TigerBelly - Ep 262: Bobby Feels Threatened w/ Sherry Cola

Episode Date: September 9, 2020

Bobby learns to flex. Sherry meets a Bumble guy. Khalyla sprinkles water. We chat calamari, Latina-x, boba filled manatees, and Lele Gaga. Also, we call Whitney Cummings. Please support ...our sponsors.See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening ad-free on Wondery Plus. You know, there's a song that's in my head, there's a song in my head, it goes, na na. And then the end it goes, you belong to me or something. I'm being real. And it stuck in my fuckin head and I tried to Google it. I almost had it, Bobi. Say it again.
Starting point is 00:00:54 They harmonized dude, they go. they go don't it's white it's always white girls it's always white girls white girls right all right hold on okay so it goes no it's from the 50s okay okay so it goes now and it's in been a lot of movies okay go ahead and then it goes and then he goes you belong to me something like that and it's been fucking driving me crazy it's not gonna be crazy for much longer because I'm gonna get it because I spit in my head the whole fucking time man why do why do white people's music in my head all the time show them yourself see if it
Starting point is 00:01:40 comes up no no it'll never come it'll never come up it'll never come up but what a wonderful glorious pandemic that we're in the pandy man I'm losing my mind here baby we got people in the room here we got a beautiful face don't you who know you who me yeah thank you captain I love your face man I love you it's just like something ran over your face man oh yeah just flat fuck oh smooth that's your new name flat fuck I like that one we got hey hey hey what's up white guy glasses I love you man he has a bivous and good guy man you you do errands for me do you not yeah you do you do it and you got caught yeah
Starting point is 00:02:26 you're a comrade are you not you are not a good runner you're a comrade are you not yeah you are it's very so red we so friend we have my beautiful girlfriend investigative journalist yeah spotlight right and you know for me I'm an old man now I'm 86 years old and everything's broken down and I grew up in a in arrow in in show business where there weren't a lot of Asians there were me the guy from 16 candles remember him get a wannabe and the Dante and his brothers boss goes yeah there's 14 of those guys there's so many boss goes I would show up at a commercial audition and be 14 boss goes what when I like it's
Starting point is 00:03:11 either Bosco or me I don't know usually the boss goes Filipinos with a Korean one they're like clowns dude if you fucking open one another one a smart car pulls up 15 of them yeah I mean the boss goes and you know it's you know right now we have a lot of cool Asian people in in the business now young people you know we have Jimmy yin yang yin yang yep he's great we've got Aquafina he's great we got some red dumb dumb what's his name I'm founded I'm founded he's been out twice yeah dumb dumb's been on our thing twice we've had Mark or Cho on here young comic I don't know how old she is
Starting point is 00:03:54 man okay well so we had we've had us I care a couple times here I'm not really an actress I mean she's an actress no she's beyond an actor yeah yeah yeah another level he's more with her coochie is acting I need to get Oscar Oscar her coochie is so good yeah it just awesome it's like I know I know your coochie's good it doesn't sound I know that's that's true I love her as a sister I can't watch it I will refuse to watch it but we have a young Asian guest here female she's China country yeah I've heard about her for the last year people intent to bring her name up I tried to dismiss it you know why do
Starting point is 00:04:37 you why is that why I get threatened threatened by other Asian yeah I really am you know I get threatened jealous yeah and it's like you know when Ken Jung came on the scene yeah I was right before a little before him I fucking loved him and then he started threatening me what was the first threat wait can we introduce only at five minutes we need a little more just yeah we do the first threat first okay so the first threat was I remember I heard about a movie called the hangover being casted and I had my agents call and they go can you see Bobby and they go no we just want Ken Jung and that's when it
Starting point is 00:05:18 started I started going oh fuck yeah I'm out it's over for me yeah okay but you know I've gone over that over and over and I'm through it and there's a new era for Bobby Lee everything's fine I feel great Sherry Cole I'll give her a round of applause I mean I love how he was wow there's a new era for Bobby Lee Sherry Cole I also have a very fresh koochie fresh yeah baby wipes all day do you wave you up your vagina or how do you clean only water based though right I'm not sure let me check oh no is it not good the Kirkland ones a brand that makes baby wipes and vodka how do you not trust how do you not trust that and
Starting point is 00:06:11 pizza I had a curriculum page that is disgusting but it's a gas station sushi but but doesn't it burn your badge well no if it's water it depends really like my I have very sensitive koochie mm so like everything like like breeze will cost a yeast infection oh my goodness well turn the AC off what are we doing have you ever put you know I've talked of this before but if this because when you we us men put bang gay bang gay on our dicks we don't see us men I don't think I think you know what I'm talking about guys man as a collective will we do this yeah yeah so you've never put bang gay you have it
Starting point is 00:06:55 hurt so bad wait but what's the reason just for funsies just feel something in quarantine the best is when I was a kid I would do this I would put do you know what Omega is what's that is that the fish oil it's like vitamin that's a fraternity what's happening it's like it's kind of like salon pass and Ben gave it it's for like muscle aches yeah but you put that in like an area that you want highlighted and then you jump into a pool it's like 10 times burnier wow I like it it's called Omega like if you want like you know when you were just like I was like a hypersexual kid so I would just put it like kind of close to
Starting point is 00:07:33 my coochie and jump in the water and then my coochie would feel so frozen oh I haven't done that but if you put Ben gay in your coochie you think the same thing would happen no actually would burn it would burn I'm pretty sure because it's like an open wound yeah I think that's a scientific definition I want to run a song like that a country song that sounds like a country song a billboard charts yeah come through it's funny how you're talking about me taking your spot in this podcast and yeah because I'm literally your doppelganger I get that all the time every single I feel so bad for you and I just recently shaped my
Starting point is 00:08:11 mustache too just recently in quarantine well you have a ring who hair is that yeah you're like very long you're gonna crawl out of my TV I mean only if you fall out of my bathtub that's though it's so spooky your hair oh grudge yeah the grudge it's fucking spooky no literally it connects to my pubes like it's the same follicle same so when I I'm in the toilet peeing it gets to a point where it crawls down my butt so if I have to poo I have to put it out a wrap it up I might accidentally that long I mean I'm not even like beauty savvy or anything this isn't on purpose people are like oh how long did it take
Starting point is 00:08:49 you to grow your hair I'm like I just don't care it's sheer laziness right anytime I go actually to I anytime I actually make it to my hair salon she's like why why why is it like this all right you don't care if I had clippers right now I go all right if you don't care let me just do it then would you do it what length what however I want it you don't care you know why because he will make he will give you bald hair and like a Shaolin yeah and then he will put a tiny patch because he threatened me before that looks coming back that look is that I heard from the insiders the hairstyle insiders so um is your
Starting point is 00:09:26 hair now do you shave down below I mean is that to personally I mean no we could go there I want to go there yeah I'm not asking I'm not asking for sexual reason we know that the second thing our new friend it's out of curiosity listen friendships and pandemic are different you we go straight to it yeah yeah you your coach I the coach I shush her first quiet quiet on set yeah yeah and then I give her the you know trimmings yeah I made such a crucial mistake about two months ago so I got one of those like hard wax home kits and I did I did an amazing job with a front but I didn't have the heart to ask you to help me with
Starting point is 00:10:16 the tail yeah so I just blindly put a wad of wax in my asshole yeah and I it took me six hours to peel off chunks thank God you did that because I have asshole hair you have a very hairy asshole wait you've never seen I have never let you I've seen your ass so fuck it's like Chewbacca Harry oh yeah that wasn't it Chewbacca no no it was dead on yeah listen I'm really great at impressions yeah it was my Chewbacca I've seen your asshole before I've never seen my asshole and you know why why because it's Harry all right this is no but check it check it out okay check it out let's check it out all right this
Starting point is 00:11:05 is what I have seen all right sometimes when you're on your stomach right and I've seen your ass with underwear and sometimes you know I goof around and I put my mouth on it but that's my pubes babe that's not my asshole hair you don't know I will take a picture of my asshole hair for you and it will make you cry well I kind of want to see it now I wonder if there's like you know there's wiki feet wiki anus well it's because it's not it's like it's not Harry but it's like it like my growth pattern is very alarming I don't grow even on my on my fupa there's not a lot of hair but on the sides there is it's
Starting point is 00:11:43 very in uneven growth so when you look at my asshole hair it's like it's like someone just just recklessly did with a razor but didn't really care mm gotcha it's like in a not abundant you're not abundant and then also no pattern hmm interesting I'm dying to see it I mean I saw my own asshole in Canada why a different country though well it's the rule that TSA I was in a okay I was in a not Vancouver yeah I was at Edmonton and they have one of those hotels that each floor is a theme and I don't know why they keep putting me on the Hollywood theme floor everyone and then when they give you the car I
Starting point is 00:12:29 go thank you and I go to my room but the one of the rooms has put all mirrors so I go this is the perfect you know opportunity to see my own asshole I've never seen it before what I mean and how old were you when you first saw your asshole 42 yeah I recently had this conversation with the group of girls and it was just I was the unpopular opinion of constantly check on your household I mean you have to I I'm always checking in on her it's like a houseplant you know to me yeah I make sure she's watered you also got to send it on the group chats at least once a month right I do I tell you what I saw
Starting point is 00:13:04 in my ass god damn it in Canada in Canada right it looked like rotten calamari the ring the ring the ring not the tentacles before you die you see the ring I actually just often I send my butthole pictures to my mom just TV TV you know I just asked her if it still looks the same from day one yeah I mean and I'm like you mom you can count the rings I'm 30 yeah you know like a tree like a tree that's how you know I'm gonna count mine tonight no incidentally when you do because I've you know I've never chopped on a tree but how I've always wanted to I feel like it's not good you know I
Starting point is 00:13:55 mean so I don't know because you watched Fern gully yeah whatever you don't make homemade paper so when you look at the the the log part the log part right yeah do you is every ring in ten years I mean or a hundred year what is it how do you what is it George each ring each ring is one year like I knowledge right so it's like so it's quite possibly there could be one with 50,000 fucking rings yeah there's a really old tree I wonder what's the first tree ever do we know this what George like where George tree ever tree knowledge first of all dead trees when Adam and Eve are here the first people there was an apple tree in it so
Starting point is 00:14:40 first of all thank you George for being here I requested specifically I need a white man in the corner white man in the corner or else I'm not coming yeah but yeah the rings that make I don't get it have Chinese parents I do have Chinese parents where'd you grow up I was born in Shanghai I'm an immigrant I have one of these bad boys me too wait what were you born Philippines wait yeah lots west I think she was Mexican I don't really know I saw tattoos they looked I guess you're right though that looks kind of islandy yeah yeah islandy tax but we got the tuberculosis the right yeah it's so
Starting point is 00:15:18 hard to explain why is this such a big piece that they took the child big is your keloid excuse me it's a keloid oh that's what it's called yeah yeah mine just shines wait and I wish we were closer together we're more than six feet apart by the way extra credit you have a Mongolian mark I know a Mongolian mark oh a guy a mark I'm not my best but you know what I'm on I have a Mongolian okay wait you why do you have a Mongolian mark because I thought all Asian babies have them I thought this was it no that's not a Mongolian that's a BCG shot that's for the tuberculosis can we explain to the
Starting point is 00:15:59 audience Mongolian mark Mongolian mark is like a dark little purple dark purple little dark spot usually on the back yeah that most or not even in the back anywhere in the baby's body I think where yeah like a bruise what yeah on newborns and no I don't have that at all oh well I had it until my 40s oh it came yeah it went away where was it right here on my back you sure that was one of a bruise yeah you never seen it I had a girlfriend kick me there a thousand times maybe that was right that's what it is I didn't I didn't have one well now I'm just gonna punch myself in the back just you never had one no I
Starting point is 00:16:37 don't think I ask your mom you probably did you do just do China people do it I don't know hey Chinaman do you clearly they didn't CC me on the email yeah yeah I'm not involved so you never had a Mongolian but that's interesting yeah I escaped before they could give me one I guess so you grew up in Shanghai no I born in Shanghai came here when I was like almost four by myself no they're still looking for me over there but I grew up in the 626 and Gabriel Valley you know we always go to Newport seafood obsessed you know they open one on Las Yenaga and it freakin didn't do well capital seafood yes because I
Starting point is 00:17:17 initially got really excited when we would go to the west side mmm that's the best Chinese restaurant yeah it's so good I've ever I mean it's a classic it's a classic I do love the mom and pops though of course in the 626 you know where you know you can go in is that Alejandra is that where Monterey Park what even British accent is that where is that 626 626 is Braya is Braya 626 no Monterey Park to Diamond Bar that's the perimeters of the 626 yeah a lot of bubble places Alhambra I had I have to say has a lot of good fun places delicious can't find it I live in West Hollywood and you know the lack of flavor in the
Starting point is 00:17:56 far is just isn't it painful how how few Asian markets we have on this side I wish we had shabu we have nothing here like we have shabu shabu not here in this area in this house no we don't have area we don't we really don't not like legit we don't not legit probably is Western yeah West okay yeah okay K town I think that's around here I know but it's not close close not close close like we don't even have that place in Glendale's good with that we go to that's you don't have good good shit too though yeah people don't know what shabu shabu because people don't know you know shabu shabu means swish swish yeah look at me
Starting point is 00:18:41 I'm Chinese I know some Japanese stuff yeah you don't know what it is it's a plate they give you a plate of thinly sliced beef so thin chicken and it's raw or chicken and they give you a big pot of boiling water and some of them are flavored like yeah kimchi flavor and you put your face in the boiling water first yeah yeah you also get a plate full of vegetables and whatnot and then you just dunk the meat in the water and it cooks it it's really delicious it's very clean they give you the the goma sauce and the different sauce on the peanut sauce I love that's what it's called yeah wow whoa whoa you think we're so close
Starting point is 00:19:20 you think we were this was recorded this was recorded in 1983 see that's the thing like okay let's go back to this what right no let's go back to the certain words okay that Papa uses okay sure Papa's old he's almost gather around I'm just saying the hard word which is something that we said just fly off it went for anything yeah even if you like something man this sandwich is all right right so it's like and then all of a sudden I know it's bad to say you shouldn't say it you know but sometimes it just slips off the tongue I apologize you know what you didn't finish the word you said I know because I
Starting point is 00:20:00 caught myself because you know I do that with all the bad words you say we're talking about rhubarb if I see a Mexican go beep beep beep beep beep you know I mean I don't say it for me I didn't know that rhubarb can make you shit to be honest I don't even know what rhubarb is red red is an herb it's in pie it's like a red celery oh yeah so you grew up in the 6-2 sick let's go back on track hold on let's unpack the red celery that's good podcast material that's what I'm doing like in day 165 of quarantine is literally just staring at a candle and just wondering how so you grew up in 66 and do you get good grades no oh bad grades not at all biology like
Starting point is 00:20:43 18 times I mean I actually graduated high school with the 2.5 wow wow me too just breaking stereotypes left and right yeah me too your parents like what's wrong with her honestly yeah that was a really good impression I thought she was in the room kind of yeah I did get into a college university Cal State Fullerton shout out but I was there for like seven years because of the same reasons just not really studious the thing is I had the potential you know I think we all have it in us I just didn't try and didn't care which looking back I mean it was different seven years I mean I I don't I didn't come out with the PhD give me a doctor yeah could have
Starting point is 00:21:26 been a doctor um but my mom was kind of like what's going on tick-tock you know I mean but when did the bug hit you to perform oh I so I did a whole bunch of stuff like in high school you know I hosted the talent show which essentially was stand-up you know I mean I made funny videos and I did all that stuff and it was always a passion of mine but I truly think and I really blame the lack of representation like I didn't think that was possible as a career like you really don't think oh this is just for fun this is an end game you know that that's actually what I thought like Hollywood isn't for me which is a
Starting point is 00:22:06 bummer but here we are better late than ever and in college I ended up doing some like campus radio so I kind of fell in love with that so I ended up doing radio after college I worked at amp radio 97 one FM shout out Carson daily gave me my first little opportunity on the morning show yeah I did this like comedic segment if you will but wanting to do stand-up has always been a thing like when I was maybe 21 I went to the improv and I did the but it was like lottery style back then I don't know if it still is I like never got picked so then I'm like okay so then I kind of just like put it to the side but really
Starting point is 00:22:43 the first time I did stand-up and I don't usually admit it was 2016 wow yeah yeah like officially you know it was like one of the homies at the radio station who was putting together this show at slide bar in Fullerton and I was just like let's fucking do it you know I and I'm so scared totally so scared but these are some jokes that I've like written for years you know to me right and you know hopping off that stage is just cloud nine like that's feeling truly so then I just kept doing it consistent with it and whatnot and then acting kind of came afterwards but really the bug has always been there you
Starting point is 00:23:21 know and I've been itchy I've been itchy honey yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so here I am but yeah truly like people like you and you mentioned earlier were the only ones back then you know you Margaret Ken I remember watching Kim's a comedy yeah yeah right behind you and you know laughing at everyone's jokes is up for yours and I'm kidding I'm kidding no oh my goodness wait Steve yeah Bobby can wait exactly exactly exactly let's just leave it at that why did I happy Bob doing that hey you hit it on the head sherry why did I insist on listing right now I was so confident no what's his name do try think I think
Starting point is 00:24:11 he's in collaboration stuff shout out yeah wow you're good girl my god what's his last name honestly let's be real Asian Kevin's that was the problem the probability was high yeah I don't know the last day shea shea nice Chinese no he's adopted oh yeah white shea a white shea so shea butter yeah like shea butter oh it's not sh e I eat sh e I wait I don't think that exists I know how do you smell the Chinese shea I share like that shit oh look at you yeah I'll be sweet oh but I don't know what you're doing you just said you want ice water okay good yeah I want to know that teach me a sentence um so what people is a low young I want
Starting point is 00:25:05 to learn I want to learn what people is it one at a time whoa whoa whoa oh wait I just realized I'm speaking Shanghainese my bad not Mandarin yeah what a flex um oh so what a pee wash I don't even know I'm not as good in Mandarin I'm better just go back to the Shanghain just go to Shanghainese keep it real shout out the Shangchi yeah um what what pico pico is a is a low young low young what pico is a low young what be say pk lose only young one that means my my butt is very itchy right now I mean I can't use that wait teach us something and say that in Korean okay nah nah boji boji nah boji nah boji
Starting point is 00:25:53 jokome jokome you know what you just said what my pussy is small I mean if it matches the no my am I I've had great reviews what you know I've always said and you've always refuted this right but I always said the shape and the size of a woman's mouth is directly proportional to the shape and scientific of their potential inside a baby does come out of there cuz look yeah but I but I studied it well I look at I look at magazines porno magazine very go down on me you close your eyes no that's racist I was they're open he's just happy yeah they're open baby that's right they're just blind you fly I don't do this to the
Starting point is 00:26:59 son like it's corn in the car that's why you've never seen her bottle cuz your clothes you're not even looking no but I heard apparently it's this like if you put your fingers like that or hands like that that's the size I'm gonna break my fingers trying to make it small not like that's not like the rock the rock hey sure are you seeing anybody right now no but I have I did download bumble oh actually this is something I want to ask the room so I downloaded bumble cuz you know 12 white claws in and I'm drunk I meet this guy his name is bumble boy on my phone and the night we meet cuz I'm really drunk I'm like we're sexting this
Starting point is 00:27:48 this is raunchy you know I mean I'm sending voice notes honey I'm trying to book that ADR job you know I mean so I'm trying to get that V.O. money I'm like and I and I relieved the edge if you will no but he so now after that night of raunch cuz I was you know really in the I was committed he thinks I'm always like that so he'll send me videos just on a Tuesday at 3 p.m. like jacking off no but to be honest I sort of invited this behavior right because the initial raunch so one day he sends me a video and and and the way we've been speaking the way he you know acts I'm like oh he might be into men as well
Starting point is 00:28:39 which is totally cool yeah so he sends me a video of him sucking a penis well okay that's fine no it looks like it's a 69 situation right so I can fully see his butthole right it's as if the camera anyway the point is I'm watching it I'm like okay nice and then I realize he's sucking himself off I thought it was like 69 with someone you know in that position so his head is like this and then the butt is right you know I mean wow so then dude just can I just interrupt if I could do that I would not I would just be not with Kalei it would find me in a house somewhere skeleton of my skeleton legs over my I wouldn't eat sleep or
Starting point is 00:29:24 anything and just at the skeleton of me sucking my own dick yeah so I wasn't sure how it's at first of all I love that visual you have to have like a graphic design I 3d printing anything I so I ask I want to ask him if it's himself because I need to confirm you know and so I asked how many people are in this video nice way to ask yeah yeah without being judgy and he was like just me sucking myself so it was confirmed so yeah I was really impressed to be honest because the penis isn't huge it's not that long yeah yeah yeah was an Asian guy white guy to be honest that hasn't been concerned I'm a con that hasn't been
Starting point is 00:30:07 concerned hasn't been a hate mail coming in no he I think he's Latinx oh that was the Latinx man he's almost 50 sherry no I'm sorry I need to be taught because you can't it's it's it's not Latina or Latino anymore there are people who identify as non-binary there's a lot of so we replace the a and o with X a lot of people still call themselves Latina or Latino right if you want to yeah you identify as how you want having a stroke about it I'm just trying to absorb it okay that's fucking crazy it's it's the times I'm not signing up wait I'm never gonna say that you didn't you didn't study the flashcards yeah I'm sorry
Starting point is 00:31:01 I I respect them they're hard-working people the great people he thinks it only applies to Latinos and Latinas what any like Spanish you could be Philippine X mmm so you're Philippine X I'm Filipino I'm Korean at Korean yep Korean X wait oh wait oh no wait it's not a gender-based a language oh that's what we've evolved that's how you do it neither is Filipino because we don't have he or she we don't have he or she it's silla it's them they don't say Filipina oh same with Chinese as well Mandarin and it's like they yeah yeah our pronouns we don't have an X we don't have an X so do you say she and
Starting point is 00:31:52 he and Korean are the words I don't know how to speak that I only know the dirty word I don't want to speak that yeah because in Chinese it's I mean not Chinese Mandarin and all the dialects it's yeah we say they yeah well respect I will I will I've just changed my mind I'll use Latina X those quick can't say Latina one sentence I'm gonna say it okay you learned new things true that's why I asked you said Latin X right Latin X we don't assume we don't assume but yeah I was so you pretty much answered my question I was gonna ask if you could go down on yourself would you yeah I mean I would eat my own asshole if I
Starting point is 00:32:37 could wow I'm really picturing all the tiny little curled up yeah one of those pill bugs did it did it turn you on or were you like like rendered useless we like well what for that it didn't necessarily turn me on it didn't turn me off either I was neutral it was like you know one of those surveys were you strongly turned on were you mildly just middle yeah yeah I mean I don't know if I would do it to be honest what was he like as a person though do you well we only really had that one-night conversation to be honest I almost feel bad that I don't I'm not receptive because yeah I was drunk and I was I'm
Starting point is 00:33:22 now I'm over it you know yeah which is I mean what can you do but you know you're still young and also I want to say that you're you know on the rise I would focus on your career right why dad dad thing to say no that's exactly what my dad said oh really when I sent him that video I am becoming a dad I think I am becoming an old guy now what is that I see old guy things I get confused about certain words yeah I mean and a technology I get confused oh be honest I'm 30 period I'm 30 because I'm 31 in November I almost said 31 but not in November November 10th what about you oh one okay so in the Philippines we
Starting point is 00:34:09 don't say grade 10 you say no you don't say 10th grade 9th grade or November 1st we say grade 1 grade 2 and 1 November 1 interesting you don't say November 31st you say November 31 I mean there's no 30 guess what happens in nine days well is it your birthday it's September 17 yeah oh my goodness happy early do you have a gift plan for him I don't expect anything for anybody tell me that's what you want us to get you know but I've changed my body you know sherry he will hang it over your head I better get friends but he will hang it over your head no what you will hang over your
Starting point is 00:34:55 head is a framed photo of yourself going down on yourself I would fucking love that you would love it I literally I would love that to you know distort that one yeah Photoshop I'm literally gonna do it you know it's a funny but that so there's a painting behind me with me with talking my dick you know and completely naked right and that was that was a week three of quarantine but two weeks ago I was on zoom and I was pitching to CBS oh my right and I'm on zoom and they could see that right but I don't think that it's there and the president of CBS goes and not in a funny way she's like is that a naked photo of
Starting point is 00:35:41 you holy fuck I'm so sorry I didn't know that was back there hilarious and they didn't pick up the show do you think that's why though I think so I think subliminally she's like I can't have that the times you know sure sure sure the times but it's art yeah he just looks like you know I mean a manatee filled with boba well you're like a boba you do look very chewable oh thank you yeah thank you so much I actually I'm not kidding we have the identical bodies like literally identical yeah we do have the same you know because when she was when I saw her outside yeah because the show that I did sell has a sister part in it
Starting point is 00:36:30 and I eat as soon as I saw her I just went ding ding ding ding ding ding ding because he thought that was my name yeah that's very funny yeah but um what's your last name so um yeah I literally thought because I looked at her but I mean not you know but I don't add that I don't want to be rude right he saw the Fupa coming you know or a canyon yeah but I just saw her body and her face and I just went that's my sister you're like welcome home yeah like I wanted to go welcome home yeah I have this the sister energy which is like you know why I'm friend zone for the rest of my life yeah yeah but but yeah no we and we talked
Starting point is 00:37:19 about this do we really talk about this how I look like you yeah yeah you said that I mentioned that people say so when you're like on your like comments and stuff on your videos people say people see say well before you had long hair it would be like Bobby Lee with hair yeah yeah or yeah like I thought this was Bobby Lee for a second who who gave Bobby Lee Birkenstocks you know what I mean like all right they try to be funny they try to offend you no why you should I mean we fucking look alike yeah all right good good do we okay people in the room do we look alike yeah we could be family though we have like you know like
Starting point is 00:37:54 the like little thumb faces yeah yeah yeah yeah because yeah we have like you know moony faces right but our eyes kind of go in a little bit or cross-eyed little bit right I do think I'm kind of cross-eyed you're not you know I'm cross-eyed are you cross-eyed out of anyone it's not a competition let's get the tape measure you know how you know someone is cross-eyed is when they can't when you tell them to cross their eyes and they can't do it oh my goodness yeah cross your eyes you can't do it that's just you oh what about I'm doing it are you know he's doing it let me see cross your eyes oh my goodness that was
Starting point is 00:38:34 really freaky like yeah you're seeing a vision no right what about me what about me do you do you do look like me Bobby Lee I've signed some autographs I really nailed your your signature yeah but you know that's I mean but I have you ever cared about your body I mean does it look like I know but I mean we don't care I do not care either what do you mean you look you look great oh just for the record yeah for the last two weeks I've been alternate day fasting so I go back to work soon I don't know if that's a secret but yeah you know my whole fan base is gonna go up in flames up in flames up in arms my goodness up in
Starting point is 00:39:19 flames that's dark George gave me a laugh finally I've peaked okay everyone calm the fuck down green screen chair I'm taking that home okay no I am going back to work and literally the quarantine pounds are real you know I mean because I was deep-throating white claws and just burritos for my whole entire distance is what this five months has felt like so I've been alternate day fasting literally not eating every other day you guys are the same person because he literally just threatened to fast 28 days two days ago yeah he threatened because we watched this this docusy on well I'm well I haven't seen it
Starting point is 00:40:00 but people have been threatening me with it oh when I tell them I've been fasting but hold on your alternate day how many hours on the on the fasting day 24 basically yeah so on and on the days I do eat I'm doing intermittent fasting so basically I eat noon eight but legit I've lost like well yesterday I kind of had like a crazy day like all of the Taco Bell yeah but it's it's I kind of lost like 10 pounds it doesn't fuck with your period or anything I'm currently online actually what about you it fucks with my period if I do any type of like extreme fasting well most of my period but if I do it like on the day after my
Starting point is 00:40:35 period sure I'm fine but if I try to intermittent fast and I try to go longer for let's say like 18 hours to 20 hours it messes I get my period late are you drinking water when you're fast I'm drinking water this is this for me by the way and everyone's mouth touches before you know what I you know when it's interesting that you brought that up because I I think I'm gonna start trying it for real don't do one water fast then I'm gonna do every other like I want to do one day I'm your way one day fast with water right the next day from like 12 to 8 or like an eight hour chunk in a minute I'll eat and then not
Starting point is 00:41:14 and then yeah do that yeah you know I mean honestly I haven't been cranky well maybe maybe my roommates might say otherwise but I actually you know what I'm gonna be honest I have to tell the story now the speaking of me being cranky on my non-eating days I really don't think I am but this day I was very unreasonable so bumbleboy this was this inside joke in I'm sorry I didn't tell this part okay so the very first night when we were doing the raunchy stuff right he's like send me a picture so then I don't have any sexy pictures you know I'm not I don't have Bobby so I send him like a selfie of me smiling like
Starting point is 00:41:49 just straight up a selfie me smiling he's like any picture whatever right he sends me a video of my picture on an iPad and he jacks off on the iPad on your face on my face all right great yeah you cannot see this guy so this guy's fucking crazy so once again because I was drunk and feeling frisky I was going along with it but the point is that was just such an inside joke in the apartment because we just couldn't believe it we couldn't believe the lengths that he went through you know what I mean was it waterproof was it a waterproof iPad I don't know he's risking his life right for me so then the three of us drew
Starting point is 00:42:24 a portrait of this on our whiteboard the me and my two roommates Mikey and Ness we drew you know our our little version of this right a penis jacking off onto my face on an iPad on our whiteboard so we had three little portraits right so then the other day Vanessa erased it and I offended I yelled I was like no I'm and then we and then I love her so much and I apologize then we got over it but like I was so triggered that she deleted it before letting us know no looking back I was completely that was one of those non-eating days maybe it was starting to get to me I see what you mean though because if it's such a source
Starting point is 00:43:11 of joy a real moment in time sure you can't just you had you've had to have taken a picture of your drawing I hope to immortalize it right and then you would have been okay with that I hope there's a photo of it I'm pretty sure there is hopefully anyway so then how do you sleep so if you when that on the days that you don't eat at all right you're drinking water at night how do you sleep you're so hungry I'm so hungry all the time but I'm so hungry all the time just in general though like shit it's like I'm always hungry at 3 a.m. but I don't need to slam a pizza right now you know I mean yeah because I had I've
Starting point is 00:43:48 been trying to like eat better so I was eating better and then it'd been a couple like a week and a half since I'd eaten a pizza because I have a couple of pizzas in the freezer and so last night I cooked up a little naughty's pizza and I baby it fucked my body up how bad was it it's weird to go back after being my neck started hurting I started feeling stiff yeah I felt like heavy sure it felt achy and I just think that I'm I'm not gonna do that anymore at least for a while like like months I want to eat another pizza in months what's your pizza topping preference well right now I have
Starting point is 00:44:25 loomalotties it's just sausage cheese tomato sauce and the crust classic he likes his deep dish like deep interesting interesting why I think what do I look like a shakies guy you look like a little thin crust square boy no no I like deep I like to interesting I actually like thinner me too I I can appreciate a really good sure sure but I really like thin crust me too I love a crunch love a crunch there's crunch in deep ones too yeah but maybe I'm there's crunch in deep ones as well I feel like my logic is that there's too much bread so it's taking up space in my belly I like the toppings I need to get to the
Starting point is 00:45:15 meat you know some jalapenos but okay it's it's if when there's thin and you let it sit for a bit it the crust becomes soggy not if it's a correct crust right okay my bad also I have it I've been trying to learn how to eat slow oh so I went to a chiropractor no not a chiropractor what's the other one acupuncture yeah acupuncturist and then he I did the needles thing yeah first time ever doing it by the way that was it was interesting head to toe or just a certain part head to toe yeah yeah not the coochie I said uh-uh don't go there I know what you're thinking that's what I said to him but but he told me that you
Starting point is 00:45:57 can literally lose weight you said that to your chiropractor he's like fucking relaxed like well actually I don't want to misgender him but anyway he was lying next yes my oh my goodness that's so much phlegm okay so basically he said if you chew your food 50 times like literally one bite 50 choose you will automatically lose weight even if you the food is already all the way down and you're chewing nothing you have to hit 50 all right really yeah that's interesting maybe I'll try that so you chew it down to what where it's just kind of like yeah so maybe I'll do that I think I like I think that you're
Starting point is 00:46:37 supposed to be like after he eats a big meal he'll say I'm still hungry I'm like give it 20 minutes right sometimes it takes a while for that information to get sent up to your brain yeah that you're actually satiated I did I made love to an acupuncturist oh yes the sign the the one who did the circles when she fuck yeah I don't like that he tells me about his ex his past exploits because I feel like if he ever breaks up with me he's going to talk about your hairy asshole I beat into the punch yeah never have that about me yeah just point out all your flaws right now fuzzy hole my book fuzzy hole it'll be a pop-up
Starting point is 00:47:18 book animations and everything but one time she was doing acupuncture on me I'd spikes in my face and she looks like it I thought we're still talking about her ass the hairy the hairy yeah I have needles coming out it's like a Pokemon down there okay I remember her going I have so many feelings for you and I just remember going get these spikes off my face while the spikes are on my face get it off my face I look like the guy from Hellraiser I know what a weird time to confess feelings I you know what because you have no escape I have no escape I also it's you know when you here check it out okay because I've been
Starting point is 00:48:02 thinking about this because you were so hard to get yeah you took me six months to break you down but you know I you know I dated girls right and I'm just messages to women out there do not express you know I mean just listen all right because I've had these like memories of like dating a girl for like two or three times making love to them and yes it's love okay and I do it really good okay like a wrap yeah like a rabbit machine your crump then I go soft you look like you're buffering the reception is the Wi-Fi and I've you know two or three days you make love whatever and then them going I think I'm
Starting point is 00:48:50 falling in love with you that it's over I'll be honest that is risky two three dates yeah you don't do it okay I mean you don't do it to feel it is okay to say it out loud maybe don't say it feel it don't say it I think that you kind of read the room cuz six months read the room baby straight up dropped and I love you in the first two weeks wait you did I did oh I'd like my text messages I think I did it drop note I love you wait how long were you two together I mean oh my goodness congrats that's eight so lucky number you know gotta keep it Asian they say they say that the seven year is when people break up I thought
Starting point is 00:49:40 it was two they go to seven and then some other number 11 or so well y'all are really you know breaking the barriers here cuz even in quarantine with all the obstacles you're killing it yeah it has it is a it is a testament to the love I think I think we're trying to fight more mmm spicy he thinks we don't fight enough we never fight we never fight really what's a topic of fighting what was the last fight we had we had a fight in the car aside from deep dish earthen crust in the car we got into a fight after coming home from the vet cuz our cat was peeing blood oh yeah oh yeah okay yeah oh yeah that's what it
Starting point is 00:50:17 was okay so the fight was I remember okay so the fight was you know I can't podcast or I and this is I'm a baby let's just throw it out there I'm a fucking baby breakfast yeah and I and I the conditions have to be right for me to do certain things right and for me to talk for hours I just need to be because you don't have to constantly add information and because you I talk so much and you don't want to say the same things over and over again so I just need to be fresh right so you know I had canceled I have another podcast called bad friends you can itunes where you watch it and YouTube please watch it
Starting point is 00:50:58 I do I do yeah okay I tune or no yes I tune okay daddy Bobby latin X latin X okay so um so I she's like you have to take me to the vet again for Ming's blood coot blood blood pee no no no so you know when you take a dog to the vets a lot easier cats is a different story our cat Ming is like half feral so she doesn't take nicely to being put in a crate and carried she freaks out and whatnot so it's a two-person job so I needed to sleep in but she's like you have to wake up earlier because we have 1130 that's early to me that's like a normal person five cornsy it's quarantine okay so and you have to get up
Starting point is 00:51:45 early so you can help me take the cat all to the vet in Silver Lake and I said can't you do it on your own she's not need your help so that morning I did get up we brought put me in the fucking thing we went over there and we got in a fight about how I'm not like jolly about it no so we we Ming's okay by the way okay yeah that's what they called a sterile UTI because she got a little stress when construction was happening anyways we were there and then we left Ming at the vet and then the grand to find that out by the way the vet was like FYI give it a couple hours and then come back please Venmo Bobby give it a
Starting point is 00:52:29 couple hours come back for Ming and so we're like okay we'll be back in a couple hours I just assumed that since it's a two-person job we'd be back there together but he when I told him okay we'll come back together in three out two hours and he had a meltdown over it he was like what do I have to keep doing these things that yeah you know what I'm split okay thank you thank you I feel like I just want you to be like in the middle no totally in the middle yeah yeah also just had that visual I feel like I'm also the same in terms of like sometimes I'll have a show at like two shows at eight and nine or something
Starting point is 00:53:05 right yeah and I'm like the whole day is cleared like I need to like you know what I mean thank you thank you thank you thank you that's all enough said no but also mean but not to be there for me but Sherry it's not he'll use that day he used that as an excuse he wasn't going to a show and it also the podcast got pushed to the next day you know what he's addicted to this if you take away time from his video games oh you cut into his video game hours that's it that's a ridiculous look at it I cherry cold of the couple's therapist cherry okay that's pure absurdity okay I needed to take a nap all right but we were screaming we
Starting point is 00:53:45 were screaming in the car and I was calling him a diva and I was saying you're the most difficult high maintenance person I have ever met yeah and he was like so what I was born this way very Lady Gaga yeah that we just said yeah yeah it is born this way all born this way yeah I was born this way later Gaga alright so and that was the last fight and that was the last fight and we fight maybe two or three times a year and I think what I'm about to say right now is gonna start another fight but I'm gonna try okay I'm ready right but then you know but sharpen my clothes you don't forget Sherry Cole I'm so sorry
Starting point is 00:54:28 no I'm into this thank you thank you I'm here for it so um family dysfunction you're familiar it always ends when she cries no no that's not true you're you're a sack of shit for saying that I did I not preference it by saying that I don't cry I'm one of those people that if I'm emotional I cannot not cry I don't know how to contain my lacrimal ducts like for some reason they just start to squirt out kiss kiss out of my fucking face that's his trick that's his trick he does he does business he does this I want to see the kiss but I don't I always I'm a crier and so even if I say something like you know you're so
Starting point is 00:55:09 high maintenance my jaws get tight and then here's your oh my goodness I'm actually like I'm kind of I kind of punch walls oh you're one of the you're like David show right you don't know David show oh I'm so glad you don't oh wait the singer no yeah that's a girl yeah you're talking about the YouTube yeah no wait there's also David so David show there's David so wait I'm sorry I'm sorry I love that you don't know him so give me who I'm like he's an artist like an actual artist like yeah oh art yeah yeah yeah he's a Korean artist I be punching yeah drywall and let's out or like are you like
Starting point is 00:55:53 bold with metal I'm not people I punch people no I don't go like knuckle first I literally because I'm a little fucking baby bitch I'm also a little baby I go this way so like I just like real quick so weak I punch I punch you know it's funny so in the fight with my roommate I punch the whiteboard and I punch the cabinet yeah am I I'm a fucking beast but they didn't see it I just did it on my own oh it wasn't for sure I'm not an exhibitionist a puncher like why even bother punching if no one's watching so sad if you punch a tree in the middle of the forest and no one was there to see it did it even have speaking of David
Starting point is 00:56:42 show I just want to I've never said this before yeah when I was in the institution I went to an institution because I was going crazy sure it was in Arizona it was a lockdown institution it was he wasn't prison it was what's an institution I don't know he went to come on to learn to read and write so I had to do this thing called EMDR right and I don't know I'm saying the story but just throw it out there and so in EMDR you know you have to go back into past trauma right so I went and I got enraged and I punched a wall I made a little dent in it right and then afterwards like security came and people
Starting point is 00:57:22 were like what the fuck you are right to the counselor and but they looked and there was like four other hole right yep and I go they go people punch the walls all the time and I go oh so these oh they go your friend David Cho did those oh you signed your name on it after yeah yeah are you Sherry did you want to you like kiss it what what's that the guy in the red oh David just showing her David yeah shout out to the Korean men David Cho um years ago Zuckerberg from Facebook asked him can you because he's a great artist can you paint the you know a mural or whatnot and he goes I'll give you 60 grand or stocks in
Starting point is 00:58:07 Facebook this is when Facebook wasn't nothing nothing nothing and he took the stocks and they were are worth they were worth like 250 million dollars my goodness so you made that so you made that much money just by doing a mural what can we invest in right now I don't know that's early enough for zoom it's too late for zoom get a house do you get a house that is the plan next year for sure that's the plan next year you're killing it you're on the show with the show so I'm gonna show called good trouble it's great show free form you could also catch season one and two on Hulu and you know hopefully we'll do
Starting point is 00:58:42 season three we'll be back soon we are picked up congratulations when we're going yeah because of the shutdown if you were anything in pandemic in the pandemic aside from this like kind of stuff yeah cuz I shot one movie and a couple of TV shows a little flex another flex yeah but um but it's fucking weird so you guys will probably have to have tests and you'll have COVID people on set COVID people officers right and then in between takes you got to put the fucking mask back yeah but it's still there's still so many holes I mean they're doing the best they can but ultimately it's like someone can test
Starting point is 00:59:23 like even if you had COVID now and you got tested you could still be negative because there's there is such a thing as testing too right right yeah about it yeah yeah it's gonna be interesting to see but I'm excited of course nervous as well but more excited to be honest I'm kind of trusting it I'm very much like the glass half whatever we have to get out there work type of bitch yeah I need and you're a man Batman get COVID right he did but honestly what's what's he doing is he just going to the beaches on his off days that's true that's true I don't think he got it on set yeah correct yeah because it's like if he was
Starting point is 01:00:03 if he was I don't know by himself and doing what we're doing right and then showing up on set and wearing the mask and taking the test and doing all the things you need to do I just a bad man mask he does and everything's covered except for the mouth just discreet reverse the mask his nose and mouth but everything else interesting yeah the mask is like this yeah so they should cover the mouth yeah cover the mouth and like this and just like a ninja yeah right right what do you think about poop sex okay oh like straight on the dump on the chest that's called a segway speaking of Robert Pattinson well no
Starting point is 01:00:48 because last night I was telling Bobby that Odell Beckham was trending because one of his ex-lovers had like I went on like a different podcast and was like yeah like he likes to be shit on and you know interesting and I know that like I've watched sketch sex before to see just to see if I was into it I was I'm not just to see yeah I mean I'm making this place right now I'm not judging but I don't know if it's for me and it's not for me either you know I'm maybe I mean spit sure pee if there's shit but poop if there's shit then there's boil sex what's boiled like yeah like you know I mean zitsack no like somebody having a
Starting point is 01:01:25 boil right and squirting the boil and using it as lube that's fun that's so my god you took it past his level yeah that's so wrong these little Bobby junior I'm pretty sure people masturbate to Dr. Pitbull popper come on probably yeah I mean me I might but it depends not the not certain pops only like the black heads or the the old old old black heads the big ones I watched also a microscopic videos of tweezing yeah so good so good chills goosebumps I mean FYC here's another one for you in groans mm-hmm the ingrowns the best yeah when they oh and there's like six hairs to one pore how the fuck so it's like your
Starting point is 01:02:05 asshole it's the best I'm gonna send you watch you're gonna regret this I'm gonna send you a picture of my asshole listen I won't leak it we might have to cut this up but can I just tell you the worst joke I've ever heard no yeah I didn't write it so it's one of my it's one of mine is it a dad no no just to hear what's the George is in love with me can we talk about that yeah that's gracious asians he just got married but I could see this happening your girlfriend's Asian I mean your fiance I mean your wife wife make him forget that it's his wife your friend tinder date Korean Korean
Starting point is 01:02:52 yeah he's a nice girl I love I I actually just had gobbledon and a kimchi pancake I got it at this place on Yang Jee anyone no shout out swipe up as a sponsor me please wait the badge on the no the short rib soup you know my goodness out of control out of control so you've gone out to a restaurant did you get no no no I haven't done a restaurant at all yet yeah well what do we feel about it cuz I have friends who do it I'm not judging but I don't know if I'm ready for it or I don't think I am more so I don't know if it's necessary exactly that's my point Sherry it's like if I can just contribute and
Starting point is 01:03:30 not add to that right now cuz I don't need to I'm cool with just taking out laughing because the way you said that you were gonna like break into song yeah the way I can just continue that's like that's like me tempering my own like rage cuz like I have friends often like cancun stuff like that right yeah I have friends like traveling to like just going about their lives yeah I know yeah I'm so jealous and I can't wait to go out and eat and clubbing I mean I'm not even a big clubber but I'll fucking get bottle service the first day but have you done stand-up Sherry or no the virtual shows yeah a virtual ones not
Starting point is 01:04:13 in person though have you done in person I was invited to Whitney's having take Sherry with you oh yeah I would love to yeah because this week I've never met Whitney I would love to meet her through what she said bring you somebody that you want to bring that you trust yeah I trust I could put you up that wait what is it Whitney's house mm-hmm she's having comics go up and she's having audience there right and I would just go with you to hang out not no I would probably hang out with her and then we've got probably go together and I could go to because I'm not gonna perform oh so we're just attending no I'll attend and
Starting point is 01:04:49 I'll go to Whitney hey can my friend Sherry go up oh I'm gonna attend now I'm kind of nervous now energy just shifted bro yeah I got you a little nervous no but then you're doing it in front of all other comic I know that's oh my goodness hold on I'm only done I only know a zoom screen well you don't have to it's just gonna be like it's I think it's a good way to because you know that I mean I don't want to brag but that caliber will be the top I mean I know you know I'm gonna do that so it's either tomorrow Thursday or Friday wait but you have to get cuz she has a COVID officer at her house so oh no she said no she said she
Starting point is 01:05:28 said you can bring somebody but you have to be really trustworthy and I and I think that she no no no I know that but everyone both you and Sherry have to get COVID tested before the day of that you actually go to her house I promise you she just because that's what Esther and Candice and all the girls you all right well we'll figure that out we'll figure it we'll be in touch and yeah let me I would go with you I would pick you up and go with you and then we would go to Whitney's house that is quite the opportunity and what's your number yeah it's a delight because I didn't know I'll be honest with you I didn't
Starting point is 01:06:13 know if I'd like you know that no really honestly I didn't I had like a you know I didn't really have any expectations I you know because I had never really done this with you well we met a couple times I don't remember I don't remember I apologize I apologize because they have said to me that we've met before I want to know where we've met and then Hollywood no the one time the first time we met and then we just kept seeing each other I mean randomly not kept seeing like three times but at the clubs and stuff but it was that short film curious Georgina Helen Hong's that's right yeah that's now it now
Starting point is 01:06:50 yes right yes I do remember I was there when you were shooting your scene yeah I do remember now don't you love her obsessed obsessed we got to get her on the podcast here's the hardest-working Asian person I've ever seen oh she's she is you know when um you know when I was on the sitcom yeah I'm flexing he was he was waiting for us to say flat today is the first day he's learned of the word flex that was that was really is our silence I heard the neighbor sneeze yeah the way I was on a sitcom flex thank you thank you thank you they hired somebody to play my sister but I you know in my and then
Starting point is 01:07:42 when I saw Helen Hong when they hired her I went I went up to her and I said you're just like the hardest-working person because I knew her when she was new and for her to just crawl up the ladder and to get to that place goals it just it just makes me feel so happy you know it's like it's the top it's a difficult it's a difficult business to you know especially for Asians you know I mean easier for you guys I mean and listen we're grateful for the people who paved the way thank you know what I mean thank you I'll always go back to that like I didn't do anything I know but I didn't do shit but but you're right I
Starting point is 01:08:27 do feel lucky being in the industry right now yeah because it's like oh it is looking up because we are you know unapologetic now we're like making sure the freaking world knows that we deserve to be here all that stuff so anyway go back to you were about to compliment me you said you you said you don't think you didn't think you're gonna like me yeah I really don't know I'm not like it's just like I was like you know usually when people do our podcast it's somebody that I know you know I've had dinner with and you know everyone you know pretty much I think we've had maybe two or three as my mom would call it you
Starting point is 01:09:01 have intimate relationship with people and so you know I don't generally like you know ask people to the podcast that I don't really kind of know because I don't want to be in a situation where I'm gonna ask the wrong thing I don't know your sensibilities but as soon as I saw you out there yep as soon as I met you I was like this is gonna work Bobby yeah because you like a dumb dumb you park your car and then you got and I was standing there watching you and you just went the way you kind of you know me why were you walking yeah we have the same waddle yeah she waddled she's looking at her phone and she's waddles down the
Starting point is 01:09:42 street she walks to the wrong and I'm standing there like they're just going and let's see where she goes so I walk to the bottom of the thing and I sat against that wooden fence on across the street and it just waited there and I see her go all the way down the street and they come back waddle up her phone I went that's it that's the one because she is you know she's you know I will absolutely play your little sister I don't care let's sign the contracts right now yeah because I you know I honestly don't you think yes on my sitcom that she could play my little sister perfect yeah perfect yep she's you're a dead
Starting point is 01:10:20 dead on so I want your show to fail don't watch do not don't know what we're gonna bleep the fucking show that she's on just like a guest star build as a guest no no I need us it's she's the third lead in the show just give me the guest star money fuck it I need no we need her every episode so we need you we'll be in touch yeah we'll be in touch I mean it would be a killer cast especially you cuz you know Peter right Peter Kim oh yeah they're friends yeah yeah wait it's a Peter and I wrote it's our show I love Peter so much you know I actually like um wait I was I'll save her later I mean I don't know what I don't
Starting point is 01:10:57 even know what I was gonna say I just love Peter so much you do um he's so funny and yeah I remember oh you know it's funny I'm sorry we just cut out all the blabber make a lot cut it up make it pretty you know the drill never never show my weakness George please um I remember being at Kill Tony ones and then Peter went up and then you were on the the gel I was a judge analyst yeah and then you mentioned that Peter open for you and all that good stuff but he's so funny I adore him we do a lot of the Asian AF shows together and yeah things like that you know he's your generation in terms of like just people that I look
Starting point is 01:11:35 at and I go wow because when I started you know you I don't want to name their names but we there were Asian older Asian comics around sure but they got by by doing the Asian because they have Asian accent sure and they know they kind of so self-deprecating you know I mean that it was like they didn't necessarily get laughs through their their talent necessarily people laughed at them because they couldn't pronounce words right or whatever right so that you know when I came around it was like that's what I'm competing against right but now when I see like young kids now coming up it's just like they have such
Starting point is 01:12:10 high skill right and such talent you know I mean and the mugging and and and you know switches all the stuff is there mm-hmm it just makes me feel I threatened right I get threatened right I mean like a holy fuck you're I'm getting old or whatever but like you know all I had was Margaret mm-hmm have you met Margaret I you would let me she would love you I I mean she's my fucking queen she's the best goodness gracious we actually did a virtual show together and it's funny because I was watching her the entire time while I was doing my set just see if she was laughing she was but we've technically met maybe in person but it
Starting point is 01:12:49 was like in passing not not like a full-on one-on-one conversation I need that in my life though I fucking I mean she's a vision board you know what I mean yeah adore her why I you know you're one of those people that I I would take you to Whitney's house because I think that you're I like you thanks Bobby truly that means a lot you're like a yellow ball of pudge I'm a good atama yeah you seen those little that egg little thing yeah like a ring-goo hair yeah with the ring-goo hair yeah there's a gap in the market do we have an unhelpful advice we do okay well at the end of our show we do a thing called
Starting point is 01:13:26 unhelpful place people ask us questions and on the internet oh my god we answer love I'm hopeful vice with Bobby Kalala and Sherry Kohler hey guys my name is Anna Kate I'm 19 I live in Fullerton California I think I have the same issue as Bobby and Steve that's Bobby's brother every night before I go to bed I have to tap on my headboard three times before I go to sleep because if I don't do it I always think something bad will happen yeah yeah yeah I've always felt my whole life I would say things in my head and be telling myself to do something and if I don't do it my dog would die or anything like that but
Starting point is 01:13:58 just recently I've been doing the headboard tapping thing I want to know what you guys think this is or if you've you found a way to stop it I think it might be an OCD thing it is it is and I I still do it and it what I do is like well here's a thing that if I if her and I are watching something on this is a new one we're watching something on you know on the iPad or whatever and there's a scene in my head immediately you got to rewind it two more times and watch it over again interesting and I've done that before right mm-hmm on the when we watch some movie or whatever but now what I've been doing is just fighting it
Starting point is 01:14:33 what's the thought though that if you don't do it what happens like what my mom's gonna implode or interesting so I I do the same things as well like but I don't have the whole like something bad will happen I just have to do it like what I do is like today for example well I guess it was kind of to prevent something bad from happening I was in my garage and for somebody in the garage door the parking garage the the door opened when no one was there and I'm like what the hell so then and you know you think like oh what if like a weird spirit or something I don't know so then I always say Buddha bless me in
Starting point is 01:15:05 Shanghai needs three times I always do that like booze boy a booze boy a booze boy I just do it real quick you know I mean like yeah and same with the the Rewindy stuff I'm not kidding literally like I'll do that or especially if I miss something real quick even though I know it's probably an insignificant sentence that the actor just said right but I have to go back because what if it was important or like it'll kill me it'll bug me for the rest of my day yeah yeah um and especially when I was little oh even now I still do a thing where I can't do things in four or even six so like if I drink something I cannot have
Starting point is 01:15:39 four gulps if I have four gulps I have to go for a fifth gulp right you're like him you go for the odd numbers because he's an odd number kind of yeah something but what I've been doing is I'm letting it pass so in my head I'll go rewind it two more times or whatever and I'll go you're not doing it and even for the next hour I'll be thinking about it oh wow no it's interesting it'll pass it'll pass I have what I have is a little bit different it's more of like physical comfort thing I think it stems from well that's not true I was an athlete my whole life you know what you don't know I have flex flex flex super flex I was a
Starting point is 01:16:16 really good athlete wait what sport swimmer national I'm for the Philippine team oh my goodness legit I wish I had a swimmers body I don't have a sleepers body you're a floaters body yeah I'm a sinkers body I'm flattered you think I float but yeah so with I think all athletes have their stupid little superstitions and stuff but what I have to do that drives him absolutely crazy is because I have to sprinkle my feet with water before I sleep or every time I use the toilet every time I use a toilet I have to go to the sink and then I have to sprinkle whoa I'm laying in bed imagine it's dark right and there's
Starting point is 01:16:56 like you know I see her silhouette in the bathroom right I see her put on the you know me feet and in my head I'm like is she gonna kill me that that's crazy I can't go to sleep wow I don't feel comfortable I don't feel refreshed I don't feel like connected to myself if I don't have what feet do you hop in the bed with what feet it's just sprinkles right so by the time I get over that it's already drive there's no drying station car wash wait interesting interesting interesting I don't think it's OCD has nothing to do with that I just I mean it's a comfort thing that I am used it's a ritual sure
Starting point is 01:17:38 I mean because I also I'm weird in the sense where I had I come out of the shower and go straight into my slides the Nike the rubber rubber how some people go into like the cotton slides oh no I'm like why no never go wet into fluff do you do you dry in the shower outside the shower I dry the feet because I'm going straight into the chunk less yeah and I love how you call chunk I dry no I dry outside I guess okay yeah yeah yeah you ever sit in bed with a wet towel or forbidden um sometimes I do I sleep there for hours with a towel yeah drives my sister crazy let's go back to this poor guy let her
Starting point is 01:18:22 fucking pass point is you're not alone yeah you're not alone and let it fucking pass you don't do it yeah don't think too much into it either because if it's not like disrupting your life in general yeah because like I think what happens is that people are so quick to throw the OCD OCD is a really serious thing right it disrupts people's joy and life right daily right so if it's something small like that take note of it but don't add too much sauce on it also accept the consequence that you think is gonna if you think if you think if I don't do this I'm gonna die my thinking now is let me die then yeah that's prove myself
Starting point is 01:18:56 wrong yeah I'll fucking die I'm not doing this is crazy yeah not touching that thing three times no it's it's it's honestly so interesting yeah yeah I don't have that thought of like if I don't do it I'll die though I just have a like I just gotta do it I gotta fucking do it what's his name he has no name oh I thought it was a name you said I'm sorry Anna Anna it's girl it's a girl Anna be three tabs three tap Anna I like it yeah what else do you want to promote something else just watch good trouble you know follow me on Instagram sherry cola yeah yeah I love you so much for having me verified
Starting point is 01:19:33 verified honey the blue check blue heck humble flex that used to mean a lot back then now I feel like it's a little that does the meaning still hold yeah yeah yeah because I think that for him it was a serious issue for a while right don't he hadn't we wasn't verified for a really long time and it was getting to the point where we were like wait like this like I had my openers no yeah my openers are verified I couldn't get there like I had a friend who played like division three soccer in Iran and he was verified and I when I looked at it and I looked at Bobby I was like I'm so sorry sweetie oh my goodness yeah well
Starting point is 01:20:14 they verified three like he was like yeah what's the standard or like the pre-wreck here nowadays for a verification I don't know if it's not followers because there's some people with like 500 followers and they're verified right I think it's just credits and I also think um yeah I think it's just credit see I respect the celebs who like don't have social media at all like Meryl Streep she's not double-tapping you know Zach Arifulnakas doesn't have an Instagram no wow I don't know if I could live without Instagram like I'm that like connected to social media wow yeah well I did a source of joy for you though
Starting point is 01:20:49 I really enjoy it you know like it's honestly it's the new times it's the new times you can literally put anything up there and like you know even in quarantine just the content you know the numbers are still growing because like people need I mean I don't know if that's necessary to say flex I don't even have that many followers anyway let's back to the so I'll pick you up I'll pick you up I'll pick you up this week right I'm being real I'm gonna text her and go how do we go I'm telling you you you have to get COVID tested with her with the guy at her house first oh well you know what I'll call her right now on
Starting point is 01:21:28 air oh why don't we do that we're locking it in honey yeah yeah yeah sure we tell us we can use it hell yeah yeah yeah so um where the fuck is she Whitney Cummings I will say is one of my you don't you don't have to say that no this is true though I religiously watched Whitney let's see she picks up hey you're on my podcast by the way what you're on you're on air oh great you you just want a lifetime supply of toilet paper yeah that's what you lead with oh I open with that is your is your guest bombing no but I was gonna ask you cuz she's a friend of mine and she's a comic she's very funny her name is Sherry Cola if I
Starting point is 01:22:21 brought her to your house will you accept her or no of course yeah but how do we do it do we take tests before oh how do we do it yeah you need to take an AIDS test okay I'll do that first all right so so you said you didn't want to perform right yeah I'm not gonna perform no yeah so we did COVID tests today but if she just wants to get her own test and just show me that she's negative in order to just share the microphone I'm just having everyone get tested so that we don't get canceled on Instagram oh I see all right so all right so she gets tested and then what day are you doing are you doing a Friday all right maybe
Starting point is 01:23:04 Friday at 7 we'll do it okay so well she'll get her test done and then I'm not gonna perform so I'll just show up but you know me shooting stuff like I mean people like the last time people went up and just fucked around and read text messages and told stories like we all some of us like went up and cried it was like it's you don't have to go crush like this isn't right yeah and Whitney I can do one hour yeah like so we just like kind of got up there and fucked around and talked it was almost like a like an AA meeting or something how many people are there it's like 10 12 oh it's an intimate oh very intimate oh it's
Starting point is 01:23:45 like all comics and everyone's like it's all good positive energy like no sexual predators all right all right so we'll do Friday or Sunday I'll let you know okay I love you so much love you Whitney thank you okay um wow so just get a test done get some proof and then I'll bring you the proof yeah oh my goodness give her a round of applause hey guys hope you enjoyed that episode we'd like to take our sponsors man scape ship station Brooklyn and in better help get 20% off and free shipping with the code slept 20 at manscape.com and right now tiger belly listeners can try ship station
Starting point is 01:24:42 free for 60 days when you use the offer code belly get started at ship station dot com today Brooklyn is the perfect place to find all the comforts for home including ultra soft towels that Kalala uses use promo code slept for 10% off your first order at Brooklyn and calm visit better help comm slash belly and join over 1 million people taking charge of their mental health with the help of an experienced professional and like today we had a question from Anna about her OCD or her little tick and if you want questions like that to be answered on the podcast you can go to adviceunhelpful at gmail.com we're
Starting point is 01:25:15 looking for interesting unusual non-typical problems and we need your help as much as you want ours once again that is adviceunhelpful at gmail.com and if you guys are looking for extra content some vlogs some other things you can go to patreon.com slash tiger belly and for all your juicy George Kimmel updates you can go to his Instagram at George underscore Kimmel everything Kalala all her flexes at calamity K and anything to know about your king your slept king go to Bobby live and of course all your CDC updates at Gilbets we love you guys so much and we'll see you soon
Starting point is 01:26:17 hey prime members you can listen to Tiger barely ad-free on Amazon music download the Amazon music app today or you can listen ad-free with Wondry plus in Apple podcast before you go tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at wondry.com slash survey

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