TigerBelly - Ep 282: Chris Kattan & The Upper Middle

Episode Date: February 3, 2021

Bobby dances a little too close to the wolves. Khalyla exposes The Secret. Chris is Jewish Buddha. We talk skid row Bangladesh Gucci, Mad TV vs SNL, comedy actors doing sex scenes, and Ralphs...... a Ralphs. Please support our sponsorsSee Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening ad-free on Wondery Plus Magician slash philosopher, but his name is Derek DelGaudio. Okay, and it's on Hulu. It's on Hulu But don't talk until I bring your name up. Oh, don't speak Sounds like you're introducing a magician on the show So guys anyway Coming from Hulu. No, I don't know why I brought open that way, but don't say anything yet. All right, don't talk It's called in and of itself. Yeah Don't talk yet. Yeah, we're almost there. We're almost there. Yeah, so um
Starting point is 00:00:51 We got people in the room. We got chunky Gilbert. Oh, he's my favorite version. Oh mac and cheese He's fat. What a fat fuck you. I love see this is the look when you were when you first moved to LA Yeah, I was before that those chunky is the look that I I like and then you try to get do this whole fucking Bruno Mars Handsome, but I'm getting but first of all my health. It's just health sweetheart. No, it's it's not for the looks I hate the looks. Oh, you don't like the look. No, okay? I believe my butt stays the same, but my body shrinks. It looks so we have a nice ass. Thank you. Thank you so much No, Chris not yet now we've got when's the baby do Wow, you know what it is a girl. Oh
Starting point is 00:01:40 My I'm glad you got a boy. He's gonna be cute. Don't you think super cute? Yeah. Yeah, he might even be hip He's half Korean half white, of course. No, but just in terms of because he's not hip He's not hip. He's more than most dads. I think yeah, don't you think George is hipper than most dads I think he has his finger on the pulse. If that was if that's what you're asking. Yeah, anyway, we got my girlfriend Well, I love we've been doing pretty good three ups and downs in the past and downs ups big down And then we have a guest and I'm gonna and then once I fucking say your name then you can talk, okay? Dictate you very I'm doing my this is the way I am in that on the show. Okay
Starting point is 00:02:24 Don't take offense to it. It's just the way it's not who I really am. Is that really who I am? No, okay? I'm so glad someone's finally resisting your dictatorship. Yeah, the way I don't want him to be offended because he's a here's a guy I've always been a fan by the way And you know, I think we've had more SNL people On the show than mad TV people Probably we had no we had Will Sasso Jordan Peele Mo Collins, and that's it. That's it. We've had this guy Sanchez. Oh Johnny Sanchez. Yeah, no, they're more mad because we've only had Spade and Snyder and then And then Chris and that's not true. We had Taryn kill him. Oh, yeah, Taryn kill him. Well, he was on it, right?
Starting point is 00:03:06 He was very good on it. Who else? What a show we have. What a beautiful show We have a cross section of sketch shows. Anyway, this guy I've known for years But you know, he's one of those guys that like, um, you know, we would have brief Interactions, you know, I mean because um, you know, I had heard stories that he was a little wild Little bit. Yeah, he's a little wild, you know, I mean, so I'm like, you know, I'll go in and you know He'd be he's one of those that I just poke You know me like you do on Facebook, but then Yeah, I poke him. You know, I mean so every once in a while I'd see him somewhere and I go
Starting point is 00:03:41 What's up? He'll say what's up? And then we just kind of drift apart, right? And then um, but then I found Him to be a changeling What's a changeling? Well, you know, he was one way and then, you know, he I don't know We talked about it already. So I'm just gonna say it that I've I started seeing you around, you know, I mean at meetings right, right and you know, you Began to share from your heart
Starting point is 00:04:13 Right, right. I'm not supposed to talk. Yeah Oh, how about this? I'll see your name that you could talk. Okay. Okay, chris katan everybody. Oh, thank you Oh my god. Wow. Wow. What a drive. So that yes, so you could say it's tough now. Okay You're in the middle of something. I don't realize so I I don't let me interrupt your introduction with my yeah Okay, no, no, so you um You were gotta who share from that your heart and you know, you were really serious about the sobriety thing, you know I mean, and it was like, um, it made me like, um, kind of open myself up to you, you know, you know, because, you know I'm newly sober again. I have over a year now and um, you know, I think that, you know, I enjoy
Starting point is 00:04:54 Going on a journey with somebody. That's a comedian actor and also somebody that has the same disease that I have and so, um, I just want to, you know, and I'm, you know I'm glad that you came today. I you know, I don't know what the fuck what happened with the google. Oh, well, uh, I swear to god. No, you I like beginning seven No, I swear to god Yeah, uh, but I the google the address you gave me was I was where it said I should be right? Yeah You you you you might be there. You're the one Yeah, and you said this happens one in every 20. Uh, uh
Starting point is 00:05:29 Yeah, I was at the right place, but not at the right place. Yeah. Yeah. What does google said? What does google do though? Send you to another intersection with the same name But it's because this road sort of extends and kind of twirls around. Yeah, so it drops you off at this is good for fans to know So if you think you're at this place, you're wrong. You're wrong. Yeah. Yeah So, um, you got here again. Yeah, and um, I'm so glad you're here and thank you so much for agreeing to be here. Um, Here's another thing I like about you. Okay is you and I are very similar. I think You're gonna probably take offense to this but um our size or not our style. We're very similar. Yeah, but we're also, um, um
Starting point is 00:06:13 Mutants in certain ways. Oh I mean, we're not Oh Oh No, but we're like, you know You know, we're unusually kind of looking God like unique we look like turtles Yeah, yeah, yeah, we gotta look like turtles. So you're saying physically we're
Starting point is 00:06:36 No, no, you're much skinnier fitter than I am. I'm just saying that in terms of like, um, I'm not here to yeah Yeah, yeah, I mean, do you think you're fucking, you know, who hamsworth? Oh hamsworth. No, okay I didn't come in here with that. I Yeah, but um, and then you but will you and I have similar kind of girlfriends. Oh, I see what you're saying. Yeah You have uh, really? Well, I mean, she says that you're both girls. Yeah Both girls. Yeah, both girls. Uh, you both, uh, you know, you're living in southern california Uh, you both apparently love sunlight
Starting point is 00:07:15 Yeah, sunlight. They love sunlight Uh, what else big fans at the show at the office Broad generally can't go without water every day You know, that's a big one for me. Water's huge. You're a big water fan. Yeah, big water fan He loves that water. No, but your girlfriend is ethnic, right? I see. Yes. Yes. She's uh, what do you mean? I mean, I'm just asking. Well, I didn't know what you're getting at. You're like saying Yeah, of course, you're saying she's ethnic. She's ethnic. She's white. I don't know what's happening It's none of my business. I don't know
Starting point is 00:07:53 That's a weird thing too. That's a weird thing. She's native american. Got it. Got it. Your girlfriend is native american Yes, yeah, she could be native american. I'm filipino. She could be yes, you're filip from the from the filip bro If you saw it dances with the wolves I see it. I know what's happening where you saw her in it. Oh, you'd be like you wouldn't go. Oh, that's a miscast Yeah, but that's a weird comparison to to draw right like oh, we're the same people because we date girls that are both brown That's the fucking weird thing to say, babe Yeah, that's a weird. No, no, I'll tell you. No, let me defend myself though. Let me defend myself. And then she's she's native american I'm filipino, but we're both brown. Just lump us all in together. Wow. That is a little racist. Whoa. Fuck you
Starting point is 00:08:33 Oh, well, I'm fucking out of here Yeah Let me my girlfriend want to take offense to that. I know because she's a millennium mad about it for seven days Pull back chris. Okay. Let me try to reword my shit. He's a fan. I know I She's nice. Very nice. Oh, you met her. Yes. Yes. I met her. She's a lovely lovely lady. Exactly I'm not saying anything bad about her dude. Her name is yeah, it's fucking stop with it Her name is yeah, her name is Cheyenne Cheyenne. Her name is Kalyla both unusual names unusual. Okay I don't know. It's not Kathy and it's not like Kathy and Cindy
Starting point is 00:09:08 Right, right. It's like Cheyenne and Kalyla. Those are fucking those are fun names not bob or chris Oh, yeah, exactly. So that's another similarity we have boring. We have boring, you know, I mean americana midwest Names kind of names. Yeah. So what I'm saying is that you and I are both troll like, but you know what you just did, right? This is like a holy name though. What it is. It is a nice holy name. Did I carry Jesus? Yeah, are you a Christian? No. Yeah, are you religious at all? I I guess Buddhist, but that's not a religion Yeah, I grew up that way. My mom and dad and stepdad were all uh, What doing the buddha thing? Really? Yeah, you grew up with buddhism. Yes. No, be real. I am being real. Yeah. Yeah I can't stop from being weird
Starting point is 00:09:53 I always thought that you was Jewish. I don't know why I'm Jewish buddha Oh, you are? Yeah, I'm Judah. You're Judah. You're Judah. So are you really Jewish? I am. I'm half Jewish. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Mom. Dad. So, so yes, not real. No, exactly. Yeah. Yeah. Not real. So they say, yeah. I hope this this episode is not just going to be about this. No, no, no. We're gonna move. No, we're gonna move. Pritzker's dad talks about heritage and girlfriend from Native America. You're fine. He's not. Yeah, I'm the one who's gonna be troll. No, no. So don't stop. I don't fuck you guys. Be so negative towards yourself. First of all, fuck you guys. Love yourself. All right, I love myself. No, if you don't love yourself, then no one can love you.
Starting point is 00:10:34 Fuck you. Your relationship with yourself is more important than the relationship with her or me or anybody else. I understand that. Oh, okay. You know what the funny is, um, right? You know the guy, you know, the murmur of the Capitol riots? Oh, those are great. Right. And you know the guy that was in that fucking Oh, they're great, right? Yeah. I have the fucking season. The DVD. You're talking about the guy with the yeah. Oh, you do? All right. Yeah. Yeah, that's good. The boxy. I got the blue. I got the 3D blue. Which is great. My glasses got all fucked up, but it's. I would love to see it on IMAX. Right. Just like imagine looking up and like the Confederate flag above you. Right. If I was
Starting point is 00:11:11 watching that IMAX, it'd be so cool. I'd be like, oh my god, they're really breaking in. It'd be so real. Yeah, yeah. Like I feel like I'm in the Oval. Yeah. I might even yell in the audience. Hey, get away. Get out of that. Where's Nancy? Are you behind my desk? Yes, you are. Don't tell me no. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Put my pen down. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But anyway, um, oh, so you know the the the rioter with the what's it that? With the horns. With the horns? Yeah. The QAnon guy. The QAnon guy. The funniest things that somebody called him was dances with Karens. Didn't he just switch his dance recently? Dances with Karens. No, I got it. I know. It's not a big one, but you don't know what the outside
Starting point is 00:11:56 I repeat punch signs if I don't like the first one. That's right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Dancing with Karens. Thank you, George. We can move on from here. You know what? This shouldn't have been a thing where we get to somehow get a sense of what the audience is feeling after a joke. You know, like, yeah, maybe, I mean, you know, you you have that citizen app, you know, citizen. Yeah. So the she knows what is it. What? Oh, it's a thing where it tells you if something local has happened. Like, uh, it'll pop up like something that was reported through the police, right? Usually. Right. So it'll say like, uh, it'll go beep beep beep, you look your phone and then it says, uh, you know, man with knife walking into Ralph's. Oh, be careful. There's a man with a knife walking into Ralph's.
Starting point is 00:12:39 Yeah, buddy. And then some people could push there like, oh, that's scary. It was a scary emoji face or something like that. Oh, so I thought like maybe we can find out, uh, like how well a joke you just said could be giving the opportunity for every fan to say, Hey, that was a good one. But Chris, um, the thing, if I'm in a, you mean during a show, if they're not laughing, if they're not laughing, well, it's not good. But no, I know we don't know. So we're going to have to find out because I think that was a funnier line outside of this area. There's very so downtrodden about yourself. Right. Right. You. So you think that like if we had that app that dances with Karen's would get a bigger laugh. Oh my God, lovably. Well, no, that's the kind of joke that will hit
Starting point is 00:13:22 it so hard outside of this room. So hard. Yeah. Yeah. It died in this room. Well, you were saying it died in this room. Oh, I didn't say died. It just didn't. Yeah. Erion. Yeah. It didn't get an applause break. We don't know. Yeah, we don't know. We would not know. I don't know. If we had the opportunity, like citizen, like, right? Well, let's create. I gotta take a break. I'm laughing so hard. Maybe we should create it at that way. Yeah. So, Chris, are you missing stand up? I do miss stand up. Yeah. Yeah. I got to do one show at the, I think it's called Jam and a van. Do you know that area or what I'm talking about? I don't know what you just said. Okay. It's called Jam and a van. It's called Jam and a van. Oh, Jam and a van. It's in Santa Monica and they do stand up there
Starting point is 00:14:08 usually. And I did a show there like a couple of weeks ago. I was with the masks and everything. It was good. Were you performed with the mask on? Oh, yeah. No, no, no. Everyone else had a mask on. Oh, I see. But it was, you know, social no touching and the whole thing that you must, you know, obey the rule. Yeah, yeah. It was okay. It was pretty good. It felt great to finally talk to people. For me, like, stand up what I love most about, what I love most about stand up is that, like, it just, I love, you know, talking to the audience. And I tend to improvise a lot. Sometimes I don't even go to my set because I'm one of those stand up guys that's kind of bored with my set. I get bored, yeah. A little bored with it. So, but I love the improvising. So that was really fun. I got to do that recently. But other than that, I really do miss it. Yeah, I do miss it. I'm a, yeah. What's a good source of income? It's also sure it makes you, it validates. Because as I'll tell you this, and this is going to sound gross, but in the pandemic, right, so gross. All right. Yikes. I can't even imagine. Yeah, yeah. In the pandemic, right? I've been starving. I've been starving for recognition.
Starting point is 00:15:20 Oh, Kalala, have you been starving for recognition? Look at her face. I can't even look at him when he says that. Look at me right now. I have been that way too. My girlfriend doesn't accept it. Like, Jesus, like, doesn't even want to. Yeah. Yeah, I don't. Look at me right now. I can't. Yeah, I'm going to say it again and you're going to look at me because you're my fucking partner. All right. Look at me right now. Okay. Okay. No, my eyes. Okay. Thank you. I'm starving for recognition. This is like a scene from dances with a wolf. Affirmation and I need to be confirmed. I'm sure it's okay. Yeah. But you, you know, so I know it's a gross thing to say. Hey, but you know what? If, but it's honest, it's honest and it's authentic. I believe it. Yeah. Yeah. But there's, you know, there is a little bit of that. So that's why you, you miss stand up because, you know, to ask people that question, right? No, no. What I'm saying about stand up is the validation,
Starting point is 00:16:16 but it's not just that. It's, um, you know, when you go out into the world, like, if I go to a Ralph's, let's see, there was no pandemic. A Ralph's. What do you mean? Not Ralph's. A Ralph's. I think that's right. You got it the fucking first time. Honey, I'm going to a Ralph's. I'll be right back. Yeah. Or honey, I'm going to Ralph's. I'll be right back. Wait, which is it? Yeah, which is it? I think it's just, I think it's just Ralph's because it's, it should be the Ralph's technically right. It is a Ralph's because it's a chain. Wait, what did you say? Just Ralph's? I'm going to a movie theater. I'm going to, oh wait, I'm going to the, wait, what did I say? I said, well, I'm going to, no, let's go back to what I said. Rewind it. I said, this is a fight over articles.
Starting point is 00:16:58 I'm going to Ralph's. I said, I'm going to a Ralph's. I said, I didn't say the A. I don't think. I think you, he, George is nodding. So you said, I'm going to a Ralph's. Oh, it was, it was endearing. All right. So yeah, when I say a Ralph's, I mean, you know, because there's six I can think of, right? And I don't want to get specific. I don't want to say, I'm going to the Ralph's on, there's a nice one in Hollywood and you know what I mean? Yeah. You know, that's a, that's a 24 seven. Yes. The one where they are always there to help you. Yeah. But they have 20, we have sushi all night long. They do. Which Ralph, which Ralph's, that's the rock and roll Ralph's. Right. Right. Anyway, nothing to do with rock and roll, but it's not a sponsor. Right. Anyway,
Starting point is 00:17:37 you fucking dim dim. Wow. What do you even, why was that offensive? Because I, that's my heritage. Jewish Buddha. I'm a dim dim. Are you dim dim? All right. 40% dim dim. When I go to the Ralph's on Ventura and Oxnard. Oxnard. Do you feel better? Yeah. Right. Yeah. I don't think I feel better. Like what? To the people that live in Oxnard. Did I satisfy you guys now? Yeah. Yeah. And if I go to one, you know, it's like, I don't really ever get recognized. Well, that's just because you're, no, but in Oxnard. Okay. I didn't realize we were so on. I am. I have to finish my fucking point, man, because you were so grossed out by it. Right. So when I go on the road though, you know what I mean? Whatever city I am, the only people
Starting point is 00:18:25 that know me show up on one spot. Okay. Right. So that's why, you know what I mean? I like that affirmation. That was nice. That was long. I've been there. That was like 28 minutes. I know. It was like 28 minutes already. It was like, and I was interrupted by that whole thing. Let's just say the people in Oxnard rarely take nap. And right now everyone in Oxnard. Forget stand up. Fuck it then. Okay. No. All right. Fuck it. All right. So let me ask you another question. Sure. Me and Kalaila got an argument a couple days ago about this. How often do you argue, by the way? This is one of the friendly, friendly fire. Oh, yeah. We do friendly arguments. You know, sometimes we don't really ever scream at each
Starting point is 00:19:12 other though. No, no. Oh, yeah. Yeah. You guys get screen match? There's been sometimes bickering. Bicker. Yeah. I guess a little bicker. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Her name's Cheyenne. I love that. I've said it 15 times already. Okay. So I'm not asking. I've already said, don't why is this going? It's not going anywhere. I'm just saying that we start already. What? I didn't pronounce it wrong the first time. No, you pronounce it right. Okay. Thank you. Cheyenne's lovely name. It's a beautiful name. If you love yourself more, this interview. Cheyenne, yeah. Cheyenne Gordon. She's on Instagram. Yes. Okay. So, at Cheyenne Gordon, follow her. Is she a comedian? No. Yeah. She's a model.
Starting point is 00:19:58 Oh, she's a model. Are you a model? No. She's not a model. She just can model. She could. Yeah, I mean, right? So that should pass it? Yeah. Yeah. No, no. It's like some of the southeastern island had a vogue maybe. The racism is so subtle in this home. Well, again, the people of the southeastern islands. I got to go to a Ralph's. Oh, fuck you. Hey, again. All right. Let me ask you something. All right. So we had a little, I can't do that to people. It makes me like, I'm so sorry. You can't say fuck you. You know, say it to me. I want to see how you say it. Oh, you can't really fuck you. Oh, you can't. You don't seem like somebody. I would go, I would
Starting point is 00:20:44 go, fuck you. No, that sounds so not threatening. That's not. Well, I would giggle if you did said that to me. It's like saying, sorry, but fuck you. Oh, that's kind of like that. Fuck you. Unless you did something bad, like, you know, you picked up my puppy and threw it across the room or so. So let me ask. Do you have a puppy? No. But I'm saying, it's an example. We would have bonded over something. I did have a dog. She passed away. I feel better, baby. Yeah. You feel better. Thanks for bringing that up. Yeah. Yeah. Wow. When did she die? 12 years ago. No. Last year. Yeah. Let me ask, let me ask you some questions about that. How long did you have the dog? Gone through another level now. For 12 years? Oh my
Starting point is 00:21:31 god. It's because I don't know why I'm smirking. It was it's sad. It was sad. It was terrible. Yeah. It was your best friend, you know. She lived a long life. She was blind and she didn't know where she was going. And yeah, but she had a lot of like, you know, she was had such energy and and a thrive for life. Is that makes sense? Yeah, I know what that means. Yeah. Thank you. Cheyenne. Cheyenne. She has such a thrive for life. Yeah, yeah. But she did. She was blind and she couldn't she would like run into walls and she was happy with that, you know, she'd have a good time. She couldn't see. So, um, did you have to put her down or we did? Yeah, that sucked. That's always the worst part. When we had to put down Sprout, it was like, you know, every day you're
Starting point is 00:22:15 like is today the day is the day today. And then right, sometimes they'll have like this, you know, a more active day than a day before. So it's really just a fucking. I think it's better if you just walked into a room and they were already dead. Wait, you mean right off the back from getting them? No, no, no. After 12 years, instead of putting them down, I think it'd be instead of waiting and going, all right, the day, right? Don't know. That's the hard part. No, but if you walk in the room already dead, then then you know. Okay, well, we can also not talk about dead dogs. Oh, my bad. Let's go back to the arouse. Let's go back to the question that I said initially. Oh, what about our fight? Oh, is that what? Yeah, that was the last that. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:22:56 got it. Yeah. So what you guys fight about? Well, it wasn't that. It's just, oh, yeah. Let me ask you a question. Okay, yeah. Katan. Katan. Sweet. That's what I'm going to call you. So let it roll off. Do you believe? Yes. In Madison. Let me say that. Fuck you. In Madison. Let me just get it out. We can edit it out. Oh, okay. We won't. But let me just say something. Okay. Because I'm saying it dramatically and slowly. And so then I get hung up on the word. Oh, it's good, though. So far, really. It's wrong. Yeah. Yeah. The answers with Karen's. Oh, no. Anything. Hello. Anything. Do you believe in manifestation? Oh, yeah. You mean an afterlife? No. No, not afterlife in manifesting things in your life. I see what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:23:56 Yes, I do. Yeah. You do believe in manifesting things in your life. I think so. Yeah. To a degree. Correct. To a degree. I'm not like, you're not going to see me outside of my house in a white robe and doing some, you know, things that cost money. Yeah. Right. Right. But you believe that if you, you know, think of something and you believe it's strong enough that it will happen in your life. Yeah, too. I got into like, say, was it The Secret? Was that the book? Yeah. That's what we argued about. That's what we argued about. You were arguing about The Vision Board? I'm arguing against it. Oh. Well, look, I do believe there is a sense of, you know why I think it works is because it makes you put all your energy into it, really. And it channels you,
Starting point is 00:24:44 not channels me, puts you in a place where it sets you up to see if that's a possibility. Yeah. And so we should probably, Bobby's talking about manifestation, by the way, for those of you guys who haven't caught on. And it's basically Bobby believes that if you think about it long enough, if you pray about it hard enough, things will eventually just sort of, okay, it will explain it the way. So not exactly what it is. To a degree at all. Yeah. Explain it first so then I can give you a counter. Like not like. Well, if you think about it long enough and you pray about it long enough. I mean, it's part of it. It's a part of it. I mean, is it, are you, is he a little delusional? No, no, just listen to what I'm saying. Okay. Back in the beanstalk
Starting point is 00:25:17 delusional? Like, oh my God. I didn't even know what that is. Why are you angry then? I don't know why it just made me. Fuck you. Fuck you. Oh, Katan. Anyway, I'm afraid of no ghosts. Seems like the energy. I am. Yeah. That's so true. You're good at energy. I'm good at like that. Tagging for movies. Yeah. So what I believe is, is that not only thinking about it, but believing it, right? It's not just enough to pray about it or thinking about something. It's literally meditating, closing your eyes and actually believing it. It's happening or it's going to happen. A knowing almost, right? It's, I think that's different than thinking about it. I don't think you're saying, I don't know if that would, she's saying that since I grew up in a
Starting point is 00:26:12 country club, right? Sounds like a gym. Crunch. Crunchy. No. Okay. Country. Country club. I grew up, you know, my parents had, you know, we're upper middle class. Oh, upper middle. Yeah. Not middle. Not middle. Not upper. Right in between. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's a transitional period. It's a gray area class. So, you know, we have Swing Pool. I mean, you know, a little more upper than middle. Yeah. Oh, I want to hurt you so bad. Or like upper upper. I'm going to twist you. Go back a little bit. All right. Back up upper. I want to fucking hurt you, man. So, you know, I grew up with, you know, when I was 16, I got a car and she's saying that because I don't say, let me say what I want to say. Wow. Go ahead then. Because you're going to water down my
Starting point is 00:27:00 watery shit down. First off, terrible. You're going to have to manifest this relationship. Every day. Every day. Make it work. So, I didn't grow up in the United States. I grew up in a third world country. Right. He was talking about Oxnard. Go on. While I do believe in the law of attraction and I do believe you get what you give out and I do believe in positive thinking and I do believe in putting out an attitude if that's exactly what you want to receive back. But believe in an idea that if you manifest something, that it will automatically come into your life, does not take into account luck, timing, privilege, all of these things that he had growing up. So, I could be a third world in a third world country in an absolute, you know, basically
Starting point is 00:27:59 squalor, right? And wish it all I want and never have it. What I'm saying is you don't, you're not taking into account. You're not, you can't manifest something that's impossible. Well, right. So, no. So, listen, right. I can close my eyes and go, you know what? One day, I'm going to live on the planet Venus, which could happen. We don't have it. I know it's not going to happen. We don't know. We don't know. All right. All right. But let's just suppose the odds of it happening though are one in a zillion, like being upper, upper, middle, middle. I still call bullshit. Right. So, it's like, no, let me say my point though. Let me say my point. All right. So, you can't manifest something that's impossible. Okay. Right. So, what she's saying is,
Starting point is 00:28:47 is that, you know, if you grew up in like Skid Row in Bangladesh, for instance, do they have a Skid Row in Bangladesh? Which actually is in a bad place. The Skid Row in Bangladesh? That happens to be the better part of Bangladesh. Skid Row is good. Skid Row in Bangladesh is good. Well, people, you have a Gucci store there. Yeah, they do. When tourists come, like, take me to Skid Row. Skid Row. With a Montclairis. Of course, madam. I can never know. That's the best place in Bangladesh. And that's where you can get. Yeah. Okay. So, there's a Ralph's there. Right. So, it's like, if I'm in Bangladesh, right, and in the slums, all right. And I can't think to my, I can't go, manifest, I'm going to be a bigger Hollywood movie star than Tom Hardy, for instance.
Starting point is 00:29:32 Wow. Right. Because it's just, it's not a part, it's not a reality. It's never gonna happen. But you can, right? Being a poor kid. And you know what? I'm going to become a a Bollywood star. I mean, that is a possibility or a realm of possibility. So this kid can, you know, no one, no one is saying you can't dream big. All I'm saying is that if you really believe in the idea that manifesting is what gets you results in life, how do you explain that to a nine year old with cancer? What I'm saying is bad things happen to good people and good things happen to really horrible people. And that's people. And that's just a chance of life. You can't explain all of your blessings on the fact that you think you manifested it because then you're
Starting point is 00:30:13 thinking you're a fucking messiah of some sort. Yeah. And you do. You think that. You know what I mean? Like, that's a narcissistic way to view life. Like, if I just will it, it will come. But I think it's, I honestly, the way you, the way you describe it's like rich boy spirituality. Upper upper middle class. Yeah. So fuck the secret. Okay. So hey, we could have just I know we could have got them. Well, you're right. All right. There are there are things that happen in life that you can't escape, like diseases, luck, chance, timing, privilege, right, circumstance, right. And so it's like, but I'm not saying that manifestations, and, you know, life happens, right? I'm not saying that bad things that aren't going to happen,
Starting point is 00:30:58 right? You're in your living life. So in in life, random things can, a meteor can come from the sky from Venus, where I'm going to live, where I'm going to live one day. You know what I mean? And it could crush me right now, even though I have these grand dreams. But while I'm here, living life where bad things happen, all that stuff, I can still manifest the positive things. Yeah, because those bring up your mood and make you a happy person. No, but they've actually happened in my life. I mean, let me ask you something, right? I think that's luck, chance, hard work, privilege. No, no, no, no. Let me ask you something. Let me ask you something. I want to, I wanted to ask, let's ask Chris.
Starting point is 00:31:37 No, let me just finish my point. Can I finish my point? We're just fighting in front of him. I know, but let's just not, does not sound like a fight. Okay. Let me finish my point and then we can move on. Okay. Okay. Oh, no, forget, let's move on. We're so deep into this, you can't just move on. What's the point? You can't like, this is like going to a rouse. Am I the laziest person you've ever seen? Again, I'm going to say luck, privilege. You think I lucked everything that I have in my life. You have natural talent. You've had privilege. You've had great timing and good things have happened to you and you should just be grateful for that and saying that I will this to be.
Starting point is 00:32:18 That's fucking narcissistic. So are you, are you willing things a lot lately? Is that the problem? I believe that I will things too much. So she's like, oh, because in this pandemic, for instance, I haven't really done much. I've never left the house. What do you do to will things? Are you like, no, I sit there and I go and I just, and I, maybe you're right. Maybe it's just, I'm just a lucky guy. Bobby, shut up. I have dragged your fat ass to auditions. Oh, that's not, let's just, that's not doing, putting in the work. That's putting in the work, Bobby. You put in the work. I think this was going to be grateful. I think I am grateful. I know you are. I'm trying to tell her that. Thank you. Yeah. Thank you. All right. Let's, let's go back to
Starting point is 00:32:58 Krishna. You kind of made up. You're right. You know, you're right. You know, I went too far. I said, I, I, I dragged your fat ass to auditions. I, that was the line that went too far. That was abusive. I'm sorry. Yeah, but you can't cut that out. I'm going to cut that out. That's toxic negativity. That's toxic toxicity. Do not cut that out. Because I'm tired of her looking good in these things. I look horrible every time. All right. If you cut that out, I swear to God, we're going to have a fucking problem. I will listen to it. Why would they cut that out? She cuts out shit that she doesn't like about herself. Oh, so you'll come out. Anyway, so let's regroup. Let's regroup. So Chris, hello. How are you? I think he's sad. I was so
Starting point is 00:33:37 involved. Yeah. So when do you think that this is, this is going to end? You think that we're, yeah, we think we're going to get back in the next year? Oh, it's a loaded question. Yeah. What do you think? I don't, I guess probably, well, it's already starting up a little, getting better, right? The, the, the, yeah, the restaurants are opening a little bit. Yeah. I don't know. I think probably hopefully this, I think the beginning of summer will be, we can probably go out and work again, I think. Yeah. I want to ask you another question. I was, I wasn't going to ask you, but let, and we'll cut it out if you're uncomfortable about it. Have you, have you told people that you had COVID? Oh, I did have COVID. Yes. Have you told people? I did on like Instagram.
Starting point is 00:34:20 Oh, you did? Good. Yeah. Yeah. So my girlfriend and I had it. You both, you both had it. We had it over the summer. So can we talk about it? It was a lot of fun. You enjoyed yourself? Yeah. Yeah. Let me ask you about COVID then. Sure. Right. You went to Arizona, right? Yes. That's where you think you got it? Yes. Right. So you went out to a restaurant? Well, yes, but that may not necessarily be the place, but we probably think it might be if you break it down. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So then you went there, you came back. And so what was the initial like feeling that you had? That spark that like, oh, maybe I got. Yeah. Yeah. For me, it was a back pain, but it wasn't my back that was hurting. It was, it was my lungs. But I don't know if you ever had a lung situation,
Starting point is 00:35:07 everyone. I have. Good. You in the back? I was in the hospital for two weeks when I was 17 from double pneumonia. You know how to, yeah. So it hurts. And what's frustrating though is like, I want to do something about it, but you can't because you don't know what's your lungs yet. But that's what hurt the most for me at first. And then Cheyenne got, she got like, she doesn't, she has allergies. So she started getting more, you know, just feeling like a, yeah, more congested, but like really brings on the allergies, you know, and her immune system was a little bit lower than usual. So that hurt her harder. And there was no sweating. There was lack of taste and smell. And, um, but you felt like it was a, a flu, but you were like, is this
Starting point is 00:35:53 the flu? Like you don't know what exactly it is. It's like a different feeling. Oh, there was a different label. Like you label toxic positivity. Yeah. I didn't label for this. Yeah. There wasn't a label for this yet, but I, it was like, it was COVID. So that was. So how long, because I've never had it. Yeah. God willing, I don't, I don't know why I'm doing this. Will it, what is this? God willing, I don't. These are lying. Yeah. Yeah. Virus does not care about the secret. Let me tell you, the virus does not care about. And then every time it does, wow, we're opening up another. She's, she, she actually goes back and we went through the secret as she goes back to attack me. So you don't want to go back. So, um, how long did it last COVID? Uh, probably about a month
Starting point is 00:36:36 like so. Oh my God. Yeah. A month. But we had a doctor that helped us out. Oh, I see. We took steroids. We did take steroids. The prednisone. We're giving the steroids. Yeah. Oh, you were. Yeah. But it was okay. It wasn't, no, not okay. It felt terrible, but at least we're both, at least we both had it at the same time. Right. Did it hit her as hard as it hit you? I think it hit her harder. Wow. And she's young. She's young and healthy and fit. Yes. And I'm old and decrepit and not, not a good guy. I don't know what that means. Yeah. Yeah. So it's so a month. So, but is it as bad as, you know, obviously I think it is, right? What? COVID? Yeah, as they say. Yeah. Well, you also could,
Starting point is 00:37:19 you also like, does this, um, it doesn't go away and when it, well, it goes away a little bit maybe and then it hits you harder. Um, that's what I heard too. Yeah. But you, you're just, the feeling is like, I just, there's nothing I can do about this, but just sleep or just stay in bed. It's, it's not. Yeah. But I didn't, I didn't, again, I wasn't sweating. It didn't feel like the flu, but my temperature was high, but didn't feel like it was, uh, it just was not a good time. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I'm glad you got over it, man. You know, you, you live through it and I live through it. Yeah. A lot of people don't. Yeah. That's what I was thinking about most of the time, like this, if I were older and what you said decrepit and yeah, I was, he never said that
Starting point is 00:38:00 about it. But yeah, if I were older and I had a lower immune system, I probably wouldn't be, I'd probably be going to the hospital. But we've had friends in like my sister's, my sister's partner, one of the nurses that she works with, um, passed away and she was in her thirties and one of the officers that works in her jails, he died and he was in his late thirties. Yeah. So you just never really know. It's kind of this like weird thing where it's like, you just, yeah, it's still, we think we know everything about it, but we kind of still don't because it just affects people so weirdly. Yeah. It still annoys me, people that think it's not out there, you know, I mean, it is, obviously it is. Yeah. And if it affects people differently
Starting point is 00:38:41 and it's like, you know, it's like, I'm not being mindful about wearing a mask and all that stuff for myself. Right. Yeah. I'm doing it because I don't want to get colila or jewels. Oh, we have another girl right here. Uh, my, uh, my daughter almost, um, Juliana. I don't want to get Juliana or, um, Julie. I'm so close to Juliani. Yeah. That's what we call her. That's what we call her Rudy. Oh, you do? Yeah. I missed the whole job. Um, but I do it so that like, you know, I don't still want to give my ever to my mom or brother or anything. You know, it's like, you do it for that's very sweet that you did that. You thought about others like being sarcastic. No. Did I do it? No, no, no, no, no, no. Because I have friends
Starting point is 00:39:29 that I have friends that do that. Well, at least you're that Santino Santino will do that. Oh, say that. You wouldn't know if he's telling the truth or not. So, but, um, you know, I'm glad you're healthy. And, um, you know, I, when you, I found out the, I literally thought you were a goner. Really? Yeah. Oh my God. I prayed about it. Oh, I did get a text from you saying, Listen, I think you're going to be gone. Like what? Yeah. And then I text it back. That's very sweet of you. And then I never heard back again. Yeah. Yeah. But I said, and then you text the back a week later, I thought you got, but I pray, but I did pray for you, right? You knew all said it. Our friend Skyler had it. Did he have it? Yeah. Oh, he just told me like, dude, dude, dude. I don't know. I
Starting point is 00:40:18 think I got it. I don't know if I have it or not. No, he got it. That's how he talks about it. Yeah, he got it. Um, I know several people, you know, Andrew had it. Um, what's it that the lug head shop had it? And then Brendan Shaw. Oh, yeah. Who else said it? Michael Yo had it. Yeah. He almost died. He almost died. Oh my God. Yeah. He had to go. I know how winner hell. Wildner was a great friend. He worked on SNL and he passed. Oh, yeah. Yeah. That's terrible. Hey guys, we're going to take another really quick break to share some of our favorite sponsors with you. How's your comforter looking these days? Not good. A lot like you feel? Yeah. Maybe a little lumpy, maybe a little deflated. Not only lumpy, there's giant holes in it. No longer has the same fluff
Starting point is 00:41:02 it used to be. Never had it. It's time to refresh with Brook Lydden. Oh, yeah. Whether you're an early board or like the news button, everyone deserves sleep in ultimate comfort. And that starts with your comforter. Brook Lydden can help you get your best sleep. Brook Lydden creates beautiful high quality bedding and home essentials. We in our house, you know, we all we use at Brooklyn and I don't know if you know that or not. And everyone in this house just loves it. Okay. They, they work directly with manufacturers to give you fair, a fair price. No middlemen, no markups. They're comforters, comforters come in lightweight all season and ultra warm to suit every type of sleeper and lifestyle. There's even a weighted comfortable comforter option for stress
Starting point is 00:41:47 relief. The comforter that Bobby and I have, we have the lightweight because I again, I run hot, hot, hot in my sleep. We have the lightweight all season one that it's the best one. It's the best flood, but if they're all good. Yeah. But if you do, you can also get the ultra warm one. If you do whatever you need, you know, gets a chill in the middle of the night. Right. Right. Yep. They also offer a variety of materials, including an eco-friendly recycled down alternative. And Brooklyn and its comforters pair perfectly. Their sheets, pillows and duvet covers. There's a reason Brooklyn and has over 75,000 five star reviews and counting. Tell us more about it. Go to Brooklyn and.com and use the promo code Tiger to get $25 off with a minimum purchase of
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Starting point is 00:45:00 Yeah. Uh, but uh, no, you were, uh, how, what, was it nervous? It was, it was, I do miss it, yeah, but not like, oh my god, I miss it. My decision leaving, you know, but it's uh, yeah, I do miss it sometimes, because there's nothing like it, obviously. So, because when we, but it's so stressful that what, if I were to go back there, like if Lauren was all of a sudden like, come back, let's just be spontaneous. If I came back and I, and I was back in the cast for some weird reason, uh, I'd probably be like, this is not, it's too stressful. Yeah. Very stressful. Yeah, because um, we would, with us, I remember, you know, when we do a live sketch, right, we would do a take in front of a live audience, right, but then they would give us notes.
Starting point is 00:45:41 Oh, that's interesting. Right. So they would cut, they would cut, and then, and then you would have a bunch of writers and producers would go, don't say that line, say this right after the scene, is it right? Yeah. So they'll give us part of the scene. No, we'll do the whole sketch. Right, right, right. They'd cut it, right? Cause it would shoot it live, right. And then they would give us notes, jokes, you know what I mean? And quick edits, and then you would do it again. Right. Right. I can't imagine like, that's similar. No, because you guys just get it one time. We have a dress rehearsal, though, two in front of a live audience, but it's not, it's not a live show. It's not the one that people are going to see on television.
Starting point is 00:46:19 So we do have that. Oh, we have that. I like how you do that. Yeah. But we do have an opportunity to do what you did and see if jokes work or not. Like, it's a two hour show that we do, and we already know there's going to be a half hour cut. Wow. Right. But we have that time to give notes and stuff. But will you, I can only, I can imagine that in the beginning of each show you would be, because for me, if I was on, because being on mad TV, it felt like we were on community theater. Like then there was no stakes. I didn't feel like the stakes were high. And it came across that way. No. That's the, that's a real you, by the way. That's me. Yeah. But I'm such a dick. Yeah. No. But with, I can't imagine, I always think too, when I was on mad going, I wouldn't be
Starting point is 00:47:08 able to do SNL because just the pressure of it. You know what I mean? So, I mean, were you like the night before like sleepless because you were so nervous? No, I was more, it's, if you're, you know, I was like, if you're busy enough, you won't be sleepless, you know? Right. Right. And I usually had a pretty good show. Lauren was giving to me. So, and he put my stuff in, so he trusted me. Right. So, I was one of the luckier ones. I was a little bit on the upper, upper middle class. But no, he was, I got a lot of my stuff. So, it wasn't as bad of as stressful as some others may have. Well, who was on your, your generation on the show? It was Will. It was one of the best, I think it was Will, Tina, Jimmy, Seth, Polar, Rachel Dratch, Harry,
Starting point is 00:47:55 Oh, yeah. Oh, my gosh. Oh, great. Molly. Yeah. Bill Murray, Chevy Chase. No. Who else? Yeah, it was a good cat. It was a great cat. Oh, what? Yeah, it's a really good class. Will Arnett. Great. Or Forte. I got so many Will's. Yeah. Will Forte. Forte, yeah. Not Arnett. Because it was like, obviously the old school, the beginning, right? Right. And then there was the generation. You know, Eddie Murphy, Joe Piscopo. Yeah. That was a little weird. That was a weird time. It wasn't like, but that was like the, not to be rude to the others in the cast, but that was like the Eddie Murphy time, I think. That's when I started watching SNL, because I was like, this guy's insane. It's so good. Yeah. And that's so fun to watch in comedy,
Starting point is 00:48:40 just like seeing that guy that just lifted the bar. Yeah. And you're just waiting for everyone else to go up to that bar now, you know? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because he's like, well, everybody's going to have to compete with this guy because he's so good. And then you had so exciting. That doesn't happen that often anymore. It doesn't. It just doesn't, you know, you're waiting for who's the next hero. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's another to be discussed. And then you had the Dana Carvey, John Lovitz, that general Phil Hartman. Right. Right. David Spade, Schneider, all those guys, Adam Sandler. Right. And then your wave was great. You know what I mean? So that's what I grew up to, because when I came to my wave, when I came from the
Starting point is 00:49:17 Philippines at 15, we had a small television. We had a big television back home and we didn't have American programs. Oh, she's upper, upper, upper. Only in the first part of my life. You told me your dad was like a fucking, you know. Yeah, but then he lost. He made some bad money. An admiral for sort of fleet or something. He had gambling issues. Oh my God. How did you know that? You just said he lost something. Well, no, he made some really bad money moves. But he comes from old money. My dad was a very, all his side of the family. Like Scrooge. When I first came to the, first came to the United States, I hadn't really watched any SNL growing up because there's only a few American programs that made it back home. Gary Shandling made it back home.
Starting point is 00:49:59 The other things, Wimbledon, tennis, stuff like that. Yeah, those go hand in hand. Yeah, yeah. When I came here. Wimbledon, are you watching Wimbledon? No. Oh, you must be watching Gary Shandling. Oh, that's not true. We had Indy Carr. We had, I knew Mike. We had the golden girls. We had the golden girls. Of course we did. Why didn't you just mention that? What else did we have? But we didn't have, what do you call those cabbage patch things? Do you have cheers? No, I discovered cheers here. Did you have happy days? We didn't have happy days. Oh, happy days? Laverne and Shirley? No, I never saw the episode where Fonsi turned blind. Cheers, all of that here for the first time. And I had to go all the way back. I bet you had
Starting point is 00:50:41 three's company. Nope, no three's company. What? Three's company? We had Care Bears. Care Bears? What's that? Fern Gully? What? No, really, what is that? What is that? Care Bears? What's Fern Gully? No, Fern Gully. Robin Williams was in Fern Gully. Oh, we should know that. He played Batty. Oh, Batty the Fern. No, Batty the Bat. Oh, Batty the Bat. Batty the Bat. Oh, obviously. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Fern Gully. Is that a TV show? No, it was a movie. What the hell? You were mentioning TV? Yeah, I was trying to mention it. That's all you fucking idiot. So I didn't, okay, hold on. Name more and tell me if I know him. All right, how about the classic though. Taxi. Taxi. Do you remember Taxi?
Starting point is 00:51:31 Yeah. What do you think about? What do you think? Why are we even asking in first place? So X thing, no taxi. Not the quickest. Exactly. I'm joking. The attitude I like. They're very quick. No, no taxi. What else? Okay, so did they all in the family? All in the family. Hero, don't, never watched it. Brady Bunch? Watch the Brady Bunch. Okay, they have to have the, I'm just talking about happy days. That's just the, that hurts me. Which is, okay, maybe we don't have the channels, but no, I'm shocked about, I had cable. Right. Oh, so you got porn. Three's company because three, I thought, three's company. Or Gary Shandling. Gary Shandling for sure. In terms of comedy.
Starting point is 00:52:11 They would get that kind of comedy. Three's company. Yeah. So anything that was like, Zany, you know what I mean? It's good that she got Gary Shandling because that is not your typical sitcom. Yeah, but nobody watched it. Two people watched it. My dad watched it. That's why I'm loving Gary Shandling. It was the ratings. That was the ratings. Yeah. Anything like big, like every Eddie Murphy movie made it. Oh, so you saw like that one that wasn't very good. The one that was serious. Oh, Harlem Knights. Oh, that was actually pretty good. That was pretty good. Yeah. Harlem Knights was great. I think I had a difficult time seeing Eddie Murphy. You know, I have a difficult time, but when a comedian gets serious or, you know, I look, I look good now and there's some scenes
Starting point is 00:52:55 in there where Eddie Murphy was like in bed with another, I don't know. A woman. A woman. Yeah. Yes. Thank you. A woman. Yeah. And she's like kissing his nipples or something. There's kind of weird. Yeah. Oh, yeah. He's being very serious about like, I'm a lover. Yeah, I don't like that either. It's always awkward when like, like Ben Stiller, he takes his shirt off again. Like, you don't need to take your shirt off. Yeah. What is it about works comedians? No, but when comedians become like very serious and they're in a love scene. Yeah. Like, we know, we know we worked out. We don't have to imagine him in a scene. You don't need to work out that much. Me doing that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I would love to see him in a sex scene. I want,
Starting point is 00:53:35 I want to see you in a sex scene so badly. Oh, me in a sex scene? Yeah. How about us two in a sex scene? I'd be like, where do I go? Over here now? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I would. You know what? I don't think I'd be able to orgasm realistically. I would not be able to. No way. Like if you say that, I like, I think I need another water. Anybody need a water? Yeah. No, you have to play it real. All right. We're on a one, Bob. Here we go. Five, four, three, two action. What's that? Oh. What's the hand? He's fucking you. What's the hand? He's fucking you. Yeah, but he's grabbing my hair. What's the back of your hair? I'm saying orgasm in a realistic way where it's not funny. Well, do it the way you do it in real life. No, because I do it in a funny way in real life.
Starting point is 00:54:27 No, you don't. Do it when you're by yourself. Is that how you do it? Are you like both hands? No, because that's, I like her on top. Are you holding anything when you're doing this? What? Are you pulling? What are you pulling? No, this is her shoulders. Well, you are like that. She's not very tall. She is. She's five nine. The way you're demonstrating it looks like she has. I'm five four. Does she has no torso? Anyway, I would go like this. Count down again. Okay. All right. Background. Background. Background. We hired extras here to demonstrate. You were walking by the window? All right. Bobby Lee. They all live in the Neuro A. Ralph's. All right. Summer nights,
Starting point is 00:55:08 part two, Apple and action. Don't cut. No one cut. Let him keep working. Let him keep working. That's it. That was it. Look, it's realistic. I believe that you shot so much out. Oh, really? Yeah. You think I load it a lot? Whatever. I don't know why you think I'm in there. It locked me out. There's zero propulsion to his. There's no shooting out nothing. God, babe. What do you want? It's a bloop. Yeah, mine's like a bloop. Mine's like a bleep. Oh, you have a bleep? You have a bleep? You have a bleep? You know, the first time I masturbated, yeah, I remember. And I was told to I was caught watching or spying on a neighbor, which is not illegal. It's not a funny story. Yeah. Serious shit. I did illegally. I guess so.
Starting point is 00:56:02 Yeah. Well, I was at home with you. I was spying on. I was like 13. Oh, that's fine. Yeah. Yeah. I wasn't like 40. The first time I masturbated. But I was I was told, my dad, I think there was a discussion like the parents and the neighbors got together. Like, what are we going to do about the boy that masturbated outside the window? And like, we're like, well, let's teach. We should probably educate him about that. So I was told to just, you know, go in your room and touch it and and bring a lot of napkins. Wow. As if you're going to like it. And I was like this. I was like that, not knowing what's going to happen. Because the first time you masturbate, you know, you don't know what's going to happen because you've never had that that release.
Starting point is 00:56:52 Yeah. What came out a lot of, you know, it was a good one. A lot of well, it's young. It was enough. It's your sperm. If you're young, is your sperm younger? Oh, than yourself? Yeah. It was just created. The sperm is cited. I mean, just I mean, I don't know. Let me ask you something. Your sperm is the young guest. I know. But is this are they more viral viral viral? No, not viral. Well, a picture of it would become very viral. Yeah, your sperm. If I analyze the sperm that I had when I was 12, and I analyzed the sperm they have now, right? I feel like the sperm at 12, if I really look closely, they would have like, you know, sweatpants on and running shoes. And they were like, really healthier. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:40 I mean, I'm a product of old dad sperm. That's why I have a lot of weird fucking issues. Yeah, because her dad was six. That's just sperm was old. So you have old issues. My dad was a sick when he conceived me. He was 60 years old, three packs a day, smoker. Right. And while I smoke a lot, I was as as a as a baby, apparently. Oh, yeah, yeah. I just think that I have weird genetics because of old dad. Oh, right. Okay, yeah. Luigi's. Oh, here's a way to edit the sperms. Do they have that? Yeah, they do now. Like there's a sperm, they catch it like that sperm is one where you smoke, get that sperm out of there. Maybe they put other ones like these are good. These are ones that like to have oatmeal. Get that one out. That's the one that parks illegally. But you find
Starting point is 00:58:27 though, as this one, this one, this one doesn't interrupt people. Oh, excuse me. But do you find that sex though, and that sexual drive dissipates at our how old are you? I'm 50. I'm 50. I'm 49. Oh, hi. It's a good time. Nobody's knocking us. Yeah. But do you feel like my sexual drive is far less than mine? No, no, no. As it was. Yeah. Do you find that? I guess a little bit. Yeah. Well, you're still a fuck machine. Oh, I'm definitely not a fuck machine. No, not as much for sure. Yeah, we don't have it as much as others probably do. Yeah. Yeah. I have to say, though. Yes. I thought that today's podcast was is it over already? No, we're going to do we have a close. We have a game or something with the game that we play at the end. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:59:20 But I think that I guess this come. Is it young or old? But I have to say that. Who's come is this? It was a real delight. Thank you. I'll see. Good timing. Good. What's going on? It was fun. Is that cut turning back? I did have a good time. Did you have a good time? Yeah. Yeah, it kind of went on a journey. Come journey. That's how it always ends. It ended on come. Which is all in that direction. Why couldn't we because we it's not scripted. All right. That's what's happened. Yeah. Yeah. We go different directions and sometimes you hit a dead end interview. It's not dead. It's the whole thing is great. It is. Did you guys say where you met? We have so many. I don't even remember where I met him. I do. I think maybe in
Starting point is 01:00:02 Vegas. Oh, maybe performing. And I was with a group of guys, gentlemen, people. Maybe we're friends with Anthony. Oh, I think Anthony. Anthony Kitas. Anthony Kitas. Oh, so yeah, you were with Kitas and Sasha Baron Cohen. Yes. And Spade. I think so. Yeah. Spade, but he may not have been there at that moment. He wasn't there at the moment, but I do. We want to go see him perform. You want to see me perform and you. Yeah. Or we said we were going to see if we didn't. I don't remember. No, you did. No, because I remember Anthony being there. Right. We didn't see him. And then we went to a steak restaurant. It was packed. I remember. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you. It was. And we went to a steak restaurant afterwards. That's right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:47 Yes. That's where I first hung out with. That's right. Yeah. I remember that was. That was a fun night. It was a very memorable. Pretty good time. Night, you know. Yeah. Even though you said it like this, if you don't remember, you do remember it. I do remember. I know. Yeah. But you were like, and you were. No, I have a the. That's right. At the end of our show, we do a thing called unhelpful advice. Unhelpful. Yeah. So whatever. No, I know. It could be helpful, unhelpful. And people email us and they ask real questions. And we try to answer it for them. I love this part. Yeah. Go ahead. Okay. Unhelpful advice. Bobby, Kalyla and Chris. This whole time I thought I was another person.
Starting point is 01:01:29 Your podcast has really helped me through early sobriety by distracting me with Bobby's hilarious childlike and unfiltered view of the world. He's helped me see dark times a little lighter and not dwell in depression. I am 60 days sober and tomorrow I'm going to break up with my boyfriend because I use them as another DOC to avoid truly healing. I know this is best for best for us, but it's really, really sad. I'm about to start therapy and see a psychiatrist for the first time. My question is, what advice do you have regarding therapy and healing past trauma? Thank you. Faith from Kansas City, Missouri, 26 years old. Wow. So the show gets goes into Kansas. It's a woman? Yeah. Faith. Faith, of course. Faith is a woman. What's the last question again?
Starting point is 01:02:11 What advice do you have regarding therapy and healing past trauma? It's a lot. 60 days sober. 60 days sober. How old is she? 26. Please don't make fun of me. I'm not smiling. I don't think he was. I think he was. He has masks off. Where's my mask? Look at this mask I got. I know. I wasn't going to bring that up. I'll bring it up. I was leaving late. My girlfriend said, take this one. It looks like something Liberace would wear, cover his penis. This is like a cougar mask. Yeah. You don't look good with it on. I like it. No, he did not look good with it on earlier. Yeah, this is not right. Okay. So, um, well, what I, what I have to say is, is that, um, you're young and 60 days sober is a
Starting point is 01:03:00 huge deal. And, and listen, like, you know, when I was sober, I was sober in my twenties. I didn't even think about dealing with going to therapy and dealing with trauma. So you're way ahead of the game. And just in terms of like, you know, um, addressing those kind of issues, you know, I think that's a great thing, right? Don't you think? Oh, yeah, totally. It's amazing. And that you also sounds like you're putting a sobriety first, which is important too. That's important. And then the relationship. Yeah, because you have that has to come first. Is there a funnier email, maybe a question? Or is there, can we just do depressing emails? That's all of them. They're all different. Wait, I will say one thing though, like suicide sometimes. Oh,
Starting point is 01:03:44 about because your question was regarding starting therapy and like working through trauma. Don't phone it in with your therapist. In that hour, be absolutely like, be all the versions of yourself, like breakdown. Don't don't hold back. The therapist, you don't have to put it a polite face in front of your therapist at all and give her the ugliest version of yourself. That way you can start from scratch and build from there, especially when it comes to trauma. Cause I see specifically a trauma therapist and for all the years previous to this, I didn't see a therapist that specialized in trauma until recently. And when I did, it was life changing. And I realized that all the other years that I had been
Starting point is 01:04:28 with, um, not a trauma specialist, I was phoning it in and I was a very polite person and I just nodded a lot and listened a lot. I didn't absolutely show her like the worst version of myself, which is what needed, what she needed to see. So that's what I have to say about that. I agree with that. Yeah, definitely show every side of you for sure. I think if that's important and um, wait, what? That's another question, Gil. About six months ago, about six months into dating this girl that I'm currently with, she mentioned that she used to be a stripper four to five years ago and roughly for roughly a year and a half. This really shocked me and ultimately made me uncomfortable. I do like her very much, but every now and then the thought
Starting point is 01:05:12 of her stripping does creep into my head and I try to quickly bury it. I know this is my insecurities that are making me uncomfortable about her past, but I'm afraid I will never be able to get over it. Am I an asshole for judging her this much about her past? Should I be able to look past this? Your fan, Jay. Yes. It's a guy that's dated a lot of strippers. I'd like to say no. Have you dated it? I did. No, I don't think I did. No. What do you mean you don't think? No, I don't think they were stripping or I don't think they stripped. I don't remember. I've hooked up with strippers. I've never dated one. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But I think it's great that you're already head of the game that you're already, you know, these guys, they both have problems and they already seem like
Starting point is 01:05:52 they resolved a lot already. But you have to love the person for who they are. Obviously, you can't judge them for anything in the past, obviously. And whatever they went through made them who they are from when they met. So it's obviously made them that person. But you can't judge someone for anything like that, for sure. For me, in the last 10 years, I've changed my views on it because I'm stripping. No, but like in terms of like thinking like, because I know now that a couple of female porn stars that are very big in the game, right, that are in relationships or they're married, right? And for me, it's like, I used to think that like, oh, I could never, you know what I mean, date or marry a porn star or stuff, right? But once you get to know these
Starting point is 01:06:37 women that you know that it's just an occupation, right? It's also very like a bank teller. Yeah, yeah, yeah, like a bank teller. Yeah, yeah. And they exactly Chris. And then they yeah, it's exactly and that and that they it's also artistic. It's almost because like, like we talked about also, because also Kira's done our podcast three or four or five times, right? She's very creative when she you know, does it work? It's acting. Right. It's it's it is. Yeah, yeah. Getting that semen out of the yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. So what I'm saying is, is that is that the case that he's weirded out that she's a stripper? Well, he answered his own question. He said he was in here and that has nothing to do with her. It is all to do with you. Yeah, whatever she did. And you'll find that
Starting point is 01:07:25 in therapy too. You'll find out that. Yeah, that's that's such an unfair lot of projecting. Oh, yeah, if it's it's really he's insecure about the fact that she was once upon a time a stripper, which is absolutely that's for me. If I if a guy ever let's say if I had that profession five years ago and he would throw that in my face, that is the biggest red flag. It's a game game changer. Imagine I know for a fact that if I had told you that if I stripped from 18 to 20, you wouldn't have given two. I wouldn't have blinked an eye. Exactly. What does that have to do with it? How much does she make us five cents? What do you mean me? You asshole. What does he mean by that? Yeah, you can't have judgment. No, that is like that's a wrong move, buddy. Do not. And if you're gonna if your judgment
Starting point is 01:08:13 is going to get in the way of, you know, loving someone, tell the person you can't deal with it, don't waste their time. Yeah, exactly. You know, grow up. Grow up. Don't make her miserable just because you're insecure. Yeah. Positive insecurity. Yeah. Love you, though. J. J. Love you, Chris. Chris, I love you. X X. Oh, Chris. Chris. Chris Katon. Are you falling asleep? No, I'm just I want to ask you. Is there anything that you want to promote? Oh, sure. Well, I have a book called Baby Don't Hurt Me. It is true. Okay. And I didn't think you were long. No, I know. I think I know. Yeah. What else to promote Instagram at Chris Katon. I have some projects coming up, but I don't they're not like there's one that's we have to find the head writer right now on a
Starting point is 01:09:05 showrunner. So I don't know we're in that. We're both the same boat. Same thing, right? Everyone's kind of have you ever thought about maybe potting on the side or not? Potty podcast. Oh podcast. I didn't know that's the term. It sounds like you're taking a dump like I'm gonna be potty. But I would like to I didn't think about there's so many people doing a podcast that I felt I just find it to be a way to like we still reach out to the people that like me. And you know, right? Yeah, that's a good way to do it. Yeah. I have to say though, we one day very soon, I'd like to have you back on. I would love to come back. I really like I could just stay here. No, no, no, we want you to leave for a while. No, we want to get the fuck out.
Starting point is 01:09:45 But fuck out of here. But I have to say, though, that I really, really enjoyed our time together. I did too. I really did. It was refreshing. I got to know you more. What? I got to know you. I did. Yes. I know you more now. I thought I knew you already. Yeah. And then I came here and I'm like now I know you more. I know you more now too. Yeah. What do you guys think? I think you guys know each other more. Wow. That's what I thought. You think so? Mm hmm. Yeah. We'll let you, George. Yeah, baby. Two. What does two mean? Scissor. She wants you guys to scissor. We'll scissor one day. Yeah, scissor. We'll scissor one day. Can you guys scissor? Yeah. It's pointless. It's pointless. It's bumpy. It's a good rubbing
Starting point is 01:10:31 taint. Yeah, taints don't taint and taint. Yeah, I thought I thought that new Christopher Nolan movie was called Taint for a while. Really? Yeah. If you look at it from afar, maybe. Wow. Did you see it? Good. Tainter. Yeah. I saw the tenet. I liked it. Yeah. I did a little complicated in the end. Yeah. People see it. A lot of backwards and forwards. Like I don't know where what's going on. A little too. Yeah. People. That's what I haven't listened. I haven't watched it because people are saying that it's confusing. I don't think my little feeble mind could get it, but maybe I'll try. Yeah, it's not. Don't be so hard on yourself. Yeah. But yeah, no, it is a little bit like, but I think once you get it, you understand it. And then it's really cool.
Starting point is 01:11:11 The whole like, it's like Matrix meets Groundhog Day. Yeah. Kind of without the humor. Do you have Hulu? And the same cast. I do. So I'm, I'm going to tell you something because I'm going to talk about it now. Okay. Real quick is, so Andrew suggested this movie called In and Of Itself. Right. Right. Okay. And that's what, oh, I just saw this. We just, what? Before I asked, brought it up. Oh, that's the name of this. No, I literally, I'm so sorry. I thought I was paying attention. No, I brought it up early and then you're like, what is it? Why did I miss this entirely? Did I say I saw this? Wait, do you, wait, do you just, in the beginning, I fucking brought it up. And then you said, I didn't know it was called in. What do you think it
Starting point is 01:11:55 was called? In and Of Itself. It's not a very good title. Well, if you said it was the, Derek Del, oh, you did say that. Yeah, she did say that. I didn't know the name of the person. He said it. Yeah, I remember. If you said it was the thing where he's doing a play and there's boxes behind him. Oh, man. You should have said like a real attista. Like, oh, like, yeah. That's what it should have been called, by the way. A real attista. It's not a very good, it sounds like a, a, you know. Did you like that? A paramount. Did you like it? It's comedy. In and Of Itself. Did you like it? I did. Oh, it's intense. Yeah. It's great. I'm really highly, because I got emotional. It's great. Yeah. During it. You see it getting emotional. Gilbert? No, not yet. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:12:31 Dude, this thing right here is fantastic. Because to think about like magic, I don't want to get away. Give it away. Don't give it away. Give it away. Or give it away. But think about what his craft is. Give it away entirely. We just, you and I should do a show called Spoiler. Spoiler. Spoiler. With your two faves. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But if you think about, see, I don't even like the poster. That's why I didn't remember. What is wrong with you? What? You don't like anything about it except the show itself? I could, I could have done a better job selling that. I mean, look at that. In and Of Itself. And there's all these things. Actually, it's not that bad. Because those are the cards that he uses, right? That's right. I am. I am. What are you going to
Starting point is 01:13:11 put up there in the poster? Yeah. Again, probably the things behind them during, during the play, like the gun. Yeah. Yeah. The six barrel. Yeah. Some of that. Yeah. Oh, the lighting was really good during the play, the performance. Right. Rather. But I should. Or maybe a photo of him in the in the background, like an ominous, the roll of tista. Right. Right. Like maybe like a little, like a little flower, like a flower bed. Maybe he's sitting in a flower bed and there's like a sun behind him and smiling or something. Maybe I think what's matter or not good. Okay. All right. No. Okay. Nope. Oh, wait. What's happening? What is that? Maybe don't hurt me. Maybe don't hurt me. Oh, look. Yeah. Wow. You look handsome. You're very handsome as in general.
Starting point is 01:13:56 Thank you. But you're a good guy. Thank you. Is it a hawk on my head? It's a monkey. What the fuck, Bobby? It does look like a hawk. That's a, it's a, it's a monkey with a. Oh, it's a monkey. Who's monkey is it? I don't know why they chose. It was owned by a person that has monkeys. Okay. But there's two other monkeys there, huh? Oh, there are. Yeah. It's like a trainer person for the photo shoot. I don't know who's specifically owns the monkeys. They did, they did put, they did Photoshop one of the monkeys, but most of those monkeys were real. Oh, they did. They're like, they could have photoshopped all of them. You can't get all the monkeys like, okay, all the monkeys stay, wait, here we go. Click, click, photo, but not all of them.
Starting point is 01:14:43 Well, check out our buddy's book, Baby Don't Hurt Me. Give Chris Katan a round of applause. Thank you so much. Yeah. Thank you. Hey, Slup Kingdom. I hope you enjoyed that epic episode from Chris Katan. You're probably wondering, Hey, why is the camera on Gilbert? But he, there's no audio. Oh, it's because I'm an idiot and I didn't hit record. So I'm just talking to camera for no reason. So I'm recording this separately. Guys, get your question on Tiger Bay by emailing us at adviceunhelpfloodgmail.com. But guess what? If you want to be extra fancy, you can also send a video. That is correct. We want to see your faces. So guys, you can also send a video, just record on your phone and ask your question. Make sure you try to keep it to 30
Starting point is 01:15:29 seconds to a minute long. Probably, you know, 30 to 45 seconds long because, you know, Bobby's attention span. So keep it short. Ask your question and send it to the adviceunhelpfloodgmail.com. And we'll start playing videos so we can see your beautiful faces. Also, guys, make sure you follow everything in Bobby Lee and Bobby Lee Live, everything Kalei like Klam D. K. Something's George at George underscore Kilmel and the guy that's talking on this mic right now that didn't hit record on the audio at Gilbets. Also, if you're into mixed martial arts in the UFC, I also do another MMA podcast with some of my friends. And you can check that out at we out here MMA on YouTube. Enjoy guys. Have a good night.
Starting point is 01:16:36 Hey, Prime members, you can listen to Tiger barely ad free on Amazon music. Download the Amazon music app today. Or you can listen ad free with Wondry plus in Apple podcast. Before you go, tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at wondry.com slash survey.

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