I should just let it be, but the thing is that the fuck everybody who rejected my special,
Starting point is 01:07:18 the quarter million part that I spent producing it, I mean, I'll just say, I sat on the fucking thing for two and a half years. I taped it in January of 2018. Wow. Wow. So come all this time later, that fucking quarter million, it's been out the door so long ago.
Starting point is 01:07:37 I don't even fucking consider it missing, you know? I was like, dude, anything I get for this from distributing it on my own website, it's all bonus. It's all gravy. I think you'll get it back. I already had it back by the time I was on the billboard. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:54 And, and, and, and I, Sorry. Okay. I already had brought in over $300,000 in revenue by the time that the cherry picker cranes went up with the crew that attached me to the billboard. Yeah. And that, that was when I started fucking kicking more ass
Starting point is 01:08:14 with it because the whole fucking world knew about it. Good, good, good. And, and fuck them. Yeah. Not the fire department. Fuck everybody who didn't believe in this. Before you leave though, I want to ask you a question though.
Starting point is 01:08:26 I have a few questions, Steve. I have a couple of questions. Yeah, and, and, and you know what? Like, I'll even say that I'm crazy to say this. I don't fucking, you know, like, if people, I stream it for $9.99 at stevo.com. Everyone listening right now, he's our boy. I love him so much.
Starting point is 01:08:43 He's so funny. Fucking go to his website and fucking stream, Gnarly. Yeah, no, like, I hired the same anti piracy company that all the movie studios hire, you know, like, they just said candidly, it's not possible to completely scrub it away. If people are really determined to watch it for free,
Starting point is 01:09:04 they will. And if people don't want, don't have $9.99, they want to fucking buy all means go for it. But I did everything in my power to make that difficult to make it just easier to pay the fucking $9.99. I would appreciate it if people did, you know, because I really have. Oh, they will.
Starting point is 01:09:18 I have a fucking axe to grind. I know. And, and, and, you know, the other thing, how my first special was all about this journey to learn how to have a healthy relationship. The last thing that happened on stage at this, on this new special, the Gnarly special, the last thing that happens on that stage
Starting point is 01:09:37 is I get on my knee and I propose to my girl in front of all my family and friends. When is the wedding? We don't have a date yet because we're determined to buy a property and open up our own animal sanctuary. And we're going to get married on that property. Are Kalaila and I invited to the wedding? Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:09:56 We are going to go 100%. Absolutely. My babe? It might be the only wedding I look forward to just because it's an animal sanctuary. We were not having kids because one of my bucket list items was called the vasectomy Olympics. It's tied up?
Starting point is 01:10:12 Yeah, it's snipped. It's nipped. You can, you can reverse it. You can, you can extract from the balls. Extract from the balls? Yeah. You can't extract, I don't want it. No, I think you should have children.
Starting point is 01:10:24 No. I honestly think you would be a great father. Listen, because look at how far you've come. Sure. No, no, no, here, no, shut the fuck up first. You have no children on so far. No, because I believe in a divine, you know? Sure.
Starting point is 01:10:42 Right? And I literally, it just popped, I'm not even thinking this, right? Some divine thing just said convince him to have a child. Okay. Because I think that number one, you have so much to teach a youngster, right? You have so much to mold.
Starting point is 01:11:01 I think that you would create an incredible child that will help the world. I think it would help the world and influence the world and shift cultures. And I just think that it's important that you have a child, dude. You're gonna have one. Okay, I mean.
Starting point is 01:11:16 No, my God just said it. Fuck you, fuck you. I also wanna say one last question, all right? I wanna talk about your teeth. Okay. All right, so, you know, my teeth are all fucked up. Yeah. Right?
Starting point is 01:11:31 They look fine to me, that's the thing. No, but you didn't see, the front ones you see. Okay. I have none in the back. Okay. Okay. He has to chew with the front. I have to chew in the front.
Starting point is 01:11:40 Dude, did you send me a text at one point saying, hey, I watched that teeth video. Yes. Okay. Oh, I talk about not texting people. There you go. Did I not text that? What are the best texts?
Starting point is 01:11:50 You did. Yeah, yeah. You did, and can I tell you how much that meant to me? Okay, and you're welcome. Okay, but I wanna say that when I saw that video about your teeth, it put me, like again, with the bonding with the drugs and alcohol, I go, you know, there's something else
Starting point is 01:12:06 that we have in common, right? We have fucked up teeth. You were saying on the text, I think, that yours is way worse than mine. I'm pretty sure that's true. I mean, the sad thing about my teeth, everybody, anybody with eyes can see that I have obnoxious fake teeth.
Starting point is 01:12:23 What's not clear is that I've had four different fucking sets of fake teeth. Why? In the beginning, it was because they were broken. I broke them. So then I got, and then I got these crowns. The crowns were like the old, you know, old kind of, where you could see that black line
Starting point is 01:12:47 at the top of that, they were just fucking awful. And so once I had Jack asked the movie to come out, like at a certain point, I was like, hey, I can afford it. I'm gonna get fucking better looking teeth. And I was really happy about that. And then, because I think it's because I wasn't flossing, at one point, like the, you know,
Starting point is 01:13:09 the little triangle gum part, just one day, they just fucking disappeared. And I had these huge, empty black holes. Oh. And I was like, I had these huge, empty black holes. Oh, that where black truffles come from? Right. I mean, dude, it was like, it was all I could see.
Starting point is 01:13:26 It was all I could see. And I was like, what do I do? What do I do? Oh my God. And I went to the dentist. It was like, oh, nothing. You just gotta get fucking. What do you say they were?
Starting point is 01:13:34 They're called papillas. Yeah, fuck, you got the papillas. Yeah, they're papillas. Papillas disappeared and it happened overnight. And so, Wait, wait, wait, wait, they just disappear overnight? They just, they were just fucking gone one day. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:48 Wow. And so I had these huge, to me, like, just, it's all I could see. And I was like, fuck, man, they're like, all you can do is just get, get your teeth redone so that they can fucking close that gap. Right. So that was the next set.
Starting point is 01:14:01 And then after that, it was more gum problems. And, you know. Gingivitis? Why, I've had gum, graft, surgery, and it just never. You don't brush? I do. It actually comes to a point where brushing too much, actually, will make your gums.
Starting point is 01:14:18 I just have fucking terrible, terrible disposition for oral hygiene or oral health. Great skin. You have a thing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And now, It's great, yeah. Now I religiously, like, take care of my,
Starting point is 01:14:35 just to preserve what little I have left. Do you have bad breath? Dude, I did for the longest fucking time, man. Yeah. And there are different kinds of bad breath. They're like, you know, kind of innocent, sort of bad breath, where it's actually the breath. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:49 And then there's that fucking insidious bacteria that just lives in the mouth. And it's not even the breath. It's just the bacteria just emanating from the mouth. That comes from your ball sack. That comes from deep down. Like what it comes from not flossing is what it is. Well, they say like over time, like bad oral hygiene
Starting point is 01:15:07 causes heart problems, right? Because that bacteria then migrates into the valve and you have mitral valve problems. So gum health is directly correlated with heart health. Right. But it's not that the bacteria in your mouth is coming from within, it starts in your mouth and then it gets into your blood.
Starting point is 01:15:23 Right, right. So it's the other way around. Yeah, but I know what you're talking about. Like there's a certain type of breath that you feel like comes from the pits of hell. Do I have that? It's not even like bad breath will come from like within. You know, it's coming out of your lungs or whatever.
Starting point is 01:15:39 But this is bacteria that's just sitting in the mouth, like something fucking crawled behind your tooth and died. And it's just rotting and fucking it's so bad. And the thing is that our society, it's so taboo, it's so not okay to tell somebody that they have bad breath. Yeah. And these people, this is the worst fucking thing
Starting point is 01:15:57 about that kind of bacteria is that people who have it don't know that they have it. Right. You can't smell it on yourself. Right. And nobody will tell you that you have it. No, none of your Johnny Knoxville, no one ever said anything.
Starting point is 01:16:10 There was a time when I got in the van with all the jackass guys and I sat down and we man said, oh dude fucking Steve, oh your breath. And Knoxville's response to that. He just said saying Steve has bad breath is like saying a wee man is short. Because it's all the time. Did that hurt?
Starting point is 01:16:30 Yeah, I didn't understand it. What do you mean? I didn't understand that. I didn't understand the fact. It's a clear analogy. Right. Of course it hurt. Of course it hurt.
Starting point is 01:16:39 Yeah, yeah, yeah. But I didn't understand what the indicated action was to address it. That's what I didn't understand. Because I had experience when I was, I would say like 1920. Like you know, and I was like this fucking homeless loser and my mom periodically would allow me to stay at her house.
Starting point is 01:16:57 Yeah. This is before or after Clown College? Before Clown College. Okay. And I would just, I'd wake up, I'd brush my teeth and then my mom would say, dude your fucking breath's disgusting. I'd say mom I just brushed my teeth.
Starting point is 01:17:11 She goes yeah, your fucking breath's disgusting. I should have figured it out that it's, no matter how much you flush, no matter how much you brush, you're not gonna get to unless you floss. Some people can get away with not flossing. Some people cannot. And I was one of the, I was one of the people that cannot. And if anybody listening to this is wondering,
Starting point is 01:17:29 do I have that? There's one way to tell for sure and that's to take a piece of floss, dental floss and put it through your teeth and run it through your floss a little bit and then I'll smell the floss. And it'll be that way you can smell it. And if that fucking floss smells like a dead animal,
Starting point is 01:17:45 then it's probably time to go to the dentist to get a professional cleaning because if you're coming from a place with bacteria, you're not just gonna floss it all out. You have to go get like what's called a deep cleaning from the dentist. Yeah, this is something like I've never understood about him. I get cleaning twice a year.
Starting point is 01:18:04 I get it every three months. I get it every three months and I lean towards two and a half. Right, and then you do your yearly x-ray, right? Where it's, I've done that since I was a teenager. Are your parents still with us? Not my mom, but my dad. Your dad's still with us?
Starting point is 01:18:19 Yeah. Is he, when did your mom pass? 2003. Oh, she did? Yeah. Was she, she was around when you became successful or no? She suffered an aneurysm in 1998, which was before I had any measure of success.
Starting point is 01:18:36 And she survived that aneurysm, but she was very disabled, both physically and mentally. So she was technically alive when, you know, Jackass came out, but she was very compromised. And it wasn't anything that, you know, like I didn't get to, it would have been so fucking cool to have her like on a red carpet to have, you know.
Starting point is 01:19:01 Yeah. Has your dad done those things? Yeah, big time. Is he, how proud is he of you? He's super proud. Super fucking proud. And dad did not jump on the bandwagon like once I had become successful.
Starting point is 01:19:15 You know, it was actually. It took a while. It was specifically when my mom had the aneurysm, which was on October 10th of 1998. And from England, my dad flew, my parents had been divorced, but for this dad flew from England immediately. My sister and I flew and from New Mexico
Starting point is 01:19:34 where we lived together, we were all brought together. And it was like, just, we went to a local restaurant like from the hospital just for a meal. And they're gonna go back to the hospital and kind of like be there. Mom was in, you know, this critical situation. Well, we were at the hospital or we were sorry, we left the hospital to go to a restaurant.
Starting point is 01:19:53 I want to say it was like Ruby Tuesday or something like that, right? And outside this restaurant, it's the first time I'd seen my dad in some time. And he said, son, like, I, you know, now that we're together, I just want to tell you that I feel badly. I feel that I've done a disservice to you
Starting point is 01:20:12 by not supporting you in this career path that you've clearly committed yourself to. And I had not made a fucking penny at that point. I was like, yeah, I'm gonna be fucking mad. And I'm like, you know, I had nothing going for me. I had achieved jack shit. And dad said that he felt, he had done a disservice. He said, I pledged to support you.
Starting point is 01:20:34 It's not what, you know, what you're doing isn't what I would have chosen. But I- Because he was a businessman, right? Right. He was corporate, right? Corporate, big time. Like he was a president of a corporation?
Starting point is 01:20:43 Yep. Yeah. It's mind blowing that your dad was this corporate guy and he spawned you. Yeah, I know. Mind blowing. Well, it makes sense. Like my mom's side of the family,
Starting point is 01:20:56 every single leaf on the tree was alcoholic, gambling, suicide, like fucking super, super mental fucking addiction problems. And then there's my dad's side where everyone's like theologian, fucking PhD. There's like, nobody's not at least a PhD on my dad's side. I just imagine your dad like getting up in the morning, you know, when you were a kid,
Starting point is 01:21:25 getting into work, putting the suit on, right, right? Walking by your room and you're like the baby from the Incredibles. Just on fire. Yeah. You hear me? Turning into ice. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:21:37 I just, I can't imagine that. In my dad's family, he was like a black sheep for going into business because it was all scholars fucking like clergymen. You know, like it was like fucking like the most like respected, you know, not a lot of high earners, you know, like, but just people who cared about making the fucking world a better place, you know?
Starting point is 01:21:58 And then dad's like a fucking businessman, becomes a corporate CEO, you know? Like puts together all this, you know, but whatever. So, you know, I'm kind of exactly what you might expect if you took my mom's family tree and my dad's family tree and fucking mix it together. I'm like this alcoholic fucking deviant, but that's just got this,
Starting point is 01:22:22 this unbelievable drive and persistence and tenacity. Oh, wow. I'm like, if my dad's gumption was directed like to fuel deviance, then that's me. Yeah. Wow. That's incredible. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:40 That's incredible. At the end of our podcast, we do a thing called Unhelpful Advice. So people email us with problems. I had a dumb question before we did. Oh, you did? I have a question about pain threshold. Do things like paper cuts bother you?
Starting point is 01:22:54 I don't have any particularly special or different threshold for pain. I'm just simply such a fucking attention whore that I'm willing to endure it. And for that matter, if I did, if I didn't feel pain on any level, then there wouldn't be that reaction that makes the shots, you know, right?
Starting point is 01:23:16 So they're like, I'm just as afraid and I'm just as in pain as anybody else. I'm just an attention whore that's like putting myself in that position. So that's why it's somehow like entertaining on. Got it. But I mean, like when you're like going in, I don't know if it was you.
Starting point is 01:23:31 I think I have an image of somebody. That's so funny. Sorry. Oh, I got it. Yeah. No pain threshold. Just gumption. That makes sense.
Starting point is 01:23:43 It's either you or somebody going into a lot of front of crocodiles. Somebody through crocodile. Have you done something like that? Yeah, the alligator type room. Right, right, right. So yeah, now that kind of fear, though, don't you think you're gonna, my die in your head?
Starting point is 01:23:59 I don't think I'm could die. I didn't think I was gonna die, but I thought that I could lose a large chunk of flesh. So when normal people go, you know, oh, I could lose, you know, my calves. Or I can lose a shoulder, right? We tend to go, yeah, I like attention too, but there's other ways of doing it.
Starting point is 01:24:24 You know what I mean? I know. I honestly, I don't have an excuse or an explanation. Or when you snort wasabi. Right. Right, you've done that, right? What does that do to the mind? I don't know that it did anything to the mind,
Starting point is 01:24:40 but it was actually rather under, I thought it would be way worse. And my nose just didn't give a fuck at that point. I knew this podcast. Like, I don't mean it hasn't come out yet, but I think it's gonna be a fucking hit. I came in here feeling like. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:56 I really believed that. First of all, we've gone longer than we've ever gone. All right, what were we at? We're at 90 minutes. Yeah, we've never gone that far. Oh, you've never gone that long. We should do an hour. We do an hour.
Starting point is 01:25:05 All right. Yeah, so that's how I know that it's been interesting. And I guess there are so many more questions, but you know, I'm kind of. Ask them on Stevo's Wild Ride podcast. When I do it. I love that. This is one question, one more question I had for you.
Starting point is 01:25:19 So you and your fiancee, Bobby and I, think that you guys are goals for sure. But the one thing that we found that we've talked about on this podcast before is that any time that we've tried, Bobby and I have tried to post a sort of explicit photo of us together, it gets yanked. Okay.
Starting point is 01:25:37 For some reason, any one of yours stays up. So we've had an envy. Okay. I get so angry. Wow. Because I'll go, what the fuck, ours got yanked. But I'll go to yours. I go, I see this guy's asshole right now.
Starting point is 01:25:53 I, we got one yanked. Oh, you did. We got one yanked, the one where we were in the window. Oh yeah, that one. Because it looked like we were actually having sex. Yeah, yeah, yeah. How long was it up for? That, you know, it lasted for ages.
Starting point is 01:26:06 And then like weeks or months later, all of a sudden it went down. I have a theory on it. I think that we're not good looking enough. No, no, no, no, no, no. It's not that. And if you see, I just posted one yesterday. The, I blur the butt crack.
Starting point is 01:26:22 That's the, that's the secret. Is that the key? Yeah. If you look at the, like the second to last post, the last post was the one I posted while I was driving over here. It's me and the fire chief holding up the big check for 50 grand.
Starting point is 01:26:34 Yeah, yeah. And the one, the one before that, you see blurred butt cracks. But the one with me and Brooke Chrysler, completely naked, but we're covering our genitals and we're just laying side by side. We both posted it at the same time. Chrysler's got yanked in 10 minutes.
Starting point is 01:26:50 Mine stayed up for five months. Oh, it did. Yeah, but some asshole, if you're the type of, listen, if you're the type of person to fucking flag a photo, go fuck yourself. Yeah. You're a fucking idiot. Yeah, if for you to go, I find this fucking,
Starting point is 01:27:11 it goes against my Christian values. You know what I mean? And I'm gonna narc on you on, you're, you're a fucking asshole. What a asshole does that? If I'm scrolling through and I see some guys nuts that, I don't give a fuck. You know what, you know what should,
Starting point is 01:27:26 they should have in place is that if somebody's gonna report something from your fucking thing. Yeah. That obviously that means that they don't like your fucking page. So in order to do that, they should, it should automatically block that person.
Starting point is 01:27:42 You should say, you should have to say, you should have to say, do I feel so strongly about this that I'm willing to never see another fucking post from this person because I'm gonna be blocked. What about this? What about also letting us know who fucking flagged that? No, no, why, why not?
Starting point is 01:27:56 You, why can't I know? Yeah. Why can't I know who's against me? You can block someone on Instagram where it's like, this fucking asshole can't ever see any of my shit. Yeah. But all you can do is hide somebody's comments on YouTube.
Starting point is 01:28:14 I wish, I wish that, I wish that if someone's gonna hit the thumbs down to dislike your YouTube video, that they do that at the fucking expense of never being able to see another fucking video again. Oh, you obviously don't like my channel. So if you're gonna dislike my video, fuck you, you never fucking watch my video.
Starting point is 01:28:34 You don't have any access to my channel. You can never fuck, you obviously don't like it, so fuck off. Or how about this, instead of commenting, I'll take you a little further on that, buddy. But what if they liked all the 89 out of the 90 videos? They just happened to dislike one. And there are songs, there are out.
Starting point is 01:28:51 Yeah, they're gone. They're gone. But that's different, baby. You think I like every fucking song on the white out? Yeah. There's a couple obladi, oblada, fuck that, right? I don't like it. I'm not mad at it.
Starting point is 01:29:03 Well, I don't like it, all right. You know what's so great about The Beatles? That they sound so different from song to song. I know, amazing. Every other fucking album, every other fucking band is the same sound all the time. I mean, fucking, white album especially, you have Helter Skelter,
Starting point is 01:29:18 and then it goes to like Dear Prudence. How different are those two songs? Is that what it's the same way? But this is what you do, this is what you do, you do this. You just switch the fucking track, right? So instead of commenting on my fucking Instagram and say some negative fucking bullshit, why don't you just not follow me?
Starting point is 01:29:36 Yeah. Can you do that? Instead of people go out of their way to try to hurt my feelings. Right, I don't like it, man. I don't like it. You know what's the worst thing is when somebody leaves a fucking shitty, hateful comment,
Starting point is 01:29:47 and then the person responds. What do you mean? Well, like somebody's, oh, you're fucking, well, I don't think so, or fuck you for saying, you know? Like you can't acknowledge that. I do. Because now you respond to negative comments. This morning, I'll just show you, I don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 01:30:06 You can't do that, Barney. No, watch this, I don't give a fuck. I'll show you this, we might have to kept this up. Well, now you're just giving him more. Then you're empowering them, you're drawing attention to them, you're letting other people see negativity. Today, God, you're such a massive cunt to Santino, because I have another podcast with Andrew Santino.
Starting point is 01:30:22 Right, it's called The Bad Friend Podcast. Yeah, and you have all these ball-gaggling sicko fans around you that validate your shitty behavior. Are you 50 fucking years old, right? And I just text back 48, right? You go, it's not satire anymore, dude. It's just bullying. And then I had to fucking, I did a message.
Starting point is 01:30:42 Did you lead in it? I had to. You can't do that, man. I do, I can. Silence is the deadliest weapon, Bobby. Oh, that's right, that's why I don't text people back. Oh! Bulls are going to write it right.
Starting point is 01:30:55 So let's do an unhelpful advice. Unhelpful. Hey, guys, we're going to take a quick break to share some Patreon news with you. Hello, sleepers and papayas. Bonjour. The Tiger Belly Patreon has just passed 3,000 subscribers. If you want access to our exclusive vlogs,
Starting point is 01:31:11 livestreams, discord, the Archive of Belly in Bed Podcast, and more, you can go to patreon.com slash tigerbelly. We just released the Dr. Doolittle vlog, and at behind the scenes peak at the life of Jules, AKA bad friend Rudy, where Gilbert and George put her on the hot seat and asked her all the questions you wanted to hear. And now for the big papayas of September,
Starting point is 01:31:33 we have you read them, babe. Bon Johnson. What do you think of Bon? Bon Johnson. I think of Bon as being wicked, clever, and nasty. Wow, what do you think of Rachel Wilkins? Rachel Wilkins is diabolical, foot strong, and eyesight. And eyesight.
Starting point is 01:31:52 What do you think of Melvin Flores? Melvin Flores is unsteady, chubbo, and clear-headed. Wow, Jamie Yaggy. Spicy, forensic files, and nocturnal. Wow, okay. Rebecca Torres. Oh, shit. Desert heat, mind melting, creatism.
Starting point is 01:32:17 Hafiz, Hafiz from Singapore. Oh, shit, hot water. Yep. Techniques beyond our literal realm. Duh. Yeah, and. Merlion. And lions.
Starting point is 01:32:30 Merlion. Merlion. That's the thing, the half-lion. Yeah, keep going, babe. All right. I wanted to explain to Merlion. Go ahead, tell me what a Merlion is, then. Never mind.
Starting point is 01:32:40 Parveys with ear. Parveys, monsieur, this is the feelings I get from it. I feel height, width, ground, with ground temperature, ground zero, metaphysical mind. I said that again. Yeah, I like that one. I always keep saying mind.
Starting point is 01:32:56 Yeah. Jaime Che Cortes. Jaime Che Cortes, there's no feeling at all. I think I don't think that's a real person. That's a real name, babe. Jaime is a real person. I get it, but I just, I'm not getting any insights right now.
Starting point is 01:33:07 What about compliment pig? Oh, I'm seeing fair weatheredness, detachment, and kamikaze. Okay. Matt Zwicker. Matt Zwicker, fear, unable to respond, and also shutters. Come on, Matt.
Starting point is 01:33:28 Aaron Wasserstrom. Oh, shit, this one I'm getting. Real strong feelings. Power fucking. Yeah, I do. The last name. Head banging and finger blasting. Whoa.
Starting point is 01:33:41 Oh my God, very sexual, Aaron Wasserstrom. Relax, dude. What about Agatha Pitchfork? Ricketts from, oh, Ricketts Checklap. Poison, murder, assassination. You're thinking Agatha Christie's life. Yeah, I guess, I guess. Keep going.
Starting point is 01:33:59 On our final one, moon disco from the US. Stagnant, airless. Yes. Yeah, flotation, and never saying the n-word. Never, never, ever. Thanks, guys. We'll see you at the rest of the show. Bye.
Starting point is 01:34:16 Unhopful advice with Stevo. I am a picky eater, and I've had this embarrassing habit all my life. I essentially had to die of a three-year-old. I basically eat plain hot dogs and plain pasta with only butter and Parmesan cheese. This has started to affect me being able to go on dates, and is obviously a huge point of embarrassment.
Starting point is 01:34:33 Do you have any advice of how to get therapy for this? I think exposure therapy would be helpful, but in the meantime, how do I bring this up to girls I date? Why don't we start by going to a doctor to find out how our blood work works? Exactly. If you're eating just pasta with Parmesan all day.
Starting point is 01:34:53 Let's start with a good old-fashioned blood panel. Let's see where we're at, because that's important. And then, you know, I think that hot dogs is the most processed fucking cancerous shit. I know. That's scary. That's scary, man. So let's worry less about the dating
Starting point is 01:35:23 and more about our fundamental health. When he's a young guy, he can probably do that. How old is he? No age. He sounds like a young guy. He's basically stuck in a food jag. You know when kids, little kids, have food jags? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:39 They're all stuck in a food jag. So it's a psychological thing. He has to see first a doctor, get a CBC, metabolic panel, see what that looks like, and then probably go see a therapist about that. Because if all you're eating is hot dogs and blurred pasta. Yeah. Sure, therapy's great, but like what we want to do
Starting point is 01:35:58 is try to eat food that is relatively the way that it came to be. Like a piece of fruit. That's how God made it. We want our food to be the way God made it. As much as possible. When's the last time you ate any fast food like McDonald's? Oh, dude, I fuck Taco Bell up.
Starting point is 01:36:23 I know, I like Taco Bell. Yeah, I heard that Taco Bell is the healthiest of all the fast foods. Really? Yeah. But obviously you don't get the meat stuff. Just the mind burritos? The bean and cheese burrito?
Starting point is 01:36:36 Yeah, the seven layer burrito. That's something God made for sure. Right. The Taco Bell, it's not going to be deep fried. Right. You know, it's not going to be processed meat. I'm not going to fuck with the meat. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:53 Yeah. So like when you're on the road and you go to Taco Bell and at night you'll just eat that and go to sleep? Yeah, fuck that. I've done that too. Yeah. But now I'm off flour. I don't fuck with flour.
Starting point is 01:37:07 This guy. So what I'll do is I'll get the seven layer burrito. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Even though they just stopped making fucking seven, they took it off the menu. Can you ask them to make it? I mean, they say you got to get the burrito supreme minus the beef.
Starting point is 01:37:19 I'm like, oh, you fucking asshole. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Fucking assholes are making me pay to sponsor your fucking meat shit. Yeah. I'm mad at that. I still, I always try to get them to make the ensurrito. Right.
Starting point is 01:37:35 Do they make it for you? That's not on the menu. I know, but do they make it for you? Sometimes they do. I'm self-conscious about how long we've been going. Do we have another question? Can we wrap it up? Why are you self-conscious about it?
Starting point is 01:37:47 Well, just because I feel like it's like a fucking, you're giving your pitch and... Yeah, yeah. Well, I think this is a very insightful podcast. We're not going to take any more questions, right? Okay. We've been trying to do this with you for a year. Forever?
Starting point is 01:38:05 We've been through three different studios. Because you flaked on it a couple of times. I did. I did flake on you a couple of times. I was never personal. I know. I understand that. Maybe that's why I don't text back, but...
Starting point is 01:38:13 I mean, it's tit for tat, really, to be honest with you. Right? It could be tit for tat. Right. Right? So... Fair enough. Fair enough.
Starting point is 01:38:22 Yeah, thank you. I no longer take the texting thing personally. Okay, good. Thank you. I will take you back. I will take you back as David Spade. Yeah. Now that I know that.
Starting point is 01:38:31 Oh, fun. Can I tell you a quick thing? Go ahead. And normally, I kind of shy away from talking about meetings and steps and sponsors and stuff like that, but since we did it, then fuck it. I'm just going to let it ride. Okay? We talked about meetings.
Starting point is 01:38:47 Okay, so I went to rehab at this place. I personally think this is a great story. Went to rehab at this hospital called Las Encinas. Dr. Drew. Pasadena. Yeah. Dr. Drew used to be the director of the chemical dependency unit, right? I was in there.
Starting point is 01:39:03 Now, my home group was on the grounds of the hospital, right? My weekly men's AA meeting, and it was my responsibility to get the cake when we celebrate someone's sobriety anniversary, right? So I, like, I go there, right? And the fuck, Stephen Tyler from Aerosmith was in there. Like he had his long-term sobriety, had relapse, and now he's in the place, right? Like, okay. I had to get the foot.
Starting point is 01:39:47 I didn't know that this was happening yet, but I remember to get the cake, right? I'm at the grocery store in line with the cake, right? And I'm holding the cake, I'm in line with some guy of record, and he says, Steve, oh, man, let me get a picture. I'm saying, I'm fucking trying to hold this fucking kid, too. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I remember thinking like, ah, fuck, man, can't people just treat me like a fucking normal person?
Starting point is 01:40:12 I don't have to fucking, fucking take in the picture. I'm just frustrated with this guy. Yeah. And then still holding the cake, and I get to the rehab, right, to go to the meeting. And they got the whole place locked down because Stephen Tyler from Aerosmith is going to say, oh, no, you can't come in this way. You got to fucking go because of extra security. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:33 And I'm like, they didn't fucking shut this place down for me when I was here. What am I? Some kind of regular person? All while I was holding the same cake, I want to be a regular person, but I want some kind of fucking. It's so, you know, would you say that? It's so funny. I live in both worlds.
Starting point is 01:40:52 I didn't. I didn't. Yeah, I lived there. I was, I was in, when I was in here, it was fucking business as usual, like I'm some kind of fucking schmuck, everyday schmuck. Yeah. Like I went to this AA meeting once where like, you know, usually at an AA meeting, somebody will go, I'm a fan of your work.
Starting point is 01:41:11 That's all I want, right? Yeah. Right. You know, no one said that, right? I was like, oh, this meeting sucks, right? And then like, then I went to this one meeting in like Louisville, Kentucky, where people waited in a line to take a photo with me. Oh yeah?
Starting point is 01:41:28 You take a photo at a meeting? No, I didn't. I go, people after the meeting came up to me, can we have a photo? And I go, no, I don't do that. This is an AA meeting. Yeah. This is ridiculous, right? Gotta have that.
Starting point is 01:41:37 It's tough. It was tough for me to even put that boundary in place, but it's just as a rule out of respect for the. Fellowship afterwards, like if you go, because I like to do that, if I'm out of towns, people go, hey, we're going to go to this cafe, I'll go, all right, let's go afterwards. You know, I'll do it then. You know what I mean? Because you're fellowshiping.
Starting point is 01:41:54 Right. You know, the AA meetings is before, the middle and the after, you know that. Yeah. You know. But anyway, give Steve a round of applause. Thank you so much for doing this fucking program. Thank you, man. We love you so much.
Starting point is 01:42:03 Come back anytime. Watch his fucking, his standup special, Narley. It's on his website. Steveo.com. Steveo.com. And check out my podcast, it's Steveo's Wild Ride. Yes, Steveo's Wild Ride. I will be honest.
Starting point is 01:42:17 Who's the most famous guest you've had on Tiger Belly? Jordan. We've had Jordan Peele, Aquafina, Tiffany Haddish, I'd got Tiffany Haddish, so stoked on that. We just, I like the rock stars. We've had the lead singer of Interpol, you know, the guitars of the Pixies. We've got some good ones. What?
Starting point is 01:42:37 Who else? Dave Navarro. Dave Navarro. Dave Navarro's good one. We've had Dice. We've had a bunch of, well, I only ask people to do mine that I know, right? So I don't really try, I try not to get people, like, that I don't know that well because it just, it's difficult.
Starting point is 01:42:54 It's also, we're doing it out of our house. Yeah, I want people that I know kind of. I think it's, it's kind of interesting to talk to people that you don't know. Really? Yeah, we just did the lead singer of Korn, Jonathan Davis. I had never met him. Oh, really? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:09 Yeah. Fascinating conversation with that guy. That actually goes up this night. When will this go up? Tomorrow. Tomorrow. Tomorrow. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:18 About that. Yeah. Yeah. No, wait, today's Monday? Yeah, tomorrow night. Yeah, tomorrow night. So Wednesday morning. Wednesday.
Starting point is 01:43:26 Okay, Wednesday mornings. Yeah. And then my Jonathan Davis podcast will go up on Thursday. And then you guys will listen to that as well. Give Steve another fucking round of applause. All right, I love you. I love you so much. I love you.
Starting point is 01:43:34 Hey, guys. Hope you enjoyed that episode with Steve Oh, that was a long time coming. Thanks to Updates to Highlight. The Tiger Belly subreddit has exploded in 2020. It's now over 20K papaya strong. The Patreon community is also growing very fast. We just passed 3,000 patronages. So thank you for making it a great place to hang out with other sleepers.
Starting point is 01:43:54 If you're a member, you're already watching the exclusive vlogs, live streams, and more. To check it out, you can go to patreon.com slash tigerbelly. And here's a hint. We may be doing some Twitch streaming. Who knows? Get your question on Tiger Belly by emailing us at adviceunhelpful at gmail.com. We're looking for interesting, unusual, nontipical problems, and we need your help as much as you want ours.
Starting point is 01:44:16 That's adviceunhelpful at gmail.com. You can follow George at George underscore, Kimmel, Clowley, Clam, DK, Bobby Lee at Bobby Lee Live, everything Tiger Belly at Tiger Belly on Instagram, and myself, Kilbits. We love you so much. Have a good night. Hey Prime members. You can listen to Tiger Belly ad free on Amazon Music. Download the Amazon Music app today.
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