TigerBelly - Ep 280: The Proposal w/ Annie Lederman & Esther Povitsky

Episode Date: January 20, 2021

Khalyla plans the big day. Annie gets arrested. Esther is the real Bobby. We talk Sugarfish drama, meanies at Bootcamp, and a Dollface haircut meltdown. Please support our sponsors.See P...rivacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening ad-free on Wondery Plus. What's up? What's up? Everybody, the slept king here. Aloha! I am in Hawaii shooting Magnum PI. Therefore, I cannot shoot Tiger Belly this week. But then, I had this dream. I had this fantasy.
Starting point is 00:00:20 And this fantasy came true. I dreamt that Annie Letterman and Esther Provincki came in and filled in for me. And that's exactly what they did. And I want to thank these ladies. This podcast is so amazing with them two in it filling in for me. Thank you so much for understanding our predicament. And I will see you the following week. But I love you guys.
Starting point is 00:00:45 You're gonna love this show. So much more. She's a fucking hypocrite. So defensive though. I wonder why you're so... Because I'm at my wit's end with you. It's so fragile right now. We're teetering. You know you guys have to take the lead, right? Well, now is the time to tell us.
Starting point is 00:01:25 I did tell you guys on FaceTime. You're Bobby. You're Kalayla. I'm Bobby. Okay, so I'll talk about myself a bunch. And then you're... I'm just a guest. I'm here. Paulie Shore. Think of her as Paulie Shore energy. I'm taking a back seat. This is my favorite day of the year.
Starting point is 00:01:41 I'm gonna be over there. That's true. She loves this right now. I try to get out of every podcast every week. There it is, guys. It's happening. The viral load has begun. We should just call it that, viral load. The viral load on our backs. Hey, keep that male audience.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Is this set? Are we going? Yeah, we can go. We can start. You can if you want. Bobby does a song at the beginning typically. And then he will make fun of everyone. You don't have to do what he does. She starts rapping. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Here we go. Five, four, three, two... Pressure. What kind of song does he like? Who let the dogs out? Something really cringe 90s. And he does raise the roof stuff. Oh, he'll do like...
Starting point is 00:02:30 I smell sex and candy. That's cringy. Marcy Playground's not cringe. I think he makes up a song. He does, he does, he does. Oh, Esther's wrong. Ding, are we going to have like a... Counter.
Starting point is 00:02:47 I don't know how wrong Esther is. Marcy Playground is not cringe, Annie. Have you listened to lyrics recently? And it's obviously pedophilic. Oh, it is. I never listen. Smelling sex and candy together. There's a Playground, Marcy's Playground. Okay. And then who's that?
Starting point is 00:03:03 Casting devious stares in my direction. My direction. Does he say Shirley is a dream? Yeah, Shirley. But what's the word before that? Does he say mama? Mama, this Shirley is a dream. Oh, my God. To be able to bang this kid.
Starting point is 00:03:16 Hi, everyone. Welcome to Tiger Belly. This is actually, Kalyla doesn't actually do this part. Hi, guys. I'm Bobby, even though Esther looks more like him. I dress like him. I interrupt like him. And I make the room laugh like him. But Esther. I'm Kalyla. I'm the beautiful princess.
Starting point is 00:03:34 And welcome to Tiger Belly. This is my fat, ugly husband. Andy Letterman. You get no money. You get no money. I want to know you guys' input. Well, first off, we should probably mention why Bobby isn't here. Bobby passed away.
Starting point is 00:03:54 Bobby is no longer with us. He killed him. He's on the remake of Hawaii Five-O, I'm assuming? Hawaii Five-Two? No, the other one, the other Hawaiian one. Oh, my God. Hawaii Five-Two would have been great. Bobby's in Hawaii.
Starting point is 00:04:08 And we're here because he didn't want to be here. So if you hate us, take that anger and direct it at Bobby. Very negative. That's a really good advice, I think. This is not your fault. This is absolutely Bobby's fault. So send him a lot of hate messages. And while you're doing that, follow me on Instagram,
Starting point is 00:04:26 a-n-n-i-e-t-e-t-e-r-m-n. I am 20,000 followers behind Esther I check every day. It's a tragedy. Do you hear the laughs? Did you hear them when she spoke? I wanted to ask you guys his opinion. So the other day, Bobby, oh, but right before he leaves for Hawaii,
Starting point is 00:04:42 he's packing his bag. He says this, hey, you should plan a wedding. And then I was like, what do you mean? We're not even engaged. He was like, oh, I'll do that after you plan the wedding. I was like, well, how do you think this works? He was like, right, people plan weddings, and then the proposal happens in between the wedding planning
Starting point is 00:04:59 and the actual wedding. And I'll do it somewhere in between. It'll give me time to figure out which ring to get. So I think the man's absolutely confused. I don't think he knows how it works at all. He really does things like on his own terms for everything. Maybe you are Bobby. Me?
Starting point is 00:05:15 Well, I'm like the reverse of that because I've been engaged for two and a half years and I have no wedding plans in sight. Do you even look at wedding proposals? No, I am no interest. I've never even dated a guy who could afford a ring. So I... Where's of age?
Starting point is 00:05:30 Do that, just kidding. That's Bobby. Wait, cut it out. Wait a second, Esther. So think about your dream wedding. Is there a dream wedding or are you like a civil... Yeah, I don't want to get married. I don't want a wedding.
Starting point is 00:05:43 It sounds like it's expensive. It's like a lot of family members. And it sounds stressful. I have an idea. You should just have Whitney plan and pay for your wedding. Don't you think she would? Is that an option? I absolutely believe it is.
Starting point is 00:05:57 I know what friends do. If you acted like, this is too hard. I can't do it. She would sweep in to save you. I'd have to catch up with her. If I caught her at the right moment, I think that's a possibility. If you were like,
Starting point is 00:06:07 I'll let you film it and post it to this content. It'll be... Break it up in your IGTV. Maybe she will do it. My wedding will probably be cheaper than what one IGTV video costs her for her. It's exclusive only on... You can only see the wedding on Whitney Cummings Instagram.
Starting point is 00:06:25 She's okay, right? Yeah. She got just bit up by some dogs. She's fucked up. She's fine. She did get fucked up. She's fine, but she did get fucked up. I think she took sleeping pills
Starting point is 00:06:35 and walked into something. I've been construction done in her house. So she's in a new house. She already has a sinus infection. Okay, so she's been talking like... She's under water for like months. She has a sinus infection. She has a UTI.
Starting point is 00:06:51 I think this is in general. Right, she did. Yeah, she did. I'm like, her pussy's rotting. Yeah, and she did mention it is the worst UTI she's ever had. So it's a bad... It's a juicy UTI. You've never had a UTI.
Starting point is 00:07:03 The issue with the UTI is that it's an itch inside you and you feel like you have to pee all the time and no pee. I wish it was just an itch. It's a burn. It's so much more than that. It's like flank pain, like right here. You're like, throw these open swords. I pissed blood.
Starting point is 00:07:15 Wait, you guys don't piss blood? I've only had one UTI, and it was the after the first time I hooked up with someone who's in comedy. Yeah. She pointed at George, by the way. Why did you point at George Kimmel? It was the camera.
Starting point is 00:07:30 I fucked the camera. She winked. Did she wink, Esther? Esther, when you bang the camera, do you flip the camera towards you so you can see it or away? Definitely not towards my vagina. Yeah, it was Bernie, just a very Bernie Sanders. 2020.
Starting point is 00:07:46 But then what bugs me is the frequency because even though there's no pee in there, I just feel the need to push. Like I need to push pee out. And I, yeah, I always end up pissing blood. What causes me? Do you know what causes yours? I think they say if you have like either a short ureter
Starting point is 00:08:06 or a short urethra. Urethra? I know, you made up urethra. Urethra is a connexity urethra from the kidneys, Annie. Urethra is already in your bag. Are you thinking yourself? I don't have urethra. How low does her camera go?
Starting point is 00:08:17 I'm about to get subscribers for you. Our guest is crazy. Oh yeah, we're the hosts. This is our guest. So kidneys, urethras, and then urethra. Will you show us your urethra? Take your pants off. Can we tie our urethras together?
Starting point is 00:08:33 Friendship bracelet? But yeah, I always end up pissing blood. You're being a little condescending as a guest. I'm sorry. You're right, you're right. This is your show. Bobby, this is your show. I have to apologize for something I've done to you.
Starting point is 00:08:48 Why did you attack me the way he attacked Bill Burr? Well, I'm really sorry. I only saw the part about black poop with the Bill Burr one. Actually, that brought us together. It did. That's the episode that made us BFFs. I was like, I have to immediately FaceTime you because I've been also shitting black. There is nothing more bonding than knowing someone else has bloody poop.
Starting point is 00:09:08 Yeah. It really is. You've never had it after. That's just housing FOMO. I do. I'm just going to be stabbing her asshole. No, but sometimes I'll bond with people over like constipation or discharge. Wait, speaking of discharge, this always gets me.
Starting point is 00:09:27 The male audience should love this. Speaking of discharge. I would like to discharge Esther from the podcast. Dishonorably? No. Oh, wait, speaking of discharge, what's this? I have no chest and then this is just my old nipple ring holes. It's just, it's come out.
Starting point is 00:09:47 You had both nipples. I had both nipples pierced. That hurt. No, it felt good. Wait, how old were you when you got them? I was 14 when I got the left one and 16 when I got the right one. Oh, thank God. I always think it's really weird.
Starting point is 00:09:58 I had a friend whose mom at 56 got her belly button pierced and I just thought that was, it didn't give me good feeling. Was it to hold it up or something? I mean, at that point, your belly button's like sagging down. I don't know, she was from Saugus, you know, by Magic Mountain. I just don't know if that's how housewives do it. But I always thought it was, I couldn't tell if I like loved her for it or if I was just completely freaked out. There's a place called Saugus?
Starting point is 00:10:22 Saugus. Imagine, I'm from Saugus. Santa Clarita. You guys aren't from here, so. Are you? Yeah, Annie. Let me tell you, for someone who loves California as much as you, you know where Saugus is. I've been jailed here.
Starting point is 00:10:35 I've been jailed here. Have you ever been arrested? I got handcuffed to a bench outside of Bloomingdale's from shoplifting. Well, that was, we were having sex. I was back in the day when I was a male homosexual and just two boys going at it on the. What did you steal? Sunglasses. But we had stolen a bunch of stuff we never got caught.
Starting point is 00:10:56 But Bloomingdale's was like the, we got too cocky. Yeah, but they're not allowed to chase you down either. No, it was actually the scariest thing in the world. It was, I'm sitting on the bench and then this like, this big like, I don't know if he was fat or ripped, but I was scared of him because he was just a regular man in a Hawaiian suit. And then all of a sudden I'm handcuffed to the bench. Oh, he was a secret shopper. Yeah, which is, which now then the most embarrassing part is me screaming like for my safety.
Starting point is 00:11:25 And then realizing like, oh no, I actually just got busted doing the bad thing. They should have someone like me be the secret shopper. So that when you get arrested by me, you're just like laughing in my face. Like, what do you want? Little no. Yeah. What are you going to handcuff our ankles? Why is this road and smelling my vagina right now?
Starting point is 00:11:40 Esther, you know what? I've never seen you run. It's, can I tell you, it doesn't disappoint. Esther, by the way, when Esther walks, she has the gate. The only thing I can liken it to is the gate of a toddler with a dump in their diaper. She has a dumpy bite walk and it's, I'm not wrong. It's really weird. Dumpy butts are good.
Starting point is 00:12:02 No, but like I really. She walks like she's like got a balance out the shit. Like the. I do think it has something to do with no ab muscles, no lower abdomen. And so there's no ab to hold it up. So I just kind of the waddle sideways or do you take long strides, short strides? I'll show you. She goes side to side.
Starting point is 00:12:21 She run in place. Almost like a pregnant woman, honestly. Oh, it is. It is a pregnant waddle. No, that's not real. Run in place, Esther. That's so weird. She just, just trying so hard to not do the WAP dance.
Starting point is 00:12:40 Esther's just in a constant trying to not WAP dance. It's in the muscle memory. You're so limber. I've seen you kick up in the air and you know why I'm so limber? There's no muscle there to keep. You know, Annie wants to think that my body has muscle. It has this conspiracy theory that I'm strong and I know why you do it. I've never said you were strong.
Starting point is 00:13:02 I'm just, you're not like a jellyfish flopping around. You're just incredibly lazy. You're the personality of a jellyfish. But you're always like, yeah, my neck muscle. It's like, you just have to, you have to exercise to build your muscles. Yeah. I'm very weak is what I'll say, but I'm going to really work on that. This is my year.
Starting point is 00:13:21 I think, I think that we talked about, we've all done berries. You can't be that weak. Well, berries is one of the hardest workouts ever. And Esther, I know you've done it a couple of times. Tell her, tell her how far in you've gotten. Okay. So usually, so berries boot camp is the Los Angeles workout class and made famous by the Kardashians.
Starting point is 00:13:38 Yeah. And I, I go for, I do 30 minutes. I leave halfway through and it's not an optional thing. They're like, you could leave in 30, you just switch halfway through. Like some people are on the floor and some people are on the treadmill. They do have these transition moments and Esther just sneaks out thinking that the teacher's not going to notice. And I walk, I walk on the treadmill.
Starting point is 00:13:57 I don't do the running because I'm not, I don't have that yet. I don't have that strength yet, but. This is, by the way, she's talking about something she's been doing since 2013. I just want to say though that Annie really helped me because I did, I once had such a bad experience at berries boot camp that I left. I was so upset. I was like ready to write them a really strongly worded Karen email. I need my money back.
Starting point is 00:14:20 The teacher and Annie had just so happened to call me and she's like, why are you in a bad mood? I was like, this teacher was so mean to me. She was like, I'm shaking. She's in our car. She's like, I'm shaking. I can't believe what just happened to me. I just left berries boot camp.
Starting point is 00:14:32 Like they were verbally abusive to me. It was really weird. And then Annie. I was like, it's a, you just paid $35 to go to an hour long boot camp class where they yell at you. That's the exact thing you just paid for. That's the entire thing. And she made me feel better cause I was like, it could have only been one instructor and
Starting point is 00:14:51 it could have only been Kyle. Yes. It was Kyle. And I only pay for Kyle. Who's Kyle? That exact experience that you wanted to write a Karen letter about is the exact experience I would pay extra for. He's so mean.
Starting point is 00:15:04 He was so wonderful. I love him. Anything more annoying than seeing someone waddle up just like a perfectly normal girl, like healthy young woman, waddle up like she's got a shit in her diaper and then they give you options. They give you these options. Okay. They say you can go.
Starting point is 00:15:20 You can go light. You can go medium. You can go hard. Esther says light. That's too hard for me. Like light is for women that gave birth like the day before their stitches are still in. They just got their vagasol stitched up like their placenta is still hanging out. Is it weird that I have a vagasol?
Starting point is 00:15:36 Wait. What's a vagasol? Just like when they. It's a vagasol. I thought it was Madonna when she put like jewels in her vagina. No, I think it's also something Annie just made up. I did make it up. But it's, you know, when they cut, when they give you the pieziotomy.
Starting point is 00:15:52 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Sometimes it rips from, from front to back. So then they cut it.
Starting point is 00:16:00 They give you one hole. I had no business going to Barry's boot camp. What happened was is I was in some good like mania and I bought a 50 class pass. It was crazy. It was about $10,000. So I was trying to burn through them and I was like, I was like, these are going to expire anyway. I'll just go and I'll do half the class.
Starting point is 00:16:17 At one point I asked them if there was any way I could exchange my classes for smoothie points. They do have really good smoothies. She would show up in the beginning of the class when everyone's like getting ready and she would just get a smoothie and then just leave. I feel like you're more like Bobby than you are Annie because Bobby has never done a Barry's workout. Of course not.
Starting point is 00:16:38 Bobby has had maybe 150 smoothies from there. How? Cause we used to live by there. We used to, you know how it was Barry's boot camp and soul cycle in Hollywood. And he would buy sweatpants from soul cycle, never take a fucking class, walk right over and get, and get the, get their smoothies. A portly man and exercise merch is so funny. I really do love Bobby.
Starting point is 00:16:58 Like Bobby really is like, like who I'm aspiring to be. It is weird. You know what he does when we, he has to get his yearly physical at the doctor. He wears like head to toe training gear because he wants to give the illusion of health. Like he, because you know, his doctor's like, have you quit smoking? You know, have you put on weight? It checks his cholesterol. So he goes in with like a sweat, you know, one of those sweat things around his head.
Starting point is 00:17:23 He just goes full workout gear and he lies. He lies. That's so weird. Does he lie to therapists? That he doesn't. Oh yeah. I remember you made your, I think that the therapist wishes he did sometimes. Like, I don't want to fucking hear this.
Starting point is 00:17:40 The therapist needs to go to therapy after they see Bobby. It is, it is weird though. Like, and I'm sure I've told this story on the show before, but Bobby dresses exact. He's like my dressing. Yes. In fact, for my clothing line, like I want him to be the model because he's my, my fashion inspiration. And also his father isn't a, people love him.
Starting point is 00:17:58 No, that's Annie has, that's, she only thinks one way. She thinks, she thinks with her penis. I go dick first and everything guys. But one time Bobby was in a comedy star parking lot and I was like, I just love that shirt. I was like, that's the coolest shirt I've ever seen. Where'd you get it? And he just takes it off, hands it to me and he's like, get out of here. And he just gave me his shirt off his back.
Starting point is 00:18:19 Do you still have it? I do. He has the best vintage t-shirt. It wasn't a vintage one. It was from some, it was from like some Japanese store that was really cool. Oh, of course. Why did you say like Japanese? I didn't say it like that.
Starting point is 00:18:31 I think of anyone who's the most Japanese in this room, it's Esther. She has a 12 year old Japanese boy like stuck inside her. Thank you. That's always how I describe your essence. Does it? Okay. So she looks like Dave Grohl. We all have already.
Starting point is 00:18:44 But also, do you remember in Dazed and Confused, the boy, I hate this one. Which one? Bring it and pull it up Gil. I want to see it. Which guy though? The freshman, the little brother. Like so much like him. I just look at you like.
Starting point is 00:19:00 From what angle? Freshman. I just want to bully you like a freshman. I'm on the floor and this is like bacon bitch. Oh yeah. I know. Oh, George. Has anyone ex-lover to treat her like?
Starting point is 00:19:12 That's not him. Are you? Yeah. 100% he's not talking about him. It's the same haircut though. It's the same haircut. Oh, by the way, I was going through because our friend, our dear friend Jeff Scott just passed away.
Starting point is 00:19:24 And so I was going through old pictures and you know how on your, your, your photos you could just click like comedy store and then I got all my photos from the comedy store. Wait, really? And I found Esther talks a lot about this traumatizing time in her life when she cut her, she had to cut her hair for the show Dalfe she's in and I got what I think back and I'm like, it wasn't that bad. Like I found a picture and Esther, I want to apologize. I didn't validate you.
Starting point is 00:19:49 You looked like fucking shit. I knew it was bad. I'll tell you how I know it was bad because Jenna wrote me and said, this is bad. And she said, oh, I'm heading over to Esther's to see like her haircut because she's having a meltdown about it. She's like, I was like, well, no, she's so cute and no haircut could possibly look that bad. And then Jenna wrote me.
Starting point is 00:20:09 She's like, this is really bad. Shaved head would have been an improvement. Honestly. I tell you what happened is there was this, this hair, the head of hair on the show. Hair human. Don't gender people. Who eventually ended up being let go from the show for other reasons, which is crazy. But she wasn't from you, from her cutting hair.
Starting point is 00:20:27 So she, she was like, okay. So here's, we had a meeting was all the actresses and like, okay, here we're going to do this with your hair. You're going to go here. You're going to go here. And she's like, okay, we want to just do it. It's like an America's top model when they're doing the hair. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:38 Whereas then you're like, oh, hopefully I'm going to get extensions. And so I'm like, I'm so excited because this like celebrity hairdresser is going, she's like, and I'm going to do yours, Esther. And I'm like, oh my God, she's doing me. Little did I know like that's supposed to happen. Like that's not what you want because they're not professional hair cutters. They style hair. So she takes me to her house and I'm like so excited and we're just talking about, she's
Starting point is 00:21:02 telling me all the celebrities she's worked with. And she cuts my hair and she, as she's doing it, she like gets kind of weird. And then she's, and then afterwards she's like, I look at it and she's like, do you like it? And I'm like, what do you mean? Do I like it? Like you're supposed to tell me what's good and Annie said it best. I looked, it was a weird time because the Michael Jackson ad just come out.
Starting point is 00:21:24 It just came out and a documentary. Yeah. And I would, You're not really a joke teller though. No. No. Am I going to say it or do you want to say it? You say it.
Starting point is 00:21:33 I told her, I was like, you should go on stage and this should be your opener. You should say, I just got my haircut and it's a terrible time to look both like Michael Jackson and the little boys he molested. It was a terrible haircut and the only actress, the only person who was honest with me was Brenda Song. She was like, yeah, this isn't good. She's like, you need, we need to get this fixed. Okay.
Starting point is 00:21:54 Having this told you by like one of the most beautiful women in the world, you're just like, I want to know what kind of person you are though. Are you somebody who at that moment says, yeah, this is horrible? No. Or do you walk out and say, and you know, you, because I can't person, I can never tell somebody I hate a haircut. I walk out with my hair cut here and long here and been like, bye bitch, all my money
Starting point is 00:22:14 back. Really? Yes. Because well, I'll tell the story when you guys are done. No. Okay. All right. I go, I'm, I was in New York and I, you, you ever get those like moments in your life
Starting point is 00:22:23 where you go, any haircut will do. I've just been being too precious and I'll just, it's New York. Like everyone's a good, like, so I, I just walk by this hair, so I'm like, I need a haircut. I walk in. That's typically my approach. It's like hair grows back. It's not a big deal.
Starting point is 00:22:37 Right. And, but I forget, I've blacked out all the times I've cried, I've banged a hairdryer against something, you know, like cracked the foundation that the, the sink is in and my family's house. No big deal. Um, but just really, well, I'm like, no, I'm, I've grown up, I'm out of this. So I walk into this hair salon and the woman working behind the counter knows me from AA. She goes, oh my God.
Starting point is 00:23:01 And, and I'm like, oh, it's like an AA. Are you allowed to do that? When you see AA people out in the world, don't you? Yeah. If you know each other. Yeah. Yeah. You're not supposed to just ignore each other.
Starting point is 00:23:13 You don't like look away. Like, no, you, no, no, no, you can, you're like, I wouldn't, if she went to, if I was with someone, she went like, oh, this bitch like used to like chug butt chug Yeager or whatever. You know, but it sounds fun. I was in my next three lab. I once went to an AA meeting on accident because I, I just, no, I'm really honest to God because I used to go to OA and I got like the schedule wrong and I was, it ended up being AA and
Starting point is 00:23:37 I got to say that AA people really is a lot more serious than the OA people. Really? It was so. I, it's not funny. It's bad. No, well, I went, you know, I feel like a lot of people go to AA like as a joke, the first, you're like, this will be funny. I'm like, always.
Starting point is 00:23:53 So this will be hilarious. It's not funny. Anyway, sorry. I keep going. But so I saw this girl from AA and I was making my appointment and she's like, oh, you can get one of the master hair, hair stylist and I was like, oh, great. And she's like, or like, I can do it. And I'm like, oh, um, okay, like, of course.
Starting point is 00:24:15 Okay. We're recovering. And then I'm like, bitch. Do you have the fucking shakes? Like what the hell is it? I, I did the thing that you should never do with anyone in your entire life where I said the thing I didn't want rather than the thing I wanted. So I said, please don't cut it here.
Starting point is 00:24:28 My hair flips one way and the other way. If you do it here, don't cut it here. And then she immediately cut it there. Oh, she's a Bobby. You tell him what not to do and he will absolutely, well, they're just half listeners or whatever. Well, no, that's nervous because she was her first fucking haircut. I learned this on Tik Tok. It's like a psychological human part of the human condition.
Starting point is 00:24:46 Like if we don't understand, no. So it's like, if you say, don't think of a purple elephant, the first thing you do is think of a purple elephant. It's like our brain. That's why you're not supposed to, um, if you have like any type of issues with like overeating, you're not supposed to will yourself and say, don't eat that food. Don't eat that food. Don't eat that food.
Starting point is 00:25:04 Don't think about food. Don't think because that's all you're going to obsess about. So that's like eating when you're supposed to, my parents and I listened to a book on intuitive eating on one of our trips. Oh yes, intuitive eating, I'm learning that. And we were listening to it and my parents, my dad, my favorite thing to do with my dad is just shove food into our mouths and watch TV, like just our last Christmas. I do have, I don't smoke weed anymore, but I have a role that I will smoke weed with
Starting point is 00:25:25 my family because. Your parents smoke pot? Yeah. My dad, it's the most fun. So do mine. My dad is just, I always say he's curing his glaucoma, he's just laughing his face is red. He just has the greatest time ever.
Starting point is 00:25:36 He's always liked that, but he just gets so funny on weed. My house, we get high on puzzles. You get high on your parents doing things for you? What? Your parents drink. No, they've never, I've never done it. When you do puzzles with your parents, do they put the pieces in for you and then go, yeah, you did it.
Starting point is 00:25:54 And then I go, got one. That's wrong, you bitch. Why would you put it in there? Get me cereal now. There's just a dog biting your dad's face. But anyway, so my dad, our last Christmas, we were at my brother's house and my sister and law's father always makes bread. So we're just shoving.
Starting point is 00:26:13 It's three in the morning. We're so high. Everyone else is asleep. My dad and I are sneaking up trying to wake everyone up, just like slathering butter all over this bread. We dropped the butter. We're like crying, laughing. There's butter over the floor.
Starting point is 00:26:24 We ate all the children's snacks. We ate all their goldfish and we had to replace them in the morning. The children's snack, like that's how high we were like, we're like, let's just. All right, this is after you listened to the intuitive eating. Okay. So no, this is years after we listened to it. But I just, I wanted to let you know my relationship with my father, like telling you these stories. There's no regrets.
Starting point is 00:26:45 It's like the funniest thing we can do. But you know, I'll always be like, let's, Annie, I have an idea. Let's go to the store and get something B-A-D and we like a good cake. But so he, we, I was like, I found this thing. I think we should listen to it. So we're listening to this book on intuitive eating and it's going, you know, instead of saying things are bad or you shouldn't eat them, just everything, you're allowed to have everything you want.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Like there's no rules. There's no good or bad. And we laughed our asses to the cake aisle. Like we were like, intuitive. I must have gained 50 pounds. We were just like, it was the most fun we've ever had. That's really the good advice. That's the real advice.
Starting point is 00:27:20 Cause when I went to eating disorder camp, we learned there are no bad foods. Everything is good. Cause when you cut, when it's naughty, then it's like. Yeah. Then it becomes a temptation. And you label it in your mind as a temptation. I think that, you know how like your brain is supposed to release either like ghrelin and that makes you hungry and it releases leptin to basically tell you, oh, it's over.
Starting point is 00:27:42 You're full. Yeah. I think I have drowned those, those sensors out of my body because I don't know, I eat for taste. I don't eat for fullness or, like if, if I like something, I don't care how full I am. I just continue to go. Let's be clear. I've been hungry in 25 years.
Starting point is 00:28:00 Like I don't know the feeling of hunger anymore. I just, I'm a same and it's fine. I mean, I don't wait, but I'm surprised to hear this from you, Kalyla, cause you're skinny. Well, no, I was, um, I was force fed my whole childhood. I was a race horse. So I, I swam, I was a part of the Philippine national team ever since I was eight years old up until I retired when I was 21. And so, and that's how when, when my dad lost all of his money, my sister and I were the
Starting point is 00:28:29 breadwinners in the family. So we would swim for the next game. And the bread eaters. So my mom, so that was what you were. My mom, like for, we would train twice a day. Ever since I was eight, I've had to do two a days. Yeah. So in the morning I started lifting when I was 10, but she would have these, she would
Starting point is 00:28:46 have six tomatoes in the morning, a cup and a half of rice and pork chop and then eggs. And we had to sit there and we had to eat it to the point where I became so helpless. She had to spoon feed me. So I was spoon fed until I was 13. So I don't know what hungry or full is. I just know that I'm supposed to eat everything on my plate and force it down the hatch. And some nights it would be so bad where I would be crying at the table because I was so full and I would still have to finish and I would vomit a lot in the middle of the night.
Starting point is 00:29:16 I would wake up to my own vomit. Oh, I do that. I've heard, I've heard where I just wake up choking on my own vomit. I'm just so jealous that you are spoon fed. I want that. Dream come true. Spoon fed, breast fed, it's the same thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:33 Have you asked Dave if he could spoon feed you? He would, he would be disgusted. What if you, what if you gave him a little baby spoon and said this is how, this is how I would like to be fed from here on out. He would be so disgusted. What if you gave him a hand job while he was doing it? I always ask him to please dress me and he won't. But like one more.
Starting point is 00:29:52 I do too. I go, please dress her. I can't look at the same fucking shirt every day. It's her merch and I love it, but I, I've never hated anything more too. It's like, I hate it every day. I asked her yesterday, I go, what are you going to wear? And I was like, why did I ask? What is she going to wear?
Starting point is 00:30:07 By the way, I get sleepover by Esther if you want to look like what Esther looks like every single day. I feel like everyone is wearing sleepover by Esther, but me, I will, there's a new batch is coming in like two weeks. You guys will have it. Thank you. I like those extra large, extra baggy, a long sleeve shirts. That's my thing.
Starting point is 00:30:23 Great. Great. And I can't wait for the, the hoodies and the sweatpants are coming in there. Very good. It's the best material I've ever seen in sweatpants in a hoodie and I'm, I hate her. Like I would never, I, I loathe her existence on this earth, but I'm telling you, she's done one, two things right. And it's the sweatpants in the hoodie.
Starting point is 00:30:43 In her life. It's true. It's the laughing stock in the downtown garment industry because I over, I've like picked out the nicest, most expensive fabric that like you can't make a profit on. Your margins are shit. Yeah. But I'm just like, whatever. But it's so worth it.
Starting point is 00:30:58 You guys get those. That's $600. You save it. You can get one of the items from her. It won't be that expensive. Wait Esther. So how old were you when you had an eating disorder? I, so I had binge eating disorder.
Starting point is 00:31:08 It's so embarrassing. I had the most embarrassing eating disorder, the one where you just eat like a pig because you can't stop. And I didn't throw up or anything. I basically like, I kind of had it in high school, but I was like, managed it. And then in college, I gained a lot of weight and was like, oh, this is a problem. We all saw your new girl episode. If you see me a new girl, the funny thing is because I was like Esther, shut up.
Starting point is 00:31:32 You've always been so cute. So perfect. And then I, I text, I go, I just saw your new girl. How'd she look Annie? I owe you an apology. Describe Esther a new girl. It's not like fat for the world, but it's fluffed up. It's like anyone else you'd be like, she's thick.
Starting point is 00:31:48 But Esther, it's just such a difference that there's just such a difference. Oh, it just looks like premenstrual. She looks like she can shot put. Okay. I was going to, yeah. I was going to say, Olympic athlete, maybe. Yeah. In a specific sport.
Starting point is 00:32:06 You look like you have muscles there. Yeah. I know. That's why I'm like, you're so full of shit. But yeah, and then when I, I noticed the issues coming up again when, like probably like six years ago or something. I was like, you know what? This is creepy behavior.
Starting point is 00:32:19 Like I'm getting too weird and I just called the back of my insurance card and got super lucky and like found a eating disorder clinic in Pasadena and I went every. That was a Chipotle. I was, they said I was their last customer. Did they cook for you and stuff? No, you bring your own. I was going to say, is this. It was just like a resort.
Starting point is 00:32:38 No. But that's where I learned like you see a nutritionist and you do like therapy classes and stuff. It was basically me and a bunch of anorexic teenage girls. It was actually really fun. I had, I was a bulimic for two years. You were. From the age.
Starting point is 00:32:52 Yeah. I was an over-exerciser. I would sit in the fuck. Exerciseaholic. This is when I didn't have a lot of money. Still, I was a college kid. So I could only go to the Y. But I'm telling you, I burnt rubber at that YMCA in Glendale. I would run for three hours.
Starting point is 00:33:07 And then come home and then count how many carbs would be in the fucking ketchup I would put next to my plate. That makes me so sad. There is something about when you get into like a crazy exercise routine and you just get so obsessed with things. My friend of mine is trying to lose weight and she keeps calling me and she'll go like, I lost a pound and she weighs herself every day and I'm like, just never weigh yourself again.
Starting point is 00:33:32 Like, what are you doing? That's the one thing. You even have numbers in your head. Right. And then this house is a weighing scale. I have not. Well, we can look at Bobby. We can talk.
Starting point is 00:33:41 I can always kind of ballpark exactly how much he weighs though. I feel like I probably weigh the exact same amount as Bobby. Not a chance. He weighs 175 pounds. Oh, I'm close. You've not. 175 pounds. I carry my weight.
Starting point is 00:33:54 I carry my weight. You do. You're like a cow. Everything. No one had a fairer. I'm winning the prize because nobody's guessing my weight at a fairer. I can guess your weight. I can guess your weight.
Starting point is 00:34:03 No one will guess my age. I'm either 12 or 84. I don't know. Wait, I can guess your weight because you're built like a, you actually are built like an athlete. I know. I have an athletic build. I was going to say Ronda Rousey is.
Starting point is 00:34:19 Yes, exactly. A little bit more than Bantam. She's going to go maybe more. I thought she was 135 though. Derandamy. Yes. Derandamy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:27 Closer, a buck 50. I would say 145. He went 135. He went 130. He's so scared. He's in the penalty box. He's still scared. He's in the penalty box already.
Starting point is 00:34:36 And he's still scared. 115. He's like, oh, you look. Are you under 100? You think you're going to. How do you carry your own body? No, 135, 145. No, Bantam.
Starting point is 00:34:44 How tall are you, Annie? I'm 5'6", but almost 5'7". 5'7". I'm going to say because she has a Derandamy Ronda Rousey, Ronda Rousey cutting weight is 135, but walking around, she's about, I'm guessing, 150 and up. Let me guess. 380. Are we revealing it?
Starting point is 00:35:03 Are we guessing each other's weight? I just never tell you. And thanks for tuning in. I just disappeared from Hollywood. No, I think the last time I weighed myself, I was like 156, but before my stomach ulcer, which by the way, Jesus's diet, thank you, Lord. It was weird. You start shedding blood and you just really take control of what you need food for.
Starting point is 00:35:28 It's weird. What did you do after? Wait, hang on. Everything caused your ulcer. Yeah, why are you bleeding? Because you don't have H. pylori like I had suspected. I was so stressed out. I was just, honestly, Esther did it.
Starting point is 00:35:40 Don't you dare. Oh my God, I forgot it was Esther. It wasn't. This is her narrative that she's trying to spin. It wasn't me. Esther was so annoying that she caused internal bleeding. I know what the real reason is if you're allowed to, if I'm allowed to go. I do too.
Starting point is 00:35:56 I don't know any reasons. That would be secretive of the real reasons because you were snorting ketamine. That's a secret. Well, here's the deal. No, I have self-diagnosed. No, it was her little half Jewish friend. Okay. At least I told you to never mention that you're any Jewish.
Starting point is 00:36:14 Get out. It's so embarrassing. She's Christian. Okay. So annoying. I self-diagnosed that it was ketamine and then I made Kalyla go on it because I was like, there's no way. I was prescribed-ish, the medicine, and I, it was prescribed.
Starting point is 00:36:37 Yeah, yeah, yeah, it was. But her friend gave it to her. Prescribed to a friend. It was prescribed in my, it was in the fan. It was in the circle. In the fan. And I was just, and I, listen, I've done ketamine. I did ketamine as a child, raver style, and then I did it as an adult, raver style but
Starting point is 00:36:55 for my PTSD. And I actually did have some like incredible results. Esther, your PTSD, as you pretend you don't have fucking stomach muscles, okay? I've been molested in every hole, okay? By every relative. No, I was kidding. Let's go with it. Let's do it again.
Starting point is 00:37:11 But you've never been molested by a relative? How? I know. I feel like that's the luckiest thing. After COVID. No, I know. Family member molestation. That's a problem in my family.
Starting point is 00:37:21 It's like all the molestations were all like insesual. Like every, all the girls in my family were molested by older uncles or cousins. Well, now that you said, the way you pronounce it, molestation, maybe it sounds like they take a little Molly, they get a little frizzy with little ones. But I have used it and I did use it not prescribed because I just got health insurance for the first time in my life, like two days ago. But I, so then I have used it appropriately-ish. And then I had this and I was like, fuck it, it comes in like a snort bottle, you're like,
Starting point is 00:37:54 you know, it's there. Yeah, we'd all be hanging out and everybody was having a really good time and I thought we were just excited to see each other, but now I know it's because everybody's on drugs. Disassociative. It's not like a, it wouldn't be me like, I was disassociating from, I was like, I just need distance from the most annoying person I've ever met in my life. Wait, I would, what is, what is being on ketamine feel like? I've never done anything but drink and smoke weed.
Starting point is 00:38:22 Well, it feels like, like today's your day, when I bring a doctor and that hands everyone little gift bags of ketamine. It feels like you're like a cloud or something. You just feel very soft and- Lovey? Distance. Maybe not lovey. It's like you can, you can sort through your, your shit without feeling, taking it personally.
Starting point is 00:38:45 You can like go through like your- And you get sloppy on ketamine? Yeah, you can take too much and get a little slurry and- Okay, so one should not operate a vehicle. Oh no, not at all. I will say that I have like listened to some stuff about ketamine and that it is like, it's being used to treat depression. Yeah, it's not-
Starting point is 00:39:03 I mean totally crazy. Like I, the way that people have told me about it, I'm like, oh, like I would consider that. I'm on, I'm on Luxapro, so I don't think I need it, but I- Is that another fake sponsor? Esther already told you- Esther just tells you the things that she does and is on and buys full price and acts like they're paying her money and they're not. Wait, I want to know, is Prima, is Prima paying you?
Starting point is 00:39:28 I, yeah, they do pay me. Okay, good. Look, they don't pay me a lot. They pay- But she believes in the product. Okay, that's good. Are you an investor then? No.
Starting point is 00:39:37 No, I'm not. She invests time on her Instagram. I feel like your ads are really good for them, I'm just going to throw that out there, Prima. I think that she deserves a big pot of that gold that you're carrying. I would hope to only do ads in the future. One day. For things that I like. Funions, funions, funions.
Starting point is 00:39:58 Funions, funions, funions. I've given you a lot of press over the years. I once made a- Taco Bell, Taco Bell, Taco Bell, Taco Bell, Taco Bell. I made a Funion necklace once where I broke all of the Funions and then I spent just hours super gluing them together into a chain. With no intention of eating them? No, because they were already super, and I just wore them.
Starting point is 00:40:18 I had them, I just threw them out recently. That's so nasty, Annie. Yeah. That's a, you know what I mean? I'd rather do affiliate links than make Funion jewelry a fucking loser. For nothing. It was for nothing. It was for my own-
Starting point is 00:40:31 Did they- And this was before quarantine. Did they acknowledge you? Like I had to do. Did Funions acknowledge you? No. Shame on them. Losers?
Starting point is 00:40:39 Yeah, they're the losers. They're the losers. Is there a way to enlarge a penis safely and effectively these days? Why is it? Well, you can shrink a pussy. I mean, yeah, I know that we can- Yeah, you can stitch it up, you tighten it up. Yeah, you can get a vaginoplasty and get a little, you know, glow up of the pussy.
Starting point is 00:40:56 Will you perform a vaginoplasty on me? Yeah. I'm gonna circumcise Gilbert. You guys know that? Mm-hmm. What? Wow. That better be behind a paywall.
Starting point is 00:41:06 You better make some extra cash on that one. We are. We're gonna do it with a gump coat clamp. Like you know how they do it in the hospital? Like that's very American way. I'm gonna do it like an old traditional Filipino shaman. Can you describe to them? With like a coconut shell?
Starting point is 00:41:19 Yeah, they basically take the foreskin and then they take a, like a- My dad said pineapple. Pineapple? He said pineapple shard. Well, my mom said it was different. You look, each province has their own technique. Fruit, they use, yes. But they basically pull the foreskin up, strap it to something hard.
Starting point is 00:41:39 Chop it off. And then they chew. What? Can I chew? Yeah, you can chew. You can do the chewing. You guys, if you, if the money is right, this is what I would do if I was against the law. Well, you're not chewing the foreskin.
Starting point is 00:41:49 Oh. I would feel like a good, like natural gum. You're chewing herbal leaves. We call it camunga. I think in America you call it moringa. And then you, or you chew other type of therapeutic leaves and then you put it at the open wound. So to help it heal. Is that what that is in the cup over there?
Starting point is 00:42:13 Would you wear his foreskin as a necklace? For the right price? Yeah. I feel like Jenna would. I feel like Jenna has, and it will. She has, yeah. She wore it as a hat, as a beanie. Are you really doing that?
Starting point is 00:42:24 What? Yes. Yeah. Well, the, the, the promise that was that as soon as we hit, if we were to hit from half a million subscribers that we would do it. And I made that promise on the second episode of our second or third episode of our- It's like, hey, we get to half a million for my circumcise you. And he was like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:38 Five years ago. Because we didn't think we would, so. Does your girlfriend care? She likes, all the men in her, all the men in her, all the men in her family are circumcised. She wants our child to be circumcised. I say no. Does she have a lot of sexual relationship with those family members? Just like all the other guys, all of her ex uncles over there.
Starting point is 00:43:01 No, I don't think it's a big deal anymore. I'm not, if I had a son, I wouldn't circumcise. I would make that a choice. He can make it. I never cared. I mean, of course, clean it out. So I don't get fucking BV, but. BV.
Starting point is 00:43:12 Have you had BV? Yes. Where you like walk into the room and people's like, who brought the fish fillet? I don't know. BV really is gnarly. It's just so disgusting. I've never had it, but I've had, you know, I've definitely smelled an aroma in a room. Are you serious?
Starting point is 00:43:24 No, I hooked up with this guy. Oh yeah. BV, you can't miss BV. What do you smell? You can't miss it, Esther. Do you ever smell it in crepe sushi? No, my God, because sushi isn't fishy, good fish, fresh fish should not be fishy. You stupid bitch.
Starting point is 00:43:38 You dumb bitch. Are you dealing with the fact that you've been smelling this? And that you like it? That's what I was. And then it makes me hungry. When you can't afford sugarfish, just have sex with an uncircumcised dick. Oh yeah. What happened?
Starting point is 00:43:59 What was the sugarfish drama the other day? No. Wow. Don't even. This is not. We went on a walk. We went on a walk. It was, who was there?
Starting point is 00:44:08 Carlos? Me, Carlos, Annie, and my partner Dave, which I, I love him, but I hate when he's with me and my friends. He cramps my style. I feel like I can't be myself. I like it. Because she made him laugh, so she was really excited. I made him belly laugh.
Starting point is 00:44:24 Okay. It was a good one. But he offered, he was like, oh, we should all eat sushi together, and I was like, it's COVID. I don't want to eat with my friends. Like there's no point. We're going to have to sit outside. It was cold that night.
Starting point is 00:44:35 I'd rather just like eat by myself. Okay. Wait, but by the way, we could have eaten when it was warmer out, but Esther said, I'm not going to eat until 6.30. I was, I had just had a snack. By the time it's ordered, by the time it gets there, bitch, you would have been hungry. Would you, wouldn't you rather like eat privately, comfortably, than like have- Oh, I don't break bread with anyone at all.
Starting point is 00:44:55 I will never, it's going to be years before I break bread with either of you. Well, I know I can't wait to see you. You've got to be, have it spoon fed. Yeah. I can't wait to see this. Yeah. It's crying. I cannot wait to see the feeding.
Starting point is 00:45:05 You know what's crazy is, you were like the last person that I had plans with before COVID hit. Remember? What happened? We're supposed to double date. Yeah. We were going to finally have like the big double date, and then I went out of town because I had a mental breakdown, but then we rescheduled and then we were, it was like about to be
Starting point is 00:45:18 COVID. That I had a mental breakdown. What was the, where were we going to go? We hadn't picked it, but maybe somewhere around here. I don't know. Yeah. I know I said yes, but it probably, yeah, I just don't, I don't, I feel like I'm really awkward when I eat with people.
Starting point is 00:45:35 Me too. Because I'm so focused on the food that I just really don't want to fucking talk while I'm chewing. I have this same issue. I don't want to eat with you. You don't chew. And now- Are you pretending like you've chewed anything?
Starting point is 00:45:47 You're on FaceTime smashing food into your mouth and then all the time, like I've seen you, you are, I've seen your like period leaking through your, like I've seen everything disgusting about you. Annie is a real vendetta against your reusable period pads. And everyone should. Okay. Sorry, I'm saving the planet. No.
Starting point is 00:46:07 One bloody patch. It's not about that. It's like you are gross. It's like you just have a, you have like a, you have a, just a commitment to being discussed. What do you use when you get your bloody time? She freeblades. I fucking shove a, a bleached, like chemical laden tampon, probably. Sometimes yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:30 So I bleed into a diaper and then I wash it and then I use it the next day. Have you ever made Dave wash it? No, I do the laundry. And it's because of the skid marks and stuff. Wait, is this the sugar fist drama? No. Yeah, you're right. Let's, let's, let's get back to the sugar fist drama.
Starting point is 00:46:46 You guys are going on a walk. We're going on a walk. Dave is like, has, he has solidified himself in, in all of our lives as a father figure because he's so constantly rejecting. Yeah. He gives you very little. Okay. He's a dream killer.
Starting point is 00:47:01 If you, if you, if you come into his life as a friend of Esther's, like that's what always gets me because I know if he had met me in a writer's room or something, he would be impressed by me. But because I'm friends with Esther, I get treated like I may as well work at the mall. Like he's just like, you're a second. I'm nothing. I'm nothing to him. So when I'm like, I'm trying to get in there.
Starting point is 00:47:20 I'm like, can I get a smile or like a, Wait, wait. One time when the beginning of the pandemic, we went on an outside walk together, me, Annie and Dave. What else would you be walking out there? Oh, wait. Mall, mall, indoor. And, and Annie like goes like, Hey, I just forgot.
Starting point is 00:47:35 And he goes, don't touch me. Don't fucking touch me. Or something. Did he mean it? Yeah. He's. Well, he has asthma. I get it.
Starting point is 00:47:44 I mean, not asthma. He has sleep apnea. We actually took a nap for the first time. He, well, he was, he fell asleep. Do you guys have your like, your CPAP masks, like kind of like. I don't wear one to, I don't need one to, but he, he sleeps with a breathing mask because he has sleep apnea and he fell asleep without his mask. And I'm not kidding you.
Starting point is 00:48:03 It sounded like the devil was trying to escape his body. It was so scary. He was performing his own exercise. Yeah. Like the devil was coming out. We're him to have to go through that every night and then deal with you during the day. It's all the same. Wait.
Starting point is 00:48:19 Okay. Back to sugarfish guys for the fuck's sake. So we're on this walk and I'm having a good day of day. Okay. We're, we're on this walk. I say something that he, he belly, like it comes like to the point where I was like, I know this is going to ruin it, but I just have to say that felt really good. How hard you just laughed at that.
Starting point is 00:48:33 And he did ruin it, but he, I think he got off on the fact that how much approval we seek from him. He doesn't like it, but. So then he's, he's walking ahead and Esther's like, he's like, he'll be gone soon. And I'm like, he's been great. We've been talking about it. And then so we get, he goes, oh, maybe later. Okay.
Starting point is 00:48:51 He gives me nothing. Gives me a big laugh. And then he goes, how about later? I get you guys all sugarfish. We all enjoy the most expensive, delicious. Now was this the first time you'd ever gotten an invite like that from Dave? No. Ever.
Starting point is 00:49:05 He did this out to sushi once. Yeah. It was about 20 years ago. I divide it up and I think of a little piece of it every day. I think that one time, I was so touched. I mean, I was living in my car. When you really let, when you let people know you live in your car, which it's hard not to explain it when they see like your pillow and stuff in the car, but, um, and then they
Starting point is 00:49:27 don't pay for it. It is a weird moment. No, but Dave always pays. He's. Yeah, we know. So you get invited to sugarfish. We're wondering. You get invited to sugarfish.
Starting point is 00:49:38 And, and it's shot down like so immediate, like, no. And then it was like, we're just going to, and Dave's like. Esther said no. Yes. Because I didn't want to eat outside with my friends when I wasn't hungry yet. Sugarfish is something like you want to earn it. You want to be starved. She has it every day, by the way.
Starting point is 00:49:55 I do not earn it. She has done one set up in the past seven years. She's not earned sugarfish. But look, I feel bad because I'm now realizing it's more about Annie wanted Dave to buy her sugarfish, which it's not about being with us. It's about him. It's also just not even about sugarfish to food itself. You just wanted to.
Starting point is 00:50:12 It was a such a nice and he kept, it wasn't like, you could tell he really, really wanted to give that gift because Esther said no. And then he just kept being like, are you sure? Like, come on. And I'm like, Esther, he's literally begging to spend more time. Like, can you like, and, and to buy a very nice, expensive thing for us. He, I do feel bad about that. And I, I will make sure that.
Starting point is 00:50:34 And you do, oh, you certainly owe me money. You certainly owe me money. I get really quiet around Dave. As soon as Dave gets in the room, I don't know if you guys noticed. I'm like, yeah, cause he's like, I'm so the opposite of trying to, I'm just always, I don't know. Like I, I respect Dave a lot. So I'm like, I will keep my cards really close to my chest.
Starting point is 00:50:55 And then you have to remember like, but he's like marrying her. Yeah. But he's not. It took eight years of manipulative tactics to get that to happen. And then you don't even want a wedding. No, I, now that we're engaged, I'm just like, Oh, I'm so secure now. Like we're not breaking up. I, we, I'm fine.
Starting point is 00:51:12 I don't need any. So you could be engaged forever. Totally. I think wedding should just be like, it would be fun. You just, the tackiest you can do. You just go to. That would be fun. I have a question for you guys.
Starting point is 00:51:21 So in the event that Bobby is serious in the event, you know, you really look like Scarlett Johansson like right this second. You always, she always does. You know, he says the same thing. Oh yeah. Yeah, she really looks like Scarlett Johansson. Oh, go tell her that. She'll really love it.
Starting point is 00:51:38 In the event that this, this Bobby is for real about this wedding, he says that all my family is in the Philippines. So I want a wedding in the Philippines. And he's like, no one's going to go and not a single comic is going to go to the Philippines. I want to ask you guys, is this true? Like you guys wouldn't go for your wedding. I would go. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:57 I'm not a big international traveler. What? You're eco friendly. You're actually doing the right thing. Yeah. I'm just good for the environment. I don't take a lot of showers. This is how much she doesn't like traveling abroad.
Starting point is 00:52:10 Her poor fiance that's just dealt with her for just years, just dealt with her. He finally convinces her to go to Japan. Okay. That's right. That did you intentionally break your toe? And then she, but she didn't intentionally do it, but she broke her toe on a foam roller. Okay. It's very soft.
Starting point is 00:52:28 And she used exercise equipment for the first time and actually injured herself accidentally. She ran into her and stubbed her pinky toe on a foam roller and then was trying to get out of this trip. But then what happened? Did you have your dream trip? What ended up happening? He pushed me around Japan in a wheelchair for two weeks. Esther wins.
Starting point is 00:52:50 Esther always wins. But it was really cold in the wheelchair. Was it fun? Was it fun? Was Japan fun in a wheelchair? I wish I could have walked if I'm being honest. Esther, you could have walked. No, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:53:01 It wasn't. No, no, no. Don't go there. Don't get it twisted. Did you not have a boot? Yes or no? The boot, actually, I couldn't wear the boot because the boot would hurt my neck even worse. Her neck.
Starting point is 00:53:10 Her neck. What? I have really, because if you think about it, when you're walking in the boot, you're, I don't have muscle. She does walk like that. I want you to remember that she actually does walk like she's in a boot. That actually is her natural. I, wait, I feel like we're glossing over a huge thing here, which is that Bobby basically
Starting point is 00:53:27 proposed to you like what, yesterday? Well, this is not a real proposal. I'm not taking it as such. But also, are you going to, it is a little manipulative. He's forcing you to do something. It's like, there's- Well, imagine if I put the down payment for everything and he's like, oh, wait, I, you know, so I have to get clarification.
Starting point is 00:53:43 I, I, when you do the down payment, call him, but I just, I don't know. Can you do the down payment with his money? Yeah, you're the one he sent. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Esther insisted that I ask Bobby to be a beneficiary on his bank account. And so we were on FaceTime, he was like, ask him, I asked Dave, you have to, you have to require that. So I asked Bobby, was like, Hey, can I, I couldn't even finish a sentence.
Starting point is 00:54:08 He was like, Nope. That's cool. I'm surprised even lets us all be friends anymore after that. I know, I do feel bad, but I, I don't know. I stand by it. I think that you've put it in a lot. You've cleaned up his life and I think you need to be a beneficiary on the account.
Starting point is 00:54:26 And maybe clean the car too, but we've seen the inside. I don't clean that. Do you know why I don't do anything for, but it's called boundaries. If in the beginning of our relationship, I found myself really just always with nine toes out the door because I would do things like clean his car. And I would clean all of his messes, do everything.
Starting point is 00:54:46 And I'm like, why do I hate this man so much? I'm like, oh, because I'm his actual maid. And so what I do now is I just outsource that job. I refuse to do it. Even if there's a big block of mold or a fucking entire mushroom ball living in that Prius, I will not take it out out of principle. And my therapist says that's the correct move.
Starting point is 00:55:09 Wow. Because I just end up resenting him if I do that. Please don't ever teach that rule to my mom. No, your mom's hooked. That's different because my mom still, my mom babies me. I go back to being an absolute baby. My mom has like flown to where I live to clean my house for me before.
Starting point is 00:55:27 Yeah. Does your mom still brush your hair? No, because I never like, I would, that was a source of anger and contempt. Why? When I was little, because I had knots and she would, and I would just scream and I never liked it. So she cut my hair short.
Starting point is 00:55:44 And here we are, gender confused. Not quite sure what I am. Wait, does your Wikipedia really say trans? Someone changed it back, but God, that was fucking hilarious. It said Annie Letterman is a trans comedian working in Los Angeles. And I was like, this person must be knighted. This is the funniest thing.
Starting point is 00:56:00 Cause I do like, sometimes I will when people like write something stupid. Like when they're like, wow, you're like, so the funniest girl or whatever I go. Like, how do I think you're funny or a girl? I always go, I'm trans. That's why. And I just think that's funny.
Starting point is 00:56:14 And then someone just ran with it. The more I get to know Annie, the more I start to realize like she's that one member of the family that people just kind of like try to avoid and just keep the peace. Yeah, the truth, you know, the truth teller, usually that happens to the one that tells the truth as a child.
Starting point is 00:56:27 Yeah, the authentic one. This was, we, I sent you guys a video on authentic people. I care a lot more about what people think of me to say that I'm the authentic person that they were talking about. But I think I definitely, I tell the truth and I get scapegoated, but my family has gotten over it. They're cool with it now.
Starting point is 00:56:46 But I used to just always be calling out all the shit and people get annoyed. I'm a flashlight in your basement person. Oh, I like that. Come on over anytime. No, you do like that actually. Whenever I call you out on anything, you enjoy it. Every once in a while you get triggered, but it's very rare.
Starting point is 00:57:01 That's how I know you're more like Bobby. Bobby loves it too. Really? Yeah, he's the type of any, even if it's a, he roasts him, if any of you go after him in any way, he sees it as love and attention and affection. Wait, was there, do you have any memories, early memories of what Bobby said about me early on?
Starting point is 00:57:18 That is very Bobby for her to do that. Yeah. I think that, let me, let me think. No, I don't think we ever really discussed it until I met you at, was it the Irvine or Brin or Improv? Yeah, one of the Improvs. Yeah, but I found you to be really cute. You're retting.
Starting point is 00:57:35 No, but you, no, I always thought you were really pretty. But, and I remember looking at older pictures of Bobby, you guys going out to eat. So I was like, oh, I think like, Esther's his like real friend and comedy. And I remember meeting you and you were like, do you want to see my boobs? Wait, really?
Starting point is 00:57:52 Yeah, that's the first thing you said to me. You know what, it does like kind of insult me because you do think you have like a special moment with someone and then you realize this is just their game, they play on every. That's not you, Annie. She pulled my tits out of my shirt. And then pulled hers out.
Starting point is 00:58:05 It was like a one, an immediate one up. Like, I was like, oh, bitch, really you think you're going to be the only one pulling tits out in this hallway? I do think if I did that to Kaleila, which now I'm remembering, it might have just been a tactic so I could see your boobs. Cause I had fake boobs,
Starting point is 00:58:18 I had big, shiny fake boobs at that time. Yeah, it was exciting for me. They always look so greased up fake boobs. Fake boobs, they do. And I didn't like that. Cause the light just like catches them. Cause it's like taut skin. You know, as soon as I woke up from my boob surgery,
Starting point is 00:58:35 I cried right into them. Did a guy tell you to do it? No, Bobby begging not to do it. You did it while you were with Bobby? I did it maybe the third week that I was with him. Cause I had already made my appointment months before we met. And when he met me, he loves like flat chests.
Starting point is 00:58:54 He, so he was really against it. But then my sister had gone. I think I still have a crush on me. I never thought Bobby had a crush on me until now. No, he likes, he likes real athletic looking people. Annie, you are his dream girl. I also really do think that he, he likes blonde girls. Like that's a, that's like a truth.
Starting point is 00:59:19 Do you ever, is that like a role play you guys do? We're like, I'm dumb and blonde. Well, we've, you guys know we've done everything. I've gone down. We'll go down a roster of our characters. Cause that'll take three episodes of characters. But yeah, my sister had just gotten a boob job the year before and it looked amazing on her body.
Starting point is 00:59:39 She's six feet tall. So she can carry, you know, she can carry big breasts. Well, as soon as I took the bandage off, I was like, I felt claustrophobic. I cried right into my boobs. I hated them. It's such a scary procedure. And then I got sick.
Starting point is 00:59:54 I started getting these really weird heart issues. So I was like, take these fucking tits off of me. So I was really happy. How long did you have them for? Two years. And what are your size now? Ace. Oh.
Starting point is 01:00:07 Yeah, Annie and I are, yeah. 18. Boob twins. Or boob twins. I'm like a sloppy B plus. Hey, you actually have bigger boobs than I thought, Esther. No, Esther has a cute little hourglass body that doesn't match or isn't really deserving.
Starting point is 01:00:25 Rick Glassman used to tell me that my boobs were a waste on me. I was like, I see that. But Esther and I used to be very flashy girls. We were very like. I stopped that. I used to flash when I thought it was funny. I thought it was the funniest thing though.
Starting point is 01:00:42 And then the minute you realize it's not funny and you start to see the reactions, it's a crazy thing to do. I see you would just flat. We were just like. I would flash my guy. When I was in my early twins at the store, I would do, I wanted to be gross.
Starting point is 01:00:58 So I would, I would flash my tits. That's not gross, obviously. But I would, I would put my finger in my vagina and rub the slime on the guy. Oh my. And it was green. And they all still have the mark. It's weird.
Starting point is 01:01:11 It's just an acid burn. But then when I started dating Dave, he was like, you can't just flash your boobs. And I was like, okay. I didn't understand. My boyfriend had to tell that to me. Yeah, we're stupid. I go, no, it's funny.
Starting point is 01:01:23 I look like a little Polish boy. He's like, you don't look like a boy even a little bit. I was like, no, I'm like a little boy. My mom cut my hair short. I literally like, it's so funny how I'm like, how I had one relationship where, where the guy, even though he kind of sucked and it wasn't, it was toxic in a lot of ways,
Starting point is 01:01:40 he really like snapped me out of being like a four year old. I mean, everything in my life that I thought, it was something I decided when I was so fucking young. I was like, yeah, whatever. We're just showing our tits like no big deal. Wait, do you remember? So like a couple of months ago, I had Annie come to my backyard to try on my sample sweatsuit.
Starting point is 01:02:00 And at the time, Dave was, Dave was working on a zoom, like in a writer's room, but right in front of this big window to the backyard. And so Annie just got butt naked and like ran over to the, he's just bringing in the bacon for this. And Dave's providing this home and this life for Esther. And Dave taxis like, please make her stop. It's like I'm so uncomfortable.
Starting point is 01:02:22 And the minute I see how disgusted and comfortably the more I'm like, I got to keep going. I was like, should I go labia? No, no. Nothing gets me off more than my friends getting naked in front of my fiance. I don't know what, it's not like a sexual thing. It's just so funny.
Starting point is 01:02:38 He's so upset. He hates it. Cause Whitney will be on the FaceTime with us and when Dave's in the room and she'll just go full butt naked. And when she says butt naked, she's butt hole naked. She will show us her asshole. And Dave's like, please stop. So Kalayla, I would be my honor if you would get naked
Starting point is 01:02:56 for my man and make him uncomfortable. And he will hate it. Let me ask you guys this then, since you're very similar to Bobby in the sense that you're kind of both nudists, what is the line? Like, cause Bobby also does not, you know, he has, you know, run around naked in the past, but he's always done it in the same way
Starting point is 01:03:16 or in the same vein as you guys do it, which is like, oh, we're four year old children, right? I mean, it totally is like running through a sprinkler in the yard the way we do it. It's so fucked up. Yeah, so if, if let's say not Bobby, but someone else were to just run around, you didn't know him very well,
Starting point is 01:03:32 but they were just run around in your backyard, Esther. Let's say Annie brought a friend and Dave came out and was hanging out with him. And this male friend just started running around naked in the backyard. I'd be like, this is a schizophrenic person, probably. Like this person needs to be like picked up. There needs to be like a net that grabs him
Starting point is 01:03:50 and puts him in the back of a car, of a man. Please do that, please do that to me. Please catch me in a net one day. Oh my God, and you'll be flapping around with your no muscles. That's what we should do, Esther, throw you in a pool and just grab you with a giant net. No, she can't be thrown in a pool.
Starting point is 01:04:07 I will not do pool jokes. There's no pool. She knows I'm gonna eventually waterboard her. Like her death will be by water by me. Water comedy? No, in when I was in elementary school, my friends used to hold me in the water and then they would dunk me, it's, I can't.
Starting point is 01:04:23 Her friends, the priest, was just baptizing her. They were just trying to get you to heaven, bitch. Wait, what's with the pool? Are you scared of swimming? I can't swim. She's scared of water. I can't go underwater. This is the thing that's- Do you wanna learn how to swim?
Starting point is 01:04:37 Or you just refuse? No, she wants to be carried. She wants a human raft to be formed of all the people that are busy. Can I ride here? In her life that are doing things to make money so she can survive. She wants us to all bind our legs and arms together
Starting point is 01:04:53 and float and use our lung capacity so that she can be taken without a drop of water on her too. Whee! And then she'll be mad at us. That's forever really good raft. Then she'll be mad at us for some, she'll get smells weird or something. I can take you around my back.
Starting point is 01:05:09 You are? I'm a really strong swimmer. Really? And I'm really, I'm very used to having kids jump on my back while I'm swimming. I can't wait to go with you to the beach and you just turn into Moana. I know.
Starting point is 01:05:19 And you're like her grandmother. No, she becomes a mermaid. She definitely has like a bitch. I kinda now want you to actually jump on my back, Esther. Okay. That'll be your really cute experience and bonding experience. And then she can learn like,
Starting point is 01:05:34 you'll see how like her like muscles can like support. Yeah, I'll be like kick, kick, Esther, kick. She won't kick. I'll be in the back kicking her feet for her. Oh my God. So no pool jokes because you're afraid of drowning. And I'll do pool humor, but not at the pool. That's what I mean.
Starting point is 01:05:49 Is that also why you refuse to get into swimsuit? Yeah, I don't. I have a Trump. I really. No, it's not a swimsuit. That's not the issue. It's because her pubes are down to her ankles. Okay.
Starting point is 01:06:00 Oh, Esther. It's so I have seen Esther. Who came over? Was it Olivia? Yeah. Someone, one of the first times we met one of our beautiful, gorgeous celebrity friends. Esther was in a swimsuit.
Starting point is 01:06:12 Oh yeah. It was like, it was like Esther. Oh my God. Olivia Munn's coming over because you put a towel around her waist. Does anyone have a robe she can put around her waist? So the length will cover. Is that just your, the aesthetic you're going for, Esther?
Starting point is 01:06:27 No, I look, I do have. She got the ring and then. I have more hair in that area. I feel like the most people. No, do you have pubes that go like down to the bottom? I do. I do. But you know where I don't have pubes?
Starting point is 01:06:39 Where they're supposed to be. We're in the pussy pad. It's like, they just migrated outside. You have like a fryer tuck, like where they're supposed to be. That's so good. They just migrated to anywhere, everywhere else, but where they're supposed to be. That sounds, I actually kind of, I'm into that.
Starting point is 01:06:58 Can I show you guys? Yeah. Through the glass? Yeah. OK, hold on. Oh yeah, George was like, I married, I married, I married. Hang on. Before I'm like, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not.
Starting point is 01:07:10 I want to preface this by saying I also have not done anything there for over a year since the pandemic. But this is the maximum growth I will have. Don't look at the length of the hair. Think of the distribution. OK. OK.
Starting point is 01:07:24 Did you ever get lasers? Is there a reason for that? No, I've never. It's just my hair just stopped growing one second. Gilbert, look away. Mark this, George. That's all you've got? Oh my god, you are actually Asian.
Starting point is 01:07:38 Do you want to see the side? Yes. Badly. Wow. OK, can I just say something? It's very funny. You don't know what pubic hair is. You have no idea.
Starting point is 01:07:49 Oh wow. You are, you have no idea. You really are Asian and I'm Jewish and that's that. And the case is closed. I know, I'm like, I thought I was a quarter Jew. I guess I might be three quarters Jew at this point. Yeah, my situation is a lot more. Let's just say I'm warmer at night than you.
Starting point is 01:08:10 Let's just say there's never been a vaginal draft. What do you think I don't grow hair there? It's not an Asian thing because Asian women have full bushes. I'm not even kidding you. Yeah, no, I've seen that. Do you not think that I have any blood flow in that area that it just went to sleep?
Starting point is 01:08:27 I think the Lord blessed you. How Annie, it's going down to my inner, the wrong direction. It does look a couple of weeks into chemo. It does. A couple of treatments. One time, I used to do a joke about this, but it's true. One time I was getting eaten out by my ex-boyfriend and he was chewing cinnamon gum.
Starting point is 01:08:46 I'm just saying that it was cinnamon just because I think. Big red. It was big red and I just, while I'm telling this, I do want to plug cinnamon gum. I want you guys to revisit it as better than you remember. But he was chewing some big red and he fell asleep while he's going down on me. It takes a while.
Starting point is 01:09:03 Listen, it's like a full Shade album. A guy fell asleep going down on you? Yeah. That's really sad. It takes a while. Yeah, that he would want to rest his head on such a beautiful Venus pillow. So he fell asleep.
Starting point is 01:09:17 And then when I woke up, I had the gum in my, and I was getting lasered at this point. So you can't shave. But you can't. You think it's tangled in your pubes? Yeah, so it was stuck in my pubes. Oh, good Lord. So then I had to shave like a little part out.
Starting point is 01:09:29 And so the joke I tell the strangers is that it looked like my pussy was about to go in for brain surgery. They just like shaved the one spot. Just a little patch. And the other part of the joke is that the only way I knew how to get gum out of hair is peanut butter.
Starting point is 01:09:41 But then my dog came in and ate me out. I was like, ew. That's a good joke. Everyone loves it. When I was younger, the first time I ever had butt sex was when I was 6, 17. Wow. Really?
Starting point is 01:09:55 Yeah, high school. I had butt sex when I was like 32 for the first time in all the time. It's more of a high school girls game. Yeah, it's totally right. I met the right Irish guy. His penis was so fucking small. I was like.
Starting point is 01:10:07 My yes years. My yes years was when I was younger. After 30, she told everything. 20s, I was so yesy. But I would take an ambient and then try to stay awake. So every single one of my butt sex experiences was almost like a fever dream. Because I kind of remember them.
Starting point is 01:10:32 And it's like hot. Yeah, that's kind of like a fun little thing. Yeah, and I just didn't really. I didn't want to be stone cold, like aware of everything when I first did it. So I have a really, really good memory of the first time I got as fucked. It's very, it's a warm memory in my mind.
Starting point is 01:10:55 Gilbert, like gazing into your eyes and being like. It sounds a lot like when I got my colonoscopy. Warm. Oh yeah, you and I have had colonoscopy. I haven't. Because they gave you that twilight until you're 50. Or your name is 50. Why did you get a colonoscopy?
Starting point is 01:11:10 I'm just a hypochondriac. You know, you know me. How did you convince someone that you needed one? Because it has to be pretty compelling evidence. I really think that Esther just puts her name in things and leaves the age out. And they just think that she's elderly because of the name and that she just gets all these perks.
Starting point is 01:11:25 I'm first in line for the vaccine just by name alone. I came to get it for my grandmother. Do we know people who jump the line? Carlos. Carlos jumped the line. And then we have a, we know someone who. Right. That's on the fence.
Starting point is 01:11:39 But that kind of like. Yeah. Who? We don't know. Who that we discussed. We discussed. We already discussed. Oh God, I can't stand her.
Starting point is 01:11:47 She's so foolish. You really don't remember? No, whisper. Into the microphone? Yeah, whisper into the mic. We're not a criminal. It's not a crime. Is there a world where I'm able to teach Esther
Starting point is 01:11:56 how to swim in a sink? No, in a really big tub. We should teach her in a bathtub like fuck it in the movie of Mermaid. I would love to record a podcast where I'm taking a bath. I just sleep on that and figure that out. She was telling, did you say she was telling us to sleep on it to figure it out for her?
Starting point is 01:12:15 Yeah. Or a sleepover. A real sleepover though. Yeah. Of course. That's what I wanted to do. I wanted to do a 2 AM podcast. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:25 We were just in our jammies. And then because 2 AM brain is very different from 4 PM brain, you start saying some really wild whimsical. Do you take Ambien halfway through? I can. We can do that. But it doesn't have to be 2 AM every time.
Starting point is 01:12:40 But we could do a special little. Yeah, but I don't want to, Esther, I don't want to have to fake a 2 AM slumber party at 3 AM. Esther's like, I'm not faking it. I'm going to dim the lights so it looks like it's 2 in the morning. No, no, no, no. I'm not saying fake it.
Starting point is 01:12:51 I'm saying what I want to do someday is rent a house. Maybe it's in Palm Springs or something. And then maybe it's us. I don't know whoever's doing a podcast. And you have a five day thing. We stay up all night. We record one sleep. We could record it like that.
Starting point is 01:13:08 OK, and that just sounds like a vacation podcast. Yeah. Right? Vacation pods. I don't know. You're having post-COVID dreams. Yeah. I like that.
Starting point is 01:13:18 Or if there's a whatever, maybe there's a way to. Skip the line for the vaccine. All right, Gil, do we have, you guys know how this works. At the end of the podcast, we have an email that we will answer. Unhelpful advice with Esther, Annie, and Kalaila. Are you making fun of my voice?
Starting point is 01:13:37 It sounds great. Hi, guys. My name is Daniel, longtime fan from Cape Town, South Africa. On the 27th of January, 2019, a close friend of mine died in a driving accident. He was 21. We have a close friend group, and we met in film school. After his death, I would say as a group,
Starting point is 01:13:56 we did become closer, but I can't say I know how his death is affecting them. We do talk about him, but we never speak about how his death is still affecting us individually. I think it's because we don't want to put our grief on each other. If that makes any sense, I still cry about him, and I become more emotionally sensitive than I've realized.
Starting point is 01:14:12 I get brought to tears by music, films, more often. It always has to do with losing him. It's been hard trying to find a way to say goodbye, but no luck. The five of us get a group tattoo. I think it's sick, parvus, magna. It's from Uncharted. It's his favorite PS4 game. And I will say it does help me remind me
Starting point is 01:14:30 to be aware of people around me and take genuine interest in their life. My question is, do you guys think we ever move on from losing a friend, and how do you deal with long-lasting grief? I'll let you, Bobby and Kaleila, start and I'll follow. Well, I feel like that's actually an interesting question for us specifically, because we've just
Starting point is 01:14:54 lost two very close, well, not very close, but there was one that was very close. I always think it's such a weird, I'm torn always, because it's like you want to keep the person's memory alive, but it's sad to think about them. So I think I'm much more keeping the memory alive. I think I get very afraid to bring Brody up to you, because I know you guys were so close in a different way
Starting point is 01:15:22 than I was with him. And my instinct, and I think this is a little bit of my codependency, but when Brody, when I found out about Brody, I was like, and I do do this. I defer it, and that's my way of, I guess, avoiding what's happening. But I mean, my number one goal was I have to get to Esther. I have to take care of Esther.
Starting point is 01:15:40 And so I think I have that a lot with you. I had a dream about him the other night, and I was like trigger warning, do you want to hear about it? And you were like, yes. And then you definitely didn't want to hear about it. I know, and I tried to be nice. I know, and I tried to be nice. And sometimes I don't even post about him online,
Starting point is 01:15:52 because I don't want you to see it. But I do want to keep him going. And Jeff Scott, obviously, wasn't as close. But it's kind of the same thing where it's like, I really with, I know we all die, and I think it's good to have a healthy relationship with the dead. Hello, Robert H. Lee. Shout out.
Starting point is 01:16:16 Shout out to Bobby's dad. How do you feel when you sit next to a box of ashes? I love it. I like it. Comfortable. I'm honored. Yeah. I like it.
Starting point is 01:16:24 When Bobby showed me the video, I know he was doing it out of a traumatized place, but I was happy to watch it for him to share it with me. Yeah. What do you think, Esther? What are your thoughts on grief? This is a hard question. I do have a really bad relationship with grief,
Starting point is 01:16:42 and Annie's right on. I really can't go there for certain situations, like when it comes to Brody. I don't even really like hearing his name. It's really hard for me. But weirdly, I have a friend. Our friend Carlos lost his brother a few years ago, and I try to really bring.
Starting point is 01:17:07 It's weird. I don't want anyone to bring up Brody, but I always try to bring up Carlos's brother to him, because I don't want to feel like where we can't talk about that. And so it's weird, because I'm doing the thing I don't want done, and I don't know why I do that, so it makes no sense. Well, maybe you know, or it's established,
Starting point is 01:17:30 that Carlos does like talking about his brother, and maybe you participate in something you know makes him feel good, or makes him remember his brother and honor him in that way. Yeah, because I think if I lost a family member, I would want to talk about them and not hide it. But for some reason, the loss of Brody is like there's something like too painful about it,
Starting point is 01:17:52 where I just don't like acknowledging it. But I know that that's like a ticking time bomb, and that's, I don't know, I just feel for this person, because it sounds really terrible. And a lot of the LA comedy scene, we lost someone to a car accident at the very beginning of the year, January. I think it was 10 years ago.
Starting point is 01:18:13 And there's nothing gets you over that, but the community of it actually helps. So the way this guy is saying that his friends all went through it together, but they don't really talk about it, I would really say that they should talk about it with each other, because they're going through this together. And I feel like that.
Starting point is 01:18:34 Yeah, I also feel like with you Esther, like when you posted about Brody like a couple of weeks ago, I was actually really surprised, and it was nice, but it almost is like, because Brody was such a, so many people were like so touched by Brody. I mean, people that, because Brody was talking to everyone, you know, and he was having these, and then other people were like,
Starting point is 01:18:54 maybe wanting to be a part of it a lot. So maybe they took it more, or it triggered some other feeling that they had. So everyone has been like obsessed with the death of Brody. And I think if it was a situation where it was like once a year, I think that would be, I think that's like more your style. Yeah. Remembering him in it, but it is like you are bombarded by Brody all the time.
Starting point is 01:19:15 And I like it, but I mean, I just know, I just know that you're different about that one. Yeah, and I think that's how we should treat it. An approach to grief is that everyone does it differently. Each death is different. Each, you know, there's no correct way to do it. There's no correct way to process it. There's no timeline.
Starting point is 01:19:36 And I always tell myself that just grief is just a small little price we pay for love, for choosing to love someone, for choosing to participate in their day-to-day life. And I lost my dad when I was 19. And that's always how I didn't deal with it properly then. I just went through a whole, you know, control, like the whole food thing, controlling my food,
Starting point is 01:20:01 you know, going extra hard, you know, training in the water, this and that. And I didn't process it probably until a good like five years later. In fact, I barely cried when my dad died. And I watched him die. I watched him take his last breath. And it's just something that I just pushed down. And but the way I dealt with my dad is very different
Starting point is 01:20:20 from the way I dealt with my step-brother committing suicide. Right? It's so different. So I'm saying to this person, each way is always are correct, always are different. And to just kind of honor that in each other when you're five friends, you're all going through it in a different way.
Starting point is 01:20:39 But I think it's really cute that you're getting that tattoo to honor him. But to kind of just be patient with everyone around you because it's, it hits us different. Yeah. And I also was thinking, like telling her about the dream, it was like, I really wanted to share this thing with someone that knew Brody.
Starting point is 01:20:57 I just had this really nice positive moment. And then, but I thinking about it now, it's like, I don't need to have, I don't need to share that with anyone. That could just be my, that's just my relationship with Brody, like it's just between us. Like it doesn't even need to be like beyond that. I think you're right.
Starting point is 01:21:12 I think that it would be nice now that you mentioned it. If like we had a time where it was like the people that we felt safe with, then we all just kind of like had a fun time talking about Brody and it could be a sad time too. And you know, I think that a designated thing could be a healing for everybody. If you want people to be obsessed with you after you die,
Starting point is 01:21:33 I have a lot of catchphrases. Like nonstop all the time, Brody, Brody, Brody. That always freaks me out when I see something like really catastrophic happen to somebody and how like quickly it's, even how quickly I forget it. I'm like, fuck, we are absolutely nothing. In the case of Brody, it's the opposite.
Starting point is 01:21:54 Where it's like, it seems like he's always in the forefront of everyone's thought. Yeah. Yeah. And I like that with Brody. You know, I do like, I always go see him at the comedy store. There's just like big picture. I always take a picture with him, I would see him, like show him my whatever weapons
Starting point is 01:22:07 I got sent to the comedy store or whatever. And... Is that your P.O. box? Is that it, Annie? Yeah, no, I do get stuff from the comedy store, but I don't think I can get it anymore because I do have to get an actual P.O. box. But it's babies growing up.
Starting point is 01:22:23 The day I turn 40, I'm gonna have a P.O. box. I can't wait for you to turn 40. Can we have a big to-do? I mean, I'm not 39, but I sound 30. I sound 39 and eight months old right now. How about this? Since you're, what, a couple months older than me? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:39 There's a weight and we can turn 40 together. Are you one of the types? Are you a princess? You're like, I can't share birthdays. No, I have a twin brother, I have... Oh yeah, that's right. But also we were born at midnight, six minutes apart, so we have...
Starting point is 01:22:49 Different days. Oh. That's like the dream. Yeah, that's cool. Esther, can you share a birthday with someone? Or no? I don't, oh yeah, I would love to. As long as they feed me the cake.
Starting point is 01:22:58 No, I'm only, I weirdly only become very close friends with people who are twins. Like I'm, I think I was destined to be, I'm a lonely twin. I would love to share. Oh, I pitched that we all wear the same shirt, by the way. Like should we all have the same outfit? And Esther was like, for the podcast?
Starting point is 01:23:14 I was like. I was like, yeah, sorry, I'm a twin. I'm always swinging for matching outfits. Wait, do you know that that's a sign? Like because in certain parts of Asia, public display of affection is not really, you know, we don't, they're not like Americans where you're necking everywhere you go.
Starting point is 01:23:30 That's still a word, necking. Yes. But in Asia, to show that you're a couple, you match. Yeah. So that's why Bobby and I always kind of wear the same stuff. That's cute. That is cute.
Starting point is 01:23:43 Yeah, so if you guys want to show, you know, to show the rest of the world. I'll have to wear that same shirt. Yeah. We have the same skims, tanked half, we'll have to wear it. Yeah, we do have the same. Is skims comfortable?
Starting point is 01:23:54 I don't like onesies. Skims is so good. We love it. Esther, I was like. Wait, hang on, hold your tongue. You were not getting paid for this. Skims gets nothing from us until then. Yeah, forget it.
Starting point is 01:24:04 Because I feel like you are a legitimate ambassador for skims, Annie. And so are you. I know. I've stole it from her. I have one more question before we end this podcast. In the event that skims becomes a sponsor, I wonder if it's part of the contract
Starting point is 01:24:17 that we are not allowed to talk badly about the Kardashians. I would be down for that. I don't talk badly about them anyway. I love them. I think they normalize. They don't get enough credit for normalizing bodies with weight on them. Before Kim.
Starting point is 01:24:33 Wait, Esther, by having their bodies? Or by pushing skims? No, no, no, their bodies. Because before Kim Kardashian, all the Us Weekly pictures were stick-thin celebrities. And then Kim was like, when she first became, was becoming popular, people were making fun of her because she was, quote unquote, fat.
Starting point is 01:24:52 I think the Kardashians made real bodies. I know they're not real anymore. They're the least real bodies. They are. I'm a poster child for BBL. They take, they harvest the fat after. They get pregnant solely to harvest the fat, to put it in their butt.
Starting point is 01:25:07 But you know what, cut this out, because skims. Cut this out, Kim. I like how impassioned you are. I am, because. I know, because Esther's bullshit. Why? Because you were like, they brought back a natural full body.
Starting point is 01:25:21 They went too far afterwards, but they originally did. They sell waste injures. They do. But look back at the tabloids, it was literally. No, but I will say, we were just talking about, do you remember back in the day when people were being so mean to Kate Winslet for being like, Kate Winslet is like. She's my favorite.
Starting point is 01:25:42 She's like my before, like my after dream. Yeah. Annie, I feel like you're this type of girl. I feel like you would have the dimples on your lower back. No. Oh, when Esther is banging me from behind. I don't know. I don't know if I don't think I have dimples.
Starting point is 01:26:05 Because I have a theory that a certain personality matches the lower back dimples. And what's that? I used to label them smashly. But I feel like maybe you're not a smashly after all, just like your younger self is what I'm saying. Oh, I was, yeah, I was filled with Yeager and Jizz to the brim. Oh, Annie.
Starting point is 01:26:26 We too. Bubbling over with. If I hiccup to literally like come and jizz with mine. And Annie. Look, George likes it. It's not an uncomfortable laugh. That's a true laugh. It's not that he's very uncomfortable.
Starting point is 01:26:41 Well, thank you guys so much. Well, no, thank you. Thank you to our guests. To our beautiful Asian-inspired home. This was so fun for me. Same. And so easy. I usually sweat out my armpits a lot.
Starting point is 01:26:53 I'm sweating. My pits are. Same. I don't. I don't have any. I have the driest pits right now, which has never happened. You get a little help. That's true, Annie.
Starting point is 01:27:02 I tell you too many fucking things. I swear to God. You could have just said, oh, that's so special that our parents didn't. No, because I'm over here pitting out. And you're like, dry as a bone. I'm like, well, there's a little difference. I told you insurance can cover your sweaty pits.
Starting point is 01:27:16 And you have insurance as of January 1. I have insurance now, guys. I'm moving on up. All the therapists just stop taking new clients. We're done. Again, thank you. I hope to do this again one day. Would you have a project you were plugging?
Starting point is 01:27:33 Possibly, maybe in the works. I don't want to tease too much yet. Oh, OK. We can't. What about you guys? We also might have a project in the works, but we don't want to tease it. And we each have a solo podcast.
Starting point is 01:27:43 It means it's called Me Inspiration. It's on YouTube and everywhere else. So funny. It's very funny. There's lots of jokes. Now, Esther has a podcast called Esther Club. Wait, what's Esther World, then? Esther World is my Patreon where I do live streams,
Starting point is 01:27:59 secret live streams. But Esther Club is free on YouTube and wherever you get your podcasts, if you need something to fall asleep to. If you have an extra 22 to 30 minutes, you can listen to Esther stretch out some fake sponsors for quite a while and tell you about her headaches. We highly recommend you check out. We also have guests in on each other's podcast.
Starting point is 01:28:18 Yeah, we guest on each other's podcast. You might like those episodes of mine. Those are my favorite to watch. I'm also kind of feeling like I want you to do my podcast at 2 AM. Yeah, I want to be a part of it. I'm a completely different person. You know, you're a different person.
Starting point is 01:28:30 But you're going to be asleep, little baby's going to be. We FaceTimed, and I, for three hours, Esther was in the dark. We started at 9 PM. She was like, guys, I got to call you back. We started talking about, we started talking about racism. And I was like, I can't hear you talk about racism from the Black Square.
Starting point is 01:28:45 It was just a black screen. It was so fun. I was so proud of you. Thank you. Well, I hope to see more of you guys. I know. I love talking to you. We'll see you guys.
Starting point is 01:28:56 Bye, guys. Bye. Bye. We're going to get married after we get vaccinated, and after this pandemic's done. And then I'm going to poke you. I want to get out my hands and knees. I don't understand.
Starting point is 01:29:15 You just said that I needed to plan a wedding. Plan the wedding. I'm going to get out my hands and knees. Wait, hold on. So after I plan it, then you'll propose? Plan first. And then I got to YouTube how to fucking propose. And I'll get out my hands and knees like I see in the movies.
Starting point is 01:29:29 And then, you know, then we'll do it. And you'll probably say yes. Then we'll go to the fucking chapel. Do you happen to the chapel? Hey, Gobi, no. Right? And we'll throw the fucking rice or whatever, or bouquet. You do both, right?
Starting point is 01:29:43 I think they do. The three-sky, and then, you know. How many people do you want? People I don't even know. It just depends on name. I need your side of the thing to be, like, no names and my side to be names. It's so.
Starting point is 01:29:55 Here, I just need that power surfer there, that's all. Yeah, I need Hollywood. I need a Hollywood. Right. All right. Hey, Prime members. You can listen to Tiger Barely Ad Free on Amazon Music. Download the Amazon Music app today.
Starting point is 01:30:33 Or you can listen Ad Free with Wondri Plus in Apple Podcast. Before you go, tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at wondri.com slash survey.

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