TigerBelly - Ep 265: Michael Bisping, Rebecca, and The Blue Check

Episode Date: September 30, 2020

Bobby remembers an embarrassing prediction. Michael is a 'cooligan.' Khalyla gets verified. Rebecca has a tone. We talk UFC 253, smoking mothers, running into fighters after predicting their ...loss, Luke Rockhold, and Bobby's journalism school.  www.patreon.com/tigerbelly  Please support our sponsors.See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening ad-free on Wondery Plus I think you can beat him I'm retired and old but are you are you know you can always come back I know I know but still you I'm gonna say you look right right what they say age is just a what do they say age is just a number number yeah but in an alley fight yeah of course but I think in a bar fight you could probably beat him huh yeah yeah yeah yeah don't make me disrespect the charm he's great he's great I these clinical he's a bright guy he's a nice guy yeah don't make me say that but I'm
Starting point is 00:01:07 just saying I know you will wait that is a good question yeah like could a UFC champ be a really poor bar fighter yes no I mean like he couldn't no no because it didn't know I'll tell you why because of distance right he's a distance fighter right in a bar out of Sonya yeah yeah yeah no for sure in a bar you could once you corner him in that you know let's imagine an old-timey bar right with those funny paintings you know of Englishmen whatever wherever you come from pop pop yeah right yeah I mean and they have that you know Sinatra playing whatever I don't know what he does no but here's the thing
Starting point is 00:01:45 in most of those places that you're trying to describe yeah there's normally people that are very drunk yes they don't know how to fight right they don't have fighting skills yeah they're not in shape they're not in shape they've got a bigger beer belly than you right and and yes listen he needs range to operate but I'm still sure without the range yeah would find the mark yeah yeah yeah and I just think that I and I know you're retired but I think that if you know if I was in your corner right that was your coach I would say listen Mike all you say we have to we have to fucking what do you pin off you know
Starting point is 00:02:31 how you corner something in the ring what do you call it you cut yeah you cut off we're gonna do cut moves right you want me to cut off the fence no I'm your coach I'm your coach sorry Mike Mike Mike anybody you're a British accent hello Mike Mike yeah call me dog yeah yeah yeah coach hello hello so Mike Mike we're gonna cut off the ring we cut off the ring right he goes this way you go that way this way you go that way right and there's a coach when did you go gay it's fine you know whatever you want to do yeah don't Jesus Christ tell me these things I just called getting naked in the shower right so
Starting point is 00:03:12 then once you cut him off right he'll have deer in their headlights right you know what they're right and then you go what you do right you do what you do right I just think that you could do it and I'm gonna give you this whole hour right to get back in the ring I've got one eye oh that's right you have one I have one eye and then I just have two since I last saw you two total knee replacement I just have won four weeks ago today yeah tomorrow so yeah not fighting anytime soon well we're not we haven't started actually yet legally I'm gonna keep we haven't started yet right they're gonna keep the stuff in right
Starting point is 00:03:56 that we do I have one more question because we were we were listening to you know how in these with these new fights without the with the audience you can hear the corner men and everybody's so much better yeah so we've been listening to the corner men and we have we kind of started asking ourselves like what kind of like if you're two rounds down what do you usually want your corner men to say that you're two rounds down or that depends on the fighter no no no you want them to be honest yeah one of them to say listen did you come here to lose you come here to get your ass kicked because that's what's happening right now right
Starting point is 00:04:27 and you're fighting like a pussy you're being a little bitch if you want to make the last three months of your life worthwhile then you need to go out there and fight the way you trained right you know you're gonna knock this guy out or you're gonna get a finish if you're gonna win this fight I liked what Henan Barraus coach said to him when he was losing to TJ Dilashad for the first fight right which was which was he said think about your family right he ran deep right he's like my son's got leukemia thanks I'm about to kill myself right and when he said that I was just like holy shit I don't know if I
Starting point is 00:05:13 want to hear that you know what I didn't because when I swam yeah I my mom used to try to do that yeah we don't have we got to pay our electricity bills like she was eight years old oh oh she would say that when you're losing because I was part of the how could you listen to her win the water no no no what do you like when I was in the Philippine team they would pay you for every race that you would win like gives you these things right and that's what she would say like I remember being 12 and she that those were exact words think about the family think about our electricity bill wow no that's but that is why you do it
Starting point is 00:05:46 you know you are doing it I mean fighters listen you know we're not I'm sure if there was another way of earning good money we'd do it we'd figure it out and generally we do towards the end after you get a career then it opens doors but but the reason why you put yourself through that is for your family so yeah that's great advice to think your family right now right kids think what you're trying to give them because guess what you're dancing around like a little bitch right now yeah that isn't helping your kids right okay what if your coach doesn't think that you can do it like for instance it's I'm sure
Starting point is 00:06:18 they've thought that about me and they're like what are we gonna do I would want my coach to go you're you're killing a champ right my eye is falling out right and I'd be like really whoa whoa whoa you're up on every way to go with the ice stuff isn't that what Rhonda Rousey's corner did oh yeah that's right I remember like you're killing it you're doing yeah you're doing it yeah yeah and she's like really and she went out there all that and remember that one move that Holly did where Rhonda tried we're on to try to punch and then she did a switcheroo and Rhonda just kind of ran across it you guys are friends
Starting point is 00:07:01 again so don't you know we talked so tell Mike Rebecca they talked or Bobby talked a little shit about Rhonda on the podcast and then Rhonda confronted him in person that's hilarious oh my god say that again I farted and a little oozy poo came out that's our life right now I know right so no no no serious that's our life I've restarted yeah I have a German shepherd what does that mean well he can't take a shit right now oh yeah yeah yes a dog yeah I know you guys like to eat we like okay wow listen listen they're delicious though have you ever had coffee see me I can't take a shit right now he's constantly
Starting point is 00:07:56 straight he's trying to squeeze it out it's been a long long time anyway his own nervous system is attacking him because he's immune system part of me my wife had a microphone she explained better I'm gonna butcher this but I'll try so his immune system is attacking him and it's attacking his anus and tons of scar tissue has developed around there so we can't actually take a shit so we had this procedure on last Friday where they insert a balloon into his anus and then they pump up the balloon and it spreads the anal passage right rips the asshole to shreds yeah hopefully yeah he can pass now he has been passing a
Starting point is 00:08:36 lot you just mentioned diarrhea and shit I'm like that's my wife's life right now really so puppy yeah sorry babe are you the one that's sticking the contraption in the dog's butthole or you just clean up yeah I just deal with all the nasty diarrhea all over the house yeah but who put you who puts the tube in his eye no that was done by vet oh a vet does that yeah that was he was like out general anesthetic because that would have been very painful so he was out yeah can I ask you another question since we have you on the mic right during the pandemic has him as he been driving you crazy he drives me
Starting point is 00:09:13 crazy without the and are you losing your mind are you losing your mind how are you guys dealing with each other I think lovey-babe no we've been handling it fine we're together a lot anyway because obviously he doesn't work a nine-to-five job like we're with each other a lot and then he'll go away and then we won't see each other for maybe couple of weeks right we're used to spending kind of long periods of time together so it's no big deal like we had maybe a rough week one last question all right so if when you guys do fight though because this is so interesting to me what would be something
Starting point is 00:10:06 that you would fight about okay yeah Michael would think that I may perhaps have a tone with him or I'm getting snappy yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah then I may like you know he'll snap at me so then I'll snap back and it just goes from there right you know I don't have a tone FYI yeah yeah yeah yeah it's just a regular beautiful voice but he interprets it as a throne because of his own issues maybe it's that fucked up IE has or something I should be allowed to have a tone now and again because you put me through it I can have a tone maybe in favor go away in the car go away in the car keep the engine alright so I'm
Starting point is 00:10:54 gonna start the podcast oh we haven't started 30 minutes well we're 30 minutes but I'm going to start and then I don't say your name until I bring you up although we're gonna keep all the stuff in sure all right so I'm calm down one a two a one two ready go maybe far away or maybe real nearby something like that what a great musical I love little Annie little redheader freak welcome to the episode of Tiger Belly oh what a beautiful day night I mean we waited 15 hours for our guest he finally arrived I've never waited 15 hours for our
Starting point is 00:12:00 guests but I'll introduce him in a second we have a celebration real quick before we get into saying things you know for me you know I love Kalyla and she is my partner for life when you said Kalyla just now I didn't know who that was you I know but I I had a moment like my brain froze for a second I was like who's that yeah I realized it was me yeah I dissociated she dissociated from herself and I was about what's what's the matter he's out of time no no no I'm just whispering while you guys I know I know while you're ignoring us we're kind of ignoring you my friend there's a baby called Kalyla
Starting point is 00:12:38 oh I'm like Kalyla because I always say Kalyla and I always get corrected yeah well it's true because like Kalyla is the correct Arabic name yeah they're all okay they raise Muslim as well so that makes sense yeah because I always say Kalyla I don't know why it just looks like a Kalyla when you like do you like breaking the rules of somebody else's podcast I don't know I don't you you actually confronted me I was your pain I was you think you're fucking pain all of a sudden I was mouthing to my wife I was face I'm a little I'm a little fat Asian guy right a fatty little ching-chong okay whoa right you could
Starting point is 00:13:14 destroy me with a fucking legal flick okay I'm going to say this no I'm not fucking afraid of you all right you fucking one-eyed freak all right listen you want to know the truth you want to know the truth wow it's a very awkward time of the day I mean do we eat before do we I was down the street I was having food I couldn't come in here and do this podcast on an oh you were eating yes all right we'll get to that in a second let me just finish this intro you fuck so anyway anyway welcome back to the program I'm your captain Bob and I was about to break up with Calyla oh yes yeah I was for a couple
Starting point is 00:13:58 months I was thinking about it because we hang out for a couple months yeah yeah but just listen to me just let me finish my fucking point right that's the one thing that I you know that was irritating me happened today right and now I'm gonna stay with you I don't I'm so confused you were verified on Instagram give her a round of oh verified on Instagram today and now I can stay with her she's a big deal yeah it's a very big deal yeah I was like am I dating a fucking loser I mean I'm nothing woman and then now she got verified what trying to get verified yeah yeah my wife you know he's been calling me a
Starting point is 00:14:37 peasant for the past eight years and he's like I'm sorry but I can't respect you if you get the blue check and so I basically begged Instagram for this thing of our relationship he did he begged Friday I've never said too that's what I called somebody and she goes can I be verified please I don't know what you did I'll suck your dick I don't know what I don't know what you said but you know I mean you did thank you yeah you must so give her that's a good that's a very big deal all right so I want to introduce our guest our guest is a freak of nature I was a fan of him for a very long time and and then when he did
Starting point is 00:15:14 our podcast I couldn't believe that we could get him there's a couple of guys like that you know I mean I'm but you know we had the guitarist of the Pixies on recently that was a big like big surprise for me and a nice because somebody that I watch on I listen to music and then it's like some people I watch on television and I'm a big MMA fan and so you know this is a factual thing he has one of the biggest dicks in the UK from the UK yeah it goes Prince Charles right David Anberle yeah bigger dicks they do you can just tell yeah you can tell that they do they have thicker you know longer you know I mean
Starting point is 00:15:49 more powerful penises you know but he's up there he's in the top 20 in terms of penises who else is above them Tom Hardy for sure oh yeah Benedict Bump Cumber Cumber yeah yeah I love him you know I mean read a great actor you know and I think also Judy Dench probably has one way bigger than you know I mean because it formed her lips are so long and so he's also now a UFC commentator via ESPN right although we didn't see here I'm sat around with the fuck maybe lazy or something but I didn't want to fly over there but did I bring up a sore point but he's one of our favorite guys he's a wonderful human
Starting point is 00:16:32 being very funny too great father yeah great father can I ask you no I don't fucking don't don't Michael Bisbee Michael Bisbee don't bring a guest on and not let me talk okay go ahead no thanks so Michael is good to see you you eight but would you eat before you came here no it was bad it was bad so we were planning on getting something to eat afterwards obviously my wife's here as well so I said come with me carpool of course does come in handy but I'm like yeah we'll go do the show and then we'll get some food afterwards and then halfway here I'm like I can't do it I am
Starting point is 00:17:11 starving and I don't know what you get like when you're hungry but there's no way I could sit here and do this show or and talk and be funny and upbeat all I would be thinking about is food I'm angry right I've got to do it I've got to eat so we we we pulled over didn't we into like several places because I was trying to be respectful right the quickest thing there's got to be like an in-and-out burger or something like that we couldn't find when I'm fucking pulled into this one place there was a waffle house just down the street we pull over we get some a quick yeah I run in they've stopped serving only doing
Starting point is 00:17:41 drinks fucking scuffed my the wheels of my car trying to fucking go in so you want me for that and where did we eat oh some shitty little Italian place you know you could I ordered a sandwich the quickest thing on the menu it took about 35 I must have went in six times to then it was a lovely old guy but I'm like what the fuck yeah it's a sandwich yeah you know I determined we were waiting for him because the sandwich it's it's wasn't like they cooked a nice piece of steak or anything it was like shitty steak right right supermarket right it was the fries I don't even I don't even want the fries the fries was scalding you
Starting point is 00:18:18 know what I mean they were good no it's scalding hot yeah I don't eat you like you like cold fries I don't want the fries I want the sandwich you know I'm not a fat American or just just FYI you know you could have like come here on time just FYI and seven o'clock and then we could have like we you know we could have done a postmates thing you got anything you wanted we get postmates from Morton's like whatever you want to be would have probably bought for you you know that could have been also an option you could have explained this to me maybe protocol going forward we're all learning okay that's learning Bobby from now
Starting point is 00:18:59 we're going forward the gas you see I showed them a menu right what would you like yeah I would have like sparkling water but still I know but this water right what's it mountain valley is very fancy Google it later okay it's very fancy okay no it tastes fancy yeah yeah so let me ask you are there any kids in the house right now yes why wouldn't there be kids in the house I forgot how old the kids are 19 17 and 10 yeah also the 10 so the 17 year old and then 10 year old is at home right now correct Amanda and the 17 year old taking care of the 10 year old correct right because she's the 70s are a female she's your
Starting point is 00:19:36 daughter she's my yeah and the tenure let me guess is your son correct see your powers of the dope you know just out and you have a 19 year old who's a son yeah yeah what else did Google tell you no I did Google I'm this is from our last fucking thing okay I remember nothing about you I know you don't and your son is a he's a wrestler very talented his girlfriend Vietnamese girlfriend correct do you like her oh yeah yeah she's very very sweet oh yeah the relationship is going very well but it shouldn't because she lives in Texas now part of me college yeah no no no they just moved to Texas the Texas well yeah
Starting point is 00:20:22 she's going to college there yeah but the family lives in Texas yeah you know this is first love it's his first love right hard long distance I know so does he go over there to visit because yeah he's actually flying back from there right now as we speak making it work how cute because when I was 17 18 oh my god my neck was on a swivel yeah yeah yeah I was thirsty and she did it I'll tell you I hear all the yeah I hear all the stuff no I'm the last was I'm the like you know what I am she cuz I know the she cuz she generally get dates excuse you be careful proceed with caution but go ahead
Starting point is 00:20:59 generally dates what do not get in trouble athletic looking guys okay that's not right like with guys with abs and you know not dwarfs like me I'm searching for them I know I'm your first dwarf right for the community yeah yeah she looked at me and she went you know these athletic guys you know I mean they make my kuchi feel good no no they yeah yeah but then I'm gonna go with you know I was feeling a little bit more chair I'm looking for yellow clits you know this penis is like a yellow clit you know it's like a thick like a button you know me it's like smashed you know I mean it's small I'm with it yeah yeah but you
Starting point is 00:21:36 know what juices come out whatever it works yeah yeah yeah guys got kids no we don't know it works no we know we know okay I aborted his dwarf baby why smooth but we you know I've been I've been thinking Mike I've been thinking about I because I just turned 49 yeah okay yeah am I older than you you are yes yeah yeah it's weird now you look so good thank you I'm amazed 49 I'm 49 so um I've been telling her I go I think I think I want a baby now late in the day isn't it I don't think so I hate to say but your comedy career is not a mountain okay I know but the last time the last time you came I did a
Starting point is 00:22:30 podcast did I do do it from the apartment my apartment you did look at where we are now you're going I'm growing you are right so why can't have a baby now you live here yeah it's very nice thank you I was like oh last place was a real shithole I was like what the fuck I'm never coming here again it was only when I saw a different address I was like okay I'll go but only if my wife comes yeah yeah so um you know is it worth it he's what having children of course okay what give me the three things right why it's worth it purpose all gives you
Starting point is 00:23:15 purpose you purpose right um it's fun it I can see that I can see that it's fun yeah and okay those are two big ones well the most compelling thing for me is the fun because I like I feel like we're both really childlike at heart yeah like you know playing around look at this room this is not a 49 year old room this isn't a 49 yeah it changes everything it changes your perspective of everything like a couple of my buddies just have kids just having kids at the moment I text him the other day I was like yep your life's gonna change get ready bud you know and I mean that in the best possible way they're like whoa
Starting point is 00:24:05 what do you mean I'm like no no just little things you know it's not about you anymore yeah everything you do is for your children like right now you're just you know a stroke and you're on ego it's all about bubbly bubbly bubbly how can I become like Steve Martin one day I'll invite Michael best you don't pay after a two hour drive I ridicule him I'll make fun of him in front of his wife and send him into the darkness you know but when you've got children Bob it's not about that right yeah yeah so what you're saying is is that it um you you you're not a selfish right and then what you said purpose right I like that it's
Starting point is 00:24:41 like it gives me here's why I want to make baby I think just let's hear me out he already told you it's too late it's a little too late it's not too late your dad had you when he was 60 it's true well do you ride on truck you know I mean you know far away Bobby those bastards but but I spent most of my teenage years caring for an ailing dying father which was a horrible experience oh yeah yeah yeah baby Khalil is gonna have to go through it right right right so maybe not then you can do it because you know I you know last week I worked with I don't know we talked about it how do you know my bits work it does work because six
Starting point is 00:25:21 years ago work nothing happened you didn't get in a car accident your badge wasn't in a fucking mangled car accident your vagina I've seen it recently it's it looks fresh and it looks like a flower yeah yeah it doesn't look damaged I mean there's no heat rash or temples on it or anything like that it looks fresh well when your demon baby gets up in there yeah what it'll do yeah it's my baby is gonna be like the baby from Incredibles a powerful just turn into fucking fireball you know I mean it's gonna blast her shit out thank you yeah yeah but I really but I really why you're sand in your oh cuz I was at the
Starting point is 00:25:58 beach vagina there's a sand in your badge weird um let's talk about the fights Saturday night so um do you see all of the fights yeah yeah the main card the main card yeah the main card yeah let me ask you a question what happened to Reyes Reyes Dominic Reyes yeah he seemed so tentative yeah you know he went in with John Jones right I thought he won that fight I think what happened was that when he fought John Jones because he probably did win that fight if you ask me yeah but for the first half of the fight he was kicking his ass and for
Starting point is 00:26:36 the second half of the fight he kind of got his ass kicked I've been there myself when I used to kickbox back in the day and when that happens you learn a lesson about pacing yourself so I think he was pacing himself for a five round fight because he didn't want to get tired again the loneliest place in the world when you're in the octagon and you got nowhere to hide you got no team to rely on yeah you know and you've just got another killer John and knock your fucking head off yeah it's a very lonely pace place yeah I think he was yeah just pacing himself for a longer fight and it got clipped when you're when
Starting point is 00:27:10 you're in a fight like you're in the fourth round right because you've been in so many battles right does time this time go by quickly or slowly so slow I put it down yeah it's the slowest ever seriously but guess what those 60 met 60 seconds on the stool yeah boom flies by just like that but if you're in there and you look at the clock because you know you're in there and you can have a little look at the big screen oh fuck 45 seconds that fuck I'm almost out of this round oh wow this was not going well those 45 seconds can last like a lifetime there you go champ fuck off I just sat down
Starting point is 00:27:51 yeah yeah you go have you ever gone into the next one they said get up and go into the next round where you thought I'm not ready or like I haven't caught my breath yet no you usually catch your breath yeah yeah yeah because I learned from that keep boxing fight when I was younger I always made sure I was in good shape right that's the best weapon you can have as a fighter of course you need all the skills but if you don't have the cardio and you run out of stamina then it doesn't matter how good you are because you're you're screwed now let me ask you this do you know just with without your coaches and stuff do you
Starting point is 00:28:25 know in your head am I winning or losing yes how because you get a feeling every time you get cracked in the face yeah I feel like he's hit me more than I've hit him I don't know what day of the week it is I've got blood pouring out of every other fist when I look at him he's got no blood okay so I'm just gonna go on a limb here and assume that maybe I lost that round generally I'm there generally I'm you know kind of yeah you're unconscious on the floor you like yeah did I lose that one oh yeah no no you can tell yeah and cuz you constantly scoring as a fighter oh you are well you know cuz you it's important
Starting point is 00:29:03 yeah because I'm when I'm watching cuz I'm a huge fan I just have these questions and you've lived it obviously you I mean you're a champ right you're a champ forever in my heart right now let me ask you something when you when you go five rounds and the other person's called the winner right how does that feel are you relieved that you get to go home or are you super devastated what you mean if you've lost yes I mean I never got too devastated I bet you got to keep it in perspective some people do like I remember when I used to train in England prior to the UFC and a fight on smaller events you know and we all want
Starting point is 00:29:40 to do well we all want to make it to the UFC we all want to make money but at the end of the day we're choosing you know to fight in a fucking cage feeling and let's be honest and someone's gonna win and someone's gonna lose right you know if you're man enough to go out there and put a beat on someone you're gonna be man enough to accept defeat as well yeah these couple of pluses that I was training with crying the fucking eyes out in the locker room Tom Blackley's biggest pussy I've ever met in my life what are you doing yeah together man yeah I know it matters it matters to me but I didn't lose so you're right so yeah
Starting point is 00:30:14 yeah no no of course but for me yeah I never got too upset yeah of course of course you lose money and it derails your career to a certain next year but at the end of the day look at the pluses you know yeah doing a job I love getting paid handsomely fighting on TV living the dream if you will depending on what your dream is you know what I'm saying yeah yeah yeah yeah listen yeah you can be disappointed but you know it's I have another question about Saturday Sanchez you think you should retire Diego yeah no I think you should fight Conor McGregor yeah tell me what that was that I saw that he had released
Starting point is 00:30:54 those DMS yeah did ask for Diego he did he asked to fight Diego Sanchez yeah so I was really perplexed by that hey you know we got the same manager so I don't know you know yeah you know I don't know you might as well just ask for tank Abbott it's basically saying give me someone I know I'm gonna be yeah you know which kind of goes against the the the for one of a cliched expression the samurai spirit of it all right to quote Luke Rockhold yeah mr. handsome he's he's a samurai yeah yeah yeah but when you when you bit one of when he beat Luke Rockhold were you there yeah how did you feel Rebecca do you go to all
Starting point is 00:31:38 the fights as many as like yeah yeah I'm most of them sometimes if they were really far like Brazil yeah yeah okay and what's the what's the general feeling since you towards the end of it all like are you just are you are you still at the edge of your seat or do you just have this like radical acceptance of whatever happens happens whatever happens happens I mean of course I always wanted to I did I hated it and when it comes to fight time fight night I used to just think oh my god why can't I just do a normal job so I can't even work in an office or do something normal this is ridiculous yeah
Starting point is 00:32:15 no no I want to ask her a couple of questions thank you that's fucking rude what you're doing okay because I'm this is such an interesting there's there's just things it's fascinating to me right so when you're sitting there watching him I I would assume that I would just be like if she was fighting that I wouldn't be able to sleep the night before and I would just be kind of like almost petrified yeah no it's definitely like that like I I feel like I can't deal with anything in my life before that fight like everything has to come after even just something so simple as like a doctor's appointment or something
Starting point is 00:32:48 it's like I can't deal with that I have to make it for after like everything just becomes so overwhelming for me he doesn't react that way I don't know you seem to be able to take it all in your stride a little better but from my perspective I would be freaking out yeah so when you beat Luke you must have been just like ridiculous yeah yeah I think it was the happiest night of my life it was that night yeah yeah yeah yeah because also but with the joy comes that just that relief it's always relief whenever he wins just the relief is ridiculous that's the main emotion just so relieved wow but it's such a that was
Starting point is 00:33:24 I remember being at such a high-profile fight and also I'll be honest with you I didn't think you were gonna win well that I didn't think you were gonna win well that's what I was gonna say about her let's be honest you probably thought I was gonna lose as well that's why I was trying to pull the microphone over I was very confident that's my next question like if do you ever have those thoughts like I think that this is the wrong fight for him or do you just have absolute faith in him oh yeah there's a degree of absolute faith but of course your mind always wonders to the to the possibilities what might happen you
Starting point is 00:34:05 know happened so you know yeah kind of every emotion kind of washes over you but whilst he's fighting I just say I'm a nervous ball of tension like I can't actually talk I can't move yeah just I go pale it's not pretty yeah no she's a nightmare she's a nightmare I mean in a good way yeah in a very nice way that I like to see because like you know I'm not naming any names or even thinking about someone in particular but sometimes you see and I have seen it many times where the wife of a fighter maybe of a championship fighter they're there and they're loving the moment and they they love the attention and they think
Starting point is 00:34:45 about them and their front row and they've got their fucking you know they're trying to show off as much as possible and they're when they're blingy as shit they can want to be seen until I've seen it and I've seen them and I've seen them not give a fuck when their husband gets beaten and knocked out and stuff they're still doing selfies and shit I've seen it you know what I'm saying I can't and Rebecca on the flip side is like she hates it she doesn't want anyone to speak to her even at the fight now she just wants to sit there and be very insular she wants to be left alone she doesn't want people you know bugging her
Starting point is 00:35:14 she hates it and when I fought with Rockhold you know when the fight was made she said okay so that's it Michael you finally got your title shot what you always wanted so you're gonna retire after this one and I was like well you know if I get beat then yeah I'll retire but if I win you're out of your fucking mind yeah you know what I mean because now I finally start to get make some real money because I'll be the champ right you know but yeah so that's kind of because I remember Rebecca and your kids were on stage like went on you know when you're celebrating and I remember feeling I don't really like I
Starting point is 00:35:47 don't have a photographic memory but the sense that I got was I remember going oh he's got a great family I really honestly the joy in the your kids you know face and just the joy that we felt watching it was just a memorable moment let's back up a second you have a very clear recollection of that fight night I have no idea well we have video footage of you reacting to this thing winning oh I need to see this I need to see the truth I will look for it well you keep yeah yeah okay sit down Bobby relax this is gonna be really awkward you have a force field in between you and me don't worry I'm retired what is it
Starting point is 00:36:32 sit down this is gonna get really awkward for you okay okay so we had it we had an entire family over and your brother and I you were acting like the oracle you said there was not a chance in fucking hell that he could ever or anyone and he wonders why I won't give him a picture at the companies and I remember this and then your brother and I and Gilbert we said I wouldn't I wouldn't speak so fast we had you man the whole night we had you we had and then he knocks him out and you ran to three different bedrooms came back with your tail between your legs and you were in total disbelief do you remember
Starting point is 00:37:16 that you said there was not a chance and thanks I thought we were right there bud I don't recall it I don't recall it like that I feel like we're brothers now yeah she's me all right well I'll say the video and we'll post this yeah yeah yeah right here we go oh here we go wait hold on rewind it rewind it rewind it rewind it oh wait wait wait is this gonna embarrass me no I don't know what Bobby's like I had a thousand on rock old a thousand dollars and look rock old didn't you that's great look at that Wow look at Gilbert and I we were excited because we love it well thank you very much everybody that's showing excitement
Starting point is 00:38:07 I apologize to the one person that's disappointed hold on hold on hold on be honest be honest be honest you guys recreated this recently no film this recently bro you know I was coming you thought let's play 2016 2014 well that's great thank you well with this guy of course I got a suspicious mind cuz he's from San Diego here's here's a thing all right let's let's regroup yeah okay we watch every fight we've watched every one of your fights okay that's that's number one I've had one for a long time okay I know but we did right and I have to be honest with you okay that was very real I'll tell you why because Luke
Starting point is 00:38:58 Rockhold is from Santa Cruz or whatever right and he skateboards I'm from San Diego right so I feel like he's like you skateboard I used to all right no I was gonna say so he's from Santa Cruz you're from San Diego nowhere near each other you don't he's as white as Asian as they come I'm failing to see that's true that's true that's true number two true number and also I'm sweating here's a second thing okay is is that sure 2016 right right that was the night where I laid down in bed and I became a Michael Bisping fan all right that was the night that was it yes yes all right I watched your season of the
Starting point is 00:39:58 ultimate same yeah yeah I didn't even know what that was yes you were a little behind I was a little behind so what I'm saying is is that okay yeah at the time that's a real man so a real man fuck up shut the fuck up everybody all right at the time right I was rooting for Luke Rockhold and at the time when you open your eyes I am opening my eyes I'm Asian you fuckface yeah this is why does he go right right and and at the time I was rooting for him and when he you knocked him out it was such a shock to my system but then I was reborn like a phoenix wow all right list and I and I and I was convinced from that day
Starting point is 00:40:39 forward right that you were the guy okay haha for you think when you thought you're here that I wanted him to win I wanted to win likely no well come on everybody likes George let's be honest he's a sweetheart I see here's the thing when I met Kalyla I had stopped watching UFC for a long time a long time I couldn't even yeah and so the George St. Pierre years I was in Houston when he lost to Max Matt Sarah because I was because the Jordan Peele you know who directed get out yes so the UFC for one night hired me and Jordan Peele to do some sort of comedy thing at the some red carpet event for them right and they
Starting point is 00:41:25 never asked us again but it was me and Jordan were in Houston when we saw George St. Pierre lose to Max Sarah and I remember everyone was shocked and I was so like not involved that I didn't even know that that was a big deal yeah right it's when I met her on Tinder and she was a big fan I slowly got back into the UFC right so for me you know I wasn't a George St. Pierre okay okay hold on let me just stop you right there I'm gonna give you some advice Bobby I don't need advice well I'm gonna I'm gonna give you some and you're gonna hear this you're gonna go oh interesting yeah I'll take that on board okay next time you're with
Starting point is 00:42:04 a fighter right and you know you're clearly making my fighting ability the the conversation piece and you talk about a former opponent of mine yes don't intro the conversation about the opponent who beat me by saying oh yeah I remember watching him get his fucking ass kicked one time and then he went on to beat you right you're right you're I mean just say wow the greatest of all time George St. Pierre he was unstoppable yeah that's what that would have been better don't go I remember when he got his fucking ass kicked all right right okay so I want to say this okay kind of flunky but I did not
Starting point is 00:43:02 go to journalism school okay all right I've never went to college okay I'm just telling you that I'm just like this little weird Korean fella you know I mean in 1995 walk by a comedy club and I signed up for an amateur night I have no is that true yeah I have no skills whatsoever and I went up and I see she gonna I don't know anything right so in terms of talking to people and being a journalist or an interviewer I don't know what I'm doing you don't need to be a judge I know my point my point is is that you know I think that you know I apologize it's okay I don't I don't I want to I want to try to make you a
Starting point is 00:43:43 better I want to I know I want to do it I'm trying to make I want to learn okay I fucked it up right I fucked up right I fucked up the Luke Rockhold thing right and I fucked up the fucking George St. Pierre thing right it's and and I'm learning as I go okay and I apologize okay apology this is not necessary okay let's talk about only accepted let's talk about Saturday again okay so do you think that the style bender is because people are saying he's goat right that's a dead that's that when people throw that out there's been so many great eras in the sport you know I mean and he is very unique right well how do you
Starting point is 00:44:28 place him in the middle of what in terms of middleweight fighters yeah well I mean he's the champion of the world right now right so he's number one rightly so I mean if you look at who he's beaten and how he beats them you know I mean I'll be honest prior to Saturday night I was kind of and he'll tell you because we've had conversations about this he's called me out on it you know when I've because prior to you commentating I still do it a bit now I do the pre and the post fight shows and we have to make predictions on who's gonna win and stuff like that and I picked him to lose a few times and every time he goes out there and proves
Starting point is 00:44:59 me wrong right and then we bumped into each other and you know I said to us oh I'm sorry man because fighters take it very fucking personal oh yeah I mean when I go on TV or whoever it is I remember when I used to fight and I've been in the locker room and they have the pre-show on the TV you know and you'll see whoever it is and they're talking about yeah he's gonna lose second round knock out I think you fucking mother fuck yeah alright see you later it does hurt you a little bit I'll have a word with that guy so anyway you know and I always thought well there always was a reason for why he was winning right the
Starting point is 00:45:34 reason was he was very good but I guess Robert Whitaker Robert Whitaker had a terrible game plan to get lunging in something so far away so I was like oh yeah yeah yeah Robert Whitaker was shit and then I was like I get Sanderson Silver it wasn't the most it wasn't the busiest fight right and I was like well you know Anderson didn't really do much you know I feel if he stepped on the gas more then he could have beaten Israel and then Joel Romero Joel didn't do fuck all I'm like oh come on that that fight didn't even happen but the fact of it the matter is like Barcini the cost of Saturday night he went out there and he
Starting point is 00:46:03 didn't do much either right but it when a pattern starts to form you can't sit there and say it's not because he's that good when the pattern starts to form it's because like cost of Saturday night was scared yeah he didn't want to get in the punching range in the pocket as they call it because out of sudden it was too fast just too fast and any time he wouldn't do it was like oh fuck yeah they got my head taken off there yeah so it's easy for me to just stand there in the middle of the octagon and let you dictate the dance yeah take the shit out of me so it's not Israel it's not his fault that his opponents are scared of him I
Starting point is 00:46:36 also kind of picked up on that even like in the pre-fight or before the fight like leading up to it how he was already kind of tentative and he seemed a little bit emotional for a teenager right yeah yeah it's it's those very emotional especially now yeah oh no what happened he cried not today like he saw the video no don't tell me what happened well Israel good I get gonna give him a little dry-humping I loved it in the octagon I loved it but he wasn't aware of that because he was just knocked out yeah so like yeah fuck it okay show me the fight you okay oh shit a man here and then it's like what the fuck he did
Starting point is 00:47:13 what yeah so yeah he's pissed he's putting out some video well he's calling for a rematch a media crazy because you're never gonna get a rematch because you got your ass kicked he's got to win probably four more times right he's got a beat cat in the air he's got to beat there's a bunch of guys out yeah yeah yeah he's not getting a rematch yeah I think Whitaker you know although people think that he did he got his ass kicked but I think Whitaker deserves another shot don't you probably because he Whitaker had like one how many times did he defend it Whitaker well no I know because he was never the real champ oh he
Starting point is 00:47:47 wasn't it wasn't it was an inch there was some weird weird thing yeah people miss him waiting she was it wasn't his fault to be fair but he did beat a lot of good guys and he beat Yoel a few times yeah and he just beat Darren Till and he's fighting Jared Canineer we're Canineer yeah I said the winner of that should fight who's a beast oh yeah Canineer don't you think oh yeah no absolutely yeah yeah very very yeah Whitaker fought Adesanya it seemed like I love Whitaker he's my favorite fighter for years we just like his um I like the meaner you know he's very humble a nice guy yeah he's a very nice guy yeah
Starting point is 00:48:22 um but it seemed like a total he seemed like unmatched like yeah couldn't get in there at all yeah yeah and I just like before at the time when I watched it initially I'm like oh well Whitaker didn't show up did he yeah the terrible game player kept trying to lunge in and again that's not Israel's fault that's because they were scared and intimidated because he's so tall he's so long and he's so fast and every time he was trying to get on the inside to land the shot it was like whoa yeah so then I'm gonna start acting desperate try to land these big wild shots yeah which just leaves you more open to get counted yeah he has
Starting point is 00:48:56 length you know I mean oh yeah he's a long fighter right he's also kind of scrawny but he really is precise like those kicks that he did on Apollo Costa for a chinia what's his name for a chinia that's his nickname yeah but that's his who's his real what's his real last name how low costa you said it three no no no why did he well why was he called or a chinia because everybody has a nickname yeah oh if they said Bobby slept king that's my yeah Bobby the slept king and then I just changed it back to Lee is that what happened no Bobby the slept King Lee yeah yeah but before he wasn't just let's oh that's
Starting point is 00:49:36 right he didn't he wasn't listed as Paulo Costa he wasn't before he used to fight as Palo yeah bro chinia and that's it yeah really yes he didn't have the costa in it have it out of nowhere scene what's it called boy in your depot boy chinia depot on Instagram no on Twitter you gotta follow it it's hilarious what is it some of your friends freak are featured on there regularly yeah it's a parody MMA account but you know I'd like to make for anyone in this speaks they get they get a little roasting on there it's funny there's a lot of T2T's a lot of Brendan Shaw but it's funny it's good clean fun but they just they just
Starting point is 00:50:16 highlight when people fuck up and it's funny I don't know why it's called boy chinia depot but right but give it a follow I want to plug your podcast you have a podcast with a comic out of New York I do what is it called it's called believe you me believe you me yes and what with Lewis right yeah yeah comes out once a week twice a week Mondays and Thursdays whoa whoa fuck look at the we're lazy yeah you know come on you do it out of your house I do it out of my house he does it in New York studio in New York yeah and where can people find it everywhere you find podcasts yeah if you search believe you me or Michael
Starting point is 00:50:54 Biskman podcast on YouTube you'll find it and then you know because I file those places yeah yeah because you are I have to say and I mean this I'm gonna give you a compliment thank you um you know I don't want to brag oh my god I like to brag a little bit I thought you a compliment I am going to compliment you know but you'll see how it's gonna swing back to you I get it no you don't I do I do I feel like you're being asked where it's gonna go all right so just let me build it okay he's gonna suck his own dick before he does yeah of course yeah my little yellow clip before so um you know I don't want to brag but I you know I
Starting point is 00:51:40 I know probably the funniest pleat people on the planet earth you know I'm mingled with them right I've done rubbed shoulders rubbed shoulders I've done podcasts with them and you know you know I've done my share of television work and film and but but at least about water all over the place but I have to say that when I podcast with you you remind me of somebody at that level of of comedy chops well thank you very much I appreciate you know it's it's an unusual thing to have you know a beef cake a beef cake like yourself right have a charisma just because you are challenged okay my wife gives me shit
Starting point is 00:52:35 all the time for being too short oh really yes too small yeah you know she likes tall guy yeah I when I got arrested when I was a kid the cop said I was six foot two and I hang on to that but she says bullshit you're shrinking yeah how tall are you six one but you're six one he says that's bullshit but at the cop shop I they said six two so I you know I claim that yeah so as you were I was you were saying I was great you know so I'm good it's it isn't an usual thing right I mean there is you know because when I talked to I'm like oh it's like talking to a comic right yeah who's like a season pro but you know
Starting point is 00:53:08 you're you know a champion as well you know me so it's just an unusual combo combination within one human being well thank you and yeah and you I think you have a future right in other areas right I feel like this is I've seen this this is the Joe Rogan bread the job sit down what is going on it's not that I know it just I didn't plan it I'm not planning it I just it's just an idea in my head I'm just thinking you know I mean what an interesting I thought this the last time but then I I'm just duly reminded today you know I mean that's just you know you know how unusual you are in that way you know what don't you
Starting point is 00:53:55 agree with him no no you said unusual I agree a little aggressive the town I agree that he's unusual yeah I want to ask you one more question yeah yeah yeah yeah tell show him where the bathroom is yeah it's okay yeah I want to know how you guys like Matt that's interesting yeah that's the thing that's what I want to ask you did you did you meet him before the ultimate fighter oh so we met in 1999 wow in 1999 and at that time was he what did you like about him now that he's gone I was instantly drawn to him and I can't quote my finger on why when I think back yeah yeah he stands out as you can see
Starting point is 00:54:51 yeah especially in the town that we both lived in he he stood out a lot to me and he was tall I kind of you know I tease him to say that he's short but he's he was he was tall compared to everyone else so that stood out to me and it's just his personality he was like really vibrant and outgoing yeah yeah what little town did you guys meet in clear the road oh clear the wrong yes so in that small little town you met I need a little town yeah I'd only been in clear the road for a couple of years because I moved from Australia so I was pretty new I think that was part of the attraction as well because I was different from
Starting point is 00:55:28 everyone else yeah yeah I think that was part of it as well and how are you do you prefer living in California via England or yes you do I love California yeah yeah I mean sometimes we kind of float with the idea of moving back to England but I can't deal with the rainy weather and cold and I've acclimatized to Southern California weather yeah and you guys are here now your kids are here so we're in it even if we did want to move anywhere we can't we're trapped yeah the kids are here they've got their own lives have American accents they go between both so when they talk to us they talk in like a British accent and
Starting point is 00:56:11 then when they grow up with their friends they talk American my daughter my daughter like she she does she used to speak all the time like daddy daddy did it like in this crazy annoying accent I just wasn't into it at all whatever I'll tolerate it you know but then sometimes and she's great now she's turned the corner but she went through a phase two years of a life where she was okay I'm not gonna get into detail it's like Callie girl yeah you know what I mean but anyway when she has been naughty shall we say and we're like what the fuck and then I call I finally catch up with her I'm like
Starting point is 00:56:48 why is that talking in that accent I got and cut that fucking stupid accent out as well yeah now I'm mad now when I'm when I'm when it's just you know every day I'm like yeah whatever and I roll my eyes internally but if I'm mad and I'm like get your ass home what the fuck yeah you know it's 2 a.m. in the morning or whatever and I'm like stop talking in that stupid fucking accent against Americans by the way it's just yeah how are you doing in the pandemic I mean like are you are you over it or are you you know I mean under it or are you under it or inside it I don't know I mean it's hard to explain I I take it
Starting point is 00:57:27 seriously I respect it yeah yeah yeah yeah that that's one of the things that's driving me crazy right now see all these fucking anti-maskers yeah all these conspiracy theorists right just do what you fucking told put the mask on listen to the experts people that have dedicated their entire lives to science yeah there isn't a fucking agenda here yeah well there is it's channel with the world of this virus this nasty disease yeah killing people yeah you know I have this friend of mine in the UK where I come from and on Facebook he's had it all the fucking time okay going on it's okay I'm like and I never respond but I
Starting point is 00:57:59 just couldn't do it last night I'm sitting down okay I wrote this big long response yeah yeah and he came back with his initial responses huh really I thought better of you to be honest I'm like oh really so somebody has a different opinion than you right we don't have to listen to your shit you left school at 16 and you're gonna sit there and disagree with scientists that have studied their entire lives to understand these things he's like oh yeah but the government keep changing guidelines I said well yeah of course well that in itself tells you that they are learning and changing the as we as they're
Starting point is 00:58:45 learning about the fucking virus right if it was an agenda they would just say right this is the way it's got to be these are the control mechanisms we're putting in place yeah and like it all fucking lump it they wouldn't keep changing thing yeah yeah they're adapting as it goes because this is a new thing correct and we are the same we're in the same boat you know even if you were weren't I don't wouldn't care but um yeah no for sure listen you know whatever yeah I'm not gonna fall out with people over it but it does get a little exhausting yeah yeah yeah I was that I went to a comedy night Friday at
Starting point is 00:59:15 somebody's house yeah and one of the girls there looks at me she's a friend of mine she goes right because I had a shield and a mask on yeah right it's like what the fuck you're you know you're older you know you're in that demographic yes you know frail he's Jerry at week yeah you know I mean if you know a good gust of wind did knock you over and you need the shields as you were saying I'm sorry I interrupted your story any who rude how fucking rude you lie me bastard lie me yeah you fucking you fucking cool again cool again cool again cool again cool again that sounds like cool
Starting point is 00:59:59 again that's a good compliment you're cool again you're like a little bit of a thuggish yeah that's a good word they dress real well yeah yeah you're cool again so um and she goes you know you know the people that die from coronavirus coronavirus is people that that took the flu vaccine last year and then gets COVID so the combination of the two kills you quite the opposite and she goes take the mask off oh really yeah and I go no you mean like I'm not gonna listen to you yeah who the fuck are you yeah right so it's everyone has these different opinions and whatnot but well everyone's just at each other's
Starting point is 01:00:36 throats so it's not even a matter of like what you believe I think that people are just generally frustrated and they want to go after something and someone so it's like in those situations like you just got to accept to disagree and then move on yeah I did people are very frustrated and certainly people that have lost the jobs and lost difficult it's a difficult and that's a different scenario to what I'm dealing with yeah you know what I'm saying yeah and my thoughts are with them truly but I pulled my phone out here because I posted this the other day and it's so true it says quick reminder if the roles were
Starting point is 01:01:08 reversed and it was younger people who were more likely to die our grandparents and parents would do absolutely everything they could to protect us but on the flip side we're like oh it's just the old fucker right right I've lived our lives that's an interesting thing I'm glad you said that yeah imagine if and I love you and I love you you will fucking do I love you to whatever you could to protect your children and your grandchildren yeah yeah you wouldn't say fuck it they've been 60 years old that's still young yeah you know I mean you're almost right there you still got life left to live but anyway you have a
Starting point is 01:01:45 demon baby to me yeah we have a demon baby so I want to say that I have also this podcast has been very fun for me I was this is it done no we have to do our unhelpful advice oh my god we've just driven all this way we just got here Jesus Christ Bobby do what you want to do a five-hour event like Rogan does fuck that yeah I want to get from the inside of it what's the studio yeah where are you it looks like a fucking pill yeah can I just talk about you the room I just went in that's awesome what oh that was our old studio we that was our no no no where I just went in next door yeah so like the soundproofing but the
Starting point is 01:02:22 door all the artwork is that was the original podcast room right but then the COVID hit yeah so we moved out of there because we can have gas right so we can have more space so we got it like okay yeah we don't know what to do with that okay Mikey I was attacking you Bobby okay all right I'm old you want more to say I'm fat oh it's a nice I like the artwork on the door okay Mikey that's my that's my point little Mikey from the UK is here six foot yeah yeah so we what we do at the you've done the show before we do a thing called the unhelpful advice and people email us questions and we had
Starting point is 01:03:04 tried to answer them okay unhelpful advice with Bobby Kalala Michael Bispig and Rebecca hey friends my fiancee and I are about to have a baby she's only two months along but it seems so close to nine months my problem is I can't get her to quit smoking cigarettes as soon as I found out she was pregnant I quit because I want what's best for our baby and our family how can I try to convince her to quit without making her think she's against what's best for our family I know she loves me and I know she'll love our baby but I know she can love herself me and our baby so much more if she does things she knows she needs to
Starting point is 01:03:38 do thanks love you guys how does he convince his fiancee to quit smoking for the baby how do you convince Rebecca well well well I mean it's pretty obvious number one cigarettes kill you they'll kill the mother they could kill the baby they're doing harm that's for damn sure Rebecca this is why I push this over to you listen there's one thing she knows about its babies and drinking whilst pregnant yeah while pregnant eating whatever kind of foods whilst pregnant I was like this is your fucking wheelhouse alright let's let's okay Rebecca so I'm gonna say let's suppose I'm your friend where you you and I
Starting point is 01:04:12 have work I go to Orange County okay you and I having brunch right you and I having brunch right and I'm talking Kalilah's pregnant so I'm gonna go so Rebecca Kalilah you know she's two months pregnant as you know well what about I'm weird I'm right next to you in front of you and I'm just smoking and you see that yeah yeah yeah smoking yeah she's pregnant what would you say I'm completely non-confrontational right be like when you left like oh my god all your two days constantly and she's pregnant that's disgusting and then whenever you can't come up like oh hey I'm so bad like that but yeah no she's
Starting point is 01:04:58 really really damaging the health of an unborn baby that baby could be born with a low birth rate I know that much yeah smoke heavily whilst pregnant yeah sorry but low birth weight yes I might have said right yeah that's not low birth weight I just don't think that it would be it's not the healthy it's not like taking vitamins it's not vitamins would be good right yeah yeah yeah yeah you know it's not as bad as heroin if it was heroin I would be like hey man put the needle down yeah right now I feel like heroin is better than nicotine you think so yeah well I know not heroin because the baby would yeah yeah you
Starting point is 01:05:38 withdraw yeah yeah yeah yeah maybe crack and not not not just get off the classic babies you know yeah I just think you know what I would do I would just like sit down with her and go listen I don't care what you do with your body I do right but if you choose a smoke smoke but you have our baby inside you can you please wait until you have the baby or at least be drunk you know what I mean right get drunk yeah yeah yeah yeah get drunk a cigarette can be nice you know right right right you're not even drunk yeah your soul but she's like yeah here's drink this whiskey I would say you know I mean yeah like that
Starting point is 01:06:17 stop being a selfish bitch yeah that's a crazy baby inside your stomach she should know better is that a real question that is a real question that's a real question we get so many weird ones don't be a selfish bitch you have a baby inside your there we go there we go that's the ant that's the answer don't be a selfish bitch don't be a selfish bitch do we have another one because that's a given yeah hello my name is Ethan I've been single for six years there's been dates but sex there's been dates and sex but zero intimacy recently started dating a young lady and I cannot keep it up during sex long
Starting point is 01:06:46 enough for me to finish she gets off and I'm going soft almost uninterested this has never been a problem before do you think it's an intimacy intimacy issue or something larger that's a hard one so hold on I can't get it up it can't keep it up no I mean to me it's I think that there's some more before I think there's some porn involved right so it's like number one cut off the porn and the extracurricular no off your dick no the extracurricular jacking off right you should stop doing that right and then let the tank fill at the gun you know I mean build some bullets yeah yeah you can shoot you know whatever you know
Starting point is 01:07:37 yeah so um yeah or maybe go to therapy or yeah at blue chew dot com you know that's great I think one of our sponsors or maybe that maybe yeah go see your doctor or maybe sir or suck dick maybe dick is your thing maybe what if I was what if I was gay and I was trying to convince myself yeah right that I'm was straight and I'm like losing my you know me maybe suck off like you know a hobo maybe maybe he loves her but but doesn't he's not attracted a friendship yeah you know but I feel like and all the all the huggers he's fucking at the weekend you know bit of an issue as well yeah yeah it's a difficult because I
Starting point is 01:08:33 don't you know why that question is difficult I don't know his routine I don't know him at all it's just a surface you know I mean right and then they just let it kind of build too much and that could be it I thought he was pulling away because I think Michael was really nervous I never pull out you were laughing like you like oh yeah yeah you're right the nerves yeah you felt like she was talking to you that no I thought she was talking to you when you got started dating oh yeah I get so nervous 21 years I still can't get it out the fuck we've got three kids yeah in my in my early 20s but as you get
Starting point is 01:09:13 older you want a connection with somebody I think so yeah even at a bar you know you if you meet somebody and you're just what's your name and then she makes you laugh you're mean and she's sassy then then you can go oh I can do this right but if just no name right she's just laying there with just like you know me and her fucking tits you know her flat fat tits out and her vagus is like rose oh are you touching yeah I mean and I was just like I know we have guests I'm sorry yeah I was like I'm so sorry stop it what a wonderful what a wonderful pod what a great ending again again a bad dismount I don't care I
Starting point is 01:09:57 think every time you know I do podcasts the ending is always weird right no I that was perfect yeah yeah and people even sent me a meme this is how I end podcast you know I mean yeah in a weird way yeah yeah and I have to cut that part out yeah maybe that was not the right way to end right but you know I have to say we don't have a lot of repeats on the show Michael we don't we've had wow three six six a few out of 200 something out of 200 plus guests yeah but yeah it's quarantine you're running out of people people no I could there's so many fucking people I could ask again I just don't want them don't this old
Starting point is 01:10:46 guest they're great yeah I would love everyone I would love everyone back I really want but I'm just I just know right that you'll be back again you know it right even the universe asked me to be on yours it's fine probably I asked you to be on mine what did they ask I have asked in fact it's in your text messages oh I take you direct oh yeah I right call that you know you're too big time these days here's what here's what I got was your last thing Michael take the last thing go what's up Bobby biz being here hit a little traffic probably 710 yeah that's it yeah go oh that's it that's it that's it that's it
Starting point is 01:11:33 I did I changed my number yeah this is your new number yeah that's my new number okay okay save that please hold on did you didn't get the screen on it right no it's fine yeah blur yeah I hope people didn't have a number let's have a look hold on hold on hold on Bobby Lee okay buddy that was you what's up Bobby Bisping go up a little bit January 14th 2019 great time Bobby you got to do mine in return yeah yeah I will you seriously killed it and then no invite no way yeah you have to go you just backfire right backfire right right so you go you said I'll go right and then nothing okay okay okay when I know you
Starting point is 01:12:22 say this and maybe you can give me some advice because here's the deal with that okay I have so many guests lined up that I want excuse me yeah that I want to have on right I'm gonna have a chat like this but the problem is Lewis does it in New York and I do it here yeah and if we bring a guest in it kind of gets weird you know you see what I'm saying right you have a guest but then often more often than not there's a little bit of a delay all right conversations don't really flow too well and then some of them maybe maybe Lewis doesn't know these people are and it's just and what mean another guy gonna sit in a room and
Starting point is 01:12:55 Lewis is just gonna be listening in right it's just a weird dynamic so I think down the line probably gonna invest in like a little studio somewhere and do a bit more traditional so but that's why we we had zoom guests on this during the pandemic and they weren't going and they were not going well it's hard it's so we made this so I just we had a girl two weeks ago I wanted and she's like yeah I just I don't feel comfortable and I go well I can't hear yeah in this room no so I go well I can't do it through zoom so we'll just wait until the pandemic's over because you're about what 10 feet away I know my point is is that this is
Starting point is 01:13:31 the way we were doing it and I just want to throw this out maybe you guys can do one but anyway um very good dynamic you're really good dynamic you too no we do and people say that to her all the time yeah I actually suggested that we should like just do like one episode together and he pretty much just laughed at me at the suggestion well that's what we did it wasn't any formal thing we got a mic we were in the middle of our carpeted bedroom and we were like hey let's just see where it goes and I told her no for like six months and then I started buying the mics myself and then I just and then she was in a room one day
Starting point is 01:14:07 just sitting with them with the headphones it's just this like this and I walked by and I was like all right I'll do it because I didn't think and then we started doing it together like this yeah and then one day dude years later right we started going oh we have a huge fanbase yeah how long you guys been doing this five years five years but our first 30 episodes was just him and I fighting fighting about really dumb thing dumb things we had no guests but that's great though the people want to hear that shit they want to hear that dynamic I think so yeah I just think you should try you fuckface yeah and it
Starting point is 01:14:43 doesn't have to be like overly produced yeah people like law like laws people like to hear real thing yeah you know no no no no yeah yeah yeah I agree I agree 100% yeah and um that what check the blue check mark so she gives a fuck about really when you said that yeah I get it yeah all she's been talking about for the longest time yet that's why do you want a blue check mark so bad because you nobody unless you got a blue check yeah yeah nobody yeah yeah maybe they might just yeah you see off merit I mean old-fashioned concept I would hope is this good we always in garbage it's great but no check mark we do live in a
Starting point is 01:15:35 society it's getting we horrible isn't if it feels weird I yeah it is embarrassing right you need to you know and I have the same way for you the longest time I didn't have one and my openers guys that open for me we're getting blue check marks you know I mean I would have like a couple back in the day 100,000 followers or whatever my opener would have 2,000 followers and get a blue check mark and all my friends and one day I just snapped and I called my agent like I will leave you I will leave you right and I'll go to a different agency if you don't use your power to get me a blue check mark and the panic it is
Starting point is 01:16:19 essential in this day you know weird you know it's like you know what's even funnier is that I started this podcast and my podcast page got the blue check mark before me so Michael your wife wants a fucking blue check mark start a podcast because I think that there is something here and I'm not just saying that yeah I think there's just something here listen all the way home guys well make it just like a seasonal thing this is like the pandemic you know set of yeah just do one all right okay happy why don't we give Michael Bisping a round of applause and Rebecca round of applause coming what a great podcast thank you
Starting point is 01:17:07 thank you hey guys I hope you enjoyed that impromptu bonus guess Rebecca was awesome that was really fun guys thanks to everyone at the tiger belly patron a new vlog just dropped on Sunday featuring Bobby's karate skills you might have seen a little clip on our IG page and for gamers we also have George's first time playing Warzone with Bobby and myself as well as an exclusive Jules interview of Bobby a Bobby podcast audio form I don't know why I was playing what a podcast is to you you can check all this out at patreon.com tiger belly and once again get your questions on tiger belly by emailing
Starting point is 01:17:45 us at adviceunhelpful at gmail.com we're looking for something out of the ordinary life situations weird family members strange encounters with co-workers or aliens you can email us at adviceunhelpful at gmail.com we love you guys so much and follow us on tiger belly on IG also follow Bobby probably live Naconomy okay George a score Kimmel and Michael Bisman Hey Prime members, you can listen to Tiger Barely ad-free on Amazon Music. Download the Amazon Music app today. Or you can listen ad-free with Wondri Plus in Apple Podcasts.
Starting point is 01:18:51 Before you go, tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at wondri.com.

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