TigerBelly - Ep 263: Kassem G is Timeless

Episode Date: September 16, 2020

Bobby's is a Tesla with a Saturn engine. Kassem narcs on nudists. Sideways saves Khalyla. We talk alien pyramids, the H3 wiki-feet bump, bigger splats, and coin face.  Please suppor...t our sponsors.See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening ad-free on Wondery plus Hello, Moroccans Your parents are Egyptian right or Moroccan we don't know you're not I thought you were Moroccan. No. Oh, what are you? What I know the same Moroccan. Go ahead I'm just a Moroccan what Put the thing up on the thing. I mean the way you sit the way sitting is very Moroccan. Yeah, you have a very Moroccan way of sitting It's so ready. Oh, don't say your name until I bring it up. Yeah, I'll shut up. All right Five four three two one welcome to the days. Well, welcome to the day. Yo, yo, welcome to the days
Starting point is 00:01:04 Yeah, welcome to my our our welcome to our podcast Tiger Belly What a wonderful I had holy shit Man, I had some sabotage yesterday, huh? I went to a baby shower. It was a birthday baby shower. Well, it wasn't even yeah She turned one and she had six people over. Okay, so there's babies there in a party with their babies there was their shower theme Yeah, there was a baby. Okay, baby shower. So there's two babies. There's three babies there. Okay. So one of the babies is one two three One of the babies is one no the party was the other three babies Is one no the party was the one. Yeah, but the baby that gave you food poisoning was two
Starting point is 00:01:46 Okay, so that's the one I want to get to okay, so I'm sitting there in the fucking baby shower and The two-year-old her name is she said her name Abby Abby, okay. The cutest she goes She comes up to me and she has a bowl of something and she goes eat this ooh So I go You know, I've never been offered anything from a two-year-old. I don't know what the rules are right because usually if it was an adult Like if George says I say fuck you. Yeah. Yeah, but what is it or what is it? Yeah, right? So she goes eat this. I stuck it in my mouth and I go. Thank you and she goes you're welcome
Starting point is 00:02:24 Oh, it's cute though. So like two minutes later eat this It's something else This one looks like a rock or something. You ate a pebble. I don't know what it I ate it Thank you You're welcome Third one now my stomach is going You know me. Yeah, and then
Starting point is 00:02:44 Eat this. I eat it. It tastes like egg and meat Like egg meat and like dirt. I Chew it. We were in the garden, but yeah, and I ate it. Mm-hmm. Thank you. You're welcome. And now I'm like not feeling well So then her sister who's five. I'm like in an alleyway or something And she goes why are you she goes why your stomach sticking out? I Go excuse me. You're stomach is sticking out It's cuz I'm fat. She goes. Oh and she just walks away and I was gonna I was like I was like come back here Mm-hmm. What are you walking away from? Right? Let's let's resolve this talk about it, right? You call me fat
Starting point is 00:03:28 You know I mean I'm 49. I want to explain myself What do you what would you have said? Sit down look into the camera Ellie. That's her name Ellie. Yeah, cuz she may be so angry Ellie, okay? She I'm not five. She asked an honest question. Why is your stomach sticking out because I'm fat Okay, but she does she that's an honest, right? So Ellie sit down. All right, Ellie Yeah, at least so you know a lot of times when you know when you get older life brings you down you you Compensate by eating a lot of food because it's like it's a you know I'm a recovering drug addict and sometimes I use food to fill, you know the void the void
Starting point is 00:04:03 Oh, I want not and she but she just fucking walked away. I can't go. Hey, bitch. You know, you can't say that That's bad. No, you can't say yo bitch come you ever come back because she's five Right and then the parents what they're called parents, right? They're called. Yeah, they could the parents like you call my girlfriend. Hey, she called me fat. Fuck. You know me And then there's a fucking whole thing. Yeah, so I let it go as an adult I figured by now you being Korean. It's just part of the culture to you know, take Insults like that like that's the first thing my family says when I walk through the door Oh, you look blank right on the blank
Starting point is 00:04:36 Oh, you look this way Koreans are used to like knowing the person's name and doing a formal introduction before you rip into somebody You know, I mean, I don't know her name. She doesn't know my she doesn't even know why I'm there your career He doesn't know what my career IMDB me. I mean look me up on you know me social I bet you have more followers and I'm verified and that you know, and that there's there's no respect there Well, Ellie is my best friend. I know she is you guys were making some concoction or whatever. We have a guess I don't know. Yes. All right, so um, but we made a mosquito repellent concoction together. You guys did. Yeah. Yeah with citronella So it's the last baby shower. I go to because it was just an awful experience for me and It just was it was just not fun
Starting point is 00:05:18 I was being attacked and then I then I had diarrhea all night last night, right from the food from the Yeah, oh Abby. Oh Abby. So anyway, um, I love Morocco. I love I not just let me just I know I know I know but don't say anything to I bring your name up, right? Okay. I literally thought you're Moroccan for the last 15 years In my head. I'm like cast him Jesus Moroccan. He's gotta be Moroccan. Yeah, he has that look you he has a look of a You know, you know what? You know those elevator operators in the 1950s at a hotel. Oh That's what he looks like. Can we go in and they switch something? You know, I guess you too many Thanks, you're Pagoda. Yeah, no, not Pagoda. He's got no. He's like he's got a Another era looking. I know you think he's Pagoda from the Royal Ten and Bombs or he looks like, you know, the baker's son
Starting point is 00:06:11 In the 1950s but in Morocco in Morocco. Yeah. Yeah. I'll race this shit. Yeah. I cast him. It's really Anyway, I know that's what he thinks because this is the second time he's Three years shut up. I'm really formally done. You already said his name though. So it's that is true That is but let me just do an introduction. So, um, I I think my first Instagram post of it was Kassam with Kassam. Yeah, really Yeah, I had just gotten on Instagram I hadn't really posted anything and I looked at this my Moroccan friend I wanted to also make it look like I knew like, you know, you know, I mean Middle Eastern people or whatever. Yeah, right?
Starting point is 00:06:49 You want to seem cool? Yeah, yeah, yeah, so um post 9-11 a very cool to take Yeah, I took a photo and then um, I've worked on stuff. I've done some some of the YouTubes and You know, I've just thought that I think it's a handsome nice guy And you know what? Um, I have to thank you because you know back then during the maker days. We'll talk about that, but I was in a real Dier situation when it came to my career and I didn't know because this new Thing had started on YouTube and I was like and I couldn't get into Hollywood shits
Starting point is 00:07:30 I'm like, maybe I'll try to you know, I mean build a new audience through doing sketches and doing what you guys were doing and And you helped me out man. I just I needed help back then and I'm kind of getting emotional, but um So anyway, I wanted to thank you and um Give him a round of applause. It's a cast and G get up for the Moroccan room. Thanks. Look at his feet. Look at his fucking What's wrong? What's wrong with his non-feet? Oh speaking of feet. Are you on wiki feet? No No, I'm not I'm very aware. I don't think I'd have a high rating. I got too many It's too too many veins. Well, I turn it turns out is actually not a meritocracy at all
Starting point is 00:08:10 And wiki feet because we were on h3 podcast last week and we looked up Bobby's wiki feet Which was a 2.5 out of five, which is average. I thought I was fine I would I've been I would have been fine with it, but then I found out that it was a pretty pretty fucking low but then Ethan He will he made a plead on h3 podcast and said look You know your your your opinions about my feet really mattered to me I'd like a five out of five and then we checked his wiki feet and it's a five out of five Yeah, right there. Yeah, that's all it took or it's like it's six point five out of five. Yeah. Yeah
Starting point is 00:08:41 I don't think that's honest. That's not an honest score. Yeah, you're a two you have a 2.5 That's see right there that those are fighting words. I mean, I'm looking at him. I did the right toenail Extending past the sandal. It's this is Fuck you this is pandemic feet and don't look at my feet. Okay. I can't help it I know but what I want to say is is There is no way through photos you can really dictate what one's foot now Do I have a 2.5 foot? It's probably way less than that. You know, I mean in realities It could be a point one point, but that's not my point
Starting point is 00:09:18 My point is is that there wasn't a lot of photos to back up to make a judgment, right? So they're judging it based on six or seven photos and you really a foot You got to really get into the intricacies of it, right? Yeah, the colors in the hues, you know mean and whatnot Well, Alice's a functionality functionality. How well do they serve you? Yeah, are you saying they saw pictures of your feet in the in the podcast on the video? Or are they taking it from your Instagram where there's a variety of things? You know Instagram pot, you know, they would freeze frames certain frames and you know, but yeah, it's a loaf my foot sucks Yeah, I mean it's my foot fucking socks. All right, but I don't want a 2.5 foot. Yeah, right?
Starting point is 00:10:01 It's an ego. It's an ego thing that we battle with every day. Yeah, look, I want to say thanks About your intro really really sweet. Yeah. Yeah, and so you're not Moroccan not Moroccan. I'm Jordanian and I'm Egyptian Okay. Oh, so that's fancy. Um, is it? Because I've been there. Yeah. Yeah. Well, the great pyramids are fancy The geometry of it. Do you like the the math? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it's sacred geometry And it's a it's a beautiful beautiful beautiful. Have you been? No, I've only when I was a kid. I have a very I'm like a very sad boy and in the background those pyramids and I was just my shoulders were slumped and that's all I really Have from that from that area. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, can I ask you this about pyramids is? Yeah, because I'm sure you know
Starting point is 00:10:50 Yeah, I know. Yeah You know, they say on the internet that the aliens made the pyramids because you know I'll be careful because this is a this is an area. I know a lot about. Yeah, because I guess the slabs Right. Sure. We're precisely cut. They're also gigantic They weigh a lot and people are arguing how do human beings, you know, but where there's a will there's a way That's what I used to learn in high school. You know means my teacher told me that once right the the ancient alien Ancient astronaut theorists. I think have landed on the fact that they had help You know and that we still did it humans did it on on our own, right?
Starting point is 00:11:32 But they had help from skimming with a schematic. She gave us schematics. Is that what you're saying? I think they gave us schematics. Yeah. Yeah, so these Egyptians as they say, yeah, no, that's what they were Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, okay. There was Cleo, right? Oh Lord, the psychic. No, the the the captain of the the president of Egypt Cleopatra Oh Cleopatra made movies. Yeah. Yeah, they don't who played her Elizabeth The Elizabeth Warren plays Cleopatra, so that's how I know about her. Yeah, so Cleopatra, right She's the queen of right that the Pharaoh God knew was her lover her lover was
Starting point is 00:12:15 Hey, Mark Jacobs. No, she did have a mark Anthony. I know but he I knew he was Mark Jacobs. Yeah, the handbag maker No, let me find a real Guy Napoleon. What don't what do you get me so aggressive? If you really think it's Napoleon. Yeah, this is the end Okay, so of your relationship. All right. All right. I'm sorry. I people don't I was hoping you would joke around and say Mark Jacobs No, no, I want to be real and you can you joke around, please? It's getting intense All right, so let's go back to the pyramids. Okay, so Cleopatra, right? She was in there She was in there, but she didn't move any rocks or boulders. I'm she was just screaming Yeah, yeah, and those people that probably had you know, thousands they were were they slaves
Starting point is 00:13:03 No, you know what the people working on the pyramids were lucky to and then they were happy to have the job Oh, they were 20 years to make one of those things and they were getting paid and then in Fed and they were and they were stoked on it Yeah, I don't okay. I just I feel like they weren't that's what we're taught in Egypt school. Oh, really? Yeah, because they're thinking about making another one. Yeah. Yeah, so you're from Jordan, too. I was born there Are you born there? You're born in Jordan. Yeah, let me try it. Let me see it. Do you know where it is Cairo? Oh my I was in Egypt. Oh, it is. Oh my god. Oh, I thought Egypt was in Cairo. Oh My god, what Cairo is in Egypt. Okay anxiety Bobby. I don't know my say mark. This is part of your say mark J guys, this is I like this. All right. All right. You make me feel good
Starting point is 00:13:49 Smart well, I want to say though that um, you know, I know all joking aside You know, I really think that number one. You're a nice guy number two I find you to be very funny and talented. Thanks. Number three. Um, you're ageless. You seem the same. Thank you When you said that earlier though when I said I would you didn't like that Well explain to me what explain to people what you said I said you don't you said I'm 49 I'm 49 That's what you said and then I say you don't look but you don't look it That's the best part, but then you said but but Cass. I don't like that because I feel it. I feel old Well, first of all, what is it a Korean 49 year old look like I think me. I'm gonna Google other 49 year old Korean
Starting point is 00:14:34 Okay, Google that and number two. It's like who gives a fuck of what the exterior looks like the engine's broken Right, so if you have you know, I mean a brand new just listen, right? I'm trying. Let's say you take a I don't let's say an Old car like what's an a really old car a Saturn a Saturn a 97 97 Saturday, right? But then you take a brand new Tesla, what do you call it the actual car? But you put a Saturn engine in it. Yeah, right. It's not gonna move like a Tesla, right? So that's what I'm basically trying to explain. So you're saying you you look like a Tesla on the outside
Starting point is 00:15:13 You're a top of the line outside inside. You're a Saturn Okay, I maybe that's I maybe I'm being you know grandiose about yeah, right? I don't want to say You're like a new Jeep grand chair there with that there we go. That feels comfortable or Honda CR There we go hatchback from the 90s. Yeah, what is a 49 year old Korean? You know, I googled it and it turns out they're all handsome. It's the same just with a cigarette in his hand These gorgeous Korean celebrities definitely don't look their age. I mean, here's one. That's 50 Go ahead and he's Korean. I mean Daniel. They Kim is like 50 in his 50s. Yeah, okay Well, also here's a Moroccan man. Oh, I can see why I can see there we go. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, so Barack
Starting point is 00:15:57 I you know, I don't think I know a Moroccan period. You don't end of sentence. Well, I know one No, you don't. Oh I do I do What did they build to I know to you and this other person? No, I'm kidding But I did see a movie lesson that you made me watch it was so good. What was it called? Social Dilemma. Oh, wait. No, hold on. Which one like Charlie Kaufman one? No, the social dilemma. Oh the document Yes, social dilemma. You see it. No. Oh my god, you please watch it. Okay It's about what you know, social media, you know, it's done good things for our society
Starting point is 00:16:34 It's connected people and there's some beautiful things, but it's also the cause of the polarization in this country and There's no such thing as real truth anymore and that if we continue on this path Inevitably the outcome is going to be civil war Yeah, yeah, I got you know, I had to take it a real break from social media or like pull myself You know kind of when I stopped making YouTube videos and I had to stop being so active online Because I was so depressed, but I didn't realize it until like it got bad Yeah, you know my drinking got real bad and then I had to what soon as I kind of took a break from social media
Starting point is 00:17:15 I started feeling better. I'm like, oh, yeah, like I'm not, you know, this is things are okay If I don't go online, I won't read a certain thing that'll fuck up my day Yeah, you know or like ruin my month or what is something that would ruin your day You know, I mean, I think I'm used to it by now, but like a lot of stuff about my appearance back in the day It's like I grew up. I grew up picked picked on I had acne. I had like crooked teeth I just got invisible on but like I have a big nose and those are all things like I when I started making YouTube videos, I was like, yeah, I know all that like that's fine I'm that's why I'm gonna try and be funny and then
Starting point is 00:17:52 And then you make videos and people still comment on it and it's like, yeah, all right You know like maybe next week when I put up this next video people will pay attention to what's happening in the video and not comment on my nose again. Yeah, I just I mean it became like You start getting to a point where you think you're okay and you're comfortable with who you are And then you start reading like, yeah, maybe my nose is like, right? Maybe you maybe I should just shave it a little bit Yeah, like these guys might be right, you know, I you know, maybe Maybe maybe the way my lips, you know the distance between my nose and my you can read some pretty specific comments on online and and they can
Starting point is 00:18:33 Well, we can eat in you We could have really helped you out back then with a whole nose thing because I have a set of girlfriends who are Obsessed like they think guys with small noses are horribly ugly. They only like guys with prominent noses and they Fan us that we send pictures in the group text of just men with big noses You're probably I love that but let me do you do you think that's because they think that the nose is like somehow The size of noses related to the size of the penis. No, no
Starting point is 00:19:04 By all means. No, it's everything to do with Um going down on a girl and where the nose actually as a pressure point. Oh as a You know, I do notice that I do a very good job down there Really? Yeah, that's nice to hear. I've gotten that feedback. Yeah. Yeah, and I love what are they gonna say? I love it. What are they gonna say Casem? Oh, no, that was not good Well, I've never been told that I've been sloppy down there not to me But to their girlfriends at brunch have I not been sloppy down there. I'm gonna say that look houses No, it's not it's you're not gonna go to the Olympics for it. Yeah, what's sloppy mean cuz I guess wet
Starting point is 00:19:42 I look like Jess and Paulic painting He doesn't do it it almost seems like he doesn't do it, you know how like For women it's such like a mental thing so when a guy like looks like he's there for it and like enjoys it Yeah, it's a really big like, you know what I do is I look up. I make eye contact. Yeah. Oh weird Yeah, yeah, I don't look no because when a girl blows you like this and then Yeah, but what but bro when a girl blows you and they look up. Yeah, I have to do this like don't Lock eyes with me a lot of guys. I hear like that like no, no, I would have poked it Yeah, yeah, but when I'm looking at yeah
Starting point is 00:20:30 I learned eating. I know this is I know let's just we'll talk about a little bit, right? Let me just let me just explore this. Okay a little bit. Yeah, I learned how to do it Via hmm pornography, of course, right? Yeah, so I in the beginning like I would do things that were like women were like Why did you do that? Hmm? Like? Right I'll spit in it. That's fine. I know but it's like a choggy Oh, you were like mucus. Yeah, like mucus chogi. Yeah. Yeah, we used to call them chogi Chogi back in the day that was chogi it right. That sounds chunky. Yeah, it's chunky, right? Yeah. Yeah, so I learned or you know, I Don't want to know don't do that with your fingers again
Starting point is 00:21:17 Yeah, so you learn you I learned and I just realized that women don't really like it, you know, I mean, yeah the porn way Yeah, yeah, they do babe. They do. Yeah. Yeah, you like no, no, no, no We're not gonna talk about what I like. Okay. Okay. We're gonna assess your your hands. This is your skills Yeah, yeah, so you're good at that, but you can I say about your nose? Yeah, please This is my eye. I'm jealous of your nose. Mm-hmm Yeah, you look very stoic to me. Yeah, like for instance, right if you were like The grant what's what's the Grand Canyon with that president's face rush? What's the Grand Canyon?
Starting point is 00:22:01 We knew exactly what he was. Yeah. Yeah, we got to the fucking answer. Yeah, Rushmore. Yeah, Mount Rushmore, right? If I was a president, right and they were gonna chisel my face it would take three minutes Right, they just flatten it out check check the eyes and then that's it, right with you They have to really carve out the nose right and get the start there. It would take months and years maybe to get it Right, it may be ten years. You have a stoic face. It's like, you know on a coin You would look good. We've we've talked we've we've said I have coin face Yeah, and our YouTube video that we did together. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I do remember. Yeah, I look yeah I look like I should be on a coin. Yeah, not American money
Starting point is 00:22:45 Yeah, like something with a dictator like a country that dictators money Also, can I say this is when you a lot of times? I'll look at photos from the 1920s or the 1800s And I say to myself even if there were Asians in this scenario They would know I was from the future. I just don't look like that. Yeah, right? I just they would know that like what alien creatures this right with you I feel like you can go to any era Throughout the history of time. Yeah, and blend in time. I agree. That's actually one of the sweetest things anyone's ever Not being real. Yeah, and I know you are yeah, and I appreciate it
Starting point is 00:23:25 So that so you should it that you know really be appreciated if I were to time travel I think I'd have a all I'd got I'd have to do is just get the clothing and I'd blend in seamlessly And I but also you could play back in the 20s, right or the 1800s You could have been any job like you could have been a lawyer a doctor like you have that face, right? Yeah, you for me It's like he either carries a rice from one, you know, I mean plant price plantation to another plantation, right? Yeah, or like I'm in a pond, right? Just like, you know raising koi fish. Yeah. Yeah, there's not a lot of things I see you squatting with like a bowl of rice
Starting point is 00:24:06 Yeah a hole in the ground. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's basically Yeah, yeah, you know what, you know, I mean I would be doing back then. Yeah with you You your face and the way your body is and everything about you is very timeless. Love it. Thank you Thank you so much. I don't see zits on your face Well, I had to get Accutane and they you know and then when you do that they say don't drink That's all I did was drink. Mm-hmm. I really did some damage Yeah, but it was worth it because I want to cast him I want to learn because I saw the documentary last and this is Rihanna and she probably thinks is this is just a fad for me
Starting point is 00:24:42 But it really was scary about social media and I I'm I want to turn off all my notifications Mm-hmm. I might even delete Instagram and Twitter for a while. Yeah, it's good to take breaks. Yeah Because I find that my depression is very closely associated with Right now what's going on in the world? Mm-hmm But it's all skewed, right and it's all um You know because of these algorithms and stuff It's like you and what I learned from the documentary is is that if I could Google one thing, right? And if I Google the same exact thing if I lived in Alabama a
Starting point is 00:25:24 Bunch of different things would come up because it feeds into what order you you liked before or what? Yeah, like the it the internet knows you mean what your personal bias your personal bias confirmation bias So people get information in different kinds of ways, which is why we have such a polarization in this country And it's like now it gave me some Empathy for the other side it really did you know because you know if I'm getting one Set of information and somebody's getting another set of information Obviously, it's gonna pit us against each other. So I just at the end of the day I don't want to get involved with any of it. Yeah
Starting point is 00:26:06 I totally and the fact that you said you get you had empathy for the other side is like Such a crucial point that so hard. It's not as bad. It's horrible. It's not as bad as we think it is Yeah, you know and Unfortunately, it's like We are being pitted against each other like via our own country via other countries. Yeah, Russia and Iran and China It's an It's it's it's Really, we don't disagree on as much as we think we do and you're not gonna sway somebody's opinion by going after them on Twitter
Starting point is 00:26:46 Uh-huh, and you know, I mean at the end of the day How many calories is it worth burning on trying to like roast somebody on Twitter for liking Trump or yeah The opposite right right and yet totally closely associated to my depression So the second I relieve myself or if I spend time away from Instagram or like I'm not worried about who's liking the photos Or who's retweeting me the more the better I feel Absolutely, I'm the same way. Yeah, and I such a source of Of not good feelings for me. Oh any kind actually just being on my phone not even necessarily being on social media but even
Starting point is 00:27:25 Googling stuff even on my email anything relating to For a gadget in front of my face. It doesn't tap into like my natural state of being at all It feels very at an abnormal connection Totally and I don't I don't like that So when I'm away from it, I start to feel more grounded. I start to feel like I'm into in in my own body again Absolutely, and the only problem with it is like especially for what we do You can become irrelevant so fast if you're not posting on the daily Yeah, and so like I've you know
Starting point is 00:28:02 I made the decision to kind of like pull back but at the same time, you know You lose any sort of traction you may have online and then like that's affecting your income And so do you have to draw you have to like make a balance with like I'm okay with not being in This grind all day as long as I can be kind of happy because when I was in the ground I was miserable, right? Yeah, there's a direct. That's a good point There's a direct correlation between what I do for a living and social media, especially now, right? so in many ways you still have to I mean, I've never been a big poster myself, you know, I don't post a lot but still I still need to do it every once in a while
Starting point is 00:28:43 So it's just something that I'm gonna have to figure out as we go forward But I think there's a way I think that I've I've there's I'm starting to realize What how I can use it in a way that does bring some sort of joy into my life? And it's it's if I like what I'm gonna post and if I don't feel obligated I always ask myself there. I feel obligated to do this. Do I really enjoy this content myself? Like what's and it's usually a Bobby doing something silly. Those are the best and it brings it makes me giggle So then I'm like, okay, I want to share this. Yeah Yeah, so it's things that generally them really do make me happy that I post now versus before where it's like, you know tits out
Starting point is 00:29:23 Didn't make me happy. No comments made me happy and now it's just like no I'm just gonna put Bobby's a little happy belly on there. Yeah, speaking of tits out So gonna tits out. Where's your yo, what happened to your girl, baby? Oh, I so It's hard, you know, it's hard to Good segue. It's agreeable Bobby asked me Bobby asked me if I was in a relationship when when I got here Because honest and honestly Out of all the guests I've ever had on this podcast, you're probably one of the most handsome. That's too far
Starting point is 00:29:59 Yeah, and that's too much and too close and real. Yeah, right? Well, I look like if I was gay, let's just go even further. Well, you've done some stuff and That way just let it let let that sink in. All right. Let that sink in. That's an attack. No, no, no It's not it's a fact could be a compliment. It is a compliment. Yeah, yes I have but in my when I was a kid as As as an adult I have no gay vibes It's basically like, you know, how in prison you just have what is it called like? Circumstantial
Starting point is 00:30:31 Homosexuality or something to that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think that for him That's probably what happened as a kid with the drugs and the lack of availability for anything but a penis You'd be one of the first guys I would cuddle Well, there we have the most cuddly body he does. He's just so mushy and warm But you know, his body is actually not very warm. It's like a nice. There's a coolness to it So I run hot. So when I hold him it feels really comforting. Thank you. I appreciate it Mushy cool ball. Mushy is a little too far. Mushy cool ball. Oh, hold on. Yeah, oh wishy Squishy because you have Nick, you know Nick Yosef. Yeah. Yeah, so you have Nick also is a guy that like
Starting point is 00:31:12 I've said on the road. I've looked at his eyes and go sure that was gay. I'd probably fuck you Right, maybe you have the same nose fetish as me and my maybe I do but that flatters me just as much as if it was Yeah, it's it's fucking shocks me that you even have any kind of you know, you know What are you trying to ship with your hand? No, no, no It shocks me that you even have any kind of like, you know negative Um, oh, I see image towards yourself about your body and your face I I look at your face and I go that's you know me a classic face, baby I love coming here
Starting point is 00:31:51 It's just interesting because now I go maybe all human beings Look in the mirror and they go. I don't like this. I don't like that, you know me But at the end of the day, you know, it's like, you know, I'm not no fucking, you know Isn't that crazy? Yeah, isn't that crazy that we think think that way? Yeah Yeah, I look I I hear you and I have a killer therapist that I just got this year and this guy's so good He's so fucking good and he makes me feel real good But you know, it takes sometimes I gotta feel real bad before I feel real good Right gotta talk it out
Starting point is 00:32:21 But yeah, it's the first time in my life where I think I can I can look into a mirror And be okay with the the guy, you know the guy looking at me, but um speaking of tits, so um the girl Yes, so I was yeah, I just the pandemic has been terrible for everyone right people losing their jobs and and and I I don't want to make it seem like I'm complaining, but I will complain and uh I was in a relationship where we had dated years and years ago and then we started dating again Last year And it like, you know when you date somebody before and then you start dating him again years later It's like accelerated because you kind of know we were on up. We were just going real fast
Starting point is 00:33:04 We ended up buying a house together Wow, and we were in escrow as soon as the lockdown happened We were like in escrow for a few days already And that really and then we were also fighting so so now we're in escrow We can't leave the house And now we have to stay in the house together and we hadn't lived together yet and so It just turned into just like fight after fight and it was we were trying to do therapy
Starting point is 00:33:33 And it was just all this stuff and it just didn't work out. We came to the realization that we just weren't compatible After we had spent millions of dollars Sometimes that's what it takes. Yeah Dude and you know everyone's and I just and she wanted this place in venice and like I lived in venice for a while and and I was like I get the appeal. It's like cool But I don't it's expensive and there's homeless people everywhere and it's uh Everything's crammed and it's like, you know, there's a lot of guys with coffees and you know, yeah
Starting point is 00:34:09 And little dogs and it's fine. I get the appeal But she really had she's in love with venice So like I had to move and I own a home already I have a house and so I was gonna rent it out and be like a landlord guy and like I did all this stuff and found great tenants And they were gonna pay a A month like a great monthly Rental fee and then I was gonna move into this place that she wanted And it was it was like on the boardwalk pretty much
Starting point is 00:34:35 A hundred feet away from one of the biggest encampments in venice. Oh, wow And it was like, why am I, you know, it's like it was just it's just why why would I I just spent so much money? And I'm not happy. You know, I'm not happy about it. We're fighting so much Nightmare and then we just came to the, you know, we just got in one fight. She's like, I don't want you moving in And and I was like, okay, you know, like I had to go tell my renters Uh, whoops, you know I actually got to live here, you know right now and they were super cool and they totally understood But did she take over the mortgage of the house then?
Starting point is 00:35:10 She okay, so I paid the down payment and she got the loan Since I don't have like a job. I couldn't you know, I wasn't gonna get approved Yeah, I just have assets, but I had cash. So I put up the the amount for the deposit and Um, and that's still something we're working on The paying back of that, but um, that was our agreement. So now she has a mortgage Um, and she also has to you know, we're working out so she pays me back to deposit, but everything's okay We're not like, you know adversaries or anything like that, but it just It just wasn't the the pandemic just did not help, but I'm glad it kind of
Starting point is 00:35:52 Made everything happen faster. We saw how things were gonna be probably, you know in a much quicker thing and and um Everything happens for a reason and it's fine. I'm in therapy where everything's you know people like Venice, right? But then it's like the first time I went there. I'm on the boardwalk or whatever And then you see a naked black man on a skateboard playing an electric guitar. Yeah, right? Yeah coming towards you full speed Right and you're like, what the fuck is this? Yeah a david lynchman. Why is this okay? Like why and then another thing happened is I was supposed to meet my manager because she lives there Yeah at a bar there, right? So I parked my car. This isn't venice. This is years ago. Maybe 18 years ago
Starting point is 00:36:34 It was late at night and I and I went down an alleyway and there was a fat white man naked I don't know why people aren't always naked, right? And he goes Right and I was a kind of afar. I was like what what? Just look at it. Oh That's what he said. Yeah, just and and I don't know why but I looked at it. Wow, and then I was in a trance What did it look like? What did you see? It was fat. It was fat because he was fat, right? And it was shiny. Oh shiny. Oh, it was probably wet. Maybe
Starting point is 00:37:09 It was the sun right and then I remember going to the bar Going um Abby there was this fat over there Fat naked man with it, right and she goes. Oh, yeah, that's frank. Oh, did she like knew the guy? Yeah, yeah, that's frankie simsmore or whatever. Oh Yeah, he doesn't You have to know your your local transients and you have to build relationships with them Yeah, like I think that's a healthy way to do it and you have to like, you know, that way you're you know your hood
Starting point is 00:37:36 Yeah, you got to know the hood But there's this fine line of like you don't want to You don't want to like enable their Drug use, you know by like, you know, but you also want to be compassionate It's a very the whole homelessness thing in venice Especially is like the hottest thing to talk people love talking about it, you know in front of the coffee shop Like buy them, you know. Yeah. Yeah, like what are we gonna do about this? And why don't you fucking talk to that? I mean, it's like they're they're everywhere and um, I was at the beach last week and just walking
Starting point is 00:38:07 Uh, and there was a nude man Amidst family there was families. There was kids. Yeah. Yeah, and there was just a nude guy Uh, belly down so all you just saw his butt, but he was obviously a pervert like waiting for that moment to turn over And I was like looking for a lifeguard or somebody around because I was gonna I was gonna I was gonna narc on this dude because it's this is like what he's doing is is it's not okay But there was no lifeguard around everyone's just like, okay with it. There's kids building a sand castle like 50 yards away I mean, it's not venice peaked probably
Starting point is 00:38:41 Eight years ago right before snapchat. I Agree, but you know, um, there was um when I was in high school. We had uh our local Um transient lady on the 483 bus. We called her sideways. Yeah, she had like a leaning gait She didn't have a lot to say she would she would spit out a lot of like biblical verses But she was the lady that helped out my sister and I when a man was sexually harassing us And we were new to America at this time And this guy had put his penis in between a book and he started jerking off like this with his book Which is clever by the way, but very clever terrible terrible. Yeah, never seen that move, but it was sideways
Starting point is 00:39:24 You've never yeah, yeah, that's incredible. Yeah, but it was sideways who Flipped out on him and basically called him a pervert like it was it would you got a little you got to know your people In your hood like if you're not trying to get to know the people living around you And anyway, you know the gaur underpass there where we used to live And you know how jessica used to live a block away from us, but I would have to walk through that encampment Yeah, I knew the guys there. There was a guy in a tent. Yeah, it was an australian man And he I had to let him know when I was passing because if he didn't know it was me I'd be like kevin It's me. He would start throwing pots and pans at people
Starting point is 00:39:59 So if I'd be like, hey, what's up kevin? It's just me. All right, you know Yeah, then no pats and pans would get thrown at my head and I could just you know Because he was having any time he would have some like, you know, because a lot of them have have mental illness You know, they have some psych issues and stuff. So you have to be like Compassionate about that. Yeah, but can I just say this about the compassion? I feel bad for homeless Let's get that on the one. Sure. Yeah now say the good bit Hey, what's the funny part? I do the yeah the part that we actually all really believe
Starting point is 00:40:30 Yeah, no, but it's like, you know It's like, you know Like, you know, I was in tiwana once and there was a homeless person with no arms and legs Right, it was just why you're smiling. I'm not yet. Okay. He's just stretching his lips. Yeah, and he's like mister Mister, you know, we don't have any money mister And I didn't know what to do with it. I had Oh, that's so I stuck it in the mouth And he opened his mouth. I'm sure he did. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And I stuck it right in the mouth
Starting point is 00:41:05 And I just walked away and I and then my friend was like, you just stuck money in the where the fuck am I gonna put it? Like a vending machine. Yeah. Yeah, he had hands. Maybe his pocket. No, no, no It was just like me I stuck in his mouth and he couldn't say, you know, I mean, thank you because his mouth was you wanted to Would you stick in there? What quarter? No, no, no, no, it was no, it was like a five dollar bill. You know what I mean? Yeah, or it's like, you know, it like in if you go to like different countries and stuff, right? You see homeless It's another level. It's like you'll just be walking down the street and then just like a head would roll by Where have you been? You know what I mean, it's just like
Starting point is 00:41:42 And so homeless people in america, right? Dude, it's so compassionate. I know dude. I'm trying to my heart. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah And it's like, I don't know like like when I see a homeless guy walking, right? Sometimes Sometimes I'm just like I don't want to deal with it Yeah, I walk across the street. That's a natural walk the other way. Now. Is that wrong? No No, if someone's having like a full blown like psychotic episode in front of me Like you we see those a lot in la obviously. They're in the middle of the street. They're naked. They're doing 13 costume changes Cursing. We know what that looks like. Of course. I wouldn't just be like, hi. Can I get you some soup? Like that's a fucking idiot move. Yeah, but if someone is just, you know, minding their own business and they're like, hey, can you know
Starting point is 00:42:29 I went to most of the 7-eleven And I saw a man. He was wearing like a suit Right fancy like a full blown suit and from afar But he is arguing he's talking right in his bluetooth arguing with Like crying about like some girl broke up with him. Yeah, he was like Veronica You know what I mean? Why'd you do this? Veronica, right? And I was just walking toward him because he was near the entrance of the 7-eleven And then I realized he had no shoes
Starting point is 00:43:01 Right and I realized there was no bluetooth. Yeah, right and he was just going Veronica Yeah, right and it's so sad when you see yeah, but then you don't know what to do You you just walk by and you go it's me Veronica You help him out. Oh, maybe do that. I you know one of the way I went to skid row. I had to speak at a meeting And I drive a Porsche, you know I drive a I drive a truck too, but I took a Porsche And uh, they didn't tell you they said you can't park at the mission. There's no there's no parking You have to find parking I parked on one of these streets where there's like there's no authority
Starting point is 00:43:43 There's just it's like the Wild West, you know Yeah, it's like instead of a tumbleweed. It's just like garbage and yeah And guys are walking across diagonally in different directions looking at you not looking at you and I parked And I got out and I was like that's the last time I'm gonna see my car like that's Like a moment where I had to and then I was like dude you you you were being a little you know I I was in such a weird spot because I was going to do service You know I was gonna provide service and speak about sobriety and speak to uh homeless people about like This is what it's like when you sell a company become a millionaire
Starting point is 00:44:24 You could do it Yeah, yeah, but you know then I I was in my own head about like oh no this guy's gonna he's gonna shit on it Or he's gonna you know, this is just it's so you can feel both you can feel scared Compassionate you can do things to help. Yeah You know, we're we're in a situation where the the local government isn't doing anything right and so yeah You want to get a a thing of water and like leave it leave it outside somewhere where there's like an encampment like cool Like that's yeah, you know what? I mean it it's not gonna make a big difference But it's like it's a human thing to do
Starting point is 00:45:02 I can still drive my sports car and like not feel super guilty about it, but a little bit and and The world will I guess will keep going, but um that that's funny that you say that because um I did talk to my therapist last week about there is a feeling big God, I don't know if I want to even talk about it out loud because it's kind of embarrassing, but um There there is shame Because I feel so lucky
Starting point is 00:45:31 You know, I really do I feel so blessed and lucky to be in the situation that I am But then on the other hand, I also feel guilt almost like you know, I I know I did work hard for what I have and um Nothing came easy, but there's still I'm you know, I still have to admit that You know in this pandemic people are struggling fucking hard And I haven't struggled that hard. You know, I still have this podcast on my other one
Starting point is 00:46:01 And I have Incoming coming in and also I'm kind of lazy. I mean I'm just getting I'm getting lucky things, you know And I'm very lucky guy, but there is a sense of shame that comes with that. I don't know what it is totally Do you feel that? Absolutely? Yeah It happens on a daily basis where it's like I'm a I'm an imposter like this all I was super lucky You know, then you talk yourself out of it like well, no Like it took skill and hard work to get to that point where you could be lucky and opportunity meets chant, you know It's like but yeah, I mean, I think that's good. It's healthy to to feel gratitude in that way. Yeah
Starting point is 00:46:37 I just feel fucking bad for some people man. Yeah, it's fucking terrible. It's a terrible It's a terrible time people like George are succeeding I know I do do don't even get me started and there's people living underneath the freeway Fucking George George Is like making a living this guy George is playing war zone every night. Yeah, well people are hungry Yeah, people are hungry. There's a squad squad at the my station To all the roof price
Starting point is 00:47:07 Wow, I haven't played with you yet tonight. You think tonight tonight will play. Yeah It's uh, yeah, look you I think it just you pointing out to the fact that you could feel guilty and but you know, you worked hard I think that's That's a huge that's huge. No, I want to I want to be more grateful for what I have, you know um And you know, I I don't know why I forgot this but The sobriety thing with you. I forgot that you were sober. Oh, yeah, I was You were one of the first
Starting point is 00:47:39 people When I was getting sober I was like, oh no, I'm never gonna be able to like because I did getting dug with high Like I was on getting dug with high like 14 fucking times and I'm like, you know, when you're getting sober You start like, well, I'm never gonna be able to do that podcast Like that's what you said. That's what you worry about. Yeah, like your life's falling apart. Yeah um And and I was like, well No, there's like sober guys out there. It's like Bobby Bobby Lee. He's like
Starting point is 00:48:04 Yeah, I don't know 20 or 15 years sober like he does it. He goes out there every day And when you're going through all the steps, you're like, oh, I'm gonna lose my funny I'm gonna stop being funny. You know, I'm gonna get rid of all my defects one of my defects is sarcasm And I'm gonna lose that and I'm gonna stop being funny. Right and then you realize it's not it's not true But um, you were like one of the examples. What a terrible example you turned out No, but you it was nice to know that there were sober guys in comedy because it's it's uh, at first It's scary to think because you just think everyone. No, everyone has to you have well You fucking learned a valuable lesson for me. Absolutely. All right. Yeah, maybe that maybe I'm the lesson you fucking cocksucker
Starting point is 00:48:45 You are yeah, right the lesson is when you drift away Right and you think that it's no longer a disease and that you have a beat And it slips back in. Yeah, you know and so you always have to stay connected You always have to go to meetings. Yeah, you always have to call your sponsor You always have to check in with newcomers and and do the whole thing and you have to stay in the middle of the program And you always responded to me when I sent you a text or dm about Being sober or something you always responded and you were always I did because I was a good guy
Starting point is 00:49:15 You are you are I don't remember responding. You're the first person on it. It was a dm. You know a dm That's why I was gonna say you responded to a text. You've been the first. Yeah You know, it was important to me and then like you said you you can have an elliptical sort of relationship with sobriety sometimes you're out out here in fucking interstellar space And you're not going to meetings and you're not talking to anyone you're not talking to newcomers And then you'll feel that you'll feel how cold it is out there and then you'll come back around the sun and then you'll You know, it's that happens with sobriety and I'm only a few years in I feel like I've gone a couple times around Well, you have much time. Do you have enough? I mean if I make it through this year, it'll be four years in January amazing
Starting point is 00:49:57 In november, I'll have a year again. Yeah in november It's funny because you know, I like going to Mostly mixed meetings. I like mixed meetings. I like meetings that aren't like hollywood, you know, yeah But I have to admit though, there are times when you when you're at a meeting in like, you know When you go to log cabin back in the day or whatever and you sit next to like, you know There was this old man. I sat next to the last time I got sober Who was an Academy Award winner like a legend? I can't say his name
Starting point is 00:50:28 And he sat next to me and he goes How you doing, you know, and he was and he was just treating me like a regular guy and you have I need people That are on different sex of life, you know, I mean sex sex s e c t You get that he's also he's also british, correct? Okay Fuck you man. You doing research. I'm trying to think now, right? So um And you you you want to be able to see like, you know, homeless people get sober and
Starting point is 00:51:00 Because I've seen many times where homeless people got sober and then Five years later, they have a wife and kids and a family and it's like wow Yeah, that works, but you also want to see successful people in your field Yeah, do it and go oh shit Someone so so much more successful than me and this is the route they took This is you know, you see the pathway, you know, yeah So you want to see the gambit, but you know for me being drugged out and all that stuff, although, you know, I want to do ayahuasca Yeah, I the girl I do podcast. I do a podcast by the way
Starting point is 00:51:37 Yeah, so yeah promote that what it's called. Uh, it's called pajama pants and I do it with Rob Eyler and jamie lynn sigler. Um, they were the kids on the sopranos None of us have watched the soprano, so it's not a soprano's And uh jamie does ayahuasca and she talks about it in a way that's like every time she goes She's like opening a new fucking door in her life and it's and it's like, oh dude as a sober guy that sounds good But that's my addiction going like yeah, dude You probably get buzzed too and then like, you know, that'll turn into mushrooms once a week or maybe you'll might but will it I mean for me it will it will
Starting point is 00:52:14 Yeah, it will for him too because while we were watching that show unwell and they had an episode on ayahuasca and at first he had me convinced that he He was on board with the whole idea of ayahuasca being um kind of you know, it helps with sobriety helps with ptsd Helps with trauma all that stuff. So I was like, hmm. Maybe talk to your sponsor Maybe open that conversation and then as you know as the documentary was going he was getting even more excited He's like, oh, well, when can we do it? Yeah, and then when I get that like maybe in October in Mexico And then he started and the way he was even just his pressured fantasy and I was already down I was like, yeah, yeah, maybe I'm gonna do it
Starting point is 00:52:55 But I just know that's where he's gonna take it and he's gonna be doing ayahuasca for like three years No a week later. I'll be sucking cock for crack. Yeah, I think so Yeah, yeah, yeah Hey guys, do we have an unhelpful advice? We do Do you know how we have a at the end? Yeah, no, I've seen the show A big huge fan. Do you have guests on your show? Yeah, never been asked Uh, well, that's well, well, that's that's not true. Well, I've been asked and you've asked me look George We can agree that George is the worst
Starting point is 00:53:28 That's a great there. You know what? This is the can I just say this before you get into advice George is so bad at his job When we started our podcast, we We had it. It's very you guys know, it's hard to get a podcast going and like get some traction and we just did We just did our first finished our first year and We thank you and um Gill's sister produces it. That's great and Bryce, which you guys know, we love the price They produce it. They do a killer job
Starting point is 00:54:01 Um, I originally came to George with the idea to help us with it George has been in no No way shape or form a part of this podcast When when we just started getting like bigger numbers and like getting spikes from having guests like your mom's house And joey Diaz and all these guys we get these big spikes And then we we actually have like a decent listenership now and then guess who comes out I guess who comes out of the the year later. He's like, hey, let's talk about growing. Let's talk about where we're at Let's hey you got hey. We're only upwards and onwards for us
Starting point is 00:54:37 Buzz Lightyear And beyond yeah So I just want to say uh, fuck you. Fuck you dude. Fuck you dude Oh, oh, yeah pajama pants. Yeah, we can we don't need you. Okay. Yeah Yeah, gill sis gill sister gabby and brice are the architects And they do everything and you are you are you are just you're sucking on this tiger valley tea and you would You would be nowhere. I love this. You would be nowhere without me You would be nowhere without bobby lila and this and you should you should be cutting a piece of whatever you're making
Starting point is 00:55:14 This guy's getting married his life is fucking perfect. Yeah games. Amy's married No, you know that it's actually brice who wrote me on instagram saying hey It wasn't george It was brice. It was brice. It was like, do you remember that george? It was it was brice who brokered that deal. So technically brice is you know Brice are you happy? This is what people think about you. This is fun This is good stuff. You're a good sport though, right? Yeah
Starting point is 00:55:43 But you know what, you know, I don't think that I would um, I don't think I can't I'm not gonna give you a compliment Unhopeful vice with bobby. Kalilah in cast some gene This is a female listener. Uh, yo sleepers question I'm married to a woman who I've been with for six plus years and I love her to itty bitty microscopic pieces We were close friends ended up hooking up and fell madly in love and it's been full of ups downs and all arounds But here's the question I'm bisexual and have a high sex drive. She doesn't
Starting point is 00:56:17 Went to twice a month kind of sex drive I don't want to force her into sex obviously, but we're totally unmatched in that department I'm on ssri's and I smoke weed. So my sex drive is diminished as it possibly can be I don't particularly want to have an open relationship, but my sexual needs aren't being met I masturbate three to four times a week and that's fine, but I'd rather be having sex with my wife What suggestions do you have for me? Mm-hmm? That's crazy that he's on ssri's. What's that? She's like it's a anti-depressants. So like selexa Oh, these are two women two women. Oh, okay. So because when I was on ssri's
Starting point is 00:56:53 Oh, my god, my libido was shot to shit. I went through a period where my Right after I got sober too. I just didn't want to Yeah have any sex barely jerked off never looked at porn Yeah, it took it took a while to come back, but I think there's an important thing about compatibility and how to like When when I when we were in therapy when I was in a relationship They talked about um, you you make a list and what on that list is sex and like one person says how much They would like to have it per week and the other person says and then you guys see where the difference is and then you try to agree on Something in the middle
Starting point is 00:57:28 You have to have an open dialogue with her about it, right? You can't be something that's an internal strife for you and you have to um Talk about it and secondly, it's like um, you know For me, I haven't ejaculated Twice it's a quiet. I know I just you feel like your libido's gone down a bit. Oh a lot I've been ejaculated in six days Oh, you got a lot a lot of little comies down there. Yeah. Yeah a little coming could build up down here Yeah, and it's like, um, you know when I get like, you know a handful in my hand a handful of comies
Starting point is 00:58:03 Yeah, yeah, okay. Is that where you do it? Yeah, I'll just go and I'll just like this Yeah, sometimes I'll do this the web. I'll turn to the spider-man who doesn't right? Yeah, you know, I mean I do a thing But um, I smell it. Do you ever smell it? No, I can smell it From from from a leaf. I believe mine smells like bleach. It always smells like chlorine for me. Yeah Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So I smell it A little you know made sometimes a little lick. Sure. See if it's healthy. Yeah, see it's healthy, but you know Seven days ago when I did masturbate
Starting point is 00:58:36 Um, a little drop came out and I get concerned And then once that gets in my head, I don't know why I'm just sharing this. No, please do Okay, once once once I get that in my head, right? Um, I go I have to do a build up now I have to build it. So I'm that just building you weren't happy with the amount that came out what you're saying It's a sad amount like I'm dying That's so funny because we just I had this conversation Um with my pal rob on porn. They're advertising Semen X or something where it's like increasing the volume of your load
Starting point is 00:59:08 Oh, and like like I didn't know that's the pill. I maybe but it's increasing the your sperm count or just flat. Oh the splats So it's basically like oh really? Yeah, that would make sense if you were a performer, but for any other like that's just not I don't want to have to wipe more out of my belly. I could use one less tissue I use usually two tissues and then two cotton L wipes is where I Yeah, yeah, that sounds like a fair amount. That's good, right? Yeah. I mean he already is like he he is like a little baby little Little how about you guys? I'm really into it. Like I'm really into the fact that he nuts so little Okay, how about you compromise when he's with you?
Starting point is 00:59:48 Yeah, just the natural stuff when you're by yourself huge splats with the pill. Yeah, please don't take that stuff I would hate to see you. I just want to experiment with it. So if I got you some get me some please I'll try because I feel like it's a cool response is already very like big and cartoon like that I don't want a lot. What do you mean? What does it look like like you're in tetany? Like you're at the end stages of you know, tetanus Yeah, I do. I do. No, I do dramatize it a bit. No, you don't babe. There's nothing, you know, you you're you hand it up a bit You hand it up. Yeah, what do I do? He looks like Linda Blair like Yeah, like the full like out, you know, yeah, yeah, I will arch my back. Yeah, my back is always arched. Yeah, it'll go
Starting point is 01:00:30 I'll make a noise like that Oh, yeah, I mean, yeah, he's way more dramatic. I'm very dramatic about it because it hits my spine Oh, yeah when I come it it hits my spine raise the lord babe. That's wonderful But that's what I'm saying. I don't need with that response. Yeah. Yeah, I already feel imagine with the then a fountain of fucking juice coming out Wait, hang on This um pill is it supposed to give you more ecstasy? No, because more nut coming out No, it's just at more stuff. Oh wait, that's that's not it's all visual. Yeah, babe. Do not get this I don't I won't get it, but just just try it once. It's texted. Yeah. Yeah, I will text me the information
Starting point is 01:01:16 I also want to try I've never really tried Viagra Oh, I just did because the patent ran out. No, everyone's selling it. I got the forehands.com. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah I could do one of my libido was low. Sorry. Yeah, go ahead But when my libido was low, I was like, oh, maybe this will help and all it does I thought it would make me horny. It doesn't it just gives you when you do get the boner. It stays It stays which is not your problem because you It stays for days. You never go soft. I've you've never gone soft in your life. Oh, I get what you're saying It doesn't make you hornier. No, it's just when the blood gets in the fucking tube
Starting point is 01:01:52 Once it gets stays in there for a lit like maybe twice as long as it normally would I see I see get me some anyway Yeah, I've been asking for like six months. You still haven't won't get me any. Yeah, George Get healthy first. Just the worst. Why what does it do to your fucking blood pressure? Because it fucks with your blood pressure You know, all the blood rushes it stuffs up your nose and it can give you a stomach ache. Oh, I'll then forget it That's yeah, we'll then forget it. It works. Anyway, my dick works. Anyway, my dick works. What's the point of a fucking long-lasting boner if you're just gonna poo all day? You know what I mean? And you already poo a lot Imagine having diarrhea with a heart. You can't get rid of the heart. Yeah, you're like, uh, you know, but your dick is hard
Starting point is 01:02:32 That's so embarrassing. Yeah. Well, the thing is with diarrhea is that you also pee while you're doing it The true that you know a lot of people forget that you're peeing too was wondering with men So when you have diarrhea, like when you poo, do you pee at the same time? Because it we do I feel like the pee is coming out of my butthole. Yeah. Well, yeah, it is but I'm also peeing Oh, you are on the front. Oh, you do a double thing. Maybe yeah, maybe I'm doing your gun gum and walking You'd have to point your penis towards the pole then too. That's yeah, I mean normally that's where it's going Yeah, and then if I had you had a boner that would present a this poor lady though. Let's go back to the lady Yeah, yeah, you know thing. Yeah. Yeah, you're gonna have to have a discussion with her
Starting point is 01:03:14 And then if if but at the end of the day, it's like if you're not getting what you want out of a relationship You might have to move on. Well, well hold your breaks. They're married. They love each other Like she said she loves her to peace. Yeah, but if at the end of the day if she only wants it twice a month And you want to go at the end of the day Hey, fuck you. No, I'm just saying. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What you get what I'm saying You know, I think that you're you're making a good point is that there's compatibility There's there's just certain things that are core compatibility Things in a relationship and sex is a big one
Starting point is 01:03:51 What you guys think about having kids is a big one Money is a big one and if you don't line up on that stuff Then it could present a problem. I mean, but you're already married. So I feel like you should have found out about that I do wonder if maybe maybe at some point in her life like they were having sex more regularly and then all of a sudden Her libido just dropped. What happens then? Let's say let's say The love of your life just you know, you meet her tomorrow. You're having a whole lot of sex Four years from now her hormones dip. She's just you know, twice a month kind of gal now um, I
Starting point is 01:04:26 Look, I think if it was because we had kids and now she's just never horny Um, and it wasn't because she was Grossed out by me and she was still in love with me. She just has this, you know, and we talked about it I'd be I'd be fine. I wouldn't want to go outside the marriage. I think that's just inviting a lot of danger Let me ask you a question. Okay And you know, and I want to use the proper words. Yeah, okay Like you always do. Yeah, you know, so, you know, let's suppose you and I you didn't want to ever have it again Your libido's gone. Yeah, right. Can't you just like
Starting point is 01:04:58 Just lay there Let me just do it. No and you just go through the motions. I would that would breed so much resentment The fact that you would still I'll do I'll do a power session and the fact that you would use my body knowing That I wasn't into it. No, it would make me feel like I would want to kill you Oh, so we have the answer there. Yeah, that's the answer. You know what I mean? Like I'm not gonna just I'm not a sacrificial fucking lamb Like I'm a what have we discussed it like I just you know twice. So I know you don't want to have sex at all Yeah, it's either I go out and I look for it somewhere else. Yeah, or you know, can you just lay there for a second? And let me just point this also romantic. Oh my god. It's all this is romance. Okay
Starting point is 01:05:39 I'll have to find it somewhere else or just fucking lay there. Yeah one of the things I mean like look we go through some Weird sexual slums and a lot of times it has to do with with wiki feet Like there are things that in the beginning when I first started dating him. I did not like I didn't mind a lot of his Hygiene quirks. I was like, yeah, I could deal with that. So if this woman is having You know, there are a lot of things to talk about in regards to sex is what I'm saying It isn't just a matter of yeah, you're meet you're not meeting in the middle. Fuck it. Like let's dissolve the marriage It's not as simple as that Maybe listen, I have a COVID testing coming. I have a COVID person coming at eight
Starting point is 01:06:18 Uh-huh. All right. So I gotta I gotta end it All right, I could talk to cast them forever as as rick glasman would say that was a bad dismount I think we should end on something more positive No, no, I know we don't I'm gonna I'm not gonna end it right now. Like good night. Okay, right? This is really bad I gotta get a better laugh by the way why my laugh is so cackly So when I love your laugh when I listen do it on podcast I cringe like that's my fucking laugh Because I know the difference between your real genuine laugh and then performance laugh, right
Starting point is 01:06:59 Oh, that's a performance laugh. He's been doing that was a bit of a performance laugh and I think he hates that Bobby I want to hear the real Yeah, I like the performance. Yeah, the performance better. Yeah, yeah Yeah, you know when people do impressions for me, they do the laugh the cackle. No, they'll go. Yeah Yeah, you know me and it's like yeah, that's me. They always do the smoking. They do always smoking and always always crowd Like Johnny Sanchez will always be crowd. You're right Like that's another thing that I do a lot apparently
Starting point is 01:07:36 That's not me guys It's not the real I'm normal. All right, but um, you know, we should have done this sooner. Yeah, I appreciate it We'd love you to have you back. Yeah, and we really like you on pajama pants. I would love to be on pajama jam, pajama jam and um, you know, um God bless you, man. Um, you look great. Um, don't feel bad about yourself. I think you're a very handsome guy. True I'm pro cast some nose. Yeah, I'm a pro cast. Yeah. Thanks guys. Yeah, I loved uh coming here and and uh would love to do it again Yeah, because you're you know, no people could say about your nose. No, we could have ended. No, I don't want to. Yeah I don't want to dismount there. Yeah
Starting point is 01:08:14 Because you kind of have kind of the look of that, you know, the glasses nose thing that mark groucho mark groucho mark See anything right? Yeah, but you don't Eric Griffin does Yeah, Eric Griffin does you look great with that whole vibe. So anyway a slam to Eric. Um, give him a round of applause What? Great show guys. We'll be back in a second. Hey guys, uh, thank you for listening and watching this podcast The jewels interviews bobby episode is on patreon more vlogs and live streams coming soon But if you want to hear the exclusive audio content right now You can find more at patreon.com slash tiger belly and uh, you guys wish you'd listen to it
Starting point is 01:08:54 We gave jules some questions to ask bobby, but she did better than our question. Yeah, she found her own question She listened about her way better than what we offered. I accidentally walked in on that one too Yeah, I didn't know what was happening because I was like busy upstairs trying to like deal with Um construction and I came down and I was like yelling for bobby and I was like, really the fuck is everybody They were just sitting downstairs and I walked in and she was she's like Uncle Tito I was like, all right So look up for callila's cameo because basically she's a foreman now every time I talk to her
Starting point is 01:09:23 She's always like, yeah, I was with the construction people. You're always around construction people. I Am aren't I you really are I'm staying busy guys. Yeah. Oh tell them about my um, um Take your shoes off. Oh If you guys want to see more callila calves Check out all you weird fetish people out there. Check out callila on uh rick glasman's uh podcast take your shoes off podcast Uh Right, it's funny. Um, wait, hang on. Don't don't don't don't sell it Sell it. All right fine. There's minimal edits in this. There's no bits. No goblin. No goblin
Starting point is 01:10:02 No kick poo. She doesn't change her shirt ever There's no snapping fingers. No snapping fingers. It's a pretty standard podcast. Check it out if you want Uh, let's get her to five million views Let's uh, if the case actually the goal let's see if she can get more views than bobby So because that will that will work out well here. Uh, no fighting at all Uh, we want to thank our sponsors hams better health. Hello fresh and draft kings Baldness can be optional for more information. Uh on for more information on you 90 day free trial Go to for him is comm slash belly. That was george's typo
Starting point is 01:10:35 Take charge of your mental health today and get 10% off at betterhelp.com slash belly Tell us about the next one george kimmel dig at $80 off your first month of meals Go to hello fresh comm slash belly 80 and use code belly 80 What else george download the draft kings app now and use code belly for your limited time new users offer George if I was married to a woman for six plus years and I had a question about my libido Where can I ask that question? Oh, you would have to go to advice unhelpful at gmail.com to get your interesting unusual and non-typical problem
Starting point is 01:11:09 That we can answer on the you phrased that so wrong and you wrote this copy sir Well, I was trying to add lib and read it and you missed the most apartment part which is we're looking for Yeah, so, uh, yeah, we're up We want you to be part of the show as much as you want to be part of the show So if you have anything you want to ask us In the unhelpful questions go to advice Email us at advice on help with gmail.com. All right. Well for more stuff like that go to george underscore kimmel Uh, you can follow koala at calamity k
Starting point is 01:11:40 bobby at bobby lee live And all your cast some g stuff at cast some g is that correct? Uh, g messick gets cast some g backwards Cast some g backwards do that and also, uh, pajama pants too, uh youtube.com slash pajama pants to support brice and gabby Yeah, because they do all the work and you just come in there and boss people around Uh, cool. We love you guys so much follow tiger belly on instagram at tiger belly and uh, gilbert's love you guys Oh Hey prime members you can listen to tiger belly ad free on amazon music Download the amazon music app today or you can listen ad free with wondery plus in apple podcast
Starting point is 01:12:46 Before you go tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at wondery.com slash survey

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